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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mithode. i:'^"*::; 2 3 12 3 4 5 6 S-MH'J iX^im > 4: >t-v hr ■k V •*f^, '^oi^ Vt" WttOl, Q^l^i J/ ■ ^1^ \ «;^S S't ' -^^^1 J 1 \\ ■viliiti!'tg/<0-<pW^- c«^ .t^ i|liil|«4>9« «wifM «** «* > i Mi ii mr ii| ^ ii ) i ' ii ' r Ui ii i i.' i O i i i ,_ ' ^jirg ' ■'■ .■:i [' jM ty^ff S A^'" V* f P'^ A WAG'IN TONGUE' sometimes has good .^. a c k of it. But bolts, nuts and screws must be sound and in place or the tongue and the wagon may part company. Farmer's hardware is what we pride ourselves on hav- ing a good stock of. The tools aud supplies neces- sary for repairs about the farm are here in plenty and at prices which only can be quot- ed by those who buy in large quantities. And household and other hardware is not forgotten. We have a complete stock. T. J. TRAPP &; CO. Importers and Dealers in American Cream Separators, Hardware, Agricultural Implements, and Mining Machinery. Auctioneers. 719 Columbia Street. New Westminster. # HIGH CLASS TAILORING You don't want the other kind, you want a handsome suit, some- thing made in first-class style and with the prop- er trimming. WE ARE TAILORS With a pride in our work. You can trust yourself to u» safely. Perfect fit guarant-'^d. ALLEN & SULLIVAN MERCHANT Granite Arch Block, TAILORS. NEW WESTMINSTER. >i(OViNCiAl ARCHIVES Ot 8.& n^ COLUMBIA HARDWARE HOUSE SstSb'bllsls.edL XSe2. R. F. ANDERSON & CO., New Weetminster. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HMRE, PiTS OILS, ETC, BALIIII! tllD FENCE WIRE. Spades Shovels Hoes Rakes Picks Mattocks Axes Saws Brush Hooks Etc., Etc. THE BEST STOVE IS THE CHEAPEST. ^^ e C/i a o o ;-■ {/5 C3Q C3 "-I CO E3 Ml t3 2L a Lamp Goods, Crockery and Glassware. JSE ninster. M Wi. wine lers eel 3APEST. C3 CD a Pi- rn t=3 a CD Jubilee Grocery Co. C. A. WELSH, Manager. The cheapest and best place in town to buy your grocer- ies. Onr goods are new and our prices right. Call and inspect our stock. OTEXjEI^iaiOItTE 52- COLUMBIA ST., NEW WESTMINSTER. ESXABWSHED 1890. ARTHUR MALINS. Notary Public. A. B. MACKENZIE, Notary Public. A. B. Mackenzie & Co., ESTATE, INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 607 Columbia Street, New Westminster. AGENCIES:- North British and Mercantile Insurance Co. Royal Insurance Co. London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co. Sun Insurance Office, of London Eng; . Mutual Life Insurance Co., of New York. Ocean Accident tod Guarantee Co., of London, Eng. Dominion Plate Glass Insurance Co. Northern Pacific Railway. Reliance Loan and Savings Co., of Ontario. sswar^. ESTATES Managed. MONEY TO LOAN. ■a 1%M. i P-^ Si J 1 "#^ "9 S Mv W. R. Gflley;. J. R. Gilley. GILLEY BROS. Always Have on Hand WOOD, COAL, IJME, BRICK, CEMENT, PLASTER, and CUMBERLAND FORGE COAL. DRAYIN6 AND TEAMING OF ALL KINDS Promptly Attended to. Transfering Exhibits a Specialty. OFFICE: FRONT ST., NEAR C. P. R. DEPOT. Telephone 85. P. O. Box 241. H. (5. rtbactarlanc SiCo. (Successors to Bell-Irving, Patterson & Co.) Wholesale Liquor and Gommission Merchants. 3mpcrter0 an^ Sbtpptng Hgentd. Cannery Bgente. Office 726 Columbia St. Ne^v Westminster, B. C. mm Vi i w \ A^ Dt i Is We whi woi tea ♦♦♦♦< R. GUley. )S. JEMENT, ND L KINDS dalty. I. DEPOT. 0. Box 241. Si Co. &Co.) rchants. t0. ister, B. C. For the Fall Season We will show the larf^est stock of Dry Goods and Millinery in New Westminster. ' Visitors' to the Exhibition Should call and see our large aud varied assort- ment. [ We Make a Specialty of Dress Goods Mantles aud Millinery. [ As a Large Portion of Our Goods Are imported 1 ,.ct, we can give our customers better vnl i.^ i;i a!l lines. I Dnring the Fair Week We will give free skirt lining to every customer purchasing dress of I5.00 and over. 1 W. S. COLLISTER & CO., o-TJicnoasT block:. l »^^»^^^»»^^^i>^>^^^^^^^»^!»^^»^l > ^^^^^l > ^l > ^^ > »^ > l > » ^ Is that Parnell & Qunn ? We want another 3 lbs. of your famous Ceylon Tea, which you sell 3 lbs. for $1.00. It is delicious and we would recommend it to any who want a really first-class tea at a reasonable price. ttLBPBtHK lio. . i V. 0. BOX:347. ROYAL CITY TRANSFER CO. BELYEA, FULTON & STODDART, Proprietors. Furniture Removing, Draying and Teaming. New Wellington Coal, Coke and Wood Deliv- ered to any part of the city. Fire Brick, Portland Cement, Smithy Coal. We are old au<l experienced Draymen and will give especial at- tention to the handling of exhibits. Our prices are reasonable and work satisfactory. Office, Comer ColumbU and Eighth Sts., Near C. P. R. Depot. New Westminster, British Columbia. M. R. SMITH & CO. £3s-ca,'blisl3.edl -^O "ITesbrs. Manufacturers of All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Cakes, And Biscuits. For Sale by Any Wholesale House in B G. TTT'rite la-s for X'rices. Three Gold Medals, Six Silver Medals, Medal and Diploma Colonial and Indian Exhibit, 1886. Branch, 428 Cordova Street, Vancouver EPBtmC ite. RCO. ors. iming. od Deliv- re Brick, E especial at- asouable and R. Depot. CO. iscuits. e in BG. and Diploma 3. iver. &■.-> ROYAL AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY —OF- BRITISH COLUMBIA, EXHiBlTIOri OF 18S8 TO BE HRUD AT NEW WESTMINSTER, B, C, October 5th to 13th Inclusive. PROGRAMME. RULES AND REGULATIONS ENTRIES CLOSE FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1898. NRW WESTMINSTER, B, C. R. K. JOHNSTON & CO. PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS- 1898. n M I ,. liOYRllli60LTniSIIIDOSIRIIIlEIETY»IHIITII!IICOlifilll OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS* PRBSIDENf, T. J. TRAPP, i i i . . . . Nrw Wks^jAinstrr VtGE-PREdlDBNt. tHOS. O. EARI,, i i i . . . » ^ LytTon I). R. KER, i . . i . . . . » Victoria HON. TREASURER. GEO. 13 . BRVMNER, . . - - - Kbw WtldMAlNSTER SECRETARY. ARTHUR MAIvINS, P. O. Box 218, - * NEW WastMlNStEa COMMISSIONER. W. H. KEARY - . . . » . New WsStMlNSTE* DIRECTORS. f J. Peck, Geo. Mead, J. B. Kennedy, W. J. Mew Westminster, i Mathers, R. F. Anderson, M. Sinci,air, G. O. (m. Dockrii<i<. Vancouver. - { w. h/ke™' ^■•^' ^^''''''' ^' ^' ^'''^™^°''' vtVf/vio /J- !*• Pemberton, S. F. T01.MIE, W. H. Price, Garrett Victoria, I^sjji^h^ r g Seabrook. Agassiz, T. A. Sharpe Burnaby, E. Stride Chillivi?ack, --..-. A. C. WEi.W, E. A. Kipp, Clover Valley, S. H. Shannon Dewdney, Sam Smith Eburne, Wm. Newlands Hatzic, G. W. Henry Ladner, - - - - ~ - - E. HoTCHERSON, H. N. Rich I^angley, J . M. Johnston, Hy. Davis I<ulu Island, - - - - - - - Thos Kidd, M. P. P. Mission, H. F. Page Mount lychman, J. A. MoRRTSON Nauaimo, - - J. W. Hoixingshead Pender Island, - W. Grimmer Port Haney, H. Ferguson Saidis, Shelton Knight South Vancouver, Jno. Mackie Sumas, A. J. Street, J. W. McGhuvray Westham Island, ........p, Kirkland Salt Spring Island, John Richardson sHmiii Wss^sAmsTSR IvYTTON VlCTOKlA WfellTMlNSTBtt WaSfMINSl^EII WSSTMINSTBH ;nnkdy, W. J. NCI,AIR, G. O. r. WltKINSON, iica, Oarrktt T. A. Sharps E. Stride ^, E. A. Kipp, 3. H. Shannon Sam Smith /m. Nbwlands G. W. Hknry •n, H. N. Rich on, Hy. Davis KiDD, M. P. P. H. F. Page A. MORRTSON ElOIvLINGSHUAD W. Grimmer H. Ferguson EtToN Knight JNO, Mackis McGlI,T,IVRA Y F. KlRKI<AND N Richardson CONSTITUTION. AkTtCI,S I.— NAME. Section i. This Society shall be called the Rovai, Agricdi,- TURAI, AND InDUSTRIAI. SOCIETY OE BRITISH Coi<UMBIA. ARTICI,E tl. — OBJECT. Section t. The purpose of this Society shall be to encourage the cultivation of the soil, and the general development of all the agricul- tural tv^ources of the Province. Sec. 3. To foster every branch of meChanitial and household arts ealcillated to increase the happiness of home life. Sec. 3. To eictend and facilitate the various branches of mining and mining interests. ArTICI,E III. — MEMBERSHIP. Section I. Any person may become a member by the payment of an annual fee of three dollars, which shall also entitle members to compete for any prizes of the Society without any charge as entrance fees. Sec. 2. The names of all members shall be registered in a book kept by the Secretary for that purpose. Sec. 3. Any person may become a member for life by the pay- ment of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 4. Any person being a member of this Society shall be eligible to oifice, entitled to vote, receive a printed copy of the con- stitution and such other matter as the Society shall publish, and have free admission to all exhibitions of the Society. article IV.— OFFICERS. Sbctioni. The Ofiicers and Directors of this Society shall con- sist of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and forty-one Directors, who shall constitute a Board of Macagers. Sec. 2. The Ofiicers and Directors shall hold office for one year, and shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting of the Society. Sec. 3. Each candidate for election miist have at least a majority of the votes cast. Sec. 4. At any mef;ting of the Officers and Directors five shall constitute a quorum to transact bu.<%iness. DUTIES of PRESIDENT. Sec. 5. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society, and shall, at the reque.'^t of five members of the Board of Managers, call special meetings ; shall appoint all committees not otherwise ordered ; shall vote only at the election of Officers and in case of tie ; and shall sign all financial and official documents or papers emanating from the Secretary and not otherwise provided for ; and shall have a general supervision of all matters pertainiug to the interests of the Society. In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, the SvM:itty may chose a Chairman viva voce unless voting by ballot be requt^ed by two or more members. Positively no entries will be received after Fridav, 30 September. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept. T ■ ! 1 1 'iiii '"■'I ; J't *<' 1 t. S. Annandaie, Our Grocer, Dapont Block. lO DUTIES OP SECRETARY. Sec. 6. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence , of the Society, keeping in a separate book copies of all letters in the name and on behalf of the Society, and holding the same free to the inspec- tion of any member of the Society at any regular meeting of the same. He shall receive and fi'e all letters addressed to the Society, hold- ing the same subject to the Board of Managers. He shall attend all meetings of the Society and the Board, keep- ing a full record of the doings of each in a separate book, and shall, if required, furnish a copy of such proceedings for publication. He shall prepare and publish all notices of meetings ; prepare and sign all gratuitous or complimentary cards or tickets of admission , countersign all diplomas, certificates of merit, etc., awarded by the Society, and forward the same to their respective claimants. He shall keep the seal, and all plates, dies, engravings, etc., be- longing to the Society, and shall cause to be struclt therefrom such medals and impressions as may from time to time be required. He shall have charge of all specimens, moulds, plates, seals, books, etc., and arrange, prepare or distribute the same under the direction of the Board. He shall receive all moneys due or payaVjle to the Society, and pay the same over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt for the same ; shall hold all bonds filed by the officers for the faithful performance of their duties, and all vouchers for evCiV class of expenditures. He shall countersign all drafts ordered l)y the Board o*" Managers or Finance Committee, and record the names of life and annual mem- bers in alphabetical order in a book k^pt for that purpose ; and shall, at the annual meeting of each year, prepare a tabular statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Society, and place the same in the hands of the Committee on Printing for publication or not, as may be deemed best, and when required prest nt the same to the Board of Managers. He shall prepare all reports to be mac e by the Board to the Society, and perform such other duties as the Society or the Board of Managers may require, and for his services he shall receive such com- pensation as the Board shall decide to pay. DUTrHS OK TREASURER. Sec. 7. The Treasurer shall receipt for all moneys received from the hands of the Secretary or any other person; shall disbursSe the same whon audited and allowed by the Finance Committee or on an order from the Sectetary. This provision shall not apply in the payment of premiums on the fair grounds, but he may there pay demands against the Society when .satisfied of their justice. He shall ho!d in trust all bonds, notes, deeds, or other evideuce of debt or possession belonging to the Society, and shall transfer, in- vest or dispose jf the same only by direction of the .Society or by written order of the Board. He shall before entering upon the duties of his office, file v/ith the Secretary a bond for the faithful performance of his duty, said bond to be approved by the Board. He shall, at each annual meeting, make the Board of Managers a detailed report all of his doings during the year; for such service he shall receive such ccmpensation as the Board shall from time to time decide to pay. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept. k. ence,of the 1 the' name the tnspec- ofthe same. >ciety, hoUl- oard, keep- amt shall, tion. prepare and admission , arded by the ts. gs, etc., be- refrom such red. lates, seals, e under the Society, and the same ; performance itures. o.'" Managers muual mem- ; and shall, tatement of the same in or not, as to the Board oard to the he Board of 'e such cora- ceived from lisburse the toe or on an remiums on the Society er evideiice transfer, in- jciety or by file v/ith the ', said bond of IVIanagers uch service om time to li Sept. Agent ^or Rani Lai's txdia. and Ceylon Teii. II ARTICI.K V. — BOARD OF MANAGERS. Section i. The Board of Managers shall have the general man- agement of the affairs of the Society in the interim of all annual meetings. Sec. 2. They shall fill vacancies occurring between elections and make the necessary arrangements and preparations for all meetings, fairs, exhibitions, etc. Sec. 3. The Board shall also have power to make its own by- laws (not inconsistent with the constitution) and arrange the time and place of holding its own meetings. article VI.— exhibitions. Section i. The Society shall hold an Annual Fair and Cattle Show at such times and places as shall be agreed upon by the mem- bers of the Society at the annual meeting. ARTICI,E VII.— MEETINGS. Section i. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be held during one of the days of the Exhibition ; notice of the time and place shall be given by the Board of Managers on the ;rst day of the show. N. B. — The annual meeting will be held in the City Hall, New West- minster, on Tuesday, October nth, i8g8, at 8 p. m. Sec. j. No special meeting will be called by the Society, but upon fourteen days' notice given and published in some newspaper in the Province, nor without a request signed by at least ten members. Sec. 3. It shall not be admissable for any member to vote by proxy in any meeting of this Society or its Board of Managers. Sec. 4. At any meeting of this Society ten members shall con- stitute a quorum. ARTICLE Vin. — OFFICE AND ROOMS. Section I. The offices of this Society shall be located at the place where the fair is to behcM. ARTICLE IX.— AMENDMENTS. Amendments shall be presented in writing at an annual meeting, when, if agreed to by three-fourths of the members present, they shall be adopted. Gerieral Rules and RegUlatioris INFORMATION FOR EXHIBITORS. Kxhibitors will please read the following ml' carefully and send in their entries as early as possible, and be sure that all fees or nieni- bership subscriptions accompany the same. On Saturdcy, Monday and Tuesday the ist, 3rd and 4 ;h of October, the grounds and buildings will be open to exhibitors and their as- sistants from 9 a. m. to 9 p. in. These are preparation days and all exhibits required to be on the grounds the full term of the exhil)ition must be in place and ready for exhibition by noon on Tuesday, 4th October. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept "IH ' T. S. Annandale, Our Crocer, Dupont Block. 13 The exhibition will be open to the public on Wednesday, the 5th October, at 9 a. m., end will continue open every day from 9 a. m. till 10 p.m., to Wednesday, Oct., 12th. and on Thursday, Oct. 13th from 9 a. m. till 5 p. m. The exhibition will be considered officially closed at s p. m. on Thursday, 13th October, after which exhibitors may move all their property from the grounds and buildings. No removals will, under any circumstances, be allowed before 4 p. m. on Thursday, 13th October, for stock and 5 p. m. on the same day for other articles. Necessary attendants upon stock and machinery will be furnished with special passes on applying at the Secretaiy's office on the ground upon payment of fifty cents. These passes will bear the name of the person to whom they are issued, and if presented by any other person will be forfeited. Any more than one attendant's ticket will not be issued to any exhibitor, except in the case of live stock or machinery which may require extra attendants. As these tickets are positively not trans- ferable under any circumstances, exhibitors who may desire to change tbeir attendants must have their tickets exchanged at the office, for which a charge of fifty cents will be made. The names of all attend- ants must be written ou the tickets, and no ticket will be accepted at the gates unless the name of ' ch attendant has been written there- on in ink. Attendants' tickets will 0UI3' he good at the attendants' gate. The entry tickets upon animals and articles will admit the person bringing! ^^^°^ ^° ^^^ show ground for exhibition, when accompanying such articles or animals on their first entering, without the use of any other ticket ; but afterwards such person must be provided with the regular pass as above or he will have to pay the regular admission fee. Judges and memliers of the press will be furnished with badges, this being intended only as a means of showing their official connection with the exhibition, and not for the purpose of securing admission to the grounds. ENTRIES. All entries must be made on tne printed forms aceompanjring the Prize Lists. The forms are to be filled up and signed by the exhibitor, and sent to the Secretary of the Society at New Westminster on or before the follow- ing date, viz. : Friday, September 30th, and no entries will be received after this date under any consideration. Entries of pedigreed stock will not be received unless certificate of Registry be produced to the Secretary at time of making entry. Members of the Society are entitled to free entries and admission to the grounds. The price of membership ticket is $3.00, and may be obtained on application to the Secretary or Hon. Treasurer. Articles of work or specimens which have been awarded prizes at an/ previous exhibition of this Association cannot be entered in com- petition i'or the prizes named in the Prize List for this year. Exhibitors will please take notice that it is absolutely required that the entries be made on or before the date mentioned, in order to afford sufficient time to examine the entry papers, to forward the entry tickets and to correspond with parties when necessary, and for the correction of errors and omissions. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept, k. lay, the 5th 1 9 a. tn. till . 13th from :ially closed libitors may No removals nrsday, 13th w. ae furnished I the ground name of the other person sued to any which may r not trans- ire to change e office, for f all attend- be accepted ritten there- attendants' it the person icompanying le use of any ed with the ir admission badges, this nection with D the gronnds. ine the Prize tor, and sent re the f oUow- 1 be received stock will i Secretary at d admission obtained on ed prizes at :red in com- ir. ly required in order to ard the entry and for the tn Sept, Agent for Ram Lai's India and Ceylon Tea. 13 In the Tlorses, Cattle, Sheep, Pig, and Poultry Classes, the entry must in every instance be made in the name of the bona-fide ow^ner, and unless this rule be observed, no premium will be awarded; or if awarded vill be withheld. If any person shall exhibit an animal or bird of which he is not the bona-fide owner, he will forfeit any pre- mium which may be awarded hiui. In all other classes entries must be made in the names of the producers or manufacturers only, and by such protlucers themselves in person or their agent, who must have special authority for doing so, and shall produce the authority in writing if so required by the Judges. Those who are not manufacturers or authorized agents may exhibit but cannot compete for the prizes offered. If any person other than the authorized agent shall enter an article for competition as protluced or manufactured by himself, when it has not really been so, he shall forfeit any premium which may be awarded the article. A merchant who sells a line of goods which are also sold by other merchants cannot be considered as the agent for such goods. No person will be allowed to enter for competition more than one specimen in any one class of a Division, unless the additional article be of a distinct named variety or pattern from the first. This rule not to apply to animals, but to all kinds of grain, vegetable produce, fruit, manufactured articles, etc., to which each additional specimen wjuld necessarily be precisely similar to the first. Every article must be entered under some one of the headings in the regular list when possible, but if any article is of a distinct charac- ter from anything specified in the list, it may be entered in the class with which it most nearly corresponds. On the entry of each animal or article, a card will be furnished the exhibitor, specifying the class, the division, and the number of the entry, which card must remain attached to the animal or article during the exhibition. In al! cases the right is reserved to reject entirely or accept con- ditionally any entry or application, and under no circumstances will articles v/hich are offensive by reason of their odour or appearance, or which are dangerous by reason of their explosive character, be ad- mitted ; and if any such be introduced by an exhibitor through mis- apprehensi--" -»r otherwise, they may be removed by order of the Board of Dat^torF. Exhibitors shall, vf required by the Directors, make a statutory declaration that the articles exhibited by them are exhibited in accord- ance with the rules and regulations of the Society ; and in case any exhibiter refuses to make such declaration on being requested so to do, all premiums awarded him, her or them shall be forfeited. APPUCATIONS POR SPACE. For the exhibition of all classes of manufactures, applications for space should be made to the Secretary as soon as possible, as this year it is expected that the capacity of the buildings will be taxed to their utmost. All entries will be free for two years obly. THERE ARK NO CHARGES POR SPACE Except in special cases where extra advantages for advertising pur- poses have been applied for. PREPARATORY WORK. On and after Friday, 30th Sept., exhibitors, their agents and workmen, will be admitted to the grounds and buildings for the pur- Positively no entries will be receivod after Friday, 30th Sept. '!i H! T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block. 14 pose of making preparatory structures, or getting the machiuery and imptemeuts into position. These structures must be completed by 6 p. ni., on Tuesday, 5th October. DEI,IVERy OF LIVE STOCK AND ARTICLES AT THE GROUNDS. All exhibits must be delivered on the grounds and placed in position by 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, 4th October. SPECIAL NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS. As it is fully intended to have the exhibition open to the public at the time uameil, exhibitors are specially notified that articles or animals arriving after the above dates will not be allowed to compete. Exhibitors of machiuery and other heavy articles are expected to have them on the grounds and placed in position the day preceeding the opening of the exhibition. All boxes, wrappings and other packing material must be cleared away, and everything in proper order Vjefore noon on Tuesday, 4th October. Exhibitors must see to it that their articles are properly unpacked and delivered to the superintendent of the departmeut to which they belong or his authorized agent. Tvxhibitors must provide for the de- livery of their articles upon the exhibition grounds. The Association cannot, in any case, make provision for their transportation or be sub- ject to any expense therefor, either on Iheir delivery at or return from the ground. All expense connected therewith must be provided for by the exhibitors, and all express and cartage charges must have been p epaid. Articles not accompanied by their owners may be addressed to the Secretary, who will receive them on their being delivered on the grounds, if all cartage and other charges on the same have been preprid. Exhibitors, on arriving with their articles, will apply at the office of the Secretary, where they will be informed where the articles are to be placed. Exhibitors will at all times give the necessary personal attention to whatever they have on exhibition, and at the close take entire charge of the same. Exhibitors of animals, machinery in motion, and other exhibits liable to occasion accidents, injury or daniaj^e to person.* coming in contact with them, shall guard their exhibits and protect the public from coming in contact therewith, and every such exhibitor shall in- demnify the Society from and against all claims and demands, costs, charges, and expense, which it may incur, suiTeror be put to by reason of au)' accident, or of any person being injured or suffering damage through or by reason of any such exhibit not being properly guarded, or the public not being properly protected therefrom. Articles placed on exhibition must not be removed until the dates above mentioned. Every facility will be afforded for the transaction of business bv taking orders, but no delivery of articles sold can be made on the premises during the Exhibition. The Society will take reasonable precaution to ensure the safety of articles sent to the Exhibition, but the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them, and should any article be accident- ally injured. Tost or stolen, the Society will give all the assistance in their power towards the recovery of the same, but will not make any payment for the value thereof. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept, Block. machinery and completed by 6 ? GROUNDS. ) aad placed in n to the public that articles or wed to compete, ire expected to day preceeding must be cleared n Tuesday, 4th jperly unpacked t to which they vide for the de- The Association tation or be sub- t or return from be provided for I must have been le addressed to lelivered on the me have been )ply at the office the articles are sonal attention lose take entire 1 other exhibits son.j coming in otect the public hibitor shall in- emands, costs, 3ut to by reason (Tering damage )perly guarded, until the dates of business by e made on the sure the safety emselves must le be accident- assistance in not make any 30th Sept, H- BARCLAY & ADAMS Foil iC\r^ We have the finest and best selected stock in the city, for both town and country. All styles and colors. Prices Low. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Don't Forget the Place, Opposite Vulcan Iron Works. Columbia Street. New Westminster. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ t OIVE US A CALL. CUNNINGHAM HARDWARE CO., FRONT STRFET. hivv/fiovtrM. naotiivuO \JL i>« W i , '■ : M I JUST RECEIVED 5000 pairs of the famous J. D. King& Co.*s Shoes. The best wearing shoes in Canada. See our bargain counter during exhibition week, clearing out lines at half price Colonial Block. New Westminster. E. J. NEWTON, hib or tol Importer and Manufacturer of HARNESS AND SADDLERY. STOCK SADDLES A SPECIALTY. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, 605 Frout Street. (Douglas-Elliott Block) New Westminster. Ikwong ®n Mo 6i Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Chinese and Japanese Goods. Rice Manufacturers. Tea, Silk, China Ware, Fancy Goods, and General Merchandise. Front Street, New Westminster, B. C. E»OS'rOFFICB E02S: 3fcTO. '7. . --^Y* i'.t'WT^jg*^ l-ta^jl^y^^gtS^-^^- D King& Co.»s s in Canada, ig exhibition price tminster. DLERY. A.LTY. Bw Westminster. ods. icturers. d General aster, B. O. •7. I Can Sell You a Sac^ of Flour or a Carload. »7 At the close of the Kxhibition exhibitors must remove their ex- hibits as early as possible. Any article or stand left in the buildings or grounds after tliis time will be at the ^isk of the owner. I Horses must be shown uncovered and in such a manner as judges may require or allow, and if exhibitors refuse to submit to the proper requirements of the judges their animals will be ruled out, but ex- hibitors will have the privilege of showing their animals in harness, to bridle or under saddle as they may prefer. All animals competing for prizes must be brought out for the in- spection of the judges or for exhibition whenever called out by the official appointed to attend to that duty. Exhibitors who desire to take their animals home at night will be allowed to do soon depositing $5 with the Secretary as a guarantee for the return of the animal next morning. If the animal is not re- turned by 9 o'clock next morning the amount deposited will be for- feited to the Association. Exhibitors can ascertain from the superintendents of the several departments when the judges may be expected to examine their ani- mals or articles. No complaint or appeal based upon the statement that the judges have overlooked animals or articles will therefore be considered by the Board of Managers. Any exhibitor lodging a protest must make it in writing, and it must be delivered to the Secretary or his assistant within three hours of the cause of protest ; it must state plainly the cause or complaint or appeal, and must be covered by a deposit of $2, which sum shall be forfeited to the Association if the said protest is not sustained, The Board of Managers, however, earnestly hope that exhibitors 'vill not enter protests without the strongest grounds for doing so, as much unpleasantness and annoyance is often occasioned by protests of a frivolous nature. The Board of Managers are to be the final judges of all protests. No animal or article exhibited shall have about it any prize colors or cards until the awards have been made in their respective classes. No person shall be permitted in the horse or cattle rings during the time of judging except the judges, the grooms or persons in charge of the animals, and members of the press. All prize cards which have been affixed by the judges must be displayed during the exhibition. Any infraction of this rule will incur the forfeiture of any premium awarded. Any person who shall attempt to interfere with or influence the judges while in discharge of their duties, or who shall at any time on the premises of the Association use any contemptuous or abusive language to any judge in consequence of any award made by him, shall forfeit his right to any premiums to which he might otherwise be entitled, and shall be excluded from exhibiting for one veai there- after. Judges are particularly requested to immediately report any breach of this rule. Upon the discovery of aiiy fraud, deceptibn, or dishonest practice, either ih the preparation, ownership, or of any representation con- cerning any animal or article exhibited, which may have effected, or have been latendetl to afiFect, the decision of the judges, tbe Board of Managers have power to withhold the payment of ftuy prize awarded, and may prohibit any sdch party of parties from exhibiting foi" one or more yeard, and may also publish the names of such parties or £lOt, as may be deemed most elcpedient. .,r Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept. 1 I i ! ! lli M li » T. S. Annandalc, Our Grocer, Dupont Block LIVB SlXtCK. All Stall doors mnnt be left open so that visitors can inspect the live stock between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m., and at such other times as the officers may find it desirable. Xxhibitora of tkonwclibred stock must hand in the Certificate of Segistiy to the SecreCaiy when entering the stock. Good buildings are provided upon the grounds for live dock. Bedding and water will l)e furnished for horses, cattle, sheep and pigs without charge, from the opening till the close of the exhibition, so that the stock may be taken to the grounds immediately on their arrival. Hay and grain for cattle, horses, sheep and pigs will be for sale on the grounds at lowest prices. Exhibitors will please report at once if unreasonable prices are exacted. A grand parade of live stock will take place at 3 p. m. on each day of the Show ezeept Thoraday, Oct. 13th, and the following rule will be stricUy enforced : The production of any animals in the horse ring may be ordered by either of the Committees on Live Stock, for review or other pur- poses, at any time during the exhibition ; and any attendant or ex- nibitor refusing to bring such animals into the ^ing when so required, shall forfeit his entrance fees and any premiums which have been awarded him. MKI>AI^,S. Medals will be awarded in lieu of money prizes when desired by exhibitors, subject to the approval of the Board of Managers. The values of the medals are as follows : Gold medal, ^40 ; silver medal, $7'SO ; bronze medal, $4. RAILWAY'S AND STKAMBOATS. Favorable arrangements have l>een made with all the railway and steamboat companies for the conveyance of passengers and articles to and from the exhibition at greatly reduced rates. Live stock and all other exhibits sent as freight or by express will be returned free, on the freight having been paid one way, that is, to New Westminster. PAYMENT OF PRIZES. The Treasurer will be prepared to commence paying the Dremtums at his office on the grounds for all classes of exhibits, on Friday, 14th October, at II a.m. Parties who may have prizes awarded to them are particularly re- quested to apply for them before leaving New Westminster, or to leave a. written oraer with some person to receive them, stating the articles for which prizes are claimed. In case there should not he sufficient funds to pay the Prize List in full, prizes will be paid pro rata. Persona entitled to premiums must apply for them at the Secre- tary's office, where they will receive orders on the Treasurer for the amount. These orders must be endorsed, as they will be payable to order, not to bearer, and on presentation to the Treasurer properly endorsed they will be paid either in cash or by cheque on the bank. Orders for preminuis not applied for as above will be given by the Secretary, and the amount forwanled by the Treasurer, after the close of the exhibition, to the address given on the entry forms. All persons to whom a prize is awarded, and who do not receive the same as above, must apply to the Secretary of the Association for payment thereof, in writing, on or before 31st October in the year in which such prize is awarded, or such prize will be forfeited. positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept. tot] fact! intel I argJ \W ■BI^E»s£^t^:;^£UM^;. nt Block ars can inspect the , and at such other in the Certificate of ids for live dock, ttle, sheep and pigs the exhibition, so uediately on their id pigs will be for will please report 3 p. m. on each day owing rule will be IS may be ordered view or other pur- f attendant or ex- when so required, which have been 1 when desired by f Managers. The ^o ; silver medal, ill the railway and ers and articles to or by express will e way, that is, to ing the oreniiums ', on Friday, 14th e particularly re- linster, ortoleave atiiig the articles ythe Prize List m at the Serre- reasHrer for the ill be payable to :asurer properly on the bank. 1 be given by the r, after the close rms. do not receive Association for r in the year in feited. Kdlter's Marmalade in 4 and 7 lb. Tins, Fresh. JUDGKS AND JUDOING. Judging tonunences promptly at a p. m., Tuesday, 4th October. The judges will ))e appointed by the Board of Managers previous to the exhibition, and will receive a circular informing them of the fact and when to report at the office on the grounds. judge who is in any way 30th Sept. No person will lie allowed to act as intereste<l in the articles to be examined. It is particularly requested that the judges will not enter into argument with exhibitors as to the merits of their exhibits. It is desired that all judges of each class go together to hand in their report, instead of sending it by one of their number, and to re- main together until their book has been examined by the Secretary or his assistants, in order that cases of error or doubt may be more easily and promptly made right. Judges will please sign and hand in their awards to the Secretary or his assistant as soon as possible, and make their more extended reports afterwards, making such recommendations as circumstances or their experience may suggest. The judges are particularly requested not to leave the grounds until they have ascertained from the Secretary that there are no protests against the awards in the class they have judged. In the absence of competition in any section, the judges will award only such premiums as they think the article deserving of. They will exercise their discretion as to whether they will award the first, second, or any premium. In no case are premiums to be award- ed unless exhibit is worthy. Ribbons will be placed upon winners in Live Stock Class im- mediately after the decision of the judges. Blue ribbon denotes ist prize ; red, second ; yellow, third; red, white and blue championship. It does not follow that because a prize is offered for any particular animal or article that it must be awarded, unless there is a proper competition, or unless the exhibit is really of sufficient merit to warrant the award being made. Thr judges are parTiculari.y REQUESTED TO NOTE THIS FACT. In addition to the stated premiums offered for animals or articles in the list, the judges may also distinguish such animals or articles as they consider deserving of notice, but which have not received prizes, by tickets with the words "Commended," "Highly Commended," or "Very Highly Commended," upon them. These tickets will not entitle the holder to any money payment. In awarding prizes for breeding cattle, sheep, or pigs, judges are especially instructed not to take into consideration their present value to the butcher, but to decide according to their relative merits for the purpose of breeding. The agesof all live stock will be computed from the actual date of birth. .No animal will be allowed to enter or compete in more than one class or section except for the championship or for the best of any age in its class, and in Special Prizes and Herds. Rach award must be written in a plain, careful manner on the blank page opposite the number of the entry. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept. t. d. Annandale, Our (jrocer, l>upont Block. ao The judges are expected, in the execution of their duties, to l)e careful to act with the uioHt r'ta^ul inipart.ality, auci to make their en- tries in a clear and conspicuous manner, in all cases of doubt or dif- ficulty referring freely to the Secretary or to the Committee of the Association in charge of the department. For further information see instructions under entries, MISCRI.I.ANKOUS. If any person, througn ignorance of regulations, shall bring things to the exhibition without having entered them at the proper time, the same may, in the discretion of the Superintendent in charge of the several departmei-'.s, be allowed to be hi ought upon the grounds, and so placed that they may be examined by the public, but shall not be classified, nor shall any official examination of them be made or premiums awarded. ''here space has been awarde<I to any exhibitor, the Board of Man .^ers reserve the right, in case any exhiliitor shall fail to make or maintain a creditable display, to declare the space allotted to him, or any portion thereof forfeited. Exhibitors must arrange their ex- hibits in as neat and attractive a manner a possible, and neatly fit up the space allotted to them, in default of which the Board of Manag- ers cauccl their entries and require the -removal of the goods. Instructions have been given by the Board of Managers that no bills will be recognised by the Society unless incurred by onler of the Secretary. Interested parties will please pay particular attention to this fact. The Board of Managers reserve the right to prescribe the dimen- sions and regulate the position of all signs, and generall3' to direct the management of articles on exhibition so far as the same may be necessary to give harmony and an attractive appearance. Exhibitors will not be allowed to distribute about the grounds or buildings hand- bills or other advertisements that may cause a nuisance. Neat cards for that purpose are recommended, as they are more likely to be kept by visitors and not thrown on the ground. No exhibitor or attendant will be allowed to make iinseenily noises, which may be considered a nuisance, in calling the attention of visiters to his exhibits; and any exhibitor or attendant who may be guilty of distributing any advertising cards or other notices which may be considered immoral or objectioual by the Board of Managers, shall forfeit his space and all other privileges, and shall be removed from the exhibition grounds. The parties supplying refreshments at the restaurants must lay in their supply before 9 o'clock a.m. each day, unless under special un- avoidable circumstances, when permission must be obtained from the Secretary. If any person wilfully injures or destroys any property within the exhibition grounds of the Society, or hinders or obstructs the of- ficers or servants of the Society, or any policeman or constable duly appointed, in the execution of his duty, or gains admission contrary to the rules of the Society, he shall be prosecuted according to law. No award of a prize not offered in the list will be paid unless sanctioned by the Board of Managers of the Society. The oflScers of the Society have the power to enforce these rules, and to prohibit and prevent all kinds of gambling,; to regulate or pre- vent the huckstering or trafficking in fruits, gcrads, wares, or mer- Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept, Bine ftibboa fea and taking I^owder Always on tian^. to l)e Mr en. )r ilif- )f the 91 cbandiseon the exhibition grounds ; and any person who, after due notice of such rnles, violates the same, shall he liable to Ije removed by the oOicrrH, constables, or i>i>licenianor the said Society, and shall \x subject to the penalties. FIRK AND POUCB PROTRCTION. The most careful and thorough arrangements possible have been made to guard against fire. A telephone attachment has been made with the fire halls, and with the precaution taken of having watchmen on during the whole night, the danger of the occurrence of fire is very remote ; but exhibitors desiring insurance must give it their personal atteution. An ample police force, detailed for the purpose Iw the City, will be on duty night and day during the continuance of the exhibition. Rut exhibitors are expected toexercise constant supervision over their articles on exhibition, as the Society will not be responsil)le for loss or damage by fire, theft, or otherwise. Small and valuable articles should l>e exhibited in show cases, which may be securely locked when desirable. KNQUIKIRS. As to the exhibition ul its arrangements before the opening should be addressed to the Secretary, P. O. Box 218, New Westminster, B. C. During the exhibition, enquiries may be made at the Society's officer on the grounds. INPORMATION POR VISITORS. Visitors may be assured of finding on the grounds everything necessarv to the convenience of old and young during the entire day. Ample restaurants and lunch rooms will serve meals and refreshments during hours of exhibition at reasonable .ates. The City authorities will co-operate with the officers of the Society in every practicable manner to ensue the safety and coutribute to the pleasure of the visitors. The formal opening will take place at 9 a. m. on Wednesday. 5th October, at which time many distinguished persons have been invited to l>e present. The Citizens' Celebration Committer arf^ preparing an extensive list of the very best drawing attractions for the entertainment of our visitors which will l)e published through the press and by programs. Several bands of music will i<c preseut each afternoon and evening. ADMISSION TO THE GROUNDS. The price of admission will be 25 cents each time of entering. GATE KEEPERS AND TICKET SEI.I,ERS. In no case will any individual be allowed to pass through without first having deposited his ticket. Se'^arate gates will be provided through which all officers of the Assoc, lion and others provided with passes will be admitted. Imperative 1 structions are given to the gate keeper that he will not recogniz' any authority but the pa.<is issued by the Secretary bearing the presentor's name in full. Tickets will be sold for 25 cents. Every individual entering the grounds will have to pay 25 cents each time of entering. Membership tickets will, of course, entitle the party whose natr<- appears upon them to admission. Positively no entries will be received after Friday, 30th Sept. ill f . S. Amumdale, 6ur Grocer, Dupont Iflock 22 It is undesirable that parties with teams or single buggies should be afilmitted to the s;rounds, but in order that no dispute may arise on this point, the arrangement has been made by which the following charges will be made : For single horse and buggy, 50 cents for driver and vehicle ; for teaMi, $( for driver and vehicle. lu the case of both of these all other occupants will be charg;;d the usual entrance fee of 25 cents. Gate keepers will be instructed to be on the grounds not later than 7 a. m. each day, and will remain upon the ground until granted, per- mission to leave by the Secretary. SECRETARY'S SPECIAL REQUESTS. Please read the foregoing rules carefully. Make out entry papers in accordance therewith. Be particular to send entries as early as possible. Do not be later than September 30th, but rather before, as there may be corrections required which may necessitate our writing you. Give re){istry numbers where required in Live Stock classes. Be particular to give post office addresses as complete as possible. If your neighbors express a desire for a copy of the Prize I/ist, send their address at once on a post card and a copy will be mailed. Certificate of Registry must be sent with entries of Pedigreed Stock to the Secretay, NOTICE. — No entries will be received after 30th September. When you liave done with this book pass it on to your neighbor. Breeders of Live Stock, Manufacturers, etc., cannot possibly find a better or cheaper means of in- troducing their stock and goods to the public, or of keeping them before their notice, than by making an exhibit at this Exhibition, which is annually attended by a large number of visitors from all parts of the Province, Northwest Territories and other parts of Canada, "as well as the adjoining States. A multitude of interesting Special Attractions will be pre- sented each day of the Exhibition, providing the greatest and best Entntainment of the year. I To Smokers! If You Want to Enjoy a Good Cigar Ask for the BRITISH LION OR MAINLAND They are not only made of the CHOICEST TOBACCO, but they are of HOME MANUFACTURE, and should be patronized by all good citizens. WM. TIETJEN, Proprietor. Douglass- Elliott Block. New Westminster, B, C. ^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4 PURE and RELIABLE DRUGS and MEDICINES. CHOICE PERFUMES, BRUSHES, COMBS, SPONG-E3 and TOILET ARTICLES. Orders by mail prompt- ly attended to. . T.K.7V^UIR&CO. t DRUGGISTS. i Opposite Columbian Office. New Westminster, B. C. i!^: lie BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL ALL PAID UP - $12,000,000 REST - - - - 6,000,000 SIR DONALD A. SMITH, President. HON. GEO. A. DRUM MONO, Vice President. E. S. CLOUvSTON, General Manager, NEW WESTMINSTER BRANCH. G. D. BRYMNER, Manager. SAVINGS BRANCH. With Interest on Deposits. Branches in London (England), New York and Chicago, as well as in all the principal cities and towns of Canada. Buy and sell Sterling Exchange and Cable Transfers. Grant Commercial and Travellers' Credits available in any part of the world. Drafts issued. Collections made at all points. L. )00 )00 1! ii Turner, Beeton & Co., Victoria, Vancouver and Nelson, and at 33 Finsbury Circus, London, Eng. j i Wholesale Dry Goods, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. It o o Clothing Manufacturers, i \ \\ All European Goods Indented. \\ o ii ii It E. G. PRIOR & CO. (LIMITED UABIIJTY.) Victoria, YaDcouYer, Kamloops. MASSEY-HARRIS Farm Implements. MANSON CAMPBELL'S Fanning Milll. PLANETT Jr. Garden Tools. WATSON MANUFACTURING CO., Horse Power Feed and Root Cdtters. OLIVET Chilled and Steel Plows. WAGONS, BUGGIES, CARTS, WINDMILLS, PUMPS, IRON, STEEL, HARDWAR)S. ALEXANDER CREAM SEPARATORS. J@^BEST STOCK IN THE PROVINCE. L. DeBECK, il: liii Clothing, Hats, Caps, Waterproofs, Men's Furnishings. Trunks, Valises, Etc. Opposite Postoffice, I NEW W K ST IVI I N S T E R. r DOOGLAS BAKERY COLUMBIA STREET. Pure Bread, Pastry, Cakes and Confectionery. A. JACKSON, Prop. Successor to J. Ferguson. Twenty Years Experience in London, England. batger^s Table jellies, all Flavors. Agricultural Society Exhibit. For the finest and most artistically arranged Agricultural As- s.iciation Rxhibit of FRUIT, GRAIN. GfRASSES, ROOTS and VEGE- TABLES raised within the District entering the same for com- petition. FIRST PRIZE, I300 00 SECOND PRIZE, - - - - |2oo 00 THIRD PRIZE, |ioo 00 Special arrangements have been made for the best possible Dis- play of the Above Exhibits. EXHIBIT OF THE INDUSTRIHl SCHOOLS OF THE PROVINCE. FIRST PRIZE, - - - I15 00 SECOND PRIZE, - - - |xo 00 THIRD PRIZE, - • I500 MINERAL DEPARTMENT. The Mineral Exhibit at this year's Exhibition will excel every- thing previously attempted in the Northwest. This department will occupy a separate building and will include nothing but mineral and such other exhibits *as will be of especial interest to the miner. The department will be in charge of a gentleman capable of giving technical information concerning the various exhibits to all visitors. Exhibits are already assured from the following camps : Fort Steele, Moyie, Grouse Mountain, Rossland, Trail, Boundary Creek, Fairview, Greenwood, Grand Forks, Revelstoke, Slocan, Sandon, Salmon River, Illecillewaet, Camp McKinney, Vernon, Kamloops, Ashcroft, Cayuse Creek, Bridge River, Cariboo. Lytton, Nelson, Kaslo, New Denver, Midway, Fire Mountain, Skookum Chrck, Harrison Lake, Simil- kameen, Granit Creek, Nicola, Thompson River, Eraser River, Pitt Lake, Texada Island, Alberni, Howe Sound, Frederick's Arm, Stickeen, Omineca and Skeena. All exhibits should be addressed to W. H. KKARY, Commis- sioner, New Westminster, B. C. Freight and express charges will be paid on delivery. All samples should be properly labeled, so that due credit may l)e given the camp to which they belong. For further information concerning the Mineral Department address W. H. KEARY. Commissioaer Provincial Pair, New Westminster, B. C. For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, t>tti^iit filock: 28 PRIZE LIST. i FOR LIST OF SPECIAL PRIZES SEE END OF PRIZE LIST. Entries positively close Friday, 30th September, in order that Catalogue of Entries may be Printed. DIVISION A.— Cattle. N. B. — In this Division ages are to be computed from actual date of birth. (Certificate of Registry must accompany entry, except where animal is 6 months old. Entries positively close Friday, 30th September, in order that Catalogue of Kxnibits may be printed. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II SHORT HORNS. civ ASS FIRST I Bull, 3 years old and upwards $20 00 " 2 " " 20 00 " I year old 1500 Bull calf under i year 8 00 Bull, any age Cow, 3 years old and upwards ^c 00 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 " I year old 8 00 Heifer calf, under i year 6 00 Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 Bull, and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 00 HOL.STEINS. CIvASS FIRST 12 Bull, 3 years old and npwards $20 00 " 2 " " 20 00 " I year old 15 c» Bull calf, under i year 8 00 Bull, any age Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 Heifer, 2 years old '.5 00 " I year old 8 00 Heifer calf, under i year 6 tx) Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 Bull, and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 yrs. old or over 20 00 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 SECOND THIRD |i5 00 $10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 Dii'loma. 15 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 15 00 15 00 SECOND THIRD $.j 00 $10 00 15 00 ID 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 Diploma. " 15 00 lo 00 8 00 5 «J 5 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 15 00 10 00 For instructions regarr'.ing entries, etc., see pag« 12. ■Mi lO oo 5 oo 3 oo 2 OO dlue Ribbon tea. and Baking Powder Always on Hand. JERSEYS. CI,ASS FIRST 2-5 Bull, 3 years old and upwards |2o 00 24 " 2 " " 20 00 25 " I year old 1500 26 Bull calf, under i year ' 8 oo 27 Bull, any age 28 Cow, 3 years old and upwards .. 2000 29 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 30 " I year old 8 oo 31 Heifer calf, under i year . 6 00 32 Herd, containing of i bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 33 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be « years old or over 20 00 AYRSHIRES. CLASS FIRST 33 Bull, 3 years old and upwards |20 00 34 " 2 " " 20 00 35 " I year old 1500 36 Bull calf, under I year 8 oo 37 Bull, any age. ... ; .... 38 Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 39 Heifer, 2 years old 8 00 40 • • I year old .... 8 00 41 Heifer calf, under i year 6 00 42 Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over I year old . 25 00 43 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 00 DEVONS. CLASS FIRST SECOND 44 Bull, 3 years old and upwards $20 00 $15 00 45 " 2 " '- 2000 1500 46 " 1 year old 1500 1000 47 Bull calf, under i year 800 500 48 Bull, any age . Diploma. 49 Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 15 00 50 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 8 00 51 " I year old 800 500 52 Heifer calf, under i year 6 00 4 00 53 Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 15 00 54 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 00 15 00 SECOND |i5 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 Diploma. IS 00 8 00 5 00 4 00 15 00 15 00 SECOND I15 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 Diploma. 15 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 15 00 15 00 THIRD |lO 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 THIRD $10 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 10 00 3 00 3 00 2 oo THIRD Ipio 00 ID 00 5 00 3 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 15. t. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont j^lock. Biitrie!- 30 positively close Priday, 30th September, in order that Catalogue of Kxhibits may be printed. CI.ASS HEBEFORDS. FIRST Bull, 3 years old and upwards $20 00 " 2 " " 20 00 " I year old 1500 Bull calf, under i year 8 cxi Bull, any age Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 Heifer, i year old 8 00 Heifer calf, under i year ...... 6 00 Herd, consisting of I bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 o© GALLOWAYS. CI,ASS FIRST 66 Bull, 3 years old and upwards $30 00 " 2 years old " " 20 00 " I year old 1500 Bull calf under i year .... 8 oo Bull, any age Cow, 3 years old and upwardr 20 00 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 Heifer, i year old 8 00 Heifer calf, under i year.... 600 Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 00 POLLED ANGUS. CLASS FIRST Bull, 3 years old and upwards $2000 " 2 years old 20 00 " I year old 1500 Bull calf, under i year ,-. . . 6 00 Bull, any age Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 Heifer, i year old 8 00 Heifer calf, under i year 6 oo Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over I year old 25 00 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 00 55 56 II 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 SECOND I15 00 I.S 00 10 00 5 00 Diploma. 15 00 8 00 5 00 4 00 15 00 15 00 SECOND 15 00 15 00 10 00 5 00 Diploma. 15 00 8 00 5 00 4 00 15 00 15 00 SECOND I15 00 15 00 10 00 4 00 Diploma. 15 00 8 00 5 00 4 00 15 00 15 00 THIRD lio 00 ID 00 5 00 3 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 THIRD 10 00 10 00 5 00 3 «' 10 00 5 00 7 nn ..* ~ 2 00 THIRD |lo 00 ID 00 5 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. Tetley's Tea and Monsoon in i and 1-2 lb. Pp kages. 3» GUERNSEYS. CLASS KIR. ST 88 Bull, 3 years old and iip>\ards fao oo " 2 years old 20 oo " I year old . 15 00 Bull calf, under i year 8 00 Bull, any age Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 " I year old 8 00 Heifer calf, under i year 6 00 Herd, consisting of I'bull and 4 females over I year old .... 25 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 >>9 90 9» 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 SECOND THIRD 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 Diploma. 15 00 10 00 8 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 4 CO 2 00 00 00 ALDERNEYS. 15 00 15 00 CLASS FIRST 99 Bull, 3 years old and upwards $20 00 100 *' 2 years old 2000 loi " I year old 15 00 102 Bull calf, under i year 8 00 103 Bull, any age 104* Cow, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 105 Heifer, 2 years old 15 00 106 Heifer, i year old .... 8 00 107 Heifer calf, under i year 6 00 108 Herd, consisting of i bull and 4 females over one year old ... 25 109 Bull and 4 of his get. Two to be 2 years old or over 20 GRADED DAIRY STOCK. SECOND THIRD 15 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 Diploma. 15 00 8 00 3 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 00 00 00 15 00 15 00 CLASS EIRST SECOND 110 Grade cow, 3 years oi^' ind upwards .. 15 00 10 00 111 Grade Heifer, under 3 years old 10 00 7 50 GRADED BEEF STOCK. THIRD 5 00 5 00 CLASS VIRST SECOND THIRD 112 Grade cow, 3 years old and upwards. . .$15 00 Jio 00 $5 00 113 Grade heifer, under 3 years old 10 00 7 50 5 oo FAT CATTLE. CLASS FIRST SECOND 114 Steer or Cow, any age 1000 500 MILK AND BUTTER TESTS. CLASS FIRST SECOND 115 Cow giving most milk $10 00 5 00 116 Cow giving most butter fat (as shown by Babcock test) during 24 hrs. of Exhibition (106 and 107 open to all breeds.) 10 00 5 00 CONDITIONS. — Rations fed to the competing cows will not be con- sidered. Cows will stand in open stalls in full view of the public after competition. Competition open to all breeds. Com- peting cows to be properly milked at 6 p. m., on the day prior to test, all milking to take place at the hours of G a. m. and 6 p. m., and all under the direction of the officer iu charge. For Special .'rizes see end of Prize List. For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. I WEILER BROS., English;Brass Trimmed Bedsteads, In a variety of New Designs. These bedsteads add beauty and cheerfulness to the bedchamber, and are comfortable, cleanly elegant and econom- ical. Also childs beds in pretty pat- terns. White trim- med or black finish. Axminster, Wilton, Brussels, Tapestry and Oriental Art Squares, in elegant rich colorings and handsome designs. Carpets and Rugs in all leading grades. Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Plain and Print- ed Cork Carpets, Oilcloths, Etc. Swiss, Nottingham, Silk and Tapestry Curtains, Draperj' Materials, Silks, Fringes and Trimmings, Wallpapers. Best designs and shadings selected to produce perfect har- mony with furnishings. Complete House Furnishings. Send for Catalogue. Show Rooms 5I to 55 Fort St., Victoria. "• ^ Small profits and quick returns. 3.1 des. int- ;try ges ^ns lar- for •ia. DIVISION B.— Horses. < I ^\ 1 ■ .* ' Entries positively close on Friday, Sept. 30th, 1898. I'm: ROADSTERS. N. B. — In cases where a brood mare has lost hsr foal she shall be eligible for competition provided that the judges are satisfied that she has thrown a foal during 12 mouths previous to the exhibition. CLASS FIRST SECOND THIRD 1 Stallion, 3 years old and upwards [shown in harness] $25 00 I15 00 $7 50 2 Stalliou, 2 years old and under 3 years 2© 00 10 00 5 00 3 Brood Mare, 3 vears old and upwards. 20 00 10 00 5 00 1 4 " " 2 years old and under 3 yrs 15 00 7 00 3 00 5 Filly or entire, i year old 10 00 5 00 2 00 6 Foal of 1898 ..." 5 00 3 00 I 50 7 Pair of Matched Horses (mares or geldings) 15 00 7 50 3 00 8 Single driver (gelding or mare) in harness 10 00 5 00 2 00 STANDARD BRED TROTTERS. . . . ^ ,? CLASS FIRST SECOND THIRD 9 Stallion, any age (shown in harness) .$25 00 $15 00 $^ 50 10 Brood mare. . .• 20 00 xo 00 5 00 THOROUGHBRED. CLASS FIRST SECOND THIRD 11 Stallion, 3 years and upwards 2500 15 00 7 50 12 " 2 years and under 3 years. ... 20 00 lo 00 5 00 13 ** I year old 10 00 5 00 2 00 14 Brood mare, 3 years and upwards 20 00 10 00 5 00 15 " '* 2 years and under 3 yrs.. 15 00 7 50 3 00 16 Filly, I year old 10 00 5 00 2 00 17 Foal of 1898, filly or entire 5 00 3 00 x 50 COACH. CLASS FIRST SECOND THIRD 18 Stallion, any age (shown in harness y. .^^25 00 $15 00 I7 50 19 Brood mare 20 00 10 00 5 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. J'... TO BE SOLD AT THE CLOSE OF THE FAIR. Trotting Bred mares, Fillies and one two-yeai- old Stallion, Hambletonian,;tbrongli his sons, Alex, ander, Abdalleh 15, Volnnteer 55, New York, Star- Hambletonian and Geo. Wilkes, his grandsons, such as Ateiont, Belmont, Kearsage, Reveille, Jay Bird, Royal Almont, and Col. West. Mambrino Chief, Mambrino Patch^n, and their daughters. American Star through his daughters. Boston and Lexington through their daughthers. This you see is unsur- passed breeding. Visit the Fair, examine and buy. Parties Wishing to Improve Their Cattle or Sheep, ; ,, .UiWt! r Will do well to drop a line to the undersigned, tell him what you want, as he is going east this fall to purchase one or more car loads. Will make a specialty of Polled Durham (Short Horns without horns) Red Polled (Norfolk) cattle, breed the horns off without cutting them off. Will get any '.,'. breed that you «f-der. J. W. HOLLINGSHEAD, New Westminster, B. C. . •. . I Prompt delivery and polite attention to all . 3S Entries positively close Friday, 30th Sept., 1898, in ordei that Catalogue of I^xhihits may be printed. CHAMPIONSHIP. Roadsteri, Standard Bred, Thorou)»hbretl and Coach. ■5*,- CLASS FIRST SBCOND .1.1 • 20 Stallion, any age $40 00 $20 00 21 Mare, anj* age 20 00 10 00 22 Gentleman's saddle horse 10 00 5 00 23 Lailies' saddle horse 10 00 5 «»o 24 Gaite«l saddle horse. .. 1000 500 DRAUGHS. CIvYDRSDALE. CLASS • = •• FIRST SKCOND 25 Stallion, 3 years old and upwards .. .^25 00 $1500 a6 " 2 years old 20 00 10 00 27 " I year old 10 00 5 00 28 Broml mare, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 10 00 29 " "2 years old 15 00 7 50 30 Filly, I year old 10 00 5 00 31 Foal of 1898, filly or entire 500 300 SUFFOLK PUNCH. CLASS ^ , FIRST SECOND 32 Stallion, 3 years old or upwards $25 00 $15 •m> 33 " 2 years old 20 00 10 00 34 " I year old 10 00 5 00 ■?5 Brood mare, 3 years old and upwards.. 20 00 10 00 36 " " 2 years old 15 00 7 50 37 Filly, I year old 10 00 5 00 38 Foai of 1898, filly or entire 500 300 ENGLISH SHIRE. CLASS FIRST SECOND 39 Stallion, 3 years old and upwards. .. .$25 00 J15 00 40 " 2 years old . . 20 00 10 00 41 " I year old 10 00 5 00 42 Brood mare, 3 years old and upwards 20 00 10 00 43 " " 2 years old 15 00 7 50 44 Filly, r year old 10 00 5 00 45 Foal of 1898. filly or entire 500 300 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. PROVINCIAL ARCHiVlS OE B.C. THIRD fio 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 THIRD $7 50 5 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 -J 00 I 50 THIRD $7 50 5 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 I 50 TaiRD $7 50 .5 00 2 00 5 00 .5 00 2 00 I 50 < ' 1^. S. Annandale, Our (xrocer, Dupont Block - '■ . 36 CI<ASS KIRSV SPxOND 46 Stallion, 3 years old aud upwards .. .$25 00 115 00 47 " 2 years old 20 00 10 00 48 " I vear old 10 00 5 00 49 Brood mare, 3 years old aud upwards.. 20 00 10 00 50 " " 2 years old 15 00 7 00 ' 51 Filly, one year old 10 00 5 00 52 Foal of 1898, filly or entire 5 00 3 00 THIRD l7 50 5 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 I 50 CHAMPIONSHIP. ::l DRAUGHT HORSES. CI,ASS FIRST 53 Stallion, auy age I40 00 54 Mare, any age 20 00 55 Stallion with 5 of his get not over 7 years old. (Decision rendered on the quality of his get 40 00 CHAMPIONSHIP. .u, Roadsters, Standarflbreds, Thoroughbreds and Coach. CI,ASS FIRST SECOND SECOND I20 00 10 00 20 00 THIRD $10 00 5 00 10 00 THIRD 56 Stallion with 5 of his get none over 7 years old. (Decision rendered on the quality of his get J^o 00 J20 00 $jo 00 57 Matched pair draught horses 25 00 15 00 7 50 58 Single cart horse, must be shown in harness. No certificate required 20 00 10 00 5 00 In classes for Blood Hc-ses certificate of registry must accompany the entry. For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 II 12 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 f) Xl 'tA IV '^:\ ■!1l/'i l^M • V Crosse & BlackwelPs Pickles and Sauces. 137' "ji^'^.. DIVISION C— Sheep. THIRD $7 50 5 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 I 50 10 00 Certified pedigree must he produced with all Rams LEICESTERS. 1 Ram, 2 shears and over $9 00 2 " sheariug 8 00 3 " lamb 6 (x) 4 Two ewes, 2 shears and over . . 9 00 5 " " shearliugs 900 6 " " lambs 6 00 7 Pen of I^eicesters, i raui and 4 ewes. . . 10 00 SOUTHDOWNS.i 8 Ram, 2 shears and over #9 00 9 " shearing 8 00 10 " lamb 600 1 1 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 12 " " shearlings. 9 00 13 " " lambs ... 600 14 Pen of Sonthdowns, i ram ana 4 owes jo 00 COTSWOLDS. 15 Ram, 2 shears and over I9 00 16 " shearling 8 00 17 " lamb 6 00 18 Two ewes, 2 .shears and over 9 00 19 " " shearlings 900 20 " " lambs 6 00 21 Pen of Cotswolds, i ram and 4 ewes . . 10 00 SHROPSHIRE. 22 Ram, 2 shears and over $9 00 23 " shearling 8 00 24 " lamb 600 25 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 26 " " shearlings 900 , 27 " " lambs 600 28 Pen of Shropshires. r ram and 4 ewes... 10 00 OXFORD DOWNS. 29 Ram, 2 shears and over ... Jf9 00 30 ' shearling 800 31 " lamb 600 32 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 33 " " shearlings 9 00 34 " " lamb 600 35 Pen of Oxford Downs, i r. m and 4 ewes 10 00 in 1 this Division. $6 00 $^ 00 4 00 2 00 1, 00 2 .)0 6 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 >^o 2 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 $6 00 f •, 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 2 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 $6 00 I3 "o 4 00 2 00 3 00 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 3 *^o 3 00 2 00 ■ »i.a $6 o<-) ?3 00 4 00 2 00 3 fio 2 00 6 00 3 00 6 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12 t. S. Annandlale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block EC 38 • i - Hi V MERINOS. '^ CLASS '-'•».-=»--, FIRST SECOND THI 36 Ram, 2 shears and over I9 00 |6 00 f^ 37 " shearling 800 400 2( 38 ' ' lamb 6 00 3 00 2 ( 39 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 6 00 3 ( 40 " *' shearlings 900 600 3( 41 " " lambs 6 00 3 00 2 42 Pen of Merinos, i ram and 4 ewes ... 10 00 HAMPSHIRE DOWNS. CI^ASS FIRST SECOND 43 Raiii, 2 shears and over I9 00 #600 44 " shearling 8 00 4 00 45 " lamb 6 00 ,3 <^-) 46 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 6 00 47 " " shearlings 9 00 6 00 48 " " lambs 600 300 49 Pen of Hampshire Downs, i ram and 4 ewes 10 IhK LUAl 00 LINCOLNS. CIvASS KIRvST 50 Ram, 2 shears and over I9 00 51 " shearling 8 oo 52 " lamli 600 53 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 54 " " shearlings 9 00 ^■^5 " " lambs 6 (X) 56 Pen of lyincolns, i ram and r ewes. 10 00 DORSEl HORNED. SECOND $f> 00 4 00 3 00 6 00 6 00 3 00 CI.ASS 57 Ram, 2 shears nnd over IMKST I9 o» " shearling . . . . 8 00 " lai il) 6 00 Two ewes, 2 shears and over 9 00 " " shearlings 9 00 " " lambs 6 00 Pen of Dorset Horned, i ram and 4 ewes I o 00 NORFOLK DOWNS. Ram, 2 shears and over $g " shearling 8 lamb 6 Two ewes, 2 ..hears and over 9 •' " shearlings 9 lambs 6 Pen of Norfolk Downs, i ram and 4 ewes 10 00 FAT SHEEP. Cr.ASS ' IIKST 71 Two Fat vSheep, 2 shears and over ■ ■ ■ p-) 00 72 " nnder 2 shears 9 00 (vSheep entered in other classes can not compete For Special Prizes see end of Prize hist. .S8 59 60 61 62 63 64 6,S 66 67 68 6g 70 SICCONO #6 4 3 6 6 3 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 /6 00 00 4 00 00 3 00 00 6 00 00 6 00 00 3 00 TIIIK 2 2 (5i- A gen wine. A fv;l nippli .'S, H ip-to-datc ,1 < 2 ( TIIIH 3'1 3 2 Tlllt $i 2 2 (t 3 '1 3 '1 2 2 (i| 2 (1 2 (| 3 '1 2 (» TlilK^ (I lew Till IDON SECOO'/ $6 00 #3 6 00 3 as l'"a» Sheep. ) I •KE iLE2 IvO( tin! Agent I |inil insi»ect Columbia For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. ock oo oo oo oo Oo oo EORCE ADAIVIS '%%^%^%K%^ mn LEADING This 2 2 3 3 2 TIUK 2 2 3 .■> 2 THIS 2 2 3 ' 3 2 TIII^ l3 'I 2 ll| 2 (j 3 <j 3 <1 2 (Svocci- aiib (ErocUeriewavc flDcrcbant of B. d. Agent for the Celebrated Crawford Salmon wine. A frll stock of all kinds of Fisiiorman's fiip]>i;.*s. H ^ .. es can't be beat, and his goods are lip-to-date. (loiner Columbia an& jEiobtb Sts., lew Mestminstcr, British Columbia* PONT FORGET * Tliat \<)U can rclv on getting thf niinr; v(nalilv of /n i • -'.r Grooer as tliose show • 1 . ilio Hvhibitiiin. rrescrves arc al)S()li'tcly the purest ami best. l3 2 ilj 2 (1 2 (J iLEX. SPECK, REHKIReP? Of= IL^^ycles, I'.awn Mowers, Guns. l-zocks, l'tul)rt.'llas, i<tc. Coni])k't».' line of bicycle fit- tings always in stock. Saws filed. Scissors ground. Agent for the Roller-Sprocket Gear. The best thing out. Call '^'""MaiKl inspect before purchasing a wh>^el. 3 < i bicyci.es to rent. at Sheep. )■ Columbia St., Opp. Vulcan Iron Works, New Westminster. B. C. Eybibftion Ipointcrs *3IH. MOREY & CO., Sell Books and STATIONERY. «2?1I. AlORKY & CO.> Sell Toys, Dolls and Fancy Goods. tS-ll. MOKKY & CO., vSell Purse.-,. Wallets, Card Cases. 'is.'li. MOREY & CO., Sell Fancy Crockery and Gla.ssware. i3!U. M0RF:Y & CO., Sell Musical Instruiiients and Mucic «ffJUST THE THING YOU WANT, at prices that will make you buy. XB'H. MORFY & CO., solicit orders by mail which will receive prompt attention. <5sf And don't forget that we do PRINTING. ARMSTRONG- YOUNG BLOCK, COLUMBIA STREET, CALBRAITi. & SONS. I MA.NUKA.CTUREKS OF" Doors, Windows, Blinds. Frames, Mouldings, Brackets. Mantles, Pickets, Net Floats, Stair Building Material, Railings, Balusters, Newel Posts, and all kinds of Turned Work, Shingles, Etc. F=KCTORV KND VHRDS TENTH ST., NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C. H. P. Mcdowell, PRINTER. Manufacturer of RUBBER STAMPS. 28 Broad Street, Victoria. NOVELTY IRON WORKS, L-EKDER IN L.Oin£ RRlCErS. Carriage and Wagon Making. General Repairing and Blacksmithing. Estimates Given and Coiitracts Taken on all Kinds of Iron Work. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ID II 12 13 14 15 16 «9 20 31 23 23 24 25 26 27 Cor. 8tli and Columbia Sts., Wtstmiusler. W. CDBSIE, Maoager. m Our 35c Tea beats all creation. 41 DIVISION D.— Swine. BERKSHIRES. . (Certified Pedigrees must be produced with all animals over 6 months old.) CLASS FIR.ST SECOND 1 Boar, 2 years old upwards fio 00 ^00 2 Boar, I year old and under 2 800 500 3 " over 6 months and under 12 mos . . 7 00 4 00 4 " under 6 months 6 (xa 300 5 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 1000 700 6 " I year old and under 2 800 600 7 " over 6 months and under 12 months 7 00 4 00 8 " under 6 mouths 600 300 9 Best Boar and two sows 1000 500 POLAND CHINAS. THIRD l3 00 2 50 2 00 I 50 4 00 3 00 z 00 I 50 CLASS FIRST 10 Boar. 2 years old and upwards Jio 00 11 "I year old and under 2 800 12 " over 6 months and under 12 mos. . . 7 00 13 " under 6 mos 6 00 14 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 15 " I year old and under 2 800 16 '' over 6 mos. and under 12 mos 700 17 •' under 6 mos 600 18 Best boar fud 2 sows 1000 DUROC JERSEY. $6 00 $300 500 250 4 00 2 00 300 I 50 7 00 4 00 6 00 300 4 00 2 00 300 I 50 5 00 CLASS FIRST SECOND 19 Boar, 2 years old and upwards ]fio 00 ^00 20 "I year old and under 2 800 500 21 " over 6 months and undet 12 mos.. 700 400 22 " under 6 mos 600 300 23 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 7 00 24 " I year old and under 2 800 600 25 " over 6 months and under 12 months 7 00 4 00 26 " under 6 months 600 300 27 Best l)oar and 2 sows 1000 500 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. THIRD I3 00 2 50 2 00 I 50 4 00 300 2 00 150 T. S. Auuandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block. 42 CHESTER WHITES. I CLASS , FIRST 28 Boar, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 29 " I year old and under 2 800 30 " over 6 months and under 12 nios... 700 31 " under 6 months 600 32 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 33 " I year old and under 2 800 34 " over 6 months and under 12 months 7 00 35 " under 6 months 600 36 Best boar and 2 sows 10 00 VICTORIAS. SECOND THIRD 6 00 300 500 2 50 4 <K) 2 00 3 cx> • 50 7 00 4 00 6 00 300 4 00 2 00 300 « 50 500 64 B 65 66 67 68 S 69 70 7' . 72 « <" CLASS FIRST 37 Boar, 2 years old and Upwards |io 00 38 " I year old and under 2 800 39 " over 6 months and under 12 raos. . . 7 00 40 " under 6 iionths. 600 41 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 42 " I year old and under 2 . 8 00 43 " over 6 mouths and under 12 mos. . . 7 00 44 " under 6 months 6 00 45 Best Boar and 2 Sows 1000 :A ^ ESSEX. SECOND THIRD /60O I300 500 250 4 00 2 00 300 150 7 00 4 00 6 00 300 4 00 2 00 300 I 50 500 7.^ 74 75 7^' 77 7H 89 80 Si CLASS FIRST 46 Boar, 2 years old and upwards $10 00 47 " I year old and under 2 800 48 " over 6 months and under 12 mos . 7 00 49 '* under 6 months 6 00 50 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 51 "I year old and under 2 800 52 " over 6 months and under 12 mons. 7 00 53 " under 6 months 6 00 54 Best Boar and 2 Sows 1000 SECOND THIRD |6 00 f^OO 5 00 251 4 GO 2 GO 300 I 50 7 00 4 00 6 00 3 00 4 00 2 00 3 00 1 50 500 TAMWORTHS. CLASS FIRST SECOND 55 Boar, 2 years old and upwards ;f lo 00 |6 00 56 "I year old and inuler 2 8 00 5 00 57 " over 6 months ai(d under 12 mos.. 7 cjo 400 58 " under 6 months 6 00 3 c(0 59 Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 (X) 7 00 60 "I year old and under 2 800 6 00 61 " over 6 months and under 12 mos . . 7 00 4 00 62 »< under 6 months 600 300 63 Best ho&r and 2 sows 10 00 5 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. THIRD f3 GO 250 2 00 1 50 4 00 3 CM) 2 OG I 50 Don't forget to call during Exhibition and get Annandale»s prices .43 . , SUFFOLKS. PIRST SECOND THIRD CI,ASS ! • .: " ' . 64 Boar, 2 years oM ami upwards |io 00 |6 00 |^ 00 65 ••, year old and under 2 800 500 250 66 " over 6 months and under 12 700 400 200 67 " un.ler 6 months 6 00 ^ o i 50 68 Sow. 2 years old and upwards 1000 7'>o 4 00 69 .'• I year old and under 2 800 600 300 70 " over 6 months and under 12 mos. . 7 00 4 oc 2 00 ]i ' nnder6months 600 300 150 72 Best boar and 2 sows 10 00 5 YORKSHIRES. FIRST SHCOND THIRD CLASS 7^ Boar. 2 years old and upwards $.000 $600 $300 II " , yearold and nnder 2 8 «o 5 op 250 ,c " over 6 moeths and under 12 mos.... 700 4 00 200 U " under6months 600 300 .50 Ij Sow, 2 years old and upwards 10 00 7 00 4 00 ik "I year old and under 2 800 600 300 8q " over6montUK and ander 12 mos.. 700 4 oo 200 Z " under 6 months 600 300 150 81 Bestlxjarand 2SOWS 1000 5 BACON HOGS. FIRST SECOND THIRD CLASS 82 Best bacou hog any age I«2 "« *7 00 $4 00 DIVISION E.— Poultry. (Breeding pen, i male and 3 females.) CLASS P'^^S^ ^'''^^^'' 1 Spanish, black, cock $i °° ^ 5° 2 " " cockerel 10° 5° , '. " hen 10° 50 4 " " pullet I 00 50 5 •' " breeding pen 200 100 6 Dorking, colored, cock ^ 0° 5° 7 ..*".. cockerel 100 5° g II n lien I 00 50 q " " pullet" I 00 50 10 " " breeding pen 200 i co 11 " silver grey, cock 1°" 5° 12 " " cockerel ^ °° ^ I, •< " hen I 00 50 14 '• " pullet I 00 50 ,5 '« '• breeding pen 200 100 For Special prizes see end of prize list. THIRD $ 25 25 25 25 50 25 2b 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 '».'» ?Q T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, DupoD> Block. POUIvTRY— Continued. N tl,ASS FIRST r6 I ii i3 24 25 26 27 28 «9 30 31 3a 33 34 3 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 << (C <f (I Brahma, light, cock i 00 " " cockerel . 100 " hen I 00 " pullet I 00 " breeding pen 200 dark, cock 200 " cockerel i cx) " hen I 00 pullet 100 " breeding pen 200 Poland, white crested, black, cock i 00 cockerel . . i 00 " hen 1 00 " " " pullet.. 100 " br'd'gpen 200 " white cock 100 " cockerel i 00 hen I 00 " pullet ..; I 00 " breeding pen 2 00 silver, cock i JJb " cockerel i cx3 " ben I 00 pullet I 00 " breeding pen 2 00 golden, cock r 00 " cockerel i uo " ben I 00 " pullet I 00 breeding pen 2 00 " bearded cock i 00 " " cockerel. ... i 00 " hen r 00 " pullet I 00 " " " breeding pen 2 00 Cochin, buff cock j 00 " " cockerel i 00 ■' hen " " pullet " " breeding pen 200 " partridge, cock . ." i 00 " " "-ockerel 100 ben 100 Cochin, partridge, pullet.. i 00 " " b ceding pen 200 " white cock i 00 " " cockerel 100 " hen 100 " pullet i,x) " " breeding pen 200 Cochin, black, cock 100 " " cockerel i ocj " hen 100 It << << I 00 I 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc . For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. SKCOND ■' m 50 jo so 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 50 50 50 THIRD ' 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 see page 12. 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 so 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 25 50 25 25 25 r# ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Wliolehale and Retail. P. O. Box 199. Telephone i-o-i. ♦ 9 :.jiM ROYAL CITY DRESSED MEAT and PORK PACKING CO. Manufacturers ol Sausages, Bolognas, Headchcest, and Pure Leaf Lard, vSugar Cured Hams and liacon, ^ Long Clear Pork, Corned Beef, Ktc. PURCHASRRS AND KXPORTKRS OK Hides, Wool, Sheep Skins, Etc. I Reichenbach & Co., Opposite Guichon HoteL New Westminster, B. G. > ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ EJststTolislied. ISSS Fifteen years in business. We are the pioneers in our line in the Province. Manufacturers and packers of the "Standard" Brand of ViuLgars, Pickles, Tomato Catsup, VVorcestershire Sauce, Queen Olives, Salad Oil, French Mustard, Empress of India Curry Powder, Champagne, and other Ciders, &c.. &c. Our goods are standard in all respects and are acknowl- edged to be the best in the Dominion. Goods delivered to wharf or rail. Price lists mailed on ap- plication. P'actory Office, 66 and 68 Blanchard St., Victoria, B. C. Proprietors, H. J. BRADY & CO. Our Goods are handled by and can be obtained from any of the wholesale houses in Victoria or Vancouver. 1 . ■,i' It BRACKMAN & KER ; MILLING COMPANY. I LINIITKU. I ,,,- i t! Mati&nml MUllo. 2, Sew Westminster. MANUFACTUREKS OK Ker's Celebrated Cereal Foods, Extra Cream Rolled Oats, Oatmeal, Graham Flour, Split Peas, Pearl ! Barley, Chopped and Mixed Feeds. y DEALERS IN Flour, Bran, Shorts, Ha}-, Grain, and all kinds of .^ Farm Produce. SOLE AGENTS III BRITISH COLUMBIJl FN IK L & I ROLLER MILLS COMPANY. OF SPOKANE "' Awarded Gold Medal at World's Columbian and Mid-winter Ex- positions for Highest grade o> Rolled Oats. HEAD OFFICE: Victoria. BRANCHES: New Westminster. Vancouver, Edmonton. MILflvS: Victoria, New Westminster, Edmonton. Prompt delivery and polite attention to all. CLASS 47 POULTRY— Cowtiuued. I'IRST 69 " " pullet I 00 70 " " breeding pen 2 00 7 1 Langshan, cock I 00 72 " cockerel i ckj 73 " hen 100 74 *' pullet I cx) 75 •* breeding pen ... 2 cxj 76 Leghorn, white, cock ^ 1 00 77 •* •* cockerel i 00 78 •• " hen 1 00 79 " " pullet I 00 80 *' " breeding pen 2 00 81 " brown, cock i cw 82 " " cockerel i 00 83 " " hen 1 00 84 " " pullet I 00 85 " " brep'ingjan 200 86 Leghorn, black, cock i 00 87 " " cockerel 100 88 " " hen i 00 89 " " pullet I OS 90 " " breeding pen . . 2 00 91 Orpington, black, single comb ...... i 00 92 *' " rose comb i cx) 93 " buflF. single and rose comb.. 100 94 •• white, " " I 00 95 " breeding pen . . 2 cx) 96 Leghorn, rose comb, white, cock i cxj 97 •• " " cockerel... 100 98 " *• " hell 1 00 99 " " " pullet ... I 00 100 " " " breed, pen. 2 00 loi Leghorn, rose comb, brown, cock i 00 102 " '* " cockerel. i txj 103 " " " hen 1 CXJ 104 *' " " pullet I 00 105 " " " br'd'g pen 2 00 106 Leghorn, buflF, cock i 00 107 " ■* cockerel i 00 108 " " hen I 00 109 " ** pullet I 00 no " *' breetling pen 200 111 Plymouth Rock, barred, cock i cx) 112 •* •* '* cockerel . i o(j 113 *« " " hen . 1 00 114 " " " pullet . . I o() 115 " •• '• breeding pen 2 00 116 " " buff, cwk I 00 117 " '* " cockerel .. I 00 118 *• " " hen I 00 119 •• " " pullet 1 00 120 *' " " breeding pen.. 200 i2oa Plymouth Rock, white, cock 100 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12 ICOND 1 fHIRD 50 »s 1 CO as 50 35 50 as 50 as 50 as I 00 SO 50 »5 50 as 50 as 50 »5 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 5" 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 1 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 ^5 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 1 OKI 50 50 2.S 50 25 50 25 50 25 1 00 50 50 25 T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block 48 POULTRY— Continued. CI<ASS FIRST 121 Plymouth Rock, while, cockerel i 00 122 " " " hen I 00 123 " ■* " pullet I (xj 124 '• " '• breeding pen.. 2 (X) 125 Iluniburg, black, cock i co 126 " *' ccK-kerel 1 co 127 " " hen I cx> raS " " jjullet i 00 129 " " breediujj pen. . . . " . . 200 130 " golden pencilled, cock. 100 131 " " " cockerel i 00 132 " " " hen .... 1 00 133 " " " pullet . I 00 134 " " '* b'd'gpeu 2 o<j 135 " silver pencilled, cock .. . . 100 136 •' " " cockeii I ... I 00 1^7 " " k " hen I 00 138 " " > " pullet I 00 139 " " " breeding pen 2 00 140 •' golden sp.ingled, cock i 00 141 " ■' •' cockerel . . i 00 142 " " •, . " hen 1 00 143 " " " puliet . . .. 1 oo 144 " '• " br'ding pen 2 00 145 " silver spangled, cock i 00 146 " " cockerel . . i 00 147 " .- . " hen 100 148 " « pullet I 00 149 " " breed'^pen 200 150 Red Caps, cock i 00 151 " cockerel 100 152 " hen 100 153 " pullet I 00 154 " breeding pen 2 00 155 Wyandotte, white, cock i 00 156 " " cockerel i 00 157 " " hen I 00 158 " " pullet 100 159 " " breeding pen 200 160 " black, cock i 00 161 " " cockerel 100 162 " " hen ....'.. I 00 163 " " pullet 100 164 " " breeding pen 2 cx) 165 " laced, silver, cock i cxj 166 " " " cockerel... i cxj 167 " " " hen I 00 168 '• " " pullet 100 169 " " " breed, pen. 200 170 " : " golden, cock i 00 171 " " " cockerel. ... i 00 172 I' " " hen I 00 173 " •' " pullet 100 SECOND THIRD 50 2.S 50 25 50 25 I (K) 5f> 50 25 5" 25 50 25 50 25 I (XI S" 50 tn M 5'^ 25 50 25 50 2.S 1 (K) 5" 50 25 5" 25 5tJ 25 5u 25 1 00 5'J 5" 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I GO 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 51' 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12, We ship to all corners of the Province. CLASS 49 POU LTRY—Contiuued . FIRST »74 »75 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 182 184 i«5 1S6 187 18S '93 194 '95 196 197 198 '99 2UO 201 202 203 204 io5 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 2'3 214 2'5 216 217 218 219 220 221 223 223 224 225 226 " " " breed, pen. 2 cxa " bufF, cock . I 00 •' " cockerel i 00 " " hen I 00 " " pullet I 00 •* " breeding pen 200 Frizzle Fowls, ^.any color,) cock. .... i 00 *• " " cockerel. .. i 00 ' •* •' hen I 00 " '• *• pullet 100 *' " " breed, pen. 200 Java, black, cock i 00 " " cockerel i do • " hen I 00 ** " pullet. J 00 *' " breeding pen 200 while cock i 00 ** " ccx-kerel 100 ** " hen I 00 " " pullet 1 00 *• " breeding pen 200 Minorca, black, cock i 00 *' '• cockerel .. I 00 " " hen I 00 " " pullet I 00 *' " breeding pen 200 " while cock 1 00 " " cockerel I 00 " " hen I 00 " pullet I 00 " " breeding pen 2 00 Houdan, c(jck i 00 ** cockerel I 00 " hen I 00 " pullet I 00 " breeding pen 2 00 Game, black red , cock i 00 ** " cockerel 100 " " hen I 00 " pullet I 00 " " breeding pen 200 *' brown red, cock i 00 " " cockerel i 00 •• " hen I 00 " " pullet I 00 •• " breeding pen . 2 00 black, cock 100 •• " cockerel i 00 " hen I 00 " " pullet 100 •' pile, cock I 00 " " cockerel i 00 " " hen I 00 SECONn THIRD I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 1 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 . 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 so 25 50 25 5® 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 I 00 50 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 S*> 25 So 25 For jpstructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. T, S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupon* Block. 50 POULTRY— Co.itinued. CLASS FI 227 " " pullet 22S " dnckwing, cock 229 " " coikerel 230 " " hen 231 " '• pulk't 232 " Indian, cock 233 " " cockerel 234 " " hen 235 " " pnllet 2^6 Audalusian, cock 2'/ " cockerel 238 " hen 239 " pullet 240 .atne, any otiur variety, one pair. 241 Pair La I'leche. . 242 PairSilkias 243 Pair Bantams, booted Mack 244 Pair Bantams, hlack cochin 245 Pair Bantams, huff cochin 246 Pair Bantams, partridge cochin 247 Pair Bantams, jjolden schri}(ht 248 Pair Bantams, black tailed Japar.ese. . 249 Pair Bantams, black Japar.ise 250 Pair Bantams, white lapa.u •;<; 251 Pair Bantams, silver sel>ri>(lu 252 Pair Bantams, ro.se combed, black 253 Pair Bantams, roi-v> combed, white 254 Pair B.intanis, white crested, white pol 255 Pair Game Bantams, black, red 25b Pair Game Bantams, brown, red 257 Pair Game Bantams, duckwing 258 Pair Game Bantams, pile 259 Pair Game Bantams, rose comb 26<j Pair Game Bantams, golden .Sebright. . 261 Pair Game Bantams, silver Sebright . . 262 Pail Cianie nuntains, Japanese 263 Pair Game r>antams, Pekin 264 Pair Game Bantams, Polish 265 Pair Game Bantams, Birchen 266 Pair Game Bantams, black 267 Pair Game Bantams, blacV breasted . . 268 Pair Game Bantams, brown red 269 Pair Game Bantams, f.'ornisl Indian . 270 Pair Gnme Bantams, g Ai\k:n duck wing 271 Pair Game Bantams, red. pile 272 Pair Game Bantams, silver duckwing. 273 Pair Game Bant:'-»"s. wli'tc duckwing . 274 Pair Guinea Fowls 275 Pair Per. Powl 276 Pair Pheasants. English 277 Pair Pleasants Mongolian 278 Pair Quail, California 279 Pair Partridg ; 280 Turkeys, bronze, pair ST SKCOC'D THIRI> I 00 .'>" 2S I 00 .SO 2.S I 00 .S«^ 25 I 00 50 2,5 I 00 so 25 I 00 .SO 25 I 00 .SO 2.S I 00 .50 25 1 00 50 25 1 00 .SO 2.S I 00 .SO 2.S 1 00 50 2,S i 00 .SO 2.S I .V> I Ot) .SO ' 5" I 00 50 1 50 1 (M) 50 I 5f I 00 50 I 50 1 CXI 50 1 50 1 (XJ 50 ' Sf I 00 50 1 5" 1 00 50 ' .so I 00 50 ' 50 1 00 50 I 50 I 00 .SO ' 5" 1 00 50 I 50 I (K) .SO ! 50 1 CHj 50 ' .5" 1 00 50 I 5" 1 tH> 50 ' 50 I tX) 50 1 5" I 00 50 : 5'> / <X) .SO : 50 I UO .S<' J 50 I 00 50 ' 5" 1 00 .so I 50 I 00 50 ' 50 I 00 50 I 50 I Ot) 50 • 50 I cm 50 I 50 I 00 .so ' 50 I 00 50 I 50 I <K) •SO ' 51J I tX) .so ' 5'' I 00 .SO 1 50 I fXl .SO I 50 1 00 50 1 50 1 (X> 50 2 o«> 1 (XJ 50 2 Wj I 00 50 2 00 I (JO 50 2 CXJ I (XJ .SO 2 00 I (XI .so 2 rx) I 00 .SO 250 1 50 I 00 For Special Hrizes see end of Prize List. Don't go elsewhere till you have tried <<Our Grocer >> POULTRY— CotTtinued. C I,A RS FIRST 28r Turkeys, white Holland, Pair 250 282 Turkeys, huff, pair 2 50 28:^ Turkeys, hlack, pair 250 284 Turkeys, slate, ])air 2 50 285 Turkeys, chickens of 1898, pair 2 50 2S6 Geese, Toulouse, pair 250 286 Geese, African, pair 2 50 287 Geese, African, Dair 2 50 2H8 (ieese, brown, Chinese 2 50 289 Geese, w!iite, Chinese 2 50 290 Geese. Rf^yptiaii, pair 2 50 291 Geese, Rnihdeni. piir . . 25*; 29.^ Geeee, j^oslinjjs iogS, pair 250 294 Ducks. Ayle. iniry, pair 2 cxi 255 Ducks, Pekin, pair 2 o<i 296 Ducks, brown, pair . 2 do 297 Ducks, Cayuj^a, pair 2 00 agS Ducks, Muscovy, white i)air 2 00 299 Ducks, Muscovy colored .^00 3<K) Ducks, ihicklings of 1898, pair 2 00 301 Best disphiy of poul ry . D:;i!onia PIGEONS. 302 Pair Pouters, red, white or yellow pied r 00 303 " Nuns 1 00 304 " I'antails, white 100 305 " Fantails, black .. i 00 306 " Hominj^s, Antwerp . . I <xi ;,o7 " T -bets, black wing. i «x) 30S •' B^. bs, black or Dun i cx) 309 " Jacobins, black i 00 310 " .Ma}i,pies. black . 100 3H •' Helmets i 00 3(2 " Owls, blue I »-> 313 " Swallows ........ ... I fK 314 " Dr.i>j;oons 100 31.'; " Rollers r o<^ 316 " Archangels 100 317 " Starlin;^s 100 318 " Priests t 00 319 " iVumpeters, black i 00 320 " Quakers 100 321 " Carriers too 322 " Runts 100 323 " Jacobins, white r 00 324 '• Jacobins, yellow . 100 325 " Jart)bins, red . i <>f> 326 " Pouters, blue or l)lack 100 327 " Pouters, white .. . J 00 328 " Carriers, black too 329 " Carriers, dun ... > 00 330 " Carriers, .-my otner color i o) 331 " Barbs, white. 100 XOND THIRD l.5<i I 00 > .S" I 00 I .SO I <X) I 50 , I 00 ' .SO I 00 I 50 I fX) ' 50 I 00 r 50 I 00 I 50 I 00 r .SO I 00 I .so I (K) I 50 I (rO I .SO I 00 r 00 50 I tX) 50 I 00 •SO I 00 50 ii 00 .so I 00 .so I 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 .so .so .so 50 50 50 50 .SO 50 .SO .50 .SO 50 50 50 50 .SO .SO 50 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2.S 2.S 25 ■■.i 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2,S 25 25 2.S 25 For iiislructio .» .-egarduig entries, etc., see page 12. VkOViuu/AL AKCHIVES OF. B .C. T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block, 'ijMi, i4 u ■. 5a POULTRY— Coutinued. CLASS ' FIRST 33» " Barbs, any other variety. . i 00 33J^ " Tumblers, long-faced i 00 i$^-- > ". Owls, silver... i oo 33^ " Owls, any other color 100 338 " Trumpeters, mottled 100 337 " Trumpeters, any other color i 00 338 " Turbits, yellow wing . i 00 33# - " Turbits, red wing r 00 34i.> 1" Turbits, blue wing 100 34* " Fautails, blue i cxj 342 " Magpies, red i 00 343 " Homers, blue 100 344 " Homers, black i 00 345 " Homers, black check i oo 346 " Homers, blue check i 00 347 " Homers, any other color i 00 348 " Hlondinettes, barred i oo 349 " Bloudinettes, laced 100 ,,,„,, RABBITS. 350 Pair lop-eared rabbits t 00 351 common rabbits i 00 352 Belgian hares i (<, 353 Ouinea pigs (Abysinian). 150 354 Guinea pigs ( co:.imon i 50 EGGS. 355 Hens eggs, fresh, i do/., white heaviest 1 00 356 " " " I " Hrowii heaviast i 00 357 Turkeys eggs, fr;;sh, ;?, heaviest r 00 358 Ducks eggs, fresh, ! 2 heaviest 100 SKCOND THIRD 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 SO 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 SP 25 .-:.^/-^ 25 •...;|o:, . 25 50 25 so 25 50 25 r tK) 50 r 00 5" ■■t' 25 25 m 25 ■m. 25 DIVISION F. Tlierc is a grcJK demand for butter on thf grounds, so that pailics nc'.-d not hesitate to make a large display. DAIRY PRODUCE, ETC. 1 Creamery butter, Provincial manufacture in 50 lb packages, ist, lioand I)ipU)nia ; 2nd, I5. 2 Butter, creamery, Provincial manufacture. 50 lbs. in i lb., and 2 lb. prints, rst, $io and dii)loma ; 2'ud, fs. C'-ASS V KIKST SKCOND THIKIl 3 Butter, 10 lbs., in mils or pats |io 00 #750 fs 00 4 Butter Firkin or Crock, not less than 25 lbs . 10 00 7 50 5 00 5 Butter, 2 Crocks, not less than 10 .)s. each, or over 25 lbs TO 00 7 50 5 00 i'"()imTH $2 50 2 50 2 50 For Special Pri/.es sae end of Pri/.c IJst. ■^ -^ -^'^ <^imMH M,j.u^U^,i ■fclephone 303. . P; O. Box 375. mw'^ :ji 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 50 25 25 25 25 1st. and »»»»€««€ IMPORTER OF COTTON DUCKvS AND DRILLS. . ; . COTTON AND MANILLA ROPES. / A}j;ent for W. & J. Knox, Kilbirnie, Scot.; Canadian Rubber Co., Montreal, Que.; Canadian Oiled Clothing Co., Port Hope, Out. ; ; RUBBER GOODS AND OILED CLOTHING. ' 'I ortii. to Warehouse, 9 Church St. Vancouver Warehouse, Granville .St. P. O. Box 58. Telephone 176. Night Telephoui 01 W. E. FALES, Undertaker, Funeral Director and Embalmer. Dealer in iMMiiiture, Car|iet.s, Linoleutns, Oilcloths, Wall- paper, ami Crockery. Largest as.sorttiieiU ir. the city. Prices cheaper than the cheapest. ■ ■» 716 and 718 Columbia Street, New Westminster. •' Opposite Masonic Temple. V' The Okanagan Flouring Mills Company, i^^* nv.u. OF ARMSTRONG, B. C. 6 7 f[ MANUFACTURERS OV THK Best Family Flour on the British Columbia Market THHIR BRANDS ARK Ami their Tra<lc Mark is on every sack. '^"'■••r-: '■■ Honeymoon Best Pastry Strong Bakes Economy 12 13 i6 Their Flour has been pronounced by leading millers of Canada an«l the United States as The very best family flour They have ever seen. *.. . The wheat from which this flour is made grows in the Okanagan and Spallmicheen valleys and , Took the Gold Medal »^)ru.iiji at the following exhibitions: Vienna, Colonial, and Indian ; Centennial, Philadelphia, and World's Fair. Chicago. British Columbians Should eat hread made from " O. K." flonr. The more you use it the better you like it. Sec our exhil>it at the fair. i8 ly 2o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 '"3»'^ Country orders have special attention. SKCON D THIRD $1 OO I OO 50 50 I 50 I 00 I 00 • 50 I 00 50 55 6 Cheese, factory, Provincial luanufac- ture, to be exhibited by the maker. . Diploma 5 00. 7 " home made (made in the Province), to be exhibited by the maker 5 00 3 00 BREAD, ETC. CLASS FIRST 8 Bread, 4 loaves, manufactured for sale ^2 00 9 " " home made 2 00 10 " 2 " made by }^irl under 15 years of age 2 00 11 " 2 " made by girl under 15 years of age ( potato yeast ) . . 1 50 12 Soda Biscuit, made by girl under 15 years of age '50 13 Bisci'it and I'"ancy Cakes, display and (jiialit} , Provincial manufaciiire Gold Medal. HONEY, ETC. (N. B. — Honey will be judged according to (Quality.) Cr.ASS FIRST SKCON D 14 Honey, extracted, not less than 15 lbs. ;f 10 00 $s 00 15 " comb, not less than 15 lbs . . . lo 00 5 00 16 Jams and Jellies (home made) S 00 2 50 MISCELLANEOUS. CLASS FIRST 17 Candies, assortment, display and quality, Provincial manufacture jfio 00 18 Sugar and Syrups, display and quality. Pro- vincial manufacture Diploma. ly Jams and Jellies, display ai.d quality, P!<»- vincial manufacture Diploma. 20 Bo'tled Pruits, display and quality. Provin- cial manufacture . .Silver Medal. 21 Cannei'. Frn-ts, display and quality, Provin- cial manufacture Diploma. 22 Canned Vegt tables, display ami quality, Provincial manufacture Diploma. 23 Can>:cii Meats, display and qualitj', Provin- cial manufacture Diploma. 24 Canned Salmon, best display Silver medal Diploma 25 Pickles, display and quality, Provincial manufacture Diploma. 26 Wine, Currant, i gallon. Provincial manu- facture 3 00 27 Wine, Grape, i gallon, Provincial manufac- ture 3 00 28 Cider, 1 gallon. Provincial manufacture ... 3 00 29 Porter, Provincial manufacture 3 00 30 Ale, " '• 3 00 31 I'lour, " " 7 50 32 Oat Meal. 100 lbs., Provincial manufacture 6 00 33 Split Peas, Provincial mariufacture 2 50 THI Rn $2 50 2 50 I 00 SICCOND $5 00 2 00 2 00 4 00 3 00 I 50 I'or instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. T. 3. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block 56' CLASS MISCELLANEOUS— Coiitiuued. KIRST 34 Salmon, Pickled, on barrv: 7 50 35 Salmon, smoked 4 00 36 Cigars, display and quality, Provincial manufacture, white labor 5 00 37 Incubator, batching most eggs during the Exhibition 5 00 38 Best display fishing nets and twine Diploma. .. ,, DIVISION G.— Vegetables. Entries positively close Friday, 30th September, in onl Catalojiue of Kxhits may be printed. g * All Vegetables must be named. CLASS I'lRST SUCOND 1 Potatoes, Burbank, 25 lbs )Fi 00 jf2 00 2 " Rural, No. 2, 25 lbs 500 200 3 " Ivarly Rose, 25 lbs 3 00 2 00 '4 " Columbus, 25 lbs 3 00 2 00 5 " Carmon, No. 1, 25 lbs 3 00 2 00 6 " Sir Walter Raleigh 3 00 2 00 7 " largest, 50 lbs 3 00 2 00 8 " new varietv, not before ex- hibited 3 00 2 00 9 " any other variety, named . . 3 00 2 00 10 " three varieties, correctly nam- ed, 25 lb« 5 00 3 00 11 " best collection, 12 of each sort 3 00 2 00 12 Turnips, table. White Globe, 6 roots. . 2 00 i 00 13 " Orange Jelly, 6 roots 2 00 r 00 14 Carrots, Short Horn, 6 roots 2 00 r 00 15 " Intermediate, 6 roots... . . 2 00 i 00 16 Parsnips, 6 roots 2 00 i 00 17 Cabbage, 2 bes*. summer 200 i 00 18 " 2 " winter 200 100 I g " 2 " red 2 00 I 00 20 Brussels Sprouts, 2 stalks 200 i 00 2t Savoys, 2 best and largest 2 00 i 00 22 Cauliflower, best two heads 200 100 23 Onions, white, 6 each 2 00 i 00 24 " yellow, 6 each 200 100 25 " red, 6 each 2 00 1 00 26 '• white picking. I quart 200 100 27 " yellow picking, i <|uart 200 1 00 28 Peas, green, best <lish, i ijuart, shelled 2 00 i 00 29 Beans, scarlet runners, best dish 2 00 i 00 30 " bush in jxkI 200 100 31 " broad, best dish . 2 00 i 00 32 Corn, table, 1 2 ears 2 00 i 00 33 Beets, long, 6 2 00 i 00 34 " globe, 6 200 100 35 Celery, white, 6 bunches 200 100 36 " red. 6 bunches 2 00, i 00 37 " any other variety, 6 bunches.. 200 100 38 Lettuce, 6"lieads 2 00 i 00 39 Radish, long, best dish 2 00 i 00 For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. SRCONIJ 4 00 2 50 er thot THIKD $1 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 I DO I 00 I 00 I 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 40 41 S 42 P 4.^ ■V 44 T 4.S 46 C 47 48 49 c 50 c 51 A 52 53 54 V 55 h 5<J All F 50 50 50 CLASi 5» I V 50 2 50 3 B 50 4 50 5 50 •50 6 •50 7 .50 8 •50 •50 9 P •50 10 .50 II .50 12 .50 13 K •50 14 B •SO •5 T .50 r6 I] •50 17 B .50 i8 T •50 19 .50 20 .50 21 ^ •50 22 23 1 4 oo 2 50 ruiRD $i 00 00 00 Ol) 00 00 00 00 00 2 00 I 00 50 50 50 50 50 5" 50 50 50 5^> •5" .50 •50 •50 •50 ■50 •50 •50 •50 •50 •50 •50 •5" •50 ■50 .50 .50 •50 "Ocean Wave Baking Powder " is a grand seller. 57 VEGETABLES— Continued , ClyASS FIRST 40 " turnip, best dish 200 41 Squash, best 2 for table use 200 42 Pumpkins, for table, 2 200 4J Vegetable Marrows, 2 2 00 44 Tomatoes, best 12 2 00 45 " best collection, 6 each . . . 3 00 46 Cucumbers best brace, grown under glass . 2 00 47 " best brace, grown in open air 2 00 48 " dish, foi pickling i 00 49 Collections 01 Vegetables, distinct frotr any other entries, each kind named, all by the exhibitor, varie- ties to be correctly named 10 00 50 Citrons, best 2 2 00 51 Melons, Water, 2 best 2 00 52 " Musk, best 2 200 53 " Nutmeg, best 2 .... 2 00 54 Peppers 2 00 55 Kale, 2 heads 2 00 SECOND THIRD I 00 •50 I 00 .50 I 00 •SO I 00 .50 I 00 •50 2 00 I 00 I 00 •50 I 00 •50 50 ■ .25 5 00 3 00 I 00 •50 I 00 ■50 I 00 •50 I 00 •50 I 00 •50 1 00 •50 DIVISION H— Field Produce. All Exhibits must be properly classified by name, must be grown by the exhibitor and be the pnxluct ot 1898. CLASS. FIRST SECOND THii.D 1 Wheat, autumn, roo lbs 500 300 200 2 " spring, 500 300 200 3 Barley, Chevalier, 100 lbs 500 300 200 4 '* rough 5 00 3 00 2 00 5 " new variety, not before exhil)- ^mj^ ited, 100 lbs 500 300 200 6 Oats, white. 100 lbs 1000 600 300 7 " black; 100 lbs ... 8 00 400 200 8 " new variety, not before exhibit- ed, 100 Ih/s : . 8 00 3 00 2 00 9 Peas, white, large, too lbs 5 00 3 00 2 00 10 " white, small, 100 lbs 500 300 200 1 1 " blue, 100 lbs 5 00 3 00 2 00 12 " grey, 100 lbs 500 300 200 13 Rye, 1 bushel 500 300 200 14 Hurkwheat, I bushel 500 300 200 15 Tares, i l)ushel 5 00 3 00 2 00 16 Hops, not less than i bale, grown inBC 5 00 3 00 2 00 17 Beans, field, 50 lbs 5 00 3 00 2 00 18 Turnijjs, 5 Swede, for cattle 300 200 100 19 " 5 yellow 3 00 2 00 I 00 20 "5 white 3 00 2 GO I 00 21 Mangold Wurtzels, 5 globe 300 200 100 22 "5 long red 3 00 2 00 i 00 23 Pumpkius, 2 heaviest 300 200 100 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block. 24 Squash, 2 largest 25 Sugar Beet, 6 26 Carrots. 6 long white 27 " 6 yellow 28 " 6 red 29 " 6 white int^'"ediate 30 Mangolds, interniecnate 31 Cabbage; 2 heaviest heads, for cattle. . 32 Kohl Rabi, best 6 33 Bale of hay 34 Timothy Seed, 100 lbs 35 Red Clover Sedd, 100 lbs 36 Orchard Grass, 50 lbs 37 Rye Grass, 50 lbs 38 Corn or Maize, 12 ears 39 Collection of Seeds, not less than 5 lbs. each 3 00 2 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 1 00 300 2 00 I 00 3 00 2 00 3 00 500 3 00 2 00 5 00 .3 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 5 "o 3 00 2 00 5 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 •50 5 00 3 00 2 00 N. B — Grain in any way tampered with i. e. will be debarred. scoured or sulphured, DIVISION I.— Fruits. This Division is un 'er the management of the Fruit Grower's Association. All Fruits shown must be properly classified by be grown by exhibitor. CLASS FIRST 1 Apples, best collection by Agricultural Societies, District or individuals. |2o 00 2 " Yellow Transparent, 5 each. ... 1 50 3 " Keswick Codlin, 5 each i 50 4 " Duchess of Oldenberg, 5 each. . 150 5 " Gravenstein, seach 150 6 " Alexander 5 each i 50 7 " Any other variety. 5 each .... i 50 8 " Maiden's Blush, 5 each i 50 9 " Col vert, 5 each i 50 10 " T venty Ounce Pippins, 5 'each i 50 ! I " Snow, 5 each ... 150 12 " St. Lawrence, 5 each. 150 13 " Red Bertigheimer, 5 each 150 14 " Wealthy, 5 each i 50 15 " .^lenheim Orange 5 150 16 " Yellow Bell Flower 5 150 17 " Any ither variety, fall, 5 each i 50 18 " Pewankee, 5 each 150 19 " King of Tompkins, 5 each 150 20 " Ribston Pippin, 5 each i 50 21 " Rho<le Island Greening, 5 each i 50 22 " Baldwin, 5 each 150 23 " Northern Spy, 5 each 150 24 " Spitzenberger, 5 each i 50 25 " Golden Russet, 5 each i 50 26 " Roxbury, 5 each i 50 27 " Sphar, 5 each i 50 For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. British Columbia name, and must SECOND THIRD #15 00 $10 00 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 5" I 00 50 1 00 50 I 00 50 I 0<} 20 I 00 30 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 ■^ 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00, 50 I 00 50 f 00 50 I 00 5" I 00 SO I 00 50 28 29 3<> 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 P( 43 Pi 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Pe 63 64 65 66 PI 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 -w A full line of Christie Brown's biscuits always on hand. 28 29 3" 3> 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4« 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 59 " Mann, 5 each .. 150 " Ben Davis, 5 each i 50 " Canada Reel, 5 each. 150 " Mcintosh, 5 each 150 " Newton I'ippin, 5 each i 50 " Stark, 5 each 150 " Canadian Rienett, 5 each 150 " Vandevere, 5 each 150 '' Blue Pennan, 5 each 1 50 " Max Pepper. 5 each i 50 " Btattle Greening, each i 50 " Any other variety, 5 each . . . 150 " Salome, 5 each 150 " Sutton Beauty, 5 each 1 50 Pears. Best collection by Ajjricultural Societies, Districts or In- dividuals 20 00 Pears, Bartletts, 5 each i 50 Clapp's Favorite, 5 each 150 " Seckel, 5 each 150 " Souvenir di Congress, 5 each. . . i 50 Any other variety, summer 5, i 50 " Flemish Beauty 5 . . i 50 " Ivouise Bonne de Jersey 5 1 50 " White Doyenne, 5 150 Howell, 5 150 Sheldon 150 " Duchess d'Angouleme 5 150 Keiffer's Hybrid, 5 150 " Idaho, 5 I 50 " Any other variety, fall, 5 .... 150 ■' Bcurre Clairgean, 5 150 " Benrred'Anjou, 5 150 Bose, 5 I 50 " Winter Nelis, 5 i 50 " l<awrence.. i 50 Pears, P. Barry, largest, 5 i 50 " Vicar of Wakefield, 5 .. 150 " Vermont, 5 150 " Any other variety, winter, 5... 150 Plums, Best collection iy agricultural societies, districts or individuals . . 20 00 Plums. Lombard, 12 i <;o " Washington, 12 r jo " Smith's Orleans, 12 150 " Cal.'s Golden Drop, 12 150 " Yellow Egg 12 150 " Pond's Seedling 12 150. " Reine Claud », 12 150 •' Green Gage, 12 150 " Damson, 12 i 50 Red Egg. 12 I 50 " Fellenberg or Italian Prune, 12 150 " French Prune, 12 150 " d'Agen Prune 12 150 " German Prune, 12 150 " Bradshaw, 12 1 50 t 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I '00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 15 00 10 00 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 1 fjo TT 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I GO 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 1 (X5 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I CO 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I CO 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 15 00 10 00 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I GO 50 I 00 50 r 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I rjo 50 I 'JO 5« 1. 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. ¥. S. Annandale, Onr Grocer, Dupont Block 82 83 84 85 86 u. 90 9t 99 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 loi 102 I 105 106 107 108 109 no III 112 "3 "4 IS 60 " Grand Duke, la 150 " Gucii, 12 150 " Auy other variety, 12 150 Peaches, Early Crawfonl, 6 i 50 " Foster, 6 .. 150 " Watier, 6 150 " Late Crawford, 6 I 50 ' vSalway,6 150 " Any other variety named, 6. . i 50 " Seedling. 6 i 50 " Best coUectioD. not less than s^ varieties uain«^. 9 each 3 00 Orapes, Concord 4 hunchtrs. fit for table 1 50 Worden ** " 1 50 " Delaware " •' 1 $0 Brighton " " EfO Moyer '■ " 1 90 " Niagera " " 1 JO " Moore'o Diamond " i 50 " Best collection, 2 bnnchcs each fit for table use . 5 00 Quince, Orange, 5 .. 150 " Rea's Mammoth, 5 150 " Champion, 5 I 50 " Any other variety, 5 150 Nectarines, 6 , I 50 Crabapples, Transcendent, 12 i 50 •' General Grant. 12 150 " Hyslop, 12 . 150 " Montreal Beauty, 12 . . . 1 50 " Siberian 12 ... 150 " Any other variety, 12 . . . i 50 Best packed apple in box (or shipping 10 00 " pears '* '• 5 00 " 5 lbs. dried prunes, dark ... 300 '• 5 lbs. " *' light . 300 " box dried apples, not less than 10 lbs 3 00 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 2 00 1 GO I CO 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I GO 5" I 00 50 I GO 50 300 150 I 00 50 1 GO 50 I GO 50 1 OG 50 1 GO 50 1 CK) 50 I 00 50 I 00 50 I OG 50 I CX) 50 I 00 50 750 500 3 00 2 CO 2 00 r i)o 2 00 I 00 2 00 I 00 DIVISION J. Manufacturers and Industrial Department. No charge is made for space but entry must be made of each ex- hibit. Articles in this departmsnt irill be received for exhibition only. They must, however, be entered with the Secretary in the same man- ner as articles in other classes. SPKCIAl^ NOTICE AS TO PRIZES. In response to enquiries made of the manufacturers of the coun- try it appears to be the desire of a very large majority that prizes should not be offered in the general line of manufactures. It will, however, be at the option of the Judge* to recognize by the awarding of medals or diplomas any exhibit where the extent or merit of the same would seem to call for special recognition. W shown Al lar wo N< Tl fered 1 E: Tl Speed Engin Cl,AS.S I. 2. 3- 5- 5. Tools 6. ical; fi 7- ))UUip! 8. and ot sectioi 9- Lani}>! CLASS E: vehicl tent. 10 and T< tons, 1 kies, t II VVagoi 12 CI.A.SS 15 14 i'» 16 >7 iS '9 ■20 For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. McLaren's Cheese in all sizes. 6i Engines and Machinery. With the exception of I'orlahle. all iiiachiiiery in motion must he shtjwn ill Machinery Hall if required by the Conimittfe. All machinery in this huiUtin}^ must be kepi in operation at regu- lar work as far as j>«>ssible. No charge for space and power. The main shafting of this Hall must not be taken apart or inter- fered with Kxhihitors will pnn'ide themselves with split j)ulleys. There are two shafts in this Hall choIi turned to 2 inch gauge. Speed lVj. Engines, Wood and Iron Working Machinery, Mill Machinery, Fire and Service Pumps, Electrical Appliances, Etc. cLass 1. Steam Kngines and conncv-tions and ])arts thereof. 2. \Voo<l -Working Machinery of all descriptions. 3. Iron-Working Machinery of all descriptions. 5. Mill Machinery and Appliances of all descriptions. 6. Portable Saw Mill in operation, Saw Mill Machiner}' and Tools for same. 6. Fire Engines, portable an«l stationary, steam, hand and chem- ical; fire apparatus, escaj)es, extinguishers, etc., etc. 7. I'umps, wind, steam and jxiwer; well force and steam cistern ])umps. 8. Boot and Shoe Making Machinery, Rrick Machines, Hoists, and other machinery not coming under the heading of the previous sections. 9. All kinds of Klectrical Inventions and Appliances, Dynamos, I,anips, Heating and <'ooking .\pparatus, etc., etc. Carriage and Implement Department. CARRIAGKS, Rtc. CLASS P^xhibitors in this Department must confine their entry to one vehicle in each distinct line, as space will only be granted to that e.v- tent. 10. Display of Light Work. cnd)raciiig Folding or Roll over Seat and Top Phaetons, Open an<l Top Hui^gies, Tea Carts, Rumble IMiae- tons. Democrats, all kinds of Single Horse Huggies, Dog Carts, Sul- kies, etc. 11. One and Two-Horse Team and Market Wagons, Express Wagons, Carts, Ix>rries, sleighs, etc. 12. Bicycles and Tricycles. CI.A.SS 15- 14- 1 5. 16. •7- 18. 19. 20. Agricultural Implements. Grain and Seed Drills of all kinds. Mowing Machines. Reaping Machines. Horse ami Steam Power Threshers and Separators. Fanning Mills. Hay Working Implements. Portable Grist Mills. Grain and Corn Crushers and Grinders. For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. f ROViNClAL ARCHIVES Of. B. C T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupon* Block. 6a 21. Horse Powers of all kinds. 22. Marliiiies for cultiii^ ami pulifing roots. 23. Straw Cutters. 24. Steam lMt)ws anil Cultivators. ar>. Iron ami Wutxleii riiiwK of all kinds. . ' . 26. Horse-Hoes and Cultivators. 27. Ir«>ii an»l Wooden Harrows. 25. Iron and Wooden I<and Rollers. 29. linsila^e Corn Cutter ami Klevator. 30. Potato I)ii')^ers. , . 31. Portable Ivngines. • .. 32. Traction l*jiniiies. 33. Manure Drills, Stamp F'.xtraelor, C«»rn Sliellers, Planters, and HarvesttAfi, Cider Mdls and Pnsses; and all other maohines and ini- plenienls used fur agricultural ]>ur(>oses not included in the above list. Dairy Machinery, DAIRY M.\CHINHRY AND UTlCNSIl.S. Cream Separators in t)per.ition. Powers suitable for Dairy purposes. Milk Testers. Collection of Dairy Utensils. MISCELLANEOUS. BOATS AND APPLIANCHS. CLASS 35- 37- CLASS 38. 39- 40. 41. 42. Exhibit of Pleasure Boats and Skiffs. ' lixhibit of Racin;j Skifls and Shells. Canoes, Wood, Assortment of. Sculls, oars and Pa<ldles. Fire and lUirglar-Proof Safes, Vault Doors and Bank I<ock Condiinations. 43. Counter and Platform Scales. Hardware, Tools, Cutlery. CLASS '• 44. Table and other Cutlery, Razors, etc. 45. Fire-Arms and Sporting Gooils. 46. Cut a!id Pressed Nails, Screws, Bolts, Rivets and Washers. 47. Machinists' and Mechanical F^ngineers" Tools. 48. Edge Tools, Saws ami Chopping Axes. 49. vSpades, Hoes, Picks, Shovels, etc. 50. Hay, Manure, and other Forks and Agricultural Tools. 5i. Scythes and Lawn Movers. 52. Locks and Kevs, F'iles, Horse Shoes, and oth'-r manufactured Ir^ix Work, etc. Gates and Fencing. CLASS 53. Specimens of F'arm and other Fencing. 54. CLASS 55. 66. Connnon and Self-acting I'arm and other Gates. Gas and Electric Lighting Fixtures and Wire Work. Gas, Electric and Kerosene Fixtures of all kimls. Plumbers' and Engineers' Brass Work. For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. j I Queen Brooms are among the best In the market. 63 Goldsmiths' and Silversmiths' Work, Jewelry, Etc. CLASS 57. Sttrliiig Silver I'lat ami Hollow Ware, Hlectro IMate«l Ware ami Nicktri-MHtetl Ware, tli-.; Medals, (Volil and Silver Chains aud lA»ckets, Bract-lets, Nt-rkk-ls; Ladies' and (ieiits' tiold Suits; Watches Cliicks, Oiuiiioiul SeltiiiK, Cidld and Silver J/caf, etc. Skilled Mechanical Work. CLASS 58. specimens ol Work nienship by Mechanics - - 59. SiH-cinietis of Wtirkniensliip by ajijjreiitices - 6u. Spcciuieus of Wurknieni.lii)) by Non-Mechanics fi 3 3 $2 2 2 Refrigerators CLASS 61. Refrigerator for Family, butchers', brewers', or grocers' use. Incubators. CLASS 62. Incubators in operation, Silver Medal. 63. Broo<leriii operation, Bronze Medal. Household Furnishings CLASS 64. Washing Machines, Mangles, CloHies Wringers. Bird Cages, I..amps. Sad Irons, Cinder Silttrs, Cornices, and other house furnish- ing goo«Is. 65. Corn Rrtx»ms, Brushes for Painters' and miscellaneous pur- poses. 66. Hollow Wooden Ware. W.ish Tubs, Fails, Children's Toys, Children's Exi>ress and Fleastire Wagons and Sleighs; Wheelbarrows and other wooden goods. 'lents, Bunting, Etc. CLASS 67. Tents, Flags, Bunting Camp Bedsteads and epiquages, sails for vessels, etc. Boots, Shoes and Shoemakers' Tools, Etc. CLASS 68. -Assortment of Men's. Women's and Children's Boots and Shoes, machine or hand made, eitlier for custom or wludesale trade. 69. Prepared Calfskins, SlieeiJ knls and Cow-hides, Sheepskins, fining Glove kids, Conluv.in-Leat'ier,! lyeather Ijolting. Sole Leather. Upper Leather, UphoNlerers' Leather, l^eather Bolting. Harness leather. Leather for Carriage Work, aud all other kinds of Leather useil for manufacturing purposes. Harness and Saddlery and Material. CLASS 70. Harness for Carriage, Ileavv Draught or Express Horses, double and singh-; Saddles, Stirrups, Whips, etc.; Horse Collars; Horse Blankets; Kerseys for Horse Clothing, etc. For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block ■S^f^" FurnitUic and Upholstery. CLASS 71. Furniture of all kinds; Drawing-room, iJiuing-room and lied- rooui Suites; tXlict' Furniture; ('I; irs, Tables, Mantels, and Uver- Mantels; Pier and Mantel Mirrors; Bed-bottoms and Mattresses, Wall Pockets and Hracker.s, Upholsteriuy, etc. Glassware, Earthenware, Etc, ci,Ai;s 72. Staititd C-lass for Churches ordoniestic purposes, Eml'ossed Glass. Ikvelied Cut Ti lass, Window aufl Jiirror Olass, and all other descnptious of Cilassware. 7;?. D<:oorated SloiKware and Karther.warc, White (iraiiiteware, Crea-n-Culoredware, Stoneware, Rockinjhaniware, Redware and I'ut lery . Bookbinding, Printing and Stationery. CLASS ;4. Uookbiixliug ( blank book and letter press) in all styles of leather and c!;»lli, l\)cket Hooks, \Vali« is and I'aucy Leather Gooiis. 75. LetUri)ress Printing, Job Printing-— hill heads, letterheads, cards, le^-al iornis; posieis, plain, colored or ornaiueiital. 76. Millboard, Strawboard, Writing, Printing and Ulotting Pa- per; Paper Bags, Wiapjdug I'aper, VVuo<l Pulp, etc.. 77. Printing Types, HIectrotyping, Stereotyping, Rubber and Metai Types, etc. 78. Print'";; and W'riting Inks, Black and CoJorcil. 79. Liinogrsijjhic Work; plain and in colors, Show Cards, etc. Bo. Rubber Stamps, Seal Engraving, etc. 81. Auatomical Models for Art Schools. Paper Hanging, Shades, Blinds, Etc, CLASS 8.2. Printed Paper Hangings, P'lock, Marble and Veined Paj^^T, etc.; Varnisl\<.-d and Ivuainelid Paper. Iniilatious 01 Wood .iud Leath- er; Paper Hangings in Decorations, WitRh vv .Shadcii uiid Blinds, Painted and Printed, etc. Groceries and Provisi'ns. CLASS 85. Wheal, I'iour, Cracked Wheat, Huckwheat Flour, Pot and Pearl 15arley, t)atuie;.l, Coniineal, Starch. Haking Powder, Ye:i.-t, Wedding Cakes and Conieetiniiery of all descriptions; Biscuits, Bak- er's Itreail, etc. 8.1. Caiwie<l, Dried, and Preserved P'ruits aud Vegetable's of all tle- Hcrintions; Jams auii Jellies. 85 Cureil Hog Product; . consistiug of Hams .md Hacon, Smoked SalteC. and Pickled, iiicl.iding I.ard. 8b. finue.l and Potte<l Meats ,)f all kinds. 87. Saltetl and dried Fish and Fish Preserved in oil. 'SS. Ctvifeea and Spices, Chicory aud Cocoas, Chocotate and other iirontatic beveragees. 89. Sug'.r (.»'ry, lump, granulated, ground and yellow); Maple Sugar ■\ud Beet Sugar. ()»j. Cordials ami Syrups, yi . Tobaccos and CigHrs. For Speci' I Prizes de« cud of Prize List. Australian, American and Canadian Canned Meats. 65 Wines, Beer, Etc CLASS 92. Native Win.-s, Ht-er, Ale and Aerated Waters. Building Work and Material. CLASS Granite, 91- wrought jxirpuses 95. els, etc.; 96. I)iiil(liiig for Imiid I5ricks, Drain Tiles, Roofing Slates, renieuts. Marble and t'arved Stonework, etc. Machine Mark- Doors, Sashes an<". Venetians, Ma'^hine Mouldings, Stair Newels, and other wookwork for hniUiing l-'resco Decoration, I'laslcr <'cnti\,' Pieces, Cornices and Brack- Mantel ,-ieces in Marble and Marbleized Slate, etc. Stgu Writing and Wood Graining; (ialvani/.ed Iron Work for I)uri)oscs, and other speciniens of workmanship and material ing purposes. Knitting and Sewing Machines. CLASS 97. Knittiug r.'achines, hand and Power, for family and manu- facturing ])urp«>''. s. 9.S. Sewing Maci\ines. Hand and Power, for family and manu- facturing purposes. Musical Instruments. CLASS 99- Organs — I'abinet, Parlor and <'hurch . i<H». Pianos ■ (i.'and, .Kipiarc an<i Upright, loi. Hand Iirstrnmenis lirass, Reed and Slrin<;ed. \o2. Drums and other Musical lustrnujents of all kinds. TEXTILE FABRICS. Woolen Goods. C'iASS lo.;. Aluaciis, Hlankeis Hugs, Druggets, l-'lannels, Shawls, Win- ceys, and N'arnsofnll kinds. 104. ("a simeres, Hroadcloths, Doeskins, PUohes, Naps, Pilots, Heavers, I'residents, Coatings, Serges, Tweeds, Worsted Cloths and Kelt <'loths, etc. Knit led and Woolen Goods. CLA.SS 105. Cardigan Jackets, Men's, Ladies' and Children's Shirts and Drawers; Men's. Ladies' and Children's Ilose and Mull Ho.se; Gloves, Mitts and (iaiters; Nubias, Scarfs and wShawls, etc. CLASS 106. 107. 108. 109. no. I! (. Cotton Goods. Rags and Beam Warps- Cotton Sheeting. Hleachetl and Unbleached. Counterpanes, White atxl Colored. Ducks and Denims. Ginghams, Plain and Fancy. .Shirtings, Striped and l-'uncy Wove. For instructious reg?.rding entries, etc., see page 12. T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block 112. 113. 114. "5- ii6. 117. 118. 119. 120. CLASS 131. 122. CLASS 124. •25- ij6. 127. 128. 129. KM- 134. 66 Tickings, Striped and ('hecked. I'riiits, Assortment. Cotton Flannels, Bleached and Unbleached. Apron Checks and Permanent Linings. Heetle Twills, Black Oasbaiis. vSateen Jeans. Twill Focketings, ('hesier wStouts. Brown Dressed Holland.^, Plain and Fancy Mnslins. Yarns, White and ( 'oloreil. Carpet Warps, Knitting Cottoti. etc., etc. Carpets, Mats, Etc. (Carpets — fnioi'. Wool, Tapestry, Brussels and VViltoi:. Cocoa Matting, Wood Mats, Dusters, etc. Wearing Apparel. Cloth Caps, Kelt and .Silk Hats, etc. Overcoats, Canadian CU)th. tientlenien's and Boys' Suits, [Canadian Cloth. J Ties and Scarfs, Collars and Culfs. Ladies' Bonnets and Hats, Mantles and Jackt-ts, etc. Ladies' and Infants' Umierclothing, (CorsetsJ etc. r^flovesand Mitts- -Kiil, Leather aii<l Woolen. (letitlemen's White and Fancy F'lannel ,Shirts. Silk Sewing and Twists, Silk and vSatin Ribbons. Buttons of various kinds. Re-dyed (roods in Silks(and W\»olens, etc. Ostrich Feathers, new and re dyed. Flax and Uemp Goods. « CUAAS , 135. Bags, (^ordage, Twine and Linens. 136. Flax, in its various stages uf manufacture, from straw to bleached lint. Chemicals, Drugs, Paints, Etc. CLASS 137. Chemicals, assortment of; Cliemical <'rystals, etc. 138. Pluirmaceutical Preparations, assort ment of. 139. I'etroleum Products, other than oil, including Analiue Dyes. 140. Soaps, Laundry and Toilet 141. Fl.ieanil (M-laline, assortment of. 142. Mineral Acids, samples of. 143. Col'jurs in Powder, ground in oil, liipiid paints, and white lead ground in oil, etc.. in trade piick:iges. 144. Ne:>t's I'oot and other animal oils. 145. Unseed Oil, raw and boiled; ilhuuinating and lubricating oils. 146. Toilet anil i)erfumerv reipiisites. IJ7. I'rnit F^ssences ind Flavoring Ivxtracts, artificial; Fruit Fla- voring from fr\iils, etc. 14.S. Druggists' Olasswaie, etc. 149. F'ruit F'xtracts of Mi'dical Herbs, assortment of. iVj. Rare Drugs and Chemicals, assortment of, IT)!. V'arnishes and Japans. pac For Special PrizeH see end uf Prize Li.Hl. ■^^■V.W-- '^f'f^'V--"' "i-^^-^ ™ ■■*■ ■Pyj'"'"'?' nT¥T?"S!j^ Patersoa's Pickles in pints and quarts are leaders. 1 52. 153. 154. packaj.;es 1 55. CLASS If)6. 157. I. '19. 160. i6f. 162. 163. 164. 67 Medical and Surgical Baudages. Shoe Blacking and other Leather Dressings. Medical Sugar-coated and Gelatine-coated Pills, i.; usual Extra entries. Mathematical and Surgical Inntruments. Mathematical and Engineering Instruments. Optical Instruiiients, incluiling Microscopes and Accessories. Chemical Apparatus and (rlassware, Collection of. Artiticial Limbs. Trusses and Orthopedic Appliances. Surgical Instruments, collection of. Moilels of Invention. Electro-Therapeutic Appliances. Dental Instruments and Appliances. Extra entries. ' Gloves and Ranges. Heating and Cooking Stove, and Ra;iges, all patterns and CLASS 16.5. sizes. 166. Parlor Grates, portalde and stationary; Hot Air Furnaces, Steam and Hoi Water Heating Apparatus; Coal Oil Stoves, Gas Stoves, etc. 167. Display of Kitchen Utensils. Castings, Etc. CLSSS j6S. Iron Castings of all kinds; Monuments, Eountains, Registers and Veiitiietors; ('resting, I'enciiig; Casting for Imilding purposes and bridge works; FMain and enamelled Hollow-ware; cast-iron Stable I'it- tings, etc. DIVISION K. Entries positively close I'riday, 30th September, in order that Calalovrne of Exhits may be printed. FINE ARTS, PHOTOFRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY. AH exhil)its com})eting for prizes must be the production of the exhibitor. The Managing Committee are instructed to reject any improper or unworthy jjicture. The i)rodnclion of professionals and amateurs will l)e classed and hung separati'ly. Amateurs are understood to be those who do not paint orttach for a livelihooil or for pn>lil, or habitually sell or otf»'r fi>i' siile their pr»>- ductions, and who have not at any lime heretofore done so Articles can only be entered in one class. J^videuce of originality to be furnished by the exhibitor whenever retjuireii by the Judges or the Committee. t-rSo work will be awarded a morey pri/.e in the Eine Arts I)e- Eor iustructiutis regarding entries, etc., see page la. 1*. S. Anuandale, Our Grocer, Duponi Block. 68 partment that ha»once taken a prize at a previous R. A. & I. StK*iety's cxhibitiuu, but may show for a aiploma. SECOND l3 CX) 2 oo 2 on 2 on 1 on Entries positively close Friday, September, 1898, in order tha atalogue of exhibits may be printed. Oil, COLORS (Originals). Open to amateurs only. CLASS FIRST 1 I^andscape or marine, from nature |6 00 2 Animals, from life 4 00 3 Still life [fruit or flowers] from nature 4 00 4 Portrait or figure, from life 5 00 5 Monochrome 3 00 6 Collection [may include pictures exhibited l)e- fore, with two or more new ones) 10 (xi OIL COLORS [«'opies]. Open to amateurs only. CI.ASS . I'IRST 7 Landscape or marine I2 00 8 vSttll life (fruit or flowers) 200 9 Animals 2 00 If) Portrait or figure .... . . . . 2 «> 11 C3llection (may include pictures exhibited lie- fore, with two or more new ones] 7 00 WATER COLORS (Originals). Open to amateurs only. 12 Landscape, from life fc 00 13 Mai tne 5 00 14 Animals, from life . 4 cx) 15 vStill life (flowers or fruit, etc.,] from nature. ... 4 on 16 Portrait or figure, from life 5 00 17 MoiUH'hrome .' 2 c« 18 ('ollection ( may iiicludi- picturt-i exbibitt-il bes fore, with two or m»»re new ones 10 no si<:cnNn $' 00 I 00 I (K) I 00 2 00 2 (HJ 2 CXJ 2 Ol> 2 00 2 00 WATER COLORS (Copies). 0|»€n to amateurs «»nly. CLASS HI R.ST 19 Landscape or marine $3 (x> 20 Still life, fruit or flowers 200 21 Porlr.'iit or ggiire 2 00 22 ;\ninials . 2 00 23 Collection (may include pictures exhibiteil be- fore, with two or more new ones) 7 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Open to amateurs only. CLASS I'IRST 24 Crayon portrait . f ^ <•».» 25 I'ent'il drawing . 2 «>o 26 Drawing from the .-intitine, crayon or charcoal . . 3 00 27 " " ol>j«ltS, " " 3 (Ht 28 Pen and ink skilcli 2 <¥» 29 Perspcitivi- drawing 300 30 (lentuetricnl " 3 00 31 Landscapf or animals, crayon 2 00 SRCOND $1 on I 00 I 00 I IK) SKCONli For Special Prizes see end of Prize List. ^'Jll Scrub, Dust, Boot and Shoe Brushes of all kinds. 69 OIL COLORS. Open to professionals ami amateurs. CLASS FIRST SKCOND 32 I<anflscape or marine, from nature Silver Medal 33 I'igure or portrait, from life " 34 Inanimate objects; not fruit or flowers Diploma 35 <'ollcction; may inchule ])ictures exhihite«l before, with two or more new ones " WATER COLORS. Open to professionals an. I amateurs. CLASS HIRST SKCONO 36 Lan<lscai>e or marine from nature Silver Meilal 37 I'ortrait, from life " 38 Still life; (lowers, fruit, etc., frrmi nature. . Diploma 39 <'ollci'tion; may inchnle i)i<lures exhil>ite<l before, with two or more new ones " MIS<'KLLANEOUS. Open to professionals or amateurs. CLASS FIRST SKCOND 40 Portrait, in crayon or pastel Silver Medal 41 Architectual drawing 5 00 2 00 42 Merhanical " 5 00 2 fK> 43 KuKravinKS on wood block, with proof Diploma 44 Drawinj(s on stone for lithoj^raphy, with proof . . " 45 I%tchin^s on copper, with proof . " 46 Mo<lelling in clay, plaster cast " 47 \Voo<l carving " 48 Illuminating letters " 49 Assorted printing, plain and ornamental " 50 Bookbimling " PIIOTOGRArHS. Pro'"essionals. CLASS FIRST SIHOND 51 Best collection cabinet photos .Silver Medal 52 " jiortraits on ])latinotyiie paper ... . I>i])l()uia 53 •• landscape views Bron/.c Medal 54 Best bromide portrait; 20x24 in., or larger Diploma 55 Best c<dlectivt exhildt of photography; portraits, groups, landscape views, etc Silver Medal rnoTOdkAI'HS. Amateur. CLASS Fl RST SKCOND 5fi Best collection iF.^ "o I 50 MISrKLLANKOlTS IWINTINO. CLASS FIRST SKCOND 57 Painting on silk or satin, water colors 2 00 1 50 58 " " " oil " 200 150 59 " vilvet or plush, t>il " 2 00 1 "-lO 60 " muslin or iMiltiug cloth, water color, 2 «k> i (jo 61 " " " oil " 2 00 I 50 6j " jars or tiles ... 2 «»o i 50 63 '• glass 200 150 64 " terra cotta (»r slate 200 150 65 " china i>r porcelain 200 150 66 Pyrography or jMjker work 200 150 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. t. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block. 70 NATURAL HISTORY. SECOND $5 00 THIRD I5 "o Jf3 00 CLASS FIRST 67 Collective exhibit of animals, animals heads ami binls, mounted, iiidi- j^enons to British Columbia f lo oo 68 For best mounted bird (B.C* presented by Curator Fannin, Provincial museum, I5 00 69 Best collection of the native flowers and plnnts, iiu'luding grasses, ferns, shrubs, mosses, etc., from the in- terior (east of the Cascades j. Lim- ited to the Schools and school cliildren of the Province $\o 00 70 Best collection of the native flowers and plants, including grasses, fer.is, shrubs, mosses, etc., from ^he low- er mainland, Vancouver Island, and islanils of the coast. Limited as in Class 69. to schools and school children of the Province ;?io 00 71 Entomology — Best amateur collection of insects (beetles, moths, butterflies etc., native in B.C.) . f ,^ 00 J. R. 4 uderson, Ksq., Deputy Minister of Agricultnre, Dr. New- combe and Curator Fannin, of the Pnivincial Museum, have kindly consented to act as Judges under the head of Natural History. HISTORICAL EXHIBIT. Under the auspices of the Provincial Library, in connection with which will i)e a small section, illustrative of Librarj' Work in all its details. The Historical Kxhibit will consist of lxK>ks, aiaps, photos, pic- tures, etc., etc., relating lo the pioneer history of British Columl)ia and the west. Is 00 I3 00 ^2 00 DIVISION L— Birds. CLASS I Canary, green cor': 2 ,3 4 S f) 7 FIRST SHCONK $ 2 CM) I (K> 2 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 1 (XI yellow cock, free from black marks.. " crested ctH'k " splashed cock Other songster Parrot <'ockatoo ... DIVISION M— Floral. Important Notice to Exhibitors in this Division. A collection of ]>lants or cut flowers is untlerstood to be a cwllec- tiou of (////i'/V'w/ Taticlifs and will be ju<lged accordingly. On no c«n:- (li'iion will any exhibit l>e judged unless ready and in posilion for judging at 12 noon on 4th Cotolwr. This rule will l>e strictly en- fjrced. For S))ecial Prizes see end of Prize List. Ladies' Wrappers, ■ ■ ^ * ■ • ' At 90 Cents and up. Do you wish to save lo to 25 i>er cent, on the dollar. II so you can Call at the bargain Store, And we would be very pleased to show you goods and jKJSt you on prices. 5 cent Prints, 25 rent Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 2'.^ cent ValencMie I<aj-e, 50 cent Hahy Cold riiij^s, r.s cent Ladies' (iloves. Men's 50 cent Black Satin snirt. Men's I'nderwear for 75 cants per suit. I cent vSilk vSpool. 10 cents and up Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs HASHIM & FIKANI, 607 FRONT STRKIvT, NEW WKSTMINSTKR. John Peck, Tel. 10, P, O. Box 59. Tel. 10. VULCAN [RON WORKS New Westminster, B. C. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ECONP I <K> I 00 I 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 I <K) Marine and General Engineers. Iron and Brass Founders. Manufacturers of Automatic Salmon Canning Machinery Standanl Dies a specialty. Canners, luigineers and Saw Miil supplies. Agents for Iv lyconaid & Sons, London. Dook up our exhibit in space No. i, Machinery Hall. Nisitors are invited to call and insjject our works on Colum- bia and Front Streets. ll I m, GROCERS. r / Telephone 109. Columbia St. Opposite Colonial. WINTERIWUTE BROS. Wholesale ami Retail Importers ami Manufacturers of FURNITURE 429-433 Colnmbia Street, New Westminster, British Colnmbia T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block. 73 Entries positively close I'riday, 30th Septeniljer, Cataloiriie of Kxhits may be printed. CtASS. I t'ollectiou of stove and j^reenhouse plants in order that 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 »3 14 15 16 '7 18 ^9 20 21 22 2i 24 25 26 27 28 29 in i)ots, distinct from other entries, not more than 15 $1 Collection ornamental grasses Regonias, 6 rex .... " 6 tnberous rooted, single 6 " " double 6 shrubby Collection of plants in flower, grown in pots, distinct from other entries, more than 15 Geraniums, 6 varieties, single, in pots 6 double -• specimens, single " " double l''uchsias, 6 single " 6 double " specimens, single . . " <louble Ferns, 6 greenhouse " collection in pots Hanging l)askets, 2 Heliotrope, 2 Hydrangea, 2 Gloxinias, best collection, not less than 6 varieties, or more than 12 Ikst collection of plants in pots, for amateurs only, not less than 6 varieties or more than 12 (an amateur is t)ne who does not sell plants or keep a pernumenl ganlener^ Hest collection of ■vindow plants, not less than 6 varieties or more than 12, for amateurs only Best collection hardy, evergreen shrubs " plant, single specimen, any variety ... " collection Cacti, not less than 10 variet. pakns •' " " " foliage plants, 9, Coleus ex- cluiled " Cullectior. <'oleus CUl FLOWERS. FIRST SECON n 2 00 18 00 Is 00 2 00 I 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 00 4 00 2 GO 4 00 2 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 2 00 I GO 2 00 ' I 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 I 00 2 00 1 DO 2 00 I 00 I Of) 50 1 00 50 4 00 2 00 5 00 2 00 2 00 I 00 2 CX) I 00 2 00 I 00 4 00 5 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 2 00 2 (X) 3 00 2 00 I 00 75 3 00 3 00 3 o" CLASS lUKST 30 It>>u(|uet, for table i 50 31 " "' hand 300 32 " britial 400 33 Sprays of flowers, for ladies, best 3 i 00 34 (ientlemen's buttonhole bouquet, 3 i 00 35 Marigolils, collection 1 00 36 luinerai designs, flat 3 00 37 " " other than flat 1, no ig Petunias, collection, single 1 00 SKCOND 00 50 00 5" 50 00 (JO 50 l''or instructions reganling entries, etc., see page 12. T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block 40 4« 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5« 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6t 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7> 74 Phlox Driittimondi, collection 1 c» Diaiithus ** 1 00 I'hloxes, ]R*reiinial, ** 1 <xj Hydrangea!*, *' 1 «k) Mollylincks " 1 «m» Lillii's •' . . I •><) Medicinal plants, tiest uanied collection 2 ou Wreath or ( 'ross 3 00 Floral desi|rn 3 00 Dahlies 6, show i 00 " 6, potnpoa i 00 " 6, cactus I o»» " 6, sinj^le 1 txj " collection, 12 ■ •• 200 Pansies, 12 " Roses, 6, hy^irid perpetual " 6, hybrid teas " 6, clinihinK teas " 6, aoisettes " 6, clusiers pompons i 00 " collection, 6. . . 2 00 (iladioli, " 2 o<» Picotee or carnation, collection 1 00 Stocks, collection i «>o Asters, " i 00 Zinnias, " i 00 Annuals, " 200 Perennials, . 2 00 Kverlastin)^ Mowers, collectioa 2 ckj Celosia (cockscomb " 2 i»o Verl)eiia, ** 200 Sweet Pea 200 2 c»> I 0<l I 00 I CX) I 00 50 5« 50 S<> 50 50 00 00 tH3 50 50 5«> 50 I 00 I 00 50 50 .50 5» 50 I (X> I 00 50 50 50 50 I 00 I DO 1 00 I (X) I 00 I 00 DIVISION N. LACE, WOOL WORK. EMBROIDERY, ETC. CLASS , IIRST 1 Collection of ladies' faiicv work, of various kinds inde|>endent of other tarieties, by any ladyan:ateur .. |iio 00 2 Collection of ladies' fancy work, of various kinds :; independent of other entries, by any pr< fessional lady lo 00 3 Point lace 2 oo 4 Honiton lace 2 uu f> Darned net 2 00 9 Fancy netting 2 00 7 Outline work in silk 2 cx> 8 Mountniellick work . 200 9 Applique work, on satin . . 3 ««> 10 •' " plush.. 300 11 " " clolb 300 12 Outline work in cotton 200 23 Handkerchief case 200 For Special Prizes see end of Prire List. SKC(»NI) $ 5 00 ( Ml 0(l (K) (Ml «)() (1(1 tXJ .S" 50 I IX) t o,, SAMPLE SHOES C. F. FOREMAN & SON, Have purchased from the larjjest whc^lesale House in Canada their complete set ot TRAVELERS' SAMPLES i Comprising Men's, Wonien's, Boys' Girls and Chil- tlreu's BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS. These goods were bought for spot cash at a very low price, and will he fOi) mi ]m m wiioiEsiiit prigl DON'T FORGKT TIIK PLACE. C. F. FOREMAN & SON, 430 Westminster Ave., Vancouver. Charles Woodaiard, Cor. Main St. and Westminster Ave. A Plain Talk tor Intelligent People. Each Department of this Large Store Will Speak for Itself Crockery Department. We sell plain whitt- DimuT Vlaies 90c. tlo/..; Friiil Jars, pints 60c., qnarts j^c, '... gallon 85c. do/,.; Tea Plates, 750.; plain Tea- cups and Saucers. 7.SC. tlo/..; <'of. fee Cups, $1 do/..; Dinner Setts from I5.50 to I27 ; Tea Setts, #5 t(> ^, beauties. Wall Paper Department. We have it from 5 cents a roll to 25 cents. Stationery > Department. A l)Ox Paper and Knvelopes toe., worth elsewhere 25c. i,oo<i Nov- els, standard authors, 5c.; heat that if you can. Hammocks, Fish- ing Tackle, Rats, Halls ami I^a- croose Slicks. Drug Department. We sell Hcx)d's and Ayer's .Sar- saparilla 75c.; R.H.B. 75 c, others charge $f ; (^astoria, 25c., others charge 35c.; Pink Pills, three for $1, others charge 50c. each. 7S Clothing Department. 5i> Men's Navy Serge Suits, fv75, worth $s- 22 Men's .Ml- VVoo! Tweed, a brown-green sh;ide, #7..S< . worth $10. 5;, Men's Navy and black hard-twisted Irish Serge fio, worth /14 Men's .Suits, tailor made, West iMiglam! Tweei'.s, vi-ry special at i>iH an<l I22, bought at a sacridce. our price ;f(i to fii<y. 200 do/en Hracos, lK)ught special — Men's Braces. loc, 15c., 2,sc. and .'loc; Boys' Braces, 5c., loc. ami i.sc; Men's Shoulder Braces, 45c., worth 75. Dry Goods Department. 23 Pieces Black Congo Dress (loorls, .)o-inch. for 2r>c. 2S Pieces Black Tongo Dress (ioods,44-inch, g<H>d value Soc. and 60c., for 4fx'. 57 nieces Celliel, I,usters, Plain and Brocaded Patterns, 54-irch, worth from 90c. to 1 1. 25, t.:) you 7.SC. T,6 Pieces ^4-inch I'lanetts. Tic. y(l.. worth 8c. Best Spool • 'otton sold, 2'iiC. Best I<inen Sp!M>l sold, assortefl box loc, or 2'.jC. each spool, 4 % Boot and Shoe Values are Equal to None. Special Attention to Klondike Outfitting. Mail Orders Strictly Attended to. Agent for Ram Lai's India and Ceylon Tea. 77 14 BattetilicrK larc 3 00 1 00 15 fro** slitr'i ftuhroiilery a ao 1 fiu 16 Kmhroiilereil slippers 3ao luo 17 Kiiiliroiilery in Ihii- stilclies 2 cx> 1 c» 18 Crewi-l f nii>rt)i<lery 3ou itjo 19 Koiuaii " 300 lou 20 lAfather work ... 2no 100 21 Chenini- work 2 ott 1 ou 22 Crochet work in (-ottoii .... 2 00 1 ui> 2.^ ,' " woiil ... a ut I 1113 24 *' " silk 200 I «» 2.S I'illow sham 2 ui ■ <ki 2<> Rraitliu); 2 ix> 1 <» 27 I>rawiii){ room s('r(-<-n. iMiihroirliTeil .. ..... 300 luo 2K Haiul st*re<-ii, L-mliroidireil 3 uo 1 00 29 Kmltroidery, on satin 2 on 1 <m> 30 " pliish 2 00 I «« 31 •* fhain stitch 2 «» 1 <m» \2 K;»j>e lilk fjnlironlcry 2 00 1 «n> 33 Kml»r«»i<lt-ry on ))oltin){ doth 2 «i 1 ou 34 " linen 3oo luu 35 Fancy slitchinjj. on linen . . 2 00 1 ««o 36 liiickabuck darning 2 00 1 00 37 lollies' work of any kind, upholstered 4 00 ? ito 38 Panels, worke<l 2 00 1 00 39 Tatting;. ; 3 00 1 t« 4«> I'iano or table scarf, emiiroidcied 300 150 41 \Vorke<l whisk holder 3oo I 00 42 Ladies' handhai;. 2 00 1 «■! 43 " fancy hajj;, embroidery .... 2 00 1 ou 44 ** work basket 2 00 i 00 45 fin cnshion, any kind . 2 00 1 00 46 Sofa pillow, embroidered 2 00 i oo 47 Table cloth 2 «x> 1 no 4.S Toilet set . 2 00 i i».» 49 Tea cosey 2 00 1 00 50 Drawn work 2 00 1 00 51 I dozen table doyles 2 00 i 00 52 I set table mats .... 200 100 53. Centre piece 200 loo 54 Venetian iron work 2 00 i 00 55 Bnreau cover 2 00 1 00 56 Jewel embroidery 2 00 i 00 57 Photo frame, embroidered 200 100 58 Bulgarian embroidery ..... a 00 1 00 DIVISION O. KNITTING, SEWING, WAX WORK, ETC. CLASS. FIRST. SKCOSD. 1 Wax flowers ^ 3 00 a 00 2 Berlin wool work 2 <k) i 00 3 Carriajje af^jhan .^ f>o '5" 4 Maciame work 2 00 f 00 For instructions regarding entries, etc., see page 12. ■••v'|'r_yf._-un|"r;i t. S. Anaandale, Oui Grocer, Dupoiii Block. 5 6 9 lo i I 12 i\ '5 |6 I? iH 19 2n 31 22 «."$ as a6 a? 2S ay 3« :*» .Vf ,^5 ,V» .^7 .^H 39 40 4' 7H <'oui)trrpniies, «loni(>:-.ti<' work ki>!tt(!! " iM iX-hftt'i ' - Quilt, irolton, pate li work '■ rloth. " " Id^ji-aluii " japitiK';!' or orHzy patchwork Knittu:^, fancy wool shawls *' roHon s(o<ki»jJH . " phiiii w'M.l " I pair •' .... soofcH I pair " " ('(itloii stork iii^s . . silk " rhihlrrirs. i p'r mils, " " wool iiiiltfhs fine, " " " " eoatftc, " wool shirt ;.ii>l drawers " s<(cks an»i K.to«'k}ntJs. i\\n- •' " " foarse lyadies' tuKierclothi^f;. h»»u.l made, one Het Si'winj^, ptair.. hand-niadir . Hiittonhok r<. on linrn, bfst six in coilon Shuts, ("<»tt;>n, hiiiidtnadf " niarhine ini'.ic flannel, hai.d-nnn'f niarhini'-niivdf NiKhtKowii, rtnnnel, hand-iurde U.m 4'arp<.*t. ^vol>l^'n warp ootlon Ran mat'-;, h' .>Ut>d fotlon or v/ool lIoMi .'ill hin^. . . . Shinthi r roht ... Croc'SK-t laco KnitU'd lart! . . ,;!■ 1: UTS. Darnoij si<i'ks and slockinns 3 5«^ 2 5" 2 .Si> 2 IK) 2 00 2 (M> 2 00 3 <>(> 2 00 2 (Ml 2 00 2 00 2 on 2 00 2 <H\ 2 00 2 ()<> 2 IX) 2 00 3 00 3 DO 2 00 3 00 2 or) 2 ro 2 i>) 2 00 2 00 3 00 3 00 2 110 2 00 3 «•«» 2 00 2 «X) 1 00 1 00 r .so I 00 I 00 I «V) i 00 I 00 I 00 I 00 I (K> I 0(» 2 en 1 5<» I 00 I .x> I (Ml I <R) i 00 1 00 2 00 I 00 I (K1 DIVISION P. WURK RY CHILDREN UNDER 16 YEARS OF AGE. CJ.ASS. I Cotton underclotltinif. hand made. 2 nanntMilu 3 Triinnu'il cotton | inafore ;\ llctnnud lianMkiTfhiff. siitolu-d ,j Darni-d socks or -itiKkin^s, pair . . . «, Drawing fr.nn nu<dt I 6 <!rotdict work, in wo j? . . 7 " cotton 8 S^Hintinj;, fijjureH 1^ " (lowers 10 " Hcenery 11 Drnwint,^, pencil or crayon 12 Oiniiinental ])en;nmi''?)ip 13 Spcoiiinen pcnmanHhtp For SiH-'cia' Prizes »«t? «'.nl of Prize I.isl. <ST. sue ■ONt). t 00 $ 1 00 1 fK) .■>«> I 00 ,V> 1 00 5*> I (K) 50 1 IMI .S" « 5" 7.'-^ • 5'» 75 1 50 75 1 S" 75 2 (K> I 00 2 fX> 1 00 J 00 1 00 s. Aunandale, Our Grocer» Dupont Biock, 79 I.J Urawinji, free hand 15 Col k«t 1011 of any lancv artiflfs, 6 16 KnilUd sto<kinj,'s rr mils, I pair 17 l-ancy pin iiishioii iH \Vi)(i(lwork. plain or ornanii-ntal, i)y hoys 19 DoUh hassint-Hf. furnislinl 20 Best (Iri-ssfil doll it Berlin •• jol work 22 Triniuitid t)askcl 2.^ Novelty, best of any kin<i. ... ' 24 Buttoi.>iolcs, on linen, best 6, in coUon 25 O.I Jline work 26 Faney siitrhinj,; on linen 27 Cr<K-liet lnc»: ... 28 Knitted *• ..'.'.'.... 29 Drawn work yy Hinbroidery, on linen . 31 rai>er Mowers 2 (M) 1 00 1 50 75 • 5» 7.S 1 .Vi 7.S I 5" 7S « 5«» 75 3 "" ? 00 2 (K) 1 00 2 0<) r (x> Jl (KJ 1 00 « .SO 75 « .SO 75 " .S<> 75 • .S'> 75 ' .S«' 75 1 50 75 1 .SO 75 I 00 50 (VU DIVISION R. WORK JBY CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE. ONP. 1 00 ,s<> 5'> 5'> 50 5" IS 75 75 75 tl.A.SS. I'IKSr. SKltfNP. 1 Triinnxd ruttoii pinafore j(> 1 00 50 2 Ileinini-d b.in'iktiiliicls, six ..... 1 i>o 50 ^ Darned soiks 01 stoikinj4s, .- piir i 00 50 .| Cnndut work, in wool 1 00 50 5 " cotton I <Ki 50 6 Painting;, any snbjisi. 1 ,m, 50 7 Drawinji, peiiei! or erayon 1 (hi 50 S " from inndt-l I 00 50 9 " freehand r «)o jjo 10 Best dressfd dull j <k) ■ S" 11 Doll's lm.sinette 1 o(» 5" 1 2 S«Map book I o«i 50 1,^ i'aney pin euRhion i tH» 50 I.J Crochet lj>ce. loo 50 15 Knitted " 1 (H) 50 16 Ilein )«titeliin|i< 1 no 50 17 Outline work. 1 o<> jjo iB J'""nbroi<lerinvj on linen 1 00 50 19 Drawn wurk 1 t)o 50 The direetors, (H;inj,' desirons i>( niakinj? the Chilitren's Depart- ment inlerestin<^, will .iward a Silver Medal to the nne takin,!- the |ai>;esl nnnibt r nl' pii/vs. I'or iu»itru(tions n>;ardinn entries, ete., Hee pn^e \i. ALBION IRON WORKS CDMm. (WiirrKD.) VICTORIA. B. C. Engineers, Boilermakers, Genertil Iron Fonncers. MANUKACTl'KI'KvS OF IE iffi, to ii I Steel Line*] No Brick Work Required. A Lai'ge Stock Always on Hand. Plating in All Its Branches. Nickel, Silver, Bronze, Br»s? and Copper, in first class Style. A full line ol samples will be seen at the Fair. P .Ui N Ii OS a 1 Agent fur Ram Lai's India and Ceylon Tea. Ml special List of Prices. DIVISION A— Cattle. The G(»vcTiior-(iciicrars Medal — rreseiilcd hy Ilis IvxcclkMU-y tlic '".«»viTi»«>r-(ieiitruI of CaiiHiia, for the best Ilojstciii liiill on lit'' )ir*Mf 11(1 Mcilal K. K. Johnston & Co., Printer« and Uookliindcrs, New Westmin- ster, for tile best Jersey t)ull on the j^round, i ash fi$ oo Special Prizes for .Shorthorns donateil l)y the Dominion Siiorthorii Ureeders' Association, offices Parliament IhiildiiiKs. Toronto: I'or the best herd consisting of one bnll and four females un- der two yenrw of age : Kirst . . jfao ixi Secon ' J lo t)o For the best Shorthorn bnll on the gro'.UKl lo do l*"or the best .Shorlhorii female <lo. kj <x> Conditions: Only Shorthorns owned in IJritish Cohunbia are eli- Kil>le to compete for these |)ri/es, ami all animals competing nnisl be recorded ir. the Dominion Shorthorn Hi rl II .d: Special I'ri/.e, presented by the Hudson's Hay Co., 11. T. I^ockyer, Manager, Vancouver, H. C, for the i)CKt IIereft)rd bull on the j^round, Silver Cup, value , . Jjljo ito DIVISION B— Horses. The Iyieutenant-(lj)vernor's Cup— I'fesented hy the IIon<)rable T. K. Mclnnes. Kieutenanl-Ciovernor of ISrilisb Cohiinbia, for exhiljilor winninj; larj^est nnnd)ei ol prizes un<ler Division B (Horses) .Silver Cup Special pri/.e, presente<4 by II. Dallas IKlmcken, l';s(j,, .M.P.I'., for the best tlran^ht horse on exhibition, any lireed, aj^e or sex .Silver Cup The cup must he won two years (not nectssanly in sui-cession) by the •.iinif owiur !>efore !>ecominn iiis )iroperty al)Solnlelv, and any txhibitor winning the cup one y«'ar must K'^'*^' " bond to return it to the Society the next year in the event of his mil a^ain winning i' , SiKci.il Pri/.es (or lady riders . lMr>il I'ri/.e, |ireseMlcd by Thos. Ovens. lCs«|., Mavor of New Wesliiiiuster. i;old bracelet, value fi^t mt Sectiuii Pri/.e, presente<l by A C. Wells, l',*,^., Ueeve of Chil- lixvat'k , cish , lo oo N. |{. Couipelitors not to ride faster than a gallop ; racing will forfeit linlH to the pri/.e. Special Prize presented by Messrs. K <». I'rior it Co., Ltd., Vic- toria, n. C, for the best Hrilish Columbia bred single driver lui ex- hibition : Hr.'Milford road cart, value . 1^27 50 Special Prize, jiresented by lion. W. Normnn Hole, for the best couch horse stallion on exhibition Silvt-r Cup .Spei-ial Pri/.es, pri >i-uied Itv the .N'l-w Vaiicouvei Coal Mining ami baud Company : P'or the best trio of standard bred horses (one stalliiui and t\M> bn hmI mares ) , cash $2^ <k» T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block. For the lient roa«lBter man with not less tlian thrit- of ht-r product' ; (lefision to >« reiKlcred on all coiiihiucd ; cash I25 00 Slwrinl, nivcii liy Anilriw HHsla',ii. Ksf|.. Nanninio, for thf hcst ex- hiliitiv'ii '>f roiidsters 'entire brotxl iiiares and colts, ;fio 00 S|a*(ials. jjiven hy the CoKinist I'rintinK and rnltlishiuK Co., Victoria : For the best standard bred l»riH»d niare to l»e judKe<l with one of her ])rodmc, cash Jio 00 For the liest hoy rider undi-r 17 years, Daily Colc>nist for one year, value $1000 Specials, jjiven hy J. T Wilkinson. Rsq . Chilliwack : I'or tlte best entire colt, am axe. sireil t)\ "Colloquy," No. 18051 : I'irst Frize $10 00 .Second do . .... 15 00 For the best filly, any age. aired by "Collo<|iiy," No. 18051 : First Prize |Cio iki .Second do .... .... .... 5 00 DIVISION C— Sheep. Special Fri/e, presented l)y th.* Hon. Ivlj^.ir Dewdney. for the best annual un<ier Division C i^.Sln-ej)) ... .Silver l \ii> Special Fri/.e, presente<l by Washinnlon ('trimmer, Ks(|., Huck- laufl Fark, Feniler Island, lur the large;".t ami fatti'st market land'; must be exhibited by ti:e breeder and must not com|Hle in any other class . f 6 00 The Hamilton Powder Co., for tbe best K'mthdowti ram and five oi his get, cash $1^ oa DIVISION D— Swine. .SjH'cial Prize, presented by The Province, Vancouver, for the l»est pair of Merkshire swine (boar ami sowK any age. Daily Fr>«\ince tnu year, value J 5 00 .Special Prize, presented by Messrs. K. K. Jcdinslon \ Co., T'rif.t ers ami Hookbimlers, New Westminster, foi tl'e l>cst registered bi.;ii •in the grounil, cash ... $iu (ii DIVISION F— Dairy Produce. .special Prizes, j>resente<l by the Ogilvie Milling Co.. ti. M. I.etsh- nian, Ag«'nt. Victoria, H. C. : For best loaf of baker's bread made from 0)>ilvie Milting Co's Hungarian flour — l-'irst prize fi^ 00 Second do 10 <■> For best loaf of home-made bread made from Ogilvie Milling Co"s flour I'irst pri/.e 1 bbl Hniigarian l!onr .Second do J., bid. Hungarian Hour On no accouivt must any fiour lu^ used except Ogilvie's. SjKcinl entry must l>c made and i-xhibits kept separate (rofn hii\ oilu 1 cla-.- Special I'rize, jiresented by Wm. Newlands, Fsq., Kbiirne, H. C, for exhibitor winning largest tin miter of prizes in Classes 1, 3 and 3, Division F (Dairy Produce ) . I 5 00 Don't forget to call during Exhibition and get Annandale*s prices Special Prizt's, presoiitol l>y tin- DairviUfii's Assso<-ialioii of Brit- inh CMlmiiliia (A. C. Wells, pri-sideiit ; (1. fl. H.ulweii, aetTctary-trcas- iirfi;, opiMi 10 Hritisli Coliiinl)ia orfaiiicrifs «inly : I'or a Ikix (to ooiitaiii not lesH than 50 llis.) of 1 It), priiititl hiitter, Silver Cup, value $it> 00 iMir the la-st 50 l\>. tul> of butter. Silver Cup, value |2() o«T S|>eoial Prizes, presented by Kenneily Bros., publishers of the Daily mid Weekly Colunibiun : I'or winner of most prizes in Classes 1, 2. ^, 10, 14, 15 ami i<», Division V, $'it ami Daily Columbian for out- year (value #7-5«>) • #17 5'> Ser«>U(l prize, I6.50 and Weekly Columbian for one year (value ^1 ) 1* 7 S«> S(H»cinl Prize, preoeiitcd by the Albion ln>n Wi)rks Co., hid, a No. 8 sipiare Viotorin aiij^e, with .■itovepijH-, etc.. for the best li)ar of bread liaked on the raii>;e, the bread to Ik; made of Mnlish Columbia tloiir and tt» l)e baked at the exhibition ; value of stove, elc, .f\5 <»<' S|>eeiHl prizes presented by W. R. AuHti:i, li»q., Sapperton, B. C, fur the best homc^nade oat eakc : First # J 00 Second i 50 Third 100 Fou rth 50 Special Prize, prc-senteil bv S. I.eiser St Co., Victonu, for the ex- hibitor winning the iart^est iuiiii'iRT uf j.rizes in ClanMes 1, 2 and .^, Division !•' . 1 Ik)x <if CeyUwi tea Special Prize, presented by J. W. Blnnd, Ivsq., V. S Vancouver, for the best iirkin or crock of butter 'distinct from otlu-r entries), not less than 20 lbs., the winning butter to l>cconie the pr<ij>erty of the donor of this ui ize ; cash $itt 00 Special Prizes, presented hy the ()kanav;an l-'lour Mills Co., Ltd., f..r : Best loaf homeiiiade brea<l itinde liy any lady, nou-prufes- sional, fro in their "O K ' Hour, I'ither iluii>(arian or xxxx— First Prize $2000 Sei-ond do .... 10 <ki Third do 5 «) Best loaf of baker's bread riade from their IIunf;arian flour — I'irst Prize 3 bids. liiin^iirian tli>i;r Second do I bid. '' " DIVISION Q— Vegetables. Special Pri/c, presented by (leo. Mead, Ks(|., New Westminster, for the best two vvatenneloiiH # 5 <*> Special Prize, presented by the Victoria Times Priutiiig and ISib- lishiiK C«». for tlu- exhibitor witinii'K the largest iiumbei of prizes under D', vision (', ( VeKvfaldcsO : One year's subsiitption to the Vic toria D»ily Times SlKcial Prifes, presented by Peter (Iraiit, Ks<|.. New Westiliin- sler I-'or the largest pumpkin bu tabU* use |( j 50 l-'or the best six bniiche>< o( white celery J 50 T. S. Annandale, Our Grocer, Dupont Block S4 SpccinI Prize, prcwiite*! I>y If. ')• Brown, Ks«|., Now Westiiiinstfi, for thf two lu'st suj^ar beets, to l»e juil>re<l aeronSiiiv, to (|iiaiitity of saccliaritie matter ; eash ;f 5 m) DIVISION H~Field Produce. The Hon. J. If. Turner. I'reiiiter «>f Hiitish ColiiiiiMa, will donate a special prize for the largest ami l>est iu<livi<luai exhibit of ^;rain, i n eash >an 00 vSpeeial Prizes, presentetl by J. S. C. Fraser, Rsf|., RosslaiKl, for Hest sheaf of flux ;(ro\vn in H. C Silver Meilal Best lx)le or skein of sknlehetl flax jjrown in M. C, ready for sjiinnmn . Silver Medal Special 'I'rizcs, pre-ienled by Messrs, Kennedy Bros., projirietors I)Hily and Weekly Cohunbian, NVw \Vi stnunNter, B.C., for the e\hib itiii winnin)^ the larj^est niitnlH.r of prizes under Division iI(lMeld Prod nee) : First prize ]fio <k) Second prize 5 <h> .Spi-eial Prizes presented by the Bracknian vt Ker Milling Co., Ltil., for ihe IknI while milling oais : l-'irst |)rize . . ;fi5 do S«'cond orize 10 00 N. B, — Kxhibit must contain at least hk) lbs. Orain in any way tampered with, i. e., scoured or sulphured, will In- debarre<l. .Special Prize, prestinlitl by Shelton Kniijlu, l'W\-, Sanlis, B. C, fur the j.'est exhibit of >;raiu t.i the sheaf, eash . . . . .# 5 00 DIVISION I— Fruit. vSpeeial Pr'ze. presente«l by (ieo. I). Brymner, Ks«|., Honorary Tuasurer, for the exhibitor taUiiix the larjjest uninbei of prizes for apjdes .Silver Cup l-'irst i>rize countfl three (Htints, second prize two points, third one point. Siieeial Prize, presented by Messrs. Kennedy Bros., proprietors <>f '^aily and Weekly volumbian. New \V«_stminster, B. C, for the es bi.>it(»r winnin>; the l.'irjjest nund>er of prizes under Division 1 ( I'tuit) : f 10 00 I'irst prize counts three i>oints. second two. third one. Special Pri/.e, presented by Mclxnnan Mr Feely & Co., I«td., Van conver, for the exhibitor winning the second lar>{est number r.f t)rizes under Division I (I'riiitJ. <Mie Myer's Spray Pump Spci'ial Prize, ^iveii by R. M. Palmer. I^stj.. Victoria, for the In-st five Itoxesof packed apples for market pur]H>scs $tu uu DIVISION J Special Prize presenteil by I-. S. De r.rey, Ks(|., New Westmin ster, for the best mechanical iuveutiou. invented in British Columbin. Silver Cup. value <ti5oo UIVISIUJN Ji. Special Prize, presenteil liy J. Fannin, Fsij., Curator Provincial Mu.seiim, Victoria, B. C, for the l>est mounted binl $ 5 00 Prompt delivi . y and polite attention to all. DIVISION M. SiK'ciiil Prizes, jiitsi-iitftl by T. (i. ICarl, I*N(|., Virt- I'rosiilciit. I<yt'.mi, for tlie fiiu-sl ami ht-st l)(MH|iiet »)f (lort'crs arraiiKi'il l>y j;irl ini- ('er 15 yoarscif a^i.' : I-'irst prize $ 3 00 Siooiid jirizf 2 «x) Musi Ik" arraajfcfl iliiriii^ the I'Nliiliition in the presence of the jn.lK'fs. vSpet-ial Piizes, presented liy Teter I.athaui l{s<|.. for the l)esi ml K-rtion i;! liousc plants made l>y .hildren under l,s yi-ars old : First pri/.e J> 3 00 Second j)rize 2 w) Si)ecial Prize, presented by Oeo. I). Itryninei, Hon. Treasurer, for the liest basket of flosvers [open to amateurs only J ^5 00 N.n. — An amateur is one who does n<it sell plants or (lowers or keep a |)ermanent j^ardener DIVISION O. special Prizes, presenti-d l)y \V, K. Austin, lvs(| , Sajipcrlon, ]\. C, for the best home-madi- <piilt. cotton or print oulsidt , lilUd wilb H. C. wool, for j^eneral purpose ; excessive fancy work not considered : I'"irst fi 1 vio Second I 50 Third i 00 iMuirth Q-eneral Premium List. 50 Messrs M k Smith 6t Co., Hiscuit Manufacturers, Victoria, h.ive contributed lo tin- ''K-nerat I'linil Premium I,ist jfi.s 00 Tile Corporation of tin- Municipality of Iturnaby has conlril)Utcd lo Ihe (General Fund Premium I<ist ffjo 00 The Corporation of llu- .Municipality of Coqtiitlani hascontribut!-,! to the (icneral l'"und Premium [/isl f,2s ■"> Dog Show. I'* S. l)e Oiey, Rs(|., New Wesliniiister. H. C, has kindly donulretl a Silver Cup. a v"' m Our 35c Tea beats all creation. 86 R. 1". Amlcrson T. S. AniiiUiilnle J. A . Anxtis A. v.. Allen T. J. Anustn>ii>{ VV. R. Austin Jns. An<lers(>n (ieo. Atlnnis (1. R. Asl.will Ah Wah J. H. Atki'ison J. C. Ai ii;stroi\>{ Mrs. A hi. oil 1). 1I.° Adatns J,(;. AllcMi A. J. Armstrong (ii.'i). lianloiil TliDS. HiKK'"" Wni. HiikiT R. n. Hrown (;. W. Hoolh Wni. J. ilri-Mnan T. <;.iHurnell I). Barclay (ifo. Urine I'. Howler V. IJirrell A. Hell J as. Hone Jiio. Huie W. Hlarkie <'. M. Ht'fcher W. N. Hole T. 1,. HriKKS Mis. Capl. linker I), liain M. Urooke <;. .S. V. Hranoh Mrs. V. Hroafl 1'. (). nilodeau (Ieo. Booth royd R. Ruck land C. ,S. Ilreiirhley W. Iv. Hui'kinnliain J. R, Hrennaii (V. V. lU)ilinji;t*)n N. Hiilchart C. 1). Hry inner !<'. (!. ('ununins J.J. CanihritlKe W. «'iirrie W. ('hanil)erlain W. S. Collisier D. S. Ourtis A. A. Cruickshanks J. I'nnninyhani J no. t'atnuhell J. W. <'reighton J. A. Cunningham J. h. Caldwell H. Crane T. Cawley John <'rean C l\. Corhonld J. A. Calhiik C. II. Carter K.J. Conlthard Alex. C»)nneliy R. M. Currie W. Clarke Miss Card Mrs. Cliff J. Conxhlin Dr. Clarke Thos. Cunningham W. Camphell Ilv. Davis P. DuMoulin VV. C. Dunian C. W. Durrani Dr. C K. Drew II. Doyle, Jr. W. A. Duncan 0. O. M. Doekrill P. Devoy H. H. Draper Mrs. Dauj.hine D. Drvsdale C. ll.DeHick l<'rank Davis Dr. Davies H. Douglas D. ''. I'^sson !•■. Iviekhoff Thos. <;. Ivirl W. H. Ivlmonds H. A. Kastinan A. Kvnns A. Kweii Mrs. A. Kwen Miss A. Kwen Miss B. Hweii N, Ivtheiidge Jas. Kllison J no. Forrester J. Ferguson Thos. Freeman 1. B. Fisher Heelor F'erguson Mi.ss Marion Fraser Dr. C. J. I'agan W. F:. Fales H. Freeman Mrs. A. H Ferguson ;ieo. Flux Thos. Forstcr, M.IMV Batger's Table Jellies, all Flavors. s? \V. I'iriillHy <■ C. I'i!.|itr R. l<"oot CI H. I-'reiu'li Will. C.iironl Tlios. (>ul(lie D. (itinii A. OcxWrcy J. (i. Oatnoii A. II. (i<»I(loil I. R. C.ilUy R. \Vashiii>;U)n Griiiiiiier J. Iv. (f ay nor Pfter (traiit J. L. r.ulbiaith H. Gillev Waller C.illey V. R. Glovir Ja.s. (liltiiorv C. F. (U-cn C. W. Gillaiiders Geo. Gile.s J. R. (irant D. W. GiUlirist L. (iiiichoii A. R. Green K. Goudy A. Ilaslatn (life) Mrs. J. T Mi^^ius 1<". W. Ihiwav J. W. II(>llin>;shea(t Mrs. Walter lluiiter A.J. Hill JiU). Ileiulrv Mr:>. C. Iv. iloll G. W. Henry Mrs. IV J. Hart A. Ilendersoii Artl'ir Mill Mrs. J Henley A. Maine A. Maiiiiltoii Mrs. J. W. Harvey M.J. Henry Iv. Hntilierso t A. J. Holmes K. 1'. Holt T. S. Hall M. Haves J. W. ilall K . W. Howisoii W. A. Ha ml lock J. Haildon A. T. Hashinii C. M. Innes J. !•:. Insley John Inilaii 1'. Jacksttii J. B. JuliiiKon J. H. Jardine Rolit. Jardine W. A. Johnston Geo. Jen lie Jas. Jaj^ner J. M . Johnstuu Jos. Jordon Iv. A. Ki])|) Shelton Rni^ht Geo. Kennedy J. M. Kenneily Mrs. H. !■. Keefer H. T. Kirk Thos. S. Keelinji Thos. Kidd, M.I', I'. J. H. Kennedy, M.IM'. C .S. Keith Mrs. ('. vS. Keith Rohl. Keime«ly R. Kelly K. I,. Kirkland W. H. Keary I). R. Ker W. H. Ker 1''. Kirkland Rieh. Kellett Hv. Ki])]) W. A. Kirkland T. Kill.y John Kiny H. Kehoe. I'. KalhaiM Geo. l.yal I.ce CoN' W. H. lewis W. H. l.adner A. h. Lavery I.aiii Tnnn Thos. I -wis II. H. lAiinie I/. M. I,a]ioitite W. S. I,in<isHy F. Lick man I,. A. Lewis Miss M. Lowe R. Livingstone, Sr. R. I,ivin>j;stoni-, Jr. S. Lonn W. H. Lewis A. W. Lunhoitiii T. Leatherdale Jas. Leainy J. La fond Geo. Mead C. G. Major W. J. Mathers Jnu. May nurd M I T. S. Aunandale, Our Grocct, DupoD> Block. 8h K. n. May W. A. Miiiiro T. A. Muir M. W. Miiitlioriii- A. C. Mai'farlain.' K. M. MiicfarlaiK.- Mrs. J. M. Murray Alex. Mitilu'll JiiK. Mai-Naiiiaru I). J. Muiiti K(.l>t. May C.N. Macdoiiald Jii(». MahiJiu'V Aiilay Morrison, AI.l*. Ily. Morcy Arthur Malins ]•:. (). Malitis A. M. Malius J. S. Mactloinitll II. J. Moore R. A, MusktU H. J. S. MuHkftt J. A. M«>rrisi>ii Miss Jennie McMartin W. MiA.lani A. McKae 1). Md'hadiii J. 1>. It. McDonald I>. MiNair Miss M. Mcl/ounall C. MiDonouKli k. MiKeotl v.. C. Ml Keen J. W. MeC.illivray K. McUri<U- T. MtNeelv Miss M»Nal> Mrs. I). MilA-aii J.I). M»'(iren<n Mrs. Wni. MtCrancy J no. MeKenzie Mrs. MiAvUiur I). A. MrKee Mrs. C MiArthur k<>l»t. MrKee I). MiW illianis Mrs. MiKonald 1). I«;. Mi'Ken/.ie !•;. J. Newton Wni. Newlanils J. V. Neilson J. C. '^'.•wl)»ry NcIb Nelson TlU'S. Ovens A. OConnor Capl. (leo. < )<lin }•;. (HUIy J. iv.riiiniiiH W. !'. I'r«Mtor T- k. lVar>*)n W. B. I'atlinson John Tetk K. G. I'aniell W. II. I'rice II. F. Page U. I'hilhpii Capl. Filtentlriuli iV R. Peck- T. riiiiiick P. Peebles Mi&s Power Mrb. K. II. Payne JR. Rov Mn. Rra<lley M. S. Rusi- C. J. Rohson J. Reicheii'meli C«'"nur Roe II. Kvali J. Reece A. *V k<»sh II. J. Rum: Ily. Ruckle Jno. Kichunlson R. J. Ricknian J. 11. Rae J. V. Rankin I> RoltMJil }3L<i. Ruliertson I). Rowan K. Rulterts A. K. Ran.l II. Russell R. L. Rei<l J. Roliins4Mi C.J Shu vlife) T. A SIiariH.- Sam Smith A. I». S* vnjour C- K Snell J. <;. .s<ot» H.J. Stul.l.s A J Street A- Shepherd M. Sim-lair AM Stntily J. <;. Sniitti II M StanihefK I*. \. Shiles W. T Sim lair P. M Salaun ilt«k K. S*-mv'nie J W.Sesinith J M . Sieves Capl . W T . Stewart K Slrule L. Shaw S. H. Shannon G \V. Shaw W. T. Steiii J. M. Smith Mrs. B. \V. Shilea Johu Smith J. S. Smith \V. Stott T. Sprott J. H. Shirlev G. E. Stick ney G. Smith R. R. Seabrook T. J . Thompson T.J. Trapp S. H. Thonjpson Miss Julia Thompson Mrs. L. ThornlHjr J. Thompson Miss D. Thomt>*on F.. Trinibler F. G. Turner Mrs. Cco. Turner \Vm. Tietjeu Miss A. TurnbuII W. Towler H. Tiffin R. Tiralick H. M. Tiffin H. T. Thrift J . H . To«ia G. Teare J. S. Talbot S. y. Tohnic S. T. Tec/f A. Vachoii W. K- Vaiistoiie A. S. Vedder. M.I'. I'. las. Wells D. Woodward K. A. Wells J. T. Wilkinson Wm. H. Walker Howard Welch A. WhitiiiK C. Welsh E. I.. Webber Joe Wise T. c. White W. n. Hullock-Webster A. R. Wilson Mrs. II. K. Wilby A. 1'". WcH)d» G. I". Welch A. K. Wolfeiideu H. A. Wilson Dr. R. E. Walker A. K. White G. I. Wilson W.J. Walker Miss M. Whitfoiil MA. Wolfendeii L. Williams J. C. Whyte A. Willie mute R. Wintemute The above is a list oi members for iSgy. Biacksmithing in ail its Branches Wagon and Cair^Of^e Building, r GENERAL REPAIR in first-clr.ss style. Ivstimate.s furnished and Contracts taken for any and all kinds of ironwork. Aieent for the A. R. Williams Machinery Doinpany, Toronto.- Shop : DouKles and Hegbic Streets, JOHN REID. Rear of Depot Hotel. tm^^'-m IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. 4* /W.'i ^ ///// & %' 1.0 I.I «-iM — IM 2.2 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ===== ^ 6" — ►■ Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14580 (716) 872-4503 V f/u v.. 90 Railway and Steamboat Facilities for Our Big Fall Exhibition. Irr order to swell the influx of visitors to this vear's Provin- cial Fall Fair, the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. have gen- erously agreed to convey all exhibits from Calgary west abso- lutely free of freight charges, provided the ownership of the exhibits is not changed, and that they are returned immedi- ately after the show to the points from which they were originally shipped. Live stock will be carried at one fare. The Company have also agreed to greatly reduce rates of fare for visitors to the exhibition, as the following scale will show. The sale of tickets will commence on Tuesday, Octo- ber 4th, and selling up to and including the 9th, good to re- turn up to and including the 15th : TO NEW WESTMINSTER AND RETURN. Westminster Junction, Port Moody, Vancouver, Hammond, . . .•,!,/• • Haney, . . Wharnock, Mission Junction, . . , . ... Huntington, . . ... Harrison, Agassiz, Hope, ........ Yale, North Bend, ..... L/ytton, . . ■ «^» ! ? i* fB*' • • • Spence's Bridge, j^^^ *^^\^** ^. . . Ashcroft, . ■;.;«— «^«-*-'.-- --7- '- , Savonas, . . . . . • ^ / Kamloops, i,,,.,»ih • • . '• ' • Shushwap, . . Salmon Arm, Sicamous Junction, Clan William, Revelstoke, .... . Illicillewaet, . . . . i^. Glacier, . . Bearer Mouth, .... Donald, ... . . Golden, . * . Palliser, * , i!!^^ V.fru •'\L iV.^ I 45c 65c 50c 80c 90c 1.20 1.70 2.20 2.70 4-05 4.70 6.05 6.90 ' 7-55 8.30 9.00 9-75 10.70 11.70 12.25 13-30 J3-55 14.40 14.90 15.60 15-95 16.45 16.85 Field, Hector, Laggan Banff, Anthrat Canmor Morley, Cochrar Calgary- Enderb: Armstro Vernon, •Okanagi Kelown; Penticto Arran trains fr< Blaine, i The C reduced Specia and the '. the Unio The s Beaver ^^ •exhibits TheG been ask« The |The BO< I ■ ■^'■*'>*«--V*'^«Mvftr-i'>'«''«* ' -..■?*>:*- -»;^'r-.-----'i 1745 17.70 18.00 19.00 19-15 1945 20.20 20.75 2145 12.95 13.20 13-65 13-80 14.80 16.05 ,:■■-■-;-■> ^i ' ■ ■■ -^ - Field, . „,,^ . Hector, . , . Laggan, . . . * . ' BanfF, . .^ Anthracite, . . , '^A^ '-: ; ^ " Canmore, . . \ \ ' . Morley, Cochrane, Calgarj,-, Enderby, . • . . '. Armstrong, , . . " ' '. Vernon, •Okanagan Landing, . ' . Kelowna, Penticton, , , . ' / ' . . ._ .' AMERICAN DAY EXCURSION. Arrangements have been made to run special excursion trains from Tacoma, Seattle, Everett, Fairhaven, Whatcom Blaine, and all intermediate points. VICTORIA EXCURSIONS. . I^^J^' F" •^'" i^°--,r" "■"" ^P^^^^^ excursion steamers at reduced rates and will carry all exhibits free one way. NANAIMO AND THE ISLANDS. and the Islands by the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Co the Union Steamship Co., ana steamer Dunsmuir. THE ERASER RIVER. The steamers Transfer, Gladys, Bon Acord, Edgar and Beaver will run excursions ac reduced rates for both fares and exhibits from all points on the river. The Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railways have been asked to give special rates on fares and exhibits. The "Slater" Shoe Agency The English "K" Boot Agency All other first-class grades of BOOTS KND SHOES. f ■ m ^'-u.Tolic IjlTorarsr Bloc^. 'Jf^f/^fO'f i„\ l"Ju<.i7'*7^''Ff"'.;7^ i-«,TT"f-^-"-T '.."•'wr-'— ^»r?-7 First-class in Every Respect. American and European Plan. Golonial Ibotel T. IItTSIjE'S-, ^v^a-nag-er. Columbia Street, IRew Mestminster. ILavoest Ibotel in IRew Mestnunster* Large| Sample Rooms for Special Rates by the Week, Travellers. or Month. Rig'ht Now we have the Newest and most Svylish lyine of r:::^(? flftantles, Capes, Cbilb^s IReefers, Cbilb^a Xaistete Xabies' Wrappers that has ever been shown in the Our Kid Glove Departineut is filled with the latest Novelties in Doaie, Fasteners, Buttoued aud Laced Gloves. Will certainly be pleased if you look through our Hosiery Department for value, style, price our stock cannot he equalled. S. 5. ^Tl.A.'Je.^^l'^, Z^^Taxiager. Aiiiiiii \i I fitf tteb (Cof umbia HDilte jEimbet anb ^rabing Co* TUlbolesate an& IRetail S>eatet0j in I^umber, I,ath, Shingles, Doors, Windows Mouldings, Fruit and Fish Boxes, Plain and Fancy Gl< lss and every description of woodwork. ^ AAA A AA A ®(f tee and iAUls tOancottver an^ mew Westmineter* Call or write for prices. Idintemute #tctcle8 anb Supplies* Agents for tlie Celebrated "Welland Vale " Wheels : Perfect, Garden City and Dominion. Wholesale and Retail. Pow^l BtodE* ColMmbiii Street mew^Wc9tmin0ter, ^-^..^.^-^^AA^AAA^ ■■«■■>-> ■■'■■A ^ ^X 1 iiiii