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JOHiS, H. B. PRINTED BY H. CHUBB k C50.» 8T. JOHN, If. B. ■ "V^ ^ ^,jtf^-'r I I : i K i ' 1 f- I- 11 'V i ft- , /. Sti^IB Ig3(!&(S)IS or I¥EW-BRrJVlSl¥I€K. ThE Province of New-Brunswick is situate between the pa- rallels of 45° and 48° North latitude, and the meridians of 63° 45' and 67° 50' West longitude. It lies between Nova- Scotia and Canada, with its Eastern front on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and its Southern front on th« Bay of Fundy, be- ing bounded Westerly by the State of Maine, and on the North by Canada. The area of New-Brunswick is estimated at 17,677,360 acres, equal to 27,620 square miles. Of this quantity, more than sii: millions of acres have been already sold or alienated by the Crown, leaving upwards of eleven millions of acres yet to be disposed of. The quantity of good land fit for setUe- ment and yet unsold, is estimated: at 7,500,000 acres, of which 250,000 are surveyed for settlers. ■' ^ni * The mode of selling Crown Lands is by auction; and sales take place every month in each County. The upset price is three shillings currency per acre, equal to two shillings and five pence sterling, payable one-fourth on the day of sale, and the residue in one, two, and three years, without interest. If the whole amount is paid at the time of isale, the purchaser is entitled .to a discount of twenty per cent., which reduces the price to two English shilling* per acre* To this mUst hoivever be added, the expense of sftrvey, three penc& cur- rency, equal to 2Jd. sterling per acre. When seveml persons desirous of becoming actual settlers appir jointly fbr Idts of vacant land, in a locality where no roaas exist j they can procure such lots, not exceeding one hundred acres 'each, and pay for the same in labour on rti^ds tb be laid out leading to or through their land. In such cases the afp|>licantB pay for the survey of the land, and at the rate t-l., ,■!' ,^'«*5«f^,'fV',' ^'^r* ■ 4 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. of three shillings currency, equal to 2s. 5d. sterling per acre. The road-work is done at such times and places as are fixed upon by the Commissioners appointed for that purpose. No less work is to be done in any one year than will be equal to one-fourth the whole purchase money ; and no grant will iBsue until the purchaser has actually resided on the land for one year, and brought at least ten acres into a state of culti- vation. Professor J. F. W. Johnston, F. R. S., the well-known wri- ttr on Agriculture and Agricultural Chemistry, was employed by the Government in 1849, to make an inspection of New- Brunswick, and report upoi^its agricultuial capabilities. In his report, subsequently published by authority, he thus de- scribes New-Brunswick: — *• Two very different impressions in regard to the Province of New-Brunswick will be produced on the mind of the stran- ger, according as he contents himself with visitm^ the towna and inspecting the lan^s which lie along the seaboard, or as- cends the rivers, or penetrates by its numerous roads into the interior of its more central and northern counties. " In the former case, he will feel like the traveller who en- tem Swaden by the harbour of Stockholm or Gottenburg, or who sails among the rocks on tiie west coast of Norway. Tke naked cliffs, or shelving slioies, of granite or other har- dened rocks, and the unvarying pine forests, awaken in hi^s mind ideas of hopete.^s desolation, and poverty and barrenness appear necessarily to dwell within the iron-bound shores. '* A large proportion of the Europeans who visit Nevv- Branswick, see only the rocky regions which encircle the more frequented harbours of the Province. They m^ust there- fore carry away and convey to others very unfavorable ideas, especially of its adaptation to agricultural purposes. *' fidt, on the other hand, if the stranger penetrate beyond. th» Atlantic shores of the Province, and travel- through fhe inrerior, he will be struck by the number and beauty of its ri« Tt;rs, by the fertility of its river islands and intervales, and by the great extent and excellent condition oi its roads, and (upon the whole) of its numerous bridges. He will see boundless forests still unreclaimed ; but will remark at the same time an amount of general progress and prosperoo* advancement, which, considering the recent settlement and small r^v^naepf - va - r >%= ^p^p-p^^pp- HAND BOOK OF 7«EW-BRIWSWICK. - Vd tf the Province, is really surprising. If he possessct an agri- cultural eye, he may discern great defects in the practical husbandry of the Provinciol farmer, while he remarks, at the same time, the healthy looks of their large families, and th« apparently easy and independent condition in which they live. If he have travelled much in other countries, one thingf which will arrest his attention more than all, will be the frequent complaints which meet his ears, of the slowness with which the Province advances, of the condition of its agriculture compared with that of Scotland or England, of the want of capital among its land-possessing farmers, and so on ; com- plaints which would be made regarding New-Brunswick viiik very much less urgency, were the rate of its own actual pro- gress better known to its inhabitants, and its own rural and economical condition better understood and appreciated. " For my own part, in taking a genc^ral survey of the ac- tual condition of the Province, in connection with the period of its earliest settlement, and with the public revenues it hae possessed from time to time as means of improvement, I have been much impressed with the rapid progress it has really made, and with the large amount of social advancement which is everywhere to be seen. Tho roads, the bridges, the churches, the schools, the colleges, besides the numerous other public institutions, excellent and liberal in themselves, assume a very large magnitude in the eyes of the impartial observer, when it is considered that they have been made, built, or established, and provided for by a population even at present under two hundred thousand souls, less in number than the inhabitants of one of^our third-rate English cities, and in the short space pf/sixty or seventy years. When I have heard natives of New-Brunswick complaining of the slow^ness with which their Province advanced, I have felt per- suaded that the natural impatience of a young people to be- come great, like that of a young man to become rich, was blinding them to the actual rate at which their country was going forward, a rate so difTerent from what is. to be seen in any part of the old world, with the exception, ;oC 4h9 Island Home from which we all come. ? f ! n&r *'ln justice to New-Brunswick, I must add another it- mark. In every part of the world it has been my fortune to visit, I have met with numerous individuals who were more or less interested in, and were anxious to promote the agri- pyj} 'jU*i ?"^M-^^^^mM u?!-a^k!tw*»c3 .•j.«iaM*Ji»ii;-^v iMMiakMi T -.."mmv^ ■ 'y 6 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. cultural improvement of their native country. But in New- Brunswick, a more general feeling appears to prevail upon this subject among all educated persons, than I have ever met •with before. ** In the Province of New-Brunswick, whatever defects its husbandry may exhibit, and they are many, it has been satis- factory to me to find, that a development of its agricultural TesouTces by the improvement of its agricultural practice, and independent of immigration, has begun to manifest itself dis- tinctly. Improved implements, and breeds of cattle and sheep, imported grain and grass seeds, skilful ploughing, the preparation of composts, with experiments in draining, in the use of lime and gypsum, in the growth of green crops and feeding of stock — these and other similar forms of improve.- ment which have come under my notice in the Province, i^ow that there are some at least who not only desire to ad- vance the general condition of its husbandry, but who are Bware also of the first steps which ought to be taken to pro- mote this advancement." In 1845, Commissionera were appointed by Her Majesty's Oovemment to explore and survey the route for a Railway from Halifax to Quebec, across the Province of New-Bruns- wick. In their report, submitted to Parliament in 1849, signed by Major Robinson, R. £., the Province is thus de- scribed : — 1* i- ^: "Of the climate, eoil, and capabilities of New-Brunswick it ils impossible to speak too highly. There is not a country in the world so beautifully wooded and watered. ' ' '" An inspection of the map will show that there is scarcely a section of it without its streams, from the runninjg brook up to the navigable river. Two-thirds of its boundary are waished foy the sea ; the remainder is embraced by the large rivert, the St. John and the Restigouche. For beauty and richness of scenery, this latter river and its branches are not surpassed by anv^ing in Great Britain. ^t^ow " The lakes of New-Brunswick are numerous and most beatttiflil j itft surface is undulating,' hill and dale^ varying up to movdvliaiQ and vafley. It is everywhere^ except a few peaks of the highest mountains) covered with a dense forest of the finest growth. ^'.w k'r.W^ ^"^ippiiPiPliMPmiPlP HAND BOOK 0> IfEW-iRUNSWlCK. 7 "The country can Everywhere be penetrated by its streams. In some parts of the interior, by a portage of three or four miles, a canoe can float away, either to the Bay of Chaleur «nd the Gulf of St. Lawrence, or down to St. John in the Bay of Fundy. " Its agricultural capabilities, climate, &c., are described in Bouchette's work, in Martin's British Colonies, and othet au- thors. The country is by them, and most deservedly so, highly praised." CLIMATE. Although the winters of New-Brunswick are somewhat se- .vere, (less so, however, than those of Lower Canada,) yet the climate is exceedingly healthy. Fever and ague are wholly unknown ; epidemics, even of a slight nature, are exceedingly rare, and the country is absolutely without an endemic, or disease peculiar to itself. Professor Johnston in his report says, that l^e Province has an exceedingly healthy climate. Every medical man he met in the country assured him of this; and the healthy looks, and the numerous families of the natives, of all classes, confirmed these assurances. On the shores of the Bay of Fundy there is much fog du- ring the summer season, but this extends a short distance only into the interior. The City of St. Joh|| is frequently wra^d in a dense sea-fog, while the days are bright and cioudlesi^ at the distance of a few miles only. In the interior of the Pro- vince, the air is much Warmer in summer than ok the Sie^- coast; and there is a greater degree of cold in Winter. The ranges of temperature are : — At St. j^ohn, on the Bay of Pundy, from l8° below, to 88^ above zero. At Richibucto, on the Gulf Of St. LftWi^ettc^, ftota Q(f blEf- low, to 90° above ieto. At ^redericton, in lite interior, from 24^ below, to d5^ above z6ro. Th^ fottowhtg ob^^tratiotis vrene iinside oh th^ i^^fhdt, Ht an altitude of 188 feet Above hig^h watet ihtctk in the City of Si John, Which id ih lat. 46" W Norths tod lOttg. 66* 4f West. w ^^^llif»^l^g«sp»fp^f^ 8 J' w BAMD 9002 OF NEW-BBUM8WICK. 2n the Years 184S, 1849, 1850, and 1851. • • VJ • 8 i o • • >, >% .e M Years. Highest mperatar If 0> cd a .s .s « « V o 5 ^ «* «< p—i £ 87 O 116 72 QQ 1848 -14 178 89 48 1849 83 -15 200 124 41 46 37.6 1850 84 - 6 194 112 59 117 33 1851 85 -18 181 124 66 43 40 There are not more llian four snow-storms in any one year,' in which over a foot of snow falls at any one time; and snow-storms rarely last more than two days. In England, nine inches of snow, when melted, average one inch of water; in New-Brunswick, seventeen inches melted, average one inch of water. The snow is therefore twice as light, or dry, as that of England. COURSE OF THE SEASONS. The winter is fairly established at Christmas. — In January, as in the other North American Colonies, there is the usual thaw ; in February is The deepest snow, which seldom exceeds four feet on the average in the Northern portion of the Pro- vince, and three feet in the Southern portion. In March, the sun acquires much power, and the snows begin to melt. In the cleared country the snow disappears in April, and Spring ploughing commences. Seed-time continues, according to the season, from the last week in April until the end of May. In June, the apple trees are in full blossom; in July, wild straw- berries of fine flavour are ripe and in abundance ; haying then begins. In August, early potatoes are brought to mar- ket, as also raspberries and other wild fruits. In September, oats, wheat, and other cereal grains are ready for the sickle ; these are generally secured before October. The Autumn is long, and the weather is then delicious ; this is decidedly the most pleasant portion of the year. There are usually heavy rains m November ; but when not wet, the weather is fiiie mm RAND BOOK OF NEW-BRX7NSWICK. and pleasant ; the rivers generally close during the latter part of this month, and in December winter fairly sets in. From numerous returns which were furnished to Professor Johnston from all parts of the Province, the following facts were deduced. The average interval between the earliest sowing and latest ploughing, — or mean length of Summer — is six months and twenty-two days. Of this period, the growth of wheat and crops of Spring corn, requires an average of three months and seventeen days. After reaping the corn crops, there is generally about seven weeks clear for plough- ing before winter sets in. Before the average sowing time in Spring, there is usually about six weeks, during which plough- ing and other preparatory treatment of the land can be carried on. The number of days during which rain impedes the opera- tions of the British farmer, is notoriously very great ; and in thosfli parts of the United Kingdom where the soil i^ of a pe- culiarly tenacious character, it not only shortetys the period during which the work of preparing the land can be done, but it also makes it heavier and more difficult to do. But in New> Brunswick the climate is more steady and equable. Rains do not so constantly fall ;' and when they do descend, the soils in most parts of the Province are so porous that they rcadilr pass through. The out-door opeirations of the New-Brunswick farmer are less impeded by rain, and the disposable time he possesses compared with that of the British farmer, is really not to be measured by the number of days at the disposal of each, but by the number of days during which each can work out of doors. The severe frosts in winter generally penetrate so deep into the ground, especially when it is not covered with grass, as to raisa up and separate the particles from each other, to a con- siderable depth ; so that when the thaw comes, it is already so loose and open as scarcely to require ploughing at all, or if ploughed, to be done with little force and groat speed. An Ayrshire farmer settled in New-Brunswick, whose long experience with Scottish agriculture entitles his opinion to much weight, says : — " The frost of winter leaves the land in a very pliable state, and in better order for green crops than any number of ploughings done in winter could make it. On. this account, I believe, a pair of horses could work as mueb land here, under a given rotation, a» they would in Scotland.**' r-m^ ;^±^lj^^^ 'jf^'^'ity- imm-.: wimmf^ 10 HAND BOOK OF NEW-IRUMSWICK. .<«« Though the period for oat-door labour is shoher in New- Brunswick — as it is in Canada, Maine, and the Northern States — than in England, or in fiarts of Scotland, yet the action of winter upon the soil is such as materially to lessen the labour necessary to bring it into a proper state of tillage. There is nothing therefore in the length of the winter of Ntw- Bninswick, or the shortness of its summer, which ought, where time is dilig-ently employed anA its value known, to in- terfere seriously with the progress of out-door operations, or to add maiierially to the expenses of araUe cultivation. The manner in which all reot-erops thrive in the Province is really remarkable, and the frost is one of the agents by which the large product is brought about, by opening and pul- verizing the soil. By tables of produce heretofore published, it has been shown, that in potatoes and turnips, New-Bruns- wick greatly exceeds the present average produce of any other part of North America with which it has been compared. Very little attention is yet paid to the culture of flax, whieh may be grown upon almost every fhrni in the Province. The same may be said of hemp, to the growth of which some parts 'of the country are specially adapted, because of the rank ra* pidity with which vegetation proceeds upon them. Wool 'Combing now affords employment to some extent, and it will do so more largely, when greater advantage is taken of the adaptation of the climate to the rearing of sheep. The dress- ing of flax, hemp, and wool, ofier means of winter employment, one or other of which may be rendered profitably available, in most districts. The climate of New-Brunswick is well fitted for the rear- ing and feeding of cattle. With proper care, they not only winter well, but gain size and flesh. In Resiaigouehe, the most Northerly portion of the Province, the climate is l^ss severe upon stock than in Great Britain. Though « large provision of winter food is required to maintain the stoek during so many months, yet by 4he sating of manure upon farms of all kinds, even the neweit, and applying it to the grass land in the spring, and by the cultivtttton of green crops, for which there are sueh eiLtraordinary capabilities, this food is easily raised. The propear feeding of cattle dtiririg tho winter, gives employment to the members of the farm^ir'el family, and his paid servants ; and it is also the means of pro- educing more manure^ thus insuribg the production of better i"^" '*» ;J tiihf i^^sT'V-'^M HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. 11 beef and mutton, a greater weight of butter and cheese, and heavier harvests of grain. Professor Johnston procured returns from all parts of New- Brunswick, of the produce of each crop, and its weight ]%r Winchester bushel. From thes^ returns he deduced the foU lowing statement of the average product and weight of each, in the entire Province : — CROP. PER ACRE. WEIGHT PER BUSHEL. Wheat, ... 20 bushels, .... 60^ lbs. Barley, ... 29 " 50 « Oats, .... 34 « 38 '< Buckwheat, . 33J " 48i- «* Rye, .... 20J ...... 62^ " Indian Corn, . . 4l| « 59| " Potatoes, . . . 226 j « or, 6^ tons, . . 63 " Turnips, . . . 456 "or, 13J tons, . 66 " " These average weights," says Professor Johnston, " ov^r a whole Province, where the land is new, and manured only in rare instances, or at long intervals, indicate a capacity in the soil and climate, to produce grain for human food, of a very superior qualitj'." THE FOREST. After agriculture, the forests of New-Brunswick constitute at present its next greatest resource, in furnishing the mate- rials for its staple export of timber, and its principal manufac- tures — ship building and sawed lumber. The whole surface of the Province in its natural state, is, with very few exceptions, covered with a dense forest of lim- ber trees. Among these, the most valuable, as well as the most interesting and majestic, is the White Pine, so called from the perfect whiteness of its wood when freshly exposed. The wood is soft, light, free from knots, and easily wrought ; it is durable, and not liable io split when exposed to the sun. The white pine furnishes timber of large dimensions, and boards of great width ; and its wood is employed in far more diversified uses, and in greater qutintities, than that of any other free in America. ■m- ^r^W^smt^^'e'Tfm^'mF^^W^mwi^*! iW^ Uuv 13 HAND BOOS OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. The most usual forms in which white pine is extensively exported from New-Brunswick, are — as squared timber, masts, spars, deals, plank, boards, scantling, clap-boards, palings, sningles, and laths ; also in boxes, barrels, water pails and ' tubs. It would however be quite impossible to enumerate the variety of purposes to which it is applied both in Europe and America. Next to the white pine in commercial value, is the Black Spruce. This tree is so multiplied in New-Brunswick, as to constitute a third part of the forests with which the Province is so uninterruptedly covered, and nowhere is it found of larger size or finer quality. It often attains from seventy to eighty feet in height, and from eighteen to twenty-four incho* in diameter. The distinguishing properties of the wood of the Black Spruce, are, strength, lightness, and elasticity. It furnishes as fine yards and topmasts as any in the world, and for these it has been long and extensively used. By many, the wood of the black spruce is preferred to that of the white pine for . flooring ; but its great value arises from its furnishing the Spruce Deals of commerce, which now constitute one of the largest and most valuable exports of New-Brunswick. These deals are of the uniform thickness of three inches, not lest than twelve feet in length, and nine inches in width. The most usual dimensions are nine and eleven inches in breadth, and lengths of twelve, fourteen, sixteen, eighteen and twenty- one feet. Spruce battens are twelve feet long, seven inches in width, and two and a half inches in thickness. The manu- facture of Spruce Deals commenced in New-Brunswick in 1819, and has since been steadily increasing. In 1S51, there were five hundred and eighty-four Saw Mills in the Province, driven either by steam or water power, and since llien the . number has been continually on the increase. The extent and value of the exports of pine and spruce timber and deals^ will be seen by reference to the tables hereafter. The next tree in the order of value, is the American LARffK» which is known under a variety of names. The French Ca- nadians call it Epinette Range i the descendants of the Dutck in America, have called it Tamarack. It is most generally designated in New-Brunswick by its Indian name — Ha/chmatac In the Northern portion of the Province, and on the Gulf Shore, it is sometimes styled CypnsSt but much more fre- '^i |i5W:Ji&*.^';fV^ SAJfD BOOK OF MRW-BBUNSWICK. 13 quently Juniper^ to neither of which designation has it tho slightest claim. The American Larch, like that of Europe, is a magnificent tree, with a straight, slender trunk, eighty feet or more in height, and upwards of two feet in diameter. Trees of thia size are most abundant in the North-eastern portion of the Province, but of greater or less siee, they abound throughout New-Brunswick. The wood of the American larch unites all the properties which distinguish the European species, being exceedingly strong, and singularly durable. It is highly es- teemed, especially for knees, the butt of the stem and one of the principal roots forming together the angle required. Few descriptions of wood, if any, are superior to it for ship-planks and ship-timber ; and the clipper-ships of New-Brunswick, built almost wholly of its larch wood, have attained a world- wide celebrity tor speed, strength, and durability. After the three principal trees already named, come the birch, the beech, the maple, the elm, the hemlock spruce, the butternut, the ash, and the white cedar. Each of these fur- nish forest trees of large size ; and in various shapes, they are of more or less value for home use, as well as for ex- portation. There are four species of birch in New-Brunswick, all of them tall trees. Of these, the black and yellow birch are the most valuable, and furnish timber of the largest size. The grain of the black birch is fine and close, whence it is suscep- tible of a brilliant polish ; it possesses also very considerable strength. It is much used in ship-building, for the keel, lower timbers and planks of vessels; and as it is almost in- dispensable under water, it is well adapted for piles, founda- tion timbers, sluices, and in general, for any purpose where it is constantly wet. The wood oC the yellow birch is believed to be somewhat inferior to that of the black birch ; but the timber and planks from both trees are exported indiscrimin- ately, under the general name of birch. 6oth species abound in New-Brunswick, and they are almost always found on deep, loose, and wet soils, where they attain their largest size, which is from sixty to seventy feet in height, and more than two feet in diameter. There are two species of beech found in New-Brunswick, the red and the white, but of these the red beech is far the most valuable. In some situations, the beech is so abundant m^ m^ mmmwmmmmm^ -!>- 14 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. ;■■» 1^' as to constitute extensive forests, the finest trees growing in a deep moist soil, or level or gently sloping lands, which are proper for the culture of grain. The wood of the red beech is very valuable when preserved from humidity, and incor- ruptible when constantly in the water; but it rapidly decays when exposed to the alternations of dryness and moisture, in the bottoms of vessels it has been known to remain sound for forty years. It serves for shoe-lasts, tool-handles, planes, and mallets, and its ashes afford good pot-ash. The nuts of the red beech are produced every second year; hogs fatten rapidly on these nuts,but the pork is not esteemed. Bears, partridges, squirrels, and mice, feed on them largely. Very -olid and elegant hedges may be made with young beeches placed seven or eight inches apart, and bent in oppo- site directions, so as to cross each other and form a trellis, with apertures five or six inches in diameter. During the nnst year they are bound with osier at the points of intersection, wheTe they finally become grafted, and grow together. As^ beech docs not suffer in pruning, and sprouts less luxuriantly than most other trees, it is well adapted for hedges. The ted beech is reared without any difficulty fiom the seed ; it grows rapidly, and if the soil is in good order, a handsome and sufr ficient hedge may be produced in five or six years. The maples, in geperal, are lofty and beautiful trees ; they grow quick, are easily transplanted and bear cropping. The grass flourishes undes their shade. They prefer, and are ge- nerally found on a free, deep, and loamy soil, rich rather than sterile, and neither wet nor very dry. Of the several species of maple, the most interesting and the most valuable is the sugar mapljB, also kn&wn as the rock maple, and hard maple. It enters largely into the composition of the forests with whici^ New-Brunswick is covered, where it is found of the largest > size, and in great perfection. It frequently reaches the height of seventy or eighty feet, with a proportionate diameter; but it does not generally exceed fifty or sixty feet, with a diameter from twelve to eighteen inches. The sugar maple is most frequently found on the steep and shady banks of rivers, and ttlevated situation», where the soil is cold and humid, but free, deep, and fertile, and not surcharged with moisture. The wood of the sugar maple when first cut is white, but after being wrought, and exposed for some time to the light;, it takes a rosy tinge. Its grain is fine and close, and yanco. % ""V? RAND BOOK OP NEW-BRUNSWICK. 15 polished has a silky lustre. It is very strong, and sufficiently heavy, but wants durability ; when exposed to moisture it soon decays, and it is therefore neglected in civil and naval architecture. In the arrangement of the fibre, this wood Ire- quently exhibits two accidental forms, of much beauty, respec- tively known as " curled maple," and " birds'-eye maple." These make very handsome articles of furniture, and arc much sought after by cabinet-makers ; they are exported in considerable quantities to the United Kingdom, where they bring a high price. The birches, the beeches, and the maples all furnish ex- cellent fuel, and for this purpose they are extensively used in New-Brunswick. The sugar maple, however, furnishes the best fuel, and its ashes are rich in the alkaline principle. The eharcoal made from it is superior to any other ; it is one-fifth heavier than that made from the some species of wood in the middle and Southern States, which sufficiently evinces that the sugar maple acquires its chaitacteristic properties, in per- fection, only in a Northern climate. But the most valuable property of this tree is the quantity of sugar it furnishes ; and tho extraction of sugar from > the maple is a valuable resource in a country where all classes of society daily make use of tea and coffee. The process by which it is obtained is very simple, and is everywhere nearly the same. Though not essentially defective, it mi^ht be ren- dered more perfect, and more profitable, by a little more at- tention to science. The work usually commences in the month of March, while the cold continues intense, and the ground is still covered with snow. The sap begins to be in motion at this early season, and is obtained by boring small holes ki the thmks of the trees, from which it flows freely. It is then put into kettles ; the evaporation is kept up by a brisk ' firei ni^t and day, and the scum is carefully taken off as it lises. Fresh sap is added as Tequired, and the heat is main- tained until the liquid i» seduced to a sjrrup, after which it is left tp cool, and then strained to remove the remaining im- purities. In boiling it for the last time, the kettles are only naif filled, and by an active, steady heat, the syrup is rapidly xedaced to the proper consistency far being poured into moulds. The molasses being drained off the moulds, th^ sti.-^ gM comes out ia hard, solid blocks. 16 HAND BOOK OP HRW-mUHtWlCt* i' The larger the boiler, the more sugar is obtained ; and a eopper vessel produces sugar of a fairer colour than an iron ▼essel. The sugar is lighter coloured in proportion to the care with which it is made, and the judgment with which the evaporation is conducted. When refined, it equals in beauty the nnest sugar used in Europe. The sap continues to flow for six weeks, after which it be- comes less abundant, less rich in saccharine matter, and some« times even incapable of crystallization. In this state, it is consumed in the state of molasses, far superior to that from the West Indies, and bears the name of " maple honey." The amount of sugar manufactured in a year, varies from different causes. A cold and dry winter renders the trees more productive than a changeable and humid season. When frosty nights are followed by dry and warm days, the sap flows abundantly, and from three to five gallons are then yielded by a single tree, in twenty-four hours. Three persons are found sufficient to attend two hundred and fifty trees. Each tree of ordinary size yields, in a good season, twenty to thirty gallons of sap, from which five or six pounds of sugar are maide, but the average quantity, in ordinary seasons, is about four pounds to each tree. By the census return for 1851, it appears that the whole quantity of maple sugar made in New-Brunswick in that year, was 850,957 pounds. There are two well-defined species of elm in New-Bruns- wick, known as the white elm and the red elm. Both species Are beautiful, and well adapted to make shady walks, as they do not destroy the grass ; and their leaves are acceptable to eows, horses, goatSj sheep, and swine. The white elm stretches to a great height. In clearing the primitive forests a few stocks are sometimes left standing ; and isolated in this manner, the tree appears in all its majesty, towering to the height of eighty or one^ hundred feet, with a trunk of three or even four feet in diameier, regularly shaped, naked) and insensibly diminishing to the height of sixty or seventy feet, when it divides itself into two or three primary limbs. These diffuse on all sides, long, flexible, pendulous branches, bending into regular arches and floating lightly in the air, and ^ivinff to the tree a broad and somewhat flat- topped summit, of regular proportions and admirable beauty. RAND BOOK OF NEW-BEUNSWICX. 17 'In autumn the bright golden foliage of the elm mixes kind* ly with the various hues of the poplar and the maples, which display all shades of red, and frem the deepest crimson to the brightest orange. Its tint then contrasts favorably with the pale yellow, sober foliage of the birch and beech, with the different shades of brown in the basswood and the ash, or with the bufT yellow of the larch. At that season, even the gloomy blackness of the firs, by throwing forward the gayer tints, if not without its eflfect. Mr. McGregor, in his work on British America, speaking of the forests, says — " It is impossible to exaggerate the beautj of these forests ; nothing under heaven can be compared to its effulgent grandeur. Two or three frosty nights in the decline of autumn, transform the boundless verdure of a whole empire into every possible tint of brilliant scarlet, rich violet; every shade of blue and brown, vivid crimson, and glittering yellow. The stern, inexorable fir tribes alone maintain their eternal sombre green ; all others, on mountains or in valleys, burst into the most glorious vegetable beauty, and exhibit the most splendid and most enchanting panorama on earth.*' The white elm delights in low, humid, substantial soils, such as are called in New-Brunswick, " intervale lands," along the banks of rivers or streams, or on the borders of swamps where the soil is deep and fertile. The rich ** inter- vales" formed by alluvial deposits, are necessary to its perfec- tion. The wood has less strength than the oak, and less elasticity than the ash, but is tougher and less li&ble to nplit. It is said to bear the driving of bolts and nails better than any other timber. When exposed to the alternations of dryness end moisture, it is liable to decay ; it must be either wet or dry in the extreme. Consequently it is proper for water- works, mills, pumps^ aqueducts, and ship planks beneath the water-line.* When fully seasoned, the wood is highly esteem- ed for the carriages of cannon, and for the gunwales and blocks of ships, The red elm is less multiplied than the white, and the two species are rarely found together, as the red elm requires a substantial soil, free from moisture, and even delights in ele- TEted and open situations^ This tree is fifty or sixty feet high, and fifteen or twenty inches in diameter. The wood is less compact than that of the white elm, and of coarser grain ; but it is said to be stronger and,more durable when exposed to the sreather, and of better quality than the wood of the white elm. mmm Id HAND BOOK OF NEW-BSUKSWICK. "i h.¥ The Hemlock Spruce forms a large proportion of the eT6r- ffreen forests of New«Brunswick, and is abundantly multiplied in every favorable situation. It is always larger and taller than the black spruce, and frequently attains the height of seventy or eighty feet, with a diameter of two to three feet, and uniform for two-thirds of its length. The properties of this spruce are such as to give it only a secondary importance, notwithstanding its abundant diflfusion ; and it has heretofore been considered among the least valuable of the large resinous trees of New-Brunswick. Yet it is well adapted for minings for wharf-building, or for use in situations where it is con- stantly wet. It gives a tight hold to nails, and iron driven into it will not corrode in or out of water. Large quantities are shipped to Great Britain in the shape of lath-wood, from which split laths are made. The wood of the hemlock spruce is firmer than that of the white pine ; although coarser grained, it gives a better hold to nails, and ofiers more resistance to the impression of other bodies. As two-inch plank, it is frequently employed for threshing floors, and also for grain bins, because, as it is al- leged, rats will not gnaw the wood* As inch-boards, its most common use is for the first covering of the frames of houses, called " rough-boarding," which is afterwards covered either with clap-boards, siding, or shingles of white pine. When guarded from wet, the wood of the hemlock spruce is as dur- able as any other species of spruce, or even pine. The bark is extensively used in tanning. Only one species of the walnut is found in New-Brunswick, which is well known by the name of Butternut. It is abun- dant on the rich, alluvial banks of the rivers, and in such si- tuations frequently attains the height of 80 feet, and the cir- cumference, at 4 feet from the ground, of 6 to 8 feet. The fruit is commonly single) and suspended by a tEin, pliable foot-stalk; it is often two and a half inches in length, and five inches in circumference; The nuts are hard, oblong, round- ed at the base, and terminated at the summit in an acute point. They are ripe in October, and in some seasons are so abundant, that one person may gather several bushels in a day. The kernels are very oily ; these the Indians, in for- mer times, pounded and boiled, and separating the oily sub* stance which swam upon the surface, mixed it with their food ^^hence the name of " butternut." . V »•.< '^l^^f^^^W^^W^^i RAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. 19 The wood of the "butternut" is light, of little strength, and of a reddish hue ; but it possesses the advantage of lasting long, of being able to resist the effects of heat and moisture, and of being secure from the ravages of worms. Very considerable quantities of furniture are now made in the Province of the butternut wood, and it is be- coming in request for a variety of purposes. For wains- coting, and for fitting up libraries, it is well adapted, be- ing easily worked, of a pleasing colour, and susceptible of a good polish, which throws out the graining and shows the wood ta advantage. It has been recently employed in the highest order of architectural finishing, in the cathedral, and various churches and chapels of the Province, in the arches and ceilings of which it is seen under favourable circumstan- ces, and greatly admired. Butternut wood has not yet become an article of export, but the large size of which it can be produced, and its various good qualities, only recently become known, must render it in demand. The propagation of this tree is very easy, either ffom the cuttings or from the nut ; and as it grows to the greatest advantage in pastures, and along the sides of roads, it is advantageous to farmers to cultivate it, as well for the beauty of the tree itself, and the fruit ijt produces, as for the value of the wood at maturity. Of the Ash, there are two distinct species in New-Bruns- wick, the white ash and black ash. The wood of the ash dif- fers more, from difference of soil and situation, than that of any otheip tree ; consequently there are several varieties in the Province, but on close examination they may be referred to one of the two species named. The white ash is an. interesting and valuable tree, from the qualities of its wood, the rapidity of its gfowth, and, the beau- ty of its foliage ; it abounds in New-Brunswick.. In favoura^ ble situations, it sometimes attains the height of 50 or 60 * £eet, with a diameter of 18 inches, or more. The trunk is perfectly straight, and often undivided to the height of 30 feet The wood of the white ash is highly esteemed for its strength, suppleness, and elasticity ; it is superior to every other wood for oars, and is secon4 only to hickory for handspikes. Be- sides its extensive use by carriageand sleigh-makers, it is in ▼ery general use for agricultural implements. It is among die exports of the Province, in the form of staves and planks<, ■4" % . ii '■' 'it. W HAND BOOK OP NEW-BTIUNSWICK. The black ash is a tree of smaller size than the white ash, and its wood is neither so strong or so durable. Its wood it not therefore in great request ; but as it may bo separated in- to thin, narrow strips, it is much used by the Indians for the manufacture of baskets. The Whit* Cedar abounds throughout New-Brunswick. It grows almost always in wet ground ; in swamps, the trees •ometimes stand so thick, that the light can hardly penetrate their foliage. It is sometimes upwards of 40 feet in height, with a diameter of two feet and more at the base. Usually, however, it is not more than 10 or 15 inches in diameter, at fire feet from the ground. It frequently occupies exclusive- ly, or in great part, swamp'3 from 50 to 100 acres in extent, tome of which are accessible only in winter, when they aro frozen and covered with deep snow. These " cedar swamps " when cleared and drained, are noted for producing large crops of clover. ■ The wood of the white cedar is light, soft, fine-grained, and easily wrought. It has a strong aromatic odour, which it preserves as long as it is guarded from humidity. The per" feet wood resists the succession of dryness and moisture for a great length of time, and this constitutes its great value for fencing. Rails of split cedar, deprived of the bark, have been known to last for 50 yoars ; and shingles for upwards of 30 .years. The largest stocks of the white cedar are much sought after by boat-builders, who use it for boats employed in the fisheries. It possesses superior fitness for various household alensils, especially pails, tubs, and churns, which instead of growing dull like those of other wood, become vMiiter and tmoother by use. ft is chiefly exported in the form of posts ■and palings ; but as the Committee of Lloyds have just de* termined to admit isrhite cedar of good quality for the third foot-hooks and top-timbers of ships, of the six and seven years grade, its value v/ill hereafter be considerably enhanced. Besides the timber trees already mentioned, which are of .mfich value in an economical and commercial point of view, tkere are a variety of other trees in the forests of New-Brans^- wick, of less size and value, but yet exceedingly useful ip their way. Among these may be mentioned the red and grey oak, both trees of small size, but the latter furnishing wood of .great weight, strength, and durability, which is much in re- quast for agricultural implements, as also for boats, carriages. ■««tf:,«»W.«i,'-) ip^ flPli!il!pili!iPrWii^WiPWfWP»!wsfJ»Tni^^ HAJ^fD BOOK OF NEWBRUNSATICK. dt and sleighs. The white maple and red-flowering maple, nre much smaller than the sugar maple, and the sap from thcfh yields only half the quantity of sugar. Their wood is much used in cabinet work, in chair making, and for a variety of domestic utensils. The white birch and canoe birch are both trees of considerable size, furnishing much fuel ; and the bark of the canoe-birch is exceedingly useful for a variety of pur- poses, especially the construction of canoes, and the making of boxes, dishes, and a variety of ornamental articles. One of its many uses is being placed in large sheets beneath the shingles and clapboards, to render the houses dryer, and less liable to be penetrated with cold. The alders, the willows, and the wild cherry trees are all of small size, but useful for some purposes. The fruit of the wild cherry is oftentimes very abundant. These wild cherries are about one-fourth of an irtch in diameter, of a roundish form, purplish black color, and edible, but slightly bitter to the taste. They are made into a cordial by infusion in rum or brandy, with the addition of sugar ; this, when carefully made with brandy, is superior to the Kirschc7iwasser, imported from Copenhagen. Theic are two species of poplar, known as the balsam poplar (or balm of gilead,) and the American asnen, both furnishing trees of considerable size, but of no great value, except for or- namental purposes. The American lime, generally known as basswood is a tree of large size in New-JBrunswiclr, but not very abundant. It is sometimes met with more than SO feet high, and 4 feet in diameter; its presence indicates a loose, 4eep, and fertile soil. The wood is soft, easily worked, and is rsed for the panels of carriages, seats of chairs, and fanz of fanning mills. The hornbeam and ironwood are both found in New-Brunswick somewhat extensively. The wood of each is exceedingly hard and tough, and capaWe of bearing great weight ; but as they are both trees of the thiid order only, their small size presents their being so generally useful as if 4)f larger dimensions. The white spruce is a tree of smaller size than the black spruce, and the wood is of inferior quality, although the dealt made from it are mixed with those of black spruce, without distinction. The fibres of its roots, macerated in water, ais Yery flexible and tough ; they are used by the Indians to siitch their canoes of birch bark, their dishes, and water pails, of the same material. The seams of the canoes, and of the flrater pails, are rendered water-tight by a resin, improptrly ^^M^^^fM ^.iwrwr ■v.ef'Siwsi^, •n^^'wr^a? iytiiim"wiini 22 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. called gunit which exudes from knots and wounds on the trunk of this tree, whence it is gathered, melted, and boiled, to free it from impurities. The American silver fir, sometimes called balsam fir, is found in greater or less abundance through- out New-Brunswick. Its height rarely exceeds 40 feet, with a diameter from 12 to 16 inches. The wood of the silver fir, is light and slightly resinous ; it lasts longer in the air than in water, and its principal use hitherto has been in the form of boards, for the outside covering of farm-buildings. The great abundance and cheapness of white pine and spruce, have caused the silver fir to be much undervalued. The well- known fir balsam is procured from this tree. It is naturally deposited in vesicles on the trunk and limbs, and is collected by bursting these tumours, and receiving the contents in a shell or cup. In England, it is celebrated for medicinal and other purposes, and is there generally known by the name of Canada balsam. The following statement shows the quantities of the prin- cipal produ6ts of the forest, exported from New-Brunswick, during the five years last past : — Articles. 'Hmber, . . . Tons, Deiila, .* , . M. feet, Boards and Plank, M. feet, Masts and Spars, . No Ship-Knees, . . . No Lath wood, . . Cords, Sawed Laths, . . M. Shingles, . . . • M. Staves, M. Oars, ..... No. Box Shonks, . . . No. 1849. 1860. 1851. 1862. 1863. 159.759 168.381 168.062 134.888 137.389 141.149 145.6S5 179.810 203.639 248.844 23.511 25.538 21.006 19.647 7.867 7.156 4.786 7.831 9.881 4.224 8.262 5.262 2.861 9.453 14.410 2.059 2.548 2.542 2.476 2.695 6.009 5.664 4.652 6.853 20.926 22.S45 22.995 30.636 28.774 80.197 247 488 969 863 694 4.999 3.755 3.588 _— ._ 15.241 48.521 29.481 60.776 43.276 life. '■Si \'m' Besides the principal articles shown in this statement, there were also exported considerable quantities of fire-wood, tan- ners' bark, railway sleepers, pickets, cedar posts, poles and rickers, handspikes, palings, and clap-boards ; besides wo«d in a variety of other thapes, more or less manufactured. i'id,Vi!^im ■ *: ■' ' i**' ''"4i:'iMim-'^'ik^'m^''ivm m FW» II. IIJi I |l|UI,,llliip4!ip|L|!pil . i??^;!p*wyiW?M|p[pj^f • BAND BOOK 07 NEW-BBUNSWIOK. s» THE FISHERIES. The sea-coast of New-Brunswick, as well in the Bay of Fundy as within the Gulf of St. Lawrence, abounds with fish of various descriptions ; and all its rivers possess fisheries more or less valuable. As the fisheries in the Bay of Fundy differ materially from those in the Gulf, they will be describ- ed separately. THE BAY OF FUNDY.— The principal sea fisheries in the Bay are thase for cod, pollack, hake, haddock, herring, and mackerel. The chief fishing grounds for these are near the entrance to the 'Bay, and in the vicinity of the Islands of Grand Manan, Campo Bello, and the group known as West Isles, whence the fishing is pursued along the coast east^ wardly to the harbour of St. John, and sometimes much fur- ther up the Bay. The estimated annual value of these fish- jeries is about £40,000 Sterling. The fishing for cod, pollack, hake, and haddock, is with hook and line only. It is chiefly followed by fishermen resi- dent on the coast and adjacent Islands, in small open boats, which go out in the morning and return in the evening, ex- cept in hake fishing, which is pursued during the night. The boats generally in use are from twelve to eighteen feet in length ; the twelve feet boat has oi.e man, the eighteen feet boat usually three men. These beats have sharp or pink sterns, with one mast shipped very close to the stem, and a mainsail very broad at the foot, stretched well out with a light boom, and running up to a point at the top. They sail uncommonly well, and lay very close to the wind. Small schooners are also employed for winter fishing, and for the distant banks or fishing grounds. The Cod of the Bay of Fundy are large and of the finest ■quality, equal to any taken on the coast of North America. They bear the highest price in the United States market, bein^f always selected for the best tables. The cod fishery may be followed nearly the whole year, when the weather permits, sometimes close to the land, and at others, ten or fifteen miles from it, in very deep water, according to the season, and the course of the herrings, or other fish upon which the cod feed at different times. When caught, the cod are usually split, salted, and dried, ^nd in that state are known as the dry cod of commerce, which is always sold by the quintal of 112 lbs. At thp9e seasp^ F^„^P JRpd cannot ))e dry-cured, they a^f ^i*ii> mI lis ■,!!;'< Si^v.-i^S w ^WW^fr^^'-i *J^i^stff9^''' H HAHD BOOK OF NEW-BBUN8WICC. salted in pickle, and packed in barrels; these are called " pickled cod." The very best cod are taken at the close of winter, or rery early in the spring, in about sixty fathoms water. These are a thick well-fed fish, often attaining the weight of 70 lbs. or 80 lbs. and sometimes more. The oil extracted from the liver of the cod is valuable, and when refined, sells at a high price for medicinal purposes. The tongues and sounds of the cod are excellent eating ; they are pickled and sold as an ar- ticle of food. The heads of the cod contain much rich and delicate nutriment, which is highly recommended to persons of weak constitution, and to those whose systems have become debilitated ; but owing to the abundance of other excellent fish» the cods'-heads are chiefly used for manure. When properly prepared with other substances, they are believed to stimulate vegetation nearly as much as guano, while they greatly enrich the soil, and render it in better condition for future crops. The Pollack is one of the few ocean fishes which rang« on both sides the Atlantic ; on the coasts of England and Ireland, it is commonly known as the Coalfish. Its season foi spawning is early in spring ; in the early part of summer the fish is lank and almost worthless. It becomes in good condi- tion in July, and improves as the season advances. It fre- quently swims at no great depth, and when attracted by bait, will keep near a boat or vessel until all are taken. Pollack fishing may be considered as one of the most valu- able deep-sea fisheries of the Bay of Fundy. They are often taken from boats at anchor, like the cod ; but in general, the best fishing for them is in the strong currents between the Islands of the Bay, and in the " ripplings," or agitated waters formed by the conflict of tides rushing through various narrow passages, with great force. In these the lively pollack delight to play, as there they find abundance of small herrings for food. In the " ripplings " they are taken from vessels under easy sail, the bait being kept in brisk mo- tion by the sailing of the vessel ; it then closely resembles a liying fish, darting through the water, and is eagerly chased by the pollack. They are split and dry-cured like cod* Their abundance, and the facility with which they are taken, often render this a profitable fishery. Their livers, in ths latter part of summer and autumn, yield much valuable oil. The Hake is a large fish, frequently three feet in length ; it it taken abundantly, chiefly by fishing during the night, on ^, BAND BOOK OF WEW-BEUMSWlCi:. 2ir muddy bottoms. Its jaws are furnished with several rows of sharp incurved teeth, which render necessary an armature of six or eight inches above the hook, as this fish readily bites off a common cod-line. It is split and dry-cured like cod, bu* requires much more salt. The pickle for hake'is made of ex- ceeding strength, a bushel of salt being used for each quintal offish. When sufficiently cured, it .is exported to the mar- kets of the United States and the West Indies. The Haddosk is a small fish, found almost everywhere near the shores of New-Brunswick. It is exceedingly fine when eaten fresh, or when slightly salted and smoked, in the* same manner as the Finnan haddocks of Scotland. This fish is too thin to be of much value when salted and dry cured. The haddocks swim in immense shoals, and are prone to chang« their ground frequently, no doubt in pursuit of food, their con- fiumptioQ being enormous ; but there are many localities in which they are almost certain to be found at all seasons of tb« year. They are in the best condition in autuma and winter, and are a favourite object of pursuit with those who follow deep-sea fishing as an amusement, aflTording good sport, and most delicious fresh fish. The pollack, the hake, and the haddock, when dry-cured, are designated by dealers, '• scale-fish," and have only half the commercial value of the cod. The Herking is found in great variety and abundance everywhere in the Bay of Fundy, The statements made by the older naturalists, as to vast armies of herrings coming down annually from the Arctic Ocean, and making the circuit of the seas, is now supposed to be wholly imaginary. It is at present believed that the herring fattens in the depths of the ocean, and approaches the shore in shoals, merely for the purpose of depositing its spawn. It is quite certain that tht common herring is caught in the Bay of Fiindy during every vmonth in the year,'which quite precludes the idea of its being a migratory fish ; and it is equally certain that particular va- rieties are always caught in well-known localities, and nol elsewhere. Herrings are commonly taken in nets, set at night, in tb« same manner as on the coasts of the United Kingdom. Thes* are cured in pickle, and packed in barrels ; they form the oiv dinary pickled herrings of commerce. The small herringf are taken in shallow bays and coves, in weirs, formed of •takes driven at regular intervals, and interwoven with twigt^ M?S-i»/# i^^iM ■^■t$;'»^ PPll»!'»»''T9»^flP?»WPW!aTOSgp?f!^PTO^^ 9& HAND BOOK OF NXW-BBUl«tWICK. *5 thus forming what is called a " brush weir." The fish enter these weirs at high water, and are taken out when the tide recedes and leaves them dry, or nearly so, at Uw water. These small herrings are salted and smoked, and when pro- perly cured are very savory. They are packed in boxes <of about twelve dozen each, and sold at a low pnice ; they enter largely into domestic consumption, and form an article of ex* port of very considerable amount. The Mackerel is a fish rather erratic in its habits, and therefore no great dependence can be placed upon this fishery in the Bay of Fundy. Formerly, mackerel were very abun* dant near Grand Manan and Campo Bello, where but few are now taken, although the quantity has increased of late years. Those taken are generally of small size, and not at all equal to the mackerel of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, of which mention is made hereafter. The Halibut is a large flat fish, of the flounder family ; t% is frequently caught when fishing for cod. This fish reachea the weight of 200 lbs. and sometimes much more. In sum- mer it is' taken in shallow water, often quite near the shore ; in winter it retires to deep water. The flesh, though white and firm, is dry, and the muscular fibre coarse, yet by many it is much esteemed ; the fins and flaps are delicacies, if the fish is in good condition. When a number of these fish aie taken at one time, the fishermen salt the flesh lightly, and then dry and smoke it for winter use. The Sea-Shad of the Bay of Fundy is one of the most de- licious fish found in its waters. It is taken in long drift-nets, attached to a boat, and thus kept stretched across the tide, during the night only. Some are taken off the harbour of St. John, but the principal fishery is within Cumberland Basin, at the head of the Bay. In the muddy waters of that Basin, they attain their highest perfection, owing to the great abun- dance there of their favourite food, the shad-worm and the shrimp. The usual weight of this fish is from 2 lbs. to 4 lbs., although it sometimes attains the weight of 6 lbs. For win- ter use the shad is split down the back, and pickled ; it must be carefully cleaned and freed from blood or other impurities, otherwise, from its exceeding fatness, it is apt to spoil. Up- wards of two hundred boats and five hundred men are employ^ ed in the shad fishery, every season, in Cumberland Basin ; their annual catcli is estimated at somethinfic more than four thousand barrels^ worth at least X5000 Steuing. ^^^->^^'^- ww^m^w^ w?^m¥'rwm^?li^mm^^^m^^^'^il'm^i^ ^^a BAND BOOK OF NEW-BBUMSWICK. ax Besides the Sea-fish ahove described, there are others also taken of less commercial value, which are usually eaten fresh. Among these are the silver hake, a fish resembling the whiting of Europe ; th6 cnnner, or sea-perch; the torsk, or cusk, which is sometimes salted and dried ; several varieties of flounder; eels in great abundance and of good quality^ occasionally pickle-salted for exportation ; the tom-cod, a small variety of the cod family ; skate in abundance, and of large size, seldom eaten, not being sufficiently appreciated ; and that delicious little fish, the smelt, which in spiing is taken in immense quantities, and in great perfection. Of Shell-fish, there are, lobsteis in considerable numbers ; large and small clams ; a large flat shell-fish known as the scallop ; the periwinkle ; and great abundance of shrimps, with which the market might be amply supplied but for the scarcity of shrimp-fishers, who may here follow their vocation most profitably. The Islands of Grand Manan, Campo Bello, and West Isles, own and employ in the fisheries, sixty-eight vessels, manned by 558 meti ; 350 boats, manned by 900 men ; be- sides 200 men employed in connection with the herring-weirs. The settlers along the shores of the Bay of Fundy all fish more or less in their own boats, chiefly for their own use. The value of their fishing cannot be stated with any degree of precision. The Rivers which fall into the Bay yield a variety of fish ; but the most valuable river fishing is in the harbour of Saint John, at the mouth of the Saint John River, which yields an- nually about 40,000 salmon, 12,000 to 16,000 barrels of ale- wives, and about 1000 barrels of shad. The salmon are large and fine, precisely similar to the salmon of Europe. They are worth at St. John about Sixpence sterling per pound, and are sent in ice, in large quantities, to the United States, yielding a considerable profit and forming a valuable export. The Alewive is a small species of shad, generally known in New-Brunswick by the name of gaspereau ; its length is from eight to ten inches, tolerably good when eaten fresh early in spring, but very dry when salted. It is exported in pickle to the Southern States, where it is eaten by the slaves ; m that hot climate, a fatter fish will not keep. Shad are taken in the river, on the way to their spawning grounds, which are some distance above tide-water. The river shad are much inferior to those taken in the Bay, or in Cumberland w^m^inmm^ -^ .JiilUIUU,JJiJilf|P|l9PiPPPIU(JI|IWUIl!#!il|ll ipiUJIiJ! !.JI!ili:ii^ i-fif i.Jjflpi.'WMH.'*-.. • HAWD BOOK or KEW-BRUJfSWICI. •I Basin, and when salted are but little superior to the gaspereau. The fisheries in St. John harbour give employment to two hundred boats and five hundred men ; their value is estimat- ed at £20,000 Sterling annually. THE GULF OF ST. LAWRENCE.— The fisheries in this Gulf are prosecuted only from April until the end of No- vember, the ice preventing their being followed during the rest of the year. The principal fishery is for cod ; it commences early in June, and continues until late in November. In the early part of the season, cod are taken very near the shores ; as the Reason advances, they draw off into deep water. The best fishing grounds, or rather, those most frequented, are- from Point Escuminac to Miscou, and thence along the Bay of Chaleur to the Restigouche. The fishermen go out in boats from one to fifteen miles from the land, in the morning, and when at the longer distance do not return until the evening of the second day. Their boats are large, but not decked ; they have two fore-and-aft sails, and a jib. Each boat is managed by two men, and there is frequently with them a boy. The fishermen generally build their own boats during winter ; the keel is of birch ; the timbers of cedar ; and the planks of pine or cedar. The boat has oars, an anchor and rope, compass, and small oven for cooking ; the cost is about £18 for each boat and outfit. A boat will last from six to eight years, and so will the sails also, with care. It is considered a good day's fishing, at Miscou, or Ship* pagan, for one of ihese boats to take ten quintals of fish^ which they frequently do. When first caught, 112 of the small fish, and thirty of the larg;e size, are reckoned to the quintal. The fishermen generally split, salt, and cure their own fish ; when they do not, 252 lbs. of green fish, salted and drained, are given to a curer, who returns a quintal, or 113 lbs. of merchantable dry fish. The Bay of Chaleur cod are more prized in the markets t>{ the Mediterranean, and will at all times sell there more rea* dily, and at higher prices, than any other. They are beauti- fully white, and being very dry, can better withstand the eflfect* of a hot climate and long voyage, than a more moist fish. Th« peculiarity of their being smaller than cod caught elsewhere, It also of great importance as regards the South Americaii market, for which they are packed in tubs of a peculiar shape; m.HMM^^i>iiiMi ■FFT HAND BOOK OF M£\^£U2«SWICI. called " drums," and into which they are closely pressed bj means of a powerful screw. Hake are taken abundantly in the Gulf, at night, and oq muddy bottoms, as in the Bay of Fundy. But much mora attention is given to their cure, and they are exported under the name of " ling-." The haddock abounds, but pollack are not found in the Gulf, probably from the absence of those rushing tides and foaming currents in which they so greatly delight. The torsk, or cusk, is more common than in tho Bay of Fundy, and is dry-cured as a " scale-fish." Halibut are often taken ; they are cut in slices and pickled in barrels, in which state they sell at half the price of the best herrings. Herrings are taken everywhere on the Gulf coast of New- Brunswick, around Miscou Island, and within the Bay ol Chaleur. Immediately after the disappearance of the ice, at the end of April or early in May, vast quantities of herringt draw near the shores to deposit their spawn; the fishing con- tinues until about the first of June, when the spawning being concluded, the fish retire to deep water. These " spring- herrings," as they are termed, being taken in the very act of spawning, are thin and poor; of little value as an article of food, whether fresh or salted. Other herrings appear on th» coast about the 2Qth August, and remain inshore for a month ; these are called " fall-herrings." They are fat, and in good condition, furnishing excellent food, and a valuable commo- dity for export. It is admitted, that when first caught, the '• fall-herrings " are fully equal in every respect to the beat Scoteh herrings ; and if they, were cured in the same manner, this fishery, fjom the increased price and demand, would bo- come one of the most valuable fisheries of the Gulf. Mackerel abound in the Gulf, and are the chief object of pursuit with the numerous American fishing vessels which annually resort to its waters. This fishery commences early in July, and continues until late in October. The mackerel taken in the early part of the season are generally v«ry poor; they improve in quality a« the season advances. Those taken latest are by far the best, being large and fat, and in the finest condition. The mackerel fishery, as such, can scarcely b» said to be followed by New-Brunswick fishermen. They take small quantities only, with hook and line, to serve a9 bait for cod ; and a few are taken in nets along the coast hy vettlers. This valuable and prolific, though somewhat unce]>> taia fishery, has as yet been turned to very little account by wmummmmmii^ ■w?; 30 HAND BOOK^OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. the peoplt of New-Brunswick ; but if properly understood, maybe prosecuted very extensively, and with much profit, for the mackerel of the Gulf bear a very high price, and are in great demand in the United States. In the spring, the alewive or gaspereau enters all the rivers which flow into the Gulf, between Baie Verte and Shippagan, and many thousands of barrels are taken annually. The striped basse abounds all along the same coast ; while the quantities of smelts are perfectly prodigious. The sea- eels are uncommonly large and fat, and many are salted for exportation. The cunner, or sea-perch, is large and fine in the Gulf. Shad are not plentiful, and those taken are thin and of small size, greatly inferior to those caught in the Bay of Fundy. The capelin is a small migratory fish, from four to seven inches in length, not unlike the smelt. It is a very delicate fish, and large shoals draw near the shores eyery season, at places which are favourable for the deposit of their spawn. Flounders are found everywhere in great abundance and variety, as also the tom-cod and the skate. There are also other fishes of less value, among them the dog-fish, the livers of which yield oil largely. Salmon of the finest description are taken in great numbers along the shores of the Gulf, and in the estuaries of the ri- vers flowing into it. At the entrance of the Miramichi, more than 400,000 lbs. of fresh Salmon have been put up in a sin- gle season^ in tin cases hermetically sealed, for export to the United Kingdom. The Shell-Fish of the Gulf Consist of oysters, of excellent quality ; lobsters, in exceeding abundance ; large and small dams, in great quantities ; crabs, periwinkles, shrimps, mus- sels, and razor-fish, found everywhere, in profusion. RIVER FISHERIES.--The numerous fivei«, lakes, and streams, which so bountifully water New-Brunswick, are filled with fish of excellent quality, and in great variety. Besides those fishes which enter from the sea, including the salmon,, thv shad, the gaspereau, the striped basse, the smelt, the sil- Ter-eel, the sea^trout, and the sturgeon, there are others which zemain constantly in fresh water,, and may be taken readily. The finest of ^e fresh-water fishes is the red or brook trout, which is found in nearly every lake and stream in New-Brunswick, up to three pounds weight, and sometimes even larger, afTordiog.ezcelleQt sport to the aDgler^ and most lipiii^''p*» Pip^^^'^^'^iiiiliip w HAND BOOK 07 MBW-BXUNSWICS. 31 delicious food. In the cold waters of the large and deep lakes, the great grey trout is caught, up to twelve pounds weight, but these are not of so fine a flavor as the brook trout. The striped basse passes much of its time in fresh water; it is a good fish for the table, and is sometimes taken of the weight of twenty pounds and upwards. After the fishes of the Sal- mon family, it is unquestionably the most sporting fish in North America } its flesh is firm, white, and well flavored. The small white basse, commonly called the " white perch," is an excellent fish ; it abounds in the St. John and its tribu- taries, but is not found in the rivers flowing into the Gulf. — The yellow perch, the roach, the dace, the gudgeon, the carp, the sucker, and the chub, are all found in the fresh waters of New-Brunswick; as>also the white flsh, commonly called the •* gizzard fish," and spotted burbot, usually designated " fresh- water cusk," both good in their season. Eels are found everywhere, scarcely any piece of water being without them. Sturgeon of large size ascend several of the principal rivers for the purpose of spawning. They are sometimes caught, but their flesh being coarse and strong is rarely eaten, owing to the abundance of fishes of better quality. The following is a statement of the official value, in pounds sterling, of the flsh exported from New-Brunswick during the last four years, distinguishing the several countries to which the same were exported : — To what Countries. 1850 1851 1852 1853 £ £ £ £ United Kingdom, - - - 1835 2613 6185 14,605 North American Colonies, 11,051 16,507 9792 16,659 West Indies, - - - - 1911 489 1778 788 Other British Colonies, - 55 1761 1274 496 United States, - . - - 8400 14,281 22,934 18,609 Foreign States, - - - Totals, - - 406-7 3320 4096 5793 27,319 38,971|46,059 56,950 It is believed that this statement does not include the value of much of the fresh fish which is sent to the United States in ice, or of large quantities of fresh and half-cured fish which go from the fishing grounds in coasting and trading yessels, without being reported. H&m: 4k ^"'Wf^liS'^'i'"-' ^isf(frjpp""«"'ir'"w"« ' . -.«' ' as HAND BOOK Or NEW-BaUNSVriCXL 1^' GEOLOGY OF THE PROVINCE. So larg-e a proportion of New-Brunswick is now covered ^ with dense forest, and as yet, has been so imperfectly ex- plored, that no very precise description of the geoJogical for- mation of the country can be given. At present it can only be stated generally, that according to the information hither- to obtained, New Brunswick consists mainly of certain rocks, which may be thus described; — 1. The primary rocks of granite, gneiss, and mica slate^ which form a broad belt extending directly across the Pro- rince, near its centre, in a North-easterly direction. Thin belt is a spur or branch of the great, ciiain of Alleghany Mountains. It enters the Province from tho United States above Woodstock, embracing Mars Hill, near the Des Chutes river, and the range of hills known as the Tobique Moun- tains, all of which, however, are less than 2000 feet in height, except one, which rises to the height of 2170 feet. At the western end, this belt of hilly country is supposed to be 40 miles w^ide ; it narrows gradually in its north-easterly course, and the hills decrease in height, until they finally disappear before reaching the Bay of Chaleur near Bathurst. Another belt of similar rocks enters the Province from tho Westward, at the Cheputnecticook Lakes and River St. Croix, and also pursues a north-easterly course to Bull Moose Hill, near the Bellisle in King's County, soon after whifeh it dis- appears on meeting the coal measures. The Nerepis HilUi are in this belt, which is narrower and less elevated than thai to the northward. Both these belts of granitic rocks form anticlinal ridget against which the stratified masses lean, or they border im- mense troughs containing the secondary and tertiary forma- tions. The regions they occupy are generally stony, often rocky, and not susceptible of cultivation. In the less rocky portions excellent soils are frequently found when the IOO10 •tones are removed. The trap rocks, which include felspar, basalt, porphyry, green stone trap, and others of a volcanic character, ar^ found largely in connection with these belts of primary rocks, into which they send numerous dikes, veins, and intruding masses. A tract of trap rocks, associated with granite and sjtaito, and.frequently passing into the true granitic rock» I'JUIiPPJglfJ ■ps- 4 HAND BOOK OP NSW-BftUN^rmdC.*- ^ •xtends from Chamcook, near St. Andrews, to the eastern extremity of the County of St. John. This tract is on the average about ten miles in widthi and about ten miles distant $ from the northern shore of the Bay of Fundy, with the north easterly course of which it runs nearly parallel. These trap rocks occupy a large space in the Counties of King's, St. John, and Charlotte ; the lofty columnar basalt of the Island of Grand Manan is especially remarkable. They form in general a poor and rugged country, but do not necessarily in- dicate the presence of unfertile soils, because they contain a large percentage of lime. This chemical character eminent* ly, distinguishes the trap from the granitic rocks; and the •oils formed from each of these classes of rocks respectively, differ widely, and require entirely different modes of treat- ment. Wherever the trap rocks crumble from the action of the weather, or other causes, as frequently happens, they form reddish soils of much richness ; and when these soils are deep, they may be profitably applied as covering to other •oils of an inferior character. 2. The lower Silurian rocks, which form a broad belt south of the Tobique hills, running parallel with the north- easterly course of that range, and sweeping around the west- em end of the coal measures. The slates of this formation are composed of beds of clay that have been gradually con- solidated, in which there is no lime. They form soils of medium and inferior quality, which require drainage and , the free use of lime. 3. The upper Silurian rocks, \diich cover nearly the ipfhole northern portion of New-Brunswick, from the To- bique hills to the northern boundary of the Province, at the 48th parallel of North latitude, where this formation is met by the lofty mountain ridges of Gasp^. The Counties of Carleton, Victoria, and Restigouche, rest principally on this formation, which furnishes a large portion of the richest up- land soil of New-Brunswick. Among thie upper Silurian rotks of this region are beds of valuable limestone, frequently abounding in characterittic fossils. The rocks themselves sre generally slaty clays, more or less bard, containing liiao in considerable quantity as an ingredient, and crumbling down into soils of much richness, and sometimes of great ; tenacity. These soils are of a heavier character than those of the coal measures, and infinitely more fertile. - : The uppei .Silurian rocks are also found skirting the Bay ■^s^^i^^r^Tfr'''-' ■*''»>!('-*'^'in.- ^ 34 % mmimfvwmm BASfn BOOK OF MBW-BIUNSWICK. of Fandy, forming a belt of unequal width, from the Saint Croix to Point Wolf, at the Eastern extremity of St. John County. The Southern part of Charlotte, and nearly the whole of St. John County, are in thia formation. The rocks i of this district have been heretofore classed as lower Silurian ; but the better opinion seems to be, that they belong to the upper Sihitian, ai^ have been greatly changed by igneous action. This opinion is sustained by the presence of large beds of limestone, which especially distinguish this district ; and by the presence of fossils in the slates which are less metamorphosed: They are not altogetlvir incapable of yield- ing (rood soils ; but this portion of the Province is for the most part, covered with soils of an inferior character. 4. The l0wer carboniferous rocks, or red sandstone, which form a narrow belt everywhere between the Silurian rocks and thdse of the coal measures. They are also found extensively in Westmorland, Albert, King's, Queen's, Carleton and Glou* cester ; with small patches in St. John and Charlotte Coun- ties. In these sandstones, which are situate beneath the coal mOasures, large deposits of gypsum are found, and salt-springs often occur. This formation consists chiefly of red conoio- merate, fine grained red sandstone, and beds of red clay. The conglomerate does not produce so good a soil as the fine grained red sandstone, which crumbles into red and sandy soils, light and easy to work, often fertile, and under proper management yielding good crops. The beds of red clay, often called red marl, are interstratified with beds of red sandstone, and crumble down into soils which vary from a fine red loam to a rich red clay. In the neighbourhood of lime, these sand- stones are themselves rich in lime ; and wiien associated with gypsum, combine to form soro^ of the most generally useful, and when properly drained, ^rnm of the most valuable upland soils in the Province, 6. The earboniftraus rocks, or coal measures, whish cover a large proportion of the breadth of New- Brunswick, eonsist chiefly of grey sandst6hes of various tints, but soinetim^s of a dark and greenish hue, and at others of a pale ybllow color. Tike district occupied by these coal meiksures, extends along the Whole gulf shore of this rProvince^: from the boundary of Nova Scotia, at Baie Verte, lieafly to Bathurst on the 'Ray of Chaleur, without interruption; it constitutes a lafge pMt of the Counties of Gloucester and Northumberland ; die whole of Kent ; the most considerable portions of Westtoor- p^^i^ m^lfmm^ • RjlNO BOOK Of NIW-BKUNVWIOK. S5 land, Queen's, and Sunbury ; and extends alto into Albert, •KiBg'i, and York Counties. This coal mMtsure district ia diatiogaished by the general flatness of its surface, gently undulating however, intersected by numerous rivers and seve^ nl large lakes, but consisting principally of table lands, more or less elevated, . over which forests of mixed growth extend in tvety direction. The sandstones of this formation consist ■principally of siliceous matter, cemented together by a small {>roportion of clay, chiefly decayed felspar; they crumble readily, form light soils, pale in color and easily worked, re- (taining little water, ploughed with facility early in Spring land late in Autumn, but needing much manure, and subject 4d being parched up, in hot and dry summers. Some of these sandstones, however, contain greater proportions of clay, and form stiffer soils ; others that are green or grey in- ternally, weather of a red color, and form reddish soils of good quality. ItJias been remarked, that the coal measures of New- Brunswick contain a smaller variety of sandstones than tiiQse of England and Scotland, and are free from those thick beds of dark-coloured shale, which occur in the coal-mea- sures of the United Kingdom. The soils there, lying above r^the richest coal-fields, are often miserably poor, and greatly i inferior to those furnished by the carboniferous rocks of New- Brunswick. - -6, The tertiary deposits, which are found at numerous lo- calities along the coast of the Bay of Fundy. These consist of beds of sand, marly clay, and marl, forming low and nearly level tracts, exposed to the sea, and frequently extend- ing some distance from the shores. In the marl and marly clay of this formation, the remains of marine animals and plants are found in profusion. In the Counties of Gloucester and Restigouche, on the coast of the Bay Chaleur, these are similar to animals and plants which still exist iii the Pro- vince, and the marls of that district may therefore be referred ia-^e pliocene period of the upper tertiary formation. ','. 'There are two kinds of alluvium in the Province, the fresh- water and the marine, both exceedingly fertile. The first of these, composed of the pafticles of rocks detached by the frost, Keat, and moisture which cause rapid disintegration, are earned downwards by the rains, and transported by the floods in tarly spring, along the valleys and river sides, where being deposited, they form the fertile intervales that border '■*f^^F^«'^^ ^'W 56 HAlft> BOOK OF JXEW'nVKtWlCK. I f nearly every river in New-Brunswick. The marine alavi- ums are carried inwards by the rapid tides of the Bay of Fundy, and spread along its estuaries, where in the coiuas of time, they become grass-bearing marshes, and being resell* ed from the sea by embankments, finally produce clover and wheat. These "dyked marshes" as they are termed, poaseaa extraordinary and enduring fertility, and exist extensively in the Counties of Westmorland and Albert, near the head of the Bay of Fundy, where the tides rise to the height of fifty feet and upwards. For information under this head the writer is indebted to the labours of Dr. Gesner, Dr. Robb, Professor Johnston, and Mr. Logan of Canada, in addition to his own observations in every part of New-Brunswick. MINES, MINERALS, AND QUARRIES. As the geological character of New-Brunswick can as yet bo but imperfectly described, its minerals, at the present, are therefore only partially known. The principal mineral sub- stances hitherto found in the Province, are as follows :-— 1. Bituminous coal, of good quality, found in numeront localities in the coal measures of the Province, of the fat and caking description, like the Newcastle coal of England. No seam of this coal thicker than 21 inches has yet been dis- covered. The principal workings are in the vicinity of Grand Lake, Queen's County, and the seam is found, on the aver- age, at about 20 feet below the surface. In 1851, nine hun- dred and forty tons were raised. 2. A highly bituminous mineral, found near the Fetieo- diac river, in Albert County. A scientific dispute has arisen as to the precise character of this mineral, which one party designates oipAaZ/e, and the oiheT pitch coal ; hence it bias been proposed to establish it as a new mineral, under the name of AlbertiU. It is valuable for making the best illu- minatiug gas, and also for the manufacture of various liquid hydro-carbons and illuminating and lubricating oils, which are distilled from it. The seam at present worked is visiii- cal, and on the average about six feet wide. The deposit is supposed to be extensive. In 1851, fifteen hundredi iovm were raised. I 'W'^IPI BAND BOOK OP IfEW-BRimSWICI. 37 3. Iron ores, of various descriptions and qualities, are found in almost every section of New-Brunswick. An in- exhaustible bed of hematite has been found at Woodstock, near the river St. John ; extensive iron-works have been con- structed there, and in 1851, eight hundred and ten tons were smelted. No other iron-works have yet been established in the Province, although rich ores exist abundantly, especially in King's and Queen's Counties. 4. "Various ores of manganese have been found in con- nection with the iron ore of VVoodstock. Grey oxide of man- ganese, highly crystallized and of fine quality, has been work- ed to some extent on the Tattagouche river, near Bathurst, and thence shipped to England. Black oxide of manganese has been found near Quaco, and of this considerable quanti- ties have, at different periods, been shipped to the tJnited States. 5» Plumbago {graphite) exists in one of the largest beds known in America, at the Falls, near the City of St. John. It approaches in some degree to a metamorphosed coal, but is still sufHcicntly pure for the manufacture of lustre, and preparation of moulds for ir^ castings. It has been worked to some extent ; in 1853, eighty-nine thousand, nine hun- dred and thirty-six pounds were exported. 6. Ores of lead {galena) have been found on the island of Campo Ballo ; also at Norton, in King's County ; and lately on the banks of the river Tobique, of very good quality. The extent of the deposit, at the several places mentioned, has not yet been ascertained. 7. Grey sulphuret of copper has been found in small quantities on the shores of the Bay of Fundy, in Charlotte County. It has also been found on the left bank of the river Nepisiguit, near Bathurst, and a Company was formed some years since to work the deposit ; but the irregular distribu- tion of the mineral rendered their operations uncertain, and the mine has been abandoned. 8. Granite, of the best description, is found on the right hank of the Saint John, above the Long Reach, in King's County. Quarries were opened there some years since, and many public and private buildings in the City of St. John are built wholly, or in part, of the granite quarried th«r« PPP^!qi|P||P,.l JllMipJUHH i-^ '>>*!■ ipiWRiipPllpPiWP^IiiPi^^ 38 SAMD B001E OF 1TEW-BBUN8WI0K. Although it exiists largely in other portions of the Province, no other quarries have yet been worked. 9. Gypsam exists in abundance at Hillsborough, about, four miles from the Peticodiac river, to which it is transportr,^ ed on a tramway, and thence shipped in large quantities to the United States. It is also found extensively at Martin's Head, in Saint John County; at Sussex Vale, in Kinff's- County; and near the river Tobique, in Victoria County. There is also a deposit near Cape Meranguin, in Westmor- land. A snow-white gypsum, compact, translucent, and ap- proaching the finest alabaster, is likewise found at Hillsbo* rough, in considerable quantity. It works readily in the lathe, and makes beautiful ornaments. The quantity of gypsum quarried in 1851, was 5,465 tons. In 1853, no less than 15,712 tons were exported. 10. Limestones are found in various districts, but are principally burned for quick-lime, in large quantities, near the City of Saint John, at L'Etang in Charlotte County,. and at Petit Rocher, on the Bay of Chaieur. Kilns exist at other places, where quick-lime is burned on a small scale, for local consumption. Hydraulic limestj^nes have been noticed in many localities. The old mountain limestone, abounding with fossils, is found near the Ocnabog lake, in Queen's County, in its usual position with reference to the coal mea- sures ; the whole thickness of the band does not, however, exceed one thousand feet. Magnesian limestone has been noticed near the coal mines at Salmon River, in Queen's County. In 1851, the quantity of lime burned was 35,599 casks, of five bushels each. II. Marbles of very fair quality are worked in the vi- cinity of St. John, and are also found near Musquash, on the shores of the Bay of Fundy, as well as on the coast of the Bay of Chaieur. < .12. Superior dark red sandstones, as also grey and other sandstones, are quarried at Mary's Point and Grindstone Island, in Albert County, and thence exported to some ex- tent. These sandstones are found in large blocks', and are prized for building purposes. Excellent blue flagstones are likewise found at Grindstone Island. Good sandstones for buildings are found on the banks of the Miramichi, as well as in numerous other parts of the coal measures. HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. 39 r^ 4^ 13. Grindstones are manufactured to a very considerable extent in the Counties of Albert and Westmorland, as also at Miramichi, and on the coast of the Bay of Cbaleur, at New Bandon and Caraquet. They form an export of much yalue. There were 58,849 grindstones made in 1851. 14. Fine oil-stone (novaculite), equal to Turkish, is found at Cameron's Cove, near the Northern head of Grand Manan, whence American citizens carry it oflf in quantities. Excel** lent blue whetstone has been worked to some extent near the Sevogle, a tributary to the North West Miramichi. Fin© stone, of the like description, is also procured from the banks of the Moose Horn brook, in King's County. 15. Double refracting or Iceland spar, of the best descrip- tion for optical purposes, is found at Belledune, in the County of Restigouche. 16. Roofing slate {argillaceous slate) of good quality is found on the banks of the Tattagouche, near Bathurst, and the roof of the Court House at that place is covered with it. Similar slate has been observed at the narrows of the To- iique river, and on the left bank of the St. Johji^ a,bout three m,iles above Grten river, in Madawaska. 17. Iron pyrites, or sulpkiiret of iron, abounds in New- Brunswick, aid may be used in the manufacture of coppewMS when it occurs in veins. Where dykes of trap-rock have been injected into slate, the latter are often found charged with pyrites ; and this pyritiferaus slate is an article of much economical value, as, by a very simple process, it may be, made to produce both copperas and alum. , 18. Bituminous shale, a variety of argillaceous slate, is (r md in abundance on the banks of the Memramcook river, uenr Dorchester, in Westmorland — and throughout a lar^e district in that vicinity. This shale is highly charged with bitumen ; and from it naptha is distilled, as also a new liquid, hydro-carbon, which has been designated kerosene. Atmos- pheric air, after being passed through this liquid, becomes a, powerful illuminating gas. A mineral oil is also obtained by distillation from this shale, and from it paraffin^ is made« a valuable substance for lubricating machinery. Liquid bitu- men, or naptha in its natural state, is found in small quan- tities %wing from this sIi^g, io several places. y-'i!h:' w mwm^m''^%m vMrnrnw^w ^mm 40 BIND BOOK OF NEW-BEUNSWICK. I *■ 19. Plastic clay, for bricks and potter}% exists in larg^e beds, in many districts, and is often found of very fine qua* Jity. Beds of fire-clay are found beneath the bituminous coal wherever it exists in New-Brunswick. A largfe outcrop of this valuable clay has been observed at the mouth of the Salmon Biver, near the head of the Grand Lake, in Queen's County. 20. Peat, of good quality for fuel, exists in largfe tracts, especially in the Counties of Kent, Queen's, and Sunbury. There are two extensive deposits, washed by the sea, on the shores of the Bay of Miramichi — the one at the Black Lands, near Tabusintac ; and the other, on the opposite side of the Bay, at Point Escuminac. 2L Sulphate of barytes has been found North of Fort Howe, near the City of St. John, and is said to exist in other localities. : 22. Felspar, in L crystals, has been frequently teen in those granitic rocks which intersect gneiss. When putB this mineral is admirably adapted for the manufacture of fine porcelain. 23. Milk-whitp quartz, in veins and beds, more or less extensive, occurs in numerous localities. This substance may be profitably employed in the manufacture of flint glass. Quartz crystals, both limpid and smoky, are found in many places. The finest pure crystals have been procured near the Musquash river, in the County of St. John. 24. Ochres and the ochreous earths, are found in beds of considerable thickness, in the sandstones of the coal mea- sures. From some of the ochres, of a ferruginous character, fire-proof paints have been manufactured, at the Scadouc river, near Shediap, in Westmorland. .25. Chlorite, the famous pipe-stone of the Indians, called by them Tomaganops, is procured at Grand Manan, and also at the Tomaganops brook, a tributary of the North West Miramichi, in Northumberland. When first procured from its native bed it is of a dark ^en colofy compact, soft, and' easily worked ; by the moderate actioirdf fire it becomes very Wack, and quite hard. ,^.^' ,' 26. Jade, {?iephrHej) a stone remarkable for its hardness and tenacity, of a light green color, and an oily appttiTanc» ■a;^^ HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. ^t I- is n r- when polished, is found in the Province, in localities knoWn to the Indians. Some of them possess ancient scalping- knives and other weapons of jade, neatly polished, and bear- ing a fine cutting edge. 27. Jasper is found along the shores of the Bay of Cha- leur, and other localities in the Northern part of the Pro- vince. The ancient arrow-heads, spear-heads, and other Indian implements of stone, for use in war or the chase, wero chiefly formed of native blood-red Jasper, exceedingly fine and hard, oftentimes emulating the appearance of the semi- pellucid gems. 28. Homstone, or Chertf is frequently found in the pri- mary rocks, and has been especially noticed at Grand Manan, and the Gannet Rock. It has been seen of various colors^ and somewhat translucent. The Indians formerly used chert for the heads of their spears and arrows, although these were sometimes formed of white quartz. 29. Soapstone {steatite) is found in the Northern part of the Province by the Indians. Cooking pots, and other uten- sils of soapstone, are often found near their ancient camping- grounds. 30. Salt-springs, affording a copious supply of %Tater» exist at Sussex Vale, from which salt has been manufacture£l for many years, by evaporation in boiling. This salt is pe- culiarly fine, and is supposed to improve the flavor of the ex- cellent butter made in that valley. Salt-springs are also found along a small tributary of the Hammond river, in King's County, and near the river Tobique in Victoria. The Origin of these springs is yet an unsettled question ; and whether they arise from some unknbwn chemical action in the bowels of the earth, or are profluced by the solution of beds of rock-salt, remains to be determined. 31. Sulphureous and Ferruginous springs, and thoM emitting Carburetted Hydrogen, are found in numerous lo* calities, in the coal measures and slates of the Province ; but as none of their waters have yet been analysed, no preciss description can be given of their several qualities. Very many of the various minerals above described have been observed by the writer, in the localities mentioned ; and there is reason to believe that others will be found a» the country becomes cleared and more minutely explored. -;Mv, ^"■^•^ UPU9Mr"M ^mffmmn •iiypiwm. i..uppwiiHin.jiui,,i«L ^^'^ 48 HAND BOOK OF NSW-BSUN8WICX. In addition to the minerals already tnentioned, Dr. Gesner states, that Talc, and Talcose Slate, Mica SI^tefThompeon- ite, Stilbite, Apophyliite, Tourmaline, Serpentine, Iserine, Asbestos, Amethysts, Agates, and Garnets, exist in New«' Brunswick, but he does not indicate their several localities. SHIP-BUILDING. The advantages of New-Brunswick for Ship-building were apparent to its earliest settlers. Jonathan Leavitt, one of the first settlers in the harbour of St. John, built a small schooner there, before 1770. This vessel was named the " Monne- guash," that being the Indian name of the rocky peninsula on which the eastern part of the City of St. John now stands. In 1773, a large schooner was built at Miramichi, and named the " Miramichi," by William Davidson, the first British settler on that river.^ From these two schooners the Province dates its ship-building, which may be said to have grown up with it, gradually increasing until it has attained its present extent and value. The forests of New-Brunswick supply timber of large size in any quantity, for building ships of the first class. Such ships are principally built of black birch, and larch or hacma- tac. The black birch is used for the keel, fioor timbers, and lower planking ; larch or hacmatac for all the other timbers, knees and upper planking. American live and white oak are imported for the stem and stern posts of superior ships, and pitch-pine for beams. White pine is- used for the cabins and interior finishing, and for masts. The black spruce fur- nishes as fine yards and topmasts as any in the world. Elm, beech, maple, cedar, and spruce, are used in the construction €>f ships of the second class, and for small vessels. Ship-building is prosecuted more extensively than else- where, at the ports of St. John and Miramichi, where it first commenced. Vessels are also built at St. Andrews ; at va- rious coves and harbors on the Bay of Fundy, especially at Teignmouth and Quaco ; along the banks of the river Saint John, for ninety miles from the sea, on the Kennebeckacis, one of its tributaries, and at the Grand Lake. Latterly, ship- building has been prosecuted to a considerable extent on the banks of the Peticodiac river, and at Sackville, in Cumber- land Basin. Within the Gulf •f St. Lawrence, vessels have been chiefly built hitherto at Shcmogui, Cocagn», Buctoucbe, HAND BOOK OF NEW-BKUNSWICK. 43 Richibucto, Kouchibouguac, Miramichi, and Shippagan ; at Bathurst and Dalhousie, within the Bay of Chaleur ; and at Campbell ton on the Restigouche. One of Lloyd's Surveyors now resides in New-Brunswick, and all large vessels are subjected to his strict and careful supervision while in course of construction. Ships built un- der his inspection are classed before they go to sea ; and such ships have justly attained a high character. The " Marco Polo." renowned for her sailing qualities, was built in the harbour of Saint John, and has been followed by a fleet of other ships, equally famous for their strength, speed, and du- rability. The following is a comparative statement of the numbers and tonnage of the vessels built in New-Brunswick during the last six years : — Year. Number. Tons. 1848 86 22,793 1849 114 36,534 1850 86 30,356 1851 87 34,350 1852 118 58,399 1853 . 122 71,428 The vessels built in 1853, it will be observed, were of large «ize, averaging no less than 585 tons each. The proportions in which they were built in different parts of the Province, in 1853, may be judged by the following statement from the three ports of registry : — St. John, 94 vessels, 56,452 tons ; Miramichi, 21 vessels, 13,205 tons ; St. Andrews, 7 vessels, 1,771 tons. The vessels registered at Miramichi include all those built in the Gulf ; and those registered at St. Andrews, include all that were built in Charlotte County. At an average of eight pounds Sterling per ton, the ves- sels built in 1853 were worth £571,426 Sterling. As fully half the cost of each ship is expended in labor, the value of employment afibrded by Ship-building in New-Brunswick may be readily estimated. The amount of daily labor in and about the hull and spars of a ship, is on the average ten days for each registered ton. ^m^~^'^ifmm -^^^ .iil*Vi^l|iyMJnW'.JiW!>«l.Miv«PfnHi||||ppp|^ 44 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BSUIfSWICX. MILLS AND MANUFACTORIES. The number of Saw Mills has increased very much in New-Brunswick of late years ; and recently they have be«n jrreatly improved in their construction and machinery. Wat^r Power is still used very extensively ; but the number of mills worked by steam is becoming large, especially at and near the various sea-ports. In 1833, the number of saw mills in the Province was estimated at two hundred and thirty ; by the census of 1851, it appears that the number of saw mills had then increased to five hundred and eighty-four — giving employment to 4302 men. Many saw mills on a large scak have since been erectod. By the census of 1851, it also appears that there were then in the Province, 261 grist mills, employing 366 men ; 125 tanneries, employing 255 men ; 11 foundries, employing 242 men ; 52 carding and weaving establishments, employing 96 persons, and that there were also 5475 hand-looms, at which 622,237 yards of cloth were made in a year ; this was chiefly coarse woollen, for farmers' use. There were eight breweries, manufacturing annually 100,975 gallons of malt liquor ; and 94 other manufacturing establishments, givmg employment to 953 persons. The value of various articles manufactured in the Province in 1851, is thus stated : — Boots and Shoes, £89,367 ; Leather, £45,165; Candles, £19,860 ; Wooden Ware, (not Cabinet- work,) £20,505; Chairs and Cabinet-ware, £13,472; Soap, £18,562; Hats, £6360; Iron Castings, £20,205. INTERNAL COMMUNICATION. The rivers of New-Brunswick and their tributaries are so large, and afford such facilities for reaching the interior of the country, that for a long period after its first settlement the construction of roads was greatly neglected. The principal river is the St. John, which is 450 miles in length. It is navigable for vessels of 100 tons, and steamers of large class, for eighty-four miles from the sea, up to Fre- dericton, the Seat of Government. Ab»ve Fredericton, small steamers ply to Woodstock, about seventy miles further up the river ; when the water is high, they make occasional trips ':^* BAKD BOOK 01 NlW-BSUNSWtCK. 45 to the Tobique, a further distance of fifty miles ; and some- times they reach the Grand Falls, which are about 220 miles from the sea. Above these Falls the river has been navigat- ed by a steamer about forty miles, to the mouth of the Mada- waska ; beyond that point the St. John is navigable for boats and canoes almost to its source. The Madawaska river is also navigable for small steamers thirty miles, up to Lake Temiscouaia, a sheet of water twenty-seven miles long, from two to six miles in width, and of great depth. From the up- per end of this lake to the river St. Lawrence, at Trois Pis- toles, the distance is about eighteen miles only. Another large sheet of water in connection with the St, John, is the Grand Lake, the entiance to which is about fifty miles from the sea. This lake is about twenty nine miles long, and from two to seven miles in width. The Salmon river onters the Grand Lake near its head, and is navi^ble for small vessels and steamers for about 16 miles. The Maquapit and French Lakes are connected with the Grand Lake by a deep, narrow channel, through which small vessels can pass. The Washademoak Lake is about twenty miles .long, and pn the average, three quarters of a mile in width. The stream from it enters the St. John about 40 miles from the sea. — This lake is navigable for steamers to the north of the New Canaan river, which flows in at its head. The Kennebeccasis river, a large tributary of the St. John, is 80 mile:! long; it is navigable for steamers 25 miles from its mouth to Hampton, where vessels of 500 tons have been built. The Oromoctp is another large tributary flowing from two large lakes, navigable for vessels drawing eiffht feet water for 20 miles from its mouth. It enters the*St. John from the westward, 72 miles from the sea ; within its mouth vessels of 1200 tons are built. The Nashwaak, the Keswick, the Mac- taquack, and the Nackawic are all considerable streams en- tering the St. John from the eastward. The Tobique is a large river, 80 miles in length, with its tributaries watering a large tract of country east of the St. John. There are many other tributaries of the St. John, both from the eastward and the westward, among which the Aroostock is the most consi- derable. The Petitcodiac is a large river flowing into Cumberland Basin, near the head of the Bay of Fundy. It is navigable 25 miles for vessels of the largest size ; and for schooners of 60 or 80 tons for 12 miles further, to the head of the tide.-— ■^^iss^sss^sas diifihi 46 HAMO BOOK OF NEW-BKUNSWICK. The whole length of this river is about 100 miles ; above the tide it is navigable for boats and canoes fully fifty miles. The Richibucto is a considerable river flowing into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. It is navigable for small vessels for 15 miles above the harbour at its mouth ; the tide flows up it 25 miles. The Miramichi is a large river, navigable for vessels of 800 tons for 25 miles from the Gulf, and for schooners 20 miles further, to the head of the tide, above which for 60 miles it is navigable for tow-boats. This river has many larg« tributa- ries spreading over a great extent of country. The Restigouche, at the north-eastern extremity of the Pro- vince, is a noble river, three miles wide at its entrance into the Bay of Chaleur, and navigable for large vessels for 18 miles irom the Bay. The principal stream of the Resti- gouche, is over 200 miles in length. Its Indian name signi- fies, " the river which divides like the hand," — in allusion to its separation, above the tide, into five large streams. The main river, and its large tributaries, widely spread, are sup> posed to drain at least 4000 square miles of territory, abound- ing^ in timber and other valuable natural resources. The Bay of Chaleur, into which the Restigouche fiows, may be described as one immense haven, with many excellent har- bours. Its length is 90 miles, and it varies in breadth from 15 to 30 miles; yet in all this great extent of length and breadth, there is neither roach, reef, or shoal, or any impedi- ment to navigation. On the southern or New-Brunswick side of this Bay, the shores are low, the water deepening gradual- ly from them. On the northern or Canadian side, the shores are bold and precipitous, rising into eminences which may al- most be called mountains. Besides the rivers mentioned, there are very many others, of such size as would entitle them elsewhere to be deemed very considerable. An inspection of the small map attached to this hand-book, will show how admirably the country is watered throughout, no portion of it being without running streams, "from the smallest brook up to the navigable river," by which the country can everywhere be penetrated, as men- tioned by the Railway Commissioners. Gbeat Roads have been made through those lines of CQUn- tiT most thickly settled. The principal of these is the line of great road from the Harbour of St. John, up the valley of tsMfe HA^D BOOK OF MEW-BRUMSWICK. 47 jdi. the St. John ri?er, to Canada. The next is the line of great road, from the United States frontier, at Calais, across the Province eastwardly, to the City of St. John ; thence east- wardly along the valleys of the Kennebeckasis and Petico- diac, to the Bend of the latter river. At that point, a branch <liverges southerly to the boundary of Nova-Scotia ; the main line pursues its course to Shediac, and thence northerly, along the Gulf Shore of the Province, to the Canadian boundary at the Restigouche. There are also great roads that connect Frederictun with the ports of St. Andrews and Miramichi ; with other great roads of less extent connecting several import- ant points. The bye-roads in each County are numerous, pe- netrating into every settlement ; these are being extended con- tinually, as settlers push their way into the wilderness. — About £30,000 sterling is appropriated annually from the Provincial revenue, for the construction and improvement of roads and bridges. A wire suspension bridge has recently been thrown over the river St. John, near the City of St. John, where a toll is levied ; with that single exception, all the roads and bridges in the Province are free. There are numerous waterfalls on the rivers and streams of the Province ; very few are without, and some have falls of great height and large volume. The amount of water power in New-Brunswick is exceedingly large, and almost beyond calculation. Few countries of its size possess such facilities for obtaining power to an unlimited extent from running water. lers, kmed img ^er," len- mn- J line ly of Railways. — The first railway commenced in the Province was intended to connect the Port of St. Andrews, with the vil- lage of Woodstock, a distance of about 106 miles. As Wood- stock is distant 150 miles from the sea by the river St. John, and as that Irivfer is obstructed by ice five months in the year, it was deemed' advisable that l^e upper country should have a shorter communication with the sea, which would be avail- able during the whole year. This railway is now completed and open for traffic, for twenty six miles from St. Andrews ; leaving upwards of 70 miles to be completed. The European and North American Railway Company faas Entered into a contract for the construction and equipment ■of a first olafes single track Railway, of 5 feet 6 inches guage, iVom the Harbour of St. John to Shediac, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a distance of 107 miles, with a branch to the No* ■^mimmsi^&Mmssm^ - 40 MAUD BOOK Of XflW-BSUNSWICK. ra-Scotia boundary of 37 miles, at £6,500 sterling per mile , the same to be ready for actual traffic and travel, on or before the 1st of July, 1857. In the same contract, provision has been made for the extension of this railway westwardly, from the City of St. John to the boundary of the State of Maine, an estimated distance of 75 miles ; and for an extension nor- therly, from Shediac to Miramichi, about 90 miles ; as also for a branch from St. John to Fredericton, of 65 miles in length. It is estimated, that in the construction of these rail- ways, one year's labour of sixty men will be required for each mile of railway. The amount of ordinary labour required in New-Brunswick for railways only, will be very great for se- veral years to come, affording the certainty of steady and profitable employment for a long period. The completion of these proposed railways, by furnishing greater facilities for traffic at all seasons, will materially increase the trade and business of the country, and thus create a greater demand for agricultural and mechanical labour at profitable rates. COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION. The extent and value of the commerce and navigation of the Province, will be best shown by the following statistical tables, carefully compiled from official returns. The first is a statement of the numbers and tonnage of ves- sels, owned and registered in the Province, on the 3l8t day of December, in each of the yeara mentioned : — Tons. 113,825 117,475 121,996 118,288 108,641 114,588 Year. Number, 1848 763 1849 77^ 1850 807 1851 796 1852 782 1853 827 Estimating the population of the province in 1853, at 200,- 000 souls, the proportion of tonnage to population will be one ton and one seventh for each man, woman, and child in the cottatry>-an unusually large proportion in any commu- frr*^ e, •re as im le, )r- to ia il- ch in le- nd of 'or (id or 18- BAND itoOX OF NBW-BSimSWiCK. 4d llie value of imports and exports during the last six years, distinguishing countries, is thus stated, in pounds sterling. 629,408 639,199 « 816,631 668,018 1 eS! © FN s © FN FN M FN to eo eo i 1,716,108 1,072.491 P ^ © 09 1 04 Si eo -H 8 FN to fX QO OO FN OO 1* tt So %i ^ s «rt •*. •*- 2 2 m M GO lO -1 ^« 8 CO © © FN W S © 00 a S 1 ^H ei t« e eq •9 eo '^ FN U^m jj ^ lO ss 00 s OO U3 FN s 00 (O • *» »» 1-4 CO eo 04 CO to Ok 8 S ^ • ■« to CJI N ■«i» o M !>. r«. FN. JB y. 04 © to FN © W CO CO to m N 1 •H to M C9 o o H ^ ^ S 2S © le CO r« <e m CO FN to CO (O o> m lO «i ei 00 S 2 •^ o o> ta © r- «i FN lO 9t H a (* M M o 2 m ko • FN s S s e vH & *H ^4 FN ^4 FN eo F4 i 3 •^ g w* * ^•4 pM S 1 OO QO 5 S • •O »i^ FN ■^ FN r^ FN 11 «.« W« ^V 1 00 0> FN M in (0 to lO 93 ta <0 CO FN 00 QO CO ^ Zr © * M Vk «k «« « ffi« eo t* A 00 ^4 CO eo O Hi ■* © e <• 0» 40 lO QO e> o w <» M 2 09 ^ « Nf "* kO -* (O fr- fc» '^ . S ^ 5 « 1 1 • 2 • • 2 • 2 • • 2 2 S. %* %. Q. S. 1 g. o a. S. S. s. s. sa s (2 J5 w E 1-4 M s ^ J ^ fi 9 c 1 Q FN 99 CO g •^ 1 IQ u: tC to s CO « 1 qo « OO 00 • ^ l»- Fi* t- FW FN _±: ^.a Mm The regular increase in the imports and exports during the ast six years, is worthy of especial notice, as marking the teady progress and continued advancement of the country. The apparent deficiency in each year between the value of mports and the value of exports, is amply made up by the , ale of new ships in the United Kingdom,- the freight of their ■^1:^: ^. ^fc.;;U■■y^ija»:'^.^^3i^Syfeaii piii.Mj.ipiiipiiiiilMiwiM##yi^k4ip^^ 60 HAND BOOK OT NEW-BSUIfSWICK. eaigoes to the place of sale, the earnings of the ships belongings to the Province, and the prices obtained for articles exported beyond the official estimate of their value when shipped, leav- ing, on the whole, a large balance of trade in favour of the Province. The following is a statement of the number of ships and vessels and their tonnage, which entered inwards at the seve- ral ports of New-Brunswick, from all parts of the world, dur- ing the last five years, — distinguishing the various countries from which they arrived : — A From United Kingdom. From British Colonies. From United States. From For.States. • Total. No. Tons. No. 1213 1281 1275 1535 1863 Tons. No. 1304 1457 1453 1511 1767 Tons. No. 51 68 57 49 78 Tons. 13,106 17,701 12,926 9 254 12 225 No. 2898 3039 3U58 3314 3556 'i'ons. 1849 1850 1851 1852 1868 825 23S 273 219 248 140,024 95.393 113,665 86,203 98,592 81,050 81.424 87,965 99,642 110,414 182,007 242,104 274,594 344,187 405,345 416,187 436,622 489,160 539,336 627,276 The next table contains a statement of the number of ships and vessels, and their tonnage, cleared outwards during the last five years, — dis^tinguishing the countries to which they sailed : — ' 3 • To United Kingdom. To British Colonies. To United States. To Foreign States. • TaTAU No. Tons. No. Tons. No. 928 937 950 999 1191 Tons. No.. 25 26 64 41 44 Tons. 3769 8286 6717 6227 6763 No. 2891 2971 2981 3298 3929 Tons. 1849 1860 1861 1862 1868 769 768 816 79S 902 300,8fl6 208.617 347,757 368,013 413,796 1172 68,097 1241; 70,156 1183 73,280 1466 86,662 1784 102,216 84.742 87,926 111,772 135,580 158,523 457,414 464,988 538,5281 681, 4Td 681,4781 The increase m the number of vessels inwards and ont^ wards, during the above years, has been equal to the increase m imports and exports, and shows the steady advance ii^ tnde and navigation. ms W- HAND BOOK OF NEW-BEUN9WICK. 51 DESCRIPTION OF THE FROVINCE BY COUNTIES. iu m RESTIGOUCHE.— This is the northernmost County in the Province. It has a large frontage on the Bay of Chaleup, and is bounded northerly by the ^th parallel of North la- titude, which is the dividing line between New-Brunswick and Canada in that quarter. It abuts westwardly on Victoria County, and is bounded southerly by Gloucester and North- umberland. Restigouche County contains li426,560 acres, of which 156,979 acres are granted, and 1,269,581 acres are still va- cant. The quantity of cleared land is 8895 acres only. Th« population, in 1851, was 4161 ; of whom 2353 weie males, and 1808 were females. Lumbering is carried on extensively in Restigouche, which will account for the excess of males. This County is divided into five Parishes — Addington, Col- borne, Dalhousie, Durham, and Eldon, The shire-town is Dalhousie, a neat town at the mouth of the River Restigouche. It is built on an easy slope, at the base of a high hill; the streets are broad and clean. A crescent-shaped cove in front of the town is well sheltered, and has good holding ground fpr ships, in six and seven fathoms water. There are excel- lent wharves, and safe timber ponds at Dalhousie, affording every convenience for loading ships of the largest class. The eastern point of Dalhousie Harbour is in, latitude 48^ 4' north, longitude 66° 22* west, Variation of the compass 20° 45' west. Neap, tides rise six feet, and spring tides nine feet. From Dalhousie to the village of Campbelton the distance by the river is about eighteen miles. The whole of this distance may be considered one harbour, there being from four to nine fathoms throughout, in the main channel. At Campbelton, the river is about three quarters of a mile wide ; ^bove this place, the tide flows six miles, but large ves- sals do not go further up than Campbelto'*. In 1853, ninety vessels, of the burthen of 18,217 tons, entered the port of DaK housie. " The soil in this County is very fertile, and produces large crops ; it is especially noted for the excellent quality of its grain. The best wheat grown there weighs 65 lbs. per bushel ; barley, 56 lbs. per bushel ; black oats, 42 lbs. per bushel ; white oats, 47 lbs. per bushel. The productiveness in Resti- gouche, although so f^r north, affirms the principle, thaV-^ *iiAi;'i!t?i' ■ m 62 HAND BOOK 07 N£W-8RUN9WICK. " climate unless it be very severe, is by no means the mo«lt influential element in determining the agricultural capabilities of a country." The geological character of any country has inore influence upon its economical prospects than climate^ and should be equally if not more carefully studied. GLOUCESTER.— This County lies between Resti^ouche and Northumberland, and has a long range of sea-coast, in part on the Bay of Chaleur, and in part on the Gulf of St. Lawtence ; it also includes the Islands of Shippagan and Miscou, which form the north-eastern ^tremity of the Province. Gloucester County contains 1,037,440 acres, of which 332,902 acres are granted, and 704,538 acres are yet vacant/ The amount of cleared land is 19,812 acres. The population in 1861, was 11,704 souls, of whom 1479 were males, and 1434 were females. Owing to the extent of sea-coast and the facilities for prosecuting the fisheries, there are many fisher- men in this County. The value of the catch, in 1851, was returned at £15,693. There are six Parishes in Gloucester — Bathurst, Beresford, Caraquet, New-Bandon, Saumarez, and Shippagan. Bathurst ifs the shire-town. It is pleasantly situated between the Nepisiguit and Middle- rivers, on a point of land which has a very easy slope to the harbour. The entrance to the har- bour is between two low points of sand and gravel, and i» about 230 yards across. Outside this entrance is the bar, on which, at spring tides, there is fifteen feet of water. Within the entrance, the harbour is a beautiful basin, about three and a half miles in lengthy and two miles in width, well sheltered from every wind/ In the principal channel there ie about 14 feet at low Water, and vessels dmWing more than 14 feet usually take in part of their cargoes out- side the bar, in the roadstead, where there is from six to ten fftthoma water, and good hoiiiing ground. The entrance to Bathurst harbour is in latitude 47° 39^ north, longitude 65° 38^ west ; the rise and fall of tide,. 4 to 7 feet. In 1853, eighty -four vessels, of the burthen of 11,473 tons, entered the port of Bathurst. l4ie Nepisiguit river, flowing into Bathurst harbour, iff eighty miles long, but nat navigable^ owing to the number of eaecades, falls, and rapida< Large quantities of timber are floated down it for shipment. Great numbers of salmon aseend this river every season) at far as the €rmiid Falls ^ ■ «•*., vi(?i^ HAND BOOK OT NEW-BRUKSWICK, 53 which are about 22 miles from the harbour, but cannot pasn up them. Owing to its peculiar character, this river is wiell adapted to the sport of fly-fishing, and of late years it has become a favorite resort of fly-fishers from all parts. Thte favorite stations are at the Pabineau Falls, seven miles from Bathurst, and at the Grand Falls, fifteen miles further up ; but there are several places between these Psvo pointii, wh^te the sport may be followed with success. Large trout are very abundant. The sporting season is from June until the end of August. At the north-eastern part of this County is the spacious haven of Shippagan, which comprises three large and com- modious harbours, between the islands of Pocksoudie and Shippagan, and the main land. Within these harbours there is good anchorage for vessels of the largest class, which can lie perfectly sheltered from, every wind. The rise and fell of tide is from 3 to 6 feet. Miscou harbour (formerly called Little Shippagan) lies between the islands of Miscou and Shippagan. It has good anchorage, well sheltered, with three to five fathoms at low water. This excellent harbour is of much use and importance to fishing vessels frequenting the Gulf, which resort to it greatly in stormy weather. The Caraquet, Pokemouche, and Tracadie rivers, are wholly in Gloucester County, and there is much good land yet vacant on their banks. In 1851, there were 14,302 grindstones made in this Connty, and 21,157 lbs. of maple s'^ar. The quantity of butter made was 82,691 pounds, NORTHUMBERLAND.— This is the la^^-st County in the Province. Its front on the Gulf includes th^ whole bay of Miramichi, from Tabuisntac to Point Escuminac, whence it ^preads out to a great breadth westerly, abutting on Sunbury, York and Victoria, with Kent to the southward. The County of Northumberland contains 2,980,000 acres, of which 986,168 acres are granted, and 1,993,832 are stil! vacant. The quantity of cleared land is 30,221 acres. ^ 1851, the population was 15,064 Souls, being little more ^..m one soul to each 200 acres in the County. The inhabitdnts are chiefly employed in lumbering, agriculture, and the fish- eries, while the ship yards and saw mills afford much em- ployment for ordinary labor. There aire ten parishes in thift CQaaty— -Alnwick, Blackville, Blissfield, Chatham, Gleti^* t'i^i ^ 'hand book of NSW-BBUNSWlCk. Hardwickie, Ludlow, Nelson, Newcastle, and Northelsk. "rh* vhire-town is Newcastle, situated about 30 miles from the Gulf, on the left bank of the Miramichi. Douglasfown is a 'thriving village, about three miles below Newcastle, on the same side of the river, with every convenience for business. Chatham is a bustling little town, on the right bftnk of the Miramichi, abouf 25 miles from the Gulf, rather crowded along the water side, but with deep water in front and many facilities for loadings large vessels. In 1853, two hundred and seventy-seven vessels, 34,528 tons burthen, entered the port of Miramichi. There is a bar at the entrance of the port ; but the river is of such large size, and pours forth such a volume of water, that the bar offers no impediment to navi- gation, there being sufficient depth of water on it, at all times, fot vessels of seven and eight hundred tons, and nowhere less than three fathoms in the entrance, at low water. From the entrance there is 6 and 7 fathoms, in the channel, up to New- castle. Owing to the size and depth of the Miramichi, shipi can load along its banks aoywhere for miles ; and conse- quently, detached villages have sprung up, wanting many of the advantages which would be gained from having one large. town. The tide rises from three to five feet. The variation of the compass is 21° west. In 1853, the following quantities offish were exported from Miramichi: — Herrings, 3,728 barrels; alewives, 7,130 bar* rels; pickled salmon, 396 barrels ; pickled basse, 113 bar* rels ; shad, 45 barrels ; oysters, 200 barrels ; eels, 21 barrels ; salted trout, 7 barrels ; mackerel, 167 barrels ; 162,500 pounds of preserved salmon ; 29,000 pounds preserved lobsters. The Tabusintac, a river about 60 miles long, enters the Gulf, a few miles to the northward of the'Miramichi. The" tide flows up it 20 miles ; but it has only S feet, at low water, on the bar at its entrance, near which the sea-fisheries are prosecuted to some extent. There is got 1 land on the Tabu- sintac yet vacant. Of late years much attention has bcen^iven to farming in Northumberland, with favorable results. In 1851, this County produced 30,854 bushels of wheat ; 120,366 bushels of oats ; and 289,436 bushels of potatoes ; besides other crops of grain and roots. In the same year, 202,637 pounds of butter were made in the County, and 5,381 pounds of maple sugar. There are thirty-two places of worship in this County, and 2,116 inhabited houses. RjkKD BOOK OF NEW-BRVNSWtCC. 55 e a e 5. e d y d e e h I- »> >8 e r- )f •e. n KENT. — This Ccranty was formerly part of Northumber- land, of which it formed the southeastern corner. It has a larffe frontage on the Gulf, extending from the northern point of Shediac harbour to Point Escaminac, at the entrance to the Miramichi. Kent contains 1,026,000 acres, of which 386,398 acres are granted, and 640,002 acres are still vacant. The quantity of cleared land is 35,496 acres. The popiflation in 1851 was 11,410 souls, little more than one soul to each hundred acres in the County. The inhabitants follow lumbering, fishing, farming, and ship-building. There are six parishes — Carle- ton, Dundas, Harcourt, Kichibucto, Weldford, and Welling- ton. The shire town is Richibucto, a sea-port on the left bank of the Richibucto river, built chiefly along the water side, with wharves, warehouses, and timber-ponds in front. In 1853, one hundred and eight vessels, of the burthen of 15,189 tons, entered at this port. There was formerly twelve to fifteen feet on the bar at low water, but it has of late shoaler'. considerably, owing to a new channel having broken out; measures have, however, been taken to deepen the main channel and improve the entrance. The tide rises in Richibucto harbour, 2^ to four feet. The harbour of Buctouche is twenty miles south of Richi- bucto. This' harbour is at the mouth of Great and Little Buctouche rivers ; the entrance, between two low sand beaches, is narrow. The tides rise and tall two to four feet; and vessels drawing 13^ feet can cross the bar at ordinary tides. Outside the bar, there is instantly three fathoms wa- ter, deepening gradually seaward. Inside the bar, there is •five fathoms, and this gradually deepens up to the loading place at the bridge, where vessels lie in nine fathoms water, The Big Buctouche is forty miles in length ; the tide flows up it thirteen miles; the Little Buctouche is thirty-five miles in length, and the tide flows up it ten miles. There is much good land, and some fine farms on both these rivers. In 1863, thirty-seven vessels, of the burthen of 4323 tons, arrived 'at this port. The harbour of Cocagne, by the coast, is nine miles south of Buctouche. This is also a bar harbour; in ordinary tides there is nine feet on the bar at low water, and fourteen feet at high water; at, spring tides there are two feet more. Within, there is a large sheet of water, well sheltered. The tide flows seven miles up the Cocagne river; the land on iti banks is of good quality for settlement ,^»:ai iMmm Piiiilii'iilM9iiPP^ 56 HAND BOOK OP NEW-BBUNSWICX. There is scarcely a hill of any magnitude in the whole County of Kent, and it may he described as the most level County in the Province. Being wholly within the formation described as the ooal measures, it consists altogether of gen- tle undulations and long swells of country, covered with the finest timber, chiefly hardwood. The maple abounds ; and 44,154 pounds of maple sugar were made in 1851. In the same year, 83,171 pounds of butter were made in the County. WESTMORLAND.— This County has a large extent of low sandy coast, on the Straits of Northumberland, extending from the boundary of Nova-Scotia, at Bale Verte, to the nor- thern point of Shediae harbour. On the south-west it is , bounded by the Peticodiac River and County of Albert ; and on the west by King's and Queen's Counties. It possesses great agricultural capabilities, besides many facilities for lum- bering, fishing, and shipbuilding, in addition to its mines and quarries. Westmorland contains 878,440 acres, of which 57'/,440 acres are granted, and 301,000 acres are vacant. The clear- ed land amounts to 92,822 acres. The population in 1851 was 17,814 souls, dwelling in 2390 houses. There are seven Parishes, — ^Botsford, Dorchester, Moncton, Sackville, Salis- bury, Shediae, and Westmorland. The shire town is Dor- chestet, a rural village about on« mile from the eastern bank of the Peticodiac River. The harbour of Shediae, on the Gulf shore, is, by the coast, ten miles south of Cocagne. Its entrance, at the southern f:nd of Shediae Island, is in latitude 46* 15' 15" north, and longitude 64^ 32' 10" west. The longitude in time, is 4h. 18min. 8.40 seconds * the variation of the compass, 19° west. During the summer solstice, the time of high water, at the full and change of the moon, is 7 a. m. ; at and during the winter solstice, at 12 noon ; neap tides rise two feet, and spring tides four feet. In the fair-way, or ship-channel, at the distance of 2J miles from the harbour, 25 feet water is found, which is continued, with little variation, up to the entrance. From thence there is 19 feet in the channel, gra- dually lessening, until at the anchorage off Point Du Chene, where 16} feet is found, at one-third of a mile from the shore. Two small rivers, the Shediae and the Sc«douc, fall into this harbour. In 1853, two hundred and twenty-two vessels, of HAND BOOK OF MEW-BSUNSWICK. 51 minas of the railway from St. John will be at or near the entrance to this harbour, whence communication will be had, by steamers and sailing vessels, with Prinee Edward Island^ 36 tniles distant, and all other parts of the Gulf of St. Law- rence, as also the Great Lakes of Canada, by the River St, Lawrence and its canals. It is therefore quite certain to be- come a place of much trade and business. Aboushagan and Tedish are boat harbours, to the eastward of Shediac, between that harbour and Cape Bauld. At Aboushagan there is five feet water on the bar, with goofl sand beaches near the entrance. Tedish bar is dry at low water, but thero is a fine sand beach, on which boats are easily drawn up. The har][)ours of Big and Little Shemogue are between, Cape Bauld and Cape Tormentine. Big Shemogue is a good harbour for vessels of all sizes, up to 130 tons. At or-, dinary tides there is ten feet on the bar at high water, with a channel fifty fathoms wide. Inside, the harbour is capable of containing one hundred vessels, with anchorage in 2} fathoms, well sheltered. Ship-building is prosecuted in this harbour, near which the best ship timber is said to be abun- dant. Little Shemogue is about three miles east of its larger namesake, but is only a boat-harbour, with two feet watqr on its bar. Westmorland lias the advantage of several shipping ports on the Bay of Fundy, within Cumberland Basin, and along the Peticodiac river ; from each of these there is considerable coasting and foreign trade. In 1853, eighteen vessels, of 1,328 tons, entered at Sackville ; ten vessels, of 771 tons^ entered at Dorchester ; and twenty-one vessels, of 1,646 tons, entered at Moncton. Vessels of all sizes, up to 1,000 tons, are built at each of these places. The rise and fall of tide on the shores of Westmorland, within Cumberland Basin, and up the river Peticodiac, are very great. At Dorchester Island, near the mouth of the Peticodiac river, an ordinary tide rises 36 feet, and spring tides 48 feet. The tide rushes up this river with great ve- locity, and with a tidal wave, usually called " the bore," which at spring tides is 5 or 6 feet high. At Moncton, usually called the Biend, because it is situated at the point where the river, which fiows thenca in an easterly course^ turns suddenly, almjQSt at a right angle, and flows to the southward, an ordinary tide r;ises 48 feet, and spring tide^ !i'fff-^m:K->iiW&*'' ... ;.,c-..v^-'>'^ ^ S8 HAND BOOK 0)* NEW-BRUNSWICt. 57 feet. Moncton is a thriving village, its population increas*- ing rapidly in consequence of the operations for establishing railway communication with the Gulf of Shediac, and with the City of St. John. A Bank has been established there recently, fot facilitating extensive business transactions, and this flourishing place bids fsiirto become an entrepot for trade with the northern Counties, Prince Edward Island and the Gulf of St. Lawrence generally. The fertile marshes and uplands of Westmorland are well adapted for grazing purposes. In 1851, 322,335 pounds of butter were made. In the same year, this County, with other crcps, produced 33,937 tons of hay; 145,396 bushels of oats ; and 282,224 bushels of potatoes. The quantity of maple sugar made, was 43,485 pounds. ALBERT. — Thi« County lies south and west of the river Peticodiac, with the Bay of Fundy in front, and abutting westwardly on St. John and King's Counties. It was for- merly part of Westmorland, from which it was separated in 1845. Albert contains 433,560 acres, of which 233,700 aeres are granted, and 199,860 acres are still vacant. There are 32,210 acres of cleared land, The population in 1851 was 6,313 souls. There is much good land in this County, and its dyked marshes are extensive. A large proportion of the vacant land is of good quality, well adapted for settlement «nd cultivation. Besides its agricultural capa:bilities, Albert County possesses valuable resources in its forests, its mines, •and its flsheries. There are five parishes in this County*— Coverdale, Elgin, Harvey, HillsboTough, and Hopewell. The shire-town is at Hillsbovough, on the western bank of the Peticodiac river. 'Shipments take place from Hillsborough and Harvey, and at the former place ship-building is prosecuted. In 1853, thir* teen vessels, of 1,401 tons, entered at Harvey ; and sixty-seven vessels, of 11,377 tons, entered at Hillsborough. These ves- sel* carried the various products of this County to places 'abroad ; and there were many coasters also employed in <iarrying produce to the port of St. John. In 1851, there ^ere 142,137 pounds of butter made in Albert, and 62,335 jMundi of maple su^r^ ■Mi:^aimttm^'' HAIfD BOOK or NEW-BRUNSWICK. 5d SAINT JOHN.— This County consists of a natrow strip 'of land, stretching for neatly ninety miles along the Shores of the Bay of Fundy, with Albert County on the east, Charlotte County on the west, and King's County to the Northward. — * It contains 414,720 acres, of which 309,147 acres are grant- ed, and 105,573 acres are stiH vacant, chiefly at the eastern and western extremes of the County. Its population in 1851, was 38,475 souls. There are five Parishes in this County — Lancaster, Port- land, St. John, St. Martins, and Simonds. The City of Saint John is the Shiretown ; it contained in 1651, a popula- tion of 22,745 souls, and th« Parish of Portland its suburb, -contained 8,429 souls, making together, 31,174 souls. At the present time (1854) the population of St. John and Port- land may be estimated at 35,000 souls. Although this County cannot boast of its agricultural ca- pabilities, yet in 1851, it produced with .other crops, 6,855 tons of hay, 30,961 bushels of oats, 9,758 bushels of buck- wheat, 34,438 bushels of turnips, and 105,695 bushels of po- tatoes. In the same year, 102,716 pounds of butter were made, and 12,960 casks of lime were burned. The City of Saint John was established by Koyal Charter in 17S5, and is now divided into seven wards. Of these, five are on the eastern side of the Harbour ; the other two are on the western side, and constitute that part of the City usually called Carleton. The City Government, or Common Coun- cil consists of a Mayor and Recorder, with an Alderman and Councillor from each ward. The Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors are elected annually by th6 citizens and freehold- ers ; the Recorder is appointed by the Crown. All British subjects may become citizens on paying certain fees, amount- ing to about £5 sterling ; but sons of citizens, born in the City, and those who have served an apprenticeship in it, be- come citizens at 21 years of age, on payment of about £1 sterling. In 1851, there were 3,885 inhabited houses in the City, and 133 in course of erection. The number of stores, barnt, and out houses was then 2397 ; these numbers have considera- bly increased since 1851. There are many good buildings of brick and stone, especially in the business part of the City, where none others are now allowed to be built. The tide rises 21 to 23 feet at ordinary tides, and 23 to 25 feet at *pring tide3k At full and change of the moon, it is high wa- ..XaM^iata'aai:'-' 60 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BBUNSWICK. tcr at 11 hours 44 minutes. There is good anchorage trithiii the Harbour in 10 to 70 fathoms water. Owing to the tidp-fal!s at the head of this harbour, it is never frozen or in any way impeded by ice during the winter ; vessels arrive and depart every day during the year. Its latitude is 45° 15' north, lon- gitude, 65p S' 36" west ; variation of the compass, 16" 30' west. The position of St. John Harbour, at the mouth of a large river with numerous tributaries, and its entire freedom from obstruction by ice, give it great advantages over all the nor- thern ports in North America, and render it almost certain of becoming a place of much commercial importance. The exist- ing trade and commerce of the Port with its steady increase, will be best understood by the following statement of the numbers and tonnage of vessels entered inwards, and cleared outwards, during the last four, years, with the numbers oi their crews : — No. Tons. Men. 1850— Inwards,*. . . 1695 260,429 11,172 Outwards, . . 1720 284,793 12,192 1851 — Inwards, . Outwards, '1528 1545 282,566 324.821 11,008 12,615 1740 1746 334,267 362,917 12,105 13,670 2117 2106 400,216 438,193 14,537 15,9.52 1852 — Inwards, . Outwards, 1853 — Inwards, . Outwards, The amount of ship-building and the value of the fishini:;^^ in the Harbour of St. John, have been already stated under those heads. In the City aqd County of St. John, there were in 1851, fifty-one saw-milla employing 803 men ; 14 grist- mills ; 17 tanneries ; 6 foundries ; 4 breweries ; and 61 other factories giving employment to 11^0 men. The numerou!< Rliip-yards, and the large quantities of deals and timber being continually exported, afford a large amount of profitable em- ployment for ordinary labour. There are three banks in the City of St. John — the Bank of New-Brunswick, with a capital of £100,000 currency ; the Comnneraial Bank of New-Brunswick, with a capital of £150,000 currency, and a branch of the Bank of British North America, established in Londaniwitb & capital of ,€1,000,000 staling. HAND rfOOK OF NEW-dRUPCSW:CKi 81 tl S y •t I- r. e II r- )f e d 3/ By means of the electric telegraph, St. Johrl is in immedi- ate communication with Nova Scotia and Canada, and with tilt parts of the United States to which the telegraph has been, extended. A railway from the Harbour of St. John to She- diac, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, a distance of 110 miles, is now in course of construction. It is proposed to extend this Tadway to the Nova Scotia boundary near Baie Verte, to meet the railway now being built from Halifax to that point; and also northwardly from Shediac to Miramidii, and thence to the St. Lawrence and Trois Pistoles, there? to connect with the Gfrand Trunk Railway of Canada, and so with the Great Lakes and the far West. Another line* of railway is also contemplated from the City of Sf. John, west- wardly, to the frontier of the Unitdd States at Calais, by which connection Will be had with the whole railway system of the United States. Fjam this Hrte it is proposed to con- struct a branch north\tardly to Fredericton, and thence up tho valley of the St. John, to give greater facilities for traffic, es- p€(cially in winter. At present, constant communication is maintained with Portland and Boston by first-class steamers. The time from St. John to Portland by steamer, and thence by railway, either to Montreal or Quebec, is about 35 hours — to Boston, 30 hours. The City of St. John is lighted with gas, and supplied with water by iron pipes from a reservoir about four miles from the City. These water-woriis are to be immediately extended, so as to give every part of die City an ample sup- ply of pure water. CHARLOTTE COUNTY.— This County occupies the South-west corner of New-Brunswick, and is nearly square in form. Its ffont on the Bay of Fundy extends from Point Le- preaux to the St. Croix river, which is the boundary of the Unit- ed States in that direction. Charlotte County contains 783,360 acres, of which 317,245 acfes are granted, and the remaining 466,115 acres are yet vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1851, was 45,656 acresy or about one-seventh part of the quantity granted. The population of the County in 1851, *vas 19,91)8 souls, chiefly engaged in fishing, farming, lum- bering, and ship-building. There are ten parishes in Char- lotte — Ctfmpo Bello, (an island,) Grand Mfanan, (also an is- land), Penrtfield, St. Andrews, St. David, Su George, St- •«,'*i';A«'?.'- .."'■ itidmkiiimmmimiimiiittm jigm^^^ J,Sais«t.o>;Af; ■ f" t2 BAND BOOE OF NBW-BRUNSWICI. James, St. Patrick, St. Stephen, and West Isles, (a group ot islands.) The Shice-tpwn is St. Andrews, which is pleasant^ Ly situated on a point of land between the St. Croix, (or Schoodi«) river, and the inner Bay of Passamaquoddy, on an easy slope with a southern aspect. The Parish of St. And- rews has a population of 8,910 souls. From the harbour of St. Andrews a r»ilroad has been projected, which is at pres- ent in course of construction, toward Woodstock on the river Sta John, a distance of about 100 miles. Of this railway, 26 miles are now completed and open for traffic; and the inten- tion is, after reaching Woodstock, to continue the line by the yalley of the St. John, to the Kiver St. Lawrence, and thence, to Quebec. The St. Croix is a large river, flowing from two chains of lakes, widely spread over a tract of county which has long furnished, and still continues to furnish, extensive supplies of timber. It is navigable to the head of the tide at St. Ster phen, which is about 16 miles above St. Andrews. St. Ste- phen and Milltown are two thriving villages on the St. Croix, chiefly supported by the saw-mills in their vicinity, and the traffic in sawed lumber of every description. The Digdeguash and the Magaguadavic are two consider? able rivers falling into the Bay of Passamaqnoddy, to the eastward of St. Andrews. There are saw-mills on- each of these rivers, and ships load with lumber at their mouths, as also 9t the entrance to Lepreaux river, in Mace's Bay, at the east-, ern extreme of this County. The fisheries of (irand Manan, .Campo Bello, and West Isles, have already been mentioned. All vessels which enter and clear at the various harbours and loading places in Charlotte County, are enumerated as enter- i|ig and clearing at the Port of St. Andrew;3. The following is a statement of their numbers, tonnage, and men during the last five years, distinguishing countries.: — VESSELS INWARDS. years. United Kingdom. British Colonies. United States. Foreign States. Totals. 1 1849 ,1860 1851 1862 1863 No. 10 12 16 9 13 Tons. 2430 3437 4985 3916 3760 No. 66 84 92 ^7 91 Toas. 2887 6476 8168 4262 6029 No. Tons. No. Tons. 230 260 1137 4?4. 1159 No. 690 732 805 743 843 Tons. 57,548 72,693 89,597 89,845 99,898 MeiD. 6ia, 634 694 675 733 52,001 63,531 76,407 81,693 88.950 1 2 4 2 6 2,681 3,851 4,726 4,322 4,881 BA5D BOOK OF NEW-BRUIfSWICK. VESSELS OUTWARDS. i United Britiah United Foreign V^n-y • I > 1 1849 Kingdom. Cnloniefi. States. No. Tons. Slates. No. 50 Toni. 17.648 No. 86 Tons. No. Tons. 492 No. 641 Tons. Men. 2.829 6861 503 36,794 2 61,605 1850 69 24,044 97 6553 504 40,594 1 167 661 71,358 3,867 1851 85 31,191 124 7430 51l|41,832 2 364 722 83,317 4,274 1852 94 42,848 69 4246 565 |U ,073 2 200 720 91,365 4,334 1853 88 47,658 86 5654 ;629!47,973 1 212 804 101,402 4.909 There is abundance of both lime &nd marl in the County of Charlotte, as well as sea manure, and in those respects, it possesses advantages over most other Counties in the Pro- vince. By the census of 1851, it appears the crops of that year were as follows : — Hay, 17,076 tons ; Wheat, 3,263^ bashels; Barley, 7,206 bushels; Oats, 69,983 bushels; Buck- wheat, 14,304 bushels; Peas and Beans, 1,999 bushels; Tur-. ftips, 72,419 bushels; Potatoes, 163,117 bushels. The quan-. tity of Butter made during the year, was 441,522 pounds ; of Maple Sugar, 700 pounds; of Lime burned, 15,100 casks. This County may be described as a hilly Country, with a rocky sea-coast studded with islands, everywhere indented with excellent harbours, and the neighbouring waters abound- ing with fish. Numerous rivers and large lakes intersect the interior in every direction, and in the valleys and basins of these rivers and lakes, there is much good land. The quar>- tity of available water-power is wonderfully great, and in many places it yet remains to.be turned to profitable account.. KING'S COUNTY.-^This ie an inland County, lying, north of St. John, abutting westwardly upon Charlotte County, and widening to the eastward, where it is bounded by the Coun- ties of Albert and Westmorland. It contains 849,920 acre», of which 662,752 aqres are granted, and only 187,168 acres are vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1851, was 120,- 923 acres, and its population, 1B,842 souls. King's County is divided into two parts by the River St. John, which passes across it from north to south. The east- ern part is intersected by the River Kennebeckasis, which passes through it from north-east to south-west, and rendem much of that portion accessible by water. The western part of thi« County, on both sides of the St. John, is billy ani '■'Uf*; 64 HAND BOOK OF NKW-BRUNBWICK. dotted with numerous small lakes ; while the eastern portion, stretching towards the sandstones of the coal measures, and embracing the lower carboniferous rocks, consists of long swells of la,nd, hills of gentle elevation and rounded summits, with level and fertile valleys between, often of considerable extent, and much picturesque beauty. There are nine Parishes in this Cottnty, thus designated ; — Greenwich, Hampton, Norton, Springfield, Studholm, Sus- sex, Upham, and West6^1d. The shii'e-town is in Kingston, between the Kennebeckasis River find Bellisle Bay. The village of Hampton is a thriving place, twenty-five miles from the City of St. John, on the Kennebeckasis river. The tide flows up this river five miles beyond Hampton, but up to the village the river is navigable for small vessels and steamers. As this village will soon be connected with St. John by th^ Shediac railway, it will undoubtedly become a place of great resort, and a favorite spot for summer Residences. The rides and drives in its vicinity are varied and beautiful, and the Country with its numerous lakes and streams, possesses many attractions for the sportsman. King's is essentially an agricultural County ; the crops of 1851, are thus stated in the census of that year : — Hay, 38,- 811 tons; Wheat, 14,895 bushels; Barley, 5427 bushels; Oats, 178,968 bushels; Buckwheat, 206,251 bushels; Indian Corn, 2968 bushels; Peas and Beans, 4210 bushels; Tur- nips, 84,359 bushels ; Potatoes, 303,568 bushels ; other roots, 9142 bushels. There were then in the County, 18,295 head of neat Cattle ; 8463 Cows ; 2988 Horses, and 30,235 sheep. The quantity of Butter made in 1851, was 506,292 pounds ; and of Maple Sugar, 37,801 pounds. The number of Saw- mills Was 75; of Grist-mills, 46 ; With 17 Tanneries, and 11 Carding and Weaving establishments. Apples are found tcr thrive well in this County, and much attention is now being paid to the growth of that description of fruit. The facilities of access, both by land and water, from every part of King's County to the harbour of St. John, and a rea- dy market there, give great advantages to the farmers of this County, and render their pursuits in general very profitable. QUEEN'S COUNTY.— This County lies north-westerly of King's County, and between it artd Sunbury, being bound- ed by Charlotte on the south west, and by Westmorland, Kent, and Northumberland, at its north-<«astern extremity. It HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. 65 1. id >^ 8, le ij s- le m ie le a. At IC 'y > n contains 961,280 acres, of which 514,204 acres are granted, and 444,076 acres are still vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1851, was 63i719 acres, and the population, 10,634 souls. Queen's County is also divided into two portions by the River St. John, which crosses it from north to south. The largest part, east of the St. John, comprises within its bounds, those two' large lakes, the Washademoak and the Grand Lake, with several smaller lakes, and the numerous tributa- ries by which they are fed. That part of the County west of St. John, is generally broken and hilly, yet theie are in tHit district many tracts of good land. The portion east of the St. John rests almost entirely upon the sandstones of the coal measures, and its prevailing characteristic is that of a low and level country. Along the St. John, there are extensive meadows and large fiat islands, formed by alluvial deposits ; these possess great fertility of an enduring character, from their being overflowed every spring, and thus annually re- ceiving a fresh deposit of rich alluvium. The inhabitants of Queen's County are chiefly engaged in agricultural pursuits, for which the country is well, adapted ; but some of them follow lumberings and others are employed in raising coals, at various localities near the Grand Lake. The crops of 1851, are thus stated :— Hay, 22,556 tons ; Wheat, 7,-222 bushels ; Oats, 97,359 bushels ; Buckwheat, 89,475 bushels ; Indian Corn, 8,507 bushels ; Peas and Beans, 2,771 bushels ; Turnips, 23,925 bushels ; Potatoes, 168,656 bushels. The number of neat Cattle, 10,612 ; Cows, 4,710 ; Horses, 1,514 ; Sheep, 16,0 iO. The quantity of Butter made, 242,342 pounds ; of Maple Sugar, 5,587 pounds. There wer« then 24 Saw-mills ; 28 Grist-mills ; 8 Tanneries, and 6 Card- ing and Weaving establishments, with 454 hand looms in the County, at which 59,233 yards of Cloth were made. Queen's County is divided into nine parishes, thus nam- ed : — Brunswick, Canning, Chipman, Gagetown, Hampstead, Johnston, Petersville, Waterborough, and Wickham. Gage- town, a pleasant village, about 50 miles from the sea, is tho Shire-town. It is situate upon Gagetown creek, a short di* tance from the River St. John, on a flne swell of land sloping easily to the water's edge, and may be reached by vessels and steamers of large class. The large navigable lakes and straams of this County fur- nish great facilities for <he transport of agricultural produce «« HAND BOOK OV lf£W-BSUM8WICK. to the port of St. John, and render it easily accessible from the aea in every part, except at its south v^estern and north eastern extremities. SUNBURY.— This County is of equal breadth through- out, and lies northwesterly of Queen's, between it and York County, with its south western end abutting upon Charlotte, and its north eastern extreme bounded by Nor- thumberland. Before New-Brunswick was erected into a> separate Province, it constituted a county of Nova Scotia, known as " Sunbury ;" and now Sunbury is diminished to one of the smallest counties in New-Brunswick. It contains only 782,080 acres, of which 377,078 acres are granted, and 405,* 002 acres are yet vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1851, was 15,587 acres only, and the population, 5,301 souls, Sunbury County is divided into five parishes, thus desig- nated : — Blissville, Burton, Lincoln, Maugerville, and Shef- field. The Shire-town is in Burton on the west bank of the St. John. The County is divided into two nearly equal por- tions by the River St. John ; the western portion consists chiefly of ^ong swells of land and rounded hills of little eleva- tion, while that part east of the St. John is very low and level, resting almost wholly on the grey and other sandstones of the coal formation. Along the St. John there are large tracts of alluvial land, as in l^ueen's County, and in the river, several large islands of exceeding fertility, which are flooded nearly every year, and produce large quantities of excellent hay. Lum- bering is prosecuted to some extent, but Sunbury may be classed as an agricultural «ounty. The crops of 1851, are thus stated : —Hay, 10,069 tons ; Wheat, 5,551 bushels ; Barley, 973 bushels ; Oats, 40,024 bushels ; Buckwheat, 21,911 bushels ; Indian Corn, 7,170 bushels ; Peas and Beans, 1,378 bushels ; Turnips, 17,348 bushels; Potatoes, 116,357 bushels; other Toots, 2,682 bushels. The number of neat Cattle, was 4,475 ; of Cows, 2,125, and of Sheep, 6,688. The quantity of But- ter made, was 105,704 pounds, and of Maple Sugar, 1,574 pounds. The only village in this County is Oromocto, situate on the right bank of the St. John, at the mouth of the river of that name, about 70 miles from the sea. The Oromocto, as its name implies, is a " deep river," and ship-building is pro'^ secuted on its banks to some extent, vessels up to 1300 tons bur- then being built there, and sent down the St. John t6 sea.-— -■**3Mlil HAND BOOK OF MBW-BIUNSWIOX. 67 '.iksi^^i nti#a^at'>w . Ship timber of good quality and large size, especially hacma< tae (larch) abounds in Sunbury. Large quantities are sent down the St. John, besides affording facilities for ship-build- ing in the county. Bituminous coals are found in Sunbury, but hitherto no mines have been opened or worked. • YORK. — This is a large County, occupying a central posi- tion in the Province, and lying across it diagonally. It is bounded by Charlotte County and the frontier of the United States on the south and west, and by Northumberland on the north east ; the River St. John flows across it from west to east, and divides it into two unequal portions. Its geolo- gical character is greatly varied ; the country is diversified with hills and valleys, and intersected by numerous lakes and streams. Along the latter there are many tracts, or " bot- toms," of rich alluvial soil, and the hills, in general, are not deficient in fertility even to their summits. York County contains 2,201,600 acres, of which 970,914 acres are granted, and the remaining 1,230,686 acres are still vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1851, was 69,017 acres, and the population, 17,618 souls. There- are ten pa- rishes in this county, thus designated : — Douglas, Pumfries, Fredericton, Kingsclear, New Maryland, Prince William. Queensbury, Saint Mary's, Southampton, and Stanley. The Shire-town is the City of Fredericton ; with its environs, con- stituting the parish of that name, it contained in 1851, 4,458 inhabitants. This City is the seat of government in New- Brunswick ; it is situate on the right bank of the St. John, at 84 miles distance from the Bay of Fundy, and the river is navigable up to this point for large steamers and the smaller class of sea-going vessels. The town is pleasantly situated on a level plain, consisting of diluvial sand and gravel, several feet higher than the alluvial intervales along the river ; it is bounded in front by a wide sweep of the River St. John, which is here three quarters of a mile wide, and in the rear, by a range of hills, moderately elevated, which rise directly from the plain. The streets are wide and airy ; they are fterfectly straight, and cross each other at right angles *, the cultivation of gardens, and the planting of ornamental trees have added greatly to the beauty of the situation. The Lieutenant Governor of the Province, resides at Fre- dericton, in a large stone building known as Government House. In the Province building, which is of wood, the Pro- 68 HAND BOOK 07 KEW-BRUNSWICK. viacial Lsgislatura holds its sittings, and the Supreme CouiC also meets there. The Crown Land Office, and other public offices, are in close proximity to the Province building. — King's College is a substantial stone building, 170 feet long and 60 feet wide, standing on the hill in the rear of Freder- icton ; from it there is a very fine view of the river, and the adjacent country. There are barracks in the City, near the rivert with sufficient accommodation for a regiment of infant- ry. The City has been incorporated but a few years ; its afTatrs are managed as in St. John, by a Mayor, Aldermen, and Councillors, elected by the citizens and rate payers. — The Central Bank, low^ated at this place, with a paid-up capi- tal of £35,000, gives facilities for business, and from its posi- tion, there is much trade carried on from Fredericton with the upper country. Altogether, it is a thriving place, which will steadily inorease with the settlement and improvement tf the country. York is an Agricultural County, although lumbering is pursued within its limits to a hrge extent. The crops of 1851 are thus stated: — Hay, 26,430 tons; Wheat, 16,142 bushels; Barley, 4,539 bushels ; Oats, 205,343 bushels ; Buckwheat, 62,765 bushels ; Indian Corn, 18,178 bushels ; Peas and Beans, 6,842 bushels ; Tumfps, 41,616 bushels ; Potatoes, 233,695 bushels ; other roots, 6,.^4 bushels. The number of neat Cattle, was 11,591 ; of Cows, 5,705 ; of horses, 2,440 ; of Sheep, 16,734. The quantity of Butter made, was 447,- 395 pounds ; of Maple Sugar, 31,077 pounds. There were then 35 Saw-mills ; 31 Grist-mills ; 11 Tanneries ; 5 Carding and Weaving establishments ; with 477 hand looms in the county, at which 70.,936 yards of Cloth were made. Two very striking instances of success attending the for-* mation of new settlements in the wilderness by associations of settlers, can be adduced in this County. The Harvey set- tlement was formed in 1837, by a party of emigrants from the north of England, who landed in the province in a very 4l3stitute condition. The Tee-total settlement was formed in 1842, by a party of destitute emigrants from the south of Ireland. Both these settlements are now in the most prospcf- ous and thriving condititin ; many of the settlers, who at the outset were in actual want, are now possessed of large and valuable farms, while some have become positively wealthy. These persons were assisted, in the first instance, by being employed to make roads through the wilderness to their se- 'e^i^'i'^^B' '^f' '' r'iAii^e. HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. 6» veral settlements, for which they were paid at a reasonable rate. This mode of assistance gave them not only profitable employment, but enabled them to reach their lands with fa- cility. The experiment was attended with complete success, and no doubt might be extended to other parts of the Pro- vince with the like favourable results^ . In the north eastern part of this County, the Neiv-Bruns- wick and Nova-Scotia Land Company, {incorporated by Royal Charter in 1834,) holds upwards of half a million acres of land in one tract. This Company has from time to time ex- pended large sums in making roads, and constructing bridges, mills, school-houses, churches, and other buildings, in order to encourage the settlement of their territory. Stanley, a thriving village on the river Nashwaak, was founded by the Company; a good road connects this village with the City of Fredericton. At present, the Company sells lots of land, up to 300 acres each, at the rate of 4s. 6d. currency per acre, (equal to . 3s. 9d. sterling,) payable as follows : — Deposit on signing agreement to purchase, 6d. currency per acre. The second year no payment is required ; the third year, and each succeeding year, 6d. currency per acre, until the whole is paid, without interest. Larger quantities of land may be purchas- ed by special agreement, as also improved farms, with build- ings ; a liberal discount is made by the Company to thpse who pay in full at the time of purchase. Settlements have been established on the south west Miramichi, Nashwaak, JVIactaquack, and Keswick rivers ; the cleared and cultivated land on many of the farms in these Settlements, is from 3() to 80 acres. Mrfch of the land is represented to be of good quality, especially near* the rivers, and there 'are several mill sites for sale. The Company's Commissioner resides at Fredericton, and there is an agent at the port of St. John. CARLETON.— This County is nearly triangular in form ; it lies north of York, with the State of Maine on the west, York County on the east, and Victoria to the northward. The River St. John runs nearly through its centre from north to south ; it contains 700,000 acres, of which 465,802 acres are granted, and 234,198 acres are still vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1851, was 55,537 acres, and the population, 11,108 souls. There are seven parishes in Carleton County, as follows : — Brighton, Kent, Northampton, Simonds, Wakefield, Wick- 7d HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICI^. low, and Woodstock. The Shire-town is Woodstock, a preys-* parous village on the right bank of the St. John, about 64 miles, by the river, above Fredericton. The great post road by the valley of the St. John to Lower Canada, passes through Woodstock ; and it is at the extremity of a high road from the town of Houlton,^in the State of Maine, aboat 12 miles distant, on which there is much traffic. From the rapidity of the current, transportation downward on the River St. John is quite easy. Steamers of light draft ply regularly during the summer, from Fredericton to Woodstock, except when the water in the river is very low ; but such improvements are now being made in the navigation between these places, that steamers will be enabled to ply more frequently than heretofore. Being surrounded by a fine agricultural country, the steady advancement of Woodstock is quite certain. There is much alluvial land of excellent quality along the St. John, and its tributaries, in this County, and the upland is generally very good, producing- large crops of grain and vegetables, besides being well adapted to horticulture. The crops of 1851, are thus stated : — Hay. 15,718 tons ; Wheat, 21,165 bushels ; Barley, 8,512 bushels ; Oats, 234,628 bush- els ; Buckwheat, 131,482 bushels ; Indian Corn, 14,650 bush- els ; Peas and Beans, 7,163 bushels ; Turnips, 73,506 bush- els; Potatoes, 174,416 bushels ; other roots, 2,235 bushels, — The number of neat Cattle in that year, was 8,072 ; of Cows, 4,026 , of Sheep, 14,361. The quantity of Butter made, was 237,172 pounds ; of Maple Sugar, 37,520 pounds ; of Iron smelted, 770 tons ; and of Lime burned, 840 casks. The completion of the railway from St. Andrews to Wood- stock, by giving ready access to the sea at all seasons, will throw open the resources of this County in timber and iron, and rapidly develope its great agricultural capabilities. VICTORIA.— Next to Northumberland, this is the largest County in the Province. It comprises all the land on the St. John and its tributaries, above Carleton County, which belongs to New-Brunswick, and a large portion of territory watered by the upper tributaries of the Res- tigouche. It is bounded by the State of Maine on the west, by Canada to the north, and by the Counties of Northumber- land and Restigouche on the east. Victoria contains 2,872,000 acres, of which only 345,600 acres are granted ; the remaining 2,526,400 acres are still J •i 'a HAND BOOK OF NEW'BKUNSWICC. 71 V vacant. The quantity of cleared land in 1651, was but 26,- 834 acres, and the population, 5,40S souls. The ranges of high land which cross this County, are ge- nerally of the primitive rocks ; bold and rugged in their out- lines, they give the country a \%ild and romantic aspect. But although much ot the surface is elevated, and rises into lofty eminences, there are not many abrupt precipices, and in ge- neral, the slopes are not too steep for cultivation. Along the St. John, the belts of alluvial land become more and more narrow ; but there are terraces along the whole course of the river, composed of successive deposits of alluvium, sometimes consisting of five different steps, indicating that number of changes in the level of the stream. There are six parishes in Victoria, thus designated : — An- dover, Madawaska, Perth-, Saint Basil, Saint Francis, and St. Leonard. The Shire-town is Colebrooke, a village situate at the Grand Falls of the St. John, which are about 200 miles from the sea. A sudden turn in the river at this place forms a little peninsula upon which the village is placed. The whole waters of the St. John are precipitated over a ledge of rocks 74 feet in height, and then rush wildly through a nar- row rocky gorge of three quarters of a mile, descending in that distance 45 feet. The difference of level between the waters in the basin at the head of the falls, and the waters of the basin at the foot of the rocky gorge, up to which the lower St. John is navigable for tow-boats and sometimes for small steamers, is 119 feet. Squared timber and round logs from the exten- sive forests on the upper St. John and its numerous tribu- taries, are passed over the Falls and down the rocky gorge, but not without considerable loss and damage, even. under the most favourable circumstances. All merchandize and sup- plies for the upper country are hauled by horses across the portage between the upper and lower basins, and this is attend" ed with great labour and expense. A railway has been pro- jected to overcome the difficulties of transit at this point, to be worked by a stationary steam engine at the summit level, with inclined planes to the water in either direction, and it is balieved that this undertaking when completed, will be of great public and private benefit. The Tobique river, which enters the St. John about 20 miles below the Grand Falls, is almost wholly within the County of Victoria. It is a river of large size, and the land along its valley is reported to be of eifcellent quality ; as yet m^ Mi^i 72 SAMD BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICE. it is in a state of complete wilderness, and almost wholly des- titute of settlers. The ledges of red sand stone, and the cliffs of gypsum, in the vallay of the Tobique, with other rocks of a favourable character, combine to form an admirable soil along the river, exceedingly well adapted for cultivation. There is here good land sufficient for a large county, needing only the labor of man to bring it into profitable cultivation. In the upper part of Victoria, at the mouth of the Mada- waska river, stands the rising village of Edmundston. From its position on the St. John, at the outlet of a navigable river flovring from extensive chains of lakes extending to with- in 16 miles of the St. Lawrence, and watering a wide extent of timber country, this village bids fair to become a place of some importance and considerable trade. The population of Victoria is yet too scanty to have done much toward developing its agricultural capabilities. But considering the large proportion of its inhabitants who are en- gaged in lumbering, the following return of the crops of 1851, is worth aofice : — Hay, 6,961 tons ; Wheat, 5,262 bushels ; Barley, 7,979 bushels ; Oats, 59,163 bushels ; Buckwheat, 44,730 bushels ; Indian Corn, 824 bushels ; Peas and Beans, 7,824 bushels ; Turnips, 9,195 bushels ; Potatoes, 84,527 bushels. The quantity of Butter made in 1851, was 78,467 pounds ; of Maple Sugar, 55,685 pounds ; of Gypsum quar- ried, 4,075 tons. The Grand river, the Quisibis, and the Green river, are three considerable streams in this County, flowing into the St. John from the eastward ; they interlock with the Resti- gouche and its upper tributaries, which flow in the opposite direction. The various streams thus interlaced, drain a tract of country containing more than a million of acres, of which very little is known, the whole being yet in a state of nature, and heretofore visited only by some exploring lumberman, or an adventurous hunter and trapper. The reports of explorers state that there are in this tract thousands of acres of deep rich soil, covered with the finest timber, standing more widely apart than is usual in the forests of New-Brunswick, and giv- ing to the country a park-like character. i^^btefctfi..i£':l£^^-£^£»^i i^'.' l(^'-V4'i^:'4/ii!ii^^ ••■ijffefi'St^-vW'.. iS&i' fUND BOOK OF MEW-BRUNSWICK. 73 FORM OF GOVERNMENT. The chief executive officer is the Lieutenant Govepnor, appointed by the Sovereign of England, of whom he is the immediate representative in the Province. His functions are extensive, as he performs the duties of Commander in Chief, Vice Admiral, Chancellor, Ordinary« and other high offices. He administers the government with the advice of an £xe- cutive Council of nine members, who hold office only while they possess the confidence of the people, as expressed through their representatives in the Assembly, retiring on an adverse vote, precisely as the ministry in England. The Legislative Council, or upper House of the Legislature, consists of twenty one members, appointed for life by the Crown. The lower House, or House of Assembly, it the popular branch, and consists of forty-one members, elected by the people. The several Counties, and the City of St. John, are thus repre- sented in the Assembly: — Restigouche, two members; Glou- cester, two ; Northumberland, four ; Kent, two ; Westmor- land, four; Albert, two; County of St. John, four; City of St. John, two; Charlotte, four; King's, three; Queen's, two; Sunbury, two; York, four; Carleton, two ; Victoria, two. The Legislative Council has the power of amending or re- jecting bills sent to it by the House of Assembly, and may ori- ginate bills, except money bills. The members of the House of Assembly are elected every four years, by freeholders in the several Counties, and by the citizens in St. John. This House has the power of appropriating the public monies, le- vying duties, investigating the public accounts, and generally of legislating on the affairs of the Province, as they are brought under its notice by the government, by its own mem- bers, or by the petitions of the people. Bills which have pass* ed both branches of the Legislature, must receive the assent of the Lieutenant Governor before they become law; ami they are then subject to the approval or disallowar>ce of Her Majesty in Council. JUDICIAL INSTITUTIONS. The Courts of Justice are, the Supreme Court, Court of Vice Admiralty, Court for the trial and punishment of Piracy, Probato Courts, Court of Marriage and Divorce, Inlerio* HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRCNSWICK. |j> Courts of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace* and Justices' Courts. The Court of Chancery has been re- cently abolished, and its powers and duties transferred to the Supreme Court. This Court consists of a Chief Justice and four assistant Judges ; its jurisdiction extends to all criminal cases, and civil suits where the amount in dispute exceeds five pounds, except in cases of appeal from the Justices' Courts. It sits at Frederictftn, four terms in each year, and the Judges go on circuit, and hold the Assizes in each County, the same as in England. The Court of Vice Admiralty is held at the City of St. John, and is presided over by one Judge, holding his com- mission from the Crown. This Court decides maritime cau- ses, and has jurisdiction over prizes taken in war. The Court for the trial and punishment of Piracy and other offences committed on the high seas, consists of the Lieutenant Go- vernor, the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court, the members of the Executive Council, the Judge of the Vice Admiralty, the Provincial Secretary and the Provin- cial Treasurer, Avith the Flag Officers and Captains and Com- manders of ships of war on the station, fc le time being, it sits at any place within the Province, appointed by any three 4)f its members, the Lieutenant Governor, the Chief Justice, or one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, or the Judge of the Vice Admiralty, being one. The Courts of Probate are held in each County, by Surro- gate Judges appointed by the Lieutenant Governor. These Courts are always open for the transaction of business, al- though regular sittings are usually held once in each month in the Counties, and once each week in the City of St. John. The duties of these Courts relate to the probate of wills, granting letters of administration for the estates of persons (lying intestate, making orders for the distribution of such es- tates, and compslling executors and administrators to render exact accounts of their proceedings. The Court of Governor and Council, for hearing and deter- mining cases relating to marriage and divorce, consists of the Lieutenant Governor, the members of the Executive Council, and usually 6ne or more of the Judges of the Su- preme Court. It sits at Fredericton on the second Tuesday in February, and the third Tuesdays in June and October. The Inferior Courts of Common Pleas, and General Ses- sions of the Peace, are held in each County four times in the sa^^ii^St^ateaKKfis;:: iy^^f *w^^;.-V'- , BAND BOOK OF MEW-BRUNSWICK. 75 year. They are presided over by three or more Judges, ap- pointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the senior of whom acts as Chairman of the Magistrates at the General Sessions. On the civil side, these Courts have jurisdiction of all causes where the sum in dispute exceeds five pounds, ex- cept 1(1 cases where the title to land is involved. On the cri- minal side, the Sessions exercise jurisdiction over larcenies and minor offences, not involving capital punishment. The Se.^'sions also, in counties not yet incorporated, appoint Coun- ty and Parish Officers and audit their accounts, levy rates and taxes, and exercise a general supervision over Parish and County business. In one county which is now incorporated, these duties are performed by a warden and councillors elect- ed by the rate payers in each parish ; and doubtless, other counties will soon avail themselves of the privilege of being incorporated under the provisions of the municipal act. The Justices' Courts are usually held at the residences of tlie Justices of the Peace in the several Counties, whenever necessary or convenient. Two Justioes are competent to de- cide in cases of petty theft, or of assault and battery, not ac- companied by wounding or aggravated circumstances. In civil suits, one Justice decides causes where the sum in dis- pute is less than five pounds, or the damages claimed are less than forty shillings, except where the title to lands comss in question. An appeal lies from the decision of the Justices in these cases to the Judges of the Supreme Court. TENURE OF LAND AND LAW OF INHERITANCE. All lands are held in New-BrunsWick in free and common socage, or simple freehold, by letters patent from the Crown, under the Great Seal of the Province. No quit-rent, due, or service is imposed ; mines and minerals only are reserved to Her Majesty and her successors. Granted land is transferred from one individual to another by simple deed of feofTment, or indenture of bargain and sale, which must be registered in the office of the register of deeds, in the County where the land lies, in order to be eftective. Mortgages, wills, memori- als of judgment which bind real estate, leases, and other in- struments affecting the title to land, must also be registered in the same office, where searches can be made and titles as- certained. In the distribution of real estate, the widow, in all cases, has her right of dower, or one-third during life ; when there W^' 76 RAND BOOK OF MEW-BRUNSWICK. is no will, the law gives two shares to the eldest son, and on(^ share to each of the other sons and daughters. If there are nv children, the estate is divided among the next t>f kin,in equa shares. Of personal property, the widow takes one-third, and the residue is divided equally among the sons and daugh^ ters, share and share alike. If there are no children, the yrU dow is entitled to one-half the personal estate, and the othei^ half is appropriated among the next of kin, in equal propor- tion. f mm RELIGIOUS WORSHIP A^D MEMS OF EDU€4TI0.\. The extent of the provision for the worship of God, will bo best understood by the following statement of the places o* public worship in each County, and the number of clergymei in the Province : — Places of worship in Restigouche County, 6 ; Glouceste» 19; Northumberland, 32 ; Kent, 21; Westmorland, 38 ; Al bert,20; St. John, 40 ; Charlotte, 53 ; King's, 61 ; Queen'. 40; Si^nbury, 15; York, 45; Carleton, 25; Victoria, ^ Total places of worship in the Province, 423. The number of clergymen of the several religious denomina tions in New-Brunswick, in 1853, is thus stated : — The Episcopal Church of England and Ireland, as by law established, one bishop, one archdeacon, and 58 clergymen. The Roman Catholic Church, one bishop, two vicars general, and 23 priests. The Church of Scotland, as by law establish- ed, 8 clergymen ; The Presbytery of New-Brunswick, adher- ing to the Westminster Standards, 13 clergymen ; the Re- formed Presbyterian Church of Ireland, 3 clergymen ; Pres- byterian Church of Nova-Scotia, 1 clergyman ; Wesleyan Methodists, 33 ministers ; Baptists, 52 ministers and 7 li- centiates; Free Christian Baptists, 18 ministers ; General Baptist Church, 2 ministers ; Congregational Church, or In- dependents, 4 ministers. With the exception of some assistance received by the clergy of the Church of England from the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts, and by the Wes- leyan ministers from the Methodist Missionary Society in England, the clergy of New-Brunswick are supported almost wholly by the contributions of the members of their several churches, on the voluntary principle, no tithes or other charg- es for ecclesiastical purposes being known in tbo Province. <r. t.-A.^¥^K>.:-MX--:--emM^^M:f,^'£^is^m^^^4 •m. HAND BOOK OF NEW-BBUKSWICK. 77 be Ihe ;s- lin ist EDUCATION.— New-Brunswick, with its limited po- pulation and rerenue, devotes annually about £12,000 sterling to educational purposes. Few countries in the world, in pro- portion to population and income, devote so large a sum to the education of the rising generation. At the head ot the educational establishments of the Pro- vince is King's College, at Fredericton, which was established by Koyal Charter dated 18th November, 1823. The object of this College, as declared in the Charter, is " the education of youth in the principles of the Christian religion, and their instruction in the various branches of literature and science/' It receives a grant amounting to £2000 sterling per annum from the Province, and has besides a revenue arising from its endowment in lands, which have enabled the College Council to erect a spacious building, provide a considerable library and the requisite scientific, mathematical and astronomical instru- ments. In each County of the Province, except York, King's, and Victoria, there is a Grammar School, supported by subscrip- tions, tuition fees, and a grant of £100 per annum from the Provincial Treasury. These Grammar Schools are managed by trustees ; instruction is given in the classics, and in the usual branches of English education — and here the foundation is laid for admission into College. In York County, the Col- legiate School at Fredericton, under King's College, takes the place of a Grammar School. The Baptist Seminary at Fredericton, is under the general superintendence of the Baptist Association of New-Brunswick, by whom it ^vas founded in 1836. The course of instruction comprises the classics, English education, and mathematics. It has no permanent revenues, and its maintenance depends on grants from the Provincial Legislature and the contribu- tions of the denomination. The Wesleyan Methodists have an Academy at Mount Allison, a very pleasant situation, at Sackville, in the County of Westmorland. The building, which is handsome and spaci- ous, was completed in 1843, by private subscriptions, and a very large donation from C. F. Allison, Esq., from whom the place takes its name. This institution is incorporated, and a managing committee has the direction of its affairs. The branches of learning taught are, the classics, mathematics, natural philosophy, moral philosophy, and divinity. This Academy receives a small grant from the Province annually^ m 78 HAND BOOK OF NEW-BEUNSWICK. but is chiefly supported by tuition money and privat« sub- scriptions. * 1 he expenses of board and tuition at the Baptist Academy -and the Wesleyan Academy, are about £30 per annum. An incorporated body styled " The Governor and Trustees of the Madras School in New-Brunswick," is endowed with certain lands and grants of money ; it has established schools at St. John, Fredericton, and other places in the Province, where many children of the poorer classes are taught gratis, besides beingfurnished with books and sometimes with clothing. But the schools most generally diffused throughout the Pro- vince are the Common or Parish schools, which enable the children in every settlement, unless very remote, to obtain the blessincfs of education. The Act relating to Parish Schools makes the following provisions, which are now in operation. The Lieutenant Governor, with the Executive Council and the Superintend- ent of Schools, constitute a Provincial Board of Education. The Governor and Council appoint the Superintendent, who acts as Secretary to the Board, and they also appoint an In- spector of Schools for each County. A model School and a Training School are established, and examiners appointed of those who desire to become teachers. On the report of the examiners, the Board of Education grants licenses to the per- sons exammed as first, second, or third class teachers. The Inspectors of Schools visit and examine the schools in their several districts four times in each year, or oftener, if the Board directs, and make an annual report. Male teachers of the third class receive from the Provincial Treasury £22 10s. currency per annum, and are required to teach reading, writ- ing, spelling and arithmetic. Teachers of the second class receive £30 currency per annum, and in addition to the fore- going, must teach English grammar, geography, history, and book-keeping. Teachers of the first class receive £37 10s. per annum, and besides what is taught by the tv;o preceding classes, must also teach geometry, mensuration, land survey- ing, navigation, and algebra. Female teachers of the third class, receive £17 10s. per annum, and teach spelling, read- ing, writing, arithmetic, and common needlework. Those of the second class receive £22 10s. per annum, and in addition teach English grammar and geography. Female teachers of the first class receive £27 10s. per annum, and teach history in addition to what is taught by the second and third class ( V I s HAND BOOK OF NEW-BKUNSWICK. 79 lass lore- and llOs. ling ^ey- pird >ad- of tioii Is of lory lass teachers. No teacher is paid for a less period than six months, unless under special circumstances, nor unless the inhabitants of the district have raised by assessment, or paid for his or her support, in the same proportion as the Provin- cial allowance. Any parish or district which voluntarily as- sesses itself for the support of common schools, receives from the Provincial Treasury 25 per cent, more than parishes or districts which do not assess ; but in case of such assessment the tuition money must not exceed two shillings sterling per qufyter. In every school, three children of indigent parents are admitted as free scholars. The Provincial allowance for schools must not exceed an average of £200 currency to each parish in any one County, or £260 to any one parish therein. The number of parish schools and scholars in each County, in 1853, is thus stated : — Restigouche, 22 schools, 508 scholars ; Gloucester, 35 schools, 1167 scholars; Northumberland, 5S schools, 2304 scholars : Kent, 36 schools, 1169 scholars ; Westmorland, 95 schools, 2967 scholars ; Albert, 33 schools, 994 scholars ; St. John, 64 schools, S869 scholars ; Charlotte, 122 schools, 2702 scholars ; King's, 97 schools, 2507 scholars ; Queen's, 65 schools, 1643 scholars ; Sunbury, 22 schools, 751 scholars ; York, 57 schools, 2659 scholars ; Carleton, 56 schools, 1612 scholars ; Victoria, 12 schools, 275 scholars. Besides these parish schools, there are four Roman Catho- lic schools in different parts of the Province, an Academy at St. Stephen, an Infant School at Fredericton, as also an African School and a Commercial School at St. John, which receive special grants annually from the Legislature. The number of parish schools in 1852, was 588, attended by 18,591 Scholars ; the numbers in 1853 were. Schools, 744, Scholars, 24,127 ; evincing a marked increase both of schools and scholars. CIVIL LIST, REVENUE, AND EXPENDITURE. In TS37, the proceeds of all Her Majesty's hereditary, ter- ritorial, and casual revenues, and of all sales and leases ot Crown lands, woods, mines, and royalties, ir. New-Brunswick were surrendered to the Province, and made payable to the Provincial Treasurer. In consideration of this surrender, the sum of £14,500 currency annually, was granted to Her Ma- jesty to provide for the payment of the Civil List of theProvincc. sa HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUIfSWICK. The salaries of the Lieutenant Governor and the principal officers of the Province are borne on this list, and paid from the sum so granted. The revenues of the Province for 1852 and 1853 are thus stated in pounds sterling. : — Amount of fixed revenue, " " incidental revenue, " " receipts in aid, - 1852 1853 £105,502 £135,662 5,559 13,667 73 2,778 £111,134 £152,107 The following statement of expenditures in 1852 and 1863, in pounds sterling, shows the various objects for which the Provincial Revenues are annually disbursed : — HEADS or EXPENDITURIr Civil List, ------ Pay and Expenies of the Legislature, Judicial Establishmentj ... Printing Lawb, &;c., - » - - College and Grammar Schools, Parish and Madras Schools, Great Roads and Bridges, . - - Bjre Roads and Bridges, - . . Navigation of Rivers, - - - - Public Buildings, . ... Wharves and Landings, ... Post Office, Couriers, &c., ... Laaatic Asylum, . . . - - Provincial Penitentiary, . . - Destruction of Bears and Wolves, Erection ef Oat Mills, . . - - Agricultural Societies, ... Fishery Societies, . _ - - Relief of Emigrants, .... Charitable purposes, . . . - Indians, ...-.- Returned Duties, .... |li»cellaneous, ...... Taking Censua, ..... Water Company, . - - - Interest on sums borrowed, . - - For the support of Light Houses, > For the support of Sick and Disabled Seamen, Ililitary Expenditure, . . • « 1852. 1853. £ 12.08a £12,083 10,347 7,815 1,216 1,310 2,821 1,167 2,635 2,750 14,674 9,295 16,846 16,514 16,518 16,793 2,705 1,775 2,038 977 150 2,445 3,939 3,899 6,850 6,600 2,666 1,083 168 166 41 37 2,393 1,803 468 470 517 612 1,849 976 290 850 434 128 3,689 1,628 1,695 4,166 8,514 4,827 2,989 2,962 , 1,016 1,217 232 241 £129,356 £104,705 HAND ROOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. 81 ^ It will be observed that the expenditures of 1853 wefe greatly below the revenues of that year ; the difference was applied to paying- off the funded debt of the Province. The floating debt alone remains ; this is about equal to a half-year's re- venue, and as there is a surplus accumulating in 1854 in the Treasury, it is quite possible that the close of the year will «ee the JProvince free of debt, except as regards the deben- tures issued in respect of the Railways now in course of •constrjiction. ^27 fl7 fo5 BANKS FOR SAVINGS ; VALUE OF COINS ; RATE OF INTEREST. Savings' Banks are established in several parts of the Pro- vince, where deposits are received to the extent of £50 cur- rency for one person, and interest billowed at the rate of five per cent, per annura. These Banks are regulated by law, and the Province Treasurer is authorised to receive the mo- ney deposited in them, and allow six per cent, interest; the difference of one per cent, in the interest pays the expenses of these institutions. The Spanish dollar is taken as the standard of currency; its value is established by law at five shillings currency. The public accounts are kept, and returns made, in army sterling, which rates the dollar ut four shillings and two pence sterling. To bring currency into army sterling, it is only necessary to tieduct one*sixth; and to bring sterling irito currency, to add one-fifth to the several amounts. The sovereign is a legal tender at 24s. 4d. currency. The English erown piece passes at 66. Id. ourrency, and other sil- ver coins in proportion. Emigrants should not bring bank «iotes, as'those are generally sold at less than tho'Same amount vin gold or silver. The legal rate of interest is six per cent, per annum. No ^eater rate is allowed to be taken, except in the case of bot- tomry 'bonds, or the loan of grain, cattle, or livestock, ^where the lender takes the risk of casualties upon himself. GENERAL INFORMATION FOR EMIGRANTS. "Emigrants io New-Brunswick are especially cantioned i]|[ainst taking passage to Quebec, as there arc no regular means (tf ccuveyance from that port to tmy of the Lower Provinces. The only route is by railway to Porthmd, is. F ^n^v^mmwm 8t HAXS BOOK OF HEW-BRUNEWICT. Maine, aaJ thence by steame): tp St. John, whicli i» expcn^ sive. Passage tickets should always be carefully Tetain«d by emigrants, so that if they are not treated according to law, or are landed at a different place from that named in the tick- et,, they may obtain redress, Emigrants are warned that they have no claim of right on the emigrant fund, and should pro- vide themselves with sufficient means of their own, for their subsistence and conveyance into the interior from tl^e port where they land. Sick emigrants only are provided at the public expense. Agricultural labourers need not bring out im- plements of husbandry, as these can be easily procured in the I'rovince ; but artisans are recommended to bring such tools as they poesess, if not too bulky. Those who intend to be- come settlers, should bring a stock of comfortable warm cloth- ing, with blankets, and strong boots and shoes for their fami- lies. There is no duty on the household effects of emigrants. The best period to arrive in New-Brunswick is early in May, 80 as to be in time to take advantage of the spring and summer work, and get comfortably settled before the winter sets in. The average length of passages to New-Brunswick from Great Britain and Ireland,, is 36 days, but the Passengers' Act requires provisions and water to be laid ia for 70 days. Passengers are entitled by law to be maintained on board the «hip, the same as during the voyage, for 48 houars after arri- Tral in port. The tax on each passenger is 2s. 6d. currency, (2*. Id' sterling,) which is paid by the master of the ship ; and se- curity must be given by bond in the penalty of £75 currency, that any lunatic, idiot, maimed, blind, or infirm person not belonging to an emigrant family, shall not become chargeable to the fands of the Province for three years. This bond may however be dispensed with, or cancelled by order of the Lieut. Governor in Council, on payment of such reasonable sum as shall be deemed just and proper under the circumstances. Until emigrants become acquainted with the Iai)Our of the country, their services are of comparatively small value to their employers. They should therefore be carefui not to fall into the common error of refusing reasonable wages on their first arrival. Demand for Labofe. — The progress of agriculture in New- Brunswick causes a steady demand for labour in the rural districts, and, for the last two years, farmers have suffered more than any other class, from an inadequate supply of agri- cultural labourers and female domesticB. In the towni there I HAZfD BOOK OF NEW-BRfKSWlCK. "has also been great scarcity of female servanls, and a supply of these is greatly needed. Boys from 12 to 18 years of ago are greatly in demand throughout the Province by farmers and mechanics. Unskilled labourers are generally sure of .employment, from 2s. 6d. to 4s. sterling per day, according to their ability and the length of time for which they are en- gaged. Masons, bricklayers, carpenters, and joiners are in request at good wages ; and there is no scarcity of employ- ment for millwrights, smiths, foundrymen and workers in iron generally, painters, tailors, and shoemakers. The Clearing of Wild Land is to be understood as cutting down and burning the trees, fencing, and leaving the land ready for crop, the stumps and roots alone remaining to im- pede the operations of the farmer. The expense varies great- ly according to circumstances, but may be stated at £2 to £4 sterling per acre. A comfortable log house, 16 by 24 feet, two floors, and shingled roof, costs £12 to £15 sterling, but much less when the woi'k is chiefly performed by the emigrant him- self. When properly built, this description of Rouse is ex- tremely warm and comfortable. No emigrant should under- take to clear land and make a farm, unless he has the means of supporting his family for 12 months It is better that the 'emigrant should engage himself to a farmer for the first year or two after his arrival, by which he will obtain experience as to the woric of the country and the mode of conducting a farm, while laying up his wages wherewith to make a begin- ning in the forest. If the emigrant is possessed of some capital, ho should by no means expend it in endeavouring to maie a farm in the wilderness, as he will be almost certain there'ny to waste his means. He should buy land partially cleared, either in crop or ready for crop ; he will always find persons ready to sell their land, with house and clearing, stock, and implements of husbandry suitable to the country, at a much less price than be could procure them for himself. By adopting this course, an emigrant that arrives in New- Brunswick with £100 sterling, will in a few years find him- self in easy and independent circumstances, and the greater number he has in family, the better off he will be. The Direct Taxes payable by a settler, ere for poor rates, Covinty ff*pen89s, and occasional asacssme»H for public build- ings ; III (he case of a small farmer, these altogether seldom amount to £i per gnnum. The settler is also liable to perform <^tatat« labour OB fjke roads, street? and bridges, j« feis County, wr •^ 84 HAND BOOK OF IfEW-BRUMSWlCK. but not the firet year after his arrival in the country. He maj' perform this labour either in person or by sufficient substitute, eight hours of actual labour being considered a day's work; or he may commute the same, at the rate of one shilling and threepence currency for each day's labour. The scale of an- nual assessment for statute labour is as follows : — Persons between 18 and 21 years of age, 2 days ; above 21 years, 4 days; and one day in addition for every £100 in value of his real and personal estate, or one day for every £25 of his an- nual income, up to 60 days' labour, beyond which no person, can be assessed. Every rate-payer is liable to serve the fol- lowing offices in his parish ; constable, pound keeper, fence- viewer, parish clerk, overseer of the poor, clerk of the mar- ket, assessor or collector of rates, road commissioner, surveyor of highways, trustee of schools, and some other offices pe- culiar to certain Counties, such as surveyors of dams, over- seers of fisheries, boom masters, and timber drivers, for all which, however, (except as trustee of schools) small fees or perquisites fte allowed. All persons between 16 and 60 years of age are liable to serve in the militia in case of necessity. OaDiNXRY Diseases. — As yet, no regular bills of mortality are made up in the Province ; and with respect to the ordin- ary diseases of the country, their type and prevalence, refer- ence can only be had to the reports of the Medical Officers in charge of the troops in the Colony, which are prepared with great minuteness and precision. In the report submitted to Parliament in 1853, it is stated that common continued fever constitutes about two-thirds of the fevers in this command ; but is much less frequent than even among the most favored class of troops in the United Kingdom, and much less severe in its character. The proportion of t3rphus is also smaller than in the United Kingdom, althoiigh its intensity is much the same ; eruptive fevers have been so rare as scarcely to re- quire notice. In a former report, attention was called to the fact, that notwithstanding the greater sevei*.y of the climate, and the'sudden alternations of temperature to which the troops* are exposed, the proportion both of admissions into hospital, and deaths by diseases of the lungs, was lower than among an equal number of infantry in the United Kingdom ; and the same was observable during the ten years included in the report of 1853. Diseases of the liver are stated to be rare iu this command, mora so th^n among the same class of troops in the United Kingdom. Other classes of diseases, although .'* HAKD BOOK OF KEVV-BUU.HSAVlcr, 8S» a source of considerable inefficiency, are stated not to add much to the mortality ; most of tliese are produced by habitual drunkenness, arising from the low price and facility of pro- curing ardent spirits. On the whole, there is much less sick- ness and mortality both among officers and men, than in any part of the United Kingdom. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. All the fruits generally found in England, are grown in New-Brunswick, especially apples, pears, plums, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, and cherries. Of the wild fruits, there are strawberries, cranberries, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, great whortleberries, blue whortleberries, wild cherries, and some others. Batter nuts, hazel nuts, and beech nuts are plentiful in many places. The potatoes of New-Brunswick are most excellent; those grown in newly cleared land are often drier than others, and of superior flavour. All the varieties of peas and beans, turnips, beets, carrots, parsnips, cabbages, cauliflowers, ceUry, cucumbers, and squashes, with all other common culinary vegetables of the United Kingdom, are cultivated with success. WILD BEASTS AND GAME. Occasionally, wolves annoy the farmer to a small extent ; in the more settled districts, sheep are usually protected by a fold. The farmer may sometimes loose a stray hog by the bears ; but there are many farmers who have lived all their lives in the Province, without seeing either wolf or bear. As in other countries, foxes and smaller animals are destructive to poultry that is not looked after carefully. Game is mentioned as forming one of the natural resources of the country. The animals hnnted are, the elk, or moose deer ; the carriboo, a species of reindeer ; and the Virginian red deer. Of the smaller animals which are taken either by hunting or trapping, there are — the beaver, otter, mink, musk- rat, marten, (a species of sable,) fox, fisher, (or pine marten,) lynx, aeiccoon, porcupine, woodchuck, ermine, and northern iiare. Of birds, there are wild geese, wild ducks in great va- riety, and wood grouse, usually called partridges. Snipe and woodcock aflford some fine shooting ia their season. There are several sorts of curlew, some very large, and an infinite 4 ' •JI-.'.,.'IJ*,., ^^ ■FTTT wr SO HAND BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWICK. variety of the j)lover tribe. The passenger pigeon sometimes visits the Province in great numbers. As has been already stated, all the rivers, lakes, and streams of New-Brunswick abound with fish, in considerable variety ; and if a man think« proper, in the words of Izaak Walton, " to be pleasant and eat a trout," he can gratify his *aste almost anywhere in th« Province. THE ABORIGINES. There are in New-Brunswick two tribes of Indians, differ- ing widely from each other in their language, customs, im- plements, and habits of life. The marked distinction in almost every particular, between these tribes, inhabiting the same country, and evidently sprung from the same stock, constitutes a remarkable point of interest. First in order, not only as the most numerous, but as pos- fiessing both moral and physical superiority over the others, are the Micmacs — a tall and powerful race of men, who speak a dialect of the Algonquin language, and frequent the north- ern or Gulf Shore of the Province. The less numerous and imferior body are the Milicetes, who speak a dialect of the Huron language, and frequent the River St. John and its tri- butary waters. The Micmacs are strongly attached to the eea-side, near which they are generally found; hence the Milicetes call them " salt-water Indians." The Milicetes, oa the contrary, have great aversion to salt water ; they are thorough w-oodsmen, and confine themselves to the lakes and streams of the interior, for navigating which their light canoes are well adapted. An enumeration of the Indians of the Province was mado by the writer in 1841, when it was found that their numbers stood thus : — Of Micmacs ; adults — males, 229 ; females, 255 under 14— boys,. 215 ; girls, 236 ; total, 935. Of Milicetes adults — males, 111; females, 113; under 14 — boys, 107 girls. Ill ; total, 442. The whole number of Indians in the Province in 1841, was, therefore, 1377. By the census of 1851, it appears that the numbers then found amounted to 1116 only; and there is reason to believe, from enquiries re- cently made, that their numbers do not now reach 1000. That they are steadily decreasing, is beyond a doubt ; and this, in a great degree, is owing to the ravages made among their adults by small pox and typhus fever, and among child- rcjjj by measles, hooping cough, scarlet fever, and other dis- '•^^' TfAyU BOOK OF NEW-BRUNSWleiC. ST eases to which children arQ subject. Very few submit to bo vaccinated, and hence smaU pox is their great scourge. Their unwillingness to undergo regular medical treatment is the reason why diseases are fatal among them, and not so to per- sons of European descent. TheMicmacs subsist daring the summer chiefly by fishing and fowling ; during winter many of them find employment withlumbermen in the forest. On theMiramichiandRichibucto rivers, several Micmac families have turned their attention to the cultivation of the soil, and have comfertable houses, with some stock. The Milicetes hunt and tmp during the winter ; in summer they make baskets and other light articles, varying their labour with fishing and shooting. The people of both tribes live on the mobc friendly terms with their white neigh- bors ; and they are often engaged by sportsmen as their at- tendants on excursions along the coast, or up the rivers, an employment of which they are very fond.^ CONCLUSIO^i. The observations of Lord Durham, with respect to the ca- pabilities and advantages of the British North American Colonies, arre specially applicable to New-Brunswick. It pos- sesses great natural resources for the maintenance of large and flourishing communities. A wide range of the best soil still remains unsettled, and may be rendered available for the purposes of agriculture. The wealth of foresis of the best timber, and of extensive regions containing valuable minerals, yet remains untouched. Along the whole line of sea coast, around each island, and in every river, are to be found the most productive fisheries in the world. The best fuel and most abundant water-power are available for manufactures. Trade with other countries is favoured by the possession of a large number of safe and commodious harbours. Numerous rivers, long and deep, supply the means of easy internal in- tercourse; the structure of the country, generally, afToids the utmost facility for every species of communication by land. Unbounded materials of agricultural, commercial, and manu- facturing kdustry are present. These elements of wealth and special advantages need only capital and labour to be turned. to profitable account, and render New-Brunswick, with a large and flourishing population, one of the fairest and rich- est portions of the British Colonial Empire. riMii mmmim'm ^^ TABLK OF COHTEi^T^. Paok. GeooRAPKicAXi' POSITION of New-Druiiswick ; area; quantity of land sold; quantity remaining; mode of sale and terms, - 8 Agricultural capabilitks described by Professor Johnston, 4 ; Major Robinson's opinion, '6 ; climate and ranges of tempe- rature, 7 ; oeurse of the seasons, root crops, cattle, and grain, - 8 Ths Forbst, white pine, 11-; black spruce and hacmatac, 12; birch and beech, 13 ; maple, 14 ; elm, 16 ; hemlock and butter- nut, 18 ; ash, 19 ; white cedar, 21 ; exports of timber and lum- ber daring the last five years, ----.. 22 The Fisheries ; in Bay of Fundy, cod, 23; pollack and hake, 24 ; haddock and herring, 26 ;. mackerel, halibut, and shad, 26 ; shell-fish, salmon, alewives, 27 ^ in Gulf of St. Lawrence, cod, 28 ; hake, haddock, herring, and mackerel, 29 ; alewive, salmon, shell-fish, 30 ; River tisheries, 30 ; value offish export- ed daring the last four years, ... - . - 81 Geoi.«oy ; primniy rocks, 32 ; lower and upper ^kirian, 33 ; car- boniferous, 34 ; tertiary and alluvial deposits, - - - 85 Mines, Minerals, and Q,uarriks ; descriptive list of princi- pal mineral substances, from page 36 to - - • - 42 Ship-buildin6 ; where vessels principally built, 42 ; number and toUnage of vessels built, last six years, - - - - - 43 Mills and MANurAcroRiss ; number 'of saw and grist-mills, 44; manufacturing establishments and value of articles made, 44 Internal Communication ; River St. John, 44 ; other rtvers and lakes, 45 ; great roads and bye-roads, 46 ; railways, - 47 Commerce and Navigation ; vessels owned ia Province, 48 ; value of imports and exports, 49 ; shipping inwards and out- wards, .--....-.-53 Description of Province bt Counties; Restigouche, 51 ; Gloucester, 52; Northumberland, 53; Kent, 55; Westmorland, 56 ; Albert, 68 ; St. John, 59 ; Cbiirlotte, 61 ; King ?i, 68; Queen's, 64; Sunbury, 66; York, 67; Carleton, 49; Vio- toria, -..----.--70 Form of Government, 73; Courts. of Law, 73 ; Tenure of Land and Law of Inheritance, ...... 76 Religious Worship, 76; Means of Education, - 77 Civil List, Revenue, and Expenditure, .- - " ^® Banks for Savings; Value of Coins.; Rate of Interest, 81 <if£NBRAL INFORMATION FOR EMIGRANTS, 81; Demand fot Labour, 82; expense of Clearing Land and Building Log House, '83; Taxes payable by Settlers, 83; Ordhiary Diseaees, - 64 f RVXTs AND Vegetables, 85; Wild Beasts AWiyGAM»E, 86 •AaoBioiNKs, 86; Conclusion, ----- '87 I » ii