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Ittfom^tiott for |mmigrattfe, ^ettte, .'♦ ▲KD PUBCHISBQS OP PUBLIC LANDS, WITH MAP, SHEWING THE NEWLY SURVEYED TOWNSHIPS, f } COLONIZATION ROADS, &c., OF CANADA. WM. M'DOUGALL, COMMISSIONER OP GROWN LANDS QUEBEC: PRINTED BY HUNTER, ROSE & LEMIRUX, No. 26, ST. URSULE STREET. 1863. 3it;SiaMii!> 0OB5Q 2 CONTENTS. »t'iliuii '> ('unxtitiiliiin iiiul (lovcriiiiiont 5 .Miiiiii'iiial Tnstitiitiuii." .'< llivorH, rii, luiil Uuilwfiy? (i Climutc, Wuudti ami ForcstH 7 l'ro);rc88 and SoUlomcut 7 Miucrals (< Fi^horics S C'l'uwn Lauda s Culoiiizntiun Iloacls '.) Crown Land Agencies, Upper Canada, tbuir localities, and huw to rcacli (iioin li) Crown Land Agencies, Lower Canada, their localities, and bow to rcncii tliciu .. 1 1 Directions to Emigrants and utlicrJ wishing to pu.clsttso Grown Lauds Is Directions to parties corresponding with the Depb. '(irvVt of Crown Lands l.-i lustructions to Eaiigrants with some capital 20 CANADA. COLONIZATION, CROWN LANDS. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. CaniMlii extends from the (Julf of St. Lawrence on theeiiKt, to (uccording to wnio authorlticH) the Rocky Mountains on the West, embracing an area of about J{f)0,000 Hqiiaro miles, or 240,000,000 of acres, indepcntlcntly of its North-Western poHsessions, not yet open for settlement. The River St. Lawrence, and Lakes Ontario, Erie, St. Clair, Huron and Superior, with their connecting rivers, form a remarkable natural boundary between Canada and tho States of the Union, and a means of communication of surprising extent, and unrivalled excellence. CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT. An integral part of the British Empire, Canada enjoys perfect religious, social, and political freedom. The Governor is appointed by the Crown, and is its representative in the Province, lie nominates an Executive Council, who arc his advisers. There arc two legislative bodies, called tho Legislative Council and the Legislative Assembly, tho mem- bers of which arc elected by the people. All public offices and seats in the Legislature ure open to any candidate possessing the confidence of the people, holding a certain limited amount of property, and being at the time a British subject. Three years resi- dence entitles a foreigner to all the rights and privileges of a natural born citizen. Aliens can buy, hold, and sell land. MUNICIPAL INSTITUTIONS. The municipal system of Canada is admirably adapted to the exigencies of a young and vigorous country. In order to comprehend it, it is necessary to state that Upper Canada is divided into Counties, forty-two in nnmber ; tho Counties are divided into Town- ahips, tho latter being about ten miles square. The iohabitants of a Township elect 6 anmiiilly five (Jouiicillors ; tho ('oulu•ill.ll•.^l'll•ct out ol'dils imiiil)(M' :i i.rcHi.Iin- ollu-er, wlio it tK'sij;imtc«l the TowiLsliip Kocvo ; the Ucivei and itio Ih'puty Uocvcs ol' tlic dilTcrcnt Towiisliliis form tho County Council ; tliis Council olcct their proj^idin;.; oflii'cr, who it stylml tho Wanlcii. In each county there is ii jud^o, a .-hcritl, ono or moro loroners, a dork ul'tho pi'uco, a clerk of the county court, a roi,'istrar, and ju-itici\i of the peace, wliidi olliccrrt are appointed ))y tho (fovcrnor in Council. All Township llccvcs, Wardens, MayofH and Aldermen, arc. '..r officio, justices of tho peace. w u RIVERS, CANALS, AND RAILWAYS. lie natural advantages conferred upon Canada by tho St. iiuwrenci! liver, ami tlio ^oa fur 2,000 miles of inland :;reat lukoH, arc incalcuhiblc. Immediate and direct water communication with th roast, without any reference to tho tilllucnts htrikin;.; deep into tho heart of tho country, njjpcarsin itself sufficient to mark "Ut Canada for a di.'iliii'^uished future. Three lumdred miles from the outlet of the St. Lawrence, we pass the mouth of tho Saguenay, iiavi;;ablc for the largest vessel-s 70 miles from its outlet. J'our hundred and ten nillcH >ailing from the ocean and wo reach Quebec, tho groat seaport of Canada; 500 miles brings us to Jlontreal, near where tho Ottawa, or ("Jrand Itiver of tho North, miuLdes its dark but transparent waters with these of the St. Lawrence, after draining a valley o/' "SO,U00 Hfjuarc miles in area. One hundred and .sixty-eight miles above >Iontreal, after ' parsing the St. Lawrcnco canals, we are in Lake Ontario, TTjO miles from the tii('f, wliii'Ii cr, and t!i>' I i)t' inlniid art (>r the 10. Three Samionny, ton niiloH r)!t() miles luinirlo.H its a. valley of [treal, after 1, ami 'I'M cl 500 feet milton, \vc waters of akc Erie, at Lake now reach a as large uth of the ut of the s brought jgcrs and r all other Q du Loup crn, from rich; the ugh; the the St. :ville and Welland. CLIMATE, WOODS AND FORESTS. The climate of Canada is In nemo measure exceptional, especially that of the peninsu- lar portion. Tlio influence of the great lakes is very strikingly felt in the elevation of winter temperatures, and iu fho reduction of summer heats. Perhaps the popular Htandard of the adaptation of olimato to the purposes of agriculture, i(! more suitable than a refer- ence to monthly and annual means of temperature. Much information is convoyed in the simple narration of facta bearing upon fruit culture. From the head of Lake Ontario, round by the Niagara frontier, and all along the Canadian shores of Lake Krie, the grape and peach grow with luxuriance, and ripen to perfection in the open air, without artiflciul aid. In Lower Canada, mulonn ripen freely in the open air, and apples attain a peculiar degree of excellence, of the island of Montreal being especially fumed. The island ol" Orleans, below Quebec, is efjually celebrated for its plums. That valuable wood, the black walnut, ceases to grow north of latitude 4P on the Atlantic coast, but under the influence of the comparatively mild lake climate of peninsular Can!\da, it is found of the largest dimensions, as far north as latitude 43 ° . The principal descriptions of timber found in the forests of Canada, arc : — White, yellow, and red pine ; white and black spruce j tamarack j white and black ash j grey, red, soft, and rock elm ; bird's eye, white, and red oak ; bird's eye curly and soft maple; black and grey walnut ; smooth and rough bark hickory; ironwood; basswood; beech; white cedar; hemlock; chestnut ; butfonwood and whitewood. Canada exports annually about I]0,000,000 cubic feet of timber in a rough stuto, nml about 40O,OM()jO00 feet, board measure, sawed lumber, PROGRESS AND SETTLEMENT. The rc.otivc Crown hero, will be :) one dollar, \erc, and, on mining four- chase money 10 Superior, kly surveyed ugh the land person who in possession continuously rs, and have four years at of at least ause, and of cut without The condi- inks proper, igcnt. Ihe ihft Crown COLONIZATION ROADS. Oovernmcnt has opened several great lines of road on which free grants of one hundred acres are given to actual settlers. The conditions of location are : — That the settlor be eighteen years of age. That he take possession of the land allotted to him within six months. That he build a log house 16 by 20 feet. That he reside on the lot and clear and cultivate 10 acres of laud in the course of four years. Members of a family liav- ing land allotted to them tr.iy reside on a single lot, thereby exempting tiicm from build, ing and residence on each location. The roads in Fpper Canada arc: — 1st. The Ottawa and Opcongo Road, which runs cast aud west, and will connect the Ottawa with Lake Huron ; llesident Agent, T. P. French, Cloutarf. lloute, by Grand Trunk Kailway and Ottawa River, or railway to Ottawa City, thence by stage and steamer to Farrell's Landing. 2nd. The Frontenac Road, running North of Kingston, through the County of Fron- teuac; Resident Agent, James Spike, DenistoD. Route by Grand Trunk Railway to Kingston. 3rd. The Addington Road, running north and south, through the County of Adding- ton ; Resident Agent, E. Perry, Tamworth. Route, by Grand Trunk Railway to Napanec. 4th. Tho Hastings Road, running nearly parallel to tho Addington Road, and con- necting the County of Hastings with the Ottawa and Opcongo Road ; Resident Agent, M. P. Hayes, Madoc. Route, by Grand Trunk Railway to Belleville. 5th. The Burleigh Road, running through the Townships of Burleigh aud Anstruthcr ; Resident Agent, Joseph Graham, Peterborough. Route, by Grand Trunk Railway to Cobourg and Peterborough. 6th. The Bobcaygeon Road, running from Bobcaygeon, between the Counties of l*eterborough aud Victoria, north, aud intended to be continued to Lake Nipissing. Resi- dent A./'nts; for southerly portion, R. Hughes, Bobcaygeon; for northerly portion, G. G. Boswcll, Minden. Route, by Grand Trunk Railway to Cobourg and Peterborough, and thence by steamer to Bobcaygeon. 7th. The Victoria Road, running north through tho County of Victoria to the Peter- son Road ; Resident Agent, G. M. Roche, Lindsay. Route, by Grand Trunk Railway to Port Hope and Lindsay. 8th. The Muskoka Road, running from Lake Couchiching to the Grand Falls of Muskoka; Resident Agent, R. J. Oliver, Orillia. Route by Northern Railway from Toronto to Barrie, tbcQco by steamer to Orillia. 2 10 fill i |{)' moans of those roada access is obtained to Townships recently surveyed by Govern- ment and now open for settlement. They are chiefly of excellent quality, and well adapted, in rispcct of soil and climate, to all the purposes of husbandry. The roads in Lower Cannda arc : 1st. The Elgin Iload, in the County of L'Islet, about 35 miles long, from St. Jean, I'ort .Toly, to the I'rovincial line; and that part of the Tachu Road, from the County of llclli'chassc to that of Kamouraska, inclusive, about 100 miles. Kesidcnt Agent, S Drapoiiu, St. Jcnn, Port Joly. 2nd. Tlio IMatiipedia Road, from Fleurian to River llostigoucho, 4G miles; and that part of the Tache Road, from the County of Kamouraska to that of Rimouski, about 100 miles. Resident Agent, J. R. Lepage, Rimouski. '{rd. The Tcmiscouata Road, from Rividre du Loup to Lake Temiscouata. Resident Agent, L. N. Oauvvcau, Isle Verto. The map is colored by counties. The Colonization Roads arc marked in red lines. CROWN LAND AGENCIES, UPPER CANADA, THEIR LOCALITIES, AND HOW TO REACH THEM. AdKNCY ov WiMiiAM HARRIS, ^(/njas^oM : — Route, by rail to Ottawa City, thence by stoiimer to FarrcU's landing, then by land to Admaston. The Townships in this Agency a'-e : — in County of Renfrew: — Admaston, Ragot, Blithficld, Rroraley, Brougham, Griffith, Stafford, Wilberforce and Matawatchan, In County of Frontenac : — Canonto. [n this Agency there are about 250,000 acres of land for sale. The Townships recently surveyed are Griffith, Canonto and Matawatchan. The agricultural prospects of Griffith are rather indiffijrent, thougiJ a considerable part may servo for grazing. It is a remarkably well watered tract of land, as that part of the country generally is, having rivers, brooks,l akcs and ponds, interspersed and scattered over the whole face of it. There are several water privileges in the Township In Canonto, the laud surveyed is in general well adapted for agricultural purposes, producing when cultivated, the best quality of wheat, potatoes, oats and indian corn, and na a grazing country can scarcely be surpassed, as almost every lot is supplied with spring water and excellent meadow land. AoENCY OF J. p. 3I0FFATT, PemJroie ;— Route, by railway to Ottawa City, thence by stage and steamboat, 95 miles to Pembroke. The Townships in this Agency are : — In County of Renfrew: — Alice, Buchanan, Fraser, Head, McKay, Pctawawa, Rolph. Tn District of Nipissing: — Maria, I'here are about 210,000 acres of land for sale in this Agency. In various parts of these Townships there are extensive tracts of hardwood land, the 9 oil of which, though stony, may be cultivated successfully. Pine is abundant, and is the prevailing timber throughout. 11 by Govorn- 'cU adapted, in St. Jcau, County of Agont, S <; and that , about 100 Resident red lines. \L1TIES, ity, thence ;0D, Bagot, Townships )rospeot8 of 3g. It is a [ is, having face of it. il purposes, a corn, and irith spring !ity, thence vfa, Rolph. The soil in Alice is of a sandy loam and generally level. There are about oU,000 acresof good laud fit for settlement. This Township is liberally supplied with springs ; these are generally of pure water, but some of them are strongly impregnated with mitioral substances, the principal of which are sulphur aud iron. Agency of T. P. Fuench, CYo«^hecn, Chichester, Aberdeen, and Abcrford. The lands on Allumottu island, and the front parts of th« Townships, are goncrally good, but the rear is broken, and thb soil of a light description. It THE SEIGNIORIEH. There arc also some thousands of acres of laud for sale in the Jesuits' Estates Seig- niories of the Crown, at prices varying from 40 to 60 cents per arpent. .SV. Oalrid, — rear of Qacbeo, — communieation by good roads. Hon. Ls. Panct, Agent, Quebec. \ :H \< Butmim, — near Throe Kivers, — Ls. Guillct, Jnr., Agent, Sle. Ci'eneviiie de BatUcan. Route, by steamer from Quebec or Montreal to I'urt of Batiscau, and thence by land to Ste. Geneviive. Cup de la Mayileleine, — rear of Three Rivers, — Guillet and Lottinville, Agent, City of Three Rivers. The lands for sale in this Seigniory are situated above the River St. Maurice, on and near the Piles Road and a new Colonization Roa > leading therefrom to the interior ; the whole communicating by good roads with the city. 10 (ititincuu roHcl Then! ari", likowiHo, n few lotw for Piilo in tho Suij»niory of Ijnuzoii, opimHid' (^ufbuo, IVom 40 cciitM to H^I.OOuii uij>cnl. Folix h'orticr, Agent, Point LovIh. iiwii city by the Tlu' IiiikIh in IIu'mo Sfi^fiiioricK, iiiNtoad of bcini^ coiiccilcil, iis t'lHiiKMly, iiinlcr liio Scinnioriiil 'IVriuiv, nro now hoKI unilor a teiiuio C(|Utvnlcnt to f're« and comnuin hoiH'agc ; till) jmrchaMo money in imyaldc by inHtalmciits, and the BaloH are Kubjcet to Ht-ltlcinont dii- tii'K. An arpeut in ii littlu lufN tiiaii an Kn^lir^li acre. ity by titcunicr to lity by Htcamer to DIRECTIONS TO EMIGRANTS AND OTHERS WlSlllNti T<> I'UH CHASE CROWN LANDS. KniigraiitM and othcrw desirous of purchaHlnj^ Crown LandH should make application to the respective local Crown Land Agentn, who arc required by law to liirninh ail appli- cantH with correct inibrniation as to what lauds arc open lor sale. The (toveriinient Emigration Agents at Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, and Hamilton, will afford information and advice to cmigrantH respecting tho best means of reaching the localities in which they intend to settle. broken, and the a' Kstutos Seig- j8. I'anct, Agent, DIRECTIONS TO PARTIES CORRESPONDING WITH THE DEPART- MENT OF CROWN LANDS. Applications to purchase wild lands, in newly surveyed or thinly settled townships, should be made to the local agent, and if the lok sought to be purchased is at his disposal, at a fixed price, ho will sell under existing reimlations. If tho lot has not yet been advertised, and placed at the disposal of the ugcnt, no sale of it can be made until tliat iw done, unless tho applicant is in actual occupation, with valuable improvemcntki ; in that case he may, at his own expense, procure the services of the agent, (if the lot be within tho juiisdiction of one) to inspect it, or furnish him satisfactory evidence, by affidavits of two credible and disinterested parties, or the report of u sworn surveyor, to enable him to report to tho Department the following particulars, viz : — The whole time the lot has been occupied ; by whom now occupied ; tho nature and extent of the improvements owned by applicant, and whether there are any adverse claims, on account of improvements made by any other party on the same piece or parcel of land. If the lot is public land, but not within the jurisdictiou of any agent, the application should be made direct to the Department, applicant being careful, in order to avoid delay and prevent unnecessary correspondence, to transmit at the same time the evidence by affidavit or Surveyors' report, as above stated. The same rules should be observed by applicants to purchase Public Lands situated in the old settled Townships, with these additions : that in cases where the applicant occupies improvements made by his predecessors on the lot, he should show by assignment 20 III' nilii r I viili'Mi.!', Iiiiw ffi' iililaiiiet] |iuMi4i>Msioii of tlii'iii, and tlint lie in luw tlio hand Jidr I'Wii.i- (if ilii< Miiiif. 'I'lii- jiii'M'nt lull value ol' Hio Innd por iicro, cxcluoivo of improve iiK iii.-i, .'^liiiiill iiImi Ih.' stati il liy tlu- a<;('ut, llio Nurvryur or doponcntH, nn tho ciiho may bo. Ml |iiiii'i'-< III ri'^sary to .sul)Mtaiitiatc' tint applicaiit'N claliii or ri^ht tu purc]..!Hu, iF (ho up- jiliiMtiiiii is iiiMilc ilii'cct to till! |)('|iartiiK'iit, Hhuuld accompniiy tho flii :i|>|i!t<:ution. ** All a-^iuniiii'iils, wlu'tlicr by tiiiuattorM ur purchascrH, must bo unconditiiiial, tu bo l•lOl|^lli.'*(•^| liy ilic Ih'parfiiR'Ut. Applualiiiiis lor liiinruiaMon rclalivo to tho datcH of I'ntcots niid ihv. nauiiH of Tall iiti't's >.lniulil, invariably, bo mado to the I'ruviiic'ml or Deputy Pruviueiul llegiHtrur. I'.nin'- v>riiiii;,' ti) tho Depiirtuuiit .should ^ivo their l'o«t Office, tho date and urtabci .1 ilir l;i-t liiiiT til' any) they received froiii the Department on the Hubjcct. 'I'hoy >ii iiii.l. ir ih.v can. .'tato whether the lots they write about arc Crown, Clergy, cr School htiiM'. Ivii li III I r .^Imuld be eoiitiiied ti) Olio subject ; the Hi^nuturo should bo distinotly wniirii. .11 t llie litter addresisod to "The ilonorublo the CoinmiHs'ioncr of Crown JiandH." Ilviiy :i|iiilii:iiil I'ur Letter.'* TatiMit lor laiid.s, should state his christian uanio at li'iiuth, witli lii.s ut\upati III" thi.s ilcscriptlun are always to bo found in the newly settled district*, ilic itlc to which i:; still in the ('rowii. In .'•uch cases a ymall sum must bo given for the riijl'.i ami iinintivenK'nt.s ol" the ori}j;inal purchaser. The patent would then bo issued on ;i;iM i. lit v\' liio bulanci' ol' the purchase money due to tho Crown, and on completion of liii' iiijuircd settlement ilutic'*. The Ciiiwii Land A;j;em.s will aid Immigrants inquiring for Improved Lots within ilu ir .\,i;iiici''.-. Tr .\]ii(h jiatcnts have not been issued, '■'bey will say where such Lots i.rc III be I'.iunil, iiiid tijcy will assi;-f, if requested, in draw!n«* up t'" necessarf »(:fignmont Im il'f iiunli:i!-rr, Jc! rc;;istration in the Department of trov^a Lands. ^ I'll) jn.:lu-i- ihiuiU i( .^jH dxcIuhIvo of improve , iw tho ciiMC may bo. |iurc]..iHo, if Iho Rp. •l up^Iivuiion. uncondititiial, (u bo I nnd tlu! naiiK'H uf roviuciiil Ucgiutrur. the (into and ur tabcr tho Hubjcct. 'I'liey ti, t!lcrgy, or School should ^.) ?7wr^^ i ^^ H \ % \^ °2^' "kx 4 ill 76' 75" "ji. " .'■■I t ,3 (,'•''■ *l»"»«<»«fiCM .r' ^-5' 7 1 I '-ifc'Ak *lAflQp-it A- L-CAtlfgfAll '-•V ' "-i &., ' n 7'y L*fO' 7/A' 7ff" -r- 'it^™s;- ■ -4:;:; -^t-:"- -'vM-M ^^ \, ■T'"' \ r ^. ^ (' V .•■._■ ^ ~ . V ■ . >■ -Jsi'; % ./:^Xi ^•'•H«»iu i^V ?N ^^ ; . '^ ■■ r / • ,' , o > \ " \ '.IV^ ..•••* ''^. ''■^riJ»'"' ■'."Wa'^j w ' OTT*^ .io"' *. •^;' >:; ..•>*i . ' A*?: >V *fO "II^'-X '■■jTtiC' p;;?:i^>-;-avA'**'«iT=*Ms.vAr 'JfUX w V M I '?t»- ,^"r-°^' ?F«Si * • vy*" 6'.*i" ,.i'^* .»• •.Mf^VWf*^" «»^,<' UH*'-! .■J«l.^ \ IIITU V > '•> '^ «>"'V- <. Y' r-O^^^^V J'-i iX.'^ !^ .JS»* -Mi^t^HE" SSiig^v -ii!; 't^ ^-- -k; ■ x...... ,....h^; ■ '"■»». "^ Miff^t ii'*?^ \ %■ ^■" MsS^"^ 7.^^'' v / / ;;t^ v^-'- •---. . .-- ^' HhrirtHl '0 49 50 60 y .70 BO 90 100 scale: of BRITISH STATUTE MILES 7cV ,u> 77 ^S" ; ^5< .V -...'^... IV ■c^ tNK MCTkJ ♦ > ! K^ ,'«'' 6'ff OS" V, r ^^ '""'""•■V, , LE. OF BRITISH STATUTt MILCS SO'' 70" 18 \>o 77' ■.\,T EM I » tjitvlA^ 69" I'.^k >1 \\ , '^"y-!" r*' ^^^ .'>" '- <*'>^ I ^ a? .- ♦t V^* "^ ''•""•- ■""7— /A' , 'J ^ V" '1 'r^. Ak ?^ V^x ■•NCtATKH y^OMKa*ft.V ^ V.-'*. c^ j>A;Kv^ *tar*«» ><; -nl*' lA^ ■**,V' S>- ACtOMPTi ."nn *w... ' i U^ •jSki \*r*K X55i "tr^. "iv..-"' '■ '>*"' z^' l*«:T ■'tis J .y^ooam'' J;«/ — JK =rr t ,A "tf' •»«t.t.r VC,iiiji J /^-♦. &/ *-'>, • ^'0 R D f>f"V^J ^ '■'i'n.i <"»«~» !/*« <•* It _v '•■^ ^^ I' ..^.»»^':<,.v.' :^— 6'(y« u;" ^/j'' 67' 66* f .•^ % ^ .,*'"'■♦ t»,-^i«3r ; '^V -^^:^^"*jO-^..X^.^»*fc ***-- ""-^^■^ V'T te- »*»"Pf.« AH HAK ;;:!^^^Ytt&;!rf^#^ff ^7 t^^\ .'VV. /M^WMT «M1FP1«A»i hah ' few*. li,,. ^* I T„..o. L^ ■«^- . ^-^.,