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(' J 
 QUEBEC, APRIL 9, 1854. 
 — Wi^tW^W- MliWafW^ m 
 \^ %xm iffi (^r<f W^§<jp ^f ^mk<, 
 lOu tlje mcrtg of ®oii onb tijc favot of ll)e ^o\q apoatolic See, Qlrcl)bi8l)op 
 of ©nebec, ^c, $^t. 
 To tJie secular and regular Clergy and to all tlie Faithful of our diocese, — Greeting 
 and Blessing in our Lord. 
 How honorable for you, D. B. B., and how consoling for your pastors was 
 the spectacle which the diocese of Quebec offered, during the first years which 
 followed the establishment of the Temperance Societies, At the voice of your 
 zealous missionaries, prostrating yourselves before the Cross of Christ, you 
 have resolved on renouncing the use of intoxicating liquors, and you have offe- 
 red that sacrifice to God in order to draw down divine grace upon yourselves 
 and your families. We rejoice to have to say that the great number of the 
 ' '•yt^^Z:STT'^':^~~'7T—Tr. ': 
 faithful of our diocese have steadfastly observed that resolution. Taverns have 
 become less numerous, and even have entirely disappeared from some Counties, 
 — the hideous vice of intemperance has ceased to show itself openly, and 
 with it have fallen the excesses which generally follow in its train. Therefore God 
 who is always generous has liberally rewarded the efforts which you have 
 made to extend his Kingdom, and his blessings have abundantly been bestowed 
 on all the parts of our diocese. Sinners, for a long time absent from the sacra- 
 ments, have been recalled to the practice of their religious duties ; many scan- 
 dals have been destroyed ; peace and union have been established in families 
 which had been long in disunion. 
 Temperance has conferred upon you not only spiritual graces, but also 
 many temporal advantages. Diminishing useless expenccs, it has obtained for 
 you the means of liquidating the debts which you had contracted in unfortunate 
 circumstances, — of establishing your children in a proper manner, of laying by 
 some of your earnings for old age, and of taking part in works of charity. 
 In consequence, our population was every day extending and prospcrii.g 
 to a high degree ; a disastrous emigration of our youth to the United States 
 was considerably diminishing ; township lands were everyday receiving large and 
 active portions of our population ; thus, every thing announced that our country 
 was entering on a new era ofprogrcss and happiness, as well spiritual as temporal. 
 After having thus contemplated the precious fruits of Temperance, we 
 have been sadly grieved at learning, that in a certain number of parishes, the 
 drmon of intemperance was beginning to appear, and to make poselytes. We 
 "le informed that taverns have been established in these parishes ; that in many 
 houses intoxicating liquors are sold without licence, and in violation of the law ; 
 that, in others, advantage is taken of the licences which are granted to merchants, 
 for the purpose of distributing spirituous liquors to all those who wish to obtain 
 them. Wherefore, the fatal consequences of intemperance have not failed tu 
 produce quarrels, blasphe.ny; sudden deaths have been multiplied in the most 
 astounding manner ; men who, after having become temperate had acquired the 
 respect and confidence of their fellow-citizens, return to their old habits, and 
 are not ashamed to appear publicly, wallowing in the mire of ebriety. Already 
 many families have become alqrmed at the sight of the evils with which the 
 ancient enemy of their peace threatens them. Mothers are afflicted at wit- 
 nessing the scandal which the father presents to his children, when he should 
 show them good example ; children reared m a christian manner are ashamed 
 of the degradation of their father ; parents tremble while seeing the dangers and 
 corruption to which their children are incessandy exposed ; and hence, peace is 
 banished from the midst of famiUes, which for many years previously had lived 
 1) ' 
 _ jL 

 hoppy. Tlie holy name of God is blasphemed ; and the curses of ,\n offended 
 God will not fail to fall on the head of the blasphemer, according to the word of 
 the Lord : The man that curscth his God shall bear his sin. Qui makdixcrit Deo 
 sm ])orluUt peccalum auum (Levii. XXIV. 15). 
 Undoubtedly the greatest number of parishes have been preserved from 
 those evils ; but it is very important that all should be watchful, for the unclean 
 spirit driven out from his house, will employ all possible means to return into it. 
 Alas ! the harvest of the good man of the house promised fruits so abundant 
 that the enemy was roused, and in the midst of darkness, while men were asleep, 
 he came and oversowed cockle among the wheat : dm dormirent homines.. . .venit 
 inimicus et superseminavit zizaniam in medio Iritici (Mctth. XIII. 25). Let 
 then the servants of the good man of the house watch constantly, to discover 
 the devices of the enemy, and to oppose them ; let them study carefully the 
 means employed by the spirit of evil to retard the progress of the kingdom of 
 Many causes have contributed to favor the efforts of the devil against the 
 beautiful association of the Cross ; the sordid love of gain, with some ; the weak- 
 ness or bad inclinations of others ; and, shall we say it, in many cases, the want 
 of vigilance amongst the friends of temperance. 
 Frequently are to be found covetous men, who take a pleasure in specu- 
 lating on the sufferings, on the life, even on the soul of those whom they hypo- 
 critically call brethren. Enraged at having lost their prey by the establishment 
 of the society of temperance, they have worked with a deplorable perseverance 
 to bring back the reign of drunkenness. They are constantly going about 
 seeking whom they may more easily devour: adversarius vester tanqmm leo 
 rvffiens, ciraiit quwrens quern dcvoret (I. Pet., V. 8). Unfortunately, they have 
 00 well succeeded in some parts of our diocese. As tavernkecpers, they have 
 been able to obtain licences, with unaccountable facility, frequently notwith- 
 standing the energetic opposition of the entire parish where they wanted to 
 establish their demoralizing trade. As venders of liquors without licence, they 
 have succeeded in deceiving the authorities, and causing trouble and desola- 
 tion to exist in hitherto peaceable families. Finally, sometimes provided with 
 merchant licences (and to these are to be attributed the greatest part of the 
 evil which we deplore), they have abundantly distributed, and without fear of 
 being molested by law, their poisonous drugs, equally injurious to soul and body. 
 Thus it is not surprising, D. B. B., that, exposed to the temptations which 
 they every where meet, men who had formerly a propensity for drunkenness 
 have allowed themselves to fall again into their old habits. We cannot, certainly, 
 excuse those Christians devoid of courage ; but we consider as being much 
h il 
 more guilty, those who have been the cause of their falling into intemperance, 
 by presenting to them the poisoned cup. 
 A third source of the evil is tlie neglect of many friends of the good 
 cause, who have not always showed snflieient courage to oppose the establish- 
 ment of taverns, or other houses dealing in intoxicating liqnors, in those places 
 in which there was no need thereof. They behold with consternation the pro- 
 gress of intemperance ; they fear the return of excruciating scenes which have 
 afflicted formerly so many families disgraced by drunkenness. They acknow- 
 ledge the ineflicacy of the present laws for the protection of society. They 
 confess that frecpiently the interests of a whole parish are sacrificed to the 
 clamours and the intrigues of a small numlier of those who patronize taverns ; 
 and, notwithstanding their conviction that these evils might be re])ressed by 
 the firmness and union of good citizens, they content themselves with complain- 
 ing in secret, without daring to raise their hand against the encroachments of 
 Remember, D. B. B., that we need the energy and the unanimity 
 of all good citizens, to raise a barrier strong enough to resist the violence 
 of the torrent of intemperance. If apathy and division arise in your ranks, 
 the triumph of our enemy is certain. You have already experienced the power 
 of prayers and of good examples, in recalling to their duty those who have had 
 the misfortune to be led astray ; whilst the followers of Satan exhibit such 
 courage and such perseverance in their master's service, by alluring towards 
 him all those whom they may corrupt, would you have the weakness to desert 
 the standard of your chief, and to abandon to your enemy the field of battle, on 
 which you have so nobly fought for the glory of Jesus crucified ? Be united 
 for the good things of the lord, and by your prayers, by your exhortations, by 
 your examples, endeavour to support your brethren amidst the dangers to which 
 they are exposed. Put you on the armour of God that you may be able to stand 
 against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and 
 blood : but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of 
 this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places. Therefore 
 take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil 
 day, and to stand in all things perfect : Induite vos armaturam Dei, ut possitis 
 stare adi^ersus insidias diaholL Quoniam non est nobis coUudatio adversus carnem et 
 smgidnem, sed adversus principes et potestaies, adversus mundi rectores ienebrarum 
 hariim, contra spiritualia nequitim in cekstibiis. Propterea accipile armaturam Dei, 
 ut possitis resistere in die mala et in omnibus perfect e stare. {Eplies. VI. 11. 12. 13). 
 And you, D. B. B., who, forgetting your good resolutions and your promises, 
 have allowed your hearts to be boine down by debauchery and intemperance, 
 to intemperance, 
 reflect on the deplorable condition to which you have been reduced. " Awake 
 ye that are drunk and weep, and n.ourn all ,o that take delight in dikt; 
 sweet wine: for it is cut off from vour mouth • V.. • • ■ '"..""""'"S 
 6). R. c .hou l,.t .loc,„.,, „„d .ri.c. f,„„, the ,lo.d : „„d Chri.. .I,„ll c, M let 
 in comessationibus et ehrietatibus {Rom. XIU 12 13 ) "' "'" 
 your tctterwr' '""" '""'""• "'"' ^"" ''^''^' "" ^>'«'>--' '" ''^^ "-« of 
 sentiments of repentance, return to the habits of sobr=etv • nn lir . , 
 et viyilate (1 let. v. 8). Fly from those places in which you might be temnted 
 to forget your good resolutions; shun the company of those falsfbreth en wto 
 perancc, we will address no reflections of our own for we fo.r Z/ T 
 sequence of mtemperance, who have hardened their hearts »Z, T" 
 remorscsof the r conscience? We oJinll „» i » ""-"^ "tarts against the 
 words of our Saviour: T o\he^ o L . f T, " '"" "" '^'""''•' 
 by whom the scandal cometr: ITlfoT .tr" V ' ^i"/''"^"'"" 
 . In you, faithful disciples of the Cross,. do we rcposo our confidence; 
 rally uroinul the sacred at.vndurd of temperance. Bo not discouraged at witnessing 
 the defections which have taken place in your ranks ; remain united, constant, 
 courageous in the battle which you have to fight against the ancient enemy ol 
 mankind. Jesus your master, who has triumphed over death and hell on the day 
 of his resurrection, will lead you to victory, and will reward the efforts which 
 you shall have made for the glory of his holy name and the salvation of your 
 brethren, by admitting you to the felicity of his eternal kingdom. Edote fortes 
 in hello cum antiqtio serpente, el accipielis regnvtn (rtemnm. 
 Shall our pastoral letter be read and published from the pulpit, in oil the 
 churches where divine service is performed, on the first Sunday af\er its recep- 
 tion. , 
 Given at Quebec, under our signature, the seal of our arms, and the counter- 
 sign of our secretary, on Passion Sunday, the 2n.l day of April, in the year of 
 Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four. 
 4- r. F. ARCHB. OF QUEBEC. 
 By His Grace's .command, 
 Edmond Langevik, Pst. 
I) our confidence ; 
 rngcd ttt witnessing 
 n united, constant, 
 ancient enemy of 
 iind hell on the day 
 d tlic efforts which 
 c salvation of your 
 Jom. Estate fortes 
 10 pulpit, in all the 
 iday after its recep- 
 ifl, and the counter- 
 Lpril, in the year of 
 c's command, 