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Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year 1892, by A. H. O'Brien, at the Department of Agriculture. PREFACE The difficulty of ascertaining the law from the net- work of original and amended statutes, both of the Dominion and the Ontario Legislatures, and from the various Orders in Council suspended and re-enacted, is the reason for the issue of this Digest. With regard to game, the Dominion Parliament has not, nor does it claim jurisdiction, but with regard to fish both governments now lay claim over all waters within this Province; at the time, however, of the passing of many of the Acts referred to herein, the Legislature of Ontario claimed jurisdiction over non- navigable and inland waters only, and the Dominion Parliament similarl}' over navigable streams and the greater lakes. This Digest is a synopsis of the whole law, so far as it relates to the various animals, birds ard fish pro- tected by it, and is intended both as a ha'id-book for the guidance and protection of sportsmen, '^nd also as a book of reference for those whose duty or privilege it is to enforce the laws for the protection of the stock of game in this Province already so much depleted. EXPLANATIONS "Dom." following a reference, denotes an Act of the Dominion Parliament. ** Ont." following a reference, denotes an Act of the Legislature of Ontario. " O.C." refers to an Order in Council bound with Dominion Statutes of the year designated. *' C. O. C."=Consolidated Orders in Council (Dom.), 1889. ** Minister "= Minister of Marine and Fisheries (Dominion). • ** Commissioner "= Commissioner of Crown Lands (Ontario). - The words, "hunted," ♦* taken," and "killed" are usually interchangeable. When no reference is given to any particular animal, bird or fish, there is no law relating to it; but see title " Insectivorous Birds." DIGEST. ♦ ♦ ♦ BAIT, —Small trout may be used by fisherman for bait- ing traps. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 9, s-s. 4.) BAHFlSHm—Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nish- agans prohibited. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) Meshes of seines must be 3 inches wide. (ib. s-s. 10.) BASS^— Close season April 15th to tTune 15th, both days inclusive. (O.C. 1886, p. xxvi.) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans prohibited. (K.b.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) Hook and line only may be used to catch. {$5 Vict. c. 10, s. 9., Ont.) Not more than 12 may be caught in one day by one tourist, (ib. s. 5.) When under 10 inches long must be returned to the water, (ib. s. 6 ) BEAVERS.— -M«2/ not be killed till Nov. 1st, 1897. {S5 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. 2, Ont.) Close season April 1st to Nov. 1st. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 6.) But see above. BIRDS.— See Insectivorous Birds. Night time. BOARD. -See Fish and Game Commissioners. BROOK AND RIVER TROUT.-C7ose season, Sept. J5th to Jan, Jst. (K S.C. c. 95, s. 9, s-s. (a).) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans prohibited, (ib. s. 14, s-s. 8.) HooJc and line only may be used to catch brook trout^ unless net license obtained. (55 Vict. c. 10, s. 9, Ont.) 50 Brook trout only may be caught in one day by one person, (ib. s. 7.) 15 lbs, weight only of Brook trout may be taken in one day by one person, (ib.) Brook trout under 5 indies must be returned to the ivater, (ib. s. 8.) CARIBOU.-See Deer. CHIEF FISH AND CAME WARDEN. - See Warden. CISCOES.— Close season Oct, 15th to Nov, 30th, both days inclusive. (O.C. 1892, p. xxv.) CROWN LANDS ure ungranted' lands belonging to the Province, and include lands covered by water. (R.S.O. c. 32, s. 3, s-s. I.) CRUSTINC.-See Deer. J[)^ER n—<^lo8e season Nov, 15th to Nov. Ist in follow- ing year, but no elk, moose, reindeer, or caribou may be hunted before Nov. ist, 1895. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. I, s-s. I, Ont.) Only 2 deer, elk, moose, reindeer or caribou may be taken in one season by one person. This does not apply to deer which are private property. (ib. s-s. 3.) No fawn may be hunted, killed or had in possession, (ib. s-s. 5.) CJrustlnf/ and yarding prohibited, (ib. s-s. 4.) No pemon may transport or have in jfosnession, except from Nov. ist to 22nd, any wild deer, skin or venison, unless accompanied by affidavit that same taken dur- ing open season, (ib. s-s. 6.) No deer of any kind tnay be taken or killed, for export- ation out of Ontario. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 12, s-s. i.) Trajjs, nets, baited lines, etc., may not be set for, (ib. s. 4.) See Dogs. DOCS.— ^'o dog acciistonied to pursue deer allowed at large where deer are found, during close season for deer, (^s, Vict. c. 58, s. i, s-s. 2, Ont). Any hound or dog found running deer during the close season may be killed on sight by any person, who ; shall not be liable to damages for so doing, (ib.) DUCKS.— C'iose season Dec, 15th to Sept, 1st, {55 Vict, c. 58, s. 2, s-s. I (d.) Ont.) Not more than 300 may be killed in one season by one person, (ib. s-s. 3.) Killing fro^n sail boats or steam-yachts proliibited, (ib. s. 4, s-s. I.) Shooting between sunset and sunrise prohibited, (ib. s-s. 2.) Killing by batteries, swivel guns and sunken punts prohibited, (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 5.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for (ib. s. 4.) See Exportation. DYNAMITE.— See Explosives. EELS -May he caught by weirs and nbill-dams, but not so as to deprive other weirs of a share in the run of eels. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 4.) ^GQS—Of game birds may not be taken, destroyed or had in possession at any time. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 3.) ELK.— See Deer. EVIDENCE. — -4n?/ accused j}erson and any person laying information is competent and compellable io give evidence at any trial, etc. (51 Vict. c. 36, s. 3' Ont.) EXPLOSIVES. - Use of dynatnite or otiier explosive materials to kill fish prohibited, (ConsolidatecJ Orders in Council i88g, c. 71, p. 655 ; 55 Vict. c. 10, s. 12, Ont.) EXPORTATION.— ^'0 deer, elk, moose, reindeer, caribou, partridge, quail, ivoodcock, snipe, ducks or other game birds or animals may be hunted, taken ov killed, for exportation, (R.S.O. c. '221, s. 12, s-s. i; 55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. 4, Oat.) < Export prohibited of deer, wild turkeys, quail, partridge, prairie fowl, and woodcock. (R.S.C. c. 33, s. 7.) FAWN.-See Deer. FINES. — See Penalties. ^ FIRE ARIVIS.-A'iMiwgr of fish by, prohibited, (O.C. 1892, p. xxvi.) W\S\\m—May not be taken by nets without a license. (55 Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) FISH AND GAME COMMISSIONI^RS, Board f. Composed of 5 members appointed for S yeavp \y Lieutenant-Governor, who may fill vacancies. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 9, Ont.) Board to take measures fo enforce game laws, re-stock streams with fish, collect information and statistics, etc. (ib. s. II.) Names of Members of Board :— Dr. G. A. MacCallum . (President), Dunnville; H. P. Dwight, Toronto; J. H. Wilmott, Beaumaris,^Muskoka ; W. B. Wells, Chatham ; W. G. Parish, Athens ; and A. D. Stewart (Secretary), Hamilton. (Ont. Gazette, June 18, 1892.) FISH POHOSm—J^€;stroyln:i datns or floodgates of a fish pond, or putting in l:me to destroy the fish, is a misdemeanor. (R.S.C. c, 168, s, 34.) ISH POUNDS. -See Illegai Contrivances. FISHER. -^/«J/ not he killel before Nov, 1st, 1897. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. 2, Ont.) dose season betiveen April 1st and Nov 1st, (55 Vict. . c. 58, s. 3, Ont.) But see above. FISHERY OF¥\CE.RSm— Governor in Council may appoint, tvho have powers of J,P,'s, (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 2 ; s. 17, s-s. 7.) May require ftsh-ivays to be made in dams where directed by Minister, (ib. s. 13, s-s. i.) May prescribe distance between fishery limits, (ib. s. 14, s-s. II.) 31ay convict on'vieiv, detain any fishing materials unlaw- fully in use, and search any vessel or place for this purpose, (ib s. 17.) Local officers to settle disputes about fishing limits, etc., and the position or use of nets. (ib. s. 17, s-s. 5.) FISH Vi AYS.— Every datrif slide or obstruction across any stream, when the Minister considers it necessary, must be provided with a fish way by the owner or occupier ; the place and form whereof may be pre- scribed by the Fishery Officer. (R. S. C. c. 95, s. 13, s-s. I.) Must be Uept open and supplied ivith tvater, (ib. s-s. 3.) Fish may not be caught in, (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s 6; 55 Vict. c. 10, s. II, Ont.) FOREIGNER. -See License. ,— Close season between May 1st anil Sept. 1/5 th, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, ss. I (r.), Ont.) Shooting between sunset and sunrise^ prohibited, (ib. s. 4, s-s. 2.) May not be Jellied by bafteries, swivel guns or sunken punts, (R.S. O. c. 221, s. 5.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, tnay not be set for, (ib. s. 4.) See Wild Fowl. GINS.— See Nets, Traps. GRAPNEL HOOKS.-See Spearing. GRAYLING.— ^o<>''^ <*^<* lit^e only may be used \o catch Grayling and Tulibee, unless net license ob- tained. (Order in Council (Ont.), May 26, 1887). GROUSE.— ^'^o*^ season between Dec, 15th and Sept, 15th, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. I (a), Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc , mat/ not be set for, (R.S.O. C. 221, s 4.) HARES.— Close season between Dec. l/Sth and Sept. 15th. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. I (a), Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) HERRXHC — Close season Oct. 15th to Nov. SOth, both days inclusive. (O. C. 1892, p. xxv.) Spears, grapnel hooks, neijoif and nishagans pro- Mblted. (R. S. C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) Hook and line mag be used to catch, unless net license obtained. (Order in Council (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) HOUNDS.-See Dogs. ICE. — Fishing for speckled trout through the ice prohibited. (O. C. 1892, p. xxxvii.) ILLEGAL CONTRiy AHCES. -Bag-nets, trap-nets and Jisti pounds prohibitGd. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 7) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans, pro- hibited for catching salmon, trout or lunge, maski- nonge, winaniche, bass, barfish, pickerel, white-fish, herring or shad. (ib. s-s. 8.) Traps, nets, snares, gins, baited lines and similar con- trivances may not be set for any kind of deer, grouse, pheasant, prairie fowl, partridge, quail, wild turkey, woodcock, snipe, rail, plover, swans, geese, ducks, black and grey squirrels or hares. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) Batteries, swivel guns and sunken jmnts for killing swans, geese or ducks, prohibited. (R. S. O. c. 221, 6. 5.) ' to May be destroyed by any person without being liable for damages (R.S.O. c. 221, ss 4, 6.) Torchliffht fishing prohibited, (Order in Council (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) INDIANS.- ^<'*^^ Iftf^^ f^^ »*o* ff^PP^y to Indians or settlers in unorganized districts tvhen the game is killed for their otvti food, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 12, Ont.) May fish witli night lines and set lines in certain cases. ^55 Vict. c. 10, s. 14, Ont.) INSECTIVOROUS BIRDS— Killing or wounding any bird except eagles, falcons, hawks, owls, wild pigeons, blackbirds, kingfishers, crows, jays, English sparrows and ravens, and the game birds mentioned in this Digest, is prohibited (R.S.O. c. 222, s. 2, s-s. i), but robins and cherry-birds atfaclcing fruit may be killed, (ib. s-s. 2.) LAKE TROUT.— ^'^^'**<^ •**^^***^**^ between Get, 15th and Dec, Jst, (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 9, (a) C.O.C. i88g.) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans pro- hibited. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, '3-s. 8.) May not be taken by nets, eie., without a license, {^s Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) I.EASE.— Sec License. LICENSE-- 'P'***'*''*.^ ivlth nets prohibited without a lease or license. (C. O. C. p. 656; ^^ Vict., c. 10, s 10, Ont.) ^Sinister may issue lease or license for fishing, but if for a term exceeding 9 years, it must be under authority of the Governor-in-Council, (R.S.C., c. 95, s. 4.) II No non-resident of Ontario or Quebec may hunt any game bird or animal without a license signed by the Chief Fish and Game Warden, and the Provincial Secretary, such license being for one season only. The license fee is $25, The license may be required to be produced at any time. {5^ Vict. c. 58, s. 8, Ont.) Permit ^nay be granted free to a guest of a resident for a term not exceeding one week, by the Provincial Secretary, a member of the Board or a Warden, (ib. s-s. 3.) Commissioner fnay issue fishery leases and fishing licenses, subject to Orders in Council, to fish in any waters belonging to the Province (R.S. O. c. 32, s. 3, s-s. 5), and such leases shall be for not more than 5 years and shall be made to the highest bidder, who shall pay an annual rental therefor in advance. (ib. ss. 5, 6.) Leases may not be transferred without consent of Com- missioner, (ib. s. 7.) Fishing lease extends HH feet inland from water. (Order in Council (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) Non-resident must obtain a fishing permit from Commissioner, (ib.) LORD'S DAY.-See Sunday. LUNCE-— See Maskinonge. NiMXTXHm— Close season between April 1st and Nov, ^^*- (55 ^ict. c. 58, s. 3, Ont.) MASKIfvDNCE-— season April 15th to June J5th, both days inclusive. (C.O.C. p. 655.) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishugann pro- hihited, (R. S. C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) J 2 HooU and line only may he used to catch. (55 Vict, c. 10, s. 9, Ont.) MILL-DAMS.-See Eels. - I^IIIK.— CI0.S6 season hettveen April 1st and Wov, 1st, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 3, Ont.) MOOSE.-See Deer.. > MUSCALLONCE.-See Maskinonge. MUSKRAT.— ^'^o^c fieason between April 1st and Nov. 1st. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 3, Ont.) No muskrat house may he destroyed or cut at any tune. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 6.) ||£T5^— Ff.s/Ji wf/ witli nets or other apparatus prohihited without Hcense from Minister. (C. O, C. p. 656.) Snares for catching jish prohihited (ib. p 655,) Pound nets prohihited except under license. (O.C. 1892, p. XXX.) Parse nets prohihited, (54 Vict. c. 43, s. i, Dom.) Swing nets for salmon prohihited, (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 8, s-s. 5.) Gill nets must have ij-inch meshes for salmon trout or whitefish, and must not be within two miles of any seining ground, (ib. s. 10, s-s. 3 ) Boats ^nust not destroy or injure, (ib. s. 14, s-s. 2.) 3Itist not ohstruct navigation, (ib.) Main channel of stream must not he ohstructed by. (ib. s-s. 4.) Bag-nets, trap-nets, anil fish pounds prohihited, (ib. s-s. 7.) \ I 13 Seines for har/ish must have 3-inch meshes, (ib. s-s. 10.) Seines for whitefish must have 4-inch meshes, (ib. s. 10, s-s 4.) Seines, nets, etc, must he raised to admit free passage of fish, from 6 p.m. Satiirdaif to Monday at 6 a.m. (ib. s-s. 14.) . . . Trap^i^ snares, gins, etc, set for fur-bearing animals during close season mag he destroyed hg any 7>ei\soii without incurring any HabiUty therefor. (R.S. O. c, 221, s. 6.) Passage of fish must not he ohstrurted by nets in rivers. (Order in Council, (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) See Illegal Contrivances, Traps. NICHT LINES -Prohihited without a license. {S5 Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) May he used hg Indians and settlers in certain cases, (ib. s. 14.) • NIGHT TIWIE.— S^*«^^^^ sunset and sunrise no bird or wild fowl may be killed. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 4, s-s. 2, Ont.) NON-RESIDENT.-See License. OTTER-— ^/«?/ ^ot he hilled hefore Nov. 1st, 1897, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. 2, Ont.) Close season hetween April 1st and Nov. 1st, (ib. s. 3.) But see above. PARTRIDGE.— ^^^'^^ season hetween Dec. l,^th and Sept, 1/ith. {55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. i (a), Ont.) May not he sold till April 14th, 1894, no matter where killed or procured, (ib. s. 6, s-s. 2.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc., may not be set for. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) See Exportation. PENALTIES AND FmES.-One-half of every fine will he paid to prosecutor or person on whose evi- dence conviction is made (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 15, Ont.; SS Vict. c. 10, s. 28, Ont.): and for penalties generally, see R.S C. c. 95, ss. 18, 21; R.S.O. c. 32, ss. 9, 24, 26, 27, 30 ; c. 221, s. 12, s-s. 3 ; 51 Vict. c. 36, s. 2, Ont. ; ^^ Vict. c. 10, ss. 10, 12, 13, 21, Ont. ; S5 Vict, c. 58, s. 13, Ont. PE,RCH m~Hoolc and line only may be used to catch, unless net license obtained. Order in Council, (Ont.,) May 26, 1887.) PE.RNi\T n—<^ommissioner tnay grant, to fish in water adjoining Crown Lands, for one month, (R.S.O. c. 32, s. 18.) See License. PHEASANTS.— C^ season between t}ec. llith and. Sept. 15th (S5 Vict. c. s^, s. 2, s-s. i (a), Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc., mty not be set for. (R.S.O. C. 221, s. 4.) PICKEREL (Dore). season April Wth to May 15th, both days inclusive. (CO. C. p. 655.) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans pro- hibited. (R. S. C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) llooU and line only may be lined to catch. (55 Vict, c. 10, s. 9, Ont.) PlKfE.— Hook and line only may be used to catvJt^ unless net license obtained. Order in Council, (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) PLOVER.— ^^'^>''*^ season bettveen Ucc, l/ithaml Sept. 15th, (SS Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s s. i (a), Ont.) Tt'aps^ nets, baited lines, etc., may not be set for, (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) POXSOH,— Killing any animal by a poisonous sub- stance prohibited. Poison, poisoned bait, etc., must not be exposed in any locality to which dogs or cattle might have access. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 11.) Poisonous ^natter, lime, chemicals, decaying fis7i or satvdust must not be thrown into any tvater frequented by fish. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 15, s-s. 2.) Poisons or lime may not be used to kill fish. (55 Vict, c. 10, s. 12, Ont.) Putting lime or any noxious material in a fish pond is a misdemeanor. (R.S.C. c. 168, s. 34.) POLLUTION OF RIVERS AND HARBORS.- Sawdust, coal ashes, ballast, stones, lime, cheini- cats, poisonous ^natter, dead fish, etc,, may not be thrown into any fishing ground, and no offal or decayed leaves or fish may be left upon any beach. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 15.) POSSESSION— -^«2/ not be had in close season of any fish, or game bird or animal, except as below. (F.S.C. c. 95, s. 12 ; ^^ Vict. c. 58, s. 6, s-s. i.) JVo person may transport or have in possession any deer, skin or venison, except from Nov. 1st to 22nd, unless accompanied by affidavit that same taken dur- ing open season. (55 Vict, c. 58, s. i, s-s. 6, Ont.) i6 No person shall have in possession during the close season any kind of deer, grouse, pheasant, jyrairie fotvlf partridfie, quail, tvild turkey, woodcock, snipe, rail, jHover, swans, geese, ducks, black or grey squirrels, or hares, but such may be exposed for sale for 5 days after open season has expired, (ib. s. 6, s-s. I ; R.S.O. c. 221, s. 2.) No person shall have in possession any fish in close season, except for the first 5 days thereof only. (55 Vict. c. 10, s. 13, Ont.) Quail, snipe, tvild turkey, woodcock or partridge may not be kept for sale or sold till April 14th', ISOd, {5S Vict. c. 58, s. 6, s-s. 2, Ont.) PRAIRIE FOWLm—Close season between Dec. 15th and Sept, 15th, (ss Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. i (a), Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) (i\3MLn--May not be sold till April 14th, 1894, no matter vhere killed or procured. {c^^ Vict. c. 58, s. 6, s-s. 2, Ont.) 'Jlose season bettveen Dec, 15th and Oct, 15th, {c^^ Vict. c. ^S, s. 6, s-s. I (b), Ont.) But see above. Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for, (R.S.O. c. 221, s, 4,) See Exportation. RAIL.— Close season between Dec 15th and Sept, 15th, {55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. I (a) Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for, (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) REINDEER. See Deer RESIDENT.— See License. I RIVER TROUT,— See Brook and River Trout. SABLE. — ^'o^^ season hetiveen April Island Nov, 1st, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 3 ) SALE OF CAME.— See Possession. SMmMOH,—Qlose season Aiifpist 1st to April HOth, but may be caught by fly fishinfi tvlth rod and line to August 31st in addition. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 8, s-s. i.) Foul or unclean salmon, fry, parr and smolt may never he caught, (ib. s-ss. 2, 3.) 3Iust be 3 pounds in weight at the least, (ib. s-s. 3.) Meshes of nets must be S inches wide. (ib. s-s. 4.) Swing nets j^rohibited, (ib. s-s. 5.) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans pro- hibited, (ib. s. 14, s-s. 8.) SALMON TROUT.-t'fose season Nor, to 30th, both days inckisive. (O. C. 1892, p. xxxvi.) Gilf nets must hare 3-inch meshes. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 10, s-s. 3.) spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans pro- hibited, (ib. s. 14, s-s. 8.) Hook and line only mag be used to catch, unless net license obtained. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 9, s-s. 2 ; Order in Council (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) Mag not be taken by nets, etc., without a license. {^^ Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) SAWDUST.— See Poison, Pollution of Rivers. JNES.-See Nets. i8 SET LINES.-See Night Lines. * SETTLERS.— G^^^wie Uiivs do not apply to, in unor- ganized districts, // game killed for food, and not to sell. (^^ Vict. c. 58, s. 12, Ont.) May use night lines and set lines in certain cases. (55 ' Vict. c. 10, s. 14, Ont.) t SHM},— SpfarSf grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans prohihited, (R S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) SNARES. -See Nets, Traps. SNIPE.— ^'o**^' season between Dec, ISth and Sept, 15th. {^K^ Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. I (as Ont.) May not he sold till April IMh, 1894, no matter where killed or procured, (ib. s. 6, s-s. 2 ) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for, (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) See Exportation. SPAWNING. - Catching fish during spaLwning time, or distnrbing spawning beds prohibited. (Order in Council (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) SPEARIHC.— Salmon, trout, lunge, niaskinonge, winamche, bass, barfish, pickerel, white/ish, her- ring or shad, may not be taken by means of spears, grapnel hooks, negog or nishagans. (R. S. C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 8.) . . SPECKLED THO\3T,— Close season Sept. 15th to May 1st, both days inclusive. (O.C. 1892, p. xxxvi.j Fishing through the ice prohibited, (ib. p. xxxvii.) i 19 Hook and line only may be used to catch, (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 9, s-s. 2 ; 55 Vict. c. 10, s. 9, Ont.) SO only may he caught in one day by one person, (ib, s. 7.) 15 lbs, iveight only may be taken in one day by one person, (ib.) 5 inches in length or less must be returned to the water, (ib. s. 8.) Spears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans pro- hibited, (ib. s 14, s-s. 8.) SQUIRRELS-(Biack and Crey).— Close season be- tween Dec, 15th ami Sejft, I5th, {s5 Vict. c. 58, s, 2, s-s. I (a), Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for,. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) STU n %« cO N .—Taking with nets jSrohibited without a hcense. (55 Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) S\}HD/C(,— Hunting proliibited, (R.S.O. c. 203, s. 4 ; S^ Vict. c. 58, s. 5, Ont.) Fishing prohibited, (R.S.O. c. 203, s. 5.) Nets, seines, etc, must be raised between Saturday 6 P.M. and Monday 6 a.m. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 14.) SUNSET AND SUNRISE.~See Night Time. SWANS.— ^^^^'^^ season between May 1st and Sept, 15th, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. I (c), Ont.) Killing by batteries, swivel guns, and sunken punt» prohibited, (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 5.) Shooting between sunset and sunrise j^rohibited, (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 4, s-s. 2, Ont.) 20 Traps, nets, baited lines, etc, may not be set for, (R.S.O. C. 221, s. 4.) See Wild Fowl. Tlfii^.— 1^ etwee n snnset and sunrise no bird or wild fowl can be shot. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 4, s s. 2, Ont.) Hantinif on Snndaij prohibited, (ib. s. 5 ; R. S. O. c. 203, s. 4.) Fishing on Sunday prohibited. (R.S.O. c. 203, s. 5.) yets, seines, ete., must l>e raised from 6 p.m. Saturday to 6 A.M. Monday. (R.S.C. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. 14.) Information must t>e laid uithin 2 months as to game animals or birds, and :i months as to fish, (^s Vict, c. 58, s. 17, s-s. I, Ont.; ^^ Vict. c. 10, s. 27, Ont.) T0RCHLICHT,~F/.s7i/»*f/ by, i^t'ohibited. (Order in Council, (Ont.), May 26, 1887.) TOURIST is one who temporarily visits a loealify 5 miles distant from his residence. (55 Vict, c' 10, s. 4, Ont.) TRANSPORTATION.-See Possession. TRAPS.— Aer«, snares, yins, baited lines, etc., may not be used at any time to take deer of any kind, grouse, pheasants, prairie fowl, partridge, quail, wild turkeys, woodcock, snipe, rail, plover, swans, geese, ducks, black and grey squirrels or hares. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.) Trajhs, etc,, for fish may not be set tvithout a license, {55 Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) Traps, snares, yins, etc., must not be set in close season for beaver, mink, muskrats, sables, martins, otters, or fishers. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 6.) See Illegal Contrivances. . HHP^P 21 I ? TRESPASS.— No person may enter into growing grain or permit his dogs to, without owner's permission, or hunt or shoot upon another's land after bving noti- fied bf/ owner not to. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 7, Ont.) No person mat/ fish in leased preniises, (R.S.O. c. 32^ s. 26.) TROUT.— Small trout for baiting traps may be used by fishermen. (R. S. C. c. 95, s. 9, s-s. 4.) See Brook and River Trout, Sahnon Trout, Speckled Trout. TULIBEE.-See Grayling. ■ T^^RKEYS {Vii\d).-Mat/ not be hilled before Get, ISth, 1897, [S5 ^^ict. c. 58, s. 2, s-s. 2, Ont.) Mag not be sold fill April 14th, 1S94, no matter where killed or procured, (ib. s. 6, s-s. 2.) Close sfasOn beta^een Dee. loth and Get loth, (ib. s. 2, s-s. I (b), Ont.) But see above. Traps, nets, baited lines, ete , mag not be set for. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 4.J UNORGANIZED DISTRICTS-t^^*'*'^ laws do not ajfplg to Indians or settlers killing game lor their own use lor iooJ, and not for sale. (55 Vict. c. 58, s. 12, Ont.) WARDEN. -^^/^pears, grapnel hooks, negog and nishagans pro- hibited, (ib. s. 14, s-s. 8.) i Mooh and line only may be used to catch unless net license obtained. (Order in Council (Ont.;, May 26 1887.) ^ May not be taken by nets, etc,, witii«jut a license. {^^ Vict. c. 10, s. 10, Ont.) WILD FOWL.— ^"V^ hird or tvild fowl may be shot between sunset and sunrise, (5^ Vict. c. 58, s. 4, s-s. 2, Ont.) ., ' ' JVo water fowl, except geese or swans, may be hunted from sail boats or steam yachts, (ib. s-s. i.) Killing by batteries, swivel gunslor sunken mints m^o- hibited. (R.S.O. c. 221, s. 5.)^ ~$10 will be paid by the County Treasurer to any one producing the head of a wolf before a J. P. and proving that the wolf was killed within the county. (55 Vict. c. 59, s. i, Ont.) I In Algoma, Muskoka, Nipissing, Parry Sound and Thun- der Bay Districts the wolf's head may be produced to a Judge, Magistrate, Sheriff, Crown Lands or Free Grant Agent, or Division Court Clerk, (ib. s. 3.) WOODCOCK. — Close season between Dec, 15th and Sept, 15th, (55 Vict, c. 58, s. 2, s-s. i (a), Ont.) May not be sold till April 14th, 1894^ no matter where killed or procured, (ib. s. 6, s-s. 2, Ont.) Traps, nets, baited lines, etc,, tnay not be set for, (R.S.O. 221, s. 4.) See Exportation. YARDINC.-See Deer. YOUNG of 2iny fish may not be^ caught, sold, or had in possession. (R S.O. c. 95, s. 14, s-s. g.)