IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) fe // /q ^ .^^. ..»* **.*^^^ /. ^t ^ 1.0 till I.I ^ m ^ us, u 11:25 III 1.4 2.0 i^ 1.6 Photographic Sciences Corporation M f\ «^ >^ ' '.--> ' f r^ //? / I- 50>"- 7c^^ LA^V\rs AND REGULATIONS OP THE 3ml €mliim fafljt Cluk. T O R o N J- o : 'JOHN BLACKBURN. PRJvter CITY STEAM PRESS, 63 YONGK STREET, ^ 1856. MS^ i j^ t >/ v^>;"C/^i^. ■^y^xV ^' ^ C2/. A j'-$QiC/iy-- / ^""^-K that the ,„. tX fa Ic 1 rr'? '■ w''"/ ^' '''''''^ ^' appropriated to of Vncht HuildiriK and "ds of the Cltil) (after f)urchnsinff of Cups, Icr the Snilinp Rp -•" "'«"■■ -"H'"-.ib,vt\:;;.:i';,::;:;;:;:;,;;;:'t;' ;:r;;;'':r;:^ lion „„,i .11 oMk.,- Hum, M.,™v ,0 ,1 '„,-'"," '"' '""■'' <""•' '"' »"»'»''-iP- Blmll he allowe.l I., „„„.V or "IVin !;;; r/irM,':,;;', ""^ ""^ """"""' '° "'» Cl"'>. Moj.p;j-^^:;::s-^;'r^-!:-';!:;— »;Knc,l l,y not !«» ll,„„ five „,omber». In l" s'u. , .;?,,'"' "" " ^'l'"''"'"' w II >s:».M^.raKy?Ci. I 1 12 that the Commodore, or in his absence, the Vice-Commodore or Captain shall take the chair at all Club meetings, and, in the al)sence of these officers, it shall be imperative on the member selected by those present to take the chair. 10. That the Secretary Hhall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the Club, and that at each meeting the Minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read to the Club, and signed^by the Chairman. That the Treasurer shall give receipts, and shall open an account with a Chartered Bank in Toronto, all checks on which shall be signed by the Secretary and countersigned by one of the officers ot the Club. 11. That each member be allowed to introduce a friend at the Club meetings, but the same person shall not be so introduced more than twice in tne same season. That at each meeting the names of the members present shall be entered by the Secretary in a book kept for that purpose, and also the names of any visitors they may introduce. 12. That a Sailing Committee, consisting of five members, shall be appointed, of whom three shall form a quorum. They shall have full power in every thing connected with all Club races, both as to starting and deciding the same. Ihey shall have full power also to disciualify any Yacht from running in any race or races during the season, in the event of unbecoming conduct on the part ot an owner being proved to theii satisfaction. Tlieir decision slmll be hnal ; no owner or part owner of a Yacht engaged in any disputed match shall be allowed to sit on the Committee deciding such match. 13. That no motion to suspend or alter any Club Rule shall be entertained unless a notice thereof shall have been given at a General Meeting, and hung up in the Club Room a month before it be discussed. ■I "• ""' r-TrrTT ii M ui i I l^l. I • I 18 14. That a Finance Coinmittee of two shall be appointed for the examination and payment of all accoiintH ; that it shall be the duty of the Finance ('om- mittec to han^ up in the CAuh Room on the tii-Kt day of every (juartnr, an account of the state of the Club Finances ujt to that day ; and that no expenditure of a sum exceeding £5 be ordered at any meeting without tlie concurrence of the Finance; Committee, except for tlie purchase of Club ('ups. 15. That the Yachts of the ('lub shall assemble al 1 p.m., on every vSaturday during the season (weather permitting) about five hundred yards south of the Club House, and sail thence to the (iarrison Wharf, atvd back to the Queen's Wharf, nuder n leader, to be selected previously by lot, which lots shall be drawn at the second meeting in April (owners of Yachts to draw first). All Yachts to keep astern of the leader until they reach the Queen's Wharf on their return, when the leailer may haul down his flag, and the other Yachts shall be at liberty to proceed according to pleasure. That on such occasions it shall be the duty of the C/'ommo- dore, Vice-Commodore, and Captain to use their utmost efforts to collect the other Yachts round that of the leader in the i>osition already indicated. Thiht the leader shall hoist at his peak a flag not less than four feet square, (consisting of four alternate s(iuares of blue and white. That no member of the Club be permitted to hoist this flag tinless when leading as above described, and that the Commodore be authorised to substitute man(RUvering instead of sailing the above course. 16. That the first meeting shall take place on the third Saturday in May of each season. Any member prevented leading shall forfeit his turn, the lead then to devolve on the senior oflicer present, and the member so omitting to load to be called upon by the Chairman at the next meeting at which he is present, to explain the cause of such omission. The senior officer at each meeting shall hand to the Secretary a list of all the Yachts present thereat. ii 1 14 tn M, J^^\*7 ^[^"^^1' pot being a boat-owner, shall be at liberty, when it comes to h.3 turn to lead, to hoist his flaj? in the hoat of any member wi ling to acorm modatc h.m : boat-owners whose boats may be disabled or noi, ready shall ha^o h'sireenTdf"'; T'lil ^" "^^'^^^^ •'^'"'"«- *^« Club, after the iLVof lend; precedence ' '^ '" '''' '"^''* ''^ ^^''^^^"'^ ^''^^ ^"*^^^ = boat-owners tnking 1«. That the Secretary shall draw out, and hang up in the Club Room for fhp n H?r .•«' T"7'' '^•f^''"g^"i«hing flHg, nnme of the boat and tonnage acconline to the certihcates furnished by the measuring officers, as hereinaf^rtater ^ 10. That with the view to avoid, as much as possible, all disputes or unnleasont foehng arising occasionally from thoughtless or^mseemly jesting ; also to preven the tn onZdT^'r ' '' T""'"'' '^^r'-'"^' '"^ '^'"^ -"■^''•'o-'' i^Uent whether on to tirriub for2 l" °^°"^^'';;'^^"'^» owners of Club boats shall be'accountable to tie Club for the language and conduct of every individual in their resnective boats ; and this rule shall be in force whether the owner shall be on board ^r not thoLurwHrin^?o'?b^.'V'^ ^'°1 -^ ''\ "°"-'"«^^>^^. he shall communicate boat o then /liii^V "' ^^' "^'"* ^^'""^ introducing another noat, to the Club, he shall pursue the same course, stating, at the same time the particulars of tonnage, kc, as already required ; and shou d he sell hTs boat or a share hereof, to a membef, he shall forward to the Secretary a certificate of the «flme, (Signed ni.o by the purchaser,) in the loiiowing form, 4^_l'"^"'^'*' "^ "'« *% m,*idimittti»mmam •% 15 Royal Canadian Yacht Clnh. .185 / hereby certify that I have sold mif Yacht, the. riffged. .tons, to and thai the said sate is a fiona-fide transaction. {Signed) A. Ti C. J). Seller. Purchaser. That the Member re^^istered with such boat in the (;Iub b'st shull lie tonsidercd tii(> owner thereof for all Club purposes, and held accountable until such certificate shall have been lodged Avith the Sccrofary. That all such notices and certilicates be read by the Secretary to the Club at the next meeting. 21. That the Club Flag shall be a blue Burgee, with a white cross, a crown in the upper square, and a beaver in the lower— both yellow— and shall be hoisted at the mast-head. Pattern to be as follows : Triangular, not less than four faet long 16 by two feet six inches in the Luff. That each boat shall be provided with a Dis- tinguishing Flag of the same size and shape, and of such pattern as the owner mRy select. That the (Jlub Ensign be blue, with the crown in the fiv. That with the view of assimulating the practice of the Iloval Canadian Yacht Club to the usage et all other Yacht Clubs, the boats of the Club when sailing in anv organized meeting, sjiall be at liberty to hoist the following flags only, viz: the Club Flao the Distinguishing Flag, the Official Flag, and the Blue Ensign. That the Coinmo- dore s Flag shall be swallow-tailed, five feet long by two feet six imhc^—Rrd ; the Vice-Coramodore's Flag, the same shape and dimensions, White ; the Captain's do do., Jilue. That Acker's Code of Signals be adopted by the Club. 22. That there shall be a Club uniform as described in the By-laws. 23 That three members of the Club shall be appointed to measure the Club yachts, and that all such yachts shall be measured bv these appointed officers (in presence of their respective owners, should they require it,) according to the following rule : the length to be taken in a straight line on deck from the fore part ot the stem to the after part of the stern-post : the breadth to be taken in the broadest part of the boat, from the outside of the outside plank on one side, to the outside of the outside plank on the other side; that the said breadth shall be deducted from the said length, and the remainder having been multiplied by the breadth, and then by half the breadth, and the product divided by 94, the quotient so given shall be esteemed the just tonnage, which shall be rated by the next half-ton above any fraction that i»av occur in .such nuntU^nt • any part ot th« stem or stern-post projecting beyond the length so taken shall be ftdded to such length. 17 , boat, or that shall be at anv H.^Hf . T""" ?" ''"'" ^nsidered as a norkine cu... That hoats ^;ui: z^Jt ':^s^}zt^i:!^ ^^tj;:^:':^^:^' entrance for all Club M tcTo, S Z , ^ ,'"'<''"°"'>l /" That the nsual which ,n„st be paid to , ' Se ?e "ry a. the cl'uh R ™ '""l^^l '««. but any Protest being dedded by the Sailir < o '"' !'",'''■ '''"" '" "« «^-''"' "f the boat of the party n ak ,?sacb Pri.eJ VT,"!'"*','' 'P '"■■ •"™1""' <>'• vexatious, the next Club Match * ^™"" "'""' ''" '''"■■'"''•''I ineligible to enter lo; .urn evtr^ ownei ot such yacht be a member of the Club. 18 i=!. That all Club Matrhca shall ho Tinns Mntoh allowed ovor flio Olul sideratioii,andthe(im cs >('ourso; in other cnsoj?, tlio d e arranged by the Sailing ( 2!). That the Sailinp', Me; , — one minute per ton bcinjy istance to be taken into ron- ng Committee, in the almve proportion. General Meeting, to be held isuring, and Finance ConiniiK ou the lirst Mond cv.i shall bo elected at the ay in March, in each vear. WWaPJ|iR'^1Kfl*^"t?*J- ■' '^'.>, S A I L 1 NO 11 E (I U J. AT TONS OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN YACHT CLUB. .li-'^H^n oni:: S"^!;: r^:Si^:e"^ti;" fr^'^ 'ir ^'^^'^"^ ''''' '^ ""^- ^^ with tlio niMh n..„:*." .^„V^"^^^'""« *o^^e given in strict ar^ with the Clnh Rc-ul^tio. r jr 1 ;. , ' '*' '^'^ ^''"'" '° '*"'^^ ^ ofln' s 'o ^ me m" , ^'^n! '"7'^';"^,^' ^"!«''i*y' O'" i" the absence of all these 10 th'en on r rr . ^'^'T ''^ ''>' <'^« '^'-^''inj? Committee, to start the yachts, M ,1 h " . !:'";■'' ";""^.^^^« ^^'i"»^'^- The party performing such duty' ,|, ,11 ... , ; ■)"■"■ "iuuu lueAvinnor. 'Ihen '■ :! nl. "! :''■' .^''' ^•^'^'"' ""^ I>"s'PO"i"g: the match in case of unfavourable weathci' 200 yards bout 50 .. mi 1 ,, . . ^ *> — "•"•^^" '" <-nni.- ui uuiK\ uuraoie 1 from 1 e'c ub I ol;^ ?J "''f' ^''- u' f ''""'''"^ '^''^^ '^' = N"" '- "-^''"ut 2(1 .> i<-,.s .soutu ot Ao. 1 ; and so on, in succession. . ,,,r „^*''"'''' "'^' ^" ^^^ event of their absence, by the Secretary. 4. That all vachts sail ]••] giving up li.^ race .li'fr M!;i. m;;tch shall hoi:^t thei T^'J!' niast-heud or peak, which Hag shalf be hauled r i'e.-ipeclive Distinguishing down by any yacht 20 5. That all yachts shall be moored at their stations within one quarter of an hour after the Signal for Stations shall have been made by the Manager of the Race ; that the Signal for Stations and Starting shall be made by firing a gun at such place as he may deem most convenient. That the yachts at their stations shall have their head sails completely down. 6. That the Club Course shall be as follows : To start from the stations as pre- scribed in Rule 2, thence round a buoy north of jP vat's Hotel : thence round the Bar buoys, Gibraltar Point, and a buoy about half a mile south of Privat's, keeping all on the port hand, thence back, keeping the bar buoys on the starboard hand, and winning between the^lub House, and the winning buoy. That the Manager of the race shall have power to alter the above course, (which altered course shall be announced at the time of drawing for places) in not more than two matches of the season, unless permitted to do so by motion at a previous Club meeting. 7. That no fore and aft rigged boat be allowed while sailing in any of the Club Matches to carry a square sail, or any sail whatever, which is not the property of her owner, and h, portion of her regular equipment ; no booming out of head-sails will be allowed. 8. Sails to be carried : Cutters — Mainsail, Foresail, Jib, Gaff-topsail, und Jib-topsail. Sloops — Mainsail, Jib, Flying-jib, Gaff-topsail, and Jib-topsail. Schooners — Mainsail, Fore and Aft Foresail, Jib, Flying Jib, andlwo Gaff-topsails. [Mem. — A Full-rigged Square-Topsail Schooner is allowed to carry also, Square- Topsail, Topgallant-sail, and Royal.] All other boats to carry the particular sails with which they hav^e been habitually equipped. 9. That no yacht entering for any race be permitted to add to, or remove ballast, from noon of the day preceding the race up to the hour of starting; and all 21 { ballast or crew with which any boat starts, shall be brought back by that boat &fTi r ?'' a»d chain-cab les shall be considered as ballast, within the limita: J,?rl ? 7 .^^ ^' I 7'f ' •^"'''/ ^^ •'"^ ^^'^' ""^y ^« *lt«'«'l i" position up to the moment of starting; but, during the race, no shifting of ballast will be permitted 10. Tha< no yacht shall be allowed to touch, either with her hull or anv portion c. her spars ngging or sails, any buoy or other mark of the course [J/m.—\V harves arc included in this rule.] o ,,uuiae. «nil; '*'•"* ^r^!' ?i" *^' port tack shall give way to those on the starboard ; Boats going free to those on a wind. No yacht shall be permitted to cross another either to windward or to leeward, to prevent the other from passing her. 12. In approaching, with a view to round any mark of the course, no Yacht coming up to another shall be permitted to attempt to pass between it and the said mark, unless she can do so clearly ahead of that other, which shall not be thereby required to go out of her course to make room for the boat so coming up The boat nearest to any buoy, or other mark of the course, which it is approaching shall be deemed the headmost boat ; and any boat coming up to her mnst sail so as not to force her to touch such buoy, or mark, to avfid Collision ;a^^^^^ nfl Th- T'' °^ ^^' ^"^"''^u' ^"^^ ^° ^^'•^^d «^^» "ot incur any penalty [.l/em.— This rules applies also to boats approaching any wharf.] 13 That any member wilfully fouling, or attempting to foul, the boat of another or any boat In which a member shall be sailing, whether during a race or Club Male h ^[;;c'^!a 'Sn tT' 'r"'t^ '*"""^ ""^ 'T'^ °^ ^^^^^' *« ^^« ^°«^^ «'-' member =lial[, on tht- uffence being proved to the satisfaction of the iSailinff Com- mittee, be reported by them to the Club at the next general meeting, and on sudi report being received and adopted by the Club, such member shall be liable to vA 1} U I S 1 11 • 22 14. ThatRvcryYaclitsailiujr in any Club Match shall have a member of Ihe Club ou board, and that member shall be accountable for the fair sailing of such l>oat. 15. That no sweeps or poles of any sort be made use of during a race to accelerate the i^peed of the boat. That no other means of sounding thMu (he le!ul- line l)e allowed; and that the lead used for such jjurpose shall not be of more than three pounds weight. 10. That any boat which runs aground during a match, and is compelled to make use of any other means of getting olf than her sails, is thereby disqualilied from winning the race. 17. That no boat shall receive on board any person or persons durin-- a nee over and above those with whom she started, unless she does so to save lil'e. * 18. That the match shall be re-sailed at the discretion of the Sailing Committee if It be found that any buoy or other mark of the course be not in its place. 19. Any boat giving up her chance of the race to save life can demand that the race be sailed again, and the Sailing Committee shall decide whether t!