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 CASE, 4 c. 
 M:?. IIoGsnTT cnfered His Majesty's Soivici in Ih'; 
 ycnr 1807, ns rU-rU i\i tiic Iloyil Nuvy, and contii)u>-*d lo 
 serve in llmt .'iUiatioii mitil ]StO, wlicii lie \v;ia ii;'[)oiiitcd 
 hy llic Uite Sir ("iiaik-s Cutluii, iKiroiift, Coi!:maii{k'r-in- 
 Clii(!i"in llic Mcditenaiictiji, to llit- Clnksliip of (he Vic- 
 liiuIHn^- li.-jtahli.slmiciit iU Miiiofca. Tlic |; ofiSl-J, 
 was liiUowcn! I<y llu' cvac;:atioi) nl" li;at Ishiiul, ami Mr. 
 IJof;sett's services there wfie no I»)ii^cr callt-il lur. In llic 
 nioiill) nrjiuic, l^K"), y.\y, JIo:;sl'11 j'tiiie<! Sir lliclianl 
 Goodwill KeiMs, llit'i) C.'ovcnior of Nc\vf()uiiCi!aii(I, as 
 CltMk ia llie Secreturj's Ollire. iiiid conliixiod in !iiat 
 ca|)aciiy, uufil he \vas appoiriicd Scarclier and \\ aitcr uf 
 JJ is .Majesty's Ciistoius, l>y Sir Cliarlt's IlaiDillon ; Iiat, 
 a Tivasury ap{Kjiiituipnt to tliis ((fiicc- ha\iii;^ been niade, 
 y.v. IJo;;.s<^lt snpcrsedod, and rcJnrucd lo his former 
 diUics as (.'lerk in (ho SfcrLlary's (.'iriv,.\ 
 It liiay be liulit Id ohscrvo hero thut during' the go- 
 veriiineat of Admiral i'ichmorc, that ofiiLcr who had 
 Avilnessod Mr. hn;,sc-tl's (xcrtions in t!ie pa!)iic service 
 at Minorca, and who was pleased, also, ie|)c^aiedly to 
 express his approljatioij of A.'r. llo;;:ielt's ofllcial conduct 
 in JVewlonndland, promised him the Shric. ally of the 
 laUer Island, sluidd ;i \ aiancy occur, whicli, from theatre 
 and infirmities of the tlien Sheri.T, was full) expected. 
 This oflice, lioweve r, did not then become vacant, and 
 Mr. Ilo^^sett continaed in the Secretary's OIilcc, until he 
 was ap;)ointed hy .Sir Charles JIamillon, in 18:21, to tiio 
 situation of Deputy Naval Ollicer. Mr. llo^sclt con- 
 tinned to disciiarge the dntiis of this ofiice until it was 
 abolished by an Act of the; Imperial Parliaii.eai in ISi'.i, 
 when, through tlie medium of Sir Thomas Cochrane, he 
 memorialised Earl B.ithiir,-.t on the subject, and Irom his 
 Lordship the following- letter was received :— 
<;ip _I luive llif hoiuiwr to ricU:.oultHl-o the receipt 
 of voui- of the 2Glh July e'.ch.sin^y; mcn.on.l 
 f om Mr. Iloi;stlt. lato Dt-p.ty Nav.l Oh.cer at bt. 
 Julm's and to'acquaint von thai it is not ... .r.> l)owcr to 
 «,. ^him ...V conu.c,.salio.. fn the lo.. of ^ho apponil- 
 ho,autrcrLl-e...ploviM{;>l.-. H-SS^ ' '" ««"^'; ^")t"'''° 
 situ^iun! 1 shall .lot uhjccl to c....lirui your uo.muauou of- 
 I havn ll.c bcioiir <" ' C,',>,^:i . ^ 
 (Signed) 13.\illUAi>*. 
 Governor Sir Thomas CociinANE. 
 On the introcUiction of iho nc^r system of J'»'i|a^«';° 
 ?„ m foV nine jcav. ; .Ik.,. ..n ll,. ''^^p-^ 
 of C otnin linclmn, in con.o,|, "^ mc Iu,n,cGmo,n. 
 mpnt'liavino- .cfnsecl lo onlnmi! Ins subry as blieiin.uo 
 „,; Pr,°,cr.ll in lind consiilcatinn oi Ins long and. 
 W, ,?, I serv « '« >s Plcasol to ..ivo Inn, Ins .om:n,«K.„ 
 &r H:pcf ;Knn.,n^.^.. .nejo, .^ 
 consiJercd n. a l""f';''»7 "l-f"'" t , ;„.,! rc'=i lente of 
 Subseq.;ently, »---;'.^;Ur Garrett ohtai..ul thi 
 circumstances. Mr. l^^J?"'"':^^,,^, reachin- Nev.fomul. 
 appointment from Lord GlenelL^.amUeaci. ^^^^ 
 ^C in December. Ib3a, ^f '^P^'^^ Va .'ctt had bcc.i pre- 
 4th of the follow..., -;; ;V./i ;.,firCo..t. and sole! hi. 
 viously Cl^'vi;"ff'^^^^^fi\lVe Infantry for £700; and 
 commission of Lieuienani " , -, ,^.(.i, rements 
 in consequence j) """"^^'^^^ Vm lie ^ sufier- 
 of his ofiice. as Clerk ot the J/^'^\.^"" J ^ jj^.se of As- 
rcnlirelv llic result of Iiis ne;lcct, iSIr. Gjirrclt steks fur, 
 mid obtains tlie Shcrill'^Lip of Newfoundland ! 
 Mr- ITosr.ett was tlini «inVreil by Lord GlencI.T tlie 
 vciv sitiiniion wliicli .Mr. Garrett, in con.,-cc|ii;.'iico ot' tbc 
 redtiLOil siilaiy allaclicH tu it, bi'canjc d^s.-aii-siicd >vi*lj ; 
 and being' deprived vi' all (Jllicr Kjeans of supporting- a 
 larpe and incrtasina family, lie lias been nfci'a.sifatc(l tj 
 accept ill's lo.'-cr siuiatio:! uiilil Lis case k!::'!i 1;c bettor 
 known to bis Majesty's Goveruniont, by w!»om bo yet bcs 
 Jic\es bis ser\ices will uoi. 1)0 iindcrrntcd. 'J'bo appoint- 
 ment of Mr. Garrett ba.s e.vcited a very pov.erfu! seusn- 
 tion tlirongluiut the whole of tliis Colony ; — ponple of all 
 classes bc;uin[f witness to the fidelity and exerlioiiis of 
 Mr. Ilogselt, have, by niost niiinerously and respectn!)!y 
 signed niciiiurials both to the Secretary of ihc Cc'.cjiiiei 
 and to the li}\ecuti\e of this Island, prayed his restoratioa 
 to the ollice from which he has been so iiuexpeutcdiy dis- 
 Mr. ITof]jsett has no desire to contrast bis services, 
 extending through a period ol' nearly Thirty years, with 
 the claims which 3ir. Garrett has ventured to put forth ; 
 but with a conlldeMce based upon the knowledge of tho 
 high principles which actuate such men as .Sir Cliarles 
 Hamilton, Sir Thonu'S Cochrane, Governor Pre?cott, 
 and Captain Diahan, he can ap[)cal to thein for a confir- 
 mation of his statempiit ; and his testiuionials from tho 
 diffeient ofiicers under whom he has served, arcsuf:icient- 
 Iv weighty, he trusts, to be convincing that, alloal or 
 iisbore, be has dotie bis duly. 
 Mr. Hogsett subjoins a letter from Mr. Under-Secre- 
 tary Hay, to the Hon. W. Ponsonby, respecting tlio 
 Tieasurersiiip of Xewfoundland : — 
 Downirg-Street, 2l5f Dec, 1833. 
 My dear Sir, — \ have been for some time delayed in 
 Miswering your letters of the 22nd ultimo, and the h'tli 
 nst., recommcnuing Mr. Hogsett, and enclosing two 
 ipplications from him, for the appointment of Treasurer 
 it Newfoundland. I brought his name before Mr. Stan- 
 ey, who has desired me to let you know that be will 
 xmsider Mr. Hogsett as a c!:ndidate for employment,- 
 )ut that the particular office -K-bicb he has solicited on the 
pvcsrnt o(<rslon, has Mrr:i<Iy J.ron fillcil up liy tli« 
 GoviMU'jr \Mili lilt' ;ii)|>rMVit| of tlic Srcrclary of State. 
 1 rtiiKiin, tlear Sir, 
 Your frtill.t'til .111(1 obi'tliciit Srrvant, 
 (.Si,i;i.-1) 11. W. IIAV. 
 The Hon. W. Poniouln. M. P. 
 With thc3t? cln'.ins n; kno'vled-ed l>y successive Secre- 
 taries U>r \hc Coloui[>s, oul atlv ocaied by the severjil 
 bel(»rrnaniO(l (i(i\fnuirs o!" XculoumlliiiKl, .Mr. J-jo-isptt 
 M-ouUl llirow hiiiisoU upuii the i-itiiiidcration c.f his .Ma- 
 jesty's (Ji)Vfn.i:u>nt, in tlirhopy un-.l with lltc- prayer, that 
 Ihey will ni.t allow liim iuid liis family lo UMdcr^'o priva- 
 tions and snlVeiiugs ol" whi(h no conduct ol his has becu 
 the cause. 
 The folluvvinc: is a copy nf >rr. rrn;^scll's Commission 
 as Shcritl' lor iho island of Newloundland : 
 WILLIAM the FOUHTH In/ the 
 Grace vf Cnd of ihe i'niied 
 11 PRESCOTT Kiurjdor.i cf Great Uiiiain and 
 hci'-.nd, Kif'ff, Dc/atder of i/i3 
 To AAUON HOf^SKTT, Esquire, grccliuj^: 
 IvNOW yo that Wc iia\inu- taken into Our lloyul 
 con.sidc. alien, the lo>ally. inle-rity. and a!)ility of ymi 
 Ac.ron IJu-selt, J-sqaire, have ti-nstituted and appointed, 
 end bv Ihe'se presents do consiilule and nppcmt you to 
 ac;as'and bf Ihe Sherill oi our Colony of Newtouudland 
 ,u.d its Dependencies, other than and except the coast n| 
 Labrador. And We do hereby cunniit unto jou. the 
 said Aarc.n llo-sett. the Custody of Our said Culuny ot 
 Nevvfoundhuvrand its DcixM.deucies. other than as here- 
 in before \3 excepted, with tlic appurtenances, eo that you 
 render unto us Our due fM::us. and answer unto us toucb- 
 in.r all other Our dr.e.. awllulfd ail other nutters con- 
 cenii.v- the said olVi-e of SherilVof our sa.d Colony, as by 
 the orovisions of tlic Huval Charter of our late deceased 
 Brother, Kincr George the rrurlh, made ai W estiniiister 
 in the Sixth ^ear of his rei-u. for the institution ol a &u. 
 preme Circuit Courts within our saul Colony : 
 and as bv the laws and cusioir.s of our said Colony ot 
 >;cwfoundland, you oui;ht To have hold. ^^;7'^<^- '^"'J 
 fulfil all and sin-ular the powers, duties, aud lunc.ioo* 
jfclon'^inrf *-• ^^^ inciJcut lo ilic said Ofllca ; oi^dlo 
 ;njoY, receive, nnd l;il:c, all and singulr.v [\ic rlglils, ;>ro- 
 |V,s,' piivilcgos, and ci^ioluiu.r.i:;, i:nIo tin; ?ai(l 0(I:tc 
 |.(.'lonf"ing- or in any vise iippcitaininji-, fVom \\'.o clny o 
 [he uixlo uf these presents, cin-.l tVo;n tlirntclbst'i until i\\\.- 
 J.lotidav iiL'\l ri)l!(iwiii^- I'lH (i.'.il clay <.!' Jaiii;ary mow noxl 
 nibiiinsr. ^11(1 ur.'iil mother Slierill --l:;-.!! 1:'^ r.i>j)oint'. d ar.d 
 swurninio (Jlliie. And yon uve Lcrohy ei j jiiied' und 
 ^!irccted not U> l.o concerned (liicetly or indirrctly in aiv,', nndcr no less a [leiiaity lli^n the iorCeiUire ot yoiu' 
 I flier, 
 Jn testimony '.vhereof We Invo canscd llcsc or.r 
 fiTjetlers lo 1)0 n'.a.'ie patent nnder ti.o Great Seal of our 
 uid Island of Xc\vii)undland. 
 AVITXKSS am- Irnsfv ne.n veri-be.'ovcd UEXRY 
 J'RS'iSCOTT, I's-jiiire, Ccnipanion r,r tliu Most 
 Honoiiraljle Military Oi;;er of ti;G Ivalh, our 
 Governor and Connnar.'J.vr-in-Chief in and over 
 our said Island and l.;o;-,:-.;c'enLie;j at ih, Julia's, 
 in our said Island, the I'irst day of Sewlsiubcr, 
 IS'^jO, in the Sijclh year of Our Reign. 
 Bv His Kxcellencv's Comniand. 
 To His FAcellcncy IIEXrvY PKESCOTT. 
 1]s(iiiire, C. IJ., Governor, &;c., &c.. 
 The liumhio Memorial of Aahon lIoGSJLTr 
 That on Ihf rexi;,niati<in hy Captain iOavId Buchan, 
 voyal Navy, of llu oUice nf iherifi" of lh:s Colony, uhich 
 le liad lield for the last ten yeais, yoi;r Exeeileuey was 
 deased to appoint memorialist to hct.cacd I-iin, l-y Con- 
 iiiissioM nndcr the Great Seal of this Iskii.J, bcaniiy- dute 
 liie first day of Septeiaijcr last. 
 Tiiat yonr Exeelleney's nieniurialisl has (o his c;real 
 llisappointment and coneern,r'.'cent!y I..arnt iVoni aaM;enlic 
 ^onrces, that liis Iilajesly's .Secretary of State (or llic 
 C'olonies has nominated another individual to lit! i..:; said 
 Jt'.'liee, and then I'-nc nnsl re.speetl'nliy begs leave to point 
 |:)nt to your K\eelk'ney the extreme hardship cf his case 
 lionid he l.'C deprived of the said r.ppoinlinent, v.hieii i.o 
 .Ixlieves vonr Exe(dtencv was ph'a.ed to be»?o\v r.n isl-.n 
 In consideration of lonsr and faithla! services to liis Zla- 
 |esty, as N.eli in this Colony a- e!>c\vhere. — a i.iocsure 
 ^Lieh your Excellency will readily sej;pose to be fiaugbl 
with nlarniin? consecjn 
 ■wliic'n, witii I>i3 numcro 
 onops 1') vour nemcrin 
 -,t : and 
 us familv, loul'.l not fail to involve 
 liim in very 
 L- serious cuil)arra.sssnents 
 Thai in conscfpHaice o 
 1 the sularv formeily p:rnntea by 
 Iho ilouu^ GovcnnruMi 
 t to liio oliico of Sheiiff bavin- 
 \ tbat the riglitof ap- 
 a^r.(I, voiir memorialist couu(i\e( 
 leil ciflnsivclv m your Excellency, 
 nninlment was vesien cmium .»-•> ... j--- -- 
 L ul conscqn.ntb ihe greater ,n arcci> .nc; 
 ?hes!uno at vm,r l-kcllency's I.mkIs, not doabtincj Ihut 
 hn . linnhl be n^ rinaueully bxeil lliorein. 
 ''you" m^nonalisi's lon^ .nd faithful service, have 
 Leon so often bron;:ht .nulor the eous.derat.on oh 
 AlMiesY's Government, and his .tron- claims on then 
 n ot eUon so ropeato.llv nroed by several di.tu,pu,shcd 
 ^;: ons.that helonsidoV. U s.porllmn.s again o rouble 
 ^he 8ccrctarv of Slate with a recapitulation ol tl.em. 
 Memov li-st. however, takes the liberty to subjoin 
 CO ie of wo lellors* from the Colonial Deprrtmen -- 
 oi' at the Colonial OHice. ntrr.^^ 
 W th re ercnee lo the oiTiec of Deputy ^aval OfT.cer 
 ul^ lie eld for. evcral years, your memoriabst would 
 ^"o state, that on the abolition of that o .ce m 182.. 
 he duties whereof he dischar.;ed. the P['"7P:', ;/^,;^;^^; V\n nlthou-h resident in Enoland, and never 
 co.indently relics on your 1-^^,^^^'H""^; H is \ aicstv's 
 . to .second 'his prayer, and on he .l" of ^^ •,^ 
 Covernment for a connrmation of jour Lxctiien y 
 nppointjncnt. ^^.^^^^^^ ^_ HOGSETT, 
 St. John's, r)lb December, 1835. 
 — -■ — — - - 
 See pp 4 & 5. 
To His T-xccUency ITI-NRY FRESCOTT. 
 I'.sq'iirc, C n.. (JovPi-nnr, fee, ^.c- 
 AY n ri.EA:.L YOrU KXCELLLNCV- ,,,... 
 V'e the tindcrsi-uod mc-rcliaiifs and other Inhabitants 
 r St. John's. b.s- io opprouch your »^^^'^''^';^\^i;' ' J^f^^/ 
 n. of sincero r.-pc-ct lor voiir person ^"'1 ^'^•,^.' " ?^^"[: 
 Vhonlh.lnuhlv respr.n.ib!. ««fik-e of Shcnli o this 
 Lolonv became vuc-.v.t l,y th. retirement of Captain Davu 
 Juch.'n. vo»r E ..ceUoucy xvas pleased to "^"''^'f *;• ;\;'°f 
 ^lo-sett *r-n , a, his successor :-lhe very cOicieiit man- 
 K.-Tu v'hich this n, iudi^id,:ai lor a oag 
 •J discharged the ^"tics of Deputv bhenu (vv. K,ut 
 eforence to his various other more ^^^"'>, P''^^ ;^^, !! '; ' 
 ,hieh are Joubtle.s well kmuva to your ^'^^^ ''i':^ j;',;^! 
 V entitle him tu your J- xcelh'ncy . lavourab e c '^^ de^^^ 
 iou.andituasNvith sincere ?at::;lactiun that tho public 
 iilnesscd this your ExeellcKcy-s jmlicious .JPl--^'";^;^ 
 Impressed with these feeiin?s. ,t .s not without m ce e 
 reorel th.t we aecM;aiul yuur K xcenencN ot ^ re^.r b^^ 
 nV^eral circulation and belief, that ^^'-"^ 'J^^'^"? > ^f'^' 
 rvennnent in l-nt;land have had it .n ,^^'"^^-"M''f '^ „'^ 
 ppoint a person to lill theoflU-e to wnich your hxctll.nty 
 as pleased to appoint Mr. Ilonsctt. rvr-nUrnrv 
 AVc therefore most earnestly hope that your Lse.lency 
 TV-ill be pleas.Hl to adopt such means with h.s -l^^iUest j. 
 Government at home as in your K^-;!^"^: ' """.M in 1 
 be best suited to the conr.rming ot Y^--. ^^«?^;;^, ^^ 
 office of Sheriff of thi. whuh. if ^"f f^j"^' ;^^. 
 assure vour Kxeellency will he h-ghlv grat. ving to the 
 general feelins* of the Inhabitants of this Colon). 
 ** Vv'e have, &c, 
 (?i.^nedby 124 persons.) 
 St. John's, December 1, 1S35. 
 To Ilis Exce"u;;^l nXRY PRKSCOTT. 
 Escn.ire.Companion of tlie MostHonourable 
 Alilitarv Order of the Bath. Governor and 
 r-.,mmunder-ia-Chief in and over the Inland 
 of Newfoundland and its Depeudennes.wNC. 
 We. the undersigned Inhahilants of "^^ iXn^^r'*^^ 
 and its vicinitv. with sentiments ol ^l'^' '""^ .f'^J^^^rVcd- 
 pect and attachu.ent. beg leave to '^P^o^'^ >°^^^^^^^^ 
 jency. to convey to you our deep regret that «' > ^^ ^'^^ 
 tanc^s should have occur.ed to nyuce he I oa bo 
 vcrnment to appoint u High Shenll of ihts, ana 
 w-*"^ »•>•* 
 thus set asi«1e (lie judicious selection made by your T!x- 
 cellciicv to tlmt ofik'o. 
 It is imiieccssarv lor your Potiliojiprs lo remind your 
 Excellency, tliat it Inis Iipon tlic wise policy nCGretit 
 IJrilaiij to rewind llio.rrviccs of o!tl aiul i'uilhriii Ofii'.fr.s; 
 and tiioy trust iiulhin^' wiil lip toimd in the of 
 Aaron llog;sf^lt, I'sq.. our 'ate lli;:li >lior!ir, to prevent 
 lior niiiiislers from lullouin;^-; lier lunucr liberal and cn« 
 liglitcned conisc. 
 Yonr i'etilioners, mi this rccoiiat, tlicrcforo, v.oulJ 
 ofTer to siipf;cst to yiiir Excflieiuy a favoiirable oxami- 
 nation oMIie case ol'll)i.i ;;t-nl!c:i!aii, \\ liu, lia>'in^- for llie 
 last Twrnty years liili-'tl several .^ilnations nnJor Govern- 
 ment wit!) credit, zeal, and flilelity, is now in the decline 
 of life, Willi a larf;c f';iinily, stripped of his silnution and 
 its eniolnnicnts, and reduced I'ror.i a stale of conjparativo 
 ttfilnencc to one of poverty. 
 Your I'elitioners presume to ofTor to your Dxcellenry's 
 benevolent considciation the j;ieat advanlaj^es \vhith 
 would rcanllto Mr. lfnt;sett, hy a message to the l]r.noi:r- 
 oble the House cf Asse:;il)iy for compensation, which your 
 Petitioners ctniceive would n'.ect nith the lacist favoundilc 
 reception, and jiifoid it an opportunity of cnmpl\ing^ with 
 Ihc desires of a larf;fj majority of its constituents, and of 
 justly rewardint;: the services (>f an individual wlio has 
 pertornied his duty \vit!i so much dijjnity to himself and 
 odvan!o;;e to the colony. 
 And your Petitioners as in duty h,>und will ever pray. 
 (Sign£!d) THOMAS RIDLEY. 
 HAK3orn Gn.icr, GEOllGE TllOllXE. 
 January 25, 183S. (And 243 others.) 
 To His Excellency liENHY PRESCOTT. 
 Esquire, C'.!5., (jovernor, fee, &:c. 
 We, the undersioncd Merchants and other [nhahitanfs 
 of Poit. de-Grave, Ivj; respectfully to approach your 
 It havin'j;- become matter of public notoriety tlir-it Aaron 
 Iln^self, ICsquire, whom your was pleased to 
 appoint lli;;h Siierilf of "this Island, has been recently 
 :|)er6eded by a person appointed by the Home Govern- 
 ment, — we, apprecialiro- the lon,i;- and edicient pul)!ic 
 services of Mr. llf«n:settin the situation of Deputy Sherifl', 
 which, we humbly think, gave him a most reasonable and 
Is I: 

 ,. I Li'm^ to «l)e oOlcc of 
 nil >licii 
 :>n l! 
 Lr:^;n nfl.I^ l.rcd.c.s.or. ;uul .n.lcrslun.lm;: thai mj 
 Icnmc^H r^^vticiputiu, in'ti.c- (Velin.s of I . n. al..- 
 n nf St Jol.n's a»ul olotlior plarcs in Ncv.loun<l and 
 't 2 i.o iuii/..l your t',!cdloncy •>„ the su»,ect. 
 I n s ".n.e.llv n.ul rcsp.ctn.llv prny that y-- --^ 
 I ill 1.,. ,,!..-isf.a to iiso k;i( 1 as \oii ii..;> «!tein 
 b't:i^to.fNrno,..utot,,eoniceof.n,h^^^^^^^ . 
 ? if that he impracticahlf. to rccom.noiul lo ho I louse 
 'As'n!.hlvsu'h measures (or his .cm.ncraUon as to 
 ■jnx Kicollc'iity P.uiy apiifar pn.pcr. 
 Wo have, &c., 
 rsi-ncd) •^^"^' JACOB, 
 ^^'°^^ (And 100 others.) 
 kn-de-Griivc, 22a Jainniy, 183G. 
 DoiL-iiiit(j-Slrcct,7th 0{•^l835. 
 Qlr T hnvc had the Iionour lo reicivp youi dispatch 
 Lu^:^ .d^;;;:..hc.-. Xo,40. ->ti.>in, the n..|;.ut:on 
 bv Captain IJnihan of th. s.tual.ou o fehcMifT o Ne ^. and announcing- tirat you had appo.ntcd M. 
 ^1 .f i -li^.h-.i-.-e tlic duties pro ieiiipore. I Uu\e 
 flu-selt to li.>-chai^e .» '^ Mr Jlo-sctl pravins that 
 'f>],o rece ved a memoiud liom Mr. jio sen | ^ ^ 
 l>is temnorrt V api)ointn5cnt may ho lonhimcd. \ uu u.l 
 !" e^r'o duis to express to that gentleman mv rc^ cl 
 flh ■ avcheen unahlo to eomply Ins appluatu , , 
 f 1 ha e Vlt hound to confev the appointment on Mr. 
 fi? a 'farreit the reduction of whose emo umcnts as 
 {!u>;U-onhoSoutheniI)is.rictCo.nvv^no.c ,n>^^^^ 
 Ihim But in that case vou will apprize h.m that I s 
 nnest^s Government cannot any de..^ 
 ^^ >vS may he a.lopled hy the A.scmhly in regard to th. 
 ^ -1-yoithconke.^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^;^i:LG 
 i (Signed) GLENLLU 
 A Captain Prescott, R.N., Ci^ ^ 
 Sheriff's OJJlce, \st January, ISSG. 
 Sm- --r 1-avo the honour to acknowledge the receipt of 
 . your letter of the 6 Ut ultimo, accompa-ed ^vuh a d.. 
 rrAvh rrc.-ivcil l.v !.i? RxcoUciicy l!tc Governor from lit 
 i.lui.-^iv's Scc>c;t;irv ot Slut.e f..r the Colonics, iind 1 caii- 
 jioton Slid. Mil occasion, rc-riiiin ficm fxprissi..^^ loy «leep 
 rf-icl and disiippointiiient, tliat allof siicli a mimbcr of 
 vrars spent in his's St-rvice. Led Glrncl- should 
 not liovn confiiinod mr in 
 the sitiiiUion of Shorill", which 
 locn c 
 ;unIVirod npon me l)y the (Governor, and lor 
 hic!i Liiulnci.** 1 loci Itoiind to retain a gi 
 ateful r» mom- 
 bnmce. Circiim 
 taiucd as I now am, 1 cannot injustice 
 10 n)V nnnuMOUs and h.lplo.s family, hesuatc to acccp. 
 thi- CIcTJ.sliip of the Satillic.n Ciicn.t Conit. however ina- 
 itcquatc the cmolnnients of snch appointment may be to 
 the snpport of a wife and _ scvt n^cinldion ; bat 1 Mill 
 dnl"o the pleasin- hope that his Lxcedency wM coali. 
 to ns'! his kind'inte.position with tic parent Govern- 
 i.:cnt in my favonr 
 RS from Ions c\\)v 
 riencc 1 f«'el more 
 other ofiices in v 
 to disihar^e thcdnlies of Shtrilf than those o 
 hich I have not liad equal expencHCC. 
 1 am. Sir, vo 
 ur most ohcdient servant 
 Joseph Templeman, Csq., 
 Actiiifj Colonial Secrclanj. 
 Extract of a D'tsp 
 Dispatch from the Hl'jht TTonnurahle Lord 
 Glenefg to his Excellcu-:!/ Captain Prescott, dated 
 DoicniiKj-Slreet, Ist Jan, looO. 
 .'At thntimc whenl received the annoancement of 
 Captain IJuchan's resignation 
 Mr. Ganctt was in this 
 country .■■olicitin;jf the assi 
 tance of his Majesty's Cover 
 ment to relieve him from the rmbarn 
 iiunls'in which he 
 had been involve 
 ,im from the m ^^.M... ... 
 d bv the sudden reduciion of hi.s oUicia 
 :;;inments during the last session ol tl.e ^" -'^.^^S- 
 Jatnre. The length of his '^"M^loymcut n h s M p^ s 
 service, appeared to n»e to R'^^ "l'"" ^'^""^ !, 'Y'" \ b it 
 .o.uideralil,n of the Government : am coud no^^b..^^ 
 feel t!:at his case was, as yon ha\e s^-^^^^'' °7 , .• 
 Imrdsl^ip ; at thesame time 1 had every "-.-Jf ^ ^J^f ^nw 
 from the sources of informu .on which weie ^ }^:^ 
 mand in this countrv, that ho was ^^^''-Mjelcnl cl sclm^^^^^^^ 
 the duties of Sheriff iu an efiic.ent and ^^^ ;<f^^^^^^^^^^ 
 ,,cr; norhadany complaint at tha '\^''''J\-XScrn 
 his conduct in the situation of Cleri. of ^\l^^^^^^^^^^ 
 Circuit Court. It was "'-l-^';^'\'^^^:^:"-^;'l"f ^1 n Hy 
 conferred on him the othce of bhorift. and 1 i ced I .re y 
 observe that so long as he shall conduct h.mse.f m it «,th 
.»«ip-^ ^tL~m 
 -.nric'lv v/ ^\•itI. otndency, it will r.ol be in 
 r. I cMrcnulv rt-gret ... .I,e sc-loct.o, ot Mr. Gar. 
 Ifor tl.o ^ll*.-alin.. of SliiMin-. 1 .^LowUI .ave caused 
 t ; \t 1 ,1^ .amo tin.- I that li... app-m' mcnt nf 
 k..ftl... ScllicrnCiicuil Court, ul.ich I linvMcj- 
 ., lf.,rl.U ^vill appear scarcely less nd- 
 , ' ';„ than tl!. situation of Sljeriinnulor t!.o present 
 ' ,:^ nu-nt. n.ore .>.pc'ciJly as the A^m mUv .aay per- 
 ; be . l.Kca c!n.i..j; thar prosent session to 
 f^r .Iccision oflastNCur. in to the c-.r.ola.nents of 
 IZ.AYicc. Von Nvili t., .Mr. llo^sc . .nJ 
 t e "c. tlcmo.. v,ho have. M.c acUh-os.s .n h.s be- 
 the c rcinnstanoes xvhich re.ulcr .t ..nposs.ble lor rac 
 .c( to l.eiv wishes Iv conf.r.nins tlu-tcnporary ..,. 
 |,iulme.>t had been besto^ved upon lum by you. 
 I j» * *;.;e /Snip Vr. Honseit obtained leave of ah- 
 l^i ^ S-!. "/-' u-AicA o...;.u Ac received 
 VefoUonn,, fMlcrinq ie.ilmnnialsfnm the respectcbh 
 wtefoiiontufj, ,oxvcver, to the tvna 
 (his intended emhnrkation he r'<^'^'f/';"}^^.^^^ 
 Luenvy Governor Prvscott, the oppointuuul ofLoione, 
 \nd Clerk of the Peace. 
 k AAROX HOGSETT, Esqcikh, late High Siremrr 
 OF Newfoohlaxd : 
 I cir—Wc the undersigned Inhabitants cf St. John's, 
 af .Vrr'-nla V vears Nvifncsed the strai:.;htior«-ard a.jd 
 c duties, particularly during the long pe. d m v h.u 
 Cou rulf.llcd the functions ot Sub and "'" ' ^'*^"" ,^' 
 %:Zn^Un.l take the occas.on ol vcur '-; ^"d^d c '_ 
 farlurc tor K ..;h:nd. to tender to you th.s address in e 
 Ji"iony of our hi-h estimation of your nients as a public 
 ■o! -ccr, ant' v- ur '.orth as a privaic cHZ^n. 
 ^ Jl \s to US. Sir. the subject of exceed..)- re-ret iha by 
 io rc^ovai nomtho h.,hiy honoura!>!e «-' "^J"^ j;,^^ 
 bfllco voulast held. vo^^shoHd have been deprived of that 
 E^Uon to .iuih your past 'itc.spcnnn ne scm e 
 of vour Km- and counlrv. pre-eminently entitle yo.i, 
 :ii lit Newfoundland shoul'd have los* ^'ne a vantag- 
 ►bat was expected to result from the ^^^'^t^^'^l^ 
 lUe houestyl aud iutegrity, as well as the great expcuenc. 
i<Mtti*.!sligttl 1*»- 
 of a n-entler.ian so ^cncnillv known nad uuiveisally ei- 
 IceiiR'cl. , 
 In contltiii'^n. Sir, permit rsto ns-^-.iro yon t.iat en your 
 jouinev to Lciul'..:), oiu- \v;Mmest v.inlies and mcist aiiletit 
 liopfs ['ccompai-.v vou :— 'i'hat yoi.r claims iii.iy he reccs- 
 uisfil as j;ist M\'\ reuM.naL'.L', a:i«l tli^U y.n ::;ry be speedi- 
 ly sent b.ul to llio coniitry of yoiir adontion— to vour 
 laniilv ;in;! rr:f".TJ>. i:: t'.-.c cmu )yi:Kiit oftliu linppy coiivic- 
 tioM/tlral lio'.voviT hi^ MlM.••':^'s Covoniii'tMit may f-.r a 
 jn.,ui'Tit kr.i- mi^KiKk'i-.,ti:D'.i llio nature (.•!■ claims 
 upi'ii tlif> p-ildic. llie voice ol trf.lh au-i llif accents of 
 sii'.ccritj' i.ave not been iiruril in v;-,iii. 
 W'c ba\e ibt' linnmir to be, Sir 
 Your nioi^'. o ■.'.■<.!• c-ni serva;!.'', 
 (And l03c'.lKtri.) 
 St. Jclitt's, ycicfiMttuh'aiJ, 'i'h Junj, IbOU. 
 Sir Thomas Cochrane pie.seiit.i hi^ coainliir.ents to Mr. 
 IIo^^clt. and ia iei)!y to bis !t;lter of (lie \:\}^\\ June, be<,'s 
 to a'l:quaint bini ih il^a the receipt <'f his represeatatioii 
 he forwarded it to Lord GH'ne!-- Mitii his o'ao tesliiaoay 
 as to Mr. Ho-selt's correct cundiicl dtirin^^ the period lie 
 >Tas under Sir Thomas Cochraae's governmeiif, and now 
 cntlofees Lord (ilencli;'s reply. 
 Aclniiralli/ IL-'is.-, Pvi (smonl/i, Aurjiist 0, 1836. 
 Downinij-^^ireH. "-V^lh Juh;, ISoG. 
 Slv_^l am dirpclcd l>v Lord Glcnel- to acknowledge 
 the receipted' vour letter of the 'J-llh inst.. niclo.uni; a 
 letter addressed to vou bv -Vr. Ho->.(t, together v.m 
 vaiious other document.s on the su!.j(.-ct oi that .uri.llenr.ins 
 superccssion in tiie temporary rnpointmont el II ig!-. ^-cnl 
 ,.f Newfoundland. In .cp!^.lam to iniorm yoa that 
 the circumstances of Mr. ]lo;;selfs case haveab.eadv been 
 lullv considered i.. the co:re.p;>ndence betsveeu Ihn .ic- 
 parimcnti.ndthe Governor of Newtoundliind, and Lord 
 Gleneb-'s liaal dec:>ion has beon cor.veved to L..p.a.u 
 PrCicoU. ILathis Lordship desires rae on the present 
 occasion tc express hi> gratilieation that the testimony 
 vhich vol. bear to .Mr. Il< -selfs charart.M conlums t.c 
 . representations on that subject which h:s Lords.,. p had 
 a'.teadv recvi\cd from parties resident m .vewlounalanc . 
 1 have the honour to be. Sir, joar mosr obed..j.t «^ervaut, 
 Admiralty House, Portsmoutli. 
 . .r'^wWW" 
Secretary's OJpce, 2Sih Dec. \bZ'\ 
 Uir -I bave much pleasure iu IrLU.smil. - to yoii !,y 
 Li:;:;;:;tf ;:^tr \i^^z.. vith.-.iercnce to ^cur 
 in men to tbo ofT.ccs of Cle.u o the P.acc and 
 '^u "er I am. Sir. your very obechont sorvnnt. 
 Ur.oN IIoGSF.TT, Esq. S:c., S:c. 
 Lr^ri 0^ .. Despatch from the Jll^ht lonourale tU 
 Ucrllrrn of Sate lor the Colovus addressed to A,s 
 ' Doxcnuuj-StrcH, Uth October, 183G. 
 - Wi,h rrsnect to the selection of Mr. Ilopelt. lu 
 Pmitted to mo iu his favour from Ne^vtoundUnd. 
 St. John'r?^e\Tfb"un(llanfl, 12th July, 1835. 
 T^ c- Tn .Pnlv to vour coiniiuiuication of this date, re- 
 Dear Sir,_In tep y lo >oi.u „„;„;„„ n, to t lo manner m 
 thich you have dischar-td the d"*>'^^ °\.^^^ ff ,,':'' jonv, I can. 
 Lsiich >c.a have ^f^^^^^ 7^^^^^y'^^' f^' 
 till, truth, a>sureyouI sha 1 at all ^'^ "*^ ,. . . ^ ;„ the die 
 [ng to oljr it as u.y ^^^-'^^Zat^^^S, -hich yoa 
 harge of your duties pf Shei t ^"^ """•-, vou have aUvays 
 aveheldsmc. my arrival n. he 5 ««■ ^^^®?.';: ^jVotm^ 
 onduclod yourself with the strictest intcgntj and propi y 
 I am, rlear hir. 
 Your faithful and obedient servant, 
 rSiencd) A. W. DESBARRES. 
 ^^^ ^ Anting Judge Supreme Court. 
 Uuou IIoGsrxT, Esq. 
 St. John'., Newfoundland, 13th J"\y' 1S36. 
 My dear Sir.-It gives me 2-^^,P^--«^° J^^SS ^^^Sfy 
 .at df ins tb.e pc no<l of my '*^^'^' J'^^f '".';. ivlhigenee a.^d 
 en years ?ast. you have disc,I.argcd -^^ »» -^.^'^ ,,,e%een ap- 
 ^f^{i£:^ 'o'i^XX^^ o.n opinion ^ 
; j « H ii A" ' _ !M(^fe'-_ 
 your cpndnrt, as a puV>lIc servmt, is amply coi.firmefl by ihat of 
 the comniutiity to which we belong. 
 Yours, very faithfully, 
 (Signed) E. 15. BKENTON. 
 Assistant Ju'lgo Supreme Court. 
 A. HOGSETT, Esq. 
 St. John's, NcwfomKlland, 12lhjiily, 183(5. 
 Havinsbccn a rcsideiit in this Colony -duriiij,' a period of 
 twcntv-scven years, Mr. Aaron Ilo-sett has bt-eii wel' '-nown to 
 me un'wards of twnnlv >ears ; and in the dischavge . duties 
 in the several public ofticcs lie has held duriii;? liis re . \ . -^hcre, 
 he has atoll times, 1 believe, couducted himself uith integrity, 
 dilisencc and propriety therein, and to the satisfaction of the 
 puolie authorities, and the public in general 
 (Signed) JAMES SIMMS, 
 Attorney-General, Newfoundland. 
 St. John's, Newfoundland, 13th July, 183G. 
 My dear Sir,— It aftbrds ma very sincere pleasure to say that 
 duriiiff the time I have known you (a period of nearly seveu 
 vears) inthe dischartr'^ of the duties of sub-Slicritl and Hi-h 
 Slieriff of ♦his Island,^ your conduct has been marked with the 
 most Mndeviating integrity and diligence, and I feel persuaded 
 Ihat in the expression ofthi-- opinion, I am joined by the commu- 
 nity at large, and all the public authorities. 
 I am, dear Sir, yours very faitlifully 
 (Signed) II. A. EMERSON. 
 II. M. Solicitor-General, Newfoundland. 
 A. HoasETT, Esq. ' 
 Doiciiiiig-Sireet, ^\st October, 1836. 
 ■ Mv dear Sir,— Lord Glenel- directs me to acquaint you 
 with reference to the statement which you mndc lu your 
 note of the 3d inst., in favour of Mr. Ilogsclt, and to the 
 intimation given to vou by Mv. Stephen, ut the Governor 
 of Newfoundland bavin- recommended that gentleman 
 for promotion, that his J.ordship has thought .t hss duly 
 to advise .lie confirmation of .Mr. ilogselt's appointment 
 to the offices of Coroner and Clerk ol the Peace for the 
 district of St. John's. .,,11 i,o« ATr 
 The efiect of thiR avran-cment will le to place Mr. 
 Hoo-sett ill a moro favourable situation in point of cmolu- 
 went, than if ho had been nominated to the Sluievally ot 
 .» ^ 1 eland Yours, very faithfully. 
 ® *"^"'*' GEORGL- GREY. 
 The Hon. W. Ponsoby, M. P. . ♦ -. 
 in I 
 Exttact of a Letter from Mr. llogseit to Coptuin 
 St. Johns, l')tk Dec. 1S35. 
 Xfy tUar Caplain IJuchan.-l was truly astonisliccl 
 upop ruc-ixin- Nour IciUr of the Mtl. October U..t. 
 /ritten in L-mden. Tl.o subject ofit will have a louder 
 soaild than prohahlv vou are pitpared tohcar; but J 
 daft s-.-. sou v.ill, ore this have learned at the Coluuiul 
 Ofllce what the -.pillions ol the people of all classes are 
 ia As I was advised by yourself, there 
 co4d Ii'irdlv have been occasion to put my friends upon 
 theSerl in"i:M-land— and unfortunately they have been 
 lulled into sccuritv. I had nuthini- to go upon but vague 
 reports ,l\. on foot here, until 1 received your letter 
 waeii I imniediatelv went to the Chief .1 uslic - and told 
 him ihatl svas sorry to lind I)> a letter from taplam 
 Buehan that Mr. (Jar.ett was really appouited to super- 
 sede u.e in tl,f ofilce of Sherin'. the knowled-e of whu U 
 hod -reatlv surprised you. The Chief Justice reKlied 
 '• Did it indeed surprise Captain Buclian f 1 should 
 ha.e thou-ht that he knew as much about Mr. Garrett s 
 application for theolliceas T did, of which 1 certainly was 
 aware, and reionimended him, and should have done the 
 same for vou. Mr. lluovett." lie further stated thatthere 
 could be no hardship in the matter, as under feherills sel- 
 dom ornev.T succeeded to the oQice of Sherift; but that 
 be had no doubt I .should be elVered Mr. Garrett's late 
 gitiiation in the Southern CircuP. Court. Thus tar 1 Jecl 
 bound to mention to you, as I am persuaded you never 
 could have been aware of such an applicaUon without 
 Waitin- upon Lord Clenel- -or apprising- my friends, 
 y ow vou ir.usl be perfectlv aware of the assurance 1 had 
 liyserflVoni Mr. C.rrett. hanns: mentioned it on your 
 |eturn from CnRland, as well as what passed. near,y,^it 
 Ihot in stroii-er terms, in your own diawing-rooin— " I 
 Stol edge you nn- word and honour as a gentleman, that I 
 Jpve°rhave applied for the situation, nor should !, with 
 #!!c knowledge I have of .Mr. Ilogsetfs claims, and froin 
 fidclicacv to vou, .o whom I am under many obligrdons. 
 iThose were the words of Mr. Garrets, to the .)! my 
 Irecellection— after which it would be impossinle that you 
 i could be CO jpled with a knowledge of his application. 
 ^I should consider it an act of ingratitude on my part not 
 ho put you in possession of what has passed, as 1 am in' 
 'debted'lo vour friendly interposition with his Excellency 
 the Governor, (being almost a perfect stranger to »ii» 
 fixccll'.-ncy, tn3solf), for my iiin)uiuliucul to the oITicc of 
 ij he rill". 
 Extract of a Letter from Cajilain Buclian to Mr, Hog' 
 sett, dated 
 Ciaremont, Woolwich, 27th. Ju.i. 1836- 
 7»Ty dc:ir iroi^sclt,— Your'.s of tliol5tli Dec. 1 rcceivctl 
 i,n the I2tli iiist I confess lliattlie remarks mado U\ the 
 Cliief Justice lo ynu have not a little astouishfil mc. I 
 'was not l)efore av.urn that he hncl recommciulcd ."^ir. Car- 
 jctt to tlie appoiitmtul ol Sherilf. althoii;;h i was nut 
 v.ithouta suspicion ct' thi- kind, which would have amount- 
 ed almost to a certainty on my mind, irad it not heon that 
 JVlr. Garrett himself staled to me that he had no wish for 
 ;m appointment in \ewfoMndland, us it was no longer a 
 })lace for him ; and added that Iih could have any vacancv 
 • hat occurred in New South Wales or Van Dieman'.s 
 Land (or 1 believe elsewhere), wheie the income did not 
 exceed £200 < r £250 per annum. Jud«;e of my surprise, 
 therefore, on shortly after beiiifr informed by ]\Jr. d'ai- 
 jand of his appointment, and l!\aL h.e had fjone down to 
 Scotland to take his passage, without having- communicat- 
 ed to me his intention, that 1 might have availed myself of 
 the opportunity of writing l)\ hin». So n)uch for my 
 knowledge of his concerns. The Chief Justice hdvinp 
 jecommended, might well know of his appointment ; hut 
 I had not at that jjcriod any communicatio- with the 
 Colonial Oflice— not even to report my relur. . Mr. 
 Boulton's assertion is consequently altogether groundless. 
 Had T, indeed, been aware of the circumstanoc in time, I 
 should in justice to you have endeavoured to have seen 
 T,ord Glenelg (which I have never y,et done) ; but as it 
 was, it would have been useless. 1 am in perfect igno- 
 rance of what is going on in that department, except that 
 Lord Clenelg expresses a regret at my having resigned, 
 and that there had been several applications to him for 
 the situation. 
 The conversation you mention to have taken place in 
 my house at Newfoundland (after returning from luigland) 
 between me and ]Mr. Garrett is perfectly correct, and 
 is fresh in my memory. He disclaimed, on the honour 
 and word of.-, gentleman (and was exceedingly anxn.ns lo 
 remove any impression that might be on my mind) that 
 he had ever applied for the situation of SlieritF, or tlictt he 
 ever should do so, with the kno^vledoe he had of your 
 Tlicsf v,o;c liis 
 woril^, ami you 
 I bavi- s.ud oil 
 II coniicctfcl Willi this bulUfCt. 
 vll esidnn. Ihc.imoimv .,ll„u'ince for lo'ist.'- 
 £C.>,; la>i(losthis. thore was an allowance 
 d ..ervant-say al.out £lUO u..n^. 
 ( belore slated; «^ " \^,\Y , Treusury. 
 nipnl. hfsides being paid into tl.e Ca. onu l ^^*^ • 
 In L t il Nv«B nexer contemplated, even by us I xcc u. 
 " himself, thai U.e liome Govevunicut Nvould 
 . u -»»n *.• 
 ' :f- 
in (Iiiti appointminf, ofUr laving jleprivcd rii))f:\..j Tlu- 
 tliaii oiliii salary ol' JEWK) a-year, uiid llirowii liiiii upon 
 the rcsdnrcos of tlie CoUmy, «liirh was the caiis«? nl" 
 liis ro.-sigiialion ; ami it was pi'r.i'clly imdi'L^ldod in 
 Vewfotimllaiiil Uiat sucli ii'sit^ualion was in Mr. ]lo;;.s»'tt'.s 
 favour. f.S'tc l/w Kxlracf of Cuptain [iucluin;, itnsivar 
 to Mr. Iloffsed's Idler.] Jf Lord tJIcicl-j sliuiild now 
 SCO rt-ason lo believe that Mr. Ciarrotl's claiuis \v»;re, iii 
 point .';{■ fact, inferior to lliosc of .Mr. If oRsetl, tliere may 
 villi Ik; rea.on to hope tliat tho serious and nianitcst 
 injiistico V hieli iias i)een dotic, will nut be p<Tinilled to 
 remain wilbout some salislu? tory remuneration i)y tli« 
 country in whose st'rvict; be has shed his blo/d. and lailh- 
 fallv discharged bis duties lor a period of Thirty-one 
 His Excellency Governor Prescott. on openinj; the 
 House of Assembly iiu the 2Ulh Juno, this year, express- 
 ed a desire that ufliters sboidd lie remunerate<l by fixed 
 .salaries instead of fees ; and, allhoug^h the House nii';ht 
 bavu every disposition to repair, if possi!)le, the injury 
 <lone to Mr. Hoyselt — yet in a subordinate situation, it 
 would be quite out of "its power to do so— the I'oiice 
 Majjistrates tliemsehes. being only allowed i,'"i50 a-year, 
 and the ('hairmau of the Sessions only £300. 
 The hardship of Mr. Hogsott's case is thus humbly 
 and respeclfimy subniitted, in the hope that s^unc belter 
 under.- landing of the subject may lead to an ade<[iiafe 
 compensation for the disappointment and privatioaa 
 winch be feels be has undeservedly endured. 
 St. John's, Newfoundland, 
 i^GiL June, 1838. 
 llKMtY WiiTOM, Gcueral Priuliuj Ofllcr, Queen Slraei. 
 since V.C curly V^^^^^^^fJ^ ^ ^ro^ectf^Uy to invUo the 
 deemed expedient an A >"= ^^ .^^^, ;,^.,, ,, ,Ue very extraovduury 
 procerlm^^ thoreu. c...lo,a - ^^ ^,^.^^^^^^ „, peels 
 5ou-ly, and, a. Mr. ^^^^^^"^^ rfaitUul servant of the tro.n. 
 Ae cVain.s to v, 'nich, a. an old and U ^^^^^,^ ^^^^^.^,^,„ 
 STluvubly thinks he -V -"^^'^^ ^ •;,.. deration of Lord Jon. 
 rnowrespecifunysubnuttcdtotheu ^^^^^ ^^^^ ,^,^ 
 Colonies, in the anx.ou. ;^.-FcU. . ^^^^^ ^^, ,,, ,,,,e and 
 and .eighty nK.ters ^^'^^^^.^^.^ ,^.oi^r.Hoo.^r 
 attention of Her Ma.,esty ^^ .--,;,, ,, ,e observed that all 
 ^,, ot be over^j^. t^-l^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^,, ,,vc been o^E- 
 f;^;^;=;;"-- colonial Department. 
 St, John's, Newfoundland, 
 December, Icoj.