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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed bep'.ming in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d d<)s taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 ^ ::,:S': : : ■;«•:: 1 2 3 4 5 6 D COLLK( Al Wai Ihgskal (l[ttltttrc. FIRST BOOK OF EXERCISES —IN— Drill, Calisthenics, -AND— GYMNASTICS, —BY- ^- S- EEo-cro-HiTonsr. FOR THE USE OF CoLLKGKs. Collegiate Institutes, High Schools, Public, Separate Private Schools — AND— GYMNASTIC ASSOCIATIONS. AND AUTHORIZED BY THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION FOR ONTARIO. TORONTO : Warwick & Sons, 8 and 10 Wellington Street East. 1886. Entered according to the Act of Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand e,ght hundred and eighty-six, by WARwicK & sSs' m the office of the Minister of Agriculture. WARwtcK &, Sons, Printers, 2« AND 28 FROMT STRUT WMT, TORONTO. / CONTENTS. c< (( (( (( « t*reface, -•--.. The Gymnasium, - - . . . General Instructions, - . . . Part I. —For Boys. Drill, - Squad Drill, with Intervals, In Single Rank, In Two Ranks, " Extended Order, ' - " Dismissing, - Calisthenics — Modes of Formation, First Sp' ies of Exercises, - Second " « u . . Third " " " Gymnastics — Light Dumb-bell Series of Exorcises, Stationary Rope Series of Exercises, Part II.— For Girls. Drill, --.... Calisthenics — First Series of Exercises, Second " '*<».. Third " « « - Gymnastics — Light Dumb-bell Series of Exercises, Indian Club Series of Exercises, PAGE. 1 7 9 13 17 37 49 60 65 66 70 81 86 125 157 191 192 193 193 212 220 / mg phy be \ littl the T by J Pari Lon( (( ' atter good and to cu they to Wi looke breat delics are. they 5 comp] I effusic of sue the in 8Uffici( ters v< but w] PREFACE. As this is siaiply and purely a practical text book embrac- ing nearly all the elementary exercises required to make physical education efficient, interesting and popular, there will be very little said here about theory. There will also be very little said about Hygiene, as that subject is already taught in the schools. The following are a few extracts from a work on Education by J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. of the Universities of Vienna and Paris, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London : — " The physical education of both sexes deserves the greatest attention, and it is unpardonable to neglect that of girls. A good and healthy organization is the basis of all employment and of all enjoyment. Many parents, however, are anxious to cultivate the mind at the expense of the body. They think they cannot instruct their offspring early enough to read and to write, whilst their bodily constitution and health are over- looked. Children are shut up, forced to sit quiet and to breathe a confined air. This error is the greater, the more delicate the children, and the more premature their powers are. The bodily powers of such children are sooner exhausted, they suffer from dyspepsia, headache, and a host of nervous complaints ; their brain is liable to inflammation and serious effusions ; and a premature death is frequently the consequence of such a violation of nature. It is indeed to be lamented that the influence of the physical on the moral part of man is not sufficiently understood. There are parents who will pay mas- ters very dearly in hope of giving excellency to their children, I but who will hesitate to spend the tenth part to procure them PllEFACE, bodily health. Some, by an absurd infatuation, take their own constitutions as a measure of those of their children, and because they themselves in advanced life can support confine- ment and intense application with little injury to health, they conclude that their young and delicate children can do the same. Such notions are altogether erroneous — bodily deform- ities, curved spines and unfitness for various occupations, and the fulfilment of future duties, frequently result from such misunderstood management of children. The advantages of a sound body are incalculable for the individuals themselves, their friends, and their posterity. Body and mind ought to be cul- tivated ill harmony and neither of them at the expense of the other. Health should bo the basis, and instruction the orna- ment of early education. The development of the body will assist the manifestations of the mind, and a good mental education will contribute to bodily health." "Bodily exercise is another important point in education. Muscular activity is greater in childhood than in any later age. It is necessary to the development of the body and to health. The body, the intellectual and moral faculties, may be exercised at the same time. The muscles of the arms, or legs or trunk may be exercised according to the utility of such exercise in any future situation, or according to their local weakness. All gymnastic amusements serve to these purposes. It is to be understood that bodily exercise ought to be projiortionate to the innate strength and progressive growth of the individuals, and not beyond the innate capacity, since in that case the misappli- cation of a principle will do harm. It is said that Milo carried on his shoulders a calf day by day till it was full grown. As bodily exercise particularly strengthens, as it invites to sleep, and secures against great disorders, it is to be generally en- couraged. Gymnastic amusement may be established for all ages and for all classes of society. The gymnastic exercises of the Greeks are generally known and admired." Montaigne, in his " Essays," published in 1580, eloquently urges the claim of physical education, and Locke in his "Essay on Education " does the same. The advice of those philoso- phers was put in practice by Bassedow in 1774, who founded an educational establishment at Dessau which he called Phil- antropinum, and introduced physical exercises as a regular PREFACE. branch of instruction. The example thus given was followed at other schools, notably at that established by Salzmann, at Schnepfenthal, near Gotlia. Pestalozzi, the great school re- former, paid due attention to physical education, and F. L. Jahn made it popular in Germany. The names of the emin«int authorities who have spoken and written on the subject wouM almost fill a volume. It may, perhaps, be unnecessary to remark that Hygiene and Physical Culture are concurrent subjects, and that one is incomplete without the other. In fact the pupils taking an active interest in physical culture will become alive to the importance of developing all the faculties of the body and mind to the highest standard. When they find that the sub- ject of physical culture covers a vast field, including much more than is generally understood by the term ; that it means more than making the muscles hard and strong; more than depth of lung ; more than capacity for endurance ; that it is the adapt- ing of the human body for all its possibilities, they will natur- ally and of their own accord turn their attention to Hygiene, which will then become to them a living fact of vital impor- tance. The idea so prevalent that because certain simple calisthenic or gymnastic movements are conducive to health and strength, they are sufficient, is erroneous. This theory ignores the in- tellect. Such exercises require to be repeated daily to be of use, and the intellect having nothing to ievd upon, they become monotonous and wearisome ; hence inattention, listlessness and indifference. As all exercises should be recreative, that is, the mind should take pleasure in directing the movements ot the body, it natur- ally follows that those exercises which present the possibility of developing great skill, will prove of most interest to all. When this is thoroughly understood, the participant will eagerly turn to the elementary exercises that l9.y the founda- PREFACE. tion for the higher branches of s;ymnastics, such as the hori- zontal bar, fencing, Indian club swinging, etc. The effect that gymnastic and calisthenic exercises have upon any but the muscular system is too often, unfortunately, not considered ; the important effect they have of increasing the action of the respiro.tory, circulatory and nutritive systems, is seldom thought of. We sec this exemplified by thore who engage exclusively in such exercises, for instance, as in the unintellectu^l exercise of lifting heavy dumb-bells. So long as those engaged in intellectual pursuits consider that gymnastic and calisthenic exercises, consist of a few crude and monotonous movements invented for the production of strength, they wil! not care to give them the attention they deserve. When, however, it cowics to bo generally known that though gymnastic and calisthenic exercises will (desirably) for the time being, divert their attention from their usual pur- suits, their intellectual faculties wi''! not lie dormant, but only be directed to another channel ; they will then be induced throrgh the acquisition of skill and grace to find the health and strength of body which it is the altimate aim of physical culture to produce. The training of pupils in the regular and beautiful exercises comprehended under a good system of gymnastics and calis- thenica, is really the only way in which physical education can be efficiently conducted. Another feature which does a great deal towards making the subject popular is the annual school entertainment. School life is replete with incidents which associate themselves with the most pleasant memories of youth, and the annual school entertainment, in which the mental and physical culture of the year should take an equal part, always produces a pleasing sensation in scholastic circles and causes hearts to beat with expectation : it leaves many pleasant memories, never to be PREFACE. 5 erased in after years : it, too, awakens an interest in the minds and hearts of parents unknown in any other instance. It may be here noticed that the true antidote for aerial and other objectionable gymnastic performances, is the gCD-^ral diffusion of knowledge of, and skill in gymnastics. The public will then appreciate a skilful performance carried out on a proper badis, and performances of the sensational order will cease for want of support. It is respectfully submitted that all interested in the impor- tant subject of health, will, after studying the general plan of this work, come to the conclusion that our young people in following up the course of exercises given therein will have their intellectual as well as bodily powers called into play, that their interest will be maintained by the acquisition of skill and grace of movement, as well as of health. The Author. (1) cap the 1 hig] six as < win wal shoi win etc.j havi twei for socii ratu port bein the ] feet and gymi build at th THE GYMNASIUM. (1) Training Schools, C of leges, Colltgiaie Institutes and High Schools. The three sizes best adapted for gymnasia according to the capacity required are : Ist 80 x 40, 2nd 70 x 35, 3rd 60 x 30, the last size given being the smallest that can be recommended. The windows in the sides of the building should be placed as high as possible ; they should be about three feet high and about six feet wide ; there should be as many of them on both sides as can be put in ; there should be a large window or several windows in one end of the building, the other end being a dead wall. The windows should all work on pivots. The doors should be placed at the end of the building containing the window or windows. A large door for bringing in sawdust, etc., may be placed at one side. The end of the building having the dead wall should have a plank floor for about twenty feet from the wall, so that it can be used, if necessary, for the purpose of school entertainments, gymnasium choral society, hand ball, etc., and it should be entirely free from appa- ratus. The trapeze and flying rings should be in the central portion of the building, the point from which they are suspended being sixteen feet from the ground ; the point of suspension for the row of side rings can be any height from thirteen to sixteen feet from the ground. The building must be properly heated and ventilated ; if heated with a stove, it and the stationary gymnastic apparatus should be properly placed at the end of the building containing the doors and windows. The flooring, except at the dead wall end of the building, should consist of sawdust 8 THE GYMNASIUM. or sand, about one foot and a half deep; this should be sprinkled with water every morning, about an hour before the first class commences to exercise, «nd again at noon if necessary. A locker should be provided, where the movable appliances can be securely kept when not used by the class. The stationary apparatus indispensable is as follows : — 2 horizontal bars, 2 pairs of parallel bars, 1 pair not being as wide or high as the other, 1 single trapeze, 1 pair of flying rings, three pairs of ropes and a row of side rings. The movable appliances indispensable are, Indian clubs, wooden dumb-bells, wooden rifles, foils and masks, single sticks and two masks, and wands or barbells. The Indian clubs should weigh from a pound and a half to three pounds each, and the wooden dumb-bells from one to two pounds each. A horizontal ladder, placed where it will not be in the way, would add to the appearance though not much to the efficiency of the gymnasium. Apparatus, except that mentioned, is not particularly useful, takes up a great deal of room and is costly, so that school gymnasia at 3 east are a great deal better without it, it being a desideratum to have all the possible space in the building free for class exercises, and besides the money necessary to purchase it would be much better expended for foils and masks, single sticks, etc. Heavy dumb-bells, cannon balls, and appliances of a similar kind should not be allowed in the school gymnasiuai. (2) Public Schools, etc. The trustees of public schools can generally utilize the exist- ing sheds for gymnastic purposes, or, if it would suit better, the full attic story. Where there is no shed or attic story it would be as well to build a gymnasium 60 :< 30 : where there are good sheds they might be converted into gymnasia by boarding them in, and placing the windows as high as possible, and as many as are required, in the sides of the building. The windows should GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 9 be hung on pivots. Ventilation and heating should be properly provided for. The flooring should be removed and about a foot and a half of sawdust or sand substituted ; the dust should be kept down by sprinkling with water before being used in the morning, and if required, at noon. The stationary apparatus indispensable consists of three pairs of ropes only, the point of suspension for such ropes to be as high as possible from the ground, but not more than sixteen feet, the ropes to hang about twenty inches apart and to be of three sizes, via. ; one inch, one and one-quarter inch, and one and onfhalf inch, they must be of the best manilla, they must not be allowed to be knotted, and the ends should be finished with a crown knot. The movable appliances indispensable are light wooden dumb-bells and Indian clubs. The wooden dumb-bells should weigh from a half to one pound each ; the Indian clubs from thi ee-quarters to two pounds each. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Teachers of Physical Culture should avoid all outward show, b»'t should nevertheless try to become as proficient in the exercises as their genius will permit. They should always be courteous. When engaged in teaching they should be kind, earnest and enthusiastic. They must show that they are actu- ated, by an earnest desire to impart the necessary information by every means in their power. They should never lose sight of the fact, that the lives and limbs of the pupils are entrusted to their care, and must therefore try to avoid all possibility of accident, by seeing that the apparatus is secure, by strict at- tention to whatever the pupil is practising, by giving careful assistance when required, and by pointing out when and where danger is to be apprehended, as also how to obviate such dan- ger. They should have sufficient judgment to know when 10 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 'i 1 iji: some of the exercises can be safely practised in the open air, or when they must all be confined to the Gymasium. In fact, they must never forget that the pupils are under their control for the acquisition of health, and they should insist that every requisite for the attainment of this important object should be provided. The exercises should all be taught and exe- cuted with life and animation, and while the teachers of Physical Culture should see that certain rules and regulations are carried out in the gymnasium, they must at the same time not forget that the acquisition of skill, freedom of movement, fun and mirth are its greatest charms, aiding boys and girls to accom- plish tasks, that otherwise they would not have the inclination or spirit to try ; while engaged at drill, however, strict dis- cipline should prevail. The teacher should, when possible, appoint a competent pupil as leader, * which will enable him to move about, correct errors, and give assistance in any shape that may be necessary. The pupils should all be required to take an active part in the lessons, and not m^^-ely be allowed to watch their companions, as nobody ever le::**ned gymnastics by merely looking at the practice of others. Study of any subject except that of Physi- cal Culture, while in the gymnasium, should not be allowed. Each class should have from twenty to thirty minutes practice four times a week. During exercise the heels should be kept together except where otherwise instructed ; nothing looks more ungainly and awkward than to see one swinging clubs, for instance, with the heels apart. While performing an exercise, breathing through the nose, and not through the mouth, should be insisted on, and by per- severing this will eventually become a habit. Singing or even counting aloud while practising gymnastics or calisthenics should not be tolerated. Singing, however, *Tbe leader should stand slightly in advance, back to the class. General instructions. 11 can be engaged in while marching if so desired, preparatory to or at an entertainment. Practising with musical accompaniment should not be per- mitted with any exercise, unless the pupils know it thoroughly. A choral society in conjunction with the gymnasium exclu- sively might be formed. Such exercises as putting the shot and throwing the hammer should not be allowed in the gymnasium ; they are not suit- able for the place, and indulgence in them is attended with discomfort and danger of life and limb to the pupils, and also injury to the apparatus and gymnasium. In the fall and spring, the drill should take up the most time ; in the winter, calisthenics and gymnastics. The time can be divided up in something like the following manner : — FALL AND SPRING. For Boys. Monday. — 20 minutes Drill. 10 minutes First Series Calis- thenics. Tuesday. — 15 minutes Light Dumb-bell Series. 15 minutes Third Series Calisthenics. Wednesday. — 15 minutes Second Series Calisthenics. 15 minutes Stationary Rope Series, Thursday. — 20 minutes Drill. 10 minutes First Series Calisthenics. Friday. — Choral Practice. For Girls. Monday. — 20 minutes Drill. 10 minutes First Series Calis- thenics. Tuesday. — 15 minutes Second Series Calisthenics. 15 min- utes L^gLt Dumb-bell Series. Wednesday. — 15 minutes Third Series Calisthenics. 15 min- utes Indian Club Series. 12 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. !I!!I' !i!!| i 1. Thursday. — 20 minutes Drill. 10 minutes First Series Calisthenics. Fri(1,ay. — Choral Practice. WINTER. For Boys. Monday. — 15 minutes Drill. 15 minutes First Series Calis- thenics. Tuesday. — 10 minutes Light Dumb-bell Series. 20 minutes Third Series Calisthenics. Wednesday, — 10 mi utes Second Series Calisthenics. 20 minutes Stationary Rope Series. Thursday. — 10 minutes Drill. 10 minutes First Series Calisthenics. 10 minutes Third Series Calisthenics. Friday. — Choral Practice. For Girls. Monday. — 15 minutes Drill. 15 minutes First Series Calis- thenics. Tuesday. — 20 minutes Indian Club Series. 10 minutes Second Series Calisthenics. Wednesday. — 15 minutes Third Series Calisthenics. 15 min- utes Light Dumb-bell Series. Thursday. — 10 minutes Drill. 20 minutes Indian Club Series. Friday. — Choral Practice. For the sake of classification, all the exercises in this book, except drill, that are performed without appliances, come under the head of calisthenics ; where appliances are used, they come under the head of gymnastics. PHYSICAL CULTURE. 13 PART I. FOR BOYS. DRILL The Squad Drill, as here given, is taken from the Field Exercise, without alterations or additions, except that the word "pupil" is substituted for that of "soldier," marginal notes are given, and some changes are introduced, necessary to its use in schools. The reasons for not altering it are these : — 1. The fundi- mental principles, as laid down in the Field Exercise, are so simply expressed that they can be easily learned ; 2. The Field Exercise, having been for numbers of years in use, and having been revised from time to time by gentlemen in Her Majesty's Service, by Her Majesty's command, it must be as nearly perfect as possible ; 3. That the drill may assimilate with that in use by the volunteers and regulars, so that if at any future time the pupil should join the volunteers or Military School, he will have nothing to learn or unlearn so far as Squad Drill is concerned. 14 PHYSICAL (lULTURE. DEFINITIONS. Alignment. — An imaginary straight line lying between two points, or the prolongation of that line, upon which the pupils are to form, or march. Diagonal March. — A march by which the pupils move to a flank at an angle of 45° with their front. Dress. — From the French dresser, " to straighten." The word given to the pupils to correct their alignment. File. — Two pupils ; a front rank pupil and his rear rank pupil. Flank, Directing. — That by which companies march. Flank, Reverse. — That opposite to the Direct ig Flank. Flank, Front. — The front with reference to an alignment, is the direction of the supposed enemy. Used as a general term, the word signifies the direction in which the pupils face when occupying the same relative position as when last told off. Interval. — The lateral space between the pupils or corps. Pivot. — The flank pupil on whom, or the point on which a wheel is made. Rank. — A line of pupils side by side. Section. — The fourth part of a company. Squad. —A division of a company for purposes of interior economy. Also, a small number of pupils formed for drill. SQUAD DUILL. 15 GENERAL RULES. move to a I. Instruction of the Pupil. — 1. The Instructors must be clear, firm and concise in giving their directions. They must allow for uhe different capacities of the beginners, and be patient where endeavour and good will are apparent. 2. Pupils should fully comprehend one part of their drill before they proceed to another. When first taught their positions, they should be properly placed by the instructor ; when more advanced, they should not be touched, but taught to correct themselves when admonished. They should not be kept too long at any one part of their exercise. IL Duration oj Drills^ etc. — Short and frequent drills are preferable to long lessons, which exhaust the attention both of the instructor and pupils. The pupils should be moved on progressively from squad to squad, according to their merit, so that the quick intelligent pupils may not be kept back by those of inferior capacity. To arrive at the first squad, should be an object of ambition to the pupil. Ill Mutual Instruction. — A system of mutual instruction will be practised aniongst pupils ; it gives additional interest in their drill and prepares them for the duties of a teacher. Pupils should, in turn, be called out to put their squad through the exercises which have been practised, and encouraged to correct any error they may observe. Lists of those who show talent for imparting instruction should be kept, for reference, by the teachers. 16 PHYSICAL CULTURK. IV. Words of Command. — 1. Every command niust be loud, and distinctly pronounced, so as to be heard by all concerned. 2. Every command that consists of one word must be preceded by a caution. The caution, or cautionary part of a command, must be given slowly and distinctly j the last or executive part, which, in general, should consist of only one word or syllable, must be given sharply and quickly ; as Company — Halt: Half Right — Turn. A pause of slow time will invariably be made between the caution, or cautionary part of a command, and the executive word. 3. The words given in the Extension Motions and Balance Step (ss. 5, 11), must be given sharply, or slowly and smoothly, as the nature of the motion may roquire. 4. When the last word of a caution is the signal for any preparatory movement, it will be given as an executive word, and separated from the rest of the C( araand by a pause of slow time ; thus. Right — Form. Quick — March, as though there were two separate commands, each with its caution and execu- tive word. 5. When the pupils are in motion, executive words must be completed as they are commencing the pace which will bring them to the spot on which the command has to be executed. The cautionary part of the word must, therefore, be commenced accordingly. 6. The pupils should frequently be practised in giving words of command. It will bi^ found a good plan to practise the class in giving words of command, first in succession, then simultaneously, the time and pitch being first given by the instructor. SQUAD DRILL. 17 SQUAD DRILL. Cl(i88 or Squad Drill, with Intervals. 1. The pupils will be placed in line (that is, side by side) at arm's length apart ; while so formed, they will be termed a '* Squad with Intervals." 2. If necessary, the squad may consist of two such lines, in which case the pupils in the second line will cover the intervals between the pupils in the tirst, so that in marching they may take their own points, as directed in s. 10. 3. Pupils should in the first instance be placed by the instructor without any dressing ; when they have learned to dress, as directed in s. 8, they should be taught to fall in as above described, and then to dress and to correct their intervals? after they have been instructed as far as s. 22, they may fall in, in single rank, and then, if required to drill with intervals, be moved as directed in s. 24. 4. Pupils formed into a squad should be directed to observe the relative places they hold with each other ; while resting between the exercises they should be permitted to fall out and move about ; they should be instructed on the word *' Assemble" to fall in as they stood at first. This should be constantly practised. 18 PHYSICAL CULTURE. S. 1.— POSITION OF THE PUPIL. 41 I (Cut No. 1). The exact squareness of the shoulders and body to the front is the first and great principle. The heels must be in line and closed; the knees straight; the toes turned out, so that the feet may form an angle of 45 degrees; the arms hanging easily from the shoulder, the hand open, thumb to the front and close to the fore-finger, fingers lightly touching the thighs; the hips rather drawn back, and the breast advanced, but without con- straint ; the body straight and inclining forward, so that the weight of it may bear principally on the fore part of the feet ; the head erect, but not thrown back, the chin slightly drawn in, and the eyes looking straight to the front. When the pupils fall in for instruction, they will be taught to place themselves in the position above described. SQUAD DRiLL. 19 Note.— On the word " Attention," the pupils will immedi- ately assume the preceding position. N.B. — The words in the margin, printed in italics^ are the commands to be given by the instructor. S. 2.— STANDING AT EASE. The pupils will first be taught the motions of standing at ease by numbers, then judging the time. 1. By lumbers. Caution. — Stand at ease, by numbers. / On the word " One," raise the arms from the I elbows, left hand in front of the centre of the One. J ^^^y> *^ h'gh ^s *h6 waist, palm upwards ; the I right hand as high as the right breast, palm to I the left front ; both thumbs separated from the Vfingers, and the elbows close to the sides. {On the word "Two," strike the palm of the right hand on that of the left, drop the arms to their full extent, keeping the hands together and passing the right hand over the back of the left as they fall ; at the same time draw back the right foot six inches, and slightly bend the left knee. When the motions are completed, the arms mus.'t hang loosely and easily, the fingers pointing towards the ground, the right thumb lightly held between the thumb and palm of the left hand ; the body must incline forward, the weight being on the right leg, and the whole attitude without constraint. Squad — i On the word " Attention," spring up to the Attention. \ position described in s. 1. Two. II ! ii^.in 11- i I I 20 Caution. - Stand at — Ease. Squad — Attention. If the command " Stand at ease," is followed bj the word " Stand easy," the pupils will be permitted to move their limbs, but without quitting their ground, so that on coming to " Attention," no one shall have materially lost his dressing in line. If the pupils are required to keep their dressing accurately, they should be cautioned not to move their left feet. On the word " Squad," being given to the pupils when stand- ing easy, all will at once assume the position of standing at ease. PHYSICAL CULTURE. 2. — Judging the Time. —Stand at ease, judging tJie time. {On the word " Ease," go through the motions described in the standing at ease by numbers, distinctly but smartly, and without any pause between them. As before. S. 3.— DRESSING A SQUAD WITH INTERVALS. { On the word " Eyes right," the eyes will be Eyes—Right. < directed to the right, the head being slightly ' turned in that direction. On the word " Dress," each pupil, except the right hand one, will extend his right arm, palm of the hand upwards, nails touching the shoulder of the pupil on his right; at the same time he will take up his dressing in line by moving, with short quick steps, till he is just able to distinguish the lower part of the face of the second pupil beyond him ; care must be taken that he carries his body backward or forward with thw feet, keeping his shoulder perfectly square in their original position. Dress. SQUAD DRILL. 21 Eyes— Front. /. word " Eyes — front," the head and be turned to the front, the arm and the position of attention, as On the eyes will \ dropped, ^ described in s. 1, resumed. Dressing by the left will be practised in like manner S. 4.— TURNINGS. In going through the turnings, the left heel must never quit the ground, but the pupil must turn on it as on a pivot, the right foot being drawn back to turn the body to the right, and carried forward to turn it to the left ; the body must incline forward, the knees being kept straight. In the first of all the following motions, the foot is to be carried back, or brought forward, without a jerk, the movement being from the hip ; so that the body may be kept perfectly steady until it commences to turn. {On the word " Turn," place the hollow of the right foot smartly against the left heel, keeping the shoulders square to the front. On the word 'Vo," raise the toes and turn a quarter circle to the right on both heels, which must be pressed together. f On the word "Turn," place the right heel Ij^ft — Turn. I against the hollow of the left foot, keeping the J shoulders square to the front. On the word " Two," raise the toes and turn a quarter circle to the left on both heels, which ^must be pressed together. On the word '* Turn," place the ball of the right toe against the left heel, keeping the shoulders square to the front. On the word " Two," raise the toes and turn to the right about on both heels. On the word "Three," bring the right foot smartly back in line with the left. Two. Two. Right about — Turn. Two. Three. 2^ PHYSICAL CULTURE. m 11 III il!f Left about — Turn. Two. Three. Half— Eight (or left) — Turn. Two. Three-quar- f ters — Right I {or left) J > about-Turn. I , Two. Three. \ On the word " Turn," place the right heel against the ball of the left toe, keeping the shoulders square to the front. On the word " Two," raise the toes and turn to the left about on both heels. On the word " Three," bring up the right foot smartly in line with the left. On the word " Turn," draw back (or advance) the right foot one inch. On the word "Two," raise the toes and turn half right (or left) on both heels. Make a three-quarters turn in the given direction in the same manner as in turning about. Squad- Front. I After any of the foregoing turnings, the word "Front" may be given, on which the whole will turn, as accurately as possible, to their former front. When the pupil has previously turned about, he will always front by the right about. But if he has turned to the three-quarter right about, he will front by the three-quarters left ^^about, and vice versa. At squad drill with intervals, the turnings will always be done by numbeis, except w^hen the word " Front " is given, in which case the pupil will judge the time, which must be a pause of slow time after each motion. i: S. 5.— EXTENSION. MOTIONS. In order to open his chest, and give freed Dm to his muscles, the pupil will be practised in the following extension motions. 9 SQUAD DRILL. 23 One. Two. Three. Four. Pupils formed in squads with intervals will be turned a half turn to the right, before commencing these practices. Caution. — First Practice : — ' On the word " One," bring the hands, at the full extent of the arms, to the front, close to the body, knuckles downwards, till the fingers meet at the points; then raise them in a circular ■{ direction over the head,* the ends of the fingers still touching and pointing downwards, so as to touch the cap, thumbs pointing to the rear, elbows pressed back, shoulders kept \down. {On the word " Two," throw the hands up, extending the arms smartly upwards, palms of the hands inwardd ; then force them obliquely back, and gradually let them fall to the posi- tion of " Attention," elevating the neck and chest as much as possible. On the word "Three," raise the arms out- wards from the sides without bending the elbow, pressing the shoulders back, until the (hands meet above the head, palms to the front, fingers pointing upwards, thumbs locked, left .thumb in front. On the word " Four," bend over until the hands touch the feet, keeping the arms and knees straight; after a slight pause, raise the body gradually, bring the arms to the sides, and resume the position of " Attention." ^•B. — The foregoing motions are to be done slowly, so that the muscles may be exerted throughout. 'Letting them touch the clothes and pass close to the face as they are raised. 24 PHYSICAL CULTURK. One. Two. One. Two. Three. Caution. — Second Practice : — On the word " One," raise the hands in front of the body, at the full extent of the arms, and in line with the mouth, palms meeting, but without noise, thumbs close to the forefingers, {On the word " Two," separate the hands smartly, throwing them well back, slanting downwards ; at the same time raise the body on the fore part of the feet. ( On the word " One," bring the arms forward ( to the position above described, and so on. f On the word " Three," smartly resume the \ position of " Attention." In this practice, the second motion may be continued without repeating the words "One," "Two," by giving the order " Continue the Motion ;" the squad will then take the time from the right hand pupil ; on the word " Steady," the pupils will remain at the second position, and on the word " Three," they will resume the position of " Attention." Caution. — Third Practice : — The squad will make a second half- turn to the right before commencing the third practice. /On the word " One," raise the hands, with the fists clenched, in front of the body, at the full \ extent of the arms, and in line with the mouth, ! thumbs upwards, fingers touching. / On the word " Two," separate the hands J smartly, throwing the arras back in line with I the shoulders, back of the hands downwards. j On the word " Three," swing the arms round ( as quickly as possible from front to rear. One. Two. Three. SQUAD DRILL. 26 Steady. Four. ( On the word " Steady," resume the second ( position. I On the word " Four," let the arms fall I smartly to the position of attention. One. S 6.— SALUTING. See dotted lines of cut No. 1, p. 18. Pupils will be practised in saluting, first by numbers, then judging the time ; being turned to the right for the right hand salute, to the left for the left hand salute. Caution. — Right hand Salute , by numbers : — On the word " One," bring the right hand smartly, but with a circular motion, to the head, palm to the front, point of the forefinger one inch above the right eye, thumb close to the forefinger ; elbow in line and nearly square with the shoulder; at the same time slightly turn the head to the left. I On the word " Two," let the arm fall to the ) side, and turn the head to the front. Caution. — Right hand Salute, judging the time : — Right hand [ On the word " Salute," go through the two — Salute. I motions described in One and Two. The pupils will be taught to salute with the left hand in like manner. A pupil, if standing still when his officer passes, will turn towards him, come to attention, and salute when the officer is four paces from him ; he will lower the hand after a pause of six paces of quick time ; if sitting, he will rise, stand at atten- tion, and salute. When a pupil addresses his officer, he will Two. 26 PHYSICAL CULTURE. salute, making a pause of slow time between the first and second motions, and halt two paces from him. When walking, pupils will salute their officers as they pass them, commencing their salute four paces before they come up to them. When a pupil passes any of his officers he will salute on the fourth pace before reaching him, and will lower the hand on the fourth pace after passing him. Pupils should be practised in marching, two or three together, round the drill ground, saluting points placed on either side of them, care being taken that they always salute with the hand further from the point saluted : when several are together, the one nearest to that point will give the time. MARCHING. S. 7.— LENGTH OF PACE.* In slow or quick time the regulation length of a pace is 30 inches, except in " stepping out," when it is 33 inches, and in "stepping short," when it is 21. In "double time" the length of the pace is 33 inches. The length of the side step is 1 2 inches. N.B. — When a pupil takes a side pace to clear or cover another, as in forming four deep, which will be hereafter described, the pace will be 24 inches. S. 8.— CADENCKf In slow time, 75 paces are taken in a minute. In quick time, 116 paces, making 96 yards 2 feet in a minute, and 3 miles *For boys, the pace must be regulated according to the age of the squad, and it should be impressed on them that they must take a full step, but without straining. fThe amount of ground stated to be covered in the above is for paces of 30 inches, for boys it will of course be less according to age, or size. SQUAD DRILL. 27 520 yards in an hour. In double time, 165 paces, making 151 yards 9 inches in a minute, and 5 miles 275 yards in an hour. n S. 9.— THE DRUM, PLUMMET AND PACE STICK. No pupil or squad of pupils must be taught to march with- out the constant use of the drum and pace stick. The drum will lirst beat the time in which the pupils are to march when the squad is halted ; then, from time to time, when it is in motion. While the drum is beating at the halt, the pupils will give their whole attention to the cadence ; when it ceases, the instructor will at once put the squads in motion. In order to ascertain whether the time is beaten correctly, a pendulum or a "Plummet" (or Metronome) must be used. A variety of pendulums have been constructed for this purpose. When no pendulum is at hand, a plummet can readily be made by suspending a spherical ball of metal by a string, the length of which, measured from the point of suspension to the centre of the ball, must be as follows for the different degrees of ma»'ch Inches. Hundredths. Slow time - - - 24 26 Quick - - - - 10 15 Double ... - 5 18 Thus arranged, the plummet will swing the exact time required. String being liable to stretch, the correctness of the plummet should frequently be tested by reference to a watch. The length of the pace in marching will be corrected with the pace stick, the accuracy of which should occasionally be tested by measurement. 28 PHYSICAL CULTURE. S. 10.— POSITION IN MARCHING. In marching, the pupil must maintain the position of the head and body, as directed in S. 1. He must be well balanced on his limbs. His arms and hands must be kept steady by his sides; care being taken that the hand does not partake of the movement of the leg. The movement of the leg must spring from the haunch, and be free and natural. Both knees must be kept straight, except while the leg is being carried from the rear to the front, when the knee must necessarily be a little bent, to enable the foot to clear the ground. The foot must be carried straight to the front, and without being drawn back, placed softly on the ground, so as not to jerk or shake the body ; the toes turned out at the same angle as when halted. Although several pupils may be drilled together in a squad with intervals, they must act independently and precisely as if they were being instructed singly. Each pupil must be taught to march in a straight line, and to take a correct pace, both as regards length and cadence, without reference to the other pupils of the squad. Before the squad is put in motion, the instructor will take care that the pupils are square individually and in correct line with each other. Each pupil must be taught to take up a straight line to his front, by first looking down the centre of his body between his feet, then fixing his eyes upon some object on the ground straight to his feet at a distance of about 100 yards ; he will then observe some nearer point in the same straight line, such as a stone, tuft of grass, or other casual object, about 50 yards distant. SQUAD DRILL. 20 Front. Rear. Front. Rear. Halt. S. 11.— BALANCE STEP. The object of the balance step is to teach the pupil the free movement of his legs, preserving at the same time perfect squareness of shoulders and steadiness of body ; no labor must be spared to attain this object, which forms the very foundation of correct marching. The instructor must be care- ful that the pupil keeps his body well forward, and his shoulders perfectly square during these motions. 1. Without Advancintj. Caution. — Balance Step, commencing with the Left Foot : — / On the word " Front," the left foot will be raised from the ground by a slight bend of the knee, and carried gently to the front, without a jerk, the knee being gradually straightened \ as the foot is carried forward ; the foot to be turned out at the same angle as when halted, the sole parallel to and clear of the ground, the heel just in advance of the line of the \right toe. On the word " Rear," given when the body is steady, the left foot will be brought gently back, without a jerk, till the toe is in line with the right heel, clear of the ground ; the left knee to be a little bent. 1^ When steady, the words " Front" and "Kear" < will be repeated several times, and the motions' y performed as above described. On the word " Halt," which should always be given when the moving foot is in the rear, that foot will be brought to the ground in a line with the other. r 80 physk;al culture. i i' The instructor will afterwards make the pupil balance upon the left foot, carrying the right foot forward and backward. Caution.- Front. Forward. Front. Hah. 2. Advancing, Balancf Step, advancing on the word ^^ Forward " .• ( On the word " Front," the left foot will be ( carried to the front, as described in No. 1. As soon as the pupils are steady in the above position, the word " Forward " will be given, on which the left foot will be brought to the ground at 30 inches distance from heel to heel,* toes turned out at the same angle as when halted ; and the right foot will immedi- ately be raised and held extended to the rear, toe in line with the left heel, the right knee to be slightly bent. Great care must be taken that the toes remain throughout at the proper angle ; that the body accompanies the leg, and that the inside of the heel is placed on the imaginary straight line that passes through the points on which the pupil is marching ; that the body remains straight, but inclining for- ward ; that the head is erect, and turned neither to the right nor left. i On the word ** Front," the right foot will be ( brought forward ; and so on alternately. {On the word " Halt," which should always be given when the moving foot is to the front, that foot will complete its pace, and the rear foot will be brought up in line with it. * For boys, the distance from heel to heel will be regulated according to the age of the class. SQUAD DRILL. i\] i: S. 12— THE SLOW MARCH. The three most important objects in this part of the drill are cadence, length of pace, and direction. The time having been given on the drum, on the word " March," the left foot will be carried 30 inches* to the front, as directed in s. 10 ; the right foot will then be carried forward in like manner, and so on alternately. The pupil must be thoroughly instructed in this step, as an essential preparation for arriving at accuracy in the paces of greater celerity. Slow — March. S. 13.— THE HALT. I On the word " Halt," the moving foot will // // \ complete its pace, and the rear foot be brought f up in line with it. It is a general rule that after the word " Halt," the pupils, whatever their position, will stand perfectly steady, unless ordered to " Dress." Step- S. 14.— STEPPING OUT. / When marching in slow time, on the word ^ J " Step — Out," the pupil will lengthen his pace to ^ 83 inches,! by leaning forward a little, but V without altering the cadence. This step is used when a slight increase of speed, without an alteration of cadence, is required ; on the word *' Slow — Step," the pace of 30 inchesf will be resumed. *See note, S. 7. fBoys will lengthen their pace about 3 inches. £ 32 m i i! ^li PHYSICAL CULTURE. S. 16.— STEPPING SHORT. On the words "Step — Short," the foot advanc- ing will finish its pace, and afterwards each pupil Step— Short. -{ will take paces of 21 inches* until the word " Forward," is given, when the usual pace of 30 inchest will be resumed. This step is used when a slight check is required. / Mark — Time. S. 16.— MARKING TIME. On the words " Mark — Time," the foot then advancing will complete its pace, after which the cadence will be continued, without advancing, < by raising each foot alternately about 3 inches from the ground, keeping the body steady ; on the word " Forward," the usual pace of 30 \ inches J will be resumed. From the Halt, the word of command will be '' Slow. Mark Time." Step — Back. Slow — March. Halt. A few S. 17.— STEPPING BACK. Jn stepping back, the pace will be 30 inches. § The pupils must be taught to move straight to the rear, preserving their shoulders square to the front and their bodies erect. On the word " Halt," the foot in front will be brought back square with the other. paces only, of the step, can be necessary at a time. *Boy8 will resume their original pace. +Boy8 will take paces about 8 inches shorter than their usual pace. tBoys will resume their original pace. §a«fl note, S. 7. ' r SQUAD DRILL. 38 S. 18.— CHANGING FEET. To change fest in marching, the advancing foot will complete its pace, and the ball of the rear foot will be brought up quickly to the heel of the advanced one, which will instantly make another step forward, so that the cadence will not be lost ; in fact, two successive steps will be taken with the same foot. This may be required when any part of a battalion, or a single pupil, is stepping with a difterent foot from the rest. Change — Feet. S. 19.— THE QUICK MARCH. The cadence of the slow march having become perfectly familiar to the pupil, he will be taught to march in quick time. (The time having been given on the drum, on the word "March," the squad will step off together, with the left foot, observing the rules given in s. 10. When a pupil is perfectly grounded in marching in quick time, all the alterations of step, and the marking time, and changing feet, laid down for the slow march, will be practised in quick time. Quick- March. 34 i^HYSICAL OtTLTUUE. ii S. 20. -THE DOUBLE MARCH. Double — March. The time having been given on the drum, on the word " March," the pupils will step ofi together with the left foot ; at the same time raising their hands as high as the waist, carrying back the elbows and clenching the fists, the flat part of the arm to the side ; the head to be kept erect, and the shoulders square to the front ; the knees being more bent, and the body more advanced, than in the other marches. The In- structor will be careful to habituate the pupil to the pace, as given in s. 7. As in s. 13, at the same time dropping the hands and extending the fingers. The pupil will be taught to mark time in the double cadence in the same manner as in the slow and quic':. Squad- Halt S. 21.— THE SIDE OR CLOSING STEP. The pupils will first be taught the side step by Numbers, then judging the time. 1. By Numhers. Caution. — Right Close, by Numbers, (On the word " One," the right foot will be carried 12 inches to the right, the shoulders and face being kept perfectly square to the front, and the knees straight. I On the word " Two," The left foot will be i closed smartly to the right foot, heels touching, One,. Two. j-w SQUAD DRILL. 35 ;he drum, ■ 11 step off I same time | Squad- Halt. b, carrying H bs, the flat ■ bo be kept I front ; the 1 Caution ody more H The In- 1 the pupil H )ping the H e cadence H Right Close, Quick — March. c The word " One," being repeated, the right One. < Hoot will be carried on 12 inches as before ' described, and so on. l' When the word "Halt," is given, the left I foot will be closed to the right, as on the word ( "Two." 2. Judging the Time. Caution. — Right Close, judging the Time. I On the word " March," each pupil will carry his right foot 12 inches direct to the right, and instantly close his left foot to it, thus completing the pace ; he will proceed to take the next pace in the same manner ; shoulders to be kept square, knees not bent, unless on rough or broken ground ; the cadence is that of quick time. The direction must be kept in a straight line to the flank, neither inclining to the front nor rear. ( On the word " Halt," the pupils will complete ( the pace they are taking, and remain steady. Pupils will be practised in closing to the left by Numbers, and judging the Time, in like manner. Pupils will also be practised in taking any given number of paces to either flank, aiid halting without word of command ; the command to be given thus, " Three paces Right Close, Quick — March." i Squad- Halt. S. 22.— TURNING WHEN ON THE MARCH. Pupils will be practised in turning to the right or left, in making a half turn to the right or left, and in turning to the right or left about, on the march. _ i 36 PHYSICAL CULTURE. lill! !i Right- Turn. 1. Turning to the Right and then to the Front. — On the word " Turn," which should be given as the left foot is coming to the ground, each pupil will turn in the named direction, and move on at once, without checking his \ pace. On the word " Turn," which should be given as the right foot is coming to the ground, each pupil will turn again to the front, and move on without checking his pace. / 2. Turning to the Left^ and then to tlie Front. — Pupils will turn to the left in like manner, the word " Turn " being given as I the right foot is coming to the ground ; after which they will turn to the front, the word ** Turn," being given as the left foot is coming to the ground. A pupil will always turn to the right on the left foot ; and to the left on the right foot. If the word Turn is not given as the proper foot is coming to the ground, the pupil will move on one pace more and then turn. 3. Making a Half Turn to tJie Right or Left — The pupils will also be practised in making a half turn to the right or left, and then moving on (without checking their pace) in a diagonal direction, taking up fresh points, at once, to march on. 4. Turning to the Right, or Lefty about. — Pupils will also be taught to turn about on the march, which must be done by each pupil on his own ground, in three paces without losing the cadence. Having completed the turn about, the pupil will at once move forward, the fourth pace being a full pace as before. Front — Turn. Left- Turn. Front — Turn. V pgi; \A ■vp SQUAD DRILL. 37 SQUAD DRILL. In Single Rank. S. 23.— DIRECTING AND REVERSE FLANKS. As explained in the Definitions. S. 24— FORMATION OF THE SQUAD IN SINGLE RANK.* At this stage of the drill, a 1 3w pupils will be formed in single rank without intervals, that is, nearly touching eadh other. Each pupil is allowed a space of about 24 inches. The right-hand or left-hand pupil being first placed, the remainder will fall in, in line one after the other, closing lightly towards him, turning the elbow slightly outwards. Pupils must be carefully instructed in " The Touch," as in this formation it is the principal guide when marching. Each pupil when properly in line should be able to feel the pupil to his right or his left at the elbow. The body must be preserved in the position described in s. 1. *The pupils can the first time be arranged in the following manner: Place the pnpilfi in single rank, the tallest on the right, the shortest on the left ; direct the right hand pupl to take one ,)ace to the front, and the next to place himself one pace m front of the pupil, on the left ; then number. Three will place himself on the left of number One ; and number Four will ?lace himself on the right of number Two ; number Five, left of number 'hree ; number Six, right of number Four ; and so continue until all ai-e in line. When the pupils are once sized in this manner, they should re- member their positions, and after the first time, on the word Assemble," fall in as above sized. k\\\ I « !l I ! 11 " liiijili !i 38 PHYSICAL CULTURE. When a squad in single rank is required to drill with inter- vals, the instructor will direct the odd numbers to -take one pace forward, the even numbers to step back one pace. S. 25.— DRESSING WHEN HALTED. Pupils will first be taught to dress one by one, then together. In dressing, each pupil will glance towards the flank to which he is ordered to dress, with a slight turn of the head, as directed in s. 3 : he must carry his body backward or forward with the feet, moving to his dressing with short quick steps ; bending backward or forward must be avoided ; his shoulders must be kept perfectly sonare, and the position of the pupil, as described in the preceding section, retained throughout. Two pupils f on the right and one on the left, a pace and a J half to the Front. Slow — March. One by One, by the Right - — Dress up. 1. Dressing One by One. Preparatory to teaching a squad to dress by the right, the instructor will order the two pupils on the right, and one on the left, to take a pace and a half to the front ; iiaving completed his pace and a half, the right-hand pupil will take four side paces to his right ; and the three points thus placed will raise their right arms from the elbow, at right angles to their bodies. The instructor, having ascertained that the points are in line, will order his squad to dress up one by one. The third papil from the right will take one pace to his front with the left foot, and shufile up into line in the manner already described : as soon as he is steady, the next pupil will proceed in like manner, and so on to the left. The faces of the pupils, not their breasts or feet, are the line of dressing. Each pupil is to be able just to distinguish the lower part of the face of the second pupil beyond him, SQUAD DRILL. 39 When the instructor is satisfied that the line is correct, he will give the words " Eyes — Eyes — I Front," on which the pupils will turn their heads Front. \ and eyes to the front, the three points will drop their hands, and the right hand pupil will close ^ on the squad. In like manner the squad must be taught to dress up, one by one, by the left : also to dress back, one by one, by the right and left. 2. Dressing together. The pupils must next be taught to dress forward and back- ward, taking the pace together, but shuffling up or back in succession, the same points being given as in dressing one by one. The words of command will be " Squad, By the Right (or Left) — Dress up," or, " By the Righf (or Left) — Dress Back." 3. Dressing without points. When the pupils are on the alignment they have to occupy, and their dressing is simply to be corrected, the word " Right (or Left) — Dress," or after the word " Halt," the word "Dress " only, will be given, on which they will shuffle up or back to their places successively, commencing with the pupil orf the flank from which they are dressed. When no pupil is placed for that purpose, the instructor should invariably fix upon some casual object on which to dress his line. It will be found most useful to accustom pupils lo dress on an alignment not parallel or perpendicular, but oblique, to any well-defined adjacent line, such as the side of a square parade ground. • 40 PHYSICAL CULTURE. S. 26.— TURNINGS. The pupil will next practise in single rank, judging the time, the turning he has been taught by numbers. Pupils are never unnecessarily to stand turned to the rear. Ill fin ! i !i llilitl! S. 27.— MARCHING TO THE FRONT AND REAR. The pupil will next practise in single rank the diflferent marches and varieties of step which he has learned singly, or in squad : the same general rules being observed. Before a squad is ordered to march, the directing flank must be indicated by the caution, " By the Right," or, " By the Left." • During the march, care must be taken that neither the head nor the eyes are ever turned towards either flank ; that the dressing is kept by the touch ; and that the shoulders are kept perfectly square, and the body steady. The squad will first be taught to march straight to the front, both by the right and left, in slow and quick time ; it will then be practised in all the varieties of step, and in marking time, in both cadences ; after which it will be exercised in the double time. The pupil will be practised in changing the pace, without halting, from slow to quick, and from quick to slow time ; also from quick to double, and from double to quick. Before the executive words -'Slow," "Quick," or, "Double," the caution, " Break into Slow (Quick or Double) — Time," should be given. In breaking from double time into quick, on the word "Quick," the arms will be dropped and the fingers extended. The instructor should occasionally remain halted in rear of the pupil on the directing flank ; and, by fixing his eyes on SQUAD DRILL. 41 some distant object, ascertain if the squad is marching straight to its front. When a pupil finds himself a little behind, or before, the other pupils of his squad, he must be taught to recover his place in the rank gradually, and not to jump or rush to it, which would make him unsteady and spoil the marching of the rest of the squad. S. 28. Right — Wheel. Slow — March. Squad- Halt. Dress. -A SINGLE RANK AT THE HALT, CHANGING FRONT. 1. By Wheeling. On the word " March," the right hand pupil, called the pivot pupil, will mark time, turning gradually with the squad, to the new front ; the remainder will step off, the whole turning their eyes to the left (the wheeling flank), except the left hand pupil, who will look inwards, and step the usual pace, the other pupils regulating their length of pace according to their distance from the pivot flank. During the wheel, each pupil must touch lightly, as explained in s. 27, towards the pivot flank, keeping his shoulders square in line ; crowding must be carefully avoided ; each pupil must yield to any pressure that may come from the pivot flank, and resist all pressure coming from the outer flank. On the word " Halt," which may be given at any period of the wheel, the pupils will halt and turn their eyes to the front; on the word " Dress," they will take up their dressing by the right, as described in s. 25, No. 3, I ! -i t i t 42 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Eyes — ( ^^ ^^^ word " Front," tho pupils will turn Front. \ their heads and eyes to the front. A squad will wheel to the left in like manner. Nothing will sooner tend to enable the pupil to acquire the length of step, proportioned to his distance from the pivot, than continuing the wheel without halting, for several revolu- tions of the circle. When the pupils are required to wheel to the rear of the alignment they occupy, they will be turned about, and then wheeled as above directed, receiving the words " Halt," "Front — Dress," followed by " Eyes — Front,"* when in position. After wheeling has been taught in slow time, i^ will be practised in quick and double time. 2. By File formation. ' On the word " Form," the right han^ pupil will turn to the right ; the remainder will make a half turn to the right. On the word "March," all, except the right hand pupil will step off; each pupil, glancing to the right, will move, at the usual length of pace, by the shortest line, to his place in the new front, and take up his \ dressing by the right. On the word *' Front," the pupils will turn their heads and eyes to the front. A squad will form to the left in like manner. This formation will be practised in double as well as in quick time. Bight — Form. Quick — March. < Eyes — Front. i It I S. 29.— A SINGLE RANK, ON THE MARCH, CHANGING DIRECTION. Eight— Wlieel. r On the word " Wheel," the pupils will wheel < to the right, as explained in s. 28, No. 1 ; the \ pivot pupil turning gradually with the squad, I iSIi! SQUAD DRILL. 43 ( On the word " Forward," the whole will turn Forward. J their eyes to the front and step off at a full I pace. The instructor will give his word " Forward," when he sees that the pupils are commencing the pace that will bring the front of the squad perpendicular to the direction in which he intends it to move ; this may be done at any degree of the circle. In like manner the squad will be taught to change direction to the left. S. 30.— THE DIAGONAL MARCH. \\ \ \\\ ,1 1 J .1 I } ) ,1 ,1 I /////////////// f /////////////// / / // / y / / / / / / // a::::f::lnt±i:::c±":ru:ri::±ni t±±:T V (Cut 2.) This march will first be taught, commencing from the halt, after which the pupils when marching in line will be practised in moving diagonally to either flank, by making a half turn in the direction required. 1. From the Halt. On the word " Turn," the pupils will make a half turn to the right, and on the word "March," each pupil will step off and move correctly in the diagonal direction, no longer keeping the touch. The right hand pupil will direct, and must therefore pay particular attention to his direc- tion and pace. Each of the other pupils will glance towards the right, and will retain his relative position, keeping his right shoulder behind the left shoulder of the next pupil on that side. Half Right — Turn. Slow — Ma/rch. 44 PHYSICAL CULTURE. r On the word "Halt," the squad will halt; \_p\.Qnl \ ^^^ 01^ the word " Front," it will turn to its f original front. If the diagonal inarch has been properly preformed, the squad when halted and fronted will be found to he in a line parallel to its original position. 2. On the March. Half Right — Turn. { ( When the squad is marching to the front, and is required to move in a diagonal direction to the right, the word, "Half Right— Turn," will be given, upon which the pupils will turn half right and move diagonally in that direction, as described from the halt ; when it is intended to resume the original direction, the word " Front — Turn," 'ill be given, on which every pupil will tur his front and move forward without \ checking his pace. In like manner the diagonal march will be practised to th.^ left, from the halt and on the march. The diagonal march will also be practised in quick and double time. Front — Turn. mn 1 1 S. 31.— MARCHING AS IN FILE. The pupils will first be taught to commence marching as in file, from the halt ; after which they must be taught, when marching in line, to turn to either flank as in file. SQUAD DRILL. 45 Right {or Left)— Turn. I Slow — March. { 1. From the Halt. I Pupils, when standing as in file, must be in- structed how to cover each other exactly. The head of the pupil immediately before each one, when he is correctly covered, will conceal the heads of all others in his front. The strictest observance of all the rules for marching i. particularly necessary when march- \ ing as in file. On the word " March," the whole will step ofi" together, at a full pace, and will so continue to step without increasing or diminishing the distance between each other. No looking down, nor leaning back is to be allowed. The leader is to be directed to march straight forward on some distant objects, the remainder of the I pupils covering correctly during the march. f On the words " Halt— Front," the pupils Squad, Halt) will halt and turn to their original front, and, — Front. \ if the marching has been properly performed, ! their dressing will be found correct. 2. On the Ma/rcli. J On the word " Turn," the pupils will turn to j the right, and move on as in file. The original direction is resumed by giving the word " Front — Turn," on which the pupU will turn to the front, and then move on steadily in line. Right- Turn. Front — Turn. In like manner pupils will be taught to turn to the left from line and march as in file, and, when marching as in file, to turn as^ain to the front. 46 PHYSICAL CULTURE. The rules laid down in S. 22, No. 2, regarding the foot on which the pupils is to turn, must be strictly observed in a squad in single rank. Marching as in file will also be practised in quick time, but never in double time. S. 32.— WHEELING AS IN FILE Right{orJeft) — Wheels or Right — about [or Left— ahoiiC) — Wheel The squad, when marching as in file, will be taught to change its direction by wheeling to the right or to the left, or to the right (or left) about. The leading pupil will move round a quarter, or half, of the circumference of a circle having a radius of four feet ; the other pupils following on his footsteps in succession, without increasing or diminishing their distances from each other or altering the cadence, but shorten- ing the pace a little with the inner foot, as they wheel. S. 33.— THE PUPILS MARCHING AS IN FILE, FORMING SQUAD. 1. Forming to the Front, at tlie Halt. {When the squad, marching as in file to the right, is ordered to form to the front at the halt, the leading pupil will at once halt ; the re- mainder will make a half turn to the left, and form upon him as directed in s. 28, No. 2. Front Form — Squad. Eyes — Front. i Head and eyes will be turned to the front. SQUAD DRILL. 47 Front — Form Sqiuid. Forward. Forminrf to the Front, in Quick Time. f When a squad, mar jhing as in tile to the I right, is ordered to form to the front, the lead- f ing pupil will mark time ; the remainder will I make a half turn to the left, and form upon him, I marking time, and taking up the dressing, as Vthey arrive at their places. ( As soon as the squad is formed, the word "For- \ ward " will be given. 3. Forming to the Front in Double Time. On the March, Front — Form Squad. < Cut 3. f When a squad, marching as in file to the right, is ordered to form to the front, on the march, the leading pupil will continue moving on; the remainder will make a half turn to the left, double up to their j laces, and take up the quick time as they successively arrive in line \ with the leading pupil. 4. Forming to the Rear, in Quick, or Double Time. — '^au d I '^^^ * 'ement will proceed as described in Forward; or) No. 2 or No. 3 ; except that the pupils will ontheMarch,\ make a half turn to the right, and form on the Rear Form I right of the leading pupil. — Squad. \^. I |Miil!tili! 11 48 PHYSICAL CULTURE. ill III I Right Form — Squad. Eyes — Front. Right — about Form — Squad. 5. Forming to the Right. aaaaaaaijLiaiiiaaaaa^ Cut 4- "When marching as in file to the right, and ordered to form to the right, the leading pupil will wheel to the right, take two paces to his \ front, and halt ; the remainder will form in suc- I cession on his left, and be dressed as they get in- vto their places. / The word " Eyes — Front," will be given when I the squad is formed. 6. Forming to the Right — about. 4!#°° DUD a d ccP Cut 5. fWhen a squad, marching as in file to the right, is ordered to form to the "Right — about," the leading pupil will wheel to the "Right — about," take two paces to his front, and halt ; theremainder ^ will march on as in file, wheeling to the right on the spot where the leading pupil has wheeled, and form successively on his left, looking to the , flank of formation for their dressing. The words "Eyes — Front," will be given when the squad is formed. When marching as in file to the left, a squad will be formed to the front, or rear, or to the left, or left — about, on the same Eyes— Front ■{ SQUAD DRILL. 49 principle as it is formed to the front, or rear, or to the right, or right — about, when the right is leading. A squad marching as in file will resume its original front by the words " Halt— Front," or " Front— Turn." S. 34.— THE SIDE OR CLOSING STEP. The side or closing step will now be practised, the pupils judging the time, as laid down in s. 21, No. 2. Care must be taken that the shoulders are kept square, and the paces made in a direct line to the flank. SQUAD DRILL. In Two Banks. S. 35.— FORMATION OF SQUAD IN TWO RANKS. The squad will now be formed for drill in two ranks, sized as follows : — The squad will be sized from flanks to centre, the front and rear rank pupils being nearly the same height. When a squad is first sized, the following method will be adopted : — Having arranged the pupils in single rank according to their heights, tallest on the right, shortest on the left, direct the right-hand pupil to take three paces to the front, the next to place himself three paces in front of the left of the rank, ad a left-hand pupil, the third tallest pupil to place himself one pace in rear of the right-hand pupil, the fourth in rear of the left-hand pupil ; , then place the two next on the inner side of the front-rank pupils of the formed files, then the two next as I* 50 PHYSICAL CULTURE. their rear-rank, the taller pupil in each case taking the right ; and so on. Lastly, cause the two halves of the squad to close inwards on each other, and dress, the rear rank covering cor- rectly ; the blank file, if there is one, to be placed third from the left. After the pupils have once be sized, they must remember their relative heights, and be able to fall in in their proper places, on the word "Assemble." The pupils will take their places in succession, commencing from the flank on which they are ordered to form ; each rear rank pupil will be placed one pace of thirty inches from the front rank pupil, measuring from heel to heel, and will cover him correctly, the two pupils thus placed forming " a File." When the squad consists of an uneven number of pupils, the third pupil from the left of the front rank will be a " Blank," (or incomplete) "File." The file on the left of the right half squad will always be the centre of the squad. S. 36.— DRESSING. The front rank will dress as described in S. 25. The rear- rank will continue looking to their front, and will cover and correct their distances as the front rank take up their dressing. S. 37.— MARCHING TO THE FRONT AND REAR. A squad in two ranks will be practised in the marches, and variations of step, which have been taught in single rank. 1. Touch. The front rank will touch as directed in s. 24, SQTTAD DRILL. 51 2. Covering and Distance. While marching in line, the pupils of the rank in rear must accurately preserve their covering and distance. 3. Blank File rohile Retiring. When the squad turns to the r^ar, a blank file, after turning about, will step up and occupy the vacant space in the rear rank. On turning to the front, he will resume his original place. Open — Order. March. Rear Rank-* Dress. Eyes — Front. S. 38.— TAKING OPEN ORDER. / On the word " Order," the flank pupils of the J rear rank will step back two paces in slow time, I and turn to the right. On the word "March," the flank pupils will front, and raise the right arm horizontally from the elbow, and the rear rank will step back two paces. On the word '* Dress," the rear-rank will dress by the right. Care must be taken not to I move the flank pupils when dressing the rear [ rank. ( On the word " Front," the rear-rank pupils will turn their eyes to the front, and the flank ( pupils will drop their arms. Close — Order. March. j On the word '' March," the rear rank will ) take two paces to the front in slow time. A squad if drilling with arms will always be ordered to shoulder before taken open order. m 52 PHYSICAL CULTURE. S. 39.— CHANGING FRONT BY WHEELING, OR FILE FORMATION. The front rank of the squad will wheel, or form (forward), from the halt, or wheel on the march, according to the instruc- tions laid down in s. 28 or s. 29. The rear-rank pupils in wheeling will follow their front rank, keeping their proper distances, and covering ; in forming, they will preserve their diagonal position. S. 40.— THE DIAGONAL MARCH. The diagonal march will be practised in two ranks, in the manner described in s, 30. In addition to the instruction there given, the rear-rank pupils must be cautioned to preserve their relative positions with their front-rank, in order that they may be found to cover correctly when they are halted and fronted. S. 41.— FILE MARCHING, WHEELING IN FILES, AND FILES FORMING SQUAD, 1. File Marching. File marching will be practised as laid down in s. 31, care being taken that the rear-rank pupils dress correctly by their respective front-rank. 2. Wheeling in Files. Wheeling in files will be performed as laid down in s. 32 ; the inner rank must step rather shorter during the wheel, especially with the inner foot. If a squad is halted, or ordered to mark time, when only some of the files have wheeled into the new direction, the remainder should be taught to cover off, if required, by the id' J P SQUAD DRILL. 53 ^liagonal march on the words '* Rear Files — Cover " ; if the [word " Front," is to follow the word " Halt," the rear files need liiot be ordered to cover, but will move to their places on the Iword *' Dress." 3. Files forming to the Front, or Rear. The front-rank pupils of a squad marching in files will form Ito the front, as laid down in s. 33 ; the rear-rank pupil of the leading file will move into his place as soon as there is room for lliim ; the other rear-rank pupils will preserve their relative positions with their front-rank. In forming to the rear, the rear-rank pupils will act as laid down above for the front-rank, land vice versa. 1 4. Files forming to the Right, or Left, or to the Right or Left about. In these formations the rear-rank will form as described in 15. 33 ; the front-rank pupils will move around their respective rear-rank, and form successively in front of them. A squad marching in file will resume its original front by the word " Halt— Front," or " Front— Turn." a 42.— THE FORMATION OF FOURS. Squad with an Odd File. 98 765 4- -i 800 SQ 30 10 9aca 6E3 4n aa (Out 6.) Squad with a Blank Odd File. 7 e s 4 3 a I tai Ba B!l B!l E?a Ba 13 Qzi □□□□an Hggltgl SO 3^ iE3l W!3L 60 4CS9 Z^3k 9a ea 40 2t=i (Cut 7.) Squad with a Blank File. g^i§i^^|irarag^ era rra sra 3^ .^ loa 7C3 6C3 4a 2ca (Cut 8.) 54 PHYSICAL CULTURE. The squad should now he made up to eight or nine files, and numbered from right to left ; and it must be explained to the pupils that odd numbers are right files and even numbers left files. But in order that the left four may always be complete, when there happens to be an odd number on the left of the squad, the left file but one, although an even number, will be a right file, and the left file of the squad, though an odd number, will act as a left file ; in this case the third file from the left, being a right file without a left file, will be called an " Odd Pile " whether it is complete or blank. The four pupils composing a right and left file will be consid- ered as comrades in the field, and will act together, not only in forming fours, but on other occasions ; they should therefore take notice of each other when they are told off. Fours- Deep. Squad- Front. \. At the Halt. On the word " Fours," the rear rank will step back one pace of 18 inches.* On the word * ' Deep," the left files will take a pace of 24 inches* to the rear with their left feet, and a pace of 24 inches* to the right with their right feet. On the word " Front," the left files will move up in line with the right files, by taking a pace of 24 inches* to the left with their left feet, and a pace of 24 inches* to the front with their right, feet ; the rear rank pupils will then close up to their proper distances from the front rank, by taking a pace of 18 inches* to the front with \ their left feet. Fours— \ As already described. *0r less, according to the age of the squad. SQUAD DRILL. oo About. Sqnod- Frord, Fours- Right. vill take ■ ;heir left ■ ;ht with H Squad Front I Fours- ill move 1 g a pace ■ Feot, and ■ eir right H Left. se up to H >nt with ■ Squad Front. {On the word '• About," the sQuad will turn to the right — about, and the left files will form on the right files, by taking a pace of 24 inches* forward with their right feet, and a pace of 24 inches* to the left with their left feet. i On the word " Front," the squad will turn to the right — about, and re-form two deep as already described. \ As already described. On the word " Right," the squad will turn to the right, and the left tiles will form on the right of the right tiles, by taking one pace of 24 \ inches* to the . right with their right feet, and I one pace of 24 inches* to the front with their Vleft feet. I On the word " Front," the squad will turn to to the left, and re-form two deep as already ( described. \ As already d< >cribed. On the word •" Left," the squad will turn to the left, and the left files will form on the left of the right files, by taking one pace of 24 \ inches* to the left with their left feet, and one I pace of 24 inches* to the rear with their right \feet. -\ On the word " Front," the squad will turn to ■l the right, and re-form two deep as already I described. *0r less, according to the age of the squad. J^ 56 PHYSICAL CULTURE. 2. On the March. A squad on the march will be taught to form fours on tlie words •* Fours— Deep," " Fours— Rip^ht," and " Fours— Left;" in these formations the left files will move precisely as when forming from the halt, the right files marking time two paces to enable them to do so. On the word " Fours," the rank in rear will step short two paces ; if the word " Deep," follows, the right files will mark time two paces, while the left files move to their places in fours ; if the word " Right," or " Left," follows, the squad will first turn in the direction ordered, after which the right files will mark time two paces, while the left files move to their places. When moving to a fiank in fours, on the words " Half Right (or Left) — Turn," each pupil will make a half turn to the ordered flank, as in the diagonal march. When moving diagonally or direct, to a flank in fours, on the words " Front (or Rear) — Turn," the pupils will turn as ordered, and then form two deep without further word of com. mand, by the right files marking time two paces, while the left get into their places, and the rank in rear regains its distance. A squad moving to the front or rear, or to a flank in fours, may be ordered to " Form Two — Deep," on which the left files will fall back, or step up, into their places in file, and the rear rank will close on the front rank, the right files marking time two paces. A squad moving to a flank in file may be ordered to form " Pours — Deep." On the word " Fours," the rear rank will incline from the front rank by a lengthened step in the diagonal direction, and on the word " Deep," the left files will move to their places in fours, the right files marking time two paces. A squad moving to a flank by the diagonal march may be ordered to form fours to that flank. On the word " Ri^ht (or SQUAD DRILL. 57 Left) " the pupils will turn into file ; they will then form four deep without word of command. On the order to form fours while marking time, the rank in rear will step back a pace of 18 inches on the word " Fours." S. 43.— FOURS WHEELING, AND FORMING SQUAD. 1. Wheeling. A sq lad moving to a flank in fours will wheel to the right or left, or to the right or left — about, in the same manner as it wheels in files ; each four wheeling successively round the same point. When the word " Forward," is given during a wheel, the leading four will march straight forward in the directio^i i\l which it is then turned ; the remainder following. If the squad is halted, or ordered to mark time, when only some of the fours have wheeled, the remainder will move as directed in s. 41, on the words " Rear Fours — Cover." 2. Forming to the Front or Rear^ to the Right (or Lejt"), or to the Right (or Left) — about. When a squad moving in fours to a flank is ordered to form to the front or rear, to the right (or left), or to the right (or left) — about, it will at once form two-deep, and then proceed as described in s. s. 41 and 33. 58 PHYSICAL CTTLTURR. S. 44.--A SQUAD FORMED IN FOURS CLOSING ON A FLANK, OR ON THE CENTRE, AND REFORMING TWO DEEP. For the following practices 10 or 12 files are required. On the Right (Left, or Centre^, Close. Quick — March. /. squad having formed four deep, will be taught to close on the right, left, or centre ; the four pupils on the named Hank, or in the centre, standing fast, the remainder closing on them by the side step. From the Right {Le/ty or Centre), Re-form, Two Deep. Quick — March. J ( In re forming two deep, on the word " March," the four pupils on the n'"Tied flauk, or in the centre, will stand fast, tue remainder will open out from them by the side step, and the left files will move up to their places in line in succes- sion as the intervals are opened for them ; the rear-rank pupils will step up to their proper \ distances at the same time. These formations will also be practised on the march. On the words, " On the Right (Left, or Centre) — Close," the files on the named flank, or in th( ntre, will move steadily for- ward at the stepping short pace, the remainder will close on them by the diagonal march ; when all are closed, on the word " Forward," the squad will move on with a full pace. On the words, "From the Right (Left, or Centre), Re-form Two Deep," the file on the named flank, or in the centre, will move steadily forward at the stepping short pace ; the re- mainder will incline outwards by the diagonal march, and the left files will move up into the intervals, in succession, as they are opened for them, the rear-rank pupils regaining their pro- per distances at the same time ; when completely formed in two deep, on the word " Forward," the squad will move on with a full pace. SQUAT) DRILL. 59 S. 45.— BREAKING OFF FILES.* A squad will be taught to reduce ica front by breaking off tiles from either flank. A certain number of files (suppose three) will be broken of!', as follows : Three Jiles on th?, lejt, Rig hi — Turn. Left- Wheel. On the word "Turn," the named tiles will turn to the right and on the word '* Wheel," they will wheel to the left, following the left flank of the remainder of the squad. The front of the squad may be further reduced by any number of files (suppose two) as follows : ^ I I I I I Two Files on the Lejt, Right — Turn; Left ~ Wheel. I (Cut !K ) ' On the word "Turn," two more files will turn to the right and on the word " Wheel," will wheel to the left, following the left flank of the ro'^iainder of the squad; the three files already in rear will mark time, then incline to their right by the diagonal march, and follow close in . rear of the two files last broken off. Any number of files (suppose three) that have been broken oH'niay be again ordered to the front, as follows : — On the word " Front," the named files will make a half turn and double up into their places in line ; the remaining files in the rear will incline to the left by the diagonal march, and step out till they cover the two files on the flank. *The squad is marching to the front. Three Files to the — Front. 60 PHYSICAL CULTURE, Two Files i ^^ ^^^ word " Front," the two remaining to the } files will make a half turn to the left, and — Front. I double up into line. All the files may be brought to the front at once, by the words " Files to the Front." (Gut 10.) Files that are broken off must lock up well, that they may not interfere with others who may be following them. EXTENDED ORDER. The pupils having been thoroughly instructed in the fore- going sections, will next be taught to move in extended order. It should be clearly explained that the object of so moving is to enable them to take advantage of cover, iind thus to inflict the greatest loss upon the enemy with the least amount of danger to themselves. They should be instructed to avail them- selves, for their protection, of the slightest inequality of ground, and the smallest patch of cover, and how to make the best of it ; also how, in advancing or retiring, to run or creep from one point of cover to another without unnecess8.ry exposure. The squad will be told off into a right and left half-squad. When the pupils have made sufficient progress, one squad should be opposed to another, in order that the pupils may more readily see and judge for themselves the errors committed. Pupils in extended order at the halt, if not ordered to kneel or lie down, will stand at ease ; on the last executive word they will come to attentio.i, and proceed with the ordered movement. SQUAD DRILL. 61 S. 46.— EXTENDING. In extending, as a general rule, the front-rank pupil will keep the direction, the rear-rank pupil will regulate the interval. In extended formations, each file (or pupil in rank entire) will be considered to occupy a space of 30 inches. In extending for attack, four paces will be allowed for each file, i. e., an interval of three paces in addition to the pace oc- cupied by the file; and the extension will always be from a Hank. When extending for skirihishing, the interval will be in- creased according to circumstances ; and the extension may be from a flank, the centre, or any named file. The number of paces will in either case be specified in the caution of the instructor. [For the Attack.) From the Right {or Left) Four Paces, Extend. (For Skirmish- ing.) 1. From the Halt. [ The tile on the named flank, or the centre or named file, will stand, kneel, or lie down as ordered. The remainder will turn outward, and step oflf in quick time, covering correctly y without opening out. As each file completes the fourth pace of extension (or gains the ordered interval) it will halt, front and stand at ease, or kneel or lie down, as may have been ordered for \ the file of extension. 2. On the March. The file on the named flank, or the centre or named file, will continue to move straight forward in quick time ; the remainder will make a half turn in the required direction and will turn to the front as they gain their inter- 62 From the Right {Left, Centre, or No.— File) — Paces — Extend. PHYSICAL CULTURE. vals in the alignment, the wholo keeping in line with the directing file. If the squad is moving in quick time, the ex- tending files, as they make the half turn out- wards, will break into double time ; if the squad is moving in double time, they will quick- en the pace, resuming the original time, in each case, as they turn to the front. 3. Increasing Intervals Between Files, To — Paces ( If pupils in extended order ate directed to From the — J increase the intervals, they will open out from Extend, i j^j^^ named file as described in No. 1 or 2. No dressing, or correction of intervals, will be permitted at the halt; the instructor will simply point out the fault any ])upil may have committed, without allowing him to move. All corrections will be made when the squad is in motion. On the Eight {Left, Centre, M' No. — File), — Close. S. 47--CLOSING. 1. From tJie Halt. The named file will rise and stand at ease. The remainder will rise, turn towards it, and close in quick time, halting, fronting, and stand- ing at ease as they arrive at their places. The file on which the squad is to close may be turned in any direction; the remainder will then form up in the same direction. 2. On the March. The named file will continue to move on; the remainder will make a half turn towards III TT' SQUAD DRILL. 63 it, and close in double time, turning to the front, and resuming the quick, as they arrive at their places. If the squad is closed while retiring, it will move as above, continuing to retire rear rank leading. S. 48.— ADVANCING AND RETIRING. Squad — AdvancBy or Retire. Advancing . The pupils will move off in quick time. lititiHng. The pupils will turn to the right-about, and step off in quick time. The intervals will be kept from the centre. When pupils extended are in movement and the " Halt," is ordered, they will halt (or halt and front) and stand, kneel, or lie down, as ordered, taking advantage of any cover. S. 49.— MOVING TO A FLANK. Right (or Incline. {The squad will at once make a half turn, and move to the flank indicated, until ordered to resume their original direction to thr front or rear by the word " Advance or Retire." If the " Incline," is repeated, the squad will move direct to tlio flank. \\ iw \ 64 PHYSICAL CULTURE. S. 50.— CHANGING FRONT OR DIRECTION. 1. By Wheeling. Riaht 07' ( ^^^ squad will come gradually round on the Left) ) principles laid down for a wheel in s. 28, No. 1 ; j the outer tile regulating. — Wheel. Forward, or Halt. i The line will advance, regulated by the centre, j or halt as may be ordered. If it is intended to throw back the line, the line will be turned about, and then proceed as above directed. 2. By File Formation. ( If at the halt, the instructor, having given the caution, will place the named files in the direction required; on the word "Double," the remainder will move across, by the nearest way, to,^heir places in the new alignment. If on the march, the whole will move steadily for- ward till the word " Double ;" the two named files will then be placed rapidly in the required direction, and the remainder will move as above \ordered. If it is intended to throw back the line, or part of it, the caution will V ; " Change Front to the Left (or Right), on the two Right (or Left) Files or change Front to the Right (or Left), on the two Centre Files (or No. — and No. — Files); the movement proceeding as above described. Change Front to the Right (or Left), on the J Two Right \ {or Left) Files. Double. SQUAD DRILL. 65 DISMISSING. S. 51.— DISMISSING A SQUAD. JliqJit ( On the word " Turn," the pupils will turn as Turn. J directed. On the word " Dismiss," the front rank will J)' r • , J take a side pace to the left, and the rear rank will take a side pace to the right ; after a pause the squad will break off quietly. When there is only one rank it will act as a front rank. s— «r"-^^-<4- (s—i 66 PHYSICAL CULTURE. CALISTHENICS. MODES OP FORMATION. For some calisthenic and gymnastic exercises it becomes necessary to extend the class in a manner appropriate to the exercise to be gone through. The following modes of formation will therefore be found useful. Assemble. Eyes — Bight. Dress, Eyes — Front. From the right, number off by — Threes. FIRST MODE. On the word " Assemble," the class will form in single rank, as explained in S. 24, Squad Drill. See S. 3, Squad Drill. See S. 3, Squad Drill. See S. 3, Squad Drill. On the word "Threes," the pupil on the right will call out One, the next in order Two, the nyxt Three, the next One and so on to the left. Slow -March (On the word " March," all numbered One, remain as they are; all numbered Two, take two paces to the front ; and all numbered Three, take four paces to the front. At the close of the exercise the following orders will be given, and movements executed. CALISTHENICS. 67 Class -Front. Right — Turn. Dismiss. Two. On the word " Front," the pupils numbered Three remain as they are ; all numbered One, advance to the front, being joined as they come in line with them by the pupils numbered Two ; when in line with the pupils numbered Three, all halt. See S. 4, Squad Drill. On the word " Dismiss," the pupils will take a side pace to the left. On the word " Two," the class will quietly disperse. Assemble. Eyes — Right. Dress. Eyes — Front. Odd num- bers^ Four paces to the Front, Slow — March. Odd num- bers, Rear — Turn. One pace Right Close, Quick — March. SECOND MODE. See First Mode. See S. 3, Squad Drill. See S. 3, Squad Drill. See S. 3, Squad Drill. On the word " March," the odd numbers will take four paces to the front and halt. ( On the word " Turn," the odd numbers will I turn to the rear. f On the word " March," the pupils will take s one pace to tl^e right j See S. 21, No. 2, Squad (Drill. -I J ii! f Mil '<'W' {IB II 68 PHYSICAL CULTURE. At the close of the exercise the following orders will be given, and movements executed. One Pace ( Left Close ) ^^ *^® word " March," the pupils will take one Quick— '\ pace to the left; See S. 21, No. 2, Squad Drill. March. \ Even num- bers, Four paces to the Front, Slow — March. On the word " March," the even numbers will take four paces to the front and halt; (jlass 1 On the word " Front," the odd numbers will Front. j turn in that direction. Dismiss. ) Two. j See First Mode. THIRD MODE. I On the word " Assemble," the class will form Assemble. ■' I I I il I 108 Assemble. Eight about — Turn. Stand at — Base. PHYSICAL CULTURE. GROUP VII. See Group I. See Group I. See Preliminary Group. Exercise 1. Position of " Attention." One. Two. Three. Four. Five. The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. Bend over and place the hands on the ground. Place the fore-arms on the ground. Spring from either the right or the left foot, carry it and the other with it up, until by bend- ing over, they balance the body on the fore- arms. Bending the right, or the left knee, bring the feet and knees down to the place they first occupied and straightening the elbows, spring from the hands, coming at once to the position of Attention. Exercise 2. Position of "Attention." Raise the arms to their full extent above the One. ■[ head, draw back the left foot and rest the weight Two. y..^.. „.„.„.__. ( of the body on it ; the chest well advanced. Commencing to bend the body to the front, and bringing the arms and shoulders forward and down, the right knee slightly bending, spring from both feet on to the hands, and carry the feet up until by bending over they balance the body over the hands. CALISTHENICS. 109 Th free. Slightly bend the elbows, and raise the head, bringing the shoulders slightly forward, the balance will be destroyed and the legs and feet commencing to return to the ground, spring smartly from the hands on to the feet, coming at once to the position of Attention. Without coming to Attention, " Two " and " Three " may be repeated several times without pausing. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention. This exercise will be the same as Exercise 2, except that in " One," the right foot will be drawn back, and the weight of the body on it ; and in " Two," read the left knee slightly bending, instead of the right knee slightly bending. Exercise 4. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be the same as Exercise 1, Group IV., except that the body instead of balancing on the palms of the hands and fingers will balance on the fingers and thumbs, they being spread apart. Exercise 5. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be the same as Exercise 2, Group IV., except that the body instead of balancing on the palms of the hands and fingers, will balance on the fingers and thumbs, they being spread apart. Class — Front. { See S. 4, Squad Drill. no PHYSICAL CULTUUK. Exercise 6. Position of " Attention." I The same as Exercise 4, Uroup VI. Throwing the arras down roll on to theehestand * hands ; the arms bent at the elbows, the hands being a little in advance of the waist, the fingers tiirned out, thumbs in front. I The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. < The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. I The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. I The same as " Four." < The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. < The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. " Four" and "Five," should be repeated 3 or 4 times. They should be repeated both in quick and slow time. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Dismiss. Sees. 51, Squad Drill. GROUP VIII. Assemhle. \ See Group I. ^—eLT I ^^® Preliminary Group. In the first three exercises of this Group, and also Groups X. CALISTHKNICS. Ill and XIV., if the building is not wide enough to allow a short lun to be taken, the right hand pupil will come to Attention, take three paces to the front, halt, and turn to the left ; as soon as he has tried the exercise, he will walk on till he comes to the left of the class, when he will wheel to the left and con- tinue on till he comes to the rear of the class, when he will again wheel to the left, walking on in rear of the class until opposite to his place, he will then turn to the front and step up to his place, halt, and stand at ease. As soon as the right hand pupil has commenced to run, the next on the right will take three paces to the front, halt, and turn to the left, and as soon as the first pupil commences to walk away, he will com- mence the exercise, etc., the next to the right taking three paces to the front, etc., and so on to the pupil in the centre of the class. The left hand pupil will then step three paces to the front, halt, and turn to the right, try the exercise, walk on till he comes to the right of the class, wheel to the right, continue on till in rear of the class, wheel again to the right, walk in rear of the class until opposite his place, turn to the front, and step up to his place, halt, and stand at ease. As soon as the left hand pupil has commenced to run, ohe next on the left will take three paces to the front, halt, and turn to the right. He will then commence the exercise as the other walks away, proceeding as described. When the pupils have all tried the exercise, the teacher may direct one, or all, to repeat it if necessary. Exercise 1. Position of " Attention." Bear in mind that the left foot is to be the foot to start from, In ' '^ 112 PHYSICAL CULTURK. i. I ^5 One. Two. Three. Four. ^ Take a short run, and at the end of the run when the left foot is coming to the ground, bending the elbows throw the hands up above the head, the chest well advanced and the shoulders thrown back, the body slightly curved to the rear ; at the same time springing up and a little backwards on the ball of the left foot, the foot scarcely leaving the ground. And instantaneously bringing the right foot to the front, spring from the left foot on to the right, throwing the left up to the rear and bringing the body well forward and commencing to bend over. Instantly spring from the right foot, throwing it up to the rear, on to the hands, and allowing the elbows to bend still more, bring the head to the ground. The body being curved, and the feet being carried up to the rear and over to the front, as they are coming down, spring from the hands and head to the feet, resuming the position of Attention. Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." This exercise is the same as Exercise 1, except read "right foot " for " left foot " and vice versa. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention." Take a short run, and at the end of the run when the right (or left) foot is coming to the ground, throw the hands up above the head, the chest well advanced, the shoulders thrown back, -%v CALISTHENICS. 113 One. -i Two. Three. and the body curved to the rear; at the same time springing up on the ball of the right (or left) foot, the foot scarcely leaving the ground, bring the right (or left) foot instantly in line with the left (or right) foot, and alight on both feet. Instantly bringing the body and arms forward and commencing to bend over, spring from both feet on to the hands, and allowing the elbows to bend still more, bring the head to the ground. The same as "Four," in Exercise 1. Exercise 4. Position of " Attention." ( One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. I The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. / Straighten the knees, bringing them from the ground, and drawing the feet forward until the ( legs rest on the fore-part ; the heels together. < The same as in Exercise 4, Group VI. / Sliding the feet back and allowing the elbows ■I to gradually bend, bring the fore-arms and body \ to the ground, the face just touching the ground. / Drawing the body forward and gradually <^ straightening the elbows, raise it to the position I in " Four." / Continuing to draw the body forward, gradually turn the hands sideways, until they are ( nearly opposite the waist. i The same as " Five," in Exercise 4, Group VI. \ The same as " Four." riti in I 114 Ten. Eleoeri. Twelve. Right — Turn. {. Di ■smiss. \ PHYSICAL CULTURE. Sliding the body back on the fore-part of the feet until turning gradually the fingers point foi ward and the hands are a little outside of and in line with the shoulders. The same as "Five," in Exercise 4, Group VI. Roll smartly on to the back and quickly come to the feet by Exercise 4, Group III., IV., or V. See S. 4, Squad Drill. See S. 51, Squad Drill. Assemble. Stand at — Ease. I \ \ GROUP IX. See Group I. See Preliminary Group. Exercise 1. Position of •' Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same m; ler as Exercise 1, Group VIII., but without the run, the lelt foot being in front. Exercise 2. Position of "Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 2, Group VIII., but without the run, the right foot being in front. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 3, Group VIII., but without the run, both feet being in line ; as the hands are thrown up spring on both feet, scarcely leaving the ground, and alight on the fore-part of the feet, and, as the body and arms come forward and bend over, spring from both feet, etc, :i CALISTHENICS. 115 Exercise 4. Position. — See Exercise 4, Group II. This exercise will be the same as Exercise 4, Group III., ex cept that instead of endeavouring to come up standing, on the feet coming to the ground immediately spring back on to the hands and shoulders, and then spring from the hands and shoulders to the feet, coming up to the position of Attention. If repeated three or four times, before coming to the position of Attention, this is a very attractive looking exercise. Right— ( Turn. I Dismiss iss. I See S. 4, Squad Drill. See S. 51, Squad Drill. Assemble. Stand at— Ease. { GROUP X. See Group I. See Preliminary Group, and Group VIII. Exercise 1. Cut IS. Position of "Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exer- cise 1. Group VIII., except that the head will not touch the ground. ii'. i: , 116 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 2, Group VIII., except that the head will not touch the ground. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 3, Group VIII., except that the head will not touch the ground! Exercise 4. Position of " Attention." One. < Two. Three. f Carry the left foot and arm out to the left, the palm of the hand towards the floor, thumb pointing to the left, the left shoulder lowered and the right raised ; the right arm raised above the head and slightly bent at the elbow, the palm of the hand towards the left, thumb to the rear. 4 Spring to the left on to the hands, carrying \ the feet up and over to the left, and springing (^ from the hands bring the feet to the ground. ) Come to the position of Attention. This exercise may be repeated several times in succession, going in a straight line to the left, or round in a circle. CALISTHENICS, 117 Right- Turn. I SeeS. 4, Squad Drill. Dismiss. < See S. 51, Squad Drill, GROUP XI. Assemble. Stand at — Ease. See Group I. See Preliminary Group. Exercise 1. Position of ** Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 1, Group X., but without the run, the left foot being in front ; it may be repeated several times in succession, going straight to the front. Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 2, Group X., but without the run, the right foot being in front ; it may be repeated several times in succession, going straight to the front. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 3, Group, X., but without the run, both feet being in line; as the hands are thrown up, spring on both feet, scarcely r " I ■ II 1 "T I :i 118 PHYSICAL CULTURE. leaving the ground, and alight on the fore-part of the feet, and as the body and arms instantly come forward and bend ovor, spring from both feet, etc. Exercise 4. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner ns Exercise 4, Group X., only read "Right" for '* Left " wlierox or it occurs and vice versa. Right — Turn. See S 4, Squad Drill. Dismiss. \ See S. 51, Squad Drill. GROUP XII. Assemble. \ See Group I. j See Preliminary Group. Stand at — Ease. Exercise 1. Position of " Attention." One. \ The same as in Exercise 2, Group VII. Two. \ The same as in Exercise 2, Group VII. Thi-ee. I Walk on the hands to the front. Four. I The same as " Three," Exercise 2, Group VII. CALISTHENICS. Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." 119 One. Two. Three. Four. < The same as in Exercise 3, Group Vll. < The same as in Exercise 3, Group VII. I Walk on the hands to the rear. I Allow the feet to overbalance and spring from % the hands to the feet, coming to the position of y Attention. Exercise 3. Cut 19. Position of " Attention." — Standing with the back to the wall, distant 24 inches, more or less, according to the size of the pupil, from it. One, { Turn the backs of the hands to the front, 120 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Rigid. — Turn. Dismiss. j / Smartly throw the arms up in front bending ) the elbows and bringing the hands above and \ a little behind the head, backs of the hands ^ down, and fingers pointing to the rear. Bend over backwards bringing the hands to I the wall. {See Cut 19.) I Keep on bending until the hands which have I been moving down the wall come to the ground. f The pupil should at first only bend a short "^ distance, and then return to the upright, gradually bending farther as he gets more practice, until finally he is able with ease to bend until his \hands come to the ground. Bringing the hands from the ground to the wall, and moving them up, bring the body up, the hands above the head and against the wall. Spring from the hands and bring them down to the sides, coming to the position of Attention. See S. 4, Squad Drill. I See S. 51, Squad Drill. I GROUP XIII. See Group I. See Preliminary Group. Assemble. Stand at — Fase. There are numerous variations and combinations of the exercises in this group which any one having learned the exercises here given, can, by a litth; ingenuity, easily find out for himself. I CALISTHENICS. Exercise 1. 121 One. Two. Position of " Attention." / Bring the left leg across in front of the right, «| the inside of the left knee being against the ( outside of the right. / Raise the fore-part of the feet, and keeping J the body steady while turning on the heels, j make a complete circle, the right shoulder V leading. ^ Bring the fore-part of the feet to the ground ; Three. < the outside of the left knee will now be against ' the inside of the right. . Raise the fore-part of the feet, and keeping j the body steady while turning on the heels, \ make a complete circle, the left shoulder V leading. ( Bring the fore-part of the feet to the ground ; < the pupil will now be in the same position as ( he was in " One." ( On the word " Change," come to the posi- ( tion given at the head of the next exercise. Four. Five.. GJiange. Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 1, only read " right " for " left " wherever it occurs, and vice versa. Eocfircise 3. Position of " Attention." One. < The same as in Exercise 1. t 1 t !l < .|, 1-^ i Tl ! ^t 1 t 122 PHYSICAL CtJLtURE. Two. Three, Four. Five. Change. Raise the heels, and keeping the body steady while turning on the fore-part of the feet, make a complete circle, the right shoulder leading. Bring the heels to the ground ; the outside of the left knee will now be against the inside of the right. ( The same as " Two," only the left shoulder is ( leading. \ Bring the heels to the ground. < See Exercise 1. Exercise 4. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 3, only read " right " for " left " wherever it occurs, and vice versa. Exercise 5. Position of " Attention." / Spring straight up, commencing to bring the I right shoulder around as the feet are leaving < the ground, and describing a complete circle, I alight on the fore-part of the feet, as nearly as \^ possible in the place they occupied before. At first, turning only three-quarters of the circle will be practised. Exercise 6. Position of " Attention." This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 5, except that the left shoulder will be brought around as the feet are leaving the ground. Right — Turn. One. I See S. 4, Squad Drill. Dismiss. { See S. 5, Squad Drill. CALISTHENICS. 128 lanner as GROUP XIV. Assemble. < See Group T. i,nd at Ease. Exercise 1. < See Preliminary Group and Group VIII. Position of " Attention." Bear in mind that the left foot is the foot to start fr om. One. Two. Three. Four. < The same as in Exercise 1, Group VIII. < The same as in Exercise 1, Group VIII. Instantly spring from the right foot on to the hands, and the arms being straight, allow the elbows to bend a little. {The feet being carried up and pver, (the knees kept straight and the body well curved) as they are coming down spring from the hands to the feet, coming up standing per- fectly erect. Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." Bear in mind that the right foot in to be the foot to start fi om. This exercise is the same as Exercise 1, except read " right foot " for " left foot," and vice vf.rsd. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention." One. < The same as in Exercise 3, Group VIII. I r if .ti ?'o 124 Two. Right — Turn. PHYSICAL CULTUUK. Instantly bringing the body and arms forward ( and commencing to bend over, spring from both (feet on to the hands, and the arms being I straight, allow the elbows to bend a little. Three. I The same as " Four," in Exercise 1. \ I See S. 4, Squad Drill. Disviiss. I See S. 51, Squad Drill. c>^^^J^^-5^. GYMNASTICS. 125 GYMNASTICS. 1 i LIGHT DUMB-BELL SERIES OF EXERCISES.* Assemble. < See Modes of Formation. Position of "Attention." The dumb-bells being held in the hands. On the word " Salute," slowly depress the chin and slightly bend the body, drawing back the hijis, at the same time draw back the right foot until the ball of the foot is behind and about an inch from the heel of the left, the ■weight of the body being principally on the ' right leg, the feet flat on the ground, and the knees straight throughout ; at the same time bending the elbows, bring the dumb-bell in the right hand up in front of and against the chest, the upper part being against the front of the left shoulder, the dumb-bell in the left hand being brought up behind, and resting against the back. / On the word " Attention," which should not A Uention. <. be given until after a slight pause, come to that ' position, but not too quickly. ,\ Salute. in,: IH It * Repeat each of the exercises 3, 4, 6, 8, 9 or 12 timeB before proceeding to the next. They should first be learned separately ; afterwards they will be executed in Quick time, except where otherwise specified, without any pause between the numbers or exercises, commencing at the first exercise and finishing at the last. At an entertainment this series of exercises should be accompanied by music. I Si. It 11 : H 126 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 1. Cut 20. Position of " Attention," except the arms, which are kept straight, raised, and brought to the front with the dumb-bells together and in front of the neck and lower part of the face ; back of the hands outwards. (See i, cut 20.) Separate the dumb-bells smartly, keeping the I arms straight and bringing them back on a line ^ with the shoulders, but not with too much force. ( {See 2, cut 20.) / Keeping tho arms straight, bring the dumb- < bells together in front of the neck and lower i part of the face. {See i, cut 20.) ( On the word '* Change," come to the position \ given at the head of the next exercise. One. Two. Change, GYMNASTICS. 127 "i 4 w. Exercise 2. Position of •* Attention," except that the backs of the hands are turned in ; thumbs to the rear. {See 1, cut 21.) ( Keep the arms straight, and raise them side- Owe. < ways from the shoulders, until the dumb-bells i meet above the head, {See 2, cut 21.) Separate the dumb bolls smartly, keep the arras straight, and bring them down sideways, until the backs of the hands touch the legs. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Two. Change. m r 1 ; j MHHf BK! ^ i i 128 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 3. M; ;:■ It « Position of " Attention," except the arms, the left arm being bent at the elbow and wrist, and raised until the dumb- bell rests on the shoulder ; the right arm kept straight and raised until in line with the shoulders, back of the hand down. Straighten the left elbow and wrists, extend- ing the arm in line with the shoulders, (the eyes One. •( to follow the dumb-bell) at the same time bend- ing the right elbow and wrist, bring the dumb- bell in the right hand to the shoulder. Straighten the right elbow and wrist, extend- ing the arm in line with the shoulders, (the eyes Two. <( to follow the dumb-bell) at the same time bend- ing the left elbow and wrist, bring the dumb- bell in the left hand to the shoulder. Change. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 4. i'i if Position of "Attention," except that the arms are bent at the elbows and wrists, and raised until the dumb-bells rest on the shoulders. Straighten both arms at the elbows and wrists, extending them in line with the shoulders. Bend the arms at the elbows and wrists, and ( bring the dumb-bells to the shoulders. / On the word " Change," draw back the right Change. foot, coming to the position given at the head ' of the next exercise. One. Two. ( GYMNASTICS. Exercise 5. 129 f \4 Cut U. "Third Position," as explained in Exercise 6, First Series, Calisthenics, except that the right arm will be behind, and the dumb-bell against the back ; the left arm hanging down outside of, and in line with the left leg. Bend over, letting the left arm go down, until the dumb-bell touches the ground outside of, and in line with the left foot. {See i, cut 22.) Straighten the left knee and bend the right. One. Two, Three. 5 ' bringing the body to the upright. {See 2^ cut { 22.) I Bend the left arm at the elbow, raising the dumb-bell until it nearly touches the front part ( of the shoulder. {See 3, cut 22.) ; i 130 I 1^ #^ Four. Five. Six. Seven. Elevate the dumb-bell above the head to the full extent of the arm. {See 4, cut 22.) Bend the arm at the elbow, bringing the dumb-bell down to the shoulder, rear part nearly touching. {See 3, cut 22.) Straighten the arm and drop it to the side. {See 2, cut 22.) Straighten the right knee and bend the left, coming to the " Third Position " as before ex- plained. ^j I On the word " Change," come to the position 1 given at the head of the next exercise. One. Two. Exercise 6. *' Third Position," as explained in Exercise 6, First Series, Calisthenics, except that the left arm will be behind, and tho dumb-bell against the back ; the right arm hanging down in front of the right, and inside of the left leg. ( Bend over, letting the right arm go down / until the dumb-bell touches the ground inside of, r and in line with the left foot j Straighten the left knee and bend the right, l bringing the body to the upright. ( Bend the right arm at the elbow, raising the Three. ^ dumb-bell until it nearly touches the frQut part f of the shoulder. J Elevate the dumb-bell above the head to the \ full extent of the arm. Y Bend the arm at the elbow, bringing the '{ dumb-bell down to the shoulder, rear part nearly ( touching. -! Straighten the arm and drop it to the side. Four. Five. Six. 11; to the ig the nearly le side. he left, 'ore ex- position i Series, and the down in ro down inside of, le right, ising the ront part id to the iging the irt nearly le side. GYMNASTICS. 131 Seven. Change. / Straighten the right knee and bend the left, \ coming to the " Third Position/' as before ex- ' plained. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 7. { One. Two. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 6, First Series, (Calisthenics, except the arms, the left arm hanging down outside of and in line with the left leg ; the right arm hanging down in front of the right and inside of the left leg. / Bend over, letting the arms go down until the \ dumb-bells touch the ground, the left outside^ \ and the right inside of, and in line with the left V foot. { Straighten the left knee and bend the right, i bringing the body to the upright. / Bend the arms at the elbows, raising the Three. I dumb-bells, until they nearly touch the front ' part of the shoulders. { Elevate the dumb-bells above the head to the ( full extent of the arms. { Bend the arms at the elbows, bringing the I dumb-bells down to the shoulders. I Straighten the arms and drop them to the 1 sides. / Straighten the right knee and bend the left, I coming to the " Third Position," as before ex- ' plained. ( On the word " Change," bring the right foot I forward, coming to the position given at the V heftd of the nejft exercise, Four. Five. Six. Seven. Change. 132 PHYSICAL CULTURE. >9fl f fli Exercise 8. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 3, First Series, Calistlienics, except the arms, the left arm hanging down in front of the left and inside of the right leg; the right arm being behind and the dumb-bell against the back. ( Bend over, letting the left arm go down, until <| the dumb-bell touches the ground, inside of and I in line with the right foot. / Straighten the right knee and bend the left, I bringing the body to the upright. Bend the left arm at the elbow, raising the One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Change. <| dumb-bell until it nearly touches the front part ' of the shoulder. / Elevate the dumb-bell above the head to the 1 full extent of the arm. / Bend the arm at the elbow, bringing the < dumb-bell down to the shoulder, rear part ' nearly touching. Straighten the arm and drop it to the side. / Straighten the left knee and bend the right, ■', coming to the " Third Position," as before ex- ( plained. / On the word " Change," come to the position 1 given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 9. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 3, First Series, Calisthenics, except that the left arm will be behind, and the dumb-bell against the back ; the right arm hanging down outside of, and in line with the right leg. / Bend over, letting the right arm go down One. <^ until the dumb-bell touches the ground^ outside ( o]P, and in line with the right foot. • ' I GYMNASTICS. 133 Series, wn in it arm (I, until of and he left, ing the 3nt part 1 to the ging the ear part e side. he right, efore ex- position st Series, and the ng down go down d, outside Twu. Three. Four. Five. Six, Seven. Change. Straighten the right knee and bend the left. Bend the right arm at the elbow, raising tlie dumb-bell until it nearly touches the front part of the shoulder. Elevate the dumb-bell above the head, to the full extent of the arm. Bend the arm at the elbow, bringing the dumb-bell down to the shoulder, rear part nearly touching. Straighten the arm and drop it to the side. Straighten the right knee and bend the left, coming to the " Third Position," as before ex- plained. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 10. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 3, First Series, Calisthenics, except the arms, the right arm hanging down out- side of, and in line with the right leg ; the left arm hanging down in front of the left and inside of the right leg. / Bend over, letting the arms go down until the ) dumb-bells touch the ground, the left inside and j the right outside of, and in line with the right ^ foot. ( Straighten the right knee and bend the left, ( bringing the body to the upright. ( Bend the arms at the elbows, raising the ] dumb-bells until they touch the front part f of the shoulders. ( Elevate the dumb-bells above the head to the ( full extent of the arms. One. Tioo. Three. Four. fiiu' I pit '* 134 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Five. Six. Seven. Change. ( Bend the arms at tlio elbows, bringing the i dumb-bells down to the shoulders. ( Straighten the arms and drop them to the ( sides. Straigliten the left knee and bend the right, coming to the " Third Position " as before ex- plained. On the word " Change," draw back the right foot, coming to the position given at the head of the next exercise. One. Exercise 11. Position of "Attention," except that the dumb-bell in the left hand is elevated over the head ; thumb to the front. Keeping the left arm straight, bring it down to the left until it comes to the side, thumb to itho front, at the same time keeping the right arm straight, raise it to the right, until the dumb-bell is over the head, thumb to the front) and bend the body to the left. (Keeping the right arm straight bring it down to the right until it comes tc the side, thumb to the front, at the same time keeping the left arm straight, raise it to the left, until the dumb-bell is over the head, thumb to the front, and bend the body to the right. On the word " Change," come to the position Two. Change. J given at the head of the next exercise. GYMNASTICS. 135 Exercise 1 2. Cut 23. Position of " Attention." One. Two. Three. Four i Raise the arms from the elbows to the front, a little higher than the waist ; thumbs up. {See ( 2, cut 23.) I Straighten the arms, extending them to the i front, backs of the hands down. (See 3, cut 23.) I Bend the elbows and bring the arms back to 1 position as in " One." {See 2, cut 23.) i Straighten the arms, elevating the damb-bells ^ over the head, backs of the hands out. {See 4, f ciU 23.) llBi M 1 I 11 '■' ! 13G Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Change. { { { Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Change. PHYSICAL CULTURE. The same as " Three." The same as "Two." The same as " Three." ^ Drop the arms to the sides. (See i, cut 23.) j On the word " Change " come to the position ) given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 13. . * Attention." Bend the knees and lower the body, keeping it nearly perpendicular until the dumb-bells touch the ground, outside of, and in line with the feet ; feet flat on the ground. I Straighten the knees and raise the body to the ) erect position. Bend the arms at the elbows, raising the \ dumb-bells until they touch the front part of the ( shoulders. j Elevate the dumb-bells above the head to the I full extent of the arms. r Bend the arms at the elbows, bringing the I dumb-bells down to the shoulders. ( Straighten the arms, dropping them to the ( sides. ( On the word " Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. i Exercise 14. Position of '* Attention." i Swing the dumb-bells upwards to the front, and Oyie. ) bending the elbows, allow them to pass above / the head and behind the shoulders. GYMNASTICS. 137 1^ Straighten the arms at the elbows and swing Two. them down, allowing the dumb-bells to pass the I legs to the rear as far as they will go. The body must be ke[)t steady and erect throughout the exercise. Clan i ^'^ *^^ word " Change," spring smartly to the I position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise. 15. VI the the the sition Cut 94. Position. — The legs are apart, about from 16 to 24 inches (according to size of pupil), the knees straight, the heels in line; the right arm behind the back, back of the hand in, and the dumb-bell resting against the back ; left arm bent at the elbow and raised at the shoulder ; the dumb-bell over and behind the ? i! I A I! ,* I PI 138 PHYSICAL CULTURE. slioiildor, and the body bent slightly to the rear. {See J, cut 24.) Straighten the lef*i elbow, and bending over, swing the dumb bell in the left hand down be- tween the legs, keeping the knees straight. (See 2, cut ^^^.) One. Two. ( Swing the dumb-bell up, bringing it and the -' body back to the " Position," as above described. I (See 1, cvi 2 4. ( On the word " Change," come to the position "* 9^' I given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 16. Position. — The legs are apart, about from 16 to 24 inches, (accordingto the size of the pupil,) the knees straight, the heels in line; the left arm behind the back, back of the hand in, and the dumb-bell resting against the back ; right arm bent at the elbow and raised at the shoulder ; the dumb-bell over and behind the shoulder, and the body bent slightly to the rear. 1^ Straighten the right elbow and bending over, -^ swing the dumb-bell in the right hand down I between the legs, keeping the knees straight. i Swing the dumb-bell up, bringing it and the ( body back to the " Position " as above described ( On the word " Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next exercise. One. Two. Change. Position. One. Exercise 17. -The same as in Exercise 1 6. Straighten the right elbow and bending over, swing the dumb-bell in the right hand down be- tween (ht* legs, keeping the knees straight. J * » QYMNASTICS. 139 Two. Three. Four. J I Bringing the body up and bending slightly to the rear swing the dumb-bell in the right hand around the right leg and bending the elbow, bring it up behind and against the back, back of the hand in ; at the same time bringing the left arm and dumb-bell from behind the back, bend the elbow and raise the dumb-bell over and \ behind the shoulder. i Straighten the left elbow, and bending over ' swing the dumb-bell in the left hand down be- ( tween the legs, keeping the knees straight. ^ Bringing the body up and bending slightly to the rear, swing the dumb-bell in the left hand around the left leg and bending the elbow, bring it up behind and against the back, back of the hand in ', at the same time bringing the right arm and dumb-bell from behind the back, bend the elbow and raise the dumb-bell over and I behind the shoulder. / On the word " Change," spring smartly to Change. \ the position given at the head of the next exer- <' cise. Exercise 18. Position of "Attention," except that the arms, keeping them straight, are raised in line with the shoulders, backs of the hands up, thumbs to the front. One. \ Turn t^he arms over, backs of the hands down. Two, I Turn the arms over, backs of the hands up. - j On the word " Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next exercise. \i 140 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 19. Position of " Attention," except that the dumb-bells are elevated above the head, arms straight, and the backs of the hands to the front. One. \ Turn the arms, backs of the hands to the rear. Two. Turn the arms, backs of the hands to the front. pj j On the word *' Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 20. Position of " Attention," except that the arms are extended in front, level with the shoulders, backs of the hands down. One. Two. Change. J Turn the arms over, backs of the hands up. ■< Turn the p.rms over, backs of the hands down. { On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 21. Position of " Attention," except that the arms are bent at the elbows, fore-arms straight to the front, backs of the hands down. I Turn the dumb-bells over, backs of the hands 1 up. I Turn the dumb-bells over, backs of the hands ( down. [ On the word " Change," come to the position I given at «he head of the next exercise. Exercise 22. One. Two. Change. Position of " Attention," except that the backs of the hands are turned to the front. GYMNASTICS. 141 One. Two. Changf. I Turn the arms around, backs of the hands to the rear. ( Turn the arms around, backs of the hands to ( the front. ( On the word " Change," come to the position \ given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 23. Cut 25. Petition of " Attention," except that the arms are bent at the elbows and raised from the shoulders, the dumb-bells being al)Ove and behind the shoulders. {See 1, cut 25.) Straighten the arms at the elbows and swing them down, allowing the dumb-bells to pass the legs to the rear as far as they will go, at the 142 PHYSICAL CULTURE. One. Two. Change. same time bend the knees and hips and lower the body, keeping it nearly perpendicular ; the dumb-bells just touching the ground in passing the legs. {See 2, cut 25.) Then raise the body by straightening the legs. ( Swing the dumb-bells up, until they are above \ and behind the shoulders. [See j?, cut 25.) ( On the word " Change," come to the position \ given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 24. Position. — The same as in Exercise 23. Straighten the arms at the elbows and swing One. Two. Change. ■^ them down, allowing the dumb-bells to pass to ( the rear as far as they will go. {Swing the dumb-bells up until they are above and behind the shoulders, at the same time bending the hips and knees, lower the body, keeping it nearly perpendicular, and straight- ening the legs, raise the body to the erect position. j On the word " Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 25. Position. — The same as in Exercises 23 and 24. Straighten the arms at the elbows and swing them down, allowing the dumb-bells to pass the legs to the rear as far as they will go, at the same time bend the knees and hips and lower the body, keeping it nearly perpendicular, the dumb-bells just touching the ground in passing the legs, then raise the V>ody by straightening the hgs. One. GYMNASTICS. 14^ Two. Change. I {Swing fhe dumb-bells up until they are above and behind the shoulders, at the same time bendinw the hips and knees, lower the body, keeping it nearly perpendicular, and straight- ening the legs raise the body to the erect position. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 26. Cut 26. I'osition of " Attention," except that the left arm is bent at the elbd^ fthd raiied from iKe shoulder over Ihe head ; back of the hnnd Vo the reAr. u I m :;■! 144 One. Change. i PHYSICAL CULTURE. Press the shoulders back and circle the dumb- > bell in the left hand round the head from front ' to rear. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 27. Position. — The same as in Exercise 26. Press the shoulders back and circle the dumb- One. Change. I bell in the left hand round the head from rear (. to front. ( On the word " Change," come to the i)Osition ( given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 28. Position of *' Attention," except that the right arm is bent at the elbow, and raised from the shoulder over the head ; back of the hand to the rear. / Press the shoulders back and circle the dumb- < bell in the right hand round the head from front ' to rear. ( On the word " Change," come to the position One. Change. given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 29. Position. — the same as in Exercise 28. / Press the shoulders back and circle the dumb- < bell in the right hand round the head from rear ( to front. I On the word " Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. One. Change. Exercise 30. Position of " Attention," except that the arms are bent at the elbows and raised from the shoulders over the head ; right hand in front and backs of the hands to the rear. GYMNASTICS. 145 .1 One, Change. Press the shoulders back and circle the dumb- bells round the head from front to rear, com- mencing with the left and following with the ^right. ^ On the word " Change," come to the position ) given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 31. Position. — The same as in Exercise 29, except that the left hand is in front. {Press the shoulders back and circle the dumb- bells round the head from rear to front, com- mencing with the right and following with the left. / On the word " Change," draw back the right Chanye. J foot, coming to the position given at the head of { the next exercise. Exercise 32. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 6, First Series, Calisthenics, except that the body is bent over the left leg, and the dumb-bell that was in the right hand is placed on the ground inside of and touching the left foot, the other dumb- bell being in the left hand ; the arms hanging down, the left outside and the right inside of and to the rear of the left leg. ( Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, behind ( the left leg, to the right hand. i Bring the left arm outside of, and the right \ arm inside of the left leg, round to the front. Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, in front of the left leg, to the left hand. Bring the left arm outside of, and the right 0716. Two. Th ee. Four. Change. { (arm inside of the left leg, round to the rear. ( On the word " Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. T , U 146 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 33. Two. Three. Four. Change. Position. — The same as in Exercise 32. / Bring the left arm round outside of, and the One. right arm inside of the left leg, round to the ' front. Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, in front of the left leg, to the right hand. ( Bring the left arm round outside, and the j right arm round inside of the left leg, to the rear. Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, in rear of the left leg, to the left hand. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 34. Position. — The same as in Exercises 32 and 33, except that the right knee is bent and the left straight, the body bending over the right leg and the arms hanging down, the left inside and the right outside of, and to the rear of the right leg. Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, behind the right leg, to the right hand. Bring the left arm round inside, and the right arm round outside, to the front of the right leg. Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, in front of the right leg, to the left hand. Bring the left arm round inside, and the right arm around outside, to the rear of the right leg. ( On the word "Change," come to the position One. Two. Three. Four. { I I { Change. Position.— One. ( given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 35. -The same as in Exercise 34. r Bring the left arm around inside, and the -^ right arm around outside, to the front of the I right leg. Two. Three. Four. CJvfinge. GYMNASTICS. 147 f Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, in ( front of the right leg, to the right hand. Bring the left arm around inside, and the right arm around outside, to the rear of the right leg. f Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, \ behind the right leg, to the left hand. f On the word " Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 36. ■^ Out n. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 6, First Series, Calisthenics, except that the body is turned to the lialf-right, and bent over ; the dumb-bell that was in the right hand being on the ground inside of and touching the left foot, the other dumb-bell being in the left- hand ; the arms hanging down, the left ittside of the left leg, and the right outside of the right leg. {See 1, cut 27.) ( Bring the left arm round to the outside of One, < the left leg, and the right arm round to the ' inside of the right leg. {See 2^ cut 27.) \ \ ■■:. 1 i: i If it n 148 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Two. Three. Four. Change, Straightening the left leg and bending the right, pass the dumb-bell behind the left leg, from the left hand to the right hand. Turn the body to the right, bringing the left aim around to the inside of the left leg, and the right arm around to the outside of the right leg. {See, 3, cut 27.) Straightening the right leg and bending the left, pass the dumb-bell behind the right leg, from the righ*^ hand to the left. On the word *' Change," come to the position \ given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 37. Position.- — The sanio as in Exercise 3G, except that the body is turned to the right. One. Two. Three. Four. Change. ( Straightening the left leg and bending the ^ right, pass the dumb-bell behind the right leg, ' from the left hand to the right. / Turning the body to the half-right, bring the I left arm around to the outside of the left leg, j and the right arm around to the inside of the ' right leg. j Straightening the right leg and bending the '■ left, pass the dumb-bell behind the left leg, from ' the right hand to the left. ^ Turning the body to the right, bring the left -| arm around to the inside of the left leg, and the [ right arm around to the outside of the right leg. / On the word " Change," bring the right foot J up to the left, then draw back the left foot and j come to the position given at the head of the ^ next exercise. GYMNASTICS. 140 Exercise 38. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 3, First Series, Calisthenics, except that the body is bent over the right leg, and one dumb-bell is on the ground inside of the right foot, the other dumb-bell being in the left hand ; the arnjs hanging down, the left inside and the right outside of and to the rear of the right leg. Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, behind the right leg, to the right hand. Bring the left arm inside of, and the right arm outside of the right leg, round to the front. Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, in front of the right leg, to the left hand. Bring the left arm inside of, and the right arm outside of the right leg, round to the rear. Oiie. Two. Three. Four. Change. { j On the word *' Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. . Exercise 39. Position. — The same as in Exercise 38. ( Bring the left arm inside of, and the right I arm outside of the right leg, round to the front. I Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, in ( front of the right leg, to the right hand. j Bring the left arm inside of, and the right arm ( outside of the right leg, round to the rear. j Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, I behind the right leg, to the left hand. j On the word " Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next exercise. One. Two. Three. Four. Change. Exercise 40. Position. — The same as in Exercises 38 and 39, except that the left knee is bent and the right straight, the body bending nIT 150 PHYSICAL CULTURE. II over the left leg, and the arms hanging down, the left outside of, and to the rear, and the right inside of, and to the rear of the left leg. I Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, b(!- J hind the left leg, to the right hand. ( Bring the left arm round outside, and the y right arm round inside to the front of the left (leg. ( Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, in \ front of the left leg, to the left hand. r Bring the left arm round outside, and the < right arm round inside to the rear of the left (leg. j On tl e word " Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next 3verci8e. One. Two. Three. Four, Change. ll Exercise 41. Position. — The same as in Exercise 40. One. Two. Three. Four. I Bring the left arm round outside, and the ^ right arm, round inside to the front of the left (leg. j Pass the dumb-bell from the left hand, in ) front of the left leg, to the right hand. I Bring the left arm round outside and the J right arm, round inside to the rear of the left (log- ) Pass the dumb-bell from the right hand, be- i hind the left leg, to the left hand. GYMNASTICS. 151 b outside le rear of aand, bo- and the : the left hand, in and the : the left e position and the fthe left hand, in C hinge. \ On the word " Change," oomc to the position I given at the hcnd of the next exercise. Exercise 42. " Third Position," as explained in Exercise 3, First Series Calisthenics, except that the body is turned to the half left, and bent over ; the dumb-bell that was in the right hand, being on the ground inside of, and touching the right foot, the other (lunib-bell being in the right hand ; the arms hanging down, the left outside of the left leg, and the right inside of the right leg. / Bring the left arm round to the inside of the < left leg, and the right arm round to the outside ' of the right leg. t Straightening the right leg and bending the ' left, pass the dumb-bell behind the right leg, I from the right hand to the left. Turn the body to the left, bringing the left arm round to the outside of the left leg, and the right arm, round to the inside of the right leg. i Straightening the left leg and bending the .' right, pass the dumb-bell behind the left leg, I from the left hand to the right. ( On the word *' Change," come to the position \ given at the head of the next exercise. One. Two. Th-ie. Four. Cliange. and the bf the left hand, be- Exercjse 43. Position. — The same as in Exercise 42, except that the body is turned to the left. r Straightening the right leg and bending the One. \ left, pass the dumb-bell behind the left leg, C from the right hand to the left. 152 PHYSICAL CULTURE. U Two. Three. Four. Change. f Turn the body to the half-l(;ft bringing the I left arm round to the inside of the left leg, and \the right arm round to the outside of the right leg. i Straightening the left leg and bending the ) right, pass the dumb-bell behind the right leg. i Turn the ])ody to the left, bringing the left -' arm round to the outside of the left leg, and the I right arm round to the inside of the right leg. . On the word " Change," taking up the other ) dumb-bell and bringing up the left foot to the \ right, come to the position given at the head of ' the next exercise. Exercise 44. Cut 28. Position of '' Attention," except that the back of the left hand is turned to the front. GYMNASTICS. 15.^ One. Two. Change. ( Hwing the \ high as it will left arm out to tlu; loft, and up as go ; back of the hand to the front. ( {See 1, cut 28.) [ Swing it down, letting it bend at the elbow ( and pass behind the back. {See 2, cut 28.) I On the word *' Change," come to the position { given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 45. Position of " Attention," except that the back of the right hand is turned to the front. ( Swing the right arm out to the right, and up as ( high as it will go ; back of the hand to the front. ( Swing it down, letting it bend at the ell^ow, ( and pass behind the back. I On the word " Change," come to the position One. Two. Change. given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 46. Position of " Attention," except that the backs of the hands are turned to the front, and the left arm elevated to the left. Swing the left arm down, bending the elbow, let it pass behind the back, and at the same time swing the right arm out to the right, and up as high as it will go. Swing the right arm down, bending the elbow, let it pass behind the back, and at the same time swing the left arm out to the left, and up as high as it will One. Two. go. Change. On the word " Change &^> come given at the head of the next exercise to the position Exercise 47. Position of *' Attention," except that the right arm is bent at the elbow, and behind the back, the dumb-bell being against the back. 1 154 One. Change.. PHYSICAL CULTURE. I Keeping the left arm straight, swing it round ( in a circle from front to rear, j On the word " Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise. 48. Position. — The same as in Exercise 47. One. Change. ( Keeping the left arm straight, swing it round ( in a circle from rear to front. I On the word " Change," come to the position \ given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 49. Position of "Attention," except that the left arm is l»ent at the elbow, and behind the back, the dumb-bell being against the back. ( Keeping the right arm straight, swing it ^^" ( round in a circle from front to rear. ^i j On the word " Change," come to tlie position ( given at the head of the next exercise. Position. - One. Exercise 50. -The same as in Exercise 49. Keeping the right arm straight, swing it { round in a circle from rear to front. ^j j On the word " Change," come to the position G iiange. ■( . ^ % ■% p % . ( given at the head or the next exercise. Exercise 51. Position of " Attention," except that the arms and dumb- bells are elevated above the head. j Keeping the left arm straight, swing it down, One. \ and round in a circle from front to rear. I' GYMNASTICS. 155 ig it round le position ig it round he position •m is bent ing against b, swing it lie position B. ,, swing it Jie position e. and dumb- ing it down, lear. Two. Change. ( Keeping the right arm straight, swing it down and round in a circle from front to rear, com- mencing at the moment the left arm is passing the leg. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. One. Two. Change. Exercise 52. Position. — The same as in Exercise 51. « I Keeping the left arm straight, swing it down, I and round in a circle from rear to front. / Keeping the right arm straight, swing it down, ) and round in a circle from rear to front, com- \ mencing at the moment the left arm is passing ' the leg. j On the word " Change," come to the position I given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 53. Position of " Attention," except that the arms and dumb- bells are elevated above the head ; backs of the hands to the rear. Keeping the knees and arms straight, bend One. Two. Change. ) the body and swing the dz^mb-bells down, allow- \ ing them to pass the legs to the rear as far as ^ they will go. ( Raising the body up, swing the dumb-bells ( up, bringing them above the head. f On the word " Change," come to the position ( given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 54. Position of " Attention," except that the arms are bent at the elbows and wrists : the dumb-bells underneath and touch- ing the arm-pits. 11 \ II i 156 One. Two. Change. Salute. Attention. Class Front. Salute. Right- - Tarn. Dismiss. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Straightening the elbows and wrists, swing the dumb-bells outwards and upwards as high as they will go, without turning the hands; at the same time rising and sinking on the toes. Swing the dumb-bells down and inwards, bending the elbows and wrists, bring them under- neath and touching the arm-pits ; at the same time rising and sinking on the toes. On the word ** Change," dropping the arms to the sides, come to the position of " Attention." As explained in the beginning of the series. As explained in the beginning of the series. See Mode of Formation. As above. The class will turn to the right. See Modes of Formation. 'I iftiiil ■■ft. a |1 GYMNASTICS. 157 sts, swing is as high hands; at I the toes. I inwards, tiem under- t the same ;he arms to \.ttention." the series. the series. STATIONARY ROPE SERIES OP EXERCISES. The pupils should never be permitted to climb with the legs or feet and hands ; no gymnast worthy of the name would condescend to practise climbing in that manner, nor is there any need to do so, as the pupil will find that if he has thoroughly practised the exercises in the Gj'oups up to Group X, he will be able to climb by the true gymnastic method of the hands only. The exercise in each Group of this series should be thoroughly learned "ore proceeding to the next. Pupils under eight should not be required to practise any of the exercises of this Group. TECHNICAL TERMS. Group I. — Springing and pulling up on the single rope ; .springing and bringing the inside of the feet against the rope. Group II. — Springing and pulling up on two ropes ; spring- ing and bringing the instep of the feet against the ropes ; springing and turning through. Group III. — Swinging ; swinging and bringing the insteps against the ropes ; swinging and turning through. Group jy. — Pujling up on single rope ; bringing the feet up, 158 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Group V. — Straight pull up on two ropes -, Birds Nest ; Skin the Cat. Group VI. — Jumping to the rope or ropes. Group VII. — Straight pull up — legs at a right angle. Group VIII. — Pulling up and shifting the hands. Group IX. — Pulling up and shifting the hands — the legs at a right angle. Group X. — Climbing the single rope — the legs hanging straight down — and the legs at a right angle. Group XI. — Climbing two ropes — the legs hanging straight down — and the legs at a right angle. Group XII. — Climbing two ropes by jumps— the legs hang- ing down — and the legs at a right angle. Assemble. I GROUP I. For the formation of the class, See S. 24, S(iuad Drill. The pupil (or pupils) after finishing the exercise will retire to his (or their) place by moving on in front of the class and wheeling about, he (or they) will move on in rear of the class until opposite his (or their) place, he (or they) will turn, step up to his (or their) place, halt, and stand at ease. The class when in line will be facing the ropes. ^^^TLT^ I ^^® ^^' ^' ^ ^' ^"^^^^ ^"^^• The pupils will take this position in the class, until being required to practise an exercise, when they will immediately assume the position of Attention, step up to their places in front of the rope, and come to the position given at the head of the exercise, Skin legs at langing straight 5s hang- S. 24, ill retire ass and bhe class irn, step til being Mediately places in He hea4 of GYMNASTICS, Exercise 1. 159 Cut 29. Position of " Attention," except that the arms are raised, with the elbows slightly bent above the head, and the hands grasp the rope, the left underneath the right above and nearly touching the left ; thumbs on the opposite side of the rope to the fingers: the rope hanging down outside of the right leg. < Straightening the arms and bending the knees. One. I lower the body until the weight of it is prin- ( cipally on the arras. ' ill I i II 1 1 ; ili'i IGO PHYSICAL CULTURE. Two. Three. i Straightening the legs and bending the arms, < spring up as high as possible without changing ' the grasp. r Slowly lower the body until the feet are on 1 the ground. This exercise should be repeated three or four times before the word "Next," is given. On the word " Next," the pupil (or pupils) having finished the exercise, will proceed as al -^ ready described, while the next in order will come to Attention, step up and assume the posi- \^tion given at the head of the exercise. Exercise 2. Next. 1: Position. — The same as in Exercise 1, except read 'left' where * right ' occurs and vice versd. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 1. Exercise 3. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. The same as in Exercise 1. i / Straightening the legs and bending the arms, J spring and throw the legs up, bringing the inside j of the right foot against the rope, above the hands. j Bring the feet as slowly as possible to the 1 ground. j The same as " One." / Straightening the legs and bending the arms J spring and throw the legs up bringing the in- \ side of the left foot against the rope, above the ^ hands. }'- GYMNASTICS. 161 anus, .nging ire on before pupils) i as al er will le posi- 1 'left' ,nner as Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Next. { The same as " Three." The same as " One." /■ Straightening the legs and bending the arms, spring and throw the legs up, catching the ' rope between the hollow of the feet. \ The same as "Three." See Exercise 1. Exercise 4. Position. — The same as in Exercise 2. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 3. ^^ifrrT I ^®® ^' ^' ^^^^^ ^"^^• Dismiss. See S. 51, Squad Drill. le arms, le inside ove the e to the the arms g the in- bove the Stand at -Ease GROUP II. Assemble. < See Grroup I. \ See Group I. Exercise 1. « Position. — The same as in Exercise 1, Group I, except that the left hand grasps a rope on the left and the right hand another on the right, both hands being at the same elevation, and the ropes hanging outside the legs. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 1, Group I. 162 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 2. ] Cut SO. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. One. Two. Three. Four. Next. The same as in Exercise 1. . Straightening the legs and bending the arms, I spring and throw the legs up, bringing the in- \ step of the right foot against the rope, held by V the right hand. f Curve the body, bringing it between the ropes I as far as possible. f Bring the body to position as in " Two," and ( slowly bring the feet to the ground. ■! See Exercise 1, Group I. '4 GYMNASTICS. 163 the artn«, the in- held by the ropes Vo," and Exercise 3. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. This exercise will be the same as Exercise 2, except that the instep of the left foot will bo brought against the rope held by the left hand. Exercise 4. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. This exercise will be the same as Exercise 2, except that the insteps of both feet will be brought against the ropes. Exercise 5. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Next. < The same as in Exercise 1. ■! The same as in Exercise 2. < The same as in Exercise 2. ' The same as in Exercise 2. I The same as " One." < The same as " Two, ' in Exercise 3. i The same as " Three," in Exercise 3. < The same as " Four," in Exercise 3. I The same as " One." •J The same as " Two," in Exercise 4. -] The same as " Three," in Exercise 4. I The See (( same Exercise 1, Group I Four," in Exercise 4. 164 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 6. Cut SI. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1, except that the ropes will be held by the hands, they being only as high as the shoulders. One. Two. The same as in Exercise 1. (Straightening the legs and bending the arms, spring and bring the feet up, and over, and passing between the ropes to the rear, down to the ground. Three. The same as " One." GYMNASTICS. 1G5 Four. Next. Right — Turn. Dismiss. {Straightening the legs and bending the arms spring and bring the body up, over, passing between the ropes, to the front and down, and bring the feet to the ground, coming to the position given at the head of the exercise. \ See Exercise 1, Group I. I See S. 4, Squad Drill. { See S. 51, Squad Drill. the ropes t\\ as the Ithe arms, lover, and down to GROUP III. Assemble. { See Group I. tand at — Ease. 1 See Group I. Exercise 1. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1, Group II., except that standing on the toes, the arms are elevated to their full extent wb.en the hands grasp the ropes. / Bring the feet from the ground to the front, drawing the knees up. Straighten the knees, throwing the feet out to the front, and the body curving, swing them to the rear. Let them return, swinging to the front and drawing the knees up. Straightening the knees and throwing the feet out to the front, repeat the exercise three \or four times. See Exercise 1, Group L One. wo. Three. Four. < Next. ■:l| I 166 Position. - One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Next. Position. - One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Next. Position.- One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Next. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 2. -The same as in Exercise 1. I 1 The same as in Exercise 1 . I Bring the instep of the right foot against the I rope held by the right hand. < The same as " Three," in Exercise 2, Group II. •j The same as " Four," in Exercise 2, Group II. < See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise 3. -The same as in Exercise 1. The same as in Exercise 1. Bring the instep of the left foot against the rope held by the left hand. The same as " Three," in Exercise 3, Group II. The same as " Four," in Exercise 3, Group II. < See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise 4. -The same as in Exercise 1. The same as in Exercise 1. < Bring the insteps of both feet against the rope. -! The same as "Three," in Exercise 4, Group II. < The same as *• Four," in Exercise 4, Group II. < See Exercise 1, Group I. GYMNASTICS. 167 Position. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Next. Exercise 5. -The same as in Exercise 1. -j " One," " Two " and " Three," of Exorcise 1. Bring the instep of the right foot against the rope held by the right hand, and curving the body, bring it between the ropes as far as possible. Bring the body down, and straightening the knees, throw the feet out to the front, and the body curving, swing them to the rear. Let them return swinging to the front, and drawing the knees up, bring the instep of the left foot against the rope held by the left hand, and curving the body, bring it between the ropes as far as possible. The same as " Three." The same as " Four," except that the insteps of both feet will be brought against the ropes. Bring the feet down to the ground, drop the hands to the sides, coming to the position of Attention and retire as alreadj^ described. { i \ \ See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise 6. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. One. I " One," " Two " and " Three," of Exercise 1. ^ ( Bring the body up and over, passing between Two. J the ropes, and let the feet come down as far as f possible. ■:^ii 168 PHYSICAL CULTUHE. iPfii'Hn ' i ri Three. Four. Next. I Raise the hips and drawing up the knees ) bring the body up'and over, passing between the y ropes, and bringing the feet down to the ground. I Drop the hands to the sides, coining to the < position of Attention and retire as already / described. \ See Exercise t, Group I. Right -Turn, i See S. 4, Squac Drill. Dismiss. \ See S. 51, Squad Drill. GROUP IV. Assemble. < See Group I. Stand at — ( c^ /-. x Base. \ ^^^ ^"^"P ^- Exercise 1. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1, Group I., except that standing on the toes the arms are elevated to their full extent when the ha,nds grasp the rope. One. Two. Thr> Lift the toes from the ground. Bending f' "^ elbows, without any assistance from the le^.. r feet, pull the body up until the chin is above ^l^^e hands ; the heels must be kept together and the legs straight. / Straightening the elbows allow the body to <' sink to the full extent of the arms; the feet are I not to touch the ground. Four. Five. { { GYMNASTICS. The same as "Two." 169 The same as " Three," except that the feet will be brought to the ground and the arms dropped to the sides, the pupil coming to the position of Attention and retiring as already described. Next. -j See Exercise 1, Group I. "Two" and "Three," should be repeated three or four times in succession, ir quick time. - 2. Pcisition. — The same as in E-vorcise 1, except that the right hand will be underneath a id the left above; the rope hanging down outside of the left lef> This exercise will be performed in th°- same manner as Exer- cise 1. Exercise 3. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. / Pull up to half-arm, and smartly throwing < the head back and the knees up, bring the inside ' of the right foot against the rope. / Bring the feet slowly to the ground, and J dropping the arms to the sides, come to the \ position of Attention, and retire as before ^ described. On Two. Next. \ See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise i. Position. — The same as in Exercise 2. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 3, except that the mside of the left foot will be brougiit against the ropo. i\ i ■'I! 170 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 5. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. One. \ The same as " One," in Exercise 3. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Straightening the elbows, bring the feet down, but not touching the ground. Pull up to half-arms, and quickly throwing the head back and the knees up, bring the inside of the left foot against the rope. I The same as " Two." / Pull up to half-arms, and quickly throwing ■I the head back and the knees up, catch the rope I between the hollow of both feet. Bring the feet down to the ground, dropping the arms to the sides, and coming to the position of Attention, retire as before described. N'ext. < See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise 6. Position. — The same as in Exercise 2. This exercise will be perfor ned in the same manner as Exercise 5. Dismiss. < SeeS. 51, Squad Drill. Assf nhle Stand at — Ease. ■ { { GROUP V. See Group I. See Group T. GYMNASTICS. 171 Exercise 1. Position, — The same as in Exercise 1, Group III. One. i Two. Three. Four. Five. Next. The same as "One," in Exercise 1, Group IV. Bending the elbows, without any assistance \ from the legs or feet, quickly pull the body up J as high as possible ; the heels must be kept ^ together and the legs straight. ( 1 The same as "Three," Exercise 1, Group IV. The same as "Two." The same as " Five," Exercise 1, Group IV. See Exercise 1, Group I. "Two" and " Three" should be repeated three or four times in succesdon, in quick time. Exercise 2. Position. — The uamc as in Exercise 1. Without any assistance from the feet, pull up to half-arms, and smartly throwing the head back and the knees up, bring the instep of the right foot against the rope held by the right hand, and curve the body, bringing it between the ropes as far as possible. / Let the body return between the ropes, j slowly bring the feet to the ground, and drop- j ping the arms to the sides, come to the position ' of Attention, and retire as before described. ■| See Exercise 1, Group I. Onj Two. Next. Exercise 3. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as m .,: 172 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 2, except that the instep of the left foot will be brought against the rope held by the left hand. Exercise 4. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 2, except that the instep of both feet will be brought against the ropes. Exercise 5. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. Without any assistance from the feet, pull up to half-arms, and smartly bring the feet and knees up, turning over through the ropes and down as far as possible, but not touching the ground. {. Slowly bring the hips, knees and feet up, and turning through the ropes, bring the feet down to the ground, and dropping the arms to the sides, come to the position of Attention, and retire as before described. \ See Exercise 1, Group I. See S. 4, Squad Drill. One. Two. Next. I lie I; Right- Turn. Dismiss. f See S. 51, Squad Drill. anci P]x rop GROUP VI. Assemble. \ See Group I. Stand at — \ a f-A r „ { See Group 1. Ease. \ ^ Exercise 1. Position of " Attention." — The pupil standing close in front and a little to the right of the rope. T^ GYMNASTICS. 173 One. / Two. Next. [ Quickly bending the knees and then straight- ening them, spring up as high as possible, throwing the arms up, and catch the lope with the right hand above and left underneath ; as the hands catch the rope, immediately pull up to half-arms ; the heels will be kept together, and the rope hang down outside the right {Bring the right hand below the left, then straightening the elbows bring the feet to the ground, and bringing the arms to the sides, come to the position of Attention, and retire as before described. 1 See Exercise 1, Group 1. Exercise 2. Position of "Attention." — The pupil standing close in front and a little to the left of the rope. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 1, only read "left" for "right," and vice versd. Exercise 3. Position of "Attention." — The pupil standing clo-e to the ropes, each rope being at ua equal distance from him. / Quickly bending the knees and then straight- ening them, spring up as high as possible, throwing the arms up and catching the rope on the right with the light hand, and the rope One. \ on the left with the left hand, the h^nds being on the same level ; as the hands catch the ropes immediately pull up to half-arms ; the heels will be together and the r'" js hang down V outside the legs. Two. Three. 174 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Let go the rope in the left hand and catch it again about twelve inches lower down. Let go the rope in the right hand and catch it again about twenty-four inches lower down, bring the feet to the ground and the arms to the sides, coming to the position of Attention, and retire as before described. Exercise 4. Position of ''Attention." — The pupil standing a short distance from, (the distance to be gradually increased as he becomes more proficient) and a little to the right of the rope. / Quickly bending the knees and then straight- ening them, spring upward and forward, throwing the arms up and forward, and calch the rope with the right hand above and the left hand underneath ; as the hands catch the rope, immediately pull up to half -arms; the body will be curved and allowed to swing past the rope to the front and return beside the rope, the heels kept together and the rope hanging \down outside the right leg. The same as in Exercise 1. One. < Two. { Next. \ See Exercise 1, Group I. Bxerdae 5. Position of " Attention." — The pupil standing a short distance from, (the distance being gradually in msed as he becomes more proficient) and a little to the left ot he rope. This exercise will be performed in the same man^'er as Exercise 4, only read " left " for " right," and vice versd. GYMNASTICS. 175 Exercise 6. One. Position of " Attention." — The pupil standing a short distance (the distance to be gradually increased as he becomes more proficient) from the ropes, each rope being at an equal distance from him. Quickly bending the knees and then straight- ening them, spring upward and forward, throwing the arms up and forward and catch the rope on the right with the right hand, and the rope on the left with the left hand, the hands ^ being on the same level ; as the hands catch the ropes, immediately pull up to half-arms ; the body will be curved and allowed to swing between the ropes to the front and return between the ropes ; the heels together, and the ropes hanging down outside the legs. Let go the rope in the right hand and catch again about 12 inches lower down. Let go the rope in the left hand and catch it again about 24 inches lower down, bring the Three. -=f feet to the ground and the arms to the sides, coming to the position of Attention, and retire as before described. Two. U Next. j See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise 7, Position of " Attention." — The pupil standing close in front arid a little to the left of the rope. This exercise will be performed in ths same manner as Exercise 1. i 176 PHYSICAL CULTURE. I! Exercise 8. Position of " Attontion." — The pupil standing close in front and a little to the right of the rope. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 2. Exercise 9. Position of "Attention." — The pupil standing a short distance from, (the distance to be gradually increased as he becomes more proficient) and a little to the left of the rope. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 4. Exercise 10. Position of ** Attention." — The pupil standing a short distance from, (the distance to be gradually increased as he becomes more proficient) and a little to the right of the rope. This exercise will be performed in the same manner as Exercise 5. Position.- One. Two. Three. Exercise 11, -The same as in Exercise 6. The same as in Exercise 6, except that the body will be curved and allowed to swing between the ropes to the front, and throwing the knees up bring the insteps of the feet against the ropes, and curving the body pass it between the ropes. ( Let the body return between the ropes and ( bring the feet down. (Let go both ropes, catching them again about 12 inches lower down, drop to the ground, bring the arms to the sides, coming to the posi- tion of Attention, and retire as before described. front Next. Right — Turn. Dis smiss. { GYMNASTICS. See Exercise 1, (J roup T. See S. 4, Squad Drill. Sees. 51, Squad Drill. GROUP VTl Assemble. A See Group I. Stand at — Ease. i at — ( C3 i-t T .g < See Group T. 177 ^i' !,■ Exercise 1. Cut S2. i li 178 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1, Group III. r Keeping the knees and arms straight, slowly ( raise the feet to the front until the legs are at ' a right angle with the body ; heels together. ( Keeping the knees and arms straight, let the I feet come slowly down, but not touch the ground. ■j The same as " One." {Keeping the knees and arms straight let the feet come slowly down to the ground, drop the arms to the sides, coming to the position of Attention, and retire as already described. One. Two. Three. Four. Next. < See Exercise 1, Group I. Exercise 2. Position. — The same as in Exercise 1. One. Two. The same as in Exercise 1. Three. Four. Five. Six. Next. { / Keeping the knees straight and the legs at I a right angle, bend the elbows, pulling the body ( up as high as possible ; heels kept together. Straightening the elbows, lower the body to the full extent of the arms ; the knees will be kept straight, the legs at a right angle, and the heels together. \ The same as " Two." I The same as "Three." ■I The same as " Four," in Exercise 1. -j See Exercise 1, Group I. ■^■^■i^-.^^-^^^.-.: ,->■,.■■■ GYMNASTICS. 179 Eictrcise 3. Position.— The same as in Exercise 1. One. Two. Three. Next, Right — Turn. Dismiss, /" Keeping the knees and arms straight, slowly I raise the feet to the front, up, passing between j tlie ropes over to the rear, and down as far as ^possible; heels kept together. i Keeping the knees and arms straight, slowly / raise the hips and bring them up, over and down ( to the front until the legs are at a right angle. The same as "Four," in Exercise 1. See Exercise 1, Group I. See S. 4, Squad Drill. See S. 51, Squad Drill. I Assemble. Stand at — Ease. { GROUP VIII. See Group I. See Group I. I t 1 '. \ III ] til III IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^ C<. % Q., 1.0 I.I sua iM ^- IM mm 12.0 IM III 1.25 1.4 .8 1.6 ^ % W "7. e. 0% >': >(SS O / Photographic Sciences Corporation s. ^ \ ^^^ ^ DRILL. Dpfinitions. — See Part I. General Rules. — See Part I. Class or Squad Drill. — See Part I. The drill will be the same as in Part I, omitting s. 6, s, 33, Nos. 3 and 4 of s. 41, No. 2 of s. 43, s. 44, s. 45, s. 46, s. 47, s. 48, s. 49, and s. 50. • 8~ «r • vj " » "* U- m. Ts—l (191) 192 PHYSICAL CULTURE. CALISTHENICS. FIRST SERIES OP EXERCISES. Assemble. I See Modes of Formation, Part T. SaluU Cut 34. ( On the word "Salute," slowly depress the the chin and slightly bend the body, drawing back the hips, and at the same time draw back the right foot until the ball of the foot is behind and about an inch from the heel of the left, the weight of the body being principally on the right foot ; the feet flat on the ground and the knees I kept straight. CALISTHENICS. 193 On the word « Attention," which should not Attention, j be given until after a slightpause, come to that position, but not too quickly. For the exorcises in this Part I. series see First Series, Calisthenics, SECOND SERIES OP EXERCISES. Assemble. | See Second Series, Calisthenics, Part I. Salute. I See First Series. Attention. \ See First Series. For the exercises in this series see Second Series, Calisthenics Part I. ' THIRD SERIES OP EXERCISES* Assemble. -5 Salute. < Attention. < See Modes of Formation, Part I. See First Series. See First Series. * See note page 125. I' J .. I 194 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 1. Cut 35. Position of " Attention." One. Two. i Olose the hands and raise them smartly as high as the shoulders, backs to the rear, and the elbows kept close to the sides. Straightening the elbows, elevate the arms to the full extent above the head. CALISTHEiNiCe i 195 Three. Four, Change. I Bending the elbows, bring the hands down < level with the shoulders, backs to the rear, and (^ the elbows close to the sides. Straightening the elbows, drrp the arms to the position ot Attention. On the word "Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise. { Exercise 2. Position of " Attention." ( Close the hands and raise them to the front, ( backs down, and the elbows close to the sides. Straightening the elbows, extend the arms to the front. One. Two. Three. Four. Change. { { Bend the elbows bringing them back close to 1 the sides, hands to the front. ( Straightening the elbows drop the arms to the ( position of Attention. , \ See Exercise 1. Exercise 3. Position of " Attention." One. Two. nartly as , and the ! arms to Three. t Bending the elbows and wrists bring the ( fingers to the shoulders, shoulders pressed back. (Straightening the elbows, elevate the left arm above the head, thumb to the rear, and drop the rignt to the side, thumb to the front ; eyes looking kit the left hand. i Bending the elbows and wrists, bring the J fingers of the left hand down, and those of the I right up, to the shoulders, if ■ H ■ i] Six. Seven. Eight. Change. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Straightening the eltows, elevate the right arm above the head, thumb to the rear, and drop the left to the side, thumb to the front; eyes looking at the right hand. Bending the elbows and wrists, bring the fingers of the right hand down, and those of the left hard up, to the shoulders. Straightening the elbows elevate both arms above the head. Bending the elbows and wrists, bring the fingers of both hands to the shoulders. Straightening the elbows, bring the arms to the position of Attention. See Exercise 1. Exercise 4. Position of " iVttention." Three. The same as *'One," Exercise 3. Straightening the elb^ «vs, extend the left arm to the left, thumb to the rear, and drop the right arm to the side, thumb to the front. < The sai ae as " Three," Exercise 3. Y Straightening the elbows extend the right arm ^ to the right, thumb to the rear, and drop the I left arm to the side, thumb to the front. / The same as " Five," Exercise 3. r Straightening the elbows, extend the left arm ( to the left and the right arm to the right. < The same as " Seven," Exercise 3. CALISTHENICS. 197 Eight. I The same as "Eight," Exercise 3. Change. < See Exercise 1. Exercise 5. Position of "Attention." Caution. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. -Slow Time. I Bring the hands at the full extent of the <^ arms to the front, close to the body, knuckles i inwards, till the fingers meet at the points. {Letting them touch the clothes and pass close to the face, raise them over the head, the ends of the fingers still touching and pointing down- wards so as to touch the head, thumbs pointing to the rear, elbows pressed back, shoulders kept down. Throw the hands up, extending the arms smartly upwards, palms of the hands inwards. Force them obliquely back and gradually let them fall to the position of Attention, elevating the chest as much as possible. Raise the arms outwards from the sides with- out bending the elbows, pressing the shoulders back, until the hands meet above the head, palms to the front, fingers pointing upwards, thumbs locked, left thumb in front. j Bend over until the hands touch the feet, I keeping the arms and knees straight. Keep the thumbs locked and bring the body to the erect position, keeping the arms straight and raising them over the head. [til SI, V: 1^ 198 Hight. Change. f PHYSICAL CULTURE. Separate the hands, forcing the arms obliquely back until they are extended in a line with the I shoulders, and allow them to fall gradually from l^thence to the original position of Attention. ow and against he right at the behind eight. he front lil, bend- )lIow of tot rests r of the . the left nd by a ing the behind ten the yn, and bending 1 up in )er part eight, position Exercise 38. Position of " Attention." Swing the right leg to the front around the left until bending the right knee the hollow of the right rests against the left knee, and the point of the foot rests on the ground in line with the hollow of the left foot ; at the same One. i ^^^^ th© right arm will be bent at the elbow and the dumb-bell brought up to, and placed against the chest, the upper part touching the left shoulder in front ; the left arm bent at the elbow, and the dumb-bell brought up behind, and placed against the back. Steady. Two. between Steady, Change. Retain this position while you count eight. Swing the right leg in a circle to the front and around to the rear of the left, until, bend- ing the right knee, it rests against the hollow of the left knee, and the point of the foot rests on the ground in line with the hollow of the left foot ; at the same time straighten the right arm and bring the dumb-bell down and by a circular movement to the rear, bending the elbow and bringing the dumb-bell up behind, and against the back ; also straighten the left arm and bring the dumb-bell down, and by a circular movement to the front, bending the elbow and bringing the dumb-bell up in front and against the chest ; the upper part touching the right shoulder in front. Ketain this position while you count eight. On the word " Change," come to the position given at the head of the next exercise, a 220 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 39. The same as Exercise 38, only no pause is made between "One" and "Two." Position of "Attention." Salute. I Attention. \ Class- Front. lass — I ^\ont. \ Salute. \ - I { Right- Turn. Dismiss. See First Series, Calisthenics. See First Series, Calisthenics. See Mode of Formation, Part I. See First Series^ Calisthenics. The class will turn to the right. See Modes of Formation, Part I. INDIAN CLUB SERIES OP EXERCISES. The illimitable number of combinations that may be effected in Artistic Indian Club swinging, the exceeding grace and beauty of the movements, the poetry and rythm of motion, especially when accompanied by music, the operation of the mental faculties in conjunction with the physical, the splendid exercise it gives to the body, especially the upper portion, the fact of both sides being equally employed, the erect ease and freedom of carriage acquired through its practice, mark it as being pre-eminently adapted as an exercise for ladies. In the family circle, reading aloud and cheerful conversation furnish pure pleasure ; but how agreeably is this pleasure varied by the air on the piano, the duet, or the song. By between effected race and motion, n of the splendid jion, the ease and ,rk it as i^ersation pleasure ng. By GYMNASTICS. 221 the introduction of Artistic Indian Club solos and duets another beautiful and agreeable Cuddition to the happiness of the family circle will be made. Artistic Indian Club swinging consists of Positions, Circles and Ellipses, which will be hereafter described. There are also other movements, etc. There are eight positions which are designated Right or Left, (R.H. or L.H.) according as the club is in the right or left hand. The circles are divided into Maxim and Minim circles. The ellipses are divided into Upper and Lower ellipses. Each Group in the Series, ought to be learned thoroughly before proceeding to the next. Each Exercise in a Group should be repeated 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 1 2 or 1 6 times before changing to the next. All the pupils will keep perfect time with the leader, and on the word " Change," the club will glide to the next position, care being taken to avoid jerking. The heels must be kept together, as nothing looks more awkward and ungainly than to have them apart. Keep the body as much as possible from swaying, and on no account allow it to bend to the rear or front, or twist. The pupils should be encouraged to make other combina- tions besides those given in the book. At an entertainment Indian club swinging should always be accompanied by music. POSITIONS. " First Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that an Indian club is held in the right hand, the club hanging down ; the back of the hand to the right, fourth finger on the knob of the club. (See Cut 4^). "First Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the 11^ Ill si'- I; 222 PHYSICAL CULTURE. position of Attention, except that an Indian club is held in the left hand, the club hanging down ; the back of the hand to the left, fourth finger on the knob of the club; " Second Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the right elbow, being only slightly bent, the arm is elevated to the right of and in line with the face, the clu*^ perpendicular, handle down. {See Cut 41). " Second Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left elbow, being only slightly bent, the arm is elevated to the left of and in line with the face, the club perpendicular, handle down. "Third Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the right fore-arm is raised to the front and close to the upper-arm ; the elbow close to the side and the club perpendicular, handle down. {See Gut #). "Third Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left fore-arm is raised to the front and close to the upper-arm ; the elbow close to the side and the club perpendicular, handle down. " Fourth Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the right arm is straight and in line with the shoulders ; the club horizontal and pointing to the right. (See Cut 48). " Fourth Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left arm is straight and in line with the shoulders ; the club hoiizontal and pointing to the left. " Fifth Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the right arm is straight to the front as high as the shoulder ; the club horizontal and pointing to the front. {See Gut 44) • GYMNASTICS. 223 held in le hand ) as the ng only J in line n. {See 3 as the ing only I la line e as the is raised r close to {See Cut e as the is raised close to ke as the straight ntal and ae as the light and )inting to le as the iraight to >ntal and " Fifth Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left arm is straight to the front as high as the shoulder ; the club horizontal and pointing to the front. " Sixth Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the right arm is bent at the elbow and in front of the lower part of the face, the hand and club being above the left shoulder ; the club perpendicular, handle down. (See Cut JfS). "Sixth Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left arm is bent at the elbow and in front of the lower part of the face, the hand and club being above the right shoulder ; the club perpendicular, handle down. " Seventh Position," R.H. — This position is t'>e same as the position of Attention, except that the right arm is be»t at the elbow, the hand and club being under the left shoulder ; the club perpendicular, handle up, the left arm horizontal and pointing to the front. {See Cut 4G). " Seventh Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left arm is bent at the elbow, the hand and club being under the right shoulder ; the club perpendicular, handle up, the left arm horizontal and pointing to the front. *' Eighth Position," R.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the right arm is slightly bent at the elbow and in front of the body in a diagonal direction to the left, the hand as liigh as the face ; the club horizontal. • {See Cut 47'). " Eighth Position," L.H. — This position is the same as the position of Attention, except that the left arm is slightly bent at the elbow and in front of the body in a diagonal direction to the right, the hand as high as the face ; the club horizontal. 224 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Assemble. I GROUP I. , See Modes of Formation 'Part 1. " First Position," R.H. Salute. I See First Series, Calisthenics. Caution, — The Maxim Qircles and Upper Ellipses from the Second Position. Cut 41. Exercise 1. — E.ff. «' Second Position," R.H. r Bring the club towards the right, down and to the left, keeping the arm straight until it is GYMNASTICS. 225 One. A from the / down and intil it is in front, when it is slightly bent at the elbow, and the club and arm continuing the circle is carried on to the left, up and to the right, the arm gradually straightening as it passes the body until the circle is complete and the arm and club are at the place they started from. L {See i, i, Cut 4I). I On the word " Change,'! given as the club is completing the circle, bring the right arm in front to the left, the elbow being only slightly bent and the club perpendicular, the handle Change. < sliding through the hand about two or three inches ; instantaneously raise the left hand and grasp the handle below the right, and drop the right arm to the side, coming to the position \given at the head of the next exercise. Exercise 1. — L.H. " Second Position," L.H. / Bring the club towards the left, down and to the right, keeping the arm straight until it is in front, when it is slightly bent at the elbow, and the club and arm continuing the circle is carried on to the right, up and to the left, the arm gradually straightening as it passes the body until the circle is complete and the arm and club are at the place they started from. / On the word " Change," given as the club is completing the circle, bring t^ie left arm in front to the right, the elbow being only slightly bent and the club perpendicular, the handle sliding through the hand about two or three inches ; instantaneously raise the right hand and grasp the handle below the left, and drop the left arm a \ to the- side, coming to the Second Position, R.H. One. Change. < "■" l\ 226 PHYSICAL CULTURE. ■R.H. (« One. Change. (( Exercise 2. Second Position," R.H. Bring the club and arm — the elbow commenc- ing to bend slightly — towards the left, down, and the elbow straightening, to the right, up and to the left, until the arm and club are at the place they started from. (See 1, 1, Cut 4^)' < See Exercise 1, R.H. Exercise 2. — L.H. Second Position," L.H. Bring the club and arm — the elbow commenc- ing to bend slightly — towards the right, down, and the elbow straightening, to the left, up and to the right, until the arm and club are at the place they started from. See Exercise 1, L.H. One. Change. -R.H. One. (( Exercise 3.- Second Position," R.H. Turning the back of the right hand to the front and keeping the arm straight, bring the club and arm to the front, down, and passing \ the right side, to the rear, up and over to the I front as far as the place they started from. \{See 2, 2, Cut 41.) \ See Exercise 1, R.H. Exercise 3. — L.H. Second Position," L.H. Turning the back of the left hand to the front and keeping the arm straight, bring the club and arm to the front, down, and passing the left side, to the rear, up and over to the front as far as the place they started from. ChoMge. On£. GYMNASTICS. 227 commenc- eft, down, I right, up lub are at r. Cut 41). commenc- ;ht, down, ft, up and are at the md to the bring the nd passing )ver to the rted from. md to the , bring the tnd passing 3ver to the from. Change, i See Exercise 1, L.H. One. One. Uxercise 4. — R.H. Second Position," R.H. Turning the back of the right hand to the left and keeping the arm straight, bring the club and arm to the rear, down, and passing the right side to the front, up, and to the place ^they started from. {See 2, 2, Cut 41). Change. \ See Exercise 1, R.H. Exercise 4. — L.H. " Second Position," L.H. Turning the back of the left hand to the right and keeping the arm straight, bring the club and arm to the rear, down, and passing the left side to the front, up, and to the place they started from. Change, \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Exercise 5. — R.H. " Second Position," R.H. ' Bring the club and arm to the front in a diagonal direction to the right, down, past the left side to the rear in a diagonal direction to / the left, up, and to the place they started from ; ^' ^ the elbow commences to bend as the club and arm pass to the left of the left side, and then straightens as it is carried up and completes \^the circle. (See 3, 3, Cut 4I). See Exercise 1, R.H, 228 PHYSICAL CULTURE. L.H. (( One. \ « - { Group I. Vhange. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group I. Exercise 4. — R.H. " Second Position," R.H. 0,1^, f The same as in Exercise 2, R.H. Group I. _ I The same as " One," in Exercise 10, R.H. ( Group I. Change, i See Exercise 1, R.H. Group I. Exercise 4. — L.H. " Second Position," L.H. One. i The same as in Exercise 2, L.H. Group I. _ ( The same as "One," in Exercise 10, L.H. Two. i ^ T ( Group L Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group I. Eocercise 6. — R.H. " Second Position," R.H. One, Two. J The same as in Exercise 3, R.H. Group I. ( The same as "One," in Exercise 5, R.HI ( Group I. Change, i See Exercise 1, R.H. Group I. Exercise 5. — L.H. " Second Position." LH. One. J The same as in Exercise 3, L.H. Group I. ^ ( The same as "One," in Exercise 5, L.H. \ Group L Change, i See Exercise 1, L.H. Group ^. OYMNASTICS. 243 Exercise 6. — R.H, " Second Position," R.H. One. J The same as in Exercise 4, R.H. Group I. r The same as "One," in Exercise 6, R.H. Two. I Group I. Change. i See Exercise 1, R.H. Group I. Exercise 6. — L.H. " Second Position." L.H. One. I The same as in Exercise 4, L.H. Group I. m j The same as "One," in Exercise 6, L.H. I Group I. " First Position," L.H.-Soe Group I. Salute ■ I As before. Front { ®®® ^°^® ^* Formation, Part I. ■ \ Salute, As before. ^^u^ { See S. 4, Squad Drill. Dismiss. I See Modes of Formation, Part I. GROUP IV. Assemble, i See Modes of Formation, Part I. "First Position," R.H. Salute, i See First Series, Calisthenics. Ca.ution.~Combined Upper Ellipses, Combined Maoeim Circles, and Combined Maxim Circles and Upper Ellipses from the Third Position. II ! Ill ^ J 244 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 1. — if./T. "Third Position," R.H. J The same as '«Oae," "Two" and "Three," ^'**' \ Exercise 9, R.H. Group II. ^^^ ( The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," I Exercise 10, R.H. Group II. Change. ^ gee Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 1. — L.H. "Third Position," L.H. ^ ( The same as "One," "Two and "Three," "*• t Exercise 9, L.H. Group II. I The same as " One," " Two " and " Three," \ Exercise 10, L.H. Group IL Change, \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. Exercise 2. — B.H. " Third Position," E.K. j The same as " One," " Two " and "Three," ( Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. I The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," ^'^^' 1 Exercise 2, R.H. Group II. Change. < See Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 2. — L.H. " Third Position," LH. ( The same as " One," " Two " and " Three," { Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. The same as " One," " Two " and " Three," One. Two \ Exercise 2, L.H. Group II. Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group IL GYMNASTICS. 245 Exercise Z.~R.ff. " Third Position," R.H. One. \ ^*^^ ^*°™e as "One," "Two" and "Three," I Exercise 3, R.H. Group II. Two / ^^^ ^^"^^ *^ " ^^^'" *' Two " and " Three," ( Exercise 4, R.H. Group II. Change, i See Exercise 1, RH. Group II. Exercise 3. — L.B. " Third Position," L.H. One i ^^® ^*™® *^ "One," "Two" and *' Three," I Exercise 3, L.H. Group II. Two i ^**® ^*^® ^ "^''^'" "T^°" *n^ "Three," ( Exercise 4, L.H. Group II. Change. | See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. Fx'-ycise 4. — R.JS. "Third Position," R.H. ( The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," \ Exercise 5, R.H. Group II. f The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," ( Exercise 6, R.H. Group II. Change. I See Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 4. — L.H. "Third Position," L.H. [ The same as " One," " Two " and " Three," I Exercise 5, L.H. Group II. Two [ '^^®^*°^® ^ "^^^'" "Two" and "Three," I Exercise 6, L.H. Group II. Change. < See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. One. Two. WW ^5?J 246 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 5. — B.ff, "Third Position," R.H. j The same as "One," "Two" and ( Exercise 7, R.H. Group II. ( The same as " One," " Two " and One. Two. Cfiange. " Three," " Three," { Exercise 8, R.H. Group II. See Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 5. — L.H. " Third Position," L.H. j The same as " One," " Two " and j Exercise 7, L.H. Group II. The same as "One," "Two" and One. Two. Change. \ Exercise 8, L.H. Group II.' I See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. " Three," " Three," / Exercise 6. — R.H. "Third Position," R.H. j The same as " One," " Two " ivnd I Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. The same as " One," " Two" and One. Two. Change. \ Exercise 9, R.H. Group II. < See Exercise 1, R.H, Group II. Exercise 6. — L.H. " Three," " Three," "Third Position," L.H. j The same as " One," " Two " and ( Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. j The same as " One " " Two " and ^^' ( Exercise 9, L.H. Group II. Change. < See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. " Three," " Three," ill GYMNASTK^S. 247 Exercise 7. — R.H. " Third Position," R.H. ( The same as " One," " Two" and ( Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. The same as " One," " Two " and One. Two. Change. \ Exercise 10, R.H. Group II. \ See Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 7. — LM. " Three," "Three," " Third Position," L.H. ( The same as " One," " Two " and ( Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. The same as " One," " Two " and One. Two. \ Exercise 10, L.H. Group II. Change. I See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. Exercise 8. — R.H. " Three," " Three," " Third Position," R.H. ( The same as " One," " Two " and \ Exercise 2, R.H. Group II. The same as " One," " Two" and One. Ttvo. Cha/nge. \ Exercise 9, R.H. Group II. ■| See Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 8. — L.H. " Three," ** Three," "Third Position," L.H. j The same as " One," " Two" and ^"®- \ Exercise 2, L.H. Group II. I The same as "One," "Two" and ^^°' \ Exercise 9, L.H. Group II. Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group II. " Three," Three," (( 248 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 9. — R.ff. "Third Position," R.H. f The same as " One," " Two " and " Three," ^^^' I Exercise 2, R.H. Group IJ. Two. I The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," ) Exercise 10, R.H Group II. Change. < See Exercise 1, R.H. Group II. Exercise 9. — L.H. " Third Position," L.H. j The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," I Exercise 2, L.H. Group II. The same as "One," "Two" and "Three," Exercise 10, L.H. Group II. " First Position," L.H.— See Group I. . Two. Salute. Class — Front. Salute. { I As before. See Mode of Formation, Part I. As before. ^Jf^i— \ See S. 4, Squad Drill. Turn Dismiss \ See Modes of Formation, Part I. GROUP V. Assemble. < See Modes of Formation, Part I. "First Position," R.H. Salute. < See First Seriep, Calisthenics. GYMNASTICS. %i^ Caution. — The Minim Circles from the Fourth Position. Cut p. Exercise 1. — B.H. " Fourth Position " R.H. / Keep the right arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; going down, towards the left, up, passing in the rear of and nearly touching the arm, and to the right until in the position it started from ; the fingers will loosen their grasp considerably as the club commences the circle, the hold being maintained principally by the thumb and upper part of the fore-finger, and resume their hold as the club \^comes up to the position. {See 1, 1, Gut 43.) One. J 250 PHYSICAL CULtURE. Change. < ' On the word " Change " given as the club is completing the circle, bring it and the arm down, to the left, and as the right hand comes near the left, seize the club with the left hand above the right, immediately letting go with the right and carrying the club up to the position given at the head of the next exercise; V the right arm will drop to the side. Exercise 1. — L.If. " Fourth Position " L.H. One. < Change. < / Keep the left arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle; going down, towards the right, up, passing in rear of and nearly touching the arm, and to the left until in the position it started from ; the fingers will loosen their grasp considerably as the club commences the circle, the hold being maintained principally by the thumb and upper part of the fore-tinger, and resume their hold as the club \ comes up to the position. On the word " Change," given as the club is completing the circle bring it and the arm down, to the right, and as the left hand comes near the right, seize the club with the right hand above the left, immediately letting go with the left and carrying the club up to the position given at the head of the next exercise ; ^the left arm will drop to the side. GYMNASTICS. 251 Exercise 2. — R.H. " Fourth Position " R.H. Keep the right arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; going up, towards the left, down, passing in rear of and i nearly touching the arm, towards the right, and up until in the position it started from ; {See i, i, Gut 4^3) ; the fingers, etc, see Exercise 1, \^R.H. One. Change. | See Exercise 1, R.H. Exe -^e 2.—L.H. " Fourth Position " L.H. {Keep the left arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; going up, towards the right, down, passing in rear of and nearly touching the arm, towards the left, and up until in the position it started from ; the fingers, etc., see Exercise 1, L.H. Change. j See Exercise 1, L.H. Eocercise 3.- Fourth Position" R.H. -R.H. One. Cha/nge. f Keep the right arm as straight as possible I and let the club describe a circle ; going down, I towards the left, up, passing in front of and J close to the arm, to the right, and down until ii the position it started from ; {See ^, 2, Cut ^3) the knob of the club will be held in the hand, and it will turn between the first and second \^fingers and th mb as the club describes the circle. See Exercise 1, R.H, 252 PHYSICAL CULTURE. I i' 1 I Exercise 3. — L.H. "Fourth Position" L.H. / Keep the left arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; going down, toward the right, up, passing in front of and close to the arm, to the left, and down until in the position it started from ; the knob of the club will be held in the hand, and it will turn between the first and second fingers and thumb as the club describes the circle. One. \ V Change. See Exercise 1, L.H. Exercise 4. — R.H. " Fourth Position" R.H. Keep the right arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; going up, towards the left, down, passing in front of and \ close to the arm, towards the right, and up, I until in the position it started from ; {See 2, 2^ \Cut 4-S) ; the knob etc., see Exercise 3, R.H. { One. Change. See Exercise 1, E.H. Exercise 4. — L.E. " Fourth Position " L.H. {Keep the left arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; going up, towards the right, down, passing in front of and close to the arm, towards the left, and up, until in the position it started from ; the knob, etc., see Exercise 3, L.H. One. Change. See Exercise 1, L.H, ble and : down, of and until in » of the ill turn I thumb possible oing up, ; of and and up. See 2, 2, GYMNASTICS. Exercise 5. — R.H. 253 " Fourth Position " R.H. r Keep the right arm as straight as possible I and let the club describe a circle ; passing I towards the rear, to the left, to the front nearly ^"^" \ touching as it passes over the arm, and to the I right, until in the position given at the head of Vthe exercise. {See 3, 3, Cut 43). Change. < See Exercise 1, K.H. Exercise 5. — L.H. " Fourth Position " L.H. f Keep the left arm as straight as possible and I let the club describe a circle ; passing towards J the rear, to the right, to the front nearly touch- \ ing as it passes ovQr the arm, and to the left, I until in the position given at the head of the Vexercise. Change. I See Exercise 1, L.H. One. sible and , towards i close to :il in the etc., see Exercise 6. — R.H. " Fourth Position " R.H. (Keep the right arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; passing towards the front, to the left, to the rear nearly touching as it passes over the arm, and to the right, until in the position given at the head of the exercise. (See 3, 3, Cut ^3). Change. | See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. ¥ u I 254 PHYSICAL CULTURE. i 'I l One. Exercise 6. — L.H. " Fourth Position " L.H. {Keep the left arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle ; passing towards the front, to the right, to the rear nearly touch- ing as it passes over the arm, and to the left, until in the position given at the head of the exercise. Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. The Positions and descriptions given for Exercises 6 and 6 will do for Exercises 7 and 8, the only difference being that the club passes under instead of over the arm. {See 4, -4, Cut 43). and the back of the hand is up, the knob of the club being held between the first three fingers and thumb ; the thumb to the front, the third finger to the rear and the first and second fingers to the right (or left). " First Position," L. FI.— See Group I. Salute. Class — Front. Salute. Bight — Turn. Dismiss. { As before. See Mode of Formation, Part I. As before. See S. 4, Squad Drill. See Modes of Formation, Part I, GROUP VI. Assemble. < See Modes of Formation, Part I, " First Position " R.H. ^ Salute. < See First Series, Calisthenics, GYMNASTICS. 255 Caution. — The Minim Circles from the Fifth Position. Cut 44- Exercise 1. — R.H. "Fifth Position" R.H. / Keep the arm as straight as possible and I let the club describe a circle outside of the arm, I going down, towards the rear, up, passing close I to the arm, and to the front until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; {See 2, 1, Cut 44) ; the fingers, etc., see Exercise 1, R.H. Group Change. \ See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. One. I 256 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 1. — L.H. " Fifth Position " L.H. • { The description given in Exercise 1, R.H. One. I will do for this exercise. Change. | See Exercise 1, L.H. Gro«p V. Exercise 2. — Ji.H. " Fifth Position " R. H. / Keep the arm as straight as possible and lat the club describe a circle outside of the arm, going up, towards the rear, down, passing One. •( close to tho arm, to the front, jind up to the position given at the head of exercise ; (^See 1, 1, Cut JfJi) ; the fingers, etc., see Exercise 1, \ R.H. Group V. Change. \ See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Exercise 2. — L.H. " Fifth Position " L.H. ^ J The description given in Exercise 2, R.H. 1 will do for this exercise. Change. < See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 3. — B.H. "Fifth Position" RH. / Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle inside of the arm, going down, towards the rear, up, passing close One. < to the arm, and to the front until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; {See 2, 2, Out 44) '} the knob, etc., see Exercise 3, RH. Group V. V Change. ;.2iil ■! See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. GYMNASTICS. 257 1, R.H. and Idt ;he arm, passing ) to the se ; (^See ercise 1, I, R.H. and let le arm, ig close position , 2, Cut . Crroup Exercise 3. — L.II. "Fifth Position" L.H. One. Change. I The description given in Exercise 3, R.H. I will do for this exercise. I See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 4, — R, H. " Fifth Position " R. H. Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle inside of the arm, going up, towards the rear, down, passing close to the arm, to the front, and up to the position given at the head of the exercise ; {See 2, 2, Cut J^J^)', the knob, etc., see Exercise 3, RH. Group V. I See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Otm. Change. Exercise 4. — L.H, "Fifth Position" L.H. One. [ '^'^'^ description given in Exercise 4, R. H. I will do for this exercise. Change. | gee Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 5. — R.H. " Fifth Position," R.H. (Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, passing towards the right, to the rear, to the left, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, and to the front, until in the position given at the head of the exercisf . {See 3, 3, Gut U-) \ See Exercise 1. R.H. Group V. 9 One. Change. 258 PHYSICAL CULTUBE. Exercine 5. — L.H. "Fifth Position." L.H. One. Change. Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, passing towards the left, to the rear, to the right, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, and to the front until in the position given at the head of the exercise. i See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 6. — R.H. " Fifth Position," RH. Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, passing towards the left, to the rear, to the right, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, and to the front until in the position given at the head of the exercise. ^(See 3, 3, Cut U-) i See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. One. Change. Exercise 6. — L.ff. "Fifth Position," L.H. (Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle passing towards the right, to the rear, to the left, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, and to the front, until in the position given at the head of the exercise. Change. I See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V, GYMNASTICS, 259 The positions and descriptions given for Exercises 5 and 6 rhcfhf ""'"";■""'*• "■" -'y -difference being that ae olub ..11 pass under instead of over the arn,, (.ee i\ Cut fnst tZTb ; «"' """^ '"«^" """ "■»■"" '• "•« thumb rn;:r;t:r:her„t'"«^^ --"'^^ ^-^ *-« <=- -^ — <> "First Position," L.H.-See Group I. Salute I As before. I See Mode of Formation. Part I. As before. See S. 4, Squad Drill. Class — Front. Salute. Right — Turn. Dismiss. { { j See Modes of Formation. Part I. GROUP VII. Assemble ' j See Modes of Formation. Part I. " First Position." R.H. Salute. I See First Series, Calisthenics. 260 PHYSICAL CULTURE. m fl i Caution, — 57ie Minim Circle and combined Minim and Maxim Circle^ from the Sixth Poaition. Cut 46. Exercise 1. — R.U* "Sixth Position," R.H. {Let the club describe a circle towards the left, down, to the right, up behind the back and shoulders, and to the left until in the position given at the head of the exercise j the club will be held by the knob. {See Cut J^5.) i See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V, One. Change. *Thi8 exercise is difficult to execute and may be left out, J^xercise 2 being repeated a greater number of times instead. GVMNASTICS. 261 One. Exercise 1. — L.H.* " Sixth Position," L.H. (Let the club describe a circle towards the right, down, to the left, up behind the back and shoulders, and to the right until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by the knob, Change. | See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 2.~R.H. '♦Sixth Position." R.H. One. I The same as in Exercise 1, R.H. Two. I The same as "One," Exercise 2, R.H. Group L Change. | See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Exercise 2. — L.H. " Sixth Position," L.H. One, \ The same as in Exercise 1, L.H. Two. I The same as "One," Exercise 2, L.H. Group L Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. " First Position," L.H.— See Group L As before. See Mode of Formation. Part L Salute. \ Front. Class — J Salute ■ I As before. Dismiss, i See Modes of Formation. Part I. *Th8 exercise is difficult to execute and may be left out. Exercise 2 being repeated a greater number of times instead. 262 physioal culture. ^fiffljl 3 I -r .i il GROUP VIII. Assemble. | See Modes of Formation, Part I. " First Position." R.H Salute. i See First Series, Calisthenics. Caution.— r/te Minim Circle, and comhined Minim and Maxim Circle from the Seventh Position. Cut Mi. Exercise 1. — R.H. " Seventh Position," R.H. (Let the club describe a circle behind the back and sboalders, towards the right, up, to the left, down and to the right until in the position given at the head of the exercise j the club will be held by the knob. {See Cut 46). One. K^ GYMNASl-JS. 263 On the word " Change," given as the club is completing the circle, bring it and the right hand Change. ■{ towards the left hand, seize the handle with the left hand above the right and come to the Seventh Position, L.H. Exercise 1, — L.H. ' " Seventh Position." L.H. Let the club descibe a circle behind the back and shoulders, towiirds the left, up, to the right, down, and to the lefc until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by th* knob, (On' the word "Change," given as the club is completing the circle, bring it and the left hand towards the ri^nt hand, seize the handle with the right hand above the left and come to the Seventh Pcsitioi R.H. One. One. Two- Change. 1 { I Exercise 2.— R.H. "Seventh Position." R.H. The same as in Exercise 1, R.H. The same as "One," Exercise 2, R..H. Group L See Exercise 1, R.H. Exercise 2. — L.H. "Seventh Position." L.H. One. \ The same as in Exercise 1, L.H. Two. \ The game as "One," Exercise 2, L.IL Group \. " First Position." — See Group I. Salute. < As before. Cki88— I g^^ ^^^^ ^^ Formation, Part I. Front. \ ' 26i Salute. Eight — Turn. Dismiss. PHYSICAL CULTURE. As before. See S. 4, Squad Drill. See Modes of Formation, Part I. GROUP IX. Assemble. | See Modes of Formation, Part I. " First Position," R.H. Salute. j See First Series, Calisthenics. Caution. — The Minim Circles from the Eighth Position. Cut 47. GYMNASTICS. 265 (. One. Change. m. Exercise 1. — R.H. " Eighth Position." RH. Let the club describe a circle outside of the arm, going down, towards the right, up, pass- ing close to the arm, to the left, and down urtil in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by the knob. (See 1 1 .Cut 47.) ' ' On the word " Change,'' given as the club is completing the circle, bring it and the right hand towards the left hand, seize the handle with the left hand above the right, and come to the .Eighth Position, L.H. Exercise 1, — L.H. ♦'Eighth Position." L.H. Let the club describe a circle outside of the arm, goL-g down towards the left, up, passing close to the arm, to the right, and down until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; ,the club will be held by the knob. (On the word " Change," given as the club is completing the circle, bring it and the left hand towards the right hand, seize the handle with the right hand above the left, and come to the Eighth Position, R.H. Exercise 2. — R.H. "Eighth Position." R.H. {Let the club describe a circle outside of the arm, going up, towards the left, down, passing close to the arm, to the left, and up until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by the kuob. {See 1, 1, Cut 4?). One. Change. 266 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Clicmge. < See Exercise 1, R.H. Exercise 2. — L.H. "Eighth Position." L.H. Let the club describe a circle outside of the arm, going up, towards the right, down, pass- One. -l ing close to the arm, to the right, and up until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; ^the club will be held by the knob. Change. < See Exercise 1, L.H. The positions and descriptions given for Exercise 1 and 2, will do for Exercises 3 and 4 ; the only difference being that the club will pass inside instead of outside of the arm. {See 2, 2, Cut 47). Exercise 5. — E.H. " Eighth Position." R.H. {Let the club describe a circle, passing to the front, to the right, to the rear, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, a^d to the left until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by the knob. {S?.e S, 3, Cut Jfl.) Change. \ See Exercise 1, TI.H. Exercise 5. — L.H. "Eighth Position." L.H. (Let the club describe a circle, passing to the front, to the left, to the rear, nearly touching as it passes cvf * the arm, and to tha right until in th3 position given at the head of the ejiercise ; the club will be held by the knob. Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. One. % GYMNASTICS. le of the wn, pass- up until exercise ; 1 and 2, jing that . {See 2, g to the touching b until in jxercise ; ( J^e 3, 3, 267 Exercise 6. — RII. " Eighth Position." R.H. (Let the club describe a circle, passing to the rear, to the right, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, to the front, and v,o the left until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by the knob. (See 3 3 CtU47.) ' ' Change. | See Exercise 1, R.H. Exercise 6. — L.H. " Eighth Position." L.H. Let the club describe a circle passing to the I rear, to the left, nearly touching as it passes over the arm, to t.e front, and to the right until in the position given at the head of theer.ercise ; ^the club will be held by the knob. See Exercise 1, L.H. The positions and descriptions given for Exercises 5 and 6 will do for Exercises 7 and 8 ; the only diflfei.nce being that the club will pass under instead of over the arm. (See A A Cut 47.) \ ^^^y t " First Position," R.H.— See Group I. One. Change Sah g to the Class — touching Front. jht until Salute. BJiercise; Right Turn. Dismiss. i { I I I { As before. See Mode of Formation, Part I. As before. See S. 4, Squad Drill. See Modes of Formation, Part I. 268 PHYSICAL CULTURE. GROUP X. Assemble. < See Modes of Formation, Part I. " First Position," R.H. Salute. I See First Series, Calisthenics. Caution. — The Minim Circles, and combined Minim circles and Upper Ellipses, from the Second Position. Exercise 1. — R.H. " Second Position." R.H. / Keep the arm as straight as possible, and let the club describe a circle, towards the right, down, to the left, pacing in front of and close to ^ f the arm, up, and to the right until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club will be held by the knob, which will turn in the hand as the club describes the circle. {See 6, 6^ \Cut 41.) Change. \ See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. . Exercise 1.- " Second Position." L.H. -L.H. One. Change. Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, towards the left, down, to the right, passing in front of and close to the arm, up, and to the left until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club etc., .See Exercise 1, R.H. See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. -'.■.-; i-.l.>i*P(;*'H">i'' ' ^.Ci^^S^i^iil''■ GYMNASTICS. 269 m circles , and let le right, I close to position ilub will in the See 6, 6, and let , down^ s to the )osition ub etc., Exercise 2. — R.H. Second Position," R.H. Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, towards the left, One. 7 '^°'^"' *° *^« "ght» passing in front of and close to the arm, up, and to the left until in the position given at the head of the exercise {see 6, 6, _Cut 41); the club etc., see Exercise 1, R.H. ' Chanffe. | See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Exercise 2. — L.H. " Second Position," L.H. fKeep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, towards the right down, to the left, passing in front of and cfose to the arm, up, and to the right until in the position given at the head of the exercise ; the club etc., see Exercise 1, L.H. C/iange. J See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 3. — H.ff. " Second Position," R.H. One. j The same same as in Exorcise 1, R.H. Two. I The same as " One," Exercise 9, R.H. Group L Chanffe. | See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Exercise 3. — L.ff. 'Second Position," LIL One. I The same as in Exercise 1, L.H. Two. I ^'^^ «^°^« ^ ''One," Exercise 9, L.H. I Group I. Change. | See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. ii. :] '■l 270 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 4. — R.U, "Second Position," R.H. One. I The same as in Exercise 2, R.Ii. Two. ^ ^^® ^^™^ ^^ "One," Exercise 10, R.H. \ Group I. Change. | gee Exercise 1, E.H. Group V. Bxercue 4. — L.H. " Second Position," L. H. One. I Tha same as in Exercise 2, L.H. Two. i ^^^ ^^"^® ^^ "One," Exercise 10, L.H. I Group I. " First Position," L.H.— See Gioup L Salute. \ As before. Front. \ ^^^ ^°^** ^^ Formation. Part I. Salute. I As before. TurnT \ ^^^ ^' *' ^^^^^ I^rill. Dismiss, i See Modes of Formation. Part T. GROUP XI. Assemble. | See Modes of Formation. Part I. "First Position," R.H. Salute. I See First Series, Oalisthenica. GYMNASTICS. 271 Oaution.-rA. Minim Circles, Lower Ellipses, combined Mmim arcles and Lower Mlipses, and combined Maxim Circles and Lower Ellipses from the First Position. ), R. PI. L.H. Cut 48, Exercise 1. — H.ff, *' First Position," I^.H. fKeep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, going towards the left, up, to the right passing in front of and close to the arm, and down to the position it started from ; the club can be held by the knob. {See 1,1, Cut 48.) Change, I See Exercise i, R.H. Group V 272 PHYSICAL CULTURE. Exercise 1. — L.FI. " First Position," L.H. Keep the arm as straiglit as possible and let the club describe a circle, going towards the One. -l right, up, to the left, passing in front of and close to the arm, and down to the position it started from ; the club can be held by the knob. Change. \ See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. Exercise 2. — R,H. " First Position," R. H. {Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, ^oing towards the right, up, to the left, passing in front of and close to the arm, and down to the position it started from ; the club can be held by the knob. {See 1, i, Cut 48.) One. Change. i See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Exercise 2. — L.H. " First Position," L.H. / Keep the arm as straight as possible and let the club describe a circle, going towards the One. left, up, to the right, passing in front of and (close to the arm, and down to the position it started from ; the club can be held by the knob. See Exercise 1, L. H. Group V. Caution. — The Lower Ellipses from the First Position. GYMNASTICS, 273 le and let .^ards the it of and osition it the knob. e and let ('^ards the it of and osition it the knob. e and let ivards the it of and losition it the knob. on. it Exercise 3. — RH, First Position," R. H. if Bringthe club and right arm to the rear of the right side, (back of the hand to the right the club held by tlie knob, thumb to the front the first finger to the right and pointing down' and the second finger to the rear of and under - the knob,) and describe an ellipse ; the club and hand going behind the back towards the left up to the right, the club passing the arm in rear of It, and the arm and club going down, and to the left until at the place they started from. (See 2 I 2, Cut 48.) ^ One. Change. j See Exercise 1, R.H. Group V. Exercise 3. — L.ff. ** First Position,"!. H. Bring the club and left arm to the rear of the left side, (back of the hand to the left, the club held by the knob, thumb to the front, the first finger to the left and pointing down, and the One. ^ '^T^ ^""^^"^ *° ^^^ re*'" of and under the knob.) and describe an ellipse ; the club and hand going behind the back towards the right, up, to the left, the club passing the arm in rear of' it and the arm and club going down, and to the right until at the place they started from. Change, i See Exercise 1, L.H. Group V. 10 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // .// £?. Ja ■iS Q.. o i/x fA i.O I.I WilM IIIII2.5 IIM IIIII2.2 % 1^ II 2.0 .8 1.25 II 1.4 1.6 ^ 6" — ► v]