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Las diagrammas suivants iilustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 6 6 C«) A B( m t/ SEConsriD ANNUAL REPORT OK THK- Stilish ^alumbia BOARD OF TRADE^ ,1 J ■2nd July, 1880 to iud July, 1.S.SI ■- <0 ■K.A- INCORPORATED OCTOBER 28th, 1878. 4 'jV :-* - VICTOIUA: lt^ THK 1 ■ ( I I, O N I S T H r K A XI I' U K S S K S , V 1881 J X"h «-i^ ■■ .*■ : N,..' 4^ . ... HK. >4 i J-r 4 !> < ® « ^ ' vs f 1 I V f -i; ( •, , •< .. t. ./ '•( f . • I ^ SECOn^ID A 'M:^ s f- ANNUAL REPORT OF THE- ■%^ ♦ J ♦ titish ai0lumlri» V • BOARD OF TRADE 2iul July, 1880 to 2nd July, 1881. INCORPORATED OCTOBER 28th, 1878. VICTORIA: THE Ot>LONIST STEAM PBES8EB. 18 81. 'i I ■^•'j e ® • 9 ito WI ED m OFFICERS isso-isei. IIOBERT PATERSON RITHET, WILLIAM CHARLES, - EDOAR CROW BAKER, - I'ltK8tI>KNT. vick-pukhiuknt. Sk(;hkt\uy. ■ COUNCIL. (8) J. H. TURNER, THOMAS EARLE, M. W. T. DRAKE. M. T. JOHNSTON, PETER McQUADE, J. H. TODD, A. A. GREEN, - ROBERT WARD. >«' ARBITRATION BOARD. (12) J. H. TURNER, THOMAS EARLE, M. W. T. DRAKE, M. T. JOHNSTON, PETER McQUADE. J. H. TODD, ROBERT WARD, A. A. GREEN, W. J. JEFFREE, DAVID LENEVEU, ROD'K FINLAYSON, WILLIAM WILSON. * * # m •# t '*> • ♦ • a • MEMBERS. *, BAKER, E. C. BALES, J. C. BATE, MARK, BURNS, ROBERT, CHARLES, WILLIAM, CLARKE, W. R. DRAKE, M. W. T. DUNSMUIR, ROBERT, DENNY, WILLIAM, DAVIES, JOSHUA, DALBY, WILLIAM, DOUGLAS, JAS. EARLE, THOMAS, FELLOWS, ALFRED, FELL, JAMES, * FINLAYSON, RODERICK, GREEN, A. A. GRAY, A. B. GREEN, DAVID, HARRIS, D. R HEISTERMAN, H. F. HIGGINS, D. W. HEYWOOD, JOSEPH, HIBBEN, T. N. HAYWARD, CHAS. JOHNSTON, M. T. JACKSON, R. E. JEFFREE, W. J. KEAST, ARTHUR, LANGLEY, A. J. LOWENBERG, L. LENEVEU, D. MARVIN, EDGAR, MARVIN, E. B. MAYEREAU, J. B. MASON, H. S. MANSELL, HENRY, MONTEITH, WILLIAM, MANSELL, GEORGE, McQUADE, PETER, McQUADE, E. A. McALISTER, JNO. NEUFELDER, E. C. NELSON, HUGH, PITTS, S. J. POOLEY, C. E. POLLARD, WM. m QUAGLIOTTI, JOHN. RITHET, R. P. ROME, ANDREW. -* REDFEBN, C. E. SPRATT, JOSEPH, STROUSS, CARL, SAUNDERS, HENRY, SAYWARD, W. P. SHOTBOLT, THOS. SMITH, A. J. SHORT, HENRY, SHEARS, WALTER, TYE, T. H. TODD, J. H. TURNER, J. H. WARD, W. C. WARD, ROBERT,* WILSON, WM., M.P.P, WEILER, JOHN. 1 > V ^ I 9 9 <e» »« To Coi lor Me( A reiii :jOtl Dec nun son] stro and proi join r Met ])ari Boa the fron luiv( jincl Y that iron SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OK THE lEITISH COLUMBIA BOABS OF TBADE (8nd July. 1880 to 2nd July, 1881.) VicTouiA, 13. C, 'ind July, 1881. To THE MeMUEKS of THE B. C. BOAHD OF TllADE; Gentlemen : — Your committee appointed by the Council to prepare a report of the ^)rocee(liiiti[s of the Board lor the year 1880-1881 for presentation at the Annual General Meeting, beg to report as follows : MEMBERSHIP. At the commencement of the fiscal year (to which all our remarks refer) there were 82 members on the list. On the .'JOth September four members withdrew. On the 81st of December dight more retired, and at the present time the number has been reduced to 69; it is, however, a matter of some little congratulation that the list is still numerically stronger than it was two years ago, and, no doubt, when trade and commerce shew a general tendency to improve, and the prospects of the country brighten, many new members will join and others return. MEETINGS. During the past year there have been four General Meetings of members, and ten Meetings of the Council, full ])articulars of which can be obtained at the office of the Board from a i^erusal of the Record Book, which is open to the inspection of members every day (Sunday excepted) from 9 A. M. until 5 p. m. The Quarterly General Meetings have been held in ko^eping with the " Acts of Incorporation and Bylaws." DEATHS. Your committee aie pleiised to be in a position to state that during the past year our number has not been lessened from this cause. s 1 WITHDRAWALS. The following gentlemen have withdrawn from the Board for various reasons. Some from change of residence, ill health, depression in business and consequent pecuniary inability to continue their subscriptions, and some from reasons known only to themselves; indiscriminately they are as follows: Messrs. T. L. Briggs, F. J. Barnard, Bichard Carr, H. E. Croasdaile, J. Engelhardt, A. B. Green, J. P. Goodhue, J. B. Hett, William Moore, Charles Morton, Alex. McLean, J. W. McKay, J. E. McMillan and Alex. Wilson. Total, 14. VACANCIES. None have occurred during the past year, either on the Arbiti'ation Board or among the members of the Council . FINANCE. Details of Beceipts and Expenditure will be found in the Account Current of the Secretary-Treasurer and in the report of the Audit Committee. We ma}' state, however, that this time last year we had only the sum of $139.45 in the Bank of British Columbia, and that now we have 122.50 in hand, $408.75 in the Bank and $18 collectable — making the total assets to be $449.45, with all expenses paid, no outstanding liabilities, and an increase to the funds of the Board of over $300. PRINTED COMMUNICATIONS. We beg to return our grateful acknowledgements for the following printed pamphlets, etc., received during the year: 1st. Trade letter No. 4, Commercial Belations between Brazil and Canada, with supplementary information relating to trade with the West Indie ; 2nd. Annual Beport San Francisco Chamber of Com- merce ; 8rd. Annual Beport of Astoria Chamber of Commerce; 4th. Board of Trade Ileturns shewing progress or decline in manufactured exports and imports for the last twelve years, from 1869 to 1880; 5th. An Act to amend the Act 40 Vic, chap. 10, respect- ing the Consolidation of Customs Acts; 6th. Pacific Bailway speeches of Amor DeCosmos, M.P. •1 1 1 Board nee, ill cuniary le from ;liey are Slichard , J. P. Norton, d Alex. on the uncil . i in the in the owever, 39.45 in e 122.50 -making paid, no s of the for the le year : jetween relating of Com- iraerce ; decline ; twelve r respect- as, M.P. OTHER BOARDS OF TRADE. No further reports have been received from Quebec, Mon- treal, Dominion Board of Trade or Portland, nor have any at all been received from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. DECOSMOS' RAILWAY SPEECHES The sum of $20 was voted by the Council towards defray- ing the expense of printing said speeches at Ottawa, copies of which have been widely circulated, and are on file for reference of members of the Board . DOMINION BOARD OF TRADE. Nothing further has been done or attempted in reference to affiliation with said Board, nor do we apprehend any such step until our financial as Avell as numerical strength shall warrant it. DELEGATE TO ENGLAND. The correspondence and printed circulars on this subject will be laid before you; but inasmuch as tJie commercial (!onference, up to the present moment, has made but little |)rogress it will only be necessaiy now for us to state that the Council nominated the Hon. Amor DeCosmos, M. P., and then Mayor Turner (successively) as the representative from this Province; they, however, being reluctantly com- pelled to decline the honor on account of more pressing tnigagements the Council were fortunate enough to secure tlie services of H. C. Beeton, Esq., of Finsbury Circus, London, Great Britain, who has attended most, if not all, the meetings in London, and from his reports you will readily perceive that our Board of Trade has been constantly and faithfully represented. DRAWBACK ON TIN PLATE. This subject has again engaged the attention of Council. A rebate of 34 cents per box was first allowed, and then, through the instrumentality of the Board and able assistance of members of the Senate and Commons at Ottawa (repre- senting British Columbia) was increased to 50 cents per box drawback; since then further resolutions and suggestions have been sent to Ottawa recommending that the actlldl (li(ti/ paid on all materials used in the canning of sal- mon for export be allowed. 1j^ L 4 10 TELEGRAPH LINES AND CABLES. These subjects have also had much consideration during the past year. The lines from Victoria to Nanaimo have been reconstructed; the cable laid from Nanaimo via Valdes Island to Point Grey (Burrard Inlet); the land line from the latter point to New Westminster built, and the land lines from New Westminster to the northern parts of the Province put in good working order. We are now partly assured that a second cable will be laid from Sooke to Port Angelos or Freshwater Bay, or from some point in Washington Terri- tory to some opposite point on Vancouver Island. COMMON CARRIERS AND RATES OF FREIGHT Is another matter which has been briefly considered, but inasmuch as any decided action on the part of the Board might require a number of legal opinions it was deemed more prudent to defer a thorough discussion on the subject until more comi)lete information could be gleaned during the ensuing year. NANAIMO-ESQUIMALT RAILWAY. Nothing further has been done in this direction. A meet- ing was called to discuss the advisability of the Board taking action in reference to a rumored public meeting; it was decided, however, not to take any further steps in the matter (for the present) unless some tangible ]3roposition could be submitted to the Dominion Government. DRYDOCK Is progressing slowly in its preliminaries for construction, and no doubt 'ere the close of the present year more rapid strides will be taken in prosecuting a work, the completion of which would so materially aftect our trade and commerce. FOG WHISTLE AT RACE ROCKS. During the stay of William Smith, Esq., Deputy Minister of Marine, in this Province, a committee from this Board waited upon him in reference to the erection of a steam fog whistle at Race Rocks, and to which he promised to give his attention on his return to the Federal Capitol. We are now pleased to state that the same is in course of construction, and will be completed long before foggy wea- ther of any moment will demand its services. \ during o have Valdes •om the d lines rovince ■ed that ;elos or Tarri- ed, but I Board deemed subject during A meet- d taking ; it was matter ould be ruction, e rapid apletion nmerce. Minister s Board earn fog give his ourse of gy wea- i 11 SHIPPING AND NAVIGATION LAWS. A committee lias been appointed to take into consideration all matters relative to the effect of Canadian Jaws on this subject as affecting British Columbia, more particularly to find out what laws licive been made to apply to this Province, what have jiot, and the nature of them. Committee has not yet reported, BONDED WAREHOUSES. A recent circular from Ottawa requiring that separate warehouses should be established for excise and dutiable goods has been issued. The matter was taken up by the Board and referred to Ottawa through the Members and Senators in the customary manner, and the result is that the departmental officers have been instructed iiof to put said circular in force until further advised by the Department at Ottawa. HAMILTON BOARD OF TRADE. A circular letter has been received from this Board of Trade in reference to the " Equitable distribution of Insol- vent Traders' Estates," and containing much useful matter; but inasmuch as it contained a request for co-operation of this Board towards securing the passage of a Bill through Parliament at its last session, and as the subject involved a variety of legal opinions, action has been deferred for more mature consideration. MAIL SERVICES AND MAIL STEAMERS. These matters have ever and anon engaged the attention of Council. Committees have been appointed, reports drawn up, resolutions passed and forwarded to our Members and the Government at Ottawa; but up to the present no leplies have been received, and we cannot, therefore, make any definite report upon the subject. MAIL SERVICE TO WRANGEL, CASSIAR, ETC. A committee has been appointed to draft information on this subject with a view, if possible, to securing some kind of regular service to these remote places, instead of the very irregular communication even in summer months, and total absence in winter. Committee has not yet reported. ^1 ■-i .'.■5 ■1 :| y^^ ■ \ tmmn 12 PUGET SOUND MAIL SERVICE. A committee has also been appointed to enquire into this matter, and to take such steps as to them may appear neces- sary and expedient Avith a view to obtaining a daily mail service between Puget Sound and British ('olumbia. The report of this committee will be laid before you. Printed petitions were drawn up and forwarded to the principal sections of the Province. These have been numerously and inlluoiitially signed and transmitted to Ottawa through the senior M. P. for Victoria city, viz: Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, and we await the result. Meantime, we may state that, partly owing to this agitation, and partly attribu- table to the transfer of the ' ' Starr Line of Steamers " to the " Oregon Railway and Navigation Company," a tri-weekly service is now in operation between Victoria and Port Townsend, and which must, in a measure, ultimately benefit the former. BEAVER OR SPENCE'S ROCK. Steps have been taken by the Board towards securing the completion of the work known as the removal of "Beaver or Spence's Rock," in Victoria Harbor. A committee was appointed to wait upon the Resident Dominion Government Agent (Hon. J. W. Trutch, 0. M. G.) who cheerfully acquiesced in the suggestions made by Council, immediately sent a telegram to the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa recommending that the completion of the contract be under- taken by the Dominion Government at a probable cost of !it!l,000, said sum to be deducted from balance of contract, payable upon completion of same, viz: 15,228.20; the result is that the work is now being pushed on to completion, and we trust 'ere many weeks to see the obstruction to navigation known as ' ' Spence's Rock " removed altogether, and a depth of 12 feet 0- inches over it at L. W., Ord. Spgs. ARBITRATION CASES. There has been only one case referred to the Arbitration Board, viz: that of W. J. Stephens versus the Hudson Bay Company, a claim for services rendered by steamer Cassiar to steamer Otter (when ashore); amount claimed, $1,875; amount awarded, .|650; Robert Ward, Esq., acting as Arbi- trator for owners of the Casriar, and M. T. Johnston, Esq., for owners of the Otter. Award accepted. \ 13 QUARANTINE MATTERS Have been and still are engaging the attention of Council, brought about more forcibly by the recent case of the barque Henry Buck arriving from China with some 300 Chinese and "small-pox" on board, and the almost total absence of the necessary accommodation for patients. These matters have been fully represented to the Minister of Agriculture and Statistics at Ottawa, with a view to the establishment of a Quarantine Hospital and station in this Province, and we trust, "ere long, to see some provision made by the Dominion Government which will meet the exigencies of the case. "HARBOUR MASTER AND POET WARDEN." Ivules and Regulations, Acts for the government of, and fees collectable by this officer are to l)e found in the " Acts of Incorporation and Bylaws " of the British Columbia Board of Trade. Vn'e have to note the resignation from ill-health and advanced age of Captain Jeremiah Nagle, for many years the incumbent of these positions, and the appointment in his stead of Captain William Raymond Clarke. All of which is respectfully submitted. KOBEBT PATERSON RITHET, President, WILLIAM CHARLES, Vice-President, EDGAR CROW BAKER, Secretary. ADOPTION OF REPORT. The foregoing report was read and adopted at the ad- journed Annual General Meeting on Tith July, and referred to Council for action. The same having been again consi- dered at Council Meeting on the 22nd July was placed in the hands of the Committee, who drafted it for the purpose of getting it jninted for the information of members gener- erally, with power to add such information and statistics in the form of Appendices to said report as to them may appear necessary or ex]iedient in the interests of trade and commerce. ALTER.\TIONS OF BYLAWS. In kee])ing with notice duly given on the 9tli April, the following addition and amendments to the Bylaws were regularly put and carried at the Annual Meetiwg on 12th of July, and are hereby published for general information : I i I ! ■■ m j 14 "1st. It was moved by J. H. Turner, Esq., and seconded by J. H. Todd, Esq., that a section be added to the Bylaws to the effect that the Officers, Council and Members of the Arbitration Board shall be elected by ballot. " Carried. "2nd. It was moved by E. C. Baker, Esq., and seconded by A. A. Green, Esq., that Bylaw No. 1 be amended so as to read: The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the first Friday in July at 3 p. m. The Quarterly Meetings to be held at the same hour on the first Friday of the months of January, April, July and October." Carried. "3rd. It was further moved and seconded as aforesaid that Bylaw No. 1 be amended so as to read 3:30 instead of 3 p. M. on any occasion." Carried. EDGAR (31iOW BAKER, Secretary. ■i « X ■X VicTOiiiA, July, 2, 1881. to the pljesident, vice-puesident and members of the British Columkia Boahd of Trade : The undersigned committee appointed by the Board as Audit Committee, beg to leport they have examined and checked recei])ts from all sources and expenditure per vouchers in connection with accounts of Secretary and Trea- surer for year ending June 3()tli, 1881, and find same per- fectly correct. They recommend that the action of Secretary writing off 121 as bad debts receive the endorsement of the Board. Your committee also wish to bear testimony to the efficient and careful manner with which the books have been kept. W. J. JEFFREE, E. C. NEUFELDER, E. A. McQlTADE. c 15 seconclecl I Bylaws s of the :riecl. jecondecl eel so as d on the stings to ) months aforesaid istead of retarv. I, 1881. i OF THE Board as lined and itnre per ind Trea- lame per- Secretary mt of the )ny to the have been ,EE, LDEE, DE. O K « <x > ;= -^ h- > c re \ (X » .. • i? ^ 00 oc i o p-" o • «M ^ 1.4 > £^ c Sh !i ^ ^ ^ "a P B^ , c § 3; B S Cj* ' K M 05 05 tc '5 1* e O 1 c 1 ". 1 o 1 1 1 > 1 -1 1 ac 1 H X c to >; •^ go 2! ^ 1' a as si -! 3 E M O W 1 y. w H n i i c X ;^ re 3S P > > 0^ : >n r. M R OS a so w ^w b w ■§ 2i "c > r^ i>- S- r^ * H^ ^ - -i -1 w y. y. r^ c a H —^ _ - . c = 2 -^ ^— N- , <fe a ^-> IC LC re to R c>^ t— * h- Cv tf' : g cr ts tc ^ C ►**^ 31 h» CI w c c — ^ '^ CC c — O H ?3 H-lwC ^ ex lO X 5 i t: ttfte: ROM X X W ^^ X o P5 •A g o >^ a: S fi s^ «^ goo •-I M t-t ^ ! O w £J S a: m o S B o; M ^ o K I 5; s- , O e- = -- o ? o 2 "^ K 3 "^ H (5 B I X (-1 i-' «'^s; W M^ - B O' 55 o2oBw£'^>S cc 7i a = K 5- H^3^ * 3". n '5 s o X 1^0 xr.t:. ■ S n B c £l td ^^ w *^ wr-! 01 :-. F" I 5-S x-^ •• 5^ s S 5 K O fT S 3 • B S, X o; OC i*« © s ic s s o o-i Ol C: C O C l4^ B *h to to H- S O in C Cl 1^ M o c CI! td c w o W 00 GC OC c J ^:"' 05 O w K- ::3 ^ 16 -H S'.-^ to M c< H SB D O H O O H a ij o OQ tc M n a! 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' 1 1 J3 •' ■ • 1 : ■ ■ 1 t^ as :. . • 1 S ns : ; 1 i T 0) ■3 .^ 3 ■ ■■ : 9 '• • : 1 ■| 3 .1 1 5 *> s a. - :t •- SI oli\'iau Total. t£ u Ci. ^;!i-U!»?- pi C c »: 1= M ^' 00 'M o .vj Oi O ■^ ,-( t^ O "XI GC O O 1-1 rt t-H CO 'A O M H < H o < cc CO c3 01 ai u to S I '^' ^ n .I- r-S ■ -3 a ._ CO S3 tc 3 g.2 CPSoaJffOiOSeJpqj^O pqpfi;!z;ci3<):^e4pHQQMa« 3! lA SiS ?? ir- ■■l : 2 bo .2 g c .-a 11? s io S '-1 li - 1-3 ^ M nx 3s re ;•) v V.-5 -jO ■n « 3s^ .. 3S ft '■' 2^ -s - io .S §:§•■£ »! yj -3 ^ i3 c ■3 C ■1^3 5 I 5 o c-3 r. II. C ft 2 * ft ^ !/.C 5' i! rr ■s'f mI •sf to I ^" ool 10 ¥~ Pi c a o s c el •Si.— o o rt rt. 3.5. II <t o a" 'i *■ rt ^' ■c. 5' §^ a? ft 3 sT SI ^ 3.= f* i. s-fc-rt <: < ft- rt •<rt P . «; r* rt ^ ii; rt r 5£ ^ I Number of VuhscIh. Tons liegistor. Tons Wciglit. Tons McaHurenient. rt 3 • o J? i. Number of (Jrew. :5 Nuiulier of \es»eis Tons Regiti'cr. ,nrv>rr- •-••- Tons Weijflit. Tr>nN ''i Measurement, r £. gl Number of Crew. Number or Vesbels. Tons Register. Number of Crew. Number of Vet,<cls. Tons RejfiBter. Number of Crew. Number of Vessels. Tons Register. Number of Crew. o s: 5 o -jf. 53 33 >• > > S8 5 2! ^ > H V! Z^ > > w '/ M M 2 ® 3. *< era ■*< fLW :^ I B go oq S i ^° 5S (-5 w Qj I— I S hi » < s • O -< 'B I' t?d B ■Ji o 3) » O f 20 • 1-1 . a Z < I I I >^ .2 .J BQ u X o •MOJO )o asqiiiiix •iojsiflaji siiox •R|aflso_v JO jn(imnM 55 •MOJO JO jn((iun{i{ 'io^BiXa^ snoj; •«[n890A JojoqiunN ■.wojy }o joqmns; __'^ l_5 "w^ ift in r-t f-t i-< i-Trt^i g •J3}Sli(0>I SHOJj ■S|ossoA JO aoqum^j .00 jg 00 « a <« "^ a §3 ■*^ 1^ ■** a * I *-< S3 '. 01 ml ^^ o 2 S^ Cm 3 'A O u •MOJO JO jaqtunjij •!juoui.iansnan suoj. ■*U^'<P.\V siiox •aa>9iSo)j suojj •R[aRS3.v jojoqums; •< a •AvaJO JO jaquin^ •;3 tc C'ij suoj, •jqSiOAV SUOJ, ■jo^siSOH stiojj S 03 •813SS3A.J0 jaqiunjij •Ma^o JO aaqum>^ .1 •jaauiuiist!ai\; stiox •?U3PAV suox •ja^sii^aii suox s l-H O •siassaA Jo jaqiunx a n c c2 Ui !z; «] '-' ca ai a^ 2^: .a. ii •S 2 S "11 1^^ 12 IJJ 12 -^cu i, o X ■^ O u S sa sz;a 'iidod 3()tL With i J cargoes. 1 j Total . In c 9 ballast, i ^ M. ; Total . . C i! Grand To iV „<■ — . C9 i « 1 5 f Statem in ,; ' uded 30th, c .1? C 1 e-= ■J Sec .' •3 4> ;J a*- a4 1 ^1 With i^' t! »r ■', 0.2: 1 '^"**1 ■ • • - S 1 I" i S^ 1 ballast. {Ca sbS . c ts 1 ■5'^ Total . . . 0! c k> C3 «.E ' Grand Toto w ."tr — . .■"05 htcs C £ ; ^0 £ ■» ' 91 t APPENDIX VI. SrATKMENT o( VesKolH entered Ontwiirds for Kea, during the ftHcal year >ndod 3()tb June, 1881. BECAFITULATION. Witli \ British. . Canadian . '^'"•K<>^'«-VForeign. Total J ( British . . . ballast. ] Canadian. ( Foreign . . Total Grand Total No. of Tons Vessels, register [Quantity Freight, 38 38 182 258 7 59 149 Tons weight. 215 473 33,909 46,695 10,626 I 676 186,378 169,556 Tons measure 230,813 r215,926 6,898 19,332 87,493 113,723 345,536 I 215,926 3,511 483 3,175 7,169 7,169 No. Crew. 801 401 4,866 6,058 141 598 3,613 4,.352 10,410 •■" '4 •n ^1 APPENDIX VII. Statement of Vessels entered Inwards from sea, during the fiscal year ended 30th, 1881. RECAPITULATION. No. of vessels. 23 96 166 Tons register. 16,472 31,166 121,123 Quantity Freight. No. Crew. . Tons weight. Tons measure ,,r ,, ( British 6,054 2,261 17,312 25,627 .... 460 "' < Canadian 1,018 ""g°^''-( Foreign 3,957 Total 285 15 6 163 184 168,761 5,435 J ^British -"-•iSr :;::■:;::::: 16,775 1,610 151,830 170,215 338,976 ::.: 334 72 4,456 Total 4,862 Grand Total 469 25,627 10,297 1 '-ii 1 ■>1 1" -.1 ^,1 ^ 7^ 2-2 APPENDIX VIII. List of VesHels Registireil in British Columbia 31st December, 1880. NA.ME. Ada Alarm Alert Alexander Anna Book Beaver Bonanza Black Diamond Bninette <^aril)oo-Fly Cassiar C'arolcna C. Stephens. Discovery Enterprise Eva Ea<jle Emma Eliza Etta White EX|icrinient Favorite Gem (Jerti-ude (ilenora (Irappler Ilamley Henry Helen H. L. Tibballs Hope Hyack Iris Isabel Isabella .luanita Kate Kinan Kaml')op-< Lady of the Lake. . lyconede Leviathan Martin .MajTK'ie Mavy Ellen Maude Miimic . Naiiaimo Packet. . . .Vellie Taylor Nellie...." Otter Onward Onward Oriole Pato Princess Louise. . . Pilot Princess Louise. . . (Quickstep Reliance HIG. None Sloop Sell .<ch Sch None Sch .Sch None Sell None Sch Sch Sch Sloop None Sloop Sch Sen Sloo]) Sell Sch None Sloop .None Sch Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop None None Sloop None Sch Sch 1i Sch None None Sloop SIoip None None Sch Sch Sch Sch None Sloop Sch None Sch Sch Soil Sch Sloop Sloop Sloop None WHKRK mii.T. HOW I'liOi'ELLED. Burr.iril Inlet Victoria, B. C. Astoria, r.S..V. Essiiiffton, B.C. Sun Francisco Bl.vckwall, Kng. \ ictori B. ('. Tnknown S:in Francisco N'ictoria, B. C. Seattle, C. S. A. Wash. Ter. L'. S. Sooke, B. C. Victoria, B. (J. REGISTEK DIMENSIONS. Dunj,'enes>, I'. S. Madison, U. S. Siianieh, B. C Froeport, I'.S. I't. Townseml Sooke, B. C. Victoria, B. C Victoria, B. C. Victoria, B. C. I'nknown Wash. Ter., U.S. Skeena, B. I'. Victoria, B. C. San Francisco Victoria, B. C. Sca'tle, r. S. Victoria, h. C. Victoria, B. C Sooke, B. V. Seattle, C. S. San Francisco BurranI Inlet Cassiar, B. C. New York, f. S. Unknown San Francisco San .Juan, U. S. Victoria, B. C. Unknown San Francisco New York, U. S. Victoria, B. C. California, U. S. N. Westminster .Manilla, P. I. Oregon, U. S. M. Westminster ^ ;a^tle, U. S. \ ictoria, B. C. .Stcam-padUle 'Sail fsail Steam-paddle Sail Stcam-paddle Sail Sail Steam-screw Stcam-paddlo Still. -Sternwheel Sail Sail ISail jSteani-paddle Sail Stcani-screw Sail ISteam-screw I Sal I Sail Still. -Sternwheel Still. -Sternwheel Stni. -Sternwheel Steam-screw Sail Sail Sail Sail Stm.-Sternwlieel Steam-paddle Steam-screw Steani-paildle Sail Sail Sail Sail Stm.-Steniwliccl Steam-screw Sail Steam-screw Still. -Sternwheel Steam -screw Sail Steam-paddle .Sail Sail Steam screw Steam-screw Steam-screw Stni. -Sternwheel Sail Sail Sail Steain-paddle Steam-screw Steam-screw Sail Stm. -Sternwheel 60. .■i4.2 (i.4 TONNAGE. 71. !)7. i' 00.4.5| 27.1 ;301.(J9!17S: ii.9 7. i !.03 >13.23 12.7-i 14.21' 19. SS 219. 1.4;> l.-iO.!! I 32.:«i ,..l 23. 88' i.K< 10, 1.8!l 219. 23 220.11 ..' ;i.'^.20 12.13 ()5. 07 1()24. 11 107.19 3ti| 13.3(1 14.29 31lr21.0ti NA.M Ko\a! Cit\ . Skide-ato.. Siiriiiy \ale Thornton. .. Triunipii . . Victoria Wanderer. . , Western Slo Wilson G. H Winifred ... Woodside. . . StaTEMEN'J Ctiuiid J'aar e Arrived, i ^ < u ; Total I>('parte(l. Total 'iiaiid Tota rl(i.9f^ 14.i)(P S0.1(> ]1»1..W . , 40.38 2 Kl'J 12 .! 96.l!> .1 81. .11 li 18.T 5 138..1C> 2,290 28 .1 31.00 .1 ■1.''..40 .1 89. Ci) i2'30?.H2 i«; 4. IK ..| 9. J3 2.1. .. 48.44 3.') 82.40 . . 4() 83 .. 79.. '")4 4.') 27.1);' ()9!178.23 ■W|149.3'i 571128.13 23. 11.24 ..! 8.47 701131.20 r)8 31.3i» .32 13.4.-. .63'l40..W 43.r.4 40.21 ,-.8.11 28.0.- I 12.72 14.22 10.33 !.03 1.43 63.08 !.23 150.11 ...1 32.30 ,...1 23. i.8S! 4.0.1 l.W 1.89 ). 219. }.23 220.11 . .' 35.20 ...' 12.13 65. 0.07 624. 3.11 107.10 fi,3t 13.36 14.29 9.31 121.06 23 APPENDIX VIII.— Concluded, NAMR lliCl. WIIKIIK liriLT. now I'KOl'ELLED. Koya! City None .Skicieii'.ite Sloop .Siinii^' \'ale Si.'li Thoi'iiton Sloop Tiiumpli Slwip Victoria JNoiie WiiTideier ]Scli WcstL'in Slopu Sell Wilson (.!. Hunt 'Sloop Winifred Sell Wooilside 'Sloop Victoria, li. 0. Victoria, ]!. C. I'ort Townsend IDung-oiicss, I'. S. Cowiclian, B.C. San Juan, U. S. Victoria, B. C. New York, t". S. Wliatcoui, r. S. Sooke, B. C. Still. Sternwhcol Steani-scrcw Sail Sail Sail Stni.Sternwheel Sail Still. -Sternwlb el Steam. paddle Sail Steam-strew KKGISTER DIMENSIONS KT. 128.1 76. 48. .51.1 43. 36.6 156. 186. 42.5 70. KT. 26. 12. 19. 19.2 12.8 X a FT. 5. 6. 3. .5.1 15.31 26.5 26. 13.7 15.2 5.0 S. 8, 4.5 6.5 .TONNAOK. 553.22 37.08 365. 831.59 407.96 '56!27 438.74 26.44 10.53 29.30 15.22 16.24 725.71 350.3(> 13.05 32.87 APPENDIX IX. Statement or Vessels employed iu the Coasting Trade of the Domiiiiou of Canada, which arrived at and departed from this Port during the fiscal year ending 30th Jnne, 1881. UEC.VPITULATIOX. f Under i Britisli Ai-rivcil J Transirc. '( Foreign Aiiivta. Coasting ) Britisli . [ License. '| Foreign Total No. of Vessels . 773 Tonnage. I Under J British D. parted. | ^^'^'f '•^- ' ^"^'f.^fi' * I Coastnig ) British . [ License. "| Foreign . Total Grand Total Arrived and Departed. 773 1 140,345 I 140,345 747 138,007 1520 ! 278.352 1520 278,352 No. Crew. 6,534 6,534 6,693 13,227 13,227 m.^ ': « ^ i J m >■• / 24 APPENDIX X. EXPORTS. General Statement of goocls the growth, produce and luaniifacture of the Dominion of Canada, exported from the Province of British Columbia during the fiscal year ending 30th June, 1881. ARTICLES. Countries to which exported. Unit of Quan. Tons i i t 4 $ Tons Total Quantities. Total value. THK MINK. Coal * ( 1 United States.. Mexico Sandwich Isl'ds 207,806 1,221 5,216 214,242 $716,822 4,273 " I 18,256 1 1 1 1 739735r' Gold (in dust and bars). 576,918 Ore (iron) 800 1 800 '* (silver) 10 Total of the niine !?1, 317,079 United Kingdm Australia United States . . Various ports . . United States. . Australia . United Kingdm United States. . United Kingdm United States . . United States . . United Kingdm United Kingdm United States.. United Kingdm United States. . lbs. a 14 4 ( brls. ( 4 i i lbs. brls. 4 4 lbs. 4 ( Galls. THE FISHERIES. | Salmon (canned) $279,052 1,000 .... 11,006 8,461 299,519 Salmon (Pickled) *( > * 732 168 219 4,868 1,787 1,873 Hahbut (fresh) Fish, other (pickled).. . . 1 1,119 13,575 7 r, 12 8,528 927 110 42 152 ^preserved) . . 192 33 Hidnion (smoked) Fish oil 138 30,946 21,174 26 9,330 6,629 Marine Furs 52,120 15,959 47,540 28,300 .... 1 i , — _._. ~75,840 Total of the fisheries . . $400,984 1 Mult .... ■ •49.>a>a .-.'-....^ .^ ,528 927 110 42 152 33 26 25 APPENDIX X. EXPORTS— Concluded. AIJTICLES. ; I Countries to : which exported, tup; fouest. Phiuk iind Boards VarioiiH port"' • Total of the forest from Vancouver Island .... .\NIMALa & THEIR PR0DI7( E Hair /United Kingdm Furs undressed. . United Kingdui United States . . Hiilts. Horns a)id Kkius Unittd Kingdiu " United States. . ••| Wool United Kingdiu Meat (2)reser\ed) , 'I'otal Animals. &c . . . .i ■ A .V(.IU(UMUU.\I. PRODUCTS. Mult , United States. . MANU1'.\(']'['UKS. Matches . , ..... iUnited States Unit of Quan, Total I Quantities. | Total value. lbs. 75,%8 720 liush. Cii'oss. 1(J7 §162,747 $'162,747 $ 150 136,300 151,114 287,414 557 50.101 50,658 12,177 75 $350 474 HE<^APITUL.\T1<)N. <'(.al ,. S 7;!!).;i-M (Idld .'576,1)18 Iron uVf 800 Silver ore 10 Fisheries , 400,it81 Forest 162,717 .■Animals and their ])r(Hlne';' 350,474 .\gricultural jjroduets. ... 248 Manufactures 22 Total goods produce of Canada. . .?>2,2.'il,554 Goods not produce 24,100 248 •>•> (Inind total :*(2,255,753 < 26 APPENDIX XI. IMPORTS iuto the Province of Biitish Coluniluti for fiscal yciir ciidinj. 3()th Juue, 1881. Vnluc of imports. Entered for Home C(ju- swniption. Dutiable Goods $2,216,;}3r) Free Goods '2;t:3,021 Leaf Tobacco for Excisi' i)nrposes Goods imported from Eastern Ca- nada Total imports 1(3,384 $-2,489,7i3 ^ 387,111 ?«,a7{;,Hr)4 Valnt $U,-21 1,153 231,i)13 11,050 $245741« f! 387,111 Dnty received. f58J),423 (!2 S58',»,423 C.-i !?2, 844,227 i $58!),423 r.-> APPENDIX XII. EXPORT or THE FISHERIES IN TJIN YEARS. Year ending' ;JUth June, 1K72 $ ;J7,70(i 00 IH73 43,3()1 00 " " 1874 114.118 00 *< •• 1875 l;!3.US(l 00 '* «' 187*; ,.,.,.. 71.338 00 " '• 1877 105,(103 00 '« •» 1M7« 423, H40 0(» " •« 187'J (;33,4',»3 00 •* •' 1880 317,410 0(1 '» " 1881 400,084 00 $2,281, 83!) 00 N. B. — The figures above shewn inchide not only the " case salmon " of the Eraser, Hkeenfi and Naas Kivers, but also the pickled and smoked salmon, other ])iekled and preserved fish, i'resh halibut, and lish oil expoi ted to the markets of the United Kingdom, United States and Austia- lia. In the next Annual Ileport there will probably be given a more lengthy re])ort on the industries of "canning fish and fish oil," and fisheries generally, shewing the approxi- mate " home consumption,' &.c., and other it<nns of interest on this important subject. A] (copy) E.xtr • 111 the lOtl] in Council The following r( lution to (10 exportation The the coiiside Council th( ehaiidise pv of Rritish i Whe: vich'd in eft'i sportiitioii ( transportati or manufaci and ajjpeart said United for transpo: authority of dauHo 15 of tion 74, His- to order ant tion of Slid chargi'd and Cii Received N. B. iiiadvertentl Messrs. Fry nished by t^ for their rei illation neci matter. Tl courtesy of tics of our t ''' flc"lNl« , If B *nr ■ ^aO,' 27 APPENDIX XIII. CANCELLATION OF DUTIES ON FREIGHT, &u. (COPY) 12tliMay, 1881. Extract f mm the Miimtes of ii meeting of the Treasury Board held on tht- 10th May, 1880. Approved by His Excellency the Governor General in Cnnncil on the 12th May, 1880. I The Hoard approve and respectfully recommend the adoption of the : following regulations submitted by the Hon. the Minister of Ciistouis in re- ;. lation to collection of duty upon goods purchased in the United States for I exportation thence to the Province of British Columbia. The undersigned Minister of Customs has the honor to submit for the consideration and approval of His Excellency the Governor General in ; (^(inucil the following arrangement respecting the transportation <^f mer- 1 chandise purchased in the United States for transportation to the Province ': of British Columbia. ^, Whereas, by section H of the Act 42nd Victoria, Chap. 15, it is pro- ^ vided in effect that dutj' shall be charged and collected on the cost of tran- ; sportution of goods and merchandise! purchased in the United States for I transportation to Canada from the place of growth. * * production I or manufacture to the last port of shipment, and whereas, it is represented 4 and appears that this rule bears unequally upon goods ijurchascd in the 3 said United States and transjjorted by railway to the port of San Francisco I for transportation thence to tht Province of British Columbia under the f authority of the section of said act above cited, and also of section 125 * clause 15 of the Act 40 Vic. Chap. 10, and of the Act 41 Vic. Chap. 7, sec- tion 74, His Excellency the Governor General in Council has been jjleased to order and it is hereby ordered that the duties on the cost of transporta- f ti(in of such merchandiser to the said ])()rt of San Francisco shall not be •harg>'d and colltctccl fr<im and after th<! date of this order. (Signed) M. BOWELL. Ctrtitied: (Signed) J. O. COTE, Clerk P. C. lieceived at Victoria, B. C, Miiy olst, 1881. J . !tC ; fish )proxi- ntercst N. B.— In the Annual Eeport of the Board for 1880 the Committee inadvertently omitted to mention the fact that they were much indebted to Messrs. Frye and Milne, of H. M. Customs, for the valuable statistics fur- nished by them in the msitter of Exports, Ijiiports, and Slui>piug— as also for their ready and prompt assistance', at all times, in stipplying the infor- mation necessary for making a lleport of this nature replete with useful matter. The Committee this year are equally indebted to the kindness and courtesy of those goitlemen for similar favors and also for additional statis- tics of our tirtheries. EDGAR CROW BAKER, Secretary. ^. 28 1 £i d — 5 .H — c 2 T . - tC u X i: i' ^ ^ •= fJ 1. ••: - t.- S I' '^ S -3 ^ — ^ C >, = _2 — "J -j c -' ;t ~ ■" A s - - I dnJluijnunaiiiiijo '■ a o_ .5 £ ? " -3 5 ■" ^"^ b ■" .Z *■ c = ^ ~ -r- i: > = « 9 rt S; 5 £/:■ C o — ^ 4" ^' •- i 'S i i -5 K = S c -3 B.I '"" - ii 2 X i; = - « .= ~ §" S . 5.>!a ** - ^ •■- > ^ C C *^ X OS 1) a; — = 3 ■ »i " ^* y ^ *^^ z ■> ^ ^- -I o w y •p.i?i[Jlri JDOA '£ S S S -3 -piiiKi JO ^uiiion'l si :s I—* •43 •CI mi o 2 J d~ - (S -S, 'JDaio III uoDs saiji^-l J. ! "- c ' I Tl OS 3: ° c -• ^ 'r» "x lit U •}U.8r[ io .in;o.-) i::!; ' 'i.i 1"' " ••< '"I ■•.■II Q ■ -siioil J, b>; -!S()(1 o.\!Ji!|0.i ~ Ph ' I " "' i6' "• '.W ^pii1!."iio'I "I 5S S tf :S o o = Ji 5- 4J Tc y if • • -ti ~ So (2) (''^) 1.:^ •\ 3piil!»i' I ^ .1 1 X .-1 3 "3 J 3 ■i) '5 ■u >. "5 t: - 5 P :: •\ •g ^. ^.y -A ^ K ^ •T* ■*J '.« 5^ ^i4m "^ r-* ;^. j:? — 1 :;: u: y) ■y A m -w 3 < > i ■n ur. 'J. *3 -J "5 4» V. '^ c ££ :^ y H '^r sS ~ H '_< A < a. Se; /■, ,- .- «5 2!) APPENDIX XV ACTS IN FOKCE:— riLOTAGE MATTERS. 30 Vic. chap. 54, assented to 23r(l May, 1873; 87 Vie. chap. 26, assented to 26th May, 1874; 38 Vic. chap. 28, essented to 8th April, 1875; 40 Vic. chap. 20, assented to 28th April, 1877; 40 Vic. ciiap. 51, assented to 28th April, 1877; 42 Vic. chap. 25, assented to 15th May, 1879. PILOT COMMISSIONERS:— (1) Roderick Finlayson (Chairman), William Raymond Clarke, Robert Paterson Rithet, Edgar Crow Baker (Secretary). (2) James A. Raymur (Chairman), Hugh Nelson, Charles G. Major, Benjamin Springer (Secretary-). (3) Mark Bate (Chairman), Thos. Eric Peck, John Hirst, T. E. Peck (Acting Secretary). LICENSED PILOTS:— J Victoria and Esqui- mau District. New Westminster and Yale District. Nanaimo, V. District. John Sabiston (Nanaimo Harbor Service) Active List. James Mcintosh, British Columbia Pilot, do James Ramsey, do do William Scott, do do James Christensen, do do William Ettershank, do do William Clements, Nanaimo Pilot, do Daniel Morrison, do do Andrew Rodgers, do do Angus Mcx4.1ister, Burrard Inlet Pilot, do Donald Urquhart, B. C. Pilot, Commanding Alexander. George G. King, do John Thompson, do George Rudlin, do Robert Hicks, do PILOT VESSELS:— Schooner Carolena, No. 1, 32 ^'ictoria and Burrard Inlet. Unemployed. Suspended. Commanding Cariboo-Fly I^nemployed. tons registered tonnage, 1^ 30 Slooj) Quickstep, No. 2, 14 tons legistoreil tonnage, Vic- toria and Esquimau. Sloop Tibbal.s, No. 15, HA tons registered tonnage, Victoria and Esquimau. Hloo]) Helen, No. 4, 11 tons registered tonnage, Victoria and Escjuimalt. Sloop W. A. G. Young, No. 2, 10 tons registered tonnage, Nanaimo. Sloop Keturali, No. -i, 8 tons registered tonnage, Nanaimo. VICTORIA AND ESQUIMALT PIL(rr.\(iE KATES:— Vessels bound to t)tli('r ])orts and coming to an anchor in l!oyal Roads, the pilotage shall be free, except the services of a Pilot are em])l<)yed, when pilotage accoi'ding to the following graduated scale shall be payable: Inside or North of IJace Ikocks to lioyal Bay >!^<) 75 1^ foot Beachv Head to Boval liav ... ^ ..... 1 50 Pillar 'Point do " ;{ 00 " Cape Flattery do GOO " For vessels entering into or clearing from the undermen- tioned ports, the rates of pilotage shall be as foUow.s: Esqtiimalt Harbor (under sail) $4: 00 "j^ foot do (under steam or in tow) , -'i 00 " Victoria Harbor (under sail; 4 00 " do (under steam or in tow) . . . I> 00 " Vessels s])oken by a Pilot in keeping with the Act and By-Laws and not ac('e])tiii.u his servic(>s, shall only ])ay .*2 per foot into and out of A'ictoria, and S2 ])er foot into and out of Escjuimalt. Vessels ])roceeding from Victoria to Esqnimalt, and rice ri'i'sa, and having disdiarged oi' received a portion of tlieir cargo in either harbor, and having paid full })ilotage into either liarbor, if proceeding Avith the assistance of steam, shall pay ."-=1 .50 per foot. Any fraction of a foot not exceeding six inches shall be ])aid for as half a foot, and auy fraction of a foot exce" -xg six inches shall be paid for as a foot. Pilots shall, when called upon to do so, remove vessels from one jjart of either harbor to another part of same harbor for the specific charge of $10 for each and every removal. .'.v.r snperinl j)ilot SUi . '^^ :' ' i'jscpiini; i2tli Jui l8cS0," M " Wh the By lar voya interest!- I)le to ( re.solvci Esquiuii harl)or ( of said 1 •SI. 50 pe voyage ( outward said vesf Rocks tc ^ !?;•> 'g '4 31 The Pilotage Authority shull have power under tliis By- Liiw to niiike such aiTiingemeuts from time to time conconi- iu^ tlie i)ih)tage of vessels making regular trips between Victoria and Puget Sound, as to them may appear necessary or expedient in the interests of Trade and Commerce. Comjmlsory payment of Pilotage dues is not chargeable against vessels while in Iloyal lloads, unless such vessels shall enter either or both of the ports of Victoria and Estpimalt. AVhen a vessel is bound to or from any other port in the Province, either laden or in ballast, and does not discharge or receive any cargo, passengers or mails, but simjjl}' enters it as a harbor of refuge, such vessel shall be exempt from ])ilotage into and out of Esquimalt, excepting in cases where a Pilot is actually engaged by the Master for such services. Pilots shall anchor or moor vessels in such places and ])osition as may be previously assigned to them by the Harbor Master, and shall also bei'th vessels at such wharf and in such manner as may be consistent with the wishes of the Consignee, conveyed to them by the Harbor Master. It shall Ije the duty of Pilots to assist the Master in superintending the unmooring of vessels, when engaged to ])ilot such vessels outward. At a meeting of the Commissioners of the Victoria and Esquimalt Pilotage District, held at A'ictoria, Ji. C., on the I'itli Juiy, liSSU, the following addition to tlio " Pv-Laws, 18.S0," was adopted; " Whereas the pilotage dues as |)rovided for in sec. 18 of the By-Laws, 1H80, fall heavily upon steamers making regu- lar voyages to Britsh Columbian waters, and whereas in the interests of the trade of Victoria and Esquimalt it is desira- ble to obviate the burden referred to. — Be it therefore resolved, that steamers making regular trips to Victoria and Esquimalt and having paid ^o per foot into and out of either harbor on th(> inward voyage and leturning again to either of said harbois within a period of 20 days, shall only pay §1.50 per foot additional dues on said vessels on the outward voyage (i. e. 75 cents ])er foot inwards and 75 cents per foot outwards) for pilotage service tendered or rendered until said vessel.5 pass to the west\\ard of a line di'awn from Race Kecks to Point Angelos, i. e. to seaward again. %- ^■\ m 83 NANAIMO PILOTAGE KATES:- The rate of Pilotage inwards and outwards shall be : — For vessels under 12 feet draught $ 00 f foot For vessels over 12 feet draught 4 00 " For vessels in tow of a steam-tug, irrespective of draught 3 00 '' For steam vessels other than foreign tugs or tug-boats or steamers employed as such, whose master or mate has not a Pilot license, ] less than the above rates if a Pilot is employed. Vessels spoken by a duly licensed Pilot shall pav to tlu' said Pilot half the full pilotage if his services are declined, but vessels arriving from sea by Avay of the Gulf of Georgia M'ithout being spoken inwards by a Pilot, shall be exempt from outward Pilotage unless a Pilot be employed. The Pilotage Authorit}' nuiy remit pilotage dues to steamers carrying Her Majesty's mails between San Francisco and the Province of British Columbia, in whole, or in part, as to them may appear tit, provided such steamers call at the Port of Nanaimo for the purpose of coaling and have on board a duly licensed Pilot, of some other Pilotage district, within the said Province, capable of i)ilotiug in the waters of this district, and do not therefore require the services of a Nanaimo Pilot, but the ten dolhirs per day, payable for Gulf pilotage, shall be due to, and collected l>y, the Pilotage Authority of this District. GULF UF GEOlKiLV AND xS TRAITS NAVIGATIGN- The Pilotage rates for vessels bound to or from Nanainio, and to or from Hoyal Boads, shall be ten dollars per day of 24 hours, if assisted by steam, and ten dollars foi' luiy frac- tion of a day, in additiou to Port pilotage. The pilotag*' rates for vessels proceeding under canvas, shall be six dollars per foot draught, inclusive of Port pilotage. The Pilotage rates for steamshi])s shall be the same as those for vessels in tow, viz:-^Ten dollars per day in addition to Port pilotage. NEW WESTMINSTEB AMD YALE RATES :-- • POUTS. The ports of the Pilotage District of New Westminster and Yale shall be as follows: Port () Vmt () Port o For vei raid Inie Vessels \] % ° If the sei osimll ])iiy ° o Fin ttery c „ son to Po if the sei" o following From Ca „ ' " (^a ; " Be^ i " Ha 9 And for V <p i- 11 o cjollowini;' From Ca] " Call Bet ( ( a 11; ic l4. Fr«ni tl '=» „ V or -vesse "of vesse -v^ From tl "'services o fcing rates; • ^s.From Ca]) " Call " Bee ^ " liac '"^jjiFor vessel Irates shal ^m 83 foot ts or 3 has Pilot tho ined, orgia Lompt imtn's ul the as to ) Port ard a vithin f this of a e for otage uinio, ay of irac- ..''0° otagc ollars °'^ tliose on to Port of Burrartl Inlet. Port of Now Wt'stmiiistur. Port of Yalo iiiul tho soveral laudiiigs on Eraser Iliver. DUES. For vessels entering int(j or clearing from the portof Biir- rard Inlet the rates of pilotage shall be as follows: Vessels nnder sail !?4 00 per foot. " " steam or in tow of a steamer. , '6 DO " " If the services of a Pilot are not required, vessels spoken tsiiall ])ay Two Dollars per foot. The jjilotage from Cape Flattery or lloyal Koads to a line drawn from Point Atkin- son to Point (hay, and f/cc Cai'sd , is not compulsory, but if the services of a Pilot are required, he shall be paid the following rates, viz: From Cape Flattery " C;allum Bay . Beechy Head 4 00 Race llocks or lioyal lloads .... 3 00 For vessels under sail — !j!t) 00 per foot. 5 00 t ( i i ( < tl le ■bik er and And for vessels under steam or in tow of a steamer, ^following rates shall be paid, viz: From Cape Flatterv ... $3 00 per foot. " CallumBay.".' 2 50 " Beechy Head 2 00 , '* Kace Rooks or Royal Roads 1 00 " ; MKW WESTMINSTEK. Pjrom the Lightship to New Westminster — For vessels under sail . „ $4 00 per foot. " vessels under steam or in tow of steamer 3 00 " From the Lightship to CM]>e Flattery or Royal Roads, and i'icc rersd, the pilotage is not compulsory, but if the „° services of a Pilot are required, he shall be paid the follow- ■ojciiig rates: For vessels under sail— °f I From Cape Flattery . " .... 16 00 per foot . . i " Callum Bay ..,. . 5 00 " .«;| " Beechy Head . ° 4 00 Ac " Race Rocks or Royal Roads .... ... 3 00 ''':,: For vessels under steam or in tow of a steamer the following |rates shall be paid : m ^ A m- .1 % m 84 From Cii])o Fliittory .^H 00 por foot. " (Nullum Iky 2 HO " " Bouehy Horn] .... . 2 00 " Eace Rocks or lloyiil Roads .... 1 00 N. B. — Any fraction of a foot not oxceoding six inches Bliall bo |)aid for as half a foot, and any fraction oxcocding aix inches as a foot, apj)lies equally to all three Districts. Pilotage Dues collected from the Ist of January to the 31st December, 1880. Victoria ftiitl EHqniiiiiilt . . . . Yalo uud Xi'w WeHtuiiiiHter . Nunaiuio HlUTIHH. FOHKIUN. Total. $ 800 75 l,a50 50 1,558 00 $;{,70'J '25 $ 6,r.61 32 •2,15!) 00 10,1'2'2 50 !p 7,4<i'2 07 a,5(n» 50 ll,(i80 50 $18,042 8'2 $'2'2,(;5-2 07 ArrENDIX XVI. THE "INTER-COLONIAL TRADE TARIFF CONVENTION ' ANU THE "BR[TISH AND COLONIAL UNION." At the Conference of Delegates, convened by the Dominion Board of Trade of Canada from the various Colonies and chambers of commerce, to consider the subject of Inter- Colonial Trade Tariffs held at the Westminster Palace Hotel on Thursday, 24th February, 1881, the following British possessions were represented, viz: Canada, West Indies, Bombay, CalcuiLa, Ceylon, Port Elizabeth, Cape Town, Natal, Singapore, Melbourne, British C]olumbia, New Zealand, Adelai'le, New South Wales and Nova Scotia, in addition to tlie representatives from the "City of London,'" "Central Chambers of Agriculture," "Shipowners' Associa- tion," "Royal Colonial Institute," and "Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce." (Sampson S. Lloyd, Esq., in the chair ) The following resolutions were passod : "That in the opinion of this meeting it is a matter of the utmost importance for the promotion of the commercial 'I interest! and int( vai'ious "Tha Possess! iuto con (ionfereii and r('p( be held tee's Re I to such . The f( Council, a quorui Samp.*- Frederic Dobell, Westgar Bullen, George Thomsor ; Accorc • by circul on Tuesc the Chai dered, ai amended poned ui It was of the C( come up the oth .' It was printed !i gates pri 'i 5 "That I ('olonial i without I and, coa Foreign foot. 3lHt .')() iiit<n'«'stH of th»* British Empiris iind pioHervutiou of it.s unity iiiul iiit(!grity to draw clostu- tho trailo rchitious botwooii its I viiriouH eoinponont torritories." "That a eominitteo, ro[)rosi3ntativo of tho ditrorcnt British PosHOHsioiH and t\w United King(h)in, bo appointed to take into considtiration how bt^st to secure the objects of this conference, a8 ex})reMsed in the resohition already passed, and report to the Adjourned Meeting of the Confei'ence to be JjcUl at some future time, and tlie Executive Commit- tee's Report be (urcuhited among tho Dehigates summoned ^ to such Adjourned Meeting prior to its being liekl. The following gtnitlemen were appointed as the Executive Council, with power to add to their number, and five to be a quorum : Sampson S. Lloyd, Esq., Charles Palmer, Esq., M. P., Frederick Young, Esq., W. Strang, Esq. Canada — R. R. Dobell, Esq., C'harles Churchill, Esq. Australasia — W. Westgarth, Esq., J. L. Montetiore, Es(}. India — John A. Bullen, Es(]., Steplien A. Ralli, Esq. West Indies — Sir George Chambers, Nevile Lubbock, Esq. Cape — J. D. Thomson, Esq., A. J. Macdonald, Esq. Accordingly the Second Conference, as already announced by circular, was duly held at the Westminster Palace Hotel, on Tuesday, the 20th of March, 1881, Sampson S. Lloyd in the Chair, when the Report of the Committee was consi- i dered, and Resolutions Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5 were passed as : amended; the consideration of Resolution No. 4 being post- ; poned until Tuesday, the Gth A{)ril, 1881. It was also agreed that the question of whether the Report of the Committee shoiild be adopted as amended should : come up for final consideration at the next Conference, on i the 5th .' pril, 1881. It was ordered that the Resolutions as amended should be |)rinted and circulated by the Secretary' amongst the Dele- i gates prior to the I'onference. I KESOLUTION I. ^. " That, considering the increasing importance of the I Colonial Trade of Great Britain, and that her Colonies are |; without direct representation in the Imperial Parliament, I and, considering, also, that Commeicial Treaties with " Foreign Countries whereby Colonial interests are deeply -/ Hi :. 36 affected are entered upon by the Mother Country Avithoul adequate consultation with the Colonies, this Conferc^nce is of oi^iuion that in all matters of Imperial or International Treaties where Colonial interests are directly or indirectly involved, an endeavor should be made to ascertain the views of the Colonies, and that proper weight be attached to their opinions." RESOLUTION II. "That it is desirable to form an Association, Avhose Head Office shall be in London, to be called the British and Colonial Union for the consideration and fva'the?"ance ol Inter-Colonial Trade, and Tra:le between the Colonies and Great Britain ." RESOLITTION III, "That, consid(;ring the advisability of atilixing, as far as possible, the machinery of the present Conference, it is desirable that its Members should resolve themselves into the proposed Association, with power toncnninate a Council and to enroll, as members of the Union, any persons who sympathise with its objects, subject to such Ijaws and Bye- Laws as the Council may frame and the I-nion may ado])t. That the Council shall be appointed annually, of Avhich, at least, two-thirds shall be iiominated l>y the Commercial liodies of the Colonies and ladia, the Union appointing the remainder. Further, that in the represeniation on tlic Council of the several '. Colonies and India, as indicated in the foregoing ])aragrapli, their staphs industries, as well as their impo)-t and export trade, ought to be taken into consi- deration." RESOLUTION IV. " That it is desirable that the powers and numbejs of the present Royal (Commission for the Defence of British Poss- essions and Commerce abroad should be enlai'ged with the view to taking evidence on the subject of the Trade and Commercial Tariffs existing and in force between Great Britain and her (Colonies and Dependencies; and that this Conference do a])point a De})utation to Avait u])on the Eight Honorable the Earl of Kimberley, Hei' Majesty's 3-*rincipal Secretary of State for the Colonies, to urge the considera- tion of this matter uj^on Her Majesty's Govennnent." "Tli the tra Depeiui Govern conside carried is highl Govern: Com me <listinct Avho she In co; Confere and the oth Maj seen on with . 1 ernmaut this Uni Ilie seve nt!cessar which tl It is I'ollowin; advocacy alike to i the Col. I necessiti 1st. the Tan Britain t 2nd. ■'I Britain ii I nations, ! Colonies ,' Colony t 4th. oth. t! 37 liESOLUTION V. " That consicloring the vast and jucreasiup' impoituiice oi' the trade between Great Britain ;nid her Colonies and Dependencies, and that no department of the Executive Government exists, which is specially charged with the consideration of the relations under which such trade is carried on, this Commit^^ee would record its opinion that it is highly desii'able that iliose functions of the Executive Government of Great Britain which especially relate to Commerce and Agriculture should be administered by u distinct department, under a Principal Secretary of Htate, who should be a Member of the Cabinet." In conformity with the term of Resolution No. -i of the Conference, a dej>utation waited upon the EiU-1 of Kimberley and the Marquis of Hartington at the Colonial Office, on the otli May last, when, I regret to say, our request, as will be seen on perusal of the Beport enclosed, was not complied with. In consequence of the refusal of Her Majesty's Gov- ernmaut I have been iuMtructed by the Executive Council of this Union to endeavor to obtain, by direct application to Lhe several Chambers of Commerce of the Colonies, the necessary data for promoting and assisting the oljjects foi' which this Association has been designed to accomplish. It is believed that full and complete answers to the following inquiries would tend \ev\ largely to facilitate the advocacy of such Tarilf )'egulatious as would be applicable alike to the requirements of the Iriuastries of Great Britain, the Colonies and Dependencies, as well at; to the fiscal necessities of the latter. 1st. In what particular res]iect, and to what degree do the Tariffs, if any, existing and in forc-^ between Great Britain and foreign nations aflfect your Colony '? 2nd. The latf^st available returns of your trade with Great Britain and of the trade which you carry on with foreign nations, h«^ well as the trade carried on by you vith kindred Colonies; or, in other words, vour inter-Colonial trade? 8rd. "What are the principal articles exported from your Colony to Great Britain ? •4th. What to Foreign nations ? oth. And tlieir approximate value '? 1 •mmtmmmmmm 38 6tli. What duties ure churged by Great Britain on such articles exporteil from your Colony on arrival at British ports ? 7th. W hat duties are levied by foreign nations on similar articles from your Colonv ? 8th. What are the duties levied by your Colon}' on goods, raw or manufactured, which enter your ports- -the produce of other Colonies or Dependencies of the British Empire ? 9th. Ditto from Colonies owned by foreign nations ? 10th, What duties are levied by others or kindred Colo- nies and Dependencies of the British Empire on goods, raw and manufactured, exported to them by your Colony ? 11th. State, as far as practicable, the amount and value of the goods respectively mentioned under heads 8 and 11 V 12th. Particularize the j/fof/u.s' (>])(' r((tuJi by vvhich the rates and duties levied by Great Britain on i^:*-^ > > luce of your Colon}' unduly weigh upon and reduce or lUjure the value of your export trade ? 13th. Specify the articles produced by your Colony which you cannot export into Great Britain, owing to the eftect of " the most favored nation " clause in her treaties v.i'^^h for- eign nations, under which Great Britain admits tin goods of the foreigner at duties which ]nactically ])rohibit your Colony from competing in the British market ? 14th. State how Great Britain ccmld best remove the duties she now levies on the products of your Colony; and how you would propose to compensate her where such duties are levied for revenue pur)M)ses ? l/)th. Render a tabulated statement, shewing graduatet^ scale of trade done by your Colony during the last 20 yeai;-. specifying the amount and value of your trade under ilv former or changed circumstances in your fiscal policy? l()th. State what character of fiscal policy would best suit your Colony '? 17th. Make generally full suggestions in the direction of any change in the present fiscal policy which would best meet the requir your trade, asi ements of your Colony and the exigencies most pra-Jtical way of raising revenue 18th, at once jour K tJie pui EXTlt Her ] Senate ; 1. Ii inconsif shall aj) "vessel carrying all jjasst monly k military transpoi the wore Lawlor's quaranti 2. Ti such Ke/ l)Iiance i the entrj places ill or cargoi or cargoi cfdculatc the due v'essejs, J (>!ighboi iie thinkf sue I cleansing f or thinkf. I place in , |l>.yland; "J I by and ii the neiL'l I it right fi "-^ lilar 18th. Would you be disposed to appoint, aud, if so, to at once nominate Delegates, with plenary power to act as jour Representatives with the Members of this Union, for tlie purposes in view ? A. C. SHELLEY, Secretary. Ari'ENDIX XVII. EXTllACTS FKOM QUARANTINE ACTS AND KEGITLATIONS. ASSKNTED TO 14tH JcNK, 1872. Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows: 1. Li this Act, unless there be something in the context inconsistent with such interpretation, the word "master" shall apply to any person in command of a vessel; the word " vessel " shall include all ships, vessels or craft of any kind carrying passengers; the word " passengers " shall apply to all passengers as well as to immigrants usually and com- monly knt)wn and understood as such, but not to troops or military pensioners and their families, who are carried in transports or at the expense of the Imperial Government; the words " Quarantine Station" shall apply to Grosse Isle, Lavvlor's and Partridge Islands, or other place at which quarantine is directed to be performed. 2. The Governor in Council may from time to time make such Regulations as he thinks ])ro})er for enforcing com- ])liance with all the requirements of this Act, and concerning the entry or departure of Vessels at the different ports or places in Canada; and concerning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such vessels, or the receiving of ])assengers or cargoes on board of the same, as may be thought best calculated to preserve the jmblic health; and for ensuring tlu! due ])erformance of Quai-antine, by and in respect of vessels, passengers, goods or things arriving at or in the ) ^^ighborhood of any port or place within (Canada, to which he thinks it right for the preservation of the public health tlutt such regulations should apply; and for the thorough cleansing and disinfecting of such vessels, passengers, goods or things, or concerning the arrival at or departure from any place in Canada of any persons, goods or things conveyed by land; and for ensuring the due performance of quarantine by and in respect of such ]iersons, goods and things at or in the neighborhood of any place in Canada to which he thinks it right for the preservation of the public health that such ii) regulations should iipply; and for the thorough cleansing and disinfecting of such persons, goods and things, so as to })revent. as far asp(jssible, the introduction or dissemination of disease into oi' in Canada; and may appoint or remove such officers as he may deem necessary for so doing, and assign to them respectively such powers as he may thinl< requisite for carrying out the provisions of such EeguJations, ancl may from time to time revoke or amend the same or any of them, and may make otliers in their stead, and impost- ]ienalties, forfeitures and punishments for the breach thereof : and such Regulations shall be notified by I'roclamation published in the C(Ull(dct Gazelte at least twice, and the production of the copies of the Gazette containing any such Proclamation shall be evidence of the making, date* a ^ contents of such liegulations li. eh Eegulations shall have the force of law, during the till they respectively remain unrevoked, unless they be expressly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law tUiring the time and at the times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force: and an}' i)erson disol)eying any such U(>gulation shall be held guilty of and may be prosecuted for a misdemeanor. ])unishable by fine or imprisonment or both, as the Coiirt may direct, or otherwise such ^xasiui nuiy be sued for tlic penalties contained in such Regulation. (). The Governor in Council may !ip])oint one ov more medical officers at each of the })rin(;ipal harbours of the Dominion to board, visit and inspect vessels arriving in such harbour from sea; and to peiform such other duties find have such power as the (lovernor in Council mav bv anv regulations direct. 7. Every penalty or forfeiture, imposed or dechired untlei the autlunitv of this Act, sh;dl be a special lien upon the vessel by reason whereof it has l)ec(mie i)ayable, and the master whereof has become liable in sut^h penalty, and may l)e enforced and collected by the seizure and sale of the vessel, her tackle, appa?'el and furniture, under the warrant or process of the Justices or Court, before whom it has been sued for and recovertnl, and shall be preferred to all othei liens or hyi)othecations except Mariners' wages. 8. W the Dom of St. Je Doiuinio and be a the mast Customs lor each arj'ival. shall be ] 9. A' putting t( exercise ( port of d( Inspectin piW, the 1 Condition ihe exerci ;;|atisfy hi] ■ pf for the ;|ick as pr ^ 10. Al authority i feceiver ( , und of C ^ther thin Ibay, fi'oni proper, i'o ff the sait tessels, at Iteming tl )|e.ssels, or jf the sani c le publi [uarantine ings arri Mace with |reservati( lould ap^ ig of sue! ^n,.'. 41 8. When any vessel uot originally bound for any port in the Dominion shall arrive at the port of Halifax, or the port of St. John, New Brunswick, or any other sea port of the Dominion, witli contagious or infectious disease on board, and be allowed to remain in quarantine at or near such port, the master of such vessel shall pay to the Collector of the ■Customs at the port the sum of two dollars, head money, for each person on board the said vessel at the time of her ari'ival. The said sum shall be a lien on the vessel, and shall be paid before she shall be allowed to leave the port. 9. A vessel sliall have the right, before breaking bulk, of putting to sea, in ])reference to being quarantined: in the exercise of this right, if the vessel has not arrived at her port of destination, the bill of health shall be returned; the Inspecting Physician, however, shall mention upon the said bill, the length and circumstances of the detention, and the Rendition of the vessel upon re-putting to sea; but befoi-e the exercise of this right, the Inspecting Physician must iatisfy himself that the sick of such vessel will be taken care of for the remainder of the voyage, and take care of such ^ick as prefer to remain. ■ 10. All sums and pecuniary penalties levied under the authority of this Act shall be paid into the hands of the ileceiver General, to form part of the (.-onsolidated llevenue Fund of Canada. I under ion the ind the d nun of thV warrant as been 1 othei A PllC)CLAMATI0N!-21sT JANUARY, 1873. Whkuhas by the Act iJo, Yic, cliaj). 27, it is amongst ^ther things in eli'ect enacted that the (xovernor in C(mncil pay, from time to time, make such regulations as he thinks roper, for enforcing coin])liance with all the requirements f the said Act and concerning the entry and departure of liessels, at the diil'ereut ports or places in Canada, and con- ||erning the landing of passengers or cargoes from such ssels, or the receiving of passengers or cargoes on board I the same, as may be thought best calculated to preserve e public health, and for ensuring the due perfornuince of uarantine by and in respect of vessels, passengers, goods or ' ings arriving at or in tlie neighboihood of any port or \\nce within CJanada, to which he thinks it right, for the eservation of the public health, that such reguhitions ould ap])ly, and for the thorougli cleansing and disinfect- g of such vessels, passengers, goods or things, so as to ■J 1 mmmmmm 12 prevent, as far as possible, the introdactiou or disseiuiiuition of tliseuse into or in Cunuda, and may appoint or remove sueh officers us he may deem necessary for so doing, and may assign to them, respectively, snch powers as he mav think requisite for carrying t)ut tiie provisions of such regu- lations, and may, from time to time, revoke or amend the same or any of them, and may make others in their stead, and ma}' impose ])enalties, forfeitures and i)unishments i'oi the breach thereof; and such regulations shall be notified bv Proclamation published in the ('<(!(((( I ((■ (jClzctit', at least twice ; and the production of the copies of the (riizcttc. containing any such Pi'oclamation, shall be evidence of the making, date and contents of such regulations : And further, that such regulations shall have the force of law during the time they j'espectivcly remain unrevoked, unless they Ix- expressly limited to be in force only during a certain time or at certain times or seasons, in which case they shall have the force of law during the tiuie and at the times and seasons during or at which they have been limited to be in force: and that any person disobeying any such regulation shall be lu^ld guilty of and may be prosecuted for a misdemeanor. [)unishal)le by line oi" imprisonment, ox both, as the Court may dii-ect; or otherwise [>ers()n nniy be sued for the penalties contained in such regulation. Am) wirEiiK.vs (^ur Governor in Council, hath this dav been pleased to iii iko under the authority and in ])ursuanci' of the said above in part recited act certain regulations a- foiiows, that is to say: — I. The following reguhil ms shall not apply to the regular Quarantine Htations (jf tlie Ports of Quebec, Halifax and St. John, (NeAv BrunsMick) Nou to any itEGrLvi; (iJiarantim Station that may be hereafter established by Proclaniatioi of the (lovernor (General . II. Every Vessel is and shall be liable to Quarantim which has come from any infected port, or on lioard of whicl any death from contagious disease has taken place duriiii the passage, or on board of which there has been or shall In any infectious or contagions disease. III. The master of any vessel on board of which am such death has taken place during the passage, or on boan' of which there has been or sliall be any infectious or contii gious disease, shall, when within two Marine miles of air part of t head, an and untiJ same. IV. ^ by tlie Q regulatio the same Pilot ney fine for e V. TI 'entering shall eitli a mile an bound, u: eeed to ai cargo. VI. E mpon beir take his v sucli offic( •such orde be sent tc the vessel of four hi VII. rvessels ar 'tion rnav, as herein delay, anc to tlie maj V 1. WJi f 2. Fro Jfectious ( " ;{. Ha> ;during tin 4. H: Ha deft your n 5. ' MMWUMmwmt** m latioii amove ;, and a may L regu- id the stead, its for tied bv /v, ut zctfc. of the nrtlier, Lllg the hey he m time idl have seasons 1 t'ovee. shall he iiieanur, Court for tlu ;his da} irsuaiK'i' tious ii- regulav it'ax ami VR\NTIM amatioi. avaiitiii' of Avhiel (111 villi shall hi hich au} on boavi lor contii s of ail' 43 part of the shores of Canada, lioist a yellow ilag at the mast liead, and shall continno the same until entry of the harbor, and until jiermitted by the (Quarantine officer to lower the same. IV. Wherever Pilots are employed they shall be supplied by the Quarantine officers of the Port with copies of these regulations and it shall be the duty of such Pilots to exhibit the same to the Master of every ship boarded by them; Any Pilot neglecting to perform this duty shall be subject to a fine for every such omission not exceeding twenty dollars. V, The Master of any such vessel as aforesaid ujion "entering any Harbor, whetlier duriug the day or by night shall either anchor or come to at a distance of not less than a mile and a half from the landing place to which she is bound, until examined and license has been granted to ])ro- ceed to any lauding ])lace to land passengers or to discharge cargo. YI. Every master of a vessel liable to Quarantine, shall, upon being thoreunto instructed by the Quarantine officer, take his vessel to die Quarantine ground assigned to him by such officer, and in the event of contravention or breach of ;such orders the Quarantine officer may cause the vessel to ■ ihe sent to such Quarantine gi-ound, and in addition thereto, •the vessel and the master thereof shall be liable to a penalty U)f four hundred dollars. VII. Quarantine officers may proceed alongside of all l^vessels arriving at any port in Canada, and in their discre- "•'tion mav, and in the event of the yellow flag being hoisted as hereinbefore recpiired, shall proceed on board without delay, and shall then forthwith sulunit the following questions to the master or person in charge: 1. What is 3'our name, and that of your vessel? 2. From whence did you sail, and date? Was any in- 'fectious disease then, there prevalent? ;}. Has or have any person or persons been taken sick :during the passage ? ' 4. Have any died ? State number and disease. i 5. Has or have any person or persons come on board or •left your vessel since sighting this port ? "^.-y u The Quiirantino oflicor miiy, in liis discvetion, suhniif tlioso qiiustiuiis on a \n-'n\tvd paper, and require tlie mastcji of the vessel to sign his replies thereto. VIII. If the muster gives such answers as shall lie satis- I'aotory to the Quarantine otlicer a clean hill of health whall be g)-anted by him to such vessel; but if such ansv.ers be not satisfactory, or if there is reason to believe that the muster is answering such questions falsely, or has misrepre- sented the facts, or concealed any infoi-mation, or if the Quarantine officer has reason to anticipate danger to the public health, such Quarantine officer shall report the facts of the case to the Department of Agriculture at the City of OttaAva, and the Minister of Agriculture may direct that the vessel shall be sent to any one of the regular Quarantino Stations, or the Quarantine officer may use the vessel itsc^lf for ]uirposes of (Quarantine and as a Quarantine depot wluni the ]M(>dical Attendant shall certify that it is unnecessary to remove tlie passengcu-s, cvow or cargo from the vessel, and in such latter case the Medical fees shall be payable by the master of the vessel as provided by the tenth section hereof. IX. In every case in whicli the Quarantine officer may find or ascertain that any death has taken ])lace during the passage or that there has been or is any contagious or infec- tious disease such as Asiatic Cholera, fever, small po\. scfU'latina, measles, or other disease of a like kind, he shall forthwith ^anploy a medical attendant, if in the opinion of such (Quarantine officer the samv. is requisite and desirable, and such (^uiuaiitine officer shall forthwith te]egra])h oi transmit to the I)e])artment of Agriculture at the City of Ottawa a re])ort of the facts, and shall act upon such instruc- tions as he may receive m res])ect thereto. X. The (Quarantine officer may ])ay the medical attendant em])loyed by him for each visit which in his opinion shall 1» requisite, a reasonable compensation not to exceed the sum of four dollars and the aggregate amount of medical fees so payable in sucli respect shall be refunded and ])aid by the master of the vessel to the (Quarantine officer, and no cleai'- ance shall be given to the ship until such fees have been paid. But such fees as aforesaid shall not be required oi exacted in cases where the vessel has proceeded to a regular Quarantine Station. Kegui ij. .>.ii "•"vy I 45 XI. A vessel shall have the right, before breaking bulk, to put to sea in preference to being quarantined as provided for by the 35 Victoria, cap . 27, sec. 9. XII. Masters of vessels, whether liable to Quarantine or not, shall come to when hailed by a (Quarantine officer or any person thereunto deputed by a Quarantine officer in that capacity. XIII . The Collector of Customs of each and every port of (Vinada, except the regular Quarantine Stations of Quebec, Halifax, and St. John, iNew Brunswick,) and any other Re<j;ular Quarantine Station which may hereafter be estab- lished by Proclamation of the Governor-General, is hereby authorized to act as a Quarantine officer, under the provi- sions of these Regulations, and shall by virtue of such office be a Justice of the Peace under the authority and for the purposes of the Act 35 Vic, cap 27. XIV. Any perst)n contravening any Regulation hereby made shall be liable to a ])enalty not exceeding four hundred dollars in any case, and the offender upon conviction shall be imprisoned until such ])eualty be paid. XV. No vessel shall be entered or cleared at any Custom House in Canada, until all the requirements of these regula- tions are fully complied with, and any person, vessel or thing who or which has passed or departed or been removed from any Quarantine Ground before all the requirements of such Regulations are fully complied with in respect of such person, vessel or thing, or without the written permission of the officer empowered to authorize such passing or departure may be compelled to return or be carried back to such Quarantine Ground or be sent to any regular Quarantine Station, and by force if necessary. XVI. "These regulations shall not apply to any vessel of wai, or to transports or vessels having Queen's Troops on board accom])anied by a Medical Officer, and in a healthy state, or to any Steamer unless sickness or death may have occurred during the passage." regulai' wmm. Ill II III i^mmummm^mmmmm T" 48 APPENDIX XVIII. Statement of the iiinoiint of Preciuixs Mttals iirodnced in the Stiites luuf TerritoricH west of tlio Missomi Eivcr, iiiolndijiL,' Hhitisii Colcmjua, and Iteet'ipts in San l'i'UUci»eo from the west coast of Mexico, dviriiig years 1870 to 1880. Product after ilt'diii'tiii^- AiiMHiiitji fi'ciin lii'itisli (.'oluniliia and Wt'st Cc.a.-t of .Mi'xi<i>. YKAIi. I'rodtu'e as per W, K. \ (.:o.'s StAtciiiuntt', irulud'iix' .Viiiomits from IJriti.sli (,'oliimliiii and Wiist L'liast of .Mexico. 1870 1871 1872 $54,000,000 58,284.(100 02,230,959 1873 1874 1875 1870 1877 1878 . . . , . . 72,258,093 74,401,045 80,889.057 90,875,173 98,421,754 HI, 154,022 75,349,501 80,107,930 1879 1880 $52,150,000 55,784,000 (!0, 351, 824 70,139, 8(j0 71,905,010 70,703,433 87,219,859 95,811,582 78,270,107 72,088,888 77,232,512 The foregoing statement includes the Lead and Copper which resuK from the smelting of the base huHiou oi-e of Nevada, Utah and Colorado. This Lend amounted in 1880 to 7 10-100(hs per cent, of the whole product, having a vahn^ of $5,742,390, and the coijpcr to 1 12-lOOths per cent, valued at $898,000. The tinctuations in the product of the various states and territories siuci 1877, (the year of the largest production,) may be seen from the followinir table, made up from the annual reports of Wells, Fargo and Company. Products of the Precious Metals in the States and Territories west of tin Missouri River, with lleceipts from the West Coast uf Mexico from 1877 to 1880. states and Teiritories. California Nevada Oregon Washington ... . Idaho Montana Utah Colorado New Mexico Arizona Dakota Mexico Beitish Colum]}i.\ . 1877. $18,174,710 1S78. $18,920,461 tSTl). $18,190,973 51,580,290 35,181,949 21,997,714 1,191,997 1,213,724 1,037,901 92,220 73,311 85,330 1,832,495 1,808,122 2,091.300 2,044,912 3,703,040 3,029,020 8,113,755 0,040,013 5,408,879 7,913,549 0,232,747 14,413,515 379,010 453,813 022,800 2,388,022 2,287,983 1,942,403 1,500,000 2,215,804 3,208,987 1,432,992 1,594,995 1,083,871 1,177,190 1,283,400 970,742 $'.(8,421,754 $81,154,022 $75,349,501 l.S-O. $18,270,10(; 15,031,021 1,059.()41 105,104 1,891.747 3,822,379 (),450,95;) 21,284,9Hli 711,30(1 4,123,081 4,472,471 2,090,557 844,807 £-.5' 9 2- n 3 : ■r"— - " - — -■" ■" £. ' •^ .• T S O 'r. X^ 47 — H "' • "' %' -1 — H:;.ri->i?3 ^—9 -■ r* *; c ^ = !?! '• 2 " 3 ^ ^ 5-2. ^ d ?5^ '^ JL -I mtni c c » s p 5-5: Orl ■ o c * J — ■1 = •< =.,1 ?- J i" ■.■r.c7^: ;1 ■; - » ^ ." ■" H. - ". PJ* X i i r •" c* ^ n HI " nt - — ?^ rf ;:; £ ^p = - ^ ! ; ^ - =: ^ C ='^i ""=="■ 2. 3.1 1 — T "?"3 1 ^ ;!i Cx J ■^* 1 •" -* ^ ^ t r/. - V "^ ,' « "^ J=. : ,7r K 3 ,. f '" rt p ?£■ = ^ ^ < J^'' P § o , ' p -I t ' r." tf: £ Sr n ^. 2S- -i 1 "r.^ T. Ci ^ — O s* o5 ?i^ t , sajSgSssfi'iw-i'*,'fr;'£SS| iNTKIlMKnUlK DiSTA.SCES. O '/■ s T ^. If r r: -1 = -. i: V ~ yy -! iMi^lil - -. ~ H r- > y. iA T n ■_ 7. • »i > i; 3 ii^l^ ^ i% : i;?M^F ■n'^ " '■ S s • * :; ■< «'2 ■ . i« 3 . M » 3 ■ 5 --s a - #, ■ : p5 : i" 3 : '^ax^si- ^^ . ; • p 1 ii^^l: 50 ■:'■':% : : i; -§: A :•;.». - ; 3 w • — . • ■ • >t; : : ?: a'"^: -i ■ ' ' ■ rti (3 ■ > ■ 3 : • 3 • 5 ■ • ■ p : ss ; . . lij : : •< : H • • r": i». ■ ■ ; ■ E ;£ : : : ■ p ^ . . . . 3 : : ; : § ' ■ : : : S ! . ! ! ^ " I Victoria. u Soincnos. Nanainio, (\VeIIinj,'ton.) I ^j I IJranvillo, r.uiraid tc tc l>& l« O tn :;* oi V' S New \Vo9tniinster. S I .Matsqui, (lioundarv') obVj'^SSg 5 j C'liillhvliack. oiSS^SiJiSgg 1 Mope. = lVi'J;':S&?S§ IS i Yale. 'S. ! noston Hav. 5c I Lyttoii. K t-fi t-C Isi t-O Ui m Ui -I *T ^T li ) oi -j« o» v -" o o o CT t;^ :j' I cc i -I 14 SpciiL'c's Britlye. I w ! Cache Crock, (Savona's, = w S Lm •?; S S o = S i-! l-I V- ! a ! Kainloops.) rs ^ > X' w \ !^ 1 t) r\ W \ w ( H tJ* ID ^ w \ w >■ >^ t-a K* K'. tc ic ic ill u» :n :;i -i --i *i o yi cn ui ui cji tn o o o o y -'I wi a Clinton. oL^':^l^-S§§Sgg§Syclt-I Bridge Creek. r ii V in m tn CI m in m *i *i -t o o b ^ V. c^ o c o o o v» c-' VI ui 5 o 5 1-4 o Soda Creek. hu ^ t-i li- li VI CT tn tJ* VI ~I -1 M -1 M ''T O Q Q * v^ Vi o O O O O VI Vi v« tn in en o O o i Quesnello. -giji§§?a;!^;5yr^yg2Si§ Stanlej. I d Barlierville. ■X w-,^j n ' M ■ !! 1 '!' 48 APPENDIX XIX. POSTAL MAT'I'KUS, C'OMMISHION ON MUNKY OIIUKUH. On oriliTH piiyuble in Novii Hcotia, NfW l!riiii«\vitk, Prince Edwii'il IhIuikI. Ontiirio, timibec, Miiuitobii, or Hritish Columljiii: Not oxftiediiii.,' ij 4 2 t-cntH. ,« /Over $ 4 " " 10 5 " ^* " 10 " " 20 1(1 " " 20 " " 40 20 " i " 40 " " «(( :U) •' ' " 00 " " HO 40 " ( " 80 " " 100 50 " > No Hiuj^lc order, piiynble iu the Dominion, cim be grunted for iiiorc tUtin !?1(I0. On Orders pnyiiblo in Newfoundbmd: y^^ ' Not exceeding C Ti ni^r $ 2.') cents. ' ^ Over £ 5 stg. " 10 " .")0 " " 10 " " ir, " 7", " " 1.') " " 20 " .. 1 00 " No Hirigle Order on Newfonndliind can lie granted for nKU'e tliun C2() stg. On Orders payable in the United Kingdom: Not exceeding £ 2 10s stg 20 cents. ,«. Over .£2 10s stg. " 5 " 40 '• J " .5 " " 7 10s " 00 " ^ ' -'7 lOs " " 10 " «o ' No single order on the United Kingdom can \w granted fi«v mure than €10 stg. On orders payable in British India: Not exceeding £ 2 stg $ .'JO cents. Over £2 stg. " ."> " (10 " ,/' " 5 " . " 7 " !)0 " d '' 3> " 7 " " 10 " 1 20 " No single order on British India can be granted for more than ClO stg. On orders payable in the United States: Not exceeding $10 10 cents. Over $10 " " 20 20 " ~> " 20 " •' ;30 30 •' • " 30 " " 40 40 " ,, " 40 " " 50 .50 " No single order on the United States can be granted for more than $50. NEWSPAPERS. JikMmadB!^ iA'tii^ fmaSM>itllll^\. cent for every 4 ounces. To Great Britain, &c., i " " '%^ Newfoundland and United States, same as Canada. For more complete information see "Canada Official Postal Giride, " pub- lished quarterly in Ontario. i l'o> I. Wi sail' (>'' S re(juir.'d Htanijis, exeeptiol at tlieir I •1. I'o lie, Cai P(.i Stii Postniust One Cent Three C.i TlllCC ('(.) British C Victoria to Purcels Office to 11 'Xccrdili;. I'iiekagc; l'"ic)iii Vi r^ l'(tS'l'A<;K STAMl'S, STAMl'KI) HNVKLDl'KS, l'(»S|' CAlfDS AND I'OSr irVNDS. I. With the <'Xi'<i)ti()n of till' I'ustiiiaHtfrs at the citicH wln-Vf tlir retail Half !)•' StiiiiipH is coiitiiicd t(i liciiiscd staiiip-drali'i'H, cvevy PostinaKtiT is n'(|uii'^'(l til have uu haml a siitlificiil ntock of l'<ista^,'c and ItcKiHti red Letter Staiiiiis. Stamiii'd )'lii\<l(i|»s, I'ost ('aids ainl I'nst ISaiids, and with thf I'XcciiliiHi of J'oKt liaiiils and Staiiipi'd Knvclopcs, to sell thcui to tlif ])iililic' at tliiir face valiif, vi/.; 'J. l'ostaf,'c Stamps - J jC, Ic, 'ic., Mf. ,">(•,.(', ,, lOc., l^^^c.^'Mul IHc. (.|icli. l!(%'istiicd Fiftti r Stamps — 2('.. •')('. Canada I'osi Cards, Ic. each, IJiitishand Forcif^'ii I'ost ('aids, 'Jc each. I'ost Hands at llic rate of 4 for "> cents, or #1.2;") per hundred. Stumped Envelopes are sold to the pniilie at the folluwin^ priees liy Postmasters and Stamp Vendors:— Per KM) Per 1(1 One Cent Envi'lopes !?1 ;{() i:{ cents Three ('cut di) No. 1 size... ;t :t() :t:( cents Three Cent do No. 2 size . . . :t :(.") ;M cents LETTKll HATES. For Sinj^le Enveloiies, 2 ('ents or ;i cents for two. ■I cents or 7 cents for two. ■1 cents or 7 cents for two. British Colnmliia Local or Drop Letters 1 cent pi'r J ^j oz. " " To any part of (Janada '.i " " " " " Uiiited States :i •' " " " (treat Uritain ami Ireland ."» " " " " Newfonndland !") •• " " " Aspinwall and Panaiim 10 •• " " Au Hfef H lii i wnrt Nr w i i^Mit l itu d . ■■ -t-1i"v ->*— " Malta and JIadeira a " (^liili, I'ern and Brazils 10 " " " •Jamaica, Cnha, West Indies !> •' •' Cape of (rood Hojie and India 1") " " •' Honukonj^, Sierra Leone, Nicaraj^ua. 10^' Sandwi(di Islands >S^' WELLS, FAKCH) \- Co.— LETTER HATES. V'ictoria to San Francisco and all parts of the United States 5 cents. " " Canada 10 " " Great Britain 1.") •' " France and (lerniany 15 " " Other parts of Europe !■") •• WELLS FAROO .V Co.- PARCEL RATES. Parcels of 1 11). or less not exceeding' !:i<2") in vulni' forwarded from Victoria OfHce to any ot W. F. iV Co.'s otlices on the I'acitic (.'oast for 2o cents. If exceeding' $2o a valuation rate is cliartJied in addition. Parcels not exceedin<,' 2 lbs 5* 3(( :5 lbs -la 4 ll)s m 5 lbs ir, 7 lbs 5^1 00 Packaf^es of ■")() lbs. to 0<^den, rf'i); and Kamias City, :?7.-"iO. From Victoiiii to New York, oU ll)s., $11. 7."). ( o 'r i j^frh * /^ [/' (ul. y "-"/i ^ ¥\ 5 V 5U From Victoria to London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, etc, , or all pai-ts of Great Britain, 50 lbs., $14.25. n i!' ' ^ :i! I i <i I APPENDIX XX. PETITION KE DAILY MAIL VIA PUGET SOUND. To His EXCELLKNCY THE MaRQUIO OF LoRNE, GoVEKNOE-GENEKAL OP Tllh Dominion of Canada, in Council: My Lord: — The Prayer of the Undersigned Petitioners, ..sidents of the Province of British Columbia, Humbly Sheweth : That it is highly important to the commercial and general interests ot the Province that more frequent and regular mail communication should In maintained with the United Stutes in order that Canadian and foreign cdi- respondence may be facilitated to the utmost: And Whereas, daily communi- cation has for some time past been in operation to Port Townsend on Pu^i t Sound, distant some 35 miles from Victoria, where mails destined for British Columbia remain on storage from two to three days in each week until ,i steamer crosses the Straits twice a week to convey them to this Province: ,; And Whereas, your petitioners are informed and believe that for a slight ;) addition to the subsidy at present paid to the carrier of the mails on Pugc t Sound, daily mail communication with British Columbia can be established. Your petitioners there' ore humbly ask the earnest attention of youi Excellency's Government to this matter, in the hope and belief that tin disabilities under which the mail service now labors will be speedily | remedied. And your petitioners as in duty bound will ever pray: The foregoing form of petition was forwarded to the principal sectioii> of the Province, and having been numerously and intluentially signed by tb| inhabitants of Victoria City and District, New Westminster, Esquimiilt. Yale, Salt Spring Island, Quesnelle, Saanieh, Clinton, Stanley, Barkervillt.| Soda Creek, Kamloops, Spence's Bridge and Cache Creek, was transmitti to Ottawa on the 2()th June through the Rt. Honorable Sir John A. Maedmi aid, the senior M. P. for Victoria. 1'^^ 4> '.^'ymatf ■ ? . ■ ■"■'i^i '■> 11 pai-tH of ■% L OF Tiu: sidents of iievests (if ' should 111 reign coi- commuiii- I on Piit^t t for British ek until ;i Provinti )r a slit,'lit on Pugd stablislii'il an of your! tif that tlu K' speedily I pal sections J gned by tli' Esquinmlt.j Barkervilli transniitteil| A. Macdoui JK*: I