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J ,>4irt* t i- * i. • >» -•^- f1 ♦ /r i^ 73 9.2 2 /^92 V -^ iV, :' i- K '* ^'i -w^ i f. V'* ^ -*V V V .'- • f *r ' ''-%. ^< * >^, -*^ ->,' <■*-''■ V 'i •V' ^V .HV ^-^> >?*:< .♦ >- ^e^^^*^«^^«^^^ y<^\ INTRODUCTION. N EVENT of such importance as the completion of the sixty years' reign of our most gracious Queen may well be made the occasion of general re- joicing* Demonstrations on a scale that has been unknown for centuries will take place in London on June 22nd* From loyal hearts throughout the Empire^ upon which it is truly said the sun never sets^ will come congratulations* The G>uncil of the Qty of Toronto recently decided to send the congratulations of the Queen City to Her Majesty in the form of an address^ to be enclosed in an appropri- ate silver casket* Designs for this casket were called for^ andt from the nine submitted^ that of Ryrie Bros* was selected as being the most appropriate* 1; m m m* ^^9^t^ ,*'*■ • .<■*'--•■. ■f\ '■ir < ■V. - \ ,v*4 7>'. ,/ A mk^\ i-«N :f 5*^ !?'':r'<' ;X ./: -W' $. ^*.?- * * U^ ,-i; i i*:?9'';V^■V*^'fV?^^■ v:'^;-:.Nir^^uA' f-^ IS'* ^ '^*.- 3 y' 4V %. 4? r A 5 ' ( *\ wm mM^wmm f. '■i.' I * \ -i^^ i\J> V \ v» r a-y ti: ff '^ •x ..*4:v f>! .,'/ >*. «" H .XJ.L h < o U h p o DC h IIJ , >+■ '.'■'' i-'i «i) aC ■^a I if^A PI , hri 'r ,' . 'j^ 1 ; i» i.i T ¥^ 1 r- • 'A4 ■t) ^% il m "^"^"^^9^«^^P^P"PP"iiniipiii«pii«^ 'I^i^ '> ■ *' v^"- ,\'' 4 ^aJ' V;^V t'-f i.a A*' J'^ '1 . ^ .A '.a t» V^^ .^-! Y j\^ "\ ^. " *^- - ' V^"1"' . ^ N ''*k, uV .^ ' ' -^ «' -+• ».^^^J ::v I" > iH ry H^ SW. im r* <\ Vf- rr e^ INSCRIPTION- FRONT. ji Address by the Mayor and G>rporation of the Gty of Toronto on behalf of the Qti;;ens to Her Graciotis Majesty Queen Victoria^ June 22ndy J897. 'I \ «^ >1 ' V ►K ^ t^ ^■ymmi-*ilMBJii*f^'MC0uj»tM^;,li^jmr»^^ U i .ill '« 1; I'-r? It, */ e^ INSCRIPTION. BACK. G>inmittee of the City Coundi: Aid* Hallam* Chairman* His 'Worship the Mayor. Aid* Preston* Aid* Scott* Aid* Rtttter* Aid* Leslie* ^ Aid* Carlyle* Aid* Sheppard* Aid* Shaw* Aid* Spence* Aid* Saunders* e^ ^,^,it -/'<-? ^ S^^ >< ^^^J ! * **. -^ w- V < •» ' JHiiri 1 ' "W r-X.^ \^. ?kH^' ^wm. p^ifc, "jS" >I*S ^^id^fcil .^% 'M. ■'•'***> ■P ;.^*-;?. .■s/"it?^^¥^ 'it.^'' .^v^i^-i-.'^ t?:A. ':K-' ^^ ^■-■^ v;'^;*,^:^ V'H'- SA-:^fJ.^. f^ ■ -i»- :A-'- 7. ■" )' [f. - ,.^:■'sa^^^%^n\^r^f>■■-la>'■■■''^,t'i:.^^latt-,n^^ V f^^ Some of ths features of this casket are worthy of special mention: The material throughout is strictly Canadian and widely representative* The gold used in the crown is from the LeRoi mine in British Columbia^ being voluntarily donated by the owners for this ptsr- pose. The silver is from the mines in the Slocan district ; whilst the base upon which the casket rests is chiselled from a single piece of ore out of the celebrated War Eagle mine* Set around the casket are numbers of Canadian semi-precious stones — in all twenty-two varieties, gathered from six provinces^ which speak volumes for the mineral resources of our great Domin- ion. The only parts of the material used in the work not wholly Canadian are six diamonds^ one for each decade of Her Majesty^s reign^ which are set in the crown* These it need hardly be said are used as befitting the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee* In the construction of the casket the makers have expended much more than the amount appropriated^ being determined to produce a work of art worthy to hold a high place among the tributes of the nations* ^^ ■■i:!^iilf,tfi> t ygi ■v": e^ THE FRONT. [OST prominent is a re^>foduction of the new city buildings in relief* On the left are coltinins of Sodalite (Diinganno% Ont.) and Brecdated Jasper^ (Hull, Que*) and on the rights Sodalite (Dunganno% Ont*) and Wilsonite (Burgess^ Ont.) Below are six bosses of polished stones— Porcelanite (Two Islands, N* S*^) Labradorite (Labrador)^ Perthite (Burgess, Ont.,) Aventurine (Sebastopol, Ont.,) Porphyry (Lake Su- perior), Amethyst (Lake Superior)* The front of the cover shows the name ** Toronto'' in colored hard enamel, having a column of gray ja^>er on one side and of brown on ::he other, both from Digby, N* S* Above all is the Imperial Crown resting on a crimson enamel cushion* e^ ,"^ .*,/**p#l»*#'— ■•^■^' 4 - , t vV 'V-!-* M r^!/ ^M' i'.^ ':^i t^^, ?/ J^-.-K ■)r 'yj m rl i.{f>ll*i«*.- •v •. I ':>r'^' \r WW m^: ^l- .^■^:^ >/!i: ^Jri. ^ .•jfj*? -s^t ::<^-- .H *« - ^n rH., ^XjW m ■^i. '•^y "-VlV. >^:\. .-■'-/ '^' 1-. /v. -.',. - ■ , .J' ■' '"■.i-.-i; AUTHOniZKD eAPITAL •TOOK •l.OOO.OOO "S HEAD orricK, TORONTO. PAID UP •!, •80,000 RKOiaTCNKO OrPICK, ROSSLAND, B.C. THE WAR EAGLE CONSOLIDATED MINING and DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. LiMiTCD ia AND 1« OOOOCRHAM BUILOINa, «• WCLLINQTON ST. KAST. aCO. OOODCRHAM, PRCSIOKNT. T. C. BLACKSTOCK. VICK-PRCSIOKNT. Toronto, J7th May, J897. Messrs. Ryrie Bros., Toronto. Dear Sirs, — We have pleasure in handing you a brick of gold sent to us by our friends of the Le Roi mine. I also enclose herewith a letter from Mr. W. W. D. Turner, President of the Le Roi Gold Mining Co., couched in most liberal and loyal terms, claiming a RIGHT to contribute the gold necessary for the work free of expense. The piece of ore for the base of your Jubilee Casket, which our Mr. Hastings of THE VAR EAGLE CONSOLIDATED MINING AND DE- VELOPMENT CO., Limited, has forwarded, is, Mr. Hastings assures us, an especially fine specimen and worthy of the purpose for which it is intended* Yours very truly. The Wsjt Eagle Consolidated Mining and Development Co., Limited, GEO. GOODERHAM, President. mmmmmim J - ti rf -■■S ^^-MM^b^-^':MMiMm y kt '* ' ^ I /■• * : .J \. :.' !')■:•-' ' ■'■■'■ ■■-■■■■ .f z "r ;f-: -<,,f/:yd ^hy>{ -?i/Vif.' ^^^.tvff^i "^ L'-j*") 1'^^^it '''t-'*.N "A^'"' I 'i- .i*« 'p*^ -*- .y < ? / V K'^ U T 5^ f ^^^IJ'V fi ♦»,'-. \ •*■ .y ■' '/n--. a;,'; v/;. -Pi' * LEFT SIDE. ^HE central panel is the City coat-of- arms^ the supporting figures in reliefs Tvith the shield^ ribbon and motto ir the proper colors^ hard enamel; the left column — ^Pyroxene (Templeton, Que**) the right — Sodalite (Dungan- non, Ont.) Below^ within a wreath, is the date 1897? a boss of Alabaster (Hillsborought N. B.) on the left, and of Chert (Thunder Bay) on the right* The cover above shows **(fS years ^^ in monogram, with the words ^* Justice and Prosperity*^' «^ Surmounting all is the Imperial Crown on its cushion. ^ THE BASE. In the lijsfht of the recent development of Canadian mining nothing could be more appropriate than the base of gold ore* Upon this, and supporting the casket, are four beavers, each beside a log of silver, cast from special designs* 'I ,X ■?: i.ii^-:^smii<.M^^ii,iMAi THE LEFT SIDE. f i mtK^mm X ~ "^4f^ V , l^jPHSONf^MffH l\^V.t;^ ^i^. >- >, r»pi » 'S t*t •^ *r«, ,7 Wi' «jV< V^fe .^K i";" /■ »^.^!;,.A%^;tv*>fi?/ ::^fm-7y V,' -^> -7 '?? IS-i* .v^ IP i v^M iM •■•■'hk; ''^ !!■ t.v'. . m Ii ^' I ; ^ •r t, ."» W V- "^ iX^f a A x.\ N fr? 'f. ■VL t ^■ ->'<•, llh ,"41 ■V (^^ i. - ■^ '"2^* ,>» ti tj vf V .-i' .,K V +},'V <-/ f .1*1 Hi J 837, T was five o'clock on the morning of the 20th of June when the doors of Kensington Palacet where the Prin- cess Victoria dwelt with her t^other^ were opened to the Archbishop of Guiterbury, the Lord Cha:. j^iaJn, and the physician of William IV*^ Sir Henry Half ord« They had come direct from the dark chamber of death at "Windsor to tell the yotstiuul Princess^ who had at- tained the Age of eighteen on the 24th of May^ that she was Queen of one of the greatest amongst the nations. The intelligence had been momentarily expected* The household was astir at that early hour of the sunny morning; the three messengers were at once in the presence of their Sovereign Lady* Lord Melbourne had an audience at nine o'clock* At eleven the state apartments of Kensington Palace were filled with Members of the Privy Council of the late King — ^Peers^ Cabinet Ministers^ the two Archbishops^ the Lord Mayor of London^ Right Honourable Conmioners* The Duke of Cumberland^ now King of Hanover^ and the Duke of Sussex^ were conspicuous in that historical group which Wilkie has painted* The doors of the Council Chamber wf ^e opened^ and Queen Victoriai entering with the Duchess of Kent — palet but perfectly self-possessed -took her seat at the head of the Council P u^ h f- >.*^f j rmki' ' r-i,^ • f' ''•. :r.L ■ ( i.V.' J. ■ r ' 4 .•r!;.:>~i -■-^^!.y. yi *r.i>j -i^ii %:, ^.h..^■^^K'^ ''vh-1 i/^''* ••■ ,^-'. ' •: 4 V'.H A 7^^ J« ^ I'if^^^VX'^.i-i ^i^.-"' ^"^l 'SX,V V l«>'' V *i '#MNH«|IP aap f m^ s>.. ■a table* The Lord Chancellor administered the oaths prescribed for the sovereign's accession; the Privy Councillors took the oaths of allegiance and supre- macy: and then for the first time was heard by her assembled subjects that exquisitely modulated voice which for a quarter of a century has lent a charm to the formal periods of a speech from the throne. ^ The severe and afflicting loss which the nation has sustained by the death of His Majesty^ my beloved unde^ has devolved upon me the duty of administering the government of this Empire* This awful responsi- bility is imposed upon me so suddenly^ and at so early a period of my life^ that I should feel myself utterly oppressed by the burden, were I not sustained by the hope that Divine Providence^ which has called me to this work, will give me strength for the performance of it, and that I shall find in the purity of my intentions, and in my zeal for the public welfare, that support and those resources which usually belong to a more mature age, and to long experience*'^ ^ The Queen's demeanour on that eventful morn- ing impressed every one who was present, not only ^xrith profound admiration, but with confident hope of a glorious future* There was evidence of a high and generous nature in her solemn expression of regret at the domestic calamity which had just occurred; in her manifestation of a deep and awful sense of the duties she was called upon to fulfil* When the newspapers described how, on the next day, Victoria, the Queen, "w f.11 l'~ J.H- 'h '•^d ■TT^ mSSm ej>i,i, i.f. flj-^-v ^ifHt •t.^u mo tjevt' m > *»■.■*■•)? WX''X4 m^ §) r. -wj; vsr; ».^'ii( ^.il vv rjj'-;^ '-ni- : v^AXi-t -..'■fy-fr y!ti'^')^p-v '.:;i''j ^l'w-J;..Y . .!. . ^^i' -V --I'S > .;;;:5 -:.J^u. ■•<■-.;■'>» '■ r7V ■ , v.; v >i? , . ' ;■■■ ,•: r .t?J>;.; .- i ;. J < ,r • ..• ' I > J •'nil io ^t";iinr- «•/;,, v;"i ■ •'J " ■'.■•■&i;w ..>i^;'. '-.^.i i-U;' li. L .i,;.; ,:>.,, ,;;■; 10 £/Cv!1.X?:{ i. >{ t. It. ,. '■■f <-r f":;;; .-.,,r -.^..■ ,., r:^>^ l^.A, h-:A fA^ ^7 Yi am. •Iv;!--; • . ■>'•? .'A! r'tt "W35P^" r^-^-ti^-f^.-nr^-/ • —•-:■•:;— --i:: -.k,' ■"rtT?-^:^ .■">':3y';*^i; ■.;;'■ , W ■*.'fv f^ ^U.L"^■^ ^# "iX -i,. t W-^ s ^' ^:;. t. 1!*' < * WW'. ^ ,v '/y- l%« tN V ^.^A' A.*i tf ->• '" <( F^ ■s^J* t^ ».r ■£ ^r^ N f*-" ??' ' ■f""!,? -i 'JT^^^ i -f «*.f .^ r7 '^j '/^ *)A m > 1 mr { ) ^B u A > i"^ -." *■ V m^% ^. 'r appeared at a window oveflooking the cotiftyard of St* James' Palace^ Mressed in black silk^ with a crape scarf over her white tippet^ and a little black chip bonnet/ — when they told how^ looking 'paler than tisual^' she wept as she acknowledged the plaudits of the people^ such plattdits 'as never could be surpassed ' — there were few amongst her subjects who did not put up a prayer for the happiness of this young creature^ exposed so early to all the temptations of luxury and all the bewilderments of power. But there was little fear* There was confidence — as she had been brought up in the unobtrusive simplicity of her mother's life — a- her natural abilities had been diligently cultiva- ted—as from her childhood she had learnt the great lessons of self-denial — as she was well grouiided in religious principle — that the perils of such greatness would be escaped* Never were the feelings of the nation more nobly expressed than by a voice from the pulpit of the Metropolitan Cathedral: ** What limits to the glory and happiness of our native land^ if the Oeatoi* shouldt in his mercy^ have placed in the heart of this Royal Woman the rudiments of wisdom and mercy; and if^ giving them time to expand^ and to bless our children's children with her goodness^ He should grant to her a long sojourning upon earthy and leave her to reign over us till she is well stricken in years* What glory I What happiness I What joy I What bounty of God I '^ " Knight's Popular History of England.'' ''^pf^ep/-- '^ HIHMMMSinmK f.^"V 1 ''*iK 4' .V K :r mmmmm 5^, •r •*^\. I r* -a^ '-? HnpNMM Zl ■"! . ^I'S^ 'V# j>* 'K: &^. $r ,»^_ *. rdfi:^ 'v- L^sMii-l' :;n . ■ •* » 1. ^-''^ ^ Iv "t /' *\ ' V >»* .^ f % ,'i-' "^" '^ I HHTOi ►' t 4"^ '- K^ .X .^^ l^^^i^ - 1 ■r i li \ ■*< , /• i. ,J- '\'.* .^-r .'. -,>' *>/•. ',> ■ ■ / .<■ V f^^'^' ^"- t^ u RIGHT SIDE, HIS corresponds exactly with the left* The central panel is the British coat- of-annst the f igtsres in relief^ with the shield ribbon and motto in correct colorst hard enamel* The columns on this side are^ on the left — ^Wilson- ite (Btsrgessy Ont*^) on the right— Sodalite (Dtmgan- non, Ont*); the boss on the left — ^Microclene (Wakefield^ Que*^) on the right — ^Pyroxene (Templeton^ Que*) In the wreath below is the date 1837* On the cover above^ the monogram — *^60 years ^ and the words '^Victory and Liberty*'' The G*own appears above^ as on the other sides* e^ ,,.4>* ' J^.!.i}-«^ i '*" ' '"■ ?W lynwnpriimiiiiiirnnp - ')-:h^ 'nu 1 'I ir' u.....„j^. .jy "" IT : , * ■" ' T ,m '-w/* -'/^ "'A ■^- W V fw«? /^»t. . I' ^, yv Mr y ^% ^. o' '/ yr' *Sf v^ *- ' J' -i -'^i^. ^ t fir 1 ^ f 'i.^ yir J /W*>v.>' A, E^:ii THE RIGHT SIDE. .Wf^fSWi '■!•'• ■'SI m m I '.'m m. y«,3a,!-.^,K/,:-», *^y .;■* . '^ *r» -:4:^ '-Mi-' ■ ■-*' ^^^ Piliy i iil ii iM i iX^:',^-^i-Js:M:' W. a-. I ... f. /^v .■v^^. ^.^iil^: ^:4*'>'5?'^;§^ a^' >■>*;.) *-. '^v-rM M wm ■%!: v.'jH- vi-i^r ::lj.:^ ■m^ ,^JM ■>■>■<. ^h« •^it' ■■'iV. ■TWi- V- ..imiin'iir\mmiimmn LE ROI MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY. Spokane^ Wash.^ April 26th, J897. Mr. W. G. Gooderham, Toronto, Ont» Dear Sir, — ^At the request of Mr, John B. Hastings, of the War Eagle Mine, I have this day sent to yots, per express, a bar of gold from the Le Roi Mine, which I understand is to be used in making some kind of a testimonial to Queen Victoria, Mr, Hastings requested us to send him a bill for the amount, which my Company has instructed me not to do. The Le Roi Mining and Smelting Co, ^ as much a subject of the grand and good old lady as is the War Eagle, and we know of no reason why tht War Eagle should pay us for it. Hoping our donation will be received in the same good spirit in whic^> it is made, I am Respectfully yours, W. V. D, TURNER, President* ''» ' t,- '"t '.'"f^i^' m ft/- ,- [■,S<;^V 5 ■ '/')■; a ;>-/>iT .1^ !■; "^•'(V' ''t. •r:y/-. ..-ii^ W ^-in -.-io-^P. «r^Ov nj- ^f'u?: T(;,b 'iiit iivj.xf I ,:in ij , K h bird ^i^r;^ 50£>l_fim nr fyauj -,4 c4 - ^;^.\vvit3bfr?v i 4^&'-):/t.,.* 3dt ^.-.i} I't-d £. ir.m fet?^ ■ ci gi^; S tot .5JS .(«q ^^»m v^ *i^i:jA I>o 1 J- I I » / f 5.pi ttri '■ .^X'^ *i D i '_ K^;^m^^i^^i3ii^mmMMst THE BACK. TN . T »V"» • .,.> \ .,^v V^,i' ¥^04f'^' ^'^ iV 1 -v^u F^jr^.?.< e^ fe >- ^' '5 -^ t ' t t V, 1!«' > -► ^^ f*. 4 / ^,. i ^ .1^^^ ;i.« MM' -.^: ,A:i* »ii»- ?'v, ^(-s ■<. >* ,^f^ ^ e^ INTERIOR. HE lining of sky blue velvet plainly covers an interior of 5 x 7 inches* Here will be placed the voltmie containing the expression of the love and devotion of the Queen Gty* e^ m !■;« ; If m tmmv ^!' M-^- M S''fal SBJ ij r.mmTiq:x:i aril igdnij^jijo-; '; .^tO n^'VmO '*rff fe b Dili; ^ -'■%» THE OUTER CABINET. HE Cabinet which is to contain the Jubilee Casket was designed and manufactured by the Hemming Manufacturing Co* of Toronto. A number of beautiful Canadian woods are employed on the Gothic exterior. The Hd^ arches^ panels and plynth are all made of highly polished bird's-eye maple ; oak columns resting on walnut bases support the arches^ within which are exquisitely selected specimens of curly ash. .^ The carved mouldings^ maple leaf spandrils^ capitals^ etc*^ are all red cedar^ contrasting well with the bird's-eye maple. J* The interior is faultlessly lined with rich purple silk velvety all the borders being bird's-eye maple. The most striking feature of the Cabinet is the method of its construction. To permit a full view of the Casket^ all four sides are hinged at the base and mitred at the comers so as to fait outwards. The top is cut across the middle and hinged at the ends* The lock is of special construction^ and inserted in the centre of the lid. While serving to enclose the casket^ this cabinet will exhibit some of our most important woods^ and satisfy the most critical that in designing and work- manship Canada compares favorably with any country in the world. 'M '> -"^S ^'^'' 4 -'■«' Bi^ ^» MB8i»g SS BSiU»-a^?g^^\.>!r^i>j^aSfca?^ '» ^M »i »pm ».. ; >^M*ily«|C^ «t«#w|,.^^^ ■.^. ^ •■ ^ iMUMtoi^nWi^ ' misi 'fl^ S ■Mf A *-^ 7-r ,,J.t.a ':.»• i*^ 1 -A^ ,i»'l(i 4^ ■ % ■• V I, "S , "^ ' i. • ' f^ ^l:. -^ - '.Sr„H«<.-'*^^^.V ^^. ■v-.v^'' k n ' ■ f*!t ^ ^f t! A' ""■'iJ ■^L:^ *- !*■« i N ^"^ icf '< -^jr