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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 2:x 1 1 2 3 ) I t i : t : * 4 \ s : : « ♦ RULES, REGULATIONS, AND BY-LAWS -OF THE— *:. -'ff' Municipal Council -OF Ciimb^land County. 1898. w^m^sm • '^\ ^iP i RULE; o REQULATDON AND BY=LAWi OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF "fe CUMBERLAND COUNTY. 1898. v4 In all the proceedings had or taken in the Municipal Council o, the County of Cumberland the following «y-lavvs shall be observed and they shall be the rules and regulations, regulating the order arul despatch of business in the Council and the Committees thereof rlv By=Laws, Rules & Regulations nUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF CUriBERLAND. CHAPTER 1. iiiicipal Council oi shall be observed, ting- the order and ttees thereof. I. IWeetings of Council. vSec. I There shall ha two regular meetings of the Council in each jear. The first is hereby designated the "Annual Meeting" and shall be held on the second Tuesday of January in each year, in ac- cordance with the Statute in that behalf; the second is hereby desig- nated the "Half-yearly Meeting "and shall be held on the second Tues- day of April in each year. All meetings of the Council shall be held at the Court House in the Town of Amherst except when some other place shall be specially designated by resolution of the Council. II. Speeial Meetings. Sec. 2, Be.sides the regular meetings, the Council may mee.i^ often as expedient for the despatch of business, at such time and piace as they may appoint ; public notice shall be given of the time and place of each meeting of the Council, and all meetings shall be open and public ; the Council shall have power to adjourn and to appoint com- mittees to act durirg the session and recess. If any Council fails to meet at the time appointed by law, they shall not thereby be deemed to be dissolved, but may hold future meetings as if there had been no failure :— Sec. 33, Cap. 3 Acts 1895. Sec. 3. The warden, on application of at least one third of the Coun- cillors, shall call special meetings ; the notice shall specify the object thereof, and be posted up in some public place in each district, and each councillor shall be served wiih a copy thereof personally or by leaving the same at his residence at least five days before the meet- ng, or by sending notice post paid to his address at least ten days be- MrMCII'AI. Cot'Nfll, HVI.AWS ore. the meeting. In case uf absence from the Province of the warden or in case of there beinjr „o warden, the Clerk on like apj.licalion shall call a special meeting in the same manner and tor the like pur- pnrpoKcs as the warden :— vSec. 34, Cap. 3 .Acts 1S95 III. Opening Proceedings. vSec.4. The Chair .shall betaken precisely at the honr named for meeting, Sec. 5. When no honr is named the Chair. shall betaken at loo'clock a. m. Sec. 6. A majority of the Council shall be a qnornm for the transact ion of bu.sine.ss ; a smaller number may adjourn f.om time to time. Sec. 7. On appearance of a quorum the warden shall call the conn cillors to order, and open the proceedings. IV. Minutes. vSecS. Upon the opening of each .session of everv meeting of the Council, regular or special, the minutes of the ne.xt preceding .se.ssitm of the same meeting shall be read for correction ; the clerk shall forth- with after the close of such meeting enter in writing the minutes of each session thereof .so read and corrected in the Minute Book of the proceedings of the Council, and at every regular meeting, the unap- proved minutes of all previous meetings as entered in such book shal be again read and after all mistakes therein have been corrected shal be declared approved. The warden and clerk shall .severally mark with the initials- of their respective names all erasures or interlineations rendered ne^css^iry by any correction on the final reading of such minutes and then individ- ually sign the name. V. Duties of Warden op Other Presiding Officer. Sec. y. The warden shall preserve order and decorum, and decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council, and in the ab- .sence of the warden, the deputy warden shall have the same authority while presiding at the meeting as the warden would have had if pres- ent. Sec. 10. Before it shall be competent for any councillor to make a motion the warden shall have the privilege of bringing such matters he warden, pplicatioii, 10 like ptir named for lo o'clock L' transact ) time. tile conn inj;- of the ig session I all forth- linutes of ■)k of the he unap- 3ok shal ted shal :i of their ssary b\' individ ing decide 1 the ab- Lithority if pres- make a matters Municipal Counuii. Bv-I,AWrf as he may have in charge before the Council. He shall have the same privilejie at any time except when a quebtion is actually under debate. Sec. 1 1. The warden shall state every question propcly presented to the Council ; and before putting it to vote shall ask, "Is the Council ready for the question ?" Should no councillor offer to speak, he shall proceed with the question, after which no member shall be per- mitted to speak upon it. Sec. 12. The warden's decision or ])oints of order shall not be debat able unless, entertaining doubts, he invites discu.ssion. He may speak to points of order in preference toother councillors, rising from hiw seat for that purpose, and shall decide questions of order, subject to an appeal to the Council by any two councillors. On such an appeal no councillor shall speak more than once. Sec. 13. When an appeal is made from his decision he shall put the question, "Shall the decision ot the chair be sustained ?" Sec. 14. When a majority of the members of a municipal Council shall signify in writing a request that the warden shall submit to a vote of the Council any proposed resolution, the said warden shall forthwith put such motion or resolution to a vote of the Council, and in any case if said warden refuses or neglects to submit such resolu- tion to a vote of said council any member of said Council may submit such resolution to a vots of said Council, and vote him.self thereon, and if a majority of said Council shall vote foresaid resolution the same shall be recorded by the municipal clerk in the minutes of pro- ceedings of said Council, f I shall be in all respects valid and bind- ing -.—Sec. 3 Cap. 3, Acts. 895. VI f^ules of Gondact and Debate. Sec. 15. It .shall be his duty, and the privilege of any councillor, to call a member to order who violates any established rule, order or regulation. Sec. 16. No councillor shall .speak more than twice upon any ques- tion, except in explanation, but the Council may give any mem ber special leave to speak oftener, and the originator of the motion shall have the general reply wSec. 17. No councillor shall speak more than ten minutes upon any ((uestion at one time, without leave of Council. (t MfNKII'AI, COUNCII, UV-I.AWS ;";!;::;;':j:;"n::r,i;:r't;::::,::r'';zr----' Sec 2,v WlK-n a c.uncilh,.- is called to onlcr. he sl.all keep his seit 111 til the point IS determined. * Sec. 24. If any councilU.r in speakin^M-mpeach the motives o. any other eonncillor, or treat him with personal disrespect or nse 1" o.m.i.K language, or vvillfullv violate anv of the -n es or r 1 oforder, he shall he deem.d ,ni.ity of a villuon :1^.Z. ^^f^^" ^^ lie censured hy the warden. ■ Sec 25. If any councillor shall deem himself r-^rsonallv af^.^rieved by a decision ofthe chair, he. seconded by any eonncillor mt " peal from such decision to the Council. ^ Sec. 26. Any conversation by whisperin;. or otherwise, which is cal culated to disturb a councillor while speaking, or hinde the ™n "t .0,1 of business shall be deemed a violation of order, and f e s ted in shall receive censure. pt.rsis- Sec. 27. Kvery councillor shall be heard in his place touchine anv charge brought against him. as such, or regarding inv m , T which his I-ivate interests may be affected t:f?:t-:gr^^^^^^^ ^l' shall wuh,nia;,a' ;,,„! I' arise at a ('"iiiK-illor JtllCI nic-iii on of order Li'dcd witli. dciiiaiukil )<-■ counted -'I> liis scat 'fs of any use unhc- -'gulations and may a},'},'neved may ap- ichiscal- e tranact if persis liing any otioii by lieard he ded by a all have MUNItll'AI, Citl'NCII, HV-If tlie ,'onncil but may with the permission of the Council be;withdrawn at any time before decision or amendment, Sec. 32. When any cjuestion is before the Council, the only motions in order shall be : — . First — To adjourn. Second— To lay on the table. Thiid — To postiM)ne indefinitely, lumrth — To postpone to a definite prriod Fifth — To amend ; or Si.xth— To refer. Set. 33. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order, except in the folK)vvin}j ca,ses : — First— When a member is in po.s.session of the floor. Second— While the Yays and Nays are being called. Third — While the mend)ers are voting. l'\)urth When adjournment was the last preceding motion Sec. 34. The following questions shall be decided without debate : First — A motion to reconsider. .Second— All motions as to priority of business or as to the suspension of the "General order of the day. Third— Application to speak more than the prescribed ntim ber of times. Fourth — A motion to allow any person other than members of the Council to address the Conncil. Fifth — A motion to adjourn. Sixth — A motion to p.'-.'^tp.onc to a day certain. vSeventh —A motion to lay on the table. I' I f i I I t 8 Municipal CounciL Bv-Laws <;.. ^^'f^^^' ~ ^ '"""°" *° ^'^'^""^ °^ withdraw from voting . bee. 35^ Any motion within the meaning of section 4^. Subsection 6 of h,s chapter n.ay be taken up and moved by any J'ncillor p Isent ..ei^n;'^ssx^^r:^:sj^;s d!v ••.^nd'^lT"""' f\"^ '" pursuance of ' 'The General Order of the Daj and not disposed of shall be placed at the foot of the list unless t::Z:;^'''l''' Counci,. but when any order, reso^^tlt ZZZnf ""^'^''^ by reason Of the Council breaking up non shall be the first business proceeded with and disno^Prl ^f a. iu next sitting of the Council under that particul.rhear VII. flmcndmcnts in General Sec. ,8 Amendments shall be put in the reverse order to that in u h ch they are moved . Every amendment submitted shall be reduc Sec. 39. On an amendment to "stritp ni,f o«-^ • . ,, . paragraph as it would se.„d,f so amendeT "'""^ ""^ oret rr Je'-:,ra^d'',srr„':t"„rM rr- " "■'^■■- IX Appointments ately in the order in which they are proposed. ^ X ^econsidcpation Sec. 4a. After any question has been decided either in the affirma- voting. Subsection 6 nllor present r giving not- ne^ed wthout Order of the e list unless •esolution or breaking up ion or ques- ed of at the to that in 11 be reduc- iiid shall be ,-ote. Only ny amend ' the para- the words finally the at the dis- any coun- ;sent must :illor shall on the re- to any of- on separ e affirma- MlINICrPAI, CoUNCIIv r>VK IvAWS J) tive or negative any member may at the same time or at the first sitting thereafter during the same meeting move for a reconsideration thereof ; but no discussioii of the miin question shall be allowed un- less reconsidered, and there shall be no reconsideration at any subse- ' «-- "--»>- thereof who shall exannne the same and b. answerable that it does not con- tain any impertinent or improper matter and that the same is respect- ful and temperate m its language. Sec 49 Kvery petition, memorial or other written application intended to be presented to the Council shall have endorse^! thereo the names of one or more of the petitioners or applicants and Z substance of the matter therein contained. PP'»^«"ts and the ^r^;.^" Jf^ ^°"""' "'*^' ^y "-^solHtio" dispense with the reid ingof the whole of any such petition, memorial or other wrUten a' plication and accept in lien thereof the reading of such endo;^: Sec. 51 All accounts and petitions or applications involving ex penditure of money for the payment of which it may be n Jessarv 'o amerce the County, shall be filed with a councillor for theXtriS n cSoft'l P^'^^.^^P^^^- P— ting the same reside or wtth^e Clerk of he munic.pahty at least one week previous to the annual or half yearly meeting of the Council in which each year together ""ti th necessary vouchees and explanations, and each councillor shairdelive all such accounts, petitions and applications that may be conn ed" oh,s charge to the clerk immediately after the opening 7^^'^:^ and theconsiderat on of all such acroiitif« .,^»J \. '"'"'^"""C" not so presented shall be def^d^ "Le C^Zlli''''''^''^- Sec. 52 No person except members and officers of the Oo„«nn shall be allowed within the bar during the sitting o* tlL 'h 1." tf out the permission of the warden. " ''^^■ 01! \ Municipal Council Bye Laws 11 the clerk shall r the direction ss to he trans nee. itten applicat ainly written lis both as to :ified l)y some ts shall beat- ir written ap mber thereof loes not con- ne is respect- application irsed thereon iits and the ■ ith the read- r written ap- ndorseiuent. ivolving ex- necessary to le district in or with the J annual or her with the shall deliver 'itiniitted in- the Council ipplications the Council >unci! wilh- Sec. 53 In all unprovided cases in the proceedings of the Coun- cil the laws of Parliament shall be followed. 3^111 Committees. Sec. 54 S<:anding Committees of the Council shall be appointed nnually on the first day of the January meeting or as soon thereafter * possible as follows: — First—On Nominations. vSecond — On Finance. Third— On Roads and Bridges. Fourth— On Public Property. Fifth— On Remittals. Sixth — On Licenses. Seventh— On Poor. Sec. 55 All Standing Committees shall consist of three council- lors each, excepting the Committees on Finance and on Roads and Bridges, which shall consi.st of Five members each. vSec. 56 The Committee on Nominations shall be appointed by the Warden, subject to the concurrence of the Council ; and the mem- bers of all other Committees shall be named by the Committee on Nominations, subject to the approval of the Council. Sec. 57 The warden shall be a member ex -officio of all standing Committees. Sec. 5« The first person named in the appointment of a Com- mittee shall be the convener thereof; and the clerk shall n- tify him of his appointment by furnishing him with a copy of the resolution appointing the Committee ; but each Committee at its organization shall appoint its own chairman. H Sec. 59 It shall be the duty of all Committees to report on mat- ters referred to them by the Council. The report shall be in writing signed by the chairman or a majority thereof. If the Committee be not unanimous the minority may submit a separate repoit. On each page of every report a blank margin two inches wide shall be left on which may be entered by the warden or clerk the orders of the Coun- cil respecting the report and the matters therein submitted ; and such report shnil i^c filed in converjient fofisi and preserved as part of the records of the proceedings of the Council, i 12 MiiNicii'Ai. Council By-Laws Sec 60. Itshalbetheduty of the Committee on Nominations to nonnnat. other conunittees an7, Cap. 3, Acta 18<.»o. Sec. 8 The Warden or Councillor elected to till tiie occasional vacancy shall hold office for the rcHid.i(> of the term of the jk n*)n whom ho succeed-r but no longer ; but he shall he eligible for re-election S.-c 28, Cap. 3, Acts 1895. Sec. 9 The Warden and every Councillor shall forfeit and pay as a penary for each day he may be absent from tlie meetings of tjio Council without being previou.5ly < xcused the following sums that in to say :— The Warden the sum of $4.00 and every Councillor the sum of f2.00. The Council may however relieve such Warden or Councillor Irom sucli penalty upon his submitting in writing reastais satisfactory to the Council for such non attendance. Sec. 36, Cap. 3, Acts, ISU,'). III. ClePk. Sec 10 The general duty of the dork sliall bo to record in a book all the proceedings of the corporation, and state an exact account of the attendance of each Councillor at each meeting, make regular en- tries of all resolutions and decisions, and if required by any member present, to enter the votes as given, and to {reserve and file all ac- counts, and to keep the bojks records and accounts of the corporation which shall be open, without fee or reward, to the inspection of all per sons being ratepayers of the Municipality at all seasonable times and hours. Sec. 39, Cap. 3, Acts 1895. Sec. 11 The clerk of the municipality shall cause lists of all of- ficers appointed by the Council for the several townships or districts to bo posted in at least three of the most public places therein within three weeks from the meeting of such Councils. Sec. 53, Cap. 3, Acts 1895, Sec. 12 He shall attend at his office daily, Sundays and public holi- days excepted from 10 o'clock a.m. to four o'clock p.m. e.Kcept when at- tending the session of the Council; he shall furnish the treasurer with a true copy of -very order of the Council autl orizing the payment of money out of the County funds ; ho shall prepare and see to the proper execu- tion of all Ig.--, hond«, deeds, contracts, agreements, debentures or other securities entered into or issued by the municipality. Ho I MuNiciPAi, CoiNcii, Byk Laws 17 or shali act in ibed hclorc tlif lor Majesty ami ). 8, ActK 18!)"). lice at any time yiiiont ol' a (iii<' tlio occasional 10 jit n*)n wlioni velocti(jn. Sec. I'eit ami p^ay a.s leoiin^'s of tlio Slims that is to illnr fho sum of 1 or Comu'illor .)ii8 satisfactory 3, Acts, 1895. )cord in a book ict account of :o regdiar cn- y any ineml)or lid file all ac- 110 corporation tion of all per lile tinit's and lists of all of- or districts to n within throe . 3, Acts 1896, 1 public holi- tcept when at- Jasurer with a iient of money proper oxecu- deltonturesor cipality. Ho slmll giv,. proper notice to all [lersons appointed to any ofTice or place by he Council and shall furnish of ies of all orders or resolutions made l)y the Council to the persmis who may be Hir.-ctod tliorebv or whose duty it may bo to execute such ord(-r and he shall nenorally n>"- n such acts as nniy be required of him by law or by the by-laws or ..rders of the Council, lie shall annually ^Jve a bond with sureties to bo api roved by the Council and warden in the sum of two thousand dollars for the dii.' and faithful discharge of the .juties of his (.mce. Tlie bond shall be kept by the warden. IV TpcQsufep. Sec. 13 It shall be the duty of the treasurer to receive and safely keep all moneys belonning to the Municipality, or wiiich ho shall be appointed to receive, and keep and pay out the same to such persons and 111 sucii manner as he shall b,. directed to do by any lawful order of the municipal corporation, or by any law of the; Province, and strict- ly to conform and obey any such law or any l>y-law lawlully made by any such municipal corporation, and faithfully do and perform all such duties as may be assijjnod to liim by any such law or by-law. Soc 40 Cap. 3, Acts, I89,'i. Sec. 14 He sliall attend at his office daily. Sunday's and public holidays excepted from ten o'clock a. m. until four o'clock p. m. Ho shall lay before the Council on the first day of tiie nneiual meeting in each year a report of the receipts and expenditures of the municipal ity for the preceding year and also a statement of the colloctor's ac- counts and of the liabilities and assetts of the municipality as .,f the 31st day of December of tlie s.tid preceding year. He shall at the same time furnish the warden with an abstract of the County receipts and expenditures for the previous year to be laid before tlie Legislature. The books and accounts kept by him as such treasurer shall bo kept in a clear and intelligible manner and according to the best recognized methods of book-keeping. These books shall be the property of the municipality and shall be open to the inspection of the warden or any member of the Council at any time. Sec. 15 The treasurer shall also lay before the Council on the first day of tiie half-yearly meeting in each year an abstract state- ment of his account with the municipality as of the 3l8t day of March then last past ; and he shall also at the same time submit a full state- m.ont of the Road and Bridge Service a<-en„nt up to th.- day of meeting for the information of the Council 18 MuNiciPAr. CoiiNcii. Byk Laws III Sep. 16 He shall not permit .my Councillor to ovcrdnvv the ii- inonnt (illottffi to hirt District out of tlio Roiul and Bridge urant dur- ing any year. See. 17 The troaMurcr sliall give to I ho Council the indoninity or security of a guarantee company to bo approved hy the warden in a sum of money not less than *U(),()() for tlu' faithful perform,»nce of the duties of hi« ofFice and mere espv^ciall> for the duo accounting for and paying over of nil moneys whic)i shall come into his hands i)y virture of his office. All premiums payable in r.-spect of every suoli policy of guarantee or indemnity shall bo paid by Municipal Council and shall form a County charge, Tlio policy of indemnity shiiU bo kept by iho vv.irdon. Sec, 18 One and the same person sliall not 1)0 elected clerk and treasurer of the Municipality. V Auditors Sec. 19 ItshiU be the duty of the M.inicipitity auditors to examine and audit the accounts of the treasurer, and all other ac- coumts of the Council or corporation, or in which the municipality is concerned ; and all such accounts as may be referred to them by the Council for special examination, and report as instructed; and it shall be the duty of the Council to refer to them all such accounts, and their duty faithfully to report thereon without needless delay. Sec. 44, Cap. 3 Acts 1895. Sec. 20. The Municipality auditors shall have authority to call for all books and vouchers they may deem necessary for elucidating any account laid before them. No account shall be allowed or pass- ed by the Council until the same is audited and reported upon by the municipality auditors ; and all audited accounts shall be open at all reasonable times to the inspection of any elector or ratepayer of the municipality. The Council may make such compensation to the municipality auditors as they may think right and proper from time to time. The auditors shall perform the duties required by this sec- ion in the office of the municipal treasurer, or in such other place as the Council may direct. Sec. 44, Cap. 3, Acts, I895. Sec. 21 The auditors shall attend on the C.:y of the annual meeting of the County Council in Tannary fil^ ,>-,>>, lae clerk o^-he Municipality their account together with the neces sar} 3 I.St exai the couf supi totl pap( then the ] of 111 inim for a victi obey ! fice c rlerk book shall Oven penal ful di be re( Oven in su( ed or S street make- by thi rateps mutat of saic hands survei upon 1 defav.l imprif MuNiciPAi, C()UN( rr, By-Laws 21 J lie coiint-illor for the | sary none, vvliose approv- to its acixptanoe l)y 1 after approving the l)ality who shall givp saint in liis custody irther be the duty vi id Clerk if th? col- St (lay of Jiitf . cxt councillor the bond lointee on or before required by this by- :aiiing of section 50 lOP. il Poor Di.stricts in ing the first day of day of December in ?d at the half-year- t day of January of til their successors e between the half linted and the first leave the Province of "County Incor- y the warden and hority thereby giv- : he neglect or om- nt of the person ihrined or another le January session ;d by the warden rent Districts with or before the first Jannarv file with B r with the neces- i!""'!-";''": ''",'■ "'.^;''"PP<'rt of the poor up to and including the purjiose of being audited. dV bef( »re ,^ist day of I)eoeinl)er then last past for th examined and pass.d by the Comici! ; an.l tluv' shall als,","! the Council at the same time a correct statement of the number and conditio , of the iioor in their several .listricts and the sum required to support th.ni for the then pr.sent year; thev shall also deliver over to their successors at the evpi,ati.,u of their term of olTice all books papers an.l moneys in their hands belonging to the poor district or to them as overseers. Kvery overseer of the poor who violates any of the provisu.ns ,.( this section shall forfeit and pav as a penalty a sum of money n<.t less than $5.00 nor more than $20 .,0, an.l in .lefailt of immediate payment such overseer shall be liable to imprisonront f n Sec. CHAPTER III. The Coppopation Seal' The seal of the Municipality made of metal in the venr and having engraved thereon is and shall continue to be the Common Seal thereof Sec. 2. The seal shall be kept by the clerk of the Municipality n.r. Vi, ^^ ^^^'^^''' documents to which the Municipality is a par ty^shal when authorized by resolution of the Council be exccu ed on behalf of the Municipality under the Common Seal the^of a est ed by the signature of the warden and clerk. Sec, 4. The warden or clerk may affix the'seal to anv certificate Sec. 5. Any person requiring the Municipal .seal to be affixed to used within the Municipality, 50 cents. *'.oo , if to be seal' le of metal in the vent- Seal thereof, of the Municipality, the Municipality is a 2 Council be executed 1 Seal thereof, attest- 5eal to any certificate ^g it for the purpose seal to be affixed to nication shall pay to iut to be used out o nnce, $i.oo ; if to be Vf/- ^c_^^^^^^-X^^ It is ordered by the warden and .Municipal Council of the ICounty of Cumberland in meeting assembled that the following re- Igulations, by laws and ordinances shall be in force and have the ■force of law within the said Municipality of Cumberland. CHAPTER IV. mil ii t! It ' ; ! : I Of Elections Sec. I. There shall be forwarded by post to the address of every officer appointed to preside at the election of councillors, postage pre- paid or delivered in person to every such officer, l)y the clerk, of this Municipality at least thirty days before the day fixed for the holding of such election or elections, handbills containing a statement of the time and place of holding each said election and a notification that nominat- ions for candidates must be filed vv ith the presiding oflicer of the Polling District for which such candidate or candidates is or are to be nomin- ated at least ten days before the day fixed for holding such election and that such nomination must be in writing signed by at least six persons qualified to vote at such election. The clerk shall at the same time forward or deliver to every such officer instructions em- bodying the sections of the "Consolidated Act 1895 of County Incor- porations" and all amendments thereto, regulating or bearing upon such elections and the holding thereof together with any regulations this Council may have made regarding the duties of presiding oflicers, poll clerks, and other officials at councillors' elections. Sec. 2 The presiding officers shall sign such handbills before posting the same as required by section 9 of the "Consolidated Act 1895 of County Incorporation." Sec. 3. After the ballots are counted the presiding officer shall make up a written statement in the poll book of the number of votes given for each candidate in the Polling District or division over which he presides and of the number of ballot papers rejected and not count- ed by him. Sec. 4. Every presiding officer shall immediately after counting the ballots and declaring the candidate or candidates elected undei section 14 of the Consolidated Act, I895 of County Incorporations, re place in the box the ballots together with the list of electors and all other paper used by such presiding officer or such poll clerk in the [ taking of such poll, except the poll book and shall then and there in I the presence of the poll clerk and all such persons as may be present " MiMLU'Ai, Ciirmii. By-La w.s 27 3 tlie address of every ncillors, postage pre- hy the clerk, of this xed for the liolding of statement of the time Fication thatnominat- r officer of the Polling is or art to be nornin- olding such election igned by at least six le clerk shall at the cer instructions em- 895 of County Incor- ing or bearing upon with any regulations 3 of presiding officers, elections. uch handbills before le "Consolidated Act the polling place, h ck imd stal the said Lallot box and within tn days thereafter deliver to the clerk of the Municipality the said illot box containing the -said ballots and the said other papers to- lethcr with the poll book containing his election returns as aforesaid, Ihich book shall also be securely sealed up and attached to the said lal.ot box. Sec. 5. The clerk upon each ballot box Leing delivcr- Id to him shall give the presiding officer so delivering the ^ame a re- leipt therefor and immediately thereafter shall store the same in the }ault in his office in the Court House of this Municipality at Amherst ind shall on no account remove the same, open or break the seal, un- lock or otherwise interfere or meddle with any such box after so de- |)ositing the same, but every such box shall continue locked and seal- .^d for the period of twenty-one days after tue councillor or councillors liave been sworn in and from thence until the determination of any f egal proceedings instituted to test the validity of the election, but ^nothing herein contained shall be construed as intended to prevent *he clerk from opening the poll books attached to such boxes for the 'purpose of carrying out the provisions of section 30 of the Consolidat- jed Act, 1895, of County Incorporations. Sec. 6. The presiding officer at such elections shall receive for [his services the sum of $2.00. There shall be paid for a polling booth [when required a sum of money not exceeding $2.00. Each poll clerk [and constable shall receive for his services at such election the sum of l$i.oo. These several sums shall be paid to the presiding officer who j«hall see that they are all paid to the several services and persons for whom or which they are appropriated. residing officer shall "the number of votes r division over which jected and not count- liately after counting lidates elected under i ;y Incorporations, re- ist of electors and all \ uch poll clerk in the all then and there in! tis as may be present '• If i I f r I CHAPTER V , Publie Streets and Highcuays. Sec. I No person shall place or leave- any structure vehicle or other article or thing upon any public street, hiRhwav road thorouRhfare or l)ri,l,!re that will either encumber the same or in anv way interfere with or that may be dan-erous to the free and sivc passage of the travelinjr public along- the same. Sec. 2 The leaving of a carriage, sleigh, slen the front of any ercon. :iiid unnece.ssarilv r other vehicle or ither animal on the sidewalk or side path of any public highway and no person shall ob- struct any sidewalk orsidepath or leave standing thereon any carriags cart, sleigh or other vehicle or leave any animal standing.thereon, or roll or place any heavy articles on the .same to the obstruction thereof Sec, S, Any pers(m or persons gniltv of infraction of anv of the ne.xt preceding .sections of this chapter shall forfeit and pav as a penalty a sum of money not le.ss than $2,00 nor more than $20.00 and in default of payment thereof shall be liable to imprisonment for a |)eii<)d not exceeding forty days and not less than ten days. Sec. 9. Ifany owner oroccuj)ier ofany farm or other lands in buil.ling, repairing or renewing the fence or fences ne.xt adjoining any highway in this .Municipaiity upon the propertv he .so owns or occupies encroaches upon such highsvay he shall forfeit and pay as a penalty for each offence the sum of 520.00 and in default of immed- iate payment shall be liable to imprisonment for a period of not more than sixty days unle.ss he shall before commencing to build .such fence or repair or renew the same have notified the commissioner of streets or the surveyor of highways of the .statute labor district town or village through which such public highwav runs that he was about to build, renew or re])air his said fence or fences adjoining sucli Inghway and request such commis.sioner or survevor to attend and define the line of the highway. . Sec. 10. I'lKm being .so notified by sticii owner or oocui)ier as re- <|uired by the preceding section the Survevor of High wavs or Com- mi.ssicmer of .streets .shall immediately repair to that part of the high- way along which it is proposed to erect, or renew such fence or fences and if po.ssible arrive at an agreement with such proprietor or occupier as to the true line of the ..aid highwav between the points where it is propo.sed to place any such fence ; if such owner and such surveyor or commissioner cannot agree as to the true line of the highway it shall be the further duty of such commis.sioner or surve>-or immediately to notify the Supervi.sors of Public Grounds in and lor the polling- district in which such statue labor district, village or town IS situate regarding the circum.stances ; and it shall thereupon hethe.lutyofthe supervisors forthwith to take proceedincrs under Chapter 56, Revised Statutes and the .Vets in anieiuh define the true line of the liigl -nt th ereol to do and in default oi he Surveyor or Com : of such owner or oc i a privnte debt to U - commissioner before licipality as a privatt iable to a penalty for *2o.oo and in default 1 not exceeding forty after each conviction lys neglect thereafter and shall render the It of payment to tlu !d, set up or operated it or thoroughfare in itiR up or operating •erson engaged or as I forfeit and pay as a n default of inuned- a period not exceed TH after each convic '■•s neglect thereafter .Mink iiAi. Cot ncii, lU-LAws 31 so to comply shall be considered anew offence and shall render the offender liable to the san.e penalty and in default to the same period of imprisonment. ^ Sec. 1 3 No person shall ride or drive any horse or horses at full I speed or ,n a disorderly manner in any street or highway of any Uown or village ,n this Municipality : nor shall trotting or galloping . races of any kind be premitted on any such streets or l^gh^s- I Sec. ,4 No person shall trot or gallop anv horse over a bridtre live feir '""""' ""^"' '^'" ^'''''"'' ''^^''^''' '""^^^ ^^^" t^'^"ty- -.mxed'to'th 'i"'"''''^'' "" '""""'' '^'■'"'^" "" "'" ^'^^'^'-^y «hall have . H xed to the harness two o,H.n bells or four good round bells, such as are commonly u.sed in sleighs. 5^c. 16 Carriages on runners used for the conveyance of loads ..n^the li.ghway shall not be less than four feet wide from out.sidet feet^!!ll7 ;'^'"'"^'^"^^'«>-'"«t>-'^^- of greater width than fourteen Itct .shall be drawn on any highway. Sec. ,5 No nnloaded sled shall have pointed stakes standing on frames or projecting pieces outside. 'anaing on Sec ,9 No person shall place logs or heavy articles or weights r . ^ ' ^' •^' • ''• '"^ •'"" 19 of this chanter shall or each offence forfeit and pay as a penalty a sum not nZ han Sec. 21 A keeper shall be appointed for every bridge in the Municipality which is si.xty feet in length whose duty it shall L to protect such bridges and enforce the penalty for violation of se^tiol regulating booms ,n regard to the bridge of which he is such keeper OHAPTER Vf. Of Uicenses. I Exhibitions. forth. poni„K,li. ic ," „ S r,""''"'"' 'T ""■'■''■* "f"«"-^ exhibit the saL, with thoo ':,'''"'''■""' '" "' ""'■ "">■ »" "' *4o.oo per day at the discretion of fl, "^ ° "'"" ""^""^ than fv^tii p"rwh:^it tp^;:::r:"h Tf '" r-^ ''- "- -- show or entertainment the 3" ,1 "" "^'''''■t'"". oirc.s, in which it . proposed to ^let^ ;:'::. ii:,™-"- ^>^ ^he Histri.-t license instead of the clerk and such . n '"'" "'^■'' ^''"^"^ «"^-J' opportunity thereafter pavovrtot:^^^ «'■''"' '^t the ti... ecT^y hi. . .. .rantir. of any He:,::::^;:';;:—;: ^ -- at ni,h^a::^"^'i;:^"t;r ricm ""^^" ''^^^- ^•-- -^'-k trict may withdraw any licen e -u " "■" " T"""""^'^ ''"'■ ^^'^ '>'- bein, held thereunder to iL" ^nce e ^ ^fif i "'" ^'^ P-^-"-ce or councillor or councillors to be i„uu. rU .V^^''""' '° '^"'^'' '^''^ Sec. 4. Any person who violate he pro ?''" "' '"''^'^'^"^• chapter shall forfeit and pav for e "r off^" '«"' "' ''''''''' ' °^^"'« ooand in default of payment, shall' heli"he '"'""'"^^^^^^ period not exceeding sixty days. ""pnsonment for a Sec. 5. Any person wlio refu.ses to <-ln«,> . ?* '%■ MrxicrrAi, Cf)fNcir, Byi: Laws .'5:? ''•>"■ iir otiier entertain "" is trained by ihf I "P. m.-iiiitaint-J, car ■viflioiil a lictnse first tlie clerk oflicenses to set up, carry <„, ,„ 1 lor or councillors foi I Si.oo nor more than ncillor or councillors of license fixinjr the press the number Mf "ore than Hve miles 1 exhibition, circus, illors for the District aine may ^rra„t such ■s shall at the lirst eense the fee receiv lis section. ?fore eleven o'chjck ncillors for the Dis- :ic'r the perfr)nnance pears to such clerk - or indecent, ■of section 1 ofthis Miote.\ceedinjr:t!2o- "iprisoninent ior a ucl! tJuatrieal ex- licen.sed as afore- said upon order so to do in writiut,^ •>> the clerk of IJcense who has granted the same or the cnincillor or councillors for the district in which the same is bein;^ exhibited under such license declarinjr the same to be immorial, profane or indec-it shall forfeit and pay a fine not exceedin.- $20.00 and in default of payment shall be liable to im- prisonment for a period not exceeding sixty days. Sec. 6. Kvery day or porti(m of a day that any theatrical exhibi- tu)n, circus, or other show or entertainment for hire or profit or to which adiuission is gained on the paymc -t of money is offered to view or exhibited without a license under tin chapter shall constitute a .separate onVncc against the same ; the clerk of License may at any time havo free access and entrance to such show, exhibition or enter- tainment for the purpose of uer to entitle the prosecutor to a convic- •sell goods, wares or n.erchnndis "/a^^'kind tl, "f °^ ^'^^''■"^ ^'> ing District in this Countv ororll. i , "^^''^^""^e'- '" any Poll- license o, a councillor^L ad dsX^M ^'"-'- ^° t''-lerk of by such clerk or councillo T^ pe^ol "ff r" ''' ^^"" '"•^•^'"' visions of this section shall forfd 'anlTav af . :'"^;^'''""^ '""^ P^ ey not less than $2.00 nor „>ore tl an «ro n f ^'? '' '" '^"•"^f'"""- fault of payment shall be 1 be IT ^ ' "'"'' "«'^"^^«»d in de- than ten'da^s nor nfore^t u^i:;'^^^^ '"' ' '^'^^' ^^ '- .ays^;:^. s^^tinir:.::^,:-^/^ ^ ^^-^-^- «- clerk of this Municio-ilitv . .Z "^V f ^ ^°""'^'' ^'^ with the issued by him Zi '; he -e rr n ""'"^ "" ""-ber of licenses received therefor, the da oftsue and'Tr^ '° T'"'" '^"•^^' ^'^ ^-^ pose for which granted and sh^pl^'c^t tt^^^ ^ ''' ''- the same time all fees and oemlties hv ,, "^^' Treasurer at ter or for violation of an^ o^thf ;?ov ^i:::::^ T'T?^^ ^'^^^■ per cent of the san>e for his services and he shT ^.'^"'""^ '" sued licenses. ^ ^"^" account for all unis- Sec 25 If any clerk of license shall be Lniiltv nf a duty under this chapter he shall be U.hl f r ^'''' "''S^'^^* ^^ fault of immediate payn.ent s ,1 be t b le" L " "'*'"° "^' '" ^'^- period of thirty days. ^° 'n.pnsonment for the Sec. 26. It shall be the soeotal ri„f,. ^r tt that the by.,„„.s i„ ,„i., c Xae, W '::*'' "^ '■'""« '» »- SMUte olfender,, „!,„ violate tl,e i„,e '"' "'"''■«' ""'' '"P^o fi~ii,:'Si"~i-imSSt! vvs lie pa3lnent of twenty pplying for the same. fioiu proving by any ratepayer as aforesaid. for a breach of sec- 'ssary to prove more ting to hawk or ped- secutor to a convic- , liawker or pedlar's selling or offering to ^reunder in any PoU- either to the clerk of ve the same initialed ing against the pro- jnalty a suniofnion- ch offence and in de- for a period not less r District shall five ouncil file with the ; number of licenses 3111 issued, the fees >{ time and the pur- ^ounty Treasurer at ■d under this chap- after deducting w ccount for all unis- ' of any neglect of of |8.oo and in de- Jrisonment for the of license to see obeyed and to pro CHAPTER V/t Pounds and Closed Distficts. Sec I. A pound may be either open or covered but every stich pound j shall be situated immediately next adjoining the "public road or highway. Every covered pound shall have on the side there- of next the highway a board nailed or otherwise securely attached thereto upon which shall be painted in white upon a dark ground in large letters the words "Public Pound" so that the same may be read ily seen and read by any person driving or traveling upon the said highway. In any such pound animals liable to be impounded either at common law ander any statue of this province, under the pro- visions of these by-laws or under any other by-law of this Council may be lawfully confined. Sec. 2. In order that the Council may set off any particular por- tion or area of this Municipality and declare the same a '-closed dis- trict" within the meaning and for the purposes mentioned in Chapter 19 of the Acts of As.sembly passed in the year 1S97, etnitled "An Act to amend Chapter 3 of the Acts of 189:;, " it shall be necessary that a petition signed by a majority of the ratepayers, as shown by' the last completed county assessment rolls, dwelling within such portion or area, be presented to the Council defining accurately such portion or area and praying that the same may be set off and declared a "closed district" and that the Council may make applicable to the said "closed district" such by-laws within its power as the Council in its discre- tion may deem necessary for the p:oper carrying into effect the pray- er and object of the said petition. Sec. 3. The Council shall refer such petition to a special com- mittee for examination and report. The committee may if necessary inquire into the genuineness of the signatures, .status and residence of the persons signing such petition and report upon the Rp.mc with - recommendation as to the propriety of granting or refusing the prayer thereof For the purpo.se of enabling the committee to make up 88 Municipal Council By-I,aws prayer of the oriJnal oetitlmli ""' ^" °PP°«'tion to the and take evidence fo or aea^nst th""'' "'"' '''^ '^"^^ '^'-^''"- P-^-'^ tion. ^' ""^^'""^ ^^"^ Srmniug of such origmal peti Sec. 4 The Council after receiving the rennrt ^fM upon said petition may cither grant or rlLT '^<""'"'ttee granting the praver of L. u "'^"^ *''^ P'''''>'^'' thereof In crease o^ otheSra Ue "o' llifftrb" ""h"^"""'^' '"^^ ^""'^^^^ ^- forth in the said petition ' '""'""" °'' ^^"^'^"P^'- -^ ea tpra^er irZ^:^^::^:^ Litt :M! 'k- -"^■ a;-closeddistrirt.:^:rhi;^tilX^^^^^^^ ^— as t.oned and set forth in Chapter i; of the Acts Jf I's^r'^'^^'^' """" -a s^at^ wiS;^"?::s ^l:^z:::^ ^r "-" ^'-^"-^ chapter a sufficient sum to ereof . i r , ^ meaning of this nually thereafter asserupo„ t e ^I^T' T'''' ^"^ "'■-^>' -- sum sufficient to meet the cos of tlii >nhab,tants and p.operty a done or which has been d ne pi ^ ,"'?' T'^ """^'"^ ^° ^^ used as a pound and the otll '^"""'^ "^ *'^''<^'- ^"closure tain the sa^d pound oencture^'^'.rr"^''^ ^° '^^P -'^ "-'"- er« residing in^uch rse'X^,;fr,f,^^-- erection of such pound or for such a„nu I ''"'' ^^''^'^"^^ f""- ^»^^ tenance of a pound . Such ZT assessment for the main- HiontosetoLnch distrtt or' 2^^^^^^^^^^^ Pet- any case must first be referred to . «n ^, ^^^"^'^ P"*'''''" ^nd in with the same as alread^ lideVr^lt^^^^^^^^ gard.ng petitions for setting off closed distril '''" ''" pou^j^s L b^tsih^^ ;r;t::j^ ^''^ t'-' -'--- --' amount required for the erecUon of . !!"' ''" "'"'"^'^ '^^ ^he the amount necessarv fL S r^pai and ^"",1 "'' '™'" ^^^^ ^° >'-^ to keep and maintain the'lmr^r ct^: f -.ri^S^^^ "^^^-^^^ assesMuenl may adopt such estimate or modify the Tlme"^ '"' '""' ■r-f-^fnu^- ^1- -,.,.« Mu.viciPAi. Council By-Laws 39 Sec. 8 Whenever and wherever any horse, cattle, swine, goats Jsheep or other animals shall be found at large in any -closed dis' |tncf the same may be impounded in the pound in and of such dis- ftnct and deU.ned by such pound-keeper for twenty-four hours ; if not then claimed the pound-keeper shall post up in three of theniost pub- lic places in such -closed district^ a notice containing the description ofany such annual with the color size, ear mark, ifanv, apparent age and particular marks thereof so that the owner may be enabled to recognize the same by such description, and shall at the foot thereof I write a notice of the time and place of the finding of such animal and Ithe pound vvherein detained ; and if the owner of such animal and his fcddress are known to such pound-keeper he shall transmit a copy of ■such notice to such owner through the post office nearest the residence of Isuch pound-keeper, postage prepaid. The pound-keeper shall also Iretain in his possession for the purpose of complying with the require- fuents of section 16 of this chapter a true copy of such notice and of yi other notioes he may be required to give or post by any section of [this chapter. Sec. 9. If no person shall claim the animal or animals within 1.0 days after such , otice is posted up. the pound-keeper may proceed [to sell the same, having first given notice bj advertisements posted Ini 3 of the most public places within such •closed district" coutain- ling the like information regarding such animal or animals as is re Iquired by the next preceding section and also the time and place of Isnch proposed sale for at least six days before the same takes place I • ^?; '°r J^"" P«"nd-keeper shall be entitled in respect of everv laninial lawfully impounded within such -closed district" the follow jing fees and expen.ses :— pgjjg Unlocking pound for entry of animal Unlocking pjound for release, ^°^' Each notice required by section 8 or 9 of this chapter i^^" 2> Chapt\sLlbfferea:eTtre'"'^' '"^°""''^' ^"■' '^ "^--'^ °^ "-^ shaHpaytothepou dkl^^^^^ P-son elainnng to be such as shall have been incurred with re ^ ? T'"^^ '""'^^"^^ ^"^P^""^- when he shall have cLimed T . ' Y"''' '"''"'' "P ^^ ''^' ^^'^■ as may be incur ej; "the poi^ke" ""' ^'''^'""^^ ^'^P^"- ^uiries if so disposed oascert ^whet^^^^^^^ ^S'nak.ng reasonable in- titled to such an'ima. or anLTaror not " ""' '^^^""''^"^ ^^ "-^^"^ ^ ex^^si^aJr mS:^^: -.t^-^ - and journment thereof the pound-keeper shaH .t H ^"' ''''''^ '^\' "'^ ^^y^<^ rriirt;^£~?^^ ses to which he 2y r LutiedT^re rr^' "" '^^^ ^"^ ^^P- provisionsofthisc'ha^terh sh^l : treasurer and the san,e shall be c dS t tT '? "" '°""^^' paid over to the councillor or 'ounoU o "tt pT T''' ^"' which such pound is situate tn h. , , 1 ''"^ ^^'^^"^^ '" necessary on^uch pouTd ' '' '^'P'"' ^^^^^^^ ^^^ annual repairs Sec. 13. Wherein any "closed di<;trinf" n^ . j b„„„<,.„e,erc,se„,ai„„., care i„ ehis .spec. f„ ...pc^S; W.S ™o„l:: '^\Xz;7.:^:zi'Vr'''' *° '.■"-"""-«■= ^oo- it shall be Inwfnl f f ^^^"' ^•^^'^'•"'"g this Municipality It snail be lawful to impound fhe ^an-e -vithi- -, v^-.,. • ^ - "^ as such in any "closed distrirV" T ^ P "" '■"'^^^'^«^' "««' y Closed district and m' ere not inconsistent with the vAWs )ne and the same tinu' tnd-keeper shall not Ix- inlocking than if onh led. for a breach of this 1 claiming to be sueli oing fees and expenses animal up to the datr !h additional expense- Halving reasonable in claimant is really en y paying the fees and for such sale or any ad ; appointed hour pro- giiest bidder therefor e the fees and expen- uch animal under the lance to the county 1 closed district and e Polling District in d the annual repairs MuNicrpAL Council Byk hxwa 41 m provisions of any act or by-law regarding the disposition of such cat- le when and after impounding, the provisions oV sections 8. 9. .0 1 1 and 12 of this chapter shall be followed. ' Sec. 16. Every pound-keeper shall for each year render an ac- count to the council up to the 3.st day of December thereof howi.g the names of all persons from whom he has collected fees and expen S.S during the year and the amount thereof, together with the amoimt of the proceeds of all sales of impounded animals made by hnn durng s chyear and a .statement of his disbursements and the disposition v - \Te7Jr:r:t '^' '"" '^^ ^'^'^ Pound.keeper during L said ear He shall file the .same with the Municipal clerk one week be- .ore the January meeting of the Council in each vea, accompanied bv copie.s of all notices that he may have given regarding any animal or animals impounded during the year by him. )oundexi,sts or if the imals found at large ws may be impound iace where any such sther such pound be us or infectious dis- e impounded along nd-keeper shall be nipounding horses ound cattle at com. this Municipality liiid erected ur used consistent with the ^•i^ii CHAPTER VIII Of flnimals and Fouuls at Liat»ge. Sec. I For the purpose of the by hiws in this Chapter ordained the word "owner" shall include a person who keeps or harbors any of the animals or fowls hereinafter mentioned and a person on or about whose premises or in whose control, company or charge any such an imal or fowl is usually to be found. Sec. 2 The owner of any honse or cattle suffering from in- fectious or contagious disease shall uike every precaution to prevent every such animal or animals going off his premises uncared for or coming in contact with or going in the near vicinity of any other animal not so affected. Any such owner violating this by-law shall forfeit and pay as a penalty a sum of money not less than $2 .00 and not more than $20.00 and in default of immediate payment shall be liableto impri.sonment for a period not less than ten and not more than sixty days. Sec. 3 No horse or cattle suffering from an infectious or contag- ious disease shall be allowed to go at large within this Municipality, and the owner thereof shall forfeit and pay as a penalty the sum of $8.00 for each and every occasion on which such horse or cattle is or are found running at large as aforesaid. Sec 4 Any horse or cattle found on any highway, lane, street or other public place within the Municipality suffering from an infect- ious or contagious disease without some person being in immediate charge thereof shall subject to the provisions of the next succeeding section be deemed at large within the meaning of the next preced ing section and prima facie evidence that the owner of such animal has allowed the same to go at large. Sec. 5. The fact that any horse or cattle suffering from an in- fectious or contagious disease when found on the highway, lane, .street or any public place in the Municipality or are in the immediate charge of some person shall not prevent such horse or cattle being deemed ac large within the meaning of this Chapter, unless such per- MuNiciPAi, Council Bye Laws 43 it Ltarge. this Chapter ordained eeps or harbors any of a person on or about r charge any such an- ; siilTering from in- )recaution to prevent ii'ses uncared for or icinity of any other ing this by-law shall t less than $2.00 and te payment shall be 1 ten and not more infectious or contag- n this Municipality, penalty the sum of horse or cattle is or tiwaj-, lane, street or ng from an infect- leing in immediate lie next succeeding if the next preced r of such animal has ffering from an in- the highway, lane, re in the immediate rse or cattle being sr, unless such per- son is at the time leading or driving the same to or from some place for medical treatment. ^ Sec. 6 No stallion or bull over the age of six months shall be permuted to run at large in this Municipality and the owner thereof shall forfeit and pay as a penalty a sum of money not less than $2 00 nor more han $6,00 for each and every occasion when any such s^al hon or bull shall be found at large as aforesaid. Sec 7. No ram shall be allowed to run at large in this Munici- pality between the first day of September and the ffrst dav of Decem- ber ,n any year and the owner thereof shall forfeit and pay as a pen- altvthe sum of $..00 for each and every occasion between thesa"d dates when any such ram shall -be found at .arge as aforesaid Sec 8. Any stallion, bull or ran. forbidden to run at large by the next two preceding sections found on any highway lane street or other public place in this Municipality without .sonfeone ";! g t .mmediate charge thereof, shall be deemed at large within the min- ing of the said sections, and there being so found shall be prima face evidence that the owner thereof has allowed the same to go at large Sec. 9. No geese, turkeys or other domestic fowls shall goat large within any -closed district" and the owner thereof .shall forfeit and pay as a penalty the sum of 10 cents for every such goose turkev or other domestic fowl so lound at large as aforesaid ^ Sec. 10. No horse, cattle or other domestic animals .shall be al- f!hal 7f ' 'T "''''" '"' "'^'"^^^ ^'^^"^^" -^ theowner ther - of shall forfeit and pay as a penalty a sum of money not less than $3.00 nor more than $20.00 for each and e^ery occasion on which any such horse or cattle is or are found at large as aforesaid. ^ Sec. i^ Any horse or cattle found on any highway, lane street or other public place within such '-closed district- without some per son in immediate charge thereof shall be deemed at large within the meaning of the next preceding section and prima face Evidence thai the owner of such animal has allowed the same to go at large Sec 12 Every person whoishall make default in the immediate payment of any penalty of which he may be convicted for an offence agains sec ions 36, 7, and 8 of this Chapter in respect of any horse animal or fowls of which he is adjudged by such conviction to be the he owner hereof shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not less than ten nor more than 60 days. CHAPTER IX Bushing of Ice Sec. I The safest tracks practically obtainable on the ice over the respective waters of Malagash, Wallace and Fox Harbors Wal lace Bay, Pugvvash River and River Philip and on the ice over all other rivers, creeks, harbors or bogs in the Municipality where it has been heretofore or shall hereafter become the custom of the general public to travel in the winter season, shall annually on the first op portunity that presents itself at each place to be ascertained and the course ofsnch tracks shall be defined by what has heretofore been known as "Bushing." Sec. 2 Any person who shall remove, displace or destroy any bush or other material put down or used in defining any such course or track shall forfeit and pay as a penalty a sum not more, than $4 00 nor less than $1.00 for each offence, unless he shall satisfy upon the trial, the Justice of the Peace before whom he may be prosecuted for each offence, that such removal, displacement or destruction was the result ofan Inevitable accident caused by circumstances over whi. h he ha ' no control, and in default of immediate payment shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not less than three and not more than fifteen days for each ofTence. Sec. 3 It shall be the duty of the persons employed to ascertain and define the tracks as hereinbefore mentioned to prosecute all per- sons off-ending against the provisions of the next preceding section. Sec. 4 The bushes or other material used in defining such courses and tracks shall stand at least six feet above the ice upon or into which they are set— they shall be securely affixed to or set in the ice and placed not more than fifty yards apart. Sec. 5. The councillor or where more than one,the councillors lor each Polling District in which "bushing of ice" is to be done shall annually between the 15th day of February and the 20th day of March advertise for sealed tenders for the work of ascertaining all such tracks within his or their District and defining and bnshino- the same for the then next ensuing winter to be forwarded to him or them on MuNiciPAi, Council Byk Laws ale on the ice over Pox Harbors, Wal- n the ice over all ipality where it has torn of the general tlly on the first op- ascertained and the as heretofore been ce or destroy any ig any such course ot more, than $4.00 1 satisfy upon the 'i be prosecuted for estruction was the tances over whiLh payment shall be iree and not more 45 or before the j.st day of March in the then current year ^^^a vcrt.sen.ent shall be posted in three public places in the Polling dIs tr,ct,n winch the harbors, rivers, lakes, streams, bogs or bays e -l.nred to be bushed as aforesaid are situate for three vLks at east and ,n sa.d noUce shall be stated the place or places where the work Ks to be done, the manner of doing it and the fact that in order to re ceu-e the remuneration for such it must be done to the satisfaction of the council or councillors for the District in which such work is done or If done partly in one District and partly in anothcr.then to the sat .sfaction of the councillors for both districts which must be sign fied .n writing o the Municipal clerk. On the assembling of the Councn .n the Apnl meeting succeeding the time fixed for the receipt of such enders the councillor or councillors shall deliver the same unbroken to the clerk who shall hand the same to the Road and Bridge Commit ee udio may award the same. The said committee shallot be" b- hged to accept any of the said tenders. Sec^6. In the event of the committee not accepting any ofthe said tenders or in the case of any District for whici no tenders have Tl nl V'^r"'"""'^ ^'^'^ ^° "-^P-^ to the Council and thereupon .t shall be the duty of the councillor or councillors for the D strkHo make the best arrangement possible for the defining asfertalg and b,3h,ng ofthe said tracks as herein before set forth and LTed lately report such arrangement to the Municipal clerk. ployed to ascertain prosecute all per- receding section. in defining such I'e the ice upon or ixed to or set in :,the councillors for 5 to be done shall 20th day of March ;rtaining all such bushing the same o him or them on "^ I i !il CHAPTER X Boom t^egulations. Sec. I. The right of every person or corporation, subject to tlie limitations hereinafter ordained to have free and nnohstrncted passage down every and any brook, river or stream in this Municipality for the purpose of rafting, stream driving or otherwise conveying timber, logs and lumber thereon is hereby recognized. Sec. 2. Th_ owner or occupier ot every .saw mill or mill dam on any river, stream or brook in this Municipality notwithstanding any- thing in the preceding section, may erect, place and maintain proper booms in the pond or stream immediately above such mill or dam in which to gather and safely hold all logs, timber, or other lumber that is intended to be cut or manuftictured in said mill or which the owner or occupier thereof desires for any lawful purpose to so gather in, hold and retain ; provided always that in erecting or placing such boom, such owner, occupier or other person constructing tha sams shall leave alraca-way through such pond, stream. river or- brook, at hast four- te2n feet wide at its narrowest pnnt so that the timber, logs and lum- ber of every person or corporation may have a free and unobstructed passage whether on rafts or otherwise down and through such po.ids, brooks or streams and so that the erecting and plf.cing of such booms by any owner or occupier of any such mill or dam for his private u.se and advantage as hereby authorized may not prove any hinderance or cause any delay to other persons in conveying their timber, logs, or lumber down any such river, pond, stream or brook in any of the ways above mentioned. Sec. 3 In driving, rafting, or otherwise conveying logs, timber or lumber down any river, stream, lake or brook or through any pond, men in sufficient numbers to effectually do the work rer- ;ired, shall be supplied by the owner or other person in whose interest or on whose behalf such logs, timber or other lumber is or are being rafted or driven as aforesaid. These men shall constantly be and keep in immediate touch and charge of such logs, timber and other lumber in its course or passage down any such river, stream, lake, brook, or Mu.NiciPAi< CouNcii. By-Laws pond and sl.all speed tne work of rating. .Iriving or othcvvvise con- veying as rapully as possible, so that the sanu- s}»ll not prove a nuisance or hindrance to other persons l.y barring or preven . g the free passage of the logs timber or other lumber of such other persons in tlie course of being conveyed down anv such stream, river lake" brook or pond, nor to the owner or occupier of any mill through the pond above which a raceway has been placed, or constructed in ac- cordance with section 2 of this chapter by preventing the free and con- tinual access of his logs or timber to his said mill for the purpose of i)enig cut or sawn or for any other purpose whatever. Sec. 4 When the log<- of the owner of any saw mill or dam who has constructed a proper boom leaving a raceway in accordance with the provisions of section 2 of this chapter and those of anv person or persons in the course of being conveyed down anx river' stream, .ake or b-rook cm which such mill or dam is situated and which It IS intended to drive or raft past, become so mi.xed or in- termingled that it becomes necessary to separate the same such separating, shall be done at or near the head of th ; pond im mediately above said mill or dam and each party, that is to s ly the owner or owners of the logs to be pa,ssed through the raceway and over the dam and the owner or occupier of the mill, dam „r pond above shall forthwith furnish a sufficient number of mtMi for the double pnrpo.se of keeping the raceway clear and for shoving or driv ing the logs for such mill into the side booms. Sec. 5. The owner or c coupier of any mill or mill dam, who in erecting or placing any such boom or booms in anv river, stream lake or pond as is authorized by section 2 of this Chapter shall omit to provide and leave and keep provided and left the raceway required by such section in all its details shall forfeit and pay as a penalty the sum of $20.00 and in default of immediate payment shall be impri.s-m ed for a period not exceeding forty days. Sec. 6. Any person in charge of any logs, timber 01 other lum- ber being rafted, driven or otherwise conveyed down any river,strcam lake or pond in this Municipality, may require the owner or occupier of any saw mill, mill dam or pond situate on any such river, lake or stream down which it is necessary so to convey said logs or oth(-r ! nn ber by notice in writing,/;/ its absenceX^^ at once provid'e such raceway and free and uninterrupted passage.in eveiy respect and for every 24 48 Municipal Council By-Laws hours in which such owner or occupier shall after being served with such notice neglect to comply with the demand thereof and to provide such raceway and free passage, he shall forfeit and pay as a penalty not less than *4.oo. nor more than $8.00 and in default of payment thereof he shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 30 days. Sec. 7 Every owner or other person on whose behalf any logs timber or other lumber are being rafted or driven down any river, stream, lake, brook or pond who shall by failing to provide a suf- ficient number of men for the work as required by section :5 of this chapter, hinder or delay the free passage of the logs or other lumber of any other person in course of being rafted, driven or otherwise conveyed down such stream, river, lake or brook, but behind those if the offender shall forfeit and pay as a penalty not less than $4.00 and not more than $8.00 for each twenty four hours the logs of such other person shall be so delayed and in default of payment shall be liable to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 30 days ; provided such other person having logs so hindered or delayed shall have re- quired the owner or the person in immediate charge of the said logs or other lumber which it is alleged has caused such delay, by notice in writing to provide such number of additional men as shall be suf- ficient to speed the passage of such alleged offenders logs and pre- vent their causing hindrance and delay to surh complainant; and pro- vided further that the Justice of Peace before whom any complaint is brought for an alleged violation of said section 3 shall upon the hearing thereof be of opinion that such hindrance or delay was caused by the neglect to provide sufficient men. Sec. 8. If in the rafting, driving or otherwise conveying any logs, timber or other lumber down, through or over any river stream brook or lake in this Municipality, any injury or damage is done or caused to any public bridge over the same, and if it shall appear upon complaint before any Justice of the Peace that the said injury or dam- age was occasioned by the fact that the owner or person on whose be- half such logs, timber or other lumber so being conveyed as aforesaid had failed to furnish sufficient men to properly do the work of rafting driving or otherwise conveying such logs down or over such river or stream and at the same time to properly protect and safe guard such bndgvS such owner or other peisun ahali forfeit and pay as a penalty for such neglect a sum of money not less than $2.00 nor more than MUNICIIAI, CUUNCII, liYK LaWs 4«J *2o.oo and in dt- fault .)f payment shall be liable to imprisonment for .1 period not less tlian five days nor more than ten days. Sec. 9. If fluch injury or damage shall have happened by rea.son -1 the carelessness or neglect of the person or persons in charge there -f such person or persons shall forfeit and pay a «um of money not exceeding $20.00 and in default of payment shall be liable to impris- • •nment for a period not exceeding twenty days. [See Sect. 21, Cap. V these by-laws. OH AFTER XI Public Safety. Sec I No person shall knowingly and unnecessarily di.scharg- •iiy rifle, gun, pi.stol or other firearm on any public road or highway in the County of Cumberland, nor in the vicinity of any house hotel store, shop or other building whatever, nor in, upon or in the neigh- borhood of any cultivated field or enclosure in the said county. Hec. 2 No person shall knowingly set ofTanv fire cracker .squib or other fire works, or set any fir, in the public streets, highways or lanes in any village or within any Police District in the County of Cumberland, nor shall auy person knowingly set off any fire cracker squib or other fire w<,> ks in the said County in any olace or on any occasion or at any hour or time when such setting off may end inger tbe peace or safety oftlK neighborhood or of any of its inhabitants 'or transient travellers therein Sec. 3 No person shall enter a mill, barn, outhouse or stable with a lighttd candle or lamp unless well enclosed in a lantern, nor with a hj:' ted pipe or cigar, nor with fire not properly secured. Sec. 4 No person shall light or have a fire in a wooden house or outhouse unless such fire is in a brick or stone chimney or in a stove of iron or other metal properly secured, Sec. 5 No person shall place or deposit any by virtue of any Federal or Provincial statute or under the provisions if any of the chapters of these by-laws (except where otherwise es- pecially directed by any such statute or by-law) and all licenses or other fees shall be appropriated and credited to the Municipal Roa.l and Bnd?e ac< int and shall be expended solely in that service. [See Sect. 74, Cap 3., Acts 1895.] II ImpPisonment. Sc-c. 2. Whenever imprisonment is mentifned in these by-laws or in any of them or awarded in default of any penalty imposed for breach of the said by-laws or any of them, it shall mean imprisonment in the common jail in and for the County of Cumberland, at Amherst in the said County. Sec, 3 Whenever imprisonment is awarded in and by these by-laws nrany of them it shall be understood that the offender shall be di'schar- i^ed from such imprisonment at any time on payment of th-- penaltv imposed and costs if any together with the costs of conveying .such offender to the common jail as aforesaid. Ill Justices' f^etupns. Svr. ^. It shall be the special duty of the clerk of this Municipal- ity to pro.secute every Justice of the Peace who fails to make the re- turns required by sections 77, 78 and 79 of Chapter lo^ Revised Sta- tutes Nova Scotia, or who fails to make the returns required by sec- tion 902 and its various sub.sections of the Criminal Code of Canada, f.)r the year 1892 or any act in amendment of either or any of the fore going sections of the aforesaid acts. i les. removina: OHAPTER XV. Uunati Sec. I. The following charges shall be alloweH for Joctors, for examination and certificate, each ' ^"y conveyinsf Datient fn A=v.i.„„ f„. .... connected therewith : — nInC"/ "''''"' '" ^'•'■'"'"' '«'• ^""^ ^"d personal For cab fare ex IS.oo S'Oo 2.50 The railway travel there, second-class fares " " "''"tlo'i"" ."'*'"" °' P''""' '° ^^^ — t ---'way sta- Sec 2 TIif> f^ii • 1 * ^° ^^"t*^ per mile '^c*-- 2. iMe rollowing- charp-e<5 «lnii k^ „ii j i- Doctors, for xamination and certificate, each Partycon^veyingpatient to Asylum, for time and personal ex: " '''^^ The railway travel there, second-iiass fares ^"^ For travel from residence of patient to nearest railway sta- tion ■' 20 cents per mile. CHAPTER X\/\ Feptries. Sec. I. Perries across the followine waterc in f I,- ->t •• ..re her.b> established, that is to ..ylZTZl^: M-Jcpalit, N^rth Wallace a„d between Barron 'f P„i«aTMr ™ of^to obtain the appointment from the Council as a Fprrv.« r fu icipality every applicant must have P eius^y ob IC "a 1 ce T' the Municipal clerk under the Corporate seal nTr J '^ ^'■°"' Such license may be granted o^ uno" Z ^^^""^-PaHty. warden who before making s.^t:^:^!^'^;'^!:'^ ''' quiry as to the fitness and capability of such applicant "" Sec. 2. The applicant before obtaining such license shnll no . the clerk the sum of $2.00 in addition tl tC cZZ or "ffi Corporate .seal of the Municipality thereto. ^ ^""'"^ Sec. 3. Out of the persons so licen.sed the ronnmi .^„ appoint such number of ferrymen as may be suStreff^crafy perform the services required in the work of such established ""s .n the same manner and agreeing to the law, custom or pract ce Xh now obtains in the appointment of district officer., by the Counr^ f this Municipality. ■' ^ ^««ncil .,i S-oo 2.50 $5.00 300 __Wu>fICIPU, CoUNC!!. By-L.\W:4 r,- Sec. 4. Each and every licensed ferryman shall keep ac all times .1 safe and sufficient boat or boats, scow or scows in -ood order and clean, properly floored and seated for the conveyance of pas.enrers and with ample room for the accomodating of teams either loaded or unloaded, horses, carriages, cattle, sheep or other animals or article, animate or inanimate that may be required to be ferried Sec 6. Each licensed ferryman shall provide himself with an,i keep in Ins possession a printed copy of the by-laws affecting ferry- men with the scale of fees to which he is entitled and shall show the same to any passenger or passengers who may require to see it. Sec. 7^ Imn.ediate attention must at all times be shown to t'.e lerriage of passengers and they shall not be subject to any unneces- sary detention and no boat or scow shall be taken off its course or out of the service of such ierry under any pretense during the season. Sec. 8. In case of vacancy occurring on any line of ferry by the death or removal from the County of any appointed ferrynfan such vacancy shall be filled from those persons holding ferrymen's licenses by the written order of the warden until the next meeting of the ( ouncil. * til te^'J] f "/"^"J^'" hours of ferriage shall be from sunrise un- til ten o clock at night, but each ferryman shall cany passengers when required at all hours of the nightand shall beent-led to receive double the fare for such service between the hours of ten o'clock U night and .sunrise. From Wallace to North Wallace and vice versa each and every adult passenger "''''''' "''alr^'\ . ;^ ^'^!\ ^^omP^^^^'^ ' by' parents oV "an ' """' Each and every sheep or lamb ^ Each cow, hcr.se or other animal over one 'year old " ' J .'" Each calf, hog or colt '^ Each carriage, cart wagon, sled 'or sieigh"one or" two horse;" ^ Pro^ -, " %"'1.^"^«^'-, lorded or unloaded . ' ,, .. From Barron's Point to Minudie and vice versa each and ev: ery adult passenger l-or ^v^r>j^;nd "nder ,, y.^^, accompanied'bypa;ents oran'^ Each and every Sheep and "Lknib '.'.'.'.'.". ''^ Each calf, hog, or colt ' , Freight, per hundred pounds ..... If fol- cents CHARTER XVII Wharf at Advocate Harbor. The Council shall annually, during pleasure, appoint a wharf- "ger, for a pubhc wharf at Advocate Harbour, whose duty it shall be o charge a wharfage or tax upon all goods landed, or shipped there- rom. and all vessels mooring or laying thereat according to the lowing rates, viz— Ivuinber, per looo feet, ^superficial) Trenail wedges and laths per looo .... ^ Timber, per ton ^ Shingles, per looo " '^ Wo jd, per cord . " 3 ('oal, per ton 5 Brick, per M ..'..',' 5 Iron and metal of all \dm\s, per ton '° Crates and Puncheons, each . '° 13oxes, per cubic foot 5 Harrels, of all kinds, each "^ Half Barrels of all kinds, each....'."". ' Bags of salt or other goods, each ... ■^ Riggings, sails, wire and all heavy goods not') " ' otherwise specified per loo lbs f Hay, per ton, pressed Haj', loose Potatoes, per loo bushels ... . . .'. Live stock, each Waggons, carts, each ..... ! ^° ( ioods and merchandise not herein specified to be charged a lO . lO lO approximate rates at V esse s 50 tons and under, per day or part of one day . ' " ,0 Vessels 50 tons and upwards per day or part of one day '"^ ) 30 Over and above 50 tons and in additi.' .n" per ton" ". ' "half ours And said wharfinger shall keep said wharf in good repair out of on monies so collected, and shall be entitled to a fee of five per cenV all such money collected disbursed, and any balance ove^Ln 1 such repairs shall be handed over to the TreLurer of tTl ^ • ?-^'^ on or before the thirty-first day of December In each ^Z^ ^""•='P^'>t>' together with an acco^unt of alf mone; colk ted and di^bur7e7 K councillor represent ng said district No 10 shall ./r.^^' ?^^ the Council in session.^draw sS uoneyV oni T ias^if^^^^ "t" h^f ^'''"' nated ,n repairing road, and bridges in saTd diS! ' ^'""^^'''P' berlt lain( vide< thek valid with enab and j agaii and t to be CHAPT£/^ X\/nL (Repeal All ordinances, by-laws and regulations of the Couhtv ot Cuiii berland inconsistent with the foregoing ordinances and by-laws con tained in Chapter I to XVIII both inclusive are hereby repealed Pro vided that all of said by-laws ordinances and regulations shall never- theless beconside:cd in force for the purpose of keeping effective and validatingany matter or thing done in pursuance thereof in accordance with or in obedience thereto before nuch Repeal and for the purpose of enabling prosecutions and actions to be maintained and convictions andjudgentents to be entered against all persons who luivi- oflfended against the provisions of any such by-law, ordinance or regulation and to enforce all judgements orders and convictions already made or to be made in respect of matters happening before the said repeal ii I SCHEDULES. 1 Fopms Under Chapter VU AUCTIONKKKS' IJCKNSK COMNTV OF CfMIiRKLAND, l*o!liiig District No, {C/erk 0/ license sign /lejc) Clerk of I,iceii.se.s, Ucense is herebj- granted under the Rules Regulations and Hv- laws of the Municipal Council of tlie County of Cumberland to ^'^ ^^^^^■'^^ the calling of an auctioneer within the said Lounty for the period of months from this date, the said having paid the license fee therefor. Tliis license IS issued subject to the said Rules, Regulations and Hs-laws or to anv change or modification thereof and to the laws of the i>rovince Given under the hands of the warden and Mnnicipal clerk of the said County at {„ polling district No, afore.said his day of Warden, Clerk ( The fot'egoing license shall he endowed on the back asfolloivs) An auctioneers' license shall be personal to the person to whom It is granted and it shall entitle such person only to sell thereunder .Sec. n. Chapter VI the by-laws. An auctioneers' license shall not entitle the holder to sell goods wares or merchandise in any other way than by public an.-tion Chapter VI, the By-laws. Poek UJeenses. County ok Cumbekland, Polling Di,strict No. (Clerk of license sign here) Clerk of licenses. MijNiciPAi, CoUNcit Byk Laws 59 A pack license" under the provisions of Chapter VI of the Rules Regulations and By-laws of the Municipal Council for the County of Cumberland is hereby granted to whereby <^'ie said is entitled for the period of months from this date to hawk or peddle in any and every place throughout the County of Cumberland(save and except the Towns of Amherst, Springhill and Parrsboro) goods, wares and merchandise of any kind or 'description whatever. This license is granted subject to the provisions of said Chapter and all the amendments that maybe made thereto and subject also to the laws of the Province. Given under the hands of the warden and Municipal clerk of the County at in polling di.strict No. aforesaid this day of ■ ' . Warden. Clerk. ( The foregoing license shall be endorsed on the back as follows) Thislicen.se shall not entitle the person or corporation holding the same or the agent of any such person or corporation to hawk or peddle goods, wares or merchandise or to carry or transport the same for the purpose of hawking or peddling throughout the County of Cumberland by means of any horse, carriage or conveyance other than the Intercolonial Railway. vSec. 13, Chapter VI the by laws The person holding this licen.se or the agent of the person or cor- poration holding the same shall before selling or offering to sell goods wares or merchandise of any kind hereunder in any and every polling district of the said County, produce this licen.se to the clerk of licen- .ses or a councillor for the district and have the same initialed by such clerk or councillor. Penalty for neglect $2.00 to $10.00 aiifl in de- fault of payment ten to thirty days imprisonment. Sec. 23. Chap. VI. the by-laws. . \ ^ . . % if Jl; m MuNicM'Ai, Council JJyk Laws WAGCION I.ICENCI? County op Cumbkruand. houjng distkict no (Cterk o/license ^/gn hue.) Clerk of licenses. A Wagjron License under the provisions of Chapter VI of th.- Kmts, Regulations and By laws of the M„n,V.„ . T^ -- County of Cumberland, is^ere^vtantedlr^^"^ '""'^'" ''^ ^"^- whereby the said . . . neriod .., m ' "r ''* entitled for tht- ' "°'' months from this date to hawk to and subject also to the laws of the Province .aid CO,:,;;::;'- ' .'": ."■™'" °^"r„ *„",*" •;,""," """' *'" -^ "" ,- •,.-,. •" » ol ing Distr ct No uforcsa.d. tins . . . ^.,^. ^^ _ Warden Clerk, V^*, ( /'A is licevse »haU \e endorsed on the back as follows) The person holding this license or the agent of the person or corporat.on holding the same shall before selLgoroff-r nl to sell goods wares or merchandise of any kind hereunder in'anv polhng District in this County, produce this license to the c Lrk "^ licenses or councilor for the District and have the same initialed b sud. c erk or councillor. Penalty for neglect $.,oo to Jio.^ t d i default ofpayment ten to thirty days imprisonment ^ ""^ '" L'C of. lak peel the say wit day in t fror icl p berl MUNICIPA!, COUNOII, BvkLaWS tfl 2, Fopms andep Ghapten XIII INFORMATION COUNTY OF CUMBKRLAND, S. S. The inforiiu.tiun and romplaint of. <>' in the County of Cumberland taken before ine the undersigned, one of her Majesty's justices of the peace in and for the County of Cumberland at in the said County this day of who says that a certain dog (here describe the dog) of which it is alleged. '" the said County is the owner, being within the said County "A" is disposed to fight "B" is fierce, dangerous malicious "C" attacked or bit without provocation at in the said County on the day of "D" being a bull -dog (or mastiff) was on the day of at large in district of in the said County without a muzzle sufficient to prevent the said dog from biting or doing mischief contrary to the provisions of section of Chapter XIII of the By-laws and Ordin nces of the Mun iclpality of Cumberland. 'I II if Taken before me the day and year first above written at . in the County of Cumberland. in l)erland. Justice cf the peace in and for the County of Cum- fi2 Municipal CouNtii, Mv Laws SUMMONS COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND S. S You are hereby required to appear before me the undersigned one of Her Majesty's Justices in and for the County>f Cuniberlind at mv "*^''*-^ «* '" the said County on the day oV at the hour of o'clock in the noon to answer to the complaint of t.,ken before me the said fustice this d^y (,f who says that a certain dog (here describe the dog) of which it is al- leged you are the owner being within tlie said County "A" is disposed to fight "B" is fierce, dangerous or malicious "(;" attacked (or bit) without provocation ^* in the said County on the day of ■D" being a bull dog (or mastiff) was on the ^"y "f at large in the district of ui the said County without a muzzle sufficient to prevent the said dog from biting or doing mischief contrary to the provisions of section of Chapter XIII of the by-laws and or- dinances of the Municipality of Cumberland and in answering ' the said complaint you are further required then and there to show cause why the said dog should not be destroyed if the said complaint shall be established before me upon the hearing thereof Witness my hand and seal this day of in the County aforesaid Justice of the peace in and for the County of Cumberland. MUNICH' M, Council By-Laws m ORDKR To any oftht- Constables or otl'^r peace officers in and for the County of Cunibtrlaiid. VVH' RKAS it hath been t! is day est /iblished before nie upon tlif complaint of tba' a certain do.ar (here describe the J<. . by r aie color etc. as in inform- ation) of which ,s the owner being within the said County "A" disposed to fight "B" is fierce, dangerous or malictons "('" attacked or bit on the day of district of •13" being a l)ull-dog (or'mastiff) was on the without provocation in the in the said County day "'^ at large in the dictrict of in the said County without a muzzle sufficient to prevent said dog from bit- ing or doing mischief contrary to the provisions of section of Chapter XIII of the by-laws cV ordinances of the Municipality of Cumberland, I do order and adjudge that the said dog be destroyed and I do here- b> authorize you the said Constable or peace officer or an\ one of you forthwith to carry out the execution of this my order wherever and whenever you shall find the said dog wtthin the said County and make return of your doings here immediately after you shall have executed the same. WITNKSvS my hand and seal at in the said County this day of Justice of the peace in and for the County ol Cumberland. '^^ WK& Cha Cha Cha Coupt House, Amhcpst. ty of Cumberland held in the Court House at Amherst in the said Connty on the twelfth day of April 1898, the foregoing Rules KeguTa •ons and By-laws. Chapters I to XVIII inclusive together with the ir/f H '''"""'" '""'"'^ *"'''^'" "^"-^ considered, ordained and passed for the government of the said Council and of the said County treated'o^ ' ''""' concerning the several matters therein IN TESTIMOxVY WHEREOi^ the Common Seal of the said anrcS tj; '"?''' u' ''' '^"'^ °' '""^ undersigned the Warden Acc( Adj( Amc App App Aud: Bom Cler ALONZO SMITH, Wakoen. DONALD J. McDEOD, County Clekk. Couni Counc Collec Comm Condui Deeds, Deputy Fees, sf Index to Chapters I, II and III Chapter I, Meetings of Council, pages i ^3 inclusive. Chapter „, Council and County Officers, pages 14 to 23 inclusivr Chapter m, The Coporation Seal, Page 24 only. Accounts, sec. 51, page lo- ' Adjourn, niotion to. not debatable, sec. 34. page 7, when in order, when not in order ss 32. 33, page 7, Amendments, sec. 38. page 8. Appeal from Warden, sec 9 page 4 ; sec. 12 and ,3 page 5. Appointments, sec. 41, page 8. Auditors, ss. 19 to 21, page 18. Bonds, Collectors of County rates, sec. 25, page 19 ; of Clerk and treasurer of poor, sec. 30 page 21 ; Municipal Clerk, .ec. 12 page 17 Clerk. Municipal ; to call special meetings of Council, sec. 3 page 4 to keep nnnutes of Council, sec. 8 page 4 ; to pepare mLorandum of business sec. 44 page 9 ; sec. 46 page ,0 ; to notify the convener of committee sec. 58 page 11 ; to initial and file re- ports of committees sec. 69 page 13 ; general duties of, see i page ,5, ss ,0, II and 12 pages ,6 and 17 ; to keep collectors t^ond sec. 25, page 20 ; gives auditors road returns sec « page 22, salary of. sec. 34. page 22. • Council. Meeting of. page 3. sec i ; majority a quorum sec. 6 page 4 • first .neeting of ss . i and 2 page 15 ; opening proceedfnls of, SS 4 to 7 page 4. a , ^. Councillor, Must be sworn, sec. 6 page 16; attendance of. sec. 5 page is may resign, sec. 7 page 16; penalties on SS. 7 and 9 page 16 remuneration of. sec. 34, page 22. ^ i' 8^ '° Collectois County Rates, Duties of, ss. 23 to 25 paee 10 Deeds, Execution of. sec. 3 page 24. Deputy Warden, sec. 3 page 15, Fees, ss 5 and 6 page 24. Finance Committee on, sec. 61 page r2. Indemnity of Treasurer, sec. 17, page 18. Licenses, Committee on, sec. 65, page 12. "Meeting" Defined, sec. 36, page 22. Meetings of Council, general, sec. i page 3 ; special ss 2 and 3 pages 3 and 4 ; first after election ss i to 3, page 15. Motions, must be seconded and read, sec. 29 page 7 ; may be withdrawn, when and how, sec. 31, page 7 ; when question before Council what motions in order sec. 32, page 7 ; when to adjourn in or- der sec. 33 page 7 ; when not, lb. What not debatable sec. 34 „ . ^. page 7 ; notice of, sec. 35 page 8 • sec dx sub-sec 6 nain-o Nominations, Committee on, sec. 60; page 12 ^ suD sec. 6, page 9. Order, points on, Warden's decision on, not debatable, sec. 12 page s • an pealable, lb. 1^ K >•) . P Order of Day, sec. 43 to 45. page 9 ; ss 36 and 37. page 8. Parliament, Rules of sec. 53, page 11. Penalties, on Uarden and CounciJlors, ss 7 and 9, page 16, on officers sec 22 page 19 I on overseers poor sec. 29, pages 20 and 21 ; on sur veyors of highways sec. 31, page 21. Petitions, sec. 47 to 51, page 10. Poor, Committee on, .sec. 66, page 12. Poor, Orerseers of, ss 26 to 30, pages 20 and 21. Privats Roada, Statute Labor on, sec. 33, page 22. Public Property, Committee on, sec. 63, page 12. Quorum, sec. 6, page 4. Questions, decided by majority, sec. 28, page 6 ; in case of tie lb; how stat- ed to Council, sec. 1 1 page 5: how voted on sec. 22 page 6 • of order takes priorty sec. 21, page 6. ' Reconsideration, sec. 42, page 8. Resolutions, as to money, sec. 30, page 7; must be submitted sec. 14 page 5 Remittals, Committee on, sec. 64, page 12. Reports of Committees, sec =;9, page 1 1 ; sec. 69, page 13. Remuneration of Warden and Councillors, sec. 34. page 22. Roads and Bridges, Committee on, sec. 62, page 12. Salaries, ss 34 and 35, page 22. Seal Corporation, sec i and 2, page 24. "Sitting" Defined, sec. 36, page 22. Special Committee, ss 67 and 68 page 13. Strike Out and Insert, sec. 39, page 8. Surveyor of Highways, sec. 31, page 21 ; ss 32 and 33 page 23. Treasurer, ss. 13 to 15, page 17, and ss 16 to 18, page 18. Warden, Duties of, call special meeting, sec. 3, page 3 ; at opening pro ceediiigs, ss4 to 7 page ss4 ; preserve order, sec 9 page 4 privilege, sec. lo, page 4. Voting, yeas and nays to be taken sec. 40, page 8 ; decide by a majority sec 28, page 6, when question called for, sec. 22, page 6. Yeas and Nays, sec. 40, page 8. INDEX TO OTHKR CHAPTERS. Chapter IV, Of Elections, page 26. Chapter V, Of Public Streets and Highways, page aS, Chapter VI, Of Licenses, Etc., page 32. Chapter VII, Of Pounds and Closed Districts, page 37. Chapter VIII, Of Animals and Fowls going at large, page 42. Chapter IX, Of Bushing of Ice, page 44. Chapter X, Of Boo«n Regulations, page 46. Chapter XI, Of Public Safety, page 49. Chapter XII, Of Petty Oifences, page 50. Chapter XIII, Of Dogs, page 52. Chapter XIV, Of Penalties, page 53. Chapter XV, Of Lunatics, page 54. Chapter XVI, Of Ferries, page 54. Chapter XVH, Of Wharf at Advocate Harbor, page 56. Chapter XVIII, Of Repeal, page 57. Schedules, pages 58 to 63. Certificate of Clerk, page. To All Whom it flay Concern. I, Donald J. McLeod of the Town of Amherst in the County of Cumber- land, Clerk of the said Municipality, do hereby certify that the foregoing and enclosed printed pages i to 64 both inclusive contain true copies of the Rules, Regulations and By-laws of the Municipal Council of the said County of Cumberland passed by the Council of the said Municipality at the half yearly meeting of the said Council held in the Court House at Amherst afore said on the 12th day of April 1898 under the powers vested in the said Coun- cil under the provisions of Chapter 3 of the Acts of Assembly passed in the year 1895 entitled "An Act to amend and consolidate Chapter 56 Revised Statutes of County Incorporations and the acts in amendment thereof," and that the said foregoing copies of said Rules, Regulations and By-laws have been compared by me with the originals thereof now on file in my ofiice aj Amherst aforesaid as such Municipal Clerk as aforesaid. I also certify the following to be a true copy of the certificate of approv- al of the said Rules Regulations and By-laws given by the Governor in Coun. cil on the 15th day of April in the year 1898, that is to say:— "Approved, by the Lieutetl ant"Governor in Council on the 15th day of April 1898, H Crosskill, Clerk of "Executive Council," and that I duly compared the said copy of the said certificate with the original thereof now on file in my off- ice at Amherst aforesaid. > This certificate is given by me under section 97 of said Chapter 3 of the Acts of 1895 hereinbefore particularly mentioned IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto as Clerk of the said Municipality my hand subscribed this 15th day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight at Amherst aforesaid Municipal Clerk for County of Cumberland- » -» I '^.■i f I Jjl*^'" id