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The following diagrama illuatrate the method: Lea cartea, planchea. tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film4o i dee taux do rMuction diff^rents. Loraque la document eat trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un soul cilchA. ii est film* A partir do I'angle sup4rieur gauche, do gauche k droite, et do haut en baa. en prenant le nombre d'Imegea n^caaaaire. Lea diagrammea suivanta illuatront la mithode. rrata :o pelure. 1 it □ 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 «5 6 'k. ^ -*. '-"^" '"' '^\U J TJ^^IP-. ,T%' ^'■4 ■•r .> ■-£,, m?^BDT HE BRITISH CO 'S '^•»i '"^1 '**».. **I3^ Lab'rer^i xoorthtj of hit hke^^* This fairly meets my view^-^ ^Tisjust the thing that I desire Far bringing you the news. '4 Jly^Henda, I know you w»t and wish, , in New gear's odes, a samethiog new^ iBnt^Ujofeier taste a dish . *Ehat DO one ever ate or knewf JEs liialall iww whioh pjM^ten preack? U Mkfi]^% efaaxge, or mmmgp'* speedit ^TbeCzAama ^Otttofifott" s I NewBi iHerpirtyfe i 8ttcha|bef< JWhereiiMDaaeli t0S8( dhei Scmlstr the never 1 of kt knd, who^ wrote Doa yuan thought ^8h<4litoildiN MJIiiillil»MWiiiii.(iJiii.4:^»Ji^ E TEAR 1857J tEB TO THf fftTROMS CONSTITUTION. ^♦» " i.tf ^ I Although r^G^hrought it hvifm t|me»|^ I wish yoiim good cheery And hope you^it not, forget my rhym$&^ A haj^y^ goo4 ^ew'iear I 'I'sii is host» d oouti loss of life, lier oonfiicCs too, Peiiril strife, i;did never knew, ^eii1r«re spent, \JXo doubt the m&n can write nnd M^ \ But, ft»r the Post * perfect novice^ V And just as at for Chief l^ostmastei^ s As I, your humble poetaitiBr. 2Tlm*re Tory Bi]^ar||siii<^ vSt^ 5 !R>rai8eapa^|;ivpiis; ^ ^- ~> And jus|^M >^MMiNy^nd apple-Juioe, econyioiion. little use -w, IrVReiTil strife, die never knew, l0enwere >p r^ a pol^ fSVeoiKe r liili^^ olHUr|9» jpaedi t j Her party fo^ ', « } SiiohiN|be! strife, l^^riiA pever knew, ^iiwi level ijk^'" I lord, if ho mmte Don uasa ?|Iie8t year tllOOflvM iot in New Tears' verse be Soeh ar I have, I gire to you, A dry lad meagre repetitioii Of what has passM before your view ; Jl iim I am W poUtioian : % jfttJUtp-sIaTe am I, no more, : j^et p^tiim galUsg chain and oar. I'iiriendsi since I oall'd last New Year's Dayi^llie Gov'nob soon, by Proolamai v^Oor sheet, *'Thx British Oonstitution," ^Dissolv'd the House of Legialatii WU hgki suspended, — some 8|id, dead, — l V On ^9ome ^Ik \ Bat ^Tok {Form ^If somtf i Which (Sots wish') ( When law had (A Special Session now convened, > Which soon the "odious" law : >Th' old license law was then oar< I And strai^tway duly nen'd ai s Now drink year fill, ye jolly ere Your swilling swells the roTcnue. Aw many wish'd its ^ssoltttion ; It iiMMly stopp'd to gather breath : SttfpeuBon IS not always death. foes had been suspended^ "^they hut met with justice ihii, is, hii they been appreheii|ii%. \ ^. And tried^ twelve me^just^ tfue ; Bitthey ef&'£ the gallows mi^ ** lb mn mmmm and bless IllrdPi. ||^ fiiiilsr is a ^eo^ pei|^ en next took place — ^a new El ^ A tug 'twizt Liberals and To: I Both parties had a good selectioi s If we believe each party*s sto I » • utw^w^ _ sThe Liberal party was defeated, a apit, b ut ||a |Hg iy psyment, |WhU8tToriefrT-fora time— are «tt^'fiKt«omis^^^^^^ Taik 9adk. and he who prints news gratis <^|iilgtWe laige fimds or small potatoes. ^^ stqpp^d the press in so^ie dejection ; Bat did the OoNdnTcriON die ? It ftars not deadi, nor yet ^ssection. Let hostile hands thei| weapons try : |t still will stand as when it rose-^ A shield to friendst a fw^id to foes. ^ « 1 « . t ^ -iL If ^ . ji > rbis may be true, when there's i ^^"T" ^ t^*^,*^ ^^ ^"^aT"^ "^'*^ ' Between Saint John and Shedia The Bussian Bear hfwmiss'dhis prey; % "Bntain and France have quell'd tl^ hordes ^The slowest paod of any snail W^ came to Cloture, spoil, and slay : { fg swifter than: they now prw ^old Turkey-cook now crows on cushions, {fo grade the way, and lay the i l !Py f Pl a»*d by the greedy Bustaans. { Is work of tim«, but not of si { And if the cadi fall diort to pa^ Thft 8trtli^» got his rights^ qi«lte cheap, j 0on»t sell your waggon, horse, c Itwftbtwdllif hemaintMn&em, J ^^ Whilst friiiQe and England botMHay vreep I They've done one thingr-ra uobl t^bkod and'tif^asnre spent to gain them. { Prefer'd McPheuh to an ofi ; ■ »Aii*T JOHN, NEW BRUNsWlCm i'«y« oiTil strife, I ihe ptver knew, ^6^ W«r« ipeo^ ^kstiietiQii ^ •pple-^uoe, lie ocmTiotum. s litUe use law. wo^dielU 1 law had poHn on brewen' draji ; r'NOB 800D, by Proolamatiion, d the House of Legislation. al Session now oonyened, h soon the "odioos" law repeard, license law was then oareen'd, Btrai^tway diUy nsn'd and seal'd. ink your fill, ye jolly orew, riUing swells the reTenue. 3zt took place — ^a new Election :~^ g 'twizt Liberals and Tories ; irties had a good selection, 9 believe each party*s stories ; beral party was defeated, Tories-r-for a time — are seated^ romis'd^lHuch, but who oan say r promises will end in acts ; lings are broken ev'ry day, this is proved by stubborn facts, ish, my muse, be not too hanh, B broke the iceupottihe l^ursh. !Tbe: Mv're YVj BnartJK mum amd wajft, ^^y\ '& raise a pa\m mttm;\ ..'^^ [4ndu Mil iu or .t«^> f No more a dupe, %J&rall, a prey,) vindignant ^uma Papal reigiii ^ ^ s And cast her galling yoke alray, \,^^ \ When neither €aul nvt Austrialr«w|ir4 . , \ Shall cow her sons, nor guard her LftJt^ 4¥- ^< »west paod of any snail riflber than: they now proeeedj de the way, and lay the rail, ork of tim^, but not of speed ) 'the cash fall short to pay, sell your waggon, horse, or sl^h, e done one thingr-ra noble de«d.: Per'd McpHELiH to an office; CS". .{Awake, old bond-slave^ wake, and Mtf, s The pri^e a frontier gtate has H^t s Sardinia wise, and brave, aadfte^ ' \ \ Is basking now ftaiBlory'twf; \ What she has gaia'd for the^^remahuHl tBise in thy m^tandbre^ i^plM^. > My friends, I dediii It 'ikmAmi V This very teious, hi^wi^ta^ \(M. bless our tliadons Q^M^ and tm^ V The British BmpiraWiiioMirV- \ Give all my patriMs hejlth, aii3 joy^ \ Your most 0Mdient~~0arri«r h(tf. f\ f .1 y ? #■' ^ ^, r-^" j^jkW UKUNonitilKi JANUABY iy itti?*