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The Town Council having passed a By-law prohibiting inter- ments within the limits of the Corporation, thereby carrying out the recognized feeling of the public, that the time had arrived when the health of the Town required such provision to be eflfected, it was felt that an eflfbrt should be made to bring about the united action of all the religious denominations in establishing a Cemetery which should be an ornament and a credit to the town. This has been successfully accomplished, and a tract of land, ■ufl&ciently large for many "years to come, has been procured and laid out in a suitable manner upon a plan made by Mr. Englehardt, the wcll-knowir landscape gardener. The land selected is admirably suited ti the purposes of a Cemetery, the water-shed being from the town; and the sub-soil being dry, is well itted for a grave-yard, and while the plot is sufficiently remote from the thickly settled parts of the Town, it is of easy access to those desiring the quiet retirement of its shades. The Cemetery is established under the General Act of Parlia- m«^nt respecting public cemeteries, as amended by a Statute passed in the year 1872. Under the provisions of these Acts, one-half of all the revenue must be appropriated towards pay- ment of the purchase money ef the land, and the other half to the improvement and embellishment of the ground; and after the purchase money has been fully paid, the proceeds of all future sales must, for all time, be laid out in the improvement of the Cemetery, ''and/or no other purpose.'' Every proprietor of a lot in the Cemetery is a shareholder, is entitled to a vote, and is eligible as a Director. By-laws and Rules and Regulations for the management of the Cemetery have been carefully prepared. The Cemetery has been established solely in the public in- terest, and it is felt that the thanks of the townspeople are due, and will be cheerfully a.^corded, to those who have advanced the money wherewith tke land has been purchased and made ready for use. The following is a list of the Directors and officers of the Cemetery, who hold office until the Annual Meeting, which the law requires shall take place on the third Monday in January in every year:— A. T. H. Williams, President; D. Chisholm, Secretary; James Craick, Treasurer. Directors:— Wm. Craig, Sr., Rea Dickson, Wm. Quay, Jas. Craick, P. R. Randall, Chas. XT /~i;n :^ ^^A Y n. ixr;ii;omi \./iUiUC'S, i."?. VJfiilCDjpic, ati« Tl Cem Tl Port such shall chos dent Dire tion, Sup prea noti hole exc( T reqi sha^ thei mai 1 and moi 1 and Dii me He BY-Li^^W^S. ARTICLE I.- NAME. The name of the Cemetery shall be the Port Hope Union Cemetery Company. ARTICLE II.— MEETINGS. The Annual Meetings of the Corporation shall be held in Port Hope, on the third Monday in January in each year. At such meeting shall be elected by ballot, nine Directors, who shall hold office for one year, and until their successors shall bo chosen. The Directors shall elect out of their number a Presi- dent and Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary. The Directors shall submit to the Corporation a report of its condi. tion. which shall be accompanied by the report of the Treasurer, Superintendent and such other officers as the Directors may prescribe. Special Meetings may be called after ten days notice, by the President, any three Directors, or by ten Stock- holders, but DO business shall be transacted at saiil meeting, except such as is specially mentioned in the notice. ARTICLE III. -DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS. The Directors shall have power to appoint or discharge such requisite Officers as they may think proper. The Directors shall meet at least orxce in three months, and a majority of them shall constitute a quorum. Any of the aforesaid offices may be combined, if by the Directors deemed advisable. ARTICLE IV.— PRESIDENT. The President shall preside at meetiags of the Corporation and of the Directors; he shall fix the time and place for Special meetings. ARTICLE V.— SECRETARY. The Secretary shall give aotice of, and attend at all meetings and shall record the transactions ..! the Corporation and of the Directors. He shall prepare and superintend the advertise- ments and other publications of the Directx)rs and Corporation. -w • 11 I 1 . .£ J.1 J.1^..^_.* nC At ue oaaii aave eaargu m vus uciivcij wi vi-^ sion, catalogues and other publications. He shall prepare, counterMgn and record in a book kept for the purpose, all deeds of conveyance of land in the Cemetery, and ull written con- tracts, to which the Corporation is a party, and make such other records as the By-laws require. He shall obtain and record information in regard to heira or devisees of deceased proprietors, serve all proper notices, and furnish blanks. He shall send notices of neglected lots, and also under the direction of the Committee on Lots, arrange contracts for the repair and preservation of lots; and perform any other duties pertaining to his Office which may be required by the Directors. The Secretary shall receive tfuck salary as the Directors may vote, and shall account for or pay to the Treasurer all fees received by him. ARTICLE VL— TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have custody of the funds of the Cor- poration, under the directions of the Directors. He shall collect all moneys that may be due to the Corporation, and all bills which shall have been appreved by the President and the Chair- man of any Committees authorizing an expenditure, or by the President and Secretary or Superintendent for incidental expend- itures within their respective departments not otherwise pro- vi.lod for. He shall keep the moneys deposited in a bank, to the crrdit of the corporatiw, and draw the same as Treasurer; and with the approval of the Committee dn Finance shall invest the surplus moneys. He shall preserve and file all papers relatmg to his official duties, and rtpert at the Annual Meeting the receipts and disburstmeats for the last year, with the existing state of the funds of the Corporation. He shall monthly make, from the statement rendered him by the Superintendent, a pay-roll of all the laborers employed at the Cemetery, containing the number of days of labor, and wages paid each; and he shall monthly or by his clerk, for whom he shall be responsible, pay the laboters, except those employed for less than one month, wh« may be paid on the order of the Superintendent, said pay-roll having been approved by the Committee on Finauce. ARTICE VII. -SUPERINTENDENT. The Suparintendont shall, under the direction of the Direc tors, have the general care and custody of the Cemetery; shall keep the avenues, paths and grounds in neat and satisfactory order. He shall see that the rights of the Corporation are redpectei, and that all regulations with regard to interments and the construction of tombs be complied with. He shall have the power to remove from the Cemetery improper and disorder- ly persons, also to abate nuisances and remove rubbish and unnecessary encumbrances. He shall keep in books provided for the purpose, regular and accurate records of all interments, including the name and ages of p^sons interred, and the place and date of their interment, and transmit to the Secretary monthly, the orders for such interments. ARTICLE VIII.— COMMITTEE ON GROUNDS. The Committee en Grounds shall consist of thre« Directors. They shall have general charge of the grounds, trees, avenues, and patha in the Cemetery, with power to make such altera- tions, repairs and improvements therein as they shall deem ex- pedient. No avenues or paths shall be laid out or changed in situation or name, without the consent of the Direotors. ARTICLE IX.-LOTS AND SPACES. The size of the Lots shall be eight by sixteen feet and the price f«r Lots shall be eight dollars cash down, and any broken Lots m proportion. ARTICLE X. -SALES AND CONVEYANCES. All deeds of conveyance by the Cerporation shall be under the common seal, and signed by the President, countersigned by the Secretary, and recorded in the books of the Corporation with the proper attestation thereof. ARTICLE XL— RECORDS. There shall be kept at the Office of the Secretary all books necessary for recording the original deeds of Lots, of orna- mental grounds and spaces between Lots, of transfers from pro- nrietor to Dronrietor. or to the Corporation, and transfers by 6 will or by operation of law; also inHtruments of donation in truHt ror the repair of Lots, or for any purpose consistent with the objects of the Cemetery; also a copy of the dnplicate Register of Interments made up by the Secretary, and such other records as may from lime to time be ordered by the Directors. But no record of any persons interest in a Lot less than the entire ownership shall be made on the books of the Corporation. A fee of Hfty cents shall be paid at the office of the Secretary for the record of transfers and other instruments for pro- prietors, and giving the due certificate. ARTICLE XIL -FUNERALS- Early notices of funerals shall be given to the Superintend- ent. When a funer^,! arrives, a person wiU be in readiness at the gate to conduct the procession to the place of interment. ARTKJLE XIIL-MONUMENTS, STONES, FENCES Proprietors have the right to erect on their Lots monuments and stones of appropriate character. Live hedges of small and moderate size are allowed. All foundations of monuments and other structures shall be built in a manner satisfactory to and under the direction of the Committee on Grounds. ARTICLE XIV. -TREES. Trees standing within Lots can be removed at the expense of the proprietor, if desired, by an application from the proprietor to the Superintendent, subject to the approval of the Commit- tee on Grounds. The Committee on Grounds shall have charge of the general subject of introducing and cultivating, as well as of training and removing trees and shrubs in ether parts of the Cemetery. ARTICLE XV. -WORK ON LOTS. No person other than the proper officers and servants of the Corporation shall be allowed to perform any work un any L«t in the Cemetery without the authority of the proprietor, who shall ba responsible for all injury and damage done by his workman or workmen whilst in his employ, either to the ground or other nronerf.v nf fVi-» n«..^«.„4.; „ i.^ I -£ _. •_-vipvri«!Wivi4 ur ui iuiy pro- i prietor, and shall remove all refuse material taken from hit Lot. ARTICLE XVL— NEC J:CTLD LOTS The Superintendent shall, on or before the tirst Mondaj in May in each year, report to the Directors a list of all Lots which may be so much out of repair as to detract from the gen- eral good appearance of the Cemetery; upon which the pro* prietors of said Lots or other persons interested therein sh^U be notified by the Secretary of their condition, and be nr^ently requested to put them in repair. In cases of gross neglect, when proprietors shall omit or refuse to repair their Lots, after such notice, it shall be within the discretion of the Committee on Lots to cause suitable repairs to be done at the expense of the proprietors. ARTTCLE XVIL— LOTS OF DECEASED PROPRIETORS. When the devisee of a deceased proprietor of any Lot in the Cemetery sliall desire to place upon the record of the deed of said Let, at the Secretary's office, the evidence of his title to the same, he may do so by producing a certitied copy of the will of such proprietor (if the title is deducible therefrom), or of such portion of said will as relates to said title; and the same shall be d«ly recorded in a book kept for that purpose, and proper reference thereto be made upon the margin of the original record. The Secretary shall receive the affidavit of any person who shall claim to be the sole heir at law of the de- ceased proprietor of any Lot, in which the material facts, necessary to support such claim, shall be set forth; ai;d he shall file the same with the papers of the Corporation, making proper reference thereto upon the margin of the original record, and for such duty the Secretary shall be entitled to charge the sum of one dollar. ARTICLE XVIIL— REPAIR FUND. The Directors will receive in trust from any proprietor a sum of money, the income of which shall be appropriated to the repair of his or her Lot, according to the terms of trust given. The Directors may also guarantee the perpetual repair of Lots, upon the payment to the Treasurer of such sum of money as the Committ^ on Grounds shall deem sufficient for that purpose. In the latter case if the Repair Fund should ever be lost, the whole property of tho Corporation is held for the perpetual renair of such Lots, Regulations Concerning Visitors. 1. Visitors are req«ested to bear ia mind that this Grcands are aaoredly devoted to the interment of the dead, and that a strict observance of the decorum which should characterize such a place, will be required of all. The gates are opeuevl at sunrise and are closed (except for egress) at sunset. 2. Children will hot be admitted unless >Tith their parents, or with persona having them specially in charge; nor will Schools or other large a&8«mblag«8 of persons be admitted. 3. No person or persons in vehicles will be allowed to pass thtough tVie grounds at a rate faster than a walk. 4. No refreshments, ot persons having refreshments of any kind, will be permitted to e^me within the grounds, nor will any smoking be allowed. 5. No horse is^to be left unfastened without a keeper, and no horse is to be fastened except at the posts provided for that purpose. 6. Visitors having dogs are requested to leave them outside the gates. 7. All persons are prohibited from picking any flowers, either wild or caltivated, or breaking or otherwise Injuring any tree, shrub, or plant, or committing any depredations whatever. 8. All persona are prohibited from writing upon, defacing or injuring any tomb, monument, grave-stoae* fence, or ether structure in or belonging to the Cemetery. 9. Fire-arii-s are not allowed to be taken into the Cemetery except in cases of military funerals. 10. No person shall catch, wound, or kill a bird, nor remove a bird's uest or eggs, in the Cemetery. 11. Any person Aisturbiag the quiet and good order of the place by noise, of other improper conduet, or who shall violate any of the foregoing rules, will be comjielled instantly to leave th« groands, and will subject themselves to prosecution. 12. A'he SuperiiJb6iiiiouo usas uixs tia»«» «** «<*■»• \y«,iiif»vwrTf aaix. is authorized to remove all thoso who violate these regulations or commit trespasses.