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Archives of Ontario Toronto Lea imagas suivantea ont iti reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compts tanu da la condition at da la netteti de I'exempiaira filmi, at an conformity avec lea conditions du contrat de fllmage. Lea axempleirea originaux dont la couverture an papier eat imprimte sont fiim^ii an commandant par le premier plat at on tarminant soit par la demidre page qui comports une amprainte d'impression ou d'iilustration, soit par le second plat, aelon le cas. Tous las autras «xampiaires originaux sont filmte sn commen^ant par la premiere page qui comporta une ampreinte dimpreaaion ou d'iilustration at on tarminant par la darnidre page qui comporta une telle empreinte. Un doe symboles suivantn apparaitra sur la demiAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Mapa, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many framea aa required. The following diagrama iliustrata the method: Lea cartas, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre fiimte i des taux de rMuction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul ciichA, il est film6 d partir do Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicsssairs. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent I n^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 mpiHm imam^^^M Wi^^""^«ii^!^WP" -,0F THE Vlt-l-AGE OF F^E THE TEJB 1S7S. ■ I EOLli^irS liJ^I^I^^^^^^ / NEWMAREIT: Printed at the Newma.»kkt Eua St«?ft:n Book and Job , I'rinting Hotiai. %&rm^ ,-'■ *'/ Donated to the Archives oy Jyir. Wm. I'erkins Bull, K C October. 1933 'S'l'. LIST OF VOTERl^ —OF THE^ VILLAGE OF HOLLAND LANDIN&I FOB THE YEJR 1878. NEWMARKET: Printed at the Newmaeket Era Steam Book and Job Printing House. 1878. VOTERS' LIST, 1878. fi PART l.--List of persons entitled to vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly, No. on Roll. 1 I 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 17 18 19 20 87 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 148 29 30 31 NAME. Ayerst, Francis Boaton, Donald... BoatoD, James. ... Boaton, Beth... ., Bullivant, Henry. Brown, James. ... Bacon, Henry. Bacon, Thomas . Boyd,. James .... Chapman, Joshqa. Chapman, H. J ... Corbier, Eli , Connors, James.... Coates, F. W Dalton, Michael Dennis, William. ...... Dennis, Edward Devanna, Patrick Denne, Vincent Dickson, Alexander... Donaldson, Matthew.. Daglass, W. C STKEET. E Yonge W Yonge " Yonge E Yonge E Yonge W Yonge E Yonge E Yonge E Yonge W Yonge " Yonge " Yonge EUerby, David, jr .... Ellerby, David, sent... w E E W E W a Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge " Yonge '' Yongo o o Farmer's Son. T T O T O O O O O N.R. Toronto. O O O O T O O T T O T Miller 3 No. on Roll. 32 NAMK. 33 Evans, W. B. R Evane, JaniOM B. 34 iFoster, Ed ward. 36 Ford, Samuel ... E Yon go E Yongo E Yongo W Yongo E Yongo W Yonge E Yonge E Yongo E Yongo Grant, Emanuel W Yongo Graham, Menry " Yongo 30 JGoodwin, JoHhua. 40 jGuinan, Cliarles.. 41 Grey, JuiTioh. ... 44 JGrey, Thomart 45 Groon, John 46 47 100 Graham, John HTIIKET. IHho, Michael Hutchinson, John ... Hodge, Rnv. T. P ... 14 48 49 fiO [Harding. William ... 52 HodgOH, William.... Johnston, Joseph Johnston, Alexander. JaUeway, Aaron Kellough, John Kirby, Henry. Kerr, John Kitching, F. J. . Keyb, Thomas.. Latch, William, Larkin, Charles. Lane, William.. Little, John Lloyd, Harry.... Lloyd, Ovve«"i .... Luck, '. 'illiam., 70 Mills, William. iMorris, Samuel. 73 i Moore. John 74 77 Murphy, John Moore, Robert, senr Moore, Andraw F] Yongo E Yongo W Yongo E Yongo W Yongo " Yonge E Yonge E Yonge W Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge E E W O o T O T O O O T O o o T T T T T 10 It o o T O O T E Yonge E Yonge E YoniL,e W Dalhousie E Yonge W Yongo W Yonge " Yonge E Yonge W Y'^onge O T T T N.R. Stavner. f O N.R. Toronto. T O O O T O N.R. Peterboro. f No. on Roll. 78 •79 80 57 60 81 83 85 116 NAME. BTKEET. Moore, Robert, jr . . . . E Morrinon, Peter |E Muir, Alexumlcr. ...VV Mooro, Ciilvin |K McGrath, Charles i Md'loro, JamoH :W 87 McKeiizio, Williiiia. Morton, G. I) lUcKenzio, George., Nosbet, James W Yonge R Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge Yonge 89 Oufih, John 90 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 101 102 103 1<'5 KM) 1'9 no 111 112 114 116 117 118 120 121 122 126 Ough, Thomus. Ougb, Albert . ParsonR, VVm. John. Puiford, George Playter, E. B. n. Farmer's Son. Yonge Yonge T Yonge Yonge T FART II. — List of persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections Only, Jfo. on Roll. NAME. None. STREET. FART III.— List* of persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Le^ijlative Assembly Only, So. on Koli. NAME. None. STREET- CERTIFICATE I THOMAS SHEPPARD, Clerk of the Municipality of the J Village of Holland Landing, in the County of York, do hereby certify that Parts One and Three of the within List constitute a correct List for the year 1878, of ail persons ap- pearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Muni- cipality to be entitled to vote at Elections for M^^mbeis of the Legislative Assembly ; and that Parts One and Two consutute a correct List for said year of all persons appearing by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections in said Municipality ; and I hereby call upon all Electors to examine the said List, and If any omissions or other errors are per- ceived therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this twenty-eighth day of June, 1878. THOS. SHEPPARD, Clerk. — . . •. . .» iLT 1—4. 1?=. P-%/^V ond Job nffion Main Street.