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GEODETIC SURVEY OF CA^Ati^^y^l ' 'cN- y^t^^;^^^^^' PRECISE LEVELLING ^■T. CERTAIN LINES IN QUEBEC, ONTARIO and BRITISH COLUMBIA WITH AN INDEX MAP SHOWING ALL WORK PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED PUBLICATION No. 1 or: AWA J. DC LABROOUERIE TACHft PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1918 I Di.r'ARTMr.XT oi' Tiir: interior. Canada llu:. AIMIIIK Ml II. Ill •, \hn, l,r. \\ W. (IlkV l'tP«l, MlHItIf (.KODKTIC SI RVKY OF CANADA Noll IKiUA'lt, Suitiinl'njill FRLClSt LtVELLi.N(J CERTAIN LINES IN (JUEBEC, ONTARIO and BRITISH COLUMBIA WITH AN INDKX MAP SHOW IN(; All. WORK. I'REViOLSLV PI BLISHED |: F. B. REIl) .Supervisor of Levelling PUBLICATION No. 1 .. OEODETIC^ SUH VEyV OTTAWA J. na LABROUIKRIE TACHfi PKINTI-R To IHE KINGS MOST EXCELLE.NT .MAJE-bTY (•()N'i'i:\'rs Pa<;k l!!t!i"hiction . 5 l)i'>rMl)ii 'U< (if licncli-Marks: — liiiii-c I'luiil, X.^'. tip Slicrhrnoki'. (Jilc S Stf. I^l^ali(■ .) III! li Kill III |-Minli:iin, l^'i"' !•• < 'liainlii'-rc to KirliiiKirnl. (^nc 11 l.ipii[i liiir aiiiiiiiil Muiitiral. (^iic 12 lirantfiii'il lip l.ucaii < 'nis>iiin, ( lilt . 14 ( iiiclpli .luiirtion to l'aliiii'i>-tiin, Oni Id I'Vrjjiis to Mclvilli', Out 10 I'ort l)allHiu>ir ami I'mt ( 'nlliornr, Ont 17 Fran/ tu I'oit Arthur, ( »iit 17 .la>|i(r, Alta. tip I.iins, H.( ' 22 Al.liiitsfi.nl tip Kcsplrinlciil, 14. (' 23 Hmcistipkc to Kaiiiloiips, H.< ' 29 KIcvatioiis, Tal.lt' of 32 Rail Klcvat ions 46 riiilox 53 MiiP 66 41807 IN ri;<ii)i ' I ii'\ " ^^ '^ 'I'hiw |iul)li(iifi»>ii nil l'l(^l^(• I.tvilliiiK i- iIm In -I bin i^viuil hy llJV 0<'M<l<'lu: Survey of Caiiaihi as a .separate liraiieli nf the DepiifhiKHit <>f Ine Interior. I're<ise levillinn i'.'"iilt> |ire\ Hiiisly ihMled to the pillilie'TTrt' Ooiitaiin li in six " I'lililieatiiPii- of thi' DoiiiiiiKiii ( (hservatorv". a> follows: \(.l I. No. 2, i.s.-iie.! I<tl2* \..l I, No. 3, •• I'.tlii \ul, 1, No. 8. " I'll J \ i.i II. No. 1, l.-.MlCll I'.ll.') \..i III, No. «, " i!»ni \ol III, No. H. ■' |<II7 The present pillilic atioii is arraii).'i il in I he ^anii' (:eneiai form :i- i lie previous onen, with the results of the levellllijr set forth iti lliree ImIiIi- I In index .'inil Iimi) illclmli il herein are ((iiiiplele fur all the work pre\ii)ii-l\ pulili«lieil. as well as that ill llie pre-i-iil puiilnatinn , ihr imli \ iiicliiad^ in which [iiililieatioii (lesiTiplloiis anil ele\alioiis (il lieiieh-lii.il l\s piili|i>lieil Ipefnii this liiav Im Ciiiinil. Talije I iiiilicates the roilles fol|ii«ei| lielwieii (eiiiinial poinl~ aiel Hl\(s complete (lesiriplioiis of all hench-inarks estahii^lnil alonj: tlii>e routes. Talile II shows in ihe(ii>i t wo riiluhiiis I he numlieis iif ilie liench-inark!*; in the thinl .iliil foiiilh eolilinns the approximate ilislaliee (in miles) lietweeii hench-iiiarks, .mil trom the initial lieiich-inark of the line; the liflh ami sixth eohiinlis iheailiil " I )i-irep;iiiey " ) ni\e the ditTerenre lin feet i lietueen the forward lexellim; .ind the liaikward levelling for e."li Mition lietween lieiieh- inarks and the aceumulaled dilTerenee from the initial heneli-mark. The >e\eiitli coluiiin uives the e|e\aIioiis of the hemli-m.arks -.liiiwii in llie seiond eoliimn; for ninveliienee. tlieve lienrll-lliarks are lepealed im the emiilli rdilimn ' 111 order that llie nuiiiher of any hench-mark .and Us ele\;itiiiii may he in adjoininj; eohimns. In this taiile are shown also the eN>\;itioiis determined hy the ( leodetie Survey of ('anada for certain l.ench-niarks estalilished hv other surveys and connected with the former. Table III shows the ele\atioii,s ;it railway slalioiis and at cri)s>iiit:s of int"'i- seetiiij; railways: also on the bridges o\er rivers and lakes .and the more impo laiil streams. H.ail elevations were in all ci'-es taken on top <if the rail, in front of the ti'le^raph ollice al leletir.apli station^ iiiid oppo-ile ihc vliclin or pl.alforni at lla^r- slations. The results are ^i\en for the following; lines: — 1. House I'oiiil, N.\'. to Sherhrooke, (jue 2. Sle. Rosalie .luiH lion to I' .irnliam, (^iie. ;{. ( liaildiere to Hichmond, (,»ue. \. Loop line around .Montreal. C^ue. •V Hrantford to Lticjin ( rossinjr, Out. li. (iiiel|ili .lunction to I'almerston. Out. 7. I'erKUs to Melville, ( Int. N. i'ort Dalhoiisie and I'ort ( 'ollioine, (Int. !». I-ran/ lo Port .\rlhur. Out. II). .I.isper. .Uta.. to I.oos, H.C. II. .Vlihotsford to Hespleiide.it. H.C. r_'. Hevelstoke to Kamloops. B.C. Line I Was started from the I'liited States ('oast and (leodetie Survey liench-niark in the ('h.apman Block. House Toint, X.^'.: lexcls were carried via St. Lamlieil. Ste. Hosalie .lunction and Hichmond. heiin; closed at Slierliiooke on •l.rvi-llin^: in \ uk'-n i. riilcrN Mnl\-. 41S07-2J .-) Grodi'tic Siifiry of Canada tlu' (iii^iiKil liouso r.)iMl-Slicrl>ro()k.' line -earned vi;i St. .h.liiis, I'lirnhnm nii<l MuKoi: (s.'e 11I17 pul.l.eatiiMi, Up: n. The el.iM.in eii.ir <,f the eireuit forinc! !,y the two Hues fnmi I'onse I'oint to She.hrooke is ()-27'.l foot -the ihneieiUT hetweeii the two e!ev:i;-'",s for 'he jiiiietioii liriuh-inark at >lierl.r()oke. I.liie ■' divides this eireiiit into two siiialior ones, the eioMiiii errors liein); respeetively 0-lOt foot and ()-17.'. foot. I.im> :{ was started from llie St. Ansehne Levis line (UU() piiMieatioii) and terminated at liiemond, willi a sn'all elosms error, on line I hranrh(s from imi' 1 .at St. I.and.erc and after crossing the Vietoria hridue over the Si. I.awrenee river forms .a eompiete loop :''■'>"'"'♦''''•."■' = '' poriionof the citv of Montreal, closinmipoii il-elf at l,en"h-mark I)L\.\.\ 1 \ , at I'oint St. Cliarles end of thi' Vietoria luidue. Nineteen liench-i.iarks were lisheii aiim^r the eomse of lh(- line and in add'tioi, several i.eneh-marks of the I'uhlic \Vorks Department of Canada were tied in; tal.les I and II in this pul.lieation t;ive ^'eseriptions and elevations of all heneii-marks, those oriKinallv established hv the Piil.lie Works Depart iiielil l.ein^ designated hyHomaii numerals. Tiie route taken hv the loop line from heneii-mark DIAWIN was as follows- tlie tracks of the ('.land Trunk railway were fohovcd ihioiitih 1 oiiit St Charles and St. Henri to the ero.ssinR of .\t water avenue; At water avenue was thin followed to the sul.wav under lh( Canadian Paeihe railways .Montrea - s Falls line; a spur line was run from this point to Dominion Sipiare wliile tli( estal) Mini lis the iiKiiii line of levels was eontimied alon« the ( •anadian I'aeihe railway through Montreal West, Cote-des-Xeines and .\file Knd to the I'laee Vitjer station; the streets alonjr the water front were then follow. m1 till the line elosed upon itselt at the above mentioned l.eneh-niark. The elosiiiK error of O'' " foot has hern distributed eiiually around the loo|) at ihe rale of t)(K)» toot per mile— the distaiiee heinc-'lj miles. (USiaiUe oeiMH_l4 oiiie.^. ■ ,• i ii- ■ The I'.ti:? pi:blieation fiave results for a larfie eireuit of levelling in western Ontario exten.linf; through Toronto, Brantford, London. Palmerston and ( )wen s;.-,uiid Lines 5, (i and 7 (liven herewiih, split this eireuit into tour small ones, all haviiiK fairlv small rlosures. Line .-) wa- started from the main loronto- Windsor line near Brantford. line (i is a branch from hue o and line / a brancli from line ti, each beiuR lerminal.'d at a point on the eircuinfeivKce of the large circuit riuler line S are included two short branch lines troiu the Hamilton- Bridueburt: line (lOlU publh'ation ), i.ainely; St. Cathanncs to I ort D.alhousie and Wellan.l .limetion to I'ort Colborne; th-se were run primarily lor he f forming a connection l)etween the Ceodetic Survey levels in ttie the levels established by the Hydrograiihic Survey, Service, bv means of water transfers across the great till' Ilvdro'graphic Siirvev's bench-mark at Port Dal- <fers between the vears I'.tl I and 11U4 from the purpose oi torming Niagara peninsula am Department of tin- Nava lakes. The elevation of housie, derived by water Iran the elevation of their automatic gauge at Tibbels Point, N.Y.. is •2.-,()-42L and bpnch-mark at Port Colborne, d.aiveil by water transfers between the saine years fnmV automatic gauges .a, ButTalo and Cleveland, is nsi-CWS; the elevations „|„ained bv the line ..f precis., l.-vels of the C.eo.l.-tic M.ryey o ( anada from H, use Point, via T..r..nt.. and llaimUon, are 2M)-812 an.l oSli -0 .4 res,,.;c ively. This means ihat th.' ditr.Mvnce bcwen the Port Dalhousi.. and Port ( olborn.- bench-marks of I h.. Ily.ln.graiihi.' Surv.'v, as ,.stablish...l by pivcise lev.-lling, I m" "is •'. c.ini inu.aiioii of ih.- Im.' from St.rlton to Fran/ which was published I'lst Vear- al I .rt \rlhur il clos.-s U|ion the line from Steph.-n, Mmn., thus forming the hrst conn,Mi,on bv precise l.^vlling thniugh Cana.la betw.M'n th.^ Fi-iied Sl:ites Coast and (MMxli'iii- Surv(>y bench-marks at Hou.st> 1 oint, .N.I., Minn \l Port .\rthur this line is connecT.Mi with a beiich-marK oi ' ihii' Surwv Ih.' elevati.)n of this, derived by wat.^r Iransf.'rs ■-tween the vears 1007' an. 1 VM\ from .Maniuett.', Mi.^h., is lilti-lol; tli.' elevation obtaine.l liv th.' Im.M.f pr.'cise l.v.-U ..f th.- Ceo.letic Survey ..f ( ana.la an. th.. St.'pli.'ii, Hy.lrograi Precise Levelling tioiii IJdiisc I'dint is (11 I ■ l.")(;. To recapitulate, eoiineetioiis liav, now l.eeii in.iile Ijetweeu water-transfer lieiieli-iiiarks and tlie [ireeise level system of the Ceodetie Survey of Canada at tlie followint; points on the ureal lakes: Kinj^ston, Hriunton, Toronto and Fort Dallioilsie on lake Ontai. Port ("olhorne on lake Krie^ (ioderich on lake Huron, Mieliipicoten and I'ort Arthur on lake Superior. Line 10 is a coniinuation of the Saskatoon-Wainwriuht-Kdinonton-.Iasper line il!II.") 1(1 17 puiiiieationsi. Line II was started at Ahhotsford, B.C., from the levels previously run alouK the (ireat Northern railwav from Vaneouver I I'.Uti puMieation). Ry means of this line the mean sea levei'dalum estahlished at Vancouver Ly the Tidal and ( 'urrent Survey is extended inlanil to Kesplendent — only a short distance from the Velluwhead pass— and a junction made with levels from Stephen, -Mimi. It is to he observed that the dilTereiice shown at the junction point— refer to 'l'ai)le II -is only ()()4il foot. Line 12 completes the <"alKary-Field-Hevelstoke line (lOlti and 1!U7 puhlicatioiis) .and establishes anotlier junction with the Ste|)lien levels— r.amelv at Kamloops. B.C. The closure tliis point, l-l)!)4 fi'ct, is not .so satisfacto'ry as ;it J^espjendent. Tlii.s may he in a larp' measure due to the closing; error of slightly over one foot in the twelve hundred mile circuit in Saskatchewan and Alberta— n i'er to the intro- duction to the l!l|(i publication. As ill previous publications all eli-vations are instrumeiit;il and have had no adjustments applied to them, with the single excei)tion of the loop line around I he city of Mont real where t he small closing error was distributcv! proportionately to the distance in order to av(]id confusion to eiij.'ineerinu orjianizalions using the bench-marks. The standard bench-mark adopted consists of a cojiper \nM, ihree-iiuarlers of an indi in diameter and four inch,'s long, stamped on the end with the letters " (:.S,{.',, J?..M." (Ceodetic Survey of Canada, lieiich-niark). The bolt is sunk horizontally in rock or nia.sonry so that only the circular end is visible.; the number of the bench-mark is stamix'd on this end as well as the letter,- mentioned above, aiul a horizontal chi.sel line is cut, upon which the elevation is taken. At certain points concrete bench-mark piers have been built: these project from six inches to one foot above the ground and extend below the frost line: in all piers built previous to 1917 the copper bolt upon which the elevation w.as taken was placed horizontally in a side of the pier, about nine inches below the top. In 1917 a new design was adoptetl, the bolt being i)laced verticallv in the top of the pier. The descrij)tion indicates in each case the position of tlie bolt. 8 Cfoihiii Survry of (\innda tabm: 1 l-.rNTIi MM!K> hi;Y\\r.l N liolSK I-OINT. \.V,, AM) SIIKUIUlonK K, IjrK. \i\ \\iii;i{vn,i.i; u Ni-TiKN uaii.ww i > i>i:i.sn\ and (.I!\Nli THINK liMI.WAY THlMldll ST. l.AMHI Ur \NI' UKMMiiM) I'l > SllllKHKiMiKi:. A7. -.(-.',,,■ ,,„ ,.ui. 1-\ to SherhriMikr. e r,ut.vl M:it.- C.Ki-t aiul (;..n,l,.,ir Surv. y lH.|u-li-rn:.rk ... ( iKipin^vr. Hick. Rou.sf IVint. -a, „ ,„ „ ,,,, f -, ,n,-l,,w.,l„,v,-.i.iiiTC'!.'l):i.. ..f int.TiKil '. 'iiiU 1h .uTi.lary inMniil.icnt No. MT, M f.-ot .,^1 -Bin nor.h^r,, , ^ /^ -;;;'.,,,;;;;^V,uhv J .nuk. 1 n.,1 r.l, ..f l:„u.,. PonU ..n.l .n .,.u.h hne ,.f n.ulway ^ilcuiix hounchiry. .;s.' .i I ,, , , ,., , ,.„.„ ,,, ,.,„„. ret nini: mi, ,-:i-t oiid ot pip«> rulvc-rt und.-r NiipiervilU- .lum-tion "" n\;rl; ;; "ml'^^mli: ;,t L;;'r">n;i m^ U.,., JS ..t nnU.,.,st :i tn,,,, ,n,erna.>.,nal Ix.uiiMiiry . i« U In .KM .ml of nort,. faro .,f .onrr,.,,. retaining «all lu;!,,,,,! s,mth al.uf.unt ..f .ulnsay un.l.-r Napior- yillr,IuiK-t.un railway. Hm U-t -uith nf I.ar.,11,. ^^tatic.ri. 5S4 H In nnrthwrst faro ,.f «mtlnvos. vv.mk wall of .■..n.Tr... oulyort un.lor Km« IMwar.l liiKliway. 2 nule, .jM 1 n "'•",;;;;[|,\;,",_^,,„|,,. „„,, .-^, ,„„ „„r,i„,i.-.t ..t ■■r„s.mK .,t Nap.orv.Uo Junction railway. ^<-, U In ois, on.l of norlli faro of south ronrrolo al.utniont ot opon rulvort unilor NapiorviUo .lunrtion o^., U In ""'-^V';;;,,;;' ";f,;;,;;V„„,„, „, ,,.,„iu. „„,l m toot north of „i>lo p.,,t » fn,,,, mu-mational houniiary. 5«-B In wrst vn,l .,f south farr 10 inrhr, l.rlow ,op of r,..,rrr,o rr.ain.nz wall l.rhmd »outh abutiuont „fNapk.ryillr.Iunrt,or, railway l.n,l>;r.llHI foot north of Nap.rrvUlr .station. 3,: H In - .n,l rourso of stonowork holow wator-tahli irs... In north faro ,.t pilastrr at northoast rorner of Napioryillr Hoinan Cathnlir I'huri-h. W II In oi.t on.l of -outh far,, of nortli oonrrol.- al.u.mrnt ..f o,K-n rujyort un.lor Naplorvill" .lun.'ti.m railway, :U"'ilo-< "ortr, .,f N.ip.rrvill,- an.l at iiiiloiW 1.) 7 from intornational l.uumlary. -,V.-H In s.,u.li on.i .,f wo-t fa.-,^ :iO in.ho. hrlow (..,> of s,,ulhwost ,-onrroto rotaimn« wall ..f plato-Kirder I'ri.iVo ,'n Napirrv illo ,lunrn..n railway. 91X1 foot s..uth ,.f >t. l..louar.l station. •,90 U I., ...M on.l of nolth faoo of south r„nrroto ahutmont of .,p.-n rulvort un.for XaplorviUo .lun.-tion railway, 4.')0 foot south of l.a Tortuo lla(?-station. a'M -U In south on.l of .-ast fao.--ll in.'hos l,ol..w .■..pinK-of oast .-.mrroto fa.;o-wall of pip.- ''"'V'" ""'I" "'" ' '" .Vipi.'ryillo.hin.ti..n railway. .' lullo north ot l.a T.irtuc tlaiJ-statlon an.l ...i.lway l.otw..on two farm .Tossin^'s ab.iut ,'iO(l fi'ot apart. ■,r B In north fa .f south,.xs. ron.-roto rotainuiK wall -n to,.. hjUw l.n.l^-o s..^ ..f P'i'l'7^7'';j,'7'''«;. on Nap,rrvilio.hinrli..n railuav, li m.h-s s.-uth of Dols.m an.l at mii1.-:«o Jbl., from mtor national houmlarx . -" -•'^•-r;;;,^:;il;;;r;t:a;t^'a;.:;.:;:i.n-:n;Sstr^ at U.'um This is 1„.m,I.. .1,.. oastorlv tra.-k of th,. l..op at IVIs.mi. i .■., tlio trark whl.-h oonnoots with th.- < 'an.i.lian I'a- ili.- railway. -m n lnn..r.h on.l .it wrst fa. f ..aM ai.nlmrn. ..f s,|uaro ...n.roto ..,lv..ru un.lor •anaaian Barifir , .ilway, iiiunr.liafly w...t ..f .liam.m.l .ross.ni? of Cian.i I runk railway at Dolson. .„- ,, ■ ,, ( II.,, I„,„l.l,.r l„.-.i,io iht.-h r> fis't oasi ..f w.'sl lini- ..f flran.lTrunk railway rinli'. of „9, B In oa.tjar,. :'' ,|I;;;J;,^;'/;;;,'^,;;;J;, ■'^y,^;..;-,,:,,,,, „f a far., . r. <-,„„ an.l l.M- f,.o, n.,rth of mil.. p.,st IH fr..in M..nlri'al. -,„ 1, i„ „. „,.i ,i,.,rs,oni...i.,w I..1. ,1, M.,rtliea.stfa.-ootn..rthi'astrotaininewall.)fplat.--(.'ir,i,-rhri,lKoon "■'" " '" ,";'a,l,l Trlulk 1 'iilw 'i.y'.li Inil.s north of Laprairio an.l :U0 foot ...uth ..f .n.lo [..s. U frorr, M..nll.'al. J97 It 111 t..p .■..urso „f st.,now..rk. in wost fa.-o of n.,rili abutmont ,,! laruo .„..„ .■ulvort un.lor Clran.l Trunk railway, li imU's south ..t St. I.aiiiliert an.l U « milo south .,f .uamon.l .■r.,ssinK .,f .M..ntreal ui.l .s.,ulholii I ounllcs iclcrtrir,' fauwaj Precise Levellifii^ 597 ]\-2 In tliini murse of sUmr Work Itclow water tiiltlf courso. in onst faro of pihistcr at oast en*! of front ■.>T si:utl!) v.aH (if St. I.aiii'jfif pont nihrr. jy** U In south face of coiicri'tr I'xtrn-^ion i»f top course of ntoncwork m wt'.-it ahulment of up*'n ciilvprt umlor < iraii'i Trunk railway in Southwurk yanl, I inile cast of St. Luinljcrt anj 1,0<)() ffot eu.-it of a liiy:!i\\ay i|-,,-,siiii;- 5y*.i H In nortli 'iiii of u.>i f;ii-c of -loii'- Pi-taininK wall Im-IimhI ra--i aluitiiu'iit of utH-n culvrrt iiniliT < iran-i Tnmk railway. I imli- Wl':^t of St. Hubert ami :{20 fuel west of '" Vanl I.iinit ' post at ea.^l i-mi of Sout hwark yard. 600^ li In water tal.U* rotjrse of stonework, in oast face of i.uttross at oa.sl end of front or •^outli) wall of Koiiian < atholjc cliureli. St. Hubert. Ti*)! It In niirtli end of west face of stone retaining wail iiefiind east al)utm('nl of plato-Kirdcr brid^o on < irand Trunk railway, I \ niile> we--t of St.ltruno ami iitiiiiediutely ea.st of a hijfliway ero.ssini?. CfH'2 \i !n we-t I'nd of south fai'c of rnnerete eopinjc on south end of stone -ulvert under ( !rand Trunk rail- way, iiiitiiediately west (»f St. liruno station. 0"^! It In lirst eoursc of stonework below n pin^. in west end of nortli faee of stjuare stone eulvert, under 1 irand Trunk railway, i mile west of St. liazile, 7(K» feet east of a highway i-rossin^ and ojO feet ea-t of mile po-t lO fnitu Montreal. fM H In side or ea--t ' w.dl of U-^mkui ('atholie ehunli at St. Habile. 7 feet S in. lies below r,ill of lirst window from front of buildiiitr. tW> U In south end of west faee f»f stone re'ainint^ wall beliind east abutment of o[)en eulvert under (irand Trunk railway. 1 mile ea-t of St Hazde and at mileaKC 18-25 from Montreal. 606-M In south end of we-t faee - 14 imhe-^ below top -of ronerete retainina wall behind east abutment of ( irand Trurik railway bri«Ue over Uiehelieu river, immediately ea-st of Helueil. G()7 H In water-table eourse of stonework, in we<t wall- .'» feet frotu northwest eorner-of Clrand Trunk station house at St. Hilaire. tH)8-H In east end of north face-- 20 inches below eopinji -of scjuaro concrete culvert under drand Trunk railway, at the east line of a hiijhway cros^inK. 2\ riiileseast of St. Hilaire Kivst and at mileime ■J'l' 1.') from Montreal. fi09 II In north end of east face of concrete retainin« wall behind west abutment — l.S inches above bridge seat -of plate-^irder bridge on (irand Trunk railway, J mile west of Ste. Madeleine. GlO-lJ In east face- -J feet below top—of north face wall of sijuare concrete culvert under CJrand T.'unk railway, at a diagonal highway cro-sjng. 2'. miles we-f of St. Hyacinthe and at mileage Xi'i from Montreal. 611 H In second course of stonework In-low brickwork, in we-t end of front or n.)rth ' wall of ( iranti Trunk station house at St. Hyacinthe. 61 J-Ii In fourth course of stonework below brickwork, in south end of front or ea<t ' wall of St. Hya^'intho registry office, on west side of du Palais street. 61 J-U In first cours*^ of stonework above concrete .sidewalk, in north wall t)f ilock tower of St . Ilyacintho post office, immediately west of main doorway. 614-li In east face-wall of concrete tile culvert under Canadian Pacific railway immediately s(mth of diamond ero-smg of ( irand Trunk railway at Ste. Rosalie Junction, tJJl H In sideof eoncrete bench-mark pier. LM feet ^outlmf nort h hneof (Iran<l Trui'k railway right of way, 2 mileseasi of Sle. Rosalie Junction. Ml feet we^f of a rail-stand and l.sJO feet west of rnile I>o-t 411 from Montreal. 625-n In second course of stonework below bridge se,-it. in north end of west faceof e;t-t abutment of plate- girder bridge on < lran<I Trunk railway. 7(W feet west of Hritannia Mills station. ti2') U In second cour.stMif stonework below brickwork, in front 'or south we-t i wall of registry office at St. LilK)ire, II feet 3 inches from west corner of building. 627 H In -econd cr>urse of stonework below top. in southwest face of southwest wing wall of ( Irand Trunk railway bridge ov.t Rlack river at I'pton. 02S !i In water-table c(turse of .-tone work, in south, end of side or we-t) wal' of Roman l 'atholic church at I pt. n. 029-B In .sooond ( wur-t' of -lonework beio*\ .-.-;»[ of I-beam-, in noiilieasl face of noriliea.>t wing wall of o|>eii culvert under CI rand Trunk railway, 2* miles westuf Ac ton vale and at mileage 51 6 from Montreal. tKJO-H In llrst course of stonework below water-table course, in oa.-*t end of south wall of clock tower f>f .Vcfoiivale [Mist office. 10 Cicodctic Siirvrv of Ciuuula ftll U In lop npur«<' "f -lonowork. in nurtli fui t nMrllifiL-l winil wiiM iif sti)no iirrli rulvcrt iimiir l ir:iiic! I'runk riiilway, -' Miili> l■.■l^'l i>f AitDnvali' :iinl ill iiiiU'WcIO .'1 frciin .Mcintrnil. (ViJ II Ii, hr-i rc.iii f -i,,n.-«,iTk !il..,\.- I.n.lk"!' -.'it. in ncprth onil of west fiicc of rctiiininK »:ill l.rhincl . :iM a.utuiriit ..( |p|;u.-t!ii.lcr l.ii.it'.M.v. r Moo-c riviT. L'l iiiili';<w<'«t of Danhy :incl ;il iiulc:i«e .V.I ^ Ir.iiii Montri'al. fi.i:i II In \ii-i f:ici'of loiiintr on «oiilti end ipf .-iri;ill ~io:ir ciilviTt uniliT (iiMnil Trunk r:iilwuy. i iuiIim :i-t of |)iUil.> (i.\\ li In .a-i .ncl oi north fine of nnrtli loni Tflc far-r-wnll of pi]*' rulvcrt iiniliT Cininil Trunk rail«!iy, 1 iiiilr wi'st of Soiitli DurluiiM anil at tiiili'aci' 11') 2 from .\!(jntri'iil. tki.'i It In lir.-t cdursc of ^tonowork lirlow cap->t<ini-. in south fai'i' — inimt'diatcly iiliovi' Hiuthwi-i »ini{ wall-'iif stone urrli culvfrt unilc-r (irantl Trunk railway, { mile i';Lst of South Durliaui. tl.(i; H In ihiril i-iiursf of stonework hi-low liriiliic si'at. in .■•outh c^nd of ra>i faic- of wi-i abutiiicni of plati-- (jiriliT hridiit'on (Iraiid Trunk railway. J iiiili-east of I.i,«Kar, t>.')7 1» In I'u-t laicMif copin*; on ^outh end of -~inall stone eulvert under (irand Trunk riiil»;iy, i imle ca^-t of (lore. 6.'!S-li In seeond eour>e of stonework aliove liri<lni> seat, in north end of eiust fuee of retaining wall licddnd wfsi aljutinent of (Irand Trunk railway hriilce over St. I'raneis river, IJ miles northwest of Hn lim..nd. fMi H Inwestuall fa. mi; iiinin line i of (, land Trunk slal ion hou.-e nl Uirluieiiid. Tlie lienrh-nmrk is in i-nni-reff fiiiin.l.il ion nf dining room lia>- window-. MO H In -i\lh rour-eof stonework I.elow lnii kw.irk. in we~t end of smith wall of Ki. hmond pn-l olliee. (VII -li In lliini rourseof stonework l.eloW -eal of I-li,.alii-, HI w.-l faee of south aliulln.nl of ojxn eulvert undi-r (irand Trunk railway, L'i miles south of Hiehmond and at iniieai[e 7s 7 from Montreal. (Alls In east -ide of lonK eurveil roek eut on (irand Trunk railway— near sriuth end I'f rut :'..in feet ntirtli of an old stone eulvert. s(K) feel north of i„,rth ~«iti-h of .Morse iia-smc-traik and at mileage .HI 4 from Montreal tVi;t li In lir-t eourse of stonework lielow hriilKeseat. in west faee of north ahutnient of plate-girder l.ridne on ( Irand Trunk railway. L'S miles north of Windsor Mills and at mileaKe,s4 I from Montreal. IVt4 li In tir-t roi:r.-e I.elow liri.kwork, in w..~t fa.e of ri.rner ~l..ne at northwest eorner of a hriek husiness l.loek in the town of Winds.. r .Mill-, at lli.- -..ulheast i-orn.'r of Kuhmond and St. (leorge ■.Ireel-. &43 li In thir.l ei.urs,. ..f >i..n..w.irk al...ve l.n.lL'.- -..ai. in w.-l i-n.l ..f n..rtli faee of ri'lainini: wall liehinil s..ulh abut II lent ..( plate tinier l.n. It;. ■ ..v.t Wattapikaw rivir. 1 mile south of W :nd- .r Mills stati..n 6411 li In t..p rourseof stonework in west I'nd ..l south fa.-e of retaining wall liehind north ahutnient uf small plate ^'irder hridi;c. on (Ir.in.l Trunk raihvay, (14 mile north of Tltu- llaK-station anil at mileage ■<« 9 from M..ntreal. 647 H In ■..■■•..nil lourse .f -lonework I.elow ti.|i, in n..rth en.l of we-t fare . .f n..rtliwesi retaining wall of ( I rami Trunk railway hridije over St. l-'raniis river. \\ mil..- north of Uroiiiptonv iUe. 64.'- li In si'iond 'ourse of stonework l.elov. water-tal.ie eourse. in north end i.f east wall of vrMry 'at northeast lorne.-^ of Homan Calholir ihur.-h, Itroiiiptonville. 64!( H In wi-i end of north fare of eomrele retainini: wall l.ehmd south al.ulment of plati.-(!irder hridue ou < .ran.l Trunk railway, 2 mil.- -..uth ..f lir..m]il..nville ami at iiiileatte 9t) 6 from Montreal. C."i(l It In si.le..f .'..ni rete l.eneh-iiiark pier. HI f,.et east of west line of ( Irand Trunk railway ritiht of way, -MHKI feet north of a stone an h eulvert ami .57,i feet .south of mile post !)9 fn.m Montreal — al...ut 2 miles north of Sh.i l.n..)ke. ;> In se.ond .ourse ..f sh.n.'work l.el.iw I..11, in w.'-t .n.l ..I s.mth faee of retaininR wall liehind north al.uliiient of < Iran.l Trunk railway l.ri.lne over Map.K river at Sherhrooke, 2,(X)0 (ect north of the slation. BK\( II M \iiK> hi:t\\i;t;x sti:. hus.mii; ,n m •ti(i\ .wd i \h\h.\m (in:,, via ( \NAni.\N r\(iii< n\ii.\\\\ Kh I'ltiiin.^ on paQf 9S. 61"i It In ronereto foundation of Canadian I'aeilie water-tank at St. Ilyaeinthe. The henihiiiark is 1 fiMit helow w-oo<iwork, in the side whieh faees the trael^, 6Uj II In west fiiee-wall of eonerete tile lallvert under Canmlian I'a.ilie railway. 2i mile' south of St. I4yaeinthe and at mileage 22-2 fiom ianiham. Precise Levelli)i ii U I>I7-H In n'irtli cnil of went fui-p nt west ciinircii- fuci'-wul! of lilo lulvcrt umlor f '.iniKlian I'arifir railway, 111 inili-iiKi' I'J 2 friiiii Kiirnlmiii. 61S II Inc.isi fiii'c— Id in('lii"< Ih>I<iw lupof rcmcTi'to rctainiiiK wall Ix'liiii'l iim ih iilmi in.ni mI ( 'iin.uliaii I'acific railway l>rirlKi. dvit lilaik rivcT. i niili' hhuiIi of St \'u- lil'J II III u.-l fir, ■Mall ,,f Ti-tc till- c iilviTl Irr ('aiia.llail I'ac ilii' niilwav at liillcliKi' 1.1 7 flnln I aniliaiii . (iji) 11 liiri-i fiiii^-1 foul lii'liiw iii|>- of I'liniri-tc fiKiiinii III •iciniipliorr lii-sidi- Caniulian I'arifii' i.ulwav traik. at scconil li-lcxrapli piilr north o( iiuir po>t 11 fnun riirnliiiiii. Thi» i^* tin' hi'iimiiI uir (listallll .ifliiaplliirr ixiuth of iliiiinonil |■^l^>inl; uf Mmilnal ami SoiitluTii ( '..initi.-. irli-clrir) railway at Abboll!*foril. 621 I! Ill la-l fan'- 11 all of cmiircli' tile- i-ulvcrt uii.lrr I aiiailian I'arilir railway. 1' inili- norlli of ( anrnhiTl .mil at iiiilcaiii' 7 .'» from I'ariiliaiii. li.'-' li In -uutli fncl of I'tt.-! fatv of ciu-t fonrrrti- (aic--iiall of lilr i ulvnt umli-i ' 'anadiaii I'ariln railway. .'iDO fiM't .loutli of ( 'atiroliort >tatioti. (i.M li 111 M.I.' of roiim-ti. liiiii'li-niark pirr, lifiTt ra^t of m-l In,,, of ( ana.lian I'a. iIh- railwal rmlit of ivai . .'.■|llf,...| ■..■utii of a 11 Instil' |K)>I for n,Mtli oouiiil trains ami li.ll) fi-rt .^oulh of a , ulviTt at iiiiK'aKi' I I iiMiili of I'anihaiii. 0- 111 lip roiii^,' of ,1,, III. work, in •■a-t ,'n,| ,if front or Miijtlii wall of t'anailiiin racifi,' station li, - .11 I aniliaiii- lUAClIM MiK.- liriWKl.X 1 II \l Dinii; WD 1!H IIMiiM), (^I i:.. \1A (;U AM) THINK U \1IA\ \\ Klii-iilions nn iKtu'- Si. I'l-il H In si,li> of coniTi'tc iH'ni-li-iiiark pii-r. 7 fiTt wi.-t of i'a>t T i.- of ( Iranil Trunk railway rinlit of wav. L'; tiilli-.- s.,iitli of < 'liauilii'r,'. ."iiai f,>,'t Miuth of rulviTt at mileage Ihl .'i. ami .)IKJ fwt nortli of filU .Tt at iiiilcai^f Hll ;! from Montrral. ti,i.' B 111 norlli fai f nuk ,-Np">iiri\ S f,...t .'ast of iv,'>t linr of (Iraml Trunk railivav riulit of wav. liMO f.'i'l iLirtli of a -ton,, lulv.'rt, i iiiili- -out li of ( raii; Koail ami .'i7() fi'.t north of iiiili' p<iit l.'>7 frotii -Montreal. 6'>3 B In -I'lonil ■■our f -toniiiork lu'low lunli;,. ■"■at. in w,^-t rml of south fan' of north aliutmi'nt of lililetinliT liriilur on (Iran, I riiiiik railwiiv. ; iiiili' north of .-it. Aijapit ami at .socdnil tele- i_.ra,.h po!.- -,,u'li of mil,. ,H,-i l.-i:; fo.iii M.,niival »i.'4 B In 11, .-1 ,.n I of north far,. ,if -..uth i.,,mT,.l,. il.iil nl of small nilv, rt un.liT Cram! Trunk raihiav. l,:;iH) f|.|l south of ,iMTh,^.i,| lii(.'hiia\ . Iiriili;,' at .-t. \i;:i|,it . r>.Vi 11 In uah^i-tahlr roiir-i",f -lonrivork. in si.lr ,ir south i wall of Uotiian I 'alholn^ .■hun'h at St .Vnpit .1 fri'I from ri-ar of main srriion of huililini:. tl.'iti 11 111 ca-l far,. ,,f Hat t;ray lioul,l,T 7 1,^,-t li> 7 f,-,^i li iiii;. \a,ll\ on ivi'st lin,.,,f ( ,raml Trunk railway richt of nay. ;l miii^s north of l)o-,|ui-t ami 1 .1'lrO f,.,-- -out h of mil,, po-i 1 17 from Montreal. I'i.i7 B III hr-t .■ours,, of s,,,i„.w,.rk l„.l,iii liri,li;,'-s,.al . in u.-t iml of noilh faco of south ahutJiient of plati'- mrihr linilji i ( Iraml 'Irunk railiiai , i mile south of I)os,|ui't. •)-W H III nil •■ours,, of -Ion, .11, irk li,^|,.iv ,ap--tonr. in north fare of s,,ut lnii><t ri'tainin^l wall f plat,>- Kriili'r hriilur on ( iraml Trunk railuay. :i; mil,- -,.alh of I)o-i|u,'t ami at iiiileai;,^ 1 to .1 fr'Uii Montreal. irifi li 111 north fa, ,. ,rf laritf roiiniled liouMcr. 21! feet west of east line of (iraml Trunk rao.i ly rinht ,)f uai , 1 S mill's north of Lyster ami at mileiij;e hi 7 .1 fri'iii Montreal. OlW li In w.'sl ,^m| of north far,- ,,f i^oiiirrle ri^laiiiiiii; nail lirhin,! s,,utli aliutiiH'i'I I f,'rt 1) iiu-hes uliovc hrnli;,' -eat -of liran.l Trunk railuai- lirnlirr oi^^r llrranrour riier at Li-ter. liHl I! hi iii'si fare of eiposi^il r.i.^k sijrfa,-,'. :i ',■,■! 111-1 of ea-t line of ( iraml 'Tnink railway rii;ht .it way. 20 fi'el s,,uth of a ronil,'!,' tile 'ulli't 7IIII f,^,t south of a iliiujonal highway eros-ini; an, I 1 1, ■111, ■,■11 s,.r,iml ami ihiril li^li^iri a|)h poi,'- -,.iih of iml,. ijost i:i.'i from Montreal. fir>2 B In-I,ip eoiirse of stonework, in nest faee of northw.'st winu wall of si,ine arrh lulverl umler (irand Trunk railway. I. IIXI feet south of Ste. .lulie station. i'it'i.T B 'n west fa,.e of expose,) r,"'k surfaee. 10 feet west of ea.st lino of (irand Trunk railway riwht of way 41)11 f(H I south of mile post |2H from Montreal anil lielween fourteenth and liftepnth telegraph imles north of a hiiihwai- erossini:. CM 11 In si.ron,l ,■, iiirse of stonework alioie liriili;e seal. 111 west em I of n,irth fare of ret am mi! wall behind south aliulmeiil of plate-mr, ler lirid^,' on (iraml 'Trunk railivav. 21 mil,.- north of I'lessis- '. llle am! at mlleiuje 12.': 7 fr:;::i Mi:;or:"i!. 12 Gi-odrti(- Sitnrx of Caiindu f.r,:, li Iiif-ri-l inil ntni)rllifariM,(<'fincTi-ti- rclaiiiiim whII iM-liiii.l x.ul luilmtim'nl -|H in<-ln"< Mt".v,. liri.lnc -i-:il of plati'-KiriliT hriilili' i>n Craml Trunk raiUiiy. i iiiili' ■•ontli i.( l'li"-'l>\ illr m; 11 In tn-i iimrscotstoncwnrk Ih'I.iw walcr-ialilc cDurs.'. in wp^t wall nt I'loMi»villc Koi.kiii Ciiiliolic Ko.nun rhuri'li. ) (<tI m\\v^ (roiii fmnt nr nortli) wall i)( liuiMinit. (ii,: II li> -mI>' of concT.-tP l.cn.li-mark |)iiT. li f.-i-t vA>t of wc-l lini- of Crand Trunk railway riirlil of way. UMI (,■.■! nortl. ofa-Miall .nK.-rt, IJ inili-' m.rlli of I'rin.vvllli' an.l 40(Hrct north of mile po^t ll:i from M t,-;il (IthV H In thiol .MMt-,. ..f -t,MM«Mik l.,l,.v Hairr-talil.' ■■our*', ill r.-ar or -outli' wall of rrin.vvillo U"iiian Catholir . Iiufli, '.I ff>-t I'a-t of o-ntrj- lini- iif liuililinii. t.«l H In fouilli .our-.' ..1 -t.in.'w.Tk li.'low t..p. in wv-t faci' ..f n-taininu wall li.liin.l n.,rlli ;,l,uliiH-nl ..f plat.'-mr.l.T I.M.Ii!.' on (.talnl liunk railway, :t mil.-' H.ntll of I'niir.Mll.- ainl at linl,M«e III .i Ir.iiTi Montr.-al, tlTll It In M.<-.,n.l mur«-.if »t..n.'"ork Kilmv l.ri.kuoik. in nortli en. I .•! u.-l wall .faririn Clan. I Trunk >tati.>ni of Vii't.iriavill.' |)o>i ..III. .■ fi71 li In iliir.l iTOirsc- of stonework lifL.w wat.'r-taM.- .-..ur-. in -i.l.- '.>r soutli wall ..f Vi.■t..riaville |{olTlan < 'atliolic i-liun'h, in .-.■.•on.l >t.ui.- w.-t of lirM l.uMMiicni win. low tr.un fr.uit ..[ huil..- iim. 67:' n In fonrili .■..iir.'.. ..f -t.mcw.irk Im.|..w lop. in wot fa.'i- ..f rctaininE wall li.l.m.l -..uili aliuiuMiit ..f Cran.l Trunk railway l.ri.lu,. ..v.T Ni...l.'t nv.r. \ mil.- -.mtli of \ nioiiavill.. -tam.n. fiT.T II In r,..itli ™.l of wi'st fa.'.' 1\ im In- L.I.'W top-of sipiarc r.mrrrl.' .uK.ti iin.l.T Craml Trunk railway. :! lliilc» n..rlli ..f Warui. k an.l at mili'iw UH:) from Monir.'al, r,Tl H In t.r-1 ir-.. ..f -t..n.nvork al.ov,. .-on. l.-l.' walk, m u,-l .ml ..f -."illli wall of -nitli iran-.-pt ..f Uaiun k liuiiianCatlioli.' .■Illir.h, fi:.-, II In lir-i ...iir f -l..n..«.irk al..,v.. hri.lt;,. s«.al. in w.-l rn.l ..f iLUlli fa..- ..f r.'tainiiu; wall l...lim.l s,,utli al .11 1111. -Ill of trii-- liriilncon (iran.l Trunk railwa\ . ', ii.il.' -outli of \\ar»i.k. 67i) H In s,'..,n.I altar-st.-p l,..|..w top. in -..iilli.a-i fa. .- ..f .«..utli.-a.-t winK wall of M.iall plato Kir.i.T hri.lne ..n (.ran.l Trunk railway. :i mil.- north of Kinf-i'y an.l at milciu.'.- 'J.54 fr.im .Montnal. 677 H In nortli fn.l ..f w,.,st fa,-,--l.-> in. Ii.- L.h.w t ,p -..f w.-l ...n r.^u- fa.v-wall .,f pipe .ulv.Tt un.lpr (iran.l Trunk railway, j ii.ili' n..rlli ..f Kin>:v,v an.l at Mxtli ti-l.'lirapli p<>lo soutti ol mile p..^t <Ji fr..iii M..ntr.'al. f,7S H In tliir.l rour-.- ..f ,-t..ni'w..rk al.ov.' I.ri.li;.' -.-at. in i-aM .mi.! ..f north fa.-.' ..f r.-lainirm all l..-liin.l v..i,ih aluitiii.-nl of (Iran.l Trunk r.iilway lirnli!.- over soutliw.-t l.ran.-li ..f .Ni'-oli't river, li mil,-- n..rtli of DanviU.' an.l at mil. •at.' •'H '.I from .Montri-al. 679 H In lir-t .-.mrsi'.'fM. .tii-w.irk I..-1..W .-..pint, m north .-n.i ..fi-a>t fa.-.- ..f ^ton,- ar.li .-ulv,-rt un.l.T I iran.l Trunk raiUvav . I.lttin f.-'-t -oulh ..I llanvill.- slali.ui. 6sn H In (ir-t .-.,ur f •.t..ncw.,rk l.i-l.'w .ap-loii.-, m .-a-t fa.-i- of -".utli al.utiii.-iil ..f .ip-'n .-uh.-rt un.ier (iran.l Trunk rnilwav. j; mil.— iUlh..t I >anvilU' ami al mil.-a>;.- sV f. fnuu Moutn-ai. 1 Ins i-s the fartlicr -oulli of two . uh.-rt~ ali..ut 71X1 f.-i-t apart. f.SI n In lir-f .-..iir-.' ..f -t..nr'W..rk l.c-low-.-at ..f l-l.<-aiii>. inMiuthw.-t fa..'..f nortliw.-l wini: wall of .i]«-n .-ulvi-rt un.l.'r (Iran.l Trunk railway. 7(W feet -outti of .--1. < yr -lali.m. (.S2 II In .".-.-..n,! i-.,ui>o ..f M.,n..w..rk l.i-I..w Mp. in «r-t .-n.| of -..utli fa. .' of n..rtli al.utm.'nt of Moiii' ami .-.m.-riU' .-ulv.Tt .in.|.-r (.n.n.l liiink railway. ;i; iiiili-> nortln-a.-.t of Hl(-limon.l an.l iW feet n.irtli ol mill- ih.-1 Ml from .M. iiilr.al. 6S3H In-i.i. '.-..n.-rfii'Lt-ni-li-mark pi.-r, ."i f.-.-i iiort h ..f m.ui li line of ( iran.l Trunk railway riitht of way. li.m feet i-a-t ..f mile p..>t 7H fr..tii Montreal an.l i..-i f.-.'t .-a-t ..f a wlil,~tle-p<)st f.ir trains li.ainil t.iwar.t l.c-vi-- ah.mt li miles ,.a-i of Kn-hmon.l. (USJ-H In (.ran.l Trunk statlon-h..u-.' al lii.-hmon.l— x'e lin.' fr.mi H..il-.- T'linl I.. .-Ii.'rl.r.,.)ke. ni:\(H-M \HK< ii\ i.iiiii' mm: arimm) I rrv nr muNthkm- /,/. .i/,..n.' ..tl paw .i,. Not*.— For dcscrlpdon of roiile folloHrd in riinnlnE this line svr Introduidoii. DL.XX.W I In llr-l ...ut f M.,ii.-u.irk .-il.<.\.- hrnlu at, in north i-ii.l ..f .'uM fa<-.' ..f ri taininiJ wall i .."-I. -,!>.' w^--: :i!-.:-.t;r.er.t i-.f \ ::-t :;:■::;: I'. ;-;ni;' - -.1 !.".'. a '.- '.l!!'!.-r * .r""l Trunk r.-iii\\a\-. . mm. -.1 lately ea.'st of St. Ijamhert sUtiion. Precise Levelliup^ 13 ni.XXXV III Ncuili fiici' (if Mtoni- mill -cii ir.il init (;r:iiii| Trunk niilwiiy trni-k (roni pulili'' r.ificlwiiv. nt M liiriihiTI I'Mil lit V irtoriii hri.li/i' iiviT Si l,:uin'ni-i' riviT Thi' l"'n<li-in;irk (■< ;it i'ii.«t nil ..f mill. <\ null,", aliuvi' l.nilifr llm.r iinii .'i tfvi ni.-<\ nt niunt I'ciaii-rly .sti-cl urrli currying • \MT w iri' I. DI.X X XI \ 1,1 ^1 HI III (iiiiMif •.lunr Willi ii'iKiriilinit (I ruin I Trunk niilwiiy truck frmii dciirir ruil»uy track, il i'liinl Si. Cluirli-i end i.f \ ictnriu lin.JKc iivcr Si l.uwrcnrc river 'The licncli-'iiiurk j« 11 (cct cii-t I.f »c^l cnil nf wull unil ilircctly hcnculli ■.ccuiul ^tccl uicli .urrvin;; pinvcr ivirc-'i fn-iii wc-l ciiil of lirniiic i»LX.\XIiI In -ciiincl cnur^c of -|.,nc\\..rk ul...\c l,ri.li!c -cul, m nc-t en. I nl n..rtli l.v <■ ..f rcl.iiiiinn wull licliinil Miuth uliutmcnl nf liruii.l Trunk ruil«u.\ -winj,' l.rnlirc iivcr l.u. Iiii unui. Iict«ccn Tiiiin St. Cliarlcs unil .st, Ilcnri. 1)( ■(■(■■.\ I.\ I |„ scconil cdurno nf stnucwiirk iilinvi- sidewalk, in fnint 'nr siiutlii wall of Ste. ("un^jonde Kiiiiian ' 'ailiiilic church, l.'i feet friiin .<llutllea^t corner of liuildiiiu. 'Thi.-i church is at the ...iner I.f St. .hiiiii-. un.l \'inel ~lreeti. Montreal. .''07 In mi. Ill i.,ui:.e of ^t..ne\v..rk l...|..w l.ri.lire -.cut. in -outli end of eu-t fu.c of «e-t iiLiutinent ,it .\twutcr iivcijue -ul ■\:i\ iin.lir ('unudian Tacilic railn,i,\. 1 in. I., we-l of Win. Nor .-treet ^^tatiiin. NOS In north or ()>l)orne street i wall of ('anuiliun I'ucihc railway '.s \\in.N..r -Ireel -lulion. The licnch-inark is '21 inches aluiyp conrrele sidewalk and L'li feet «.■>! of wc-i Im,. of Slunlev street. WHI In first ....urse .,f -l..ncw..rk I. .•!..« wnt.T-tul.l >urs,.. in seiiii.ir:'ular wall. if «c~terK ..r I 'utliedral -trect liuii-e|.l ..f SI .luinc, lioinun Cutholir catheiiral. Doiiiinion S<|uuiv. The licnch- iiiark 1- 21 feet fr..iii v,e-t w.ili of vestilmle iif small entrance at niirlh seie of trunsept. SIO In fi.inl ..r s..ulli . wull— l.'i inchi's heluw hrickwork and .1 feet li in. Ih-s from southeast cirncr— of ('anadiuii I'acific station-house, W'oslmount. *" 'n 'III"! 'iHirse of sti>new..rk lielow top. in north luce of east ahulment of private subway under < anadiun Pacific railway. I mile east of .Montreal West station, and I.XOOfeet east of niilepoHt 4 from Montreal— Windsor street 812 In side I. .r north) foundation wall of Moiitrcul West town hall. 2 fe,.t I.elow liri,kw..rk and 2i feet from front wall of building. 813 In northwest face of northeast concrete retaininK wall 17 fei.t below bridirc scut of railway sub- way under Montreal-Smiths 1 alls line of ( 'anadiun racilic railway. \ mile west of Montreal West station. 814 In fare of southeast retaininK wall of sijuure conerele culvert under ('unadian Pacific railway 65(1 feet southwest of St. I.^c Junction station— on cutofT from St. I.uc .lunction to .Montreai- Smith's Kails line. 81,1 In fourth, course of stonework below brickwork, in north end of front lor west, wall of Human '■.tholic school at ('6ti^des-N"eiKes— lUO yard south of Canadian Pacific railway. 816 In Canadian Northern railway subway under Canadian Pacific railway. \ mile ea.st of CAtiMles- N'eices anil near northerly entrance of Mount Ifoyal tunnel, the bench-mark is placed vertically in top of concrete cpinu of ret. lining wull. at north side of ( 'unadian Pacific rail- way, and at west side of Canadian .Vorthern railway. 1 foot from sloping face of retaininis wall. 817 In sale or west ' corercte foumlution wall of Cunudian Northern railway electric power substation near northerly entrance of M.iunt lioval tunnel. The bench-mark i.s 21 inches below brick- wv.rk an.l I,'! f.-.t fr..m front wall of buildiiiK. 8IH In west face of concrete retaining wall at east side of Park avenue subwuv under Canadian Pacific railwa.\ . 1 mile west of .Mile laid station. The bench-mark is 2V) inches above sidewalk ihroutth subway, in pilaster betw.'en tifth and si»th panels north of railway trucks 819 In reur or -..utli '• wall of Canadian Pacific station-hou.se. Mile Knd, The bench-mark is -Jli inche! above I. ncrete platform and 3 feet west of east line of St. Iioniini(|ue street. 820 In fourth course of st.inewi.rk below wuter-tuble cours... in St. I'rbain street wall of St. (leorRe's Homan < utholic church. ;12 feet north of north wall of toner. This ehurch is on Bernard avenue, between Waverley and St. 1 rban streets. 821 in east face of concrete rctainind wall on t..p..f north end of east abutment of Iberville street subwur under ( 'unadian Pacilic railway, i; miles southeast of Mile Knil station. 'The bench-mark is 20 inche.s below lop of retainiUK wall and opposif east end of northerly (;irdpr. 822 In south end of east face of west concrete abutment— II feet below bridge seat -of .Moreau street subway under Loii({ue I'ointe branch ol the Canadian Pacilic railway. This subway is imnie.liHielv north 'ii T'',;rs\th street uni! :il:o;;l .V.^t! feci cc^,-! of :;•.•;;" ir;i, I- fr.-.;c. M p.^; "r'r.i to Place \'iger station. 41807-^3^ 14 Crodrtir SHrvry of Canada S.M In "..uili f.'iro I'f ciincri'H- rriainini; h:i1I hi ncrih -i.lr ..( ( ■.ina.lia^i r.i.Mlii- niilwiiy Imck in (n.nl o" Hill.' liivi' purk. 4l»li (iTi HI-.I lit Milivtav liii.linit I'l I iiuiiiil fi'rry lamlmu. Thi' ImticIi iiuiik \* li Uti »i ^t ii( I'ttni iiiil III wall ami U fiit. li imlir- liiluw Inp. S.M In ca-ti-rlv inmri'lf aliutiiirnt of Xiitn- nami> »liwl liriilKi* "Vor Cannilian I'Bi'ifn' railway at iMitniniT 111 I'liicc VigiT itation yaril. The licnrli-inark i« 2 (wl alMivi- Iraik level, in ca."! fare (tf fuurdi hultrt'^^ fniin vi\n\ enii i»f n-laininK wall at jMHilh fide of .nlreet \' In «( III ill eml of »e«t lor ('allif're» fit reel i wall ol Montreal iu.«toiii liou.-e— at ttie corner of Callieres anil ( 'oiiiiiii>»ioner Htrivt-.. The liench-inark i~ 4 feet 9 ine|ir» al«ive eonerete xidewalk. S.Vi 111 lir-t idurse of stoneiMirk aliove liamMiient «inilo»». in west lor Medill ^trwti wall of I 'ii-loin-« exatnininic wari'liou-ne. 'Z\ feet from -umlliwe-t eorner of fiuililinK. Ill \' 11 M \1!K- I! I r« ! IN l;ll \\ 1"! ii|;i) Wli I I ■ W ' R' i.->l M :. ' i'. I\, \\\ CHANU I'Ki \K i; \ii.\\ \^ riiii'ii (.11 1 ;m i.i'ii \m> -ri( \ n im d Ell mtuinx nil iiiiw 56' 77 I In iide of eonerete lieneli-iliark pier. .5 feet west of ea.s| line i.i i .rari.l Trunk railway riulil of wa.i . 1.47U fwt north of a iprivnte) .luliway anil i mile noitli ..f llarri-lniri! 7S 1 In -..ulii eml of ea.-"t faee of ><tone I'opinu n <oiithea-.| reiainini; "all •■( drck irii-- linili;i' ..ii ( Ir ii-'l rruiik railway. -M mile- north of ilarriMluiris 7(1 I' In -..nth ,iiii ..f .'a-l fa.-.' ..f .'..pinK -.n oa.-t I'n.l ..( -L.^'-ai. h Mil.uay nn.l.-i I .raii.l Tnii.k railway. I ; mile- -..mil .if llrall. hl.ili, SI) 1' In -i.ulli eml of we-l fa.'e of i-opiniton weilen.l of •.t.me-ar.-li -uliway 'farm r..a.l ■ un.liT I '.rami I'ruiik railway, :] mile- -outli of (lull aii.l at mile po-t 9 from Harri-lmri! SI 1 In -.-...nil ...ur-i' ..f -t..m'w..rk ah.ne .-..iHr.-l.- philfuriii, in lr..rit ..r .-a-l wall ..t (iran.l Iriink -l.ili.ili.l.i.u-.' al ()all, JL' f.'.-t fr.iMi -' .iillea-t ...hut .if l.iiil.lini; SJ 1' In tir-t iiiiir-e ..f -|i.n.'w..rk al..ne .■i.n.r.'t.- -nl.'walk. in fr..iil nr ra-t . wall ..f I iaii i-.-l ..Ih.-.-, Jii fell -.mil 1.1 n..rll. "all ..( .-I.i.k t'.w.T ami iiiiiii.'.lial.'ly m.rtli of a -l.'el rain-waler pliie S.'-l -.' In lenlli ...111 f -I -"..rk l„l..\\ l.n.li;.- -• il. in wi-t fa... f..iirlli -'..n.' (r..iii -..mh eml ..( east aliutment of liriiltfe by wlii.-li I'anailian I'a.'ili.- railway pa--.- ••\rr (Iran.l Trunk railway. II mile- n..rth of ( ialt 1 1 Iraml Trunk -falion '. In tir-l . ..ui f -lolicw.rk aliiive ron.-rele -iil.'walk. in from ..r ea-l ' wall ..( I'n -1..11 |i..-l ..Ifl.c. iiitiiK'iliati'l>- -..mil .if iioitherly entraiiee. In .-eventli e.iur-e of -tone.vork i..'|..w wii.-l.." -ill-, 111 -..mli .-ml . it fr.ml ..r \\.'-l . wall ..f l'r.'-t.>n town hall luitl lire .station, I),-lr..>...l In In.ni ..r wi-i > wall of fle-p..ler i..wn h ill, :1 fe.-i (i inehes lielow watpr-talilc eourKe of stonp- wiirk ami l.clwe.Mi tli.' t".. l.a-.-iii.ni uinl.iu- lo the north .' the main entranee, S7 r In top .'ourse of stonework, in ea-l ta.'e of -oulli aliulmenl of lari;e ,-t.Mie ami eomrete eulvert under firand Trunk railway, :t! mile- north of Ile-peler nn.l at mileage 2'i .") fpun Harri-liurK, KS r In -111.- of eonerete heneh-mark pier. 1' feel ea-l of we-t lim- ..I (iran.l Trunk railway right oi way. ; mile south of (luelph .luni-tion ami I'lO fwt north of mil.' ix'-l '.'li from Harri-liiirc, s!l 1 In r,.iinilii:iii Sl.im- lompany'- huilding. imm.Mlialely northw.-t ..f l.ran.l Trunk railway iliaiii.>ml i-n.--intf at (iiii-lph ,Iun.-tion, The l.en.-h-iiiark 1- Is in. h.- al...v.- t'r.niml and .'i f.'ct fr. nil i-a-f .-olner ..f l.llil.lllii;, in -..uiti.-a-l iv;ill "all f,-i.ini.' t.."ai.|- .iL'inn.n.l - ■Ml 1 In fifth .-..iir-e of -l..n.-w.irk lielow hri.kwiirk, in front or -.mili "all ..f liraii.l Trunk -tali. .11- lii.u-.- al ( oa-lpli, iiiime.lial.-ly we-t of »e-t "all ..f tiiket ..llin-, '11 ! In lir-l eour-eof stonework bel.." uat.r-talile .-..iir-.-, in front ..r i-a-l 1 "all . .f ariiiour;, al C.u.-lph— direl-tly altove first liasem.-nl "imh.u ti'.itli of mam enlran.-e. ',tJ-I-' In -e.-ond eourse of -tonew.irk lieL.w wat.-r-lat.l.- .-oiir-<', in -mall roun.l.-.l "all fa. im; Douizla- streetl at east -ide of (iuelph post oHi.-e, The lieneh-mark i- li fe.-l from ea-I "all of ve-ti!iule at entranre to ( 'u-lom- ami Inlan'l Uevenue ..ffi.-.'- U'i I In top eour-e of stonework, in we-t fa if r.-tainiiii; wall In-hind i-a-t al.miii.nl of -iil.w,,y umh-r (Iraml Trunk railwax", JJ mile- ea-r of Hr.'-lau ami at iiuleam- ,"1.') ,S from Toronto, Till- !.. -11. h, 11 1 ark 1- U f.'.-t lu.rlli of i-.-nrie line of irii.-k. s:i 1' S4 I' s,-, 1 ,S('>- 1 Willi of < Irani! Trunk r.iilwity luiil^ic i.\rr ( iraml ri\t'r. ^ mile u.'>f nf liri'-hiu. /V(7 iu- /.rvrHiiii 15 S !■■ In lliiril n,urM- nf M.-m-work l-|.,w l,ni-k«..rk. in (mm f..r northi wull f.r (iraii.l Trunk -.iin,.,. Iiiiusc nt iMtchiMwr. :i:i fn-t friiiii niirlhciiKt lorm-r nl liuililinii '»\ 1 In fnurll, <,mn^-i,ln,„nvwnrk 1hI..« hri.kwnrk. in m.rth ;nr \V,.|mt -Ii.-,.| i v,:M ..! Kii, l„.n.r pul.li. liliriirv. 211 fii-t fniiM nnrtlii'ii-t ((irm-r ci( huililini!. !•: I In «.-,-..nil i-iiur»i><if s|.,npwi.rk ahiv <-.inrrnl.- »i.|p«.ilk. in n.irili null „f Kit.licn.T pi.M i.fti.p - ■•orm-r .n M..nt.m -tr.^i'I i.n.l Kinu ,ir.4-i ■■ii-i Thr liiMwhiiKirk i~ jii lim' »iil, «,.si .„|,. „( Cliwk tiiMlT. flx-l In ,i,„„. plintl.--..ur».. of (r..nl ...r ».utl,i wall ..f (.rami Trunk Malmn-houM. at Watcrl.H. It f.ct fioni ?-iiutIii-tii*t rurnrr nt huililinic. W I In ,■„...■ ..r Kinit .trwi) wull (.( Watcrl..., p „i .,(I„r. I f,.,.i l,..|,,« »al.T-tal.l,. an.l 11 f,-, i nnrili ,,( n<irth wall iif clDok lnwci. I«i I I'l ihir.l .■.nirw 1h>I<.w rnpinn. in m.rlh.'ast fa.'c ,,f n..rtl,w.-l .-.■l^inini: wall ..f •.iriiill ,tnn.> 'ir. 1, • ulvrrt iimlcr (iranil Trunk ra.lwa>. .1 mil,- ..a-t ,,f I'l-tiT-lHir.- an.l isiio |,,.| ,viM i.f luil,. po^t (ill frnm riironto MM 1 In ..ust fa.'c "f -I';!!.- .'.ipinK .,n n.,rlh vu.i n( hrick nrrh .ulvc-rl un.l.r ( Irnii.l Trunk raiUvav I n.il,- i-n-t lit I'aili-n ami KK) U-vr west <if a liighwuy iTonsinir. '"-' ' '" n.l ri.uM. of .«ti.nrwi.rk Ix'low wat.T-talilc .-oufM-. in front lorn.Milii wall ,,f Nrw 11 ,m,I,.,,.. pulilK- lihrary, S feet from nortliwvst corner of Imililinu '"■' ' '" "'■■' ''"''■':'[ 'rrt,. .■..pini! on -ontLiM-l l,ii.k olainiia: wall ..f (.r:,,,,! Tiunk .ail«;,v I, mine ■ •\rr Null rrviT, J milr iM-t ,,f \,.« Ihuol.urt! 101 1 h, tinr.l .-our.. l„.|,o p.ni.., „ w, -• .n.l of .oull, fa.v of .,|u:,r.. -, ulv.-r. un.Irr ( Iran.l Trunk railway. .' mil -I of >liaki-|)<>ari. and at mil, ■:,._•.• 711 (I fr,rm r,.r,,nlo. Iir, 1 h: -1,1,. of .oinn.f.. l,™rli-i„ark pi.-r. 7 f,.,.| north ,,f «,,uili lim^ ,,f ( irainl Trunk railway riKhi ,.f wa\ ^i. iiiiIrM .•a>t .,f .-.tratforil. 4.')0 fwt ra»t ,>f a liiiihway rrwinit ami .>v fivt ,.a.,l'of mil,, post M from Foront,,. ' lOfi I' In lir-l ,-,.ui-,. ,,f .■,,M,.»,,rk al...v,. ,„„, r,-!.- plalfor,,,, „, fn.nt ,„■ -.,ull, wall ,.f CriinJ Trunk -tation-|jc,u-f at Mrall..r,l, .'7 fi>.-t «.-t of \v,-i «a|| ,,f li.k.'t ..Hi..- ll)7-|- In-o,,,,. p|inlli-,our-,-,,fu,-t,rl> uall ,,t -Mralloi.l ,iiy hall, Jl (,■,•! 11..1 ih , if ,-,ntr,- lin.' of V, ,.|lin.,,„n ^tO'cf luifrant-,'. '"■*'' '" -' ' •■'■ui—of -l,„i,«,.ik l„l.,w ..ipinc. ini'aM fare of ...aitla-a-t rctainmi; wall ..f -lo.ill plu,- i:ir,l, r l.ncli;,. ,,ii ( ,r:in,l 1 lunk railway, ,' inili> wc«t of StratfonI itati,>n, tW I In -o,,:h ,.|h1 o! r-l fac-,- 2 f..,.t 1(1 in,h.w 1h.|,o« t,,p ,,( ,.,„„r,.|,. r.tainmu wall l.hnul ,.aM .f,u.,. ahutnii-r. 1 plati'-iririli'r limine on Crarhl Trunk railua\ , :", nuh'^ k,-i ,if ,^t I'lul- in, I at Miili'.'K!,' Ii,"i s fr,.m ToronI,,. ... III! 1- In M,,m. plinll,-,.,,ur-,. ..I front ..r ,-.,.<• wall ,.f liran.l Trunk Mat n.n-ln.u-... .at .^^t. .Mary- 111 f,.,.t uortl. ,if iM.rtli wall ,if lH'k,.t ,,tli,'|., " ■ 111 r In ,.a.st fare ^11) in,h,- l.ch.w t,.p ,,f -..uthca.-t stone an.l .-orn'rete retaininB wall of long plat.'- Bir.ler l.riili:- , ver n,,rth t.ran.li ,.f Thames river, on main line of Cran.l Trunk railwa\ I mil,. w,'..f of M. .Mar>- .lun.tnin. 112 r In -..,Ml, fa, .. 1; m.^h,.. l„.Kiw l,,p- of st,.iie an,l .■,.n,.|,.t,. relaininf wall li,.hin.l «,-t aliulnn-nl ,,f |.lat,.-t:ir,l,.r l.rnlir,. ..\.; 1 i>l, ,T,.,.k. 2 inil..~ i.a-t ,,f (;rant,.n ui,l al n,il,.ai.',. HI.-, 7 fr,.i,, 11:! I In la-i ,-n,l ,if n,.rth f;„.e II ,n,h.-. l.elow top - ,,1 larw,. s,|uare eom-ret.. eulv.Tt un.ler ( Iran,! Trunk i:,ilwa.\ , 1; mih's wi-:-t of Cranton ami at aiileinre Kid 4.") from T.ironto. 11:; r 2 In -i,l,. ,.f eom-rete l,enrh-mark pn.r, S f.-et m.rth of .Muitli lim' of (IramI Trunk ruihvav niiht ,.f way. 2 miles ea>t of Luean an,l at iiiili'm;.. Ill IW fn.m Toront,,- 2()() fei'l w,'<t ,if .'i whi-tle- lh,.-t t,, the,.a,M ,.f .■r,.-inir..f r,.u,| all,.«an,,. I...lw,.,.n <-on<v->i,.n^ \T an,l Vll, t.,wn~hip ,.f nKl.lulpti. 114 I' In the first .-..ur-,. ..f -i..n,.w,irk la'l.nv .■, .■ulviTt unil.r c lian.l 'I'ru fr. rri T.,r',nt... < la.l.nv .■opiiiK, in eii.«t end of north faee ,if -,|u:ir,. -I,.ia' i.loulile* nk railway. ,' mil ist of I.ii.an an.l 1 10 feel w.-M ,>f mile post ll:{ a.'i" In tlor,l .■our-,_,.f -li,ii..j\ .,rk al..i\,. L'n.uml, in u,-l fa,,' II fe,.i fm... n..r'h eiv!- of liorth:.-.- ! ■.vlr.;- « ail oi * >r.i;i'i t rank raiiw:i\- su!.wa\- al I-U,'an I "ri.-~ini:. 1<) Liccdftti SiirVi'V of i'diindii ltI.N(ll-MAI!l\.> lll.lMKI.N <.l 1 I I'll II \i ||w\ \M) I'AI.MI.It- !< i\ (isr VI A (.li \Mi 11(1 \ K i: Ml WW. Note. Tlii'vi' ili''.i'rl|ili(iiis an- Hrllli-ii ftltli Ihr niitiiiiplliiii (li.il thi' r.illH.i) riiiii In a niirlh- nr«lrrl> illrrrlldii friini <iiirl|ili Jiiiiilloii In I'ain i-r^loii. iirrpl hrlnei'ii KItira and I'rrKilM, Hhi-rr llir illrril.oii Is iiortlKaslirl) . Il'i I In niirllHMU't fiiri>^- S ini-hM U-lnw lop— on conin'li- lilmk foriiiinK (oiinrlalion for ro'nmpliori' pulley. H (iH't nortlii'ii"! of ipntrc lino of (irnnd Trunk riiU.i.v tnwk iinil Ift fivt norili»f.l of lirst for homo) m>fiitiplion* northwt''*! of tliiiinonil .■ro-.«inK "f I 'iina-lian I'lirilif r.-iihiay. .'i riiilps niirlliwi>iil of (iui'Ipli .luiii'lion. I!*^ 1 In northi'!i.«t utr inner' fjin^ ."> fiM'l il inrhi*?* from .*oiitlit'ii(«( end— of ropinx on si>iirhwt'Ht fiico-wall of liirtci' f«toni' iirrli iiilvfrl ijniliT (irand Trunk railway, 4i mili'-» nouthra'^t of l-Jora and at iiiiU-:u2<' .l.'> ■* from llarri^liurK. 117 1 In lir:>l rour!«' of Monowork lirluw wiitor-lnblc course, m I'li-Ht ivnll ..f i;ior:k |>..~i i.tlirr, 'I fr.'i norili of north wall of dork towor. 1 IS I In north('a!*t face of Htoni* <'npinie on north n-iaininjf wall of ( Iraiid rriink r;ulv\a\ lirnlu'- umt t ir;iii<i rivi'r at itiili'itut* (2-1 fmiti narrij*liurn— brtwii-n l%lnru ami t'lTKu-. (Sec not«- ahovp ri'tfarilin^ liin-ction of railway at tlii;* point k I i:i I In lirst i-oursi'ot stonework lielow watcr-talili" coursi', in south wall of Icri-u^ |"'st oftiif. M feet west of wfsi wall of chu-k tower. I. Mi I In \\<-t end of ni'rtli faiTof st^uare eonerete eulveri under ( 'anadian Pari tic railw-iy, heside a (>ul>Iie liiuhwa\-. I4ti feet northeast of diaiiionil iTc»ssinK f>f Cirand Trunk and t'anaduin ranhe railway at I erKUs. l.'l 1 In serond eourse of stonework liehnv t.ip, in norllii-a>t end of .r.ulhea-t fai e ■ f norlliwe^l aliulment of deek-trii.ss hridlfe on (irami Trunk railway . '2i ruiles ^»ulhea-I of .\li.ia and at riiileaue U'l .1 from HarrishurK. 12- T" In .-"ide of concrete iM-neh-tnark pier. 1.5 fwt southwest of northeast line of (Jrand Trunk railway right of way. 2.'i feet northwest of a farm crossinn. 2J miles norihwi'st of .\lma and .SiHJ feet southeast of mile |>o^! .V2 froiti Harrisliur^ IJ'i 1 In top cours.. of stoncwoik, in southwest end of noilliwcsl lace rjf s,,ulhca>l ahul at of dck-lruss hridire over Conesiofa nver. t mile soulheiLst of Drayton. 121 T In soutliAcst end of northwest faci^-40 inches helow top — of concrete relairrni^ wall I -c hind -'Kiih- ea-st alMitment of pialc-irlidcr !iri-li:c ..n Craiid Trunk railway. J mile ir 'it li\\c>t nf .Mo.jre- field .■JO.) Ill ^econtl course- of st.inework al/o\e ground, in west fai entrance to piit.tic lilirary at I'almcrst-.n. of |ula-tcr HI illh' irncr of iwnch at HI.M II \1 \I<K- lil rwi I.N 1 lliirl ^ \Mi M1,I.\ II.I.i:. ON r \ 1 V ( ■ \N \1)1 \N r \i Ml' ■ K \1I.\V \V. Note. These ileseripliniiM are nriden with the assiimplinn thai (hr railway run.s in an catttrrly illri-clion from Kersiis I" « alarael anil Ihenir northerly to Meltille; )H-)on<l Melville (he Toronlo-O»rii Soiiiiii line is assiimeii lo lie easl-»<s(. 12.) I' In centre of si.ulh lace of .sioiare concrete culvert umler Canadi.in I'.icilic railway, i mile west of Spier ll;«;-station and at niilcnee 20 !1 from Calaraci. I2t>-K In west rnii of .soutli faro — II inches helow top — of small concrete arch r-ulvert under ('anadian I'acitic railway. 2 miles eiwi of Helwxxul and at mileage l.)-7 from C'atara t In centre of north faiv of square eoncreto culvert under < ana.lian I'.i Orion and at mileiw 1 1 li from Cataract. llir railu.'u , 1 1 miles ca.-.t of 12.S I' In cast end of south face of si piare concrete douhlel culvert under ( 'anadian Pacific railway. S mile west of JlillslmrKh and at mileitKe XI) from Cataract. 129-^ In west end of south face — inches liolow top — of s*»uth face-wall of triaiuiular i-oncreie .do hie) culvert under Caniuiian Pacific railway. « mile west of I!rin aii.l at niileai;e 5 .'J front Cataract. I3(Vr In -ide of concrete lionch-mark pier. '.( feet north of .south line of Canadian Pacific railway riKht n way. ; mile west of Cataract and fH) feet east of intersection of railway track with ea.st line of a pul'iic hmiiwa* the foa.i ailow.ince iiotwccn ronrr.ssion.i iV and V west, ttjwnship of Caledon. I'rcnsf I.iiilliiii^ 1 131-1' In iMiil (nrr- J inrhcf* ticl.iw i.ip .if .-.miTi'lc ri'tuinmn wall l..liin.| ~.utli .ilMiim.nl cjf plalf nirrler liriiltti-onCnmuliun I'liiiti'' milway.O 4 unit- north ol All.. n un.l ai niiUswi..lll I frum Streola- vi|li> Junriiim. IT» y In north fan- fl in.hvH lu'lrnv tup— .,( .t.nirrti- n-tiiininK »«M iK-himl fM^t uliulnir-nl ..f plnli-nir.|.-r lin.lui' liver I ri'ilit river. J iiiili' weil uf Melv illi- ami at iiiilritKi' l« 4 tniiii Hciltun. NiTK. -Thin hriiliti- rc'pla(T« tlir tri-ile l>ri<lKi- imiiaininK UMich-iinirk ifl«, un thi> ri>r(>nli>-<>wfn Smml liiir. Id-ni-h-iiiark I'Wl hu/i ivin«<|ui'ntly U'cn clcatniyril. 265 In siiuthiMiKl tm;- ,,f Hnuan- ciinin-li- rulvc-rl riinninx iliiucnnallv uniler I aiiuilian Taiilir railway ^at a hinhway ir..min« -111 iiiih-n fui| ii( M.-lville ..ir I iiiile »<.<! .i( ( ali'ilun i ami ai iiiilettuc IS 3 fi'iiN Itiittiin. I'.I.M II M \I(K~ \ I T' iKl DAI.lliil .--11, AMI I'l.l! r 1 iil.liMHNK, u\T. l-'Ai-fuliiini* un ini^e SH I3:l I' In hiirtliea.it lievelleil i-iirner II imhe-' lieinw top— ut lonirele relainiriK wall lieliin I «iiiilli ahut- inent iif plaie-Kinler appniaih at -"luih emi .,f «» inii-lirhli!!' In which Wellaml hranch .if I .rami 1 runk railway rrcwse» Wellaml ■ mh.iI, I ; nul.-. <.mili uf I'ort Dalhounie. Ill I In lirit r<iur»e iif stonewiirk alMivc liriiiKe .■W'Ul, 111 ii..rlli .-nil .if wi-l fai-e ..f relaininc wall l.ehinil eiuii uliutiiieni .ifuwiiiK -liinhwayl briiJice in.i U, lluul i 'mil ,,■ .'. ut I ) ,lli.,ii-i.- i in lu,-, I la- tely wiuth iif li.ik \.i I l.!.< 1' III lir>t ciiuriie uf »tiiiie»iirk almve ecm-rele -idewalk. in -uutli mmII ..f I in|..ri;ii II;itiI> ;.i l',,rt i '..1- liiirne, Itl fin't fr.nii »iiuihwc-.t cirner ..f iniil.linu. I ;i'i I In i.ipi-.;ur>i' ..f >i.inew(irk. in nr.ul:ii -icm- (..iiii(|,iii.,n ..f imiin. i|,:il «;ii,t-i. .«.■!■ at I'mt ( ■..ll...rne. riie l.t'n.h-inark fai'e^e;t-t, I i: I' Ineii-t wall of M.ii.l.' I,.iif Milhiii- ipiin ', llui.r mill it I'ort ( ■..|l..,rni-- i -i.li.l ronrr.'l.' I.iiil.lini; al «i-l M.I. .of liMrl.our ll... L.-n. I, i,,;,i k i- I f.-.l :il..,v.. lon.Tef I r..f «li:irf in l.aie of hltli pila-l.T eolith o( .1 WMV of .h iialiin r.Hiin. HKNi'ii \i \I!Kshi;t\m:i:\ i i; \\/ wn nu; r vKriiru, o\ r . vi \( \\ muav i'acii |(• l{\lI.UA'l . A'/ct'u(('m.«i "V iKHjt i9. 71)1) In iM-l f-i.e .if hiriie .■iili.'-'lia|)eil li.iuliler. M feel M.irtli of f 'ana.lian I'aeifie railwav track, .1 liiilei »e-t of I- ran/, ami lielween lut.-entli ami -.'Vciiliinth teleurapli polei weit of mile p<j-it HIi from I 'l.apli au ■iiiiic.liat.ly .M-t ..f a -mall lan.l lull. "I" 1" -oulli (:i.c of .nncret.. retainiia; »:ill l..liin.| . a-t aliullnent - :; fct li ui.-lies aliovi- l.ii.lne «eat - of tl.ti'. — p.ui plale-iiinlcr l.n.lfc .o.'i \l:inpi.- lake, ii; mile, »,-t of I rail.! ami al mile.iite !)() I from rliaplcan. "1' In vcrli.-.il ro.k cx|)o.-ijrc fa.inu north, parallel to ami .'iD fei-l south of Caniiili ." racilic railway iiick. .'; miles east of (Ira-H'tl an.l lielween le.'onil an. I lliinl teli'itraiil les east of niilf I1..-I '.i:i from ( 'hapleau. 'I'lie licmli-lnark is III feet wc-t of a similar i-\\><. .ir fa. inn west — at east ^i.le af a huKe -warn;) ~>- 111 iiiirth .'Mrl of \v..,i far., of .Mmrele retaining wall li..|iin.| .'ast aliutiiient -2S inches ah.ive limine siMl of plate-mi.l.r l.ri.Iueon ('ana.lian I'li.-iM.' railway, ) mile west of ( Irasell anil ut liiilc- ai;e '.1.') s.'i from t 'liapl.-aii. "I J ■" "ortli f.i f lari.'.- ma- o,' n..-k, Ml fc..| -..ulli of C.ina.li.in I'aiili.- rnilwav track. .".IK) f.'ct east of \v,-ierly -wilcl, of U,, I rv.ii pa-iinj-u.i.k .u..! at milcane W) li fr.mi < hapleau 711 111 Hi-l fa..- ..f verlH-al r.i.k .'visi-ure, 1(1 f..'! lion h .,f Cana.li.iii I'.i. ifn- railway 'ra.-k - at west I'M.I .,f a -mall ro.k . ut l.elwcui ilnr.l ami lourlh l.-l.^vrraph isiles west ..f mile p.,st H):i from < 'liaplcali. In south fa.-e of boul.ler. ."i.'i h'et north of ( 'ana.lian Pacific railway tra.'k. 210 feet nest of Tripoli west mile-hiiaril ami 7ll fwt west iif a stone-arch culvert at mile post 11)11 from Cliapleuu. In -oulh face. if ro.k exposure—!,) fi-et -outli of Canailian Pacific railway track an.l near rail level— j; mil.- cast of .\myiit ami L'.'i feet wi-t of hrst Icleuraph pole west .if mile post lOU from < 'hapleau; this is opixisite centre of a -mall li.irr.iw pit ..n north side uf track. 717 ill s.iuth face oi vertical ro.-k -iirfacc. ml fc-i north of ('ana.lian Pacific railway track -at south -iile of roik.\- lull fa.inu Nci-wa/.u lake ; mile wc-t of .Niinut an.l at milcai;.' llj ,') fr.mi Chapl.'au. Tli.' Iicn.h-mark is :i.V) feet w.'st .,f |>,inl «li.-ic s|„,rc line uf lake .livcriires fr.im (lirc.li.m of track al an ani;!.' .if aliout 4.")". 7IS III u.-t face of siiiithwi-t rctainmn will II) liic|i,.s |„.l,uv t.ip-of siiuare I'oi.crcle culvert uniler ('ana.lian i'aciii.- laiiwa.v, al iiuie po-[ li.i I'loiii i tiapleau. 7l.-> 7111 IS iiiinlctK Siinrv Iff i'liiiiidit >i(ti i>ml ii( rti^i fu'v of I'lini'ri'ti* ri-tttininu «ull lM*liinil hi*^i uiiutiin-itt nt plati*-itirtlri >■• <>n <'uniuliun I'lU'itii' rvilwHy. ul niili'iiKi' 117 7 (roiii ('linplcuu. .1-1 dill' i.( itr-.'f ami III tifil l*it*t i>( II lltl : 1(1 (ill li\ K fivt IW) fifl iiollli i.( t'uniiiliiili riuilit riiiUin iii.k If I'lii't ii{ mill' i«i«i l.'l fmni I luipliiiii llii- IxmiIiIit i« lim fii't tita*- iif Krtl> nti'k wlit'-h !'• -hillitlv ftirtlirr frnm tin- track ';,'! In lliiril riMir'«i'i»( »t(ini'wiirk Itrluu- rnpinic. in nurlh ftiii- « fii-i frmn i'ii»t mil of ntirtliini^t n-ttim- tnit Mall of iMiiiiliinaf ion otuni'-itrili unit pliili*-Kirili-r liinlici* on ('anmlian I'lU'ilir ntilHuy, 7} inili'M I'Hit of U hit<' ltivt>r f*tiiiion ami Mt iiiili'iuci* 1*1 <l frotii fhiipli'itu. ■-'.' Ill noriti I'liil of »i-i full' of loniTfIr ri'liiininK null iH'liiml ra-l iiliuliiii'nt I fii-l 7 inrlii-" ulmvi' liriiUi'x'il ifimi'-»p>nplat ' icirl -r ov.t Wiiii • rivi-r. i', iiiili-i> i'ii»l of Wliiti' Uivi-r kIhIhiii ami al iinlrmti' IJV I frmii < liapli'uu. 'IM In north ronrri'tp wall of < 'anmlian I'acitii- rotimlhouFM' ai U Inti* Kivrr- I foot Ih'Iow winilow -ill** in north fan' of piliiwIiT at northi'a-t I'orni'r of ri>i tanifular i*onfrrif iAti<n«ion n'onttiminK tliri-<> i<ntfini'-'*tall«) on north miiIi' of main liuililiiiif 'S-\ \ In frtint lor -outh) nmiTi'li' founilation wnll 4 fii-t Ih-Iow wiHHlnork ami -Ml fi.i i- f i > un I'ntran if Wliiir Kivi-r pulilii' ■"•luml. ■-'1 In north fair of »<Hl|ti'-«hup<il ImuhliT.'id fii-t «outh of rontrr lino iM-twrcn trmk-oi ' m iclrm I'lo Mn- railua.x iiml lK>twii*n Mtfonil and thinl trli^uraph polf'* i'ii<*t of miU> po«t '.i from U hiti* Mivrr. '.'j In ■Miiith fai-i' of larur -iiiiari- lioiihli'r. Mi fii-t north of i-i-ntn* lini* U-twifn triirk-* off 'anaitian I'm ifir railway ami at tliinl li-loKrapli jioli* wri*l of iitilr |io-t <i from \\ hitr Kivrr. I'i^ti In north **i<li' of rork rut on f'anailian I'arilir railHiiV', at -ixth trIi'Krnpli poll' wi'-t of mili' po»t !» from Wliiti' ItiviT. ri'7 In " lutli fail'— '.t inih'-'' li.'low top -of I' in Ti'ti' ri't'iiniiij u ill lii'hinil »v.| aliuttiii'nt of iuii->pitn plati'-itirili'r lirnlm'oviT Whiti- riviT. at mili'a'ji' li J from Whiti' Itivcr. ri'H In north I'nil of wi'i-t tail' of rnnrri'ti' ri'taininit wall U'liiml I'liKt ahutmi-nt — ;«l im hi'" alunc liriijitc M'at -of two-opan plati-KiriliT liriilui' ovit Hrrmnrr riviT. at iiiili'iiiti' IS :i from Whili' Itivi'r 7M In «i-l fail' of »<iiitli fa I'-Miill— a imhi't lu'loiv lop of >iiuari' loni'ri'ti' iuIviti iinili'r f'anailian ranfic rail\\a.\. at iiiili'a«ci' lUI from Whiti' Hi\i*r. r.'lO III •Mill ill fan- of iMiulili-r on top of low siimly hank immi'ilialcly north of ('anailian I'arific railway trark, at thirlifnth ti'li'Krupli poll- »i'>t of milt' post ii from Whiti' Uivrr 411 fiit fa"! of ra-ii-rly i*»ttrh of a itoshhivit. r.'tl In lir-i lourx' of >ionrwork liilow ropinu. in -<iiiilii'a»t fare of ^^^luthu'i-tt winu-wall of ^.tom -an h rulvi'rt umliT ( anailian I'luilii' railway, at mili'iiiti- 1.'3 4 from Whiti- HiviT. r:i2 In south I'nil of i-ai-t fari' of romri'ti" rrtainintt «all iM'himl »i'"t aliutmi'nt — M imhi'H alnivi' KrnlKi' M'at-of five -.-pan plati'-nirili'r liriilninv r Whitr rivir, at mili'iwi' 24 11 from Whiti' Hiv.r 7:« III wi-~i inil of»iiutli fail' of ~i|iian' roniri'li' rulvi'rt uniliT ('anailian I'luilir railwav at mili' iHi«t -N from Whiti' Hivir 111 i'a~t fan' of (jray itranili' bouMiT. Im dil -oulli of (anailian I'a.ilir railwav Ira* k ami l«'t«M-n ninth anil tenth ti'li'craph iioli'" wi-t of tiiili' po^t HI from Whiti- Hivi-'r ln'liiml llii' i-rntri- of a Kiiiall rlay ami rmk rut almut 4IKI fi'i't wi'>t of point wIiiti' an arm of a lakr louilii-s ^oiitfi vide of riKlit of way In north cml of wi'-l fai-r of I'oniTi'ti- n-lainiiiii mmII l.i'himl I'a^t al.i.itiiiiiit .'s iii.lii- alioM' lllll|^-l■ ■•M'at of pl.ili'-L'inhr l.riili!i' oviT < i-.lar nvir. at mili'iiiii' .X) il from W hili- liivir III vouth far.' of I'vpoi'.l re rk Mirfaii'. 4."i f.Ti north of ('anailian I'luilir railwav tnnk. I'i iiiili'i 1 avt of lli'iiilo anil at mili- po^i :)7 from Whitv HiviT-on top of wo. it hunk of an inlet uhich the railway ha> I'lit o!T from a imall lake. In Miuthi'u.'.t fiu'o of e\|)o-.eil roek ■^urfaee, M fi-ct north of (anailian I'aiitie railwav track. ' mile "e-.! of Hemloai.il at fifth lelecrapli ixile «e-t of iiule l«i-l Klfn.iii Wliite l!i\'cT at ea-l i-...l of a >mall roek eut. In lop eourst- of -tonowork. in Miulhwe.-I fine of ..uiuiliwe^t relainiuK wall of ^tone-arih lul.ert umler ('anailian raei!ir railway at mileime 42 li from Wliite Uiver. 7.'i» In ra>t faee of miiiuII while l«'uliler. :«) fii't mirth of (anailian I'aeilic railwav tiaek anil l:!n fii't eavt of a eonerele tile eulvert at mileiuje 40 I from W hiie Hiver. fn ea.-t fare of vtnne roninv on voiitheasl reliiininc wiil! of -teel tru>." an*-! plate ;;!r;!fr liriiU'r ovrr Ulaek river, at mileat'e .'il)-:! from While liiviT. Precise Lci-lling 19 712 71.1 74.'i Till 747 71S lit 7.)0 75« In >«.'t<-n.l..f ii.)ullif«iM.(«|ii»rrr..ntr.'terulvert un.lerf'»ii»li»n l'». .1.. railway. .11 iiiil.'i nut ..f Hrroo H»y »n<J at mile p>Mt S2 fnmi W hllo Kivpf. lo ~.uili (»•■••:» in<lie« Ih-I.jw i..p ■m.l || im^do, rroiii Pii/.t ..nil-..f »Hitli«i-»t .-.mrrele nXitinina wull ii( liinii Ktcrl hriiluf dvit I'ir rivpr, J milr viwt ii( lliTnn Hiiy. A In n.irlh tu.r i.(c.n..wl nirk •.urfu.v. K.'i t.-! wHith of r,.nlrp lino betwM-n Irwk.of C.nu-lmn I'unfir riiilwiiy iinil 4IK) li-t'l rn.! ii( lli.run Ituy ^tuimn. In .i.ulli Mill., of KMinll nK-k .ul on ihiirp curv.- on < iiniulinn IVilic- railwsy -near «i-.l oml ..( ■•ut— -J niilrit W11.1 ... lliTiin Hiiy unil m •« ml It'li-Krupli pi.li. wcl of imlp p„ai in from WhiU I " f«ou(h tm* of Ptnowl r.K-k »urf.i.-««. M tm norlh of rcnirc lini- U-l »• .-n twkx of Cunailmn I'li. ific iiiilw»y..«infwt w.-t of n whixrli^piMi ifomlnrx' nn\ rut i for wii-Vmnl truing ami U.moen Irnlh itml I'li-vrnlli li-li-|irii|>li pole- •♦.•^t of iiiiii- poat 1)1 from Whitp lliviT. Iiiw.'ilhfmvof .mooth .Iriini 111 i.M'k Mp^wun- m -iil.. of ■.ind Imnk. «) fwf north of Ciin.i.lii.n I iti-itip ruilwiiy iraik. 4 iiuli> wet of I'cnin^ula und (lU f.i-t ch-hI of tiiili- post IW from W Into In oast faT nf viTticiU riK-k Burfaic, 40 iWl xmiIIi of CaniMliiin I'ai'ific- railway trai-k i.«) feet went of »..«li.rly Kwitrh .rf .\n«ler paK.intt-tra.'k anil at -.oml t.'lpitrapli pijlc WMt of mili- |>oi.t III fr.iiii nhiti' iCiviT. In <.,uih fail, i.f |.xpo«..| HH-k -iirfaio. iS fwl norlli of Canailiiin I'nrilir railway ira.k, 41 mile* east of ( il.Uvll ami at »i>eoml ti-li-Kiaph polt> wi-al of mile poii 70 from Uhito llivrr. In rn-t fiin- S imiIh-s lirlow l..p of ron.p'ti- rctaininir wall at «iiilli m>W of Canailiun raeifir railway trak. I i iiiili- i-x-i o( ( ■olilwrll, 170 fi-..t wo«t of a wat.liinani. r.iliin ami hHwocn (o>l ami «M iml ti-li'itiapli polt'H WMt of iniU piMt "U from VVliiti- UiviT 1 In III ~.ulli fa<i-of laru- rr.l l-iulili-r. I.VI fwl m.rtli of fanajian I'ar-ifir railway traik of ( ol.lwcll anil IIK) firt I'lKf of mill' pini 7ft fniiii \\ liiii. HIvit .N.rrr Owiiiu lo tli.' ,l,mj:..r of tin, IiouI.I.t U-inx alTi'.t..! I,y froit. thr rlr aiion o( thin Ix'nrli mark iiiii«t hi' I'.in-nli'ri'il unn'tiuMi'. , virliial roi-k .'\p<«urc' faiiim houiIi. IIIO f.Tt north of ( iinailian I'a.ilii,' railwiy track. L'll.l t..,.t t'liHt of .N.'yH w.'xl mili-lMiar.l, :170 fii't ••ii'.t of a whistU-pint tor we»ll)ouml train" and at inili'a«p 7(* » from Whili' UiviT. in -ouih f'l.'o of larno N.uhliT, 120 fwt m.rth of Canadian Paiific railway Iraik. i null' lu^t nf .Midilli'ton ami at hr^t telt^raph poll- i-aMt of mill- pout 82 from W liiti- Uivcr. In Kouth fan' of large broken iiiii"^ of ro.-k. .lO fi'd mirth of Canadian Piuilir railway irmk. 110 fiTt I'a-I of a »lii«lli'-|K,>t for i'a.<tl«.und irain- and at lir-l t.'li'uriipli pole eii^t'of mil,' ix.-l h.5 from While Kiver -at the l.a.-e oi u "teep hill of roek ilirouuh wheh the railway rut^. In «iiith fiiivof ouiinipof ro. k -JOfei'l mirth of Canadian I'aiilie railway trark and 2f«-t Ih"!ow rail evel -4>i,) feet ea.-t of a whi.Htle-p<«t for 1'tt.fItHiund trains and 20 fi-el we^l of mile no.<i MS from \\ lull' Ht\ IT. In vertirul ro.kexixHurefaeiiiK'.outh.TOfiTl wmth of Canadian I'aeihe railway track and l.ilneen lo'i'iind and third teleKniph pole-i weti of mile poit HI from White Hirer - hehind eaM . ii.| ,.f a "hurt, deep, sharply curved rnik lut. In .a-i end nf nurih iVe of »i|uare ronen-le eulvert undi'r Canadian I'lKitie railwuv at mile imn IM from w hue Uiver-hel ween two larKe roik eut-. In south faie of exposed roek surhiee. .50 feet north of ( aiiadian I'aiific railway Iraok. SJ miles east of.ra.khsh. 120 feet ea.st of westerly switeh of .Santoy passinK-trir-k ami lietween se'"n.l un.l iliinl leleKraph poles west of mile post 97 from While Hiv.r 111 li.M ih sale of long roek eut on Canadian Pneilie railwav, .)lll feel west „f a wliistl,'-|),,.i f,,r «..st- h.iund trains, J mile west of .laeklish and at mileime MM) 2 from White River In norlli fa.e of e\p<ised niik surfa.-,', IIHI feel south of Canadian I'aeihe railwav Iraek. .)) miles »esl lil.laiklish and Let ween first and seeond leleKraph i>ileseast of mile [xi'st IIHfrom White liiver opposite a walcliiaan'- caliin -ilu.it, 'd at we-t en.l of ;i l.irije r.»k rut III »est faee of exposed ro.k surfare-al ive-l ,.n,l ,.f :. rn.k . ut HI f,-,-! nnrt li ..f I ^madian I'antie railway traik and at mileage ID.) 'J Ir.iiii Ulat,. liner. in north enil of west faie ol eonerete relainiiiK wall Uehind east ahutiiienl -2 (eel above bri.lBp seal— of steel truss bridge over Hlaek river, at mileaue UO-j from White Kiver. In -ouih faee of boulder in side of gravelly bank. 7.-> h'ei north of Canadian I'aeilir railway Iraek anil at s,.,onit telegraph pole east of mile posi 114 from White Hiv.r—'.vithir. the lie.iit.; .-.f lOU' 41,S07— 4 ii\ p:i'-*int(-Tr:ick , 20 (!ct'(lcti(' .Survey of Ciuiadd 702 In Miiillic:ist (ai-e of virliial rnrk surf.irc- wliulitly almvc rail li'M'l--ut tlie l>ax" i>f a rui'ky liill aiiiiut 75 (iM't mirlli of (anailiun rurilie railway track, 2 n>ilfs east <it SrliroiliiT ami at iiiilo- airi' lUi-4 (rum Wliito Hivcr. 7li:i 1 n wmth rcmireto wall iif t anailian I'aiilic ruuniDinuM^ at Sclirciliir— L'O inchi-s below » i'ldow .-ills— in litiuth fare uf pikuttcr at Noutla'ast I'ornor of n-ctanKuIur concrolc extension ( containing three eniiine-stallt) on south siile of main liuililinR. 7t»4 In west fare of southeast retaininjT wall of fonrrete stiliway nnilcr ("anrulian Tafilir railway at west end of :<chr<>il)er station Rroumis. The hi'mli-mark is 1 feel uhove rouchvay ami .1 feet, 8 inches from soutfi end of retaininK wall. 7C.') In east face of ex|)osed rock surface sliiihtly lielow rail level— .TO feet north of ('anadi.in l':ii ifie railway traik and at seconil telejtraph i)ole east of mile |K)st 3 fro n .Schreiber. "Cfi In north side of rock cut on Canadian I'.-icific railway •')20 feet west of Horn west liiile-hoard, 300 feet east of a rail-sland and ;i.» feet east of niih'-posf ♦'> from Schreiber. 7ti7 In south face of vertical rock surface on east side of rocky hill, 80 feot north of centre line between tracks of Canadian Pacific railway and 70 fwt wot of mile post 10 from .■sclirciber. The bench-murk is opposite west end of a struiKht fill alxmt 200 yards in length. 7tiS I [I soutluvcs\ face of lart'e flat outcrop or rock. t)0 feet nort h of centre line between tracks of Canadian I'acilic railway, II miles easi of Kossport .ind between first and secoml telcKraph poles west of mile post 13 from Sr-hreiber. 7fi9 In .south side of rock cut on Canadi.in Paiilic railway -near west end of cut and at rail level — 1 J miles nest of Kossport and at fifth teli"^rapli i)ole west of mile ixist 16 from .'Schreiber. 7711 In south end of west faie of concrete retiini'iR wdl behind east ab itment — 30 imhcs ve bridKc -eat — of plite-girder bridge on Canadian Pacific railway (oastbound track only), 4J mile- west of Kossport and at mihsiKe 18-86 from Schreiber. 77i In east enil of north face — 6 inches below top- of square concrete culvert under C inndian raoific railway, at mile post 22 from Schreiber. withii. the limits of I'ays I'lat passinu-traik. 772 In venial roik exposure facini? ast, 110 feet north of Canadian I'acific railway track. .lOO feet nest of a whistle-post for westbound trains and UIO feet ea.st of mile post 2.i from Schreiber. 773 In west end of north face of small s<iuare con.Teto culvert under Canadian Pacific railn. y .i„ f.i'!. telejiraph pole east of mile po-t 28 from .Schreiber. 774 In west face of boulder in side of Kravell.v bank, .'!0 feet north of centre line between tracks of Canadian Pacific railway and 190 feet east of mile post 31 from Sclireibcr, 775 In south end of west face of concrete retaining wall behind ea.sf abutment— 29 inches above bridge seat— of plate-Kirder bridtie on Canailian Pacific railnay, i mile west of (Iravel ami at mileage 3^'-6 from Schreiber, 77() In east end of north face of coping on north end of concrete arch lulvcrt under Canadum Pacific railway, at second telegraph pole west of mile post 38 from Schreiber. 777 In north face of large flat outcrop of rock. 40 feet north of Caii.idian Pacific railway tra. k, U.'i feet east of Ciurney west mile-board and l.SO feet west of mile post 41 from Schreiber. 77S In south face of large flat mitcrop of rock. 40 fiet north i,' Canadian Pacific railway track— at the head of a short steep graile — between twelfth and tin; "ent h telegraph poles ne.-t cjf mile ixjst 44 from Schreiber. 779 In south face— 6 inches below top — r.t concrete retaining wall behinil ca.st ub itment— of through- truss bridge over Jackpine river, J mile east of Kama and at mileage 46-4 from Schreiber. 780 In south lace of vertical bank of red rock— about 120 feet long and I.i feet high— 30 feet north of Canadian Pacific railway track, 00 feet east of a whistle-post for westbound trains, 2 miles we.«t of Kama and at mileage 4S-7 from Schreiber. 781 In north end of nest face of com-rcte retaining wall behind east abutment— 20 inches above bridge seat— oi small plate-girder bridge on Cana<lian Pacific railway at mileage 50-73 from Schreila-r anil at east eml of ( Izone pussing-tra(-k. 782 In north end of west face of concrete ret-aining wall l)ehind east abiifmen'- 29 inches abovi- bi idge seat— of plate-girder bridge on Can:ulian Pacific railway. \\ miles cast of Pin- Hill ;.iid at milcige .53-.)3 from .Schreiber. 783 In cast end of nr -fh face of s<|uarc i-oncreto culvert under Canailian Pacific railway, 1} miles west of I ire Hill and at mileage 50 5 from Schreiber, 781 In north eido of long rock cut on Canadian Pacific railway— 90 feet from east end of cut and at rail level— 3 : miles east of Nipigon and at Bceond telegraph pole east of mile post 60 from Schrei- ber, Precise Levi'lli)!'' 21 785 78(1 787 78,S 7S9 7»1 71».' V93 704 7!« 7U0 799 80(1 tiOl 802 803 804 80:, 800 iian I'uciliu In scrnnil rnurspuf -tonowork alxne l)ri.lK,. ".Tit. in cast faro of nnrtlnvmt ritiiininn »all of Ciina.iinn I iiiilir railway lirulKc over NipiKim river and Canailian .Vorflwrn rnilwav ' mile east of NipiKon. • In iiorlli end of .vest fan. of ra^t al.utimni of s,|uar.- concTele eulverl un.li-l .'aiia.l.aa ranflo railwuy, IJ milen west of .Nipiucm ami at imkaKe (iJ 1 from Si-lireiber. In north side of roek cut on Canadian I'acilic railway-.'iO feet from ea«t eml of cut- 210 fcK-t cast of a wlu-tlc-iKist for ca»tliound trains and at mileage ti7-,S fri>m .Schreibcr; tliis i., .ipposite a |>.Mnt on ( anadian Northern railway at fifth tclcuraph pole west of mile post H2 from Jeilicoe. In second course of stonework alM)VC bridne M-at. in north end of iv,.-t fa.c of rctainiia; wall Ijchind east ahutmcnt of plate-Kirdcr hridkc on Canadian I'a. illc railuav, at milcane 7i):) from hclirciher. In south end of wcM fa.'C of concrete rct.tmini; wall behind east abutment-3l) inches above bridge scat-of steel-iruss and platc-itirder brid«e over Hlar-k Sturgeon river, 1 '. miles east of ( 'oelin and at mileage .3-9 irom Schreiber. In first course of stonework above bridge seat, in south eml of west face of retaining wall behind ea-st abutment of plate-girder bridge on Cana.lian Pacific railway, ' mile west oi Coglin and at mileagf- ,0 4o from .Schreiber; this is opposite a point on ( anadian Northern railway at hrst telejsraph pole ciist of mile post 91 from Jelli.-oc. 1 11 t.jp course of stonework, in north face of west abutment of square culvert under ( 'anail railway, 30U feet east of Ilurkett station and immeiliaU-ly west of a water tank In south end of west face of stone and concrete retaining wall behind cast abutmcnt-27 inches above bridKe s,.at -of through-truss bridge over W olf river, 2 miles east of Dorion and at mile.aue »31ti from hchreiber. In first eours,> below coping, in west end of m.rtli face of square stone culvert under Canadian lacihc railway, ] mile west of Dorion and at second telegrapli pole east of mileiwst SBfron I a (Irsl course below coping, in .vest end of south face of souare stone culvert under Canadian I'acific railway, J mile west of Ouimct and .-it mileage S9- 1 j from Schreiber. Ii vertical rock exposure facing north, 3r, feet south of Cun.adian Pacific railway track :M\ f.ct west of westerly switch of Uowker pitssing-track and at second telegraph pole !■ is'i of i.,ile post 93 from Schreiber. « i i In se.-ond course of stonework above bridge si.at, ii. south end of east fa.-e of retaining wall behind west abutment (jf plate-girder bridge over I'earl river, immediately west of I'earl station. In southwest face of boulder, 120 fivt south of Canadian I'acilic railway track, 7lK) feet west of a Scli'reilx!?" '•"'"''"'"id trams and at third telegraph pole east ,if mile post 99 from la nMilliwcst f.i,.,. of small bouMer emiic.ldcd in ground, l,e~„l,. .i,,,!, at south side of t anad.an 1 aciho railway track, 290 feet east ol order-board at LiKin station. In secon.l course of stonework alv>vo brid-e icat, in s .nth end of west f.acc of rctainin' w ill behind '■^chreib^r"'''"' ' P''"'^''^'"''''' '"■'''«" "" < '^'n-i'li^m I'^i'ilir railway, at mileage IKi) from In second course of stonework al.<,ve bridge s..al , in south end of east face of retainin;: wall behind es abutiaen, .,f phuc-^uder bridge on Cana.lian I'acili, railway, at east end of lieck pa"iiig-t rack anil at milea*!o 107 9 irom Schreiber, '" ■"' '"' '•""'•■'«' "' stonework above bridge s..at, in wuth end of ea.st face of retaining w ill behind west abutment of plate-girder briik-c on Cana-lian racilic railway, at mileage UU H frnm oC II rv I OG r - In second course of stonew-ork above bri.lge se.it, m south end of west face of retaining wall behind a;;:^;l's;;ge n!^'2';;;;m's;^e;ii:^r" ^'"''^'-' ''^-""^ -"->■ • -'"« -" ' ^'--^-^ Destroyed. In vertical rock exposure facing west, d" '-et north of Canaiiian I'acilic railway track, 4 mile east of N avilus and W feet west of mu. . ,st 120 from .Selirei!,er-at the cast'end of a rock cut 1 '"strojeil. In ,s.„ith fac,w_i;! inches below top-- t)i southeast eondvte retaining wall of Canadi- .i I'acii,. r-iilwav bridgeoverCurrentriver, 2mileseastof I. I .Vrthur. 1 1 anii. railwa.\ In second course of stonework below brickwork, in north cd of front M,r west i wall of i ' madian Northern station-house. Port .Vrthur. anaoian 41807- ) 7 Citu><ltii( Survt'v of i'tnuuld I'j:\*h-m \i;K> i'.i,i\\M\ '\>i'Mi, \i.r\. wu i.«m.- hc. \{\ (,ii\\i» i im nk I' U li 1<- ii \IIA\ \^ lOj-M In sidr of crmrrctc iH'iifli-inark pii-r. 4il fcot tuirtfi tif ( J nun I 'riiink I'arilir rjiiluav iraik. 1\ rmlc'* \\e>t of Jji^jMT ami I ID ffcl vn^t of niili' |>o>t l(l-f(l from W iniiijH'H— op|)o-iU' !i point on ( 'ana'iiuu Northern raiiway hctwrrn it-nth an<l olcvc ''i tt'lcjrrapli polo-* west of mile [k>sI \W from Tollprton. ll)n H In nortli side of rock nit on ( iiand Trunk I'acitir railway near rail \r\v\ - "i,' mile-; ui--t of .Ia>p<T ami 'V-\ fifl utvl of mill- iki^.1 KUM froiu W innijM-^:. 11)7 H In -ioiith mil of ca-t far'r of r-oni-rrtf retaining wall lu-liinil \v>t almlnn-nl I fn-t \ itu In-- al>ovp hriiiKf M'at— of ^It't'l-t^u^;- hrnlm- over Mi.'tif river, j iiiiif en.-'t of (M'ikn- and at luileu^e l(Ki,) 2 frrtrn WinnifM'j;. i'l^ M In n(»rt!i >i)it'of rock cut on (J rand Trunk I'ucilic milway^nparcrnirpof cut and --iinhtly hclow rail icvci 4'i(( f(H't west of brifiKf over Mielte river and tV> feet east of f<mrtli telenrapli [Xile ea-'l, of mile po>t 10*>!' from \\ innipeu. i(»^' n In north siiie of rock cut on (irand 'I'runk I'anfii- railway — ti'j feet from wc-t end ot rut P. miles east of All>erta-iiriti.-*h Columbia boundary antl at iiiilo ptj.st I04;i fnjin Winnip^'j;. 1 I'' H In north side of short deep ruck cut on (Irand Trunk Pacilic railway — i:J5 feet from e:i.-«t enti of cut ami ; feet alMA'c rail level— I mile west of ^ illnwhead and 10 feet west of first telegraph pole east of mile post l(M(j from \Mnnipeix. 111 M !■! concrete foundation—fi Inrhe-* helow woodwork and directly beneath the spout— of (Irand rniiik !*aci|i)' water tank at Kueerne. 112 I' In north encl of west ■ of concrete block on t>ip of most easterly pier of phite-nirder bridjre on ( 'anadian Noruiern railway, 2! miles we--t of Lucerne and opposite a point on (irand 'i'runk I'aeific niilwav at mileajie Id d 5 from \\innii>ey:. The bench-mark is 1) feet below rail level. in H In -otith end of east face of concrete retaininj; wall behind west al)uttm'nl — 14 im-hes above bridjte >eat -of Cirand Trunk I'acifie railway bridce over ('.rant hnwik. i mile e:ist of (Irant Hrook •-tafion and ar mileajie lOnS-4 fnrni \\ inni[M'i.', 1 1 1 11 Ifi 11' it h end of east face of r.iiuTctc letaininir wall l>ehirid «e>-l abutment — 4 feet ti inrlie> aliove bridjie seat — of < Irand Trunk Pacific railvva> bridge over M(M)Si> ri\er. 2 miles west of ( Irani hroffk station and at miieaire I0()r2 from \\ itiniiM'>j. I I'l n In !,..iih -idc "f rock rut on ( irand Trunk Pacific and Canadian Xnrt litrn raiiwav- UK) f^-.t irom eii>i end of rut and near rail level -110 h'ct e:i>t of Hainbow ca-t <'.\.H.< nulc bo.iifl. K.', Un^t west of (i.T.P. mile p<wt I(>t>4 from UinniiMv' and bctuni, ilnnl ,uid foiirlli tri.-u'taph poles east of C.N.II. mile po>t bi from Lucerne. I in H 111 sulo of c;increte bench-mark pier. 4"> feet north of (Irand Trunk !*acitic raiUvuy track, 2; miles west of Uainbow and .iti feet east of fifth telearaph pole east of mile iMist lOtW from \\ uinipe^ — also between tenth and eleventh iK>le'* ea-^t of ( '. \ . U mile \yt~^i 19 from Lucerne. 117 IF In north face — 7 feet below tfip and 1 1 feet ti im-lic- from ea>t end — cif northeast concrete rctainini; wall of Canadian Northern railway I'riiiifc over !■ ra.-'^'r river. 1 ' miles ea.--t of He- ph'ndcnt :ind at MiileaKc 22 2 frimi Lucerne opiMi-ttc a point on (Irand I'runk Pacific railway at milcaL'c 1071 .') from Winnipeg' UK H In --outK end of we-t face of coniTcTc retauiinn wall bchiiui east abutment— 4 feet fi inclies above bridire >eat — of (irand Trunk Pacific railway bridirc over Fras«>r river. \ inih' west of Resplendent an<l at mileage lU7.JtJ from Winnipeij. i 19 11 I ;i south end of east face of concrete retaining wall behind west abutment —0 fw*t ,i inches above bridfce seat— of plate-girder bridjje on (Irand Trunk I'acifie railway, ! i miles cast of Mount Hobson station and at mile ptist I07S from Winnipet:, 120 H Iti north face of lar^e bruki-n luais of rock, im mediately >ojth of ( Jiand Trunk Pacilic railway track at twelfth tetetfraph (Wtle wesi of mile j)o>t I0H2 from \Vinni|K'K. Thi.-i is directly behind a nuidt'-post indicatinu mount l{ol)-!on and is 140 feet ea.st of eu.st enti of a lookout platform .'i miles west of Mount Ibilcon r-talion 121 n In sduth side of rm-k eut on (Irand Trunk Pacific railway near centre of rut and at rail level — I mile oast of Swiftwater and at seventh telegraph pole c:ist of mile p*tst lOK-i from U inni()eK. 122-Ii In east fac(*--40 inclies below top — of concrete retaining wall at north siih- of (irand '''nnk Pacific railway track. ti'> fwt we.st of easterly whistle-post for .Vlbreda and at iiiitea«ce lUvs 4 from U iiiiiiijcir. Precise Lrvvlluig U \•2^ II In villi li Mdci.f liini; nick lut c.n Clan.l Trunk i':iiili.- niilway. 2 niili-s wi.>t of Alhrr.U iiml L'(l f|...t i-:i,-t lit inili' jxi^t \m\ friiiii W inniin'i;- tlii:< rnlli' |x.^t Ix'inir tln' sivtd |i,,l,. \\,.^r ,.{ „ ^i,mll lunni'l. rill- licn.li.m:iTk i~ !il-> .">:' fi-cl ciist ufc.ii,,t i^nil .if tti,' fai I li.-t m.-, ,,i il,,,.,. ,-..ntretc ictaininK walla at niirlli .-idi' nt irai k. Il't II In v.uth cniliif wol faci' tit cuni-ri'lc n-lainini; "all i.ohin.l .■a-t al.iilimnt (i I.tI ai.nxr limine -cat — (if Ihn-r-span plat<'-Kiril<T liriilirr <im-i- M. I.ininn riviT, L'J iriilc- i-a-I cf Vi-M' laiira- aad at inilcaKc l()(l.l 7 frciiii Winnipi'K. I2'i 11 In ~.,utli i'imI of VK-i faiv f.f c.infTct.' rrlainiriK wall liiOiiTiil i'a<t aliutniont— 4 fwt « inches hIidvc liihlcc M-at — ,;f ihrdimh-tr ss liriduc on (I rand Trunk I'arjli,. railnay. \ inilc cast of Slicrc an. I at iiiilcaL'.' IKXI 7 fn.ir. \\inai|M'^. I.'.i H in >i,|,. ..f .v.n.r.-tc 1,,-n. li-iiiark pur, I.' f.-.M -..ulli ..f Cran'l Tiunk I'a. ili. laihvaN tra.k I.J.") f.'ct ^•ll^.t of easterly switch i)f ( ruy.L.n passinK-tr;..-k an. .■tw.'.n lirM an. I s,..-.,n.l t.^l.-^raiil, p..lcs west .if mile iM.sl IKW friiiu Winnip,'!.'. 127 H III n.irthwest faci^-13 inches lielciw l.ip— ,.f M.,rl lu a-i,.rlv ...n.ri.|,. f.,.,iini; iii;.|.t Criii.l Trunk 1 a.'itii' istoid) water-tank at Dunstpr. 12H-11 li, si.l.-.,l .-.in.-iTi.. Iicn.di-iiiark pier. ;H feet n..rth .if ( Iranil Trunk I'a.'ifi.. railway tra.k 2 4 ii.il.'s .■a-! ..f liausli \ alley an.l Iti feet west .if mile p.)st n2() fr.im Winniix'K. 12!1 II 1:, ...iiih ,.,„| ,,f west face of concrete rclainini: wall l..hm.l .'ast at.utni.'iil 7 f.'.'l t in.'hes iihove 1,11. u'.- seat—of I.mu steel trestle liri.iL'.' ..v.'t Hai.,|ms«ap river, \\ miles west of Uaush \ all.'v am. at mil.' p.i-l 1 121 fn.m W iriiiip.'i; 130 H In s.,uili ..,al .it w.-l fa.-c ..f .■.m, ivl.- r.'laininij: wall l..diind .'ast aliutriii-nl-4 fi'et 3 inches hIiovp liri.lK,. si'al .if throuKh-triiss linilire on (Iran. I I'runk I'a. ill,' railway, I mile east of Kildy and at mile ixist 1127 from \\ innipcK. 131 H In (Ir.an.l Trunk Pacific r.iiindliousp at M.Hri.l. in ii.,ri h w.-st con.Tete l.iun.i lumi wall wall fa.ini; stall.. nl- 1(1 in.'lii's lielow brickwork an.l 3 fc.l 7 ini-hes fr.im north i-.irner-uf one- ri'.iiii .■\t.'n--ion t.i main liuildinir, 132H In s.Miih ,,n.| ,,1 «,-s| fa... of coniTcle retaining wall l.iliin.i .-asl ahutmi^nt— 4 feet (i ini'hi's nliove liri.iKe s..al— of throUKli-truss liri.lK,. on (Iran. I Trunk I'a.ili.' railway. 2'. mil.s wcM of McHri.Ie ami at liiileaire 1137 2 from WinniiicK. 1.33 11 In si,!-. ,,f c,,„,.r,.t,. Iieni h-iiiark pier. 27 feel north of (Iran.l Trunk Pacific railway tra.k, 3,440 feet (.■et i^u-l .if .'ast .aal ,if a Ir.'stle l.ri.lKe at mili'iu!.. 1 1 )2li fr.im Winniix'j; and 1« feet west of s.'.-on.l telegraph (xile east ..f mil.. p<isf IU2. 131 H In north - !,■ of small ro.k cut .m (Iran. I Trunk I'a.ill.- riilwav i«) l..,.t fn.m i-ast .-n,! ..i . ut — J mile «esl .if l.cjirand an.l l.clwc.^n tliirtc.Mil 1, and fi,urt,...ni h ulc^rapli jxilcs we-l of iiiilc post 114S from W mniis't;. 13,iH In n.irlli fa.'e of s,iullicast .•.in.Tel.^ n-laini,i(; wall .,f tunnel ..n Cran.l Trunk I'acilii^ railway 3J ii.ilcs ea.sl .if l(i.li-r an.l al iml..a«e ll.i2.S from W innipen. The lien.li-mark is 11) inches ah.iy,. rail leyel an.l M feci cast .,f h.'a.l-wall al eastern portal of tunn.'l. l.'ifi M In s,,all, -.i.|..,,f r.i.k .-ill .m ( .ran.l Trunk i',..i,i. railway -KWfwt from west ..n.| .if .ul an.i li in.dies .al..iy.-r.ull.yl U3,, f,...l .^lm ..f ca-i..rly w l,i-i i.-p,,st f,,r Hi.l.Tan.l al niilcai;.- 1 l.-i.'i .J from \\ inniiM'i:. 137 11 In ~.,ut|i en.l .,f «. m fa.e of .-.inin'tc relainin^ wall li.lund ea-l ahutment— 2 feet above bri.lne .si^at ..1 two-pan truss bri.ln.. ov;.r (loat riv.T, 2 mil,- ,ast of KiKinev an.l at mileage llliO 5 from \\ iniii[X'n. 13S-I1 In s.,i,lhw,.-l la,... M l.i.hcs l„.l,,w t f s,,uiI,u,.m.t1 y ...n.Tclc f...,llnK iin.lcr (iran.l Trunk 1 a.ilii- ,-t.-..|i walir-lank al li.i.in.'y 139-H In l.ip of .■oncrete bench-mark pier. 4.') fe..t s,.iilli .,i ( ;,;,„, | I,ii„k Pa.ili,- railway tra,-k I t.sll f,.et westof w.'st en.l ..1 trestl,. bri.lKc al mil. 'at'.- IHW ' 'r,„,i W mniiieK ami b.^lwi^cn -.■v.nlhand .■iKhlh l..|,-_Ta|ili poli-easi ,if mile p.,-i I17II 1; mil,- easr ,,i I ,. m.MTi MAiiKs 111. rui:i:\ ai;ii. nsi (ii;i) and hi:>I'1.i.\1)i.\ r, h c \ i v ( w \i)i w I'AI IIK iiAII.U n T.I MM-.sijlI AM) CAWUI.V.V .NuHTIlKHN it \\\.\\ \\ Til iii:>i'i.i:\i)i:NT A./- (j.'N.ii.v ,,ri /,.;(;, ;? Note. These (Irs.Tlpllons are Hritten with the assumption that the railway runs In a nnrlherly (llrei lion from Ahlmlsfonl to Matsqul. thente easterl> to lloi>e, thence northerlv to Asheroft^ f heme easterly to Kaniloops Jumllon. thence n<ir(her!.> t" Ja. kman and thence ea.sterly to Kesplenilenl. ' 2S J In east concrete f.iun.lal i.m wall-O in.-hes below .■..n.rcle bl.nks and II feel. 4 in.di.'s fr.,iii .south (or fninii wall ..f ( .lazi'li-y's lil.i.k al Alili,itsf.ird. a c.ncrele-bki.'k stru.'lure on the north siil.'olili.- mam street an.l on west sale of iirs; street wwt of Canadian Pacific railway. 24 Gcodctii Siiivi\ (if Caitada 2« J In nortli faco of <i.m-roto l>iw <it pilaster at nortlii'a>l nirncr <if liriiisli ( •oluinbia Wcc-lrio liiilway company a MnlMiui substalion-in llip village of Clavliurn. 30 J In !-nutli conrroti- foumlation Mali :) twt. !) inrliw Lelow HiKxIuork anil L' firt fr.iin «(iuthpa«t rorm-r- of ."iKnal to«pr at .hainonil ini.-MHK ol Canailian I'aiilic ami Canadian Nortliprn railways near .MatM|ui. 31-J In west fare of hill of ,,„k tjiroiml, which is the first n.nk rut east of Matxpii on Canadian .Northern railway. 1 he heneh-niark is « „r X feel alnivp and ahoiit .W fe.a Miulh of track. V.ij feel west of Sum;us west iniU-lxmrd and at inileaRe N4 »."> from Hoston liar. 32 J In n<Tth face of ex|>>.se,l nia,s,s of siiicmth rock in .side of .stwp clav hank cut awav 1)V Canadian .Northern railway, 13J0 feet east of mile jxisl SO fr..iii ISoslon Mar and I.", feet s.".uth of track. 33 J In south face of outcrop of rock. .S feet norlli t.f north line of ( '.inadian Norlhrrn railway riRht-of-way -at the hase of a rocky hill just wcsi „f a curve in the railway— about mileawe 75-75 from Ifoston liar. 34 .1 In .south eo.icrete foundation wall-5 feet ti inches from soutlwast corner-„f inunicipal hall at ( hilliwack. iiiimedialely north of Canadian .Northern railway. 3,-)-J In concrete f..undat ion of side lor west) wall of Cliilli«ack post olhc... 10 feel from front will ,,f buildini; and immediately below stonework. 311 .1 In N.uih face of boulder partly buried in diti-h. 14 fwt north of .s.»itli line of ( anadian N.,rthi-rn railway ri«ht of way, IS5 feel east of a hinhway crossing and 00 mile east of Kos<..lale. 37 J In south side of nick cut on Canailian Northern railwa.v-l foot alM.ve rail level and near centre ot cut .i.)0 feet east of a bridge over a stream and at inileaKC 5S-7 from Boston liar. ••)S-J In north face of exposed rock .surface, .T. feet south of south line of Canadian Northern railw.ay riKhl of way and at south side of main road to Hope. The bench-mark is NiK) feet east ol imint where this road crosses the railway and is at milenKe .i(i-25 from lioston liar. 39 ,1 In south side of din-p r.rk cut ,,n C.ina.lian Northern railway -70 feet fr.m ea.st end of eut-07O liH't east o the cros-.nii of a road Icadin.; lo a cemetery, 7'JO feet cast of '"' i View oa.st milc-boaril and at mileage 52 s from Ho>ion liar. 4*1 I 1,1 s,,),. ,,f cncTete bench-mark pier. 3 led north of south line of Canadian Norlhi -. .i. v rieht of way, .-JO fi-i't west of a (rate in the fence, yOO f.i-t west of a briilue over a stn .uo arul 'ctwii^n lourth and tilth lelei-raph poles west of mile post 47 from Ho.ston liar. 41 J Inea-t face of boulder lyiiiK on south line of Canadian Northern railway rit'hl of »av ni.inc.iMtcly west of a small stream at mileage 45() from Host. in liar. (3 .1 In ue-t iM.c of r>;p,,sed rock surface- 6 feet above and 3(! fwt south of Canadian Northern railway track at west entrance of a large rock cut (the lirsl one east of a lonn trestle bridee). "j mile west ot Hope. t '. « 43-.J In north end of west face of concrete rdainin^ wail bdund ,.a-t abulioent -3 f.vt S inches above bnd-.'e .seat -of Kettle \ alley railway brultje over Ira-cr river at Hop<-. Olreftlon, Hope to .V.slurort .\orth. U .1 Inwci l:.c, of ,.x|,,,,,,,l rock surface, 37 feet e:i-st of Canadian N,,tllicrn railway track, 2i miles north ol Ho|». am betwwn fourth and lifth telejiraph poles north of mUe post 38 from Hoston liar— directly behind concrete inllow ol u timber culvert. 43-.I In west face of mxss of rock, 75 feet east of Canadian Northern railway track. 2.200 feet south of a briilKe over a stream ami between twelfth ami thirteenth tefemaph ixiles south of mile piist .)3 from lioston iiar -at .s.,uth end of a steep shaley bank lyinK aiouK east .side of track. the bench-mark is marked by a white ero.sa painteil on a larte tir tree Krowinir besido the rock. in-3 In south face of vertical rock surface. 40 feet west of Canadian North.-rn railwav track S70 feet south of a bridae over a small stream and at inilcak'c J'.l .". fn.in Boston liar -it tlie s.aith entrance of u small rock cut . 17 .1 In south face of imi.ss of rock. 37 feel east of Canadian N.uthcrn railwav track 2 miles north of t ale and at mileage 24 H from Boston Bar. 48,1 In west face--7 inches below top and IS inches from .south end-of concrete rftainini? wall at west side of ( anadian Northern railway track at mileime 21 5 from Boston Bar— at mirtherlv portal of the twin tunnel.i . I9-.I In south face of mass of ock, 13 feet west of Canadian Northern railwav track and nearly at rail level. .7 feet north of northerly switch of Stout passing track and ISO feet m>rth ofmilepost IS from Boston Bar. ' J'rccisc LfiYlliiii 25 50 J 51 -J 52-J 54-J :,r> ,1 5(5^,1 57 J 5S J 59-J 60.1 01 .1 m .1 (A ^ tj.>-J fir, ,1 G7-J fiS-J 69-J 70-J In wpst (aro- 4 Iwt liclow ti.p ami 7 feet from snuiii iiul -..f iiDrlhwost conrrptr rptainini? wull nf Canailian Nortlirrn railuay liii.ln.. at milpiiKu ir,-7 ficiin lio.-t.in liar. Tlii'i is a plate- KiriliT briili!e >up|)<irtc(l at [lie o'ntri- hy a ^ti'i'l tro^tlc tcuviT. In soutli face of .•xpowd ro.k .surfao... :,:t f.ia i-iL.t of Canuilian Nortli.-rn railway track and at rail level, 1,.1S0 (cet wiutli of .southerly .iwitch of rhapiiian paiwioK-track and between sixth anci seventh tileyrapli |«iles south of inile post 1.3 from lio»lon Har— at »outh enri of a deeD rock cut. In south face of larite rounded tMa.s.i of rock, .V) feet we>t of Canailian Northern railivay track LSI) feet north of a rail-.itand and l:'Ofeet.*iulh of mile post 10 from Ho.-ton Itar. In east end of .south face of concrete retaininn wall hchind north aliulincnt of open culvert under ;■''?.'"'."" ^'"•'h«;rn lailway, at ni.leu^e li.7 from Most4>n Har and ahout i mile north of Hell Ciate tunnel. In side of concrete hcnch-mark pier. S feet hc.-i ,,f ,.asl line of Canadian Nnrthcrn r-iilwiy ri-ht of way. 60 fci-t south of an eiKhi-fcs.t jok in the riuhl i>f way fence an 1 [m f.ct north of iiTilu post 3 from Hoston liar. In Hc.^t end of south face of con.ieti' retaininu wall hehind north ahulincnt— 4 feet fi inches nl)ove hndne Stat— of loni? steel trestle hriilKc over Anderson river, ■> miles sout h of Boston liar. In east end of south face of concrete relaininu wall I.ehind north ahutnient— fi f.'ct 2 inches ahovo hridue seat— <)f hini? steel trestle bridne on Canadian .Vorthern railwav, 2 miles north of Hoston Har and at niileaKc 12H.7 from Kumloops Junction. In nest cn.l of south face of coni-rete retainipK wall behind north abutment -4 f.'ct .•! in'-he<i above bridce seat-of lonK steel trestle bndKc on Canadian Northern railwav, at mile:iKe 120 1 from hamloops.Iunction and at southern ixirtal of lirst tunnel south of I'.oothrovd nassinE- trark. In south f:,, f small bnuM.T, 7 fed casl of ,.asf line , : Cana.lian Xortlicrn railwav riRht of way, liOfeet north of Inkit.-aph llag-station and at mileime 114 s from KariiU«ips.lunction. In west face of large houl.ler partly buried in liill.-ide. 3 feet below an.l 42 feet east of Canadian Northern railway track. J mile south of Falls Crwk station and 130 feet s.nith of mile ixiat 111 from Kar-iloops.lunction — ttjO feet north of a flume carrying a stream under track In west en.l of south face of concrete retainina :■ ..11 behind north abutment— 4 fwt H inches above brnliie seat -of one-span plate-Kirder bridKc on Cana<lian .Northern railwav, at mileace lU(-3.j from KamliHips .lumtion. In east face— 3 feet I.elow top— <it concrete retaininc h;,1I behind north abutment of lone .necl arch bridge over 1 ra.se r river and ( 'anadian I'acilic railway, 5; miles .south of l.ytton. In south face of concrete retainiiiK wall behind south abutment <.f Canadi.an Nonhern railway bridge over !• niser river, i mile south of I ytton. The bench-mark is 22 inches below top of relainiiiK wall and 11 feet 6 inches west of centre line of track. In e:ist tace-^.3 feet below t(,p and 5 feet 4 inches from north face— of southeast concrete retaining wall of t anadian Northern railway bridge over Thomp.son river, ', mile north of Lytton. In east face of rough pyramid-shaped mass of rock, 25 feet west „f ( ■anadia,, Norihcrn railway track, i mile north of a tunnel. ,MK1 f,.,.t south of (,,,.,.^11 section hnu„. and between third and fourtli telegraph iK.les south of mile (lost 91 from Kamlo,.ps .Junction. In we~t fare of large iiia.s. rock, .'w feet east of centre lin,- of ( 'aiKelian Northern railway track and near mile post 88 from Kamloopa Junction. In south fare of stoep hill of rock at .southern portal of a tunnel, the farthest north of thrw tunnels ulur iarewil!unashortdiMan.c,.foi„.amither. The bench-mark is 25 feet east of Canadian Norllii-rn railway track and I lU feet north of .Skoonka south niile-boaril. In side of concrete bench-mark pier, 28 fwt east of C«na,lian Northern railwav track. l.iO f^t south of un.adci,„-ing, 71KI feet s,>uth of a trestle bridge and J mile south i.f Sis.ncc Uridge station. ' '' In south fucc--22 inches below tojv-of concrete tombstone projeetinR about 3 feet above ground. M h.et east .)f I anadian Northern railway track, 3,)0 feet north of urdcr-board at Spi-nct Bridge station and t)<0 feet north of highway bridge over Thompson ; iver. In south face of Large rounded boulder. 40 feet east of Canadian Northern railway track, 350 feet south of K wooden culvert, 31 miles north of Spence Bridge and at mileage 71 fi from Kaml,K.p Junction. *^ Ine.ist face of outcrop of ro.k at foot c,; mountain range, 8 feet west of west lineotCana.lian Northern railw.iy right ,, way. (i.iO fwt south of first tunnel north of Martel passing-track an.l I,,WO l.'ct n.irth of mile [Hist IkS fr..m Kaml.>op5 .function. CifodiiK .Siinry of Caiuuiu DlrpTlinn, tslirntfl l<i Kamlmips 4-irn (Ion KaM. «tJ I. .,,..h ™l ,,l „„, 1,. „, „ ,1,1^ .,j| |,,|,.,j .,,.,„„,,_, ,„, , „ OlrMtloa, kamlooiis Jiinillon «o Jaikmaii North. Precisr LcvrUi)n^ 27 90-J 91,1 »-' .1 «.i ,1 »l .1 Vj J »r, ,1 97 .r »s J 90 .1 100 ,1 lv)l .1 102 ,1 lU'! .1 1(H .1 In top ,,f mnnrol,. h™rl,.„,,,rk pi,r. 4 f«.t west ..f .-,..■.! hne of f -uniidiun Northern r „lw,iv riirht of In .-Hst fa.',, of i„a,s of rock. 12 f.rt »-,.,t of Canadi;.,, .\„ril„-n railwiv tr.rk i,„| „,.,r ,-,.nir,. .,f „ of iiiilo posst 113 from Hluc riv.T !• t-'r,,|,l, i>.„.-. ■4,.utli In «,..-, fan. of ,.x,j„.,.,| rork surfan^-i:, fwt ,.„„t of Cana.lian Nortlifrn r:i,U> .v fr-,.-k u,.! n ,l„. In .soutluu.st f*.,. of larj... h„u' Icr. L'.i f.vt ..a., of ..as, l.nc of Cana.l.an \„r,l,..rn ra.lwav r,«l„ of In «,.Mt faa.of l,nul(l.T. 15 frot ..-1 of Canadian Northern raiUav Ira.k IJ ,„,l,., s,„„l, ..f Chinook I ov,. and hetween fourth an,l hfth telegraph poles no.th of „„le',>,V; 1,; from Hlue r,™r hfth and »ix,h teleKraph p,-,h.. l.or.h of „„l,. pl^ % fnl HluVrn,.;" ' """' ""*"'" " ISliir--'--'- ''---'■;-'ina:;u:^;:;"i:,.,.;;^;;';;„.ar^^^;;;;l:i^^ S3 5 from Hiii.' river. n.wTti .,t Mount i station and at mil, ■:mH '" "'""/".'iirL;;""::;;;;;;' 7:.'^;i:;":^:"« '" ', ■;' ^"l;- "f ^l-^t elay eut on Canadian Nor.hem raiUav. io.-> .1 loij-J 1 07 -J IIW-J I09-.I 1 10. 1 111 .1 De.^tn.yed. '" '"■' £i;;I'S '"•'»« :*■-:-:- '=.™:;;; :=;!oi„s;'i;™ ™;;:s,:i:,»;cj '"""'hehri'^''";'''"''!''''--','""' "■^'■-' "' '■""^'''■■'" Northern nulwav ,ia.-k mimediaU-lv l:h'::nlp;i^:',ur;th";f nl';;;-^f^; f^- ,r^irr r;-' '^ ' '■■"" ' "- -' —^ '" ''""'■v!.':/;;l":''l!i';"rf inj-hoH below «ood«ork and J fee, to ,he h-ft of ,he ^nou, •11807—5 of c ell 28 (!co<lcti( Siinrv of dnuulii 11-' .1 In WfM f;ii f , vi, 1 ,.., k M,,f„... i:, f.vt .a-t „( ( „„a,li:in Norili.Tn n.iUav Ira.Sc nn<l I foot Iwlnwn i.|evi.nth ami t». I.'il, Iclinrapli |«,l(., «,utli ..f iuilc- po.-t l:i troiii lllui- riv.T 113 J In "■■''•''"''•••' l'<>"l;l;'r.2()t.M.t «.•»! ..(f„„,„|i„„\„rth,.rn railway tr»rk. ltWf«.t n..rtl. nf a wl,i,tl« p.*! (..r n..rllilK,uml truiiia und ut cikI.Hi ti'lcBriipli polo n..rtli ..t iiiilo [x.-t Id fn.rii lUuc 11 1 I In i.u^t »i.l<. nt r.Mk .'Ut ..n ( una.linn Xorlliorn railway- ,V, f,,.t fn.in nc.ril, ,.„.l „f .ut ' mil- n..rth of McMurpliy and ut iiiiL-aKi- .UlU (roiii r.iui- rivtr. 11.-. J lnis..utl.w,.st fa.'t...f l„,uldor. .» f„.t ra.t ..( Canadian Vorth.-rn ra.lwav lra.-k. 5N0 f....| n..rtl. ,.f a wl.i,ll<. post for m.rtliUmnd trams ami at iiiil.igio .l.'': from l»luo river. lir,,! Di.stn.y.Ml. 117 .; lnwestMdoofro,-koulonrana<liai,\,,.tlH.rn.ail«a> ,„■;„ , , „i... .., , ul .'J ,„.l... norti, of \vola and ut mileage 1>2'4.5 from itiuv river. " noia lli^J In '•'■'t faro of v.'r'y-'.l r.uk .M.rfarc. 22 f„., we., of ( anad.an .Nortl.ern railway M,a,n line traek. \M ('•" ""■"' "' "'Ull.erly |.»itrl, „f ( o,ion»,.,„l I lai.s pii...„„K-ln,.k and between lir.t and (K-ionil telegraph pol.'s nortli of luile post 111 (inni Mlue river. 1 l»-J In "OM Bide of roek cut on ( -..nadian Northern railway- -100 feet from north en<l of out and .>t r.ul oJ . ,,iM ''•'■',";'""' "' " » '"^"'' P"?; ''«■ norlhhound trains. 970 feet .south of u wh.Mle po,t liTue Hv! r " "" '"''""■" ""*■ ""'' '""'' •<'l"K"-''l>'i P«'li'» -«'Uth of mile po.st 10 from I20-.I I""""''.'»;;r;2f.-etl,elowt,|^^,,f.,onean.^ w„ll „t east side of Canadian nhove iS, r ' nnle.M-'e l.l- 1 from Itlue river-iinmediately north of lirst hridne l.'l .1 In "'■'t j.i,le of roek <■.,, on (amuJian .Northern railway -near rentro of <ut -.•(J miles north of .Messiie., 1,0 feet north <if u rad-ftand und 80 fwi south of mile post 10 from Hluc river. 122 I In west siilo of rwk eut on Canadian Nor,, -rn railwa.v-near rentreof cut-.WO feet n„i ,1, of V olfen- den n,.rth mile board and 400 fwt south of mile post 7 from Klue river. '" ' '" '""'^^ tZm:l I?^^:'" '"'''"''■■ '' f^^' "'^'' "' ^■""'"'-■' ^-"'-" "'"«">■ '■ " k a, m.ie 124-.1 In -'^''^^Z:^^:^^;^l»^^^^ w..„.work .,,,.1 .l,,,., ,>y ..enea.h ,he s,K,u,-of . 'anadian 12.-, ,1 In wos^t concrete foundation wall-9 inches helow w,Kj,lwork and r> feet, (1 inche- fro, corner-oft anailian .N,,rthern roumlhouse at Hlue river. »in ii'irthwc^t '-" ■' '" """'^Tu'l mlV'r ;'"'"'o';;:>*'° ''*' r^i-Vr-f''^" >^<'"l"-"' ■■"^'"■^'y track. W n»V: nor.h 127 .1 In east fa i( fa,-., of exposed rock surface-- 30 feet west ,.f Cana.lian Northern railway e\el-al thirteenth telenrapli pole south of mile |M,>t U« Iroiii Lucerne. track anil at rail 128 J Ineaslfaceot,-, ,,v. r \ r,i "'iT '"'''»"""«.""" '"•l"nil «>utli al,n,i,„.n, of Canadian >.Vrthern railuav hri.lKc r n I , r'n, '"t1"'';" "Y"' ' ""!'' »«;"'l' <■' Thun.ler Hiver .Ma.inn aa.l at iiuK.^re 101 4 ' alt" ily sillier. ' '"■'"'''•"""■'' "« ^ f'""'' "' '"■■'"'■' "''"Vc l.n,i«.. «.„ ,,n.| 2 fc,., west of 120 J fn '''■'\l^'^-':^^:'^'^'^}^l^^f ■u.k ..posure, ^,nme,lia,cly ,.ast of Canadian XonlaTi, railwav track and .,(1 feel north of a ca.-,a.le on eiust side of tra.'k. at mil(NW 'J7 5 from Lucerne. " „ ISi^J In ''^'\;;;|;;;;|^;\;l<;;"t on Canadian N-or,liern railway at .l,vp,.s, point of cut^21.T f,v, north of mill, [x,^l .1,, from Lucerne and at :, p,,int w h,T,. nulu.iy K'l.elc tniidie- Imnk ,.f N„nh Thomiv son river. U-' ■'' fronri'„'.e'r,^'," *,'\'"''"''".1 N;.">l'crn railway-lOO feet from north cn,l of cut -at mileage J. . fr(,m Lucerne; this i.s the first rock cut ij niile) north of Pyramid. 132 J In «c~ffa,-e of flat boulder. .50 feet east of Canadian Northern nUlway track-a, rail levcl-175 fcctsouthrjf bridge at iiuleaKcSS-e from Lucerne. • ■« ai i,j 133-J In east siile of rock eut on ( 'ai whis.le ,» ., f r "" *;""■■"''='" N'orthern railway m-ar n..rlli end ,,f cut- :«0 fret south of mil i ''s- K ""V'''""""' '™""-^' '•'"" f"t '-'""1" of Lcmpricre sou.h mile-board mileage hj8 from Lucerne. and at 131 .J In ea.s, si.le .,f rock cut on Canadian Northern railway -near north en.l of cut-2 tiiiles north of Lcmpricre and at eleventh telegraph pole north of mile post S3 from Lu.erne 13,>-J In ea.st sale ,,f boulder, 35 f«t west of Cana,Iian Northern railway track- nc ,...1. .-..:. cii, Ht tif<!, ii-li-sraph poic r.or:h of niik- p.,.i so I'lom Luccini- ir norlli iiid of lar Precise Levelling, 29 .37-,, ,„ -.M«,^^.u..ior. «;j- ^^,-ij^;^. railwu, .n.,., .• .,,,. .„... ,.f An..„a» IXS J In »-',/--7^«^in;-;;- 1-Iow ...;>- of ...„..„■... foundation un.l.T rentre Cunu-linn Northern wu.or- '^"^ '" -"J'a;^^.i;In^:^/(;;:™ -ir;« T^z:^7^r=-^^ ^%t:t^:^- Ua J In «„.^-ide .^f ro-k ™t .,„ Canadian Xor.l.orn railway-near rail lovol-oso fc, nor.l, of „„le ,.,.t in .( Inlopofn,n.T..t<.lK.nch-markpi.r 4t.K.t line of Cu^adian Northern ra,lw.,v r,.h. ..( riVa«e«'.rfro,n U.'e™;.' """" '-'"'""" '" '"'''"' """'■ "' •^-" ''-''^ -^■!- ■-I ■'! 14,W In "■'-'';"■<;"' """'II rork ,.xp.«ure .m e.u.t line of Canadian Northern railway n„hl of way M miles >..,.t h of Jaekrnan, JM fe.-! «,uth uf a rail »ta„d and 155 feet nort h of nX JJ^'s, Tfi from Lie"™ IMrerJIon, Jackmaii (ii Resplenrteiif Kast. "'■ ' '" ""■ '■-;UantXrnU:u:.^,;„k;^.;l^i;S:,!iK^^^ ""'""--> '- -• "' welt of mile ;i,'!^fr!!;;''5™-e?::. '"' ""' '"""'"" '"""' -"' '""' '"'^'"-P'' ""'«•' 152 .1 In n-Tth fnee „f -ar^e Mat houlder VW feet .,,,,1. of Canadian Northern rail«a,- traek 1 ; nnle we-, ;;[ It^'eiid of ,;";:i,^;""''-'*'- ''' '""■■ L"--— '-ly ..P.>-.e a-.:,:;;ii^in;.,e;'™i:;.r; 2-' • 2 from l™^^^ ^ra..err.yer..uatod U n.ile ea»t of liesplenden, and a, nulea^e l'.i:\iIl-M\liK-S liKTWEKN KKVKI.vJTOKK AND K\MI..,nl.< nr \IA CANADIAN I'ACUIC UAILWA^ . Elcpalions on page 44. 310-( ■ I„ nurtl; faoe of very larKe mass ,>f roek, 40 feet south uf eentn. li, l„.t iie%-el8t """'"^ • """ '■*■' ""' "' *'""«•''"=»"' <■»" "Mle-board andat'milea-oVT'from 41807 M) n: (• 31S (• :iiu (■ Mt-C 3>: C ;)23-C .T.'l (■ 32r, (■ .l.'fK • .1:>7 <■ .iM ( ■ 3:>9-C :!.m-(' 3(1 (• 331' C 333-f 3.'i4 '■ 335-C 33l)-(' 337-f .tIS (■ Geodetic Survey of Canada In roar ;.|rwMtW«r..of,liv<.rtinK wall 1 f.-,l I...I.,« I..,. ..ml .> f-,1 (mm «,uth ..n,l „r wall a .1, In n.>rthw..i.t tar,. ..( n.int of r.M'k on «mth hank ..f Kajilr rnvr, ! nul- «..,, of Thr...- Vallry ■,,,,1 tJU ll'vnX'lok'v '''""-'"^■'" ''"■'•»• ■'" <•""•"'"'" '■"'•■'»• rail»a.N at M.iW 1,V« from In,.aMfa,-,Y,fW^^^ In w.-"! fare of oR.Ht<Tly ronrrctP pier of r«na.|iftn IVific railway l.rl.lw .rnMlu.uri.l Irnrk. .Arr KttKlenvrr a milrH«eIH»tr,„„HovolMokr TI,p l„.nr|,.,„ark h N f." t I of n ,rVl, a e ofpiprBnil4. fortilinchislM-low raillrvi-l. h i...riii tai e In >i,l.. of ronrroir l*nrh-nmrk pirr 3 fret north of ,ouil, Imr of ( •ana.l.an l'»,-,t,.- rH,l».,v r,«M ,,f way. li niiUMMi.t of laft ami 133 Uvt wrstof „„|,. po.t 23 from KcvrUtok,. In i.u.,1 fare of w,..t .■onrn-te aluiinu.nt of pl.to-Kir.l.-r hri.lKr ovrr < 'razy . r«.k, 4.VI fm ,.,i,t of Tafl station. The iK-n.-li-tnark i» .liriMtly U-nrath rrntr.. linr of wwil,o„n.| tra.k. '" '""I'a.Tiir'ruTJav ^hrZ '""Tl" Y '"""' :'.""'l ""■'-"' "-"' '-"•■"■<.. al,u.,„..„, of Cana.lian In north fare of ronrrete W of monuiomit huili t. .mr,„..rat,. ,lriv,n« of i,,-t -mko i , tninv rontmrntal hneof ( anadian I'arllir railway- ihi., m .MK) l,.,.| wrs, f r , ',. |, ,, , . , ," at north side of trat-k. i.iit,i ii.u oji -.i.in.iii. In to,, , .our-.- of stonework ,„ rast fa,r 9 fret .1 inrhrs fro.n .oulh en.l -.,f «,-, almfnrnt ..f 33 frnt'li' vcls'tok;'! ■''" "'''" '"■" '••""'" "''"■ ' '"'''■ "'■^' "' ■^'»'"'<«" ""'I '".'..l. ',>."' '" '''"i^^:7:^:::':f,:&^'^i:zn::::^a::. ' ' ■"■" ■^""■" ^""-^ ""''« - In '■•■„lre of ea,.t fare- I f,K,t l,,.|„w s„„„. ,.„pinK ^,f „-..st ronrrete al,utn„.nt of f "ana-lian I'arifio H, "elMoke *■ '"■'■'■ " ■ '"■'■'"■ • ""'" "^''' "' ■''''^"''" ""«-''»i"" ""'1 H. .n,l,.:J, .") il fr!"n In r,.unv of east fare of stone ropinR on «r,t al.utment of Cana.lian I'arifir r-.il«av l,ri,k,. „vrr I a«l,. river. J mile east of S„an.ou» and at n.il.. poM 41 from |{evrlsi,,k,., ^ In ra-l fane H inrhes I.elou- l.ri.lKr seat ami 1.1 inrhes from south en,l-<,f «,.<i ,„n,r..t,. al.ulio.nt of t.vi-span plat.-Kir.ler l.n.lire ,.ver Sirainous n«rn.«-s, ■ ,„ile .Jt ..f >„.,"„„''. In r„.„l,fa,-e of north .-on.rete fa.-,-, vail of tile pipe .-ulvert under Cana.lm,, I'a,,(>r raUwav 31 mill's wi'st ..f .si.-Hiiious an.l at mileage 4.S1' from H,-v.'!si,,k,'. ■i"".i> , >i In m.rth«,-st fa.-e ..f p..int .>f rork on shore of Salmon Arm al..,„ l.-.f,-,-, al.ov.- »a',T s„rf.,r.^ 1 V) .station ■ '^ ' ''"' "" ■'*'""■*" '"'"'"' i ""'"■' "•"^' "' «<'«i"l' ll'W- In east end of m.rth far,--7 inrh..8 I>p1.,w top-of lara.. s.marr .-..n.T.tr mlvrl undrr iv,„„l,,n I aril,,, raihvay. ■ mile ea-st of ( 'am*. ll,«-stati,m an.l at nHl,.aK,. .o i! from l",.' vMuk. In m,rtl, fa,^ of exp.,M.d rork surfare .,„ hill.si.Ie. 29 feet .south ..f fana.liaM l':„.,f„. ra.|«MV tr ,rk Zl'Z] re'U.''ri>;,;n"uo":;.is'tU'"'''' '■'-^' "' """"■" '"- -' " "- '-""' '-''' In ..entre .,f we.st fa..e-l f.-.t helow stone ropi„K-of ,.ast ,.on..r..tr ahulmrnt ..f plate-Kir.ler hri.iKe over .salmon rivcr. I J m,le west .,f .Salmon .Vrm an.l at milr post <W fr.,,,i Uev.rlM.'ke '""''''.!} w.';r1",oir,',rrofT';;''' '"fr'r""\"'';""'h linrofCa„a,lian l>a,ifir railway riKht WKc a,„.-t !.,» I, , . . ,,-. .,, ,.,,, ,.,,,1 ,„ ,, .,|,.,rp ,„rv.. arouM-l a ni.kv ,.,inl r.rinn Sal,„.,n '" " ;l^"4T'f!:,'7:■','■,';.:^^''l'■'■■ - ''■'•" •'"^"'.;;f.-»"l' li-o ..r Canadian Pa,.Uir railway ri„l,t of ^ulVvw:;; C^rlin .ra«:t;i;:;,'''''''"''' "" '"" ""' "' """^ ^'^' -« '""" H>•velllt«k.^an.l ! Precise Lei'elliug 31 34l> I 341 (• 342 C 343 (■ 344 (■ 34J-C 347-C 348-C 349 r .'I.W I ■ 35l-(: li.-iL' (■ 353-f: 3.Vt (■ 355-C S7 J '" '■■" sh::!:;;!.':';!.^^^',^';?;;;;:'!!-:^::^^- '••"•-"•"' ''"-fi^ ""■->•. u ...1.0 « , ' MSSS;Sr--'''— - '" ^-5c:l>^;jr:' Xi^/zl- ltT,:;:r;;'-;- -^,?;^ -- -^-:.r"- '•— In n.irlh fart- 9 inrh.-s U'low |„p-.,f -,,uii, inilctiKi. 12:' 5 from l(i.vi'lali>ki' ■■nrnt,. ,„K-,.rt um.Iit ( aiKuliai. I'a.ilir railwii> , at '"' "^"1^:::::M:^:^:^^'^^:;^x' """"•' ■''"••""'*■■' ^'^ -'""'-« ■'— — '- 32 Cn'odvtic Survey of Canada I \iti r II IIKSII.TS <>K I'KKCI.SK L1-;VKI,I.IN(; llol .SI-; I'KINT. NY.. TO SlIKKIlUiHiKl;, (Jl 1 Run hy 11, y. IMlim ami H. I'. .M„ultuii l'.i;,vi H -M.tUK Dii|»nit( Uintnnro 1 liotwpf>n nui-n-xivo Ik'hiIi- friiiii 1 iH-nrh- tiiurk l.lrvutiuii 1 nicun Bkm ii-M«hk 1 mm To tiiarka * rartiiU Totml sen li'Vcl No. Vo. Milr,; MilM F««t tmt F«.t No ® jwi-n Wl H Id 1 H - (m - oo;i 107 950 114 0.59 ,581 It 3 1 4 1) - oil - (108 132 415 .582-11 3»l.'l-ll 1 .VW-II IV AN + (109 + tioi 143 824 58.VII 1 am- It 30 8-8 - 015 - 014 175 437 .W4-B .W4 It JH.-) 11 ] .vs* B 1 ,M(V-U 2 3 3 « HI U 7 000 - 019 - 014 - (H3 182 »1 3 181 929 K8.5 II SWI-B S86-H 387- » 0'4 ISI + 006 - (K« - 015 18.5 Wl ISil S42 i;37ll9 887-B amy n .W.* It MJ It 3 1 2 U 17s 20-7 + •00.1 + 013 588-11 589- It .wilt .'.»2 It SKtll .VK) II Ml-H 13 240 21 8 + 023 - 003 + (108 + 005 126 722 132 S23 JiBO-It .501-B ."I'l; li .' ll 12 28-4 296 + 011 - 017 + 016 - (101 VO 4tM 00 ^la .592- » .593-11 0-3 2« B + 008 + 007 88-4.53 594 It 304 It .1«i B SWUt Sl»7-lt il»7 11-2 .".B'V-B MT It .■.1(7 It .' :m It 3 1 2 6 4 4 .33 3.V8 40 + 026 + 011 + o;t.3 f ra3 + 014 + 011 74 491 ,50,845 ,57 990 595-B .5i»6-B 507-It 1 X 41 8 + •002 + 013 .55 ,560 .597 Il-> 1 u 42' 8 + 002 + (115 88-091 .598-11 .•.9S-B SOB- It aoo-H IKll-lt 602-It -.09-B im It Mil it CJIJ It ii(i.i It 19 16 20 44-7 46 3 494 52 9 - 008 + 008 + (;t7 -•0U7 + 000 + •007 + 01.5 1 '115 + 021 88-519 84 546 .-9 ■'■>7 7s-<'35 6;t 175 .599-B 600-11 601- B 602 It 603-11 fl03-I» •KM- It Wli-lt (lOfr-lt «07-B 604- It 60.V1I ti06-lt 607 It 60.S-lt 10 Ml 3-2 8 3 .M9 .549 .Ml .\8B 61 + 011 -wa -010 + 011 + 016 + 032 + 027 + 011 + 022 + 038 M800 .-.1-438 66-138 8,5 -(M8 129 962 (MM II 605-B 606 It 607-11 608-11 608-lt (100 It OlO-Il 1.09 It CIO It til! li 24 5-7 2-4 64-3 70 72-4 + 00.5 + 012 - 017 + 043 + 055 + •038 106 ,506 115 812 111 913 (HK) 11 610 It 611-B GIt-H 6I2-H 612-B 613-B 0-2 0-2 72.6 72-8 + 004 -003 + 042 + 039 110 415 108 969 612-B 61.3-B 6Il-!t 814-H 624- B 025-1! 62ft-It 614-B 624-B 62.5-B K26-B 627-B 20 2 1 2-8 24 3-3 74-4 76,? 793 81-7 85 + 007 -023 -•(123 -010 -on + 045 + 0-.>2 -001 -Oil -022 108 778 '40-108 212 173 294-428 198-845 614-11 624-1! 625-11 626-B 627-B 927-B 62ft-B 0-3 8$'3 + 004 -018 215- 106 62S-B 627-11 62»-B 630-11 fl31-B 632-B 633-B i Sl'nited «t:i«<-. B29-B B,TO-B K)I-B 6.32-11 6.33- B 6,34 It 1 lirr.rl;-n;r.rL- .-.r 38 2-7 20 3-5 2 .5 3 f!,an..v ... !; 88S 91 2 93-2 (■'■7 99 2 102-2 + 019 •000 -004 + 017 + 022 + 001 [V.lr.t V -S - 003 -003 -007 + 010 + 032 + 033 222508 310 008 ,326 ,5.56 .3.55 235 4.30-000 .5U5-094 629- B 630-H 631-B 6.32 It 633-11 634-11 Precise Levelling 33 ltK.^l l.T.H OF I'KWISK l,i:\ II.MXf; UOL.SK I'OIXT. N.V.. Tt) ,s|ll.Klll(. K»KK, (JIK. ftuii hy a. f. Ihithm ami II. p. M.iultun Mini ii-MtKK ^'r^ln .v.. 834-11 UIA^ H I'i'tnnre Ij4*twv«*n liuri'tlmive iMtnrli- niitrk't Diatanc* from Ix'nrh- murk 6.17 II li,t^ II IktU If WO II 641 11 642 11 IH3 »l tl44 II tM.V II WO-lt ] M7 II MH H 649- II 6,W H No 834-11 6:(i II 637 II 6.38 II 6.1B H* lUlt II 64111 612 II 643 II (H4 11 64.5 II 616 II 617 II 648 II 6.W-H at Mile* 13 3 3 3 2 7 IN U 3 1 U 2 7 2 4 .1 3 1 3 2 12 2 3 2 .5 17 Mil« 103-4 108 4 1U8» 1118 113 4 II.! 7 113 H 118 3 121 123 4 123-7 136 8 130 131 3 l.'» S 138 137 7 D«c«t»»Mrr rnrtiul Fiwt ono -•«w - MB - 02» + 011 -•(103 -003 - 001 + 003 - 007 -006 + 01 J + 008 + -OIJ - 013 - 016 + 007 ToUl Feat + 033 + 024 + 021 - 001 + 007 + 0OS + 002 + 001 + naT -OTM -010 + oai + 014 + 020 + 016 000 + a»7 Klcvktioa almve mean •«• level nrs. Fett 803 014 1)18 388 838-271 4ID 295 393 247 387 -'Ma 388 903 40S 391 401 893 440 710 4IJ 973 428 791 439 880 483 890 479 8.11 490 .m 484 a39 Conncct,«n» W|ll, I'uhlir Workn ll,.pf, U-n.-h-mnrki.;- n v-"'i • ■ 'x v\m V'' '.'T.T'' ■■ '^•"- T'i::"- '-»"'"«•• ^'•■^- '^ 7bo- • M \vv\ '7''/.7 7'''T.M''"\'''•""'^•''''''''•'''^'•^'"■^:l'•v ■v^ n \ I VXVV 7' T i, '!'''■"'■' -■' "i'l""' >""■"■ "f llni-wiu. Kiev. 58 420 M _M •(•[. vj\>'->.l,";:"'^'" ' """l^"- ; ""•■■I'. •^' HuLert. Kiev. 84 420. ij.M. .MH ( . UI-(..T.U. .«ulnvay, .St. Ilii:ur>-, Kiev. 52 301. >«• nU, elovmion of tlil» l>en.-h-,„ark on piiKi- 34 Tl tie ol..v.-,h.,n of iH-n.h-.nark 3 xiven on pose 3ly, 1917 publication, i^ 4S».31S. REHr-'.TH >i.- PHKCI.SK LEVKI.l.l N( ; -sTK. IKWAMI, K T Tm T \ li \ II \ m. (JL'E. ''"" ''» //. J'. M.juUm So. 83&-B a3»-B 037 B 6.18 i; 639-11' 840-H 841-B 042-B M3-li M+B M5-H 846-H 647-11 848-B 649-11 830^ B 3t Bincii-Mahk ni-itanee iM'tween suioei.'iive lieni-h- tiiarka Distance fmm lii-nili- loark 61 +U DiHC'RErANrr Elevation almve niean ■ea level From To Partial Total BiN( 11-Mmik No i'.14 II «i:, i( 616-H 617-H «18 II ni!) H 620-11 621-H 622-H 623-H No Iil4 H lll.-i It lillHi 617-11 618-11 619 H fl20-H 62i-H 622 II 023-n 62' Miles 16 2-,-) 2-9 3 1 2-5 2-7 3 5 2 1 4 1 l-s Miles 16 1 1 7 II nil 12 6 13 3 18-8 20 9 25 C Jli S Feet -003 + (120 - (»I5 IMMI + 016 + 002 + 005 ■000 -008 + 006 Feet - OOi + 017 + I)<I2 + •002 + 018 + 0-20 + 025 + 0- + '-■ + I.;-'' Feet 108 778 108-751 lOS 87S ID!) -274 130 618 189-312 196 (M3 215 4-i« 232 S:!S 220 -.Wfl 195017 No. 614-H 615-11 fil6-H 617-H fiH H iil'.i 11 (121) H 621-H 622-B (12.1 H 62* 'liie eiovatK.n ,.f li.-n. h-rn:irk o. «iv.„ ,,„ ,,..K'.- .117, 1917 publication, is 195121. 34 iicodtlK Siirv/v of i'tiuiidii nr.sjL-i.T.-; lu nil cisi: i.i.\ i:i,i,ix(; ' II A I I II I. Hi; T>i UirHMOM), (H'K Run hy II. /». M„ull;n Benth-Mark Dislancc iM'twi'cn Kucce.s.«ive bcnt'li- inurk.4 Di.sliinfc from iK'ncli- iimrk 258-B DlWHEWXCT Klovation al«)ve mean sea level From To I'lirt iai Total Bench-Mark No. 2.5S I! 6.51 H 6.52-H 6.53-B Xo. 25S-B 651-n tv)2 B 6.5.3-11 6M-B Milex 4-2 4 3 4-2 1-2 Milfg 4 2 S-5 12-7 13 9 Feet 4-018 + (121 - (106 + 018 Feet + 018 + •039 + (H3 + •0.51 + •057 Feet 169 (r43 275 148 348 .5.59 .392 713 416^ 02s No. 258-B 6.51-B 652-B 6.5;)-B 6.54-B 654-B 655-B 2 14 1 + (KM 436318 655- B 6.54 M (i5li-ll 6.57 H fi.iS-li 6.59- H 660 It 661 M 6(i2 H 6IUH 604-15 6.56-B 657- B 6.58- B rw9-B 660- B 661 -B 662- B 66.3- B 6(M-B 66,5-B 51 3-4 3 3 16 2-8 1-7 3 2 2-3 2-8 19 22 4 25 4 28-4 .30 32-8 34 5 377 40 42-8 -008 --027 + -(HI8 --0I6 + -023 - 010 + 017 + -0I5 + -028 -•(106 + (M3 + •016 + -(124 + IKW + 031 + 021 + -038 + 0.5.3 + 081 + 075 484 925 429 371 443 415 4-57 137 444 203 486 719 467 - 757 4.58-812 442 -M5 442-876 65fr-B 657-B 6.58-B 6.59- B 660- B 661-n 662-B 66.3- B 6(>4-B 665- B 66.VH 666-B 0-7 43 5 - 1)09 + 066 + 076 + -0'*3 + 093 + 095 .505 083 666-B 665-H 667 li 668-1! 669- li 667- B 66SH 66!l B 670B 3 9 17 3 6 46-7 48-4 51 4 57 4 J (101 + -(K)7 + 010 + 002 51 2- 660 513 ISt) 497 (K)l 437-739 667-B 6(W B 669-It 670-B 670-B 671-B 2 57 6 -•006 + 089 4.39 024 671-B 670-B 672 H (■73-!i 6r4-li 67.5- B 676- n t)77-B 678-n 679-B 680-B f<S\ n 682 H 1 683- H j 672 B 673-H 674 H 67.5-11 676 B 677- It 678-B 679- It 680-B 6SI-B B82-li 6.S3-H 6:i!Mt* 5 4 6 2-.S 0-8 4 3 2 6 3-0 16 2-7 2 6 3(1 2 (1 16 57-9 62 5 6.5-3 66-1 70-4 73-0 76 77 6 80 3 82-9 85 9 87-9 -,.-5 1 + -005 - (103 + •(106 - 014 -007 + -006 - (KW + ■003 --025 -+--(104 + -(103 --((IS -023 + 100 + (197 + 1(:3 + 089 + 0.S2 + ()88 -+ ilSO + (Kt + -.,08 + 0«2 + 065 + 047 + 024 418-S.50 420-2.38 519 044 473 489 4.33-707 44X 929 .190 766 444 ,540 464 930 ISl (191 482 910 461 647 393-289 «72-B 673 B 674 -It 675-B 676-B 677-B 678~B 679-B 680-lt 681 -B 6S2-B 683-B 639-B' •S..p also pievaiion <if iliis biMnli-irmrk nn p.-iKi. 33. f'rmnertion nt Cliiiuclii-n. witli l'i,l,|ir U,,rk~ Di-pts Iwnrh-ni.irk — H.M.— MCLXXU— I.K.C. hriilm- over ( hau.iiere river, Kiev. 2.33595 Precise Livclh'ii ;' 35 RKSrLTS OK I'HKCIKE LKVKI.I.INC LOOP LINK AKOINI) MONTUKAl.. i>{ I, Run by W. X. McGralh f M'. K \ \ Hf.m ii-Mahk Di.'*tanoo hetwet'D hUcn- -isive iiiarks Distance from hench- inark 597 K-2 Di.si iiEPA.\(y 1 1 Klevation above mean sea level From To Partiol Total BiNi-H-MAr.K No. .W7.-Ii.L' 1)1 XXXVI DI.XXXV 1)1. XXXIV DLXXXIU DCCfXLVI 807 808 .i!i7-H-2 DI.XXXM ni.xxxN DI.XXXIV Dl.X XXIII DCCCXLVI 807 Miles 4 5 II JO 9 O Miles 4 9 2 3 4 3 5 2 5 5 Keet + 007 -000 + 006 + 016 -007 -003 Kcct + 007 + •007 + 013 + 029 + 022 + 019 Keet 55 -.560 72 O.iO 67 619 67-247 Oi .5.31 .55-,)62 112-979 No. 597-B-2 DLXXXVI DI.XXXV DI.XXXIV DLXXXIU IXCrXLVl 807 808 809 9 0-2 6-4 6-6 - 005 + -OII + 014 + 025 111-8.34 124-830 808 809 807 810 811 812 813 814 815 810 811 812 812 814 815 816 10 16 7 14 2-8 07 6-5 8-1 » 2 9 9 11 3 14 1 14-8 - 013 - 023 + 018 + 013 - 019 + 014 + 001 + 006 - 017 + 001 + 014 - 005 + 009 + 010 153-717 168 142 151-216 126 601 151-619 190 911 188-466 810 811 812 813 'iU SI,-, 816 816 817 1 14 9 - 001 + 009 178 253 817 816 818 818 819 13 0-5 16-1 16 6 -000 -015 + 010 -005 203-377 225-695 818 819 819 820 2 16-8 - 008 -013 226-571 820 819 821 822 823 824 X 825 821 K22 823 824 N 825 DLXXXIV 1 -7 10 11 9 13 2 12 18-3 19-3 20 4 21 3 22-6 22-8 24 + 014 - 001 -005 + -005 + 001 + -(K)7 - 007 + 009 + 008 + 003 + 008 + 009 + 016 + 009 166 600 67-814 55-284 6.5-287 49 0.30 49 902 07-247 821 822 823 824 N S25 DLXXXIV 36 Geodetic Survey of Ciuiadu RESISTS OF PUKCISK LKVKLLINti HHANii'iiii) 111 i.ri AN" ruossiNf;. o.\T. Hun hy W. .V. .ilcGwth Hk.sch -Mahk Distance brtween aurc'cssive bonch- nmrks l)istiin('o from l>onch- inark 21S Dim HEPAM Y Klevation above mean sea level From To I'artiiil Tutid Hkm ii-.M MtK No. 21S 77- F 78- K -9-F 80-F No. 218 77 F 7S-I- 79- F .SO-F SI-F Miles 38 19 1-9 4 6 2-7 Miloa 3-8 5-7 7-6 f-2 .9 Feet -t-008 4-018 -I--002 -003 -002 Feet + 008 + 02« + 028 + 025 + 023 Feet 703 470 751 378 7.50-731 788 766 868 -830 878 005 No. 218 77-F 78- F 79-F 80-F 81-F i 8I-F 82-F OS 15 1 -002 + 021 870 997 82-F 8I-F S2-F-2 82-F-2 83-F 1-2 3 4 161 19 5 -002 -l-Oll + 021 + 032 922-517 930 206 933 755 82-F-2 83-F 83-F 84-F 0-2 19-7 -003 + 029 M-r 83-F 85-F 8&-F S7-F 8.8-F 83-F 80-F 87- F 8.S-F SB-F 3 5 7 3 6 3 4 09 23 23-7 27-3 30-7 31-6 -•(Wl + 005 + 014 + 023 + 010 + 001 + 006 + 020 + W3 + 053 + 055 + 033 946 466 980 4.30 1008 -5.5:) 10.59 596 1076788 1070 043 1063 018 85-F 8fr-F 87-F 88-F 89-F 1 S9-F 1 ao-F W)-F 81-F 10 32 6 32-6 + 002 -002 9iy-v 91-F 1 flO-F 92-F 0-4 330 -001 + 054 1078 160 92-F t<»-F 93- F »4-F 93- F 94-F 95-F 6-3 2-8 3 9 37-9 40 5 44 4 + 023 -004 + 005 + 076 + 072 + •077 1071 474 1008 575 1102 960 93-F 94-1' 95-F 95-F i 96-F 9<V-F 97-F 5 0-3 44 9 45-2 ■000 + WH + 077 + 081 11 24 7.52 1 101 370 10.59 902 1075 571 96- F 97-F 1 !).VF i 9.S-F 9S-F 89- F 1-6 2 40 40-2 + 013 -004 + 090 + OSB 98-F 99-F 9.5- F lOO-F 101-K 102-F I03-F 104-r 105-F 100- F ini-F 102-F ll« F 104-F I0.5-F l(H>-y 3-4 5 5 3 5 5 4-5 51 3 3 47-8 53-3 56 8 57 3 01-8 66 9 70 2 + 023 + 032 + 008 -Oil + 011 + 014 + 024 + 100 + 132 + 140 + 129 + 140 + 1.54 + •178 1202 .325 IIS3 O.Sl lOiHI 714 1125-216 irs5-4(» I2U5(I32 1194 242 100-F 101-F 1(I2-F 103-F IIM-F 10.5-K 106-F lOft-F 107-F 0-7 70 9 -005 + 173 1180745 107-F lOtV F lOS-F IDA !•■ no-F Ill-F I12-F 1I3-F l'3-F-2 114-F 108- F 109-F IIO-F Ill-F II2-F 113 F 113-F-2 114 F 337* 7 7 3-5 0-9 6-4 3-7 2-2 1-4 2 9 70 9 77 9 81-4 82 3 88-7 92 4 94 B 960 98 9 + 010 + 022 + 001 + 002 + 022 -•(107 + 0(14 + 001 + 005 + 188 + •210 + ■211 + ■213 + ■235 + ■228 + •232 + ■233 + ■238 11 82 3.59 1103 918 10.57 075 1040 402 'JN 1-6.52 '.>9H <19fi 1030 227 997 137 864 741 108- F 109-F no-K lll-F 112 F 113-F 1I3-1-- ■_' 111 V 337* 'The elevation of bench-mark 337 Kiven on piw 84, 1913 piiblii-all.m, is S64 945. 1 rccisc Levelling HESILTS OF PIUXISi: I.KVKLLl.Nci GLKLl'U JCT. TO I'AI.MI.USTUN, ONT. Hun by ir. .V. McOruth 37 Hench-X AlIK Distance between Distance bench- Disci! EPANCr Ix-ncli- From To niiirkK 89-F Partial Total No. No. 89-F Mllei Miles Feet Feet 89-F 115-K IIS F ll(t-F ii-2 2-7 8-9 -•02n + 010 -026 -010 lift- 1- 117 F 4-5 ia-4 - 010 - 026 lI7-^ IIM-F 1-8 15-2 + 0OS -018 118-F H9-F 1 19-F 120-F 10 4 10-2 I«fi + 0O5 + 001 -013 -012 I20-F 12I-F 2» 19 5 -033 -045 122 F 122-K 123-F 5 5 Gl 25 31 1 -008 + 017 -•o:>3 -036 I2:i-I 124-F 51 30-2 - 015 — 051 124-F 305* 6 6 42-8 -r013 -038 Elevation above moan coa level Fcpt I0.-6-788 1112 124 116.5-981 1272-843 1300-922 1310-044 13fi2 232 13ii2-240 I50() 389 1349 339 1328 039 1317-328 Ht.N' ii-.\Iaiik No. 89-F ll.V-F 116-F 117-F 118-F 119-F 120-F 121 -F 122-F 123-F 124-F 305* •The elevation of liench-niark 05 Kivon, on p.-igc 83, 1913 publication, ia 1317 286. Be.\'-h-Mahk From No. 120-F 125-F 126-F 127-F 128-F 129-F 13ft-F 13I-F 132 F To No. 120- F 12,5- F 12I>-F 127-F 128-F 129-F I.30-r 131 F 132 F 265* UK.SILT.S OF FKIXISK J.KVKLUNG FERGLS TO MKLVILr.i;. ONT. Hun by IF. .V. ifcdrath Distance Iwtween successive bench- marks Miles 3-7 5-3 4-2 2-8 3 4 4 3 4 4 1-8 3-8 Distance from bench- mark 120-F Miles 3-7 9-0 13-2 16 19-4 23 7 28 1 29-9 33-7 I>I»< ilEPA.Vt-T Partial Total Feet - 014 - 014 -024 + 003 + 012 + 013 - 014 + 002 -029 Feet - 014 -028 -0.52 -049 --0.-!7 -024 -038 -036 - 065 Elevation above mean sea level Feet l.ifi2-232 1396-2.S7 1490-923 1441-928 14:i3-733 I296-9.S6 1283 -.344 1299 -.5,34 132H-0fi9 1349 412 Hk.nc II Mmik No. 120-F 12.VF 12r.-F 127-F 128-F 129-F 1.30-E 131-F 132-F 265' •Till i'Ir-vati<.n of Iipiic'h-Miark L'(>5 Kivcn • in p.-i^e Nj, l!ii:i pulilication, i.s i:!49-29». 38 Geodetic Survey of Canada HKSn.TS OF IMfKris:; T.i:\ II.UNC ST. CATHAHINKS To TOUT DAIHoIMi:. oNT. Rim hij ir. v. McHriilk Bksci! Mauk DiMtaii'-e iM^lWtH'n .-.uccej'wivc lM»n(*h- mark.i Distiinie from l>onflj- nmrk 208 DlW KEPA.MV KIcvation aliove mean wa level ni.NCII-MAKK From Tu I'artiiil Total Xo. 208 133-F No. 208 133-F 134-F .Mile* IS 16 Milef< 1-8 3-4 Feet -oai + 007 Feet -00.3 + 004 Feet 358-616 320-978 259 719 No. 208 133-F 134-F ItKSLLTS OV VKY.i\M: I.KVKM.I .\(; WKLLAND JC'T. TO TOUT COLliOHNK, ONT. Run I'U ir. .V. McCralh Hem-h Makk DLstanre between successive bench- marks Distance from bench- mark 214 Dl8lREPAN(-V Klevation nlH)vc mean sea level From To Partii.l Total IIe.nch-Mahk Xo. 214 I,35-F 136-F Xo. 214 135-F 136-F 137-F Miles .'i 1 3 5 Miles .■)-! .-1 4 5 9 Feet -013 -010 -013 Feet - 013 --0-23 -036 Feet 580 .3,53 .583-314 605 .51)8 579-302 Xo. 214 13.5-F 13U-F 137-F For connections at I'l.rt Dalliousie and r..rt Tolborne wjih Hvih-ou-r.-iphic- Survey bench-marks nee Introduction Precise Levelling 39 Bcnch-Mark Krotii No. 70S 709 710 711 712 713 714 7IS 716 717 7IX 719 720 721 722 723 723 724 725 72fi 728 729 7:i!) 7! I r.i.-) r:tfi 7.!S 7:i9 740 741 rtL' 742 74:j 744 74.1 746 747 74N 74;! 7.-|0 7.') I 7.V! 7.V) No. 708 708 710 711 712 71,1 714 715 7I« 717 71S 719 720 721 722 723 723-.' 724 725 726 727 728 729 7:i0 7.1 1 732 733 UKsii.Ts oi riii:( isi; i,i;vi:i,i,iNf; FU.WZ TO I>UHT .MITHLK. ONT. Hun hy A. J. Hninboth lit'tw€»cn rtu<'<'i'sf*ivp bonrh tiiartci Milps 3 3 3 7 2 9 29 3-7 3-5 2 9 3 3 5 3 2 3 7 4 5 02 3 1 3 1 3 31 3 2 2 1 1 :i 3 :! i 7:i4 3 3 7:!.-. 2 7 7'Mi 3 1 737 .M 7,'i.'< 2 5 7,-!9 3 5 740 4 :i 741 10 742 -• 4 742-A 1) 7 743 2 9 714 3 2 745 2 7 74fi 3 1 747 3 74'* 3 749 2 9 7.50 ■)■» <51 3 752 3 7.5.'i 3 7.)4 3 755 3 75fi 3 7.57 3 1 I)if*tnnre fro 111 lienrli- iiiiirk Ii;i4 Miles 194 2 197-5 201 2 2W1 207 210-7 2U-2 217-1 220 I 223-6 226-0 228-7 231 9 235-6 240 I 242 8 243 245-9 249-0 252 2M-1 258-3 262 204-2 2fi6-3 2117 -6 270 9 274-2 276 9 280 283 1 285-6 289 1 293 4 2ir> (P :97-4 2HS 1 -iOlO .■|()4 2 :;iiii 9 310-0 3130 316 3is-y .321 9 .324 9 327 9 330 9 .3.33 9 .331) -9 .■!39 9 343 DiaCHEFANCT Partial Total Feet + 023 + 014 + 002 -005 + 019 + 006 + 005 + 022 + 004 + 005 -002 - 022 -009 + 014 -002 -000 000 + 006 + 004 + 002 - 002 - 001 + 001 + 009 - 012 - 015 + 009 + 013 -007 + 002 -mi + 002 + 027 - 008 - 013 -002 - 016 -■(XM -007 -■021 + 0(M + 002 I -013 Feet + -3B2 + ■385 + ■399 + -401 + -396 + 415 + -421 + ■426 + -448 + -452 + -457 + -455 + 4.33 + ■424 + ■438 + 436 + -436 + •0(17 -005 -008 -008 -009 -005 -013 + 003 + -436 + -442 + -446 + ■448 + ■446 + -445 + ■446 + ■4.15 + ■443 + ■428 + ■437 + 4.50 + 443 + 445 + 443 + ■445 -f 472 + 4(H + -451 + -449 + 4,33 + 429 + •422 + 401 + 405 + -407 + .394 + -401 + .396 + -.388 + .380 + .371 + ■366 + ■-3.53 + ■3,16 Ele vat ion above mean sea level Feet 1219 304 1189 871 1157 543 1206-771 1250-080 1385-131 1410-287 1424-738 1428 7S4 1376-524 1.369-824 1357-126 1382 409 1355-094 1254 447 1225-260 1222-132 He.m h-Makk 1225-742 1199 0.50 119.) 487 114.5 7J2 1 1 29 6U4 11083I2 1U86 915 1084 388 1076 573 1054 ■4;4 1053 395 1031 527 1U:'8 112 966 ■ 300 871-151 S75-666 ■SOI 639 794 347 683-8,53 708-778 7,38 913 681 593 698-604 715 375 739-529 6,50 6,59 713 691 709-893 702 105 632-881 No. 70S 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 723-A 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 7-11 742 742- \ 743 744 745 746 747 6.52 9,30 748 7,S4 42.S 749 79! lll.s 7,50 6!):'- 462 751 6,50 ■. 501 752 7.53 754 7,55 75B 757 40 (it'(i(liii( Siirvcv of Cdihida KKSfi.T.s t)i- iMiKcisi: Li;vi:i,UNf; FRANZ TO I'ORT VnTHlU. OST .-Condudti Run hy .1 . J. liainbnth I'.i.Nrii Mark From No. 757 7.58 759 760 761 762 763 7W "Bo 766 767 7&5 769 770 771 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 7bl 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 To No. 75.S 759 760 761 762 763 7&1 765 766 767 76S 769 770 771 773 774 775 776 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 7<n 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 8(10 801 802 803 80« sa5 NOfi 93-E* Distance lietweon 8urro8(*ivc bcnch- iimrks Milra 2-8 2 9 4 5 3 5 2 4 1-9 0-2 2 9 3 4 3 3 2-8 3 2 3 2 9 3 1 2-6 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 2-2 21 2-8 3 3 4 2-5 2-6 2-7 3 4 2 5 3 9 2-8 2-8 3 2 3-8 3 4 2 6 3 40 2 2-7 2 6 28 4 2-7 3-8 2 1 niritanre (roll! bt'nrh- ■iinrk 1)34 Miles 3t5S .•(48 -7 353-2 356-7 359-1 .161-0 361 2 36t I 307 I 371-1 374 1 377-1 379-9 383-1 386-1 389-0 .392 1 :i!)4 7 399 1 402 1 40.'i-4 407-5 4()9-7 411-8 414 6 417 6 421-0 423 5 -i26-l 428-.'* 431-5 434 » 437-4 441-3 444 I 44fi-9 450-1 4.53 -» 4.57-3 459 « 462 9 466 9 4HK-9 471-6 474-2 477 481 483-7 4.87-5 489-6 lllWIlEPAXCV PBrtial Feet - 012 --(H)5 -f--(X)5 - 019 - 022 -014 -t--003 ■f -012 + 015 - 017 -f-OIS + 025 + -020 -022 - 022 + 001 + 016 --004 -009 + 016 + 006 -000 - 0|■' --013 + -002 -016 - 010 -019 + 011 + 028 - 015 - (m + 00.5 -004 + 012 + 004 -023 + 001 + 013 + 013 -002 + 013 -017 -000 + 005 --001 -006 - 020 + 005 + 001 Total Feet + -344 -3.39 ■:M4 363 .385 + - + ■ + - + ■ .371 .374 .386 401 384 + .399 + -424 + 444 + -422 + -400 + 401 + 417 + -4I3 KIcvBtion nlKjve iiieiin sea level + -404 + -420 + 426 -(- -426 + -409 + -396 + 398 + -382 1 + 372 + :i5;t + 364 + -392 1 + 377 + .374 -1- 379 + 375 + 387 + 391 + 368 + 369 + :W2 + 395 + 393 + 406 + 389 + ;ts9 + 394 + 393 + 3K7 + 367 + 372 + ••373 1 Feet 6,51-299 746-206 S.S5 .3-59 970-171 9.59-5.32 997-875 979 935 9.5.5 775 823 515 69S-170 660-4.54 B40-3-'» (« 1-229 613 (K)2 61S-265 Uc.NClI-M.AHlC 6.^5 305 (126-0.56 (iOO-940 607 -MH 636 014 723-0.53 1 640 209 624 .5.5^1 6:il 4.5.S 015 595 623.4()6 700-429 683 144 613 102 628 169 610 920 1 661 285 t«7 7:'.4 603 S68 623-012 1 071 579 736-405 1 774 598 845 080 937 812 1047 701 993 4-19 9.56 424 927 H55 902 l(i7 WH 7.58 7K3 012 697 298 636-543 1 616 301 .No. 758 759 760 701 702 7ia 7(M 705 766 767 769 770 771 773 774 775 775 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 78W 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 799 800 ,S01 802 803 804 805 806 93-: •The elevation ot heneli-niark 93-K Kiven on page 184, 1910 pulilieiition. is 617119 1-or eiimiertlon al i'c,r( Artlmr »if|, II v,|r..irr:i])!iir Survi.y l.cm-h-mnrk, h-i- InC-..iiurti,,n. Praise Level! ! >l :. 41 liKM 11-\I^HK From No. 104-H IU5-H Klft-H 107-Ji 108-n 109-11 no-H ni-H II2-II ii3-n 114-H ur^M llft-H I1--H llS-If IIU 11 iL'()-ir iji 11 ll>2-If I.'.l-U l.'4-H i.vv-ir iL'li 11 J-7-H ILN-H l.TO-K 1.11-11 !:!-'■' I i.'MI l:it II M-i-11 i:!l)-H i:i7-II i;i.S-H To No, KM-H 105 II 10(1-11 107 11 lOV II W.) \l IKUl 111 H IIL'-II ll.i 11 114-11 Il.i-H ll(i-H 117-11' lls-ll 11!(~11 l:'(y-}l IJI II 122 H 123-H 124-H 12.'>-1I 12r,-II 127-H 12S-H 129-H I.iO- H l.il II 1.(2-11 13;i-ll 134-H i:iiMl I.V-H I3S-H I.iO H RKSLLTS OF PRKCISK 1.1.\ 1 1,1.1 \f; J.\SI'J;R, Ai.TA., TO I.oos. 11, c. ftun by .V. H. Smilh and A. J. Kainboth Di.-ttanre Ijotwct'n bcnrh- iiiurks -Mili-s 2-7 3 2 1 II 2 3 2 4 7 1 2N 2-9 3-8 21 4 5 4 .'I 24 3(i 2-.5 2K 7 () 7 4 ti-.i 5 4 ■■) !) :M) 7-,s 2 5 4 ,S II 4 4 4 4 It I'J Distance from bonch- iimrk 2S-1> .Miles 5&i 3 !m{\ 571 573- 1 57(1 N .5,10 9 5S3S .WB-S .W».2 5i)« -.', 599- 1 602 B05S mi\ (ill 5 OKiO B20 3 (122-7 62(i-3 028 -8 (VilO (ViSd woo (w2-5 (157 -9 n«i 8 (KH-S 672 -B 675 1 (1711 9 (Wli (190 693' 700- DUx HKPl.NCV I'artial F«l - 010 - OH -(-■00.S + 009 - 007 + 010 + 012 + ■008 -005 + 007 + ■009 + 004 - 010 - 015 ■000 -018 -022 -005 -009 + ■007 - 1)05 + ■006 -■00.'* + 010 + 002 + 020 + 021 + 023 + •008 + 006 -012 + 001 -1-010 + 002 + 009 Total Fee' + •361 + ■351 + ■337 + ^;M5 + •354 + •347 + ■3.57 + ■369 + ■377 + ■372 + •379 + •388 + ■392 + •402 + •387 + ■387 + •309 + •347 + •342 + ■3.33 + 340 + •335 + 341 + ■.333 + 343 + ■345 + ■.305 + ■.186 + ■400 + •417 - 411 + ■399 + ■400 + 410 + •412 + 421 IMevation above mean »ea level Feet 3483 531 3,504 151 3,544 (IIS 3577 .s 10 3625 8.!5 3095 456 .3700 .5.(0 3643 3X7 3585 783 3480 823 3429 085 .3398 796 3401 944 3399 ■ 866 3;i96 388 3171 .sgs 2979 400 28.55 384 2678 370 2.5,55-876 2445 614 2404 90(1 2.520 014 2.5(18 -628 2497 190 2418 920 2366 936 237' ■ 772 23.53-571 2-341-379 2314-920 22«5-9,>^S 2251 (1(14 2205 -,s 64 2199-250 21,55 523 He.vch-M*iik No 104-H 10.5 II lllfl II 107 11 108-n 109 II IKJ 11 1 1 1 1 i 112 II 113 11 114 II ll.VH 116-11 117-1I' US-H 119-H 120-11 121 H 122-H 123-H 124-H I25-H 12(V-H 127-H 12S-H 129-H 130 H 13MI 132 II 133-H 134 H 135 H I3I1-H 1,37- H 138-H 139-H ••"^ce ,1^(1 oleviition of tlii.,* honrli-i„:,rk , n piit,'p 44. 42 Geodetic Survey oj /niuida KKSILTS uF i'UKC ISi; LKVIXLINC. AIJHdTSFOKD TO KKSl'KKNDKNT. H.C. Run hy D. Mela Ulan and A. J. Hainbolh Hkni'ii- M\KK Distance Distant'^ DlIM HXPAM'V lK.'tWfen from iMIfK.ll l-.li>vHtitin Hrsi II M uiK iimrk iiie»n t r r ^y II '»'f\rv From To markit 24-J Partial Total wa level No. N.I 25J Mile* Milo Feet Feet Iwt 172 075 No. 25-J 25J 28J 13 13 •f 006 + 000 88-025 28-J 28-J 20 J 2 6 3 9 - 003 + 003 37718 2frJ 21KI 30^ 2-4 6 3 - 017 - 014 17 432 30-J 30-J 31 -J 3 7 100 -(-002 + 012 35 049 31-J 3UI 32-J 46 14 6 -(-003 - 008 33 980 32J 32-J 33-,! 40 18 6 -(-on + 002 34-785 33-J .•).1J 34-J 3 K 224 -f- 003 + 005 30 754 34-J 34-J 35-J 06 230 -(--on + 016 35 441 35-J 34J 36-,! 7-6 30 -(-007 + 012 47 730 3flJ 36-J 37-J 5-« 358 - 014 -002 80 901 37-J 37-J 3S-J 2-4 38. 2 000 -002 79 331 38-J 38-J 3»J 3 4 41 6 -f 014 + 012 95 819 39^ 3»-J 40-J • 5-7 473 - 012 -OOO 112 671 40 J 4(KI 41-J 15 48. 8 + o(yi + 004 117 488 41^ 41-J 42J 4-8 53 - oil -007 150 948 42-J 42 J 43^ 19 55. 5 -008 -015 137 713 43-J 43-J 44-J 2-8 ,58. 3 + 021 + 006 147 -ian 44J 44J 45-J 4 6 02 9 -006 000 171 -fW 45-.I 4,>-.I 46J 38 66.7 - 014 - 014 182-877 46-J 4(KJ 47-J 4 9 71. 6 - 014 - 028 212-997 47-J 47 J 4S-J 3 2 74-8 4-013 - 015 243 892 48-J 4«-J 4»-J 35 78-3 - 006 -021 282 M6 49-J 49 J .iO-J 13 79. « - 000 -040 289 002 50J 5frJ 51 -J 3 5 83. 1 -(-•020 - 020 349 17S 51-J 51 J 52-J 3 2 86-3 -+--031 + 011 397 961 52-J 52J 53^1 33 89. 6 - 009 + ■(102 3K9 617 .53J 53^ 54-J 3 7 93- 3 4-001 4 (KKi 427 (20 51-J .M-J 55^ 10 94 3 -007 - IKH Ci.'-lhO a.VJ o5-J 56 ' 3 9 98 2 -f -027 -t ii.':i ■ltil-l.')6 5fr.I 5ttJ r.- 3 6 101 8 -013 -r-OKI .5 12- 02s 57-J ,)7-J fa-J 5-3 107 1 4-029 + -03« .V:t-731 58-J l»-J 5fr-J 3 7 110-8 4-006 + 045 602-930 59J 5»-J WKI 36 114-4 4-031 + 070 59" 075 6frJ 6(W fil-J 3 7 118-1 - 014 + 062 .J98.790 61^ «W 62-.I 5-2 123-3 4-027 + (W9 559-634 62-J «2^ tfci-.l 10 124-3 - 010 + 079 .561 813 6;i-J 03^ W .1 6 3 130-6 - 019 + 060 fi(S !!.')<) IVt .1 M-J Oa-J 31 133-7 4-014 + 074 W7 (i70 65 -J KJ 1)6-1 7 8 141 5 + 014 + 088 713 987 6t'.-J 66-J 67 -J 4 6 146 1 + 021 + 109 7.35 423 97-.! «7-J 6S-,I 9 147 + 014 + -0!)."i 745 .-no 68.1 (B-J 69.1 3 1 1.50-1 + 001 + -096 768 917 69-.I 6B-J 70 J 3 S 1.5:i-9 - 013 + 083 S3 1 549 70 J 7(Kt 71 -J SI 162 - 001 + 082 893-727 71 -J 71^ 72 J 2 5 164-5 -006 + 076 S90-583 72^1 72tI 73^1 2 1 1666 -008 + -(M!8 924-677 73 -.1 7.;-J 74-J 4-8 1714 + 026 + 094 978-222 74 J 74-J 75-.! 2-9 174 3 -I--017 + 111 988-498 7.->-.l 7.W 76-.I 15 175. 8 + -oa> + 118 1005-848 76-J 7RJ 77 J 5-4 181. 2 -037 + 079 1032-369 77-.I 77-J 78^1 5-4 186-6 + 026 + l()j 1070 S35 78-J 78 J 76~J .... t 0-8 1S7-4 + 008 -t- 113 10.S2 247 79-.I 70 .1 xt .i /' L'"'cllin\[ 43 KKst MS <)i I'Kixisi; i.i:vi;u.r\(i AHH(.TSK»HI) TO KKSl'I.IADI- NT. It.r.-f un/murJ Hemu-Mark iifiiii fcK U. Me.ViUan and A. J. Hunliulk From No so-,r 81-J 82-^1 83-J W-.I M-.I «ft-J h--J' (WtJ 89-.I 91 -J 92-J 9,VJ 94^t 95-J 9«-J 97-J 9»-J 99-J lOOJ lOI-J 102-J lOi-.) IW-J lavj lOfrJ 107^1 lOH^I I09-.I I KKI III ,1 111' 1 113 J I14-.T I It; J 117 .) IIS .1 119 ,1 120-,l 121-,! 122.1 12;i-,I 124-.1 12.>-.l 126-J 127-.I I 2h J 1 29 .1 I.m .1 l.il-,i i;i2 .1 To Xo 81-J 82-.! 83.1 84^1 N.> ,1 Mli .1 Hl-J' 88-,! 89,1 9() .1 til .1 ll.i .1 !H .1 tf.S-J 9«-J 97J 98-.I 99 J IIKI ,1 II,! .1 102 .1 lIB-.l im .1 III.-, .1 KM) .1 11)7 ,1 HIS .1 lli<,l I 11(1 .1 III .1 II.' ,1 ll.i .1 III .1 11.) J llti.l 117,1 ll.S^ 119-,) 120-.I 121 ,1 122-.J 12.! ,1 124 ,J 125- J 12«-,J 127.1 I28-.I 12!l .1 I.iO ,J 1.11 ,1 i:i2^; l.i,iJ i.)4^( Distanrp NUpn'Hiiive bench- in arkii Milp!i ,10 2 9 2 8 48 5 3 7 3 5 4 9 71 5 3 3 9 5 3 3 3 3 8 2 9 3 3 4 1 5 5 3 3 3 5 3 4 4 3 3 7 .'M 2 !l 4 4 3-5 27 •( t :i I 1 II :is .1 •) .') 2 4S 3 3 2K 3 31 2-9 31 4 1 (II 1 4 4 !l 2 !( .! II 2 (i 28 •■i ,■) 2-S .1? Diiieaiire fmm lM>nph- niark 2.VJ MilcK 195 « 198 5 201 I 205 9 211 2 218 2 221 7 226 B 233 7 239 242 9 248-2 251 5 255 3 2082 281-5 265 8 271 1 274 4 277 9 2M-3 28,5-8 289 3 292 4 2ii.'j 3 299 7 303 2 ,305- 9 .■iO« ■ 3 312 4 314 3 315 1 .■i2l(l :i24 . .s .328-7 ;«4 2 ,139 .142 5 34.i 3 .148 -3 351 4 3.54-3 3,57 4 .181 5 3til I! IK) 387 9 370 S 374 7 177 3 .ISO 1 183 (i .U(i i .1s;i .■; niW-HIP.V.VC'T I'ttriial Keel -003 Oil 016 033 + - + - 015 cue 033 027 000 + 0,30 + 015 + 004 + 013 + 007 Total 005 016 019 -033 027 014 021 020 008 019 + 002 + 019 - -028 + 027 + 011 + 022 + 005 + -W7 + 002 + 018 + 012 - 015 -1-035 + 010 + 034 + 015 - 029 + 025 -009 - (K)7 - (H)3 + -(110 + ■012 + (127 - 03H + 007 + 012 --(128 -~ -!)(.M '- OOI Keet + 114 + 125 + 141 + 108 + 123 + 1.32 + (199 + 126 + 128 + 158 + 171 + 175 188 195 + 200 + 216 + 197 + 2.10 + -257 + -271 + 292 + 272 + -284 + -283 + 285 + -304 + 276 + 303 + -314 + .138 + -341 + -348 + .3.50 + -368 + -3S0 + -38,5 + 400 + -410 + 444 4,59 430 4,55 448 4.19 ••■^ee also elevatmn of this Ixnii-li-iniirk .m p:ien 45. 438 + -44(i + 4.'>8 + 4.85 + 449 + -458 -f--46S + -440 - 444 Elevation above mean sea level Feet 1176 506 1172 052 1173 146 1170 412 1175 ,U4 11.16 ,526 1141 716 11.59 043 1177 .177 1266 973 1188-508 1211 247 1225 266 1246 093 1251 204 1257 770 1262 681 1284 481 12,57 .549 1278 478 1293 028 1295 472 1312 423 13:iO 425 13,50 297 1:184-110 1443-289 1497 445 1.5,18-348 1602-868 1614 169 ir)91 549 17-45 800 17.TO 214 18(,2-343 1897 l.W 1934 ti40 199(1 917 2(M1 799 •21185 193 2140 348 2185 487 2202-932 2213-474 22.13 409 22.12 ,"() 22.15 096 22.VS 472 22()7 ll-tS) 2287 042 2308 2.S5 234J!-315 2.W2 8,5,1 Rc.nc'h-.Mark No 81-J 82- J 8:»-,I 84-J 8.VJ 8t>-,l 87 J' 88 .1 89 J 9(Kl 91-J 92-J 93 -J 94-J 9,VJ 96-,! 97^ 98-J 99 J lOO J Ifll-J 102-J 10,1- J 1(M-J 10,VJ 106-J 107-J 108-J 109-J llO-J 111-J 112 J 113-J 114-J 115^1 116-J 117-J IIH J 119-J 120^-J 121-J 122-,! 123-J I24-J 125- J 126-J 127-J r:s-J 129 J 130- J 131 J 132-,l 133 J 134-J ™J 44 Geodetic Survey >j Canada KKSILTS OK r'RKrtSK LKVILLING AHHOTHFKIin TO UKSI'LKNDKXT, H C .-Concludrd Kun hi^ I). McMillan and A. J. Kmnholk IlENCn-MARK I>i!4tmioo DintulK-V DiacHxrANcT 1k»Iwi*ii (njiii Etrvation alxive moun Ttl.M II MlllK iM-ni-h- murk }• roiii To niorks 25-J Partial Total Bfu level No No Miles Miloi It-et Feet Feet No. IM J 13.VJ 28 .1923 - 024 + •420 2JIW 741 13S^ 135 ,1 nii-j 2-2 ,194 .'S -4- 009 + •429 SON 107 I3(K) 1 3ft- J 137-J 5 « 4(K) 1 - 024 ■►•405 2829-511 137-J I37-J IS.'^J 2 2 402 3 + 002 + •407 2885 4.S7 138-J I38-J 130-J 2 1 404 4 + 011 + -41S 2820 141 139- J I3»J 140.1 2 7 407 1 + 010 + •408 2785 063 140 J 140 J 141 .1 3-8 410 V + 003 + 411 2719 4.-.fi 141-J Hi ,1 142J 2 « 413 S 000 + 411 26N7 '.^4 142 J 142 J 14.) .1 7 2 420 7 - 013 + ^:)MH 211 1:! :il.K 143 ,1 14.1 J 144.1 1 » 422 + 010 + 40H 2624 (W4 144 J 144 .1 145 .1 3 9 42fl 2 + 028 + 4,M 27,50118 nyj 14-.J 141)-,/ 2-8 42»n + 019 + ■4.53 2822 ■.'iW 14«-J 14(1 .1 147^1 3-2 432-2 - Oil + •442 2922 .Vi7 117 ,1 147 ,1 14SJ 2 8 4:« + 014 + 4.'>« 3UIII My 14H-J 14ljJ 149 J 3-2 4;w 2 + 028 + ■484 31U0 449 149^.1 UfrJ 150- J 2-8 441 •000 + •484 3193 ,544 150- J I.WJ 151^ 3 1 444 1 -010 + •474 32.S9 242 151 .1 ISUT 152.1 28 44« •000 + 474 34111 KHl 152 J 152^1 1.M-.J 3 2 4.'iU 1 + 002 + ■471) 14(18 IvM 1.53 J 153 J 117-H' 4.50 1 - 002 + ■474 3399817 117-H* •■Ve also olcvatiun of this Ix'ncli mark i>ii paRc 41. HKSfLTS OK rUKCi.SK I.KVKI.I.I \( , KKVKI^TOKi; To KAMI.Ool'ri, H ' . «uii hy I). McMillun l\tS,H- M»UK Distance Distance Di..^, ia.r\N( Y iM'twecn trt)iii brnch- initrk I'^U'vaticm abov mean ItEM 11 Mark lionrh- Irom To niarks 51-D Partial Total sea level No. No Miles -Miles Feet Feet Feet No. 3I4-C 2(W 2 + ■200 I5I21.S7 314-<' 3i4-r 31.5-C 2 9 271 1 •000 + 2(i(i 1()02 967 31.5-C 315-f 31ti-C' .12 274 3 + 003 + 2iiil 1742 270 31(^-C 316-r 317-f 27 277 + •021 + ■29(1 1791 210 317-C 317-r 318-C 2.8 .""9-8 + 002 + ■292 HV12 7.i9 31.8 <: 318-n 319-r 28 282. + 006 + ■298 lliJII M7 :u9 (• 3i9-(; 320 C- 27 285 •I + 005 + ■293 UM| ■.-, .-,.-, .120 < ■ 320-f 321-C II r 28(1 ■ '1 + 009 + ■•102 1425076 121-(" 321 -r- 322-( ■ 4 1 290 1 (XK) + .102 1325 728 322-< • .122 r 323 (• 1 1 291 2 -007 + ■295 127(1 119 323~C; .123 r 324 C- 2 3 293 5 + 006 + ■301 : -'■.11 714 324-<'; 324-C' 32.5-f 21 295(i + 012 + ■313 lL".'ii 728 32.'-r 325-C 326-^' 45 :i(K)i + 017 •H29fi 1199 427 325-f i2r)-r 327 r 43 .104 4 + ■003 + ■299 1173H13 327- <■ '- ^ . r- ■:^^,_;^ ■•M "07 ■ 7 ; 020 ; 319 1 ii-J -Jis o25 • Precise Levelling 45 HKSl'LT.s or I'|{i;risi; LKVKLMVfi KIVI ?<T->KK TO KAMI.(»ors. WV-CmcUM Hun (.» 1). McMUkn ItrxiH -M«KK Dintancn Diaunpo t)lSCRtrANCT l)€>twwn ■uropMive lM»nrh- niarki fFi>ni li»nrh- iiiArk ,51-1) Klevatiun above mean ■ea level From To Partial ToUl Hincu-Mark No. 329-<' 330-r 331-f 332-C No. 320 -f' xm-r 3.II-C 332-0 3.« C 3 4 (1 3 8 4 1 4 » Milr> 311 1 311 7 315 3 310.4 324 3 Fi«t -I- 0.T0 - 005 - 008 -025 + -0O9 Fwt + ;i49 + 344 + ■;«« + 311 + 320 ll.M 130 ll.M KM 11,5.') ftl7 11.53 .563 11.51 100 No 32K <• 330 ( ■ .131 <• .132 <■ 333-C 333-r 3M-f 33fl-C 337-C 334-f' 3.l(V-< • .337-f' 33«-(; 4H 18 14 3 9 70 328-8 ,T10.8 332 ,3.35 D 342 - 004 - tm - 0O2 + OH - 007 + -3I6 + 313 + •311 + •315 + 308 ll&t-388 1161 178 1144 518 11.55 966 11.51) 208 334-r 3.1(K • .337-<' 338 -<" 33»-<' MM" .T4M' M2-C 33frr 34(W; 341-r M2-C ■.m-r 4 5 4 82 2 1 3 2 .148 a .3.52 3 .3.58 5 360 8 383 8 + 011 - 015 - 019 + 024 + 010 + 319 + -•((« + 285 + 309 + 319 i:«8 28;) 14(10 :t(ll IH.i tWl 1173 8iU 1144 836 3:»f .'UO ( ■ ;(4i r ;i42-(: 343-(' .m-< • ■.tu (■ 347-C .(44 ( • .14.5 ( ■ .MO-C 347 (■ 34S-C 2 1 3 8 3 6 4-2 14 .3fl.'> 9 .1«9 7 373-3 .377 5 378- 9 + 017 + (Mlfi + U(I2 - 013 + 009 + .338 + ■.'142 - 340 + 327 + 338 1148 128 1182 2.52 1148 K47 1158 219 ll.il 0X3 344-r .34.5-r 346-C .347-r 348 C 349-<' 349-r 352-C 3 3 2 SO 2 8 .■W2 2 - 020 + -3lfi 1146 3.M 349 350-C 3.51 -( • 3r)2 (• 389-2 391-8 + (HU -002 - 001 + -3I9 + .-ll? + -318 11.5;! K.57 11.53 736 1 Mil M7I 3.50-C 3.51 C '{■,■> (' 2-8 394-7 -006 + -310 ll4.t s:t; 3.53-C .■tJ3-(; 354-r 11 395 8 -008 + ■302 1162 429 354-C 3.>«-<; 3.'i5-C: 4 393 2 ■000 + ■302 1182-008 355-C 354-f; 87-J* 3 5 399 3 -009 -■293 1142 SIO 87 J* •See iiU) plpviition of thi^. hpnch ni.-irk nn [):ik<. 43. ■u, Geodetic Survey of Canada I tint III KAII. I.I. i:\ATIoNS. KlirsK I'liINT, N V . Ii • >MI HHIKh.ki m I iKIrvaliuDD tnVvn in IHISanil IIM>< Dt-lnwnrf A HudHun Kuilrimtl-- Kiiux- i'nint " Kiitlunfl riiilniail tiliiiinorul rro^«MinK> Napivrvillp Junrtion Ky.— (inin<l Trunk ruilwuy, Oiiuwu illvioion Hliuiiinnil inin^inK) " I^Wtllll' " NttpilTVlIIiv " St. Kiliiuiircl " Im I'ortuiv '* I>e!i«in . ''untidinn I'urilir Koilwuy — Drlwin.. " (ininil Trunk rwilway iiiiaiiiiimi crunninK al DclMim. ilrund Trunk Kiiilwuy — Liipruirio. " Hri*«N»ttu " Miinln-ul nnil SoutluTn < 'imnlioi H'lcH-trir) rnilwiiy, (tiam»ii<i rnmiing " St. I^MIltMTt. " Si. HuIkti " St. Hrunn.. St. Iiaiili- . iH'll luihclieu rivi-r: wiiii-r. N'nv :t. Itfl.^, 20-8: rail. " <>tti'rl)urn I'nrk. St. Ililuire.. St. Hiluiri' t:n«t " .Stt'. .MH<i>*l('tncv (jui'U'c. Mi>ntreHl and Soullirrn railway (diamond prowiniit St. Hyarintho. yaiiiiucka riviT; watiT. .May 1". IBIft. 63 7: rail. < 'iioudiiin I'ui'ifii' railway. St. (iuillauiiip Ijranrh (diainund rrunxinK at .*<t<'. Hn«alu' .lunctiiini. .. SlIV ltci:.illil' Uriiannia -Millt Se. I.ilMiiri' I ptoll. Hlark river: watiT, May S). lUltl. KKl I; rail \<-tiinvalo ( anadian I'arific railway. DruiniiiMndvilli' hriinrh idiamimd rrn^inni Danl.y S'.uth Durham Li-^Kar (;..rr St. KranciN river, walir. Iuth' IV. liilil. .385 6: rail. Kiclirnond .. C.rr.s, Morx. Win.|s..r .Mills,, <'emcv Inlanit. TitUK. St. Kranris river; water. July .i. I9lli.4ll 1, rail Hrnniptonville. . Mai!ua river; water. Julv7. IDItl. 4(12 4. rail Sl„Tl,r,».k.v rKKT 12:1 2 I J I II 142 4 146 1 IH4 7 178 H 1.13 S VI 2 Ul It V2 I «U se 4 A3 .1 74 3 HB-7 HO Al 3 A2 tt US 7 70 H.1 » KIHO IIA V 113 7 lOD'H 103 V no 5 113 5 220 » 2S».;t ■202 3 202 I 310 S 317 ft 437 3 IH)7 4 .WS 6 .'):i4 8 422 .■) :iyi I 4112 4 IIIK II till 2 421 Ii 427 2 442 4 470 4KI', <) 4S4 9 H\ll, l.l.l.X \TliiN>- STi;. Hd.-M.ll. .11 .\( TKiN Ti 1 1 \I(\11\M (^1 1 (F;ievatiims taken in 1916) ''anacli.ui I'acilic i{:iil«Hy- (Irand Trunk railway idiaiimnd rn^sinK al Ste. .tnsalie .Iiinclh.i St llvucinthe . St. Pie lilai k river; water. .May 3. 191B, 109 0: rail. .Montreal and Sfiuthern Counties 'eieftrinl railwav. iliainontl « ro^- Mni?. .Aliliotlsford I'apine.iu ^'anrobert , .. ][ ya;i::i: ka river; water. May fl, 1916. ISOS; rail * entral \'erninnt railwriy 'diriirtond eroSKinK ut larnlmlii I III ."> HIS I) Ml 4 1.(2 2as 8 20X 6 211 7 234 -S .'(IS >■) Precise Livcllivs, 47 11 Ml. 1.1.1 \ AlKiNS. CILVlDIKKi: TO lljl lIMo.Sn (jrK. I !. . ,' lukcn in lOIOi <lrunil Trunk I(.iimmi\ < ImiikIuti' " OltlK Itimil. .*•!. .\KHpil *' t>OM|UCt. " l.yalcr '■ ■ H*<iini<iur riv«"r, »ui i . , . " Sliv .lulu- rit'wbvfllr.. " Princcvillv. >iran<li Ni>i>li-i rtvfr; water, Clot. XI, Itl*. tlti; mil. " Virtorinvillf Ni' »»ter. Ort.21. I9I«, mi 3; rnil \\ u " Kmi. ■"•<'uilmi.%i l.ranrli .S'iiiili-i river: wali'r, Orl. 3(1, IBIU, 3BJ 0, mil " l>iinvjlli». .xt. <>T. " Hi' 'itiiiinci rtrr ■m 1 ■Us. -2 41 lu :i Una «» ;i 44U 4 477 » 444 :• .l:"> .i .vn -J 4:i:i 4 42.' ,1 4*1 4 44H 3<H 44H 6 4M 3 301 1 11 Ml. i:i.l.\ \Tli)\S. MilNTHi:\I, I.I Mil- LINK l'ilt'\'fiti(»n.4 taken in MM7 i <;r!inil I'lunk U^.lx.iv- St. I.uiiiIhti. Vii'tiiriu liriilKi- iliighPKt point) I'liint ."It. CliurlM Ijii'liino I'liniil: wuter. Sfl 9; rait .>*i. Hi'nri CiuiuiliHn I'arific Knilwny— .Montri-iil. Wimlmtr slrift »liitiiin. " .Vfwfiter Hvenup sultwuy *' Wt'.'tniiiunt " M<intri'ul VVcNt .N'lirth .Junrtion. St. I.ui' .funi'tiun.. <'At*Mli>^,\c»i)rrN., " niilri'iniint. Mil.. l:n<l " .\nKU«.. " HoclH'Inifii. .Muntrcjil. I'linT Wtivr station,. T4 3 Ul 3 .W » tWH HO ■> KW 5 132 II l.-)l 7 l.W 1 13V n l.ili i 17» 3 LMHl 2 222 7 llV) 3 i! \l I I I.I \ \ I |M\- ;l!ANriiPlM) 111 I.IC.V.N lUO.-i.^I.M. Kloviitions tiiki-n in 19161 I '\ I <lranil Trunk I<uilwH> — llrantfunl. Alford I Hiirri.-burK branch 1 narri...liurK, " Hntni'hiun •'"""'li"" I'a'ilie railway, main line (overhead croiwinK' mil !M3 « < i. 1 .U. rail " IVcston. " <"''•. I'ri'^li.n A Hi'>p>>liT U'liMirici railnav, diamond cmminic >Mvi\ river; water, June 13, lOIti, ()3o 7; rail. " He..<p<'ler. . " (inurrick. , . , ''uelph .lunctiun (diaiiiomi enwsimt)... Cuelpli " Mi>.sl,uri)UKh llreslau. •iranil river; water, June 2S. IIHii. Uii2 4: rail.. Kitchener \\aterl(K) ilimnrh) reter^linrK- Ha.lcn Nt'W llaliiliufK.. .Nilh river; water, .July 1(1. HUH. IIIS."i (i. rail. Shake.speare .■-Iratfiiril " St. I'iiuls.. •">t. .Marys .lunctlon. " St. .Marys (lirani-li) ,. 70.1 717 li 73(j 7 SU5-3 S7() 1 921 7, 92.'i 9 949 7 !I4U 2 !M:| 4 l.d.lK ti l.l)7.i il I.OIW 1 1.1W4 » l.ll2,-> 1 1,012 U 1,1(11 ■J 1,().W 2 1.211 It 1,1. w ■I 1,12.'< n 1.12(1 2 l,l.S3.fl 1.192 7 • !a= 7 I.IJM 1 , (l,'),'i ■ '1 48 Cn'odctic Survey of Ciuuula I'M. ! M.VAT](INS, niiVNTlOIlD TO I.TCAX . Ii( i>-,I .s ( ,. i>\V. -Conclude. iKleviitiiMi" t.ikrii III I'jlili • .rand Trunk IJaihv«y— NCrlli hruiich TImiuea nvor, rtiiliT. July 27, IBIO, asa-7, ruil ' lironton " Lucan !'!!!!!]!!!!!!.!!!!]! •-■""•'' Trunk railway, London- Vi'inKham line (under croMinsiraii 8ur6; iimin lino, rail Lucan ( 'rossini! (station) ..'.'. J'KF.T 1.W2 2 UaO'S 882-5 88! -S liAll. l.l.l.VATlnNs, (,ri:i.l')l .IL\( TluX TU rAl.Ml.l;>Ti iv, , ,\x (Klfvations taken in 1918) Grand Trunk Railway— flui-Ipli .lunction uliaiinind rniK-'inK) 'iinailian I'afilic railway, (iutlph-Ci ,, , -V . r- -'"ierii-h line (diamond crossing).. 11 anion * Klora .....'. Grand river; wator. Auk. H, liilO. 12.16-0; rail.!!. .' iyTn.u^. !!!!!!!!!!!" ( aiKi.l.an I'urili. railway, Elora branch (diamond crossing)!!!!!!!!!!! Alma Cinl(1..4tt>no . C'onc..<l()ga river; water. AuE- 24, 1916, 130'i 3; rail.', OravtNn M....r..ii,.!ci !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l';iliiK'r!*t'in 1 1 '7: >.i I n -' ■) ii;u-5 IL'U.iO l.iUSl Ki.i.i-S l.iM-S l4:w-ft 14:>4-8 l:i.-.l-4 Ki,5ri2 imu 7 i:U2-l KAIJ. i;i.i;VATH).\.s, IKHCii;,- To Mi:i.\ 1 1.I.K, ri\T. 'Klevation.-' taken in luICi Camiliiin I'acifio liailuay - riTKiil" tJrand Tnir.k railway, Harri.-iljuri;-S(,utliai[ipt(jn line (diamond rro.s.Hins; .^picr !!!!!! (iran.l river; water, .S?pt. 1, 1916, 135I(); rail,!!!!!!!!! Hclwood I in. .11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hiii-iburgh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'.nn !.!!!!!!!!!! (^'ataract Alt. in ---........... Mi'lvillo (.■<troct.ivillo Junction lino).., Mclvill.. tT.ir.iiit..-(lHpn .-^dun.! liiioi l.iiit) 1 1 :!&»-. 3 l.itf4-5 l;i72-4 141'.»-5 14.-.1.7 I4is.i! II'D;) 7 IL'.i:' ;i l:;i"i !* rsjii i:).'s.7 ii.vii. i:i.Kv.\rin\s. rr.ur dai.h.u .siu tu tout colbokxe, ont. ,. , ... , ,, , lake Ontariii: water. ,^epl. 28. 191G <.raii<l Jnink Haihvay W.lliml , ai.al .swin- l,ri,lKo; water, 317-9- rail [' -MiTntt'iii. l'"rt Ki.ljiii.i.in. ;; M.'iiaii.i.. . ■ ■ ;; " ^\.'ll,'iii.| .liini-tiiin i.lianiDii.l i'n.->iriKi HuiIllMTstDIU'. ''"ft ( '.illxirne idianmnd cr.is.^ing) !!!!!! Lake Krie; water, Oct. .5. 1916.. !. !! ! 21, ■if, .■i2i..') :W7 4 .'i'jy.4 .■)7'J 5 .i.sy . 571-3 H.MI. l.I.i.\ ATKiN.-, 1 U\\;c 1(1 I'liUT AKT!H H. (i.NT. Klevatiiins t,-ikeii in lOlli) ("ana.linn IVific Railway - \k'..rna (Viitral railway (.liaiiiond crossing at Fran«) "llllam.s.. !! Maapie laki;; water. May 12, 1916, 1129-4; rail (on bridge I .^wansiin (irasctt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I(ver..i.)n (;irdv.-.H,d. . " Tri|H,li u . ' , .AttlVOt i; Hircli VVhito riv-or ( niil.age 1 ly :, [nmi ( liapleau); w-atei^,' May "fi 191(1 i2yH 0: r..\il.. I2I(> .S 1171*. 2 lli'.<|.4 II fill ,s 12:ii; 4 l:iS2 a n:!2 (I 1411-7 l:i7!l « i:)70-7 i:i29 Prrcise Lci'dUni^ i;aii, i:m:\.\tio.\ 49 l-li.WZ Til IMiiiT AKTIirU. t'ST.-Cmtinue.l. l.l.-v,iii..M i.ikr.i in lUKj) Canailin- Paiific Kailway— ;)'l!iicn.. Wliiir lUKi. l-'ll'irmi'l"'''"*''' '"" ' '""" *^''»P'''»"-: "■»t<"r. June'l, ii)l " '''',".;riT '■",'''■»»' '29-6 from f Implcau);' waU-r; Jui.« I.Mi 2: rail \V Int.. 1 i i%i>r (station) ^ i ! ! i ! ! ! ! ! i ! ! Dcnison ••»•.. ^^ '"I'l.TO- ■I'rnTl''*"*" '2'2 frimi' WhiteRiVer);' witer,' juiie" ii,' ifllfl, llrciiii FEET H.'iS-.'! i:)I7-5 IL'lK) 5 V2^'^■^! 1173 1 1140-8 114K 5 inner HrcMincr river KinK " '''iwj'ij" 'rali'"'''*** -*"''""'" ^^ ''"« "'ver)V Water.' June' is,' ioiG, Trudcuu ' . Strut licrs '''■''mo-'«''' 'n'/'i-ase 33 <J fr.„„ W hito'lliver)';' Water, .lun.. I'.l. lllUi. i'/-oo, rail m-jR * Homlo 1035-4 I'rinKle ...V. SJO-? M..iKun-i :..::;: f»\ lilai-k nv.T; w;i: r. .July 6, ioie, "56-2; rail ano « IV- nv<.r, mil .,n liriilne 2^; 7 ''■r.M. H„y 587-4 water, June 14, 1916, 1121-7; rail!.'!!!;;;!!]!!!;;!:; Il:i2;4 1077-9 11)79-0 in:w-5 1032-2 ''nni;^. rciiinsulu, Ant'liT. <'ol.hvell„ 707-8 1)99-7 703-2 703 4 711-3 Little I'i.riveri'n.ii'n.'hriiiKe.'.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:-: ^;2 Ripple.. "S^y .Sioel 686-6 Sl.H-l river; water, July 25,' igiO,' 609- 8;' rail! ; ; ; ; ; ; ; r^L'S •lackfiah ;;;;;; '}}~-^^ \osln.. •>•'■* 2 Hia.-ks ;;;;;;;;; "^'^-o I'-la.k river; water. '.Vug.' 15. IUIg! 817-S; ruil'.! ; ; ' ; Jl^'n H,.rn.. , »92-9 Winstd seiitn ;;;;;;;;■;";; liofi.^port I'aJ-s 'mt"^"' ""*'*'' ^^"'"' ■■^"•*'''"fJ.-^"«- 18. '3Hi. 0021, rail Cavers... I iravei ;;;;;;;;;;;;; Jiravel liver; \^ ater I Lake Sureriori! ;\ufr! 30, IlIKi, ML' 1 • nil Dublin ;...!.;..;. Kama ; ; ; ; ' '^one.. . . . . Fire Hill Kuhv... . \i ■ -ini-.i rail filll :'. (MM;, rail 7t)2-4 718 3 644 li 608 1 620-2 t>42-2 fil.S-S 1)21 3 lWS-3 (W7 9 144 .5 027-3 Ii05 9 i;)ll -4 ll-S.'i-.i) tW.!.") 079-3 IB.S ■ 2 (iilO-1 (;<17 - 3 ypit-nn river; water, .'^ept. 13. llilil, 00.-, 2 rail ■ .■u'.-iilian Nr.rtliern railw.-iv iimiler rn NipiL'"!!.., lieu H„ek , : Sprueev.iKiil ' ■ HIaek .Siurtteon iu..r; water, .Sept. 22, 1916,612-6; rail! umkei't'.' .'.■.' ,'.■.■; ;;;;;;; •j"'-! ■■; Wolf river; water. .Sept. 23, 1916, 608-8; rail! ''""■''* I lonon ' >iiiniet ;;;;;;;; l''n'\ ker I'eari ; '■■;•; I'earl river; rail im llrill^'e.. l.onn p,'',!k*'"'^''' "''"' "•"''■'■"''■•--''- '«'C. 9S5-4; rail Market, ... Nuvilua.. ti27 () 077 1 740 .-. 774-4 K45-5 S4.S-7 I04S 4 '.lOO il •Xu 1 ■.ii;i-7 7r.L' 7 30 (.nodrtic Siirirv of L'auadd I'.All. i;i,i;\ATli>\.-. 1 KANV. To Vn\' r AHIli'l K. CNT. Ivli'ViitiuM- l:iki'n 111 I'll'li t'an:iiii:in I'li'ilir H.iil-.viiy— Current Kiver (ata'ion <'urr<'nt river; wnt,>r. 1 1. t , U. IDIti. fi2j .'!; ni.l " ri)rt Arlhur.. " I,!ike Suix'ric.r. water, n,t. 17. 1916. "tuUtili'd. KKKT HI3-7 1102 i; \ii. i:i.i.\ AiMNs. ,1 \.<i'i:h. u.ia iMi.cjds, hc. ir.l.'Miliiin- lukcn HI I'llliaa.l 11(171 • rariil Trunk I'licifif Hy.— .Iiisper Mietle river inile:it;e l(i:i."> .' Ir..ni \\ innipii; . \vhi.>. .\ui:. l.i llHi! XiSj !l. mil ' " <iei!iie. - " Mii'tte river (mileuKe l(l.^^ s frcm W iiu,ii»-i; , ujur \na 17 I'llii .ii; I :(.■>; nil " .Mlelte river Tlill.-.ij;.. llM4 1 iVmii, W innipei; ' . uatcr, Auu Is lHlli .■i7ll4 0: rail " Interprcvmcial tiouii.i.irv, .Mli.ria-Hnii-Ii f,, Intnl. m Vellnwheaa.. " I-ui<'rne. Alpland. *' (irani l-ir(M>k. " M.H.^eri\er: water. Aui; 2'.K i'.ihi, .;;ii; \) . rail. " Kainhiiw.. " Ue>plencient " I'r"-'r river; water. .\ui;.t(l. P.'lii, :Hi;i) '.I. r.iil " Mc.ui.t Uoi.-on. " Swift water. All.reiia " .\IiTx>nnaii river, water. .S'pl, II. Illlll, 2III') 7: rail. " T^teJaiine, " Shere. " Crci.Mlcin. * Duii^ter,. liau-h Vaiie.v. " liaii^liuswap rner. water. i--e|it, .'7, illMi. L'.'iiU N rail i:.i.iv. .\I. Mn.le Letraiul lilder.. ** HiMinew 1 :<. ' ll.'l.'i.'l I :i7iy li .(722 8717 1 :!'):«) 7 :h;i ■i :;i;il s :i:i'.w H :i4(Vt 4 ;',l()() 1 mi.i .''<27 2 2(1.').> ;i 2141) 7 2102 5 24 IS S 1 2.".li.S 2}<>2 .1 1 242Uit 2:iii:i 2 2:iiW 4 2:iU 9 22:t7 2 2 HIS. 4 2lli2 .! i:\n. i:ma\tmn>. .uu'.or.^KiKn to it!;,~ri.i:M>i;NT wn hvinhow, h l:ie\aticin~ taken in iill.'i. lull. :in.| l'.l,7 ' ana.llan Paeilie liailua.N \lili l-f.rcl i>riti> 1 ( 'tjluiiibla Liectric railwa.\- itiianiomi crn-^injii- '* < 'laviiU n '• Matsqui •ana'liaii ^'rirlljcrii railwa.x . main line (iliaiiiiin'l (To.--iiiK t'anaiiiin .Nurttnrn H,iiiwa.\- .Mat<(|iii ."^unias. Arn.ii.l, Hriti>h * Oluiiiliia l^lei'trie raitu.-i\ ili;iiii'iiii| (■ri'--ini: near < 'liii- liwarki Ho^edale < heani \ iew St. I.li,.,. Kettle Valley railway (ilianicinil ernssinK near Hop*' f'liMuilialla river; wiitpr. (let. IS. 1915, \M U. rail, ■iale, f'liapniali- Ancler.-.in ri\,r. water. Mav l.t. IHlli, .')24 3, rail licsl.Mi Har FalNCreek ,..'''' **anafiian Paeitif railwaw nititn line 'under erossinir) rail .541 s r.N.lt rail Kraser river 'niileat'e lll.i H I1..11, K.i:n!....p^ .iun.tn.n' wat.-r May 29. I9ni. 4:t2; rail , I'ra-er river iiiiii'aKe 9S .j fmiii Kainl..(.p- Juneii..n >; water. May 29. I91ti. 4.ii) H; rail.. l.\ii..n ('. Si 24 ,s 21 1) 2:1 2:i 9 1 21 :i4 .t 2S 9 X| , M - 99 S 94 2 1112 :i IK! 4 21s •> .•),")7 4 4:)f) 7 4.i2 7 110.5 ■ 9 IK)2 9 .Vio 3 Praise Lrvr/liii'^ KMI. l:i.i;\\T|(.\-, \HHor>lu|{|) TO HI.-IM I.VDI \T wi, itv.lXiloW l.l.'valli.ii-. t.ik. Ji jji liii:), lulf) :„|,| 1(117, CttnH.lian North. ri. liall«.o T „,,>,„, nvcT .ml,.,.,-,. 117 ."i fi,„n Kami j- Imi.lm Mmn :)II. I!II(1, M\2 (I II, il S|)cnii' Hnilt'i' ■|''"'V'I'^"" "^'■' iinliMn, :.ll 7 f..„i, Ka.nl..,,,,- ,i,„„. II, „ ■I.IIM' I'l llllli m;.' 7. rail ;; Ha-iu.' ''"■"'I'-"" riviT ilMllciiKc .V) (I fr,,i,, K.iiiil lull, II,, II ■ luiir ■-•:', IWIH, H'.t7 0, rail ;; Ul„r,,ft, ''■'"","P-"" ri^'-r n.il, ■:.«.• 47 .'I fniiii Ka.iil,,..|i- ,liii„ii„n „ -'"'i.' 2-\, liPlli, 071 1>: rail. ■rii..inp-..n riMT iiiiiIcik,. 4.i s fi,,iii Kaiiil.,.ii„ .l,in, I i..n ■'iini' J4. imiJ. !)71l 7, rail ;; \i. \i '^'"""I'-.'n riM-r i iiiilc-aK,. :i4 1 fi,,i,, Kaiiil.,.,|i. ,l,i,i,i i,,i, ■luly .1, i;il7, KKW 7; rail. " Hallia.liiii. '''"","''"'" "^'■'' ".il.'.W 2N i) friiiii Kami, „, II- .lull, 11,, Ti •liii.v 4. mil,, lint :'; rail. ^1 Sa\-,,na " J^ipixT (ri.i'k 1^ Tranfiiiillr. .\I.MI.,n. „ Ni.rlli '1111,11111-,, 11 rivir. v, at.T. .Iiilv IS. llllli, H:'.-, ■ m,] Kami. ».|)- .hill, II, ,11 M. I'aul I* \ lll-utla. .lair... " I...U1- ( 'rwk -laii I.<'ui^ .Tcck: wairr. Ma.v 7. IIIIT Hiirrii-rc 11 Harri^ri' nvvr; «atir. .\Ia\ '■|iin.i..k ( 'i.vi' •' riiuCl.ua M..uni nli,... H.,ul.l.-r.. " Ulaikix,.,!.. f 'li'aruali'r.. ;| Mir.li Ii-lan.l. .v.. nil Tli.,mp-..ii riviT. Hiri-li I>laii.l l.ri.lp, ;val.r - . hanlirl I .May .'HI, Iill7, lUSlMi; rail. ,. »:"i'r 'ii..rth..rl\ , hanni'l ' .\Iav :tll, l;il7 l.llll'i.V rail _^ \avi-nl..\.. lr\iiic " w"V.'' T,'"""!'^"" "^'■r. vval.-l. .luii,, 4. 1!117. Ilil.' :i; rail ^^ .*] .-.M urph>- , „ ^.'rlli 'riinmp-.ui rmr: »al,,r. .hill,- I:'. |.U7. I.s.-il 7 rail • \v,>la . M..>-.|l,.r \\..lf..|i,l,.n ^ Tniul I ri'i-k _j Will' lllvi'r -lain, 111 .. Hlui' river. waliT. .luly .'i, Ii)l7. 221 I L' rail ., Tliuial.T rivi'r; walfr! .luly li, i',117. 224>* (1: -ail .. N.irtliTli.,mp»,,n riv.-r; waliT, ,liilv 111. llllV '244 .'i rail „ 1 liunilcr ItiviT -lala.n ,, I'yraiiiiil ^^ I..'iiiprit'-rc * li'iiiina " -\ll,r,..|a ^^ <'aiiii|, UiviT. „ Swift ('nek.. ■fa.kiiiaii M,.r,.v. i; M. ,111.1 !{,.!. -,,11 j^ lli>pl.'iiiliiii t'™-"*!'" river, water. .\iik n. I.ll7, :!:i,sr, 4 rail Huinlxju-.. 51 H.C — r„n,/,„/,J. 1 1 i/r "itl« :i liiW .'! 7)1 S '>!IS .-1 ill 11 s Ks I) 12:!:! a; rail.. I:'I7. I2'2,s :i: rail. lUtllerl'. IIKW (1 111.12 II HIS.-, 2 l"N,"l ,5 Il:i2 2 1174 1 1171 s ll.V! 4 II."i2 .s ll.V, 1 11.'):! 2 1171, t lis.-, .5 ns7 S 1 ■»■'(■, 1 i_.,i, 1 1242 :t 1247 .( 12411 (1 12.'',2 1 127.1 7 12117 2 12,Stl 4 i:iii2 7 1:!2!I4 l.'i-S.i.s nii.-i 7 112.) !l 1 .1:1 7 1 i lli.'W 1 li,.M 1 17S.1 7 1 sii.s . 7 1. Mill 7 2(l7«-4 21 till 4 2IS!I i) 22:il)!l 222,S 9 22.W 2 22li(l 1 22.iX 7 2:im :! 24411 7 2744 S 2M)li-| 272.'! :! 2IK)2 2 2.S1X .( ■'I LIS ■ :t :i2.''is :: :t4l7 11 .III IX 1 :!4(io i; 52 L'lcoilclic Survey of Cuiimld HAH. KI.I,VAT|o\S. Ui:\ i:i,STi iK I. 1. 1 K\\II.M(||'< Wr lKI.-v;itl..ll^ l.lkrll ill mill <ami.li;iii I'lirili,. Uiiilwiiy— H,.vi'I-t,.k,' ( 'olilliiliin r)\ rr, wuli-i \w I. liiiii. Has; rail.. ri.r..,. \ iillrv Kajtlc river inilpiiKe l.'iH (i.in lievrlstokc): water. Auu llllli :l; rail i:u«li> rivi-r riiilciwe 17 9 fn.Mi lii'vriiitoke): water. Ann HKH": rail rni/..v i-riH'k iiiil.Mi;!' J4 .' frniu l!i.vi'l7.loki'l; uali-r \»i! \H2^: r.iil Tuft. Kaiilc riviT iniliMi-f .'I s inmi li.vol.itoke I: uatiT, .\ui: l.'.V. 4; rail liaKil' rivi-r aiiili'ap. Jii I) ir,,iii l!rvi-l«iiik,- ' : <vaiiT, \ui: llMId: rail North fiirk. KiiR.i' riviT iiiiili'aKr .'i; ,") frmii l!i\ .l-n.ki-i .Vut:. 10. Htlli. lJ4:t .i; rail ''raiiicllacliio.. J:aKli- riviT imili'uKe 31 .i from Kevrl.ftoko); warcr. \iiu 11% Ti. rail Maiakvva l-.iti.' nvrr Tiiili'at:!' :i.l ii in.ni Hrvi-l.-tcko: »al«T. .\iii; II -It !l, rail l:.ii:li- rnvi mil, Mi:,- .17 J.", fnnii |{,.\ cl-ioki'); wati'r. .\iij;. ll.V.) ,s, rail i:aKli' river iinileiiKe 411 li fmni Hevelstoke); water, Aiiir ll.W 0: rail Sols,|i,a. i:aKle river iiiileam- II 1) (i.,ii, Hrvel.-toki'i: water. Aui; n.i.s .-,. rail ."^leaniim- iiarrovi-, water \im Jl. lulu, li:;7 .".; rail. ... ■^ieaniiMi< f 'anoe ■■^allium .\riii. ' " Saiiiii.n nver. water. Sept. 1. I'.Mi;. 11:!.SS; rail...!."!!!.'"] TapiJeii Carlin Nolel, llill KNon. f'lias' Slni?.wap. I'ritelianl. Duek. Kaiuloops s. lyiii, x. mill, :,', I'.Hii, . It, llill). 10. I'JIli, ; water. 11. llllli. IL'. I'.llll. ly. linn, 111, l!llll. L'l. llllli. IFFT I mil 7 117'.) II |iiliS> 111.',-) .' i,-)ii;i II I.'Nl II 1-M ,i l.'.Vi II l:'.-)il 1 VIM M IL'll 4 l.'I.-) 'J IL'Ut) .-) 1179 .1 11117 1 llil4 .) ll,).S-2 llofiO ll.W 4 11.).; .■) ii.)ii I) 11,)1 :i ll.)!l .■) 142:m Hiil! 4 US.i 7 llS4li ll.")4 1' ll.il.'-2 ll.'xi 2 llliO 7 Precise Levelling 53 INDEX Al.ril ABI I'll Al. I.I.-I 11} (IllKS. luWNS \M) \II.I.\(;i;s AT iiR \i:\K MIIH 11 lllACll^MAHKS lIWi: ni.V.S KSTAIil ISHKI), Notp — rndiT ""Yt'iir of I'ultliciUion.' 191:' r.-riT« lo \,il I, S',. ' I'ulihi I'Jl.l ■■ V.il 1. \,, lUH •■ Vi)l I \„ s. WIS ■■ \"l 11. \o. 1. 19m '■ Vol 111, \o. «. 1917 •• Viil. HI, No. K. 1018 refers to the present publicatioft. on Ohwrvalory " All^>ot^f inl, II. (■ . Al,l«,tl^f,,nl. flur. AlnTr.jrn. *^'ii(' Artomalo, (^ijc. .A(i:iin;-villc. (^inv. Ailsa ( 'rum. * Int. AlHiiio(]a, .*^;L-^k . . . . Allicrt <'an,vi>n, It.C... .Ali-ovc, ( Juc AIil('rKn)\c. H.( ■...,,. AlcDiiia. < int Alix, Alia Allcnfonl. iini. .Vlli.strin. < ini Alnioiilf, Cm.. , Alton, Ont.. Anilicrst. N'.."-. AndovtT. N.h AntiKOi'"''h, N.S Apohs(|'ji, N.I! Appin. C)nt Appl( Hill. 11.11. Ar(lpn<l;ilo, ( »nl. Adrnssan, Vila ArKvle. N.S. Arnprinr, ( »ni ArtKi.stfhjk, -N'.M Artland. Sask AshiTofi, H (• .■Vsnuith, Sask Atli.alnuT, U.r .\twiHiil, ( Inl .\ulMjrn. N.S .\voii(l;ilr, N S -Vvuntnoro. I iiil AyorsClilT. ()w .\\ li^s!iur\ , Sa^k. Azilila. < itit . Hation. Ont. HaUor Hri».k, N.U . Hala. I Inl,, HanlT. .\li.i Haron^. .\lta.. . . . . H.'trrinnton. N.S HarnnKlon Pftssaee, N.S.. Harrys Hay, I Inl.. Ha.sliaw. ,\lla,. 112 1' 2S ,1 rc'O H :,4 mi>- H ■>o .■(4:1 r,7-c 30.1-( • 472 24 ,1 (1(12 <il 1 202 .1S2, .iv; w < ; . li Ml I' .')4,") H /., 411 H 172 H, 17,1-H ll.Hi 2411 I(X) iH.'-, (; ,i.VH 4.57 H 7.3-(i. 41 H 2.S II 74 .1 iS-H 153-D .'iim 4X7 H 11)7-11 Ift) 28-. \ : 14 I) 4. -17 lOI-K 2ii4 li 4IW 24ll-f' 4S H r4 (;. 29 Ml (■ 71V I). 77- n 444 H 44tVl; ,')2.1 )»,') 1' 1018 1918 1917 1918 1917 1914 1913 1917 1914 1910 1916 1916 1913 1913 1917 1918 1916 1917 1913 1913 ia;:i 1917 1817 1916 191.') 1917 1917 191.5 191S 191.5 1917 1913 1916 1913 1917 1913 1913 1914 1918 1917 1913 1916 1915 1915 1915 1915 1916 •The hfr.rh mark ntimhrrr. in th:-; ni:h!:rr.l:;-.n ;V::i..'-. '-vr-lUr.c'. f.-.!!..- ^ _-r. : (jiiions; in nrder to dislinKumh tiu-m they are printed in italics to the "U M Nuriil« iiHf l'a»:i- 23 43 11 33 282 318 9 32 281 317 220 236 69 S3 270 310 218 2.34 170 191 156 I.-;" 16.5 187 60 83 64 86 2.50 293 17 37 140 173 277 314 47 74 44 73 56 81 285 320 2.56 295 Hi:i 186 13 30 2.50 293 277 314 20 34 26 42 19 M 26.5 3a) 61 .S3 148 175 47 74 285 320 48 75 ~o 90 225 238 15 .36 247 290 l>6 86 ll'o 188 25 38 12 29 12 29 16 i 32 165 187 54 Cn'odiiK Siin'cx of ('iiinidii ^'■'■"^"'•"' ^1- ll-l "I ' I'll.-, T,.-a.N., AM, M,.|,\,,,,s M n|. \1 M, uillflf Hi:\( II \i\i;k- hwi. |(|;i;n i:si \i;i i-mi) ,,„„,„,„,i. I'la..- Vi. Hatli. Nil H;i.vfi..l,l, N.S Mf:ilTl>\ itlc. < fnt, liraiiili'lii', Minn. Hi'iiviTtiimilli. Ii.( Hiilftiril. (Jill'. Hfilfoni. \ S Hcc.'licr 1 all- Ui^'liin. I hil Hri<..k.T. Mia. Hc!l.'ra\ I'. ' >nt Hcllariiv, I '111 Hi'llr liivir. I int Hcllcvill.-. .\.S Hclli-villc. Ont. Hrliii'ii. iiw Hi'nnrtt. H.C llcnmn. \ H.. licrwirk. N.S . HcthuMu*. Sa-k. Hii'nfait, Sa-k Hiwar. .S.^k., Hia.kii^, Vila. Hlailiinrlh, .^iisk Hliiinc. Wa.-h Ulairinorr. .Vila Ulin.l KiviT, (Int H|....rniii'l,i. N.li Win- HiviT. H.C liha'valc. Onl m.vlh. < Mit Moliariii, Sa^k. Ilnif.-1..«n, N.l; ltnis,-*(>vain. Man. Holtun. ' Int. Holiiwi-ll. Ilnl. Hciundarv I'ri'ck. H..H M;,„.l, .\lia Hnu iiKin\ illo, i lilt, Hra.'l.urn. \ V Urani. .\lia.. Urai.tfonl. I Int Hn-laii. lint.. HriclKi'liur;;. I Int Hiiiltri'Hatir. N ,- itriiTly HriK.k. N .<, ItriKhtiin. < Int Hri-loi. N H Untanniu .Mill-, t^iu.' Hriirkvillc, I >ni liroiiic. (^uo Urniiiptiinvillc. (^uc. Hnn>k|«.rl. (Jitc. Uru.c. .Vita,, liruci' .Mini-. ( Int. Hriiiotl|.|i|. I Int, UnuKwjrk. N.li, Hru>M'ls. ( Int Hull liiv.r. H,C liunlctt. ,\lta,, Hurlinct'in .let . (Int l'iir,\-, (>ui- \ H. < Int <'alah.«i, falais M <'alc|«|.||. (Int ''nliMlcin, ( Int. B.M. Nuintwr r>-H 17; 11 II .Ni 1 ( ■ .'idi n .Vil u !■- 1 1(11 ( ; ),">!l II iitii; It .^j It Is r. JSN It !( I) 1.' M I!l 1) hi:; I) ivit H}:i III H l.'4 .1. 1.'.-, .1 It 1.1 .117 lOf^C .•!.) (• ;(i- <•, .-I.' (■ l>iai .M.; I.N It \ J I7!i-r Ci.') ■:\\i II (1 •.i\ 1 ■J 1 '. \ iim It 'm III 1< 17(1 i'. ii;:i :i4 It (;j."i It i(i."i ( . KIC ( .VI IWS It 1.(1 4.") II r,i!i i; i.t.-i 11 IMI ( ■ IM-C I'.iii i:i A I, -id (, I n .'.rj L'li.-, Year of I'ubliration Drwription Elevation Vw raw.- I'il7 J7ti .114 lii|;i I'.n:! 4s III 75 I'.IM L-.'(i 239 11117 MH :f(i<i HII7 '2x2 :1IH I'.ili; 144 171 lUKi l.Vi |S(I l!ii:i m S(i lUIH IM Is7 iui:i HI s:; 1017 2.*>2 2!»s i»i:i .'i7 Kl IUI5 13 .30 iMi; ■2HH 322 1918 9 .32 IUI2 23 23 IMI7 27fl :ti:i l»16 I4N 17,'. lUI.'l 71 IKI lUIII «9 h.S 191.1 20 .■i4 lOI.'i 2(1 lis 1914 227 .'III 1910 IK9 Hill 1917 262 :iii4 I91R I.Vi isl 191.1 44 191S 28 4:i 1913 til s:t 191.1 ftl si J 1914 229 ■J4I 1910 151 I7S 191.1 f.7 . .S7 I9I.1 .is ■S2. Sti 1913 57 •SI 19V 45 7:i I91.i 23 it.') 1913 .54 7!l 1912 27 IMl.'i 2t> :is 1913 .-,5 sn 191IS 14 III) I9I3 M S.-) 1915 10 JS 1913 47 74 1917 ■2HH :;l'2 1917 270 :il4 I9IK 9 32 1917 288 .121 1917 252 2',IN 1917 2S2 3IH I9lfi 10 33 1017 2SI 317 1916 162 1S6 I91A l.ifl 1K2 1913 (12 1^4 1917 275 313 1913 61 «3 1917 2IM .3a5 19l,^ 23 35, 36 1913 .55 80 1913 49 76 I»I7 254 j 299 1917 27.-. 1 313 1915 ir. ' 32 mi.-i r-M ' A"} lillH 17 37 Prrcisr Lcvcllius, 55 \i rn \ni ricM i i-r m ( im ,, iuwns and vii,i.\(;i:s at oh \i ui uiik h HIM II \IUiKS 1IAU-, M.\.\ KSTAl»i.lSHi;i)-r„n(inu,,/ I'hir,. CiilKary, Alia.. ' 'arnttriilirc, \.S <'nrnpl.i'll(.,n. N.li < Miiirosc, \ll;t ' jiniMiirc. Alfii,. ( '.•KirolpiTt, (^IIC ' '.■intiTliury, N.li. < 'iijM'ltnn, (^iir ' '•■ip Si, Ii-niici', (^uo. '■.•inbuo. \ T . 'arii'valc, Sa>k, arlclun I'lacf. < Inl,. ariiian«a.\ . Alfa, < ( ^,. < arn.lulT. Sa>*k I 'aron. .Sji,<|^ I 'an wridht . Man < asc-a(li.M. (^iic. * 'alarari ( >ni < 'liaiMlii'ri.am Sii-k < 'h.'inipii n, AIra < 'haplin. Sa-^k I'lia.-.!'. II <■., I hatham, < )nt .. <'lii.lhani, \.U < 'haNworth. f >nt ' li.'iudiiTi . (^11'- <'hau\in, Vila < hcl.-i.a, (ill.. <li...-.|rv, I hit (h.^stiT. \..>;. <lii'~t<Tvi[||.. Oni. Iliillivvack. 1(,<\ •liiri Mia. < 'liipriii.n, .N.li I'liu I'liua. H.( ',, < 'l;irk^"n, I liit <'lark-vill,-. \,.-^. , 'lavliurn. B.C.. nift..n, N..S, I'linlon. (Inl. ''lovcnlalo. H.C. ' ..iliiv.nk. (.liii-. '■..Iili'iiz. ,<a.-k < oliourj;, I Inl '■ciiliran.., Aii.i <'i)ll«)rn('. I Jril < ..l.lhn.nk, N S IV.Iihvalrr. ( Inl I'nloMian, .Mia.. ( ullias |i;,y. ( Inl. l"oinpl'>ri, (Jii'v •■"n.lic. .-i„sk ''nun Miilv V.S < 'odkini! I.,ik.-. \ll.i.. ''.K>k<liiri', iiw. < 'n|x'ln\vn. < hit I 'urln'tlnn, ( Inl. ''orli.vvilli-. (inl ''ornHail. i Inl ( 'orunna. I Inl . < mean .let., (^up, r,-,ti--,i,w.\,.m,.s. (iuc. I 'iMiririKhi. ( Inl.. '■oiiii>, .\Ila. I'liwlo.v, Vila. • 'r.-imhiir^t, ( inl.. ^Ri'fer to Puhllr Works r><»pl. H.M. NmiiiIht Vpar tit I I Publication I Hi-rnpinin [ lilrvatinn .V) n, .M r). .'.2 1) :i!) V 217 C. 21S ( 4!K) It L'.i (i.2fi (1 7(>-l-. 71 F Ii22 H ID II .-.',7 It ;.v It I'.i 1 I.II 1 . i;i 1 ; 12 (i 7:: l> 71 II ."lO 1 Ids 1 L'l 1 1 ii;7 i.iii 1 12 II 71 n ii.i (' .•i42 ( ■ 240 .\. 2t7, 247 A :)7:t. 247 4i4-(; 2k:i .M(i,.\.\n :ii> II 4li4 2!l.'i. 2!lli 4111 H 107 :it .I.r, .1 191 (■ :ii2 It !W .1 1!I2 :i2i)-n. :,2\ it 2!l .1 .Vll It :t2ll. :i21 2(1 .1. 21 .1 U. i.V 111 17 11 171 222 ('. 22:! f 1 lili 4!11 11 :!<«) - \ KI.S II 144 HI i 1) 1 i:w-lt M \\ 11) .\ .1. 11 .\ 2lr^.\ T.s.-i (1 4Sil, 4'.l(l, 4111 :i(il Ml xi.i. Sill, Hir :fii:i 2I« CI 97-1) .■t!l2 VuKf I'lW HIl.T 27 :i9 111 Mi 163 ls7 lUIti 166 ISH lUlH 148 17.-. 1916 1.51 177 1916 165 is7 1916 167 ISS 1918 11 :i:t 1917 27ft :ti:i 191.1 48 75 1917 247 291 1913 21 1 24 191.1 lis SH 1917 21:1. 2.VI 293 1915 25 38 igi.! 68 88 1914 229 241 1913 67 87 1914 21s 2.14 1918 16 37 1913 72 90 1915 26 3S 1914 229 241 191>1 31 45 I9i:t .17 81 1914 236 I91R i."i2 178 1913 59 82 1918 : 34 1915 21 34 1914 218 234 1913 au 83 1915 10 28 1917 28.1 320 1918 24 42 1915 2:1 36 1914 2111 2:)3 1918 27 4:t 1913 .'i.'i Ml 1916 11.'. 171 1918 24 42 1916 u,-. 172 1913 112 83 1916 1119 191 1917 2M:t 319 1915 2(1 .34 1913 .".:! i 79 1916 mil ! 1.S8 1917 ''s,s 322 1916 IIH 175 1913 II.I Hfi 1917 2I1J 1 31)4 1917 2.S7 1 321 1917 2n:1 1 319 1913 71 1 90 1913 411 ' 74 1916 111:1 l.Hfi 1913 49 7B 1913 ,i5 80 1913 .W 82 1917 2.i7 .toi 1914 I 219 i 2:t5 1914 22! 2:ir. 1917 2,SI 320 19I.S l.i :« 1914 o.i.. 236 I91.i 2.1 37 1917 2li2 :i(M !9!:i !l~ .■Jrt 56 Liiodttii Survey of Ciuuidn Ai.riiAiii.iK Ai. I i-i(ir . irri •< mnss wi, miim.i. \ i uh mmi uhkh HIM II \1 VHK-^ II \\ i 111 IN I s| Mil |. Ill I) (...,/,„„,,/ Place I'riik, Mi-k (■i;.nl.r....k. 11. ( ■ < rrnfon. II. I ' <'riH>kit.in. I Int ('rnw-nv-t. He, I rv ~liT, I inl,, Irystul < lly, Man nallHiiisic MIIN. (l„l I >;uih> . (^iic I >iin\ il!f. iiw Puuntli',*.-'. Alia I>iivi(lv(,ii. Saik. . . I)an>..l.. V.T Dran l.aki', (Inl n.-lii-.- N.lt IlplKunic. Alia IlolnrtiiiH'. M»n Ili'lM.n, (Jiic liiTifii-l,|. 1 irii I Ifntiiiirk , N S Ili-pipl llarlwiiir ■ Derl.v lit . N.H II.tI.v I.mp. \i. Pi'^harat.'^, i Mil Dcvhn. dm DcWintc.n, Alta Dinaiit, Alia m.-l.-y, Sask DoakliiHn. N.lt HoMiinton, I Int lIcinlifsiiT, \.J! Dorcnlf.-, Alia OoHClUI't, C^Ul- ,. Uraytc.n. I int " Illi'>«li'n, I Int Dnnkw.'.ftT. Sa'-k I luck, n.c llufk I.akn, .•<aj*k Duniialk. I Inl Hunda.w. tint l>un(iurn. .'^a.-^k Duniiiuir, .\lta B.M. Number lt( I> 17.' 11 1 ' i:^ II i'.t:< n. 111) 1 1 I7H ( . iim I) 4!»ti lli (• Yeur ol I'uliliralion (i.f.1 |{ «"tf-H 171-C IS n (j(i« 20 H .W K ;iii- ( ■ siw H. :m n .•«s l4!Mi Slili. .■)ii7 47 (;-.' :(,•) A tl.'L' L'7 i; 57-0 Ti-V 8-D .i7 C 294 n< ' ' i.x.\.\i\,f(, tii> 1' «.-)7 n I2:j 1' .■!7(l Ul (■ .'i4h ( ■ 4.' I) 274 2 1.'; 2.i I) IMC IVscripiion l<ii:i I '.1 1 7 I!il7 l'i|7 I'il7 I^IH llll.i 11117 I ',( I ^ I'.ll'- i 11 1 'i l!ll I !'.l|2 IWll. IHI7 IMIh IUi:l IMI.S Itfl.t IMI.1 iui.'; lUI.'l i<iii; IUI4 191.'; 19111 191.'! I91>i 191.^ I9ll> I9lt> I9IS I9IN 1914 I9I.3 19IS 1914 I9I.'< I9i:i 1914 1915 I'aKi- "■> 2IM> 2IW 2fi.l 22(1 1)7 lU 12 ;i4 :.")ii 27li 1 11.5 ()S K 82 4« ::\ I.) 2 49 1,57 22tl 2ii 111.) 71 151 IUI lt')5 II 16 222 7(1 31 Klevation 22 Ml 307 2W 304 23S H7 320 33 43 35 240 34 182 313 187 M8 32 84 74 :il 17S 1.S2 2:i9 38 IH7 9U I7S s.i 174 1,S7 34 37 236 89 45 240 82 .SO 240 35 Ka..*t"ian. C^up l-,<i>t I'ulinico. \.>. iJL'^tra.v. (jue Kn.^^twrMHl, ( Int Kclio Hay, I int KclKcrton. .Vita l^dniontcin. .\lta Kclinundj-ton. N.H i:.l>..n. .Vita Kiianvilli,. I Inl IJiiiwcKKJ. ( »nt l:lora. ( Int Klva. M.'in i'.iiilirun, ( Int IwDiTMon. Man Kmi). ( Int IJnlaui-'ra. (^uc I'n-ii5ii. .\lt;i I'Tin. ( Int i>nr^fnun, t rii 44 4,Vi li 44 22.5 (i2ii ,« II .5S H /■■i;i II ■>S li. ,59 H. (iO li HI H. s2 II .514 2<J7 117 1'. lis I' 44 ( ' 4'js 24 I, tw, I I 129 1- t AN) bcni'li-iimrk in internal i,,n:il !>f,unilar,. iii'inuiiipnt 1917 1015 1917 1913 1916 1915 1916 1917 1917 1915 1913 1918 1913 1914 1913 1914 1917 1915 1918 1917 : Ili-dr 1,. I'ul.l,,, \\„rks IVp 281 13 281 55 157 21 163 278 272 16 60 16 68 220 66 226 282 26 16 287 :ii7 29 :il7 HO 1K2 .14 isti 314 311 32 ,H3 37 88 235 S7 239 318 38 37 .321 Prc( isr I.cvrlli>i^ 57 M I'llMuriiM Mvr ,,1.- (nils, towns and mm \(;|;s at (II! \l \li UIIK II HI N( II \I\UKS ||A\I. l»l.i:.N j;slAlll.l.sHi:|)-(o„,„„oy. I'lucft Krnf.ilij. Siuilc.. Untpvan. Sank. Kuri-kn. ^ .T . l^Xl-tlT. ( >I1( Il.VC «2-C, fi.l-C :i.i2, :!.i:i 1 our of rul)lii-;iticm I>i-rri|)ii..n ' Kli-i.iiion Vatf Page 1914 229 241 ISIS m m i9r.> M 33 IV13 62 M4 I iiirvill,.. N' n I iirnliiirii, i>w Fprmm. Ont l'cTinl.i>li. Alt*... I iTn.i., He I U'lil. H (■ I mill. I iiil !■ iti'ihittT, S:i^k I ii'^liiTlnn. ( iril f'circ>^t. I inl I'ort Kric. c )ii( Kort l-'riinii's. ( )nt Kurt Williiirii. (Int Instcr, line I'rank, Altii I'runz. ( >nt IriTic-li \ ilhiKi'. N Kr.iliisl.iT. Sa>k luKunl. (^iir f i;iinsl)nr(JUKh. Sa.sk (i.ilt.dnl •■irvin. Siisk (iliiciiT, lie ... ';inrifr, \ :v (iii'nriK'. (ln( (;li'n I^Mi'n. Soak, <;ii'ntHy. ( >nt <M)<|prirli, ( >nt (loilfri'v, ( Int (;..lil™'. H.C Colcli'n I.akr. I Int . (MMKilands, .Man (.rafclicld. (^uo • ■r;irrtiin, Minn ('■raftmi, Ont firainitcr. .Vila ( Iran*! ( "(puleo. Sa.sk Crand I'alN, .\ H • iranrl I.iunt'. i)w < iraml I'm. N.S < ^ran.liira. Sa>k (;ra.ssv I.akr, \ila (irwn liivrr, N.H ( Ircon \ .-lUi'V, I mi I irclna. .Man < iniiisl.y, ( »nt Cui'Iph. Ont (luclpli .li-t,. (li.i tiull Lukr, Sa.-K 112 r.'ii K I.M I) in; It lij H.), M 62.) n. ini r. 1.7 I i.'i II ■ ■2W ( ■ III.-) v.ir, II II :i.-ii 2 1. 5- A 29 i:, :«i i: !«i I. /" !!.' i: 47 IIIL' I) Ton 3»:t H .is t • M r. .' I' .' ■I 27 47 (■ hi I („ 17 I) 2!I4 ( ■ iw 241, 241 .•)2 ( • ll7-(; :t2.'>, :i2ti, i.T(> (; 27.'!-( • SI, 5 4,V4 14 i; IM M V 101 (■ 4tV-lt 7S 4<.W It ■\ \\ ls2 ( ■, Ivi (■ .i4 H (17 4 (■ 20.i (MKK (/. 92 r HS I\ h>l I- l.iil-C H HaKuiv Sask Ilallirilr. Sitsk. llalifai, N.S... llallck, M.nn .> I) 7:1- (■ 3hl>-lt. .iSli-i;. 2-C' .iS7 It .■>>.7-li 1917 2M) 316 1917 2.M 317 1917 2s2 318 1918 II :t3 1018 Hi 37 1918 I1I.5 1H7 I9I7 21J.') 305 191A lUN 189 1917 2S5 320 1914 219 235 1913 72 90 1913 59 82 1914 221 236 1913 l'4 H5 1914 22ti 239 1B16 ii;i 1x4 1917 JSl 317 1917 2I12 ■.m 1917 2i;i :ui:i 191.5 9 2.S 1913 Ii9 H8 1917 2K1 317 1913 68 88 1918 14 30 1913 72 90 1917 270 309 1913 36 36 1913 .56 81 1913 (it 88 1917 2.53 29.5 1913 ti2 .S3. H4 1917 2,5,5 300 1917 2119 3' 19 191.5 111 32 1913 lis KS 1914 219 234 1914 22H 239 1913 .53 79 191A \M 1S7 1913 71 89 1917 277 314 1917 2S0 317 HHfi 149 175 l«|.i 19 34 IHI.5 23 36 1917 j 277 314 1917 2S5 3-20 1913 fifi 87 1913 (W 1 ,S5 19iS 14 3G I'.iis ! 14 36 1914 230 1 241 t 1914 1 22s ! 240 1913 1 119 89 191.5 1 9 M4 28 111 1913 1 no 1 87 5,S (jintliiii .Siir:u'v of ('diiiiilii ^' ''ll^l'l I " \l I I- 1 "I ' I III ~ ImU.\.> a\1) mi I \(,l > A I <U( \l Mi UIIK II lil.\( M MVIJK- II W I IIKKN KSTAIIMMII \)-(.,nl,nurJ I'la HarDilron, <tni llniiiptiin. \ II Hfinli'y. S;i-ik Hanover. < >nt KanI-*iM»rt, N.S llariaka.Iri . (^ui' Harnslnjru, ( >nt Murn^iori, < tnt Harrowsiiiifh, ) tru llartlanil. \ II llaltnn. Sa^k HaMtliurnc. ( •nl Ili-alli. Alia Mfnfrvn. (>nt Hcrt..TI, Sa^k MiT.m Hax , ' hit II.-K'I.T. I1,M Millh.iist, l.iii.. HiiMpiiri.'h, 1 Inl llnl,|,.„. \|(a lli'll.ttid * 'i-rif ri'. I tnt M.>liiH.-vilIi<. 1 ini ll..lrnli..|,|. Man H..|«.. II. <■ IIiiKirk .III., (Jij,. Mul.l.anN, N.S Mull. Uw lliir,,,-. ^ T IIuiilini.'.|Mii, II ( ■ ll>d.. I'lrk I. t , I 1,11 l!l^ fl'K JIHI iim 11 l!t 1) :'iw 2U9 rm II :'i!» 11 1' :iii:; .MM I'^i 1 ; .11 II i.ii (• Mi M H :ili) IIS ( ■ 74.'. 742 .\ si; 1 i:i l.'X I- 411 II is\ 322 22- <• 42-,!. 4.1 . 1 .s7 .in? H 4.W. 4IKI lii 2*1 1, 27 .1 ::tl Yi^ar lit I'ubliraiiun IVarriptififi Elevatiun Taili' I'ttKi' I'U.'I 1 itl W l'.ii:i 44 7:t 1H14 227 240 l!'i:t IMI N3 Itilii I4!l 17a im.i *,■> l«IS 14 :iK 19l:i I.I H.I nil 7 2.V'. .'IMI MII7 .'n; .•)i:t I'll", 21 :i5 I'lll 2.'l) 2.« iiii:, 21 M l!ll,l III s:) Pill 2.10 241 |w|> I'l :w I'lls II :iil I'lir -'vl :iii) i'<i> I'M.; III ;!7 LSI! nil i ."I'.i H2 I'll.; 112 S.1 I'll 1 117 m l!ll^ 21 42 I'.iir -M :)2() l:i|-. 'J 2S nil 1 .'17 2;)4 I'.iij tl :)i III Hi 170 191 I'.IM ll'l S4 II. IT! ill,., (lu,. il'1'Tl..n. I Inl Indian Ki\.'r, \ IniiiT-iill. I int Iiikrrinan. * int Iriiia. .Mia Irvmi'. .\lta I vanliiM'. ( Int 71 :i.iw 229. no .'W II l.lil <\ |ia» (■ 1711 I, ;.w I'll 7 nil i I'jij r.i 1,1 I'.ii: I '.1 1 1. I ;i I :, |||I7 .'ill 2H5 1112 :!I7 S4 :i:i SI) .'120 185 35 298 .iM'kh-li. lint .ialfra> . II. ( ' .IlllIHM UiviT. \- .Ia..«[)('r, ,\lta .la^ixT. I Int .Ii'aniiftii'. I Inl .I'inlan. i Int .'imi.ila, .'<.i-k i:il H. Ii.ll H lilt li !I7 (1 249 A 21 li I. II I'lK IIII7 l:il i i;ii7 1917 I'.II i I'.lli I 'J 1.1 19 2lU 47 274 252 57 IVl 19 39 305 74 312 298 81 a5 34 Kakil.ik.i I all-. I Inl Kaiiil....ps, lie Kaniliiops .li I.. H.C KazaKazua. I^ui' Kc;irni-.\-. I Int Kfi'watin. I liil Ki'inptrin. I Int Kciiiptvilli', I Int Ki'nastiin. .Sa.^ik Kcnni'tcook, N.S Konfira, ( Int Knntvillc. N.S Kill.urn. N n Killali«\ lint Kiii..n,.-v . .Man \;v. I'.H.; :i.i:i ( • 1 ) .3.55-1 ■ l;iis X7 .1 l'.ll^ 479 mil 5.-.2 1 '1 1 .'. 34-1- 113 I'll,-. I'.ll7 113 A nil i 21 I) nut ■">2.) 11. ■)24 11 n.ini .iiM--. 17 l', :i.s 1 191.-. 492 It 1 .494-11 19111 .■!7 li 1917 518.519 191.1 2.i 1 ■ 1913 llll .11 211 Jis 14 19 2SB 145 19 148 184 45 43 234 31 33 320 78 240 171 33 175 314 Precise I.reellittv 59 M I'MMll IK \! I 1ST or cutis l( >\\ \s A \ I > \ Ml. \( , i:s \|n|i MVUUIIKII lU .N< II.MAKKS ham; IU.K\ KST Alll,lsm,l) -( onfmurj. I'Ihi'i KiMKM> . (JU<" KinnHton. ^'.S KhigKton. >nt Ki|)|>. Alta Kipinn. I 'nt KirkoiiMv. Alta Kirk 1 .irv. C)ui' Kit'lifruT. t 'lit hli'inliuru. ' •hi KiKiwIii.n, ijui' KmiK.kii. Ont Kiw.dMiav I.andini;. H < II M Nii.iil.i. ' Vciir of I i riilili.KiiMii |)t-..ri|)tii>n 677 It 'tSli II i:!ii. Ill iti HI I) xm 70 I) 4ti.i, 4IM1 DA V l„ 97 y 2.M 4V 2;)7-.\ ;m i>, .'(!.• I) \, U2 I91H IllWi 1H17 I»15 I«13 l9tS I«M IVIft IBI.1 I»I7 Ittl3 1017 Fam» 13 MM 287 It B2 » 218 15 SN 282 S6 268 KIcvation 44 i:."i :i.'l :w HI :w :':i4 82 aiK 8U 308 l.i>r Hi.k.r. N.H l.a.nlli., (^111' I.:iki- I.diji***' Aha I.aii'ii-. SiL-k I.ansilounc. ( Int. . . I-apraint'. (^ue I.a\ ant. » »nf . . • -.■.■kfnr.I, Sask . Iy«TH'\ , >a.-k Lcnnnwillr. (^ijc . I.<'l>Ti'aii. N H U'lhlinil/i.. Alia T ... , Ont.! I.cv.^. (^u,. I.I>Ii'l. Ijur la.'^loHi'l. I int I.lltic Hivir. V. I.ivtTJXK.I. .\,S I^)rnii'slMir('iiKli. I. < mill in. On I LoniLmilcrry, .N..»;. I.iinK»<i(i(l. i Inl. .. IxiUMina. .Vila l..<iw, t^ut'.. lAtwoT .Vrifvlo, .\.S I-ov.iT Ka.-t rulmico, N'.S.. Lui-an. I Int I.uian ( 'ro.>-sinK. Ont I.ui"';:". It f '. Luinsdc.i, Sa.'^k. . . I..vn. Ont. L,\'n«lon. (Int., I.yiin Itriiok, N.S.. I.VStIT, (juf I..vtton. K.C Marcan. \ S 'lailci,,], .Ml., Mai'oun. Sa>k- Madawaska. Onl . , Maduc.l.-t., Ont . . MiiKiiK. Qui' .Maitlancl. Ont -MalaKa.-.li. \.S Malliiryinwn, Ont.. Maniliiii. Man.. Maple Creek. Sa.sk., Markdale. Ont.. Marysville. Ont -Ma.s.-^awippi, (.]ue.. t Refer to Public Works Depl. 2«7 H .W.I H 24H I ■, .M'J C m II l.'iU. I.il .VllUt i:ij o 41 ]l ^ II i; SSI li liKi C in L'IKI ( ■ Kl 1) 2:'l H. -SJ'J 11 222 H aHH H :«i? .■)(« 4IS II. 419-I1. 4211 It .'IIS :'.(.'>. 2.W ( MI,.\.\IX 2.t!l .\ .W-K 47(1 4.i.1 It 4,52 H 114 K .■i;i7 .i.i? Ill 11 r I) 12.1 217 i.ifi :f lifiO-lt tl2J, M-J CMXVI K7-I), KS-I) lifl-C .1.10. .Ml iw-t; 41). 41.41 \ r.'i 144 it 12.S lie. 12 (• 14.1 c. i4i;-r- 279 !.'>2 2S-.V ISI7 1SI8 1010 ISIS 1017 1018 1017 1014 1015 1017 1017 1815 1015 1013 1016 1017 1813 1912 liil.1 M)i:t 1913 1016 1013 1016 1914 1815 1015 1818 1813 1918 1918 1913 1917 1913 1913 1»1S 1918 1916 1917 1913 1015 1817 1817 1817 1813 1917 1913 1914 1813 !(>i7 1813 247 8 167 20 286 8 254 228 10 283 278 24 2.5 52 153 248 61 26 11 61 .W .111 165 218 13 12 15 62 15 22 71 286 .55 47 11 25 262 119 15 I'M Jxi; 411 2.S(i (16 2:ti .19 48 ■J'.KI :t2 1M( :i4 :t2l :i2 299 24(1 34 319 316 38 I 4 179 201 83 26 29 83 80 172 .SI 187 234 30 20 36 84 36 41 00 321 80 74 34 42 173 .■i(V4 S9 :t2 301 317 320 74 321 87 241 82 321 75 '' 1 oil (Jiodclic Survey of ( 'nuiula Al.ni Mil I h \i ir- HI \i • r of ( till S TOWNS AM) Mil \(,Ks \l <>U \l \U Ull|( II M \!\iiK> II \M hi;k\ i;.-tTAiii.i-iiii:i) -r„n(,«uf./ PUm KM. Nyiiiber ^ I'nr of I'ublicttliofl I)«M-riptM>a KlevBtioa \ II Mhawv, * »nl. \l:iti.|iji II (■ M.\,l;,|„. N II M. Ilri.l,-. H (• Mr < iiiru'v .1.1 M('!t<l<>w \ lilr, \.S Mi-.|i.inf Hut Ait.i Mi'.|,,m. \1:ii, Mrffwav . N S Mi'K:iniii-. <iu<' Mi'hiiniliiin, < Int.. Mrliia. Miin Mi'Killr. (Int. Nti'iiir:itn''Hik. \.M Mi'ri«.iiiii«li. \ s ViTti. kv illc. lint Mirril|..ii. I Int.. Mi.li.-i. n.c. Miihjpii'.itcn. Oni.. Mi.hii.'. .Srisk Vi.MI.-i..n. .\ S Mi.lliiirst. c int Mi-lri:iji..n». .\ Ita. "•lilan. (^lir Milc'*I.>m'. .'<H.'*k . Milk Hu.T. Ml;, MilliTinn. \ II Mini' < I'litri'. I inl. Minto, V.T.. Mirnir. .\ltn. .Vi'.ii.Mi. H,C M„U,„. Miin.. M,,n.ir.-h. Alt;i .M.mrkhind. i int .Mnni'ton. N.H. >!nnk. (Jul- -Muni.'.ifui-. \ T. M"ni I 'uriiicl. (.iiir. M'lntiM.-iuny. (^uc Mi.iiin.il, Qui- Mnritrill Wl'sl. (^iic. MiHtrottiwn. I lilt .MiMwrjaw. S:i-.k Morfloii. .Man M.irs... Sa.«k M,,iila,-li. ,s,i,,k. . .Mountain. < Int.. ■Miiyic. H.C Mulcnivo. N..''*.. Muniar. \.Ii Murravviilc. 11 C. MuM|ua~li, .\.li. M.\.t(f. (juf Nairn, I ifit NapaiiuKan. .\ It N'apaniM-. t int . Napii-rvillc, C^ui'. . Xaplnka. Man. .N'appan, N .S N'aliwim-nailk. Nil. N.'lM.n.l.t,. N II .•)W) i; r ■.w .; II II III i( ;!:i:; li l.V) It k;; c. 40 (■ 4l.i It ■2\ A l(W C. IDW-C ■-■. .'■-' \ ITI \. LT.' 4.' <■. 41 <• 1.1.' 1 .V)« II ItH H H4 C :'(i<.i 114 1) tl«S ■4SL> It, K! It 3U(I .'.1 1) Is \2 .s.i (• 21.1 ('.214 1' 47-(i 42- 1; toe 111 K :i() .1 Id |- S4 1) 1112 1.12 It, ru It 1.T4 It .i7:t It,:i74 It 1.12 11 i:i2 It ass It f/j 2S (1 .'ii'iij H X07 t,i si:. s\\ („.si;i :!ii2 »4-r.9j-C,9(J-(' 10.-) (• 7 c. s-c IIt>-C, 117 ( no r 111 Isl 1) is.-. 11 .17 It "Jl It. 92 It (ki \ :)79, MO .123 It..i24-n 149 In l.'>(V-A-2 .Wft-lt, 5X7-U 41 (• CM.M.X 107 It 47-(;-2 I'HI) IVI.I ItflH 11117 I'HS i:i|i lui.l lul.^ l»i:. nil.-, mil ivi.i I'll I I'lls I'.iii, I'.ii I i:ii7 191 ; 1917 1917 1 9 1 I 19111 191 1 191 -. 1911 191, i 191'. 19111 1911) I9IJ 1911) 191s 191 •. 1917 1917 191! 1914 i»ie 1917 1912 1917 1917 191 > I'lls 1911 191.! 1911 1911 1914 I914 1917 1917 I9i:i 1917 I91li 1917 1917 19til 1911 1917 191 S 191.1 19111 19i:i 1911) 1 I'lW.. \':i)I'- I.U ISI 87 •17 M 43 27.1 313 a 41 2l.'5 333 4H 74 2-2 1 Vi tlH wt 10 2N :*\ 7« >9 83 liK 88 17 37 140 174 " 74 1 2.11 3M (B 85 im 304 m 303 m 89 IW 175 'Hi 88 27 39 .•l« 76 70 89 25 37 152 178 i.Vt 183 10 .10 Itki IJ7 24 43 17 33 21)1 304 JS.! 320 4,> 73 217 233 US 174 245 289 28 28 24» 293 247 291 11. 14 35 13 35 221 238 "71 89 229 241 66 87 229 241 •229 241 2HS 320 2fi7 307 4S 75 277 314 170 191 279 318 2S2 318 1.V4 21.'i 2s7 S lis 44 r.2 181 232 321 33 88 173 73 178 1 Hefer t*. i'uhlic W'orki Dppt Precise l.rv-lli>ii^ M Al I'll Mil I I. M I I- I ..I < I I II > KiU N- \\|p \ II I \(.| , ii |- iPli \l Vlt Ullli II HIM II MAllK- IIAM, lil.l-.N l>,i .VUU.SULL) LmUhmA. Vhv,- H M. Numlior Your tif 1 I'uliliiatiiin IVfioriptiun 1 Klovutmn Nrwliurv. Ont . Newi-iwilc'. 1 >i.l New llin l..n. AllH. Now 1 MTiniim . \ ..s. Now ( ;l!i-.i[.>« . N .s Now lliiiiiLurit. 1 inl Now .Vi.rwiiv. .Mlii Now \Nf'<tniin'*lfi. 11 f ' Niffiiin , \ .^ Ninun. M;in Ni|HK..ii lint N..I ••f.ir.l. \lt,i N..r.lc-n-ki..l,l, \ r. Niirtlil'.'l.l, 1 int North l.iiki' 1 Int Ntirtli r..rtiil. .-:t.-.l. .NiirlliuKKl, ( Int 242 175 2<)« r, 207-<' 4<)» H 2 ll») It IU2 V. 103 V my « .1 lo 13 J 4H0 It 2U (• 7M.'i 71) I) 47 4V4 iwi i: t 24.5 113 II 23. 24, 2!, 33» (• 54 H I9I.> 1013 IBIS lUlA IVI.I lllis luin miii ItllH lun I»1H mi.^i Ii)l2 mil 111 Hi I'.iri •••^ M 24 147 47 1', HO 11.11 14S 117 21 2.5 27 2IS 152 Pan. HI 79 3« 17.5 74 ■M\ i>: IIMI 17.5 87 40 38 27 23i 18} MM %\ Nort.pn. \ 11 Ntirtnn M ilN. \'orinnnt N.)i(li llill. H (■ Nntri'-Djimc-dij-l.iic, l^m- 1«I7 2H4 31» MilH :ii ! 45 IUI7 -y.s \ .114 1 '•ilk lliiy, V It Oakvillo. I >ni , I llian. .'^it.»k, <)k(.t..k> .Mill, I I iriinK.'\ illo. I lilt. I 1 1.^.....!,., lint , . ! < l.ilinviii. I inl I Nl.T. .S;„k I Itiiiuii. I Int < )won Siunil. I >nt I itl«iw. .'-iiif.k • lif.iril. lint <lx(..r.l. N .■< iii(..r.l..l,t . N.,-i... , l'iiin..t'c. N 11 I'akcnhiiiii. i Inl - l'iiltfrii\f. I Inl l*iilliuT.*l..n , lint rimilftif, (jiH' I'ariM. I Int r;irkS.'K. .-^^..^k I'lirk lli-:i.: .1.1., I Int. I'arkluli, lint. Parry .s.un.l. ' Int,, , I*li.H(iuii, ? ;i..^k, Telly. V.T IVnHo. Siisk., rcrth.iint IVrth. N H IVtiti-.Kliiw. N.H riaptjt, Sji.*k,, I'l'-kcriiiir. I'nt, •'ioilini.nt. N..S i'iorM.n. Man I I'ike ( rock. lint. I'll.it M..un.l. .Man Pincher. .\lta. ' P.:now««! (.'r.t t Intomatiunal boundary monument. } Refer to Public Workii Dept. 4 1« I W.I li II m II l!li7 117 \. IIS \ 17H A. 171* A. 17K .!!■. 1) l-M \. 12.-) \ :m. .5<«. 124 \ 2Hli. 2X7. 2HS .5.5 (' ; i4 111'. II 1,1.5 11 1.1.5 It I' MUM. Ill ivs < I nt) I . .1711 .1(1.5 .1115 .557 11 it>l nl r 2'.il .141) 41il. 420 ii:; (■ 118, 119 w (• 112 (1 In n5-(; .19-» i2;i H 111 (• ISO- A 2 IM H 1.5 r- 15 (• >.n 1) 1917 27.5 313 1011 55 HO 11)1.5 2(1 34 iyi5 21) 38 lUl.'l W S2 1«I1 .52 78 lUl.l .VI 79 11)14 22N 240 I'ji.; .53 lUH 220 **■ 'l 1911 IKI !>2 IDl.'l (19 HH 1917 2.si> :i2() 1911 4f. 74 I9i:i 4.5 71 19 ir. 14li 17:{ 1915 1917 191.1 191.1 191H 19IK 191.1 1914 19i:i 1914 1914 191.1 1912 1911 1917 1117 1913 1914 1913 1913 1913 i»I3 1913 1917 1914 2.50 l>4 lil 1« 1.5.1 .5.5 229 M 221 223 7j .10 71 2.M 277 4,5 2.11 .>t 47 68 .57 57 262 I7t 291 Mi s:i :i7 ISO .so 241 .s;i 2:111 237 S9 30 89 29,5 .114 7.1 241 79 74 88 81 S7 .1114 62 Cn'odctif Snrvfv of CaiKida \I I'll MUTK \l. II^T Ml ( iriKS, TOWNS AMI \ I I.I. V( ;i:s AT (HI MM! WHICH KIM II \1 MtK.s HAVK liKKX K.STAIlI.I,-;Hi;i)-r„n(,nu,,/. I'lt.t,.. ,<a-k IMa.-l.T U..rk. \.li I'li-.isvilli'. <^iil'. I'liriHMU't, N.S.. I'orlal. Nurlh l):ik.il;i I'lTt .\rthur. Ont Tcrt Civil.' N" I'lirt CcillMirnc. Poll DallicuMi I'cirtliili. I.iahu I'olt Hoik'. ( Int I'ort Hol.iM>ui,. I'ort SaxoM. .\ • I'ort I nioii, ( ill I'ri-~<'on. I lilt rri'<ton. I Int.. rriii'i' AlluTI. > Princeton. (Int I'rinc-i'villi'. (Jul' I'uiini'o, .\.s. Ont. . (lilt :;iH li iiij U iiii."> li i.iii; H 7ii H ii:i I-; .1 !».> 1 ; «:j !■; «2-H \3h\-- n 137-K \V.{ V. 1.11 1 Ill-- :i 17.'. 17 J A. 17.1. (11 H \\1 \\s. 11 1 vi 1 . M V 47 II l^ II tl 12i liiis -H 4.',1 !i til II 1914 I9I.S 191.1 1913 1916 1918 1915 19IN 19IM 1917 1913 1913 1915 1913 1917 tgis ItlU I'll:! luis 1915 I'aKP U9 213 12 48 X8 Ifil 21 12 17 17 2l)S 53 Kt 12 2N(i 14 228 55 12 13 I'ttSt' .s,s j:lL' 34 74 IH4 411 L'U :is ■is .1(17 71) .S.') L'!t 711 IlL'll 3(1 240 80 3-1 M (Juarryvill,'. N.li. 1910 152 178 Hiiinv HivtT, ( Int Hi'fonl .<a~k Hc't'ina, .< ■ k Ui'iifrt'w. (Int. . . . . lio-pU'ncli'nt. He Hcv.'Istok,'. W.r.. Hiri,f,,r,i. vt ;..; Hicliriioncl. (Jui',. Hivcr lirauilitti', (jui- liivi-r (lla'l. . .V.lt. I<ivii''rp-.lii-I,<.up, (Juc KlMi'Tl' ( lijl'lll' ,J, I. (^1 Hori.,.-I',.r,r<-, Susk... Hoik l-!anil. (^uo. Hoinfonl. lint Uoox vclt. Minn. Hos'ii.-ii.'. li.c. .,;; Hose I'oint, (Int . lios-Iiort. I Int Ho~lliiTn. .''^:L*k. Hotlic.-iiiy. N.H. lioulcau. Sask ... liim-<' I'.iint. \. V . Hu-li Lake. .-^iL^k Kii>-i'll. ( Int. K.vl.'v. .Mta Sal.lc liiviT. \ S >a<kvi]l('. .\.H Salmon .\rin. H.( ' ] ■'-anilj'tdm'. Alta ., Sarniu. (Int. ..!!!!! Sn..^katoon. .'^a.^k. .'.'.'. Suult Stc. .\larii' 1 ini Saiilt M,., M; ri,'. .Mill, . Sa-"n.». I'.C SaH-ycrvilli'. (-iw 1 17 -I' ' |H 11 1 II. ■-' II. 3-1) Mh .'lOll, M' .VI.") 117 11. l.-i3 .1 .ill ('/.. :;i4 (■ iUi tl.'W -H. lilil H I)1..\\VU 1 1 :'.i B 1 7i>-li. 77 H. 7.S H M( XX.WII ti.) (■ 33- A 452 13 I-: ■■Kt-i 1 5(1.1 7liN 4(M) 1 103 H. IW B 8X- (', MIC 581- B 12(1- C 1 4<»i) 47- H, 4-1-11. : s 427 B M( ■|'C\.\.\\I .'(.:. .33.-)- <■ 1 58- 1) 1 557, 358. .359, 3fiO 2(1 11/.. .13 I) fi32. 1^33 KM) SI 1 .(•,-,-» B lill4 llll.i 1(113 Kll.i 1((I7 1918 1917 1917 1918 1917 1913 11117 1917 1913 1913 1914 1914 1918 1915 1918 1914 1913 1913 1B18 1914 1914 1916 1(1 1.-. IVIli 1918 1915 1914 1914 1916 1916 1918 1916 226 239 20 34 71 90 2.51. 2.-.4 2(M. 299 29 44 271 310 2,S2 318 lU 33 X 322 45 73 279 315 i 292 (i9 88 49 75 224 23.S 226 239 24 42 13 31 20 40 228 240 44 73 70 89 8 32 2.30 241 220 235 163 186 11 29 30 45 2(1 38 2';i 236 227. 22S 240 l.i7 182 157 IS2 *.*• 43 iii 18U :Ht'f*>r To Public Workft Dcpt 'Inujrnatioruil Ixmndary monument. prcrise Lnrllini;^ 63 M.niMUIH AI. LIST OK ([TIIS, TOWNS AM) VII.I.AIIKS AT OR SV.XK UTIK II lti;N( H-MAKKS IIAVK liKKN i:STAUl.ISIli;i>-(on/,ni«xi. SchrpilxT. I lilt Scotia ,lit., I int Srt»tstf)wn. (Jiir ."■lit I. Su,«k Slijiu Harhdur, \. Sliiillow I.iikc. On( Sliann<ifi\ill('. ( )nt, Sharljot l.ak.', c inl Shclbtirnc, N.S Shelburni'. < >nt >ShiTlir(Kiki', (^i Siramou-. M.C . SifKiis, N H Sirdar. M.C Slate liivcr. Out .Sirjillis I ail>. ( Int Sduth Durham . (^uo South Maitlanil. N.S South Slukclv , iiw Spenre Hriilnc. Ii.( ". . Spillmiachccn, H.C.. Spnicuo. Mi'n SprinKficld. X.S SpnnKhill. (^ic Spr- -hill .let.. N.S Sp ale, Ont Spi ro Stunl»ri(l*TP. iiwr Stanle.v. ( inl Stanstoad. (^iif Stpolp, H.C Sienlton. < >tlt Stollarton, N.S Stephen. Minnesota Stevens. \ 'V Stewart *'ro.-*.«inir. ^' Stirkney. N.H Stirling. .Mta Stittville. Ont . Stoney Creek. Ont Stoney Point. ( >nt Stonyplam. .\lta , Sto't.svilli., (^ue Stratford. Ont Sudbury, Ont Suma.-. \N*asl Su.s.sox , N.I. Sutton. (Jue Swalwell. Alta Sweeteni...^. ^Iontan Swift Current. Sa-sk St. .'Vfiapit. (iur St. Alexandre. (Jia.. i K.airioura.-'ka Co.) Ste. .\nnp. (^ue. ( Kai!ioura.-*ka Co. I St. .\nseliiH'. (^iie St. .Vriiiand. ^^iie St. Hazile. (^ue. ( halidilv Co. St. Uruno. (Jue, '''haiiililj Co.i.. St. Catliariri'^. ) Int : Holer 1,. I'uhl.r W.,rkii H.^i.t, 11 34 ♦ ■m 292 M 77 k;; :il« 9 32 9 32 C3 M 64 Cn'odiiic Siirvfx of Canudd M I'JIAltlllH Al. I.lsl ol ( niKs, TOWNS AM) Vil.I.VCKS HKNCH-MAUKS HAVK IIKKN KSTAIll.ISHi;!)- Al' (>1{ M:aI{ WIIUII ( 'imtmuid. Place t St. IMouard. t^uf. ^Nupii'i v ilit Co. I St. Kvaristp. Que St. (icirKC N.H Stp. liftKMiino. t^ut' St. Hi-nri, (Juc ' Levi-* ( nurity • St. Ilil;iiro, N.B St. HiLun-. (Ju.v K..iivillr I',, 1., St. Hi.niirC-. (iui- St. Hubert, tjui- St. Ilyarinlli.-, IJui' St., Iran I'lirt'Juli. Que ......-'... St..lMhn, N.H St. Jt)lins. (^ic St. .Ii>M"|)li.clo-I,ev]>. (^1,- Sti'. .lulic. t^uc. I Mt'itantic ( "ii. ). St. l.aiiihiTt. t^ui', St. I.c.^n.iril, N.H St. I.il>i,in-. l^ui' St. I,<)ui>. (^uc. I Ht'auhariinis ( ■(). 1 Sic. MailcliMiic. (jue St.' Malai'liic, (,iui" St. Main. t^uc. 'Cimiptcjii ( uuitty i St. MarKurct, N s St. M.ary, (^uf. illcaui-i' I'imntvj.. St. Marys. (.)nt St. I'acuiiif, (Juc St. Paschal, iinv St. I'liilipix'-lv -N.'ri. <iui' St. Pip.tiuf. H:iK(it t'ountyi St. riiTfi'. CJuc. iMimtiiiaKiiv C). i St. I'<)lycarp.'.I(t.. (^ui- Stp. H<tsaiie Jet .. '.^up .Sti'. Kose. (Jup I'l't'iiiiBcouata Ciiunlyi St. St.'plii'ii. N.H . St. \allii'r, l^uc. Talter. .\Ita Taft.H.C Takhini. Y.T Tak.i. Sask Tara. dnt Tatali)a*iou<'he. N'.S Thaiii('s\ill('. ( tnt... . Thpilfonl. I Int 'njornhill, Man Th.irolil. (Int. ThriH- Mills. .\lta.... 'ric'hl)<»rn(\ ( »nt. Tofi.'l.l. Alia TuiTipkins. Sask T.ironto. c )nl Tiittt'iiiialii. I »nl , . . Trenton. ( >nt Triiitf .let .. (^ue Trof'hu. .\lta Truro. X.S, Tupp*'rville, t >nt . , . . Tu-ket, N.S. Tweeil, I Int B.M. Number Year of Publication Deseriptioi; Elevation M( \\\1 H. I 'jr. 11 III ■lyi i; s:i Ii 2IJ H ■lu; \\ L'lL' n »)- H 7t> H titXI It fin II In III.; M r.i.^i H M( \I '.i7 II /.. I (HI II 7.'i. 7(1 220 n (lt)2 H .V.I7 I'. 2. .Wv H .10 H (121 1-H S.S rm H 227 H .M.'i-li .194- Ii 20<» H 110^ V M.XCVl MC.\I.\I 27 ( ; OIS H .'i(l.i H y2 (il4 H (i2 Ii 2 H, Ii H .M( XXV ISf) f. I.S7 (• .32;t-( ■ ». fl 20- H 2y:i 147 It 24.!-.\ .•i49 i» (' 210, 211 .Vi r 141) (I i:ix (■ lS,-i /„ lh9 :i77 .\ 11)1 204 -It .■i.T I ■ .W4 H /.. .1 :i69 41)0 Ii 174 (. ,'.. 1 II H 1917 1918 1913 1917 191.3 191.1 1917 191K 1917 1918 1918 1918 1917 1917 19i7 1913 1918 1918 1917 1918 1917 19IS 1917 1916 1915 1913 I9I8 1917 1917 1917 1918 1917 1917 1918 1917 1917 1917 191S 1918 1912 1915 1913 1913 1913 1914 1913 1913 1916 1917 1916 1914 1913 1913 1917 1913 1916 1916 1914 1915 1917 8 51 279 52 52 247 9 278 9 9 10 I 280 280 .52 11 9 277 9 284 9 244 153 9 51 15 248 11 247 285 9 278 275 t 23 30 25 20 60 46 57 221 66 63 164 255 163 231 54 64 288 51 164 146 222 i;i 25() 291 ■}? :ili) 29(1 ;i2 314 32 32 33 291 318 ;ii7 34 32 314 32 :i20 32 2(^9 ISO 28 37 292 292 292 33 291 320 32 314 313 291 36 44 25 34 83 74 81 236 87 85 187 300 18S 241 79 86 322 77 187 172 236 .30 296 ;He(iT to I'ubl.c W.irks Dept ♦Alno henrh-mark in inlernalionul buuncUry moniimt.nt Precise Levelling 65 AII-HAIUTKU, LIST UV CITIKS. TOWNS AND \ Tl.I.AdKS AT OH \i:\R WHrclI iu:nch-.\iakks havk hi:i;\ KSTAi!i.isiii;u-r,m/mufj. Plare B.M. Number Year "( Publication DocTiptinn Kli'vuiiun Initv ^,1,-k t piHT Wuuds Harbuur, N" I'ptdn. C^uc I'lopiii, Ont Vail, vficlcl. Que. Valley .III-, (Jul' \':in Hufcn. Mitinr, V'anci'boro, Maine. \'ane()UVer, It .< ' \'e.a. .Sii.sk V'eroiia, < 'nt \'er.sallle?», (Jup \"iel()ria\ ille. Quo. \'ikintr, .\lta. Vulian. Alia.. VVahjirnun. .\lfa WainuriKlil. .Mta \VakolieM. (Juc WalkorvUU', Onl \\ altacoburn. ( )nt Walsli. Alia Warinan. .Sa.sk Warner, Alia Warn 'ad. -Minn Warwick, t^ie WalerliMi, Onl Watervillp. N.S Waterville. (Jue Watt. N.H Webb. .Sa.sk Webbwdixl. Ont Welland. Ont Welland .lu, Onl Weslcliesier. .\.S We.stfort, Ont.. West Huntin^d'in, * >nl . West Meridniinsli, N.S.. We.stinount, tjue . . . . Westiin.Ont. Wpvburn, Sask . . . . Whitby, Ont Wbiteiisli Lake, (juc. Whitehiirse. V .T \\ liiteiniiutb. .Man Willie I'a.ss, li.C Wtiiie Uiver. Ont Whiterock. H.C W bite valer. Man Wliitney, Ont Wilcox, ."sask.. Wihiiol. N.S Winchester. Ont Windsiir, Onl Wimlsor. N.S.. Wind.siir .let., N.S.. Windsor Mills. (Jue Winehatli. Ont M innifred. Alia ■22 n 4.il U 627-11 ii2,s-li 3,S7 89 207- n rr^\- H 12 H Kt-H 1.1 .>.> J 2:)-H !.«-(; 070- H (.. n:2 1 4.MI ti8-I) m-\y B!^-H .•if)-II 4«9. 47 2.';,-) ,■(07 \i,M- :t.>-I) 209-C. 210-C 12-K 674-H, ri75-H i»8-I', 99-F 4Ni»-Ii « M li i:)2c .ix,5 2i:i 214 ( MI..\ 89- !■; i,si--(; UVi-H NIU 2My \ K(KC, Sl-C lhO-.\ 4N7 14 r it H. iS H 72.'!, 72.' A I7-.I. IS J :!.■>-(■ .W6 Sfi-C s7-( • 48,1 H Km 2.M ,V12 M t :■ .')().'; It MX.WIV 644- n, 1)4.1- It .114 170-C' 1815 1»I5 1818 1913 1917 1913 1917 1917 1916 1915 1917 1917 1918 1916 1915 1917 1915 1914 1913 1914 I9IS 1914 1915 1914 1918 1918 1916 1917 1917 1914 1916 1913 1913 1916 1916 1917 1913 I91S 1913 1913 1913 1914 1912 1915 1912 1918 1916 1913 1915 1913 1916 !917 1913 1916 1916 1918 1913 1915 Pa«e 20 12 9 65 284 51 277 27.i 168 20 2.15 2.S0 12 162 20 i'ajje 34 29 32 86 320 77 314 313 190 .34 300 317 34 IM 38 o~2 311 2I 34 21s 2:t4 .■J. 81 .>.»•> 236 228 240 24 36. 37 226 239 12 34 15 36 148 175 283 319 275 313 230 241 155 181 64 85 64 85 101 184 2.17 301 47 74 13 35 58 82 70 89 ,14 79 219 234 25 25 18 33 23 23 18 39 lt>9 190 (;s 88 15 31 70 89 148 175 285 320 57 81 149 176 in 61 23 171 33 83 35 tlleler to Public Worki Dipt, 66 Geodetic Siirvev of duuida Al'llAlil.lK Al. 1. 1ST (,|- ( mis. li.WNS AM> \ll,l.\(;i:s \r ()U M \it uin,ii BENX'H-MAHKS 1|\\ i: HKKN Is T \ HI HH CI ) -r„,„/u,/,J. Place WinnifX'p. .M;in.. \N ilii»na. ( >nt. Winter. Sa.**k \\(>l(villi-. N.S WiiiMl-tciik, (int ".»w|M..,.k. N.H \\cirihirn."'.n. Ont. \\M„n.l,-,l M,..,^., Y T,, ^allk. H c, \ :iriniiut )i .N.S ^'(■Ilow ( ira.sH. Sa-'k Vukc.n ('n)>»iiiK, Y.T Zumbro, Sa.'^k. B.M. Number I !■■. 2 V. :i 1- 202 2.VJf 4».> U l„ |'I7 1! 22ii. 227 2:> U,2ii H 27 1! 577 179 1^7 1) )i;.i H. 4i;i H, II,.-, n s.) (■ z Yearnt Pul>lK'ation i:ii.'. I!i|:i nii;> I '.I Ml 11117 Mini 1!)12 l'J17 l!)17i 191.) iyi2 Desoription Elcvvtioii PllKi- Viw 17 :« 1 tW) S.'i 211 :il I4,S. 14« 17.-, ;i.i M) 2.(i .n.! I.M ISl :« :):) 207 1.) 70 29 :!{17 M S9 29 IrliriKirv. litis MICROCOPr RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 7 1.0 I.I no "^~ 1^ la 12.0 1,8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^ -APPL I ED IIVMGE Jr r".= RothMtCf. New T^rh 1*609 jS* -= (716) •»? - 0300 - Phon« / V f >r^^'''^?'\' ^■- -^ ^ ^1 io i:<s lib 1.1 !J/ lUJ 11^ ^■ r^ "^^-^ \\,,U.i-'"" \h\ iui^-' ♦i^' . ^O**^ "W' /. r',-^^ />}-.' « ""-" > vf":^«^"•""- 1^ \- r' ,;. 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Published, ecise Lc\elling, Not Published. .iKKAt .V/. !"• \ Iv^ itl-^ ^? „-r< r ,>".*j ^.--^■■ \ -\ /\ \ \ /r r^ *- <37>';" ,^ J V,^^ / :?/i*M\. i-::^-^'-' ,:(-•• "--A.. jpbt^* ~^i7^r' '■'•"■■"■ i ' bnhrti N.^ .J^^-J'^^ j^w-' M y ■ :^\ ^^ l<i "^- T 104 .'.•■«*■■ 102 ^ -5^:r..v" Precis. :(' \ \ \ ,. \ .^./i1' '~' \ /A r \i \' ^ "^^ a:s i ^^%; .V-** ^ Cr*iA-' >r^' f,r'^-:t' K / ^:T* . <^^: V Precise 1 Precise L \ ..^-^ .V .. -^ ( '^\)-'^ \ ^ -V'^ \ -^ , <■' / / /iiG- f "> A..■^ -'^ /' ' ;i'':iJ \ A ' ■ / I ^>, X v. "1r^^: z' ,..«>•>■ \^ O' »•<< veiling. Published. el ling. Not Published. ' ♦V* *^ •f' f . ■ •' i 9^^ tv ^ \ V' , - 'X- .x'* ^c \ r IS;^ ,•^11; ^ t^ K y" m:}" i / K' r'. ;.' >C-Ai^* . *i::>^ • . ( ' ^ W. \-''f I'l'Viirtmntt A tbf Jhttmit GEODETIC SURVEY OF CANADA ^^P •/ .-' 5- irV \ ^ /\ )6 / Bv THE ' — • V ( (. <^:^C''-:i3 S»:»1p KKl i!iil»'K 1(1 oMi' inch /\ r-VS*-- VV'.i''\-^\.,-" i J I