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QUEBEC : PRINTED BY JOHN LINDSAY. 5853. / \ ( Mj T lei ^ I ■ I: '■ b 8 I) :i . tJsl of Officer.^, "VV. Bro. AViLLiAM Miller,. . . . W. M. " William Eadon, A. P. M. Brother Saajlkl J. Dau so>,. . A'. [\\ " James I'iiomi'so.v,. . ../. \[\ " Philip St. Hill, Tniisiinr. " Patrick Gaul, Secretary. " Thomas La.mb, S, D, " Berxarj) O'Nkil, /. />. " John Dawes, J. G\ " Thomas Birch Tf//rr. PAST MASTEKS. W. Bro. John Bovd, " Ben. Cole, George Thompson,. ,D. P. G. M. t\> cn» tm INTRODUCTION. Without Laws and Regulations no body of men can long subsist, either with comfort to themselves or with reputation among other?. The members of Albion Lodge, No. 17, R. E., Quebec, have therefore agreed to the following By-Laws, as a system calculated to preserve harmony in the Lodge and to cement i\ lasting friendship among them as Brethren. ^ III B Y-LA WS 0BKDIP:X(:K to CiHAM) LODC.Kj &,r. I. Tlmt this Lodge shall at all times pay tlie i^reatest respect and obedience to the Grand Lodge oflOngland, and tlie Provincial Grand Lodge of tills Masonic District duly constitu- ted, and to all Kules, Orders and Regulations made and issued l)y the said 1?. AV. Grand Lodges, or either of them. 11. MEETINGS. This Lodge shall meet on the second Friday of eirry inoiilh, for masonic purposes, at the lioiir mentioned in tiie summonses, hy the au- thority of tlie Master. 111. f- emi:kgf:ncies. When tlie W. M. shall deem it expedient to hold a Lodge of Emergency, the same shall be i.isseml)led by special summonses, issiied sevei? J I il ! 1 1 cluar (lays and signed hy llu' Sim* rotary, hy order of the W. IM., wliicli suinnioiises shall specify the nature of the bushiess to be transacted, and afterwards recorded on tlie Minutes ; and no business but that so expres- sed shall be entered upon at such meeting. IV. ATTKXDANCK. In order to secure that regularity and de- corum so highly necessary for the good of the Craft and the government of this Lodge, it is requisite that every OHicer and member shall attend punctually at the time of opening. MASONIC CLOTHI.\(J Brethren shall at all times ap])ear when attending this Lodge in tlie usual Masonic clothing. VI. OFlICERtJ. The Officers of this Lodge shall consist of a Master, two Wardens, a Treasurer, a Secre- tary, two Deacons, an Inner Guard, and a Tyler; also, if it be deemed necessary, a Chaplain, two Stewards, and a Director of Ceremonies may be added. 7 l!| .Mi 1; til VII. KJ.KCTION AND INS'l A l.L.V'l ION . The [^odi<e .shall annually elect hv ballul, a Master, Treasurer, and Tyler, on Uk? rej^ular meeting of December in each year ; and on the morning of the 27th day of December, being the Festiyal of St. John the Evangelist, all the accounts and affairs relative to tin; Lodge shall be settled and declared ; and after the; ndnntes of the previous meeting shall have been read and conllrmed, the Master elect shall then be installed ; after \vliich he shall ap])oint and install his \Vardens and other O Ulcers. Note.— Should the Festival of St. John the Kvangelist lall on a Sunday, the above shall take place on the day Ibllowing. Vlll. TREASiniKu's Ul I'Y. The Treasurer shall receive all the monies of the Lodge from the Secretary, and dischargi^ all accounts duly vouched and sanctioned by the Lodge ; he shall keep a book in which his accounts of receipts and disbursements shall be regularly entered, so as to exhibit at one view the amount of money in his possession, and which book shall be produced at every monthly meeting of the J^odge, for the inspec- tion of the Brethren. His accounts shall be 1 -T |S ;ilso jiiHlilcd l>\ (he Pci'Dianciil ( 'onmiiltcc, previous to llic nioiillily ('oiniHUiilcjili n ol' Api'il, .filly and October, iind on the iM^stival of Si. .John llie Kvaiigeiisl, in order that the l)alan('e in his liands may on that d;iy be paid ovvv to tlie Treasurer elect, or otl\erwis(^ disposed ol', as shjill be din-cted by the liodge. It sliall also be the duty oi'tlu; Tn^asurer an- nually to insuie the Jewels, r'urniture, and other pi'Oj)erty oftlie Lod^i;e, against any loss or danuig'e bv lii'e. I.\, .sj:cui;takv s di tv. The Secretary .shall issue the sunnnonses, by tlio Tyler to all tlie niendjors ol' the Lodge, sf'cc/t flni/s previous to eaeli meeting, ])articu- larly noticing therein the rcuulidala^joi' iiiitui- tioii, (iHcl iKunra of nicinhf r:; joininia^ oho prfssi/fos (litd rahlin^s^ by-laws to be altered and repealed oi* nev/ ones to be made, ike. He shall likewise la^ej) a register of tlie mend)ers, shewing the date of joining, initiation, passing ;ind raising, and tlie state of their accounts; ])re])are the list of mend)ers as vrell as other connnunieatlons for the (irand Lodge ; take minutes ofall m;itters duly moved and second- ed, and of such other occurrences as nuiy be considered wortliy to be recorded. The Se- ci-etary is exempt from paying the monthly dues. i ^y I i t 'I ^ X. 4 TVl.EK S DUTY. The Tylcv shall tylclhc Lodge, deliver the -smvinioiis'es to the menihers, take care of, and keep ill good order, llie fiiviiiliire, jewels, and other paraphernalia of the Lodge, for which service he shall receive the snivi o\' Jirr shil- ////o-.s, r/frrcNCf/, for every meeting of the J.odge. XI. ^ I'E R 3J A N EN r 1 •( ) M M I'l T E I ; . A Permanent Committee, consisting of the three principal Oilicers for the time being, and f/trcc mcmhcra to he elected mimiaUy on *S7. John the Evangelist's daij, who shall superin- tend the finances and property of the Lodge, and take into consideration the case of any claimant for relief that may be referred to them ; and if Ibuiid worthy may grant him temporary relief not exceeding in any case the sum o^ one pound, they shall meet when- ever summoned by the Master, three to form a quornni ; the result of the proceedings shall he re])orte(l at the next monthly meeting. Xfl. iMTlATION FKE AND J'UOi'OFElj's K K.SI'O.NSIISU.ITV . The initiation fee in this Lodij^*^ shal! be 15 4 four p()uii(h ten s/ii//iifirs^ curroirtj^ being in payment of* the lirst three degrees and of regis- try and Grand Lodge Certilieates, and every member proposing or recoimnending a can- didate sliall be responsible for the payment thereof, which in all cases must be paid on the evening of initiation or admission. XIH. JOINING* MEMBERS. Any regularly made Mason desirous of join- ing this Lodge, shall be duly proposed and balloted for, and if approved of, shall be ad- mitted a member upon paying the sum of twenty shillings^ rvrrency, including the re- ijister fee. XIV. HONOllARY MEMBERS. Brethren may be declared Honorary Mem- bers of this Lodge by an unanimous vote of the Brethren present, as a mark of respect in consideration of that zeal or services in the cause of Masonry. They shall be exempt from the monthly dues and be entitled to the full privileges of membership, XV. fiUAM) LODGE CEUTIFICATES. Bn^lhren wjio may join this Lodge in waul < i , 11 -5» ofGraiul Lodge Corlificatcs, sliall pav lor iIk same ten ti/iil/inos^ currenn/, cnrh, in advance. XVI. nALr.OTIXG, No person sliall be initiated in this Lodge, or admitted a member of it, if on balloting there appear three blaek balls ; but to prevent mistakes the ballot may be taken a second time. XVII. NON- ATTEND A IVCE AFTER BALLOT. If any person who has been approved for initiation shall not attend for that purpose within three months after the ballot, he shall forfeit the proposition fee, another proposition must be made and a fresh ballot taken. Severe sickness, or unavoidable absence from the City excepted. XVIll. ^ MONTHLY DUES. li^ach member of this Lodge, whose place of residence does not exceed three miles from the place of meeting, shall pay a monthly contribution of two shillings and sir pe7ice, and each member whose place of residence is beyond that distance, shnll pay the sum of one skill in i>; (uiil (lii't prfi(( |)cr moiitli, wliich sliull 1)(^ cXcU led wliether he he present or absent. XIX. MKMJJKKS IN' AKUKAUS. No nicniber sliall ])c appointed to any office, nor ])o |)ermitted to vote upon any question wliose dues are more than tliree months in arrear. And any member neglecting to pay hii^ dues .^'/.r 'jjioiitJfx in siurcssiojt, shall be a])- praised tliereof in irrilinu^ hy tlie Secretary, and if not paid at the following meeting, after being tlnis notified, he shall be excluded from tlie Lodge until he shall have discharged his (h]){. And if he continue in arrear for twelve months, his name may be erased from the liOdge Books. Xa. re-admissiont. Should any member declare off, or cause ids name to be erased from the Lodge books, he sliall not be re-admitted, without a ballot and payment of tlie joining fee. XXI. LODGE OF EMERGENCY. Any person initiated, passed, or raised in a Lodge of Emergency, called for that purpose u at h\H rccjucst. sliall pav a" <lic ('Xj)ciih's ol'llu- same. XXM. (<)\rKURi\(; i)K(.;i<Ki:s ox ukkthkk?; noj .mkmukk:-. Any hrothor not a inenibei' oT lliis J^odnc, may Ix; passed oi- raised, ior tlie sum \a' hrcttlfi-firf yhilUtni's, f/nrrnn;, for rar/i drn-nr^ provided tliat he has been made in a reguhir Lodge, and ])i'()(hiees .salislaetoiT i)rO(,r t() tliat efi'eet. XXIII. ^■|SITOl^s. No visitoi' shall ])e admitted into tins Lodge, mdess lie he personally known, satisiactonly vonelied lor, or ai'ler due examiiiation by one of tlie liretJiren present ; and dnring hi"s contimntnee tln^rein, he shall 1)e subject to its Hv-Laws. XXIV. ncnA vioiK. At the sound of the Master's Gavel pi'o- round silence shall be observed. Should arry brother sweai-, or utter any irreiigions or obscene language, ofler to hiy wagers, inter- ru})t any llrother wJiile addressing the Master sit down unclothed, use irritati ng or insulting 'xpressions, on masonic, or privato subjects, 10 national, politicial, or religious (li>s(iLs>ioii.s, or otherwise conduct liimscli'iiiij)ro])erly, such oflending brother, after having heen thrice duly adinonislKHJ from the chair, shall be sub- ject to such censure or penalty as a majority of the j^rethren tlien present sliall think pro- per to inflict; to \vhich, if he refuses to sub- mit, lie shall be excluded from the Lodge, till he acknowlerlges his faulls and makes sub- mission, and tlie cause of exclusion repor- ted to the ])roper Masonic Authorities. XXV. DISCUSSIOV. When any business shall be brought before tlic Lodge for discussion, every brother de- sirous of speaking shall, when he rises, address himself to the W. M. ; and no brother sliall be permitted to sp-^ak more than twice on the same subject, unless called upon by the Master, or as the mover, in reply. XXVI. MOTIONS, &(:. No Motion shall be entertained, unless it be made in writing, and signed by the Mover and duly seconded ; and no new business shall be entered upon after ten o'clock at night. XXVII. JEWELS AND FURNITURF.. The books, papers, jewels, and furniture, of I.SSIOII.^, thrice )e sul)- ajority ik pro- to sub- ge, till PS sub- rrpor- before er de- iddress V sliall ice on by the ss it be er and lall be lire, of 11 every kind, lujlongiiig to tlic Lodge, being ;it all times vested in the Master and Warden^' for the time being, in trust tor tlie Lodge, they shall be responsible for the same to siicli of the other members as are not in arrear, and an inventory of them shall be kept in the Minute book, and examined by the past ofheers |)re- vious to the Meeting in December, and by every Master and Warden on his instaMation. vxvm. ALTEKATIONS OF BY-LAWS. These by-laws shall be transcribed in a book provided for that purpose, and signed by every present as well as future Members of the Lodge, who shall be supplied with a print- ed copy of the same, and the>' shall not be amended, repealed, or otherwise altered, with- out a regular Committee being appointed by the Lodge for that purpose, whose proceed- ings shall be confirmed and approved by three-fourths of the members present, at the reception of the report, and the same ap- proved by competent Masonic Authority. XXIX. No part of the funds of this Lodge shall be expended on refreshments. Approved and adopted 13th May, 5853. And confirmed 10th June, 5853, Wm. miller, W. Master. P. GAULj Secretary,