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REGIS ignce Britannia -i Francis, ^ Hihenm^ S E P T I M O. th^ Parliament begun and hoiden at JVeftminJler, he Nineteenth Day of May, Anno Dcm. 1761. n the Firft Year of the Reign of (3ur Sovereign .ord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace .0 4 S ;l 1.25 28 ii3.2 :|lll3 6 .4 2.5 2.2 2.0 8 1.6 II Ph ML Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAI WEBSTER, N ( 716) 87: Canadian Institui AAIN STREtT NY. 14580 872-4503 tute for Historical Microreproductions / Institut canadien de microreprodu juctions historiques Thi: Ce 10 3 Coloi'red ink (i.e. other than blue or black)/ Encre de couieur (i.e. autre que bleue ou noire) \ / Showthri rXr^ Transpar Coloured plates and/or illustrations/ Planches et/ou illustrations en couieur Quality o Qualite ir I Bound wjth other material/ -J Relie avec d'autres documents Includes Compren Tight binding may cause shadows or distortion along interior margin/ Lareliure serree peut causer de I'ombre ou de la distorsion le long de la marge interieure Blank leaves added during restoration may appear within the text. 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The folloN method: wholly or partially obscured by errata issues, etc , have been refilmed to the best possible image/ jes tocalement ou partieilement cies par un feuillet d'errata, une pelure u ete filmees a nouveau de facon ^ la meilleure image possible 26 X SOX iMu 28X 12X arts, etc , may be filmed at )n ratios. Those too large to be in one exposure are filmed upper left hand corner, left to bottom, as many frames as owing diagrams illustrate the Les cartes, planches tableau filmes a des taux de reductic Lorsque le document est tro| reproduit en un seul chch<^, i de Tangle superieur gauche et de haut en bas ^'^''^ ^>renan d'images necessaire Les dia illustrenc ia methode 1 2 r h 1 2 4 5 6 J :iux, etc, peuvent etre :ion differents. op grand pour etre i est film^ ^ partir (le gauche a droite. i ! -> ^ ^'^ no nib re i ci y r «i « n t n e s s li i v a n t s 1 fiHHK 3 LllV in Lo of Ki And i Ilk' oft Print M IIW 1^ lllV^LV^VlH-11 M^iA, 9 W 9 %• ■^J -* - n the Firll Year of the Reign of cur Sovereign .ord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace •f God of Great Briuimy France^ and Ireland^ ving, Defender of the Faith, &€, from thence continued by fcverul Prorogations to tlie leventh Day of November, ijtb, being the Sixth beffion F the Twelfth Parliament of Great Britain. L N D N: i \ 5 ated by Mark Bq/kett, Printer to the King's moH Excellent rAajeity; and by the Alligns of Ryl?ert Bapiett. 1767, Corporation ( 716) 87Q 572-4503 12X 16X 20X 24 X 28X 32X v^ ( «59 ) Anno icptimo 8^0 Anno Regni feptimo ©nc tboufann fcDcn tumt Ciucnty founf) Dag of M: f)unri?eD anu lirtj? cigbt: 2 fQunD ncceflj-tp that tjic fail for a furtbec Cerm ; ^ap it €rceUent g^ajefip tl-at it ma attcD iJp tte Eing molt ercj tbc aouicc antJ Coi.fent of -«^ •■<»> « /fT rt I'M Mrt 1^ ft rf t Georgii III. Regis. jcu antj firtg fir, until tU viarch, ©ne tboufanO f0t)cn gnu tDbereas it f)a0 been liD gft fljouw be continucD it tberefojc pleafc gout mod nap be enafteo, aiiD be it en- :crUcnt a9aieap> by anD toitb If tbe lLo?ri0 Spiritual anD in thiti ntcCcf\t IWfirliamPIlL , 7 An . la to h A ai ti V. Anno feptimo jcorgii III. Regis. ■ ' ' ■' I C A P. LV. L Adl: fbr further continuing an A<S1: of the laft Scllion of Parliamen|:, intituled, /hi Act to afnend and rendcj' more, effefitmly in His Majejly s Domijiions in Anicnca, an yUl pajfcd in this prefent Sejfion of Parlia?nent^ iiitituled^ An Aft for puniihing Mutiny and Defertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Qiiarters. ■r'-. -jr»r «f^ „•<»• <«Tlr .-^ . . ^ ri.- t. ^ f ^_ A f. i> lie g^tar of }oi0 pjcfcnt e0a)cnj)'0 IRcignJ'^T '" intltUlCD, An Act to amend ; dcr more eftcchial, In His Mojdiy's Do-beihun minions in Amencn^ an Act palicd ia aftcD tJp tbe feing nioa €rcc t&e aobicc anD Confcnt of Cempo?al, anD Commons, * Tier-cited affcmbleD, anD fay tfae ^-'^i ^:;:'u::;rto t&c faio 3a; mi fa^, anu tb< ,. A7«,Y*, until' tbe Ctoentg fouttlj Da "'■ fetjcn buntijeo anb art? nine. '— — «- plit^ci^^*^! t-j> F^ ( I x: cpnent ^aieftp, &y anD toittj ( tbe £0100 Spiritual ano m tU& p?efcnt parliament itt)0|itp of tlje fame, ^(}at be fame is tjctcbg continued )a2 of March, <Dne t'joi'fanO > 6 * » 1^^ /-^ N I S, EMI t; * i mid and , in i from 4 der more effcclua], in His Majciiy's Do-' ^ minions in Americciy an Act pafled in «S^ this prefent Seilion of Parliament, in- tituled; ylfi Acl for pu7:ijl:mg Miiiiny f Defertioriy (ind Jor the better^ Pay^rieiit of the An;:y i their ^mrters ; tJof)icf) Sft ttias to Continue auD ife jTo?ce, in all JOis ^ajelip'g SDominions in America, m tbe Ctoentp fourtf) Dap of Mardi, m the }]?car 10 15 2 ^n? Act of tti(. i;Jt .iliun. m