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Un doo symboloa suivanta apparaitra sur la domlAro imago do chaquo microficha. salon lo caa: la symbolo --*> signifio "A SUIVRE". lo aymboio ▼ signifio "FIN". ir*^*!^' P**"*****' Obioaux. ate, pauvant «tra fflmoa « doa taux da rMuction diffironta. Loraquo la document aat trcp grand pour «tro raproduit an un soul ciichA, ii aat film« i partir do langio aup4riaur gaucha, da gaucho i droito, ot do haut It baa. an pranant la nombro dHmagaa nAcaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa suivanta illuatrant la m^thodo. 1 D 32 1 5 6 ONTARIO AGKKU./raKA.. COLLFGE GUELPH. ONT. SnOKT COUKSF, FOK THACHHRS. July, 1S94, OPFJOBRS. Jakbs Mats, m.A.,LL. J. HoYKs Panton, M.A., A. E. Shcttlkworth, B J. Hugo Rekd. V.g. H. H. Dkan, B.S.A. J. B. Reynolds, B.A. William Rknnie. 0. A. ZAvm, B.S.A. G. E. DAT, B.S.A. H. L. HuTT, B.S.A. R. Harcoubt, B.S.A. Captain Walter Clarke A. McCallcm . , D. .. F.^.S. A. Sc. T, ■ President. i'TOfesaor of Geology and Natural HUtory. Pfofesaor of Chemistry. ■ • Professor of Veterinary Science. Professor of Dairy Husbandry. Assistant Resident Master. ^arm Superintendent. Sxperimentalisl. Lecturer on Agriculture. ^'^^"«r on Horticulture. • •• •• Assiatant Chemist Instructor in Drill »nd Gymaasticfc BorMHT. AGRICULTURE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. SHORT COURSE FOR TEACHERS. July, 1894. Our short course for teachers in July, 1893. was a success Th« attendance was not lar«e ; but those wL spent the month with u^ expressed thejnsel.es as more than satisfied with the attentten and nstruction which they «eceived. They found their surroundings at the College very peasant and they obtained much valuable infer- L^Je nature n? h"' """^ "^'*^°"* '^' P^^^^^"' °^ ^3^ tuition?!. ITk «li fi r ''*'* f°"''® '* ^^'^ somewhat better understood, it « hoped that we may have all we can accommodate on the 2ndjily *l,illV**'*"^ the reasons for this course and the object aimed at. I drcukr.** *" '^^^ *^^ aubstanceof last year's o Jp ?r*«r^'i"i^ °^*''® P^P'® °^ *^'« province are dependent on our Public Schools for the whole of their secular educati^. They have not the time or the means to attend a High School, an Agricultural College or a University. With such instruction and charge the duties of citizenship and make an hJnest livLg for them- lir.'l *^''' ^"•"*"'- ^'"""^ ^^^ P"^"*' Schools afe °n ^me respects the most important schools in the country ; and in con nection with these schools, two things are of the grLtest moment : ill ^*»**>;*»«,°P""« of study be the best possible, and (2) that the teachers be fully equipped for their work. v y »" ""o tel^.^.rrS?!,'*'"; °^ ^"^"^ ®'^°°^ *^^«" ^^^^^^ undoubtedly be to teach well the elements of a general English education-to give a thorough, exact, and practical course of instruction in refding writing spelling arithmetic. English grammar, composition, and geography ; in other words, to mike all their scholars Jood rS^dt™ f;^r l°°"*°S 'P^"^"' 8^ arithmeticians, and correct, if no i^Z^J' "'' — T' 'Tl ."' "V "* E-agusn. Tnis work w of fundamental importaace, and nothing should be allowed to interfere with it in ugr pMotice in the industry by me.M of whth ,k •??? '° '"«=«™"1 wisest statesmen are of nnm,«« tk * *u . . ®«"cators and So.ool.of thi,S^v"ce JaTjd^n^^^^ l" ">« Public iMtruotionin agriculture and oneor tZ^f .h °.""""'»; «■«> «»»>« operation of the Minister of Edu,:tS h^inZ^ ^^ ''^'^' °°- the Ontario Agrionltural Mlem to „S V^.fc . ^^ ""i' """ »' a short sammef oou™ Sf toZcfent^ll^Lrr^^^^^^ °'?'*'"°- most closely related thereto agnoulture aud the sciences brSh™ o1 l^wSrmTfbetuVtTv Z T'T. "^ «»■"«' Rural Schools and ArSTnfS „n'^hL7Jfn^ ^' *" P"P"" '» for such talks, say the last Z„r o7rh^^l;^.^»«™ »» ' "i"" and ohem stry in the fall li™ .iJT .Jj -^ afternoon— geology bot«.y and eLmolS^fn tti7prVn^ "'' ^"'^'"« " "■» ™'«'. Time.— The course will extend throughout the month of July, com- mencing on Monday, the 2nd, and ending on the 31gt. ExfMsnses, Etc.—There will be no tuition fee. Teachers to the number of 60 male or female, will be provided with rooms and board in the OoHege, for which there will be a charge of $12, payable m advance to the Bursar. Washing will be done in the College laundry and charged extra at moderate rates. Sheets and towels four of each, must be provided by applicants for admission. ' The surroundings of the College are pleasant, and of such a character that, in addition to the direct instruction gained by attend- ance upon lectures, much valuable information may be acquired by observation in the different departments of the Institution— the farm dairy, arboretum, gardens, greenhouses, laboratories, etc. ' Candidates for admission will please fill out the enclosed application and send it to the President at the earliest date possible. For further information apply to JAMES MILLS, /-^ X • » . , , President. Untano Agricultural Colle,i?P, GuELPH, April 15th. 1894. "»<«**««*»««»««*»««*««W9»^^