^. ^%^. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) &^ {./ 'A^ K, f/- 1.0 I.I lti|2£ lis ■Z5 NIUU L25 i 1.4 >! -^^ ^^ ^'^ ^*** y^^/,. l/>"*' Hioiographic Sdences Coiporation ^^ \ <>^ <^ ^ 6^ ^ i.<^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. MS80 (716) 872-4503 . signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartea, pianchea, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fiimto * dee taux de reduction dlffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un soul ciich*, il est film* * partir d* I'angle aupAriaur gauche, de gauche * droits, et de haut en bas, an pranant la nombre d'imagas n*cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 ft 4 5 6 ./> mmm mam i V CjQjf^Q'G'"^ i??nn ii i^.T^ C^C ' )(?OiG^Q/^G(^f jjQ T 0-i0.4'f - I <■ ,11 irji l^ fr ji -ii C&pc y IH diTt MAI^I., ■^!«SiH^y' *^J lEDNRSDiVY iVKJCG, iPIjIL 3rd, 1872« (!) '! ) *\ ■•r (J I OF- ESTHER lyEAUfirOt Ij TTi'Z; he given by a nnmmrof Lady and Gentlemen AtnafeurM oj the City and (Jf^rleton^nder the direction of Mr. T: H. Hall. * ^.Ifc.. Proceeds in aid ftf the Organ fund of the Baptist Church. Esther, the Queen, - • , • • Miss H Bruxdacjk. Aliasuerus, King of Persia and Media, . . . . . Mr. M. S. Hall. HamniAn, Overseer of tlietlSealm, . .N^. . . . Mu. T. II. Hall. Zeiesh, * . Mrs. Dinmu.e! Mordecai .....'.. M. P. Manks. Queen's First maid of h^ior, . Mkh, D. Mautix. ,U<^S«i W '• '• • #• • • Mr. J. Drakk. High Priest, . Mr. Burnham. Harbonalj, Mr. Yixcknt. Maid of honor, /• • ' Mrs. Baxtkr. •••••' -^v. ....'• Mrs. H. Titus. Miss Laura Clarke and Professor Wliams, will preside at Piano. ) (I^=T!ckets 25 Centss. to bi^ hml at the Colonial Book Store, at R. K. <; > I Knight's, at the Post Olti •efC'arleton, and at the door. '|) Doors ()[)i>n at 7.1") : Concert to conimence at 8 o'clock. ) I (!) o Qu-DOQ C&CQ'C •■^'OO'CO'C^Jr.'u OQ'CO OQZQ'^^^ ^niiiiii til 1. Chouus of Haman'8 Friends. 2. SohO,—JIaman. " Behold this MordeoiU in scorn!" 3.' DUKT, — Kmg and Baman. "A song, a soiig of joy." 4. Solo,—" Lo, o'er the wicked in liours that seen- brightest." 6. Solos and Chorvs.-' Mordecai, Enther, and the Jews. " Israel, O Israel, for thee do I tremble." 6. Duet, — Mordecai and Esther, with Chorns of Jews. " Go thou unto the King." 7. Chorus,— ''He that goeth. forth and weepeth." 1 8. ^i.QB,—King and Esther. " What wilt tliou Queen Esther? " 9. Solo and I)VKrf—Ki7ig and Queen. " Long live our beauteous Queen," 10. Chorus and Solo,— "Call to the Banquet Hail; haste to the Banquet Hall." 11. Zeresli, (alto),-:-" Why should these Hebrews." With Maids of Honor. " Thea shall no care." Ph^T id© 1. Chorus Of the Jews, with Solos,—" God is the Refuge of His People." Solo,—-'^ In Thee, O Lord, do I put ray trust." 2. Solo,— ifiw^. " What honor and dignity." 3. I)iMAMjtVK,--King and Haman. 4. Chorus,—" Aha, proutl F man begins to fail." 5. Quartette of Male Voices. " The King has given conunand- ment." \ ^ \ «MP ^^ ^ PART SECOND.-Continued. 6. Chorus of Rejoking at Ilaiiian'H Defeat, with Solos. "Open ye the (lateN." 7. Solo, with Cliorus accompaniment. " Thou wilt keep us in per- fect [)eiic(!." 8. Solo,— Hainan proclaiming Mordecai the Favored of the King. "Thus shall it be done unto the man whom the King cielighteth to honor. 9. Solo,— Zeresh to Haman. •' Thy galling defeat, alas ! we know it all." 10. DiTET AND Chorus. At the Banquet. " Long live our beauteous Queen." 11. Banquet Music. 12. DixLOGVK,- King and Esther. •' What is thy petition r 13. ClVARTKTVK,— Mordecai, Zeresh, Hegei, and Maid of Honor. " Do I awake, or am I dreaming?" 14. Chorus,—" When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion." 16. Finale— CAoraZ— with accompanying Chorus: "Praise ye the Lord." ■■' dC^ - 1. Piano Solo, - - i .... . Miss L. Clarke, 2. Solo,-"Lament of the Irish Emigrant," •' - Mrs. Dingle. 3. Solo,—" Down by the Sea," Mr. J. Drake. 4. Duet,—" Let us gatJier bright flowers,'' - ■ Mrs. Dingle and Mrs. Martin. ' 5. Solo,—" Stray Leaves," from Norma, 6. Solo,—" Man the Lite Boat," 7. Quartette,— "Dreams of Home." Mrs. D. M iutin. Mr. E. Stewart. i 2rr::!:; ''ja^> ' » '- ^ 'sc 4 -^-^--^ ?£r3^it:u \ > .S.