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 TO WIT : 
 Court House, e-tratford, C. W. 
 Grand Jury Room, 12th Sept., 1866 
 The QraDd Jury of our Sovereign Lady 
 the Queen for the County of Perth, for the 
 General Quarter Seaoions, held on the 
 eleventh day of" September, 1866, on their 
 oath present tm follows : — 
 We have examined the cases laid before 
 us by the County Crown Attorney, and 
 have the honour to present from the infor- 
 mation laid before us by that gentleman, 
 that the services of a detective for this 
 County are imperatively required, for the 
 detection and punishment ot criminals. 
 In compliance with the charge from the 
 Bench, the Grand Jury have made a care- 
 ful investigation of the County Buildings 
 They have the honour to present as follows : 
 — On the west wing of the Court House, 
 occupied by the Sheriflf. Deputy Clerk ot 
 the Crown, C. C. Court, Clerk Surrogate 
 Court, County Treasurer, (Merk of the 
 Peace, and the Clerk of the County Coun- 
 cil, your Grand Jury found insufficient 
 accommodation for these offices, and recent 
 events have shown that the books and 
 papers of the county and individuals, kept 
 of record in those offices, are in the most 
 unsafe state, when it is remembered that 
 in those offices are kept all the valuable 
 documents belonging to the county; wills 
 deposited by private individuals ; all the 
 monetary transactions connected with the 
 office of the Sheriff; the records of the civil 
 tind criminal courts, as well as the proceed- 
 ings of the county councils since the formn- 
 lion of the 'jounty. It is a matter ol 
 astoniwluiient io the Gnmd Jury that such 
 a state oi' thing.^ should be allowed to exist 
 for such a lengthened period. 
 The Grand Jury have had before them 
 the Ccuntv Treasurer, Deputy Clerk ot the 
 Crown, and tlie Clerk of the County Coun- 
 cil. All these officers complain, with thi' 
 modation for the decencies of life. Gen- 
 erally two and sonietinies three rooms are 
 required for Petit Jurois. There is now 
 but one. Your Grand J ury agree with the 
 Bench that rooms should bo provided for 
 constables and those compelled to attend at 
 court. They would also direct aftentii n 
 to the very serious fact, that the Crown 
 Attorney has no f)laee for the safe kccpinj; 
 of the numerous papers placed in his cus 
 tody the present incumbent of that office 
 being com|ielled to refuse a large aooumu 
 lation of criminal papers now in the hands 
 of His Honor the County Judge. There 
 IS no room for the Judges of Assize or the 
 Judgesof the Court of Chaneery when on 
 circuit. The only room that can be used 
 for that purpose is a small and very iniide 
 quate apartment, set apart fr 
 the County Judge. Your Grand 
 Jury find that there is no proper accom 
 modation for witnesses, and the result is 
 delay and expense to individuals and thi 
 coutity. Your Grand Jury present that 
 the water closets in connection with tht 
 Court House are in a disgraceful condition, 
 and would direct thereto the attention ol 
 the Board of Health. 
 In reference to thd County Jail, your 
 Grand Jury have to thank the Bench for 
 its able and elaborate charge on the past 
 md I resent history of that institution. Thi- 
 Grand Jury but expre; . the opinion of the 
 public and the long settled conviction of the 
 Kxecutive Government, in presenting the 
 Jail of the County ot Perth as perhaps the 
 most unfit building in Upper Canada in- 
 tended for jail purposes. It is void of the 
 two essential requisites for such a building 
 — the safe custody of prisonera, and a due 
 regard lor their health and that of the 
 public. Since the month of June last, a 
 violent type of typhoid fever has bfcn raging 
 within its walls, from whence this terrible 
 disease has spread as from a pest-house 
 into the town and into the neighboring 
 townships. A number of deaths have al 
 ready occurred, and there is every reason 
 Council to a sense of their duty. So far, 
 that body has failed to do anything in the 
 matter. Acting on the opinion of the Jail 
 Surgeon that an examination of the jai! in 
 its present infected state would be danger- 
 ous, your Grand Jury refrained from a 
 perso, ul inspection ; but they have had 
 before them the books of the Jailor, and 
 liave, also examined that officer a.>» to the 
 condition of the premises. His evidence 
 agrees with presentments of former Grand 
 Juries, and the reports of the Government 
 Your Grand Jury cannot conclude this 
 portion of their presentment without re 
 marking on the arduous duties that have 
 levolved on the keeper of the jail for the 
 I ist six months, during which period he has 
 lone all in his power to keep the premises 
 in a sanitary state, and alleviate the suffer- 
 ings of its inmates. He has himself been 
 three tinies stricken with the fever, and all 
 the members of his family have been at- 
 tacked by it at various timeg. From his 
 •vidence, it appears that owing to the un- 
 safe condition of the cells, he is compelled 
 I » • lackle untried prisoners— pensions who 
 ill the eyes of the law are innccent of any 
 Your Grand Jury have perused with 
 pleasure, the correspondence submitted to 
 them, in reference to the Law Library of 
 the County of Elgin, and the proposal to 
 establish a somewhat similar one for this 
 county. It would appear from that cor- 
 respondence that a very small annual con- 
 tribution would secure for the magistrates 
 and county officials the niosi necessary 
 books and reports required in the adminis- 
 tration of justice, an! they would respect- 
 fully recommend the subject to the consid- 
 eration of the County Council. 
 (Signed), J. S. GARNER, Foreman. 
 A true copy. 
 John J. E. Linton. 
 Clk. Peace, Co. Perth. 
 evidence of the different Government In- 
 spectors since the year 1863_, and fi"d "'jtember r2th) 
 that vear the County Council were notified ^ ' 
 mil iiii' "-""J u...v/v...^v., ... — .. 
 exception ot the Clerk "of the County to believe that unless promp measures are 
 Council, of the insufficiency and insecure at once taken, more lives ml be sacrificed 
 slate of their offices. With reference to to the criminal apathy of the County Coun- 
 the County Treasurer, so wretched is thOjCil i" this m-itter. 
 accommodation, that he feels compelled to j Yom Grand Jury, have perused the 
 remove to another building ; and under the; 
 circumstances your Grand Jury believe j 
 he is only doing his duty to the public and 
 the County. 
 In the enst wing of the building are sui> 
 posed to be t!;e requisite offices immediately 
 connected with the administration of civil 
 and criminal justice, but like these in the 
 west wing, they are equally insufficient for 
 the purposes for which they were intended. 
 The only room that can now be occupied 
 by Pitit Jurors is an apartment so small, 
 that it is with difficulty twelve men can 
 find standing room in it. There are no 
 chairs ; in fact, oo proper furniture for the 
 room. This insufficient accomuiodation 
 for jurors must result in very evil conse- 
 . ;« iUn n/Itnintafrutinn nf !iiatinf> 
 It cannot be expected that jurors will 
 remHin for hours, perhaps for a day and 
 night, without even the necessary accom- 
 At the Court of General Quarter Sessions 
 of the Peace for the County of Perth, held 
 at Stratford in the month of September, 
 1866,— His Worship D. H. Lizars, Esquire, 
 Chairman, and others, presiding: 
 The following orders were made (Sep- 
 tiiat unless measures were adopted by them 
 for the construction of a new jail, the 
 Government would be compelled to take 
 action, and force the County Couiicil to do 
 its duty in the premises. In the summer 
 of 1864. the jail was formally condemned 
 by the Board of Inspectors, and a pledge 
 appears to have been given by the County 
 Council thai a new jail would be at once 
 erected. How many lives might have been 
 saved, how much anxiety to the community 
 might have been avoided, had that pledge 
 been fulfilled ? The jail was again inspect- 
 ed in December 1864, and was again con- 
 demned for its faulty and dangerous condi- 
 tion. From that time to the present, the 
 Government Inspectors and Grand Juries 
 have endeavored to awaken the County 
 The Grand Jury came into Court atid 
 made a Prfsentmcnt, which was read in 
 open Court, and copies of the same ordered 
 to be sent lay the Clerk of the Peace to the 
 Provincial Secretary, the Sheriff of this 
 County, and to the Warden of this County." 
 The Magistrates order that a copy of 
 the Presentment of the Grand Jury at this 
 sitting of the Court of Quarter Sessions be 
 printed, and a copy thereof sent to each 
 Municipal Councillor and the Clerk of each 
 Council in the County, in addition to the 
 copies required to be sent to the Provincial 
 Secretary. &o.' 
 Tr!!^v f*5!trs£*-tGii bv 
 Clk. Peace, Co. Perth. 