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For holy thoughts of things that weie For love that must for ever last, And all Thy love to us in her. I. For years of sunshine, calm and bright, And storm clouds always rainbow spann'd: For her sweet home, which sheds its light On all homes of our fatherland. And with our piaists one strong prayer From morn till night, from night till morn, Breathes on the universal air. And to the Thron*- of thrones is borne ; — " O Queen, God l)less thee and defend, God make His face to shine on thee ; Thy God and ours, world without end, Till earth keep Heaven's great Jubilee." Amen. II. Thousand stars in heaven are birning, Thousand flowers o'er earth are shed, Planets in their orbits turning, Plants in season wake and spread ; God the source of sovereign order, All their parts distributed. God from Whom dominion springeth, He by Whom all monarchs reign, Who fiom chaos system bringeth, Powers destructive doth restrain. He to nations gives due office, And their mission writeih plain. High in place and splendour standing Britain, strong in peace or war, Hath her Queen in midst commanding, As a bright peculiar star. Turn to her with veneration All her subjects near and far. Grant Thy blessing, King of Glory, To our people, land and Queen, Still extend the stately story Of our nation, great, serene, Faithful, loyal, well-compacted. As in ages that have been. Amen. I J I III. God of the White Eternal Throne, Where all men mu^t appear^ The false, the loyal — each alone — These feailess, those in fear ! Still bless wiih We Thy people's choice. Our Queen do Thou sustain : Through her we bear Thy sovereign voici, In her we own Thy reign . King of all kings, and Lord of lords, By Thee her empire stands ; Thy spirit still inspires her words, Confirms her ju't commands. Loid, on her festival look down ; And in that look divine. The jewels of her queenly crown With radiance new shall shire. Trust, love, and faithfulness in right, These sparkle on her brow ; And sympathy, and equal sight For lofty and for low. from Send peace from East, send peace West, Peace o'er her Island sea — Peace in this year that is the best — Her year of Jubilee. Lord, mike her people just and pure ! Lord, keep them in Thy love. Give ihem the Crown thet shall endure— Thy Kinrdom from above. Amen. IV. God of gods, and Lord of lords, King for ever reigning I Thrones, and Sovereignties of eartn, By Thy power ,'uEtaining ; Low before th' Eternal Throne See a nation bending ; Prayer and praises for our Queen To Thy Courts ascending. By Thy grace^ for sixty years. Throned in her high station, Guardian of Thy Church's weal, Safeguard of our nation ; She hath ruled, by Thee endued With true wisdom's power ; Blessings in •the years to come, Lord, upon her shower. Precious lives from her dear side Tliou hast willed to sever, Thus, with earth's best triumph song Pain is mingled ever. Jesu ! raise our thoughts from e^rth To the land supernal ; From the fleeting thhigs of tune To the life eternal. May she onward, to life's close, Thy true faith confessing, All her trust in Thee repose, So find every blessing ; And, when dawns the endless day, Told her life's long story . Saviour, bid her rest with Thee, Evermore in glory. Amen. V. Arise, O Church of England, And sing from East to West Hi-! praise, Who crowns our monarchs, Who gives his people rest. The maiden throne ne'er trembled, The widow'd arm ne'er faints ; He keeps, in strength or weakness, The footsteps of His saints. Yea, Peace in rich abundance Has flourished in her time, While, with her flag, the Gospel Speeds on to every clime. Light from her sixty summers Dark Afric's shores have seen, And India's sons of freedom Give thanks for England's Queen. With one great voice of pleading Men cry from zone to zone, " O prosper. Lord, Thine handmaid, Unshaken keep her throne : This year of benediction. Bid hallow all the rest, While children's children round her Rise up and call her blest." Amen. VI. Lord of all thrones, in Whom abide Years past aid years to be, A people's heart, a people's voice In praise ascend to Thee. We thank Thee for the golden day, Which crowns the sixty years [love, Of lengthened sway and strengthened Of peace and vanquished fears. We thank Thee for the queenly heart. Right womanly and pure, [still, That, crowned with grief, courageous Was royal to endure. W^e thank Thee for the subtle bonds In joy and sorrow wrought, Which knit the people and the throne, As one in hope and thought. We thank Thee for the broadening rule O'er many lands and seas : For opened realms und added store. Harboured with every breeze. Lord, in the years which yet remain In duty make us strong, Heaven's light our guide, help us to fill The world with freedom's song. Amen. VII. British hearts and Britisli voices, Lift to heaven your praise to-day, While the fatherland rejoices With the children far away ! Praise your God, Who giveth glory, Till the welkin rings again ; Praise your God, and tell the story Of Victoria's noble reign. Praise to God, for He hath shielded Sixty yeais her gracious throne. While the sceptre justly wielded Stayed upon His grace alone ; He, her Rock and her Salvation Through life's laughter and life's tears Hath exalted court and nation With his favour all the years. Praise Him that her empire spreading Over all the world hath borne Christ's salvation, brightly shedding Radiant presage of the morn. When the traveller gladly greeteth In all lands the faith of home And one creed the earth repeateth, And at last His Kingdom come I British hearts and British voices, Lift to heaven your praise to-day, While the fatherland rejoices With the children far away I Praise the Father of all merit. Praise with glory due the Son S And the co-eternal Spirit, Ever Three and ever One t Amen. VIII God save our gracious Queen, Long li-'e our noble Queen, God save the Queen : Send her victorious, Happy and glorious. Long to reign over us : God save the Queen. Thou Who for three score years In sunshine, cloud and tears Hast kept our Queen : Still be her Guide and Stay, Thro' life's uncertain way Till dawns the perfect day : God save the Queen. Thy choicest gifts in store On her be pleased to pour ; Long may she reiyn : May she defend our laws, And ever give us cause To sing with heart and viice., God save the Queen. Amen.