IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 I.I 1.25 IIIIM 12.5 IIIIU liliU ,40 1.4 2_2 1.6 "/] ^ :\ \ '% V ^ ^ ^ o^ re % V ^% ri7 f^ &< &>/ i/.i , niates, charts, etc., may be filmed at dta'ert::.-' -odvction ratios. Those too large to be entire. . -~ "Aud'jd in one exposure are filmed beginning in th<3 upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmds i des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 THE CASTLE ST. LOUIS, QUEBEC, r/59'1834. nv J. M. I.E MOINB, F.R.S.C., QUKBEC. Jieprif,ted by permission from ThkCanai.ian Maca/ink, oJ Ja>,uary, iS^/k coi= Y I^Ia-H:TE!I:. THK ONTARIO I'('BLISHIX( ! !l 1HS4. |!V .1. M. I.K MOINK, I'.K.S.C " Siiili ilusk\ Kraiiiliiii clothed tli9 hei^fht Wlu-re till- lidi,'!" (visile \mV\> its ntati-, Ami all Ihi; sti'('|> slope, dou n Wlioic rid),'y li.iik leaves lo the sky, i'llcd dnep >in>uebec, had his Royal Commission rvixA on the ad joiniuff S(|uare, prior to his tak- intr possesion of the Castle as his oflicial residence. A decade later, and the occupant (Sir) (iuy Carleton, so appropriately nametl the " saviour of <^uebec," mij^ht notice, from the Cha- teau windows, the arrival on the Le- vis shore, on the ath November, 177."), of Benedict Arnold's hunjjry and worn- out continentals, eager to cross the St. Lawrence, and land at Wolfe's cove al)ove. But a wise precaution had in- duced Lt.-Ciovernor Craiiiahe to re- move to the Quebec side the Levis canoes and water conveyances before the arrival of the invading host. The wave of invasion, triumphant at Mon- treal. Sorel, ('hambly, Three Rivers, St. John and elsewhere, was hurled back by the granite rock of Quebec. On the 3ist December, 1775, at 9 a.m.. the intrepid chieftain, (iny Carleton, could IVom his parlor windows look down triumphantly, lait not scorniully, on thr- New Kngland soldiery, escorted to the (irande i'araile — 42(i rank and file — marcheft uj) prisoners of war, from the Sault-au-Matelotassaidt, to await, crest-fallen, the orders of His Excel- lency before being detailed to their re- spective pri.sons.* Might one not unreasonablj' infer, from the otHcial etii|uette that has ever prevailed among naval comman- ders fre(|Uenting our port, that the youthftd captain of the sloop of war Alliomaili', Horatio Nelson, present here in 1782, paid his throirn at the Castle, to the distinguished (Jovernor- rJener.-il, Sir Freilerick Haldimand, and partook of the hospitalities u.sual- ly shown to visitors of distinction ? At his romantic time of life did Nel- ,son, like many sub.sefjuent lovers, in- dulge in a sentimental promenade on the famed Castle terrace f Did he ever, at the witching hour when the citadel evening-gun cills to barrack military beaux, niert there the adorable Mary Simpson, the girl for whose sake he was, he said, ready to (piitthe service ^ Southey, as well as Lamartine, in their biographies of the hero of Ti-afalgar, state that violence had to be used to tear the smitten Horatio from his Queliec channer. Miss Simpson, after marrying Major Matthews, Secretary to the (Jovernor, removed to London with her husband who became (Jov- ernor of ('hel.sea Hospital. In one of her letters she menticms attending the funeral of Lord Nelson, her first love, whom she had not forgotten. She. died in England in IH'iO at an ad- vanced age. Is not this a pleasant little episode of Queljec history ^ A titled visitor of no ordinaiy rank entered theportals of theCastle in 1 787, Brince William Henry, Duke of Clar- ence, subsequently William IV., King of England, He was then a royster- 'bpc old lj>uebeo (.ia:eUe, 16th A>ig , 17B5 4 CAST I./-: ST. 1. 1 WIS. MX^ Ihllilii /'i;- Tlir. (' »NM)UN .MahA/.IVK 111 I ri-.i;lN III;!: ui. in w in'IKK. in;: luidtlv "u iMiiinl II. M. IViifnti' Pegasufi, aiichore Cliiitt'fin. A LiTiiiiil liiill wiiN t;i\iii tluTc in his honor iiy IaX'iI jukI L.'uly Dorcht'Htor. Mr. Dc Ciiispo, tin- author ot" the ^ '"»(('//'(» /*s- (>y' 0/r/, has ji spicy account of tlic nii'iTV fntertaimnt'iit. Instoail of invitiuL;- t(» ilancc the ilc- niuru hxdics of rank ntlicially pn-- scntcd to him. the sailor jiriiicf picknl out in(li,scriiiiiuat«.'lv' tin- votniiri'st and ]ii>'tti('st ;jiiis Hs his partiifis, and iunl a very ^iitod timr. Iaiuehec. The Croii'ujiKx <}i'fi salons recall a Vioyish lark of his in Chani- l)lain's fortress. The Hoyal middy, in one of his perefvrinations, \v;i-< struck with the uneonnnon beaut}' of a ^'ouni,' ;;irl in the liumhler walks of life. Determined to find out who she nii^ht be, he followed her to her home. Ihit alas ! the stern parent, ad- vised of the Duke's marked attentions to his youthful dauyhttr, rushed (nit in the street after him, and laid his horsewhip vioojousl}' on his royal shoulders. the Prince ejaculatinj: in vain, " Nc fnip/xt jxis ' N' Ji'tippc: iKix ! ,/>' snis li' lils till ro'i." No mention, however, is made of the escapadi- in the CoiU't •lonrnal. ( )ccasionally, the castle opened its doors to rather une.xpei^ted, but not the less welcome \ isitor.-i. ( )n the !3th March, 17n!), His Excellency, [.old Dorchester, had the .satisfaction of entertaininy a stalwart woodman and expert hunter. Major Kit/.gerald, of till' ")4th Iteifiment, then stationed at St. .lohn. New iJiunswick. the son of n. dear old friend, liady Kmilia .Mary, dau^diter of the Duke of Rich- mond. Thischixalrous woodman was no than the dauntless Ijord VA- ward Kit/^'erald, fifth son of the Duke of Lein.ster, the true but niis^'uidcil I r\sTl.i: OK SI. I.OI IS IS ls:t4. Itipro'luieil fio,ii III' S. Lord Kdward liad walked upon snow-shoes through tiie track- less forest from New Hrunswick to Quebec, a ilistance of 17") mi'es, in thirty days, accompanied hy a hn.thcr officer, Mr. P>risl)ane, a .servant and two " woodmen." 'I'liis feat of en- (hirance is pleasantly described by himself in his correspondence. Tom Mooro, in his liiography of this generou.s, warm-hearted son of Krin, among other dutiful epistles addressed by Lord Kdward to his mother, has preserved the one telling of this over- land trip. Four years after the visit of the Duke of Clarence, on the I Ith Aiigust. l79Lthere arrived at Qiieliec (ieorge Ill's fourth son, Kdward Duke of Kent, his brother Col. of the 7th Royal Kusi leers. The frigates il>/Ksnx and R('xlfi'llencv, Lord Dorchester, one of our most popular adndnistrators. Next to him, that tall, athletic nnlitary man. is tlu" Deputy (lovernor-(ieneral, .Sir Alureil Clark. He is now in close conversaticm with Chief .liistice William Sndth: around there is a bevy of Judges, l.,egislative ( 'ouncillors, .Mendieis of Parliament, all done up to kill, n i H iniemn' imxli' by Monsit'iu'denn Laforme, court hair- dresser, with jabots, powdered perc- wigs and formidable pigtails Here are .ludge Adam Mabane, Sec- retary Pownell; Honorables, Messrs. Kinlay, Dunn, Harrison, Holland, (Col- lins, ('aldwell, Kraser, Lymburner: Messrs. licster. Young, anishops entereil and made their bow to the rej)resenta- tive of royalt}-. Cnfortunately. (Que- bec had then no Court Journal, .so that the generations following can have but • This tiiniiiiatirii.' Kli nrh lailv ha> hi con r. We are now ncariny tlie stoiiny era of ' l^ittle Kini; ('rai;^:. ' Troid*- louH times iii'c IdoinJMi; nut portftitoiis- ly for the earnest, hospitalile, l»ut stern Luinl of till* ( 'astle, Sir .litnies llmry Craig. The linhtnini; eloud, ho\vev(*r, will hurst ovei- hi.s .sueeessor. Sir ( ieor;(e I'revost. As oft hefore, the trtiinjiet of IJellona has sounded ; this time at Washinj^ton, on thr ISth -lune, 1812. " Prepare for the Invader," is repeated with l)ate(l lireath in the streets of (j)ut!hee. ' Trust in ( lod atid keep your powder dry,' would have heeii tlie rejily of warlike, ti;4htinr first visits to the ca,stle, on 4th Sept., 1S19, tells of the silent group.s of city visitors, attracted to view for the last time, the imiiiimate remains of its late occupant. Charles C. liennox, Duke of Hich- mond, liCnnox and Aubigny.Covernor- (ieiieral of Canada, an old WaterltMj man. The Duke had fallen a victim to hydrophobia, contracted from the liite of a tame fo.\, which he had thoughtlessly petted on the market- place in Sorel, before joining a hunt- ing party. .Madame < 'asgraiii vividly portrayed the harrowing scene pre- ceding his death on the Cpper Ottawa; h(jw the attack oi the dire ma- lady on the brave Governor, was noticed in the woods, when he was in- duced to return to Quebec ; how on his nearing the stream, his horror of water was .such that he frantically ran into the woods where, in liis frenzy, he was heard repeating to him- self, " Charles Lenno.x, die like a man ' Shall it be .said that a Kichiuond was afraid t(j meet death' No, never!" After struggling scry hard, he was overpowered and secured by his at- tendants, taken to the buebec.* On the 15th March. i«-24, the elite * I'nifeHsor lieiijiiiuin Sillinian, of ^'iile t'ullent'. UDtices ill IKl'.t, a curiimf* appliance of the DukfV for convivial piirpoaen at the ca>tle. "Amoii;; the curiositifcH nf tlie place, is a fiiinous round table with a fin ular i)hice cut in tiic middle. This, it seems, is ( cc\ipied by the iiostwbeii lie drinks wine with his friends who are arranged around him. That theie iiiay be no imiieiliment to conviviality notoven the usual trouble of circuIatinK' the bottle, there is an in^^'nious machine of, shaped a little like a sextant, which can, at pleasurt , be at- tached to the ta))le, or removed: the centre cni braces a pivot, on which it moves, and the peri- phery of the circle, sustains the bottle . the ma- chine revolves in the plani' of a liorizontal circle ; in other words, on the circular table ; this is etfected ncerely by touching' a sprim,'. The contrivance is certainly as imp Sir Uiilpli liiirtoii, Kt - iiovcrnor at tlif ('liatiiiu, in tlio iili- scnctjol" Loril hiilhiiiisif lunl wassulni- o - >M/«^..r ' AltMS (t|- IIIANCK, INOKI! HKNItV III. r lixlian triheN ( worthy repn-- sh crown in the lain,