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Tous lea autres exemplaires originaux sont filmte en commen^ant par la pramlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreaaion ou d'illustration at en terminant par la darnlAre page qui comporte una telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivanta apparattra sur la darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, seion le cas: la symbols -^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmte k des taux de rAduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un aeul cliche, il est film* A partir de i'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut an baa, an prenant le nombre d'imagea nAcaaaaira. Les diagrammas suivants iiluatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 m AM) Tin; EiiN lERRIT BY iiii>'j'^JiJ a. "jJiJ]ji3 ( A. D. C. to the late Commander of the Forces. ) llititoorapiirti, prnirrti, anD publiieilirti bp l>l< KINSON c\ ( ()., 114, NKW HON!) STHHKT TIIK (JOVIlllXOR, I)H1>ITY GOVimNOIl, AM) COMMITTIIK y or I III llO\Oin\\UA] THE HUDSONS HAY (O^ITANY, ^JJJ^ :j4)j].i Is lil'.sl'Ki lit l.l.V hl'.lilCAIKli liV niKlIt (i|U liH.M IHMltl.l. slliV WT, iii:m(y .1. >VAKKi:. ■5 ( .Miiilrv. Ui>.T<, do Al'iiil^iiifii. A( ROSS Tin; f'OXTINKNT Ol' \(»IM1I AMKHICA IIJOM CANADA TO TIIK ()RKr;()\ TKKIMTOUV WD PACIFIC OC KAN. ■ No rliuif ii..r )..iirii( \ - |.|aii fii wimhI- ni|irir((|, wliir*- '•iniiiii-il • \. «it- ktm A- ( iiylr'. of llic H il'li rill-*- to 4niii Hi- I Kill. h\ IMniilltlllll, oUtllllp, o| tti i|i rilMIM', 1 >r kill tiir Irii'iiillv liut ' I niTMnntnul „„ (li.S.l, M«y.|s|;,, ,„,„,„,,„„^.„„|, Sir (i S„„|,s.,„, 111'' H|M.,iiv,. sluliniiH I,. Ill- l.rniniy lMl,,m;iMfr i.. i|„. Tiir ( nmimMv. tu ttlih'h Sir (irnrp. ,s,„ips,.ii «„- nlmiii M ii,„k,. Ill, uiiiiiimI |..iir i.r iMs|iic'li,i|| \Vr MI.I.MPkr.l III |„,, liMl.',' r'MllcrM. Illil.l.' of I lir l,al k uf 1 1„ Hlnlr I'inl. tr.v. iiiul |„„l,ll,.l l,v liCl.rii (' nw\ Imliiiii " vhmij;, m-/ «liMM' iiicirv M.icvs 11111,1,. (|„. |-,,r,,s|, IT.,.,!,,, mil, ,|„.i,. ■■, li,„is,,i,s. "'"' '■'""'■' '" 'I"' tir-l Mist, ,■. «„, |,y III,. (II|,|»„ liv,.,-, «l,|,.|| uv :iM-(ii,l, ,1 I,. ,is iiiii. null «iil, ||„. M,ii,„vi, liv.i-, IVoii, «li„ I, «,. ,|-„s«,.,| Hf Ihi(,.|ii ,.r |„ii,| ,|,v„|,ii^; ,|„. inl,iii„ii,.s ,,f III,, (iiiimi, j,.,,,,, ]„\^,. llnr.Mi; .■,.,is|,.,| i,|,,„i; ,|„, N„|||„.„| sl,„i |' iln, |,i|>,. i1i|.,,„l:I, ImK,- Niip, ih,r l.> III,, iiv, I- K'lnuiiis i,i,|ii,„|i, „t il„. \,,ril|.\V,v|,rn ,-xln hum , llSO'lMlrd llils |U,.|-, ||||.,„|i;|, ||„. |„K,. ,,1 |||,. \V.„„N, l!i|||n l.llkl\ \,'.; il.iMii III,' riv.r \Vii,i|„.-, n.iMss il,,. .s,„ii;„.ni iikI i,r hUr \Vii,i|.,'t,' III linl rivir. ,111,1 at K.n rinny uiii,' skclrli \,, I i. il,,. |.rjii,.i|MiI «'slalilisliiii,.|,| ,,r ill,. IIimIsuiin May C.niiiaiiv. ,,|i il,, 7lli .liin,.. liM\iM!,r n.r(.|ii|,li.s|„.,l „ ihsiiiii, ( y.l ill,.. Ill ,„|,. |„,,||,1|, ii,,|»i,|,s|„ii,I||ii, till' iiiiiiHTi.iis iinpnliiiiiiiiH iirisinj; IV,.,,, liilN „ijil ia|ii,N In tlic iIiU'.ivim riviTs. I'laiiiil hIiii-Ii «,■ H,iv i.l.liL'.il I,, iniii..|„,n il,,. ,. „.s. pr(i\„iis, Ai'., (HI iiii'ii'v -.11, ml, I, I'M IV,lliirr«nfll„. Til,. ,.,,||,||ry, ||i,-,,|,j;|| hIi,,.,, „,, ],„,,. |„|.,>i,,,|, vim,., |,||, |i,||,. i„ |S ''""""■'■ i;rn,Tal iValnr, v 'lli,. N,,iil„iii .|i„r,> ,,f lak,.> lliinai iiii,l Sii|H.|i,,r aiv l„,M anil rmky, iliinly I'liv.rnl hmIi pin,, liinli,.,.; wliiili. ,,1;, tjri'alii- or li'ss di/.c, almi cdvors llic liaiiks uf ili,> Tli,- laml •;,n,iallv is M.Mirly valii.'lrss lor ciillivalinn ; |,iii i|„. s|„.ivs ,,f i|i,..s.. l„k,-, an- salil to !,■ mil III inliaraN. pariinilaily .-opp, r iiiiil silvr. I'lii' citj/i.ns of llic I niliil Stalls liavi' worknl tin' vrins of copper will, ^jrcal miit,-, ,,„ til,' S,,iitli >^l.o|-,. ,,f |i,ki. Siipirior. Tlioy liiiil ih,. ore in ^rnat alainlan,,; II, ar tlic siirrar... ainl of ,.N,.,ll,.nl ,|iiiiliiy iiial piir,nrss U'l'stwaril of laki' Siipmor, a Kiia'ir varirty of ti-,.(., k1i,.\vs a ilriiiliil iiii|iiovinii.|ii in ill,' iiatnri' of til,. s,iil. Inn tl,,. .■..imlrv is vorv Hal. Iialili' to rtonils, aliil intn cirtl liv a sii s>i,,n of Ink,., of j;|.,.,ii inacriiitiiilc, lint usually slinliliil wil, iniinnii'ralil,. |.,„kv isIan.N, r,'ii •IcrinR it (liflli-nlt. in ilir nnpiTfrct siirviys of il, nmtrv. t,, ,|,.|iii,. tl,, ir pr,,p,r limits. Tl,,' sl„,r,.s i,f Ink,. Siipirior ar,' I...M ami pi,.tiir,s,|ii,.. fiv,|ii.'ntlv piTsfnliiil,' pcrpcniiii-iiliir s,:aips of •.' ,.r .lliil f,.,i ,,f l,,i>,iiii,' f .rnninon. Till' foii-.t arc ofi,.n v.'i-y la'antil'iil. Imt \,ry iliii-,', ,>ii iIr. Imnks of il„' riv'Ts, H|ii,li ..|,ns,'s f.'n'iil ililli,.iill\ in tianspiriin^; ili,. |.|ino,'s, \i'., wlion- It is iiroi'-sary lo niaki' wliat is usually Lriii il ii "p'lrtiiLro.' and frri|iii'iilly oi'ciiis wliiii fulls or inpiiN int.'niipi ih,. fr,.,. innijjatioii, or wlirii iii'i'i'ssary to nirry tin' I'aii,',. Ii,,|ii on,' i'i\ir or lak,' lo anoll,,'!'. nii.'r<, S... Till' riM'i-s HIT iinp,',l,',l l,y innniniralilo rapiils ami falls, niiiny of wliii'li art' I'Stniiii'ly ixrainl ami pi, innsipn'. Tliat of tl,,. Kaniaiiis-ia- cpioil,, wliii'li I have si'li'i'tcil in iho nr,',iiiipan\iiif,' -i-rii's of ski'ti'lics. is liarlnnliirly lioaiitilnl, tiimlilinf,' in awful frramli'iir ov,'r a ludgo of rock 170 fi'i't in il.ptli into a narrow ^jori,','. tlic -il.'iit fonst alone ro-i'dioing till' roar ,,f till' .'atiirai't. ( Viilc sk,'t,'li No '.'. i Al„iii,(im'«. Hi'twci'ii Canaila ami Itcil river, tlie nalive Imliaiis are rrilii,','il. liv sieknoss anil otlier causes, to loss tlnin one-ll/inl of tin ir lonncr niiii,lier.s; llicy arc il'peii,|cnl lor tlicir siippliis of food ami clotliiii,,' on the several Iradini; cstalilislmients of llic llnilsoii's Hay Coniiinny. wlio all'onl pro- tection to ill.' niiseralile rcninanls of tliesc once po-verfiil trilics. \\V triiMi-seil tlii'ir country iinniolestcd. an, I willionl even ;i tlioiiu'lit of tlie possiliility that their iiipiilily iiiij,'lil o\|.re()nie ili,'ir nalnral awe of the white nian l-'.lk. hears, lyn\, w..|vcs, fox,., of i.v.rv ,',il.,r, hcaViT. -ahle, mart His'. of I'V, rv kind anl many otlnr small. 'r aiiiiniil-. w,i', forneilv v,ry iinni'ioiis III this pi,rt .,| tic coiiinrx. Ih,' ahonnilics i'iilrapp'',l th.' .Ik |,.r foo.l. mul hiinl.'.l il,.' l„'ar as pro.d' .,f ihiir prowess and lo ,,htaiii ih.' skin, th, y w. nr diiriii^' the wind'r inonlhs. Wh.'i, tin' whit.' trader appi iircil, tie' improvul. lit Imliaii assist. , I to d,str,,v til,' aniiiiiils on whi.'h h.' had ihp' mli'ij : m, s,„,i,.r was tins cll'.'ci.'.l tinin li. f'liml hiins.lf let ,iiily ,|.pru,d "f his lorni, r neaiis of .'XisteniT. hilt di'p.'mli'iil upon il„ise win, lii„| iiiiro,|ii.'.'d lii,\nrics huh, rto unknown, and .rialed n.w wants, th. p.,ss,'s,i,,n ,.f ttlii,'|i he was now no loiiL'er ahlc to olit.iin In hss than half iitiiry not "iilv hive th.. IhtiIs ,,f wil.l iininials iJisapp, ar.'d. hut wars, , oi,s, ,p„ ,it n| il pp.isilioii ,.f rniil Iradcrs. ami ills, as,', liiivi' redii,', .1 the ,inei' iiohlc Imliai, i., a d, L'laihil ■'dram ilrilikinir savap', willing' lo Inirtcr all thai man hohls most ihnr. , vi ii to the ,'liaslily of his " s.jiiaw." f,,r th.' line h l.,v. .1 " lir. wiit'r, as i|i,v call spirils. Ill,' si'lthnicnt .,f i;,,| riv,r c, .mains ahoiit ."iiiiiii iiilial.|I,iiits, n,.,| |ii,.r scait.' a ilistaiii'c of III niil.s, ,.ii ,iili.'r hank of tin' -trcaiii. whitli "^'I'-i'"'"'! is navipilil.' for lari.'.' Iioats fnaii hik,' \Viiiip,'i,' t,, |'',,rt (iarrv, tin' priin'i- pal .'slalilishnn 111 ,.f ih,' llt,.|s,.ns l!iy C pany, siinai. ,| at ih, iiiii.'in.n of the .\ssiiiihoin.' ri\,'r. 'I'll,' most iiiim.'roiis class ,,t "haliiians arc ih,' har,lv niiiive liiiiitci's and vyapni's, horn of mitive wonn-ii. ami usually .-all.',! "half hie.'ils," Th.'y ai',' hut littl.' aihlici,,! t,, icrii'iilinre, iin,| sp.n.l | i-s. .InriiiL' ih.' loll',' Willi, r of this iml, m. ni i'.'i.'i,iii, in siickniL.'. ilaiuiii;.r. and i.'aiiililiiiL;. Tin', h ami llnii d, s, ',11, hints arc the most resp. .'lahlc and ihi' most ii„|iistii,.i,s of tl,u seitl.'rs. ami grow nior,' than siiilj.i.'nt wlnat. .V,'.. lor th.'ir own consiimpiioii ; the surplus is| 1,1 the C'lnpanv, to supply th, ir irndiiit; I""*l" iliioiii;lniiii tiic ntrv The soil on the hanks of th.' riv.-r is proiln.nv.' m wln'iit. harl.v, \c, ; hill the coiinlry f-'emrally is Hm ,ini| ,wainpy, oll'.rint; liitl,' t., attriii't ill.' c\.', ,.r t. inpl tic iinhisiry, of ,'\,ii ih,' ni,,s| p, rs, viriiiir hiishandnian. It is in>i my ii,l.'iiii,>n iiiiniii.l'' 1,1 ilcsirih.' this s.'itl,'- I 111, lit. s,, iil.jy noii,',.,l j.y Sir (1,'orirr Siinps,iii and his late ii,'pln'H-, I .Mr Simps,, 11, in ih. ir 1 l.'vcr and int.'i'i'siinf; w,,rks on this .'onntrv. I 1 tniist hasti' my ihpartnrc IVoiii onr very Imspiiahl,' hosts at l''.,rl I iiirrv, ami I'oniinne oiir j,iiiini'\ ai'r,'ss th,' vii-t niidiilatiie.' priiiri, s, ami ..v.-r ihe i,iiit;iiill,'enl raii!,',' of lofty ni.eintains ,!ormiiitr tin' ha, k hone of .'Vnicri.'iii, t,i till' I'acilic ( lii'aii. Kvery iirriin!:.'in.'iit Imviiii,' hccii eompl.l.'.l hy th.' |i:ili "f .liiii,'. j„u„i,.y com;. I.i.'iit, V and mvself, ai'coiiipiini.'.l hy Mr. 0;,',l,'i,, a ,'!iicf innhr 111 naml "ii lior-c- ilie Company. Mr. r.ane, a el, rk, and,' men. s.l.'.ied from lie '''"''■ hardy iliiss of half liic'ds ami ('amnliaiis, cinm.n,' .1 ,.iir ai.liioiis jonrii.'y on Imrs.'hack. nor diil we reach fort CoKill,'. ,,|i tin' (.'ohimhia river, 11 distaiico of nearly KKH) miles, till tl,,' l','i|i of .Aiiu'iisi Want ..t' space, iinlortiinately, will provelit my eiitcriiii,' into the various ihiails of this i,,iiriicv. tin' ililllciiltics of wliieli can rea.lily he iinaijiii.'d. wh.n il is ninli'i'snioil that our liifriraire and provisions were eonvcvi'd 11, arlv the wli,il,' dislanee ..n lioi'schack. ami that we were constanllv siirronml. ,| hy sava^;,' Imliaiis, »li,i own ii,> siihmission. sav,- i.i ihe snp.'nor sir. iiu'th or prowess of the party they .'iii'oiint.'r. Oiirdailv joiirncvs e,'ninii with the early morn — a compass mir oiilv piidi ' and ended wliciiii snlll.'ii'iil supply of wooil ami water eouhl h,' ,.hiaiie ,1 l.i pi. par,' tiir frugal meal — a It in oiir onlv envcrins,' ' ' |!i'tw,'i'ii the l!.',l nv.'r ami th,' liocky m itaiiis. tin' conntrv pre- w,,,,,,, s.'iits a vast I'M, lit of iiiiiliihilinfr prairi,', unarlv ,l.'iin,hi| ,'f timh, r, 1 Triiri, •. iiiIi'M'TUiI l>\ liikirt mi.l -wiiiiipi o| viiri"!!'- i\i. ni I'ljmi' iiruiriiH Jiri' i I'll '|lt' lit' il liv Vifl Ih'hUiiClinll'llloi'. »lli> lill^Millr ill|llll|.'llll'll('linii||!tN<'llll mil ^^Mi.ii, iiihl iiU'oiil liM'il mill Mili-i"!' iM >' to liir|.'i' \t\\ii-i, IJIiil UML'i I "Ifliilil uiir I'll null I'lliir, nr nil ill > uIlM' Irilil' ro. I'llllkr till lllillllll- III' llli' llli'l'i 'IMJl/ill I'l'llllllN. I'.:l^r>>tri tinll. '>( \tllir|l till y nil' riiliiijli^' rlH'liuli til iiMiil llirni>i|vrs, sliuiilil tin Itilli'ili tl'iiili r Mil' iMpi I'l iiiiiliiitr liir iiijiiiii- iiml ii'l'l iiii - 1 Hi' Il il. liny mv nlniii- il.iiiily Kiiiii'll'il Willi lii'i'>'«. wliii'li till N |iiiii liii>>i'. itli'iil. Mini I'l'iiiin I'v \iiliii|i> Ini Mil!-, liiilii till' iiinri' Siiiitlnrn liilii> ' I nili iiiiii^;iiii' iiulliiii^' lli"lr |ii<'tlll'l'M|lli' mill llliil'C |irl't'r' tly ^Tllri I'nl lliMIl II Hill' It III il lllillJlll 111 liH \Mir <'i'>tiiiiir. iliriir.itiil uiili |>iiiiit mill I'lniliirs ll"iitiiiL' mlillv in llir uiliij, UK III' riiriii'iili- oil Ills siiiiill, liiil wi'iiili liiilly iiiliM' Imili, in till lull r'Hilili ih'i' "I lil-i L:l"riiiii>< hill I'ty Win, liJMiri'ii|iiiliii|i; Mini tin' >'iirri ly II"-!) lm/iil'i|ii||H ulnl rxrllili).^ i liii-o i'l' tin liiillalnt', liii iiimiIm ■ till lit. l\llll' siki ti llr> Nil M IIIJll I I M 'Mm iiiiht- I'll" iM'ltrliiclit lilt' Inlmit ll|"'tl lllllitlllL' tin' liinrilliii' lllll>t I" ^ •^■' I ii|"M'l I" lif M|iiiri'ci.iii i|. < i\i r liill iiii'l ' vi'ii r.'ll'.w "II Iii'I'mIimi k. Ml Illil -pl't'll, tIn'M' I llllllllnll- llll»l>li|\ l> liking' allillllll!*, Illlll lilt' ii|ll\ »lnli Millh ii'lilly III III' til I'l' iiltinii iiI'miiii iinirlt liim%. Wi'lxiK. |ilXl•^, mill \Mriiiii> kitnl- of riiiiiivi'i'"ii'. iniiinali, li''i'"lii|iMiiy tin 111 Tils ul' IiiiUmIih', livilii,' li|i"ii lln ir rnii :,>«i i, « Inii llir 1'mII I'l lln' liillilrr III' ollii'r iii't'jilriit il'i.liii_\s ill, >!■ iimn^ti i> III tin' I'luiii'^; uliilc iiMiiilMro III i'ai,'l(!<. viihiiU'.i mill lni/viiril». IliMit llit'on'^li llu' miinis|i|n'ri'. ri inly tn ii~M>t iii ilio ilriinilitiuii iiftlir iiiiTii-i'. u I A.iiiiil.. lllk mill mill l"|ii' iiliiiiiiiil ill iiiMiiy |iarii of lln' |ilaiii- : tin' lallir u'riiri'iiil lilili' miiiinil I'll' 11 l.ill M. inn- t' lln ir iiinnMtv, lln ir tin liii>!( II ml' mil.' It iiliuii-l an iiiiiH'ssjlnlity, nxni't liy ?-ira'ai,'i'ni, tn l.iiin.' llnlil Hillilll tiiuui' iif till' lllli' III olilrr 10 iH'irt till'., llii' liiint I' iiinst Im' I'liiii'i'iilnl l>y MHiii' lln i|iiality nl' llir u'rnlilnl. mul Inlilii ! I'lay I 'i'iii|i:iiiy lia\i' si'vial small liirls m' innliiif; ' "■ ii'i-l-. limit nrwiiiiil ami surriiiimli,'il liy strmii.' paliMiiliiiu'. liiiMiii; lil'uk- IniiiMi* nriiii'il null •'iiiail I'^ililiiili at till' iili^'li'Ki. \Vi i alliil at lliiirnl tllCSO posts. IntH' I'll Hill liivil' mill till' III" k\ .Mi'lllllalll-, 111 I'lili I to I'Xilialip' our Iniisis .\l I'lU'li of llii'M' staii'iiis lariro ilinvo- nl Imri, :. al'l' krp'. n'ln illluil us mil' Il as pi'ssll'Ii' Iroiii till' Imliaiis. I I' III I'li't l''.(lin"iit"n, on tlin Saskati'lniwaii rivir. wr innk n more >"iiili' 111 luiir-i'. llii'oiij!li tin; Inarl of llir Itlackfuot I'lniniiy imir most liirmiilalik' iinnni'si, in nnKr to ri'inli ii puss in iho llorky Monniinns, uliiili iill'unliil llu' I'liijiist ami iinisl jirai'tii'iilili' pa«sagi'. i Viili' ski U'li N.I. .-i.i h..:i.i . W.' H'l''' ofii'ii mi llio ipii vivo. I'l'i'iii lalsi. alarms alioiu ln'sllli' lli'liali'-. liiil liy lln' pri i aillinn- lakili. we i srapi il wulioiil any inliial I iii-'Uiiiir. ' Ml llii' iiioniiiin of llio tliinl or lonnli ilny nfHT lr«viii>; fort T'.ihnoii- l"n. "iir i.'iiiil'' ili~i I'Vi I'l'il iliat lii'liaiH wiri' in onr paili, ami a- it is iisiKil 111 ilin I'luiiti} I'l I "ii-i.l'r all a I'ln iiiirs 111! llh'y |iiiivi' Irii'inls. \\r (.'alliipiil jnrwaril, kavin;.' a li w nun to pimi'i'l tin' liaf.';.'iipi', mnl loiiml a lar^'i- Irilii' of Imliaiis. iliawii up to nsisl mir miink. As tlmy wvii' iiri'oiii- paiiii il l'\ iliiir wiiinii ami rlnlili'rii ii-ortiiin hi),'ii tlnit tlity wirr imi a " wiir parly i. wr In lil a "/«//,,' ami ilisi'nni'ril, to onr siilisfiulion, ilml lliry lii'l(in).'i il to lln nil,!' i.l " (iks, «Ihi Imvc ahvnys lireii fririnllv to till' wlillf iraillls. jlislrilinlllij.' snlllr few prcHilllH of t'lLinrn. lnails, i^tr. aiiion'_' tlii.'iii. wi' oiiiilimii'il DIM' jiiiiriii'V ; nor was it till tin; f'lllnwini,' Mar llnil ni' In iinl llii' sail I'ali' of llitse lilirrulrss piopln, ttlin. on lln' ilay ali'T W' pai'i'il Willi iln'in. i'iii'oniitL'r;il u "war pmlv of lilaikfnol linlialis. wlni Innl I n follow'iii<; our piirly, to I'liilraviiiir to steal inir liol-scs. Tin' lilinkl'i'L't altai'k'il llnsi' Imlians, killLil hiviiuI ofiliu imii, mill took ilic vvouiuu ami i.'liiiili'i.ii iirisoiicrs, liaviug but few to tdl till- lain : llio Itorky Our pussnL'P ovtr tin' inacnincriit rnngn of lofty mountains was Miiui.iiins. ,11,1 ai'i'uinplislicil williont iiiiii'li ililliriilty. and at ii I'lin'fnl sanridi-u of tlip nolile miiinals tliiit nidrd us in tliu transport, i \idu sketrln'S Nos. (i ami 7.1 \Vu kit fort Kdinontnii wiili mjli/ horses; on our arrival at lint < 'olvilli'. on tin; ( 'olmiilna rivi r. Hi' \inii tm\y lit eii(i/-iiirt'H, mill si'Vi nil of these were so e.xlianstid, they lould not have eonlinni'd inaiiy more days. The steepness of tliu iiioiiniain passes, the want of proper iioiirishinent, the fearful falls that some of tliesu nninials sustmni'd, rolling' ill sonic iiisliinees many hnmlred feel into tliu fomiiing torrent Ik I'll' inoiiiil'iins are mini lo In; very rn li in miin rah. Inn "iii rapid Irmisii wi'iil'l iii'i iidniii of a m r\ ilnse exmnimilnin I siiw speeiiiieiiH of Hipper. Il ad. Mild of llial wlin li had all the iippi arain e of silver, giving proof of the aliiiiiih f tlnsi' tin ids. I li| olf a smull piei f Inii'M -lali wliii'h was eiiliipletely sinililed Willi small gaili' Is I'll ' loilillry on llii' WiHl of the Uneky Miinnliiins t" tin' I'ai'ilii' \V,ti .'Mill (I'laii iimv he ilivided into ihr lislimt siiUons. thai near tin' hase ol •l"''l<) *'""" lln Ihii'kv Miiiinlaiiis lii'iiiK' Very niili'li liiokeii liy lofty raiiui's "^ |'.,'^,,,,|„„ iiioiiniains, pariiiilly lovi n d wnh pine trees, and I'liiiiMiniiig, in the riili iillii\ial Millevs. gri'iil varieties of line tnes The ad.iiiiiiiiitJ sei'timi, e.Mi'mlinir for I i.r .'Mill inili - to aiioiln r 'in.i mviinii iaiii;i' of nniiiiiimns. paralh 1 "ill. tin' -i^i i'"ms| and di-lMiit Iri'iii ii iiliollt l-'iO nulls. Is perliilh ihnildid "f limher, ami the fill f the 'I'linlrv piesenis an nniiiti iriipn 'I raiiu'e I't sandy desert, mi whieli even lie Hil'l ni.inials laninil eMsl. and In.ilini; m ry reeeiil Iraees of Mihii ii''ll"ll. Tin lliird or s,a euasl seel Inn ei'lilailis as line land mid liirgi r irees StI •I'llina. than any emintry in ihe wurhl. and has heeii Milled viilhin the la-l tlvn M ai's hv I'literprisiie,' i ni/. ii» of tin' I'nil' 'I Stales, who have liraved the ihiiifi IS of the transport in r"ss the ih ~.rl, at a ti aii'iil sin rifn'e of llli' and piop'riy. and are now eiillivaliiiL' I'lirnis of gi'iiil liilimss mnl 111 aiilv. I'lii'di'iliiL' on tin I'milie I leeali I'rmn fort I'olville my )iarly ilesieiidiil the Ci'lnnihia river in Imats, to lln' I'lieille Di'i'iin, II ili-lmii'i' of Tmi miles, whieh we reai'lnil mi ihe 'J llli .Viigiis', haMii}.' in less than ("iir nionlhs triivirsi'd the whole I'i'iiliin nl of Nollh Ainerieii. i Vide Bkelehes Ni.s, H, !l. III and 11^ hiimig ilie winiers resideme in the Oreo'ii Terrilnry and mi the n,,. n,,.;.,,,, I'l'iisi i.| ihe I'miiII' lii'iiin. we iiiiployed onrs' Im ~ in mshihu- all iho '''''"""■>• ai'-essihle [laris of ih niiiiry. I laving ol'laini'l In.i's' s frmii llio lliidsiin's Hay 1 "iii|inny, we erossed the forest and prairie liiml hetween tin I'nlnniliiii river and I'liget s Smind, mi the Nmlli. lliniif.' laiioes 'ii'iii lln' iialive irihes, w ' roiisii d ilirmiL'h this heantiliil iiilaml sea. and iniM'l'sed the Sirails ol Si .liiiii d'- I'ne.i to \'ali ivr's l-liiinl, mi whieh the llililsoiis May I'l'iiipmiy hiwe liili ly i slahlished a trailing post, where their vessels, whieh me miniially dispalehed frmii I'.nglainl uuli ~l"i'i s. Ae t" I'.irry mi the trade with the Indians, will in liilnn' land til' ir i iin,'i'es, ami riei ive in n tiini the VHliiahh; peltries. To the Si. mil i.f lln' I'olunihirt wo visited the Ainerienn setiliiiieiit on ihe liiiliks iif ihe river Willaiiielte mf whnii I shall Inn'ari.'r give n rapi'l skill In, and exteinhd our tmir through this heaiililiil iiniliilaling li I'til'' I'.iinlry In tin' hmders of North (.'alifornia. examining in our eiiiii~e the glial i lianmls nf I'oiiiiiiiiiiii'ntion whieh ill the present iinlrnddeii stale of the eoiiiilrv ale iilmosl exeliisively eunlincd to iho iiiinierniis iiavigalile slnains mnl rivers, or exploring the depths of thu magiiiliii'iil foi'i "-Is on iheir hanks. On the iii'easinii of our visit lo Vaiiemivers Island we were iimst firiiimile ill inei ling Her Majestys ships " Aimiii-ii,' .'id, < 'ii|it, I loii. ('. tJoi'il ind th.' ■' Mi/il,s/r.' |s, ('apt. T. Ihiillie, hy whom we wero most kindly ami liospitnldy reeeivod. The " Mtnlcslr" snhscipieiitly 1 nieiiil the roliiinhia. and " vviniered " opposite fort Vmieouver (vido "ki 1' h N'l. !>i. the priiii'ipal I'stiihlishineMt of the Iliidsoiis Hay ('oiiipmiy West "f ihe lii.'ky M.iuiilains, siiiialed I In miles frmii the mouth of the river Tin llii inl-liip and Imspiialiiv shewn In J.ieiil. V ami myself, hy (apt. Maillie and his ollii ers, during our long resideiiee ill this dislmil land, is still ruiiienihered hy me with feelings of the liveliest gratiliiile. mid \ eaiiiiot resist returning tlntn uiy Iniirifell ihiinks for the nianv happy days passed in llnir smiily and on homd their ship. To the geiilleini'ii loiiiniiiil with the Hon. Iliidson's Hay < 'miipmiy. I must alsii 1..' p'rmill. 'I to nlfer iiiv Mikiinwlidgnients, liir the hieilities they'il Us in travelling ahiiiit the eonntry ; mid vvu wen; most eonlially wi ieiinied to the .vooilen Walls of fort Vmieouver, when ohliged to seek shelli r I'niin till! ]ierpetual rain, whieh emninenced in Novenihur mij emiiiniiil vviih little iiiterinissioti till the following Miireli. I have alnady inelilioned lliat the emiiilry Wesl of the Ihieky Mouiilains may he divided into three naluriil mid disiinet seetioiis. I have iiolliiiig fiirlher to riinark upon tlmt portion sitimtod near tliu hase of the nioutitiiins, whieh is too remote for present oivili^talimi, nltlioiieh possessing soil eapahle of cultivation, mul great iiiineriil weallli. Slill less can he said in favor of llnit inlermediale portion funning the eeiitre of the Teirilory, vvlieii' the harreiini ss ol the soil, the Inlal ahseiiii' of and water, emiipli tely exi'lllde nil liopo of its ever heiiig luhipted to the vvmils of iiimi ! lint that fertile seetioii, ThrWill Srtlli'iiii' Till- I lOlT. I'..rl < t" .\5l ■ri'i' I llioi r.ii;i lelieiith. eomoiued to cause this great ' scenery was gnind in d.viilil I'i'iiii llli- l.iirnii ili'si'il hi iflV lil Iillllilil II I'" ...IiilHirKl |.i lliii I, ml. IVL'lHli I'll, rlifiiiit'' I-. rutin I iilmvi' till' iivrriii'i' In ill III .-iiiiiiiii I , Imi III uiiiiir lii.' luM ih si Mdin limrr mviir tliiiii III llir MimiiIiitii |iiiiI ciI uiir iiHM ruiililiv. Wlhiil. I.iirli\. lu', mils, |M M^, liiiiiis, |ii.iiil'ii-<. mill nil KiihN '<( Vl'd. lilMrs. HIT I'lllllMUrii with l'||i||||y, Ittlll \lc!ll II VHMl hiimi IMII Itl llir pHMriii rmli' Hliiii' III' iini'iruliiin' , wliilti ihi' imiiiliiili-s >iiiii!l prnirio. |>irlirily iliiiiiiliil Mriiiiiliii. Imi Miiniiiiiiilril l.v lirjis uf In uii lifiil irii - ..r ovi TV v.'irirlv. nlUr llllullllll^r^H. lull niri l\ r.iiiiiil. In r.irlv -niliiH. ujiiini' lii'iilili mill N|iiriiH mv umimIK lnukui in ll..' liisl i iillivii- III. II hI IiiiiiI. Iiy till' ilillirlillliM llh'V 1 1 mili i in i iiiiii.t; iImuh i|i, irnx, niiil |i|i |i:irili(,' III!' t-'riilllid I'nr ririiviiiir llii- t'liiiii \\ III ilnr wr ripiiii the iiiciriiiiiii> hi/r of tin liiuli. r \ li:i\i w in nil hiiiiilrnl Irri". tiiu'illnr wlinso iinT'i.'r j;irlli I- IV"lii IHi :'l\ liM' In lliill\ I'll I. llii iiiii^'liilln lii'i' III' Ihc iivrH. llir III i;,'lil mill liiiiiiU i>r llir ili>liiiil iiiiiiiiiiiiliis — i'ii|i|iiil with |ii r|ii iiiiil Hiiiiw — cir till' hixiirimii'r (it till' niiihiliiliiit; riiiiiiir\ iit tlirir hiiw, \vr Iiiim' n |irii^|>irl nx w nil il'iil fur till' );lil»lh III ils |iriiillli'tiii|l-> lli lur thr hnnilv n| if.^ ^ii'i'lli'l'V AniiiiiiN (if all kuxh |i|n|iin,'iiti' llii li- »\h liis wiih miiii/iii>; I'l riimlily. llill ittiiity III- iwiiilylivr ycms iii;ii, ih.' nrrjuil (if a IjurKi' at I'liri QrorK<-'i Ml till' iiiiMilli of till- ('(ihiliiliia I'ivi'i', atinii I'll ihmi-'.iiiilH ol' liiiliaii-< I'i'i'iii till] HMi'i'iiiiiiiliiiir ('(iiinlry. In uiIihsm the i Mtadiilitiary |i|ii'iiiiiii''n(iii. At till' pirM III iiiiiiinnl iiiiluhliiMl liiihans puss, s-t iip- wai'dH <>r liMio, mill ilio YiiHt pnilrii's in ih.' iiitci'iui' arr (i\i rriiii \miIi horsi's lii'i'dnir piTlcrlly wild rati!.' an. I ~li. I'p. ill till' saiiii' niannrr. vvrre lii'iiiii:ht in ihc lir~i inslani'i.' IVliii ( ahr.iinin. and tin- rnrnn'i' aH' iinw ninniii'^' «il.| llir.iiit;h the HOdiU Till' lisliiTirs iiii. alinnihinl : and slni'ji'.n ar.'. in till' sriwiiiis. till' must niiniiii.ns and nmst ~iin;;ht alli r ; hut ivi'iv hill.' slrt'iini ahiiiiiids with irmit and ulliir lish. Tin' Indimis spnir mid tut the saiiniui and f-liirp'oii in llir suniiiiir, win. h liny snn.k.' and ppsi'i'vi. I'lir till' wini.'i's I iiiisiiniplii>n Tli.'Wiilmuno Inihi'Mar I ■'',". I llir r I'l.ur < ■anadliiiw. r.iir.'.l siivaiils ..I' tli.' Si'iiliihiiii Iliiilsiiii s Hay runipaiiy, hilllid nil ih.' hanks nf ihi. riv. r Wilhiinilti., mar iIm' hiaiililnl rails, Hlnrr thin' is now, in I'' Hi, a Ihainsliiiis.' MlhiiTc (\jdi; ski li'lirs Niis. I',' and |:l i. huIi Iwn chiiriliis, and lliii limis, ~. si..i.' Inmsrs, \i'. all nl' wlii.h' hnn I. mil wiilnn li\. \. ais Th,- ijisi Aniericaii iiiiiiiij;nitiiin piMind iiiio tin' .'i.imiIi\ in |siii IIumill; "iih inlinili' hdii.iir and gi'.al loss, ln.ili i.|' Imiiian and iiniinal lil'.', iravii'si'd till' l!i"ky .M..iiiilaiii!', and rrn^siil ih.' \ast sandy d.-M il. tli.'y arrived in till iiiiliy at ihi< I'l. IIIIIII iii'.'iiiint nl' tlio winnr s. asi.n, vmiIumiI priivisinn nr ciivirin^; cd' any di s.ripiiun ; liny tlii'.w llninsrUi's mi thi' lii.spilaliiy 111' tlio lliids'in's Itay I '..iiipany's npnls, ulm iii.'st kindly ri'hi v.d llirir iinnii'diali' wants, and alt. .rdcd thriii I'Viry assirilanco towards tliiir rnliiic si'tili'incnt. 'I'liis ininiii;rali..ii was lidluwid in tin' Bucuccding years liy still nimi' nninrrcnis hands ol Wi'strrii ha. kwnods- nii'ti, who silihil ihinisilv. s in this luxuriant valley, and eslahlished a I'uriii id' pivernin.nt similar to iliiil of the Wesiern lerriloins of the I'nili d Slates. Till' lliidHiins Hay Couipiiny were so eoinplet.Iy overruled hy the nillnher of Anieiicans, that ihey were i.hli};ed to join in this eoinpaet. wliieli neutralized their anlliorily in the eoiiiilr\ win re llnv had hem loll^' I'espeeled liy the liallVe tnhes, and ohh._'iil iheln to Sllhsenhe to the hiWH of the very people whose si lllenient and oei iipation of the land they eiiiitrihuted so jjenerously iind largely to elli ei. The Colianl il 'In' t'oliimliift liver takes its rise in tlio lioeky .Mouiitains, is upwards riur. of liMlll miles ill leiiiTlh, niid hills iiilo the riieilie ( leeali in lalilude l."c;tl). The river is iia\i;;id.l.' for ahoiil IIMI miles for \esbels of lar^ie ionna|,'e, hill the enlranee is ohslriiend hy a har. through whieli the eliannel is verv Urliions, and ren.lers the iiavigalion exiiem. ly daiiLrernns. ( \ ide sketch No. II, t ape llisappoiniinenl. i Fort fieorge (\iile skeleh.s Nos. 1 1 and |."'i is siliialid on ih.' S.iiilh hank of the river, ahoiit twelve miles from its month. ( >n iln' sp.ii where the iireseiit fort is siliiatnl was fornnily laiilt "■./.v/.//-/,/. of whieli Mr. Wiishingtoii Irving lias Hiilien so inti'iesiinf; an a..oiini. On the hanks of ihe Cowelii/ river issinialnl a v.Ty lloniishing farm and silllinieiit helongiiig to the Hudson's May Company, who in iHll transporled, free of expelis.', as many of ihiir .-iilleis lit Hod Kiver 119 could be imliieed to migrate lo this .|is;,iiu land. The position of tlieao fiirnis, Hituatnl in plains, extendint; ''"' I'l'li'S iiloug the river hank, and surrounded hy the lofty iiioiiiitiiins running pnrnllel to the sea eoasi, is very heautifnl ; hut the .soil is not very rieli, mid tlio wiuil of fresh water is n .serious evil. I'liirci'ii S.iiiiiil. I'ngel's Sound, forming a euniiinmlion of the slniils .Iiiiin dc rildl, is a hiiiiilil'iil inland sea, the iminediale hunks of oH'.'i' nnniv l',.rl (ii'.Hui', (" .\sliiria.") Till' Curti'lilz lliwr. dilliellll a... sH. ..11 a mil ..1 ihi '".'liglli ..f lli.' Inl.H iili.l |..|.'.' ol ih. I'lirreiil", that ih.'v are iiliiioat nwle for purposes of na\iu'iiiion. Vaneoiiver- is a hiMUtifiil islntid. '.'."ill miles Ioiil'. hy iihonl -'iI" in V''"""""''' hreadlli, Willi a very iiuiiierons liidniii population. Tlie siirlaie of lla; eiiiiiitry is varied, mid liiis many iidviintnu'eoiis pnini" for Heltleiiieiil an.l ciiltiMition ; l.iit llie soil in Very "I'Hiil, mid tie I'.'k appr h. ss.■?llllr ^lle siirfaie, ihllt with ll xeeplioll of •>oni ..f lie' Milleys, wliieli lire of no (,'i-eal .'Xti III. I doiiht win th r the ishiml eall evr I..' li|'oili5lil inlo a hiudi slaie nf enllnatioii 'I ' . eliimile is very himil:ir I.. Ilial of Knglan.l. hill li'inr during tin -uiumi r m.iillis. Then' is n^o 11 k'liiil si'iireily of fl'.'sh wal.r on lln islalel. I'll.' Iliihaii popiihill.Mi of the win. I.' of tins ternloiy Weit nf ih. 'Hn' ''"I*"' Itnekv Mniititains hiiM' hceii sn reihiei d hy iliseiise and the eoiislant '"'''"' " wars hi'twein mi'-dih. Hiring Irilies, ilmt ihey are m. huitrei lormnlahle |.i the while Irader. They tnay he i in two diMsiniis: ..f lln- sea eoasi and of the inlerior. Tin Inrnnr ar.' tin' iiio-i nuiin rous : tin y sulisist ihielly oil salmon niid sting. win. h swariii the mmi's in inei'i'dilde iinnihi'is diiniig eertiiin seasniis ^ ilnir lioiisiH or huts me very dirly, mid their persomil aiipearai is imi pii, ssinu : lln'ir forelieiids are llalten.'d in till ir y li, nil lli.' lead has ihe a|ipearan.'e of II Wedge: lliev will sill nr exi limn;.' everything liny pi.-sess h.r rum or siiirits, and are a .nwardly, ihieMsh, ennning nn.- Tlie woiin n are inoru ilidilsliii.iis ihaii ill. m. n, nml maliuhntiiie ii m r\ diirahle kind ol blanket, from the wmd .f lie' mniinlaiii goal- and i> pi .illiar hli ed of while lings whieli inli si ih. ir "wiu'wains; they iilso imikc very n-.|iil units mid hiisk. is lidiii the wild rusln-i, mid hark of . .dar. The Indians of ihe interior are ii iiiiii h liner ra f h. in;'~ tln"i ihiir hirihreii of III.' sill eoast. .\. .iisnimid m make Ime^ |nnriieys up. .11 lini'seh.nk. they rove ahoiil th.' eoiniiry, h\iii'_' upon hnllalo.' or ollief wild animals, and li'.'lilili'^' «ilh llnir iieighl.nurs in ihe eiid.av.nir to steal their horses. Tiny an' iiUv.ivs m war. Von meet tliein as t'lioinies. and with tins nnileislaiiiliiiu' lln Weaker party will :iKva\s avoid ll Btroim'er. uiiliss ilii.y ale tiiiipled hy lln ir sl.'.ilinu' pi'op.nsili. s to eiideiivnur, under eover of daikness, lo pun hy steiillli ihal whn h they dare not take hy loiee. We had several easiial tiieounters willi the Indian Irihes. hnl heiiig enniiimall) mi onr giianl, we eseaprd uilh the loss only of olio nr tv\ii horses. I'lio Indians of the sea coast hiirv ilnir do. is in their eaiioes. with nil llie iirli.l.'s they po!-sessi'd when lunig, h.r iheir dom.sli.' pnrp.ises, suspeiiih'il lo lln ir f^'rav. s, I'll.' I. .mil iM.le skii.'h No. '.ll from wln.h I liav.' taken the skoteh, was mo.-l pielui'i'sipiely silmiled mi ibe hanks ..1 tin' nv.r t'nwelil/. The Indian dud in Ihe prime of lih'. ami ..n his d.aih h.'d d.'.land. in oliidiiliee 111 the frighllnl snperstilions nf his igiimunl race, ihal a chief of n ni|.,;lihouriiig Irihe bad eans.d his ilealli. and desireil Ins relatives to be revenired ! His iw.i himlieis, imnieiliMiely mi bis d. .ease, w.-ul ill search ..f this chiii', killed bim, mid IniMiig biiint ois\. bi..nglil tin' ashes and deposited thein in ilie loinb; they then sl.iiirhien d their brothers favorite horse, destroyed bis blankets, \c., wbieli me hung in tlltlel's over llie grave, and nailed ihe tin inins, \c.. to the sides of ihe ealioc, which bad been perforaled in several plans to pr. vent lie pes- sibililv of ils being again niade use of lln-e marks ..f i ei'.nniny are to do honor to the deecHsed, and to ensnie his euinfori in ihe world lo come. The passage of the liocl.;' mouiilains was m.' eonsideied [iracueahl.' n.'M.l. lu till the beginning of May, on aeeminl nf lln' il.pib of ih.' sinnv in 'be |^''''J,'''^''J' country King at their base, whieli w.iuld lender it impossible to iraiis porl the baggage, provisions, \e., snllieieiil I'm our parly, hir so great a distance over ibe frozen Mirhice. Wo were, tlierefme, obliged to delay our depailnre on our hmnewmd journey till the end of March, whieli would allow time for the iisccnt of llie Columbiii river, and enable us to reach the boat einainpnu'ut, from win nee, we were to eommeiiee the iiseeiit nf till) mountains, at ilio propir sea-nii. The feslive seasons at I'hrisliiias and N.'W Vear weio not iini'egiirdud in this dislanl huid. Tbo ollieers of 11. M. S. M'hI,.-/,' eoutlihuled lai'gi ly to promote feelings of I'lieiidship between the settlers from ibo United States iiud the subieets of tlreal liritain ; and they were ably supported by tlie Hgents of the Hudson's Hay I'miipany, whose families joined in the merry diuiee, nud rceiprocaled the dinners which were given on board tbo ship. 'J'bo deck was titled up as a iheatre, and many pla\s and hii'ccs were most induituldy perloriued by tliu sailors, whom wero somo eiipital actors. Hunting with the "Insso" the wild cattle, which arc very nume- rous on mam of ihe ad]oiiiing plains, was a .'onstaut amus.nienl. iind 'frrrilury )i. Hint llillN IkIN nil ruHV |i|(\. ]■..:•. I Im' IIii Ismii ?< Hiiy I .'iii|iiiiiy Iiiim' nrMtiil -iiimll lc>rt» or lriiiliti|{ . t »..rti |„„,, I, mil ,,| „,„„! |,|„| HtirrKiiliili'd liy oivoun |>iilimiiliiii;, Imviiifr lihu k- IliMlitr* lllllli'il null «lllllll I'llllllnn lit tllr IIIIkIi'iiI. Wi' I'illli'il III llirri' I'l lIli'M' |in'<|M. \« ln< ( II llnl ItlVil' mill lllc lt(i>'k\ Mi, III nnli r ti> f*.ilmiit,'i' Hiir liiii»<" Ai riii'li 111' ilii>«.' BiiiiiHiiH liir),'e ilrnvix ol Imisin urc kr|il. ihihihIviI ii» iiiii< ii ii« |ii»>i)iii ri'niii iiii' iihiiiiiN. I ruiii li'i'i MiliiiniiiMii, nil ilic Sii-kiilrliii\vi)ii river, Wr loxV n liinrr SmIiiIiiI'II iiilirx'. tlll'ull^'ll llll< lli'lirt li( tin' IllmklVixl I'MIIIMIA mill' lllii-it rnrniiiliiMi' I iii'iiiK'Hi, III iinlii' to iriuli n piis'- in tlu' U<>< ky .MutiiiiniiiH, wliiili uirui'di'il till' I'lmirnl mill tiiiiKl iirmtii'iiliii' |iuM"'. Wr WiTl' uflCIl oil lIlO l|lli vivo, IVnlll IIiIm' IlIllllllH nl»>l|t ||i.!.li|r lliiliiilis. ImiI 1>y llio priniiiliiiiiH tnkrii. »i' rmiipid wiiImhiI iiin intiliil rlii'iilllilt r < III ilh iiiciriiiiif.' I'f till' lliii'il or liHiitli iliiy nl'i.r Ii'iimii:; fort I'.cliiinii. iMii, OKI u'lihlr ili'i <'\i ii'ij iliiii liKJIiiii't »< IT III iMir p.iili. mill n> it m III iliH I Kiiiiiiy to i'n|iH|,|rr nil iiH I'lM'iiili'S lill lliry pmvi' IVIrinl-. »> ).'llllo|u il lolUllI'll. Il'livill'.' II li U llli'll |o |>rci|i'rt lilt' lill^'L'll^'i', lllul lilllliil ,| liii'L'i' till I liiiliaii-. iliMVMi ii|i I'l I'l ••i>i niir iiliiiik. Ai llii'V Hi rr in roiu- pMiiiMl li\ lliiii \M'iiirii mill I liilili'i'ii iriTliiiM m;;ii tliiit tliry uirr lioi II " \vm'|iiiiiy I. Hi' III III II ■'III//,,' mill ilisi'ovn'iil, to our "iiii^laclioii. ilini liny ImIoiij.'! il lo ilir inlic of "fui's, hIih Imvc iiIwiinn Ihiii IVJi inllv In llll' Wllill' ll'lllirs. IlininlillUllt.' Millll' frW pi'lSilllH l.| I.rl'liri'O, linill!*. \|'. iiiiiolii,' llii'lii. H'.' rii|ili|ii|r.| oiir iiiiii'iii'y ; iior hii'« n till ill,' ri.||i)Hiiii,' viiirlliiil Hi' III Mill llir Mill lull' ol iliiM- limiiili-s |iii'|ili. hIih. mi tin- iliiy all.'i' wi' piii'iiil Willi ilii'iii, I'lii'iiiiiiiri' ,1 11 " Hiir |iiiriy ol' lihnkrool lllillllllH. wlio Iniil lii'i'll lolloHillL; oiil' pally, lo I'liiKaVolM' to >lr:il our liorws. 'I'll'' Itliiikl'i'i't alliii'k'il llll'-"' liiiliiiiis. killi'il si'MtiiI oI'iIh' iinii. mill look llic Hiiiiii.'ii mill I'liiMiiii piiMiiur-i. Iiiimii:.' lull (iv. |u li|| lllr mIo! TI;i'H"il>> ( llll' p;i-.s:iL'0 ovir lln' iiiilL'liilii'i lit rilliiT'' of |,,|iy Ii|niiiilaiti« Hiis M.iiiMiiiu. ,11,, aiiiuiipli^li, ,1 wiiliiiiii iiiiii'li ililtiriih\. mill lit a Inirliil Kiii'nili'o of llio Iii,|,1l' milllillN tliill lliili'il us ill llu' lrilll«p,,|t. i \'l,lr skrlrln'S Nos. II mill 7.1 \Vi' hit I'l.rt I'.illuolllull hmIi .«M7y l|ol'>r,; ,,u our iin'iviil at I'l'lt Culvillo. on iho I 'oliiniblii rivrr, wr liiiiluuly liniilii-si i, >i, mill si'M nil of ilii'so wi-ro so rxlimisl'il, tln'v loiiM imi Imv iiiiiiiiiil tiiMliy iimri' iliiy«. 'I'lu' stn pin-,-, .if lliu iiioiiiiiiiin pasMs, ilif wnni i,f prop,f iiMiii'isliiinnt, llu' I'nufiil falls lliiit soiut.' of tlu'sc miiliials Mi-tiiiii' il. rolling' ill -onu' iiisiiiiir,.s mmiy luinilinl In i into tlir I'imiuIu^' i,,ri', m liriii atli. roiiiliinril to 1.IIUSI' iliis i^nat los-.. Tin' M'liury Hii'< \ir\ni I iii till-' I'XIi'i ni''. siiiiilar in fniiii to tlio Alp> of Swii/i'i'lainl. yoii i',ll ilmt \i u Hih: ill tllr liiiil-l of ill sriliiliiui : iio liiil.itiitlolis, siiNo tlmsr of tin' Hilil liiiliaiis. Hi'ii.' v'lliiii liiiiiilroils of mills; liiit li-w rnili/nl lii'iiii^'s liiiil I'vir i-'Vrii vii'Wc'il llii 1. Till' hoal iliirint; tin' i|;iy wn- *i I'V f.'i'riil; Init iln iiiu'lil.s Hiro olti.ii V i-y I'oM. ii~ wi' a^i'iniliil to tin' Ii-m I of tin- pi rpi lilal sinnv. 'llii.' Miii;,'s mill llll s iif llll' iiiosiputois mill llj.s \M ir paiiiliil til a iluj,'ri i.' : it is iuiposMli|i.' to ili'sililii' tin; iiiltmnui iilnl pi.'sitiM' iipuiy iiuisnl li\ tin' pusfMiiiiiei' of ilii'si' veuijiiioiis liiilc iiisni- ^^^^ff"l ,n;liil liiliii.l ■ I 111,. I liiiMlsiil till MrailM ol Si, .lil.ill ill' liliii to \ III IM TH |.|ni,.l, on uliirli llll' lliiilsoUK Hay Coinpmiy liilM' lali'lv cslalilisliiil a liinliiiK piml, wlicri' tlii'ir vi'Kmls, n llli'll iiri< iiiiiiiially ilixpiiii'liril froiii l''.ii|;liiiii| nitli stori'H, Ar. to I'lirry on ilii> irinli' witli tin' liiilimis. hiII in liitiirr liiiiil tlii'ir lar^ot'N, mill rrrrivi' in niiirii tlir vhIuhIiIi' prlnirs To tin Suiilli of ihi' t'oliiiuliia \\v visiti'il llio Ann riniii Mllliini'iit on till' ImiikH of llll' rinr Willannllr mf wlinli I hIiiiII lirrnillir (jivn n rnpiil nki'irlii, mill I'xti'inl il mir tmir llll'oll^'ll tliiH briiiitiriil iiiulnliitiii^ t'lrtilr i'ouuir\ 111 llll' Inii'iliTM of Noi'ili t'lilifuriiiii, lK' NireiitiiM mill riverH, or exploring tlie (leptliisii 111 Viiiii'oiivi'r'H Isliinil we Hire inoNt I'oriiinme in iinitinj.' Ilir Miiji'siys sliips "Aiiiiiini,' Ml, I 'apt. Hon. I', (lonloii. mill till- " .I/ik/,*^ .■ iM. Ciipl I', lliilllie. liV wliolil we were liKwl kiiiilly mill liospiiiilly neiinil, Tlie "Mmlisli" (.iiliseipunily I nil I'lil llie t'olnniliia, ami " Hiiilrreil opposite fort Viinioiiver ivule >ki'ti'li No. III. I lie priuiipiil isialilisliiiii'iit of till' lluilson s Hay ('oiiipiiny W'l-l of the lloeky Moiiniailis, sililiiletl tin miles lioiii the nioiiili of till' river. Till' fiii'iiiMiip mill liospiliililv Miewn to l.ieiii. V iiinl myself, liy I'lipi lliiillii' ami Ills ollii'ii's, itiiniij,' our loii(.» resnlenie in lliis ilisiiiiil laiiil. IS slitt renii'inlnriil liy nie wiiti I'm liiii;s of ihr IimIusi (,'ratiluile, iind I eiiniiol nsisi retiiriiiiiK tin in my In'mllitl lliaiiks lor llie niiiliy happy ilnys passiil in ilieir soeiety mnl on liuaril their ship, to the peiitleiinn .oiinei leit with llie lion, lliiilsoiis Itiiy I 'onipiiny. I iiiiist also III- piriiiilli il to oll'i'- iin nikin'Hliil^'nieiils, for ilie fiiiililii'H tliey all'orileil Us 111 iriiM'llinf; iihoiit tlie eoiintrv : ami we were niost lonliiilty Hi'li'otiiiil 111 till' wooil.ii walls of f.ii'i \aiiioiiMr, hIu'Ii ohlipil to seek sin 111 r IlKliI till' perpelUlll I'lllll. wlilrll I'lilllllliUi'eil III Novi llllier mill eontiiiiii il with little inlii'iiiis-ioii till the lottowiii^' .Miiii'h. F have iili'eaily ineliliniii it that the eiuintry West of lln; llinky Moiiiiiaiiis may In' ilivnlnl into iliree natiiriil niiil ilistiiiet si i liiiiiH. I liaM' iioiliiiiu' further to remark upon that portion sitimleil mar itie liiiM' of lie nioiinlailis, whieli is loo remote lor present eivili/alloll, nithoiiuih possessiiif; soil eapahle of enllivmioii. iiliil (.'real iiiiiierat U'eatth, Siill 11 ss eaii tie saiil ill faVor of thai iiiiii'iiieitiiile porlioli foniiiiiL.' ill" leiitie of tin Ti'mlory. vvlnre the harieiiiie— of ilin soil, ihe ii.ial iili-eine of wooil ami water, euinptetely exitiiile all liope of lis 1 AiT In ill}.' iiilapteil to tlio wmils iif man I lint ttnit ferule seeiioii, ihvnli'il fi'oiii this harreii ileseil hy a ran;,'e uf Infiy niuiinlains. riinnini; palalli I to. milt at ii ilislmiee of. |,'ill mllis front the I'aeilic Deeiili, iti^riM-. iiiofi' paitii'ular iioiiii', as ii piiiiiiises iiT Imij^ to mid aniitticr to tin' alli ally I'liininlalili' uiilull uf slates, ami lo ^'ivc the fiileral govern- Unlit 111 the I'lllll it Stales a eoliiimiiiil III the I'aeille Oeeiin wliuh may i\iiiliialh tlii'eaieii our possessions, not only in llio (.'tiiiin Seiis, hnt j even in Imlia. slmulil tin- eupiilily of luir t ransatlaiilie brethren nllraet j ihi.iii 11' ihesi' iMiiiiirirs. ' Niilliir t,iit.'liiiiil or any oilier eoiinlrv within llie same degrers of liil IIji' WIEllcrit riillNlllil|illii|| ThiWiiiiiiHiir III ilicMnir iN'iit iliiv,. ,ir luiir I'liimdiniiH, rniml ». miiiimirtln' """""'"' IIiicIhoiih lliij ('nin|miiy, Hdilrcl .111 il„i liMiiks nf ih,. iinr', ii.iir ill.' lull-, ttli.i.' ill. r.i Ik iiiiw, ill |>«|ii, II il i-.liiiiir >i||iii.|. (Xi.jr Hki li 111 ■. \ms I'.'iiMiI IM", Willi IWii ililir. Ill - iili.l lllll liiilHi'-., Kl.ii.i ImHIIHiiI. Aii: nil .if will, ll li.iM' li.i II lilllll Ullliili lU. yiii, 'III,. IliM Alli.'ri.ali iiiiiiii|;i ili.iii | iiii.i i| nniiy in |--|ii, IIiimii^; willi mill. ill' liil.i.iir iiii.j (^i-i 111 I..SS, ji.illi III liiiiiiiiii iiiiij iiiiiiiiiil 111.', Hum i-Mij til.' Ilurk;, MuiiiiiiiiiiK, mill ci'.i'.Mi.l ill.' Ml'*! Miiidy (|i'-..'ii. iIm')- iirrivnl ill till' I iilrv lit till) I'.iiiiiiiriii'i'iiii'iit III' ill.' wiiiii'i- NuiMiii, wiili.Mii lirdviitioii nr riivcriiiK of iiny (Ii-iriiiljnii ; liny ilin w iIhuwiIm'. i.n iln' li.i«|iiliilily III llir lliiilwiirx Hiiy ri.iii|iMiiy 1 npiils. wlm iii.imI kiinllv ri'li.M.I llirir iiiiiiinljiil.' uiint.H, nml nllunli'il ilniu iv.rv ii.i>ImIiiii.'(< liiwmiU ilii'ir I'liiiiri. HL'ttlriiiviit. Tliix iiiiiiiit;riilinii wim I'nllnwnl m il.r Hii (liiiK yriim by Htiil iinin' niiiiiiriiiis ImiihIs hI' Wr^icrii Inn kuni.iK liit'ii, wli.i will..! lIuiiiM'lv. N ill iliis liiMiriiilit Millry, iiml i'stiilili>li. il a furiii III' piv. I'liiiii 111 niiiiiliir 111 iliiil 111' ill.' W.'nU'I'ii i.'N .ijih. I nni ;.'.l !■ |..iii m ijn., i'..iii{iiii't, wliii'li ii.iilrali/.il lliiir iiiilli.iiily in lli.' ((iiililry v.\i,\v lli. \ hail l.i.ii Inn;,' ri's|i..iii| liy ilir iiiiii\i' inlii'^, ami ulilipil iln mi in siiliM nil i.i ill.' IllW.H i.l'lll.' MTV |).ii|i|i' wliii'.i' K. lilllll. lit mill 111. ll|iall'■' III' loilll mill's in I. ll^'tll, iiml luIN inin llir ISirilii'l liiaii in lalilmlt |."i'i|fl. Till' iiM r is iiiiNi^'al'l.' till' aliiiiii liMi iiiil.'H I'm' x.' .,|' Im-i,',' |.lIllla^<.', lull llii' cnliiiiin' is iilislnii'tril liy n liar, tlirmi^'li wliiili il,.' iIiiiumiI is vi'i'y lorliiiiii^, aiiil i'i'IhIits iIh' iiii\i^'iiiii.ii rMnni'lv .laii'/.|.iiis. tV'' Kkl'trll Nil I I. I iipi' |linll|i|l.i|lllllH III. I r.iri (ir.iti!.', Full (i...i-;;.' i vi.|. ski'Icli. M X.H. I I nil. I 1 ."i I is .111 llii' !S.i||lli ( ".Ssi.iria.") Ii,,,,!^ 1,1' ill,, livrr, iilii.iit Iwilv..- iiiilis I'liiiii its iiiniilli. (In tl,,. s|i,.| wliii.' ill.' |ir.s.iii I'.iit is .siliiatnl was rutiiiiils l.iiilt ■■.;»/„/■/,/,' Mr. Wasliiiif^liHi Irving liaa wriitcii sh inU'i'i'slin^' an m iniiiit. Till' CovM.lii/ (i„ til,. Iijiik, ,,|' til.' C.iwilii/ liviT is siiiialnl a mtv lliainsliinf,- riii'in mill s.iil.iiii'iil Ii.I.iiikIiik' I" ll"' llmlsi'iis Hay CnmiMiiu, w|i,i in Is-ll Irmisjiiii'iril, fr il' i'\|»iis.'. as mmiy ..I' ih, ir v, ii|,.|s m |[, ,| lliviT lis niiil.l 111' iiiiliii'i.l 1.1 iiii^'iiili' (.1 lliis ilisiMiii laiiil. I ji.. piisiiinii ul' ilii'.s.' rai'iiis, ill iiliiMis, iMi'Miliii^' lui' iiiil.s almiL' llir liver liaiik, ami liy ili.' Inl'iy iiiuiiiiiains nininng |.ai'iilli 1 i.i llie ai'ii I'dusl, is very ln'iiiiliriil ; Init iln' is imi viiy rirli. mul tin' want 111' IVi'sli wiiIlt is a si'iimis i'\il. I'ii^'I'm Siiiiliil, l'lll'lllill^' II ciiiiliiiiiainiii nl' lIn' sirniis .liian i|.' I'lu'ii. is II liraiilirni iiilmid siii, tlii> iiiiiiii'iliati> liaiiks nl' win. li .iH'ir manv ailvaiila^i'niis sil.'s I'nr siliLnii'iit ; liny ii-.. ynnliinllv in lli.. rciir lill llii'y Ininiiir l.iliy mniiiiiiiliis. inaiiy nrwlinli mo ia|i|ii'.l widi ji. i'|i..iniil .sn.iH. Tin; liailMiiiis nil lli.. S.nitli slmr.' nl' ilii' siniils .linui ile l''ui'a aii' M'ly liiii', mill wnillil aH'niil jirnli'.linii In ally iiiiinU'i' ol'vcssi'la; lnil llicv arr, as is tlii' I' nii i-vi'iy |iai't nl' lla' .nasi, very iiii|ierl'.'.'lly sii|iiilii'il wall fi'i'sli wal.r. Till' Minmis 1 liuiin.'lsor "emmls," (aslliev m'eiisiiullv I' iliviiliii:; \ iinrniiv.'is Islaii'l I'lmii ilie main slmre. ar.' .il' sn lliv. r. I'llUil'sS,. mmmmmmmm lial ill. II Imr^. s. I 111 \ air al»ai- nl ^ "ii iin ■ I lie in , cnriiiies, mill Willi lliiit iiinlerHlnii.liii^' llie wmkei' pailv will iilwiiv. nMmi It Hli'i.ii|.'i'r, null ss ilay mi. t.nijiiiil liy iln n Niniliii'/ |irii|ii iisiti. > ii I'liili iiN.iiir, iiliil.r I (it.r .if iliilkln ss, l.i i/aiii liy nti allli tliat wlm li liny liar.' II. Il tiiki' liy Inrr. W.' Iiinl siv.ral I'lisiml c'Iii'iUIiIitn wiiIi iln' liiilimi tiiliis, Inn lii'iiiK I'liiitiiiniilly '111 iiiir 1,'iiiiril, w.' . siuji, .| wnh tlie IllSK nllly nf nin; nr ttto linlKl H. rile lllilimin nf llie s.-n ..msl lilir\ llnir I'lili Ts ill lll.'ir I'lllini's, with nil llic mill Irs liny .1 wlnii living, I'nr llnii (Inlin -lii' piirpnsiH, Hllspeii.l.'.l In ill. ir k'lavi s Till' Ininli iM.I.' sk.t'li Nil. IM frnin wlinli I Inn.' Ink. li lie ski' Wa- pi.llir. silllllliil nil ||||. Illlllks nf till' river CnH. lil/.. 'I'lie Imlimi ilieil ill III!' prime of life. mi. I .m liis iliaili Inil ih rlaii il. in nlii lli. Iiee til the friKliHill slipii'stiliniis nf liis i^'inminl ran', tlial a ilmf nf n in iitlilaiiiriliK Irilii.' Iiiiil I'liiisi il liis il.mli. ami Ins n Iniives III lie reM'll^'lll I liis Iw.i liinllnis, iiiiineilliilely mi Ills .|...'i'as.'. VM lit ill semeli nf tins elm f, killeil liii ml Iiiimii^' liiiiiii Ins IhhIn, lii.ii^lii till' i|s|ii'» mill tlielii in ill.' imnl); tln'V tin li sliiii|,'lili i. .1 llnir Li'iitliern fnvnrile liiirse, deslrny. .1 liiH lilmikets, Ae., wliii'li in.' 1 ^' in lalli'ts liver till' priive, mid imili 1 llie tin pans. .\e . In ll.e ..iili > ..f iln' .aiini', will, h 111! II pi ifnnili'd ill suM-riil pliie.s tn pr. vent iln- puM- hiliilily (if ils 111 nil,' ii;;iiiii imid.. use nf Tin se lilink'* nf ei..ri'liiiiii> an' In .In linlim In ill.' .l.'.'l lis, .1, nil. I In .11-111. Ills ."lllfnll 111 ill' Hnlld tn enlin'. 'I'll.' piissage nf ill.' l;...'Ky nn.iliilaiiis wa- iml i'nn"iili' priirlnalil' "' >i'l' •< '■ "' till till' 111 ".^'iniiini.' nf May. mi i i I lie' il'jilli nf the simw in il,.. 'I"' ""i-"" ei iry Iviny at til. il' lias.', wlii.'li W..11I.I inidir il iiiipnssililu tn trans- jinrt llie Impinge, pnnisiniis. \i'., s..,Ilei. nl fnr mir paily. fi.r sn ^'I'.iit a .listiinee over till' fl'n/.eli hiirfiiei'. We H. re. lliei'ei'me. i.lili^;r.l In delay our depaitnre mi mir liniueHiird Junniey lill llie end nf Manli, wliieli would allnw time for llie ase.iit of llie ('uliimiiin iiviT, ami eimlile iis In ri'ii.'li the linat I iii'iimpmi III, I'min win ll.'.', we \ ei.' to eniuiueliei.' llie lis.'. Ill . if llie nniilliliiilis. Ill ill.' ]il'n|ii r Heii-i'li. llie I'l siiv.' seiismit) at < 'liristnias mid N.w- Vear wcio not iinreL'iirded in tins disimil Imnl. Tlio olliens nf II. .\l. S. .l/"./. We ennliilmli d Im-jjely to prninnto feelinys of fiiL'iiilslii|i li. iw.iii ihe si tilers from llii) I'niti'd Slates and llie siilijieis nf linat I'lniMili; and they wen.' iilily siip|inrled liy the imelils nf lliu llilil.siili s I'lay l'n|ii|iiiliy. wlmse liilnilns inilieil III the liii'i'ry ilmiee, mid neipn.iale.l llie (liniierH wliieli Wen' given mi liiianl llie ship. 'J'lie deek was lilled up as a llieatn', ami many plays and lanes w.n- iiinst iiiimitalily pirfninnil liy llie sailnrs. aiin'iit,' wlmin wen' sniii.' .111111111 ai'lnrs, 1 1 Hilling wilh tli.^ "lass,, ih.' wil.l enill'', win, li iii'e v, ry iiuiiii" nms on maiiv of the a.l|niiiiiii; plains, was a aunis, iiieiil. ami mil niialleiidiil with p, I'sniial danu'er: llies.' miiinals are e.Mnniely lieiee. ami nfi.ii I., .'iim.' lli,' iillaiking purl v. in wlinli i use we w.'ni obliged In irilst lo the spee.l and iielivily . if our horses. 'J'he wil.l fowl and snipe shnnliiig was also very good. The nmnln r of swans, pi'cse. dneks, widgeon of .very variily, were in.ixdil.le, Imt the hik.s, on wliieh thes,' birds congregated, me viiy large, uudering tlieiu dilUciilt 111 n|>proiieli. Ii.inni i.> I Ml the 'JMh Manh. w,' t,.i.)k l.'ave of nnr many kind and hnspiiidde ,^-,,„„,, Ill iiJ-. mill >'iiijiit. > III .iiii Im'Iiii null! jniinii \ ^i Airiil t.>l tin.' Itiiil>i'iia Itiiy ('i>iii|iiiii\ » m'rviiiiin. hIiixi' i< Mil t>rH'r>iliiilc liml cxiithii, nikI wIiu Wl I'l' llra|l'iMl!> III' ri'lliriHIlU' ■■> ill' if llllllM' lllllll, UK ri'lloi ll nlir |ilirtN til uli'Mit iliiiiv ; wi' Mill iIi-iiiIiiiImI III iHii liirtir IniiiiK. Iiiili'ii Willi iviry viiriity iil'iiiiirp lor tin- linliuii innU' nl' tin' iiilvrinr <'i>iiiiiry, wliirli wi' i|i'|iiiiii wn.i m ry tnlnMH: \vi' ii'iilil it'lili'iii iiviiiiu'r iii'Ti lllllll '.'.'■ Ki' ;iii null « II ilii\ ; iiiiil I'l'lrii, nlirrr till' I'lM I' uii'< iiiiiri' lliiiii ii^inilK iiii|ii !>il »iili lull-' nii'l rii|'ili tin* iIikIiiiio'. \Vi' ri'iirliiil " l.'« PiilliK nil till' •JUili. II ili-tiiiii T iir> iiiiii.'iiili" lit n\ii' ll k' |il liiii'k till it Ih miiil to rini iilinM' iHi I'll I, li'iiiiiii^' ii^i ll iiiiii II lull,'!' Iiikc iili'iM' tliii liiiri'i r, mill li'iiiiii,' it-ilf iliiiiiiiili ilir iiiirii'W w'urp' witli ii lirrllii Imri'. 'J'lii' vii'W III' Mi'iilil II'iiiil iviili' "krlilii'R Nim. 17 Mini |Ni IVntll tllJH |ioilit in Mry I'l'iiiinriil, ri'-iiii,' to a li.ij,'lit uf marly lii.iiiiii IVct, mnl ihmti'iI willi ilH iliu/liiii; iiialilK' ii|'|n'l'l" liial Himw Wr iiniviil lit I ort Wiilln Wnlla. ii iliiiaiiri' ul' '.'im mili ». mi tlir flril Apiil. anil Inii' nliiaiinil liui-ii., tu riil' iiiiusb iIic rmiiitry li> lull < 'iilvilli', ll ii\iiiu' llll' lioMin t" luniiniir tin ir iiinri- riri'iiiiuiis roiirsi' liy ilic riviT 111 llll' sunn' I'liini, iiliinil l-Mi milis, 'I'lii' ilin'it nniii' In I'mi • iiinlli' is aliiiiil Vi'ili iiiilrsi. Wt< ill hIihIi ari' lliriiii;;li a Imrri ii sainly tli'Si'M. n'IN|Miiiil'li' Hilly wilh tlir (iiiiii Salnira ill Al'rini, illllilii; tin' imsHap' of wliirli Hi' i"iilil liiiiilly tlinl -iilliiiciit wnoj or wiiti'r tu !t inlirrsiiiii; ami pirnliar liuiiirrs In a p'iiliit.'isl ; lias rviili'iiily liiiii -iiliji rl In rxii-iiiiiilinaiy vi'liiinii' arlinli. ami gi^it rnnviilsiniis nrnatnri', liy wliirli llir ilianiul nl'ila' Cnliiniliia ri\rr lias In- ii iliviriiil rrmii its iniirsr. tin' niij;inal Iml nniainiii'.' Imrrinnli'il liy rmKs wliiili liavf lii'iii tlirowii ininss till' iiinaiirr. ami liavr iniivirtiil it iiitn a ilry Irvrl riiviiM'. nilliil " I.a liiumli' Cnnlri'. ' Tin' I'llon-. rivi'r lias nil iiirly snliiirriimuii I'mirsi' iliinii'_'li mii' nl'tlirvi' ilrrp nuim*, li'ii|iiii^' from I'll.' snrl'iiir I'f tin- land m aiintliir, till it (,'iiin'- lIu' livil nl' tlir ('nliimliia I'V a pi'rpiiiiHriiliir lull of Villi I'nl, iiiln a I'iniilar Im-in of liiiMiltir rmk, I'nrmini,' one of the most porl'ict and laautiful spt'cimens of the Imsaltii- liirinalioii I liiivf ever scon. Tlio lieaiity of tin' snno is very feebly d"siriliid in the iiccotiipaiiyiii).' sketi'li. (Vide skin li Nn I'.i.) Al I'orl f'olvilh' \vi' iiirnin I'lnliaikiil in hnals to iiseeiiil the I'pper t'nlnmliia river in the limil Kmainpnnnt, a dislam-i of '.i.'iil miles We nliandoned the linals at this pnini. iind eiiiiiiiiuneiil. nn foot, ihu ii«eeiit iif the lloeky ^^ollntlliIlS. We liad for nimiy days lii'ii •iiirrniiinli d liy iiiiiLrnillii nt nioiiniaiiis, iiiid hud passed thmin^di sinli a liiaiilil'iil loiinlry. ihal tin' ill'i rt of this L'innd mid -dliiary M'ene i vide "krtrli of llie Itm ky Mnniilaiiis, No. Will WHS piirlially destroyed, liy ihe -iililiniily nf lliat wliii h luid pr.iidi'd it. The niniintiiiiis are almiit lO.iilM) ftct in liiit;lit, mierpmllnl in aiiv part of Switzerland for the ni^'u'ediiess iif tln-ir peaks and heaiiiv of form, I lipped and diiz/lini,' in tlirir while nianilr of miow. Our pi'destriaii laliors tinw eomineineil. For three davs we eon- tiimed tlie nseent of the viilhy of the (aiifie river, wading twiiily times iu the course of enili day through ihi'. niniiiiliiin lurri'iit, landinf; oil the snow, wliieli envered the whole eoiintry, and over the half thawed Mirfaco of wliieli, we dragged the heavy lumhiring, but well adapted, shoe, that prevented our being submerged at every step : at iiiglit we formed our coueli on the snow, without an opportunity being all'oided to us of drying our siituriited garinenls, nr being able tn piioli our teiil to guard against the enld. ( )ii llic fourth day we aseeniled tin' " lini/ii/f C'liti" to the height of laud on wliii h are situatid two small lakpar'H house, a ■'lllllll stalinii nf ihi' lliiiNniis Hay ('nnipany mi the .Vllhabiisea ri\iT, and dislaiil iibnin ml mih-. We had, however, seareely walked III tnilis. whrii the joyful sound of liuinmi Mue.s a-- und us nf nmre iinine- dliile ri lli'f, and wr noon etn'iniiilrn d a puny of ineii who had been iient to inert us Willi provisinns, a> I'liliipaliii d liN l.i rere de Sinit. a Jesuit priest frmn lb Igiiini. mid i liief nf ihe linmaii I'athnlie missionarii's in tls than three davs; mmiv nl'tbe men Were beeoniing knocked up by sudi eiinsiunt i xpn^inv and hard wnrk ; We therefiire obtained a In sh erew at I'nri I'.iliiimiiiui, and einliaiki'd mi the Sii-kaieliawaii river, whieh We deseended to liirt Carlton, a distaueo of iilintit OlMi miles Here We again took lioi-ses in ride across the prairies to Heil Hiver labmit -I,")!! miles), whieh we aei niiiplislied in ten iliiys, the weather being wet, i old, and ilisiunceiible. We arrived at fort (iiirry nn ibc Tib , lime, in .seveiitythrce davs fmni the linic we left Viiiienuver. We have ill this time compli id a jniiriiiv of •i:il\t) miles, liolwillislaiiding the various means nf cohm ymiei.' ami iiiniinieralile oll•^Illeles we llilil to ellcnuiiliT. Tho liidimis mi till' ( 'nliiiiiliiii river me •/• iieiall' n ipini, inolbnsive Tl" Iii'Min people; they ha\e been very nun h r. dneed in niinilnis bv diMUsc and Ihe emistmit wars ilial are waged up,,,, by ilieir pnwcrfiil iielglilioiirs on the iiil,ii lining prairies, wlm wander uboiii. wilbmii aiiv fi.xid plaee of roiibnee. Siiel, are thr Ulaekioot, till' Snake, the Cay.'iiM', and other very large tiibes, who ulw.iys iippiar to br ,,1 war wilh their fellow erelllllres. These nibl s (u-nipy vast tracts nf cnllllHy on either side of the iiiminiiiins The Assiniboiues and Cive Indians .ire also powerl'iil tribes mi the Si,-kuii huwuii river, but li\e in constunl feiir of their iieiglibours, the llhiekfeet. We eiicminlerid about .' O!) Assiniboin,' and Crc Indians en- eaiiipid, ill Ihrce separate villages, on the banks of the Saskali hiiwaii river. On the day we visited theni tlicy had lost three of their "'>n,ic«" ill an encounter wilh liliickfeil, who had surrounded the lumps, to attack any of their oppomnls who ventured in search of game. We also but iiarrnwly escaped fulling their vieliiiis, the Itlackfeet having suiToiinded our boat at night to the number of seveiiiv or eighty. We were forliiimtely arou-ed Imm our sleep by our watchful steersman, who alone rciimined awake to guid|. the boat, which we had allowed to lliiai down the river to save the delay that occurs by eiicainping on the shore. We were all sleeping iipnn our ready loaded guns, and quickly were prepared for defence; lint so soon as these savages found that they were discovered, they deeamiicd, not relishing u warm recep- tion from the guns " that fire twice." The banks of the Saskatchawan were covered with biitliiloc, elk, mill antelope, with their attendant wolves, bears, and carnivoruiib beasts and birds of every kind. We fared most siiinpluously on the flesh of llie bumiloe and upon numberless good things thai Mr. Howand had supplied us with at fori I,.li....i.i..ii U. Lill-.l ' ;•! "* '"i"'! ' ,1-1.111. >!■• II"' l!n r. iiii.l «riT h'rtriiiii. 'I li-m -I 'i"" f i\mf> ttu- Hiillin.iii !■■ iir p'lrly In iIm' n"' f wi'illil'"-"" "* "• ll"' ' "'' «'"" ■»'""' 1, , I.. I. .,ril.l"|..'. iili'l ttiM l'"«l "f »" I*!"''-' ''I' »i'"i"i'' "' ,/,.!.. ■■. ami rl.Mid !■• iMIl IM..rr lllllll M-lhlllN ul.1,11.1 ■r\,.>-i-> Mir l «"pI'I '■' ill. l>. Ullllllll^ "I MlIN W, iviimmr.l Ml (nil lli.ri) n 1. « ,lu>.. In ivniil onr «. .mil"', mi'l >l'-'-ii'l"l «i'li "H |, .Ii~| l.> III.' ^"1"'' fill' '111" «'• '»"' y<»f"H.vii> iln fli |,iik.. Mi|i. ii.T I" iIm' S..111I1 St M.nh. «1miv «v nnlmrkr.l "ii l"""'l <>'> .Mii.ri I Mniiii.r un.l ii"-l "Mr *")i«K" ilin'M^li l"l>'-' "'"■""• K.iv .111.1 Oiilario, .l..«i. 111.' SI l...«i.n.v l" M..iiln ul, «l.. f « m>>\ ..II 111.' •ililli .liilv iili.r .111 .1I-.11.V ..I iii..r. iliMi. I I mil- 1 |....J ., |.I...MI1|,' MMl '■■ ll" I'.'lllllli.l 1.711 .1 \u!^f - ii|i|intr r. «|.l. mli.l ll 11. 1.' r \..ii il.'i.. (hi III.' :lilili .Inly I I. ll .M.>lill.iil, . r..»* .1 ill. Si l,..ttr.ii.. I'M'I l,> ,i.',iii..i- 1.. I,.. I'niiri.'. IV..11. ili.'i I>y riiilway I" «• ''"Im «• ^'..r Siiiiil..i.'ii. iIhii.'.' I.v mil I" All.iiiiv ..11.1 ll..' |iiii-. .1 At ll..«i..ii I .iiil.iirk..l .11 111' ll"Vi.l M'lil i'.'ii.|...i.V'< -i...ii..r. •i:„„hn„. I'lipl. .lii.lkiiiH, iiii.l «.il..l I- Ki.t!l..i..l "11 III.' I-' A.iHU^i Ml. I- n .1. Iiulilliil 1..1HH11K.'. .iilliiiK i» lli'lit'"*'" "■"""•' «'• '""'"' '" |,,v,,.| I ..11 ll.. I'.'ili Aiiun-i, li..Miitf i.i.i'l.' '1 1 'll'' li"'""'l F'««'«"' ,|„i, ,.ii 1 .1.1 l..l».'('ii III.' Ol.l iiii.l N.« \V...I.I &15^ * .. >,v-^'- ^f^-% •1 'f.A /-**''/ ■i^. • -^ . #■-, .ic KA'd/A.y' % iwBWiiw 9am 1*' imo- r t ku-^.ff- Ti>i mHnHnaaanmwBMm na i uii i y — "jagg^iisateggiiaaMi^ A I *: m 4w^-^ f . .1 -t. '■*^* /t^ *N.M^^ii9?r::;# * .; V- «ip«vr'-->'* 65^48 T-M 'irn^ ^ « f HI • I I ''*«! Si#i. n^ 1 f i f«m- i» I '9^-i ^!^,\'*'i':H^yt #'^ iC: ^•^ :!^^ If' -sta sia; w teu -"---'-- — ■ , •*9?pi»iiS^^ ^} # ,«**■ !:ik.-mA!mm ■I^H^ Hi. mmmmsmmmmm jt a TTtf' * ij W Wu S" Jii g l IJaUBUiU. -! «■ ^v^ f \4- f •»(.. ^ . • .^>'C ■*: *^ n f : r^ 1 4f i ^^ ^^tt«?^, ^r..,^:F^' ^Ki^'T.wi'^f ' ".."«r P:>'--^ * ...*• 'm*^i •f, # # « #' ^Ktf«'''!'X ^ n p I P^f^WwtfBwt^^ ^■>-:^ V i &4: * * # 3^' \ i:> ' ,r jwpvfr-r — ■«>-»-..i>i«»>. ^___^. „ . ..„.»_ I i l l ri lii lll i t i fT l yT A l i T iawii 'mi i T illi i i ' i T pi i^ # ■ ■ .;• ■ ■•■ •- ^. , ['■ ' " ■ . ^^^Pt t ^^HHH^/ - • • - irrr* • - . ,^. . *^C ™' ^ ■i - __ ■ ■■■-rt^-J" '• ■-■ . -" .?^ ..""'.-'.'" ;kitmmu»imsBassBM *-l€:^^^fo i2> £ .■•■^■'^1, -ii^' ' 3 ' m^ h^ #^ aM .-- ri--^- ii-'* i?4N;/,.5Ni».?' ,^.,,,.v^,iJlti!ir:|ea;»vjN.:,^dfe;^^-ji,,,^ij^^^ii!*a^ .'i- , '«^*:«;,!.t--diiI^^^'S#.i1^ >■, ■, ■'*ti'" 1^, IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) &^ #.^ II I.I 11.25 m aii 2.0 Ui I 1.4 HiotQgraohic _,Scierices Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STMET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14SS0 (716) S72-4S03 ? ^ *^^ i> v\ ;\ I I t t t k i i I r I i r m .aettf*' -pl*?!^'S^^^'^i^--V-'\.-'.:-V-;'%J'^--'>«. i, h I I' I 1 tst I ■^ 'fSSW!*'*'''™*?^****'*^^^^^^' '>;i» '■•■"*f- '•MiinmfmiDrt ' wtn I' l I I i m 'r iiii I ii M'i'' .fi««i«.-. r" I I- 1^ t, ; \ M GILUVRAY OR K OOTOONAI RIVER •^ *■-» * #•> ^ r * ^. ,^M,.0.1f 4» f.;»': ^,;, ■-♦fir-lTIi .i««'^'^.^ .# jMN^ :'S8^- t» ^ ^' .•y-'SaPfr'^ijt. ^'^•^ \ ^T^t- •^A "*»>»■ #*1^ :*i*s»^ P -*■ ^' .*" I i I t I I t 1 I i i '^-^ jj| M> il' | 'W» '.K ' ■ £»-■ i I I i I I I I i I 4 h \ * #. 4' ^4f%: .?■ ii» ■^ ''^^i ?f% ^..# ':W; ■M^^^^ "^W^Tt^''- '^ >M F f T:* l7^t0^Kt:i. Wf ^ vf'.^^^- tfs; ■^^•■^!."'^ ■Xl--'- S*.*3t^ ?^;iHT3 -,Tjp»ij-j!=T ■ ^-'irSTB ~"~ — —~'- Illl „;..^' ii';*,.:#7 ■S?i -czr: " i I m il i» rTi I 1 1 n fc^JSMJii— ligM—d T STi i ii i M ■ n ■^ ^ ■ ■■mJ ■ ■W ji ■■ M l ■* ■- ''■? '" B l^ W g ' lJ (l^ »»-lJ ff . S''' '*"^- r** ' v:#& ::;*m;'-m-# .i"- ^ * n:^^. Vifff ^ ^#^: ^^# « 7 I ^*is.:',; ..-J*" ,»»., ^ ':'^n. is*»ikmmmi^ Jt^ftf ^"■w^^da*-^-*""-*' ■ujHii"* ' M- 1»t' ""'^fm. ffe-' .•» ■ ■■ V •it .! A- ttOifih^^'^l^ ■,r''" '\ -■'V » Sif^^' ''<*■■'* . ^* *^^k ^ •:' , . '.Mil. • '%»* m'Mk:: .,, , ^ ^; ■'.-, ••;'"• <:"^w, V V . ^- r-3- -, .'. . V/ft Y^\ X ■3?: ^ ^ ^ V \l : -^ g* > \7 6 ■ ■to •r, X-^ ; ).; . V > \ ■' '^A- ■*: S ■ ^' N V tl i O fl c , ,^ ^ .. «l^ :*]