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' i,,ifarfff^^:'^^*^^ , $ fi*V»pk mmmm 'i i3==n // So II V c n i r of B rock -v i / / c §3 ,i!/',:it th,- ".".st '•I •uitiiii'ih '•:iinh ip,ii!t\ ;'! th, tr'.r/J.f.r'uJ St. /..;:ir,/i., THE BEAUTIFUL CITY OF THE THOUSAND ISLANDS G ^^ ^ Published hy KOBKRT WRIGHT & CO. Propriftors of Brockvillc's Great Department Store Ent;raved and Printed hy THE JAMLS EaYNK COMPANY Grand Kapids. Mich. USA .»«»JI«^'^ SniiDiirr Kisort .1 Vn-frct II 'i II try llolllt' tu.. - ^ ■jmmmmmmmMMmmmiimmm'-. im . "rTf^-Tv^f""? ^ ■ " jiL^r - f_ > ' ^^/^^"^^ \T^ ITr', r ■^ ~^ Ni^tlis al till' loot ol till' I, 111, 11111(1 'riiiiiiMiiid l>laiiils, and diiK .1 \i\\ mili> ali()\r tlir luit l( s-, i,iiiiiiii> l\'a))i(|> >il the K'i\m S!. Law ii'iur. It has a locatimi wliuli lor In aiit\ and pu tun m|iii- 111 ss Is not ixrilli'd aiuwlii ir mi tin (ontiiiiiit ot Aniiilra. Iln oiiuinal ^I'ttlds Will (liiilK r. \'.. Lo\alists, wlm ranii' aiio>s ill'' M\ir into riiilisli tiiiitoiv attiv tlir \\ ,\v ol 1 ndi iiiiui. m t dining till' (losinj; \i ais ol tin- i liilUiiiitli r:iitiir\. and In wtd oiil loi' tin nisiU IS new lioiucs in tlir tin ii iiidndkrii w ildi i inss. The population Ol r>r()rk\ illc is now and it has the niiiitid 11 pn tat loll of hriii^ oil'- ol till- most up to-datr towns in ( anada. 1 hr soliditv that ( haracti ri/.rs its coniniircial intiicsts is r\ idi in cd in till suhs taut lal Idoc llants Thf streets are wide and well made, while the sidewalks are uranolilliir pavement, clean aiul well kejjt. It has iip-to-dati> hotels affcrdin^' ever\ coiii- loit to the tra\elin<; pnlilie. The ri\er shore ahove the town is lined with heaiitiiul suninur rotta^^es for a distaiiie ol se\ en miles, taking; in the piettx siimnnr resorts of I'air lla\eii. 1 1 ill (rest. I'ernliank. 1 'ine 1 inrst and I 'nion I'ark. Tlu steamer ■ • jirockv ille " makes lioiiiK trips liitweeii the alio\e points and the town, affordini; ^reat loiu eiiience to cottatiers. liesidi s the natiiial heaiities which make I'.rockville a fanujns summer resort, the town is an nil ,il location for m iiiidactiirers. The railwa\s nuntioiu'd ahove as wtll as numerous -ti aiiilioat companies affordiiij.; the best shipping facilities, while the New \o\k Central is reached by car ferr\ across tin ii\er. Aiiioiii; I !rock\ille's leadiim nianutac- 1111111- iiiti lists are 'I'he janies Smart M f^^ Co.. the Ontario (do\e Works, the Canada ' .11 iuiL;e Co , the I'liion Mat \\ Orks and the Cossitt ,\L;ricultural Implement Works Idle li'wii is Will protected au;ainsl lire. ha\ini; one of the best lire-alai in s\stenis in ()ntaiio. ^. y dmda^ - ■ ■^^■Tiji^'i'^^S^^^^^- I m^«m ii'iji .iMiaaiwtetw^,. ■»W**^' L-mS-W"-'".--^' ■^- *^^- i-w •Miip««aMn»M*« mmm^^mi^mmiiimimmi'p^ ''•■■"*,''"!■•"' i ■•^j- Kt'^attu Day atBrcickvilk {<- • ■ 'rw ff*'* t ''- ica liji i^^- ■^ 1H" II* MI—MI' WW J^^JL m Kair Havt-n, BrockvilU- ; Residences of J. A. Derbyshire. Esq , ami RolJert Smart, tsq. ^iii^Mi '(!«_ -iMMnsMMMB ■>ttii-<««-f^^?,^:; West Ward School, Victoria School. New West Ward School. m ■■—i'^ 1- A Lady AngUr's Succi'ssful Caich at Brockville. Eighty pounds of Masklnong.- 'iH'g-'rii-Mitlrtffimi*.. ■■>■ " :W**' mer* •^^"^ ■ lAriigrarr'. ■ .■ « i ^.^j » ,- "r'''g^T-.-"s;.;i- ' -»--* ■■■^'*>""^"wi-wt'i^|:j(|m iPM^"^ ^. H I Jktf M!^^ -.•.?3 An afternoon catch at the Maskinonge Fishing GrouniJh. two miles above brockvillc — Weight of these fish 311 pounds each. . x. iii i w a i wii i inm iiiii i i i i um i— i M i iM « *.■* .^: 'mm-»»' Rcslcii iici- (if thf Hon G. T Kiilford. i» Glove Wurhs of Bruckvillf ^1 The James Smart Manufacturing Company. Stt-anuT in the Channel jusi above Hrockville. Starting a War Canoe Racr duriiiL' thr A. C. A. Mrt t at Brockville. i^J^-.:»^y''^ »^'*"^ • "■ 'I If^^^SSS^^S rin town of Brockville fr(nii Bil; Island. fiiaii-'irii irtiV* -^- .-;^^^.v^.^i' ■aling a-iil fXi.-illn^, a .'■ i- tunc ,-arrif> :i ^rcM nf titiccn [n't) pic aii.l arc prt.;n-llc.l In pa.Mlc-, I he \fiiir'.i-an C ainic \ ss.i. inn :s lom [mih.-.I of inwr^ -if .i juatii -.ports trotii all paris ot L an a. la ati.t thr L' nitr.t Mates. The. ni,l unmial iiicctini!s nf tun weeks it'iratjnn at plai.'cs .ipsignatci i>\ a 'na Mr:t\ v otr at ,i pre. iui;> [iicciin^. liu-si' meets .irc I on k el tnrw ;ir f tn \i ith a iirral ,l -a I nf ;iileri--t . Dinnii; tin- rneeti lu' snatl hnals <<' ci er\ t\ pe :ire rcpr.-sent'-.l .m J eru'a^e.t in ^'nnte-;! u<' hnimrs i ti tin tnrtu .it lei-nratm'n. . \n .-.I'.fi prizes .I'lnw el. ■"'HP ■ i^W-^ iOr : =r Hutchison's 'Ranch.' Cottage and Boi'.t House owned by C. H. Foster. MMNBIiiMM m i irtfVTiiiiiliMllii iiliiWn"[itf'liff«*tii»''a^' -~ -irii liiritt gigi4 ''0'ii>^&- '•m.x^.iL-iJi^LMMx. T^~^"^'P^P =r^wi 1 Amongst tin- Thousand Islands nenr Brrnkville. ' ..jtl«^^>' isRsnom ,^.....:ZmmJim ism Hospital for the Insane Mam Biiilding. ■' ■' i, ^, "^N\vV Hr.H k\ ;ll.' G.n.r.-il Hc^pital ■■■ ..^ ^... ., . .^■-..-■j.-u^^^wj... -J .i^^i*;,;'.-*^-- ■'-■-'•' ■:.-2./jL,\S':' ;J*r«'' ' *i»^K?r7*^'' Postotficc. r.'sssmsfss^ 111. Town Hull, 1. .Mill He. us :^Uu mm^emi^''''Mmmfii'mmmam Fair Day at Brorkv .11.-. ■» J^^r tj^m-^,-:-" -^'- ■-- Victuriii Marki t Hroi:U\,ill ""TTT'"'^ l-*i .y. liitr Brockville Hat Works. Tilt Canad;i Carna^'- Ctunpanv ^Li.iMs~''^ ••fc-j:.i.. ' ii llli l i i ii ' i 'm '- i»^' mmm t^mmmm^tm memm^iw^mmm^fmm^^m \i Bt-thuiu' Strt t t. Janifs Street. .'Mi»OT4%>k '' mttttltlttH»T-''f^^^^'-'- ■•': Jkiiisjr™"" A Group ut Islands in th- ilii'i.i Catcliin^i l-'rit^:- iv. Grants Crct-k, mat Hrnckvi Th. Mouth of Grant Crrt-k. ■■f^:;; ....,% j-^. ^- ,..$^. Trinity Church. St. Francis Xavi. r R. C. Cliurch George Street Methodist Church. First Presbyterian Church. Wall Street Methodist Church. jH:.miiii<*lfe*'»""*^^'' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i ''4WiPHnaMiii«piliMiMii««pwi^^ HaptiHt ChurLli I I St. Pt-ti r's Episcopal Churcli. Tht' 'Kirk'. St. John's Prt-sbyttrin St. F'auls Kpiscopnl Church lUkM On.- nl th, K:^hl.i'.i Navigation C.jin|i;ijiys Steaint-rs luar.nn Brockville on her tr.p Tnrimto to \iilu-,- Ilir ,;u -|.:rfS ..,,■- II,.. ;s|,,n,:^ in tlu- (li~l;i!Kc. t}^1^' ^ Or,, nta; Ul:ui I. ^1 A Ficnic Uiuiur. Swift Wat. r I'L 1 t ■■j^ Wii i W' v i;«i»4il^'WB**^'t**' ^"■w'**-*'"'' A»(«ji.'*«wa»«lft^; ■'■ St. Vaict-iU UePaul Hospital. mmmmmmmm .,,,1,11 -.n- ,1 nrtfl'Wfc.a**- j^- j i^jM ft .,,,-^ — -ir-||-|lti^* ■■-"■"■'■ F'"^'' 'iigrifili?-^- i -^. w--*. ....-^.Jl.i r--r.. ^ N . ^ A- .V • f.. ■ r 1 fxm » ... • • 1 V * ^mi n mwK^ ^ ... m ^T '.* *■ 4 wm \ 1 t ^ iji"' " TtfisittiBLiiiii ■. 9^ J m^^^--^ - ■' 1 . , ^ il St. Albaii's Boarding School for Boys, Rev. C. J. Uonlden Principal - _-.> .-' rtt>(r '' i^._ ^. _a,*6^SSiffc;;r..|i„.>«t«SSSt*«,.«.-IW*Jf^4^ lilUUfMBIMHiill lift Bank of Montreal. '^^^v.M SL.-. Bnickville Colit-giate Institute. I-'ulford LJKick. •W'' BrockviU..' Sowing Club. Hotel Strathcona. St. Lawrence Hall. The Bro^kviUe Club. .,*A:«v., MhMMMMH&l iiwinwirt'i /■? C, S. Cossitts Residcnc i<\ m _____ T ■ ' Cossitt Tirrac*-. ^'1 >^':*'^'^'S:t!J.. The Publow Terrace. 1 .«»*. ■■i ry r- " moM^ ^^ -■r iWl'ihiiM *^- ■'■^i^uittttittuftt l0iMMpip^~ '«n!qwiagpQmi4iii.]iiiuif«i*>rm.frv ■; ■•i\'J~yi:t-AK- .- ■^••nr.{i'i>l.i.'_-'lH-ja ^ MXMrvnmaiilN