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A- uaf of li?ei)OtioH .J FOR GHILDREN ; AT THE HOLY GOMMUNION J -W.--<. ►i< I 1 y TORONTO: I XiMMs & C0.V13 A^LAiDK'STRfCKT East . ':'M. 1 4- . • '■\v1f. (-V iv rj; ■\ • •*• * * « J. ■ ' '-^ ■■■' rl* .it ^i-'. i i < '/^ << 4. A^- ■*f J^H, -•"; *< ^•f* .«;k-- v ! • , (El^e (El^ilbren of Jesus. i-'. :^> * " Jcaus isaij sjuffcv liftfi; cljil'dircn ta tome uiito itje, anS fo»6iJ> l^cnj not." - / :\ .^ Before God's Altar-throne, on bended knee, In humble adoration kneelingi see A throng of little children, learning there ^ The Christian's joy in worship, ^aise and -•■.prayer,;. fw^- '\ O Lamb of God ! " Hark 1 How sweetly they ^ sing, Their infant voices raising to their King ! Who, that hath heard this Heavenly hymn of praise, But from this world of sin the heart would raise..; -,'.• . Here may Thy children^ Lord, be ever led To gazeon Thee ! to see the " Living Bread !" Here, too, m^y they be taught in Heavenly love To seek the^oot/, and hate the ez;// more. Ere long, may they beneath;the Holy Rood Receive from priestly handsthat Blessed Food, Strengthened thereby in grace, one day to ■ V ■■■'■■ '.stand ■ ■':.• \ ■;:;'• ■■^^■ :,;'^-'.^^-'/\t;-' As Saints of God in Heaven at His right hand. > NOTES ON THE USE OF THIS BOOK. 1. The bdys and girls should be tauEht to read the responses together. / .K^o'''^'?*v.°SJ?'^''** '•''^•'°o''»s chiefly to give the PanshPnest, Parents, and Sehool Teachers a means of teaching their children how io pray ' when they come to the Holy Eucharist, and not merely, as is often the case, let their thoughts wander away, or fix themselves upon vacancy •^Did'st Hiou but know the gift of God and X?.?V ? *''lV^°™eth tothem.howwould-st "^S^^'^- -«J 1"-'^- thy pace to t i V-: V v: J of 5c£5U0. : V :: xrbe preparation. A: In thename 4g^e Father and of the Son, and of the Holy'Shost. , Amen. Teacher. L,et uspray. . <^ Children. O Lord Jesus Christ show me mv. sins. ^ O Lord Jesus Christ make nte sorry for rtiy O Lord Jesus Christ wash me from my sins.. .. •■■^■■.; -^ . ," . V ■ ^'. ■ ■ - '■ ■.■■.■■■■• ■■■■'- -X ■■■•■-.■ SelMBjaminatiort . Tert<rA^,^ Let us be silent for a moment/ and try to thmk of our sins as God remembers them. What have we thought wro ng ? {^/aM5g.) What have we said wong ? {A fame.) What have we done wrong ? (A pause) .i0-^' • / Teacher. Let us be very sorry for these sins, * Children. O Jesus, make me^ sorry for my disol)e(!ience, and ^ivc me grace to l>e riiore true and faithful for the future. Tmc/fcr. Let us pray. Children. Lord, come to us thatlThou mayest cleans^ us. ; 1" Lord, come to us that Thou mayest heal us. Lord, come to us that Thou mayest strength- en us. And grant that having received Thee, we may never be separated from Thee by pur sins, but may continue Thine forever, till "vj/e see Thee face to' face in Thy Heavenly Kingdopi , where with the Father and the Holv GfiosT, Thou livest and reigiiest, ever one God, ^orld with- out end. Amen, * fpat 0oot> Jnteiition Teacher. Let us tell God why we pome to His Holy*A.ltar. . \ , ; Children, My Cod , I am here because Thou didst call me, and I want to obey and\ please Thee. /■■■■"■-'"■> ' -■'••^^..■;..■^ '.-■ '^:'--'"'\: -''■'■ \''y " My G I am here .to worship Thee,\aBthe blessed Angels do in Heaven. My/ God, 1 am here to ask Thee ta blesk our Pa r i s yii and Church . My God, I am here to thank Thee for all gooa gifts. ^hy to . i^* * «l IProcesstdimi 1b\?nin. «■ . ' ' ' ■ ■ ■ I*. The service of the Holy Eucjmrht begins, all k'ueeUng^ Join heartily in all the Prayers and Responses. . Before theOospel stand and sing Glory be to Thee, O Lord^ After the- Gospel sing : Thanks be to Thee, O God. \- ttbe ©ffertorK?. !.■■■' ■ . ^ ■ ■" i ■ I ■ " ■ At the presentation of the offerings^^stand and sing : All things come of Thee, O toRD ; And' of Thine own have we given Thee. Consecration, J Before the prayer of Con$ecratiohySing: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of thie Lord: Hosanna in the Highe:st. After the pi'ayer of Consecration, siiig : O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world : have mercy upon us, -" O Lamb of Gop, that takest away the sins.of the world : have mercy upon us. ^ Q Lamb of God, tha t ta kest aw a y the sins of the world I grant us Thy peace. ' ■*,., 6 / ■ / ft If because you are not yet Confitmed, or for solfie other good reason, yov do not go up to theAltar to receive the H oly Sacrament, .rentiinkneelins; when others go ttb and 8ay privately one or more of the following prayers : ' Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shoiildst come under my roof, but speak the word only and Thy servant shall be healed. /' LORD I for to-morrow and its needs, I do not pray ; Keep me; iny God. froin stain of sin, Just for t^-day. Let me both diligently work And duly pray ; . Let me be kind in word and deed , Just for to-day. Let me be slow to do my will . Prompt to obey ; Help me to mortify my flesh, ., > Just for to-day. Let me ^o wrong or idle word "^ Unthitiking say ; Set Thou a seal uppn my lips, Just for to-day. Let me in season, Lord, be grave, - • • In season gay ; Let me be faithful to Thy Grace, \ . Just for to-day. v ■*t ■■ ,. \her the intl And if to-day my;Jife ; SHould ebb away, Give me Thy Sacrament Divine, Sweet l»ord to-day. So, Jbr to-mor^w and its needs I d^not pray; But keep me, guide m^, love me, Lord* V " Just fbr "to-day. Prayer for one not yet a Communicant. - BLESSED Jesus, I long for the time whe| I may be permitted tp draw ne^r to Tliy Altar, to receive the Holy Sacrament of' Thy Body and Blood; and now I beseech Thee, by the nearness of Thy Presence and by the power of Thy Love, prepare my heart and cleanse my soul from whatever Thou findest in me, which makes me unfit to receive Thee, vlwi^w. LORD, take Thou my heart, for I cannot give it Thee; and when Thou hast taken itkeepiffor I cannot keep 'it for Thee ; and save me in spite of myself, for Jesus Ghrist's sake. Amtn. . ^ If y OIL still have time to spare while others are receiving DO NOT LOOK ABOUT YOU, but remain Oil your knees and pray for others, or for any special grace you require, or for strength to overcome any special sin. On makiltg anv particular request, say : ^ -^ Q ETERNAL Father ! I come to this Holy Communion of Thy dear Son's Body and Blood, humbly beseeching Thee because of It, in It, and with It, to grant me (Here name yonr request, > ^ ■«.•>•■. .8 Hfter m mcssUxQ. HOLY Trinity, let the p^rformaoce of iaSfi^i t^*'^?' ^'J'^ grant thkt this Holy fot^eH^fn '.■7''-"''' ^' *^°"Sl> unworthy hav^ ^^i;c!::it^^s^"o£?^-t^^3}S. Christ Our Lord. 4^.^ ' "^^^ J^'"^^ IRecessfonal ibginn. Nunc Pmiitls: 'ijord now lettest— •' ', Pm^^i ,« m Holy Eucharist. Recoiaect.'O my soul, where thou hast bp^n and what thou h^t been doing Thou bast' been with Christ, Whois both God and Man iv Whn''^' """^^^ ^°' "^ °" Mount Ca?-' vary. Who now comes to us in a t>,„itl Mystery under the forms of Bread and Wine sSi^n^ S^"]**^ Father, the Sacrifice of His Son once offered on the Cross Thou hast b^en Holv^^lf 4T'^"\^ Archangels"in st5S Holy. Holy, Holy, to the Ever-Blessed trinitv Thou hast received Christ in the Holv Com ' munion. vou who ai-A vti^ r\ • °^ i-.om- ness thA^3, o -I i **>f Own image and like- ness, though soiled and stained by sin He ^i-;. •■ ■■^- V-. ■**■■" -'^'^i^' I yj:-. . -«, has come to you and is now within you, to wash you from your sin, to show you His Life as a pattern for your own, to pour into you His grace that you may serve Him> Desire, O ray Soul, to be made hke unto Christ in all things, and, so far as is poissible for man, to imitate His virtues, especially His Love, His Humility, His Purity, His Obedi- ence. Seek from the Lord, O my Soul, so com- pletely to do God's will, to serve Him, to love Him, and to obey Him, that He niay say of me as He said of David, ''I have found a man after My own heart, which shall fulfil all My will Amen. % HDvice to (TommunicantSv 1. Make a rule of always communicating early, in order that you may receive fasting, ac- cording to the custom of the Church. 2. After the Consecration Prayer do not sit I either kneel or stand. - ' t 3. When the time comes for communicating hold yourself in readiness to go up to the Altar ; take off your gloves and put aside yaur veil.- 4. When waiting in the Chancel or aisle for room at the Altar, kneel rather than stand. ' . ■ ■" ■ * .' ■■■■'.■,'■" 5. Kneel down reverently at the Altar step, and, as an act -of faith, say secretly again and again .** X/Orrf, it is good for me to be here\]\ or •• Lord, I am not worthy that Thou shouldst come under my roof," — . — : — —, — ,, — " / 6. Receive your Lord's rx/i' • fyou right hMd Steals ''^'".'° 'he palm left, and^holding' h wt " u^"-^^''* °" y°"'- from your palm- wib ^L P- ^i"^" ^^^^ it dropping any pprli^ln, ^°'" «?outh, to avoid %•" with bothhM^!'^ ''""'V by grasping HI tion. ' '"^ ^oo'f of private devo- come holy all at oMe It^ff ' y,<?? pannot be- Yon jnay often fall ini^ • ■ ^, ''fe-Iong work. ' munion. through foLl'K,Tu*[^^ Holy Com- temptation ; bf^™^^dhab«s and sudd^^ re^nt at once ; conf^s^ow sfn w/°"' ^*'!' His help, and try harder a^T '? God, seek the time to come fiuf W "^""^ dumbly for Jesus, for todblo ifcert.ln -^^"1^° '™«t io -man will always be vfry^^/^'";. 7**" <=tergy- ■ you are in doufet aW t^dwl ° ^^'P 1°"" ^^en or ashamed to speak to hihi ''^'^'' ^^^'■'''*^ :\- 1 s t * j r ,xt .'S'^'s^f-. ^Rs 11 \ a <ratecbi9iit .Why do you believe that the "Lord Tesus ^ really present in the Holy Communion ?— Because 1 believe that when he took bread and Mnneand^aid^-Thisis^M^ Body." - This is My Blood,*V He meant what He said. What must you do before Holy Communion ? —Prepare myself, ■ v How ?^By trying to remember what I have done wrong. V What then?— I must be sorry and confess Jt. What next ?^I must try to leSd anew life. What mu^tyoudb during the service ?— Prav •to JESUS. . "^ -S[?^V^i^* y^^ ^° after Holy Communion ? —Thank Him. C*Jesus I thank Thee.") When you are grown up are you boun^o recetm the Holy Communion?— Yes; and- 1 ?h9uld lopkforward, prepare for, and long for that time.' . w' J ;. ■-.'^^v» :.;,... . ■;, Do all coniirmed people receive It ?— No. Why don't they ?— Because they don't love Jesus Christ. . How do you know they don't ?— Because Jesus said, *Mf ye love me keep my command- ments.*'-;^ '''-"'-,^ v ■ '.;. i . •■_ ;; y--^ ^^Is this one of them ?— Yes. He said, " Do this." ^ * /f^ 12 How often should you - do this ? "—Once a month at the very least My aim should be to receive the Holy Communioff pwor a a;^^yfe. _ But suppose you are hot; /^ to receive, what n AnTi- 'f'"^^ Kfit- I^ I "^ni not fit. thati^ ' )irtoci!r°^ ''' ''""'^ ^^°' ^' to pray, nor \ ■i^i .■■■v * \ •-N ice a )e to ■\ vhat It is, nor i .^..C»Sft> .^i- Ho \ '.'• '•^ \i • ^Mi im J-L.