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Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte d des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmd d partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche d droits, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 u . T-.A (^/^, /y r^ith the -fiuihoT'a Corrvpli-meizis, 38 Bishop St A SERIES OF NINE ABDOMINAL PAN-HYSTERECTOMIES PERFORMED IN ONE YEAR FOR UTERINE FIBROMYOMA. BY F. A. L. LOCKEIART, M.B., Edin., Lecturer in Gynfecoiogy, McGill University, Gynu'cologist to tiie Montreal General llospitiil and I'rotestant Hospital for tlie Insane, Montreal. (Reprinted from the Montreal Medical Journal, October, 1898.) A SERIES OF NINE ABDOMINAL I'AN-HYSTERECTOMIES PEHBXJRMED IN ONE YEAR FOR UTERINE FIBROMYOMA.' liV V. A. L. LO( KHAKT, M.H., KlJIN., Lucturcr in Gyna-cology, Mc(illl University, Gyniucoiogist lo the Moiitri-al CiMit-ral Hospital and Protestant Hospital for the Insane, Montreal. As nine patients have undergone abdoniino-vaginal hysterectomy for utei'ino iibroid disease at my hands from January, 1897, to Jan- uary, 1898, only one of whom died, the following analysis of the cases may prove of interest. The average age of the patients was 40 years and 6 months, the youngest patient being 32 and the oldest 57 years of age. In only two had the climacteric been reached and in these two it had oct,urred two and thirteen years respectively befoi-e operation. The age at which these women first menstruated averaged thirteen years and eleven months, the extremes being twelvt^ and .seventeen. Sterility.— i-i\x of th(> patients wrre married, and of these, three were absolutely sterile, one had luul one miscarriage but no full-time children; one had had one full-time child and no miscarriages; and one had carried seven children to full-time and had miscarried once. Of those who were absf)lutel}- sterile, one uterus contained an inter- stitial tumour, while tlu; other two patients had multi-uodular tumours .scattered all through the uterus. The patient who had miscarried once had two interstitial tibroiils, while the uterus of the woman who had carried seven children to full tune was the seat of gentsral fibroid enlaro-emont and oni' siuali sub-mucous nodule. These women had l)een married for from twd to twenty-seven years. While the number is too small upon which to form any opinion, it is .seen that in this .series the sterility was most marke(| when the tumours were inter- .stitial, but it is (piite likely that the presence of these growths played a very small part in the production of this sterility. SyDiptoMs.—ViGmhu'Ue was a marked symptom in cases 2, -S, and 4, but in case 'A was due to defective vision and was cured by the patient wearing proper glasses. Abdominal enlargement was the chief complaint in cases 8, 5, 6, r in all of the raw surface including the ligatures which had been applied to the ovarian and uterine arteries. The only point of difference in the operation in the 5th and 9th cases is that the whole operation was performed tlu'ough the abdomen as the cervices were too high up in the vagina to allow of the combined operation. Covtplicatlons. — The operation was complicated in four cases. In No. 1 the right ovary formed a cystic tumour, containing ten ounces of a dark grumous fiuid, composed largely of extravasated blood. This was densuly adherent to its corresponding tube, the upper part of the rectum and to theposterior surface of the uterine fibroid. These adhesions wt-re separated and the cyst was removed, after which the tumour and uterus were likewi.se removed by total hysterectomy and the abdominal cavity wiped dry. The incision was closed by three rows of sutures without any drainage being employed. In case No. '.i the complication was caused by the patient having undergone a previous abdominal section, as a result of which the omentum was Hrndy adherent to the ol inclusion of the ovary of that side in adhesions. At the operation, the uterine cavity was curetted, the instrument bringing away a quantity of broken down purulent material. On opening the abdomen, the ctecum, descending colon and rectum were found to be adherent to the tumour, a ma.ss the size of a small orange lying between the descending colon, the left Viroad ligament and rectum. After separating the cjBcum from the tumour, work was begun on the left side, the adhesions being so dense that their division had to be begun with the knife. While separating the colon from the ma.ss below it, a quantity of intensely fu'tid pus welled up from what, on further dissection, proved to be an old pyosalpinx, which had ruptured on the posterior surface where it was closely adherent to the rectum. This abscess sac (the left tube and ovary; was .shelled out of its bed of adhesions, tied off and removed. All of the pus was carefully wiped up as soon as it appeared at the orifice of therupturl^ the general peritoneal cavity being protected by a large pa.l. The tumour and uterus were now comparatively five, so both broad liga- ments were tied off and divided, together with the uterine artery on each side. An interior and posterior Hap of peritoneum were formed, after which the vaginal attachments were divided and the whole mass removed. The raw surface was packed with iodoform gauze, one end Ileitis' tln-ust into tin- vaj,qnti for Iniiiiagf and to nllow of its removal- Tho vertical flap was sown to the rt'ctuni and to the peritoneum at th»' upj)er niur^'in ut the abdominal cavity was not Hushed out with salines as this would only have tended to spread any pus which had escaped from the abscess and not been removed by the swabs. The tube was removed on the third day, as it remained (|uite dry after the firat 48 hours. The orifice of the track of the tube was kept open by a liut is not a very virulent germ, so that it is probable that the bottom of the drainage tube track was infeet stvliue enomula during Isl night. ■• '• •' Also slryehnine gr. 4',, q. 4 li. lor 10 days. Al8«) 2 saHne onematii during the Ist 8 hours. 7 , Strychnia gi'. ,,'^ I. i. d. lor 2 days. 8 ! « .. ^1^ I j J t,j|. o iiyys. One salijie eneinu as .soon j as removed from the table. I U ! Strychnia gr. A q. 4 b. for 10 day.-*. One wdine enema Just I after operation, and o>'«-^8s brandy or whiskey as required ; for several days after operation on account of a weak heart. From the accompanying chart whieli represents the average of the morning and evening pulse, respiration and temperature of nine cases for eight days and eight cases for the remaining six days, it will be seen that the temperature reached the highest point on the second day after operation, when it ran up to 100.2° F., steadily declining from here to normal, which was reached on the eighth day. The pulse s and respiration were the most rajjirl on the night after the operation, reaching 105 and 2G respectively. They then steadily fell until the tifth day when they both again quickened, taking three days to reach S8 and 23 respectively and again fall to the point from which the second rise started, viz., 82 and 20, in the vicinity of which they reniaineil until the patients were discharged. A few of these patients returned to hospital after dismissal, com- plaining of the usual symptoms of the menopause, and were given ovarian extract, gr. v., t. i. d., after meals. All showed considerable amelioration of their symptoms for the tirst few weeks but the improvement was only temporary. Although the one death brings up the mortality in the above series to 11.11 per cent., it will be acknowledged, I think, that that death was entirely unpreventable, and the combined results show that abdo- minal hysterectomy for moderate sized fibroid tumours of the uterus is not an operation which ought to be followed by a high rate of mortality when proper precautions are taken not only at the time of operation, but in the preparation and after treatment of the patient.