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MARCH, H74. :«|* Knteml nccording to Act of Parliament in the year one thousand f ipht hundred and eevcnty-iour, by John Hakius, in the otTice of the Mini.-tir of Agriculture and Statistics at Ottawa. ^^^ £i I'm V 'b MoNTUKAL— John Lovbll, PniNXEn. THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. l*r()\ e <i!/ tilings ; hold fast that which ia gooi,' St. P'nil. PART THIRD. THEORV OF UURVATl-RE. Tht UUimatc-Siu(\ und the arc of incrcas'mg cnrvafin-r. — If ii iiiiniln'f of intiTuiodiaie nres be described with a proportionally increased radius, between 31. an<l )i., between h. and o., between o. and ^)., &c., &c., respec- tively, it is evident that a continuous curved line drawn through the terminal points oi' all those arcs, will form a compounded arc of a peculiar character and which fioin its forming a connection as it were between the arc-length of the half-cpiadrant and the ultimate sine — i.e., the sine of the ultimate fraction of the half-quadrant — possesses much interest. We will here briefly indicate one mode in which the change in longitudinal magnitude in conse(|uence of the elimination of curvature, as the fractional arc is diminished by successive bisections, may be investigated. Taking the radius eqmd to 10. The length of the half- quadrant equals the sine-length increased by addition of ' the sine length divided by the units of radius less one.' S ^: = .s 4- K-i We thus obtain the magnitudinal length of the arc in units of radius. Now if this arc (half-quadrant) be bisected and the lonijitudinal magnitude of the remain- ingarc be duplicated, the half-quadrant is not reproduced .*v 6 TIIK CIRCM-: AND STKAIOIIT LINE. but nil arc is obtaiiuHl into whitli one half the curvature of tlie half-(|uadraiit does not enter and in which the other half of the uirvature beloni,'inf» to the half-(|Uadraiit is divided over twice the quantity of linear extension.* The second arc therefore, although it is a inagnitudinal dupli- cation of the one-half of the first arc, is a lesser longitu- (hnal magnitude than the lirst arc, because the niagnltu- (Hiial (hiplication which has restored the direct linear extension has not replaced the curvature. The process may be thus conducted: — ^^ — The arc-length equals the sine-length increased by S addition of the sine divided by the units in the radius less one. C . — The arc-length equals the sine-length increased by J(» addition of the sine divided by the units in the (duplicated) radius less one, multiplied by two. C. — The arc-length equals the sine -length increased by '32 addition of the sine divided by the units in the (duplicated) radius less one, multiplied by two, multi- plied by four. (j, — The arc length equals the sine-length increased bj' 64 addition of the sine divided by ihe units in tho (duplicated) radius let^s one, multiplied by two, multiplied by four, multiplied by four. And so on, proceeding in like manner. The successive divisors will be therefore. f 1st arc ( ^-1) 2 do (2/?-l) X 2 3 do (2/«?-l) X 2 X 4 4 do (2 7e-l) X 2 X 4 X 4 5 do (2 /?-l) X 2 X 4 X 4 X 4 , 6 do (2 7?-l)x2x4x4x4X *If the liaU'-(ina(Jrant, instead olbii^ected, were to be partially straiglit- oiied into the same form as tlie lialt'-arc, it would exceed in lengtli the diipulicated half-arc by the difference of the curvature, (i.e.. the difference between the curvature in the half-quadrant and in the arc of 22 J degrees.) THE CIKCLE -wsl) STHAKSHT LINK. Taking the Bucocssive einc len^'ths from tlio talilo given at pa^'e 54, Part yocoml, we obtain : — E B D J) 707107 f •785074 ;{H 705306 + •201413 152 7S03G1 + -051339 008 7-841.37 h •012897 2432 7-85082 h •0032281 1)728 7-85319 + •0008073 38'.) 12 7-85379 ■f- •0002018 155648 785393 -t- •0000504 022592 7-85390 -f •0000120 1 R- 1 l R- •J 10 R- 8 04 R - 32 250 ye - 128 1024 R~ 512 4090 R - 2048 10384 R- 8192 05530/?- 32768 = 7850744 = 7855080 = 7 •854951 = 7-8545!)7 - 7-854055 - 7-8539!i7 = 7853991 = 7-153984 = 7-853978 III tins tablo, tlie divisors in the first column E, result li-()ui the last column D. Under A. are tiie sine lengths. Under IS. are the <|Uotient8 of the division of the sine lengths by the numbers under E, which (inotients adth-d to the sine lengths yive the arc-lenirths in column C. It becomes evident that, by continuing the table, the (|uantities in colunui B., which represent the curvature, would beconie continually less, and the quantities under A. and C. would approximate more closely. In reference to column B. it may be observed that the third quotient is rather greater than the fourth part of the :2nd, that the 4th is a litt.e more than the fourth part of the ;ird, the 5tli a very little more than the fourth part of the 4th and that, of the remaining quotients, each is the fourth part of that preceding it, so far as the figures are carried ; a greater number of decimals would show each of the suc- cessive lesser quantities to slightly exceed the one-fourth of the quantity preceding it, but the approximation to the one-fourth becoming continually closer as the process is carried further. To appreciate the meaning of this it is necessary to remember that the chord of each arc, which chord equals the sine of the next succeeding arc, is the square root of the square of the versed sine added t© the 8(iuare of the sine ; and that the versed sine be- 8 THE CmrLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. loiigititf to ejicli arc is always greattM' than the ono-lialf of that bolonijiiiu; to tlie arc precediiii? it ; but m the ter- minal ratlins approaches the perpendicnlar (i.e., as the cnrvature becomes more nearly eliminated), the versed sine of each arc approximates more and more closely t« the one-half ot that belonging to the arc preceding it. The process thus snggestetl is put forward as worthy of attentive consideration, and for the purpose of illustrating the subject; but we wish it to be particularly observed that (for the present) it stands by itself, nothing else is based upon it ; it is not put forward as a demonstration, nor can we (at present) vouch for the correctness of the process or for the accuracy of the figures. Thk akc of INCREASING CURVATL'RE — This arc is dis- tinguished from the arc of the arc-length (that is from an arc described with the length of the arc as a radius), and illustrated in Figs. 21 and 2'2. In Fig. iil, XX represents the arc described with the arc-length for a radius, and S. n. o. p. the arc of increasing curvature. In Fig. 22, the relation of the same two arcs to the construction of the circle is illustrated on a larger scale. {Note. — With these Figures compare Figs. 20 and 25) The TANGENTIAL LINE B. T). (Fig. 23 is a development of Fig. 12.) Fig. 23. Bisect the radius A.B. in «., and with centre a., and radius a.B. describe the quadrant B.K. ; bisect the quadrant in m. and bisect the half-quadrant B.m. in '«. ; through "«. draw a.n. intercepting the line B.D. at n. Bisect also CD. in b., and w-ith radius b.D. describe the quadrant D.K.; bisect D.K. in 31. and bisect the half quadrant D.M. in 'iS^.; through 'N. draw h.N. intercepting the line B.D. at N. And bisect the arc B.S. in jj., and through j). draw A. p. With centre C. and radius CD. describe D.A. bisected by the line R.T. in Z., bisect D.Z. in 'P. and through 'P. draw CP. intercepting IID. at P. *.. TIIK CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINK. 9 W*. now have a division of the (lefinitc line B.f). into rortaiii known (|uantitivo niagnitnih-s. Ik'caiisc JJ.u. is tilt* tangent of the are /?.'«., an<l JJ.p. is the tanj;«'nt of the similar gn-ater arc //.';>. wliich is \\\ ce the niagnituch' of li.ii., J!. p. is twiee tlie lenirtli of 7/. /<., and n.p. is equal to Ji.n. At the o[)posite extremity tlie similiir points D.X. and D.P. are similarly related, and X.J*. is (Mpial to I).X., which iserpial to Ji.». Also because ij.7 is re(|uivalent to) the ^ ne of ]>.)»., is the half of Il.W. which is (e(|Mivalent to) the sin«» of the similar greater arc U.S. Taking the radius A.Ii.- 10, the numerical values will he li.u. =-J'07H)7 n.p. -i'14:>l4 B.q. -7-07107^:.' iAX-10-:2-0710()S IKK, D.X. ^-- 7i.p. D.r. •so7SG4:-i>.A'. Having in mind the relative magnitudes of the primary lines determined by trigonometry, these values present themselves at once as evident; we may then obtain, from and by means of these, the rpiantitive values of other lines, and may also, thus (pumtitively, detenuine the geometrical (magnitudinal) relation of other lines; that is to sav — the inductive reasonini;, by means of which further knowledge of the relation of the parts of the circle to each other is to be obtained, may be based upon the facts belonging to the science of 'Nundjer and Quan- tity' in place of those belonging to ' Fokia and ^lagintude. For example : — Because B.n = 2-07i07, B.K=^o^ and B.W^l-OllOl Therefore K.n.= W.D. = S.W. = S.T.^K.X. =2-92SiK5 And, 2'9289:J x 7-07107 = 20-7107.... Therefore, S.W. x B.W. - B.n. x B.D. That is— the versed sine x the sine of the hulf-quadrant = the tangent to the arc of 22^" x liie tangent to the half-quadrant. ^^ r f ¥ mi ! 10 niK CIRCLE AXD STKAIGHT LINE. Rerause K.p. = B.K. - B.p. = (o - 4- 14-? 146) ^ '857804 therefore K.p^ 10- {OK.p - (A'.//)* = '^•02893*= 8"57S04 And P.iK = -2 K.p = 1 -7 lo7if. Hut the sqvuiie of'4-14-2136= 17-lo72 Therefore P.p. x \0^-{^{D.P)% &c., &c. B.P== B.K + K.P= o-8o 7804 = 2 WD^ 2Kn. Now the tangent to the half of the bisected half- (piadrant duplicated, = 8-28428= 2 B.p = 2 B.P. And (2 B.p-B.W) = {K.n-2K.p.) = (8-28428- 7-07107) = (2-92893-- 1-71572)= 1-21321, Ac, &c. A fact of a primary cluiracter, which has not, we believe, been as yet applied in the art of computation, or otherwise utilized, is exhibited in the following: — TiiKOKKM. — If the quadrant of a circle be bisected and the secant to the half-quadrant be drawn through the point of bisection; and if the radius be produced through the centre of the circle and the produced radius be made twice the length of the origintd radius — that is, equal to the diameter of the circle — and a line be drawn joining the extremity of the produced radius and the extremity of the tangent ; then shall the sine of the arc cut off from the quadrant by the line so drawn have to the tangent of tiie half-quadrant the ratio of four to five. Fig. 24. With centre A. and radius A.B. describe the (|uadrant B.C., and bisect B.C. in the point S. Draw the tangent B.B. and secant A.D. Join D.C. and A.C. Produce the radius A.B. through A. and make E.B. the production oi'A.B. double the length of ^l.D. Join U.D. intersecting the quadrant at K. and bisecting the line A.C. at g. Bisect the line CD. in the point d. and Join intersecting the quadrant at the same point K. From /iT. draw if. ^i^. perpendicular to Z?.Z). and intercept- ing B.D. at Q. From Q. draw Q.II. parallel to A.D. and intercepting A.B. at the })oint //. From H. draw H.P. parallel to A.C. and equal in length to B.Q. Join P.K, FIG. 2J^. / ^>'< «rRAiOiri i,iM". — ^H csiftr^ -ifv? 'eue;th r,i' B.D., mux I-t.J>. ■m>u}^ B.d.D. ih simihir to . v'iWiirU.'s B Jut 8i;ri k'J:.D rli^M'ofore xhe l>n»» Ji.ti. is ,; ' > I • < V r- ■ ! I (. < ■ ."- / !roJ: .<. -."U /-'. at rv*. /(./^ iV '. ^m f^'i . k1**WI i' tU»1J«^ \. * "^ .,1 -.ii* X ; f t. THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. 11 Because E.B. is twice the length of B.D.y aiul B.D. twice the length of d.I). the triangle B.d.D. is similar to the triangle -fc'.D.^. But B.D.d. and E. B.D. are both of them right angles, therefore the line B.d is at right angles to the line E.D. Now since fl.Q. is parallel toA.D. and H.P. is parallel to A.C. the triangle H.P.Q., is similar to the triangle A. CD. And since the line B.d. bisects CD., the same line B.d. which inter- sects P.Q. at A', also bisects the line P.Q. in the point K. [And the line B.K. (part of B.d.') has been shown to be at right angles to the line K.D. (part of E.D.) tiiere- fore the triangle K.D.Q. is similar to the triangle B.K.Q. and K.Q. is the half of P.Q.I And P.Q. is (by the con- struction,) equal to B.Q., therefore ^.^.is equal to twice K.Q., and K.Q. is equal to twice D.Q.; therefore the line B.Q. has the same ratio to the whole line B.D. as 4 : 5. Draw K.e. the sine of the arc B.K. K.e. is manifestly- equal to B.Q. Problem. — Upon a given straight line it is required to (Ascribe an arc containing 45 degrees, such that if the tangent of the arc be divided into five equal parts, four of those parts shall be together equal to the given straight line. Fig. 24. — Let B.Q. be the given straight line, it is reciuired to describe the arc upon B.Q. From the point Q., perpendicular to B.Q., draw Q.P., equal in length to B.Q. ; and from B., perpendicular to B.Q., draw ^.77., also equal to B.Q. Join 77.^. Bisect P.Q., in the point K. and join B.K. Produce B.Q. through Q. and produce B.H. t' -ough 77. (Through K., at right angles to B.K, draw K.D. intercepting the production of B.Q., at D. From 7). parallel to Q.H.* draw D.A., intercepting the production of B.H. at A. With centre ^., • Or, join B.P., and froni D. at right angles to B.P. draw JJ.A., intercepting the production oi' B.H. at A. 12 THE CIRCLE AND STliAlOHT LINE. and radius A.B., describe the quadrant B.S.C., inter- sectingD.^l. in the point S. JB.S. shall be the required arc. The demonstration to this solution is substantially contained in the demonstration to the theorem.) Bisect K.Q. and, through/, the point of bisection, at right angles to B.P., draw D.A. intercepting the production of B.Q. at D,, and intercepting the production of B.II. at A. With centre A, and radius A.B. describe the quadrant B.S.C bisected by the line D.A. in the point S. B.S. shall be the required arc. Because B.Q. f. is a right angle and /. bisects ^•^. QB. is equal to the one half of K.Q. But K. bisects P.Q.. and P. Q. equals B.Q., therefore Q.B. is equal to the one fourth part of BQ. Wherefore if B.B., the tangent of the arc B.S., be divided into five equal parts, four of those equal parts, shall together contain the given straight line. Q.E.D. We have now to make known a discovery which will fjicilitate the investigation of the structural characteristics of the circle and which may become hereafter of much utility and value in simplifying trigonometrical (cyclome- trical) processes. We propose for the present to treat it as a fundamental and, in a measure, independent fact, belonging to the plan of the circle. The discovery is stated in the following: — Theorem. — That if the radius of the half-quadrant be produced through the centre of the circle until it become equal to the versed sine (of the half-((uadrant) multiplied by ten, and with this radius an arc be described terminated by a line drawn from the centre of the greater circle — i.e., from the point at the (central) extremity of the radius — through the point at the extremity of the half- quadrant, the tangent to the arc last described (of greater magnitude), cut off by the line so drawn from the tangent of the half-quadrant, will be equal to the arc-length of the half-quadrant. FIG. 25. » ■iwLiiiVt:;. !"i r I I ■ > >.X. mi 4. ■idil - *f ■ u* It ■> -V- i'*.-- T: f , --jiv ^v^ « •^i^Jffc** :f :r ^if*^ . S*.*! '' ''f^. mt-*v THE CIKCLE AND STHAIGHT LINE. 13 I' "'•»»■. Fig. 2.5. — Let B.S. be the lmlf-(|iia(lrn!it of which A.B. is the radius ; produce A.B. through A. and make H.B. ecjual to ten times S.W. Froiu JL through S. (haw li.X. intersecting B.D. in the point X. B.X. shall be equal to the arc B.S.* Bemonstmtion. (Quantitive). Th«' length of the sine, »S'.iSr. the arc -length of B S., the length of the radius 11. B. and of the versed sine S.W, are known, we have to obtain tlie length of B.X. The radius, A.B.= \0. '* V. sine, S.W. =-2-9-2^}>:3. *• radius, /?. R - 10 S. II'- iO-OS!):}. 7?..Y. = B.B - S. W = (20-2S9:]-i>-9-?S9:3) - 20'3G0:3. Now the lesser triangle S. W.X. is similar to the greater triangle 7?..Y.*S'. Therefore W.X: X.S.: : S.W.: B.N. W.X. : 7-07107 : : Q-'JQS'JS : 20'3(iO:3. IF.X- •78507 B\MN.S. + W.X. --= B.X. Therefore, 7-07107 + •7S567 = 7-So074. And B.S. the arc - length also ec^uals 7-S5G74. Wherefore the tangent B.X., of the arc of greater mag- nitude is equal to the arc length B.S., of the half quadrant. (Q.E.D.) Corollary. Hence manifestly TF.jir= the difference of the sine and arc-length of the half-quadrant. The Ultimate tangent — We have objected to Legendre's circumscribed polygon — which eventually almost coincides with the sine — that it cannot be a simple continuous figm-e but must be fragmentary and compound ; and we based this conclusion primarily and directly on the manifest necessity that a circumscribed polygon if continuous must be greater than the circle which it surrounds. We propose now to show that Legendre's circumscribed polygon is in fact compounded of the minute ultimate tangents ■K Or :— From X, through S, draw X-, intercepting the production of B.A., at B. B.B. shall be ten timea the length o(S.W. 'l^'Sf-*- 14 TIIK ( IIMI.K AND STUAIfSHT I.IXE. s»M>iUMt«' from oiU'li otiior hut arranjjpd together in the form of a polvsroii. To show this we will consider the question whether the tangent to an arc, if thaturc be an indefinitely small fraction of the circle, is necessarily greater than the arc itself. It is at present held that the tangent is always greater than the arc by the evidence of trigojiometry, thus : — Let A.B. be the arc, and A.d. Fig. 2G. the tangent. The arc is bisected ; and from the point ?, e.B. is drawn perpendicular to U.B., intercepting R.B. at B. Now the triangle d.e.B. is similar to the triangle d.R.A., and the side d.c. is greater than the side B.c. of the lesser triangle, in the same ratio that the side d.R. is greater than the side A.R. of the greater triangle. Since evidently so long as it is possible to assign any quantity of magnitude to the remaining arc, it is possible to imagine the same process to be performed, it is supposed to follow that, however small a fraction of the circle an arc may be, so long as there be an arc, the same reason- ino: demonstrates the least tangent^belongins: thereto to be greater than the arc, because it is thereby shown that the outer tangent (as A.d.) is greater than the two THK ClUCLK AND SrUAKlIIT I.IXi:, 16 intorior tnngeiits (as A.r. iiiul r.H.) taken together; nnd it is nssuniod as niaiiifest that the two interior tangents taken together are always greater tiian the are. We submit that such conclusion is sliovvn to be erro- neous by the following : Let A.B. be a given straight line. At each extremity of the line draw a perpendicu- lar A.B. and S-f. {t. being the same point as B.) Let Fig. 27. the same line A.B. be supposed to be curved* into tiie form of an arc containing a very small fraction of the circle. * If the cxpre.-^siuii * licmiiiig' or ' curvinji the line ' he ohjected to, then, let a fractional arc equal in length to the given .straight line, and bclongingtoa circle of any very great niagnituile, be applied upon the straight line A.B. in suth \ that the point at one extremity of the straight Vu-.'! f^hall coincide with the ]ioint at one extremity ot the arc, dec, &c. H\ THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. It is manifest that the line being curved will be less in direct length, measuring horizontally between the perpendiculars, than when it was straight, and, although the same line and of the same actual length as when straight, it will not now extend quite so far from A. as to reach the line S.t. Let any point h., less distant than S.t. from A., by a very small quantity of space, be the terminal extremity of the arc. It is evident that, however small the distance of the point b. from the line S.t., if a line be dravv-n from the point f. through h. and the line so drawn be produced until it meets the production ofA.Ii. througli B. then, if the line so drawn may be correctly considered the secant of the arc, the tangent is A.t. and is not greater than the arc. The question, therefore, assumes the fonii : — whether the line T.t. drawn through the point b. at the extremity of the arc, is at right angles to the extremity of the arc. If it be not at right angles, the tangent may be greater than the arc ; because the point /.. at the extremity of the secant might then fall beyond tiie distance B. from A. On this question, however, we have the evidence of trigonome- try as given in the polygon computation of Legendre (already quoted) and others of the like kind, and which evidence is decisive because it is shown thereby that ultimately the tangent-length almost coincides with the sine-length, and, since the sine-length is manifestly less than the arc-length, it is evident that in fact the extremity of the secant to the ultimate arc does not fall beyond the arc-length on the tangential line, and, since the ultimate tangent-length cannot be less than the arc- length, it appears safe to conclude that the tangent-length actually coincides with the arc-length of the ultimate arc. Let D.E.A.F.B. (Fig. «) be four equal divisional parts of the half-quadrant D.B. Fig. b. represents one of those equal divisional parts on a larger scale, the straight line being equal to A.e. Now if we apply four straight lines each equal to A.e. as tangents to the divisions of ^:^.i^~ THE TANGENT. Fig. a. Fig. b. Fig. c. U'C. \rts of Ight Is oi jii'i iiiii^ ,l,i;,:!!Tli;ii lllllllllllllllill Fig. d. MIR B ^:'^ i^i-^ P THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. 17 the luilf-((uaclrant, as shown in Fig. a. it is evident that they cannot meet each other at the extremities which are not in contact with the circle. If they had sufficient length to meet each other, angles would be formed at the points E. and F., but, the length being insufficient, spaces are left at those points. Supposing the four lines to be again divided by bisection, and the eight half-lines to be arranged as tangents to the circle, there will be four spaces instead of two where the extremities of the lines will not quite meet each other, but tliey will be much more nearly in contact than before. If the lines be in like manner repeatedly divided, there will be eventually obtained a polygon, formed by the ultimate tangents which will then be in contact, the extremities of each with the extremities of those next thereto. "VVliat are the conditions of that contact ? If we accepted the dogma of Euclid, we should have to consider the contact as complete and the polygon as a simple figure, and to accept the sum of the ultimate tangent-lengths as the measurement of the circle ; but we reject the dogma and insist on a real circle containing area and, consequently, containing breadth. We have, a< 'ordingly, to enquire how the lines are divided. Is the section oblique or perpendicular to the length of the line f Now this is readily answered — because the ultimate tangent-lines, derived from continued bisection, are divisions of a straight line evenly divided at right angles to its length. Therefore, by placing tlie divisional lines of Fig. a. in the positions, relative to each other, which they would occupy as tangents to the circle, and considering the rectangular extremities of the one with reference to the rectangular extremities of the next the actual conditions of the contact between them will become manifest. Fig. c. The fragmentary tangent-lines compounding the circumscribed) polygon are, tlierefore, in contact with respect to the inner surface only, but, if a straight line be ■^■ '■r. 18 THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. compounded of the fragmentary lines, the contact will be complete — that is, perfect with respect to both sur- faces — and the original straight line will be restored. This case may be taken by itself. The fact of the ultimate arc equal in length to its tangent, and of the half-quadrant greater than the sum of all its ultimate tangents, presents itself for acceptance. That it is indis- putable and must be accepted seems to us evident. But, what then : if there be some persons to whom this fact appears irreconcilable with the facts (as now taught) of trigonometry 1 In concluding this treatise it may be not out of place to consider a little the meaning of the familiar statement (phrase) that one fact cannot contradict another. Proba- bly no one at the present time with any pretension to scientitic knowledge or education will directly deny or expi'css any doubt as to the truth and certainty of such statement in its simple form ; but the question is as to absolute certainty in the strictest and most comprehen- sive sense ; and in the writings of men of scientific reputation, at the present time, opinions are expressed, theories propounded, and statements made, which, if referred inferentially to their basis, make apparent that, in the minds of the writers, no clear and reasonable conviction has been arrived at that, as a scientific cer- tainty, one fact may not or cannot contradict another ; i.e., be otherwise than in harmony with other facts. We call attention here to this circumstance because we believe that, in many cases, if the writer distinctly understood the nature of the conclusions involved or of the reasonable inferences belonging as corollaries to those theoretical opinions and statements, they would ht reconsidered and, being found to be um'easonable, wouM not be put forth. This circumstance, which must needs be regarded as of the gravest importance, may in innt ;it least, be a consequence of tlie increasing neglect I :i ^"•■?h ^ THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. 10 of mjithematical reasoning — by which we mean, strictly lawful and (therefore) correct reasoning — as a necessary element of educational training. A consequence of the want of such training is a non-recognition by the mind of the necessity of a primary basis, either securely established or undoubtinTly believed in, upon which the theory or statement must be actually or piesiimably based. Practically the effect displays its'?irin the opinion now more or less openly expressed by scientific teachers that Theology is not an absolutely necessary and funda- mental part of Science, but that, on the contrary. Science and Theology, if not actually antagonistic, should be kept quite distinct and separate. This separation of Science from Theology appears to be concurred in, and even supported by very many of those who teach that the fundamental basis of Science must be found in Theology. They, nevertheless, accept the title of theologians, as distinguished from, and as in some degree antagonistic to that of, men of Science. Moreover the dislike of the man of Science to Theology, is perhaps, more than reciprocated by the theologian whose belief in the primary truth of Theology is often- times a belief fearful and apprehensive lest the progress of Science should discover and make known some adverse truth irreconcikble with the truth of Theology. That this view of the case is adopted by all or by nearly all scientific men or theologians we are not sup- posing. The exceptions on both sides are probably in the aggregate very many, but the question is, taken all together, what is the concludion or state of feeling now entertained and held by the cducateil public gener- ally ; and in what direction are the doctrines now taught guiding those who are to succeed us ? Assumingthe existing state of things to be sul)stantially as we have suggested, the apprehensive belief of the theologian which fears the facts and discoveries of science is not a belief in a scientific sense ; such a fear <r - 20 THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. i evidently includes a doubt as to whether one fact may not contradict and be irreconcilable with another or with some other facts. Nor can it help matters to say that the truth of theology is different from the truth of science, because, if it be meant thereby that the truth of the one can be otherwise than in perfect harmony with the truth of the other, the entertaining or admiting in any degree such a supposition is the making over Theology to Meta- physics which is expressly the antagonist of sound Theolo- gy as being the essential basis of all sound Science. How stands the case on the other side ! If the (piestion was put : what is the especial principle contended for and upheld by modern science 1 the answer most generally concurred in would be — 'intellectual freedom,' the right of each one to exercise his intellect in his own way, without let or hindrance. What does that mean ? It means inteUectual laicJessncss ; intellectual anarchy ; the ria;ht of each one in matters which concern others as well as himself iu the most important and momentous sense, to do as seemeth good in his own eyes ; the demand of men, who recognise the imperious necessity of laws and submission to those laws in matters of comparatively little importance, to be free from the restraint of all law in matters of the greatest importance. It means the claim of some men to be allowed to impede sound education, to pollute things sacred, to contaminate all true know- ledge, to teach the most pernicious doctrines, and to deceive and confound those who look to them for instruction. Against this claim of so-called intellectual freedom, whether it be iiesitatingly expressed, merely as a dislike to mixing up theology with science, or boldly and defi- antly asserted as a determination to be intellectually unrestrained by any laws or rules, we distinctly protest and earnestly caution those whom we may in any degree influence. It may be said — let public discussion and progressive education put right what is wrong, we . f- THE CIRCLE AND STRAIGHT LINE. 21 cannot expect to hi /e science quite perfect at any time ; that which is true is stronger than that which is false — increased knowledge and discussion may be relied upon to eliminate error. No : such reasoning is not itself based on fact ; and such a course is not to be relied on to elimi- nate error ; on the contrary if allowed to proceed, its effect would be to vitiate education and to deteriorate knowledge n:Dre and more, until, at length, the education would be- come an altogether evil education, and the knowledge an essentially unsound and destructive knowledge. Truth is J^tronger, much stronger, than falsehood, but a mixture of that which is true and that which is false is not truth. Neither is it fact tliat error can be eliminated and got rid of by discussion in which sound and unsound knowledge are mingled together, in which the reasoning is not strictly lawful and not properly based on that which is true and certain. Such discussion is the weapon with which Un- truth, wearing the mask of Science, can best succeed in destroying that which is true, and confounding those who love the truth. A li nnan science wliich does not distinctly recognize the prinuuy truths of Theology as its ultimate basis, is not based on reality ; it has not and cannot have any actual and secure foundation. If the Science of England is not so based, no matter what seeming progress may for a time be made, whenever the trial comes it will be as the house built ou the shifting sand ; and, if not destroyed by sudden catastrophe, will eventually become a ruin, together with the civilization wliich rests upon it. f;r*-: :r ^;^ H APPENDIX. Figs. 27, 28, 29, 30, are additional illustrations of the complementary arc of absolute curvature, of the arc of increasing curvature, and of the increasing sine-length. It may be observed that in some of these figures the same letter of reference, 3£., indicates the arc length and the ultimate sine-length. On the scale of these figures the two points fall so closely together as to appear almost identical, the difierence being only about three parts in eight thousand, and an attempt to show them separately in the same figure would confuse the lines and letters. It is supposed that, with the explanations which have preceded them, the general puipose of these last figiu'es will be sufficiently apparent without further remark. In reference, however, to Figs. 21 and 22, where the arc of increasing curvature appears as described with the radius a.S. it is desirable to point out more particularly the circumstance (already stated) that the curve is not an arc described with a uniform radius and a fixed centre. The curve may be considered as compounded of fractional arcs of which the centres are not co-incident, or as be- longing to an ellipse. The same remark would apply to the arc of curvature. Fig. 25, if described from the same centre «. with the increased radius a.X. For example (Fig. 22) — If the distance of a. from B. in Fig. 22, be made two tenths of B.D., and B.X-Ba (-7-S.54- 2) = .'rS.54 be taken as the radius, and the arc be described from X. as the original point, the arc will then fall inside X,S.^ because the distance of S. from a. is o'SoG, consequently ;..%• \: ■^ JE' m 5^- 24 Al'PKXDlX. the radius will fall short by the dillereiice of about 2 parts in six tiiousaud. Similarly, in Fig. •J-'), (taking the point a. at the same distance, B.u. as before,) U.X. - J5.«. = 7-8-5G74-2 = 5-So074 ; tlie arc now falls beyond X.S., because the distance a.S. is as before 5"S-5GO, and the radius is now 5*S.5G74. But, if we bisect the line S.X., (theextrennty of the line B.Y.X., Fig. 2-'5,) and from the point of bisection a' right angles to S.X. we draw a line intercepting the line B.D., the point of interception will be b. at a distance froP' B. = 2-0U4o2. Therefore B.X. - B.h. = 7-8.5()74 - 2004-32 = ryS52'2-i. . which is also the exact distance of the point S. at the ex- tremity of the half quadrant B.S., from the point h. on the line B.D. Wherefore, in tliis case, we lind the arc X.S. is the true arc of a circle described from the centre h. with the radius Z;.X. = o-8-522:J. . . We have brougiit under consideration four ;ii"cs, namely : — (1) The arc of the arc-length X. X. (2) The CO' plementaryarc(or, arcof curvature) /S.X (S) The arc of the idtimate sine-length X. X. (4) The arc of increasing curvature *S^. X. Tlie first and third, ir.dicated in tiie Figmvs by the same letter X. X., because too close to each other to be clearly distinguishable, are both of tiiem arcs of a circle described from the same centre B. Tlie radius of the one (1) equalling 7^-3G74...&c. ; and the radius of the other (3) equalling 7-8-5:39S...&c. The second and fourth arcs we wish now again to com- pare and contrast, in order to distinguish clearly between them. The fourth is not the arc of a circle, but a curve of a compound character; as already mentioned, it may be considered as compounded of (ultimate) fractional curves differing (very slightly) from each other, or (pre- fei'ably) as a compound arc described from a centre, the relative position of .vhich is constantly varying, the posi- ■^ APPENDIX. 25 tion and variation thereof being definite relatively to each uUimate fraction of the arc described. The following table exhibits the comparison through- out the greater part of the curve : — A. are the sine-lengths of the successive arcs — obtained by the duplication of the successive fractions of the repeatedly bisected arc — by the terminal extremities ef which * the compound arc of increasing curvature ' i& formed* J?, are the sine-lengths of the equivalent succesaive «rca (corresnonding to t>i"i» of coknnny),) — resulting from the continual ' unbending ' or ' straightening ' of the primaiy arc — by the terminal extremities of which * the complementary arc of absolute curvature ' is ibrmed. A. B. / " — — > /■ * — \ ?_ 7071068 7-071068 8 ^ 7-653668 7-65517 16 £ 7-803613 7-80606 32 -^ 7-841371 7-84405 64 -^ 7-850828 7-85356 128 ~ 7-853193 • 7-85539 256 ~ 7-853785 785655 ~ 7-853937 7-85670 — 7-853969 7-85673 2048 Finally 7-85398.. .&c. 7-85674.. .&c. * These sine lengths agree with those of the tabl« at page 55 of Appendix, Part Second. y^> W QC, APrFNOIX. TTereiii we obsorvo (l)}i quite iiulepeiideiit verification of tiie fact, already a)ni>ly demonstrated, that 7'85G74 is the actual arc-length of the half-quadrant U.S.; and moreover we observe (-J) a very interesting definite rela- tionship established between tlie arc X.S. (Fig. 2ij) and the half quadrant B.S. / namely the magnitudinal ratio of the circles to which they reBp'"'<''''^'y belong is . . as X.S. : B.S. : : radius X.h, 5-8')2:>:3 : radius A.B., 10-0000, (i.e., a half quachant described with the lesser radius would have that ratio to the arc B.S.,) Note. — Referring to Fig. 25, the following will indi- cate the elements of the computation : — Bisecting the line S.X. and drawing the line d.b. in- tercepting B.D. at h. we obtain X.d. as the base of a triangle similar to the triangle S.X. W. ; therefore Now since S. W. = 2-92S9;j S.X. = 3-03247 And X.(l = S.X.-^2^ I -51023 5, therefore -7S5G74 : 3-03247 : : 1-51G235 : 5-85223 ., which last number is the length of the radius h.X. 7S-r/u74 5352i2 ^ 200452 - 13. 0, But 7-07107- 2-00452 = 500655 And V5-0G655' + 2 •92893' = 5-85223.., that is, the square of ' the sine of the half-quadrant less B.h.,^ added to the square of the verscU sine S.W. gives the square of the radius h.X. In like manner the sine-lengths of the successive equi- valent arcs of decreasing curvature (column B.) may be verified. ) r M ^ i'?^. ■;-.f %^ ■MM \ I '^%Jf ti^. A'. m M| 1,^1, ,„, v.- l^A- NMHta ,y' •# ^ # * '*. ^^ 'm #^ .•^. « m ':*#■ fin *-^'IIL;lll 'w^ W'^ r*^i # ,tH*' # M :•!!#• / V * ILLUSTRATION TO Fig. 20 {R.) t^fi -M*-"---" ffc Supplementary Illustrations. Analytifal Jvxaniiiuitioii of tlio <niaili':int and ot'tlic arc of inci'casiiiir (.•urvaturc. 1— Fi.i;-. 20 (R.) The raiUui A.B. as erjualli)i'j 10. The radius A. "a. A.N. :. A.M. ; A.B. Conf^equcntly A. 'a . A.. VI :: A.X, : A.B. And the are--, bines, tangenti^, and their equal divisions, and oilier related lines, belonging to each of these radii, are in the same ratios respectively to the .similar lines belonging to each of the other radii ; that is,... the arc 'a.l>. ; N.II. :: M.e. ; B.S., the sine 'c.b. ; d.H. :: a e. : >s..S., and so on. (Observe that the radius of the arc X.JI. - the cosine of B.S.) A.B. --= 1(»00 A.d. -= o'OU A.N. - 7-OT107. A. a. — o-5o5535. As ('.'a. : 'a.d. :: d.N. : N.B., and therefore, inversely, as2-9289;5 : 2-0710T :: l-4644()5 ; 1 035535. And as b.e. : e.ll. :; U.S. : 8.D. i.i' , (inversely,) as4-l-4214 ; 2-!:t2803 :: 2-07107 : 1-4(U4G5. Conse(,uenl!y 4-14214 : 2'!t2sn3 :: 2-02893 : 2-07107; &c., &c. 2— Fig. 20 {11.) Thr radius A.B. - 10. A.e. - e.g. = B.V. K.B. = K.S. = S.D. = 4-14214. A T. - B.Q. - C.Jl. = D.Z. = 2 B.V. = 8-28428. N.K.= K.ll.= X.B. (,.S.)= 2-92893. Z.Y. = Px.V. = &c., &(;. . = 414214. B.R. = A.Z. = D.T. = C.Q. = B.e. = 1000 - 414214. = 5-8578(3 (= Cosine of half-fiuadrantdescrilied with A. g.) Because the triangle A.X. K., is a part of the similar triangle A. B.V., N.Jv. : B.V. :: A.X. : A.B. Therefore.— 2-92893 : 4142U :: 7-07107 : 10-000. 2 92893 : 7-07107 :: 4-14:' .4 : 10000. 2-92893 X 10000 ^ 4-14.14 x 707107. ... V ^- # M^- m .^. The quadrant e.y. ( = g.Z.) : B.C. :: Ac, : A.B. The arc c.I. ( = g.K.) : B.S. :: A.o. : A.B. :: 1-U214 : 1000. But tlic proportion c.y. (or g.z.) : B.S. :: 8'28428 : 10-900, is not strictly correct, because e.y., and g.Z., arc quadrants, and contain twice the proportionate amount of curvatui'c contained in the half-rpiadrant B.S. (See appendix to Part Third.) Draw g.W. the tangent of the half-quadrant g.K. g.W. = B.V. the tangent of the arc B.U. of 22i doij-rees. Scholium. — Observe the relationship... e.g. : A.B. :: 4'14214: : 10. And the tangent to the half-quadrant, of which e.g. is the radius, equals the tangent to the arc of 22^ degrees of which A.B. is the radius; but the sine (X.K.) of g.K. : the sine of B.U. :: A.K. : A.U. Some of Vi.e moi-e immediate relations of these (quantitivo magnitudes) numbers may be noted, — as for instance : — U-U2U-10 - 414214. 70710V X 2 - 1414214 7-07 107'' = 50-0000 4-14214 X 2 = 8-28428. C. 7-07107 - 5000 = 2-07107 (= half the tangent of-j^) 14-14214- = 200-00 1-414214^ = 2-000. 8-28428 X 2-07107 = 17-15732. 4-14214* = 17.15732. 8-28428 X 7-07107 ^ 58-5786. 2-92893 X 2 X 10 = 58-5786. 2-92893' = 8-5786. 7-653667* - 58-5786. And so on. (The last number represents the duplicated sine of-j^) li m^^' '■^ ■H^. ■» ^_ fi'? i - .lU- -#:- . i^' p._. \ I k- ^.1 — 1- / • XI \ / \ \ / ■-'/\ / / 0-' / / • \ I \ A V o _- !-c '•0 \ •»^- -^ I ^ i'[G. eo. {nj Vj X^ i^ fc ^ <^ ^ ^ s? ^ S ^, VJ ^ K: . 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