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 In the first American edition of this book, the Finn Part 
 was omitted. This omission was thought to be amply jus- 
 tified by the fact, that, out of the 106 pages wUch that 
 Part contained, between 80 and 90 consisted oi extracts 
 from American documents. But additional reasons were 
 not wanting. From Dr. Dixon's own statements, as well 
 as from the whole tenor of his quotations, it is apparent 
 that he was not in a position to write intelligently upon the 
 .subject. His readmg h|» been confined, almost entirely, to 
 one side of the question, and the result is as might have 
 been expected. It appears that he had never seen even 
 the Journal of the General Conference of 1844 when he 
 wrote, and knew nothing of any documents bearing on the 
 question, except such as the compilers of the " History of 
 the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 South," chose to incorporate m that work ! 
 It is an ungracious task to say such things of an author 
 in the Preface to his own book. I avoided it in the former 
 editions, of choice ; but my course in the matter has been 
 so greatly, and in some cases so disingenuously, misinter- 
 preted, that no alternative is left but to publish the omit- 
 ted portion of the work : and my duty, as editor, demands, 
 at least, as strong an expression as is given above in regard 
 to its merits. J. M'Cuntook. 
 Jan, 9, 1850. 
 This volume has been prepared for publioatioii under 
 the influence of one only sentbnent ; namely, a desire to 
 make the Methodist body in England acquainted with the 
 state and progress of their lyitem of religion in the United 
 The author is not conscious to himself of any peculiar 
 Inas in his opinions ; his aim being simply to state facts as 
 they presented themselTcs to his attention, and leave his 
 readers to draw their own inferences. 
 Not being a political agent, he has not felt himself called 
 upon to enter — except incidentidly— into questions of civil 
 government. His general impression is, however, that the 
 Americans possess a larger amount of social prosperity than 
 any other people upon earth. 
 But the vexed question of republicanism lies beyond his 
 purpose ; and he begs to inform his reader beforehand, that 
 whatever he may meet with is not to be construed into an 
 expression of opinion for or agahist this or any other form 
 of government, but simply as historical. 
 One thing, however, bearing on tUs subject, may not be 
 deemed out of place : it is, that the author's impressions of 
 the true greatness of his own country were never so strong 
 as during his visit to the States. America is the ofiispring 
 of England. England has been reproduced in America. 
 The character of the parent is seen in the athletic growth 
 of the son. The blood, the relig^n, the ideas, the opinions, 
 and, in substance, the institutions, of England exist in the 
 United States. On this soil the Anglo-Saxon race is assert- 
 ing its supremacy on a gigantic scale, and with a rare 
 energy and vigour. It is a singular phenomenon, wluoh 
 every visitor must perceive at once, that his own country's 
 type of humanity is predominant. People from all nations 
 in Europe are seen in large numbers on the western conti- 
 nent; but they all become Anglicised. Just as the "father 
 of waters/' the Mississippi, receives the innumerable tribu- 
 tary streams which flow in every direction to swell and 
 deepen its flood, and then in turn are blended with and 
 become one with the parent current ; so, in like manner, 
 all the races which flock to America feel the force, do 
 homage to the superiority, and fall into the current, of 
 Anglo-Saxon life. In two or three generations nothing of 
 the German, the Dutchman, the Frenchman, the Celt re- 
 mains, but his name. He has lost his foreign distinctness, 
 much of his physiognomy, and all the peculiar character- 
 istics of his origin; so that the true identity existing 
 between England and America is an identity of race. 
 Other things are but the external adomings of the same 
 soul and body, the same mental and material organization. 
 England's sons, language, sentiments, freedom, enterprise, 
 courage, religion — all live in America ; and are imiting to 
 form the greatest empire of race on which the sun ever 
 shone. England consequently reappears on American 
 ground; and it is impossible Mstorically to separate the 
 destinies of the same people ; the annals of the Anglo-Saxon 
 race must ever include the American branch. 
 The survey now presented to the public can lay claim 
 to nothing more than an outline. It would require much 
 more leisure and information than are in the possession of 
 the author, to give a fuU, a complete, narrative of — as he 
 conscientiously believes — the most gigantic and extraordi- 
 nary development of religious truth which has taken place 
 in modem times. 
 The work, even in its present state, appears under some 
 disadvantage, from the fact that, when in the States, the 
 author had not the most remote idea of writing a book; 
 hii notes were consequently not taken with any view to 
 such a purpose. From this circumstance his materiel was 
 necessarily scanty; but the scenes through which he passed, 
 and the facts and incidents which came before his atten- 
 tion, were very vividly impressed upon his memory. He has 
 had consequently to draw largely on this resource. With 
 what success, those on the spot alone can judge ; but he is 
 persuaded that, though many things may not be *so full 
 and circumstantial ais if he had entertained the intention of 
 publication, yet he is certam that no fact is falsified ; and 
 no scenery, whether of nature, society, or religion, has 
 received an untrue colouring. 
 In addition to the desire, as before stated, to give infor- 
 mfction respecting the state of the Methodist Church, as 
 the predominating motive, the author feels himself under 
 an imperative obligation, as a mere matter of justice, to 
 communicate his impressions respecting his reception by 
 the American body. If they received the messenger of the 
 British Conference with affectionate respect as such, is it 
 not fitting that their good-will, their fraternal regard, their 
 unabated affection towards the parent body, their continued 
 unity and oneness with us in spirit and faith, should be 
 made known ? And, moreover, as it has pleased Ood to 
 bless, to prosper, to enlarge, and to render triumphant that 
 Church which, in its ecclesiastical form, was planted by 
 John Wesley, and nurtured by some of his most distin- 
 guished sons in the gospel ; does it not seem proper that 
 such an occasion as a visit to this Church should, in some 
 way, be connected with a report of its actual state ? With 
 these impressions, though with great reluctance, the author 
 is impelled to publish this volume, not doubting but that 
 the hearty good-will of the American Methodist Church 
 will be as heartily reciprocated by the Methodist body in 
 this country. 
 Bimwnghamt March 26<A, 1849. 
 Tlie Vo]r»g«^Compu]r on Board— Sunday— ReflMtUm*— Atlantic— Agitation 
 — Steam-power- Miraclea— Banka of Newfoundland— A Snow-atorm— Bali- 
 flaa—NoTa-Scotia—Pattengera— Morality Page 13 
 Beaton— The Sabbath— Changea of Doctrine— Methodiat Preachers' Meeting 
 at the Book-IMpdk— Bunker'a Hill— The Common — The Btate-Houae- 
 Churches— The City— Daniel Webster— Set out for New-York- Railroad 
 Gars— The Country— New-Haven— The Sound— Scene on board the Steamer 
 —New-Toik .Harbour tl 
 NeW-Tork- Haipera' Printing and Publishing Batablishment— The Methodist 
 Book-Concem— The Exchange and Custom-House— Excitement respecting 
 an anticipated Revolution in England— Charitabto Institutions— The City- 
 Leave for Baltimore— David Creamer, Esq.— The Journey— New-Jersey- 
 Newark— Princeton— Trenton— The Delaware— Philadelphia— TlM Chesa- 
 peake Bay to 
 Baltimore and Washington— The City and Capitol— The Senate— General Cass 
 —Captain Fremont— Mr. Calhoun, &c. — The House of Representatives- 
 Debate— Visit to the President— To the Vice-President— The National Insti- 
 tution— Baltfaonore — ^The Sabbath— The aristocratic air of the place — ^I<eave 
 for Cumberland — Slavery — Harper's Ferry — Cumberland — The Alleghany 
 Mountains— A Mirage on the Mountain— Brownville— The Monongahela— 
 Scenery of the banks S9 
 Pittsburgh— Lodge at the St. Charles— The Conference— The Bishops— The 
 Preachers— Bishop Soule— The Southern Ministers— Public Services— The 
 Company at the St. Charles— The Town— Manufactures — The Afirican 
 Church— Preach to the Blacks — Curious Scene— Leave Pittsburgh — Take 
 leave of Bishop Soule— His Character— The Ohio— Wheeling— Bishop Camp- 
 bell—Mesmerism 64 
 Cincinnati— Mr. Smitli— Auburn— A Stonn in the Country— Bishop M'Uvaine's 
 Country Reaidence-^A Fire— The Sabbath— The City— Start for Sanduaky— 
 The Forest— Difficulties of clearing Land— The Railroad through the Forest 
 —A Stage Joumev— Arrival at Urbana— Arrival at Sandusky Page 101 
 The Lakes— Erie— Pass down— Buffalo— Niagara River— Scenery on its Banks 
 —The Falls of Niagaia^Canada— The People— Visit the Battle-Field of Lun- 
 dy's Lane— The Suspension-Bridge— St. Catharine's— Hamilton 109 
 Ontario- Toronto— Dr. Ryerson— Sir F. B. Head— Bishop Strachan— The City 
 —Departure for Kingston — Mr. Robinson— Mr. Bolton— Coburg College — 
 Kingston— Pass up the Bay of Quinti— Belleville— The Canada Conference 
 —The Union— Return to Kingston IStt 
 'Dm St. Lawrence— The Thousand Islands— The Rapids— Mmitreal— The City 
 —The Cathedral— The Methodist Chapel— Storm—The Sari of Elgin— The 
 Romanists— PawMge to Quebec— The CSty-The FlainsofAbraliam— General 
 Wolfe— Fortifications— A Rural Repast— Falls of Montmotend— Tlie French 
 Habitaas— Reflections on Canada 138 
 Return— Pass the St. Lawrence— Lake Champlain—Plattsburgh— Whitehall— 
 Journey by Stage— Troy— Albany— The Hudson— Arrival at Now- York— 111 
 —Doubtful respecting being able to return Home— Resolved to do so— De- 
 part for Boston— Embark on board the "America"— Passage— Arrival at 
 Home 159 
 Reflections on America— Unfrjriy dealt with by Travellers— A religious people 
 —This necessary to explain their state— The real Americans not hostile to 
 England— Their peaceful and prosperous condition— Education, the prin- 
 ples on which it is conducted— The force of Christianity in its simply divine 
 authority— The American's trust in this— Public Worship and the Duties 
 of Religion— Slavery partly removed by the influence of Christian prin- 
 ciple Idle 
 PART n. 
 Introductory remarks— Mr. Wealey'a great talent for goTemment— The conll 
 dence reposed in him— His disinterested encouragement to all who were cac 
 pable of rendering service to religion— Became the bond of onion to the fiiat 
 Methodists in America Page IM 
 The Kntrodoction of Methodism into New-Toric— Philip Bmbory— Begiat to 
 preach— Captain Webb— The first Society —Preaching-Houses — Robert 
 Strawbridge commences preaching in Maryland— Freeborn Oarrettson— 
 Captain Webb's labours in Long Island and Pliiladelphia— Attempts to get 
 Mr. Benson iy>pointed to America— Reflections on these Agents — TheClasa* 
 Meeting 805 
 Application to Mr. Wesley for Missionaries— Messrs. Boaidmaa and Pilmow 
 m>pointed— Account of the State of Things— Messrs. Asbnry and Wright — 
 Account of the fonner— The Spirit of the Clergy— Mr. Jarratt— Thomas 
 Rankin and George Shadford arrive— First Conference 316 
 The Revolutionary Period- Messrs. Rankin, Shadford, and Rodda depart for 
 England— Adventures of Sltadford— Asbury determines to remain— His Exei- 
 cises of Mind— Finds Refuge in the House of Judge White— Persecutions of 
 Messrs. Hartley and Garrettson— Mr. Janatt— Reflections on the Revolu- 
 tion— John Calvin's Dogmar-Qriginates the Revolution— Its Success . . aS8 
 Measures preparatory to the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church— ^ 
 implication of the Peofde to Mr. Wesley— His Advice— Dr. Bangs's Account 
 —The Church formed— Success S4S 
 The new Ordet of Things— Mr. Asbury becomes the real Bishop of the Churclh 
 —His Cliaracter and Qualifications for the Office— Dr. Coke exceeds his 
 Powers— Certificate — The Ei^scopacy defined and guarded— Mr. Wesley's 
 Offence at the Use of the Term " Bishop"- Letter to Asbury— Dr. Coke in 
 Difficulties respecting the Address to Washington— And on Slavery— The 
 <?hurch takes its Standing among the Institutions of the United States . . SM 
 ' PART in. 
 The doctrinal Buis of the Church— The Articles of Religion— This places the 
 Chnich on a qrttem of dogmatical Troth— The Difference between this and 
 the EngUsh system Page 8W 
 The Federal Nature of the Church— The Idea of Unity— How secured— Doctri- 
 nal— Visible governing Power— Episcopacy 969 
 The Methodist Church in its Subdivisions— The Circuit and Station— The Sta- 
 tion an innovation— The Quarterly-Meeting Conference- Its Powers ... 374 
 Subdivisions continued- The District— How constituted— The presiding Elder 
 . —Rules and Laws— The several Orders of Ministers S78 
 Subdivisions continued— The Episcopacy— Bishops, how appointed- Laws and 
 Regulations — ^Reflections— The Division of Labour amongst tlte Bishops — 
 Names of those who iiave received this Office— Purity of Election— Popu- 
 larity 381 
 Subdivisions continued— The Annual Conference— How constituted— Its Func- 
 tions—Elects Delegates to the General Conference 388 
 Subdivisions cor tinned— The General Conference— Dr. Bangs's Account of its 
 formation— Its Fundamental Powers— Principles— Reflections 389 
 Subdivisions continued— The Author's presence at the Pittsburgh General 
 Conference— Impressions— The Bishops— The Ministers— Mode of Debate— 
 Decorum and Order— Questions at Issue— Mode of conducting Apneal Cases 
 —Reflections 305 
 Lccount of its 
 Maine 310 
 New-Hampshire 313 
 New-England 313 
 Providence 318 
 New-York 319 
 New-Jersey SM 
 Philadelphia 8S5 
 Baltimore < >•. 837 
 Virginia 333 
 North Carolina 3S4 
 South Carolina 335 
 Georgia 337 
 Florida 348 
 Troy 3*7 
 Vermont 8S7 
 Black River •. 359 
 Oneida 363 
 Genesee 303 
 Erie 305 
 North Ohio 300 
 Michigan 307 
 North Indiana 307 
 Rock River 300 
 Pittsburgh 380 
 CMjio • 381 
 Louisville 388 
 Kentucky 388 
 Holston 389 
 Indiana 393 
 Tennessee 3^ 
 Iowa 400 
 Illinois 400 
 Missouri 407 
 St.Louis 407 
 Arkansas 408 
 Memphis ^ 409 
 Mississippi 409 
 Louisiana . . . .^ 410 
 Alabama ■ 411 
 Texas 413 
 East Te^tas 413 
 Oregon , , 413 
 Indian Misaions 413 
 Laws on the Sutgect— Preachers from the beginning held aati'Slaveiy Views— 
 Opiwsition of the Planter*— The power of the separate States— IMOcalties 
 arising from this Page 4SS 
 The Wesleyan Methodist Connexion— Agitations— The Address of the British 
 Conference— Orange Scott— Debates at the General Conference— The Spirit 
 of Compromise prevails— Fails to heal the Breach— Agitations proceed— 
 ' Separation— The New Community established 44S 
 The Methodist Episcopal Church, South— Progress of the Movement after the 
 former Division— Change of Opinion in the Baltimore Conference— Con- 
 demnation of Harding— Confirmed by the General Conference— Bishop An- 
 drew's case— Debato»— Resolutions against him— Rrotest of the South. . M5 
 Organization of the Church South— Preliminary Proceedings— Convention— 
 Measures taken— Settlement— Real position— Reflections 914 
 Hie Vojaga— Company on Boaid— Sunday—Reflecttons— AHinttc— Ajtta^on 
 — 8team*Fbwer— Mimdes— BankB of Newfooodland— A ftiow>lt0nn>— Batt- 
 fax— NoTft-Scotiar-PHaengers— Morality. 
 Ws went on board the <' Acadia," Captain Stone, at Liver* 
 pool, bound for Boston, on Saturday, April Stb, 1846 ; ft 
 beautiful vessel, well fitted up with a fine and •pftoiouf 
 saloon above deck. I found my friend, Mr. Kaye, had 
 engaged for me one of the best berths, which I wmt at 
 once to possess. I had not been there long, before a 
 Quebec gentleman entered to share it with me,-Hi good- 
 looking, open-faced man; and, as I supposed I moat 
 necessarily have a cabin-mate, I thought myself weU suited 
 in my companion. This, however, was evidently not the 
 impression of my friend. Whether he was alarmed ftt the 
 sight of a parsonic name on my trunks, or unoontfortftble 
 on other grounds, I know not; but he instantly became 
 fidgety, exhorted me to go to the purser, and get a ber^ 
 to myself; saying, that I should have more influence than 
 himself. I concluded this was perfectly unnecessary on my 
 part, feeling quite sure he would accomplish the cbaage 
 for himself, if I left him alone. In a few mbutes he came 
 for his luggage, having obtamed a berth " forward ;" ftodt 
 on seeing thie purser, he told me they had agreed to leave 
 me " alone in my glory." This, to me, was joyful news, 
 and seemed a good beginning. 
 It is customary for passengers to choose their seats at 
 the table, and they who are first on board have the best 
 chance. Being in good time, I had the opportunity of 
 selectmg my own place. My friend, Mr. Willey, who went on 
 board with me, and knew much more of such matters than 
 myself, fixed upon a c(Hmer-seat, saying it would be out of 
 draughts. For my part, I did not much like it, inasmuch 
 as I thought it would place me at the lower end of the 
 table. I had no objection to a midway place, but felt 
 unwilling to be at the very bottom, and out of the way of 
 everybody. However, for the reason above mentioned, T 
 submitted, rather reluctantly, to my fate. This seat, how- 
 ever, turned out to be on the right hand of the chair of the 
 second table. The company one falls m with on board 
 ship, is very important. The manners, temper, conversa- 
 tion, disposition to accommodate, are vital points in such 
 contiguity; and, in the many squalls which must take 
 place in a voyage at sea, it is possible for people, closely 
 packed, to make themselves and others very unhappy, if 
 80 disposed. 
 When dinner was announced, I took my place in my 
 new locality, somewhat curious as to what the issue would 
 be. The chair was taken by an elderly ofiicer of the royal 
 iiavy, dressed in his uniform and the insignia of his nmk. 
 We looked upon him with interest. He proved to be, as 
 is generally the case with men in his situation, a complete 
 gentleman, courteous, urbane, and communicative. A 
 more beautifully placid and benevolent countenance cannot 
 be knagined. He had been in the service forty years ; had 
 travelled in most parts of the world ; had passed through 
 many interesting scenes; and willingly communicated his 
 stores of anecdote and information. On my right hand sat 
 an elderly person, a perfect pattern of an Enghsh country 
 gentleman of the old school. It turned out that bis home 
 was Baltimore ; and, if he might be taken as a sample of 
 the citizens of that place, they are certainly a fine race of 
 people. Before our meeting, I had seen a gentleman on 
 deckj whose face and bearing arrested my attention. I 
 said to myself, " There is something in you." I did not 
 much like him, however, at first sight, because he seemed 
 to resemble a famous statesman of our coimtry, once very 
 popular, now very low. This gentleman sat exactly oppo- 
 site me. We looked rather askance at each other. He 
 opened out very slowly, but did so by degrees ; and I 
 suppose it was the same with myself. This gentleman I 
 foimd to be one of the most intelligent and well-informed 
 men I ever met. I afterwards understood he was an 
 American of the old Bostonian school ; that he hved near 
 Plymouth, the landing-place of the "Pilgrim Fathers;" 
 had seen all America ; thoroughly imderstood the character 
 of its institutions, civil and rel^ious ; had travelled through 
 Europe, and in some parts more than once ; was conversant 
 with literary subjects ; knew all the leading politicians of 
 his own country, and many in European nations ; and, like 
 all such men, was extremely courteous, free from d<^- 
 matism, and, though a decided American, perfectly open 
 to conversation respecting their institutions, and equally 
 willing to admit the excellency of other countries, especially 
 that of England. I found thb gentleman a most interesting 
 companion. Thus ensconced in the outset of the voyage^ 
 other things being favourable, we had the promise of an 
 agreeable passage. 
 On the following morning, Sunday, while at breakfast^ 
 an officer came with Captain Stone's compliments to desire 
 me to conduct divine service. To this I cheerfully and 
 thankfully assented. Going to the captain, I asked him 
 if it would comport with their usages, and be agreeable, 
 forme to preach. He consented, on the condition that 
 the discourse was short ; stating, that it would be- incon- 
 ;Venient for the men to be engaged for a long time. On 
 going to the desk, I found the crew and passengers in 
 their places, — the former neat, clean, and weU-hehaved, 
 and the latter perfectly orderly, and some of them appa- 
 rently devout. There sat beneath the desk as clerk a fine 
 young officer, dressed in his official habiliments. He re- 
 sponded most nobly, and like a person accustomed to the 
 employment. Wh^ the service was concluded, this young 
 officer came to me, (he proved to be the surgeon of the 
 ship,) and said, " Perhaps you may have some knowledge 
 of the name of my grandfather. My name is Paley. I am 
 the grandson of Archdeacon Paley." I assured him I was 
 perfectly acquainted with the writings of his great and 
 honoured relative, and, like everybody else, greatly esteemed 
 them. This young gentleman bears a striking resemblance 
 to the pictures of the archdeacon ; and appeared perfectly 
 frank, open-hearted, and honourable. 
 Sunday on board ship is a melancholy day ; at least so 
 it proved to me. The thought of the assemblies of the 
 saints ; the order and religion of the study, the closet, the 
 family ; all now broken in upon, by the strife and agitation 
 around : — this, together with great anxiety for those left 
 behind, pressed painfully upon my mind. Wesley's Hynms 
 were a great solace. Nothing is broad, deep, and elevated 
 enough for the soid in her solitude, her sorrows, and her 
 joys, but sacred poetry, connecting one with the Saviour, 
 with the mysterious, with the eternal. The sea is calcu- 
 lated, to heighten this feeling ; for what is the ocean, but a 
 mirror of God's infinity ? and what the roar of its mighty 
 waters, but the voice, the poetry, the music, of that infinity ? 
 On leaving Cape Clear, and entering the Atlantic, we 
 were met by its surges as if in regal wrath ! The majestie 
 ocean seemed perfectly infuriated by the invasion of his 
 domain. I could compare this seeming anger to nothing 
 but to that of a mighty animal taking up a diminutive one 
 in his teeth, and furiously shakmg him in his rage. Our 
 noble vessel was no more in the jaws of the Atiaotic than 
 a lap-dog m those of a lion. The wind blew right a-head, 
 and met us in the teeth, dashing the waves and spray furi- 
 ously agamst our bow. We had not to encounter a storm, 
 in the usual sense of the expression ; but our old sea-oflBcer, 
 of forty years' standing, declared he had never seen th<) 
 sea so rough. We were, probably, encountering the effects 
 of distant hurricanes. The agitation and swell were inde- 
 scribable. The ^'fountains of the great deep" seemed as 
 if " broken up ;" and from beneath, as well as from every 
 point of the compass, the waters presented the appearance 
 of universal anarchy, confusion, and agitation. 
 This state of things continued for foiur or five days, the 
 effects on the passengers being such as are usual in f. ese 
 cases. The ladies were entirely absent, cooped up in their 
 cabin, or rolling in their berths, as the case might be ; no 
 doubt amiably bearing with good temper such feelings as 
 a bilious stomach is caiculated to excite ; and, being fellows 
 in misfortune, expending upon each other those delicate 
 sympathies which companionship in misery always produces. 
 The gentlemen were seen, some groaning in their beds, 
 some lying in mummy fashion, as if deprived of the cha- 
 racteristics of animated, talking, and thinking beings ; and 
 others, more resolute, or a httle less miserable, than their 
 fellows, were seen staggering about deck, eagerly hastening, 
 every now and then, to the sides of the ship for a purpose 
 not to be named. One wo-begone French Canadian fixed 
 himself in a camp-chair near the chimney, to keep himself 
 warm, and, with a rare heroism of the passive sort, continued 
 to occupy his post nearly to the end of the voyage. By 
 this means he preserved s<«ie sort of eqmlibrium, and held 
 up in the midst of the general discomfiture. For myself, I 
 was as good a sailor as any of them ; and much better than 
 the majority. Resolution does great things in these mat- 
 ters. If a voyageur wishes to have a feat of sea-sickness, 
 as an adventure, to put into his book, he may easily obtain 
 one ; the power of sympathy will soon do its work : and, 
 TOUR Xir AlflRXOA. 
 in case he posseu and indulge A certain faiiidioiisness in 
 the sight of thinge not veiy delicate, he may pay the 
 penalty of his sensittyeness by becoming just as loathsome 
 as any of those which excited the disgust of his olfactory 
 or other nerves. For my own part, I entertained no am- 
 bition or desire to describe the icnsationi peculiar to these 
 8ea-ad?entures in my own person, resolutely braved every 
 temptation to yield, which were sometimes forcible enough, 
 and nearly altogether escaped. 
 But the effects of these agitations of the sea, in other 
 respects, were very singular. I was obliged to stuff some 
 soUd material on both sides when in my berth ; in the one 
 case, to keep me from rolling against the hard side of the 
 ship; and, in the other, to prevent the more serious 
 catastrophe of tumbling out up<m the floor. Some of the 
 passengers had the precaution to employ the carpenter to 
 fasten a board to prevent the lost disaster ; but I contented 
 myself in the use of trunks and other appliances, and by 
 these means preserved my balance. 
 But this motion was not by any means the only one. 
 The giant ocean not only shook the ship, making every 
 timber creak as if some of her bolts and screws must every 
 moment give way, but a similar trial of the timbers of the 
 human frame was equally produced by the conflicting agi- 
 tation. This to me was a matter of curiosity and observa- 
 tion. The motion seemed to pull, jerk, toss, twist one in 
 every possible manner. Now the action would be rolling, 
 then longitudinal, pulling ahead and then astern, back- 
 wards and forwards, as if an irresistible power had re- 
 solved to make sport with one. 
 During several days we made but slow progress. But 
 that we made any progress at i^l, was a remarkable proof 
 of the genius and the mechanical skill of man. Nothing 
 gives so striking an illustration of the wonderful effects 
 of steam-power, as progress mode in such circumstances. 
 The waves were constantly rolling against us ; driven by a 
 mighty swell which, no doubt, was inoreased in strength by 
 the accumulated impetus of storms, currents, tides, all 
 flowing in the same direction, and meeting us in all their 
 power. And yet we made way against this combination of 
 adverse elements. We appeared in some sort to beat na- 
 ture in a battle with her mightiest forces. How amazmg 
 this power! There must be something providential and 
 divine in this. God seems to have bestowed upon man 
 the means of surmounting the difficulties of his position, 
 and of overcoming even the ordinary current and course of 
 his own laws, as they are developed in tides and winds. 
 We decry miracles ; what is a steamboat crossing the 
 Atlantic, in the midst of opposing powers, Ittit a miracle ? 
 Have we not here a force above nature ? What is this but 
 a miracle, in the sense in which miracles are generally de- 
 scribed ? Is not a miracle the mastery of natural elements 
 by mind, whether immediately by God, or mediately by 
 his commission to man ? Do we not in this, and in simi- 
 lar things, perceive the God of providence intrustmg to 
 man a physical and a social power, perfectly distinct and 
 isolated above the laws of nature, so far as this is con- 
 cerned ? Do we not see the mighty machine, instinct with 
 artificial life, — imparted, it is true, directly by the skill of 
 man, but given to him by the teaching and providence of 
 God, — ^majestically riding above the storm and the waves, 
 in despite of all opposition ? If in this — may we call it 
 humanized ? — miracle we behold nature beaten in some of 
 her forces and forms of power, why may not miracles, on a 
 higher scale, and for more sacred purposes, wrought by 
 the immediate interposition of God, be true and real ? We 
 are surrounded by mysteries and muracles, if we had eyes 
 to see them; and certainly one of the most remarkable 
 which are made visible is, that man's skill and science 
 should be able to achieve so great an exploit as to impel a 
 ship of fifteen hundred tons across the ocean, in despite of 
 the united forces of wind and waves. 
 Nothing more ooonrred in our outward voyage of any 
 consequence, till we arrived on the banks of Newfoundland, 
 when whales appeared, snorting and blowing above the 
 surface of the mighty deep, and a remarkable snow-storm. 
 The whales I was not permitted to see, bemg confined to 
 my cabin ; but the snow-storm was such as I had never 
 witnessed before. It continued for the space of fifteen 
 hours ; during this time it descended incessantly, in quan- 
 tities which, had they fallen on the land, must have covered 
 the surface to n great depth. This storm gave us a notion 
 of the miserable condition of Newfoundland and Nova-Sco- 
 tia, from which direction it came. No iceberg, however, 
 appeared, and we continued our course in the midst of the 
 dismal scene around us. 
 We made Halifax in the middle of the night, and many 
 of the young and active spirits on board landed, and,- by 
 moonlight, perambulated the place, being much delighted 
 to set foot again on terra-Jirma. I was denied this plea- 
 sure, bemg still confined to my berth, and not daring to 
 stir to encounter the climate, which, a day or two before, 
 had sent us the present of the snow-storm. On inquiring 
 of a lady, who was about to land at Halifax, if #he knew 
 Mr. Bennett, our long-tried and excellent missionary there, 
 she told me she was well acquainted with him, and lived 
 nearly opposite to his dwelling. One of my anticipated 
 pleasures, on reaching Halifax, was to see and converse 
 with this venerable and eminently useful man, and the 
 other missionaries ; but, being deprived of this gratifica- 
 tion, all I could do was to send my Ohristian salutations. 
 The next day we steamed along the coast of Nova-Sco- 
 tia, which was clearly in sight for many leagues. It had 
 the appearance of sand-hills, and seemed most dreary and 
 barren. No doubt a nearer approach would have ^ven a 
 different view ; and a sojourn in the coimtry itself, I was 
 told, would, in a short period, as the season advanced, 
 have banished the illusion altogether. We lost sight of 
 voyage of any 
 ing aboye the 
 >lo snow-storm, 
 ing confined to 
 » I had never 
 pace of fifteen 
 antly, in quan- 
 t have covered 
 ive us a notion 
 ind Nova-Sco- 
 )crgp, however, 
 e midst of the 
 fht, and many 
 nded, and,- by 
 uch delighted 
 ied this plea- 
 aot daring to 
 two b^re, 
 On inquning 
 if «he knew 
 ionary there, 
 n» and lived 
 nd converse 
 m, and the 
 lis gratifica- 
 ' Kova-Sco- 
 es. It had 
 dreary and 
 ave given a 
 tself, I was 
 t sight of 
 land again in crossing the Bay of Fundy ; but w«re cheered 
 by the expectation of seeing the shores of the Uflilad 
 States. This expectation of soon landing produees mighty 
 changes in the appearance of eveiybody. Countenanoes 
 which before had been bilious and gloomy, brightened 
 up ; parties whose lips had been closed by taciturn pro- 
 pensities were now opened, and their tongues unloosed; 
 those who had confined themselves very much in their 
 cabins, spending the time as best they could, were seen 
 stretching their necks on deck, to gain a first glimpse of 
 land ; and many who seemed, up to this time, to take little 
 interest in those about them, became very friendly. Be- 
 fore parting, a sort of confraternity was established. 
 Family interests and affections appeared to have grown 
 «up ; and a number of strangers, who never saw each other 
 before, parted as if bidding adieu to near relatives. These 
 were certainly my own feelings, and I have reason to be- 
 lieve that they were shared by others ; and, moreover, the 
 sight of one of these fellow-passengers now, Qi* at any time, 
 would gladden my heart in a manner very unusual with the 
 casual knowledge of men met with on land. 
 While mentioning passengers, justice requires to» to re- 
 cord the fact, that, through the whole of the voyage, not 
 the least unpleasantness, in word or deed, arose in any 
 quarter. The captain was a most courteous and kind- 
 hearted man. But to myself favours were shown from 
 other quarters. Perceiving that I was suffering great pain, 
 several young gentlemen, some of whom I had reason to 
 believe were officers in the army going to Canada, mani- 
 fested a degree of sympathy and attention not only very 
 agreeable, but surprising, in young men full of life and 
 spirits. But they had just left a home endeared to them, 
 no doubt, by the attachments of parents, sisters, brothers ; 
 and it seemed to be no constraint, either upon their nature 
 or their education, to manifest sympathy and regard to a 
 stranger in suffering. I saw, in some of these young gen- 
 tlemen, signs of strong emotion when conversation recalled 
 their thoughts and feelings to their parents and homes. 
 Let us do justice to icfui in all conditions of his existence. 
 It is a pleasure to meet with exhibitions of filial piety any- 
 where, but especially so in such chrcumstances. And, so 
 far as my observation went, the morality of our little com- 
 munity on board the " Acadia" was unsullied by any ex- 
 ternal vice. 
 Boston— The Sabbsth— Changes of Doctrine— Methodist Preachen' Meeting 
 •t the Book Depot — Bunker Hill— The Conunon— The State-Hbose— 
 Churches— The City— Daniel Webster— Set out for New- York— Railroad (|. 
 Cars— The Country— New-Haven-The Sound— Scene on board the Steamer 
 —New-Tork Harbour. ^ 
 On Sunday, April 23d, after a passage of fifteen days, we 
 made Boston. To an inexperienced eye, the approach to 
 the harbour is extremely intricate ; and several points are 
 well fortified. One channel is so narrow, and the works 
 so completely command the entance, that it seems impossi- 
 ble for hostile ships to enter. The view of the city from 
 the sea is exceedingly picturesque and beautiful. The 
 greater part, standing on rising ground, presents to the ob- 
 server the aspect of a place finely laid out, and adorned by 
 numerous churches and public buildings. The water was 
 sufficiently deep to allow us to place our noble vessel along- 
 side the wharf, and step from the ship to the shore. We 
 reached the landing-place about five o'clock in the after- 
 noon, and were glad to set our feet again on solid land. 
 The business of opening our trunks for the inspection of the 
 custom-house officers immediately commenced. Standing 
 quietly on the outside of the crowd, I was warned by my 
 good friend, Dr. Paley, that if I did not bestir myself, and 
 do something to get the officers to inspect my portman- 
 teaus, I should be the last of the batch, and should be 
 driven far into the dark ; saying, at the same time, he 
 would help me to open them, and speak to one of the offi- 
 cers. Both these kind offices he performed ; and after the 
 man had glanced at the contents, he went away, and Dr. 
 Paley told me I must pay three shillings for the trouble 
 of inspection. 
 Tins business being finished, I wended my way to the 
 Revere Hotel, recommended by Mr. Weston, the American 
 gentleman b€fore mentioned, and found most comfortable 
 accommodation. Having been advised by the doctor to 
 have my face examined by a dentist as soon as I got on 
 shore,; the preliminaries of eating and drinking being over, 
 I sent for one of these gentlemen. He was at church, and 
 could not be obtained for some time. It may be proper to 
 ^mention that the blessed Sabbath appeared, in our passage 
 ^p the city, to be strictly observed by the descendants of 
 the pilgrim fathers. They have very much changed their 
 creed from stem Calvinism to the liberal system of Ghan- 
 ning ; but seem to retain their church-going habits in the 
 midst of the change. The streets were perfectly quiet, 
 few persons were seen in motion, whilst every place of 
 worship was filled with orderly worshippers. It is, how- 
 ever, a painful reflection, that the churches of su^h men as 
 Cotton Mather should now be occupied by a race who 
 preach a diluted kind of Socinianism. The glory has, in 
 this case, surely departed ; for though the rugged doctrines 
 of the first settlers were not, in our views, exactly accord- 
 ing to the truth, yet the bold, broad, deep faith of the pil- 
 grims in the verities of grace, the work of the Saviour, and 
 the sovereign providence of God, were certainly infinitely 
 preferable to the meagre and flimsy philosophy now an- 
 nounced in their pulpits. Is not this an instance of reac- 
 tion ? The bow, as in many other cases, was pulled too 
 far ; and the consequence has been, that the perception of 
 the error has led to a rebound on the other side. 
 After divine service. Dr. Hitchcock made his appearance. 
 As toon as he entered he exclaimed, " Why, I am sure I 
 have seen you before. Did not jou preach missionary- 
 sermons at Jewin-street, London, on such an occasion, and 
 at such a time ?" " Yes, I certainly did," was the reply. 
 "Ah, then, I heard you; I was stopping at Mr. Cave's; 
 and you gave out the words, * Those dark Americans con- 
 tort :* now that was too bad." I had, of course, to ex- 
 plain that the hjrmn, which was composed more than a 
 hundred years ago, could not relate to the Ev^opean popu- 
 lation of America, but to the aboriginal inhabitants, the 
 Indians. The effect of seeing a man who knew me was 
 like magic. The pain left me, and I willingly took his ad- 
 vice to put off all idea of operati<ms until the following 
 morning. After performing two the next day, this gentle- 
 man generously refused the proffered fee, saying he never ^ 
 took a fee from a minister. ^ ^ 
 On Monday morning. Dr. Hitchcock undertook to inform 
 the Methodist ministers of the place that I had arrived. 
 In a short time the Rev. A. Stevens, editor of *' Zion's 
 Herald," made his appearance, with a profusion of apolo- 
 gies that none of them had met me on landing, and con- 
 ducted me to the house of one of the friends, who had 
 kindly engaged to find me lodgings in case I landed at Bos- 
 ton. I found this first Methodist minister whom I had the 
 happiness to meet in America, a very intelligent and supe- 
 rior man, full of land feeling, and prepared to make my 
 short stay as agreeable and instructive as possible. He 
 first took me to the Book-Concern, where the preachers of 
 the city were holding their weekly meeting. They had 
 finished their business ; but I found a dozen or more of 
 these good men, and had much very friendly conversation 
 with them. They put many questions respecting English 
 Methodism, and seemed greatly interested in our affairs. 
 In turn, I proposed some queries to them, and obtained in- 
 formation, of which I was before ignorant, respecting the 
 nature of their work, and their modes of proceeding. 
 Whilst this conversation was going on, my good friend 
 ich missionaiy 
 occasion, and 
 ras the reply, 
 t Mr. Cave's; 
 mericans con- 
 sourse, to ex- 
 more than a 
 ii'opean popu- 
 labitants, the 
 blew me was 
 ' took his ad- 
 he following 
 , this gentle- 
 ing he never ^ 
 ok to inform 
 had arrived. 
 of "Zion's 
 ►n of apolo- 
 ig, and con- 
 Is, who had 
 ided at Bos- 
 n I had the 
 t and supe- 
 > make my 
 ssible. He 
 reachers of 
 They had 
 r more of 
 ag Enghsh 
 )iir affairs, 
 btained in- ^ 
 ectmg the 
 >od friend 
 Stevens had hured a vehicle to take me through and round 
 the city. 
 We set off in grand style, after the American fashion, 
 dashing away through the crowded streets, and were not 
 long before we were neatly jammed in the narrow space 
 betwixt the body of a cart and its wheel. The collision 
 broke no bones, and did no damage to our vehicle, though 
 pretty severe, and sufficiently alarming to any one but a 
 Yankee. My companion drove me to Bunker Hill, the 
 scene of the famous battle of that name, and one of the 
 first fought in the war of independence. The battle-ground 
 is now surmounted by a pillar commemorative of the event. 
 The site on which it stands has not much the appearance 
 of a hill, being only sixty-two feet above the level of the 
 sea. The foundation-stone was laid by La Fayette, on 
 June 17th, 1825, being the jubilee, or fiftieth anniversary, 
 of the battle. Its form is that of an obelisk, thirty feet 
 square at the base, and sixteen feet four and a half inches 
 at the top. The height from the base is two hundred and 
 twenty-one feet. At the summit of this piUar is an empti- 
 ed chamber, seventeen feet high, and eleven feet in dia- 
 meter, with four windows, commanding a view in the 
 direction of the four points of the compass. Ascending 
 the steps of this monument, we obtained a most magnifi- 
 oeut view of the city, the sea, and the surrounding coun- 
 try. The town, or rather three or four towns, as seen from 
 this point, are curious enough. Boston proper is built on 
 a peninsula, three miles long and one broad ; chosen pro- 
 bably as furnishing the means of defence against the at- 
 tacks of the Indians ; so, at least, it struck me at the time. 
 But the modems have managed to add to it what is called 
 South Boston, formerly a part of Dorchester, and East 
 Boston, anciently Noddle's Island. The peninsula had 
 originally an uneven surface, and the place received the 
 name of " Trimountaui," so called from its three hills. The 
 new portions are connected with the old and principal city 
 by various bridges and feny-boats, all of which are seen 
 from the monument. The place may not resemble Venice 
 m its chief features, but it is Venetian in the fact of its ap- 
 parently standing, ii' not in, yet very much surrounded by, 
 My friend seemed to doubt whether I should have the 
 magnanimity to ascend this mcmument of American prowess 
 and independence, and was evidently surprised when he 
 found that it was my purpose to do so. In such circum- 
 stances, however, I thought the wiser way was to forget 
 past quarrels, and make the best of present opportunities 
 of observation and pleasure. It is of little use to cherish 
 old grudges ; and, certainly, it can indicate nothing but 
 folly for Englishmen and Americans to entertain ill feelings 
 on account of national differences. 
 After descending from the monument, my kind con- 
 ductor hastened to the Common ; a fine piece of ground, 
 ornamented with trees, which is, in point of fact, what we 
 should call " a park." This Common is the public prome- 
 nade of the good citizens of Boston, who resort to it for 
 fresh air and recreation. This place possesses, also, some 
 Methodistic traditionary fame. Let my friend Stevens give 
 the history :-»" In the centre of the Bfston Common still 
 stands a gigantic elm, the crowning ornament of the beau- 
 tiful scenery. On a fine summer afternoon in July, 1790, 
 a man of middle age, of a serene but shrewd countenance, 
 and dressed in a style of simplicity which might have been 
 taken for the guise of a Quaker, took his stand upon a table 
 beneath the branches of the venerable tree. Four persons 
 approached, and gazed upon him with surprise while he 
 sang a hymn. It was sung by his solitary voice ; at its 
 conclusion he knelt down upon the table, and, stretching 
 forth his hands, prayed with a fervour and unction so un- 
 wonted in the cool and minute petitions of the Puritan pul- 
 pits, that it attracted the groups of promenaders who had 
 come to spend an evening hour in the shady walks, and by 
 I f 
 the time he rose from his knees they were itreAitting in 
 processions from the different points of the Oommon to« 
 wards him. While he opened his small Bible, and preached 
 to them without notes, but in the demonstration of the 
 Spirit and of power, the multitude grew into a denae ISMH, 
 three thousand strong, eagerly catching every utterance of 
 the singular stranger, and some of them receiving bb mes- 
 sage into ' honest and good hearts/ That bold evangeliat 
 was Jesse Lee, — the founder, under Ood, of Methodiim in 
 After exploring the Common, we visited the State- 
 House, that is, the parliament-house of the State of MaiM' 
 chusetts, standing on elevated ground at the upper end of 
 the Common. The House was in session, and, at the 
 time, engaged in their legislative functions. We met, on 
 entering, in one of the lobbies, a tall, athletic gentleman, 
 about sixty, his face and brow being marked with intelU' 
 gence and deep thought. He belonged to the Senate, or 
 Upper House ; and, after shaking hands with Mr. Steveni, 
 was introduced to me as one of our brethren,—- a noble 
 Methodist. On leaving the Senate, wc entered the Houee, 
 as it is called, meaning the House of Representatives. 
 We were conducted into the body of the chamber, and 
 took our seats amongst the members. This being the first 
 time I had seen an American legislative assembly, I, (4 
 course, felt curious to see and hear all I could. The hall 
 is circular, or semi-circular, the seats of the members rising 
 gradually above each other in amphitheatrical style, each 
 being understood to belong to the gentlemen returned for 
 certain constituencies, and furnished with a desk for the 
 convenience of writing. The debate going on was not very 
 interestmg, having relation to a fishery. We beard threo 
 or four speakers. There was nothing that could be desig* 
 nated eloquence ; for who could be eloquent about catcb- 
 * Stevens'n " Memorials of the Introduction of Methodiim into the 8Mt«m 
 SUtes,** pp. 1, S. 
 ing fish ? But we had good sense, and no more unperfec- 
 tions of English and of style than may be heard any day in 
 our own House of Commons. The chamber was nearly 
 full of members ; every man seemed to be attending to his 
 duties, and intent upon the business that was before him. 
 We saw here portraits of all the old Puritans of former 
 tunes; such as Winthrop, Eliot, and others; a fine group 
 of noble heads and glorious characters. But the chief at- 
 traction was a statue of Washington, by Chantrey. With- 
 out pretending to any great skill in the fine arts, this statue 
 arrested me certainly more than any work of sculpture I 
 ever beheld. The form, the drapery, the attitude, the 
 features, the expression, are exquisitely given. The great 
 patriot met, in Chantrey, an artist worthy of himself. By 
 the by, it struck me that some of the features of Washing- 
 ton and John Wesley are much alike. Washington's fea- 
 tures, indeed, seem to be larger and broader than Wesley's, 
 and may not present to view so prominent and beautiful a 
 profile ; but the lower part of the face appears very much 
 to resemble that of Wesley, and the expression is very 
 From this central point of interest we made our way 
 through the entire city, and beheld its churches, public 
 buildings, shops, and private dwelUngs. Some parts of 
 Boston have an air of antiquity, somewhat unusual in an 
 American town. Faneuil Hall, erected in 1742, is much 
 celebrated, and is, m reality, a fine building. The old 
 State-House, at the head of State-street, is also a venerable 
 pile. It was originally built in 1658 ; and, after suffering 
 from fire, was rebuilt in 174*7. It is said there are seventy- 
 three churches in the city, of various dimensions and archi- 
 tectural beauty. I was most attracted, through the powe^ 
 of association, with those which were occupied by the 
 Puritan fathers. The old churches bear the stamp of the 
 plain, simple, spiritual faith of their founders ; the curious 
 will meet little to gratify taste, but the serious Christitn 
 much to elicit reflection. The shops are handsome, and 
 apparently well furnished ; and ui the suburbs there are 
 fine private houses. The city of Boston is thought to be 
 more like an Enghsh town than any other in the Union, 
 and this opinion is well founded ; but the resemblance is 
 not exact in all respects. Many of the shops are stores ; 
 the private bouses are not laid out in our style, but often 
 much better, being more spacious and airy ; the windows 
 and ventilation are different, being framed to suit the state 
 of the climate ; and the hotels, the accommodation, the 
 attention paid, so far as I was concerned, far exceeded any- 
 thing ordinarily to be met with in England. 
 The Bostonians are considered the most intellectual and 
 cultivated community in the United States. But of this 
 my opportunities furnished no means of judging. They 
 seemed, indeed, different from the New- York people ; the 
 latter exhibiting a much more commercial character. But 
 do they excel the people of Baltimore ? Not, it struck me, 
 in gentility of bearing, though they may outvie them in 
 intellectual strength and cultivation. At any rate, they 
 have taken the lead in all social and political movements 
 of any consequence. They form the true Yankee stock, 
 among whom the name originated, and their sentiments and 
 opinions have given law to the whole Union. I just saw 
 the shadow of their great citizen, Daniel Webster, passing 
 in the street ; who had returned from his senatorial duties 
 to attend the obsequies of a beloved son, who had fallen in 
 the Mexican war ; and, to complete the affliction, it was 
 thought by the time the remains of the son had arrived in 
 Boston, a daughter would have ceased to exbt, and be pre- 
 pared to share the same grave with her brother. Such are 
 the events of every quarter of the world ! Neither talent 
 nor station can ward off the misfortunes and sorrows of life. 
 The people were not wanting in sympathy ; but what sym- 
 pathy can reach such woes as these ? 
 llThe day after visiting Boston, I set out in company with 
 Mr. Stevens, who, with his wife and other parties, was 
 going to New- York, on their way to the Conference. We 
 travelled by railroad to New-Haven. This was the first 
 time I saw an American " railroad-cai," as it is called. 
 My reading had furnished me with a good stock of preju- 
 dice, and I expected anything rather than an agreeable 
 journey. Bad rails, jolting carriages, disagreeable and 
 odious accommodation, with the likelihood of getting off 
 the line, and being maimed or knocked on the head, were 
 the several ideas which filled my mind. First appearances 
 did not tend to remove these impressions. The carriages 
 looked like great monstrous machines; the wheels much 
 larger, and the bodies prodigiously higher, than in our own 
 country. These feelings were soon dissipated. I found 
 myself in a spacious saloon, with an aisle, or path-way, 
 down the middle, and high enough for the tallest man to 
 stand or walk upright. The seats appeared more promising 
 still. They were placed across from the aisle to the win- 
 dow, and intended to hold two passengers each, beautifully 
 Imed and cushioned with velvet. These seats were so con- 
 structed as to turn up, and form a sort of family pew, in 
 which the inmates might sit face to face. These compart- 
 ments, so formed, accommodate four persons ; who might, 
 if they chose, hold a friendly tHe-d,-tHe as they journeyed 
 on. The saloon is windowed from end to end ; and these 
 windows draw up and down to admit the fresh air, at the 
 discretion of the passengers. Each of these saloons is also 
 furnished with an excellent stove, heated as the weather 
 may require. I know not exactly how many persons one 
 of these rooms will accommodate, but certainly not less 
 than sixty or eighty, and they are generally full. The 
 speed is not so rapid as our first-class trains, but eqt^I to 
 some of those which move at a moderate rate. 
 Travelling on, I began to think the thing was not so very 
 bad. Apprehension of an overthrow soon gave way to 
 confidence, and, so far as safety was a question, the mattier 
 was settled. But then the great room, and the juxta- 
 position with all these Americans ! What of this ? I soon 
 found occasion to be satisfied with this matter also. By 
 the spaciousness of the saloons, and the means of mode- 
 rating the atmosphere as occasion required, we obtained 
 good air ; much more so than in the draughts or heated 
 carriages in our own country. Then, again, the windows 
 being continued from end to end on each side, we were 
 spared the mortifying disappointment always felt when a 
 fine view is within range by one of our lines ; we could 
 gaze for a considerable length of time, and to a great ex- 
 tent, upon every object worth notice in the country. The 
 landscapes obtained in this way were often very fine and 
 picturesque. The state of the country, the progress of 
 cultivation, the buildings and towns, and, in fine, everything 
 going on within sight of our route, might thus be pretty 
 accurately seen. And then to be brought into contact 
 with the people, — ^what can be so interesting to a traveller 
 as this ? He is in search of living men ; he desires to wit- 
 ness their habits, to judge of their character, to hear their 
 conversation, and to join in it. A "railroad-car" in Ame- 
 rica furnishes fine opportunities for all this. These con- 
 siderations soon put an end to my disquiet of mind, and I 
 began to think that, in this affair, the Yankee had improved 
 on the Englishman; and that his mode of constructing 
 carriages, and managing railroad business, did no discredit 
 to his sagacity and business talent. 
 The country through which we journeyed did not pre- 
 sent many points of interest. The cultivation was on the 
 whole good ; but the soil rocky and poor. The season, 
 I found, was not so far advanced as in our own country 
 when I left it ; and now, towards the end of April, but 
 little vogotation appeared. The Americans declaim against 
 our b<iaut>iful hedge-rows ; I suppose, on the principle of 
 people who, not possessing an advantage themselves, are 
 jealous in the case of others enjoying it. Be this as it 

 may, there are few, loaroely any, quiok^set hedges in 
 America ; and I was told that the Knglish thorn would not 
 grow in their climate. Nothing oan be more odious than 
 the fences of the country ; the landscape is perfectly de- 
 formed by their appearance. The fanners employ long 
 pieces of wood, no doubt cut up for the purpose. These 
 aro laid lengthwise, crossing each other at the end, and 
 piled up one upon another a sufficient height to keep their 
 cattle from going astray. This mode of fence causes the 
 whole country to look like one prodigious wood-yard ; and, 
 in the absence of this wood, stone is employed. The en- 
 closures are of greater or lesser extent, in which cattle and 
 sheep are seen grazing, or com growing, as the case may 
 be. The villages and towns on our route appeared very 
 pretty; the houses being chiefly built of wood, painted 
 white, and the window'blinds green. By these means an 
 air of great cleanliness was secured, and many of these 
 wooden buildings rose to magniflcenoOi hairing a moi^ion- 
 like appearance. I found afterwards that houotes thus 
 built of wood are capable of excluding wind and .reather, 
 and securing as great an amount of comfort and warmth 
 08 the more substantial erections of brick or stone. 
 Springfield, the seat of one of the goremment armories, 
 is a beautiful place ; the whole country having a most pictu- 
 resque appearance, well cultivated, and the soU much bet- 
 ter than any we had i|!tiEiised over, ^ur line, for many 
 miles, lay by the side of the Connecticut ; and, as this was 
 the first of the great American rivers which I had seen, I 
 felt greatly excited by its appearance. It is a magnificent 
 stream, though vastly inferior to many which I afterwards 
 visited. The banks are very beautiful, and rich in meadow- 
 land, studded with farm-houses and peaceful villages. ' 1% 
 reading furnished me with some reminiscences respecting 
 the first occupancy of this country by European settlers. 
 How difierent now to the time when Indian tribes paddled 
 their canoes in these waters, and disputed with the white 
 man, by war, by stratagem, by fire and blood, the posses* 
 sion of the soil! These sanguinary contests had taken 
 place on every foot of ground we were traversing. Women 
 and children had been cut off, and taken into a cruel cap- 
 tivity, in the absence of the men ; and it was not till a vast 
 amount of human life had been sacrificed, that peace and 
 abundance were made to take the place of a ruthless con- 
 test, which ended in the extirpation or banishment of the 
 original lords of the soil. Peaceful flocks were now graz- 
 ing, watched over by the children of the villages, where the 
 war-whoop and the scalping-knife used to hold dominion. 
 We finished our railroad journey at New-Haven, and 
 embarked on board a steamer. Our course lay down the 
 Sound, skirted on one side by the Connecticut shore, and 
 on the other by Long Island. The Sound is a most mag- 
 nificent inlet to New- York from the great Atlantic. Being 
 now on board an American steamer for the first time, I 
 was intent upon seeing whether the people indulged in 
 those tobacco habits which travellers have almost uniformly 
 attributed to them. We had been pretty free from any- 
 thing offensive in the railroad car ; and I began to doubt 
 whether the reports were true, or to think they were exag- 
 gerations. I was soon undeceived. The practice in ques- 
 tion was almost general ; and nearly the whole deck soon 
 became coloured and almost impassable. Among the rest 
 of the passengers were two young people, male and female, 
 who were evidently not man and wife, but in the probable 
 way of becoming so. ThejP^ were very respectable in their 
 appearance and attire, — the young man having the bearing 
 of a farmer of the first class ; and the lady, it is to be pre- 
 sumed, a fanner's daughter, of prepossessing appearance, 
 dressed very genteelly, and withal wearing, what seemed 
 to be pretty generally the fashion in America, a green veil. 
 Our young couple, of course, avoided the public, kept 
 themselves in close quarters in one comer of the deck, and 
 were in ardent conversation. In pacing backwards and 
 forwards, my attention was attracted to this scene ; and I 
 observed that the young gentleman, about every five mi- 
 nutes or less, poured forth a stream of tobacco saliva at 
 the lady's feet. This, it is to be presumed, was by way of 
 libation to his goddess , it was an offering of love. The 
 thing seemed a perfect matter of course ; and neither the 
 lady, nor anybody else, appeared in the least annoyed. It 
 may be as well to dismiss this whole affair at once ; and I 
 am sorry to say, that, though I saw occasion to differ in 
 opinion with American travellers on many points, in this I 
 was obliged to agree with them. The deck of steamers 
 seems to be the favourite arena for this kind of exploit. I 
 declare, I saw men, again and again, sitting under the 
 awnings of their beautiful vessels, when it would have been 
 quite as convenient, and often more so, to pour the con- 
 tents of their mouths into the water as upon the deck; 
 but they invariably preferred the latter, and rendered it 
 next to impossible to move without treading in this liquid 
 Heaven is always propitious. In the midst of what was 
 so offensive in man, nature presented great beauties and 
 glorious scenery on every side. The entrance into New- 
 York harbour on the side we took is very intricate, requir- 
 ing great skill on the part of the pilot. We had to pass a 
 place which English jack-tars, when New- York was a Bri- 
 tish province, designated " Hell-gate," not a very religious, 
 but certainly a very appropriate, name. It is a sort of 
 whirlpool, and the waters are much agitated ; while the 
 rocks in the river are of such a nature as to narrow up the 
 channel, and render destruction certain if the exact course 
 is not hit by the pilot's skill. In a bend of this intricate 
 channel we were within an ace of running down a vebsel, 
 which, turning the point unseen, and getting into the cur- 
 rent, was rendered perfectly helpless in herself, and was 
 exposed to the instant rush of our steamer. With great 
 promptitude and skill our captain turned his vessel nearly 
 round, so as completely to avoid the ill-fated ship, and she 
 passed safely down the channel. The sight for some mi* 
 nutes was horrific. I felt perfectly certain, that nothing 
 could save us from being brought into collision ; and, had 
 this taken place, one or both vessels must have gone to the 
 bottom very near the place so ominously named " Hell* 
 gate." We wore spared this fate by a gracious interposi* 
 tion of Providence. 
 As we advanced, we obtained a good view of the build- 
 ings on the banks of the channel. The villas of the citizens 
 of New- York are seen on each side ; and many of them 
 ure splendid and superb. The wealthy merchants and 
 others seek repose from business, and invigorated health, 
 in these princely retreats. Ship-building establishments, 
 of great magnitude, arc found in these quarters ; and there 
 is a goodly number of hospitals, asylums, prisons, and 
 places of a similar description in view. New- York harbour 
 itself breaks upon the view of the voyager on turning « 
 promontory, all at once. The sight is dazzling. Nothing 
 can be more imposing than the harbour, the shipping, and 
 the city, thus bursting upon the astonished beholder. 
 It is diflScult, without drawings, to convey a true idea of 
 this magnificent port — one of the finest in the world. It 
 is necessary to remark, that the city stands upon the fork 
 of two great rivers ; one to the east, called East River, the 
 other to the North, called North, or Hudson's River. 
 Opposite this tongue of land, at a considerable distance, is 
 the lower end of Long Island, which has the effect of land- 
 locking the harbour, guarding it from storms, and breaking 
 the swell of the Atlantic. By reason of this contiguity of 
 Long Island, the harbour possesses all the qualities of a 
 prodigious basin, with the tongue, on which New- York 
 stands, projecting into its centre. This fine piece of water 
 is entered by two channels ; the one from the Sound, which 
 we passed, and the other immediately from the Atlantic. 
 This latter entrance is so narrow, that it is capable of per- 
 feet defence ; and it seems impossible for any vessels to 
 pass without being exposed to certain destruction from the 
 raking fire of the batteries. The other inlet to the harbour 
 possesses natural defences, as no ship of war can ascend 
 the rocky and shallow channel we passed. 
 The ships ai*e moored around the tongue on wfiich th^^^ 
 city stands, which forms a sort of crescent with the out- 
 ward circle projecting into the water. Many hundred ves- 
 sels of all sizes, some of the largest class, lay at anchor 
 around this point of land — if it can be called at anchor — 
 for there is depth of water sufficient to permit them to 
 touch the wharves without the use of the anchor. Here, 
 in crescent form, these vessels lay, apparently all round the 
 lower point of the city ; and many of them, ascending the 
 two rivers, find a resting-place on the banks of these beau- 
 tiful streams. From this it will appear, that in case Long 
 Island was removed, New- York would be anything but a 
 harbour ; and it would be altogether indebted to its rivers 
 for a place of shelter for its ships. Long Island is the pa- 
 tron saint of New- York, the guardian of its interests — 
 indeed, the cause of its greatness. 
 New-York— Harpers' Printing and Publishing Establishment— The Methodist 
 Book Concern— The Exchange and Custom-House— Excitement respecting 
 an anticipated Revolution in England— Charitable Institutions— The City- 
 Leave for Baltimore — David Creamer, Esq. — The Journey — New-Jersey — 
 Newark— Princeton— Trenton— The Delaware— Philadelphia— The Chesa- 
 peake Bay. 
 On making the landing-place we were met by Dr. Bangs, 
 the historian of Methodism in America, Dr. Corson, au- 
 thor of " Loiterings in various Countries in Europe,'* ' and 
 two of the Harpers, who all welcomed our arrival with 
 hearty greetings. I was appointed to take up my residence 
 in the family of Mr. Fletcher Harper, who at once con- 
 ducted me to his hospitable home. Besides Mrs. Harper, 
 ly vessels to 
 ion from the 
 the harbour 
 ' can ascend 
 1 wffich th^ 
 ith the out-* 
 undred ves- 
 y at anchor 
 it anchor — 
 lit them to 
 lor. Here, 
 1 round the 
 ending the 
 ihese beau- 
 case Long 
 ling but a 
 its rivers 
 is the pa- 
 nterests — 
 te Methodist 
 it respectiog 
 -The City— 
 ew-Jersey — 
 The Chesa- 
 r. Bangs, 
 nson, au- 
 val with 
 ice con- 
 sen., I here found a young lady recently married to one of 
 Mr. Harper's sons, a countryvroman, fyom London, the 
 daughter of Mr. Jeremiah Smith. Of course, I was at home 
 at once ; had it not been so, I must have possessed a most 
 morose and misanthropic nature; for everything was done 
 for my comfort which friendship and afiection could sug- 
 gest. This was the first private family I had been domi- 
 ciled with in America ; and certainly the reception I met 
 with, and the habits of the family, tended to give me a most 
 favourable impression of the virtues of private life in the 
 United States. 
 But besides the order, decorum, and happiness, so appa- 
 rent in this Christian family, the house itself struck me as 
 one of the most perfect I had ever seen. Everything in 
 America is executed on the most improved scale of com- 
 mon sense. Not that there is any want of taste, of ele- 
 gance, of decoration ; but the basis of every arrangement 
 seems to be that of utility and comfort. This house, so 
 excellent of its kind, is but a sample of the rest. It stood 
 in one of the streets, was one of a row of houses of the 
 same size and form, and was neither greater nor better in 
 appearance than those by which it was surrounded. This 
 gives some insight into the style in which the higher class 
 of merchants and tradesmen in New- York live. 
 I had only two days to spare for visiting the Uons in 
 New- York, and therefore set about the business in good 
 earnest. It is surprising how much may be done in a short 
 time, when resolution and industry are brought into requir 
 sition. On the first day, my good friend Mr. Harper con- 
 ducted me through the city, showing me first his own 
 establishment, the Methodist Book-Concern, the Custom- 
 House, the Exchange, Trinity Church, Broadway, the land- 
 side of the harbour, visiting several magnificent ships, 
 warehouses, and the rest. ;; 
 Mr. Harper's printing and publishing estabUshment is as 
 remarkable as anything in the way of business can well be 
 imagined. Everything is done on the same premises. A 
 great number of presses are at work ; and one, called the 
 "Adams press," from the name of the inventor, is remark- 
 able. It was partly self-acting, an instrument of the nature 
 of pincers, or rather a hand, taking hold of the paper as 
 a roller revolved, and placing it so as to receive the de- 
 signed impression ; which, on coming from imder the cylin- 
 der, was received by a child, and placed in order. I 
 understood that this machine could print, if necessary, 
 letter-press to an indefinite length, — ^if the paper would 
 admit it, of miles in extent. I saw the workmen forming 
 stereotype plate-models, — a curious process. Vast piles 
 of these plates, having done their duty in time past, were 
 lying in store for further orders. In these extensive pre- 
 mises, a great number of females were employed in stitch- 
 ing, and matters of that nature. These females were under 
 the inspection of a Roman Catholic forewoman, of great 
 intelligence and energy. She was from England, had lived 
 in London; and, though a Romanist, had strayed into City- 
 Road chapel, and, having heard me preach at that place, 
 at once recognized me, and seemed well pleased to see 
 any one from home. We had, on entering the work-room 
 of these females, an example of American character and 
 manners. How did Mr. Harper, one of the principals of 
 the firm, and master of these people, accost them? Did 
 he rudely vociferate his orders in dictatorial and impera- 
 tive language, after the English fashion ? Ko ! On entering 
 their apartment, he took ofif his hat, paid them the compli- 
 ments of the morning, inquired after their health, and 
 addressed them by the term " young ladies." Was this 
 affectation ? Not in the least. It had all the appearance 
 of habit ; and certainly in their bearing, dress, the absence 
 of all sluttishness, these females deserved respectful treat- 
 ment. This will be sneered at by many of our countrymen, 
 as a specunen of Yankeeism. Well, be it so ; but, let us 
 ask, Which is the man of breeding, the gentleman? — the 
 boisterous, imperious, swearing John Bull, giving his or- 
 ders to his servants as if they were his slaves ? — or this 
 American, thus addressing the people who supply the 
 hands, the sinews, the labour, (though he may furnish the 
 genius,) which are creating his fortune ? Besides the exten- 
 sive business transacted at this establishment, these gentle- 
 men have branch-establishments in various parts of the 
 country, on a large scale. ^ 
 This firm reprints many English books ; and, having 
 nothing to pay for copyright and authorship, they are 
 enabled to get out and publish our most approved works 
 at a very cheap rate. By reason of these cheap editions 
 of our literature, the fact is that English authors are more 
 extensively known in America than in our own country. 
 The light reading of the day, the leading periodicals, 
 novels, and productions of this class, have a prodigious cir- 
 culation. But standard works by our best writers, whether 
 in history, philosophy, theology, or the sciences and arts, 
 are in universal circulation. This importation of knowledge 
 is, no doubt, a present advantage ; but it sadly militates 
 against creative talent in the States. It is, indeed, con- 
 sidering their youth as a nation, and the hard and material 
 work they have to do, a matter of astonishment that the 
 competition is so successful, and that America has furnished 
 so many able writers. 
 I was extremely sorry to perceive that the Americans 
 exceed us as a novel-reading people. At every public 
 place, the termini of the rail-road, landing-places of the 
 steamboat, and often on board as well, numbers of lads are 
 found vending this trash. The people in general, the ladies 
 especially, are continually seen amusing or exciting them- 
 selves by revelling in this world of fancy, often extremely 
 vulgar and foolish. To give an instance : On one of my 
 journeys by railroad, there sat before me a family, consist- 
 ing of a husband, wife, and child, perhaps two years old. 
 This mother and wife, a very genteel and lady-like person, 
 got hold of one of these novels, and scarcely lifted her 
 eyes firom her hook the whole of the distance they travelled, 
 which occupied the greater part of the day. The husband, 
 in the mean time, had the entire care of the little boy. It 
 cried, and he patted it into good-humour ; it slept on his 
 lap, and he fanned it ; it required food, he ransacked the 
 reticule to find cakes and sweetmeats, and, in fact, was a 
 perfect nurse. All this time the mother was completely 
 absorbed in her tale, and took not the least notice of either 
 husband or boy ; and, in fact, seemed unconscious that they 
 were present, or that she had any duties to perform towards 
 one or the other. This pernicious habit is eating into the 
 American mind, and will produce sad and deleterious 
 effects on a great scale. 
 We went next to the Methodist Book-Concern, a large 
 and well-conducted establishment. The premises are veiy 
 extensive, being designed to facilitate both the printing and 
 publishing departments. This institution is the centre of 
 Methodist literature in the United States. As in this coun- 
 try, this literature is of a somewhat distinctive charteter ; 
 the Methodist press being chiefly, though not exclusively, 
 engaged in the pubhcation of works emanating from the 
 body, and designed for its use. The Christian Advocate 
 and Journal, and the Methodist Quarterly Review, consti- 
 tute the periodical literature of this establishment. But 
 though the former of these works makes its appearance in 
 the newspaper form, it partakes much more of the character 
 of a magazine than a newspaper ; ■ the latter is what its 
 name designates, and it is conducted with considerable 
 ability. The standard theology of the Methodist Church 
 being the same as our own, it follows, that the works of 
 Mr. Wesley, and the most distinguished of our English 
 writers, constitute the staple of their trade. Vast piles of 
 these books are seen in their warehouses, prepared for cir- 
 culation through the country ; and it is pleasing to know 
 that the iaatniction, comfort, and encouragement which 
 these writings are so well calculated to aflbrd, will atllM 
 find their way into the log-hut of the backwoodsouui, to the 
 negro in his bondage, to the Indian m his expadiato, aftd 
 to the abodes of the more wealthy citizen. 
 But though the fathers of the Methodist bodfr on thii 
 side of the water are in general circulation, yet the Ame- 
 ricans are not destitute of sterling and valuable wKtingi 
 of their own. Theology, sacred criticism, speoimeni of 
 ^pulpit eloquence, biography, narrative, abound among them. 
 * But, as in the case of the community at large, the Method- 
 ist body is too busy ; is too extensively engaged in the 
 vocation of the evangelist pioneer; has too mttoh rough 
 work to accomplish in clearing away rubbish md laying 
 the foundations of theur church; is obliged to carry on 
 operations on too extended a scale, and in the midit of 
 populations demanding mcessant pastoral and miniiterial 
 care; to make it possible to devote themselves, in any 
 numbers, and to any extent, to recondite studies. The 
 Methpdist press, notwithstanding these disadvantftgei, ifl 
 effecting good service for religion, and the pro|^eis of 
 general knowledge. As their college? become more eiH- 
 cient, as residence and leisure are accorded to the pro- 
 fessors, as facilities for study and learning are fun^thed, so 
 doubt the religious literature of the church will become 
 progressively much more rich and elevated. 
 But at present this Book-Concern must be chiefly con- 
 sidered as a centre of religious light and influence, in aid 
 of the living ministry. In this view of the subjeot it will 
 be seen as possessing immense value and importance. Ite 
 immediate and great purpose is now to promote the work 
 of God, to incite to pious and zealous activity, to confer 
 instruction on the privileg^es and duties of the religious lUle, 
 and to point<#it the way to heaven. It deals but little in 
 speculation. The condition of the Church will not allow 
 of this. It is not sufficiently advanced to find leisure for 
 either the. higher or the more polished subjects of religioua 
 literature. The philosophy, the poetry, the refined abstrac- 
 tions of theology, must, in every case, rest on the founda- 
 tions of general knowledge. To lay these foundations is, 
 at present, the business of the Methodist Church. In this 
 department they are making admirable progress ; and, this 
 being the vocation of the institution, its utmost energy is 
 devo^'^d to this object. Its radiations of light reach through 
 thousands of miles, to the remotest extremities of the 
 Union ; ita vobo of exhortation, of admonition, of reproof,^|t^ 
 of warning, is heard in the wilderness, the village, thevjp 
 city, of every part of the continent ; its life, like electrical 
 fire, is fusing itself into the masses of the population ; and 
 its lessons of divine truth are, as we trust, laying the basis 
 of a pure, holy, practical Christianity, as extensively as the 
 habitaticma of this numerous people. 
 In connexion with these premises is the committee-room, 
 for the management of missionary affairs ; a plain and hum- 
 ble place, with an elevated seat for the chairman, and 
 wooden benches for the members. Suspended upon the 
 walls of this room were the portraits of the bbhops of the 
 church, Uving and 'dead, plain, but intelligent and sedate 
 men ; Bishop Asbury standing out from the rest by his ro- 
 bust character and fine features. On the prembes was a 
 vile picture of Dr. Newton. 1 remember, at the time of 
 the doctor's visit to the States, reading a newspaper de- 
 scription of his person and preaching, in which the moral 
 painter said, among other things, ** with a little of the d — 1 
 in his eye." The author of this sketch might have been 
 the real painter of our beloved countryman ; for he has 
 most certainly put a sufficient quantity of the evil one in 
 his eye. This is unreal ; there is no demon there ; nature, 
 or grace, has done just the reverse, and given to that eye, 
 with its intelligence and genius, the bold^ .dlf^ct, simple 
 expression of truth and honesty. 
 We visited the Exchange and Custom-House ; splendid 
 buildings, finely laid out for business, and competed of 
 massive blocks of granite. To obtun a new view of the 
 city and harbour, we mounted to the top of one of these 
 edifices, and were well repaid for the trouble. The city was 
 seen to a great extent, with its churches, public buildings, 
 and busy streets ; and the harbour, the sea. Long Island, 
 and the adjacent country, appeared in all their beauty and 
 Mr. Harper, who was known to the heads of these es- 
 tablishments, introduced me as an Englishman just arrived. 
 They were very solicitous for news, and desirous to elicit 
 my opinions respecting our state, and the probabilities of a 
 revolution. We had sailed from Liverpool on the Satur- 
 day previously to the great Chartist meeting held on Ken- 
 ningtoc Common on the following Monday ; so that our 
 packet carried out the announcement of the intended de- 
 monstration, without its solution. This produced great 
 excitement and apprehension as to the result. These gen- 
 tlemen pressed me as to the real facts of the CjEuse, and the 
 probabiUties of revolutionary success. This they did, not 
 in the spirit of glorying, or desire of conquest on the side 
 of the Chartists, but, on the contrary, of a real sympathy 
 with our country, and of anxiety for the preservation of 
 the public peace ; but they evidently entertained strong 
 apprehensions. I endeavoured to dissipate these alarms, 
 and told them I was certain we should have no revolution ; 
 that the Chartists had no hold in the country, they were 
 mere chaff, a bubble on the surface of the waters, and that 
 the government would gain a very easy victory. ** Well," 
 said they, " the queen is gone to the Isle of Wight ; the 
 ministers must have some reason for dread, or they would 
 not have advised her removal to that place." It was re- 
 plied, that she was partial to that residence, and her cir- 
 cumstances made it necessary for her to seek the quiet and 
 bracing air of that retreat ; that there was nothing at all in 
 that fact. " Well, but then there is Ireland," it was said ; 
 " the Irish are threatening a rebellion ; and will not they 
 and the Cbartists coalesce, and bring about a revolution ?" 
 The answer was, If any other parties had employed the 
 language which the Irish agitators had made use of, there 
 would be reason to fear ; but the bombastic bellowing of 
 these people, which had been heard so loud and so long, 
 would come to very little ; and, moreover, it was question- 
 able whether they would really make any movement at all, 
 inasmuch as the assassin never made his purpose known ; 
 and it was very unlikely that these men would proclaim 
 their rebellious purposes, in case they really intended to 
 revolt. In the course of these conversations the Chartists 
 were called " the people." It was replied, that they were 
 not " the people ;" and that the real people of England 
 were a very different class ; were well satisfied with their 
 institutions, and would certainly defend them, and have 
 the ability to do so successfully. 
 From these interviews and conversations I felt con- 
 vinced, that the class of men with whom I thus casually 
 held intercourse had no sympathy with the malcontents of 
 either England or Ireland ; and that it was their anxious 
 desire that we might escape the dangers which threatened 
 us. Whether my notion be true or not, or to what extent, 
 I know not ; but I certainly fancied, at the time of these 
 conversations, (for in substance they were constantly oc- 
 curring,) that some of the parties seemed somewhat re- 
 lieved of their fears and anxieties. Be this as it may, it 
 was a pleasure to deal faurly by one's country; and a 
 greater pleasure still, to find that the true, the genuine, 
 the home-bom Americans were not so inimical as to desire 
 her overthrow. At dinner with a party of ministers, and 
 other friends, the conversation turned on our institutions 
 compared with the American : and some reflections being 
 in pleasantry made on our queenly oflice and the aristo- 
 cracy, this called up Mrs. Harper, jun., our countrywoman, 
 who most heroically defended the queen and nobility, na- 
 turalized, as I suppose she was, as an American. Her 
 kmd-hearted father-in-law, I perceived, delighted to put 
 her on the defensive, which always called forth a fine 
 burst of English feelmg. How long does it take to extin- 
 guish the love of home, of country ? In fine natures, this 
 can never be effected ; it is an undying, an immortal passion. 
 The next day our good friend Mr. Francis Hall, and 
 other friends, took me to see the charitable institutions be- 
 longing to the city. We visited a hospital, presided over 
 by Dr. Rpcese, a Methodist physician ; a man of remarkable 
 energy, and of great celebrity in his profession. We then 
 made our way to an establishment, a Befuge, half prison 
 and half school, for the reformation of young delinquents 
 of both sexes. This institution we found, also, under the 
 management of Methodists. The matron, a strong-minded 
 and sensible woman, took us to view the female depart- 
 ment; and from her, as well as from the master on the 
 other side, we were informed that their success was very 
 considerable, that many of the boys and girls, through the 
 influence of this institution, turned out good and virtuous 
 citizens. The Dumb and Deaf Asylum has been so often 
 described by such writers as Basil Hall, Charles Dickens, 
 and others, that it cannot be necessary to enter into" de- 
 tails. The inmates, however, are the most interesting 
 class of human beings which can well be met with. Na- 
 ture seems, in some measure, to have compensated the 
 loss of one sense, by giving peculiar delicacy and vividness 
 to others. As everything is done by the eye, this organ 
 seemed to possess extraordinary flexibility and power. 
 The whole soul appeared to throw herself into this bright 
 and beaming orb. Such expression I never saw. Let us 
 mention one incident. I desired the principal to convey to 
 them, by the usual means, our sincere thanks for their 
 kindness in allowing us to put them to the trouble of go- 
 ing through their various exercises for our gratification. 
 The expression on their countenances, and in their gestures, 
 but especially in the eye, when this was conveyed to them, 
 was indescribable. At bow imAll a cost is it often in our 
 power to excite emotions of plofMurii ! Who would not do 
 this in the case of those who arc shut Ottti by the inscruta- 
 ble providence of God, from so many sources of enjoyment ? 
 But that which most interested mo, in this day's excur- 
 sion« was the African Asylum for the orphan children of 
 jieople of colour. Here, agaHn, wo found Methodists en- 
 gaged in thj entire management of the institution. The 
 master, mistress, and teachers were all of our own persua- 
 sion. The design of the establithmont is to provide a 
 maintenance and education for the orphan children of the 
 poor a£9icted African race. The name, the wrongs, the 
 colour of these children, I must confess, awakened all iny 
 sympathies. The building was spacious, and wears the 
 appearance of perfect order and cleanliness ; and the do- 
 mestic portion of the business is evidently well conducted., 
 the children having the look of health and happiness. We 
 were taken into the schoolroom to see the little orphans ; 
 and what a sight! They were of all imaginable colours; 
 and nearly of all sizes ; some almost infants, and others 
 nearly grown up. What seemed most astonishing to the 
 ignorant in such matters, wae the fact that some of them 
 were, to our unpractised eye, perfectly white ; not exactly 
 the white of the Europewi, but pale, delicate, and very 
 beautiful. The countenance had altogether lost the negro 
 cast, — thick lips, prominent cheek-bones, woolly htur, and 
 all the other characteriatici ; and, in their place, the aqui- 
 line nose, black, straight hair, in most cases a beautiful 
 mouth, gave them a Circassian cast, without the florid com- 
 plexion and vivacity of the race. Why these fine and 
 beautiful specimens of human nature are treated as Afri- 
 cans in the United States, and on this flimsy plea oa^ out 
 of society, who can tell ? Others of these children, how- 
 ever, had retained the perfect African physiognomy, and 
 were as black as jet. Indeed, this interesting group va- 
 ried from white, tlvrough every ik^ule of colour, to perfect 
 ebony. There sat oae little creature at her desk, scarcely 
 high enough to reach its edge, perfectly black, and an 
 inimitable picture of docility and happiness. The image 
 of this child can never be forgotten I Poor African, it had 
 no consciousness of misfortune or trouble, of degradation 
 and injury ! To know that that innocent httle creature 
 must grow up in the midst of a system of proscription, and 
 be punished as long as life shall remain, for no other ima- 
 ginable crime than the colour of its skin, is painful to think 
 of, but absolutely certain. 
 These forlorn children were put through their school- 
 exercises, and evinced no deficiency of intellect, but, on 
 the other hand, great acuteness and aptitude to learn. They 
 sang us some of their sweet and pathetic ditties, having 
 relation to their circumstances ; which, with the thought of 
 their fate, went to the bottom of one's soul, and stirred 
 every emotion. Beint'' presented with some little gratuity 
 to procure them sweetmeats, their happiness seemed com- 
 plete ; and we took our leave in the midst of their child- 
 like farewells ; but on our own part with something more 
 than even powerful emotions. 
 On our return we called to see the Croton water-works, 
 connected with a remarkable aqueduct of that name, thirty- 
 three miles in length, thrown over gulhes, rivers, valleys, 
 ravines', and all sorts of impediments, to the point which 
 we visited ; from whence it pours its life-giving streams by 
 innumerable pipes through the entire city. 
 The city of New- York, the commercial metropolis of 
 America, bears all the marks of increasing wealth, and of 
 H great destiny. Its mercantile establishments, its banks, 
 its shops, its hotels, are oa^^the most magnificent scale. 
 Wall-street, Broadway, and other streets, ai£ equal to any- 
 thing which can be imagined, as thoroughrares and places 
 of business. The pubUc buildings, except those which are 
 connected with trade, are not first-rate. Romanism never 
 established itself in this place ; and Bomanism alone, of all 
 religious Bystems, has left great eccksiastioal monuments 
 behind it : where it has not prevailed, we look in vain for 
 anj splendid specimens of antiquarian graadenr. Here are 
 pretty churches ; as Trinity, a very beautiful specimen of 
 architecture ; but it is like an infant in a costly dress, com- 
 pared with the old remains of Europe. Aristocracy, an- 
 other element of greatness, which has left behind ncble 
 remains of feudal grandeur, never obtained here ; and is 
 now more out of vogue than ever. We have no venerable 
 castles, manor-houses, mansions, from this quarter. Riches 
 will produce their accustomed results at a future day; 
 but not yet. At present the laws of property dissipate 
 large fortunes, by dividing them equally among children ; 
 and even the demi-aristocracy, such as it was at the pe- 
 riod of the Revolution, is now very much brought down to 
 the American level. It seemed strange, in such a city, to 
 see no gentlemen's carriages with footmen in livt^ry. They 
 may, for aught I know, exist to some extent ; but as far 
 as I recollect, I never saw one. This may be considered 
 a good or an evil, according to the taste and notions of 
 men ; but to people who witness these pageants so con- 
 stantly and in such numbers in this country, the contrast 
 is striking. 
 The streets of New-York are very spacious ; and what 
 adds much to their beauty and comfort, is found in their 
 being planted with fine chestnuts and poplars, which tluow 
 their agreeable shade over the foot-passengers. 
 I had no opportunity of attending any religious service, 
 so that I cannot speak on such questions as pulpit elo- 
 quence, the manner of conducting worship^ the numbers 
 Mid spirit of the auditors, and the fervour or decorum ob- 
 servable in tl^e assemblies. But the peoj^e and minis-i^ 
 ters whom I haJ the pleasure of meeting, appeared to me 
 to be very intel%ent, thoughtful, and eminent Christians. 
 Our people, indeed, were going to regard the day I left as 
 a day of fasting and prayer, for God's blessing on ^e Con< 
 fcrence ; — a most laudable arrangement. They urged me 
 to stay to preach, which I desired to do ; but had I done 
 so, I must have sacrificed Washington ; and this could not 
 be thought of. Hence, after spending two of the most 
 interesting days of my existence, I prepared to start for 
 Baltimore on the Friday morning. * 
 Our party consisted of the Rev. James Porter, a preside 
 ing elder in one of the New-England Conferences, and au- 
 thor of a good and heart-stirring little volume, called "The 
 True Evangelist," — and David Creamer, Esq., a merchant 
 living at Baltimore, with others. This gentleman left an 
 employment dear to his heart, at New- York, for the pur- 
 pose of accompanying me to his native city. He had been 
 employed for several years in studying the hymns and po- 
 etry of the Wesleys ; and was, at the time, employed in 
 bringing out a work, partly historical and partly critical, 
 through the press, on this interesting subject. He had 
 spared neither trouble nor expense in the pursuit of his 
 object, employing all sorts of agents in Europe to collect 
 every edition in existence of Charles Wesley's poetic effusions. 
 I am not able to give an opinion of this work, as it was 
 not published at the time I left ;* but from a portion of 
 " copy" shown me on our route, I judged it would prove 
 an acceptable and useful addition to the literature of the 
 American Methodist Church. It had been submitted to the 
 inspection of a committee of the Baltimore Conference, who 
 reported favourably, and the Conference reconunended the 
 work to the public. This gentleman, like all fine enthusiasts, 
 seemed to live in Wesley an poetry. It was his ideal of 
 everjrthing beautiful and glorious ; his mind was fascinated 
 and absorbed in his theme ; he discoursed not of politics, 
 or merchandise, or material things, but of Charles Wesley, 
 of sacred songs, of metres, sublimities, and devotional praise 
 to Ood. It was really refreshing to see a young man, a 
 * [Tho work has since been published, under the title of Methodist Hymnolo* 
 gy ; and is now on sale at the Methodist Book Concem.] 
 merchant, in active life, enabled to turn liis thoughts so 
 completely from " buying, and selling, and getting gain," 
 as to devote his time and energies to a subject so delicate 
 and sacred. But these Americans are an amazingly ener- 
 getic race ; and, besides, everybody has scope, room, en- 
 cd&ragement. To develop everything having life, soul, 
 intellect, seems ta be the American principle, whether 
 found in poetry or prose. The public, and the churches 
 as well, glory in any man, no matter whether lay or cleric, 
 belonging either to the category of talent or piety. Their 
 rule evidently is, to give everybody a chance, to foster, to 
 prompt, to lead on, and make the best of every one's facul- 
 ties and power. Talent is sure to meet with a market ; it 
 is admired, applauded, honoured, and, when connected 
 with piety and goodness of character, cannot fail to elevate 
 its subject to an honourable position in the Church. 
 Our route lay througli a portion of New-Jersey, em- 
 bracing Jersey City, Newark, New-Brunswick, Princeton, 
 Trenton — ^famous in the history of the Amepican war, as 
 the scene of one of Washington's victories, and the capital 
 of New-Jersey. Here we crossed the Delaware into Penn- 
 sylvania, and travelled by its intern bank to Bristol, and 
 thence to Tacony. This town is six miles above Phila- 
 delphia, where we embarked on board a steamer, and 
 reached the city by water. The scenery was most magni- 
 ficent ; made so by the breadth and sweep of the river ; 
 the banks being rich, fertile, varied, and well cultivated ; 
 and, moreover, studded with excellent houses, and beauti- 
 ful mansions and villas. There stood the Quaker city, 
 peering towards skies as bright as those of Italy, resting 
 on the bosom of a country as fertile as imagination can 
 conceive; touching one of the finest rivers and bays in 
 the world ; receiving and giving a rich and varied com- 
 merce ; and presenting to view the general aspect of in- 
 dustry, vu*tue, peace, and happiness. It seems impossible 
 that William Penn, the great Quaker, could have selected 
 a finer site for his city. If anything can be perfect in 
 this world, one would isay Philadelphia presents a perfect 
 ground-plan and locale for the abode of man. Thib is 
 considered by the Americans themselves as their most 
 beautiful city. Taken as a whole, it may be so. The as- 
 semblage of favourable circumstances seems complete. 
 Earth and sky, land and water, all combine to produce this 
 effect. Nature has certainly selected this spot as for the 
 pui'pose of showing, in the beauties of even a ruined world, 
 some faint outline, some faded image, of what Paradise 
 must have been. 
 But yet I did not Uke Philadelphia as a city. It is too 
 uniform ; a beautiful landscape cannot be imagined with- 
 out variety. Is not this principle of variety equally neces- 
 sary in everything else having extent, space, magnitude ? 
 A city is not Uke a cottage, a lodge, a little box. There 
 may be uniformity, and yet taste may not be ofifended ^j 
 but place these neat boxes in a row, in a straight line, of, 
 say a mile or two long, without anything to relieve the 
 eye, and then it will be found that the straight line without 
 u curve, the uniformity of buildings, unbroken by any 
 variation in height and elevation, streets crossing each 
 other at right angles, and at equally measured distances, 
 produces impressions which are not in agreement with our 
 notions of the beautiful. The houses, indeed, are not ex- 
 actly uniform ; but the streets are perfectly so, securing 
 ventilation and a good circulation of air, but giving the 
 notion of a town in livery, dressed in the prim costume of 
 the people who founded the city. The Quaker mind has 
 left its impress on the material form of their city ; though 
 it is to be feared the Quaker spirit has long since evapo- 
 rated. I saw very few persons in the garb of Friends ; 
 though some few were observed passing along in grave and 
 sober dignity. The population is now perfectly miscella- 
 neous, as much so as any other place, and its peculiarities 
 are only seen in the town itself. 
 The Friends, in their own home, have been far outstrip- 
 ped by other religious denominations. 
 Time would not allow u» to remain long. I had only an 
 opportunity of running into one or two public buildings ; 
 of passing down a few streets, so as to obtain a general 
 idea of the place ; of getting a hasty dinner, and then start- 
 ing off towards Baltimore. I promised myself the plea- 
 sure of a second visit, which could not be accomplished ; 
 so that my adieu to Philadelphia proved to be final. 
 We travelled partly by railroad and partly by steam, 
 which, by reason of the diversity both as to mode and 
 scenery, is very pleasant. In this excursion we crossed or 
 sailed upon the Delaware, Elk river, the Patapsco, and 
 Chesapeake Bay. The latter, on the portion we traversed, 
 had widened into a sea, and had a most magnificent ap- 
 Baltimore and Washington— The City and Capitol— The Senate— General Cass 
 —Captain Fremont— Mr. Calhoun, dec— The House of Representatives- 
 Debate— Visit to the President— To the Vice-President— The National Insti- 
 tution—Baltimore—The Sabbath— The atistoc^tic air of the place— Leave 
 for Cumberland— Slavery— Harper's Ferry— Oumberland— The Alleghany 
 Mountains— A Mirage on the Mountain— Brownville— The Monongahela— 
 Scenery of the banks. 
 We reached the city after dark, having travelled one hun- 
 dred and eighty-four miles. We were met by the Rev. 
 Thomas B. Sargent, who conducted me at once to my 
 appomted place of abode, the residence of a widow lady 
 of the name of Wilkins, with three or four daughters, and 
 a great number of black servants. This lady, I found, had 
 entertained the Rev. Richard Reece, Dr. Hannah, Dr. New- 
 ton ; and, in fact, all our brethren who had visited the 
 States as a deputation from England. She evidently re- 
 tained a very pleasant recollection of these visits. Her 
 eulogies of the vbnebablb and Rev. Richard Reece were 
 perfectly enthusiastic. His fine person, urbanity, piety, 
 and labours, had left a deep impression on her mind. Nor 
 had the excellent qualities of the other brethren been less 
 cherished. Indeed, they were recollected with great ad- 
 miration by all. The eloquent labours of Dr. Newton will 
 not lose their impression at Baltimore, nor indeed at any 
 other place he visited, during the existence of the present 
 generation. They are engraven indelibly on the hearts of 
 many himdreds and thouands of grateful and admiring 
 people. Dr. Hannah was a young man at the time of his 
 visit ; but many of the preachers especially speak of his 
 sermons as amongst the best and most finished specimens 
 of pulpit eloquence they ever heard. I found, indeed, that 
 the ministratiopp cf all my predecessors had left a most 
 happy fragrance 1 n:d. Their memory is cherished, their 
 services affectioi .i n^ appreciated, their mission honoured, 
 the bonds of brotherhood strengthened, and the character 
 of England, as well as Enghsh Methodism, is judged of 
 by these specimens of the manners and spirit of the father- 
 land. It became evident to me, that the religious public, 
 our own people at least, are not disposed to take theur 
 cue of England from newspapers, political sources, or the 
 disputes of diplomacy ; but from the men of their own 
 community who may be sent over, and from the general 
 body of Methodists. 
 I had known Mr. Sargent in both England and Ireland, 
 on his visit to this country, as the companion of Bishop 
 Soule. His fine spirit had lost none of its elasticity, or 
 depth of affeclion. His recollections of our country, of 
 the men he had met with, of the conference, of any, the 
 least, attenti<m which had been shown him, and the plea-p 
 sures which fell in his way, all lived, most vividly, in his 
 warm and ardent mind. It is delightful to meet with such 
 specimens of Christianized human nature. I blush to 
 think of the affection and kindness he manifested to me. 
 It embraced everything. It seemed to be the entire bus!- 
 ness of his life, for the time being, to make my visit as 
 agreeable, as instructive, as profitable, as possible. The 
 charm such a spirit throws over everything enhances its 
 loveliness ten-fold. It puts life, vivacity, delight, and joy, 
 as well as piety, into the most ordinary transactions ; and 
 seems to add grace and beauty to every subject of con- 
 versation, to every object seen. It is a kind of music in 
 the midst of the solitudes of nature; a joyous fragrance 
 intermingled with her productions ; sunshine thrown upon 
 all things on earth. To meet with such a man is worth 
 crossing the Atlantic ; and to have made his friendship, 
 gives a new zest to life, and increases one's hope of aug- 
 mented happiness in immortality. 
 This dear friend soon fell in with my desires to see 
 Washington the next day, and made instant arrangements 
 to accompany me there. My travelling companions, the 
 Rev. J. Porter, and Mr. Creamer, agreed also to be of the 
 party ; and we set out by the first train for the capital. 
 The distance is forty miles, which we soon reached. We 
 had six or eight hours to remain, feeling obliged to return 
 the next day, which was Sunday, when I had engaged to 
 preach in Baltimore. " What can be done in seeing the 
 metropolis of a great republic in six or eight hours ?" some 
 one will say. Let us see. 
 But before we proceed, it may be as well to remark, 
 that this capital is very unlike London, or any metropoli- 
 tan city of any of the nations of Europe, indeed, of many 
 of the older cities of the New World itself. It is a great 
 unfinished village, laid out on a magnificent scale, but re- 
 maining for completion. The points of attraction are, con- 
 sequently, few, and easily reached. 
 The following account of Washington is, in the main, so 
 accurate, that we cannot do better than insert it : — 
 " The city is laid out on a plan of great magnitude, and 
 will, if the design of the founders be carried out, and their 
 anticipations realized, be a magnificent memorial of the 
 great man from whom it is n<uned, and a city, the gigantic 
 proportions of Tvhich shall harmonize with the power find 
 extent of the mighty republic of which it is the capital. 
 The ground on which the city is built has an elevation, for 
 the most part, of aboi forty feet above the level of the 
 river. The streets cross each other at right anglei, those 
 running north and south being intersected by others run- 
 ning east and west. The different parts of the city are 
 connected by broad avenues. When the intersection of 
 these avenues with each other and with the streets would 
 form many acute angles, rectangular or circular spaces are 
 left. The avenues and principal streets radiate from im- 
 portant public points, and are from one hundred and thirty 
 to one hundred and sixty feet wide. The former are 
 named after the States of the Union ; the latter, beginning 
 at the capitol, are ranged in the order of the letters of the 
 alphabet; as A North and A South, B North and B South, 
 &c. ; and east and west, they are designated by numben, 
 <ns 1st East, 1st West, <&c. Pennsylvania avenue, from the 
 capitol to the President's house, is the most eompaetly 
 built, and much the handsomest, thoroughfare in the eity. 
 Of the avenues, five radiate from the capitol, and five others 
 from the mansion of the president ; thus affording these 
 prominent places the readiest communication with all parts 
 of the city. 
 " Of the public buildings of Washington, the capitol, 
 situated near the centre of the city-plot, on Oapitol Hill, 
 is the most splendid. This edifice, in its ample propor- 
 tions, in the style and execution of its architecture, and in 
 its embejlishments, both exterior and interior, is believed 
 not to be inferior to any senate-house in the world. Elevated 
 seventy-two feet above tide- water, it affords a command- 
 ing view of the city and the surrounding country. From 
 its immense size, and its elevated po|)tion, it is the ftrst ob- 
 ject that fixes our attention on approaching the city. The 
 building, which is of freestone, occupies an area of more 
 than an acre and a half Including the wings, the front 
 is three hundred and fifty-two feet in length, and the depth 
 of the wings is one hundred and twenty-one feet. The 
 projection on the east or main fronts including the 
 steps, is eighty-five feet wide; and that on the west, 
 with the steps, is eighty-three feet. The projection on 
 the east front is ornamented with a splendid portico 
 of twenty-two lofty Corinthian columns; and a portico 
 of ten columns in the same style adorns the west pro- 
 jection. In grandeur of design, and beauty of execu- 
 tion, the portico in the eastern front has no superior. To 
 the top of the dome, the height of the building is one hun- 
 dred and twenty feet ; the rotunda in the middle of the 
 building, under the dome, is ninety-five feet in diameter, 
 and the same in height. From the cupola which crowns 
 this apartment, there is a fine view of the city and sur- 
 rounding country. The walls of the rotunda are adorned 
 with magnificent paintings by Trumbull, the figures being 
 as large as life. These fine national pictures represent in- 
 teresting incidents in American history, — the Presentation 
 to Congress of the Declaration of Independence ; the sur- 
 render of Burgoyne ; surrender of Cornwallis ; and Wash- 
 ington resigning his Commission. Congress has recently 
 further enriched the rotunda by the addition of two fine 
 paintings, — the Baptism of Pocahontas, by Chapman, and 
 the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, by Weir. This room is 
 also adorned with sculptures, in «/At> relievo, representing 
 the rescue of Smith by the interposition of Pocahontas ; 
 the landing of the Pilgrims ; Daniel Boone's conflict with 
 Indians ; and Penn treating with the Indians at Coaquenac. 
 To other attractions of the rotunda has lately been added, 
 Greenough's splendid statue of Washington, a colossal 
 figure, in a sitting posture, twice as large as life. The 
 library-room of the west of the rotunda is ninety-two feet 
 by thirty-four, and thirty-six feet high, and contains up- 
 wards of twenty-eight thousand volumes. Tliere is here 
 also a valuable collection of hbtorical medals, designed \fy 
 Denon, the Egyptian traveller; and paintings, statuary, 
 medallions, &c., a/e distributed about the room. The 
 senate-chamber, in the northern wing, is seventy-eight feet 
 long, and forty-five high, and of a semicircular form. The 
 vice-president's chair has a canopy of rich crimson dra- 
 pery, held by the talons of an eagle. In front of the vice- 
 president's chtur is a light bronze gallery, chiefly appro- 
 priated to ladies. Above and behind the chair is a gallery, 
 supported by fine Ionic columns of variegated marble, 
 from the Potomac. The walls richly ornamented with 
 stucco, the magnificent chandelier, the gorgeous lamps and 
 furniture, &c., give the room au imposing appearance. 
 Adjoining the senate-chamber, is the office of the secretary 
 of the Senate. Under this room i*: the apartment in which 
 the Supreme Court holds its sittings. It is nearly as large 
 as the senate-chamber, but is much less elegant. The hall 
 of the House of Representatives, in the south wing, is 
 semicircular, like the senate-chamber, but larger, being 
 ninety-six feet long and sixty feet high. The dome of the 
 hall is supported by twenty-four beautiful colunms of the 
 Potomac marble, with capitals of Italian marble, of the 
 Corinthian order. The seats are so arranged that the 
 members face the Speaker, whose chair is considerably 
 elevated above the floor, and approached by avenues that 
 radiate from the chair as a centre. A gallery for men sur- 
 rounds the circular wall opposite the Speaker ; and that 
 appropriated to ladies is in the chord of the arc at the 
 back of the Speaker's chair. The room is ornamented, 
 like the senate-chamber, with fine statuary tod paintings, 
 and its whole appearance is imposing and elegant." 
 Such is the capitol. Some persons look upon objects 
 of art as connoisseurs, having some knowledge of its pro- 
 ductions ; others judge of everythmg merely by such sense 
 and feeling as nature alone suppSes. There are advan- 
 tages and disadvantages in both cases. The conndisseur 
 -will be able to detect flaws, blemishes, and beauties, which 
 the other will not be able to see ; but the latter will be 
 capable of a true impression, as a whole, which the critical 
 taste of the former may prevent. Without any pretensions 
 to be a connoisseur, we may be allowed to refer to such 
 impressions as these various objects made at the time. 
 Some of the pictures were found to be very impressive, 
 from the grandeur of the ideal. I was struck with what 
 seemed to me to be a very delicate design in the picture 
 representing the surrender of Cornwallis. Washington is 
 placed in the back-ground, on horseback, at a considerable 
 distance, looking on with intense interest, while an inferior 
 officer approaches the British commander, for the purpose 
 of recdving his sword. But, when near, instead of de- 
 manding the sword, he is seen stretching out his hand, and 
 offering it in friendship and peace to the vanquished general : 
 the effect is irresistible. Cornwallis is subdued ; serenity 
 and benignity beam in his countenance, and the two ene- 
 mies meet as brothers. The surrender of his sword, by 
 General Burgoyne, is perfectly different. The American 
 officer is seen approaching in an imperious and commanding 
 attitude ; and Burgoyne is represented as giving up his 
 sword under the influence of tumultuous passions, resent- 
 ment, pride, and contempt, though conquered. Such is 
 the fate of war. Here are two high-minded soldiers, the 
 pride and glory of the British army and nation, surrender- 
 ing themselves and their glories to men, no doubt, whom, 
 when they took the field, they considered a despicable foe ; 
 probably, not as soldiers at all. Great issues turned on 
 these two events, — the independence of America, and the 
 humiliation of England. 
 The pictures of the embarkation and landing of the Pil- 
 grims are exquisitely impressive. In the first, the minister 
 of the church in Holland, the Rev. John Robinson, ^hc 
 could not sail with the first expedition, on account bif the 
 duty of taking care of the flock left behind, is seen in the 
 ities, vrhich 
 iter will be 
 the critical 
 er to such 
 i time, 
 with what 
 he picture 
 $hington is 
 an inferior 
 e piu-pose 
 ad of de- 
 hand, and 
 d general : 
 ; serenity 
 • two ene- 
 sword, by 
 g up his 
 IS, resent- 
 Such is 
 Hers, the 
 t, whom, 
 able foe ; 
 imed on 
 and the 
 on, jfiic 
 t of the 
 nin the 
 attitude of prayer, bare-headed, with outstretched bauds, 
 and eyes lifted up to heaven. At a short distance there 
 sits a venerable figure, the personification of calm, contem- 
 plative, abstract, and believing piety, — his hand resting on 
 the pages of an open Bible, through whose sacred teaching 
 he appears to be looking into the invisible, the future, the 
 divine, with unruffled composure and hope. A little in the 
 back-ground the form of a matronly female (a real character 
 who distinguished herself greatly by her piety and forti- 
 tude) is exhibited in the costume of the times, attending, 
 with profound and reverent looks and feelings, upon these 
 devotions. Groups of children and young peopl'^ hang 
 around, with a mixture of awe, surprise, hope, and youthful 
 joy, depicted in their countenances. I never saw rehgioii 
 materialized so pei-fectlyas in this picture : it cost an efibi-t 
 to get away. AH the graces may be said to have their 
 type in this canvass. Wisdom, devotion, faith, meekness, 
 love, courage, hope, all beam in those heaven-illumined 
 countenances. They appear as if they had some fora- 
 thought, some prescience, of their great destiny. Any 
 looker-on would think that they were either dressed in 
 their bridal robes for the " wedding-supper of the Lamb," 
 or that they were under the influence of some extraordinary 
 inspiration, preparing them for great and glorious work. 
 The artist seems most fully to have caught and compre- 
 hended the morale of that greatest event in American 
 The picture of the Baptism of Pocahontas, an Indian 
 princess, is very striking ; and, coupled with her marriage 
 to an English gentleman, is an interesting historical fact. 
 She is represented in a kneeling posture, while the venerable 
 clergyman is performing the rite. Her figure is beautiful, 
 her face interesting, and the whole effect is exquisitely im> 
 pressive. Poor Indians ! Had this laudable beginning of 
 the admixture of the races been continued, how different 
 would have been their fate ! 
 Some of the alto relievoi are very fine. One, which 
 represents Daniel Boone's conflict with an Indian, disputbg, 
 in fact, for the dominion of Ohio, i« fearful. The passions 
 of the savage warrior are exhibited to the life, in dreadful 
 ferocity. The two men are wrcitling in personal combat ; 
 and each is employhig the weapons of their respective 
 modes of attack and dtfenoo. The catastrophe is not 
 given ; but, of course, the child of nature, the lord of the 
 forest, was obliged to yield to the white man, — a distressing 
 emblem of an historical fact. The passions, the ferocity, 
 the undying resolution, the tenacious grasp, the courage of 
 that Indian chief, and his fall, were only representative of 
 the dispositions and of the doom of then* race. They strug- 
 gled, 08 he struggled, through the long years of their 
 eventful story; and as he fell beneath the blows of his 
 antagonist, so their nations and tribes fell before the aggres- 
 sions of a superior foe. 
 While we were examining these works of art, it was 
 announced that the Senate had broken up. This was occa- 
 sioned by information just brought from the city, that one 
 of their nuniber, a Mr. Ashley, wai dying. We hastened 
 to the Senate-House ; and to me it seemed a great disaster, 
 as I desked to hear some of the members in this first 
 assembly in the United States. In some respects it was 
 an advantage, however, inasmuch as it gave * : an oppor- 
 tunity of entering the body of the hall, and nolding per- 
 sonal intercourse with many of the members. Our friend 
 Mr. Slicer,* who seemed perfectly at home with the 
 senators, knew them all, and appeared to be much respected, 
 introduced me to many ; telling them who I was, and in- 
 forming them of the nature of my mission to the States. 
 They all shook me cordially by the hand, welcomed me 
 into their country, and expressed the hope that I should 
 be pleased and gratified. Among the gentlemen to whom 
 I was thus introduced, were General Cass, Colonel Benton, 
 * Oae of tbe chftpkUfli of Cougr«M. 
 One, which 
 I, disputmg, 
 be passions 
 in dreadful 
 al combat; 
 phe is not 
 lord of the 
 »e ferocity, 
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 entative of 
 rhey Strug- 
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 3 hastened 
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 )ur friend 
 with the 
 s, and in- 
 le States. 
 )med me 
 I should 
 to whom 
 General Foote, Colonel Davis, Captain Fremont, Mr. Cal- 
 houn, and many others. Of course, I looked with some 
 attention upon General Cass, many of whose violent and 
 belligerent speeches against this country, in connexion with 
 the boundary and Oregon questions, I had read; and, 
 moreover, who was then understood to be a candidate for 
 the office of President. He is a stout, athletic man, about 
 the middle size, but, for an American, rather corpulent 
 and sanguiferous in his appearance ; and, if his physiognomy 
 did not greatly deceive me, he is a man of strong passions, 
 capable, one would say, of being exalted into the furioso. 
 His keen eye turned upon me, as I imagined, with a some- 
 what sinister glance ; and, after a few remarks of no im- 
 portance, beseemed glad to get away. Colonel Davis had 
 been wounded in the Mexican war ; was just recovering, 
 but limped very much. This officer had greatly distin- 
 guished himself, but seemed, by his modesty, to be uncon- 
 scious of his own fame. We had considerable conversation 
 with this gentleman about Mexico and the war; and ho 
 showed himself to be a most amiable and well-informed 
 man. Captain Fremont, who is the son-in-law of Colonel 
 Benton, is a first-rate man. He conducted two or three 
 scientific expeditions, for the purpose of exploring various 
 portions of Oregon, California, and the Rocky Mountains, 
 and making observations on altitudes, levels, rivers, soils, 
 mountains, &c. His reports of these journeys, now in my 
 possession, are most interesting and able productions. But 
 he showed, in one of these missions, that the man of science 
 can also become the man of war. Believing that a certain 
 course would be favourable to the political interests of his 
 country, he Idid aside the sextant for the sword ; and it 
 was very much owing to . nis exertions that California be- 
 came American. 
 But we had most conversation with Mr. Calhoun. This 
 distinguished senator is now in the autumn of life, — ^the leaf 
 is yellow. He is tall and thin, with an upright and erect 
 bearing. His face is full of intelligence, of the sharp and 
 iicute kind ; he looks as if it would be perfectly natural 
 and easy in him to catch a boor while bungling in his lo^c, 
 and quite as easy to trip up his heels. With a visage 
 somewhat elongated, pale, after the American fashion, there 
 beams a keen eye, not devoid, however, of benignity, sur- 
 mounted by a good, square, but not very lofty brow, with 
 snow-white hair, turned back after the clerical fashion. We 
 spent considerable time in the body of the hall in conver- 
 sation with this gentleman. He seemed anxious respecting 
 our country, and European affairs in general ; and urged 
 the usual questions respecting the Chartist riots, the state 
 of Ireland, the prospects of a revolution, and all the rest. 
 The cnstomary answers were given. I came from the pre- 
 sence of Mr. Calhoun with the impression that I had seen 
 and conversed with a really great man ; one of the first, if 
 not the very first, I had met with in the United States. I 
 was grieved not to hear him speak. He had just been 
 delivering an interesting speech on a message that morning 
 received from the President on a very important subject. 
 However, as we were not permitted to hear, we were much 
 pleased to see, so distinguished a citizen and statesman. 
 The House of Representatives were in session, and we 
 hastened from this conversation to listen to the debates. 
 The President had that morning sent a message to the 
 two Houses, recommending a military intervention in the 
 affair of the Yucatan civil war, then raging between the 
 Indians and the people of Spanish descent. This promised 
 to be an interesting topic. We heard some five or six 
 gentlemen deliver their sentiments. Their mode of debate 
 seemed peculiar. Very little was said on the merits of the 
 question ; almost all the speakers argumg on constitutional 
 points, as to how the matter could be rightly disposed of, 
 how it could be made to agree with this and the other 
 rule of the House, and the provisions of the law. This, of 
 course, prevented all efifusions of eloquence, all fine bursts 
 of feeling, all argument on the real question. A dry detail 
 of opinion on the subjects mooted was nearly all we heard. 
 One gentleman, indeed, Mr. Joseph Ingersoll, was impas- 
 sioned and eloquent, and indicated that he was in poUsea- 
 sion of considerable powers of debate. There sat in the 
 chair one of the Winthrops. Honoured name ! Descended 
 from a good stock ; the first, one of the fathers of America, 
 and his descendants among the most virtuous and patriotic 
 of the citizens. It is delightful to see talent and virtue 
 hereditary ; and the expectation and belief were expressed, 
 that the present worthy Speaker of the House of Repre- 
 sentatives would some day be the President of the United 
 From thus examining the capitol, conversing with the 
 senators, and listening to the members of the House of 
 Representatives, we hastened to the President's house, to 
 see if we could gain access, and be favoured with an inter- 
 view with the first magistrate of the republic. 
 On our arrival we met with a black man, the only servant 
 of the President we saw ; and, on asking whether it would 
 be possible to obtain an interview, he said he saw no diffi- 
 culty in the case, but would inquire. He went, with Mr. 
 Slicer's compliments, and soon returned with a message 
 that the President would be very happy to see us. We were 
 ushered, not into a drawing-room, or state-apartment, hxu 
 into a business office, with desks, tables, pens and ink, 
 bundles of state-papers, and books on business. And there 
 stood to receive us, to shake us by the hand, to bi I us 
 welcome, the chief of the greatest republic, if lot the 
 greatest state, in the world. He accosted us very kindly, 
 and bade us be Seated, at the same time lesuming his own 
 My embarrassment left me in a moment. I had felt 
 some little trepidation at the idea of being brought into 
 contact with a man so high in station. His demeanour, 
 however, soon dissipated this feeling. There was no state 
 etiquette observed, no ceremonies but such as common 
 courtesy demanded, and might be performed by the plainest 
 person ; no court dress, no cooked hat, no sword and sash, 
 no bowing the knee, no kissing of hands, and, moreover, no 
 peer of the reahn, or officer of the court, necessary to gain 
 an introduction : a black boy, to obtain his master's assent, 
 and to show us the way, seemed all that was expected. 
 With our European notions, this did not really look like an 
 introduction to the head of a mighty nation. Truly this 
 American repubhcanism must either be considered as a 
 great retrogression into the ages of social simplicity, when 
 shepherds and farmers left their flocks and ploughs to 
 command armies and govern states, and then returned to 
 their avocations ; or else it must be considered as a vast 
 stretch into the future, the anticipation of something to 
 come, the Inodel of a perfectly new order of things. It is 
 most assuredly not identical with what has been, and con- 
 tinues to be, in the Old World. Is this simplicity agreeable 
 to nature, to common sense, to the truth of things ? I con- 
 fess, these questions puzzled me at the time, and continue 
 still to puicKle me. There is a fascination, a charm, about 
 royalty, greatness, courts, presentations, and all the em- 
 broidery connected with these things, which niake it 
 difficult for one to think that there b no reality in them, — 
 that they can be done without. So much of power, of influ- 
 ence, of government, have stood connected with the old 
 names, end insignia of thrones and courts, that many of us 
 cannot dispossess our minds of the idea that there is great 
 use, though we may not know how, in these external ac- 
 companiments of states. 
 Here, then, we were, four Methodist preachers, and one 
 merchant, snugly ensconced in a government office, a soi^ 
 of counting-house, with President Polk, one of the greatest 
 men, by position, in the world ! Who could foi^t some 
 of the documents which had issued from this centre of 
 power* this heart of American drplomacy ? Decrees had 
 been framed here vhich had thrilled through the body 
 politic in every part of the world, producing nughty 
 palpitations of heart, and convnlsive throes ! Who oonld 
 forget some of President Polk's own " messages," directed 
 from this very desk, and carried probably by the black boy 
 to their destinations ? The policy and messages of this 
 very President have produced strange emotions. They 
 once filled Great Britain, if not with consternation, yet, at 
 any rate, with indignation ; they put the Parliament of 
 England into a ferment, and called forth the impassioned 
 eloquence of men of all parties ; they made it expedient to 
 emjAoy the diplomatic skill of Lord Ashburton,* esteemed, 
 at the time, one of the most sagacious peers of the realm ; 
 they led to treaties but little relished, and much condemned 
 by some of the best sons of the British empire ; and they 
 resulted in the political exaltation, strength, and aggran- 
 dizement of America. Some of these messages, moreover, 
 moved the military forces of the republic, by land and, sea, 
 to the invasion of Mexico ; to the victories of Taylor and 
 Scott ; to the spoiling of a feeble people ; and led to the 
 annexation to the States of a territory, but li^e, if at all, 
 inferior to the whole of Europe. These are some of the 
 effects produced by the decrees sent forth from this place, 
 with the signature of this plain little man. Things are not 
 then to be estimated by the appearance. The room is com- 
 mon, but it is the centre of mighty forces; the President 
 appears destitute of the forms of majesty, but possesses 
 its reality ; the missiles lying about are not artillery, swords, 
 and helmets, but they move, they shake the world. 
 And what of President Polk himself? He is small 
 of stature, and the opposite of corpulent. There is some- 
 what of a cadaverous and American lock about him ; but 
 he is grave, thoughtful, meditative, and slow and mea- 
 sured in his speech. A thin face is surmounted by a 
 fine brow, and his features indicate great decision and 
 * (The Ashlmrton treaty was made under Tyler's administration, not Folk's.] 
 unconquerable firmness. President Polk's demeanour is 
 perfectly simple, his conversation natural and easy, his 
 dress plain, after the American fashion, and his whole 
 c<mtour irresbtibly reminds one of the venerable Puritans. 
 In the course of a lengthened conversation, besides the 
 matters relating to the Chartbts, the Irish, and other 
 general questions, two or three points of great consider- 
 ation were introduced. Some one having mentioned tlie 
 necessity of American intervention in the affairs of Yucatan, 
 in agreement with the President's message of the morn- 
 ing, it was added, " If we do not interfere, some one of the 
 European powers will ;" referring to England. The Pre- 
 sident promptly remarked, " But we will not let them ;" 
 and then added, " We do not meddle in European affairs, 
 and we will not allow them to intermeddle in American." 
 Here is a political axiom for Lord John Russell and his 
 successors in office to meditate upon, a difficulty to solve ! 
 James Monroe's principle of " America for the Americans," 
 has been fully adopted by President Polk. It was, indeed, 
 no mystery before ; it had been proclaimed in many of his 
 state-docur> nnts, and was here unequivocally asserted. 
 Well, but Canada, and the British provinces ! These ai*e in 
 America, they constitute a portion of its territory, they are 
 in the possession of an independent power ; and this pre- 
 supposes poUtical rights and duties on the part of Great 
 Britain. Does the fact that these possessions are colonies, 
 and not independent states, deprive the parent state of the 
 right to interfere in general questions ? This seems to be 
 the notion, the dogma, assumed. Time must solve this 
 point. It was also said by some one respectmg the Mexi- 
 can war, that the American armies might as well have 
 finished the work of conquest, and taken the entire coun- 
 try, as they would certainly possess it some day. To this 
 the President replied, " Ah, but the apple is not yet ripe !" 
 " Not yet ripe !" Who does not see the meaning of this V 
 When it is "ripe," it will fall. 
 The black boy came to announce his master's dinner ; 
 >re made our bows, shook hands, and parted. 
 Our indefatigable friend, Mr. Slicer, had not yet satisfied 
 his own kind intentions ; and took us at once to the Vice- 
 President's room. We gained an easy access. Here we 
 found one of the most handsome men it was ever my plea- 
 sure to see. Vice-President Dallas is somewhat beyond 
 middle life. He possesses a fine and engaging person ; a 
 countenance perfectly ruddy and blooming, an unusual 
 thing in an American ; dark eyes, bright as the morning 
 and evening stars ; his brow is good and spacious, with hair 
 white as snow. We remained here about half an hour, 
 talking on the usual European and American topics. This 
 gentleman had the kindness to present me with a copy of 
 Hickey's " Constitution of the United States," writing his 
 name in the title-page, together with a large bundle of 
 state-papers, prepared by order of Congress, on the subject 
 of Mexico and California. 
 From the rooms of the Vice-President we went to visit 
 the Patent-Office. The large upper room is two hundred 
 and seventy-five feet in length, and sixty-five feet wide, 
 which is appropriated to the collections of the National 
 Institution. Here was a most superb collection of plants, 
 minerals, and specimens of the American animal kingdom. 
 The enormous birds, serpents, and animals of South 
 America exhibited in this room, are most remarkable. 
 But the two things which attracted most of my attention 
 were, a collection of bugs, and General Washington's 
 camp-equipage. Being somewhat personally interested in 
 the first, "" the ground of old acquaintance' sake, they could 
 not be regarded but with some emotion. The prodigious 
 size of some of these creatures is frightful. They are more 
 like reptiles than anything, else. The idea of having these 
 mons' 'US vermin in bed, crawling about, and sucking 
 one'b '!ood, is perfectly horrifying. Their "local habi- 
 tation ' is in the hot and sunny south : had they found 
 a home in the north, I should have had ample expe- 
 rience of theh nocturnal visits ; — ^bad enough as it was, 
 but the warfare of the night must have been ten times 
 worse, if these southern gentry could have lived in the 
 regions I visited. 
 The camp-equipage of Washington is entire. His mili- 
 tary costume, his tea-kettle, his gridiron, and all the rest 
 of the utensils employed in the camp-life of the general, are 
 sacredly preserved. And here hang the very coat, vest, 
 small-clothes, boots, spurs, sword and belt, of the great 
 patriot! The identical clothes he wore when com- 
 manding the forces of his country, gaining the victories of 
 independence, -establishing the nationality of the colonies, 
 and paving the way for a new order of things in the world, 
 are kept as relics, with as much care as a saint's coat in a 
 Popish church. Who could look upon these things with- 
 out deep feeling ? The country is studded with his statues ; 
 but I confess I could not view these effigies of Washington 
 with the same feelings as possessed me when standing be- 
 fore the mute, but in some sort speaking, costume and 
 habiliments of war which he had actually worn. It seemed 
 as if his own spirit were present, though unseen. Is this 
 feeling superstition ? Does hero-worship originate in this 
 class of sensations ? The Americans next to adore, with 
 reason, the founder and father of his country. So pure, 
 so disinterested, so exalted a patriot never adorned the an- 
 nals of time. Moreover, he is beheved to have been a 
 true Christian. His whole career is said to have been mixed 
 with much prayer. He was known to have retired to the 
 woods, away from the bustle of the camp, on all emergen- 
 cies, to acknowledge and seek direction from God. His 
 great battles were always so prefaced ; and the more press- 
 ing the emergency and desperate the state of affairs, the 
 more he was observed to frequent the solitudes of nature 
 for purposes of devotion. Bishop Asbury says, on occa- 
 sion of his death, "At all times he acknowledged the pro- 
 vidence of Ood, and never was ashamed of bis Redeemer : 
 we believe be died not fearing deatb. In bis will be or- 
 dered tbe manumission of bis slaves — a true son o( liberty 
 in all points." How different a cbaracter is Wasbingtou 
 to sucb charlatans as Bonapai-te, and men of bis class I and 
 how equally different tbe issue of their work t Had be 
 lived in the times when greatness in men was thought to 
 be divine, and thejb in consequence, were deified ; bad 
 shrines erected to their honour, and became objects of 
 popular adoration — ^bad Washington Uved in these times, 
 he would have been tbe god of America. As it is, be is their 
 model-man. If they cultivate his spirit, adhere to bis maxims, 
 imitate bis moderation, and preserve and work out bis iv "^ 
 and judicious theories of government, they must prosper. 
 We turned our backs on the city bearing tbe name of 
 this wonderful man, and which was projected by bis ge- 
 nius, with deep feeling. We had collected ample material 
 for reflection. The things and the men there seen, were 
 not Ukely to be lost sight of: they could not, they never 
 can, be forgotten. Our good friend, the cbapldn, pressed 
 me very urgently to remain over tbe Sabbath, and take bis 
 place by preaching to tbe Congress. This I sboi^d gladly 
 have done, but bad engaged to officiate in Baltimore, We 
 arrived in that city late in the evening, well repaid for our 
 day's excursion. 
 The Sabbath came ; as bright and glorious a day as ever 
 dawned on earth. It was the first I had fully spent in 
 America, and brought with it the rest and spiritual exer- 
 cises I bad long sighed to enjoy. I preached twice, to 
 large and apparently very serious and devout cffligrega- 
 tions. Here I felt quite at home, among our own people, 
 just the same as in England. This was very different to 
 the promiscuous and mixed groups I bad to address on 
 board ship. Tbe worship was solemn, spuitual, And holy ; 
 God was, as we trust, present, and the people " ibouted 
 aloud for joy." 
 In tlio course of the day we visited two or three Roman 
 Catholic places of worship, and among the rest the Cathe- 
 dral, a splendid building, full of fine paintings. Here I 
 saw, for the first and only time of my life, the railroad 
 principle applied to the purposes of worithip. There was 
 provided a ti'om-road to wheel round the pulpit, from some 
 convenient nook, which was its common resting-place, to 
 the centre of the building, where th6 officiating minister 
 might stand and obtain a commanding position for address- 
 ing the people. Nothing comes amiss to Papists ; they 
 have the adroitness to press everything into the service of 
 the church. It can be no matter of surprise, if, at some 
 time, they employ steam-power to work their machinery, 
 to ring their bells, to shift and move the scenery of their 
 dramatic exhibitions ; and to work the innumerable springs, 
 pulleys, and wires of their scenic worship. And, for aught 
 we can see, the mummeries of the system might as well be 
 worked by steam as by living men ; as no soul is required, 
 the element of liquid smoke might serve perfectly, and save 
 Whether from the power of association, or the reality 
 of things, I know not, but I liked Baltimore as much, or 
 more, than any city I saw in America. It is, indeed, a 
 beautiful place. The houses are fine, spacious, and ele- 
 gant. There is, moreover, an tax of aristocracy, which is 
 seldom to be met with. It is clear enough that aristocrats 
 reside in this place ; and although the Americans decry 
 this class of men constantly, yet there is certainly some- 
 thing about a people, and institutions, of the aristocratic 
 cast, which gives the impression of superior dignity. We 
 were now, indeed, in one of the slave-holding States ; and 
 from the specimen given in this and other places visited, 
 it is pretty apparent, that the system of slavery tends to 
 produce this spirit. Indeed, the slave-holder, in despite of 
 the prejudices against the name, exhibits all the charac- 
 teristics of a perfect feudal aristocracy. As X wderstood. 
 his house is, generally, in the case of the wealthy classes, 
 a complete palace ; princely in its dimensions, its furniture, 
 its ornaments, and its luxuries. How can it be otherwise, 
 with a man who is the lord of a great number, not of 
 vassals, but of slaves ? These poor creatures are the abso- 
 lute property of the master, obedient to his behests, the 
 panderers to his passions and appetitc«, and in all things 
 the ser%'ants of his caprices. The young gentlemen and 
 ladies, brought up in the midst of slavery, learn, as early 
 ns they arc capable of authority, imperiously to command 
 the service of the menials of their father. They sttr not 
 without their attendance ; they are waited upon in the 
 most trivial matters ; they are fanned when the weather is 
 hot, and guarded in the most assiduous manner from the 
 approach of the buzzing insect ; while all their wants are, 
 if possible, more than anticipated by the black slaves. 
 What is all this, if not feudal aristocracy, in its most re- 
 volting features ? The lords of the European nations, when 
 the institution existed in its most perfect glory, were never 
 in so transcendental a state of power as these gentlemen. 
 Their vassals, though low enough in the scale of humanity, 
 were not so degraded as these Africans. The right of the 
 f^eigneurs of Europe to exact the services of their serfs, 
 never amounted to the absolute dominion of the slave- 
 holder. Probably the rule of the Boman Catholic Church, 
 which at firat, and for many subsequent years, was para- 
 mount in this place, had something to do with this aristo- 
 cratic character. The first colonists, as is well known, 
 were of the Boihan Catholic pei'suasion ; and hence the 
 cathedral, and other splendid churches, are now among 
 the chief ornaments of the city. Sir John Calvert, after- 
 wards Lord Bloltimore, from whom the city takes its name, 
 was in early life a Protestant ; but afterwards, embracing 
 the Romish faith, became the means of establishing that 
 system of religion extensively in the colony. The present 
 prelate in an American, the ^nt ever appointed to the see ; 
 it having long been the policy of the Popes to select foreign- 
 en, generally Irishmen. 
 Baltimore is sometimes called " the Monumental City," 
 by reason of the number of statues it contains. " The 
 Washington Monument, at the intersection of Charles and 
 Monument streets, is a noble specimen of architecture, 
 both in design and execution. Built on an eminence one 
 hundred feet above tide-water, it rises majestically above 
 the city, at once forming its noble embellishment, and a 
 conspicuous landmark to travellers and voyagers. The 
 monument consists of a Doric column, rising from a base 
 of fifty feet square, and twenty high. Its height is one 
 hundred and eighty feet, including the statue of Washing- 
 ton, which is sixteen feet. The base is ascended by a 
 flight of twenty-eight steps ; the ascent to the summit is 
 by a winding staircase, or flight of two hundred steps. 
 Tlie cost of the monument, including the statue, was 
 200,000 dollars." This is, indeed, a noble pillar. The 
 above description, though, no doubt, accurate in detail, 
 gives but an inadequate notion of the majestic appearance 
 of this splendid work of art. 
 Heroes are not likely to be forgotten in America, any 
 more than elsewhere. We have another called Battle 
 Monument, erected to the memory of those who fell de- 
 fending the city in September, 1814, at the comer of Cal- 
 vert and Fayette streets. " The square sub-base on which 
 the pedestal, or column, rests, rises twenty feet from the 
 ground, with an Egyptian door on each front, cm which 
 ar3 appropriate inscriptions, in basso relievo, of some of the 
 incidents of the battle. The column rises eighteen feet 
 nbove Ibe base. This, which is of marble, in the form of 
 Boman fasces, is enriched by bands, in which are inscribed, 
 in letters of gold, the names of those whose memory and 
 patriotic valour the monument is designed to commemo- 
 rate. The column is surmounted by a female flgiure, in 
 marble, emblematic of the city of Baltimore. T^wlole 
 height is ifty-two feet." Such ore some of the architec- 
 tural ornaments of this city. But none of them equal the 
 Popish cathedral. This, m point of fact, is the true monu- 
 ment of the place ; and as far as such things are concerned, 
 its distinction and glory. It reminds one of home, of 
 Europe, more than anything I saw in the United States ; 
 and tends to give this city a peculiarly European appear- 
 ance. Such are the types of time. America is pre-emi- 
 nently, in its whole appearance, the emblem, the type, of 
 modem ideas ; but there is just one memorial of the past, 
 of a defunct age. In the midst of the simple forms of re- 
 publicanism, the activity of commercial Ufe, the humble 
 and unostentatious churches of Protestantism, the cathe- 
 dral cf Baltimore seems to stand as the catacomb, the 
 mausoleum of departed ages ; and as a mighty fragment, 
 a rock, separated by some great convulsion from surround- 
 ing things. Nothing appears in unison ; it stands in soli- 
 tude, in the midst of a vast population, having no sympa- 
 thy to bestow, and receiving none from the young genera- 
 tion around. 
 On Monday morning, May 1st, we took an affectionate 
 adieu of our dear friend Sargent, and the Baltimore people, 
 and set out by the railroad fortOpnberland. Our party 
 had now increased. Beside^||^. Porter; we here met 
 with Dr. Pierce, the representi^i^ from the South Metho- 
 dist Church to the Pittsburgh Conference, Dr. Bond, the 
 editor of the Christian Advocate in New- York, and a gen- 
 tleman and his son, planters and slave-holders, from thef 
 Mississippi State, Methodists, and very agreeable persons.' 
 The assembling of these parties in the same vehicle wa^ 
 rather ominous ; nobody coidd tell to what it might lead, 
 — ^whether the peace would be kept, or the tedium of our 
 journey be relieved by a polemic war. The two doctors 
 were amongst the heads and chiefs of the great controversy, 
 which had been^ going on for the past four years, and 
 wUoli'lURl ended in dividing the church; thd one by his 
 pen, and the other by hii vivA voet eloquence. Mhej had 
 been old friends ; and it waa pleating to »ee, that the un- 
 dymg instincts of Christian love soon gained the ascendant. 
 The knotty questions in dispute were forgotten, or only 
 referred to in general terms ; and the North and South, at 
 any rate, in this journey, met without collision. 
 Our route lay along a very interesting country, partly in 
 the State of Maryland, and portly in Virginia. We beheld 
 a great number of slaves at work in the fields ; the first I 
 had seen at their degrading labours. They exhibited no 
 life, no activity, in their occupation ; but seemed to drag 
 themselves along, as if existence were a weariness ; they 
 plied their implements of industry, careless as to the 
 amount of work done, or studious to do as little as possible. 
 My companion, Mr. Porter, a stanch anti'Slavery man, 
 descanted on the deleterious effecti of slavery on the soil 
 itself; endeavouring to prove that Maryland and Virginia 
 were worn out by this kind of cultivation. Whether it is 
 so or not, I cannot pretend to determine ; but the whole 
 country where these slaves were at work, has an extremely 
 barren appearance. Such is the decree of God, that this 
 enormous evil may wear itself out, and the planters be 
 obliged to turn to the cultivation of such productions as 
 may make it profitable to employ free labour. God ap- 
 pears to curse with sterility the land cultivated by slaves. 
 The planters, I was informed, were getting very poor ; and 
 it was, apparently, becoming their interest to turn their at- 
 tention to something else in the place of tobacco and the 
 other productions on which slave-labour is chiefly em- 
 ployed. We passed on, and soon loit tight of the hag- 
 gard, dispuited, broken-hearted, oppressed slave. Those 
 fields had witnessed the labcun', the tears, the blood, of 
 their race, for generations ; and, for aught which appears,^ 
 must continue to witness the ta' )e miieries in then: chil- 
 dren, unless Heaven shall, in mercy, increase the intensity 
 of his nudediction, and render the country o^jilitely 
 ley had 
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 sterile. Blit would this be any relief ? No ; these poor 
 wretches would be sold, and sent farther south ; and if 
 even the same fate should follow them into the Oarolinas 
 and Georgia, still there are Texas, Mexico, and California, 
 to be peopled and cultivated by this unfortunate race. 
 The evil seems to be indefinite, eternal. Provision has been 
 made, designedly or otherwise, by the conquests of the 
 States, for the progress of this scourge, for all time to 
 Harper's Ferry, a curious phenomenon of nature, lay in 
 our line, and as it was our dining-place, and the Americans 
 not being so exact, as to time, as the railroad authorities 
 in this country, I obtained an interval, which, though brief, 
 enabled me to take a look at the scenery, in itself pre-em- 
 inently grand. " Harper's Ferry is situated in Jefferson 
 county, Virginia, at the confluence of the Shenandoah and 
 Potomac rivers, at the passage of these streams through 
 the Blue Bidge, upwards of one thousand two hundred 
 feet in height. At this point, the two streams, in search 
 of an outlet to the sea, and each, as it were, conscious of 
 the insufficiency of its separate exertions to overcome the 
 barrier that opposes its progress, united their waters, and, 
 rushing in one impetuous current against the mountain, 
 rent it asunder. Such, it is thought, was the origin of a 
 scene which Mr. Jefiferson has characterized as ' one of 
 the most stupendous in nature.' 
 " The scenery is of the vrildest and most majestic cha- 
 racter. Jefferson's Bock, named after Mr. Jefferson, and 
 the spot where he wrote a description of the place, in his 
 ' Notes on Virginia,' is a place of huge detached rocks, 
 leaning over the steep cliffs of the Shenandoah, and look- 
 ing into the mountain-gorge of the Potomac. Its top, al- 
 most level, is twelve feet square ; its base, not exceeding 
 five feet in width, rests upon the top of a large mass of 
 rock jutting out from the hill. It is a wild ' eagles* nest,' 
 which) as Jefferson truly declares, is worth a trip across the 
 ocean to behold. It is not, however, equal to thf enchant* 
 ing scene presented to the view from the opposite mountain, 
 about a mile and a half up, on the Maryland side. From 
 this the beholder surveys with admiration a large extent of 
 country, fields, woodlands, and plantations; whilst the 
 beautiful Shenandoah, as it breaks upon the magic picture, 
 appears like a series of beautiful lakes." 
 Such is Harper's Ferry. It is very tantalizing to be 
 within sight of a great object of curiosity, and not be able 
 to reach it. This was our case. We were at the foot of 
 this " rock," it stood towering above us ; and yet our time 
 would not allow us to ascend. But so far as the slight 
 glimpses which we could obtain, by nmning here and 
 there to catch a bird's-eye view, the above appeared a 
 tolerably correct description. And yet, after all, descrip- 
 tive writing must always depend upon the vision, the brain, 
 the nervous system, and the grouping powers of the obser- 
 ver. Had we obtained our desired point of observation, 
 no doubt, the prospect would Lave varied itself, in some 
 degree, from the account given by other minds. 
 In this journey our line lay, for many miles, along the 
 meanderings of the beautiful Potomac. Nature, as if in 
 bounty to man, had just left room enough for a road be- 
 tween the banks of the river and very lofty and precipitous 
 rocks. This made the route perfectly romantic, and the 
 scenery beautifully picturesque and agreeable. The Ame- 
 ricans have been charged with travelling slowly by their 
 trains. The mystery, however, was, that they could get on 
 at all in the midst of the elbows, curves, and bends of this 
 serpentine course ; and yet, with the difficulties of this zig- 
 zag kind of movement, we reached Ctimberland from Bid^ 
 timore, a distance of one Imndred and seventy-eight mil^s, 
 in about nine hours. 
 Cumberland lies at the foot of the Alleghany moun^^ 
 tainB; which we had now to cross in "stages" in dien%hti 
 I'liad' d^teimined to remain h^re till' mornings being d^ 
 Birous of gaining as complete a view as possible of these 
 loftj regions. But I was informed that the proprietors of 
 the "stages" never ensured a passage, unless they could 
 obtain the full complement of nine, this being the number 
 which one of the coaches would accommodate ; and, like- 
 wise, that it was perfectly uncertain as to whether there 
 would be any such number to cross the following day. 
 Hence, no choice was left. I was unwilling to run the 
 hazard of losing a day, and therefore preferred to mount 
 the " stage," and cross the mighty barrier betwixt the east 
 and the west. 
 " The Alleghany Mountains, otherwise called the Appa' 
 lacheSf from a tribe of Indians, who lived on the banks of 
 the Appalachicola, (or Alleghany,) a river which proceeds 
 from these mountains, are a part of that extensive range 
 which is situated between the Atlantic, the Mississippi, and 
 the lakes of North America ; and which runs in a direction 
 from south-west to north-east, passing through the country 
 of the United States, and giving origin to many rivers, that 
 flow either into the Gulf of Mexico, or into the Western 
 Ocean. As the Alleghany mountains form a principal part 
 of the chain just alluded to, they often give their name to 
 the whole group, l^is range commences in Qeorgla, 
 stretches northward and eastward through the territory 
 of Virginia, passes on in the same direction through Penn- 
 sylvania and the northern countries, and terminates in the 
 division of New-Brunswick. Its whole extent, according 
 to Pinkerton, is not less than nine hundred geogi'aphicid 
 miles. As it apjH^oaches its termination, the mass rises in 
 height ; the chief summits are in New-Hampshire, and are 
 reported to be nearly eight thousand feet above the level 
 of the ocean. Besides the main ridge, there dre several 
 others which are collateral to it, as the Iron or Bald Moun- 
 tains, tbe White-Oak Mountains, and the Blue Mountains, 
 — ^the Cumberland Mountains forming the exterior skirt 
 toward the north-west. The breadth of the whole is often 
 equal to seventy miles." This was about the breadth of the 
 mountain where we passed. ' 
 Our cayalcade consisted of six or eight stages, all well 
 horsed and manned. On leaving Cumberland we instant- 
 ly plunged into the midst of rocks and precipices, the 
 road meandering its course among gullies and cataraets, 
 and then again by the side of the rising mountun. The 
 scene was immixed forest ; for though the mountfdn, of 
 course, consists of rock, yet, as is the case everywhere else, 
 it was covered from the bottom to its most elevated sum- 
 mit With noble trees. Having two or three hours before 
 nigiit «ilosed the prospect from our view, I had conse- 
 quently that space to look upon the scene as we. passed 
 along. The impression was a very melancholy one, in exact 
 agreement with the sombre aspect of all things around : — 
 the stillness, the indefinite and mystic character of the 
 forest, as if forming a sort of infinite labyriiitji; the stu- 
 pendous rocks and precipices ; the moaning of the waters, 
 as they rolled down the gullies, or dashed among the 
 stones ; the wilderness itself, which seemed vocal with no 
 note of bird or voice of man ; and then the gradual >ap- 
 ]pr<mch of night, till the curtain <j[i'opped. This general 
 g^oom, I confess, produced in me the most melancholy 
 sensatioBB. This state of mind, however, is not unfavour- 
 able to reflection. The forest taught its moral ! The trees 
 appeared not in uniform life, verdure, and beauty. Great 
 numbers lay prostrate on the ground in total, decay, even 
 their form nearly gone ; and mother earth seemed about 
 again to receive to her embrace those jietble forms of life 
 whicih had been nursed at her bosom, and had been the 
 ornaments of the forest in other years and centuries. Others 
 had more recently fallen, and retained their perfect shape, 
 though beginning to decompose and lose something of their 
 texture as wood, and change into that of earth. *Again, 
 others, and that in greater numbers, had been riven, by 
 time or the storm, from their grasp of the soil, and leaned 
 upon their neighbours, younger and stronger than them- 
 selves, for supportl^'The space, however, -wras filled up ; 
 no room was lost ; the generation now in their prime stood 
 towering over the prostrate and decaying ; and innumerable 
 young ones, of every age and size, filled every atom of soil 
 left betwixt the living and the dead. Who could help 
 thinking of human nature ? of the generations of the past, 
 of the active spirits now occupying their place, soon to 
 follow them ; of the young plants of humanity/so blooming, 
 so beautiful, so sanguine, so full of hope and joy ; waiting 
 for their turn, and impatient for the removal of the genera- 
 tion standing in the way of their enterprise and ambition ? 
 That forest was to me a lesson. It served to furnish matter 
 for reflection in the darkness ; and as the sun retired, and 
 hung around us the sable curtain of night, the moral seemed 
 Our long train of " stages," with their brilliant lamps, 
 reflected by the foliage, presented a singular appearance, 
 and not devoid of interest and beauty. Xt became very 
 cold as we ascended the mountain, and we were glad to 
 halt for supper. This was served, considering the character 
 of the place, in very good style ; and, no doubt, we did it 
 justice. After a good warming, we again renewed our 
 journey. The road is designated "national," being pre- 
 pared at the public expense ; but unpleasantly rough. The 
 shaking and jolting, the up-and-down kind of exerc'se wc 
 had to endure, made sleep in my case quite out of the 
 question. Hearing a remarkable noise as we proceeded, 
 I inquired of my companions what it meant; and* was 
 informed that it arose from the merry-making of frogs. 
 The sound was not a croak, but a chirp, very much like that 
 of crickets by our fire-sides, only much louder. For many 
 miles the mountain was perfectly vocal with the music of 
 these happy creatures. How good is God ! All things 
 serve him in their season. This concert of frogs broke 
 the tedium of the journey and the gloom of ni^ht ; and it 
 became my biimness to listen to this singular melody for 
 several hours. # 
 All my c<»apanions, being accustomed to this Idnd of 
 travelling, slept soundly ; but I ** watched for the morn- 
 ing" with great desire. At length it came. We had 
 reached the summit of the moimtain, and were no| 
 nlng to descend. The sun rose; and it was 
 foitune to behold such a sunrise. As he ascej^dpiS the 
 skies, they appeared tinged by the most beautiful and va- 
 riegated colours imaginable. They were clothed ii^the 
 most gorgeous dress ; the deep blue being relit ved' imd 
 diversified by banks of clouds, their edges being tinged with 
 all the colomrs of the rainbow. But on looking out on my 
 left hand, I saw something which I took to be a prodigious 
 lake ; and, being surprised at so singular a phenomenon 
 i^pearing on the top of a moimtain, roused cue of my fellow- 
 trsj^Uers, and asked, "What lake is that on the left?" 
 He rubbed his eyes, and grumbled out, " I reckon there is 
 no kdke HlM."^ He closed them again, and I could obtain 
 no infoil|ttA(3<^^ I continued to gaze ; and felt certain that 
 the object seen was the waters of a lake or sea, stretching 
 to an indefinite extent, and losing itself in the distance, 
 ^'fter ruminating in this imcertainty for some considerable 
 ^inie/ ¥b occurred to me that possibly it might be the 
 aurAoi:^^^ often referred to by eastern travellers. So it 
 turaedHSttl^ We were at a great distance from either lake 
 or sea ; but the sun had given the rising mist this peculiar 
 appearance. No wonder that the pilgrims of t|te desert, 
 in igiogination, quenched their burning thirst, and plunged 
 their weary limbs, in one of these illusive seas. Attracted 
 by the promise of water, they rushed towards a blessing 
 which retired as they approached, and left them still a 
 prey to thirst and misery. Had it been my lot to command 
 a steamer, or vessel of any kind, I should not have doubted 
 for a moment that the sea I fancied I saw, would furnish 
 depth and space enough for her navigation. Such wre the 
 illusions of life ! A fow moments suffioed to dissipate these 
 vapoury deceptions; it may, perchance, take a longer pe- 
 riod to disenchant the soul of the haze around her being, 
 arising from the unreal objects of desire and hope ; but the 
 time is certain to come when the mirage will be dissipated, 
 and the mountain scenery of life, rough and rugged, will 
 appear in its true character. 
 But a more gorgeous deception awaited us. Turning 
 my eyes to the other side of the mountain, I beheld another 
 most magnificent spectacle. This arose from the agency 
 of the same causes ; the mist lying on the side of the moun- 
 tain, and the beams of the rising sun shining upon it. But 
 in this instance his rays were not absorbed, but reflected, 
 and the appearance was not that of wafer, but of fire. How 
 shall a description of this wonderful scene be attempted ? 
 We have no analogies. It was unlike anything ever beheld 
 by me. Nothing either in the heavens or on the earth wiSk 
 furnish any tei.'ns of comparison or modes of illuBtraijlon. 
 The point of observation in surveying the ba^utic^ijilf, the 
 heavens is from below. We see all their gl6r.es ovet our 
 heads. But in this case we were elevated above the phe- 
 nomenon ; we did not look up, but down ; the magnified 
 spectacle lay at our foet, — ^like the mirage on the other side 
 the mountain, — stretching to an indefinite distance, ilgftiu, 
 this spectacle had not the appearance of ntounta^ of 
 clouds, heaped one upon another, variegated by tints and 
 hues of many colours, their edges dipped in gold, and re- 
 flecting every possible form of beauty; it was uniform, 
 presenting the same aspect and colour ; the intensity of its 
 brightness seemed not to admit of variation, th^>Hie ele- 
 ment swallowed up all inferior forms, and absorbed them 
 in its own indivisible purity and lustre. The arch of heaven, 
 the raiotbow, the rising and setting sun, the brilliant noon- 
 day,— none of these can give a notion of this splendid 
 illusion. Its position was longitudinal ; its surface, its bo- 
 »>m, like that of the ocean, seen from a lofty elevation, 

 presented itself to view as at a great distance uiow ; — 
 reflecting the sun's beams back again to their fountam, and 
 giving their dazzling brightness as if in emulation of the 
 parent orb. To what shall we compare it ? It looked like 
 a sea of glory ! I gazed and gazed on this lovely object, 
 till dragged by the rumbUng motion of our vehicle be- 
 yond the sight of the deceptive vision. We were soon 
 lowered to the common level ; and, leaving these regions 
 of splendour and magic ^andeur, virere called to move 
 along the common road, in the midst of clouds and sha- 
 Notwithstanding all that we had seen on the mountain, 
 we were thankful enough to get to Uniontown, warm our 
 almost frozen limbs, and regale ourselves with breakfast. 
 Those necessary duties being soon despatched, we hastened 
 to Brownville, where a steamer awaited our arrival to con- 
 duct us to Pittsburgh. 
 The Monongahela, on which we embarked, descends 
 from the mountain in this direction, and forms a fine navi- 
 gation, meandering its course through a picturesque country 
 to its destination. We now found ourselves in the great 
 Valley of the Mississippi ; which, commencing at this point, 
 stretches to the Rocky Mountains. These two ranges of 
 mountains, in the geography of the continent, are held to 
 be the barriers on the east and west of this prodigious 
 tract of country. The immense space lying between us at 
 the moment of our embarkation at Brownville, at the foot 
 of th^ AUeghanies, to the great barriers raise(| by the 
 Rocky Mountains, and separating the Western States from 
 Oregon, is considered a part of this valley. The Mississippi 
 itself may be taken as the centre line of this ^reat tract of 
 country, stretching from north to south, prepared by na- 
 ture herself as a drain for the waters descending ^iii^pi the 
 east and west. We were now on one of these B#eams ; 
 flowing, in the main, from the east, in a westerly course, 
 to join the rivers descending in the opposite direction ; axui, 
 as it were, to meet in fraternal union in the aitng of i\w 
 " father of waters." 
 Everything now appeai'ed different. The cUmate hc' 
 came genial and balmy, and the soil much richer ; regetu- 
 tion appeared luxuriant ; the trees were giving out their 
 foliage, and the shrubs and plants their colours and fftt^ 
 grance more richly ; the skies were clear and lofty, tho sun 
 warm and cY ring, while every breeze seemed to b©ftr lifo 
 and vivacity on its wings. Th^ river was enchanting. From 
 the edge of the waters the banks gradually sloped up so M 
 to form a hilly embankment on each side, covered with 
 various trees, now enriched with variegated hues. Th(^ 
 channel of the river appeared to have been scooped out ol' 
 the solid earth by some giant, power, its level being below 
 the adjoining country, so as completely to embosom itn 
 waters in overhanging woods. This beautiful, umbrageoui^, 
 woody, sylvan scene was, it is true, broken in upon, now 
 and then, by human habitations, little villages, and places 
 of incipient commerce ; I>at, generally speaking, wo passed 
 through silent and unbroken solitudes. TaMng a ehair, 
 and placing it under the awning of the steamer, I gazed 
 in a sort of intoxication, wonder, and ecstasy, in perfect 
 silence, or, at any rate, unwilling to be disturbed for any 
 purpose. I can never forget the effe,;t this scenery had 
 upon my feelings, in this first sight of its peculiar loveli- 
 ness. I looked till my eyes grew dun with the dazzlinjc 
 iuxiu'iance of the ever-varying prospect, and my iJbraiii 
 fairly ached with the attempt to form some notion of itn 
 unique grandeur. 
 On our descent the banks of the river became more pre- 
 cipitous and rocky; and, for several miles above Pitts- 
 burgh, the causes of its manufacturing greatness and wealth 
 began to appear. For many miles beds of coal projected 
 their crust and edge upon the banks of the river; and, 
 here and there, the collier had employed his mattock and 
 spade in digging out of the side of the hill this valiuibiu 
 article of manufacture. The trouble and cost of the ope- 
 ration consisted in getting it out of the rock, and transport- 
 ing it to its destination. A slide of plnnks, fixed at the 
 mouth of the level, was placed, from whence the coals 
 were rolled down into a boat below prepared to receive 
 them. This was all the expense and labour attendant 
 upon procuring this valuable article. The same is the case 
 with iron ore. This is as abundant as coal, and is pro- 
 cured and removed in the /tame manner. How diflerent 
 is the oper>tJ!on in om* country ! It occurred to me, that 
 one of . \r friends had a pit in this locali^.y, (Birmingham,) 
 on rhicc he '««T,d just expended twelve or fifteen hundred 
 ;>oi'nds, .'x> ascertain whether there was a bed of coal on liis 
 vvoptrtj 'rbe Americans are saved this uncertainty and 
 ixpeii.Ae RU.ogr;!ier. They know before they use a tool, 
 that tiiiik exertions will not be in vam ; for they see the 
 coal and iron challenging their labour, and inviting them to 
 enterprise. The advantage of the rivalry of the two coun- 
 tries, in this respect, is greatly on the side of the Americans. 
 Pittsburgh— Lodge at the St. Charles— Tho Conforonce— Tho BUhops— The 
 Preachers— Bishop Soule— The Southein Mlni»t<)rfi-~-^Publlc Set vices— The 
 Company at the St. Charles— Tho Town— Manufactures— The African 
 Church—Preach to tho Blacks— Curioi > Scono—Loavo Pittsburgh— Take 
 loaY^ of Bishop Soule -His Character— The Ohio— Whoeiing— Bishop Camp- 
 Wb made Pittsburgh about five o'clock. On calling with 
 the other ministers at the Book Oonctm, I found I -was 
 appointed to take up my board at the St. Charles Hotel. 
 This excellent house was kept by Mr. Miller, who, with his 
 wife, was very friendly. We met with several preachers 
 domiciled with us ; all very agreeable and excellent men. 
 I was at once installed as the entire master of a commo- 
 dious sleeping-room ; and our party had the privilege of 
 , - -ISiJinwi, 
 !>. m 
 meeting together in the evenings in the family parlour. 
 This arrangement proved to be very agreeable to all par- 
 ties, as it afforded the means of private intercourse apart 
 from the general company. We took our meals at the 
 public table. A large and spacious room was occupied for 
 breakfast, dinner, and tea ; if any one chose supper, he or- 
 dered it specifically, and' took it in his own apartment, 
 lliis was our daily routine as to the common-place matter 
 of seating an4 drinking. Our fare was excellent, made up 
 of many sorts of the more substantial dishes and dessert 
 every day, and all prepared in the best possible manner. 
 We often iojmd an aggregate of not less than two hundred, 
 scarcely ever few«r than one hundred and fifty. These par- 
 ties consisted of travellers, men of business, inhabitants of 
 the town, and, for the time being, of Methodist preachers. 
 I soon found my position very pleasant; and the thing 
 I most coveted was now put into my hands — an opportu- 
 nity of observing American character and manners on h 
 large and diversified scale. 
 Being now fixed in my comfortable domicile, the next 
 thing was to open my commission. It began with a diplo- 
 matic blunder. My friend Stevens, from Boston, an inmate 
 at our house, told me he would arrange with one of the 
 senior brethren to introduce me to the Conference , and, in 
 due time, call for me. Accordingly, in a while he made 
 his appearance, and informed me he had spoken to one of 
 the elder ministers, who had agreed to perform the duty 
 of introducing me. We went together to the church where 
 the assembly was sitting, and I made my way into the midst 
 of the preachers. Happening to take a seat near my old 
 friend, Dr. Durbin, i accosted him, and at first he did not 
 know me ; but, soon recovering from this ateence of mind, 
 he said, I had done wrong in coming in, that they were 
 about to send a deputation to introduce me in form, and 
 that I should have waited. I offered to retire; but he 
 proposed to speak to the . shops ; and, on his doing so. 
 they desired me to remain. In a short time they called 
 me up ; and when I had delivered my credentials, Bbhop 
 Hedding introduced me to the Conference, making sucli 
 observations as occurred to him. In the fev/- remarks I 
 made, the official short-hand writer entirely misreported me 
 in one particular. He represented me as saying that vre, 
 the English Methodists, were " all on one side ;" while the 
 fact is, I said, " We were all on the side of liberty, of 
 emancipation." By this interpretation of my remarks, 1 
 was made to assume the position of a partisan in the great 
 dispute between the North and the South ; whereas no- 
 thing could by possibility be farther from n^ thoughts or 
 meaning. Were it not that I considered myself, not as a 
 private person, but as the representative of the British 
 Conference, and that they have an interest in the spirit 
 and manner in which the person representing them was 
 received, propriety would dictate that I should be silent 
 on many things which occurred at this first meeting, and on 
 many subsequent occasions. But seeing that the Method- 
 ist body in England in some sort stood in my person, in 
 tlie presence of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Ame- 
 rica, in fraternal relations, undoubtedly those who sent mc 
 have a right to know how their greetings were received. 
 They may, then, be assured that they were hailed in the 
 most cordial, affectionate, and Christian spirit and manner. 
 When the British Conference (for so the matter is. to be 
 understood) was introduced to the American body, as a 
 mark of respect and good-will, every minister present 
 spontaneously, not by order of the chair, stood up, and 
 paid the parent body the most profound and hearty respect. 
 This was done in a manner not to be mistaken. Nothing 
 trifling, formal, diplomatic, marked the movement. It was 
 not the expression of mere courtesy to a stranger ; it was 
 the manly burst of affectionate regard for a body to whom, 
 I am perfectly sure, they feel the most devout attachment. 
 After these introductory greetings were finished, one of the 
 brethren offered a resolution, to the effect, that the British 
 representative should be incorporated among themselves as 
 a member of Conference, and should be invited to take part 
 in their proceedings and debates, as he might find it con- 
 venient, and be so disposed. This resolution was unani- 
 mously carried. 
 ■'■' Not content with a publte recognition, the five bishops 
 came that evening to my lodgings to pay their respects ; 
 not to me, let it always be kept in mind, but to the Method- 
 ist Church in this country. This they did in the most 
 handsome and hearty manner. The conversation turned, 
 ns might be expected, on the affairs of Methodism in both 
 countries. I found the Bishops, on this and all subsequent 
 occasions, deeply interested in our affairs. Looking up to 
 us as the elder branch of the great Methodistic family, 
 from whence they received their own birth and blessings, 
 they evidently entertain a most ardent attachment to us ; 
 and, whether well or ill deserved, certainly a high opinion 
 of our religious state. Whatever may be the fact respect- 
 ing the sentiments and feelings of the political body to- 
 wards the mother comitry, — ^and on this question my 
 opinions differ from those who consider the great body of 
 the American people as hostile to Great Britain, — most as- 
 suredly, there is nothing of ill-will in the Methodist Bishops, 
 ministers, and people, towards theh' brethren in England. 
 All our old and distinguishing characteristics, such as the 
 itinerancy, class-meetings, and other advantages ; the state 
 of piety and experimental religion, the progress we were 
 making, as well as our doctrinal fidelity ; were all matters 
 of inquiry on the part of the Bishops. After an interesting 
 and lengthy conversation on these and kindred subjects, 
 we parted; certainly with a deep impression left on my 
 mind, that the American Church w^s greatly favoured in 
 its chief officers. ■'* 
 Having given a narrative of conference proceedings else- 
 where, the account need not be entered upon here. The 
 few remarks which remnin to be mode, must refer to men 
 and things. I happened to bo placed in a most favourable 
 position to see and hold intorcourio with everybody. All 
 had free access to my room, and it was hardly over empty. 
 The whole body of preachers, at ono time or another, 
 called upon me ; and I had much very pleasant and profita- 
 ble intercourse with them, i found them, in private, a 
 most pious; intelligent, and woll*informed race of men. 
 Their knowledge of their own system, economy, and con- 
 stitution, I perceived, was exact and enlightened ; their 
 experience of the working of the system of Methodism 
 complete ; for many of them had been in the service of the 
 church many years, and Iiad scon much of their country, 
 together with its habits and manners. They were well- 
 informed on all American aflfuit's, and took a lively interest 
 in their country's weal ; and, moreover, some of them were 
 extremely respectable in literature and general knowledge. 
 No man amongst them wns a neuter ; he had opinions on 
 nil points, and held them with tenacity ; but was perfectly 
 free to hear tIboBe of otlier people, and removed as far as 
 possible from a dogmatical spirit. Eeasoning is their forie : 
 they are fond of argument. I found them loyal to their 
 coimtry and to Methodism. They seem to entertain no 
 scniples or doubts as to their government being the best 
 in the world. This being the feeling of sober and religious 
 men, must be considered as worth notice, much more than 
 that of political zealots of any gradf. I found most of the 
 Methodist ministers what is called in America "Whigs," 
 wliich means in our country " Conservatives." They had 
 an utter dislike to the war'Spirit growing up in America, 
 disapproved very much of the Mexican war, and denounced 
 the policy of Resident Polk's administration. There were, 
 of course, exceptioi|| ; but this seemed to be the general 
 opinion amongst them. The northern men were all de- 
 cided and zealous abolitionists. They abhor slavery as 
 much as it is possible to be abhorred in this country ; and 
 )r to men 
 dy. All 
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 )rivate, a 
 of men. 
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 ^; and 
 many of them are sanguine as to the possibility of making 
 this a state question, and in a short time electing an anti- 
 slavery president. 
 Their Methodism is a belief, a truth, a principle. They 
 as much believe in the soundness of Methodistic doctrines, 
 the excellency of their ecclesiastical polity, and the rehgion 
 of their system, as in the truth of the word of God itself. 
 Republicans though they may be, they are not revolution- 
 ists. And the same is the case regarding their religious 
 convictions. In a free and easy intercourse with these 
 men for a fortnight, I did not hear one word which sa- 
 voured of disaffection to their ecclesiastical institutions. 
 This was the case respecting their Bishops ; not a murmur 
 was heard. They were perfectly loyal to the church. 
 This, as will be seen, must give the church great power 
 and force. Every man is prepared to take his place, and 
 do his best. None of his strength is frittered away in 
 wrangling disputes, in projects of reform, in tinkeiing and 
 mending the system. On the other hand, he occupies his 
 sphere of labour with the undoubted persuasion that he is 
 serving the cause of God; that he is connected with a 
 form of religion which must prevail, because divine ; and 
 that his business is not to mend the rules, but to keep 
 them. We cannot be surprised at the amazing success of 
 a system of religion so supported, and so worked. Every 
 man is possessed of an idea, a truth, which he feels himself 
 bound to propagate. He does this without hesitation, 
 puts his whole soul into his mission, and it is done unto 
 him according to his faith. 
 In a few days after my arrival. Bishop Soule made his 
 appearance, and took up his abode, at our hotel. This to 
 me was a most pleasant incident. We had much inter- 
 course and conversation. He had not lost his Enghsh im- 
 pressions. His sojourn in our country, his reception and 
 treatment by the conference and people, had left a very 
 grateful recollection on his mind. He entered fully into 

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 the subject of his connexion with the South ; sapng, he 
 supposed we should be surprised at the event. He avowed 
 that he acted from the dictates of his conscience, believing 
 that he should be best enabled, in the section of the Church 
 he had chosen, to advance the interests of his Master's 
 kingdom. Everybody who knows Bishop Soule must re- 
 ceive this testimony. He is incapable of equivocation, or 
 of anything duhonourable. He avowed that his convictions 
 of the evils of slavery had undergone no change ; it was as 
 much the object of his abhorrence as ever. His explana- 
 tions of his conduct amounted to this : — ^that, ia his opinion, 
 the only possible way of ever reaching a measure of eman- 
 cipation lay in bringing the population of the South, mas- 
 ters and slaves, under the influence of the Gospel ; and that 
 the only means of accomplishing this was, not in agitating 
 the question, but in quietly preaching the truth to both, 
 leaving it in the providence of God to work its own results : 
 moreover, that for ministers to agitate the question of 
 emancipation, would infallibly cause the planters of the 
 South to shut the door against all attempts at evangeliza- 
 tion, and have the effect of leaving masters and servants 
 in their sins. 
 Impressed by these considerations, he thought it best to 
 remain in the South, his family residing in that part of the 
 country, and he himself having, for many years, chiefly 
 laboured in these States. He desired that his affectionate 
 remembrances might be given to the British Conference ; 
 saying, he knew that, with our opinions and relations to 
 the American Episcopal Church, we could hold no official 
 communion with them; but if the conference chose to 
 send or allow any of their messengers, on visiting America, 
 to call upon them, or inspect their work, they would be 
 most gladly and heartily received. As long as Bishop 
 Soule lives, there can be no doubt that this would be the 
 case. The nobility of his nature is above aU petty jea^ 
 busies ; and there are many men in the South of a like 
 spirit with himself. Several other Southern men made 
 their appearance, as Mr. Early, the hook-agent or steward 
 at Richmond, Dr. Lee, and Dr. Bascom. With all these 
 gentlemen I held intercourse. Mr. Early presented me 
 with a newly-revised hymn-hook, heautifully got up and 
 well arranged, together with several other works connected 
 with the Southern question. These gentlemen manifested the 
 greatest kindness and urbanity ; and did all in their power to 
 leave an impression on my mind, that the position which they 
 now hold has not caused them to be less Methodistical than 
 before. In spirit, piety, honesty of purpose, — ^in frankness 
 of character, in warm afifections, — ^they certainly are not. 
 Dr. Lee presented me with his memoirs of his illustrious 
 uncle, Jesse Lee. A worthy scion this of a noble stock. 
 There are found here and there great roots of humanity, as 
 well as of forest-trees, which send forth, for some genera- 
 tions, noble o£fshoots. This is one. A fine young man, 
 full of feeling, learning, intelligence, and good principle ; 
 destined, it is to be hoped, for many years to adorn the 
 sacred calling to which he is devoted. Dr. Bascom, the 
 president of Transylvania University at Lexington, came 
 late, and I had only the opportunity of seeing him once. 
 But this one interview was sufficient to convince me that 
 he possessed a powerful intellect, of masculine form, richly 
 furnished, highly polished, and conversant with various 
 learning and knowledge. He had been making a long 
 preaching tour in the South during the vacation, and we 
 heard that his ministry had made a deep impression. This 
 gentleman is considered a master of eloquence ; and if he 
 drew up the state-papers which appear in the dispute 
 betwixt the South and the North in 1844, which I believe, 
 his pen is as eloquent as his tongue ; his eloquence, how- 
 ever, not being that of declamation, but of reason, and 
 clothed in the flowing dress of lucid and beautiful diction. 
 I deem it but fair thus to mention the ministers of the 
 South to whom I was introduced, fearing lest their con- 
 neadon mth that church should lead to the conclusion that, 
 in their personal character, they are something dififerent 
 from other Methodist ministers. 
 It was my happiness to preach twice each Lord's day, 
 on the two Sundays I remained at Pittsburgh, and once be- 
 fore the conference. The worship was devout and spiritual, 
 the congregations were large, and everything proceeded 
 much in our JElnglish manner. After the morning service 
 on the first Sabbath, the Lord's supper wfts administered, 
 exactly after the order of the Prayer-Book. An incident 
 occurred at this service of a pleasing nature. Bishop 
 Soule md Dr. Pierce being present, they were invited to 
 take part in the service, which they did ; thus showing to 
 the world that the ecclesiastical differences existing be- 
 tween the two parties, were not deemed sufficient to sever 
 the bonds of religious brotherhood, to destroy the more 
 sacred ties of spiritual affection, or to indicate that one 
 party considered the other as heretics. This was very 
 cheering to behold. 
 Whilst mentioning these matters, I must state one or 
 two things in passing, not of much consequence in them- 
 selves, and yet tending to illustrate the state of feeling 
 amongst our friends in the States. As a loyal subject of 
 Queen Victoria, maugre all suspicions to the contrary, I 
 deemed it my duty, in every public service, to pray first for 
 our queen and government, and then, secondly, for the 
 president of the States, and government of the countrji^ , 
 putting in petitions, that our union might never be inter- ' 
 rupted by discord and war. How was this received? 
 Did it produce disapprobation? Just the reverse. I^ 
 called forth hearty responses, and many expressions of ap- 
 proval. One more incident. We had been holding fk 
 school-meeting one evening in the conference chapel, wh«pD, 
 after the service was concluded, the choir struck up " Qi>d 
 save the Queen." I confess I felt this a most delicate luod 
 grateful compliment paid to my country ; and, nwreover, 
 that a people who cotQd do this, were in posMwriMj^ «t 
 once, of good feeling and fine taste. 
 I had promised myself the acquisition of a good deal of 
 infoimation, in connexion with om* Ui^le d'hbte at the hotel, 
 by being brought into contact with so many people. But, 
 in truth, little came out of it. The Americans have re- 
 tained our English characteristics ; they are vastly taciturn ; 
 general conversation was out of the question altogether. 
 This never happened. And, in innumerable instances, 
 many of the people would finish their repast without 
 speaking a single word. One of these American meals is, 
 indeed, a curiosity. The despatch of business is prodigious. 
 The dinner is speedily over ; and every man as he finishes 
 rises from the table and departs ; thus thinning the ranks 
 of the regiment of '' beef-eaters," till the last man remains. 
 This was generally myself. I could not keep up at all 
 with the march ; and often felt perfectly ashamed at sit- 
 ting by myself to finish my plate. Indeed, I very often 
 saw that one and another of my kind-hearted friends, see- 
 ing my embarrassment, remained to keep me in counte- 
 nance. Tea was worse still. I declare I have seen men 
 spring from the table in three minutes after they had been 
 seated, and make their exit. One thing I muM mention, 
 however, that during the whole of this tiose, inwhich, by 
 the constant change of the company^, I must have ob- 
 served some two or three thousand peif^^, if not more, I 
 never saw one take a smgle glass of w^ at table, or any- 
 thing but water, and milk. This I took to be a remarkable 
 proof of the influence of the temperance principle. "But 
 there is a bfU"," it may be said. True ; but I never saw any 
 drifddng at ,the bar, or in a^ other part of the hotel, or air 
 inebriated p^son. Hie order, decorum, sobriety, and' vbi^ 
 toe,* so far asoutword appearancesgo, wereascogkpletein thk 
 great- establishment, as in the best^regttlated privftte finally. 
 The servants of thk house were all peo^ of coloor ; 
 and^ I fotmd' the man who attended upoA me was a ran- 
 away slave. He felt no compunction on account of this 
 act of self-emancipation ; why should he ? He told me a 
 fearful story respecting his mother and family. He had 
 the pain to see his parent sold and dragged away from her 
 children, and never saw her more. His sisters were treated 
 in the same manner, and he knew not what had become of 
 them. I found this poor black a truly religious man, and 
 full of faith, as he expressed it, '' that all would be right 
 in the end ;'* meaning by this, that at some time liberty 
 would come. He was as acute and intelligent as the gene- 
 ral class of labourers in this country, and even much more 
 so thaii many. These people are a distinct body of Me- 
 thodists, and have an episcopacy of their own. One of 
 the public services I conducted was in their church, newly 
 erected, — ^indeed, not finished ; and it was a memorable 
 time. The poor blacks manifested great feeling. There 
 sat before me a female whose countenance was lit up with 
 an amount of ecstatic emotion, such as I never before wit- 
 nessed. After the sermon the people sang some of their 
 own peculiarly soft and melancholy airs. This excited 
 them ; and we had a remarkable scene. They leaped, I 
 know not how high, and in a manner one would have 
 thought impossible. But, more than this, they danced to 
 their own melody, and in perfect time, and exhibited 
 the signs of the most rapturous happiness. This looked 
 strange to us sober people: I stood somewhat aghast, 
 fearful lest it shotdd lead to mischief. I heard of none ; 
 and hope it was the mere expression of joyous feeling. 
 I must now say a word respecting Pittsburgh. In truth, 
 it consists of three cities, under ore name ; as Southwark 
 is included in the one cognomen, London. These cities 
 have their separate corporate rights and jurisdiction. On^ 
 is Pittsburgh proper; the second Alleghany, after the river 
 of that name ; and the third is called Birmingham. Pitts- 
 bui^h is often called the Birmingham of America, but iHth 
 little reason, except from the fact that both are smokj 
 places ; and that the new town manufactures man j of the 
 articles which are made in the old one ; otherwise, they 
 are not at all alike. The city stands on the forks of the 
 two rivers Monongahela and Alleghany; which, after a 
 course of something like a hundred miles, meet at this 
 place, and by their imion form the Ohio. Standing, as it 
 does, on this point of land, the city is, of course, environed 
 by water on two sides of the triangle. Its facilities of trans- 
 port by water are complete; it is connected with the 
 Atlantic States, partly by canal, to Philadelphia; and with 
 all the Western States, and the lakes, by the Ohio, the 
 Mississippi, and the innumerable streams branchings from 
 them in every direction. The city itself is substantially 
 built, chiefly of brick ; the shops are not much like ours, 
 being generally in the store fashion ; and not, consequently, 
 either elegant or showy ; but many of them appear to be 
 in a prosperous and thriving state, as marts of business. 
 The manufactures are iron and steel goods of all sorts, 
 glass, tin, brass, and, in fine, the same precisely as are 
 made in Birmingham. Here, for the first time in America, 
 I beheld smoke. The Atlantic cities all bum anthracite 
 coal, which, being free from the bituminous quality, though 
 it gives a glowing heat, yet emits no smoke. On this ac- 
 count the atmosphere of the largest cities is as clear as in 
 the country ; the buildings are preserved in their freshness, 
 and appear beautifully clean. It is dififerent at Pittabm'gh. 
 The coal, like ours, being strongly impregnated with bitu- 
 minous matter, sends out, from the furnaces and tall chim- 
 neys, dense volumes of smoke, as in our manufacturing 
 towns. Besides, the city being embosomed in a valley, 
 and surrounded by hills, some of which are high, the sooty 
 nuisance cannot escape: this causes the place, in some 
 sta|»B of the wind and weather, to be intolerably dirty and 
 Bi^ these are the things which create wealth; and no- 
 thing can possibly prevent Fittsbui^h from becoming one 
 tOV¥L m AlORIOA. 
 of the greatest manufactaring cities in the world. I liaet 
 many of onr countrymen located at this place ; giying their 
 genius, their knowledge, their labour, to augment tiie crea> 
 tive power of the great rival of their own fatherland. They 
 were in a thriving condition; many of them becoming 
 wealthy. One who had left the north of England when a 
 youth, a poor collier, without sixpence in his pocket, and 
 who began his career by heaving coals out of the side of 
 the hills, told me he was worth fifteen or sixteen thousand 
 dollars, showing me, with grateful feelings, some half- 
 dozen housei^ of which he was the owner. He had in- 
 duced all his relations to join him, and the whole family 
 were living in great comfort and respectability. This is 
 only a sample. 
 All the world contributes its quota of help to enrich the 
 Americans. When I was passing down the river, and saw 
 the collieries at work, I felt sure that those collieries were 
 not worked by Yankee hands, that my poor countrymen 
 were the drudges ; and on putting the question with the 
 express purpose to ascertain the fact, I found it perfectly 
 correct ; hardly a single American ever works in a coal-pit, 
 or, indeed, performs any analogous task. This is done for 
 him by the labouring hands of all portions of the worid ; 
 and especially by the workmen of England. ■'^" 
 Human life, which is often a burden in other countries, 
 constitutes the wealth of America. The block population 
 perform all the menial domestic duties; they are seen in 
 every house, unless superseded by Irish ^Is ; the poor Celts 
 from the raster island dig for their canals and railroad lines, 
 and carry bricks and mortar up the scaffolding, in all build- 
 ing processes ; and the Germans, besides yielding their 
 piostion of help in canal and railroad work, furnish labour, 
 to a great amount, in all agricultural improvements. Tbe 
 true American is the gentleman of the country ; and^ all 
 these classes constitute his mechanists and labourers; tf 
 he ean oofiHihtod a little capital, he wiU have th<B dkill and 
 adroitness to put everybody else to work for him ; but let 
 any one find a genuine Yankee putting his own hand to 
 any hard work, if he can. There is no unfairness in all 
 this, inasmuch as the same road is open to oil the new- 
 comers. In the lifetime of many of them, they get into 
 the same position themselves, or, if this is not secured, their 
 children are certain to attain it. What America is to do 
 if the current of emigration sets in in another direction, it is 
 difficult to say. Will her real children turn out to the 
 drudgery of working coal-pits, iron-furnaces, glass-works, 
 brick-making, and the rest ? Heads will not do alone. At 
 present the Yankee seems to imagine that his calling is to 
 furnish the ideal, the plan, the scheme, the head ; but it 
 belongs to Europeans and Africans to find the hands to do 
 the drudgery. It is very clear, however, that the heads 
 may become too numerous ; how the right equilibrium is 
 to be maintained, is difficult to imagine. 
 The time for leaving Pittsburgh now came. My travel- 
 ling companion was the Bev. John Ryerson. On tendering 
 our money for the passage to Cincinnati, a distance of five 
 hundred miles, to occupy two days and two nights, we 
 were told that the regular fare was six dollars, but that 
 they only charged ministers five. This favour shown to 
 ministers is universal in the States. On occasion of ctosr' 
 ing one of the bridges at Pittsburgh, I saw a written notice 
 of the toll to be paid ; and tendering the amount to the 
 man, who sat, in the American style, with his legs cocked- 
 up on the back of a chair, and a cigar in his mouth, he 
 asked if I belonged to the Conference ; and being told that 
 I did, he said, ** Our directors have ordered me to pass you 
 on ; there is nothmg to pay." So, in our passage down 
 the Ohio, we were lodged and boarded, m the best manner, 
 for two days and nights, for the sum of something less 
 than twenty-two shillings. Many of the brethr«i accom- 
 panied us to the vessel, to bid us farewell. Among the 
 rest was Bishop Soule ; I saw hun for the last time, with 
 an aching heart, among the group of preachers and people. 
 It is sad to think of seeing him no more. I felt this keenly, 
 as I turned my eyes from him, with the certainty that it 
 was a final adieu. A noble man ! One of the first spirits in 
 America. In bearing, a perfect gentleman, manly, courte- 
 ous, and dignified ; in principle, feeling, and demeanour, a 
 true Christian ; in the character and calibre of his mind, 
 strong, clear, masculine ; in moral force, firm, unwavering, 
 inflexible ; in official life, judicious, prudent, and decided in 
 his adherence to settled constitutional rule, but practical 
 and wise ; in evangelical toils and labours, as abundant as 
 any living man in the church ; and in spirit, calm, coura- 
 geous, and active. It is more than pleasant to meet with 
 such a man, it is highly instructive. For a fortnight I had 
 enjoyed the happiness of Bishop Soule's society ; and my 
 inmost soul reverenced and did homage to him, on taking 
 a last look of his manly and venerable form. 
 We soon lost sight of Pittsbuigh ; gliding rapidly down 
 one of the finest streams that ever graced or blessed any 
 coimtry in the world. The banks, for five hundred miles, 
 were exactly like those already described. The rocky soil 
 sloped up, in many places, to a considerable height, and 
 was invariably covered from the water's edge with rich and 
 beautiful foliage. The weather was most brilliant, and 
 towards evening we arrived at Wheeling ; and, stopping a 
 sufficient time to allow us to land, we visited the town. It 
 had no show of -beauty from the river ; but on entering, we 
 found it a very large and handsome place, full of fine shops, 
 and commercial activity. The usual rocky ascent, which 
 generally rose from the river's brink, had here been throwi| 
 in to the distance of a few miles into the interior, leaving 
 room on its banks for building the city. The hill, however, 
 appeared in due course ; but formed a sort of back-ground 
 to the town, the effect of which was exceedingly beautiful. 
 The whole scene was enchanting. The sun was retiring, 
 all nature was clothed in her most glorious dress ; not a 
 that it 
 pints in 
 monr, a 
 s mind, 
 cided in 
 dant as 
 set -with 
 It I had 
 and my 
 breath of air disturbed the universal cahn; not a cloud 
 or speck was seen across the deep blue sky ; our noble 
 river rolled majestically, but peacefully, along; and all 
 things conspired to make this one of those bright, illu- 
 sive hours, in the midst of the storms and labours of life, 
 which leave an indelible impression upon the soul. We 
 were soon called to move from our moorings ; we descended 
 the stream ; and the sunny hour spent at Wheeling, soon 
 became a vision, an idea. 
 It may be proper to remark, that great numbers of vil- 
 lages and towns, few of them, at present, of any magnitude, 
 lie along the shores of the Ohio. Many of these rising 
 towns bear the names of our own, as Liverpool, Manchester, 
 Portsmouth ; collieries and founderies, in an incipient state 
 of progress, are beginning their operations, soon to become 
 of gigantic power. We had the State of Ohio towards the 
 north, always free, never having admitted slavery ; and that 
 of Kentucky on the south, having always been a slave State. 
 The extent of many of these States may be pretty accu- 
 rately imderstood, when it is stated, that the river Ohio 
 washes one of the frontiers of Kentucky, in its windings, 
 for the distance of seven hundred miles. 
 This voyage down the Ohio was rather fortunate in 
 bringmg me into contact with several parties of some in- 
 terest. Among others Bishop Campbell introduced himself. 
 This gentleman was the husband of a Mrs. Campbell, who, 
 in Scotland, some few years ago, produced much excite- 
 ment by (if I recollect right) following in the train of poor 
 Irving, and giving utterance to noises, which used to be 
 called ** the tongues." In doctrine and sentiment, they, 
 the Campbells, adhered to the Rowite party, and dissemi- 
 nated their sentiments. I could not exactly understand 
 what church my friend was bishop of, but suppose it must 
 have been one founded on the principles above referred to.*' 
 I also met with a very intelligent fanner, living in the State 
 of Ohio, who expatiated much on the fertility of the soil, 
 £* See note on next page.] 
 and the social condition of the people ; but he gave me 
 information on another point, m which I felt a deeper in- 
 terest. On my saying I supposed they found it difficult to 
 get their children educated in the country, he assured me 
 that imiversal provision was made to meet this want. He 
 remarked, "For instance, here, where the land is cleared, 
 and farms established, and that is the case for many miles, 
 there are school-houses, built by the townships, and main- 
 tained by rates levied by the people themselves, at the 
 distance of about four miles from each other ; so that chil- 
 dren have to walk but two miles to school from the most 
 distant points, which they do, carrying their dinner with 
 them, by which they are enabled to remdn all day." 
 But, in addition to this information thus connected with 
 education and morals, we had on board a gentleman of an- 
 other genus, a lecturer on mesmerism, having in his train 
 three or four persons, whom he seemed to be carrying 
 with him for the purpose of operating upon. He favoured 
 the company with a lecture, with experiments upon his 
 subjects. The sight of this was too much for my sober- 
 nunded companion, Byerson, who soon retired ; but I was 
 determined to see it out, and remained. It was an odd 
 affair, most certainly. Having put them into a mesmeric 
 state, the operator professed to touch and move the phreno- 
 logical bumps of his patients ; and, whether real or feigned, 
 I know not, but they played off some most singular antics. 
 All parties were perfectly civil, no one disputing or contra- f 
 dieting in any way. The ladies were full of amazement ; 
 some in raptures, exclaiming, " How astonishing !" " Won- 
 derful 1" " Beautiful !" « Is it not fine ?" the men, in the - 
 mean time, shrugging up their shoulders, skulking back, 
 knitting their brows, and frowning doubt, without saying 
 [* Dr. Dixon has fallen into seToral eiron in regard to Mr. A. Campbell, con* 
 fonndlns him with a totally diiliBrent perron, Rev. Jas. M. Campbell of Bow, 
 Scotland, who married the lady to whom he alludes. W^have never understooa 
 that there was any connexion between Mr. CaayibeU oDMiuuy, and tfie Row- 
 ite party.— Am. £d.] 
 CiDclnnati— Mr. Smith— Auburn— A Storm In th* Country— Blihop mivaina'g 
 Country Retidenco— A Fire— The Sabbath— The City— Start for Sandusky— 
 The Forest— Dlfficultiea of clearing Land— The Railroad through the Forest 
 —A Stage Journey— Arrival at Urbana— Arrival at Sandusky. 
 Ws arrived at Cincinnati early on Saturday morning. The 
 friends being informed, by telegraph, that we might be 
 expected, we found a carriage wfuting our arrival to con- 
 duct us to our lodgings. I had been appointed to stay at 
 the house of Christopher Smith, Esq., whom I found to be 
 a countryman, from Stockton, in the north of England, and 
 Mrs. Smith, a county-woman of my own, from Leicester- 
 shire. Mr. Smith had left home when young; but, before 
 his removal, had obtained the knowledge and enjoyment 
 of religion. He remembered several of the old preachers, 
 having waited upon them in his boyhood, and mentioned 
 Mr. Kershaw with great affection. He receive4 me with 
 genuine cordiality, and set himself to do all in his power to 
 make my sojourn as agreeable as possible. After the 
 necessary ablutions and breakfast, I set out by myself to 
 obtain a notion of the character of the city. Rambling 
 into one of the suburbs, I saw five or six large cotton-mills 
 by the river-side, together with other manufactories. The 
 day being hot, and feeling some weariness from the voy- 
 age, I sat down on some steps — not of stone, but of wood 
 — ^in the outskirts of the town, on the entrance into a gar- 
 den, in front of a genteel-looking house. I had not been 
 seated many minutes before the lady of the house came, 
 and asked me to walk in and take a seat. On my declining 
 this polite offer, she very ^oon returned with a bouquet of 
 most fragrant roses ; and then, in a little while after, she 
 came a third time, with newspapers, saying, " You would, 
 perhaps, wish to see the morning papers." I know not 
 what Mrs. Trollope would make of this instance of Ame- 
 rican manners ; but I felt that any politeness could hardly 
 exceed this. 
 Bishop Morris had, in his great kindness, written to 
 friends living four or five miles from the city, to take me 
 to see a suburb, in the direction of their residence, called 
 Auburn ; it seems considered by the citizens as the " West 
 End" of Cincinnati. I was accordingly escorted in the 
 afternoon to this place ; and certainly it is, and promises to 
 be much more so, a beautiful locality. The house of our 
 friends is quite in the country ; and, among other pros- 
 pects, commands a view of the residence, which would, in 
 this country, be called the palace, of one of the first men 
 in America — ^good Bishop M'llvaine. His people have 
 built him a fine little church, near his residence ; and the 
 spire of this church, rising in the midst of the sylvan scene, 
 causes it to have a perfectly English appearance. The 
 good Bishop was from home, in his diocese ; otherwise I 
 might have enjoyed the benefit of hearing him, as the 
 church in which he usually officiates is close to the house 
 of Mr. Smith, and the family are in the habit of hearing 
 him often. The Bishop enjoys a high reputation as a faith- 
 ful and able minister of our Lord Jesus Christ. ^ 
 While in the country, at our friend's hous^^^i^were 
 visited by a tremendous storm. This storm was eifMpingly 
 grand ; the chunder was loud and terrific ; the rain de- 
 scended in torrents ; and the lightning, unlike ours of the 
 forky description, appeared like sheets of fire, while the 
 heavens seemed enveloped in one universal blaze. This 
 storm did considerable damage. One of our own Method- 
 ist friends, being thrown from his horse, suffered some 
 mischief; but, providentially, his life was spared. In the 
 night, another of our people had' his house set on fire, near 
 our lodgings. The noise from the sounding of bells, 
 the yells of the population, and the exertions of firemen, was 
 awful. The fire in due time was happily subdued, though 
 much damage was done; the stock in tj^^ beii^ paper. 
 -- The Sunday dawned ; and it was a blessed day. I 
 preached twice; the congregations being large, lively, 
 and devout. To show the di£ference of feeling between 
 the Americans and most Christians in our country, we may 
 ju»t mention, that Dr. Aydelott, an eminent Episcopalian 
 minitter, sat in the pulpit with the Methodist ministers 
 present, on both occasions. Having found, for the first 
 time, in the possession of Mr. Smith, a copy of Asbury's 
 Journal, I spent the intervals of worship very profitably in 
 periling this interesting narrative. Mr. Smith had the 
 goodness, afterwards, to present me with this work ; an 
 invaluable treasure, full of important information and inci- 
 dent connected with the early history of Methodism in the 
 United Stat'^s. 
 Cincinnati is called "The Queen City of the West," and 
 deserves the designation. It is beautifully situated on the 
 banks of the Oliio, on rising ground, somewhat in the form 
 of a half-circle. The houses and shops are spacious, and 
 well furnished ; the streets cut each other at right angles, 
 giving the place perfect uniformity of appearance ; and the 
 allotments of houses and buildings thus formed are called 
 " squares." This name at first deceived me ; when hearing 
 them speak of First, Second, and Third Square, and so on, 
 I thought a square in our sense of the term was meant, but 
 soon found out my mistake. When perambulating this 
 place, and recollecting the brevity of the period of its exist- 
 ence, I was much puzzled to know where the funds came 
 from which built and furnished all their costly houses and 
 shops. My friend, Mr. Smith, had resided in Cincinnati 
 about forty-five years. He informed me, that, when he 
 took up Ills abode first, there were only between nine and 
 ten hundred inhabitants : " And now there are," he said, 
 " near one hundred thousand:" at that time he made the 
 twenty-second member in the Methodist society ; but at 
 the present time there are many thousands : and wh^ he 
 went ftrrt| (jO th| jplace, he informed me, he used to sweep 
 ? •«„ 
 out his joiner's shop for preaching, there being no other 
 place in the city in which they could hold divine service ; 
 but they have raised in the course of this time about twenty 
 large churches. This good man justly and gratefully ap- 
 preciates the dealings of Providence with himself. With 
 eyes brilliant with joyous emotions, he added, "And I 
 feel it a great mercy and privilege to have had some Uttle 
 hand in it all." Well might he feel grateful and happy at 
 the consciousness of helping forward the work of God for 
 so many years, and of living to witness such results ! 
 Time pressed, and we were obliged to leave on Monday 
 morning. Our course lay by rails across the country to 
 the lakes, a distance of two hundred and nineteen miles, 
 I had been told that this route would a£fbrd me the oppor- 
 tunity of seeing, on an extended scale, the agricultural 
 character and resources of the western country ; and I was 
 not disappointed. The entire territory was either perfectly 
 new, or only very recently cultivated. This will appear 
 from the fact, that many of the rising towns bear the name 
 even of living men ; as Polktown, called after the Presi- 
 dent, and Claysville, after the eminent statesman of that 
 name. The whole scene was very curious ; the only uniform 
 and finished thmg being the railroad on which we travel- 
 led ; the greater part of the country still remaining un- 
 broken fwest. Through this forest-scene our railroad had 
 been cut, at a vast cost of money and labour ; the trees 
 having, of course, to be felled by the woodman's axe, as 
 well as the road itself levelled and prepared. To the inha- 
 bitants of these solitudes — now limited to wild animals, the 
 Indians being all gone — ^the blaze of our fire, the fizzing of 
 our steam, the sound of our whistle, the noise of our mo- 
 tion, and the rapidity of our speed, must appear a singular 
 solecism in the midst of the sylvan scenes of their joyous 
 freedom. What music for the forest is a railroad train ! 
 How fine and perfect the harmony between the singing of 
 iHrds, the leap of squirrels, the bounding of the hind, the 
 lly ap- 
 And I 
 ppy at 
 od for 
 stag, the deer, and all the other forms of life and motion 
 peculiar to the wilderness ; — and the smoke, ashes, dirt, 
 creaking, bellowing, of a huge train, laden with human and 
 all other kinds of lumber ! We dashed along through these 
 forest scenes, indifferent as to the sentiment of concord, 
 the " eternal laws and fitness of things," and matters of 
 that sort, notwithstanding ; intent only upon our mission of 
 progress, though it should oblige us to cut down all the 
 trees in the imiverse, disturb the repose of nature in her 
 lair, and quench the lights of heaven by the smoke of our 
 civilizing chinmeys. 
 But to return. The country through which we passed 
 appeared to be extremely rich, and capable of bearing 
 most abundant crops of wheat, and every other kind of 
 grain. A great part of the land, which is considered as 
 cleared, and occupied for agricultural purposes, is only so 
 to a very imperfect degree. The trees of the forest are 
 cut off about two feet above their root, and the stumps left 
 standing in the fields. These stumps are seen everywhere, 
 and have not an agreeable appearance ; the farmer ploughs 
 and sows around them ; so that the harvest has to be reap- 
 ed and collected in the midst of these annoying hin- 
 drances to the sweep of the scythe. They are left in this 
 state to rot ; and when the process of decay has proceeded 
 to a certain point, a machine is employed to draw, that is, 
 to twist, them up ; just on the principle of the dentist's 
 operations in drawing a tooth. 
 On beholding this line of road, I was very deeply im- 
 pressed with the idea, that the matter of " clearing" fcnrest- 
 land is a most Herculean affair. Let any one just imagine 
 even an acre to be cleared by a new-comer, with only his 
 own hands and those of his children, either not having the 
 means of obtaining help, or that help not to be obtained. 
 How great the difficulty ! When the trees are felled, the 
 roots and stumps still rem^n; the soil turned up, the 
 crop must have time to grow, and the returns of labour be 
 6* "'"' ■ —-■-■' 
 waited for till harvest ; the log-hut, built in the spare hours 
 saved from sleep and pressing calls of duty elsewhere, is 
 no defence against the wintry storm ; if domestic animals 
 are possessed, they are wanted for food ; if clothing is en- 
 joyed in the beginning of the operation, it wears out ; and 
 as to money to purchase new, when even the necessaries 
 of life have not yet been obtained from the soil — that is 
 out of the question. The privations, sufferings, and sacri- 
 fices of life, which even the matter of clearing must have 
 cost the human family, in the amount of forest now occu- 
 pied by the habitations of man in America, must be infinite. 
 How vital, indeed, how profound and dommant a passion 
 must the love of possession and independence be, to impel 
 such hosts of men to quit a quiet and mediocre mode of 
 life, but dependent, to seek in the forest, in the midst of 
 such toil as this, the happiness of calling their land and 
 their house their own ! The fii-st occupants can never, cer- 
 tainly, enjoy much of the fruit of their own labour, except 
 in very particular cases : but then here another mighty 
 passion comes in to help the soul in her heroic perseve- 
 rance ; there is the love of posterity, the hope of laying a 
 foundation for the happiness of children. The clearance of 
 the forest is no other than the development of these instincts 
 of nature. 
 The line along which we passed was evidently doing its 
 work. Numerous villages and towns were rising ; stores, 
 warehouses, mills, and buildings of every kind were being 
 put up ; new farm-houses were appearing at intervals all 
 along the road ; and, passing large portions of forest still 
 undisturbed, every now and then the eflFects of the wood- 
 man's axe were apparent in chasms made by the recent fall 
 of trees, and the partial cultivation of portions of the ground.\ 
 Everything was life, bustle, and activity. Great numbers 
 of Irish were s^bn at work on the line, and at other em- 
 ploymeotfi ; a ireful and laborious class. One could not 
 help seeing the contrast betwixt these poor people and all 
 around them, even in America. The Celt hv r3 the unmis- 
 takable physiognomy of his race in all countries, for at least 
 one generation. 
 Before reaching our destination, we had to quit the rail- 
 road, and mount stages fourteen miles, the line t)eing 
 imfinished. I took a seat on the box to see the country, 
 but had difficulty enough to keep my equilibrium; the 
 jolting was horrible. Our course could not be called a 
 road, in any sense, except from the mere fact that it had 
 been traversed before, and we also were now passing over 
 it. We made our way across gullies, rivulets, rising hil- 
 locks, and then again sunk up to our axletrees in bogs. 
 We were roughly handled by great stones lying in our 
 course, roots of trees projecting their fibres ; and then 
 again by pieces of timber put into soft places, by way of 
 making a pavement for passengers to cross. Really this 
 journeying of the American stages, in the midst of a coun- 
 try such as we passed through this day, is a curiosity. It 
 would be, indeed, extremely difficult, a priori, to imagine 
 how the carriage was to escape being capsized many times 
 told ; how the horses were to keep their feet, and perform 
 their task ; and how the driver could possibly preserve his 
 scat, and pilot his vehicle through so many shoals to u 
 safe anchorage. Such, however, is use and experience, 
 that calamities rarely occur ; and though sufficiently shaken, 
 and not free from fear, yet we arrived safely at oiur des- 
 tined place of rest for the night. 
 The countiy through which we passed is of the nature 
 of an avenue cut through the forest, sometimes a mile or 
 two broad, and at other places less. This space is occu- 
 pied by splendid farms, rich and productive in the highest 
 degree. The farm-houses are nearly all good substantial 
 brick or stone buildings ; and many of them much like the 
 fine residences of our country gentry. There must be 
 gr^at comfort in this region, and, when the railroad is 
 finished, easy of ^cess^ it affording the means of transport 
 for the produce of the soil, either to Cincinnati on the 
 Ohio on the one hand, or to the lakes on the other. And 
 one cannot help asking, If without this road and its advan- 
 tages industry and enterprise could do so much, what are 
 we to expect now that all these facilities of progress are 
 opened ? It must certainly become, shortly, one of the 
 richest tracts of country in America. This is a fine part 
 of the States for settlers in the farming line, if necessity or 
 inclination should cause them to leave their fatherland. In 
 case any such parties should cast their eyes on this book, 
 I should certainly recommend them to examine this region, 
 before they think of locating elsewhere. 
 Our resting-place for the night was a new and rising 
 town in the wilderness, called Urbana. We found a good 
 inn, and spoke for beds. While we were doing this, some 
 Methodist friends, who had been apprized of our coming 
 by telegraph, were in search of us. We called to pay a 
 friendly visit, and found them very agreeable ; but, having 
 engaged our lodging, declined a kind and hearty invitation 
 to take up our abode with them. On retiring to bed, I 
 was soon expelled by some old friends, who own me wher- 
 ever I go; and was obliged to go down stairs, and get 
 such rest as lying across some chairs would allow. While 
 in this posture, a number of young fellows, black and 
 white, assembled at the door of the house ; and I suppose 
 we had in them a specimen of back-wood language of the 
 worst sort. I had not, up to this time, heard an oath or 
 prctfane language of any kind since I left my native land, 
 either on board ship or in America ; but these young sin- 
 ners made up for the lack. I cannot repeat their oaths : 
 it is a shame to speak of such deeds of darkness ; but I 
 never heard since I existed such shocking profanity. This '^ 
 sort of life no doubt prevailed — we have all kinds of testi- 
 mony to the faotH-imiversally, till the forests and woods 
 were visited by the messengers of salvation ; and a better 
 state of things was superinduced by then: labours. 
 We set out the next morning for Sandusky, and, reach- 
 ing that place towards night, beheld Lake Erie for the first 
 time. The town itself has no great beauty for the present. 
 It is, however, a busthng, sturring place ; and, from its 
 situation, must soon rise to magnitude and importance. 
 The Lakes—Erie — Pass down— Buffalo — Niagara River— Scenery on its Banks 
 —The Falls of Niagara^- Canada— The People— Visit the Battle-Field of Luii- 
 dy's-Lane— The Suspension-Bridge— St. Catharine's— Hamilton. 
 It was impossible to see this wonderful inland sea without 
 deep emotion. The evening was bright and calm, the 
 bosom of the lake unru£9ed by a breeze, the sun retired 
 in majesty and beauty behind the waters ; it was a lovely 
 *' Lake Erie is three hundred miles in length, forty-six 
 at its utmost breadth, seven hundred and sixteen in cir- 
 cumference, and about fifty-six fathoms at its greatest 
 depth. At its northern extremity it is much exposed to 
 violent gales, and its navigation is both tedious and dan- 
 gerous. It contains, towards the west, a number of beau- 
 tiful islands, in which are many remarkable caverns, abound- 
 ing in curious stalactites. These islands are also full of 
 reptiles, especially rattlesnakes ; and the margin of the lake 
 is in many places completely covered, for many acres, with 
 the large leaves of the pond-lily, upon which, in the sum- 
 mer season, myriads of water-snakes are seen basking in 
 the sun. The bottom is a bluish limestone rock, and its 
 banks are clothed with wood, abounding in game and wild 
 animals." • , ^. 
 Some of these characteristics are rapidly disappearing. 
 Qn the American side, especially, large and flourishii^ 
 towns are rising up ; the country, to the edge of the lake, 
 is being cultivate^^ ep^ a bjisy and thriving population is 
 taking the place of the wild animals fonnerly inhabiting 
 the jungle. The Canada side has not made the same pro- 
 gress ; but still the country is gradually being cleared and 
 We departed from Sandusky, nearly at the top of the 
 lake, the mommg after our arrival. Our destination was 
 Buffalo, at the other extremity of the lake, so that the dis- 
 tance was something like three hundred miles. The day 
 was fine, and the view beautiful. We called at many 
 places to take in wood and passengers ; and among the 
 rest at Cleveland, a large and flourishing city, the termina- 
 tion of the Erie Canal, and consequently the link connecting 
 the Lakes with New- York and the Atlantic States. Keep- 
 ing near the American shore, a pretty good view was often 
 obtained of the country, which everywhere indicated 
 activity and progress. 
 We arrived at Buffalo the next morning. This is a large 
 and populous city, lull of business, bustle, and enterprise. 
 Its importance consists in the excellency of its harbour, 
 and its contiguity to Canada. A flourishing commerce is 
 apparent, which must constantly grow with the increase of 
 population. But other thoughts now occupied our jKpnds ; 
 we cared little for trade and business in the immediate 
 vicinity of one of the mh-acles of nature, — one of the won- 
 ders of the world. Our breakfast was late in coming, at 
 least so we thought in our feverish anxiety ; when it came, 
 it was soon despatched, and we at once mounted the " car" 
 for the Falls of Niagara. The distance is only twenty-two 
 miles, and we soon reached this celebrated spot. Our line 
 lay in sight of the Niagara River, connecting Lakes Erie and 
 Ontario. This is a most magnificent stream, studded with 
 beautiful islands ; one of which, called " Grand Island," is 
 of great extent. I listened with great eagerness long before 
 we approached we spot ; then listened again, as we ad- 
 vanced, with augmented intensity of interest, to catch the 
 sound of the cataract, but heard no not^ of the rush of 
 ** mighty waters." Arriving at the terminus, and alighting, 
 everything wore the same quiet aspect. No unusual sound 
 of any kind was perceptible, and the people seemed uncon- 
 scious of anything remarkable in their neighbourhood. 
 *' How is this ?" was the thought. " Is the giant asleep ? 
 Or have we been deceived by exaggerated reports respect- 
 ing the extent of sound arising from this waterfall ?" No- 
 thing then arose to solve the mystery, and nothing since haH 
 been suggested. And if it is true that the sound is heard 
 for fifteen miles, as is often asserted, it can only be in some 
 peculiar state of the atmosphere. 
 Some preliminary account seems to be necessary to any- 
 thing like an accurate description of the Falls thomselves. 
 We begin by observing, that the river divides, about a mile 
 above the cataract, into two streams. Tliis diviinon of the 
 water is not equal ; and the principal river suffers no per- 
 ceptible diminution, keeping on in a straight line. But at 
 the distance above mentioned a comparatively smau chan- 
 nel is formed to the right, and through this branch a por- 
 tion of the original river pours forth its torrent. The first 
 effect of this division is to form an island, denominated 
 GoatJMand. This smaller stream continues its course for 
 about a mile, and then returns to the main channel, re-en- 
 tering by its side some short distance below the Great, or 
 Horseshoe, Fall ; and the precipitous leap of this branch 
 stream into the bed of the main river constitutes the Ameri- 
 can, or Little, Fall. 
 The Rapids, extending for a mile above the Falls, con- 
 stitute another peculiarity. The descent in the course of 
 this distance Js about fifty-two feet, so that the velocity of 
 the waters from this cause necessarily becomes prodigiously 
 great. But this movement is not merely occasioned by 
 the above incline ; the phannel is, in the same space, nar- 
 rowed from something like three miles across to less than 
 one as it approaches the cataract ; the effect <tf this double 
 jprocess of descent and compression is to produce a vastly 
 augmented force and velocity. Whether from the wear 
 and rapidity of the stream, or from other causes, no one 
 can tell, but the channel through the whole of this space 
 is evidently shelved and broken, forming partial precipices, 
 over which the waves are constantly dashing, sending up 
 their foam and spray. The agitations, eddies, whirlpools, 
 eccentric encounters of wave with wave, and current against 
 current, unite to produce one of the most curious tumults 
 of water which can well be imagined ; and were it not for 
 the proximity of something more grand and noble, the 
 Rapids would be considered a singular exception to the 
 uniformity of nature, and would be visited as a relief to 
 the ennui left upon the mind by only seeing seas, lakes, 
 rivers, and all the other elaborations of the universe pro< 
 ducing their results in the ordinary manner. 
 The smaller stream above described is altogether on the 
 American side, and Goat Island is reached by a wooden 
 bridge spanning the channel. We hastened to cross this 
 bridge, and enter upon the magic ground of Goat Island ; 
 resolved, at the same tune, to leave every avenue to the 
 soul open to the inspirations of the moment, whether of 
 surprise, of raptiure, or of awe. ^f^JH 
 But this was found to be difficult. PrepossenRns in 
 visiting scenes of this nature are unfavourable to first im- 
 pressions, to a full admission of fine feelings, of lofty senti- 
 ments, or even of real and adequate conceptions. These 
 prepossessions, in my case, I found to be all untrue ; they 
 had all to be removed from my mind before even the 
 grandeurs which I beheld, which stood arrayed before me 
 in all their majesty and glory, could produce any accurate 
 ideal, or excite any corresponding emotion. ^' 
 These mental errors reached to everything ; just as the' 
 mind under the influence of one false impression is itself 
 placed in a wroi% position, and consequently becomes in- 
 capable of seeing anything aright. The whole scene, from 
 th^ oauaesy though not U^ ^xtraord^iary than I had 
 1 \ 
 imagined, yet was so in a perfectly different manner to 
 anything anticipated. . ^ 
 From all I had read, as well as from the testimony of 
 eye-witnesses, I had always supposed that the scenery 
 around, the country itself, was bold, lofty, sublime, — 
 whereas it is perfectly level. Through the same deception 
 I had imagined that the waters of the river must have 
 rushed through some mighty chasm, some prodigious rent 
 and fissure of mountain, broken through to form the chan- 
 nel, whilst overhanging rocks, hideous precipices, and lofty 
 peaks, frowned in awful majesty upon the current as it 
 passed ; but instead of this being the case, the banks are 
 quite even, and covered with verdure, plants, flowers, and 
 beautiful trees. Under the influence of the same miscon- 
 ception, I had next fancied that the visitor was always 
 placed at the bottom of the Falls, that the torrent fell at 
 his feet, that he had to lift up his astonished eyes to gaze 
 on the descending flood ; whilst, in reality, he finds him- 
 self at the top, on a level with the edge of the precipice, 
 having to look down into a frightful gulf below. 
 Our path across Goat Island brought us close to the 
 American Fall. I sat down on the roots of a tree on a 
 level with the crest of the cataract, and almost near ^ougli 
 to touch the waters with my foot. My companion, who 
 had often seen these wonders of nature previously, left me 
 alone, and amused himself by walking about the island. I 
 sat silent and motionless a long time, looking with a sort 
 of vacant astonishment on the whole scene. The thoughts, 
 '<It is grand! it is sublime! it is awful!" crossed my 
 mind, but nothing definite had fixed itself there ; all re- 
 mained in the same confusion, chaos, stupefaction. At 
 length, as if awaking from a dream, I exclaimed, " How 
 beautiful !" And then, in a moment, a thrill ran through 
 my soul like an electrical shock, which at once scattered the 
 mists ; and I exclaimed, loud enough to have been heard, 
 " Ah, yes, that is it, that b it, — ^it belongs to the beautiful !" 
 Thii was a new idea, a revelation, and transformed the 
 whole scene in an instant into perfect unitj and glory. 
 With this general notion, this new instrument, I beg^ 
 to examine the several objects around; endeavoured to 
 analyze, to separate, the elements, to watch the extraordi- 
 nary movements of the liquid machine which was moving 
 80 majestically around me ; and yet, at the same time, to 
 combine, to grasp the whole. Is beauty compatible with 
 sublimity ? Oan the two attributes exist in one and the 
 same object ? Must the sublime be necessarily devoid of 
 the beautiful ? must the beautiful be destitute, per se, of 
 the sublime ? These are questions which have engaged 
 the attention of great authorities. Generally speaking, 
 they seem to have entertained the notion that the ideas 
 are incompiitible ; that the beautiful and the sublime be- 
 long to distinct and separate departments, whether of na- 
 ture or of thought ; and that no imion, no harmony, no 
 concord of circumstilnces, can blend the beautiful with the 
 sublime, or the sublime with the beautiful, constituting 
 them one and the same object. We venture to differ from 
 these authorities ; and our proof, our demonstration, is the 
 Falls^f Niagara. 
 No^one doubts as to their sublimity ; the grandeur of 
 the scene is too palpable, too imposing, too overwhelming, 
 to admit of doubt on this point. The subject admits not 
 of reasoning, it is a matter of mere sensation. No human 
 being ever beheld these wonders without doing homage to 
 this sentiment. Many have, probably, been unable to 
 comprehend their own sensations as they have looked upon 
 the astonishing phenomena; but they have felt their 
 power, and been subdued into reverence and awe. It 
 seemed almost impossible for me to stir for a great length 
 of time ; an irresistible fascination seizing all my faculties, 
 as if overshadowed by the presence of a mystic power, 
 whose voice was heard in the thunder of many waters, as well 
 as his majesty seen in the grandeur of every object around. 
 But the sensations of pleasure and hftppiness are pro« 
 du^ed by the beautiful ; and, at the time, I considered 
 Niagara as the most sublimely beautiful object my eyes 
 ever beheld. Heaven was most propitious! The sun 
 shone forth in all his glory, the skies were lofty, blue, clear, 
 and stretched over an infinite span, an ample arch, such as 
 is only seen in such climates on a summer's day. Seated 
 on the roots of the tree before mentioned, I began to em- 
 ploy my new power, the idea of the beautiful, and soon 
 found its use. Above the crest of the cataract the water 
 was of a yellow colour ; but I saw that as soon as it passed, 
 with the exception merely of slight streaks of its primitive 
 hue, and in one or two places of green, which only height- 
 ened the effect, it instantly changed into perfect white. 
 This brilliant and dazzling white, as pure and spotless as 
 snow, was predominant, and gave its character to the whole 
 scene. By intense gazing, I next perceived that the de- 
 scending waters did not retain a smdOih, glassy, stream- 
 like suiface, but broke into crystals, as the dew-drops of 
 the morning, losing their watery appearance; and were 
 made brilliant and sparkling, like gems, by the illumination 
 of the sun's beams. This magnificent expanse of crystals 
 was next seen falling from the precipice in coimtless my- 
 riads, not in confused heaps, but in perfect order, as an 
 immense roll of beautiful drapery studded with brilliants, 
 and united by the force of some common element. This 
 unity and order is, in fact, one of the peculiarities of the 
 scene. It might be expected that the " flood of many wa- 
 tera" was dashed against stones and rocks, and broken 
 into fragments. Not so. The flow is perfectly regular ; 
 and the splendid sheet of white and dazzling fluid of gems 
 is seen to fall in a regular and continued stream. The 
 only deviation from this. regularity is the apparent forma- 
 tion of a beautiful curve at the Great Fall, the bend or 
 concave side being inward ; whilst, below, the flood of 
 white foam spreads itself out, like the robes of sovereignty 
 :f TOUR IN AMBRIOA. ' "^ 
 at the feet of a mighty prince. But this splendid robe 
 does not present the aspect of an even surface ; it is gather- 
 ed into festoons, as if bO formed for the purposes of orna- 
 ment. The crest of the precipice is evidently uneven, 
 there are rocky projections ; and yet these are not suffi- 
 ciently great to divide and break the waters in their fall, 
 whilst the stream retains its unity. The effect of this is to 
 grasp the flood, as if by the human hand, into folds, which 
 fall gracefully down, and add much to the beauty of the 
 Here, then, is the combination of beauties seen at Niag- 
 ara. Let the reader imagine a rock, with a crest three 
 parts of a mile in length, and one hundred and sixty or 
 seventy feet above the level ground ; then let him imagine 
 some mysterious power everlastingly rolling from this crest 
 a robe of hoar-frost, white, dazzling, pearly, descending like 
 beautiful drapery, festooned and varied, yet regular in form, 
 with a long train spread on the level plain below ; and he 
 will have the best idea which I can give of the garniture 
 of Niagara. Conceptions are difficult, perfect description 
 impossible : , nature has, however, supplied us with the 
 power of short ejaculations in the place of all other means 
 of expression ; and, after gazing with indescribable intensity 
 on this glorious object, I could only exclaim, " It is like 
 beautiful robes falling from the shoulders of a goddess !'* 
 On returning from Goat Island, we observed several 
 Indian women with little trinkets, of their own manufacture, 
 for sale. One was a mother, and had a fine, chubby child, 
 on her lap. We gave the little urchin a piece of silver, 
 which its tiny hand with difficulty grasped ; and, after 
 pm'chasing a few articles, took our leave. They looked 
 interesting women, and deserved a better fate. Having 
 now seen all which could be seen on the American side, we 
 hastened to cross the river below the Falls. We found a 
 sort of reciprocity railroad contrivance, by which to let us 
 down the hill-side to the water's edge, a fearftil height ; the 
 doRcending oarriages dragging up, by their velocity, corre- 
 sponding carriagei with passengers and goods. The boat 
 by which we crossed was of the most fragile kmd, and 
 navigated by one man. Rain had come on ; but we ob- 
 tained a perfect view of the Falls, being within a short 
 distance ; and to me it seemed surprising that we were able 
 to croRS 80 near. A dense mist was now rising from the 
 spray and foam, giving an entirely new and interesting 
 aspect of the scene. The rain passed off before we crossed, 
 and the lun again shone. We leaped on shore without 
 thought ; but after walking up the ascent a short distance, 
 the truth suddenly rushed upon my mind, and I exclaimed, 
 " We are on the territories of Queen Victoria. Pull off 
 your hat I" at the same time doffing my own, in reverence 
 to the majesty of England. We ensconced ourselres at a 
 magnificent hotel just in front of the Falls, and saw them 
 in all their glory from the windows. 
 As soon as some necessary prehminaries were disposed 
 of, we went to see the Great Fall. The river at this pomt 
 is about three* fourths of a mile across ; the fall itself is in 
 the form of a crescent, the curve inward, and is often called 
 the Horse-Shoe Fall, by reason of its resemblance. The 
 descent of the water at the American Fall is one hundred 
 and sixty-fow feet ; and at this greater one, one hundred 
 and fifty-eight. Below the cataract, the river is only half 
 a mile in breadth, being, as we see, contracted after its 
 descent, while its depth is said to be three himdred feet. 
 This rush of water is connected with distant forces. The 
 liver forms the outlet of the waters of the great upper 
 lakes, which, together with Erie and Ontario, drain, accord- 
 ing to Professor Drake, of Kentucky, an area of country 
 equal to forty thousand square miles ; and the extent of 
 their surface is estimated at ninety-three thousand square 
 miles. These lakes contain nearly one-half of the fresh 
 water on the surface of the globe. 
 \ Qi^ an^ylDg n^ the fall, I placed myself on Table JWck, 
 ' ■&, 
 the usual and best position to obtain a perfect view. With 
 all the characteristics of beauty mentioned in conneidon 
 with the first scene described, we have here many additional 
 elements brought to view. The difference is in position, 
 extent, greatness, and, if the term may be employed, the 
 unity and perfection of the object. The lesser fall is that 
 of a branch stream, — ^this is the parent river ; the former 
 finds its way into the channel from the side, the bank, — 
 this spans the channel itself; the crest of the smaller 
 precipice is nearly a straight line, — this is a beautiful curve ; 
 the dependent stream looks like an accident, a phenomenon, 
 that need not have been, and in which even now some 
 change might possibly be produced, — but the great fall 
 looks like the " everlasting hills," as, so to speak, an eternity, 
 an essential, original, immutable power of nature. A 
 stranger, having never seen this fall, would be led to ima- 
 gine that something extremely confused must prevail, like 
 the heavens in a^^ltorm, cloud crossing cloud, or like the 
 ocean agitated by opposing currents. Nothing can be a 
 greater mistake. The very opposite is the fact. The day 
 does not break, the tide does not flow, the planet does not 
 move in its orbit, with greater regularity and certainty than 
 Niagara. From Table Rock, or my bed-room at the hotel, 
 I always saw the same calm, unruflled, majestic object. 
 No diminution or augmentation of water appeared, but a 
 constant, inexhaustible roll of the torrent; nothing analo- 
 gous to the rise and fall of the tides, or the ebbing and 
 flowing of the sea, occurs, but one deep, even, everlasting 
 movement : winds and storms will scatter the spray before 
 the cataract is reached, but after the waters have passed, 
 they can have no effect ; they cannot turn the stream one 
 hair's breadth, or stop its course for a moment. There is 
 something perfectly awful in the idea of the imdeviating 
 uniformity of all the forces seen to be at work at this great 
 We behold motion, calm, but rapi4,^iuiinteirupted, 
 irresistible, eternal, — with the feeling that this motion has 
 been in progress for hundreds, for thousands, of years ; for 
 aught we know, from the beginning of time, or, at any 
 rate, ever since the flood. We see force and power, — 
 palpable, tangible, concentrated, and, to man, omnipotent, 
 — always at work, and unwearied, silent, majestic, like the 
 omnipotence of God. We contemplate a created sove- 
 reignty, a kind of rectoral glory, enthroned; — a power, 
 concentrating itself at this point in lofty grandeur, as if to 
 render itself visible, — then sweeping along, and, in regard 
 to all within its sway, helpless in resistance ; like the mighty 
 stream of time, bearing the fate and destiny of nature and 
 empires into the abyss below, the hades of all created things. 
 We follow the course of the waters, and see, at a prodigious 
 depth, a frightful gulf, scooped out as if to embrace the 
 descending flood, and conduct it to some new destiny ; — 
 as the present receives the past in its passage onward, and 
 impels it by a new impulse, together with all it bears on its 
 tide, to the mysterious future. We stretch our gaze over 
 this yawning deep, and perceive that the water has changed 
 its aspect altogether. It nojv has a milk-like appearance, 
 and is tossed, agitated, whirled, infuriated, — ^heaving its 
 bosom to an immense height, and sending forth its spray 
 and mist to be arched by the rainbow, and painted by sun- 
 beams with every variety of colour; thus imitating the 
 progress of human events in reducing old, great, majestic, 
 time-worn forms of power into chaos, and then handing 
 them over to other agencies to receive some new form, to 
 run in new channels, and push their way into an untried 
 Such were the thoughts which passed through my mind ; 
 but who can grasp, who can describe, the combined effect ? 
 We have no analogies in nature. These Falls are alone in 
 the universe; they stand in peerless majesty; nothing is 
 like them. The sublimity consists in their combined majesty 
 and beauty. Their grandeur is not in the slightest degree 
 in harmony with that of the Alpine mountains, rugged 
 heights, and overhanging rocks, corered with clouds, and 
 lost in darkness. It is rather as if nature had sat in council 
 with herself, to create a living emhodiment of her utmost 
 power, sovereign glory, irresistible force, rapid motion ; and 
 then throw around the representation of her visible symbol 
 — ^instinct with the life of many, of all, elements — a covering 
 of exquisite, of inexpressible, beauty. 
 There this living monument stands, a glorious emUem 
 of the majesty of God ! It has been looked upon with 
 wonder next to adoration by a countless number of visitors ; 
 these have all received different impressions, in accordance 
 with the structure of their nervous systems, the powers of 
 vision, and the faculty of combination. Many have given 
 their impressions to the public ; some in classic and eloquent, 
 impassioned and poetic, strains ; some, again, in scientific 
 and geological language ; — but aU have come short, all have 
 failed. This attempt to convey the impressions of another 
 soul, the feelings of another heart, is equally short of the 
 truth, is equally a failure. Who can describe thunder? 
 who can paint the rainbow ? who can exhibit the ocean in 
 language ? who can grasp the infinite ? God has left, in all 
 his dominions and works, space for imagination. Everjrthing 
 has its mystery, — ^nothing its limits. Niagara stands a 
 mystic creation, defying the admeasurements of the human 
 intellect. But he welcomes all who approach to indulge 
 the feelings of admiration, wonder, awe; — and by the 
 eternal roar of his glorious music, he sends up sounds of 
 adoration to God, and challenges for his Creator the homage 
 of all hearts. '^ 
 We finish our sketch by inserting " Cora Lynn," by an, 
 accomplished American lady, Mrs. Sigoumey. 
 " lliott 'rt beaatifiil, sweet Cora Lynn, 
 In thy sequeatet'd place, 
 Thy plunge on plunge, 'mid wreathing foain,^ 
 Abni^t, yet taU. of grace. 
 Down, down with breatblesa apeed thou goest 
 Into thy rock-sown bed ; 
 Bright snnbeuns on thy glancing tobea. 
 Rude crags above thy head. 
 X Thy misty dew is on the trees, 
 And forth, with gladness meet, 
 They reach the infant leaf and bnd, 
 To take thy b«4>ti8m sweet. 
 No Clydesdale spears are flasliing nigh, 
 In foray wild and rude ; 
 Bat Con's time-roek'd castle sle^^ 
 ^. In peaceful solitude. 
 " What wouldst thou think, sweet Con Lynn, 
 Couldst thou Niagan spy, 
 • The mighty monarch of the West, 
 With terror in his eye ? 
 Thou 'dst fear him on liis ocean throne, i|; 
 Like lion in his lair ; 
 Meek snooded maiden, dowei'd with all 
 That father Clyde can spare. 
 *' For thou mifl^t'st perch, like hooded Urd, 
 Upon his giant hand ; 
 Nor 'midst his world of waters wake^ 
 A ripple on his strand. ^P^ 
 He'd drink thee up, sweet Con Lynn , 
 And thou, to crown the sip, 
 Wouldst scarce a wheen of bal)bles make 
 Upon his monstrous lip. 
 *' Thy voice, that bids the foliage quake. 
 Around thy crystal brim, 
 Would quiver like the cricket's chirp, 
 'Midst bis hoarse thunder-hymn. 
 For like a thing that scorns the earth, 
 He rears his awful crest, t- 
 And takes the rtdnbow from the skies. 
 And folds it round his breast. 
 " Thou 'rt passing fah-, sweet Cora Lynn : 
 And he who sees thee lea'p 
 Into the bosom of the flood, 
 Might o'er thy beauty weep. > 
 But lone Niagara still doth speak 
 Of <3od both night and day : 
 And force, firom each terrestrial thought^ 
 The gazer's soul away." 
 Every bode I had read, and every person with wh<Ha I 
 had conversed, after visiting America and Canada, united 
 in th«ir testimony as to Uie great diiBforence instantly felt on 
 passing the boundary-line ; and this change seemed always 
 to be represented in favour of Canada ; while any attempt 
 at pointing out the nature of this contrast, its causes and 
 its characteristics, has never, so far as I know, been at- 
 tempted. The fact is indisputable. It is not a matter of 
 reasoning, of inference, of opinion ; it is instantly felt, as 
 much as in going out of a warm room into a cold atmos- 
 phere. What is it which produces the change ? The pre- 
 ference is, of course, a matter of taste. The American 
 temperament is by some generally preferred, and by others 
 the Canadian. 
 Let us look at the case. On the American side, the 
 ^ple are all life, elasticity, buoyancy, activity ; on the 
 Canadian side we have a people who appear subdued, tame, 
 spiridess, as if living much more under the influence of 
 fear than hope. Again : on the American territory we 
 behold men moving as if they had the idea that their call- 
 ing was to act, to dhoose, to govern — at any rate to govern 
 themselves; on the Canada soil we see a race, perhaps 
 more polite than the other, but who seem to live under the 
 impression that their vocation is to receive orders, and 
 obey. Then, on the American side, you are placed in the 
 midst of incessant bustle, agitation; the hotels are filled, 
 coaches are in constant movement, railroad trains passing 
 and rejMusing with their passengers, while men of business 
 tupe seen pushing their concerns with impassioned ardour. 
 On the Canada shore we have comparatively still life ; 
 delicate, genteel, formal. ■ Moreover, on the American ter- 
 ritory, all along the shores of the lakes, the country is being 
 cleared, houses and vilhkges built, works put up, incipient 
 ports opened, and trade begun. On the Canada shore, 
 unbroken forest appears for miles, while the small openings 
 which have been made present themselves to view in a 
 very infantine and feeble state of progress. 
 All this was exhibited at once at our hotel itself. We 
 had been put down in the town pf Niagara on the Ameri* 
 can side, in the midst of an active population, and hastened 
 at once to one of several large hotels. Besides heing splen- 
 didly fitted up, it was full of people. In my ignorance I 
 had imagined that we were to take up our residence at this 
 place, and hastened to engage a room : in this attempt 1 
 foimd it difficult to obtain accommodation at all, and failed 
 altogether in securing a chamber which commanded a view 
 of the Falls. We crossed over to the Canadian village, and 
 found an equally commodious inn ; but the contrast was 
 most striking. The saloon to which we were directed was 
 equal to one of the American dining-rooms, capable of ac- 
 commodating from one hundred and fifty to two hundred 
 persons. What was the company ? When dinner wat an- 
 nounced, about ten persons sat at one end of a prodi^ous 
 table, receiving the good things of Providence in perfect 
 silence, except as broken by some common-place phrases 
 . There sat at our table, on this and on all other ocoa* 
 sions, an old lady, the perfect personification of the state 
 of things around us. This lady had a dowager-like appear- 
 ance and air, the quintessence of politeness, with studied 
 movements and manners, as if she had been in the observ- 
 ance of punctilios for fifty years. Her dress, head-gear, 
 and ornaments, had been adjusted as if for a ball-room. 
 Our friend might have been taken from Niagara to any 
 saloon in St. James's, and would have surprised no one by 
 the transfer. Now these are the things which, no doubt, 
 please many of our voyageurs from this country, and cause 
 them to consider Canadian society as transcendently above 
 that of the United States. The 8%ht of that old lady would 
 settle the question at once on the score of gentility ; and 
 especially when it is added, that at the Canada hotel the 
 gentlemen and ladies take wine at dinner, and at the other 
 side of the border this is not the fashion. 
 There is another striking difference between the Ameri- 
 oans and the Canadiaps. In the firat-mentioned country, 
 ideas, esntiments, opmions — in fine, knowledge seems to be 
 considered a common stock. The people sit with their legs 
 across a ehair-bnok, or place them in some other derated po- 
 sition, and talk at their ease. On the other hand the Cana- 
 dian people seem to say, " Do you not know that I am a gen- 
 tleman? Keep your distance, sir." Then, again, the Ame- 
 rican officer never foigets that he is a citizen, and the citi- 
 zen does not forget that he is a man ; their intercourse is 
 p^ectly easy, free, unembarrassed ; the one class neyer 
 assumes an air of superiority ; the other never lowers his 
 status, or yields up his consciousness of equality, or his 
 self-respect. On the other hand, the Canadian (^cer never 
 remt)^s from his standing of assumed dignity, or conde- 
 8<iends to become the citizen ; he rarely almalgamates with 
 tiie people ; and they, on their part, as seldom think of 
 stepjnng beyond their line, and claiming equality. These 
 artificial distinctions have a powerful and obvious effect. 
 The manners of the Canadian population, being thus regu- 
 lated, appear much more in accordance with European 
 notions than their neighbours'. This circumstance, no 
 doubt, causes the one class to be decried as vulgar, and the 
 other to be praised as polite. The opinion, as we have said, 
 is a matter of taste. They who desire to see nature in its 
 genuine tendencies, will prefer the one ; they who admire 
 it most imder the restraints of distinctions and fashion, the 
 otlter. But it would be unjust in mc to say, that the 
 more unrestrained population are not polite ; for, in truth, 
 I met with nothing but the mo^t perfect politeness from 
 them all. 
 My companion, Mr. Ryerson, had desired that his horse 
 and gig might meet us at Niagara. And being thus 
 fovoured, on the second morning we set out, and, by the 
 help of this vehicle, visited several interesting places in the 
 neighbourhood. Among the rest Drummondville, so named 
 alter General Drummond, called some years ago Lttndy's- 
 iMnb, JkX this place A dreadful battle iras fought in iiife 
 late war, between the British and American foreea. The 
 people have erected three or four " stands/' of considera- 
 ble elevation, ascended by a flight of steps in the inside, 
 for the purpose of showing the battle-field. We reached 
 the top of one of these stands, kept by an old soldier, who 
 described the course of the battle in all its details. Gene- 
 ral Scott, the dislingiushed commander of the American 
 armies in the late Mexican war, was second in command 
 at this sanguinary conflict. The old man pointed out a 
 grave-yard, belon^ng to a little Presbyterian chapel, where 
 the British artillery was planted. The Americans attacked 
 this artillery, and took it ; the English comnumder ordered 
 a body of infantry to advance, for the purpose of re^^ap- 
 turing the lost guns; and this proved successful. The 
 Americans, not willing to lose their prize, were brought 
 into deadly conflict with the British troops, in a charge of 
 bayonets. The old soldier descanted on the fact, that this 
 Ixma-fide crossing of bayonets constituted the third instance 
 on record of such a struggle ; in all other cases, when a 
 charge had been made, one of the parties invariably gave 
 way before they came into actual collision. On this 
 occasion the numbers were about equal; they closed 
 upon each other ; the steel flashed fire as the weapons of 
 death struck ; the struggle was that of man to man, of the 
 same blood, speaking the same language, posidbly descend- 
 ants of the same parents ; resolution, heroism, the strength 
 of muscle, the qualities of the soul, were all brought into 
 requisition ; blood flowed in torrents, hundreds fell on either 
 side ; the balance quiv^ed, sometimes turning on one side, 
 and sometimes on the other; the decisive moment at lengili 
 came, the Americans slowly retired, and the British were 
 left in possession of their guns, and of the ensanguined 
 baitle-field. And there they lay — ^^ctors and vanqiushed 
 —side by side, in the little burying-^und, quietly sleep- 
 ing now as brothers. 
 We turned aside from tins field of blood, to see the peace- 
 ML fraito of indtutiy and union, " The Niagara Sospension- 
 bridge." There has been a mighty amount of nonsense 
 published in the newspapers respecting this work of art. 
 How often have the British public been gulled and amused, 
 by articles respecting a bridge being " built over the Falls 
 of magara !" The bridge in question has no more to do 
 with the Falls of Niagara, than London bridge, except in 
 the fact of its closer proximity. The simple matter of fact 
 is, that the bridge now in progress is about a mile below ; 
 and instead of being *' over the Falls," is designed neither 
 more nor less than just to span the river. The following 
 is an American account : " Ibe Niagara suspension-bridge 
 will span the narrow gorge of the Niagara river, between 
 the cataract and the whirlpool, in view of both, by an arch 
 eight hundred feet long," (how can this be called an arch ?) 
 " forty feet wide, and two hundred and thirty feet above 
 the water. It will be supported by sixteen wire cables, 
 one thousand one hundred feet long, and upwards of twelve 
 inches in circumference. Its strength is to be equid to six 
 thousand five hundred tons' tension strain ; and it is to be 
 subjected to the most severe and conclusive tests, so as to 
 render it safe beyond any possible contingency. A rail- 
 road-track will extend through the centre, uniting the roads 
 terminating at the Falls ; there will also be carriage-ways, 
 and a foot-path. It is to be completed by the first of 
 May, 1849, at a cost of 190,000 dollars. The engineer is 
 Charles Hlet, Esq., of Philadelphia." - i 
 The work was in progress at the time we visited th<S site, 
 not, however, very far advanced. ■• v!hkit the frightful chasm 
 embracing the river was then crossed by — I know not what 
 it is called — a cable suspension, moved by a windlass 
 power, like the one at Clifton, near Bristol. 
 In the afternoon we took a last look of the Falls ; feeling 
 reluctant to leave so soon. But my companion having ar- 
 ranged for me to preach at St. Catharine's, a town some 
 miles across the country, I felt obliged to obey the cdl of 
 duty. This journey afforded me good opportunity of 
 judging of the progress of agriculture in Western Canada ; 
 and I am compelled to say, that I saw no farming in the 
 United States equal to that of this part of the country. 
 The land is exceedingly rich and good ; and cultivation, so 
 far as it has extended, has evidently been conducted on 
 an excellent principle. The crops appeared promising and 
 We arrived at our destination in time for public service, 
 and had a good attendance. Here I beheld an unusual 
 spectacle ; when I gave out the hymn, the whole congre- 
 gation swung round, with the regularity of a regiment of 
 soldiers wheeling to the right-about, — ^turning their backs 
 upon me. I was startled, not knowing but the sight of an 
 Englishman had either put them into a fright, or produced 
 some other unpleasant sensation, till told that it was the 
 Presbyterian custom, and our people had learned it from 
 them. We are certainly a very Uammg people ; but the 
 sooner these St. Catharine folks, and all others, imlearn 
 this vile practice, the better. 
 On our route to Hamilton the next day, we called to 
 dine at Mr. Edwards's, the brother-in-law of my travelling 
 friend. Here I had an opportunity of seeing a farm-house 
 and family of the better class of Canadian farmers. Every- 
 thing wore an air of great comfort, abundance, and happi- 
 ness. The house itself, a wooden one, was very commodious, 
 well-furnished, and, in some sort, elegant. The land around 
 appeared exceedingly rich and fertile, bearing abundant 
 crops. We were hospitably and kindly entertfuned, having 
 for dinner the accustomed tip-top fare when friends of the 
 first consideration are entertained, — a sucking pig. After 
 a pleasant journey, (for the roads are much better in Canada 
 than in the States,) we arrived in Hamilton, and I found 
 myself happily lodged in the family of my kind companion, 
 Mr. Byerson. 
 The Sunday brought with it much peace and enjoyment. 
 TOUR nr AinmoA. 
 I preached in the mornmg at Dandas, a laige town, four 
 nfles from Hamilton, to a plain country congregation; and 
 m the erening at Hamilton. It is pleasant to find the 
 Bweet rest of the Sabbath in these joumeyings, excitements, 
 and converse with men : it brings one to Ood, and reminds 
 of heaven. Hamilton, named after the first settler on the 
 spot, is a fine and improving place ; one of the finest towns, 
 in some respects, if not the finest, in Canada. It is beau- 
 tifolly situated at the head of Lake Ontario ; is a place of 
 much trade, being placed in a position to enjoy the navi- 
 gation of the lakes, and to obtain an easy access to the 
 United States. A railroad, now in progress, will c(»mect 
 it with the west, so that its prospects of progress are great. 
 A rising hill, called " the Mountain," forms a beautiful back- 
 ground to the city, the slope of which is even now partly 
 occupied by splendid residences, commanding a magnificent 
 view of the lake. This hill has little pretensions to the 
 name " mountain ;" but being the only elevation of any 
 consideration in Western Canada, the definite article is 
 employed. This whole ridge is capable of being used for 
 building purposes ; and, no doubt, in time, both its ascent 
 and level plain above will be covered with the habitations 
 of men. We ascended this mountain, and obtained a most 
 beautiful prospect of the lake and country around. The 
 locality is ornamented by a tiny castle, the residence of Sir 
 Alan M'Nab, the only native titled gentleman in the pro- 
 vinces. The place is ill situated, in the vicinity of a swamp, 
 and the inmates are said to be exposed to that constant 
 consequence of such malaria, the ague. 
 . h 
 Onturio— ToroaU^-Dr. Il7<> ion— Sir F. B. Hend— Blihop ftnehui— TIm City 
 — D«purtare for Kia|«toi»— Mr. Roblnton— Mr. Boltoiv— Coburf Collage— 
 Kingston— Pui up tite Bay of Qulntl— Belleville— Th« CaiMda Conference 
 —The Union— Return to Kingaton. 
 After spending Monday in this agreeable town, we started 
 on Tuesday morning for Toronto, in a fine steamer, down 
 the lake. The passage was enchanting ; everything con- 
 spired to make it agreeable. The day was splendid, the 
 lake unruffled, the company pleasant, the shore fine, and 
 bloonllng with a luxuriant vegetation. 
 The next morning we arrived at Toronto, and I was met 
 at the landing-place by my dear friend Dr. Ryerson, who 
 conducted me to his own house, where I lodged during 
 my sojourn in thb city. I was now at home with one 
 whom I had long known, and greatly esteemed. We talked 
 of old times, old friends, old troubles and misunderstand- 
 ings ; and could now well afford to rejoice in the altered 
 state of things, the union of the two bodies having been 
 effected ; and, especially, in the settled peace of the Me- 
 thodist Church in Canada. 
 I found my friend in possession of the office of chief 
 superintendent of the government-school system, now in 
 vigorous progress ; an office somewhat, analogous to 4hat 
 occupied in this country by Dr. Kaye Shuttleworth. He 
 was fully engaged by the duties of this post, was much 
 and zealously devoted to the cause, and, I have no doubt, 
 conducted its business with great ability. He had pre- 
 vailed upon the authorities to allow the old government- 
 house to bes occupied as a training school. This govemment- 
 Iiouse had been celebrated by Sir Francis Head, as the 
 place of his quiet slumbers, when the rebel Mackenzie and 
 his American sympathizers were approaching the city in 
 battle array ; and where he developed the wonderful re- 
 sources of his civil and military genius, and, as if by magic, 
 drove the rebel forces reeling, if not into the lake, yet back 
 again to the opposite shore. This was a rare man, this Sir 
 Francis ! However, one would like to know whether there 
 happened to be some thoughtful military officer awake, 
 when Sir Francis was so snugly asleep ? whether the science 
 and strategy of war had anything to do with the miracu- 
 lous magic which drove the rebels back? whether Sir 
 Francis, not being a military man, shared the toils and 
 dangers of the non-military inhabitants of the city, as a 
 volunteer? Be these things as they may, the house in 
 which all the wonderful feats of this gentleman were con- 
 cocted and performed, we now found to be occupied for 
 very different purposes. It is no longer a place for the 
 manufacture of bulletins and missiles of war, but a school 
 for training messengers of peace ; it no longer witnesses 
 such heroics as were played off by Sir Francis, but fur- 
 nishes a quiet home for the development of such faculties 
 as the youth of Canada may happen to possess, to enable 
 them to benefit their fellow-countrymen. 
 These schools are truly national, not denominational. 
 The system is very much like the British, or Borough-road 
 scheme ; the Bible, in the authorized version, is employed 
 daUy, and the more specific teaching left in the hands of 
 ministers and parents. Schools are planted through the 
 whole country, so that the children of the poor have now 
 the means of obtaining a good education. The moral and 
 religious advantages of this must be immense ; and, in due 
 time, will tell most beneficially on the state of the people. 
 An educated population is growing up ; their improved in- 
 telligence and morals will blend with general society, and 
 the effects be seen in all their ramifications and interests. 
 The district-meeting was sitting in Toronto ; so that I 
 had the opportunity of judging of the state of things in the 
 Canadian body, so far as they were developed by the pro- 
 ceedings of this assembly. Poverty pressed upon the 
 brelhren ; their deficiencies in many of the circuits were 
 ooniiderable, which they had not tJie means of meeting ; 
 and the preachers were obliged to bear the loss themselves, 
 which they did without murmuring. Their religious state 
 was found to be good ; they had increased in numbers al- 
 most everywhere, and progress was apparent in every de- 
 On Sunday I had the happiness to preach twice, in Ade- 
 laide and Richmond-street chapels, to spiritual and lively 
 congregations. Whilst at this city, Dr. Ryerson took me, 
 amongst other visits, to pay our respects to the lord bishop 
 of Toronto, Dr. Strachan, a Lowland Scotchman, one 
 would say by his stature ; possessing all the shrewdness 
 and toot of his countiymen ; a clever man of business, 
 having long had much influence in public affairs. We 
 found he had lost none of the brogue of the north ; and to 
 listen to the sounds of his voice one would have supposed 
 the place of interview to have been Glasgow instead of 
 Toronto. We were very politely received, and after half 
 an hour's conversation on general questions, took our leave. 
 Toronto is beautifully situated on Lake Ontario ; the 
 country is level, but free from swamp, and perfectly dry ; 
 the city is new, but there are many excellent buildings ; 
 imd King-street is about the finest in America : the shops 
 of this street are not stores, but finished and decorated in 
 English style ; and, in appearance, would be no disgrace 
 to Regent-street, if placed by its side. 
 After spending four or five days at Toronto, we took our 
 departure for Kingston on Monday morning. On board 
 the steamer we met Chief-Justice Robinson, and Mr. Bol- 
 ton, late Chief-Justice of Newfoundland, now a resident in 
 Toronto, and one of the members of the House of Assem- 
 bly. Th^se gentlemen belonged to different grades in 
 politics ; Mr. Robinson being at the head of the conserva- 
 tives, and the leading member of the late government; 
 whilst Mr. Bolton belongs to the Liberals, and supports 
 the present party in power. They were going on circuit, 
 the one as a judge, and the other as counsel. We found 
 them veiy agreeable men, Chief-Justice Robinson being 
 evidently a man of first-rate intellect and mental power. 
 Mr. Bolton, whom I met again on board the " America," 
 on my return to this country, complained much of the 
 treatment he had met with in connexion with his office of 
 chief-justice in Newfoundland. He had quarrelled with 
 the popish power on that island ; and in the dispute, the 
 home-government, in Lord Melbourne's time, had, as usual, 
 taken part, as he said, with the Papists. He was ob- 
 structed in the discharge of his duties by open violence ; 
 the popish bishop offered to help him out of his difficulties 
 if he would allow his official influence and commands to 
 pass through his hands to the people ; by this, proposing 
 to put the judge's office in commission, the bishop being 
 the chief commissioner. This he indignantly spumed, and 
 determined that the law should be enforced by the civil, 
 the constitutional power. This brought the judge into im- 
 mediate collision with the popish party ; and disputes, agi- 
 tations, and riots ensued. He was in danger of personal 
 violence ; and his wife, a Romanist herself, took sides with 
 her husband, and heroically sheltered him from his enemies. 
 The issue was dismissal from office. The civil power, the 
 o(Mistitution, the flag of Queen Victoria, were made, as was 
 always the case in those times, to succumb to popish vio- 
 lence. Mr. Bolton could never extort from the home 
 government, either by personal application, or by getting a 
 friend to push the matter in the Commons, any explanation 
 of the cause of his dismissal, though he knew perfectly, 
 that it was done to gratify, to conciliate, the papists. His 
 notions of the Romanists on the one hand, and of their 
 friends and patrons, the then British government, on the 
 other, were anything but favourable to either. 
 Towards evening we reached Coburg, where these gen- 
 tlemen left us. The captain had the politeness to remain 
 * \ 
 longer than his usual time, to allow us to run up and take 
 a hasty glance at Victoria College. Nature could not fur- 
 nish a finer site. The building stands on an eminence be- 
 hind the town, commanding a most glorious view of the 
 lake and surroundmg country. It was vacation-time ; we 
 did not consequently see the young men. It is a fine in- 
 stitution, and promises to be of great benefit to the Me- 
 thodist Church in Canada. After regaling our sight with 
 this lovely scene, we hastened on board, and were soon 
 again in motion : such is life. 
 We arrived at Kingston the next morning, and hoped to 
 go on immediately to Belleville, our destmation, and the 
 town where the Canadian Conference was appointed to be 
 held. Our expectations, however, were doomed to be dis- 
 appointed. A steamer had been engaged to take us ; but 
 behold, on our arrival we found, to our consternation, that 
 a telegraphic communication had been sent, countermand- 
 ing the order ; and the vessel having been despatched to 
 Montreal, no other could be obtained. I had risen in great 
 pain and misery, and was obliged to go to a friend's house, 
 and lie on the sofa all day. In consequence of this disaster, 
 I had little opportunity of seeing Kingston. 
 At night, an hour or two before dark, we began our voy- 
 age up the Bay of Quinti, one of the loveliest pieces of 
 water in Canada, and surrounded by fine and beautifully 
 wooded banks. Our steamer was a miserably poor afiair ; 
 our accommodations indifferent ; the night wet and cold ; 
 and, to complete the discomfort, a number of our brethren 
 placed themselves just against the door of my cabin, sup- 
 posing I was asleep, and indulged themselves in conversa- 
 tion till about one o'clock. Altogether, it was a most 
 miserable night. We arrived at Belleville towards nine 
 o'clock ; and) as soon as we had finished breakfast, pro- 
 ceeded to open the conference, and begin business. 
 Most of the brethren had arrived, and we mustered 
 more than a hundred men, The business was chiel9y rou- 
 tine, and not of much public interest. The union had 
 been effected the year before, by the good-will and co- 
 operation of nearly all parties, but chiefly by the prudence 
 and indefatigable exertions of Dr. Alder. He laboured at 
 this laudable task with great ability and perseverance, and 
 happily succeeded in his exertions. In all such conditions 
 of the church as obtained in Canada, there must, of course, 
 be hostile elements, — passions and prejudices called forth 
 by former antagonistic operations ; things in themselves of 
 little consideration are elevated, in the opinion of dispu- 
 tants, to the importance and dignity of principles ; imagi- 
 nary interests, honour, and consistency are considered as at 
 stake ; and, moreover, the separate movements of the par- 
 ties will be thought by themselves to embody the cause of 
 God. These difficulties stood in the way of the union so 
 happily effected. When the good men, — ^for they are 
 good men, — of both parties came to consider the question 
 dispassionately, their judgment was convinced, and their 
 prejudices so far gave way, as to lead them to assent to the 
 proposition of union. But it may easily be seen that it 
 would require a skilful hand to manage these clashing in- 
 terests, and bring all parties into a state of harmony. By 
 the good providence of God, this experienced pilot was 
 found in Dr. Alder: his knowledge of the men, his ac- 
 quaintance with the work, his influence in the country, all 
 came in to aid his excellent judgment ; and a work was 
 accomplished on which he and all parties will have cause 
 to reflect with great satisfaction. To heal divisions, to re- 
 move stumbling-blocks, to bring brethren estranged from 
 each other by misunderstandings into a state of unity, — 
 must surely be considered a good work, and in agreement 
 with the entire spirit of the Gospel. 
 We heard little on the subject at conference, except 
 exultations that the measure had been effected. The few 
 preachers who had expressed opposing sentiments the 
 year before, were now not only satisfied, but became zeal- 
 0U8 eulogists of the measure. We heard not a word of 
 dissatisfaction from any portion of the people; though I-^ 
 have understood that smce, on the removal of their pastor, 
 an Englishman in connexion with the British Conference, 
 the people in one place have taken occasion to revolt, and 
 some have left the hody. On the whole, the miion may 
 be considered as complete, and to work well. It is to be 
 hoped that the issue will be seen in the extension of true 
 religion, and the revival of the work of God. 
 I found that many, probably one-half, of the preachers 
 are Englishmen. They are laborious and diligent in their 
 work, are men of good sense and sound piety, much attach- 
 ed to all the distinctive characteristics of Methodism, alive 
 to the progress and prosperity of the work in which they 
 are engaged, and prepared to endure much privation for the 
 accomplishment of the object of their desires and prayers. 
 They have already done much in the cultivation of Western 
 Canada; their chapels, schools, and religious institutions, 
 are numerous, and on a respectable scale; their circuits 
 pervade the enture country, embracing the back settlements 
 and outposts, as well as the cities and larger towns : the 
 character and moral influence of the Church are such as to 
 command the respect of the entire community; and as 
 population progresses, and the resources of the country are 
 developed, this people must, in the ordinary course of events, 
 become an increasingly great and influential body. 
 We closed our business on Thursday, June 15th, at 
 noon ; thus accomplishing our work in a week and one day. 
 It required close attention, much evening labour, no super- 
 fluity of talk, good order, and brotherly kindness, to bring 
 this about : all of which were happily observed. Many of 
 the good brethren seemed surprised at themselves when 
 they had done ; they imagined the thing impossible. We 
 broke up, as we had continued together, in great harmony 
 and concord. For myself, I left them with unfeigned 
 regret and entire affection ; and they will never be forgotten, 
 tbey wHl never cease to be objects of my most cordial 
 esteem and regard. 
 It had been my happiness to be entertained at the house 
 of Mr. Flint, a member of the Assembly, and a most kind- 
 hearted man. Our pleasure was, however, in some measure 
 r abated by the circumstance of his*being afflicted with ague, 
 which came upon him at regular periods of the day, and 
 I "XKluced the most depressing prostration. Mrs. Flint is u 
 most chaiming and excellent lady, and did her utmost to 
 make our abode in the family agreeable and happy. From 
 these kind friends we parted with sincere regret, and prayers 
 for their continued happiness. 
 Nothing is so pleasant as to recount kindnesses; but 
 when all are kind, it is difficult to select instances without 
 appearing invidious. But I must confess, in parting with 
 my Canadian brethren, that I should be most ungrateful 
 were I not to say, that from Mr. John Ryerson, in a long 
 journey through the States as well as Canada, by residence 
 and fellowship at Pittsburgh, at Hamilton, at Belleville, 
 down the St. Lawrence, to tiie very end of cur intercourse, 
 — I received nothing but the most cordial acts of kindness ; 
 not, I am sur&, so much on my own account, as to betoken 
 his respect for the Methodist Conference in this country. 
 Ouj* friend, the Rev. Enoch Wood, Superintendent of 
 Missions, residing at Toronto, I found to be a very able 
 man ; and universally respected for his excellent character, 
 ability, and devotedness to the service of his Divine Master. 
 It was, moreover, refreshing to meet once more with our 
 old brethren and acquaintance, Peter Jones and Jolm 
 Sunday They hold on their way, retain all the freshness 
 of religion, devote themselves to the work of God among 
 their countrymen, and do much good. John Sunday made 
 us a missionary speech with as much spirit as ever, height- 
 ened by the interest he felt — and caused us to feel^from the 
 fact that he was brought to God at Belleville, in the ohapel 
 in which he was then speaking for his heavenly Master, 
 I r 
 Another noble evangelist, whose name is perfectly familiar 
 to our people in this country, also attended the conference, 
 — the Key. William Case ; a man of beautiful simplicity, 
 fine sense, great moderation and charity, fervent piety, and 
 most abundant and useful labours. There are men in 
 Canada destined, as I hope, to perpetuate and carry out to 
 a blessed consummation the good work already existing. 
 We embarked on board the steamer about four o'clock 
 on the day we finished our confeience business, and made 
 our way rapidly down the Bay of Quinti. The daylight 
 remained for many hours, so that I obtained a prolonged 
 view both of land and water. The whole scenery was most 
 enchanting : the banks were covered with unbroken forests, 
 with rich blue foliage, bending to the water's edge ; and 
 were studded, here and there, with flourishing villages and 
 fertile farms. At the close of day we landed, and found a 
 fine little town, situated in a singular nook formed by an 
 inlet of the bay, and apparently lost in the midst of the 
 forest. The night was passed in tranquillity ; and early in 
 the morning we found ourselves at Kingston. I now saw a 
 little more of this i?ity ; it is situated in a most lovely local- 
 ity, and it may be fairly doubted whether any inland town 
 in the world can vie with it, in either its astonishing conflu- 
 ence of waters, or, in some respects, beautiful scenery. 
 Placed at the extremity of Lake Ontario, and at the head 
 of the St. Lawrence, Kingston commands the navigation of 
 both. By the river, it is connected with the Atlantic, and 
 consequently with Europe; and by the lakes, with the 
 interior of Canada and the United States. Its military 
 strength, moreover, gives it the complete command of the 
 channel and of the country ; and in any war with America, 
 it must be considered as the key of the St. Lawrence, and 
 y^U cost Jonathan a severe struggle to master. We hope 
 this tug of war may never arise ; if it should, the fate of 
 Kingston must have much influence in settling the question, 
 as to who shall be masters of Canada. 
 Tlie St. L»wrence~The Thooiand Iilandt— The Rapids—Montreal— The City 
 —Hie Cathedral— The Methodist Chapel— Storm— The Earl of Elgin— The 
 Romanists— Passage to Quebec— The City— The Plains of Abraham— General 
 Wolfe— Fortifications— A Rural Repast— FaUs of Montmorenci— The French 
 Habitans— Reflections on Canada. 
 Our steamer from Montreal was awaiting our arrival ; and 
 after some time we got on board, and were soon off again, 
 for fresh scenes and a new destination. We at once got into 
 the current of the St. Lawrence, and found ourselves in the 
 midst of, I should think, the most perfect faiiy-scene in the 
 world, — ^the Thousand Islands. These islands are so called, 
 not because they have been counted, — a definite being put 
 for an indefinite number. They extend, from the singular 
 union of waters by the termination of the Lake Ontario, the 
 Bay of Quinti, and the head of the St. Lawrence, for a 
 space of thirty miles. They are of every size and form, 
 though never attaining any great elevation; and are all 
 covered with trees and shrubs. Our passage lay in the 
 midst of this wonderful group, through which we threaded 
 our course safely, though it needed the most skilful pilotage. 
 Some of the islands appeared to occupy a considerable 
 space on the bosom of the flood; but one isolated little 
 thing, just standing in our course, and requiring some tact 
 to avoid, looked exactly like a flower-pot, with one plant 
 growing in its centre, of diminutive size, reaching only the 
 elevation which its scanty soil could nourish. So true is 
 nature to her laws ! Had this tiny shrub risen higher, the 
 winds would soon have levelled and sent it floating in the 
 water. , 
 The day was clear, the sun bright, the winds soft and 
 genial : could anything more perfectly remind one of Pava- 
 dise than this scene ? No ruined castles, it is l^rue, graced 
 these islands ; no rising turrets, covered with ivy, mantled 
 these spots of primitive beauty ; no baronial traditions, no 
 deserted halls, no banqueting-rooms, once the scenefi of 
 revelry, of love, and of revenge, n ere here open to mspec* 
 tion. All was simple, primeval; — ^nature clothed in her 
 own attire of leafy loveliness. Not a building, not a cottage, 
 was seen. No ascending smoke, no signs of human life, 
 no bleating animals, no ploughman's note, no stroke of the 
 woodman's axe, no labours of the spade or hoe, were any- 
 where visible ; silence and repose reigned in these islands, — 
 which, in ancient times, would have been peopled, in the 
 imagination of poets, with nymphs and goddesses, — ^without 
 one interrupting sound, except the whispers of the wind. 
 Nature lay undisturbed in her own soft bed ; cradled in the 
 waters ; rocked by the elements ; and soothed by the rip* 
 pling stream as it passed along. This simple, primitive 
 state of things, has always been, from the time when God 
 first spoke creation into existence ; or, certainly, from the 
 period when, some convulsion breaking off these fragments 
 from the main land, he stretched out his hand to place 
 them in their present position, to show his love of beauty, 
 and teach mankind lessons of grateful admiration. 
 One only inhabitant has been known to dwefl on these 
 islands, a sort of freebooter, who made them the head- 
 quarters of his piracy for some time. He shifted his abode 
 as occasion dictated, in order to avoid detection; and, 
 sallying forth upon passers-by, feeble enough to tempt his 
 cupidity, plundered them of their effects, and then hastened 
 to his lurking-places in the islands, to enjoy the spoil. 
 He was at last detected, and is now expiating his offences 
 in some distant prison, or living at large with the brand of 
 infamy upon his forehead, as the violater of the sanctities 
 of a spot hallowed to innocence, peace, and beauty. 
 In the course of the day we passed down the Rapids, 
 rendered classical by Tom Moore's celebrated " Canadian 
 Boat Song." They are perfectly frightful. The descent is 
 considerable, the river narrow, the current impetuous, the 
 rocks turning the stream into foaming and dashing fury. 
 liko the waters of the sea on a shelving shore. A perfect 
 knowledge of the channel is necessary in the pilot, a keen 
 eye, a strict and vigilant watchfulness : if any of these 
 should be wanting, or an accident in any way happen ; if 
 the ship, from any cause, should refuse to obey the helm, 
 in the smallest degree; destruction would be inevitable. 
 In one place the bend of the river is so abrupt, and the 
 angle so acute, that one would suppose the vessel must go 
 headlong against the shore. Such, however, was the skill 
 of our pilot, that at this point we suddenly wheeled round 
 with the current, and passed safely the whole course of the 
 We lay to for the night a few miles above Montreal, having 
 other Rapids to pass, and the day-light not serving. Early 
 <m Saturday morning we were again in motion, and passed 
 the frightful flood of agitated waters. No vessel can pass 
 up these Rapids ; and to facilitate the navigation, the Wel- 
 land Canal has been constructed. A noble work this ! 
 Vessels of great tonnage can ascend this canal, and by 
 these artificial means an easy communication is secured up 
 the river to the Lakes. About nine miles from Montreal, 
 we were met by several friends, who conducted us by rail- 
 road to the city. One of these friends, the Honourable 
 James Ferrier, took me to his own house, where I was 
 domiciled during my stay in the place. I found with this 
 fine family a very happy home. It was never my pleasure 
 to meet with a more perfect Christian household than this. 
 Parents and children seemed to be actuated by the same 
 spirit ; the one by the most tender but judicious paternal 
 affection, and the young people vnth devout and deferential 
 filial regard. 
 I was immediately conducted to see the curiosities of the 
 place. Montreal wears the appearbhce of the olden times ; 
 the stately and majestic cathedral being its chief ornament. 
 We went first of all to inspect thb building ; and found 
 t^H^ its interior, (»mamei^, and pictures, in tbe usual sl^jf 
 -r rf 
 of the popish church, did no discredit to its external mag- 
 nificence. Various superstitions and follies were then, and 
 hftd long heen, going on. Among the rest, a bell, said to 
 be iiciavier, and every way larger, than " Great Tom " of 
 Lincoln, was suspended by machinery, employed for the 
 purpose, waiting to bo baptized the day following ; which 
 ceremony was performed with great pomp, attended by 
 immense crowds of people. Nothing is done without pay 
 in popery ; and all who witnessed this baptism of the bell 
 were obliged to pay for their devotions or amusement. A 
 beautiful hill is seen in the back-ground of the city, as 
 usual, covered with fine shrubs and trees. The ascent is 
 filled with houses, — some, very large and splendid gentle- 
 men's villas. Around this hill Mr. Ferrier took me for a 
 ride in the evening, and the scenery was most lovely. We 
 passed the country residence of the Governor- General ; no 
 very splendid place, but finely situated, in perfect seclusion. 
 On Sunday I preached twice, — in the evening in the 
 large chapel. This is by far the most spacious, beautiful, 
 and splendid chapel I have seen in Methodism, at home or 
 abroad ; and the congregation corresponds. It is quite as 
 great as any of the Yorkshire chapels, and much more 
 elegant, and well furnished. The day was, as I think, the 
 hottest I ever lived through, the thermometer being about 
 a hundred and forty in the sun. During the evening ser- 
 vice a thunder-storm came on^ with overwhelming torrents 
 of rain. The thunder was so loud, that I could scarcely 
 hear my own voice ; and this lasted a good part of the 
 sermon. The lightning was of the same terrific nature ; 
 and some of the lower wmdows abutting against high 
 ground, about level with themselves, the nun rushed 
 through in torrents ; so much so, as greatly to wet and 
 discompose the dress of inany of the females sitting in that 
 part of the building. Altogether, it was a most distressing 
 . The following day we wnited upoalSieQovemor-General, 
 at Oovernment-house, in the city. In the «nte-room we 
 found a fine old popish priest, waiting for an audience. 
 This was a most intelligent man, frank, open, affable ; the 
 very opposite of the Jesuit class. We conversed freely 
 with this priest on various matters, and were pleased to 
 find that a bad system had not succeeded in defacing the 
 characteristics of a noble nature. On being called into the 
 presence of his Excellency, we were very courteously re- 
 ceived. Lord Elgin is, in appearance, bearing, and de- 
 meanour, a fine specimen of the British peer. We had, 
 however, in him, a clear evidence of the nature of the re- 
 sponsible government principle, as understood in Canada, 
 and as it is being carried out by the British authorities. 
 He could not be prevailed upon to give any answer to our 
 inquiries on the business we had come upon, nor even so 
 much as give an opinion. He told us he would lay the 
 matter before his council ; and we could get no further 
 than this. My companions were astonished, and not much 
 pleased at this ; not understanding how a Govemor-Oeneral 
 should not himself settle a question of the nature proposed, 
 and at once decide the whole case. For myself, I confess, 
 that I was neither surprised nor displeased, well understand- 
 ing, that if the principles of the British constitution are to be 
 carried out literally in Canada, the representative of the 
 soveref^ cannot act as if he were the representative of an 
 absolute monarch ; he must take counsel with his ministers, 
 council, or whatever else his advisers may be (galled. This 
 principle, in one form or other, no doubt, had much to do 
 in paving the way for the severance of the colonies, now 
 constituting the United States, from the mother country. 
 Its adoption may have the same effect in Canada ; but how 
 it is to be got rid of, in the present state of things, or whe- 
 ther desirable, if it could, are difficult questions to solve. 
 In the present state of the world, absolute or irresponsible 
 power is out of the queslioh, at any rate, in regions which 
 h lye been blessed with British role. .^„^ 
 . .^lisgi 
 ^ - -i^'.^ 
PABT i.'Phuional narrative. 
 • With a view to ascertain the fact, I examined the names 
 over the shops and places of business, both in Montreal 
 and afterwards in Quebec, and found that they were nearly 
 all English and Scotch. The bulk of the population being 
 French, it is clear from this, that our countrymen have 
 pushed the French inhabitants into the obscure parts of 
 these cities, and obtained for themselves the command of 
 the chief trade and commerce of the country. This, indeed, 
 b notoriously the case. The original founders of these 
 cities are now seen inhabiting small dwellings in the obscure 
 and meaner streets, keeping little fruit and hucksters' shops, 
 and other trades of a similar description. They are re- 
 ported as very inert, improvident, and careless ; they even 
 alienate their lands without much concern, though natu- 
 rally addicted to a rural life ; and, like the Irish, seem to 
 claim kindred with the soil on which they have been bred. 
 They appear, in themselves, a very harmless race, are alto- 
 gether under the influence of their political chiefs and 
 priests, and, consequently, easily excited ■ one way or 
 other, and never think of acting for themselves. Educa- 
 tion, and, indeed, information of every kind, is at a very low 
 ebb among them ; and I was told by the highest authority 
 in the country, on this subject, that it was extremely diffi- 
 cult to get them to employ the government grant for 
 educational purposes ; the treasurer always having a large 
 sum of unappropriated money belonging to them in hand. 
 It will be in the recollection of many, that Lord Mel- 
 bourne's government restored the island of Montreal to the 
 order or society of St. Sulpice, to whom it was originally 
 granted by the French king ; but in the midst of the con- 
 fusions of the world, arising out of the French revolution, 
 the society becoming extinct, or from some other cause, it 
 had been alienated to the crown. The society having been 
 revived in the general resuscitation of popery, the right 
 had been restored, in the desire to conciliate popery, so 
 that the fee-simple of the whole island now bel(»|g8 to this 
 body. I was told, on good authority, that, on every trans- 
 fer of property, by fine, or the renewal of lease, the priest- 
 hood obtain a sum equal to eight shillings in the pound, as 
 their share in the transaction. The island being large ; the 
 city now being made the seat of government ; the commer- 
 cial transactions of the place being extensive; and, alto- 
 gether, this being the most flourishing port in Canada ; it 
 results that the revenue derived from these sources is enor- 
 mous. Certainly, popery presents here the aspect of great 
 wealth, and evidently occupies a commandhig position. 
 Their fetes far transcend, in splendour and cost, those of 
 any other country, in the present day ; and while the 
 Church of Rome seems in a state of decay everywhere else, 
 it is in great life and prosperity under the British dominion 
 in Canada. But little impression has ever been made upon 
 it by Protestantism ; and it is evidently as imdisturbed and 
 secm'e in its supremacy, as if the country had remained 
 under the sway of the Bourbons. The industry of the 
 British people, in the mean time, by its restored title to the 
 proprietorship of the island, tends to enrich the church and 
 build up its power ; every shilling which is expended in 
 impro\ements, as the fruit of British enterprise and indus- 
 tr}', puts, as we see, more than one-third into the pockets 
 of the priests. 
 I found, also, that the Jesuits were earnestly urging their 
 claim to their forfeited possessions. When the society be- 
 came extinct, they, of course, lost their rights of property 
 in the country. They were in possession of numerous 
 houses, large tracts of land, and privileges of various sorts, 
 when in their days of power and glory. When in Quebec, 
 I lodged exactly opposite a large building, once a college 
 of Jesuits, now employed as barracks. The nature of theu* 
 influence, the extent of their possessions, (for they must 
 have enjoyed pay and food, as well as lodging,) and their 
 numbers, may be pretty accurately judged of by this build-', 
 \fig. It is, I should believe, large enough to hold a re^ 
 ment of ioldiers; and, supposing Jesuits would require 
 acoommodation superior to the army, it would certainly 
 accommodate, even in that case, not less than five or six 
 himdred. Whether, in the progress of conciliation, — ^for 
 00 many years followed by the British government, — ^this 
 Jesuits' college and their other possessions will ever be re- 
 stored, it is impossible to say. The local government is, 
 at present, resisting the claim ; and I read, when in the 
 country, very able articles from the pen of one of the chief 
 functionaries against concedmg these claims. This 'i& pro- 
 bably the security of the country. Society at large, having 
 an interest in preseiTing the present settlement of property, 
 and in keeping themselves free from the dominion and yoke 
 of the Society of Jesus, may possibly be able to resist the 
 encroachments sought to be made ; whereas, if the matter 
 were entirely in the hands of the home-government, nothing 
 would be more likely than Jesuitical success, and for the 
 world to see them again installed in the college at Quebec, 
 as well as enjoying all other kmds of property and power, 
 —now enhanced a thousand-fold by Protestant enterprise 
 and labour. 
 The steamers only pass between Montreal and Quebec 
 by night ; and on Monday evening I embarked with Mr. 
 Ferrier, Dr. Eichey, the Rev. John Jenkins, and other 
 friends, for the latter place. We had a pleasant night-trip, 
 sitting up late to see Mr. Ferrier off, who had to land at 
 Three Eivers, for the purpose of attending to business in 
 connexion with some iron-founding operations; the only 
 works of the sort, as I understood, in the country. ^ 
 Mr. Ferrier, and a fine old gentleman, one of the owners 
 0t the steamer in which we were passing down the river, 
 had a long debate respecting steam navigation. This latter 
 gentleman I found, in connexion with his father, was the 
 first to employ steam power on the St. Lawrence, and had 
 been very suooesstul in hk vocation. I learned from this 
 conversation many things respecting American steamers, 
 of which I had before been ignorant. I had seen that 
 these vessels possessed amazing space, especially on deck, 
 giving them the means of providing a splendid saloon and 
 beautiful state-rooms by their sides for passengers, and an 
 equally fine promenade on the outside, where I had often 
 sat or walked, enjoying^ the fresh air, and looking at the 
 surrounding country. I found now that this space was 
 gained by projections from the sides of the vessel in the 
 form of beams or spars, and on these projections a platfoim 
 considerably wider than the vessel itself was obtained. 
 But was there no danger of the steamer, in case of a 
 squall arising, turning over on her beam-ends ? To obviate 
 this, it seems, an instrument, on the principle of the cork- 
 jacket employed by amateurs in swimming, is placed on 
 each side ; so that, in case the vessel reels, she is righted 
 again by this instrument. It was told me that by the use 
 of these appliances, it is impossible for any vessel in any 
 weather to be capsized. The argument of these two clever 
 and experienced disputants turned on the possibility of 
 crossing the Atlantic in one of these flat-bottomed steamers 
 so guarded ; Mr. Ferrier taking the affirmative side, and 
 our other friend the negative. All manner of science was 
 brought to bear on the points in dispute ; and whether 
 it might be more profitable to employ this species of ship, 
 I know not ; but think, from what I heard, that it is pos- 
 sible to cross the ocean in one of these flat-bottomed 
 American river vessels, sufficiently guarded by the cork- 
 jacket. Our countrymen need not be surprised if they see, 
 some day, in the Mersey, a grand flat-bottomed steamer, 
 with a saloon as magnificent as the drawing-room of a 
 palace, and state-rooms as convenient and beautiful as the 
 sleeping apartments of a first-rate hotel. 
 We reached our destination in good time in the morning. 
 Quebec is unique in its appearance within and without ; 
 there is nothing equal to it in America. Like New- York 
 and Pittsburgh, it stands on the point formed by two rivers; 
 though not, Uke them, meetmg in terminia. The majestic 
 St. Lawrence is one of these rivers, and still rolls along its 
 course ; and the other is the St. Charles, emptying itself into 
 the greater stream from the north-west, and thus forming 
 the triangular point on which the city stands. It wears, in 
 its general aspect, an appearance of great antiquity, quite 
 unlUce any other place on the continent. The streets are 
 narrow, irregular, and steep ; like many of the old seaports 
 on our coast, or those of France, on the opposite side of the 
 Channel. The ecclesiastical buildings of all sorts — cathe- 
 drals, (for there are two, Popish and Protestant,) churches, 
 convents, hospitals, Hdtels deDieu, and all the rest — ^are 
 seen to predominate over everything secular — Uke some old 
 cathedral town in a Popish country. This feature, together 
 with iha mihtary air of the place, causes Quebec to wear 
 an ai^:i . <:i and feudal appearance, perfectly dissimilar 
 to the tr»v>aiig and commercial aspect of all other places in 
 America, whether belonging to the States, or to Great 
 As soon as possible after our arrival, the friends had two 
 or three carriages ready to convey us roimd the city, under 
 the projecting rocks overhanging the road, to Wolfe's Cove 
 — up the heights leading to the fortifications — to the Pltuns 
 of Abraham — and to Cape Diamond. 
 It must be understood that thes angle referred to before, 
 formed by the two rivers, terminates, not in a slope leading 
 down to the waters, but abruptly, in a prodigious rock 
 three hundred and fifty feet above the level of the river ; 
 and seeming at a distance to overhang it, but in reaUty 
 leaving space for roads and buildings. This culminating 
 ; point is called Cape Diamond ; and, while standing on this 
 elevation, on the right flows' the St. Lawrence, and on the 
 left the St. Charles, while the space immediately in the rear 
 forms the Plams of Abraham. From this elevated region, 
 there is no descent at all — the rock is next to perpendicular ; 
 but farther on, both towards the St. Lawrence and the St. 
■ Ml ; 
 V I 
 Charles, the ground, in some places gradually, hut often 
 ahruptly, descends : this descent, however, admits of roads, 
 winding round the mountain, hy which the summit is reached. 
 I am thus particular, for a reason which must now be 
 eicplained. When this city was taken by the immortal 
 Wolfe, he, by some mirioulous means, in the night, pushed 
 his fleet, with his army and artillery on board, from below, 
 past this Cape Diamond, with its terrible fortifications, 
 unobserved by the enemy, and reached a part of the hill 
 where an ascent was possible, now called Wolfe's Cove. 
 His troops immediately climbed up the sides of the eleva* 
 tion ; and by prodigious exertions dragged up several pieces 
 of ordnance. When the next day dawned, the French 
 general found, to his astonishment, the British army, with 
 artillery, formed, in line of battle, on the Heights of Abra^ 
 ham. I was conducted by my friends through the whole 
 of this scene. We traced the course of the fleet up the 
 river, its anchorage, the place where the troops disembark^ 
 ed, the track of the artillery, of the soldiers up the moun- 
 tain ; and I, for myself, determined to climb up in the path 
 which tradition has marked as the identical line which was 
 trodden by the immortal hero, who added, by his genius 
 and bravery on this occasion, an empire to his country's 
 possessions. When at the top, we, in our ummMt&ry and 
 t^nprofessional way, endeavoured to trace the course of 
 events, and bidieve we obtained a pretty accurate notion 
 oi the battle. Th<^ i^ue is known. The spot where Wolfe 
 received the 1|$&i^, " They flee," and then expired, is 
 mariced by a niean and paltry monumental stone. I clung 
 with intense feeling to this spot ; looking again and again 
 to the place where the destinies of a mighty country were 
 fixed, by the decrees of Ood, in the death-throes of the 
 successful instrument. There are events in history which 
 turn the tide of nationid interests ; form the epochs of 
 time; raise. the monunients of great destinies; pillars 
 written upon by the finger of God, in the annals 6t tho 
 world, as the data of nationalities : and that littte monu- 
 mental stone on the summit of the Plains of Abraham is 
 one of these mementos. 
 We went from this scene to exanune the fortifications. 
 These are denominated the Gibraltar of Ameriofty and are 
 certainly the sti ngest on the contiaent. But they are not 
 much like Gibraltar. The celebrated batteries of the latter 
 fortress are pretty familiar to my recollection, and greatly 
 surpass their supposed type at Quebec. One would say, 
 however, that these are perfectly impregnable, having been 
 much strengthened since they came into the hands of the 
 English. We went to the Cape Diamond rock ; and, stand- 
 ing on its elevation, obtuned a most magnificent view of 
 the country around. The glorious St. Lawr^ice rolls ma- 
 jestically at the foot of the mountain, and the ships in the 
 harbour looked most diminutive, their masts reaching but a 
 very short way towards the point where we stood. The 
 country is seen to a prodigious distance by reason of the 
 clearness of the atmosphere; the mountains and plains 
 alternately stret^jhing in fine plateaux, or rearing their heads 
 to the clouds. The scene also presents to view, what is 
 scarcely ever seen in America, a finished picture. The land 
 is well cultivated, and herds of cattle were grazing quietly 
 in the meadows ; while the whole country was dotted with 
 the whitewashed cottages of the French habitam ; and 
 here and there through the landscape a country church 
 reared its beautiful spire in the midst of the rural scene. 
 The river was seen to an immense distance, moihdering its 
 course towards the sea. Altogether, the view from Cape 
 Diamond is one of the most splendid ima^nable, and far 
 surpassed anything I had seen in America. Western Ca- 
 nada is, with the exception of what they call " The Moun- 
 tain," perfectly level ; but this part of the country is full 
 of lofty ridges, often rising to the elevation and ruggedness 
 of real mountain scenery, with bold and abrupt peaks, lost 
 in the clouds. 
 We were taken to dine in the country, a distance of four 
 or five miles, with a fine old Methodist friend, originally 
 from Guernsey. The table was spread under the umbiti- 
 gebus breaches of a lovely tree, on a lawn near the house ; 
 and on this spot, protected from the rays of the sun, we 
 partook of our social repast in great harmony and joy. 
 Th& was a bright oasis in the desert of life, an innocent and 
 happy meeting of Christian friends, favoured to see each 
 other once, never to meet again. This house possesses 
 some traditional importance, as it was chosen by the famous 
 American general, Arnold, for his head-quarters, and whero 
 he himself lodged, in his mad expedition against Quebec. 
 This man afterwards turned traitor against his country ; 
 and it was in connexion with his perfidy, in delivering up 
 West Point to the English, that the brave and accom- 
 plished Major Andr^, employed by the British general to 
 negotiate the surrender of that place, fell into the hands of 
 the Americans, ani lost his life. Strange things happen 
 in the course of one's existence. I had been reading, on 
 my voyage out, a very minute account of these transac- 
 tions ; and now it was my lot to dine, not in the house of 
 Arnold's head-quarters, but under a tree by its side, which 
 he had often looked upon, and, if he had not dined under 
 its shady branches, had probably been protected from the 
 storm. Having to preach at night, our sojourn could not 
 be long. We hastened back in time for the service, and 
 had a fine congregation. Here I met with quite a pheno- 
 menon in Canada, — a Presbyterian minister, who, in the 
 midst of the general disruption, had adhered to the old 
 kirk. I found him a good, moderate, and truly sensible 
 One day only remamed for Quebec. In good time, my 
 kind friends and myself set out to visit the Falls of Mont- 
 morenci, a distance of nine miles. By this journey I had 
 an opportunity of seeing a little of the state of the French 
 people in the country. We called at a small inn for re- 
 freshment, and found it very comfortable ; but as different 
 from the same sort of haUtation in our own country as possi- 
 ble. The farms seemed small, the cottages corresponding; 
 but the people were clean, tidy, and apparently very contented 
 and happy. They are a primitive race, remuning in much 
 the same state as they were in the time of their ancestors' 
 coming to the country. British rule causes no innovation 
 in their manners and habits ; they retain the use of their 
 own language exclusively ; and are perfectly docile to the 
 priesthood, and obedient to the Church. The difference 
 betwixt the Anglo-Saxon race and these people of French 
 descent, is most glaring. The one is a restless, grumbling, 
 thrifty, and ambitious set, wherever found ; the other d- 
 most as stationary as the nonitidic tribes of the East. Even 
 Popery fails to amalgamate the Irish and French races. 
 They cannot agree to say ^nass together. The antipathy 
 of the French to the Irish, is equal to the ^itipathy of poor 
 Pat to the English. The rude, vociferous, agitating spirit 
 of the sons of the Green Isle, cannot be endured by the 
 quiet Canadians; and the priests are compelled to part 
 them. There is a sort of dual Popery in Quebec ; the 
 Irish being obhged to keep to themselves, and perform 
 their religious duties in their own peculiar way of roaring 
 riot ; whilst the gentle hahUans are left to walk in the foot- 
 steps of their quiet predecessors. The Falls of Montmo- 
 renei are very fine, and the descent of the waters.is greater 
 than at Niagara ; but after beholding tbiat wonder of na- 
 ture, they appear v^ insignificant as a whole. In this 
 country they would be a prodigy, and attract universal at- 
 tention ; but in the midst of the stupendous waters of 
 America, they look like a little riU, a mountain torrent, 
 falling from a lofty eminence. 
 We hastened back to town in time for a hasty dinner 
 and a cordial farewell ; and then an embarkation agaii. 
 Truth obliges me to say, that I never In my existence met 
 with a fin0r people than our friends in Que))ec ; generous, 
 open-hearted, frank, intelligent, pious, and perfectly united 
 amongst themselves. They occupy a very important reli- 
 l^ous position ; and, it is hoped; will be the means of much 
 good. I found they had begun a new chapel, the exact 
 size, and intended in all things to be the counterpart, of 
 the magnificent one at Montreal ; so that Lower Canada 
 will, ere long, contain the most magnificent places of wor> 
 ship in the Methodist world. It is intended to get Dr. 
 Bangs, on his visit to the Canada Conference next summer, 
 to open this new place of worship. This will, to all par- 
 ties, be interesting ; as I believe this eminent minister of 
 Christ was the first to preach our doctrines in this city. A 
 man is often permitted, in his own life-time, to see great 
 results from small beginnings in America. Taking a most 
 affectionate leave of this kind people, many of whom had 
 assembled for the purpose, we got on board the steamer 
 in the evening ; and, ascending the St. Lawience during 
 the night, found ourselves again in Montreal for breakfast 
 the next morning, at the house of Mr. Kay, a countryman, 
 and belonging to one of the numerous families of that 
 name in Lancashire. 
 Before quitting Canada, a remark or two may be proper 
 on general subjects. No one can see this country without 
 being convinced of its great importance. Its area is that 
 of a mighty empire ; for, though thousands of square miles 
 are barren, and must always remain so, by reason of their 
 northern positioi^ yet still there will be left, for profitable 
 cultivation, probably as large a portion as the 'whole of 
 central Europe. The soil of this vast space is most pro- 
 lific, capable of bearing abundant crops of wheat, and 
 every other kind of grain and fruit, suited to a wheat- 
 growing country. Moreover, this territory being inter- 
 sected by noble rivers, navigable in most places, and capa- 
 ble of being made so by canal-adjimcts almost universally, 
 is, of itself, an infinite advantage, and presents vast facili- 
 ties of intercourse, and cheap transmission of both people 
 and produce from ^laoe to place. My duties called me to 
 pass along the shores of Queen Victoria's possessions, for 
 just about a thousand miles. This was effected, partly 
 by the course of the Lakes, and partly by the Bay of 
 Quinti and the river St. Lawrence ; whilst at the same 
 time I did not see the termination of the latter by be- 
 twixt three and four hundred miles. This magnificent 
 river, with the Lakes, through which it is always con- 
 sidered as passing, is of greater length than even the 
 Mississippi ; and is, in itself, of the value of an empire. 
 Those who command the navigation of the St. Lawrence 
 must be the masters of a highway of water-communication 
 of prodigious importance. 
 Every year will increase thib value, sf the return of 
 every season must develop the resources and riches of the 
 country. In speaking of the command of the river, T am 
 reminded, that, in passing between Kingston and Montreal, 
 there was seen a branch of the main channel, which, after 
 running some miles, returned to the parent stream. The 
 shore on the right bank belongs to America, and that on 
 the left to Canada. To my utter surprise, and equal indig- 
 nation, by some sort of diplomatic concession to Jonathan, 
 I found our statesmen had given up both banks ; so that 
 America is the owner of the entire stream, and the branch 
 river constitutes the boundaiy-line. This is just as if it 
 were agreed upon in general terms by the authorities, that 
 the Grand Junction Bailroad between Birmingham and 
 London should be the boundary of territorial rights ; but, 
 on some subsequent occasion, one party should say the 
 meaning of the treaty was, that the line should go through 
 Oxford, leaving them in possession of the main trunk, and 
 compelling the opposite party, in going to town, to turn 
 off and proceed by the University city ; — ^with this excep- 
 tion, indeed, that the branch river is unnavigable ; so that, 
 in case of dispute, the British would be altogether shut 
 out. These boundary-treaties are most humiliating to this 
 . 1* 
 country ; they always result in favour of the claims of 
 America. Indeed, it seems a settled conviction in the 
 American mind, an axiom of policy, and one would think a 
 standing rule in the offices of the government, that, on all 
 occasions of diplomacy, John Bull is destined, made, to be 
 diddled, to be gulled, to be beaten. Our dandy, blunder- 
 ing diplomatists are a poor match for the long-headed, 
 practical, scheming statesmen of the United States. Cana- 
 da is full of just complaints on this point, not even except- 
 ing the famous Ashburton and Oregon treaties. 
 My good friend, Mr. Ferrier, told me a most laughable 
 instance of this kind of thing. Tlie subject-matter was a 
 railroad from Montreal to — I think the name of the place 
 is — Rochester, [Portland,] on the Atlantic seaboard, or, at 
 any rate, somewhere in the east. There lived at this Ro- 
 chester a Judge , whose interest it was, as will be 
 seen, to promote the business of Rochester, and get the 
 trains to run to that place. But the new line had to con- 
 nect itself with the line to Boston, and the Boston line was 
 on the broad gauge. What did our worthy Yankee judge 
 do ? He went to Montreal to persuade the boobies that 
 the broad gauge is a very bad gauge, and that it would be 
 much for their interest to adopt the narrow gauge ; thus 
 preventing the new line from connectmg with the Boston, 
 and making it necessary for every bale of goods to be un- 
 sliipped from one train to the other, at j. considerable 
 amount of trouble and expense, or else to run on to Ro- 
 chester. By this contrivance the probabilities were, that 
 the goods would be sent on to Rochester, and increase its 
 traffic. The judge prevailed upon the company to believe 
 that the narrow gauge was much the best, and they 
 forthwith adopted it. The bill came before the provin- 
 cial parliament; and Mr. Ferrier was so convinced of 
 the folly of the thing, that when it came before the senate, 
 he offered it his most strenuous opposition, and for the 
 time defeated the scheme of the judge. But he was not at 
 all disoom6ted ; he w«nt again to Montreal, and now, get- 
 ting amongst the senators, prevailed upon them to believe 
 that the broad gauge is a very bad gauge ; and the rail- 
 road is either already constructed, or is in course of con- 
 struction, on the principle of the narrow gauge. And this 
 very judge. Diddle or Bibble, (his name is one or the other,) 
 is the very person whose dicta ruled in the treaty betwixt 
 Lord Ashburton and the States: a measure pompously 
 put forth, at the time, as a most masterly piece of states- 
 manship, but which every tyro m politics in Canada knows 
 to be a surrender of the main points in dispute, and a most 
 humiliating affair to Great Britain. 
 I found the country full of complaints and dissatisfaction 
 from one end to the other. The people everywhere, and 
 of all shades of politics, spoke the same language. Their 
 fortunes were wrecked, their commerce destroyed; their 
 agricultiu^, the sinews of the colony, enfeebled, ruined. 
 Of course, all blamed the home-govemmeni.. They refused 
 to do anything, they said, to support their credit, or to fur- 
 ther their exertions to obtain any loan, to assist in the public 
 works; — the execution of these was required, to expand 
 their strength, and to develop the resources of the coun- 
 try, but they could obtain no help. Nay, it was asserted, 
 by men of first-rate intelligence, and who had been engaged 
 in the attempt, that they even could not get a hearing ; 
 nobody among the bureaucracy in London could be found 
 to acquaint themselves with their affairs, or pay any atten- 
 tion to them. Hence the only railroad in Canada is the 
 insignificant line, of about a dozen miles, from Montreal to 
 the place where the steamers land their passengers for 
 that place. This one fact shows clearly enough the stag- 
 nant state of the country. When raihroads are, of all the 
 gifts of Providence now known, best calculated to call forth 
 the hidden resources of such a country as Canada, their 
 absence is sufficiently indicative of the want of patronage 
 on the part of government, or of indolence in the people; 
 and, as the latter cannot be truly aflSnued, the cause must 
 be attributable to the former. There is a pretty general 
 belief, indeed, that England has virtually given them up ; 
 and, because of this, it would not be in the power of min- 
 isters to get the sanction of Parliament for any great scheme 
 of colonization and credit. The capitalists of England, they 
 believe, will not embark their money without government 
 security, entertaining the notion that the colony is vibrating 
 in the balance ; and this not being accorded, probably for 
 the same reason, there they are, floundering in a mighty 
 ocean of greatness and wealth, for the want of the means 
 of picking it up. How long this state of things will last, 
 nobody can tell. The connexion between the mother- 
 country and this her most athletic ofifspring, is now merely 
 political ; or as nearly so as possible. All England now 
 does for Canada, they said, again and again, is to appoint 
 them a governor, and make them pay him five times more 
 than they should in case they appointed him themselves ; 
 and to maintain an army at a prodigious expense to keep 
 them in order. This talk was not the conversation of radi- 
 cals, of demagogiies, of French republicans ; but of many 
 of the best subjects of the British crown in America ; men 
 of intelligence, of integrity, of honour, of loyalty, of reli- 
 gion ; and these men are beginning <^enly to propose the 
 question, ''What are the advantages of English connexion ?" 
 and to weigh and discuss those of anneiaztion, A 
 It does not become me to enter into such a siibject in 
 detail ; but the fact is, that the recent policy of this coun- 
 try — ^the free-trade policy — has had the eflfect of throwing 
 aU the advantages possessed by Canada, as a part of the 
 British empire, (and which, as such, the people considered 
 that they had a right to possess,) into the hands of the 
 United States. Montreal used to be the great market for 
 English produce, the centre whence it flowed to the whole 
 of the provinces ; but now almost all this trade has found 
 its way to New- York. On the enactment of Lord Stanley's 
 bill respeq^g the adnuMion of Canada flour into this coun- 
 tiy, a vast outlay in building mills took place, which mills 
 had just begun to work profitably ; but the new policy 
 effectually crushed this trade. I myself saw one of these 
 mills, belonging to one of our friends, — a new building of 
 great size, and which must have cost many thousand 
 pounds in its erection, — standing still. This I understood 
 was generally the case. Before the new measures, the 
 people of Canada could afford to purchase com in the 
 United States, and, turning it into flour at these mills, obtain 
 a market for it in Europe ; thus deriving a benefit to i.7iem 
 selves from the soil of the States. The tables are now 
 completely turned. The Americans are now the millers ; 
 and corn-dealers from the States come over to buy up the 
 grain of the country, turn it into " bread-stuffs," and sell 
 Canadian-grown wheat in our markets as American flour. 
 This is rather too much for flesh and blood to bear. Canada 
 and the United States are now placed, as nearly as possible, 
 on an equal footing with regard to commercial transactions 
 with this country ; the one being a colony of the British 
 empire, and the other the greatest rival this nation has to 
 contend with in the world. How long this state of things 
 can last, is for statesmen to consider. Canada now only 
 belongs to Great Britain by a figment, a tradition, a loyalty, 
 a recollection of heroic deeds ; and not by any material in- 
 terest or benefit. Kay, in the present state of things, cast 
 off by the mother country, and left to their own • e^^urces, 
 with the United States just by their side, possessing vast 
 political power and influence ; a growing credit, and mone- 
 tary resources ; a prodigious mercantile r^nd commercial 
 navy ; an active, industrious, and virtuous people ; a govern- 
 ment capable, in all respects, and equally disposed, to 
 foster, protect, and strengthen all its possessions ; — ^we say, 
 with all these things staring them in the face, the policy 
 of this country has made it the plain, palpable interest of 
 the Canadians to seek for annexation. This is as clear as 
 TOUR IN AMBRICA. i ^fe^! 
 any problem in Euclid. How long the tradition and the 
 loyalty will weigh against the interests now put in the 
 balance against them, nobody need be at a loss to deter- 
 mine. Perhaps the non-election of General Cass will settle 
 the question for the next four years ; but, had that gentle- 
 man obtained the presidency of the States, — why, the 
 world would have presented itself in different phases at the 
 end of the above period. 
 Whether these fears and auguries take place or not, 
 Canada must have a great and noble destiny. A country 
 so magnificent, a soil so prolific, water communication so 
 abundant, and a people, moreover, in whose veins British 
 blood flows, and who are in possession of the incipient 
 principles, freedom, and laws of England, safely planted 
 in the soil; such a country must rise to greatness and 
 power. The French leaven is constantly losing its relative 
 strength, and the British is as constantly increasing. The 
 one population is rapidly getting ahead of the other, and 
 assuming the lead. This must, in the nature of things, 
 fix the destiny of the colony. Our language, our institu- 
 tions, and our religion, will prevail. A mighty empire 
 will rise up, enriched with knowledge, with public and 
 private virtue, and possessed of all the appliances of poli- 
 tical power and wealth. We wish them well ; they are at 
 present our children; and, in all future time and contin- 
 gencies, they will be our brethren. They will carry out 
 and perpetuate all that is valuable in our system, and, 
 planting old England on a new soil, will reproduce our 
 nation on a gigantic scale. 
 '■t v'lPi 
 ■■ "ip't'fv 
 Return—Paia the St. Lawrence— Lake Champlain— Plattsburgh— WhitehaU— 
 Joumty by Stage— Troy— Albany— The Hudson— Arrival at New-York— 111 
 — Doubtful respecting being able to return Home— Resolved to do so— De- 
 part for Boiton— Embark on board the "America"— Passage— Arrival at 
 On Thursday, June 2 2d, the day on which we came up 
 from Quebec, we bade farewell to our dear friends at Mont- 
 real, and took a last look at Canada. Last things are 
 painful, and full of interest. We parted from those who 
 had endeared themselves by every kind of attention and 
 affectionate regard, with the desire, never to be effaced, for 
 their highest happiness. We crossed the St. Lawrence, 
 and soon entered Lake Champlain. A portion of the wa- 
 ters of this lake belong to the British ; as usual, just the 
 fag-end, whilst the great body of the lake is owned by the 
 States. The lines of demarcation are marked by a fort, of 
 small dimensions or strength, which might easily be dis- 
 mantled. This is, unquestionably, the finest lake I had 
 seen. The scenery on its banks is perfectly enchanting ; 
 and, unlike Lakes Erie and Ontario, it commands a view 
 of mountain scenery of the most majestic description. This 
 lake is one hundred and thirty-two miles in length, and 
 varies in breadth from the narrow channel above mentioned 
 to nine or ten miles. Many beautiful islands stud the wa- 
 ters, and have a fine effect. At the close of the day we 
 approached a place called Plattsburgh. The scene was 
 the most beautifully romantic which nature can possibly 
 present : A blue sky, deep, lofty, stretching its heavenly 
 arch to span ^he landscape, the sun setting in all his gor- 
 geous glory, the lake smooth as glass, except as disturbed 
 by our motion, wild fowl fluttering about and enjoying the 
 cool evening, the majestic mountains of Vermont looming 
 in (he distance, and all the intermediate space filled with 
 cultivated fields and towering forests, — ^and then the lonely 
 little town of Plattsburgh, touching the fringe of the lake, 
 and presenting the most perfect aspect of rural peace and 
 quiet on which the eye ever gazed. My manliness was 
 here for the first tune overcome ; I longed and longed to 
 get on shore, to fix my tent, and remain forever. This 
 sentiment was new ; I had never before felt any remarka- 
 ble desire to locate in any place I had seen ; but here, for 
 a moment, I was perfectly overcome. Other aflfections, of 
 course, soon sprang up, and wafted my soul across the At- 
 lantic, where treasures dearer than even these beauties had 
 their dwellmg. During this little paroxysm, delirium, or 
 whatever it may be called, my kind companion, Dr. Bichey, 
 had retired to his cabin, so that one of my wants could not 
 be relieved, — a vent for exclamations of delight ! This was 
 just one of those moments which can never be forgotten, 
 an Eden, a paradisiacal scene, into which none can enter 
 with one, and which leaves its picture vividly pencilled on 
 the soul. But how soon things change, and in their reality 
 fade away ! We left this spot, passed on, the night closed 
 in, the curtain dropped. 
 " So even now this hour had sped 
 In rapturous thought o'er me ; -$ ^ 
 Feeliug myself with nature wed, 
 A holy mystery ! 
 A part of earth, a part of heaven, .c;»*>B|!^^r' -^-j jjSjj( 
 A part, great God, of thee." rt.- ■ ^ 
 In the morning, in good time, we found ourselves at 
 Whitehall, a port at the head of the lake ; a place of con- 
 siderable traffic and growing importance. After breakfast 
 we had to mount the stage for Troy and Albany, a dismal 
 road, if it can be called road, of between seventy and eighty 
 miles. The jolting was prodigious, and at the end of the 
 journey I was completely knocked up. My physical man 
 had not failed till now ; but this tumbling about perfectly 
 disordered me, and I was glad to arrive at the end of the 
 journey. We stayed to dine at Troy, a large and well- 
 built city, and there again took the f/Mge for Albany, being 
 too late for the rails. It was nigh^ i^hen we arrived ; and 
 being too unwell to move out, except to see one or two of 
 the main streets, I had not much opportunity of inspecting 
 the place. But I saw it was a large, fine, and most respect- 
 able-looking city ; many of the houses being spacious, the 
 streets broad, and the public buildings very commanding. 
 This is the capital of the State of New- York, the seat of 
 government, and of the State Parliament. 
 We embarked on the Hudson the next morning, and 
 descended this classical stream, the pride and glory of the 
 Americans, being esteemed by them as presenting the most 
 beautiful scenery m the States. It well deserves its fame. 
 The banks are studded with towns and villages, rich fields 
 in a state of fine cultivation, stupendous and rugged rocks, 
 together with mountain scenery of the most interesting and 
 majestic nature, some near, and some in the distance; 
 abrupt and precipitous shores, yawning and frowning upon 
 the passers by ; and splendid landscapes, and picturesque 
 views, enriched with umbrageous woods and forests. I 
 could only now and then take a peep at this magic combi- 
 nation of land and water, being obliged the greater part of 
 the voyage to keep in my cabin. 
 We were on board one of the most complete of the 
 American river-boats. Nobody in this country can form 
 an idea of the nature of one of these vessels ; our ships 
 fm-nish no analogies, except in the fact that both are pro- 
 pelled by ;iteam, and glide on the water. For, by reason 
 of the peculiar structure of the class of steamers already 
 referred to, this vessel presented the aspect of prodigious 
 sL'^" both below and above. The dining-room was below, 
 ana occupied the space between the sides of the ship, 
 reachmg from stem to stem, and was filled with five or six 
 tiers of berths, one above another ; the saloon was equally 
 irge, with state-rooms on each side. This enormous float- 
 \ig palace could accommodate a thousand persons on board. 
 The term " palace " is used, of course, improperly, as a ship 
 camiot be like a palace. But in fittings-up, in decoration, 
 in ornament, it was a perfect palace : and altogether pre- 
 sented a scene of magnificence of a very extraordinary 
 description. •' 
 ^ We arrived at New- York in the evening; and being too 
 miwell to trouble any private friend, we took up our resi- 
 dence for the night f* the City Hotel. The necessity of 
 applying to Mr. Harper for Dr. Belcher's address, brought 
 him acquainted with my situation, and in the afternoon he 
 kindly took me to his own house. In passing through the 
 streets of New- York, it was very pleasing to see the crowds 
 returning from their places of worship. Blacks, coloured 
 people, and whites, were all mingled together in a long 
 flowing tide, quietly and gravely passing along to their 
 homes. ••< 
 .* By Tuesday morning I had begun to amend, and, feeling 
 better, the thought suddenly rushed into my mind, " I can 
 go home, and I will." But the doctor must be consulted. 
 He came ; and, on telling him my thoi^hts and feeUngs, 
 he said, the probability was that I should do very well ; 
 but there was just a chance that I might have a relapse. 
 The reply was, " Then the probability shall have it, and 
 we will throw the chances to the winds." ' *' ^ • 
 We took our leave of our affectionate friends, the Har- 
 pers, about four in the afternoon. The steamer made her 
 way down the Sound, and we soon lost sight of New- York, 
 and its splendid harbour. I found, on trial, that my cabin 
 was just over some kind of machinery which produced a 
 jarring and upheaving motion, which precluded the possi- 
 bility of rest ; and when night came on, I was obliged to 
 drag my mattress into the saloon, but failed to get one 
 wink of sleep. We left the vessel about daylight, and 
 passed on by railroad to Boston. After spending a few 
 hours at the Revere, and in visiting the city, we went on 
 board the " America," lying in the offing, four or five miles 
 distant. This noble ship had made the voyage from Eng- 
 land in eleven days and a half, the shortest trip ever known ; 
 and is, of her class, the finest steamer in the world. We 
 got under way about four in the afternoon, and soon lost 
 sight of the shores of America. 
 Nothing of any consequence took place on the voyage. 
 We made Halifax again in the night, so that I could not 
 see anything either of the harbour or the city. Here I lost 
 ray dear friend. Dr. Richey, and became truly desolate. 
 He had been my companion at Pittsburgh, at the Canada 
 Conference at Belleville, and travelled with me through 
 Canada, and forward to this place. Truth and justice 
 demand that I should say, that Dr. Richey is one of the 
 most perfect Christian gentlemen I ever came . '^ contact 
 with. Politeness, founded on gentle, warm, and genuine 
 affections, is the very element of his nature. I never heard 
 from him a rash, rude, or unkind word, much less ever saw 
 him perpetrate an unchristian or unbecoming action. I 
 looked after my dear friend as far as the dim lamps would 
 allow me to see him, and in my heart bade him a sad, a 
 long, a last adieu. 
 There sat opposite to me at our table a gentleman, with 
 a lady and little girl, and on my right a thin, pale, interest- 
 ing-looking young man, both completely Americanized in 
 their appearance ; their beards were sticking out on their 
 chins in Yankee fashion, and their dress and bearing alto- 
 gether seemed to bespeak them citizens of the States. We 
 had taken several meals in company, when the gentleman 
 who sat opposite said to me, "Pray, sir, is your name 
 Dixon ?" On replying, " Yes," he said, " And my name is 
 Cocker : I am the son of Henry Cocker, of Hathersage :" 
 and then the pale young man, who was standing by, said, 
 '' And my name is Ibbotson : I am the son of Mr. Ibbotson, 
 of Sheffield." The meeting was mutually pleasant. Mr. 
 Cocker left us at HaUfax ; but Mr. Ibbotson was my very 
 agreeable companion to the end of the voyage. 
 Sunday was unlike our Sabbath on board the "Acadia." 
 Dr. Bichey had spoken to the captain, whom he knew, and 
 had told him who I was, and mentioned my taking the 
 service ; and, moreover, he understood that the captain had 
 assented to the proposition. But it did not so turn out. 
 He read prayers himself, and finished the service with one 
 of Henry Blunt's sermons. The service was well read ; and 
 the sermon, as may be imagined from the name of the 
 author, was excellent. How singular is human character ! 
 This captain would certainly not lay claim to Methodism, 
 and yet he seemed to take great deUght in acting the parson, 
 and really did it well. He is, however, somewhat celebrated 
 for his exclusive churchism. About a dozen American 
 divines sailed with him from the great Alliance Meeting in 
 London, not one of whom would he allow to officiate ; but 
 on that as on the present occasion, he performed the service 
 himself. One other trait of character, but quite of another 
 description, arose out of this affair. When the time came 
 to propose the captain's health, which means returning him 
 thanks for his conduct, a good Free-churchman, a genuine 
 Scot, rose up and went out. He afterward told me, that, 
 perceiving what was going to be done, he departed, because 
 he could hot in his conscience be a party to a vote of thanks 
 to a man who had, as he expressed himself, " insulted you, 
 by taking the service himself when there was a regular 
 minister on board." The matter had little effect on my 
 own mind, except in so far as it prevented me having the 
 pleasure of preaching the cross of Christ to the promiscuous 
 group around. But how truly characteristic of the real 
 Scotchman was the conduct of my friend ! And, moreover, 
 how honourable to his principles, his integrity, and his 
 religious convictions ! 
 On Saturday, the 8th of July, we hove in sight of old 
 Erin early in the morning, and passed up Channel, all day 
 seeing many spots interesting in Irish history, successively 
 presenting themselves to view. Sunday morning we saw 
 Holyhead. We were met, on returning home, with the 
 truly English welcome of a dense fog and a drenching 
 rain. Our pilot brought newspapers, containing an ac' 
 count of the massacres of Paris. We had a great number 
 of French on board ; they had been very gay up to 
 this period ; but now an entire change came over them. 
 Thoughtfulness, sadness, melancholy, were expressed for 
 the moment : how long would it last ? Some of the coun- 
 tenances seemed to indicate the fear, that possibly some 
 endeared relative might have fallen in the conflict. Had it 
 not been for the serious events connected with the cause 
 of this change, it would have been perfectly ludicrous ; it 
 was like the overshadowing of a sunny scene by the sud« 
 den rush of passing clouds. 
 We landed at Liverpool at half-past two. I went to 
 Stanhope-street chapel at night, and heard my present 
 coUef^e, Mr. Brice. , How sweet, how soothing, how 
 heavenly is the service of God's house, after the tossings of 
 a sea-voyage ! And how full of rest and quiet to the soul 
 is the society of religious friends, after dwelhng for a long 
 time in the midst of promiscuous company ! I hastened 
 down to the custom-house by five o'clock the next morn- 
 ing ; but could not get released till near nine. Paid eight 
 shillings duty for the American books which had been 
 given me by friends. Set out for my beloved home, ar- 
 rived about noon, found all well. To God be all the 
 glory ! Amen. 
 Reflections on America— Unfairly dealt with by Travellers— A religious people 
 —This necessary to explain their state— The real Americans not hostile to 
 this country— Their peaceful and prosperous condition— Education, the prin- 
 ' pies on which it is conducted— The force of Christianity in its simply divine 
 authority— Hie American's trust in this— Public Worship and the Duties 
 of Religion— Slavery partly removed by the influence of Christian principle . 
 A LKNOTHENED investigation of objects of curiosity, or of 
 men, manners, and institutions, is not necessary or intended, 
 ts our literature abounds with books of travel, graphic de- 
 sbriptions of scenery, and analysis of tne institutions and 
 social state of America. These productions, of course, 
 take their colouring, m some degree, from the opinions, 
 tastes, prejudices, and piusions of their authors. They 
 abound with information, biit contain little instruction. 
 And it cannot be domed, by candid persons, that most of 
 them are grievously deformed by partial and exJEtggerated 
 description— caricatures— of the manners and habits of our 
 transatlantic brethren. 
 *;~' The causes of this are undoubtedly many ; and, probably, 
 if traced to their motive, would be found much diversified. 
 One of these causes, however, is obvious enough. The 
 Americans are a religious people ; and this element can 
 neither be avoided nor lightly touched. But, instead of 
 treating this question with either the hand of the Christian 
 or of the philosopher, these parties, in some instances, dis- 
 regard the subject altogether, and, in others, treat it with 
 levity or hostiUty. The religious notions and peeidiarities 
 of the people are turned mto ridicule and scorn ; their asso- 
 ciations for benevolent and Christian purposes are lam- 
 pooned as fanatical ; their modes of expression and devo- 
 tional exercises are held up to contempt ; and their absti- 
 nence from the amusements of the world are treated as 
 indicative of ill-breeding, or signs of hypocrisy. 
 It is obvious that writers of this class are ill-suited to 
 understand or to delineate the character of a grove and 
 religious community. Taking their gauge and measure- 
 ment from the beau tnonde of London or of Pariuan soci' 
 eiy, they naturally find all sober sense, industrious habits, 
 and religious sentiments an eccentricity or a bore. The 
 point with this race of voyageura is, to see if the manners 
 of the plain republican are in agreement with those of the 
 aristocracy of old nations ; whether they come up to the 
 coteries of the West End, of the clubs of St. James's, of 
 the fashionable routs of our great parties; and, moreover, 
 if they speak, and dance, and play in the first style of ^ 
 fashion. Can anything be more ridiculous than this? 
 .What right can the flippant dames, the military beaux, the 
 panderers to frivolity, have to expect a people ready made 
 to their several purposes ? Of what consequence can it be 
 to the morality, the honour, the greatness of a people, that 
 they should fashion their course by adopting the manners 
 of the most frivolous, useless, and unreal portions of our 
 own people ? Neither the wisdom nor the strength of 
 even European society will be found in these quarters. 
 The people who make sport of the Puritanism of the 
 Americans, are themselves the objects of as much con- 
 tempt, in their own country, as pity will allow to be just. 
 Like other buzzing creatures, they have just the power to 
 sting ; and, with a malicious pleasure, they evidently de- 
 light in the. gratification of their feeble natures. Were the 
 disposition felt, the laugh might be turned upon these tri- 
 flers, with as much effect as they choose to indulge in at 
 the expense of the " evangelkaW of the States. 
 The irritation produced in America by the liberties 
 which have been taken with Iheir innocent and unimportant 
 peculiarities, is not the worst effect of the ephemeral pro- 
 d actions of the English gossips, who have chosen to make 
 themselves merry at the expense of good manners. De- 
 ception on the public mind of this country, to a fearful and 
 mischievous extent, has been another of th^ consequences. 
 ip Oatbering their opinions of American character from the 
 representations of persons only intent on making a book, 
 and rendering it spicy, is it any matter of surprise, that in 
 this nation most false and injurious notions are entertained ? 
 The evident intention merely to provide mental food for 
 our circulating libraries ; to get up the tinsel sentimentality 
 necessary to pamper the appetite for amusement and plea* 
 sure; the sardonic purpose to gratify the malevolence 
 which takes delight in scandal ; to train and excite the 
 worse than human infirmity which revels on the foibles and 
 weak points of our fellow-men — supposing them to exist — 
 merely for the sake of rendering them ridiculous ; in fine, 
 the disposition to meet the morbid prejudices of their read* 
 ers, instead of being intent on truth, and doing justice to 
 the character of the people they profess to exhibit ; utterly 
 disqualify these authors for their task, and render their 
 productions devoid of credit. 
 It is humiliating thus to write ; but much more so to 
 know, that gross deception has been practised in getting 
 up even these productions. While the stranger has been 
 admitted to the frank confidence of respectable and honour- 
 able men, he has sometimes employed this privilege in 
 making them the subject of a mental picture, drawn in the 
 mind, and anon to be transferred to his journal ; turning 
 into ridicule all the real or imaginary smgularities of their 
 manners, and making them the butt of hk wit. Their ac- 
 tual character is not delineated. They may be good men, 
 pure patriots, worthy citizens, successful merchants ; pos- 
 sessed of strong and well-cultivated faculties, of good prin- 
 ciples, of courteous manners, and generous dispositions ; 
 and yet all this is thro\vn into the back-ground, or never 
 appears at all. At the same time, every trifling and un- 
 important deviation from the beau id^al of dandyism is 
 magnified into prominency, and, by the ingenious combina- 
 tions of the artist, a distorted picture is drawn, as untrue to 
 ^fe as if the noble frame of the Ainerican citizen had been 
 screwed into the shape of the exquisite, who has, in his 
 kindness, been taking his likeness. In the same spirit the 
 privacies of domestic life, generous hospitality, and well- 
 meant and courteous attentions, have all been distressingly 
 outraged. Not even the ladies have escaped. Whilst 
 they have been doing their utmost to make their home 
 agreeable, provide the luxuries of the table, and administer 
 to the pleasures of their guest, — he has had the meanness 
 to select them as the victims of his satire ; and, whilst in- 
 dulging in plaudits, compliments, and smiles, he at the 
 same time has been .treasuring up matter for a mean and , 
 cowardly exhibition of whatever his skill could afterwards 
 turn to the account of his craft, in rendering ridiculous the 
 women of America. 
 Thb sort of conduct on the part of our countrymen — 
 not to say countrywomen — ^has had the effect of keeping 
 up irritation amongst the Americans, and of producing 
 false notions in thii^ country. Nothing can be more unfair 
 to a people than to make their peculiarities the ground- 
 work of any kind of description, physical, social, or reli- 
 gious. The staple of their qualities must be fixed upon, 
 not the exceptions ; otherwise the details will be untrue, 
 and the picture distorted. 
 On reading the productions to which reference is made, 
 one cannot help asking. Is there anything else in these 
 people ? If so, what is it ? That there must be something 
 in them besides the trifles dwelt upon by these authors — 
 even supposing them to be real — ^must be apparent to 
 every one who allows himself to reflect but for a moment. 
 The effervescences of society are not society itself: the 
 holiday foibles of men cannot be taken as illustrative of 
 their every 'day habits ; the loose and slip-slop gait of a 
 nation, when the day's work is over, cannot be considered 
 as descriptive of their state when braced to the labours of 
 life ; the free and familiar conversation of a people in their 
 moments of relaxation, cannot be considered as the et- 
 pression of thoee truths and priuciplos by wliich they are 
 guided in their serious moments ; and it could only lead to 
 deception to suppose for a moment that the surface of h 
 great community, made up as it must be of innumerable 
 irregularities and follies, can justly indicate the forces which 
 are constantly at work below. The aggregate, the totality 
 of moral elements must bo grappled, or otherwise any de- 
 scription of the character and conditions of a nation must 
 bo perfectly fallacious. Judged by this rule, and ex- 
 amined as a whole, it is the author's opinion, that the 
 American people would suffer nothing from a comparison 
 with any other. 
 But it b, in point of fact, extremely difficult to obtain u 
 tme notion of the character and opinions of the genuine 
 American, and especially from the public prints. Tlio old, 
 the home-born, the real man of the country is very differ- 
 ent from the alien races which are constantly transferring 
 themselves to the soil of the United States. These races 
 are not always the most creditable in character, in mo- 
 rals, in integrity, among the populations of Europe, which 
 they kindly relieve of their presence, by transplanting 
 themselves, and their very questionable virtues, to the New 
 World. Some millions of these classes are now found 
 located in the States ; and whatever may be the amount 
 of their loyalty to the nation of their adoption, it is certain 
 — indeed, demonstrated in no equivocal ^lanner — that they 
 all retain the virus of that disaffection to their own coun- 
 try which, in many cases, first stimulated their departure. 
 This is pre-eminently the case with the Irish. Steeped 
 in religious, political, and social disaffection at home, what- 
 ever may be the causes — just or unjust — these people do 
 not fail to nurse, with the passion and intensity of their 
 inflammable nature, an active and indomitable hatied 
 against England. But now living on the American soil, 
 these turbulent agitators are considered in this country as 
 Americans. They are no more Americans than if, perchance, 
 thoy were transplanted to China ; and, taking their place 
 in the midst of that quiet and peaceful race, they should* 
 by reason of this accidental residence, be considered Chi' 
 nese. It is certain, that a large amount of the vituperation 
 which is heaped upon this country by the public press of 
 tiie States is from this quarter. Partly by their own means, 
 and partly by the influence they exert by their priests, their 
 numbers, and their organization, they are enabled to perpe- 
 tuate in their exile the same antipathies, and to keep up 
 the same rancorous bullying against the Saxon, as they did 
 in their own beloved Erin. Their ardent and fierce pas- 
 sions, the author was often told, whether of sympathy with 
 their own island, or of animosity to ours, always last through 
 the first generation. The Irishman never alters in his own 
 person, whether found in St. Giles's or New- York. The 
 sunshine of civilization, the softening influence of free insti- 
 tutions, the example of quiet and good men, and, above all, 
 the blessings of true religion, are all in vain. He continues 
 the same fierce, intractable, restless being as when he left 
 the wilds, or merged from the bogs, of his native land. To 
 hate the English and eat potatoes were the two lessons of 
 bis Irish life ; and if he obtains better food in the New 
 World, and thus unlearns the physical lesson, he never 
 changes in his antipathies, or unlearns the moral, nay, the 
 religious, duty of eternal hostility. The leaders of these 
 people, some priestly and some laic, possess their newspa- 
 pers everywhere in the United States, and, as in Ireland 
 itself, are not very nice in the employment of epithets of 
 abuse against this nation. These, generally speaking, are 
 the parties who are so constantly attempting to keep up 
 an irritation among the citizens of America against this 
 country, by thieir venomous hatred, their abusive language, 
 their speculations on revolts and revolutions ; and are, by 
 these means, stimulating, as much as is in their power, the 
 disloyalty of their own sweet " gem of the sea," and the 
 Chartism of England. It is from this quarter, chiefly, that 
 TOtm 11^ AMEtltCA. 
 the fiery stream descends upon us, and not from the genu- 
 ine American press or people. 
 Then is it fair, is it honest, to attribute to the Americans 
 those hostile passions which, in fact, belong to our own 
 people ? The real Yankee and the hot-headed Irishman 
 are very different personages. It may bo considered by 
 everybody as a settled point, that the real American will 
 never stir without an object. His love and his hatred both 
 will have some rationale. He will never be found to dis- 
 turb his own quiet for the sake of agitating a distant nation 
 for no rational purpose. His political belief, his theories 
 of human rights, his perceptions of what he considers essen- 
 tial to social happiness, his ideas of the grandeur of his own 
 country, and of her high and glorious destiny — are, no 
 doubt, deeply and vividly felt in his own soul. In fact, 
 these thoughts and maxims live in the American as innate 
 powers, as indestructible laws. But he is too proud a be- 
 ing, is too conscious of his own dignity and strength, to be 
 found intermeddling in the squabbles of other nations. He 
 may, and no doubt does, desire that his ovm republican 
 regime should be taken as a model system. All Europe 
 and the world are welcome to the benefit of his experi- 
 ments in legislation and government. In no other sense than 
 this can the true American be considered a propagandist. 
 It is the impression of the author, that a nation more 
 proudly conscious of its own dignified position does not 
 exist on earth. It is not this class who are found employ- 
 ed in the mean and despicable drudgery of vituperation 
 against this country, or seeking occasions of irritation and 
 disturbance. This vocation is taken up and performed by 
 our own recreant child/en ; with how much success, we all 
 unhappily experience. 
 Thus, by the agency of the two classes referred to, the 
 British travellers on the one part, and the Irish residents 
 on the other, the two countries are, in some degree, kept 
 in a ^tate of feverish excitement. This is punful to the 
 real friends of both. Essentially one people, the bonds of 
 ttiuon ought, by the removal of offences and jealousies, to 
 be as much as possible tightened. The relationship is 
 too natural, too dear and valuable, and connected too much 
 with the happiness and advantage of both, to be allowed 
 either to be severed or shaken by such agitators as these. 
 It is easy to see, that the maintenance of peaceful and 
 friendly relations between the only two great communities in 
 which any real reciprocity of feeling, founded on religion 
 and liberty, can possibly exist, must conduce, in every way, 
 to the well-being and prosperity of both. 
 The past jealousies of the two countries have not been 
 unnatural, hui now ought to end. The war of independ^ 
 once, originating, as it did, in great questions of right on the 
 one hand, and of independence on the other, was calculated 
 to awaken every passion of the soul. Time alone could, of 
 course, quench the fire thus kindled. Surely the cool 
 breeses of seventy winters may be supposed sufficient to 
 put out the flames then lit up. The two nations may, 
 possibly, have separate interests to serve ; this must be the 
 case ; but it is certain, that those which are common are 
 much more numerous and durable. The political inde- 
 pendence, the national freedom, the good government, the 
 social happiness, the intellectual advancement, the moral 
 and religious order and prosperity, of each, concurrently 
 progresttng, must necessarily act and re-act upon commu- 
 nities so identical in character. These higher considerations 
 may be strengthened by lesser ones. The trade and com- 
 merce of Great Britain and the States will, in all likelihood, 
 ebb and flow together. At any rate, it must be an infimte 
 advantage to each to have the other for a customer. With- 
 out these political and material ties, it is too much, per- 
 liaps, to expect nations to regard each other with much 
 concern. The idea of a nation is, indeed, an abstraction ; 
 AS a reality, it is only an aggregation of individuals ; and 
 men, all over the world, are certain to seek their own inte- 
 rests. It follows, that tlie reciprocity and friendship of 
 nations must rest on the very vulgar fact of mutual bene- 
 fits. It does not belong to the mere traveller to discuss 
 these questions ; but he may easily see, that the good of 
 one community is the good of both ; and, moreover, be 
 pardoned if he modestly venture upon the task of advising, 
 that the leading and active spirits, who, in both countries, 
 have, and must continue to have, the main responsibility 
 of fashioning the destinies of the two nations, may steer 
 clear of all collisions, in the recollection, that on the peace, 
 liarmony, religion, industry, freedom, and modei p*don, of the 
 Anglo-Saxon people, in the two hemispheres, hang the 
 destinies of the human race. 
 A real, confiding, well-understood, and permanent union 
 of Great Britain and America must not only secure their 
 own greatness and prosperity, but indefiaitely promote the 
 freedom and civilization of the world. The geographical 
 position of the two nations, their addiction to trade, their 
 instinctive maritime propensities, their adventurous spirit, 
 their love of enterprise, must fit them to act together. But, 
 more than this, the real identity of their opinions, though 
 in some points seeming to differ, must prepare them to live 
 in unity and love. This identity of sentiment and feeling 
 may be seen in one single fact — the love of freedom. It 
 would puzzle the finest optician to invent an instrument ex- 
 actly to see the difference in this affection, a.^ existing in 
 the two countries. TJiey may, and, indeed, do, diflfer in 
 their opinions as to the best means of securing this inesti- 
 mable prize ; but none as to its nature, its value, its neces- 
 sity, its eternal oneness with the laws of nature and the will 
 of God. On all these points the two peoples are fully 
 agreed. Freedom, in each country, is a truth — a principle 
 — ^a right. Existence without liberty, in either hemisphere, 
 would be deemed a curse, and not a blessing ; the despot 
 would be abhorred, antagonized, and destroyed. While 
 tliese sentiments prevail, is it worth while for the two na- 
 tions to quarrel respecting the means employed by either, •' 
 to secure the end they have in view ? The moral grounds 
 for harmony and concord are, or ought to be, much more 
 potent than even the political ones for disunion and discord. 
 The one class of motives rests on the eternal laws of truth, 
 religion, honour, and brotherhood ; the other, on the acci- 
 dents and interests of the hour. 
 It is to be earnestly desired, that these considerations 
 may have the effect of drawing the two countries together 
 in uninterruptedly amicable relations. We are, in truth," 
 the same people. In mind, in character, in habits, in 
 modes of thought, there is infinitely more resemblance 
 betwixt the British and the American populations, than 
 can be found between either and any other nation. It 
 cannot be otherwise, without a perpetual miracle. Sprung 
 from a common parentage, the same tide of life flowing in 
 the veins of each, the wonderful and mysterious type of 
 soul which is so evidently possessed by races dwelling in 
 both, each speaking the same language, and instructed and 
 trained by the same master mind which lives and speaks 
 in their common mother tongue ; — the political institutions 
 of the older people the models of the younger community ; 
 — the laws of the one country transplanted to the soil, and 
 constituting the code, of the other ; — and, above all, the 
 same religious sentiments which were embraced by tlie 
 British people at the Reformation, and adopted before the 
 pilgrim fathers took their departure to the New World, and 
 still retained as the popular faith of both branches of the 
 family : — All these things considered, how can it be other- 
 wise than that next to a perfect identity should exist ? 
 Nature is never untrue to herself, never obliterates her 
 own impress, never does violence to her undying emotions. 
 Is it in human nature for the American republic to reflect 
 upon the birth-place and cradle of her existence, the father- ^ 
 land of her sires, to trace their own pedigrees and repeat 
 tlieir own names, without a thrill cf interest and feeling, 
 Hrhich cannot be experienced in the case of anv i. r coun- 
 try than our own ? This is impossible. No mda, however 
 far he may wander, ever forgets his homestead, the scenes 
 of his boyhood, the companions of his days of happy frolic 
 and joy ; and, especially, he never forgets the endearments 
 of maternal love. Tradition keeps alive what nature gives 
 birth to ; and it is just as credible, that the Americans aie 
 an abortion of nature, as that they can ever cease to vene- 
 rate and love the land of their sires. We have had proof 
 that this monstrous perversion has not in reality taken 
 place. It is the author's undoubted belief, that a profound 
 affection towards this country lives in the real American 
 mind. Beneath political agitations, jealousies, and mO' 
 mentary ebullitions of spleen and opposition, there remains, 
 in the depths of the human soul itself, the sure pledge, the 
 indubitable guarantee, of reciprocal love. 
 We say " reciprocal love." It is not to be expected, that 
 the American people should continue to cherish good feeling 
 towards us, if their fraternal regard is rudely or contemp- 
 tuously met. From several causes, it is to be feared, that 
 our disposition towards them is less kindly tuan theirs to- 
 wards us. They can better afford to indulge in generous 
 feelings than we can. Not to dwell on the fact that they 
 were the victors in the painful strife which separated them 
 from the mother country ; — their prodigious growth and 
 expansion; the vast augmentation of political power and 
 influence acquired in a few years ; the immense improve- 
 ment in their trade and commercial navy ; the successful 
 trial of their principles of government, and their develop- 
 ment on a constantly enlarging sphere of territory and 
 population ; in fine, the entire success of the " great experi- 
 ment," 80 emphatically referred to by Washington, when 
 laying the foundations of the republic, may well lead to 
 generoJis emotions, not to say complacency. But there are 
 other causes of the trial of our feelings in regard to Ame- 
 rica. It is to be feared, that the British population, in 
 general, know infinitely less of the Americans than they 
 know of us. Silly traditions, old prejudices, and the very 
 natural pride and egotism of our nation, lead us often to 
 take a perfectly false estimate of our kinsmen in the New 
 World. Family quarrels and feuds, by general consent, 
 are allowed to be more difficult to appease than any other. 
 And, in the case of the American people, if nature is ex- 
 pected to predominate over political antipathies and jea- 
 lousies, by the recollection of home, of descent, of their 
 fatherland, ought not this to be mutual ? Can we forget, 
 or fail to be infliienced by the consideration, that the New 
 World has become, and is likely to become more and more, 
 the home of vast nuribers of our own children? The 
 young life of England is poiuing into the States like a deep 
 and rapid torrent. Families and individuals from the old 
 country are everywhere found, and in eveiy possible va- 
 riety of position and employment. The writer of these 
 pages can never forget the intense eagerness and depth of 
 feeling manifested by great numbers of these classes, and 
 the joy connectt'i with the mere opportunity of giving ex- 
 pression to their attachment to their country. If it was 
 discovered that I had been at the place of their nativity, 
 knew any of their relations or friends, and especially if any 
 of them had ever seen me before, their ecstasy seemed 
 complete. Are we to forget, then, om* children in the 
 midst of our political hatreds ? England lives in America, 
 and is likely to do so to a greater extent than ever. The 
 soil which feeds and nourishes myriads of our own flesh 
 and blood, who otherwise must perish ; a system which 
 admits them to its privileges, and adopts them as brethren ; 
 institutions which encourage their industry, foster their 
 talents, and reward their public and private virtues a 
 nation which lays open all its avenues of profit, employ- 
 ment, honour, and distinction, of every sort, to our needy 
 or adventurous sons ; such a land is not to be thought of 
 by us otherwise than with profound interest and reg^d. 
 ft* . 
 The motives that lead the parent to follow his c!iildren 
 with anxiety into the world, when they first leave his 
 house, may well cause us, in the same spirit, to send our 
 thoughts after our children, so numerously seeking their 
 destiny in the United States. 
 It has been already said, that the " Americans are a 
 ]-cligious people." Their character, habits, and institutions, 
 oannot possibly be understood, without taking this element 
 into considemtion. Persons who only look at the forms, 
 the sVolcton and frame-work, of society, and consider its 
 s'uM^^ngth find perfection to lie in these, will necessarily con- 
 'ilnde, ';hat America is a heterogeneous mass of human 
 beiu ;s, devoid of shape and symmetry. To parties whose 
 ii' ^s have been spent in old 'nations, whose governing 
 powei-, 1 'om time immemorial, has been external, and their 
 moans coercion, this is a very natural conclusion. The 
 public order, morality, peaceful demeanour, and industrious 
 habits of a people in thes^. old societies, are all supposed, 
 by their theories of government, to be enforced, — to be 
 worked into the mind of the body politic by appliances 
 from without. Government, in these cases, is like the dex- 
 terous avocation of the herdsman or the hunter ; who, in 
 the one case, pens in his animals, and only allows them to 
 graze at his pleasure, and, in the other, circumvents them 
 by his cunning and art. How far the state of these old 
 countries has made this essential, it is not for us to discuss ; 
 but, at any rate, if the necessity exists, it does not speak 
 )nuch for the intelligence and »:.."rality of the people. The 
 pageantries of state, the trappings of royalty, the draperies 
 and ornaments of decoratod officials, — together with the 
 infinite and endless, soulless ceremonies to be observed, — 
 are all, no doubt, brought in to heighten the impression, 
 and strike the senses of the vulgar. Those who place the 
 power of good order and national security in these external 
 things, will, as a corollary, think of the United States as a 
 most lawless community. Not having the insignia of order. 
 as found in their own country, they may, perchance, ima> 
 gine that the substance is absent. 
 It was the fortune, good or ill, of the present writer, to 
 pass from Boston to Pittsburgh, and, of consequence, 
 through all the intermediate space, embracing most of the 
 cities, towns, and country of the older States, without set- 
 ting his eyes on a single soldier, liveried policeman, or any 
 other human being wearing the dress of authority. At the 
 last-mentioned place he saw an assembly of volunteers, 
 horse and foot ; and, on inquiry, found that they had turned 
 out to do honour to the remains of one of their neighbours, 
 iin officer, who had lost his life in the Mexican war, and 
 had been brought home for sepulture. But though there 
 was not the slightest appearance of anything in the form 
 of external coercion through all the space mentioned, so- 
 ciety lay as unruffled, as peaceful and quiet, as one of their 
 own beautiful lakes on a summer's evening. Let it not be 
 imagined that this repose is the stillness of death. Pro- 
 bably no equal number of men on earth are so active, so 
 fully engaged, or have more various and complex business 
 transactions, than this population. Industrious, eager for 
 w^ealth, proud of distinctions, and sensible of the benefits 
 of a good standing in society, these people are working 
 their way up the hill ; and yet there is no visible, certainly 
 no military, force to keep them in order. 
 Here, then, are phenomena to be solved. How is this ? 
 What is the power leading to this state of things ? The 
 answer to these questions will vary with the creed of the 
 parties putting them. The political philosopher will look 
 to his theories for a solution, and attribute the power and 
 advancement of society to civil institutions, to the republi- 
 canism of the' country. He will say that the principles and 
 provisions of this system, lying at the basis of the body 
 politic, and extending their ramificaAons through the whole, 
 are the motive power of the existing life, contentment, and 
 happiness of the pe^ le. The economists, the merchants, 
 the men of trade, the dealers m money, and the jobbers in 
 all sorts of speculations, will, in their turn, call in to fud the 
 investigation ideas and notions taken from the iride-spread 
 territories of the States, the fertility of the soil, the extent 
 and usefulness of their rivers, the spaciousness of their 
 harbouip, mines, forests, manufactures, farms, and all the 
 other agencies of industry and wealth. 
 Without in the least depreciating the importance and 
 value of all these things ; and, moreover, allowing them 
 their just share in producing the existiag prosperity of the 
 country ; we must avow our skepticism as to the power of 
 these means to create the greatness and the happiness of 
 the American nation. It is, indeed, an unspeakable ad- 
 vantage to be saved from the pressure of a crowded, and, 
 as a consequence, a pauper population. This is fully en- 
 joyed. Every man has scope for his enterprise without 
 treading upon the heels of his neighbour, or injuring his 
 prospects by competition. Every family has room for de- 
 velopment ; the young can be profitably employed, and the 
 certainty of success presents itself to stimulate their in- 
 dustry and activity. There is a sufficiency of soil for 
 the scions of every house to take root and spread their 
 branches; and, in case of suitable culture, the sunshine 
 of heaven, its dews, and its rains, they are certain to 
 rise to maturity. No kind of genius, of skill in the arts, 
 of inventive powers, of mechanical capacity, of eminence 
 in the professions, of governing talent, of senatorial elo- 
 (luence, or intellect of any other kind, can possibly go mi- 
 requited. There may be rivalries, contentions, and fierce 
 gymnastic-like trials of strength, for the higher prizes of 
 the world ; but there is an area of sufficient space to occu- 
 py the population in the ordinary courses of life ; whilst 
 great numbers have been trained in these normal schools, 
 to aspire to the more honourable posts. 
 Then» allowing for all the advantages referred to, we 
 usk, Are they of themselves sufficient to account for the 
 peaceful and progressive state of society, as it is seen in the 
 United States ? I confess, I am not persuaded of their 
 sufficiency. Tliere must be something else, more profound, 
 more permanent, more influential over men's souls, — some- 
 thing more deeply imbedded in the moral sentiments of 
 the people, more divine, than anything we have mentioned. 
 If, in the absence of external coercion, society is found to 
 be moral and quiet, then these virtues cannot arise from 
 this cause. If not guided by the skill and the power of a 
 master, men must be the masters of their own movements ; 
 and in case these movements are in the paths of wisdom, 
 geod order, peacQ, and morality, to what does this lead us ? 
 It leads to the inevitable conclusion, that moral sentiment 
 is the guiding light and the sustaining power of such a 
 community. But then is it possible for morality to have 
 any vitality without religion ? We think not. A morality 
 which is not based on the doctrines of Christianity is a 
 baseless fabric, a sapless tree, a lifeless mummy ; in fine, a 
 contradiction, a falsehood. But we are not left to specula- 
 tion on these points. Inferences in many cases may bo 
 pretty truly drawn ; but we prefer facts. 
 It is, then, an undoubted fact, that the American people 
 do pay great regard to religion ; and as this, like every- 
 thing else, is with them a personal and not a conventional 
 concern, it is all the more energetically promoted. It 
 seems a principle of Americanism, that the obligations of 
 our nature are untransferable. An American never dreams 
 of putting his social or religious obligations into commis- 
 sion. He never considers himself as having denuded him- 
 self of his responsibilities, when he has ^vcn his vote for a 
 president, and taken his share in constructing a govern- 
 ment. Even his political duties are not, in his own estima- 
 tion, put in abeyance by these transactions, much less his 
 moral and religious. He does not expect the government 
 to serve God for him, or to take into its hands the task of 
 publicly providing for that conservation of morality and 
 religion which he knows can only be secured by personal 
 According to American ideas, the state does not consist 
 of public functionaries, whether civil or ecclesiastical, but 
 of the people. The souls and bodies of the population, 
 unitedly, constitute the State: not a function, not an 
 office. In the State making provision for this or the other, 
 the American would include himself. He has no notion 
 of public men taking his place, and relieving him of the 
 burden of his own intelligence, conscience, humanity. 
 This is a living power. It is refreshing even to look upon 
 a true and real American, with his swinging gait, in the full 
 consciousness of his manhood. There is something even in 
 his appearance different from other people. It is not reck- 
 lessness, not rudeness, not isolation, not misanthropy. No- 
 thing of this sort is seen. And yet there is an air of per- 
 fect independence and freedom, consciousness of strength 
 and power, repose in the midst of activity, calmness and 
 dignity with profound emotions. An American, more than 
 any character it was ever my happiness to study, looks like a 
 man who is sensible that he carries his own destinies about 
 him ; that he is complete m himself ; that he is a self-act- 
 ing, self-moving intelligence ; that he has to shape his own 
 course, and become the architect of his own fortune. He 
 does not seem to be looking without to catch the chances 
 of some stray events by which to fashion his life: his 
 thoughts are steadily fixed upon strengthening his own re- 
 sources, and he is always laying in a stock for the voyage 
 he is upon. The effect of this is to produce (I hardly 
 know what to call it) a rotundity, a fulness, a complete- 
 ness of manhood, not seen in other societies ; and to those 
 who do not comprehend him, or who have only been ac- 
 customed to the fawning flatteries — and as false as they are 
 fawning — of other nations, all this is extremely offensive. 
 Enter an American store, and, instead of being baited, 
 wheedled, and deceived, the language, as expressed by 
 acUou, is, '• You may buy, if you please. It is your own 
 concern ; do as you like." It came to the author's know- 
 ledge, — and the fact will illustrate our point, — that a 
 very popular traveller aiid writer, who was receiving the 
 incense of the fashionable world in the States next to ado- 
 ration, in the midst of this excitement, sent for a grave 
 tradesman to w^ait upon him at his rooms ; no doubt with 
 the intention of entering into somo business arrangements. 
 A^hat was the reply? In spirit, "My compliments to 
 Mr. , and inform him it is not the custom of our house 
 for one of its principals to seek or rec<^ive orders in such 
 circumstances. If Mr. wishes to do business with 
 us, or has anything to propose, he must come to us ; we 
 shall be glad to see him." " How rude !" says one of the 
 gentlemen of " the trade," in ** the Row," or at the West 
 End. Well, the question of rudeness must be settled be- 
 twixt the two parties. It is just possible thai the Ameri- 
 can might think it as rude to be summoned to attend the 
 English traveller, as the latter considered it in him. We 
 only select this instance of independence as illustrative of 
 character. It is a general trait. 
 Instead of moving and acting like the members of the 
 body at the bidding of some other head or will than his 
 own ; instead of being dragged along, like the helpless 
 travellers of a railroad train, by forces independent of him- 
 self, the American chooses to consult his own counsels, to 
 examine his own course, and to move the machine intrusted 
 to him by his Creator by his own free volitions. All this 
 may either be good or bad. In case the forces which are 
 thus put in motion are fitted to move aright, it is easy to 
 see that the results must be vastly important. Man, free, 
 unfettered, acting on his own convictions, supposing them 
 to be wise and good, must possess a power which men in 
 chains, or working in gangs like slaves in a plantation, can- 
 not enjoy. This individualism is, in point of fact, the lead- 
 ing feature of American character. The true son of the 

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 soil never parts with it. The oombinfttiont, confederationfl, 
 wiions, and committeei into whioh politics or ccnnmercial 
 enterprises drive him, never despoil him of his identity. 
 How then, seeing that every American is expected to 
 act for himself, is he prepared to take his post ? Let us 
 examine this point. Its solution is what we want to get 
 atb Is he let loose on the world, a mere animal, to prey 
 upon its vitals, or is he religiously prepared ? This leads 
 us to the question of education. Great attention is paid 
 by the Americans to thu vital subject. What would be 
 called in this country national education, universally pre- 
 vails. Schools are provided at the public expense ; and 
 though this people have a proverbial antipathy to taxation, 
 yet they willingly tax themselves for this purpose. The 
 system so often attempted here, on the model of some of 
 the continental nations, is uot the system of America. 
 They have not established a central power, or educational 
 department, under a minister of state, or anything analo- 
 gous to our Committee of Privy Oouncil. The people 
 manage their own aflbirs in this as in other things. The 
 municipal bodies and the parochial authorities have the 
 power to assess themselves for educational purposes. This 
 is done on a broad scale ; ui the elder States the provision 
 is universal, so that every child may, if his parents choose, 
 obtain the advantages of a good common education. And 
 inaconueh as every inhabitant is obliged to pay his share of 
 the expense, whether he avails himself of the school or 
 not, this is found to operate against parental neglect. But 
 the advantages are so obvious ; the popular voice agfunst 
 ignorance, and in favour of knowledge, is so influential; 
 the duties of atisenship, in which all share, are so pressing, 
 and its honours so tempting ; that every parent is induced 
 to place his children in one of these schools. 
 Zealous partisans would probably say, that these are 
 not religious schools, because partieuUur creeds are not 
 enforced. Ifaii iroiUd bf imponible, ia a country where 
 no creed possesses a pre-eminence, or is sanctioned by the 
 State. But if the Holy Scriptures constitute the basis oi 
 Christianity, then these are Christian schools, notwithstand- 
 ing the absence of creeds. The Bible is read daily, it is 
 the standard book, the foundation of everything ; and its 
 divine authority is thus universally taught, and its sacred 
 lessons constantly inculcated. True to their principles, the 
 Romanists at New-York, some time ago, attempted to get 
 the Bible banished from the public schools. In this they 
 failed; for though by their union and compactness they 
 possess much strength, and on merely political questions, 
 by throwing their weight into one scale, they have it in 
 their power to turn the balance,— on this point, which was 
 deemed a religious one, and on which all the Protestants 
 were agreed, they utterly failed in their unholy attempt. 
 This educational provision, being purely popular, may 
 be taken as an indication of the public mind on a great 
 religious question. Instead of leaving their children to go 
 astray from their birth, we see that Christian instruction is 
 provided for them, as an essential and national blessing. 
 This does not seem as if the people were indifferent to 
 Christianity ; and, moreover, it proves that they desire to 
 seize the most fitting time in the life of man to inculcate its 
 sacred lessons. This, no doubt, is one of the healing ingre- 
 dients thrown into the troubled waters, one of the moral 
 forces which ever after works in determining the character 
 of the individual, the state of domestic life, and the condi- 
 tions of society. And instead of indifference in this one 
 arrangement, we see religion, in its most catholic form, 
 employed as an instrument of national order, virtue, and 
 peace; and, that a useful and virtuous citizenship is not 
 expected without the employment of suitable means. 
 We are considering the question of religion. Do the 
 ; Americans trust to the processes of secular knowledge, or 
 the power of merely human means, for the maintenance of 
 public order, and social prosperity ? The answer to this 
 question stands out in bold relief. In every city, small 
 and great, are seen large and spacious public buildings ; 
 and, on inquiry, the stranger is told that these are the 
 common day-schools of the place. On entering, he finds 
 that, besides the routine of a very good educational system, 
 embracing the usual matters of secular instruction, the 
 Scriptures are taught to the whole population ;' Ood speak- 
 ing to them in the impressive lessons of his own word. 
 Here the work of Christianity begins. Can any one calcu- 
 late the amount of influence produced on the public mind, 
 and on the moral state of a great people, by this one living, 
 active, pervading agency? Religion is here brought to 
 operate upon the youthful heart in its blandest and most 
 winning, attractive form; namely, that of the words of 
 Scripture. It is not so tery evident as some persons seem 
 to imagine, that the best way to impress the mind of chil- 
 dren is to drill them to get by heart some metaphysical, 
 crabbed dogmas of theology, which neither themselves nor 
 their teachers can in the least degree comprehend. Yet, 
 in the jargon of our sectarianism, this is called teaching re- 
 ligion, while the reading of the Bible itself is considered as 
 not teaching religion at all; and schools only using the 
 word of God, with prayer, are said to be secular. Cer- 
 tainly, Americans do not think so. The Holy Scriptures 
 are a redity with them ; and by their conduct, we have 
 reason to think that they place more confidence in the di- 
 viiiiB teaching of these "lively oracles" of God, than they 
 do in the step-by-step process of Catechisms, all of which 
 begin at the wrong end ; commence at the top, and build 
 downwards; start with the highest abstractions on the 
 divine essence and attributes, and then from this elevation 
 lead the poor little inquirer down into the details and facts 
 of revelation. Is not a population, formed on the incul- 
 cation of the Scripture, as likely to become real Christians 
 and good citizens, as a population drilled in the abstractions 
 of any existing Catechism ? There is a breadth, a fulness, 
 A simpUoity, and especially a divinity, in the word of Ood, 
 ivhioh cannot be found anywhere else ; and, least of all, in 
 the hare-h<me, skeleton-like lessons propounded to the poor 
 children of this nation. On the whole, then, it must be 
 seen that the entire American people are trained in reli^on 
 from their childhood, if the Bible teaches it. At any rate, 
 im impression is made as to the divine authorify of this 
 lioly book, that it is the word of God, the charter of salvar 
 tion, the guide to heaven, and the only rule of faith and 
 praeiice binding on the human conscience. One would 
 think this is doing something towards forming society, and 
 building the morals, happiness, and progress of the nation 
 on our glorious Christianity. 
 But besides the care taken of the young, we find that 
 Christianity pervades the United States in vigorous action. 
 This is seen in the numbers attending public worship, in 
 the extent of church-communion, in the observance of the 
 sacraments of the Church., in the respect paid to the Sab- 
 bath, in the number and variety of religious and charitable 
 institutions, in the placing of their collegiate and higher 
 educational departments under the jare generally of reli- 
 gious men, in the diffusion and influence of a Christian 
 literature ; and, in fine, by the depth and extent of reli- 
 gious feeling and principle. By these means, Christianityj^ 
 it is evident, touches and influences the entire social and 
 political state. 
 It is not meant by this that every individual is a pious 
 Christian, but that the spirit of the evangelical system is 
 in sufficient power to give to religious opinion and senti- 
 ment the complete ascendant in society. A man is not 
 reflected upon, or deemed less fit for the higher duties of 
 the State, by belonging to a Christian church ; he is rather 
 considered th^ better qualified for even civil posts of trust 
 and responsibility. It happened that the writer fell in 
 with persons, and heard from them the declaration, that 
 they could not give their suffrages to a very favourite can- 
 didate for the presidential chair, on the ground that he was 
 thought to be too lax in his habits. And, moreover, it was 
 sMd, again and again, that this gentleman had damaged his 
 position and blighted his prospects by this very circum- 
 stance. Afterwards, indeed, he had reformed ; and it was 
 stated, on good authority, that this gentleman had joined 
 a Christian church, so that this objection must have fallen 
 to the ground. This will appear foolbh and bigoted to 
 many of the wise mep of this world, and may be thought 
 to have been the feeling only of hot-headed enthusiasts. 
 Not so. And it illustrates the point for which it is ad- 
 duced, namely, that Christianity is a very powerful ele- 
 ment in American society. 
 A very sensible and amiable gentleman, living in the 
 States, remarked, on the voyage out, " One of the things 
 which will surprise you is the number of sects existing in the 
 country.'* By tKe by, there is not much difference in this 
 I'espect between the mother and the daughter. But the 
 fact here stated is a great stumbling-block to many, who 
 can entertain no idea favourable to religion itself unless it 
 exist as a unity, and is placed under the leadership of their 
 favourite ecclesiastical functionaries. Certainly such parties 
 will not find their " ideal church" in America. But if they 
 look deep enough, they will discover what is better 
 an external organization of stupidity and death ; they 
 will find very much of the vitality of Christianity, a settled 
 anH active faith, together with a profound conviction of the 
 obligations to energetic piety, and the exercise of a divine 
 This division of the Christian body in America into sects, 
 and the fact that a union with any one of these sects is no 
 bar against employments of the most honourable kind, is, to 
 us, an anomaly. A Methodist lord-chancellor, a Baptist 
 attorney-general, a Presbyterian commander of the forces, 
 an Independent secretary of the state, and an Episcopal, or 
 Popish, gentleman doomed to take rank yrith one of these 
 sectarians, or under him, as the case may be, looks strange 
 in this country. This is no fictitious picture, but a matter 
 of fact. Men are united in the common service of their 
 country indiscriminately, irrespective of their creed or re< 
 ligious coqpeidons. The sects may hate each other, as is 
 their wont elsewhere ; but the State knows no distinction 
 betwixt one class of religionists and another. 
 1 At the present moment, though I was told that the Pre- 
 sident docs not hold communion with any church, yet he 
 usiuUy listens to a Methodist sermon in the morning, from 
 one of the chaplains of Congress, who is of that persua- 
 sion, and to a Presbyterian minister in the evening, his 
 lady belongmg to that church. One of the judges of the 
 Supreme Court, answering as nearly as possible to our 
 Court of Chancery, is at this moment a member of the 
 Methodist Episcopal body, not nominally, but really; 
 observing the rules, and attending upon all the services, of 
 liis church in all his movements. Moreover, the talents, 
 character, and standing of this gentleman are such, that in 
 the present contest for the office of pretndent he has been 
 mentioned, indeed brought forward, by a numerous and 
 most respectable class of his fellow-citizens, as a candidate 
 for the high distinction. These are only mentioned as in- 
 stances of the working of the system ; and no doubt ev&qj^Y 
 other appointment is in agreement with these cases of per-* 
 feet impartiality. 
 ' But the matter of fact is, that in the United States the 
 several churches to which reference is made are not, in our 
 sense of the expression, sects at all. There are no sects in 
 America, no Dissenters, no seceders ;-r-or, whatever other 
 term may be employed to designate the position and stand' 
 ing of a Christian society. They are all alike considered 
 as ChristianB ; and adopting, according to the judgment of 
 charity, with equal honesty, the conim(»i charter of salva- 
 tion> the word of God, they are treated as equal, and as 
 possessing similar and indefeasible rights, 
 ■ This is certainly a new aspect of living and vbible Ohris« 
 tianity ; and our business wiUi it at present ii| to test its 
 operations on society. Can perfect liberty and equality 
 in reli^on work well when favoured by oiroumstonoes as in 
 the United States ? Is Christianity itself, in it| own reve- 
 lations, its own glorious platform and basis, its own provi- 
 sions and divinity, when made plain, and put inio the hands 
 of a people, sufficient, without being formed and modified 
 by the political society, to produce its legitimate fruits ? 
 This question, like many others, is in course of solution in 
 the States. Go into a Popish country, and speak of 
 Christianity, and the native of one of these natk>ns, how- 
 ever elevated in rank, or polished by education, instantly 
 thinks of Popery. He knows of no religious system but the 
 hierarchy of Borne ; and it is impossible to get into his 
 head an idea of an abstract, a divine, and an unalterable 
 Christianity, reposing on the truth of God, and ooniiected 
 with his throne. It is very much the same among our- 
 selves, and especially among the higher ranks. These gen- 
 tlemen cannot conceive of any Christianity otherwise than 
 that which is imbodied in their own church. In almost all 
 the speculations of men among us, church orgwisations, 
 official distinctions, ecclesiastical canons, and the dress and 
 ^j^el which men put upon their own fond creations, are 
 confounded with Christianity itself, and so called. If looked 
 at only in this light, the evangeUcal economy must be pro- 
 notmced an utter failure. Of all the wretched things whose 
 history stands out in the annals of time, the history of 
 churches is the most humiliating, and the most calculated 
 to make human nature blush. What had eoolesiastioal, 
 hierarchical Christianity done for the world in ancient 
 times ? It has put its trammels upon the simple, primitive, 
 and personal piety and usefulness, which had been pro-* 
 duced from tune to lime by the pure Gospel, and reduced 
 the so-called church to the condition of one mighty oon< 
 glomerated mass of fl^upid ignorance and vice ; then leicr 
 ing the reins of even political power, has entwined itself 
 parusitically around the institutions of society, reducing 
 the world to the doomnion of a politico-religious despot- 
 Much dejMitc has arisen in the world respecting State's 
 adopting the Church, then corrupting, then enslaving her. 
 In passing, it may be permitted one to ask the zealous par- 
 tisans of church purity and state corruption, of church love 
 of freedom and state love of tyranny, just to reverse their 
 inquiries, and ask, in all possible candour, as to the real 
 delinquents in this matter. My belief is, that, as a general 
 rule, the State has not corrupted the Church, except as a 
 participant, just as companions in vice vitiate each other ; 
 but the Church has, in most instances, corrupted the State. 
 !N^either has the State enslaved the Church, as a general 
 rule, though sometimes this may have been the case ; but 
 the Church has, whenever it was allowed, invariably enslaved 
 the State. Nothing is so detrimental to the liberties and 
 the virtues of mankind as a corrupt, a fetid religion, at the 
 mme time organized aiid guided by the subtle and crafty 
 genius of a profligate priesthood. 
 It can be no matter of surprise that the American peo- 
 ple, being favoured with the opportunity, the soil being 
 clear, and no old institutions standing in the way, should 
 be disposed to adopt a new principle, and, discarding all 
 authoritative church-organization, try the effect of Chris- 
 tianity itself, in its own native grandeur and divine simpli- 
 city. This they have done. We have seen that the people 
 is the State ; and the State, in this sense, namely, through 
 the people, has, with the exception of the infidels among 
 them, adopted Christianity ; only, instead of being an hie- 
 rarchical government, it is that of the Holy Scriptures — 
 the Bible itself being the governing light, the decisive 
 authority, the court of final appeal, i^ All the mterests of 
 society converge to this point ; religion is its life, its power, 
 its beauty. It is like the mhstrata of the world, on which 
 all the Boils whence the vegetable productions spring repoaa 
 in security. rf 
 1m this common Christianity, taught and developed in 
 Scripture, sufficient for a nation ? May the people of a 
 State be safely left, other things being favoura))lo, to this 
 simple process ? The answer to this question is in course 
 of solution in the United States. So far as it has been 
 tested, it is believed to have answered. Notwithstanding 
 the number of churches, bearing diflferent names, and 
 adopting diversified forms of service, there is probably as 
 much or more unity in these States than elsewhere. 
 Looking at theur spirit and visible position ; that a, in the 
 general absence of polemic stiife, of bitter contentions 
 between church and church, of acrimonious declamation 
 against each other in their religious periodicals ; — and then 
 their intercommunion and good neighbourhood, joint ezer« 
 tions for common objects, and, on the whole, harmonious 
 agreement : — ^these all imite to show that these professors 
 of the name of Christ can meet each other on the ground 
 of their common Christianity, though differing in non-essen^ 
 tial points. So far as he had the opportunity of intercourse 
 with ministers and Christians of various denominations, the 
 author is bound to say, that he met with the most frank 
 llmd affectionate courtesy, and saw the same spirit mani- 
 fested one to another ; and, moroeover, that there appeared 
 infinitely less of what is distinctive and sectarian than in 
 this country. While at the Conference at Pittsburgh, all the 
 Protestant pulpits of every sort were filled each Sunday by 
 Methodist ministers, except some one or two of the Episco- 
 pal churches, whose ministers were believed to be tinctured 
 with Puseyism. 
 It is no marvel that this unity of spirit prevails. The 
 bitterness of sectariuiism is prevented by the nature of 
 their position. No ^one church thinks of calling another 
 church, resting on the Scriptures as its basis, and only dif- 
 fering in eztenial oigamtloii, ''heretics/' "wluiamtifi»»!* 
 and " Dissenters." No class of ministers, except Popish 
 priests and a few hare-brained Puseyites, ever dream of 
 saying of other ministers that they are " imauthorized," 
 have no "vocation/' are "intruders" into other men's 
 folds, and " usurpers" of the priestly office. These things 
 can have no existence where common-law Christianity pre- 
 vails ; they are the assimiptions of sects, of exclusive pre- 
 tensions, of caste claims. The only unity that ever can 
 be found in this world, — ^unless God miraculously cut 
 down all souls to one common level, — is this. No power 
 on earth can screw mankind into one shape and form on 
 matters of faith and religious opinion. Unity can never exist 
 in the sense of sameness, like bricks in a wfdl, or metal from 
 a die. What is to throw souls into the same type ? The 
 idea is absurd ; but this kind of unity has ever been the 
 cant of bigots, or oftener still the instrument of tyrants to 
 obtain the object of their ambition— dominion over their 
 fellow-men. The unity of the Gospel Ues deeper ; it is 
 unity in the truth, not as seen by another, but as appre- 
 hended by the individual mind. But this truth is large, 
 broad, open. The divine revelations are not given in set and 
 limited propositions, Uke the syllogisms of man. It seems 
 to be the purpose of God to leave the manner of appre- 
 hending and believing the Gospel undefined and free. How 
 should it be otherwise ? Give any dogma to the first 
 dozen men who may be met with, and it is certain that 
 every one will conceive of it dififerently. How, then, can 
 unity be found in the manner of holding the truth ? But 
 though the Gospel may be apprehended variously, yet, if 
 it is really embraced, and simply beheved, as the mind is 
 assisted by the helps within its reach, and especially as 
 taught by the Spirit, who shall say that this vitiates the 
 truth itself? 
 Hence, though in the United States^the churches may be 
 called by different names, and there may be diversities of 
 opmion, even in matters of faith ; yet it does not fdlow 
 from this, that thoy Ar« not eveiy one of them true 
 churches. But it it more on pointi of discipline and church 
 order, than on questions of truth and faith, that differences 
 spring up, and become the prolific parents of separations. 
 Can any one prove, from Holy Scripture, that the Author 
 of Christianity has not left this an open question ? Or, 
 can any one show that Ho has given his followers a model 
 church, a platform, n skeleton temple ? He has done no 
 such thing. In hb mercy and goodness to mankind. He 
 has — following the analogies of nature — prepared a world, 
 a universe of truth and grace, appearing confused, but not 
 so in reality, stretching infinitely beyond the line and defi- 
 nitions of man. And just as men are left to build their 
 social state and polity, in the midst of the agencies and 
 provisions of nature ; to cultivate their fields, erect their 
 cities, appropriate to themselves the bounties of Provi- 
 dence, and create the forms of civilhsation for themselves ; 
 so, in like manner, Christians are permitted to erect their 
 tents, found their churches, and enjoy the blessings of reli- 
 gion freely, on the brood field of Scriptural truth ; and, for 
 anything which can be shown to the contrar}', one organi- 
 zation is OS lawful ns another ; the only difference being in 
 the fitness of such organization to edify the people them- 
 selves, and evangelize the world without. 
 The American system looks for unity on this broad basis. 
 As far as can be seen, it is os mu^h secured as can be well 
 expected in the midst of the inf jrmities of human nature. 
 At any rate, society is not convul)t;d, nor the state put into 
 jeopardy, by religious contentions, o)/Ums, and projects. If 
 religion does not bless, neither doci it curse, the country ; 
 if it does not produce liealth, neither does it extend any 
 social pestilence ; if, in fine, it does not allay human pas- 
 sions, neither does it exasperate them. But the matter is 
 placed too low by bang thus hypothetically put. It is my 
 deep conviction, thrtt religion is the conservative power of 
 American society. It is the salt of the community ; it is 
 the life and the soul of public and private virtue ; it is the 
 cement, the power of coherence, which holds the States 
 together ; and, by purifying the pi^blic morals, elevating 
 the soul with noble sentiments, creating the sense of re- 
 sponsibility, and stimulating to industry, it is creative of 
 their greatness and power. 
 But by the English reader it will be instantly asked, — 
 which, in fact, has often been the case, — If re%ion be so 
 powerful an element in American society, why does it not 
 abolish slavery ? Let us look at this question impartially. 
 If this is done, it will be found that either Christianity, or 
 some other great moral force, has done something in this 
 direction already. The whole continent, including all the 
 existing territory of the republic, was inherited, at first, 
 from this country, with this great curse. Has anything 
 been achieved to get rid of it ? The answer is, that many 
 of the States have freed themselves from the evil. The 
 States of Mame, New-Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, 
 Rhode Island, Connecticut, New- York, New-Jersey, Penn- 
 sylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wis- 
 consin, Iowa, have all renounced slavery. Let us learn to 
 do justice where right principles have prevailed. 
 { Christian truth must have had something to do in free- 
 ing the people of colour from their chcuns. This, no doubt, 
 lias been the motive power in bringing about this issue. 
 There remains another triumph, even in these States, for 
 the same influences to effect ; namely, the enfranchisement 
 of the liberated African race in the rights of citizenship. 
 They still remain aliens, though free. The constitutions 
 of the several States, without exception, continue to pro- 
 scribe them for the sin of the colour of their skin, however 
 religious, virti^ous, and orderly they may be.* These peo- 
 * The constitutions of the several States merely pretermit them, bjr enact- 
 ing that '* every white male" shall possess the franchise. This is sufficiently 
 effective. The State of New-York, indeed, mentions them expressly ; but 
 (Htrange to say !) in the case of the African race, they establish a property- 
 qualification. The words are :— " No man of colour shall vote, unless he shall 
 pie fpve their allegiance, their labour, their support to the 
 state ; and yet they Itre denied any place within its pale. 
 This is unjust, and it is as impolitic as it is oppressive. But 
 we must trust to time, to the growth of better principles, 
 to the improvement of the African race itself; and no 
 doubt, where so much has already been accomplished, in 
 the end right views and feelings will prevail. 
 Nothing can be said respecting those States which are 
 not only slave-holding, but manifest v, fixed resolution to 
 foster and perpetuate the evil. It is true, the difficulties 
 in the way of getting rid of the institution are prodigious ; 
 much more so than the people of this coimtry can appre- 
 hend. But this is no reason why tho injustice should be 
 cherished, and the aggregation of the mischief and misery 
 increased, which is undoubtedly the case. We see amongst 
 these southern States no disposition to take even the first 
 step in the direction of liberty. What the religious element 
 wiH ultimately do, no one can at present tell. If its les- 
 sons and influences are not neutralized by the antagonism 
 of slavery itself, in time, no doubt, it will produce the same 
 results as in other places. If this is not the case, then the 
 evil> as in other instances, must take its own course, and 
 work its own cure. It is impossible that so monstrous an 
 injustice should continue stationary. Ood has made in his 
 decrees, in his immutable laws, the accumulations of evil to 
 work their own destruction. Men may endure oppression 
 up to a certain point ; but beyond that point it cannot be 
 carried. The recoil comes, in the destruction of either the 
 oppressors or the oppressed. One of these two results 
 must, in the nature of things, take place in this case, — re- 
 ligion will illuminate, exalt, and set the African race free ; 
 or, being opposed, the ignorance, vice, discontent, and tur- 
 bulence of slavery will, at some time, rise in revolt, and 
 have been tbree years a resident of the State, and, for one year next preceding 
 the election, shall have owned a freehold worth two hundred and fihy dollars 
 above all Incumbrances, and shall have paid tax thereon." 
 seek its revenge. The alternative is before the Southern 
 people; they cannot evade it, any more than they can 
 stop the sun in his course. The question at present, 
 though difficult, adnuts of a peaceful solution ; in a while 
 this period of probation will pass away, and some fearful 
 hurricane, some dreadful catastrophe, will come in to set- 
 tle that which religion and justice failed to accomplish. 
 •' TOUR IN AMERICA. ^^"^ 
 Introductory remarkc->Mr. WesJoy'i peat talent for government— The confi- 
 dence reposed in him'— Hi* diilntereated encouragement to all who were ca- 
 pable of rendering service to religion— Became the bond of union to the first 
 Methodists in America. 
 The history of Methodism in its commencement is one of 
 those singular facts which come in to illustrate the force of 
 that hidden and divine agency to which the glorious tri- 
 umphs of Christianity are, in holy Scripture, always attri- 
 buted. The insignificance of the instruments often em- 
 ployed in the accomplishment of the work of God, is 
 intended to demonstrate its spiritual, its divine oiigin. 
 When parties, destitute of every human distinction, are 
 seen i§t- commence and carry to a suecessful issue the most 
 difficult enterprises of religion ; it seems certain, from this, 
 that they are employed by a higher power — ^that they have 
 received a commission from God. 
 It is true, that, in all its branches, Methodism possessed, 
 from the beginning, the advantage of the counsels and con- 
 summate guidance of its great leader. No man was ever 
 better fitted for the task assigned him, in this respect, than 
 John Wesley. His religious opinions and his policy were 
 in perfect agreement, — Scriptural, simple, catholic, practi- 
 cal. Everything with him resolved itself into one great 
 purpose, — ^the promotion of the salvation and happiness of 
 man, in connexion with the highest glory of God. Happily 
 for mankind, the best blessings of religion lie within the 
 compass of this simple area. Policy often perplexes, but 
 nevir ultimately*Berves, the cause of true Christianity. 
 The idea will look like a paradox to men who can see no 
 wisdom in government but what is circuitous, mystical^ 
 and subtle, to say that true policy is found on the swface, 
 that it consists in a clear, lucid, and perspicacious adhe- 
 rence to simple truth. And yet this is unquestionably the 
 case. God, the supreme Ruler, has impressed certainty 
 on all his laws. His government is not a labyrinth, a con- 
 tmdiction, a confused and clashing contrivance, a subtle 
 system of expedients, intended to allure and to decoy his 
 creatures into certain courses. The sunbeams of heaven 
 are not clearer and brighter than the moral laws of the 
 imiverse ; and the throne of the great Parent of all is no 
 other than the throne of truth, which truth b being evolved 
 in his entire administration and government. 
 Confidence in this truth was never carried further, pre- 
 bably, by any uninspired man than by the Founder of 
 Methodism. His position made him necessarily the patri- 
 arch and the governor of his people everywhere. On what 
 did he depend to accomplish his work ? Nothing, certainly, 
 but the force of truth through his long life ; and though 
 often placed in very anomalous and perplexing circum- 
 stances, yet we never see him resorting to any kind of 
 linesse. He trusted his work where he trusted his soul, 
 in the hands of God. But his maintenance of principle 
 was free from passion, and equally free from narrow and 
 isolated notions. We never perceive any angry or coercive 
 enforcement even of the truth itself. Truth in his mind 
 was not, indeed, a cold syllogism ; it had all the power of 
 u command, an obligation : and yet it was only enjoined in 
 the language of forcible argument, tender and affectionate 
 persuasion, and, as occasion required, an awful lifting up 
 of a warning voice as to the eternal consequences of its re- 
 jection. His, own keen intellect, illuminated by the Spirit, 
 and sanctified by the grace of God, qualified him to appre- 
 liend the appropriate course in matters of administration, as 
 well as in other things, most fully and accurately : and then 
 the purity of his affections, and his tender regard for his 
 fellow-men, enabled him to bear with their infirmities, ob- 
 tuseness, and even factious conduct, when manifested, with 
 entire confidence as to the result. 
 But Mr. Wesley was no partial adherent to a system, 
 any more than a dictatorial administrator of its laws. He 
 clearly saw that truth, like nature, is an aggregation ; that 
 one principle is linked with another, in harmonious concert, 
 through the universe, and all to the throne of God ; that 
 isolation is weakness, while a genuine, a cathoUc belief in 
 religion, gives expansion to the mind, and calmness to con- 
 fidence ; that government, hke Christianity itself, must em- 
 brace the happiness as well as the obedience of its subjects, 
 01* it mu:>t fail ; that man, in all grades of society, in all 
 conditions of life, in all obligations and duties, in all offices 
 and places of trust, ought to be treated with frankness, 
 honour, and respect ; and, moreover, that in all religious 
 relations the Holy Scriptures alone must be the rule, the 
 final appeal. A ruler who fixes his thoughts and founds 
 his entire policy on some favourite theory, some logical or 
 mathematical line, some human dogma, some narrow party 
 or sectarian base, — ^is sure, in the long run, to see his policy 
 fail ; and the loss of his chimera will bring discomfiture 
 and despair. His cause being frustrated, he imagines re- 
 ligion itself is lost ; whereas, in point of fact, nothing but 
 an embarrassment is gone. 
 Not so with John Wesley. He had no scheme, no 
 theory, no pet notions, in seeking to bring about the results 
 *of religion. He threw himself on the resources and power 
 of God's economy. The spiritual life, the morality, the 
 practical ends of government, secured, — ^he was perfectly 
 hidifferent regarding the external means. With him the 
 experience of piety, the divine affections, the purity and 
 holiness of soul and body ; the entire devotedness of talents, 
 influence, property, to God ; the operations of a saving and 
 practical faith in the Son of God ; the obligations to a con- 
 secrated and useful life ; the spread of the gospel on the 
 widest poisible scale ; and all kinds of good orices ren- 
 dered to each other by Christians ; — ^these were the essen- 
 tials of religion with him ; and whatever best promoted 
 these ends, he considered as all that was important in 
 matters of government. 
 Hence his administration— if we may so call his care and 
 authority— became easy. He did not fix his regards or 
 bend his efforts to the formation of an ecclesiastical system ; 
 but his one object was to help souls to get to heaven ; and 
 he taught them that in their journey it was their duty to 
 illustrate their Saviour's glory, and endeavour to persuade 
 others to go with them to the same abodes of the blessed. 
 In a word, it is clearly seen, in all the movements of this 
 great man, that he kept but one thing constantly before his 
 Attention ; namely, the promotion of experimental and prac- 
 tical religion. And, what is more, the means agreed with 
 the end. There was no ravelled scheme of policy in his 
 government ; every one saw the end he proposed, and most 
 persons acquiesced in the agencies employed to secure it. 
 Nothing is more remarkable in the history of John Wes- 
 ley than the confidence his character inspired. All sought 
 his counsel and advice, and deferred, in general, to his 
 opinions. By reason of his disinterested regard to all who 
 " loved our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity," the singleness 
 of his purpose, the simplicity of his course, and the urbanity 
 of his manners, — ^he won the entire, the unbounded reli- 
 ance of his followers. Unlike the vulture amongst birdfli, 
 devouring some and frightening the rest, he attracted all 
 by the music of his love, and never betrayed the confidence 
 reposed in him. His object was, never to crush, to si^due, 
 to repress the rising energies of any, even the poorest. 
 Christian. Op the contrary, his whole management turned 
 on the principle of calling out the latent powers of the 
 followers of his Lord, and tummg them to the best account. 
 No man ever did so much to exalt the lowly, to elevate 
 the obscure, and to put all who were capable of any kind 
 •*W»^« TOUR IN AMERICA. -*^ 
 of service on the right track. Myriads have been rescued 
 from a low and degrading position in life, and ultimately 
 constituted the strength and ornaments of both the reli- 
 gious and the social state, who, but for him, would have 
 passed through the world in some of its meanest and most 
 vicious phases. His rule of action was, in the best sense, 
 that of development. From his whole proceeding it is 
 evident, that he had great confidence in man, as man, irre- 
 spective of the accidents of birth and education. His 
 object was to make every one better and happier than he 
 found him. A priest himself, — ^but entirely free from the 
 priestly spirit, — he sought to enlist, for religion and the 
 progress of the gospel, all the gifts and talents created by 
 experimental piety. By the adoption of this course, he 
 appears, in all the different circumstances in which he is 
 seen, much more of the father than the governor of his 
 people ; though, in point of fact, no man more completely 
 directed the affairs of a church than he did ; no man ever 
 more really governed any body than he governed the whole 
 Methodist community. 
 We are often surprised, that instruments apparently so 
 very unsuited, achieved so much in the early history of 
 this work. The matter of fact, however, is, that all were 
 directed by one mind. The agencies were various, the 
 instruments often of the humblest kind, the talents, ab- 
 stracted from the love and zeal of their possessors, were 
 frequently of the meanest order, and the lines of operation 
 adopted were sometimes extremely difficult ; but, all being 
 moulded by the plastic power of this great master of cir- 
 cumstances, the chaos was reduced to order, and the ole- 
 ments which, in their separate state, were weak as water, 
 became compact, massive, and strong ; like grains of sand 
 compressed by the laws of nature into mighty mountains. 
 It has been by the union of these insignificant fragments 
 of piety and goodness, that the Methodist Church has risen 
 to its present state. But it is perfectly easy to see, that 
 the power of cohesion could not exist in themselves. A 
 centre of attraction, a uniting force, became essential. With* 
 out this, the creations of religion itself must have spent 
 their fire, and evaporated into thin air. In the first move- 
 ments of any remarkable revival of the work of God, if this 
 take place in the " field of the world," and not within the 
 enclosures of an existing ecclesiastical system ; — men must, 
 of necessity, become these centres of attraction, and exercise 
 tliis power of concentration. Institutions, of course, cannot, 
 at this stage, do this, inasmuch as they have no existence ; they 
 may become rallying-points afterwards, as they take their 
 position, and develop their excellencies ; but in the com- 
 mencement, individuals constitute the centres around which 
 those who have not the power of self-support naturally collect. 
 This was the exact position of John Wesley. His labours 
 had put many agencies in motion which could not, of them- 
 selves, continue in any useful course ; but, guided by his 
 Avisdom, and held up by his encouraging counsels and sup- 
 port, these simple and good men could accomplish much 
 in the furtherance of the gospel. Hence the first scattered 
 sparks of piety, which flickered in America, at once sought 
 to connect themselves Avith him. The poor emigrants 
 from this country and Ireland, who, belonging to the Me- 
 thodist body, were made the instruments of introducing 
 the system, — carried with them the traditions of his excel- 
 lencies. They considered themselves his children, and 
 connected with the united societies; they had received 
 their religious enjoyments in union with his followers ; they f. 
 had been trained under the discipline he had established ; 
 and hence, in their new circumstances, they could not look 
 upon their expatriation as an excision from the parent tree. 
 This, in some measure, accounts for the facts alluded to ; 
 namely, that of a great result growing out of very insig- 
 nificant means. And yet, by reason of its connexion with 
 Mr. Wesley, nothing seems fortuitous. The rise and pro- 
 gress of Methodism in the States does not look like a happy 
 accident ; though, in some of its features, it is luffloiently 
 curious. The modes of the divine operation are often mys- 
 terious; but there seems to be one unalterable rule in the 
 economy of Christianity, that is, to bless man by man. The 
 pervading will of God, as well as the influenoei of his 
 grace, is, indeed, actively and constantly at w^rk in con- 
 nexiun with the progress of his gospel, but not lo as to 
 exclude human labour. 
 This will of God is eclectic as to the choice of agents ; 
 electing some to be the depositaries of power, of trust, and 
 of government ; giving these parties, truly and really, a 
 divine mission, authenticated by gifts, influence, and bless- 
 ing, though not by visible miracles ; and, as their work is 
 amongst souls, and refers especially to religion, bestowing 
 upon them a remarkable degree of spiritual power, in the 
 form of confidence, exercised in their functions and call. 
 On this principle our Founder was an elect man ; chosen 
 for his position ; endowed with divine gifts ; made the cen- 
 tre of a great spiritual power ; and became the instrument 
 and messenger of a new development of the Christian re- 
 ligion ; and, inasmuch as he was ** orddned A vessel unto 
 honour," God gave him the hearts and affections of men. 
 By reason of this it will be seen, that when the little rills 
 began here and there to bubble up in America, they con- 
 nected themselves directly with Mr. Wesley; and thus 
 brought themselves into close and intimate contact with the 
 Fountain of all grace, through the instrumentality of one 
 who had been thus chosen, as the chief channel of its 
 communication in the line in question. The evidences that 
 this is the work of God, are complete. Indeed, the social 
 progress of the United States is not more in proof of the 
 contemporary existence and operation of the moral ele- 
 ments of civilization — than the origin and progress of 
 Methodism is in proof of the presence, influence, and voii- 
 ous gifts and blessings, of the Spirit of God, in connexion 
 with its triumphs. 
 The Introduction of Methodism into New-Yorlt— Philip Embury— Begins to 
 preach— Captain Webb— The first Society — Freaching*Houses — Robert 
 Strawbridge commences preaching in Maryland— Freeborn Garrettson— 
 Captain Webb's Labours in Long Island and Philadelphia— Attempts to get 
 Mr. Benson appointed to America— Reflections on these Agents — The Class- 
 We now hasten to give some notice of the introduction of 
 Methodism into America. Twenty-seven years had passed 
 from the time of the establishment of the "United So- 
 cieties" in England, and thirty-seven from the period of the 
 meeting of the rudimental society, or " Godly Club," in 
 Oxford, before it made its way into New- York, in 1766. 
 It is impossible to suppose, that this time had elapsed 
 without emigi'ant Methodists having arrived from the 
 mother country. They had, consequently, lost their reli- 
 gion, or passed into other connexions ; m the former case, 
 they had been absorbed in the world, as the persons who, 
 at the above date, were instrumental in beginning the work, 
 were in danger of being. 
 ** Philip Embury, and a batch of emigrant Methodists from Ire- 
 land, had so far given up their profession as to become card- 
 players, when another family arrived from Ireland, amongst whom 
 was ' a mother in Israel,' to whose zeal in the cause of God they were 
 all indebted for the revival of the spirit of piety amongst them. Soon 
 after their arrival, this good woman ascertained, that those who had 
 preceded her had so far departed from their ' first love,' as to be min- 
 gling in the frivolities and sinful amusements of life. The know- 
 ledge of this painful fact aroused her indignation, and, with a zeal 
 which deserves commemoration, she suddenly entered the roQm 
 where they were assembled, seized the pack of cards with which they 
 were playing, and threw them into the fire." 
 How great the pity, that the name and future circum- 
 stances of this noble-minded woman are not preserved ! 
 She may be justly considered as the real instrument of 
 the work which followed; inasmuch as she roused the 
 slumbering men from their lethargic dreams, and put them 
 * in motion. 
 *' Addressing Embury, sho said, ' You must preach to us, or yvc 
 shall all go to hell togedier, and God will require our blood at your 
 hands.' Ho tremblingly replied, 'I cannot preach, for I have neither 
 a house nor a congregation.' ' Preach in your own house first, and 
 to our own company,' was the reply. Feeling the responsibility of 
 his situation, and not being able any longer to resist the importuni- 
 ties of his reprover, he consented to comply with her request ; and, 
 accordingly, preached his first seimon in his own hired house, to five 
 peraons only. This, it is believed, was the first Methodist scnnon 
 ever preached iu America." — Datuja^a ^^ Hiatory of Methodism,'* vol. i, 
 pp. 47, 48. 
 Thus began Methodism in America. The circumstances 
 are not very auspicious, and the chief agent, as we see, not 
 a very promising person. Had not the faith and zeal of 
 our female heroine come in to the help of pusillanimous 
 men, the feeble spark would, at this time, no doubt, have 
 gone out ; and the origin of this great cause would have 
 commenced at some other point, and, possibly, have as- 
 sumed another character. *' From this time they gradually 
 gathered strength, till they were able to rent a room in the 
 neighbourhood, of larger dimensions. Here they assembled 
 for mutual edification, Mr. Embury continuing to lead their 
 devotions, and to expound to them the w;ord of God." — 
 Idem, p. 46. 
 Captain Webb made his appearance on the scene soon 
 after their first feeble eflbrts, greatly strengthening the 
 confide&ee of the " little flock," and, instrumentally, aug- 
 menting their numbers. He had been brought to the 
 knowledge of salvation by the remission of sins, at Bristol, 
 about the year 1165; and, it seems, immediately began to 
 call sinners to repentance. The character of his preaching 
 may be pretty well ascertained, by an entry or two in Mr. 
 ^Wesley's Journal. He says, — 
 " Captain Webb preached at tlie Foundry. I admire the wisdom 
 ^ of God in thus raising up various preachers, according to the various 
 tastes of men. The captain is alllife and fire; therefore, oldiongh 
 he b not deep, or regular, yet many who would not hear a better 
 preacher, flock to hear him. And many are convinced under his 
 preaching, some justified, a few built up in love."—" Works," vol. iii, 
 p. 287. 
 " Captain Webb lately kindled a flame here, (Devizes,) and it is 
 not yet gone out. Several persons were still rejoicing in God ; and 
 the people, in general, were much quickened. I found his preaching 
 in the street at Winchester had been blessed greatly. Afony wore, 
 more or less, convinced of sin ; and several had found peace witli 
 (3od. I never saw the preaching-house so crowded before, with se- 
 rious and attentive hearers." — Idem, vol. iv, p. 261. 
 At the period under review, Wt captain was stationed 
 at Albany, the capital of the province of New- York ; and 
 his appearance on the theatre must have created great 
 interest in the public mind. His rank in life, his military 
 costume, — in which it seems he preached, — his dauntless 
 resolution, his fervid spirit, would, in a thoughtless and 
 dissipated population, succeed' much more in rousing at- 
 tention than regular ministrations, however plain or elo- 
 (juent. Accordingly, his preaching "drew many to the 
 place of worship ; and the room where they assembled 
 soon became too small to accommodate all who wished to 
 hear. Sinners were awakened and converted to God, and 
 added to the society. These, continuing to walk in the 
 ' fellowship of the Holy Ghost,' were much strengthened 
 and comforted ; while others, who beheld their godly con- 
 versation, were convinced of the power and excellence of 
 their religion." — Bangs^s " Hiatory of Methodism,** vol. i, 
 pp. 49, 60. 
 The society of Methodists was now fairly established, the 
 instruments being, as we see, a timid local preacher, a fait]|^ 
 ful and heroic woman, and a brave, believing, and zealous 
 military officer. The hired room now became too small for 
 the congregation, and the next step in advance was to rent 
 a rigging-loft, in Williarai-street. This place, like the other, 
 soon becoming too strait, the people began to entertain the . 
 notion of building a preaching-house. 
 " While all were deliberating on the moit luitable means to be 
 adopted to accomplifh an object lo deiirablc, and even necessary for 
 their continued prosperity, an elderly lady, one of the Irish emi- 
 fi^ants before mentioned, while fervently engaged in prayer for direc* 
 tion in this important enterprise, received, with inexpressible sweet- 
 ness and power, this answer : ' I the Lord will do it.' At the same 
 time, a plan was presented to her mind, which, on being submitted 
 to the society, was generally approved of, and finally adopted. They 
 proceeded to issue a subseription-paper, waited on the mayor of the 
 city, and other opulent citisens, to whom they explained their object, 
 and fh)m them received such liberal donations, as greatly encour- 
 aged them to proceed in tltoir undertaking." 
 This led to the eroctfon of John-street chapel, sixty feet 
 in length, and forty-two in breadth ; the people calling it> 
 from respect for tbo venerable founder of Methodism, 
 '* Wesley Chapel." Thii was, most likely, the first chapel 
 ever called by this name ; as, most ossuiedly, John Wesley 
 would never allow either chapel, society, or anything else, 
 to be called after him, in England, so long as he lived, and 
 possessed the power to prevent it. 
 The name of the above female has been happily rescued 
 from oblivion. 
 " The name of this pious woman was Hick, the mother of the late 
 Paul Hick, who became a member of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church in his youth ; and was subsequently a doss-leader and trus- 
 tee, in which offices he continued till near the close of life ; and finally 
 died, in the triumph of faith, in the seventy-fourth year of his age. 
 He has children and grand-children, now members of the church in 
 the city of New- York. Ho has often conversed with the writer re- 
 specting the circumstances and incidents of those early days of Me- 
 thodism, with much apparent delight and gratitude. When quite a 
 lad, his mother used to lead him by the hand to the meetings ; and, 
 said he, * the first sixpence I could ever call my own, I put into the 
 ^ate, which was carried uround to receive the contributions of the 
 people; and I felt, in so doing, on inexpressible pleasure.' God 
 abundantly rewarded him in after life with both temporal and spirit>> 
 ual blessings ; and he lived to see ' this seed of the kingdom spring 
 up, and bear fruit, even a hundred-fold.' "— ^an^s's " History of Me- 
 thodism,^* vol. i, pp. 60, 51. 
 In the mean time Captain W^bb continued his zealous 
 labours with great success. He preached in various placet 
 in Long Ic^and, produced great awakenings amongst tbe 
 people, aud pi'enared the way for the formation of societies. 
 His love to the Saviour and the souls of ifl<^n carried him 
 to Philadelphia, and he became the means of laying the 
 foundation of a great work of Ood in the famous Quaker 
 city. When, in 1760, the first missionaries, Messrs. Board> 
 man and Pilmoor, landed at Philadelphia, they found the 
 heroic captain in the city zealously pursuing his course, 
 and a society collected by his labours of upwards of one 
 hundred members. 4 • 
 Much about the time these things were taking place, an- 
 other agent from Ireland, Robert Strawbridge, began to 
 preach in Maryland with equal success. He settled, it 
 seems, in Frederick county in that State, and at first com- 
 menced preaching in his own house. These labours were 
 soon enlarged, and, like his contemporaries in the work, 
 he extended his evangelical exertions to various parts of 
 the country around. Tlie success attendant on these efforts 
 obliged our evangelist to turn his attention to the erection 
 of a place of worship, which he accomplished at Pipe Creek, 
 and which passed under the name of the " log meeting- 
 house." This first Methodbt place of worship in Maryland 
 became famous in its history, and several of the early Con- 
 ferences were held within its "log" walls. 
 It was in the midst of these first and desultory labours 
 of Mr. Strawbridge, that one of the earliest and most 
 eminent of the native American ministers became acquainted 
 with the way of salvation. Freeborn Garrettsok met with 
 Mr. Strawbridge at a friend's house in his own neighbour- 
 hood ; and this incident seems to be the first link in a 
 chain of evea^, which led that excellent man to become 
 one of the most honoured and successful pioneers in this 
 great work. 
 Who does not feel a pleasure in searching out among 
 elevated ridges the springs and rills which, in their course. 
 constitute great rivers? It maybe in imagination only; 
 but there is delight in sipping the water at the fountain- 
 head, in spanning the tiny stream as it gurgles out of the 
 rock, and then examining how it makes for itself a channel. 
 There will in this be little to please the economist and the 
 practical man. He only cares for results, for "organizations, 
 for a working power : the elements of things are nothing 
 to him ; these he willingly gives up to prying curiosity. But 
 it is clear enough that his favourite aggregations could 
 have no existence without these elementary processes ; the 
 great has its origin in the little, as the river in the fountain ; 
 the woodman's axe, the ploughman's art, the housewife's 
 spinning-wheel, the hand-loom of the humble weaver, the 
 rude log-hut, constitute the foundations of the most ad- 
 vanced civilization. To despise, or even to disregard, first 
 efibrts, indicates folly as well as pride. And in despite of 
 the generalizinga of philosophy, it will be found, in fact, 
 that the characters, the opinions, the modes of operation, 
 the tools, so to speak, which are employed, the lines of 
 labour marked out, and the genius, spirit, and soul of these 
 first essays, will give their colouring, and even forms, to 
 all succeeding creations. 
 This is evidently true in the case under consideration. 
 Captain Webb seems to have been a perfect embodiment 
 of the true genius and spirit of primitive Methodism. What 
 the grave New-England religionists, and all men of their 
 class, would consider its irregularity, enthusiasm, zeal, 
 activity, and faith, — seems to have ha'' a place in the soul 
 ' and life of this noble soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ. By 
 k reason of his leisure, property, and position, he possessed 
 the means of more extensive labours than Philip Embury 
 or Robert Strawbridge. These good men occupied a sort 
 of pastoral function on a limited scale, while the good cap- 
 tain acted as an evangelist, pressing into every open door, 
 and boldly proclaiming the glad tidings of salvation. The 
 . writer of a letter to Mr. Wesley, signing himself T. T., dated 
 New- York, April 11th, 1768, gives us some insight into 
 the captain's character and proceedmgs. f 
 " For some time few thought it worth their while to hear ; but 
 God so ordered it by his providence, that, about fourteen months 
 ago, Captain Webb, barrack-master at Albany, (who was converted 
 three years ago in Bristol,) found them out, and preached in his regi- 
 mentals. The novelty of a man preaching in a scarlet coat soon 
 brought greater numbers to hear than the room could contain. But 
 liis doctrines were quite new to tlie hearers ; for he told them point- 
 blank, that all their knowledge and religion were not woi-th a rush, 
 unless their sins were forgiven, and they had the witness of God's 
 Spirit with theirs that they were his children. This strange doctrine, 
 with some peculiarities in his person, made him soon taken notice of, 
 and obliged the little society to look out for a larger house to preach 
 in About this period Mr. Webb, whose wife's relations lived 
 at Jamaica, Long Island, took a house in that neighbourhood, and 
 began to preach in his own house, and several other places on Long 
 Island. Within six months, about twenty-four pereons received jus- 
 tifying grace ; nearly half of them whites, the rest Negroes. While 
 Mr. Webb was (to borrow his own phrase) 'felling trees on Long 
 Island, brother Embury was exhorting all who attended on Thurs- 
 day evenings and Sundays, morning and evening, at the rigging- 
 house, to flee from the wrath to come.' It was the 26th day 
 of October last when I arrived, recommended to a person for lodg- 
 ing. I inquired of my host, who was a very religious man, if any 
 Methodists were in New- York ; he answered that there was one Cap- 
 tain Webb, a sti'ange sort of man, who lived on Long Island, and who 
 sometimes preached at one Embury's, at the rigging-house." 
 It seems that our good captain not only laboured him- 
 self, but exerted his influence to procure others to enter -. 
 the field. He had an " impression " that Mr. Benson ought 
 to go to America, The matter, as in all similar cases, was 
 referred to Mr. Wesley, who, in a letter dated March 2d, ^ 
 1773, says, — 
 " Certainly, you cannot stir, unless you are clearly satisfied of your 
 call from God. An impression on the mind of another man is no 
 rule of action to you. The reasons you give on the other side are 
 weighty, and will not easily be answered." 
 This call upon Mr. Benson by the captain, roused Charles 
 I 'I 
 Wesley, wbo, in his usual style of frankness and energy, 
 gives his notions of the captain's character. , 
 "I have barely time to lay, your own reaaoiu for not yet going to 
 America, and Christopher Hopper's, are unanswerable. Mr. E." 
 (Mr. Fletcher, no doubt) " is only the captahi's echo. The captain's 
 impressions are no more, or very little more, to be depended on than 
 George Bell's. He is an inexperienced, honest, zealons, loving en- 
 thusiast. God only knows whether yon may not be called to 
 America by and by. At present, your call is not clear ; therefore, 
 stand still, and send our friends a loving, explicit refusal." 
 It is singular enough, that whilst the several parties thus 
 dealt with the captain's " impression," they all refer to the 
 same principle. John Wesley thinks the " call," when di- 
 vine, must be addressed to the person concerned, and not 
 to another; he is the party to be convinced, and to be 
 persuaded. Charles ia not sure but the " call" may come 
 some time, and Mr. Benson may be sent to America ; whilst 
 he himself evidently refers to the same thmg, only he ar- 
 gues, and that so conclusively as to convince the brothers, 
 that to himself the "call" is not sufficiently clear and ex- 
 plicit. It would be difficult to prove that Captain Webb's 
 " impression" in this case was a tevery, an ill-founded 
 piece of enthusiasm. Had his election fallen on some in- 
 competent person, Charles Wesley's biting caustic might 
 have been justly applied. But the " impression " referred 
 to a man whose age, piety, learning, great preaching talents, 
 practical wisdom, entire attachment to Methodist theology, 
 and empnent controversial and literary attainments, seemed 
 in reason to point him out as the most suitable man in 
 England for the work. Besides, there seems to have been 
 a balance of judgment, two against two, — John and Charles 
 Wesley against, and Captain Webb and Mr. Fletcher in 
 favour. How prescient is Providence I Had Mr. Benson 
 gone to America, and taken the superintendence of the 
 work, as he must have done, it is probable that his influence 
 would have altered the whole aspect of things. Dr. Coke, 
 in that case, could have had no place in the organization 
 of Methodism ; Francis Asbury must have been a secondary 
 man ; and, with Mr. Benson's views and opinions, it is ex- 
 tremely likely, not to say absolutely certain, that the Me- 
 thodist Episcopal Church would never, in its present shape, 
 have existed. On what wonderful contingencies hang the 
 greatest results ! 
 These, then, are the agents, and this the beginning, of Me- 
 thodism in America ; now grown to be by far the most nu- 
 merous church in the United States. How different this 
 commencement to any other religious formations in this coun- 
 try ! When the pilgrim fathers sailed in the " Mayflower " with 
 her companion, they constituted a church, an ecclesiastical 
 state. Some of the most eminent Christians, probably, of 
 the age accompanied the expedition ; they were men of real 
 greatness of mind and heart ; they held a doctrinal system, 
 arranged, digested,r put into syllogistic order, and defended 
 at all points ; they had left their country for the sake of 
 what they considered a principle, a truth, which they car- 
 ried with them as a sacred deposit, as the ark of God ; the 
 formalities of devotion and of religious rites attended every 
 step ; and they seemed to act upon the conviction that they 
 were going, in the name of their Divine Master, to take 
 possession of a new " land of promise." We do not say 
 they were mistaken in their convictions, or that they failed 
 in their anticipations ; all that is meant to be noticed is, 
 that this was formal, and that the religion of the transaction 
 possessed a shape, a plan. 
 When William Penn took possession of Pennsylvania in 
 the name of Quakerism, this was the case also. The 
 Quaker king was himself a great man in every sense. In 
 family connexions, in social rank, in all the qualities of the 
 statesman, in ' knowledge and literary attainments, and 
 actual standing in society, William Penn was a man to take 
 rank with peers and princes, philosophers and statesmen. 
 Religion, imder the auspices of such a leader, has the 
 appearance of a great interest, and likely to prosper. It 
 demands respect, and claims the approval of parties who 
 look more at "the outward appearance/' than abstract 
 truth. And, moreover, though the forms of Quakerism were 
 very different, as was its spirit also, from the Puritanism 
 of the settlers of New-England, yet still it had its own 
 peculiar garb, and presented itself to view as' a visible em- 
 bodiment of Christianity. 
 . Methodism began in America in a perfectly different 
 manner. Its first disciples, we see, had no name, no rank, 
 no means, no scholarship, no power, no human credentials. 
 It was introduced by a few poor, unknown, and unnoticed 
 emigrants, who took their place amongst the common peo- 
 ple, and occupied themselves in the menial affairs of life. 
 The general population knew not that any parties lived 
 amongst them of any remarkable stamp of character. Nei- 
 ther themselves nor the people for a moment dreamed that 
 they were the chosen apostles of God to introduce a 
 doctrine, a system, which, in the course of time, was des- 
 tined to become a great church. There was certainly no 
 design, and no kind of forethought, of any results beyond 
 present religious edification. What, then, gave Methodism 
 its force, its momentum ? Unquestionably the truth and 
 the Spirit of God in the first degree ; but then, it wal^ truth 
 unembarrassed, unsystematized ; truth in its simplicity. 
 Moreover, it was not the gospel in any gorgeous array of 
 symbols or of ornament, it was one capital and experimental 
 verity ; namely, the offer of the pardon of sin, with its 
 attendant blessings. This was just about all that these 
 disciples of Methodism knew, or could preach to others. 
 But it is exactly such a doctrine as is calculated to arrest 
 attention, to excite the soul to a profound thoughtfulness, 
 to prepare the way for other enimciations ; and, by reason 
 of its exact adaptation to man in his guilt and miseries, is 
 likely, in the issue, to win numerous converts. Besides, 
 this single truth is in its nature germinant. Though but 
 one in itself; it leads to everything else. But how^ grefit 
 the difference between the Methodist doctrine of the par- 
 don of sin, and the Puritan doctrine of the decrees, and the 
 Quaker doctrine of the inward light ! 
 The founders of New-England and its religion sought, 
 by all possible means, to establish their repulsive system 
 of election and reprobation ; and, as if to give practical 
 etfect to their doctrines, refused residence and neighbow- 
 hood to every one, unless he believed their creed and 
 belonged to their church. The Quaker-prophet taught the 
 people to look within, and to unravel the right from the 
 wrong, the good from the evil, the light from the darkness, 
 the divine from the human ; and insisted that religion was 
 of the nature of an internal oracle, which, if rightly con- 
 sulted, would lead to truth, virtue, and God* The Method- 
 Ut, from the earliest period of his appearance in America, 
 on the contrary, went about proclaiming pardon, justifica- 
 tion, M freely procured by the death of Christ, and offered 
 to all men in the gospel. This was his mission, the blessing 
 ho preached, the acceptance of which he enforced upon his 
 audience ; teaching, at the same time, the mode of its 
 attainment by faith, and pointing out its evidences and 
 fruits. There is not so much in this to engage philosophy 
 and excite admiration as in the other systems referred to ; 
 but there is much more to meet the wants of mankind, to 
 satisfy the cravings of the soul, to ease the anguish of the 
 conscience, and to lead to peace and holiness. Mr. Ban- 
 croft could not write so splendid and philosophical a dis- 
 sertation on the Methodist doctrine of pardon, as he has 
 produced on the "inward light" of the Quaker system; 
 and yet this doctrine of pardon has done a thousand times 
 more to evangelize his country, and gained a hundred- 
 fold more disciples, than the system he so eloquently eulo- 
 gizes. But this doctrine is powerful, not simply because 
 it is so well adapted to man's state : it is effective, because 
 divine ; the very blessing of the gospel, to which the Holy 
 Spirit gives his testimony and influence. No one can pos- 
 sibly account for the success of the early propagators of 
 Methodistio doctrine, on any other principle than this. It 
 owed next to nothing to its agents, but everything to its 
 own intrinsic truth ; — stripped of all efflorescent verbiage, 
 and rendered powerful by the blessing of God. * 
 The only external appliance which Methodism possessed, 
 at this first stage of its existence, was the class-meeting. 
 Many parties will be unable to see anything in this ; and 
 some will smile or sneer, as the case may be. Be this as 
 it may, there can be no doubt that these meetings collected 
 the scattered rays of light into a focus, gave solidity to the 
 work, and fostered the courage and confidence of the dis- 
 ciples ; strengthened, animated, and inflamed their piety 
 and love ; dre^ out their respective talents, whether for 
 prayer, exhortation, or any other service ; and consolidated 
 their means for exertion and usefulness. The social prin- 
 ciple in religion is power, as well as in other things ; and 
 it is especially necessary in the feeble commencement of any 
 new undertaking. We have seen that Philip Embury and 
 his companions had given way, when roused from their 
 slumbers by the importunities of a more faithful female. 
 The result was, the establishment of what js called " a so- 
 ciety;" and we hear no more of any vacillations. The 
 members of the "little flock" looked after each other; 
 became, in some sort, answerable for each other's character 
 and piety ; assisted each other in their daily trials, and 
 prompted each other ** to love and to good works ;" and, 
 by theSe several means, gave solidity and strength to the 
 whole work. But this is not all ; these class-meetings be- 
 came centres of life. Their several gifts were brought into 
 'Exercise, and, consequently, improved ; and many of the 
 members, as the result, became eminently useful, who 
 would, probably, have remained in listless obscurity. These 
 classes thus proved to be ** schools of the prophets ;" and, 
 like the fountain in the arid desert, sent forth their ferti- 
 lizing wftt^rs tp the regions arpund, giving reHgious vei^dui^ 
 ; 4' 
 to places wliich must otherwise have remained in a state 
 of barrenness and death. 
 It results from all that we have seen, in connexion with 
 the early stages of this great revival of religion on the con- 
 tinent of America, that, so far as human and external 
 means are concerned, it owes its origin and progress to two 
 very simple powers, — the doctrine of pardon, and the class- 
 meeting. These, it may be thought by some, are inade- 
 quate means to produce such efifects ; that, in point of fact, 
 there must have been something more profound, more 
 recondite. On examination, however, it will be perceived, 
 that, in everything divine, the declaration of the apostle is 
 found true : " God hath chosen the weak things of this 
 world to confound the mighty." The men first called by 
 Christ to the apostolic office, were selected from amongst 
 the common people ; the speech they employed was plain, 
 pointed, and expressed in the idioms of the times ; the doc- 
 trines they taught were certainly such as we have indicated, 
 and were stated in a popular, and not a scholastic, style ; 
 the societies established were evidently spiritual, practical 
 meetings for merely religious purposes ; and the church- 
 officers were men of plain sense, good character, and emi- 
 nent sanctity; while their office itself only contemplated 
 the promotion of piety, or relief to the poor. In this 
 manner the Methodist societies were first formed, both in 
 America and elsewhere. Their simplicity was their beauty, 
 their glory, and their strength. This ill accords with the 
 complexity of most ecclesiastical organizations; in which 
 complexity many, though in great mistake, place their 
 strength. In this work, then, there can be no ground 
 for glorying in man. "Not by might, nor by" human 
 " power," were the foundations of Methodism laid in the 
 American colonies. This church can boast of no princely 
 power, no noble patronage, no legislative provision, no 
 chartered immunities, no domestic or foreign support. No 
 apostolic man, linked in the chain of any kind of succession, 
 laid the foundations of this gigantic fabric. The Methodist 
 Church cannot count back to a Peter or a Paul, like the 
 pretence of Rome ; nor can they reckon on great traditional 
 or historic characters, as coming from afar to plant the 
 gospel on their shores. The period will allow of no mys- 
 tery; no strange missionary, as Patrick in^ Ireland, can 
 ever be palmed on public credulity, as the agent of this 
 work ; it is not, it cannot be, lost in the dim distance of a 
 remote antiquity. The curious can never dispute about 
 the origin of the movement. Philip Embury, Robert Straw- 
 bridge, Captain Webb, and the " mother in Israel," men- 
 tioned before, instrumentally, laid the foundations of one 
 of the most numerous, well-governed, pious, and useful 
 Protestant churches in the world ; and the powerlessness 
 of the instruments must lead all to acknowledge, that this 
 is, indeed, the " finger of God." 
 Application to Mr. Wesley for Miisionarlei— Meiiri. Boftrdman and PUtnoor 
 appointed— Account of the State of TtUngii— Mesira. Aibtury and Wright- 
 Account of the former— The Spirit of the Clergy— Mr. Jarratt— Thomas 
 Rankin and George Shadford arrive— First Conference. 
 We now enter upon a new period in the progress of Me- 
 thodism in America, — the period of more regular ministra- 
 tions. In 1768, the society at New- York addressed Mr. 
 Wesley on the subject of sending them a minister. The 
 writer above referred to, signing himself T. T., was their 
 " There is another point far more mfttcriftl, and in which I must 
 importune your assistance, not only in my own name, but also in the 
 name of the whole society. We want an able and experienced 
 preacher ■, one who has bo^ gifts and grace neoeiiary for the Work. 
 God has not, indeed, despised the day of 8maU thingi. There is a 
 real work of grace begun in many hearts, by the preaching of Mr. 
 Webb and Mr. Embury; but, although they are both usefal, and 
 their hearts in the work, they want many qualiflcationi for such an 
 i . 
 undertaking ; and the progress of the Gospel here depends nrnch 
 upon the qualifications of preachers. 
 " In regard to a preacher, if possible, we must have a man of wis- 
 dom, of sound faith, and a good disciplinarian ; one whose heart and 
 soul ore in the work ; and I doubt not but, by the goodness of God, 
 such a flame will be soon kindled, as would never stop till it reached 
 the great South Sea. We may make many shifts to evade temporal 
 inconveniences ; but we cannot purchase such a preacher as I have 
 described. Dear sir, I entreat you, for the good of thousands, to use 
 your utmost endeavours to send one over. With respect to money 
 for the payment of the preacher's passage over, if they could not pro- 
 cure it, we would sell our coats and shirts to procure it for them." 
 This letter led to the appointment of the first mission- 
 aries from England. Mr. Wesley, referring to this in his 
 Journal, says, — 
 "Tuesday, August Ist, 1769. — Our Conference began in Leeds, 
 On Thursday, I mentioned the case of our brethren in New- York. 
 For some years past, several of our brethren from England and Ire- 
 land (and some of them preachers) had settled in North America, 
 and had, in various places, formed societies, particularly in Philadel- 
 phia and New- York. The society at New- York had lately built a 
 commodious preaching-house, and now desired help, being in great 
 want of money, but much more of preachers. Two of our preachers, 
 Bichard Boardman and Joseph Filmoor, willingly offered themselves 
 for the service, by whom we determined to send over £50, as a token 
 of our brotherly love." 
 The two missionaries landed at Gloucester Point, six 
 miles below Philadelphia, October 24th, 1769. This ought 
 to be regarded as a red-letter day in the history of Me- 
 thodism in America. It is the date of an era ; it marks 
 the beginning of a direct connexion between the societies, 
 and the father of the entire family ; and it also indicates 
 the period of the admission of a new, a regulating power. 
 Henceforward, the American societies became a part of the 
 pastoral charge of Mr. Wesley and the British Conference ; 
 and their history stands intimately connected with that of 
 the entire body. 
 On entering upon their duties, our missionaries divided ; 
 Mr. Boardman taking New- York as the centre of his move- 
 mmtB, and Mr. Pilmoor, Philadelphia. But, adopting the 
 accustomed rule of itinerancy, they exchanged with each 
 other at certain intervals ; thus giving vitality and interest 
 to their work, by the eflfects of varied minbtrations. Mr. 
 Pilmoor gave an account of the state of things in Phila- 
 delphia, in a letter dated October Slst, 1769; only seven 
 days after his arrival. He says, — 
 " By the blessing of God, we ore safely onived here, after a tedious 
 passage of nine weeks. We were not a little surprised to find Cap- 
 tain Webb in town, and a society of about one hundred members, 
 who desire to be in close connexion with you. • This is the Lord's 
 doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.' 
 "I have preached several times, and the people flock to hear in 
 multitudes. Sunday evening I went out upon the common. I had 
 the stage appointed for the horse-race for my pulpit, and I think be- 
 tween four and five thousand hearers, who heard with attention, still 
 ns night. Blessed be God for field-preaching ! When I begun to 
 talk of preaching at five o'clock in the morning, the people thought 
 it would not answer in America ; however, I resolved to try, and I 
 had a very good congregation. 
 " There seems to be a great and effectual door opening in tin's 
 country, and I hope many souls will be gathered in. The people, in 
 ^neral, like to hear the word, and seem to have ideas of salvation by 
 Mr. Boardman does not write so soon ; but on the 24th 
 of April, 17V0, he says, — 
 " Our house contains about seventeen hundred people. About a 
 third part of those who attend get in ; the rest are glad to hear with- 
 out. There appears such a willingness in the Americans to hear the 
 word, as I never saw before. They have no preaching in some parts 
 of the back settlements. I doubt not but an efi'cctual door will be 
 opened among them. O may the Most High now give his Son the 
 heathen for his inlieritance I The number of the blacks that attend 
 the preaching a£fects me much." 
 It is seen by this, that Philip Embury and Captain Webb 
 had done good service. A third preaching-place, holding 
 seventeen hundred persons, was no mean triimiph, for the 
 circumstances in which they were placed. 
 In the following year another, the most important actor 
 who ever appealed from England in America, took hia 
 place on the continent, — Francis Asburt, accompanied 
 by Richard Wright. As Mr. Asbury became so conspicu- 
 ous a leader in the affairs of Methodism, it may be as well 
 to give his own account of his early life. 
 Mr. Asbury tells us, he was bom near the foot of Hamp- 
 stcad Bridge, in the parish of Handsworth, four miles from 
 Birmingham, on the 20th or 21st of August, 1*745. His 
 father and mother, Joseph and Elizabeth Asbury, " were 
 in common life, but remarkable for honesty and industry." 
 On the death of an only daughter in childhood, his mother 
 " sunk into deep distress, from which she was not relieved 
 for many years." Under this dispensation, " God was 
 pleased to open the eyes of her mind, and she now began 
 to read almost incessantly, strongly lU'ging her husband to 
 adopt family reading and prayer." This affected young 
 Francis ; and he tells us, that from childhood he neither 
 " Dared an oath, nor hazarded a lie." 
 Being sent to school early, he learned to read the Bible, 
 and took " great delight in the historical parts." His mas- 
 ter, proving a great " churl," and using him " cruelly," 
 filled him with such " horrible dread," that it seems he 
 made his escape from this tyranny. This was the amoimt 
 of his education ; we hear no more of school. He then 
 " lived some time in one of the wealthiest and most un- 
 godly families in the parish ;" and became " vain, but not 
 openly wicked." When betwixt thirteen and fourteen, he 
 was " put to learn a branch of business, at which he wrought 
 six years and a half," enjoying great liberty in the family, 
 and was " treated more Uke a son than an apprentice." 
 When fourteen years of age, he was awakened by the 
 instrumentality of a "pious man, not a Methodist," who 
 was invited by his mother to visit the family for religious 
 purposes. He began to attend West Bromwich church, 
 hearing several eyangelical ministers, and read all the good 
 books he met with. He now inquired of his mother, " whot 
 where, and what were the Methodists ?" and she directing 
 huh to " a person who could conduct him to Wednesbury 
 to hear them/' we find him for the first time at this place. 
 " The people were devout, men and women kneeling down, 
 saying, Amen" They sung hymns, " sweet sound ;" the 
 preacher had " no Prayer-Book, and yet he prayed wonder- 
 fully;" and, more extraordinary, "he took his text, and 
 preached, and yet had no sermon-book." "He talked 
 about confidence, asiurance, of which," he says, " all my 
 flights and hopes fell short." Ho adds, " I had no deep 
 convictions, nor had I committed any deep known sins. At 
 one sermon, some time after, my companion was powerfully 
 wrought on : I was exceedingly grieved that I could not 
 weep like him ; yet I know myself to be in a state of unbe- 
 lief. On a certain time, when we were praying in my 
 father's barn, I believe the Lord pardoned my sins, and 
 justified my soul." He was now " free from guilt and fear, 
 and had power over sin, and felt great inward joy." He 
 now began to " hold meetings " with his companions, who 
 were " much persecuted ;" the people opening their houses 
 were obliged to close them again. Being driven from these 
 places, he "held meetings" at his father's house, and went 
 also to Sutton-Colefield for the same purpose, "several 
 souls professing to find peace." He had preached some 
 months before he publicly appeared in the "Methodist 
 meeting-houses ;" and when his labours became more pub- 
 lic and extensive, " some were amazed ; not knowing how 
 he had exercised elsewhere." He now became a local 
 preacher, " the humble and willing servant of any and of 
 every preacher that called on him, by night or by day ; 
 being ready, with hasty steps, to go far and wide to do 
 good." Thus called, he " visited Derbyshire, Stafford- 
 shire, Warwickshire, "Worcestershire," " preaching, generally, 
 three, four, and five times a week, and, at the same time, pur- 
 suing his calling."— -^ifftw'/*^** •/bwrna/, vol. ii, pp. 133-136. 
 The account of his entrance on hia American miasiou 
 must be given in his own words :— 
 *' On tho 7th of August, 1771, tb^ Conference began at Bristol, in 
 England. Before this, I had foil ' or half a year strong intimationH 
 in my mind that I should visit America ; which I laid before the 
 Lord, being unwilling to do my own will, or to run before I was 
 sent. During this time my trials were very great, which the Lord, 
 I bclievo, permitted to prove and try mc, in order to prepare me for 
 future usefulness. At the conference it was proposed that some 
 preachers should go over to tho American continent I spoke my 
 mind and mode an offer of myself. It was accepted by Mr. Wesley 
 and others, who judged I had a call. From Bristol I went homo tu 
 acquaint my parents with my great undertaking, which I opened in 
 as gentle a manner as possible. Though it was grievous to flesh and 
 blood, they consented to let me go. My mother is one of the ten- 
 derest parents in the world ; but I believe she was blessed in the pre- 
 sent instance with divine assistance to part with mc. I visited most 
 of my friends in Staffordshire, Warwickshire, and Gloucestershire, 
 and felt much life and power among them. Several of our meetings 
 were held, indeed, in the spirit and life of God. Many of my friends 
 were struck with wonder, when they heard of my going ; but none 
 opened their mouths against it, hoping it was of God. Some wished 
 that their situation would allow them to go with me. 
 " I returned to Bristol in the latter end of August, where Bichard 
 Wright was waiting for mc, to sail in a few days for Philadelphia. 
 When I came to Bristol, I had not one penny of money ; but the 
 Lord soon opened the hearts of friends, who supplied me with 
 clothes, and £10. Thus I found, by experience, that the Loi^ will 
 provide for those who trust in him. 
 " On Wednesday, September 2d, wc set sail from a port near Bris- 
 tol ; and, having a good wind, soon passed the Channel. For three 
 days I was very ill with the sea-sickness ; and no sickness I ever 
 knew was equal to it. The captain behaved well to us. On the 
 Lord's day, September 8th, brother W. preached a sermon on deck, 
 and all the crew gave attention. 
 " Thursday, 12th.— I will set down a few things that lie on my 
 mind. Whither am I going ? To the New World. What to do ? 
 To gain honour ? No -, if I know my own heart. To get money ? 
 No ; I am going to live to God, and to bring others to do so. In 
 America there has been a work of God ; some moving first amongst 
 the Friends, but in time it declined ; likewise by the Presbyterians, 
 but amongst them also it declined. The people God owns in Eng- 
 laud are the Methodists. The doctrines they preach, and the disci- 
 pline they enforce, are, I believe, the purest of any people in the 
 world. The Lord has greatly blessed these doctrines and this disci- 
 pline in the three kingdoms ; they must therefore be pleasing to 
 him. If God does not acknowledge me in America, I will soon re- 
 turn to England. I know my views are upright iiow ; may they 
 never be otherwise 1" — Joumai, vol. i, pp. 1, 2. 
 This is the spirit in which this apostle of Methodism iu 
 America began his work, and which only terminated with 
 his life — an eventful period of forty-four years. There were 
 now four missionaries from England in America ; and their 
 number was increased by the addition of Robert Williams 
 and John King, emigrants from the mother-country. The 
 band of brothers evidently laboured together, in general, 
 harmoniously, and with equal success. The only difference 
 among them seems to have been, on the subject of country 
 work. Mr. Asbury thought his brethren were too fond of 
 remaining in the large towns, while he felt, in the spirit 
 of a true evangelist, that, in order to secure the objects of 
 then* mission, it was necessary that the villages and country 
 places should share theii* attention, and enjoy the benefit 
 of their ministrations. With these convictions, he deter- 
 nuned to sally forth ; and from this time we find him pro- 
 secuting his itinerant labours with indefatigable zeal — 
 rushing into every open door, and, where an entrance 
 could not be found, endeavouring to make one. On this 
 subject his remarks are pertinent. On November 20th, he 
 writes : — < 
 " I am in York, though unsatisfied with our being both in town 
 together. I have not yet the thing I seek, — a circulation of preach- 
 ers to avoid partiality and popularity. However, I am fixed to the 
 Methodist plan, and do what I do faithfully as to God At 
 present I am dissatisfied. I judge wc arc to be shut up in the cities 
 this winter. My brethren seem unwilling to leave the cities; but I 
 think I shall show them the way. I am in trouble, and more trouble - 
 is at hand ; for I am detcianined to make a stand against all partial- 
 ity. I have nothing to seek but the glory of God, nothing to fear 
 but his displeasure. I atn come over mth an upright intention, and, 
 through the grace of God, I will make it appear ; and I am deter- 
 mined that no man shall bias me with soft words and fair speeches : 
 nor will I ever fear (the Lord helping me) the face of man, or know 
 any man after the flesh, if I beg my bread from door to door; but, 
 whomsoever I please or displease, I will be faithfUl to God, to the 
 people, and to my own soul." 
 Here we have the moral elements forming the character 
 of Francis Asbury. Firmness, fearlessness, integrity, sin- 
 gleness of eye for the glory of God, an intense love to the 
 souls of men, faithfulness to the leading idea of Method- 
 ism, happiness in labour ; — from which he never deviated 
 to the end of life. Such was the man called of Provi- 
 dence to take the lead in this enterprise, in great measure 
 i^ to guide its counsels, and to become its chief apostle. 
 At this period the Methodist preachers in America, as 
 well as in England, considered themselves connected with 
 the Church. Two incidents may be mentioned to show how 
 they fared with diflferent classes of the clergy. In Kent 
 county, Mr. Asbury relates, that he was encountered by 
 Mr. B., a church minister. 
 " He chai'ged me with making a schism. I told him that I did 
 not draw the people from the church, and asked him if his churdi 
 was then open. He then said, tliat I hindered the people from their 
 work. I asked him if fairs and horse-races did not hinder them ; and 
 further told him, that I came to help him. He said, he had not 
 hired me for an assistant, and did not want my help. I told him, if 
 there were no swearers or other sinners, he was sufficiont. ' But,' 
 said he, 'what do you come for?' I replied, 'To turn sinners to 
 God.' He said, ' Cannot I do that as well as you V I told him that 
 I had authority from God. He then laughed at nio, and said, ' Yoii 
 are a fine fellow, indeed !' I told him I did not do this to invalidate 
 his authority ; and also gave him to understand, that I did not wish 
 to dispute wiUi him ; but he said he had business with me, and came 
 into the house in a great rage. I began to preach, and to exhort the 
 people to repent, and turn from all their transgressions, so iniquity 
 should not prove their ruin. After preaching, tlie parson went out, 
 and told the people they did wrong in coming to hear me ; and said, 
 I spoke against learning ; whereas, I only spoke to this purpose !— 
 When a man turned from all sin, he would adorn every character in 
 life, bQth in church And state." 
 This sort of clergy generally predominated in the south- 
 ern provinces ; but Mr. Jarratt, of Virginia, was an ex- 
 *' Under his preaching there woi a considerable revival at a place 
 called White Oak. In imitation of Mr. Wesley and his-preachers, Mr. 
 Jarratt formed those who were awakened to a sense of their danger 
 into a society, that they might assist each other in working out their 
 salvation. The good cifocts of these meetings were so apparent, in 
 producing the fruits of • good living,' that they were encouraged, and 
 the revival went on gradually, chiefly under the labours of Mr. Jar- 
 ratt, from 1771 to 1773, spreading from flflty to sixty miles in the re- 
 gion round about."— i?an^«'f " Iliitonj of Methodism," vol. i, p. 76. 
 This good man identified himself with Methodism, afford- 
 ed his countenance and encouragement to the preachers, 
 himself took part in their labourti, attended some of their 
 early meetings in Conference, threw open his door for 
 their entertainment; and, in fact, became to the infant 
 cause in America exactly what Mr. Fletcher of Madeley, or 
 Grimshaw of Haworth, were to the Methodists of England 
 in their day. 
 In June, 17*78, two other missionaries, Thomas Rankin 
 and George Shadford, landed in Philadelphia ; and as Mr. 
 Rankin had travelled several years longer in England than 
 Mr. Asbury, Mr, Wesley appointed him the general assist- 
 ant (superintendent) of the societies in America. 
 Mr. Rankin seems to have received, with the superintend- 
 ency, full powers from Mr. Wesley to hold a Conference, 
 Accordingly, we find, the first Conference ever held in 
 America was convened to meet in Philadelphia, in July, 
 1773, Up to this time the business of the Church had 
 been transacted at the quarterly meetings. 
 At this Conference we find the following questions and 
 answers : — 
 . "1. Ought not the authority of Mr. Wesley and that of [the Eng- 
 lish] Conference to extend to the preachers and people in America, 
 as well as Great Britain and Ireland ? 
 «An8.— Yes. ^.^i.i-- ''^■- 
 "2. Ought not the doctrine and discipline of the Methodists, as 
 contained in the Minutes, to be the sole rule of our conduct, who la- 
 bour in the Connexion with Mr. Wesley in America ? 
 •' An8. — Yes. 
 " 3. If so, does it not follow, that if any preachers deviate from the 
 Minutes, we can have no fellowship with them till they change their 
 conduct ? 
 «An8.— Yes." 
 The following rules were agreed to by the preachers 
 present : — 
 " 1. Every preacher who acts in connexion with Mr. Wesley, and the 
 brethren who labour in America, is strictly to avoid administering 
 the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's supper. 
 " 2. All the people among whom we labour to be earnestly ex- 
 horted to attend the church, and to receive the ordinances there ; but 
 in a particular manner to press the people in Maryland and Virginia 
 to the observance of this minute." 
 Thus the Methodist system was fairly established, and 
 its discipline agreed upon, by the consent of the brethren. 
 Mr. Rankin is reported to have been a stem disciplinarian 
 of the Presbyterian class ; a Scotchman by birth and edu- 
 cation, and somewhat inflexible in hi3 character, after the 
 manner of his countrymen. 
 The above resolutions were not passed without debate, 
 or carried into effect without opposition. There seems to 
 have been no demur in regard to the authority of Mr. 
 Wesley and the British Conference ; but on the question 
 of the sacraments, the feeling was not equally unanimous. 
 Some of the brethren, as Mr. Strawbridge, had been in the 
 habit of administering these sacred rites to the satisfaction 
 of the people, so that the rule on the subject came into 
 collision with the practice of some of the societies. On 
 other points there was some difference of opinion, and the 
 New- York people threatened to shut the doors of their chapel 
 against Mr. Rankin. These differences gradually subsided, 
 and by the careful enforcement of discipline, together with the 
 faithful ministerial labours of the preachers, order became 
 predominant, and prosperity attended the work. By the 
 merciful ordination of Divine Providence, tbis work of 
 union took eflfect at the right time. Events of a distressing 
 character were approaching ; and if this consolidation had 
 not been then attained, the probability is, that it would not 
 have been secured for many years, if at all. • Peace being 
 established, the brethren had time to extend their evange- 
 lical labours through various portions of the provinces of 
 New- York, Virginia, Maryland, Long Island, Delaware, the 
 Jerseys, Pennsylvania, as well as in the cities. From what 
 followed, it almost seemed as if Mr. Rankin had received 
 an especial commission to grapple with the incipient disor- 
 ders which had unhappily crept in, and establish on a firm 
 foundation the whole Methodist system, before the revolu- 
 tionary hurricane broke out. 
 The Revolutionary Period— Klessrs. Rankin, Shadford, and Rodda depart for 
 England— Adventiires of Shadford— Asbury determines to remaun— His Exer- 
 cises of Mind— Finds Refuge in the House of Judge Wliite— Persecutions of 
 Messrs. Hartley and Garrettson— Mr. Jarratt's Account of a Revival of 
 Religion in Virginia— Reflections on the Revolution— John Calvin's Dogma- 
 Originates the Revolution— Its Success. 
 We now approach the revolutionary period, which, to the 
 infant Methodist Church, was a sore trial. With the Eng- 
 lish preachers a point of conscience of a very perplexing 
 nature at once arose. The Americans began their work by 
 resolving themselves into an independent confederation, in 
 these words: "Resolved, that these united colonies are, 
 and of right ought to be, free and independent States ; that 
 they are absolved from all allegiance to the British crown ; 
 and that all political connexion between them and the State 
 of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." 
 This instrument bears date July 2d, 1776. — Ilickey's Con- 
 stitution of the United States. This, of course, left British 
 subjects no choice ; they were either obliged to renounce 
 their allegiance to their own sovereign, leave the coun- 
 try, or evade the laws by concealment. All the preach- 
 ers, except Mr. Asbury, chose at once to return home. 
 But this was evidently a great exercise of their feelings. 
 They delighted in their work, saw much good going on, ^ 
 and had the prospect of witnessing the spread of religion 
 on a magnificent scale. 
 The agitations of mind and positive dangers to which these 
 good men were exposed, are truly affecting. On Tuesday, 
 May 16th, 1115, Mr. Rankin remarks : — 
 " The preachers came together from their diflforent circuits, and 
 next day we began our little Conference. We conversed together, 
 nnd concluded our business in love. Mr. Strenger spent some time 
 with UB. We all came unanimously to the conclusion to follow the 
 advice that Mr. Wesley and his brethren had given us, and leave the 
 event to God. We had abundant reason to bless God for the increase 
 of hii work last year. We had above a thousand added to the dif- 
 ferent societies, and they had increased to ten circuits. Our joy in 
 God would have been abundantly more, had it not been for the pre- 
 parations of war that now rang throughout tliis city. (Philadelphia.) 
 I endeavoured to open up and enforce the cause of our miserj-. 
 I told them that the sins of Great Britain and her colonies had long 
 called aloud for vengeance, and in a particular manner the dreadful 
 »in of buying and selling the souls and bodies of the poor Africans, 
 the sons and daughters of Ham." 
 How singular that we should find, in the midst of these 
 notes of civil war, the following entry ! — 
 " I called at Mi*. Fairfax's, (a relation of old Lord Fairfax,) a gen- 
 tleman of large estate, and who of late years had been savingly 
 brought to the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was over at 
 Baltimore at our little conference ; and at the lovefeast that followed, 
 he Hpoke of what God had done for his soul with such simplicity and 
 unction from on high, as greatly affected every one who heard him. 
 May ho live' to be an ornament to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus !" 
 —Jackson's " Lives of Early Methodist Preadiers,^* vol. ii, pp. 189-191. 
 Mr. Rankin seems to have made his escape on pretty 
 easy terms ; but George Shadford was called to encounter 
 more formidable difficulties. He says, — 
 " The next summer and winter I spent in Maryland ; the winter 
 on the Eastern Shore, where I could labour and be at peace ; but as 
 the test-oath must take place there also, I was brought to a strait. I 
 had sworn allegiance to the king twice, and could not swear to re- 
 nounce him forever. I dare not play with fast-and-loose oaths, and 
 swallow them in such a manner. We could not travel safe without 
 a pass, nor have a pass without taking the oaths. At our Quarterly 
 Meeting, I sold to brother Asbury, ' Let us have a day of fasting and 
 prayer, that tae Lord may direct us ; for we never were in such cir- 
 cumstances as now, sii ce we were Methodist preachers.' We did 
 so ; and in the evening I asked him how he had found his mind. 
 He said he did not see his way clear to go to England. I told him 
 I could not stay, as I believed I had done my work here at present ; 
 and that it was as much impressed upon my mind to go home now, 
 as it had been to come over to America. He replied, ' Then one of 
 us must be under a delusion.' I said, ' Not so ; I may have a call to 
 go, and you to stay ;' and I believe we both obeyed the call of Provi- 
 dence. We saw we must part, though we loved as David an ' Jona- 
 than. And indeed these times made ua love one another in a pecu- 
 liar manner. O how glad were we to meet, and pour our giief into 
 each other's bosom ! 
 " Myself and another set off, having procured a pass from a colo- 
 nel, to travel to the general ; and, arriving at the Iiead-quarters, we 
 inquired for General Smallwood's apartments ; and, being admitted 
 to his presence, and asked our business, we told his Excellency that 
 we were Englishmen, and both Methodist preachers ; and, as we con- 
 sidered ourselves subjects of Great Britain, we could not take the 
 test-oath ; therefore should be very glad to return home to our na- 
 tive land. ' We cast ourselves,' we added, ' wholly upon your Ex- 
 cellency's generosity, and hope, as you profess to be fighting for your 
 liberties, you will grant us to have a pass, to have liberty to return to 
 our own land in peace.' He answered rouglily, * Now you have done 
 us all the hurt you can, you want to go home.' I told him our mo- 
 tive had been to do good ; for this end we left our own country, and 
 had been travelling through the woods for several years, to seek and 
 to save that which was lost. It was true, we could not beat the poli- 
 tical drum in the pulpit, preaching bloody sermons, because we con- 
 sidered ourselves messengers of peace, and called to preach the gos- 
 pel of peace. At last he told us he would give us a pass to the Eng- 
 lish, if we would swear we would go. directly to Philadelphia, and 
 from tiience embark to Great Britain. He then swore us, and gene 
 rously gave us our liberty without any further trouble."— Jackson's 
 ^^ Lives of Early Methodist Preach(^8.''\ 
 '" The danger, however, was not at an end. The same 
 night, Mr. Shadford tells us, that "a man leaped from 
 behind a bush with his gun loaded and cocked," and, pre- 
 senting it " at his breast, swore, like a fiend," that if he did 
 not stop he should be a dead man. This man finally 
 " dropped his gun," and allowed the Methodist preacher 
 to take his departure. The next day he got to Chester 
 " with his saddle-bags upon his back ;" and, at night, 
 " crept on his hands and knees on a narrow plank to that 
 part of the bridge that remained standing, and got his 
 horse over the next morning." He arrived at Philadelphia 
 the next day, and met three or four preachers who, 
 like himself, " were refugees." They remained six weeks 
 in Philadelphia, then took ship for Cork, thence to Wales, 
 and finally for Bristol; and Mr. Shadford "felt a very 
 thankful heart when he set foot on English groimd, in a 
 land of peace and liberty, where was no alarm of war or 
 The stout-hearted Francis Asbury was a man of another 
 mould ; he would neither take the " test-oath," nor return 
 to his native land. He resolved to brave all difficulties, 
 remain at his post, and serve his brethren and the cause 
 of his Divine Master as best he could. There is something 
 remarkable in the incidents connected with the final settle- 
 ment of this apostle of Methodism in America. Before the 
 w^r broke out, there was evidently some misunderstanding 
 between Mr. Bankin {Weslei/'s Works, vol. vii, pp. 9, 10) 
 and Mr. Asbury ; and Mr. Wesley again and again recalled 
 the latter, but he firmly, though no doubt respectfully, 
 refused to obey.* Let us listen to the noble sentiments 
 of this true man on the subject of deserting the work in 
 * Tlie first time I ever saw David M'NicoIl, when very young, I have a dis- 
 tinct recollection that he said of his countryman, Rankin, that he was Mr. 
 Wesley's cafa-ptm. Great men generally have this liind of animal attached to 
 jihem, often withojit any design of the^ owi^. 
 "I received a letter from Mr. T. B., (no doubt B«nkln,) in whiiU 
 ho informed me, that himself, Mr. B., (BotUU,) And Mr. t>., (Demp- 
 ster,) had consolted, and deliberately condudod it would be best to 
 return to England. But I can by no moan« ogroo to leave such a 
 field for gathering souls to Christ as we have in America. It would 
 be an eternal dishonour to the Methodists, that we. should all leave 
 three thousand souls who desire to commit themselves to our care , 
 neither is it the part of a good shepherd to leave his flock in time of 
 danger; therefore I am determined, by the grace of God, not to 
 leave them, let the consequence be what it mny. Our fHcnds here 
 appeared to be distressed above measure, at the thoughts of being for- 
 saken by the preachers. So I wrote my lontiments both to Mr. B. 
 and Mr. G. S."— JouJtkj/, vol. i, pp. 118, 110. t 
 Being soon after this left to himself, as far as regards 
 the English preachers, it seems from his journal that he 
 suffered great perplexity and agitation of mind. But he 
 continued through the whole period to broathe a noble 
 spuit of piety and devotedness to God. His apprehen- 
 sions of God, the strength and stability of his faith, the 
 tenderness of his spirit, the regularity and fervour of his 
 prayers, (determining to spend ten minutes in every hour 
 in this exercise,) fed his piety, and strengthened his reso- 
 lution. And then the remarkable caution, forbearance, 
 and prudence he manifested ; the ardent, untiring, steady 
 zeal, which moved in him with the regularity of the puke of 
 life ; the heroism of his soul in all possible sufferings and 
 perplexing difficulties ; the decision he continued to mani- 
 fest, in the midst of great temptations to deviate, in support 
 of the doctrines and discipline of Methodism ; and then his 
 indefatigable labours in travelling and preaching,— -are all 
 points of excellency, which are finely and fully brought out 
 by these trying events. 
 Mr. Asbury was, moreover, evidently a man of much 
 sorrow. The depth of his feelings corresponded ivith the 
 eminence of his piety, and the delicacy of his spiritual af- 
 fections. Instead of manifesting anything like exultation 
 or bravado in his differences with Ranldn, and the part he 
 was obliged to take during the troublefi of thi^ war, we fin4 
 his spirit is prostrate in the dust, his soul lacerated with 
 feelings of anguish, and he is constantly heard to sigh after 
 the rest and peace of heaven; very often uttering his 
 wishes in the pathetic language of Charles Wesley's poetry. 
 The outward incidents of his life, in these eventful years, 
 are as nothing compared with the spiritual, the sublime, 
 exercises of his mind. In the case of those who are in the 
 hands of God, everything turns to good account. Baxter 
 conceived the idea of his Saints' Rest at Melbourne Hall, 
 in a state of great debility, and when unable to perform 
 more active service ; and John Bunyan wrought out his 
 wonderful dream, the " Pilgrim's Progress," in Bedford jail. 
 Tliough Francis Asbury did not write a book in the seclu- 
 sion into which, for a part of the time, he was driven ; yet 
 he diligently improved his time in reading and study, so as 
 to attain a fitness for his subsequent work, which probably 
 he would not have so fully possessed without these trials. 
 In nothing does this eminent servant of the Lord Jesus 
 appear so great as in his spiritual character and walk 
 with God; and perhaps these excellences shine forth in 
 more lustre and strength at this period than at any other 
 of his life.- 
 Refusing to take the oath required in the provinces in 
 which he had spent most of his time, Mr. Asbury retired 
 to Delaware, and was most hospitably entertained and pro- 
 tected in the house of Judge White, for about twelve 
 months. He gives the following accoxmt of his reasons for 
 this step : — 
 "From March, 1778, on conscientious principles, I was a non- 
 jnror, and could not preach in the State of Maryland, and, therefore, 
 withdrew to the Delaware State, where the clergy were not required 
 to take the state-oath ; though, with a clear conscience, I could have 
 taken the oath of the Delaware State, had it been required ; and 
 would have done it, had I not been prevented by a tender fear of 
 huiting the scrupulous consciences of others. St. Paul saith, ' When 
 ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak consciences, ye 
 shi against Christ.' "-^Tournd, vol. i, p. 208. 
 We have other sufferers in the cause of religion, as well 
 as Mr. Asbury. 
 " Mr. Joseph Hartley, also, another travelling preacher, a man of 
 great zeal and faithfulness, was apprehended in Queen Ann's county 
 for preaching the Gospel, who gave bonds and security to appear for 
 trial at the next court. Being forbidden to preach, he attended his 
 appointments; and, after singing and prayer, stood upon his knees 
 and exhorted the peop?'?, until his enemies said that he might as 
 well preach standing on his feet as his knees. He went thence to 
 Talbot county, where he was seized and committed to jail for ' preach- 
 ing Jesus Christ and him crucified.' This, however, by no means 
 silenced him. The people collMc^ed around the walls of his prison ; 
 he preached to them through the grates ; and so powerfully was the 
 word applied to their hearts, that some of them were deeply awaken- 
 ed to a sense of their lost and guilty state, and began earnestly to 
 seek the Lord. This induced some of the inhabitants to remark, 
 that unless Hartley were released from prison, he would convert the 
 whole town. After keeping him confined for some time, he was set 
 at liberty ; but such had been the blessed effects of his preaching, 
 that a powerful revival followed, which terminated in the establish- 
 ment of a flomishing society in that place." — Bangs's " History of 
 Methodising^ vol i, p. 127. 
 Mr. Freeborn Garrettson also suffered greatly. 
 " He was knocked off his horse by a brute named Brown, his head 
 much bruised by the blows he received, and was preserved from 
 death, probably, by a female passing at the time, who, possessing a 
 lancet, very opportunely bled him!llli the spot. After his restoration 
 to his senses, a magistrate, as violent as Brown himself, proceeded 
 to write a mittimus to send him to prison. But his exhortations and 
 appeals, delivered in the spirit of the Gospel, so disarmed his as- 
 sailants that they desisted, and allowed him to go at large. How 
 ever, after spending some time in indefatigable labours in his Mas 
 ter's cause, he was finally sent to jail. Though he suffered much in 
 body in consequence of having no other bed than the floor, with his 
 saddle-bags for his pillow, with two large windows open upon \am, 
 yst he enjoyed great spiritual consolation in prayer and meditation, 
 reading and writing, and was nut a little comforted by the visits and 
 prayers of his friends and pious acquaintances." 
 Before his trial commenced, however, he was hberated, 
 through Mr. Asbury's intercessions with the governor 
 of Maryland. — Bangs's "History of Methodism,** vol. i, 
 p. 127. 
 As migLt he expected, the societies Tvere greatly agi- 
 tated duHng the war. The question of the sacraments, as 
 we have seen, came into discussion ; and, being pressed 
 upon the subject by the people, a part of the preachers 
 hud ordained each other, and administered the ordinances. 
 Mr. Asbury, Freeborn Garrettson, and one or two more, 
 however, remained faithful to Mr. Wesley's principles, and 
 firmly confronted the innovators. A partial separation, 
 for a season, took place ; but by the excellent conduct and 
 judicious management of Mr. Asbury, connected with much 
 prayer, the breach was finally healed, and the dissenting 
 brethren not only returned to their old fellowship, but re- 
 nounced their ordination and the practice of administering 
 the sacraments at the same time. 
 What is remarkable, in the midst of the commotions of 
 war, and the agitations of the times, — a most extraordinary 
 revival of religion took place in Virginia ; and very much 
 by the instrumentality of the Eev. Mr. Jdrratt, minister of 
 the English Church. 
 We see from this that God's spiritual temple was being 
 built in troublous times. War, the worst of all calamities, 
 was mitigated in its horrors " by the peaceable fruits of 
 In the midst of all these difficulties, Methodism, as an 
 organization, as well as in its spiritual triumphs^ made con- 
 siderable progress during these dreary years. "At the close 
 of the war the Church numbered eighty-three preachers, 
 and fourteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-six mem- 
 bere. The Conference held in 1'782 performed an act of 
 justice in regard to Mr. Jarratt by passing the following 
 resolution : — 
 " The conference acknowledge their obligations to the Rev. Mr. 
 Jarratt, for his kind and friendly services to the preachers and people, 
 from our first entrance into Virginia, and, more particularly, for at- 
 tending our conference in 8u«eox, in public and private ; and advise 
 the preachers in the South to consult him and take his advice in the 
 absence of brother Asbury." 
 ThuB have we brought our historical notices down to one 
 of the moit eventful periods in the annals. of this country 
 and of Amerioa. The loss of her colonies by Great Britain 
 was an event of the greatest national consequence, an 
 awful catastrophe. Tlie merits of the contest, the princi- 
 ples involved, the spirit manifested on either side, the policy 
 of the Governments, and the talents and blunders of each, 
 are points lying altogether beyond our line. But it was u 
 fearful thing to see mussef of men of the same race arrayed 
 in deadly conflict. It may be very true that great princi- 
 ples were at stake, great interests the prize of battle, great 
 issues the result ; but this does not alter the painful nature 
 of the fact, that the combatants were brethren. The pas- 
 sions then called forth, and the animosities created, could 
 not but convulse both communities to their centres. To any 
 other nation, less ehistic and energetic than Great Britain, 
 the loss of such territory, wealth, population, and political 
 power, — must have produced a perfect paralysis, have 
 prostrated the imtion irrecoverably, and sunk her to the 
 state of a fourth or fifth rate power. And to any other 
 people than the children of this country, the pn7.e won 
 would inevitably Iiave entailed insuperable difficulties. 
 But the event itself is one of those stupendous facts of 
 history which God decrees once in the course of many 
 centuries, for the creation of new epochs on the theatre of 
 nations. Its morale is infinite : it must reach through all 
 time ; and touch and influence the destinies, in one way or 
 other, of all countries. The reflux of the tide is now felt in 
 all nations ; and the flow of events cannot be turned till all 
 old things pass away, and, for good or evil, all things be- 
 come new. Would the first French Revolution ever have 
 taken place, or, if it had occurred, h^ve assumed its demo- 
 cratic form, had La Fayette and his legions never visited 
 America, and imbibed tho spirit of the revolt ? Would the 
 thrones of Europe have been shaken by the revolutionary 
 vrar, and the mighty organic changes have been effected 
 by even that war, which really occurred, had not this de- 
 mocratic spirit prevailed ? Would the decimating power 
 of the movement have swept away the old aristocracy, and 
 the older church, so as to make way for the miUtary dicta- 
 torship of Napoleon, had it not been for this predominant 
 tendency ? Would the singular events of the present day 
 — the republicanism of France, the revolts of all the nations 
 of Europe against their dynasties, the establishment of the 
 democratic power, more or loss developed, in new and un- 
 tried institutions ; the freedom of the press, the opening of 
 legislative chambers, the unrestrained expression of public 
 opinion, and the strange sight of all kings and princes per- 
 mitted to reign at all, borne upon the shoulders of the 
 people to their thrones — would these things ever have 
 occurred had it not been for American republicanism be* 
 coming indigenous on the soil of France ? Who can see 
 the end of these things ? No one ; it is impossible. Time 
 alone can develop the principles and agencies now at work. 
 The swell of the Atlantic, of the western waves, is now 
 felt on every shore of Europe and of the world; and, 
 from appearances, it seems not likely to abate till the 
 tide has borne American principles to every nation under 
 How little did John Calvin think of the egg he was 
 hatching when, in his quiet study, in the quiet little city of 
 Geneva, he first broached the doctrine that it was lawful 
 for Christians, under certain circumstances, to resist their 
 rulers ! This thigiderbolt of John Calvin is the power which 
 has shaken the world ever since ; and it is that which is 
 heard in ^e air at this moment. Bight or wrong, it is 
 religion, that is, the dogma of a religious man, which has 
 worked all the revolutions of the world. John Calvin's 
 doctrine, studied and imbibed by the PtiritaiM^ caused 
 them to question the power of Queen Elizabeth and the 
 Stuarts in ecclesiastical matters; their collisions with the 
 legitimate representatives of the 'Mivine right" principle 
 led to the English Grand Rebellion : this, again, led to 
 innovations in the constitution of our country, and the 
 existence of the Protectorate. The republicanism of Eng- 
 land nurseid young republicans for the wilds of America, 
 where, under the guise of religious freedom, they were all 
 along building up a democratic fabric; till the whole issued, 
 as we have seen, in the independence of the States, and the 
 mighty changes now taking place in the world. If the 
 present movement should^Jn its desolating efifects, subvert 
 even Popery itself — not a very improbable thing, as so 
 much has already been done — this will have been effected 
 by John Calvin ; that is, by the idea which he first broach- 
 ed, and which has been, like a rolling substance, gathering 
 bulk, solidity, and strength to the present moment ; and is 
 destined, like the ** stone cut out of the mountain without 
 hands," to dash in pieces the image, whether of gold, sil- 
 ver, brass, clay, or iron — the image of the beast and false 
 prophet, together with all the forms of power which have 
 so long propped up this monstrous tyranny. 
 But the American Revolution is likely to produce an 
 equally wide impression of a religious nature. The exam- 
 ple of a great nation adopting the purely voluntary princi- 
 ple will, it is extremely likely, be followed by others. The 
 people, who are now everywhere claiming for themselves 
 the privilege of choosing their own temporal rulers, are not 
 likely, for any length of time, to allow the extraneous 
 appointment of religious governors. The public will claim 
 for itself the right of giving its suffrages in matters ecclesi- 
 astical. This principle, indeed, is already powerfully at 
 work. Either a pure voluntaryism, or else nationalism, 
 which is only voluntaryism in a national form, as seems 
 from the tendencies of events, must predominate. A sys- 
 tem wlnl^h nations choose for thepselves, may possibly find 
 a place in the new order of ideas ; but as to a religious 
 yoke being imposed by a foreign church — as in the case of 
 Popery in ancient times — this is utterly impossible in the 
 present state of things. The doctrines of the Papacy may 
 indeed prevail in places where they have been held for a 
 great length of time, till something better obtains ; but as 
 to anjTthing like the old dominion of the Holy See, this 
 cannot find place in the midst of the growing democracy 
 of the world. Indeed, institutions of every kind seem des- 
 tined to be controlled by the pubUc voice. 
 The American Revolution, both in its political and reli- 
 gious phases, may be considered as the advent of a new 
 revelation of ideas ; as initiating a new class of social 
 relations ', as founding a new order of institutions ; as 
 creating a new, a democratic force, of tremendous power ; 
 as ushering into the social state a new, but imiversal, ele- 
 ment, destined, like the atmosphere, or some other ubiqui- 
 tous agency, to modify all existing things ;-— in a word, to 
 put the world upon a new path, another probation, an 
 untried exercise of its moral and political capacity. America 
 has stood before the world, up to this timQ, like an athletic 
 youth just having escaped from the care of parents and 
 governors. How it will ultimately fare can scarcely be 
 divined at present. Either from the conviction of conscious 
 strength ; from a repugri.ance of evils, endured or imagined ; 
 from the teachings of history, and the antecedent miseries 
 of mankind, as suffered in the old world ; from the abhor- 
 rence of the chains which governments and priesthoods had, 
 in every nation of Europe, forged for the people, and suc- 
 cessfully riveted on their limbs ; from a detestation of the 
 waste of public money, the hard earnings of the labouring 
 classes, in the gorgeous decorations of the abodes of pam- 
 pered idleness and debauchery; from the notion that men, 
 equally made in t^e image of God, are not, as a consequence, 
 destined to be the playthings of vanity or the sport of 
 despotism, but alike possess all the rights of manhood, and 
 are equally capable of its duties and its blessings ; from the 
 impression that rot and decay had entered the timbers of 
 the old social edifices, through the ignorance, impotency, 
 and pride of those who, for age after age, had inhabited 
 them, and which were about to fall over their heads ; from 
 a conviction of the dreadful evils of war and bloodshed, 
 generally arising out of the thirst for aggrandisement, the 
 lust of ambition, the support of despotism, the quarrels of 
 state-gamblers and prize*fighters, and never, on one side, 
 from truth and justice;— we say, from one or all these 
 considerations the American people determined on abandon- 
 ing the old systems, and to put themselves to the onerous 
 task of working out a new theory. Their trial has proved 
 to be the trial of the world. 
 The French, in the exuberance of their vanity, attribute 
 the advent of democratic principles to themselves. They, 
 in their own opinion, are the apostles of liberty; the 
 philosophy of modem civilisation originated with them; 
 their nation constitutes the only focus of light and intelli- 
 gence ; and, moreover, they are destined to renovate the 
 "World. The egotism apart, the truth is not so. The 
 American Revolution is the event to which we must look 
 as giving the impulse to the new carder of things ; and the 
 seeds of this were laid in the Puritanism of the first 
 The disputes about the legality of this revolution are all 
 lost in the splendour of the issue. Nobody now ever thinks 
 oi the principles involved, or the disputants on either side. 
 The fact is, in itself, too great to admit of these minor 
 considerations ; it is, in truth, the fact of modern history. 
 What will be the consequences of independence to the 
 Americans themselves ? Hitherto it is vain to deny that 
 the att^npti at self-government have been most suecessful. 
 No doubt there are ferocious passions in .^erica ; and tales 
 about the uses made of the bowie-knife, Lynch-law, and 
 BMiten of that uofi, are abundantlj rife. It would* indeeu, 
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 law, and 
 have been a marvel, if a scattered popnlaticn, living in 
 remote places, away from the seats of government and 
 magistracy, were not guilty of some excesses. And in 
 passmg from under the power of the parent state, and 
 consolidating their own government, it would be equally a 
 matter of astonishment if everything connected with the 
 state-machine could at once be laid in an even balance, and 
 be made to work without friction. But, bating imavoidable 
 accidents, and the imperfections attendant upon all human 
 affairs, the establishment of the American system and social 
 state must be pronounced hitherto as a perfectly successful 
 experiment. That other races should attempt to follow in 
 the same direction, is no wonder; but it does not follow 
 that they can successfully tread in the steps of the Anglo- 
 American people. V soil was free, the space ample ; the 
 institutions fount . r. ^ng them while colonies of Great 
 Britain were essenbaxiy democratic ; the people had bem 
 educated for generations in the principles of self-govom- 
 ment, and in most places elected their magistrates, and 
 often the governor himself. In this state of things there 
 was no antagonistic power upon the soil. They had no 
 throne to overthrow, no aristocracy to decimate, no hierar- 
 chy to proscribe, even no code of law to abrogate. Every- 
 thing favoured the experiment; and, allowing for the 
 infirmities of human nature, it must be conceded by all 
 candid persons that hitherto the people have been true to 
 the doctrines of their origin as an independent nation; and 
 that the establishment of the United States in their free and 
 confederated nationality is the greatest event of modem 
 Measures preparatory to the Organization of the Methodif t Episcopal Church S 
 Application of the People to Mr. Wesley— His Advice— Dr. Bangs's Account 
 —The Chmrch formed— Success. 
 Ws now approach a period in the history of Methodism 
 in the United States, of great importance ; namely, its 
 establishment as an independent church. On the cessation 
 of the war of independence, the American Methodistn 
 immediately resumed their intercourse with Mr. Wesley, 
 and sought his counsels and advice. The retirement of Mr. 
 Kankin had obliged them to act for themselves ; and the 
 preachers, by their own vote, made Mr. Asbury assistant 
 in his place. This term, at the time, indicated that the 
 person bearing the name was assistant to Mr. Wesley ; and, 
 consequently, implied subordination to him and the confer- 
 ence in England. By this act, then, it is apparent, that 
 they did not contemplate a separation. They had no notion 
 of independence, and did not assert it. The venerable man 
 at once entered into their case, and gave them such advice 
 as lie deemed most expedient in their new and altered 
 position. In a letter dated Bristol, October 3d, 1783, he 
 vntites : — 
 ' "1. Let all of you be determined to abide by the Me&odist doc- 
 trine and discipline, published in tlie four volumes of sermons^ and 
 the Notes upon the New Testament, together with the Large 
 Minutes of Conference. 
 "2. Beware of preachers coming from Great Britain or Ireland 
 without a full recommendation from me. Tliree of our travellinfif 
 preachers here eagerly desired to go to America ; but I co|ild not 
 approve of it by any means ; because I am not satisfied that they 
 thoroughly like either our discipline or doctrines ; I think they differ 
 from our judgment in one or both. Therefore, if these or any othevM 
 come without my recommendation, take care how you receive them. 
 "3. Neither should you receive any preachers, however recom- 
 mended, who will not be subject to the American Conference, aij(i 
 cheerfully conform to the Minutes hoth of the American ftnd Eng- 
 lish Conferences. 
 "4. I do not wish our American brethren to receire any who 
 makfi any difficulty in receiving Francis Asbnry as the general 
 '< Undoubtedly the great danger to the work of God in America is 
 likely to arise either from ^,.«acher8 coming from Europe, or from 
 such as will arise among yourselves, speaking perverse things, or 
 bringing in among you new doctrines, particularly Calvinian. You 
 should guard against this with all possible care ; for it is far easier 
 to keep them out than to thrust them out 
 '* I commend you all to the grace of God, and am your friend and 
 brother, John Weslbt." 
 This advice was soon followed by greater and much more 
 important events. We refer to the organization of the 
 American societies into a regular and independent church. 
 This event is so important in itself, possesses so great a 
 bearing on the imexampled success of Methodism in the 
 United States ; and, by some, is thought to fix upon Mr. 
 Wesley the blemish of inconsistency with his cherished and 
 long-avowed principles ; — that it seems necessary to go into 
 the question. The account given by Dr. Bangs is so exact, 
 and his reasonings upon the case are so perfectly sober and 
 conclusive, and, withal, must, to most in this country, be so 
 new, that it is thought best to give the narration in his own 
 '' We have arrived at a very important period in the history of 
 Methodism in this country. And as so much has been said respect- 
 ing the constituting of the Methodist societies here into an inde- 
 ])endent Church, I shall, in the first place, give a detail of the facts in 
 the case, and, secondly, offer some arguments in defence of the 
 " I. Hitherto the Methodists, both in Europe and America, had 
 been considered as a society toithin a church \ in Great Britain they 
 considered themselves as members of the Establishment, in America 
 ni members of that denomination to which they might be attached. 
 The preachers in both hemispheres, not having been consecrated to 
 their work by the imposition of hands, were distinguished as 'lay- 
 preaohcrs,' and had not, except in the instance heretofore narrated, 
 presumed to administer the ordinances of baptism and the Lord's 
 snpper. Under these circumstances much uneasiness had been 
 manifested both in Europe and America, more especially here. But 
 all solicitation, whether from the preachers or people, for the estab- 
 lishment of a separate church, had been strenuously resisted by Mr. 
 Wesley, as being foreign to his primary design, and incompatible 
 with the principles he had avowed from the beginning of his minis- 
 try. He commenced his ministerial labour with the single intention 
 of reviving evangelical religion in the Church, by preaching her doc- 
 trines, and enforcmg her discipline. This was tiie state of things at 
 the time of which we are now speaking. 
 "As, however, the colonies had now become an independent 
 government, no longer under the control of Great Britain, either in 
 civil or ecclesiastical matters, Mr. Wesley began to relax from the 
 sternness with which he had heretofore resisted the solicitations of 
 the American Methodists, and to think seriously of granting their 
 requests ; and after consulting with his most intimate friends re- 
 specting the propriety of the measure, — ^for of its lawfulness he had 
 no doubt, — ^he resolved to grant their request, and adopted means to 
 carry the resolution into effect. ' At the conference held in Leeds, 
 in 1784, he declared his intention of sending Dr. Coke and some 
 other preachers to America. Mr. Richard Whatcoat and Mr. Thomas 
 Vasey offered themselves as missionaries for that purpose, and were 
 accepted. Before they sailed, Mr. Wesley abridged the Common 
 Prayer-Book of the Church of England, and wrote to Dr. Coke, then 
 in London, desiring him to meet him in Bristol, to receive fuller 
 powers, and to bring the Bev. Mr. Creighton with him. The Doctor 
 and Mr. Creighton accordingly met him in Bristol ; when, with their 
 assistance, he ordained Mr. Richard Whatcoat and Mr. Thomas 
 Vasey presbyters for America; and being peculiarly attached to 
 every rite of the Church of England, he afterward ordained Dr. 
 Coke a superintendent, giving him letters of ordination under his 
 hand and seal, and at the same time the following letter, to be printed 
 and circulated in America :'* — 
 " * To Dr. Coke, Mr. Aabury, and our Brethren in North America. 
 " ♦ Bristd, Sept. 10/A, 1784. 
 " ' 1. Bt a very uncommon train of providences, many of the pro- 
 vinces of North America are totally disjoined from the British em 
 pire, and erected into independent states. The English government 
 has no authority over them, either civil or ecclesiastical, any more 
 than over the States of Holland. A civil authority is exercised over 
 ttMm^ 9«rtiy by the Congress, partly by the State assemblies, Bnt no 
 * MMm'A "Z4^^ We^," vol. ii, p. 878. 
 one either exercises or claims any ecclesiastical authority at ell. In 
 this peculiar situation some thousands of the inhabitants of these 
 States desire my advice : and, in compliance with their desire, I have 
 drawn up a little sketch. 
 " '2. Lord King's Account of the Primitive Church convinced me, 
 many years ago, that bishops and presbyters are the same order, and, 
 consequently, have the same right to ordain. For many years I have 
 been importuned, from t>uie to time, to exercise this right, by ordain« 
 ing part of our travelling preachers. But I have still refused, not only 
 for peace' sake, but because I was determined as little as possible 
 to violate the established order of the national church, to which I 
 " ' 3. But the case is widely different between England and North 
 America. Here there are bishops who have a legal jurisdiction. In 
 America there are none, and but few pa " h ministers ; so that, for 
 some hundred miles together, there is none either to baptize or to ad- 
 minister the Lord's supper. Here, therefore, my scruples are at an 
 end ; and I conceive myself at full liberty, as I violate no order, and 
 invade no man's right, by appointing and sending labourers into the 
 " ' 4. I have accordingly appointed Dr. Coke and Mr. Francis Asbu- 
 ry, to be ioint superintendents* over our brethren in North America. 
 As also Bichard Whatcoat and Thomas Yasey to act as elders 
 among them, by baptizing and administering the Lord's supper. 
 •"5. If any one will point out a more rational and scriptural way 
 of feeding and guiding those poor sheep in the wilderness, I will 
 gladly embrace it. At present I cannot see any better method than 
 that I have taken. 
 " ' 6. It has, indeed, been proposed to desire the English bishops to 
 ordain part of our preachers for America. But to this I object, (i.) 
 I desired the bishop of London to ordain one only ; but could not 
 prevail: (2.) If they consented, we know the slowness of their pro- 
 ceedings; but the matter admits of no delay: (3.) If they would or- 
 dain them now, they would likewise expect to govern them. And 
 how grievously would tbi« entangle us! (4.) As our American 
 brethren are now totally disentangled both from the state and from 
 the English hiprarchy, we dare not entangle them again, either with 
 the one or the other. They are now at full liberty simply to follow 
 the Scriptures and the primitive Church. And we judge it best that 
 they should stand fast in that liberty wherewith God has so strangely 
 made them free. John Wesley.' 
 * " As the translators of our version of the Bible have used the English 
 word ' bishop' instead of ' superintendent,' it has been thought by us that it 
 would tipgnx more Scriptural to adopt their term 'bishop.'— PMctjiKne." 
 ** The following is the letter of ordination which Mr. Wesley gare 
 to Dr. Coke : — 
 " ' To all to whom these presents shall como, John Wesley, late 
 Fellow of Lincoln College, in Oxford, presbyter of the Church 
 of England, sendeth greeting : 
 " * Whereas many of the people in the Southern provinces of 
 North America, who desire to continue under my care, and still ad- 
 here to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, are 
 greatly distressed for want of ministers to adminbter the sacraments 
 of baptism and the Lord^s supper, according to the usage of the same 
 church ; and whereas there does not appear to bo any other way of 
 supplying them with ministers : 
 " ' Know all men, that I, John Wesley, think myself to be provi- 
 dentially called at this time to set apart some persons for the work 
 of the ministry in America. And, therefore, under the protection of 
 Almighty God, and with a single eyp to Itb glory, I have this day 
 set apart as a superintendent, by the imposition of my hands, and 
 prayer, (being assisted by other ordained ministers,) Thomas Coke, 
 docior of civil law, a presbyter of the Church of England, and a man 
 whom I judge to be well qualified for that great work. And I do 
 hereby recommend him to all whom it may concern, as a fit person 
 to preside over the flock of Christ. In testimony whereof I hare 
 hereunto set my hand and seal, this second day of September, in the 
 year of our Lord one thousand seven Iiundrcd and eighty-four. 
 "'JoiiK Wmlky.' 
 " Being thus furnished with the proper credentials, in the month 
 of September, Dr. Coke, in company with Messrs. Whatcoat and 
 Vasey, set sail for America, and londed In the city of New- York on 
 thedd of November, 1784. From thence they proceeded throngli 
 Philadelphia to the State of Delaware, where, on the 15th day of the 
 same month, he met Mr. Asbury, at Barratt's chapel. Mr. Asbury 
 gives the following account of this meeting :— 
 " ' Sunday, 15th.— I came to Barratt's chapel. Here, to my greot 
 joy, I met those dear men of God, Dr. Coke and Bichnrd Whatcoat. 
 We were greatly comforted together. Tlie doctor preached on 
 Christ our wisdom, rightconsnei>i'«, nanctiflcation, and redemption. 
 Having had no opportimity of conversing with them before public 
 worship, I was greatly surprised to see brother Whatcoat assist by 
 taking the cup in the administration of the sacrament. I was 
 shocked when first informed of the intention of these my brethren in 
 coming to this country : it may be of God. My answer then was, 
 ^ the preachers unanimomly chooH nu, IshaU not act in the cajpacUy I 
 have hitherto done by Mr. Wedty^a appointment. The design of oigan- 
 izing the Methodists into an independent Episcopal Church was 
 opened to the preachers present, and it was agreed to call a General 
 Confeirence, to meet at Baltimore the eusning Christmas ; as also 
 that brother Garrettson go off to Virginia to give notice thereof to 
 the brethren in the South.' > 
 " According to this arrangement, Mr. Garrettson set off imme- 
 diately on his Southern journey, sending letters to those he could 
 not see ; and Dr. Coke spent the intermediate time in visiting various 
 parts of the country, and preaching to the people. On Friday, the 
 26th, Mr. Asbury says, ' I observed this day as a day of fasting and 
 prayer, that I might know the will of God in the matter that is to 
 come before the conference. The preachers and people seem to be 
 much pleased with the projected plan ; I myself am led to think it is 
 of the Lord. I am not tickled with the hononr to be gaiof 1. I see 
 danger in the way. My soul waits upon God. O that he may lead 
 us in the way we should go ! ' 
 " In conformity with the above aiTangement, December 25th, sixty 
 out of the eighty-three preachers then in the travelling connexion, 
 assembled in the city of Baltimore for the conference, in which Dr. 
 Coke presided, assisted by Mr. Asbury ; and the first act of the ccn- 
 fcrence was, by a unanimous vote, to elect Dr. Coke and Francis 
 Asbury as general superintendents; for although Mr. Asbury h'id 
 been appointed to that high office by Mr. Wesley, yet he declined 
 noting in that capacity independently of the suffrages of his brethren 
 over whom he must preside. After his election, being first ordained 
 a deacon, then an elder, Mr. Asbury was consecrated by Dr. Coke, 
 assisted by several ciders, to the office of a superintendent, in the 
 manner set forth in the following certificate : — 
 " ' Know all men by these presents, that I, Thomas Coke, doctor 
 of civil law, late of Jesus College, in tlie University of Oxford, pres- 
 byter of the Church of England, and superintendent of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church in America; under the protection of Almighty 
 God, and with a single eye to his glory ; by the imposition of my 
 liands, and prayer, (being assisted by tMlp ordained elders,) did, on 
 the twenty-fifUi day of this month, December, set apart Francis As- 
 buiy for the x>ffice of a deacon in the aforesaid Methodist Episcopal 
 Church. And also on the twenty-sixth day of the said month, did, 
 by the imposition of my hands, and prayer, (being assisted by the 
 said elders,) set apart the said Francis Asbury for the office of elder 
 in the said Methodist Episcopal Church. And on this twenty- 
 seventh day of the said month, being the day of the date hereof, 
 havQ). by the imposition of my hands, and prayer, (being assisted by 
 i i 
 tbe said elders,) set apart the said Francis Asbtirj for the office of a 
 •aperintendent in the said Methodist Episcopal Church, a man whom 
 I jadge to be well qualified for that great work. And I do hereby 
 recommend him to all whom it may concern, as a fit person to pre- 
 side over the flock of Christ. In testimony whereof, I have hweunto 
 set my hand and seal, this 27th day of December, in the year of our 
 Lord 1784. Thomas Cokb.' 
 " One of the elders who assisted at the consecration of Mr. Asbury, 
 was the Bev. Mr. Otterbine, a minister of the German church. Hav- 
 ing enjoyed an intimate acquaintance with this pious and evangelical 
 minister of Jesus Christ, and having full fellowship with him as a 
 laborious and useful servant of God, Mr. Asbury requested that he 
 might be associated with Dr. Coke and the other elders in the per- 
 formance of this solemn ceremony. 
 " The following persons were elected, twelve of whom were conse- 
 crated elders : — Freeborn Garrettson, William Gill, Le Roy Cole, 
 John Hagerty, James O. Cromwell, John Tunnel, Nelson Beed, 
 Jeremiah Lambert, Beuben Ellis, James O'KoUy, Bichard Ivey, 
 Beverley AUen,* and Henry Willis. Mr. Garrettson and Mr. Crom- 
 well were set apart especially for Nova Scotia, to which place they 
 soon after went ; and their labours and success will be noticed in the 
 proper place. Mr. Lambert was ordained for the island of Antigua, 
 in the West Indies. 
 " John Dickins, Caleb Boyer, and Ignatius Figman, were elected 
 " II. Having thus given an account of these transactions, we pro- 
 ceed to ofier a few arg-uments in their defence. Let it be recollected, 
 ''I. That there was a loud call for these things. Most of the 
 .eleigy of the English Church, during the revolution, had fled from 
 their flocks ; and those who remained, with very few 'xceptions, 
 were fit for anything rather than ministers of the Gobpel. From 
 the hands of such men the Methodists felt unwilling to receive the 
 ordinances. As to the Presbyterians and Congregationalists, they 
 would neither baptize the children unless, at least, one of the parents 
 professed faith4n their doctrines, nor admit them to the communion- 
 table unless they became members of their church. The Baptists 
 were more rigid still, as they could fellowship none unless they had 
 been baptized by immersion. To neither of these conditions could 
 the Methodists submit. Besides, by these denominations, the Me- 
 thodists were treated as heretics, on account of their opposition to 
 the Calvinistic doctrine of decrees, and the final perseverance of the 
 * " Mr. Alien was not ordained until the conference in 1785 ; and Mr. Wil- 
 lis, not being present, was ordained a few weeks afterward."— Lw. 
 ■ j^- -' 
 saints. Hence a necessity, originating from the state of things in 
 this country, compelled the Methodists either to remain without the 
 ordinaaoes, to administer them by uncousecrated hands, or to pro- 
 vide for them in the manner they did. Those who disclaim all de- 
 pendence upon the argument derived from the necemty of the case, 
 would do well to inquire whether any man can be justified in doing 
 on mnecessary work, — a work that might be Scripturally dispensed 
 with. It appears to the writer, that if there be no weight in Uiis ar- 
 gument, then it follows, that Mr. Wesley, and those who acted with 
 him in this solemn affair, were guilty of a work of supererogation, 
 and therefore cannot be justified on any principle whatever, either 
 of Scripture, reason, or conscience. 
 " 2. I<et it bo recollected, also, that those who consecrated Richard 
 Whatcoat and Thomas Vasoy, namely, Mr. Wesley, Dr. Coke, and 
 Mr. Creighton, were all regular presbyters in the Church of Eng- 
 land ; and that those who laid hands on Dr. Coke, and set him apart 
 as a superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America, 
 vvei'e also presbyters regularly ordained to that office. 
 " 3. It appears manifest from several passages of Scripture, par- 
 ticularly Acts xiii, 1, 2, and 1 Tim. iv, 14, and the testimonies of tlie 
 primitive fathers of the Church, that presbyters and bishops were of 
 the same order, and that they originally possessed the power of or- 
 "4. The doctrine of uninterrupted succession from the apostles, 
 in a third order, by a triple consecration, as distinct from, and supe- 
 rior to, presbyters, has been discarded by many of the most eminent 
 ecclesiastical writers, as resting upon no solid foundation, not being 
 susceptible of proof from any authentic source. 
 " 5. Mr. Wesley possessed a right over the Methodists whidi no 
 man else did or could possess, because they were his spiritual children, 
 raised up under his preaching and superintendence, and hence they 
 justly looked to him for a supply of the ordinances of Jesus Christ. 
 "6. Therefore, in exercising the power with which the divine 
 Head of the Church liad invested him, he invaded no other man's 
 right, nor yet assumed that which did not belong to him. 
 " 7. Hence he did not, as the objection which this argument is de- 
 signed to refute supposes, ordain either presbyters or a bishop for the 
 English Church, iior for any oth^r church then existing, but simply 
 and solely for the Methodist societies in America. And therefore, 
 in doing this necessary work, he neither acted inconsistently witii 
 liimself as a presbyter of the Church of England, nor incompatible 
 with his frequent avowals to remain in that church, and not to 
 separate from it.' 
 " 8. For, In het, In orgtnblng the Methodist Episcopal Church, he 
 did not Mparote either ftvm the English or Protestant Episcopal 
 Church 'f for that church had no jurisdiction here, and the Methodist 
 was organised some time before the Protestant Episcopal Church 
 had an existence. Hence he acted perfectly- consjstent with hhnself, 
 with all his avowals of attachment to the Church of England, ndiilc 
 he proceeded to organise a church here ; for while ho did this, and 
 thereby established a separate and independent church in America, 
 whore the English ChuroK had no jurisdiction, he and his people in 
 England still remained members of the Establishment. 
 " 9. While the Scriptures are silent in respect to the particular 
 form of churcti government which should bo established, they cer- 
 tainly allow of an episcopal form, because it is not incompatible with 
 any Icnown precept or usage of primitive Christianity. 
 " 10. This is further manifest from the fact, that the apostles and 
 evangelists did exercise a jurisdiction over the entire Church, pres- 
 byters, deacons, and people, though, at the same time, there is no 
 proof that as to order, created such by a third consecration, they 
 were higher than the presbyters. 
 "II. Distinguishing, therefore, between the power of ordination 
 and the power of jurisdiction, we may see how an episcopal govern- 
 ment may be created by a Presbyterian ordination, and hence justify 
 the act of Mr. Wesley and his associates in setting apart Dr. Coko 
 to the office of a general superintendent. 
 " These arguments are merely stated here as the grounds on which 
 the organization of the Mcthoilist Episcopal Church is justified, re- 
 ferring the reader who may wish to see them in detail, with the proofs 
 on which they rest for support, to the book recently published, 
 called, ' An Original Ctmrch of Christ.^ In that performance he will 
 see all objections met, and, I trust, fully answered, and the proceed- 
 ings of Mr. Wesley and his co-workers amply vindicated. 
 " IS. Another ground of defence is in die eharactet- of those who 
 were employed in this transaction. As to the Bev. John Wesley, it 
 is almost needless now to say anything in his commendation. In 
 him were concentrated all the elements of a great man ; and by a 
 conscientious improvement of his gifts, having been made a partaker 
 of ' like precions faith,' he was as much distinguished by his good- 
 ness as by hii greatness ; but all his other endowments were pro- 
 pelled Of) by his inextinguishable thirst for the salvation of his fel- 
 low-men, and fully employed, as an evangelist, m the grand cause of 
 Jeius CbriNt. And such were the effects of these labours, that, at the 
 time of which we are now speaking, there were no less than sixty- 
 four tbonMUid one hundred and fifty-five members of society, and 
 ono hundred and ninety>fivo preachers, in Europe; and fourteen 
 thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight members, and eighty-three 
 preachers, in America; making in all seventy-nine thousand one 
 hundred and forty-three members, and two hundred and seventy- 
 eight preachers. These had been raised np through his instrumen- 
 tality in the short space of forty-five years, as seals to his ministry, 
 and as evidences of his call to the work in which he was engaged. 
 Of his call, therefore, and qualification for the work of an evan- 
 gelist, there can be no doubt, any more than there should be of his 
 rigfd, as the spiritual father of this numerous family, to provide 
 them with all the means of grace."— Bangs's " History of Method- 
 ism" vol i, pp. 151-163. 
 Thus were the scattered societies iu America formed into 
 a regular church organization. This event, like the political 
 independence of the States, is one of those circumstances 
 which constitute epochs in the history of Christianity. The 
 success of the arrangement has put to silence all surmises 
 as to the wisdom of the settlement, whether entertained in 
 this country or in America. It gave, in the first place, a 
 free and independent action to the church so established ; 
 which, under the able and judicious management of the 
 new bishops, and especially of Bishop Asbury, at once be- 
 gan, as if with new life, to develop its strength. Much has 
 been said on the subject of Mr. Wesley's love of power, 
 and, by Southey, on his towering ambition ; but this whole 
 business palpably refutes all such allegations. It is not a 
 characteristic of the love of power to part with it : and *he 
 yielding up of authority to others, is but an ill proof >r 
 ambition. John Wesley might have retained an entire and 
 undivided exercise of government over the Americ»r! soci- 
 eties, just as he did at home, had he chosen to dr :;o. His 
 appointment of preachers would have been undisputed, and 
 they, on thcdr part, would have cordiallv supported his pas- 
 toral authority; his missives of instruction would have 
 been unhesitatingly received by his sons in the gospel, and 
 obeyed in the most perfect docility of spirit ; the decisions 
 of the British Conference, expressed in its Minutes, would 
 have been complied with, for aught that appears, as the. 
 canon-law of the American body : a president, sent from 
 England in the name of the father of the whole family, 
 might have presided in the Conferences, and kept wp the 
 link of union, and thus have secured subordination. All 
 tliis might have taken place ; and would; no doubt— or 
 some other line of policy similar in spirit — ^have been pur-' 
 sued, had this great man been actuated by selfish or ambi- 
 tious views. No act dC^is life, rightly considered, so fully 
 indicates the integrity of his mind, the purity of his motives, 
 the grandeur of his views, and the magnanimity of his cha- 
 racter, as this arrangement. It is the act of a generous, 
 noble-minded parent, dispossessing himself of his patrimony 
 and power, to bestow it upon a son during his own life- 
 time. The magnanimity of the measure, also, appears in 
 its largeness. It went far beyond the anticipations or de- 
 sires of the parties themselves. They had merely requested 
 to have the ordinances among them, and, for this purpose, 
 desired the ordination of ministers. But this could have 
 been secured, as in Scotland, without either the establish- 
 ment of an independent church, or the appointment of su- 
 perintendents. The only question in the mind of Mr. Wes- 
 ley must have been, What is best for the parties interested? 
 He soon answered the question by his conduct. His pene- 
 trating mind, his sound understanding, his knowledge of 
 the whole case, his Christian philosophy, and capacity 
 to see into the future as well as the present ; — all this, 
 in connexion with his noble disinterestedness, determined 
 him to take the initiative, and himself to originate the 
 organization and independent position of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church. 
 The iss)ie has amply verified, and, one would think, more 
 than verified, the highest anticipations of this faithful shep- 
 herd. The great end he sought, in the extension of the 
 goepel, and the conversion of sinners, has certainly been 
 secured on the widest seale ever w'tnessed in modem times. 
 Tlais of itself wQuld be to him a sufficient reward. He had 
it from 
 up the 
 11. All 
 ibt — or 
 3n pur* 
 ir ambi' 
 so fully 
 his cha- 
 »wn life- 
 pears in 
 IS or de- 
 lid have 
 it of 8U- 
 Ir. Wes- 
 is pene- 
 edge of 
 -aU this, 
 inate the 
 ink, more 
 ful shep- 
 m of the 
 inly been 
 im times. 
 He had 
 ao other purt)ose saye this, in all he did. The object pro- 
 posed by the several institutions ordained by him, was the 
 oztensbn of our Lord's kingdom in the salvation and hap-* 
 piness of mankind. 
 But every other purpose has been secured, as well as this 
 primary one. The doctrines he held so dear have been 
 faithfully conserved and widely dkseminated; the main 
 points of Methodist discipline hav^lllen sedulously guarded 
 and carried out ; the holy living and piety towards God, 
 so indefatigably promoted by him in his whole career of 
 labour and of shame, have been happily secured; the 
 unity of a numerous people, who, with few exceptions, have 
 given a cordial and hearty allegiance to the system he 
 adopted, has been exhibited for the illustration of the truth 
 of Scripture, and the edification of the world ; and that 
 evangelic action which is indicated by the establishment of 
 itinerancy, has been fully secured and prosecuted even be- 
 yond the extent of their own gigantic country. 
 Moreover, the world may now, if it chooses, look upon 
 a primitive episcopacy in actual and living operation. 
 Before this period it was only ideal. It might be found in 
 the New Testament, in the practice of the first churches, 
 in the remains of the primitive fathers, in the writings and 
 speculations of men of moderate, but true and authentic, 
 notions ; but the reality had long been absorbed in the 
 monstrous usurpations of Popery, and other systems of 
 ecclesiastical error and tyranny. That man must have 
 possessed a stout heart who, in the presence of existing 
 estabUshments, and the prevalent opinions of the day, and 
 even of the church to which he professed himself to belong 
 — who had the courage to return, practi'^ally, to primitive 
 usage, and build up a living body on the model of the 
 Presbytero-Episcopal Church of the first and best ages. 
 He could not help foreseeing, also, that the temerity which 
 would venture upon such a course must expose him to all 
 maonor of reproach. He braved it all; and the American 
 Methodist Epifcopal Church now stands, and will forever 
 stand, as the noble monument of his wisdom, love of truth, 
 disinterested devotion to his Master's honour, and his peo- 
 ple's good ; as well as of his own courageous contempt of 
 this world's petty scorn, or of the grave or bitter rebukes of 
 an incensed and privileged priesthood. 
 Tlie new Order of llUnrt— Mr. k»\mry becomes the real Bishop of the Church 
 —His Chanctor and QuaUfleationt for the Office— Dr. Coke exceeds hia 
 Powers— Certiflcat0—Tho Episcopacy defined and guarded— Mr. Wesley's 
 Offence at the Um of the Term ** Bishop"— Letter to Asbury— Dr. Coke in 
 Difficulties respectJof the Address to Washington— And on Slavery— The 
 Church takes its ttandinf among the Institutions of the United States. 
 Mr. Asbury, wider the new order of things, became the 
 real superintendent of the Methodist Church, Dr. Coke 
 returning home, and only occasionally visiting the conti- 
 nent. It was a merciful dispensation that this power fell 
 into his han<^". In addition to true piety, which we have 
 before consiuered, he was blessed with a sound judgment, 
 great moderation, tender sympathy with his fellow-labour- 
 ers, intense desire for the salvation of mankind, uncompro- 
 mising integrity, and entire decision of character. He 
 seems to have devoted himself most sedulously to the cul- 
 tivation of a knowledge of theology, as far as circumstances 
 would allow ; was a constant and zealous preacher — plain, 
 practical, energetic, though not eloquent; an assiduous 
 pastor, naturally caring for the spiritual and temporal wel- 
 fare of all the people ; and bent, in his evangelical toils, 
 upon spreading true religion through the entire continent. 
 But Mr. Asbuiy seems to have possessed, in an eminent 
 degree, that wonderful gift which is sometimes seen in 
 favoured individuals — an almost uresistible influence over 
 men. Undoubtedly this originates, in part, in confidence 
 in their integrity; and yet not altogether so. Indeed, 
 ipt of 
 ,e Church 
 ceeds his 
 '. Coke in 
 -ery— The 
 ime the 
 r. Coke 
 e conti- 
 >wer fell 
 ^e have 
 ler. He 
 the cul- 
 r — ^piain, 
 oral wel- 
 ical toils, 
 s seen in 
 Bnce over 
 without the conviction of this quality, ai d many others, the 
 homage would not be given ; but no assemblage of moral 
 excellences will, of themselves, lead to this result. It is 
 evidently the power of mind ; though in what that power 
 consists, is extremely difficult to define. To say it is intel- 
 lectual would not meet the case, as there are many men of 
 high and noble intellect who possess no very commanding 
 influence among their fellows. Extraordinary religious 
 attainments, and the reputation of exalted sanctity, though 
 producing great reverence, yet does not, of itself, lead to 
 the dominion of the mind of which we speak. It appears 
 to consist of — shall we call it? — ^robustness of soul, 
 especially in strength of will. This, when connected with a 
 corresponding amount of intelligence, judgment, insight 
 into character, integrity, and honour; and, withal, that 
 strange thing called "tact" — a perception of the right 
 time, the right means, the right spirit and mode of 
 proceeding — seem to constitute the elements of this cha- 
 Be this as it may, these characteristics all met in Mr. 
 Asbury. But, after all, his power was his piety, connected 
 with corresponding energetical labours. No natural en- 
 dowments could have made him what we see him to have 
 been. He seems to have possessed an intense and a pro- 
 found faith, which was constantly at work. He was a be- 
 liever in the living, active, omnipresent reign of God ; and 
 was in the habit of viewing all things through the medium 
 of his providence and will. His mission to America was 
 undertaken, as we have seen, in the full and unwavering 
 persuasi that it was the call and will of God. The resist- 
 ance he set up against Mr. Wesley's commands to return 
 home, after only being in the country a short time, and his 
 pertinacious determination to remain at his post at the 
 peric of the Revolution, though adopted in the midst of 
 the ^ jst painful and embarrassing exercises, were taken 
 wita the lull beliejf that his conUnmuice at his post was the 
 ordination of God. So, again, when all his English bre- 
 thren deserted him, and his heart was left to bleed at their 
 loss, and especially for the loss of George Shadford, for 
 whom he entertained the warmest possible affection; when 
 he stood alone, and had to pass through years of distress, 
 anxiety, and sorrow ; — ^he still adhered to the belief that he 
 was called of God to a]^|us. In like manner, when it was 
 proposed to him to taraf'^the new office of superintendent, 
 and adopt the church-system which Mr. Wesley had framed, 
 and of which he seems to have had no premonition what- 
 ever, on consideration, connected with prayer, he entered 
 upon it as the appointment of God. This was the habit of 
 his mind. And never taking up a new position without 
 being entirely persuaded that it was the will of God, he 
 never afterward swerved. 
 These are the men who rule mankind. Their soul seems 
 to be rooted in some eternal, immutable, unalterable truth 
 — which, as the soil supports the oak, strengthens them 
 for every emergency. Hence they are always the same ; 
 the vacillations of weaker men, the sweep of time, and all 
 other contingencies, find th6m still inflexibly bent upon 
 their mission. But this decision of character in Mr. Asbury 
 by no means made him insensible, or blunted his feelings. 
 We often find him in deep distress of mind, his sensibilities 
 lacerated, his soul in an agony, as evils present themselves 
 before him ; but still his refuge is prayer, leading him con- 
 stantly to God in Christ. The miseries of his itinerant life 
 deeply affected him. Something like the spirit of Jonah, 
 when he saw his " gourd" wither, and the sun smote him, 
 occasionally appears in his Journals. When traversing the 
 untrodden forests, and crossing dangerous rivers, in the 
 midst of all kinds of weather, the summer's heat, and the 
 winter's cold ; living on the meanest fare, and that by the 
 charity of others ; lodging in log-huts, in the midst of filth, 
 vermin, and noisy children ; — ^he sometimes gives way to 
 exolamations of anguish, and longs for death and heayen. 
 No wonder. Yet, harassed by all these exercises, he still 
 goes on. Not an expression of doubt as to his line of duty 
 ever occurs; no shrinking under his load of labour and 
 privation is ever witnessed ; not a whisper of giving in, of 
 retiring, of seeking ease, is ever heard. Certainly, he had 
 no desire for anything on earth different from his life of 
 toil and danger ; and the only change he ever refers to, is 
 n dismissal by the command of his heavenly Master to the 
 rest of heaven. 
 Such was the man to whom were chiefly committed the 
 interests of the newly-formed Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 As might be expected, some little friction appeared in the 
 movements of the machine for some short time ; but noth. <ig 
 of any weighty consideration. It seems astonishing that the 
 new rSgime was permitted to come into operation so easily ; 
 but, with great wisdom and foresight of consequences, Mr. 
 Asbury refused to take the office assigned him by Mr. 
 Wesley, till he had obtained the concurrent suffrages of the 
 Conference. This assent was accorded unanimously ; and, 
 of course, afterwards they could not quanel with their 
 own election. This did not enter into the plan of Mr. 
 Wesley, nor of Dr. Coke ; but this judicious man un< 
 derstood his position; and, as in all his proceedings, 
 before he moved in the matter, he made his ground per- 
 fectly sure. 
 In a while after the settlement of these affairs, Dr. Coke 
 returned to England ; and, it seems, exercised some of the 
 functions of his new office while at home. This gave um^- 
 brage to his brethren in America. And when, on his se- 
 cond visit, he arrived in Baltimore, — 
 " Borne dissatiflfaction was manifested toward him, because, while 
 in Europe, he had, as was contended, so far transcended his powers 
 an to alter the time and place for the conference to meet, after they 
 had been fixed bj the conference itself. This, with some other com- 
 plaints of a trifling character, drew from Dr. Coke, with a view to 
 nllay all apprehensions of his American brethren hereafter, the fol- 
 lowing certificate :— 
 " • The Certificate of Dr. Coke to the Conference. 
 " ' I do solemnly engage by this instnunent, that I never will, by 
 virtue of my office as superintendent of the Methodist Church, during 
 my absence from the United States of America, exercise any govern- 
 ment whatever in the said Methodist Church during my absence from 
 the United States. And I do also engage, thar I will exercise no 
 privilege in the said Church when present in the United States, ex- 
 cept that of ordaining according to the regulations and laws already 
 existing or hereafter to bct/made in the said Church, and that of pre- 
 siding in the said conktm^ ; and, lastly, that of travelling at large. 
 Given under my hand, the second day of May, in the year 1787. 
 «« Thomas Coke.' 
 " And with a view to guard as much as possible against similar 
 infringements of their rights in future, the following question and 
 answer were entered on the Minutes :-— 
 '- ' QuES. — Who are the superintendents of our Church in these 
 United States ? 
 '" Ans. — Thomas Coke (when present in the States) and Francis 
 Asbury.' "— Bangs's "History of Methodism,'* vol i, pp. 256, 257. 
 About this time the two superintendents took upon tliem 
 the name of " bishop." This was done, it appears, in the 
 first instance, by their own act (was it not that of Dr. 
 Coke ?) in subscribing themselves such, in a new edition 
 of the book of Discipline. This led to some little alterca- 
 tion, and grievously ofifended Mr. Wesley. But though the 
 Conference did not determine the question in the first 
 place; yet, on theur assembling in 1787, they approved of 
 and confirmed it in the following words : — 
 " We have constituted ourselves into an Episcopal church, under 
 the direction of bishops, elders, and deacons, and preachers, accord- 
 ing to the form of ordination annexed to our Prayer-Book, and the 
 regulations laid down in this form of discipline." 
 In the Conference of 1788, we have this question and 
 answer : — "^ 
 " Ques. — Who are the bishops for our church in the United 
 States f 
 " Anb. — Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury." 
 Thus Episcopacy was formally established, to the great 
 annoyance of Mr. Wesley, who had employed the more 
 humble term " superintendent." Hence he addressed the 
 following characteristic letter to Bishop Asbury :- 
 " There is, indeed, a wide difference between the relation wherein 
 you stand to the Americans, and the relation wherein I stand to all 
 the Methodists. You are the elder brother of the American Method- 
 ists ; I am, under God, the father of the whole family. Therefore, I 
 naturally care for you all in a manner no other person can do. 
 Therefore I, in a measure, provide for you all; for the supplies 
 which Dr. Coke provides for you, ho could not provide were it not 
 for me, — were it not that I not only permit him to collect, but also 
 support him in so doing. 
 " But, in one point, my door brother, I am a little afraid, both the 
 doctor and you differ from me. I study to be little, you study to bo 
 great ; I creep, you strut along ; I found a school, you a college. 
 Nay, and call it after your own names, (Cokesbury.) O beware ! 
 Do not seek to be something ! Let me be nothing, and ' Christ be 
 all m aU.' 
 " One instance of this, of your greatness, has given me great con- 
 cern. How can you, how dare you, suffer yourself to be called 
 bishop ? I shudder, I start, at the very thought ! Men may call mo 
 a fool, or a rascal, a scoundrel, and I am content ; but they shall 
 never, by my consent, call me bishop ! For my sake, for God's sake, 
 for Christ's sake, put a full end to this. Let the Presbyterians do 
 what they please, but let the Methodists know their calling better. 
 " Thus, my dear Frankey, I have told you all that is in my heart. 
 And let this, when I am no more seen, bear witness how sincerely I 
 am, &c." y 
 The somewhat anomalous position of Dr. Coke as a 
 British subject and an American bishop, now that the 
 States were free, brought him into some trouble on both 
 sides of the Atlantic. Occasion was taken, by the part 
 lie took in presenting the following congratulatory Address 
 to General Washington, on his appointment to the Presi- 
 dency of the United States, to call the doctor's consistency 
 in question.* 
 * The event led to great dissatisfaction in England ; so much so, as to cause 
 the Conference to leave the Doctor's name off the Minutes.— Drew's "Life of 
 Coke," p 144. 
 *' Sib,— We, the bishopi of the MeUuxlif t Epiicopal Ohnrch, hum* 
 bly beg leave, in the name of our §od»iy, collectively, in these 
 United States, to express to you the warm feelings of our hearts, 
 and our sincere congratulations on your appointment to the Presi- 
 dentship of these States. We are consoiouf , ftofn the signal proofs 
 yon have already given, that you are a fHend to mankind ; and, un- 
 der this established idea, place as fnll confldenoe in your wisdom 
 and integrity for the presfl^ation of those civil «id religious liberties 
 which have been transmitted to us by the providence of God and 
 the glorious revolution, as we believe ought to be reposed in man. 
 " We have received the most grateful iatiifoction from the hum- 
 ble and entire dependence on the groat Governor dl the universe, 
 which yon have repeatedly expressed, acknowledging him the source 
 of every blessing, and particularly of the most excellent constitution 
 of these States, which is at present the admiration of the world, and 
 may in ftitnre become its great exemplar for imitation ; and hence 
 we ei\joy a holy expectation, that you will always prove a faithful 
 and impartial patron of genuine, vital religion, the grand end of our 
 creation and present probationary existence. And we promise you 
 our fervent prayers to the throne of grace, that God Almighty may 
 endue you with all the graces and glfti of his Holy Spirit, that he 
 may enable you to fill up your important station to his glory, the 
 good of his church, the happinoM and prosperity of the United 
 States, and the welfore of mankind. 
 " Signed in behalf of the ICfdiodist Episcopal Church, 
 *' Thomas Ooke, 
 ''Fsjurois AiBURT. 
 « New-York, May 29, 1789." 
 The following is the reply of Preiident Washington : — 
 " To the Bishops of the Mdhodiit Epitcopal Cliureh in the United 
 Statm of America, 
 "GnNTLEMEy,— -I return to you individually, and through you to 
 your society collectively, in the United States, my thanks, for the 
 demonstrations of affection, and the expressions of joy, offered in 
 their behalf, on my late appointment. It shall be my endeavour to 
 manifest the purity of my inclinatiouf for promoting the happiness 
 of mankind, as well as the sincerity of my deshvs to contribute 
 whatever may be in my power toward iSbt civil and religious liber- 
 ties of the American people. In pursuing tiiii line of conduct, I hope, 
 by the assistance of divine Providence, not altogether to disappoint 
 the confidence which you have been plea«od to repoie in me. 
 ^'It always affbrda me satisfaction when I find a concurrence of 
 sentiment and practice between all consdentions men, in acknow- 
 ledgments of homage to the great Qovomor of the nniverse, and in 
 professions of support to a jnst civil government After mentioning 
 that I tmst the people of every denomination, who demean them- 
 selves as good citizens, will have occasion to be convinced that I 
 shall always strive to prove a faithful and impartial patron of genu- 
 ine, vital religion, I must assure you in particular, that I take in the 
 kindest part the promise you make of presenting your prayers at Ihe 
 throne of grace for me ; and that I likewise implore the divine bene- 
 diction on yourselves and your religious community. 
 On the proposition being made to present an Address to 
 the new President, we are told that Conference approved 
 and appointed the two bishops, Dr. Coke and Asbury, to 
 draw it up, which they did. Bishop Coke, however, being 
 a British subject, it wa9 thought he ought not to read it, 
 and Asbury performed that service, ''with great self-pos- 
 session." "Hie other ministers and denominations were 
 angry that '' the Methodists should take the lead ;" and the 
 next week batteries of raillery and vituperation were let 
 loose on the poor doctor. They ironically asked, " Who 
 was he ? How came he to be a bishop ? Who consecrated 
 him ?" then uttered severe strictures on the impropriety 
 of a British subject signing on address approving of the 
 Government of the United States; charging him with 
 duplicity, and that he was the enemy of the independence 
 of America. 
 To the good people on this side the water, at the lime, 
 St would appear equally strange for a British subject to 
 eulogize as a " glorious revolution," a war which had beaten 
 and imprisoned the armies of his country, and nnpested a 
 jDolghty empire from nnder her dominion. And then, it 
 would appear equally a question, whether Dr. Coke could, 
 consistently, call the new institutions of America " the most 
 excellent constiuutioii of these States, which is at preiEwnt 
 * BiMWtfs '*Birtoiy<rfMett>odiMB,»ToL l,wMM I M, 
 the admiration of the world, and may in future become its 
 great exemplar for imitation." The doctor did not trouble 
 his head much about these embarrassments ; if he saw any 
 awkwardness in his position, it made no difference in the 
 discharge of what he conceived to be his duties. 
 But Dr. Coke got into hot water on another, a more vital, 
 matter, namely, that of slavery. Southey gives this case 
 with so much truth and felicity of expression, that we can- 
 not do better than insert hb narrative. 
 " Wesley had borne an early testimony against the system of Negro 
 slavery; on this point his conduct is cmiously contrasted with 
 Whitefield's, who exerted himself in obtaining a repeal of that part 
 of the charter granted to the colony of Georgia, whereby slavery was 
 prohibited. Dr. Coke, feeling like Wesley, took up the subject with 
 his usual ardour, preached upon it with great vehemence, and pre- 
 pared a petition to Congress for the emancipation of the N^roes. 
 With this petition, he and Anbury went to General Washington, at 
 Mount Vernon, and solicited him to sign it. Washington received 
 them courteously and hospitably ; he declined signing the petition, 
 that being inconsistent with the rank which he held; but he assured 
 them that he agreed with them ; and that, if the Assembly should 
 take their petition into consideration, he would signify his senti- 
 ments by a letter. They proceeded so far themselves, that they re- 
 quired the members of the society to set their slaves free ; and seve- 
 ral persons were found who made this sacrifice flrom a sense of duty. 
 One planter in Virginia emancipated tn-enty-two, who were, at the 
 time, worth from thirty to forty pounds each. His name was Ken. 
 non, and it deserves to be honourably recorded. But such instances 
 were rare ; and Dr. Coke, who had much of the national ardour in 
 his character, proceeded in such an intolerant spirit of philanthropy, 
 that he soon provoked a violent opposition, and incurred no small 
 degree of personal danger. One of his sermons upon this topic in- 
 censed some of his hearers so much, that they withdrew, for the 
 purpose of waylaying him ; and a lady Kegro-owner promised them 
 fifty poiiids, if they would give ' that little doctor' a hundred lashes. 
 But the better part of his congregation protected him ; and that same 
 sermon produced the emancipation of twenty-ibur slaves. In one 
 county the slave-owners presented a bill against him, which was 
 found by the grand jury, and no less than ninety persons set out in 
 pursuit of him; but he was got beyond their reach. A more fero- 
 cious enemy followed him, with an intention of shooting him : this 
 the man himielf oonfesiod, when, some time afterwards, he become a 
 member of the Methodist society. On his second yisit to America, 
 Colce was convinced that he had acted indiscreetly, and he con* 
 sented to let the question of emancipation rest, rather than stir up an 
 opposition which so greatly impeded the progress of Methodism.'*'— 
 We of Wedeif, vol. ii, p. 452. 
 Thus, in connexion with some slight a^tations, not, how- 
 ever, of principle, but of accident, the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church took its ground in the midst of the institutiouH of 
 the United States. The authorities, from the beginning, 
 evidently viewed it with no displeasure ; and, as far as the 
 State has control in such matters, rather gave it countenance 
 than the contrary. The lay public, except in the expres- 
 sion of those outbursts of malignity, spleen, and opposition, 
 which are common to all populations, when an earnest and 
 spiritual religion is introduced among them, were quiet or 
 favourable. Some jealousies, as might be expected, pre- 
 vailed among the religious bodies, and especially with the 
 ministers. The prescriptive Calvinism of the old churches 
 was disturbed by the introduction of the Wesleyan doctrine ; 
 and their notions of the indcipendence of churches, in their 
 individual and isolated «tate, bcMsame antagonized by the 
 connexional principle on which the Methodist Church was 
 established. The title assumed, of bbhop,, could not be 
 very palatable to ministers, who had all along associated 
 the idea of aristocracy, prelacy, and, lordship, with this 
 innocent name. The very term must, in America, have 
 awakened bitter associations in the minds of the descend- 
 ants of the expatriated refugees, often driven from their 
 homes by the persecutions of bishops, in the days of their 
 don^nation in this countiy. That so little opposHion was 
 encountered at the time, indicates the moderation and the 
 tolerant spirit of the Americans. Taken as a whole, the 
 Methodist Church, in the principles of its foundation, its 
 rules and institutions, together with the titles assumed by 
 its chief officers; presented itself to view as, pejrhajps, the 
Tomi nr aumuoa. 
 nuMt ooDMrrttire imtittitioii of the States. That it should 
 hare excited so little Jealousy, and properly no opposition, 
 ill the midst of the new democratio republic, shows the 
 confidenee of the people in their own power, the entire 
 absence of religious bigotry, and the real and practical pre- 
 dominance of a free and generous spirit. 
 '1 i 
 The doctrinal BmU of the Chureb-The Articles of ReUfioii— Thie pUcei the 
 Church on a •yitem of dogmatical Truth— The DUTerence between this and 
 the English system. 
 In presenting some account of the institution of the Ame- 
 rican Episcopal Church, it is necessary to keep in mind that 
 it rests altogether upon a eonatitutional basis. Nothing is 
 left to usage, to tradition, to common law, or to the indi- 
 vidual judgment of its offieen. By a series of enactments 
 a complete and well-defined code of law and order has 
 obtained, so that it is perfectly easy to comprehend and 
 analyze the entire system. 
 From 1766, the time of the formation of the first society 
 in America, till 1784, they adopted the Minutes of the 
 English Conference as the rales and regulations of their 
 administration ; but at the latter period, ceasing to be mere 
 societies, and becoming a regular church, they, partly by 
 Mr. Wesley's recommendation, and partly by the enact- 
 ments of their own Conferendfbprooeeded to frame, from 
 time to time, the ecclesiasticflpBipnstitution by which they 
 are at present governed. 
 The doctrines themselt||8 are the same as those held b^ 
 the Methodist body in this ^untiy ani all over the world ; 
 but the documents seiraring the recognition and promul- 
 gation of these doctrines are different. In this country 
 Mr. Wesley's four Tolumes of Sermons, and the Notes on 
 the New Testament, conptitute the legal creed of the Me- 
 thodist Church; in America the Articles of Religion of the 
 English Church, altered by Mr. Wesley with a view to bring 
 them into harmony with his own opinions, have been 
 adopted. These Articles of Religion were originally pre- 
 pared by Mr. Wesley, and printed in "The Sunday Service," 
 which he sent over to America. They were accepted and 
 published in 1786, and incorporated into the body of the 
 Disciplme in 1790.* These Articles have been reduced 
 from thirty-nine to twenty-four, and some of those which 
 remain have been changed in their phraseology, and por- 
 tions omitted. Those which have been entirely left out are 
 Articles — III. Of the going down of Christ into Hell. 
 VTTT. Of the three Creeds. XIII. Of Works before Justi- 
 fication. XV. Of Christ alone without Sin. XVII. Of 
 Predestination and Election. XVIII. Of obtaining Eternal 
 Salvation only by the Name of Christ. XX. Of the Au- 
 thority of the Church. XXI. Of the Authority of General 
 Councils. XXIII. Of mmistering to the Congregations. 
 XXVI. Of the Unworthiness of the Ministers, which hin- 
 ders not the Effects of the Sacraments. XXIX. Of the 
 Avicked, which eat not the Body of Christ in the use of the 
 Lord's Supper. XXXIII. Of excommunicate Persons, 
 liow they are to be avoided. XXXV. Of the Homilies. 
 XXXVI, Of the Consecration of Bishops and Ministers. 
 XXXVII. Of the Civil Magistrates. 
 The Articles which have been adopted, it will be seen, 
 on examination, constitute a clear and complete standard 
 of truth, notwithstanding the omissions ; that is, on the 
 theory of Mr. Wesley, that the Calvinistic doctrine of pre- 
 destination and election is not founded on the truth of the 
 word of God. The expurgation of the Articles on the de- 
 scent into hell, the three creeds, the authority of the Church 
 to ordain ceremonies, the general councils, and matters of 
 that sort, wiU be deemed by the great body of Protestants 
 of this day as a benefit ; but, of course, the omission of the 
 * Bmobt's " Histojy of the Discipline of the Methodist. Episcopal Chnicb." 
 seventeenth Article will be differently considered by those 
 who hold the doctrine therem contained. 
 But the point to be regarded is, that by this arrange- 
 ment the Methodist Episcopal Church is found to adhere, 
 to a system of positive, of dogmatical, doctrinal truth. In 
 these days of rampant specidation and theorizing on mat- 
 ters of doctrine, this is of great consequence. The Ame- 
 rican people, like many parties in Europe, are somewhat 
 addicted to give reins to their imagination and critical acu- 
 men, even on questions of sacred truth. It is, therefore, 
 of some importance to bind the Methodist body to the 
 observance of something tangible. It argues sobriety and 
 reverence in them, — a new, an active, and a perfectly free 
 people, — to adopt the venerable forms in which the Church 
 of this country put the truth nearly three hundred years 
 ago, instead of placing themselves on the current of living 
 opinion. We believe there have been very few secessions 
 from the doctrinal opinions of the general body, and heresy 
 is almost imknown in the history of the Methodist Church 
 in the United States. 
 There is, indeed, one striking difference between the 
 American and English Methodists regarding doctrines. 
 We on this side the water are bound by legal enactment to 
 preach the doctrines taught in Mr. Wesley's writings, and 
 it seems the Americans are imder no such legal obligation. 
 It follows that the obligation with them is moral, a matter 
 of conscience, of faith, of conviction. Here then, at this 
 point, tradition comes in, usage, and the influence and force 
 of a common opinion. 
 It is very well known that Mr. Wesley has taught, in his 
 four volumes of Sermons, and Notes on the New Testament, 
 opinions in^hich are not foimd in the twenty-four Articles of 
 Beligion adopted by the American Church, except in the 
 way of a very remote inference. Reference is here made 
 to such subjects as the witness of the Spirit, — the witness 
 of our own spirit, — Christian perfection, — and many other 
 nice points of experience and duty. Now, as far as appears 
 on the face of document!, and the Book of Discipline, the 
 Methodist Church in the States has not bound itself to these 
 expositions of doctrine. It has indeed enforced some of 
 them, 88 that of Christian perfection, in the Minutes of 
 Conference ; but they are not found in the Discipline. It 
 has, on the other hand, adopted the fundamental articles of 
 religion, as so many great centres of truth, and, as it seems, 
 left the detail and the interpretation to the living expositor. 
 This will probably startle the English Methodist ; but, as 
 far as appears from the publications, preaching, aud testi- 
 mony of the American Church, they have hitherto proved 
 themselves true to the sentiments of our founder, and teach 
 them as faithfully as is the case in this country. The doc- 
 trines of a religious community, so long as they retain their 
 vitality and simplicity, are always adopted as the living faith 
 of the people. There is no danger while this vitality con- 
 tinues ; the danger commences in the decay of piety, in the 
 loss of spiritual life, and in the forfeiture of all that grace 
 of which the doctrine is the type. This day has not yet 
 come to the American Methodists. If it should ever arrive, 
 it might possibly be useful to possess the doctrines of 
 Methodism proper, in some way so embedded in the 
 hystem as to place them beyond the reach of rash and 
 faithless men : and yet the history of the Church awfully 
 shows how fragile all safeguards have been in the presence 
 of the floods of ungodliness which have arisen and swept 
 truth and holiness alike before its desolating wave. 
 .*.. - 
 The Federal Nature of the Church— The Idea of Unity— How secured— Doctri 
 nal— Visible governing Power— Episcopacy. 
 The Methodist Church is federal as well as episcopal. Its 
 rigime is constructed on the principle of the federation of 
 the whole body, securing the rights and freedom, and, in 
 defined cases, the independent action, of the several parts. 
 The federal character of the church will be found deve- 
 loped in the estabhshment of the Annual Conferences — 
 their rights and immunities — connecting with the General 
 Conference. Its unity is a unity of several parts, possess- 
 ing almost independent rights. 
 In the spirit of this compact the ecclesiastical canons and 
 government of the Church will be found to stretch to the 
 very circumference of its extent. Every minister is alike 
 under the dominion of its laws, every member is equally 
 subject to its rules, the same doctrines are preached in all 
 its congregations, its worship is the same everywhere, and 
 the same forms of discipline pervade the whole body. None 
 of these things are left to the suffrages of the people, to the 
 influence of the popular will, to the fancies and sentiments 
 of the moment. The framework of the Church has been 
 built by the architectural skill of the able fathers of the 
 community ; and those who enter into its family do not so 
 enter to frame a system or to establish a government of 
 their own as they think best, but to seek for personal edifi- 
 cation, and to obey rules already existing. 
 This unity is variously preserved. The first element, 
 however, is to be found in the adoption of the common 
 creed and frame of government referred to above. When 
 open and tangible symbols of the truth are professed in a 
 church, and subscription to these is enacted as a condition 
 of admission from the candidates for office, there can then 
 be no room for disputation or difference, inasmuch as those 
 11 'ij 
 who cannot conform to the doctrines to be subscrib'*'. -ive 
 an easy remedy in not taking upon them the office. This 
 is certainly a fair principle toward all parties ; and, to the 
 Church adopting it, must tend to preserve peace and one- 
 ness : and it is equally clear, that churches following any 
 other mode must often be convulsed with discord and 
 divisions. A sufficient freedom, without any compromise 
 of the truths of the gospel, seems the desirable and the 
 difficult question in establishing a church upon a creed. 
 How far this freedoiu should extend is a problem not easily 
 solved. That all understandings can arrive at conclusions 
 perfectly similar, or express themselves in the same manner, 
 is a pure impossibility. The intellectual, and indeed 
 spiritual, varieties found among Christians will make this 
 absolutely hopeless. Could it have been the will of God ? 
 If so, how is it that in his creating wisdom he has made so 
 great a difference in the structure of the soul ? And, espe- 
 cially, how is it that the glorious verities of God's word are 
 given to man with lo Httle mathematical or logical precision? 
 It seems sufficient for the purposes of Christian unity that 
 men should believe in the same great truths, and seek for 
 themselves the blessings which these truths indicate, 
 Should not a church be large enough to admit men of 
 every calibre of mind ? and while it faithfully adheres to all 
 truth, and even states it dogmatically, which it has a right 
 to do; ought it not to leave the mysterious to stretch into 
 the hidden and eternal, whence it emanates, and to which 
 it points ? No human power can compress the truth of God 
 into a syllogism, into a definition, into a logical proposition. 
 In adopting the Articles of Religion as amended by Mr. 
 Wesley, the American Methodist Church has secured all 
 the great and glorious doctrines of the Christian system, 
 but left the minute details unexplained. This gives as much 
 freedom as any parties can have a right to expect, or as it 
 would be safe to grant. 
 ■ c Next to the doctrinal basis considered as a means of unity, 
 must be reckoned the central power of legislation which 
 has always existed. Without some recognized head, whe- 
 ther pope, parliament, assembly, or conference, it is impos- 
 sible that a people can be one. The principle on which 
 this is found imiversally to prevail is evidently one of those 
 fundamental laws of the universe which stamp them as 
 divine. No society, social or sacred, can exist without some 
 visible, palpable, recognized head. But it should seem that 
 the mode in which the principle and law shall be embodied 
 is loft very much to human discretion, guided by the pro- 
 vidence of God. Without the popish appendages, claims, 
 and absurdities attached, the religious world seems very 
 much disposed to go back to the old practice of giving its 
 allegiance, so far as external order is concerned, to councils, 
 and assemblies of men. These centres of life and authority, 
 besides having the reputation of great wisdom by the joint 
 exercise of many minds, and of purity and disinterestedness 
 by the supposed impossibility of collusion in crime, are 
 looked upon with favour by the people, from the fact that, 
 in different ways, they consider themselves represented, 
 either by election, or else by having men present who are 
 connected with them, whom they know, and on whose 
 integrity they can depend. They whose faith teaches them 
 to expect God to interpose at all in the government of 
 mankind, whether in church or state, look reverently to 
 these centres of order and influence as the depositaries of 
 his power, as the visible and outward embodiment of his 
 mind and purpose. That the shoulders of individuals can 
 no longer bear the weight of government, is clear enough ; 
 and that the people ai-e indisposed any longer to give their 
 Allegiance to authority and power as a unit, is equally 
 That the Church, and mankind at large, will fare better 
 under the new development than the old, is a subject of 
 general hope and expectation ; the realization is in the 
 future ; and the lover of mankind may indulge the antici- 
 pfttion with glowing exultation, how much soever ot dis- 
 appointment awaits him. We see that things held at one 
 time as sacred and undoubted truths are only allowed a 
 limited course ; like material substances, they can only 
 endure a certain amount of friction, and then wear out. 
 YiTho could have imagined, in the palmy days of Popery, 
 that the sentiment of the divine power living in the person 
 of the pope, or in general councils, and spoken from the 
 infallible throne of St. Peter, would have been held as 
 transiferv.id to the French Chamber? and yet the faith of 
 Lam irUno, and men of his cast, is as devoutly fixed on the 
 Iluvoliif'oii and its representative as the embodiment of the 
 dinnity, ad that of the ancient devotees of Rome was fixed 
 wptni jud Holiness. 
 Be ^hi.-3 as it may, the central power which has all along 
 done so much for the unity of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church, is one which partakes very much of the spirit of 
 the age ; namely, the Conference. We only refer to this 
 now, as a means of anion and success among the Methodist 
 societies. With few exceptions, this body has evidently 
 possessed the confidence of the people ; and it has employ- 
 ed its influence assiduously and wisely in promoting both 
 the consolidation and expansion of the Church. It is very 
 evident that, in American society, mere power can do but 
 little to bring about such a result. The cohesive force 
 must be something differe ^.t from naked, palpable, and 
 frowning authority. With firmness and adherence to con- 
 stitutional rule and order, t e belie /e the moderation of the 
 American Conference has been its power. Its undoubted 
 desire to promote the extension of religion ; to secure the 
 happiness and interests of all its people ; to give them all 
 the advantages of knowledge with those of piety ; to leave 
 their civil rights and position intact, without any attempt 
 to make them political tools ; the desire for their temporal 
 advancement, and sympathy in their exercises and troubles ; 
 the respect paid to all their feelings and sentiments, as 
 expressed by petition and other means; the anxiety to 
 follow them in their pilgrimages into the wilderness, to 
 minister to their spiritual wants; — all these, and many 
 other proofs of paternal care and good-will, have united to 
 attract the confidence of the Methodists to their embodied 
 head. So long as this confidence remains unshaken, the 
 unity of the Church will be secured ; but the moment this 
 confidence is lost, it must be dissolved. The abstraction of 
 the key-stone of an arch would not more surely lead to the 
 fall of the entire fabric, than the forfeitiu*e of confidence in 
 the American Conference, on the part of the people, would 
 lead to the demolition of the Church, and the breaking up 
 of the entire fellowship. 
 But we have another great element of federal unity in 
 the American Church in its episcopacy. It is extremely 
 likely that all the rest would be insuflScient without this. 
 This is a vital bond of fello^^ship. The bishops of the 
 church are in the habit of living among the people : they 
 see and converse with them, they heal their differences, 
 they carry among them the symbols of unity and paternity, 
 and in all things their office is found to conserve the so- 
 cieties. The Americans are too wise and too practical to 
 leave a question of so much importance as the unicaa of the 
 Church to the influence of abstractions, to ideas and laws ; 
 they embody the federal principle in their Uving repre- 
 sentatives. These good men have never betrayed their 
 trust ; never sought personal aggrandizement at the ex- 
 pense of public peace and usefulness ; never attempted U* 
 build up the office of bishop into either a sinecure or a domi- 
 nation. They become in this way the depositaries of a 
 power which, though unfelt, is very efficient. It is impos- 
 sible that a large community can long remain without 
 causes of difference and debate. These, if left to them- 
 selves, will soon produce jars and frictioa, which must, in 
 the end, lead to disruptions. Men who refuse to submit to 
 each other are generally w !ing to refer differences to a 
 I II 
 third party ; and, supposing confidence in his integrity is 
 felt, are equally willing to bow to his award. This over- 
 sight of the flock is thought to be well adapted to perpe- 
 tuate the oneness of the body. ' 
 The Methodist Chureh in its Subdivltiorw— Tb« Circuit and Station— The Sta- 
 tion an innovation— The QuartorlyMeetlng Conference— Its Powers. 
 The divisions of the Methodist Church exist in the form of 
 circuits or stations, districts, and local Conferences ; that 
 is, Conferences in the sense of a territorial division. 
 We begin with circuits and stationt. In the commence- 
 ment of the work, circuits, embracing several preachers, 
 and numerous societies, prevailed in America, as is now the 
 case in England. In these circuits, an exchange among 
 the ministers constantly took place, so that the congrega- 
 tions were each Simday, and at other times, addressed by 
 these preachers alternately. This practice continues at 
 present to a considerable extent, and especially in the 
 pountry places. 
 It seems impossible to cultivate a thinly populated tract 
 of country at first, except upon the adoption of the mission- 
 ary principle ; which principle is embodied in the practice 
 of a pure itinerancy. Hence we find in the new countries, 
 only partially peopled, that the ecclesiastical demarcation 
 is now, properly so called, a circuit. 
 But this principle has been nearly altogether abandoned 
 in the towns and cities. The substitution for this is the 
 STATION, which means the appointment of a single minister 
 to the pastoral charge of one society and congregation 
 during his term, which cannot be longer than two years. 
 This minister is usually known by the designation, " the 
 preacher in charge" of such and such a church. This 
 "preacher in charge" is the sole pastor of the church in 
 question, and he is alone responsible ; no one has the right 
 to interfere with him, except as by the provisions of the 
 constitution. This arrangement is important, inasmuch as 
 it is the abandonment of the practice of an alternating, mixed 
 ministry, deemed so essential an appendage of Methodism 
 in this country. Either by the force of habit, the influence 
 of tradition, or the opinion of Mr. Wesley, and some of his 
 most eminent followers, it is now a sort of settled point, an 
 understood case, to be admitted without question or de- 
 bate, that the same congregation cannot be well and effi- 
 ciently served in their spiritual interests, without a change 
 of ministers ; if not once every Lord's day, at any rate 
 every other Sunday. If any deviation from this should be 
 suggested, a thousand voices, without a moment's reflection, 
 indeed, in less time than thought could be formed into 
 words, would cry out, " Heresy !" and at once predict that 
 Methodism would be ruined ! These parties would do well 
 to meditate upon two facts ; namely, that when Mr. Wes- 
 ley established a imiversal system of itinerancy, including 
 the change of men in the same circuit, he considered them 
 as mere preachers, and not pastors; and in theory he 
 regarded the Methodist body as societies in the Church ; 
 and, consequently, that the Establishment, was the church 
 to which he and his people belonged ; and, moreover, that 
 the minister of the Establishment, who administered the 
 sacraments to them, was their proper pastor. With these 
 views, and with the purpose of perpetuating this state of 
 things, he made itinerancy a legal part of the Methodist 
 system in this country. The second fact is, that when he 
 established a church in the United States, though no doubt 
 his desire and expectation was that itinerancy in all its 
 gradations would prevail, yet he made no provision for its 
 perpetuity. He evidently did not intend that the American 
 ministers should be considered only as preachers. Hence 
 his ordinations, his preparation of the " Sunday Service," 
 his organization of a complete church. 
t *"« 
 Without giving up itinerancy formally, it will be found, 
 on examination, that the introduction of the "station" 
 scheme is a very great and important modification of the 
 principle. Many of the " preachers in charge " are literally 
 confined to one congregation. They never preach beyond 
 the precincts of their own church, and visit no country 
 places, cottages, or anything else in the city in which they 
 reside ; — ^in point of fact, they are limited to the pastoral 
 charge of one congregation, and discharge none of the 
 work of evangelists. It is not intended by this, that these 
 men are idle, that they fail in the duties of their vocation, 
 or, in fine, that they cease to possess the spirit of real min- 
 isters. A large society and numerous congregation will 
 find enough of employment for any one man. American 
 Christians, like those nearer home, require pastoral atten* 
 tion, and earnestly demand it at the hands of their minister. 
 This, with constant preaching to the same people, fills up 
 the time, and entirely engages the labours, of " the preacher 
 in charge." 
 The internal govemment of these circuits and stations is 
 provided for in an exact manner. We find that an execu- 
 tive power, called the " Quarterly-Meeting Conference," is, 
 with the " preacher in charge," the governing body. Be- 
 sides providing funds, and discharging the secular duties 
 of the station, they possess judicial functions of some con- 
 sideration. Indeed, it seems from the Rules that they 
 constitute a court of appeal, as the last resort in all eases 
 of discipline affecting the standing or character of mem- 
 bers. The delinquent member is, in the first place, brought 
 to trial — 
 " Before the society of which he is a member, or a select number 
 of them, in the presence of a bishop, elder, deacon, or preacher. If 
 the accnsed person be found guilty by the decision of a majority of 
 the members before whom he is brought to trial, and the crime be 
 sadi as is expressly forbidden by the word of God, sufficient to ex- 
 clude a person from the kingdom of grace and glory, let the minister 
 or preacher who has the charge of the circuit expel him Never* 
 theless, if in any of the above-mentioned cases tlio minister or preacher 
 differ in judgment from the majority of the society, or the select 
 number, concerning the innocence or guilt of the accused person, the 
 trial, in such case, may be referred by the minister or preacher to 
 the ensuing quarterly-meeting conference." 
 Again : — 
 " If there be a murmur or complaint from any excluded person, in 
 any of the above-mentioned instances, that justice has not been done, 
 he shall be allowed an appeal to the next quarterly-meeting confer- 
 ence ; and the majority of travelling and local preachers, exhorters, 
 stewards, and leaders present, shall finally determine the case.*' — 
 " Discipline," pp. 99-101. Last edition, 1844. 
 This evidently places the final decision of all cases of 
 discipUne, regarding memhers in any particular station, in 
 the hands of the authorities of that station. There is no 
 appeal in these cases of moral criminaUty to any jurisdiction 
 beyond the boundaries of the local church to which the 
 accused party may belong. 
 It may be interesting to some to give one item of the 
 temporal economy of the Methodist Church through this 
 Quarterly-Meeting Conference. 
 " It shall be die duty of the said committee, appointed by the 
 above body, or one appointed for that purpose, who shall be mem- 
 bers of our church, to make an estimate of the amount necessary to 
 furnish fuel and table expenses for the family or families of the 
 preachers stationed with them, and the stewards shall provide, by such 
 means as tJiey may devise, to meet such expenses, in money or other- 
 wise." — ^^ Discipline" p. 190. Last edition, 1844. 
 It is to be hoped these committee gentlemen, who are 
 called to sit in judgment on the eating and drinking capa- 
 city of their preachers, their wives, and children, are imi- 
 formly family-men themselves, possess the sympathies of 
 parents and husbands, and do not receive their appointment 
 because of a disposition to put the poor wretches upon 
 " short commons !" 
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 (716) 172-4303 
 Subdivisions continued— The District— How constituted— The presiding Elder 
 -Rules and Laws— The several Orders of Ministers. 
 Thk district is the charge of the presiding elder, and is 
 constituted of a greater or less number of circuits or sta- 
 tions, according to the convenience of the case. Properly- 
 speaking, the presiding elder is a bishop^ and the district 
 is his diocese. He is not appointed to any local charge, and 
 travels through his district constantly for the purpose of 
 superintending its affairs. 
 The presiding elders are chosen by the bishops ; they 
 are stationed and changed by the bishops: the bishops 
 may allow a presiding elder to remain in the same district 
 for any term not exceeding four years successively ; after 
 which he shall not be appointed to the same district for 
 six years. 
 The duties of the presiding elder are, — 
 "1. To travel through his appointed district. 
 " 2. In the absence of the bishop, to take charge of all the elders 
 and deacons, travelling and local preachers, and exhorters in his 
 "3. To change, receive, and suspend preachers in his district dur- 
 ing the intervals of the conference, and in the absence of the bishop, 
 as the Discipline directs. 
 "4. In the absence of a bishop, to preside in the conference; but 
 in case there are two or more presiding elders belonging to one con- 
 ference, the bishop or bishops may, by letters or otherwise, appoint 
 the president; but if no appointment be made, or if the presiding 
 elder appointed do not attend, the conference shall, in either of these 
 cases, elect the president by ballot, without a debate, from among 
 the presiding elders. 
 " 5. To be present, as far as practicable, at all the quarterly-meet- 
 ings ; and to call together, at each quarterly meeting, a quarterly-meet- 
 ing conference, consisting of all the travelling and local preachers, ex* 
 horters, stewards, and leaders of the circuit, and none else, to hear 
 complaints, and to receive and try appeals. The quarterly-meeting 
 conference shall appoint a secretary to take down the proceedingj 
vsiding Elder 
 thereof, in a book kept by one of the stewards of the circuit, for that 
 " 6. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of the church 
 in his district, and to promote, by all proper means, the cause of 
 missions and Sunday-schools, and the publication, at our own press, 
 of Bibles, tracts, and Sunday-school books ; and carefully to inquire, 
 at each quarterly-meeting conference, whether the rules respecting 
 the instruction of children have been faithfully observed ; and to re- 
 port to the annual conference the names of all travelling preachers 
 within his district, who shall neglect to observe these rules. 
 " 7. To take care that every part of our Discipline be enforced in his 
 district. And to decide all questions of law in a quarterly-meeting 
 conference, subject to an appeal to the president of the next annual 
 conference ; but in all cases the application of law shall be with tho 
 conference." — " Discipline,^ pp. 31-33. 
 From these rules, it is evident the o£5ce of the presiding 
 elder agrees, in character, with the suffragan bishop of 
 ancient times. By right of his appointment, in the absence 
 of the bishop he presides at meetings for business ; he hears 
 appeals, and sits in judgment in cases of discipline ; he 
 travels through his district for the purpose of " overseeing " 
 its state, and putting all things in order ; and on him lies 
 the responsibiUty of seeing that all the rules^the Disci- 
 plme are observed by both preachers and peopte. But the 
 fact that all this is only done in the absence of the bishop, 
 indicates that he is, in some sort, considered as his substi- 
 tute. In point of practice, the whole falls pretty constantly 
 upon the presiding elder, in consequence of the constant 
 travelling of the bishops. We see from these laws that 
 the American Methodists are not afraid of giving power to 
 their officers sufficient to enable them fully to exercise the 
 functions of their calling. A vigorous executive is what 
 their system everjrwhere indicates ; but, at the same time, 
 this executive is responsible for all its acts. 
 Various qther ecclesiastical officers are found in one of 
 these districts. It may be proper to give them a place 
 here, that the whole case may be understood. 
 '* There are the exhmiers, who receive their license from a quarterly- 
 meeting confbreiice, and have the privilege of holding meetings fbr 
 exhortation and prayer. 
 " A piwcher is one that holds a license, and is authorized to preach 
 bnt not to baptize or administer the Lord's supper : he may be either 
 a travelling or local preacher. A local preacher generally follows 
 some secular employment for a livelihood, and preaches on the Sab- 
 bath, and at other times occasionally, without any temporal emoln- 
 ment. A travelling preacher devotes himself entirely to the work 
 of the ministry, and is supported by the people among whom he la- 
 bours. All these, after being recommended by the class to which 
 they respectively belong, or by a leaders* meeting, receive their 
 license from a quarterly-meeting conference, signed by a presiding 
 elder. I 
 " A deacon holds a parchment from a bishop, and is authorized, in 
 addition to discharging the duties of a preacher, to solemnize matri- 
 mony, to bnxy the dead, to baptize, and to assist the elder in admin- 
 istering the Lord's supper. It is his duty also to seek after the sick 
 and poor, and administer to their comfort. 
 "An e&fer, besides doing the duties above enumerated, has foil 
 authority to administer all the ordinances of God's house. These 
 generally, whenever a sufficient number can be had, have the charge 
 of circuits, and the administration of the several parts of the Disci- 
 pline of the Church."— Bangs's " History ofMethodism^^ vol i, p. 246. 
 These ^racts, it is hoped, ivill give a pretty accurate 
 notion of Inif ethodist district in the American Church> and 
 of the fi&ictions of its several officers. The gradation of 
 orders, it is seen, is very strictly observed. The exhorter, 
 the preacher, the deacon, the elder, the presiding elder, — 
 all taking their place in conformity to lavr and order ; and 
 no man, as appears, moving in any sphere without a com- 
 mission. The recommendation of ** a class," as to a man's 
 qualifications, and the power exercised by the Quarterly- 
 Meeting Conference, will appear novel to us; but, on 
 exandnation, the anomaly will not turn out to be very 
 great, neither be found very much different from our own 
 practice. * 
 Subdivisiona continued— The Episcopacy— Bishops, how appointed— Laws and 
 Regolationa— Reflections— 1%e Division of Ltdxnir amongst the Bishops- 
 Names of those who have received this OlBce— Parity of BeetioB— Popu* 
 Wb now approach a grave question : we enter upon the 
 consideration of that function hy which the Methodist 
 Church is distinguished. We are not here called upon to 
 enter into the controversies which arose on the appointment 
 of superintendents for the Methodist Church by Mr. Wes- 
 ley, or the assumption of the title of " bishop," as we have 
 seen, by these superintendents, first by themselves, and 
 then as assented to by the Conference. Our task is rather 
 to describe the nature of the oflSce, and the manner in 
 which this episcopacy has hitherto worked. 
 We begin with the appointment to the office. We have 
 already seen that Mr. Asbury refused to take upon himself 
 the episcopate, on the nomination of Mr. Wesley, till he 
 had obtained the suffrages of his brethren in Conference ; 
 so that his assumption of the duties of the stat^ assigned 
 Mm was rendered valid by the election of the body in ques- 
 tion, as well as by the nomination of the father of the 
 family. This precedent, no doubt, has had its effect in all 
 future appointments. The bishops hfive never been, from 
 that time, elected to the office by the episcopacy itself, by 
 the call of the bishops preceding them, but by the Con- 
 ference. It is necessary to give the law itself on this case. 
 The Conference enacts as follows : — 
 " QuES. 1.— How is a bishop to be constitated? ' 
 " Ans. — ^By the election of the General Conference, and the laying 
 on of the hands of three bishops, or at least of one bishop and two 
 " QuEB. — ^If, by death, expulsion, or otherwise, there be no bishop 
 remaining in our Chnrch, what shall we do ? 
 " Ans. — The General Conference shall elect a bishop ; and the 
 elders, or any three of them, who shall be appointed by die General 
 Conference for that purpose^ shall ordain him according to ova form 
 of ordination. 
 " Qttbs.— What are the duties of a bishop ? 
 " Anb. — 1. To preside in our conferences. 
 '^2. To fix the appointments of the preachers for the several dr- 
 coits, provided he shall not allow any preacher to remain in the 
 same station more than two years successively; except the presiding 
 elders, the general editor, the general book-steward and his assistant, 
 the editor and assistant-editor of the Christian Advocate and Jour- 
 nal, the editor of the Sunday-school books, the corresponding secre- 
 taries, editors, and agents at Cincinnati, the supernumerary, super- 
 annuated, and worn-out preachers, missionaries among the Indians, 
 missionaries to our people of colour, and on foreign stations, chap: 
 lains to state-prisons and military posts, those preachers that may be 
 appointed to labour for the special benefit of seamen, and for the 
 American Bible Socie^, also the preacher or preachers that may be 
 stationed in the city of New-Orleans, and the presidents, principals, 
 or teadiers of seminaries of learning, which are or may be under our 
 superintendence ; and also, when requested by an annual conference, 
 to appoint a preacher for a longer time than two years to any semi- 
 nary of learning not under our care ; provided, also, that with the 
 exceptions above named, he shall not continue a preacher in the 
 same appointment more than two years in six; nor in the same 
 dty more than four years in succession ; nor return him to it after 
 such term^j^^rvice till he shall have been absent four years. He 
 shall have VHiority, when requested by an annual conference, to ap- 
 point on ^ent, whose duty it shall be to travel throughout the> 
 bounds of such conference, for tilie purpose of establishing and aiding 
 Sabbath-schools, and distributing tracts, and also to appoint an 
 agent or agents for the benefit of our literary institutions. 
 " 3. In the intervals of the conference, to change, receive, and sus- 
 pend preachers, as necessity may require, and as the Discipline 
 " 4. To travel through the connexion at large. 
 '^5. To oversee the spiritual and temporal business of our ChurcH. 
 " 6. To ordain bishops, elders, and deacons. 
 ^' 7. To decide all questions of law in an annual conference ; sub- 
 ject to an appeal to the General Conference ; but in all cases the ap- 
 plication of law shall be with the conference. 
 " 8. The bishops may, when they judge it necessary, unite twd or^ 
 more circuits or stations together, without affecting their separate 
 financial interests, or pastoral duties. 
 " QuES. 4. — To whom is a bishop amenable for his conduct ? 
 ** Akb.— To the Gtonenl Conference, who have power to expel 
 him for improper conduct, if they see it necessary. 
 " QuBS. 5.— What provision shall be made for the trial of a bishop, 
 if he should be accused of immorality in the interval of the General 
 Conference ? 
 *' Akb.-— If a bishop be accused of immorality, three travelling 
 elders shall call upon him, and examine him on the subject; and if 
 the three elders verily believe that the bishop is guilty of the crime, 
 they shall call to their aid two presiding elders from two districts in 
 the neighbourhood of that where the crime was committed, each of 
 which presiding elders shall bring with him two elders, or an older 
 and a deacon. The above-mentioned nine persons shall form a 
 conference, to examine into the charge brought against the bishop ; 
 and if two-thirds of them verily believe him to be guilty of the crime 
 laid to his chaige, they shall have authority to suspend the bishop 
 till the ensuing General Conference, and Ihe districts shall be regu- 
 lated in the mean time as is provided in the third and fifth sections ; 
 but no accusation shall be received against a, bishop, except it be de- 
 livered in writing, signed by those who are to prove the crime ; and a 
 copy of the accusation shall be given to the accused bishop. 
 " QuES. 6. — ^K a bishop cease from travelling at large among the 
 people, shall he still exercise his episcopal office among us in any 
 degree ? 
 " AsB. — If he cease from travelling without the consent of the 
 General Conference, he shall not thereafter exercise J^ episcopal 
 office in our Church."—" Disciplines^* pp. 27-31. '^^' 
 The real genius of the American Church comes out in 
 these regulations. 
 1. We may remark, that the execi|tion of the laws and 
 discipline of the Church is invariahly committed to men, 
 not to Boards, to Committees. There is a great difference. 
 A Committee is a thing : it is an amalgamation of many 
 intellects, minds, hearts, consciences, just making — nil. A 
 Committee can do no wrong ; because, as all are suppidied 
 to do the wrong thing, none do it ! And as a Committee 
 can do no wrong* so it can suffer no punishment ! Who 
 could hang, a Committee ? Because business is done by 
 many and not by one, some parties have the idea, that more 
 freedom b secured by this arrangement, and that Commit- 
 tees cannot play the tyrant, while a man may do so. A 
 greater fallacy never entered the brain of man than thii ; 
 and all experience, whether in Church or State, will furnish 
 ample illustration. Surely, the Americana understand the 
 question of liberty pretty well ; and, no doubt, it was this 
 feeling, in connexion with other reasons, — and, among the 
 rest, the intention to have their work done, and not shelved 
 from time to time, — ^which led them to commit its execution 
 into the hands of living, tangible, moving men. 
 2. With the office and obligations of great duties, they 
 consistently give ample power for the execution of the trust. 
 In this we see no suspicions, no niggardly and petty jea- 
 lousies, no fear. A frank and noble confidence in the men 
 of their choice is manifested ; and these men, we see, are 
 sent through the churches with full credentials and powers 
 to execute their noble task. 
 S. This investiture with real authority is not nullified by 
 the miserable bondage of a load of conditions. They are 
 not sent to move through the country with a web of spi- 
 ders'- work around them at every point ; or of nets, gins, 
 pitfalls at their feet, into which at any moment they may 
 tumble ; jip has any small creature the power, by means 
 of some of these contrivances, to trip up their heels, or 
 prevent them from moving. What says the law? The 
 bishops shall " travel through the connexion." This is all. 
 It is not s{ud how fast, by what routes ; whether on foot, 
 on horseback, or in a carriage. The meaning is, they shall 
 be free to go, to execute their commission, none hindering 
 or putting obstructions in their path. There is this differ- 
 ence betwixt a little and paltry, and a great and magnani- 
 mdl», policy : the former sends its agents forth bound hand 
 and foot, as mere puppets, to execute its commission by the 
 instructions received; the latter selects competent men, 
 fumiishes the commission to act, and then gives freedom to 
 the soul, — and in this freedom is strength. No human 
 rules and canons can meet the exigences of the world ; 
 man's soul alone, taught by God's own truth and Spirit, 
 can do this. It is this prinoiple, we are persuaded, which 
 has given American Methodism its strength, its elasticity, 
 its expansion, and its triumphs. 
 4. With these powers and this freedom of action, then, 
 we find connected the principle of responsihility. But this 
 responsibility is, in the law, limited very much to the ques- 
 tion of immorality. These bishops are not put upon their 
 trial as to the observance of technical rules in their adminis- 
 tration. Any dereliction in these matters is left to circum- 
 stances, to the force of public opinion, and to the power of 
 the constitution to rectify any existing evil. The absence 
 of all fear as to any mischievous effects resulting from 
 freedom, whether possessed by a bishop in the execution 
 of his office, or by the private member in the enjoyment of 
 his privileges, is very apparent in the whole economy. 
 It may be as well to remark, at this point, that the 
 bishops are not appointed to their respective provinces, or 
 spheres of labour, by the conference. The practice is, for 
 the bishops to meet after each General Conference, and 
 settle among themselves the several parts of the work to be 
 done by each, till the meeting of the next Genetil Confer- 
 ence. By this method the same bishop is not confined 
 constantly to the same portion of the country ; they change 
 as occasion may require, and the state of the Church may 
 make expedient. 
 Some may be curious to know how these dignitaries of 
 the Church fare in the matter of living, episcopal palaces, 
 and all which pertains to the external glory of a bishop. 
 This, then, is the matter of fact ; " The annual allowance 
 of the married travelling, supernumerary, fmd superannu- 
 ated preachers, omI, the bishops, shall be two hundred dol- 
 lars, and th^r travelling expanses." — "Discipline," p. 182. 
 We find such notices as the following in Bishop Asbury's 
 Journal: — ''The weather has been unpleasant; and our 
 clothing needed improvement and increase." '*The super- 
 intendent Mdiop of the Methodist Church in America bein^ 
 reduced to two dollars, he was obliged to make his wants 
 known." This was in 1814, after he had been a bishop 
 about twenty years. 
 Under this constitution the following bishops have been 
 appointed in the American Ohuroh; namely, Dr. Coke, 
 Asbury, Whatcoat, M'Kendree, George, Roberts, Soule, 
 Hedding, Andrew, Emory, Waugh, Morris, Hamline, Janes ; 
 and in the Methodist Episcopal Ohurch South, Capers and 
 Bishop Whatcoat was an Englishman, and was recom- 
 . mended for the work by Mr. Wesley. He was evidently a 
 man of ardent piety ; a constant and successful preacher ; 
 a most amiable man, and a faithful bishop; and was, 
 moreover, greatly beloved by his brethren and the people. 
 Bishops Asbury and Whatcoat seem to have been kindred 
 spirits, and greatly attached to each other. They travel- 
 led much together, and Asbury constantly speaks in the 
 most respectful and afifectionate terms of his brother What- 
 Bishop M'Kendree is evidently, after Bishop Asbury, 
 about tlwlBrst man among the dead who ever belonged to 
 the Church : angelically devout ; fervent, holy, and affec- 
 tionate in his spirit; an ardent, pathetic, and powerful 
 preacher; constant, and indefatigable, and self-denying in 
 his labours ; and a most upright, judicious, dignified, and 
 faithful superintendent of the church. In his early days 
 the bishops had to traverse the whole continent ; and we 
 find Bishop M'Eendree taking his share in this painful toil. 
 Often, in company with his noble-minded leader, we see him 
 suffering every kind of privation and inconvenience to win 
 souls to Christ, and spread the savour of his Divine Master's 
 name. After the death of Bishop Asbury, being the senior, 
 he was called to perform very onerous duties in the affairs 
 of the Church ; and by his goodness, firmness, wisdom, and 
 entire devotion to his Master's service, succeeded in rescu- 
 ing it from many perils, as well as establishing it in 
 greiter ttaUlity and order than when he entered upon hk 
 Bishop Emory was a different man to either of the above. 
 Being educated for the law, his mind became sharpened by 
 his studies, so that he possessed great acuteness and logical 
 power. He was, however, on eminently good man, a very 
 able preacher ; and during the short time of his continuance 
 in office, displayed all the essential qualities of a most 
 excellent superintendent. He was mysteriously called away 
 (being killed by the overthrow of the vehicle in which he 
 was travelling) in the prime of life, and the prospect of 
 great usefulness. 
 As far as appears, the conference has never been moved 
 by party feelings in the choice of these important officers. 
 No low or paltry motives seem to have entered into their 
 views in conferring this responsible trust. They have 
 invariably selected fine and excellent men ; the proof of this 
 is in the fact, that no charge has ever be^n substantiated 
 against any of them. But this is low praise ; they have 
 shown themselves to be men of exalted cHaracter. With 
 such bishops, there is no danger of episcopacy being sub- 
 verted in America. 
 This system, moreover, has been, on the whole, extremely 
 well received among the people. It may, indeed, be said 
 to have been popular ; and the few attempts which have 
 been made to subvert the episcopacy, have been utterly 
 fruitless. It is clear, that the people affectionately reve- 
 rence these men of God ; and not the less, but the more, 
 for their being bishops. There is, indeed, nothing in them 
 to offend the most simple, the most republican, taste. 
 Sacerdotal habiliments were attempted at first, but, meeting 
 with opposition, were soon laid aside. It is no^, likely, in a 
 country where the President of the States, tibe Speakers of 
 the Senate and Congress, the judges and counsel of the 
 courts, all appear in plain attire, that robes of office would 
 be very palatable in the Methodist priesthood. Religion 
 itaetf if the power of these holy men; the people 
 their character, and esteem them for their work's sake ; and 
 were it not for this, coupled with great and disinterested 
 labours, the Methodist episcopacy would undoubtedly soon 
 come to an end. 
 Subdivlsloiis eonthnwd— Th« Annual Conftnno*— Howeonatitutod— lUFnnc- 
 ^lona— Electi Delegatas \o the 0«nenl Conference. 
 The Annual Oonferences are forty in number, and embrace 
 the whole area of the United States. An Annual Confer- 
 ence means, among other things, a territorial district, 
 defined by the general laws. Each preacher of the body 
 in America belongs, ministerially, to one of these Annual 
 Conferences, and not to the general Church. In the ordi- 
 nary course of things, he consequently moves within the 
 limits of this ecclesiastical demarcation ; and if he remove 
 to any other conference, he is transferred to the new sphere 
 by the proper authorities. 
 The conference assembly is composed of all the travel- 
 ling preachers of the district in question ; and this meeting 
 is presided over by a bishop. The business of this assembly 
 consists of the ordinary routine, and it has no legislative 
 functions whatever. The usual questions are asked as to 
 " What preachers are admitted on trial ? Who remain on 
 trial? Who are admitted into full connexion? Who are 
 tiie deacons ? Who have been elected and ordained elders 
 this year? Who have been elected, by the suffrages of the 
 General Conference, to exercise the episcopal office, and 
 superintend the Methodist Episcopal Church in America ? 
 Who have located this year ? Who are the supernumera- 
 ries ? Who are the superannuated or worn-out preachers 
 ■tiiis year?" &o. If chaiges are found against any of the 
 preachers, they are put upon thdr trial at this tribunal, 
 witk ttM right of Appeal againtt ito deoUons to the OenenJ 
 Oonfeienee. Monetary matten are adjuated at thii meet- 
 ing, and acoounta received from the otfouita and stationa. 
 The preachers here reoeiye their appointment! for the year, 
 within the hounds of the conference, and always by the 
 authority of the bishop. 
 It is evident from aU this, that the Annual Conference 
 is chiefly an administrative body. It is the meeting of the 
 preachers with the bishop, for the transaction of the busi- 
 ness of ^e Church in that particular department. Of course, 
 they have enough to do. The conferences often consist of 
 one hundred, and sometimes near two hundred, preachers ; 
 and to settle the business of their several circuits, and adjust 
 what may be out of order, will require much time and 
 talent. On the approach of a General Conference, these 
 local bodies elect their delegates to attend, the proportion 
 being one representative for every twenty-one preachers. 
 These Annual Conferences, of necessity, exercise great 
 moral influence within their own sphere ; and they possess 
 certain constitutional rights, which the General Conference 
 cannot annul ; and when these constitutional righta come in 
 the way of that body, they cannot move without the con- 
 currence of three-fourths of the votes of the preachers 
 composing these Annual Conferences. 
 Subdiviiioiu continued— Tlie General C!onferenc6— Dr. Banga's Account of it* 
 formation— Ita Powera— Fundamental Mnciplea— Reflectlona. 
 The General Conference, as a distinct institution, did not 
 come into existence for several years after Methodism had 
 assumed great strength. The accoimt given by Dr. Bangs 
 will place this subject in its true light, which we now give. 
 Under the date of 1702, he says, — 
 ■Yf ; 
 ' '- Aa has been seen in the preceding pages, the general •4ttl of 
 the Church had been conducted heretofore chiefly in the sevenu an- 
 nnal conferences, which were considered only as so many parts of 
 the whole body; for nothing was allowed binding upon all, unless it 
 were approved of by each and every of these separate conferences. 
 It is true, that the Christmas conference of 1 784, at which die Chnrch 
 was oiganized, was considered a General Conference, because all 
 the preadiers were invited to attend, for the transaction of the im- 
 portant business then and there to be subD*itted to them ; and, there- 
 fore, the acts and doings of that conference were considered to be 
 binding upon the whole Church. As the woric continually increased, 
 and spread over sudi a large and extended territory, it was found 
 impracticable for all the preachers to assemble annually in one place, 
 widiout too great a consumption of tune and expense ; and hence the 
 practice which had been adopted of appointing several conferences 
 in the same year in different parts of the country, for the convenience 
 of both the bishop and the preachers : but as one of these conferences 
 could not make laws for all the rest, nor yet all the rest for that one 
 without its consent; and as it was not likely that so many indq)en- 
 (lent bodies could be brought to harmonize in all things pertaining 
 to the welfiEure of the Church ; there was danger from this state of 
 things, of a dissolution of the body, and the establishment of a num- 
 ber of separate and distinct communities, acting independently of 
 each other. 
 " To prevent evils of this diaracter, and to create a centre of tmion 
 to the entire body, the council had been instituted ; but this unpopu- 
 lar measure, not answering the end of its organization, was, by gene- 
 ral consent, dissolved, and a General Conference called in its place. 
 This was, it seems, agreed upon by the several annual conferences 
 which had been held this year. 
 " This conference assembled in the city of Baltimore, on the first 
 day of November, 179S, and Was composed of all the travelling 
 preachers who had been received into full connexion. As this was 
 ronsidered the firbt regular General Conference, and as those who 
 composed it came together under an expectation that very impor- 
 tant matters would be transacted, it seems proper to give a particular 
 account of their acts and doings. Dr. Coke had returned from 
 Europe, and presided, conjointiy with Bishop Asbury, over their 
 " As there were no restrictions upon the powers of this conference, 
 the entire discipline of the Church came up for review and revision ; 
 biU to prevent, as far as possible, any impiropef innovation upon ex- 
 isting rules, or the premature adoption of new regulations, they 
 agreiid that * it shall take two-thirds of all die. members of <he con- 
 feience to make any new role, or abolish an old one ; bat a mi^orily 
 may alter or amend any role.' 
 "They soon had an opportunity to tiy the strength of this role in 
 preserving them fit>man innovation upon established nsage, in respect 
 to the power ofstiitioning the preachers."— Bangs's " Hi$lory of Metho- 
 dism^^ vol. i, pp. 342-344. 
 "Another General Conference was held in 179A, and at tiiis con- 
 ference the discretionary power of the bishops to assemble as many 
 annual conferences as they pleased was taken away, and the number 
 limited to six. 
 "In 1806, Bishop Asbury submitted a proposition to all the an- 
 nual conferences, in which he proposed, for the first time, the estab- 
 lishment of a delegated General Conference. As it was deemed 
 proper to secure perfect unanimity on so grave a question, this was 
 defeated by Jesse Lee, who induced the Virginia Conference to ob- 
 ject."— Bangs's ''Hiatory of Methodism," vol. ii, p. 177. 
 " In 1808, this question was brought to a decision in favour of the 
 measure, by the adoption, on the part of the General Conference, of 
 the following recommendation of a committee appointed to consider 
 the subject:^ — 
 " ' l^ereas it is of the greatest importance that the doctrine, form 
 of government, and general rules of the united societies in America 
 be preserved sacred and inviolate ; and whereas every prudent mea- 
 sure should be taken to preserve, strengthen, and perpetuate the 
 union of the connexion ; 
 " ' Therefore, your committee, upon mature deliberation, have 
 thought it advisable, that the third section of the form of discipline 
 shall be as follows' — adopting the principle."- Bangs's ^^ History of 
 Methodism," vol. ii, p. 229. 
 It only remains to give the constitution of this supreme 
 assembly of the American Episcopal Church :— 
 "1. The General Conference shall be composed of one member for 
 every twenty -one members of each annual conference, to be appointed 
 either by seniority or choice, at the discretion of such annual con- 
 ference ; yet, so that such representatives shall have travelled at least 
 four full calendar years fipom the time that they were received on 
 trial by an annual conference, and are m full connexion at tbe time 
 of holding the conference. 
 " 2. The General Oonferenoe shall meet on.the first day of May, 
 in the year of oiur Lord 1812, in the city of New- York, and thence- 
 forward on the first day of May, once in. four yean. perpetually, in 
 such place or places as shall be fixed on by ihe General Conftoenoe 
 from time to time ; bat the general superintendents, with or by the 
 advice of all the Annual Conferences, or, if there be no general super- 
 intendent, all the Annual Conferences respectively shall have power 
 to call a General Conference, if they judge it necessary at any time. 
 ** 3. At all times when the General Conference is met, it shall take 
 two-thirds of the representatives of all the Annual Cimferences to 
 make a quorum fbr transacting business. 
 "4. One of the general superintendents shall preside in the Gene- 
 ral Conference ; but in case no general superintendent be present, 
 the General Conference shall choose a president, |>ro tem. 
 " 5. The General Conference shall have fall powers to make rules 
 and regulations for our Church, under the following limitations and 
 restrictions, viz : — 
 ** (1.) The General Conference shall not revoke, alter, or change 
 our Articles of Religion, nor establish any new standard or rules of 
 doctrine contrary to our present existing and established standards 
 of doctrine. 
 " (2.) They shall not allow of more than one representative for 
 every fourteen members of the Annual Ccmference, nor allow of a less 
 number than one for every thirty : provided, nevertiieless, that when 
 there shall be in any Annual Coi^erence a fraction of two-thirds the 
 number which shall be fixed fw the ratio of representation, sudi An- 
 nual Conference shall be entitied to an additi<mal delegate for such 
 fi-action ; and provided, also, that no Conference shall be denied the 
 privilege of two delegates. 
 *' ( 3.) They shall not change or alter any part or rule of our gov- 
 ernment, so as to do away episcopacy, or destroy the plan of our 
 itinerant general superintendency. 
 " (4.) They shall not revoke or change the general rules of the 
 United Societies. 
 • " (5.) They shall not do away the privileges of our ministers or 
 preachers, of trial by a committee, and of an appeal : neither shall 
 they do away the privileges of our members, of trial before the soci- 
 ety, w by a committee, and of an appeal. 
 " (6.) They shall not appropriate the produce of the Book-C(Hicem, 
 wa of the Charter Fund, to any purpose other than for the benefit of 
 the travelling, supernumerary, superannuated, and worn-out preach- 
 ers, their wives, widows, and children. Provided, nevertheless, that 
 upon the concurrent recommendation of three-fourths of all the mem- 
 ben of the several Annual Conferences, who shall be present and 
 ▼ote <» such recommendation, then a minority of two-thirds of the 
 GeniMl Gonferrace svoeeeding shall sufBce to alter any of the above 
rales of the 
 restrictions, excepting the first article ; and also, whenever such alte- 
 ration or alterations shall have heen first reconunended by two-thirds 
 (tf the General Conference, so soon as three-fourths of ^e members 
 of all tiie Annual Oonferences shall have concurred as aforesaid, such 
 Alteration or alterations shall take effect"—" DUdpHneJ* pp. 21-24. , 
 Here, then, we have the Magna Charta of Methodism 
 ia the States. This document indicates the good sense and 
 the diligent forethought of those who framed it. We see 
 from it, that the American Methodists are no revolutionists, 
 and that they desire to escape such a catastrophe. The 
 legislative power is not at liberty to alter anything deemed 
 fundamental. This limits the functions of the assembled 
 ministers within what may be considered a settled and fully 
 recognized constitution. This constitution supposes various 
 points as already settled, to which all agree, and which are 
 not to be disturbed. 
 The doctrines of the Church are among these fundamental 
 principles. Here innovation generally begins, when churches 
 decline. The loss of vital religion always causes the truthn 
 of the evangeUcal system to become tasteless. Or, perhaps, 
 rather, these truths being found antagonistic to a bad life, 
 or a state of spiritual sloth, they are hated on account of 
 the irritation and condemnation which they inflict. But, 
 more than this, when religion is itself given up, in its expe* 
 rience and holiness, these doctrines are not wanted ; no one 
 needs the spirit-stirring instructions of thr.k gospel to teach 
 him to go to sleep, to live in sin. BeM/es this tendency, 
 there is always found another, namely, \iha.i of adventurous 
 speculation. One age is never sati cied with the past. 
 While praising the great men of form/jr times, yet still we 
 generally thmk we can improve on th^ir intellectual lAours, 
 and do something better for ourseli'es than they could do 
 for us. The ," go-ahead '* principle^ so rife in America, in 
 political and social matters, is not absent from the genius 
 of its theologians. They seem to be much tempted to drive 
 criticism to something beyond its legitimate province, and 
 to push their inquiries into the spiritual world beyond what 
 is revealed. The age and the circumstances of the country 
 favour this sort of adventurous spirit. It must consequently, 
 be considered a wise arrangement, that the great truths 
 of the evangelical system, embodied in their Articles of Reli- 
 grion, are not to be altered, — are not, indeed, to be discussed. 
 Another fundamental point is the episcopacy. This, as 
 we see, is not left an open question. The Church, through 
 all time to come, is to be the Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 This ^actment, it must be recollected, was adopted after 
 this form of church government had been upon its trial for 
 several years. It had, consequently, been tested as to its 
 working, in respect to the general ministry, the conserva- 
 tion of order, and the progress of reli^on ; and in all these 
 particulars had approved itself to general acceptance. It 
 must be remembered also, that the men who sanctioned 
 this principle as final, were the ministers themselves, — ^the 
 parties most interested in the question ; and their approval 
 is to be taken as complete evidence that, in their judgment, 
 the episcopacy was considered both Scriptural and profita- 
 ble. The overthrow of episcopacy would, consequently, 
 perfectly revolutionize the Church. 
 ' The " General Rules" of the society are equally held as 
 sacred. These are not to be touched by the le^lative 
 body. This is important, and promises to be one means of 
 perpetuating true reli^on for ages to come. . 
 The right of a " fair trial" of the preacher by his peers 
 — which means, that liberty and an impartial treatment 
 shall be secured — ^is equally inviolate. This point is not to 
 be discussed or altered. 
 Ottibr subjects, which relate to property, are not deemed 
 so sacred. But though left open to revision, this is to be 
 effected in the most cautious manner, and numerous, safe- 
 guards are placed around the law. These are very import- 
 ant provisions, and promise to check any rash tendency to 
 innovation, which may from time to time arise. 
 Subdivision* continued— The AuUior't preience at the Fitttboigh General 
 Conference— Impressions— The Bishops— The Ministers— Mode of Debate- 
 Decorum and Order— Questions at Issue— Mode of conducting Appeal Cases 
 In Pittsburgh, in the year 1848, it was the author's good 
 fortune to be present at one of these General Conferences. 
 It was an era in the history of Methodism in the United 
 States. The great division of the Church between the 
 North and the South had taken place four years before, 
 and this had not produced satisfaction and peace. Strong 
 feelings and passions prevailed ; the minds of the ministers 
 were much agitated ; and business of great importance had 
 to engage their attention. In this state of things, it might 
 be expected that the assembly could not preserve its usAd 
 order and decorum ; that strong feelings would excite cor- 
 responding langui^e ; and that, consequently, some disor- 
 der would ensue. Nothing of this kind, however, disturbed , 
 the proceedings for a moment. 
 As a matter of course, the attention of a stranger would 
 be first directed to the highest officers of the Church — ^the 
 Bishops. They were all present, five in number — ^Hedding, 
 Morris, Waugh, Hamline, and Janes. The three first named 
 are men in years, especially Bishop Hedding ; the other 
 two are in the prime of life. They preside in turn, begin- 
 ning with the senior, whose business it is to open the Con- 
 ference. This is usually done by reading a written docu- 
 ment of considerable length, entering upon the general 
 state, prospects, and duties of the Church — somewhat 
 after the manner of the Message of the President of the 
 United States. 
 These grave and dignified officers constitute what might 
 be fitly called " the Bench of Bishops," only they happen 
 to sit in chairs. They are seated by themselves, facing, of 
 course, the assembly, on a platform, elevated, it may be, 
 two feet above the common level of the floor. None share 
 with them the distinction of this position. The secretary 
 and his assistants are placed at a table on the floor of the 
 house ; and no other officers, of any sort, or for any pur- 
 pose, are tolerated in the assembly. 
 The spirit and demeanour of the Bishops could not but 
 excite attention. "How do they conduct themselves in 
 their high office ?" was a natural question. It was soon 
 answered. The bearing of these men of God was perfectly 
 imiform ; there was no deviation. It is difficult to describe 
 it ; just as what is pre-eminently beautiful, excellent, and 
 morally sublime, refuses to submit to the touch of- the most 
 perfect artist. It is not enough to say, that it was digni- 
 fied, grave, judicious, impartial, commanding. It was all 
 this; but all this with much more combined. There is 
 always in mental and religious excellence an intangible, an 
 impalpable power, glory, of the soul, which cannot be de- 
 scribed. It is this inward and spiritual force which gives 
 to the several faculties their strength and elevation ; and 
 when these faculties are so balanced as to receive the hid- 
 den impulse equably, and transmit it to practical and useful 
 purposes, then greatness is produced. This was manifest 
 in these eminent officers: and it was never the writer's 
 good fortune to behold a class of men who gave him 
 such an ideal of what bishops ought to be, as in these 
 American hriaKonoi. 
 It is not customary for the bishops to take part in the 
 debates, or in any way to interfere with the proceedings of 
 Conference, except on questions of law and order. Two or 
 three occasions arose in connexion with poinij of law, when 
 one of the bishops expounded its meaning with great clear- 
 ness and logical precision. The bishops seem to be perfect 
 masters of all constitutional questions, and also of the com- 
 plicated details of busuiess. When they had occasion to 
 interpret any matter of order, being appealed to for that 
 purpose, all parties inyariably acquiesced ; not an objection 
 was ever raised, or any infringement attempted. Some 
 persons may imagine that all this must reduce these (^oers 
 to mere ciphers. Not so. They possess great influence, 
 and are treated with undeviating reverence and respect. 
 Their moderation, in fact, is their power. By not attempt- 
 ing, to do too much, they possess the means of doing every- 
 thing which their station requires from them. 
 The great body of mimsters appeared to be, on the 
 whole, very able and good men. There was clearly an en- 
 tire absence of party, and party spirit, and, consequently, 
 of party leaders. No man appeared in this latter charac- 
 ter. There is nothing answering, as far as could be seen, 
 to Tory and Whig, in their church politics. No number 
 of men were seen acting together as the type of any parti- 
 cular class of opinions. They seemed aUke desirous of pro- 
 moting the common cause ; and persons who had given 
 their votes together on one question, would give them 
 against each other on the next. This absence of party 
 spirit not only gave the appearance, but the reality, of per- 
 fect independence. • No man is bound to the opinions or 
 the interests of another ; and, right or wrong in his judg- 
 ment, certainly every one acts for himself, and gives a sin- 
 cere and conscientious vote. There is no embarrassment 'm 
 consequence of this state of things. No preacher ever 
 thinks of impugning another's character as something ana- 
 logous to radical, because he gives his suffirages in a parti- 
 cular way. He speaks, votes, stands up, in perfect fearless- 
 ness as to the consequences of the side he takes. There 
 is no low Methodism and high Methodism, no ins and outs, 
 no government and its partisans to keep in office, or to re- 
 move. Methodism is one ; and every person seems intent 
 on giving it his best support. 
 The debates of the Conference, to an Englishman, are 
 somewhat strange tiU the matter is understood. The fact 
 qI the existence of a constitution, designated *^ The Disci- 
 pline," is always present in the mind of the speaker. A 
 subject is scarcely eyer discussed on its merits, but always 
 in reference to this constitution. Every question falls under 
 some law and rule ; and this is inyariably the starting-point 
 with the speaker. How the matter squares with the law, 
 and how it may be disposed of constitutionally, are the 
 subjects argued. This, of necessity, produces some amount 
 of stiflfness in the style of speaking, and the logical faculty 
 is much more in requisition than that of impassioned ora- 
 tory. These men certainly excel in the use of sound, sober, 
 clear reasoning. This habit produces great self-possession. 
 The calmness of the preachers in their debates is truly 
 astonishing. Nothing hurried, perturbed, indistinct, or 
 confused, ever appears — not even in the youngest. This is 
 a remarkable characteristic of American debate, and is pos- 
 sessed in an eminent degree by these ministers. Self-com- 
 mand seems to produce distinctness of enunciation, so that 
 every one is enabled to say what is in his mind to utter. 
 These debates were invariably conducted, on the part of the 
 speakers, in the spirit and manner of men having the most 
 perfect respect for the understanding and capacity of their 
 auditory. No clap-trap finesse, or attempt to play upon 
 the passions or fancy of others, ever appeared. This, con- 
 sidering that th3se debates take place in the presence of 
 the public and the public press, is rather singular. But 
 certainly no speech, while I remained, was delivered in 
 reference to popular taste or prejudices, and the people 
 were never mentioned with the idea of invoking their suf- 
 frages ; indeed, for aught which appeared in the proceed- 
 ings, they might not have been present at all. 
 The rules of debate and good order are admirably pre- 
 served. There was not, in my presence, an instance of the 
 least confusion. No man ever interrupted another, ex6ept 
 very occasionally, on a point of order, and the interposing 
 party invariably did it in the most courteous manner ; the 
 appeal wa9 always to the chur, no third party ever inter- 
 fering ; and, when the chair had decided, no one ever dis- 
 puting the award. In listening to these ministers of reli- 
 gion for a fortnight, truth obliges me to say, that I never 
 heard an angry tone, an uncourteous word, tiie employment 
 of a single sarcasm, the use of any kind of personality, any, 
 the least attempt, to throw odium upon an opponent, or 
 refer to the opinions of others otherwise than with the 
 most perfect respect. If good breeding constitutes a Ohris- 
 tian gentleman, then most certainly this assembly of minis- 
 ters may be pronounced most emphatically as Christian 
 We have said that the Conference did not indicate that 
 they were divided into parties, or placed themselves under 
 leaders. This is not intended to insinuate that th^y have 
 no leading men. That is impossible. The master-spirits 
 in any assembly are soon perceived. They could not be 
 mistaken in the American Conference. It required no long 
 time to find out who possessed the mastery of mind. This, 
 however, in every case was borne with great modesty. No 
 intellectual puppy appeared on the stage. I was surprised 
 at this, because I understood that great numbers of yoimg 
 men attended these Conferences, and that, moreover, these 
 scions of exuberant life often delivered themselves with 
 sufficient confidence. It was said at the Pittsburgh Con- 
 ference, that an unusual number of young men were present. 
 There must be some mistake in this. Because the old men 
 who used to take part in public assemblies are absent, 
 some in the grave, and others from debility, it is often taken 
 for granted that those who take their place must be young 
 men. Ah, how easy it is to lose sight of the progress of 
 time ! At this Conference there was present certainly a 
 considerable number of old men; hardly one belonging to 
 the delegates could be properly considered as young, whilst 
 the greater number were men in or above middle life. 
 Many of these are the princes of the people. It would be 
 easy to mention theu: names ; there is a temptation to it ; 
 ..4s«i:.,._ , 
 nothing oould give greater pleasure; but deticaoy for- 
 Tlie great subjects of debate at this Conference related 
 to the division of the Ohurch into the Methodist Episcopal 
 Ohurch, and the Methodist Episcopal Ohurch, SouUi. This 
 division had taken place four years before; but various 
 pomts still remained unsettled. These divided themselves 
 into the constitutional question, as to whether the Confer- 
 ence possessed the power to make such a division at all ; — 
 the boundary-line which had been agreed upon ; — ^the divi- 
 sion of the property of the Book-Concern ; — and the fra- 
 ternal recognition of the delegate who had been sent from 
 the Southern Church. 
 As the gentleman sent by the South was present, this 
 latter question came on first for settlement. After con- 
 siderable debate, it was unanimously agreed that, till the 
 matters in dispute were finally arranged, he could not be 
 received. The persons who took part in the debate were 
 very firm and decided, but perfectly calm and courteous in 
 their language. And though, for the present, the Confer-^ 
 ence could not fraternize with their brethren in the south, 
 Dr. Pierce, their representative, was invited to take a seat, 
 as a private gentleman, with them. This he did not deem 
 it right to do ; and when he appeared in Conference at all, 
 he took his place among the strangers. 
 The boundaiy question, after being sent to a committee, 
 was disposed of by abolishing the settlement altogether ; 
 so that each party is at liberty to make reprisals upon the 
 other, and extend their operations as best they can. This 
 must lead to painful collisions. The ministers upon the 
 borders will be brought into perplexing and miserable dis- 
 putes with each other ; it is to be feared, to the great in- 
 jury of true reli^on and Christian charity. Both parties 
 seem determined to exert their utmost strength, and are 
 confident of the ultimate triumph of their principles. 
 The Book-Concern dispute was setUed, so far as the ac- 
 turn of the Conference was concerned, by referring the mat- 
 ter to — I think — four gentlemen, not of the Methodist 
 communion, whose arlutration was to be final.* 
 But the constitutional p<nnt which had been raised could 
 not be decided.f How was it possible that the supreme 
 legislative body could agree that a former act of the same 
 body was unconstitutional ? The difficulty, however, gave 
 rise to a proposition, on the part of Bishop Hedding, as the 
 organ of his colleagues, to appoint a body of men whose 
 office should be to determine on the constitutional nature 
 of the enactments of the legislature, (that is, the Confer- 
 ence,) with a power to arrest the progress of any such 
 enactments. I confess I was greatly surprised at this pro- 
 posal for the moment ; till, recollecting that a similar prin- 
 ciple prevailed in the civil constitution of the United States, 
 the astonishment ended. This power in the civil state be- 
 longs to the judges of the Supreme Court. The idea seems 
 to ground itself on the sovereignty of the people. The 
 people, universally considered, are supposed, in convention, 
 to have framed and assented to the constitution by which 
 they are governed ; that the legislative bodies are not om- 
 nipotent, but subordinate to the sovereign power, this 
 power being the people ; and that they have not, and can- 
 not have, the right to infringe on the principles and provi- 
 sions of this constitutional system so agreed upon by the 
 sovereign power. But, to secure this provision inviolate, it 
 was found necessary to deposit a power of judging of the 
 acts of the legislature somewhere ; and it was determined 
 [* By a {urovlsion for arbitration, sliould it be found practicable and legal ; if 
 not, the question of arbitration was ordered to be refened to tlie Annual Con- 
 i;t It was decided that, in view of the ftet that one of the provisions of the 
 Plan of 1844 had been made dependent upon the concurrence of three-fourths 
 of the members of the several Annual Conferences, and had failed to obtain 
 that concurrence ; and in view bf the fact, also, that the boundary provisions, 
 which formed a condition of the resolutions adopted, had been violated by the 
 Church, South ; that the General Conference was not bound to observe the 
 proviaiow of said Plan ; and it was, therefore, declared null wi void.] 
 to give it to the bigheat judicial functionaries b the 
 land ; that u, to the Supreme Court, answering, in some 
 sense, to our Oourt of Chancery. This power not only ex- 
 ists, but has, on some occasions, been exercised; and acts 
 of the American Parliament have been arrested by this 
 In like manner, constitutional difficulties having sprung 
 up in connexion with the division of the Church, and the 
 legality of the enactment by which it was effected being 
 disputed, the bishops found themselves in a dilemma, and, 
 to prevent future perplexities of the same sort, they pro- 
 posed the above-mentiohed court. The subject had not 
 come on for decision when I left, and I believe the pro- 
 position fell to the ground ; probably for the want of a 
 suitable body to whom to refer questions of such grave 
 The General Conference is a court of appeal, as well as 
 a legislative body ; and, of course, numerous appeals come 
 up for adjudication every four years. The practice is, that 
 the appellant, either in his own person, or by the employ- 
 ment of one of the preachers as his counsel, shall have the 
 privilege of an impartial hearing and settlement of his 
 cause. I witnessed two of these appellant causes, conduct- 
 ed, in one case, by the appellant in person, and in the other 
 by one of the ministers. 
 In order clearly to understand this, it is necessary to give 
 the rule on the subject. 
 ** In all the above-mentioned cases, it shall be the duty of the sc* 
 cretary of the Annual Conference to keep regnlar minutes of the trial, 
 inducUng all the questions proposed to the witnesses, and their an- 
 swers, together with the crime with which the accused is chaiged, 
 the specification or specifications, and also preserve all the docu- 
 ments relating to the case ; which minutes and documents only, in 
 case of an appeal firom the decision of an Annual Oonferende, shall 
 be presented to the General Conference, in evidence on the case. 
 And in all cases, when an appeal is made, and admitted by the Ge- 
 neral Conference, the appellant shall either state personally or by 
 his representative (who shall be a member of the Conference) the 
 gronndt of hif appeal, ihowing caoie why iio appeals, and he shall 
 be allowed to make his defence without interraption. After which 
 the representatiyes of the Annual Conferenea, from uIwml- decision 
 the appeal is made, shall be pennitted to respond in presence of the 
 appellant, who shall hare the priyilege of replying to Midi represen- 
 tatives, which shall close the pleadings on both sides."— " i^'fci- 
 pHne" pp. 78, 74. 
 Tho first case to be mentioned is that of an unhappy 
 mght, not accused of immorality, but of embroiling Uie 
 people, and throwing the Church into a state of perfect 
 confusion. This had taken, place again and again ; and at 
 length it was found necessary to arrest the evil, and put 
 the culprit upon his trial. He had been found guilty, and 
 sentenced to suspension. This case came on by appeal, 
 and the appellant appeared in person. He had been, 
 among other things, a great mesmerist, and something else 
 which I did not understand, connected with the same sci> 
 ence. It was my fortune to listen to this odd subject for 
 half a day ; that is, during the morning sitting. He con- 
 ducted his defence with great ability, of its kmd. We had 
 from him a profusion of wit, raillery, sarcasm ; he dealt 
 heavy blows against his judges ; but all with that sort of 
 sang frwd which indicates the absence of malice. It was 
 evident enough, from his defence, that he could not live 
 without throwing around himself the smoke and fire of all 
 manner of confusion and mischief. But, with this tendency, 
 he was not devoid of great acuteness and powers of 
 The Annual Conference to which this scapegrace be- 
 longed, had sent his case to a committee, and on their 
 report had formed then: decidon. It vrill be seen by the 
 law, that the secretary of the Annual Conference is required 
 to preserve "the questions and answers." The secretary, 
 in this case, was not a member of the conmiittee ; and in 
 his absence they had appointed one from their own number. 
 The documents were perfectly regular, and had been de- 
 posited with the secretary, but had not been taken down 
 by that officer of the Annual Oonference. With great tact, 
 the appelkint pleaded this m bar of the decision against 
 him. But he did not rest his cause on technical questions. 
 He went through the whole case, lampooning eyerybody 
 who came in his way; and berating the parties among 
 the people with whom he had quarrelled in a most un< 
 merciful manner. All this was done, it must be recollect- 
 ed, in the presence of the pubUc, and the public press. 
 Had it taken place in this kingdom, it would have thrown 
 the whole Church into confusion from one end of the coun- 
 try to the other. Such, however, is the difference of man- 
 ners in the two communities, that nobody seemed to care 
 anything about it. 
 But, during all this outpouring of invective, no human 
 creature ever interrupted this man. And he was not only 
 unassailed, but not the least confusion or disorder took 
 place. The Annual Conference delegated their defence to 
 one of their members, who very ably replied. The contrast 
 was great. The harshest thing he said — ^what everybody 
 could easily perceive — ^was, that brother so and so possessed 
 " all manner of sense but common sense." The argument 
 of the appellant on the law question was submitted to the 
 decision of the bishops. They, like impartial judges, gave 
 the prisoner the benefit of a doubt, and pronounced that 
 the omission of the secretary's copy, according to rule, was 
 fatal to the trial ; and that the case must go back to the 
 Annual Conference. 
 The other case was not conducted by the appellant in 
 person, but by Dr. Holdich. The form of the argument, 
 the appeals to law, the technical objections raised, the 
 eloquence and zeal evinced, might have led a spectator to 
 suppose himself listening to an appeal case before the 
 Privy Council, or in the House of Lords. The whole 
 subject was managed with an ability, regularity, and order, 
 both on the part of the counsel and the coiurt, which would 
 have done credit to any tribunal of justice in the world. 
 These cases impressed me with the idea, that the personal 
 rights and privileges of the Methodist preachers, in the 
 American body, were held as very sacred things. 
 One other matter remains — ^the privilege of petition. 
 Numerous petitions were presented on various subjects, and 
 great numbers were read at length. The most numerous 
 class related to the division of the Church. Many societies 
 on the borders of the division, which held anti-slavery 
 views, had, by the arrangement, been placed on the South 
 side of the line of demarcation, and handed over to the 
 pro-slavery church. These parties felt greatly aggrieved. 
 They remonstrated not only in energetic terms agiunst the 
 impropriety of being incorporated with the South, but they 
 argued the question in all its breadth ; and some of them 
 with great force and ability. These, and all other petitions 
 of the people, were recdved with great deference, and 
 many of them read in full, and sent for investigation to their 
 appropriate committees. 
 One word on these committees. They are appointed on 
 the opening of the Conference, and embrace all the subjects 
 which can come before the attention of that body. They 
 sit concurrently, during the whole period of the session, 
 and usually meet in the afternoon of each day. We had 
 Committees on the Episcopacy — on the State of the Church 
 —on the Itinerancy— on the Missions— on the* Sunday- 
 Schools — on the Temperance question — on the Boundary 
 subject — on the Book-Concern, &c. ; so that, instead of ap- 
 pointing a committee to consider separate matters of inter- 
 est, everything needing the examination of such a body was 
 sent to one of these standing committees. 
 Such, in substance, was the Pittsburgh Conference. 
 There was much to admire in the parties present, merely 
 considered as men. They exhibited, with religion, the real 
 American character. Individualism is one of its obvious 
 characteristics. But this is not selfish, egotistic, or flippant 
 and vain. It is rather the exhiUtion of the freedom of the 
 '^ J 
 soul, connected with calm judgment and conscious strength. 
 Deliberation in the movements of the miud, in speech, in 
 coming to a decision, is an evident feature of American 
 character. Nobody seems to be in a hurry, to indulge in 
 fidgety feelings, impassioned exclamations, or haste, either 
 in mind or body. This affects the character of their oratory. 
 There is infinitely less of the impassioned, the figurative, 
 the ornate, than among us ; but much more of the force of 
 reason, of natural logic. I was surprised at this, after 
 hearing so much of American violence and passion ; and 
 also considering the exciting atmosphere in which some of 
 them live. There appears, indeed, some difference betwixt 
 the northern and southern men ; but the latter were less 
 fiery than might be expected. 
 In its aggregate character, the Conference may be con- 
 sidered as near whiat is desirable as it seems possible to 
 carry the order of a large deliberative assembly. All things 
 combined to produce this effect. The dignified impartiality 
 of the presiding bishops on the one hand, and the willing 
 deference paid to them on the other ; the establishment of 
 exact and well-digested rules of debate, not only in written 
 codes, but as carried out in practice, and the scrupulous 
 regard paid to them by all parties ; the avoidance of all irri- 
 tating modes of address in reference to each other, toge- 
 ther with perfect courtesy in language and bearing constantly 
 manifested ; the absence of all party strife, and the appa- 
 rently simple purpose of every one to bring his best facul- 
 ties to support the common cause cf Christ ; the religious 
 spirit blending, like heavenly unction and influence, with all 
 things, and impressing them with purity and piety ; — ^in 
 fine, the fear of God, and the love of each other, all 
 tended to present a picture such as the mind loves to 
 dwell upon, and desires to see prevail everywhere. Were 
 there, then, no blots and drawbacks ? no dark shades ? 
 I only report what I saw, and the impressions left on 
 my own mmd. Illusions are common, sometimes plea- 
 sant ; but what one sees with one's eyes, can hardly be an 
 illusion. / ' - 
 This, then, is the Church of John Wesley. He did not 
 consider Methodism in England, in his days, as a Church, 
 but as Christian societies.. He felt himself free to act in 
 respect to America ; and we have a right to infer, that had 
 he entertained any other notion of what a real Christian 
 Church ought to be, he would have attempted its estab- 
 lishment. He gave them the platform of their present 
 episcopacy ; and, consequently, this was his " ideal of a 
 Church." He, indeed, refused to call his superintendents 
 bishops; but that is of no consequence; he gave the 
 order and the office, and the name followed as a matter 
 of course. 
 No doubt this agreed with his most cherished and ma- 
 ture opinions. At the period he established this order of 
 things, he could have little temptation to falsify his own 
 convictions by doing a thing repugnant to his judgment. 
 He was nearly at the end of his eventful journey ; the 
 opinions of men could be of little consequence to him, and 
 he heeded them as little ; he expected constantly to be 
 called to give his account, and yield up his spirit to God ; — 
 in this state it is impossible to conceive that he would per- 
 petuate a practical falsehood, and finish his life by estab- 
 lishing a system which he did not fully believe to be ac- 
 cordant with the truth of God and the good of man. But, 
 besides, these convictions were the mature judgment of a 
 nunister of religion who possessed all the means of study- 
 ing the whole question, of acquainting himself with the 
 voice of antiquity, of observing the operation of all reli- 
 gious systems, almost in every part of the world ; and the 
 conclusion, we find, was, the establishment of the episcopal 
 order. • ' ' 
 The progress of the American Church is only the devel- 
 opment of this idea. History must judge whether the an- 
 ticipations of Mr. Wesley have been realized. Time has 
 now been given for this. The trial has been made, and 
 made on a most magnificent scale. Has this trial failed, or 
 has it succeeded ? Facts must answer this question. And, 
 in order to meet this important query as fairly and fully as 
 possible, we now go to the consideration of our next point 
 — *the territorial progress of the American Methodist Epis- 
 copal Church. 
 It is desired, in attempting to give some account of the 
 territorial progress of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 
 the United States, to notice such educational and other 
 institutions as are found existing in the several localities^ 
 hoping by this to attain to a pretty accurate notion of the 
 practical operations of the entire system. And, moreover, 
 as the different States and churches have each something 
 characteristic and peculiar, it is intended to notice, briefly, 
 these circumstances, by way of enlivening the narrative of 
 details. These details, in themselves, are necessarily dry, 
 as statistics must be ; but we have always something inter- 
 esting, where living men are found, to g^ve vivacity to sub- 
 jects in themselves tedious and barren. 
 It is hardly necessary to say, that the investigation has 
 been found beset with difficulties. It has, indeed, cost 
 much trouble and research ; and even, after all, exactness 
 and perfect accuracy cannot be claimed for these state- 
 ments. All that can be hoped — all which is possible un- 
 der the circumstances — ^is, to give a general outline of a 
 great work. It would require an American, with much 
 leisure, great experience, and a command of documents, to 
 do justice to such a subject. And it is a subject well 
 wortiiy of the attention of some master-mind in the United 
 The authorities possessed have been consulted with 
 much attention; and the whole ground has been carefully 
 examined and gone over, so far as these guides could lead 
 the way. By the Idndness of my friends in the States, I 
 Mve beeo put into possessioii <^ most valuable liistoii$i4 
 documents ; and with more time and leisure, a much better 
 digest and analysis would have been possible. 
 To secure order and precision, as well as to tender our 
 survey intelligible, it is proposed to take certain lines of 
 country separately, making the Annual Conferences the 
 basis of our statistical calculations. By this it is hoped, 
 that something clear and tangible may be kept before the 
 mind of the reader ; whereas, if we allowed ourselves to 
 wander at large on a space so great as the American con- 
 tinent, we must soon find ourselves lost in a perfect laby- 
 Adopting this principle, we propose to examine the state 
 of Methodism. 1. On the Atlantic seaboard. 2. By the 
 line of the Hudson and the Lakes. 8. Along the Ohio and 
 the adjoining country. 4. The Mississippi. 
 It seems natural that we should begin our survey where 
 population had its commencement. The Atlantic States em- 
 brace a line of seacoast extending eighteen hundred miles 
 from north to south, and stretch into the interior for a dis- 
 tance constantly varying, but in some places amounting to 
 between three and four hundred miles. These States are 
 filled with great cities ; possess the most magnificent bays 
 and harbours in the world ; a considerable amount of manu- 
 facturing industry, in various branches ; a great and flour- 
 ishing commerce, and the cotmtry parts are occupied by 
 beautiful villages and a prosperous agriculture. The people 
 of these States, being the descendants of the original set- 
 tlers, constitute the £Ute classes of society ; and the living 
 mind of these people has always predominated. 
 I. Wc be^ our survey at the northern point of the 
 Atlantic line — the Mains Conference. In connexion will 
 thiis division we find six districts, namely, Portland, Gardiner, 
 Meadjield, Banffor, Thonuuton, and Buckapoi'L Onehun- 
 dred and sixty 'four circuits and stations ; one hundred and 
 sixty-one ministers, with one hundred and sixty-seyen local 
 preachers ; and twenty thousand two hundred and eighty- 
 one church-memhers. 
 Methodism was introduced into Maine in 1703, hy the 
 indefatigable Jesse Lee. 
 " A few weeks after the adjournment ^f Conference, he entered 
 upon what, in those days, was a journey of considerable magnitude. 
 Leaving Lynn, he passed through Newbnryport into New-Hamp> 
 shire, Greenland, and Portsmouth, preaching as he went, and thence, 
 on the 16th of September, entered Maine, and, at a little village called 
 Saco, on the same night preached in a private house, crowded with 
 attentive hearers, on Acts xiii. 41. As the most of his time, until the 
 Conference of 1794, was employed in the formation of a circuit in 
 Maine, we may very properly give a brief narrative of his labours, 
 abridged from his History of the Methodists. From Saco, he went 
 to Castine, at the mouth of the Penobscot River; tiience along the 
 river to the upper settlements near Old Town, and returned by die way 
 of Twenty-Five Mile Sand to Kennebeck River; thence up to Sandy 
 River, and back to Hallowell, and through to Portland. * Although 
 I was a perfect stranger, and had to make my own appointments, I 
 preached almost every day, and had crowded assemblies to hear. 
 After viewing the country, I thought the most proper place to form 
 a circuit would be on the west side of the Kennebeck.' Here the first 
 circuit in Maine was formed, and it is known in the Minutes of the 
 period as Readfleld. It was nearly two hundred miles beyond the 
 circuits already formed iu New-England. It extended from Hallow- 
 ell to Sandy River. It was not long after the formation of this cir- 
 cuit, and the establishment of regular preaching, before God merci- 
 fully vouchsafed his blessing to those who went forth sowing precious 
 seed. Sinners were converted, and sought church-fellowship with 
 those from whom they had received the ' good word of God.' Socicr 
 ties were soon formed, churches were erected, and Methodism started 
 out upon a wider career of usefulness, with stirring zeal and vigorous 
 hope." — ^Dr. Lee's "Life and Times of the Eev. Jesse £ec." 
 The progress made from the above date will be seen to 
 be very great, if the whole case is considered. It must be 
 kept in n^nd, that the church-members mentioned are 
 persons meeting in class, communicants ; and do not include 
 the congregations attending the ministry of the word who 
 •It,. ,•-_ 
 VOVB ti( AimUtOA.— IPiAT ly. 
 t/tt not mmben, nor the children of either of theee c hm e t . 
 Itidging from the common rules of proportion betwiit 
 oommunicante and hearers in both cotmtries, it teems pro* 
 bable, that the number of persons and families which are 
 found imder the ministry and influence of the Methodist 
 Church in this region, yrill amount to four or five times the 
 numbers enumerated above. On this principle, which, it must 
 be admitted, is a perfectly sound one, the souls under the 
 religious care of the Maine Conference will amount to some- 
 thing like one hundred thousand. 
 II. Adjoining Maine we find the State of Nbw-Hamf- 
 SHiRB ; and the Methodist Church has established one of 
 its local centres in this place, bearing the name of the State. 
 The New-Hampshire Conference, like the territory itself, 
 does not appear to be large, compared with many of the 
 other conferences ; and yet it is evident, from the extent 
 and numbers of the Church, that successes much the same 
 as in other places have crowned the efiforts of the servants 
 Of God. 
 We have three districts ; namely, Dover, Concord, and 
 Haverhill. Seventy-seven circuits and stations ; eighty-two 
 ministers, with sixty-four local preachers ; and ten thousand 
 three hundred and eighty-four church-members. 
 We have the following extra appointments :—Osmon 
 C. Baker, Professor in the Biblical Institute ; Richard S. 
 Rust, Principal of the New-Hampshire Conference Semi- 
 nary; William D. Cass, Agent for the New-Hampshire 
 The work in New-Hampshhre began about 1704 ; the 
 pioneer evangelist being Mr. Hill, who seems to have had 
 little success in the beginning. But the mission soon fell 
 under the care of Mr. Lee, he being appointed presiding 
 elder for several districts of country, of which this was one; 
 and progress was soon manifested. 
 III. Descending the ooast-line from thia northern point, 
 we arrive at the state of Massachusetts ; and here we find a 
 Conference, bearing the name of the Nbw-£nolakd Coh- 
 FBRBNOB. This Conference embraces such places as Bos- 
 ton, Cambridge, Newburyport, (the burying-place of George 
 Whitefield,) Lowell, the famous cotton-manufacturing 
 Manchester of America, Worcester, Springfield, together 
 with their adjacent towns and villages. We have here 
 three districts; namely, Boston, Worcester, and Spring- 
 field ; one hundred and twenty-one stations and circuits ; 
 one hundred and -eight regular ministers, with seventy-six 
 local preachers ; and thirteen thousand three hundred and 
 eighty-one church-members. 
 This portion of the country may be considered as the 
 cradle of the American system. Here the pilgrim fathers 
 landed ; here, in the midst of the wilds and tempests of 
 nature, and the wars of the Indians, these brave spirits 
 cherished the love of freedom, for which they had aban- 
 doned their native land ; here, left very much to themselves 
 by the mother country, the people fostered the habits of 
 self-government, elected their own council, officers, and 
 even governors ; and here, in the performance of the func- 
 tions of a tiny, but actually independent, society, were laid 
 the foundations of the existing state of things ; here the 
 stem Puritanism, founded partly on the rigorous dogmas 
 of a Calvinistic creed, and partly on ihe jus-divinum prin- 
 ciple of Church order and government, which characterized 
 the rigid opinions of early times, took entire possession of 
 the hearts of the people ; here, strange to say, an ecclesi- 
 astical power, as exclusive, as undivided, as repulsive even 
 as Popery itself, became the established and dominant reli- 
 gion ; here, on this spot, the obtrusive Quakers and Bap- 
 tists, when they dared to adventure, and all others not of 
 the church of the prevailing sect, were expelled ; here a 
 number of poor old, and somd young, women were merci- 
 lessly put to death for witchcraft ; and here the Mathers 
 and Buch men preached, ruled, put up and put down at 
 their pleasure ; — blessed, cursed, and did many other things 
 which look very strange to us in these days. 
 But though homogeneous and awfully stern, this was a 
 great religion. The faith of the men was vividly realizing. 
 The nearness and majesty in which they beheld God, in- 
 spired them with inflexible principles ; their habit of con- 
 necting the divine decrees and providence with all the 
 events of life, led to the idea that, in all things, they were 
 the agents of the sovereign will of Deity ; and their admis- 
 sion of, their belief in, the supreme and pai'amount import- 
 ance of pure, spiritual religion, as they understood it, caused 
 them to expel from their society " all the sons of Belial," 
 and, indeed, every opinion and sentiment which they con- 
 sidered heretical and injurious. Animated by this strong 
 belief in their call and destination, connected, moreover, 
 with the bitter persecutions they had endured in their 
 own country ; — ^their banishment for conscience* sake ; the 
 sufferings and hardships they had passed through ; the 
 labours, privations, and terrors of the wilderness, and the 
 Holitude in which they lived ; their habitual coLverse with 
 the invisible and spiritual world; — these men were pre- 
 pared to become the pioneers of a great religious and 
 social creation. 
 The love of freedom of these heroic Christians lived 
 through all their generations, down to the period of Inde- 
 ])endence. It is a strange coincidence that the animtis, the 
 spirit, of real Americanism, should have its root and its 
 linal development, its catastrophe, on the same spot. It 
 was these very Bostonians, the descendants of the pilgrim 
 fathers, and many of them bearing their names, who first 
 resisted " taxation without representation ;'* who opposed 
 the coercive power of the mother country, and thi^w the 
 tea into tlie sea ; it was these very people who raised the 
 shout of liberty, proclaimed the claim of independence, 
 marshalled themselves into military bands, and fought the 
 first battle — ^now commemorated by tbe ''Banker-Hill" 
 monument. They were what the Americans call " strong 
 men/' these. And let the pseudo-philosophers of the age 
 know, that it was the religious sentiment which produced 
 this power, and led to these results. Let the Americans 
 themselves remember the fact, keep it as a sacred truth, 
 treasure it up as an heir-loom in their houses, and teach it 
 to their children, that it was the Christian religion, em- 
 braced and held by men now deemed fanatics, which laid 
 the foundations of their freedom, their social happiness, 
 their political greatness, their advancement in all the bless- 
 ings of civilization ; and that the moment they either neg- 
 lect or renounce this religion of the Bible, then, that mo- 
 ment, they lay sacrilegious hands on the foundation which 
 supports the entire fabric of their power. 
 We see, from the above statement, that Methodism has 
 taken considerable hold of this interestmg population. It 
 can, however, be a matter of no surprise that, at its com- 
 mencement, it was looked upon with some amount of 
 jealousy, and that the first evangelists met with much 
 annoyance and opposition. The details are curious and 
 interesting, especially so far as they relate to the labours of 
 one man of eminent piety, originality, simple but effective 
 eloquence and glowing zeal. We refer again to Jesse Lee.* 
 This eminent Christian minister seems to have been won- 
 derfully fitted for the work assigned him by the great 
 Head of the Church, and he made full proof of his minis- 
 try. How changed is the scene now, as compared with the 
 beginning of the work of evangelization by this zealous 
 champion of the truth ! 
 There is some resemblance between the character and 
 history of Jesse Lee and John Nelson. Soon after his 
 conversion, and while his heart was glowing with love, the 
 * See hia " life," by his nephew, the Rev. Dr. Les. See also Bangs's 
 " History," Asbvst's " Journal," and Stivbns's « Memorial of the Introduc- 
 tion of Methodism into the Eastern States." 
 reyolutkmary war then raging* he was balloted for the 
 He continued four months in the army, bearing witness 
 for his divine Master. 
 " ' Many of them,' he says, ' on one occasion were very solemn, and 
 some of them wept freely under the preaching of the word. I wa« 
 happy in God, and thankftil to him for the priTilege of warning the 
 wicked once more. It was a great cross for me to go forward in 
 matters of so much importance, where there wore few to encourage, 
 and many to oppose ; but I knew that I had to give account to Ctod 
 for my conduct in the world. I felt the responsibility laid upon me, 
 and was resolved to open my month for God. I often thought I had 
 more cause to praise and adore him for his goodness than any other 
 person. For some weeks I hardly ever prayed in public, or preached, 
 or reproved a sinner, without seeing some good effects produced by 
 my labours.' " — Stevens's " Memoriaia of Methodiatn" pp. 22-25. 
 Such, in part, was the training, and such the character, 
 of Jesse Lee, the founder of Methodism in the New-England 
 It may be proper at this point to remark, that other 
 inoral agencies besides the existence of church organiza- 
 tions will often be found to exist within the limits of these 
 local conference^. We notice one or two in connexion 
 with the New-England Conference. 
 Besides a Book-D^p6t found at Boston, a branch of the 
 general Book-Concern, we find amongst other things a 
 ]ocal newspaper conducted at this place, called Zion's 
 Herald, and possessing great influence. This paper has 
 been established for a number of years ; and, amongst other 
 services for religion and humanity, it has been probably the 
 most powerful instrument in the States, amongst the Me- 
 thodists, in favour of the abolition of slavery. It opened 
 its columns for the discussion, of this great question some 
 dozen or more years ago, and continues the discussion to 
 the present time. It was this paper which first broke 
 ground on this question amongst our people; thus com- 
 mencing, in the old locality* a new movement in favour of 
 freedom, — but on tliii occasion that of the African race. 
 Boston in this stands out in honourable distinction, as true 
 to her original spirit, her traditions, her love <tf liberty. 
 To us it seems a st'^ange thing that any difficulty should 
 be connected ^rith a question of this sort. But the matter 
 of fact is, that the opening of this debate was like the fall 
 of some mighty Alpine avalanche into the peaceful regions 
 below. Without harshness, or any design to impute im- 
 proper motives to any parties, it will be admitted by all 
 who are tolerably acquainted with the facts of the case, 
 that the Methodist Chmoh feared the agitation of the ques- 
 tion of slavery ; and endeavoured, as much and as long as 
 possible, to stave off the subject for the sake of peace. 
 In consequence of this state of things, it became a sort 
 of heroic, not to say desperate, adventure for the Herald 
 to take up the cause. It did so, however, not in the one- 
 sided manner of the public press in general, but admitted 
 both sides of the argument, and left the public to judge. 
 That the impression was deep, and the sentiment i^ainst 
 slavery powerfully excited, we have sufficient proof in the 
 fact, that this circumstance, this very discussion in the 
 Herald, led to a painful secession, and the establishment 
 of a new community of Methodists. These parties, think- 
 ing that the spirit and action of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church were not sufficiently decided against slavery, after 
 miserable altercations on both sides, and debates upon the 
 subject, ultimately left the body, and formed themselves 
 into what they call the Wesleyan Methodist Church ; the 
 main distinction of this new organization being the non- 
 admission of slaveholders into the Christian fellowship.* 
 A history of this affair is not intended ; and the subject 
 is introduced merely to give some notion to the English 
 reader of the nature and the power of these local papers. 
 Society is greatly influenced, and it is to be hoped, on the 
 * Those -who wish to see a mon. detailed account of these matten, may 
 find information in Matlaok's " Life of the Rev. Orange Scott." 
 whole, greatly enlightened and benefited, by this mode of 
 producing an impression. It must be clear to every intel- 
 hgent and thoughtful person, that in such a community as 
 that of the New-England States, it is impossible for any 
 body of Christians to hold up their heads, to make any 
 progress, to possess any standing at all, unless they con- 
 nect literature with religion. Every human creature above 
 eight years of age, whether man, woman, or child, will be 
 found reading some daily newspaper. Whether this is a 
 good, a wholesome state of things, may be a question of 
 difficult solution. But, right or wrong, it is a fact, a habit. 
 With this condition of society to deal with, it became ob- 
 vious to the leaders of the respective religious bodies, that 
 they must accommodate themselves to the public taste, or 
 otherwise abandon the groimd altogether to a secular, po- 
 litical, and oc?!t3ionally infidel, press. Necessity originally 
 led to this mode of influence; and certainly this Zion's 
 Herald has done its work on the point in question with 
 great abiUty and force ; and in other labours has, no doubt, 
 performed its share of duty in sustaining and carrying out 
 the designs of ""he Church. 
 IV. Immediately contiguous to the New-England is the 
 Pbovidencb Conference. Providence being the capital 
 of the State of Rhode Island, of course the territory within 
 the limits of this conference will include that locality. The 
 religious history of this State is exceedingly interesting. It 
 was settled very early, chiefiy> by the wisdom and perse- 
 verance of Roger WilUams, about the most remarkable man 
 of his ago. Mr. Williams was a minister of religion, and 
 first went to the Plantation of Massachusetts in that capa- 
 city ; but embracing the notions of the Baptists, he was 
 harshly b.-^nished from his adopted home, and, to hide him- 
 self from his persecutors, and perhaps to save his life, he was 
 obliged to throw himself amongst the Indians. These poor 
 savages, more merciful than his countrymen and fellow- 
 Christians, admitted him to theu* settlements, and protected 
 him for a length of time. He became a great favourite, (as 
 who does not, who treats the sons of the forest with kindness ?) 
 and gained great ascendency over them. This influence 
 he was called upon to use on many occasions afterwards for 
 the security of those very men who had driven him from 
 their society. Whether from the eflfects of persecution, or 
 from the strength of his own genius, does not appear ; but 
 Roger Williams attained to a just perception of the appa- 
 rently difficidt question of religious liberty. He is nearly 
 the first, if not the very first, man in modem times who 
 acquired this knowledge. He boldly taught, as well as 
 firmly held, in all vicissitudes of fortune, the precious truth 
 he had attained. But the notions of the times regarding 
 the legitimate connexion betwixt spiritual and secular 
 thmgs — if the reader please, betwixt Church and State — 
 are shown in his case ; for this Baptist pastor became one 
 of the first governors of the community he had been the 
 instrument of establishing. (See Bancroft's " History of tfie 
 United States") 
 In connexion with the Providence Conference we 
 find three districts ; namely, New-Bedford^ New-London, 
 and Sa,ndwich : one hundred and twelve stations and cir- 
 cuits ; one hundred and twelve ministers, with seventy-two 
 local preachers, and fourteen thousand four hundred and 
 twenty-nine church-members. 
 Here we find the following extra appointment : — Samuel 
 C. Brown, teacher in Providence Conleroiioe Academy. So 
 it seems this conference also possesses the patronage of 
 an academy, and is promoting the intellectual advancement 
 of their people. 
 v. By reason of its extent, its population, and its wealth. 
 New- York is called the " Empire State." It is worthy of 
 this name. Besides all its other advantages already re- 
 ferred to, — ^its central position, and easy means of commu- 
 nication to every part of the continent, and the great extent 
 of country lying in its rear, and to be reached chiefly through 
 its port, for all commercial purposes, must imite to make 
 this city the great emporium — ^in fact, the metropolis — of 
 the United States. 
 These great centres of life, wherever found, have not 
 only an important local position, but an equally important 
 relative destiny. They form the great moving power in the 
 societies of men ; they constitute the reservoirs whence the 
 waters flow, to irrigate, with good or evil sentiments and 
 influences, the whole surrounding country. This city must, 
 in the nature of things, give a mighty impulse to all politi- 
 cal, social, intellectual, and religious interests existing on 
 the whole of the continent. This is the natural result of 
 its population and wealth. Men of certain classes, either 
 in pride or in ignorance, will discard everything as alien 
 not found in their own department; but all this is a vain 
 imagination. Political speculators may repudiate the idea 
 of religion having anything to do with politics ; and, vice 
 versd, religious men may repudiate the notion of what is 
 purely spiritual being brought in any way mto contact with 
 the secular. All this is pure fiction. The world is made 
 up of two great elements, the secular and the spiritual ; 
 they cannot be separated ; they lie by the side of each 
 other ; it is impossible that either should exist in a healthy 
 state in isolation ; action and re-action must be constantly 
 going on ; — and, as in nature, the only safety for society is 
 found in the equitable balance of the two powers. 
 On this principle it follows, that the existence of large 
 cities presents a favourable sphere for religion ; inasmuch 
 as they constitute an ample theatre for its development, 
 and also furoish the means of its extension. The state of 
 Methodism in New- York must, on these grounds, not only 
 be important in itself, but deeply afiect its condition in other 
 For these reasons it will be interesting to give the best 
 view in our power of the progress of the Methodist Church 
 in the city itself. It may be proper to say, that Brooklyn 
 is to New- York what Southwark is to London ; or, more 
 properly, what Birkenhead is to Liverpool, because the 
 channel is too broad to be crossed by a bridge. In the 
 two places we find no fewer than thirty-six churches, thirty- 
 seven ministers, and eleven thousand two hundred and 
 seventy-four church-members. But if our former principle 
 of calculation is adhered to, namely, that the congregations 
 and children belonging to these several churches amount to 
 something like four or five times the niunber of communi- 
 cants ; then it will appear, that fifty thousand of the popu- 
 lation is under the influence of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Having given the statistics of the city separately, it is 
 now proper to add the numbers furnished by the confer- 
 ence. This will include the c^. 
 We find eight districts ; namely. New- York, Long Island, 
 New-Haven, Hartford, Poughkeepsie, RhinehecJe, Delaware, 
 Newburgh : two hundred and fifty-five stations and circuits ; 
 two hundred and fifty-four ministers, with two hundred 
 and twenty local preachers; and forty-six thousand nine 
 hundred and seven church-members, three hundred and 
 seventy-nine being people of colour. 
 But, in addition to these general items, we find'the fol- 
 lowing : — ^Editor of the Quarterly Review and Books of the 
 General Catalogue, George Peck ; Assistant Editor of the 
 Christian Advocate, George Coles. 
 These entries are connected with the literary labours of 
 the body at New- York. 
 Another most interesting minute is found in connexion 
 with this conference. We find the MiddletoilnWesleyan 
 University, with Stephen Olin, President ; Joseph Holdioh, 
 Professor ; John H. Lindsey, Tutor. The " Repository of 
 Useful Knowledge" adds the following particulars respect- 
 ing this collegiate institution; — ^Founded in 1831; in- 
 structers, 7 ; alumni, 283 ; ministers, 104 ; students, 125 ; 
 volumes in the library, 12,000. 
 The estimable President of this University, Dr. Olin, is 
 not unknown in this country, and, being known, is highly 
 esteemed. Like many of his countrymen, he has been a 
 great traveller, and given to the reading world the results 
 of his investigations on the most interesting and historically 
 sacred countries of our globe. And by general consent 
 it is allowed, that his " Travels " rank amongst the most 
 instructive and edifying books of the age ; and that his 
 Biblical criticisms, derived from a careful examination of the 
 topography of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, are invaluable 
 to the student of the Bible. But as a theologian and 
 preacher. Dr. Olin is equally esteemed ; and must be classed 
 not only amongst the brightest lights of his own body, but 
 as one of the men of his country, and, indeed, of the age. 
 Dr. Holdich is an Englishm|n, and is full of tender recol- 
 lections of the scenes of his boyhood, and of his own and 
 " his father's friends." His attainments, his urbanity, and, 
 moreover, his business capacity, unite to make him a most 
 valuable man. It was my happiness to see a good deal 
 of this gentleman ; and everything tended to produce in 
 me a perfect admiration of his talents and character. With 
 such leaders as these, it is fair to suppose that the youth 
 educated at this University are fully fitted to take a useful 
 and honourable post in society. 
 We have one other item in this New- York Conference 
 worth noticing : — State-prison at Wether sfield, Nathaniel 
 Kellogg, Chaplain. 
 So it seems the State [Connecticut] is not indisposed to 
 intrust the care and instruction of its prisoners to a Me- 
 thodist minister. But it may be imagined by some, that 
 prisoners do not excite much concern amongst the states- 
 men and citizens of the New- World. This is a perfect 
 mistake. If any one thing more than another engages the 
 attention and interests the philanthropy of the Americans, 
 it. is the reformation of prisoners. They speculate on 
 this point of progress and government with their accus- 
 tomed fearlessness and energy. It is not our business to 
 pass any opinion on their silent system, their solitary con- 
 finement, and other modes of reformation or punishment ; 
 with but this one exception, — ^namely, that there can be 
 nothing on this side the bottomless pit more horrible, more 
 repugnant to human nature, or more completely calculated 
 to break the heart and crush the powers of the poor wretch, 
 who unfortunately gets immured in one of these prison- 
 houses, than these appliances. They are no half-measui'c 
 men, these Americans. If they punish, they do punish 
 with a vengeance ; if they set about the task of reformation, 
 they do not for a moment hesitate about the feelings, the 
 tastes, the hkings and disliking^ of the miserable culprit, 
 or the sentimentalism of the public. They strip him, flay 
 him, place him on a Procrustes's bed, and crack every bor'i 
 in his body. Lovers of liberty as they are, they reduce the 
 souls of these poor prisoners to a state of perfect passive 
 existence. The system is found effective enough ; for many 
 of the inmates are driven mad ; and the most fortunate 
 amongst them lose the proper, the manly tone of their 
 faculties ; and, crushed beneath the iron despotism of their 
 discipline, they appear as mental automata, moving just as 
 they are moved. Those who wish to gain an idea of the 
 inexorable justice of Tartarus, where, it may be, the lost 
 soul is left no choice, but bends to the ever-varying torments 
 of his condition, in passive pain and hopeless misery ; — 
 those who desire to gain an idea of this, had better go to 
 one of these State-prisons. 
 We cannot but think this mode of reformation is some- 
 what opposed to American ideas and opinions. As a 
 general principle and rule, they seem to seek the correction 
 ^.of the evils of human nature and of society by ameliora- 
 ,i tions, by developments, by advancement ; — ^but here all this 
 is reversed. 
 It is, indeed, a most effective way of dealing with a 
 diseased man, at once to kill him. This is a certain remedy 
 in his case. When buried, he can no longer need the 
 nurse's assiduity, or be a medium of contagion. But thb 
 is not the American way in general. They set about the 
 cure, not by annihilation, but by calling forth the remauiing 
 powers of life. They unfold, expand, invigorate, all the 
 ^'mctions of humanity. They endeavour to improve and 
 exalt every person, and, indeed, the whole of society, by 
 calling foith the latent energies, the hidden virtues, the 
 mental and moral power, of every living creature. Their 
 prison-system is the contrast of all this. As far as the dis- 
 cipline goes, it is perfectly crushing ; it is an attempt to 
 icill the seeds of vice, to put the evil propensities to death. 
 We have no faith in the scheme. It may be possible to 
 change, to modify, to turn and twist the e' il nature of man 
 this way and that ; but it is never changed but by divine 
 truth and grace. Indeed, we generally find, as in the case 
 of this Wethersfield, that some religious teacher is con- 
 nected with these prisons ; and a plentiful supply of Bibles 
 is furnished. No doubt good is done ; there is something 
 alleviating in this arrangement. But it is to be feared, that, 
 in most cases, the religion of the prison will, in the mind 
 of the poor sufferer, be connected with the system itself. 
 It does not come to him as daylight to his dungeon, — as 
 a salvation, — a redemption, — an emancipation, — but as a 
 branch of the discipline under which he groans. We can- 
 not have much confidence in the efiScacy of religious appU- 
 ances, when attached to so horrible a scheme as the silent 
 and solitary systems of the American prison-house.^ 
 VI. The New-Jersey State joins that of New- York, and 
 we find a local conference bearing this name. The New- 
 Jbbsbt Oonferexce contains six districts ; namely, ^ew- 
 t* Dr. Dixon's acquaintance with the American prison-system seems to be 
 purely theoretical.] 
 ark, Paterson, Bahtvay, TrenUm, Burlington, and Camden : 
 one hundred and fourteen stations and circuits; one hundred 
 and fifty-five ministers, with one hundred and ninety-four 
 local preachers ; and twenty-nine thousand five hundred 
 and ninety-two church-members. 
 m seems to be 
 YII. Our progress towards the south now leads us to 
 Philadelphia. This city and State are celebrated as 
 having descended from the Quaker colony of William Penn. 
 Its history is profoundly interesting. Like the establish- 
 ments of the pilgrim fathers in the Kew-England States, 
 this also originated in religion. But the type was very 
 difierent, the Quaker rigime being mild and liberal. Wil- 
 liam Penn himself was, no doubt, one of the most eminent 
 Christians of his day, or, indeed, of any day; his com- 
 panions and followers, many of them at least, partook of 
 his own spirit ; and, as a consequence, the Christian element 
 became the predominant one in the settlement of the colony. 
 But the religious power brought to bear on the interests 
 of the settlement was only spiritual, and, consequently, 
 l)erfectly mild and gentle. The law of love was that which 
 was relied upon by this eminent man, both in the manage- 
 ment of the affairs of the infant State, and in his dealings 
 with the Indians. • 
 The site of the settlement was a subject of treaty and 
 purchase, not of robbery ; the rights of the natives of the 
 forest were recognized, as well as those of the white man ; 
 equity and truth towards the children of the soil were 
 deemed as binding as the exercise of the same virtues in all 
 other relations ; and, moreover, the law of God, whether 
 found in the written word or in the living soul, was fully 
 believed in as obligatory in matters of social life. The 
 purchase of the land, the treaty with the Indians, the re- 
 cognition of the principle of religious liberty, government 
 without coercion, and a perfect confraternity of rights 
 and interests, yrei^ i^markable developments for the times. 
 happy world, if Quaker sentiments could find a conge- 
 nial existence ! (See Clarkson's "Xi/c of William Perm," 
 and Bancroft's "History") 
 This happy beginning soon became beclouded. William 
 Penn's own life was embittered, towards its close, with in- 
 finite trouble and vexation. His beautiful fabric broke 
 down beneath the pressure of man's sins and follies ; and 
 the Quaker colony of Philadelphia stood in as much need 
 of the awakening and revivifying influence of Methodism, 
 in the early days of its enterprise in America, as other 
 Quaker neatness and love of order are, however, still 
 impressed on what is visible in the city ; and this is nearly 
 all of Quakerism which remains. 
 It was at this place that Francis Asbury landed on the 
 27th day of October, 1771: a memorable day this, both 
 for himself and America. His words on the occasiuii 
 are simple and touching : — " When I came near the Ame- 
 rican shore, my very heart melted within me, to think from 
 whence I came, where I was going, and what I was going 
 about. But I felt my mind open to the people, and my 
 tongue loosed to speak. I feel that God is here ; and 
 find plenty of all we need." Poor missionary ! he did not 
 "need" much, if he possessed all he desired. He tells m 
 just before, when relating his journey and voyage : "When 
 1 came to Bristol, I had not one penny of money ; but the 
 Lord soon opened the hearts of friends, who supplied me 
 with clothes, and £10." Thus were our predecessors 
 equipped for their work. We suppose his passage had 
 been paid, or gratuitously furnished by some kind-hearted 
 captain ; but as to himself, we see that his wardrobe and 
 pocket were both alike empty. It required some faith in 
 those days to do the work of the Lord. This blessed man 
 does not seem in the least to falter oi- shrink at the ideu 
 of landing in America without a penny in his pocket, with- 
 out any treasury to draw upon at home ;— or to have enter* 
 tained the least conception how his supplies were to be 
 furnished in a strange land, and amongst a strange people. 
 But he drew on a Bank which never fails to honour those 
 who rely upon its resources. 
 This has been a much-favoured city and State with re- 
 spect to the progress of Methodism. We find in union 
 with this conference six districts ; namely, Philadelphia, 
 South Philadelphia, Reading, Wilmington, Boston, and 
 Snow-ERll : one hundred and thirteen stations and circuits ; 
 one hundred and fifty-six ministers, together with one hun- 
 dred and fifty-eight local preachers ; and forty-two thousand 
 two hundred and eighty-nine church-members : ten thousand 
 and forty-two of the ab(jlre number are coloured people. 
 Pennsylvania is not now a slave State. In 1840, only 
 sixty-four remained in bondage ; and it is to be presumed, 
 that by this time the evil has become entirely extinct. From 
 this it will follow, that the coloured people above mentioned 
 are free. 
 It may be as well to explain here, that those States 
 which have adopted' the principle of abolition, have never 
 done it as an instantaneous ?mancipation. The law has 
 always made provision for a pro.^pective and gradual ex- 
 tinction of slavery, by enacting that all children, born after 
 a certain date, should be free ; and in- some cases, also, in 
 passing measures to enable masters to manumit their slaves 
 by their own free choice ; or to allow the poor creatures 
 to work out or purchase their freedom. In consequence 
 of these prospective enactments, it sometimes happens, as 
 in the above instance, that a State will have a few old 
 slaves within its bosom, for many years after the act of 
 emancipation has been passed. We believe, in general, 
 these poor relics of a discarded system are looked upon 
 with great kindness, and are sufficiently provided for in 
 their old age. 
 YIII. We now come to a real slave-holding State, Mary 
 land, containing the Baltimore Confbrenob. It is thought 
 by some, having, by the by, good means of information, 
 that Methodism has made greater progress, and holds a 
 more commanding position, in the city of Baltimore, than 
 in any other part of the United States. Certainly, external 
 appearances favour the opinion, that it has taken hold of 
 large masses of the population, and occupies a very influ- 
 ential place in the midst of the religious denominations of 
 the city. 'V^ether it is the predominant interest, it is not 
 for me to say ; but this is the opinion of some of the esti- 
 mable ministers and people of the place. If spacious and 
 beautiful churches, large and most respectable congrega- 
 tions. Christian and kind-hejurted families,— connected with 
 all the marks and evidences of intelligent piety, — eie to 
 be taken as proofs of progress, then, most assuredly, Balti- 
 more must be considered as ranking very high in a religious 
 point of view. 
 The Baltimore Conference numbers eight districts; 
 namely, Baltimore^ N(yrth Baltimore, Potomac, Rocking- 
 ham, Winchester, Carlisle, Huntingdon, JVorthumberland : 
 one hundred and forty-three stations and circuits, two hun- 
 dred and twenty-eight ministers, with two hundred and 
 eighty local preachers ; and fifty-two thousand three hun- 
 dred and thirty-eight church-members : sixteen thousand 
 three hundred and eighty-seven of these are people of 
 coiour, many of them, no doubt, slaves. 
 Dickinson College is located at Carlisle, within the limits 
 of this conference. Of this institution the Repository states 
 that it was established in 1783: instructers, 10; alumni, 
 531 ; students, 108 ; volumes in the library, 13,000. The 
 late amiable, pious, and talented Dr. Emory was, at the 
 period of his death, in May, 1848, the president of this 
 college. Dr. Emory was the sor of Bishop Emory, who 
 is remembered in this country with admiration on account 
 of his eminent character and talents. Dr. M'Clintock, pro- 
 fessor up to the last General Conference, is a gentleman 
 ■^•jjL-:^iit^!jJSa i.,ij-A-^'- 
 of high reputation as a scholar and minister, and was ap- 
 pointed by the above-mentioned body as the Editor of the 
 Quarterly Reviei^. From the date of its institution, it will 
 bv n'^rceived that this college was not originally founded 
 by the Methodist Church, but by some other parties ; who, 
 failing to realize the objects designed, turned it over to its 
 present occupants. This has been the case with several 
 others. We hope the fact does not indicate any decay of 
 zeal in the case of other friends and patrons of education ; 
 but certainly it does indicate the growing power and influ- 
 ence of Methodism in this department. 
 But the metropolis of America, the city of Washington, 
 is within the limits of this conference. Under the head 
 Wesley Chapel^ we have the following appointment : Henry 
 Slicer. This is all which is said. Now, no one would 
 know anything remarkable about Henry Slicer by this sim- 
 ple insertion of his name, in connexion with Wesley Chapel. 
 The matter of f^ot is, that this gentleman is one of the 
 chaplains of Congress, and is called, in the course of his 
 duty, every Sunday to preach Christianity to th^vesident 
 of the United States, and to man^ of the senators and mem- 
 bers of Congress. 
 In this country the idea of a court chaplain, or a preacher 
 to the House of Lords or Commons, is connected in- 
 stinctively with the notions of a great ecclesiastical digni- 
 tary, or a divine of the first pink of religious fashion. 
 Probably some such notion may fill the reader's mind re- 
 specting this chaplain to the Congress. Nothing would be 
 more fallacious or untrue than such a fancy. I found Mr. 
 Slicer one of the plainest Methodist preachers I saw in 
 America. I do not mean vulgar ; but in his garb, manners, 
 bearing, and entire demeanour, he retains all the charac- 
 teristics of the simple, pious, imsophisticated Methodist 
 mimster. So, at any rate, I have seen one clergyman who 
 has lived long in the precincts of a court, who has held 
 constant intercourse with the chiefs and great men of the 
 nation, and yet who still remains uncorrupt. By the kinJ- 
 ness of our good friend, I enjoyed many advantages in my 
 visit to Washington, which could not have hecn attained 
 in so easy a manner without his intervention. 
 But my object in this part of our investigation being 
 merely to trace out the position and influence of Method- 
 ism, I must refer the reader to another part of the narra- 
 tive for information on these matters. I w\8 informed 
 that several Methodists were members of Congress ; and, 
 ns we have seen, had the pleasure of hearing one, a local 
 preacher, of the name of Hilliard, speak in the House of 
 Representatives. He appeared a man of good talents, 
 practical mind, an agreeable address, and possessing ven- 
 respectable elocution. This good friend, I understood, 
 often took the pulpit in one of the churches at Washington ; 
 so that he was not a preacher at home, and a silent Chris- 
 tian at the seat of government ; but fearlessly maintained 
 his religious character and vocation everywhere. The fact 
 is, however, that he suffered nothing from this. A man is 
 not seiMo Coventry for being a Methodist, nor loses rank, 
 or anything ellMiy by maintaining his principles. Freedom 
 in religion is no fioiion in the States. Men are estimated by 
 their character, their talents, their capacity to serve the pub- 
 lic ; and not by their creed, or by denominational distinctions. 
 Two or three facts, having a religious beaiing, connected 
 with the State of Maryland, are worth m«mtioning. Tlie 
 first is, that Lord Baltimore, as we have seen, from whom 
 the city is named, was a Roman Catholic, a convert from 
 Protestantism, and an eminent statesman, of the age of 
 Charles II. Romanist though he became, yet he retained 
 his attachment to religious liberty; and notwithstanding 
 many persons of his own creed constituted the first bodies 
 of settlers, yet the stringent doctrines of Popish intolerance 
 were never countenanced. In point of fact, Popish Mary- 
 land was the first colony in America where a system of 
 practical toleration and religious freedom obtained a foot- 
 lag. (See Bancroft.) As might be expected, the Popish 
 Church is still in gr^at power in Baltimore. 
 A second fact is, that though Maryland is a slave State, 
 yet slavery itself is decreasing. In 1*700, the number of 
 slaves amounted to 103,030 ; and in 1840, to only 80,'737. 
 The same dates give for the white population, in 1790, 
 319,728 ; and m 1840, 1,239,797. From some causes, of 
 which I confess myself to bo ignorant, it is very evident 
 that slavery, in this State, is not favoured by the general 
 population. A process of extinction is evidently going on. 
 The balance on the side of the white and free population is 
 clearly increasing rapidly ; whilst, instead of the slave por- 
 tion augmenting in a proportionate ratio, we find that their 
 numbers are rapidly decreasing. It is cheering to see that 
 in a short period, by the natural process of things, the evil 
 must end itself. I, indeed, found many estimable men, no 
 friends to slavery, looking forward to this with some degree 
 of confidence, as a good which they ardently anticipated. It 
 was thought by these gentlemen, that such States as Mary- 
 land, having ceased to cherish and uphold slavery, in fact, 
 would soon be led to renounce it by a legblative enactment. 
 Well or ill founded, it is the opinion of these parties, that two 
 or three of the other States would have done so before this, 
 had it not been for abolitionist agitations. It is certmn that, 
 of all men in the world, Americans are the least likely to 
 yield to an external pressure ; and it is very possible that 
 the majority, in particular States, may have been roused to 
 a reaction by what they consider the unauthorized and im- 
 pertinent interference of other people with their affairs. In 
 this I am not delivering opinions of my own ; I am merely 
 stating an alleged fact, as it was often represented to me 
 by thoughtful men, and friends of abolition. However 
 this may be, it is delightful to have ocular demonstration, 
 from the diminished and diminishing numbers of slaves in 
 Maryland, that the free men of the State are not, in general, 
 the patrons of slavery. 
 IX. In our descent along the Atlantic coast, we now 
 enter the South division of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 The Virginia Conference is the first on the line. We 
 have, belonging to this conference, six districts ; namely, 
 Eichmondy CharlotteviUe, Lynchbargh, Randolph Macon, 
 Petershurgh, and Norfolk : seventy-six stations and cir- 
 cuits ; ninety-one ministers, with one hundred and sixty- 
 five local preachers: and twenty-eight thousand four 
 hundred and fifty-seven church-members ; of these mem- 
 bers, five thousand six hundred and ninety-one are people 
 of colour. 
 The slavery of this State has greatly increased; the 
 numbers being, in 1790, 203,427 ; and, m 1840, 448,987. 
 It is to be presumed from this, that the people are really 
 in favour of the system. They would probably say they 
 are not so, in reality ; in the abstract, that they consider 
 liberty, freedom, human rights, as essential and divine. 
 But then they think that the poor blacks are better off as 
 slaves than if free ; and, moreover, that the system is so 
 dovetailed into their social condition, that it is impossible, 
 in the present state of things, to change it. These are the 
 apologies I often heard. One thing surprises me on enter- 
 ing into a statistical examination of this first Southern Con- 
 ference : it is the very limited number of coloured people 
 belonging to the Church as compared with the slave 
 population in the State. I am aware that the Virginia 
 Conference may not, and indeed does not, include the 
 whole of the State ; but still, it is very evident that it em- 
 braces a considerable proportion ; and if this proportion is 
 no more than half its extent, it still leaves but a very small 
 fraction of the slaves as members of the Methodist Church. 
 Wbat are 6,600 slaves, compared with even half 448,987? 
 The most cogent reason, and, as it struck me at the 
 time, the most legitimate, for the neutrality of the Method- 
 ist Church in the South on the subject — ^in fact, for its 
 present separation from the North — was, that the ministers 
 might have permission to seek the salvation of these poor 
 outcasts, lead them to Christ, ameliorate their condition, 
 and thus prepare them for freedom. But really, is it worth 
 while (I say nothing of the lawfulness of the thing) to 
 sacrifice a principle, to lay aside a great truth, to bend be- 
 fore the great Moloch, for such a result as this ? Virginia 
 is one of the oldest fields of enterprise belonging to the 
 Methodist Church ; on this ground it has been at work 
 almost from the beginning ; and see the issue, as regards 
 the slave population. Why, if Christianity is to prepare 
 these people for liberty, and Methodism is to be its agent, 
 ages and ages must intervene betwixt these wretched 
 people and the mighty boon. From this investigation one 
 cannot help beUeving, that this accursed evil stands in the 
 way of the reUgious good — the salvation— of the poor Af- 
 ricans, to an extent but little apprehended. 
 The Book-Room belonging to the Southern Church is 
 established at Richmond, within the limits of this confer- 
 ence : John Early, Book- Agent, and L. M. Lee, Agent and 
 Editor of the Richmond Christian Advocate. Dr. Lee, the 
 nephew of Jesse Lee, is, as we see. Editor of the Richmond 
 Christian Advocate. These Christian Advocates, in these 
 times, are feaiful things. One cannot help deploring, that 
 talents competent to the highest studies and investigations 
 of theological and sacred truth, should be devoted to pai'ti- 
 san warfare. Tl'is is unhappily the case now. This fine 
 young man. Dr. Lee, and another at New- York, not as 
 young, but of equally excellent spirit. Dr. G. Peck, must 
 now be pitted against each other in deadly warfare, on the 
 points at issue between the North and the South.^ It 
 makes one's heart bleed to think of men like these spend- 
 ing their time and their talents in service so wretched. 
 We have another appointment to notice. It is William 
 A. Smith, President of R. M. College ; B. R, Duval, and 
 Nathaniel Thomas, Agents. Now, as R. M. College is 
 * See Note page 438. 
 placed under the Randolph Macon District, I suppose it 
 must mean a college bearing that name. Our good breth- 
 ren across the Atlantic are so fond of abbreviations, that it 
 is really difficult for a stranger, not well acquainted with 
 them, to make out their meaning. But the fact indicated is 
 of importance, namely, that in this place a college is found 
 for the purpose of advancing the interests of general and 
 sacred knowledge. We may see, from the number of these 
 institutions, and their frequent occurrence as we traverse 
 the continent, that the attention of the Church is intently 
 fixed upon the subject of education. Results of great im- 
 portance to religion and civiUzation must arise out of this 
 potent agency. 
 R ) 
 X. The North Carolina Conference is the next in 
 our line. This conference has within its limits five districts ; 
 namely, Jialeiffh, Salisbury^ Danville, Washington, New- 
 hem : fifty-seven stations and circuits ; seventy -five minis- 
 ters, with one hundred and thirty-nine local preachers ; 
 and twenty thousand three hundred and eight members : 
 out of this number, seven thousand seven hundred and fifty 
 are people of colour. 
 This, as every one knows, is a slave State, and the evil 
 is increasing. In 1790, we find 100,572 slaves; in 1840, 
 246,817. But the progress of Methodism among the Afri- 
 can race is much more satisfactory than in Virginia. The 
 total, 7,760, in the midst of a population of 246,817, will 
 give a proportion much more than double, or treble, that 
 of the other State. This, however, is a very poor average 
 on the whole population ; and indicates that the progress 
 made has not been yery extraordinary. 
 We have the following appointments in the Conference : 
 B. T. Blake and J. Jamieson, Professors in Greensborough 
 Female College. We shall be under the necessity of no- 
 ticing these female colleges elsewhere; and may conse- 
 quently omit any particular remarks here, further than to 
 4, - 
 entreat the reader to notice the fact, that the planters of 
 the South — avery diflferent race — are no more negligent of 
 this subject of education than the sturdy citizens of the 
 N'orth ; being willing, it seems, to send their daughters for 
 training to religious schools. 
 XI. "We now come to the South Carolina Confer- 
 ence. On the territory of this ecclesiastical division, are 
 found six districts ; Charleston, Cokeshuryy Columbia, Wil- 
 mington, Fayetteville, Idncolnton : seventy-four stations, 
 circuits, and missions ; one hundred and seven ministers ; 
 (no return of local preachers ;) sixty-five thousand one hun- 
 dred and sixty-seven church-members : in this aggregate, 
 thirty-eight thousand and eighty-two are people of colour. 
 This is a splendid result. 
 South Cc.r -lina is a plantation country, and consequently 
 in favour •:'' ' )ry. The numbers have increased in the 
 following r»< -In 1*790, there were 107,094; and in 
 1840, no less than 327,038. But it is delightful to find so 
 large a number of them as 38,082 members of the Method- 
 ist Church. Religion is the only real mitigation of the 
 miseries of this condition ; and let us hope that it may 
 please God to confer it upon an increased number, and thus 
 prepare them, by its influence, for all the rights of the social 
 state. But still we must keep it in mind, that these ecclesias- 
 tical boundaries are not those of the State ; and it is very 
 likely, that this South Carolina Conference stretches into 
 the northern State of that name. 
 The religious history of the two Carolinas is very inter- 
 esting, inasmuch as it is connected both with great princi- 
 ples and great men. The territory was granted to propri- 
 etaries by Charles II., the most distinguished of whom 
 were the famous Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury, and 
 John Locke. The constitution which these eminent men 
 framed for the government of the plantation — but which, 
 by the by, did not last long — recognized the principle of 
 reli^ous toleration to the fullest extent ; and, at the same 
 time, conceded that all free men had an absolute right of 
 property in their slaves. Even Locke adopted this theory, 
 made this a provision of the constitution which he drew up 
 himself, and secured this as an indefeasible right to the 
 emigrants. The one provision drew to these sunny shores 
 imfortunate religionists from every country ; and the other 
 filled the settlements with enslaved Africans. 
 What a mystery is mwi ! Here, on this very soil, refu- 
 gees from England, driven by the persecutions of Charles 
 and James ; from Scotland, by that ruthless ruffian, the 
 brutal Lauderdale ; from Ireland, by its chronic miseries 
 and woes; from France, expatriated by the rescinding of 
 the Edict of Nantz, and the ferocious cruelties of Louis 
 XIY., then in his dotage, and under the power of his mis- 
 tress ; from Holland, the Low Countries, and Germany : — 
 all these people, from so many nations, came, smarting 
 under the lash of tyranny, to seek a home in the wilder- 
 ness of America, for the sole purpose that they might 
 enjoy personal and rehgious freedom. And yet, one of the 
 first things they did in their new state, was to subject the 
 Negro to the degradation, not of poHtical, not of religious, 
 bondage — ^but of personal slavery ; implying the absolute 
 forfeiture of his manhood, and his reduction to the condition 
 of goods and chattels — the absolute property of his master.^ 
 But interest may be pleaded in favour of these planters; 
 it may be imagined that the want of labourers for the cul- 
 tivation of the soil made it essential to employ the African 
 race. But what are we to say of Locke ? No such tempta- 
 tion could lie in his path. His speculations were those of 
 the philosopher ; the constitution he provided was the pro- 
 duction of his studious reflections; he was, as is well 
 known, profoundly acquainted with the laws of nature, the 
 principles of jurisprudence, and with the word of God. 
 This great man may be considered as one of the apostles 
 -^w i . . * See Bancroft 
 of liberty, both political and religious ; and yet he delibe- 
 rately makes provision, in his constitution for Carolina — 
 the matter is not left tc accident — for the white popula- 
 tion, the free men from Europe, to enslave the African. 
 Could he bel'.eve these poor Negroes to be men ? If so, 
 on his own principles — the principles of nature's laws, the 
 principles of inalL ^able, immutable, eternal equity and 
 justice — these parties, being men, have as much right to 
 liberty, personal and religious, as any other men. How 
 little, according to the Scriptures, "is man to be accounted 
 of?" The only solution of this wonderful enigma is, that 
 the philosopher, by some means, allowed himself to get 
 under the influence of Shaftesbury, the wily politician. 
 But, then, what are eternal truths, principles, laws — fixed 
 as the universe — worth, if they are to be sacrificed at the 
 shrine of poUtical expediency ? Even Locke, as we see, 
 made truth partial, limited its range, confined it to classes. 
 Liberty, even with its greatest champion, only meant liberty 
 for men of a certain colour ; while these sons of freedom 
 themselves might be permitted to perpetrate the most 
 cruel wrong within the power of man, by enslaving their 
 fellow-creatures. Here, then, strange to say, we have reli- 
 gion and philosophy uniting to inflict this most execrable 
 of all villanies — religion in the persons of expatriated Puri- 
 tans, Calvinists, Huguenots, and Quakers ; and philosophy in 
 the embodied sentiments of Shaftesbury and Locke. Truth 
 comes slowly to man ; and it should seem that neither deep 
 misfortunes on the one hand, nor profound knowledge on the 
 other, can be a suflicient guarantee of its claims and rights. 
 XII. The next Annual Conference is that of Geoboia. 
 Within the boundaries of this conference we find eight dis- 
 tricts : Augusta, Athens, Gainsville, Marietta, La Grange, 
 Macon, Columbus, Jeffetsonville : one hundred and one sta- 
 tions, circuits, and missions ; one hundred and twenty-six 
 ministers ; (local preachers not given ;) fifty-seven thousand 
 one hundred and sixty-seven church-members. Among 
 these church-members we find sixteen thousand and sixty- 
 two people of colour. This is gratifjring. 
 The slavery of Georgia has been progressing. In 1790, 
 the numbers are reported as 29,264 ; and in 1840, they are 
 swollen up to 253,532. This is fearful ; but the horror is 
 mitigated by the fact of so many being, as we hope, free- 
 men in Christ. 
 Georgia is interesting to all the followers of John Wes- 
 ley, inasmuch as it is the place to which he went as a mis- 
 sionary to the Indians. Poor Indians! where are they now '? 
 No missionary is needed in Georgia for their benefit. Ho 
 says, in the first paragraph of his Journal : — 
 " Mr. Benjamin Ingham, of Queen's College, Oxford, Mr. Charles 
 ]>cIamotte, son of a merchant in London, who had offered himscli' 
 some days before, my brother Charles Wesley, and myself, took boat 
 for Gravesend, in order to embark for Georgia. Our end in Icavin,^' 
 our native country, was not to avoid want, (God having given us 
 plenty of tempc:al blessings,) nor to gain die dung or dross of riches 
 or honour; but singly this, to save our souls, to live wholly to tli(f 
 j4lory of God." — ^Wesley's Works, vol. i, p. 17. 
 He tells us, under the date of February 6th, 1736 : — 
 ^ About eight in the morning, wc first set foot on American gi'ound. 
 It was a small uninhabited island, over against Tyber. Mr. Ogle- 
 thorpe led us to a rising ground, where we all kneeled down to give 
 thanks." — Wesley's Works, vol. i, p. 23. 
 This act of religious worship consecrated the commence- 
 ment of his interesting sojourn in this place. He remarks 
 iiorain, under date 
 " February 29th — When I left England, I was chiefly afraid of two 
 things ; one, that I should never again have so many faithful friendf? 
 as I left there ; the otiicr, that the spark of love which began to kin- 
 tile in their hearts would cool and die away. But who knoweth tlic 
 mercy and power of God ? From ten friends I am a while secUulcil, 
 and he hath opened me a door into a whole Church. And as to tlic 
 very persons I left behind, his Spirit is gone forth so much the more. 
 teaching them not to trust in man, but in Him that I'aiseth the (lend. 
 and calleth the ' things that are not, as though they were.' " — Weshi/a 
 TFw*8, p. 26. . ... ., , .;..;-,.. 
 There is much to interest, much to meditate upon, in 
 these few words. This apparent accident mentioned, — " He 
 hath opened me a door into a whole Church," — b, in truth, 
 the germinant fact of all Methodism. He refers to the 
 Moravian Church, many of whose members he sailed with 
 from England, observed their spirit with more than admi- 
 ration, conversed with them on matters of experimental 
 religion, and engaged in some of then* services. These were, 
 among the circumstances which led to his own conversion. 
 And now, in the wilds of Georgia, he had the opportunity, 
 of seeing their church order, witnessing their religious 
 exercises, and entering into a free conversation with many 
 of their best and holiest ministers, on questions of doctrine 
 — and especially on the most vital of all — that of justifying 
 faith. This connexion of Mr. Wesley with the Moravian 
 Church, constituted the providential instrumentality in 
 leading him to adopt his most fondly cherished notions of 
 personal piety, and the religious life ; to see much of the 
 most elevated and spiritual portions of religious practice, 
 which he afterwards adopted as essential, and embodied 
 in his various institutions; and to embrace from their 
 model most of the disciplinary and organic portions of 
 his own system. It led, no doubt, to the idea of the 
 societies which he established, and which became so 
 important an element in his work, and so mighty an 
 instrumentality in the progress of religion ; — ^all these 
 things, so vital in Methodism, were, evidently, more or 
 less, connected with his partial union with the Moravian 
 Church in Georgia. He had, indeed, formed a small soci- 
 ety, as he calls it. in Oxford, in 1729 ; but this consisted 
 of members of the University only ; and though religious 
 exerdses wer6 connected with their meetings, yet they par- 
 took very much of a litei:ary character. The first Method- 
 ist society ever formed among the people, and for their 
 benefit, was in Georgia. On this subject, he says, under 
 date ,,..... ,,-.. .,. , 
 ** Saturday, April 17tih.— Not finding as yet any door open for the 
 pursuing our main design, we considered in what lAannor wo might 
 be most useful to the little flock at Savannah. And wo agreed, 1, 
 To advise the more serious among them to form themselves into ii 
 sort of ' little society,' and to meet once or twice a week, in order to 
 reprove, instruct, and exhort one another. 2. To select out of tliCMC 
 a smaller number for a more intimate union with each other ; which 
 might be forwarded, partly by conversing singly with each, and 
 partly by inviting them all together to our house. And this iir* 
 cordingly we determined to do every Sunday in the afternoon."— 
 Wesley's Works, vol. i. p. 30. 
 Accordingly, in his " Short History of the People called 
 Methodists," we find him saying, — 
 " On Monday, May 1st, 1738, our little society began in Londott. 
 But it may be observed, the first rise of Methodism, so called, wns 
 in November, 1729, when four of us met together at Oxford; tlu 
 second was at Savannah, in April, 1736, when twenty or thirty per- 
 sons met at my house ; the last was in London, on this day, when 
 forty or fifty of us agreed to meet together eveiy Wednesday eve- 
 ning, in order to a free conversation, begun and ended with singhig 
 iuid prayer. In all our steps" (he means in this last organization) 
 " we were greatly assisted by the advice and exhortations of Peter 
 Bolder, an excellent young man, belonging to the society commonly 
 railed Moravians." 
 It is evident from this that the first Methodist society, in 
 the popular sense of the expression — that is, a society of the 
 j)oople themselves — was formed by John Wesley himself In 
 America. The historical fact is interestmg, though no 
 iloubt the "little society" soon became extinct on Mr, 
 Wesley's departure. Whitefield, indeed, laboured in these 
 parts afterwards, and founded his celebrated Orplinn* 
 House ; but it was not the practice of this eminent preaobcr 
 to institute or foster societies. Conceiving his mission to 
 be rather prophetic than pastoral, he contented himself 
 with the delivery of his message, without attempting to 
 constitute church organizations. The efiect of this hn8 
 been disastrous to the permanency of his work. The 
 mighty impression made by his powerful ministry often 
 evaporated, like " the dew of the morning," for the want 
 of a conserving power in the form of religious societies. 
 When this was not the case, as in individual awakenings 
 and conversions, the parties were obliged to seek commu- 
 nion in otier churches ; so that their numbers were swell- 
 ed, and their power greatly increased, by the itmerant 
 labours of this eminent man. 
 We are naturally interested in the religious history of 
 Savannah, where, as we see, the first popular Methodist 
 society was formed. The traditions of the place respecting 
 Mr. Wesley would be interesting, and probably not favour- 
 able either to his fair name or his cause. He had greatly 
 offended the people by his rigorous conduct in relation to 
 the rubrics, canons, and services of the Church ; insisting 
 on baptizing their children by immersion, and. compelling 
 them to observe the very letter of the law oii all points of 
 ceremony. This would have been sufficiently biu-densome 
 in an old, weU-trained parish ; but in a new place, made up 
 of emigrants from every quarter, of every kind of senti- 
 ment, and, it is to be supposed, of somewhat lax habits, 
 such sort of discipline became intolerable. He gives the 
 following account himself: — 
 " Observing much coldness in Mr. C 's (probably Mr. Csuston, 
 the chief magistrate of Savannah) behaviour, I asked the reason of 
 it. He answered, ' I like nothing you do. All your sermons are 
 satires upon particular persons, therefore I will never hear you 
 more ; and all the people are of my mind, for we won't hear ourselves 
 abused. Besides, they say they are Protestants : but as for you, they 
 cannot tell what religion you are of. They never heard of such a 
 religion before. They do not know what to make of it. And then 
 your private behaviour : all the quarrels that have been here since 
 you came have been long of you. Indeed, there is neither man nor 
 woman in the town who minds a word you say. And so you may 
 preach long enough ; bat nobody will come to hear you.* ** 
 There is no doubt much exaggeration and passion in 
 this, but some truth. Mr. Wesley was now " under the 
 law;" his preaching and entire conduct, public and pri- 
 vate, were such as to produce exasperation. A conviction 
 of sin, without any antidote, any remedy — law without 
 gospel— can only irritate, produce wounds which it cannot 
 It is possible that the traditions of the place may 
 have something to do with the antipathy manifested 
 against Methodism}, as related by its historian, Dr. Bangs. 
 He says : — 
 " After hard toiling, they finally sneceeded, by soliciting aid from 
 varioiu parts of the country, in erecting a honse of worship in 1EI12, 
 which was dedicated to the service of Almighty GK)d by ^shop As- 
 bury, and was called Wesley Chapel. This took place about serenty- 
 fire years after the town was visited by John Wesley ; and the apiiut 
 which vented itself in opposition to Iiim seems to have descended to 
 their posterity, and shown itself in similar acts of hostility to his fol- 
 lowers: yet, by patient perseverance in well-doing, this prejudice 
 has been measurably overcome, and the cause of Methodism lias 
 taken firm stand in Sifannah, and is exerting a salutar}' influence, 
 on its citizens." > 
 Yet this " salutary influence" seems very limited to this 
 day. Dr. Pierce, who is well acquainted with Savannah 
 and the whole of Georgia, told me that the society and 
 congregation still remained very meagre ; that the opposi- 
 tion to Methodism is still most decided ; that the people 
 continued to worship in a small and poor place, the one 
 probably above referred to ; and that, altogether, the work 
 continues in a depressed and langubhing state. 
 . But notwithstanding this hostility of Savannah, we find 
 that Georgia, in general, has received the gospel at the 
 hands of the followers of John Wesle" ya a pretty large 
 We have the following in connexion with this Confer* 
 ence: — ^Emory College, Aug. B. Longstreet, Alexander 
 Means, Qeorge W. Lane, 0. L. Smith, William I. Parks, 
 Agent for Emory College. 
 It is g^tifying to find another of these institutioijis, and 
 so well and efficiently manned with officers. But we have 
 another minute : Thomas C. Stanley, chaplain in the United 
 States' navy. I heard that this is a sinecure. The gentle- 
 man occupying this poft is required to make atham voyage 
 or two, to qufidify himself for the office of chaplain of tht> 
 United States' navy ; but when the post is attained, very 
 little duty is expected. As chaplain, Mr. Stanley is not re- 
 quired to go to sea ; his quarters are somewhere on shore ; 
 and if he performs any duty at all, it is in connexion with 
 some dockyard or naval station. 
 The design in noticing this appointment is not, however, 
 to point out these circumstances, but to show how Method- 
 ism stands with respect to the State. At Washington we 
 found a minister of this Church occupying Ihe position of 
 chaplain to the Congress, and now we find another chap- 
 lain to the United States' navy. The good people of Eng- 
 land would be astonished if the Gazette should announce 
 that some Methodist preacher was appointed chaplain in 
 the royal navy, having his residence at Deptford, with pay, 
 rations, and rank as an officer ; and, moreover, having the 
 right to be saluted as such by every jack-tar and sentinel 
 on duty. This would look strange indeed. Such is the 
 diflference betwixt the position of Methodism in America 
 and in England. We say nothing respecting which is 
 right and which is wrong ; but the difference is palpable 
 XIII. The Florida Conference follows that of Georgia. 
 We find in this ecclesiastical boundary four districts, 
 namely, Quincy, Tallahassee, Netonansville, and St. 
 Mary's : thirty-three stations, circuits, and missions, thirty- 
 two ministers, with seventy-four local preachers ; and six 
 thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine church-members, 
 two thousand seven hundred and thirty-six of whom are 
 people of colour. 
 It will' be seen by these numbers, that no very great pro- 
 gress has been made in Florida. This will be accounted 
 for by the fact, that this region was originally colonized by 
 the Spaniards ; and the bulk of the population must, to 
 Uiis day, be of that nation. Theft people are, wherever 
 found, ignorant, besotted, superstitious Roman Catho- 
 lics. Their superstition, indeed, seems to be a part of 
 themselves. It is a question whether there exists a single 
 church of real evangelical Spanish Christians in any part of 
 the world. Whether they are paying the penalties due to 
 infinite justice and outraged humanity, for the crimes of 
 the Inquisition ; whether Popery has so seized all the pow- 
 ers of their intellectual and moral nature, by its traditions, 
 dogmas, and confessional, as to render them incapable of 
 receiving the truth of Qod ; or whether the Spaniard is 
 naturally and essentially a superstitious animal — seems 
 difficult to say. But in the whole world, wherever he is 
 found, he is true to his idolatry. Had we the complete 
 history of the case before us, no doubt it would be foun^ 
 that the Popery of Florida had, as in other places, proved 
 impervious even to the energetic zeal of American Me- 
 We present the result of our inquiries with respect to 
 the several conferences on this line of coast, in a tabular 
 All the following tables contain, in the different columns, 
 an enumeration of the conferences, diatricta, circvita, (in- 
 cluding atationa and miaaiwia,) miniatera, aupemumeraries, 
 local preachera, and members. 
 Conferences. Dist. Circuits. Ministers. Local Pr. Members. 
 Maine 6 162 161 167 20,448 
 New-Hampshire 3 78 81 64 10,448 
 New-England .. 8 117 108 76 13,381 
 Providence 3 112 112 72 14,429 
 New- York 8 216 254 220 46,748 
 New-Jersey ... 6 112 152 194 29,590 
 Philadelphia ..6 112 156 208 40,289 
 Baltimore 8 140 229 280 68.725 
 Virginia 6 77 96 165 28^457 
 North Carolina 5 58 75 139 20,308 
 South Carolina 6 75 108 Not given 65,160 
 Georgia 8 102 126 Not given 57.161 
 Florida ......4 33 32 74 6^729 
 73 1,394 1,690 1,659 405,541 
are, wherever 
 >man Catho- 
 be a part of 
 xists a single 
 n any part of 
 nalties due to 
 the crimes of 
 I all the pew- 
 its traditions, 
 incapable of 
 ) Spaniard is 
 nimal — seems 
 herever he is 
 the complete 
 aid be foun^ 
 laces, proved 
 merican Me* 
 ^h respect to 
 in a tabular 
 'ent columns, 
 ircuits, (in- 
 Two facts appear on the face of thia tabular view : the 
 first is, that the number of local preachers in these confer- 
 ences, as compared with the same class of agents in this 
 country, is very small. How this is to be accounted for, I 
 do not exactly know ; but believe that the American Me- 
 thodists support a regular ministry on a much larger scale 
 than is done in this country. For instance : in the English 
 Minutes for 1848, we have reported, as the aggregate num- 
 ber of members in England, 338,861 ; short of the numbers 
 on the Atlantic seaboard conferences, by 66,680. In con- 
 nexion with these 338,861 members in England, we ha\ ^ 880 
 ministers engaged ; while the pastoral oversight of 40/^, 641 
 members in these American conferences engages 1,60(> 
 ministers, which is nearly double the ratio among oursel/es. 
 The second fact is, that two or three of the confer- 
 ences in the slave States present a much greater number 
 of members, taking population as the rule, white and 
 coloured, than any other. This throws some gleams of 
 light upon the state of things, and holds out the promise 
 that at some period or another, if the gospel itself does not 
 become enslaved, a change will take place, and Christianity 
 will enfranchise this class of our fellow-believers in the 
 lights of freedom. 
 This territorial extension, we must recollect, is not an 
 ideal thing, a scheme to be accomplished, a project exist- 
 ing in the brain, or in the books and calculations of some 
 theorist; a platform or basis on which to erect a building. 
 It is a reality, a positive occupancy of four hundred thou- 
 sand square miles of country by the institutions of a living 
 Church. But how occupied ? By men holdvig this parti^ 
 cular faith in the numbers specified. Ik a constitute the 
 power of the Church, as they do that of the State. In case 
 these persons are really imbued with the spirit of true 
 religion ; with the great conceptions of the gospel ; with a 
 strong and vivid faith in the divinity of Christianity, and 
 its high and glorious destiny ; — if they are so actuated, can 
 they live in the midst of the general population without 
 producing a mighty impression ? But are these individuals 
 so influenced, so actuated ? If activity in reUgion, devoted- 
 ness to its interests, self-denying exertions and sacrifices, 
 costly contributions and zealous support, are evidence of a 
 profound conviction, then they certainly present this proof 
 of sincerity and sound faith. 
 But we have not only men devoted to God and his cause, 
 but institutions calculated in every way to consolidate this 
 living thought, this active piety. Institutions are essential 
 to the stability and permanency of any interest ; and with- 
 out them the work of the mind, and even the feelings and 
 sentiments of religion, must soon evaporate. There have 
 been, at different times and places, noble fruits of religious 
 feeling ; blessed visitations from God ; profound movements 
 on the minds and hearts of large masses of men : but, for 
 the want of suitable institutions, all this has passed away, 
 sometimes in one generation. 
 We may judge pretty accurately of the probable desti- 
 nies and progress of a people by their organizations. 
 Everything which has obtained any footing or strength in 
 the world, has gained these advantages by these means. 
 That which has distinguished Methodism in all places is, 
 among other things, its uniform and universal attempt to 
 institute means for the consolidation and progress of its 
 work. It never reckons on anything permanently useful, 
 except with the preaching of the gospel it can establish its 
 This, it must be confessed, is wise, and in perfect agree- 
 ment with the primitive practice of the Church, as well as 
 with the analogies furnished from other quarters. But it 
 is one of the conditions of our state that things in them- 
 selves good, proper, and even divine, by excess become 
 mischievoYis. The Church has invariably, in all ages, ruined 
 itself. Aud the ruin has generally approached through an 
 excess of tinkering at its polity. Institutions, in the begin- 
 ning both Christian and necessary, have become, in the 
 hands of thoughtless, often of designing, occupants, snug, 
 tight, circumscribed things ; the centres of power, instead 
 of light ; the means of oppression, instead of blessing; the 
 machinery of depression, of suppression, and of immoderate 
 and universal control, instead of expansion and progress. 
 Whilst institutions are retained in their freshness, purity, 
 and vigour, they are of infinite service ; but when they lose 
 these qualities, and become the instruments of selfishness 
 and ambition, they not only lose their power for good, but 
 they become absolutely ruinous. 
 In passing, it may be as well to say, that in a system of 
 religion such as ours, in which Societies, Committees, Con- 
 ferences, and all manner of institutions are so much in use, 
 a danger will arise, perhaps has arisen. There is the dan- 
 ger of tmsting in them. This cannot be done without such 
 an affront being offered to God as must cause him to frown, 
 to perplex, to chasten, and, if persisted in, to forsake. 
 There is the danger of destroying individual power, intelli- 
 gence, and activity. The tendency of government by insti- 
 tutions is to cut all men down to one common level, to make 
 them work within the limits of some miserable hue of cir- 
 cumvallation, and to press them within the dimensions of 
 the canons and laws of the institute. Hence, in this state 
 of things, there is no scope for faith, for any teaching of 
 God, for any inspirations of love, any bursts of ardent zeal. 
 The best men are those who creep along the line, who 
 serve God and their generation by the human canons thus 
 prepared, who study their duties, not in the light of Scrip- 
 ture, the visions of eternity, the great designs of the gos- 
 pel, or the miseries, groans, and dangers of a suffering 
 world; but, in that of the code, the pandects of a society. 
 All this is mischievous, is absolui/ely destructive. Insti- 
 tutions ought to be a focus of diffusive light and intelli- 
 gence, not of darkness and death ; they ought to contain in 
 them the pulse, not. of stagnation, but of life, beating con- 
 TOUR IN America:— PART iv. 
 stantly, and sending out its vitality to every part of the 
 body ; they ought to encourage and foster everything spi- 
 ritual, pious, holy, designed for the spread of truth, and 
 the evangelization of the world, and not discourage and 
 quench the zeal of good men. By some means, a Church 
 ought to possess two great elements at the same time, — 
 order and liberty. Institutions which secure order without 
 giving liberty, gain their point, so far as this one thing is 
 considered ; but it is the order of death. Tliought, genius, 
 principle, faith, love ; — ^all, in fact, which makes the man, 
 or constitutes the Christian, is buried in one grave ; and 
 then the inactivity is called " order." It is, indeed, order 
 with a witness ! So is the silence of the churchyard. The 
 dead trouble nobody, except the affrighted child and wo- 
 man, who, as they trip along in the dusk of the evening^ 
 imagining the appearance of a ghost, " whistle to keep their 
 courage up." 
 These sons of order and men of business in Christianity 
 are always a second-rate set. They are never found guilty 
 of a noble conception, a fine flow of feeling, a generous sym- 
 pathy, an heroic act. Whether their one idea has origin- 
 ate in themselves, or whether it is the offspring of another 
 brain, (which is generally the case,) they are a perfect uni- 
 ty. The idea is the man, find him where you may, and the 
 man is the idea. Let this man of business be followed any- 
 where, and he is still at his task. He gives his jaded soul 
 no respite. He is poring at his accounts, mending his ma- 
 chinery, examining how his appliances will answer, trying 
 whether he can fit in some new stave to the wheel ; and, 
 with all his dexterity, is ever endeavouring to make his grap- 
 pling-irons sharp, and long enough to reach and torment 
 everybody. "What, then," it is exclaimed, "are we to 
 have no order?" Yes; such order as comports with the 
 development of the faculties, the exercise of all the graces 
 of religion, the supremacy of the word of God. The l-'ws 
 of God are all true and exact ; but they are so made to 
 operate as to give expansion to every created thing, up to 
 the full elevation of its nature. The institutions of the 
 Church ought to embrace this principle. It is infinitely 
 better to have some disorder, with piety and life, than to 
 have the most perfect order without progress. 
 Every one of the things above mentioned, may be consi- 
 dered in the light of an institution. Each building, called 
 a church in America, is secured to the people by law ; 
 while these people themselves will be found to exist as a 
 little community, with their rights, duties, and interests all 
 defined and represented, and, moreover, managed by com- 
 petent officers. A station, a circuit, or a mission, is not a 
 place of resort for a migratory tribe of rambling religion- 
 ists, who just assemble now and then, as inclination or 
 caprice may dictate. One of these ecclesiastical depart- 
 ments — parishes they would be called in ancient times — 
 is, in fact, an organization for promoting the service of God 
 on the one part, and the spiritual happiness of the people 
 on the other. We see that there are thirteen hundred of 
 these institutions scattered up and down in this portion of 
 the American population. These centres of living Chris- 
 tians, of gospel light, of intelligent piety, of active zeal 
 and aggressive energy, cannot be without power. In fact, 
 it is at this point that we must look for the real, the living 
 influence of the system. Other arrangements may blend 
 the masses, link the separate societies together, lock the 
 arms of the trees into one immense and widely extended 
 foi'est ; but the real life and force of the organization will 
 be found to exist in the several stations and circuits. 
 Whilst these belong to the whole Church, to the great 
 aggregation, they are free in their individual action. From 
 .. 'i union with the body, they derive encouragement and 
 moral support, as is always the case when societies feeble 
 in themselves inhere in some large and vigorous confedera- 
 tion ; but then they possess a capacity for much separate 
 jjsefulness from their individual freedom. 
 We have only to look at this question by the light of 
 other interests. In case some general theory or doctrine, 
 of political or any other science, had succeeded in organiz- 
 ing for its support and propagation some thirteen hundred 
 separate institutions, with three parts of a million of the 
 people; whilst these people devoted their intelligence, 
 their labour, and a good portion of their wealth, for the 
 support and extension of this cause, should we not imagine 
 ' it to possess great advantages, and the prospect of perma- 
 nent success ? So it is, as we think, with these churches. 
 They rest on a solid basis, they have become a part of 
 the spiritual and moral life of society, they are dovetailed 
 into its other arrangements, they belong to the soil itself, 
 they communicate and receive nutriment from all things 
 around them, and they are rendered vital by the truth 
 which is in them. 
 We generally speak of the institutions of a Church as 
 something distinct from the Church itself; whereas, the 
 view just given supposes any local church to be a religious 
 institution. And yet it must be conceded, that some things 
 connected with the Church look hke institutions growing 
 out of its organization. What is either the district or the 
 conference but an offshoot of this sort? Of course, we 
 speak of the conference proper, the assembly of ministers, 
 and not of the topical use of the term as applied to territory. 
 This conference is an institution of the Church, contrived 
 as an organ of its action, under certain conditions. But the 
 Church might exist without it, just as an empire might ex- 
 ist under one chief, instead of being organized under king, 
 lords, and commons. 
 The tendency, nay, the very genius, of Methodism, is to 
 build institutions upon the truth it holds. In some sort, it 
 is a religion of institutions; it finds an organization for every 
 purpose ; it deposits everything in an institution. Its doc- 
 trines, so far as man is concerned in their conser\'ation, are 
 intrusted to the care of institutions ; its church-membership 
 is an incorporation founded on rules and laws ; its ministers 
 constitute a common brotherhood, resting on reciprocal 
 rights, all defined and understood ; its government is in the 
 hands of various bodies, either bearing the name or analo- 
 gous to committees or conferences. The world is not more 
 fully and completely parcelled out into governmental de- 
 partments, whether named counties, parishes, hundreds, 
 tithings ; and these, again, are not more perfectly pervaded 
 with various centres of authority and power, for purposes 
 of administration and government, than is Methodism. It 
 is not a religious opinion loosely floating on the breeze ; it 
 is not a random and eccentric flow of feeling and zeal ; it is 
 not a wide-spread moral wave, ebbing and flowing with the 
 seasons ; it is not the casual and disconnected existence of 
 many thousands of enthusiastic people, flyin^ here and 
 there through society, like George Fox and the old Friends, 
 dehvering their testimony, and then departing. No ; it is 
 not this. In its best state it is full of feeling, of energy, 
 of faith, of holiness, of good works. It is soul as well as 
 body. It is animated by a living, thrilling, beating pulsa- 
 tion of piety. Its love is of the most ethereal as well as 
 practical kind ; embracing the Saviour and the souls of men. 
 But, then, while Methodism is spirit and life, it has shown 
 itself to be wise and judicious ; inasmuch as it has every- 
 where done its best to render its truths, its spirit, and its 
 work permanent, by connecting the whole with appropri- 
 ate institutions. 
 Then, in looking at the territorial position and power of 
 Methodism in the States we have had under review, a most 
 inadequate conception on the subject would be attained, if 
 the mere numbers of the people were alone regarded. 
 This would be to consider them an unarmed and helpless 
 set of savkges ; like the Indian tribes, to be driven from 
 their territorial possessions by the force and influence of 
 some future aggressive movement of Christianity. Their 
 connexion with the country is of a very differept nature 
 to this. They have taken root in the soil, in the social 
 state. Men die off, human life is a fleetmg vapour, gene- 
 rations pass away ; but institutions outlive these ravages of 
 But they not only continue, they collect around them, — 
 they rather embrace within their enclosure new generations 
 as they come into being. Individual man, in his isolation, 
 solitude, and sorrows, looks abroad for some resting-place, 
 and is glad to connect himself with a Church which 
 promises him permanent help and guidance in his passage 
 to eternity. In some sense, truth, knowledge, religious 
 ideas and sentiments, — which are embedded in permanent 
 institutions, — ^may be said to be fastened to society, as the 
 trees of the forest to their earthy home. It is true, all this 
 may exist in a ver^ inert and lifeless state, as has often^ 
 been the case ; and yet, when the seed is found in the 
 earth, there is some chance that the genial rains and sun- 
 shine of heaven may reach and bring it to maturity; where- 
 as, if not there at all, these powers of nature could not 
 draw forth the ear or ripen the harvest. Where institu- 
 tions are not established, everything depends on individual 
 character and exertions ; and when living men are not 
 found to maintain and propagate the truth, it must be alto- 
 gether banished; but when they exist, though in them- 
 selves insufficient, yet still a basis is found, a testimony is 
 borne, a standard continues unfurled ; and, although the 
 depression may remain through a long and dreary winter, 
 yet still, in time, a season of " refreshing will come from 
 the presence of the Lord." ' 
 The point of interest, then, is, that, besides the thousands 
 of living men professing the Methodist faith on the Atlantic 
 seaboard, these people have adopted means to conserve 
 and propagate their doccrines; to carry on a constant 
 aggressive evangelization amongst the unconverted and 
 thoughtless ; to promote and extend, by the vigorous use 
 of the press, their sentunents and views on religious ques- 
 tions ; and to raise the standard of intelligence and know- 
 ledge by a collegiate course of education; and then to 
 govern and direct the whole to a good and useful practical 
 result, by a minute and local or a general system of govern- 
 ment, as the case may be. This form of Methodism shows 
 that it has taken root in the country, and is not likely soon 
 to be destroyed. For good or for evil, this form of the 
 Christian f^th is likely to remain an element of American 
 society in all time to come. Its principles, its men, its or- 
 ganization, and its institutions, must have their share in 
 fashioning the destinies of the American people. A wild 
 outburst of religious effervescence will soon be over ; and, 
 like the course of the vessel on the sea, no trace be left be- 
 hind in a very short period. This has been considered the 
 character and the destiny of Methodism by many erroneous 
 and bigoted observers. Its history has not shown it to be 
 of this ephemeral nature anywhere ; and whatever may be 
 its destmy in the Old World, most assuredly it is not Ukely 
 to have this fate in the New. 
 In the aspect in which we are considering it, the Method- 
 ist Church is now favoured beyond anything we can con- 
 ceive by the conditions of the country. In establishing 
 territorial mstitutions, it will be seen at once, that the sue • 
 cess must depend very much upon the occupancy or the 
 non-occupancy of the soil. Where a territorial Church is 
 found with prescriptive rights, ecclesiastical arrangements, 
 embracing the whole country, a numerous clergy, strong 
 public prejudices in its favour, and a long traditional ce- 
 lebrity, — ^where all this is found, it is evident that a new 
 territorial organization must meet with great obstructions 
 in its progress. Nothing of this sort existed, in the com- 
 mencement of Methodism, at all in some parts of America, 
 and in the old States only to a very limited degree. 
 What, then, in this state of things, should prevent 
 Methodist institutions from obtaining a permanent footing 
 in a country so circumstanced ? In themselves they possess 
 a conservative principle, which tends to consolidation ; so 
 that the only question is, as to whether they; are adapted 
 to the civil state, the genius of the people, the spirit of the 
 age, and the wants of the country. Religion, it is true, as 
 a divine and spiritual dispensation, will continue in all its 
 freshness and glory forever, in despite of anything exter- 
 nal and human. But it is different with organizations. 
 These must be adapted to the circumstances adverted to. 
 or otherwise they will be abandoned by the people, and, 
 as a consequence, decay. For the want of this principle 
 of adaptation, many great combinations of social, political, 
 and religious power have fallen beneath the pressure of 
 changes and revolutionary tendencies, which the progress 
 of time and events has rendered inevitable. As this has 
 been the fate of so many massive edifices, it is but too pos-' 
 sible that, at some time or another, it will be the case with 
 the polity of this Church. But this day has not yet ar* 
 rived, and is not likely soon to appear. 
 One of the main features of our system hitherto has been 
 its power of adaptation, its elastic spring. This, again, 
 arises from keeping clear of divine-right theories and max- 
 ims in matters which have been left as indifferent. Method- 
 ism holds nothing but the truth, the gospel itself, as pro- 
 perly divine. Having never considered one of its conclaves, 
 like a Popish council, as in possession of inspired wisdom, 
 it has never held that the decrees of these bodies are in- 
 fallible, and consequently divine. Popery has split on this 
 rock. Its infallibility, it is true, has been a great power in 
 its hands : it has done prodigious service in its time. But 
 it entirely annihilates the principle of adaptation, except by 
 evasions. The papacy is fastened to this dogma ; it cannot 
 alter, and must, sooner or later, be destroyed. This free- 
 dom is one of the safeguards, as well as one of the mightiest 
 instruments of Christianity itself. Holding the doctrines of 
 the gospel firmly, tenaciously, faithfully ; yet still we con- 
 sider ourselves at perfect liberty respecting the mode and 
 means of making them known. The conduits, the pipes by 
 which the waters of life are conveyed to an arid world, 
 have never been confounded with the waters themselves. 
 By just adhering to this simple maxim, a freedom of action 
 is secured, that enables the Church to do the work of the 
 Lord in any place, and in the midst of every variety of con- 
 dition in which a people may be found. 
 But the aggressive spirit of the system is admirably fitted 
 to meet the wants of a new country. This one character- 
 istic has carried it to its present point of progress, and must 
 cany it much farther. Besides, a body which is always 
 in motion must possess the habit of activity. Nothing can 
 be well stagnant in a Church which is constantly ebbing 
 and flowing, like the tides of the oceim, by reason of its 
 itinerancy. But this wonderfully agrees with the American 
 spirit. To aim at progress, onward adventure, new acqui- 
 sitions, greater scope, unexplored territory, are the very 
 elements of American character. These passions and tastes 
 seem almost to belong to his being, to be a part of himself. 
 What kind of church-order or ministry can be so perfectly 
 fitted to meet all this as an itinerant system? The two 
 things might have been made for each other, they so ad- 
 mirably fit. Even the episcopacy of the Church is con- 
 ceived in the same spuit. The Methodist bishop is, of all 
 men, full of enterprise, and is constantly in motion. He is a 
 bishop that he may oversee. Instead of being confined to 
 any particular locality, he is found everywhere, to the very 
 extremities of the country, seeking the scattered flock of 
 Christ, and looking diligently after those who are within 
 the fold. The distant prairies and settlements of the " far 
 west," the wigwams of the Indians in their far-oflf territories, 
 the huts and the plantations occupied by the negro race — 
 all witness the presence and labours of the bishop. His 
 business is to lead on the militant host of God's elect to 
 new enterprises and labours. His prerogatives are not de- 
 signed to exact obedience, to subdue and intimidate, but to 
 inspirit to fresh zeal and devotion to the cause of Ood. It 
 is not his calling to " eat the flesh and warm himself in the 
 wool of the flock/' but to go before them in tHe wilderness, 
 allure them to green pastures, and " feed them with the 
 finest of the wheat." Thus, as far as can be perceived, the 
 institutions of this Church, and the wants and spirit of the 
 country, are in perfect harmony. Only let the truth and 
 Spirit of God imbue and live in these institutions, and then 
 they are not only safe from decay, but they must accom- 
 plish their purpose in diffusing true religion and virtue 
 through the entire country for ages and generations to 
 In prosecuting our territorial survey of the Methodist! 
 Church, we now enter upon the line of the Hudson and 
 the Lakes. By an examination of the map, it will be seen 
 that this marks out a distinct portion of the States, and 
 furnishes a convenient division for our purpose. 
 In passing from the seacoast into the interior, by this 
 route, the results will be found much the same as on the 
 Atlantic line. The country itself is amongst the most beau- 
 tiful and fertile portions of the States. Many parts of it 
 are highly cultivated ; fine arable and meadow land, water- 
 ed, as is usual in America, by innumerable rivers and 
 streams, everywhere meets the eye ; hills of every eleva- 
 tion, covered with trees and foliage, rich with various hues 
 and fragrance, rise to adorn the landscape,; and as far as 
 such a fact can be attested by appearances, a thriving and 
 happy population is rapidly filling the country. 
 All this territory is occupied by the Methodist Church. 
 Its enterprising evangelists have entered every open door. 
 A little time ago the whole presented the aspect of a mis- 
 sion, an enterprise, a trial for occupancy; but now the 
 Church presents the appearance of a quiet, peaceful, and 
 settled power. Along this line, and the country adjacent, 
 it will be found, on examination, that a complete eccledas- 
 tical organization has been formed, and that the ministry 
 and religious ordinances of the body pervade the entire 
 country; and, moreover, as the system is everywhere 
 voluntary, it follows that great numbers of the people be- 
 long to the community, else its institutions could not exist. 
 I. About six miles north of Albany stands the city of 
 Troy, which gives its name to a conference. Why Troy, 
 instead of Albany, should have been fixed upon, when the 
 latter is the metropolitan city of the State of New- York, 
 and much larger than Troy, it is difficult to say. 
 Connected with tho Troy Conference we find seven dis 
 tricts, — Troy, Albany, Saratoga, Poultney, Burlington, 
 Plattshurgh, St. Allan's ; one hundred and thirty -eight 
 stations, circuits, and missions; one hundred and ninety 
 ministers, with one hundred and thirty-eight local preach- 
 ers ; twenty-five thousand three hundred and twenty-seven 
 church-members ; ninety-seven only of whom are people of 
 We find the following stations : — Troy Conference Aca- 
 demy, J. T. Peck, principal ; R. Q. Mason, teacher. The 
 above Dr. Jesse T. Peck is brother of Dr. George Peck, 
 now editor of the Christian Advocate, and is a gentleman 
 of fine talents and much energy. He was chosen one of 
 the secretaries of the last General Conference at Pitts- 
 burgh, and discharged its duties with excellent tact and 
 The work in this locality commenced in 1788. I find 
 a conference was held in Albany in 1*791 ; but the term 
 " conference," at that time, does not seem to indicate a 
 territorilal division — a diocese — but simply a meeting of 
 preachers, for the transaction of business. 
 II. The Vermont Conferekoe is the next in topographi- 
 cal order in our hne. This is a small ecclesiastical sectkm, 
 and only embraces a few places. We have three districts; 
 namely, Mbntpelier, Danville, Springjield : sixty-four sta- 
 tions, circuits, and missions; seventy-one ministers, with 
 forty-six local preachers ; and seven thousand nine hundred 
 and fifty-three church-members. 
 We have the following appointment noted : H. C. Wood, 
 Principal of the Springfield Wesleyan Seminary. 
 Methodism was introduced into this State m 1704. 
 III. We now come to the Black River Confbrknce. 
 In connexion with this conference we have six districts ; 
 namely. Borne, St/raeuae, Oewego, Adams, Watertown, and 
 Pottadam : ninety-three stations, circuits, and missions; one 
 hundred and thirteen ministers, with one hundred and forty- 
 five local preachers; and fifteen thousand nine hundred 
 and seventeen church-members ; twenty only being people 
 of colour. 
 It will be seen that this conference, like that of Troy, 
 does not take its name from any State; and, to a stranger, 
 there is some difficulty in fixing its exact locality. The 
 ' names of the stations are so curious, and so few of them 
 can be found on the best maps, that were it not just for the 
 discovery of one or two of the most prominent, one might 
 be left in the dark altogether respecting this Black River 
 Black River empties itself into Lake Ontario, and flows 
 in a somewhat northerly direction from the interior of the 
 State of New- York. Sackett's Harbor, one of the stations 
 of this^ conference, is nearly opposite Kingston, on the 
 Canadian side of Lake Ontaiio, as are Mexico and Oswego, 
 two other stations. This ecclesiastical division of the terri- 
 tory of the State of New- York skirts the above beautiful 
 lake at a point which brings the American and Canadian 
 bodies into pretty close contiguity to each other. We know 
 of no bitterness or strife ; all is harmony and concord be- 
 twixt the two Churches, 
 The numbers found on this conference division, — fifteen 
 thousand nine hundred and seventeen, — just at a point 
 where the northern extremity of the State of New- York 
 abuts upon the Ontario Lake, and exactly opposite to the 
 Canadian shore, indicate a fact which has been before 
 referred to, and may be worth looking at again. It relates 
 to the contrast in population and progress in the two coun- 
 tries. It will be found, on examination, that, in the same 
 space in Canada which is occupied by this Black River 
 Conference, there are scarcely as many hundreds of mem- 
 bers as there are thousands on the American side. How 
 is this ? Certainly not because the Canadian preachers are 
 less laborious, or that there is a less disposition in the peo- 
 ple to embrace their doctrines and fellowship. The case 
 is to be accounted for on a perfectly different principle ; 
 namely, the wonderful difference betwixt the population, 
 the activity, and the progress of the American State, as 
 contrasted with the British colony. The soil, the climate — 
 indeed, all the elements of social improvement, are as great 
 on the Canadian side as on that of America ; but the differ- 
 ence, iu point of fact, is prodigious. 
 It is not for us to speculate on the causes of this differ- 
 ence. They are, however, easily seen and understood on 
 the spot. We perceive, in this case, that population and 
 Methodism in the States go on concurrently : considering 
 the comparatively recent ingress of any large amount of peo- 
 ple towards this frontier of the Union, it is amazing how 
 great and mighty the amount of advancement they have 
 made. The harbours and shores of these lakes — these 
 inland seas — are being filled up by an energetic race, who are 
 laying the foundations of an extended trade and commerce, 
 only second to that which is seen on the Atlantic seaboard, 
 or that which is carried on on the waters of the Mississippi. 
 It is cheering to the philanthropist and the Christian to 
 perceive, that this new population does not settle down in 
 a state of heathenism. The preaching of the gospel, the 
 ordinances of the Churcli, and the appliances of education 
 and knowledge, are all finding their way, and becoming 
 living elements of the growing and expanding civilization. 
 We have no fewer than three notices of educational in- 
 stitutions in this conference : — Mexico Academy, to be sup- 
 plied ; Gouvemeur Wesleyan Seminary, J. W. Armstrong ; 
 John Dempster, Professor of Theology in the Methodist 
 Biblical Institute, Concord, New-Hampshire. 
 It was the writer's happiness to meet with Dr. Demp- 
 ster at Pittsburgh. The Biblical Institute, of which he is 
 the professor, in point of fact, is a theological college. It 
 is the only institution of the kind in the United States in 
 any way connected with the Methodist Church; for, though 
 at the colleges and universities many of the professors have ; 
 theological classes, they have not yet thought it advisable ' 
 to establish separate and exclusive theological schools. 
 This is a subject which the American Methodist Church 
 has not decided. It seems to be an open question among 
 them, and not likely soon to be settled. It must not be 
 inferred from this, that they are indifferent to theological 
 learning. Their energetic support of educational institu- 
 tions, and their practice of connecting theological classes 
 and lectures with their college and university courses, most 
 clearly show the contrary (rf this. The matter of fact is, 
 that a very deep, indeed, enthusiastic, conviction of the 
 advantages of instruction, and, moreover, of a well-trained 
 ministry, exists almost universally amongst them. 
 The only point on which there is any demur is, as to 
 whether it is better, or the contrary, that the youth des- 
 tined to the ministry should be educated in common with 
 the rest of the Methodist community, availing themselves 
 of the theological instruction provided, as above motioned ; 
 or, whether they should be separated altogether from the 
 young community about them, and placed by themselves 
 in a sort of monastic establishment. Much, it is clear, may 
 be said on both sides of the question.. Tlte practice of 
 separate theological institutions is that which, in this coun- 
 try, has prevailed amongst the Dissenting and Noncon- 
 formist bodies ; but it is not the practice of the national 
 universities, whether in England, Scotland, or Ireland. In 
 these great seminaries of learning the lay youth, and those 
 who are designed for the ministry, are educated in common. 
 There are no theological institutions having a national cha- 
 racter : these all belong to the separate Christian sects. 
 Which is the better system, it may be difficult to say ; and 
 which turns out the greater men, it might be considered 
 invidious to pronounce. There are obviously benefits pecu- 
 liar to both modes; but they must be different in their 
 kind. To young men shut up from all contact with others, 
 there is the advantage of preservation from the evils of bad 
 example ; and then the discipline brought to bear upon 
 them, can be much more stringent than if they lived in 
 common with others. But, on the other side, an educa- 
 tional course in union with the lay youth of the community, 
 and, for this reason, a much more numerous body, must 
 tend to produce a more generous, manly, catholic, and 
 national character than the other. Better denominational 
 divines will be made, so far as sectarian theology is con- 
 cerned, by a merely isolated education. When this is the 
 main object, it is evident enough that separate schools, 
 placed under strict surveillance, will be the best. But if 
 the design is to expand the faculties, to produce generous 
 and catholic feelings, to attach the soul to truth on a uni- 
 versal scale, to make the youth a citizen of the nation, to 
 strengthen his sympathies with all God's imiverse, — then 
 an open education seems the thing. 
 Whether a sound knowledge of theology can be attained 
 in connexion -with this general system, must be "judged of 
 by facts. Are old Thomas Jackson, Barrow, Pearson, 
 Butler, divines of any learning and religious acquirements ? 
 because they were educated dnd trained in the national 
 universities, in common with the lay youth of their age. 
 *?• i 
 Are Rutherford, Gillies, Chalmers, of the Scotch nation, 
 theologians of any distinction ? for they wqre brought up 
 in the open schools of their country. Are Usher, Skelton, 
 Magee, of the Irish nation, names of any consideration ? 
 these also were educated in common with the laity. These 
 are amongst the great teachers of the Christian Church. 
 They belong to all parties, to all ages, to all nations. They 
 are the instructors of all communities, and will be so to 
 the end of time. But it would be unjust to the other side 
 not to say, that the theological college system has pro- 
 duced great names : Di-s. Watts, Doddridge, and Pye 
 Smith, will live as divines, and diflFuse ilie fragrance of 
 their pious and eminently useful labours through the 
 Church, in all time to come. 
 How the American Methodist Church may settle this 
 question, and whether they will ever be led to adopt the 
 plan of a separate theological training for their young min- 
 isters, it is difficult to say. Besides the usual prejudices 
 tigainst an isolated and separate education, on the grounds 
 of spoiling the students for enterprise, and the endurance 
 of toil and hardship, — ^it strikes me that the nationalism 
 of the American preachers will be found to stand in tlie 
 way of the adoption of this system. These ministers are 
 thorough citizens ; they feel themselves of the people ; 
 tliey identify themselves fully and entirely with the nation; 
 and though they possess the ministerial office and function, 
 }'et there is little affectation of the clerical caste, I should 
 say, that, next to piety to God, a full behef in Christianity, 
 and the love of the Gospel, the leading characteristic of 
 the American minister is, a full and perfect identificatiou 
 of feeling and principle with his country : it will be difficult 
 to bring about any plans of instruction, in case they should 
 be attempted, the tendency of which is in any way to alie a- 
 ate the minister from the citizen, the priest from the Ame- 
 rican. It is clearly seen by these sagacious men that the 
 institution of exclusively theological colleges, which should 
 detach the youth of the Church from the body of the 
 people, is, in spirit, directly opposed to the genius of 
 general citizenship, and must tend to create a class whose 
 feelings, tastes, and habits, will necessarily be, in some 
 sort, sectarian. At any rate, at present, the idea has very 
 little favour and countenance amongst either ministers or 
 IV. The Oneida Conference joins that of Black River. 
 It includes eight districts, — Cazenovia, Oneida, Chenango, 
 Otsego, Newark, Cayuga, Susquehanneh, and Wyoming : 
 one hundred and twenty-seven stations, circuits, and mis- 
 sions ; one hundred and sixty ministers, with two hundred 
 and two local preachers ; and twenty-five thousand seven 
 hundred and seventy-six church-members, eighty-six of 
 whom are coloured people, and ninety Indians. 
 We have the following appointments in this conference : 
 — Henry Bannister, Principal of the Oneida Conference 
 Seminary ; Edward Bannister, Professor ; Nelson Rounds, 
 Editor of the Northern Christian Advocate ; Alonzo Wood, 
 (Chaplain of State Prison at Auburn ; R. Nelson, Principal 
 of Wyoming Seminary. 
 Here, then, we find the usual agencies at work. Two 
 seminaries, one Christian Advocate, and one chaplain to a 
 state prison. This does not look like an inefficient church 
 V. The Genesee Conference abuts upon Oneida. We 
 have nine districts belonging to this division of the country ; 
 namely, Ontario, JSast Rochester, Genesee, Buffalo, Niagara, 
 Rushford, Dansville, Wellshorough. and Seneca Lake : one 
 liundred and fifty-nine stations, circuits, and missions ; one 
 liundred and eighty-seven ministers, with two himdred and 
 fifty-three local preachers; and twenty-six thousand six 
 hundred and twenty-four church- members, fifty-eight of 
 whom are coloured people. 
 The manner of the commencement of the work in this 
 part of the country, is given by the h*'' . *.an of Me- 
 thodism : — 
 "As early as 1792, Mr. Garrettson had travelled through various 
 parts of this new country, preaching to the people in their log-houses, 
 in bams, and often holding his qnarterly-me'^tings under the foliage 
 of trees. Aided as he was by those zealous young preachers, who 
 entered this field of labour, he was instrumental in extending tlic 
 j^ospel and itii attendant blessings into these destitute places. By 
 these means those societies were established which have continued 
 to flourish and increase to the present time. Along the Mohawk 
 [River, as far as Utica, as well as the Chenango and Snsquehannah 
 rivers, those pioneers of Methodism penetrated, and laid the founda- 
 tion for those extensive revivals of religion which have blessed that 
 region of the country. We may form some Judgment of the good 
 effects of these labours and saci-ifices from the fact, that there werc 
 rctuiTied in the Minutes for this year, including Tioga, Wyoming, 
 Saratoga, and Seneca drctiits, eight hundred and ninety-two members 
 of the Church. Had equal zeal been manifested at this eai'ly period 
 in building suitable houses of worship, as the work enlarged with the 
 progress of the settlements, Methodism would have taken a stand 
 licre more firmly, and have exerted a much more halloAved and ex- 
 tensive influence over the population." — ^Bangs's " History of Method- 
 ism^^ vol. ii, pp. 66, 67. See Asbury, vol. iii, p. 293. 
 Nothing can well be finer than the work above described, 
 l^'or the evangelist to place himself by the side of the ad- 
 vancing population, to make himself one of them, to share 
 tli(jir privations, — to enter their log-huts with messages 
 of mercy, — ^to hold his meetmgs for preaching and prayer 
 nnder the spreading foliage of the trees of the wilderness ; 
 — ^to encourage the woodman in his aggressions upon the 
 forest, and the farmer in his eflForts to turn up the virgin 
 soil, for a first crop ; — then to see these primitive families 
 erecting their altar, like Abraham in the desert, to the God 
 of the lonely waste, as well as of the crowded city ; — to 
 listen to the echoes of praise and prayer reverberating in 
 the midst of solitudes., made vocal for the first time since 
 time began ; — all this is infinitely beautiful. This was the 
 work of that glorious evangelist, Freeborn Oarrettson, and 
 his young men. The seed they sowed has indeed sprung 
 up, and produced a plentiful harvest, notwithstanding the 
 somewhat mournful tone of our good friend Bangs about 
 the "preaching-houses." How everything could have 
 been done at once, it is difficult to divine. How great 
 ** preaching-houses " are to be built, whether in America 
 or anywhere else, before there is a people to build them, 
 or money to pay for them, one cannot well imagine. But 
 it is always the fashion for the present to find fault with 
 the past. Why were our forefathers so very foolish as to 
 build such little paltry chapels, — " houses of worship," — 
 as they did ? How a.uch more rational and religious 
 it would have been, if they had erected edifices which 
 would have held, say, a couple of thousands ! Besides, 
 these miserable little shabbv temples only stand in the 
 place of great ones ; just as a rotten tree, till it is blown 
 down, fills the space which might be occupied by a grace- 
 ful, majestic, blooming young son of the forest. 
 This is the way people talk on this subject. But how 
 the "preaching-houses" in the American wilderness were 
 to be built, almost before the timber was felled, — certainly 
 before the soil was cultivated, — is puzzling to know ; and 
 how, nearer home, the spacious, elegant, costly edifice is to 
 rise, except from a previous beginning, perhaps of a very 
 humble and homely description, is equally difficult to com- 
 prehend. Let not the great despise the little ; they would 
 never have held their own elevated position, had not some- 
 l)ody laid the foundation. And let not the citizen gentle- 
 man despise the woodman ; his city had never risen, had 
 not the pioneer cleared the ground. 
 VI. The Erie Conference. A narrow strip of country, 
 belonging to the State of Pennsylvania, stretches to Lake 
 Erie ; and a town, named after the lake, stands on this 
 nanow neck of land. This ecclesiastical division conttdns 
 six districts; namely, Ravenna, Warren, Meadville, Erie, 
 Jameatown, and Franklin : eighty-five stations, circuits, 
 and missions; one hundred and twenty-eight ministers, 
 with one hundred and ninety-three local preachers ; twenty 
 thousand one hundred and forty-three church-members, 
 fifty-eight of whom, are people of colour. 
 We have the usual appointments and agencies in this 
 conference : — Asbury Seminary, G. B. Hawkins, Principal ; 
 Alleghany College, G. W. Clark, Calvin Kingsley, Pro- 
 fessors ; M. G. Briggs, Agent. 
 i3esides the north-western point of the State of Pennsyl- 
 vania, above referred to, this conference embraces portions 
 of tiie New- York and Ohio States bordering on Pennsyl- 
 vania. But the greatest point of interest is its connexion 
 »viii? Lake Erie. It was the author's privilege to touch at 
 one of the most important stations, Cleveland, in this con- 
 ference, and to witness, as in many other cases, the rapid 
 development df the resources of the country. The liarboiir 
 is both spacious and safe ; and the city presents a beautiful 
 appearance /rom the water. The Cuyahoga River empties 
 itself into the lake at this point ; and the Ohio canal termi- 
 nates here. This city is destined to hold a high position 
 amongst the cities of the lakes. 
 VII. The North Ohio Conference joins that of Erie. 
 This conference contains seven districts, — Delaware, Mount 
 Vernon, Wooster, Norwalk, Tiffin, Maumee, Sidney: 
 eighty stations, circuits, and missions ; one hundred and 
 thirty-three ministere, wiiL forty-two local preachers, and 
 twenty-six thousand and forty-three church-members, fifty - 
 six of whom are coloured people. 
 We find the following special appointments : — Ohio Wes- 
 leyan University, Edward Thompson, President ; H. H. 
 Johnson, Professor ; E. B. Gurly, Agent. Baldwin Institute. 
 Lorenzo Warner, Principal. Chaplain to Western Seamen's 
 Friend Society for the port of Toledo, Thomas Cooper. . 
 1 1 
 The above university, which is located at Delaware, was 
 founded so recently as 1844. Dr. Thompson, like some 
 other eminent men in the ministry, is an M. D., and has been 
 selected for his present onerous post on account of his 
 abilities and learning. The State of Ohio stretches from 
 the river of that name to Lake Erie ; and this North Ohio 
 Conference touches its beautiful waters. There remains 
 much land still to " possess ;" but the country is rapidly 
 filling up with a thriving and prosperous population. 
 VIII. The Michigan Conference is the next in our 
 present line. This name, it is to be presumed, is taken from 
 the State, and this latter from Lake Michigan. This con- 
 ference gives us seven districts ; namely, Detroit, Ann Ar- 
 bor, Marshall, Monroe, Kalamazoo, Grand River, and In- 
 dian Mission : seventy-nine stations, circuits, and missions ; 
 one hundred and eighteen ministers, with one hundred and 
 ninety-one local preachers ; sixteen thousand and seventy- 
 one church-members, eight of whom are coloured people. 
 The special appointments are as follows: — John A. 
 Baughman, Agent of the American Bible Society ; D. D. 
 Whedon, Professor in the Michigan University ; F. C. Kiti- 
 near, Principal of the Wesleyan Seminary at Albion. 
 Michigan University, in which Mr. Whedoii is a profes- 
 sor, is not a Methodist institution. It is located at Ann 
 Arbor, and was founded so lately as 1837. But the fact 
 that this gentleman is appointed to his present office by 
 the authorities of the university, shows that neither Method- 
 ism nor its ministers occupy a low position in public esti- 
 IX. The North Indiana Conference unites with the 
 Michigan. This division contains nine districts, — Green- 
 castle, Craivfordsville, Lafayette, Indmnapolis, Centreville, 
 Peru, Logansport, Laporte, Fort Wayne : eighty-six sta- 
 tions, circuits, and missions; one hundred and thirteen 
 ministers, with two hundred and fifty-seven local preach- 
 ers; and twenty-six thousand three hundred and two 
 church-members : of this number there are fifty coloured 
 people. " 
 We find the following extra appointments: — ^Indiana 
 Asbury University, WilUam C. Larabee, Cyrus Nutt, Pro- 
 fessors ; G. M. Beswick, W. H. Huffman, Agents ; D. F. 
 Tefft, Editor of Ladies' Repository ; Aaron Wood, Agent 
 of the American Bible Society. 
 But though the Minutes report the above-named gentle- 
 men as officers of Asbury University, by turning to the 
 Indiana Conference we shall find four more appointments. 
 The usage seems to be to place every minister in connexion 
 with his own conference, let his official post be what it may. 
 Hence a person may belong to a conference at any dis^ 
 tance, and yet have an appointment in one of the public 
 institutions in another place. The four additional appoint- 
 ments referred to are, — Matthew Simpson, President of the 
 Indiana Asbury University; Isaac Owen, Agent for the 
 Indiana Asbury University ; Greenlee H. M'Laughlin, 
 Agent for the current expenses of the Indiana Asbury Uni- 
 versity ; and William M. Daily, Agent for the Agriculturnl 
 Professorship of the Indiana Asbury University. 
 It seems that agricultural science is connected with this 
 school. Looking at the business of farming as one of tlu; 
 permanent callings of a vast population, this will appear a 
 suitable subject of study. Who can say that farming ouglU 
 not to have the advantages of learning as well as other de- 
 partments ? Why should not the exterior world engage the 
 recondite investigations of gifted men ? Surely, there k 
 enough in the business of agriculture to make it most de- 
 sirable that all the productions of mother earth should be 
 scientifically examined, classified, and used. 
 Be this as it may, the functions of Dr. Simpson arc of a 
 different order ; and no doubt he ably discharges his duty. 
 Dr. Simpson is a man of mark. I had the privilege of 
 much friendly intercourse with this gentleman, and wit- 
 nessed with great admiration the discharge of his public 
 duties at the conference. He is a very able man in every 
 way, and, being young, is likely, it is hoped, long to bless 
 the Church and the world with the benefits of his valuable 
 labours. * • 
 X. We now come to the Hock River Conference, the 
 last on this lake line. The district of country designated 
 by this term, seems to lie betwixt the western shores of 
 Lake Michigan and the Mississippi River. It contains ten 
 districts; namely, Chicago, Ottowa, Washington, Peoria, 
 Hock Island, Mount Morris, Platteville, Fondulac Mission, 
 Milwaukie, and Racine : one hundred and seven stations, 
 circuits, and missions ; one hundred and forty-one ministers, 
 with three hundred and nineteen local preachers ; and 
 eighteen thousand nine hundred and thirteen church-mem- 
 bera, twenty-seven of whom are people of colour, and one 
 hundred and sixty-one Indians. 
 It cheers one at length to meet with some Indians. We 
 have traversed a prodigious extent of country before over- 
 taking any of them, except once. Here some of them are, 
 it seems, driven to the extremity of the States, in this 
 direction ; for this Rock River Conference joins the Wis- 
 consin Territory ; indeed, embraces some of it : and, as the 
 term indicates, it is a newly settled country, not yet fonned 
 into a State. When these Wisconsin people have filled the 
 country, will any of the Indians remain ? It is certain they 
 will not. What will be their fate, when the tide of popu- 
 lation has reached the utmost limits of the country in the 
 direction of the west ; when the inhabitants of the Atlantic 
 shore, and those of the Pacific, are linked together in one 
 unbroken chain ; it is fearful to think. They will not be 
 pushed into the waiters of the mighty deep ; but the 
 pressure, like that of disease and age, will crush the last 
 of their noble race to the earth. 
 We find the name of a station in this conference some- 
 what familiar to the ears of English people ;. but in a very 
 different connexion : it is Nauvoo. Nauvoo, it will be re- 
 membered, is, or was, the headquarters of the MorraotMtcs ; 
 who, on account of their fantastic and impious doctrines, 
 have met, we are told, with no great favour from the Ame- 
 rican people. They have been driven from this place, and 
 are wandering in various directions; and amongst other 
 locations which they have selected, the pariiamentary de- 
 bates lately taught us, that numbers of them were squatthvi 
 in Vancouver's Island. We know not whether the good 
 and zealous Methodist preachers occupied this post of duty 
 before or after the dispersion of these poor, deluded Mor- 
 monites. It is likely they rushed in amongst them for the 
 purpose of seeking their conversion ; but, failing to accom- 
 plish this, they now occupy the quarters from whence these 
 obstinate blockheads have been driven. Would it not be 
 as well, if a name can be found, to change the old one ? 
 Having now passed through this interesting portion of 
 territory, it may be proper, as in the case of the Atlantic 
 seaboard, to give a tabular summary. 
 Conferences. Dish Circuits. Minist. Supemuin. Local Pr. Members. 
 Troy 7 \?i 174 16 133 25,327 
 Vermont. ... .1 64 71 14 46 7,95.'{ 
 Black Biver . . 6 93 113 11 145 15,917 
 Oneida 8 127 160 27 202 25.77(1 
 Genesee .... 9 159 187 32 253 26,682 
 Brio 6 85 128 13 193 20,143 
 Noith Ohio . . 7 80 133 8 242 26,04.'i 
 Micliigan ... 7 79 118 10 193 16,544 
 North Indiana 9 86 113 7 2.58 26,302 
 Bock River . 10 107 741 20 319 20,143 
 78 1,065 1,343 153 1,984 210,790 
 It is extremely difficult to say which portion of the 
 United States is the more important, or promises to excel 
 in permanent prosperity, when, in fact, the whole is so rich 
 in promise. But there are two things which appear very 
 favourable in the regions now under review ; namely, the 
 }nce some* 
 it in a very 
 •will be re- 
 [orracnitcs ; 
 I doctrines, 
 n the Amc- 
 \ place, and 
 jngst other 
 nentary dc- 
 re squatthif/ 
 r the good 
 30st of duty 
 luded Mor- 
 hem for thv 
 g to accom- 
 rhenco these 
 lid it not be 
 old one ? 
 I portion of 
 the Atlantic 
 25.7 7(; 
 84 210,790 
 rtion of the 
 ises to excel 
 ole is so rich 
 appear very 
 namely, the 
 climate and the lakes. It is in vnin to deny that climate 
 has anything to do with the characteristics of our race. 
 Northern latitudes have always produced the most mus- 
 cular, hardy, and masculine races. That some kind of in< 
 teiligence, such as develops itself in delicate, poetic, and 
 refined sentiments, may be found in tho more genial and 
 luxuriant portions of the earth, will be allowed ; but the 
 working and the governing races have always been found 
 located iii the midst of Borean tempests. Tho voluptuous 
 south may cradle its generations of impassioned sons ; but 
 the north will always produce the ruling class. This will 
 probably be the course of things with the people we have 
 been contemplating. They are, at present, but in their in- 
 fancy of social Ufe. Not more than something like one- 
 third of the land belonging to the State of New- York is 
 cleared, and even that not perfectly. Vast forests still 
 await the woodman's stroke, and prodigious tracts of fruit- 
 ful soil must some day reward the labours of the husband- 
 man. This State is remarkably formed, probably at first 
 without design, but in its effects very much for its own ad- 
 vantage. Let the reader take a fan in his hand, just open 
 it, and he has presented to him the form of the State of 
 New- York. The narrow point which he holds in his hand 
 is the city itself, and the spreading silk is the country 
 stretching away to the lakes. The shores of these waters 
 constitute the wide-spread circumference of the State. This 
 is a great territorial and commercial advantage ; inasmuch 
 as the Atlantic and the Lakes are linked together. New- York 
 harbour is now one of the great commercial emporiums of 
 the world, and it is destined to be the greatest. Its rivers, 
 canals, and railroads, connect it with Lakes Ontario and 
 Erie ; and these again with the St. Lawrence on the one 
 side, and through that noble river with all the British do- 
 minions and the Atlantic ; and then, in the other direction, 
 with Lakes Michigan, Huron, Superior, and the Mississippi. 
 AU we have mentioned, and much more, makes it abso- 
 ys Ui 
 *ii m 
 ^ M£ 12.0 
 U ||6 
 lutely certain that, as tune advances, this State will grow 
 into a great kingdom. The contiguous countries through 
 which we have been passmg, partake of the same features 
 of prosperity and progress ; but we mark this one in par- 
 ticular, that we niay have something definite before us. 
 Now, how stands the question with respect to Method- 
 ism in this State ? We have ahready remarked on the sub- 
 ject with respect to the city : what is its progress in the 
 country ? We answer, that four of the conferences we 
 have been examining lie principally in the State of New- 
 York ; namely, Troy, Black River, Oneida, Genesee, 
 and a part of Erie. In these conferences we find 93,702 
 church-members ; which, with 46,907 for New- York itself, 
 gives a total of 140,609. If we suppose — which is a Ioam 
 estimate — ^that there will be four other persons, for every 
 one of these, belonging to congregations, families, and 
 schools, who are not members of the Church, but who are 
 attached to Methodism as their religious system, then we 
 shall have 562,436 persons under its influence in this one 
 How long has this work been in progress ? When did 
 it begin? Philip Embury preached his first sermon in 
 New- York in 1766. Captain Webb followed in a year or 
 two, and in 1769 Richard Boardman and Joseph Pilmoor 
 were appointed by the British Conference. This is no very 
 remote date. There must have been some life and energy 
 in a Church which can present such a result in so short a 
 But the nature of the power whence all this has spnmg, 
 is a matter of serious importance. Suspicions are enter- 
 tuned as if) organizations of this sort. It is often imagined 
 that self-interest, ambition, or enthusiasm, lead& men to 
 unite in these masses. In the early times of Methodism, 
 as well as in the primitive ages of the Church, these con- 
 fraternities were suspected of perpetrating, in their private 
 assemblies^ £^pss and revolting immoralities. All this has 
 passed away long ago. But still the problem remains un- 
 solved, — ^What has led to this result ? 
 We can enteitain no doubt but that this church-organi- 
 zation originated in real religious faith, convictions, and 
 power. It was not in the beginning, any more than it is 
 at present, produced by any mysterious gravitating in- 
 stincts, leading men to unite together they know not why. 
 And, moreover, it never imbibed the spirit, acted upon the 
 principles, or proposed the ends, of communism — ^in any 
 form or shape. 'The men who formed these first societies 
 did so imder the teaching and influence of religion alone. 
 There is something very much akin to the progress of the 
 first churches of Christ, in this great development of reli- 
 gious power, from so small a beginning. With some per- 
 sons, the insignificance of the instruments, and the ab- 
 sence of all the supposed fitness for so great a work, will 
 form a difficulty. Let it be remembered, however, that 
 this objection lies as much against the apostles and first 
 evangelists, as against these men. But when this class of 
 difficulties is felt and objections raised, they always rest 
 upon the implied principle, — ^not seen, not understood, per- 
 haps, but certainly in the mind, — ^that the conversion of 
 men and the spread of religion is a human thing. If di- 
 vine, if of God, then, for aught which can be imagined, 
 Peter and Paul, — Bunyan and Baxter, — ^Asbury and Lee, 
 — might be very fit and suitable instruments. It is not 
 learning without God, — ^not philosophy without the Holy 
 Spirit, — ^not a polished exterior and worldly distinctions 
 without faith,— -which can save the souls of men, or lay the 
 foundation of churches. Then, if this work is begun in 
 the grace and power of the Divinity, acting through the 
 labours of men, it is easy to see that in innumerable cases 
 the fittest instruments will be persons of plain, but pure 
 and elevated, minds. 
 Judging of the nature of the work to be done in Ame* 
 nca, one cannot but admire the wisdom of God, in tl^e se< 
 lection of his instraments. Would delicate and fastidious 
 gentlemen have gone into the American wilderness to 
 preach the Gospel, — ^to converse in familiar phrase with 
 the peasant emigrant, in order to seek his salvation? 
 Would this class have submitted to the privations of a new 
 country ? have cheerfully taken then: place in the log-hut, 
 and been content with its fare and its lodging ? Nay, had 
 this class of persons been disposed to enter the field, could 
 they have done the work required ? The tone, dignity, and 
 superiority produced by a high style of education and 
 knowledge, are very beautiful and excellent, but rather be- 
 long to society when formed and polished than to its wil- 
 derness state. We may safely say that they could not, if 
 they would, have accomplished the work assigned to out] 
 pioneer evangelists. ' 
 But let it not be supposed that the plain Christian 
 preacher is incapable of great service for religion because 
 he is destitute of the ability to descant on its philosophy. 
 Tliose who make history seldom write it. Those who per- 
 form noble deeds are never the men to emblazon them. 
 Tliese classes are too busy with their enterprise to turn 
 aside to talk about its progress. Their work, the temple 
 raised, is their monument. Judging by this rule, we shall 
 be led to see that the workmen selected by God were fit- 
 ting instruments for his purpose. 
 Their very plainness, their paucity of polish, might ope- 
 rate in their circumstances most beneficially. They would, 
 as one consequence, be kept from theorizing, from plung- 
 ing into the abstract, from soaring into the ideal. But, 
 better still, they would be kept to their work, and find 
 their happiness in its success. They were eminently men 
 of one business, and their calling swallowed up tlieir whole 
 soul. This principle is foimd to succeed in other things : 
 why should it not in this ? Their oneness of purpose will 
 account for their success, as far as instrumentality is con- 
 cerned. But it will account for much more: — ^What led 
 to this entire separation of themselves from the world, and 
 derotedness to such a cause as this? Certainly, religious 
 faith. They had a firm and vivid belief in the Christianity 
 which they went about to establish; they had confidence 
 and certainty in their own vocation and calling; they had 
 no doubt as to the particular dispensation in which they 
 were called to be workmen ; they entertained a full per- 
 suasion in their inmost soul in the principle that God could 
 ''raise up children to Abraham" from amongst the scat- 
 tered tribes around them ; and they saw, in the promised 
 perspective, that the American "mldemess and solitary 
 place should be glad and blossom as the rose :" " be glad" in 
 the privileges, blessings, and joys of God's salvation ; and 
 << blossom" in all the beautiful fertility of Christian holiness 
 and love. Yes, these men knew what they were doing ; 
 they lived, and laboured, and suffered, under the full and 
 plenary conviction that God had sent them, and they were 
 accomplishing his will. 
 But this of itself is not sufficient to account for the won- 
 derful moral phenomena on which we look. There must have 
 been something more than man's labours, to bring about 
 these results, though performed in honest simplicity, and 
 under the impressions of a strong belief in the " things of 
 God." We refer to the direct influence of God the Holy 
 Ghost. Nothing short of his influence and effusions could 
 possibly produce this spiritual and moral creation. The 
 beginning, the original impulse, the life, must have sprung 
 from this source. How could human nature, or the politi- 
 cal and social movements going on in this new country, 
 produce this spiritual life ? Its first seed must have come 
 from above. This being the case, all the rest would fol- 
 low. The unsightly root, which out of the soil is lifeless 
 and barren, no sooner finds a congenial element therein, 
 than it bursts through the incrustations in which it is em- 
 bedded, and, appropriating to itself the nourishing influen- 
 ces of nature, soon appears a perfect tree, clothed with 
 foliage and laden with fruit. So it must have been with 
 this ** seed of the kingdom." How could the " word of 
 the gospel," sown by these good but powerless men, have 
 produced so rich a harvest, had it not been a divine seed, 
 and been blessed by the fructifying rains and dews of Ood's 
 Holy Spirit? ^f 
 We are chiefly contemplatmg this work in its organized 
 form. But let us endeavour to understand it. We shall 
 be in great error, if we imagine that the organization cre- 
 ated the people. The people formed the system, and not 
 the system the people. Nothing could be more simple 
 than this process. The men who entered the wilderness in 
 order to cultivate it took no theory, no plan, no platform. 
 All they did was to preach the truth ; to deposit it in th^ 
 soul ; and then leave it to its own development. They won 
 the people to Christ, and then trusted them to his care and 
 love, to be dealt with and to be employed as he chose. 
 The rest followed. They obeyed the instincts of their new 
 nature ; and, as in social life, sought union with each other. 
 They felt the impulse of holy and divine affections ; and, 
 as in the closest and most endearing friendships and rela- 
 tions, they delighted to commingle with kindred hearts. 
 Here is the origin, the plastic power of this fellowship, this 
 brotherhood. Rules followed the life ; they did not create 
 it. The whole framework and machinery of the Chm'ch 
 sprang from this antecedent power and holiness. Wants 
 grew up with existence, as they do in all analogous cases. 
 The most complex constitutional system is only the expan- 
 oon of society in a state of high civilization. This is the 
 case also, if we understand the question, of the American 
 Methodist Church. 
 But every religious organization must cherish end keep 
 the spiritual alive, or otherwise the framewoork will soon 
 break down. The same reviving " showers of blessing " 
 from above, the same effusions of the Holy Ghost, the same 
 presence of Christ, the same fulness of divine love, which 
 were sought and enjoyed by the first converts, must be 
 constantly sought and received, or wintry barrenness must 
 succeed the beauty and fertility of spring and summer. 
 The walls of a palace may remain after its lord is dead. 
 This is the danger of complicated, perfected organization. 
 Through all nature we see, that as soon as the fruit is ripe, 
 it falls ; and as soon as physical life is perfect, it begins to 
 exhibit signs of decay. How different, now, at this mo- 
 ment, is the political and economical state of America, as 
 compared with some of the old, worn-out nations of Eu- 
 rope ! — ^just upon this principle : the one is like a fine ath- 
 letic youth, full of health, bloom, vigour, activity; the 
 other, like a decrepit old man, worn down by years, and 
 equally full of miseries ; not knowing which way to turn, or 
 what expedient to adopt, to keep himself alive. Something 
 like this comes to be the condition of churches. Perhaps 
 there is no great danger of formality, languor, or decay, at 
 present in American Methodism,— of the external, paradte- 
 like growths, first embracing and then crushing the spirit- 
 ual; the organization, with its complexities, superseding 
 and pushing aside the vital and divine. But this danger 
 must come. 
 Everything, indeed, at present, favours the idea of pro- 
 gress. The Church cannot well stand still while everything 
 else is in motion. She must move on with the perpetually 
 advancing tide, or be left, like a gallant ship, stranded on 
 the shore. ITothing can continue stationary in the States. 
 They are obliged to go on. The wilderness cannot remain 
 as it is ; the gloomy solitudes must be peopled ; the dark 
 forests, now that the Indian no longer prowls through their 
 thickets in quest of game, must give place to the civilized 
 man ; andi innumerable, untold, indeed, unimagined, multi- 
 tudes of cities, with their teeming and busy populations, 
 will, of necessity, occupy these silent and melancholy re- 
 gions. The Church is obliged to advance with these ever- 
 progressing multitudes. At present, the Methodist body 
 most certainly truly apprehends its duties and its destiny, 
 and is nobly pressing on in the career of usefulness. We 
 hope — ^we pray — that it may never lose its spirit ; never 
 sink into inertness ; never be paralyzed by its own ponder- 
 ous bulk ; and never forget or forsake the principles and 
 the elevated faith of its founders. 
 By foUowmg another of the great lines of communica- 
 tion into ** the far-west/' we shall meet with the same thing 
 as we have done in the other routes. Pass the Alleghany 
 Mountains, either from Philadelphia or Baltimore, to Pitts- 
 burgh ; from thence to Cincinnati, and from the latter place 
 to St. Loius ; and a distance something like from fifteen 
 hundred to two thousand miles will be laid out to traverse! 
 This is the journey we now propose. In all these States of 
 the west, with their cities and towns constantly increasing 
 in population, the Methodist Church has planted her insti- 
 tutions. Besides the chief places already mentioned, whicli 
 contain very large bodies of people belonging to our faith, 
 the noble-minded servants of God have entered the wilder- 
 ness wherever man is found to have pitched his tent, and 
 have introduced the ever-blessed gospel. 
 It was the writer's good fortune to meet with many of 
 the humble, but courageous and enterprising, " backwood" 
 missionaries, who had spent their lives in following their 
 countrymen into the forests and prairies of these distant 
 regions, for the purpose of winning them to Christ. A 
 finer race of men it was never his happiness to see ; ath- 
 letic, robust, muscular; of noble and independent mien, 
 open countenance, lofty and expanded brow, brave and 
 resolute bearing ; and withal full of fine common sense, in- 
 telligence, benevolence, and zeal. These men had, many 
 of themj followed the Indians to their hunting-ground, and 
 lived with them in their wigwams ; had borne with their 
 childish weaknesses, and the storm of their fierce and fu- 
 rioiu passions ; — and all for the sake of their spiritual and 
 eternal good. They had, as well, accompanied the white 
 race m their endless peregrinations. They had lived, more- 
 over, to witness the magnificent result. Many a race of 
 " squatters" they had seen become a race of freeholders, 
 substantial farmers, happy and prosperous in their circum- 
 stances. Many a group of l(^-huts, letting in wind and 
 weather, they had beheld changed into beautiful villages or 
 substantial towns, the residence of civilization, opulence, 
 and religion. Many a league of gloomy, almost impervious 
 forest they had witnessed yield to the woodman's axe, to 
 the ploughman's industry ; and, in the place of this, had 
 beheld rich and abundant harvests waving beneath the 
 breezes of heaven. Many haggard, care-worn, afflicted, 
 and anxious matrons, dragged into the wilderness by their 
 lords, surrounded by a wretched, squalid, fretful family,— 
 they had lived to see rise above their difficulties, and be- 
 come the centres of domestic order and peace, and cheered 
 by beholding their sons and daughters pass into a happy 
 and hopeful maturity. Yes, these "backwood" preachers 
 have seen something of life ! They have done some work 
 worth mentioning for God and for man ; and they now reap 
 their reward in the fruits of their toil. 
 Nothing can well exceed in importance the results of this 
 success. What would these vast regions have ber^ome, had 
 they been peopled by our profligate race, without ibe cor- 
 rective power and influence of the gospel ? It is easy to 
 anticipate. The people must have sunk into a state of per- 
 fect barbarism, as well as immitigated vice. To have pre- 
 vented this is a great work. But the prevention of a pre- 
 sent catastrophe of this kmd is not the whole ; it is not half 
 the case., These men have laid a foundation for the per- 
 manent Christian and social progress of these new aggre- 
 gations of people. They have succeeded in planting the 
 ordinances of the gospel in what may be fitly considered 
 the rudimenU^ state of society. They have gone to the 
 bottom; tbey have begun at the beginning; throwing 
 the salt into the very fountain, they have purified the 
 I. After passing the AUeghanies, and descending into the 
 valley of the Mississippi, the first conference boimdary we 
 enter is that of PrrrsBUROH. In this division we have nine 
 districts ; namely, Pittsburgh, Uniontotm, Clarksburg, Mm- 
 gantoton, WheeHr^,JBamsville, Cambridge, Steubenville, Bea- 
 ver: one hundred and eleven stations, circuits, and missions ; 
 one hundred and eighty-four ministers, with two hundred 
 and sixty-five local preachers; and forty-two thousand 
 three hundred and seventy-eight church-members; three 
 hundred and forty-five of these being people of colour. 
 We find the following appointments : — Editor of Pitts- 
 burgh "Christian Advocate," William Hunter. North- 
 Westeni Virginia Academy, Gordon Battell, Principal; 
 Alexander Martin, Teacher. Alleghany College, H. J. 
 Clarke, President ; F. S. De Hass, Agent. 
 There is also something here which is not noticed ; 
 namely, a very large and spacious Book-Concern, with a 
 most excellent Agent at its head; and inasmuch as his 
 name is not inserted for Pittsburgh, he, of course, belongs 
 to another conference. 
 The progress of religion in Pittsbui^h may be imagined 
 from the state of things, as described by Bishop Asbury, 
 in 1809:— 
 " We reached John Wrenshall's," ho remarks, " in Pittsburgh, on 
 Friday evening. The Bev. Mr. Steel offered, unsolicited, in the name 
 of the Presbyterian eldership, their large, elegant house for Sunday's 
 exercises. I preached at Thomas Cooper's on Saturday. 
 " Sabbath, 20th. I accepted the offer made, and preached at three 
 o'clock. It was an open time. Could we unite nati(His and lan- 
 guages, as well as spirits and tempers, we might do great things here. 
 A Baptist family of the name of Plummer receives us on Tuesday. 
 Young Plummer is sick, a child is sick, and the whole family feel 
 awfiil. Who will pray with young Plummer when we are gone ? 
 The young man is certainly under convictions." • 
 Here we have dates and facts. In 1809, Bishop Asbnry 
 had no place of worship to perform divine senrice in ; he 
 preached in Thomas Cooper's cottage on Saturday, and the 
 Presbyterian church on Sunday. He had no Methodist 
 family to entertain him, it seems ; and he was invited to a 
 Baptist's of the name of Plummer ; and, when he was gone, 
 he knew of no one who would pray with " young Plum- 
 mer," who was "certainly under convictions." How 
 amazing the progress of forty years! We now find about 
 ten large Methodist churches, and a corresponding number 
 of people. 
 II. The Ohio Conference joins that of Pittsburgh. 
 We have in this division fifteen districts ; namely, Bast 
 Cincinnati, West Cincinnati, Dayt<m, Urhana, Hillsbo- 
 rough, Chilicothe, Columbus, Zanesville, Marietta, Forts- 
 tnouth, Kanawha, Cincinnati German, Pittsburgh German, 
 Indiana German, North Ohio German : one hundred and 
 sixty-one stations, circuits, and missions ; two himdred and 
 eight ministers, with five hundred and twenty-eight local 
 preachers ; and sixty-two thousand one hundred and ninety- 
 eight church-members, five hundred and fourteen of whom 
 are people of colour. 
 The number of special appointments for this conference 
 will be found very great. We have the following: — 
 Western Book Concern, Leroy Swormstedt, Agent ; West- 
 ern Christian Advocate, Charles Elliott ; Christian Apolo- 
 gist, William Nast ; Agent to the American Bible Society, 
 William P. Strickland ; Wesleyan Female College, P. B. 
 Wilbur, President ; M. P. Gaddis, Agent ; Ohio Confer- 
 ence High School, Solomon Howard, Principal ; Augusta 
 College, .Joseph S. Tomlinson, President ; Oakland Female 
 Seminaiy, Joseph M'D. Mathews, Principal; Greenfield 
 Seminary, James G; Blair ; Frederick Merrick and L. D. 
 M'Cabe, Professors in the Ohio Western Univeraty; 
 Worthington Female Seminary, Ezra M. Boring, Principal ; 
 Uriah Heath, Agent ; James B. Finley, Moral and Reli- 
 gious Instructor to the Ohio Penitentiary. 
 The aboye Charles Elliott is Dr. Elliott; the author of 
 "Romanism Delineated/' — republished in this country. 
 Dr. Elliott is an Irishman ; and is possessed of the vivacity, 
 acumen, logical power, and withal hatred of popery, which 
 unite to distinguish the natives of the north of Ireland. In 
 his editorial labours, as well as in his Delineation, he has 
 done good service in the support of Protestantism. He is, 
 besides, a perfect abolitionist. Slavery can have no favour 
 in the sight of Dr. Elliott. It is an abhorred and detested 
 evil ; an unmitigated injury to the slaves themselves ; a 
 crime in the slaveholder to exact this oppressive wrong ; 
 and, moreover, an outrage against Christianity, and a sin 
 against Almighty Ood, in the estimation of Dr. Elliott. 
 These, if I understood him aright, are the sentiments he 
 entertaint on this subject. He is now removed from his 
 office of editor of the Western Christian Advocate, and 
 placed in another very responsible literary post ;*' namely, 
 to write the history of the great division which has taken 
 place in the Methodist Episcopal Church ; and in the pro- 
 secution of this task, of course, the question of slavery 
 must, in some of its phases, if not in all of them, come 
 before his attention. From the character of Dr. Elliott, his 
 habits of research, his thorough acquaintance with his sub- 
 ject, and the deep interest he feels in the points at issue ; it 
 is not too much to expect a very able work on the subject. 
 Dr. Tomlinson, the President of Augusta College, lo- 
 cated at a place of that name in Kentucky, is equally 
 adverse to i^avery, — takes decided views, and does not 
 hesitate to announce them. He is, also, in other respects, 
 a man of talent, of energy, and of learning. Dr. Tomlinson 
 appeared to great advantage in the Pittsburgh Confer- 
 ence, in «yery question in which he took a part. 1 
 But the establishment which will excite the most earnest 
 * [Not M a separate « post :" Dr. El}iott bss a regular station as a preacher.] 
la a preacher.] 
 curiosity, in this long list of learned institutions, is the Fe- 
 male Collie of Oinoinnati. 
 It is easy to anticipate many scruples as to this institu- 
 tion. To give diplomas to young ladies may excite sur- 
 prise in the grave damos of this country, and cause the 
 gentlemen to shrug their shoulders in consternation, ex- 
 claiming, " What next ?" But really, after all, why should 
 not learning and good conduct he encouraged and stimulated 
 in the female sex as well as in the other ? Do they occupy 
 an unimportant position in communities ? Are their sons 
 and daughters less likely to become respectable, pious, and 
 useful members of society for the good training, attainments, 
 and honourable distinctions of their mothers ? Is a well- 
 disciplined mind, a cultivated intellect, a soul inspired with 
 the noble sentiments which a knowledge of truth must give, 
 less likely than others to govern a household with wbdom 
 and discretion ? Have not mothers much more in^-. do with 
 the formation of the character of their sons than the father ? 
 and, OS a consequence, much more concern in laying the 
 foundations of communities in all which concerns theur 
 manners and morals ? Are not families the light, the salt, 
 the ornament, the salvation of States ? And are not women 
 all this to the family ? And, moreover, cannot the vulgarity, 
 the rudeness, the asperities of the world, be moderated and 
 polished by the more delicate and milder nature of the 
 softer sex ? This being so, how can it be improper to adopt 
 means effectually to educate the young girls as well as the 
 young boys of any generation ? 
 But there are other reasons for these female colleges in 
 America. The disciples of the Church of Borne, in all 
 these matters, exhibit more practical sense than Protestants. 
 In every part of the world, they have always striven to 
 obtain the education of youth. This has been, amongst 
 other things, one of- the most remarkable vocations of the 
 Jesuits. They are now at work in every quarter of the 
 globe ; and, as might be expected, with indefatigable bxr 
 dustry and perseverance in the United States. Hence these 
 institutions are partly framed in self-defence. The very 
 intelligent principal of the college informed 'me, that the 
 Methodist body found it absolutely necessary to establish 
 these schools, in order to prevent the children of their own 
 people from being alienated from them by being educated 
 at either a Popish or else some other school, alien in senti- 
 ment to their own Church. Moreover, he gave me to 
 understand that their establishment had commended itself 
 very much to the public ; it was well supported, always 
 being full ; and had answered the purpose of preserving 
 the children of their flocks from going astray. 
 We may be pretty certain that there is something valua- 
 ble and vital in this novel establishment. Of all men, the 
 Americans will be found to possess a clear perception of 
 what is practically important and useful. Without examina- 
 tion, if it is found that these people have established some- 
 thing new, it may be assumed at once that some useful 
 element may be discovered somewhere, that a valuable end 
 is proposed. Being free from prepossessions and preju- 
 dices, as well as free in other things, they do not scruple to 
 adopt modes of action, which in this and the other old 
 European societies would be laughed at. Many of their 
 projects have been so treated by other people. This mat- 
 ters little to the Yankee. You may laugh as long as you 
 please ; but, generally speaking, he is sure of his game. 
 This very institution will, undoubtedly, prove a most in- 
 teresting auxiliary to the Church, and an element of great 
 power for the conservation of the Protestant youth of the 
 country. The " women"* are always the objects of atten- 
 tion with the Popish Church ; and the Americans have no 
 objection, in this aflfair, even to take a lesson out of their 
 book. The moral force of Popery, so long exercised in the 
 world, has been accomplished very much through the so- 
 * See MicHiLiT's remarkable pamphlet, entitled, " ni9sts, Women, and 
 cieties formed in various ways to influence, to educate, and 
 then to employ, '^ women," for the furtherance of its ob^ 
 jects. With us, generally, it is sufficient to know that the 
 Popish Church adopts a certain line of policy at once to 
 discard it. If it is Popish, that is quite enough ; we in- 
 stinctively resolve that it must be wrong, and adopt a 
 course as opposite as we can. This has been the case 
 regarding female education. The Church of Rome has 
 everywhere maintained an ascendency. Many of the nun- 
 neries have always been set apart for educational purposes ; 
 and now, the highest and the best female education which 
 can be obtained is to be found in these establishments. 
 We have nothing of this kind in Protestantism in this coun- 
 try, or, as far as I know, elsewhere in Europe. The 
 education of females is left to accident, to chance. The 
 Americans have in this, as in other things, taken the initia*^ 
 tive ; and, when we have done laughing and wondering 
 at the notion of female colleges and diplomas, we shall 
 imitate them. 
 The sooner the better ; at any rate in spirit, in principle. 
 Our opposition to Popery by declamatory harangues is just 
 beating the air. The papacy is not an abstraction ; it is 
 an organization of living souls ; and it will employ any 
 kind of industry to train a child, to gain a proselyte, to 
 attract another atom to the Church. Like the coral insect, 
 they are busy in building their island in the ocean ; and, 
 being constant in their labour, they consequently progress in 
 every place. The priests of this sect care no more about 
 the declamations of Protestants than the insect tribe — 
 secure below the surface of the sea — care for the rumbling 
 of the tempest on the surface. The only possible way of 
 keeping out Popery is to occupy the soil. Let the world 
 be filled with institutions, educational and religious, which 
 shall embody and set forth truth, — ^the truth of the Bible, 
 and truth on all other subjects ; and then the falsehoods 
 of this system will find no room. 
 . With much less of asperity, as it struck me, than is 
 found amongst ourselves, the American people have a full 
 perception as to the evils of Popery. Their system of 
 government, however, never allows them to think of op- 
 posing it hy any legislative enactment. The only means 
 they ever imagine or think of adopting are moral. This 
 very female college, so far as it is designed to be protective, 
 is a measure of this sort. It occupies the space, it fills the 
 vacuum ; and in this way it bars out the Popish nunnery. 
 The American Methodist Church will, no doubt, aim at 
 giving as good, and, if possible, a better, education^ than 
 the nunnery, and beat Popery even in its own favourite 
 vocation. Certainly they will entertain no doubt on the 
 practicability of this, or anything else which they see to 
 be desirable. There is a spirit in them to cope with any 
 difficulty, and to win any prize which may be within the 
 reach of man. They indulge no doubt as to the excellency 
 of their system ; and, this being the case, they set them- 
 selves manfully to carry its embodied truths into living 
 efficiency. Whilst we are bandying about our dogmas in 
 fierce debate, and appealing to the legislature, the American 
 is doing his own work ; he is putting his principles into 
 practical operation, by forming institutions to give them 
 development, and to bring them to bear upon society. 
 I remember seeing in some Romish periodical, in a letter 
 from a missionary-priest, employed in — I think — Oregon, 
 that they met with more obstruction from the ignorant and 
 fanatical Methodists than from any other people. If I am 
 not mistaken, in future years, as the struggle thickens, and 
 the belligerents come face to face on this continent, the 
 Methodist body will present a noble front, to obstruct the 
 progress of this ambitious and intrusive Church, — more re- 
 solute and potent, perhaps, than any other power, not even 
 excepting the civil government. 
 There is another interesting incident connected with the 
 Methodism of Cincinnati. It is, that four of the districts 
 enumerated are German. These four German districts^ 
 indeed, embrace much more territory than is included in 
 this conference. It will be seen that they extend to Pitts- 
 burgh, Indiana, and North Ohio, as well as to Cincumati. 
 The number of missions is thirty-four; with forty-two mis- 
 sionaries. Great numbers of Germans have located in these 
 quarters ; and religion has spread amongst them in a most 
 encouraging manner. This work began, in its present, its 
 modem form, in the conversion of a learned native of Ger- 
 many ; who, when he left Europe, aud for some time after- 
 wards, cherished skeptical notions. Being himself savingly 
 converted to God, he instantly began to recommend the 
 Saviour to his countrymen ; and, from this beginning, one 
 of the noblest works of religion in modem times has sprung 
 up and spread its hallowing leaven. It was my happiness 
 to listen to the account of these things from this minister's 
 own lips ; who, in company with two or three more Ger- 
 man missionaries, detailed the interesting narrative. This 
 gentleman having been trained at one of the universities 
 of Germany, (as was the case with several others,) he en- 
 joys the advantages of learning in connexion with piety. 
 Dr. Nast sustains a Uterary as well as a ministerial relation 
 to his countrymen, and is well able either to exhibit or 
 defend the doctrines he has happily embraced. In fact, 
 both these functions are well sustained by him. But the 
 greatest ornament and beauty of these German Christians 
 is their piety. They are eminently devout and holy men. 
 It is impossible to hold intercourse with them without being 
 impressed with the purity and aflfection of their spirit. 
 They are, indeed, in happy circumstances. Religion with 
 them is emphatically a new creation. They were all either 
 Papists, or, what is quite as deadening to the soul. Ra- 
 tionalists. Their escape is like getting out of hell into 
 heaven. They feel all. this. It impresses them deeply; 
 so that, in trath, religion with them is enjoyed in all its 
 vbgin sweetness. They are in their " first love;" and the 
 ardour and simplicity of their souls is perfectly refreshing 
 to see — ^rather to feel. These Germans must live in the 
 affections of all who come in contact with them. 
 III. On the Ohio, in the State of Kentucky, below 
 Omcinnati, stands the city of Louisville, which gives its 
 name to a conference. The Louisville Conference 
 contains five districts ; namely, Louisville, Hardingshurg, 
 SmitMandy ffopkinsville, and Bowling- Cheen: fifty-four sta- 
 tions, circuits, and misaons ; sixty-six ministers, with one 
 hundred and ninety-nine local preachers ; twenty thousand 
 four hundred and seventy-two church-members, three thou- 
 sand seven hundred and forty-two of whom are people of 
 We have one extra appomtment : — ^Funk Seminary, J. 
 Randolph Finley. 
 Louisville, as the name imports, was originally settled 
 by the French. It is no great distance below Cincinnati, 
 on the Ohio, and is a place of great commercial importance. 
 It belongs to the southern Church, and slavery obtains 
 through the country around. It is clear, however, that 
 great religious progress has been made. Louisville was 
 visited by Bishop Asbuiy, when in a very infantine state, 
 who, in 1811, says he preached "in great aifiiction of 
 body ; but it was a liberal season." From that period it 
 has risen, as we see, to great consideration. 
 IV. Kentucky is skirted, through a part of its frontier, 
 by the Ohio River ; and, consequently, the conference 
 bearing that name joins the Ohio Conference. The Ken- 
 tucky Conference belongs to the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church, South. We find eight districts ; namely, Parkers- 
 burg, Ouyandotte, Maysville, Covington^ Lexington, Shelhy- 
 ville, Hcarrodshurg, Barhourville : seventy-five stations, 
 circuits, and missions; ninety-three ministers, with two 
 hundred and forty local preachers ; and twenty-eight thou- 
 sand six hundred and twenty-four church-members ; five 
 thousand one hundred and eighty-thrt;e of these are people 
 of colour. 
 Wv. are now, as will be seen by the number of people 
 of colour belonging to this conference, in a slave-holding 
 Stat<3. The progress of the slave population is great. In 
 1790, it only amounted to 11,830; and in 1840, it had 
 incre.i;sed to 182,268. 
 We find the following appointments connected with this 
 conference : — ^Transylvania University, H. B. Bascom, Jo- 
 siah L. Kemp. This institution is located at Lexington, 
 and is, lor America, an old establishment; having been 
 founded i 1 1 798. It is reported in the Repository as having 
 seven instructers ; six hundred and ten is given as the 
 number of its alumni ; three ministers ; one hundred and 
 twelve students ; and four thousand five hundred volumes 
 in its library. 
 V. Adjoining Kentucky, to the south-east, in the State 
 of Tennessee, the Holston River is seen emptying itself, 
 after a pretty long course, into the Tennessee. This river 
 and district of country gives its name to a conference. The 
 HoLSTON Conference contains seven districts; namely, 
 Wytheville, Abingdon, Rogersville, Knoxville, Cumherlandf 
 Athens, Ashville : sixty-four stations, circuits, and missions ; 
 eighty-four ministers, with three hundred and thirty-four 
 local preachers ; and thirty-eight thousand three hundred 
 and one church-members, three thousand nine hundred and 
 fifty-seven of whom are people of colour. 
 We find the following extra appointments : — ^Emory and 
 Henry College, C. Collins, President; E. C. Wiley, Pro- 
 fessor ; Holston College, C. Fulton, President and Agent ; 
 Knoxville Female Institute, D. R. M' Anally; M. Episco- 
 palian, L. Patton, Editor ; Thomas Stringfield, Agent to the 
 American Bible Society; William H. Rogere, Agent to 
 Emory and Henry College is located at Glade-Spring, 
 in Virginia, and was established in 1839. 
 This division of territory lies a little out of our line. It 
 does not touch the Ohio at any point ; neither does it be- 
 long to the Atlantic or the Mississippi lines. The Holston 
 Conference embraces some small portions of North Caro- 
 lina, Georgia, and Virginia ; but it cannot be classed with 
 those conferences. We place it on the Ohio line, because 
 it is nearer to it than any other. It belongs to the Me- 
 thodist Church, South, and is a slave-holding territory. • 
 Good Bishop Asbury seems to have met with some 
 cross providences in these quarters, in the early history of 
 Methodism. He says : — 
 ; «« We crossed Holston to Smith's Ferry, and rode thirty miles to 
 Ami's, where we were entertained for our money "We turned out 
 our horses to graze, and they strayed off: so here we are anchored 
 indeed We are now in a house in which a man was killed by 
 the savages ; and O, poor creatures, they are but one remove from 
 savages themselves. I consider myself in danger ; but my God will 
 keep me whilst thousands pray for me. My soul is humbled before 
 God, waiting to see the solution of this dark providence, (the loss of 
 the horses.) The man of the house is gone after some horses sup- 
 posed to be stolen by Indians. I have been near fainting ; but my 
 soul is revived again, and my bodily strength is somewhat recovereil. 
 We loaded brother Anderson's little horse with my great bags, 
 and two smaller ; four saddles ; with blankets and provender. Wc 
 thea set out, and walked ten miles, and our horses were brought to 
 us; and those who brought them were pleased to take what wc 
 pleased to give. Brother A sought the Lord by fasting and 
 prayer, and had a strong impression that it was not the will of God 
 that I should go with that company From December 14th, 
 1789, to April 20th, 1790, wo compute to have travelled two thou- 
 sand five hundred and seventy-eight miies. Hitherto hath the Lord 
 helped. Glory, glory to our God !"— " Journal,^' vol, ii, pp. 70, 71. 
 This is itinerancy in the wilderness. The following is 
 an account of one of the first conferences, if not the very 
 first, in this district : — 
 "Our conference (April, 1793) began at Nelson's, near Jonesbo- 
 rongh, in the new territory. We have only four or five families of 
 Methodists here. We had sweet peace in onr conference. There 
 are appearances of danger on the road to Kentucky ; but the Lord is 
 with us. We have formed a company of nine men, (five of whom 
 are preachers,) who are well armed and mounted If report be 
 true, there is danger in journeying through the wilderness ; but I do 
 not fear : we go armed. If God suffer Satan to drive the Indians on 
 us, if it be his will, he will teach our ' hands to war, and ' our ' fingers 
 to fight ' and conquer. Our guard appeared fixed and armed for the 
 wilderness. We came down to E— — 's, and were well entertained. 
 Thence we proceeded to the main branch of Holston, which, being 
 SAVclled, we crossed in a flat ; thence to R ^"s, where I found the 
 reports relative to the Indians were true ; they had killed the post, 
 and one or two more, and taken four prisoners. I had not much 
 thought or fear about them." — "Journal" vol. ii, pp. 161, 162. 
 Thirteen years after, in 1806, he says : — 
 "We crossed Holston at the mouth of Watanga. I lodged at 
 William Nelson^s, (where the above conference was held,) an ancient 
 house and stand for Methodists and Methodist preaching. Saturday 
 the WesteiTi Conference commenced its sittings, and ended on Mon- 
 day; We had great peace. There are fourteen hundred added 
 within the bounds of this conference. Of the fifty-five preachers 
 stationed, all were pleased. The brethren were in want, and could not 
 suit themselves ; so I parted with my watch, my coat, and my shirt." — "Jour- 
 nal," vol. iii, p. 206. 
 " I'hese passages are given as specimens of the life of an 
 American bishop in the early period of the work ; of the 
 nature of wilderness itinerancy ; of the smallness of the 
 commencement of this great church organization ; of the 
 precautions and heroic spirit of these early missionaries ; 
 and of the dangers arising from the hostility of the Indians. 
 This, latter feature is distressing. Poor Indians! they 
 felt the power which was pressing upon them, and took 
 their revenge. They could not see their lands invaded and 
 occupied by the stranger, — his villages rising, and harvests 
 waving, on territory which used to furmsh them with game, 
 — without evincing the passionate instincts of a savage 
 nature ; and sought, as we see, for every opportunity of 
 aiming a deadly blow at their oppressors. The gospel 
 which Bishop Asbury and his associates preached, seems not 
 to have reached these poor outcasts. Whether any attempt 
 was made to save them, does not appear : they were left 
 in their Paganism. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine that 
 any eflfbrt, in their state of exasperation, would have proved 
 successful. We must confess, however, that, in former 
 times, the proselyting efiforts of the Popish missionaries in 
 these wild regions far exceeded the attempts of the Pro- 
 testants. These self-denying men followed the Indians 
 in their wanderings with untiring zeal, and sought to 
 "bring them over to the profession of their faith. Finer 
 examples of devotedness are seldom to be found ; and in 
 many instances they won the confidence and affections of 
 the savage tribes. 
 VI. We now come to the Indiana Conference, on the 
 right bank of the Ohio, and belonging to the northern 
 division of the Methodist Church. We find in connexion 
 with this conference eight districts; namely, BrooJevilUf 
 Lawrencehurg, Madison, New-Albany, Evamville, Vincennes, 
 Indianapolis, Bloominffton: eighty-seven stations, circuits, 
 and missions; one hundred and fourteen ministers, with 
 three hundred and nine local preachers ; and thirty thou- 
 sand seven hundred and forty-five church-members, of 
 whom one hundred and seventy-four are people of colour. 
 Vincennes, above referred to as the head of a district, is 
 one of the oldest and most interesting places, — historically 
 considered, — in the whole of this part of America. It was 
 settled by French emigrants from Canada, near the begin- 
 ning of the last century, and long remained a solitary 
 village. But few settlements were made in the country 
 till the commencement of the present century ; since which 
 time its increase in population has been very rapid. This, 
 in the whole State, is given as, in 1800, 4,876 ; in 1810, 
 24,520; m 1820, 147,178; in 1830, 343,031; in 1840, 
 685,800. Methodism, we see, has progressed with the 
 general population, and constitutes, no doubt, one of its 
 in Ij 
 view I 
 most potent moral elements. This continued, the State 
 must become one of the most prosperous and well-ordered 
 in the Union. Its situation is, in every sense, most favour- 
 able for progress ; commanding the navigation of the Lakes 
 on the one hand, and the Ohio on the other. 
 VII. The Tennessee Conference is closely connected 
 with the Holston. This ecclesiastical division of country 
 comprises nine districts ; namely, I^ashville, Lebanon, Cum- 
 bgrland, Murfreeahorough, Winchester, Huntmlle, Florence, 
 D<yoer, Clarksville: seventy-eight stations, circuits, and mis- 
 sions ; one hundred and forty-seven ministers, with three hun- 
 dred and seventy-eight local preachers ; and forty thousand 
 one hundred and forty-eight church-members, seven thousand 
 two hundred and forty-nine of whom are people of colour. 
 We have the following extra appointments: — John B. 
 M'Ferrin and Moses H. Henkle, Editors Nashville Chris- 
 tian Advocate; Columbia Female Institute, Jared 0. 
 Church; Tennessee Conference Female Institute, R. H. 
 Rivers, B. H. Hubbard ; La Orange College, Edward 
 Wadsworth; Clarksville Female Academy, Joseph E. 
 Douglass ; Philip P. Nutty, Agent for Transylvania Univer- 
 sity ; William O. Oould, Agent for La Orange College ; 
 Ethelbert H. Hatcher, Agent for American Bible Society. 
 Tennessee, as will be seen from the number of coloured 
 people belonging to the Church, is a slave-holding State. 
 And we are sorry to perceive that the slave population is 
 constantly increasing. In 1790, the numbers were 3,417, 
 in 1840 they had swelled up to 183,059. It is hardly 
 necessary to say that this conference belongs to the Method- 
 ist Episcopal Church, South. f 
 Having now travelled from the Alleghany Mountains, by 
 the course of the Ohio, to the Mississippi, in the "far 
 west," we shall, according to our practice, give a tabular 
 view of the result of this territorial progress of the Method- 
 ist Church in these regions. 
 17* M 
 Conferences. Dlit. Circnitt. Minlst. Supernum. Local Pr. Membera. 
 Pittsburgh ... 8 
 265 . 
 Ohio 15 
 Louisville ... 5 
 Kentucky ... 8 
 Indiana .... 8 
 Ilolston .... 7 
 Tennessee ... 9 
 60 630 876 56 2,253 262,858 
 As the country which we have now traversed is new ter- 
 ritory, and is a part of the Valley of the Mississippi, it may 
 be proper to give some notices of its settlement, in order 
 that an idea may be formed of American progress. The 
 earliest settlements in Tennessee were made between the 
 years 1766 and 1110; in 1790 it was placed under a 
 :jeparate territorial government, under the name of the 
 '' Territory South of the Ohio ;" and in 1796, the inhabit- 
 ants formed a constitution, and Tennessee was admitted 
 into the Union as an independent State. The permanent 
 settlement in Kentucky began in 1775 ; and in 1792 it was 
 admitted into the Union as an independent State. The 
 iirst settlements in Ohio were commenced at Marietta, in 
 1788. In the following year the country was put under a 
 territorial government, and called the "Western Terri- 
 tory;" and in 1802 it was erected into an independent 
 State. In 1800, Indiana was erected into a territorial 
 government; and in 1816 it was admitted into the Union 
 us an independent State. The mean length of Tennessee 
 is said to be 400 miles, and its breadth 114, containing 45,- 
 600 square miles. Kentucky is about 400 miles in length, 
 and its breadth is 170 miles, containing 40,500 square 
 miles. Ohio is 200 miles long, and 200 broad, containing 
 40,000 square miles. The length of Indiana is 260 miles, 
 and its breadth 140, containing 36,000 square miles. The 
 aggregate of this territory is thus seen to contain 162,000 
 square miles. 
 This western country consists of the finest land in the 
 United States, and, perhaps, the most productive in the 
 world. It is capable of the highest possible cultivation, — 
 of producing all kinds of grain and fruits, and, conse- 
 quently, of feeding an indefinite number of inhabitants. Its 
 population, at present, considering the length of time it has 
 been occupied by a civilized race, is very great, and must 
 soon become prodigious. The influx of emigrants from 
 Europe, and the older States, is constantly going on : and 
 their occupancy of the country'is accompanied by a clear- 
 ance of the soil, the erection of new villages, towns, and 
 cities, and all the appliances and means of civilized life. 
 There is amazing grandeur in this process. It is like a 
 creation. A world of civilized men throwing around them 
 all the garniture, the ornaments, and the blandishments of 
 existence. Cities beautifully laid out on their rivers are 
 springing up, almost as in a day ; finely situated for com- 
 mercial purposes, and, as time progresses, evidently des- 
 tined to become great and interesting centres of life. New 
 villages, as the wilderness is passed through, appear at 
 short distances from each other, embosomed in the forest, 
 and surrounded by land only partially cleared ; but suffi- 
 ciently so to provide richly for the wants of the new 
 comers. Railroads are made to pass along in the midst of 
 both the occupied territory and the gloomy forest ; whilst 
 they connect, by perfectly easy means, the people of remote 
 regions, and unite their rivers and lakes as one great 
 ' It is easy to see that this portion of America must ulti- 
 mately, and at no remote period, become equal, if not supe- 
 rior, to any part of the Union. It is, in one sense, far from 
 the seacoast, and in this respect must lie under disadvan- 
 tages. The means of transport, however, are perfectly easy, 
 and the cost cannot be great. Such places as Pittsburgh, 
 Wheeling, and especially Cincinnati, though the buildings 
 are new, yet have the appearance of great manufacturing 
 and commercial towns. They have the air of communities 
 full of life and activity, of comfort and affluence, and of 
 perfectly established business habits. Their transactions 
 cannot be less regular and orderly than those of long esta- 
 blished mtrepdta of trade. There must be master minds at 
 work in every department; these things cannot be the 
 growth of chance. And, from the peculiarities of the coun- 
 try, and the great influx of people from Europe, we see 
 the result is, that a great city springs up in a short period ; 
 whereas, in old countries, many years have been necessary 
 to their growth. We have no such places exactly as Pitts- 
 burgh and Cincinnati, inasmuch as these cities lie on the 
 banks of a river, forming an inland navigation, — and not on 
 the seacoast. On this ground we cannot compare the latter 
 with such a place as Liverpool, one of the most remarka- 
 ble marts of commerce in the United Kingdom. But Cin- 
 cinnati has progressed much more rapidly than Liverpool 
 could have done at any period of its history. Less than 
 lifty years ago it was a mere village, containing a few 
 scattered huts, and its population only amounted to a few 
 hundred souls ; whilst at present, as we have seen, it is not 
 less than something like one hundred thousand. But it is 
 not so much the social life of this country, as matters con- 
 nected with the Church, which most demand our attention. 
 The progress of religion has been as remarkable as that of 
 society in general. 
 The privations and sufferings of the first pioneers of 
 these deserts, in introducing the gospel, must have struck 
 every one. If Bishop Asbury, the chief and leader of this 
 noble band of heroic men» endured the difficulties which we 
 have recorded, what must have been the condition of the 
 Immble missionaries, who were daily devoted to this enter- 
 prise ? It is impossible to imagine the amount of mental, 
 as well as physical, suffering, through which they were 
 called to pass. But they have reaped a glorious reward 
 in their work. Its massive grandeur stands out as the 
 best monument of their wisdom and piety. Generations 
 tmbom — ^bdeed, through all time-->will be influenced in 
 their present and eternal destinies by what they have 
 Much more than zeal ha« been eicbibited in building 
 up this great Church. There miwt have been connected 
 with it from the beginning men of great practical wisdom ; 
 of high talent in the management of business ; and also of 
 enlarged Christian views as to the wants of their country- 
 men, as well as devoted seal. God must either have di- 
 rectly given the pattern of this Church, as he did that of 
 the old dispensation to Moses, or otherwise the men must 
 have possessed great talents. The most rational solution 
 will be found in the belief, that the Deity directed the 
 movement by his own good Spirit ; but, at the same time, 
 that the grace was developed in the high judgment ns well 
 as ffuth of the agency employed. 
 The first office and duty of these early evangelists would, 
 of necessity, be the preaching of the gospel ; the awaken- 
 ing of the people to a sense of religion, and leading them 
 to Christ; thus gathering the flock in the wilderness. 
 Hence their " Camp " and " Revivalist " meetings. What 
 could be more appropriate to the condition of a people 
 living in scattered hamlets, and remote from each other ; 
 having no " houses of worship," and sometimes none even 
 for themselves, except the log-hut ; — what, we say, could 
 be more suited to their state and wants than the creation 
 of the " stand," under the umbrageous shade of the trees 
 of the forest, and having crowds of people present to seek 
 their conversion to God? But these services must have 
 exercised other useful influences over a people so circum- 
 stanced. Isolation is found to be favourable to the growth 
 of the worst passions of our nature. Barbarism and bruta- 
 lity connect themselves with the life of men and families, 
 living remotely from their fellow-men. Hence, social ties, 
 friendly feelings, virtuous friendships, brotherhood and 
 kindness, — ^indeed, all the ameliorating characteristics of 
 religion — must have been promoted by these assemblies 
 in the wilderness. Those who can see nothing but rant and 
 fanaticism in these " camp-meetings" are shallow observers 
 of the tendencies of human associations. For a great length 
 of time, the evangelists of these western wilds could have 
 no choice between the private dwelling, as a place of 
 worship, and the forest. How few must have attended the 
 log-hut service ! whereas, by calling the people to the 
 worship of God under his own bright skies, making the 
 wilderness his temple, they found space for the people, 
 whilst their increased numbers would produce a wholesome 
 excitement on the mind of the preacher, and call forth his 
 utmost energies. 
 There is something vastly fascinating and beautiful in 
 these primitive, patriarchal modes of worshipping God. 
 True, this is not reli^on. It is not the spirit — the essence 
 — the hidden mystery — ^the abstract — belonging to the 
 Christian system. But is there any harm in enlisting the 
 sentiment, the sympathies, the poetry, in man's soul on the 
 side of the spiritual ? Why has God made silence impres- 
 sive, if we are not to be impressed ? Why has he put beauty 
 in ten thousand forms, and hues, and tints, if we are not 
 to taste the beautiful ? Why has he caused the grove, the 
 forest, the wilderness, to speak in accents of awe or of joy, if 
 we are not to indulge in corresponding feelings ? Why has 
 he impressed the glorious sun, the blue sky, the retiring 
 day, the rising morning, the dark night, with the grand and 
 sublime, if we are to entertain no suitable apprehension of 
 all this ? Why has he made it a law of nature that the 
 winds, as they rustle through the leaves ; the sweet warb- 
 ling of the birds, as they pour their carols through the 
 thickets; and, in truth, all things vocal; why has God made 
 it a law that all this should soothe, soften, and elevate the 
 soul ; why, if we are not to listen to this music, and 
 enjoy the concert ? It has been objected against these 
 " camp-meetings" that they are got up for effect. Why 
 ought they not to be got up for effect, if the "efect" 
 nt and 
 ■ice of 
 ed the 
 to the 
 ng the 
 )rth his 
 is in harmony with religious sentiment and feeling ? God's 
 beautiful world will remain hanging out its lamps of glory, 
 speaking in its divine harmony, inviting all created intelli- 
 gences to behold their Author in his works, in despite of 
 this prudish cant. And, moreover, human nature will 
 strike in with the design ; it will gaze and admire ; it will 
 listen and send forth its echoes ; it will feel the attraction 
 of the divinely delicate touch of the ten thousand influences 
 around, in happy sympathies : — it will do all this, despite 
 of any code of crabbed and mistaken godliness. God 
 lives in the temple of the universe. Christianity teaches 
 no lesson the contrary of this ; it is one of its great and 
 fundamental truths. Why, then, attempt to obscure or 
 obliterate what is immutable, whether in nature or in man ? 
 ^ Probably, without knowing it, these forest preachers 
 obeyed a law of our being, and the voice of nature herself, 
 when they took their stand in the woods for the purpose 
 of preaching Christ crucified. We dare say the scenery, 
 the occasion, the solemnity, aided the message — ^why not ? 
 What are forms of speech, modes of address, — tropes, figures, 
 poetry, logic, — everything belon^ng to the preacher's or 
 the orator's art, — ^but so many means to produce effect ? 
 The essence of the greatest truth lies in the shortest and 
 most simple proposition. What is amplification, illustration, 
 argument, ornament, but means employed to render this 
 truth impressive, — ^in a word, to produce effect ? 
 Man is made for this. He is not a piece of cold mecha- 
 nism, neither is he a mental abstraction. The affections, 
 the imagination, the taste, the sympathies, — the deep-toned 
 emotions of man's soul, — as much belong to the domain 
 of religion as what are called his mental faculties and his 
 conscience. ' In point of fact, the whole man belongs to 
 this kingdom of God; — all his mind, all his nature. If, 
 in the case we are considering, the truth should find its 
 way to the depths of the soul through the feelings, where 
 is the harm ? These avenues are much more accessible 
 than anythmg else in man. It is infinitely more difficult to 
 reach the heart through the understanding, the logic, the 
 judgment of nature, than through the passions. Every 
 human heing comprehends the language of love, — ^it meets 
 with an instant response. And it may be fairly questioned, 
 whether any progress can be made in the spread of the 
 gospel, the triumphs of the cross, and the conversion of 
 men, unless, in the first place, the human rebel is disarmed 
 of his enmity against God, by a direct appeal to his feel- 
 ings. It is by his passions, much more than by his un- 
 derstanding and his conscience, that he stands out against 
 the truth. These passions are the barriers in the way of 
 the admission of the gospel message. Then, where can be 
 the wrong in endeavouring to melt and subdue, to produce 
 an impression, to elicit the feelings, on the side of the 
 man's own happiness ? It may, indeed, be granted that 
 in case the matter was left here, it would be wrong, it 
 would be useless. But then, if, with the impression pro- 
 duced, the softening of the feelings, the emotions of the 
 heart, by God's blessing on the scenery of a " camp-meet- 
 ing," you declare the truth, and press it upon the under- 
 standing and the conscience, then, instead of the practice 
 being an evil, it must be considered a good. No doubt 
 can be entertained but that this was the case with these 
 forest preachers. ^ 
 Out of these first efibrts, these small beginnings, these 
 rude labours, the Methodist Episcopal Church, in these 
 western wilds, has sprung ; and the real question for con- 
 sideration is. How have the architects performed their task ? 
 What sort of building have they erected? One thing 
 must strike every one in surveying its territorial position, 
 namely, that there is a desire and purpose that the whole 
 should rest upon truth ; should be cemented by the 
 means of knowledge and education ; that, in a word, the 
 community should imderstand its own duties, and be pre- 
 pared to bless the world by a course of enlightened conduct. 
 Hence, in agreement with this, we find their educational 
 institutions growing up concurrently with church organiza- 
 tions. This course of conduct not only indicates sound 
 policy, hut, in the circumstances of the country, it has the 
 appearance of real patriotism. The numher of colleges, 
 academies, and schools of every kind, is, considering the 
 shortness of the period in which they have existed as a 
 people, quite astonishing. It is true, that some of these 
 may he feeble establishments, only in their commencement, 
 and having, as yet, no great claim to distinction for leam< 
 ing and scholarship. But even these circumstances are 
 very encouraging. There must be a beginning to every- 
 thing ; and this commencement, in a career of great useful- 
 ness, is not only valuable as a present provision, but it has 
 also a prospective importance. It will be found, on exami- 
 nation, that these collegiate institutions amount to sixteen 
 in these several conferences ; and, considering the date of 
 the work, and the difficulties to be encountered in a new 
 coimtry, this is very extraordinary progress. Some of 
 these colleges, indeed, were not founded by the Methodist 
 body, but have fallen into their hands from the want of 
 patronage on the part of those who originated them ; but 
 most of them have been reared by the fostering care and 
 benevolence of our people themselves. 
 It is evident that the Church rightly judges, that, in 
 these times, it is hopeless to expect either permanency or 
 advancement, otherwise than by connecting education and 
 knowledge with religion. The day is certainly past for 
 churches to build up their influence and power exclusively 
 on the exercise of the priestly function. The instrumen- 
 tality must be very diflferent to the old craft of Rome, em- 
 ployed, it is true, with great success for many ages, but now 
 grown obsolete. There is too much skepticism, — philoso- 
 phy, — speculation — ^litierature, — ^in the world now-a-days to 
 admit of anything of this kind. And even amongst classes 
 who cannot, with any truth, be ranked amongst the enemies 
 of the gospel, there is such a spirit of inquiry and inde- 
 pendence of thought, that any attempt at imppsition upon 
 them is at once detected. This spirit of free inquiry may 
 be an advantage or a disadvantage, just as it is improved or 
 ^ neglected by the ministers of religion, and those who are 
 intent on the promotion of its interests. Let priesthoods of 
 all sorts and names scowl and complain at the " spirit of the 
 age," as unbelieving, instead of buckling on the harness, and 
 coming forth to discharge their duties ; and then, as a con- 
 sequence, the world is inevitably filled with real infidelity. 
 But if this tendency for progress, philosophy, and knowledge, 
 operate as it ought on the minds and habits of priesthoods ; 
 if it make them studious lovers of knowledge, ''apt to 
 teach," and leads them to a comprehensive view of the 
 glorious truth put into their hands ; then, instead of an evil, 
 "free inquiry" will be a good. 
 Religion is knowledge. It is the highest intellectual re- 
 gion which can be reached by man. It is a libel on the 
 great truths and revelations of the word of God, to repre- 
 sent them as merely dealing with the heart, whilst the 
 higher faculties are left untouched. The intellect is, in point 
 of fact, strengthened, expanded, and elevated, infinitely 
 more by the teaching of the gospel than by anything else. 
 What has the Christian system, as an economy, as the king- 
 dom of God, to fear from light and knowledge, when it is 
 in truth the perfection of light and knowledge itself ? Wliat 
 is there to alarm any one in the investigations of philoso- 
 phy and metaphysics, as they pry into the spiritual, the 
 hidden, the divine ; when, at the same time, the Christian 
 philosophy, the metaphysics of the Bible, reveal and exhi- 
 bit these objects to its disciples as their daily common les- 
 sons ? What, in the profound and sublime researches of 
 science, in its application to nature, — ^whether in the heights 
 above or the depths below; — when, in truth, they only 
 amount to a commencement, a gloss, an illustration of 
 truths which the Bible has taught its disciples from the be- 
 ^nning ? What, in studies in history, in morals, in human 
 relations, in jurisprudence and law ; in principles of equity 
 and right ; in the well-being of States, and in the mundane 
 destinies of mankind? Has the Christian code anything to 
 apprehend from all this ? Is it not rather the great store- 
 house of all which is true and certain on all these points ? 
 What, again, in beauties of thought, forms of truth, and 
 ideas and sentiments, whether expressed in prose or po- 
 etry, — didactive speech or ornate language ? Have the 
 books of Scripture anything to dread from a comparison 
 with any, with all, of the productions of either ancient or 
 modem times ? We have said nothing about inspiration, 
 prophecy, miracles, — those things which are taken gene- 
 rally as the proofs of divinity. But a divine system must 
 be true and immutable, independently of the external 
 manifestations which make it known as such. These are 
 only the outward coruscations of God ; the voice which 
 the truth uses to make known its own claims, not the truth 
 itself: they are, so to speak, the hand- writing upon the 
 wall, — ^not the essence, the qualities, the glories, of the 
 spiritual and invisible Being, who holds out that hand, and 
 inscribes the characters. The Christian religion is God, — • 
 is the glorious Trinity, — is the spiritual world, — ^is the es- 
 sence and truth of all being, — as well as a mighty and mer- 
 ciful remedy for the evils of sin, and the miseries of the 
 human race. It is just as possible for infidelity to blow up 
 the universe by its puny malice, as it is to uproot Chris- 
 tianity. Then the teachers of our religion need not fear 
 anything from knowledge, from investigation, from the ad- 
 vancement of science and literature. But has not religion 
 much to gain as to the character of outward development ; 
 if all its ministers, instead of employing the language of 
 complaint, came forward, and, as was the wont in the best 
 times of antiquity, made themselves the high-priests of 
 knowledge, of light, of progress ? These, it seems, are the 
 notions of the ministers and people of the Methodist Church 
 in America. The establishment of their collegiate institu* 
 tions indicates their desire to place their church-progress 
 abreast of the advancing light of the age. 
 But these efforts to establish a good and useful system 
 of education must give the American Methodist Church a 
 statits in the country, which nothing else could possibly do. 
 In despite of system and theory, human society must have 
 its aristocracies ; and scholarship creates a sort of aristoc- 
 racy in the United States. No people on earth, not even 
 excepting the French, are better hero- worshippers than the 
 Americans. Their great men are their gods. Political 
 leaders, and the chiefs of war, it is true, create more ex- 
 citement than any others ; but learning comes in for its 
 share of public applause. It is difficult to estimate the real 
 amount of intellectual culture existing in the country ; but 
 the idea as to its value has undoubtedly gone forth, and is 
 universally entertained. 
 In this state of public feeling, it is impossible for any 
 church to possess anything like an honourable standing in 
 the country, without recognizing the necessity of scientific 
 and literary instruction, and making provision for its at- 
 Indeed, it is clear, in a nation where all the offices of 
 law and the professions, all the dignities and honours of the 
 State, are open to all classes, the fact that none can enter 
 upon them but those who have been previously prepared, 
 will, of itself, be an inducement to exertion. Hence the 
 position of a church must be infinitely advanced by its 
 progress in knowledge. What we see in these fine coun- 
 tries, is only the beginning. But from these foundations 
 must, as timft progresses, grow up great establishments. 
 Nothing is to be despised in which a principle of life is 
 found, however feeble in its present state. ^i\c It time, 
 scope, and the means of growth, and it is certain to de- 
 velop itself. This must be the case with these schools. 
 They are in their infancy, but they possess vitality. The 
 progress of events, the increase of population, the accumu* 
 lation of wealth, will biing with them multiplied demands 
 for instruction ; and these rudimental colleges must grow 
 into great universities. 
 On the whole, then, this western Church is a fine illus- 
 tration of the power of the grace of God ; of the energizing 
 character of divine truth ; and of the indefatigable zeal, 
 industry, and piety of its founders. 
 What is to follow, no one can tell. But it is to be hoped 
 that the same mercy and power which enabled the fathers 
 of the work to lay the foundations of a structure so noble, 
 will continue to be manifested in carrying on the building 
 through all succeeding generations. 
 We now enter upon a perfectly new route, the line of 
 the Mississippi : — 
 The Mississippi, " Father of Waters," is 3,300 miles in 
 length ; rises from Lake Itasca, to the west of Lake Supe- 
 rior, and flows south into the Gulf of Mexico. It receives 
 in its course, besides innumerable smaller contributions, 
 tlie following great rivers ; namely, on its left the Wis- 
 consin, 400 miles in length; the Illinois, 600; and the 
 Ohio, 1,200. It receives on its right, St. Peter's, 350 
 miles in length ; Iowa, 360 ; Missouri, 3,200 ; White River, 
 460 ; Arkansas, 2,000 ; and Red River, 1,500. The Mis- 
 sissippi, counting from the sources of the Missouri, is 4,300 
 miles long. 
 This is the line we have now to explore; and to ex- 
 amine the territorial extent of the Methodist Church in 
 these vast regions. 
 The Wisconsin Territory, which forms the most northerly 
 district on the line of the Mississippi, being a new territory, 
 is not in possession of a separate conference ; but the Rock 
 Biver Conference enabraces this portion of country ; and. 
 no doubt, as population increases, a new organization wui 
 take place. 
 I. But, on the right bank of the river, parallel, in point 
 of latitude, with Wisconsin, we find the Iowa Conference. 
 In this division are four districts, called mission districts ; 
 namely, Burlington, Bloomington, Dubuque, and Besmoines : 
 forty stations, circuits, and missions ; fifty-four ministers, 
 with ninety-seven local preachers ; and eight thousand four 
 hundred and forty church-members. 
 This is a new country, having been erected into a terri- 
 torial government in 1838, and admitted as a State into the 
 Union as late as 1846. In consequence, all the districts 
 and stations are marked as missions. We have, strange to 
 say, no Christian Advocate, and as yet no college of any 
 kind, connected with this conference. This whole ter- 
 ritory, more than a hundred years ago, used to be 
 traversed by Jesuit missionaries from Canada. Their 
 mission was then to the Indian tribes ; not, however, with- 
 out political and territorial objects. The Jesuits and the 
 Indians alike have disappeared, and now an Anglo-American 
 population is springing up, and Methodist missionaries are 
 everywhere found. 
 ' II. In descending the Mississippi, on the left bank, we 
 find the Illinois Conference, joining that of Rock River, 
 and continuing the ecclesiastical line of posts towards the 
 south. In this conference we have ten districts ; namely, 
 Quincy, Bloomington, Springfield, Jacksonville, Lebanon, 
 Sparta, Mount Carmel, Danville, St. Louis German Mis- 
 sion, and Quincg German Mission : one hundred and six 
 stations, circuits, and missions; one hundred and thirty 
 ministers, with four hundred and twenty -five local preachers ; 
 and twenty-four thousand and ninety-eight church-members. 
 We find the following extra appointments : — Conference 
 Female Academy, W. D, R. Trotter, Agent ; M'Kendree 
 College, Erastus Wentworth, President ; A. W. Cummings, 
 Spencer Mattison, Professors; William Goodfellow, Prin- 
 cipal of Preparatory Department ; Georgetown Seminary, 
 Jesse H. Moore. 
 The German missions in the bounds of this conference 
 constitute a very important portion of its work. These 
 plodding, industrious, and sober people, fall very much 
 under the care of the Methodist Church ; and, by suitable 
 attention and culture, become excellent, and many of them 
 eminent. Christians. Numerous ministers are raised up 
 belonging to their nation ; and, for piety, zeal, devotedness, 
 and ability, are exceeded by no other class. 
 III. Missouri, on the right bank of the Mississippi, and 
 only separated from Illinois by the river, is the next con- 
 ference demanding our attention. It belongs to the Me- 
 thodist Episcopal Church, South. We have five districts 
 in this country ; namely, St. Charles, Columbia, Richmond, 
 Weston, and Hannibal: thirty-five stations, circuits, and 
 missions ; fifty-one ministers, with eighty-seven local preach- 
 ers ; and ten thousand nine hundred and twenty-four 
 church-members, eleven hundred and sixty-four of whom 
 are people of colour. 
 We find the following appointments : — Isaac Ebbert is 
 President of St. Charles College ; Jeremiah F. Riggs is Agent 
 for the College ; Richard Bond is Agent for the American 
 Bible Society ; Nathan Scarritt is Principal of Howard 
 High School. 
 AVe are here, as the number of people of colour will indi- 
 cate, in a slave State. In 1810, the number is reported as 
 3,011; and in 1840, as 68,240. Out of these only 1,160 
 are members of the Methodist Church. This cannot be 
 considered as very encouraging success amongst this de- 
 graded race. 
 IV. St. Louis, very famous as a western first-class city, 
 which is found in the State of Missouri, gives its name to 
 a conference. The St. Louis Conference contains six 
 districts ; namely, St Louis, Cape Girardeau, Potoai, 
 Springfield, Lexington, Boonville: fifty-one stations, cu:- 
 cuits, and missions ; fifty -nine ministers, -with one hundred 
 and sixty-three local preachers; and thirteen thousand 
 seven hundred and fifty-five church-members, eight hun- 
 dred and ninety-five of whom are people of colour. 
 As this city and locality constitute an interesting por- 
 tion of the Union, and is much visited and remarked upon 
 by our countrymen, it may be proper to notice, that it was 
 founded in 1764, by the French, as the name indicates, 
 when they were in possession of New-Orleans, and com- 
 manded the waters of the Mississippi from the south. Me- 
 thodism was introduced so recently as 1821. 
 Twenty-seven years ago, it seems, the Methodist Church 
 had no existence in St. Louis ; we have now a conference, 
 numbering 13,755 members in the city and neighbouring 
 country. About the time in question, namely, in 1820, the 
 city itself numbered 4,598 inhabitant^; ; in 1846, they 
 amounted to 34,140. It appears from this, that population 
 and Methodism have been concurrently progressing, and 
 probably in pretty equal proportions. 
 V. The State of Arkansas, on the right bank of the 
 Mississippi, gives its name to a conference belonging to 
 the Methodist Church, South. This conference contains 
 five districts ; namely. Little Rock, Fayetteville, Washing- 
 ton, Pine Bluff, and Helena : forty-one stations, circuits, 
 and missions ; forty-three ministers, with one hundred and 
 forty-eight local preachers ; and nine thousand seven hun- 
 dred and thirty-six church-members, seventeen hundred 
 and fifty of whom are people of colour. 
 Agent for the Washington Seminary, Lewis S. Marshall 
 This is new ground, Arkansas having been separated 
 from th^ State of Missouri only in 1819, and erected into 
 a territorial govenunent. In 1886, it was admitted into 
 the Union as an independent State. Its white population 
 is stated to be 14,278 in 1820 ; and in 1846, to have in< 
 creased to 145,000. Its slave population in 1820, con- 
 sisted of 1,617 ; and in 1840, it had increased to 10,085. 
 It will be seen, that the Methodist Church has rapidly 
 advanced in this new country. Its work, as is evident 
 from the Minutes, is chiefly missionary. Time has not 
 allowed of much consolidation, or of the introduction of 
 seminaries of learning. Institutions of this description 
 must follow evangelization, and no doubt they will appear 
 in due time. 
 ( I 
 VI. Memphis, standing on the left bank of the Missis- 
 sippi, and in the lowest point of the State of Tennessee, 
 gives its name to a conference. The Memphis Confer- 
 ence contains six districts ; namely, Memphis, Granada, 
 Salem, Somerville, Jackson, Paducah: seventy-one sta- 
 tions, circuits, and missions ; one hundred and one min- 
 isters, with three hundred and forty-four local preachers ; 
 and thirty thousand nine hundred and forty church-mem- 
 bers, six thousand and sixty-eight of whom are people of 
 Jackson Female Institute, L. Lea, President; A. W. 
 Jones, Professor ; G. T. Baskerville, Agent for the JackiEK)n 
 FemaAe Institute and Centenary Fund. 
 This ecclesiastical division, in great part, lies in the upper 
 or northern portion of the State of Mississippi, though its 
 head is in Tennessee. Slarery, it will be seen, abounds 
 here ; and it is gratifying to find upwards of six thousand 
 slaves belonging to the Church. 
 YII. The Mississippi State, the south-east point of 
 which touches the Gulf of Mexico, is occupied by another 
 division bearing the above name. This Mississippi 
 CoNFBRBNOK c<mtaiii8 sovon districts; namely, Clinton, 
 Nakh€», Viekiburg, Vatoo, Lake Washington JUitsimi, 
 Sharon, Pearl River : fifty-four stationB, circuits, and mis- 
 sions ; seventy-tbree ministers, with one hundred and 
 ninety-three local preachers; and nxteen thousand five 
 hundred and ninety-eight church-members, six thousand 
 one hundred and eighty-three being people of colour. 
 Centenary College, John C. Miller; Joseph M'Dowell, 
 Agent for Old Centenary College. 
 VIII. The Louisiana Conference now demands our 
 attention. We have six districts in this division ; namely, 
 New- Orleans, Baton Rouge, Opelousas, Monroe, Shreve- 
 port, Vidalia : fifty-three stations, circuits, and missions ; 
 forty-seven ministers, with seventy-one local preachers ; and 
 eight thousand two hundred and seventy-two church-mem- 
 bers, three Aousand seven hundred and forty-nine of whom 
 are people of colour. 
 D. 0. Shattttck, President of Centenary College ; Robert 
 R. Read, Agent for the Centenary College. 
 The above college is located at Jackson. 
 This conference is important, because it includes New- 
 Orleans, the great commercial mart of the Mississippi, and 
 famed as the most profligate and wicked place in the Union. 
 On examination, it will be found that the societies in this 
 city are very small, which seems to corroborate the common 
 report as to the dissipation of the place. Its inhabitants 
 are, it is said, constantly changing, and consist very much 
 of desperate adventurers; and it should seem, that the 
 sickliness of the place causes the people to push the pur- 
 suit of gayety and pleasure to the utmost extreme ; as if the 
 uncertainty of life led them to seek as much of what they 
 consider enjoyment in a short space as possible. This is 
 no unusual thing. The inhabitants of Vera Cruz are simi- 
 larly distinguished ; and yet it is about the most pestilential 
 locality in the world. 
 Races of men, it should seem, have something to do with 
 both religion and solid freedom. Wherever, on the conti- 
 nent of America, we find the basis of population to be 
 French, as in New-Orleans ;^r Spanish, as in Florida ; — 
 we perceive in f^his circumstance an eflfectual barrier against 
 the progress of the gospel, as well as an mcapacity for self- 
 government and liberty, as demonstrated by their departed 
 power. Romanism may, indeed, perform its part in all this. 
 Its policy has everywhere been to attach man to a system, 
 instead of educating him to walk and act for himself. But 
 systems break down ; and when this takes place, and the 
 people are found helpless vassals, they are sure to be inca- 
 pable of acting for themselves, and necessarily fall under 
 the dominion of stronger races. 
 IX. Alabama is not exactly on our line. It lies betwixt 
 the State of Mississippi on the one hand, and Georgia on 
 the other ; having Florida, for a considerable extent, as its 
 frontier towards the south, and yet touching the Gulf of 
 Mexico by its south-west point. The conference of this name 
 contains eight districts ; namely. Mobile, Gainesville, Colum- 
 bus, Tuskaloosa, Talladega, Montgomery, Eufaula, and 
 Summerfield : ninety-eight stations, circuits, and missions ; 
 one hundred and eighteen ministers, with four hundred and 
 forty-nine local preachers; and forty-four thousand six 
 hundred and three church- members — fifteen thousand two 
 hundred and seventy-nine being people of colour. 
 Macon Female Institute, Frederick G. Ferguson. Cen- 
 tenary Institute, A. H. Mitchell ; Agent, G. Garrett. 
 The white population of this State, in 1810, amounted 
 to 20,845 ; and in 1845, it had increased to 624,827, Ia 
 1820, its slave popidation amounted to 41,879; mtM. it 
 1840, to 258,532. This is a fearful augmenti|kni. .It 
 shows that an active and distressing internal baHltr in the 
 flesh and blood of man must be going on within th» limits 
 of the States. 
 We have some relief in the fact above stated, that 
 15,279 of these poor wretches are within the pale of the 
 We have two other confereices in this southern direction, 
 which must be noticed, though they lie beyond our Missis- 
 sippi route. 
 X. The Texas Confsrenoe contains four districts; 
 namely, Galveston, Rutersville, Austin, San Antonio : 
 twenty-nine stations, circuits, and missbns; twenty-nine 
 ministers, with fifty-four local preachers ; and three thou- 
 sand two hundred and thirteen church-members — seven 
 hundred and ninety-nine of whom are people of colour. 
 XT The East Texas Conference embraces three dis- 
 tricts; namely, San AugusHne, Marshall, Clarkesville : 
 twenty-seven stations, circuits, and missions ; twenty-three 
 ministers, with seventy local preachers ; and four thousand 
 eight hundred and three church-members — six hundred 
 and thirty-seven of whom are people of colour. 
 XII. In 1834, the Rocky Mountains were crossed by two 
 or three missionaries, and the gospel was introduced into 
 Oregon, This work has been progressing from that period 
 to the present time. But as Oregon has not l^en formed 
 into a conference, we are unable to report its exact state. 
 Indeed, at the Pittsburgh Conference, I heard a mission- 
 ary, who had spent several years in the country, give a 
 most interesting account of the state of things, and the 
 hopeful prospect of much good. He proposed the estab- 
 lishment of a conference for Oregon and California;* 
 though at the time the treaty for the cession ci the latter 
 territory to the United States had not been signed. The 
 arguments of the nnssi<Miary were listened to very atten 
 I* The " Oregon and California Mission Conference " has since been 
 tively by the conference ; and good Bishop Heddmg pro- 
 posed several questions as to the time it would take a 
 bishop to travel to the place to constitute the conference in 
 question, the route, expense, and modes of travelling, as if 
 he had it in hb heart to attempt the journey. This was 
 fine in a man near seventy, not very agile in his structure, 
 and not by any means in good health. 
 At the above date, the mission was exclusively intended 
 to benefit the heathen population. A fine establishment 
 was formed near the mouth of the Columbia ; and the first 
 efforts of the missionaries were crowned with promising 
 success. Since that time, the territory has been divided 
 between the British and the Americans; and the latter are 
 pressing to occupy the country. The portion of Oregon to 
 which they have chiefly at present emigrate^, was described 
 as surpassingly fertile and beautiful ; and the people were 
 represented as making great progress in the cultivation of 
 the soil. Distant ages will hear and know more about 
 Oregon. It will, no doubt, share in the prosperity and 
 greatness of the American world ; become the area of seve- 
 ral new States, and be the means of extending the influ- 
 ence and power of this great nation to the seaboard of the 
 Pacific ; and, as a consequence, to China, India, and Poly- 
 nesia, by a direct and easy route. The consequences lie in 
 the future ; but that their influence must be great on the 
 destinies, not only of America, but also of the world, may 
 safely be predicted.* 
 XIII. Indian Missions. — ^To the west of Iowa, Mis- 
 souri, and Arkansas, is found the Indian Territory, six or 
 seven hundred miles in length, and of less breadth ; where, 
 * Since the above was written, the great excitement respecting the disco- 
 very of gold in CiUifomia, and the emigration of the people in great num- 
 bers in search of the precious metal, have occurred. How singular are the 
 ways of Providence ! This gold mania will attract a large population to a 
 country which would otherwise only have been peopled in the usual way ; 
 and though much disappointment will, no doubt, arise respecting the gold, 
 the people will remain to cultivate the soil, and extend the Christian cause. 
 t<( ya 
 for the present, the wrecks of numerous powerful tribes and 
 nations are located. The Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 South, has established itself amongst these tribes, and 
 designates the ecclesiastical territory the Ixdian-Mission 
 OoKFBRENOE. In this conference we have three districts ; 
 namely, Kansas River, Cherokee, and Muscogee : twenty- 
 six stations, circuits, and missions; thirty-two ministers, 
 with thirty-two local preachers ; and three thousand eight 
 hundred and fifteen church-members : these are divided 
 into ninety-seven whites, two hundred and seventy-three 
 people of colour, (that is, people of the African race,) and 
 three thousand four hundred and forty-five Indians. 
 We find the following extra appointments: — ^Indian 
 Manual-Labour School and Station, Thomas Johnson, 
 Tyson Dines ; iksbury Manual-Labour School and Station 
 among the Creeks, Thomas B. Ruble ; Fort Coffee Manual- 
 Labour School, New-Hope Female School and Station, 
 Jesse L. M'Alister ; M'Kendree Manual-Labour School and 
 Station among the Chickasaws, Wesley Browning ; Robert- 
 son-Neighbourhood School, Erastus B. Duncan. 
 It is a subject of rejoicing that Christianity has found 
 its way, to any extent, amongst these deeply injured races 
 of the human family. Their tale of wo is one of the most 
 painful on the records of time. Whilst the poor Negro 
 submits with docility and comparative content to his lot of 
 degradation and toil, the Red-man, in the pride of his man- 
 hood, has ever spurned the yoke of oppression ; and rather 
 than submit to become the white man's s]ave, he has 
 chosen to fight for his freedom through long ages of 
 unequal conflict; till now the remains of innumerable 
 nations, which owned and hunted freely through the whole 
 continent, are pent up in a mere nook in the farthest west. 
 In the conquests and settlements of the Christian nations 
 of Europe — ^it may be well asked, — What has the world 
 gained by their Christianity ? The pagan nations of anti- 
 quity inyaiiably contrived to connect the social and politi- 
 cal impi'ovement of the conquered or colonized countries, 
 vrith the possession of their territory and dominion over the 
 people. Northern Africa was colonized by the Phoenicians ; 
 and their political power, their system of government, their 
 commercial enterprise, and their social progress, spread 
 civilization amongst the natives of those countries, and they 
 were, as a consequence, assimilated iiita~the general mass 
 of the Carthaginian population. The colonies established 
 by the Greeks are notorious as centres of knowledge ; of 
 improved institutions and laws ; of freedom and good 
 government ; so that, instead of being constituted to repel, 
 to alienate, to barbarize the people of the territories they 
 occupied, the door was opened for their reception ; and the 
 colony became the means of organized order, and the foun- 
 dation of franchises securing all the blessings of the 
 social state to the native population. The progress of the 
 Roman power was chiefly that of conquest. But even this 
 great people invariably carried the arts of civilized life to 
 the abodes of the conquered savage tribes. The Roman 
 empire is known to have laid the foundation of civilization 
 through the whole of central Europe. What were the an- 
 cient Britons at the time the country was invaded by Csesar ? 
 Not one tittle in advance of the Red-men of the American 
 forests, when that country was first visited by the European 
 settlers. But how diflferent the issue ! The Pagan power, 
 the Roman conquerors of Britsun, became its civilizers. The 
 foundation of our improvements was laid by the policy and 
 lessons of the legions and the cohorts of Rome. They did 
 not seek to crush the native population, to possess and 
 occupy their lands with a race of Italians, to the entire ex- 
 clusion of. the natives of the soil. True, they sought the 
 complete ascendency of their political institutions ; and this, 
 exciting the opposition of the Britons, brought them into 
 collision with the Roman power : but the policy of the lat- 
 ter was to turn the wild hordes into peaceful, prosperous, 
 and happy Roman citizens. 
 How perfectly different has been the conduct of pro- 
 fessedly Christian nations in America and elsewhere ! The 
 policy of every power which has established itself in that 
 country has been the same. The English — the Dutch — 
 the French — ^the Spaniards ; — the Puritan — ^the Huguenot 
 — the Calvinist — the Papist; — all nations, all religions, 
 have equally and uniformly acted upon the principle of 
 isolation; of establishing social and religious freedom 
 exclusively for themselves; of causing law, government, 
 commerce, education, religion, to radiate amongst their 
 own communities ; — ^whilst, by ten thousand modes of in- 
 trigue, fraud, oppression, cruelty, and wrong, the natives 
 of the soil have been repelled and driven from the abodes 
 of civilized man. 
 Religion has been blamed, in no very measured terms, 
 for its failures in preventing the injustice and wrong done to 
 man in his most helpless condition. And it must be con- 
 fessed, that it is not blameless in the matter ; it ought more 
 strenuously to have asserted the rights of the oppressed. 
 Good men in their individual capacity exerted themselves, 
 in some instances, very nobly to communicate a knowledge 
 of the Christian faith, and not without success. The exer- 
 tions of Eliot, of Bnunerd, of Penn, and others, stand out as 
 fine instances of devotedness and zeal. Their successes cor- 
 responded to- their toils ; and had other influences and agen- 
 cies corresponded with their philanthropic labours, perma- 
 nent good must have been the result. But the matter of 
 fact is, that the politico-social power which was simultane- 
 ously at work with these feeble agencies, constantly thwarted 
 and destroyed the effects of their exertions. These religious 
 men were ardently seeking the instruction, the conversion, 
 the Christianization, of the savage tribes ; but the political 
 power was equally intent upon the aggrandizement of the 
 European population, at the expense of the natives. The 
 latter became the predominant force ; so that everything 
 built up by the honest and laborious efforts of the mis- 
 sionary, was as regularly pulled down by the action of the 
 political power. Two antagonistic forces were constantly 
 at work side by side. The selfish one, however, as might be 
 expected, was always infinitely stronger than the Christian. 
 The only possible mode of avertmg the wrongs inflicted 
 upon the Indian races would have been so to blend the 
 Christian with the political power, as to make the latter in 
 its spuit Christian. Had the governments, in attempting 
 to establish themselves in the country, been controlled and 
 guided by truly religious principles in the hands of a suffi- 
 ciently influential executive, the mischief might have been 
 prevented ; and at this day, instead of finding the Indians 
 an outcast race, in the extremities of the Western world, 
 we should now see theiu free, prosperous, and Christian 
 citizens of the United States. Nothing is equally just, — 
 nothing is truly liberal, — nothing regards the primary 
 rights of mankind, — nothing establishes social reUtions, — 
 nothing assimilates and blends into brotherhood all races, 
 — nothing points to one almighty Father, — nothing brings 
 men together on similar terms, and in the posture of prayer 
 and worship : — ^nothing does all thb but Christianity. 
 The Christian name has been miserably outraged by its 
 i«presentatives ; but never on so large, so gigantic a scale 
 as in America. Licentious courtiers, hard-hearted and 
 selfish politicians, money-mongering commercial companies, 
 chartered pickpockets, riotous adventurers and fortune- 
 hunters ; — ^all these soon overpowered the Puritan, the Qua- 
 ker, the Christian. Not, indeed, that the Pilgrim Fathers, 
 except in individual instances, — as in the case of Roger 
 Williams, — seem to have entertained much scruple respect- 
 ing the rights of the aborigines ; and probably their creed 
 prevented them taking much puns to make them Chris- 
 tians. They were a gigantic race of men, full of lofty and 
 noble sentiments, and had a firm belief in their own high 
 destiny ; but they had little sympathy with human nature 
 as such. A race of men who excluded even their fellow- 
 Christians from social fellowship, and drove them from their 
 homes on differing in opinion with themselves, were not 
 very likely to seek any close connexion with the reprobate 
 William Penn and his Quaker followers were of a differ- 
 ent spirit. This eminent person* had a just perception of 
 the rights of man, in the Christian sense of the term. He 
 nobly exerted himself to secure these rights to the Indians ; 
 and, had he been supported by a power corresponding to 
 his own just notions, at any rate, a model colony would 
 have been established in Pennsylvania. But the principles 
 of Penn may be said to have died with himself; and that 
 on which his tender heart was so intensely fixed, the free- 
 dom, the civilization, and the Christian state of the Indian 
 tribes connected with his colony was buried in his own sa- 
 cred resting-placjp. 
 The religion which alone could have saved this noble 
 race must, in order to be effective, have been united in some 
 way with the political power. The isolated and individual 
 exertions of good men were found inadequate to the task. 
 The day for great and free religious organizations and in- 
 stitutions had not then arrived. No missionaries, except 
 Popish, connected with large and influential bodies at 
 home, were then in the field. The only church having the 
 forms and the power of a great institution in this country, 
 in the first days of American colonization, when the mis- 
 chief began, was the Episcopal Church. 
 Is it too much to expect a Christian nation to conduct 
 * Since this was penned, Maoavlat's " History " has been published, in 
 which Penn is shown [doubtful] to have yielded to court influence in some 
 instances, which place his character in those transactions in a questionable 
 point of view. This only shows that courts, in the times of Charles and 
 James, were iipt very suitable places for Christians ; and that the religious 
 principles of Penn were much safer in the wilderness, in toil, in executing pro- 
 jects of usefulness, than in the keeping of Whitehall, and under the influence 
 of Jesuito. We speak of Penn all along in his character of Christian and law- 
 giver in America ; and certainly, in this sphere, his conduct is seen to be most 
 its policy on Christian principle, — upon the truths of the 
 gospel ? Had this been the case, the political body which 
 laid the foundation of English rule in America, would have 
 acted a very different part towards these injured people. 
 Would Christian truth, nay, would heathen honesty, have 
 allowed the seizure of their lands ; often connected with 
 the most infamous chicanery, fraud, and dishonour ? Would 
 occasions of irritation and barbarous wars have been sought, 
 for the sole purpose of driving the sheep to the slaughter, 
 and occupying the space vacated by their immolation or 
 their banishment? Would the superior attainments of 
 knowledge and the means of aggression possessed by white 
 men have been employed as a snare to entrap the poor 
 children of the forest into some bargain and covenant to 
 their own utter luin ? Would these noble tribes have been 
 incited to hate each other, to imbrue their hands in each 
 other's blood, to butcher and exterminate women and chil- 
 dren, and feast their voracious appetite for cruelty, — that 
 the white man might profit by the decimation of these se- 
 veral tribes by their slaughter of each other ? Would their 
 sufficiently miserable existence have been still more distress- 
 ingly embittered by the fiend-like design of poisoning the 
 very springs of life by the introduction of "fire-water," 
 and new diseases to thin their ranks? Would systems ot 
 barter and intercourse have been established on a large and 
 universal scale, the whole design of which was to defraud 
 the Indian, and to rob him of the scanty and hard-earned 
 fruits of the chase ? No ; Christianity repudiates all this. 
 It utters its voice in the wilderness ; it warns of the present 
 and eternal consequences of cruelty and injustice to the 
 feeble, the poor, the dependent. And had the nation, 
 sending out its swarms to occupy the territory of these 
 tribes, instead of exerting a power to destroy, been governed 
 by its doctrines, perfect justice must have been done. 
 The absence of the aborigmal inhabitants from the United 
 States will be a silent, — continued, — eternal memorial of 
 • /, 
 the cruel wrongs, first of the nations which began their ex- 
 pulsion, and next of the Americans who finished it. From 
 their location in the west, the Indian territory, they will 
 forever send acioss the flourishing territory, the populous 
 cities, the mighty commerce and growing opulence of the 
 white man's usurpations, the wail of sorrow, the cry of in- 
 justice and of wrong. 
 It is now time to examine what the Methodist Church 
 has done for this class ; and with what degree of success. 
 The work amongst them began long before the Indians 
 entered upon their present location, and has often been 
 much injured by their removal. We cannot attempt a full 
 account ; all we can do is to give some slight notice of 
 facts. These poor outcasts, it must be remarked, have been 
 drawn from every part of the United States. The whole 
 continent was once occupied by them. 
 The attempts of the Methodist Church amongst them 
 began with the Wyandot Indians, in Upper Sandusky, in 
 the State of Ohio, in 1816. The agent in this work — ^in 
 spite of orders, priesthoods, canons, calls, and imposition 
 of hands — ^was a poor freeman of colour, " born and raised 
 in Powhatan county.*' How strange, that the name of 
 the father of the Indian lady married to the English- 
 man, should also be the name of the country of this 
 good man !* If one could believe in the transmigra- 
 tion of souls, it would be no difficult matter to imagine, 
 that the soul of Pocahontas had entered this poor coloured 
 man. " Having been brought to the knowledge of the 
 truth as it is in Jesus, it was powerfully impressed on the 
 mind" of John Steward — ^for that was his name — " that it 
 was his duty to travel somewhere north-west, in search of 
 some of the lost sheep of the house of Israel." He could 
 have no rest in bis spirit, until he yielded obedience to what 
 he considered the call of God. John Steward took his 
 departure from his home and kindred, and continued his 
 ..- »w. -. ..- ,J,. [* The county w: a named after himO "• • -• - 
 course till he arrived at Pipe-Town, on the Sandusky 
 Biver, where a tribe of the Delaware Indians dwelt. He 
 delivered a discourse to them through an interpreter, and 
 took his departure to Upper Sandusky. Steward related 
 his experience to Mr. Walker, the sub-agent of the States 
 to the Indians ; and he being finally satisfied that he was 
 actuated by pure motives, both Mr. and Mrs. Walker en- 
 couraged and assisted him ; and, speaking the Wyandot 
 dialect, the agent became his interpreter. He delivered 
 his first sermon to one old Indian woman ; his next to an 
 old man, in addition to the old woman ; they " were both 
 soon converted to the Christian faith." 
 "In the month of November, 1816, by the faithful 
 labours of Steward, assisted occasionally by some local 
 preachers, before any regular missionary was appointed, a 
 large society of converted natives had been formed." 
 Among these were several influential chiefs — such as Be- 
 tween-the-Iogs, Mononcue, Hicks, and Scuteash, with two 
 of the interpreters — ^Pointer and Armstrong. " Between- 
 the-logs was one of the chief counsellors of the nation, a 
 man of vigorous intellect, who soon became an eloquent 
 advocate of the Christian cause." ** In the year 1819 this 
 mission was taken under the superintendence of the Rev. 
 James B. Finley. At a quarterly meeting in November of 
 this year, about sixty of these native converts were pre- 
 sent ;" the account given by themselves of their conversion 
 is very interesting. Between-the-logs said truly, " This is 
 the first meeting of the kind which has been held for us ; 
 and now, my dear brethren, I am happy that we, who have 
 been so long enemies to one another, are come together as 
 brothers ; at which our great Father is well pleased." Yes, 
 this was " the first meeting of the kind ever held" for In- 
 dians. How affecting ! Christians, so called, had lived in 
 contact with these people for two hundred years ; but their 
 lips had never, till now, been opened to declare their con- 
 version to the faith of Christ. And, stranger still, no one 
 amongst all the zealous and devoted missionaries of tlie 
 Methodist Church, so far as we can perceive, had attempted 
 to seek these lost souls : this honour was reserved for a 
 poor man of colour ; himself, like those he visited, an out- 
 cast from the great world of civilized man. Truly, God's 
 ways are not as ours. If these Indian tribes are ultimately 
 saved and made socially happy, let it be eternally remem- 
 bered, that, so far as the Methodists are concerned in the 
 matter, the work began by a poor man of colour, of Afri- 
 can blood. 
 In 1821, this mission is reported as still prospering, the 
 Rev. James B. Finley being appointed its superintendent, 
 who established a school, " to teach the beys the art of 
 agriculture, and the girls to sew, spin, and knit, and all 
 the duties of the household." Having enclosed a large 
 farm, Mr. Finley "laboured with his own hands, for the 
 purpose of setting an example to the Indians, that they 
 might habituate themselves to an agricultural life. These 
 movements had a salutary effect upon their physical and 
 moral condition." 
 ■ 1 In 1823, Bishop M'Kendree says of these Indians, — 
 " But now they arc building hewed log-houses, with brick chim- 
 neys, cultivating their lands, and successfully adopting the various 
 agricultural arts. They now manifest a relish for, and begin to en- 
 joy the benefits of civilization ; and it is probable that some of them 
 will this year raise an ample support for their families, from the pro- 
 duce of these farms. There are more than two hundred of them who 
 have renounced heathenism, and embraced the Christian religion, 
 giving unequivocal evidence of their sincerity, of the reality of a di- 
 vine change." 
 ^ What became of John Steward, the man of colour, the 
 apostle of this nation ? 
 " When so exhausted in his physical powers as to be unable to la- 
 bour for his support, his temporal wants were provided for by his 
 friends ; about fifty acres of land, on which was built a cabin for his 
 accommodation, being secured to him by fee-simple. Here ho lived 
 the remainder of his days ; and on his demise, the property was in- 
 heritecl by his brother. In this place, loved and honoured by those 
 who had been benefited by his evangelical labours, he lingered along 
 the shores of mortality until December 17th, 1823, when he fell 
 asleep in Jesus, in the thirty-seventh year of his age, and the seventh 
 of his labours in the missionaiy field. On his death-bed ho gave the 
 most consoling evidence of his faith in Christ, and hope of immorta- 
 lity."— Bangs's " Histwy o/Methodisnij' vol. iii, pp. 246, 247. 
 In 1821, an attempt was made to introduce the gospel 
 to the Creek Indians, located in Georgia and Alabama. 
 After various disappointments, this enterprise was aban- 
 doned in despair. 
 In 1822, an effectual and successful mission was estab- 
 lished amongst the Mohawks, in Upper Canada, at that 
 time connected with the Methodist Church in the United 
 The narrative is very interesting. Many were truly con- 
 verted to God, and formed into church-fellowship. The 
 Rev. William Case was one of the chief instruments ; and 
 these Indians constitute a portion of the mission-church, 
 now under the care of the British Conference. 
 " The Cherokee mission was also commenced this year. The 
 Cherokee Indians inhabited a tract of countiy included in the States 
 of Georgia and North Carolina on the east, Alabama on the 
 west, and that part of Tennessee lying south of Hiwassee and Ten- 
 nessee rivers, comprising not less than ten millions of acres. These 
 natives had been partially civilized ; some of them had become 
 wealthy, possessing domestic cattle in abundance, and were thriving 
 agriculturists. White people had settled among them, intermarriages 
 had taken place, so that thero were many half-breeds of respectable 
 standing and character, who could speak both the English and Che- 
 rokee languages; and many of the children were well educated. 
 And had they been left undisturbed in their ])08sessions, they doubt- 
 less would have arisen into a wealthy, intelligent, religious, and re- 
 spectable community." — Bangs's " History of Methodiim^^ vol. iii, pp. 
 206, 207. 
 1823. " A mission was commenced this year among the 
 Pottawataray Indians, a small tribe settled in the neighbour- 
 hood of Fort Clark, on the Fox River, in the State of Illi- 
 nois." After the " hard labours" of seven years, Mr. Walker, 
 the missionary, was obliged to abandon this enterprise as 
 hopeless. " Their strong attachments to savage life, and 
 incurable suspicions of white men, together with their final 
 determination to remove west, frustrated the benevolent at- 
 tempts to introduce the gospel and the arts of civilized life 
 among them." — Bangs's *' History of M'jthodism" vol. iii, 
 p. 223. 
 This year Mr. Finley, in company with some of the con- 
 verted chiefs and an interpreter, set off on a visit to the 
 Chippeways. They at length arrived at the Wyandot re- 
 servation, on the Huron River, where they were cordially 
 received and entertained by a white man, called Honnes, 
 who had been taken prisoner when a lad. He was noAv 
 supposed to be one hundred years of age ; could remember 
 nothing of his partintage, or of his days previous to his cap- 
 tivity, only that he was called Honnes. He was now a 
 cripple, and nearly blind ; but very intelligent and commu- 
 In 1825, a work of grace commenced among the Missis- 
 sauga Indians, of Upper Canada. Peter Jones, "feeling, 
 after his conversion, for the salvation of his wretched tribe, 
 hastened away to them, and told them what great things 
 God had done for his soul. This had a powerful effect upon 
 their minds, and led them to attend the meetings on the 
 Grand River." This mission has prospered to this time, 
 and is now under the care of the British Conference. 
 A similar work commenced among a branch of the Dela- 
 wares and Chippeways, who were settled at Moncytown, 
 on the river Thames. 
 In 1827, a new mission was begun among another branch 
 of the Mississaugas, residing on Snake and Yellow-Head 
 Islands, in Lake Simcoe, Upper Canada. This arose from 
 some of the people hearing a sermon from one of the 
 preachers, — ^then desiring a missionary, — then the estab- 
 lishment of a Sunday-school ; — and in two years there were 
 four hundred and twenty-nine under religiotif initruotton ; 
 three hundred and fifty of whom were " orderly members 
 of the Church."— Bangs's "Hutwy ofMeihodwn** vol. iii, 
 p. 360. 
 The Oneida mission commenced in 1829. This tribe of 
 Indians were settled on an Indian resenration, in the western 
 part of the State of New- York ; they were partially civil- 
 ized, and were cultivators of the soil ; but were deeply de- 
 based by immoral habits. In this state they were visited 
 by a young man from the Mohawks in Upper Canada. He 
 had been converted among that tribe of Indians, and ** was 
 impelled, by his thirst for the salvation of others, to make 
 known unto them the way of peace and salvation." Be- 
 ing able to speak to them in their own language, and 
 from his own experience, they received the tidings in peni- 
 tent hearts ; and a work of reformation commenced among 
 them, which eventuated in the conversion of upwards of 
 one hundred. This good work has steadily gone on. The 
 Onondagas, a neighbouring tribe, by the example and teach- 
 ing of these new converts, " received the gospel, and twenty- 
 four of them were converted to God, and brought into 
 A mission to the Shawnee and Kansas Indians, inhabit- 
 ing the western part of the State of Missouri, was under- 
 taken in 1830. 
 In the year 1831, the American Church gave up their 
 Indian Missions in Canada to the British Conference ; and 
 our historian makes the following reflections upon the 
 subject : — 
 " From the movements already alluded to in Upper Canada, the 
 Indian missions in that province, including no less than ten stations, 
 and one thousand eight hundred and fifty adult Indians under reli- 
 gious instruction, most of whom were members of the Church, were 
 taken from our superintendence, and put tmder the care of the Wes- 
 leyan Conference in England. These missions, which had become 
 endeared to us by such associations as could not be easily dissolved, 
 and for the beneist of which we had expended so much labour and 
 money, still clung to our affections ; and could not therefore be sur- 
 rendered, even in the amicable manner in which the arrangement for 
 their fature supply was made, without feelings of regret. Soiowing, 
 however, that they would be provided for by our brethren in Eng- 
 land with the same assiduous care with which they had been from the 
 beginning, we withdrew our pastoral oversight with the less sorrow, 
 still praying Almighty God to bless and prosper them." — ^Bangs's 
 " History of Methodiam^^ vol. iv, pp. 60, 6^. 
 We now enter a new and a very different scene. About 
 this time the United States government consummated the 
 injuries of centuries ; and by various means drove the In- 
 dian nations, from their several locations in the heart of the 
 country, to the western territory beyond the Mississippi, 
 where we have found them under the designation of the 
 i* Indian-Mission Conference." 
 As might be expected, this dissolution of old associations 
 and attachments produced great convulsions amongst them. 
 The Indian possesses the same instincts and passions as 
 other men. Though former oppressions, which had les- 
 sened the extent of the territory of the several tribes, might 
 leave them little to esteem and love ; yet we all know how 
 a last shred, figment, shadow, of departed possession and 
 enjoyment, is prized by those who feel that they are losing 
 their hold of the beloved object forever. 
 The slander against these people, of incapacity for civili- 
 zation, stands refuted by facts, as their general charac- 
 ter repels the equally unfounded slanders against their 
 manhood. They, on the contrary, evidently possess all the 
 elements of a noble race. ' Then: resolute resistance to the 
 encroachments of the whites; their repugnance to their 
 manners and customs ; their fierce and heroic defence of 
 their soil ; their love of the chase, and of forest life ;. their 
 struggles to prevent the dissolution of their clanships, and 
 tiny nationalities ; their repudiation of all effeminate emo- 
 tions, and systematic culture of fortitude, courage, and 
 manly exercises ; and, as the case stood for ages and ages, 
 their hostility to the Christian Church; — are facts to be 
 resolved into a peculiar strengtli and greatness of charac- 
 ter, rather than of incapacity. How unlike the negro and 
 the Hindoo is the red man of the American forests ! He 
 much more resembles the noble, the dauntless, the inde- 
 pendent Arab, as he spreads his tent in wildernesses never 
 subdued ; and, mounting his steed, bids defiance to all pur- 
 suers. Why should the American Ii^ians be refused the 
 meed of admuration for qualities which in other cases call it 
 forth ? They have eternally refused to submit to the domi- 
 nation of their invaders. Is this a proof of weakness? 
 Eather, does it not indicate prodigious moral strength? 
 They have defended their territories by disputing every inch 
 of ground with the white man, and, when beaten, have re- 
 fused quarter, challenging the infliction of the ir^ost cruel 
 tortures, and meeting death with the fortitude of the great- 
 est heroes ? Is this evidence of a mean, a dastardly, and a 
 decrepit nature ? Is it not much more in proof of real no- 
 bility ? Had these tribes lived in the days of chivalry, they 
 would have been found amongst the most renowned knights. 
 These Indians, moreover, were lovers of freedom. It might 
 be wild, — the freedom which delighted to snuflF the winds 
 of the desert, instead of that which rests in a finely poised 
 balance of political power; but there it existed, deeply 
 seated in the soul ; — ^in all its resentments, its frenzy of 
 passion, its repulsive force, its fixed, undying resolution. 
 Is this love of liberty a weakness ? Will this be said in the 
 midst of the struggles of modem times ? They were gene- 
 rous and frank when treated with confidence and justice, as 
 the cases of Roger Williams, — ^William Penn, — Smith, — 
 the effects of the marriage of Pocahontas, — the affection 
 and gratitude manifested to many of the Roman Catholic 
 missionaries, — will all evince. Is this deemed a sign of a 
 feeble character ? Is it not invariably taken as evidence of a 
 magnanimous soul ? When confided in on honourable terms, 
 even by the European nations around them, they were 
 found capable of observing treaties, of taking their share in 
 the operations of war, of fighting in connexion with the more 
 disciplined troops of their allies, and uniformly conducted 
 themselves with truth and bravery. To help themselves 
 against a rival foe, all the colonial powers often sought 
 their assistance and co-operation. Does this, again, seem 
 as if they were deficient in intellectual and manly qualities ? 
 Does it not indicate, on the contrary, that, even in the opin- 
 ion of these detractors, they possessed useful powers in the 
 matter of war ? Yes : these Indians are, in truth, amongst 
 the noblest race of untutored men on whom the sun ever 
 We are astonished at the lateness of the attempt made 
 by the Methodist body, to bring these children of the 
 forest into the fold of Christ. There is no evidence from 
 his Journal, that Bishop Asbury, the apostle of Methodism, 
 entertained the idea of extending the Idngdom of God 
 ^ amongst this people. His benevolent and active mind em- 
 braced the whole population of the United States, with 
 this exception. It seems to have been taken for granted, 
 on all hands, that they were incapable of Christianity, till 
 the delusion was dissipated by the labours of John Steward, 
 the poor man of colour. The labours of faithful men, in- 
 ' deed, might not have succeeded in retaining them in their 
 primeval homes, securing their rights to the soil on which 
 they lived, or giving them a place in the citizenship of the 
 United States ; and, as the matter stood at the time, it is 
 easy to see, that the remedy, supposing it to be successful, 
 came too late to secure these blessings. Ages of oppres- 
 sion and wrong had thinned the ranks of all the Indian na- 
 tions ; they were only the shreds and skeletons of former 
 strength and power ; they had been hunted, like wild beasts, 
 into nooks and comers, and seemed only to exist by suffer- 
 ance ; they were writhing under the scourges and miseries 
 of centuries ; and the traditional sufferings and wrongs of 
 past generations, handed down to them by the maledic- 
 tions and sworn revenge of their ancestors, leaving them 
 the legacy of their orael oppressions, tended to feed and 
 infuriate their passions. Yes, it was too late. The hlow 
 had been struck, the deed was done, the murderous wound 
 inflicted. All of life which remained, at the time, was the 
 mere death-struggles of a giant ; cursing, in bitter scorn, 
 the power which had inflicted the blow. This giant has 
 now trailed his remnant of existence to the extremity of 
 the west. The song of love is no longer heard amid the 
 rippling streams and forests of their primeval fatherland ; 
 the lute, the drum, the dance of the red man, now never 
 gladdens the wigwam village, or echoes through the thickets, 
 rendered joyous by the frolics of boyhood and the excite- 
 ments of the chase ; the incense of religious rites to avert 
 the invasions of the genii of evil, or to propitiate the "Great 
 S'i.rH," ceases to rise in the midst of the groves and bowers 
 qC '-■ Ji «high places ;" the war-whoop will never more be 
 \y::\ri' 'jy the breeze, or heard in frightful notes to disturb 
 the repose and rouse the apprehensions of the wives and 
 children of the white man. The morning breaks, the sun 
 shines brightly, nature appears in all her gorgeousness, 
 fragrant flowers give their sweetness to the wmds ; birds 
 and animals play and sing gayly ; the day declines, the 
 dews fall, and all things are hushed in soft slumbers, — 
 never, no, never to be broken again by the joys or sorrows 
 of the poor Indian. Let a stranger be permitted to chant 
 lib funeral dirge. 
 Never was conquest so complete as that gained over 
 these races. The Norman lords of this island cut down 
 the heads of the nation ; but they left the meaner kuids 
 of life to vegetate. The northern barbarians subdued Italy 
 and Europe ; but they allowed the people to remain on the 
 soil, to outlive the oppression, and assert the rights of hU' 
 manity. The ruthless Turks conquered the Greek ^npure ; 
 but even they have not succeeded in cutting off the race, 
 or expelling them the country. England has subdued In- 
 dia; but the notion of depoiting tke lAhabitanta has nover 
 fonned part of her policy. America is alone in this. Her 
 work is perfect. She occupies the lai^est territorial pos- 
 sessions of any civilized power in the world ; and it is all 
 cleared of the nations once inhabiting the soil. Her occu- 
 pancy is now undisputed. One people,— one power, — one 
 system, — one government, — ^now pervades the mighty 
 spaces once filled with innumerable races. The Roman 
 empire never possessed the unity, the homogeneity, the 
 strength of the American Republic. 
 We hope this gigantic mistress of so splendid an empire 
 will not, in future, think it essential to her interest or glory- 
 to molest the Indians in the "far west." Surely they may 
 now be left alone to live, — ^if it may please God, — and if 
 they do not become extinct by natural causes. It would, 
 moreover, be a mercy, if Christianity might now be permit- 
 ted to have fur play amongst them, and let it be seen tf 
 they are an exception to the general rule, and cannot pos- 
 sibly be saved. Every well-wisher to the race will look 
 with deep interest towards this Indian territory ; and if, 
 after all the miseries of the past, it should turn out that a 
 happy and Christian community is the result of this ar- 
 rangement, he will rejoice in the goodness of God, whatever 
 he may think of the policy which led to the settlement. 
 We now give the statistical results of this section of the 
 work, in a tabular view : — 
 Conferenceii' Dist. 
 Local Pr. 
 Iowa ....'.. 4 
 Tllinois .... 10 
 Missouri .... 5 
 St. Louis .... 6 
 Arkansas ... 5 
 Memphis. ... 6 
 Mississippi . . 7 
 Texas 4 
 Indian Mission 3 
 98 1,616 130,052 
 The whole statistical result of o«r survey of the territorial 
 Local Pr. 
 progress of the American Methodist Episcopal Church will 
 be §9 follows : — 
 Conf. Dist. 
 Atlantic Line ... 13 72 
 Hudson and Lake 
 Line 10 72 
 Ohio Lin 7 60 
 Mississippi Line . . 10 56 
 40 260 
 We have not noticed the supernumeraries in the above 
 table, because not employed in full work. They, however, 
 amount to 423. 
 • ' We leave this sketch of the territorial progress of Me- 
 thodism in the States to the reader's own reflections ; with 
 the single remark, that, in the author's own opinion, it '» 
 unexampled, — ^that it is the greatest development of reli- 
 gious truth which has taken place in the history of Chris- 
 tianity, either in ancient or modem times. 
 ( t.ri' . ' TtT'.. 
 * [It is hardly necessary for us to say to Amerioan 
 readers that the " Christian Advocate and Journal " is not 
 « devoted to partisan warfare/' and never has been. If 
 Dr. Dixon had read this paper during the time that elapsed 
 between his visit to America and the publication of his 
 book, , he would have found that his " pitting " of Dr. 
 Peck against Dr. Lee was a pure piece of fancy, never 
 destined to be realized. The Christian Advocate has 
 abstained not merely from partisan warfare, but even, to 
 a great extent, from defending the Chm'ch against South- 
 em attacks; — a course which its Editor has taken, we 
 judge, under the just belief that the religious welfare of 
 the Church must be perilled by perpetual controversy, 
 and under the belief, equally well founded, we think, that 
 defences have not been needed against the species of 
 warfare that has been waged against the Church in some 
 quarters. The paper has preserved a very dignified and 
 Christian course-'-one, we think, which has met with the 
 general approbation of its thirty-five thousand sub- 
 Laws on the subject— Preachers from the beginning held anti-slavery views — 
 Opposition of the planters — The power of the separate States— Difficulties 
 arising from this. 
 The following are the regulations and laws on the sub- 
 ject of slavery contair'^4 in the Discipline ; and are conse- 
 quently those which are only in force at present : — 
 " 1. We declare that we are as much as ever convinced of the 
 great evil of slavery : therefore no slave-holder shall be eligible to any 
 official station in our Church hereafter, where the laws of the 
 State in which he lives will admit of emancipation, and permit the 
 liberated slaves to enjoy freedom. 
 " 2. When any travelling preadier becomes an owner of a slave 
 or slaves, by any means, he shall forfeit his ministerial character in 
 our Church, unless he execute, if it be practicable, a legal emancipation 
 of such slaves, conformably to the laws of the State in which he lives. 
 " 3. All our preachers shall prudently enforce upon our members 
 the necessity of teaching their slaves to read the word of God ; and 
 to allow them time to attend upon the public worship of God on our 
 regular days of divine service. 
 "4. Our coloured preachers and official members shall have all 
 the privileges which are usual to others in the District and Quarterly 
 Conferences, where the usages of thp coimtry do not forbid it. And 
 the presiding elaer may hold for them a separate District Confer- 
 ence, where the number of coloured local preachers yrill justify it. 
 " 5. Tho Annual Conferences may employ coloured preachers to 
 travel and preach where their services are judged necessary ; pro- 
 vided that no one shall be so employed without having been recom- 
 mended according to the form of Discipline." 
 The legislation of the Church 'on this subject is some- 
 what curious, and was often varied, till it settled down into 
 the above rules. As early as 1780, consequently before 
 the termination of the war, or the vigorous exertions of Dr. 
 Coke, we have the following minute : — 
 " QuES. — ^Does this Conference acknowledge that slavery is con- 
 trary to the laws of God, man, and nature, and hurtful to society ; 
 contrary to the dictates of conscience and pure religion, and doiflg 
 that which we would not others should do to us and ours ? Do we 
 pass our disapprobation on all our friends who keep slaves, and ad- 
 vise their freedom ? 
 "Ans.— Yes." 
 In 1783:— 
 " QuEB.— What shall be done with our local preachers who hold 
 slaves contrary to the laws which authorize their freedom in any of 
 the United States ? 
 " Ans. — We will try them another year. In the mean time let 
 every assistant deal faithfully and plainly with every one, and report 
 to the next Conference. It may then be necessary to suspend them." 
 In 1784 :— 
 " QvES. — What shall we do with our local preachers who will not 
 emancipate their slaves in the States where the laws admit it ? 
 "Ams. — Try those in Virginia another year; and suspend the 
 preachers in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New-Jersey. 
 " QuES. — What shall be done with our travelling preachers that 
 now are, or hereafter shall be, possessed of slaves, and refuse to man- 
 umit them where the law permits ? 
 " Ans. — ^Employ them no more." — Discipline, pp. 214, 215. Last 
 edition, 1844. 
 " Not more than six months had elapsed after the adoption of these 
 last rules, before it was thought necessary to suspend them. Accord- 
 ingly, in the Annual Minutes for 1785, the following notice was 
 inserted :— 
 " * It is recommended to all our brethren to suspend the execution 
 of the minute on slavery till the deliberations of a future Con- 
 ference ; and that an equal space of time bo allowed all our members 
 for consideration, when the minute shall be put in force,' 
 "'N. B. We do hold in the deepest abhorrence the practice of 
 slavery ; and shall not cease to seek its destruction by all wise and 
 prudent means.' 
 *' This note does not seem to refer to Question 43, (1784,) as it, 
 with the same answer, was retained in the Discipline of 1786. From 
 this till 1796, no mention, it would seem, was made of the subject, 
 oCicept in the General Rules. 
 " 1796. The following section was introduced on the subject : — 
 *' ' QuEB. — What regulations shall be made for the extirpation of 
 the crying evil of African slavery ? 
 " ' Am8. — 1. We declare, that we are more than ever convinced of 
 the great evil of the African slavery which still exists in these United 
 States, and do most earnestly recommend to the yearly Conferences, 
 Quarterly-Meetings, and to those who have the oversight of districts 
 and circuits, to be exceedingly cautious what persons they admit to 
 official stations in our Church ; and, in the case of future admission 
 to official stations, to require such security of those who hold slaves, 
 for the emancipation of them, immediately or gradually, as the laws 
 of the States respectively, and the circumstances of the case, will ad< 
 mit : and we do fully authorize all the yearly Conferences to make 
 whatever regulations they judge proper, in the present case, respect- 
 ing the admission of persons to official statiorj in our Church. 
 " ' 2. No slave-holder shall be received i\M society till the preacher 
 who has the oversight of the circuit has spoken to him freely and 
 faithfully on the subject of slavery. 
 " ' 3. Every member of the society who sells u slave chall imme- 
 diately, after full proof, be excluded the society. And if any incn 
 « ber of our society purchase a slave, the ensuing Quarterly-Meeting 
 shall determine on the number of years in which the slave so pur- 
 chased would work out the price of his purchase. And the person 
 so purchasing shall, immediately afler such determination, execute a 
 Jegal instrument for the manumission of such slave at the expiration 
 of the term determined by the Quarterly-Meeting. And in default 
 of his executing such instrument of manumission, or on his refiisal to 
 submit his case to the judgment of the Quarterly-Meeting, such 
 member shall be excluded the society. Provided also, that in the 
 case of a female slave, it shall be inserted in the aforesaid instrument 
 of manumission, that all her children who shall be born during the 
 years of her servitude, shall be free at the following times *, namely, 
 every female child at the age of twenty-one, and every male child at 
 the age of twenty-five. Neoerthdess, if the member of our society 
 executing the said instrument of manumission judge it proper, he 
 may fix the time of manumission of the children of the female 
 slaves before mentioned at an earlier age than that which is prescribed 
 '"4. The preachers and other members of our society are re- 
 quested to consider the subject of Negro slavery with deep atten- 
 tion till the ensuing General Conference ; and that they impart to 
 the General Conference, through the medium of the yearly Con- 
 ferences, or otherwise, any important thoughts upon the subject, that 
 the Conference may hare fall light, in order to take further steps 
 toward the eradicating this enormous evil from thatpOrtof the Church 
 of God to which they are united.' 
 " 1800. The following new paragraphs were inserted : — 
 " ' 2. When any travelling preacher becomes an owner of a slave 
 or slaves, by any means, ho shall forfeit his ministerial character in 
 our Church, unless he execute, if it be practicable, a legal emancipa- 
 tion of such slaves, conformably to the laws of the State in which he 
 " ' 6. The Annual Conferences are directed to draw up addresses 
 for the gradual emancipation of the slaves to the legislatures of those 
 States in which no general laws have been passed for that purpose. 
 These addresses shall urge, in the most respectful, but pointed 
 manner, the necessity of a law for the gradual emancipation of the 
 slaves ; proper committees shall be appointed by the Annual Con- 
 ferences, out of the most respectable of our friends, for the conduct- 
 ing of the business ; and the presiding elders, elders, deacons, and 
 travell'ug preachers, shall procure as many proper signatures as 
 possible to the addresses, and give all the assistance in their power 
 in every respect to aid the committees, and to further this blessed un- 
 dertaking. Let this be continued from year to year, till the desired 
 end be accomplished.' 
 " 1804. The following alterations were made : — 
 " The question reads, — ' What shall be done for the extirpation of 
 the evil of slavery?' 
 " In paragraph 1,(1 796,) instead of ' more than ever convinced,' we 
 have, ' as much as ever convinced ;' and instead of ' the African slavery 
 which still exists in these United States,' we have ' slavery.' 
 " In paragraph 4, (3, of 1 796,^ respecting the selling of a slave, be- 
 fore tlio words ' shall immediately.' *he following clause is inserted, — 
 ' except at the request of the slave, m cases of mercy and humanity, 
 aj^i-eeably to the judgment of a committee of tlio male members of 
 the society, appointed by the preacher who has the charge of the 
 "The following new proviso was mscrted in this paragraph: — 
 ' Provided o&o, tliat if a member of our society shall buy a slave with 
 a certificate of future emancipation, the terms of emancipation shall, 
 notwithstanding, be subject to the decision of the Quarterly-Meeting 
 Conference.' All after ' nevertheless * was struck out, and the follow- 
 ing substituted : — ' The members of our societies in the States of 
 North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Tennessee, shall be ex- 
 empted from the operation of the above rules.' The paragraphs 
 about coQiiderin^ the sul^ect of slavery, and petitions to legislatures, 
 Cnamely, No. 4 of 1796, and No. 6 of 1800J were stnick oat, and the 
 following added : — 
 " ' Let our preachers, from time to time, as occaaion serves, ad- 
 monish and exhort all slaves to render due respect and obedience to 
 the commands and interests of their respective masters.' 
 " 1808. All that related to slaveholding among private members 
 (see 2 and 3 of 1796) struck out, and the following substituted: — 
 " ' 3. The General Conference authorizes each Annual Conference 
 to form their own regulations relative to buying and selling slaves.' 
 "Paragraph 5 of 1804 was also struck out. 
 ' " 1812. Paragraph 3 of 1808 was altered so as to read, — 
 ' " ' 3. Whereas the laws of some of the States do not admit of 
 emancipating of slaves, without a special act of the legislature ; the 
 General Conference authorizes each Annual Conference to form Uieir 
 own regulations relative to buying and selling slaves.' 
 " 1816. Paragraph 1 (see 1796) was altered so as to read, — 
 " • 1. We declare that we are as much as ever convinced of the 
 great evil of slavery : therefore no slave-holder shall be eligible to any 
 official station in our Church hereafter, where the laws of tlie State in 
 which he lives will admit of emancipation, and permit the liberated 
 slave to enjoy freedom.' 
 *' 1820. Paragraph 3, (see 1812,) leaving it to the Annual Confer- 
 ences 'to form their own regulations about buying and selling slaves,' 
 was struck out. 
 " 1824. The following paragraphs added: — 
 " ' 3. All our preachers shall prudently enforce upon our members 
 the necessity of teaching their slaves to read the word of God ; and to 
 allow them time to attend upon the public worship of God on our reg- 
 ular days of divine service. 
 " ' 4. Our coloured preachers and official members shall have all 
 the privileges which are usual to others in the District and Quarterly 
 Conferences, where the usages of the country do not forbid it. And 
 the presiding elder may hold for them a separate District Conference, 
 where the number of coloured local preachers will justify it* 
 " ' 5. The Annual Conferences may employ coloured preachers to 
 travel and preach where their services are judged necessary ; provided 
 that no one shall be so employed without having been recommended 
 according to the Form of Discipline.' " — ^Emory's " History of tlie Dis- 
 ciplinc of the Methodist Episcopal Church" pp. 274-279. 
 It is clear from the above rules, and especially from the 
 * " These provisions respecting District Conferences have been retained 
 ever since, although District Conferences were abolished in 1836." 
 early enactments of the Conference, that the American 
 preachers, from the beginning, took an enlightened and 
 Christian view of the enormities of slavery, and set them- 
 selves strenuously to oppose it. They rightly considered it 
 as opposed to "the laws of God, man, and nature, and 
 hurtful to society ;" and it should seem that their testimony, 
 in private and in public, agreed to this opinion. They evi- 
 dently desired to clear the Methodist Church of the evil, 
 and induce their members to take part with them in obtain- 
 ing a revision of the laws of the several States ; and, as it 
 seems, did all in their power to cause them to manumit 
 their own slaves. In some few cases they were successful. 
 Some of the members of society had the justice and benevo- 
 lence to free themselves from the blame. But it should 
 appear that the civil power proved too strong for them in 
 the end ; and instead of relaxing their hold on the African 
 race, they passed more stringent laws, making emancipation 
 next to impossible. 
 It is known that Dr. Coke preached strenuously and 
 constantly in the midst of slave-holders against the system, 
 and sometimes to the hazard of his life. This was not 
 singular to him. Bishop Asbury and the other ministers 
 bore a similar testimony. How far this testimony has in- 
 fluenced public opinion, and assisted in an alteration of the 
 law, it is impossible to know. But it is a fact of history, 
 that in several of the States where slavery prevailed at the 
 time when the question was first agitated, it has long ceased 
 to exist. There can be no reason to doubt that the influence 
 of Christianity has furnished its amount of moral force in 
 this important achievement ; and it is gratifying to think 
 that the Methodist Conference took an important share in 
 this good work. 
 But in the South, where slaves are more necessary for 
 the cultivation of the soil, — Avhere the masters are more 
 numerous and influential, — and where great numbers of 
 poor Africans are held in hopeless bondage, the course has 
 been rather retrogressive than otherwise. From the 
 beginning of the agitation, the position taken hy the slave- 
 holders of this portion of the Union was defensive. They 
 strenuously resisted all claim, on the part of either the 
 Church or any other parties, to interfere in their affairs, or 
 to put in jeopardy their rights of property. And being the 
 governing class in these States, and either sending mem- 
 bers to the legislative bodies, or being themselves sent, they 
 enjoyed the unenviable means of riveting the chains of the 
 slave as fast as they pleased. 
 It may be proper to remark here, that the !>eneral Con- 
 gress of the United States has no power to le^ islate on Ova 
 question. The constitution secures to each of the pepar&<a 
 States the power to manage their own affiur within the 
 limits of the State ; and this vital question of slavery is one 
 of the vested rights in question. It follows, that the 
 Northern or non-slave-holding States can have no otY.^y 'u- 
 fiuence than that of example on the slave States. T^iis i a 
 grievous calamity, inasmuch as it places the power of legis- 
 lation on this subject altogether in the hands of the parties 
 interested. In the exercise of this power, these men have 
 scorned all attempts at modifying the system, much less 
 abolishing it ; and, instead of improving the condition of 
 their slaves, they have made it as intolerable as possible. 
 It is known that they have obstructed the course of their 
 education, by making it a penal offence on the part of reli- 
 gious persons to attempt it ; they have .vrcvented the free 
 circulation of knowledge amongst their v^issals, and have 
 destroyed the presses and property, and sometimes put the 
 lives of parties attemptmg it into jeopardy; they have made 
 emancipation impossible, or noa.iy so, by surrounding it 
 with conditions which no person can comply with; they 
 have persecuted, imprisoned, and maltreated good men, — 
 and women too, — who have interested themselves in the 
 welfare of the slaves, under the pretext that they were 
 lending themselves to enable them to escape ; and, in fine. 
 it seems to have long been the settled purpose of these 
 persons to do battle, at the same time, with the laws of 
 God, the moral sense of the world, and all the principles of 
 This fearful power, it must be confessed, has hitherto 
 been too great for the Methodist Church, and the Christian 
 party desiring freedom for their fellow-creatures. It was 
 soon found necessary — at least, so it was thought — ^for the 
 Conference to modify and relax their rules ; they could not 
 occupy the high ground at first taken ; they practically 
 were foiled in their attempts to carry their resolutions into 
 eflfect, as we have seen ; and even Dr. Coke, in his second visit, 
 for the sake of preaching the gospel and extending the know- 
 ledge of his Saviour's name, considered it expedient to waive 
 the slavery question. There seems to have been, from the 
 beginning, more or less of internal agitation on this subject ; 
 and hence the constant changes taking place in the legisla- 
 tion of the Church. A fixed and absolute principle con- 
 demnatory of slavery was, as we have seen, at first resolved 
 upon. This not only brought the Church into collision 
 with public opinion and private interests in the slave-hold- 
 ing States, but also with the laws and authorities of these 
 States themselves. 
 Hence arose the difficult and perplexing question, as to 
 whether it is consistent with the Christian system, the re- 
 ligion of the New Testament, to frame a church organization, 
 adopt a code of laws, and establish an administrative power, 
 which should directly contravene the laws of the country. 
 It is easy enough to see, that to do this must place the 
 members of the Church on the horns of a distressing dilem- 
 ma. If they obey the church law, the spiritual republic, 
 the ecclesiastical State, — then they are deemed traitors to 
 the civil State, disloyal to the laws, rebels against the su- 
 preme power. If, again, they adhere to the civil system, 
 they expose themselves to ecclesiastical penalties, — to cen- 
 sure, to degradation, to expulsion, as the case might be. 
 mises ( 
 This is exactly the manner in which the matter went on ; 
 and, of necessity, must do so, when two co-ordinate powers, 
 antagonistic to each other, are made to work on the same 
 soil, amongst the same people. This state of things neces- 
 sarily brought up the question as to the rights of the civil 
 State, — its supremacy, — ^its power to rule, — and the binding 
 nature of its enactments in the case of its own subjects ; 
 though the enactment itself might be so anti-christian and 
 unjust, as not only to make slavery legal, but also to guard 
 and fence it around by such protective laws as to make 
 emancipation itself impossible. 
 These were some of the difficulties connected with this 
 subject ; and, from their writings and speeches, it seems 
 to be the opinion of many of the most judicious and able 
 men in the American Church, that the cause of ameliora- 
 tion and ultimate emancipation would have fared better, 
 in the long run, if the Church had never legislated at all 
 upon the subject of slavery. Their idea is, that the spiritual 
 society should have employed spiritual weapons alone ; 
 have trusted to the force and influence of divine truth to 
 gain its own conquests ; have limited its functions to the 
 duty of testifying and bearing witness against the evil ; of 
 promulgating principles and doctrines, the essential ten- 
 dency of which must ultimately undermine and overthrow 
 the system, just as light disperses darkness ; that, in fine, 
 it would have been more safe, and, moreover, more success- 
 ful, to rely simply upon the doctrines and spirit of Christi- 
 anity to effect the purpose desired. 
 Whatever may be thought of this, it is undoubtedly au 
 awkward predicament for a Church, as an organization, to 
 place itself directly, and by statute law, in collision with the 
 laws of the country in v^hich it is found. This was the diffi- 
 culty in which the Methodist Conference found itself, by 
 its early enactments ; and hence the necessity of compro- 
 mises of various sorts. The whole question evidently lay 
 in a very narrow compass ; namely, whether they ought so 
 to modify these rules as to meet the case of the slave-hold- 
 ing States, or whether they would allow themselves to be 
 driven out of them as incendiaries, or otherwise run the 
 hazards of martyrdom. The age of martyrdom had passed 
 The Wesleyan Methodist Connexion — Agitations — ^The Address of the British 
 Conference — Orange Scott — Debates at the General Conference — The spirit 
 of compromise prevails — Fails to heal the breach— Agitations proceed— 
 Separation— The new community established. 
 The seceding church, designated as above, arose out of 
 agitations on the subject of slavery, and established itself 
 in the States on non-slavery principles. It makes no com- 
 promises at all, and refuses to admit members holding slaves 
 within its communion. The leader in this movement was 
 the Rev. Orange Scott, an able and energetic man. 
 , We will allow Dr. Bangs to state the opening of the 
 case, the moderate opponent of these movements, and the 
 historian of Methodism. He says, after mentioning pre- 
 ceding agitations, — 
 In this agitated state of things,"^ it could hardly be expected that 
 the Church should wholly escape the excitement, or avoid partici- 
 pating in rhe discussions to which it gave rise. Accordingly, as our 
 brethren in the Eastern States entered more deeply into this subject 
 than any others, and as they had a weekly paperf under tlieir con- 
 trol, its columns were opened to the discussion of slavery as it 
 existed in the United States ; and severe denunciations were uttered 
 against all who held slaves, whether in or out of the Church. These 
 denunciations were met and repelled with spirit by those more imme-' 
 diately implicated, as being incompatible with that spiiit of bro- 
 therly love which ought to characterize all Christians, and more 
 especially such as are members of the same communion. 
 " These discussions had been conducted for two or three years 
 previously to the session of this General Conference ; and a weekly 
 * The agitations on abolition in general are referred to. 
 t The " Zion's Herald," published at Boston, before referred to. 
 paper had been established in tho city of New- York, for the avowed 
 purpose of advocating immeciato emancipation, irrespective of all 
 consequences. As the arguments and measures set forth in this, and 
 other periodicals of a kindred character, were not fellowshipped by a 
 great majority of our preachers and people, even in the middle and 
 northern Conferences, nor by the official organ of the Church, the 
 Christian Advocate and Journal, these were stigmatized by the im- 
 mediate emancipationists as pro-slavery in their views and feelings ; 
 and, of course, as involved in the same guilt and condemnation witli 
 those who actually held their fellow-beings in bondage. These irri- 
 tating charges were considered unjust, as the brethren implicated 
 thought they could easily distinguish between an approval of slavery 
 as a system, and the apologizing for those who held slaves under 
 certain peculiar circumstances. This dear distinction, however, was 
 not admitted by the zealous advocates of immediate emancipation ; 
 and hence they poured forth their anathemas upon all indiscriminately 
 who either held slaves, or offered an apology for those that did, on 
 account of their peculiar circumstances. 
 " It was in this state of the public mind, and of the Church, that 
 the General Conference came together in 1836. And though many 
 of its oldest and most judicious members were very desirous of 
 keeping the discussion of slavery from the deliberations of the Con- 
 ference, being convinced it could result in no good ; yet several cir- 
 cumstances conduced to bring it in, and to make it the subject of 
 much debate. In the first place, the allusion to the subject in the 
 Address of our Wesleyan brethren, and in the Address of their 
 representative, the Bev. William Lord, made it necessary to advert 
 to it in the answer of the General Conference, which, it will be per- 
 ceived by those, who wiU look at that answer, was done in a very 
 brief and respectful manner. In the second place, not many days 
 after the Conference had assembled, it was ascertained that two of 
 the abolition brethren from New-England had attended and lectured 
 at an abolition meeting in the city of Cincinnati ; and as the agitation 
 was very great upon that subject, it was feared by many that a popu- 
 lar excitement would be produced, injurious to the character of the 
 Conference, and perhaps detrimental to the peace and harmony of 
 the church in Cincinnati. With a view to allay all such apprehen- 
 sion, the Conference passed the following preamble and resolutions, 
 by a vote of one hundred, and twenty in favour, and fourteen against 
 them : — 
 " ' Whereas great excitement has prevailed in this country on the 
 subject of modem abolitionism, which is reported to have been in- 
 creased in this city recently, by the unjustifiable conduct of two 
 members of the General Conference in lecturing upon,, and in favour 
 of, that agitating subject : and whereas such a course on the part 
 of any of its members is calculated to bring upon this body the 
 suspicions and distrust of the community, and to misrepresent its 
 sentiments in regard to the points at issue : and whereas, in this 
 aspect of the case, a due regard for its own character, as well as a 
 just concern for the interests of the Church confided to its care, de- 
 mand a full, ''ecided, and unequivocal expression of the ideas of the 
 General Conference in the premises : — Therefore, 
 '"1. Resolved, by the delegates of the Annual Conferences in 
 General Conference assembled. That they disapprove, in the most 
 unqualified sense, the conduct of two members of the General Con- 
 ference, who are reported to have lectured in this city recently upon, 
 and in favour of, modem abolitionism. 
 " ' 2. Resolved, That they are decidedly opposed to modem aboli- 
 tionism, and wholly disclaim any right, wish, or intention to interfere 
 in the civil and political relation between master and slave, as it exists 
 in the slaveholding States in this Union. 
 3. Resolved, That the foregoing preamble and resolutions be 
 published in our periodicals.' 
 " The consideration of these resolutions brought the entire subject 
 of slaveiy and abolitionism before the Conference, and elicited a very 
 spirited and protracted debate, which finally ended in their adoption, 
 as before mentioned. Many able speeches were delivered on both 
 sides of the question, and generally with good temper and much 
 calmness of deliberation, though not without some appearance of 
 asperity and warmth of feeling. The pith of the controversy, how- 
 ever, notwithstanding the whole field of ai'gument and illustration 
 was amply surveyed, may be comprehended in two of the speeches, 
 both published at the time, — that of the Rev. O. Scott in favour, and 
 of the Rev. W. Winans against, modem abolition. And even this 
 argument itself may be brought into a veiy narrow compass. 
 " The course pursued by the Methodist Episcopal Church, from 
 the beginning of her existence, in reference and in opposition to sla- 
 very, as it has all along existed in the United States, proves that she 
 has always considered it an evil not to be tolerated, except under 
 given circumstances ; and that such circumstances exist in some 
 portions of our Union, where severe penal laws have been enacted 
 against emaiidpation, as to justify her in holding in her communion 
 those who hold slaves, provided they are otherwise pious. That this 
 was her doctrine, is provable from her whole course of proceeding 
 from the time of her organization in 1784. At this time were passed 
 the severest laws againft «laverj which we find upon record at any 
 lime of her existence ; but even these aimed at a graducd, and did 
 not insist on an tmmec^tate, emancipation : yet, finding upon experi- 
 ment that these severe rules could not be carried into execution with- 
 out producing a greater evil than that which thej were designed to 
 remove, about six months after they were passed they were suspend- 
 ed, and have never been revived, nor were they ever inserted in her 
 Book of Discipline ; and at almost every subsequent General Con- 
 ference some enactment has been made for the purpose of regulating 
 slavery ; of modifying or mitigating its character, with a view ulti- 
 mately, if practicable, to do it away. This has been the doctrine, 
 andtliese have been the measures of our Church, in reference to this 
 most difficult and perplexing subject. And they prove, most incon- 
 testably, that she does not, nor has at any time considered slavehold- 
 ing, under all circumstances, of such a deadly character as to ' ex- 
 clude a man from the kingdom of grace and glory ;' for it is mani- 
 fest, that the making rules fpr the regulation >f a practice is, in some 
 sense, to pronounce that the practice is not, in itself considered, 
 independently of all concurring circumstances, a moral evil in the 
 sight of God. To legislate for a time is to sanction it, though the 
 manno' of holding the thing may be considered either unlawful or 
 " This statement of the doctrine of the Church will enable us 
 to perceive the force and scope of the argument now wielded by 
 Mr. Scott against slavery in the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 
 opposing the above resolutions, he laid down the following propo- 
 sition : — 
 " ' That slavery is wrong in some circumstances, in no circumstance, 
 or in cdl circumstances.' In selecting from these positions the one 
 which suited his views, he took this strong ground : Tfuxt slavery ia 
 wrong y morally vorong\ under all possible circumstances ; and in the course 
 of his argument, contended that no circumstance whatever could 
 alter or modify the sinful character of slavery ; that it was wrong, or a 
 sin^ not to be tolerated under any circumstance whatever, cither in 
 or out of the Church. By this comprehensive and sweeping propo- 
 sition, all who held slaves, whatever might be the palliating circum- 
 stances, were, on that very account, sinners against Gk>d, and ought 
 to be forthwith excommunicated from the communion of the Church, 
 unless they repented, and ' brought forth works meet for repent- 
 ance,' by an immediate and unconditional surrender of their slaves, 
 without any regard to the consequences of such a measure. 
 " And yet, such was the light and force of truth upon this subject, 
 that, almost in the next breath, Mr. Scott admitted that ' God him- 
 self expressly permitted his people to enslave the Canaanites,' thuf 
 upsetting, at a stroke, the whole array of argument ^hich he had 
 brought to prove that slavery vxis a sin under all circumstances; for 
 here was a circumstance in which God either permitted his people to 
 commit sin, or which did away with the sinfulness of slavery ; the 
 first supposition is daringly impious ; the second is fatal to the ar- 
 " Of this concession, a concession which sacred history had forced 
 from him, Mr. Winans took advantage, and built upon it the follow- 
 ing impregnable argument : — 
 " ' That, according to this admission, taken in connexion with the 
 main proposition that no circumstance could alter the character of 
 an action, as it was once right for God to permit slavery, it was there- 
 fore always right ; ia tight now; and no possible circumstance could 
 make it wrong.^ 
 " This was the very gist of the argument. And the reader will 
 observe, that i. stating the argument thus, Mr. Winans did not at- 
 tempt to prove that slavery, as it existed in the United States, is 
 right, or not sinful ; but simply to show, that on Mr. Scott's conces- 
 sion, his major proposition, that slavery is a sin under all circum- 
 stances, could not be true. 
 " I need not trace this controversy any further. The views of the 
 General Conference in reference to this subject may be seen in tlie 
 following [extract from the] Pastoral Address, which was adopted 
 near the close of the Conference : — 
 " ' We now approach a subject of no little delicacy and dilBSculty, 
 and which we cannot but think has contributed its full proportion to 
 that religious declension over which we mourn. It is not unknown 
 to you, dear brethren and friends, that, in common with other deno- 
 minations in our land, as well as our citizens generally, we have been 
 much agitated in some portions of our work, with the very excitable 
 subject of what is called abolitionism. This subject has been brought 
 before us at our present session fully, and, we humbly trust, impar- 
 tially discussed, and, by almost a unanimous vote, highly disapproved 
 of; and while we would tenderly sympathize with those of our bre- 
 thren who have, as we believe, been led astray by this agitating topic, 
 we feel it our imperative duty to express our decided disapproba- 
 tion of the measures they have pursued to accomplish their object. It 
 cannot be unknown to you, that the question of slavery in these 
 United States, by the constitutional compact which binds us together 
 as a nation, is left to be regulated by the several State legislatures 
 themselves, and thereby is put beyond the control of the General 
 Government, as well as that of all ecclesiastical bodies ; it being ma- 
 nifest, that iid the daiveholding States themselves, the entire respon- 
 sibility of its existence or non-existence rests with those State legis- 
 latures. And such is the aspect of affairs in reference to this ques- 
 tion, that whatever else might tend to meliorate the condition of the 
 slave, it is evident to us, from what we have witnessed of abolition 
 movements, that these are the least likely to do him good. On the 
 contrary, we have it in evidence before us, that the inflammatory 
 speeches, and writings, and movements, have tended, in many in- 
 stances, injuriously to affect his temporal and spiritual condition, by 
 hedging up the way of the missionary who is sent to preach to him 
 Jesus and the resurrection, and by making a more rigid super\'ision 
 necessary on the part of his overseer, thereby abridging his civil and 
 religious privileges. 
 " ' These facts, which are only mentioned here as a reason for the 
 friendly admonition which we wish to give you, constrain us, as your 
 pastors, who are called to watch over your souls as they who must 
 give an account, to exhort you to abstain from all abolition move- 
 ments and associations, and to refrain from patronizing any of their 
 publications ; and especially from those of that inflammatory charac- 
 ter which denounce in unmeasured terms those of their brethren who 
 take the liberty to dissent from them. Those of you who may have 
 honest scruples as to the lawfulness of slavery, considered as an ab- 
 stract principle of moral right and wrong, if you must speak your 
 sentiments, would do much better to express yourselves in those 
 terms of respect and affection, which evince a sincere sympathy for 
 those of your brethren who are necessarily, and in some instances 
 reluctantly, associated with slavery in the States where it exists, than 
 to indulge in harsh censures and denunciations, and in those fruitless 
 efforts which, instead of lightening the burden of the slave, only tend 
 to make his condition the more irksome and distressing. 
 " ' From every view of the subject which we have been able to 
 take, and from the most calm and dispassionate survey of the whole 
 ground, we have come to the solemn conviction, that the only safe, 
 Scriptural, and prudent way for us, botli as ministers and people, to 
 take, is wholly to refrain from this agitating subject, which is now 
 convulsing the country, and consequently the Church, from end to 
 end, by calling forth inflammatory speeches, papers, and pamphlets. 
 While we cheerfully accord to such all the sincerity they ask for their 
 belief and motives, we cannot but disapprove of their measures, as 
 alike destructive to the peace of the Church, and to the happiness of 
 the slave himself. 
 " ' But while we thus express our disapprobation of these mea- 
 sures, we would, with equally strong and decided language, record 
 our abhorrence of all unlawful and unscriptural means to check and to 
 counteract them. All mobs and violent movements of self-created 
 tribunals, to inflict summary punishment upon those who may 
 differ from them in opinion, are condemned alike by the laws of 
 our land, and by every principle of Christianity. We should, 
 therefore, be extremely pained and mortified to learn, that any of 
 you should have lent your influence to foment a spirit of insurrection 
 in any manner, or to have given sanction to such violent movements 
 as have, in some instances and places, disturbed the peace of society, 
 and forestalled the operation of the established tribunals of justice to 
 protect the innocent, and to punish the guilty. To bo subject to the 
 powers that be, is a duty enjoined no less by Christianity, than it is 
 a dictate of common prudence, necessary to be observed for the pre- 
 servation of good order, and the support and perpetuation of those 
 civil and religious institutions which we so highly and justly value as 
 freemen, as Christians, and as Methodists. The exercise of mutual 
 forbearance in matters of opinion, is essential in a community where 
 freedom of speech is guaranteed to the citizens by the constitution 
 which binds them together, and which defines and secures the rights 
 and liberties of all. 
 " ' Finally; brethren and friends, we exhort you to unity and bro- 
 therly love, and to the practice of those things which make for peace. 
 Instead of indulging in those irritating recriminations which tend to 
 disturb the harmony of the body, and to prevent the exercise of mu- 
 tual good-will and fraternal feeling, let us follow after that charity 
 which edifiedi ; and the cultivation of that love which endureth all 
 things, hopeth all things, believeth all things.' " — ^Bangs's " History 
 of Methodism," vol. iv, pp. 243-249, 258-261. 
 In the midst of this scene of agitation, we have seen that 
 the Address of the British Conference made its appearance, 
 and by its allusions to slavery, increased the confusion. Dr. 
 Bangs does not tell us the result of the debates on this 
 Address, except in regard to the answer sent in reply. But 
 the matter of fact is, that the Address of the British Con- 
 ference was treated as an abolition document, and its pub- 
 lication was suppressed. s 
 " The Address, on motion of Dr. , was referred to a Com- 
 mittee of three, with instruction to report as early as possible. They 
 were Dr. , and Dr. , and Mr. . Orange Scott 
 moved to have the Address published in the periodicals of the 
 Church ; Dr. , opposed the printing of that portion of it which 
 related to slavery. The motion to print it was laid on the table, (that 
 of one 
 an epij 
 13, lost.) The next day, Blay 4th, Dr. 
 presented a Report, in 
 answer to the Address from the Weslejan Conference. 
 " Among other things, the Report says, that had the Wesleyan Con* 
 ference fully understood the difficulties of this subject in this country, 
 and how slavery was interwoven in many of our State constitutions, 
 they would probably have censured us less, or modified their language 
 on this subject. The Report spoke of ' the trouble abolitionism' had 
 made, but nothing of the trouble ofdavenj. 
 " Considerable discussion took place, when it was moved to adopt 
 the Report. Rev. T. Spicer, of the Troy Conference, rose and said, 
 ' Tlie Report speaks of the trouble abolitionism has made us ; I think 
 slavery should be inserted instead of abolitionism.^ This seemed to be 
 a new thought to some ; they seemed to have forgotten that davery 
 was any trouble at all. 
 " Most of the session was taken up, May 5th, in considering the 
 Report of the Committee in reply to the Wesleyan Conference. It 
 was presented with the language somewhat altered. It was extremely 
 difficult, however, to get the language on the part relating to slavery 
 so as to suit those that were not abolitionists ; the discussion was 
 almost entirely among those that were not abolitionists. Various 
 alterations and amendments were proposed ; and once a motion was 
 made to strike out the whole that related to slavery. The Report was 
 finally adopted. During the discussion, the abolitionists received some 
 hard slants (!) without making any reply. Abolitionism, for instance, 
 was said to be an ' unhallowed flame, that has burned to the destruc- 
 tion of both whites and blacks.' 
 " As adopted, the Report was much modified in language, and did 
 not censure abolitionism, nor condemn slavery. It was immediately 
 moved, by Orange Scott, to call up the resolution to print the Ad- 
 dress of the Wesleyan Conference ; but the hour of adjourament 
 arrived, and it was deferred. The next day it was renewed by Dr 
 Bangs. The vote was 59 to 59, Bishop being in the chair j 
 so the document was not ordered to be printed." — ^" Life of the Rev, 
 Orange Scott" pp. 85-87. 
 Such was the fate of the Address of the British Confer- 
 ence of 1836. 
 As an illustration of the sort of man that this indomitable 
 Orange Scott was, in doing battle on this great question, 
 though in the midst of fearful odds, we give his own account 
 of one of his speeches. This is not the speech itself, but 
 an epitome of the argument. 
 " I asstuned the position that the principle of slavery — the princi- 
 ple which justifies holding and treating the human species as pro- 
 perty — is morally wrong,^or, in other words, that it is a sin. The 
 principle, I contended, aside from all circumstances, is evil, omlt 
 Evii., and that comtinuallt ! I said, no hand could sanctify it— 
 no circumstances could change it from bad to good. It was a repro" 
 bate — too bad to be converted — not subject to the law of God, neither 
 indeed could be. I admitted that circumstances might palliate, and 
 circumstances might aggravate ; but no circumstances could justify 
 the principle. If any circumstances could justify the right of pro- 
 perty in human beings, then wo had only to change some of the cu'- 
 cumstances with which slavery is connected, and it becomes univer- 
 sally right — so that in that case the sin would be in the circumstances. 
 The abstract question was argued at considerable length. It was 
 insisted that slavery was morally right or morally wrong, or that it 
 had no moral character. The first and last of these suppositions I 
 considered absurd; and contended that ' He who has made of one 
 blood all nations of men to dwell on the earth,' must look with 
 disapprobation upon such a system of complicated wrongs as Ameri- 
 can slavery. 
 " I then attempted to show, that such views of slavery among 
 Methodists and Methodist ministers are not ' modem,' by extracts 
 from Wesley, Clarke, our fathers in this country, and our brethren 
 on the other side of the Atlantic. And these quotations show, that 
 clear, plain, pointed denunciations of slavery are not peculiar to ' mo- 
 dem abolitionism.' 
 '•'■ But, it is said that this abolition discussion is not conducive to 
 the peace of the Church. Suppose this were admitted ; are there no 
 interests to be consulted besides the peace of the Church 1 It may not, 
 perhaps, be always best, that the Church be at peace. There may be 
 ' ease in Zion,' connected with a ' wedge of gold and a Babylonish 
 garment.' The Methodist Episcopal Church has an unholy alliance 
 with slavery ; she ought not, therefore, to give herself any peace, till 
 she cleanses the skirts of her garments from ' blood-guiltiness !' Shall 
 the dearest interests of undying millions be sacrificed upon the altar 
 of the peace of the Church? But the Church will be divided. What 
 will divide it ? The Church is built upon a rock, and the gates of 
 hell shall not prevail against it. If, therefore, abolition is from be- 
 neath, the Church is safe; for the gates of hell shall not prevail 
 against it. And if abolition is from above, (of which I have no more 
 doubt than of the truth of Christianity,) it will never harm the 
 Church. All future consequences to the Union and the Church are, 
 at best, imaginary. They may be realized, and they may not. Shall 
 wc then suffer imaginary consequencea to determino our duty, when we 
 have a more unerring rule ? Had we always acted on this principle, 
 where would the temperance reformation, and many other important 
 enterprises, have been 1 Imaginary consequences are a new standard 
 of duty for a body of Christian ministers, and very unbecoming in 
 the nineteenth century. 
 " I come now, Mr. President, to notice a few things which were 
 stated on the floor of this Conference yesterday, and then I have done. 
 An aged and venerable brother from Baltimore called the abolition 
 excitement an ' unhallowed flame ;' and this expression he has several 
 times repeated on this floor. Now, sir, this same unhallowed flame 
 has burned off the chains from 600,000 goods and chattels in the West 
 India Islands, and elevated them to the rank of human beings ! Ab- 
 olitionism is one in all parts of the world. Wc are not trying an ex- 
 periment— wo arc walking in a beaton track. Our principles have 
 been fully tested, and we have no fears as to the final results. The 
 day of our national jubilee waj linger, but it will come at last ; and it 
 cannot tarry hny I Had it not been for the abolitionists, the 600,000 
 coloured freemen in the West India Islands had still been goods and 
 chattels ! And do you ask what the abolitionists have done ? Let 
 the 600,000 goods and chattels metamorphosed into peaceable, indus- 
 trious, and happy freemen, answer the question ! Let a ship-load of 
 fifiy-nine tons of Bibles testify to the good effects of emancipation ! 
 Through the influence of this ' unhallowed flame,' some scores of 
 slaves have been set at liberty in this country. A gentleman in this 
 city has emancipated his slaves, through the influence of abolition 
 doctrines. The fires of abolition are now burning deep and wide — 
 the leaven of liberty is now working tlirough the whole lump — and 
 the axe is laid at the root of the tree — the whole country is awake ; 
 and the day of our redemption is at hand ! 
 " The impropriety of attempting to brave public opinion has been 
 suggested on this floor. But, sir, if public opinion is wrong, it ought 
 to be braved. Shall truth and righteousness succumb to public opin- 
 ion, without stopping to inquire whether that public opinion is right or 
 wrong ? If public opinion is wrong, let it be set right ; and in order 
 to this, let it be braved by a firm adherence to right principles! 
 However few in number the advocates of truth may be, let them not 
 swerve the breadth of a hair from right principles. Let there be no 
 compromise between truth and error. 
 " Public opinion was against Daniel when he was commanded not 
 to pray for thirty days ; but he braved it, and, in defiance of the king's 
 decree, continued to pray with his windows open towards Jerusalem. 
 Public opinion was against the three HebrcAvs, when they refused to 
 1?^ ■• 
 worship the ' golden image,' and to obey laws which ijifringcd upon 
 the rights of conscience. They braved public opinion, and stood it 
 out against the stem decree of the king. Did they do right 1 The 
 apostles braved public opinion in every place where they planted 
 the standard of the cross. Martin Luther and his followers did the 
 same, at the risk of their lives. John Wesley and his coadjutors in 
 England braved public opinion. When Mr. Wesley was expelled 
 from the churches he preached in grave-yards, public markets, and 
 open fields ! And though public opinion commanded Mr. Wesley to 
 desist, through the medium of mobs, still he stood it out ! Shame on 
 his compromising sons I The Methodists in all parts of the United 
 States have braved, and, finally, to a ponsiderablo extent, changed, 
 public opinion. Every man's hand has been against us, and yet wo 
 have stood Jirm. But now comes up the new doctrine of compromise I 
 Let it be banished from the breast of every patriot, philanthropist, 
 and Christian. The advocates of temperance have braved and clianged 
 public opinion. The same may be said of Wilbcrforco, and the Eng- 
 lish abolitionists. And with all these examples before us, shall wc 
 succumb to an unholy public opinion, founded in the love of gain f 
 Shall we turn our backs upon the cause of sufibring humanity, be- 
 cause public opinion frowns upon us ? No t never 1 1 
 " Mr. I*resident, Bdv. J. A. Collins has told us that he came up here 
 flush with the expectation ' that the brethren from the North would 
 put their foot on abolitionism, and crush it.' And have we yet to 
 learn, sir, that free discussion is not to be put down in this way ? 
 When you can put your foot on one of the burning mountains, and 
 smother its fires — when you can roll back the current of the thunder- 
 ing falls of Niagara— or stop the sun in its course, you may then be- 
 gin to think about ' crushing abolitionism !' Sir, the die is cast — the 
 days of captivity of our country are numbered ! Its redeuption' 
 IS WRITTEN IN HEAVEN ! !" — " Xi/e of the Rev. Orange Scott," pp. 
 These measures of precaution did not put an end to the 
 agitation. The stone continued to roll on, gathering bulk 
 and impetus in its progress, as might be expected, till the 
 Conference of 1840, when a new effort at gaining the point 
 was made by the abolitionists, and strenuously resisted by 
 that body. 
 The bishops, in their answer to the Address of the British 
 Conference, took the initiative, no doubt with a view to 
 prevent agitation. They say, — 
 "We have considered, with affectionate reipect and confidence, 
 yonr brotherly BUggestions concerning slavery, and most cheerftilly 
 return an unreserved answer to them. And we do so the rather, bre* 
 thren, because of the numerous prejudicial statements which have 
 been put forth in certain quarters to the wounding of the Church. 
 We assure you, then, brethren, that we have adopted no now prin- 
 ciple or rule of discipline respecting slavery since the time of our 
 apostolic Asbnry, neither do we mean to adopt any. In our General 
 Rules, (called the ' General Rules of the United Societies,' and which 
 ore of constitutional authority,) ' the buying and selling of men, 
 M'omcn, and children, with an intention to enslave them,' is expressly 
 prohibited : and in the same words, substantially, which have been used 
 for the rule since 1792. And the extract of part ii. section 10, of our 
 Book of Discipline, which you quote with approbation, and denomi- 
 nate ' a noble testimony,' is still of force to the same extent that it 
 has been for many years ; nor do we entertain any purpose to omit 
 or qualify this section, or any port thereof. For, while we shall re- 
 gard it a sore evil to divert Methodism from her proper work of 
 ' spreading Scripture holiness over these lands,' to questions of tem- 
 poral import, involving the rights of Ccesar ; yet are we not the less- 
 minded on that account to promote and set forward all humane and 
 generous actions, or to prevent, to the utmost of our power, such as 
 are evil and unchristian. It is our first desire, after piety toward 
 God, to be 'merciful after our power; as we have opportunity, doing 
 good of every possible sort, and as far as possible to all men, to their 
 bodies ;' but especially, and above all, ' to their souls.' 
 "Of these United States, (to the government and laws of which, 
 ' according to the division of power made to them by the constitution 
 of the Union, and the constitutions of the several States,' wc owe, and 
 delight to render, a sincere and patriotic loyalty,) there are several 
 whicli do not allow of slavery. There are others in which it is allow- 
 ed, and there are slaves ; but the tendency of the laws, and the minds 
 of the majority of the people, are in favour of emancipation. But 
 there are others in which slavery exists so universally, and is so 
 closely interwoven with their civil institutions, that both do the laws 
 disallow of emancipation, and the great body of the people (the 
 source of la'ws with us) hold it to be treasonable to set forth anything, 
 by word or deed, tending that way. Each one of all these States is 
 independent of the rest, and sovereign, with respect to its internal 
 government, (as much so, as if there existed no confederation among 
 them for ends of common interest,) and therefore it is impossible to 
 frame a rule on slavery proper for our people in all the States alike. 
 But our Church is extended through all the States, and as it would 
 be wrong and anscriptnral to enact a role of discipline in opposition 
 to the constitution and laws of the State on this subject; so 
 also would it not be equitable or Scriptural to confound the 
 positions of our ministers and people (so different as they are in 
 different States) with respect to the moral question which slavery 
 *' Under the administration of the venerated Dr. Coke, this plain 
 distinction was once overlooked, and it was attempted to urge eman- 
 cipation in all the States ; but the attempt proved almost ruinous, 
 and was soon abandoned by the doctor himself. While, therefore, the 
 Church has encouraged emancipation in those State^; where the laws 
 permit it, and allowed the freed-man to enjoy freedom, we have re- 
 fi'ained, for conscience' sake, from all intermeddling with the subject 
 ia those other States where the laws make it criminal. And such a 
 course we think agreeable to the Scriptures, and indicated by St. 
 Paul's inspired instruction to servants, in 1 Cor. vii, 20, 21. For if 
 servants were not to care for their servitude, when they might not be 
 free, though if they might be free they should use it rather; so, neither 
 should masters be condemned for not setting them free when they 
 m^ht not do so, though if they might they should do so rather. The 
 question of the evil of slavery, abstractedly considered, you will read- 
 ily perceive, brethren, is a very different matter from a principle or 
 rule of church discipline, to be executed contrary to, and in defiance 
 of, the law of the land. Methodism has always been (except, perhaps, 
 in the single instance above) eminently loyal, and promotive of good 
 order ; and so we desire it may ever continue to be, both in Europe 
 and America. With this sentiment we conclude the subject, adding 
 only the corroborating language of your noble Missionary Society, 
 by the revered and lamented Watson, in their Instructions to Mis- 
 sionaries, published in the Beport of 1833, as follows : — 
 " ' As in the colonies in which you are called to labour, a great 
 proportion of the inhabitants are in a state of slavery, the Committee 
 most strongly call to your remembrance what was so fully stated to 
 you when you were accepted as a missionary to the West Indies, that 
 your only business is to promote the moral and religious improvement 
 of the slaves to whom you may have access, without, in the least de- 
 gree, in public or private, interfering with their civil condition.' " — 
 Bangs's " History of Mdhodismi'^ vol. iv, pp. 378-^80. 
 These means of suppression failed. The question came 
 up for discussion, and Orange Scott became again the 
 champion of antislavery principles. 
"in ■ 
 " The official reporter of the General Conference said, (in the 
 New- York Advocate and Journal,) ' The speaker's manner 
 throughout was dispassionate and conciliatory, and his whole ad- 
 dress free from offensive or inflammatory epithets. He was heard 
 with the greatest respect and attention by the body, and by a very 
 large audience which had convened to listen to the debate on this 
 " Several propositions were made ; and, among others, William A. 
 Smith, of Virginia, proposed some very ultra pro-slavery measures. 
 Some of his propositions, however, were so amended as almost en- 
 tirely to neutralize their force. This brought up Mr. Smith with 
 some doctrines not very palatable to the anti-abolition members of> 
 the Committee from the free States. He appealed to the Committee, 
 and psked them whether they held slavery to be a moral evil or not. 
 ' If,' said he, ' you hold slavery to be a moral evil, hands off that 
 brother,' (pointing to Orange Scott,) 'you ought not to condemn, but 
 to cover him. If slavery be indeed a moral evil, I will defend him 
 as long as there is a plank on the deck. If slavery be a moral evil, 
 he reasons like a philosopher ! The South will never be satisfied by 
 your passing resolutions against Orange Scott & Co., while you hold 
 the same doctrines he contends for. If slavery be a moral evil, the 
 conclusion is irresistible, that it ought to be immediately abandoned.^ 
 But he contended that it was not a moral evil. And W. M. Wight- 
 man, from South Carolina, stated, that, as Methodists, they had 
 abandoned the doctrine that slavery is a moral evil. They did not 
 believe the doctrine. They did not regard the Discipline on that 
 subject. And he moved, at one time, an amendment to a resolu- 
 tion, which was, that all on the subject of slavery be struck from the 
 Discipline." — "Zi/e of the Rev. Orange Scott" pp. 174, 175. 
 We give the above as specimens of the kind of agitation 
 going on at this period; but, so far as the Conference 
 legislated at all, it was evidently in the direction of pro- 
 slavery principles. We find a curious law adopted on the 
 subject of coloured evidence against a white man in 
 church-courts, enacted at this Conference ; placing the 
 poor black, though a member of the same church with 
 the white, in a position in which he could give no evidence 
 against him, though he might witness the most enormous 
 " There was one other subject which excited a deep interest. An 
 appeal had come up from a member of the Missouri Conference, ap- 
 pealing from a decision of the said Conference condemning him for 
 admitting coloured testimony against a white person. The appeal was 
 sustained, and the decision of the Missouri Conference reversed. As 
 this reversal was considered as sanctioning the practice of admitting 
 coloured testimony against the character of a white person, the fol- 
 lowing resolution, offered by Dr. Few, of the Georgia Conference, 
 after a strong and protracted debate, was adopted : — 
 " ' That it is inexpedient and unjustifiable for any preacher to per- 
 mit coloured persons to give testimony against white persons, in any 
 State where they are denied that privilege in. trials of law.' 
 '^ The passage of this resolution gave great dissatisfaction to many 
 members of the Conference ; and after a v:;riety of expedients had 
 been resorted to in vain, to obviate the difficulties which seemed to 
 grow out of it. Bishop Soule offered the following resolutions, which 
 were adopted by a great minority, ninety-seven voting in the affirma- 
 tive, and twenty-seven in the negative : — 
 " ' Sesolved, 1. That in the decision of this Conference in the case 
 of the appeal of Rev. Silas Comfort, it is not intended to express or 
 imply that the testimony of coloured persons against white persons, 
 in church trials, is either expedient or justifiable in any of the slave- 
 holding States or territories where the civil laws prohibit such testi- 
 mony in trials at law. 
 " ' Resolved, 2, That it is not the intention of this Conference, in 
 the adoption of the resolution of Rev. Ignatius A. Few, of Georgia, 
 in regard to the admission of the testimony of coloured people, to 
 prohibit such testimony in church trials in any of the States or terri- 
 tories where it is the established usage of the Church to admit, and 
 when, in the judgment of the constitutional judicatories of the 
 Church, such testimony may be admitted with safety to the peace of 
 society, and the best interests of all concerned. 
 " ' Resolved, 3. That it is not the intention of this Conference, in 
 either of the above cases, or in any action had by this body, to ex- 
 press or imply any distrust, or want of confidence, in the Christian 
 piety and integrity of the numerous body of coloured members under 
 our pastoral care, to whom wc are bound by the bonds of the gospel 
 of Christ, and for whose spiritual and eternal interests, together with 
 those of all our fellow-men of every colour, and in every relation and 
 condition in life, we will never cease to labour.' " — ^Bangs's " Historif 
 of Methodism,''' vol. iv, pp. 396, 397. 
 We have one other very important document, which we 
 insert, inasmuch as it established a rule which wfs much 
 referred to afterwards. 
 " A very able report was adopted near the conclusion of the Con- 
 ference on the subject of ordaining ministers in slaveholding States 
 who own slaves, and will not liberate them from their bondage. 
 This arose out of the practice of the Baltimore Conference, in re- 
 fusing to ordain some local preachers, who lived in the State of 
 Vii-ginia, where they pleaded that the laws would not permit eman- 
 " As this subject had never before been so fully investigated, and 
 as the report, drawn up by Dr. Bascom, very clearly unfolds the prin- 
 ciples by which the Church has ever been governed upon this grave 
 and important question, I think the reader will be pleased to have 
 the entire report before him. It is as follows : — 
 " ' The Committee, to whom was referred the met^rial and appeal 
 of some fifteen official members of the Methodist Episcopal Church 
 iti ?festmoreland circuit, Baltimore Conference, on the subject of 
 alleged withholdment of right from a portion of the local ministry 
 within the limits of that Conference ; and to whom was likewise re- 
 ferred the report of the Judiciary Committee upon a similar remon- 
 strance from the same division of the Baltimore Conference, signed 
 hy about thirty official members of the Church, and addressed to the 
 (fcneral Conference in 1836 ; after giving to the subject the attention 
 its obvious importance demands, beg leave to report the following as 
 the result of their deliberations : — 
 '• ' The particular portion, or rather general section, of country in 
 v.hlclx these remonstrances have their origin, although belonging to 
 the Baltimore Conference, is found within the limits of the State of 
 Virginia ; and the memorialists represent in strong, but respectful 
 terms, that local preachers within the jurisdiction of the Baltimore 
 Conference, but residing in the Commonwealth of Virginia, have, in 
 considerable numbers, and tor a succession of years, been rejected 
 as applicants for deacon's and elder's orders in the ministry, solely 
 on the ground of their being slaveholders, or the owners of slaves. 
 In the memorials referred to, it is distinctly stated, that election and 
 ordination have been withheld from the applicants in question on no 
 other ground or pretence than that of their being the owners of slave 
 property ; and it is farther argued, that the Baltimore Conference 
 avows this to be the only reason of the course they pursue, and which 
 ii complained of by the petitioners. The appellants allege, fur- 
 ther, that the laws of Virginia relating to sla/ery forbid emancipa- 
 tion, except under restrictions, and subject to contingencies, amount- 
 ing, to all intents and purposes, to a prohibition ; and that the Dis- 
 cipline of the Church having provided for the ordination of miniS' 
 tors thus circumstanced, the course pursued by the Baltimore Con- 
 'i'OUR IN AMERI^ \. 
 forence operates as an abridgment of ri^ .1, and therefore furnishes 
 just ground of complaint. The memorialists regard themselves as 
 clearly entitled to the protection of the well-known provisional ex- 
 ception to the general rule on this subject found i:i the Discipline ; 
 and assume with confidence, and argue with firmness and ability, 
 tiiat no other objection being found to the character of candidates 
 for ordination, it is a departure from the plain intendment of 
 the law in the case, and a violation not less of express compact than 
 of social justice, to withhold ordination for reasons which the pro- 
 visions of the law plainly declare arc not to be considered as a for- 
 feituri of right. It is set forth in the argument of the appellants 
 that, attaching themselves to the Church as citizens of Virginia, where. 
 in the obvious sense of the Discipline, emancipation is impracticalilc. 
 the holding of slaves, or failure to emancipate them, cannot be 
 pleaded in bar to the right of ordination, as is the case in States 
 where emancipation, as defined and qualified by the rule in the case, 
 is found to be practicable. In the latter case, the question is within 
 the jurisdiction of the Church, inasmuch as the holding or not holding 
 of property of this kind depends not upon the constitution and regu- 
 lation of civil property, but upon the wUi and purpose of individuals. 
 Under such circumstances, the conduct in question is voluntary, and 
 in <3very final sense the result of choice. In the former, however. 
 where emancipation is resisted by the prohibition of law, it may be 
 otherwise ; and in many instances it is known to be resulting entirely 
 from the involuntary relations and circumstances of individuals con- 
 nected with the ver}' structure of civil polity, and the force and array 
 of public opinion and popular interest. The memorialists advert 
 to the fact, that we have in the Discipline two distinct classes ot 
 legislative provision in relation to slavery; the one applying to own- 
 ers of slaves where emancipation is practicable, consistently with the 
 interests of master and slaves ; and the other, where it is impracticn- 
 ble without endangering such safety, and these interests, on the part 
 of both. With the fox-mcr, known sis the general rule on this subject, 
 the petitioners do not interfere in any way, and arc content simply 
 to place themselves under the protection of the latter as contractinj.' 
 parties with the Cliurch ; and the ground of complaint is, that tlic 
 Church has failed to redeem tnc pledge of its own laws, by rcfusintr 
 or failing to promote to office ministers in whose ease no disability 
 attaches on the ground of slavery, because the disability attaching in 
 other ca?oa is berc removed by special provision of law, and so far 
 leaves the right to ordination clear and undoubted ; and hence tlif 
 complaint against the Baltimore Conference. 
 In further prosecution of the duty assigned them, your Coin- 
 «< ( 
 mittee have carefully examined the law, and inquired into the 
 system of slavery as it exists in Virginia, and find the representa- 
 tion of the memorialists essentially correct. The conditions with 
 which emancipation is burdened in that commonwealth preclude 
 the practicability of giving freedom to slaves as contemplated in the 
 Discipline, except in extremely rai'e instances, say one in a thou- 
 sand, and possibly not more than one in five thousand. The exccp- 
 tion in the Discipline is therefore strictly applicable to all the min- 
 isters and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church holding 
 .slaves in Virginia, and they appear clearly entitled to the benefit of 
 the rule made and provided in such cases. 
 '^ ' As emancipation under such circumstances is not a requirement 
 of Discipline, it cannot be made a condition of eligibility to office. 
 An appeal to the policy and practice of the Church for fifty years 
 past, will show incontestably, that, whatever may have been the con- 
 victions of the Church with regard to this great evil, the imturc and 
 tendency of the system of slavery, it has never insisted upon eman- 
 cipation in contravention of civil authority ; and it therefore appears 
 tf> be a well-settled and long-established principle in the polity of the 
 Church, that no ecclesiastical disabilities are intended to ensue eit..<}r 
 to the ministers or members of the Church in those States where the 
 civil authority forbids emancipation. The general rule, therefore, 
 distinctly and invariably requiring emancipation as the gi'ound of 
 right, and the condition of claim to ordination, where the laws of the 
 several States admit of emancipation, and permit the liberated slave 
 to enjoy freedom ; and which, in the judgment of your committee, 
 sliould always be carried into eflfect with unyielding firmness, does 
 not apply to your memorialists, and cannot, by any fair construction 
 of law, aftcct their rights. 
 " ' On the other hand, your committee have given the most careful 
 consideration to the position of the Baltimore Conference complained 
 of by the appellants. The journals of the several sessions of the 
 Baltimore Conference, for a series of years, have been carefully ex- 
 amined, and found to be silent on the subject of the rejections in 
 question, except the single statement that A, B, aiid C, from lime to 
 time, applied for admission or orders, and were rejected. We find no 
 rule or reason of action, no evidence of preconcertion, no grounds or 
 reasons of rejection, otated in any form, directly or indirectly. Nothing 
 of this kind is avowed in, or found upon, the face of the journals of 
 that body. The charge of pai-ticular motives, it occurs to your com- 
 mittee, cannot be sustained in the instance of a deliberative body, say 
 the Baltimore Conference, ?mles3 it appears in evidence that the mo- 
 tives have been avowed by a majority of the Conference ; and it is not 
 in proof that the Conference has ever had an action 'to this effect, 
 whatever may have been the declaration of individuals sustaining the 
 charge of the appellants. The fact charged without reference to mo< 
 tives, that there has been a long list of rejections, both as it regards 
 admission into the travelling connexion and ordination, until the 
 exception seems to be made a general rule, is undoubtedly tme, and 
 is not denied by the defendants. The evidence, however, in 
 relation to specific reasons and motives is defective, and does not 
 appear to sustain the charge of a contravention of right by any direct 
 accredited action of the Baltimore Conference had in the premises. 
 " ' Tnat this view of the subject presents a serious difficulty, is felt 
 by your Committee, and must be so by all. The rule applicable in 
 this case allows an annual Conference to elect under the circum- 
 stances ; but does not, and, from the very nature and ubiquity of tlie 
 case, cannot, require it. Among the unquestioned constitutional 
 rights of^ur Annual Conferences is that of acting freely, without any 
 compulsory direction, in the exercise of individual franchise. Elec- 
 tion here is plainly an assertion of personal right on the part of the 
 different members composing the body, with regard to which the 
 claim to question or challenge motives does not belong even to the 
 General Conference, unless the result has turned upon avowed con- 
 siderations unknown to the rule and law in the case. The journal 
 of the Conterence is the only part of its history of which this body 
 has cognizance, and to extend such cognizance to the reasons and mo- 
 tives of individual members of Conferences not declared to be the 
 ground of action by a majority, would be to establish a rule at once 
 snbveraive of the rights and independence of Annual Conferences. 
 In the very nature of the case an Annual Conference must possess the 
 right of free and uncontrolled determination, not only in the choice of 
 its members, hnt in all its elections : and, keeping within the limits 
 and restrictions of its cliarter as found in the Discipline, can only be 
 controlled in 'be excr-isc of such right by moral and relative consi- 
 derations, connctcd with the intelligence and interests of tlie body. 
 " ' The memorialists prayed the last General Conference, and they 
 again ask this, (o interfere authoritatively by change or construction 
 of rule so as to afford relief; and in failure to do so, in the memorial 
 of 1836, they ask to be set off to the Virginia Conference, as ihe only 
 remaining remedy. In their present petition, they are silent on tlie 
 subject of a transfer to Virginia. Under all the circumstances of tlie 
 case, and taking into the account tiie probabilities of future action in 
 the premises, your committee cannot but regard this as the only 
 (;onclusive remedy. But how far this may be considered as relatively 
 practicable, or whether advisable In view of all the interests involved. 
 the committee have no means of determining, and therefore leave it 
 to the judgment of those who have. That the petitioners, in accord - 
 unce with the provisions of the Discipline, whether said provision be 
 right or wrong, ore entitled to remedy, your committee cannot for a 
 moment doubt, inasmuch as they are labouring, and have been for 
 years, under practical disabilities actually provided against by the 
 Discipline of the Church. The alleged grievance is, by the petition- 
 ers themselves, regarded as one of administration, not of law. No 
 change of legislation is asked for, unless this body prefer it ; and it 
 docs not appear to your committee to be called for by any view of the 
 subject they have been able to take. 
 " ' Your committee are unwilling to close the brief view of this 
 subject without anxiously suggesting that, as it is one of the utmost 
 importance, and intense delicacy in its application and bearings 
 throughout our entire country, involving, in greater or less degree, the 
 hopes and fears, the anxieties and interests, of millions ; it must be 
 expected that great variety of opinions and diversity of conviction 
 and feeling will be found to exist in relation to it, and most urgently 
 call for the exercise of mutual forbearance and reciprocal good- will 
 on the part of all concerned. May not the principles and causes, giv- 
 ing birth and perpetuity to great moral and political systems or insti- 
 tutions, be regarded as evil, even essentially evil, in every primarj* 
 aspect of the subject, without the implication of moral obliquity on 
 the part of those involuntarily connected with such systems and insti- 
 tutions, and providentially involved in their operation and conse- 
 quences ? May not a system of this kind be jealously regarded as in 
 itself more or less inconsistent with natural right and moral rectitude, 
 witliout the imputation of guilt and dei^elict motive in the instance 
 of those who, without any choice or purpose of their own, are neces- 
 sarily subjected to its influence and sway ? 
 " ' Can it be considered as just or reasonable to hold individuals re- 
 .sponsible for the destiny of circumstances over which they have no 
 control ? Thus conditioned in the organic arrangements and distri- 
 butions of society, is there any necessary connexion between the 
 moral character of tlic individual and that of the system ? In this 
 way the modifying influence of unavoidable agencies or circumstances 
 in the formation of character is a well-known principle, and one of 
 nniversal recognition in law, morals, and religion ; and upon which 
 all administration of law, not unjust and oppressive, must proceed. 
 And your committee know of ao reason why the rule is inapplicable, 
 or should not obtain, in relation to the subject of this report. In 
 conclusion, t. committee would express the deliberate opinion, 
 th.at, while the general rule on the subject of slavery, relating to those 
 States only whoso laws admit of emancipation, and permit the liber- 
 ated slave to enjoy freedom, should he firmly and constantly enforced, the 
 exception to the general rule, applying to those States where eman- 
 cipation, as defined above, is not practicable, should be recognized 
 and protected with equal firmness and impartiality. The committee 
 respectfully suggest to the Conference the propriety of adopting the 
 following resolution : — 
 " ' Resolved, by the delegates of the several Annual Conferences in 
 General Conference assembled, That, under the provisional exception 
 of the general rule of the Church on the subject of slavery, the simple 
 liolding of slaves, or mere ownership of slave property, in States or 
 territoi'ies where tlie laws do not admit of emancipation, and permit 
 the liberated slave to enjoy freedom, constitutes no legal bjrrrier to the 
 election or ordination of ministers to the various grades of office 
 known in the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church; and can- 
 not, therefore, be considered as operating any forfeiture of right in 
 view of such election and ordination.'" — ^Bangs's ^^ History of Meth- 
 odism,** vol. iv, pp. 404-412. 
 These measures only tended to aggravate the anti-slavery 
 party. They continued to agitate the question at issue, by 
 newspaper articles, lectures, sermons, and pamphlets ; and 
 in the end produced great excitement. The passions of both 
 parties, as might be expected, became much inflamed. 
 Personal reflections were made on both sides; and the 
 storm, as was evident, must bui-st in some fearful explosion. 
 The reformers turned their artillery from slavery to the 
 Church ; and, as they could not obtain their purpose, they 
 vehemently assailed the constituted authorities, and the 
 ecclesiastical organization itself. The principle at issue .id- 
 raitted of no compromise in the opinion of the abolitionist 
 party. They denounced slavery as a moral evil, a sin, not 
 to be tolerated in the Christian society. The Church for 
 many years, whilst bearing its testimony against the evil in 
 the abstract, had by various measures compromised the 
 matter in practice. No agreement, of course, could take 
 place between the parties, and separation became inevitable. 
 After various preliminary measures, a convention of the 
 ministers and people favourable to the establishment of a 
 body on anti-slavery principles, took place at Utica, in the 
 State of New- York, May 31st, 1843. At this meeting 
 Orange Scott presided, and it was agreed to form a re^ 
 ligious society, to be called " The "Wesleyan Methodist , 
 Church." The usual Methodist platform was adopted; 
 namely, of Circuits, Annual Conferences, and a General 
 Conference. A Book-Concern followed, with a newspaper, 
 called " The True Wesleyan ;" and, indeed, all the appli- 
 ances of the system. This anti-slavery Church immediately 
 extended its operations into some of the slave-holding 
 States ; and, though comparatively few in numbers, spread 
 its organizations, its labours, and its principles, on a very 
 extended surface. An increase of ministers and members 
 has gone on from the beginning to the present time. The 
 usual American energy of character evidently belongs to 
 the preachers engaged in the work ; the old topics of dis- 
 pute seem very much to have subsided, and they are now 
 intent on the conversion of men to God ; and what is pleas- 
 ing is, that we find their preachers, even Orange Scott, be- 
 fore his lamented decease, often officiating in churches 
 belonging to the old body. Their existence as a separate 
 community is, in itself, a testimony against slavery, and 
 must, amongst other elements, have had its effect in produc- 
 ing: a change. 
 One cannot but lament this separation. The abolitionists 
 would have done more for the cause they had espoused by 
 remaining in their old position. But the question became 
 ultimately a mixed one, as is always the case ; and they 
 went out of the Methodist Episcopal Church as much or 
 more on ecclesiastical grounds than on those of slavery. 
 Reformers often forget that great bodies are slow in their 
 movements. It is in vain for a single man to start up with 
 the idea that he is to change the course of old organizations, 
 just by announcing the truth he imagines he has discovered. 
 Such men must have patience, reiterate their opinions, 
 make up their minds often to be defeated, and, moreover, 
 to be treated with some severity. If their position in the 
 Church is left them, they may consider themsclvos well off. 
 This was the case with these men. They were left in the 
 ministry ; their voice had not been silenced ; they were at 
 perfect liberty to advocate their opinions in the Conference, 
 and by the use of the press ; and certainly, in the case of 
 Orange Scott, a great amount of tolerance had been shown ; 
 for he had received permission to engage himself as an 
 agent for the Anti-slavery Society, and indeed had been i}0 
 employed for two or three years. These men split on the 
 rock on which many besides themselves have split. Fail- 
 ing to accomplish their purpose as they desired, they con- 
 cluded that it was the fault of the Church itself ; that the 
 government was corrupt, and that it needed changing. 
 The fact is, they had made a deep impression ; had gained 
 much ground ; and had produced effects of a most import- 
 ant nature, which probably they could not themselves fully 
 perceive, but which became afterwards much more evident. 
 Multitudes of timid and irresolute persons are ofteji brought 
 imder the power of influences of this nature which they 
 have not the courage to express, and only wait for some fa- 
 vourable circumstances to avow themselves ; and no doubt 
 this was the case at the time in question. 
 We are naturally interested in such a man as Orange 
 Scott. His career was very brief. He wore himself out 
 by his feelings, his zeal, his incessant labours ; and died 
 July 3lst, 184'/, in his forty-eighth year. In him the anti- 
 slavery cause lost one of its most devoted and able advo- 
 cates, and the Church of Christ on earth one of its most 
 zealous and pious ministers. He possessed all the elements 
 of a great character. With a profound depth of feeling 
 was blended equal soundness of judgment ; with unbending 
 and inflexible resolution was united great warmth of affec- 
 tion ; with fixed principles which nothing could shake, was 
 found untiring energy and industry ; with courage which 
 no combination of men or circumstances could daunt, was 
 united great tact and prudence. He had attained a just 
 perception both of the law of Ood, and of the rights of 
 man. The colour of the skin did not, in his theory, 
 invalidate the dignity of humanity ; and the poor oppressed 
 slave found in him a faithful friend, and a powerful advocate. 
 He feared no man in maintaining what he conceived to be 
 for the honour of his divine Master, and the just rights of 
 the oppressed slaves ; his labours in the cause he espoused 
 were perfectly Herculean ; and he finished his career as a 
 martyr in the cause of truth and freedom, lamented by his 
 contemporaries, and honoured of God. 
 The Methodist Episcopal Church, South — Progress of the movement after the 
 former division— Change of opinion in the Baltimore Conference — Condemna- 
 tion of Harding— Confirmed by the General Conference- Bishop Andrew's 
 case — Debates— Resolutions against him— Protest of the South. 
 We now come to the greatest division of all, the establish- 
 ment of the Church, South. Orange Scott was dead, and 
 the party which he headed had formed a new body ; but 
 the great idea, the principle, of which Scott was the type, 
 had not been destroyed: it remained, it proved, like all 
 truth, to be indestructible. " The blood of the martyrs is 
 the seed of the Church." After he was gone, his cause be- 
 came predominant. The men who had arrayed themselves ,, 
 against him adopted his side, and worked out, to a certain 
 extent, his sentiment. The Conference which acted on the 
 defensive when he was the assailant, on its first assembly 
 when he was gone, by its majority, commenced an aggres- 
 sive war. The tables were completely turned ; and, instead 
 of defending itself against the South, against the slavery 
 power, it instantly began an assault which only ended in 
 the complete separation of the parties. Without professing 
 to adopt Orange Scott's idea, or making any change in the 
 Discipline of the Church, it commenced a course of action 
 ^ ^ 
 £f 1^ H20 
 W ''i^ 
 which led to the same issue. The principles involved in 
 the debate and its results, though not confessed, were un- 
 derstood, by both parties, to be those of slavery or no 
 As is gOHrally the ca^e in all such questions, in both in- 
 stances uMTecision was taken on the conduct of an indivi- 
 dual. In the first case, Orsinge Scott was considered the 
 embodiment of emancipation, — the representative of the 
 anti-slavery principle,^ — and the principle itself was dealt 
 with in his person. In the latter case, Bishop Andrew was 
 equally considered as the embodiment of the slavery prin- 
 ciple, of the opinions and convictions of the South ; and he 
 was, likewise, so dealt with. The man, in each instance, 
 stood for the cause he represented ; and when he was con- 
 demned, it was imderstood, by all parties, that abolitionism 
 on the one hand received its sentence, and on the other 
 This may be considered by some as not exactly fair ; but 
 it is the usual course of things. Men hardly ever legislate 
 on truth in the abstract. It maybe questioned whether, in 
 Bishop Andrew's case, the more straightforward course 
 would not have been to deal with the law, instead of ad- 
 judicating on the man. This, however, would have raised 
 most per])lezing questions, not likely very easily to be set- 
 tled ; and it was felt — ^it is to be presumed — ^to be the 
 easier course to adjudge the individual, rather than to f^ter 
 the law. 
 The subject was opened by a minor case, that of the 
 Bev. F. A. Harding, of the Baltimore Conference. Mr. 
 Harding had become possessed of five slaves, (by mar- 
 riage,) and the above Conference came to the following 
 resolution :— 
 ^ " Beaolved, That brother Harding be required to execute a deed of 
 'manmniariyn, and have the sune enrolled in the proper court, and 
 give to thii Conference, during fliis present session, a pledge that this 
 fhall be d<me during the present year. 
 . ., l«n*:.- 
 ' " Brother Harding hAving stated the impoBsibility, with his views, 
 vf his eomplionce with this resolation, Mr. GoUins moved for his sus- 
 pension, until he gave snfficient assurance of his compliance." 
 Mr. Harding still refusing, the cause came before the 
 Qeneral Conference on appeal. 
 As a matter of curiosity, it may be proper jKuosert the 
 opinion of two legal authorities on the laws of i^ State of 
 Maryland on this question of manumUsion : — 
 " At the request of Mr. Harding, I hare to state, that, under the laws 
 of Maryland, no slave can be emancipated, to remain in that State, 
 nor unless provision be made, by the person emancipating him, for 
 his removal from the State ; whidi remov#must take place, unless, 
 for good and snfficient reason, the competent authorities grant per- 
 mission to the manumitted slave to remain. 
 " There has lately (winter of 1843) been a statute enacted by the 
 State Le^lature, securing to married females the property Cslaves. 
 of course, included) which was theirs at the time of their marriage, 
 and protecting it from the power and liabilities of their husbands. 
 "(Signed) W. D. Mbbkick." 
 '* The Bev. Mr. Harding having married Miss Swan, who, at the 
 time of her marriage, was entitled to some slaves, I am requested to 
 say whether he can legally manumit them or not By an Act of As- 
 sembly, no person can manumit a slave in Maryland ; and, by another 
 Act of our Assembly, a husband has no other or further right to his 
 wife's slaves than their labour, while he lives. He can neither sell 
 nor liberate them. Neither can he and his wife, either jointly or sep- 
 arately, manumit her slaves, by deed or otherwise. A reference to 
 the Acts of Assembly of Maryland will show this. 
 " Edmund Key, 
 " Prince George Cbairfy, April 25th, 1844." * 
 " This case derived much of its importance and influence from the 
 fact that it came from what is called a ' cbnservative Conference,' and 
 one which had previously acted witli^e South in resisting the en- 
 croachments of abolitionism. The abolition North constantly de- 
 nounced slavery as necessarily and under all circumstances a sin, and 
 consistently and perseveringly contended for its entire banishment 
 from the Church, in all its forms and relations. The South, though 
 admitting slavery to be a great evil, as declared in the Discipline, 
 maintained that it was not necessaii||^ sinful in all cases, and that it 
 was impossible for the Church to exist in the South in a state of en- 
 i t 
 tiM disoonnexion from this dvil institution of the country. The mid- 
 ^or e<]ttiservatiye Conferences, though anti-slavery in principle, had 
 nnifonnly, for a long period^ concurred with the practical views of 
 die South, and coH>perated with them in opposing Northern encroach- 
 ments upon this conservative ground of the Discipline. In this case, 
 the South ;c^«rded the Baltimore Conference, and those acting with 
 it, as ahandipng the vital conservatism of the Discipline, and the 
 only ground npon which the Church in the South could possibly en- 
 joy security, or even existence, and as yielding to abolitionism the 
 distinguishing principle by which it is characterized." — ^" History of 
 the OrgamzOtion of the Mdhodist Episcopal Church, South," pp. 2, 3. 
 Thus the matter stood with respect to Harding and the 
 Baltimore Conference : — Harding insisting that it was im- 
 practkabU for him to manwnit the slaves in question ; and 
 the Conference, that they had never tolerated a slave-hold- 
 ing minister, and never would ; that he must either eman- 
 cipate and send his slaves out of the State, or endure the 
 penalty of expulsion. The General Conference adopted 
 their views, and sustained the sentence of the court helow. 
 The above extract <:learly states the case, as respects the 
 disposition of parties, their several views and opinions, pre- 
 paratory to the gr6at contest which was about to com- 
 mence. The change which had taken place in the opinions 
 'df so important and numerous a Conference as that of Bal- 
 timore, — ^together with the middle position which it occu- 
 pied, and, as i& all similar cases, holding the balance in its 
 hand,^ould not but turn the scale. Harding's case was 
 only a skirmish of outposts ; but it indicated how the battle 
 would turn on the great field of conflict. 
 This soon opened. 
 " Accordingly, after the Qfixding case was determined, those ru- 
 mours became more rife, and assumed a more confident tone. The 
 South, on seeing the conservatives and abolitionists coalesce in tliis 
 case, brought themselves to believe, that the majority, and not the law, 
 exercised the only protective or punitive power of the Church. The ab- 
 olition wing of the Conference felt both strengthened and emboldened 
 by the new alliance; while the 'middle men' found themselves fully 
 committed by their action m sustaining the Baltimore Conference, to 
 cany out consistently the principles involved in that case, in any 
 othtf that might come before them. The aged and yme saw and felt 
 the periloiuness of the position in which the Conference was placed : 
 the North mged them fhrther, as the only means of saving New-Eng- 
 land ; the South entreated them to stay their hand, unless they wish- 
 ed to consummate the ruin of the Southern Church, already but too 
 successfully begun. While the zealous of the pariy in the ascendant 
 — so decisively victorious in the recent contest— were arranging plans 
 for a new attack, and rallying for a bolder charge, some of the sage 
 and devout lovers of peace and unity, without distinction of party, 
 gave themselves to counsel, to prayer, and serious inquiry, hoping to 
 devise some means to avert the threatening storm. In this commend- 
 able spirit, two eminent and amiable men. Dr. W. Capers, of the 
 South, and Dr. S. Olin, of the North, came forward in the General 
 Conference, on the 14th of May, and offered jointly the following 
 resolution : — 
 " ' In view of the distracting agitation which has so long prevailed 
 on the subject of slavery and abolition, and especially the difficulties 
 under which we labour in,Jthe present General Conference, on account 
 of the relative position of our brethren North and South on this per- 
 plexing question ; therefore, 
 " ' Resolved, That a Committee of three from the North, and three 
 fh>m the South, be appointed to confer with the Bishops, and report 
 within two days as to the possibility )f adopting some plan, and 
 what, for the permanent pacification of the Church.' 
 " Immediately on the offering of this resolution, the ' middle-men,' 
 or conservatives, claimed to be recognized as a distinct division or 
 class in the Church and Conference, by demanding a representation 
 in the proposed committee. But as only two points were named in 
 the resolution, and two opposing principles, and not three, were in- 
 volved in the previous debates and action of the Conference— the 
 right to hold slaves according to the provisions of the Discipline, 
 and the right of enforcing abolition, as in the case of Harding, the 
 claim was seen to be groundless ; and accordingly the committee was 
 taken fix>m the South and from the whole North : Dr. Capers, of South 
 Carolina, Dr. Winans, of Mississippi^, and Mr. Early, of Virginia, 
 representing the former; and Dr. Olin and Mr. Crandall, of New- 
 England, and Mr. Hamline, of Ohio, the latter. 
 " The discussion had pending this resolution is very important, as 
 showing the true state of things to have been, at that time, very dif- 
 ferent from that in which they are commonly represented. The popu- 
 lar presentation of the matter is, th^^ all tiie difficulty, and finally 
 the division, had sole reference to tke case of Bishop Andrew, and 
 but for him ibsTQ had been no serious controversy in the General 
 Conference. The remarks made on that occasbn show, that in the 
 opinion of the prominent speakers, the Rubicon was passed before the 
 case of Bishop Andrew was tftken up at all." 
 On the 18th of May, Bishop Soule reported that the 
 committee ^* had been unable to agree upon any plan of 
 compromiilf to reconcile the views of the Northern and 
 Southern Conferences." 
 " The fiulure of the attempt at compromise was, of coarse, the sig- 
 , nal for pushing the measure, so energetically commenced, to the ulte- 
 rior point Accordingly, on the 20th, Mr. Collins, of Baltimore, the 
 active advocate in opposition to Harding, offered the following pre- 
 amble and resolution, which were adopted : — 
 " ' Whereas, it is currently reported, and generally understood, that 
 one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church has become 
 connected with slavery; and whereas, it is due to the General Con- 
 ference to have a proper understanding of the matter; therefore, 
 " ' Sesolved, That the Committee on the Episcopacy be instmcted 
 to ascertain the facts in the case, and report the result of their inves- 
 tigation to this body to-morrow morning.' 
 " In obedience to the instruction given in this resolution, on the 
 21st, Dr. Paine, chairman of the Committee on Episcopacy, submit- 
 ted to the Conference the following Report : — 
 '' ' The Committee on Episcopacy, to whom was referred a resolu- 
 tion, submitted yesterday, instructing them to inquire whether any 
 one of the superintendents is connected with slavery, presented their 
 Report on the subject. 
 " ' The committee had ascertained, previous to the reference of the 
 resolution, that Bishop Andrew is connected with slavery, and 
 >4 had obtained an interview with him on the subject ; and having re- 
 quested him to state the whole facts in the premises, they presented 
 a written communication from him in relation to this matter, and 
 asked leave to offer it, as his statement and explanation of the case. 
 *^^ To the Committee on Episcopacy. 
 " ' Deab Bbbtbbbn, — In reply to your inquiry, I submit the fol- 
 lowing statement of all the facts bearing on my connexion with sla- 
 very : — Several years since, an old lady of Augusta, Georgia, be- 
 queathed to me a mulatto girl, in trust, that I should take care of her 
 until she should be nineteen years of age : that, with her consent, I 
 ' should then send her to Liberia; and that, in case of her refusal, I 
 shQuld i^eep her, and make her as free as the laws of the State of 
 Georgia would permit. When the time arrived, she refoscd to go to 
 Liberia, and, of her own choice, remains legally my slave ; although I 
 derive no pecuniary advantage from tier, she continuing to live in 
 her own house on my lot, and has been, and still is, at perfect 
 liberty to go to a free State at her pleasure ; but the laws of the 
 State will not permit her emancipation, nor admit such deed of eman- 
 cipation to record, and she refuses to leave the State. In her case, 
 therefore, I have been made a slaveholder legally, but not with my 
 own consent 
 t " ' 2. About Ave years since, the mother of my former wife left to 
 her daughter, not to me, a negro boy ; and as my wife died Mrithout a 
 will more than two years since, by the laws of the State he becomes 
 legally my property. In this case, as in the former, emancipation is 
 impracticable in the State ; but he shall be at liberty to leave the 
 State whenever I shall be satisfied that he is prepared to provide for 
 himself, or I can have sufficient security that he will be protected 
 and provided for in the place to which he may go. 
 " ' 3. In the month of January last I married my present wife, she 
 being at the time possessed of slaves, inherited from her former hns- 
 band's estate, and belonging to her. Shortly after my marriage, be- 
 ing unwilling to become then* owner, regarding them as strictly hers, 
 and the law not permitting their emancipation, I secured them to her 
 by a deed of trust. 
 '■' ' It will be obvious to you, firom the above statement of facts, 
 that I have neither bought nor sold a slave ; that in the only circum- 
 stances in which I am legally a slaveholder, emancipation is im- 
 practicable. As to the servants owned by my wife, I have no legal 
 responsibility in the premises, nor could my wife emancipate them, 
 did she desire to do so. I have thus plainly stated all the facts in 
 the case, and submit the statement for the consideration of the Gene- 
 ral Conference. 
 " ' Yours respectfully, 
 ; "'(Signed) James 0. Akdbew. 
 " ' All which is respectfully submitted. 
 "'(Signed) Eobebt Paine, 
 " ' Chairman of Committee on Episcopacy.' 
 ' " Mr. Collins, who had taken the lead in this as in the former pro- 
 secution, moved that the, Report be laid on the table, and made the 
 special orderfor the next day ; assigning as his reason for this mo- 
 tion, that there was to be a meeting of the Northern ddegcOes ihaX, 
 afternoon, to concert, as was distinctly understood, plans of action in 
 the prosecution. This announcement was immediately followed by 
 a call for a meeting of the Southern ddegates on the same afternoon. 
-;-*■ ■' 
 It was thus dearly seen that this parties were organizing and amng* 
 ing their plans and foroes,— tiio one for attack, the other for defence, 
 in the approaching contest 
 " On the next day, (the 32d of May,) Mr. Griffith, the coadjutor 
 of Mr. Collins in the former case, and the member who spoke so 
 contemptuously of the laws of Maryland, called up the Beport in 
 the case of Bishop Andrew, and o£fered the following preamble and 
 resolution : — 
 " ' Whereas, the Bev. James O. Andrew, one of the bishops of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church, has become connected with slavery, as 
 communicated in his statement in reply to the inquiry of the Com- 
 mittee on Episcopacy, which reply is embodied in their Beport of 
 yesterday : and whereas, it has been, from the origin of said Church, 
 a settled policy and invariable usage to elect no person to the office 
 of bishop who was embarrassed with this great evil, as under such 
 circumstances it would be impossible for a bishop to exercise the 
 functions, and perform the duties assigned to a general superintend- 
 ent with- acceptance in that large portion of his diarge in which 
 slavery does not exist : and whereas, Bishop Andrew himself was 
 nominated by our brethren of the slaveholding States, and elected 
 by the General Conference of 1832, as a candidate who, though 
 living amidst a slaveholding population, was nevertheless free 
 irom all personal connexion widi slavery : and whereas, this is, of 
 all periods in our hbtory as a Church, the one least favourable to 
 such an innovation upon the practice and usage of Methodism, as to 
 confide a part of the itinerant general superintendency to a slave- 
 holder: therefore, 
 " ^Resolved, That the Bev. James O. Andrew be, and he is hereby, 
 affectionately requested to resign his office as one of the bishops of 
 the Methodist Episcopal Church.* 
 " After some personal conversation of an explanatory character, 
 in which Dr. Bangs, Dr. Capers, Mr. Davis, and Mr. Pickering were 
 concerned, the following was offered as a substitute for the preamble 
 and resolution before the Conference : — 
 " ' Whereas, the Discipline of our Church forbids the doing any- 
 thing calculated to destroy our itinerant general superintendency ; 
 and whereas Bishop Andr6w has become connected with^ slavery 
 'by marriage and otherwise; and this act having drawn after it 
 -circumstances whidi, in the esthnation of the General Conference, 
 will greaily embarrass the exercise of his office as an itinerant 
 general raperiateiident, if not in some places entirely prevent it ; 
 ^^Beaolved, That it i* the sense oi this General Conference that 
 he desist from the exercise of this office as long as this impediment 
 remains. (Signed) " * J. B. Finlkt, 
 In the midst of all this, numerous speeches were delir 
 vered, and are reported in the History we quote, with what 
 degree of fairness and accuracy we are not ahle to say ; 
 there seems to be a leaning as to quantity on the side of 
 Southern men, after the manner of such things ; for it is 
 the History prepared by the Southern Church, though it is 
 not likely that their account of the speeches of their oppo- 
 nents would be designedly inaccurate, as far as they go. 
 As specimetas of American eloquence, as well as on account 
 of their intrinsic importance, it seems right to give two or 
 three of these speeches. We begin with Dr. Olin : — 
 " I believe we are all prepared to recognize the right of Southern 
 brethren to hold slaves under the provisions of the Discipline. We 
 shall acknowledge and guarantee die entire of the privileges and im- 
 munities of all parties in the Church. I here declare, that if a remedy 
 should be proposed that would trench on the constitutional claims 
 of Southern ministers, I would not, to save the Church from any 
 possible calamity, violate this great charter of our rights. I am glad 
 of the opportunity of saying, that no man, who is a Methodist, and 
 deserves a place among us, can call in question here any rights 
 secured by our charter. I do not say that ho may not be a very 
 honest or a very pious man who doubts the compatibility of slave- 
 holding, on the conditions of the Discipline, with the ministerial 
 office ; but in this he is not a Methodist. He may be a very good 
 man, but a very bad Methodist ; and if such a man doubts if the Church 
 will reform, or is too impatient of delay, let him, as I would in his 
 place, do as our friends in New-England did last year, go to some 
 other Church, or set up one for himself. 
 "Not only is holding slaves, on the conditions and under the 
 restrictions of the Discipline, no disqualification for the ministerial 
 office ; but •! will go a little further, and say, that slaveholding is not 
 constitutionally a forfeiture of a man's right, if he may be said to 
 have one, to the office of a bishop. The Church, spread out through 
 all the land, will always determine for itself what are disqualifications 
 * History of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, pp. 
 11-23. '"' ^ 
 and wIm( m« not; Mid it hM ft perfect right to determine whether 
 «lftreholdlng, or abolitionism, or any other fact, shall be taken into 
 loniidwation in its elections.^ 
 " Tbmw aro my principles. I have never doubted with regard to 
 thoni. I will add, that I can never give a vote which does violence 
 to my Mntiments in regard to the religions aspect of the subject. I 
 hero d«olaro, that, if ever I saw the graces of the Christian ministry 
 dliplayfd, or itf virtues developed, it has been among slavcholdon. 
 I wish hare to divest myself of what, to some, may seem an advant- 
 age that does not belong to mo. I would not conceal— I avow that 
 I was a shiveholder, and a minister at the South, and I never 
 dreamed that my right to the mhdstry was questionable, or that in 
 the sight of Ood I was less fitted to preach the gospel on that oc- 
 count. And If tho state of my health had not driven me away from 
 that region, I should probably have been a slaveholder to this day. 
 In this day of reform and manifold suggestions, I go farther, and 
 say, that, if by a rote of this General Conference, you might call in 
 quaition tiie right of our Southern brethren to the ministry, and 
 maka tfiair claim to the sacred oflBce dependent on their giving im- 
 mediate freedom to tfieir stoves, I do not think that that would be a 
 blessing to the slaves, or to the Church. I do not believe the slave 
 fares worse for having a Christian master, and I think the preachers 
 may have more ot public confidence on our present plan. I know 
 thesa (pinions may by some be regarded as unsound, and I make 
 them not because tfiey have any special value or novelty, but because 
 I profess to speak my sentiments freely. 
 *' With regard to the particular case before us, I feel constrained to 
 make one or two remarks. If ever there was a man worthy to fill 
 episcopal office by his disinterestedness, his love of the Church, his 
 ardent, melting sympathy for all tho interests of humanity; but, above 
 all, for his uncompromising and unreserved advocacy of the interest 
 of the slave<— if these are qualifications for the office of a bishop, 
 then James 0. Andrew is pre-eminently fitted to hold that office. 
 I know him well. He was the friend of my youth, and, although by 
 his experience «id his position fitted to be a father, yet he made me 
 A brother, and no man has more fully shared my sympathies, or 
 more intimately known my heart, for these twenty years. His house 
 has been my home, on his bed have I lain in sickness, and he, with 
 Ills sainted wife now in heaven, has been my comforter and nurse. 
 No question under heaven could have presented iteelf so painfully 
 oppressive to my fbelings as the one now before us. If I had a 
 Irandred votes, and Bishop Andrew were not pressed by the difficul- 
 ties whidi now reft upon him, without any wrong intention on his 
 part, I am sure, he ii the man to whom I would give them all. I 
 know no man who has been so bold an advocate for the interest of 
 the slaves ; and when I have been constrained to refhtin from saying 
 what perhaps I should have said, I have heard him at camp-meet- 
 ings, and on other public occasions, call fearlessly on masters to see 
 to the spiritual and temporal interests of their slaves, as a high 
 Christian duty. Excepting one honoured brother, whose name will 
 hereafter bo recorded as one of the greatest benefactors of thei Afti- 
 can race, I know of no man who has done so much for the slave as 
 IMshop Andrew. 
 " I know the difficulties of the South. I know the excitement 
 that is likely to prevail among the people there. Yet, allowing our 
 worst fears all to bo realized, the South will have this advantage 
 over us, — ^tho Southern Conferences are likely in any event to har- 
 monize among themselves, — they will form a compact body. In our 
 Northern Conferences diis will be impossible in the present state of 
 things. They cannot bring their whole people to act together on 
 one common ground ; stations and circuits will be so weakened and 
 broken as, in many instances, to be unable to sustain their ministry. 
 I speak on this point in accordance with the conviction of my own 
 judgment, after having travelled three thousand miles through the 
 New-England and New- York Conferences, that if some action is not 
 had on this subject calculated to hold out hope, — to impart a mca- 
 i>ure of satisfaction to the people, — there will be distractions and di- 
 visions ruinous to souls, and fatal to the permanent interests of the 
 " I feel, sir, that if this great difficulty shall result in separation 
 from our Southern brethren, we lose not our right hand merely, but 
 oar very heart's blood. Over such an event I should not cease to 
 pour out my prayers and tears as over a grievous and unmitigated 
 calamity. It was in that part of our Zion that Gk)d, for Christ's sake, 
 converted my soul. There I first entered on the Christian ministry. 
 From thence come the beloved, honoured brethren who now sur- 
 round me, with whom and among whom I have laboured, and suf- 
 fered, and rejoiced, and seen the doings of the right hand of the Son 
 of God. If the day shall come when we must be separated' by lines 
 of demarcation, I shall yet think often of those beyond with the kind- 
 est, warmest feelings of an honest Christian heart. But, sir, I will 
 yet trust that we may put far off this evil day. If we can pass such 
 a measure as-will shield our principles from all infringement, — if we 
 can send forth such a measure as will neither injure nor justly offend 
 the South, — as shall neither censure nor dishonour Bishop Andrew, 
 and yet shall meet the pressing wants of the Church ; and, above all, 
 TOim or AMIRIOA. 
 If Almiglity God ihall 1m pl«Med to help, by pouring ont his Spirit 
 upon ng, we maj yet atoM tha rook on whidi we now leem but too 
 likely to ipUt" 
 This speech was answered by Mr. Oast, of New-Hamp- 
 " Mr. President, if I undentMid the subject now under considera- 
 tion, it is this :— Is it expedient for this Conferonoo to suspend Bishop 
 Andrew from his office on account of his being a shiYeholder, until 
 such time as he shall be free fh>m this embarrassment 1 The reason 
 assigned why such action should be had Is, that a large majority of 
 the Church are opposed to having a slaveholder for a bishop. Now, 
 sir, I hold, if they are wrong, and the bishop Is right, no action should 
 be had against him in the premises. This, then. Is the question to be 
 settled. Dr. Olin has said, that the bishop has done no wrong; but, 
 with all due deference, I must bog leave to dissent ftom his opinion 
 in this matter. 
 " Shr, is there no moral wrong In being a slaveholder 1 A portion 
 of the North believe slaveholding to be a moral wrong. We have 
 nothing to do with slavery in the abstract ; but we believe that sla- 
 very, as it exists in these United States, and In the Methodist Epis- 
 copid Church, is morally wrong. 
 " But, leaving this out of the question for the present, is there no 
 wrong in Bishop Andrew becoming a slaveholder, and thereby dis- 
 turbing the peace of the Church 1 and also bringing this dark cloud 
 over us, and this trouble upon us, which has pained our hearts, and 
 detained us here for days 1 when ho has brought this evil iuto exist- 
 ence by hb voluntary act, witli his eyes open 1 Sir, I tliink there 
 must be a wrong in this. 
 " Dr. Olin has said, that the resolution now before us should be so 
 modified as that Bishop Andrew will not be censured. Sir, I hold 
 there should be no privileged order In the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church : if he has done wrong, be ought to bo censured. As mucli 
 as I respect the office of bishop, and the men who fill it, they arc 
 amenable to justice if they do wrong, as miwh as I am in my humble 
 .relation in the Church : and with as much greater responsibility as 
 their station is above mine. Th^ are the very last men who should 
 not be censured, if in the wrong. Mark this, sir, — whenever there is 
 a privileged order in the Methodist Episcopal Church, the glory will 
 have departed. Let this not bo,— no, never. 
 " Dr. Olin says, that slaveholding does not disqualify any man for 
 the ministry, provided he live in a sUveholding State ; and that the 
 constitution of the Methodist Church sustains him in his position, 
 and thoM who differ from him in opinion are bad Methodiito ; and 
 if thej peniflt in these ooones, they ought to follow the example of 
 those who hare seceded from the Methodist Episcopal Church. Sir, 
 hy this one stroke he has severed four conferences from the Method- 
 ist Episcopal Church. I do not, however, think he intended to do it. 
 But it was done with his seal to hold on to the South ; which, by the 
 way, ho appears to have some sympathy, if not partiality for, as iio 
 has been a slaveholder, and never thought it was anything against liio 
 ministerial character. 
 '- The South say, if Bishop Andrew ia suspended, the lino of 
 division will be drawn between tho North and South, and that when 
 they say this they speak the mind of tho whole South. Sir, how 
 do they know this fact 1 Have they taken a vote in all their Annual 
 Conferences ? or have they had a convention to deliberate on this 
 matter 1 
 " They calculate to claim that they are tho Church, and the North 
 will bo the sccodors. This is not tho first timo wo have heard of 
 nullification, or that which is equivalent, (in the Church and State,) 
 from tho South ; but tho world stands yet, and I bcliovo it will not 
 be moved from its foundations if the resolution before us should pass. 
 Those threats have their meaning, which is perfectly understood by 
 the North." 
 May 24th. — Mr. G. F. Pierce, of Georgia, spoke against 
 the resolution : — 
 " Sir, there has been, in every speech which has been made on tlio 
 other side of the question, a false issue attempted. Whatever mtt y 
 l>e affirmed of expediency, and the disqualification of Bishop Andrew 
 fur tho office of general superintendent, in view of circumstances 
 ever which it is declared brethren have no control, it is not to be 
 foi^otten or disguised, that this is not an abstract, but a practical 
 question ; that it involves the constitutional rights and equality of 
 privileges belonging to Southern ministers. It is a practical ques- 
 tion, too, which cannot be set ofF from its connexion with tho past 
 and its bearings on the future. It is part and parcel of a system, 
 slowly developed it may be, yet obvious in its designs and unwearied 
 in its operation, to deprive Southern ministers of their rights, and to 
 disfranchise the whole Southern Church. You cannot take the ques- 
 tion out of its relations. It cannot bo made to stand, as brethren have 
 tried to make it stand, isolated and alone. If there had been no me- 
 morials on your table, praying for the establishment of a law of pro- 
 scription,— if there had not been declared, over and over again, n 
 settled purpose, if not in tmeqnivocal terms, yet in unequivocal acts, 
 to woric ont (he deitraction of this evil, and free the episcopacy and 
 the Church itself tnm this eTil,— the question before us would be 
 diflferent in its aspects, and the action of the South in regard to it 
 might be modified aocordfaigty. I beg this Conference to consider this 
 question in the light of its connexion with tiie previous action in the 
 caso of the appeal firom die Baltimore Conference. Sir, the prepos- 
 terous doctrine was asserted in that Conference, that its purposes and 
 usages are parampnnt to the law of the land, and the doctrine of that 
 Conference has been affirmed here. Sir, the action of this Confer- 
 ence on the snl^ct has brought the whole Methodist Episcopal 
 Churdit into a position of antagonism to4he laws of the land. I con- 
 sider such action not only an outrage on the common justice of the 
 case, but decidedly revolutionary in its movements, and destined to 
 affect, unless repealed, the character of the Conference and all the 
 ramifications of the Church. What is the position? The .ground 
 was taken then and here— the Church, the Bible, the Discipline, and 
 the laws of the land to the contrary notwithstanding, — that we have 
 a right to make a man's membership depend upon the condition of 
 liis doing a thing which, as a citizen of the State, he has no power 
 or right to do. The act which is proposed in the resolution is part 
 and parcel with the same affa^'* When Bishop Andrew has been 
 invited to resign, or desist from the exercise of his episcopal func- 
 tions, or is impeached or deposed, it ought to be, and can be con- 
 sidered, as neither more nor less than collateral in its designs and 
 effects with the action of the Conference in the case to which I have 
 " This is a practical question, make what disclaimers you please, 
 or any amount of them. The common sense of the country will con- 
 sider it as an infraction of the constitutional, or, if you please, the 
 disciplinary rights of ilie Southern brethren, however it may be con- 
 sidered by those in the sO'Styled more favoured and less encumbered 
 portions of the Union. 
 "But, sir, I will present one view of this question which ha^ not 
 been touched upon. Set off the South, and what is die consequence ? 
 Po you get rid of embarrassment, discord, division, strife ? No, sir ; 
 you multiply divisions. There will be secessions in the Northern 
 Conferences, even if Bk'hop Andrew is deposed or resigns. Promi- 
 nent men irill abandon your Church. I venture to predict, tliat 
 whenever the day of division come8,—and come I' believe it will from 
 the present aspect of the case,— that in ten years from this day, and 
 perhaps less, Uierp will not be one shred of the distinctive peculiari- 
 ties of Methodism left within the Conferences that depart from us. 
 The venerable man who now presides over the Northern Confer- 
 tV' . « 
 ences may live out hia time as a bishop, but he will never have a 
 successor. Episcopacy will be given up, the presiding eldership will 
 be given up, the itinerancy will come to an end, and (Jongregational- 
 ism will be the order of the day. The people will choose their 
 own pastors, and preachers will be standing about the ecclesiastical 
 market-places ; and when men shall ask, ' Why stand yo here all the 
 day idle V the answer will be, ' Because no man hath hired us.' [An 
 involuntary burst of applause was here interrupted by the chair, who 
 said, ' That is whoUy inadmissible.'] 
 " We have unity and peace, and sock it because of its e£fects on 
 the Connexion ; and I believe, to-day, that if the New-England Con- 
 ferences' wore to secede, the rest of us would have peace. There 
 would be religion enough left among us to live together as a band of 
 Christian brothers. 
 " Sir, I object to the substitute for another reason. I wonld liave 
 preferred the original Resolution. The substitute presents a most 
 anomalous view of the whole subject. Suppose that view is adopt- 
 ed ; what is it ? What do you do with the bishop ? You cannot put 
 him on a circuit or station : he is a bishop in duress, a bishop in 
 prison bounds, an anomaly, a fifth wheel in the machine of Methodism, 
 doomed to live on the Book-Concern, while no provision is made for 
 his rendering the Church any servidi, if this Resolution is adopted." 
 This speech was answered by the Rev. J. T. Peck, of 
 the Troy Conference. 
 *' He [Mr. Pierce] says we have made ajblse issue in this discussion. 
 And what is it ? Why, that we have discussed it as an individual 
 matter, confined in its application to Bishop Andrew himself ; where- 
 as, it was in truth a great practical question, bearing upon the whole 
 South. We admit it, Mr. President, it is a great practical question, 
 hearing not upon the South merely, but upon the whole Church. We 
 utterly disclaim the limitation of the question to any man. We take 
 up the issue exactly as he has laid it down. It is upon the assertion 
 und action of a great principle of immense practicable bearing that wo 
 predicate our arguments. It is, verily, the brother may be well as- 
 8iu'cd, a matter of great practical imvortance to us, and to the Church, 
 whether we have a slave-holding bishop or not. Here, then, I have 
 no contention with him. 
 " But, Mr. President, the brother alarmed me ! He made a 
 declaration which was to me utterly surprising ! He says, the great 
 (juestion of tiuity is decided I [Mr. P. explained, ' Prospectively de- 
 rided.'] Prospectively decided ? to be sure I Did any one suppose it 
 had been decided retrospectively 9 Division, then, in his mind, is real- 
 ly inevitable ! Surely, sir, /had not thought bo. And I am hxpfj 
 to say, I know many brethren, North and South, much more di8thi« 
 gnished for age and experience than either of us, who do not think -' 
 so. The division of our excellent Church decided! The unity of 
 our common Methodism destroyed ! May Heaven forbid it i I do 
 not believe it, sir. The strong bonds that hold us together, I trust, . 
 are not sundered! But he says the Baltimore appeal-case virtually i 
 decided it. I do not so understand it. There were, it is true, several 
 points of analogy between the case of Mr. Harding and that of Bishop 
 Andrew. But the action contemplated in the case of the Bishop is 
 widely different from that had in the case of Mr. Harding. In that 
 case we did nothing more than to affirm the decision of the Balti* 
 more Conference : and in that act say, that we would not allow slavery 
 to be crowded on her, after she had nobltf dedared she uxwld not have it. . 
 The appellant stood suspended from his ministerial functions. But 
 was any such thing intended in the case of Bishop Andrew ? Did { 
 the Resolution affirm any such thing? Certainly not. It merely 
 proposed that he should desist from the exercise of the episcopal office 
 until he should free himself from the embarrassment of slavery. The 
 cases then were widely different. Brethren were undoubtedly pre- 
 mature in asserting, that the dec^ion of the Conference in the Balti- 
 more appeal-case had prospectively determined the division of the 
 Church .' Indeed, the gentleman himself seemed to have doubts about 
 it, when he came to consider a little ; for, afler he had progressed in his 
 argument so far as to consider the influence of the proposed action in 
 the case of the bishop, he declared, ' Pass that Resolution, and the great 
 question of Methodist unity is decided forever.' Indeed ! Then it 
 remains to be decided, the Baltimore appeal-case to the contrary not- 
 withstanding ! I thank the brother for that. My judgment in the 
 case cannot be altogether gronndless, since it derives support from 
 his own declarations. Be assured, sir, I greatly rejoice in this. 
 " But the brother from Georgia says, this measure will not save us 
 from secessions. We shall have secessions in New-England ! Wc 
 shall have them everywhere 1 What can be done to satisfy New* 
 England ? Sir, as the name of New-England struck my ear, I felt a 
 thrill of the most intense interest. But, the reverend gentleman pro- 
 ceeded, they are busy-bodies in other men's matters ! A thorn in the 
 flesh 1 A messenger of Satan to buffet us ! And, alluding (as I nn* 
 dersiood him to do) to a certain movement in New-England, and | 
 certain principles upon which that movement was based, he called it 
 the foul sphit of the pit ! the Juggernaut of perdition I &c. Upon 
 this language, Mr. President, I may not remark i I must, of neces- 
 sity, leave it without animadversion ! But with the utmost respect, 
 tills dear brother will excnse me for saying, I much prefer the terms 
 used by some of his highly respected associates. I like the chaste 
 and beautifol language of the 8weet*spirited and doqaoit Mr. Crow- 
 der, and the dignified and forcible style <3i the reverend gentleman 
 who last preceded me. I must say, Mr. President, I deprecate the 
 use of such language in a controrersy of such solemn importance, — , 
 a controversy invested with more elements of moral grandeur than 
 any which has engaged the attention of the American people for half 
 a century ! I hope the brother will not use it again, and certainly not 
 on the floor of this General Conference. 
 " But my friend from the Georgia Conference says, ' LetNew-£ng- 
 land go ! I wish in my heart she would secede 1 And joy go with 
 her, for I am sure she will leave peace behind her !' Let New-Eng- 
 land go ! I cannot foiget this exdamation. It vibrates in my soul 
 in tones of grating discord. Why, sir, what is New-England, that we 
 should part with her with so little reluctance ? New-England ! The 
 land of the pilgrims ; the land of many of our venerated fathers in 
 Israel; the land of Broadhead, of Merritt, of the reverend man [point- 
 ing to George Pickering] who sits by my side ; and a host of worthies 
 whom we have delighted to honour as tlie bulwarks of Methodism in 
 its early days of primitive purity and .peril. Let New-England go ! 
 No, sir, we cannot part so easily with tiie pioneer land of the devoted 
 and sainted Jesse Lee ! 
 "But, Mr. President, our brethren of the South utterly mistake 
 the truth in this matter. Why, sir, they cannot get half way to New- 
 England in this war. They must wade through numbers and forces 
 of which they never dreamed. They must encounter us in the cen- 
 tre, whose opposition to slavery is uncompromising. And Baltimore 
 (honour to her self-sacrificing devotion to the cause of humanity !) 
 will be a formidable obstacle in the way of their advance. But if 
 they ever should subdue us, and reach the land of the pilgrims, rest 
 assured, sir, they would find there a wall of brass which would re- 
 main forever impregnable to the assaults of the slave power. We 
 are happy that New-England is with us to a man in this fearful con- 
 flict ; that the united west, and north, and east, form an insuperable 
 barrier to the advance of slavery. O, sir, I fear me much our 
 brethren at the South are deceiving themselves in this matter. This 
 has never been a question of principle between ns and New-England. 
 We have always agreed in fundamental anti-slavery sentiments ; and 
 I am the more carefiil to allude to this, because, so far as I remem- 
 ber, it is a distinction that has not been made in this discussion. It 
 has been purely a quefU^ion of measures between us. In this, it is true, 
 we have difibred ; but in opposition of principle to slavery, North, 
 ' f 
 East, and West, we always have been, and I trust shall ever remain, 
 inseparably united. We resist, as one man, the advancement of slave- 
 ry ; which, not content to be confined within its own geographical lim- 
 its, threatens to roll its dark waves over the North. It dainu the right 
 to give us a dave-hddtng pastor, a dave-luMing bishop. Do not, then, 
 be surprised that we are so perfectly united in asking to be set back 
 exactly where we were a few months ago. O, sir, if our brethren 
 could roll the wheels of time back to where they were last November, 
 when we had comparatively no difficulties to encounter ! But this 
 they cannot do. What less, however, can they expect us to ask, than 
 that they should do what is equivalent to it, — give us our bishop 
 without the slaves ?'* 
 After another series of Resolutions proposed by the origi- 
 nal mover, Mr. Collins, Bishop Andrew rose, and addressed 
 the Conference as follows : — ^ 
 • " Mr. President, — I have been on trial now for a week, and feel de-' 
 sirous that it should come to a close. For a week I have been com- 
 pelled to listen to discussions of which I have been the subject, and I 
 must have been more than man, or less than man, not to have felt. 
 Sir, I have felt, and felt deeply. I am not offended with any man. 
 The most of those who have spoken against me, have treated me 
 respectfully, and have been as mild as I had any right to expect. I 
 cherish no unkindly feelings toward any. I do not quarrel with my 
 abolition brethren, though I believe their opinions to be erroneous 
 svnd mischievous. Yet, so long as they conduct themselves courteous- 
 ly toward me, I have no quarrel with them. It is due that some re- 
 marks should be made by me before the Conference come to a 
 conclusion upon the question, which I hope will be speedily done ; 
 for I think a week is long enough for a man to be shot at, and it is 
 rime the discussion should terminate. 
 " As there has been frequent reference to the circumstances of my 
 election to the episcopal office, it is, perhaps, proper that I give Ji 
 lirief history of that matter. A friend of mine (brother Hodges) now 
 with God, asked me to permit myself to be put in nomination for that 
 office. I objected ; the office had no charms for me. I was with a 
 Conference that I loved, and that loved me. What was I to gain to 
 be separated from a happy home, from a wife and children whom I 
 loved more than I did my own life ? But my friend urged me ; he 
 said my election would, he believed, tend to promote the peace of the 
 Church, and that he believed it would be especially important to tlie 
 prosperity of Methodism in the South. Finally, I consented, with the 
 hope of failure ; but I was nominated and elected. I was never ask- 
 ed if I was a slaveholder ; no man asked me what were my principles 
 on the subject ; no one dared to ask of me a pledge in this matter, or 
 it would have been met as it deserved. Only one man, broUier 
 Winans, spoke to me on the subject : he said he could not vote for me, 
 because he believed I was nominated under the impression that I was 
 not a slaveholder. I told him that I had not sought the nomination; 
 nor did I desire the office ; and that my opinions on the propriety of 
 making non-slaveholding a test of qualiiioation for the office of bishop, 
 were entirely in unison with his own. Su:, I do not believe in 
 this matter of secret will as a rule of action, either in the revelations 
 of the Bible, or in the prescriptions of the book of Discipline. I be- 
 lieve in the revealed will of Gk>d, and in the written law of the Church, 
 as contained in the book of Discipline. I took office on the broad 
 platform of that book, and I believe my case is covered by it. It was 
 known that I was to reside at the South : I was elected in view of 
 that very thing, as it was judged important to the best interests of the 
 Church, that one of the bishops should reside in that section of the 
 work, and it was judged I could be more useful there than elsewhere. 
 Well, what was I to do then 1 I was located in a country where free 
 persons could not be obtained for hire *, and I could not do the work 
 of the family ; my wife could not do it ; what was I to do ? I was 
 compelled to hire slaves, and pay their masters for their hu-e ; but I 
 had to change them every year ; they were bad servants, for they had 
 no interest in me or mine ; and I believe it would have been less sin 
 before God to have bought a servant, who would have taken an in- 
 terest in me and I in him ; but I did not do so. 
 " At length, however, I came in possession of slaves, and I am a 
 slaveholder, as I have already explained to the Conference, and I 
 cannot help myself. It is known that I have waded through deep 
 sorrows at the South during the last four years : I have buried the 
 wife of my youth and the mother of my children, who left me with a 
 family of motherless children, who needed a friend and a mother. 
 I sought to make my home a happy one, and I have done so. Sir, I 
 have no apology to make. It has been said, I did this thing volunta- 
 rily, and with my eyes open. I did so deliberately, and in the fear 
 of God, and God has blessed our union. I might have avoided this 
 difficulty by resorting to a trick, by making over these slaves to 
 my wife before marriage ; or by doing as a friend, who has taken 
 ground in favour of the resolution before you, suggested. ' Why,' 
 said he, ' did you not let your wife make over these negroes to her 
 children, securing her annuity from them V Sir, my conscience would 
 not allow me to do this thing. If I had done so, and those negroes 
 had passed into the hands of those who would have treated them 
 unkindly, I should have been nnhappy. Strange as it may seem to 
 brethren, I am a slaveholder for conscience' sake.- I have no doubt 
 that my wife would, without a moment's hesitation, consent to the 
 manumission of those slaves, if I thought proper to do it. I know 
 she would unhesitatingly consent to any arrangement I might deem 
 it proper to make on the subject But how am I to free them 1 
 Some of them axe old, too old to work to support themselves, and 
 are only an expeiije to me ; and some of them are little children : 
 where shall I send these i and who will provide for them ? But per- 
 haps I shall be permitted to keep these ; but, then, if ihe others go, 
 how shall I provide for these helpless ones 1 and as to the others, to 
 what free State should I send them ? and what would be their con- 
 dition ? Besides, many of them would not go ; they love their mis- 
 tress, and could not be induced under any circumstances to leave 
 " Sir, an aged and respectable minister said to me several years 
 ago, when I had stated just such a case to him, and asked him what 
 he would do : ' I would set them free,' said he, *■ I would wash my 
 hands of them; and if they went to the devil, I would be dear of 
 them.' Sir, into such views of religion or philanthropy my soul 
 cannot enter. I believe the providence of God has thrown these 
 creatures into my hands, and he holds me responsible for their proper 
 treatment. I have secured them to my wife by a deed of trust since 
 our marriage. This arrangement was only in accordance with an im- 
 derstanding existing previous to marriage. These servants were hers ; 
 she had inherited them from her former husband's estate ; they had 
 been her only source of support during her widowhood, and would 
 still be her only dependence if it should please God to remove me 
 from her. I have nothing to leave her. I have given my life to the 
 Church from the days of my youth, (and I am now fi%,) and 
 nithongh, as I have previously remarked, she would consent to any 
 arrangement I might make, yet I cannot consent to take advantage 
 of her affection for me to induce her to do what would injure her, 
 without at all benefiting the slaves. 
 " Sir, I did not for a moment believe that this body of grave and 
 reverend ministers would make this a subject of serious discussion. 
 I thought it likely that there might be some warm ultra brethren 
 who would take some exceptions to my course ; and on that account 
 I did not make the deed of trust before marriage, lest some should 
 suppose I designed to dodge the responsibility of the case. Those 
 who know me, must know that I would not be governed by the mere 
 matter of dollars and cents. What can I do ? I have no confession 
 to make ; I intend to make none. I stand upon the broad ground of 
 the Disciplire, on which I took office ; and if I hare done wrong, put 
 me out. 
 (' The editor of the Christiaa Advocate has pre-jndged this case. 
 He makes me the scape-goat of all the difficulties which abolition 
 excitement has gotten np at the North. I am the only one to blame, 
 in his opinion, should mischief grow ont of this case. But, I repeat, 
 if I hare sinned against the Discipline, I refuse not to die. I have 
 spent my life for the benefit of the slaves. When I was but a boy, I 
 taught a Sunday-school for slaves, in which I taught a number of 
 them to read, and from that period till this day I have devoted my 
 energies to the promotion of their happiness and salvation ] with all 
 my influence, in private, in public, with my tongue, with my pen, I 
 have assiduously endeavoured to promote their present and eternal 
 happiness. And am I to be sacrificed by those who have done little 
 or nothing for them 1 It is said, I have rendered myself unacceptable 
 to our people. I doubt this. I have just returned from Philadelphia, 
 where they knew me to be a slaveholder ; yet they flocked to hear 
 me, and the presence of God was with us j and we had a good, warm, 
 old-fashioned meeting. I may be unacceptable in New- York ; yet, 
 from the experience I have had, I doubt even that. To whom am I 
 unacceptable ? Not to the people of the South, neither masters nor 
 slaves. Has my connexion with slaves rendered me less acceptable 
 to the coloured people of the South, the very people for whom all 
 this professed sympathy is felt ? Does the fact tibat I am a slave- 
 holder make me less respectable among them ? Let those who have 
 laboured long among them answer the question. Sir, I venture to 
 say, that in Carolina or Geoi^ia, I could to-day get more votes for 
 the office of bishop from the coloured people than any supporter of 
 this resolution, let hiin avow himself an emancipator as openly as he 
 ^ pleases. To the coloured people of the South, then, and to their 
 owners ; to the entire membership of the slaveholding Conferences, 
 I would not be unacceptable : but perhaps they are no part of ' our 
 " In short, sir, I believe I should not be unacceptable to one- 
 half the Connexion ; but on this question I have nothing to say. 
 Should the Conference think proper to pass me, there b plenty of 
 ground where I can lf:bour acceptably and usefully. The slavehold- 
 ing conferences will present a field sufficiently large for me, should I 
 ^ live to the age of Methuselah; and the bishops, in arranging the 
 work, will certainly have discretion enough not to send me where I 
 would not be received ; nor would I obtrude myself upon any con- 
 ference, or lay my hands on the head of any brother who would feel 
 contaminated by the touch. However, on this subject I have nothing 
 to say. The Conference can take its course ; but I protest against 
 the proposed action as a violation of the laws of the Discipline, and 
 an invasion of the rights secured to me by that book. Yet, let the 
 Conference take the steps they contemplate, I enter no plea for 
 mercy, I make no appeal for sympathy. Indeed, I love those who 
 sympathize with me ; but I do not want it now. I wish yon to act 
 coolly and deliberately, and in the fear of God ; but I would rather 
 that the Conference would change the issue, and make the resolution 
 to depose the bishop, and take the question at once, for I am tired of 
 it. The country is becoming agitated on tlie subject, and I hope the 
 Conference will act forthwith on the resolution." 
 " Mr. Finley said, ' This resolution is modified to the most easy re- 
 quirement it could be, to meet the feelings of Southern brethren, and 
 to cover the principle, and from this ground I will not be moved. No> 
 sir j on this ground will I stand until I die.' He said, to retain a 
 slaveholder in the episcopacy would be equivalent to voting for a i 
 slaveholder directly for that office, and that 'it would violate the * 
 constituted law. It would injure, if not totally destroy, this vital 
 organ of our itinerancy. Any man who can say it is right for him 
 to hold his fellow-being in bondage, and buy and sell him at pleasure, 
 put him under an overseer, and drive, whip, and hcdf-atarve him, and 
 that this is connived at by the Methodist Church, I think must have 
 a queer view of the Church and her Discipline. I now say before 
 God, that whenever the Methodist Episcopal Church shall sanction 
 this doctrine, as much as I love her, I \nll leave her and seek an- 
 other. I never will agree that slavery shall be connected in any way 
 with episcopacy ; nor anywhere else, only by necessity. I must state 
 again, that from tbus principle I never wiU be moved.^ " 
 We close our extracts from these speeches by one from 
 Bishop Soule: — 
 " I do not know but this may be a favourable moment for me to 
 offer to tlie Conference the few remarks I desire to make before final 
 action shall be had on the subject which is now pending before the 
 Conference. I have had no solicitude with regard to the period of 
 time when I should offer these remarks, only that it might be a time 
 of calmness and reflection. I will indulge the hope that this is such 
 a time, and therefore avail myself of the opportunity. I ris^, sir, at 
 this moment, as I before said, with all the calmness which the occa- * 
 sion, I think, requires. But this is not the calm that precedes the 
 tempest and the storm ; it is not the calmness of indifference ; it can- 
 not be. It is, sir, the calmness of conviction. It is the calmness of 
 principle. If, indeed, I could bo persuaded that my very respectable 
 brother from the Pittsburgh Conference was entirely correct in his 
 opinion, that all the light which could be furnished on this subject 
 had been furnished. I should not rise here. There is a possibility that 
 the brother may be mistaken. T cannot say that I should have for- 
 borne to arise, though I had been convinced of the correctness of the 
 judgment of the respected brother from New-England, that, though 
 we should bit here till January next, no brother would be changed ui 
 his vote on this question. I say, I do not know that I should have 
 forborne my observations, though I might have been convinced of 
 the correctness of this opinion ; but if no more light could be pro- 
 duced, anything that I could say would be unavailing. 
 " There are periods, sir, in the history of the life of every man who 
 sustains any important station in society, who holds any important 
 relations to it, when his individual character cannot, must not, be 
 neutralized by the laws of association. Under this view, in what I 
 shall say to this Conference, I involve no man in responsibility. My 
 venerable colleagues are in no way concerned in what I shall say to 
 this Conference ; so that, however I may be involved, they are not 
 involved. The South on my right is not involved. The North on 
 my left is not involved. I stand in this regard alone. I hope not, 
 indeed, alone in the sentiments that I shall express to the Confer- 
 ence. Brethren have manifested a solicitude to bring the question 
 to an issue, to close the debate, and come to the vote. I ask, bre- 
 thren, if it is not possible, notwithstanding the time which has been 
 employed in this discussion, notwithstanding the largo views which 
 brethren have expressed on the question before them, — ^I ask. Is it 
 not possible that action on the resolution may yet be premature ? 
 Society, sir, whether civil or religious, has much more to fear from 
 the passions of men, of its members, than it has to fear from 
 calm investigation and sober inquiry. I am not afraid to meet tho 
 calmness of deliberation anywhere. I am not afraid to meet it here ; 
 I am not afraid to meet it in the Annual Conference ; I am not afraid 
 to meet it before tho great religions community of which we are 
 members and ministers ; I am not. But I fear the rage of the pas- 
 sions of men. I fear excitements, ardent excitements, prematurely 
 produced in society ; and I apprehend, that if we trace the history of 
 associations, whether civil or ecclesiastical, we shall find that these 
 premature excitements, waking up the rage of passion, have pro- 
 duced greater calamities Hhtax ever were produced by the calmness 
 of deliberation and the sobriety of inquiry, however extensive those 
 investigations may have been. The sound of the trumpet of alarm 
 may go forth from within these consecrated walls ; the sound may 
 spread itself on the wings of the wind, or of the whirlwind, over tho 
 Toum nr ambrioa. 
 Imfth Md IwMdth of thcM lands ; bnt, sir, when thii lonnd ihall 
 hftvc di«d AWftjr, when the elements which may hare been awakened 
 to boisterous and tnmnltnons action shall subside into the calmness 
 of inquhy and reason, a roice may return to this hall, wafted on a 
 oonntor breeie ^ and though the voice be not heard in the thunder, 
 tlio earthqniUu, or the storm, it may pierce through the veil of our 
 speottlations and our theories, and the first sound will be heard in 
 the Inquiry, ' What it 1h» eautef Well, sir, it will bo the province 
 of reason and sobrle^ to answer. Here it is, sir, spread out before 
 me, spread out before you, in a plain, unsophisticated statement of 
 facts by Bishop Andrew. I have not heard a brother from the North, 
 I liavo not lioard a brother from the South, (and I have listened to 
 hear,) allege that there were any other facts, that there were any other 
 circumstances, having any bearing whatever on the merits of the case 
 now before you. I take It for granted, then, that we have the entire 
 facts of the cotie Wore us ; and these facts are the cause of whatever 
 •lanD» whatever excitement, may have spread through our beloved 
 Zion, and over this continent. 
 *' Kow, sir, I beg the indulgence of the Conference while I read an 
 extract from du) Address of your General Superintendents at your 
 lost session. You will indulge me in this. 
 " ' The experience of more than half a century, since the organiza* 
 tion of our ecclesiastical body, will afford us many important lights 
 and landmfu4(i, pointing out what is the safest and most prudent 
 policy to bo pursued in our onward course as regards African slavery 
 in these States, and especially in our own religious community. This 
 very interesting period of our history is distinguished by several cha- 
 racteristic features, having a special claim to our consideration at the 
 present time, partlimlarly in view of the unusual excitement which 
 now prevails on the subject, not only in the different Christian 
 Churches, but also in the civil body. And, First, our general rule 
 on slavery, which forms a part of the constitution of the Church, has 
 stood from the beginning unchanged, as testamentary of our senti- 
 ments on the principle of slavery, and the slave-trade. And in this 
 wo differ in no respect from the sentiments of our venerable Founder, 
 or from those of the wisest and most distinguished statesmen and 
 elvilians of our own and other enlightened and Christian countries. 
 Secondly, In all the enactments of the Church relating to slavery, a 
 duo ond respectful regard has been had to the laws of the States, 
 never requirhig emancipation in contravention of civil authority, or 
 where tlie laws of the States would not allow the liberated slave to 
 enjoy ftvedom. Thirdly, the simply holding or owning slaves, 
 without regard to eircumstonccs, has not, at any period of the exist- 
 once of the Church, subjected the master to excommnnication. 
 Fourthly, rules have been made from time to time, regulating tlic 
 sale, and purchase, and holding of slaves, with reference to the dif- 
 ferent laws of the States where slavery is tolerated ; which, upon the 
 experience of the great difficulties of administering them, and the un- 
 happy consequences both to masters and servants, have been as often 
 changed or repealed. 
 " ' These important facts, which form prominent parts of our past 
 history as a Church, may very properly lead us to inquire for that 
 course of action in future which may be best calculated to preserve 
 the peace and unity of the whole body, promote the greatest happi- 
 ness of the slave-population, and advance generally, in the slave- 
 holding community of our country, the humane and hallowing influ- 
 ence of our holy religion. We cannot withhold from you, at this 
 eventful period, the solemn conviction of our minds, that no new- 
 ecclesiastical legislation on the subject of slavery, at this time, will 
 have a tendency to accomplish these most desirable objects. And 
 we are fully persuaded, that as a body of Christian ministers, wc 
 shall accomplish the greatest good by directing our individual and 
 united efforts, in the spirit of the first teachers of Christianity, to 
 bring both master and servant under the sanctifying iniluence of 
 the principles of that gospel which teaches the duties of evciy rela- 
 tion, and enforces the faithful dischai^ge of them by the strongest 
 conceivable motives. Do we aim at the amelioration of the con- 
 dition of the slave ? How can we so effectually accomplish this, in 
 our calling as ministers of the gospel of Christ, as by employing 
 our whole influence to bring hoih him and his master to a saving 
 knowledge of the grace of God, and to a practical observance of 
 those relative duties so clearly prescribed in the writings of the 
 inspired apostles ? 
 " ' Permit us to add, tliat, although we enter not into the political 
 contentions of the day, neither interfere with civil legislation, nor 
 with the administration of the laws, we cannot but feel a deep inter- 
 est in whatever affects the peace, prosperity, and happiness of om- 
 beloved country. The union of these States, the perpetuity of the 
 bonds of our national confederation, the reciprocal confidence of 
 the different members of the great civil compact, — in a word, llie 
 well-being of the community of which we are members, should 
 never cease to lie near our hearts, and for which we should offer up 
 our sincere and most ardent prayers to the Almighty Buler of the 
 " ' But can we, as ministers of the gospel, and servants of a Mas- 
 ter whose kingdom is not of this vxdd, promote these important objects 
 ia any way lo truly and p«nnanontly «• by puniUog the course Ju«t 
 pointed outi Can we, at thU ovontftil crl»lt, render a better service 
 to our country than by laying aside all interference with relations au< 
 thorized and established by the civil laws, and applying ourselves 
 wholly and faithfully to what especially appertains to our high and hoi if 
 calling ; to teach and enforce the moral obligations of the gospel, iu 
 application to all the duties growing out of the diiferont relations in 
 society 1 By a diligent devotion to this evangelical omploymont, 
 with an humble and steadfast reliance upon the aid of divine influ- 
 ence, the number of beliwing maatert and servants may bo constantly 
 increased, the kindest sentiments and aflToctions cultivated, domestic 
 burdens lightened, mutual conAdonco cherished, and the peace and 
 liappincss of society bo promoted. While, on the other hand, if post 
 history affords us any correct rules of Judgment, there is much cause 
 to fear, that the influence of our sacred office, if employed in inter- 
 forenco with the relation itself, and consequently with the civil insti- 
 tutions of the country, will rather tend to prevent, than to accomplish, 
 these desirable ends.' 
 " Sir, I have read this extract, that tlie members of this QeneralCou- 
 ferencowho were not present at the last session, and this listening as- 
 8cmbly,who may not have heard it before, may understand distinctly the 
 ground on which I, with my coUougncs, stand in regard to these ques- 
 tions. I desire that this document may stand recorded with my name 
 to it, till I sleep in the dust of the oartli. (Amen.) I desire to leave it 
 as a legacy to my children and my children's children ; and, if I might 
 be permitted to say so, I would leave it as a legacy to the Church when 
 I am no more. I want no man to write my epitaph. I will write it 
 myself. I want no man to write and publish my life. I will do that 
 myself, as far as I think it may bo necoisury for the interests of pos* 
 terity, or for the benefit of the Church of Ood. I regret, in reading 
 the life of my venerable colleague, who has gone from earth to hea- 
 ven since your last session, thnt this document, as it stood connected 
 with his name, has not appeared in tliat memoir. I thank the author 
 of ' The History of the Methodist Episcopal Church,' I mean Dr. 
 Bangs, for having presented this document in that history. I met it 
 in Europe, and I am glad it is there. I never wished my name de- 
 tached from it ; no, never, never. When this was written, your super- 
 intendents believed that Uiey were acting in perfect accordance with 
 the Pastoral Address of the General Conference at its session in Cin- 
 cinnati ; we think so now. Well, sir, I have only one ftirther remark 
 to make before I proceed to the chief object for which I address the 
 Conference this morning. It is this ; I desire that no undue influ- 
 ence may be produced from the peculiar relation in which I stand to 
 the Church. Sympathy may exert too great an influence when it U 
 brought to bear on great principles. The only sitl>juct which aaf* 
 awakened my sympathy daring the whole di.^'^nssion, in tbt^ conditiou 
 of my suffering brethren of the coloured race, tm4 this never f«ils to 
 do it. No matter where I meet the man of colour, whether in the 
 South or in the North, with the amount of liberty he eujoya, the sym- 
 pathies of my nature are awakened for him. Could I restore bleed- 
 ing Africa to freedom, to independence, to the rights, to all the rights, 
 of man, I would gladly do it. But this I cannot do, you cannot do. 
 And if I cannot burst the bonds of the coloured man, I will not 
 strengthen them. If I cannot extend to him all the good I would, I 
 will never shut him out firom the benefits which I have it in my 
 power to bestow. But, sir, I cannot withhold this sentiment from the 
 Conference, that, with the mental and physical labours of this rela- 
 tion, I could never have been sustained, I could never have supported 
 myself, I could never have ministered to the Church, unless I had 
 been settled down on some principles equally as changeless as tlic 
 throne of God, in my estimation ; never, never. It is a constant re- 
 currence to these great principles that has sustained me in the dis- 
 charge of what I conceive to be my duties ; duties which grow out of 
 my relation to the Church, and not simply to this Conference. These 
 principles have sustained me in the city and in the desert waste ; they 
 have sustained me in the North, and they have sustained mo in the 
 South ; they have sustained me in the quarters of the black man, and 
 in the huts of the red man. Shake me from these principles, and I 
 am done — I have done, I say. But what is this ? Why, sir, is the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church dependent upon me 1 Far from it ; her 
 interest hangs not upon my shoulders at all. She can do a great 
 deal better without mc than I can do without her; much better. 
 Well, sir, laying aside this point ; endeavouring to disengage myself 
 as far as possible ; consider me as expressing my own opinions, with- 
 out reference to my colleagues. I wish to say, explicitly, that if the 
 superintendents arc only to be regarded as the officers of the General 
 Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and, consequently, a8 
 officers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, liable to be deposed ut 
 will by a simple majority of this body, without a form of trial, no 
 obligation existing, growing out of the constitution and laws of the 
 Church, evfen to assign cause wherefore, — I say, if this doctrine be a 
 correct one, everything I have to say hereafter is powerless, and falls 
 to the ground. But brethren will permit mo to say, strange as it may 
 seem, although I have had the honour and privilege to be a member 
 of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church ever 
 since its present organization ; though I was honoured with a scat in 
 the convention of minfaiteni which organized it, in this respect I have 
 heard for the tint time, either on the floor of this Conference, in tan. 
 Annual Oonference, or through the whole of the private membership 
 of the Church, this doctrine advanced : this is the first time I ever 
 heard it. Of coturse, it itruclc me as a novelty. I am not gomg to 
 enter the urena of controversy with this Conference. I desire that 
 my position may be defined, I desire to understand my landmarics 
 as a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; not the bishop of 
 the Qeneral Conference, not the bishop of any Annual Conference. 
 I thought that the confltitution of the Church, I thought that its laws 
 and regulations, I thought that the many solemn vows of ordina- 
 tion, the parchment which I hold under the signatures of the depart- 
 ed dead ; I thought that these had defined my landmarks, I thought 
 that these had proscribed my duties, I thought that these had marked 
 out my course. In my operations, I have acted under the conviction 
 that these were my directions and landmarks ; and it affords me 
 great consolation Ms day to stand, at least in the judgment of this 
 body, to which I hold myself responsible, and before which I will 
 always be ready to appear to answer any charge they shall prefer 
 against me,— I say, it affords mo some gratification to have stood ac- 
 quitted for twenty years in the discharge of the high trust committed 
 to my hands ; and I here desire to offer my grateful acknowledgments 
 to the Episcopal Committee for the Beport they have brought to this 
 body, and to the Conference for their cordial acceptance of that Be- 
 port. I say, I do it with sentiments of sincerity ; and it is the more 
 cordial to me in view of what may yet be to come. In this regardi 
 although I have trembled beneath the weight of responsibility, and 
 shrunk before the consciousness of my inability ; and especially as I 
 have felt my physical infirmities coming upon me, and knowing that 
 I must be in the neighbourhood of mental infirmity ; I stand this day 
 acquitted in my own conscience, (0 that I may be acquitted at the 
 bai' of my eternal Judge !) that I have, to the best of my ability, with 
 sincerity of heart, and with the ardent desire to promote the great in- 
 terests of the Church, and the cause of God, in the discharge of the 
 duties which you have intrusted to me ; I have never, in the discharge 
 of this trust, God is my witness, — I have never given an appointment 
 to any preacher with a desire or design to afflict him. Indeed, sir, if 
 I could do it, I should abhor myself. Now, whether this Conference 
 is to sustain the position on which I have acted or not, they are very 
 soon to settle in the vote which is before them ; I mean, they ai'e to 
 settle this question, whether it is the right of this body, and whether 
 thoy have the power, to depose a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church ; whether they have a right to depose my colleague, to depose 
 me, without a form of trial. See ye to that. Without specification 
 of wrong, and by almost universal acclamation over this whole house, 
 that Bishop Andrew has been unblamable in his Christian charac- 
 ter ; without blame in his ministerial vocation ; that he has discharged 
 the duties of his sacred dBce to the Church of God with integrity, 
 with usefulness, and with almost universal acceptability, and in good 
 faith ; — with this declaration before the community, before the world, 
 will this Conference occupy this position, that they have power, au- 
 thority to depose Bishop Andrew, without a form of trial, without 
 chai'ge, and without being once called on to answer for himself in the 
 premises ? What he did say was voluntary. 
 " Well, brethren, I had conceived, I had understood from the be- 
 ginning, that special provision was made for the trial of a bishop. 
 The constitution has provided that no preacher, no person, was to be 
 deprived of the right of trial, according to the forms of Discipline, 
 and of the right of appeal ; but, sir, if I understand the doctrine ad- 
 vanced and vindicated, it is that you may depose a bishop without 
 form of trial ; you may depose him without any obligation to show 
 cause, and therefore he is tiie only minister in your Church who has 
 no appeal. It seems to me that the Church has made special provi- 
 sion for the trial of the bishop, for the special reason that the bishop 
 has no appeal. Well now, sir, I only make these observations, as I 
 said, to the ear of reason. You will remember that this whole thing 
 is going out before the world as well as the Church. I wish to know 
 my landmarks, to find out where I stand : for, indeed, I do not hesi- 
 tate to say to you, that if my standing and the relation in which I 
 have been placed by the Methodist Episcopal Church under my so- 
 lemn vows of ordination ; if my relation is to stand on the voice of a 
 simple majority of this body, without a form of trial, and without an 
 obligation even to show me cause why I am deposed, — I have some 
 doubt whether there is the man on this floor that would be willing to 
 stand in my place. Now, brethren will perceive at once the peculiar 
 situation in which I am placed. Here are my brethren from the 
 Ohio, and from other conferences. We have been together in great 
 harmony and peace. There has been great union of spirit every- 
 where ; but I said at the beginning, there were periods in the history 
 of every man occupying any important relation or station in society, 
 when his individual character and influence could not be neutralized 
 by the laws of association. You must unmoor me firom my anchor- 
 age on the basis of this book, you must unsettle me from the princi- 
 ples, my settled and fixed principles. From these I cannot be sha- 
 ken by any influences on my right hand or on my left hand : neither 
 the zeal of youth nor the experience Qf hoary age shall move me 
 from my principles. Convince me that I am wrong, and I yield. 
 And here it may be necessary that I should make an observation in 
 regard to what I have said before : it seems to have been misunder- 
 stood : I said, you cannot immolate me on a Southern altar ; you can- 
 not immolate me on a Northern altar ; I can only be immolated on the 
 altar of the union of the Methodist Episcopal Church. What do I 
 mean by this ? I mean — call it a compact, call it a compromise, con- 
 stitutional discipline, what you will — I mean on the doctrines and pro- 
 visions of this book, and I consider this as the bond of union of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church. Here, then, I plant my feet, and here 
 I stand. Let brethren, sir, not misunderstand me in another point, 
 a point in which they may misunderstand me, in which I have been 
 misunderstood, and you join me on this point. I hold, that the Ge- 
 neral Conference of tiie Methodist Episcopal Church has an indispu- 
 table right, constitutional, sacred, to arraign at her tribunal every 
 bishop, to try us there, to find us guilty of an offence with which wc 
 are charged on evidence, and to excommunicate, expel us. I am 
 always ready to appear before that body in this regard. I recognize 
 fully their right. But not for myself, not for these men on my right 
 hand and on my left hand, but for your sakes and the Church of 
 God of which yon are members and ministers, let me ask you, let me 
 entreat yon, not to imsh upon the resolution now before you. Pos- 
 terity, sir, will review your actions, history will record them ; and what- 
 ever we may do here will be spread out before the face of the world ; 
 the eyes of men will be fixed upon it. In this view I was not sur- 
 prised to hear brethren say, ' Pause, brethren, I beseech you, pause :' 
 and I was not surprised to see men of mind and of thought approach 
 the thing with fear and trembling ; but brethren apprehend that there 
 are great difficulties involved in this subject ; they apprehend that 
 fearful consequences are to take place on whichever side of the ques- 
 tion they shall move. Pass it, and the South suppose themselves in- 
 volved in irretrievable ruin. Befuse to pass it, &\A the North consider 
 the consequences perilous to them. Permit me to say, sir, that I have 
 had some acquaintance, personal acquamtancc, both with the North 
 and the South ; I think I have been able to cast an impartial eye over 
 these great departments of the Church. I may err in judgment, but 
 I apprehend that the difficulties may not be as insurmountable as bre- 
 thren have apprehended them to be. I know that some of my brethren 
 of the North are involved in such a manner that I cannot apprehend ; I 
 see no way in which they can compromise this question. Why ? For 
 the obvious reason that it involves a principle. I will compromise 
 with no man when a principle is involved in the compromise. What 
 is that principle ? The men that avow it arc as honest as any men 
 on this floor. I know them : in the men there is no goile. What is 
 the principle 1 It was advanced by my worthy brother Cass the 
 other day. Can he compromise the principle ? Ton must convince 
 him of the error of his principle before he will compromise it. What 
 is it ? It is that slavery, under all circumstances, is sin against God." 
 Mr. Cass interposed : — ' 
 " May I correct the bishop ? I believe I did not say so ; I said it 
 was a moral evil." 
 Bishop Soule proceeded : — 
 " Well, I am glad to be corrected. This is not brother Cass's 
 principle. A moral evil, a moral evil, and not a sin, under all cir- 
 cumstances. It affords me a great deal of pleasure to hear my wor- 
 thy brother's statement, for it greatly increases my hope that we shall 
 have a compromise. 
 " Now, sir, notwithstanding brethren have thought, and with per- 
 fect sincerity, that they were ready to act on the resolution, although 
 undoubtedly a large minority of this body have been prepared for it 
 for some time, I cannot but believe that it might be premature in 
 the Conference taking action on it even now. I will offer one or two 
 reasons why I think the Conference is not prepared for action on the 
 resolution. We have been informed here, from documents, to a great 
 extent petitions and memorials, on the subject of slavery in its va- 
 rious aspects and interests. These documents, these petitions and 
 memorials, have been received with the respect due to the right of 
 petition. They have been committed to a large and judicious com- 
 mittee to examine and report. That committee has not reported to 
 this body : it Avill report ; I need not say to you that it will report. 
 The respect due to some thousand petitioners to this body will lay 
 them under solemn obligations to report : and is it not possible that 
 this report on the subject immediately connected with the resolution 
 before you, may afford you some light f You will have in the re- 
 port of that committee several important items, clearly developed be- 
 fore you, of information. You will know the number of petitioners, 
 of the memorialists in each of the Anmtal Conferences. You will 
 know the relative proportion of these petitioners to the whole num- 
 ber of the Methodist Church within these conferences. You will 
 know the aggregate number of all these memorialists and petitioners, 
 and you will consequently know the relative number in regard to 
 the v/hole community of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It will 
 not be disputed, I think, on the floor of this General Conference, that 
 tlic subjects, so far as they have been presented when the memorials 
 were up, — that the subjects on which you are memorialized in these 
 documents are not local. They are not subjects appertaining spe- 
 cially and exdnsively to the memorialists. So far as I heard, every 
 subject was of a general ch&racter, in which every member of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church,— east, west, north, and south, — ^has an 
 equal interest and concern. The report of your committee may 
 throw much light on this great sulgect. But this is not all. I beg 
 to suggest to the brethren, that the views of the great body of the 
 Methodist Church, and the great body of her ministers, are not, and 
 cannot be, represented here, in regard to the special point before you ; 
 and if this be a subject in which all the ministers of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church, and all the members of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church, have an equal interest and concern, is it safe for this body 
 to proceed to such an important action with regard to the whole in- 
 terests of the Church, without having a more full development of the 
 subject, both from ministers and Church, than the memorials as yet 
 presented afford ? I ask it. Now, will the delegation from New- 
 York tell us what are the views of the great body of Methodists 
 within the New- York Conference on this subject 1 We have been 
 sitting here, Mr. President, on this case almost from the time we 
 commenced it. It has been, however, before this community. It has 
 been out before the whole Church ; and from the views the brethren 
 have taken, I have been almost surprised that we have not had me- 
 morials from the city where we sit ; I have been almost surprised that 
 we have not had memorials from the people in Philadelphia, from the 
 people in Baltimore, from the people in Boston. We have had no 
 memorials. There has been no expression on their part, as I have 
 heard ; and yet, in the midst of this enlightened body of Methodists, 
 are we prepared thus to say what is the view of the people around 
 us on this question ? and, under such circumstances, do you hesitate 
 to stay the question in the resolution before yon ? I beg the brethren 
 to go a little further on this subject. I will go with my brethren to 
 Ohio. Now, I do not know — I am a resident in Ohio, I have some 
 acquaintance in Ohio, both with preachers and with our very excel- 
 lent and worthy membership in Ohio — ^my brethren from them, these 
 delegates, have more, and doubtless can say more : but I should not 
 dare on the floor of this Conference to say, that the act would meet 
 the approbation of the great body of preachers and members in 
 Ohio : I dare not say it. It is sufficient for me, however, in the prC" 
 sent position I occupy, to say, that the Church has not known the 
 subject, and has expressed no opinion on the subject whatsoever. I 
 settle it down, then, as the basis on which I shall proceed, that wu 
 have not, and cannot have, the views of our ministers and people 
 generally on this subject, so fully expressed to us as to others. 
 " The adoption of that resolution deposes Bishop Andrew without 
 form or trial. Such is my deliberate opinion. I do not believe it is 
 safe for yon, and I am out of the question. What shall be done t 
 The question, I know, wakes up the mind of every brother. Can it 
 be possible that the Methodist Episcopal Church is in such a state of 
 excitement, — in such a state, I had almost said, of revolution, — as to 
 be unprepared to send out the plain, simple facts in the case to the 
 churches, to the Aimual Conferences, everywhere through our com- 
 munity, and waive all action on this subject till another General 
 Conference 1 
 ''I said, almost at the commencement of these remarks, sir, that I 
 was not afraid of the deliberation of men, of our Annn al Confer- 
 ences, of the Greneral Conference ; I am afraid of the passions of 
 men, and I could present before you some considerations to illustrate 
 the views that I have given you ; and if I give you these views in 
 error of judgment, be assured that they are not views which originate 
 on the spur of the moment; they are the result of sober and delibe- 
 rate investigation. Can it be possible that the simple circumstance 
 of Bishop Andrew's holding an office as a bishop of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church four years longer, with this statement of facts in 
 the case — simple facts in the case — spread out before the enlightened 
 body of this great Methodist community, — is there to be an earth- 
 quake ? I am not prepared to believe it : I soberly am not prepared 
 to believe it. Well, sir, this is the view that I take of the subject. 
 Permit me to make one other suggestion. The providence of God 
 directs the whirlwind and the storm ; clouds and darkness, indeed, 
 may be around about us ; but righteousness and justice are the habi- 
 tation of his throne. Let us be careful that we never suffer a human 
 arm to impede the operations of Providence. My beloved colleague, 
 Bishop Andrew, and myself, and all my colleagues, may have passed 
 away from these scenes of trouble, and the passions which now agi- 
 tate the Church of God may go to sleep, in God's providence, long 
 before four years go by. 
 " How easy it is for God to direct the elements of society ! Do 
 not be surprised, then, brethren, when I say to you, Pause. Brethren 
 may possibly have a little mo»'e light : there may be some ray from 
 heaven or earth yet to shine upon this subject. Now, it is the solemn 
 conviction of my mind, that the safest course you can pursue in the 
 premises is, to pass this subject without any implication of Bishop 
 Andrew's character at all, and to send out officially the plain and 
 simple facts in the case to all your societies, to all your conferences. 
 Let it be read everywhere, and then we may have a further expression 
 of opinion, without any kind of agitation. I am about to take my 
 leave of you, my brethren. You must know, you cannot but know, 
 that, with the principles I have stated to you, with the avowal of 
 my sentiments in regard to this subject, it would not be Bishop An- 
 drew alone that your word will affect. No, sir, I implicate neither 
 my colleagues on my right hand, nor on my left ; but I say, the de- 
 cision of the question could not affect Bishop Andrew alone. I wish 
 it to be distinctly understood, it cannot affect him alone. I mean spe- 
 cially in this point,— I say, that the resolution on which we are just 
 about to act goes to sustain the doctrine, that the General Conference 
 have power and right to depose one of the bishops of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church without the form of trial ; that you are under no 
 obligation from the constitution or laws of the Church to show cause 
 even. Now, every man must see, and every man must know, that 
 Bishop Andrew cannot be involved alone in the vote. It is the prin- 
 ciple which is involved. It goes to say, that when this Conference 
 shall vote on the subject, a simple majority of the Conference, with- 
 out form or trial, can depose a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church. Do yon understand it so 1 If I am mistaken, I shall stand 
 corrected ; and I need not say to this Conference, that such a decision 
 will involve others besides. It involves the office ; it involves the 
 charge ; it involves the relation itself. 
 " And now, in taking leave, I offer devout prayer to Almighty 
 God, that you may be directed wisely in the decision you are about 
 to make. I have given to you what in my sober and deliberate 
 judgment is the best and safest course which you can pursue, safest 
 for all concerned. I want that opinion to have no more influence 
 upon you than it justly deserves in the Conference. I thank the 
 Conference for the attention they have been pleased to give me. I 
 thank the audience for their attention. I very well know, I am not 
 at all nnapprized, that the position I occupy, in which I stand on the 
 principles of that resolution, on the principles involved in it, may seal 
 my fate. I say, I am not at all unopprized of that. Let me go ; but I 
 pray you, hold to principles, to principles ; and with these remarks I 
 submit the whole to your and God's direction." 
 On May Slst, the following Address of the Bishops was 
 read : — 
 " Reverend and Dear Brethren, — The undersigned rcspectfUlly and 
 affectionately ofFci" to your calm consideration the result of their con- 
 sultation this afternoon in regard to the unpleasant and very delicate 
 question which has been so long and so earnestly debated before your 
 body. They have, with the liveliest interest, watched the progress 
 of your discussion, and have awaited its termination with the deepest 
 " Ve 
 solicitude. As thej have pored over this sabject with an^cious 
 tliought, by day and by night, they have been more and more im- 
 pressed wiUi the difficulties connected therewith, and the disastrous 
 results which, in their apprehension, are the almost inevitable conse- 
 quences of the present action on the question now pending before 
 you. To the undersigned it is fully apparent, that a decision thereon, 
 whether affirmatively or negatively, will most extensively disturb the 
 peace and harmony of that widely extended brotherhood which has 
 so effectively operated for good in the United States of America, 
 and elsewhere, during the last sixty years, in the development of a 
 system of active energy, of which union has always been a main 
 element. They have with deep emotion inquired, ' Can anything be 
 done to avoid an evil so much deprecated by every friend of onr 
 common Methodism V Long and anxiously have they waited for 
 a satisfactory answer to this inquiry; but they have paused in 
 vain. At this painful crisis, they have unanimously concurred in the 
 propriety of recommending the postponement of further action in 
 the case of Bishop Andrew imtil the ensuing General Conference. 
 It does not enter into the design of the undersigned to argue the pro- 
 priety of their recommendation, otherwise strong and valid reasons 
 might be adduced in its support. They cannot but think, that if the 
 embarrassment of Bishop Andrew should not cease before that time, 
 the next General Conference, representing the pastors, ministers, and 
 people of the several Annual Conferences, after all the facts in the 
 case shall have passed in review before them, will be better qualified 
 than the present General Conference can be, to adjudicate the case 
 wisely and discreetly. Until the cessation of the embarrassment, or 
 the expiration of the interval between the present and ensuing General 
 Conference, the undersigned believe that such a division of the work 
 of the general superintendency might be made, without any infraction 
 of a constitutional principle, as would fully employ Bishop Andrew in 
 those sections of the Church in which his presence and services would 
 be welcome and cordial. If the course pursued on the present occa- 
 sion by the undersigned be deemed novel, they persuade themselves 
 that their justification, in view of all candid and peace-loving persons, 
 will be found in their strong desire to prevent disunion, and to pro- 
 raoie harmony in the Church. 
 " Very respectfully and affectionately submitted, 
 "Joshua Soule, 
 " Elijah Heddino, 
 " B. Waugh, 
 «' T. A. Morris."* 
 * History of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South," pp. 
 It vfa» moved that this document lie on the table, which 
 means rejected ; this was carried, the votes being 95 for 
 the rejection of the bishops' compromise, and 84 for it. 
 The vote on Mr. Finley's resolution, that is, on the main 
 question, was then taken, the numbers being 111 for, and 
 69 against. Thus ended this great controversy, after a 
 debate which lasted more than a fortnight. 
 We close this long and interesting narrative by the 
 " Protest" of the defeated minority, — if we mistake not, 
 one of the most powerful and eloquent State documents 
 ever put into the hands of the reader : — 
 "In behalf of thirteen Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episco- 
 pal Church, and portions of the ministry and membership of several 
 other Conferences, embracing nearly five thousand ministers, travel- 
 ling and local, and a membership of nearly five hundred thousand, 
 constitutionally represented in this General Conference, we, the un- 
 dersigned, a minority of the delegates of the several Annual Confer- 
 ences in General Conference assembled, after mature reflection, im- 
 pelled by convictions we cannot resist, and in conformity with the 
 rights and usages of minorities, in the instance of deliberative assem- 
 blies and judicial tribunals, in similar cu-cumstances of division and 
 disagreement. Do most solemrdy, and in due form, protest against the 
 recent act of a majority of this General Conference, in an attempt, 
 as understood by the minority, to degrade and punish the Bev 
 James O. Andrew, one of the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church, by declaring it to be the sense or judgment of the General 
 Conference, that he desist from the exercise of his episcopal func- 
 tions, without the exhibition of any alleged offence against the laws 
 or discipline of the Church, without form of trial, or legal conviction 
 of any kind, and in the absence of any charge of want of qualifica- 
 tion or faithfulness in the performance of the duties pertaining to 
 his office. 
 " We protest against the act of the majority in the case of Bishop 
 Andrew as extra-judicial to all intents and purposes, beibg both 
 without law and contrary to law. We protest against the act, because 
 we recognize in this General Conference no right, power, or autho- 
 rity, ministerial, judicial, or administrative, to suspend or depose a 
 bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, or otherwise subject him 
 to any official disability whatever, without the formal presentation 
 of a charge or charges, alleging that the bishop to be dealt with has 
 been guilty of the violation of some law, or at least some disciplinary 
 obligation of the Church, and also upon conviction of such charge 
 after due form of trial. We protest against the act in question as a 
 violation of the fundamental law, usually known as the compromise 
 law of the Church on the subject of slavery ; the only law which can 
 be brought to bear upon the case of Bishop Andrew, and the asser- 
 tion and maintenance of which, until it is constitutionally revoked, is 
 guaranteed by the honour and good faith of this body, as the repre- 
 sentative assembly of thirty-three Annual Conferences known as con* 
 tracting parties in the premises. 
 ^^And toe protest against the act further, as an attempt to establish a 
 dangerous precedent, subversive of the union and stability of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church, and especially as placing in jeopardy 
 the general superintendency of the Church, by subjecting any bishop 
 of the Church at any time to the will and caprice of a majority of the 
 General Conference, not only without law, but in defiance of the re- 
 straints and provisions of law. The undersigned, a minority of the 
 General Conference, in protesting, as they do, against the late act of 
 the m^ority, in the virtual suspension of Bishop Andrew, regard it 
 as due to themselves and those they represent, as well as ^e charac- 
 ter and interests of the Church at large, to declare, by solemn and 
 formal avowal, that, after a careful examination of the entire subject, 
 in all its relations and bearings, they protest as above, for the reasons 
 and upon the grounds following : namely, — 
 " 1. The proceeding against Bishop Andrew in this General Con* 
 ference has been upon the assumption that he is connected with sla- 
 very, — that he is the legal holder and owner of slave property. On 
 the subject of slavery in the Methodist Episcopal Church, both as it 
 regards the ministry and membership, we have special law, upon 
 which the adjudication of all questions of slavery must, by intention 
 of law, proceed. The case of Bishop Andrew, therefore, presents a 
 simple question of law and fact ; and the undersigned cannot consent 
 that the force of circumstances and other merely extrinsic considera- 
 tions shall be allowed to lead to any issue, except that indicated by 
 the law and the facts in the case. In the late act of the majority, 
 law, express law, is appealed from, and expediency in view of cir- 
 cumstances,, relative propriety, assumed necessity, is substituted in 
 its place, as a rule of judgment. It is assumed, and the assumption 
 acted upon, that expediency may have jurisdiction even in the pre- 
 sence of law ; the law, too, being special, and covering the case, in 
 terms. In the absence of law, it might be competent for the General 
 Conference to act upon other grounds ; this is not disputed, nor yet 
 thai It would hAVO been competent for the Conference to proceed 
 upon the formn of Iaw ; but that the terms and conditions of a special 
 oMOtmont, having all the force of a common public charter, can be 
 rightftilly waived in practice, at the promptings of a fugitive, unsettled 
 expcdiencjr, In a position the undersigned regard not merely as erro- 
 neous, but M fraught with danger to the best interests of the Church. 
 " The law of tho Church on slavery has always existed since 1785, 
 but flipeclally linco 1804, and in view of the adjustment of the whole 
 subject, In 1016, af a virtual^ though informal, contract of mtUual con- 
 ceuion and forbearance, between tho North and the South, then, as 
 now, known and existing in distinct parties, in relation to the vexed 
 quostioni of slavery and abolition : those conferences found in States 
 Wbfro slavery prevailed constituting the Southern party, and those 
 In tho non-ilaveholding States tho Northern ; exceptions to the rule 
 being found in both. The rights of the legal owners of slaves, in all 
 tho slaveholding Htatcs, are guaranteed by the constitution of the 
 United States, and by the local constitutions of the States respectively, 
 OS tho-supremo law of the land, to which every minister and member 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church within the limits of the United 
 States government professes subjection, and pledges himself to sub- 
 mit, ON an article of Christian faith, in the common creed of the 
 Church. Domestic slavery, therefore, wherever it exists in this conn- 
 try, li a civil regulation, existing under the highest sanctions of cc?i- 
 stitutional and municipal law, known to tho tribunals of the countr/, 
 and it httf always been assumed, at the South, and relied upon as 
 correct, that the North, or non-slaveholding States, had no right, civil 
 ortnoral, to interfere with relations and interests thus secured to tho 
 people of tlie South by all tho graver forms of law and social order, 
 and that It cannot be done without an abuse of the constitutional 
 rights of citizonihip. Tho people of the North, however, have 
 claimed to think differently, and have uniformly acted toward the 
 South In accordance with such opposition of opinion. Precisely in 
 accordance, too, with this state of things, as it regards the general 
 population of the North and South respectively, the Methodist Epis- 
 copal Church hoi been divided in opinion and feeling on the subject 
 of slavery and abolition, since its organization in 1784 ; two separate 
 and distinct parties have always existed. The southern conferences, 
 In agreeing to the main principles of the compromise law in 1804 
 and 1816, conceded by express stipulation their right to resist North- 
 ern Inteiferci^ce in any form, upon the condition, pledged by tho 
 North, that while the whole Church, by common consent, united in 
 proper effort for the mitigation and final removal of the evil of sla- 
 very, the North wai not to interfere, by excluding from membership 
 or ministerial office in the Church, persons owning and holding slaves 
 in States where emancipation is not practicable, and where the libe* 
 rated slave is not permitted to evjoj freedom. Such was the compact 
 of 1804 and 1816, finally agreed to by the parties after a long and 
 fearful struggle, and such is the compact now, the proof being derived 
 from history and the testimony of living witnesses. And is it possi- 
 ble to suppose, that the original purpose and intended application of 
 the law was not designed to embrace every member, minister, order, 
 and officer of the Methodist Episcopal Church ? Is the idea of ex- 
 cepted cases allowable by a fair construction of the law ? Do not 
 tlio reasons and intendment of the law place it beyond doubt, that 
 every conceivable case of alleged misconduct that con arise, con- 
 nected with slavery or abolition, is to be subjected, by consent and 
 contract of parties, to the jurisdiction of this great conservative ar- 
 rangement ? 
 " Is there anything in the law or its reasons creating an exception 
 iu the instance of bishops ? Would the South have entered into the 
 arrangement, or in any form consented to tlie law, had it been inti- 
 mated by the North that bishops must be an exception to the rule ? 
 Are the virtuous dead of the North to be slandered by the supposi- 
 tion, that they intended to except bishops, and thns accomplished 
 their purposes, in negotiation with the South, by a resort to deceptive 
 and dishonourable means ? If bishops are not named, no more are 
 presiding elders, agents, editors, or, indeed, any other officers of the 
 Church, who are nevertheless included, although the same rule of 
 construction would except them also. The enactment was for an 
 entire people, oast, west, north, and south. It was for the Church, 
 and every member of it ; for the common weal of the body ; and is 
 therefore universal and unrestricted in its application ; and no possi- 
 ble case con be settled upon any other principles, without a direct 
 violation of this law, both in fact and foim. The law being what we 
 have assumed, any violation of it, whatever may be its form or mode, 
 is as certainly a breach of good faith as an infringement of law. It 
 must be seen, from the manner in which the compromise was effected, 
 in the shape of a law, agreed to by equal contracting parties, ' the 
 several annual conferences,' after long and formal negotiation, that 
 it w.as not a mere legislative enactment, a simple decree of a Gene- 
 ral Conference, but partakes of the nature of a grave compact, and 
 is invested with all the sacrcdness and sanctions of a solemn treaty, 
 binding respectively the well-known parties to its terms and stipula- 
 tions. If this be so, — and with the evidence accessible who can 
 doubt it ? — if this be so, will it prove a light matter for this General 
 Conference to violate or disregard the obligation of this let/at comprO' 
 mi$$, in the shape of pnblio reoogniMd Uw 1 Allow that Uie preient 
 parties in this controrersy cannot be bronght to riew the subject of 
 the law in question in the same light, can such a matter end in a 
 mere difference of opinion as it respects the immediate parties? The 
 law exists in the Discipline of the Church. The law la known, and 
 its reasons are known, as equally binding upon both parties ; and 
 what is the likelihood of the imputation of bad fidth under the cir- 
 cumstances f What the hasard, that such imputation, as the deci- 
 sion of public opinion, it may ho fl'om a thousand tribunals, will be 
 brought to bear, with all the light and force of conviction, upon any 
 act of this body, in violation of the plain provisions of long-esta- 
 blished law, originating in treaty, and based upon the principles of 
 conventional compromise 9 
 " In proportion to our love of truth, of law, and order, are we not 
 called upon to pause and weigh well tiie hazard, before, as a General 
 Conference, we incur it beyond change or remedy 1 The under- 
 signed have looked to the great coneervtUive law of ^e Discipline on 
 the subject of slavery and abolition, as the only charter of connex- 
 imud union between the North and the South ; and whenever this 
 bond of connexion is rendered null and void, no matter in what 
 form, or by what means, they are compelled to regard the Church, to 
 all practical purpose, as already divided without the intervention of 
 any other agency. By how far, therefore, they look upon the union 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church as eiiential to its prosperity, and 
 the glory and success of American Methodism, by so far they arc 
 bound to protea against the late act of the General Conference in the 
 irregular suspension of Bishop Andrew, aa not only without law, but 
 in direct contravention of legal stipulations known to be essential to 
 the unity of the Church. And they arc thtis explicit in a statement 
 of facts, that the responsibility of division may attach wherein jus- 
 tice it belongs. The minority making this protest are perfectly satis- 
 fied with the law of the Church affecting slavery and abolition. They 
 ask no change. They need, they seek, no indulgence in behalf of 
 the South. Had Bishop Andrew been suspended according to law, 
 after due form of trial, they would have submitted without remon- 
 strance, as the Mends of law and order. 
 " Thetf except and pretest^ JUrther, against the lawless procedure, as 
 they think, in the case of Bishop Andrew, because, apart from the in- 
 justice done him and the South by the act, other and graver diffi- 
 culties necessarily incidental to this movement come in for a share 
 of attention. The whole subject is, in the very nature of things, re- 
 solved into a single original qnoBtion, Will the General Conference 
 adhere to, and in good faith assert and maintain, the compromise- 
 Uw of the Church on the vexed qaeetion dividing us 1 or will it be 
 found expedient generuUy, m in the caie of Bishop Andrew, to lay 
 it Mide, and tread it under foot? No question on the sul^t 
 of slavery and abolition can be settled until the General Con* 
 ference shall settle (Aw beyond tbi possibility of evasion. In the 
 present crisis, it is the opinion of tbe undersigned, that every bishop 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and every member of this Gene- 
 ral Conference, is especially called upon by all the responsibilities of 
 truth and honour, to declare himself upon the subject ; and they deem 
 it proper, respectfully and urgently, to make sudi call a part of this 
 protest. When so much depends upon it, can the General Confer* 
 ence, as the organ of the supreme authority of the Church, remain 
 8ilent without incurring the charge of trifling both with its interests 
 and reputation ? Law always pledges the public faith of the body 
 ostensibly governed by it to the faithful assertion and performance 
 of its stipulations, and the compromise-law of the Discipline, partak* 
 ing as it does of the nature of the law of treaty, and embracing, as 
 has been seen, all possible cases, pledges the good faith of every mi- 
 uister and member of the Methodist Episcopal Church against say* 
 ing or doing anything tending to annul the force or thwart the pur- 
 poses of its enactment The only allowable remedy of those who 
 object to the law is to seek a constitutional change of the law, and 
 in failure to submit, or else retire fh>m the Church. All attempts to 
 resist, evade, or defeat the objects and intended application of the 
 law, until duly revoked, must be regarded as unjust and revolution- 
 ary, because an invasion of well-defined conventional right And the 
 undersigned except to the course of the majority in the informal pro- 
 secution of Bishop Andrew, and the anomalous quasi suspension it 
 inflicts, as not only giving to the compromise a construction render- 
 ing it entirely ineffective, but as being directly subversive of the 
 great bond of union which has held the North and South together for 
 the last forty years. Tumuig to the confederating Annual Confer- 
 ences of 1804, and the vexed and protracted negotiations which pre- 
 ceded the General Conference of that year, and finally resulted in 
 the exbting law of the Discipline, regulating the whole subject ; and 
 glancing at nearly half a million of Methodists, now in the South, 
 who have come into the Church with all their hopes and fears, inte- 
 rests and associations, their property, character, and influence, repos- 
 ing in safety upon the publicly pledged faith of the Methodist Epis- 
 copal Church, only to be told that this is all a dream, that a part of 
 what was pledged was never Intended to be allowed, and that the 
 whole ia at all times subject to the disc*%tion of a dominant majority, 
 claiming, in matter of right, to be without and above law, competent 
 not merely to make all rules and regulations for the proper govern- 
 ment of the Church, but to govern the Church without rule or regu- 
 lation, and punish and degrade without even the alleged infringe- 
 ment of law, or the form of trial, if it be thought expedient, — pre- 
 sents a state of things fllling the undersigned with alarm and dis- 
 may. Such vicw» and facts, without adducing others, will perhaps 
 be sufficient to show the flrst and principal ground occupied by the 
 minority in the protest. They cannot resist the conviction, that the 
 majority have failed to redeem the pledge of public law given to the 
 Church and the world by the Methodist Episcopal Church. 
 " 2. The undersigned are aware, that it is affirmed by some of the 
 majority, but meanwhile denied by others, and thus a mooted and 
 unsettled question among themselves, that the resolution censuring 
 and virtually suspending Bishop Andrew, as understood by the mi- 
 nority, is mere matter of advice or recommendation; bnt so far from 
 advising or roconimending anything, the language of the resolution, 
 by fair and necessary construction, is imperative and mandatory iu 
 form, and, unqunliflcd by anything in the resolution itself, or in tho 
 preamble explaining it, conveys the idea plainly and most explicitly, 
 that it is the judgment and will of the Conference, that Bishop An- 
 drew shall cease to exercise the office of bishop until he shall cease 
 to be the owner of slaves. ' Resolved, That it is the sense of this 
 Conference that he desist.' That is, having rendered himself unac- 
 ceptable to the majority, it is their judgment that he retire from the 
 bench of bishops, and their flcld of action. 
 " No idea of request, advice, or recommendation is conveyed by 
 the language of the preamble or resolution ; and the recent avowal 
 of an intention to advise i^*, in the judgment of the undei'signed, dis- 
 owned by the very terms in which, it is said, the adeice was given. 
 The %vhole argument of the majority, during a debate of twelve dayst, 
 turned upon the right of the Conference to displace Bishop Andrew 
 without resort to fovmnl trial. No one questioned the legal right of 
 the Conference to advise ; and if this only was intended, why the 
 protracted debate upon the subject ? But further, a resolution respect- 
 fully and aftectlwiately requesting the bishop to resign had been laid 
 aside, to entertain the substitute under notice ; a motion, too, to de- 
 clare the resolution advisory was promptly rejected by the majority ; 
 and in view of all these facts, and the entire proceedings of the ma- 
 jority in the case, tl"' undersigned have been compelled to consider 
 the resolution as nuindatory judgment, to the effect that Bishop An- 
 drew desist from the exercise of his episcopal functions. If the ma- 
 jority have been misunderstood, the language of their own resolution, 
 and the position they oceitpied in debate, have led to the misconrcp- 
 tion ; and truth and honour, not less than a most unfortunate use of 
 language, require that they explain themselves. 
 " 3. Wc except to the act of the majority, because it is assumed 
 that conscience and principle are involved, and require the act com- 
 plained of, iis expedient and necessary under the circumstances. 
 Bishop Andrew being protected by the law of the Church, having 
 cognizance of all offences connected with slavery, such connexion in 
 his case, in the judgment of all jurisprudence, can only be wrong in 
 proportion as the law is bad and defective. It is not conceived by 
 the minority, how conscience and principle can be brought to bear 
 upon Bishop Andrew, and not upon the law, and the Church having 
 such law. They are obliged to believe that the law, and the source 
 from which it emanates, must become the object of exception and 
 censure, before Bishop Andrew, who has not offended against either, 
 unless the Church is against the law, can be subjected to trial 
 at the bar of the conscience and principles of men who profess 
 subjection and approval, in the instance both of the law and the 
 " The undersigned can never consent, while we have a plain law 
 obviously covering an assumed offence, that the offence shall be 
 taken, under plea of principle, out of the hands of the law, and be 
 re-subjected to the conflicting opinions and passions which originally 
 led to a resort to law as the only safe standard of judgment. They 
 do not understand how conscience and principle can attach grave 
 blame to action not disapproved by law — express law, too, made 
 and provided in the case — ^without extending condemnation to the 
 law itself, and the body from which it proceeds. The Church can 
 hardly be supposed to have settled policy and invariable custom, iu 
 contravention of law ; the avowal of such custom and policy, there- 
 fore, excluding from the episcopacy any and every man in any way 
 connected with slavery, is mere assumption. No contract, agreement, 
 decree, or purpose of this kind, is of record, or ever existed. No such 
 exaction, in terms or by implication, was ever made by the North, or 
 conceded by the South. No conventional understanding ever existed 
 to this effect, so far as the South is concerned, or has been informed. 
 That it has long, perhaps always, been the purpose of the North, not 
 to elect a slaveholder to the office of bishop, is admitted. But as no 
 law gave oountenance to anytliing of the kind, the South regarded 
 it as a mere matter of social injustice, and was not disposed to com- 
 plain. The North has always found its security in numbers, and 
 the untrammelled right of suffrage, and to tliis the South has not 
 objected. The assumption, however, is entirely different, and is 
 not admitted by the South; but is plainly negatived by the law and 
 language of the Discipline, as explained by authority of the General 
 " No such concession, beyond peaceable submission to the right of 
 suffrage, exercised by the majority, will ever be submitted to by tlie 
 South, as it would amount to denial of equal abstract right, and a 
 disfranchisement <^ the Southern ministry, and could not be sub- 
 mitted to without injury and degradati(Hi. If, then, the N(Mi;h is not 
 satisfied with the negative right conceded to the South by the law in 
 this matter, the minority would be glad to know what principle or 
 policy it is likely to introduce beyond the existing provisions of law. 
 As tiie contingency which has occasioned the difficulty in the case 
 of Bishop Andrew, and to which every Southern minister is liable at 
 any time, does not, and cannot, fall under the condemnation of exist- 
 ing law ; and he cannot be punished, nor yet subjected to any official 
 disability, without an abuse of both right and power, on the part of 
 tiiis General Conference, — ^the minority are compelled to think that 
 the majority ought to be satisfied with the consciousness and decla- 
 ration, that they are in no way responsible for the contingency, and 
 thus, at least, idlowBishc^ Andrew the benefit of their own legisla- 
 tion, until they see im>per to change it. This attempt by the majority 
 to protect a lawless prosecution from merited rebuke, by an appeal 
 to conscience and principle, condemning Bishop Andrew, while the 
 law and the Church, shielding him from the assault, are not objected 
 to, is looked upon by the minority as a species of moral, we will not 
 say legal, casuistry, utterly subversive of all the principles of order 
 and good government. 
 " 4. The act of the majority was ostensibly resorted to, because, 
 as alleged, the Church in the middle and northern conferences will 
 not submit to any the slightest connexion with slavery. But if con- 
 nexion with slavery is ruinous to the Church in the North, that ruiu 
 is already wrought. Who does not know that the very Discipline, 
 laws, and legislation of the Church, necessarily connect us all with 
 slavery ? All our provisional legislation on the subject has proceeded 
 on the assumption, that slavery is an element of society, a principle 
 of action, a household reality in the Methodist Episcopal Church in 
 the United States. It is part and parcel of the economy of American 
 Methodism, in every subjective sense. It has given birth to law and 
 right, conventional arrangements, numerous missions, and official 
 trusts. Every bishop, every minister, every member of the Church is 
 of necessity connected with slavery. Each is brother and co-member, 
 both with slave and master, by the very laws and organization of the 
 ^ If, then, connexion Mdth slavery is so disastrous, the only remedy 
 is to purify the Church by re-organization, or get out of it us soon 
 as possible. And would not this aversion to slavery, would not con> 
 science and principle, so much pleaded in this controversy, appear 
 much more consistent, in every view of the subject, in striking at the 
 root oC the evil, in the organic structure of the Church, than in seek- 
 ing its personification in Bishop Andrew, protected although he be 
 by law, and proceeding to punish him, by way of calling off attention 
 from the known toleration of the same thing, in other aspects and re- 
 lations ? 
 " Impelled by conscience and principle to the illegal arrest of a 
 bishop, because he has incidentally, by bequest, inheritance, and mar- 
 riage, come into possession of slave-property, in no instance intend- 
 ing to possess himself of such property ; how long will conscience 
 and principle leave other ministers, or even lay members, undisturb- 
 ed, who may be in the same category with Bishop Andrew ? Will 
 assurances be given, that the lawlessness of expediency, controlled, 
 as in such case it must be, by prejudice and passion, will extend no 
 further 1 that there shall be uo further curtailment of right as it re- 
 gards the Southern ministry ? Yet what is the security of the South 
 in the case ? Is the public faith of this body, as instanced in the 
 recent violations of the compromise-law, to be relied upon as the 
 guarantee for the redemption of the pledge ? What would such 
 pledge or assurance be, but to remind the South, that any departure 
 at all from the great conservative pledge of law, to which we appeal, 
 was much more effectively guarded against originally, than it is pos- 
 sible to guard against any subsequent infringement ; and to make the 
 South feel, further, that disappointment in the first instance must 
 compel distrust with regard to the future? The Church having 
 specific law on the subject, all questions involving slavery must in- 
 evitably, by intention of law, come within the purview of such 
 special provision, and cannot be judged of by any other law or 
 standard, without a most daring departure from all the rules and 
 sobrieties of judicial procedure; and the undersigned accordingly 
 except to the action of the majority in relation to Bishop Andrew, 
 iis not only without sanction of law, but in conflict with rights created 
 by law. 
 " 5. As the Methodist Episcopal Church is now organized, and 
 according to its organization since 1784, the episcopacy is a co-ordi- 
 nate branch, the executive department proper of the government. A 
 bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church is not a mere creature, is 
 in no prominent sense an officer, of the General Conference. The 
 General Conference, as such, cannot constitute a bishop. It is true, 
 the Annual Conferences select the bishops of their Church, by the 
 sufiVages of their delegates, in General Conference assembled ; but 
 the General Conference, in its capacity of a representative body, or 
 any other in which it exists, does not possess the power of ordina- 
 tion, without which a bishop cannot be constituted. 
 " The bishops are, beyond a doubt, an integral constituent part of 
 the General Conference, made such by law and the constitution ; and 
 because elected by the Grcneral Conference, it docs not follow that 
 they are subject to the will of that body, except in conformity with 
 legal right, and the provisions of law, in the premises. In this sense, 
 and so viewed, they are subject to the General Conference ; and this 
 is sufficient limitation of their power, unless the government itself is 
 to be considered irregular and unbalanced in the co-ordinate relations 
 of its parts. In a sense by no means unimpoitant, the General Con- 
 ference is as much the creature of the episcopacy, as the bishops are 
 the creatures of the General Conference. Constitutionally, the bishops 
 alone have the right to fix the time of holding the Annual Confer- 
 imces ; and should they refuse or neglect to do so, no Annual Confer- 
 *>nce coald meet, according to law ; and, by consequence, no delegates 
 could be chosen, and no General Conference could be chosen, or even 
 exist. And because this is so, what would be thought of the imper- 
 tinent pretension, should the episcopacy claim that the General Con- 
 fererence is the mere creature of their will ? As executive officers^ as 
 well as pastoral overseers, the bishops belong to the Church as such, 
 and not to the General Conference, as one of its councils or organs 
 of action merely. 
 " The General Conference is in no sense the Church, not even re- 
 presentatively. It is merely the representative organ of the Churcli, 
 with limited powers to do business, in the discharge of a delegated 
 " Because bishops are in part constituted by the General Confer- 
 «nice, tlie power of removal does not follow. Episcopacy, even in 
 the Methodist Church, is not a mere appointment to labour. It is 
 an official, consecrated station, under the protection of law, and can 
 only be dangerous as the law is bad, or the Church corrupt. The 
 power to appoint does not necessarily involve the power to remove ; 
 and when the appointing power is derivative, as in the case of the 
 General Conference, the power of removal does not accrue at all, 
 unless by consent of the co-ordinate branches of the government, ex- 
 pressed by law, made and provided in the case. When the legisla- 
 ture of a State, to appeal to analogy for illustration, appoints a judge 
 or senator in Congress, does the judge or senator thereby become 
 the officer or creature of the legislature, or is he the officer or senato- 
 rial reprceeutative of the State, of which the legislature is the mere 
 organ ? And does the power of removal follow that of appoint- 
 ment ? The answer is negative in both cases, and applies equally to 
 the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church; who, instead of being 
 the officers and creatures of the General Conference, arc, de facto, the 
 officers and servants of the Church, chosen by the General Confer- 
 tmce, as its organ of action ; and no right of removal accrues, except 
 :)s they fail to accomplish the aims of the Chm'ch in their appoint- 
 ment, and tlicn only in accordance with the provisions of law. But 
 when a bishop is suspended, or informed that it is the wish or will 
 «f the General Conference, that he cease to perform the functions of 
 bishop, for doing what the law of the same body allows him to do, 
 nnd, of course, without incun'ing the hazaixl of punishment, or even 
 blnme, then the whole procedure becomes an outi'age upon justice, as 
 v/cll as law. 
 " The assumption of power by the General Conference beyond the 
 warrant of law, to which we object, and against which we protest, 
 will lead, if earned into practice, to a direct VK>lation of one of the 
 restrictive rules of the constitution. Suppose it had been the ' sense' 
 of this Gcuei'al Conference, when the late communication from the 
 bishops was respectfully submitted to tlie Conference, that such com- 
 munication was an interference with their rights and duties, an at- 
 tempt to tamper with the purity and independence, and therefore an 
 outrage upon the claims and dignity, of the Conference, not to be 
 borne with. And, proceeding a step further, suppose it had been the 
 ' sense' of the Conference, tliat they all desist from performing the 
 functions of bishops until the ' impediment' of such offence had been 
 removed : assume this, (and, so far as mere law is concerned, no law 
 being violated in either case, it was just as likely as the movement 
 against Bishop Andrew,) and had it taken place, what had become 
 of the general swperintendency ? If a bishop of the Methodist Epis- 
 ix)pal Chui'ch may, without laAV, and at the instance of mere party 
 expediency, be suspended from the exercise of the appropriate func- 
 tions of his office for one act, he may for another. Admit this doc- 
 trine, and by what tenure do the bishops hold office ? One thing is 
 <«rtaiu, whatever other tenure there may be, they do not hold office 
 according to lav). 
 " The provisions of law and the faithful performance of duty, upon 
 this theory of official tenure, afford no security. Admit this claim 
 of absolutism, as regards right and power on the part of the General 
 (Conference, and the bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church are 
 slaves, and men constituting this body their masters and holders. 
 They are in office only at the discretion of a majority of the General 
 Conference, without the restraints or protection of law. Both the 
 law and themselves are liable and likely at any time to be overborne 
 and trampled npon together, as exemplified in the case of Bishop 
 Andrew. If the doctrine against which we protest be admitted, the 
 episcopal office is, at best, but a quadrennial term of service, and the 
 undersigned are compelled to think, that a man who would remain 
 a bishop, or allow himself to be made one, under such circumstances, 
 ' desires a good work,' and is prepared for 8df-aacrifice, quite beyond 
 the comprehension of ordinary piety. 
 " As it "egards Bishop Andrew, if it shall be made to appear thai 
 the action m his case was intended only to advise and request him to 
 desist from his office, it does not in any way affect the real or rela- 
 tive character of the movement. When a body claiming the right 
 to compel, asks the resignation of an officer, the request is to all offi- 
 cial and moral purposes comptdsory, as it loads the officer with disa- 
 bility, and gives notice of assumed unworthiness, if not criminality. 
 The request has all the force of a mandate, inasmuch as the officer 
 is, by such request, compelled either to resign, or remain in office 
 contrary to the known will of the majority. A simple reqiv st, there- 
 fore, under the circumstances supposed, carries with it all the force 
 of a decree, and is so understood, it is believed, by all the world. 
 " To request Bishop Andrew to resign, therefore, in view of all the 
 facts and relations of the case, was, in the judgment of the minority, 
 to punish and degrade him ; and they maintain that the whole move- 
 ment was without authority of law, is hence of necessity null and 
 void, and therefore not binding upon Bishop Andrew, or the mino- 
 rity protesting against it. 
 " 6. We protest against the act of the mtgority, instructing Bishop 
 Andrew to desist from the exercise of his office, not merely on ac- 
 count of the injustice and evil connecting with the act itself, but be- 
 cause the act must be understood as the exponent of principles and 
 purposes, as it regards the union of the North and ^uth in the Me- 
 thodist Episcopal Church, well-nigh destroying all hope of its perpe- 
 tuity. The true position of the parties in relation to a long existing 
 conventional arrangement, on the subject of slavery and abolition, 
 has been fully under notice ; and when men of years and wisdom, ex- 
 perience and learning, men of no common weight of character, and 
 with a well-earned aristocracy of church influence thrown about 
 them, assume and declare, in action as well as in debate, that what 
 a plain law of the Church — the only law applicable in the case — sus- 
 tained and enforced, too, by an explanatory decree of this body, at 
 a previous sessioi;, decides, shall not be a disqualification for office, of 
 any grade, in tlie ministry, — when such men, the law and decision of 
 the General Conference notwithstanding, are heard declaring, ' that 
 what law provides for and protects nevertheless always has been and 
 always shall be a disqualification, what further evidence is wanting to 
 show, that the compromise basis of unions from which the South has 
 never swerved, has been abandoned both by the northern and middle 
 < onferences, with a few exceptions in the latter, and that principles 
 and purposes are entertained by the majority, driving the South to 
 extreme action, in defence both of their rights and reputation ? And 
 how far the long train of eventful sequences, attendant upon the 
 threatened result of division, may be traceable to the northern and 
 middle conferences, by the issue thus provoked, is a question to be 
 settled not by us, but by our contemporaries and posterity. 
 " It is a matter of history with regard to the past, and will not be 
 questioned, that now, as formerly, the South is upon the basis of the 
 Discipline, on the subject of slavery. The minority believe it 
 equally certain, that this is not true with regard to the North proper 
 especially. In view, then, of the unity of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Church, which party has been, in equity, entitled to the sympathy 
 and protection of the middle or umpire conferences'? those who 
 through good and evil report have kept good faith, and adhered to 
 law, or those whose opinions and purposes have led them to seek a 
 state of things in advance of law, and thus dishonour its forms and 
 Kanctions ? 
 " 7. In proportion as the minority appreciate and cling to tlie 
 unity of the Methodist Episcopal Church, they are bound, further, to 
 except to the position of the majority in this controversy. Allow 
 that Bishop Andrew, without, however, any infringement of law, is, 
 on account of his connexion with slavery, unacceptable in the 
 Northern conferences. It is equally known to the majority, that any 
 bishop of the Church, either violating, or submitting to a violation 
 of, the compromise-charter of union between the North and the 
 South, without proper and public remonstrance, cannot be accepta- 
 ble at the South, and need not appear thete. By pressing the issue 
 in question, therefore, the majority virtually dissolve the government 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church, because in every constitutional 
 aspect it is sundered by so crippling a co-ordinate branch of it as 
 to destroy the itinerant general superintendency altogether. When- 
 ever it is clearly ascertained that the compromise-law of the Church, 
 regulating slavery and abolition, is abandoned, every bishop, each of 
 the venerable and excellent men who now adorn the Church and its 
 counsels, ceases to be a general superintendent. The law of union, 
 the principle of gravitation, binding us together, is dissolved, and the 
 general superintendency of the Methodist Episcopal Church is no 
 more ! 
 " 8. The South have not been led thus to protest merely because 
 of the treatment received by Bishop Andrew, or the kindred action 
 of this body in other matters. The abandonment of the compro- 
 mise, the o£Bcial refusal by the majority, as we have understood 
 them, to abide the arbitrament of law, is their principal ground of 
 complaint and remonstrance. If the minority have not entirely mis- 
 understood the majority, the abolition and anti-slavery principles of 
 the North will no longer allow them to submit to the law of the Dis- 
 cipline on the general subject of slavery and abolition ; and if this be 
 so, if the compromise-law bo cither repealed or allowed to remain a 
 flead letter, the South cannot submit, and the absolute necessity of division 
 is already dated. And should the exigent circumstances in which 
 the minority find themselves placed, by the facts and dcvelopmentti 
 alluded to in this remonstrance, render it finally nccessaiy, that the 
 Southern conferences should have a separate, independent existence, 
 it is hoped that the character and services of the minority, together 
 with the numbers and claims of the ministry and membership of the 
 portion of the Church represented by them, not less than similar rea- 
 sons and considerations on the part of the northern and middle con- 
 ferences, will suggest the high moral fitness of meeting this great 
 emergency with strong and steady purpose to do justice to all con- 
 cerned. And it is believed that, approaching the subject in this way, 
 it will be found practicable to devise and adopt such measures and 
 arrangements, present and prospective, as will secure an amicable di- 
 vision of the Church upon the broad principles of right and equity, 
 and destined to result in the common good of the great body of min- 
 isters and members found on either side the line of separationy* > 
 Organization of the Church, South— Preliminary Proceedings— Convention-^ 
 Measures taken— Settlement — Real Position— Reflections. , 
 Before separating at tLe General Conference, the South 
 <lelegates took measures to form themselves into a separate 
 Church. A committee of nine had been appointed to de- 
 vise a plan of separation. 
 * " History of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South," 
 pp. 73-87, This Protest was answered by the Northern majority ; but the do- 
 cument has not fallen into my hands. 
 *' Juno 7th. Dr. Fainc, Chaiiman of the Select Committee of nine, 
 rcpoitcd the following Plan of Sepai'ation : — : • 
 " ' The Select Committee of nine, to consider and report on the 
 declai-ation of the delegates fi-om the conferences of the slavcholding 
 •States, beg leave to submit the following Report: — 
 " ' Whereas a declaration has been presented to this General Cou- 
 Icrcncc, with the signatures of Jijly-one delegates of the body from 
 thirteen annual conferences in the slavcholding States, representing 
 that, for various reasons enumerated, the objects and purposes of the 
 < /hristian ministry and Church organization cannot be succcssfnlly 
 accomplished by them under the jurisdiction of this General Confer- 
 ence as now constituted ; and 
 " ' Whereas, in the event of a separation^ a contingency to which 
 the declaration asks attention is not improbable, we esteem it the 
 <luty of this General Conference to meet the emergency with Chris- 
 tian kindness, and the strictest equity ; therefore, 
 " ' llesolved, by the delegates of the several annual conferences in 
 (jrcneral Conference assembled, ': 
 " ' 1. That, should the annual conferences in the slavcholding 
 States find it necessaiy to unite in a distinct ecclesiastical connexion, 
 the following rule shall be observed with regard to the Northern 
 boundary of such connexion '.—All the societies, stations, and confer- 
 ences adhering to the church in the South, by a vote of a m^ority 
 of the members of said societies, stations, and conferences, shall re- 
 main under tlie unmolested pastoral care of the Soutliem Church ^ 
 ;ind the ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church shall in no wise 
 attempt to organize churches or societies within the limits of tlte 
 Church, South, nor shall they attempt to exercise any pastoral over- 
 sight therein ; it being understood that the ministry of the South re- 
 ciprocally observe the same rule in relation to stations, societies, 
 and conferences, adhenng, by vote of a majority, to the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church ; provided, also, that this rule shall apply only to 
 societies, stations, and conferences bordering on the line of division, 
 and not to interior charges, which shall in all cases be left to the 
 care of that Church within whose territory they are situated. 
 '' ' 3. That ministers, local and travellings of every grade and 
 oiHce in the Methodist Episcopal Church, may, as they prefer, remain 
 in that Church, or, without blame, attach themselves to the Church, 
 " ' 3. Resolved, by the delegates of all the annual conferences in 
 General Conference assembled, That we recommend to all the 
 annual conferences, at their first approaching sessions, to authorize 
 fi, change of the sixth restrictive article, so that the first clause shall 
 read thui :— Thoy ihall not appropriate the produce of the Book- 
 Concern, nor of the Chartered Fnnd, to any purpose other than for 
 th« Iwneftt of the travelling, supernumerary, superannuated, and 
 wom*out proachcri, their wives, Mridow.i, and children, and to such 
 other purpose! u may be determined upon by the vote of two-thirds 
 of the memben of the General Conference. 
 " ' 4. That whenever the annual conferences, by a vote of three- 
 fourtlM of all their members voting on the third Resolution, shall 
 have concurred in the recommendation to alter the sixth restrictive 
 article, the agent* at 17ew-York and Cincinnati shall, and they are 
 lienby authorized ond directed to, deliver over to any authorized 
 agent or appointee of the Church, South, should one be organized, 
 all note* and book acconnt!< against the ministers, church-members, 
 or citiKeni, within it» boundaries, with authority to collect the same 
 for the Nole uio of the Southern Church ; and that said agents also 
 )',onvey to aforeiaid agent or appointee of the South, all the real es- 
 tate, and Oifign to him all the property, including presses, stock, and 
 all right and intereit connected with the printing establishments at 
 Charleston, Richmond, ond Nashville, which now belong to the Me- 
 thodist Epifcopal Church. 
 " ' S. That when the annual conferences shall have approved the 
 iiforeiaid change In the sixth restrictive article, there shall be trans- 
 ferred to the above agent for the Southern Church so much of the 
 capital and produce of the Methodist Book-Concern as will, with the 
 notes, book-accounti, presses, &c., mentioned in the last Bcsolution, 
 hear the lamo proportion to the whole property of said Concern that 
 the travelling preachers in the Southern Church shall bear to all the 
 (ravelling miniiteri of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; the division 
 to be made on the bocis of the number of travelling preachers in the 
 forthcoming Minute*. 
 " ' 6. That the above transfer shall be in the form of annual pay- 
 ments of 35,000 dollars per annum, and specifically in stock of the 
 Book'Concem, and in Southern notes and accounts doe to the esta- 
 blishment, and accruing after the first transfer mentioned above ; and 
 until the payments are made, the Southern Church shall share m all 
 the net pr^ti of the Book- Concern, in the proportion that the 
 (imottnt due to them, or iu arrears, bears to all the property of the 
 " ' 7. That Nathan Bangs, George Peck, and James B. Finley be, and 
 they are hereby appointed, commissioners to act in concert with the 
 •oroe number of commissioners appointed by the Southern organi- 
 zation, (ihottld one be formed,) to estimate the amount which will 
 fall due to the 8outb by the preceding rule, and to have ftdl powers 
 to carry into effect the whole arrangements proposed with regard to 
 the division of property, should the separation take place. And if by 
 any ni< ins a vacancy occors in thb board of commissioners, the 
 Book-Contiiiittce at New- York shall fill said vacancy. 
 " ' 8. That whenever any agents of the Southern Church are 
 clothed with legal authority or corporate power to act in the pre- 
 mises, the agents at New- York are hereby authorized and directed to 
 act in concert with said Southern agents, so as to give the provisions 
 of these Besolutions a legally binding force. 
 " ' 9. That all the property of the Methodist Episcopal Church in 
 meeting-houses, parsonages, colleges, schools, conference funds, ce- 
 meteries, and of every kind within the limits of the Southern orga- 
 nization, shall bo forever free from any claim set up on the part of 
 the Methodist Episcopal Church, so far as this Resolution can be of 
 force in the premises. 
 " ' 10. That the Church so formed in the South shall have a com- 
 mon right to use all the copyrights in possession of the Book- Con- 
 cerns at New- York and Cincinnati, at the time of the settlement by 
 the commissioners. 
 '"11. That the Book- Agents at New- York be directed to make 
 such compensation to the conferences, South, for their dividend from 
 the Chartered Fund, as the commissioners above provided for shall 
 agree upon. 
 '"12. That the bishops be respectfully «->quested to lay that part 
 of this Report requiring the action of the annual conferences before 
 them as soon as possible, beginning with the New-Tork Confer- 
 ence.' "* 
 After considerable debate, this Plan was adopted : the 
 votes being for the measure, 147 ; against, 22. On a mo- 
 tion to " authorize the Southern conferences, instead of the 
 delegates, to decide on the necessity of a separation, the 
 vote was again taken, and stood, ayes, 135 ; noes, 15.'* 
 Thus the question of division was left to be decided by 
 the several annual conferences; who, on meeting, deter- 
 mined the subject in the affirmative. 
 The question was brought forward in the South by the 
 delegates to the General Conference sending the following 
 Address to their constituencies : — 
 * " History of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South," 
 pp. 90-43. 
 " Address to the Mnisten atul Afembtri qf ths Methodist Episcopal 
 Church, in the Slaveholding States and I'enitories. 
 '' The undersigned, delogatoa in tlio Into General Confurcnco of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Churcli, from thirteen onnual conferences in 
 Hlaveholding States and territorioa, would most respectfully repre- 
 sent, that tlie various action of the majority of the General Confer- 
 ence, at its recent session, on tho •ul>Joct of davery and abolition, has 
 I)Con such as to render it necessary, in tho Judgment of those a V 
 dressing you, to call attention to the proscription and disability under 
 Avhich the Southern portion of tho Church must of necessity labour 
 in view of the action alluded to, unless some measures are adopted 
 to free tho minority of the South from tho oppressive jurisdiction of 
 the majority in tho North, in this respect. 
 " Tho proceedings of tho mivjority, in wovoral rases, involving the 
 (lucstion of slaver}', have been such m indicate most conclusively, 
 that the legislative, judicial, and admiiiistrutivo action of tho General 
 < /onference, as now organized, will alwny» bo oxtromoly hurtful, if 
 not finally ruinous, to tho interests of tho Southern portion of the 
 (yhurch ; and must necessarily produce n stato of convicticn and feel- 
 ing in the slaveholding States, entirely inconsistent with either the 
 peace or prosperity of tho Church. 
 " The opinions and purposes of tho Church in tho North on the 
 subject of slavery, are in direct conflict with those of Ihc South ; and 
 unless the South will submit to tho dictation and interference of the 
 North, greatly beyond what tho existing law of the Church on sla- 
 very and abolition authorizes, thoro is no hope of anything like 
 union or harmony. The debate and action of tho 'General Confer- 
 ence in the case of tlic Be v. Mr. Harding, of tho Baltimore Confer- 
 ence ; the debate and action in the cnso of Bishop Andrew ; ant? the 
 opinions and purpobcs avowed and indicated in a manifesto of the 
 majority, in reply to a protest from tho minority against tlio procecii- 
 ings complained of, together with hundreds of petitions from the east, 
 north, and west, demanding that slavery, in nil its possible forms, be 
 separated irom the Church ; these, and similar demonstrations, have 
 convinced the undersigned, that they cannot remain silent or inactive 
 without hazard and injustice to tho different portions of the Church 
 they represent. 
 " They have, therefore, thought proper to invoke tlic attention of 
 the Church in the South to a state of things they arc compelled to 
 regard as worthy the immediate notice and action of tho Church 
 throughout all the slaveholding States and territories. The subject 
 of slavery and abolition, notwithstanding tho plain law of the Disci- 
 pline on the subject, was agitated and debated in the late General 
 Cunfercnco for Jive aucceuive weeks ; and even at the very close of 
 tho Hossion, the aspect of things was less satisfactoiy, and more 
 ilii-catcnlng to tho South, than at any former period; and under such 
 « iroumstanccs of mutual distnist and disagreement, tho Geuoral 
 Confcrenco adjourned. 
 '* Some time before tho aiyoumment, however, upon a declaration 
 Tiiado by the Southern delegations, setting forth tho impossibility of 
 I'uduring such a state of things much longer, tho General Confer* 
 encc, by a very largo and decided majority, agreed to a plan of formal 
 and iHxciJic separation, by which tho Soutliom conferences arc to have a 
 distinct and independent organization of thou* own, in no way sub- 
 ject to Northern jurisdiction. It aA'ords us pleasure to state, that 
 there were those found among tho majority who met this proposition 
 with every manifestation of justice and liberality. And should a 
 similar spirit bo exhibited by the annual conferences in tho North, 
 when submitted to them, as provided for in the plan itself, thoro will 
 remain no legal impediment to its peaceful consummation. 
 " This plan is approved by the undersigned as tho best, and, in- 
 deed, all that can bo done at present, in remedy of tho gicat evil 
 under which wo labour. Provision is made for a peaceable and con- 
 stitutional division of Church property of every kind. The plan 
 docs not decide that division shall take place ; but simply, and it is 
 thought securely, provides that it may, if it bo found necessaiy. Of 
 this necessity you are to be tho judges, after a careful survey and 
 vomparison of all tho reasons for and against it. 
 ^' As tho undersigned have had opportunity and advantages which 
 those at a distance could not possess, to form a correct judgment in 
 tiie premises, and it may bo expected of them that they express their 
 views fully on the subject, they do not hesitate to say, that they re- 
 gard a separation at no distant day as inevitable ; and farther, that 
 the plan of separation agreed upon is as eligible as the Southern con- 
 ferences have any right to expect at any lime. We most respectfully, 
 therefore, and with no common solicitude, beseech our brethren of 
 the ministry and membership in the slaveholding States, to examine 
 this matter carefully, and. weighing it well in all its bearings, try to 
 reach the conclusion most proper under the circumstances. Shall 
 that, which in all moral likelihood must take place soon, be attempted 
 now, or ace there reasons why it should be postponed ? 
 " Wo deprecate all excitement ; wc ask you to be calm and col- 
 lected, and to approach and dispose of the subject with all the can- 
 dour and forbearance the occasion demands. The separation pro- 
 posed is not schism, it is not secession. It is a State or family, sepa- 
 rating into two different States or families, by mutual consent. As the 
 ' Methodut Episcopal Church' will be found north of the dividing 
 line, 80 the ' Methodiit Epincopal Church ' will be found south of the 
 same line. 
 " The undersigned have clung to the cherished unity of the Church 
 with a firmness of purpose and force of feeling which nothing but 
 invincible necessity could subdue. If, however, nominal unity must 
 co-exist with unceasing strife and alieiutted feeling, what is likely to 
 be gained by its perpettution ? Every minister and member of the 
 Church in elaveholding States must perceive at once, that the con- 
 stant, not to say interminable, agitation of the slavery and abolition 
 question in the councils of the Church, and elsewhere, must terminate 
 in incalculable ii^ury to all the Southern Conferences. Our access 
 to slave and master is, to a great extent, cut off. The legislation of 
 the Church in conflict with that of the State — Church policy attempt- 
 ing to control public opinion and social order — ^must generate an 
 amount of hostility to the Church impossible to be overcome, and 
 slowly but certainly diminish both the means and the hope of useful- 
 ness and extension on the part of the Church. 
 " Disposed, however, to defer to the judgment of the Church, wc 
 lenvc this subject with you. Our first and most direct object has 
 been to bring it fully before you, and, giving you an opportunity to 
 judge and determine for yourselves, await your decision. The mi- 
 nority from the South in the late General Conference were most 
 anxious to adjourn the decision in the case of Bishop Andrew, with 
 all its attendant results, to the Annual Conferences, and to tlic 
 Church at large, to consider and decide upon during the next four 
 years, as no cliarge was presented against the bishop, and especially 
 (13 this measure was urgently recommended by the whole bench of 
 bishops, although Bishop Hedding subsequently withdrew his name. 
 The proposition, however, to refer the whole subject to the Church, 
 was promptly rejected by the majority, and immediate action de- 
 manded and had. But as all the facts connected with the equivocal 
 suspension of Bishop Andrew will come before you in other forms, 
 it is unnecessary to detail them in tliis brief Address, the main object 
 of which is to place before you, in a summary way, the principal facts 
 and reasons connected with the proposed separation of the Southern 
 Conferences into a distinct organization. 
 " Adopted at a meeting of the Southern delegations, held in Ncv;- 
 York, at the close of the General Conference, June 11th, 1844, and 
 ordered to be published."* 
 * '< History of the Orfanizatlon of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South," pp. 
 The Convention agreed upon met at Louisville on May 
 1st, 1845 ; and, after much discussion, adopted the follow- 
 ing Report of the Committee on the subject of a separate 
 organization : — 
 "bepobt of the committee on oboanizatiok. ;. , 
 " The Committee appointed to inquire into the propriety and neces- 
 sity of a separate organization of the Annual Conferences of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church, in the slaveholding States, for the pur- 
 pose of a separate General Conference connexion and jurisdiction, 
 within the limits of said States and Conferences, having had the entire 
 subject under careful and patient consideration, together with the 
 numerous petitions, instructions, resolutions, and propositions for 
 adjustment and compromise, referred to them by the Convention,— 
 offer the following as their 
 "bepobt: — 
 " In view of the extent to which the great questions in controversy 
 between the North and the South of the Methodist Episcopal Churdi 
 have been discussed, and, by consequence, must be understood by 
 the parties more immediately interested ; it has not been deemed 
 necessary by the committee to enter into any formal or elaborate ex- 
 amination of the general subject, beyond a plain and comprehensive 
 statement of the facts and principles involved, which may place it in 
 the power of all concerned to do justice to the convictions and mo-' 
 tives of the Southern portion of the Church, in resisting the action 
 of the late General Conference on the subject of slavery, and its 
 unconstitutional assumption of right and power in other respects ; 
 and also presenting, in a form as brief and lucid as possible, some of 
 the principal grounds of actios had in view by the South, in favour- 
 ing the provisional plan of separation adopted by the General Con- 
 ference at its last session. 
 " On the subject of the legitimate right, and the full and proper 
 authority of the Convention to institute, determine, and finally act 
 upon, the inquiry referred to the committee, to deliberate and report 
 upon, the committee entertain no doubt whatever. Apart from every 
 other consideration which might be brought to bear upon the ques- 
 tion, the General Conference of 1844, in the plan of jurisdictional 
 reparation adopted by that body, gave full and express authority to 
 ' the Annual Conferences in the slaveholding States ' to judge of the 
 propriety, and decide upon the necessity, of organizing a ' separate 
 ecclesiastical connexion ' in the South. And not only did the Gene- 
 ral Conference invest this right in ' the Annual Conferences in the 
 ulaveholding States,' without limitation or reserve, as to the extent 
 of the investment, and exdmivdy with regard to every other division 
 of the Church, and all other branches or powers of the government, 
 but left the method of official determination and the mode of action, 
 in the exercise or assertion of the right, to the free and untrammelled 
 discretion of the conferences interested. These conferences, thus ac- 
 credited by the General Conference to judge and act for themselves, 
 confided the right and trust of decision and action, in the premises, 
 to delegates regularly chosen by these bodies respectively, upon a 
 uniform principle and fixed ratio of representation, previously agreed 
 upon by each, in constitutional session, and directed them to meet in 
 (icneral Convention, in the city of Louisville, May, 1845, for this 
 and other purposes, authorized by the General Conference, at the 
 same time and in the same way. All the right and power, therefore, 
 of the General Conference, in any way connected with the import- 
 ant decision in question, were duly and formally transfcircd to ' the 
 Annual Conferences in the slaveholding States,' and exclusively in- 
 vested in them. And as this investment was obvioiisly for the pur- 
 pose that such right and power might be exercised by them, in any 
 mode they might prefer, not inconsistent with the terms and condi- 
 tions of the investment, the delegates thus chosen, one hundred in 
 number, and representing sixteen Annual Conferences, under com- 
 mission of the General Conference, here and now assembled in Con- 
 vention, have not only all the right and power of the General Con- 
 ference, as transferred to ' the Annual Conferences in the slavehold- 
 ing States;' but, in addition, all the right and power of necessity 
 inherent in these bodies, as constituent parties, giving birth and 
 power to the General Conference itself, as the common Federal 
 (vouncil of the Church. It follows hence, that, for all the purposes 
 specified and understood in this preliminary view of tlie subject, the 
 r^nvention possesses all the right and power, both of the General 
 Conference and the sixteen 'Annual Conferences in the slaveholding 
 States,' jointly and severally considered. The ecclesiastical and con- 
 ventional right, therefore, of this body, to act in tlie premises, and act 
 conclusively, in-espectivc of the whole Church, and all its powers of 
 government besides, is clear and undoubted. As the moral nght, 
 however, to act as proposed in the General Conference plan of juris- 
 dictional separation, rests upon entirely different grounds, and will 
 perhaps be considered as furnishing the only allowable warrant of 
 action, notwithstanding constitutional right, it may be necessary at 
 least to glance at the grave moral reasons creating the necessity , the 
 high moral compulsions by which the Southern Conferences and 
 Church have been impelled to the course of action which it is the 
 intention of this report to explain and vindicate, as not only right and 
 reasonable, but indispensable to the character and welfare of South* 
 cm Methodism. 
 " The preceding statements and reasoning present no new princi- 
 ple or form of action in die history of the Church. Numerous in* 
 stances might be cited, in the constitutional history of Church polity, 
 in which high moral necessity, in the absence of any rccognized 
 conventional right, has furnished the only and yet sufficient warrant 
 for ecclesiastical movements and arrangements, precisely similar in 
 character with that contemplated in the plan of a separate Southern 
 (yonnexion of the Methodist Episcopal Church, adopted by the late 
 General Conference. Weslcyan Methodism, in all its phases and 
 aspects, is a most pertinent illustration of the truth we assume ; and 
 the fitness and force of the example must go far to preclude the neces* 
 sity of any other pi'oof. It was on the specific basis of such necessity, 
 without conventional right, that the great Wesleyan Connexion arose 
 in England. It was upon the same basis, as avowed by Wesley, that 
 the American Conu'^xi. i became separate and independent ; and this 
 (]!onnexion again a' " rtv', same principle of action, in Uie sepa* 
 ration and establishiR .^^ '.^ ■■.. Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada, 
 whose organization took place by permission and direction of the 
 same authority under which this Convention is now acting for a 
 similar purpose. 
 " Should it appear in the premises of the action proposed, that a 
 high moral and religious duty is devolved upon the ministry and 
 membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the South, — 
 devolved upon us by the great Head of the Church, and the provi- 
 dential appointments of our social condition, which we cannot neg- 
 lect without infidelity to a high moral trust, but which we cannot 
 fulfil in conncxional union with tlie Northern portion of the Church, 
 under the same General Conference jurisdiction, owing to causes con- 
 nected with the civil institutions of the country, and beyond the con- 
 trol of the Church ; then a strong moral necessity is laid upon us, 
 which assumes the commanding character of a positive duty, under 
 sanction of divine right, to dissolve the ties and bonds of a single 
 General Confereace jurisdiction, and in its place substitute one in the 
 South, which will not obstruct us in the performance of duty, or 
 prevent us ft'om accomplishing the great objects of the Christian 
 ministry and church organization. From a careful survey of the 
 entire field of facts and thieir relations, the whole range of cause and 
 effect, as connected with the subject-matter of this lleport, it is con- 
 fidently believed, that the great warrant of mot-al necessity not lesiB 
 than unquestionable ecclesiastical right, fully justifies this Convention 
 in the position they are about to take, as a separate organic division 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church, by authority of its chief synod, 
 ' the delegates of all the several Annual Conferences, in General Con- 
 ference assembled.' One of the two main issues which have decided 
 the action of the Southern conferences, relates, as all know, to the 
 assumed right of the Church to control the question of slavery by 
 means of the ordinary and fluctuating provisions of church legisla- 
 tion, without reference to the superior control of State policy and 
 civil law. 
 " From all the evidence accessible in the case, the great masses 
 of the ministry and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 North and South, present an irreconcilable opposition of conviction 
 and feeling on the subject of slavery, so far as relates to the rights 
 of the Church to interfere with the question, — the one claiming un- 
 limited right of interference to the fuU extent the Church may, at 
 any time or fh>m any cause, be concerned ; and the other resisting 
 alUce the assumption or exercise of any such right, because, in nearly 
 all the slaveholding States, such a course of action must bring the 
 Church in direct conflict vnth the civil authority, to which the 
 Church has pledged subjection and support in the most solemn and 
 explicit forms, and from the obligations of which she cannot retreat 
 without dishonouring her awa laws, and the neglect and violation of 
 some of the plainest and most imperative requirements of Christi- 
 anity. Under such circumstances of disagreement, in such a state 
 of adverse conviction and feeling on the part of the North and South 
 of the Church, it is believed that the two great sections of the 
 Church, thus situated in relation to each other, by causes beyond 
 the control of either party, cannot remain together, and successfully 
 prosecute the high and common aims of the Christian ministry and 
 church organization, under the same Greneral Conference jurisdic- 
 tion. The manifest want of uniformity of opinion, and harmony of 
 co-operation, must always lead, as heretofore, to struggles and results 
 directly inconsistent with the original intention of the Church, in 
 establishing a common jurisdiction, to control all its general interests. 
 And should it appear that, by a division and future duality of such 
 jurisdiction as authon'zed by the late General Conference, the origi- 
 nal purposes of the Church can better be accomplished, or, rather, 
 that they can be accomplished in no other way, how can,ihe true 
 and proper unity of the Church be maintained, except by yielding 
 to tlie necessity, and having a separate General Conference jurisdic- 
 tion for each division ? By the Southern portion of the Church 
 generally, slavery is regarded as strictly a civil institution, exclusively 
 in custody of the civil power, and as a regulation of State beyond the 
 reach of Church interference or control, except as civil law and 
 right may be infringed by ecclesiastical assumption. By the North- 
 ern portion of the Church, individuals are held responsible for the 
 alleged injustice and evil of relations and rights, created and protected 
 by the organic and municipal laws of the government and country, 
 and which relations and rights, in more than two-thirds of the slave- 
 holding States, are not under 'ndividual control in any sense or to 
 any extent. 
 " Both portions of the Church are presumed to act from principle 
 and conviction, and cannot, therefore, recede ; and how, under mch 
 circumstances, is it possible to prevent the most fearful disunion, 
 with all the attendant evils of contention and strife, except by allow- 
 ing each section a separate and independent jurisdiction, the same 
 in character and purpose with the one to which both have hitherto 
 been subject. What fact, truth, or principle, not merely of human 
 origin, and therefore of doubtful authority, can be urged, as inter- 
 posing any reasonable obstacle to a change of jurisdiction, merely 
 modal in character, and simply designed to adapt a single principle 
 of Church government, not pretended to be of divine obligation or 
 Scripture origin, to the character and features of the civU govern- 
 ment of the country ? Nothing essential to Church organization, 
 nothing officially distinctive of Methodism, even American Method- 
 ism, is proposed to be disturbed, or even touched, by the arrange- 
 ment. It is a simple division of general jurisdiction, for strong moral 
 reasons, arising out of the civil relations and position of the par- 
 ties, intended to accomplish for both what, it is demonstrated by 
 experiment, cannot be accomplished by one common jurisdiction, as 
 now constituted, and should therefore, under the stress of such moral 
 necessity, be attempted in some other way. 
 " The question of slavery, more or less intimately interwoven with 
 the interests and destiny of nine millions of human beings in the 
 United States, is certainly of sufficient importance, coming up, as it 
 has, in the recent history of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and as 
 it does in the deliberations of this Convention, to authorize any 
 merely modal, or even organic changes in the government of the 
 Church, should it appear obvious, that the original and avowed pur- 
 poses of the Church will be more effectively secured and promoted 
 by the change- proposed, than by continuing the present or former 
 system. The evidence before the committee establishes the fact in 
 tiic clearest manner possible, that throughout the Southern confer- 
 ences, the ministry and membership of the Church, amounting to 
 nearly five hundred thousand, in the proportion of about ninety-five 
 ill the hundred, deem a division of jurisdiction indispensable to the 
 welfare of the Church, in the Southern and South-western confer- 
 ences of the slaveholding States ; and this fact alone must go far to 
 establish the righf, while it demonstrates the necessity, of the separate 
 jurisdiction contemplated in the plan of the General Conference, 
 and adopted by that body in view of such necessity, as likely to exist. 
 The interests of state, civil law, and public opinion in the South, im- 
 periously require that the Southern portion of the Church shall have 
 no part in the discussion and agitation of this subject in the chief 
 councils of the Church. In this opinion, nearly universal in the 
 South, we concur. 
 " Christ and his apostles, Christianity and its inspired and early 
 teachers, found slavery in its most offensive and aggravated forms, as 
 a civil institution, diffused and existing throughout nearly the entire 
 field of their ministrations and influence ; and yet, in the New Testa- 
 ment, and earlier records of the Church, we have no legislation, no 
 interference, np denunciation with regard to it, not even remon- 
 strance against it. They found it wrought up and vitally intermin- 
 gled with the whole machinery of civil government and order of 
 society; so implicated with ' the powers that be,' that Infinite Wisdom, 
 and the early pastoral guides of the Church, saw just reason why the 
 Church should not interfere beyond a plain and urgent enforcement 
 of the various duties growing out of the peculiar relation of master 
 and slave, leaving the rdation itself, as a civil arrangement, untouched 
 and unaffected, except so far as it seems obviously to have been the 
 divine purpose to remove every form and degree of wrong and evil 
 connected with the institutions of human government, by a faithful 
 inculcation of the doctrines and duties of Christianity, without med- 
 dling in any way with the civil polity of the countries into which it 
 was introduced. A course precisely similar to this, the example of 
 which should have been more attractive, was pursued by the gi'eat 
 Founder of Methodism in all slaveholding countries in which ho 
 established societies. Mr. Wesley never deemed it proper to have 
 any rule, law, or regulation on the subject of slavery, either in the 
 United States, the West Indies, or elsewhere. The effects of the 
 early and unfortunate attempts of the Methodist Church to meddle 
 and interfere in the legislation and practice of government and disci-, 
 pline, "Nvith the institution of slavery in the United States, are too 
 well known to requu-e comment. Among the more immediate 
 results of this short-sighted, disastrous imprudence, especially from 
 1 780 to 1 804, may be mentioned the watchful jealousy of civil govern- 
 ment, and the loss of public confidence throughout a very large and 
 influential portion of the whole Southern community. These and 
 similar deyelopmcnts led the Church, by the most careful and con- 
 siderate steps, to the adoption, gradually, of a medium compromise 
 course of legislation on the subject, until the law of slavery, us it 
 now exists in the letter of Discipline, became by the last material act 
 of legislation, in 1816, the great compromise bond of union between 
 the North and the South on the subject of slavery. The whole law 
 of the Church, all there is in the statute-book to govern North and 
 South on this subject, is the following : First : The general rule, 
 which simply prohibits ' the buying or selling of men, women, or 
 children, with an intention to enslave them.^ Second: ' No slaveholder 
 shall be eligible to any official station in our Church hereafter, whciii 
 the laws of the State in which he lives admit of emancipation, and 
 permit the liberated slave to enjoy freedom. When any travelling 
 praacher becomes an owner of a slave or slaves, by any means, he 
 shall forfeit his ministerial character in our Church, unless he cxc. 
 cute, if it be practicable, a legal emancipation of such slaves, confor- 
 mably to the laws of the State in which he ''vcs.' 
 " Here is the law, the wliole, the only law oi the Church, containing, 
 first, a prohibition, and, second, a grant. The prohibition is, that no 
 member or minister of the Church is allowed to purchase or sell u 
 human being, who is to be enslaved, or reduced to a state of slavery 
 by such purchase or sale. And, further, that no minister, in any of 
 the grades of ministerial office, or other person, having official stand- 
 ing in the Church, can, if he be the owner of a slave, be allowed to 
 sustain such official relation to the Church, unless he shall legally 
 provide for the emancipation of such slave or slaves, if the laws of 
 the State in which he lives will admit of legal emancipation, and 
 permit the liberated slave to enjoy freedom. Such is the plain pro- 
 hibition of law, binding upon all. The grant of the law, however, is 
 equally plain and upquestionablc. It is, that persons may pm'chasu 
 or sell men, women, or children, provided such purchase or sale does 
 not involve the fact or intention of enslaving them, or of reducing the 
 subjects of such purchase or sale to a state of slavery. The inten- 
 tion of the law no doubt is, that this may be done from motives of 
 humanity, and not by any means for the purpose of gain. But fur- 
 ther, the law distinctly provides, thac every minister, in whatever grade, 
 of office, and every person having offi'ml standing of any kind, in the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church, being the owner or owners of slave- 
 property, shall be protected against any forfeiture of right, on this 
 account, where the laws of tlie State do not admit of legal emancipa- 
 tion, and allow the liberated slave to enjoy fi-eedom in the State in 
 which he is emancipated. Here is the plain grant of law to which 
 we allude. From the first agitation of the subject of slavery in the 
 Church, the Nortliern portion of it has been disposed to insist 
 upon ftirther prohibitory enactments. The South, meanwhile, has 
 always shown itself ready to go as far, by way of prohibition, as the 
 law in question implies, but has uniformly resisted any attempt to 
 impair Southern rights under protection of the grant of law to which 
 we have asked attention. Under such circumstances of disagreement 
 and difficulty, the conventional and legislative a^ustment of the 
 question, as found in the General Rule, but especially the tenth sec- 
 tion of the Discipline, was brought about, and has always been 
 regarded in the South as a great compromise arrangement, without 
 strict adherence to which, the North and the South could not remain 
 together under the same general jurisdiction. That we have not 
 mistaken the character of the law, or misconstrued the intention and 
 purposes of its enactment, at different times, we think entirely demon- 
 strable from the whole history, both of the legislation of the Church, 
 and the judicial and executive administration of the government. 
 The full force and bearing of the lew, however, were more distinctly 
 brought to view, and authoritatively asserted, by the General Confer- 
 ence of 1840, after the most careful examination of the whole sub- 
 ject ; and the judicial determination of that body, connected with the 
 language of the Discipline just quoted, gives, in still clearer light, the 
 true rnd oidy law of the Church on the subject of slavery. After de- 
 ciding various other principles and positions incidental to the main 
 question, the decision is summed up in the following words : ' While 
 Uie general rule (or law) on the subject of slavery, relating to those 
 States whose laws admit of emancipation, and permit the liberated 
 slave to enjoy freedom, should be firmly and constantly enforced, the 
 exception to the general rule (or law) applying to those States 
 where emancipation, as defined above, is not practicable^ should be 
 recognized and protegted with equal firmness- and impartiality; 
 " ' Resdvedy by the several Annual Conferences in General Conference 
 assembled, That under the provisional exception of the general rule 
 (or law) of the Church, on the sulgect of slavery, the simple holding 
 of slaves, or mere ownership of slave-property, in States or Territo* 
 ries where the laws do not admit of emancipation, and permit the 
 liberated slave to enjoy freedom, constitutes no legal barrier to the 
 election or ordination of ministers to the various grades of office 
 known in the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and can- 
 not, therefore, be considered as operating any forfeiture of right, in 
 view of such election and ordination.' This decision of the General 
 Conference was not objected to, or dissented from, by a single mem- 
 ber of that body. It was the unanimous voice of the great represen* 
 tative and judicial council of the Church, then acting in the character 
 of a high conrt of appeals for the decision of an important legal 
 question. It will be perceived how strikingly the language of this 
 decision accords with both the features of the law of slavery which we 
 have thought it important to notice, — the/>roAt&tft'on and the grant of 
 law in the case ; what may not be done as the general rule, and at 
 the same time what may be done, under the provisional exception to 
 the general law, without forfeiture of right of any kind. It is also 
 worthy of particular notice, that besides the plain assurance of the ori- 
 ginal law, that where emancipation is not legally practicable, and the 
 emancipated slave allowed to enjoy freedom ; or where it is practica- 
 ble to emancipate, but the emancipated slave cannot enjoy freedom ; 
 emancipation is not required of any owner of slaves in the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church, from the lowest officer up to the bishop, but the 
 rights of all thus circumstanced are protected and secured, notwith- 
 standing their connexion with slavery, — besides this, the 'uU and 
 ' elaborate decision of the Qeneral Conference, as a grave and formal 
 acyudication had upon all the issues involved in the question, pub- 
 lished to all who were in or might be disposed to enter the Church, 
 that the law of slavery applied to States where emancipation is im- 
 practicable, and the freed slave not allowed to enjoy freedom, this 
 dear and unambiguous decision, by the highest authority of the 
 Church, leaves the owner of slaves upon the ground — upon a basis of 
 the most perfect equality with other ministers of the Church, having 
 no connexion with slavery. Such, then, is the law ; such its con- 
 stniction ; such the official and solemn pledge of the Church. And 
 these had, to a great extent, restored the lost confidence and allayed 
 the jealous apprehensions of the South, in relation to the purposes of 
 the Church respecting slavery. There was in the South no disposi- 
 tion to disturb, discuss, or in any way agitate the subjtect. The law 
 '^vas not objected to or complained of, but was regarded as a settled 
 compromise between the parties, a medium arrangement on the 
 ground of mutual concession, well calculated to secure and promote 
 the best interests of the Church North and South. 
 " That this law, this great compromise conservative arrangement, 
 which had been looked to as the only reliable bond of jurisdictional 
 union between the North and South for nearly half a century, was 
 practically disregarded and abandoned by the last General Confer- 
 ence, in the, memorable cases of Harding and Andrew, both by judi- 
 cial construction and virtual legislation, manifestly inconsistent with 
 its provisions and purposes, and subversive of the great objects of its 
 enactment, has been too fiearfully demonstrated by various forms of 
 proof, to require more than a brief notice in this Report. The actual 
 position of the Ch^rch was suddenly reversed, and its long-established 
 policy •ntirely changed. Tlic wholo law of the Churcli, and the 
 moft ImportAtit n^iudications had upon it, wore treated as nuli and 
 obioleto, and tlmt body proceeded to a claim of right and course of 
 Action ftmounting to a virtual repeal of all law, and now and capri- 
 cious Icgiilittiun on the most difficult and delicate question ever in- 
 troduced into the councils of the Church, or named upon its statute- 
 '* By no fair conitruction of the law of slavery, as given above. 
 could the Church bo brought in conflict with civil legislation on the 
 Dubject. It if true, om demanded by the convictions and opinions of 
 tlio Church, tostimuny was borne against the evil of slavery ; but it 
 wan done without conflicting with the polity and luws of any portion 
 of the country. No law, for example, aifected the lay membership 
 of the Church with regard to slaveholding ; the Church gave its full 
 permiNHion that the private members of the Church might own and 
 hold fflave* at diicrction ; and the inference is indubitable, that the 
 Church did not consider simple slaveholding as a moral evil, person- 
 ally attaching to the mere fact of being the owner or holder of slaves. 
 The evil charged upon slavery must of necessity have been under- 
 stood of other aipectt> of the subject, and could not imply moral obli- 
 quity, without impeaching the integrity and virtue of the Church. 
 Moreover, where the laws precluded emancipation, the ministiy were 
 subjected to no disabilities of any kind, and the requirements of the 
 Church, in relation to slavery, were not at least in anything like 
 direct conflict with civil law. In contravention, however, of the 
 plain and long-established law of the Church, the action of the 
 General Conference of 1844, in the well-known instances cited, 
 brought the Church into a state of direct and violent antagonism 
 with the civil authority and the rights of citizenship, throughout all 
 tlie slaveholding (States. This was not done by the repeal of exist- 
 ing law, or additional legislation by direct enactment, but in a much 
 more dangerous form, by the simple process of resolution by an irre- 
 sponsible majority, requiring Southern ministers as slaveholders, in 
 order to Church eligibility and equality of right with non-slavehold- 
 ing ministers of the Church, to do what cannot be done without a 
 violation of the laws of the States in which they reside, and is not re- 
 quired or contemplated, but expressly excepted and even provided 
 against, by the kw of the Church. 
 " It will thug appear that the entire action of the General Confer- 
 ence on tlie subject of slavery, was in direct conflict with the law, 
 both of the Church and the land, and could not have been submitted 
 . to by the South, without the most serious detriment to the interests 
 of tlie Church. The action in the instance of Bishop Andrew was, 
 in the strongest and most exceptionable sense, extra-judicial. It 
 was not pretended that Bishop Andrew had violated any law of the 
 Church ; so far from this, the only law applicable to the case gave, 
 as we have seen, ample and explicit assurance of protection. So to 
 construe law, or so to proceed to act without reference to law, as to 
 abstract from it its whole protective power, and deprive it of all its 
 conservative tendencies in the system, is one of the most dangerous 
 forms of legal injustice, and, as a principle of action, must be con> 
 sidered as subversive of all order and government. The late Gene- 
 ral Conference required of Bishop Andrew, the same being equally 
 true in the case of Harding, as the condition of his being acceptable 
 to the Church, the surrender of rights secured to him both by civil 
 and ecclesiastical law. The purposes of law were contravened and 
 destroyed, and its prerogative and place usurped by mere opinion. 
 ■ " The requisition in the case was not only extra-judicial, being 
 made in the absence of anything like law authorizing the measure, 
 but, being made at the same time against law, it was usurpation ; and 
 so far as the proceeding complained of is intended to establish a prin- 
 ciple of action with regard to the future, it gives to the General 
 Conference all the attributes of a despotism, claiming the right to 
 govern mtJiottt, above, and against law. The doctrine avowed at the 
 late General Conference, and practically endorsed by the majority, 
 that that body may, by simple resolution, advisory, punitive, or de- 
 claratory, repeal an existing law in relation to a particular case, 
 leaving it in full force with regard to other cases,^-or may enact a 
 new and different law, and apply it judicially to the individual case 
 which led to the enactment, and all in a moment, by a single eleva- 
 tion of the hand, — is a position, a doctrine so utterly revolutionary 
 and disorganizing, as to place in jeopardy at once both the interests 
 and reputation of the Church. The action in the case of Bishop 
 Andrew not only assumed the character, and usurped the place, of 
 law, but was clearly an instance of ex post facto legislation, by making 
 that an offence after the act, which was not such before. The con- 
 duct charged as an offence, was at the time, and continues to be, 
 under the full protection of a well-understood and standing law of 
 the Church ; and yet this conduct was made criminal, and punisha- 
 ble by the retrospective action of the Conference to which we allude. 
 The officially expressed will of the General Conference, intended to 
 govern and circumscribe the conduct of Bishop Andrew, without 
 reference to existing law, and indeed contrary to it, was made the 
 rule of action, and he found guilty of its violation, by acts done be- 
 fore he was made acquainted with it. The conduct charged was in 
 perfect consistency with the law of the Church, and could only be 
 wroaght into an offence by an €x pott JUcto bearing of the after action 
 of the General Conference. 
 " Bishop Andrew became tlio owner of ilavo-propcrty, inrolanta- 
 rily, several years before his marriage; and n» the /act, and not the 
 extent, of his connexion witli slavery constituted his offence, it fol- 
 lows, that for a relation in which ho was placed by the action of 
 others, and the operation of civil law, and in which, as a citizen of 
 Georgia, he was compelled to remain, or bo brought in conflict with 
 the laws of the State, ho vxu, in violation of the pledge of public law, 
 as we have shown, aiTcstcd and punished by the General Conference. 
 That body, by direct requirement, such, at least, by implication, com- 
 manded him to free his slaves, or suffer official degradation. The law 
 of Georgia required him to hold his slaves, or transfer them to be held 
 as such by others, under heavy and painful penalties to master and 
 slave. To avoid ecclesiastical pnnishmont and disability, the Church 
 reqnh^d him either to leave the State of his resldonco, or violate its laws. 
 In this way, taking the judicial decision in Harding's case, and the 
 anomalous action in Bishop Andrew's, the Church is placed in most 
 offensive conflict with the civil authority of the State. Can any 
 country or government safely allow tho Church to enforce disobedi- 
 ence to civil law as a Christian duty 1 If such attempts are made 
 to subordinate the civil interests of tho State to the schemes and 
 purposes of Church innovation, prompted and sustained by the 
 bigotry and fanaticism of largo masses of ignorant and misgnided 
 zealots, engaged in the conflict in the nomo of God and conscience, 
 and for the ostensible purposes of religious reform, what can bo the 
 stability of civil government, or the hopes of those seeking its pro- 
 tection? And what, wo ask, must be tho interest of tho South, in 
 connexion with sucli movements 1 
 " In the instance of slavery in this country, it is but too well known, 
 that such antagonism as is indicated by the preceding facts and de- 
 velopments between the purposes of tho Church and the policy of 
 the State, must result In the most disastrous consequences to both. 
 The slavery of the Southern States can never be reduced in amount, 
 or mitigated in form, by such a state of things. Tho Southern States 
 have the sole control of the question, under the authority and by con- 
 tract of the Federal Constitution, and all hope of removing the evil 
 of slavery, without destroying tho nallonnl compact and the union 
 of the States, must connect with tlio individual sovereignty of the 
 Southern States, as parties to tho federal compact, and the independ- 
 ent policy of each State hi relation to slavery, as likely to be influ- 
 enced by moral and political reasons and motives, brought to bear, 
 by proper means and methods, upon tho understanding and moral 
 •ense of the Southern people. AU trespass upon right, whether as it 
 regards the rights of property or of character, — everything lilce ag- 
 gression, mere denunciation or abuse, must, of necessity, tend to 
 provoke further resistance on the part of the Sonth, and lessen the 
 influence the North might otherwise have upon the groat mass of the 
 Southern people, in relation to this groat and exciting interest. The 
 true character and actual relations of slavery in the United States 
 are so predominantly civil and political, that any attempt to treat the 
 subject, or control the question, upon purely moral and ecclesiastical 
 grounds, can never exert any salutary influence South, except in so 
 far as the moral and ecclesiastical shall be found strictly subordinate 
 to the civil and political. This mode of appeal, it is believed, vail 
 never satisfy the North. The whole Northern portion of the Church, 
 speaking through their guides and leaders, is manifesting an increas- 
 ing disposition to form issues upon the subject, so utterly inconsistent 
 with the rights and peace of the slavcholding States, that by how far 
 the Methodist Episcopal Church in the South may contribute to the 
 bringing about of such a state of things, or may fail to resist it, the 
 influence of Methodism must be depressed, and the interest of the 
 Church suffer. In addition, then, to the fact, that we have already 
 received an amount of injury beyond what we can bear, except un- 
 der a separate organization, we have the strongest grounds of appre- 
 hension, that unless we place ourselves in a state of defence, and 
 prepare for independent action, under the distinct jurisdiction wo are 
 now authorized by the General Conference to resolve upon, and 
 organize, we shall soon find ourselves so completely subjected to the 
 adverse views and policy of the Northern majority, as to be left 
 without right or remedy, except as a mere secession from the Church. 
 Now, the case is entirely difl^erent, as we propose to do nothing not 
 authorized in the General Conference Plan of Separation, either ex- 
 pressly or by necessary implication. 
 " The general view thus far taken of the subject is intended 'o 
 show, that * the Annual Conferences in the slavcholding States,' em- 
 bracing the entire Church South, have found themselves placed in 
 circumstances, by the action of the General Conference in May last, 
 which, according to the declaration of the Southern deu^f Atts, at the 
 time, render it impracticable to accomplish the objects of tlie Chris- 
 tian ministly and Church organization, under the present system of 
 General Conference control, and showing, by the most clear and con- 
 clusive evidence, that there exists the most urgent necessity for the 
 ' separate ecclesiastical connexion,' constitutionally provided for by 
 the General Conference, upon the basis of the Declaration just ad- 
 verted to. At the date of the Declaration, the Southern delegates were 
 fally convinced that the frequent and exciting agitation and action in 
 that hody on the subject of slavery and abolition, as in Harding's case, 
 and especially the proceedings in the case of Bishop Andrew, each 
 being regarded as but a practical exposition of the principle of the 
 minority — rendered a separate organization indispensable to the suc- 
 cess of Methodism in the South. The truth of the Declaration, so 
 far from being called in question by the majority, was promptly 
 conceded in the immediate action the Conference had upon it, assign- 
 ing the Declaration as the sole ground or reason of the action, 
 which terminated in the adoption of the Flan of Separation, under 
 which we are now acting as a Convention, and from the spirit and 
 intention of which, it is believed to be the purpose of the Convention 
 not to depart, in any of its deliberations or final acts. Although the 
 action of this General Conference on the subject of slavery, and the 
 relative adverse position of the parties North and South, together 
 with the irritating and exasperating evils of constant agitation and 
 frequent attempts at legislation, are made, in the declaration, the 
 grounds of the avowal, that a separate organization was necessary to 
 the success of the ministry in the slaveholding States, it was by no 
 means intended to convey the idea, or make the impression, that no 
 other causes existed rendering a separate organization proper and 
 necessary ; but as the action of the Conference on the subject of 
 slavery was certain to involve the Church in the South in immediate 
 and alarming difficulty ; and it was believed that this could be so 
 ■shown to the majority, ob to induce them to consent to some course 
 of action in remedy of the evil, the complaint of the Declaration 
 was confined to the simple topic of slavery. It will be perceived 
 that the case of Bishop Andrew, although prominently introduced, 
 is not relied upon as exclusively furnishing the data of this conclu" 
 sion at which we have arrived. The entire action of the General 
 Conference so frequently brought to view, and which is made the 
 ground of dissent and action, both in the Protest and Declaration of 
 the Southern delegates, must be understood as belonging to the 
 premises and language employed as including all the principles 
 avowed, as well as the action had, by the late General Conference on 
 the subject of slavery. The attempt to disclaim the judicial charac- 
 ter of the action in Bishop Andrew's case, and show it to be merely 
 advisory, cannot aflfect the preceding reasoning : for, firat, the dis- 
 claimer is as equivocal in character as the original action; and, 
 secondly, the reasoning in support of the disclaimer negatives the 
 supposition of mere advice, because it involves issues coming legiti- 
 mately within the province of judicial process and legal determina- 
 tion ; and, thirdly, Bishop Andrew is, by Jie explanation of the 
 disclaimer itself, held as responsible for his conduct, in view of the 
 alleged advice, as he could have been held by the original action 
 without the explanation. While, therefore, the explanation, giving 
 the original action an advisory character, notwithstanding the incon- 
 sistency involved, fully protects Bishops Soule and Andrew from even 
 the shadow of blame in the course they have pursued, the entire 
 action in the case, and especially when connected with the case of 
 Harding, as alluded to In the Declaration, fully sustains the general 
 view of the subject we have taken in this Report. The Southern 
 delegates at the Genwal Conference, in presenting to that body their 
 Declaration and Protest, acted, and they continue to act, as the 
 representatives of the Soutli, under the full conviction that the prin- 
 ciples and policy avowed by the Northern majority are such as to 
 render their pMic and practical renunciation by the Southern Me- 
 thodist ministry and people necessary to die safety, not less than the 
 success, of the Church in the South. 
 " Other views of the subject, however, must claim a share of our 
 attention. Among the many weighty reasons which influence the 
 Southern Conferences in seeking to be released from the jurisdiction 
 of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as now 
 constituted, are the novel, and, as we think, dangerous doctrines, 
 practically avowed and endorsed by that body and the Northern 
 portion of the Church generally, with regard to the constitution of the 
 Church, and the constitutional rights and powei-s, respectively, of the 
 Episcofact and the General Conference. In relation to the first, 
 it is confidently, although most unaccountably, maintained, that the 
 six short Restrictive Rules, which were adopted in 1808, and first be- 
 came obligatory, as an amendment to the constitution, in I8I2, are, 
 in fact, the true and only constitution of the Church. This single 
 position, should it become an established principle of action to the 
 extent it found favour with the last General Conference, must sub- 
 vert the government of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It must 
 be seen at once, that the position leaves many of the organic laws 
 and most impoitant institutions of the Church entirely unprotected, 
 and at the mercy of a mere and evcr-fiuctuating majority of the 
 General Conference. Episcopacy, for example, although protected 
 in the abstract, in general terms, may be entirely superseded or 
 destroyed by the simple omission to elect or consecrate bishops, 
 neither of which is provided for in the Kestrictivc Articles. The 
 whole itinerant system, except general superintendency, is without 
 protection in the Restrictive Rules ; and there is nothing in them 
 preventing the episcopacy from restricting their superintendency to 
 local and settled pastors, rather than a travelling ministry, and thu^ 
 destroying the most distinctive feature of Wesleyan Methodism. So 
 far as the Restrictive Rules are concerned, the Annual Conferences 
 are without protection, and might also be destroyed by the General 
 Conference at any time. If the new constitutional theory be correct, 
 ulass-leaders and private members are as eligible, upon the basis of 
 the constitution, to a seat in the Qeneral Conference as any ministers 
 of the Church. Societies, too, instead of Annual Conferences, may 
 elect delegates, and may elect laymen instead of ministers, or local 
 instead of travelling ministers. Very few indeed of the more funda- 
 mental and distinguishing elements of Methodism, deeply and im- 
 perishably imbedded in the affection and veneration of the Church, 
 and vital to its very existence, are even alluded to in the Restrictive 
 Articles. This theory assumes the self -refuted absurdity, that the 
 General Conference is in fact the government of the Church, if not 
 the Church itself. With no other constitution than these mere 
 restrictions upon the powers and rights of the General Conference, 
 the government and discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as 
 a system of organized laws and well-adjusted instrumentalities for 
 the spread of the gospel, and the diffusion of piety, and whose living 
 principles of energy and action have so long commanded the admi- 
 ration of tlie world, would soon cease even to exist. The startling 
 iissumption, that a bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, instead 
 of holding office under the constitution, and by tenure of law, and the 
 faithful performance of duty, is nothing, in his character of bishop, 
 but a mere officer at will of the Gk^neral Conference, and may accord- 
 ingly be deposed ;: any time, with or without cause, accusation, 
 proof, or form of trial, as a dominant majority may capriciously elect, 
 or party interests suggest ; — and that the General Conference may 
 do, by right, whatever is not prohibited by the Restrictive Rules ; and, 
 with this single exception, possess power, ' supreme and all-control- 
 ling ;' and this in all possible formi: of its manifestation, legislative, 
 judicial, and executive, — the same men claiming to bo at the same 
 time both the fountain and functionaries of all the powers of govern- 
 ment — ^which powers, thus mingled and concentrated into a common 
 force, may at any time be employed, at the prompting of their own 
 interests, caprice, or ambition. Such wild and revolutionaiy assump- 
 tions, so unlike the faith and discipline of Methodism, as we have 
 been taught them, we are compelled to regard as fraught with mis-- 
 chief and ruin to the best interests of the Church, and as furnishing a 
 strong additional reasonwhy we should avail ourselves of the warrant 
 we now have, but may never again obtain from the General Confer- 
 ence, to ' establish an ecclesiastical connexion,' embracing only the 
 Annual Conferences in the slaveholding States. 
 " Without intending anything more than a general specification of 
 the disabilities under which the Southern part of ♦ ae CUurch labours, 
 in view of existing difBculties, and must continue to do so until they 
 arc removed, we must not omit to state, that should we submit to the 
 action of the late General Conference, and decline a separate organi- 
 zation, it would be to place, and finally confirm the whole Southern 
 ministry in the relation of an inferior caste, the effect of which, in 
 spite of all effort to the contrary, would be such a relation, if not (as 
 we think) real degradation of the ministry, as to destroy its influence 
 to a great — a most fearful extent, throughout the South. A practical 
 proscription, under show of legal right, has long been exercised to- 
 wards the South, with regard to the higher oflSces of the Church, 
 especially the episcopacy. To this, however, the South submitted 
 widi patient endurance, and was willing further to submit, in order 
 to maintain the peace and unity of the Church, while the principle 
 involved was disavowed, and decided to be unjust, as by the decision 
 of the General Conference in 1840. But when, in 1844, the General 
 Conference declared by their action, without the forms of legislative 
 or judicial process, that the mere fovidential ownership of slave- 
 property, in a State where emancipation is legally prohibited under 
 all circumstances, and can only be efiected by special legislative 
 enactment, was hereafter to operate as a forfeiture of right in all 
 similar cases, the law of the Church and the decision of the preceding 
 General Conference to the contrary notwithstivnding, the Southern 
 ministry were compelled to realize, that they were deliberately fixed, 
 by the brand of common shame, in the degrading relation of standing 
 inferiority to ministers, not actually, nor. yet liable to be, connected 
 with slavery, and that they were published to the Church and the 
 world as belonging to a caste in the ministry, from which the higher 
 offices of the Church could never be selected. 
 " To submit, under such circumstances, would have been a practi- 
 cal, a most humiliating recognition of the inferiority of caste, attempt- 
 ed to be fixed upon us by the Northern majority, and would have 
 justly authorized the inference of a want of conscious integrity and 
 self-respect, well calculated to destroy both the reputation and influ- 
 ence of the ministry in . all the slaveholding States. It may be no 
 virtue to r'-'-'w it, but we. confess we have no humility courting the 
 grace of suvti u baptism. The higher objects, therefore, of the Chris- 
 tian ministry, not less than conscious right and self-respect, demand- 
 ed resistance on the part, of the Southern ministry and Church ; and 
 these rnite with other reasons in vindicating the plea of neces- 
 sity, u, .1 which the meeting and action of this Convention are based, 
 Avith fii consent and approval of the General Conference of the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church. The variety of interests involved ren- 
 ders it necessary that the brief view of the subject we are allowed to 
 take be varied accordingly. 
 "Unless the Southern Conferences organize as proposed, it is 
 morally certain, in view of the evidence before the committee, that 
 the gospel, now regularly and successfully dispensed by the minis- 
 ters of these conferences to about a million of slaves, in their 
 various fields of missionary enterprise and pastoral charge, must, 
 to a great extent, be withheld froi.. them, and immense masses of 
 this unfortunate class of our fellow-beings be left to perish, as the 
 result of Church interference with the civil aifairs and relations of 
 the country. 
 " The committee are compelled to believe, that the mere division 
 of jurisdiction, as authorized by the General Conference, cannot aifect 
 either the moral or legal unity of the great American family of 
 Christians, known as the Methodist Episcopal Church; and this 
 opinion is concurred in by the ablest jurists of the country. We do 
 nothing but what we are expressly authorized to do by the supreme, 
 or rather highest legislative power of the Church. Would the Church 
 authorize us to do wrong ? The division relates only to the power 
 of general jurisdiction, which it is not proposed to destroy, or even 
 reduce, but simply to invest it in two great organs of Church action 
 and control, instead of one as at present. Such a change in the pre* 
 seuc system of general control cannot distui'b the moral unity of the 
 Church ; for it is strictly an agreed modification of General Conference 
 jurisdiction, and such agreement and consent of parties must pre- 
 clude the idea of disunion. In view of what is the alleged disunion 
 predicated 1 Is the purpose and act of becoming a separate organi- 
 zation proof of disunion, or want of proper church unity ? This can- 
 not be urged with any show of consistency, inasmuch as ' the several 
 Annual Conferences in General Conference assembled,' that is to 
 say, the Church, through its only constitutional organ of action, on 
 all subjects involving the power of legislation, not only agreed to the 
 separate organization South, but made full constitutional provision 
 for carrying it into effect. It is a separation by consent of parties, 
 under the highest authority of the Church. Is it intended to main- 
 tain that the unity of the Church depends upon the modal uniformity 
 of the jurisdiction in question 1 If this be so, the Methodist Episco- 
 pal Church has lost its unity at several different times. The general 
 ju. sdiction of th^ Church has undergone modifications, at several 
 different times, not less vital, if not greatly more so, than the one 
 now proposed. The high conventional powers, of which we are so 
 often reminded, exercised in the organization of the Methodist Epis- 
 copal Church, were in the hands of a Conference of unordaucd lay 
 preachers, under the sole superintendence of an appointee of Mr. 
 Wesley. This was the first General Conference type and original 
 form of the jurisdiction in question. The jurisdictional power now 
 proposed by the General Conference, was for years exercised by 
 small Annual Conferences, without any defined boundaries, and act- 
 ing separately on all measures proposed for their determination. 
 This general power of jurisdiction next passed into the hands of ii0 
 Bishops' Council, consisting of some ten persons, where it remained 
 for a term of years. Next it passed into the hands of the whole itine- 
 rant ministry, in full connexion, and was exercised by them, in col- 
 lective action, as a General Conference of the whole body, met 
 together at tlie same time- The power was aftersvards vested in the 
 whole body of travelling elders, and from thence finally passed into 
 the hands of delegates, elected by the Annual Conferences, to meet 
 and act quadrennially as a General Conference, under constitut. ^nal 
 restrictions and limitations. 
 " Here are several successive i-e-organlzations of Gteneral Confer- 
 ence jurisdictioo, each involving a much more material change 
 than that contemplated in the General Conference plan, by autho- 
 rity of which, this Convention is about to erect the sixteen Annual 
 Conferences in the slaveholding States into a separate organization. 
 "We chaqge no principle in the existing theory of General Conference 
 jurisdiction. We distinctly recognize the jurisdiction of a delegated 
 General Conference, receiving its appointment and authority from the 
 whole constituency of Annual Conferences. The only change in fact 
 or in form will be, that the delegates of the 'Annual Conferences in 
 the slaveholding States,' as authorized in the Plan of Separation, will 
 meet in one General Conference assembly of their own, and act in 
 behalf only of their own constituency, and in the regulation of their 
 own affairs, consistently with the good faith and fealty they owe the 
 authority and laws of the several States in which they reside, without 
 interfering with affairs beyond their jurisdiction, or suffering foreign 
 interference with their own. And in proceeding to do this, we have 
 all the authority it was in the power of the Methodist Episcopal 
 Chm-ch to confer. 
 " We have also further example and precedent in the history 
 of Methodism, to show that there is nothing irregular, or inconsistent 
 with church order or unity, in the separation proposed. The great 
 Wesleyan Methodist family, everywhere one in faith and practice, 
 already exists under several distinct and unconnected jurisdictions- 
 there is no jurisdictional or connexional union between them ; and 
 yet it has never been pretended that these several distinct organiza- 
 *kt • - 
 tions were in any sense inconsbtent with Church unity. If the 
 Southern Conferences proceed, then, to the establishment of another 
 distinct jurisdiction, without any change of doctrine or discipline, 
 except in matters necessary to the mere economical adjustment of 
 the system, will it furnish any reason for supposing that the real 
 unity of the Church is affected by what all must perceive to be a 
 simple division of jurisdiction ? When the Conferences in the slave- 
 ^holding Statos are separately oi'ganized as a distinct ecclesiastical 
 connexion, they will only be what the General Conference authorized 
 them to be. Can this be irregular, or subversive of Church unity ? 
 Acting under the provisional Flan of Separation, they must, although 
 a separate organization, remain in essential union with, and be part 
 and parcel of, the Methodist Episcopal Church, in every Scriptural 
 and moral view of the subject ; for what they do is with the full con- 
 sent, and has the official sanction, of the Church as represented in 
 the Greneral Conference. The jurisdiction we are about to establish 
 and assert as separate and indepenc^'^nt, is expressly declined and 
 ceded by the General Conference as originally its own, to the South- 
 em Conferences, for the specific purpose of being established and 
 asserted in the manner proposed. All idea of secession, or an organ- 
 ization alien in right or relation to the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 is forever precluded by the terms and conditions of the authorized 
 Plan of Separation. In whatever sense we are separatists or secedeis, 
 we are such by authority — the highest authority of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church. To whatever extent, or in whatever aspect, we 
 are not tnie and faithful ministers and members of that Church, such 
 delinquency or misfortune is authenticated by her act and approval, 
 and she declares us to be ' without blame.' ' Ministers of every grade 
 and office in the Methodist Episcopal Church may, as they prefer, 
 without blame, attach themselves to the Chureh, South.' Bishops, 
 elders, and deaconSj come into the Southern organization at their 
 own election, under permission from the General Conference, not 
 only accredited as ministers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, but 
 with credentials limiting the exercise of their functions within the 
 Methodist Episcopal Church. Is it conceivable that the Greneral Con- 
 ference would so act, and hold such language, in relation to an 
 ecclesiastical connexion which was to be regarded as a secession 
 from the Church ? Does not such act and language, and the whole 
 Plan of Separation, rather show that, as the South had asked, so the 
 General Conference intended to authorize, a simple division of its 
 own jurisdiction, and nothing more. 
 " All idea of secession or schism, or loss of right or title, as minis- 
 ters of the Methodist Episcopal Church, being precluded by the 
 specific grant or authority under which we act, as well as for other 
 reasons assigned, many considerations might be urged, strongly sug- 
 gesting the Jitnesa and propriety of the separate jurisdiction contem- 
 plated, rendered necessary, as we have seen, upon other and different 
 grounds ; and among these the increased value of the representative 
 principle likely to be secured by the change, is by no means unwor- 
 thy of notice. At the first representative Greneral Conference, tliirty- 
 three years ago, each delegate represented five travelling ministers 
 and about two thousand members, and the body was of convenient 
 size for the transaction of business. At the late General Conference, 
 each delegate was the representative of twenty-one ministers and 
 more than five thousand members, and the body was inconveniently 
 large for the purpose of deliberation and action. Should the nnmber 
 of delegates in the General Conference be increased with the probable 
 growth of the Church, the body will soon become utterly unwieldy. 
 Should the number be reduced, while the ministry and membership 
 are multiplying, the representative principle would come to be little 
 more than nominal, and, in the same proportion, without practical 
 value. Besides that the proposed re-organization of jurisdiction will 
 remedy this evil, at least to a great extent, it will result in the saving 
 of much time and expense and useful services to the Church, con- 
 nected with the travel and protracted sessions of the General Con- 
 ference, not only as it regards the delegates, but also the bench of 
 bishops, whose general oversight might become much more minute 
 and pastoral in its character, by means of such an arrangement. 
 When, in 1808, the annual conferences resolved upon changing the 
 form of General Conference jurisdiction, the precise reasons we have 
 just noticed Avere deemed sufiicient ground and motive for the change 
 introduced ; and as we are seeking only a similar change of jurisdic- 
 tion, although for other purposes as well as this, the facts to wliich 
 we ask attention are certainly worthy of being taken into the esti- 
 mate of advantages likely to result from a separate and independent 
 organization, especially as the ministiy and membership, since 1808, 
 have increased^// seven hundred per centum, and should they continue 
 to increase, in something like the same ratio, for thirty years to 
 come, under the present system of General Conference jurisdiction, 
 some such change as that authorized by the late General Conference 
 must be resorted to, or the Church resign itself to the virtual extinc- 
 tion of the representative principle, as an important element of gov- 
 ernment action. 
 " In establishing a separate jurisdiction, as before defined and 
 explained, so far from affecting the moral oneness and integrity of 
 the great Methodist body in America, the effect will be to secure a 
 Tory different resnit. In resolving upon a separate Connexion, afe 
 we are about to do, the one great and controlling motive is to restore 
 and perpetuate the peace and unity of the Church. At present we 
 have neither, nor are we likely to have, should the Southern and 
 Northern conferences remain in connexional relation, as heretofore. 
 Inferring effects from causes known to be in existence and active 
 operation, agitation on the subject of slavery is certain to continue ; 
 nnd frequent action in the General Conference is equally certain ; and 
 the resnit, as heretofore, will be excitement and discontent, aggres- 
 sion and resistance. Should the South retire, and decline all further 
 conflict, by the erection of the Southern conferences into a separate 
 jurisdiction, as authorized by the General Conference plan, agitation 
 in the Church cannot be brought in contact with the South ; and the 
 former irritation and evils of the controversy must, to a great extent, 
 cease, or at any rate so lose their disturbing force as to become com* 
 paratively harmless. Should the Northern Church continue to discuss 
 and agitate, it will be within their own borders and among them- 
 selves ; and the evil effects upon the South must, to say the least, be 
 greatly lessened. At present the consolidation of all the annual 
 conferences under the jurisdictional control of one General Confer- 
 ence, always giving a decided Northern majority, places it in the 
 power of that mjgority to mani^e and control the interests of the 
 Church, in the slaveholdlng States, as they see proper ; and we have 
 no means of protection against the evils certain to be inflicted upon 
 us, if we judge the future from the past. The whole power of legiS' 
 lation is in the General Conference; and as that body is now constl- 
 tuted, the annual conferences of the South are perfectly powerless in 
 the resistance of wrong, and have no alternative left them but un- 
 conditional submission. And such submission to the views and 
 action of the Northern majority on the subject of slavery, it is now 
 demonstrated, must bring disaster and ruin upon Southern Method- 
 ism, by rendering the Church an object of distrust on the part of the 
 # State. In this way, the assumed cotuenxiiive povoer of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church, with regard to the civil union of the States, is ta a 
 great extent destroyed ; and we are compelled to believe that it is the 
 interest and becomes the dtOif of the Church in the South to seek to 
 exert swA conservative influence in some other form ; and after the most 
 mature deliberation and careful examination of the whole subject, we 
 know of nothing so likely to effect the object, as the jurisdictional 
 separation of the great church parties, unfortunately involved in a 
 religions and ecclesiastical controversy about an affair of State — a 
 question of civil policy, over which the Church has no control, and 
 with which it is believed she has no right to interfere. Among the 
 nearly five hundred thousand ministers and members of the confer^ 
 ences represented in this convention, wo do not know om not dttplif 
 and intenady interested in the aa/tty and perpetuity of the Nationd 
 Unions nor can we for a moment hesitate to pledge them aU, against 
 any course of action or policy, not calculated, in their judgment, to 
 render that union a» immortal as the hopn qfpatrictitm would have it 
 to he! 
 " Before closing the summary view of the whole subject taken in 
 this report, we cannot refrain from a brief notice of the relations and 
 interests of Southern border conferences. These, it must be obvious, 
 are materially different ftora. those of the more Southern confer^ 
 ences. They do not, for the present, feel the pressure of the strong 
 necessity impelling Uie South proper to immediate separation. They 
 are, however, involved with regard to the subject-matter of the con- 
 troversy, and committed to well-defined principles, in the same way, 
 and to the same extent, with the most Southern conferences. They 
 have with almost perfect unanimity, by public offici&l acts, protested 
 against the entire action of the late General Conference on the sub- 
 ject of slavery, and in reference to the relative rights and powers of 
 the Episcopacy and the General Conference, as not only uncomiilu- 
 tional, but revolutionary, and, therefore, dangerous to the best interests 
 of the Church. They have solemnly declared, by approving and en- 
 dorsing the declaration, the protest and address of the Southern 
 delegates, that the objects of their ministry cannot be accomplished, 
 under the existing jurisdiction of the General Conference, without 
 I'eparation for past injury and security against future aggression ; and 
 unless the border conferences have good and substantial reason to 
 believe such reparation and security not only pro&oUe, but so certain 
 as to remove reaaonahle doubt, they have, so far as principle and 
 pledge are concerned, the same motive for action with the confer- 
 ences South of them. Against the principles thus avowed by every 
 one of the conferences in question, tiie anti-slavery and abolition of 
 the North have, through official Church organs, declared the most 
 open and undisguised hostility ; and these conferences are reduced to 
 the necessity of deciding upon adherence to the principles they have 
 ofl^ally avowed, or of a resort to expediency to adjust difficulties in 
 some unknoyvn form, which they have said could only be a^imted by 
 substantial reparation for past injury, and good and sufficient war- 
 rant against future aggression. The question is certainly one of no 
 common interest Should any of the border conferences, or societies 
 South, affiliate with the North, the effect, so far as we can see, will 
 be to transfer the seat of war from the remoter South to these bor- 
 der districts ; and what we ask, will be the security of these districts 
 ■i^tafl the monl mirages of rach a war 1 What protection or seen* 
 ritj wtU the DiidpUne or the conmvatism of the middle conferences 
 aifor4 1 Of what avail were the$e at the last General Conference, 
 and has Mur more influence now than then ? The controversy of a 
 large and rapidly increasing portion of the North, is not so much 
 with the iSouth u with the Diacipline, because it tolerates slavery in 
 tmyjitrm whatever ; and should the Southern conferences remain nn* 
 tier the present common jurisdiction, or any slaveholding portions 
 of the South unite in the Northern connexion in the event of divi- 
 sion, it requires very little discernment to see that f Am cotdrooeray will 
 never cease until every slaveholder or every abolitionist is out of the 
 connexion. Besides, the border conferences have a great and most 
 delicate interest at stake, in view of their territorial^ and civil, and pdi' 
 tied relations, which it certainly behooves them to weigh well and ex- 
 amine with care in coming to the final conclusion, which is to identify 
 them with the North or the South. Border districts going with the 
 North, after and notwithstanding the action of the border confer- 
 ences, must, in the nature of things, as found in the Methodist Epis- 
 copal Church, affiliate, to a great extent, with the entire aggregate of 
 Northern anti-slavory and abolition, as now embarked against the 
 interests of the South— as also with all the recent official violations 
 of right, of law, and Discipline, against which the South is now con- 
 tending. In doing this, they must of necessity, if we have reasoned 
 correctly, elect and contribute their influence to vetain in the con- 
 nexion of their choice aU the principles and elements of strife and 
 discord which have so long and fearfully convulsed the Church. 
 Will Utis be the election of Southern border sections and districts, or 
 will they remain where, by location, civil and political ties and rela- 
 tions, and Uieir own avowed principles, they properly belong, firmly 
 planted upon the long and well-tried platform of the Discipline of 
 our common choice, and from which the Methodism of the South 
 has never manifested any disposition to swerve 1 To the Discipline 
 the South has always been loyal. By it she has abided in every trial. 
 Jealously has she cherished and guarded that ' form of sound words' 
 —the faith, the ritual, and the government of the Church. It was 
 SottAem defence against Northern invasion of the Discipline which 
 brought on the present struggle ; and upon the Discipline, the i^le 
 Discipline, the South proposes to organize, under authority of the 
 General Conference, a separate connexion of the Methodist Episco- 
 pal Church. Tttis result, from first to last, has been consented to on 
 dM part of Uie South with the greatest reluctance. 
 " After die etmggle came on, at the late General Conference, the 
 SpirtiMm d«l«g»imi, ae they had often done before, manifested the 
 most earnest derive, and did all in their power, to maintain jariidio> 
 tlonal union with the North, withoat sacrificing the interests of the 
 South : when this was found impracticable, a cmnexional union was 
 proposed, and the rejection of this by the North, led to the projection 
 and adoption of the present General Conference plan of separation. 
 Every overture of compromise, every plan of reconciliation and ad* 
 justment, regarded as at all eligible, or likely to succeed, was offered 
 by the South and rejected by the North. All subsequent attempts 
 at compromise have failed in like manner ; and the probability of any 
 such adjustment, if not extinct, is lessening every day, and the an- 
 nual conferences in the slaveholding States are thus left to take their 
 position upon the ground assigned them by the General Conference 
 of 1844, as a distinct ecclesiastical connexion, ready and most willing 
 to treat with the Northern division of the Church, at any time, in 
 view of a^usting the difficulties cX this controversy, upon terms and 
 principles which may be safe and satisfactory to both. 
 " Such we regard as the true position of the Annuai Chnferencea re- 
 presented in this Convention. Therefore, in view of all the principles and 
 interests involved, appealing lo the Almighty Searcher of hearts far the 
 sincerity of our motives, and humbiy invoking the divine blessing upon our 
 "•Beit BeKolved, by the delegates of the severed Annuai Conferences of the 
 Mithodist Episcopal Church in the daveholding States, in General Conven- 
 tion assembled. That it is right, expedient, and necessary to erect the 
 Annual Conferences represented in this Convention into a distinct 
 ecclesiastical Connexion, separate from the jurisdiction of the Gene- 
 ral Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, as at present 
 constituted ; and, accordingly, we, the delegates of said Annual Con- 
 ferences, acting under the provisional Flan of Separation adopted by 
 the General Conference of 1844, do solemnly dedare the jurisdiction 
 hitherto exercised over said Annual Conferences, by the General 
 Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, entirdy dissolved; and 
 that said Annual Conferences shall be, and they hereby are consti- 
 tuted, a separate ecclesiastical Connexion, under the provisional Flan 
 of Separation aforesaid, and based upon the Discipline of the Me- 
 thodist Episcopal Church, comprehending the doctrines, and entire 
 moral, ecclesiastical, and economical rules and regulations of said 
 Discipline, except only in so far as verbal alterations may be neces- 
 sary to a distinct organization, and to be known by the style and title 
 of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 
 " Resolved, That Bishops Soule and Andrew be, and they are here- 
 by, respectfully and cordially requested by this Convention, to unite 
 with, and become regular and constitutional bishops of, the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church, South, upon the boi ii of the Plan of Separation 
 adopted by the late General Conference. 
 " Resolved, That this Convention requests the bishops presiding at 
 the ensuing sessions of the border conferences of the Methodist 
 Episcopal Church, South, to incorporate into the aforesaid confer- 
 ences any societies or stations adjoining the line of division, provided 
 such societies or stations, by the minority of the members, according 
 to the provisions of the Flan of Separation aforesaid, request such an 
 y ^* Resolved, That answer the 2d of 3d section, chapter 1st, of the 
 Book of Discipline, be so altered and amended as to road as follows : 
 ' The General Conference shall moot on the 1st of May, in the year 
 of our Lord, 1846, in the town of Petersburg, Virginia, and thence- 
 forward, in the month of April or May, once in four years succes- 
 sively, and in such place and on such day as shall be fixed on by the 
 preceding (General Conference,' &c. 
 ^^ Resolved, That the 1st answer in the same chapter be altered by 
 striking out the word ' twenty-one,^ and inserting in its place the word 
 ^fourteen,* so as to entitle each Annual Conference to one delegate 
 for every fourteen members. 
 ^^ Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, whose duty 
 it shall be to prepare and report to the General Conference of 1846, 
 a revised copy of the present Discipline, with such changes as arc 
 necessary to conform it to the organiisation of the Methodist Episco> 
 pal Church, South. 
 " Resolved, That while we cannot abandon or compromise the prin- 
 ciples of action upon which wo proceed to a separate organization in 
 the South ; nevertheless, cherishing a sincere desire to maintain 
 Christian union and fraternal intercourse with the Church North, we 
 shall always be ready kindly and respectfully to entertain, and duly 
 and carefully consider, any proposition or plan, having for its object 
 the union of the two great bodies in the North and South, whether 
 such proposed union be j'unWicitiona/ or connexional,"* 
 Thus has been efifected the juridical and administrative 
 separation of the Methodist Church in the United States. 
 It is not properly a division in the Church, much less a 
 secession of one part from another. The Church remains 
 the same in doctrine, worship, communion, order, and form. 
 All the difiference is, that the legislative and administrative 
 * " History of the Organization of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South," pp. 
 functions, instead of being one, are now two. We should 
 have an exact analogy, if, at the present moment, the £ng' 
 lish Church should exist under the jurisdiction of Can- 
 terbury alone, but, next year, be divided into Canterbury 
 and York. 
 The fact itself, however, is a very grave event. The 
 Methodist Church had progressed with unexampled sue- 
 cess ; how the matter will be now is to be tested by time. 
 In case the two bodies can be brought to respect each 
 other's position, to cultivate amicable relations, to strength- 
 en, and not weaken each other by jealousies and hostilities ; 
 to devote themselves, each in their separate sphere, to the 
 spread of true religion, and the conversion of men to Ood ; 
 to establish and preserve fraternal relations, notwithstand- 
 ing their separation ; to conserve the original calling of Me- 
 thodism everywhere, namely, " to spread Christian holiness 
 through the land;" keeping clear, moreover, as much 
 as possible, of worldly politics ; and, by the divine bless- 
 ing, causing the Church to retain its rightful and only safe 
 position, that of a spiritual power existing for spiritual pur- 
 poses ; then, — each will prosper. Both parties, however, 
 are in some danger ; the North, of pushing the principles 
 on which they dealt with the question to such an extreme 
 as to put to hazard the existing system of Methodist epis- 
 copacy and Annual Conference independence and jurisdic* 
 tion ; and the South, of falling under the influence of a 
 political and worldly power. 
 Up to the session of 1844, the evident predominant doc- 
 trine and practice of the Methodist Episcopal Church went 
 to consider the General Conference as possessing two func- 
 tions only, namely, the legislative and judicial. This is seen 
 in its Discipline, its constitution, its relations to the Annual 
 Conferences, its distribution of administrative power amongst 
 the bishops, presiding elders, elders, and Quarterly-Meet- 
 ing Conferences; and, in fine, by its entire action. We 
 cannot but look upon this as a very wise and judicious 
 ' i 
 ( I 
 V. ■«;.?• 
 arrangement; as embodying the only true principle of 
 liberty, and as securing the equable administration of disci- 
 pline and order. 
 Did not the proceedings of 1844 trench on these consti- 
 tutional, these fundamental principles ? Doctrines Avere 
 broached regarding the power of the General Conference 
 which, in effect, and if acted upon, would raise it above 
 law ; put it in a position beyond the pale of the constitu- 
 tion ; give it the power of parliamentary omnipotence ; and 
 place the destinies of all imaginable interests within its 
 grasp. The best analogy which I can think of, is the claim 
 of " parMamentary privilege" in this country; that mon- 
 strous usurpation of power, by which one of the Houses of 
 Parliament claims for itself the right, on the ground of its 
 privileges, of setting aside the other branch of the legisla- 
 ture, the courts of law, the law itself, and, by its own ma- 
 jority, to deal summarily with any of her Majesty's subjects 
 offending against this power. Something like this was cer- 
 tainly claimed for the Conference at the above period. 
 Such power can neither be possessed nor exercised safely. 
 It must degenerate into a despotism. No human virtue 
 can prevent this. And of all the despotisms in the universe, 
 the undivided, unchecked pow^er of one chamber, one ag- 
 gregate body, is the most certain, the most fearful, the most 
 crushing. The Annual Conferences, and the other divisions 
 of the Church into separate administrative bodies, held this 
 power in check, in the General Conference, up to the time 
 in question. The sooner the North returns to the old 
 soundings of the Church the better. A unit is a fearful 
 power ; bad enough in one tyrant, but when existing in a 
 conclave, a council, a conference, it is next to infinite ; no- 
 body can resist, nobody can escape. The only happiness left 
 in such cases is, that the despotism is certain to break down 
 by its own weight.* 
 '*' Long after thlH paHHnge was penned, the message of the President of the Uni- 
 ted Statea, dated Waihlngton, December 5th, 1848, came to hand ; and, amongst 
 In dealing with the case of Bishop Andrew, these 
 notions and claims were brought into practical operation. 
 The bishop was not put upon his trial according to the law 
 of the case ; the matter did not come up for adjudication 
 from a lower court, according to the practice in appeal 
 cases ; he was not accused, formally and judicially, of 
 having broken any law, — and it is doubtful whether, in 
 point of fact, he had done so ; — in a word, all the usual 
 forms of dealing with analogical cases — for charges agaiflst 
 a bishop had never occurred before — were all broken 
 through, and the General Conference is seen in the — in 
 America — ^novel position of dealing out justice by a vote 
 of its majority, on motion, without any of the forms of trial. 
 ■ M 
 other things, Mr. Polk guards his countrymen most earnestly against the princi- 
 ple referred to in the text, under the name of " consolidation." The subject un- 
 der discussion is the exercise of the veto by the President, and the checks and 
 guards prepared by the constitution to prevent the tyranny of majorities. 
 Amongst other things, the President says : — " The Supreme Court of the 
 United States is invested with the power to declare, and has declared, acts 
 of Congress, passed with the concurrence of the Senate, the House of Repre- 
 sentatives, and the approval of the President, to be unconstitutional and 
 void ; and yet none, it is presumed, can be found who will be disposed to strip 
 tlus highest judicial tribunal under the constitution of this acknowledged 
 power, — a power necessary alike to its independence and the rights of indi- 
 Again : — " The objection to the veto power is founded upon an idea respect- 
 ing the popular will, which, if carried out, would annihilate State sovereignty, 
 (that is, the sovereignty of the separate States,) and substitute for the present 
 federal government a consolidation, directed by a supposed numerical majority ; 
 a revolution of the government would be silently effected, and the States 
 would be subjected to laws to which they had never given their constitutional 
 " It is obvious that, to preserve the sytem established by the constitution, 
 each of the co-ordinate branches, the executive, the legislative, and judicial, 
 must be left in the exercise of its appropriate powers. If the executive or 
 the judicial branch be deprived of powers conferred upon either, as checks 
 upon the legislature, the preponderance of tl^jp latter will become disproportion- 
 ate and absorbing, and the others impotent for the accomplishment of the great 
 objects for which they were established. Organized as they are by the con- 
 stitution, they work together harmoniously for the public good. If the execu- 
 tive and the judiciary shall be deprived of the constitutional powers invested in 
 them, and of their due proportions, the equilibrium of the system must be de- 
 stroyed ; and consolidation, with the most pernicious results, must ensue,— a 
 consolidation of unchecked despotic power, as exercised by majorities of the 
 legislative branch." — Times, December 22rf, 1848. 
 * -•>■ 
 n - ll 
 A dangerous precedent this. It evidently involves the 
 rights of more parties than bishops. Let the General Con- 
 ference claim to be the one, indivisible, omnipotent admin- 
 istrative body in the Methodist Episcopal Church, and 
 exercise this function, and then that which, next to her 
 religion and devotedness to evangelic work, we have most 
 admired, — namely, her episcopal superintendence, and 
 division of power, — must, as we fear, suflFer irretrievable 
 The old principle of British and American constitutional 
 liberty, namely, that of keeping the legblative and go\ ern- 
 ing bodies separate, we are certain is the only sound theory. 
 Let the legislative power, the General Conference, take 
 upon itself the office of governing, instead of allowing, as 
 heretofore, the annual conferences, the quarterly-meeting 
 conferences, the presiding elders, and the bishops to govern 
 on the rules of the constitutional regime ; and we are per- 
 fectly certain that tiie Methodist Church will soon be bro- 
 ken up. These remarks are not intended to impeach the 
 principles of the North on the subject of slavery ; we per- 
 fectly sympathize with these, — they are our own. It is de- 
 lightful to look upon the noble ground taken against this 
 evil ; and our hope is, that it will lead to blessed results. 
 But good and evil in this world are often found in juxta- 
 position. We hope that in securing a good, a great, and 
 immeasurable blessing, in advancing the cause of human 
 freedom, the liberty of the African race, they raay not 
 rush into a course which may ultimately enslave them- 
 , The dangers and difficulties of the South are very ob- 
 vious. The ministers and people are placed in a defensive 
 attitude. They are obliged to resort to the best arguments 
 in their power in vindication of their position. Amongst 
 others, — a very natural course to good men, which they 
 are, and many of them great men too, — their greatest anx- 
 iety is to free themselves frol^ the charge of moral delin- 
 quency. This drives them to the necessity of resorting to 
 reasonings on the subject of slavery not being in all cases, 
 and of course, in their own relation to it, a moral evil. 
 The two things are clearly very different. Slaveiy in 
 itself is one thing, and the relations of men to it another. 
 As to slavery, in its own nature, nothing can be said, but 
 that it is the grossest evil existing under the sun. It is, in 
 truth, every possible personal wrong in one. Rob a man 
 of his watch, his clothes, his purse, his house, his lands,— 
 is not this a moral evil, a sin ? If not, what of the laws of 
 civilized communities, jails, and the gallows ? But is it 
 not a greater crime to rob a man of himself, than to strip 
 him of his coat, to pull down his house, and to drive him 
 from his home ? The degrees of evil in each case can bear 
 no comparison. Slavery is robbery in its highest possible 
 enormity. But it is a lingering injury. It is inflicted for 
 life, — a life of conscious wrong ; for to imagine that these 
 wretches are not sensible of their condition, is to add ca- 
 lumny to injury. It is robbery, torture, degradation, 
 misery, mental and physical, dealt out by the moment, the 
 live-long day, the whole period of existence. It is as if, 
 by some infernal contrivance, existence were sustained — as 
 with the damned; — ^while the operations of the whip, 
 the iron, the fangs of slavery, were constantly at work 
 upon their tortured and lacerated limbs. This is not all. 
 The wretched slave is obliged to bequeath his inherit- 
 ance to his offspring. That which was pronounced a 
 blessing, the tieb of family, the relations of wedded life, 
 the parental state, is by this system perverted into an un- 
 mitigated curse. All the political, all the social, all 
 the municipal laws of civilized society are perverted. That 
 cruel (jode which makes a man a thing, identifies him with 
 the beast, classes him with farm-stock, places him amongst 
 lumber, reduces him to the condition of household furni- 
 ture, treats him as the canes, tlie tobacco, the cotton, the 
 indigo, which his hands cultivate ; then buys and sells him 
 itk the market like any other stock, or goods; is — ^-i y,e 
 are afraid to call it by its true name. 
 To say that villany like this can in any way be identical 
 with Christianity, is to degrade our holy religion to a co- 
 partnership, or a connivance, with man's greatest, most 
 concentrated, and unmitigated crimes against his fellow. 
 There is not a truth, a doctrine, a principle, a precept of 
 the Gospel which, if fairly carried out, would not annihilate 
 slavery. The very existence of the Church is fundament- 
 ally opposed to the spirit and injustice of this exii. How 
 can a slaveholder make his servants his property, and then 
 meet them in the Church, at the Lord's table, as his bre- 
 thren ? It would be a curious thing to see one of these 
 gentlemen, receiving the Lord's supper, the emblem of 
 Christian brotherhood, with one of his slaves on the Sab- 
 bath, and then on Monday morning selling him as a log of 
 True Christianity asserts her rights in despite of this 
 system. She treats them as men, though human cupidity 
 treats them as things ; she makes them free men in the 
 Lord, though they are held in cruel bondage ; she invests 
 them with all the privileges, the franchises, of the Church, 
 though white men cannot acknowledge them as brethren ; 
 she fills their spirits with noble sentiments, feelings, and 
 affections, though the hoof of man is on their necks ; she 
 points the way to a heavenly home with God, though the 
 path is strewed with tears, with sorrow, with blood. It 
 will one day, moreover, so assert its mercies over this de- 
 graded race, as to give them the rights of humanity. 
 But we say there is a difference between this system of 
 slavery, and men's unavoidable connexion with 't. Indivi- 
 dual participation in the evil must depend on circumstances. 
 The difficulties are prodigious. A child of white parents 
 is born in the midst of slavery : how can he help the con- 
 ditions of his birth ? His parents leave him their property ; 
 at the period of their decease, this property partly consists 
 '( «e 
 of slaves ; for real property can scarcely be found in the 
 South, but some of these wretched creatures will be de- 
 vised as a part of the inheritance ; wherever there is landed 
 property, slaves will be found. He cannot help this state 
 of things. This is his portion in life ; and to strip himself, 
 if he could, of his wretched vassals, would be to render 
 everything else useless. And, as we have seen, in case this 
 person should be disposed to emancipate his slaves, he 
 finds the system guarded, like the gates of the infernal re- 
 gions, by protective laws of so stringent a nature that he 
 cannot possibly do it, except at the hazard of everything 
 he possesses in the world. Mon, then, we may perceive, 
 are obliged to participate in the evils of slavery ; and, in 
 innumerable instances, without their own choice, and in 
 despite of their connctions. 
 The personal position of individuals, as must at once be 
 seen, in the midst of this monster evil, is a very different 
 thing to the aggregate injustice which first created and now 
 perpetuates it. No man, '.'O individual, in Europe or in 
 America, or anywhere else, would dare to institute slavery, 
 or keep it in existence for a day. Such an enormity could 
 only be perpetrated by such aggregations of men as have 
 the eflfect of annihilating individual volition. The whites 
 are nearly as much enslaved as the blacks. They cannot 
 do as they would, even with what is called their property. 
 The confederacy has left them no freedom of action. They 
 are obliged to bow to the behests of a popular tyranny, 
 which leaves them only the choice of three things : — a par- 
 ticipation in the public wrong, — the loss of caste, honour, 
 and property, — or a flight into another region. This is 
 more thani the moral courage of most men can surmount. 
 They are compelled to submit to the despotism which sur- 
 rounds them as a hopeless misery ; and all which the best 
 amongst them can do is to hghten the burden of the slave, 
 by treating him with individual kindness '^ 
 In this state of things religious men are surrounded with 
 . 24 
 prodigious difficulties. No doubt, in innumerable cases, 
 their principles and convictions would lead them to emanci- 
 pate their slaves ; but how are they to do it ? Their hands 
 are tied ; they cannot accomplish what their consciences 
 dictate to them as right and proper ; and they are involun- 
 tarily made to participate in the evils of a system which, in 
 the indulgence of their better feelings, they cannot but 
 abhor. This is a great wrong done to them in their reli- 
 gious chai-acter ; and it is unexampled, except in the regions 
 of slavery. vJood men are objects of sympathy as found 
 in such c'roaflQStances. Their principles would produce a 
 ohflngf \\ ViiY litid fair play; but as the matter now stands, 
 t>fty aiOoV.i;;edto smother their sentiments, and bury their 
 n >'Iest 3ent^''nents in the one universal tomb of a lifeless, 
 h poiess oppr^s'^ion. ^, 
 '•' The posifion now taken by the Methodist Church is 
 both perilous and glorious : perilous, inasmuch as it is in 
 danger of sinking entirely into the spirit of slavery ; and 
 glorious, because placed in circumstances to confront the 
 evil, to ameliorate the condition of the slave, and to lead on 
 to a blessed change. The eyes of Christendom will be 
 intently fixed upon them. They canuot escape the anxious 
 scrutiny of all good men, and especially the Methodist 
 body all over the world. They are now left to act for 
 themselves. The irritating action of the North is got rid 
 of, the voice of their anti-slavery brethren will no longer 
 be heard in their assemblies, and anything like coercion by 
 adverse majorities is over. The principle of compromise, 
 which served for so many years to hold the Church toge- 
 ther, has failed ; and henceforward the South wiii not be 
 called upon to give anything up to conciliate the North ; 
 the legislation and government are both in her own hands. 
 Theoretically, one would judge that it would be much 
 safer for the two elements to blend ; and for the North to 
 neutralize, by their anti-slavery spirit, the tendencies of the 
 South, Yet theories often prove disappointing ; and it is 
> * 
 to be hoped that now, when the Church of the South can 
 act freely, and enjoy the credit of a spontaneous and un- 
 controlled action, she will confront the evil. We have 
 great confidence in many of the leaders at the head of her 
 councils. They are men of unbending integrity, of unques- 
 tionable devotedness to the cause of God, of emment 
 talents, and of sound practical sense. We know in the case 
 of some, — of the very first, — ^that their conviction is deep, 
 that the only possible way of ameliorating the condition of 
 the slave, and ultimately effecting his emancipation, is by 
 peacefully extending the blessings of the gospel to both 
 master and servant. Their line of action has been chosen 
 under the conviction, that they could do more for the good 
 of these oppressed men by keeping to their duties in the 
 South, than by abandoning them for the other portion of 
 the Church. We must respect these motives, and wait the- 
 issue of their labours. 
 In the mean time great consequences must result from 
 either their failure or their success. That things cannot 
 always remain as they are is certain. Christianity must 
 either conquer slavery, or slavery must conquer Christian- 
 ity. The two forces have everywhere, and in all ages, been 
 antagonistic. To lower down the Christian system to sla- 
 very, would be to denude it of all its essential attributes. 
 The very existence of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 
 South, is itself a living, palpable testimony against this 
 tyranny over millions of men. If it fail in its testimony, it 
 ceases to be Christian. For the Clmrcli to fraternize witli 
 slavery, is for it at once to cease to be a religious fellow- 
 ship, and sink to the rank of a political confederacy of the 
 very worst kind. 
 There is danger of this. The institutions of a coimtry 
 necessarily operate on the character and spirit of religious 
 bodies. The individuals composing the Christian society 
 are the same as those who compose the body politic ; and, 
 to a certain extent, carry U.Ar feelings and views with 
 them into the Ohuroh. To fashion the policy of the one 
 by the spiiit and maxims of the other must be their con- 
 stant effort. So to modify the disciplme of the Church as 
 to meet the conditions of the social body, is to bring down 
 the doctrines of the gospel to a worldly standard, and to 
 drag the Church after the car of the State. This subser- 
 viency must be fatal to the vitality and power of the 
 Church. Her freedom is essential to her efficiency. To 
 mingle the forms of the Christian society with the policy of 
 the State, when the State, as in this case, is anti- Christian, 
 is to destroy its means of producing any kind of ameliora- 
 tion : it becomes a part of the same system ; an element of 
 evil, only swelling the general aggregate, and giving its 
 amount of influence to the universal corruption. 
 This contest of principle is a fearfully grave subject. 
 The men who are called to represent the Christian cause 
 are placed in a most responsible position. Their fidelity 
 must be severely tested ; their duties are of the most mo- 
 mentous description. Will they retain their fidelity to true 
 Christianity, — ^their adherence to the pure gospel, — their 
 devotedness to the interests of humanity ? We hope they 
 will. We have much confidence in their character. They 
 do not see it to be their duty to put themselves in direct 
 collision with the civil government ; but they feel the obli- 
 gation of upholding the truth of God. They trust in the 
 omnipotence of this truth ; and, retained in its integrity, it 
 is indeed undying, it is irresistible. These our brethren do 
 not recognize as legitimate an avowed agitating opposition 
 to the State : this is their avowal ; but they have confidence 
 in the efficacy of gentler means. They do not see the 
 hand of God in the thunder and lightning ; but they be- 
 lieve in the " still small voice." " Not by power, or by 
 might, but by my Spirit, saith the Lord," is their motto. 
 May they live to see that Holy Spirit raise the sable sons 
 of Africa to the condition of " sons of God," to the dignity of 
 intelligent and civilized men, to the happiness of freedom ! 
 Allegliany Mountains, extent of Pago 77 
 sunrise on the 80 
 Ameiica, travellers in, remarks on 166 
 America and Great Britain, connexions between 174 
 American character, energy of 50, 96, 166 
 individuality of 183 
 Revolution, its effects on the religious and political 
 feelings of the people 238 
 Americans, a religious people ,181 
 Andrew, Bishop, speech at General Conference, 1844 482 
 Asbury, Bishop, character of 255 
 Atlantic Conferences 310 
 Bascom, Rev. H. B 91 
 Baltimore, city of. 70 
 Conference, its extent, &c 328 
 Bishops, title disapproved by Mr. Wesley 258, 307 
 Book-Room of M. E. Church, South 333 
 Boston, city of 22-28 
 Bostonians, characteristics of the 29 
 Boundary-question of M. E. Church, notice of 300 
 Bunker-Hill, visitto 22 
 Calhoun, Hon. J. C 61 
 Canada and the United States contrasted 122 
 Canada, general remarks on, 152 
 Carolina, Noi-th and South, religious history of 335 
 Champlain, Lake, beautiful eifect of 159 
 Cluristianity not sectarian in America 189 
 Church government of M. E. Church 269 
 Cincinnati, situation, &c., of. 103 
 Coal and iron ore of Pennsylvania 83 
 Coke, Dr., and Bishop Asbury, their efforts against slavery 438 
 Conferences of the American M. E. Church 288 
 the doctor's impressions of the 295 
568 INDEX. ' 
 Croton w«t«r«workf Pago 47 
 DaIIm, yic««Fratldent, risit to 69 
 Early, Rov. J., D. D 91 
 Educntion, provliioiut for in America 185 
 Eplacopacy of tho M. E. Ohurch, origin of 258 
 —————— ^——— its character, functions, &c 28 1 
 Fomnlo character, ro«pect for, in United States 38 
 Florida Conference, extent of, &c 343 
 Forcdfi, American, lolitndo of 78 
 Georgia Conference, particulars and extent of 337 
 flencrtti Conference of M. E. Church, its origin, powers, &c 33 
 — — " author's introduction to, at Pittsburgh 85 
 Impressions of 295 
 f fannah, Dr., recollections of, at Baltimore 53 
 llnrper and Brothers' Printing Establishment at New- York, 
 vjiltto 37 
 Har|)er'ii Ferry, icenery, &c., of , 75 
 HudNon and Lake Lino of Conferences 356 
 ■" Uiver, scenery of 161 
 Indian MlMlons of M, E. Church 413 
 •—— population of the United States 414 
 Iron and coal ores of Pennsylvania 84 
 Jeiultf, efforts of, to recover then- position in Canada 144 
 Kingston, Canada, Conference at 133 
 ' City of, its advantages of position, &c 137 
 Laws, execution of, in M, E. Church 7. 283 
 Leo, Jesse, on Boston Common 26 
 I^roy M 91 
 MesmerUm, operation In, described ib's 
 Methodism, historical position of, in United States 198 
 in Now- York 205 
 Methodist Book-Concern, New- York 41 
 - Missionaries, appointment of, by John Wesley 218 
 Methodism during tho American Revolution 228 
INDEX. 659 
 Methodism, Pioneers of, in America, their Bacriflces, &c — Pago 396 
 territoriul progress of 309 
 Methodist Episcopal Church, institutions of the 26.*} 
 — organization of 242 
 subdivisions of the government of 27-i 
 territorial extent of the 345 
 federal nature of 265 
 Methodists, coloured, notice of the 94 
 —— American, feeling toward their British brcthran 07 
 •^— — — American, loyal to their system 89 
 Preachers, superior intelligence of 88 
 Southern, the doctors opinions of the 91 
 Mississippi Line of Conferences 405 
 ' Valley, great extent of. 82 
 Montreal, city of 140 
 New- Jersey Conference, extent of 324 
 New- York City, general appearance, &c 47 
 -^— — — — approach to 35 
 public buildings, institutions, &c 43 
 Niagara Falls, impressions of 113 
 ————— Suspension Bridge, visit to 126 
 North Carolina Conference, extent of 334 
 Novel-reading in America 39 
 Ohio Line of Conference, its extent, &c 378 
 01in,Dr., Speech of 473 
 Oi-ders of ministry in the M. E. Church 378 
 Paley, Dr., grandson of the archdeacon 15 
 Philadelphia, City of, described 351 
 Philadelphia Conference, extent of 327 
 Pittsburgh, description of 94 
 Polk, President, visit to 63 
 Protest of the Minority, 1844 500 
 Quebec, situation, &c., of 146 
 Railroad travel in the United States, remarks on 30 
 Religion, influence of, in labours of Methodism 402 
 state of, in America 187 
 Report of the Committee of Nine, 1844 521 
 Scott, Ber. O., sketch of hii dumetmr Page 464 
 Separation of Methodist Episcopal Church on the question of 
 slavery 614 
 remarks on S46 
 Slavery, early efforts of BfeAodlst body against 4.^3 
 observations on 7U- 74 
 question. Address of British Confisronce In reference to 448 
 ■ iiiHcultitiS of, considered 439 
 ii'eply of United States Conference to British 
 Ad4ri*!t »n the 504 
 SocinianisDi, prevalence of, in Boston 23 
 Soule, Bishop, interview with 89 
 his speech in 1844 486 
 — ^ his anti-slavery feelings 92 
 Sound, Long Island, notice of 39 
 South Oarolina Conference, extentof 335 
 Springfield, Mass., notice of . > ^ 32 
 Steamboats, American, their vragniflcence . • • • 161 
 Steam power, reflections on 18 
 Stevens, Rev. A^ interview with .■■. 24 
 Sunday on shipboard 16 
 Sunrise on the Alleghany Mountains ......> 80 
 Toronto, City of 129 
 Virginia Conference, particulars 9 rA extent of 332 
 Washington, D. C, description of 55 
 Washington, General, and Bonaparte contrasted 69 
 ■ Camp equipage, &c. of 67 
 ■■ his character 68 
 ■ introductions to leading men at 61 
 Webster, Hon. D 2» 
 Western cities, their progressive importance 395 