 ikl2J 12.5 
 m ■■ ■■ 
 M Itt 111 
 . / 
thhigs tlut are tapiiririiig or rt»diiig aroimd it, ot wm^U^^S^^^. 
 memory, w&idi things thiw. in th« twilight or duui<jw cif SwdonmSBoS^mS^^^ 
 " S!??''^ *^"^** «» **^ •*t«tion!Thi8 nirit .otion Jr3»e^SiJ!»VSt5tS1mr 
 m both dagNM. going on vimoltmieouly togethA. iti^MUM^SSlnlS mwSl^hni 
 only on«. ObMm. latant oonMioiun«M is qoite • diilCMnt thing ftom vnoonssioanMs W. 
 OM ncT«r Iw mMfOj oonMions of things i£ the ttneonsdoiirSewrbSSMrih^^ 
 ssf^fcU S!L?*??=^*v*r^'? -p^ '^ turning tt tairs^<ysnSeSiSo uS.2 
 Both the Mtirs and the hrteiit eonsdonsness weeets of the o^sdoos pJtSSTs^^ 
 T^.T^^,^^^^^"!"!;^' ^ eonsdoomess puwes from the lirtent to theMttfi de^M^ 
 (Bee "Mental and ifoml IhilDsoiiiy. 
 8. AUtkeefideneesof mentalM 
 fSJK? >»«*^ ▼«»*<>«» fMirtloM, hut thrt aU its fnnetioos teepertoSShyWjSSJ! 
 ST5li£^^!S: »i!^ ««• <»• inittfisihle eonsdons SntT^rtSTtt 
 evanr part ef the ^i^ fa adapted to do aU these fnaetioas : and th««toN thsM is bo ittC^ 
 the t^Miw or 0iNMdowM,li MfHtllMlesi endowed with tm& njum^OuS and aiSSaS 
 i*in.«adi eloieniiidi with the ••," that fiiSKTits haSSSJ 
 «w '* ^L^**"**^ !^ *^*etoi^4i«MoB (Of edoseioas and nieonidoiM BaHs is oImmmM* Ih 
 — d h»thqf ttwae iwrts set ae iiirtrit^ ^«^ toa»ti.^ — ^a->- »^. ^^Tf^!^ *"«Mn > 
 , il 
 CiMMllM iMtltute fo» Htotorlcai MlororH»ro<«ctkm«/ln«|lmt cnwndlnn d« mkror«productkH» hl•tor^uM 
 .Mia •tomb. 
 ib* 4001 fMn 
 CotoHMd ptetM «ia/or (IhHtratiom/ 
 P1wich« tt/oM iNiMtratiom mi ' 
 Bound with oltMf malariat/ 
 MfllM «««C d'MltTM dooMMnts 
 Tt#it bi w dini may cam* ilt«do«v» ot dittonioii 
 alone intarior marfin/ 
 Oualitv of pHnt variat/ 
 Qualit* m t|alt da I'impratMon 
 □ Continuowt pafination/ 
 Pafination continua 
 La raUura tarrto paut c a mar da I'ombra ow da la 
 dittonien la Ions da ia marfa intkrkm* 
 Blank laavat addad durinf raitoration may < 
 vrithin dia taxt. Whanavar poMiMa, thata Hava 
 baan ominad from f ilminf/ 
 II ta paut qua cartamas pafM btandiat aiouttet 
 Ion d'una rattauratkm appaf a iiiant dam la taxta. 
 mate; lonqua cala *tait potiiMa. cas pafln n'ont 
 Includt^ indaM(at)/ 
 Comprand un (da<) indax 
 Titia on haadar takan from: / 
 La titra da I'an-Mla proviant: 
 Titia pata of ittua/ % 
 H§» da titra da ia iivraison 
 I I Caption of i««ua/ 
 Titra da depart da la livraiion 
 G^niriqua (pAriodiquail da la livrai^ 
 Additional eommant*:/ Th«r« at* some creases In the middle of pages. 
 Cpmmantairat Mippl4mantaira«: -tk 
 This itam is f itonad at tha raduetion ratio diackad bakiw/ 
 Ca documant ast filmi au taux da rMuction indiqu* ci-dassous. 
 12X 1«X 20X 
 24X 2»X 32X 
 %•" ■ i- 
m it keoiaMMHrjp to 
 ponndwork of tho 
 otberuatiagr mm| 
 047. and W lis*. 
 ^ita ▼oUtioM or 
 Bive iaqwcMioat 
 *w or apiiit ; in 
 I natUr «an aot 
 ittflneiMiiig oq§ 
 w ioilonioe oao 
 •B^tiM matter 
 :iti •■ 
 g^ aoai W 
 taatfoa^ia Hw, 
 ' ^ *te??i?l^'*^ "^ atimalata aoma Und of mokmdar aetion. - ■«»««•» 
 „f . S*"^ *"? union batwaeii Mid and body, to be perfaat or aUthat ii raanira^ araat ba 
 Lat na add Ijtara, in oonnaotion with tha praeading piopoiition. that the hridaa iMftvn^ 
 OMjdoM ttooght and «h»,»^t?ri^^bodj mnat h^^^SHlS^^^^SJSZ^ 
 centra of tha aiah ; one half ia apirit aetion, the other halfia nudaentar Mtk»Tanaihr««? 
 hdf moat no wonar trambia 1^ the tread of a tho^ apM^STttSTuIa^l-mSS 
 iSL^tS!K'!S^**ft**^u**i!5^*^">^*«>* thaeMaeioM jM»tof STaoTiwSi 
 S?^w*^^^ ^*^ *S? b0dy and the nnoonaeiona part of ti&wal; the »»; mSS 
 for both, and aetion pftheona Und moat y«TA take phM>einSflBa half of ^^ 
 Of miffisassiffi^ ^ 
 aetion aMin itnagelT 
 •otlon la eoBflaad to tL 
 into tba paoTiaeaof tb 
 rateii aodoBt ptodmed 
 tWi^, Intt OBl^mtflaoali 
 tbaralsnevar aekton t 
 ^uto of tlMua. whtoli _ 
 ofimnr, Und, whether 
 aetion fa annniMry to 
 ion in an its minor defidStfliSulSoirattoir *" 
 •- 1 up tOM^ in the body, they era yet 
 the one wtau^MMan in the other, Benoe loL that mMeSnSarwS^tflr 
 aneeeeeatyMMtofaMleoalarp«*<^ «"i;~— /5..r!RT™™*5'_" *Wtoer 
 le ihoodii TCMea to the boT 
 "^ ' uiiiMlawlWM^^ orngolato one aaotbec/ 
 ~^ *^^ ^rv^a^pav WW ^mmtmm^mm W4WMB ^ XaaWVWAVaft WWATa 
 a in tha other, Benoe tt^ that mO/iS^umSHmTm 
 eoaoM Ooagfat mut be tledto M laortartoR^S^ 
 Iota it oraat be united 
 otoeeaad coaalMi^aa 
 Maa'abbdyie ibtu 
 ooaenon betwMB _«, 
 tnyVanw tha fame llneb 
 repNatBtanira of itMtt . 
 ___Tbia ianaaaotian for 
 we*e it not wattled for ' 
 oooelant, ttie eool won 
 that dM not ittToli^ 
 lottt the leaat ' 
 — »■ — — . aadfetpeiato 
 ewy kind of aetton in ^ anemaatat aU tinea VTOdoMMmeldadS 
 ^^teSd? ' •»*«'»•<»* !«• Piodneea that MttoTki^f 
 .'^!S!!S5!'^?V'''!!!&J^?*'i**^ *o be aieee MM OTn 
 rf!^2!l!*V"&^ 'vj'S^^ Tkae,wai«4ha 
 other wUeh la 
 : :ZSrrfL'r:S?^?vnr^v?w»*^ to be tfieee and eooataat : hat MM 
 iieaapiHwoaktboNunfvidfarotbeia. Thaa. war* ttalSSM2S^IS 
 d(ff«f«m rvduetlofi ratio*. Tnoa« toe larga «o b« 
 •ntlroly Ineludad in on* aapoauro arofllmad 
 b««innin9 In tha uppar loft hand eomar. latt to 
 ri^nTlind top to bottonfi. aa many.framaa oa 
 roQulrod. Tha following diogramt llluatrato tho 
 mathod: ,>„ ^ 
 Lor8<|u* la doeumant oat trop grand pour Atro 
 roprodult on un a*yl ellchd. H oat film* i partir 
 da I'anglo aupAriour gaucho. do gauoha i drolto. 
 Ot do Hout on iMia. on pranant lo nombro 
 d'Imogoa ndooaaalra. Loa diagrommoa autvonti 
 Uluatront lo mAthodo. 
 1 ; 2 3 
 , r 
 ;,:4-- ■ 
 ■■■; 5-. 
m» on« ana, — taa lor oonTeying ana prodaeing tmi moieeour Mbon in the miuoiea or parts 
 of the body at the other end; and in the other kind, there moat be that adaptation which flti 
 it for reeeiTing its own moleenlar aotion from the material or moleeolar aeti<tti of the parts <flr «' • 
 extmnes of the body, .as, for instance, the priddng of a needie,— sjnd for conTmrjng such ' 
 moleeolar action as will saitably produce spirit action at the centres of nnion with liu sool at 
 /the other end. 
 • Physiological science, then, without a single discordance shows most distinctly that the 
 human body is fully provided with these two spedaftr adapted nerve lines of tonneeti<m between 
 all parts of tl» body and its centres of union with the soul,^and that each kind is fully 
 fitted for the work which it has to perform both in coni^^g its own kind of i^Aififfllar 
 aetitm, and also in giving and receiving its 9wn priqper stimulus M aetion to or from mdedular 
 or spirit action at either end. 
 . The nerve lines, then, which transmit impressions or molecular aotion from the various 
 parts of the body to the centres, are called by^he later physiologists the Afferent or Sensory 
 Nerves : smne also eall them ftM Excitcur Nerves, because they excite action at the centiit Iro^ ' 
 fbeoutside. v * , ; T , 
 And those nerve lines which transmit motor or molecular action from the centres to the 
 muscles and various parts of the body, are called by physiologists the Efferont or Motor Nerves. 
 «A|)p]iy^MtrtsafrMia«iebralalMtaigthea^tof oo Carpenter and Loiuet. 
 however, m^ it Is lomied inttie IteMnoe^iiae or bCdl laDtfla; bat Fenier.^oueas, Yal^ 
 •^by a vast ■mount of inwtn«able evidanoe, have fiMurl^ proved it to be ^tedin the oaiebni 
 lttMB° T*"^ ^ ^* oentrea at nneonsoloas Interaction, physiological testimony Is genanUy qoite 
 t See on Ols nibjeot, Farrier's "Fonottona of the Brain." Oarpento's "HUmaa Physiolocr.'' or 
 any other late flrat-olass work on the hnmannerrooasyatem. - *^u™m. ^«,w«iU8y, w 
undarjiWtatl •ttmnSTWSJSt iJtHS?' "different 8tim3al^,S^ ?**^* 
 ■timuhu tadiff««wir-.,w -°S!f^J,"**^ ™^ nnder materkl ■Hmni«/5!L.^*?' of nutter 
 (didiff«KMU lori iftin^M^ TO that epttk wbidh exnlodM « t!^!/ J"?^ ••"9»*^ «o its 
 »i«Jttrtintliiin«SStt2r*?**""?P''"- "*^**'*^"»«MjrM«ttding 
 £ ■ *, 
 t 1 
 :•■! 'V J. ; 
 ■« ■'-:■'■ 
 iltey^Mi '*iS>;*i»j'ffl*'i^-.«'5fcsiLii!&i: 
M>te Mooidiiig toiti 
 It its iiimiiliu. If 
 a its dwn inbawnt 
 h« aAtioo of nutter 
 «^PV baoMse tlie 
 f«wat from flurt 6t 
 ' may Mam to (rat- 
 io tlie sttmolu of 
 B ohamiMU l»wi of 
 ion Are • train of 
 lyMoordiog to iti 
 «en a eompoiition 
 •»n«^F •epording 
 * aatnio of man. 
 •J -oti? in the 
 Mtinir MMoidinff 
 •. XhemolMola^ > 
 ?»«^M, iapa^y 
 ttte pIviiMi „ 
 ■Pirit aarfl^ ^ 
 donbttMAy iroold b* .tb« owe wera tb«re any mon uMotu nwrnMn. tu oigHuww an •wvuMa 
 •U ifaMe in tiMae allli«; «hla U otowly proTed by faota, and vbra «h« tlMw ^• y^y^y^ ^gi'S** 
 toaet When a-apark Is oommontoatodat one end toattaln of guwowdn wlakb eoinM^|rt^ a 
 Uaat In a qoarry.loie mserrdr of focoe In ttaia oaae lathe gimpowdar MaeU all along «h« Una. iMtadlnf 
 bo«h«hetanlnuidtheblaHt.and the aUmnlna ia the apark, UaU the fanpowdaria^si^oded Mane 
 Aot. thareaarrotar la exhaoated, leaTlng only a realdnani ot dnat; bat if ft wwe VM^tbU Qta« tb«Mm 
 gunpowder ootid be exidoded aeven! tfmaa in aoooapaUm ere.aU ita vwttclaa were axhanaled o< 
 ezpioaive power, or that but a fraotion of it oonld b«i exploded at eaoh time, Imirlmi • f^WTJi" 
 fafiure naaTwe mla^t perbapa have a aomatblng remotAly analogona to the roaevroin of phyilMl forea 
 in the hnnan booT. .. i 
 It is now a MmraUy adndtted fact, that aU phyai^ Mtton ia OMTtod oat bT the 00^ 
 tiaaaiaotthebody; inoWrwoida,bythebomingomeCMae. Bofu^enMfiialMdytaeMiMnad. 
 the tlaane aU or^ the active parte «( it ia the reaerroir. Bo mnehot it la oxidiaod or bmat in aMi 
 nMleoalara«t; the aahea,ao to apeak, lathe mUeqiilarwaate. and when the aupply of anitabto tlaane 
 la oriuHiated, the' i eae i' >e i r ia exhanated. . ^^^ ■_ .. «. _i. , _* ,^,. ^^ 
 TheoZuUilitt pnoeai 1« Mt in moUA in eaoh aelat the oentaea. by the attmnlna^ ipirit ae^ 
 -that la. mbltaMfea la the tptA. When moleonlair aotton in Oe aenaory navTaa originatea a* the 
 extrenaa A the body, It doea ao atm|^y from the atlmiUna of ^er mpleonlar Mtlon., .... 
 PbyaloloMeal ftwte ahow that thare to a waate rf tta we from IWa OMue In all the^^ 
 In aeUflDTMid tha(a la no aneh waate In any iiartioalar pact aa Wonid 
 uaiti uuMalllMf apeolal leaei mlra of phjalnai fnmo Ittr all the mat . . _ ^^ ._.^ ^ 
 a. The tne nanvnir at forae In the human body la the aonl, i^^ glTeattie Miliit aUmv 
 And aptnt aUmutaa ante on tiia matter at the oentraa aa wi td e wi la a r sttmidna aato on fiw a^ 
 apirit attraulua doea not pndeet Itaelf throu^ the oentrea and narraa Into title body Ufcer --*>*<'- 
 one aUto of a pond doea not tratal over aU the pond, but PM^bom a rip^dewUph teavda overlt M. 
 In like mannaor; aaoleenlar attmnloa doea not project ItaaD Into tbe aouL but limply oom mnni« <a t ea 
 Iteefte e tatotteaoalatthaoa n treaof milon. 
 ^^TtaTdlieovSiMoCeha^i^ ahowthataU aetionlnthe lemttaf vhyaleal 
 foteaa aaaklnn thetr eaulUbrtam: and that It ia Jnat in the paaaaga of farce from noOKMyunoa to 
 balaneattaitlotee to mly ean be obtained. In the aame way we oan learn that fibeMnngth ofttw 
 ftooTto jSTlheSmBg^ ttw pnaaare from non-balanoe to fialanoe: that It Is only by the addlHoa. 
 «??rl££Mar<)7Siu£irol aomeSd^ 
 anttblaMitlMtdlBtnrbathtebalanoeiaapirodncworpromoterof physlealaotlon. 
 ^^TAa^UMovwiea of ahemlatry alsoiSow ibat all tbe phyalMl oraanlaatton of homanaaweU as 
 ^^ll^m^l »*tB««i !■ rt«n«Mtiit«<i on the prinolple that ttie ox idati o n of mafter and mp le w da r waite ahaU 
 awlnHwrnattar of the body inst as In the matter ontalde of It; and that Ih^ovdar to aufea op flw 
 wisti sanwd Iwr this oxidatton (for aU phyaioal action ayi be a eoow ml iahed onlyby oxldMlMiof 
 \ tttOi malnlal la betaic eonatantly brought Into the body. OxIdatUm la a gtnanl law In 
 "- .««.>-; ,^m-t..aStwwiir. "TK^iti^ITSU, ^ntfy,,y^yaaak.ahangoon thecristot 
 r::i .. 
 .■ :; • 
 1 ' 
 t : : * 
 „^ —..-J 
 mMftr tt_. 
 , 7. B to eftea vmmtasiatibmriS\Sl'^ZZ!S?^^ »'• mwy of the wiUMjrr iZ^Z^Si .SS2!f™*» ™ 
 LJS?2!SS'-P«* of the «„d to o« ih. «.*.^ . ^-._ J^ ' 
la it thai b«^SiS«4 
 VBMy.ta mo^iu. 
 "•*■■• with the r^ 
 P^of^ gunpowder 
 non kind from oUmt 
 on* Mt may appMr 
 Mfcom tha other is 
 B of this may wiMly 
 •nd nuintiined in 
 ■«t mrtty. 
 ' ttw pw ae um of 
 fj^wmMi and of 
 nni oooMloiuBMii 
 «riier iLTSv !^r~» "^ S?*5r" V* .•" **»• ^*" o' phjiiologiod nperlflDM.. Mole- 
 onlir waste i» a epaetant nenlt of moleeiilar aetiM^ and we aU taiow that the deem of 
 HJri!!J »J^ *• *?****" of the uneoMofame part of ^ sool in earrv^ on theionetioBs of 
 S!l/tA*5!~S^***" P*^ *>' **»• *>'»* in thinking. feeUn«. or wiffi^aboat t^rwittiS 
 Mf that do not neeeeiari^intolfe the foSiTof thefody atSf Mtaeh^SSte 3 tiS 
 hralii alwtyi attends mnoh ttotii^t of any kind. ^^ 
 th. ifih]?* TW f**"**^ ^ ono (tfiM ta, the aoal or body) ean nefir be the work done by 
 the other. Wie one may do work for the other, but the one can nerer do the work of tS 
 ^S^lSfJSL"^" '"* eonrtitution they would require to be the^wie, andifin natu! 
 SllS?21S*b?«q'SSd'.**" "^ e^iM by theTeoeerity of the X'^elX^fi."^ 
 ^Mu!'l£!!!u^^&^,^S^^ the brain centre noTOr does th« Work of the infnd or 
 !fflJi„^*5^tte.5*"^' ''"S?*' 1*"^' *"» ^* *<»* ''o* *» *h« mind or spMt>y giTing oat 
 hSJ?^L21£^»K.!S!^I'SL^J^ v'^^'**??* tMJtwmWewiththesoaliitionofathoaght, 
 vJK£tt.^.!Ij."w*S?f S?"''V I?"* ** "*T,*" K^^ tnexpression to thelieeVSra 
 Tou^to the hands; bnt thinking, feeling, or wilUng. are f anetions for whieh ft is •bsoiately 
 ih. ^w5^ Tl^ Mul do the work of the bnin, any more than the telegraphist esn do 
 Sirs Sli!i°S"'"'"* ^ ^nnnmiU message eith« to or from hlmsX^The SJrtU 
 ifttL wSTSaC""'*"": "^ 5"^ others, all deeisiTely «ow that if thought were Io<£^ 
 SJSht I!?jBf^S •* •"• **«|^ ^^ *»»• 8»V nutterj bnt it eaa^be piOTedthS 
 sSImKi^StLZI^'^L*^^ S^*^' ^'•****' «»• ^ «•»»" of the b«5n is of S 
 rf «LSS ^?^ T "S?**** 2f ***• w»«>n*»tons oentNs ; thsNfore the brain Is not th« otmb 
 ^S£J'**"* •^^' "i!^ *" *«™» ^'"^ «»• <«i« o* thought Ja^mSt 
 ™«-Sr K "S «<** ** "?«^tipiying examples to show that Se prineiptoflu^MiMdlMUs 
 ptonontoihddii trne of the w£ole soitf (eonsdousandnnoonsdouTM?tl5Sfr3afi uMu 
 !i*!i'^- *"*; ^ >^ ^^7 different tUng from the work done by the mattar of the bodr obVmZS 
 asnnes ai nmnm that a%m «^*i»» ^« «.^tj— i_ x*.. *..*.. » . »»»»«» 
 V ta* ' ^^W' 
f. •.''■ 
 e<lttMS£>S<^J»i m!i iritis^ ^^^ fwMw* Ji NqniNd in additiM to th* pom 
 ^^^n' ' 
 , ' 
 • ^ 
 ,^-u 3 
M wiu B« raqoiTM 10 
 hi hoij matt b« ntk 
 m thrdogjb Um bodj, 
 a diwharfsbj it, Us 
 not b* «aoi«ntiy dioM 
 doas Mfft of tho niil 
 idiModiii UtyiMiion 
 B, or prodindnc Mtion 
 iitioiiial or ftutoouitio ; 
 lonl in tT|ir<nlnfl ili 
 utio. Tliig POINT of 
 Biatod with oQOMioiu- 
 prapor dot/. 
 II fitted to build v^ 
 im of tho oonMioos 
 gmeiit of tho hooML 
 1» attOTtkm mainly to 
 1 iti own B)oT«n«nti ; 
 Mumot b* dono Mito. 
 BOMioiuBiMi and iti 
 of til* aoaJ, bting in 
 1 in it» miut take np ' 
 Idition to tha powan 
 ua in thabaatatata 
 oentea daflnitdj in^ ona partieolar Mrt of tha hrain, it ia batter at onee to do ao. tha 
 partfeniarpart of the brain, then, which btte phjniotogieal diaeoTary ahowa V> ba tha eantra 
 of nitton with tha eonadoaa aonl. ia the gny matter of ttie eortioal avbatanoe of the eerabramt 
 for that thia grey matter or oartioA rabatanoe of the eerebmm ia the i"»y» iH^n * f aaat ol 
 epnidoiuiieaa, maynow be regarded aa follj eatabUihed by the raaeanhai and axparimanta of 
 Farrier. Floarana, Volpian, ete.* . *^ 
 ^Kie eerelnnim. ^en. ia tiia eantra of onion witti the eonaokma pwt of the aoid. Of the 
 apaeial atnuhire of tiie whole brain, we may speak mora horeaftar ; ft ia anon^ at praaant to 
 u"^.?!?^ attention to the faot. lowaU supported by phyiiologieal aeienoe«fhat that pwl of 
 itealledtheeerebnqiiathaeentreofii^ion with the eonMioasput ^ 
 podtion, aa a^pwt of the brain, at tha top of the ipinal oord. rad with Ullla maaa of body 
 between it and the exterior worId,--eo that ahort nerve linei, little in the way of other aom* 
 plieated nerra linee. may aarra to give ft eomittiinieation witti the outer world inaeaing. haarinff. 
 ate^— pra-emiiientiyqiialiilaBttaa a softaUa eentre of onion with thaeooaolovpvt otW 
 ThmtronithiieerAral eantra to all parte of the bodyand fhMOdttt.anihoiMttaif» 
 linea are faiown to radiate, whleh axe of that eharaeter whioh aoite tha eonaelotta part of tha 
 !^rir?™^ *^ if"''^'^* *'*'*^^ lenaory io^reaaiona from the body or &a extarior 
 nieearabral eentre, or, in other worda, tha aerefaral hemiapharaain t^iehthegMyinttttt 
 andjheae nerrea meet, are in the form of a hoUow ehdl, and hang oTar tha baaal orrabamial 
 gan^ and tha t(m of the spinal aorl Hie gntr tnalter oeeo^ the outalda of tUa ahall t 
 Si?S!!'!!?*2[rf yofa»«SWorigiiiaMng & thagr^matter. aomeoot at aU pointa of tha 
 ilmar aide of thia hollow ahell, and eonTwging downwarda in the form of a holtoanmw. tha 
 BWata: whmee both Mndaof narraa paaa thaother ganglia and dSwnwatda throogh tha «5«li 
 aord, fi>!» «lM7 Mpan^ from thb traet, and apreaHlMnBaelfaa in paira (OMofMMh U^ 
 apa^alfomthabod^. B^ thoa be aaei, that the eoorae of wnw^nS^S 1^ 
 be opward along the aUteani aanaoiy narraa. whiefa thoa riafng fMun tha apttaOhalMBl 
 ■ ad and enter the inner aide of the hdlow ahdl. where that toi5i fli««mw^£g!_S!S 
 \ ■ 
 t e 
 Kj wg»a 
 ana inai a y pi T ^aa 
 , jM — D 
 Han ta Ihla aaMv. b 
 e« thU UM* work at* m aiadl bMM«t«a by lis 
 I. U^y wiU by no OMau gndf m litU* ttea apMl la fHtef ft a sladiAM %m4 mnl^ 
 . ,- " *■•• •• •»•«*• »ka«. la aoaaMnMaf UtU Hmdj, «• w«r« barely a«af« Um« tm 
 hoa«>« ia««m«Ktioa of Dm laiMi and beat aataUlahad teato of Mi«Ma^ ^M by aaawoa Mua 
 •«da»lgHja o^ of Um rMMalaf p<*mmn. •.m>M fomUh t^lmM m powatfaHy Mciflr«alory 
 m «MlWi||la/* laaebM r— p — < m g Um aompUt aakw of aooi aad body 
 Ifa baltafia. wtoh Jeaaph Cook, UwU .aia«a baa raaahad an «a in whiah tha ■•• Uial will 
 laaallun tha «il«lM4a of Um aoal oa MiaoUfla gfoaii4a, will oa^ Aav a tifaHln adaaatkw 
 and bk tgadraaaa of Uial my ••*«•• froai wtikb b« qaoUa. 
 Tan mm% w Mink, «a varga aloMly on Um Um* «h«i oor baya ia oat loaalar Mhoola 
 ■ay laara. from Um dlrtiaal iMilaMNiy of aMatal aad phy«iologt«al Mlaaaa, ih ^tt mhm fteda* 
 aiaaUl (aato rMpMllnc "" unUm of loal and body. UiaA Uioy l«ani la ya« aiaarw and dmpl* 
 •af«MiaUM8abhaU.«ihoolfw«Uiai,«a4andWaaeedoklBookofOod. If a»aUriall«. wlU 
 Uvetn the fat«»~aa probably II wUl-H •«• lead a. Um barmi and aaaoUiTatod waalaa ol 
 '•*^**"**» »o* »» Ik* ridi aad wall .«altl rated donaiaa of aaUd^M^ 
 ^W^B*r« had any (ear of Bariplora arUooM baiog ortrUirewB by thai oTlha taianaM j 
 lUfMlhalea^ «e eoa«M to havtac dwaya aoma MiiafacUoa ia baariag one aflar aaoUuTol 
 lhaaa baadaaia. of raUgloa adding iU taallmony la oondnaalion af a oandar aelaneeu alvaa' 
 by inapiraUoo, aad laaa iikaly lo ba mlaiindaralood. ■ ' " "' *^ 
 .^Jtl^JH^HJ* "/ *J'^^^ •''•••^. Iba landanay of Um hamaa miad. after ha«tag 
 obteinad a knowledge of Um farta InTohrad. la to Ion. a Uiaory. Tb. mlad .^ar -Zto 
 dMptoa U^aory la to daapiaa kaowladga. Wa aonfaM. Uiarafora. to haWag tamJTL^^ 
 -^•l^. aa to Um mode of «Uon balwa-. Um «HU aad U»a bod/TlMl wa ai^ 
 ea^ahU f^Mtera ol UU- work to jadga wbaUiar or not oar Uiaory. ia ia^aral aad WTalX^ 
 -oUjUly boraa ool by Um faal. of aalanea aad of Sadplura. aad^i -ofZu.roa?<i^h 
 >,iim,. ■■ 
»««MdpM purl of tbesoSr I^SS ftL^Xow v^~5^^^^^^ ^ "PV^r or 
 l'^""" illtiil^MiiZ^Tlirrr.rjMllHI^ ■ "PF Moerebwlhmi.. 
 wonld imply ott« ddlnito loonlkm for thTJMMR^ V .^ ^^^^ *^ oooMiooMieu 
 TlMj mMj„ 'taSSlj d5»ibediMi faSSS .^ "*" ■** ^'*' **« eipeetod, mote than om. 
 *»«*£i^£^ ««« whioh the 
 ip||aM» hoKitt alt the omnio mSSttr Iw!r«JSlS?^i*'*u°f**'^<'" ■*>^ I^^Pi^ 
 I own 
 v fitUMar to pi- 
 intw^Sno l^twUi ttTlI TST "iT^ «»«)n«>ioiu moI m« tb 
 •w««&wt:-4heMadK5h£SK3SS^^S^ ** oowdoM OMitr^ 
 «t4h Um«o4 
 ■ '"•'• »» ■wkiaf UtaM lr«th« «lMr «• k... Z»^ .ii .i. . ._ ' 
 fort**, w^i 
 by tmrmiMUm 
 kM«hii4teflMr / 
 ^ the "pqr«h«," or 
 the nnoonaeioiu soul 
 Mhed nwre linea of 
 ork ^i^ioh, aooordiog 
 im or oerabnd hamU- 
 ore of oooMioiuiieu 
 rith the nnooiiMioiu 
 Mted, mora than om. 
 int bam whioh the 
 11 the orguts or pwtf 
 BMiooa wml prepifM 
 pviVittaMcliain, tad 
 tie eentree ereete •!! 
 > praaaiHtij ft rtififHif 
 I. Ftom theee cells 
 oh, in the warde of 
 r$j oeUohurnuUter) 
 tin of nerrei whioh 
 rudaljuoiia whieh 
 I gan Jhwile Burnt it 
 le oneonseioaa lonl. 
 * ooawioiu oentre, 
 ■oiu : ^ wmie me perfect oontinaity of erery fibre «l the main line ia reqoired onwuclo 
 tt. termioM in thecerebram, tiie fibres from the onconvioos centres switchSMTdownweiS 
 torte^^S.SSrc^tSr.-"^""''"^ «.kedlih.downw«d p«t of the line .tioSS 
 i« tK??JL??» ?!?**''!? "*?^???,.'P'*' *? ••^ '*»«• *»»«n«<»n«oioas oentre lies oonyenlMitly 
 tathelineofeonnectionjrith the oerebnun. and wheie *e«etion dependent on thntnSoS 
 MOOS centra leqairM. from ito chMrscter. to be elwuj* nnder the faSedinte SenSTi 
 OMisdoosness snd the control of conscious action froi the eerebram.x In ewi; hoJete? 
 ijere nnconwdoos centres dp not lie conveniently in tlie line of connection^ where t5 
 action reqoirss to be separate and independent of all oonMioos orersight^ con5>l rf 
 afferent and efferent nerre lines thronghont. ^^- "MW|«Ma«i 
 -jJE?*! *2??* nwthod of^nerre distribution appears, tfcon. in the light of physiolodcal 
 «Sr^i.{S.*fi.*^*5^*'f"P*^u*****'^^ ^''' «dwhae thew are^aient^SdX^ 
 lines which the different centres have respectiTely and ind«iendenUy for their own use tta^ 
 ^^ »<»»• tow afferent wdeffwent lii^^ which. passinglSconJou. oS^Sek™ 
 Sb^; 1S^'X^.:^tI **** ^^ '^^. tCough .part of their cours*. to do i^{ 
 tor both parts of the soul. There can be no obstada in tha way of the anconscidas centre 
 n s rng m so o n o m < w the sa m e ti y eks as the ce r eb ru m ; because, toongh the molecular a cBMa~ 
 used by both should b« even the same in kind, the action from th? unconsoiS wnl to S 
 •«.*il^^*li^L?!'*!f F*^^ *^* possibly <^iild be adopted lu suoheases as this, Is that of each 
 Mnire baTiaRltaown indepebdeat ■alt of nerre lines throastaont: thnsrinSead cSlhl m^a hmS 
 oentres, the lUtoonseiona oantrea coold have their own independent sets Snm»^^lM!S^^^^ 
 i — ts^^ T^-> ww — ^M^w vwHWBw wiuu AHiTo auvuT uwu UUIOPOncu 
 in oompany wtth them, and so aoatter and loeate themsdvss 
 does not aflCeti 
 neoesslty; and m«ir»OT« — «ti£.^ K^^T£a*!^S^Jfe!?»!»J^^^ gwnmdrt 
 OMi in any way oar mexalttieory or principles maintained in this book. ThelsMarA&br 
 . -- 1 ' I ■■ ■ — — ■■■-^» ^^twm 
 te IMW »1th a Body ^ 
 a.— iMh N«r^ Mm Miiteiity adsflai te IV Work •Msk MlkM l» paitMl lit Ikii 
 paH o« iIm M««d wtUi wkiaii tl ts eosaesiai , |« 
 X. -NnllariUas re^vlrsd la every C««u« el Uatai " " ^ 
 Xl~ l iiiiisi«HfcaOi.>wflfc»pnitaeHfcaieyw<thwhMit>^ewi<it.!!. 9%. 
 • lOTIOM II. 
 l.-lfil»«flk*Os>ekra« jV I, 
 II.~-TW«chl or OoiiMioaan«M d«aMaMral«d t* kc ■• F^mUm sI Ik* 0«ehvM* m 
 Brain. b«l of Ihe lio«l -A proof of lh« fioal's •!»■*«■» e. 
 OL—TlM OareknuB the Ei^board of <'^>~ — iitsitnn tiium l».J U-lV^'" 'r ". 
 aadtkoBe^f ft 
 W. f k el B fnttko eoafi f t B ry of the for^otes Chapter ..!!!!!.]]!!!! |§ 
 T.— fasts wkleh an explained by tU Th«ry of ihu Work. . . . . . . /...'.,,..... M 
 TL—BsiaikM o< Phreootofy to the Tb«orT of this Work , . m 
 Vn^ Ohoetly Po«« oirsr Matter, alt ..' !, 
 TUL-^Proofti of the Soal'i «iUteMe .' ^....'......!!.. ! m 
 O. -<]ertain Aiioaatie Priaslples aasaMNj |» pNMm Hm \vii kjlllill lool 
 andBodj ;; ; ^ 
 X.— RMarks oa the Qofhistrlas of Hniley. Bain, and other HatsrJaHstg , . . . m 
 -wkUh UMy 
 ^J '•▼•Ution 
 ^•««i Biyk^ 
 • kndkivlew 
 •re pwfMtly 
 •oal. 1/ w« 
 •ork of tkiej 
 I moots. 
 %^J^^!St,J^L^^^ i -*' J ' ■'it ^' 'i-^ 
 jC^ " 
 _ W ■™°**™^ •«*«•«»«• "wtof Mrre linM tb«t, ooniMotiiig alone witti tiidr own 
 inaoBMiou ««itMi,M«inM»Uihnn,uidind«p«ndani^^ Thi« 
 ^^S*r^^ 5S;;^gy--. ?"^ ^ V^ ymp«thetie g«ngM> «nd ttoit other onoonsoioiu 
 MBtTM BMv W«V«d«il nenra Ifaies braneh oat into the reepiratoiy organs^ heart, uul many 
 £SiSSUl£:^;cS;sJ^^ »^*^ '>^- 
 «idnS?Vo^'!iaL2^li^f™^ of ■oahanatni. thai th<7 would 
 ISSJSSL'SSSS iLi^i.^*'"*^ ttd atoo to be rabieet to the ffoddanoe or 
 SfjiSMr «» «>.f^ '" •»<»«» ^^©ODMlona and the nnoonfleiotu aonl, aetinTtither at 
 *5^'*4S?Si"i!?S*"*!"^y ' ^ '°"°^' thai in a aoitable oiganiaatio^ m^ organs ot 
 2sJt5i!Ss^.rr;?s^:^ «dtorrxent 
 ireiy many oJ«t wh|^. peirfonning fmotienB onder both narte of^ wnl, aeteglit^ 
 ■tonhaMowly i»r at different timea. are oonneeted by a doaC set of nerre wSL bo£ 
 th|jo«|tewn and the nneonwriona eentrea^ Thne, aa already shown, all thowOTgSswhiS 
 send sansnty and toUtional motor nenre lines to the oeiebrim with branohing^3tor«Bd 
 antomaUo ^oU«exmm^ a* the intenrening oneonaoioos centresrhaf?*t^Sw»frid 
 ^t eunot eiihar pna^i^ or eonTeniently eonneet with both^oentreii by aoM^^m t^ 
 Um n^nttja, ha^e s^piwrta and indeiKm^ 
 fltaHnrtiMr, aa llhsfaattM the manner in whiah the vmriand n^ ^imii qf the bodT thnM 
 oopnaetod^rti h ttoth^i yts <rf the sonl opaw^ it is i^aj ttot wfata tto W^ 
 !S!lt22?*'.J!r^v'^ »h*^^[«r 5art,the nriokof apin aroliedtothe foot^Su excite 
 TS^'^IISS!" •* **ia??f ^ •™?~r/^ foot to be wil!drawn,-the oonsdow^S 
 ,al Iha ear^teua manid^ hajtog no toowWgeofwhatis being don; below the pSntS 
 If!**^.?"^ ■**!!?* ^^ l*M.«*kNf the other centres of^nneonsdoussoSl^ 
 tl»,medBlko Moiigat« ,mesaneepha^ eerdbeUom. and the optio thabmi and corpora iSriato! 
 i9 their oidar tipwav9 from the q^ eerd to the haa been ioimd by n^ 9m*^ 
 «d«th«M. that Kri^ Uia «-P«S^aelIon of the nna^Sd^mTalTJlTuS^ 
 eaiphm and eo-ordinalas the action of more organs of the body than it dowalthe oen^ 
 beneath It. yet ^ of ito actions, when initiated, go on aatomatically by a blind sympattwSo 
 kCW^'^^Wi^ "^^Jk^' 
one wMi Hhtit own 
 inotor littes. TUb 
 other nnoonsoioiu 
 M, heart, and many 
 kh«r oataide of the 
 ra thai th«r noold 
 to the gaJUhnoe or 
 itgUM mii^t often, 
 il, aeting eithar at 
 an many organs or 
 the oentree of botii 
 Aerent aenaory and 
 Bzdtor and efferent 
 bloh do^ot reqoiie 
 me Idndr^thme are 
 aool, aeting dther 
 TO lines with both 
 those organs ^rtddh 
 lehing ezdtor and 
 hare th^twofold 
 e respiratory, ete., 
 Moessory fibres to 
 1 the oeretoom uid 
 I of t he body thqs — 
 lower part of the 
 lie foot ^nll exoite 
 the oonseions sool 
 wlow the pdnt of 
 nseions sool, ids., 
 id oorpora striata, 
 nd by Dr. Ferrier 
 i asouiding centre 
 oes at the oentr» 
 ^lind sympathetic 
 <t w " payene,-' nas awo us sutaDie esnnes. witn me eiaaaes of 
 nerre ^ whish it leqoires to p r e s stf . take oait ol,— in short, do its own proper work in 
 nnion with tho body, vis., the affocent ezdtor nems and the efferent motor narres whioh 
 oonT^ Mtomatio or invdnntaty motion: while also aU those ocgnns of the body that r«qabe 
 to be altetedfrm both parts of the sool are, M we have seen, eooneeted with.both k^ 
 centres by jmitvUe nanre Unas. 
 nw experimental r es e a whe s of I>r. Ferrier and othor sdentists aU folly hannoniM with 
 this theoiy^ , Tha n neonse i ods sool performs all its work antomatieally, and also the eonjNkms 
 sool gives sa^iession to its emotions, ete., in the eow^tenanee or in the gesture, and does so 
 mooh of it* work antomatioally or inTolontarily as can be done ; thos leaving the attention 
 — — ^ — _ ., .i ..* 
 <> As UtastamtlTe cMtae manner In whloh the flonsoioos wnd will renioiid autonuitioallr. at its ^' W 
 MnteM. to ttimnlns oo||taf tlumgh the allnent ezottor nwrea. it i« wdllnownST^lUbL ^^ 
 l21SSS.!^ff^!!??2? !?!?2i^''*1'^'^ **'i,^P« ■winit.i&.belanoe its body, or aet vailoarit oMmtwIm^ 
 accgrdtog totbeki nd ofjrtlinQl^on applied V> the oniEMr ends of the afferent nei«or.nOTTee^->«vsa 
 fTTf ■?** ^Mgy °ffy *^ ebeclntsly imconsetom <rf its own movements. The aUmolaSioa coming 
 gPP-^'.^yJ'yfay ^ 5'f"£P* "M*" »•»»•■*» *be ceittiee of onion wltti the aneonaoiou son! pro: 
 dnoM spiri t adPon , which ^ tnm acts on the efferent motor nerves, and makee ikhe'metaiban of the 
 '*<«^S!l^P<'«2f*^y!L»2^ afmfathy cr Inatlnci 
 Woe ttie aoUona pndnoed Mr ooiwaid stimwatioa meeisabr ontfcam in all'Saaaa. ' * ' 
 ^'^>"x?^?^^ apfilt action did not intirvene at aU betwemtbe flzst aUmidiSrai 
 mmts^ttehody. BatthemovemantaannotQnlftmmbatvarlafeto,andvetanalwai 
 with a Uttdof nneooadoas tnatinot and sympathy with the plan and weU-beint of the 
 (dearly ahewlni the intarventlan of v&trii» nnooasebas aool thns tiSna ei 
 movonenta or the body^that wooid ntineeaaaarily aneomber and diatract the 
 cpnaeiona aool in the diaeharge of ita own proper doty; the mioonacioaa dolngitaown 
 alaooanylng on the movemanta initiated by the conadoaa, wnd reoiiiiln^in aneh Cat 
 •-t*-" -It mmt than thn aHghtaat ■nnaUlauna. ""— ~— ^ "^ —»«.•«» »- 
 ii.-^iSlJri.*''" fe.5'5?S^*"*"^ •** *•» "^"^ «* ^ «■■«■ «' «>• *PdT TW«h eonneet by nerve 
 linaa witt,tte omtreaof the oneonaeioaa aonl alone, or that an isolated firm tte eooseioaSDSss by the 
 "*****"** *" **" «—*»*»»' tt nt rw i in . that ttw h ala nnlns th e Tarin t ji a n d t he fl tn eaa o f moieime uii in 
 I n^t ■_ 
 i the move' 
 I in harmony 
 iol% thereby 
 of the 
 *^* .<>iW> g^y***^ by.<b» ajBmnlattco «t^ onterlSta dc the aitonnraeltoc ; 
 interventlaB between the aUmnlaMen aaf 
 mc o naeioBa (that ia. ratof reaohof tbeindlvldnal'aconseioaaaeaa).haan•vartbeIeaaafaaera|initlM• 
 l oi Ufa outer anda oC Vi» aoerant axeltoc nervaaL pi«m the 
 wd^ttte mpvemeote of a qriritaal ametUng. wUoIl t&n^ 
 IMm &elMvements aeeordingly: that vrntnal somettSag ia the nnaoMBloaseMil. / 
 xn ereioj e, at weae oentna of the anoonaciona aonl, all Impreaatnna Mwilac fircm the ootalde 
 ^ce vi>ttaetlon,whiahintampMdaeee mrtlewihsr aetlomor movement m the mambenof the 
 Then may be 
 however, in which motoeOlar action, laiUatai daewhsMk 
 ^■'^■''•^,;^&£^^is^;s:s^^jrjsss as'^aSfs.rSaj^SLSs 
 apMtaptlpn can produce mpbcolar actlmi. tt can of oouia aaaifir ngnlata lt7 aai'^ie movemnt „ 
 mM?2SiiS; IS*f J:;:iS5^iS?l2'*i? *• "^ «* tim jtertToaaSi^ modifled^SiSr^nSTb^ 
 ■pintaetlon in ita pa wa gB thnongi^the Bneoaacioaa centre. ' 
 The reader la hare referred to the lafiaat and beat physiological woilts on the aarvona syatem., 
 •■i.^.jfiui'^'ji'ldi ^m Vtj ii»nitt'.^.'li^''':-a> < r.kt 
 ■ i«^V ii> ' «^ rf i ^ 
 iMoM naolM to be allnmiil oat lo u tolMire no put ff the bodj tdlhout neeeMuy een' 
 nectfcm ; th«, to Inipohw M tilfle sDMe or lBtri««?y ta tt^ 
 IS»fSl! **'^?!S2[i^ ^TJ"^.^ Hr ^ • knnaie or iheiith to tlie eoitne of i^ 
 with the lool (whkli an wntpcakSotgnj etiiitlar«ntte»), where they iMiii would require to 
 !!P!5!li2L"ff!^ out end pat themeelfei in relntionato one another eoqMponding to the 
 rd^Ioike wUch tiMj mutein to one another at thebthar "told: lo that the loafeanba id>Ie to 
 552?^ 2f ^ •*"' t diitiitot baproMion or motion item or to eaeh point reached bjra nerve 
 f^!irS*****",*°f '*««.««««ffl»pi^il»looldngatanian,niyoptionarre,inoneinipr«e. 
 lion, would reqoire to oonT» from theretbia of the «7« todurWsfarum e^y point i£^e 
 mM'i imam, noB^ month, i^ hands, feet, ete.; end at the Mme time erery one of theie 
 Mints or olJMts most prewrre the^smne relations to one another, as seen at the edrebruni, 
 ^atjOig snrtain at the retina of the eye, otherwise his hands might appear whem his mon^ 
 from ttf ^aSrt^SSd^'!^"^ *" *• "8»°^.*» ^ •»«^ "^^ ^ ^ -^^ 
 <««^;i'JS£'!T2? 15;,^"^*l»njaieofilne flbrasjwhieh streteh oontinuouslv from the 
 oo^mvdpoii^ of 1^ bo^nUeh they toooh. down the stem of the bundle withidiioh they 
 ™*^.~5?I!*^ tojhaeentwwhsiathey toneh the soul (in the arOToeUnlar matter of whieh 
 eT«qreentea,eonsefoiu or nneonsflions, is composed), it would be SnpoaaiUe lor the soul, in any 
 ^a^U'S^^U^r^^^"^ *^ **^ impressions belonging to the diflemnt points of th« 
 Mj disHMt ftomi^ma anottier, whefhar in reoeiving sensory finpressions inward, or in send- 
 ing motor imjpcaasMaa oatwatd. 
 guttle spaaa and to g^hnprasaioBa to and from fine points; and if their ooter ends were 
 y'^^^lSj! yly!!?fi^!!!!^''*gg^ J^ Of the skin or organs of the bodT. it wonM 
 iTjS°JE!!^"!J!jyg?** "ygy y mef^^JaBa to or from thesa oSms or partsT Bo alao to 
 save spaw ttMAof barm fa^jp^ 
 ISS?.!? *"*tti???ftf ^v^ ****«^ of a^ to itfstam,naaa alolig the stem Md 
 X^^'S^iSSZJ^'''^ up and^eoSu^wi^tha 
 Jtmn^MMog^llUNne nai wldek Mlob on ftnn 
 ■•■"•a by the matter of tha ImJ. *i!__^' ' "■ ••••• o" •ool mo ^«r« ««.* <*.' — r.JT' ""^ 
 ^ ^ - Aa afomdd iSL. U hi S^ ^ ** *** Indaenee one 
 Jtt .»' .^i^i'tAj^a^^^^ 
«noar, or Dody cod, 
 lont neoeMMiy obn- 
 thqriroaU raqnin 
 B oflntnia of aaion 
 a would Tflqidn to 
 (IvnOBding totho 
 roMh^d bgrA nwo 
 rvo, IB OM iin]ifM« 
 erarj point in the 
 iTwy on* of theM 
 •t tho odrobmin, 
 r irhere liis numtti 
 ber ^ be evident 
 tinnoaily from the 
 B irith whioh thev 
 r niAttcr of whioh 
 MBt points of the 
 twud, or in send- 
 le in Older to tike 
 ir ooter ends were 
 >he bod y, it wonid 
 perte. BoAleoto 
 I, theie ilne flbree 
 »iig the Item end 
 brae in eeeh fibre 
 nk; forif, yke « 
 e trunk. Hien the 
 Willi tho 
 •na inToinnMiy mouoDs imai tbem They tipflj to the nerveeiaf both pMle of the eonl 
 (oonMione end nneonedons), but in » ipeiBid manner to tboee of the eoueeioue eonneotinc 
 with the eerebram. As the nneonseioas soul sots hj en uneonsdons instinot, and the motions 
 an peihue simpler; the nenre ends may thereiora be fewer in number, and ananoed in 
 relationB lesi ooneeponding to Huix ends at ike esterior, than are required at the ouSwum. 
 where thy are aeted on by eonsejousnoss. . 
 It is also importsnt to notioe, that the nerve oonneetions of the uneonsoious eentres. 
 whieh SM pasaad by eerehral linen, and attaehed thereto by abort eonneoting fibres, are no 
 ezeeption to the rule. These oonneeting fibres must bare eontinnity through the eerebral 
 lines to the eiterior. and be also spread in sufficient numbers at theee eentres to reoreesnt 
 pnqterly the parte at tiie exterior. - 
 It is evident that as it would not do to have impressions coming from different pointo of 
 the body, eonfosed and mixed up together pi the eentrwi • so neither would it do to have dif- 
 ferent volitional or involuntary motions. eomingfnm the eentres, mixed up together, oonfused 
 OT fdling to reaeh the partienUur parts of the body which are intended. If I wish to move my 
 forefinger, I must move only the nerve fibre of the bundle whieh connects with it > . 
 The degree of nerve eomj^eation, the number of fibres, and the oorreepondence of 
 relation in the fibre ends at the eentres, will necessarily vary sooMding to the khicl of work 
 performed by eaeh set of nerves, and that kind of soul centre with whioh they are conneoted. 
 We have now to show that the foregoing theory of this chapter witti respect to nerve 
 hnee is in harmony wtth physiologicar facts, and hardly assumee a principle that has not alreadv 
 been discovered to exist. That the nerve hoee are made up of bundles of very fine fibrw 
 (most of «^uch are so vpry fine as to be indistinguishable to the naked «ye), and that tiiese 
 fibres qpraad in the musdee or extremities, and. coming together, pass throng the body in 
 bundlee or in sheaths, are faete now ao well known that the quotation of physido^eal 
 teetimony in proof thereof is altogether superfluous. Bespeeting the continmty of^wy 
 indindual fijire of these nerve Imes. from its point ol location in thu mn.*!— «> ^ wtrtmities of 
 lieh swltoh on fkom 
 wen known to be 
 toe body to its termination in a centre. Dr. Cimaentar si^ve^r" BeA fl]h™.ui«^ y 
 ttecontmuity uninterruptedly from ite origin to its temdnation without any union with other' 
 fibres, though bound up closefy with them in the same nerve tfnnk; and there «ti-*Tpg ■ 
 reason to believe, that the white substance of Schwan serves as an insuktori wheteby i^ « 
 uee or, cylinders of the contiguous nerve fibres are kept apart fkom one another, just as are 
 the numerous wiree, eadi havmg its own origin and terminathm, whieh are bound up together 
 in the aerial cable of the district telegraph." It is ftnmd that if even one fins fibre oooneet. 
 mg with a i|erve line be severed in any part of its course, the soul immediately loses all' 
 nower of sensation or of motion over that point of the body with which it conneeto : this fa^ ^ 
 shows that the soul must have had distinct communication through that particular flbie. 
 'oudwwkof the 
 other matter and 
 alter of Us body. 
 >ody. and be Me- 
 i its volittonscr 
 •<*• im^eedoas 
 *« or ^irit ; in 
 iafluanetog one 
 w iodaenee one 
 •Pirit aetioB to 
 and the matter 
 *^- •••h would 
 sf toe Seal «m 
 .J . Id 
 J**""* **•• mole- 
 •• "tbel 
 '^ **.'"Imm, ia towasetloo with ib» prece din g pronoeitkm *k«* tu^ tuiAm^ i,.*-,, , 
 h!??l?J^ •^ • *"?^. '••pWt action, the other Ulfis moleeular action ; and the one 
 bd( most no sooner trembb with the tread of a thought spiritually, than thSoim^M 
 JembU moUoUjuj^ ; or if the one half tremble s»oS5ar5^ iom2t tSTofil^tSff 
 And ss this must be the bridge betwern the body and theeoueions nartol thT-SL-^dE; 
 murtlt be ths bridge between the body and the ticonsstoLwJTtlffSj. tuSi tokfc 
 to»both. andactton of theone Undmustnevsktakaplase InffoIehaU^t^ b^^ 
 »a 1,^4- -^^^v • 
psMdng MMbnd mhw liacM, an no noeptioh to theie goneral ndM, •■ MMh ia lound to be 
 nqntUiKl with ft number of &M flbvM, -^ 
 n. L«tiunezt«dd,thitin«initablaorg»idza*fa»,in<»rd6rth«tBpM«nU7be60ononus«d 
 in tho body and nnnaeaaaaiy oompUdty aToided, all the aflenot lanaoiy or exdtor nerves 
 whioh biing in intj^esaiont from, in other wbrds, ezerdae minrdUanoe over, a partieoUur organ 
 or part of the body, ihonld oome together and nnito in their paesage to the oentrei, with the 
 bundle or iheath of efferent ToUtional or inTolontaiy nerves whieh give motions to that organ 
 ornart of the bodj. Stating this prindple in other language, those nerves givinjg motions 
 ana those nerves ezereising sorveillanoe over the same motions, whieh terminato in the same 
 loealities at their outward extremities and whieh eome to the same oentres, maj properlj oome 
 together and nnito in the sam^bondle or sheaUi ih their passage thimigh ttie body. This 
 pmeiple leaves the^eommnnieation through eaeh distinet, and properly eeonomises room. 
 Physiologiflal soienoe shows that this prindple is verified in the eonstroction of the nerve 
 linee. ThoSr in evory pair of nerves leaving the ninal eord, we find a motor line having ito 
 rooiin the anteri<» of the eord, and a sensory line having ito root in the posterior of the oord, 
 both oomiDg together, and in the same sheath traviarsing through the body to the organ at 
 their eztremitiee with whidi thay eonneet. The game prindple in « general way holds tme 
 of nerve lines terminating in the eerobrnm and other oentres, and/havinflr to deal with the 
 same orpmsiat the exterior. 
 IQ. Let ns ilso observe, that in a suitable organiiution the afferent sensory on; e^tor 
 nerves and the efferent motor nerves wliieh terminato in the same loeality of the ezteftor 
 organ or part of the body, need not neeeasaiily terminato in the same toMliiy of the eentro 
 to whidi they eome. Baeh set of nervee, to keep their own impressions or work distinct, 
 would neoessarily reqoiro a cUfferent plaoe. Thero is no need that the oentres shonid be a 
 typiaal or/oe timme represen toti o n of the exterior parto of the body. 
 " fo^ii r 
 T h e pri neij 
 . . it t on i s mij mas t ra te d by phy s tologi e al f aet . Dr. 
 Fertier's experimMital reseaiehes show that the areas in the eerebnim oooapied by the nerves 
 oi sense, are different areas from those ooeapied by the nerves of volition. The same fast 
 jMdds true of the mib-eranial and other aneonsdou eenfares. 
 0* ol the epiriloal and phy.ieal ni„Te^^^" ^* *»•*•«»«?*«» ^y the Creator ia the 
 S^i^ C^ ^ ,;^ ^^^ ,^ ^., ,,^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ 
 .*Uon in the other riri^iiirXnS^^^^ »*»* P"***"-- -o-a* kind^ 
 •daptation in the body. soaskTSn it of i^i^ -5°".** *"»• •P«»i*> organisation ai3 
 aaUse the bo^y be snltolS forawS L/hV> ^ •nffldently intimate for thtoWpoMT F« 
 toUow that dS. nMilSVSn!!^!^^:,^''^ Vl^ org-istioo. it woSdSSssSS 
 might dwdl to aJpas. tJ-^irriliaif Su^to^S^on^' l^iSH^^' ^^^' 
 •Jjtod by it. Thas. we find this prindple to be^ SSL?^'?'^ *' "•*»" «' »»• 
 •I»rial organisatton is destroyed by death bodT^^ JS I^f *7 '•otTfof whenever this 
 •ool passes through the bo^y Go iotKr '.SSe^^.^fiiT* *^~* <»• •»«»»«»«. •»<! the 
 "*; if-T-T^^^^^ ^^fers^ "^ •"*" "^-ito«:tSi2°s 
Mh ia lound to be 
 oitj be 60otu>mis«d 
 or exeitor nerves 
 Apertieakr organ 
 I oentrei, with the 
 ions to tiwt organ 
 M giving motions 
 lini^ in the seme 
 naj prqperlj come 
 ittie body. This 
 Qomises room, 
 lotion of the nerve 
 i(or line having its 
 iteribr of the oord, 
 dy to the organ «.t 
 ral way holds tme 
 fftodealirith the 
 sensory on; e^tnr 
 ity of tiie eztcfior 
 ■iity of the eehtre 
 or work distineti 
 atres should be a 
 >logi e al f ast , Dir. 
 ;>ied by the nerves 
 t. The same faot 
 tm^Mtmtfmtjt w ■■■ « ■■ «««,■■■ nHU^ mmvw mm tM» mum ^t^muiM^ Wliyiw ■, HHy nvw DV HMOrmUl' WSaiW. 
 Of eonrse wo do not mean to i^y that the disoovMriae of ptmlology hate as y«l thrown the 
 eleaiest Ui^t on evsiything triiieh may be Involvad in this theory; but we have aasomed no 
 important nhyskdogieal j^^iei^ whioh e«n really be said to be in advaneeof diseoveted teet. 
 The pfayiddogy of the Mntrte of the body wfaieh lusite with the eod thsn shows ns that 
 eaeh eentM is eon^posed of two sobstanees, vis., grey eeUnlat matt«r and perve ends; tiie inrt 
 snbstaaoe is of a gnfy eoloar, senii.transpaieiiit, pulpy, and eonsisting of e^ or vesides flUed 
 with graimUv matter ; the seeond sobstanee, white, x^aqve, and dMiSf , wideh ftems the krasr 
 portion of the eentres, is eomposed v^oUy of the finest nsrve flbres, wliiah spread tdnrat every, 
 where and teraiinate their ends iitt the grey oellt. Dr. Owmenter thinks that eaeh Utee 
 terminatas in a gr^y eelL These fibres are so fine aa to be iavldble to the naked «ye, thooA 
 pereeptible to the mioroseope. It is alao agreed that aU Mrte movements (oatward or inward) 
 originate or teradnate in the grqreelhdar snbstanee^ and that the seat of eonseioosnest al 
 the eentre ^bere it is loeatod mnst be s<»Mirh« the point whtn tiie nerve movemants 
 orif^nate and terminate^ 
 The researohea of Dr. Ferrier and others now also show, almost beyond a doabt, that the 
 esntre at wkieh eraudoasnass is loeated is the eerebram, and that all the other eentiea are 
 simpbr the seats of nneonsekms or antoniatio aotioa ; in other wwds, thase leseatehes prove 
 that, the oerebmm is Mm emtre of vnion with the eonseioas part of the soul, and thi^ all the 
 Other eentrea are eentres of onion with the onoonseioas part of the sonl. (See Ferriar's 
 ^FoiietionsoftheBaain.'') ^ -"i-rB 
 Bene* then, we have^ physkriogioaUy, the fondanental faeta essential to oar Uieory* The 
 gray eellakr aabetanee ia that niMrein. in a speoial sense, the sool dwell8--in other words, 
 inhensoroniteswith; and the white deMe mass of nerve flbrae wUeh makes np the rest of 
 the eentre, and wfaieh tooehes the soul in every eomar of the gr^ eelhdar sabstanea, i« the 
 great keyboard of all the nwve Mne s ^ oatwyd and towarj^ wiiwety the sool. as iterator, keeps 
 up eomnraaleattott with all puta of the body and with the ootdde wMld. 
 This grey eeUahv sobstanee is eomnum to all the eenteest and aU eonseioos or vital 
 aetivttv onqoaatiflnably eaunates from it and ita nerve sttds.* 
 ,. That ^ sool mimosa tha sobstanee of the grey sells for other parposea«lse than ttal 
 of stadet inhabitation, or only a* a seat on whioh to fsee and tooohihe k<ybo»rd of nerves, is 
 not at aU improbable. Bool inhering in this matter, present in every part of the matter, and 
 to tho matter tooehing evei7 Jlna Aim tad in the ke yboard, may find the grey edlohtf matter 
 -.^wtyyy todgd ■•y.wP M > rt [ ^l e that the soul sheald always ehoose its speeial points of naien 
 gb^Uin«QB«ie body a* first tram the VtoiSiwtarcr In regnlatlng Ua^SiMoatiMnSSSaSm^ 
 a* proposiitoni" 
 ologioaJ MieoM 
 • Crsalor ia the 
 I rtqutrtd. 
 nalars so olose 
 •ome kind of 
 taoisation and 
 Vorfom. For, 
 old neeessarily 
 of the body, it 
 I matter or be 
 whenever this 
 other, and the 
 Uie dead have 
 *oal, and soob 
 or the longs 
 iaptadon that 
 l>le eentres df 
 iMd ae to be 
 ily aeeeeeary 
 M pentres of 
 the one en d . aa d for oonTeving end prodadof this moleeolar aetioa In the laaaolM or parts 
 of the body at the oUier •od ; and in the other kind, there most be thai adeptetioa whieb (Its 
 it for reeeivinc its own moleealar eetion from the material or moleeolar aotion of the parte or 
 eatremee of the body, as, for inataooe, the prieklng of a needle,— and for eooTeylnf raoh 
 moleealar aetion a« will snitably prodoee spirit aelion al the eentree of anion with the Mral at 
 / the other end. 
 - Phyiiologieal Mienee, then, withoot a tingle dlMorJanee showe ouMt dietinetly that the 
 koman bodv is faUy provided with these two speeiallv adapted nerve Unee of eonneelion belwe« 
 all parte of the body and iu eentres of anion with the sool,— and that eaeh ^<i >d ie folly 
 iltled for the work whieh it has to perform both in 0onveyin| its own kind of moleealar 
 aetion. and aleo in airing and reeeiving lie own proper atimolos M aetlon to or from — -"'ttn lar 
 or spirit aetion at either end. 
 The nerve lines, thMi, whieh transmit im pr ea si one or molseolar aetion from the varioos 
 parte of the bodv to the eentree, are eaUed taMhe later physiologiste the Afrerent qt Sensory 
 Msrvee : eome aLio oall them the Exeitor Nervee, beeaase they aselte aetion at the eentree froat 
 the outside. ^ * " 
 And those nerve Unee whieh traiismit niotor or moleealar aetion from the eentree to the 
 moaetoe and varioos parte of the body, are oalled by physiologists the Effet^t or Motor Mervea. 
 • AttphyalobMiels ame m Mm brala beine the aaat of ooaeeioaaaeas. Oarpentar and Loasel. 
 however, ftaeklll. looebd Inthe M Men«^ or bCtl H|pglie; bat VenlerTtoareBs, vSpSa 
 •!«., by e vaet emoant of Irrefreceble •Tldenoe, have ^learlfprovwl it lobe loeated inlSe oetebrJ 
 ^Ian«trd to the oeatras of anoooaotoos hiteraetion, phyitolofloal leatimoay la fananUy qnlle 
 t See on thla aabieet, Ferrter'a "roAottoaa of the Brain." OarBenlea'a " Komao Phvsiolocv "m 
 other Ule flrat^leaa work on the hamaa nervooa ayatem. » j-«-»iw. w 
 L »!.■.- 
 "iSL-hl^^mtsait^iik: •, 
. 'ir 
 ■.. t* 
 __ jiauMMrvaaiUHHMoaninaoi anionwMiwiBirafaar wuua«iua0xiram» 
 of ^bodji ii in fiittl hvmooy iriOi d^vored phTiiolflgiMa fMta.' W« ahdlnow add • law 
 othan, whioh land atUl lailhar to aonflrni it. Thia paavUar ootaatitation of tbe^oantiM, #hiab 
 vsi!^em in agraatar or la«i dagraa to all tiw aoatns of ni^on with the aonl, ia.tto doabt moat 
 oat^Mtly obaenvbla ia tiM aaaalmiin. ' 
 Than ia nothinc n«w in tha laet thai aft« tha aaipiitatioB xAm lag, foi hutanaa, th# 
 eonaaionaiiaaa aoatinaaa to lafar tha pain, aauaad hj tha antting ol tM nerraa, to the toaa and 
 varieoa Mrta of thrtoot, joat aa ba^ire the zamoval of the limb ; thia iaet diowa tliat th» 
 narra anda in^ aarateom aoatain a aartain definite and eonaaponding xalation to thoaa in 
 ^ha toaa and loot ; nor ia it fonnd that thia ndatkm arer ahaagea to the eonaeioaanaaa on any 
 anbaataant inritation of the nanre anda. The aama prinApla appliaa in the aaae of all tii» 
 other maoiibara of tha body and their Tanooa parte. Evatv toe. anger, ato., muat therefore 
 ' hare ita oorraaponding nerve enda in the eerebroqi in definite and joat ralationa before tho 
 > Tlie laaponaiva anhnnatitf^aetlon of the nneooieioaa eoitraa in aaaaa of anipatatio& 
 parallel to tha foregoing, ahowa tiiat tha aaaaa prinaipleol aorreapondaat narvtf relatioa alao 
 ap^iaa to a oartala extent in thaee eentrea. (See also Ferriar'a azparimaota on anifiiala 
 divaiAed of tbaewobram— " Fonationa of the Brain.") 
 Again, it if well known that the nnre flbrea of both Unda — aenaocy and motor-«radlato 
 in immenae nanbera ftrom the optio thiJami and eorpiMra atriata, and entering the hollow aid* 
 of the eerobram, apread thamaelTaa in all diraetiona in eontaet with tha grey eellnlar matter 
 whieh oompoeea the oater aide of it. Dr. Farrier (aae *' Fonetiona of tiie Brain !') haa beao 
 > able to map oat a large p&rtion of tiie eanbram or aknll (in a maimer r eaam bll^g a phreno- 
 logieal ehart), and to ahow Taiy definitely a large nnmbarof the amaa pertaining to the nerraa 
 of tha dilterent aanaea and the differaot parte ol the body. In Uka mannar ha ^ aatahliahod 
 a large aomber of tha araaa pertaining to the volitional nerraa. Baah elaaa of aanaory nervea 
 and aaeh elaaa of volitional narvae haa ita oim apeeial loeation. The right haaaiaphare of th» 
 • oaMbrsai partaiaa to tha left aid* ol the body, and tha left hamiai^iare to tha li^i*. 
 Botwhatiiatpraaant apaeiallyipqMntaattonotiQaiathadiaooTaiiaa ol FarriaraMi tha 
 iMta, ttwt tha OKteBt of area oaeivM by aaah ahMa of niarvea ia yeryeoBaidaaabto, thai 
 diferent pointa in aaah area relate to diflarant parte «l the body, and that the aoattared aada 
 of the aervaa ie aoatain ralationa eofraapondiog tothoee of ttaeir exterior to all the extent 
 whieh wa alaim ta be aaaaaaary. (Ferriar'a "Funaliona of the Anain.") 
 TIM axpartaiiaBta of Fenriar, Oarviile, Oaret, eto., <m tha aab-enintal and other nnaon- 
 soioas eantiaa, alao ahow that the aama general prineiplea whieh wa have baiwi referring iti 
 or a divaraat aort li «nnu -^» T ^^ ■para wbJoh exDlodM it t# a iT jT' "••""■•og to Ita 
 1 1 
 £aif tha-atiSSi^^ ^^ 
 tUI the instant that it ioii«Jiir«^ 7rf° ^ '"•y ■»•▼• my hand • a i. «-- . i_.. j^ 
 "» ^'~ •oouaaniealaa 
Mina vnromw 
 Ulnow add* few 
 ia.lio doabt most 
 tai butaaa; th* 
 «, to the toM and 
 t diows that tb» 
 latioo to thoaa in 
 lekmniMM on anj 
 10 flaw of all tii» 
 I., matt thanfora 
 ationa befor* th» 
 M of ampntatkm. 
 arvtf nlatioa alao 
 gats on anUaals 
 d motar-^^radiato 
 ig tlM iioUow nd» 
 By flallolar matter 
 3nin!> baa been 
 tmbliag a phrano- 
 lie hM9 eatabliahed 
 of aenaory nerrea 
 baniaphfln of tbe 
 ol Fflrriartte the 
 MMMidMNibte, thai 
 die aoattered eada 
 to ail the extent 
 mi other vnoon* 
 beivi refarring tor 
 — L.^ 
 •won <a the eonaeiolu aool in both degreea affeoted by moleealar aetidn in the 
 ^^ere may be n Una of moleealar aation and eonunnnioation going on in the eawbn u n thai 
 •Ifeeta the eonaeio n an e aB only to a ktent degree ; bat a eommanieation of ntraaaal natnie ot 
 ii^mat no adoner eomaato the latent eoMdooaneea from the eerahmm than the foil flood 
 U9» of Mtive oonaeioaaneaa or attention flaahea iqp to it ; and the eommniiieation bonie to 
 the aool Mntre on the ^nga of moleonlar aation. at ooea beoomee the anl^eet of aetive thooght. 
 faeHng, and toUtioQ. Thoa the oonaaioaa eoal, dwalUng in hia palaee of gr*y oella, with ite 
 ^r^ ^ narreflbraa all aroand and ereiywhara tooaUng him, ia ovw fiSly informed of all 
 Sf*.*"*??^ *■ ^ Magdom, and exeeotea Ua trary wiah in ita iwnotaat Mmeia nifhont 
 ■teing from tta aaat. InjKHiahielon, let oa repeat haw iriwt haa in ^wriooa wayt been atated 
 before, that the aool dwella in eirery othor part of the body ai veU ae at thaw watr«». The 
 ■OTl ^•9»«^rM«»; dwella hi aU the body ; bat the porta of it thatlp a apeeial aonw afe in 
 ff"T^.^*^^''*"***«~««»»'^' TheaoriiaonewhoKdw^Uiagthroaghoatthe 
 r*YJ °^J^ ""^ '"^ eertain phMM of intaraotive m^n with the bdd|y, and they are thaw 
 eentrea. Whan the bonda of intotaotife anion at thaw eentrw are roptared, daath anaoaa 
 and the wbole aoal laatea. -r >-» 
 BOatUm of the 0^iitre$ to thetr Partt of the Soul. 
 1. Aoeording to the foregoing theory of a aoitaUe organiiation, H wonld efidently than 
 M an emnr to ioppow that beoanw the dilTarent parte of the eelefanim have different ofllow 
 and work, and oonoeot with the eonaeioaa aoal at different po^te ii^ the eerebram, thaitiiere* 
 fore the eonadooa wol ia diirided ooiraapmidingly into different parte, with dBoM aiA work 
 «orrenonding to thow parte (tf the earabram with iHiieh they oonneot. ' ^ 
 The eonaeioaa aoal ia one whole, performing all ite fanetiona aajoneandivided whole: and 
 any part of it ia eapable of doing what may be done \ij the whole (aw " Deaeriptkm of the 
 ^wnaeiana Boal," at the oomineneemaalt of thia work); and therefore the parte of ^heeeiebrain 
 areorganiied'Withaview to their oonTanienw to the parte of the body, and not with a viewlo 
 sheir eonTenienw to the parte of the eonaeioaa aoal at alL The eerebral k^board reqoiiea 
 I aaaordiiif to ita 
 te ttUBaJaa. U 
 liiar or difftrtai 
 l« own hbiram 
 MtioQ of matter 
 ply bMaoM the 
 at from thai of 
 *J •••■ to «!.- 
 ^ -timoJaa of 
 Mmiaal lava of 
 > flra • tnln of 
 ^**>^iaf to ita 
 ualy aeaordiag 
 lataie of maa 
 ••• «f to the 
 ••tt9« in the 
 MM nerve UiMa 
 Aiag aeeatdiiig 
 *«• noleeahv ' 
 ; »««»• point 
 I'M. la poroly 
 > P^yateal or 
 • PbyaiaiU or 
 lom* phraaoilogiiti, eome dixMilj in ths tMlh of <mr ablert jhjAtHopa^ who fraakiv eonUM, 
 that ihoa^ «£» oaa find at thtM onttM an orgaaiiation and pajla raitabk for tha tnna- 
 miadon of iflttaonr or ouitor iapraalotta inward.'aiid tha tranmiaakm of motor impraaaiona 
 ontwaid. thfff aia nniJi&to dataet in tha oanbn^ or oth«r aantraa any mataiial or^nliMon 
 oonaaponding to a aini^ fonotion of tha mind'Or aooL Hera Oarpcntar, FcRiar, Loomis, ate., 
 laiaht f\\ ba anotad. ' 
 S/]:4urtl7. aocyiMbg to thia thaoary/than, tha offiea or tha work parforBMd 1» th^eerabra^ 
 and tha othar e^itraa ia qoita diffarent and' diatinot from tha oiBoa or tha work pMormad by 
 tiia aonl: and ao at tha oarabnim and thaaa oentiaa, whara all organiiation of matter anda, 
 mattar and itawork anda, and aool and ita work iMgina. Thia lathe taaehing of oonmioik 
 aanae, and it iaalMjdainly tha taaahhkg of physiology. ^ . ^, ^ ^_^^ , . 
 . Wa find tha work^Oa eecahrmn and tha othar aantraa^ aaah of whieh oonaiata aimply of 
 a aonl aaat and a kayboard, to ba poialy and aimply that of oommiuiiMtion batwaan tha aonl 
 and tha body. Thiy have no oth«r parte and thM' htm no othar work. Tha a«rabram is thna 
 tha madiom of eommonieatkm batwata tha oonBdooa aool and tha body, whoraby tha aonaauma 
 aonl giy«a ont or raoaivaa impraaaiona from tha body and doaa nothing alaarjaataaaMagrMih 
 . apparatoa ia tha medium' of eommauiealioo between tha qprator and tha outaida worid. Ihia 
 ia ite work, and ita whoUkwork. It haa nothing jp oommon with the aool, and it does nothing 
 in oommon with the aonl It has nothing to do with thought, fading, or raaohition ; thaaa 
 things bdong to the soal. Henee any assertions of phienologisto at natoralisto that would 
 ^mply anything oontraiy to these mino^lea are utterfy ranrioas; and ofary ^tempt to traoe 
 /in tha eereCram (or in any part of the bmin) an organiaatlon eonesponding to^iaiof thon^t, 
 ' faeUng, eonsdenee, eto., wfll prove absolatdy abortiTe. ItJi the eandid aeknowledgment of 
 aU phydologirts that no audi orguization ean be foond. Hertall mental and physiologieai 
 — a eianae. and e o mmon ae ns^ tak e th e s am e sid l» . Phyriologie a l f ac ta s h o w th a t the dense m a iw 
 of white flbrea and the gray esUolar matter are both organised for simple material fonetimu ; 
 and jost as we lose aQ material organization among the grey cells, aool and ite work begins. 
 01 the tfgaalMti^ or work d( the sool^ physiology roTeals nothing. 
 aHloii M««««JlMd or M 
 — }m *oX:U With nSi,a^i:r!l5?^^ .•••••«— um 
 i > 
 •r* l« 
 •»«HI ttvm ., 
 Bill • ri_ •T. 
 ^F.. af M«4irv«M. 
 ia vkMi M«|| of thmnt m^a 
 Ji5P'M*« inpnilM or taptaMMMi. m^A iii .»>'': T r— " "" —^ •«• oo. 
 bll»4 aattor oalMa br lto^i«.£h!7^ *5?* • 4*»'w»l»« or mi — »..>.;? *"• »?°y T"?"** f«>w«r to 
 spiniMMoa la I 
 •ad totdlSMl lUrt JTSl-Mi!?' »•••«• »«i bMi 
 lor tb« tmis> 
 I otgjtnintioa 
 LooiiUb, ale., 
 matter anda, 
 g of oommoik 
 dita Bimply of 
 VMn the aool 
 tlia eonaeioaa 
 iworid. Thia 
 t doea nokhinir 
 ihitioa; thaaa 
 ita ihat wonld 
 tempt to traoe 
 latof tiiooi^t, 
 twladgmant of 
 he denaa maiw 
 ial fonotioiia; 
 work begiiu. 
 I npMea indoaad t^ the linaa attrronnd- 
 i r«Dd ■ 
 tion. ___ _-™ — : , 
 ing D Mid I, and by tha dotted linea around V 
 tmi H \foaiitMa F and H being farther in from 
 the oatir aiurfaee of the eerebrom), repraaami ap- 
 projdniatelj the araaa or eeatraa of the aaaaaa. 
 The qpeee (B) at tho tqp of the head indndaa 
 the araaa wliioh eonimand ToUtional mo^WBanta 
 of the arma, laga, handa, etc.; apaoe (▲)• aoTOh 
 menta of the head and eyaa; (0) moTements of the month, Upa and tongue. (D) ia th* area 
 or oentie of viaion ; (I) of hearing ; (P), aurrounded bj dotted linaa. repreaenta the two araaa lb 
 of taate and ameU ; and (H), alao aorronnded by dotted linea, repreaenta the area o^aetoal 
 aenaation or touoh. (B), the anterior .or frontal apaee, la regarded by Fender aa alao mdnly 
 a eentre of motiona. largely of the inhibitory aort; (J), the poaterior apaee, he eonalndea, from m 
 the raaolt of oertain ezpflrimenta, to be the eentre of the aanae of honger, ete. . 
 Both hemispherea are ezaetly alike, witii the aame oentraa of aanae aiul motimi ooeopying 
 relatively the aame areas. Eaeh hemisphere pertaina to the oppkaite side of the bo^ ; the 
 poaterior and lower parte of the oaNbram belong largely to the aenaaa, and the anterior and 
 upper parte lai»ely to Tolition. ■ _ , . ^, . -_. __ „ ' 
 Thne are eertain parta of the poaterior the fdnotiona of whieh Farrier waa nn^le to 
 determine, aa he ooidd obtain no reanlts from <dt]iar the electrode or the other means tried by ^|_ 
 him. He had alao no better snoeeaa in regard to the frontal or anterior portion of ttie eerebrmn. " 
 It is evident, however, that the front befonga largdy to the Tolition", m • very large nnmfcar 
 of eflennt motor nervee pata from thia region to the ewpora striata, downward tothe body. 
 Beeanae Ferrier waa nnable to atimnkte theee nearvee in the tnai of ^.yg^i''' ^^™f j*^ 
 of motor nervea to bo krgely of the inhibitory kind, that ia, of a Und to restrain and tegnbte 
 the motions instituted at otter eentraa. It would appear tiiat narvaa of thia Mnd an uaad at 
 otiier plaees. and we are not aware of any unf eaaiblaneaa inJifcr auppoaltion, as Wl^effereot ^ 
 nerves of the body seem to aet, reaat and reatrain one aaother'a motion with tMTkind of 
 complex action. Perrier oddly enough (in a materialUtie way) hinta that these rferjnt frontal 
 nerves may be the nerves of attention, or aire in aome way apedally eonneeted with ^teUi- 
 gence. We can aee no reason for apeelally locating the attention in thia quarter more than in 
 any otiier. Any of the sensea have aa much to do witii the attention .or intelligenee aa the 
 areaa and nervea of inhibitory motion. The frontal part of the nerve keyboard mar. however, ; 
 be, and very lil^ is, that pcvtion whieh ia set apart for the finer manipulatinns of mtelligenee 
 in controlling or sending forth the m<ne subtte movamenta of the body. There is nothing, 
 M M« ISA, , 
 tmm u>« o4li«r i« 
 * Uila aMjr wiastr 
 M« Ul« VOll«i4Mll 
 i4 malauiacd la 
 if IIH<lM 
 f»Ma, tor witioh 
 I wul oaoM Um 
 ia b«UdlM«p 
 •rt^ :. . . il littie ol what tmii*m mUob ntal 
 Tua prapoantM al*) tmllf a no rd a with dl ih« t^U of phv^otd«Uel smrlsnse Mela. 
 Mllilikl^^T ^ "' *^: "^J '" ^»""k'»«. hmlinm, or .Ulio« »hani Uiin<. Ithin 
 NMII Ibel 4o no« n«*wU7 tnvolw Ui« fanattooa ol Ih. body •! all ||«il| wmm of 
 Inte always allMkla mtu>h Uum^l of eay kind ^^ 
 *" J?* ^ *«»«^>y Uie CM (Ihat ia. the mqI or body) saa aevtv ha 
 ..LirJlrltl!' '"^ ««^»«»*«i tho, woaM f»,olro to b« tho saiM , and if ia nataf 
 wooid'^S'lj'bXTSi.*^ mik- ea^ed by lb. no—ily of »h. on. bolpln. »h. oU..r 
 -w Jt*;i.'fi.r*"Z!n **"_.T*** •** **•• '*»*» •«»" ■•'•' doaa the work of Uie aind or 
 ■VMt ia iWnkta, fWoIing. wilUof. ele.: bat it doaa work for the miad or spirit by fivSToot 
 oolttld thinking, leeling. or wdliaf. era foaatiooa for whloh it is abaolat4y 
 Ik. ^^^1^ TV^ *^.^.*^ work of Uie brain, any mora than Uia telegraphiat can do 
 2iri iii' '"S""** "»^ tranwnlta maaaafaa either to or from himsff tSwwT 
 f!^? °I i'wrtMourwi., ud many others, all deelaively s«ow that if Uioaght ware Seated 
 3tt^ Vi^SZl^^, "*• aajooeeloa. eentraa ; therefore the brain is not Um organ 
 ^Sfir*. ^^s **•• ■•**."" ** •«»•«>•»•« batween the onan of thought and Uie boff^ 
 »«J5S1 11^ "r* ''7 »«»»n*»f «~»P»- »o -bow that iKVinol^^^aintalSi iathia 
 mo^ h«^ irw of the w^ole wml (eouMiiou. and uaeon«riouV). anrUi7<iDrralated maS» 
 ^.Sti^. i" "?"'•?«•«»«"»- it. The work done )n tiie uneoneetoue aoul in imMrtina 
 IJ^^*!!?'"*.' •• • '^ different Uihig from the work dooe ^ the matter of tiMbo£ eZ^MMSs 
 tKsTrf maSSS'^fei, iti'fS* i.***^'" *^ ^I '^'•* P««Ul^«a- dlatinel from 
 !h^ Z^SS ^**°" **".* ®' *^*^' ^^ "»• "PW* ••««» •» »»»• •-♦ws eeaaa at death. 
 ^ 4'^,"**^H!i ••^ ••*»• ^^ *«»k done by sp&it and by matter ia dlir«ot and thS 
 omtiiotion b different. There U noU.l«g in U,/««Snl«»tlorofttnrSn7te!^^ 
foraMT woold pidbitbly indioaU gool poiran in ths latter, for iris the Mol tluil^ilds the 
 kiflMMd to rait iteelf, and not the k^boMd thitt oNAlee the eool-t . . .'^ ^ ^^ 
 To jadt«b then, of haxsMi dunoter from the heed if not eltogether Amuw. for no doabt 
 hn thie waj the eonieioas Mai doee give Mme of ite ebereeter to the heed. Goneeiotie aonl 
 ■eeted on Ue throne of giey eelle, iA&. kntttj point in that veet keyboard of nerves under its 
 tonah of inteUigenee, dwells in a palaoe of mattw. whieh, devdoped eapadoosly upward, out' 
 waid and forward, gifea an air of dignitj and inteUigenoe to tha whole eraniom. 
 ProofM that Thought or Coiueioiune$$ U no Function of the Cerebrum or Brain, biU of an 
 indwelling Contcioue Soul— A Proof of the SouPe exietenee. 
 I. It is daarlj den^nstrable, on the grounds of the lajke physiologieal diseoveries ot Dr. 
 Ferriar and others, that eonsoionsness or thooj^t, feeling anil volition, are no funetions of 
 any part of the earebrum or brain, and that these funetions must be performed I7 a eonsdous 
 ^11 dwelling in the oerebruia. This may be regerded aa an argument in proof of ttie ezistenee 
 the soul, and aUMsiiied as the ilrst of those tW follow at a later pliM in this work.} 
 1. It will be admitted m onoe, on the grounds furnished by the latest physiologiflal 
 diaeo^iisa, that tlMM aro just only two substaneea in the eerabnim or brain that ean posdUj 
 in any way ba i alatad to thought, feeling or e o nsehmsn e sa, ot that, in otti e r word s , ea n po ssibl y 
 be aoaosired of as sapabla ol oonseiouaness or thoui^t ai^ feeUng, namely, the nsEves and 
 « Osipeaternmids both Itaa anterior aad posterior parik of the eerebnim aa additlona paoQliar 
 only to the houiaa Drain. 
 t Wesaa no reason to suppose that the oonsetou and the unootuetoas soul may not have some 
 po w er s in oommon. 
 1 It murt bemanlfert to any reader of Oarpent#r wd Pteler, even mode»tely aoouatot^ 
 the mental and monl oonitltiitlon of the hamaa mind, tan* the pavcholoi^al appllwUon ctf muy 
 iSvSdlMSeal phenomena by both Otfpenter and ferrler are lamenUblvlleteeUve ud inoondstant ; 
 SitSMShaebherof them deny theoSeleooe lil the soul. «he reader lalMielyloftto infer tha« Oaft 
 MUMdowieoQiethlng is a maohine made op o( grey eellnlac matter and narvaa Their ludc of dear 
 f^SeUeotnaldlaownment between the par^mentol nature of thon^t or oraedoaniMatuBdltemaM^ 
 Inteueotnal Olaoarnment Detwaeovne paruymanwi nawuw 01 Mioii«ii«»«r«>TOww««w""w"^™ "•-•»«>»* 
 ^^ eoneomitonto. whloh Fenrler and OaTpenter seem k> often to jtoafnsA or mix together, prob. 
 ifSlL 1^ -.rf-*. f»>n» > ton «MiMiTa mndv of nhvsles. with a neaieet of metaphysioe. 
 lavolMtary aelioa ol iha i n as H im part ol the M«i m irrusiaa tie 
 r. ete. le ao« vo4ai«wi rt all, bat paraly aatomatla tStmStZ 
 .*• J^!*.?^ aMenUoa hm lo aU«|7w» ile owu pnwer datv 
 to bQlUap, 
 n woper won. 
 "JSfTSi ir^\^ "*• •■•'•••^oa* l»rt ollhaeoal mwliauntossaHaaUv or of M. 
 -si'?" "J^fT**^ ~** *• i"'* that part ol our nature ^hkh to SSdWUio Om.^, 4-i* I 'T* 
 wfcatt^WMAends ormaybeU.lnd«^do.UyofhuLrb£^ I «C 
 eoneeioa4partolo«natum. audUi.rafc« ihr.i-ti^T^^^rr??T^.*f r**?^^ ■ — 
 t, J^SH^fuM^^ 
MJtsaMa the 
 (or no doobt 
 nseiotii aonl 
 es ondOT iti 
 upward, oat' 
 n, but of a% 
 iT«riM of Dr. 
 fonetioni of 
 f • oontsioiu 
 - i 
 a iMKTaaana 
 ttona paooUar 
 lot haTaaoma 
 bslon of many 
 ■ ladk of elaar 
 tnd ltam«i«l7 
 ofaUiar, pro1>> 
 oarabnd ara* ia totalfy daatrojad ; and therefora tha gragr matlar ia aothing mora waa • 
 madiom of molaeokr aetion betwaao tha organ of VbtnuA and tha narvaa kadinf to tha body. 
 It maat baadmittad, on tha graond of proof fomiahad by tha lataatdiaootafiaa, that though a 
 it poMoaaoa all ita wonted 0i4MMdtiea of raoeiTing the aanae immeacfam, aonld the hnpraaakm 
 <nil7 iteflh it ; if tha lenaory motkm faila to rea^ it and prodaoe eonadonanaaa, it mnat be 
 baeaoae tha pror eellalar medium whieh oonTeya it from the narre ia awanting. 
 So, alao, wlum » ycditkni ia made to move imy part of the body, and tiboogh it eannot 
 Toaoh tiie nerrea and move ootward if the oorraaponding gr«y mister of the eerebram ia 
 Tamored, yet the ovgen of thooght, whieh makaa the T<riition, ia there, and ia itaelf eonaeioiia 
 that it makaa the volition with none of ita parte or ea p aeitiae in reforanoe to that volitional 
 aat impiUrad; when, tharaftHre, the volitional aet faila to raaoh the nervea, it mnat aimply be 
 beeaoae the gr«y oeUnlar mediun between the organ of thooght and the nawea ia awanting. 
 Thna, in ttie eaae of all the animala operated on by Dr. Farrier, after the removal ofthe 
 grey eeUnlar matter oonneeting with pertioalar nervea of aanae or volition in the,;eerebnnn, it, 
 ia evident that the organ of oonaaioaaneaa oar thought waa entire in all ita pacta and eapaeitiea ; 
 beoMwe the animal, evidently aware of no defeet in asy'ol the pacta and powara of oonaeiova^ 
 naaa rifr*""*"; to that parttenlar aanae or vditiaOi and manilmtly having i|^e of them 
 ~ be diatiiMtly aeen trying to oat^ ^ aonnd or aaqee impraaaion, or to pot 
 impaired, eonld . . _ 
 into the boc^ the reqniaite voUtionel movement, laittng to do ao only baeaoae the gray eAii% 
 madiom waa awanwig. If aoaae portion of the gray matter woe lefl entire, the etmaeioaa 
 to do more. So far aa the eonaefcwia 
 aat waa eoneemed, it aeefned to be parfeet in all ita porta } ttie failara aroae from <Si» daieet of 
 phyaieal maana to oany it oat 
 The homan aobjeeta (referred to 1^ Dr. Ferriir) with the earabral griy oaBolar m«M« 
 -ftimT»*»*'*tB with oer^da narvea of aenae or volition daatroyeA by diaaaaa, were eenaeiona of. 
 Imviag Jdl the parte a^d eapaeitiea of eonaeioaanaaa relating to the! partieolar ataaaw volition 
 parfaedy entire.( If; fbr esample, it waa a aoond Amj wanted to hear, or a tooeh th«y wiMited 
 to fed, they were qoite odnMiona of retaining their foil powera df being aUA to hMur It or to 
 iael it ahoud it only eome ; and they knew that they pat forth the aame eonaoioaa powera of 
 lieaiing or of feeling in the attempt to eateh the aenae impreaeioio that avvr they had need 
 whanue phyateal oomieotion waa aomplete ; they failed in henring (x f eelimr siuiply beMoaa 
 tibe aenae impreaaion ooold not reeoh the organ of eoinaeiiMUQeaa from want of the grey matter. 
 iLgain, in eaaea wlMce the aame elaaa of homfto aobjeeta had^e ee^Efbral grey matter ptctataing 
 OMM|a by II, Aa 
 - 1 ih 
 ■d la ill 
 , , Mtioa 
 Mi er *alo«e«l« ( 
 ia Mpreaateg Ua 
 Itad lo baUd np. 
 M UM •iHiaaU>iu 
 «Dl of Um hoaaai 
 lenlton amia)y to 
 ol bedoneanlo.' 
 looanaaa *mA ila 
 MMol, being ia 
 it, naal lake ap 
 Ml to the po««n 
 • llMblilllnle 
 thareloae all tta 
 « powera ef the 
 wiU be required 
 Ml ee dadaito and ehar »•' *• teU pl»T*«»«fi«i*J 'luawvafy «»Wm «« to 
 dadailely la om pertuwiAf pen of ih« brela. ti u Mlav a« mm to <lo 
 of the Wala. Umm. ^I«h l*u ph)p*iAlo«t««l Hmn^Mj ahewe |e be ' 
 ■a •mO. le th« (r«7 m«4Mr of th« mmUmml wi>i af Ifee 
 thia gray aMMer er ■■Mill rabelaaw of Um «w«braa la 
 be npffiii aa faftr eeteMtohed bv the 
 . lb««. la the aanlpa of aaUm «tih i^ eonaeliiai part ol the wml 
 of the vhole brala. «• m»j apeak aote b«aaflar , Ilia enoecfc a 
 itiea to the teel, m wall lapported bf pbyaiolofleal •eteaearUMl 
 li the eeatra ol enioa with the eoaeetowi pert ol ttib aoal ( 
 part of the hrala. u the top ol the aphkal dord. and vtlh tftik m 
 the eilerior world, eo thai abort aerve ttnee, litUe la the way of 
 Uaee, auty aarre to give li eoauiaaieatkMi with the oaler wodd la 
 '*- q aalW aallit ftealtahU aeatre of anion wllk Ihe eoaaaloae 
 ee. tlw 
 •g. beartaf, 
 part ef llM 
 I Ma aavebral eaaire to all parte of Ihe body aad throogh It. all Ihoae aer«« 
 ^T *^!i?T" *^ '■'^H vhtah are of thai oharaelea whieh aaiU the eoaaeioaa part ol the 
 M«V~be«h Ihoae thai tranamll af ereot aeneory lapraaaiona from Ihe body or G estartor 
 •end to the aoal. aad Ihoae thai tnuMaiileffaraBtaMiUoaa,volanlaffyerlnveMalnrv kmmt^ 
 o o na e toa a aonl to the body. '* '"" ^ 
 Theemhral aeatre, or. tai other woHa. the aarekrai hamiapheree hi whieh Ihe my mMH** 
 ^Hi^^ZT^^i T ^^t^*^ ll'**"'"' -i*^ »«4 »>-g o»« tha haeal or a&«Mial 
 gaa^and theloBof theapiael eord. The fray mailer oeaaplaa Ihe oolalde of UHa ahell i 
 and the aa w e ory aad laolor aervea, origiaatlag fa Ihe gray aMMer. eome oat at aU aotelaellha 
 inaer aide of Ihia holkiw ahall. aad eoavarglag downwarda ia Ihe form of a hollowMM Sa 
 alrlala : wheoMe both klnda of a«v«a paaa the ether ganaMa add Jbwawaida tiuoMh tha ^Ml 
 eerd^wU Ihv aaparato from thta tr7eod apraaJTlh^^ 
 aj^) air over the bo^y. It will Ihea be aeei. that the aootee^'^ * * 
 wfflbe Mward along the aflmnt aanaory aervea. whieh thoe rlalag fkom the 
 ■MdaM enter the Inner aide of Ihe hoUow eheU, where Uuy tonah thegrw 
 thai theeeorae of motor mo le wlar aatton from the grey matter wUl be aleag 
 or«aaaUae« tiM 
Miiaiiti(m<«TolitioDforth«gi«]riiMM«rof ■BotlMrplM«<ff<rf*notli«M Bat 
 tt hM bam difllinall^pn^Tal^lhftt tlM gnyiB»tt«Mv«rdoM this. Tfa«r«foi« tlM organ of 
 tbon^t is not th* grar Mllnlnr mMmt. Irat tli»;so(a whioh •bidas ia it; sai tho gnj mtMat 
 ply tho msdinin%stir«ni the soal sad tho^trras, 
 9. tholoonoliiiiaB, than, to whiah wa «ra disttnatlj brought is, that m that* «ra only two 
 poasibla soMHiaes in tho oflNbmm (or bwin): aonoairaUa m the organ of thought or aon- 
 ■Bifliiniasa. vis., tha narvas and tha gray oaUoUtr nattar; and aa it has baan alaarly damon- 
 Btratad by tha foieaof aatablishad faata (1) that tha nanres ara not that organ, and (9) that tha 
 gray mattar is also not that organ but aimpty ttia madiom or sobatanoa in which that organ 
 mvisibly dwells, therefore that organ of tada^t or eonsaioiisneas is the soul. Oooseions 
 sensation and Tolition are fonetiom neither of the narres nor of tha gray mattar, bat of an 
 innsible something inhering in the latter ; andithat invisible somMhing endowed with sensa- 
 tion and Tolition, is endowed with feeli&g, eonsdenae, and all the other powers of the eonseioas 
 sool, and is the soul. 
 IL Part of tha snbatanea of the foregoing lutgomant mAy be pat in a shorter and different 
 1. Cmiaoioninaaa or thought oannot be a fanation of the n«rvea of the eerebram ; beoaase 
 in no ease is eonseioaaness or sensation ever prodaeed hf nerve aptton isolated from its asso. 
 elated gray mattn, iior aan eonseioas Volition ever prodoae nerve aetion so isolated, 
 S. Naitbar is emisekmsneaa or thought a'fanetion <rf the gray oellular mattnr of the eere- 
 bram ; for if it ware, the eonaeioas power toraeeiTe a partioular sensationiroald be lodged in 
 the eerebral giey matter eonneeted with the/narras of ttiat pattienlar sense, and the eonseioas 
 power to will a parMeular volition would be lodged in the gray mattar eonneeted with the nawee 
 of tha^ pazlieidar volition; beoansa, as already proved by Jferrier*s eipariments, the gray~ 
 mattar of one plaae or eonneeted irith one art of nerraa in the eerebrum, oannot do hjvitoxj 
 the work of the grqr matter of aaothor pliee or wmneeted with anothor set of nerves. But it 
 is known that the eonseioas podrar <rf reiaiving a partiealar sense or of willing a partieoUv 
 voUtion eodats, and ia azflrted, even wbm the gr«y eellolar matter eonneeUng with the nerves 
 df that pMtifoalar aanae or ^lition is eatiirely removed; therafora eonseiousness is not kdged 
 ia the gray esUular matter. And if nof' kidgad ia tUs or in the narvaa, these two being the 
 only posaiUe sidMtaiiaas in the eaiahram, it must be lodged in the invisible and eonseions sool. 
 mTA^iia, did the powers ol thoui^t or aoaseiousness abide in^the nervee m in the grey 
 •ittnlw matter of the e^^Arum, thouf^ or eomMioasaeas would be a plqrsioal faOQtion. But 
 •vary phvaieal fonetton iaevitiUy vaqairae a speeial phy^ adaptation of matter for ita work ; 
 tanaaqnently, ware timught or ecmseionsness a fonation of the nerves or of the gr«y matter of 
 111 ■ ■MihiHim llisiM ■milil ha S Sf****' »«*«— *-*^ »J.«a»*<^ ^* ^i«» nr lh» ntliwr. or at both, few 
 g^mmtm»9^ai%h»mmL rhyi<«4«,i^ 
 m m UtrtMMti Urn b.»ljr. wiiiaily 
 ' to U pm%wwmA\f it I* 
 M tmmm ia •aniMM«t<i«i m%ik 
 (•^ a^MT wmn ^mmtif Ui«i Um 
 •*•* •itM^Ml MTT* timm dt 
 ' Mlatia t mail 11 for Um J^BPi''K^Crir^ ^ ■•««tr» at MaMia«Mi«« 
 *^ ".TT!^ '^ f"- both nsLiTai ^^i^s.'ts,****^'* ''^ "»- '-**•- 
 (»^ The B«| mJn thai wa atJlmmZl ^iL n. 7^ „i . 
 ~— -— -I Hmgiladiaai ■area, mm 
 at Ihaif root, with both of th«e> flomi 
 vufp«tor ••««i^ ol a i«M ol laaAania mil.' <^1:L^' T"""' *■.."?• •**» «« 
 ^'.^ty?ir"w;rs:iir:rf^ .s^r-^.r»f".whuh 
 a!!f'>!*.!?^.***^iAt2*ditS.S^^ .„^~ t-;^^;:;;^::^^.^.^ 
 •od tlM MMbrrua. 
 •ord) Iha IfaeeaaMi 
 >Ua Okkmgaia (whiah m^y be 
 the Oardbellam. mnd the Oftia 
 TbU gaajknlfl maM U 
 W ta« a««bnun or ooaMknu oaslfe. 
 aa a •uatiaoatloa of Ihc toiaM 
 .pwaH »««» vi.. i^;ii^iNrei5raisS.*llS^ **^ 
 I. argMd for bf Bala.liM no« bMn «tti>pa«tad bf PhyatOliglMl fstj 
 t Tb« tnoMalar i 
ition. Bat 
 m, organ of 
 f only two 
 {ht or eon- 
 rly 4anioii- 
 9) that the 
 tnat organ 
 -, but of an 
 irith senaa- 
 id different 
 n; baoaiiM 
 im its alio- 
 of thaeere- 
 te lodged in 
 •, the grey" 
 lo l>y proxy 
 rai. But it 
 mot lodged 
 9 being the 
 in the grey 
 Qtion. Bat 
 or it* work ; 
 By natter of 
 ftl hath. fft» 
 other phydeal aetiTity ; and eo the eondiuon, on wnwn pmnmw •«> ''•^TV^SXT.fcTJ^SlujI- 
 theb «P«imente. watM bantterly impoeeiWe, whieh waa to aabdne and ■»«»1J^ »»»• "^ J2 
 SSe^rrSUght it^. in (ideriKat th«y might play by el«itr^ 
 •^*%e ^ teif iSSTWe hate addnoed In thi. ehapter )mA ineritably to the foUowing 
 eondation. that thought or ooMoidumeM is a function of no part of the eerebram or brain. 
 bS^fanfaiSSble wirthtog dwelling in it, which we call the conMiooa wuly therefore, there 
 moatbeaionl. V v '■ 
 V . 
 CHAPTER m. . V 
 • ' '*■■■■..■.--■■■.-■' 
 The C^ebrum it the Keyboard of Communication between, the Comeime Soul and the Body. 
 There i. Tciy abundant proof, on the ba«« of the eade plqriiol^P^ 
 that the owebrum (or brain), with ite grey matter and uvtm. i« nothing Irtit the keyboard of 
 SmmunSSon betwewi th'e eon«doue wal and the body; putting »hi. in^ther word, wj 
 have abundant eridence. that the only function performed by the,^y inatter and neires of 
 .tiM eerebram. which is in any way related, to thought or oonsuousnees, is aimplr the timns. 
 ^^7S:o\J^ impreSioni Jf aeneeor of mdeeuUr motion, of ToJition, nei&er of which 
 tunetkma are of the iiatui* of conedouaness or thought. ^ x, #_i 
 To inTeet the niibei and th» grey matter of the owebr urn with power <>« •on«ff*^»; ™J- 
 inc. eonedenoe, memory. Tolition. etc.. in the faoe of the deareet endence to the contrary, 
 K gSMTriolation of mitaphyrical and phydologieal troth, let alone common lenae. In aU 
 the raamplea furnidied by phydologioal reeeaiwh or erperiment. ihere is not one which giraa 
 any eo^^ce to the auipodtiontoat a tingle function of thought or eonamounieea ia vested 
 in the maahineihr of the cerebrum or brain. . ^ u ^ *i. 
 (I) Be^Sg with tiie cerd«l nv-diinery pertaining to Mwation : what ^k *► «»• 
 amis ofMowSd thAgrey matter aiaodated with them realty pertorarior us> Light ia 
 mdeealar action of one sort, Mund of another sort, and toudi of a sort *»«««* ««»»»?52L: 
 Se mom«it any of these motions rcMdi the soiii; «msdoas aensatim of •P«rtieular tod taken 
 C- I, whieh the eonsdoua soul r«)ogniaing, interprets on the basis <rf former satperienee. 
 .there tools of sense are no part of theorgan of eonsekmsness. but just *be meanjrby 
 «i.i^ 41.. «^..^. m^\ nbtafa^ aense imnresdona from things in the ou^ worid, which 
 ef eoa*n iiMi4n4jM 
 tnm whlih Ha 
 >4 orpMa uw paits 
 — > oalp#<nMar>» 
 par mediae, ml 
 VrutB Umm mUc 
 li the vorda of 
 (Mllaiar natUr) 
 of MTTci whieh 
 MooMioaa aoal. 
 asMkMu OMlre 
 km of lh« ■piaal 
 Bto tota 
 %^ wagfee \ 
 *'^^ ^>y*' ^ •B«WB«af «4 4^7 l|<4»r« off tteaill hM l« f*|«U«i .mmmH !• 
 far Im cm af •otn amttrda * "^ 
 nm 14m ftXft'ApU^ —m a«ty awty la earn wh«« %k» xmmmamam tmum 
 * **" ^mtlfHmmmi^m •«ll» Um ««r.^«ai. Mk4 mhm* tlie«llM tMi 1 1 m %kat 
 •««« ««iM ^at/M. (y... II. .iMrMtw. lo bo «!•«,. vUm the Immolate »»«ffaiflhl 4i 
 ^^ aiM.>«Mto4u Mlr« 4« M« Ue «Mit«H«aUr }« Ui» tin. ..I «.«o.«4«i^ », \>h^ \S 
 mMm r«|ttir« lo U MCMra|« Mi hUoy«i4Mt .>< .J I «Bn^t.,«4 o*«»4«hl uU mmUuTS 
 ^mmimu Mti«a fr,«i, i^ mMtmum, ihm mmh oMlr* aiMl Im^« MMnlT a^ -ni , ) ? 
 •ffarwl Mi^ •ff.nni a«»T« Udm thfi^ihovl. '"'" " ' " 
 tUa illlijrsi MMhot ->< n.r^ JuiftbnUo., .p^Mn, lllMii. ta Um U«hl ol phj«ioi<i«l««| 
 >^. L?T^.*^:r* •4o|.«^ lo Um hiMMa body , uU •liilU Ihoro ar* OWwl atU ei^^ 
 liiMo mhimh Ih* «C«r«iii MnUw ho«>« i Mpss M fely •»! t«a«|Mm<Uuily (or UMtt •«•«•.! 
 an ftlao n*%» • <-*• e^vrNii sod .ffwool Ua« wlikh. mmIii^ .uiwiomIoo. <imUw o« Uk^ mv L 
 from Om w*fcr*« t» im4« by Iho ahofo aMaoa. lkro«t«h • |>«#l .>» ilM4r mmrm l*> <lo Mtk 
 i!!!?* "^ tfe- -o-J Tb.w «a« b. no oh«lMU in Ih. ••* of lfc« an^owHoo- ««>u« 
 in #iwin Maae loo aaaae Iradlm m» ihm mmmbrum . b«a*iiM«, ihoagh Um muimmtlmt tU<m 
 Um a«Uno from Iha MsaBaaievf aa«l ta ili 
 MMMd by both thoald to mm litMHMla kiad. 
 Tli« •ml* »«|MV 
 • ttAVliMltaoan iM.Mp«n.lmt Mtaoroarr* Uamm Iluo0« 
 llMa <U,ing (ha *ork »t lkw«h Ui»4» ,4 nonlwt Ijf tbffM ITirthtt 
 •oatTM. til* uoerMiMioti* naattva anukl b**a HMif own 1 
 In (for ' 
 uriB«i|ila UmI u.i«o<bi|r «<Mit4 
 lM<Up«n<lmt —Am ol o«rr« Uaaa Uuo 
 tM *<loy««4 to aoaii aooM mi IkliL la MmAoI 
 bool. UiiM. InHioil ol Um • 
 an l<> Umo) m (hoy |m<m Uia q 
 In ouoipMiy 
 iMaaal^a ajmI 
 <\«m oo« AltaM la Miy woy oarj|w>«r»| itioarT or prtoalpt^'mMalai^ la llitt'bawlii 
 " - . .. . il^- .1-1 . —t»^ •W- -Jl .. . ... 
 •laaUoa wtmld 
 ••«■ ol awvao whioli Uio teroMv iIimmmm 
 •*•*. Thoo4oo«faaol«l*b« Um oa« prlaolpli 
 • MIMrofUllbBotnaol. Bo* m pIlyalolaalMl 
 MS Ui ttif AlMiiro qoaa«««ioa. aatf MaMl7la»». 
 W. Ikorafoffo, vottia b« to o«r gMoral Umott a M^«ar of Ullto BMtnaol. Ba« a« n 
 haa r«»aal«4 m» auah la d a a aadaal a«r*« UnmSi Ihf aiMvo aoooa^toa aUaa 
 ., ^ '~'l'**«*»*^«?PU«»G««*^tolak«opataMfUtwSa^^ 
 of MA MflM MVyv inMlk ^^ '^■^ r^w 
 • K I 

 ' ( y 
 I . 
,J«« . 
 ■V- I . ■•■■ 
 *,?. "~»vJ .gWy^^lJf^j 
 ,<■ I- . V 
 IniMatioo, Mgntotfcm Md rtcmp^ 
 (1) jraote tlMt, ooimeoiing with both th« oflrafaram tad the nnoonMknu oaotrM. ua for 
 • pMtrfthitoooaMj,tha««a«Mth.««ei«iti«Mf7. In oth« woS^to!^wSiISb6S 
 £!h^LZ^ ZS2i!!J!S&T**!?* "^^ *»^' •"* ttdtinriatoiiMtlo •ettot in 
 •Mh raooMdiiv obooiimIoos oontra, tia., the aphul oord, medolU dbtotunta. meMifiMiihAlA. 
 STfcS^ri i^B^\!?^5SS",y!!!^^ •flooiaing to proof fa^iihad h7 
 SStSSStTSm!^ ipwiiirieMe, h»Te afrarant alitor n^ of this Om 
 <»BtiS '^^'l^lS^ll^^^fV'}^'^/^*:^!^^'*^'^.^^* ^^ ^'^ oim nnooitteiimi 
 MOtoaa. an aapanta from, and indapandant of, tha oarabnl lines ; thns the heart, liuus. 
 stoouid^ eta. asod many narre Unsa of this sort into the.iinaonsai<^ eentraa, oftb; mSS 
 IS^trthTniSJLS'^^ k^whieh nararthele^i axdta. ,«.p„^ StoSS 
 ?;>% •*E?^ Mitomatle potor nerres oonneoted with tha nneoosoions eentras ara— 
 . '-^ fcSTiS? JSJl.lirl.?5fl ""^ ^^ i?^ •■ ^ ▼oUMonal motor whieb 
 fUrr^ ^i~ "^^ dasoand past awdi saeeeeding aneonsdons eantra (Tis. , fba aorpon 
 ffl no eetfaw at ratomatle motor narre linea that, eooneoting alone wiOi their own 
 OMoaaaioas osntias, an amanta from, and independent of . the eeiebral motor lines. This 
 ^^^J^.^!';''!'^^'^ tff (?«rt ympathetie gangM* and most other nneomeiT 
 MBtraa manj ipdapendwit narre Unea braaeh oat into the req^ratory organs, heart, and manT 
 toSJi3r^eSJ^;JSI2iSr'^ "^"^^^ "^ "^^ "-•^ "' "^^ 
 .^nJS'i^'^.tS^i.^f"^ ol tfie body wonld be of anah a natnia that they wonld 
 S^f^^t^nSL ^i^JUT!^'' «*«;*»»•'»»• bodily organs mi^t often, 
 5?J25T!r "* «> JO* '«f both ^ eonsdoas and the nnoonsdoos sonl. afltinr«ther al^ 
 ^*5^'*wfJS»** ■faMjtMeously; it follows, that in a soitable organisation m^ organs m 
 antomaiw motor narvas with eentiea of the nnoonsdoas soul. 
 \ u'^iJ^*?J**'***!f^''"''*>^"<**»*^o'«>^»'*b«body,wMohdoAotr«aa^ 
 *° ^ *Sl~?Sl'i! t*"!!!!?!!^"^ £? oonneoted with eentres of «^ onsTMnd,^^ 
 teiymtty oJ«rs wMJ. performing fmotions nnde^ 
 s^nhaMonaly « at diffarantjmea. are eonneeted by a doaCset of nerve MneswSiboS 
 ****/''**^*"l**'«^*?*^"««"*~* Thus, aa already shown, all those orgSswhiS 
 aeod ssBsocy and irolition|dmotor nerre lines to the oeiebrim with branohingT3t<w«ad 
 ftvtomatle ^'^^^^>>^2, 'i^ intenrening nneonsoioos oentresThiffrthiPtwofold 
 Mmuwtloiiw^ both k^ of eentres. Thim also many organs, sueh as the respJStoyrtto 
 that ettuwt eittmr p^^j or eonreniently eonneet with fiott oentre^ by aeSSflbiMto 
 the main Una, hare ssjiwte and independent doable lines leadi^ tobSi ttTSSbnTInd 
 ^'2S"WII SS?S% "*• T"^ in whioh the yarioos organs of the body thqs 
 ^y^y^. ^^^.t y** *^.^* ^^ op«!«te,itisftfand that whtathe lower iwt of ihl 
 2!?ll2fl?i?*^i5^ the oMer 5art,the priokofapin awliedtothe footSS excite 
 leajNms Keaetion atthasjitoal eori^ anieaius t£e foot to be w32Sra#n,-the oonsdons moI 
 •t the eeiekm mMOwl^ haiiDg no knoidedgeofwhatis being done below the poLtS 
 MveraMain ttw qiteal oobL Then, taUng the other oentres ofittie aneonseioas so5l^ 
 !^i*?**t ^*'*"*!^J*'*'»?5^*^ eerebellum, and the optie thalami and oorporaliMato! 
 inihefar oidar vpmui from the ipinal eerd to the eerebram, it has been ftmnd bTDr ?^n^ 
 and«ths..Jhii» irtgi tt. mpiSr^^ 
 enipk^w and eo-Mtostes tte aoti^ 
 beneath it. yet tf of its actions, when initiatedrgo on aatomsSLillr hy > M^ ^^ f»ympstSittr 
 inatteol kaawnitoai' ivilh' oMMtar* natort. Dr. Varitit and olh«n hkf iho md« ft 
 thAkiliioatytikM tti* B«rNillnMaMop«i to th* MMbma, thM aU ttmiii 
 ih»l>ody, by atiiflB tnm tlwiinaBMatoWiMitw, t tBOwwg •ptn to tht Inwiriadge 
 of lh« OOOMtoUMM. TlM giMt bOVdMI of proof tOM to dlOWtlllll OMlMioUIIMM <k>« 
 lMloir«lMOtt«liniiB,uid thtl nnoonMiowMM doM not nMh Ughar thui Um opito 
 •ndoovpoMgWalA. WhM tho owobnl m*to Uhm at* antbo hmI opw, Ihen aU tha 
 and aaottoas of tho bodj are opan to tha kaowladga and oontoot of the oonadotu aovl 
 to ioiliatet eontiaoo, famlato or atop, ae ft idaaaaa; aadwlMB motioa is thna inftiated by the ' 
 oooMioos aDol, tha Mlad instiaetiTe, or ijBipathetie antoinatio aotton of the naeoiieeioiu aool :;, 
 from tta Mtttna raUerea the eooadons aoal in mnm meaaora from tha baxdam of manage-^ . 
 m«iK— in the aama waj that tho ahara of irrational inatinot poaassaad by * horae raUetea 
 hia ridar in aome maaamre fhmi the boidoi of man age m ent in keeping him eontinoalljr on 
 the road,* (8ee*'Fenri«r'aFanekiflBaof thoBraia.") 
 17. Bnt, aa haa been already atailad, a aoitaUa oiganiaation of body raqoirea to be snoh 
 thai the eonMioiia eonl moot bo perfaetly aUe and Aree to think, feel, wiU, and attend wltlioat 
 dietraotion to fta own proper duty ; and that, in-onUr to thia, the main irotfc of pvaaerring 
 and m a n ag in g the more eommon fonetiona of the body moat be done antomatieally or inToi- 
 ontarily hf the nneowwiotta sonl, and. that oven the oonaeioaa aool moat do aa mneh of ita 
 work antomatioaUy aa poaaible, that the attention and Tolition may thereby be left fne. 
 That the body ia Ana oiganiaed, wo tnut wo ham now distinetiy ahown to be the oaie. 
 The eonadooa aool, or " pneoma," aa we haye seen, has ita own eerebral eentre, and iost 
 ' those eksaes of nec^ hnoa irtiioh ft reqniiea to perfonn ita own proper da^y, via., the aflarait 
 aenaoiy^ narvea whieh eonvqr knowledge to ft, the eff«(fnt volftktnja motor netree whioh eon- 
 yay volitiona from it,--alao thoaa nsKre Unea whiah fff9 oat antomatioally or involantarily 
 tlM eiVression of the thooghta, amotions, etOL, in the faee or peraon, and otharwiae aaitab^ 
 iafliMiee the atatea of thi» bod^, aa required by tha eanaeiona aool. 
 And «h« uiwxmsflioas aool, or •« p^yobo," haa also fta aoftable eantiea, with Ihe diMaes of 
 nam linaawhiflbitreqnirMi topreaerTe.take oare oi;— in abort, do fta own proper work in 
 onioo wiOi the body, irii., the affennt exeitor name and the efferent motor nenree whieh 
 oonTqr aotomatie or inTolnntaty motion; whfle ahw all thoae oigana of the body that Maoin 
 ^^^''S?^;.^ *'<>*^1><^ <>' theaoalaro,Mire haTO aean. eonneeted wtthboth Ui^ of 
 oentrea ^ pottihle aarre Unea. 
 mieeiperimantal r eaea reh es of Dr. Fenier and other aeientiata ampMy hatmonlae ttfth 
 thia theoiyt , The nnoonsoioaa aool parforma all ita work antomatioaUy, and also the oomMioaa 
 sonl giToa a^teaaioBi to ita emotiona, ete., in the oonqtenanee or in the geatore, and does so 
 mooh of ite work AntomatioaUy or iuTolnntarUy aa ean be done ; thos leaTipg the atkntion 
 * As iUmtrathre titm^^: 
 oentras, to itfaqialoa 
 fowl, dog, or any other i^ _ _^ 
 ToUUoB oc^MoClng wiMttjaaeftrorad, wUl 1<mp, atHm,.lbr,|MlanM 'its bod^oiir Mt ruOatatjr btharwlMb 
 MooreUbigto ttaaklnd of Bttmnlatton applied to the ootar ends ot the idTeieat aeltor-aarrel^— «vS 
 In whloh the oonssioas sonl will renond aukomaUflaUy. at its '^ w 
 , tlumf^Jhe afflairat exeitor narrea, it it 1^ » 
 lel, with its oerebnl brain abstraoted, or the nerre lines of sensation ud 
 While to e aBH aij awr be abaotately moonsoioas of its own movements. The stlaialaaidn oomias 
 T^ ^ISSFS/^^^ ^f^**^* exoitor nerres to the eeiltres of onion wWi the nnconsotoos sonlpro- 
 dnoM spr ft ajjlon . which in torn sots on the effotent motor nerves, and makes the* aMknban of\he 
 body Mt MMel|nilMeIy, pwhapa ptHrMy ftrom habit, and pertly from nnooassioas synifattty or instlnoi 
 Waiel^M*tonsMmdnMd%oitiiiurd stimnlatlon praeiael^ oatf esm in auSasesTWomitfit psi^ 
 ^uiM ooniande that spfiit aotton did not intinrene at aU bstwem the first sttmnlaSoTi ^^^ 
 ments^ the body. BntthemoTeittentsarenotnnifotnibntTulable,andyetarealwa' 
 with a UndjoC anepnscioas Instinot and sympathy with the plan and weU-beint of the 
 oMarly Shewlai the intsrfontiaii of spm*. The nneonssioaB soid thos takes OT 
 mownents or the body that wrnld anneeesssrily eneomber and dlstraot the -^ 
 Qpnaeioas soul in the disohaige of its own proper doty; the tmoonaoloasdolncits own 
 alMoanytnc on the movemanto Initiated by toe oonaoioas, luid reoolrlnft in sash eai 
 liitttr, nn mtite than tho sllirhtost mrpMllanflt. 
 14 ^iHl*r,*>>*^l^*<B>^^aMMraUyofthea<HtonofaUoi^^ 
 liaMwithtoa Motrasof the WMonadoas sonl a]one,or that uelsolatedfrm toe oonMdoosasss iTtoe 
 wveHLnoe tf toe oerabral nerve Unes, toat the balandng. the Tartety, and toe fltnss^movameiasin 
 f>>l^V»| toittated by toe stlnuaaSon ot the oatweSu of toe aflOrait axoUMiinvm Smntte 
 intervcntlaa between the atlmnlatien and the movemaota of a nlrltoal MmSinZwhii£^aS 
 ™«n>Mioiis (th^ is. oat of reaob of theliSlTldiua's^^sSoawess)>M^ 
 lslsea[ei»ovementoa«oo«dintfy;lhrtipirltnalsome«^ / 
 TnaDHOM at these oentrss of too onoonsaloiis seal, aU impsesatona eomlM from the ontdde 
 mdoeeq^taetion, whieh to tarn jpradoees nufleeolsr aetiao,or movement toSe membsvaof the 
 toe more- 
 1^ thereby 
 o«oU those 
 ' If the 
 howover, In whieh moleoolsr astton, initiated slaewtaeiOk 
 ^^i^*^'^*'**' '^y merely be regolated to its passes by mlrtt aotton at thito eantne: fir aa 
 !I*Mff!^}» <!!^ P!^^J?»>^^nlar aetloa, it oaa ofoouee easS Mcnlato it ; aadtoemovemsnt of 
 amnsoleto tois , 
 ■pMtaot ion in its 
 The leadw is here refened totbeli 
 physidlogleal worfea on the nsrvoos eystem. 
 '■ I 
 i : 
 MdthefditioairMtoatUtMltotiieirownpKopar dotiflt. The mUiimI miUMli «iMdm«Bi«d 
 oa Iqr Br.FcRJMr •«« tha ombnl MMmMtfoM wwt naofad Mtod lik* m iwy» MtMurtoM 
 Btm7 aniaad rauMaad la«» M • atuiiy. tm the illBnlaf «M aopU^ 
 ii«rf«<i,Mid tbm tt Mtod white tlM irtimaiakm WM 00^^ 
 22£?iJlLl.£s£.ir •wtfJ^.r'' ^* ^ iiSKSTiii of the «J!KS*.'*>2S 
 pr.P<ni«r'i iiHni<wl w iWM r«lm .iHthrMiiMattohiimM> mhUato, ^ZmXw^ *HifMi»tfitofT 
 S!£2IIi^iftliS^*t!KS,'*'«^^ thi nofkwhkOi hM «o to p«iomS^tto 
 ito own piopMr doty, whik alj tto olti#4aAi;";5«.« >»tn«.ftti^^|^^ tf,^ imtwmHtoM ■onL 
 Hy. than. ODf ttooty (m to tt . S . of jhy mdon bHw<!«^SpL^^ 
 |;^*|/'f : -,; ■;-.■;■.■■■■■ 
 XaehNmrve lAm^uitably adt^fUdto 0$ Work. 
 _...__._.__„_ - - . . ...j:..:i. 4.:_ 
 ^J^ *^,*? wtttlJlj OteiaM for lliio wolk whleE ft tos to perform, oMh noiVe line. 
 viieth«r it brings inqxeisioois ttcm (he pirti of the body to s eentre of onion with the eooL 
 or «ttriM oat Tolitlmii or motloni from • oentre to the pttte of the bodj, would xeanire toto 
 a handle of teiy miniito iihree, end eMh flbra to stntoh in anbNUn oonttnol^ ten ftt 
 «itoj«ni^ in the body to tti otninitj iik the eentre ; the flbrei at the exterior, or' body enJl, 
 !!SL'*SS' *? S? •L""*^?^ ~ ■■ **J*^ no pMt ff the bo^ without neeeHtty ebn' 
 neotim : then, to in^ m Utde nmee or intriM^in the body •* poniMe, th^ woald iwraim 
 5»fS!! Sfftt:.^ '^*'^!Sfe^ Mf in •bundle o^iheJthto theatres of^SS 
 with the ioul (whMi are eoiihpoeU^of gi^ eiUubr«tttter), where they again would require to 
 !!P^.2iff^ out andput theniiel?«a in ralationa to one another eormpondi^ to tto 
 rel^«iaaa wld^ ^ inirtain to one another at thoo^ 
 22Sf^ 2f ^ ^^f dirtiitot bnpraMion or motion flrom or to eaeh point readied byn nerre 
 "^ •* 55*5ft««»f •nl^)» •»• to pewelfethetaiioM rel^^ 
 ptttaattheotherted. Thtti,lweiimipIe,inlooldngatamaB,myoptIenar»e,lnoBe^piee. 
 ■ion, would nquire to eonvev Itom the retina of the eye tolhe eenbrum ereiy point in the 
 ^2 ^^jy^-y.'"*''' ^. haada. feet, ete.; and at tto lame time ef«y o^ of theae 
 points or obJMto inost prMuire the^aame relations to one another, as seen at tiie e^hrum. 
 Aat^ sjrtain at the retina ol «ie ^e, otherwise h^ 
 from ttf iSSS;^;^!^^ *• ^"^'^^ ^ -K>Te manher A toe^t 
 .^J\^''^^^!j!!^?bl^''^^^^ «bwi*^hioh streteheontinuoualy from the 
 ootwavdpoints of Oe body wli^ ttoy toqeh, down ttie stem of tto handle with whioh tiier 
 °° ^*^^ ^J*^^ eenlTC wtore tliey toueh tiie soul On tiie griy edtailar matter of whioh 
 flv«yeeatira.eon8efoui or uneooaeious. ise0mposed),ft would to impossible lor ttie soul, in any 
 SL *ui£2rlL!!T* ***ii? *^ *^ impressions belonging to tto diiteraat pointoof tb* 
 3. Obese IHMMOf^^ifadi ttonenre Une is made iv,reqnfafe to tovary flue in order to tato 
 up^^BtttespaeaaadtogiYeiittpresaioaatoaadfromiine pdnts; and if tiieir outer ends wen 
 IJfVllSiSS I?i?^"*" •" a «y - *yp«rts of the sUn or organs of tto body, it would 
 to inpossibla to tranamttneesasaiy inqveUou or from ttiese oigans or partoT^o «fa»to 
 ^S^^^^'S^I?^^^^**'^ ol afcie-to its'etem. pass alolig tto stem S 
 2Si2rif!2r.£fJSrft!2^^ y*y- Mi^.diiferfcom » t^^ in eaeh fitoe 
 "ffl'U^qwf g <4P M«J%iMm bnuMh to root through Ito etan or trunk: fbr if. Uto a 
 bMadtof « tree, ItdunOd^loee ilir identity and tentinnity on leaehing tto< t^, than the 
 »*i« •** 4*W WW beeoom utlirly mixed np and eoia^QMd wfth the 
 [into the ftM from tiwotiierllueade.* (^^ 
 thjCMS evm whleh awltob OB llrom 
 — "wh toli ew w en kau w u iu be — 
 UmrnepaH ol (he oeMbnifltoS. 
*>^^^T " ^^ ■ 
 ff!^{t^l^,'^^Vn f-^^WTT' ■ 
 nr will be •vidsnt 
 ■-■;■■■■';■.■ ■'. •^^--■■''' '■■■■ 
 8. FartiMrnion, Umw flna Sbim mvuA •(•in ■•pwrdw thamialTMi on r«Mbing th« OMtrts. 
 ■o M lo allow of Iho wmi asting on tho fad of the on* wilboot lUrtatMng tho othte. Tbaii. 
 wh«n MpwaUBC thai, thMo flno ftkrw mut alio plMo thoir «nda at tho Motm (in tho crar 
 -oeUnlMT mMm), 1 d irtm a — Mid in rdMiwu c<»r«»poiiding to th* ^iatoim— muI it.> rthHwit 
 whioh Ihm suMin to ono«nolh«r at the oiher and. Tha nnwtMii j of tlOa iriU ba aam by 
 the following asaMplee. Wa all know that it eannot be tha pietnrain tha retina of the are 
 that ie imw ie dl a tel y eeen by the sool, bat the pietoie at the other end of the optie nerre in the 
 eeretena; and' yet the pieture in the eerebram mnat be the eame ee the pietoie in the 
 reti^ If.ia the ptetore in ttie retiaa, there iathe image of twolliee one-£teenth of an 
 ineh apart, and ahw of two flieitwiee that dietaoee apart, it ie e?ident that, in the piotare in 
 the ean^un, the diatanee betwoMi the two latter wiU be etill twioe that which ia between the 
 two iomMF; eoneeqnently tha nerve librae whioh ooadoet the imagae of the two fliee that 
 wre fwtUeet uart in the raMna most alao terminate fiirtheet apart in the eerebniin. 
 Again, ill ehonld lay the palm of my hand on tha t^ of a small square box, did nol^he 
 relations of the nerre flbree at the eentie of eonsdonsnese ednrespotMl in some manner to their 
 relations in the palm of my hand. I shoold be onaUa to teU whether this bos waa eonaie. 
 roand;,<»r iitegidar; and if I should wish to press down the Ud at one corner, how ahoidd 
 Ibe aUe to direet ▼oUtional motion to that point of the palm, did not theyoUtimMl nerre 
 ends in my carehrom In some manner eotieepond, in their relations, to their relatione in the 
 pelm of nymmdr The netre flbiee at the four eonem of the box ht the pahn mnst also. 
 so to^epeikk. eome to thefonr coman at the oerebrpm. The nerve flbiee at the foor comen 
 of a bos in ah image in the retina of tlie eye most alao be the one* which, eo to itpeak. are 
 loond at the foor ooniere in an image in the esrebnun ; end if I wish to pay parMar 
 attention to one eomer of the box, I most have a coneeppoding Toliti<mal film hrfta oaN- 
 bmm, f^eh willenaUe me to adjust the retina ao aa to make that eomer the centieof idsion. 
 4. The fongoing statement^ ae abefdj affirmed, apply to both kinds of nmree-^both 
 thoee which bring eensations or impreedoiks to tin eentree and those which transmit volitional 
 jind inTohmtory niotions from them They apply to the nervec'mf both parte of the eoul 
 (consdoue end uneoaedoos), but in a qMhial manner to thoee of the couscioas eonneeting 
 with the cerebrum. As the unconsdone soul acts by exi m>eonsdous instinct, and the motiooe 
 ere pwhapa simpler; the nerve ende may thotefore be fewer in number, and ananoed in 
 relatione lesi coneeponding to ttidr ends at th)B exterior, than are required at the CttSinun. 
 where they are aeted <m by consdousneee. ^ ~-> 
 It is also importuit to nOiee. that the nerve connections of the uneoneoious centna. 
 which m passed by c«ehial linen, and attached thereto by abort connecting flbree. are no 
 exertion to the rule. Theee connecting flbree must have continuity through the eeiebral 
 linae to the exterior, and be also spread in sufficient numbere at theee eentree to reoreeent 
 properly the parte a| tiie exterior. ^ 
 It ie evident that as it would not do to have impreeeions coming from dilferent pointe of 
 the body, confused and mixed up together pi the eentree ; so ndtiier would it do to have dif- 
 ferent volitional or involuntary motions coming frtmi the eoitrae, mixed up together, oonfueed 
 or fdling to rcech the pertiouUup parte of the body which are intended. If I wish to move my 
 forefinger. I mnet move oidy the nerve fibre of the bundle which connecte with it v 
 The degree o^f nerve eompUeation, the number of fibres, and the correnwndence of 
 relation in the film ende at the eentree, will necessarily vaiy aoomding to the kind of work 
 performed by each act of nervee. and that kind of eoul centre with which they are connected. 
 We have now to show that the foregoing theory of this chapter with renteot to nerve 
 Unes is in harmony with physiokgicat facts, and hardly assumee a prindple that haa not already 
 been discovered to exiit. That the nerve hoee are made up of bundlee of voy fine flbiM 
 (most of which are eo vjury fine as to be indistingnidiable to the naked eye), and that theee 
 fibree qpraad in the musdee or extremities, and, coming together, pass through the body in 
 bundlee or in eheaths, are facte now eo weU known that the quotation of phyd^ogieal 
 teetamony in proof thereof ie altogether superfluous. Reepewting the continaity of oveey 
 ittdividnal fibre of theee nerve Imee, from ite point of locatimi in the mueclee or extremitiee of 
 the bodv to its termination in a centre. Dr. Carpenter najih •• Baeh fibre appeare to m>«^t,fa > 
 m cont^uity unintemqptedly from ite origin to ite temdnadon without any nni<m with other ^ 
 fibree, though bound up doeefy with them in the eame nsrve tfnnk; and there in^rtnms < 
 reason to believe, that the white eubstance of Schwan eervee ae aa insuktor; whaieby <Ube 
 uee or egrlinders of the contiguous nerve fibree are kept apart from one another, ioet ae are 
 the numeroue wiree, each having its own origia and terminatkm, which are bound up tocether 
 in the aerial cable of the district tdegraph." It ia foimd that if even one fine fibie ooonect- 
 mg with a i|erve line be severed in eny part of iti course, the eoul immediatdy loeea aU^ 
 rfomtot smisation or of motion over that point of the body with which it connecte ; thia fa^ 
 ehows that the soul must have had dietinet eommnwWtion throuf^ *»«M partial ?"- **<n 
 . )m 
 ^.4^^' _^^^ 
.18 ■•: .;■/ ■ 
 ainm, alio, U !■ found that «lMtrio stimulation, applied to a tmndla of nanro flbrea 
 ai an inlMmadiate part of tluir oonraa, produoM only a namb«r of mizad or oonfoaad 
 impiMiiana ov motioni: thia ahowi that tha flbrM raqnita aoma dapaa of ipfaading at tha 
 amtiaa to pttmit tha initiatloii of a diatinot impraadon or moranMnt in araiy libra. 
 Th«i, again, it is found that at tha eantrsa, whiah ara oompoaad of gr^ oallidar nattar, 
 thaaa b«v« flhraa do s^aad thair anda and tMminata in rolatiiins whiofa oonaapond in a 
 oartain waj trith thoaa of thair. ands at tha axtramitlaa of iha bodj. Aa araay eantra ia an 
 Mgragata ol gray aaUnlar mattar. Dr. Oarpontar thinka that aaah flbra anda in a §nj aall. 
 Dr. Faniar, bowarar, baa baan aUa to datarmina tha partieokr plaoaa of tha eatabnun ih«ra 
 atanrgraatnuu^ofthaaanarraa t«minata in tha aalltdar mattsr. Hahaainfaetmappad 
 out thna a krga povtioa of tha OMabnun. That portfop of ita aiaa daafgnatad tha Angalar 
 OTroa, ha proraa to ba tha location ol tha nanraa oi ai|^-<«ha aoparior temporo-afhiBoidal 
 ooBvolation, ih* loaation of tha nsrraa of haaring.— and so on irith tha othar araaa paataining 
 to tha othar narraa of aanaa and motion. Bnt what ia important to notia^ Dr. Fanriar'a dia. 
 eovniaa abo ahow that tha narra anda partaining to aaoli aanaa or ToHtion do apiaad and 
 anatain relati<»a to aaah othar, in tha ara* of tha aarabrtim whiah thsgr ooonpy, aorraapmiding 
 to thoaa ol thair aitariar to an astant in all napaota aa graat aa wa daim to ba naee asa iy for 
 thapnrpoaaof alaaranddiatinetaommimieationbatwamthaBoalandthabodj. . ■ •*> 
 Thna ia avaiy araa of tha aaralttam partaining to any paitiankr' aanaa' or Tolition, tha 
 aaara flbraa of a diffannt part of tha araa waca alwaya foand to aonnaat with a diffarant part 
 olthabodjor with a diKarant part of tha aama organ ; and tha dagraa of aorraqwndenaa in 
 tha ralatioia of thaaa ilbra anda at tha aarabram, with thair ralationa at thair aztarinr ends, 
 wfa nadoabtadly aoab aa (an tha prindpla abimad in oar thaoty) i^oald anaUa tha aonl to 
 wwk, withoat aonfoaiwi, all ita tabgriyhie maahihary. 
 So alao in Dr. Facriar'a aq^acimanta on tha snb-oraaial and othar anoonaoioaa eantraa, it 
 ianumilsat that tha aana piina^plaa <rf aprsading thair flbraa and giving thair anda eorrea- 
 ponding ralationa, jwarail ai thaaa eantrsa, though of oonrae, as might ba azpaetad, in a lass 
 striking dagraa^ Tlut intarraning onaonsaioas esntraa oonnaetiBg by short flbraa with tha 
 paaaing asrabral naiira Unaa, ara no axeaption to thaaa genaral nUaa, as aaah is fonnd to ba 
 BoppUad with a nombar of Hxm flbiaa, -^ 
 n. Lrtaanertad(^thatinasiiitablaorgaiiiBati(m,inoidarthatspaoamaybaaeonomiiad 
 in tha body and nnnaeaaaaiy eomplioity avoidad, all tha aftaraot aanaory or azeitor narraa 
 whiah bting in imprasdons from, in othar words, axareiaa aorvaiUamoa orar, apartisohur organ 
 or part <rf tha body, ahonld ooma togathar and onita in thair PMSaga to tha oantrai, with tha 
 bondla or ahaath of affarant Tolitional or involmitaiy narraa whiah gita motiona to fliat organ 
 orpart of tha body. Stating thia prindpla in othar language, thoaa narvea givinig motions 
 and thoaa narvea azerdaing aarvaillance over the aama motions, whiah tacminata in tha aame 
 loaalitiaa at their oatward attramitiaa and whidi ooma to the aama aentrea, may prapnrly oome 
 togathar and onita in the sama^bondle or sheath &i their paaaaga thnnighthe body. This 
 pnneipla laavea tha'^aommoniaation through eaoh diatinat, and properly eeonomisaa room. 
 niydologioal sdanoe diowa that thia prindpla ia variflad in the eonstraeUon of the nerve 
 lines. Thoar in «v«7 pair of nerves leaving the ninal eord, we flnd a motor line having ita 
 rooiin tha antarimr of the eord, and a aanaory line having ita root in the poaterior of the oord, 
 both aomiog together, and in the same aheatb traviaraing throogh the body to the organ at 
 their aztramitiaa with whiah thay eonneet. The aama prindpla in « general way holda tme 
 of nerve Unea terminating in tha earebrom and other eoatres, and having to dad with the 
 aama orpmaiat tiia exterior. 
 IXL Let va dao obaerve, that in a aoitable ocganiiation tha afferent sensory o^ a^tor 
 narvea and the eiteant motor nervaa which tarminate in tha same loeality of the asta^r 
 organarpartof the body, need not neeeaaarily terminate in the same looaUty of the aehtre 
 to whidi thay aooM. Baah aet of narvaa, to keep their own impraasions or w«Nrk diatinat, 
 would n eea a sa r fly raqoira a diffarant plaea. There is no need that the oentraa ahonid ba a 
 ^piaal at foe aimau raprasan t atio n of tha ezterior parte of the body. 
 Tha prina^ Btatad in thia piopodti(m ia falty iUnstrBted by phydologioal faet, D«. 
 Faniar'a aKparimantal raaaarahaa show that tha areaa in tha aarebnim oooapiad by the narvea 
 of aanaa. ara different araaa from thoaa ooeapied by the narvea of volition. Tha same faet 
 jMdda traa ol tha aab-araaial and othar nnaonseioiu aanikaa. 
 Pteidiarititi required in ev0ty CttUrt of UfUan, " 
 To b« initably otganlMd, etstr oentM of anion with Mm wml aa«t b* rash thai th« moI 
 «aa dirtU M or niiito with II, 4M bo alio rooh IImI the flbro oadt of tho norro Uii^i of all 
 Idndi iMtuOj and MparaMr, and in laah nlaMoaa ai ooRMpond anllably to IhoM whioh 
 thiw nialaitt to oaah oOir at Ihair oUmt «achi,,Mn ba hi diiael and oonilani eontadi with the 
 ■ooli w that tha loal oan aet or ba aotdl oi sMpaiataty thioogh aaah n«nra flbn without 
 oonfniion or nizlaM of ita nKdaenhur aotttm with that of oth«ra« and bo abla Aram tha rdatlona 
 of thoia narva flbia aoda at tha owtrai to diatlagQlah tha filationa of tha pttrta of tha body 
 with whidi at Iha ollnr and tliaj oonnaat-^whathar in xaaaiviag improaataia fkom ttiaao parte 
 or in MiuUng votianato tham ; and thia aontaet or onion batwaan tha aool and ita oantia or 
 ttflrraa moat ba ao olAa aa^ aonatant atf that arary kind of aotion In tha ona moat prodnea 
 aomakhidofaalioointhaothar. i»v.«o« 
 Tha roaaona lor aaah mn organlaation of tiia aontoea of onion with tha aool hata lilbtt 
 mada lo vary plain in tha hMt dhi^Mor, and in all tha prariooa parte of thia work; that it ie 
 eeanely naoeeeaiy to vipeal them agein haia. Tha eool nmat hare polnte of the body to 
 dwell at or onita with, otharwiae the body eannot ba made a ptoper niettom between the eool 
 and the world. The nflrre fibre eiida, aepaiate and in pAmarialalioda, aniBt eome in diieet 
 oontaot witti the eoql, oth«wiae the aool oannol Ml «r be aeted en diiee^ «id praperiy 
 tlvongh ttiem; and if «hia onion or oonlaet were net eooatant, eo Iha* intoraeiion between 
 the aool and body mi|^l be eloea and eonatant, it woold be impoariUa. aa ihawn in th4 eariy 
 «ha||Un of Miia work, toeonatltole the bcAr a proper mediom between the aool and the world. 
 It ia now oor boaineaa to ahow that all tha taleat and the beet artaWiihad fteta of phyaio. 
 Ipgieal leliMa folly haraouiiiiae with the theory ataled in ttia- foreiftring ptopoaiaon. 'The 
 harmony, whieh waa^abea^y ahown in tha preee^ng ahaptera, auy now be madairilU^^aanr. 
 Of eooraa we do not aaean lo ai^ that tha disoovwlea of plnaioloey hate aa yet thrown tha 
 eleareet U^l on evMythhig iriiieh maybeinmlTadin thia theory; hot wahara alaomed no 
 important jdiyaiidogioal prtoe^triiiaheanreallybeMidtobeinadifBneeof diaeoveredteet. 
 The pfayaidogy of the MalMi of the body whkh onite with the aool then ahowa na that 
 aaah eenIM b eompoeed of two aoba t aneea. via., grey eeUolar matlw and perre enda; tiie Irat 
 aobatanoe ia of a groy wdoor, aami-tranapareiiit. polpy, and eonriating of eella or Teaifllea HUed 
 with granobr matter; the aaeood anbetanee, white, (90400, and d«iaa, widah fbrma the br»er 
 portion of the eentree, ia eompoeed whcdly of the flneet nerre flbreai whiah qtiaad id>oot ofory. 
 where and lerminale their enda in the gr«y oella. Dr. Oaraanter thinka that eaeh illMre 
 terminatea in a grqr eelL Theee fibree are ao fine aa to be intUble to the naked «ye, thoo^ 
 pareeptible to the aaieroMope. It la abo agreed thai all Mrte moTementa (ootward or inwiiod) 
 <nigiiiate or tflrminate in tha gray oattohur aobatanea^ and ttiat the aeal of oooaeiooatteea at 
 the oflBtre whan it ie loiooted moat be aomawfaare ai tha point iHmre the nerro movemenla 
 orif^nala and terminate. 
 The reaearehea of Dr. Farrier and othera now alao ahow, almoat beyond a doobt, that iha 
 eantre at wUah emueioaanaea ia looated ie the oerebrom, and Uiat idl the other oMtree are 
 rimplythe eeata of oneonaeiooa or aotomatie aetioai; in other worda. theee leeearehea nrove 
 thatuia oerebrom ia Hm eentre Di onion with the eonaeiooa part of the aool, and that M the 
 other eentree are eentree of onion with the oneimaeioos part of the aool. f See Ferriar'a 
 **FaoetionairftheBiain.'') V *"*"«■ 
 Bene, then, wa h«v& phyaiologiodly, the foodamental fMla eaaential to oor theory. The 
 grey eellolar aobetanee ia that oiiarain, in a speeial aenaa, the eool dwella— in other worda. 
 inharea or onitea with; and the white denie maaa of narre flbrea wUah makee op the reel of 
 the eantre, and whieh tooohea the aool in erery earner of tha grey eelhdar aobatanoa, ia the 
 great keyboard of all tha nerfo ilnee ootward and inward, wheralnr the aooL aa marator. keeoe 
 vp eo mm n ni aa t i o n with all parte of the body and with the ootaide worid. ' 
 Thia gray eellolar aobetanee ie eonunon to all tha eantree; and all eonaaioaa or vital 
 aaliii|^ onooeatiflaablyeBunaiea from it and ita nerve endo.* 
 . That Oa aool may oaa tha aobatanea«ff the gray erila for other pupoaea alee than ttat 
 of atrial inhaUtation, or only a» a aeal on whieh to faaa and tooeh the kaybofod of narvea, ia 
 not at all improbable. Bool inhering Jn thia matter, preeant in avenr part of tha matter, and 
 in the matter tooehfaigevaty line flbre end in th e keyboard, may find tha grey eelloUtt matter 
 •It may indeed aeamraniarkaUa that the aool •taoold atwayat 
 wl^l^bo^iottliiaeaUalaraferaotara; vetitialnTOilablytrOmMU 
 tobnJMtegnpttiabodyatflratlwimther ^--.- -'^•-" . 
 • ;*' 
 >«. laiSk,' 
 m \ 
 (wUoh forms of ttMlf a kind of oompound, though not • ehmniflal ona) a mott oMfol M, 
 dthar In initiating motamcnti In tho keyboard or In rMslTlng thmn. Thli anion of tli» , 
 MMOM of wral with Um gr«7 otUnUur iB«tt«r, loaitwhAt In tho oumoar of %«ompoond or of ' 
 doublo aUianoe, may giT* aoiu it* property of powar orar mattar, and matter Its proparty of 
 powar OTar Sool; or.tha nay sukttsr may ba maraly tha fand oat of irhiah sool inltiatas 
 molaanlar moramsnts in tha kayhaaid. 
 Than aito thaagranfsmwtbf thanarra anda*ln tha ksyboard. car thaoryand tha faott 
 of physiology TarTSvldanHyhannoniBa. It has already basn vary folly .shown, that thssa most 
 ba aasrtain aotnapondsnaa batwaaa tha ralations of tha nsnra anda at tha aantraa and tha 
 ralatisna^'of tha aads of tha sama nsnas at tha aitramltiaa of tha bod^*;- Tha dsgraa of 
 oorraqtoodanaa by no means reqaivaa tha-«iarra Stads in tha kayboaid at wa se nt aaa to ba In 
 all raqpaats a fite sAnOs of thosa In tha organs from whibh tha narvaa aoatur, Tha aorrae. 
 pondeoaa ma«t ba sash, howafsr. that tha sool at tha oaatraa aan diftingaish dsdi^taly th» 
 ralatlona of Iha parts at tha other anda, and aflaek them aoaordln^. ' U may ba said that 
 inaah of oor knofvladga of thaaa ralations «t tha sKtramltiaa l#aoft ^ d<l( f axperisnaa, or do* 
 toinstlnat. This Is no doabt trae,'l>at aiparianoa or Instinat oaa old o* only thvMgh tha oaa- 
 of tta narvaa thaoiaalTaa ; and If tha nsrrsa ara Inadaqoatr, so ssparlaaae ar Instinat most ba 
 inadaqoata. Tha msana aertalnly voold ba fnadfiaata vUah wMild maka an objaat appear 
 nmnd In tha aersbram whieh ma sqoasa In tha retina of the ^a— whieh woold lead a man to- 
 bellova that a pin pdakad hia foot whan It wM priaUng the baek of his naok— or whioh wookl 
 lead him to tl^ b waa moving hk rl^ foot iHian ha wae moving only his left arnt 
 Wagrant, howavar, that the testimony of t^ ona sanaotynarva Una helpe thataatimony 
 of tbaa&er sensory nscwa Una. Tha ssnsosy *arva Unaa help as to lagotota the motion of th* 
 voUtlonal narva Unae, and th* volitkiial also h^hi tha ssnsory. Tha dagroa of eorAapondena» 
 hi tha keybsard, therefoia^ need ba no grsatar tUw aUows the sonl^l with tha foragoing halM« 
 to Inrm oosvaet Impisssiens aa to tha losalitlaa affaotad at the othei^ and. Thoogh this prin- 
 eipla of njrvs ooRaapondaaaa mnst hold troa of all tha aentrsa of lonion, yet of eoorsa at th» 
 • oneoBawihs as^tias a soMJiar dapaa of eorifaapondaya will be adafloata. 
 , Wo liaiva abaady In th* praaeding ei^apter shown that this lliaoty of « esrtain xalativ* 
 aoiraq^oadenaa In'tha narva ends at th* oentiaa of onion and thsir other aada a^ the ^ztremitiaa 
 of tha bodyi ia in f oil harmony witiid^eovarad physiolagiflal pMa.' WaahallDowaddafaar 
 othars, whieh tend stIU fofther to eonflrm it. Thie pasnUar oobstltoiion «f the^asntfM, #hisb 
 u|^leainagrsaterdrla«f depsetoaU tha aentras of onion with tha aool. doabt moat 
 cUstinatly ubam »ble In tha «ei.aUiiim 
 Thasa ia nothing naw in the last that after tha ampotation oTm lag, foi faMtanaa, th« 
 aoneaioosness aontinoaa to lafer the pain, oaosad by tha sotting of tlM nervaa, to the toes and 
 varioos pMsflC^foo^i JQ***>befcira the removal of tha limb ; this laet diowa that th* 
 narva ends in^b* asrslurom sustain * aartain delinita and eotiaaponding rriation to thoaa In 
 \h» toaa and foot; nor Is it found that this relation aver ahangee to the aonsaioosnsaa on any 
 sobsaqoant Irritation of the nerve ends. The sama prinA|>le applies in the ease of all th* 
 ottMr mao^ters of tha body and their variooa parte. Every toe. Anger, ate., most tharsfota 
 ' have ita eorrssponding nerve ends in the eerebrom in definite and jost ralations before th* 
 eonsaio Q s n ess. 
 > The lasponshra aotunatitf' aetion of the oneonieioos ettitraa in aaaes of ampotatkm 
 parallel to the foregoing, shows that the saasa prineipla <i oorrespondsnt nerv* relation also 
 applka to a esrtain extent in theae eeatres. (See also Ferriar's expartmaats on anliuds 
 divaeted of thneerebrom— " Fonetiona of the Brain.") 
 Again, it if weU known that the nerve fibres of both kinds— sensoiy and motor-~r*diat* 
 in immense nombers ferom the emtio Uu^ami and oorpcna striata, and entering the lurflow std* 
 of this earabrom, spread theniselves in all diiaotions in eontaet with tha grey eeUolar m^ter 
 whieh oompoeee the ooter side of it. Dr. Ferrier (sea «' Fonetions of ^e Brain !') has been 
 . aUe to map oat a large pdrtion of the eerelvom or skoU (in a manner raeambling a phrsno> 
 loi^oal shut), and to show very definitaly • large nombi^ of the araaa partatning to the nerve* 
 of the different Mnses and the diffarsnt parts of the body. In Uke manner he has eataldisbdl 
 a large niwber of the araaa pertaining to the volitional nerves. Eaeh elass of scpoMwy nervea 
 and eaeh ehkss of vdltional nerves has its own qpeeial looation. The right hemlaphsre of th* 
 I psrtmaa to the kit Sid* of the body, and the left hemisi^Mre t* the ri|^. 
 Bot wiiat i% at present spsaially jpqMrtant to notiea in th* diaoovarisa of Ferrier ai* th* 
 that tiw extent of area oae^^ by eaah abisa of ntarvea ia very eoosidsrable, thai 
 different pojnta in eaeh aia* lelala to different parts «l tha body, and that the soattared enda 
 of the niTTSB da snstain Nlations oorrs8p<mdlag to those of ttieir'exterlor to all the extent 
 whieh w* ataim «* be naameaiy. (Ferritt's •' Fonaliona of the ftain.") 
 Tha Mpirt^sato of Fatrisr. Oarvate. P ora t . SW. , on tfie sob-eratt i al *» d ot he r unaog . 
 ■oloaa oentms, also show that tha aama gaosral prineiplas wliioh we have baivi referring toi 
* "^F^ m^y "5^5™^*^ - f ^" 
 ,j* ( >• ti"^ fr 
 I., mail tiiaiNfon 
 KtioiM befon tli» 
 fitv^At ^M* M at til* oMvbnni ; thooch of oovm^ m might b* npMtod, tli* MUnmtkMMk 
 «l«ffMta «t diflmat poiati, fraai alMtrio ■ttmolatkia, is mnok m<M dUkMh «t Ui«m < 
 tium «t the otNbnuD. 
 FarlhmMin. atf to tk* aloinMi Mid MnrtMiOT of tUa intWMliT* imkn b«lw«M th* Mol 
 •nd ito MBtaM, idijriokMjr wd dl aperi«iie« tliow lo diMlaoUy tltei it is ontythiag in 
 ^jloMMM and MoitUMv wUok a prapar madiam vaqoiraa, that no additional proof ia naadad. 
 Th« «tiRiii( of a tbooiilit oauaa a tiWMr thiongli tha whote aarrotta or matatial fM^ 
 on tha ooatniT, tha priok ol a pin ia fall in araty domain of tha aool. Tha two-halTad atro*- 
 4ara or arah M aonl and mattar apaaa tha Toid batvaw intaUigaaaa and «»/>i*«»«i«> motion, 
 and tramblaa aiilta with anj toaoh that aflaett aithar mattar or apiiit. 
 Thaaa prind|ilaa. aa an hara aboady aaid, apply in a gfMitor or kaa dagiaa ta all tha 
 amtraa of unon, hot in a nadal mannar to tha OMabnan or aantra ol tha ffmadoas aoal; 
 and ■othnfiudioat tha lato ahi^taca tha aarabmm haa oaeapiad afiront plaoain thadiaooMiona. 
 01oa«l]r.b»waT«, as adal and mattar maj ba alliad at tha omUaa. tha tao hava nothing in 
 oommoa, aithar in nbatanaa or in fonetlona. Thoa, at tha oarabram tha aool oa^aptaa a 
 position aoaaawhat aimilar to thai of a talagmpli oparatoc in a talsgraph offlsa faito whidi 
 ^KMuands of wina ran from all diiaationa, aoma of vhiah tranamit mmaagaa outward and 
 ■oma inward— ttU tar min at in g, howarer, in one k^jboard, aaoh k^ distinat, and all of tham 
 ^ idations oorraqponding to tha diitaant qoartars from whiah th«v aoma. Tha oparator 
 |(m is tha aonaaioaa aoal, kia atet ia tha gi^ aallnlar mattar, and tha kayboai4 ia tha daasa, 
 warn nmaa of narra flfaras, aaah tooahing in aoma plaaa ttm oporator in hia gragr aaal. Bat 
 ^1^ Tf'J**?"'*" P««»U«tty ol this talagraph offlaa ia. that tha k^ aia not maralj 
 withitt^raaah of tha oparatov, bnt tha tuiida batwam him and tham iaao aloaa that than ia 
 S?*/.?^ , *" ?*^ ^***^ *■ ■*** ^ ooMtant oontaat wi|h Mma part <d tha oparator ; ao 
 *°*' .'^J*. ?** * motion on 9 wiM that doaa not aHaat tha oparator. or a motton in tha 
 oparatortiialdoaanotaJlaatthawiMs. This laaiprooity ol aation batwaan tha aarabmm and 
 ttia aoaadona aoal is ooastantlf going on. tha aoaadooa aool batag, aa balora statid. aapaUa 
 of two dapaaa ol oon aaioasnaiB, vis., aatiTa aonaaionwiaas and latant aoaaoiooBMaa, tha 
 m^^qilaraati^olthaaarabnuaiaallaetadbjthaaBirit aetioa of both dMMea-thoagh in a 
 Ufl^ar doffcaa by tba aativa aoB B etnnaaaaa, and in a lowar by tha ktant. So alao ia tha apirH 
 •raon of tha aonaaioaa aool in both dagraaa aflaotad I7 midaealar aotkia in tha aarabrmn. 
 ^ratare may ba a Mad of mo la anl a r aation and oo mmoi i i aati on going on in tiia o«Nbmm thai 
 uieets the eonseioasness only to a latent degree ; bat a eommonieatiim <A onaaoal natoia or 
 iirtaraat no aoonar aomaa to Iha hrtanl eonaoioasnaaa from the oarabram than tha fall flood 
 upit of aetive eonseioasneaa or attention flaahaa iq» to it ; tnd tha aommmMeation borne to 
 the aoal Mntre on thewinga of molaenlar aetion, at ones baeomaa the Balneal of aotiva thooghl, 
 £lS*L^ ^"***!S: '^F* *^ ooMdoas sool. dwelling in his palaea olgray ealla, with ito 
 iPr^ ^' narra fibres aU «roand and ararywhara toaaUag him, ia afar fidly infonnad of all 
 that tranapiraa in hia Ungdom. and ozeeatee hia «my wiah in ito iWBoleol •qmara withoni 
 auningftimtta aoal. ^ In oonataaion. lat aa repeat hm 
 before, that the aool dwalla in avary other part of tha body ai waU aa al Ihaaa eaatnii. Tha 
 . in • BWMralaeoae dwalU in att tha body ; bat tha parte of it thatlp a spaeial a«aa are in 
 K?J°"T^xi^*^^^* "***>•* •"*«■• TlMaoiliaonawhoktdw^lliagthroughoatlha 
 r^ '^J^* *^ '^ ^'**»^ plMas of interaetiva anion with tha body, sad thay are thaaa 
 «entras. When tha bonda of intametifa anion at thaaa aentrea are raptared, death 
 «nd the whole aoal learoa. -r --• 
 V 1 
 tnd other aneog. 
 BOaiitm 6f the Ctiiaru to theiT FarU <^ the 8<ml. ^ 
 l.AfleQidiag to the foregoing theory of a would «Tid«ntlytl»an 
 bean anor to suppoae that beeaUaa tha difTerant parte of the eei^bram have different oflleea 
 •nd work, and eonneet with the eonaaious aoul at different po&ito ii^ the eaiebrum, thatthere. 
 tore the eonaeious aoul is divided eorreapondin|A7lBtodiffai«nt parte, witii offioea ad| work 
 oonaanonding to thoae parte of tha eerabrum with whiebth^ eonneet. ' ^ ^ . 
 Tha eonseioua aoul is one whole, performing aU ite funetions aajone Undivided wkoia; and 
 m part of it is oapabla of doing what may be done by the whole (aea •< Deeeiiplion of tha 
 <touwious Soul." aA the oommeneement of this work) ; and therefore the parte of^aeerahrnn ' 
 anorgBnised with a view to their eonvwiianee to the parte of tha body, and not wi^ aviaw4o 
 ueir aouTanianoa to the parte of tha eonadous aoul at all The eerebral k^fboaid raquina 
 ' . 
■ iwWifmw'^''^^^^''i^ J^'--' 
 92 -■ 
 ipM*. ao thftt the moleoaltr Mtion of the on* Abf m»7 »«» inurfwf* with Iha mokealw Mtion 
 of Om othar flbra, and bo alio kopl in pn>p«r nUtioii ; md the narro keyboord is thiu plMOU 
 All •roand, giying the ooosdoiu •oul ooataot with «T«»y |Murt of it. ^ „ . , . , ^. . . _ 
 CMlinc attontion to tho proof of this prarionslj givoi. wo shall tM onlj, that boro 
 physiology mad mmUX philosophy psrfoatlf agrao. Our ablest and best physiologists fr»nkly 
 aoknowladM that thay And nothing in the phyaiology of the earebrnm or any tMif ^o«>» 
 analogoos to the fanetions of thooght, feeling, voUtion or of oonsaienoe ; and aU elatma of 
 phNnology sabversiTe of this prind^^ are alike eontradieted b^ n>^^ <^^ ^J??!:^i!?!l^ 
 loienoe: mdeedi 
 I known that i 
 speak <rfj)hrenology with respaet. 
 ~ TlM prineipli 
 I and mental philosophers, as a ehMS, bMfsly 
 propodtion of thU ehaptar applies also to all the 
 ad the 
 rh^M in a lees degree; and the same dass 
 a. The priiMipl* Mubodiedinthe — , 
 oentrea of the uneonaoioits sool, thoni^ 
 physioloffieal teattmony applies to all the ob...... 
 $. Aeeording to this Uieory of a soitMOe organisatiea it also follows, tlat the material 
 organisation of any one eentre of onion will differ from the ofganisation of the other eentres. 
 Aseaoheentie, whether of the oonsfltoos or nneonseions pari of the sonl, has Its own pemiUar 
 work and its partieobMr part of the body to attend to. eaeh oontra will n eesf M a i Uybe ogrganiaed 
 suitable for its offlae. 
 To this all phydology agfeaa. 
 4. FnrthormeM. aeeordhig to this theory, the eetebnim and Ihaaa other oontwa^ hare n<| 
 dto uae thaa> that of being a meana at interaetlTe onion between the body and the sool. 
 . Pottiiigthk in oth«ift>tds, the eardinim and theae other oattttaa hare aoottieroM^ 
 «tafloiding to the sool a seat or point of' onion and a keyboard of narree throogh whiehto 
 kaep op iH> i i n"»f"1 tiatiftn with the body. ■ »• * 
 The physiology of the eerebmm «id flieae eantiea, aU of whioh wa made op of ooly two 
 Bobstanoea-'-gny eeUvlar mattar and narva ends (the work of whieh has been asoerkained)-- 
 wreals as wahaTessan nothing elaeu Any preteosirtis to anything mora, by mateiWkto and by 
 aome phrenologists, eome diiaetly in the taolh of oor ablest physiologists, who frankly eonfeas, 
 that tttoogh thnr ean ibid ai thaae eantrea an orgaaiaation and parts soitable for the tnna- 
 ff^<ii «rt q Uamtorj or axeilor imprasaloiis inward, ipd the transmission of motor impreesiona 
 ootwaid, ti^y are onabft to deleet in the eeiebn^ or other oentrea any material otgaaiiation 
 eoneaponding to a sing^ fonetlom of the mind'<»r sooL Hare Oarpantar, Fanriar, Loomis, ale., 
 midht all be nooted. ' 
 0. Lastly. •Mffkdiag to this theory, than, the oi&ee or the work performed by ih^eerebrom 
 and the other eaiitres is qoite different and' distinot from the offioe or the work panormed by 
 the sool: and so at the eeiabrom and theee eentres, where aU organiaatian of matter ends, 
 matter and its work ends, and sool and its waA begins. Thisisthe teaehing of oomnunk 
 MPiw, and it i< alto piiMn'y *^ titawhing "f p^y'^'^gy- 
 We find the worV^the eaiabrom and the other eantfea. eaoh of whieh eonaisis simply of 
 a sool seat and a kayboaid, to be poidy and sfanpfy that of eommnnkation between the sool 
 and the body. Th^ ha^ no other parts and thm have no other work. The eerabrom is ttios 
 the mediom of oommonioation brtwaan the eonsdoos sool and the body, whereby the eonseiooa 
 sool giTeeooior leeeiYes impreesiotts from the body and does nothing else, Jdst as a tdegnwh 
 ' apparatos is thf mediom' of eommouieatioii between the opttmkot and the ontaida worid. Ihu 
 is its work, and its whohkwork. It has nothing jp eommon with the aool, and it does no^np 
 in eommon with the sool. It has nothing to do with thooght, fading, or raeohition: these 
 things bdong to tiie sool. Henoe any assertions of phranologiBta or natoraliate that woold 
 Amply anything e<mtrary to theee mindplea are ottetfy norioos; and erery attempt to traee 
 v'iB the eerebrom (or in any part of the brain) an organiaation eorresponding to^thatof thoo^t, 
 ' feeling, eonsdenee. etc., wfll prove absolotdy abortire. Itji the eandid aeknowledgment of 
 aU physiologists that no sodi orgMdsation oan be foond. Hertall mental and phyaiologied 
 seiraee, and eommon sense, take the same sidlk Phydologioal ftets show that the dense mass 
 of white fibres and the grey edlolar matter are both organised for simple material fonotimu ; 
 and jost as we lose all material oiganisatim among the grqr cells, sool and its work begins. 
 Of the otganiaation or work (rf the sool, physiology reteals nothing. . 
^s^^fjf^s^ssv" ■^"irt'^ f;*>'Ti«p-^s>TOgirT " 
 * -. -■■. ■■t:--f^' 
 ing D 
 the oat 
 Map of the C«r*bnm: 
 In this Motion we tM ft lammwy of (Mte knd expluutione whieh still farther elneidate 
 end support the tbeonry whioh we here edvenoed in the first seotion of this woifc. 
 Oar objeet is not to Mtieipete fatoreph^siologieel diseoreries, bat simply to meke a 
 l«eitiin«|b nse'of thoee elreedj eeteblished, or et least mnerelly reeetved es soeh. Fatare 
 disooreiies may poesib^ eaose some modifloetion in the details of this theory. 
 ■ ^ MAT' or TBI oaanram, ' , 
 Th* following woodeat preeenting a side view of the hwiMn eM«hram. whieh, though not 
 showing the Turioos 0(mToIations or pointing oat «iinately the Tsrioas OMM pertointaig to the 
 diKersnt perta of the body OS Ferrier does, is intended to indifloU in a genwol wev the Dwta 
 of the eatebrum oeeapied by the Tsrioas orsM or oMtres of voUtioa and sensation, in OP fw as - 
 hare at prassot been disooTsred. (flee Ferrier's ••Fonotioiis of the Brain.'*) . ,^ , ^ 
 IMa mag presents a side TJew of the left 
 hemliplMnw tna esMtbrnm from the oatside, 
 wttiTwi loeaUon <rf the Tarioas senses and mo- 
 tions,]^ far aa at present disooTored. 
 I sMeee inoloeed by tiie lines snfroonding 
 1 reprassnt the Hoaa or eaot*^ of nft- 
 npaees indoeed by the linee siirroond- 
 f, and by the d^ted lines aroand F 
 (eentree F and H being farther in from 
 jbr sarlaoe of the eerebram), le pr e s s n t ap- 
 proximate^ the areas or eeatrea of the aansei. 
 The qpaee (B) at the tiqp of the head inelodes 
 the areas whieh f^-tmaaUk Tolitional moraoMnta 
 of the arms, legs, hands, eto.; spaee (A), aore- 
 ments of the head and eyea; (0) movements of the mouth, Ups and tongue. (D) is the area 
 or bentre of Tision ; (I) of hearing ; (F), surrounded by dotted linee, represents the two areas t) 
 of taste and smell; and (H), also surrounded by dotted lines, represents ttie areaoQaetual 
 sensation or toueh. (B), the anterior or frontal spaee, is regarded by Fenrier as also m^nly » 
 a eentre of motions, largely of the inhibitory sort; (J), the posterior spaee, he eondudes, from ^ 
 the result of eertain experiments, to be the eentre of the sense at hunger, ete. . 
 Both hemispheree are exaetly alike, witti the same oentres of sense and motion oooupying 
 relatively the same areas. Eaoh hemisphere pertains to the oppkeite side of the bo^ ; the 
 postwior and lower patrta of the esMtoim belong largely to the seosaa, and the anteriinr and 
 upper parts lar^y to volition. . . ^. ^\, . »., ^ 
 Thne are eertain parts of the posterior the fanetions of whieh Ferrier was unable to ^ 
 determine, as he oould obtain no results from eithar the electrode or the <^her means tried by 1^ 
 him. He had also nobetter suoeees in regard to the frontal or anterior portion of ttie eerebrnin. 
 It is evident, however, that the front belongs Uurgdy to the volitions, as a verylargejuunhfi 
 of efferent motor nerves pass from this region to the eorpwra striata, downward to thebo^. 
 Beeause Ferrier was nnaUe to stimuhite theee nerves in the front of the eereteom by^ elee- 
 trode. or to ascertain by other means the spedal fanotions of its area, he snpvoeee thli elaaa 
 of nwJtor nerves to bakrgely of the inhibitory kind, that is. of a Und to restrrin and tegi^ 
 the motions instituted at other eentrea. It would appear that nerves of this Und ara osed a| 
 other plaees, and we are not aware of any unf easiUeness inJite supposition, as lllth|efleranl 
 nwves of the body seem to aet, reaet and restrain one another's motion with ttaM Und of 
 oomplex aetion. Ferrier oddly enough (in a materialistis way) hintfe that these ^armt n<»tal 
 nerves may be the nerves of attention, or aire in some way spedally eonneeted with taitaiU- . 
 genee. We ean see no reason for specially locating the attention in this quarter more than in 
 any other. Any of the sensea have as much to do with the attention .or intelligenoe as tha 
 areas and nerves of inhibitory motion. The frontal part of the nerve kojboaid mar, however, 
 be, and very likely is, that portion which is set apart tor the finer maaipulatinns of intdliusnea 
 in controlling or sending forth the more subtie movements of this body. There is nothing, 
 [f'Trffp-^^^ wrens' ^ 
 thwvfon, In th* twnlta addoMd by FarrUr to iMtd as to ngard the front of tho oorabnim m 
 iho spMial M«t of attmition or intdUgtno*; bot ittaoh r»thMr to ahow that th« front of th« 
 kajboMd U th«t jpdMo only whioh it Mt apart for tbattrtUundMion of tho flnar affMta of intalli- 
 ganea and attantkm intotlM body.* 
 Wbathtr tbaaa narraa oonnaoting with tfaa frontal oarabmn «ra inhibitory or not. doM 
 not in any way aHaot oar theory. The adoptian of tha one prineipla aaita oar theofy ai wall 
 aa tha adoption of the other. Farrier oonolndM they wera inhibitory beeaaaa he eoald not 
 eieite them by hie oleetroda. Still, it ia prematora to d«eida tM theee nerrea are inhibitory, 
 aa Farrier plainly admita that tha aaoont of eleetrie atlauUnf ;whioh prodaeed Mtion in one 
 eaaa or in one part of tha brain wae often inadeqaata to ^o eiiiiin another. 
 Then agidn, it ie moel important to remanber, that it iftiftt eleetridty that ia the proper 
 •timnlas of any nerre of tiie brain, bat eoal or epirit, a ^jmX. ma; whan the trae and Tital 
 atimalai ii applied it will prodoee motion in all the nmrm tj^: .. t 
 Some of Farrior'a aiperimanta on the earabram (we dirtfionilh here from hie exp^rimente 
 on the aatomatio aotion of tha anaonaeioaa eantree) eeem to lllaatrata the power of the o<m- 
 ■eioas eoal, while in a latent degree of eouaeloanieas, to reepond antomatiaally to oaMde 
 •timalae. Whili aetiVa ooneeioaaneaa might be aabdoad by ehlmroform, aa in eome of his 
 ezperimenta, the aoal mi^t nevarthekaa be ktffntly oonaeioaB, and racpcod by eaeming atarta 
 of aorptiaeL feeling, ate. 
 Tbaaa «sperimeatal rew w e h ae of FeRte VfA other phyriologiala all dittinetly ihow tha 
 eei^iram to be one vaat keyboard of nerTM.aaUiola or main pomoea of whioh ia to eonatitate 
 a talegraphk app«rataa of eommanieation bi^kwaan the eoal and tha body. Oarpanter nry 
 natandly eondndea that the ▼uiooa.foUa or dipfinit in tha eortez or grey matter of the 
 eecabmm are to giro it a huger hayboaid ipoea. Baeh area in that keyboard nlatee to eome 
 aanaa or volition: and eaoh poinl in aaeh area relataa to ita own part of tha boc^. Thaa the 
 human oarebhun. made op of oaly two aabataaoee, tIi., gr^y eallalar matter and narra anda, 
 i* the aeat and keyboard of tha eonaeioos loaL Tha^^MOlBUlvitiea of derelopment in the key* 
 bpard no doabt give eooM eloa to tha peoaliteitiea of tha aoal ; and a good darelopmentof the 
 formar would probably indioata good powera in tha hUter, tor iff ia tha eoal thal^ilda the 
 knboard to aoititaaU, and not tha keyboard that eraatae tha aoal.t . , . ^ ^ _ 
 To jadgab than, of human diataotar from the head ia not altogether amiaa, for no doubt 
 ia thia way tha eonaaioua loul does give aom* of ita ebaraater to the head. Ooneeioua ioul 
 ieatad on ita thqraa of grey aalla, with ^rary point in that vait keyboard of nenras nnder its 
 toudi of intalligHiea, dwdu in a palaoa of mattw, whieh, developed eapadonsly upward, out' 
 ward and forward, gitaa an air of dignity and intelligenoe to tha whole eraniam. 
 iVoo/« that Thought or Cotueiotunm U no Function of the Cerdtrum or Brain, bui of an 
 indwelling ConteUnu Soul— A Proof of the Soul'e exietenee. 
 I. It is daarly dempnstrable, on the grounda of the l»te phyaiologieal diaeoTariea <a Dr. 
 Farriar ai^ others, that eonseiousness or thought, feeling and ToUtion, are no funetiona of 
 any part of tha <Nfe«brnm or brain, and that these funetiona must be performed by a aonsdous 
 ioal dwaUiag in tha «eid>rum. This may be regardadaa an argument in proof of Ihaoxistenea 
 UtiM aoal, and elasaiflad as tha first of thoaa that lollow at a later plkeain thia work.:t 
 1. It wiU be admitted at onoa, on tha grounda fumiabad by tha bteat physiok>gioal 
 diMorarisa. Ui«t them aia jnat only two substaneea in tha oarabrum or brain that ean poadUy 
 kiimy way baidated to thought, feeUng or oonsokmaneas, or that, in other words, ean possibly 
 ha aooaairsd of as oapaUa of oonseiousness or thought an4 feeling, namely, tha nerrea and 
 •Oarpanter ramida both tbahntarior and poetnlar partbof the oerebram as additton* paeoliar 
 oily to ttaahoman Drain. ^ 
 4 We sea no raason to mppoM tbat tha ooaseioos and tho onoonaeioaa aoal may not have some 
 powers In oommon. 
 1 It muit be manifest to any reader of Carpenter Md Jtoier, eren moda»telya<Kiaalnted. with 
 the menttf and moral eonstltattoo of tiie hamaa mtnd. th«t the peyotaolocioal uppUcation of mamr 
 «£«SShMteal phenomena by both 04>penter and 'errier are lamentablYllefeeUhre and inoo^irtant : 
 •SSihoaShJiaSSarot them deny the esMenM <K the aoat. the reader ialwiielrMtta infer that that 
 mm tm nin n m ■ « iwa*hin».i« fc wi a ahtiM tomAa np ot at » f a el l a l M matt e r a n d narr aa Their l aa a of ula a r 
 SSetiMtnaldlaomSeDt between the pnr^mentat natoreof thont^t or oonsoloaanaaa and ita manly 
 ^ideal eoneomiUnta. whioh Fenrier and Oarpanter aeem ao often «o eonfnsA or mix together, probr 
 aSytea arisen tram a too exoloslTe stoity of pfayales. with a ne^eet of metwhyaiea. 
Irain, tat of an 
 ilM grar oaUolM iii*tt«r. As tlMM w* th« only two ro brt M UM AT^kikU ia •OMtiliMirti «t 
 «h« Mntoom or brain, if thoofht, «to., to • fwMtiaB of ttio owobram or bnia •! dl, i« mom 
 bo A foneUon of on* or olbor (rf Umm two oobotuMM. . ^ ... 
 (1) II Attn bo proTod thai Um norroo In tbo oMrobrom oro noi tlio orRon of tbongbt or 
 «onMioa«nMm bnt onlv • link lor tnuimltlinff mMob boiwoon th»» orfM ond Om body Fmr 
 if UiMO nerroo www Uio orgon of donwionni«n, tbooght or oonMioomoM wonid alwayo bo 
 «iporiMiood wbonoTor Mlian itm in tho norroo ; oad vie* vtna, Umm mmld tAwmjn bo Mue* 
 in^ noTTM whonoTtr tkifo wm tbo oorrnpondinff tbooght or ToHtton { bat this io woU 
 known not to bo tho omo. Tboa in ■onwttion. eOMoioniOM io notor oiporionoodtiU tho 
 Mtloo, moving inwoid on tho norroo. boa poMod tmn thorn into tho togion of tho ^nj oollnkr 
 mottor; and if thaoo narroa aro tat or tho grof ooUnlar vatlor m novo d . eoMoio«aa«M or 
 tbooght from Um narro aation ii not oxporianoad at all Again in ToHtion, notion, moving 
 outward on tho nonraa, norw tnkoa |daeo till aftar tho thoo^t or volition ftodnoing itlMa 
 takon plaoa in tho TO«bm of tho gray mattar, and hao aant ita oonaaqnont affoot on to tham ; 
 and if tha gray mattar ba rsmotad or tho narvaa <«t, tho thooght or volition may tako phuM 
 without tha oontaqwnding notion In tha narvaa tahil« |ilaoa at alL Thia provaa that theaa 
 «ar6bral narvaa ara a link of aommuniaation to and from tha organ o< tbooght, hot th^r aio 
 not tho organ of thooght itaalf. 
 Thay ara alao known to bo organiiad for tha traaamiaaioti of molaeohtf aaMon to and from 
 tha organ of thooi^ bat thqr r«v««l no organisation oorraapondiMt to thonght itaalf. 
 (2) li^Mn alao ba provad that tha groy oalhdar natlar of tho oar abwm ia not tho organ of 
 thooght or oonsajonsnaaa, bat oniy a rnadinm of oowwwnlaation batwoon tho organ of thooght 
 or oonsoioaanoaa and tho narvaa faading to the bo^. Fot if tha grey aallnlar matter wore tho 
 organ of thooght or eonseioawaaa, than the power of thoni^t or obnaeionBnaM rohiMng to any 
 partiealar aanae or volition eonid never bo azardaad wkea the gray oettnkr matter of the 
 eeiobral aiea partaiDing to that partieoUyr aense or volition was ahniiira preeant «4 nhlnipalred. 
 Botitiawell known Ihat thia power of thooght or ntmsidawaniBB pettainteg to • pMrtietfar 
 aenso or volition oan be, and is, esareiaed, even whan tha gny mattv of the eorraaponding 
 oaiobral area ia totaQy deatroyad ; and therefore tlw gray matter is Bothing mote than n 
 mediom of moleealar action between the organ of thooi^ and the narvee leadteg to the body. 
 It maat be admitted, on the gronnd of proof famished by the lataat diaooveriea, that though a 
 aansoiy motion, moving ininrd, eannot reaoh and jptodooo thooght' or oonaeioaanaaa vnleaa 
 4h^f fnrrf mfMnAiwtfi gray iialliil*g wHar imimpMrwd to fai the niMJin im ; yetthoorgaoof thooffht 
 <ur oonadooanees is there, and ia itaalf eonaeiooa that nmo of Ita parta are impairad, and that 
 it possesses all ita wanted einpaeitiea of reoeiving the asnse i mpt oss i on, ooold the Im p r ssa i o n 
 only ilNMb it ; if the sensory motion laila to rea^ it and proqaoe oonseioasnees, it most bo 
 beeaase the gem eeUalar modiam whioh eonveys it from the nerve is awanting. 
 So, also, whoi » vdUtioii is made to move imy part of the body, and ihoagh it oannot 
 reaeh ^o narvee and move ootwaid if the eorreeponding grey maktor of the eerebnim is 
 removed, yet the organ of thought, whieh makea the vditioo, is there, and is itself eonsdons 
 that it makea tho volition with none of ita parta or eapaoitiee in referenoe to that volitional 
 aet impaired; when, tfamrefwo, the volitional aot fails to reaeh the nerves, it mast shnply be 
 beeauso the gnj oellular mediam between the orna of thought and tho nerves is awanting. 
 Thus, in tiie ease of all the aabnals operated on by Pr. Fenrier, after the removal of^Oie 
 gr^ oeUnUur matter oonnerting with particular norvaa of seose or volition in tho^oerebi om , it, 
 is evident that lUbe organ of oonaeioasnesa or thought was entire in all its parts and eapaeitieo ; 
 beoausa Uie animal, evidently aware of no defect in any'of the ports and power* of eoneeions* 
 neae pertaining to t^ partiealar sense or v<ditieB, and manilsatly having ^qsio of them 
 impaired, ooold be distinotly aeen tiying to cateh the aoand or asnso impression, or to pat 
 into tha bo^ tiie requisite volitional atovoment, faiHag to do so aaij boeaose tho gray edlalil| 
 medium waa awantug. If sobm portion of the grey auitter wae left entire, the eonseious 
 animal saooeeded to • oerttthi extoat, aad evidently triad to do more. So far aa tha eimseioas 
 net was eoneeraed. it see m e d to ho perfect ia all ita parte } tho faUara ajroao fiwm iSio deleot of 
 pbyaieal meana to cany it out. 
 The human subjects (referred to by Dr. Fenior) with the esrobrnl gr^ oeHater matter 
 ■ffffBrt**'ng witii oertaia aervee of sense or volition deetroyod by diseaae, were oonseions of. 
 haviagiiU the parte a^d capaoitiaa of oonseioasaeoa relating to thrt partiealar iMnso or volition 
 parlsctly entire.; If, t6t eaample, it waa a aoand thay wanted to hcMr^ or a toaah thfy wanted 
 to fad, they were quite odasoioas of ratainiag ihetr fall powers df beiag aid* to hoar it or to 
 ied it should it only come; aad they kaew that they pat forth the same e w asab u a poirers of 
 or of feel^ la the attoapt to catch the sease impressioia that alvw tlMy had used 
 W MHI % m phytieal yMUl owM"** **■ a«>tnptote ; they faileii in twriiig nr feaHBtf ■iinply bacanaa 
 tlia sense hnpresd<m oould not reach the organ of eonseitnunees from want of tha gray aHkttor. 
 Agaia, ia cases where the same class of human sabjeets had the cei^ebral grey mattat poijWaing 

 eAiffl!gffeta«ii*- -.Jiilic fi 
 ^ 'II- #■ . ^^■«l 
 to aviite TOlMiMMl 
 pMta Mul MpadHw of lh« 
 • M 
 JMliu) la, ttw Inilyldad wm wmMloaa of no dofoeta to ter m tho 
 o(gu of momUniMmM wm ooBMtBod. Ib tfyfaHt, for •umpU, to 
 inoTO ft !•■ or incw. ho wfti oottMiou thfti ho totod with ftU his ^nu%td pow«n, ftnd that to 
 Ur •» thoVaMlOM toUtiooftl Mt wm ooooMmod that wm ftU right. In tho porta ftnd powan 
 of oonMlowaaM i«latiB« to that pwrttaolar flnflar, ha kaaw of no dataat ; ha knaw ha mada 
 tha ToUtkm with thofMM aoiiaotniMnaaa. and with tha aftma parta of tha aonaoiounasa, aa 
 •T«r ha had dona it hafon with, whan ha had powar to nova tha flnffar ; tha ilngar failad to 
 iBOTa, aothaaMuaaayMMrtefthaorianof thoochtwaa ftbaant,tat baeaasa tha gray aaUaUr 
 ' Badiam batwaaa it and tha navtaa WM lanorad. 
 (8) Agila, it ooold not ha thai tha gva7 aaUmhtf maltar of aaothar pUaa in tha oarabrom 
 < ' aonld parfom ^ pfoxj tlia fonatioii of thoofht or aonaoioaaaaaa in bahalf of tha gray aallolftr 
 ^ mattar ramorad. Baaauaa, in tha flrat plaaa, tha Bgo or organ of thought wm oonaaioaa of 
 doing ita tnaatiotta in aaah aMa with tha aaoM parta and powara m it poaaaaaad bafora tha 
 of tha gray mattar; and. in tha aaeond phMO. Fatriar'a axparimanta ahow, and ha 
 himaalf plainly atalaa, that tha gray oaUnlar mattar of aaah plaM in tha aarabrain ia aoanoetad 
 with only ita own aal of narTM; that thi^pay aaUokr «||t|ar aonnaatad with ooa aat of nartaa, 
 of that nartiaalar kind of 
 narTM and thair own im— dtataly i 
 proxy in tlwaght. tha gray aaUolar BiaMar mi 
 ▼oU^on t and thia, m now |rafvad. It aannot 
 oaa plftM of tha o aia U i u n aaoMt do by proxy 
 U. ThoalorathamyeaUalaraMllarlaBOt 
 BorardoM by proxy tha work of tha gray ealfolar maM*i^ MUMtad with imoHiar aat ; that ha 
 aonld not affaat any ona aat of nanraa. axaapt |y a t l m n l ai hn tha gi^ aalhilnr mattar imma- 
 ilaltli iiuanaiitafl with thaaa narrM; and thai ha aoold aol prodoM anr pMtiaolar kind of 
 oonsoioQa aanaatlflii. oaaapt by iaaving afttiio Upa gray aaUolar mattar whlah partainad to tha 
 '^ atimnlaiing tha organ of thbaght throogh 
 I gray mattar. To ba aapabto of aating by 
 aapaUa of aaUng by proxy in aanaatiim and 
 It la plain, than, that tha grar mattar of 
 work of tho gray mattar of aaothar plaaa-of 
 organ of thought j for tiia vary aonditkma of 
 tlU #ay maltar ba5« ao wool* lii^ply, that wllm parta of tt w«a ramorad tha gray maltw of 
 ona ptaM or of ooa nai%a aManaatJon in tha oattbmm woidd hata to do by proxy tha work of 
 aanaationorvoliliooflorthagrqrmafttarof anotharpkaaorof anothMrnarraooDnaation. Bat 
 it hM baan dirtinetfyprorad that tha gray mattar navardoM thia. Tharafora tha organ of 
 thon^ ia not tha graw aaUnJar mattar, hot th»;aoal iHiiah aWdM in it; and tha gray mattar 
 ia aimply tha madionrbatwaan tha aool and tha ^kiarvM, 
 9. ThaiBon«liuioBf ^ban, to wUah wa ara diMnatly brooght ia, that M ihara ara only two 
 poaaibla raUalanoaa in tha oarabrom (or brain): aonaahn^la m tha cvgsn of thought or eon- 
 ■diMitwtat. Til., tha narvM and tha gray oaUnlar mattar; and m it hM baan alaarly damon- 
 Btratad by tha loraa of aatabliahad fMta (1) that Iha narrea ara not that organ, and (S) that tha 
 gray mattar is also not that organ bat aimply ^a madiom or aabatanoa In whieh that organ 
 mviaibly dwalla, tharafora that on{an of thdoght or oonaoioosnaM is tha aool. Gonaoiona 
 aenaation and volition are fonationa naithar of tha narvM nor of tha gray mattar, but of an 
 in^ibla aomathing inhering in tha latter ; and:that inviaiUa aomathing endowed with sensa- 
 tion and ToUtion, is endowed with fealihg, eonaeienea, and all the other powers of the eonaeioaa 
 aool, and ia the aool. , „« .^ 
 n. Pari of tha aabatanoa of Of foregoing argamant may be pat in a shorter and different 
 1. ConaeioosnaM or thought eannot be a foastion of tha narvM of tha eerebnim ; boMasa 
 in no eoM is rnmsnirmsntas or sensation ever prodaoed by narre aotion isolated from ita asso- 
 eiatad gray matttt, ^K» fl*a oonaeioaa Volition ator prodoM nerve aetion so isolated. 
 9. Naithar is oonaolonsnaM or tiioaght n'fanetion of tha grey oallolar mattar of tha oere- 
 bram ; for if it wwo, the eonaeioaa power taraeeiTe a partiealar sensation woold be lodged in 
 the eerebnl gmy matter eonneeted with tha^aarvM of that partiealar sense, and the eonseioas 
 power to will a partioalar volition woald be bdfad in the gray matter eonneeted with the nerves 
 of tha^ partiealar volition; baeaose, m already proved by Ferrier's axperimonts, tha grey 
 mattar of ona plaM or eonaaeted ifith one sat of nervM in the eerebmm, cannot do by proxy 
 the work of the grqr matter of anethnr plAM or eonoMted witti aaothar sat of narvea. Bat it 
 ia known that tha eonaeioaa power of roadving a partiedlar senM or of willing a murtieolar 
 voUtionaxists, aadiaaxertad, ovm when tho gray aallalar mattar eonneeting with the narvM 
 ii that pMtfawlw aanM or tpUtion is eatiirely removed; tharafora eonaeioasnen is not k>dged 
 la tho gray eslhriar matter. And if ao^'kdgad ia this or in the nerves, thoM two being tha 
 onlrpossiUa sidMtaaaMin thaembraai, it moat be lodged ia the invisible and eonseioas soaL 
 mTZpiiBi <Ud tha powers ol thOBriit or aonaaJonsBMs abide ial^ ntfVM furin the grey 
 asiltthg amttar of the eaiwbmm, thoof^ or eonsaioasaess would be a physieal fgytion. Bnt 
 •very i^iysieal funotion imvitdUy reqairM » apaeiai p^yfieai adaptation of matter for ita work ; 
 boBsaqaeni^, waso thought or ocmseioasneM a fanatkm of tha nerves or of the grey mattar of 
 the earebmmi than would be a speeial physieal adaptation of ona or tha other, or of both, lor 
 Ihtawwk; Iml •* III. cm., for boih ol lh«« «• «itir«U trojd ol •"•kW; 
 tK mttm o! Ui« owebrmn •!• •P«okUy MUplad for •o.wylaf ■ioUo.Im •alkm to and 1^ 
 £ <^ of ttSliSr«d for noXl»« i- ; iod th«|rqr« of Ih. ««Jj22J.J^i^ 
 BO SSSUonfor thought, bat i« to robttMioo Mid or«Mil..t|on. or •*^»t"°°if^5S 
 »XlBte« to om MOM b«tai of tb« mm •ppuMit ctmmiMtMon m thM of mothw moml or 
 SSfSSLSiCrto^ofTSTToMtkH... TSthM^.^Crf*;. »^ 
 15; JCSomTI ^!fSml funotkm. wHho«t . q,Ml4 phyriaia org-iiMtlon to th« MrONram or 
 hMin for tho fanetkm, if • oontndiotlon of all rvMOB tnd oiiMriMiM. 
 IV In ifi totoir «TU«nM of th« •b«»ditj of Mppottog "«««»»»•'•<«-»«""•"*? ^ 
 m,tnnMou of tb« o«w» or gi^ mirttw of tho o«rt>rwn;— w«« foeh th« mm. thought or 
 SiSiSS dS M\r3l Mbitew dMth. If thoofht or oonMkmniM- wwt • phyttod 
 SSuSi •SbSGS«2i— tty with two mH of prop«tlM,Tta..oao tho ordtoMT phjslj^ •»* 
 ^^fl^tlSoiM^raudutUm ft* tho ofl&M of toCMamiiiMMon bot«o«i tbooght mi4 tte 
 JS^d£lJSJ?KS»S^^^ >ith.fU.tDlM..,»oo.^«i.Mlo«for«- 
 ffiSaTto dS»«S«irtho MTfbnim or bnto; iikl to t£o MMMd ptooo. two *Md^ 
 SSiS?M of lEMmo tohMMOo. for ofBoM to oDtiMly ditf««it. mo «tt«lj i-P^"*"* 
 fiffirSS2N^imr5JSth.or,tn».,ttwoald ^U^^M^ '^J, •^^tfjfKli? ^^£^ 
 ofmol«mli« MmmaBlo.tkm to .nj pM of tho <mfknm would, aon^ to «-»• *»J^^ 
 •Lo tho oth« fanetloa of thought fotottog to thut aommimiorttoo ; ^'^'^^^J^^^TSI 
 iSmidw th«t Mt tho one 6toM of foiMlioiu to motion, iaiwdtotriy aft^ d Mth. 7«J4 "J* 
 STMOMUmtooM or thought to Mtltity. Mor«.T«. thi. would bo Jho mm •*«» to Ufa, for 
 !£ SIuE of ioS?phjri«id mM^ij to tho MBO n^im woold taoritrtiW •tonliio tho 
 JS^tpSST^tS;; «S^«k.oonditi^.onw*iW»F«rri«j»dothm^ 
 ^MMtlnMnto. wOTdd benttorly impoMiblo. whioh wm to robdoo md ■*oP^ »»»• "^ *I 
 Stto^nrSiSw ttSf. to cidor thit thoj 1^^ 
 •^*%. iSttiifJST;. h... i^dtHHid to thi. < 10^ tooTitobl, to th. foUo^ng 
 flondiuion. that thought or oomoidnniM. it • function of »o p-rt of the ^T^brm or bwto. 
 bS^ tn iiiTidbto Mmothing dwolltog to it. whioh wo odl tho ooiudoas soul; thoioforo.tharo 
 mtutboAioQl. * ^ * . '. 
 ar uid different 
 OHAPTEB m. , < 
 ,• . #■■.■.- 
 The Cfwftrum U the Keyboard of Communication between Jthe Conicioue Sotd and the Body, 
 There i. rery abnndMii proof, on the bMoe of the Mine P»5y^2!S^^;«£ii;^;J*2 
 thrt the oerebmm (or brdn), with its grey matter mid nipM. ie nothto? Wit the keyboud of 
 S^mii^on between the oonwioiHi eonl uid the body ; pntttog *b» in other wordji. wo 
 hsTabandut eridenoe. that the only fonotion performed by the^y inatter •^\^^*ot 
 ^OM^erebram. which i. to any way trtated. to thought or oomcioumim^ u "»?;»? *»»*,*3««: 
 Sdm of moleonlw impreeeioni ol mum or of mdeeular motions of Tolition, neither of whwh 
 funottone «re of the jnttufo of oonsdousneM or thought. ^ *. ,_, 
 iJinTest th#nS«r«nd the grey nutter of the cerebrum with power of conceptioB, feel- 
 ing. SiSSLsmSSonr. Tolitlon.*.ti.. to the f«» of the clMtest eridenoe to the eonteary, 
 K SSnSatton of mrtaphysical and phynok^ truth. »^,*S»1~»«°» Jlf-JJi. ^j£ 
 the raamplM furnished byVhysiologioal rMcatch or experiment, ihore is not one whioh giyea 
 any countonanM to the suppodtion that a single function of thought or conioiousneH is vested 
 to the maehine*t of the cerebrum « btato. ' . . .. _j. *. i. j *v. 
 TDBegtontog with the eeiebral nv^htoery pertaining to sensation: what work do the 
 bstVm onenseand thftgr^ matter associated with them rMUy perfonn for "rLlght is 
 molemdar action of one iort. Jound of another «>rt, and touch of a^wrt ff~* *«2,f^ 
 the moment any of Umm motions ceaeh the soul, eonsetous seuMtion of apMtienlartondtakM 
 plaee, wUeh the eonseious soul reeogniitog, toi 
 . the^e tools of scum are no part of theorgan of consciousness, but just the meanirt^ 
 iriiidi the etmwdous soul obtftins senM Impressions from t|iings in the ou^er worid, wMctt 
' ^:'^'^iVv"^.■■ 
 imyiVMioiui it inlwpi^, Md in •oao«dM<»wi»h vhidh intorpwIMioM i« lomt ita eontipttoB 
 iri«l S£«t mTwSbna mMtiiitefy do., for «• h«« if rimplj »• •o«»*y *« *J* ^^f^S?; 
 eoM!S^of ftbI?thiDgt in MOOidHio. thmwilh. Tho •o»'^>*«P»:*^»J^«I^ 
 252Sriy m{SI«^^ of i»t«i««teliooMi of«m<.«Pjtoii toij «h<iworkof «h* 
 ASB^inflSiBg on thTlM. of •nuao. Untoi^Msor ^ ««^ • »»*j2Ji^Z 
 W^rStSiHnSShinMj do« in thi. ««•. i. t^^ 
 by^ inSMretoSoo if whioh. ttao oouMiou. tool form. • MMtption of *>»• *W«>«; "J *'£S! 
 L51!S:rJ^t.inSf.«t««J;f^^ AUtUtthon-rwi 
 JS^JSiffi^ I«««l^«oMdouay. option tM^ 
 ^JMt from irhi.h th.y ..m.. I torn n»y wmMptiMi of^th. obj.«t !» .••«»*^ T^,^ 
 oMTthkn mwdy to «KiaT.y to the wnieiona mwI tho.. nwtlflo. whidi ptodn.. th. ■»■• 
 nrMttitetions. . . 
 ThM. prino^lMi twtj in a liiniltr maaam to tfl th. oth« mmm. ^ - , - ;^_, , »,j-_ 
 /« ThJ^iligMtf to th. .^biia m«d^ 
 4.«rtptionr55i?TO «»**«•»* th.n«» tU..M.donottiiiig «««%«J^iS?!^ 
 ^^tiSThoav MTtdn motoralar motion. initiatMl by the wnMioai loaL OoMotouinw. i» 
 3thJ^i«SISSn.M in their •rtion.thnni. i" «»r* SS°*^i2L'^*^iiftolhI 
 •it totoirth?«Mn?w.y Md towodne. th. mm. rmolte. Thu., thew fa noWng totte 
 JTmSSSthehSX t9 di^tingofah it in ito 
 idn^olodZTdfa^ wiU only eonfirm whet it. rm.. wh n. np to «ie pMrnnt do m«»^ 
 S55?n£I^r3SrS oSSSi or br«n fa M^^ 
 SoM^SSoi^ th.body,-thet eUthe workof th. «^^ 
 Fa4sU FuHherCm^frmatory of the Foregoing Chofter. 
 - F«rt8 tb^ still further Aow thet th* eerebram i. tiie n«te ^^S!^^^^,^;;;;^^ 
 ..^iT tTntw wnnaa —&<!«■ thet diow. thst if the flerebmm or keyboard of the wnmiou. eoni 
 SSi^^^SSS^SSTbiimktt^^^ -d theeo«^o«.«nd faeut^; 
 M^ZS£nthr^SenffT. Une. eonneeting with the eentree of tiie imeonmioa. ^ 
 ^\^^StiSiS^^^ia^ of a monkey, dog. plg^. ifah. ^^i^'Jl^^i 
 that b» ttlS!Ltotteh"eto.. of the outward extrMnitie. of the narvea '^ *»?«?»*» ""i*^^ 
 wiS^thTSnteTS th. oneooMton. «><il. the enfant ^J^SSA^JS^SS^f" 
 affSemotioB. whfah it hae bein aeeoetomed nuMMetooely or aatoma^dty liSSSSTi 
 JSffl!i.TgrdSf ^iwything tiial doeenot need the intmpoeitton or the wpaAitendmwe of 
 TheoriSDationof aU motion, however, depend, npon thfa toodi o» Wetfon^wllhoiitJ^ 
 t^mihSi^SSSlSttdinoliSr »J»«»»««!'?*-^"5S11S^S^^ 
 !li»rfl«^r.»faMi ■nnmi toheoomphit.lT shot np from ttie body and the ootar wond, and to 
 work of tiM 
 •U tluik mj 
 ■rUin moltt- 
 ;■ or dbjooto 
 100 ivilli iho 
 M tks MOM 
 arioamm* i» 
 of fh* luiftiiro 
 lii known to 
 I bj refriw's 
 Mrt all ipinra 
 id.— Mid that 
 inadoas tooL 
 Um flomeions 
 tonsdooB Mai 
 Dol is eat off ; 
 (midoaa loal. 
 eoM and toli- 
 iBunit ndtor 
 going tiuongh 
 flO UlfOQwbf '~* 
 r, wUhonifho 
 ■howtiuit tlM 
 ■■■■/ ■ »: ■ ■'■.'■■■'■':"•' 
 from tho omtTM of ttM onMOMknu Mgd.— «id whan inltiatod bj toooh, aMdoao antonatlMllj, 
 iBMhMiiMUT, and nngoidad by Iho wbt sbow of oooMioaB intdligan^. For Ulvatrationt of 
 ibis kind of pbanooiMt*, sM works of Floorons, Looflsl, <le.^on «bo Bsasofal of Mio OorolNral 
 HomisphoNs in Pigsoas, olo. ; FMitor's •'Foneliflas of fka Brain," olo. V. ^_*__^ 
 9. It is toond, that if oao bsmiq J wro of tbe homan ostobram bO rsmOvad or dostroyM* 
 tbo half of tba bodf nUflh is on tbo onJKMdto sido, bat «biflh oonnoots with tiio abstraotnd 
 portion. Iseomptotdyparalysod; tbatis.aUpowsrofsaisatkmbvthooonsdoassoalSroaitbat 
 ridle of tbo bodj; and aU powor of tolition orar it. is OomploteW lost; wbllo tbo fnnMions 
 depsndina on tbo osntrss of tbo anooosdoas sool and OB tbs other bsmispbare of tts oerA 
 an aU ooinpiete. and go on as before. The eonaetoas sool also oan go on with all its f obStiMis 
 of thoogbt, tselUig, and Tolition, tbe same as before. It follows then from ttieoe faeto. ttal 
 this bendspbeie of tbe eesebnim is faidispenssbly neetasaiy as a nerve k^boaid to one side of 
 tbe body, and that it Is not nseessary for tboii«bt, Iseliag. volition, or anything else. ^ If this 
 holds troe of the one hsmisphMO, tbe same thing most hold trne of the other. H both hemis. 
 pheres were then removed, all jpower of sensation and yoUtion over the whole body woold bo 
 lost, while ihoaght, feeUng, and volition mi|ht go on as bsioto in the oenseioas seid.^thoagh 
 oompletdy Isolsled fromthe body. Tbe whole earebram then is the nerve k^beard between 
 the whde body and the eonseioas sool. and it is notUna else. If thoogbt, teeUng, ete., oan 
 be poeRible. dbiehever half of the oerstenm be roBe<ved. then thoogbt. feeUng. ete., are not 
 'located in either haU. bat in something else— namefy. in tile «mseioas soid itself. . 
 8. It is found, that if any of the nerves of sense or of volantaiy motion leading to iboMN. 
 bnun are^-severed. the oonaebas sool loses all eomteani«ation with the loealities of the body 
 with wbidh they oonneat This also shows that it is from the eetebrom as a eentre, and the 
 nerves Unas tadlating from it, that the oonMsioas soal ma intaimi eommanieation with the 
 Tarioas parts &l tbe body. 
 4. Anin (Mpeating some of the sobstanoe of a fotmOr ohapter), it is foand that iltho 
 nerves and grey inatter in the oonbram pertafating to,inypartiealar sense or tohtion. a«o 
 removed, eommonioation with the body throagh that partiealar sense or voUtioB is deelvo^ed. 
 bat tbe organ of thoogbt or eonsoioasness pertaining to that partiealar OMse of volition is 
 still nnimpaind : thas, if the part of tbe eerebnim psrtahihiff to the Tohmtary movement of 
 my right hand is destroyed, thoogh I cannot move my right hand, yet I have still eonseioas 
 power to will the movement of my righi hand. The port of the eeribram removed, oaanot 
 ^en be tbe oigan of thoogbt ; ob nei«ber oan any parttof it wbiobstttl remains b» that omn, 
 beoaose it is known that one part of the earebram miver does by proxv the work of andttor 
 part ; thanfore the organ of thbajsht is the loal, and ^e eersbram is its koyboard of eommani- 
 eation with the body^ I . V 
 5. Lastty. if the eonseioas wiU to niove the tight hand ii located faa one part of the cer)^ 
 bram, so then it can be proved to be loeated in eva^ otb^ part ; and thas wo.shaU have ai 
 many filgoas as there are parts in tbe eerebrnm. Ten Uves to a eat aro a goodly endowment, 
 bat traly this gift would be parsimony itself compared i^th the namher of soaU and wills with 
 whiob matariaUsm would endow man. . « ^t. 
 The cerebrum is the nerve keyboard Of eommanieation, and nothing more. For otber 
 important feets eonfirmi^ory of the truths maintained in this ohapter, we speaiaUy refar the 
 reader to Ohiqpter It^ Bee. n. 
 ■;* ' ,t: 
 F^uttt which art ExpMnei to the Thwtf o/ thi* Work, owl vhith art geturoUff tttmtraHvt of 
 the Maimer in which MiOeevlar AetUm and 5piril ifetion, at the Oerebrumw Brain Ce$itrt, 
 t^eet <me another. .■■■;;.' ■■"'>/'■.' V '•■■:■ ^■'•- ■..:■- r^'i;^ ■.-■■■ 
 As repaatsdly stated and proved thronghoat this work, the union between tbo sool and 
 the matter of the oerebrum or brain oantra, in otdor to eOnstitato a suitable eodaeetion. must 
 bo BO close ana constant that eveqr khid oiaetion in ttio one must prodoee some kind of action 
 in the other; that Ui is an aUiance in whidi spirit unikp with and inheres in nutltar, and 
 that therefore whatover distaibs ths fonetions of the onolvinst disturb tbo fbMtions of the 
 oibm. When this prineiple is kept distumtly in view, a veiy large slasa of y>fo«"»^>y»gy» 
 pertaining to the joint notion of soul and body is fas|||y «Moant#d for, and tbo who)o talqeat 
 Kept clean fliom the dirt of natorialism. 
 1. 9anwniion o< esBselonansas in sleep :-Oa aeooont OC the neesssity of a anion on the 
 principle of «»Mtant eo^Mtion, as above statsd, it wonid bo imposdble lor tholiody to rest or 
 leenpsfat^ bad not tho<heatw protidea means of enbdning the conatant aeHtity of the owi' 
 sdoas sool by the suspension irfeonseioasness in alesp. ~~ ~~ ~ ^"""^ 
 urn, thiki the "t^o* Sl**°\f"^-^Sl!!!2e »T«!^ to bo .atlTriy ooi»eloi». nuj bo 
 r JySS^ -i^^^^^^ p„>,Wo« toajUivT tho 
 SSlS'ilSf -ISS?-^^ ^^^ "^ ^''~*' ""^ 
 tho Und Mqniziog low* ni«»t^ •???*•# ti,« fnnaftimu of tho oonBoioiui aooj, whrn wralW?* 
 ^ 4. iSdtj/or • dor«8«»»^^ Tho 
 tho .etioii of tto phyi^la^oo^^^JJJJJ.^ dlneo«iM«y««Ut. ofiho M»e 
 intimikto aUiaaoe. IntojioMM^ ow .^o" «« ^ ^ ^^ oomoIom Mia mmI good it to 
 Srto of tho oerebmm. »»««««f," J^J^^SST^ «">«»* <>« grotiflcation whioh. 
 }Kii';f^*«S':>2S*t!friJftJS^ of .00.0.-1 tond. v. ko.ptho.oal 
 ^^^SAa>mhji'»«^ dUK— or old W -y •»«> »>• «!»»•»»«* bjtho««« 
 V^jli*^ ., 11 .i..t .11 thftM i4 »ffl ^AAI* agfloto piodocod npon tho body by mm^ 
 ' 7. LMtly, lot «• •Ji^S^J'^SnpSSoxy, or oW doitth, on tho wooptlon of bod 
 ««Kataflaj«-^^ Tooddpno«oeMO.of 
 ^Itaituiii M0«« ilMwlutoIy noodloM. 
 . ReUabmof Phrenology to the Theory of thi$ Work. 
 j*k . « ^...«^i> «ith thi. theory ond thoM fMto, how mud» of tho 
 # Wo may now inqniw ^'^"^g^^^^^JlA mort or at l6..t "«jny of thopro. 
 aootrin«.of phr«»ology i. truo^Wotow J"^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ physiologifljl 
 ' indiotto Mmo 8«»ffr«l (wul qnjHtio.. J^«». ^J^ g^S^w in tho oonrtitntion of tho 
 «*'So::^*^ "-^ "' '*■ prrt«»ion.. tho following ^ now 
 our redi (winion. roqpoeting it:--- . _^ .^,_ ^i^ -aa|j[ ^Mke thought, fooling, or Toliti<m 
 ^XaU.«^«v«ytMngJto>^^ SJJoint^ . ftmotion of q>Jrit 
 . . aftwotiim of iwttw. or 2jfOM^ 
 |-p«»d»tonwmo^t»noe|Icmwi«h^tt^ oonunnnitottlon with 
 jre^iirtmim oe !«««*«» JJL'^Pi *^.^itawoAinSrito wlwto work. Bool ondbryn 
 »team bo 
 I ombnunb 
 ibKWib* ntttovod. 
 . ^^ift^-M 
 Tbara ii not » lingb weU^iathMitiofttod last to irainnt the Mramption. ih«* Tarioiu 
 nhytiMl orauu u* looiU«l Arooiid the eerebroni or brain, one of wUeh iiiTee the Mntimentoi 
 itt^erolenoe. another that of eon«ientioiune«^ a *»>Wtoe ^ ?L . SL»*«.l«»?ffi2 
 U there anything bat the memt eonjeotnre to ■awport the ojrinion ^ t^o^^ theee 
 paS^ the e««!brnm or brain mioht not be endoved wfih the fonetioni of tiiotaf^t. feeUnif. 
 rto:. they might nenrtheUee bTthe portions of the oewbmm ojr br^ in 'W«\*>>« P^, ^J 
 Se ionl wwSi poeeeee theia fonotione might Inhere. There ta no eridenee to ahow that the 
 oonseiona eool & thne divided into different parte «r oigana for the perfwrnanee of ite fono- 
 tione. bat erenthing in mental edenee to show the oontW. The eonji^tM eool is one, in 
 aa iU members and aU its fonetidfis. The Ego, *as one whole, does aU its work. 
 While denying theee things of phrenology, we admit that a huge eerebnun probably indi- 
 «atee a hweand powerful soul, and that it indioales good phyiieal powers of obserta- 
 tion. and peat will api inilaential power ow the body ; wd that a good frontal and top 
 developmaiit may show intelleotoal al|d moral predominanoo. whdeategebrain "wward m^ 
 ifflirkore of the general oharaeteristies of the animal The body is boittap and maintained 
 bT the Bowers of the seal ; and the eharaoter of the brain and other parte of the bodr^tfe, no 
 doubt, afleeted by the eharaeter and powers of the iooL The brains of idiots, for instanoe. 
 awSdktinetlypeealiar. bntsoaUoaretheotherpartsof their bodije. We ipay indeed fator 
 toaVaenerd waysomething of the eharaeter of the eonseioas soul from the eharapter of the 
 SalnThwaett inhabits; but the. true test of ito ehaiaeter ia the test of its quaUties in 
 4ai]ylile. / . 
 :\ ■■-T "■"■■■'. ^CHAPTEBVn.' ;„;.,•; 
 Ohtutly Poiter over Matter. •, . 
 1 With referenee to the power of ghosts or departed spirits to <»nteol or produee efleets 
 i« natter Either by "snirit.rapping^'or in any other way* the whole thing resU on the 
 SoS^^ lli.St5Sr<E?to be seSfc«nti»e isctaoBwhieh our w^e theory 
 SJrSat»5ttaig but a body, and one organiaedioo, in a manner analogous ito ^^ 
 SS' eS VS tteluman soifi in a way eiOier to exereiae eontrol om matter, or to H influ- 
 ^OBd by it. Of angelie endowments in these reqMets we say nM^Bf- ^^ . , ^ j V^liT 
 ^ 2 It U lOso e^eat, that as it is by the powers of the tool that tte ^J«»J«J»ofy.^ »S* 
 i£ and maintained, so it is by • >ai>«», ««««P"ir^y ••'llW'i"**!*^'*''*?^^! JJ^iSSj 
 SLttoe^ goes to deeay. We are full belieyera in the^Tradngai *3^^ *»»• ^^^ 
 i^erits euraeeimd anaUtiee of sottl fttwn the parents as waU as sabstanoe of body. 
 wl STSSvItJ satisfied, that the soul is teuly in the moat pe^ie^ ^'^JSS^A 
 its ewtiS^^eiistiee just before death, and that the dewepitude of dd W i^ dieproof of 
 SdalSt Ttotoul, io to speak, hae aequired the highest attainments of toowlejgeand 
 S?S5^^«ndmore isolated fr^Tttda Ufa. ia « «K!?1S? °'/'^'*^,t" ^25!![ 
 ^awSSer Theehildishne»sof old age. arising from thebrea^ down of iU present 
 !^^!t«»ISm>i! U^t tiie evrainff of the first day in the roU of eternal being, with a greater day 
 SS? koJS. ofSrSu^db^S^ and the «ml mounta the sUei for another 
 world and another etage of existenee. -■ ,•...:-;.; . ■ 
 SSM SS t?e W?^S^ Sffi^eSS^ 
 of the mind or scml, sad i»t *« ^•<*"J"?52l iuu« axMaftad. It la no* In aooordaaae wlih eommon 
 ^SSSmUto^; eiSlMtte^^ to ker«(«m an offloe for the sool which the litter 
 ***^ No su^ or^ are found; tbeee parts of the twain oonstitate PWts of the keyboard. . 
 ,1 M 
 • . .. . < 
 '. ■ ■ . > * . 
 A ''■■"■■ ■ 
 ■ * 
 ■■ . ■ ■ ■ .ft-, , 
 ' ■ 
 W ' •-; 
 ■'. ■ ■ - ' ' • ■■. 
 ■ .' -0- 
 JProo/k 0/ (Jktf 8our$ Siciitmie*. 
 Hkt^bMtilMoCiQf Um aoal's nlitaDM w* UioMgiTW in Ohaptar n.,8MtiMiiL» 
 BM* M.*-to vUeU prooli w« mU ipasUl sttontioii. It is only in oftUr to mt» apaM «h^ w* 
 fSmw nvatling ttMin }i«n. Vm pcooCi gi^ m foUomi an umi*^ mvplmmtaaf to fthM* 
 wbioh w«r* giT«n bdbN. • r-.i. 
 LaH M fwiark •» ih« •ommMiMaMBt, tiak it la oftte amaaiiHr to m* tht MgenMM'wlth 
 iHiiob taflitob mA to disnror* th* txiatMiM of tbs Mol, joit m if th« Mo«tuifl«,of matvial- 
 liiie fliMriM WW* goiaii to oiTMthiaw tlM fi«ti of the whole BiU* i9»t«». 
 The snbetitation M^meterfaliHB in dImm of -the old, traU-eetebliihad doctrine of the eool'e 
 '•kielfnae. woolieertBinlj help 
 obligetioiw that, feet npion hint 
 HWH Til., intelleet. monUty or 
 iHenfc eiid f ev the hspniae«i of r< 
 ■Slbe eapiOiilitiee end ohttgrti< 
 inflael but UtUe, if he hopee to deetioy therehr aU the 
 towocehip end obejQod. The faete of eouidool. ;; 
 «ree idU, duty, eapaeity for the miaaqr of poniah. 
 i--etiU lemain. The eziatenee (rf this eoneoioiuneie, and , 
 ^ ^„ ,_ „,_ inrolted in it. aie faeto that ewinot be gainaaid; andiV 
 Wit t e f a ' liteiltiiiallT Imt Ifttit t* tf^ i~e^»i /« fe~ — -t^*.^ *!.<« «« ->«lir>«t— , wtth Otm ipeman 
 IMoogbf^to it, itthflMa in the eaJMnee of apirit or in the aahatanoe of matter. liaMar and 
 mhid. or qririt are alike indeetmetible ; and ao any eombination of matter that ia poeaibie 
 now, is eapahle of renewal anl of inflnito eontinoanoe. An Ego made up of a oombfaiation of 
 matter, Mrtainly aflords to the infidel bat lew pohite of preferenee before one made of 
 ^ If the infidel hopee to eaoape the bends of leapondhilitj by fettering his (fwnfreedmn of 
 will by the ehatns of mideenhur hiw or iate, his eoosdoosness f^es the lie to that hope; for li 
 slfowa to him tiiat even now he ia birth free and nnponrible, and ean both enjoy and^nfiw. 
 U an Bgo of matt«r with aoeh a eonseionwuee. is jitoiidble now, there is no eeeqpq fr&m .lh» 
 iMt that what is possible now, is poesible of lenewal and ollhfinito eo ntif i n sii e e ; and nnlaas 
 that prineiplein&h, irikioh leads him to aatieipato end drimd. a letribntive iotfire. je alif 
 ^adit nwkea ao ttmin other things), there will be siieh emtinnaaee. If a eombinwioh'^. 
 sMttsr is eapahie of giring eonthuul^'of the eaaae eooaoioasneas, amid all the flax ok ebange 
 Sw^aeidaiioeeaBing tas timee in aUfe of aorenty yearsk whp shall prore the Im po mihility of 
 the oontinaity of the same eoMoioaaneae in the body of theresoneetiAn f ^ 
 I„ tlie astiaa ol bieplMie in the bioffMwtie sells or eeiitree proTee the tgmnati of the 
 It is tonnd tlurfi the egg-iisims of aU aniniahi are ezaetly ihe same in ssbsliM^ 
 eel eompoaition ; eo thet^ gsr« matter of a lion is in all reepeots the same as that of in ««., 
 or of a moose, tM of a hawk, or of aAy l^ke eompoaitton wiUid» might be d hwnie al l y v^w 
 AU die gsnas ass eomoessd of the mmk atimsntsl ingreilienti^-'^^bwB, hydrogp, i^p:^" 
 eopOiined lAiliie sawMpfrapertioDs, so tiiat no ehainieal of j^byaieal tm ean distiMideh^ 
 Isastdiflsraeioe in the one fiom the other; andaU«ndortheinleroeeope*reshowtttobewikh>\' 
 oat stmstore or oqpenMoii- JM» •«» »h«»» *»*»• flwk.^Nl* if »*»»*MjL<*» "^JSMf 
 isaigfahuor-^ eoloiwslass, riseii. stmatonleM or non<oigapaeC iobeteaeet Thi* l> ^ fm 
 MsSsssioA of ait seisufet «iM by tho'inieniseope and all ihe ^M^^>^ ^ t^^ ^ ^^' 
 istiT. Xeei^ the' wg-germ in pnpeir eonditiona, it is loinid Ihet in the seeond itege, bio* 
 nlairte he^Ttoiorm in toe aomK»ganiBed matter of eeehferinuand with qoiek dart-like move^- 
 nwisiKwwedto boild m iwd oiga«ise opt of the gam insttev the, bo!»nii blood-Tesaeb» 
 Bwssisa. nSree .fat short, all the |Hvto of the Varioos animals wliieb the genns MipeetlTely 
 JWW^ ■ Jn they»eMi>» tt oMatolaed and tailt ap the |«*J •«>/•?»«, ««»• *■ • T*IT 
 mtofayvMngq^ilhA^irdth^ in eaehgin ie fonne^in slieit,ayo im g anima l , 
 0tm9*m eU seifsetsfrom Uf^, wi%hbow ; and yet eU the paimals eie fon»ed o^t of non- 
 oS^Diwp^ mat^iJi^<# ieic ^ i«ei*otsphyei*»Uy M»i m^ariaUy Hbtmmm. 
 ^r*>Waatotlmwoar5thesoal'*eiipteneefromtheforegohi« -' 
 We kii^ &t,#^Nmia#^ ««(> njwoeewin «i^ige i^^hiohoausee ere ti^iMms. 
 llAdifEwwt JSstoKTi*.. ttalof differentlttinuas b^bn tormsd; eannotlhewloM piwjrfoat 
 ^IwMniLniitar^beeaoseiteaU the eaeea U is ezaekly the same : theitaltfre the different 
 ^^ito1*M ««ke vlNwiMn imnt^ibm eMMniey^tbat is not mattor. hut whidi inh«^ F it» ^ 
 ;>lM|0l^.tlMiQriBih|e8lr^^ ^■°^:\ ..}:'■■'■■.:■ .:,:... :^.:-.^ .•■-■;: ,:.. "'■•.■:.: 
 that minnte epeafc at atttaftmoe in" 
 en of 
 ■ ,1 
 ' •■ 1 
 *AoattJs aataWoplaat,bat fbnned ouMar. AMopleat la 
 wtalsh tHe life fteoe haa bagonto oparaff and to form matter. 
 ,'tife«„^ :. 
^^fmf^' w^^^l'v^'^f >H^ 
 mm *■' 
 i,Ot we my avs^io «kf IprMoiag iMta m MfoaMiooiMlnMtodia • ditfmni tea>~ 
 til) Bvii^ini^atMiM dr tittet bM ite own irffmtfil 
 •*** ftf^'*?iH?*^^ *! *'»***¥^ ^'""^ "^^^ 
 «■ of flMiMidli.^«bu4 1>^ 
 itanm ttttU ftr ■d^<««g 'r**'f inbftonpt to it, ' ^^^ 
 M/.^ «l*l»>«>* tl.^ «^JIM^ >f u-*^ — ,^^ iMrtlioi to It. 
 _^ I. Appliiiii thiM p H a rip iM te wtto th« foncoiogfMli 
 1. ttiilaMi!m,IM<l>*iiMtt«oIttMegt.«mnl)Mit«pc 
 «Im plMBoaaim of Iif«. md Uwt ft dUTeriin no rwpMt from 
 b» artiflditajr MMMd ; tli«fCoi;*~ibf oiraMtiTrMwwr 
 pknoa^M^ «! Uli, moft Inharo in torn* intMdUa am 
 pwinti to Dm nittlti* ol tlM afg-fiMD, ntrndy, in Dm ' 
 ,,, ^X igfd <H dlApnnt dr«9ta «itt inaffwooQiirfroni m 
 iMfoaned (iroinDMiUBeilA4iirBuUt«rin.tli« xMpa«D^ 
 ^dfio ginn !■ diffatfnil from iliii In Dw oDmt, ^->"~^ 
 8. And JhifD^, M diffenmt «f «ey diniTi oom^ to 
 riy or p#flr of ( 
 [ iho phWiomaiM of Dl» 
 IMf iraiioh, M to ipodk, ndfljbi 
 Uh ocganlsM and ModiiM the 
 ifbieh hM boon Addod from Dm 
 OMUop, tborofoM tffllront •nioMls 
 •n-mnwh ^ m if abkn Dm a^ii fa i(^ 
 lor, whto nott^ bat tli« iMme orliOte 
 of Ufo and itadiftwiiMat ooftMto 
 fimm odkiDi^at to oponito, OivvfoM all Um pL.,...,..^ 
 opfi^^wbin Dm aoql is i^mor^ from Dm mattar at daaDi. 
 1iyii&doof ttMoii? "'^ ^^*^ "^ vomio»i,In Dm ooMbhim («r bf|tfn).^w»iiDM 
 . Jhpngb Itnito^w^ MtabUahod bqmd all NMonablo doabft..^Die 
 frmet^of^m^t. foaliiw. 9te:» §i« parfomod in DioMtobnm akma, wUdi b tba^ « 
 n>ai>i,jMurt of Dm"^; 7«iM^n£penona tta^i^Ulka^ a ^fit^SSu^mtSi^^ 
 i^galao t6D»«n»na^ pdlfof thi te^7?» foOdiMnf aitiSantia ^mSuf S^ 
 «IDinbj Dm aota te% b«Dti. or bgr Dm matted of DMl«Dn Hk ^^^ "^ ^ '"*~ 
 iifD^ltaSi'SSSE^ "^ %pMtfriaai^ DMt aDDMMwH Umm^.^^ ^^ ^^tBmn 
 ^*!i£r£S!S;JS**2?^ wt^ /of D&body to Dii55r«5 
 ii^ oS; t^ Ji«i#ipqa of^dtjbt. M 
 ' paiiaac #9"! 
 •f#-r "■■■ 
 r nkatt'a '< 
 110 Owl lio oUmt Igo or paiaoB aiilMfcl 
 tUNlpia, aa tta«< idbotandon of ^ 
 ledgad in bfaiii mlitar, la m^kfu^ to 
 Dm bnifli to dothaat loMtlona. 
 i.Th a ^ 
 m. DAd DMngbt, Mini. m2I vomkaT aio 
 i fMl. and ia abaud. thara aaotfi bo a i9al in 
 1^ mmDht lorm oli aigaaMo* baaad ob» Dpa^ 

 .! y^ 
 Thui Ittefoitnd tilutt U ttfb right hamitj^CM of ^4 brain b* ,dMtn>7*d, flioi^|h dlooni'^ 
 mmd^oa^w^Vb0B^ wadlh* oppn^i» dde of ^ body U Iptt. 7«t not » i^^ foM^ 
 SSJ^mS«J3-SrSill«r fellow. If. thtiinhooghl. f«ding. "^ '»»5?',«"Jf .ff 
 n^faBZNTwh^^ tho brain bo 4Mtro7« foliow«thMtfcoacM.fe^ 
 BMM?. Stho ooiaok)nkfc«iir«i4 ottiMtoM tool thonftM oitoti, mAw anJAiom wk d 
 uSa3&%SS^^^ iKttli h«nUph«nt ol ti^ bnOn woiotetnyod. 
 ? ^If AolSotto?i tliSStSliot Bwformod »qr «ho ikm! dwoljlnf to «hohoinlq»h«^ 
 it«Mt bo^SrSmod by «bo honiWKwo tKwnooltoc Bat tho f^i W«»4P]r?i!t!°S: 
 Thon innst Cbarafoto bo %mo Kfooo or pononi to tho aoioo bnto, whiohio noMga —«. ^ 
 ^il?Wo hSoto So l6iS^goiJ^»loo. botoopodi^ln OukF «•• 8^' n:'jK!£*£S 
 wd dMiilfO pwob of. tho obS'o itatonoo ; but theoo o»^ by no moooi S,SjJP«2^*S* 
 !!Mn««ddQoor Tho** oio numy othor oloor Itooo of oigunont. whiah, U dofdopod •• tho 
 rSt«^ »SS7L n^ltS ilt tW »«^" *^* t-Blto. W« diall bora mowly otto n tow of thooo 
 SlSSoto^pSilo^SSf thii lii«ra.to1SroIop thorn JiitptWr 
 ' hn^^ idMrMt. ond inoft oftootifo fonn« ' ■ ..v- 
 ^^ fi^ra io no oool to tho brain, tho mottor of tho brato nratt hnvo *w> tonetMu--«iM 
 ^^^ loMOthor «hyiM It unit thorafon hoto on orgonlnttton to oodi lonotion. Bat to 
 SoteoCwhUotfiiilofoandnn onw»l»»tonoortoopoiidii^ toitofimi^- 
 bMidwmoliam of oowmamoWlon bSweon oool and mottor.thoralo fojm^nocKMpiaM»mx 
 ^SSuStoSSiaiiS^ioillM montri fttootton. thoaght. floeUng.4«o. l^afim &• wnm , 
 ^TltaSd ondlhfiloid ttrotfOrflollod|od to tho ooino mottor. Imply two lUffownttoao- 
 «i«flJSIrtoffiSS^ifi«r^Two ^Swraot foMttmii to iho MAM ourtMr. toaply two 
 Sr&TBSSTftmrtfcnis to «ho oomo toottor >ra taipooolbio ; thoMlara <^o oit of Om 
 Sft&^Sl^^^ll^^ ** ooin^rthfagol^mnttor-nMioly, 
 SiiottortoMi no pdwor to or«|ntoo itoolf toto o body ; it n«^ <*RJW?«?« J?*? ^^J^^** 
 ^tiSSuSmt^ST*^ thfak, feoi.^ win. with, oiytipw)- 
 SSt!^mJ!^^^ot^SBf. Whorator thoM io •l»wP«rty. lh«o wort bo^ 
 SSi?S*^5«Jlr p^^ aaiiront. oooonoo. «• 'IMfelViSl!:^^ 
 SS^lSyXtoniiMK wWoPfgiiltoio i*. niait bf ntt oMonoo dilfoitot from thit of »«»tff^ 
 _ . . hoNvor proporty l**^. »n olomnt aiut knvc ^Bat m no 
 ;ni<MiwtiUngimmilSiHot(tbk«k.thoooal)ma«thfi!M v. 
 lOiiftStpSw fitfcoooiro ooi(«ortlMo into om •aottp-M. <wtt- 
 tftli intoUoit. If fifkt tdiM won o pli|tfMl ftkoo. ttm^a^ othar 
 . omrfitili toto it. But il i^ itmnd thti no plQridaol tomi iHuMr, 
 ho tfMOM£% brato it «B <k|<aMs«tb>tt^ n»ivr^^ 
 7 ClM Booit mmmSM ^ Vttki tho Hn«o ono B40 ttam )rontb fl«Mcfae«i Uffc An fgo 
 lJ* •*'?!f^" &Tu^<'to tho oorao Ihioqghoat UfOi bnl wwtfd bo ono of flat, ond of 
 I y«|«i ' bhnll wo bolio«« tho oloor otftopnoalo of. oar own orimtlov- 
 r|SS$|tfm)ilthf minritfiptr , 
 .i;>«, sJ"..^i4^' 
 "at* »-{jg- Mij«9'^i!/M' .>'>-i'* •t^ *•*'*■ 
 I < < 
 hofo j 
 oat of 
 •17 oil 
 ; Ti 
 . ■/■ ■ hi 
 Of tho 
 If I 
rn«*p|f< sA..' ••^v.-vt^^^ 
 '\'\:' '-'.' :■•■■■■,' ■•;;■.':■.!■ ^" . .'iir-.; .M')>^- ,■ ''•■.-■ •:;:i"'i>-- .!•■:";/ ■•^J^r.-. • 
 CtllPdn A xk u mn d i Prm i§ tm K t M wmf to Prtmrn OUok < J<te— ■Sdhtt m giM-'^yl' Bwilyl C- 
 BcloM lM»rifi><^« nh|wl vhidb im Iwys bMa diiwia^ag in (btlMi ob»]>tv, it may not 
 b* immop«r to alMa * fnr fMi«#tl Mioin>ti« itrinetolw vliiah tm4 fc» pnswv* dMr iiiM of 
 tli»dikbBcMon»lMtilico(Mmluidbbd7inaUoaMtl»>^^ , 
 .1. Btwy ptoptrlif most inhww in mi mmdo* or muMtuioot^iib ralMniMo, no yr op itj . 
 WWoTor ftpraMrtyMBttn. ■onwt«B(«r»rolMtMM«k I 
 . 9. Bv«7 ndMrtitDoO or mwwm htm its Own olropttri propottiM ; ind tttMO M*«v« aotht, 
 UMIiMIMoUOi And |»» ty M|ffT>illfti • 
 sTBtoj rabrtMMo or MMufle «nt«ring into • oonpoond oarriM iti own nwwiffal proMs 
 tiM with it, and maintoinr thorn in tho eomponnd orar aniTO, oiiohaogaahU, and intranuar- 
 lAta. / 
 4. Mo oonpoond mui ha>Ta an aaaantial propatty thw doaa not antar it by ona or aoca of 
 tlia alamMita. .--r""*"'^ 
 5. livaiy proparty, diaaonrad in tha compound, that iiiaift to ba naw or diffarfnl ink' 
 tiiat'of any or all of tho duaanta antating ibto it, nrast be alnply a oo-bpantioti^ fir i'Mlvplt- 
 ing or noBtialiaation of tho p iopiMtie'a whieh entarad it in tha Tariona aba^ntf^ * ---t 
 To tha foragoingilTa prapoaitioas maj ba addad tha following aabordittilia ooaii ttldah 
 » ont-af thatt't 
 1. lUalaautaitaalidpropartlaa aithar mix (that to, anwJgamata) .with aflwra in the oom» 
 podid, or thagr remain dutittek 
 9i U we hiata di r aoratad an alMBant to be (whether misad or olhirwisa) in ii eomponnd^ 
 thaii «M know ite propartiaa to be (whether mixed or othirf^iae) in the oompoUM V >I^A ^ ^<w 
 hate diaooTwadtM propartiaa of an elfmafit to ba (whether mlKed or otherwiae) in a aoi^ 
 pomiid, than we loiow that alamant to ba (wheth« inized or othartHaa) ilk the eompo^ ' 
 t. SlaBMnta and prqpartiee that do not mix with others ffi the eomponnd; are alwagri 
 aaailjdiatingaiahad in tho eomponnd. 8pirit and ita prapartiee, wUfcli e^ot be weia^, 
 m ea aar ad, or tasted bj ah e m i eal or phjaiaei meana, aatar aaa mix in » eompoondiirith mrttihr 
 and ita proparttea whUtt aan ha wei|^, measnied or teatad bj ehainieel or phjiiaal meana ; . 
 and theraforo thaaO atementa and thair propartiaa are eaailtjr diatlngnlihed from ona aaother4D 
 ft eompoond* 
 AMtlyiBgfibmfVitop. (4),fortheaakeof illn8tratiflai,to|hafornationof theaompoindtn^er 
 oiit ofhjdrofan andoxjgeii, mid the formation of the livihff eoonpoaind of Ufa, whieh Bitmj 
 jn aln t ai na to ba mada <M entirely of phjaieal alam«ita, and to bo » eaae preelaabr parallel to 
 via formation of water, it la arldflnt that no naw aete of proportiea iriiiah are iiotlb,thepdn;i- 
 aiy elementa, eome into.eiiatanee in the eompotind in aithar eaae. Jjid tiotfaug fin 
 thaphloaomenaofdthareaaatoalfoirthatoar.avioiBiahieoRaat. AU the prepartiea i^aar. 
 ing in eadi eomponnd, axiatad erar aotiTa in one ol mak of the j^qiaioal or apuitmd al^Mnta 
 autaring into tt ; andamtT froparty vhieh ajqpaam to ha paw in, the iMnaoioand, fai etther 
 aaaa^ ia sin^ty g eo^maraUon, or a balineing or neatialiiatiail of Ihoaa eatmng It 
 The a(dntioa of the qqaation <rf diiferenee between the twq eaeoa, th«^, laata on irlUkt 
 I loond & eaA eonpooBd, and OB what aliiBoiiti iSBtar into eaah eomp<m^ 
 totha ifrt eaae, all the propartiaa of the oompoand #^tar aw aa^ djattngnfahad to !• 
 ofth««iaia|diyaiaal; thflyeaBiulte«eartainadbywoi|t^ tea^iigbyolto 
 pbyaieal or ahandoal apiMttn«M> There aaa, thar^prailie no immaiaiiu «Iemaat hil^ edoi. 
 ^poniid, baeaasa eraiT aabataaae or aaaaBoe antaiiag into a oompoand oOnjee ita 'o#ii irarwrtlal 
 nopartiaa iHth it. Be9axiom(8). 
 bi tha aaeond eaae, aiany of the propartias of ^ iHiag aompoaad of Ufa are aiafbr ^ 
 liagBi8hadtobeiiotoftiMeb8aphyrtaaI.bntapiritaal; tii7aai^natfh«i^Ww«ybia.^teii^ad 
 MBMi or sptusai aioaBeni ooea antar into tna itviag aompoqad <p lifa* 
 " Kb ttia mm^ dead phyaieal matter or protophMn, of Ub, thaao i» no pimai% ki 
 pagnd that was not fai^u phyaieal elemeata Oat aniicad into ijk: BamiartiMpit 
 _^ Bat hi the Itrlag oowpoan^ of life there ar# wopartiea added to the ^Nnirtlflnt 
 math waira not in thaKphyiloBl; eiemanta of the dead matter or protophMon: fhiy are not 
 t i Hk m daaa wiy i i a al. and oaaiwt ba aaaa r tabed b y w aiahing. maaaa i iM. or fMiag by Moy 
 itTfoeSig, ' 
 other p&niaal or ahemieal 
 tolltfOB, or ttuMo properUea 
 aneh are the 
 , oo-opezating with or 
 of tlmeght. 
 nefng ornaatnillsiBgfllaxrfihara 
 ^s^^ssa^sirss^ii^iSssT^'' ""^ *»»»»»—* 
 ■,y I 
 gg^ *!*^* fy<«*' [— .yJ«»W] J, "i* - ^ £oih»rtain<]r Hurt no B^ phTilail or an. 
 '*^*'^*<^*^ ^^ ™^**' ollite«Q amkovp tho Utteit mibmuA of 
 , M «• mom thai Um Mml moMrtiM •imMniD* in Htm oomnoiuil w« not 
 1 !T^TZT* 1 r* ■■•^ vmm^tam mhu prap«niM. aitpMniBf in tbo oompoand wo not 
 nUahioMlp^rdMklof aatvlal ImabMn addad tp tiM diid iMtltt of Ufa to BAks 
 looji f oaad. not «l«B«it li iaunrtotol wol. "■"^TTTTt T' ?T^ 
 ■:':'\/\:['lm»airli$onthe S&phUtrta of HuxU^, Batn, tmd othmr ' 
 IS^*^ dMilM tiM olrtMioe of fho «ml, imobm that oil vitd phanottian; om oiiiii 
 VMfftoiBfonioli^*i«oIplMnoBMno.uidt&At Iha lows ood ]>iopertijr«liioh iwrtoin tofifo 
 nwnMrdjIowtaBdpfoiMrtiwof mottor.whioh toko tholr riM wW oortoin oomponantt ve 
 teoogbt tottthw in Mfftofn proportkmo, ond nndor oortoin eondiUona. Hoxkr ilhutrotM hii 
 its powwt ; ond m^toina thot tho two 4mM ore «i«a|7 ponUd. ond tliot wo liovo no f^^ 
 to aapMM tbol Mol «aton into t^ ono oom ooj noio tbon tho othor. Ho ■ow :- ^^ 
 ••WbanMpi^ Olid oiygon ore loizodin ooertoin propteiioa. ondonolaetiieiporkii. 
 gMMd uroo^ botwom thorn, thaj <ti«*PP||ftr> •od o ^nooti^ of wotor oqnol in w«iSt to^ 
 tho am flCthom OMPMM in thofar ploao. tiiaito ia toot t&o alj^taat parity h^twaan th^etiTo 
 f^^*^*ff!^^ °'^* 7*^ •B* UwM <rf th* hydfogan ond oxygon whiehiMiTO giran riaa 
 ^ ^ ^ ^*^^<!^'**^'* «^^ ^^'^^ <<» ^ oaanmption of tlM oxiatanooTin Oo IMng 
 a^tar, of a^omat^ wUbh hof no rapraaaniotlva or ao-ralotivo in Uio not BTintf mottS^ 
 whjdl gofo liao toit t Whot batter pfailoaophiaol atotiaa boa ▼itoUtr than aoQoaitYT^ ^*y^ 
 » P^}^ *^l*^' :*• *1>'»1'> raaoaaafkilly diapoaaa of thaao foUaofona aaaarttona of Hnxkv, 
 y* 5V* "*"^" *™* *"• *^ «oaaa— the formation of the oompoond water, and the fomu&tion of 
 the hTlng eonponnd ol life-ore not po^iOlel. either in the aloaa of elffnenta entering into the 
 oc»BpoQnd,orittthooUMofpropntlaadWloj»dafte ^^ 
 ^^Hnzlqrebiinathat ••there ia not tho alighteat parity batwwn the paaaite ond the oettro 
 y***^?***^ f™ w»of»<>'«h«hjd«ogenond oxygen whiehhoTO giren riaa toit." Wehoro 
 !S***Tfr *?••." ?P"^' oM the powori «w propartiea of the water ore of the aomo ebaa oa 
 tiioao of ita aimpio ^lamanta ; they ore oU oliko of the eloaa phydool, ond eon be aaoertoined 
 hyweig^ maoaoriaft_or taatkig by other phydeol or ehemiool oppUoneea, and are bat o 
 oo-«Vanti4» or hahuieing of the pbyaiaal propertiaa entering the eompoand. Boxlef'a 
 oaaon^tion, that the ionution of the living eompoimd df life Oot of tta merephyiiiaol elementa 
 ia on inotpaoa oxaotlylike thot of tho fOrmotion of the woter. boa olao beon aho#n to be fUae a 
 ^f*"^ «~»P«P«**?« « Vojwtn oppeor in the Uving eompoand of l||e whloh ore not o; 
 tiM aamo eloaa oa t&oao of ito pl^yaieal elemanta. Th^ ora of the aloaa apiritooL and eannof 
 bo oloirtoinod by wafafatog. f naoaw ri n g, or tarting by any other phyiieal or eheniaoloimlit 
 iiMM.^ BMidaa. in tMr Oo-oparation or bolanoing with othera inlho aamo eompoandTSar 
 oiMftBdoroppoao^otidjtonotmixwitiipiopertieaotthoel^ . '^^'^ ' 
 Bot oi no pM^erty eon bo foond ia a eompoand that doea not inharo in and enter it by 
 i|Jyaltti«|M0d<^^ «nrt ontoritby onimMoterioloai 
 Sffi^SE^*^ «»!.^li5»Mt •adlK^Jjyaiaol^^^ in tho deod oom. 
 f!!^^^^^^^tT''T*,'^ death, oafii the living ooinpoand tho momettt before it • 
 -!2fSt%£TS^!LSS?l^'W^ wW eondWono ore the aama. Bat tiio diatinatiTo 
 imtthmtUk of tili gtiaf'eatodimd eon norar be.oddad to tho daodWidlnalhingthatianot 
 & iratw, «* eoaiiltiit liribpe^^ to leatvo the eompoand iHthoiit tho lanofil 
 * ft<« «»^floapoiind| in tho oompoond of Ufa. on tho Ooiitriry/iSflita 
 oti Bwdo to laoir^ to daotli, without the remoirol of a alaglo oMOf Ita 
 B« to ^ pnfiH3t aM ♦(thir ontair tnio a oompoaia or Taaro It without 
 aaimwii ' MbMHiaa 
 iwjrittirt iiimaftii- 
 — - - ^ — ■»— ' — ■ — .,. . ■. - ., I — -+ 
 TIm Mndpoaii w«l«r ai^ it 
 tlM llflag «e«po«id of Ub fend' 
 to psodnoi * 
 ilBiniiiff orlMitetlqr^Wlt^ «r ilk obltoAAtt }'■» iKw Oo nHHiiit 
 oompotmd^Ufo mutt kaivt in mmb« ium*iB«t«l«l ciMBiMt 4ko Mur Hmm 
 . — ^ ktoaad an nol yaniU m to fk« mmhh «v ittinlafeMgliit 
 Ib thi OM OM^ fho tMaralM pnkiwiaf the — unmd «at«,k tht^aMo 
 "y *— «y *jr°^ ''^^ *^ *y ?^ «"*«'^*wd>y Bhyri^l « Itiiditf f^i. la«iM 
 ottiar ««», ttM iflBalis imdafliM i^ llTiiig fldam 
 Dlmia^ •&«> not of th* abM^MM^nOtte byl^ 
 iMbagfaK to inatlMr Hmrhwa, ima It «<ui b« obtdndl oahr IMm that Mnolhinit to U fooad 
 in liTioff iBMtw whldi b immatnial, tm whioh wo mOI miiit. Thtnfon tho two mm* in 
 notMraUd; farthiKis no •g»«y onploTwl in tho pradnetloB of watw that Is not domIj 
 phjrieal ;«o Is an aganej Mpiofid^ tha prodnetion of Ula that la not nhyiiod H^at 
 agant nqat b« tho sooL ^\ r-v > 
 H^agr'a main oRor icema to bs, thai ha aoeapis pmpartifla in the oonpoimd whlflh an 
 not in tip elamenii entering it. and imaginei that then propertiea eome into eiiatebee or 
 beeone aetire in the damenta. onlj on their entnnee into then eenditiona, and an not ebe- 
 whwa onr a^tn, onehangaaUe. and intranafanUe. I>¥bm Bazl»'« ttitted and eonftaaed 
 prindple^ he ia onable to aee that the prapertiae of the Uring eomponnd of lilW, poaitinb 
 "^^.^^ ^* ^1*^ ^ f^'J^ akmenta of life ; « that the fonnatioii of the aonpoond 
 of life ia«ot panUel to the fotnaStionof the oompoondwater,-^ that anal. thooahin^^bL 
 elamntoalled the BOQlmaj enter into the one and not into the other. '"■*"^ y^t^im 
 Bain'a m a t a riaHani . lirat eonaia to that of Huday'a, htiafly aaoonto to thia : that matter 
 ^^^^li'^^^^vniij halving two aeta ol propertiaa.-4he one aet. what ia ordlnaiilT ealled 
 nhwiflal; the othitaal. what iaorcUnaiil^flaUedmmtaL Both seta, nemthalaaB. aeeoidinff 
 toBalB,anpnpertiaaofmatt«. w-^i^, wnmnung 
 Bdn'smrtem. like Baxlay'a. ia hopeleaalj fall of eontradietiona in whatonrwaj joamaj 
 1. If matter, then, ia a unity with two laeea or Mti of prnMrtiea, it woold fdlow. that aa 
 wary atom of matter ia a udty. and haa the one aet of phTrieal pnpertiea. H mnat alao han 
 theolhflr. the aMntal aet. Emy atom of matter, than, bealdea poa^aaing ita phjaieal pre 
 pertiea, aan think, feel, wiU. ronember. No wonder that we atart with anpiiaeaa we thhik 
 of the vairt amout of thpoght, foaling. 
 honaea. ^ aoU of our iieldi, and in the granl of onr highwaja. flmeljr Bain ireada lights 
 when he tbinkaof the unmeaanzed svfleiing eaaaed by the preaaon ol hia alepa. and heania 
 thooaandBgoeeery out in the emndiinggnnl at etery footfall. ^^ 
 9. Bnt it ia wall known that thooght, feeling, and ToUtio^ when foond a-tfftiiatad with 
 mttar at all. an neT« foond eoaneeted with aini^ atoma of matter, bat withan organintioB 
 of matter made iq;> of many atona. and that oiganiiation ia the bnin. 
 let na tiy hen. then, the dooUe-lMed imity and the two aeta of prapertiea lodgel in the 
 orgMdiednuMoroftiiebnin. Aathania bat one thinker, or Ego.lD£faiybrai£ the ilrat 
 qneation to cUdde, then, ia. whether the ptoverty of thought, feeling. andToUtioBjiriodged in 
 only tiia whole and oomplete organiaatioB of the brain, or in a part of it ; in otherwoida. 
 doea it need the whola organiietion of tho brain to perform th Je fanetiona, or only a part of 
 b^of thahalnaofthabrain. BatweknowthatiftheiJih^HaU ofthebralBberMnoved.all 
 of then fuMtionago on without it ; and if the left half be lemond, then faneUona go ondao 
 !!?l?'*WlJ*,!*^ P"???^ <rf thonght. feeling, and volition, theti, ia not lodged in either 
 of then h^, it eoMot be lodiad in anypart of theae halna ; th«ton it eaimot be^^^^ 
 m <miy a part of toe Bcain. ^' 
 Bo. alaob the property of thooght, faeUngi and tfditiOBeaaBb^ 
 and ooiBpMaomai^atioQ.«r the brain; in oaanol naiSl the whda brain to 
 SSToSw Sof^oiiL^ ^**^ " ^ '*'* **'^ ■" ^ *^ fanationa go on perfkatty with. 
 ISMrifaie, tha pnpiity of thooght, iaeUng. and mUtion ia lodged in naUher the whoU 
 I aw Ml ate capalaatiaa of tha brain, nor ia » part of it^ hot in n eoaatfena aool wUdb? 
 ShooldBaia and Us eiap, howenr, atlU insist on the orgmiiaed mattw of the bnitt 
 [ tho property of thoi4ht,feeliag; and Tolitiaa.iaeommon with ita ] ' ' 
 25i7*"*.rl?*??? ^^JSi^ ^'^i^^ii^ii^^^^rieiS^aak ^"witbontttllriiS! 
 «bmmiutb«4t]«MttwotUah«(i,lfpaaorparaoa8.intho8aaabitia. Balth«B.luKfbiff 
 ■i ■ * ' 
 to tea M vhbfc tf OMt Ivo Ihtokan ia BaIs** into to B«to UsmU. 
 wtliltefotoMlwllh^MXAiMwIhtokwtodbhtoptoM. llM.fertlMMtortoltott£ow 
 ato^j tUuMn ham alNiAf mimI oat of Us tealn to ■w«U, ttott, ute » fab* iumo. toiTo 
 •«lNfM|alMtMrlhtote«MMa«ti — «"•-— »«- piw«"« wowwio. «v 
 ^ttio Ihtolw or thol», Witt wUA wo ■» ioqadiitoa. kiwws BO «M. M^ 
 Mtog oDo «mI tlMiMM ftooo U WW A oUld •! hU wbUmt's kaoo. BbaU wo btltoroUM 
 •Mw itotMMBta of ow OW0 oowslowiuw. or tho ooofwoaoBd oontoadtotoiT WMrliow of tho 
 pMtoriiJifitf ' 
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