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Containing a Vindication of the Barrier-Treaty, and of our Alliances with Portugal : With a Particular Defence of our FaithtuI and Good Allies the Di*tch, from the Charges impated to them in the Management of th^^ Pare of the War. fiedere lUpto Hxc BstsvufU Regio atque omnis plaga Gencis littM Cedar Ainiciciae Qslltritm, & Pacii ini^iut Di:ainus l«ges, & alum$um in regiu Vocefflus? Au4iac hicc Genicor, qni fmder» fiilmin^ fancit! LO K D Nx Printed for A. Baldwin y near the pxfard- Arms in Warwitk-Juane, 1711. Price One tmm /- *-.. ^ I:-. I i. \ i ji i ^ M) :!ft«,ffi jf.^ jV^^'^'fT^ ^yiyA^^ — - ^- V ■Jin \ijik4.\.- .«-;^;*«^, '..VVU-it ,-«»• ^';:4» . *%"•»«■ ^..^^.A.,! f «.."-f«"S"-i '^MJ"!* ;iv5' IT?* '-<■' C« J THE L L I E S y.lA A N 6 THE ^B E FE i^ BE D - fainft FRJNCE.^'Scc':" ASw^r^-l^^'^tS-iini Pare bf t' J ?n . had endfiavour'd to make \,^ u^ ini, loat -we had en{ta9^*A <*m *a: _-,*'**^"*w- If m^f.^ -r _««•« w^nfuted what he He4ds ; and have a(ftion of all who their Queen and D'f B'olice and the (B and necejjaryfo) ' UUance ; /p by tht h this Writer ha; confidered witf and explaan'd b' dthe Allies'bet' obliged to infiB i I Monavchj^, pan.' : iA^nfltWt^f w fo ftriiftly bbh-g'ii I, the^lf^xQtedior irity <^ the Sue over, maHe it at infjft uppA them ertfe'e pc1ifei*Twr '^ haiH furfued tkl I have Jufird \nd fiace he him^ tt he «^.«J 4 ... _ the Faults of our^ >ch<&-iIlManage{ [?] ent of the War, I muft^b^ content to fol- iw him ; and to fliew in the Firft Place, hat the Condud of the Allies has not been ^ch as to forfeit the Right- they have to our 'erformance of the Engagements we have ade with them : After wnich I Ihall endea- ur to juttify alfo the Condue to offer a few Remarks on certain Articles in '4 of our Treaties : One of them is the Bar- Treaty with the States made in Of^ofjer >9. The other are our Two Alliance^* 'enfive and Defenfive, with Torytgal, ~«*^ t might reafonably be thought, that the taties remarked on are fome of thofe Trea- that are pretended to be br6ke; and yet •n Examinati; r5 we (hall find Two of the ree Treaties mention'd, can no Way cOme :o his Queftion. The Barrier Treaty y-hv lample, concerns not the Operations ^ the prefent W^r: This therefore of i^U 'reaties has nothing ro do in this Place. -But lo' it does not affcd thePropolkion bo is to >rpve, it ferves hid Purpofe extremely, of l»lipg, at the CHtichy an4 ridiculing the late i~,-j^, and repf erecting the Ende^yourj ot A z'' ;m.,4..£, -•; the '^Ss^M:^:. C + 1 me M to «ft«M)A a fir,n"rT., • i •Two Khrions, for rh-1 "'°" '^'«'«en the . f -*" to nita eJ^^. X^^'^" *ein and ,h :*vWent, than thfttrou^pX'''-'? ** *<»-» *»f felves, thev ire m^/J ^'^^o'sMon , new basing in tht T^°'*,^°!',f ">'<»• As th ?nd the Defien of hrrfL-„!.'? 'l ""'V »i>Cari J • *• and unju^^ fo the R^T.^^^iWy wick-'' »re -extremely foolifl, ,'"?'"'"„'*? "^kes on itj •narks of a mT^tht "'•''"?'<"'« ■• »»>« Re- reft of ^«,„ .^s'^t Prt?^!^''' ">« ^"teJ co« d never vent himfelfX^.^*;! °' elfc he agnnft B Treaty nZ!Ll ''^ ""'"^ ^^K<^ 7«» Points poffein plainly the Pre !aft Inv ttt leaft reidy f< ihall m Vs. ion between the utual Security, Part any M—y •n them and the ) be rtiorc in-atlon , next ^rti'^er a^inft ion vefted in iiecefTary a I Engirflmett, Author has in what he Scnfe, but confider all fit fo much 5r/bn more '^it , who ^f^^fi But ^flfcquence »s t^c Pub- 5 ftou^d be Treaty to 5curi ty ib 19. C5] That neitherHerAS, norlSli-'' 5' '^• h»ve any Intereft oS^^^ I^T^J"' Aan what is mentioned "He sl^JlT'^J * of a Peace till i-SIJ^^r ^ other,not to treat ;aftd promifes to remove tKlfo.*^fr7v' 'Dominions. 72«i, 7„ ,/^'*r°""''^''" I .^ th^ can UhiUba^,^:Z^^T:^ '!'' ^"^ Man wl,o I,a<^ truly arha^rtH'*^."" and the Pwftf«« Sucm^~. TT' ■'^'"''' Mifchiefs of PoLry a^?;Jl"'^ ''"r' 'he tbmrn^, can without iwvriyl^^^r- "^ fee th s Writer treat Zitht^^^S^'^^' the Care that hafl^^'n'^fc^ ^"""^'^P; foiMi, efpeciallv «,i!.„ • f" '° ■''™'"*'r« ledgment of the O ^„ : r*"? Acknow- makes it ftiJl more ner^n^l,, A"'' "''»t Points all we can is th5r^ A? ^""''^ ""efe Plainiy appearyl";^"';-.^ J '&tf V '' the Pretendef with fn fm,ii ^''^^ * »en anj^bitiOu^ Defigns^of fVtfwrfar.'chfi future, Shewpu'd ^ be pleased t6 tak^ cartL at the Coociirffea' of ^ the Wai-y to Coijtintjeand Eitabi^ a jgc^i * and-firmJFriehcMhip among all tfiQ .JM|if»; * lahdlhat the Franah, King niight "be o^iged tp ' ownBef Majcfty'sTicle, and the Pret^jn * Succcffioli , asjtkeftabliih*d by thet^w$ f ci Grea^J^ait^', and that . her XJIics^^b^/lE^ .^ gaifd to hecDiiie Guarahcees,of theian^'. And in Afaiwer. to this AddiJeft , the Q t^ was ple:^d to declare, /^ She was: of their O* ^ pimon in thcfe Points:^ and affjir'd thf»XBf) * Carelhould be wanting ori Her Part to ar- * taidxhetri.' So that vvijat is done by she Baijrier.Tneaty, was dbifi^ in purfuance <>Jf an Ad4re66f Parliament, and in ExeCuirici :of the Q r-^ 's own Senfe exprcfsM in her A%- . fwer t6 thei;tt.' And will any Body now pr^ ^end tbatMiits recotnmcnd^d by.ParI;^4rr^, and approved by the Crbwii,' Ought n(^ to \x purfiied ? Or make. it a Crime in aM ■■ "'/:. ' t?:!, that he has taken the moft cfFe:; ^r *. W^*-*} ur^v^ti^i^o:} 10 • tr '/ Hfli. Buf iiif' h^e^]& (ffew^t) tBm vt%h^ %^,*! noP 6t quqhoc with , ti this^ar to'b?'iit ret!er^ that too the-Iike % »■ by ridicaKMg isif a Matter JtOD we#ife- Opinioi^ .of lull beg leftve jreffed tii^tn'- i7QSy, both [ the .Q-r-jn; »> aitibitkm^ 5j She wou'd oijcliifiocof IbiUh a £004 I tliQv!H|if»; je^yigedtp :he Trdt0]if[t >y thelii^s 'theiaiti^.'. the-Qr-:,^ ofthelfO- r'dthiann^ : Pajpt to ar- one by.fchc iiance.f>|aft >ceCu([icwii .of inher A%- y now py^ M -"V:- -ff.:y, tial Care of 5nt of ^ng- ^HerJ?fq- Bur c?!-^ -^ 4ho' lie ftlhHvs that thjt ^ ■ Ja; i....-^j KIngaeim htveiome Ikrfte rjir«v/W»»?5rs#» i^rri- I cj(fs^^ f%» Triaij^ y^t hfe is VijfiH|^ ^re^ they h^^ JTpt thfe^Ieaft C(wi'tf6:toire4^ft dt'C^nccJrti f6 •TA-eidiPtfti?£«»iy- .«,.;*i<^> ff ^^f^^^ttto^ifejaaft* of i>^^rf gna w^tn iis anuoty !^iws irdw^^ds eh- t)iS W and cfth Articles. Oi:y!\Ai^m^^ )X^ -l.^.^^.^^^.^^r"*^*^^'^'^ Articles of 'm . Gratia AlTiahcp, are the very Fodftdationdf this Barrier Treaty. "And th(irbfoit4t'is not ' to b? irtiagin'd that.'iiny tmk E^Mifew- iirho" refteas upon the vaftlEkpenco of *Wod and •V»» ■ no l»f«.«; whrch M Word haslS ?„^ ? r'*"1'' j''i'-''°-'""*>V ''at one who is fmmrw/^ ?','^°"' ^o«'*e taten it from thpfe It belongs to, to apply It ,to' our L ^^2^/5?^ *^<*'°'"' of i^eafon&t it : which KigW U) ^r 5««.«r, pKCxiqm to this T In *q^ ftbjlrticle of the dv,;'J^ i "^ . tnpf i«lnonEndeavours,«o rccDvcrtIieT^(./>| ":•?•* f 9 3: . mterM, , to the end they may. fet»e as.* Penfe Rf mpart, ahd,kr«er to Li VS It aKtohce from thopnittj j^^,rZ former tethe ,S^JS N»&rikl»ri^ &eft rajure c(f fliem by thft'/ift^'SSg!:^'' fc!«S^# te/e?!ire %«« G«S'^ ' ,.T(^ Which did not belone to the wagrtedtd, andflen'd-hy ^ri^SftfS^ WwH< by tfe Barrfer-Trtiiy fteViSi: [re by an the mTi^ thc^inuciial Intererfof Both KJ .5J^rii7V^,^ ♦^^i^ f wo t>oirit8 .fliould i^Jl^^^^^^'^^^ftl^ agtmfttlie Bang Jotfi areiri frorfr the Power of i^i^«- whij ?mtf^^i'^ me to-^be more^gxtfr6;>i«* thq ^^i W J^;e^ore. Jiothin^; iao be nmi m of Botk^;M^iqhr ■is:tlie 6% wiy net cj H B provide r for Ofir miitD^JjSafcfVi bHff .prclerve the Hepbf^ ahdXjui^t ol^ jejrec*, J :*# il ** ff^t^r0j<:^eiHence that nwft atterji vir^.T'^^^ty of Peace ^e can imlce. wj rt^S^^^J .H**^ ^^ly ^^e Acknowleaeiiic ^Her Majefty ais Queen of I^erownDon, niojis, and'tlie RJjgBt of Sncceffion by oi^ ¥j?n^i^^y^* whi^ii no Foreign Power haiC -t-'^ynS^^^'^^^P"^^-' Wou'^onethia it pofltWe alilaiiihbujd affifmth^t tfie Twe &-%^'l^^ »s only ah Acfcriowledfement i .mrM^)^effy anfl^jclie Right of ^ucceffioj ^tvenhehadtiuiileff told us, bwf.the Pafl Imr^, fhaVthii^^ Article ttamns affo, 1 > Pr^»i/2 to nmve ih'ehtmSik m^l»s DflJ Vw?: Afld^ *h1s Prnmire ^^h^i O^ ' ; dif Prcllniinari ItJiverfgreaV 1^ * Compaq «» '7 as^hfris nloafed <<^ mgie;. of it ; j^(^ mt a Pccwiwi^ (ftfcer ;ill i^,^ mnclji^menii- [ in them. But further, ;, thi^ A^tS* not barely infift on anAcknowledgme'iic j«er ^ta^^l]t3f^ Q«e,^f ^' tletf^ ow^ JDo- nioas^oicia-iihc; Rijij^t; qf ,^Vlcc;^©qii by <>vw taw^ ^ which g^ai^4E?iprei(^^ fwy «afy tOr^We i- bu;,^ Hey %|cms .to. t^e Crowu of Qrm ^^4^^ «Mp4>«^ Rj^lv pf ;Su<;c^oa!ia th^Hoiiia o^#^^ [no, thi&d.Qiqwii, a^ ei^iO^'a %;tK 4s 4.,/- n i go where Ikid in the Grand AlIiaDce/thati -■- tJw Countries (hould be deliver'd ' to the I :; ;NOf 5^«», much leis that they Ihould be v ^Zi-^ the Wkr. ^d in iaa, \is wcfl km^ -'■■'' -^mt for Years before this Tmty was tmh the Government of thofe Provinces tn' jihde the Rcduaion of them, has been adi mftred by the ^uee^ and thtSfsUs, with- Conftnt of the Emperor and King of 5JI So that thofeProvinces neither have nor w*r. have been reftored to King CW/e/ during (* War, tho* this Treaty had never been mn^^^ijc biit to fhew what Care is by this Treaty ken of King CWAf/s Intereft, the Soverci ty of thofe provinces both as to the tivi! EcdcfiafticaHlights, is cxprefly referv'd hirh, 4s weM in thofe Towns where the Di are to hay% Garrifons, is in thofe where tl m to have none. ' The Military Comm pniy being given to the Statu in the To -nrsf To 40c Sfa mes titc eit Ift ^zu 'tishotorfoustL the Queen's Ti 4 aflift«d him V jff^and Allhttte ^i6^^e recL P^hi^ ^1^ Ftnid -^ ALUthor mifrcps II ith&Ke * fDni ^lliaDce^ tfttt 'crM'tothcl tylhouUht , riswcn knu. fwaty was niajjh. '■ Provinces t j^ I, has l)ecn adi 5^«*»/, with d King of Si 5r have nor m^ Charles diintif it ■cvcr'hccn^m^bjR* ' this Treaty ft, the Soverci itothctivil ►refly referv'd' i where the n hdfe where t Utary Com i in the To . E»?] ;, ' ikKw the Milkary. Coimniisd of About id Towi^^ with their Dependandes » andt 400,000 Crowns a Year vom the Kuiff of Sfain to maintain their Garrifons; by which means they wili have the Command of alt fmiersisomNewftirttoifamm^ and been- ti^Iy Mailers of the Poari? lif^ir, theiich-' eft part of thofe Provinces/ . - Ifi Anfwer to this Objeaion,^! muft teH isWnter^that he ought to havedtilHnj^ifli'd ""left thowtts a Ycai»,^ for maintaining the wholo ' rier. And whoever conri^ersth&'NttmbdD roopsthat will \>t requiHcefor maintain^i ^he whole Baitler 5 the vailExpence o^ !fe§a|ring and keepiiM; up the Fortfecationfi i^hd of Implying thofe Places with all War-» 'IknlNeceffaries} as «lfo the Extent of the ^ppntry i of whidi only they are to have the ;ei^ues; and WiH look bflck and fte Tiow Kttle the whole Low C^tmirkfy when they w^ nnich fiche^ and laiger than they are i^y evew^poa the Foot tifey were left at thePjffflMw^T^agr. have been abfe to oori-r tribute ior the Efefence of thdr iPronticr, muft be eonvinc'd that wh^ ^ allotted by this ;Tr^ty » Rupture b», .rtwMth«en,fiB4 the .4«|clRred Intention^ ttid&nier,im.defen4 «*».*««, from ia*.«. AKiLibWty i» gtven to^h»*#»«, liToniyli e^of«i» ^m« Ma(h.,it,Uifr. ■ NoM» fiX >«« »« Rvht • to *hi?l*«(y,>. whored Seeoirf^ ,Tte» chiefly, wibi a VJ«^S| miice fl*w»^ .«he-5**pr. w'«*»«4 mq^ their Defencft Awt if «»*w,ire j(So^S tow « to urn »gM<}ft;i njay JBjt jap art £(^4mz •n^^<^es, pattiiCj4iJy the rWooJIeou ,kS- ^••li •Iwi. and .th«i,j55iiuRefwfiefe^.^ *1fcatter*d all 6vei*j<^rw4»/.V ,* I ^^PWV A'WtnveitQ^noie'nfe nai b6 uig again en l» Waj: f0^ V'^i'iS ^^"^^ ^^ W 9^M V^^i toc tbey were \xf6it '' ■ *'jjj*^^« meedlefi to refjcat, thatfrfif hI.2Sl???^'5>^ confequemW rid - ESSL!?f5SL^«^ arty J^ttSon fit)m tradi^ in ' ^£ '-WfeAiHd* he finds fault wkl^ Is WW jcas-of each ftai be trcatied aliUcr a: 'i ir fa-j ^durably as thofc'df any other' Natloiik , io rOl Part* o^thtf .5/fc*«i/fc r>omit»->iwi AM] if y^. Stanhope, as is fuggcftca m th'ti Book, bo^ (^ohduaea an Advantageous l^-eaty of Coinrnwce svlth Spah, iive arc io a fairway^ cS «iiiQyii)g the 6eiiefi( of it jbindf iHch our' Attiqi, purfuam to this and fdmi^er Tiriities, aiid to the Exclufion of the fy-mri^; uhkfi this Aiithor's Frjeijds fuccecd in their tfeftrn. i^tvd Defign of pcrfuadifig us to giTe up 5^»> nnd. the mft Indies to the Hotile of BpHriteg] By fuch a Treaty, indeed we 0iaH be in s werjil Ccnditiov, (is to cur Trade, and every thing elfc,! ihanUfcre the l^ar k«gan. But to fty that we are % l?y this Barrier Treaty with the Dwff^,i$^ as I l^ave (hewn, utterly falfe. fVe b/tve cop^yir'd flan. ^«fj for ourfelves, as well ^s for them ; and by, this Txeaty our o\y|i Trade is rcreftabliftiHl Ai^'eW as theirs: They have ina-oftoAdvan-' tage piore than they had before th^f^t, m ■^ye any one hu ' 'lad cofl^^^tmchtly t^ Guarantee of ' i , ^ ^- -i fpr hm Tneaty, li not unreafonablc : All the I^tere^(! fecur'd by it are mutual , and 'ti? fj| tbc' pb|igpciotii Ihpti'd bQ rp tpb. ' ^ ' '^ i- i. i -p % . , • . :; \yhat now can be the Mearting of fuch Vldtent AngCK againft foimportanci^catyJi :Wh^t the pefign of fo maj?y malicioi» Ob|^| ^onSjWhei^ thprc Is no (Ground for iauy one of[ \nm\ ? Hl^te can b othei'Naflofi , In >omn*oiMi And {lea M tW Book, , igcoui - t^reaty of ^ ^re iofifaif way itfoinelfljirhour fbmner Trwtwt he fy-CTfiA; imlefa :d in their ^ilni' lis to gtTe wpSfiaifi Ho^a of Bwrl^g [ every tbkigeUc, Difhjrtnatw^areft the Dntcfi^i^y asl Ww cop^uird Plan- for them ; ^nd by^ ^ Is FCrGftaMiihii)! e naol>©Advan- "ore th^'V^^ar, na 2on^«^«ctidy t\$ t tui*» • Tnesjty, « : I^tere^ft^fecur'd il tl^ QbligPtioiJf Kleariing of fuch portancjl^eatyi rn^iaio!HiOb|^| m^fonauyoneofl 3R4^0iiStforthi(| r^«r pf yur owH KqiJUimiti ^ann ctir Smca Awhdf foj? the tmm'^ ; *ti$ the be^ «sl have heard a great whils ndt the only J, that, he finds 10 much faiflt, with thS rcaty rForby fuch a Peaceihe 2>i 22M t^^^^oii^ ae|>rfcfentatiion of the Artjkil^s of .4^ Xrea- f^^ if he:b*i «qt oblig^ tfeei W^Id i^cith the larpiieiogrKew Maxim ahc^dy mention'd, ^W it hffthiff ^';|gA^ «» pint j^t^icy 4r,Cood &njk, that, m J^eipfPm'erjhouldUrf^^^ to kai^m .offT Sitt^fffivfs &Ct j|ut > wl^en, he had rtwlydifooyftt'd this Secret pf ^isH^trt, it waseaT^r t»:aQc;aiist for ail tbath^ha^fWrlt- tsh in this Pamphlet^ oc ihs^ hibieyer fliall ^fwHte . whiift :tt Mytii AiMLa&f it^ ;Wafc not pbiSal^letfoc brai to :put a>nioirQ.0dioii5Caie, tfcmn^he i)are Swpjsofition-of any Chanfjc in ■Q::*'. our .Jiiiiiiyet^ilikfM aC^mOotivi en- ii^«e Advfe^ 1:fe^ he ^^...^ ^,.,^:hM'|&rjri!Aie\^ at w& %iW%Qn ta th0 pbJnt this Atitfibi- was to ^ve, as the Wcicr Tfeaty ; but jince they BdtE'ftand e^uafty in' the way of* an lit Peace, tjh«r« was fche fame JyTeceffity thatboth fliou'd Ije cipndchin-d, Yet !f this Writcf had told lis, what Circumftances Affairs wcte in at th&V Time; of making them, we ihotild rather wondef the P mtrmli^were m l6ait thit j»to!d )b^ made.,' ^To. which, if iv« a4d the lk(!ii«k0e> the m,tB-hz^ In that Court, al! Wk^r epmpetent Judges in thefe Matters, muft toi^ ^6ac ^CTfoiialipoumge ^^tja'Re^lution In ti% Oien kll]^ of . i*tfr/*r^4 ^hd' of gttAt^^ ^^^?"f^ Pe^tfW m;^ho(fe |h^ tr^iiiyi .;?^¥f ^N:yerms^fat6dM thfe felt c^ of them. Both the 0flrehfi i}id» fi^iiy' of Ijdr lirft Anicl(?§ir(t;^c $wq ij«?f^ ytrl^pji^aiR of ch«iTib tHev4!^«^£ !^owcr$^ ibi^^.themj-' \{iAn^ t<^ Jc€er ott'.|t^ Coaiifp^ TortMof^^^t \t^ ^Qrtuguef^^5%^ and^oa0, ; TChenM 1 l«»5j; Thati;,up(9*i cerfiiin Ajivicof 9r^.|nceffi BiStmyrifl^^Ht^itaadethcp wvIj^aW^^ Si»t^rii^:^Q«y*at^be AWesihalLbaiK^^ cm theif . Gcjufti iHI tbP^ limevof fucb InteUfeenpe^'^ tte ih^ the ^i€s;iha^ incf«afe>dlvri|r.Jlain* b«:|iyTuddqtJ» Iirfu^ts, fuch Sl^pR rihaU continue io thofe' iS^lPiorPortSj.a^rWs P<>yt«jf««yef^ajfi{W f&all Ilj4p9 neccflary*o m the next Artfcle, th^t M>hgc themfelves, fbr the Defence of the Ihmguefg D0miftion8r,%(wi^ tht Seas, that if Wnebe made uppn^any of them, or the King Iw certain Advice K l^defiga'd, (a)fficvmQ'- ItofmmQjt the Ships heceltary tq, prevent or g^fe . Ae EiyeuuiBs. - Ikfignsi; ^nd ■ it any ft«Rg taken frora then?, tp ^uhup tl^ir Affiftancp, till /tis retaken, ^vWt noMJr; litfifrf .in thefe Af«Jcles unreafon^]ble,ToLths indeed; the word >&> l^'* f>ftf i.%^ W4^rticle of the defehfive Mt! lj^^^mste.<5e«afion 'tis ufed upon , v^*? I^J?^?m«|ior's purpof^ : 'Ti^.chis, mfie ^'?S\.9f.i?^^'?^ or i'/'^/V have ^ deW% l?^/5.1?';^«>.^^??-^«M or if there g^W| ^jntnferre, thenxhe Maritime Power? ffiali;* ' ftVhat ?^-.- fe^d tlee^s and Armies ?. N(^;Tuf interpofe thei^gooi Oflicesto wreiervg'p^agc^ md_pcevqit,a Wai^: Thisi is all. they arQ;6b^- lig^tod^ .u^o^ti a bjare Sufpjcion. , \Vhek^^ f^fm^^ mP, ?9'i^9re,,:m.up6n c^rtafffi' Advice^expreft m the ;Wdi abave^meott?^' . Buui^ther Thin^^at aeidt o&ASc^ ' Truth k^uxi Sip^:.h^km,x^r^^^'^ 'Oc^ he himfelf believe 'this ? Or wou^ ' Ij^.^M^hAve .others- feelieve t{iis tg\be a ircfr %%«/(;:> wh^ififlaeed 'cjfi^ottc-^' all, butWofutdi^ fleceflary, to niake diw^$hips ctV^.toM'PnpCt whofe Oeminfong they QX0tbp:ote6tf Thd Subftance of the firftof] thcf^ Arcjdcs b thk *f hat ^iZ Auxilhry ^hip i (poe Fledtj, as this Authpr calls chefe/jJ;*^ ^c [ubjtikJb the K\ifg\s Or^p ; and in fttrtshe^oftA Si^> tojheOrderiof his Viceroys^ ankG(fi;emors\ Th^t is, to the. Vttfpns that hi^vc the Su- pt-f tne f^ommand „ in the Parts where thefe Shipsare to be employed. And if it bp rea- foiigbletheyfhouh4befubie ifcad, and have his Authority'. . Such an AitiClp is abfolutely necefTary to |5reVait pii- §. Princibals kihe Wat. Una t! th 'er Mirdfl (hall ft Two A Three waited put the fmugu fuppolt that ou it vepy C'»7'j] ! tjifs tqlbe a in^otte ^ all, cmiiirbn^ they sof the firftof Auitiliatf Ships s ch.em j J?;«i? ^c ' in PitrtsJfejonA flff^ Gdi/ermrs. in^ve the Su-' s where thefe id if it bp rea- to the King's 4, Msforthi? y c^iinqt,thefe lyh^ govern in Tt% . Sirch an o prevait Dif- ghc otnerM^lfe of our Ship5 which woud ie ^xpence o(! wpu'd tiot be Jiiecefiary to Ith tio fai^rieftl •r is thi$'Jf,"w Treaties,-, as ices between fenr by. eitiier been efVeieni'd 5 given tp our Arcici^s^ and 2>f thcPrincej ntj aniJ'hkve lojiraiiyDif: Is ia.|fce War. And yet ris; for this, which is the conftwir PjraAicti iiKthe like Oiej, that to much Cia^ mqwr 1« made againft what i^ conealn'd in the f9thi AttKjIe, That wh^n tMe^«i/A^*^i«x •rith the Ptrtf^Mifh Fleet on any k^fion^ "^they (hall receive. d^^Siffutl from meir AdftMfal J that Gouncikof War ihs^ b? hddy thefe Articles, or whae [™[«"Hp ^tas^Been put upon owf Fleets ; wa- jfliall find; the whole nmouiws to this ; That, r^o Men ©f War went once to J5r«;&//, an4* T-hree or Four' jtaore have at other Times' waited the Return of the ^r^t^i/ Fleets/ and put themfelTes under the Command of th* f^mugueM Admiral or Commodore. And I I luppofe this Author does not want; to be told* „, jtxi^vivit ui. liiviu rjcdus ws>uici make IE yepy.tca(brtmon'( ^ the Occafioft there is for them ; whJcf, "O'^f^oti, the Prince 6r hi$ ViCeMys whof Affiftatiee they are Jelign^d for, ' are the bef Judgiesof ; Riid therefore they muft; to bt^ ufeful to Wtftjbd under his or thdr Orders; ^nd^When any of them are^ in Cohjunaron] with his Fleet, fhey muft,' }« the Nature or Auxiliaries requires thev ftduld/'be "under hii Admiral, fo as to receive the Signal fron ^^^y ^ -A"^ totnake the Pi^ot'eaion pro-i mifed effeaaal, the Number of -thefe^ieci-l liarjf Ships muft be increafed apofl any Inva fionfrom the Enemy, x^itha Force fuperioi to our ordinary Strength j and thi$ Increafe mutt be made, not when the Invafioh is aAu-i ally putting in Execution j that, ^tis phiinj will be too late ; it muft be, while the Ene- my are making Preparations for it, and be-l fore they are finifhed. When there is not on-f ^^ ly a Sufpicjon, or uncert?*in Rumours of fuch ; Preparations, but certain Advide?, and fuch Intelligence as may be depended on, 'tis then fare high time to take Care of the Interefts <>f the Prince whom \ve oblige dur felvesi to protea, and provide for his S^fetyy or the Safety of his Dbminions", bv PrebaratJons lujtabfcto the Occafitn, ^n^hyhehmJn- "Ti; cr eafe ment need ed in tbefe) utmd ed^n and A tbemf In petuaJ kting Woi'ds fervet Imuft here ai 8th A] Natior Expsd of all King ( that ha Signal, thd w\ 0::ifi ««* <»t ob%6d to it »f v#WclS(, U$ to i-'lTte^Kiligofj of his Alliance Jitiife from th his 'Domiiiio he liulieii thi c by oiir fleets be pi-i^ttion I them 'J whicl /itei?oys whof( >t, are the be jy ttiuft; to b rthc^ Orders;, nConjunaion 5 the -Nature 5, 'be'underhii B Signal fro; >i*ot*ciProf)ofitiori, it wiil follow with the moMiftiEYidence, thAt there irnothinggrant- ©d^jn thcfe Artjolesi, but what fe fit and nejaef- Jary j.and confegueiitly, that his Cenfia-es, and Attempts to turn them into? Ridicule,' are cbemfelvesjery unji^ft and ridiculous, ' I^^^Oewnfive Alliance, which is per- peniW, the 4th, t^, 6th and 7t!h Aj't^icles re-^ teting to our Ships, are almoft in the lame Woi'ds, and therefore the fame Anfwers will tcrve to the Objeaions made to thpm. But imuft obferve the Unfairnefs of this Author here again, in not taking any Notice of the 8th Article, That if the Ships ^f the Three Nations are to aa, in Conjunaion , in any Expedition which is the common Concern ot all of them, (and not particular to die Kmg ot Portugal,) chat then th^ Commander me has moft Ships under hjm, fhaH give the Signal, and aft in all refpeds as Admiral to aiiJ)peU known, that in 170^, Sir John Leake :s:!fli^. had , [ 30 ] • had under his Command a Portugfteze Flag wlch 7 or 8 of their biggeft Ships, when ht l«at PoiMsVi Squadroh in th? Bay n i<« ;««<.i Ith much lefi Ex|>enCe, they wbuki bd ^ftip% mo^e Sfr«i1gth ij a IX'vcrfioii' apre^5 m [ 31 ] a grdirdatl; dutn ^ley cou^ fondto'Dsi^^' wott'd beinaCondkiDntocontifiueirlonger.i Bat> tfaeie it one ihin^* this Audidr mtfkes 1 1 great left o^iMtd chaeis^that by chit TraatyJ if we ot^H&kmd ara invaded , yet if wc ei pe&Ukj jkfRdinot from the King of Pottuga wg art P» fifffy hint- with Sbifs Mttd Fbre$$4n th fgrnt^mmtmr, mis if ht W0^i it^uded bimftlfi An this, in his Opinion, mnfi needs his- nnrffrk dent und fafi Cctirfe for a A4»rkimt'Pnvsrutsl ufmA &fiimhsi;afim; hyU/hich, ittjftadof m kmg ujt 4f ourFtiits and Armies- for our vivn l>\ ftntk, ii/tmiififef^ them ahdaJfir the Dififncto] Pdrtugal. What now can be miore frivolouj than this Objcftion ? Cart we expe<9:> wher there is fusch a Difproporrion ki the Parties the AflUftaitce ftiould be equal on both Sides j If i^Diyctfion on the Side of Por/iig;*/ (hall be th^tij^ht at any time "of Service to m jfhou^ 'we no^ make fuch an Addition to theij Strength, as may enable them to do it eflfoftuj ally; Which from their own fmgle Force is not td ifce erpeded? And if upon an Invafd on^ Rethink it- more to our Purpofe, to keep) our Mehsand Ships at home/ is it not in out own Powers notwithftanding any thing in, thefeArticli? Does o^r Author think,' thatj when vt^e^are invaded, the King will froml thefe Amdes infift upon our 'defending our] felves, in therworft manner, by fending ourl Troops to-inm, when 'tis more for the Servial of.his AHie$-to keep them at home? SucbJ Cai«sTpQftt thcmfelve*i' and need no otherl AiifWet-."^Qt if ofir ^iJthor Woiild hiavel TS)-:ia.. — ir .-^1.1 themfdVcsi! fe w<>«'4 |;top j *V«t ijoth Hi utiij ifetKfto'nsf mi ntiflue it longer. Authbr mtfkesti t by thit Treaty,! V yocif weei. MftS F^nsinti xdsU 41'tuierf ff{ 'ffofour o%»rnD(\ fi^ tbejhfifnci ittore frivolouj e expe whei 1 ki the Parties [ on both Sides j of ToftugMl fliai Service to li! .ddhion to theij to do it eflfoftin fmgle Force upon an Invafn 'urpoie, to keepi isit not in out ; any thing in lor think) that ^ing willfromj defending oui I^ fending our : fop the Service t home? Sucbl need ijo other] ^ WOHld hftv{, -htr^L^. ^(l uti>othHdand I know I knnw thqrcamiot. And tbit ii the tfih. Reaion the Dmch have not continu'd to oS- fonn then- Pan in the Fir ft of theft Aflian^. Forthc Sectjnd, as I have before obfervy. tifl this War IS at an End. And if we have kept clofer to our Articles, I (hall ihew».ic I was, bccanfc we thought it worth our wWhi, ^ So particular jn Examination into theft alliances, will I donbt not convince cvcrv mpartjal Reader, that the Wcakncfs anS oily they are ^ccufed of, is not in them, biit » the Objeaions made to them. Which, as :y are groundlcfs and unjuft, feparatelv ,onnder»d, and by thcmfelvesj fo the? a e ummMopby this Author, in ihis ve^^falfe ^nclufion, tbat the spirit andttmr k tk^, fUttts ^Uitttbr6\ THW only Mfon this ttngU Volm >hatwtand Holland^li lo Aod^^S' ntbout any Mention cf an Ef.iillentTTJil fbofe TenSbsPf •^hich at the time when lehaZ treateft Need cf their AJftfiance, are oHiiUjidt^.. oU ufm ih^r f^n Coafts. I have (he wn,that to ^ f^tont Ten Ships, is not the only Affiltanc^»,\ .ut that they are alfo to make\he greawrf; vhen the War is made by S/^m, And if thcv.. tis the ,beft Service they caii do. And ii &Z nW''^ "^^l ^^ 5^ ^^ ^^ for them I "' po Qbie^ion, if they do in Pfoportioii to.theirStrfuigth. That by this Tx(^ tte? * ebti- . m'- ;....... .. ,,.....'C-3^'] ..■^,.,. , , ^tliged to perform ours, if weren't 'think Itl for ourlntereft. From thefe mutual Eri^age-j jnents, 'ris plain, the whole' TTenbroOheiej ';;.TLrjE:aties don't run upn qne Tpint onlji,. . Andlj Vtauft add, what this Author jtiasainindfhou? :ie conceal'd, that by the 19th Articte of tlij DefqnCve Alliance, a very'cpnfide.rable Adj , vantage is granted us, and the P«ff»,l?y jfree Entrance into their 'Ports in Time 'Peaee, for Twelve Men of War; whi,chi ..twice the Number that was allowed before.! ]^ From this Account, 'tis pfai^ thefe Aljlan ces want no other Vindication, than to I . treprefented truly as they are. And one nee ■only- read the Artijcles tnemi^lY€s,. tp hefetl fy'd, there is nothing in thpm, tlmt an Zngl\ :M-»r— y ought to be afhani'd or. Put tl '/is not enough: Todojuftice to thofe AI ances , and to the Wifdom of thofe who a| ^visM lthe making them, we muft look bad to the Circumilances Affair^ were then ij ^nd the great Difficulties that were to " jovercome ; which I have already hinted .-.together with the Advantagjcs theje Treatij gave us a fair Propped of,, with refped to til ^War, and the real Benefit we reap from thej ,|n our Trade. They who remember, hoj impatient the Nation wpre for thefe Allial ; CCS, before they were made : What Hop w.c.had of reducing Sfatn tp the Obedienj ' Ipfi-- King , qharles, by a vigorpijs Imprefliij JSifim that $ide, on which Spain lies in a ma' jntr. quite open to Madrid,^e inevitali 'rs Kniji nr»f nnlv rvf Ittrraman Tr^idp alfo, that m"uft have follow' i^fthe Port of Xw^ow had continu'd Hlut to mil oh, than to I mil coafe^, that inftead of Blame , great 'hankii and Pralfes afe diie to. the M---- '-y |hac,a(j[vis*d' th'efe AHiafices ; froni which ^e lad Reai[pn''to prdmife our felyes fuch grejjt \dvantag6s in the Prqfecatlori Of the Wa^, (id y^ichdut Avhich the inoft iJfefiif JJranches jf6ur{ Tirade /cbu'd no't fubfift. And haS [lir ; E^peiJ^tiphs From the(^' I'reatife^' ^ii^ ver'd III both Voim 6i War 2nd Tfailf, rhich ho body cbu*d forfcfe^they wou'd hot, III the Wprld niaft owh^ theyhkd been worth L^veat 4^af moi*e, than what by the Artitft '^ FayiiLiF of the fonupiefe, we have giveh Aem. , ^liiaitef theBxperienceof E^ht ri^artj,:^a jl^ying .'rfie T^Huiuifi have ndt .per- ^l>^p*dT9me; ArticJ'eS in fejabibn to the War , ,belieV^,.'^i| i^ were to continue, even the HesW U-'-M ?«Oti'd not. advife the breakinfg [f ' tl^^M' . j tor, are hot the Advantages ,of ur Tr^ge .'vvith . Poriu^af' vaftly an oyer-Bf|- 'htQ , fbr slH y . Incohvekieni:e5 vve fufFer* , ot fi-om th6^ Al-ticles of'thefe Alliance^; bite om thVill .^tccutib^.W::fdme of 'therii:? liich M are^the ^ftahtKo^ifes madcto \pP^rt4gucfe Sn thefe*TrdacT6k, in any De- /^^ eq^al to, the Benefit*weiiave adually re- eivd ffOr|i;them. ; Is rtpt'the Treaty hi^l^e ^it^ . tb^t ,|>riAce, at the £nd^ of the Year 7.0;. fQr^' f he -.AdmifEo^^ of : Erf^up , Ckti>, /hich ftopd thfcn proHibitfed in Portugal, a i/^.gresiter^rea'l Advantage tb Us, than any [liey qaii hope for froiii^ us ? All the MTanu- tadtures of ','?>%tf/ wete ithmediatety j^iinll R *? >, «SiBd>Othi;thatt Kiiigdom, and their D^- [ni^iLpns m/f»7c>'/ci/^ have ever lince been fOtcM Ip us for thQitfrootlm Goods: Jjiit Xs.-^^ I , „ tiotin •: We'tia^i ih* cfM bfrted on jbe toi/6 i;rade thro^ iin'd aflitioflf cn-i iroflej tlie \vhdje rctorii df BnltS^Ort from fcrwii//. Our Tr^^s'iii 5/>W* ^rfd Pi>r/«i^«n „ .^ -r --. JEijjL,^ . ...... mt'Ballance Has been fo gr^k^itf^t f will ap:| , J)cil to all tfie Ma^ey that tet)c^tt com*d| in her Majcfty's JiW^iiid! eVen «> the' Ci^dty ad vintageous,andTa^thfey fhoiild tfot havebeeil made, or fhould he broke ; l^luft thd Tonu\ ■^fftft have hot aftfw6r'd dUr Expe'aaiion iiJ Tome other P6fn(ts; becauTe tUeir'FihTaintes| -^re hot perhaps well m^i^iT; Becaofe fomc pf their M— rs are hot hSasMiy ' to ourl , ^interi*l! ; becaule they hav6 hot purtAualljf ; jKffiJfmM tfe Military Pairt Jrt theli' T#e«tie f, thejp, Aj^^th in«ft. ac< ai?.y rat» .fee cftn^inpa'd as m«H tfwii fefflii^/Barga»ft9., . qChnti*' They are blam'd,,, but 'ti$ ^hjg pr^voKcs 'him I and 'tis pufc^ foe this RieafeD.^ is fo njuiJh oflfendedwith the Heft Arrt^lli^f cWs Trctoy, That .tbe Erapertrand; ihip,jMari- nme Powcrfr (hall ioinclvwith the ICmtf of F«!N8« endeavour, 4hat King a-«r^S[ then Arfh^pMke)ihaH.l»wint».P9)|feffipn of 1 ' • \" all b 7^Spmrt^i3i% the King his Predeceffof pof. ftfs'd it. In which Article this woiidrous Manfinds-a W^rld of Nonfenfe and pontra- diaidn ; becaufe by the Grartd Alliance the Maritime Powers might conquer what they could for themfelves in the^p^'Jfc mft-ln^taf ; i And by a Secret Article in this very Treaty, fome Places both in Sfain and the Indiei) ajre to be given co the Kine of FortugaL B^t dpes this Aiithorreally take nis Readers to he fuch Fools, as to think' theife is. aiiy Comra^jai- on in thisy becaufe he is pleas'd to call it \p ,H As to the J fipft Gbjeaiofij this Treatj ivvas' ground^ on the Orahd AUianfje, idxq wJtii9h| as the Preamble fets forfchythe l^ing QRh»i"^dications th« FrewtK^ughaji gij Vcft, that he intended to make 5m<> AjRro. ylnce'to frantt i andi that >y his Tr^a^M with :^<^»*« he had onlyackiiowleiJg^d the Dttke of A^joH as in Poiieffion of Spam^Ml not as having a juft .Title, to it ; upou thefe and other Gonfiderations he thought fit K) cn-f "tcrintb this Treaty, to provide In the mofi #- aualmanmrfortbt'Safety ani Liberty •4>f bpain,. gndtbe Rigbt of Succeffien tothofs Kingdoms. Ijl this Treaty then an Entrance into the Gr audi Alliance, at the Invitation of thofe whQ ha^ made that Alliance, and ihall it neyerthelei' ' be pretttided, that any Arocles or Glauifts m • that AUiartce are voided By this Treaty, made intwrfiianceiof it, unlefs they, ate ,^pr,ell)fl ^Xxir^A tmA APLcUreA VOlH ?.Is nOt thlS AXt^l 6le to be undettlood with fuch Exc(5|»ti^njf are already made preyioufly , tfi> it by tpp k% iP.Vv-' tte eceffof poC- s ; wo!»drous and Cjono-a- AUiance the jr what they irery treatyj tie Ii«<^'«jare rai BMt dped rsto.he fuch topall«foj i>1frca|y:ivvas' i, iJitp wj^ii^hi ^ing of forr id thaii^J&ing itf was miiil^yl l^iig,hadg^ his Tr^afiesl iwleiJg'd ihel ; upoa thefel aght fit to en- I the mofi effc- '.Yty-cf Spain,! Kingdoms, m to theGfM tofe wha ha^l t neyertjielej orGlauffisifll Treaty, madel ate ,expr,eflj| not this ArtH tiis concerned ? Was ever this Ohje^ion be- fore ftartcd ? Do the Maritime P6>yers allovli' their Hands to be by this* Article tkd up from doing, if they think fit, what they are allowed by the 6th Articte of the Grand Alli- ance ? Or h^s King Charles, or his Father, or his Brother, ever pretended, that the Right [we had by that Anicleto what we ftou'd Conquer in the Wefi-Indies, is taken away, br given up by this ? What then does this Author mean by thefe chimerical Contradi- iftibns, where no-body elfe has ever dreamt jof any ? There is no manner of Inconnften- :y between the Two* Treaties, but one is jgrounded on the other, and made to purfue 3ie Ends of it : And his other ObjedHon, if 'poflible, is more ridiculous, That we hokt \this very Article iH Favour of Portugal, fyfttb^ \feijU9nt Stifulations. Is an Article of the fame (Treaty, a fuhfequent Stimulation to that Treaty? Or is a Treaty cpntradiftory to it felfj be- caufe the Parties Contrafting for the Reco- very of the Whole 5;><»»//?i Monarchy agree by a Secret Article to give a fmall Part df it I to the Perfon they contrad with Tor his Af- fiftance ? Suppofe Three Perfons agree With a Fourth for tne Recovery of a great Debt> and to engage him in it promife nim, if the Debt be reeover'd^ that he fliall have fuch a Share for his Pains : Would any Man in his Senfes fay that one Part of this Suppofition is a Contradiiftion to the other ? Or that the Agreement to recover the Whole Debt is srstj-iiv-j UVWC3.UIV L/jr mt> saiiiy.! x^^t wxt^wftf^ s W2~ tain Share of it is to be given as a Reward to the Perfon agreed with to affift in the Re- covery ? h'mB<4^m/i^iO'bi^i£^ani which is (cuiyj ^w^^4'w}^| %dlurcAy» lie deny'il hy xiq. tpdy » ^ilie Aisthor's own. ^ Thai Foftn of lliftSeaf«9r>toi4M>iiA& thiis;: 'Ziiiprorjacd, mfSA^itl^mon has thiiAnthor of his ^^1 dcr(».iirtieii he trumipliscwidb To much inibJ )«nce. in his. owii Nonfenfel Jlf^ »>io»reri ti«r ^wytf'mhtthtmt p9C€etUlfr«m Ccrtvp9 ••^!^^^/*^''^ r^-Anfwer ta,w I mul '1)c4b|uft'^this Author as to ckarh^n M .the Iqfipmscfon o£ Siuipidity rlAad ifwhd ^ iiyf proceeds ^wholly from Gorrupriotii. iif ..©rtlflhrtoifca c6nAdfit*ix thatth© Meani ufedj < and .me .Took- cmploy'dy fljould always .la-opcij for tlie C^4ife tohe jnaimain d.. i^. '>Which leads me to the ofcheh Qicftfei -t\m msCy very wefl b^askU^-How >ht$ Aa -thit^rxOtt'd'srenture.unan fogrofs a Mifrepf .iftiMtspit of thefe Alliances . 'Or esaifeath* fflhottU.xpafs. Mfichout a Dilcovery? Whic. necdsjid other Anfwer, reir^ t>if< i^^i r^ "^li^Jt^^ Mifrcprefema^Joiis, or Jtt * leift, * foJid qfctucatKto orthem • and if «hfe ddUiy^ a whlffi,and his thick-teidLifcscGuM but I whwtftgr Jhould, their Potrtt wsrs anfwcr'd i pndiftcrent, whcrhcr the KfcoVeTy weins maa* ■or not ; - my body mIgHt hav^ their hsive c <> t lilprovc tiieir ties, whcnthay tiave no fiu^- pec ufc for th^m. ...^ .^ ... ;il^X^J^ A^h^ices' with P^tusal/^A /cU asJ^eBarner-Treaty^being only in MSS ifJrS^ wto^the Author dr this Sc^a' •' • nni?ff^^ Tis highK. probable that there /odW 'rtl^ke/udv a > ufe of them j and^ thl ^fvL f /i^''^'^* toicorrupc ehem Them- nl^ u*^ ^^^"^y ^^^'' >n fii<^ wicked hMnl ^^5- .^^«„ always reckon'd Sat^- Jhin^s ;. and Che Reafpns of State makek ■ ighly fit they ihould be fo, rcputed^fince ipvctwisen i>nn^, without which they- ^Jiippjwt thejn](elTes, , -And if they ar^ iffcr.d^tobe.trampW oil, aal-treaced \^^ ^ th9 C 4^ 1 ^e HMs of their AH ies. ^ And for thefc Xejf " Jntoce, when our. Princes, while the Prince thac . made then \va^ pn the Tluofife, and the^TreatieJ ini F5fce, were ever exposM'tb the €,cit^%Grtipt m their Subje^s , in f6 publick and impudent aj Mij^iier, and declarM to btt ii»^<>*.4»»^'/i»/ili' ^rgains. ' Thij is ^ (glorious InHance of- the tender Regard foqie Men have' for ihe-Hoj nour of "the Crown. For furo wt^ are, thi'' nbrable Performance, doe'i _ n^^-^ohierfror Men of any other Chara(ae|:.i('-^: >r[. ;■ ^t)^ut toproteed r After 'tl^fe^ choice 'RcJ marks of our Author upon^^pei^rt^l,' whic? i have fhewn have no other 'f^ult,.b«it:tiis they are an Obftruaion to the^c^ci fhean Jiis Friends are fo fond 6f jia^aTwb^her at leaft are no way concern^ irtfiliieAtgi mentinhand ; he comes at lift ti? the Propc fition he was. to prove, F. 42. buthas-ftrang ly changed the Words of it ; For ii>ftead proving, Jhzt we fuffer*d tach ef om.AUUsi break evtry Article in their 7«i»riw, .which ^ undertook to prove, P. 21. fend- pretends ha$ prov'd, P. f 8. ; here, I^. 41. he nropolj only, tO' coMer in wBaP wanner our jmies hai olfferved tbofi Treaties they maS with HSj,iapd ti fivtral Stifuhtitms and J^etmenU 'pHrfmntf them. And inftead" of ihewing/W mb i ottrAUier have krbken each Mick 4f their trd tier, he attacks>k what Mows, «nly tb Emperor, the States', and the King oiP^t^^ snd i^ arhc^^ fay^ againft th« ^M^ov^irft,. I \oc^ niti This* is: the TrJ /;• ^tat© of ithc >lj/ft Augaientation that i +5 ] f«.»SCamf>.gn,, fimher MJitim4 Fcru, -JZ i T } rfj" f^f^" ""^ ^'ff'y * Dutch pa. Lift of tl,e Jorec^ in the Dmh1f^i«, hen- tevtcral Addiawisio the Troops in theirSer- irAuthentifik, with the Aecotint giren by •CM' te more felfe than to fa?', 7l»» S «^ *«, S«^^ ,/, Dutch '^JjJjlrkT. mentation was made upon a P«-. fo « t .at service. There were indeed in the Year I ijoft. looor^teiwr taken into-theS EtoWifllmcnt.never fenr'd there,T,ut in Sp^in • lAeWe thereat that time wqnLw [«• .^'^"'Tn lieu of there, it appeal by. the Lift, of the Forces in thi D.r.TC' \tr.-^I •"."««* ihe^ Herie againft the next Ywr with 8 Men in a Troop, amount! mg in the whole to near nbo MeS 1 def^^ it"^'^ 'Ws A;«h<*, When h2^t«rS Kv I-'k' '?'«' *efe Proponions wcS^ by which the Owti ^„v«> lefM th!it Sh«te , jfter thp Krtl AugmeotaV at a As As to the Parliamcntiiiy Addroflfes to -the 6--.-n, that the StatismiilH beJUfirUto ^/ir^ thtW Viofi^'miy I muft tell this Wmer> that whateTer wa$ done of this Kind, was upoa general Rumpu« only, an^ /J^^ "P**" ^X, FaAs. that ippear*d before the Houle. Nor ii ju^y thine- more groundUfs, thanV^e pr^ tTnded met, he fays, thefe Addroflcs )iad upon the States , ri&rff J*ry tluitd tbtm b) m^j iSntL fbeir troofs S0minal Cprfs; as they i^i UieiPii$iMPfbt lumbers of RegitMHPs, »««>^ Author, aftet all the Pains taken hy fo mamr EmilTaries, has very ill Intelligence, or afe he had khown* that there Is not In all this oiie SyllaWe of Truth, the Dutcb^ Corjpi ate fo far ^rom being JSTomtMl, that they are the compleateft in the whole Service. No troops arefo-ftrialy muftet^J, at kaft once in the Campaign ; ^and every Captain *s obligM', upon Pain of being broke . w have his Complement to a Man. And tftis^w a Strianeis obferv'd in no other Troops, thati^ the next Complaint is againft the MatiH ner in which the Dutch Troc^s are employ d; a eomplaitit as unjuft and groundlefsarth^ former. He fays. The mm t^m we conqair,^ ihe worfe Condittm vHanm, Maufe they mhe noSuruplefffemflojing the Trtcp of their ^ota^ uwards £arrifoning every town^ asfuflaiats takm, %i^ ctAttriry to'ihe J^^htent^^f^ fe{t4\.*n:. MiXVit Iwifh Iwiftl I vi;ryf . . C 47 -3 I wifli thU Author wou'J have given us the Words of this Agreement, and (hen I b«Iiev<;, we Ihou d find tlie Garrifm txcluJed, nieaiti thG Garrifon* of the Towns tl)ai a? klwe time belong d to them, and not the Jow^s tha.t Ihoud be taken in the Prpfec^miw pf t,W War ; tho* had ic been fo cxprefs»*d , it ^ughc nocjn Equity. to- have been cjji^pikd fo far a« this Author wou'd havo it ;/n(«hing ld[s being .in their Thoughts, at the^riwa otthat i^^^""'* ^b« VuH ^^5j.^ Nu*r ,flf 4ttt»g Towns coud be fo«;.'4,frp|n -fc PQWpr- fU an Enemy, or that he fliou'4 fiiSr;S, bn^ fo?« he cou'd be broMght to fubravf m a goad mcei. There!vv(ei;e.Caresnotforefefin: But ^•MW>rdQm.aiad.CondM^ of TOY UMM-Ji t^Jmpakft: ia^qsMirifon in ^i;^^4;aiipwg ^jrCanipaigns , are very ifu^f^f^^rzhlt |bl$4w^0RsG I know, cQuUrtwk thi^J^ftf^ cnoi^,., f9ir,a whqIeAwny. Buc hM ^race kninv; b«^,(o eniploy his.Troops r«^;;ter p. rj)ofe%,,#^Mt remJlMrw Qarr^ lon^re a 1 lifle c^mpax'd t» the wiholp Army.; and generally fuoh Regiments, as in thi S^ampaigii before have fofferU io much , a5 jiQt tp be in a Condition to tak? the FiqW, Uou d indeed terithij Writer^ pffome E^, /ii& Regimentj.thafc have ftai^ in;Garriroo, becaufe they were tm weak to, (i^e the ^ieWl tho tie Service has not been th^ Qcc^aonpf their. WeaknefH but rhis I am, Sre.heM rat^r nof hear.of^ ' . ' •vA§;fQrjtheT^wn$thjK^,B^^ Armies, they indeed We ia tlim. Jame£ . Viarrg'ons; but yet, to iFiiy WiifbftSe - ffiould iKpuld happen, thole wfib thmk now fo nia- ny - i'rdbfe' we< phBcftt«5!, thste-^npon st^Wi^ptdtoi a geheral? Aftionv Gatemj at^V^ fejikfenV>that'the grleattjf^ Part^ offthem ihotiM itihi^He>Afmy.'-*)^ caA^W^he'Slame of ift«*rki«ri Invodld'put ;hffi^it'feiM' ,^Hhat >4t w4^ aiBbdy Mof15roop5 tifon^?^ put into th«mv-^r/^/;>«f* ?*«/ 4Y^tikmy If hbwon'tfpareaay frjtwn'h^'^^r-l my? But topafsthisNonferife'? Otir AuchofJ ipottdtedes diJs Complaitit fgainft th^ ^''^4 j^d ; ^ixcratagam of any in th<^ ^hol^ Bool^'J i /s ProJ)ofition.:H 7*^ «t .%r*y fty$ l^i ^r^m'i, Brittdlfe 0lcnerfH4mt4it^fnr tiati'Servke, W ^ft- hemfinffim r©ir*'f4rif. This is fuch afoolifli,^ I iH-iContm'd J^^Ntmlon, that one warns fii Name fo;: icw n€f' id had not beeft ibtendc4 for iblnr^¥eI^ ftoit'^iiv'd Purf^fe^ *tis fcaF0^ jcrwHhfcf^y Wriret^ihoii^dtfo far'fof^ Mmif ■ tfel^ asJnot t* havtf mareR^rd ta Probab^i' heyj^tr Wb ft(Mb'Mm «ho monftrous FoHy and? ,^T^^-^^*^'^^«^^^i I muft make a. nieefeiUrefif NAmhersj ahdto be as clear .^s |po»We^> 'I wiH- make » GalcuIacJoa ^^ I thofo m Wayi be fuppo j d to be bcft acOHaijueal ' wkk' I Ja;!thiif>Eftimate ef the 40, odo Mew furnift'd ^r^£»^/^,i^ ,f6rthe Service in Flanks |4eri^ ii^Btftailionsof Foot are compiKe^ to- Y^Ar^V M«iif ^nd FivcRegimehtsof I|of%^ land Two of DragoQii5> making inalt iwh" ■Sqtradrdnsi »!<& reck6n*dt6 be ^^21 .-aitdth^*, rottl of the- Forces in He* Majefty's iW fpij. v RJ*»*wi!^> ii647ii^ 5 and d^Jduaitig thfc'i^od^^' P4%W*, whichvas I obfcrvM, ar&itt Sfti«iy .' thdfe^rwnaifls only 627*4.' NowJde is»^,hemP?^ •!Wfiy'S;^dh)rts and Batallions^his Number '2 *miak<^^^c.the!;Rdtetibc Englifk$ Squadp^njitri nii^ Ba««fifotts^ atef reokdrt** in d^e i(^ai*>u ^»^Mdii9 the» <$8 *qtiaiibomi5gMii3|a8a>»-x Id^^iidw togefher 48j4f , and 140S8, and G the ^|« ITf^jfifer/ Forces ia JHcr XfaieiiyV l^ay.^vf. ' j ' Tbefe are all fhe Troops tmder the i^uke p(f Ar-^-+-,v«hat aine paid by us, befides TwOj Batallio^s of the Foot Guards^ which make •ahout 1209 EfTedtve Men. Lcr n$ now isoH^^^re an Army 9 confifting of f2,BatalU'< pns^ an4 68 Squadrons, with the whole rhac ift commanded by theD. of Mt^—^ which,if I this Writer 6ys true, muft i)e Ids by on« Squadron, or oneBatallion at legflf butiC Wilookfortfae 0. of M- — VArgiy inany Line if Battel, many of which are priftted | every Year in the comnEipn Ncwsr-Paptrs, we I iQiail find a gicat deal' above twice that Num- ber of BataUions, and more j^n tiirice that Kumber of Squadrons. • Npw outliers it q90 )^c provMv that ft BataUions are< more than about an Hundred^ and Twenty or Thirty, ipf wh^ch thofe fa ere a Pact ; land that 240 iSqiiadrons are Ids than 63 of the (am'e Squa- if^rons, this Author muft ackiiovKledjpie, j;hat ^e Total of the Queen s Forces^ which -he l^affirm'4 to be bigger than tiieD. df ikf— !s Armjf, is really not half fo big; ^cjmpirm jPorccs not included ; tho' this Author^ don!t (pgccept them, and in cotnmon Bfteem they %pe confiderd as 'One Arn>y» But perhaps isHcif^ Troops . liad left FAun^/^ whenvthis i^aiftge was writ,: Which icYeem* %o have been during the Campaign ; tho' h^kadlu'afms^hil ■mys^^^pub^iHj^-fomeK .For had a Mail Vnt ata Seafonj'vwhcit the Armies wdre oiit siito^\ jHfJifr4fm -^ moM^ F^rm i^- n&f-JW.. And %y:^v> ^■& what ^^"^"tl^ ^^'^^•^rWhlteifTQiiarters; ap-f 6«^ I^Iy to be ftucl in, fiifcc the Bodfc WSB .^^WTf, haying no Cotinc«oii vSth wh4£ goesr tfeforeu' ctt*,fcIlo?vs-aftfeR Aik froirf fie^ 1 n^^ this llefleaib^j fft'at thfe B6afc ha^bei^ updri the Anvil, a^ long is theCjaufi icis to ferve has been iiegotijatfiig • , aii^ tha; the ma^xeft Affs were ufiij^tSfuin (lie' 0i of M--'-, at the fame.tine that Wip wey^ tbld^ fome iVfiai yi^^ l^teft Firfai(^| 0mt^ doiSc t6 this C^nfflaiiit a^flr Ae 0^^ for not coming diitirely into the Pro^ ^q^f for.WuiterrQuaiteh : 1 dbferfe; to th^ Honour of the 5ftttfe/,thait this Author chared *¥?:'^}E^^<^"^f'^^ ^" *6 OfteratiS^ 0f thife War fot Nine tears i Th?t>tehtf aos charge them ;^ith, is i^bfireai* of any Trpaty, unlefs this Jlutiiot c^ pirottf tHat the Mtch are bound to come irtto 411 thte PtiAeeti the General fliall propofe : That if thS^ did iipr come into this^ 'twas not for tji^ Re^forii affign'd by hipa, whtti he fays, the Jutfiidtt ii^ar reduced to tbifjhd^ Ijf^t^ methet ikefimcii jhokU itfe tUts faukry Benefi arijsn^ hy Cpmrihitf^ ^ CIS plain by his nianfier of ^pj^m^h^dit te he has fe^ the Papers iHsfeting ta tftis Afc fair. ; and that he carfc ha(ve ^oSe; .ir|tWb^ ieamingiTora chein, that the.^/^rt/ niide fe*. mailObjfedionsto thisProJeamat to'tt^M nifeh a number of Troops into that WtoMet: <3 z W6flM ./,.... ■ i^i^ttld :i»manyfffpcfts be vei^y moonvenipic %'(t|f9\Ti^iiiJi^^d render te '■'iiitM^ the ;H*'*^%'y anC fhfc Qwn vxo- ^'([ifei^v Am^lfi* befides Forage, they wottild agree to 'it. TOs England diaxbn(tatxa- jatiotis for the R^eption and Subfiftance of ib many Trooias 5 and. fothis Projedi i^ part, .was forced tobe laid afi4e.,tho' the-' beft Care X Ja^b^esi taken ;that -theEiecudoii of it might f?^ vhfltlbeiptt fpi^waiit iof sTainei and to that v cfii^ my iosd S^T-w (^ it ,1 '^ the bcgmmhg 6f /?irfy. .;, W,i^,.^: ',iVJis to the Infinuation about, tft^ fttuUry Be" ■ni& of Contributions, this Authbr knows 'tis j fWhottJ? gromidlefs ; that the'5*<»/« have fuffi- •qenflydearUthemfclyes in that Point ^ and .iliewn that the'Jreaty for Contributions was jn^de^ bdbr» this Defign was fomfd : And ;that this Treaty did interfere but li«le with 0:' . tl^. Frojetffc, tff m^dertbt £nehiej ereBk^ Maga- V jclflM, fincfe that Tre'aejr.bnljr Stipulates, that . ith Tr^H^ ^f thpfi-Cbunttles mJ& Cmy*htm, — ■.•J' ai^*^* %s-f^r-£ a ^-v">*p- siji:titouC«MntrKs was 'entirely (iareaw) by . . E 53 ] Wttm Matter, and this Wntcv^^paHltn^Z -nimn^fe Sunyj and lus |riend* ha>» be^a Jjafcthe B. of i^ had a good ihare of k r ac ^^ lame tunc that they knew,. *tis by Hmtv miiMm the Stgttf, in confideratlow ©{The Contt^mjoiis;^-^!ir .. . ,<':,.T^.v v . ^ Iv.'^' T^ S.K?^'^ ^«her ini relation to fcl' 2^i!^r:->:' rh^!^_y« 'was n7- r~'7^V-, ^"""^^ vur iiiitnors \Point that h the Projcdl at laft, ^iho^t/S^ fufl % '-^ Lht- fi*H ^xtenfbf It,, ha^ b^en fo far ipomjily*^ v*ith, as i6 enable ii^ to hindtr the l^oieroy; from maWga H^w tine , apd cutttej off Soiuffai», M they 4cfikn*d ift theirlaoi Af-* tcimtt.; ^Ich, It It W)u'4'not iead itb toj| f^ ftim Tny3i3bje<£t, I puM give jbrdaa Suf, tjiabns; 'thatS:)vas,imde,i«iC9rtQerti t»for- ^at^'the (kipe iwod. jEnd tWs Bpok ^yas wrki ft^: ihi 'tis fiot a litdt kemarkPc, ' th^i thi N^\ys df k af n^d tli'i? mjrrdie i>-^t irieti aSer '^)^ Frpt^op^J; and had the L^r!| 6c^ iJi".thJit.$fofiiiqg as rcgufaA^^ th^| ' ftou'd teiire done, it might liaye had i hm Iji^hc« 6](j; tl^e ILefoluti9ns that tficn wer)^ to by whxQh we ftall fee thejrhavA . Jfjr <>'>j 'J 7/ t5S] ^iF pay abOtt^ }^h^Sj: I;an(J.Men: And bfirtfc^ there is no^OMgatJpn to mak^ ay A4ditK)nto their Fleet ontliat Accoum. iut wo are ^Wnf^jbeyntinnr onctfioitiMMr "y^y Sea ; or if Jmeftw o/^fer%/ wJ. ithtn affear i^nwat no more than APpearh£^ tHey immediagfyffjufrateitoroek to their M^ [k»ff, sndfrote^ tbcir TraJe : Vj^hich is a thiiifc iiey^are, it fecms, very careftl in j and 't§ luch fortheir Honour,and vnti enable th^ny 'ftaftre fo fmall a Stare , to hojd oi|t ib ex! leiffive a War muph loneer thai^ th^y Wl kave done;otherWife, ff tberefcreThi? Afo. heSr;:CaPe of their Trsde a Reproach to [hem ^I heartily MTifli it coul^ be retorted lipon-ijs ; who ^ci* certain have not been fc i^reful; as the Icri// more than opc^ iavji hewn in thpir Refrefematims and AU'eiitQ :he Qii^n on this Sub|ea; And 'tis no?,9t ^ovc a Twelvemonth fince our VitfinL Flea ^as^unaccountahly loll upon our &aft , ^ knt of a little 2>«/tA Care! |i^m ^iM Kttthor wou'd tell us, whgt it wa$. we prjl! >$d to do^with our fleetsi, when w« fill w ^':%^/^i«ns at % begiiinipg ^^might be alile to. be %Mtch }otM ■pemy by Sea, aj wellas JLgnd? And haw ^^been able to JhewJtMjJiereS^^^ '•^ri^^'f ? ?" ^WT^^4 or th^ m^^f-mdlm^ potthtDutpi and . we. fegfs fbn»^ »*p«lin#ife ■ tb ,thp ft^x? Itfeif thrf I>utih liS fte^Pt!r fo mdnV : Ships, ,1 H^Hbvd They af6 foo I^ni^liiidCahtltiiii? aPeopIe to| be Ibhdof lExp^iticm^, mij^^ dear,! and thtt'Sticcds -of v^tch'is fo'>hce«*in J and' ■ xlcpeiid? iDti 'lo many Accidents : ah^J which "when tHcv liicccM' befti ' feldoti^ fiTiJ to i^ih tell the 'Shit>$ and Troops ehi^pyV «>n thofeSerVicgs : and tKiiy" wiII1>e'coftfirm'f in this Op^lwiity oiir fate BSpfeditioW t« t^w^^Wf. But I Ih^l hare bocl^ffbn to ia 1 . [ - ' « fools of this in another P l^t as if we ihight fufre> , greatly 1jy^;'eh« Failure of theD«fci& in this Piirt^Wi-ffmy -wml v^eUrememhery fays our Autfi^i when thoMl Guarantees dfottr SucceJJioni 'afi^ia'vhig wH m Shif for warn 'Months togtthit i»'^i&e Mediterrflj hean, fenittat fttit of their <1«pta thlfher ; anA fiinH]h*d nothing to us^ at the finih^me tbafihtfi alarm*dtfs wit tj the Rumour (f imJnvafiott, , Thlfl Paflage t^ift^ ^ri Infiik on^ th^.Dutch^ as Gua] raniees^y the Batfier-Treaty, of our Succelfi] bli, Ihbuld x€\kt td'fotoctWfig that htoppeh^fl fmcc:' aftd tliet&feMcan'fbbk nb'Tai^hef bacif than \^ tfar.if Ali4 ^f ' thai Wm A^ehpr^ Meajilnte' *the^ are'feW l%«ag^ in m^ Be^^ more mallcidufe 'Irhtiv^nghd^n tfj^neo*^ fidefatidn of ine I'Oiiure iviraifs were ns^^ 5p;>. thou^ '^rdpcr ; '^ the'- J5%l?|fc 'i , Wtt<;h iqaadi-ohs ihould i<^tinue all Winter in in the Mediterraman, nonttiLsy to the ufual PW^ioe, tlie States fcnt Two Expniffes overw^ UaiAQ.Gmod, and 1 think qae by Sea*: v with Iixftruiftions to their Adminl not tp re*. \ I ^"fiJ' »^ theft, Expreffefunfottuimely^-,, mi^ him, he did rcfuftx: Upon whicfc.:^^ they: [immediately ordered another Squa^^ ; to be fitt«5d out;, ^qwl defire this Author tc? V tell mi i( M %« did not do aU that couUri, Ihe done m, the*. Circumftances. But our^i \Aut\miSkySytiij/ftn-nfjfi*dMthmg to w, aithtV, yamf ti'f9*it^fhejf aUrmUmwitb the Rjtmour 0/ '" 4» Jffwj^;!..,! T^iemb«?r indeed, we wera.;!!: darw-^jw^h^fuch a RMropur, and that it eavaC V^U Wwce^ an4 that fe veral Perfons were ':^ iot.a-htMetow4i?aten,foruring their be^ ' ^nd«av(Mjft togive us the earlieft Cx|;eUigencc Uieypoud. AllJatpre caa*^ fe SW^ jjway ? And Iftttw; How ho ki^w^ tbe-lhift!* wbdd not h^e'Aikt f^mo Ship* m bw* Afll- Sfninour; whith fiinc-e jt'<^d rtoti thWeiwasino <[>ccafion f«^ thcic H'^lp. Biic ftA ^fi <^ ttectftion^ nr tit became fffntUch Pkat Uet 'under fa. many greai Ohli^atlonstottt. Jr^ porP^ Jtteh a one as thojeonly deferi'e , ^^0 ittftonttnitt ^ake. Our !^i!tfior% Refentraehts now tan hiSi; H'(o6pS'i6 thmft we flibuW detnand Satl8fcdlion;';ai§d' It might, m -Imitation ©f rprnfer l^xamflles> ' Nvere our Mitliof Chief Minift^r, WtfiM^iti due time Pafrt of a> P^ daration fof sn6tlier Dt*teh Wett; which in , fevcral Place* Kfe' feems to ibh^ for. But. to the point, if Ki had told iii the Parttenlars of th is R ece ptibn, he fliould ^ have a more diftinA Anfwer'to it. At fr^fent, I muft ohferve, that this is the fim 'Gomplaint«f tins :^ind in Ten. Years. 'An^'thcp if Sir James did not fucceed jft KIs JJfeTin^, -twas l^caufe the tfutj^ %efe- fteitHei* able t6 do What was defirld ; neither d^-lit'cometirtd enough for it jtht^ St^ite of the War both by Sea and Land forthat Yedti biii^g'^x'd be- fore his ArrivaK' ' "Which imA^ jr impoffible for the Admira^y-of Wlapd'tb^^o^piy with any new Propolah ' 'As^for ^llit States, they hiive always beh^y^ t^eipifelV^^'wkh la\Q ut- moft RefpeiSt to the CJ^-fri^^^anidfaluft Re- gard to the IntereftT oF jH^r I^ebple i Aflji iiave, we all Uf^owymQ^^Hf^i'ir^ —- 4.4«lU WJ -'-■ -■-'■, .iny? Mm ,# ..^•j...jA'%i lat they ^d was) no linfiBIe l^roof K)f thdr jjk ^es J as Is % forth W jto It Q^ft of K a D=fici«?„ "''/if^f ^S«.aU<*« farts 'M ^'iWr?#^ ''^^ ""y prndently let it fell .,i|>^a?lV|*ff?t, whfifp.kf would be Icaft felt. "« I W-A^vLT^*"'^^/ '? «" 'his Author has or Chief ■ »„<} a» c^.-^ --.--....u ivn^n at una: whie«^|s?S I^A^f ^Wr A|M««s,iad a Ifaif L,- But. to arttehlaK i a more :, I muft ijrfaintof liai if Sir !)Te fd^^ , ,%j;ivVivI i):i; ■G'i/;. a; if. JnSjMi'f'f .0., amount.^a^ &3t "f^^Ps wh'cli are not w- eitber..)of , thofe Eftl- tef#brai •r--.rti. ii#irfoj i,j ■e^ or the Campaigh, ex-; ,,#,VfhfcK an; fex^«a Mi^V rwie bum, Mi ^ 4' -. Moii'if / 6a) io ^lijtency for lecruWs of Men V * andHorfes, &c. • « } ■^*fag»»iK5 of Forage, -— - JFor the S«-Scfvicc, above ) r}X what aritesfrom the Du- V ^ ^--^o^ -. ^^s of Iihportarioii andl ^'^'*^??,v?1 Z,)IOO€^ 00 j 1^6X0000 00 irr pxii of IihpprcaHofi £i0ort9Cf»it, •tf*. Tft7868n (\ } I ' n^ubfidies to feveni Alliefj ti ' -'.'ft I ^;i!'^p;j^: ^^•' A ; Ifl afl— ^ ^8^16710$ > i Jh^icIi Sum at 'i i Gilders to ■ri^ iChjB Potind Sterling, i$ » '^ And- that we may make the truer |adg> , ment of the Expence the '5^«tw/ are at fro :;?ithi^ Eftimate, I muft defircthe Reader t jvtiakc along with him thefe Three Remarks. J- I. That the Revenue arifing from the Pla- .jiCesthe Dutch are poflcfs'd of in Rrakam 9n^ Flanders, and of aU the Places in the Gmm :Mifj, fuch as BreJa and others, that are notl -properly a Part of the Seven Provinces, all this Revenue is appropriated to the Payment ^^of Charges not within this Ettimatc. j 2. ThSteach of the Seven Provinces apart -i$ at the Charge of all the Parts of its own ^,.C.iyil Government.- .;! '?:V IJ;; r V That there is not on<^ of the Provinccj ^ifhat has not been obliged td borrow fron y^mr? to time very great Sums to furnifh theii _ Contingent fpr the War ; and confcqueml) 'thcFs is nonet of, them that dc-es not p^ Anpott whi^)i I flu mate U vehiie < thatrth [portion whfGli St does: Allies, afi^io thor ha ments , thenuyf and mc them:* afBrms< time th( on each of any. i give the Nor i feveral c into thi ing ho\ Provinc almoft e coniuiM Countie They hs Annually a great deal for Ii^crcft ; none of wlu^ji ^ocy is rec^onM in H^t $fiimftee» f fhall, without iaytng mc^re o$ ifhis BftW mate leave i^ to the Conftde^ation of ^it ^9»Miy A«{'%1> ^^! ^^ corai|e tht Re- venue of tti^ l^^Katlons with ^he Annual ^fcnce of each, tpd then afl^i% if ..lie can, thatrthc Welfibror ;^H War dof^ nqt lit Pro- portion lieheavic upon he DWcd chan us ; which till^hen^ k 1 mh the Lijhcrty to fay it does : Which is ^ « nee * full Anfwpr to all that has beej| Qi^^e^^:M (aid againft them. And if ^hfey wjcfecajiwc; of Jf^^rting their Allies, and going Into ttie In^eraft of FratKc, after fo mu«;h$uecefe againft them, this Au- thor has furnifli*d, thcji^ ,with tetter Ai^ur ments , than any Jf# has brought againft them. For if chcy have" done aBitney can, and more than they ca^, whicK is true of them :• And if what ttiis Writer every where affirms of oiir Condition, is true of us, *tis time there iliou*d be an end o^all ComplaintS4 on each Side ; and that they lhou*d be glgi of any Pca^je the J^rend will vouchfafe to give them.1 ^ ■;. ■::■..;'' ^ - '^-.'V.;<- ." Nor is the' Expcnce of their Sieges, and feveral other Condderable Articles, reckon'd into this Account : And therefore confider- ing howvery imall a Territory the Seven Provinces together make- that they lubfift almoft entirely by Trade, and That is moftiy confined to one, .which is not fo big as fome Counties in England:, *tis truly wonderful to *""'3"V ^1- . uu -^ y — — y *«SVc uiauc t They have omdo^ the Kxpc^ation even of th«^ loth td mte''^mn^\\;mz]itik -mt-i 6een fp rqgulaf ; buc licatonotfee 'bu 4lt^t peceffaryConfeguencetheSlo\ynefs-6fthel^^fcJ ftre,aWe\o'make'quick,5Pft5rtfieiirt^ We ftouH whistor.the J5dir.rA do 6t>6r:pknfi >)^he;i^\r6j ftx^;M^ % We 'fii^n Aot'l whidr ij th^t-'Cafii. .;'V • , "■ '-'Y'f'-^* • '■'- putth^ 'taikes^h^iate Em^efof ,0 .task i^ekt; btit wh^^hfeiias to fey .QftBtt tiris attd( bihef if cads, ^fia'aiir dthei* featteh'd Ot»je(5Eidns. oJ I luft leave to be confider*d in a TllrdTartl this being already too big j wl^ich I perfuade my felf every fair and candid Reader will for- rive,when he confiders that this Able Writer kn crowd more falfe Thines into one Page, khan can fometimcs be fet nght in Ten. I We nothing to add, but to dcfire the Rea- Jer, in Juftice to our AUies, to make '^ue Al- lowances for the many unavoidable Imperfe- ftions in this Defence of them, which they are much abler to do themfelvcs ,• and I am jerfuaded, if we had a good Minifter from Holland, or Coxaxt GnUas were ilill .lere, nei- kher the States , nor the Houfe of Aufiriay ^vou d vjfaiit tg be defended by an Englij^ ^Vr ■ T'^i ''■? *'"^'''il''^ ^^'' 'sf^i 2ji1 c' A LIST ^^xn\'\ iMi^i--#^ttrv %Mm x^uwiij^M^ a il A a .> jr .f'v ii-nn ..Bi^-,L.'6) ■.ft :y!>U I ■s^9 '1/!;' ' •■ >JVJ, ^«*$h|^ ■-•'-•'^^"'o'^" ■•s^^lof , "^^'i^ e|t'7^»it tu N^SVv' vd fofiA « {,'.««*»»^-*^-' -.^el- I * m i;. . . iib iilr'i LIST of the Trottps the State of the United Provinces km in their Service attheVeace (f^yij^k , Mi of the Aug- dentations made j^ce that Tinu to the Tear 11 n. [otfe4tig. TpHE State of theUx ''?•.??*' ' ^ajted Provinces kept )t 40889. in their Serrice, at the " ■■■■^- Jfacc of *7/M/yi, 46,000 4©^oo9. Men,both Horfe and Foot, •— — which, at the Return of 1 B* the Guards from England^ Jjiiferd fome fmall Altera- tion, both in the Proper- ^ Hon between the Horfe ne 4fox. andFoot,andinj:heNum. *§• i^9«. bcr I hat without any Dk minutioa of the Expencc : fo that at the Death uf K. CbarUs II. of Sfa'm , the State |^?H — 18399. 44;99fi« [rfe 1440* At the Beginning of the Year 1701. the State' — — by irtty «rf jaeqnifesy with t7*494* • I An4 44999^^ ^7i494»' Horfc 41 8S, And raifed at the iam* Joot 10842. Time , 72. -Compames of ' Horfe , and 165 of Foot, k A ¥U Drag. iw)4.\ '^ivro (^p^ijj^y, Viyi^T^x ^nd 27rh of 4^ a S*!^ X V ••*^ 1096.^ dr9ns of DragQOf^ , #Ia^ \ I^A\ ^^^^^^fv^^'^^ Drag, f 28. No| »- Qontfiic^^ ^^1:51 ^ Foot 1680. that, the State tootc iiito , — -r their Service, by two Con- ^ 1^1)84 > . tra?,?a.PKigoOlls tof w<*^% , tnx- r .•1 V«s.\- • Jtem^ By a Coiitra.-»' 1 ;oo<», «-i Thereafter the Staife ne- 1000. gtx^latcd together with^"*"" ' 8000. '£qoo makes ..<— ^«„p**^— Hotfib f 20. — * The i wo Pow^i* made Drag. 2^89. in thp Spring of the fol- Foot 16902. lowing Year, 1703. an '■' " ■ ■■■» Augmenta(ioa of 20000 20j0^i. Men, the Lift of which is "■ ' ' ■. to be found in the Con- trgd of the ;oth pf ^^|«/?. The States Moiety makes- JP;«P« Drag. 600. I^ the Tear 1704. the Foot %4ooi: Sdite took into their ^r- " '' ' " " vice, by a ContraA of the -Wk^ 40(3o. ;ift of iWltfr^rA, i Redment ■■ qf Dragoons and ; otFopr^ ii ii PVmentherg,' miking'-"' 400( Horfe 720. 480. ¥290. '■ ' 1 u ■> Befidc in the Year 1706. v:-^ took, toge- th^-^ w^( i Grtaf Brhitm^hy a C iiu«3: of the afih of May^ "Regiments of Horfe afuJ a B Jri'Son of HeJ/kiHSj with («9> ^ with which their Body of Y gocfo Mtn }mm augiuei m etL - The ScactrShaie^^ tts,...a ^ Jtf -A^^ die Gomraa - "^ Month i" oogetfaer -with i^QQ^ Ortat Brhain, 5000 pii:«. ? thefi The States Third .n^^JPftrt is. > ^L i giiLj jiii ii Lun ..•^ - ... c- Ii» theBogiriniiig of th« 4fi Tear 1707. theStaitauc- mentfd the NationalHorie with 8 Men in each Com. ^?)paiiy, amounting to — ^-^ f ,,ot' ^f«;«^kJnto thjrfr.Ser- •t J?oQ. vifio, by a Oonfraft of.the b,o a6.o i°*of^/^^ oC the lame aha iy of t he States comes f ^Ajgaiii, by theGomraa ' <^ the aTth of ^«fti/? of the fame Year, one Reri- 1 mont^of jpragoons of Joo ljto*ur The ^ces Half is :-yi f . . . li 3]: Th0 Sette tQok.befidc«7 ^ i^tQ::i^ kj y' pamiaa of tht aiA of . f ie*km^.^ ui7ia9, 12 Kttri^i WntSiofJRpot of mHm^ 1000. xx^^ aU9' X4oa Horfe zS^l Dragi rz8. Foot ;;oo. 40931. — ~ to- ( foe > > T. ' ' ' ■ " ■' il'Jili' r ' ' ,': And by s Coabshft of die 22d of iktoufr. in^ the fame Year, together with GfptiiMtitamy 4992 SMtsons, Jhe Scutes Shacoamounts .c t* ,% l^nMlbreoTcr, by that of the ftme Month, one Re» gimehtof Foot of Holftein , ^ #i|f i ^ ji fill m i ?^ And by that of tbc i8ch •£^4^^Qne'o(f i^»/^of 2046. 797. 8o«. .0 'IT — ".., c The State did at the fiilne : time aogmem the Sm^s2Bd€r^o» Aegiineftts wieh 22 Men m each GooBipuiy^ making ^ "m * i - II44- -^^^^ \ - •%' .-Sn f*" .c .. Uyv Ae^te agreed ^ 29th of yiww, iTji. ^ a Sat'e/} jKegiment of i »oo Jilcd^ ^r»fn^of wBch |3inagpodR)riward|ie(i, 1200. l,M^i^ji?!Tlii*'>) 40«i(' :rf'^it^l|J|iinM.CJ^ u i^'i i rv ««. •: y y^i- • - -k ;.k: ^0^ ^j^i^l^^Hf 1 r-n'T 4U ( t'X fix fHi *M2Y ^ !5f2(i . jrir - ihi> Vi;rn *. r ft •■, - \ ,•■, ;• r^ ?■,.■ *»v ^,yR»f-l,MfiM.^.^flJ I no i ■jj' UK V ^> laaiE.;:,^ tri- ■•*'3' , . J^lKv-rar!. .. ... f. .... . .4.lHi&i?id ^ii »» r, 4 n • << <*rS. tt A'. mi .9k>ik 1 flh-t 1^, ( 73 ; . ji I, » / •. • • » '.: ■■) ') h ^ . > ). Mh^ «**» ' ■ ■■■ ' ' V ' .'*V ' Tfr* I ^. ^^ fN) • 17 « * 'HE following Lift hayina beep feot fince the Fir ft W^ [on of this Paper; It was bought Iroper to be added now, that the deader may fee at one View the ^hole Forc^ in the Pay of Hef 4ajefty add the S^a^^j, that have! I 4 this War in PUiwfcrr. Atii heoWh^es a fmall Difference fn' le Sun?» Jotal of the "Dutch For* », in this and the foregoing* L'^, s it is not very iriateri^l ; fo he rill find the Rea fort of it, by goto-! Wng the Two Lifts together. ^'' ' ".mi I t t ; «•»> .^ ' III ,ii-'.-'*Jii ( 74^) L IS T of the Troops in thelftiyijof States-General, that havepecrt E - Countries during the pre-pbifW * TROOPS in the States Fay, 1701, and 1701. Numbeil Henthc^r4fb«tng>©^^i*ti 1 uc*d to ; Tmop&eacl^ and ty i!^\i, ^^^,, means w6fc( xompleated afeaih to 6 <*){*' Troops, making ; i^* — ^igg They likewife rais'd then 164 Companies to fillupiheir '''"u^iiszanMJg ^v,u . Rai !f^? ' ^ D "• ^: %i 4dF Her Majcfty and thk [been Employ 'dUn^the Xoic^- /A OP S iM Her MajcHy V /'jy. 170T, and 170:, Nuo)i)ers T theBcginninpof thf yi^sJ'/*;^: . ^ Year 1701 , the latey.;'rrni y ^ ing porfuam to a Treaty V7r/',««^f„^. :..,{" 1th the Stmts-Gentral , hi rwc r ,t. ^ . , ife of theaf being invaded » . >y Fw»rr, font to their Affi- , ;a lance Twelve Battalions of . ^ 'oot, making — — » ^ --lo^d^K) Which Body of Men \vas Ifterwards augmented by Four Battalions of Foot , Five Regiments of Horfe, bid Two Rej5iments of Dra- |oons, making 84^0^ The fame Year, by feveral Conventions with the Kingr?--^.. u :c« Undgraveofi*;^ puffier ^t^W^H^m h a Refolution of the 1 louf^:; ^7k^ n , '^m^tT ajefty's Pay,- ' •-; — . ii/i? •40,000 ^7^0 ' tROOfS in the Stm^ Pay^ ^5W ' morfe ' 'i ^liad^in^^ ot Numbers. Dragoonsj J»nd a ^ttalion - et Foot, raaklag - ■ ^ 109^ ^ ^^ They took in their Pay 2 Regi? «^? 4i ■ • > ments of Foot, and i Regi-" ment of Dragoons of An- ffatcb, — — rr— ,-■-— ^-^^^aaqS , More 2 Regiments of Foot of Mecblenhourg, — ? --1^680 More 4 Regiipentsof Horfe, I of Dragoon5,and 6 of Foot, • of Hannover 2itiA Ceff, >^ 6876 , More of Hefe^fdVoor^ ^f ^ 4 More from the Eleftor P^Wme 46^6 J;^^ More the Moiety with England -* ^Jji of iioooD^w^*^ >^,_ .-«-* i?oc(o •tv- More H#«wf and' Sar«/i 6000 i7;8 More I Regiment of Horfoj and 2 of' Foot of Mitnfier, ^aooo More the Moiety with ^JB^- « 6 j4 /oo6 ■ ' :7;8 toed |-ooQ .; ■'^ti ... ' 10 j'ard i2|j? ■a Brought forward— —4^0,900 •I 703. . .- ' ThisYear,by'Conventioftf#^;k'kif¥ i between tl^e Queen «nd the «l ;loi|t¥§if*^ States, Twtntf Thonikoii Im^iim^ I. Men Augmentation were ta- J^** ' ift?»rp*; ^ ; , T ken into Her-Majefty-s and -***- fjifeivfv ' the 5f/zfw Joint Pay, Heir- "* ■ U Majefty*s Moiety being * ■ »* 'w« te,qco This Year Her Maiefty.and ' '^?'*'' the States took into their Pay :^'.!^'\ !»odo Palafmes^ whereof Her *'>t^* ^**' Majefty Iby Tneaty bearing" *'^'*'"^^ ^ate 26 iWrf/apaysTwoThirds, 2000 - ^7.0 7-.:..:.u-': v ,, 46;9 S<^ '7 I i#^^ ^f- ,'?'♦■»*:^^**~»■ pea^lng date ^^^t/ ^o. theMoie ■ rr'x;.^ ty whereof makes — :: — "^^i^ ! ' ,;^ The Hanover 'KQ^mantoi Bothmar's Dragoons was taken ^ ^ , into the Queen's and the State* Ts? ,t, . . . :r Jfoint-Pay by Tpeaty date^ 27 ' ^r" ^ ' ^^ ^«^«/, the MQiety whereof ^ aoo''^* ' Towards the End of this Y^ftpj / j| / >< during the Siege of JL«/?e, Gen, ' Erie came with^ 1 1^ Englffi Bat^ v^ , falions to Oftend to favour that ;- Siege* and upon his Return in . pec. left f oi thofe Mu in th« ' * ^ . . fjiWrConmries, faking about Mnyj •> , ," ( ■ Carry'd forward C78). ':i.w-!^ii i^^i , Brought forward iia,5;4 1707, 4^0 ' '' They Recruited their own Horfe by Eight, Men in a w^f^n/i . Troop, making -^r^—*—^ 1 1 60 In Conjunftion. with M^lanl. ,^ ^ ,i^^. they took into their Bay the ..nsaAA Vht-^ Moifety of 46,;9 Saxony by il /ti r Treaty of the ; oth of -^i/, z? 19^ ? / 1: ,T In Conjundion with England, • they took the Moiety K^iBotih- mars Dragoons into their Pay, according to a Treaty of the 27th oiAugufi, — — 170 9. '*— *■ They brought to the Low Court- tries into their Pay a Regi- ment of Draj^oons^ and 5 Regiments of foot of Wlr^ tembergy to whom they only ^ c'1^ allow'd Bread before in Ger- many, making 4000 They took into their Pay 2 Reg. oiVootoiWolfenhuttel, 1400 More the Moiety with £»^^<»»^ of an Augmentation of 4092 - Saxons, by a Treaty of the 20th of March, — — 204^ More a Reg. of Foot of Holfiein, 797 More a Reg. of Foot of Mmfier, 80a They augmented their Rei;!- inents^Sai#.a«iiGr . TROOPS wHerMajeft/ Brought forward — 1709.. . By Treaty dated iWirr.;& 2:1, die 5^a:o» Trwps in the Pay of Engh & Holl. were augment, by 4092, whereof the Moiety is 204<5 „5^y Treaty dated 12 V'/, ^ ' Her Majefty took into Her Service a Boily of l^ruffum ' Troops, confifting of -— £22C By Convention of July 10, Her Majefty took into Her Pav a Battalion of the Ele^orof Treves, confifting of — -. Pay. S9i2if ,'i iXU.J ^ 7 » o. By Treaty with K.^«^«/«. dated A^pr ?o. Her Maj. took in- to Her Pay 2 5^:.^ Bat to com- pleat the 10,000 Men wanting the laft Year, confifting of €971 If 48 1711. HerMaJ. fentover a Reg. of Orag. command. byCoUe?r,of V *».-«^-»V*\w.'* 4fo ..ft"" I3;7/o3 (ifting of 660 Men to (ir^! « O^/V^w.con- MaieVs ^--^of t-h^C^r;^ „^^r...?f . «- ifcrmany^ font bv *-h#» iv-^*! ; -^'-"s-iaacy iq a,i4'if "qufr'd '"'^ ".'° i^^« ':» ,;t>^. '' dmtv/,^ix-Ar^oi i}i^. («o; < '. . . , • 5 - JtTete, TpHat tBe Old Corps of about^xiaOoo for which Her- Mapfty ah^f tie ^f^« ixaj only Subfidies, or Bread As^, and Fbragc, are not inetecfed In this Liffof eitlier Sidft. The Number qf the k^»/i Foot in ^1i^ Jers have been 'dlferent frdm time to tte. iTh^e are«?ffeefatrans:iAaiided'M thojtt^^ going Lift, tho^ilhcVe l^'^ ^^(^ bat ttv6i>. ty T>)Co in the.' IoW-;Cji^«/ r^nd ^ve J^^ talions were drder'dlKJnfttiende the bec^ tiin« of fSfenfeiif,lR)r the IxpedSrlbii ^ieh .r.L:;-^;:-''^''^ . . 4 % V 4 A v^ i , f. : i «:, 1 t '^'' ' ^0 .' *i\',V-