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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOL'JTiGN TEST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ ■ 56 [ 2.8 13.2 !: iiiiiM H- ill 4.0 1.4 II 2.5 2.2 20 1.8 1.6 A -APPLIED I M/IGE Inc ^^ "653 Eas' Mam Street ~-^ •Rochester, Ne* York 14609 USA '-^ (716) '.82 - 0300 - Phone ;~ (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox c iaF<: MESSRS KOB To be sold by M. 1681 Mon JUNE CATALOGUE -OF— jaiPaNc ^anT^ c()Nsi(;nki) liY MESSRS. A. DE'ATH & CO., DIRECT FKOM KOBE-HIOJO, JAPAN. To be sold by Auction at the stores formerly occupied by Messrs. H. & H. MERRILL, Nos. 1682 and 1684 Notre Dame Street, ' Monday, Tuesday and IVcdncsday, JUNE IStli, 19tli & 20tli, At Two o'clock each Afternoon. M. HICKS & CO., AUCTIONEERS. ■«• •%.., / ATTEHTIOH IS REQUESTED To this large and costly consignment of Japanese Art Objects, which will be found both interesting and instructive. Among the collection there are speci- mens of the various industries of that far-off country. em])racing examples of Antique Ware of quaint and curious forms ; also, modern productions, remarkable for their beautiful designs and rich decorations. Messrs. De'Ath & Co., in selecting these goods, have done so with great care, cautious to send none l)Ut the finest produced in each class represented, and we' have no hesitation in pronouncing this collection the best offering we have yet made. The <'-oods are now on free exhibition, and you are cordially invited to call and view them. Date of sale : Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June i8th, 19th and 20th, at 2 o'clock each afternoon. M. HIGKS & CO., Auctioneers. / CATALOGUE, I. 2 Sii^'fi Zuinlo N'iisos. •> ( )wivri V'a.sfs. .'i. 12 " Toilet r..ts. \. 12 Suiuitsuki (.'ups ;iinl Sauci'i'.^ 5. (i liuiiri T('!i Jill's. 0. G .Sii<,^! IJowk 7. 24 Inuui l'liit»'s. 8. 2 Siigo Dobin. 9. 10. 2 Iiniiri lloltk's. 11. .Siigv I)U\vls. 12. 2 Iiiiari I'liihrollii Viisos. i;?. 12 P.isruit Cups and Siuicers. 14. 2 IJisliiu Dobiii. 15. 2 Saj^'o F. " 16. 12 IiUiiii Plates. 17. 2 Owari I'ottlos and Cups. 18. 9 Sa;^i' Trays. 19. :{ si't.s, caidi ;» Lotus I'.owls. 20. \ Sumitsuki Vases. 21. 12 Sa 2 Sumitsuki I)ol>iii. 23. 2 Sa-e V. 2[. 2 ( Kvari r...ttles. 2,'). 2 Inuiri \V. jlottles. •2(\. ;i sets, Sage Uowls. 27. 2 Hishiu Tea Jars. 28. 12 Inmi'i Cups and .Saucer.--. 29. 2 Sage ;'>o. 2 < )\vari " :u. 2 luiari " ft" 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 4.3. 44. 4.'). 46. 47. 4H. 49. nO. ^\. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 2 Owiui B.iM Shaptul Bottle VaBUS. 2 Iinari l*ot Viwcs. 2 SiunitHuki Umbrella VascH. 1 Hishiu TtH(i-a-T6to Sot. 12 Imari I'latos. 2 Sa},'(; CoViil Bowlrt. 1 Imari Kikti " 2 " Vi\Hf.>i. 2 Sage. " 2 Imari (lourds. 2 SumitHuki Tea .Jars. 2 Sago Vasos. 2 Imari Uag Jiirs. 2 s(!t8, eacli 3 Howls. 1 Biscuit T»He-a-Teto Set. 1 Imari Tea Jar. 2 Sage Kiku Vases. 2 Sumitsuki Vases. 2 Imari Tea -lar.s. 12 Ilinulo Blates. 12 Imari '• I'humes, 6 6 ♦) 6 (< (I Umliridla Dragon Vases. 2 Imari Vases. >) (I (( 2 " Bag Hihachi. 2 " Vases. 1 ( )wari Tea Jar. 3 Imari lMa(iue.s. 3 " 1 (( it 2 sets, each 3 Sqr. riai|ues. 1 Biscuit Tea Set, 4 Imara Bud Bottles. 2 " Cover Jars. 2 " Hibachi. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 7(i. i I . 7.\ 79. 80. 81. 8L'- 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 81). 90. 9!. 9'J. 93. 94. 9r). 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. Iinani I*.owl. It II II .> Iiumii SumiUuki Va«e8. nisciiit Tea Set, !) j»i«,'ceH. Inmri Vases. 11 II >i <' " P»aK Ilibaohi. UiHcuit Tea Set. Imari liowls. " Laoii. liowl. .set, 3 Inuiri " '« 3 " Plaiiues. Imari Phuiues. i< 11 " S(|r. riaques. " Pla<|ue. 11 II " Cobaiig Trays, sets, cacii 3 1 Jowls. Imari liowl. Vases. Sqr. F. Pots. Oct. " '* Vases. Gounls. sets, each 3 I). ¥. Pots. :j S(ir. F. " • } (( it i( Sage F. Pots. sets, eacli 2 F. Pots. Sage F. Pots. (4 II II II II II II II <( 11 II II II 11 (I II 4 Bronze Paper Weights. 2 Antimony Bronze Vases. 4 Bronze Candlesticks. no. 111. 112. 113. 114. 11 I A. 11.^.. 110. 117. 118. 119. IPJa. 1-JO. 120a. 121. 122. 12:{. 124. 12.^). 120. 127. 12S. 128 A. 128b. 1 28c. 128n. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. I sot, Ti nii)l<' r.ronzf'K. 1 " .'"» Taltli! (;ongs. 2 Akii llronz*! Viises. 2 Yoshidii CandUiHtick.H. 2 Aka Klfphiints. 1 Akii I'-lt'phimt Korr>, 2 ().Makii ISronze Koio. 2 Aka r.(»ttl.'.s. 2 I)ra^,'(in Vasea. 2 Assyrian " •2 «• llibachi. 1 r.roiizc Figiiiv with Bell. 1 '♦ " Koro. 1 Aka /undo Vasos. 2 Sliiinasada " 1 " Koro. 2 Voshida Candlesticks. 2 l)arf,'on Vases. 1 llronze lUdl, etc I " ) li ti ir.s. 1 •' Papor Knifo. 1 51). 1 Metal Mirntv. 100 1 It ti IOUa. 1 " 1 OOh. 1 Cniujilote Suit Feudal lOOf. 1 t> i( " 104. 3 Fii.' (Irate " 105. O i( It II 100. O It II 11 107. .) It II It 1 OS. .> it It II leit. .) 11 .t It 170. 1 II .1 It 171. 1 11 It II 172. '2 II ii i( 173. 1 Hnioki " 174. 1 It ti ti 175. 1 " Fan. 170. 3 Foldin- " ^„,*^^aiii^ - » mmmt ^ m mKm^ Jam- IPP*^ "0.. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 18:1 184. 185. 186. IS7. 188. 189. 189a. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 19.^ 19G. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 202a. 203. 204. 20.'). 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 6 3 Hiiir IJambno Kakemonos. (( (( (t (I 3 " 3 " 3 " 2 Kml). " 1 Chinese Teapot. 12 .IrtpiUKise Silk Handkeichiofs. 12 Chinese Handkerchiefs. 12 " " 1 Pair Costume Ki^mes. 1 li n " J (' «' *' 1 ti tt (( 2 Emb. Satin Kakenuino.<. '2 o 2 >) I 1 1 <( it (( u (1 il Cushion.s. (I (( i( Panel. 1 1 Mantel Satin. 1 White Hrocade Shawl. 1 Salmon " 1 Crape " 2 Hamhoo Brie; a Ihac Ihackets. O a " " " (< t« '« (( u <( u 11 (I (( u '( 4 o'ch)ek Tea Table. 1 " Cabinet. 1 Carved Inlaid Cabinet. 4 IJamboo Pockets. 6 " •214. 4 Bamboo PockeU 2 In. 4 " Wall Po.;ko t.<. 216. 3 « Kakemonos 217. 3 u 218. 3 (( 219. 3 :( 220. 3 11. P. 1 Jamboo lUind.s. 221. 2 '' (( 234. 1 l)iz('n (Irass Mai. 3 ' - 235. 1 (( u 236. 1 " (( (( (( 237. 2 " (1 (( (( 238. 1 t( (( u 239. 1 (i (( (1 240. 1 " (' (( u 241. 1 • 1( 242. 2 Siikai Ru^'s. 243. 2 " (1 244. 1 " 6 X 9. 245. 1 " 7 N 9. 246. 2 Flax Mats. 247. 1 " ' Rug. 248. I " (( 249. 6 Kochi Bottles. 250. 6 " • • 251. 4 " t( 252. 4 •' ^i 2.")3. 254. 256. 256. 257. 25H. 251). 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 2 Kochi Dottles. 24 Sake Cup.s. 24 '• 24 < )\vaii Tray.s. 4 liiinki) Vases, 4 Awaji 2 Cal)in('t I'ots. 2 JIayaslii Kibicho. 12 liis(;uit Cups and Sauceis. 4 r.unko Wall Vaso.s. 2 15i.sliiu Vases. 2 Kochi 2 sets, each S K. Pi>t.s. 2 Koehi Vases 12 Kgj^'shcll Cups and Saucers. 2 Hishiu l)()l)i!i. 12 Kl(ij;s1ii'11 Cups and Saucers. 2 Calinet Pots. 2 IJishiu Tea .lars. 2 Awaji Ktrusca)! Vases. 2 IMshiu Vases. 2 Awaji Hibachi. 12 Eggshell Cups and Saucers. 2 Coral Ked I'.ottles. 2 Haya.shi Hihachi. 12 Eggshell Cups and Saucers. 4 Kinkosan Vases. 2 Cabinet Pots. 1 liishiu Diibin. 1 Kaga '■ 6 Eggshell Cups and Saucers. p H n I' »' 2 Owari Fan Trays. 2 ]5ag Tea .lars. 2 Sage Yases. 1 Coral Tea -Jar. 2 Gourd liottles. 1 Cottage Tea Set. 1 Toilet set, 3 pieces. 9 L>9:i. 'JO 4. 29'). 296. 297. 29S- 299. :K)0. 301. :U)2. 303. 304. 30.^). 30(i. 307. 30S. 309. 310. 311. 312. 312a 31215. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 32.'). 32r,. 327. 328. 2 Ciibiiiot. I'ois. 6 Kg^'.sliell Cui)s iHHJ Siiuti.'1'.s. 1 Multi-Silled Dobiii. 1 2 liimri T<'ii .' 1 Kiukosivu ! 1 2 Kl,'^.■^hell Cun.s and SaucL'is. 1 K()j,'a set, 3 j)i(;c(!S. 2 Ni.-^hada .Moiikin Yas(!.s. 2 V>;\owl in pure white glaze. 1 Scifu Tripod Yase in iMire white gla/.e. 2 Imari P.ottle 1 Kaga set. 3 pieces. 1 Hayashi Dobiii. 1 1 12 1 12 •> ■) l''ggshell Cups and Saucers. Awaji IJainboo Vase. IJishiu Cover .lar. Tniari Plates. Kaga (iomd Bottles. Mori kin Iniari Multi-Hihachi. Un.shin Gourd Vase. Kaga Koro. liuari Vases. 10 329. 2 1 330. 1 1 331. 1 332. 12 1 333. 2 1 334. *4 33.'). 1 :VM\. 2 337. 12 33S. 1 339. 12 340. 1 341. 1 342. G 343. () 344. 12 34r). 2 34(1. 'J 347. t) 348. •J 349. 1 3,^)0. •) 351. o 3r)2. ■) 353. •J 354 1 355. 1 35G. 1 357. 10 358. >) 359. o 3C0. 1 361. 2 3G2. 1 3G3. 1 3G4. '2 3G5. 2 3GG. 2 3G7. 1 Ka<;ii Kopjiii Vas(!s. iliiyashi Dohin. It i> Kj^gslioil ("ups and Sauc<'r.s. Kinkosaii Buckets. " Tea Jars. Kaga -lar. ('abinct ]\^ts. Kg^.'^licU Cups and Sauc(;rs. Iniaii Jar. Plates. I\a<;a .Jar. r>ishiii Dubin. Egg^^hell Cups and Saucers. .sets, each 2 iJowls and l*late.«!. Owari Vase.s. Morikin " Nisliada Ilibachi. .s'sts, each 3 Imari Tiay.s. Ni.shida Uutterfly Tea set, 9 pieces. Suinitsuki Vases. Morikin Kinkosan " Kaga lUshiu r>o\vl. Imari Kiku Howl. r>isliiu Dobin, Eggshell Clips and Saucers. Taizan Vases. ^forikin IJowls. Ilibachi. " Koro. Kaga Plaque. Ivory Vases and Stands. Kinkosan Vases. Mishada Awari Vases. Toilet set, 14 pieces. 11 :W)8. S69. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. .384. 3S.-). 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 39-2. 392a 393. 394. 395. 39G. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 40r). •J Kutaiii (iomxl N''.s. 1 " Kont. 1 lva«,ai Spiral Neck Bottle. 2 seiii, each 3 liiuiri Kiku. 1 8age Crac-khHi Plaque. I Kaga Phujue. 1 Morikin " 2 Imari Vases. 1 Ka<.,'a Tea Set, \b piece.';. 2 Taizaii Trays. 1 Niahida 15i»at Bowl. 2 Kaga Vase.<<. 2 Morikin " 2 Haya.shi Kiitani Jars. 2 Imari lioLlle Va.fe8. 1 Hirado Bowl. 1 " 1 Morikin " 1 Kaga 2 Morikin Hibaclii. 1 llirzen Pot Vases. 2 Kinkosan Hibachi. 2 Imari Wall Plaques. Chinese Platter. Kinkosan Bottle Vases. Morikin Koro. '• Vases. " Koro. Gutani Morikin Koro. Kaga Vases. Morikin Hibachi. Hirado Vase. Imari Cups and Saucers. Morikin Vases. 1 " Bowl. 1 1 -) 1 1 2 2 1 1 12 o 40H. 407. 40S. 40!». 410. 411. 4 1 •-'. 412a. 4i:5. 411. 4 1 .^>. 4 1 6. 417. 4 IS. 4 lit. 4niA. 4ntn. 4 -JO. 421. 422. 42;}. 424. 42.'-). 420. 427. 42S. 129. 4:^0. 431. r.v.y AM. 435. 4.S6. 4.37. 4.38. 439. 440. 441. 12 I Ka^a Ti'a set, I") pieces. 12 Ilirailo Cups and SauciTs. liiiaii Vol liowl. •' Vases. (,"ake Staixls. IJisliiii T(!a .set, 40 pieee.s. Morikiii set, 2 Vases and (.'eiiln' Kmiv Iidaid I5aiiiliiici Vase.s. Tail's Laeipn'icil Trays. it set, <) Coltani,' Trays. " ."'> Lac(piereil " •' 3 lidaid LaiMpu're(i Work-Hox. " Wiitiiiff-Dosk. Inlaid Paper Case. Lacipiered AVork-l)OX. Cabinet. Inlaiil W. 15. Calunet. Laerpiered Cabinet. Table. ' tt ti Clie.«^s Table. Inlaid Table. «t tt Cabinet. Idzu Laetpiered Tray. set, 3 J^aeijuered IJail Tray. Pair Inlaid Tdzn Tray. {V2. U4. I4r). 440. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 45(5. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 4G2. 46:5. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 47 r>. 476. 477. 478. 479 480. 13 1 Vah Inlaia Idzu Tray. I LactiucTcd Work-Iiox. I •' Caliiru't. 1 r.iiinbiioTray. I 1 '• Cahiiu't. 2 Lactiucred Glove Woxca. 1 set, 2 HaiulkcrdiU'f " 1 " 2 (Uovf " 1 " 2 lliiiiilktavliief All)um.s 1 " 2 (Hove P.oxes. 1 Lactiucicd 'l't>a Caddy. 2 sets, each ;» Lactiiieved lU-eatl Tniys. 1 Laetiuenid Cabinet. I 2 lidaitl r.oxe.^. 1 Laciiuei't'd Cigar Box. •_> " Curd " 1 set, 4 " " in C'ase. 2 " eaeh .'5 Camphor Haurie a I'rnc " (1 u (I (1 1 Corner What- Not. 12 sets, each ^ F. Mat.^ :\ " " 6 W. 12 lyo Ha.skets. 6 Arinui Cobang. 6 " Ivo r.askel.. .-'-*' 14 481. r, lyo Baskets. 482. 2 Ariiiia Fan l>a.skets. 483. 3 sets, I'ach 3 " 484. 3 i< u 3 .. iHr,. 2 (1 ti ry l< 486. 2 II >i ;> 1' 487. 2 11 ii ■) i« 488. 2 II II 2 " 489. 2 " " 3 Cobang. 490. 2 " " 3 Hiuskots. 491. 2 II II ;} II 492. 1 .1 II •> 14 493. 1 11 II •» l< 494. 1 " 2" Market IJ; iskets 49r). 1 Market 15a.sket. 496. I Picnic 497. 1 .1 »i 498. I set, 3 Paper Ua.skets. 499. 1 "3 " Vases. oOO. 1 II J U 11 r)01. 1 " 3 " Baskets. 502. 1 "3 " Vases. 503. 1 11 .) 11 >' 504. 1 Lady's Work- Basket. 505. I 11 It 506. 1 II i( 507. 1 U l» 508. 1 set, 2 Clothes- Baskets 509. 1 Clothes- Basket. 510. 1 II 511. 1 II 512. 1 II 51.3. I II 514. 1 11 515. 3 Bamboo. Hticks. 516. ■: ) II (( 517. 1 ) II K 518. 1 » II K 519. i ) l> l< 13 f)19A. 1 r>iiml).)o Stick. 520. 1 li i< 521. 1 t* >< 522. •» * K 52:v 1 t» It 523 a. 1 • » t* 524. 3J \\n\n cse .Snushadea. 525. 3 'i (t 526. •) it tt 527. ad " ti 528. t . tt 529. 1 >i Uiiibrella. 530. 6 Doz. llaiul-F an.s. 531. 2 (> it 532. ii tt 533. tt t( 534. I i> >i 535. 2 1 5a ml )0() Efisels . 536. a < .537. t( * a1. 2 H.P. Paper Scruens. a2. 2 i . '• it a3. 2 <> i> t( a4. 2 ^i (k tt a5. 1 • ( n tt a6. 1 (. <( t< a7. 1 « i t( >t a8. 1 .« >i tt a9. 1 i. Ik tt aIO. 1 Km) I(jitltM'0( I .Silk 8cro All. 1 .i If ti a12. 1 '• ft tt A 13. 1 ** • t tt aU. 1 !• (< tt a15. 1 <> tt .t a16. 1 (• •t it a17. 1 »t >t tt a18. 1 > i tt >t a19. 1 U ht tt t • 16 A -20. A-21. A 22. a2:$. a2». A2r). a2(). a27. a. II. (.'. n. K. K. a. II. K. u. L. M. N. O. P. W. Q. R. n.I*. anil Ktiil.roidcnMl Silk Scnifii. .1 t. (( it tl t t( u u «l « atin tl k> »• 4t «t t« tl (i tl I' t( ti « >• tl