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SALE TO TAKE PLACE IN THE BUILDING, KNOWN AS THE OLD NORTH-WEST STORES, AND TO COMMENCE AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M. ON "fHE ^ NEXT, y A. & J. CUVILLIER, AUCTIONEERS. '«- MONTREAL : PRINTED BY J. & T. A. STARKE. 1833. t k p^^ »%t *5? '^. i, t'^ '.K -ja* ? > ">rj CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, COMPOSING THE LIBRARY OF THE LATE "mm^ mum ¥u D)\^ a AND WHICH ARE ^/> ;. .^^ I TO BE DISPOSED OF WITHOUT RESERVE, i BY PUBLIC SALE, WITHIN THE CITl OF MONTREAL. SALE TO TAKE PLACE IN THE BUILDING, KNOWN AS THE OLD NORTH-WEST STORES, AND TO COMMENCE AT TEN O'CLOCK, A. M. ON THE iE^l'IillMIC'IHI BA'E ©: ]ipt: NEXT. A. & J. CUVILLIER, AUCTIONEERS. MONTREAL : PRINTED BY J. & T. A. STARKE. 1833. 'i- .« A / ^ A^L\y-\ J:^.i. :^r'ju ruu^HlA Mi'"'' > s'r ^ .! ; ■ >",' >i I '.' !. .J A M ii ■; /: o u -.i ;; 7 r ! ■ .; n i ,■: f ■■ 'i- ! v 1 11 11. H> '( (■ ^iAi. JA .A .>i')<:tif>'i» ^:vrr -•/. :5')/<^t}/.Uv>') IV .8Ha)i/;orn)iJA ,H::iLr.nv'r> .;. >; ./. •■^.4,^ i V_-».«,rj* M/iW AT^ A .1 .^ I, i\\ >l .} i 4IjiM :HI A J ' / />■ '» K'<lUi- <\ U A ' . . . ; 1 : . . ; I ' •. ',, ' , .! . ■i i.l 'y-Jl.if l.Ul If I I r.1 '','1 /i. », •i.> ^-i: .ir ^ ■''iii."i ."id !!.'<,■! i.j ,h:h: " .1 '.,i I ' ■' .lii /O'r .h MEMORANDA. In the Table of Contents one column of numerals refers to the pa^e in ihe body of the Catalogue, the other to the page in the Supplement, in which Works, under the particular head specified, will be found. Titles in Roman type, refer to Works conceived to be of suffi- c'ent importance, to nu'rit the particular attention of Collectors for Public Institutions ; but, it is to be observed, that, owing to a mis- take of the Press, two very valuable Works, numbers 2652 and 2653, are not so distinguished. ^ When the names of Authors are placed within parenthesis, they are added on good authority to Works published anonymously. The following contractions occur : bds. boards, h. b. half bound, rl. royal, vel. vellum, mor. morocco. * m The J I JI n ^ VI VII VIII IX X XI I. I r^' (CONTENTS. ers to the >pe in the 1 specified, )e of stiffi- llettorH for kf to a niis- and 2653, lesis, tliey Dusly. alf bound, THKOI^OOir. The Bihlo, I. Study of the Saerecl ScriptiiresJ, . II. The Fatliers, .... J 1 1. Councils, ..... IV. Evidence of Natural and Revealed Religion, ..... V. rraetical Divinity, VI. Speculative Divinity, VII. Controversial Divinity, VIII. Mis-'cellaneous, .... IX. Cassuists, ..... X. Prayer Books, Confessions of Faith, ^Vd • • • • • XI. Deism, Paganism, &c. . I. Law of Nature and Nations, and General Principles of Laws and ' ' Government, II. Roman Law, .... III. Laws of England, IV. Laws of France, .... V. Ecclesiastical Law, VI. Parliamentary Law, VII. Laws of Canada, VIII. Works relating to Law and Govern- ment not comprehendeil under ' ; preceding heads, p AOE. 1. '2 IS 3, ih. (>> it). il). ih. 7, ih. 10, '215 ih 21.() 1(5, 21-7 19, ih. i^l, '21.8 22, 219 'Z.i, ih. 24., 250 27, il). 28, 251 32, 252 .'37, il). 38, 253 ib. ih. II' n 40, ih. H CONTKNTS. ^ATIOIVAIi AFFAIRJil. I. Politics and Diplomacy, II. Political Ecoiioiiiy. III. Commerce, .... PARK. 42, 2.3.S 4t), il>. 4'J, 2.54 PIIIIiOSOPH^% I. General Treatises on Pliilosopliy, and Dictionaries of the Sciences and Arts 50, 254 II. Moral and Intellectual Nature of Man, 52, 255 III. Physical Constitution of Man, (see also Medicine,) .... 55, IV. Works on the General Principles of Human Nature, . . . ih. V. Mathematics and Astronomy, . . 57, VI. Mechanics and Natural Philosophy, 5S, VII. Natural History, VHI. Chemistry, IX. Geology, X. Medicine, .... XI. Agriculture, . . . , XII. Commerce as an Art, XIII. Art of War, .... XIV. Music and otlier Arts. i.i . 5i)y 255 (JO, . ih. (il. 255 . GJ, 04, 250 . 65, 6(), 256 I.I •*• The Fine Arts, and the Study of Antiquities, as connected with them, . . C6, 257 I»1i:iiIiCS li'ETTliES. -'• t • * I. Of the Nature of Taste in General, and of the Study of Polite Litera- - ture, 69,2.57 n. History of Literature, . . . 70,256 III. Principles of the English and French Languages, . . . . 71, ib. ^ VI. ( VH. ( VIII. 1 IX. ( X. ] XL i 1. I 2. V 3. ]V 4. G XII. A XIIL A XIV. A XV. E % CONTKNTS. Ill PAOR. I'AOE. 42, 2.3.-3 4(), il>. 4'J, i-^54 50, 254 55, I iV. I'.riplisli Pootry and HomaTuro, . 7^, V, Ficiu-li l*()(»tiy and iioinaiice, . 84, V'l. J'ji;;lisl» Driiiiia, . . . 88, \'ll. FrLMi(;li Drama, .... 90, \ III. Kiiglisli Novrl-s . . . 91, IX. FiiTich Novels, .... 94, X. Grecian Langnaj^o and Antiquities, 95, Xi. Jtonian J^anj^iiage arul Anti(|uitie9, 102, XII. Italian Lan«;iiage and Writers in it, 113, Xlll. Sj)anisli, Portuguese, German, Dutch, ike. Languages, . . . 1 17i 25<) 2()0 2()0 261 ib. ib. f ib. 57, 59, 255 iJO, ib. 61. 255 6i3, 64, 250 65, 66, 256 66, 257 I. II. III. IV. V. o 69, 257 70, 255 71, ib. HIIiTOAir. Works Introduct<iry to the Study of History and Geography, 120, Descriptions and Antiquities of Coun- tries in Europe, and Travels in them, 124, Descriptions of Asia, and Travels in it, 131, Descriptions of Africa, and Travels in it, 133, Descriptions of America, and Travels in it, . General Voyages and Travels, Chronology, Universal History, Grecian History, Roman History, European History, British, French, Miscellaneous, General Asiatic History, African History, American History, Ecclesiastical History, 262 ib. ib. 134, 263 . 139, ib. 140, . I4i^, ib. 144, . 144, ib. 145, . 145, ib. 156, 264 . 165, ib. 170, 205 . 174, ib. 175, . 176, ib. 182, i \. ■*: t IV CONTENTS. •f Works Descriptive of, or iininediately con- riectcd with British America, Biography and Letters, Periodical Pubhcations, , , Miscellaneous Works, Works on Education, .... Works of Various Authors, Bibliography I'AGK. 189, 193, 210, 218, 231, 234, 241, - 1 .ul-i ■ 1 1 '■ . ■I -•;. V I. 5 The No 16 The tail red The -0 •/■'*>:'-;. it (I H :'», f .■•']. i..'!. )j^'i 8 The 9 The PAGE. • -. * k* 1 • J •. CATAI^OOUK ■ ^i • ! THE BIBLE. j^6. size. vot.. i BIBLIA SACRA, curaFacultatis Theolo- gicae in universitate Lovaniensi, plates, in perfect preservation, the original binding, gilt. Ant 1583 1. fol. 1 S BIblia Sacra, sive Testamentum vetus ab (Trimellio et Junio ex Heb. latine reddi- tum, et Testamentum novum a Beza e 4 Graeco in Latinum versum. AmsteL 1669 l2 X 13 Biblia Sacra, an old edition, wants title, I subjoined is Sternhold and Hopkin's Ver- I sion of the Psalms. Lond, 1632 12 1 i4 Biblia Sacra, Viilg. Sexti V. Pont. max. jussa recognita atque edita, fine calf. Ludg. 1G80 12 6 5 The New Testament in Greek, with Select Notes in English. Harwood, half bount!, Lond. 1776l2 2inl 46 The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptures con- Itained in the Old and ^qw Testament, red mor. Load, 1599 ps.4 1 17 The HOLY BIBLE. Baskefville, ^ Camb. 1763 1. fol. 1 IS The Holy Bible from the Do way edition, Dublin 1794 fol. 1 9 The Holy Bible. Russia. Lond, 1809 rl.8 1 1 !: i ■ No. 1 10 i . 11 i' : 12 13 14 !^ 15 16 'M 17 \: 1 18 19 ?:' 20 '1 21 ]■■ ' 22 23 24 25 26 iP' '^ 27 28 ||! ■ 29 ^ SIZE. VOL. English Version of the Polyglott Bible, gilt mor. Lond. 1823 12 Holy Bible. Engravings. Gilt mor. Lond. 1823 13 Bible. Edinb. 1810 18 The New Testament in an improved ver- sion from the London Edition, boards. JBosfan 1809 rl.8 La Bible, raor. Sedun 1633 18 Le Nouveau Testament. A la Haye 1664 18 Le Nouveau Testament traduit en Fran- 9ois avec des notes litterales. Paris 1752 12 La Sainte Bible, reimprimee sur la Bible Protestante Fran9aise, elf. gilt, Lon. 1819 18 Le Nouveau Testament en Latin et en Frangais traduit par Sacy, Figures sur les dessins de Moreau le jeune, pasteboard, Park 1793 Sainte Bible, avec les differences de la Vulgate, Concordances. &c. Cologne \^ 53 18 5 Le Nouveau Testament, traduction de Sacy Boston 1810 8 2 in 1 8 5 Two GeiTTian Bibles. The Old Testament in Dutch. 12 Dordrech 1689 12 The New Testament do.Leeuwarden 1746 12 The Old and New do, Amsterdam 1797 18 The New Testament in Portuguese. Lisbon 1805 12 Biblia en lengua Espaniola. Ams, 5486, 1726 8 La Sacros Biblia en lingua Italiana. Noremberg 1 7 1 1 fol. Bible in Welsh. Davies. 1810 4 The Apocryphal New Testament, boards. Hone. Lond, 1821 8 1 SO A Concordance of the Holy Scriptures.-^- Brown. Lond, 1808 18 1 No. SI 32 ]VJ S3 El L— S^ 1. SACl OF TJ THE 34 Gi 35 Cil 9^ Ca 37 Bi the 38 W 39 Ha nea 4Q Th( vine 41 Per i% Go( oftl 13 Bib \A Fra r tran 14 Moe Fie t6 Wh V% La Mol bS Lov \ j9 Lovi I the not( SIZE. VOL. SIZE. VOL. 4 1 n rt 1 51 A Concordance of the Holy Scriptures. — 823 12 1 Cruclen. i5;^iw6. 1804 ^^' o 32 Marbeck's jncordance in perfect order. '^^ 1? i Grafton 1550 sSoh 1 PhiL 1807 8 1 110 18 2 g^ Easton's Concordance. PI*- jg I— STUDY OF THE SACRED SCRIPTURES. ^OQ rl 8 11. SACRED CRITICISM AND WORKS ILLUSTRATIVE OF THE COUNTRY MANNERS AND INSTITUTIONS OF ^ THE ISRAELITES. 34 Gerard's Biblical Criticism, Edin, \%0Q 8 )33 18 5G4 18 an "o 10 q 35 Critica Riblica, Maps and Plates, Bds. (Y ^'^ - Lond 1827 Din iQ 1 36 Calendarium Palestinse, Carpenter, Bds. ^^y ^^ ^ XoW 1825 8 12 1 4 1 en ' les ard, 37 Burder's Oriental Customs, illustrative of t the Holy Scriptures, Lond 1808 8 2 onQ Q ^38 Whiston*s Josephus, Map Cloth, 7^'^ ^ ^ . Bdln 1«29 8 e la 753 18 39 Harris' Natural History of the Bible, neat calf. Lond 1824 8 ^i^Jq o • 1 4<I 'r^® Chronology of the Hebrew Bible -.1^" 1 vindicated, Bishop of Clogher Lond 1747 4 , 4| Percy's Key to the New Testament, '^f Bost 1810 12 ^^« 1 o 1 *^ Godwin's Civil and Ecclesiastical Rites 7Q? 18 1 of the Hebrews, Lond \m5 4 797 lo ^g Bibliotheque Sacre Grecque Latine Nodier o^K ^o f\ ^^^^s 1826 8 bU5 1^ D^ Frank's Guide to the Holy Scriptures, ifi 8 1 I t*'a"8^3t®^ l^y Jacques, Bds. P/iiL 1823 12 lA Moeui's des Israelites et des Chretiens, Ti fl 1 Fleury, i>«m 1810 12 10 4 1''^ Whiston's Josephus, h. bd. Edin I8l4f 8 ^ V^ ha poesie et la musique des Hebreux, ., , Molette, JParis I78I 12 iai fi 1 ^^ Lowman on the Hebrew Ritual, Bds. *^^ ^ ^ « Lond 1816 8 _' -' «9 Lowth's Lectures on the sacred poetry of 08 18 1 I *^® Hebrews, translated by Gregory, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 % 1 notes by Michaeles, &c. Lond ]7b7 8 ^ 1-1 $1 < 1 'I I 111' ;l .,1:) liii NOb I»E. VOL.. 50 Bryant on the Plagues of Egypt, Bds. Lon 1810 8 1 51 Barton's Biblical Researches 18 2 52 Home's Introduction to the study of the • Bible, Maps, .» Bost 1827 12 1 53 Wells* Sacred Geography,Maps and Plates half bound in calf, Lon 1804 4 1 54 A Key to Scripture Metaphors, Keach, Lon 1799 fol i 55 Michaeles' Commentaries on the Laws of Moses, translated by Smith, Boards, Lon 1814 8 4 5Q Discours Historique sur la Bible, Saurin, La Rocque et Beausobre, Portrait and Plates last 7 vols h. bd. Amst 1^^0-39 SIX 57 History of the Holy Bible, Stackhouse, Plates, Lmi \^55 fol 2 58 Calmet Pictionnaire de la Bible, Plates, Paris 1722 fol 2 59 History of the Holy Bible, Stackhouse, I and Dissertations on the Pentateuch, Campbell, half bound, Jjon \^S3 fol \ 60 Calmet Dictionnaire de la Bible, Txmlause 1783 8 6 61 Bibliotheca Sacra, Maps, half bound, ^Grml806 8 2 2.— VERSIONS WITH COMMENTARIES. 62 SAINTE BIBLE en Latin et en Fran9ais avec des notes, par Calmet, Vence, &c. : • i . Paris 1820 8 25 A voL Maps and Plates to above, fol 1 63 La Sainte Bible, le Latin de la Vulgate a cote notes, Cartes Geographiques, &c. Liege I7OI fol 3 64 The Holy Bible, translated with various readings, notes, he, &c. Geddes, Bds. ^ ^ ; , . . : . 'Av .V Xow. 1792 4 65 The Pentateuch, illustrated, Clapham, Boards, ^^,^' v* • '-"—■' Zon. 1818 J2 % 3 I No. 66 67 68 69 4 4 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 SIZE. vol.. ds. 10 8 I 18 S he 27 12 1 tes 04> 4 1 ch, 99 fol i of ds, ;i4 8 4 •in, md -39 8 U ise. 155 fol 2 tes, m fol 2 ise, ch, JS3 fol 1 lie. 783 8 6 nd. J06 8 3 ARIES. ^ais &c. J20 8 25 fol 1 ;ate Sec. ?'01 fol 3 0U8 Ids. ^92 4 S im, ^8 12 1 8 1 4 f No. SIZE. VOIu. 66 Isaiah, a new translation, notes. Sec, Lowth, I^erth 1793 67 A Commentary on the Prophets, Mayer, Lon. 1652 fol 68 Annotations upon the Pentateuch, the ^ Psalms, and the Song of Songs, Ainsworth, Lon, 1627 fol 69 The Text of the New Testament as trans- lated by the Papists at Rhemes with their annotations, the same out of the original Greek, as commonly used in Church of England, with a confutation of all such glosses — Fulke, Lon. 16 1 J fol 70 Les Psaumes, traduits en Fran9ais, par Bertier. Paris I8O7 12 71 Enairationes in Evangeliam secundum Joannem, per C. G. Belliiocensem. Paris 154)6 fol 72 Le Psaultiere, avec notes, La Harpe. Paris 18 17 12 'J3 Complete History of the Holy Bible, notes, engravings, &c. Burder. Lon. I8O6 12 74 Pseaumes de David. Notes. Gilt Mor. 12 75 Book of Job from the original Hebrew, notes, dissertations, &c. J. M. Good, half bound, Lon. 1812 76 A Paraphrase on the four Evangelists. Clarke, (worn), /. -" '^ Lon. I7S6 77 Dissertation on the Prophecies. Levi and King. Bds. ' . Lon. I8I7 78 A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul. Dublin I738 79 The Epistles of Paul translated, exposition and Notes. Belsham, Bds. Lon. 1822 80 Exposition pf the New Testament, Gilpin, Lon. 1798 81 Mac Knight Harmony of the Gospels. 1 Lon. 1756 4 2inl 82 Psalmorum Davidis Paraphrasis Poetica. , Buchanan, Bds. 12 1 1 3 1 8 1 8 2 8 2 8 1 8 4 8 2 (I* •S 1 I- i!|r; 6 No. SIZE. VOL. 83 A Commentary on the Book of Psalms, by Geo. Ld. Bshp. of Norwich, Lon, 1808 8 2 S4> Mac Knight Literal Translation of the EpistleswithCommentary, Bds. ^05 1810 8 Q ' II.— THE FATHERS. SACR^ BIBLIOTHECiE Sanctorum Patrum seu Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum probabilium, dela Bignc, h. b. Paris 1589 fol TERTULLIANA OPERA OMNIA. Rothomngi 1062 fol .5inl Confessions de S. Augustin, Paris 17 16 Augustini Confessiones. Ant 1650 Sermons de St. Augustin, sur les pseaumes traduits. Paris 1683 Lettres de St. Augustin, Paris l684> 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 Vie de St. Augrustin. PariH 1687 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 La Cite de Dieu St. Augustin. Paris 1685 St. Cyprien de la Hogue. Londres 1797 Thesaurus Patrum hoc est Dicta sententise et exempla, ex. s. s. patribus probatissi misque scriptoribus, Collecta et per locos Communes distributa cura et opera Plur- rebus sacris addictorum. Paris lh24j Les Confessions de St. Augustin. Dii Bois. . Lyon 1807 The Confessions of St. Augustin trans- lated into English. Paris 1638 BERNARDI ST. OPERA omnia, ex secundis curis. J. Mabillon. Paris 1690 Bibliotheque portative des Peres de I'Eg- lise, edition revue par Rondet. Paris I787 ' III.— COUNCILS. - ANALYSE des Conciles generaux et par- ticuliers. Richard. Paris 177^ Epitome of the general Councils of the Church. Grier. Dublin 1828 Dictionnaire Portatif des Conciles. Paris 1764 8 8 12 1 18 1 fol 2 8 8 4 4 8 1 12 1 No. I 10^ 103| 104 1 ^^ fol 9 105 d5inl 8 1 8 1 ^ i06 i 107 8 7 8 6 8 1 108 109 110 8 & 12 1 111 I. 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 )l5inl 8 1 8 1 8 7 8 6 8 1 8 & 12 1 4 4 |8 1 k 1 No. 8120. VOL. 102 Concilii Tridcntini canones et decreta cura, Cheffletii. Ant 1 6G4 18 1 103 Idem - • Hotomagi 12 1 104 Conciliorum antiquorum Galliac Sirmondi i . supplementa. Delalande, h.b. Parw 1666 fol 1 IV— EVIDENCES OF NATURAL AND RE- VEALED RELIGION. 105 Kennick on Jenyns's Evidences of Chris- tian Religion, h. b. Lond. I776 12 1 106 Ligue de la Theologie Moderne avec la Philosophic. Avignon \S^5 8 1 107 Chalmer's Astronomical Discourses. N. York 1818 108 Addison's Evidences. Lond. 1799 109 Allen on Natural Religion. Vermont 1784 8 110 Debate on the Evidences of Christianity between Owen and Campbell, boards. ' Virg. 1829 111 Haley's Natural Theology. Lond. 1815 112 L* Analogic de la Religion, &c. traduit de TAnglais de J. Butler, sewed. Paris 1821 113 A Treatise on the Records of the Crea- tion. Sumner. T,o7id, I8I6 114 The Semi- Sceptic, by James, boards. ' . Lond. 1825 rl. 8 115 Woolston on Miracles. Lond. 1728 8 116 WooUaston's Religion of Nature delineated. Lond, 1725 117 La Religion Chretienne Prouvee par les Faits. Hautteville. Paris I722 ^118 PaJey's Evidences of Christianity. J^ . ■ Lond 1802 119 Essays on tbe existence of a Supreme Creator. W.L.Brown. Aoer dee n 18 1 6 120 Apology for the Bible and for Christia- nity. Watson. Lond. I79I 12 2 in 1 121 Redemption du Genre Humain, traduit de TAUemagne de Schmit. Paris 1827 8 8 1 12 1 8 1 < 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 4 1 4 1 8 2 8 2 IH' Vi s No. lltB. TOL- 122 Cook on the Resurrection, boards. Edin, 1826 12 1 123 Knox*8 Christian Philosophy. PAt/^.1804 12 1 1 24 Christianity the true Theology. Apology for the Bible. Watson. 12 1 125 Dictionnaire Philosophique de la Religion. (Nonnotte). Lyons 1773 8 4inl 126 L'Analogie de la Religion Naturelle et Revelee. Butler, traduit de TAnglais. ' '* •'' , • Paris 1821 8 127 Bonnet's Enquiries concerning Christia- nity. Phila. 1803 12 128 A Gentleman's Religion. Edward Bishop ofTuam. Dublin 1730 12 129 La Religion vengee de PIncredulite. Paris 172^ 12 133 L'Adepte du Philosophisme ramene a la Religion Catholique. Abbe de Crillon. Lt/on 1823 8 131 La Religion Chretienne demonstree, Lit- tleton, traduit de 1* Anglais. Paris 1821 12 132 Leland's View of Deistical writers. Lond. 1807 8 Stillingfleet, origenes Sacrse. Lond. I6G6 pt.4 1 133 De rimportarijce des opinions religieuses. Necker. ' ^ I788 12 134 Fel ton's Sermons in defence of Chris- tianity. Oxford 8 135 Genie du Christianisme. Chateaubriand. Paris 1816 8 136 Observations, Critiques sur — Chenier. Paris I8I7 8 137 Refutation de la Bible en fin explique de Voltaire. Abbe Clemenee. Nancy 1826 12 138 Warburton's Julian the apostate, and two other Tracts, 8 139 Questions diverges sur I'Incredulite. Paris 1757 18 140 View of Deistical Writeis. Leland. Lond. 1757 8 L*C i 146 147 XT/ 148 149 150 151 152 153 3 . 154 ' J 155 i 156 157 158 159 160 •IZB. ToL- 6 12 1 4, l^ I 12 1 m. 3 8 4inl s. •18 1 a- 13 12 i ) 12 3 e. 22 12 1 la n. 23 8 1 it- l\ 12 1 )7 8 2 i6 pt.4j 1 J8 12 1 s- d ^ \ d. 6 8 5 r. 7 8 1 e 6 12 1 Id 8 1 )7 18 1 1. 7 8 2 9 ''f.j. SHE. vol. i41 Dialogue between Philalethes and Theo- phanes. Lon. 1738 8 3 142 Paley's Horee, Paulinas. Bds. Lan. 1820 8 1 143 The Philisophical Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. Ch. Ramsay. Gla. 1748 ps« 4 2 144 Derham's Phisico-theology. Lon, 1732 8 1 145 Groteus de Veritate. Notes by Le Clerc, translated by Clark. Oxford 1815 8 1 146 De la Verity de la Religion Chretienne, abbadie, premiere et troisieme parties, vel. Hotkerdam I688.I7OI 12 5 147 Campbell on Miracles. £!din I766 12 1 148 A Plea for Religion* Simpson, wn, Phii 1809 12 1 149 Qarke Traites de I'Existence de Dieu et de la Verite de la Religion Chretienne. traduits par Riertier. Ansier, 1727 12 1 150 La Certitude des Preuves du Christian- isme. Bergier. Paris 1773 12 1 151 Scripture Authentich. Bishop of Cork. Lon. 1686 12 1 152 The use of Sacred History. Jamieson. Hartford ISIS 8 2 153 La Religion Chretienne, Antorisee par le temoinagedes payens. P. D. de Colonia. Paris 1826 8 I 154 Comparative view of the several me- thods of promotingReligious Instruction. Shaw. Lon. 1776 8 2 155 Dissertation on the Prophecies. Newton. JhibHn 1773 8 3 156 Natural Religion. Wilkins. Zoft« 8 I 157 Butler's Analogy, Bds. Lon. 1824 12 1 158 Butler's Analogy. Boston 1793 8 1 159 Warburton's Principles of Natural and Revealed Religion. Lon. 1755 8 2inl 160 Calvary, by Cumberland. Evidences, by Belsham, half bound. 12 1 :i nj JO n I' No. J(il Sr/E. VUL. 8 2 8 1 8 1 Appeal to Common Sense, in belmlf of Religion, wn. JbJdin, I7OG IG2 Conversions du Compte J. T. Struensce, t et d'E. Brandt, Bds. 1793 12 1 163 Paley's Natural Theology and Memoirs. i. i BosL 1S\0 l64f Lettres do quelqnes Juifs a Voltaire. Commentairc Memoir, &c. A. Guenee. Vcrsaii/eslSn 165 The Reasons of the Christian Religion. Baxter. Lon. IG67 ps. 4 166 Philosophical Principles of Religion. Cheyne. Lon, ll34t 1 67 Traite des principles de la Foi Chretienne I'Abbe Duguet. Castras 1790 168 L* Usage et les fins de la Prophetic. Sher- lock, traduit de 1' Anglais. AmsL 1733 169 Chateaubriand Genie du Christianisme. edition abregie. Paris 181 9 12 8 1 8 1 8 1 o. v.— PRACTICAL DIVINITY. 4 170 Sermons. R. Pere Elisee Paris I786 12 171 Instruction Pastorale sur la Coiffure des Femmes. sewed Paris I8I7 12 1 172 Sermons by G. S. Keith, h. b. Lond, I788 8 1 173 (Euvres de Masillon Lyon 1810 12 15 174 Christ's Second Appearing ^/^a«y 1810 12 175 Sermons by Hm' vey & Pearsal. iow. I76O 12 176 Homilies appointed to be read in Churches in the time of Elizabeth New York 1815 8 177 Buckminster's Sermons, bds. ^o«. 1815 8 178 Coventry on False Religion Glas, I76I 12 179 Dictionnaire des Miracles; Romagne Paris 1824 12 180 Wilberfprce Practical View Land, 1797 8 181 Morceau d'Eloquence, extraits des Ser- j mons des Orateurs Protestants Fran-,, 9ais. Caillot. h. b. Paris 1810 8 1 82 Sermons by Reynolds. Land, 1 634 p. 4 183 Oraisons Funebres de Bossuet Par, 1810 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 No. Sl/E. VOL. SrZE. VOL. 184 ►r 185 (3 8 2 18(J ft 187 3 12 1 188 1 189 D 8 1 190 7 8 1 191 1. ^ ps. 4 1 192 • 1* 8 1 193 e 8 1 194* p- 195 3 8 1 ;. 196 9 12 2 197 198 6 12 4 s 199 7 12 1 8 8 1 200 3 12 15 201 ) 12 1 ) 12 1 202 s > 8 1 203 5 8 1 L 12 1 204 205 2 fc 12 1 ' 1 8 1 206 ~ 207 ) 8 1 208 <p.4 1 ) 12 1 Witliei-spoon's Scniions Ediii. 1798 Beauties of Bible. Sampson N. York 1806 Law's Serious Call Boston 1808 Le Genie do Bossuet Paris 1808 Ryan's Effects of Religion Edin, 1 8n() Christian Directory. Pareons Jesuit, bds. nuhlin 1820 IIorsley'8 Sermons, complete in one vol. bds. Lond. 1826 Instructions sur I'Administration des Sa- cremens. M. C. G. de la Luzerne, Eveque de Langrcs '• " '' Lamp'es Treatise on Death. Fellows Lond. 1808 Le Chretien Etranger sur la Terre. 12 1 12 1 12 I 8 1 8 I 8 1 8 1 4 1 12 1 Alison's Sermons L'Annee Evangelique. Paris 1782 12 1 Boston 1815 8 1 Durand. Berne 1789 12 1 Collie, h. b. Evangelical Instructor. ■ ;: -^"f:'. Massachusetts 1811 Invisibles Realities * Bos ton 1 742 Bayne's Discourses to a Naval Audience. Lond. 1807 The Christian Preacher. Williams. Phif. 1810 Hervey's Meditations, wn. Lond. Hannah Moore on Christian Morals. •' New York 1813 Le Miroir des Ames, &c. de TEspagnole du P. Vegu. Figures Lyon 1825 Works of Leighton, Archbishop of Glas- gow, bds. Edin. 1798 Sermons by Ogilvie of MidmariSc/tii.1766 CEuvres de Bourdaloue, strongly h. b. Paris 1716-26-76 Meditations sur les Devoirs du Christian- isme • ' ♦ • -^ f u^ >i Paris 1776 Clark on the Promises, wn. Lond. I7S8 Doddridge Rise and Progress of Religion, h. b. 12 1 12 1 8 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 8 2 12 1 12 17 12 1 12 1 12 1 ■( 12 1 2 iili j« It No. SUB. VOL. 209 Thomas k Kompis Pari* 1771 210 Nougaret Beaut^s du Christian isuio. Paris IhiMf 12 211 (Euvres Spirituelles du P^re Vallois. Pari* 1758 12 3 212 L'Esprit de Saint Francais. Paris 1747 8 1 213 Kurd's Sermons. Duhlin 1777 « 1 214 Miscellaneous Sermons, h. b. in calf 8 7 215 Indifference for Religion Inexcusable. Squire Lond, 1759 12 1 216 Morceau Choisis de Bossuet. Paris 1810 12 1 217 Christian Hero, h. b. Lon, 1741 12 1 218 Practical Exposition of Scripture. Buck h. b. Lon, 1815 12 1 219 Fordyces's Addresses to the Deity. Lon. 1785 12 1 220 Beauts de PHistoire de N. S. J. Christ. Zille 12 1 22 1 Histoire et Morale de 1' Ancien Testament. ParU 1821 12 1 222 The Practice of Piety. Lon. 1639 18 1 223 Instruction Pastorale. Fenelon. Amst. 1698 18 1 224 The Holy Court. Caussin, translated by Hawkins, engravings, bds. Dublin 1816 4 1 225 Walker's Sermons. Edin. I765 8 1 226 Ordination Sermons preached in the United States, h. b. 8 1 227 Miscellaneous Sermons 8 3 228 Works of the Author of the Whole Duty of Man 2>MWt» 1723 fol. 1 229 Imitation de Jesus Christ, traduction de la Mennais, reflections par Sanadon. Paris 18 1 230 Sermons sur divers Textes de I'Ecriture, Sainte Pierre du Bosc. vel. JRot. I692 8 3 231 Sermons by Home, Lee. &c. h. b. 8 1 232 Paley's Sermons. Lon. 1808 8 2 233 Works and Life of Rt. Rev. T. Wilson. Crutwell, fine calf Bath 1797 8 4 No. 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 i 243 •244 245 246 247 ;248 :C49 250 15 251 I *i^2 I f 253 B .254 fi >&56 I 957 C 258 1 13 »UE. VOL. " No. L 12 1 234 . 235 5 12 2 1. 236 3 12 3 237 7 8 1 238 7 8 1 8 7 239 B. 240 9 12 1 12 1 241 »1 12 1 242 ;k 1 ,5 12 1 243 y- 244 J5 12 1 (t. S45 12 1 246 It 21 12 1 39 18 1 247 .<48 dS 18 1 ►y .«49 16 4 1 )5 8 1 f le 250 8 1 8 3 251 ty 252 23 fol. 1 ie 253 u. .254 18 1 fl55 e. ;fi56 )2 8 3 1 » ^ f57 1)8 8 2 t58 SIZE. VOL. 8 1 Logan's Sermons. Bost, 1804 Sermons on Education. Zollikafer, trans, lated by Took. L(m, 1806 8 Oraisons Funebres. Flecbier. i?rttJ,l696 18 Experiences of tbe Rev. Cleland. MMS. 18 Essay on the Liit of Jesus Christ. Craig. Glas. 1769 12 Religion of the Fashionable World, h. b. 12 L'ame Embrasee do TAmour Divin. I'Abbe Baudran Lyon I786 12 Treates sur rHumilite 1758 12 Scripture Characters. Robinson. Lon, 1808 12 Devotion au Sacrc Coeur. Lyon. 1808 12 La bonne Mort, traduit de I'ltalien du R. P. J. C. Recupito Paris I672 18 Sermons by Isaac Barrow, bds. Lon. 1 823 8 Sermons on the Parable of the Ten Vir- gins. Shepard, late Pastor in New- England 1695 fol. Dunn's Sermons, wn. Kilmarnock I790 8 2in 1 Porteus* Works, Life by Hodgson, por- trait Lond, 1811 8 Application of Christianity to Commer- cial and Ordinary Affairs. -Chalmers, bds. JV: York 1821 rl 8 Select Sermons. G. Burnett, bds. 1 Glasgow Ijii'^ 12 Blair's Sermons ; '" Lon, 1809 8 Lectures on Theology, chiefly Practical. Fellowes Lon, I8O7 8 Manuscript Notes on Sermons 8 Sherlock on Death Lon, 1723 8 Three Treatises. Re3rDolds. Lon, 1632 pt4 Instruction sur les Spectacles. L'Abbe Hulot, sewed Paris 1823 24 1 Choixdes Sermons de Bossuet! Par.l 803 12 6 Tillotson's Works, h. b. , Lon, I72O fol. 1 2 I I I 1 1 1 4 I 1 5 1 6 1 5 2 1 1 1 i 8 4 i1''i !]! I: H VI.— SPECULATIVE DIVINITY. No. SIZE. VOL. 259 De la I.iberte Religieuse. Benoit. Paris 1819 8 1 260 King's Essay on the Origin of Evil, ' Lon. 1720 4 1 261 Milton's Treatise on Christian Doctrine, Translated from the Original by Chs. Sumner, a recently discovered Work, bds. Boston 1825 im. 8 j862 Dictionnaire de Theologie. I'Abbe Bar- gier. Extrait de TEncyclopedie. . ' Toulouse 1819 8 8 ^^ 263 Exposition of the 39 Articles. Burnett. fine mor. London 1827 8 264 Sherlock on Providence. London I737 8 265 De r Esprit Prophetique. Paris I767 12 266 Butler's Sermons, wants title, h. b. 12 267 Jonathan Edwards on Free "Will, Lond, 1790 8 268 Dupin Methode pour Etudier la The- ologie. Paris 1765 12 269 Avrillon, Reflections Theologiques. Paris 1775 12 270 LimborchS Divinity by Jones, abridged by Rites, bds. iflacclesjield I8O7 8 271 Owen on Indwelling Sin. Lond, 1774 12 272 Wishart's Discoui-ses, wn. Lmd. 1753 12 273 Penn's Christian Survey. Xowo?. 1824 12 274 DuMal. I'Abbe Vrindt. Paris 1826 8 275 Theologie Portative. Rome I776 12 276 Institutiones Christianse. Erasmi Collo- quia. Lond. 1733 12 277 Abrege des Principes de la Foi Catho- lique. Autun 1797 12 278 Essay on Faith. Rotheram. Dublin 1'780 8 279 Grace and Truth. M»Ewen. wn. * . Dundee 1763 12 280 Dvvight's System of Theology, bds. Lond. 1824 12 No. . 281 282 . 283 : 284 . '^85 J i86 I «87 C «88 T 289 B , 290 SI 1 J5 292 Li «)3 T 294 Ti 1 1 ] ] i 2^5 tH '*I6 Tr :^7 Joi i c ,2e8 Pri )9 Th T ca 8 1 1 1 1 SIZE. VOL. ;i9 8 1 f<20 4 1 ne, ;hs. - > im. 8 2 5er- 819 8 lett. 827 8 737 8 767 12 12 1790 8 rhe- 1765 12 1775 12 dged L8O7 8 1774 12 1753 12 824 12 826 8 1776 12 ollo- 1733 12 itho- 1797 12 1780 8 %, 1763 12 is. [1824 12 15 No. SIZE. VOL, 281 Newland*s Analysis of Burnett's Exposi- tion of the 39 Articles, bds. Dublin 1829 12 1 182 Dell's Sermons, reprinted. Land. I709 8 1 283 Luther's Sermons, wn. Glasgow 1769 12 1 284 Accomplissemens des Propheties, 2d part, h. b. 12 1 285 Dickinson's Compendium of the Doc- trine of the Bible, Greenfield 1S15 12 1 gS6 INSTITUTIO CHRISTIANS Reli- ^ gionis. Autore Joanne Calvino. Argentorati 1539, fol. 1 ^87 Calvin's Institutes, Translated by Nor- ton, Loud. 1611 fol. 1 ^88 Tracts on Theology, collected by Jared Sparks, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, sewed. ^ Boston 1823 12 4 289 Berriman's Sermons on the Trinity. Lond, 1725 8 1 Sherlock on Future State. Lond, 1735 8 1 A Discourse on Divine Providence. Sherlock. Lond» 1694 pst. 4 1 Law on Christian Perfection. Land, I726 8 1 The Third, Fourth and Fifth Decade of Sermons, written to the most renowned King of England, Edward VI. by Henrie Bullinger, h. b. post 4 1 Tucker's Sermons, Glocester 1776 8 1 Theologia Moralis Universa. Authore Paulo, G, Antoine. S. J. • 'i " Rathomagi 1735 12 4 Traite de la Conscience. Placete. Amsterdam 1695 12 1 Joan. Arndt. Libri Quatuor de Vero t Christianisme, vel. ^^nteburgh 1625 24 1 , 298 Price's Religious Dissertations, London I767 8 1 .HfO The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. Tetrachorden &c. MUton. h. b. fine calf. Lond, 1820 8 1 , «90 ^fel 1 ^. 1 1 294 ^4 '|P6 |i^ I iiri:: *li 16 Kd. sizfe. Vot. 800 Doddridge's Lectures on Ethicks and Divinity. Notes by Kippis. Land, 1794 8 2 501 Taylor on Original Sin. Belfast 1746 12 I 302 The Saints recreation upon the Estate of Graces ^ Glasgow 1753 8 1 VIL— CONTROVERSIAL DIVINITY. 303 Priestly's Free Address to Protestant Dissenters. Loft, 1770 8 1 304 Ely's contrast between Calvinism and Hopkinsonianism^ bds. iV. For^ 1811 8 1 305 The Works of Hooker, Ecclesiastical Polity, &c. and Life Lon. 1821 8 S 306 Abridgment of Hooker's Ecclesiastical Polity. Hemmings Dublin 1773 8 1 307 Hooker's Ecclesiastical Politic, h. b. Lon. 1666 fol. 1 308 Parallel of the Doctrine of the Pagans with that of the Jesuits, bds. Lon, 1726 8 1 309 A Vindication of a certain Discourse on the Death of Dr. Priestly. Belsham, / bds. Boston 1809 12 1 310 Blackbume on controversy between Pro- testants and Papists, bds. Dublin I768 S 1 311 Ward's controversy with Ritschel, bds. Manch, 1819 8 1 312 LesJesuites tels qu'ils ont ete. (Silvy) Paris 1815 8 1 313 Les vrais Principes de I'Eglise Gallicane. Fraysinous Paris 1820 8 1 314 Edgar's Variations of Popery, bds. Dublin 8 1 315 Middleton's Free Inquiry into tlie Mi- raculous Power of the Church, bds. Dublin 1749 8 1 316 Sermons by StUlingaeet Lon, 1669 12 1 317 Milner's Religious Controversy. Dublin 1820 12 1 318 Les Jesuites et leur Doctrine. Par, 1825 8 1 3^ 1327 ; a 32S , 529 ] 330 ^ 331 1 332 I I \335 I SIZlE. Vol. ind '94 8 2 ate 1^53 8 1 "So. 319 320 ant ^70 8 1 aind 811 8 1| ical 821 8 S| ical 773 8 1 1. b. , 666 fol. 1 I 327 ^ans ^ 726 8 1 I 328 ; on J am, I 809 12 l|329 •ro- 1 330 768 S 1| bds. I 819 8 ll 331 Ivy) I 815 8 l| lane. 1 332 820 8 l| bds. 1 333 8 \m334f Mi- ■ )d8. ^ 749 8 1 |335 ''' '' ' |336 820 12 1 l^ll 825 8 l**^^^ 17 La Verite des Miracles de M. de Paris, fine plates. Carre de Mongeron^ Pam 1737-1741 4 2 De la Religion Catholique Consideree comme Necessite Social. Battur. . Paml826 8 1 Du Pape. De Maistre Paris 1821 8 2 Conversions des Protestans. Par, 1827 12 1 Catholic Faith. Shell ^/6a7iyl814 8 1 Eame's Apology for tne United Churches of England and Ireland Vuh. I8I7 8 1 L*Eglise Romaine defendue par Butler, traduit de 1' Anglais, par Bonald. ■'.'. ,' , vT ' jF\iml821 Jameson's Cyprianus Isotimus of J. S. Confuted Bdin, 1805 La Verite defendue et prouvee par les faits, (sur les Jesuites) Avignon 1825 A Defence of the Reformation. Claude. Translated by Townsen, &c. with Re- marks, bds. Lond, 1815 La Doctrine Catholique. Bossuet 1801 Conferences ou Discours centre les En- nemls de uotre Sainte Religion. Beu- rier. Pam 1801 8 1 Authenticated Report of the Discussioii between Pope and Maguire, boards^ Dublin 1827 Bossuet Histoire des Variations des Eglises Protestants. Versailles I8I7 Apologie des Jesuites. Avignon 1828 Motifs qui ont ramene a I'Eglise Catho- lique une gTande nombre des Protes- tants. Paris 1827 Inquiry into tht Constitution of the Pro- mitive Church Ixm. I712 Tracts . - L&n, 1792 Gother's Papisi Dublin I8O6 Elrington's Answer to Godolphy on En- glish Ordination, bds. Dublin 1818 8 1 8 1 8 i 12 i 8 2 12 1 ')■ % 8 1 8 4 12 1 i 12 I ; i 12 1 1 ': ■■ 12 1 12 1 V li 18 n No. «I2E. VOL. 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 1 2 1 1 339 The Protestant, a Weekly Paper, bds. Glasgmo 1819 8 1 Reply to the Bishop of Bangor. Law. 8 1 Discussion Amicale sur TEglise Angli- cane et sur la Reformation. M. S. ' Leveque D'Aire Paris 1 824 8 2 Reception des Ministres qui reviennent de rHeresie PaHs 1801 12 1 Histoire de TEucharist. Matthieu La- roque Amsf, I67I 12 Les Provinciales. Pascal, h. b. P(t7r.l815 12 An Apology for the Liberties of the Church in New England. Mather, b. b. in calf ". ! ' ' ' * Boston 1738 12 History of Sabbath Helyn, h.b. Lond.l636 4 347 Defence of the Society of Friends. Bevan. Lond, 1800 348 The Validity of the Dissenting Ministry. Owen Lond, I7I6 349 Barclay's Apology for the Quakers. Dublin 1800 8 The Question of Questions. Munford,wn. 12 Lingard*s Remarks on Charge of Bishop of Durham Dublin 1822 12 1 Reflections on Religious Controversy. Dublin 1823 12 1 Shortest way to end disputes about Re- ligion. Manning Dublin 1815 12 1 England's Conversion and Reformation Compared. Manning Dublin 1818 12 1 Traite de la Conscience. Plaate. '* ^ - ' '^ Amst, 1695 12 1 S5Q Popery Unmasked. Poole, wn. G^to5.1779 12 1 357 Summary of the erroi-s of the Church of Rome, from the French of Drelincourt Dublin 1828 12 1 358 LesInconveniencesduCelibatdesPretres prouvee par des recherches historiques. I L'Abbe Gaudin. Parts 1790 8 1 350 351 352 353 354 355 8 1 8 1 1 1 i»4.lt I- I ' i;'v/> :t No. 359 360 361 3(^'Z 3m 364 3i}5 3QQ 367 368 § ■' \y. op |sy. 23 12 :e-- ' 15 12 Ion 18 12 1 1 1 1 95 12 1 179 12 1 of irt >8 12 1 res JS. 190 8 1 19 SIZE. vol.. Letters on Unitarianism. Miller, bds. '" „ . . v^ o . Frenton 1821 8 1 Sermons to Asses. Murray, Portrait and Life, bds. Lond, 1819 8 1 Galvanism of the Church of England. Toplady Lond, l??-* 8 2 Infallibility of the Church. Nary, h. b. Dublin 1730 8 1 Letters on the Jesuits Lond, 1756 8 1 Letter to S. C. Blyth, sewed Mont, 1822 8 1 Measure of Submission to the Civil Ma- gistrate Considered. Hoadly iow.1718 8 1 Jovian, an AnsAver to Julian the Apostate Lm, 1683 8 1 Enchiridion Theologicum Positivo Po^ lemicum. Auctore J. Ebarto, vel. ^ - ^' •■"< '^ Jence 1685 12 1 Forms of Church Government, bds. * ~ ' - '• Glasgow 1S23 12 1 /I i'ji VIII.— MISCELLANEOUS. , ! 369 370 371 372 373^^ 1575 876 377 878 Works of Chillingworth, bds. Xow. 1820 8 3 Collection of Theological Tracts. R. Watson, D. D. Lo?t, 1791 8 6 Collection of Tracts. Chubb Lon, 1730 4 1 Lives of Saints 12 l Dictionary of Religions. Adams. Boston 1817 8 1 Lutherii CoUoquia Mensalia, wants 200 pages fol. 1 Vie des Saints Ornees de Gravures. ... . . -. ... p^^ jgg^ 4 2 Les Peintures Sacres sur la Bible. Girard Par, 1665 fol. 1 Les Veritables Actes des Martyi-s, tra- duits par Maupertius Besan^on ^ 818 8 2 Essaisur PEloquencede la Chaire, Eloges, &c. Cardinal Maury, h. b. PamlSlO 8 2 DeDeo, &c. 18 1 • i ill ]i\ Hi t. F li s i: ^0 ^O. SIZE. VOL. 380 Instructiong sur le Rituel. De Choise, Eveque de Toulon Besangon 1822 8 G 381 Traite des Devoirs d'un Eveque. Duguet PaHa 1791 12 1 382 Inquiry into the Effects of the Stage N, York 1812 12 1 383 Skelton's Appeal to Common Sense, bds. Dublin 1784 12 1 384 Advice to the Qergy, h, b. Lan, 1783 12 1 385 Vie et Revelations de la Soeur de la Nativite Paris 1819 12 4 386 J. Usserius de Scripturis et Sacris Ver- naculis, incomplete, h. b. calf Lon, 1689 4 1 387 Dictionnaire des Miracles. Abbe Remagne 12 1 388 History of the Bible Augusta 1807 12 X 389 Pensees de Pascal sur la Religion. Amst. 1734 12 1 390 Maximes des P^res siir le Predication Evangelique Part* 1803 12 1 391 Pensees Theologiques Relatives aux Erreurs du Temps. Paris 1777 12 1 392 Pilgrim's Progress, notes by Scott, Boston 1805 12 1 393 Sur les Cures Miraculeuses Operee par le Prince Hohenlohe, portrait Par, 1825 12 1 394 Paracelsus, or Consolation from Natural and Revealed Religion. Blacklock Edin. 1767 8 1 395 Cours de Morale Chretienne e* de Lit- terature Religieuse. Abbe Feller, sewed :Paris 1824 8 5 3^6 Recueil d'Observations Propres a dcr fendre la Religion Chretienne contre ses ennemis. Abbe Feller Lyon 1819 8 2 397 Essai sur rindiffercnce en Matiere de Religion. Abbe de la Mennais Par. 1820 8 2 398 Examen Critique de I'Essai sur Vlndif- ference en Matiere de Religion. Le Joyeus de St. Acre Paris 8 1 399 Bunyan's Holy War, bds. Zon. 1808 12 1 400 Delany's King David Zon, 1740 8 3 No. 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 21 SIZE. VOL. H No » y.B 401 I 8 t 6 402 L 12 1 403 404 2 12 1 I 12 1 1 405 12 a 1 406 9 12 4 • 407 9 4 1 408 nel2 1 7 12 X 1. 409 4 12 n 1 410 3 12 1 411 8 1 412 J 413 1 8 5 414 e 1 415 9 8 2 e 416 8 2 f- e ■1 8 1 417 8 12 1 418 8 3 SUE VOL. Le Ministere de la Chaire, 8cc, Gaichies Paris 1730 12 1 Opuscules de M. Bossuet Paris 1751 12 5 Chubb's Tracts Lon. 1726 12 2 Traite Historique et Dogmatique de la Vraie Religion. Abbe Bergier. Paris 1784-5 12 12 Observations on the Life of Jesus Christ. Hunter Bdin. I77O 12 2 A Portraiture of Quakerism. Clarkson, fine calf Lond, I8O7 8 3 Diatersaron. Thirwell, bds. -DM6/ml8]5 12 1 Essay on the Composition of a Ser- mon. Claude, translated by Robinson Cambridge 1779 8 2 The Religious World Displayed. Adam, bds. Phil, 1818 8 3 Les Vies des Saints. A. Boillet, portrait Paris 1724 fol. 4 HISTOIRE GENERALE des Ceremo- nies, Moeurs, et Coutumes Religieuses de tous les peuples du monde represen- ties en 243 figures dessinees par Picard, avec des explications par les Abbes Banier et le Mascrier Paris 1741 fol. 7 Le Catechisme ou Introduction au Sym- bole de la Foi, de PEspagnol de S. de Grenade, par Girard PaiHs I668 fol. 1 Hume's Dialogues. Balguy*s Divine Benevolence, sewed Dublin 1782 8 1 Limbroch on Acosta. Whiston on Eter- nal Punishments Lon, I78O 8 1 Paradisus Sponsi et Sponsse, plates, sewed Ant, I6I8 8 1 Juridical Examination into Miracles at Rome, 1796-7. Rayment Lm, 1801 12 1 IX— CASUISTS. Conduite des Confesseurs Paris I778 12 1 TraitQ des DispensesduCareme Par 1709 12 1 t • I i' n ! i ill i:^ 'J: J J . ! i No. 419 420 SIZB. VOL. Dictionnaire de Cas de Conscience. J. Pontas Paris 1730 fol. 3 Supplement to do. P/iri« 1 719 foL 1 Conferences Ecclesiastiques de Paris, sur rUsure, le Marriage, Ja Morale, et sur le Decalogue. Semelier P«r. 1759,1707 12 19 Supplement. Collet Paris I777 12 3 X. 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 4S6 437 438 439 440 —PRAYER BOOKS, CONFESSIONS s FAITH, &c. Confession of Faith of the American Presbyterian Church Ntw Jersey 1 822 Missae in agenda defunctorum -4t;e«.1788 The Book of Psalms Boston 17I8 Catechisme du Diocese de Meaux. Bos- suet Versailles 1815 Confession of Faith Edin, I736 Manuale Sacerdotum . . Srioce ISOQ Rituale Romanum Paris 1828 Manuel des Pretres. D.Coste Borne 1802 Explication du Catechisme Paris 1811 Manuel Catholique Paris 1802 Instructions et Prieres Paris 1763 Barclay's Catechism and Confession of Faith of the Quakers Lond* 1803 The Book of Common Prayer Lon, 1801 Cantique de TAme Devote* Durand Vannes 1789 A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer. A. Sparrow, d. d. portraits Lond, 1661 The Book ofPsalms in Metre. Xo«. 1751 Liturgia, seu Liber Precum Communium Tlje Catechism of the Council of Trent ^ . ' < > • - •< Dublin 1816 Psalms of David New York 1804 Versio et Defensio Artie, 39, Elis. his accedunt Aniculi Lambethani unacum. Rev. et Doct. virorum in eos censura . . _,.. . .... , .. Amst, 1700 OF 12 1 4 1 12 1 8 8 18 18 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 18 1 12 1 12 1 8 1 24 1 IS 1 No. 441 U2 443 444 445 4^1-0 447 448 449 450 451 SIZB. VOL. 3 1 )fol. )fol. r r r 12 19 r 12 3 SOF 1 1 1 8 8 12 12 ts 18 12 12 8 24 Is 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 Ko. 441 \ -, 442 443 444 445 447 448 449 450 451 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 18 1 ,452 453 454 455 456 457 458 23 XL— DEISM, PAGANISM, &c. SIZE. VOL. Parallele des Religions. L'Abbe Brunet Paris 1792 4 4 Origine de tous les Cultes. Dupuis, figures Paris Tan 3 4 4 Tiiiduirs Christianity as old as tlie Cre- ation Lon. 1730 Les Fables Egyptiennes et Grecqiies devoilees. Pernety Paris 1786 12 Le Coran, traduite de TArabe, notes, vie de Mahomet. Savary, pasteboard A la Mecque l\m de VHegirc 1 165= I787 8 Paine's Age of Reason, fVorcesfer l'794t 12 Histoire Naturelle de la Superetition, Lon, 1768 12 Theologie Payenne. Buriguy Par, 1754 12 Histoire du Ciel, ou POrigine de Pldola- trie Par, I788 12 De TEsprit des Religions. Bonneville Par. 1791 Saducismus Triumphatus, or a Full and Plain Evidence concerning Witches and Apparitions, 2 parts. J. Glanvil, calf, very neat, curious and scarce Lon, 1689 Zoroaster, Confucius, et Mahomet Com- pared. Pan's 1788 Religions and Religious Ceremonies of all Nations, plates Lon, 1821 12 L'Origine des Dieux du Payenisme Paris 1774 12 Hurd's Univei-sal History of Religions Rites, Ceremonies, and Customs, h. b. wants a few leaves Blackburne 1799 Essai sur les Dogmes de la Metempsy- chose, enseignee par les Bramins, sewed Berne I77I 12 The Astrologer of the 19th Century, 5 col. plates, 90 cuts, bds. L(m, 1825 8 De TEsprit des Religions. Bonneville, h. b. Paris 1792 8 8 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 2 4 1 I i i ^^0. 8IZK. VOL. 459 Le Christianisme Dcvoile. Boulanger en Suisse I796 18 1 460 Dictionnaire Critique des Reliques et des Images Miraculeuses. De Plancy Par, 1821 8 3 461 Zend-avesta, ouvrage de Zoroaster, tra- duit avec des Remarques, &c. par Ad. du Perron Par. I77I 4 3 462 Hutcheson on Witchcraft Lon. I720 8 1 463 Sales' Coran, map and plates, bds. Lon. 1825 8 2 464 Abrige de TOrigine de tons les Cultes. Par. Pan 6 8 1 465 A Discourse on Freethinking. Collins Lon. 1713 8 1 466 Histoire de la Magie en France. Garinet Par. 1818 8 1 i No. 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481, 482 m. 8 1 4 S 1 2 484 ' 485 ■ 486 ] ii XiA-vr Awn eoTEBivsiJEiivT. 433 L—LAW OF NATURE AND NATIONS AND GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LAWS AND GOVERNMENT. 467 H. Grotii de Jure Belli et Pacis cum Notis, &c. Barbeyra«j. Amstel 172O 468 Pufendorf le Droit de la Nature et des Gens, traduit par Barbeyrac. Leide 1759 469 PufFendorfii de Officio Hominis et Civis Libri Duo. Cafne/ I7OI 12 470 Vattel le Droit des Gens. Paris 1820 8 471 Questions de Droit Naturel. Vattel, h. b. Be^meVJ^^ 12 472 Selden's Mare Clausum or Dominion of the Sea, Translated by Nedham, De- dicated to the Supreme authority of the Nation, the Parliament of the Com- monwealth of England, h. b. Af^^ ^ Lond. 1652 4 1 ^94 E 473 Algernon Sidney's Discourses concerning Government, Memoir, Apology and Portrait. Lon, 1751 fol. 1 | 487 488 489 490 491 492 49s I I 1 1 G F 495 L SIZE. VOL. Ko. r 474 5 18 1 '« J y i 475 18 3 1 1- 476 Q. I 4> 3 477 8 1 Ls. 478 J5 8 2 $s. 479 6 8 i 480 ns 481 13 8 1 let 482 18 8 1 1 483 NS AND ^S AND 484 485 im 20 8 1 es 1 59 4 2 486 et 01 12 1 ^ 8 2 487 b. 52 12 1 of 488 489 490 491 P .492 J493 ^KIX'* i; L2 4 1 494 Ed ^495 Eifoi. 1 ■ 25 ' ' mtu.. vol.. Principles of Natural and Political Las Burlamaqui, translated by Nugent. Cambridge I8O7 8 2 La Science de la Legislation. Fillan- gieri. De Tltalien. Par, Van ^ 8 7 Tactique des Assemblees Legislatires. Bentham. Dumont. Part* 1822 8 2 Traite des Preuves Judiciares. Ben- tham. Dumont. Paris 1823 8 ^ Traites de Legislation. Bentham^ Ha." mont Par, 1820 8 3 J. Seldini Mare Clausumj incomplete, h.b. 12 1 Vattel's Law of Nation 3iassach,l805 8 1 Law of Nations relative to Bellegerents and Neutrals. Chitty Boston 1812 8 1 Principes du Droit de la Nature et des Gens, extrait d'ouvrage Latin de Wolf. Formey Amst, 1756 12 3 Histoire des Anciens Traites depuis le terns les pi us recules j usques al' Empereur Charlemagne. Barbeyrac Amst, 1739 fol. ^ Theorie des Revolutions Par, I8I7 8 4 Histoire Abregee des Traites de Paix, ,- depuis la Paix de Westphalie par Koch. Refondu Argumente et Continue jus- qu'au congi-es de Vienne, par Schoell Par. 1818 8 15 Discours sur le Goiivemment; A. Sidney traduits de TAnglais Par, Pan 2 8 3 De I'Etat Naturel des Peuples Par, I776 8 3 Law Tracts. Kames ;,,«| Edin, I776 8 1 Beccaria on Crimes JEJdin. IJSS 12 1 Tucker on Government Lon. I78I 8 1 The Politician's Creed Lon, 1799 8 3 in! Godwin's Political Justice Dublin 1793 8 2 Principles of Government. Chipman . .; ' Vermont 1793 12 1 Elemens de Legislation Naturelle. Per- reau , ,,, Par. I8O7 8 1 Loft's Elements Universal Law X-o;i 1779 12 1 rh nit m. I ! Il'= ' i ■■ ec> 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 I" ' 510 SUE. VOL Locke'n Treatise on Governmeut. Glan, 1790 12 1 Discourses on Davila, written in 1/90 by a Citizen of tlie United States, and Lectures on Political Principles, by Williams, h. b. :, ., 8 1 Thoughts on Civil Liberty Lon, 1765 8 1 Observations sur le Contrat Social de Rousseau. Berthier Par, 1789 12 1 Traite des Delits et des Pienes, avcc des additions par I'Auteur. (Becearia) '- Lausanne 1/66 12 1 Science du Publiciste, ou Traite des Principes Elementaires du Droit. A. Fritot Par, 1620-3 8 11 Essalsur les Institutions Sociales.dansleur rapport,avec les idees nouvelles Pari 818 8 1 Science of Legislation from the Italian ofFilangieri. Kindall L on. 1792 8 1 Recherches sur la Science du Gouveme- ment de I'ltalien de Govani Par. 1792 8 2 GouvenimentdesHommesLibres. Mont- Real Par. ran 4, 8 1 A Treatise of the Law of Nature, being a Refutation of Hobbes, by Cumberland Bishop of Peterborough Lon. 1727 4 1 Becearia des Lebits et des Peines, avec Notes et Commentaires, pai* Voltaire et Dufey^ 'f Par. 1821 8 1 Workman on Political Enquiry and Li- berty of the Press N. York 1800 8 1 Essai sur le Principe Generateur des Constitutions Politiques. De Maistre, h.b. Paris lS\4t 8 1 CEuvres de Montesquieu, avec Commen- taires, &c. par le Compte de Tracy, portrait, authograph, &c. Paris 1827 8 8 Politique d'Aristole, traduite par C. Mel- lon, avec notice sur Aristote, plusieurs Extraits de Platon, &c. portrait Pari 803 8 S No. 512 513 514 515 516 517 Fabk Fergi Milla Murr racU Trait d( ur Histo! Past i 518 LES perei latioi 519 Lescii Bertl 520 LesN Berei 521 Les Ie Hulo 522 Dictio matie droit, au co( 523 Nova , 524 De Pa etats I 525 De Or Homa 526 The C Frenc 527 Precis Dupin 528 Diction 529 Institut «7 8 3 No. 513 514 515 516 517 a*/il •ui. Tai. • I 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 Fable of the Beea " '" 7>n. 1795 Ferguson on Civil Society Boston lfi09 Millai-'s Distinction of l^nks in Society Lond, 1773 Murray's Inquiries respecting the Cha- racter of Nations JEc/in, 1808 Traits du Juge Competent des Ambassa- d( urs A la Haye 1723 Histoire de la Legislation. Marquis do Pastoret Taris I8I7 II.— ROMAN LAW. LES DOUZE Livres du Code de TEm. pereur Justinian. Tissot, text and trans^ lation Mttz 1809 Les cinquante livres du Digeste. Hulet et Bertlielot, text & translation Par. 1803 Les Nouvelles de TEmpereur Justinian. Berenger, text & translation MeizX^W. Les Institutes de 1' Em pereur Justinian. Hulot, text and translation Meiz 1806 Dictionnaire Analytique de toutes les . matieres continues dans le corps du droit, avec renvois sur chaque article au code Napoleon. La Croix Jfef2rl809 Nova Juris Civilis Tractatio. Ferriere Paris 1769 De Pautorite du Droit Civil, dans lea etats des Princes Chretiens Par, 1689 De Origine et Progressu Juris Civilis. Romani, auctore et collectore Leewio. Lu^d, Bat, 1672 The Civil and Public Law, fi-om tlie French of Doraat. Strachan 1722 Precis Historique du Droit Romain. Dupin Paris 1819 Dictionnaire du Code Civil. Dunbarton •■^^^^ Paris 180() Institute of Civil Law. Wood Lon, I72I 8 8 1 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 4 w 4 4 4 , 7 f 4 2 X 4 ^ ■ \\ <>! ' f; (1 4 2 1: 12 2 \ 12 1 ;■ 1 8 I fol. 2 1 18 8 X 8 1 'i 1} i!;i «8 No. SIZE. VOL. 530 Epitome Juris Romani. Menestrier, h. b, Paris 1813 8 1 531 Histoire de la Jurisprudence Romaine. Terrasson Paris VJ50 fol. 1 532 Elements du Droit Civil. Heenneccius, traduitespar Bertlielot, h.b. I\iml812 12 4* 5S3 Traduction des Institutes. Ferriere Paris 1787 12 6 534i DOMAT, les Loix Civiles dans leur ordre nature!, le Droit Publique et le Legum Delectus Paris ITTJ io\. 1 535 Jac. Eothofredi Manuale Juris Pari 806 8 1 J 551 55^ .553 554> ^55 i.i ,. HI.— LAWS OF ENGLAND, r i 536 THE STATUTES at large. Cav Zow. 1766 fol. 6 537 Blackstone's Commentaries, blank leaves interpiosed, on vrhicb are numerous MS. notes, portraits, imit. mor. Lon. 1793 8 8 538 Coke's Reports L(m. 1727 8 7 539 Coke on Littleton, notes, &c. Hargrave, Butler, Day PhiL 1812 8 3 540 HARGRAVE*S State Trials, Henry ' XV. to 19 G. in. Lan, I776 fol. 1 1 54X History of the Common Law of England Lm. 1813 8 1 542 De Lolme on the British Constitution. Lon, 1810 8 1 543 Every Man his own Lawyer Dub. I779 8 1 544 Law Dictionary. Tomlins Xaw, 1810 r8 1 545 Historical Account of Laws against Ca- tholics. Brown - •• Xow. 1813 8 1 546 Study of the Law by a Member of Lincoln's Inn. (Sir J. Mackintosh) PartlandnO^ 8 1 547 Montagu Debates in the House of Com- mons, and Opinions of Authors on Punishment of Death, bds. Lon, 1812 8 2 548 Adye on Courts Martial Zow. 1810 12 1 'p5Q %57 558 559 ^60 i56l j562 |63 ] 564 I ^68 ! , >• i 1 i 29 SIZE. VOL. No. b. 549 1^ 8 1 .550 ^551 le. '50 fol. 1 as. ,552 12 12 4. i Ejre ,553 '87 12 6 i 3ur -554} le m- ^77 fol. 1 m5 .06 8 1 rra - ^56 :ay '^657 1(66 fol. 6 ives -' 558 IS. 559 793 8 8 ^27 8 7 460 Lve, r J12 8 3 ^61 nry 562 ?'76 fol. 11 '3 ind 863 113 8 1 i on. JIO 8 1 664 79 8 1 565 ;10 r8 1 1 - :a- 1 as 8 1 |66 of . sh) *■ ■ f67 ;o6 8 1 m- |;68 on (12 8 2 569 SIZE. VOL. 1 10 12 1 Points in Law and Equity Dublin 1793 12 Chitty on Bills Lon. 1812 8 1 Analytical Abridgment of Blackstone. Anthon N. York 1809 8 1 Harrington on the Statutes, little worn nuhliu 1767 8 1 Plowden's Rights of Englishmen. JDubltn 1791 8 X Dalrymple on Feudal Property. Dublin 1759 8 1 Commentaires sur les Lois Anglaises, par Blackstone, traduits par Chompre Paris 1822 8 6 Analysis of the Laws of England, by Sir W. Blackstone, sewed Lon. 1821 18 1 Speeches of the Hon. Thomas (Lord) Erskine, calf gilt New York 181.3 8 2 A Treatise on Tenures Lond, 17.:i8 8 1 An Argument on Trial by Battle. Kendall Lm. 1818 8 1 The British Constitution Analyzed. Jaond, 1811 12 2 Phillip's Speeches Rochester 1823 12 1 Lectures on the Laws of England. Sul- livan, bds. wants title .. ^ -►r 8 1 Montagu Opinions of different Authors ; „- upon the Punishment of Death, bds. Lond, 1816 3 1 Treatise on the Laws of England, impft. 8 1 Report of Proceedings on Trial of the Rebels in 1746, in the county of Surry, and of other Crown Cases. Foster • "'^' v:'-. ; Dublin 1763 8 1 Blackstone's Law Tracts Dublin 1767 8 1 Debate on Present Constitution. Hill Lond. 1696 8 1 Burn's Practical Compendium of the Law Lond, 1814 12 1 De Lolme on Constitution of England Lond, 1814 12 1 I ■ii ' II 'J ! 1 H 1 i SO No. ... , . . . ilZK. VOL, 570 Case of Salt Duties. Sir T. Bernard Zond. 1817 12 1 SJX The British Constitution, demonstrating the original contract entered into by King and People. Acherby. Lond.lJ^J fol. 1 572 9d. vol. of Hargrave's State Trials h. b. in calf, ' Dublin 1797 4 1 1 573 Les Comentaires ou les Reports de Ed-; munde Plowden un apprentice de le ^ ' comen ley de dyvers cases esteants mat-. ters en ley et de les arguments sur y ceaux. Mary — Edward VI., in perfect ' order, h. b, rar& Lon, 157 1 fol. 1 574 Dairy ni pie on feudal property. Dub. 1759 8 1 575 Police of London. Colquhoun. P/iil,l79^ 8. 1 576 Histpry of English Law from the time of the Saxons to William and Mary. * ' Keeves Dublin I787 8 4 577 Constitution de TAngleterre. De Lolme. 1st edition, Amster, I77I 8 1 578 Considerations onCrimina! Law 2>wi 177^ 8 1 579 A Treatise on tenures. Lon. 1754. 8, 1 580 Mantagus Digest of the BanJvTupt Laws. Lond. 1805 8 1 581 Marshal] on Insurance.. ^ow, 1802 r 8 2 582 Principles of Penal Law. Dublin I772 8 1 583 Bankrupt Laws of Ireland. Bagot. Dublin 1795 8 1 584 De laudibus Legum Anglise, translated from Fortescue, notes and remarks by Selden. Lon. 1741 fol. 1 585 Proceedings on the Trial, Conviction, &c. ' of C. Layer,^ Esq. for high treason 1723 fol, 1 586 Trial by Impeachment of Henry Lord Viscount Melville. Portrait. Lon. I8O6 8 1 587 Attorney and Agent's Table of Costs, Palmer. H. b. Lon. 1812 4 1 588 Trial of Stockdale for libel on the House of Commons, 1789, taken in fcJhort Hand, by Gurnay, h, b. 1790 rl. 8 1 No. 589 p90 591 92 593 494 |95 4f96 it $97 1 SIZE. VOI, mrd 817 12 1 ting > by 727 fol. h. b. 797 4 Ed. e le I) at-, ur y rfect 1571 fol. 1759 8 179s 8. le of rary. 1787 8 >lnie. 1771 8 177^ 8 1754. 8. aws. 1805 8 802 r 8 .772 8 igot. 795 8, ated 5 by 1741 fol. &c. 723 fol. lOrd 806 8 osts, 812 4 Duse hort ^'go rl. 8 No. 5S9 P90 m i92 1 I 593 m m 598 599 600 601 1^2 603 604 605 G06 P7 I08 609 $10 1 1 1 1 2 1 31 SUE. voLi The Attorney's Companion. Lond,l739 12 1 Bibliotheca Legu i Anglia;. Worrall. Lon. 1788 12 2 Wentvvorth's System of Pleading. Zow. 1797 rl. 8 2 Coke's Reports Abridged. Ireland and Manly. Dub, 1793 8 1 The Modern Pleader. Impey. Dub. 1795 8 1 Wright's Study and Practice of the Law, h. b. calf. i.,i; ;'i ;. Lmi, 1815 8 1 An Adridgement of the Laws in Force and Use in Her Majesty's Plantations. Lon, 1704 8 1 Jus Feudale per Aphorisnios strictum ex- pHcatum. JDub. I762 8 1 Reports of Cases adjudged in the Court of King's Bench. C.Lofft. Dub, I79O 8 1 Maxims of Equity, by Francis DiUf.l79i 8 1 Principles of Equity Pleading, by Lube. Lon, 1823 bds. 8 1 Firth, Seijeant at Law, on the Recent State Trials. Lond, 1818 8 1 Blackstone Commentaries, with notes,&c. by Christian. 14th edition. Lond, 1803 8 4 Abbot on Mercantile Lawi Lon. 1802 8 1 Law Grammer. ^\rj,./>u^. 179 1 8 1 Equity Pleader's Assistant. Dub. I796 8 1 Peacock's Rules and Orders of the Court of King's Bench, h.b. ion. 1811 8 1 Peacock's Rules and Orders of the Com- mon Pleas, h. b. Lon. 1811 8 1 "Williams Duty and OflSce of a Justice of the Peace, 3d edition. Lond.lS02 8 4 The Common Law common placed by G. Jacob. Lon. 1733 fol. i Montefivre's Commercial and Notarial Precedents. Lond. 1802 4 1 History of the Common Law by Sir Mat- thew Hall, with notes, Sec by Renning- ,1-. ton. Dub. 1792 8 i !f 32 'ti; Nd. 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 SIZE. VOL. 4 1 4 1 Montefiare's Commercial Dictionary con- taining Present State of Mercantile Law. Lond, 1803 Bree'8 Constitution of England in the 14th Century. Lon, 1791 Bullingbrooke's Abridgement of the Pubi lie Statutes of Ireland. Dub. I768 4 Sinl The Attorney's Vade Mecum by J. Mor- gan. Dub, 1787 8 2ini Archbold's Digest of the Penal Laws of England. ^^n. 1813 rl.8 A Collection of Statutes in frequent Use from 9th Henry 3d. to 4th Charles 1st. Wants title. - ... . ' 1035 foL Bolton's Justice of the Peace for Ireland. Dub, 1750. Trial of E. M. Despard for High Trea- son, taken in Shoit Hand by Gumey* Lmi, 1803 i 4 1 8 1 :..j;;' IV.— LAWS OF FRANCE. 619 620 €24 ¥26 !527 ¥28 i $29 C %30 G Isi L I < 632 C I i ^^^ El 621 I* 620 t 623 CAPITULARIA Regum Francorum, formulae veteres, notce, &c. curante Petro de Chiniac, h. b. Parw 1780fol. 2 f34 L ORDONNANCES des Roys de France, ^ de la troisieme race, avec des renvoys, des sommaires, &c. Lauriere, Yile- vault, Pastoret, &c. Fans 1723-63 fol. 19 ^36 N La Conference des Coustumes tant gene- rales que locales, et Particulieres du Royaume de France. P. Guenoys Paris 1596 fol. 2inl (Euvres de Pothier. Traite de la Com- munaute, du Contrat d' Assurance, des Donations, sur les Testamens, du Con- trat de Mariage, des Successions, &c. Fontainebleau 1806 8 23 Institution au Droit Fran9oi8. Bemardi :.<!>! -nU Paris Van ^ 8 1 i )35 F^ ] r J 1 37 R « ] I ] 1638 R a639 C i •|, \M. SIZE. VOL. m- ile 05 4 1 l.th 91 4 1 ib^ '68 4 2inl or- 87 8 gini of 13 rl.8 1 Jse St. 35 foL nd. 50. 4 ea- ey* ^ *'^ 103 8 1 m, ite SOfol. 3 ce, jrs, le^ 63 foi. 19 le- du >y8 i fol. 2iDl li- es n- :c. 36 8 23 di 8 8 1 ¥26 IP27 $28 i jp29 feo 31 1638 ^39 33 IIXK. VOi. Da Franc-alieu et origine des Droits Seigneuriaux . Par, 1637 4 1 Nouveau Recueil des An-ests de Bour- gongue. Bouvet Cohgtiy 1623 4 2 La Coutume de Paris, mise en vers Far, 1768 12 1 Code Civil des Fran9ais, edition origin ale et seule officialle Par, 1804 4 1 Loix et Constitutions des Colonies Fran- 9oises de PAmerique sous le vent. M. de St. Mery Par, 1550-1786 4 6 (Euvres de M. le Chancelier d* Agnesseau Parts 1787 4 13 Glossaire du Droit Fran5ois. Raqueau revue par Lamiere Paris 1704 4 2inl Le Barreau Fran9ais Moderne ou Choix de Plaidoyers Memoires et Con- sultations. Falconnet et Lepage Paris 1809 4 1 Cours de Droit Commercial. Pardessus. fine calf Paris 1821 8 5 Essai d* Institution Oratoires a 1* Usage de ceux qui se destinent au Barreau. Delamalle Paris 1822 8 ^ Le Parfait Notaire, Ferriei-e, revue par De "Visme Paris I77I 4 2 Ferriere. Dictionnaire de Droit et de Pratique. Paris 1702 4 ^ Noveau Ferriere; ou Dictionnaire de Droit et de Pratique; C. H. Dagar, h.b. Part* 1805 4 4 Kecueil des Lois composant le Code Civil Decretees en Pan XL et promulguees par le premier Consul, avec les discours rapportSj &c. prononcees dans ie cours de la discussion Par, Van 11 8 11 Recueil des Causes Celebres. Maurice Mejan, h. b. Par, 1808-1811 8 12 Causes Celebres. J. C. de la Ville Amst, ni5 12 26 n I I • 1'-; 1 '.\l\l \i Si No. '• SIZE. YOL. 64»0 Proces Celebres de la Revolution. Gui- chard Paris 1814 8 2 Gil Traite des Aydes Pa^. 1715 V2 1 642 Instructions sur les Conventions. Paris 1760 12 1 64>3 Commentaire sur la Coutume de Paris, par Claude de Ferriere Par, I788 12 3 644 Les Coustumes de Nivernois, par Co- quille, h. b. Paris 16^5 4 1 645 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. Parts 1724 24 1 646 Plaudoyez de Mr. Erard, avocat au Par- lement - Par. I796 8 1 647 Gazette des Nouveaux Tribunaux, de- puis le Ire Janvier, 1791, a Pan 4 Paris 1791-95 i'an 4 8 li 648 Cours du Droit Fran9ais, contenant les 5 Codes Reunis Par. I8I6 12 1 649 "Nouveau Manuel des Notaires Par. 1818 8 1 650 Traite de I'Adultere. Fournel Prtr. 1783 12 1 651 Proces de PAssassinat de M. Fualdes, h.b. Par. 1818 8 ! 652 Ordonnance de Lewis XIV. Par. I76O 24 ' 653 Jurisprudence Consulaire, par M. Rogue An(/ers 1773 12 i 654 Lettres sur la Profession d' Avocat. Ca- mus et Dupin Par. 1818 8 655 Constitutions de la Nation Fran9aise, Comte Lanjuinair Par. 1819 8 656 De I'Origine et des Progress de la Legis- lation Fran9aise, par Bernardi ParlSl6 8 \)57 Instructionssurles Conventions Pa/'1799 12 658 Institutes Feodales. G. A. Guyor Par. 1753 12 659 Esprit du Droit. Fritot Par. 1824 8 660 Commentan'e sur TEdit, portant crea- tion de Conservateurs des Hypotheques Par. 1785 12 661 Traite des Violences Publiques et Parti- culieres. M. Murena, French & Italien Paris 1769 12 Ko, 662 J 663 ( 664 ( 665 •] SIZE. VOL, 1 • jUI- Ca 1818 8 aise, 1819 8 egis- 816 8 1799 12 yor 1753 12 824 8 Icrea- ques 785 12 arti- ilien 769 12 No. 662 814 8 715 12 1 663 760 12 1 •? iris, 788 12 Co- 625 4 3 1 664 V ,- 665 724 24 Par- 1 m^ L796 8 de- 1 167 4 in 4 8 13 1^8 t les 1816 12 1 '669 1818 8 1783 12 Ides, 1818 8 1 1 ] 670 671 I76O 24 ' ^72 oj^ue 1773 12 f •173 35 SIZE. VOL. ElemensduDroit. Troussel-4v2*9'wo»1771 12 1 Ordonances et Instructions, faietes par Feuy, de bone mennoiie les Roys \ Charles septiesme, Fran9ois premier. Galliot du Pre Par. 153 J s.fol. 1 Ordonnance de la Marine 1681, Com- mentee P«r. 1749 8 1 Traite des Justices de Seigneur. Jacques Par, 1764 4 1 Le Nouveau Practicien Frangais. Lange et Pinont Par. 1^53 4 2 Regies du Droit Fran9ais. C. Pocquet do Livonniere Par. I768 12 1 Nouveau Cammentaire sur TOrdonnance Civile 1667. (Jousse) Par. I757 12 2 Nouveau Comnnentaire sur I'Ordonnance Criminelle I67O. (Jousse) Par. I756 12 1 Nouveau Commentaire sur lea Ordon- nances 1 669-1673. (Jousse) Par. I756 12 1 Exposition abregee des Loix. Damours Par. 1767 8 1 Ordonnance de Louis XIV. pour le Com- merce 1 673 - ^- P«rr. 1762 24 1 Texte de la Coutume de Normandie. (Nussied) Par. I749 12 Code Militaire. Briquet Par. I747 12 Code des Seigneurs Par. I76I 12 Maximes du Droit Public Fran9ois. (Mey. Maultrot Aubry) &c. Amsf.1775 12 Droit Public de France. Fleury, notes par Daragon '''-'^^•*^* ' '-'' jP^r. I769 12 Institutes Coutumieres de M. Loise), revue par E. de Lauriere Par. 1783 12 Regies du Droit Frangois. C. Pocquet de Livonniere Par. 1 756 12 1 Dictionnaire Feodal. Collin de Plancy Par. 1820 8 2 Maxims du Droit Public Frangois. (L'Abbe Mey) uoi Les Proces Civil et Criminel. Claude le Brun Lyon 1664 1 5 1 6 2 2 Prance 1 772 12 2 \ ^'' m 4 1 36 No. UZB. VOii, .il 639 Guide de TAvocat, par M. Gibault. Far. 1814^ 12 2 684 Enoyclopedie Methodique Jurisprudence h. b. Par, 1782 4 8 685 Enoyclopedie Methodique, tome 9 and 10 contenant la Police et les Municipalites, h.b. Par. 1791 4 2 686, Traite Historique et Pratique des Droits Seigneuriaux* par J. Renauldou Par. 1765 4 1 687 Institution au Droit Fran9ois, par M. Argou Par. I787 122 2 688 Memoire sur I'Droit Publiqueea Matieres d'Impots Huxelles I779 4 1 689 Ordonnance deLouisXIV. I667 ParlQQQ 24 1 690 Code Rural (Baucherd'Angis)Par.l749 12 2 691 Do. do. do. 1774 12 3 692 La Bibliotheque, ou Thresor du Droit Fran9ois Laurens Bouchel Par. 16 15 fol. 2 693 Le Nouveau Valin, ou Code Commercial Maritime, par Laporte, revue par Bou- cher Par. 1809 4 \ 694 Pictionnaire de la Police Generale. Par. 1771 8 1 695, Traite de la Preuve par Temoins. Des- quiron Par. 1811 8 \ 696 Histoire du Parlement de Paris, par Voltaire Lausanne I77O 12 1 697 Manuel des Jures, h.b. Par. 1810 12 I 698 Proces instruit extraordinairement centre Messieurs de Curadeuc de la Chalatais &c. Parts 1668 12 3 1 699 Code Napoleon mis en Yers Fran9ais . ' Pam 1811 12 I 700 Corps de Droit Fran9ai8 Civil Commer- cial et Criminel, imprimes sur le texte des Editions Qfficielles, par L. Rondon- neau Pan* 1810 4 3\ 701 Recueil Chronologique des Ordonnances Edits, &c. Paris 175^ 12 3 SIZB. VOi>. rso. It. 7or L4 12 2 . ce 32 4 a 1 10 JS, 702 n 4 2 1 Its 703 55 4 1 1 VI. 704 37 122 2 1 •es 705 79 4 1 60 24 1 7O6 49 12 2 707 74 12 3,j Qlt 7O8 15 fol. 2 ial 709 tu- 09 4 ^ le. 710 71 8 1 JS- 711 11 8 I ar 70 12 1 712 10 12 1 re - 713 lis 68 12 a 714 lis U 12 1 5r- ) 715 te , n- 716 LO 4 3 es 716 J7 12 3 37 «UB. VOL. 701* Manuel du Commercant. Gunton Faru 1808 8 1 v.— ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. Ecclesiastical La^v by Richard Bum, L. L. D., li. b. Lond, 1775 8 4 Discipline de TEglise touchant les Bene- fices et les Beneficiers, extracte de la discipline du Thoinassin. Paris I702 4 1 Les Regies du Droit Canon, traduites par D. Antoine. Brusseiles I774 4 1 Pictionaire du Droit Canonique, par Du- rand de Maillane. Lyon I787 8 6 Pes Eveques. Paris 1825 8 * Histoire du Droit Public Ecclesiastique Fran9ois. Lon, I737 8 2 Traite de Fautorite de Rois touchant rAdministration de I'Eglise. Lon, n5Q 12 2 Institution du Droit Ecclesiastique. Henry. Notes, &c. par B. d*Argis. Paris 1767 12 2 A collection of Canons, &c. A Discourse on Schism, Bennet, h. b. Lond, 1699 8 1 Institutes du Droit Canonique traduites en Fran9ois, par M. Durand de Maillane. Lyon 1770 12 9 Memoirs of the King's Supremacy, by T. B. Clarke, l. l. d., bds. Lon, 1809 8 1 De TEglise Gallicane dans son rapport avec le S. Pontiff. Par, 1823 8 1 Les Libertez de TEglise Gallicane prou- vees et Commentees par M. Durand de Maillane. Lyon 1771 4 3 Pucasse's Jurisdiction Ecclesiastique. Tuolouse 1762 4 I Histoire du Droit Public Ecclesiastique Fran9ois. Lon, 4 2iDl Traite du Pouvoir des Eveques traduit du Portugais d'A. Pereira, sewed. 1772 8 1 ;" ■'■,1 ; I 1 1 11 38 VI.— PARLIAMENTARY LAW. No. '' SIZE. VOL 717 Lex Parliamcntaria. Qtiehpc 1803 8 1 718 Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons with observations. Hatsell. Lon. 1785 4 3 719 A Discourse on the Rise and Power of Parliaments. 1^)77 12 1 720 Lex Parliamcntaria Perrault, h. b '. ■ ' • Quebec 1803 8 1 721 Manuel du Droit Parlemcntaire traduit de I'Anglais de T. Jefferson. Paris 1814 8 1 722 The The Trial of Warren Hastings, h.b. Lo7i. 1788 8 1 72s The Defence of Warren Hastings, and papers connected with, h.b. Lon. I786 8 1 724 Lex Parliamcntaria, Lon, 8 1 VIL— LAWS OF CANADA. <■( ' 725 Ordere and Rules of Practice in the Court of King's Bench Quebec. Qitehec 1809 12 726 Questions et Reponses sur le Droit Civil du Bas Canada. Perrault. Qurhec 1810 18 727 Report of the Trial of Reinbard and McLellan. 31onlreall8\9 8 728 Traite sur les Lois Civiles du Bas Canada, par Beaubien, bds. Mont, 1832 8 729 Act of 4tli Geo. III. Provincial Statutes from 1777 to 1790. Treaty of Peace with the U. S. 1794. Ordei-s in Coun^ oil 1796, h. b. ""' Quebec 1797 730 A Collection of Acts of Imperial Par- .:,. . liament and other Public Acts relative to Canada. Quebec 1800 731 Provincial Statutes from 1 793— 1822,clf. Quebec 4 6 4 1 4 1 Ko. 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 i 742 I 743 I 744 745 746 747 SIZE. VOL ^ ) 8 1 I. ' ' ^ ) 4 3 f i 1 12 1 '^ 5 8 1 + t 1 5 14 8 1 8 8 1 ! d 3 8 • 8 No. 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 19 «(ZB. VOL) Collection of Acta of Imperial Parlia- ment and other Public Acts relative to Canada. Qmhi'c 1800 4 1 Provincial Statutes from 1793—1830. Quebec 4 9 Indox to Laws of L. C. to 57th Geo. 111. and do. from 58th Geo. HI. to 6th Geo. IV. Que, 1826 Ordinances now in Force. Que. 1825 Edit*s Ordonnances, &c. concernant le Canada, elf. , Que, 1803 Another copy of the same, h. b. Statutes of U. C. 1792—1804, h. b. York 4 1 Statutes of U. C. 1791—1831. Thomson and McFarlane, h. b. in vellum. ' ♦ *^' «. : ' ' • ' Kingston 4 I 16 Numbers of Laws and Statutes, unbd. Journals of the Legislative Council of L. C. 1819 to 1826, h. b. Que. fol. 7 Journals of the House of Assembly of L. C. from 1805 to 1802, sewed. 4 6 Journals of do. 1821— 1822, h.b. fol. 1 Journals of the House of Assembly of L. C. from 1792 to 1804, h. b. Que, 8 2 4 1 4 2 4 2 4 4 12 1 748 749 Laws of Nova Scotia, h.b. Half, 1805 Dictionaire de TAncien Droit du Cana- da. McCarthy. 1809, Articles of War, Act 51, Geo. in. cap. 8. Que, 1809 12 1 Appel a la Justice de I'Etat, par DuCal- vet, avec une lettre a messieurs les Ca- nadiens. ' ':-'i Xowc/. 1784 —Remarks on Laws and Government of the. Province of Quebec. Que. 1790 8 1 Extralt des Titres en fief et Seigneurie, par Vondenvelden et Charland. Que, 1803 12 1 Debats entre la Companie du Nord Quest et Lord Selkirk, sewed ilfcm^. 1818 8 1 I. i ■ 46 i - 1^ Ko. •Iff. V9L. 750 Lord Selkirk's Settlement on Red Ri- ver, map and pamphlets connected with it, h. b. Si J 5 1 Report of Trials in the Courts of Canada relative to the destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement. Amos, plan bds. . - Lond. 182S 8 i VIII.—WORKS relating to law or GO- VERNMENT NOT COMPREHENDED UN- DER PRECEDING HEADS. 752 Annales Politiques et Diploraatiques, contenant les Chartes ot Lois Fonda- mentales, Traites, Proclamations, Sec. relatifs a la Constitution Politique, Sec, des Etats de PAncien et du Nouveau Monde, avec Tables, Sec, Isambert Par. 1823 8 4 753 Collection des Constitutions, Chartes, et Lois Fondamentales des Peuples de 1* Europe et des deux Ameriques Par. 1821 8 6 754 Proems Fameux, par M. des Essarts Par. 1786 12 8 755 The Maritime Law of^ Europe, from the French of Azuni N. York 1 806 8 2 756 Trial of Brigadier General William Hull bds. New York 1814 8 1 757 Office of Justice of the Peace Phil. I712 4 1 758 Adam*s Defence of the Constitution of the United States Lon. I787 8 1 759 Traite de Medecind Legale. Fodere Paris 1813 8 6 760 Des Institutions Judiciaires de TAngle- teiTC comparees avec celles de la France. Joseph Rey, sewed Paris 1 826 iS 2 761 Frederican Code or Body of Law for the Dominions of the King of Prussia, from the French - Ediu. I76I 8 2 I No. 762 Q63 I 764 765 i fG7 R A i ^68 Jh if6g H 70 t t f7^ D( 74 Co l75 Mj t t76 Es! t te tllK. VOL. 8 ^ ; 8 1 )RGO. ;d UN- A 4 No. 762 7G3 705 11 t 3 8 4 ;t e IS 1 8 6 6 12 8 8 2 1 8 1 2 4 1 )f 7 8 1 e 3 8 6 6 8 2 e a 1 8 2 fG7 t68 T69 *70 i t 173 174 I m siak. voL Code Penal dc la Cliine. Staunton, traduit avec notes par F. R. de Sainte Croix Par, 1812 8 2 Principles of the Law of Scotland Edin. 1754 8 1 The Code of Connecticut 1650, and Blue Laws Hart, 1822 12 1 Constitution of the State of New Hamp- shire Portsmouth 1797 8 1 Series of Notes od the Codes and Docu- ments of the Grecian, Romany Feudal^ and Canon Law. C. Butler^ h. b; PhU, 1808 8 i RevicitV of the Constitutibift of the Prin- cipal States of Europe, from the French of De la Croix Lond, 1792 8 2 Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire et du Droit Public d'Allemagne. FfefTeU bds. Par, I776 4 2 Hints on Laws & Customs, h. b. Xo7il812 12 1 Testament Politique de Messire J. B. Colbert A la Haye 1694 12 1 Traite Sist^matique de PEtat du S. Em- pire Remain ^ de la Nation Allemande ; oil le Droit Public de cet Empire. (Scheid) Hanovre 1751 8 4 Doctrine of Contracts^ Verplanck New York 1825 r. 8 1 An Essay on Maritime Loans; B. M. Bmerigon> liotes. Sec translated by Hall Baltimore 1811 8 i Code General pour les Etats Prussiens, traduit par les Membres du Bureau de Legislation Etrang^re, et public par ordre du Ministre de la Justice : f.u.'A (■ . ' ': . Paris tafi 9 8 5 Martinis Legal Policy of Scotland Lon, 1792 8 1 Essai sur PHistoire de la Puissance Pa- tenielle,parNougaredei'ar.ra»9-lS01 12 1 I j f f- i: I 1 I No. 777 V78 4S SIZE. Voi Consulat de la Mer,[traduit du Catalan en Fran^ais, d'apres redition originale de Barcelonne, 119'i. Boucher, h. b. Par, 1808 8 2 Works of Sir George M'Kenzie, advocate to Charles II. and Jatties II. chiefly on Scottish Law Edin. 1722 fol. 2 'il'.; IVATIOarAI^ AFFAIBS. : i>". ■•^. t I.— POLITICS AND DIPLOMACY. 1.— EUROPEAN. I ^: ,,.<? 779 ?80 781 782 783 784* 785 786 V87 Pamphlets-^Chateaubriand, de Buona- parte JPar, 1814 I)uchesne.NouvellesReflexionsParl814 Chasse Nouvelle, suivie d'uue Liste des Aristocrates, h. b. Par. I789 Lettres de Junius, traduits par J. T. Parisot Par. 1823 Pamphlets-^ Wilberforce on the Slave Trade Lon. I8O7 Sixth Report of the African Institution, h.b. • '^1 L.: iU ' Lon. 1812 Pasley's Military Policy, h. b. Lorn 1811 Curran's Speeches and Pamphlets, h. b. New York 1809 Budgell's Letter to Oeomenes, &c. being an answer to Lettera Published in th-e Daily Courant Lon. 1731 Correspondence between Lord Corn- wallis and Sir H. Clinton, relative to the Campaign in N. America Lan. 1783 Extra Official State Papers, by a late Under Secretaiy, h.b. (scarce) Lon.1'789 Parallele de la Puissance Anglaise et Russe, par M. de Pradt Par. 1823 L'Emigratioa ludemnisee, par Isidore Lebrun Par. 182d 8 1 8 S I No. 788 : 7S9 ] 1 790 I 791 1792. I 793 C 1794 J 195 S 796 797 8 I 8 8 8 L Jl [798 Jl 799 800 8 8 i 8 i Jl T \ IsOl D 1 802 N *803 B S04 T VV ' 43 SIZE. Vt)i en de :y. . T No. 788 i08 8 2 ;7S9 ate on 1790 ?'22fol. 2 8 3 8 1 1791 8 1 8 I SIZE. VOIi* Discom's sur quelques Gx)uvemmens de r Europe par M. le Comte d*^Albon \ * Vt ,. V^r ' Lond. 1784 History of Glasgow. Selkirk on Emigrar tion. Commerce of the Brazils, h. b. Heron on the Present War, 1794', and Reports of the Committee of Secrecy on the Revolutionary Societies of 1792, h. b. ■ Edin. 1794- The Prince, from the Italian of Machi- avelji, by J. S. Byerley Lond, 1810 Dictionnaire Raisonne de Diplomatique, contenant les Regies principales et es.. sentielles pour dechimer les Anciens Titres,, &c. planches JPar. 1774 Cours de Style Diplomatique. Meisel - Par.. J 826 J. MABILLON. De re Diplomatica, lib. vi. plates -r, . Par* 1681 fol. Supplementum Librorum de re Diplor matica, plates, bds. Par, 1704 fol. Letters of Junius, bds. C/iiswick 1S19 24f JUNIUS. Illustrations by Bocquet, fine portraits, russia, gilt Lond, 1813 Junius, including Letters under other signatures. Correspondence with M. Wilkes, Private Letters to H. S. Wood- fall, with essays, notes, fac^siipiles, &c. j,M Lond. 1814 Junius Unmasked, bds. Boston 1823 12 The Identity of Junius with a distin- guished Living Chai-acter, portrait and fac-similes, bds. New York 1818 Dictionaire des Girouettes. Par, 1815 Nouveau Dictionnaire des Girouettes. ..r •-'«- Par, 1831 12 Burke*8 Letter on the Trench Revolution » and Mcintosh's VindicisB Gallicoe. Lond, 1790 & Phil, 1792 I ' ■, 8 2 8, ^ 1 X 4 \ a 3 1 * i< '-■ 8 8 1 1 I 8 TheRoyal Justification by aPeerZo/ilS08 12 1 I > » ; ( t ,i:i 8 1 8 8 8 44* }^0. * SIZE. VOL. 305 Essay on the Ambition and Conquests of France, h. b. Lon, 1797 806 Chateaubriand De Buonaparte des Bour- bons, and other Pamphlets, h. b. Par. 307 Ionian Islands-r-refutation of mis-state- ments of the Quarterly Reyiew, &c. byLt. Col. Bosset, bds. Lond. 18S1 808 The Law of fassiy^ Obedifspce, by Sharp, b^. L(m, 809 MemoirsofCaptainItQck,bds. PM.18<24 12 810 Wilkes' Speeches. Lon. 1777 12 311 Melanges de Politique. Chateaubriand. Paris 1816 8 812 Pain's Rights of Men and other Pam- phlets. 12 813 The Political Writings of Sir R. Steele. Lond. 1715 J2 314 Peace at Home and War Abroad, by C. , D'Avenant, Presentation Copy from the Author. Lon, I704 8 315 Introduction Generale a I'etude de la Po- litique, ^eausobre, h.b. Bruxelles 1797 12 %\Q Miscellanea Aulica, or a collection of State Treatises, h.b. (curiou8).Low.l702 12 317 The History of John Bull. T^an. I776 18 31 8 History of the Proceedings in the Casp of Margaret, sister to John Bull. Lon.l76;|. 12 819 Considerations sur les Principes Politiques de mon Siecle, &c.(Pe Bossi)Lon.l773 8 320 Chateaubriand on Revolutions, bds. Lon. 1815 Ki ■% « •! vi \ \ 8 (»<■••■ 2.— AMERICA. 1 8 1 821 The Olive Branch. Phih 1815 322 Pamphlets. Considerations sur les Effets ^ qu'ont produit en Canada la Conserva- tion des Etablessemens du Pays, &c. li. b. Montreal 1809 8 1 No. 823 824. 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 83^ 836 837 838 839 840 ail 45 SIZE. VOL. sts 97 8 1 ir- ir, 8 1 te- cc. 81 8 1 irp, )n. 8 1 24 \% \ 77 12 2 id. 16 8 2 m* 12 1 >le. 15 ;2 1| C. ;he 04 8 1 >o. '97 12 2| of 02 12 1 76 18 1 of 6; 12 1 ques 78 8 1 15 8 1 15 8 1 ets Icc. I 09 8 1 I SIZE. VOL. No. • 823 Canadian Pamphlets, h. b. 8 1 824 Canadian Pamphlets, do. 8 1 825 New York State Convention of 1821, bds. Aihany 1821 8 1 826 The Canadian Freeholder, Ist vol. bds. 2&3, h. b. ionrf. 1777— 1779 8 3 827 Barlow's Political Writings.iVew Yorkl79G 12 1 828 Political Pamphlets. N, York 8c Boston 8 I 829 The Works of Alexander Hamilton. • /* N. York 1810 8 3 830 Gale (South Carolina') on Public Credit. Lon. 1784 8 I 831 Eloquence of the United States, by WiU liston. Middleioton, Coti, 1827 8 5 832 LowerCanadaWatchman. Kt«gr»/o»1829 18 1 833 Debates, &c. of the Convention of Vir- ginia, as taken in Short Hand. >^ -'' .1... ;h Ni::i. Richmond 1805 8 1 834 The Life and Writings of Governeur Morris, by Jared Sparks, bds. J5o*.1832 8 3 83^ "vnence of the Colonies, bds. /.on. 1816 8 1 836 » gonial Representation. Chisholme. Three Rivers 1832 18 1 837 Address of the People of Great Britain to the Inhabitants of America, 1775« ■ . ■ D iscours sur les Croisades. Pam 1809 8 1 838 Anderson on the Importance of the <.'i ^ British American Colonies, boards. Lon. 1814 8 1 839 Memoir upon the Negociations between Spain and the United States of America, by D, Luis de Onis, from the Spanish, ' by T. Watkins, bds. -BaWm org 1821 8 X 840 Porcupine(W, Cobbett) Works exhibiting a faithful Picture of the United States of America, &c. comprising a complete Series of Historical Documents and Remarks from 1783 to 1801. Low.1801 8 13 ail The Patriot's Monitor. Vermont 1810 l<i \ '1 fl 40 No. 8IZB. V.Om. 842 Vresident's Message to Congi'ess 1793» and other Papei-s. jPhil. 1795 8 1 843 Colonial . Policy by a British Traveller. P^iV. 1818 12 1 844 Pamphlets. Proceedings of the House? of Assembly and Impeachment of Jona- \ ' t than Sewell and James Monk, 8cc^ post 4 1 845 Congressional Reporter forl8 II. Cowcor^ 8 1 S4G Washington's Epistles, Lettera, &Cv Por- ^ ^; .. c, trait, with other Pamphlets, h. b. N, York 1796 8 1 847 Pamphlets. A View of the Political Si- tuation of Upper Canada in 1808, &c. h.b. 8 1 848 Situation Politique des Etats Unis. Tur- ' .reau.,u fu. ') fi J^«r. 1815 & 849 Vermont State Papers. Middlebury 1^23 8 850 Review of the Government and Griev- ances of the Province of Quebec, ZjOh. 1788, and other Pamphlets, h. b. 8 851 Democracy Unveiled, bds, Boston 1805 12 861 Works of Fisher Ames, with notices of I '6[ life and character. Portrait, ^os. 1809 8 ' ' ' 4^P0LITICAL ECONOMY. ' ^' Smith's Wealth of Nations. Lon, 177^ 4 Smith's Wealth of Nations, with Notes, , &c. Additional Volume by Buchanan, bds. £;(/iii.l814 8 Smith's Wealth of Nations, with Portrait. Glas. 1805 12 ^55 Joyce's Analysis of the Wealth of Nations. r^vAufuhv.vv .^i.<i ,>,TiV io?i. 1821 12 85G Histoire de I'Usure, par Bancher. Par. I8O7 12 857 Hamilton on the National Debt. Edin, 1813 8 858 Jacob's Historical Inquiry into the Pro- duction and Consumption of the Precious Metals, bds. PhiL 1832 8 \ 852 853 854 ■^, No. I 859 860 86 1 862 863 S64 865 1 1 866 1 "867 1 1 1 1 868 1 1 "^^^ ■ 870 2 J 871 4 \ 872 4 \ "873 1 874 1 i «_ 1 1 ^75 % ^76 V iv SIZB. VOm. 5 8 1 8 12 1 ^ . 3t 4> rd 8 1 I f- t. ('. 16 8 1 • 1- c. 8 1 r- 5 a 13 8 1 1 V- n, 9 8 1 1 1 6 4 2 8, y 4 8 ait. 5 12 4 4 ons. 1 12 I 7 12 1 3 8 1 1- ous 2 8 X SIZE. VOLi 8 1 8 8 1 1 8 1 8 5 Ko. ■ 859 History of the Banking Establishments of Europe and America, by Goddard, bds. '- ;; V N, Y, 1831 860 Gallatin on the Finances of ihe United States, bds. N. ¥. 1796 8Gl Essays on Trade, by Tucker. Lon, 1687 862 Sheffield ort the Manufactures, &c. of Ireland. JDub. 1785 863 StorchjCours d'Economie Politique avec notes, par Say, sewed. Paris 1823 B64 Recherches sur la Population, par Godwin, traduit par Constancio. Par, 1821 8 2 865 Principes de PEconomie Politique, par Hicardo, tradiiit pal* Constancio, avec not<^s par Say. Par. 1819 8 2 866 Lettre a M. MalthUs, par J. B. Say. Par, 1823 8 1 "867 Colquhoun & Sabatier on the condition of the Poor, h. b. Lon. 1797 8 1 868 Ecohomie Politique traduit de TAnglais de J. Mill. Par. 1823 8 1 "869 Stewart's Works on Political Economy and Miscellanies with Life,&c. io».l 805 8 6 870 De TEmploi de TArgent, par Maflfei, traduit de i'ltalien. Avignon 17 87 8 1 871 L'Ami des Hommes ou Traite de la Po- pulation, (Mirabeau et Quesnay). ...... pfjris 1759— I76O 12 8 872 L'Ordre Naturel des Societes Politiques, (Le Mercier de la Riviere). Lon. IJ&j 12 2 "873 Ganilh, Essai Politique sur le Revenu Public. Par. I8O6 8 2 874 Principles of Banks and Banking of Money, by Sir James Stewart, a Trea- I ' tise extracted from his work on Political " Economy, bds. "•* . Xow. 1820 8 1 875 Malthus*8 Essay on the Principles of Popu- lation. , . Lon. I8O7 8 2 576 Dessertation on Man, in answer to Mal- thus's Essay. J||,arrold, bds. Lon, ISOG 8 1 'i i 1 1 48 No. SICE. VOL. I 879 880 881 882 888 884 885 1 1 4 1 2 2 877 Smith's Essay on Money, bds. Lon.lSli 8 1 878 Ganilh's System of Political Economy, translated by Boileau, bds. Lon, 1812 8 Do. do. do. 8 Les Interets des Nations de PEurope re^ lativement au Commerce. JLeide I767 12 Essai Politique sur le Commerce; 1736 12 De I'Administration des Finances de la France. Necker. 1785 4 2 La Richesse de la Hollaxldci h; b. .^ ., Lorn 1778 4 Do, ' ' ' do do; do. 8 .Plan for the I*eriddi(ial Abolition of Taxes, Sic. Other Pamphlets, h. b; Lond, 1795 8 1 886 Say's Catedhism of Political Economy • • 18 19, and Lauderdale on the Govern- ment of India, h. b* 1809 S 1 887 McArthur's Financial and Political Facts of the 18th Century, bds. Lond. ISOl 8 1 888 The Colonial Policy of Great Britain, bds. Zon, 1816 8 1 889 Etude du Credit Public et des Dettes Publique> par Dufresne St. Leon. . . ; - »" Pan 1824 8 1 890 Lauderdale on Public Wealth. ,./tr Editii 1804 a 1 891 De la Balance du Commerce et des Re- lations Commerciales Exterieures de la , . , France, par Arnold^ h. b. Paris 1791 S ^ 892 Theorie de I'Impot (Mirabeau) I76O 12 1 893 Chalmer's Christian and Civic Economy of Large Towns, h. b. 8 1 894 O'Callaghan on Usury, bds. JV. Y. 1824 12 1 895 (Euvres de J. Law, h. b. Par. I79O 8 1 896 Page's Letters on Bank Restrictions, bds. Lon. 1819 8 1 897 Lord's Principles of Currency and Banking, bds* m c )06 G ] )0i D 1 )o^ b 4|o3 CI 0* Bi ^ft05 Bi b ijpoe C( 107 St; |08 Bi )9 St! F B )9* St£ la 10 Mo In Th Un M m ' i \ * i-i.it'j • V «t»i»C _» 13 Od( 14 Ele 49 SUE. VOL. 1 li<^d. 18 1 IT riB98 y* 2 8 1. e- ^ )7 12 4 J6 12 1 $00 ■t)00 la 55 4 2 t)Ol r8 4 2 ,, K 8 2 |o^ of b; )5 8 1 .. |o3 "y , Hi g 09 S 1^ |oi icts b05 31 8 1 ' ^r *^ 16 8 1 boG ;es |07 - ios 24 8 1 i -■it 109 )4 8 1 1 la , ■qq* )1 S ^ i 50 12 1 ^ ™y 8 1 11? 24 12 1 .*- )0 8 1 1^12 >d8. 4 19 8 1 .* id ii3 10 1-2 1 114 SIZB. VoL. 8 1 f < Great Britain's True System and African Trade. M. Postletwayt Lon, 1757 Child on trade Olas. 1751 Mun's England's Treasure by Foreign Trade Glas, 1755 12 1 Gee on Trade and Navigation of Great Britain Ldhd, t73,8 12 1 Dissertation oh thi^ Niimberd of Mankind^ with remarks on Hume on the PbpU- lousness of Antient Nation^ Edin. 1753 be la Hichess^ Conimerciale. Simonde Geneva 1803 8 i 8 ^ 4 4 Chalmer's Estimate of the Strength of Great Britain Lond, 1794 Bristed's Resources of the Britisli Em- pire, bds. N, York 1811 Bristed's Resources of the United States bds. N, York 1818 Colquhoun On the Resources of the British Empire Ldnd, 1814 State of the British Empire Lond, 1772 De rindustrie Fran9oise, par Chaptal Pdris 1819 Statistiqii^ iGerier£d et Pdrticuli^re de la France et de ses Colonies, publie par Herban, h. b; Paris 1803 Statistical Tables, &c. concerning Scot- land>h;b. Glasgow 1823 : III.— COMMERCE; Mortinier on Commerce Lorid. 180i The Elements of Commerce; Mortimer Lond, i780 Universal Commerce, by the Editor of Mortimer's Commercial Dictionary, bds. ^ / Lond, 1818 Oddy's European Commerce Phil, 1807 Elemens du Commerce Paris I* an 4 12 8 1 8 i 8 1 1 1 8 ^ 8 6 8 1 8 i 4 1 8 8 i . ; '.«0 Hi W ■ir No. 8 4 4 4 4 2 4 SI%E.At>L. Commerce ties Pellcteries dans Ic Canada. Mackenzie, traduit par J. Castora Paris 1807 8 1 910 Commerce de la Hollande,h.l).-4»K9n 708 12 3 917 Anderson's History of Commerce 918 Dictionnaire Univei-sel de Commerce, Banque, Manufactures, &c. h. b. -M<r/l fiif nu^Miinii >;» •/ i'ctm 1805 GI9 Treatise of Affaii-s Maritime and of Com- merce. Molloy Lond. 17^9 9^0 Le Parfait ^egociant. Savary, sewed Paris Van 8 921 Dictionnaire Univcrscl dc la Geographic Commer9ante. Peuchet, bds. Par. Van 7 922 The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. M. PostlethwaytZom/. I76O fol. 2 923 The Universal Dictionary of Trade and Commerce. M. Postleth\vaytZon:j'.1774 fol. 2 924 Theorie dcs Traites de Commerce. Bou- chauld Paris 1777 12 1 \ \ W . 1 t- *-""f iPHiiiOsoi^iiir* '^' '^"^"^ "■ I.— GENERAL TREATISES ON PHILOSOPHY AND DICTIONARIES OF THE SCIENCES AND ARTS. 925 THE WORKS of Francis Bacon, Baron of Venilum, with Life by Mallet, fine I ?. V portrait and other embellishments, pre- sentation copy from the University of Dublin — -- Xwnr/. 1740 fol. 926 Lord Bacon's Works, viz. Sylva Sylvarum •i^th Edition Lond. I739 I ,|- (' New Atlantis, The Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning Lond. 1674 foL 927 Analyse de la Philosophic du Chancelier F. Bacon, avec sa Vie. Leyde I778 12 928 .The Works of the Right Hon. Robert I Boyle, with Life hy Birch Lond* 1744 fol. 935 937 938 !/39 !910 '•l-l w ■*■ * !it2 |913 9i5 lb IG ilZE. ^'OL. a No. :-■«• Iu29 • |!)30 8 1 1«J31 12 3 VJ^'i 4 4 4 2 I 8 2 r At 5 I 6fol. 2 1 ifoL 2 r 12 1 1933 93 1 935 93ti 937 1)38 9J9 2 4 4 1 8 2 ?.'. 1 I 1 Ofol. 41 a 9 ♦ = d 4 fol. r 8 12 l-t 4 fol. J 1944 )45 51 ^> SUB. VOb. ITume's Essnvs 'f'!* ( •« vT p////. 18I7 8 3 Hiime*s Essays EfJin. 1809 8 (Eiivrcs de M. Hume • Amsf, 1J5S 12 Thoiiiiv Hobbis Opora Philosopliica, quae latiiie scripsit omnia Amsi, IO68 ttluvres Philosopliiciues ct Politiqucs de Thomas Hohbos Neufchatel I787 Cud\vortli*s Intellectual System, and his Two Sermons on the Lord's Supper Lond. 1078-1076 fol. Pliilosophical Essays Edin, I7O8 12 Peut-Etre, par le Baron de Mouville, ' (ceuvrago philosophique,) planches Paris 182 J 8 Locke's Conduct of the Urtderstanding and Bacon's Essays Lond. 1818 24 SystemeUniverscl. Azais, sewed /V//-1810 8 Sennertus's Philosophy, wants title s. fol. Historia Philosophia;, autorc Thoma Stanleio Lipsiee IJW 4 Stanley's History of Philosophy, portraits L(md. 1701 fol. Orlgine dcs Dccouvertes attribuees aux Modernes. Dutens Lou, 1790 4 The History of the Royal Society of London. Strat Lon, 1734 4 Another Copy ' ' "" ' 1 ' », » > liO ENCYCLOP£l)IE, ou Dictionnniic Rai-' Sonne des Sciences, des Arts et dcs Metiers Diderot & d'Alembert Par. I75I-I7O5 fol. I7 Supplement Amst, 177^-7 f^l» 4 Planches, avec Icur Explication \ ' - - ^ -r > Paris 1 702-1 772 fol. 1 1 Supplement > ^ - • Paris 1777 fol- Tables Paris I78O fol. ENCYCLOPEDIE. Diderot otd'Alembcrt edition exactement conforme a celle de Pellet in quarto Lausanne §• Berne 1 '" U 8 30 Recueil de Planches 4 3 1 2 *l ml > ■ i .53 |i(^ sizf. voi» I Na. 9i7 Tho Edinburgh Encyclopedia^ fvom iV to, | p65 Mus. '* ^^M 948 Gregory's Dictionary of the Arts and | 9O6 Sciences, plates Lon. I8O7 4 2 949 Pocket Encyclopedia, by E. A. Kendal f| 967 Lon. 1811 18 4 950 l^ncyclopffidia Britannica, 3rd edition 'I 9G8 with 2 vols, plates Edin. 1797 4 2Q J 9^9 951 L'Esprit de I'Encyclopedie ou Choix 4es Articles les plus agreables | Q70 Fans 1798.1808 8 13in7 952 Crabb's dictionary of General Know- f 971 ledge, numerous wood cuts, cloth " 97^ New York 1830 8 1 953 Watkin's Portable Cyclopedia Lon. I8I6 12 1 ' 97^ 954 jplncyclopedie des Eufans. Masson i Paris 1811 8 ^J 974 ^55 Select Papers on Agriculture, Commerce m &c. Society for Encouragement of Arts, 1 97^ t. b^ Lond. 1765 8 G J I 976 U.— MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL NATURE f 977 OF MAN. J 978 956 Locke's Esssay on the Human Unerstand- | ing, Lon. I776 8 3 957 Locke's Essay with Life, J5c^i«. 1798 12 3 958 Locke's Essay Abridged. Lon. I774 12 1 959 Essai concemant TEntendement Humain traduit par M. Coste. Amsier. I75O 12 2 96Q Translation of Esprit and Rochefoucant. Lon, 1706 8 1 961 Jloqhefoucault's Maxims — ^French and ^ English. Calais 1797 8 962 Rochefoucault's Maximes et Reflections. Lon. 1784 18 9o3 La Morale Univeiselle, par le Baron d'Holbach. Par. 1820 8 Si p64 Les Characteres de Theophraste, par La Bruyere. Amst, 1741 12 sizt. vox. tQ 4 13 id y? 4 2 al LI 18 4 )n n 4 2Q ix 8 lSin7 vv- th 30 8 1 16 12 1 11 8. ^ ce ts. 65 8 G ATURE d- 76 8 !3 ?8 12 3 74 12 1, tin 50 12 2 It. )6 8 1 id )7 8 1 IS. i4, 18 L )n 20 8 8 a 1 12 Na. stzB. YO^ 9G5 Ijt^ Druyere*9 Chai^cters Translated. Ow/>, 1776 12 \ 966 Butterworth's Thouglits on Moral Agency, &c. bds. EcL'sham 17'J2 8 1 p67 Lettres de Pouipignan sur Divers points do Morale. Par, 1892 8 2inl pC8 Paley's Moral Philosophy. Dub, 1793 8 1 9G9 Helvetius, De I'Esprit, Translated. Lon, 1759 4 1 p70 Helvetius on Man, Translated by Hooper. T,on. 1777 8 2 971 CEuvres Completes d'Helvetius.P«r. 1818 8 3 PI72 Examen des Critiques du ^^ivre Intitule De I'Esprit. Lond, I7G0 12 1 973 W^tts on the JnnproYement of the Mind. iiWi/i.l8I4 12 1 974 Watts on the Improvement of the Mind. Lon, 1809 24 1 975 Theory of Agreeable Sensations. Bost, 1812 24 I 976 Mason on Self-Knowledge. Xor*. 179112 1 977 Pense^s sur PHomme. Jf*ar, 1738 12 1 978 Thomson on the Natural State of Man. />Mft.l743 8 1 979 Snaith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. Lond, 1804 8 2 980 Hutchegon on the Passions, &c. Glas, 1769 12 1 981 Reynold's Treatise on the Passions, &c. Lon. 1658 sm. 4 1 982 De rinfluence des Passions. Made, de Stael. Par. 1818 8 1 983 Recherche de la Verite. Malebranche. Par, 1772 12 4 984 NoiTis's Essay on Ideal World. Lon.llO^ 8 2 985 Aids to Reflection, by S. T. Coleridge. Appendix by Marsh, bds. Burl, 1S^9 8 1 C!86 Degerando's Historic comparee des Sys- temes de Philosophic. Par. 1822 8 4 * ^ I M \.\ I ri fr* Nft. , fl/I. VOL. !JS7 Elomcnls of tlio Philosopliy of tlic IIu* i ; •. , i mail Aliiitl, by Dugald Stewart. Lon, 1811 8 1 1)88 riiilosophical Kssays, byDiigald Stewai-t. Phil. 1811 8 1 1)31) Diigal Stewart's Dissertation prefixed to tlie Suppleruentary Volumes of the En- ; cyclopuidiu Britannia. Soston 18 17 I \ J ' His Outlines of Moral Pliilosopliy. Edin.im^ \ . ; A View of French Literature during the 18tli Century. Prom the French, h. b. Lon. 18U 8 1 OyO Analyse Raisonnee do la Sagesse de Cliarron. Lond. 1789 18 a 1)91 De la Sagesse. Charron, avec Notes, &c. Duval. Par. 18iiU 8 992 Cond,orcet*s Historical View of the Pro- gress of the Human Mind, from the French. Phil. 1790 12 993 Coui-s du Morale, h. b. Lond. 1789 8 \m Fssais de Morale. Par. \T^3 VZ 995 Collection des Moralitcs auciens. ■■^^' . ! r .,' .,k Par. 1782 24. 15 996 Cogan*8 Ethical Questions, &c.Zon.l817 8 1 997 Beattie's Elements of Moral Science. .., , Pdin. ISiO 8 ^ 998 Beattie's Essays. Edin. I77O 4 1 999 Reid's Essays on the Powers of the Hu^ man Mind, h. b. Edin- 1819 8 3. 1000 Nettletou's Treatise on Virtue. ' 1 - > O'/as. 1759 12 1 1001 Ferguson's Institutes of Moral Philoso- t. i^.j phy. Ediii. 1773 12 1 1002 La Philosophic du Bon Sens. Le Mar- quis d'Argens. LaJIat/el735 18 d 1003 Another Copy of the same. 1001 Gisborne's Enquiry into the Duties of ' Men. LoH. 1800 8 2 a 1 1 2 I 55 i O 15 1 1 3 1 I a I No. lUB. VOti 1005 Collior*d £ssays on Moral Subjocta. , lOOG Essai siir Ics Vrai Principcs rclulivcinciit u iios coiiiioissanccs \e» plus iiiiportantcs ;• par I'Able Gerard. Portrait and Fac- Biinilea. Par. 18'2(j 8 3 1037 Do rilomnie considcre moraleinciit, par DelainetluTio. J'ar. 18(i'2 8 2 10J8 Art ol* Thiukiiig, by II. Iloinc, Esquire. VI \'Al . i^'din. I81(y 12 1 1008* A General View of ibe Progress of Ktbicai Piiilosopby, by Sir James Mac- \ 1 into^b, bds. riUL 183-2 8 1 III.— PHYSICAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN. looy 1010 , i r 1 1011 IV.— 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 Histoire Naturelle du Genre Humain. Virey Figures / Paris 18^21 8 3 L'AR r DK CONNAITRE par la Pby- < sionomie, &c. Gaspard Lavater; nouvello edition corrigee et disposee dans un ordre 1)1 us inetbodique, precedec d'une notice listoriquc sur I'auteur ; augmsntee d*une exposition des recbercbes de la Cbambro de Porta, de Campa, de Gall, &c. par M. Moreau, avec 500 gravures executees sous rinspection de M. Vincent, peintrc member de Tinstitut, bandsomely bound in calf Par. 180(i r.4 Lavater translnted by Moore, several hundred engiavings Lon, 1797 8 WORKS ON THE GENE> W. PRINCI- PLES OF HUMAN NATURE. De la Veritc, par Gretry Par. 1801 8 3 Burton's Anatomy of Melancboly Lond. 180G 8 2 Anolber copy, bds. 8 2 Combe on the Constitution of Man, cloth Boston 1820 8 1 Theatre du Monde, par M. Richer Paris 1788 8 4 10 4 W •i' t * 56 Nd. SIZE. voL 1017 BigJand's EflTects of Physical and Moi-al ' Causes ou the Character of Nations, h.b. Lond. 1816 8 1 1018 Etudes sur la Theotie de I'Avenir Par. 1810 8 ^ 1019 J)e la Femmis sur sijs Rapports Physio- logique Moral et Litteraire, par J. J; . "Virey Pdris 1825 8 1 1020 Contemplations on the State of Man, by J. Taylor, bds. Edm, 1824 i2 1 1021 V. Knox's Essays, h. b. Lond, 1795 1^ ^ 1022 Andrew's Analysis of the Duties of Social Life Ltm, 1783 12 1 1023 Des Erreurs et des Prejuges, par Salgu^d Paris 1818 8 3 1024 Compensations dans les JDestinees Hu- maines, par H. Azais Pah 1825 8 1025 Kame's Sketches of Mart G7a«. 1819 12 102G The Digriity of Human Nature. Burgh Lond, 1767 8 1027 Another Copy of the same N, YorklSlG l2 i028 Des Hommes et de la Societe. J. B. Say Paris 1818 18 1029 Essais de Morale et de Politique. Vie de M. Mole, h. b. Par. 1809 1030 Ferguson's Principles of Moral and Po- litical Science Edin, I792 4 ^ 1031 Belsham*s Essays* Philosophicali Moral, 8rci h. b. Lon. 1799 1032 Rapports du Physique et du Moral de THommCj par Cabanis. Table Ana- lysique, par M. Sur, Notes, Sec. par E; Pariset Par. 1829 1033 Caractere des Passions au thysique et ail Moral. Vernier. Par, I8O7 1034 Hartley on Man, Portrait, bds. Lon. 1810 1035 Cours d* Instruction d'un Sourd, Muet dc Naissance, par Sicai'd, avec Figures et Tableaux Par. 1803 8 1 3 3 1 8 1 8 ^ 8 S is ^ 8 ^ No. 1036 1037 1038 t 1039 1040 1041 104^ 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 v.— 1048 1049 1050 1051. 1052 1053 1054 1055 n 57 No. SMB. Vol 1036 Moral Physiology, by R. D. On^en, bds t « t I » 1 ir't 1037 History of Man, h. b^ Le Genie d I ' New York 1831 12 1 jDub.1791 8 2inl 'Homme— Poeme, sewed. Par, 1807 8 1 1039 Nouveaux Clemens de la Science de 1* Homme, par Barthez Par, 1806 8 2 1040 Brown*s Essays on the Characteristics, Dub, 1752 12 1 1041 Shaftesbury's Characteristics, Xon. 1733 12 3 loGia 104^ Walts* Logic Lan, 1790 8 1 1043 Watts' Logic JBdin, 1824 24 1 1044 Logiqu« ou I'Art de Penser, bds. Par. 1816 12 1 1045 Logic, or the Art of Thinking, L&n, 1693 12 1 1046 Logic, by R. Kirwan Lon, 1807 8 2 1047 Exercises d* Analyse Logique. LeTel- lier, bds. .,., , Par, 1826 12 1 v.— MATHEMATICS AND ASTROiNOMY. 1048 Ewing's Synopsis of Mathematics Lond. 1799 8 1 1049 Condorcet^s £ssai sur la Probabilite des Decisions Par, 1 785 4 1 1050 Essai sur I'Histoire Generale des Ma»- thematiques, par Charles Bossut, sewed Prtml802 8 2 1051 Annuities on Lives, by A D. Moivre sewed iom 1752 8 1 1052 An Essay on the Power of Numbers Lon. 1799 8 1 1053 HorsB Mathematicee seu Urania, by W. Salmon . Lon, 1679 12 1 1054 Elements of Land Surveying, by A. Crocker Xom. 1814 12 1 1055 The Practical Navigator. Moore Lon, 1810 8 1 J .^^' i' h |i I 11 f>..' I i' I' .It* < . No. 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064^ 8 8 58 . ■ » , r . SIZE. Vol. La Place. Systeme du Monde Par. ran4f 8 2 Ferguson's Introduction to Astronomy ,-r. f.:;/.;;,/r.„. :.:,.;;. .i''>'t^/. 1779 Fergusori'8 Astrononiiei t)cls. £>uh. 1^08 Lalande. Astronouiie des Dames Paris 1820 18 1 Histoire de TAstronomie Ancienne, par M. Bailly Pan 1775 Histoire de I'Astronomie Moderne, par M. Bailly ' " ^^ ' Par, 1785 Histoire de T Astronomic Indienne et Orientale, par M. Bailly Par, 178? L'Astronome, Pocmc. Gudin Par, 1810 4 3 4 3 4 8 - —•^-—■^— — — — — — — — 9 — - Huygens on Planetary Worlds, imperfect 12 - i VI.— MECHANICS AND NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. -,-"> 1065 f 5 j ^ I 8 8 4 1 6 1 r> Internal Navigation of the United States, witii Maps, bds. PM. 1826r.8 1065* Public Documents relating to the New York Canals, bds. N, York 1821 1066 Mechanic's Magazine, bds. Lon, 1825 1067 Falconer's Marine Dictionary Lon, 1780 i068 Chariiock's History of Marino Architec- r ture, from the earliest period to the pre- ' ' ' sent time , ,iow. 1802 4 3 1069 Neuman's Marine Dictionary, boards Land. 1812 12 1 !^ 1070 Lectures on Experimental Philosophy, &c. by G. Gregory, bds. /i^>M</. 1808 12 2 1071 Fel-gusou's Lectures on Mechanics, plates Lond,l799 8 1 1072 Ferguson'sArtof Perspective Z^w. 1778 8 1 1073, Ferguson's Electricity Loti, I778 8 1 1074 Mathematics and Surveying simplified. , , , Williamson, bds. L011, 1808 8 1 1075 Construction and Uses of Mathematical , ^ Instunieuts. Bion, translated by Stone Lon, fol, 1 No. 1076 SI2B. Vol. ■ No. . 8 2 r 1 ^^^ ) 8 1 1 1077 ; 8 1 J »• • , . . 1 1078 ) 18 1 1 I' I 1079 i 4 3 i r 1079 > 4 3 t . ^41 1 1080 ) 8 1 t 12 1 1 1081 ^ :.^U' 1 1082 1 1083 > i 1084 J r. 8 1 8 1 10.85 1 108G 1 8 6 i ) 4 1 1 1087 ' t •' 1 1088 ! * ■ i 1089 I 4 3 , 5 lOOO 1 12 1 , 1091 12 2 •1092 i 8 ' 1 1 1093 8 1 i 8 1 1094 8 1 1095 COf 1096 fol. 1 SIZE. VOL. View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy, Pemberton Lort. IJ^iS 4 1 Lectures on Steam Engines. Lardner, plates, bds. New York 1828 12 1 A Gmmmer of Natural and Experi- mental Philosophy. Blair Lon. I786 18 1 Des Canaux de Navigation, par M. de la Lande ^ar, 1778 fol. 1 Philosophical Dictionary, bds. Z/)w. 1786 12 4 VII.— NATURAL HISTORY. - i I Linnseus's System of Nature, translated , • byTurton Zo«. 1806 8 H Linn8eus*s Tour in Norway and Lapland, . . translated by E. Smith Lon. 1811 8 2ini Bigland's Natural History Lon. 1810 12 1 Essai Chronologique sur les Hi vers Var. 1821 8 1 Good's Book of Nature, bds. JV. York 1 827 8 1 Dictionary of the Wonders of Nature, h. b. . .. '^ '.; : Xr;n. 1803 18 1 Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History Dovevy N. H. 1808 8 1 Taylor on Remarkable Trees Lon. 1812 12 1 British Trees, plates Lon. 1815 12 1 Pennant's British Zoology, new edition with numerousengravings, h.b. X07J.I8I2 8 4 Buffon's HistoiroNaturelle. plates, neatly h.b. •»'''^'* ^'> ' Paris- 1799-1809 18 7Gin3S Morceaux Choises de Buffon Par. 1812 18 1 Studies of Nature, by St. Pierre, trans- lated by Hunter Dub. 1800 12 1 Etudes de la Nature. St. Pierre, planches Par. 1804 8 Harmonies de la Nature. St. Pierre, Portrait, h. b. Pam 1815 6 Kctionnaire des Merveilles de la Nature yi i.^t.^;u.i uii, i . . i'am 1802 8 S Ray's Wisdom of God in the Works of the Creation r-- - ■^'Edin. 11*^1 \2 1 5 3 ^j| I; 60 No. 1097 1098 1099 SIZE. VOL. Histoire Naturelle, par S.Morelot, sewed Paris 1809 8 2 Natural History of Nevis & the Charibee Islands. Smith, bds. Cam, 1745 8 1 Woodward's Natural History of the Earth ; .:. . Lond, 1702 8 1 VIIL— CHEMISTRY. f ,(• 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1100 1111 1112 1113 Accum on Culinary Poisons, boards PhiL 1820 18 1 Boerhaave's Chemistry, translated by Shaw Lond, 1741 4 2 Treatise on Bread Making. Ediin, h. b. Lond, 1805 12 1 Lectures on Chemistry, by Joseph Black portrait Edin, 1803 4 2 Blair's Grammer of Chemistry P/t//1810 18 1 Ure's Dictionary of Chemistry, plates, bds. Lond, 1824 8 1 Parke's Chemical Catechism, boards Lond, 1818 8 1 Griffin on the Blow Pipe, bds. Glas,18^7 18 1 IX.— GEOLOGY. Cuvier's Theory of the Earth, Notes, &c. by Jameson Edin, 1815 8 1 Histoire Philosophique du Monde Pri- mitif. J. Del de Sales. Gravures. JParis 1793 8 7 Observations on Vesuvius. Hamilton, h. b. Lon, 1773 8 1 Natural History of Vesuvius, h. b. Lon, 1793 12 1 Doctrine of the Philosophers of all Na- tions, concerning the Original of the World. T.Burnet. Made English by Mead & Foxton Xon. 1736 8 1 Voyages dans les Alpes. Saussure. Figures Neiifchatel 1796 4 4 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 112t 1125 1126 1130 1131 61 8 1 ZE. VOU 1 8 2 1 IIU 8 1 1 1115 8 1 1 1117 1 Ills 18 1 1 1119 4 2 1 1120 12 1 i ^^^^ 4 18 2 1 1 1122 8 o 1 -1 ' 1123 1121. 1125 8 1 4 4 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 X.— MEDICINE. .. . ; SIK I. VOli Medical Tracts, li. b. 8 16 The Medical Works of Richard Mead Lond. 1762 4 1 Celsus de re Medica, h. b. Gias. I766 8 1 Magnetismc Animal, par Deleuze, h. b. Par. 1813 8 1 Defense du Magnetisme Animal. Deleuze Paris 1819 8 1 Van Hclmont's Oriatrike, rendered into English Lon. 1662 fol. 1 CEuvres Completes de Cabanis, vie, &c. Paris 1823 8 5 Du Degre de Certitude de la Medicine, par Cabanis Par. 1819 8 1 Tissot on the Disordei'S of People of Fashion Edin, I772 12 1 Tissot Avis sur la Sante Rouen I* an 3 12 2 Tissot POnanisme Par. 1821 12 1 Principes de Chirurgie, par M. de la Faye Par. 1758 12 1 Jameson's Physiological and Patholo- gical Essays, on the Ages of the Human Body Zond.lSll 8 1 White on Colds Phil. 1808 12 1 English Herbal Gaimborovgh 1813 12 1 Martinet's Manuel of Pathology, trans- lated by Quain Phil. 1827 18 I The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life, by the Author of the Cook's Oracle Phil, 1823 12 1 Comaro's Method of Attaining a Long and Healthful Life, translated by Jones ... Lond. 1704 12 1 Another Copy, with 2 other Pamphlets Dub. 1740 12 1 Parkinson's Medical Admonition Portsmouth 1803 8 1 II II »t I ; W' w 8 12 8 8 8 i 8 2 8 2 '« i- iii I No. »IZE. vot^ 113"^ Memoire sur rEIeotricite Medicale . . Pan's 1784, 1135 Swain's Panacea, h. h. PA//. 1S2S 1136 Willich Lectures Ola Diet and Regimen iV. Vork 1801 1137 Rush on Yellow Fever P/iil. 179^ 1138 Hippocrates contractus Studio Thorn® Burnet E/Jin, 1GS5 18 1 Compendiana Physiologire Idea Aristo- telicae, authore A. Pitciarnio, h. b. ' ' * ' , r . ' . • . . Lon(L lG86 1139 Dictionnaire des Terrnes de Medecine, Chirurgie, Art Veterliiaire> Pharniacie, &c. par Bsegin, Richard, &c. Par. 1823 114-0 Patliologie Chirurgicale, par M. Lassus Paris 180G 1141 Medecine Pratique de M. Stoll, traduc- . tion de P. A. O. Mahon, sewed Par. 1809 1142 CEuvres de Vicqs. D'Azyr. Notes &c. , par Moreau . , ,.• Pans 1805 Vohime du Planches 1143 Des Maladies de TEstomac Par. 1712 1144 L* Amour Conjugal I776 1 145 TurnbulPs Medical Works, h. b. Loud. 1805 12 2in,l 1146 Recherches sur la Fievre Jaune, Dal- mas, sewed • ^ , , Paris 1805 1 147 Duncan's Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Medicine, bds. Ed in. 1790 1 148 Traduction des CEuvres Medicales d'Hip- pocrate, Toulouse 1801 1149 Greive*s Translation of Celsus, bds. JEdin. 1814 12 1150 A Volume of Manuscripts on Medical . ., Subjects, h. h. ' ....... .....i 1151 Essai d'un Histoire Pragmatique de la , , Medecine, Sprengel, traduit par Gei- ger, h. b. Par. 1810 1152 The Art of Correcting Deformities in 8 4 12 12 6 1 1 2 8 1 8 1 8 4 4 1 8 2 No. 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 » 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 i ■:• 1165 1166 II67 ■ ;' ' 1168 6,1 ',i\ int. vot. , 8 1 i 12 1 8 I > 8 I i 18 1 ivl^ ll'i : f ^ 8 1 I 8 2 I 8 2 ; 8 a 4 1 12 1 12 2 12 2iril 8 1 f 8 1 8 4 12 1 4 1 i 1 8 2 4 I No. ....... . . BlZE. Vol . ,, Children, from the French of Andry, "^ plates Lon. 1793 12 2 1153 Traite des Maladies qu'il est Dangercux de Guerir. Ilayinond P,iris 181d 8 1 1154 Moore's History of the Small Pox» h. b. Lon\ 1815 8 1 1155 Discipline for the Medical Department , . of Ani;ies. Jackson, bds. L<md, ,805 8 1 1156 Trotter's View of tlie Nervous Tem- perament ;, j^ 7Voy, A\ F. 1808 I Si 1 1157 L'Ami des Femmes, ou Lettres d*un Me- decin concernant PHabillement et I'Us- , age des Bains, ornees de gravures ' ^ ' ' " Pam 1805 ..^^ 1158 Report upon the Cholera Morbus, from ' : ' , the French, by J. W. Sterling, cloth, " ''^^ ,, New York 1832 12 1 1159 Medical and Chirurgical Review, 1794 to 1797, h. b. 8 4 1160 MedicinaStatica, by J.Quincy ^.o«.1723 8 1 1161 The Mechanical Practice of Physic, by T. Morgan, sewed Lond, 1735 8 1 1162 Medicina Practica, by W. Salmon, • " '.: '' ;•':-- ' Lond. 1692 8 1 1163 L'Art de Conserver sa Sante, par '* M. B. L. M. sewed Paris I777 12 1 1164 Medicaments for the Poor, by N. Cul- ^ , peper Edin, 166* 12 1 ANATOMY. , , , 1 1 65 Gibson's Anatomy of the Human Body, Plates Lon. 1694 8 1 1166 Examinations in Anatomy, Pliisiology, &c. for the use of Students. Hooper, h. b. Lf^n. 1820 12 1 1167 The Anatomy of Drunkenness. Mac- nish, bds. r.ru- ? Ui ;n' (jllas. IM9 12 1 ' ^ '• Otvi XL— AGRICULTURE. 1168 Code of Agriculture, by Sir John Sin- - ' " clair, bds. Lon. I8I7 8 1 'I i i H ':'• II M ■i\ 1169 JBssays on Agriculture, by Sir Jolin Sin- clair, bds. Lon, 1818 8 1 1 170 Dictionnaire Rural Raisonne, par Mad. Dufour Par, 1808 8 2 1171 Theatre d* Agriculture el Menage des Champs, d'Oliver de Senes, remis eh Fran^ais par Gisors P«r, 1802 8 4 1172 Traite de 1* Agriculture des Bois. Bon- ' * net, h. b. fine calf Par. 1814 12 1 1173 Agriculture of Aberdeensbire. Skene K.ertb, h. b. Maps and Plates, Aberdeen I8II 8 1 1174 Essays on Husbandry, sewed, Edin, 1767 8 1 1175 The Gentleman Farmer Duh, I779 8 1 1176 Rural Recreations or Farmer*s Calen- dar, Plates, h. b. Zon, 1802 8 1 1177 The Farmer's Magazine, a Periodical , , Work, devoted to Agriculture, from " 1800 to 1825, h. b. in calf Edin. 8 26 COMMERCE AS AN ART & OTHER ARTS. 1178 Morrisons Book-keeping, h. b. ** Lon. 1818 8 1 1179 King's Interest Tables Liver, 1815 8 1 1180 Commercial Letters, in 5 languages, with Vocabularies, &c. by C. "Wiseman, Lon, 1794 4 1 1181 Another Copy, bds. 4 1 1182 Keegan's Commercial Phraseology, French and English Lon, 1815 12 1 1 1 83 La Clef de la Correspondance Commer- ciale. Anglais et Fran9aise Par, 1825 12 1 1184 Gordon's Accountant JEdin, I777 8 2 1185 Formulaire General du Negociant, par Boucher JPar, 1808 8 1 1 1 86 "Walter's Tables of Insurance, Lon. 1779 18 1 1 187 Hoffman's Dictionnary of Merchandise, bds. ^^,^ Lon, 1805 8 1 VI rzk. voLk 8 1 S 2 A. t 8 4 12 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 65 Hdi iizi. VdLt 1188 Comiu's Science of Commerce^ txils. Duh. 1814 8 I 1189 Elements of Commerce. Dubost. Lon, 1805 8 2 1190 Hanailton's Introduction to Merchan- dize Bdin, 1799 8 1 1191 Every Man his own Broker. Mortimer, Lon. 1785 12 1 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 8 i iw 8 j 1198 4 4 ■■ - ^ 1199 1200 2 1201 2 1232 8 2 1203 8 I 1204 8 \ 1205 Q 1206 ART OF WAR* The King of Prussia's Military Instruc- tions to his Generals, plates 7^on. 1797 12 1 '1 reatise on the Art of War, sewed Edin, 1803 12 I Military Essay, by Dalrymple Lon. I76I 8 1 Military Discipline, by Major General Bland Lond. 1746 8 I Reveries on the Art of War, Marshal Saxe, Translated from the French, plates, gilt, imitation morocco, a little worn Land, 17^7 * 1 Art of War. Count Saxe Lon. 1811 r. 8 1 Stratagems of War, from the Latin of Frontinus. Scott L<md. 1816 8 1 A new and enlarged Military Dictionary. C. James Lon, 1805 8 1 A System of Camp Discipline, worn Lon, I76J 8 1 Guide de TOfficer. Cessac, Lacuee, et Mellinet Par, 1805 8 2 MuUer's Elements of the Science of War, plates Lond, 1811 8 3 Essay on the Art of War Lon, I76I 8 I Review of a Battalion of Infantry, plates bds. Lmi. 1810 rl.8 1 Essai sur les Battailles, par De Grimoard Par. 1775 4 1 Memoirs de Montecuculi, commentes par De Crisse, avec figures Amst, ^ ' 12 4 ■ 1 ! • CI .■:i 11 ()() 't i\ S !' ■f No. Kixr. VOL. l^U7 British Military Libmry, maps & plates, h.b. Loji. 1801 4 2 1208 Elemcns d'Histoire Militaire, par M. . ^ Chantreau Par. 1808 8 1 MUSIC AND OTHER ARTS. ' ' 1209 Burney's History of Music, bds. /»o«.177(i 4. 1 1210 Busby'sHiatoryofMusic, bds. /.on. 1819 8 2 1211 Stafford's History of Music, cloth .<'/ . . \\ Enin. 1830 18 1 1212 Burgh's Anecdotes of Music ion. 1814 12 3 1213 Traite do la Noblesse, par De la Roquc Puris 1678 4 1214 Mcthode de Blasoii, plates Lyon I78O 8 1215 Book of Runks and Dignities, plates, h.b. Loud, 1809 12 1216 History of the Order of the Garter. Ashinole, h. b. / . 1 Loti, IJ15 8 1 1 1 1 1217 Thomas's History of Printing, boards Worcester 1810 8 2 1218 Origine de rimprimerie, pnr Lambinet Paris 1810 8 2 1219 Blundeuili's Horsemanship (curious and rare) Loud. I609sm4 1 1220 La Pyi'otechnie de Hanzelet Lorrain (curious) Far. 1630 4 1 1221 The Hundred Wondei-s of the World, Clarke. Plates. Lon. 1822 12 1 THE FIUTE arts, A]¥]> THE STVHIl" OF AUTiairiTlES AS CO:!ir^£CTE]» miTlI THEin. 1222 Recherches sur les Costumes, les Moeurs, 1 1 . I - &c. des Anciens Peuples, par Mallias. Planches Par, 1804 4 3 1223 ANNALES DU MUSEE, Recueil du Gravures, au Trait, d'apres les princi- • '. paux Ouvrages dc Peinture, Sculpture, r>7 RK. VOt., 4 2 No. SIXR. vol.. 8 1 i, : 1 4 1 f 12524 8 2 18 1 \ 12 3 . 1225 1 - 122G 4 1 8 1 1227 12 1 3 S i ■' 8 1 1228 ' 1229 8 2 '] 12J() 8 2 , 1231 iin4 1 i 4 1 1 1232 12 1 1 ■TED 1 1233 14 3 1234 &c. qui ont remporte le prlx soit aux ecoles spt'oialos, solt aux concours iia- tionaux ; les productions des Artistes celcbres ; la suite complete ile la Gale- rie do Peiiiture, &c. Neat cnlf, grained, Par. and Lou. 1815-1817 8 33 Le Temple de Guide, les Figures gra- vees par M. Le Alire, d'apres les des- sins de C. Eissen, le T exte grave par Drouet, bds. Par. 1772 4 1 Fii-st Vol. of Grose's Antiquities of Ireland, 140 Plates, bds. Lon. ^791 fol. 1 Diction naire des Beaux Arts, par VVa- telet Par. 1792 8 5 Delaplaine's Repository of Lives, and Portraits of Di!*tinguished Americans, vol. 1, part 2, and vol. 2. part 1, 13 plates P/iii. 1817-18 4 2 Principles of Design in Architecture, Lon. 1809 8 1 Sir Joshua Reynold's Discourses, Lon. 1778 8 1 Another Copy ditto 8 1 HISTOIRE DE L'ART CHEZ LES . ANCJENS, par Winkelriiatui, traduit de TAllemand, avcc les Notes Critiques, Planches, &c. '" Par. Van \l-\^Z 4 3 Roman Portraits, a Poem, by Jephsou, 20 beautiful Engravings from ancient Statues, neatly bound in calf, gilt, Lon. 1794 4 1 Recherches sur les Costumes jt sur les Theatres de toutes les Nations anciennes et modernes; avec des Estampes en couleur et en lavis, bds. The Plates are numerous 4, . Par. 1790 4 2 The Temple of Task, containing Histo- rical Engravings, Views, &c. with Ex- planations, h. b. Lon, sm. 4 1 1 : x'W ■ f 1; ■.'■!■ ■' j No. 1 i' : ,' 1235 i : ' 123G 1237 1238 1239 1240 1 1 •' 1241 111 1 1 ''ill 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 Star roL. Tlie Genuine Works of William Ho- garth, Biographical Anecdotes, &c. Nichols & Stecvens, h. b. in calf. ton, i08 T 1. 4 2 Hogarth Moralized. (Trusler) h. l.>. in morocco Lou. 1824 rl. 4 1 Analyse de la Beauts, traduit de I'An- glais de Guillaume Hogarth. Planches, Par, ISCXi 8 '2 The Antiquities of Rome. B. Kennett. Plates Lon. 178 1 8 1 Abrege de THistoire Homaine, 49 Gra- vures Par. 180.5 4 1 Les Annales de la Verlu. M. De Genlis P<ir IS 1811 12 5 Lettres tiEmilie sur la Mythologie, par C. A. Demoustier, numerous plates Far, 1809 8 3 One Fol. Volume of Portraits & Plates fol. I COLUMNiE ANTONINIANA Rom» erecta imaginibus Anaglyphice, insculpta a Petro Sancto Baitalo juxta delinea- tiones in Bibliotheca Barberina, sere incisa. Notes, &c. J. P. Bellonii Roma fol.ob. 1 COLUMNiE TRAJANI, tarn intima quam extimse frontis exactissima orto- graphia, cum descriptione fratris A\- phonsi Ciaconi Hispani, denuo Car. Losi cura in lucem data, 130 plates JhriKB 1773 fol.ob. 1 A Folio of Engravings — No. II An- tiquities of Great Britain^ Byrne and Heame * Lon. 1783 Survey of Middlesex Cary I796 1 1 other Engravings FOLIO, containing 47 Engravings from Antiques ^ No. 1241 4 1 1 L— OF THE NATURE OF TASTE IN GENE. UAL AND OF THE STUDY OF POLITE LITERATURE. No. aizB* VOL, 1247 Rolliii, Traito dcs Etudes, et vio Par, 1805 8 4 1248 Alison's Essays on Taste Z/o*A 1812 8 I 1249 Mackenzie's Essay on Taste, boards Edin, 1817 8 X 1250 Barron's Lectures on Belles Lettres and Logic Loud. 18O0 8 2 1251 Cours de Belles Lettres. Dubois, Fon- tanelle Par. 1813 8 1252 Rhetoric by Thomas Gibbons Zo/i. 1707 8 1253 Reflections sur la Rhetorique, ike. Fenelon Ainst. 1717 12 1254 Grammar of Rlietoric. Jamieson, bds. Land. 1823 12 1 1255 Rhetorical Grammar, by Walker Lon. I8O7 8 1 X256 Lyce6, ou Cours de Litterature anci- enne et moderne. La Harpe Par, 1813 12 I7 J257 Recherche Philosophique sur I'Origine de nos Idees du Sublime et du Beau. Burke, traduit de T Anglais par Lagentie de Lavisse Paris 1803 8 1258 Trapp's Lectures on Poetry Lun. 1742 12 1259 La Maniere de Bien Penser Par. 1771 12 12()0 De I'Art de la Comedie. Carlhava Par. 1786 1261 Walker's Elements of Elocution Phil. 1811 12 1 1 262 De I'Eloquence du Barreau, par M. Gin Par. 1767 12 1263 Aikin on Poetry, h.b. Warrington 1777 8 1264 Boileau. ArtPoetique Xyo/i 1804 8 1265 L'Art Poetique de Boileau Lym 1805 12 8 2 1 266 Boileau Juge, h. b. Par. 1802 12 m ■I 1 No. 1267 12G8 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 I27G 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 70 8TZE. rOL. L'Art du Poete et de POrateur. Papon Par. 1812 8 1 Blair's Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Lettres Lon. 1798 8 3 Traite du Poeme Epique. Bossu A la llaye 1714« 12 2 Elements of Criticism. H. Home, Lord Kaimes Ediu, I7(i2 8 3 (Euvres Diverses ct Inedites de M. J. Chenier, sewed Bruxelles I8I6 8 1 Tytler on Translations 8 i Elements of Composition. Irving Lond. 1809 12 fi Hnzlitt's Lectures on the English Poets, bds. ' Lond, 1818 IL— HISTORY OF LITERATURE. Lays of the Minnesingers or German Troubadours, with Plates, bds. Lov, 1825 Warton's History of English Poetry, with Notes, by Ritson, Ashby, &c. fine edition, calf, gilt, Lon, 18^4 Lectures on the History of Literature, ancient and modern, from the German of Fred. Schlegel, bds. PhiL 1818 Dunlop's History of Fiction, h. b- Ediiu 181G 12 De I'Etat de la Poesie Fran9aise dans le 12 et 13 siecles. Roquefort. Flame- ricourt, sewed ** ' Par. 1815 Earl of Buchan on the Lives and Writ- ings of Fletcher of Saltoun and the Poet Tliomson Lon, 1792 Poetical Decameron or Conversations on English Poetry, in the reigns of Eli- zabeth and James I. P. Collier, bds. Lon. 18<iO 1 1 8 1 8 4 8 2 3 8 1 8 1 No. 128^ 128^ 8 2 1284V 1285 1286 1287 1288 ni.- 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1294 1295 1296 1297 1298 ' « I 2 71 No. StlE. VOti 1282 Histoire dc la Literature Espagnole, ' '•• traduit de TAllemand de Boutervvek, sewed . ' : Par, 1812 8 2 1283 Herman et Dorothee, traduit de TAJle- mand de Goethe, suivi de Memoii-s sur differens sujets de Litterature ancienne. Bitaube, sewed Far. 1804 8 1 1284i Calamities of Authors. J. D'Israeli. bds. New York, \^\% IQ, 2 1285 Quarrels of Authors. J. D'Israeli, bds. New York 1814 12 2 1286 Literary Character Illustrated. J. D'Is- raeli, bds. New York 1818 12 1 128/ Flowers of Literature, or General View of Literature, for 1806-7-8-9. F. W. Blagdon. Lon. 12 3 1288 Tableau de la Litterature en Europe, Leuliette Par, 1809 S 1 IIL— PRINCIPLES OF THE ENGLISH AND FRENCH LANGUAGES. 1289 Johnson's Dictionary Lon, 1805 rl. 8 4 1290 Supplement to Johnson's Dictionary. Mason N York 1803 8 1 ^ 1291 A Universal English Dictionary . Lon, 1696 fol. 1 1292 Murray's Grammar K?r^ 1809 8 2 1293 Coats' Elements of English Grammar Lond. 1788 8 1 1294 Crabhe's English Synonymes Low. 1816 8 1 , 1295 Took's Diversions of Purley Zrm. 1798 4 2 U i296 A Vocabulary of Words peculiar to the U. States of America. Pickering, h. b. Boston 1816 8 1 1297 The Elements of the English Language in Dialogues, French and English. Pey- tor Lond. I796 12 1 1298 Chambaud's Dictionnaire Fran9ais-An- glais, and Anglais-Fran9ais Lond* 1815 8 4 ■ i • Jfo. 1299 ' i 1300 : ■ ♦ 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 i 1307 i i 1308 1309 1310 1311 1312 1313 1314 1315 13:G 72 SIZE. voL. Diifl^rs French and English Pronounc- ing Dictionary PAi7. 1810 12 5 Pnivals French Syntax Vuh, 1729 12 1 rrsevals Idioms of th6 French Language nuh. 1783 12 1 Chamhaud's Idioms of the French and English languages, h. b. Lou, 1793 12 1 Dictionnaire de TElocution Fran9aise. Demandre et Tontenai. i'ar. J 802 8 2 Grammaire Philosophique et Litteraire. Levizac Par. 1816 8 2 Gi-ammaire da Port RoyaL Essai par Petitot, et Commentaire par Duclos Par. 1810 8 1 Des Homonymes Frart^ais* Philipon- la-Mandelaiue Par, 1817 8 1 Boiste Dictionnaire Universei de la langue Fraii9aise, avec le Latin et les Etymologiques, &c. Far. 1819 4 1 Grammaire des Grammair.^!, Girault. Darivier Par. 1816 8 2 Traite de la Grammaire Fran9aisei Desmaries Amst, I707 12 1 Synonymes Fran9ais. Girard. Rouen I78I 12 2 Dictionnaire Raisonne des Difflcultes de la langue Fran9aise. Laveaux Par. 1822 8 2 Lepan's Dictionnaire Idiomatic, bds. Newry 1814 12 1 Trusler's Synonymous, h. b. Loru 1783 12 1 Manuel Lexique des Mots Fran9ai8 Duboille Paris 1789 8 2 Manuel du Voyageur in 6 Languages, M. de Genlis, sewed Leipzig I8I7 16 1 Cobbett's Englie^h Grammar, bds* Lon, 1824 12 1 . vot. 73 iV— bNGLISH POETRY AND ROMANCE. 2 5 2 1 2 1 No. 1317 12 1 1318 8 2 8 2 1319 1320 8 1 1321 8 1 4 1 1322 8 2 1323 1324 12 1 12 2 1325 \^ ■ i 8 2 ' 132G 12 1 12 1 1327 8 2 "i i 1328 16 1 li 12 1 1 1329 SIZE. VOL. Hard's Moral ind Political Dialogues, with Letters on Cliivaliy and Romance T.on. 1776 Poems on Interesting Events in the reign of Edward III. written in the year 1352, by Lawrence Minot, with Preface, &c. h. b. Lonrl. 1J96 Mathias's Essay on Poems attributed to Rowley Lon, 1784 The Poetical Works of Sir David Lind- say. Chalmers Lond. I80G Specimens of the Living British Poets, with Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry / * Paris 1827 Kinlocli's Ancient Scottish Ballads with the Airs of Several, bds. Lon. 1827 Walker's Rhyming Dictionary Lon.lSOQ Chronicle of Scottish Poetry, from the 13th Century to the Union. Glossary by Sibbald Edin, 1802 Poetry of Richard Crashaw> who was a Canon in the Chapel of Loretto, and died in the year 1650, h. b. Lond, I'^Sfi Adam's English Parnassus, Ik b. Lond, 17? 9 Ellis's Specimens of the Early Eng- lish Poets, with Historical Sk'^tches of the Rise and Progress of Eiiglish Poetry and Language Lond. 1811 Ellis's Specimens of Early Metrical Romances, with Historical Introduc- tion Loti. 1811 THE WORKS OF THE ENGLISH POETS, from Chaucer to Cowper, with Prefaces Biographical and Critical by Johnson, and the most approved 1^ 3 12 1 12 1 8 3 8 2 8 1 12 2 8 4 , I 12 I V 12 I ; 1 ■ 1 8 3 1 1 8 3 7* No. 13S0 SIZE. VOL. II Ni 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1338 1339 13-iO 1341 1342 1343 1344 1345 1346 X347 translations. Additional Lives by Chal- mers, fine calf Lon. 1810 rl.8 21 Byron's Whole Works, including his suppressed Poems, with portrait and autograph, bound in russia, gilt edges Galignani Paris 182? 8 I The Works of Lord Byron, h. b. Phil 1816 18 4 Sardanapalus ; Two Foscari ; Cain, by Lord Byron, bds. Boston 1822 18 1 The Seige of Corinth (Byron) Poetical Translations, &c. h. b. Lon. 1816 8 1 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin Z owe?. 1799 12 1 Poetic Works of James I. of Douglas and Dunbar Perth I786 12 1 Amatory Poems, original and translated by E. W. Fitz-william Boston 1808 12 1 Lord of the Isles, by Walter Scott, Esq. h.b. russia Edin, \^\b 8 1 Lord of the Isles Boston 1815 24 1 Marmion, by Walter Scott, Esq. h. b. russia Edin. 1808 8 1 Rokeby, a Poem, by W. Scott, Esq. bds. Charlestown 1813 18 1 Lady of the Lake, by W. Scott, Esq. with Westall's Illustrations Zi/«. 1811 8 1 Ballads and Lyrical Pieces, by W. Scott Esq. N, York 1811 18 1 Vision of Don Roderick. W. Scott PhiLl^ll 24 1 Hoole's Tasso, fine plates, calf, gilt Lond, 1803 4 2 The Queen's Wake, by J, Hogg, h. b. russia Edin, 1813 8 1 The Poems of Ossian in the original Gaelic, with Translation, Dissertation, &c. published under the sanction of the Highland Society, h.b. Lor 307 4 3 The Poems of Ossian. M*i-nerson ' ' ' " ■ Z&n. 1796 8 2 No. 1348 1349 1350 \ 1351 1352 B 1353 A 1354 b 1355 B C 1356 ^; 1357 N h( 1358 L 1359 A 1360 B 1361 B be 1362 Q 1363 T tr 1364 A^ 1365 G 1366 T ai IS67 l\ ti. 1368 T 1369 M p 75 No. 1348 1349 i 1 1350 8 4 1351 1352 B 1 1353 8 1354 2 1 . 1355 2 1356 2 1357 1358 8 4, 1 1359 8 , 1360 8 1361 8 1362 1363 8 1364 14, ^ 1365 4 2 1366 8 1 136? 4 3 1 1368 8 2 1 1369 »T7E. VM.. Fingal, an ancient Epic Poem, trans- lated from the Gaelic Language by J. M*Plicrson Lun. 1762 4 1 Poems of Ossian, notes and illustrations by Laing ' Edin, 1805 8 2 Wordsworth's Poems Znn, 1S15 8 2 The Poetical Works of Geoff Chaucer, ' with Glossary^ h. b. JEdiu, 1782 24 14 Kidd's Poems, bds. Mont, 1830 12 1 Another Copy 12 1 Studies in Poetry,, by G. B. Cheever, bds. lioston 1830 12 1 Burns' Works, with Currie's Life and Cromek's Remains Xow. 1809-13 8 5 Maurice's Poems, h^b. Lon^ 1800 8 I Norbury Park, a Poem, by J. Wood- house Lon. 1803 12 1 Logan and Brace's Poems Edin, 1805 12 1 Ancient Ballads. Home, a Poem, h. b. Lon. 1807-1815 12 1 Beauties of the Poets, by Janes, Lon, 1801 18 1 Beauties of the Modem Poets, by Carey, bds. Lon, 1821 12 1 Quevedo's Vision Loti, I702 8 1 The Works of Edmond Spencer. Illus- trations by Todd. Portrait Low, iS05 8 S Warton's, Spencer's Fairy Queen, h. b» Lon. I8O7 8 1 GertruJfi of Wyoming. Campbell, bds. New York 1809 1<2 1 The Pleasures of Hope and Pleasures and Pains of Memory Camh. I8O7 12 1 Hazlett's Select British Poets, with cri- tical Remarl«s, 7 Portraits, bds. Lon, 1824 rl. 8 1 The Fortunate Sheplierdess, &g. by Ross Edin. 1804 12 I Moore's Lalla Rook, Plans, bds. New York 1818 18 1 4 \- ;l¥ • I '■nm"^'^- 1 '"1 No. 137a ' 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 •, 1378 1379 1380 1381 1382 i383 \ 1384 1385 1386 1 1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 76 sizeT. vol. Moore's Irish Melodies, &c. bds. New York, 1822 18 I Moore's Anacreon, li. b. Lon, 1802 18 1 BelPs Fugitive Poetry, h. b. Xon. 1797 12 18 in 6 Poems, by Mrs. Grant of Laggan. Edin, 1803 8 1 Hayley's Poems Duh. 1782 8 3 Tales of the Hall. Crabbe. h. b. Lon, 1819 8 2 The JBorougli, a Poem, by Crabbe 'i • > '■'■. / Phil, 1810 12 1 Roderick, the Last of the Goths, Southey PA«7. 1815 24 1 Madoc, by R. Southey, h. b. Lon. 1810 4 1 Hunter's Poems Lon, 1805 12 1 A collection of Poems, h. b. in voUum J)ub, 1801 8 1 Diamond Cabinet Edition of Select British Poets, bds. . Lon. 1825 12 2 Ogilvie's Britannia, a Poem, bds. Aber, 1801 4 1 Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia. Modern- ized by Mrs. Stanley Lon, 1725 fol. 1 Hitchcock's Poetical Works Boston 1806 12 1 Dryden's Fables ' Lon, 1755 12 1 Miscellany Poems, published by Dry- den Lon, 1716 18 1 Dryden's Poems Lon, 1743 12 1 Daphnis & Chloe. Scot's Proverbs, &c. h. b. Xon. I76S 18 1 Palmerin of Eiiglad, by Francisco de Moraes, a translation from an old Span- ish Romanc? Lon. I8O7 12 4 The Works f A. Cowley, now publish- ' ed out of tie Author's oii^mal copies . :r -i' Lon. 1681 12 1 Tickell's Poems ' Dub. 1713 18 1 SI 1396 A| 1397 SJ M 1398 Tl i 1399 A: 1400 SI bd I UOl Li lat -1402 H( W 1403 Qt 1404 Rd He 1405 th 140G A 1407 Gi 1408 W 1409 R( 11410 Tl 1411 M R( nij 1412 M I 1413 Pj 1414 D llij 77 L. No. 1392 1 1 1393 6 I39'i 1 1395 3 1390 2 ^ 1397 1 1398 1399 1 140U 1 i 1401 1 1402 2 1403 1404 1 1405 1 1406 1 ^ 1 :1407 |1408 1 fl409 1 h410 4> 1 I 12 1 8 1. 12 12 12 18 1411 1412 .1413 'l414 8 IS 1 1 3 1 1 8 1 8 1 SiaE. VOL. Poetical Miscellanies, published' by Steele Lon. 1727 The Temple of Nature, by Erasmus Darwin New York 1804 Antonia, a Poem, by M. Young Lon, 1818 12 1 England's Reformation, a Poem, by Ward Duh, 1814 Another Copy of the same Spirit of Boccaccio's Decameron, in Verse, bds. Lon, 1812 The Poetic Mirror, bds. Lon. I8I7 12 Aikin's Vocal Poetry Lon. 1810 12 ShirrePs Poems in the Scottish Dialect, bds. Edin. 1790 La Fontaine's Cupid and Psyche, trans- lated by Lockman, bds. Lon. 1744 Herbert's Poems, witli Life, by Isaac Walton, bds. Lon. 1800 Quarle's Emblems, plates Lon. I778 12 Hona, a Poem. Qgilvie, map of the Hebrides & other engravings Lon. 1777 ^ T^he Earl of Rochester's Poetical Works Xow. 1714 18 A Monitory Address to Britain, a Poem Jjldin. 1792 Graham's British Georgics Edin. 1809 Watt's Poems Lon. 1812 Rowe's Works Lon. I772 The Death of Abel. Gesner — Devout Exercises of the Heart. Rowe Lon. Milton's Paradise Lost and Paiadise Regained, wltli notes of various authors numerous plates Lon. 17^9-60 Milton's Paradise Lost Paradise Lost, illustrated by J. Gillies ' . .;. ' Lon. 1793 12 1 Dwight's Conquest of Canaan, reprinted . I , ; , Lon. 1788 12 1 8 1 4 1 24 1 12 2 I i 18 1 4 1 \ '■■\- I ll No. 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 1426 1427 1428 t 1429 i 1430 14S1 1432 1433 1434 1435 1436 i. 1437 1^ ' 78 SUB. VOL The Poeticol Scrap Book, boards Edin. 1824 24 1 Gay's Fables^ numerous plates Lon, 1796 18 1 Fables by Fenelon and other pamphlets Gins, 1751 12 1 The FaU of Cambria a Poem. J. Cottle Lon. 1811 8 a The Unknown. Hawley,bd8.3fon/.1831 12 1 Quebec and other Poems. Hawley, bds. Mont, 1829 18 I Thompson's Seasons^ with Life by Mur* dock, Essay,, &e. by Aikin, plates X<wjrf. 1811 8 1 Thompson's Season, k b. Gins. 1776 24 t Poems by Pratt Lond. 1779 4 1 The Unsex'd Females,, by Polewhele N. York 1800 18 1 Parneirs Poems Ihih. I773 4 1 Poems on Several Subjects by A. Nicol h. b. JEdin. I766 12 « Urania, a Poem.. Allen, boards iV. York 1814 24 1 Oberon, from the German of Wieland, by Sotheby Newport 1810 12: I The Poems of C. Smart, with Life Rending I79I 12 1 The Worksof William Brown Lon.Vn^ 12 a The Emerald Isle. Phillips Mliddlebnry 1815 24 1 The Works of Samuel Garth />m* J769 1 2 1 The Poetical Works of H. Macneii Lond. 1801 12 £ Poems by J. Fawcett Lon. 1798 8 1 The Vision of Columbus, a Poem by J. Barlow Hartford I787 12 1 The Vision of Columbus. J. Barlow Par. 1793 8 I Anster Fair and other Poems (Tennnnt) Boston 1815 18 1 79 L No. 1438 1439 1440 C^ B 1441 1442 1443 1 1444 1445 i I 1446 I 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 \l 1452 1453 ^ 1 1454 a 1 1455 1 1 14^6 P 1457 a 1458 1459 ^• 1460 1461 1462 SIZE. VOL. Gilbert, a Poem, by Tcmpieman, plates h.b. Lond. 1809 18 I Thel wall's Poems, h. b. Lond. I787 12 3 Elegiac Sonnets, by C. Smith, h. b. Lond, 1789 12 1 The Poetical Works of W. Collins, plates, bds. Lorn 1804 12 1 Shenstone*8 Works Lon, I776 12 3 The British Muse, a Selection. Hay. ward, h.b. Lon, ^73S IQ 3 Hudibras. Butler, bds. Chisunck 1822 18 2 Hudibrass, with Annotations and Pre- face by Grey Lon. I772 8 ^ The Widow of the Rock, and other Poems, bds. Montreal, 1824 12 1 Another Copy of the same 12 1 Another Copy of the same 12 1 The Age, a Poem, bds. Loti. 1829 12 1 Armstrong's Miscellanies Lon. I77O 12 2 The Purple Island. Fletcher, bds. Lon, 1816 8 1 The Poems of Denham and Spratt 18 1 Sir W. Jones's Poetical Works, h. b. Lon. 1810 12 1 Remains of Henry Kirke White, bds. Lon, 1824 24 1 Beattie's Minstrel and other Poems Edin, 1885 12 1 Washington, a Poem, by North more Bost. 1809 12 1 Plumptre's Collection of Songs Lon. 1806 12 3 Pye's Poems, and Ovid's Epistles trans- lated Lon, 1808 24 1 Hammond and Armstrong's Poems, h. b. L&n, 18 1 English Minstrelsy Edin, 1810 12 2 The Exodiad, a Poem Lon, I8O7 4 1 Th^i Backwoodsman, a Poem, by Pauld- » h So Ho. Kizfc. Vol. ing; and My Pocket Boo? . ov Hints, &c. h. b. />/it/. 1818 12 1 l4fC)3 Leonitlas, a Poem, by Glover, bds. Lon. 1810 Si 1 14Ci The Baviad and Ma3viad, by GifTcni r/iil, 17! '9 12 1 1465 The Pocket Encyclopedia of Soncrs, bds. Glasgatv, 18lG 18 2 1400 Ovid's Art of Love, and Chaucer's Court of Love Lon. IJdJ 12 1 ] 467 Corbet's Poems, Tlie Ait of Love, &c. 12 1 1408 Harte's P' Mns, wants title 8 1 1469 Young's Night Thoui^hts, numerous Plates jA)n. 1798 rl. 8 1 1470 Ramsay's Poems E(Jm. 1727 12 2 1471 Ramsay's Gentle Shepherd, with Illus- trations, Life, Glossary, &c. Edin. 1808 rl.8 2 1472 Allan Ramsay's Evorgi-een, bds. Glas, 1824 18 2 1473 Richman's Poetical Scraps, bds. Lon. 1800 12 2 1474 Elegant Selections from Popular Poets, bds. Edin. 1818 12 1 1475 Art of Poetry, by Bysshe, Xo/i. 17I8 12 1 I47G Brown's Philemon, a Poem, h. b. Edin. 1809 12 1 1470* (/harlemagne, or the Cliurch Delivered v>y Lucien Bonaparte, bds- Phil. 1815 24 2 1477 Pooms on Divine Subjects Edin. 1722 12 1 1478 Poems, by P. Wheatley, a Negro Ser- vant tValpole 1802 18 1 1479 7raies of Wonder. Lewis, b. b. - M . - . Dub. 1801 8 1 1480 Heniy and Acasto, by B. Hill, plates, bds. Lon. I8IG 8 1 1481 The Poetical Works of Ralph Erskine, A. M. Aberdeen 1818 8 1 1482 The Campaign in Egypt, a Poem. Constantino Williamson, bds.Zow. 1811 8 1 M 81 sizfe. Vol. ' No. " Hints, 1483 U. 1818 12 1 )ds. 1484 m. 1810 Si 1 (fprd i il. 17S>y 12 1 148.5 ijrs, bds. 1486 p, 181G 18 2 1 mticer*8 m. 1757 12 1 ^ 1487 /e, &c. 12 1 8 1 1483 merous . 1798 il. 8 1 1489 n. 1727 12 2 h Illus- 1490 n. 1808 rl.8 2 1491 1492 ». 1824 18 2 1493 . 1806 12 2 ■ Poets, 1494 t. 1818 12 1495 . I7I8 12 I 1. 1496 . 1809 12 1497 ivered , 1815 24 1498 , 1722 12 1499 ) Ser- •1802 18 1500 1801 8 1501 •lates. 1816 8 1502 kine. 1; 1818 8 \ 1503 oem. 1504 1811 8 . 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 SI7.B. VOL. Poems, by Christian Miln<», bds. Aberdeen 1805 8 1 The Divina Commedia of Dante, trans- ., i lated with Notes, &c» Boyd. Lm. 1802 8 Cameron's Poems, Fj<lin, 1813 8 The Famous History of Prince Arthur, from the Edition of 1634, bds. Lon, 1816 24 Quotations from the British Poets, h. b. Phil. 1828 24 Winter's Wreath for 1832, Fine Plates, 1 n. 1832 12 Ballads in tlie Cumberland ih t by Anderson, bds. M .808 12 Parnell*s Poems, ^ j. 1744 12 Cleaveland's Poems, Lon. 1669 12 1 Tli« Poems of Blucl\more, h. b. Lon. 1716 18 1 Cluthan & Malvina with other Poems, bds. Belfast 1823 8 Preston's Poems />ii6. I78I 12 Garland of Flowers, h. b» New YorkimQ 12 A. Rodger*s Poems, bds. Glas. 1827 12 Alfred, a Poem. J. Castle, bds. Newhuryport 1814 24 1 Elegant Extracts, in Verse Lon. 1801 rl.8 2 Selections fiom Popular Poetry of the Hindoos. Brougliton, bds. Lon. 1814 8 1 Couper's Poems, chiefly Scottish, bds. Inverness l^O'^ 12 2 Ancient Historic Ballads \ . !! . i Newcastle \%QI7 12 1 Pollok's Course of Time, Memoir, &c. bds. Boston. 1828 12 1 Castle of Otranto Zo/i. I769 12 1 Poems by Edmund Waller, h. b. Glas(jowl752 18 1 1 1 1 1 {• ■i! -^.:^-^ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) y "^ ^ A y in 1.0 I.I IM 12.5 2.2 2.0 1.8 L25 IIIIIU IIIIII.6 ^ /a / HiotDgraphic Sciences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STRUT WiBSTIR.N Y MStO (7I«) iTi^soa ^ :i\^ iV iV V> '- *» ^"^ <^^^^ ^^'^^ iV 6^ i' if ■ ^''• J ; 1505 u ^ 1506 li i"^ 1507 ' 1508 ! 1509 1510 iM| 1511 ^ W 1512 i 1513 Iftt ' ^^^'^ S '^'^^^ 1 1516 1517 1518 II 1519 H 1520 iil ' 1521 H 1522 1 1523 11 1524 If 1525 8S S12e. vol Poems, by Moses Guest, h. b. -f ' -^r^J r - ■ >;( r^Vyv, CVwcmna^e 1824 12 1 Poems, by Mrs. Carter, bds. Dnh. 1777 12 1 Poems, by Helen Maria Williams, li. b. Lon, 1786 12 2 The Buonapartiad, by W. Crawford, sewed Lon, 1818 8 1 English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Byron, sewed ' Glas. 1825 18 1 Don Juan. Lord Byron, bds. i .^. Zon. 1825 18 5 Cain. Lord Byron, bds. New York 1822 18 1 Home and other Poems, by A. C. Knight Edin. 1815 12 1 Psyche and other Poems, by Mrs. Tighe, bds. : : ' Phil. 1812 18 1 The Dying Negro, a Poem, sewed, Lon. 1808 18 1 The Pleasures of Memory, stitched Bub. 1804 12 1 The Fall and Recovery of Man. Smith, stitched Belfast 1777 12 1 The Cherry and the Slae. Montgo- mery, stitched • Aberdeen 1805 18 1 The Beauties of the Scottish Poets, Plates, bds. ^ Glas. 1823 18 1 Jacobite Melodies, with Notes, &c. bds. Edin. 1723 18 1 Brookes' Miscellanies * Xow. 1778 8 3 Campbell's Poems Phil. 1815 18 1 Broome's Poems, &c. h. b. 8 1 Poemsi by Nathaniel Bloomfield, bds. /v. •• •• Lon. 1803 12 1 The Poetical Works of Ambrose Phil- lips Edin. 1781 18 1 Tlie Poetical Works of John Hughes . . , Edin. 1779 18 !^ No. 1526 S o 1527 1528 1 1529 1 d 1531 T L 1532 T 1533 T 1534 C 1535 G Ir 1536 Jc 1537 : c bd 1538 Ti 1539 Tj 1540 TI P( 1541 A< bd 1542 R( 1543 R( 1544 W 1545 Cc 1546 Vi 83 No. • ' SIZE. VOL. 1526 Scacchia, Ludus, a Poem on the Game of Chess, bds. Duh. 1750 8 1 1527 Miscellanies, by Dennis Zow. 1693 8 1 1528 The Muse*s Pocket Companion, sewed, Duh. 1787 12 i 1529 The Wiccamicol Chaplet, by G. Hud- derford, bds. iow. 1804 8 1 SATIRE. 1530 Coi'ry's Satirical View of London Lon. 1809 12 1 1531 The Jockey Club, copied from the 10th London Edition N. York 1793 8 1 1532 The Works of Peter Pindar, Esq. h. b. Lon. 1793 4 2 1533 The Dunciad. Pope. Wants Title Lon, 1728 12 1 1534 Canting, a Poem, h. b. Lon. 1813 8 1 1535 Grobianus, or the Compleat Booby, an Ironical Poem Lon, 1 739 8 1 1536 Jokeby, a Burlesque on Rokeby, bds. Lon. 1813 12 1 1537 Odes upon Cash, Corn, Catholics, &c. bds. r/iil. 1828 12 1 1538 Trumbull's M*Fingall, Plates, h. b. - ' New York 1810 8 1 1539 Trumbull's M'Fingal, h. b. Halhwell 1813 18 l 1540 The Pursuits of Literature, a Satirical Poem Lon. 1801 3 1 1541 Accepted Addresses an.i Miscellanies, bds. Lon. 1813 12 1 1542 Rejected Addresses, h. h. N. York 1813 18 1 1543 Rejected Addresses, h. b. Lon. 1813 12 1 1544 Warrcniana. with Notes, &c. bds. • • Boston 1824 12 1 1545 Cotton's Poetical Works, bds. Lon. 1771 12 1 1546 Virgil Travestie, by Cotton, bds. Durham I8O7 12 1 84 i mm m No. 1547 1548 1549 1550 1551 1552 SIZE. VOL. Syntax in Search of a Wife Phil. 1829 18 Salmagundi. Plates New York 1814 18 A Burlesque Translation of Homer, numerous Plates - Lon, 1797 S The Beauties of Tom Brown Lon, 1808 12 The Third and Last Part of Hudibras Lon, 1679 8 All the Talents, a Satirical Poem, bds. Lon, I8O7 8 v.— FRENCH POETRY AND ROMANCE. 1 2 9 I 1553 Amusemens Philologiques Dijon 1824 8 1 1554 Dictionnaire des Epithetes. Levee I ; 1 . Paris I8I7 8 I 1555 Poesies de Clotilde, Poete Fran9ais du ^ XV Siecle, publiees par Vanderbourg Paris 1808 8 1 1556 Les Poets Fran9ais, depuis le XII. Seiclejusqu*a Malherbe, avec une notice historique et litteraire sur chaque poete 1 : r ; . Paris 1824 8 6 1557 Dictionnaire de Rimes. Richelet et Berthelin Lyon 1810 8 1 1558 Les Vrais Principes de la Versification, , . p^r A. Scoppa, neatly h. b. calf Par. 1814 8 3 1559 CEuvres de J. Delille, belles gravures, vi z. L' Imagination Par, 181 6 8 2 i Les troisregnes de la Nature Par. 1808 8 2 Paradis Perdu Par, 1813 8 2 i I Le "" 'coliques de Virgile, texte en re- l " ga; Par, I8O6 8 1 ; Les Georgiques de Virgile, texte en re- garde Par, 1811 8 1 i L'Eneide, texte en regarde Par, 1809 8 4 Poesies Fugitives Par. 1818 8 1 • , Poesies Di verses Par. 1808-1811 8 4 1560 CEuvres de J. F. Ducia, ornees du por- trait et de gravures, sewed Par, 1813 8 3 85 No. 1561 1562 1563 1564 1565 SI/E. VOL. 8 2 5 8 1 8 1 !i. f 1566 5 1 1567 5 I 1568 1569 J 1 1570 1571 8 8 6 1 1572 1573 157^ 1575 8 3 157G 8 8 8 2 2 2 1577 1578 1579 1580 8 1 1581 8 8 1 4 1582 8 8 1 4 1583 1584 8 8 8 1 1 3 1 8 3 Telemaque, planches Land, 1812 CEuvi'es completes tie Lord Byron, par A. E. de Chastopalli rar. IS^.JO 8 Le Dernier Chant du Pelerinage d'Ha- rold, par Alph de Lamartine, avec notes Par. 1825 Le Purgatoire, Poeme du Dante, tra- duit de ritalien, suivi de notes, sewed Paris 1813 Les Vers a Sole, de Vida, traduit par Levee, h. b. Far. 1809 Cyane, Roman Grec, sewed Stras.1690 Rienzi, par Auger. St. Hippolyte Lorid. 1825 Atala, par Chateaubriand, h.b. Lon.1812 12 QEuvies completes d'Alcxis Piron Amst, 1776 18 9 (Euvres d*Evariste Parny rar. 1808 18 4 (Euvres completes, de M. de Florian Par. 1803 8 8 (Euvres completes, de Boileau Des- preaux Par. 1810 8 (Euvres Choisies de Gresset Par. 1813 18 Poesies de Malherbe Par. 1800 18 (Euvres Litteraires de Fran9ois Rivarol . : .. . JPar. 1799 124in2 Hymne au Soleil, &c. par Reyrac Lond. 1790 24 (Euvres Choisies de Bernard P«r.l811 18 Poesies de Chalieu I>ar. 1812 18 (Euvres Choisies de Lemierre Par. IS i\ 18 (Euvres Choisies de Clement Marot Paris 1808 18 La Jerusalem Delivree, traduit en vers par P. L. M. Baour-Lormian Par 1819 8 3 Jerusalem Delivree, vie du Tasso, plates Paris I8I7 18 1 Les Saisons, Poeme Lond, 1782 18 1 (Euvres Clioisies de Lagrange-Chancel h.b. Par. 181 7 18 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- ', 1 4' n • ■ » 'I: i ;. 'if,. M I r I 8 1 18 8 8 3 No. SIZE. VOL. 1585 Les Mois, Poeme, par Rouoher Leige 1 780 18 1 1586 Le Berger Fidel e, traduit de I'ltalien Amst. 1766 18 1587 Poesies Revolationnaires et Contre 1 Revolutionnaires Par. 1821 18 1588 La Navigation, Poeme, par J. Esmenard Paris 1806 1589 Lecture a ma Fille, ou Morceaux choisies des meilleurs Poetes, &c. fine platesy sewed Paris 1590 Les Sens, Poeme, planches Lond, I766 1591 Les a Propos de Societe, ou Chansons de M. L. plates Paris I776 1592 Recueil de Chansons Choisies, sewed Montreal 1821 18 1593 Le Passe Terns, ou Chansons, h. b. Montreal 1830 18 1594> Chansons choisies, avec les Ah-s. Notes h. b. c^lf Geneve I782 24 1595 Roman de la Rose. G. de Louis, et J. de Meun Par. I735 12 1596 LaHenriade. Fine Plates P«r. 1 77 8 1597 La Henriade, avec un Essai sur la Poe- * sie Epique, avec Figures. Voltaire Pouen 1789 12 1598 Henriade, Notes, &c. Voltaire. Par. 1815 18 1599 La Pucelle, Poeme. Voltaire Par. 1801 18 1600 Melanges de Poesies de M. de Voltaire, Revue par TAuteur, h. b. Lon. 1772 8 1601 Pieces Fugitives de Voltaire Lon. 1782 18 1C02 Fables de La Fontaine Par. Van. 7 18 1603 Contes et Nouvelles, en Vers, de La Fontaine. Numerous Plates. Neatly bound Amst. I776 12 1604. CEuvres de La Fontaine Par. 1813 18 1G05 Les Amours de Psyche et de Cupidon. La Fontaine Par. 1803 18 8 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 87 No. SIZE. VOL 160G (Euvres choisies de Pope Par. 1800 18 3 1607 Le Jardin Anglais. Tourneur. ■. -^ Lon, 1788 8 2 1608 Appollon Mentor Lon. 17*8 12 1 1609 Poesies de M. Helvetins Zow. I78I 24 1 1610 Les Chevaliers de la Table Rond. Les- ser, sewed, Par, 1812 18 1 iGll Mon Portefeuille, par Legret Bordeaux I8OG 12 1 1612 Les Beauties Poetiques d'Edouard Young, traduit en rran9ais, avec le ., J Texte Anglais en regard. B. Barere, sewed Par, 1804 8 1 1613 Paul et Virginie. St. Pierre, Plates. h. b. Xow. 1806 12 1 1614 Idee de la Poesie Anglaise, ou Traduc- tions des Meilleurs Poetes Anglais. AbbeYart "' P«r. I75O 12 8 1615 Sethos. Roman. Abbe Terrasson Par. 1813 18 6 1616 Les Animaux Parians, Poeme de J. B. Caste, traduit par L. Mareschal P«r. 1819 8 2 1617 Philippe Auguste. Poeme Heroique. Parse val Par. 1826 8 1 16 18 Le Paradis Perdu. Traduction de Salgues Par. I8O7 8 1 161,9 La Partheneide. Poeme. Baggesen. Traduit de TAllemand, sewed Par. 1810 12 1 1620 Petite Encyclopedic Poetique, par La Madelaine, wants vols. 4 and 9 Par. 1810 18 15 1620* (Euvres du Comte de Tressan. Notice sur sa Vie, &c. par Campenon - Par. 1823 8 10 1621 Hudibras. Poeme traduit en Vers. English and French. Plates, h. b. Lon. I7C7 12 3 >i I 'il *J « ;il ;■' « f i'i K \mm \mm'^ m 88 So^ sr4E. vot. 1622 Le Pelerinage de Deux Soeufs, orne de ; Figures Par, 1819 12 1 1623 CEuvres de Maitre Fran9ais Rabelais, ; .. suivies des remarques, ornee de 76 Gra^ vures Par, Van 6 8 3 1623* LeChefd'(Euvred*utiInconnu Lausanne 1754 12 2 I r VI.— ENGLISH DRAMA. 1624 The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare* with Copious Index and Notes, by Ays* cough iow. 1807rl.8 $ 1625 The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare. . Diamond Edition, with Plates. Neatly bound in embossed morocco, gilt edges, Lon, 1827 12 1 1626 Bell's Shakespeare. Plates. Wants vol. 5 and 6 Lon. I788 18 18 1627 Miscellaneous Papers, &c. under the hand and seal of W. Shakspeare, in- cluding his Tragedy of King Lear, &c. bds. ^ Lon. I796 8 1 1628 Mrs. Montagufe's Essay on Shakepeare \ Lon. 1810 rl 8 1 1629 Richardson's Essays on Shakspeare's Dramatic Characters Lon. 1812 8 1 1630 Hazlett*s Dramatic Criticisms, bds. Lon. 1821 8 1 1631 Hazlitt's Characters of Shakspeare, ' ' V h. b. .. .. ,, . Boston 1818 8 1 1532 Seymour's Remarks on the Plays of Shakspeare, bds. Lon. 1805 8 1 1633 Comments on the Commentators on >, , Shakspeare. H* J. Pye. h. b. Lon, I8O7 8 1 1634 Bell's British Theatre, numerous Plates Lon, 1705 8 12 1635 Three Weeks after Maraiage, stitched Lon. 8 1 No. 1636 1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 16^>3 L8 1644 1645 1646 1 1647 1 1648 1649 1 I6o0 1651 1 1652 1 1653 1 l6o4 1 1655 12 1656 lf)o7 1 1658 89 tUB. TOL. High Life Below Stairs, stitched rnH > '■ Zon, 1803 8 1 Braganza, a Tragedy, stitched Lou, 8 1 Baillie*s Miscellaneous Plays Zaw. 1805 8 1 The Waverley Dramas, hds. Bdin.lS^S 24 2 The Waverley Dramas, plates, h. b. Edin, 1823 12 1 Nathan the Wise, a Dramatic Poem, -, from the German of Lessing, boards Norwich 1791 8 7 Original Edition of Ben Johnson's Works — containing Bartholmew Fair, The Devil an Ass, &c. Zow. 1631-1641 foL I The Dramatic Works of Ben Johnson and Beaumont and Fletcher, notes by Whalley and Colman, portraits, fine calf ' ' Lond, 1811 8 4 Fai*quhar*s Dramatic Works Lon. 1772 8 2 Plaj^ Zan. 12 3 The Dramatic Works of R. B. Sheridan with portrait, bds. Lon. 1828 12 1 Collection of English Prologues and Epilogues Lon. 1779 12 4 A Vol. of Plays and Poetry, wants title 8 1 Ignoramus Comaedia, h. b. Zon. 1630 J8 1 A Vol. of Plays, h. b. Lon, I778 8 I The British Drama, 8rd vol. h. b. Lon. 1804rl.8 1 Elfrida, by Mason, and other Plays Lon, 1757 8 1 Sir William Wallace, a Play, sewed Aberdeen 1821 12 1 The Lying Lover, Grief a-la-mode, and the Tender Husband. Steel Lon. I712 12 1 Cumberland's British Theatre, plates, h.b. Lond, 18 10 3Iore's Sacred Dramas Loit, I796 12 1 Gay's Plays Lon. I772 12 1 History of the Theatres of London and Dublin. Victor Zon. I76I 12 3 .1 iM\ n 't : \\ 90 II 1664 1665 11 1666 .1, '' ■ 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 I i No. SIZE. VOL. 1659 Otway's Plays Lon. 1735 12 1 1660 Home's Dramatic Works Loft, I76O 12 1 1661 The New British Theatre, original Dramas, never acted, h. b. JLon, 1814 8 4 1662 The Tragedies of Alfieri. Lloyd .' . - ' Lon. 1815 12 S i VII.— FRENCH DRAMA. 1663 CEuvres de Jean Racine, avec des com- mentaires, par J. L. Geoflfroy, fine edi- tion with Portraits and Facsimiles, &c. Par, 1808 8 7 (Euvres de Racine, h. b. Par, I779 12 3 CEuvi'es Dramatiques de F. Schiller, traduit de I'Allemand, Portrait /ti :«- . jPar. 1821 8 3 (Euvres de P. Corneille, avec le com- mentaire de Voltaire, et des observations critiques de Palissot, plates Par, 1801 rl.8 12 (Euvres de Shakspeare, traduites de r Anglais par Letourneur Par. 1822 18 12 Shakspeare, traduit de 1' Anglais, dedie au Roi Par, I776 4 2 CEuvres de Moliere, avec Remarques, &c. par Bret Par. 1804 8 6 Theatre de Voltaire Par, 1801 18 12 Les Etats de Blois, Tragedie, precedes d'une notice sur le Due de Guise, par Raynouard, h. b. Par. 1814 1672 Chefs-d'CEuvres Dramatiques, ou Re- cueil des Meilleures Pieces de Theatre ? ' Land. 1808 12 1673 Theatre de la Fontaine, h. b. Par. 1812 18 1674 CEuvres de Crebillon Par, 1775 18 1675 CEuvres Choisies de Belloi, h. b. Paris 1811 8 1676 (Euvres Choisies de Piron Par, 1810 18 1677 (Euvres Complettes de Vade A Troyes Van 6 18 C 1678 Le Mariage de Scan'on, stitched Paris 1797 8 1 8 1 91 8 1 2 3 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 8 gI 8 1 No. SIZE. VOL. 1679 Les Viftitandines, Comedie, stitched Paris 1814 8 1 1679* Chefs-d'CGuvre du Theatre Anglais, traduits en Fran9ais Par, 1823 8 5 VIII.— ENGLISH NOVELS.' l ; i - 1 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 Novels and Tales by the Author of Waverley, bds. Boston 1820 8 4 Guy Mannering, bds. Edin, 1815 12 3 Quentin Durward, bds. N. York 1823 12 2 Tales of My Landlord, 1st series N, York 1818 12 2 Tales of My Landlord, 2nd series, bds. N. York 1818 12 2 Tales of My Landlord, 4th series, bds. PM. 1832 12 3 The Pirate, h.b. rhil. 1822 12 2 Chronicles of the Canongate, boards New York 1827 12 2 PeverilofthePeak, h.b. iV. York IS23 12 2 Redgauntlet, bds. New York 1824 12 2 Tales of the Crusaders, bds. Phil. 1825 124in^ Beauties of the Waverley Novels, h. b. ' • morocco, gilt edges Boston 1828 1 1 Letters to Richard Heber, Fsq. with Critical Remarks on the Waverley Novels, bds. Boston 1822 8 1 Popular Romances— consisting of Ima- ginary Voyages and Travels, with In- ' * ' troductory Dissertation by Weber, bds. , . JEym. 1812 rl.8 1 Robinson Crusoe, ^vith Engravings , . . , Manchester I8I6 8 t Robinson Crusoe, h. b. Bost. 1830 18 1 Mackenzie's Works, Man of Feeling, bds. Lond. 181 6 24 1 The Adventures of Hajji Baba, bds. PhiL ISU 12 2 Paul Clifford, bds. N York 1830 12 2 Eugene Aram, cloth N, York 1832 12 2 mi v.V' -1" i^- if if M. •■I , l^f S!.|4-, Id: 92 NOt SIZE. VOL. 1700 Clarissa Harlowe, by Richardson Lon, 1774 12 8 1701 The History of Sir Charles Grandison, by Richardson, neat calf, gilt Loti. 1812 rl.8 I 1702 Pamela, by Richardson Lon, 1811 8 4 1703 Joseph Andrews, by Fielding Xon.1783 12 1 1704 The Cottagers of Glenburnie, h. b. , ., : .V ' ' Edin, 1815 12 1 1705 Select Works of Fielding, with Life, by AVatson Edin, 1818 8 5 1706 The History of Tom Jones, Par. I78O rl.8 4 1707 Tales for the Irish Peasantry, bds. Dub. 1814 12 1 1708 Knickerbocker's History of ^qw York, New York, 1812 12 2 1709 The Sketch Book, by G. Crayon, bds. , /. .: V c New Forife 1824 12 2 1710 Scraps and Sketches, bds. MontreanSdl 12 1 1711 The Italian, by Ann Radcliffe, h. b. J)ub. 1805 12 2 1712 The Pioneers, a Tale Par. 1825 12 3 1713 Lionel Lincoln, by the Author of the Pioneers, bds. New York 1824 12 2 1714 The Spy, a Tale of the Neutral Ground \ : Parts 1825 12 3 1715 The Scottish Adventurers, by Nacneil N For^ 1812 12 2 in 1 1716 Mandeville, by Godwin, h. b. N. York 1818 12 2 1717 Caleb Williams, by Godwin, cloth. New York 1831 12 2 1718 Beauties of Sterne and Goldsmith, low. 1782 12 1 171^ Salathiel, a Story of the Past, the . Present, and the Future, bds. New York 1828 12 2 1720 Sandoval, or the Free Mason, a Span- ish Tale, bds. New York 1826 12 2 No. 1721 9d E. VOL. No. 2 8 1721 .8 I 1722 8 4 2 1 1723 2 1 1724 8 5 1725 8 4 1726 2 1 1727 2 2 1728 5 2 1729 : 1 1730 2 3 1731 1732 2 1733 3 1734 nl 1735 2 1736 1737 2 1838 1739 1 1740 1741 2 1 1742 174^3 SIZE. Vol. The Missionary, an Indian Tale, h. b. New York 1811 12 3 in 1 Harrington & Osmond, a Tale by M. Edgeworth, h. b. ]Vew York I8I7 12 2 Popular Tales, by M. Edgeworth, Povghkeepsie 1813 12 2 The Modern Griselda, by Miss Edge- worth, h. b. Lon. 1M3 12 Romance of History, 3 series by L. Ritchie, bds. New lark 1831 12 Melmoth, by the author of Bertram, h.b. Boston, 1821 12 Gait's Laurie Todd, bds. New York 1830 12 The Last of the Lairds. Gait. bds. New York 1827 12 Sir Andrew Wylie. Gait. h. b. New York 1822 12 Annals of the Parish. Gait. bds. • Phil. 1821 12 Ringan Gilhaize. Gait. bds. New York 1823 12 Fool of Quality. Brooke. B«/M810 12 2 The whole Comical Works of M. Scar- ron Lon, 17OO 8 1 Liberal Opinions. Prat. Lon, 1783 12 4 The Monk, a Romance, h. b. Lon,^S\5 18 3 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea Lon, 1767 12 4 in 2 Rachel, a Tale, bds. PhU, 1818 18 1 Sandford & Merton, bds. Lon, 1815 24 Miseries of Human Life Lon. I8O7 12 Anastasius, or Memoii*s of a Young Greek, h. b. NewYork 1820 12 Percivars Moral Tales Warrington\1l^4s 12 Don Quixote. Motteux and others Edin, 1803 12 Brownie of Bodsbeck and other Tales, by James Hogg, bds. Edin. 1818 12 I 2 2 2 1 •' '-r f 2 n ■ 1 »■ M'-iii 2 . 1 2 2 1 i ' o -I- l.^i 94. i 1^ No. 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 175] 1752 1753 1754 SIZE. VOL 2 I 1 Tales from Shakspeare, by C. Lamb, bds. Lon, 1822 12 Tales and Novels, bds. Duh, 1795 12 Nightmare Abbey, bds. P/iil. 18 1 9 18 The Eskdale Herd boy, by Mrs. Blackford ^ ' Lon. 1819 12 1 Tristram Shandy, bds. Lon, 1779 12 2inl Cyril Thornton New York 1831 12 2 The Memoirs of S. Gaudentio di Lucca 8 Memoirs of an American Lady, h. b. Land, 1808 12 The Beautie& of Rousseau, h. b. i ' Lond. 1788 12 The Life of John Buncle, Esq. Lond, 1770 12 The Miscellaneous Works of Tobias Smollet, with Memoir of bis Life and Writings by Anderson, h. b, Edin, I8I7 8 IX.— FRENCH NOVELS. 1 o 2 4 6 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 Romans de Voltaire ^ par, 1800 18 3 L'An 2440 suivi de T Homme de Fer Par. 1791 8 3 LeComptdeValmont, plates Par. I8O7 12 6 Le Decameron deBocace, planches, h.b. Paris 1802 18 11 Le Compere Matthieu, plates Par. I796 12 3 Betzi, ou r Amour comme 11 est, h. b. Par, 1801 12 1 Aventures de Robinson Crusoe Par, 1808 lf2 2 Chefs-d'CEuvre d'Oliver Goldsmith, EngHsh and French, h.b. iV.yor/d 1815 12 1 Choix de Petits Romans Lon. I789 24 2 Les Nouvelles de Marguerite Reine de Navarre, numerous fine engravings Berne I78O 8 3 Histoire Amoureuse des Gauls par le Comte de Bussi Rabutin ' 1754 18 5 No. 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774* 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 X.— < GE 178O I78I 1782 1783 V « No. 2 1766 I 1 1767 1 1768 inl 2 1769 1 1770 2 1771 2 1772 4 1773 1 ' 1774 6 \ ' 1775 3 1776 3 1777 6 1778 1 3 1779 95 SIZE. VOL- Don Quichotte de la Manche, traduit par Florian Par, 1812 18 4 Le Diable Boiteaux. Le Sage, h. b. Par. 1812 18 2 Le Bachelier de Salamanque. Le Sage Par. 1813 12 2 Histoire de Gil Bias, par Le Sage Par. Pan. 3 18 4 Histoire de Guzman d'Alfarache, par Le Sage ' AmsL 1777 12 2 Liaisons Dangereuses Par. 1811 18 4 Nouvelles de Michel Cervantes, vie, &e. sewed Par. 1809 18 4 Vie dn Chevalier de Faublas, par Louvet de Couvray Par. I8O7 12 4 CEuvres Complettes de Sterne, Plates ! Par. 1818 18 6 Tom Jones, ou PEnfant Trouve, imita- tion de Fielding. La Place, plates Par. 1823 18 4 (Euvrea de Madame Cottin Par. 1820 18 12 Bibliothequedes Romans Grecs, traduits en Fran9ais Paris 1797 18 12 Le Diable peint par lui-meme. Collin de Plancy Par. 1825 8 1 Histoire de M. Cleveland, traduit de TAnglais, par TAboe Prevost, h. b. , Par. 1808 12 6 X.— GRECIAN LANGUAGE & ANTIQUITIES, GRECIAN WRITERS & TRANSLATIONS. 1780 Elementa Linguce Grsecse. Moor, h. b. Glasgow 1810 12 1 1781 A Grammar of the Greek Language, revised by Ironside N. York 1815 12 1 1782 A Grammar of the Greek Tongue. Jones, bds. Lon. 1808 12 1 1783 Linguae Greecse institutiones Gramma- ticfiB sewed C?/a«. 1797 12 I ii ■■,:. i iV 4 i i* L- * No. 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1692 1693 179* 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 IhOl 1802 96 ai2£. Vol Neilson's Greek Exercises, abridged and revised Balf. 1809 8 1 Introduction to the Writing of Greek. Huntingford Oxford 1799 8 I Exercises on the Greek Language, bds. wants title 8 I Nouvel Abrege de la GrainmaireGrecque Fourgault et Jan net, bds. Far, 1818 8 1 Cornelii Schrevelii Lexicon Manuale Glas, 1799 8 1 Parkhurst's Greek and English Lexi- con to the New Testament L(m.l812r\,S 1 Lexique Elementaire Grec-Fran9ais. Lefranc, h. b. Par. 1826 12 1 LEXICON GRtECO-LATINUM no- vum. Joannis Scapulee opera et studio Basil 1580 fol. 1 Lexicon Novi Testamenti Alphabeticum Dawson Lon, I776 8 1 Archajologia Graeca, or the Antiquities of Greece. Potter Lon. 1751 8 2 Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grece. Barthelmy, h. b. Par, 1810 12 i! Atlas to do. 4 CEuvres de Barthelemy Par. 1821 8 Fetes et Courtisanes de la Grece, sup- plement aux Voyages d' Anacharsis et d'Antenor, musique, gravures, &c. Par. 1821 Antient Mythology. Bryant, portrait, 41 plates Lon. 1801 Mythology, translated from the French of Banier Lon. 1740 Account of Heathen Gods. King Lon. 1722 12 Dictionnaire de la Fable. Noel Far. 1 803 8 La Mythologie comparee avec /Histoire Fressan Par. 1810 12 Klemens de Mythologie. Basseville Par. 1802 12 7 1 8 4 8 6 8 1 1 2 2 No. ■■'•' 1803 ] t ISi . 11 t 1805 1 1806 I I 1807 C 1808 I 1809 I I 1810 I 1811 H P & 1812 H N 1813 H a> & T H T K F 1816 T 1814 1815 ra T tr be X ch 1819 Fi - - M I8I7 1818 it 9 97 No. "' SIZE. VOL. 1803 Novum Testamentum cum versione la- tina. Leusden. Curante Watts. ' '^"'i •^-;^ Phil. 1806 12 1 18v ' Homeri Ilias GriBce et Latine anriota- i«'i tiones, &c. Clarke Lon. 1806 8 2 1805 Homeri Uias. Clarke, Foultis Glas. 1747 12 2 1806 Homeri Odyssese Batrachomyomachia, Hymni et Epigrammata, uxta editio- ^ ^ nem. S. Clarke. Amstel 1743 18 1 1807 Cowper's Homer. ' Dnh, I792 8 2 1808 Pope's Homer ' Xow. I77I 12 9 1809 L'Odissie d'Homere, traduit du Grec. Dacier Pat\ 1815 12 2 1810 L'Uiade d'Homere, traduit du Grec. Par, 1812 12 2 1811 Herodotus. Textus Wesselingianus passim refictus Cura Reizii, Schaferi, - &c. Oxon. 1814 8 3 1812 Herodotus, translated from the Greek, - Notes and Life. Beloe, portrait, cloth Xo». 1831rl.8 1 1813 Histoire d'Herodote, traduite du Grec, - avec remarques, notes, vie d'Homere, '' &c. Par, 1802 8 9 1814 Theocriti quae extant, ex editione Heinsii. Foulis. Glas, J 746 18 1 1815 The Idylliums of Theocritus, with Ra- pin's Discourse of Pastorals, done into English Oxford 1684 8 1 18 16 Theocriti qucB extant, (esteened edition, rare^ Oxon 1699 8 1 18 17 Theocritus, Bion, Moschus Tyrteeus, translated from, the Greek. Polwhele, bds. Xo».1811 8 2 1818 Xenophon, do Cyri Institutione. Hut- chinson •-•'*''' '' Zow. 1765 8 1 181 9 Fielding's translation of Xenophon's A . Memorabilia and Life of Socrates, bds. Dnh. I8O6 12 1 fH V- ^ 't\ ■^ 1820 r ' 1821 1822 1823 r ;• 1824 SIZE. VOL -The whole Works of Xenophon. Ash- ley Cooper, Spelman, &c. Jones, cloth Lon, 1831 rl.8 Retreat of the Ten Thousand. Spel- man JUm. 1811 rl.8 Retreat of the Ten Thousand, and Arrian's History of Alexanders Expedi- tion, h. b. Xow. 1813 rl.8 La Retraite de Dij; Mille. Notes. &c. Lareher y . .^ Par, I778 12 Melanges de Geographic, &c. avec ;; Cartes et Memoire sur la Retraite des .->.[ Pix Mille. F. d'Urban et B. du Bo- coge 1825 II 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1 1831 1 1832 w . i . 1 >'' I <i 1 .1 Mi : 1833 1 2 8 1 Thucydides, ex Recensione. J. Bek- kere. Tomuslet4,l)ds. Oo-ow 1821 8 2 Thucydides, Grsece et Latine ad editio- ijem. J. Wasse et Car, Dukeri, cum annotationibus &c. h. b. Biponti I786 8 6 Pausanise GrsecsB descriptio, Greece et Latine. J. F. Facius, h. b. fbest edi- tion) Lipsice 1794 8 4 Pausanias, translated from the Greek, with Notes, Maps, Plates, &c. bds. Lon, 1794 8 3 Pausanias, traduit en Fran9ais, avec Remarques, Cartes, &c. Gedoyn ■ " 4 2 Polybius, from the Greek. Hampton 'ti' ,i. ':i. .:!.'i \:\ ( • Lon, 1756 4 2 i)o, do. Lon, 1811 8 1 HISTOIRE de Polybie, du Grec, par . V. Thuillier, avec un Commentaire, oii toutes les grandes parties de la guerro \ sont expliquees, demontrees et repre- sentees en figures, par M. le Chev. de Folard . nTir,! t'y Amst, IJJi^ 4 7 Polybii Mcsalopolitani, lib. 5. N. Pe- rotto, interpret© cpitom seqiientium lib- rum. . , H> •> .i v: , Geneve l(i08 24 1 t . t 99 No. ■ 1834 SIZE. VOL'. 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 18i3 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 Arrian*s History of Alexander's^ Expe- dition, translated, with Notes, by Rooke. Le Clerc's criticism on Quintus Curtius, and Remarks, A"^, h. b. Lon. 1814 Histoires Diverses D'EIien, traduites du Grec, avec des Remarques Paris 1772 Harangues tirees des Historiens Grecs. r Abbe Auger Par. I788 Voyage de Nearque, traduit de TAn- glais de W. Vincent, par Billecocq V ' - •' Par. Van. 8 Oppian's Halieutics , Oxford 1722 Geographic de Strabon, traduit du Grec en Fran9ais. Du TheiJ, Coray, Gosse- lin, calf, gilt, 1 vol. bds. De rimpri- merie Imperiale Par. 1805 The Tragedies of -^schylus, translated by R. Potter Oxford 1812 The Tragedies of Eurepides, translated wants title **'^ ' '. \ * • . Sophoclis CEdipus Rex, cum notisj ex. editioni. Brunck Lon. 1809 The Tragedies of Sophocles from the Greek, by Franklin, with Dessertation, h. b. Zow. 1809 Theatre de Sophocle, avec des re- marques, &c. Rochefort Par» I788 (Euvres complettes de Demosthene et , d'Eschene, traduites avec des Remar- ques, Discours, &c. L'Abbe Auger Anders 1804 All the Orations of Demosthenes and the Orations of ^schines on the Crown ' Leland I77O Several orations of Demosthenes, with Preface Lon. 1744 Pindari Carraina cum versione Latina et Notis. Heync ct Hermann, h. b. ; *' " ' * Ornn 1815 :. I 8 2' C,!^ f 8 1 8 2 8 18 3 1 4 5, 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 2- 8 6 r r 4 1 12 1 11 /^ ) t 100 V t 'Hi m J: !" No. 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1854* 1855 1856 1857 i 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1 1863 SIZE. VOL. Omnia Pindari quae extant. Foulis Glas, 1744 18 1 Pindari Olympia, Pythia, nemea isth- . mea coeterorum octo Lyricorum car- minia. P. Stephani Oliva 1 61 2 24 1 Callemachi Hymni Epigrammata et Fragmenta ex recensione, J. A. Er- nesti cum notis integris, H. Stephani, ; r A. Fabri, R. Bentlei, &c. (best edition) fine vellum. Lug d. Bat. I76I 8 2inl Aristotelis deArte Poctica liber cum Commentariis. G. Hermanni LipsiiB 1802 8 1 Aristotle's Rhetorick, bds. " .: >. ^:. Oxfordl8l6 12 Anacreon Greek and French, wants title 12 ApoUonius Medea and Jason, transla- tion in verse, by J. Ekins 12 Vie d' ApoUonius de Tyone Amst. I779 12 ApoUonii Tyanei Vita, Al. Rhinuccino interprete. Eusebius contra Hierodem, , Tenobis Acciolo intcrprete -' .- ? - , .'K . ■ , LuietcB 1555 24 Epicteti Manuale et Cebetis Tabula Grsece et Latine. J. Schweighacuser, (best edition) h. b. Zipsice I798 8 Epectitus, translated by Carter Lon. 1768 12 Ch. CEliani Sophistse Variae HistorieB lib XIV. Grec et Latine Basil 1774 12 1 Hermoginis ars Oratoria, Grece et Latine Colonice Allobrogum I6l4 12 1 iEsopi Fabulse, Grece et Latine L(md. 1682 12 1 Dionysii Longini de Sublimitate Com- -,. , mentarius. Greece et Latine. T. *' Pearce Lon> 1732 8 1 Lucian's Dialogues, Greek and Latin. Murphy Edin, 1814 12 1 1 2 1864 1865 1868 1 1869 1 I870 1 I87I 4 I872 1873 1874 1875 1876 ' 1877 1878 1879 1879* 101 12 1 8 1 12 1 So. SIZE. VOL 1864 FlaviL Joseplii, Opera quae extant, (/^y/^ j * J Greece et Latine. AureHcB Aliobroffum l6ll fol. 1 1865 Les Vies de plus 111 ustres Phil osophes - . . de TAntiquete, traduites du Grec de U'^ Diogene Laerce, la Vie de PAuteur, !' &c. . T •, . .^ Par. 179,6 8. 2, 1866 Hippocrates on Air, Thucydide*s Plague of Athens, Notes, &c. Clifton. f,..,-,; ■• ^ Lond.l734> 8 1 1867 Dissertations de Maxime de Tyr, tra- duites sur la texte Grec, Notes, &c. J. J. Combes. Dounceus. Par. 1802' 8 2 1868 La Republique de Platon Par, 1794* 12 2 1869 Another Copy of the same 12 2 1870 Essai Historique sur Platon. J.J. r f i ( Combe Douno us. Par. 1809 12 2 187 1 CEuvres de Platon, traduites par Victor Cousin, 3 last vols, sewed Par, 1822-3 8 5 1872 Synopsis of Plato. Sydenham, h. b. Lon.1759 4 1 1873 Reflections Morales de TEmpereur . . . Marc Ai^^jne, avec des Remarques • ■- ' Par. I09I 12 2; 1874 Plutarchs Lives, translated by Sir Tho- mas North, dedicated to Queen Eliza- ^ beth. Xo*i. 1631 foL 1 1875 Plutarch's Lives. Langhbrne, gilt vel- lum Lou. 1805 12 6 1876 Plutarch's Lives, 1st and 6th vols. Lon. 1749 18 2 1877 Plutarch's Morals, by way of Abstract, , done from the Greek. '« r Lon. IJOJ 8 1 1878 Beautes des CEuvres Morales de Plu- ,r tarch !r..%H,; Pam I8I7 12 2" 1879 Another Copy the same 12 2 1879* CEuvres de Plutarque, traduites duGrec, ,,,;.[ I J par Amyot, avec des Notes, &c. par Brolier et Vauvillicrs , , PariV 1802 8 25 r V, '. Cj i ' r', .j^. .?■ I ^ 3 X if 1: 10^^ rf. ' 'ilHMIi ^ii^ lii fi;.! No. "" SIZE. vot. 1880 Epicurus' Moralb, translated from the Greek. Digby., , » ^on, I7I2 12 I XL— ROMAN LANGUAGE AND ANTIQUI- TIES. LATIN WRITERS AND TRANSLA- TIONS^ AU 6l> oiY jjI ,f.;D-ryijJ. 0A'>-<iOiCl. 1881 G. J. Vossii Grammatica Latina. Lug.^ Bat^^' V"" -^ '' -^^*^'^^^^' 164^4 \^ I 1882 Franc. Sanctii Broceiisis Minerva seu de causis linguae latinse Commentarius Amst, 1704j* 8^ 1 1883 Adam's Rudiments of Latin and Eng- lish Grammar Boston 1809* 12 1; 1884 Les ddices de la langue latine tirees de '^'■ - ^ Ciceron, &c. Par, I736 24 1 1885 Grammatical Exercises Edin. 1804 IS 1 1886 Ruddiman's Rudiments Aberdeen 1808 12 1 1887 A Vocabulary, English and Latiu, h. b. Edin. 1749 12 1 1888 Grammaticae Latinse Institutiones. Rud- dimah Edin, I762 12 1 1889 Prosodie Latine. Chevalier, bds. Par, 1819 18 1 1890 J. J. G. Schslleri Compendium prsecep- torum styli bene latini Lipsic, 1795 8 1 1891 Synonimes Latins. G. Dumesnil, /''^; Par, 1777 12 1 1892 Intrbdu<itfon to the Classics. Blackwell. Lqn, 1746 12 1 1893 A Latine Dictionary. A. L^ tleton. ' - h. b. LiU, 1678 l*_l 1893 Dictionnaire de Poche, ^jatin d Prim ^ 9ais. ' J. B. L*Ecuy. ^*'^f ' - Pa. 1805 i;2 1 1895 THESAURUS Lingine Latinse Com ^^v" r pendiarius. Ainsworth, Morell. .*^""':*\,,. - Zon. 1-86S 4 1 1896 Abridgement' Of Ainswbrth's Diction- ary. Morell. Edm, I8O7 8 1 1 897 New Abridgement of Ainsworth. Dy- moijk, cloth Glasgow 1830 12 1 > . i 103 1898 1899 1900 1901 i9or SIZE. VOV 8 8 1902 1903 190* 1905 ^r-.i 1906 , V^- ♦ 1907 1908 1909 1910 \ ' *• 1911 ^ \: 1912 ^, * - ♦ t \ 1913 ' 1 ;<:. . 1914 1915 1916 8 A Latin Dictionary. Coles. Lon, 174? New Di43tionary. Moir. JEdin. 1814 Thomae Thomomasii Dictionariam, ex officina. J. Legati. Lon, 1644 post 4 ROBERTE STEPHANI Thesaurns Linguae Latinae BasilegcB 1740 fol. Gradus ad Parnassum, sive novus Sy- nonymorum epithetorum, phrasium j. Poeticarum, ac versuum Thesaunis. A Classical Dictionary. Lempriere. i .vv. Lon, 1797. Roman Antiquities. A. Adam. Lon, 1801 Roma Restituta. Bell, h. h, Amst I70O 12 Geography and History. A. Adam. Lon. 1802 8 C. T. Caesaris Commentarii. Mattaire . '\ vv- Lon, 1716 12 C. J, Caesar, in usum Delphini Lon, 1S06 8 C. J. Caesar. Studio J. Dymock Glas. 1815 12 Les Commentaires de Caesar, le Texte en regarde. Wailly Par, 1806 12 Les Commentaires de Caesar, traduc- tion de N. Perrot. h. b. . ; ;Xyo» I70O 12 Commentaires de Cesar, le texte en regard. Notes, Vie, &c. M. 'e Deist de Botidoux Par. 1809 The Commentaries of Caesar, trans- lated with Discourse on Romai;L Art of i j War. Duncan. Cuts, lu b. F Lon, 1753 fol. Caesar's Commentaries, translated, with plates. Bladen nfi I'^W'uy Lon, 1732 8 C. Sallustii Cristic Opera, in usum delph .; Ki,i(y/ Lon. 1803 8 C. Sajl, Crispi, h. b. C. Sail. Crispi >, 1 1 r 8 1 8 1 1 1 8 5 IftuiMl P«r. 1766 24 > .>] ,,, Lon, 1783 12 1 1 1 K'" ,:'-^ ■ 104 ' ' ' EV }■' , ¥• |:! No. " 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 .-* •■'' 1923 1924 I ' '6 I i 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 r .! 1933 .1 - 1934 1935 SIZE. VOL, C. Sail. C. Foulis t^*rrti!', Qi^g, 1737 18 1 C. C Salustii Opera, translation. Notes, 8cCi Mair. ^'w%i li'^nimn' Edin. 1793 12 1 (Euvres de Salluste, le Texte en regard. D. deLamalle- Par. 1811 8 1 C. C. Salustii Opera cum versione li- bera. Clafke Glocester 1799 8 1 Cornelius Nepos, Latin and English. Clarke Lnn. I797 8 1 T. Livii Patavini Historiarum libri qui supersunt, Notes, &c. Crevier. J A 1 )i; iow. 1813 8 6 T. Livii. P. Libri. Ruddiman v Edin, 1772 12 4 Tite Live, traduction nouvelle, par Duneau de Lamalle, revue par Noel, ^- ' ■ le Texte en regard, cartes, &c. jP«r. 1810-12 8 \5 Gordon's Livy ^rfm. 1810 12 1 C. Cornelii Taciti Opera, Notis, &c. G. Brotier. Valpy. Lon. 1812 rl.8 5 C. Cornelii Taciti Opera. Lipsius. Ainst, 1581 12 1 Morceaux choisis de Tacite, Notes, &c. Piflrr. 1813 12 1 Tacite, traduction nouvelle, le texte en regarde. Notes, &c. Dureau de La- malle '^A-iHv^iSj '>i» rt^iu f^r. 1818 8 6 Gordon's Tacitus Lon, 1763 12 5 Germany and Life of Agricola. Aikin, h. b. Oxford 1S15 12 1 The Works of C. Tacitus, Notes, Sup- plement, Maps, &c. Murphy Lon, 1793 4 4 Les CEuvres de C. Comeille Tacite. ^ - i Messire Achilles de Harley, Sieur de Channallon, &c 'JArtii^- if Par. 1644 fol. 1 M. T. Ciceronis Orationes, selectae in usum. Delphini . ^Zon. 1793 8 1 M. T. Cicero, de officius Lon, 1804 12 1 if L, No. 1936 1937 1938 1939 1910 6 1941 1942 4 1942* 1943 1944 1945 1946 19*7 1948 191-9 105 aizR. vor.. Tally's Three Books of Offices Lon, 1699 12 1 Cicero de Oratore. Foulis ' -uii is'ijh:-!!:/;! , alas, 174.9 18 1 Cicero de Oratore, in usum Delphiiii .' ' ' Oxoi. 1714 8 I Cicero on Oratory and Orators, with Notes, bds. Lon. 1808 8 ^ Cicero's Select Orations, Notes. Dun< can Edin, 1801 8 1 Pensees de Ciceron, traduites, le Texte en regard d'Olivet Lyon 1804 12 I (EUVRES COMPLETES de M. T. Ciceron, traduites en Kran9ai$, le Texte , .^ en regard, Remarques, Notes, &c. Levee, Verger, Prevost, Mongault, &c. Paj. 1816-18 8 31 Observationes in M. T. Cicironem, qui- hus omnis vere latine ratio et quot qui- busqne modis unaqueque vox distingui variari possit per exempla Ciceronis : * : plane demonstratur. S. Gryreiis, h. h. Basilioe 1536 fol. 1 La Republique de Ciceron, d'apres le Texte inedit, avec une traduction Fran- ^i.^[ [ 9ais, discours preliminaire, &c. Ville- main P.iris 1823 8 2 Cicero*s Five Books de Finibus. Par- ker and Collier, bds. Ox/'ord IS\^ 8 1 La Nature de Dieux, traduite par d'O- livet JPar. I775 12 2 Middleton's Life of Cicero />«/». I74I 8 2 Observations on the Epistles between Cicero and Hrutus, in answer to Mid- dleton. Tunstall. Lon, 1744 8 1 Ciceronis Epistolae Selectae Paris 1763 18 1 A copy of Seneca, wants title, other- ways complete ii /tfj ; Jiii^ 18 1 1! ■.' ■' I'iJ No. 1950 1951 1952 1953 8 8 "/'i i 8 1 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 I960 1961 1962 1963 1964 4 n 2 'i 'Ji ! I,-:'; J 106 SIZK. VOL CEuvres de Seneq"« le Philosophe, tra- duction de Lagrange Tours fan 3 Man without Passion, according to the sentiments of Seneca, translated from the French of Le Grand Lon. 1675 Seneca's Morals, by way of Abstract. L' Estrange Lon, 1803 12 HISTOIRE NATURELLE de Pline, traduit en Faan9ais, avec le Texte La- tine, dcs Notes Critiques, d*Observa- tions, &c. -Vf '1 . Far, I771 C. Plinii, C. Secundi Opera. Foul is Glas.3751 18 C. Plinii. C. Secundi Epistolae et Pa- nygyricus Lon, 1722 12 CEuvres de Pline le jeune, avec le Texte en regard. Sacy. Par. 1808 12 The Letters of Pliny the younger, with Observations. Earl of Orrery s > Uf> I i» V > ?' Lond, 1752 The Letters of Pliny, with Remarks. Melmoth Lon. 1748 C. Suetonii Tranquilli XIL Caesares JEdin. 1761 12 Les Douze Cesars de Suetone, avec le Texte en regard, des Notes, Portraits, etc. - ^ " Par. 1821 The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, trans- lated by Thompson, with Notes and Review of Government Literature, etc. Thompson Lou. 1796 Histoire d' Alexandre le Grand, par Quinte Curce, le Texte en regard, des Notes, Cartes, etc. . Lt/on 1810 12 Quinte Curce, traduction de Vaugelas i^ 'i5th3*^!; Paris 1659 Pomponius Mela, traduite en Fran9ais, le Texte vis-a-vis, avec des Notes, Cartes, etc. Fradin Par, 1804 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 1 2 4 1 No. 1965 1966 1967' 1968 1969 1970 1971 I 1972 ' 1 1973 I 1974 < 1 1975 < 8 3 107 ^OL No. 8 1965 1966 1 1967 1 1968 : ' ' 1969 1. n 1970 I 2 1971 2 1 2 3 1972 8 2 8 2 2 1 1973 1974 1975 1976 8 2 1977 1978 8 1 1979 12 2 1980 4 1 1981 1982 8 3 SIZB. VOL. Juslious Variorum Curante A. Gre- ni ! novio t V Lud. Bat, 1719 8 1 J ustinus cum versione Anglica. Clarke Gloces, 1790 8 1 Valerius Maximus. Variorum. Vel- lum Luyd, BaL 1656 8 1 Coneiones sive orationes ex Sallustii, liivii, etc. Historiis. Herhan. Par. 1810 12 1 Selectae e profanis Scriptoribus Histo- riae. Hcuret Par. 1812 12 1 Selectae e profanis Scriptoribus Histo- riae. Ract. Madoux Avig. 1826 12 2 Les Nuits Attiques d'Aulu Gelle, tra- duites en Fran9ai3, avec le Texte en re- ' . gard, Remarques, etc. V. Verger rar. \8Q0 8 3 The Attic Nights of Aulus Gellius, trans- • « ! lated by Beloe, bds. Lon. 1795 8 3 Apuleius, wants title, otherways com- plete 32 1 Quintelien, avec le Texte Latin, etc. TAbbe Gedion. Lyon 1812 12 6 Quintelianus. Praefatio et JS'otae. C. Rollin Par. 1 774 12 2 Quentelianus, translated with Notes, by Guthrie Lon. I756 8 2 M. A. Plauti Comaediae. Elzevir Amstel. 1652 24 1 Les Comedies de Plaute, avec des Notes, des Reflections, etc. Gueude- ville Leide I719 12 10 Tereutii Comaediae in usum delp. ,i<i..Ij.i ; » i. .r i<wi. I7I8 8 1 Terentii Comaediae in usum delp. « i . . Lon. 1785 8 1 Terentii Comaediae, worn JEdin. 1768 12 1 Les Comedies de TerencsB, avec le Texte et les Remarques de Mad. Dacier Amster, 1747 12 3 1 i I' ^1 ■•1 i H .M^.tx ^S'* 1983 •i ^■ i 1984 1985 1986 I if iMi 108 SIZE. VOL. Tlie Coiredies of Terexa, translated by i ' ' i 1987 1988 19S9 1990 1991 1992 1993 :■ r 1994 1995 1996 i997 1998 1999 2000 2001 200« Colman i.ow. 1810 8 Virgilius in iisiim delphini Xow. 1798 8 Yirgilius. Foulis Glas, 1758 12 Virgil, translated into Englisii from Da- vidson Edin, 1813 VIRGILIUS. Dulau. Brinsley prin- ter, 15 engravings. Text and plates very beautiful, former said to be fault- less .iM' Xon. 1800 rl.8 (Euvres de Virgile, le Texte vis-a-vis avec des Remarques, etc. Des Fon- taines Lptin 1801 The Works of Virgil, Text, Order of Construction, Notes, etc. D-ividson New York 1S03 P. Virgilil. M. Georgicorum, libri IV. English Translation and Notes, &c. Martyn Lon, J 811 The Georgics in blank verse. Mason, bds. Lon. 1810 The Georgics of Virgil. Sotlieby New York 1808 The Works of Virgil, translated into English, blank verse. Trapp (nff*? * tj . : • '^^ .: Lon, 1731 Virgilius, for the Use of Schools. Ster- ling Lon, 1741 School Virgil. Thornton Lon, 1812 Clavis Virginiana . . Oxford 1815 Horatius. Foulis 1 Glas, I76O 12 Horatius, in usum delphini Loti, HORATIUS. iEneis tabulis incidit J. Pine :> ' : Lon, 1733 Horatius. J. M. Esnerus, a much es- teemed edition .jn Lips, 177^ Horatius. J. Valart Par, I77O Horace, le Texte en regard, Remar- ques, etc Sanadon , Par, 1775 1 1 1 12 1 o 12 2 8 2 8 1 12 1 12 1 12 3 No. a 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2 08 2009 2010 ; 2311 2012 ! 2013 2014 8 1 12 1 2015 8 1 12 I 2016 8 1 2017 8 2 '■ 1 2018 ; 8 I ( 8 1 2019 12 b 2020 * I i 109 No. .< SIZE. VOL. 2003 Horace, Text, TraDsIation, etc. Wat- son \\\^\ Lfm. 1792 8 2 2004 Horace, en Latin et en Fran9ai8, Ue- marques, etc. Dacier Far, I709 12 10 2005 Horatiiis. Typog.regia Par. 1739 12 1 2006 Horace, Text and Poetical translation. Francis Lon. I8O7 12 4 2007 The Works of Horace, in English verse Duncoinbe Xow. I767 12 4 2 08 The Works of Horace. Creech ton. 12 1 2009 Smart's Horace, first vol. 18 1 2010 P. OvidiiNasonisMetamorphoseoncum versione Anglica. Clarke GliJcester I79O 8 1 2311 Ovid's Metamorphoses, Englished, my- thologized and represented in figures. Sands ut Lon, 1640 fol. 1 2012 Lea Metamorphoses d'Ovide, traduites en vers, avec des Remarques, le texte ,-v. en regarde, etc. Desaintangle Par, 1808 12 4 2013 L'art d* Aimer d*Ovide, traduction en vers, avec le Texte en regard, des Re- marques, etc. Desaintangle t-^^r Par, I8O7 12 1 2014 P. Ovidii. N. de Tristibus in usum Delph. Dub, 17^9 8 I 2015 P. Ovidii. N- Tristia et de Ponto Amstei 16S9 18 1 2016 P. Ovidii. N. Heroidum Epistolae Lon, 1679 12 1 2017 P* Ovidii. N. Heroidum Epistolae ad usum delph. Lon. 1743 8 1 2018 P. Ovidii. N. Oporum, tomus secun- dus. Maittaire « Lon, 1715 18 1 2019 Ovid's Metamorphoses, translated into English verse, Garth Lon, 1807 IS 1 2020 Les Metamorphoses d'Ovide, traduites tir 'ill 4' 110 No. ""-'■■ 812E. Vot en prose, avec XV. Discours vjj* toU i;</ ' -i ,1* ; .r^a jP«rt.s 1621 8 1 2021 CEuvres complettes d'Ovide, traduites v*-^ - * - en Fran9ais, sa Vie, les Hymnes de Ca- - . limaque, etc. planches. J. C. Ponce- lain rar. Van. 787 2022 Idem. Large paper, gilt edges, wants fourth vol. 4 6 2023 Titi Lucretii Cari de Natura Rerum, libri sex. Baskerville i . va nni' : ? ': .^^» 4 Birmingham X^"^^ 4 1 2024 Lucretius, translated with Commenta- ries. Busby, bds Lon, 1813 rl.4 2 2025 Lucretius, done into English verse, with Notes Oxford X^'^fi 8 1 2026 Lucrece, traduction et Notes par La Grange Par, 1823 18 2 2027 Anti Lucretius. Polignac. • v^ ; . ,^ ,.v.:vu Par, 1754 18 2inl 2028 L'Antl Lucrece. Polignac Par. 1767 18 2 2028* Vellcrius Paterculus, la Texte en re- gard. Paul Lyon 1809 12 1 2029 Juvenalis et Persius, variorum. Schre- veiius, wants title 8 1 2030 Text and Translation of Juvenal and Persius, copious Notes, h. b. Madan c.> iv ; J. kit;-rii x\,n Duh, IS] 3 8 2 2031 D. J. Juvenalis et A. Persii. F. Saty- rae cum annotationibus, T. Famabii Lon. 1720 12 1 2332 Juvenal, le Texte en regard. Notes, etc. N. L. Achaintre Par, 1821 8 2 2033 Persius et Juvenal, traduction nouvelle, le Texte en regard Par, 1698 12 1 2034 Juvenal, traduction de Dusaulx, avec * * I des Notes, le Texte en regard . '.;. .TMi^i-. u , Par. 1782 8 1 2035 The Satires of Persius, Text and Notes ^ ... - . - -• . Lon. 1751 12 1 Ill No. \M SIZE. VOL. 2036 The Satyres of Persius, Text and Notes in Sheridan, bds Lou, 1739 12 1 2037 M. A. Lucarii Phavsalia, Notae H. Grotii et T. Farnabii Amst. 1665 18 1 2038- M. A. Lucani Pharsalia cum Notis. H. Grotii et R. Bentleii, bd-. G^/a.y. 1816 8 1 2039 Elegies de Properce, le Texte en regard, r ; Notes, Figures, etc. Delongchamps ' fjniT^ I iit iirii^ J. vfj.^; Far, 1802 8 2 2040 CEuvres de Claudien, le Texte en re- gard, des Notes, etc. Far, 1798 8 2 20il Catulli TibuUi et Propertii Opera LoH, 1776 12 1 2012 Martialis Epigrammata cum notis Far- nabii Amstel, 1654 18 1 2043 Silius Italicus, traduit par M. Lefebvre de Villebrune, le Texte en regard ,. . ' . i hi r:i .m»cl i^ar. I78I 12 3 2044 Valerius Flaccus, traduit par A, Du- : • reau De Lamalle, avec le texte en re- gard, des Notes, etc. Par. 1811 8 3 2045 Selectae e Profanis Scriptoribus His- toriae, bds. Lon. 1 780 12 1 204() Phaedri Fabulae in UBuni Scholarum. * : i Bailey^.^-:^ ' Lon. I76I 8 1 2047 Phaedri Fabulae ^wuh^jBipotiti 17H4> 8 1 2048 Fables de Phedre avec le Latin a cote, Carcu.ssone 18 1 2049 Florus cum vei'siono Anglica. Clarke, h. b. Lon, 1749 8 1 2050 Medulla Poetarnm Romanorum, with i trandations in English verse. Baker mm- Lon, 1737 8 2 ' ■' i :. ■ 2051 Erasmi Colloquia selecta, with trans- lation. Clarke «„ >m # L>ub, I770 18 1 2052 Erasmi Colloquia" " ' Duh. 1769 12 1 2053 Erasmi Colloquia cum scholiis, h. b. Lon, 1740 12 1 n s. •I •: i 11@ No. 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 20()0 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 SIZK. VOL. 2068 2069 { 2070 2871 li 2072 ) 2073 Jani de Binchop Chorus Musarum. » Luff. Bat. 1700 12 Justi Lipsii Epistolicorum quastionum Jibri AnL 1577 12 Jani Pannonii Poetae in Hungaria, Poemata et Opvscula, b. b. Trajecla ad Rhenum 1784 8 Hugonis Grotii Poemata. Lon, 1639 12 ParaUiaus Amissus. J. Miltoni, Latine re<iditus i»» > •<. .v Oxon 1750 4 Musae Anglicanae Zon. 1741 12 De Amoribus Pancharitis et Zoroae Poemaeroticon, bds. Par, 1800 8 CoUectio Poetarum elegiacorum stiloet sapore ovidiano scribentium Vindobonae I789 12 G. Buchanani Paraphrasis Psalmorum Poetica Earn, I786 18 Caelii Sedulii Scoti Poemata Sacra Edin, 1701 12 Mathiae Casimtri Sarbievii Poemata Can'ab. 1684 32 J. Barclaii Argenis AmsteL 1664 13 Translation of Barclay's Argenis, by a Lady ^^ Land, I772 12 Balthasaris Castionis Comitis Hbri IV. de curiali sive aulico ex italia sermone in latinum convei*si Cantab 1713 rl.8 Sexti Julii Frontiiii Strategmaticon Lu(j. Bat, 1675 24 De Diis et Heroibus Poeticis. Jou- vency Pur, 1782 24 D. Heinsii Poemata, editio quarta L g,Bat, 12 Spicilegia Antiquitatum G^lgypti. Ja- meson • Gla», 1720 12 Miscellaneous Poems. Vincent Bourne Lon, 1772 4 J. Sannazerii opera omnia P<iri>1725 12 v.-i. 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 4 113 ••• No. 1 2074 1 2075 2 XII.— 1 2 2076 1 2077 1 2078 2 2079 1 2080 1 1 2081 I 1 1 2082 12 1 8 1 ^v 2083 2084 2085 2086 2087 SIZE. VOL. Corderii GoUoqaiorum centuHa selecta with translation. Clarke Lon, 1814 18 1 D. Petavii Aurelianensis Rationarium Temporum Par. 1652 18 1 ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND WRITERS IN IT. La Grammaire Frangais et Italienne de Veneroni Par. Van 4 8 1 Do. augmente d'un cours de Themes Lon. 1811 12 1 Jones' Italian Grammar, other Tracts, h. b. Tresor de la Langus Fran9aise et de la Langue Italienne. Barberi jRofr. 1821 The Italian Reader, or Selection of Ex- tracts, with Explanatory Notes. San- tagnello, bds. Lon, 1814 12 1 Eighteen Conversations, Italian, French and English. Grimani, bds Lon, 1803 12 2 A Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages, to which is added an Italian and English Grammar. Baretti Low. 1760 4 2 VOCABULARIS Degli Accademici Dellucrusca dedicato a sua al. Im. il ,, principe Eugenio, h. b. in fine calf, most complete edition Verona I8O6 4 7 Italian Dictionary Lon. I8O6 18 1 Osservazioni della lingua Italiana rac- colte dal Cinonio illustrate ed accres- cisite dal convaliere Luigi Lamberti, h. b. Milan 1809 8 4 Regolo ed osservazioni della lingua Tos- cana. S. Corticelli, sewed Banana 1809 8 1 Nuovo Testamento volgarezzato du G. Diodate, bds. Lon. 1819 « 1 ■ i l(/'i\ I if '^'/. ■ fj V. I ) ! t 1. « i 114 SIZE. VOL. No. ^088 ConversatioDS d'une Mere avec sa Fille. en Fran9ais et en Italien Par. Van 12 2089 Le Vrai Mode de Plaire en Compagnie, en Fi'an9ais et en Italien Lon, 1810 2090 ^^ouveaux Dialogues Frangais-Italiens Par, 1819 2091 L'Ami da Beau Sexe, en Fran9ais et en Italien. Catalan!. Bourgen Bresse 1805 2092 Les Aventures de Telemaque, en Fran- 9ais et en Italien Par, I8O7 2093 Scelta di Lettere Familiare. G. Ba- retti Lon, 1779 2094 II Istorie de F. Guicciardini ridotte en compendio Lon, 1802 2095 Aminte Pastorale du Tasse, traduction en vers, avec le Texte Lon, 1782 2096 The Italian Mercury for I790, English and Italian, plates, h. h. Lon, 2097 Lettere d'una Peruviana Lon, 1798 2098 Novelle Morale de Franc Soave, in ma- niera particolare adattata per facilitare aforestieri la giusta pronunzia della lin- gua Italiana. Tourner, h. b. Edin, 1795 2099 Le Natti Romane del conte Al. Yerri Par, 1820 2100 Les Nuits Romaines, traduites de Tlta- lien, parL. F. Lestrade Par, 18 17 2101 Historia Veneta di Allesandro Maria Vianoli, vel. Venelia I68O 2102 Relazioni del Cardinal Bentivoglio, h. b. in calf Melano 1806 2103 Storia delle guerre Civili di Francia di En. Cat. Davila Lon, 1801 2104 Historia del Conci''o Tridentins de Retro Soave Geneva I66O p.4 2105 Opere di N. Machiavelli 1796-8 8 2106 Biblioteca di Prose Italiane. Scelta e 8 1 12 1 12 1 8 3 12 2 12 3 18 1 12 1 8 12 12 1 12 2 12 2 4 9. 8 5 8 6 1 8 No. 2107 2108 2109 2110 ] 2111 ] t 2112 ] J A I I t] I I I C 2121 C 2122 C 2123 2124 ^ st ^ 115 No. E. VOL. 8 1 2107 12 1 2108 12 1 2109 2110 8 3 2111 12 2 2112 12 3 18 1 2113 2114 12 I 2115 2116 8 1 12 1 2117 2118 12 1 2119 12 2 2120 12 2 2121 4. ^ 2122 8 5 2123 8 6 2124 p.4 1 2125 8 8 2126 SIZE. VOL publicata da A. Buttura, wants vol. 8 Par, 24 9 La Scienza della Legislazione di G. Fi- langieri Filadelfia 1799 8 5 U Decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio Forenze 1820 18 5 Paradiso Poema di Dante Par. I787 18 2 Vocabolario Portatile per agevolare la lettura degli autori Italiani ed in specie di Dante Pa, 1768 18 1 Delle Opere di Torquato Tasso. Por- trait, fine calf Milano 1804 8 4 U Secretario et il Primo Volume delle Lettere familiar! del sig. Torq. Tasso. Venetia I607 12 1 Aminta. Tasso Par. 1800 18 1 Aminta. Tasso Orleans 1785 18 1 II Goffrcdo. Tasso Padova 1763 24 1 Petrarch, Select Sonnets, Odes, &c. translated, Portrait, Text, &c. Lon. 1808 8 1 De Rimedi del Tuna et I'altra fortuna. F. Petrarca, tradotti per Remigio Ven. I6O7 12 1 Petrarque Remede de la vie BouenlGSS }8 1 Opere del Sig. A. P. Metastasio. Venezia ed Parigi 1748-83 18 7 Tragedie di Vittorio Alfieri Aveg. 1818 18 6 Opere Varie di V. Alfieri Par. 1800 12 4 Orlando Furioso di L. Ariosto Paris 1818 18 8 Scelta di Alcune Commedie del Gol- doni Land. 1823 12 1 Nuovo Scelta di Poesie Italiane. Con- stantini Par. 1823 12 2 Novelle di E. B. Casti Par. 1821 12 4 Novelle Morali della Sig. di Genlis '^\ ■If iii tii v.- u m up, No. SIZE. VOL traQsportate in italiano. Constantine Berlin 1804 12 2 S127 La Secchia Hapita I'oema eroicomic di Al Tusscmi '"' " Amg. 1813 18 2 2128 A collection of Italian Poetry, wants title, h. b. 12 1 2129 L*Hore di Ricreatione di M. Lodovico Guicciardini, h. b. Venetia 1604 24 1 2130 II Paradiso Perduto di G. Milton tra- dotto in verso Italiano da F. Mariottini, ' bds. Lon. 1790, 8 1 2131 Do. with the English Text *" ' I „ Roma 1813 16 3 2132 Elisabetta I. Cottin tradotta da M. Sautagnello, bds. Lon. 1813 18 1 2133 11 Nuovo Robinson tradotta da G. C. Shroeder, bds. Hulle 178? 12 2 in 1 2134 Le Fa vole del la Fontaine, tradotte in versi Italiani da S. E. Petroni, sewed Zow. 1815 18 3 2135 I Profughi di Parga. Romanza. Bre- ' ' chet, avec traduction Paris \M3 12 1 2136 II Secondo Libro del I'Opere Burlesche del Bern! del Molza, &c. h. h. Uspcht al lieno \77l 12 1 2137 II pastor fido. B. Guarini Lou. 1728 p.4 1 2138 L'lliade redotto in verso Italiano. M. Cesarotti Ventz 1805 12 4 2139 Virgilio I'Eneide tradotta dal commen- datore Annibal Caro ' ' 1822 24 2 2140 Delia Perfettione della vita politica di M. Paolo Par uto, vel. F<^w^/ia 1579 fol. 1 2141 A work on the Christian Religion, by Marsiiio, a Platonic Philosopher. — Printed in Italy in the year 14s4, con- sequently only a very few years after the knowledge of the Art reached that ' country, wants title, h. b. p.4 1 2142 Malattie degl occhi. Scarpa, h. b -* " - Venezia IS02 12 1 117 XIIL— SPANISH, PORTUGUESE, GERMAN, DUTCH, &c. LANGUAGES. No. SIZE. Vol. 2143 Du6ef' s new and infallible method of acquiring a language, ada[> i to the Spanish. D. M. de Torres and L. Hargous, bds. P/«7. 1811 8 2 2144 Spanish Grammar, Raymundo del Pueyo Lon. 179ii 8 1 2145 Grammar of the Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian languages. Woodhouse, h. b. calf Land, \til5 8 1 2146 Grammaire Espagnole raisonfiee. Josse Lo». 1810 8 1 2147 Grammaire Espagnole, composee par 1* Academic Royale Espagnole, traduite en Frangais, Notes, Sec. Chaiumeaude Verneuil rar, 1821 8 2 2148 Spanish and English Dictionary, Ba- retti Zffn. 18U7 8 2 2149 El Tesoro Espanol 6 extractos escogi- dos de los mas celebres escri tores espa- noles. Josse ^ ' ' '« Land. IS02 8 2 2150 Spanish, English Conversations. Brady New York 1824 18 1 2151 Parnasso Espanol Madrid I76S 12 9 2152 Don Quixote Par, 1814 18 7 2153 Don Quixote, h. b. En Hate, 1744 12 4 2154 Selva Militai, y Politica. ElCondede Rebolledo 1652 24 1 2155 Historia Critica de la Inquisicion de Espana. Llorente. Madrid 185^2 18 10 2156 Palafox em Saragoca, sewed Bahia ISIQ 12 1 2157 Lecciones de Geografia Par. 1825 18 1 2158 Historia de la Couquisto de Mexico MadrinjdS 24 5 2159 Pablo y Virginia PM. 1808 12 1 2160 Isabel Madrid \S2^ IS 1 I II ^y m 118 D'"-j No. 2161 2162 2163 2164 2165 2166 2167 2168 2169 2170 2171 2172 2173 2174 2175 2176 2177 2178 MZB. rOL. Del Espirita de Las Leyes, traducido al Castellano, par Don. J. Lopez Madrid 18^2 12 Genio del Cristianismo, traducido al Espanol, por Don Torcuato Torio J ' Burdeos IS<^ 12 Gil Bias, restituidas a su patri y a su lengua nativa Xoii. 1809 12 Cartas Persianas ecritas en francis por Montes qiiieu puestas en Castellano por D. J. Marchena Madrid 1821 12 Spanish Proverbs, Spanish and English Collins, h. b. Lon, 1823 12 Catecismo de Economia Politica, Say -; ' Madrid 18Q^ 12 Aventuras de Tellemaco J^ar. 1804 12 Fabulas Literarias de D. Tomas de Yriarte Cadiz 1704 12 Novelas Moraies. Don Diego de Agre- da MadHd\l%4i 12 4 A Dictionary, Portuguese and English A. Vieyra Lon. 1809 8 Lettres Portugaises Par, 1824 12 Vida de D. F. Bertolameu dos Martyres, por F. L. de Cacegas Lisbon I763 12 Discursos Moraes sobre os effeitos da Vaidade, por M. Aires Ramos Lisbon I786 12 Historia de Portugal. H. J. Da Corta Lvn, 1809 12 Nova Castro, Trajendia, por J. B. Gomes, sewed Lisbon 1815 12 Macarronsa Latino- Portugueza. I'oHo 1791 12 Portuguese Grammar, wants title 8 O Primeiro Navegante, Poema de M. Gesner, sewed Lisbon \8\^ 18 1 1 2184 1 2185 1 2186 1 2187 1 1 2188 2189 2 1 2190 2 2191 2192 1 2193 3 1 2194 1 2195 1 2196 ilW No. 2179 4 2180 4t 2181 4, 2182 2183 1 2184 1 2185 1 2186 1 2187 1 1 2188 2189 2 1 2 2190 2191 2192 1 2193 3 1 2194 2195 2196 SIZE. VOL. Nouveaux principes de Iti Uuigue Jle- mande. Junker Par. 1802 1 Nouvelle Grammaire Allemande. Jun- ker, h. b. Strasbourg \^ Si) i 1 Selection of German, Prose and Poe- try. Crubb Lon. 1800 12 1 Le Maitre Allemand Strasbourg I76O 8 1 Baily's German and English Diction- ary Lipsig 1788 8 2 Phraseologia Anglo-Gerraanica. Haus- ner, h. b. Strasburg IJQS p.4 1 Theorie der Gartemkuns, Hirschfeid, h. b. Lipsig I'jm 4 2 Daphnis translated Interlinearly. Gic- horn, bds Lon. ^ 81 1 12 1 Sterne's Sentimental Journey, trans- lated into German, sewed Hamb. I77O 12 1 Gesang Buch zum heiligen Gebrauch Hamb. 1754 12 1 Die Seltsame Begebenheiten des Tele- mach Frank/ore 1 766 12 1 Kngland, Wales, Irland, Schottland. C. A. G. Goede, h. b. Dresden 1804 12 3 The same, translated by Home, h. b. Lon. 1808 12 3 in 2 14 cues Elementarbuch, plates, bds. Wien 1804 8 3 Der Geisterscher aus den Memoires des Grafen V. O. F. Schiller, bds. Lipzig 1803 12 1 F. Gillert's Moralische Vorlesungen, bds. F/e/1771 12 1 Hitter J. G. Von Zimmermann Konigl. Grossbritannisher Leibarzt und Hof- rath Von llationalstolze, bds. Zurich 1789 12 1 Dr. Edward Young's Klager Oder Macht Gedanken, German and Eng- •I ■> : :^ 4-1 ■ i l^A) '' 1 ill 'III 1 J>< ■ J H ;-i r.'v So. SI^'G* VOL lish, with Note«, by J. A. Ebert, h. b. Lipziff 1792 8 3 2197 Salomen Gesners Schriften, Zurich 1800 12 2 21 9S DieBibel, vol. 1. Halle 1805 '8 I 2199 German Letters, wants title, sewed 12 1 2200 2201 2202 2203 220'i 2205 2206 2207 2208 Flemish Grammar, h. b. AnL 1702 12 1 Grammaire Hollandaise Pratique, par R. Vander Pijl, sewed, Dordrecht 1815 8 1 Dictionnaire Fran^ais-Hollandais Utrecht 1783 rl.8 2 Robinson Crusoe in Dutch. Vellum Amster, 172! 12 1 Swedish Grammar, h. b. Gothebiirff l'74>8 12 1 Introduction to the Irish Language, Neilson, bds. Dub, 1808 8 1 Pantographia, containing accurate copies of all the known Alphabets in the world. E. Fry, h. b. London 1799 rl.8 1 A Vocabulary Persian, Arabic and English, abridged from Richardson's Dictionaiy. D. Hopkins, h. b. L'jn. 1810 rl.8 1 Bagley's Grammar of Eleven Lan- >. ; guages at one View, with Examples, bds. Shrewsbury t809 fol. 1 mSOTORX. I , I._ WORKS IISTRODUCTORY TO THE STUDY OF HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY. 2209 Le Guide de THistoire, par Fr. Nee de ' laRochello Par.ims 8 3 2220 L K 2221 E ti 2222 T 2223 C G to A 2224 D se 2225 G 2226 B. D 2227 N( pa 2228 Bj 1^1 1 No. 1 2210 ' 1 2211 2 1 f • 2212 2213 2214 1 1 2215 a 1 2216 1 1 2217 2218 ' 1 2219 ' 1 2220 2221 2222 2223 • 'L 2224 K 2225 2226 IE y. 2227 1 2228 3 SIZE. Vol. L'Esprit de I'Histoire, par'A. Feriand Par, 1809 8 4 Methode pour Etudier I'Histoire, et Ca- talogue des principaux Historiens. L*Abbe Langlet du Fresnay, Cartes et Supplement Par. 1729-1741 4 5 Frost's Outlines of History PM. 1831 12 1 Philosophic de THistoire, par PAbbe Fran90is, h. b. Par. I77O 8 2 Whelpley's Compend of History New York 1814 8 1 Manner of Writing History. Mably Lon. 1783 12 1 Priestly's Lectures on History and Ge- neral Policy Lon. 1793 8 2 Historical Preceptor Lon. 1814 12 1 Volney*s Lectures on History Phil. 1801 12 1 Bigland's Letters on History Lon. 1804 12 1 Logan's Elements of the Philosophy of History £:din. 1 780 12 1 Essai sur les Moeurs et I'esprit des Na- tions. Voltaire Par. 1813 18 8 The World in Miniature, by N. Hamel Lon. 1806 12 1 Cours complet de Cosmographie, de Geographic, de Chronologic, et de THis- toire. Mentellc Par, 1804 8 4 Atlas to ditto 4 1 Dictionnaire de Geographic Univer- selle, par Boiste Par, I8O6 8 1 Clarke's Letters on Geography Lon. 1810 12 1 Barclay's Geographical and General Dictionary Leeds 1809 4 1 Nouveau Dictionnaire Geographique, par Hocquart Par. 18 1 7 8 1 Brooke's Gazetteer, Maps Berwick 8 1 1 1^ r 1 ,i_ r -> ■.i" -* 'U •i ^ "1 ii :s'1 4 8 6 1 3 4 12^ No. SIZE. Vol. 2229 Playfair's System of Geogi-aphy, An- cient and Modern, with Gary's Univer- sal Atlas, folio :Edin, 1808-14 2230 Geography Reformed Lon. 1749 2231 Histoire de Geographic ancienne et moderne. D'Audeffret Far- 1694 12 2232 Gordon's Geography, h. b. Dub, 1794 8 2233 Penkerton*s Geography, Maps Zon. 1803 8 1 2234 Melish's Map and Geogi'aphical Descrip- tion of the United States, h. b. Phil. 1818 8 2 2235 Pocket Gazetteer of the United States. Morse New Haven 1813 18 1 2236 A new Military Map of Spain and Por- tugal, by Tafino ; new Provincial Maps, by Lopez ; Map of the Pyrenees, by Roussill, and other Documents, in Case Lon, 1812 1 2237 Arrowsmith's General Atlas, in 63 Maps, h. b. Bdin, 1817 4 1 2233 Compendium of Ancient Geography, from the French of M. D'Anville, New York, 1824 8 Atlas to ditto, 10 Maps, sewed 4 2239 Map of the proposed Canal from Lake Erie to Hudson River New York 1817 2240 Map of the Located Districts of Upper Canada, by W. Chewitt and W. Faden, on cloth Lon. 1813 2241 Geographical Atlas of England, illus- trated with 19 Maps, by J. Andrews, sewed Lon. 1809 fol. 2242 Peter Henlyn's Cosmographie, Maps, Sec, h. b. Lon, 1665 fol. 2243 The American Atlas, according to the Plan of Le Sage's Phil, 1822 fol. 2 1 Mi i 123 No. 2244 SIZE. VOL. Le Sage's Historical, Genealogical, Chronological and Geographical Atlas, h. b. Lon, 1813 fol, 1 2245 Atlas Universel, par Robert et Robert de Vaugondy, corrige par Delamarche, 117 cartes Par. 1759-1813 Im;\ fol. 1 2246 A Topographical Description of Lower Canada, with Remarks on Upper Ca- nada, by Joseph Bouchette, Esquire, Embellished with Views, Plans of Har- bours, Battles, &c. Lon. 1815 rl.S 1 Maps to the above, h. b. viz : Large Map of Lower Canada, on 10 Sheets Imperial Folio; Map of Upper and Lower Canada and United States j Map of the District af Gaspe Lon. 1815 1 2247 Map of Upper and Lower Canada, with adja- cent States, Lon. 1831 2248 Bowie's New Travelling Map of England and Wales, on cloth in case, Lon. 2249 Map of the Northern part of the State of New York, on cloth in case, 1812 2250 Another Copy of the same, on cloth, (worn) 181^2 Maps lined with cloth and suspended on Hollers, 2251 Bouchette's Large Topographical Map of Lower Canada, shewing its divisions into Dis- tricts, Counties, Seigniories, Townships, &c., with Plans of the Towns of Quebec, Three Rivers, and Montreal Lon. 1815 2252 Bouchette's Map of Upper and Lower Ca- nada, witii the adjacent part of the United States, iow. 1815 2'^53 Bouchette's Plan of the District of Gaspe, Lon. 1815 2254 Map of the State of New York, with part of the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, by Amos Lay, 1819 -i ' }^4 91. ' ' No. 2255 SIZE. VOL. A correct Map of the Seat of War in Lower Canada, by Amos Lay, PhiL 1814 2256 Map of the United States, Harffd, 1826 2257 A New Map of Ireland, by D. A, Beaufort, Lon, 1797 2258 Chart of the Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, and Erie, with the Rivers, Mississippi, Elinois, &c. by W. Nelson, 2259 Dictionnaire des Origines, ou Epoques des Inventions, de rEstablissement de Peuples, Par. 12 6 2260 Beckman's History of Inventions, translated by Johnston, Lon. 18li 8 4 2261 Goguet, De TOrigine de Lois, des Arils, et des Sciences, Par. 1814 8 3 II.-DESCKIPTIONS AND ANTIQUITIES OF COUNTRIES IN EUROPE, AND TRAVELS IN THEM. 2262 The British Monarchy, or a New Choro- graphical description of the Dominions subject to the King of Great Britain, Illustrated with Maps and Tables, and adorned with Head Pieces and other Embellishments, the whole Text and Plates on Copper, by Beckham, ('a rare and curious work) h b Lon, 1748 fol 1 2263 Tableau deGrandBretagne de Tlrelande et des Possessions Angloises dans les Quatre Parties du Monde, Par. 1802 8 4 2264 Capper's Typographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom, Maps, Lo7i. 1808 8 1 2265 Sengularites Angloises ou Recueil d' Anecdotes propres a faire connaitre I'Esprit &c. des Peuples de la Grand Bretagne, Par. 1814 12 2 2266 Present State of England, and Comparison of the Prospects of England and France, Lowe, boards, ^ew York 1824 8 1 2267 Panorama D'Angleterre. C. Malo, Par. 1817-1« 8 2 125 4s 2 4 2 1 1 8 1 8 8 No. SI5fE. VOL. 2268 Espriella's Letters from England, Boston 1 SOS 12 1 2269 Campbell's Political Survey of Great Britain, Lon. 1774" 2270 Angleterre Ancienne ou Tableau des Moeirs, Usages, &c. Ouvrage traduit de r Anglais de J. Strutt, Plates, Par, I789 2271 Lettres sur les Anglais et les Fran9ais (De Muralt,) Cologne I727 12 2272 Another Copy of the same, 12 2273 A De Stael—Holstein— Lettres sur TAngleterre, sewed, Far. 1829 2274 London, Westminster, and Middlesex Described. Brayley, Nightingale, and Brewer, J 50 engravings, bds. Lon. 1810 2275 Privilegia Londini. Bohun. 1 93 2276 A Journey from Birmingham to London, W. Hutton h b Birmingham 1 2 2277 New Picture of London, for 1823 Zo/i. 12 2278 L'Angleterre vue a Loudres et dans se Provinces, Pillet, Paris. 1822 18 2279 The Windsor Guide, sewed, Win 1819 2280 Webb's Antiquities of Ireland, boards. Dub, 1791 2281 Walker on the Dress, Arms, and Weapons of the Ancient Irish, Plates, half bound. Dub. 1788 4 1 2282 Topographia Hibernica, Maps and Plates. Seward h b Dub, I797 4 1 2283 Sampson's Statistical Survey of the County of Londonderry, Maps and Plates, Dub. 1802 2284 A Geographical and Statistical Descrip- tion of Scotland, James Play fair, D. D. Fine Maps, Edin. 1819 2285 Scotland in 1745, and 1819, boards. Lon. 1825 12 12 5 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 ■ .y 1@6 lifli Ko. SIZE. VOL. 2280, Letters from Edinburgh, 1774, 177^, containing Observations on the Scotch Nation, half bound, Dub, 12 2 2287 A Topographical Description of Scotland Maps, half bound, Edin. 1 796 12 1 2288 The Beauties of Scotland, Fine Plates, Edin, 1805 8, 5 2289 New Picture of Scotland, Plates, bds. Perth 1807 18 2 2290 A complete Pocket Gazetteer of Scot- land, Edin, 1818 18 1 2291 Picture of Edinburgh, by Stark, Edin 1806 18 1 2292 Picture of Glasgow, Plates, half bound, Glas. 1818 12 I 2293 View of the City of Glasgow, from Ancient Records, &c. M*Ure, Glas. 1736 8 1 2294> Glasgow Delineated, Maps and Plates, boards, Glas, 1821 18 1 2295 History and Delineation of Aberdeen, by R. Wilson, Pts. bds. Aberdeen 1822 12 1 2296 Anderson's Account of the Hebrides, Map, Dub. 1788 8 1 2297 An Account of the Province of Moray, Maps, &c. bds. Edin, 1813 li<! 1 2298 Another Copy, ^^»crl798 8 1 2299 Woods' Account of the Isle of Man, Lon, 1811 8 1 2300 Letters from the Mountain, by a Lady, half bound, Mrs. Grant, Boston 1809 12 i 2301 A View of Spain, comprising a descrip- tive Itinerary of each Province, and a General Satistical Account of the Country, translated from the French of Laborde, Maps, bds. Lon. 1819 8 5 2302 Lettres Ecrites de Barcelonne a un Zelateur, delaLiberteswd jPari*' 1792 8 1 ■ A 1< ''\ No, SIZE, vol; 2303 The Present State of Portugal, Haliday, boards, Edin. 1812 8 1 2304 Nugent's Italy, Low. IjGy 8 2 2305 Barrett's Manners and Customs of Italy, Lon. 1799 8 2 2305 Rambles in Italy, in the years 1816-17 half bound, Bait. 1818 8 1 2306 Dictionnaire Historique, Politique et Geographique de la Surisse (Tschamer &c.) Map, Geneve I788 8 3 2307 Etat et Delices de la Suisse, Map and Plates, Basle I776 12 4t 2307 Miss Williams's Present State of France boards, Lon. 1816 8 1 2309 Another Copy of the same, 8 1 2310 France in 1829, 1830, by Lady Morgan, boards. New York 1830 12 2 2311 France by Lady Morgan, boards, Phil. I8I7 8 1 2312 De I'Etat de France a la fin de I'an VilL neat calf, gilt edges, Par. 1800 Rl 8 1 2313 Domestic Anecdotes of the French Nation, Lon. 1800 8 1 2314 L'Espion Anglais au correspondence entre deux Milords sur les Moeurs Pub- liques et Privees des Fran9ais Par 1809 8 2 2315 Vie Privee de Francais aux Differentes apoques de la Moiiarchie, d*Apres Mont- faucon, Legendre, &c. 16 Plates, Par. 1824 12 1 2316 Description de Paris par J. G. Legrand and C. P. Landon, fine 'edition nume- rous Plates, neatly bound, gilt edges. Par. 1818 8 2 2317 Letters from Paris, Hobhouse P/i/ 1816 8 1 2318 Nov Picture of Paris, Planta, Map and Plates, Lon. 1822 12 1 3319 Tableau de Paris, Amster, 1783 8 12 in 6 il!i. 128 No. sizfe. Vol. 2320 Paris Delineated, by Mercier, Map, boards, Zon, I8I7 8 2 2321 Panorama de la Ville de Paris, Map and Plates, Par. 1824 18 1 2322 Paris in Miniature, Bub, I782 1 2 I 2323 La Police de Paris devoilee, Paris I'an 2 8 2 2324 Description des Catacombes de Paris, Thury, Far. 1815 8 1 2325 Le Conducteur de L'Etranger a Paris, Marchant, Par. 1815 18 1 2326 Almanach du Yoyageur a Paris, Par. 1783 12 1 2327 Boswell'saccountof Corsica, G^/a* 1768 8 1 2328 Another Copy, Dub. I768 12 1 2329 Henderson's Iceland, Pits. Bdin. 1818 8 2 2330 Armstrong's History of Minorca, Map and Plates, Lon. 1756 8 1 2331 Sovenii-s d*un Sejour en Sardaigne, 1821, 1822, par C. de St. Severin, Plates, Li/on, 1827 8 1 2332 A Year in Europe, a Journal of Obser- vations in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, &c. 1818-19, J. Griscom, boards, New York, 1823 8 2 2333 L'Europe et L'Amerique Comparees, Bercy, Plates, Par. 1818 8 2 2334 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk, boards, Bdin. 1818 8 2 2335 Moeurs et Caracteres du XIX Siecle, Gallais. Par. I8I7 8 2 Q336 Mallet's Northern Antiquities, notes, and version of the Edda, Lon. I77O 8 2 2337 Kelham's ^'orman Dictionary Illustra- tive of the Customs of Former Ages, the Form of Laws, &c. with Laws of William the Conqueror, Lon. 8 1 1-1 1^ N«>. SIZI. VQU 2338 A Geographical, Historical, and Poll" tical Description of Germany, Holland, ^c. with Maps and M Plates, from the German, Lon, 1800 4 1 2339 Travels through Spain and Portugal, Map, Boston 1808 12 1 2340 Caledonian Sketches, or a Tour thro' Scotland, by Sir John Carr Phil, 1809 8 1 2341 Letters on Silesia, by John Quincy Adams, Lon. 1804 8 1 2342 Scott's Visit to Paris, New Jersey 1816 12 1 2343 Quinze Jours a Londres, half bound. Par. 1817 8 1 2344 Cochrane's Pedestrian Journey to the Frozen Sea, h. b. Phil. 1824 8 1 2345 Simond's Journal of a Tour and Resi^ dence in Great Britain, during the years 1810 and 1811, plates, bds. Bdin. 1817 S % 2346 Johnson's Tour to the Hebrides Lm. 1785 8 1 2347 Johnson's Journey to the Western Is- lands, bds. Gla9. 1825 18 1 2348 Boswell's Tour with Johnson Phil. 1810 8 1 2349 Knox's Tour through the Hebrides, bds. Lon. I787 8 1 2350 Cadell's Journey in Carniola, Italy, and France, in the years 1817-1818, plates, h. b. Bdin. 1820 8 2 2351 Letters Descriptive of a Tour through Wales, h. b. Lon. I77O 8 1 2352 Cobbett's Ride in France, bds. Lon. 1824 12 1 2353 Journal du Voyage de Michel de Mon- taigne, en Italie, 1580-1581 Rome 1774 18 3 2354; Carr's Northern Summer Ntw London 1806 12 1 ISO IM) hli J i I '. if . 1- 1 « • h.J 111 I ' ^ O No. SIZE. VOL. 2355 Carr's Stranger in Ireland, plates, h. b. ;■ ■ '...'» Zow. 1806 4 1 £356 Journal of Eight Days' Tour from Portsmouth, h. b. Lon, 17«58 8 2357 Voyage au Nord. Maupertuis, wants Title 4 2358 Travels through G erm any, Italy, Greece, , and several parts of Asia. Drummond, plates, h. b. Lon, 1754 fol. 2359 Pennant's Journey from Chester to London Dub. 1783 8 2360 Pennant's Tour in Scotland, and Voy- > age to the Hebrides, Plates, h. b. Lon. 1790 4 2361 Sejour de Trois Mois dans les Mon- tagnes, pres de Rome Par. 1822 8 2362 Eustace's Classical Tour Through Italy, plates JPhiL 1816 8 2363 Evans' Excursion to Windsor, Trip to Paris, &c. bds. Lon. 1817 12 236i Letters fi'om Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, by WoUstonecraft Wilmington 1796 12 1 2365 Swinton's Travels into Norway, Den- mark, and Russia, in 1788-89-90-91, sewed Dub. 1792 8 1 2366 Nugent's Travels through Germany, plates Lon. I768 8 2 2367 Travels in Italy, from the French of Barthelemy, bds. Lon. 1802 8 1 2368 Nouveau Voyage d'ltalie, fait en I'an- nee I688, plates A la Haye I69I 12 2 2369 Travels through Norway and Lapland, in 1806-7-8, by Buck, translated from the German by Black, with Illustrations by Professor Jameson, bds. ; Lon. 1813 4 I 2370 Fielding's Voyage to Lisbon. Lon. 1155 12 1 1 ] 3 1 2 1 f * J 131 So. SIZE. TOL. t 3 2375 8 1 2376 8 2 2 1 2377 2 1 2378 8 1 8 2 2379 2380 8 1 2381 12 2 4 1 12 1 2371 Brydone's Tour through Sicily and Malta Edin, 180S 1-2 1 2372 Twiss*s Voyage en Portugal en 1772- 1773, traduit de 1' Anglais Berne 1796 8 1 2373 Link's Travels in Portugal, France, and Sr»ain, from the German Lon. 1801 8 1 2374 Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, &c. by J. G. Keysler, a Se- cond Volume Lon 1740 8 X UL— DESCRIPTION OF ASIA, AND TRA- VELS IN IT. BIBLIOTHEQUE ORIENTALS de Herbelot Maestricht I776 fol. 1 Characters, Manners, Customs, and Institutions of the People of India, from the French MSS. of Abbe Dubois, bds. Phil, 1820 8 2 Hamilton's Account of the Kingdom of Nepal, plates, bds Edin. 1819 4 1 Elphinstone's Account of the Kingdom of Caubul, Maps and Fine Plates, h. b. Lon. 1819 8 2 Le Bhaguat Geeta, ou Dialogues de Kreeshna et d'Arjoon Lon. 1787 8 1 Recueil de Questions proposees a une Societe de Savants. Michaelis. Amster. I774 4 1 The History of New South Wales, from its first Discovery to the present time. Paterson, Maps and Plates Newcastle-upon- Tyne 8 I 2382 History of the Otaheitean Islands, from their fii-st Discovery to the present time, with a Sketch of the Sandwich Islands Edin. 1800 12 1 2383 L'Empire de La Chine, Du Halde, Charts, Figures, &c. A la Haye 1736 4 4 132 ti No* SI». VOL. 2384 Miscellaneous Pieces* relating to the Chinese, h. b. Lon, I762 12 2 2385 An Account of the Island of Ceylon. Percival, plates Lon, 1805 4 1 2386 Tableau General de TEmpire Otho- man, par M. de M. D'Ohsson, Enrichi de Figures Par, I69I 8 4 2387 Memoires Historiques, Politiques et Geographiques des Voyages du Comte De F, Sauveboeuf, faits en Turquie, Perse et Arabic depuis 1782-1789, sewed Par, I79O 8 2 2388 Fraser's Tour through the Himala Mountains, and to the sources of the Rivers Jumna and Ganges, bds. Lon, 1820 4 1 2389 Relation of a Journey begun 1610, con- taining a Description of the Turkish Empire, &c. plates^ (curious and rare) h. b. Lon, 1621 sm. fol. 1 2390 Campbell's (of Barbreck) Adventures in an Overland Journey to India, h. b. G1a$, 1820 24 1 2391 Wittman's Travels in Asia-Minor and Egypt PM.1804 8 1 2392 Maundrell's Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem I679, plates, h. b. Bub, 1749 8 1 2393 Voyage dans le Levant, Mariti, traduit de ritalien, h. b. A Neuwied I79I 12 2 2394 Voyage en Sjnrie et en Egypte. Vol- ney Par. I8O7 8 2 2395 Voyages dans Tlnde, traduit de I'An- glais Par. 1800 8 1 2396 Travels of the Jesuits, being a Trans- lation of the Lettres Edifiantes, &c. Maps. Lockman Lon, I762 8 9. 2397 Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses. Ecrites des Missions Etrangeres. 60 Fine Plates Lyon 1819 8 14 Id3 No. SIZE.VOU 2398 Chateaubriand's Travels in Greece, Palestine, &c. Maps, bds. Lon, 1812 Ry. 8 2 2399 Thomson's Travels through Turkey, in Asia, &c. Glas. 1798 8 1 2400 Voyage dans I'Inde. Major Taylor, traduites avec Notes, Grandpre, Carte, Par, 1803 8 2 2401 Barrow's Travels in China Phtl,1805 8 1 2402 Voyage de Constantinople k Bassora, en 178 1, traduit de I'ltalien, sewed Par, Pan 6 8 1 2403 Amherst's Embassy to China, by Henry EUis, Map, bds. PhU, 1818 8 1 2404 Staunton's Embassy to China, bds Dub. 1798 8 2 2405 Mrs. Guthrie's Tour through the Cri- mea, and Countries on the North of the Euxine, Maps, bds. Loti, 1802 4 i 2406 Voyage en Crimee, et sur les Bords de la Mer Noire, 1803. ReuUly Par, 1806 8 1 2407 Relation of Two Voyages made into the East Indies, by C. Fryke, and C. Schewitzer, from the Dutch Lon. 1700 8 1 IV.— DESCRIPTION OF AFRICA, AND TRA- VELS IN IT. 2408 Letters on Egypt, from the French of Savary, plates, neatly h. b. in calf Lon, 1799 2409 An Account of Tunis, by T. Macgill Glas, 1811 2410 Recherches sur les Maures, et Histoire de Maroc, Chenier, Maps, h. b. Paris 1787 2411 Narrative of the Loss of the Commerce, and the Oswego, on the Coast of Africa, plates New York 1818 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 3 '■ i 1 :* 134, No. 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 8 4 7 1 8 I SIZE. VOL. Bruce's Travels to discover the source of the Nile Edin, 1804 Plates Campbeirs Travels to South Africa, bds. Lon, 1815 The Adventures of an English Mer- chant, Prisoner at Argiers Lofi, I67O 18 Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa. Leyden. Enlarged and continued by Murray, Maps, h. b. fine calf Edin, I8I7 Naufrage de la Fregate La Med use, ornee de gravures Par. 1 82 1 Salt's Voyage to Abyssinia, in the years 1809-1810, Map Phil, I8I6 Travels of Ali Bey, in Morocco, &c. in the years 1803 and I8O7, Map and Plates Phil, I8I6 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 2 v.— DESCRIPTIONS OF AMERICA, AND TRAVELS IN IT. 3419 Morse's American Geography, Maps, h.b. iow. 1792 8 1 2420 Cary's American Pocket Atlas, 30 Maps Phil, 1805 8 1 2421 Scott's Geographical Dictionary of the United States, Map Phil, 1805 8 1 2422 Imlay's Topogi-aphical Description of the Western Territory of North Ame- rica, Maps, &c. h. b. Lon. 1797 8 1 2423 A Topographical Description of the State of Ohio, &c. /Jos/01* 1812 12 1 2424 A Concise Account of North America, by R. Rogers, h. b iow. 1765 2425 Hodgson's Letters from North America, bds. New York 1823 2426 View of Society and Manners in Ame- rica, bds. , New York 1821 8 1 8 1 8 1 13J VUli. No. 7 24^ 1 1 2428 1 2429 2430 2 1 2431 1-1 2432 2433 I 2 2434 SD 3435 2436 SIZE. VOL. 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 Emigrant's Guide to the Western and South Western States. Darby, Map New York 1818 View of the United States. T. Cox PhiL 1794 Tableau du Climat et du Sol des Etats Unis de PAmerique. Volney. Plan- ches et Carte*, h. b. Far. 1805 Sketch of the Internal Condition of the United States, by a Russian, with Notes, bds. SafL 1826 Jones's Present State of Virginia Lon. 1724 Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, Map New York, 1801 Another Copy, without Map J3oston 1801 Description de Saint Domingue, par St. Mery, Carte, h. b. P/*i7. 1796 Another Copy, without Map Views of Louisiana, by H. M. Braken- bridge, bds, Pittsbtirgh 1814 Memoire sur la Louisiane, par M. de Vergennes, with other Pamphlets, h. b. Par. 1802 McBUi*s des Sauvages Ameriquains, com- parees aux Moeurs des Premiers Temps. Lafitan. Figures Par. IJ^ii Janson's Stranger in America, Fine Plates Lon. 1807 Dobbs's Account of Hudson Bay X(W.'l744 Edge's Description of Greenland, Map, bds. Lon. 1818 Landt's Description of the Feroe Is- lands, from the Danish, h. b. Lon. 1810 British Settlement of Honduras. Hen- dereon, Map, h. b. Lon, 1809 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 8 1 4 2 4 4 8 8 12 ». •«/A /I ><I / No. S444 ft4>4>5 ISC SIZE. VOL. Abstract of all the Most Useful Infor- mation relative to America and the British Colonies. Kingdom, bds. Lon, 1820 8 1 Blunt's Strangers* Guide to the City of New York, Plates and Maps, bds. New York 1817 18 1 8446 2447 £448 S449 S450 x 2451 2452 '-1 245S 18 8 4 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 3 2454 2455 / 2456 2457 llli « Another Copy of the same Edward's History of the West Indies Phil, 1805 Marly, or a Planter's Life in Jamaica, bds. Glas. 1828 Bonnycastle's Account of Spanish A- merica. Maps, bds. Phil. 1812 View of South America N^w yor;^1826 12 2 in 1 BosBu's Travels in North America, translated by Forster Lon, 1771 Kalm's Travels into North America, translated by Forster Warrington 177^ Travels in North America in I78O- I78I, and 1782, by the Marquis de Chastellux, translated from the French Lon. 1787 Voyage dans la Haute Pensylvanie, et dans I'Etat de New York, 1785-1798, traduit ^V^^'-l > d- ' i^^Par, 1801 Travels through North and South Ca- rolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Creek and Cherokee Country, with Observations on the Manners of the Indians, by W« Barham, plates Dub. 1798 HalPs Travels in Canada and the Uni- ted States, 1817-1818, bds. Boston 1818 Harris's Tour ioto Ohioi in 1808, h. b. B^§tim 1805 8 8 2 8 3 8 1 8 1 1 8 2 8 3 8 1 8 1 8 1 137 No. SIZE. VOL. 2158 Mackenzie's Travels in North Ame- rica, in 1789 and 1793, Maps Lon. 1801 4 1 2459 Another Copy of the same ' 4 1 2460 Another Copy, with Maps and Plates PIdL 1802 8 2 2461 Another Copy, with Portrait Phil. 1802 8 1 2462 Travels through the Interior Parts of America, in a Series of Letters, by an Officer. Auburey, Map and Plates Lon. 1791 8 2 2463 La Decouverte des Sources du Missis- sippi. Beltrami, bds. New Orleans 1824 8 2464 Travels through the Interior Parts of North America, in I766-I767-I768. Carver Lon. I78I 8 2465 Birkbeck's Notes on a Journey in Ame- rica, bds. PhiL 18 17 12 2466 Another Copy of the same, bds. 12 2467 Sansom*s Sketches in Lower Canada, during a Tour to Quebec in 181 7, bds. New ForA1817 12 2468 Ellis's Voyage to Hudson's Bay, Maps Dub. 17*9 8 2469 Voyage for the Discovery of a North- West Passage, in the years 1746-1 747, Maps J Am. 1748 8 2470 Parry's Third Voyage for the Discovery of a Nortli-West Passage, Maps, bds. PhiL 1826 8 2 17 1 Ogden's Tour through Upper and Lower Canada, h. b. Weiminyton 1800 12 2472 Chappcl's Voyage to the Coast of New- foundland and Labrador, bds. Lon. 1818 8 2473 Chappel's Voyage to Hudson Bay, Map and Plates Zo;/. I8I7 8 ^ .V-- \ K < n^ ^ V 138 sizB. Vol. ill. 4 1 4 1 No. 2474 Gray's Letters from Canada, 1806- 1807-1808, Map Lon, 1809 8 1 2475 EUicott's Travels on the Mississippi, Maps, h. b. Phil, 1803 4 I 2476 Pike's Exploratory Travels in the In- terior of Louisiana, and his Voyage on the St. Louis, 1805-1806-1807, Map, bds. Lon, 1811 2477 Long's Voyages and Travels in the In- terior of North America, bds. Lon, 1791 2478 A Journey from Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, in the years 1769 to 177^* Hearne. Maps and Plates Lon. 1795 4 1 2479 Travels through the Canadas. Herriot, Maps and Plates Lon. 1807 4 1 2480 Voyage an Canada, par Isaac, pendant les annees 1795-1796-1797, par T. Weld, traduit de I'Anglais I*ar, Van 8 8 f^ 2481 Voyage dans les Etats-Unis d'Ameri- que. Rochefoucauld. Liancourt. Maps Paria PanJ 8 S 2482 Smyth's Tour in the United States Duff, 1784 12 2 2489 Kendall's Travels through the United States in 1807-1808, h. b. New York 1809 8 3 2484 Lambert's Travels through Canada and the United States, Map and Plates, bds. Lon. 1814 8 2 2485 Henry's Travels and Adventures in Ca- nada, and the Indian Territories, I76O- 1776, h. b. Russia, New York 1809 8 1 2486 Harmon's Journal of Travels in North America, Map and Portrait Andover 1820 8 1 2487 Captain Hall's Travels in North Ame- rica, bds. Phil. 1829 12 2 I 2491 2490 2497 2498 2499 12500 v 1 1 139 No. SIZB. VOL. S488 Relation d*un Voyage k la Cote du Nord Ouest, dans les annees 1810-11-12- 13-14, par G. Franchere, sewed Montreal 1820 8 1 2489 Dwight's Travels in New England and New York, bds. wants vol. 2 J^ew Haven 1822 8 3 2490 Six Months in the West Indies in 1825, bds. New York 1826 12 1 2491 Wafer's Voyage and Abode in the Isth- mus of America, Plates, (carious) Lon. 1699 8 1 2492 Voyage to South America, in the Ame- rican Frigate Congress, 1817-1818. Brackenridge, bds. Lon, 1820 8 2 2493 Another Copy of the same 8 2 VI.— VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. 2494 Berchtold's Traveller's Guide, h. b. Lon, 1789 8 2 2495 Harlein Voyages, a Collection of Voy- ages and Travels compiled from the Library of the Earl of Oxford, Maps, Plates, &c. (very scarce.) Lon, 1745 fol. 2 2496 PINKERTON'S Voyages and Travels. Fine Plates, neatly bound in calf Lon. 1808 4 17 2497 Abrege de I'Histoire Generale des Voy- ages, par La Harpc. Par. 1813-1815 12 28 2498 Bibliotheque Universelle ou Notice com- plete et raisonnee de tous les Voyages, ancicns et modernes. G. B. Richardcrie Par, 1808 8 6 2499 A General Collection of Voyages, and Discoveries, made by the Portuguese, and Spaniards, in the 15tli and 16th Centuries, Maps, and Plates. Lon. 1789 '2500 Hccueil de Voyages 4 1 Pur, 1787 1'^ 7 m 140 No. SIZE. VOL. 2501 Cook's Voyages, round the World, in the years 1772-34-5, Maps, Charts, Portrait, &c. Lon. 1779 4 2 .2502 Voyage autour du Monde, en 1 766-7 8-9, Bougainville, Maps, h. b. Par, I77I 4 1 2503 Relation du Voyage a la Recherche de la Perouse, h. b. /\?r. I'an viii. 8 2 2504 The Voyage of La Perouse, round the World, in the years 1785-6-7-8, 51 Plates Lon. 1798 8 2 2505 Anson's Voyage round the World, in the years 1740-1-2-3-4. Walter Lon. 1756 8 1 Maps and Plates to do. 4 1 2506 The Pelew Islands, from the Journals of Capts. Wilson, Keatc, bds. Dtih. 1793 8 1 2507 Dangerous Voyage of Capt. Bligh, bds. nub. 1813 18 1 2508 History of Voyages, and Discoveries, made in the North, from the German of Forster, Map, sewed Dub. I786 8 1 2509 Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, or Historical Narratives, of the most noted Calamities and Providential Deliver- ances, h. b. JEdiit. 1812 8 3 2510 Clarke's Travels into various countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Maps, &c. bds. Lon. I8I7 8 8 2511 Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, begun in the year 1777* and finished in I78I, h. b. Lon. 1782 8 2 2512 Memoirs of Sebastian Cabot, with a Review of the History of Maritime Discovery, bds. iViil. 1821 8 1 VII.— CHRONOLOGY. I 2513 Science de THistoric, Chronology et Geographic • Par. 1803 4 3 lil No. 251* 2515 2516 2516* 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 252* 2525 2525* 252G 252G* SIZE. VOL. Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology Lon. 1728 4 1 A System of Chronology. Compton, h. b. Belfast, 1823 12 1 The Historian's Guide or Britain's Re- Hiemberancer, from IGOO to 1690. Lon, 1690 12 1 Trusler's Chronology Lon. 1776 12 1 New Chronology JLdiu. 1807 IS 1 Chronology, from 17^1 to 1821, bds. Loyi. 12 1 Histoire de France, abrege et Chrono- logique. Chantreau Par. 1808 8 2 Mezeray Abrege Chronologique do I'Histoire de France Var. \QqiS 12 8 Pointer's Chronological History of England Oxford,' \'^\A> 12 2 Home's Chronological Abridgement of the History of England, bds. />m6. 1792 12 1 An Abridgement of the Chronicles of England, gathered by Richard Grafton, citizen of London, anno domini 1562, (very cm'ious, black letter) vellum 12 1 Tablettes Chronologiques de I'Histoire Universelle. J. Picot, Geneve, 1 808 8 3 Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire Generale d'ltalic depuis Tan 476 jusqu'en 1814, par M. de Saint Marc Par. 1779 12 6 A System of Chronology, by James Playfair Bdin. 1784 fol. 1 Chronology Delineated to Illustrate the History of Monarchical Revolutions. A large Engraving Vermont 1813 Le Cours des Terns ou Tableau de THistoire Uriivci*selle, depuis I'Anti- quite la plus reculee jusqu'a nos jours, d'apres la Carle Chronologique de Frederic Shass, a large engraving ^Par. 1809 'P ii 14-2 VIIL— UNIVERSAL HISTORY. I 8 4. 8 3 8 18 2 4, 8 4 4 8 1 No. 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 : ! < 2544 ] I 2545 I I 2546 1 No. SIZE. VOL. 2527 Sir Walter Raleigh's, History of the World, Plates (very scarce) Zon, 1614 fol. 2528 A General History of the World, being an Abridgement of Sir W. Raleigh's, with Continuation to the present time Lon, 1708 2529 Gillies's History of the World, from the Reign of Alexander, to that of Augus- tus Phil, 1809 2530 An Universal History, from the Earliest accounts to the present time, compiled from original Authors and illustrated with Charts, Maps, Notes, &c. and a General Index to the whole, contain- ing the Ancient History with Index Lon. 1779 2531 The Modem Part of the Universal His- tory, compiled by the Authors of the Ancient, bds. Lon. 1759 fol. 4 2532 Histoire Universelle, Anquetil, h. b. Par. 1811 12 12 Q533 Discours sur I'Histoire Universelle, par Bossuet r^on 1805 12 2534 Continuation to do. Bossuet depuis Tan 800 Par. 1806 18 Q535 Introduction a I'Historie Moderne, Gen- erale et Politique de I'Univers, Pufen- dorf, B. de la Martiniere ct De Grace Par. 1753 0536 A Compendious View of Universal History, from 1752 to 1802, with Notes by Charles Mayo, L.L.D. h. b. Bath 1824 royal 2637 Gibbon's Roman Empire, with Life and Portrait, complete in 1 volume, clotli Ijon. 1830 imperial 2538 Gibbon's Roman Empire Lon. 1807 8 V2 | ^555 Sp 2547 2548 2549 2550 I A 2551 E o 2552 I 1 A T V( 2553 2554 143 No. 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 8 11 8 2 1 2544 1 2545 2546 4 2547 12 2548 ! 2 2549 , 2 2550 t 8 1 2551 1 2552 4 4 1 2553 1 2554 8 12 1 2555 SIZE. VOL. Gibbon's Roman Empire Abridged Lon. 1790 8 2 Histoire du Bas Empire on Coramen- cant a Constantin le Grand, par Le Beau et Ameilliou Par, I78O-I8I7 12 29 Beautea de I'Histoire du Bas Empire, Planches Par. 1818 12 1 The Historical Works of William Robertson, D. D. neat calf, gilt, wants vol. 11 Lon, I8O9 Histoire do Charlemagne, suvie de r toire de Marl '« Bourgogne, Ga...urd Par, I8I9 Histoire de Theodose le Grand, par Flechier Par. 1811 12 7 Histoire de I'Empereur Jovien, par Bletterie Par, 1776 12 1 Dictionnaire Historiques des Sieges, Battailles et Combats, Manitimes les plus Fameaux de tons les Peuple du Monde Par, 1808 8 6 Anecdotes Militaires Anciennes et Mod- ernes, par Nouargaret Par, 1808 12 4 A View of Ancient History, by W. Rutherford, bds. Lon. 1809 12 2 Rollin's Ancient History, Maps, bound in vellum, wants volume 1 1 Dundee, 1804 18 11 Recherches Nouvelles sur Tliistoire Ancienne, par Volney Par, 1814 8 3 E. W. Montague, on the Rise and Fall of Antient Republicks Lon. I76O 8 1 Dunbar's Essays on the History of Mankind, h. b. Lon, I78O 8 1 Tytler's Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern, Maps ^V/m. 1803 8 2 Tytler's Outlines of Lectures on Uni- versal History Edin, 1782 8 1 Spirit of General History, Thompson Lon. 1815 8 1 ll'^il:. 255U ■ ■:i|^'| B W^^ |P^' lB;*?';rr |i||' ^■^i 2557 2558 2559 2560 > 2561 Nd. SIZE. VOL. 2556 Beauties of History, Strecth, h. b. Russia Lou. 1815 8 I IX.— GRECIAN HISTORY. Mitford*s History of Greece, bds. Lon, 1822 8 10 Mitford's History of Greece Lon. 1789-1808 4 4 Histoire de la Greece, par Despreaux Par, 1789 12 16 Gillies's Ancient Greece Lon. 1792 8 4 Histoire de la Greece, revise par Leu- liette Par. 1807 8 2 Stackhouse's Epitome of the History, Laws, and Religion of Greece, bds. Lon. 1824 12 1 Recherches Philosophiques sur les Grecs, par De Pauw, bds. Berlin, 1787 8 2 Stanyan's Grecian History Dub. 1759 8 2inl Life and Reign of Philip, of Macedon. Leland Lon. 1795 8 2 Etudes de I'Histoire Ancienne et de celle de la Grece. P. C. Levesque Par, 1811 8 5 X.— ROMAN HISTORY. 2567 Histoire Romainc, Not,o, Cartes, Gravurcs, &c. Catrou, and Rouille Par. 1725.1737 4 20 2568 Ferguson*s Roman Republic, Maps Lon. 1782 4 3 2569 The History of Rome, from its Foun- dation to the Ruin of the Common- wealth, Hooke Lon. I766 8 11 2570 Hcliogabale ou la Dissolution Romainc sous les Enipereurs, bds. Pm*. 1802 8 1 2571 Histoire des Revolutions Romaines, par Vertot Par. 1810 12 2 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 No. 2572 257s 2574 ; 2575 J 2576 ] 1 2577 3 i( 2578 1 2579 I h 2580 I ti I 2581 I I A 2582 I d 25S3 I 258 1 5 2585 I J 2586 I I 2587 C I''.. * 145 No. '2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 31ZK. VOL. Goldsmith's Roman History Lon. 1770 8 2 Abrege de I'Histoire Romaine. Tailbie Ly(m 1805 12 5 Roman History for the Use of Schools Lan, 1791 12 1 Rome Galante ou Histoire Secrete sous les Re^nes de Jules Cesar et d'Auguste, (de Mailly) Par. I696 12 2 in 1 Lettres ecrites sous le Regne d'Auguste, h. b. Par, 1803 8 1 Histoire des Empereurs Romain. Crev- ier, h. b. Par, 1818 8 6 Vicede I'Empereur Julien /?ioin. 1809 12 1 2579 2580 2581 2582 25S3 258 !■ 2585 2586 2587 KmOPKAUr HISTORY. I.— BRITISH HISTORY. Baker's Chronicle of the Kings of Eng. land, (curious) Lon, 1653 fol. 1 Rapin's History of England, with Con- tinuation by JN. Tindal, D. D. Fine Engravings Lon, 1785 fol 4 Hume and Smollett's England, with Hume'sLife by himself and Smollett's by Anderson, neatly Bound 'in Calf Edin, 1805 ri. 8 13 Histoire d'Angleterre, parHume.traduit de r Anglais, SQ Portraits Par, 1809 12 18 Hume, Smollett, and Bisset's History of England, to 1801, Plates bds. Albany I8I6 8 8 Smollett's History of England Lrni. 1758 8 7 Hume's History of Great Britain, James I. to James II. h. b. 4 2 Lingard's History of England, from the Invasion of the liomans, bds. Lon. 1823 8 8 Goldsmith's K.otory of England Lnti. 1779 8 3 146 ^r , No. 2588^ 2589 2590 2591 2592 SIZK. VOL. 2593 2594 2595 2595' 2596 2597 2598 Kimber's History of England, Eccles- iastical and Civil Lon, I766-71 The History of Great Britain from its First Invasion by the Bomans. Robert Henry, Portrait Lon, 18C0 Macaulay's History of England, from the Accession of James I. to the Eleva- tion of the House of Hanover Lon. 1772 Histoire d' Angleterre, depuis Jacques L jusqu'a la Revolution, par M. Macaulay, traduit, par Mirabeau Par, I79I Macpherson's History of Great Britain, from the Restoration to the Accession of the House of Hanover, h. b. Russia Lon. 1776 Original Papers, containing the Secret History of Great Britain, from the Restoration, to the Accession of the House of Hanover. Macpherson, bds. Lon. 1776 De Moleville's Chronological Abridge- ment of tha History of Great Britain Histoire d*Angleterre. Russell, traduit de r Anglais, h. b. Lon, I777 Bigland's History of England, from the Earliest Period, to the year 1812 bds. Botton 1815 Chronicle of the Kings of England ; to which is added, the Chronicle of the Derby Blues, (curious and scarce) bds. Notlingham 1814 The Metrical History of England, by Dibdin Lon, 1813 Millar's Historical Essay on the Eng- lish Government Lon, 1803 Oidfield's Representative History of Great Britain and Ireland, being a History of the House of Commons and of the Counties, Cities, and Borough's No. 8 10 8 12 8 5 8 2 4 2 4 2 12 2 8 2 18 1 8 2 8 4 147 No. 9,599 2600 2601 2602 2605 2604 2605 2606 SIZE. VOL. 8 6 8 2 8 4 2 2606* 2607 2608 2609 2610 of the United Kingdom, irom the Earliest Period, bds. Lon. 1816 Trois Regnes de THistoire d'Angleterre Charles II. Jacques II. Guillauuie III. par Sauquaire, Souligne Far, 1819 Histoire de la Conquete de 1' Angleterre, par les Normands de ses causes et de ses suites, par Thierry Par, 1828 Berrington*s History of the Reigns of Henry IL, Richard, and John Dub, 1790 8 Welwood's Memoirs of the Transac- tions in England for the last 100 years, 1588, 1688 Glas. 17*4 12 1 Annals of England from 1508 to 1558, Dedicated to Charles I. by F. Hereford, his Chaplain, translated from the Latin, wants Title fol. 1 History of the Reign of Charles I. from the French of De Larrey Lon, I7 1 6 8 2 Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I. by Sir Philip Warwick, Knt. from the Original Manuscript, bds. 2 Portraits Lon, 1702. Reprinted Edin, 1818 A Detection of the Court and State of England, during the Reigns of James I. Charles I. and II. and James II. As also the Inter-Regnum, by Roger Coke Lon. 1719 Oliver Cromwell and his Times by T. Cromwell, Portrait, bds. Lon, 1822 Memoirs of the Protectorate House of Cromwell. Noble Birmingham 1784 Review of the Political Life of Oliver Cromwell. Banks, h. b. Lon, I789 12 Life of Oliver Cromwell Xon. 1724 8 Harris's Historical and Critical Ac- count of the Life of Charles II. Lon, 1766 8 8 1 8 3 8 1 8 2 148 '^:' \i 9 M 1 .11 c i-lKi No. 2610* SIZB. VOL 2611 2612 2613 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 Whitelock's Historical Account of what passed from the beginning of the Reign of Charles I. to Charles II. Restaur- ation Lon. 1732 fol. 1 Rushworth's Historical Collections, the 2nd Part containing the principle matters from the Dissolution of the Parliament, 1628-9, to the summoning of Parliament April, 1640, with pro- ceedings to the end of that year Lon, 1680 fol 2 Dalrymple's Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland Lon, 1771 ^ 2 Anglia Rediviva, or History of the Motions of the Army under his Excel- lency Sir Thomas Fairfax, compiled for the Public Good, by Joshua Sprigge, M. A. Lon. 1647 small fol. 1 Memoires du Comte de Grammont, par le C. A. Hamilton, Edition ornee de 72 Portraits graves d'apres les Tableaux originaux. The Portraits are of the most celebrated Characters of the Court and Time of Charles II. and are finely executed, calf gilt Lon. 1793 4 1 A Conference about the next Succes- sion to the Crown of England, dedica- ted to the Earl of Essex Lon. 1593 12 1 Elenchi Motuim Nuperorum un Anglia, George Bateo, Portraits, vellum Amster. 1663 18 1 Lady R. Russell's Letters, with Intro- duction and Trial of Lord W. Russell, Fine Plates Lm. I792 rl. 8 1 Bishop Burnet's History of his Own Time, h. b. Lon. 1809 8 4 Clarendon's History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars, neatly bound in calf Oxford I8O7 8 6 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 149 4 1 12 1 18 1 [. 8 1 8 4 8 (i No. 2620 2621 2622 2623 size. vuL. 4 3 8 3 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 Clarendon's Rebellion, Abridged Lorn 1703 8 1 Histoire des Revolutions d'Angleterre, depuis le commencement de la Mon- archie, par le Pere d* Orleans Par. 1693 Histoire de la Revolution, de I688 en Angleterre, par Mazure Pai\ 1 825 The Works of Thomas Hearne, M. A. containing Robert of Gloucester's Chronicle and Peter Langtoft's Chroni- cle Oxfordy 1724, h. b. Reprinted Xtw. 1810 8 Fox's History of Jrmes 11. Ph il. 1 808 8 History of Political Transactions from Charles H. to the Death of ^Villiam HI. Somerville JDub. 179«^ Ty tier's Inquiry into the Ev/^ence against Mary Queen of Scots Lon, 1790 History of the Conspiracies, Trials, Characters, &c. of those who have suf- fered on account of the House of Stewart Lon, 1747 8 1 Belsham's Memoirs of the Reign of George I., II., and III. h. b. Lon. 1793 8 6 Belsham's Memoii's of the Reign of George III. bds. JDuh. 1802 8 3 History of the Reign of George III. be- ing Continuation to Goldsmith's Eng- land, bds. Lon. 1805 8 1 Millar's History of the Reign of George III. Portrait, cloth Lon. 1828 8 I Annals of the Reign of George III. Aikin Lon. 18 1 6 8 2 Wraxall's Sketch of the Reign of George III. 1780-1790, with Lessons to a young Prince, h. b. Lon, 1790 8 1 4 1 8 1 8 2 *; 150 rTiTw i , t li^ it; ■ i No. 2634 2635 263.5« 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 2643 2644 2645 SIZE. VOL. The Public and Domestic Life of George III. by E. Holt, Portraits, bds. Lon. 1802 8 2 Report of Proceedings in Parliament on the Regency Question, bds. Lon. 1789 8 1 Chronology of the Reigns of George III., and IV. Lon, 1828 24 1 Memoii-s of Her Majesty Sophia Char- lotte Queen of Great Britain, 8cc, by Craig, with Portrait and Autographs, bds. Liver. 1818 8 1 Memoirs of Caroline Queen Consort of Great Britain, Proceedings in Parlia- ment, &c. Adolphus, numerous plates Lon. 1821 8 3 Report of Proceedings in the House of Lords on the Bill of Pains and Penalties against the Queen, bds. Edin. 1820 8 3 The Book j or. Delicate Investigation, h. b. Ediii. 1813 12 1 The Life of Princess Charlotte of Co- burg, Plates, h. b. wants Title Lon. 1817 8 1 Anecdotes of the Life and Times of W. Pitt, Earl of Chatham, h. b. Lon, 1810 8 3 Memoirs of the Life and Administration of Sir Robert WalpoIeCoxe Zow. 1810 8 3 History of the Administration of Lord Noith Lon, 1782 8 1 Letters and Correspondence, Public and Private, of Lord Bolingbroke,with State Papers, Explanatory Notes, Translation of Foreign Letters, &c. Parke Zon 1798 8 4 History of the Late Minority, exhibiting the Conduct, Views, &c. of that Party, during the years 1762-63-64 and 65 Lon. 1766 8 I 151 8 1 2653 ^654> 8 3 2654» 8 3 8 1 8 4 8 I No. SIZE. VOL. 2046 The Example of France, a Warning to Britain, with other Pamphlets, h. b. Lon, 1794 8 1 2647 Beatson's Chronological Register of Both Houses of the British Parliament, from I7O8 to I8O7, h. b. Lon. I8O7 8 3 2648 Discussions Importantes, Debatues au Parlement d'Angleterre, par les plus Celebres Orate urs, depuis 30 ans. Tra- duit de TAnglais Par. I790 8 4 2649 Hazlitt's Eloquence of the British Se- nate Brooklyn 1810 8 2 2650 Beauties of the British Senate, taken from the Debates of the Lords and Com- mons, h. b. Russia Lon. I786 8 2 2651 Biographic Critique des Orateui-s du Parlement d'Angleterre Par. 1820 8 1 Journals of the House of Commons, from the year 1547, to 1813, with Ge- neral Index, h. b. Lon. ful. 74 Reports from Committees of the House of Commons, from the year 1715 to 1773, h. b. Lon. fol. 4 The Rolls of Parliament, from the year 1278 to 1503, h. b. Lon. fol. 6 Parliamentary Register, from 1774 to 1778, h. b. Lon. 8 9 Impartial Report of the Debates that occur in the Two Houses of Parliament, with some Account of the Respective Speakera from 1794 to 1798 Notes and Illustrations by W. Woodfall, Portraits, h. b. in Russia Lon. 1799 8 I7 2655 A New Naval History, or Complete View of the British Marine, from the earliest period to the present, by John Entick, M.A., Plates Lon. I757 fol. 1 Q656 History of the Progress of the Navf! Power of England, wants Title, h. b. Lon. 1801 8 1 2652 I5c I P' No. 1 2657 1 ^2658 *f-., I. ^659 ml 2660 SIZE. VOL. M- i 2661 2662 2663 i'' 2664. 2665 2666 \ 2667 2668 2669 2670 W. Barney's British Neptane, or His- tory of the Achievements of the Royal Navy. Numerous Plates Lon. I8O7 12 Campbell's Naval History of Great Bri- tain, with Lives of the British Admi- rals, Maps and Portraits Lon. 1813 Beatson's Naval and Military Memoirs of Great Britain," from I727 to 1783 Lon. 1804 The General Historv of the Late War, containing its Rise, Progress, and Event, by John Entick. Maps, Portraits, Sec. Lon. 1763 Brodrick's History of the Late War in the Netherlands, 15 plates Lon. 1713 rl. 8 Campaign of the British Army in Spain, under General Moore, by J. Moore Lon. 1809 James's Naval Occurrences of the Late War with the United States, Plates, bds. Lon. I8I7 James's Militaiy Occurrences of the Late War with the United States, Plates, bds Lon. 1818 Clarke's Life of Wellington, Plates, bds. Lon. 18 17 The Eventful Life of a Soldier, during the Lute War, bds. Edhi. 1827 12 Price's Observations on Government and War with America, and the Nature of Civil Liberty, &c. h. b. Lon, I776 British Liberties, with a View of the Constitution of Great Britain, bds. Lon 1766 Rennet's Bothsides, or the Wisdom of Looking Backwards, &c. Lon. 1715 Le Blanc's Lettei-s on the English and French Nations, translated Lon. 1747 8 8 8 6 8 5 8 I 8 1 8 2 8 3 8 1 8 1 8 1 153 8 1 8 1 S 1 No. 2671 2672 2672* 2673 2674 2675 2676 2677 267s SIZE. VOL. 8 1 8 I 8 1 8 2 2G79 Lettres sur I'Angleterre, Fievee, h. b. Par, 1802 Situation de TAngleterre en 1811. Montgaillard, sewed Par. 1811 Memoirs of St. George, The English Patron, and of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, by S. Dawson Lon, 1714 Stockdale*s Peerage and Baronetage of the United Kingdom, bds. Lon. 1819 12 Longmate's Peerage Lon. 1813 1282 The Black Book, with Supplement and Appendix, bds. Lon. J 828 History of the Isle of Wight, from the earliest time to the present, bds. Newport 1795 History of London, by Sholto and Reu- ben Percy, with Map and Plates, bds. Lon. 1824 18 The Remembrancer, or Historical Re- gister of the Memorable Occurrences in Great Britain, from William the Con- querer to 1739, with other Pamphlets, h. b. Lon. 1739 12 Pogge*s Dissertations on some valuable Anglo-Saxon Remains, with Preface, bds. Lon. 1750 4 2 1 2G80 De Orygynale Cronykil of Scotland, be Androw of Wyntown, with Notes and Glossary by David Macphei'son Lon. 1795 rl.8 2 2081 The Scottish Chronicle, or Complete History of Scotland. HoUinshead Albroath 1805 4 2 2682 Reruin Scoticarum Historia, Auctore Georgio Buchanauo. Scoto Aberdeen 1762 8 I 20S3 Buchanan's History of Scotland, Plates Lon. 1733 8 2 I^M^' Mo. 2684 2685 2686 2687 2688 2689 1 2690 i 2691 ^^^#4^ 2692 2693 .1 : 2694 11- 2695 1 t 2696 1 2697 m 154 SIZE. VOL. Guthrie's History of Scotland, Plates Lm. 1763 8 10 Pinkerson's Inquiry into the History of Scotland, bds. Edin, 1814 8 2 Hailes's Annals of Scotland, from the Accession of Malcolm III. to the Ac- cession of the House of Stewart Edin, 1797 8 3 Histoire d*Ecosse. Robertson. Tra- duit de rAnglais Lon. 1772 12 4 Laing's History of Scotland, from the Union of the Crowns to the Union of the Kingdoms Lon, 1804 8 De Foe's History of the Union bet wen England and Scotland. Introduction by De Lolme — Life by Chalmers, bds. Lon, 1786 4 A Collection of Tracts, relating to the History, Antiquities, &c. of Scotland, h. b. Glas, 1818 12 Lawrie's History of the Wars in Scot- land, from the year 85 to 1746, h. b. Edin. 1783 12 Home's History of the Rebellion, 1745 Lon. 1802 4 History of the Late Rebellion, raised against His Majesty King George, by the Friends of the Popish Pretender Dumfries 17 1 8 sm.4 Graham's History of the Late Rebel- lion, in 1745-46 Glas. 1803 18 General Report of the Agricultural State, and Political Circumstances of Scotland, by Sir J. Sinclair, bds. Edin. 1814 8 Arnot's History of Edinburgh Edin, 1779 4 Thom's History of Aberdeen, bds. Aber. 1811 12 No. 2698 2699 2700 2700* 2 2701 1 2702 2 2703 2704 1 2705 1 27O6 1 2707 1 27O8 2709 5 2710 1 2711 l) 155 No. SIZE. VOL. 2698 Report of Select Committees on Peti- tions from Royal Burghs of Scotland, bds. Edin, 1819 8 1 2699 History of the Family of Kerth, bds. Peterhead \%^0 12 1 2700 Collection of Anecdotes, Illustrative of Scotland and Scotsmen Edin. 1825 16 1 2700* Beatson's Political Index to the Histo- ries of Great Britain and Ireland, h. b. Lan. 1788 2 8 18 1 8 5 4 1 12 2 8 2701 Ancient Irish Histories, containing the Works of Spencer, Campion, Hammer, and Marleburgh, bds. Dub. 1809 2702 Pacata Hibernia. Thomas Stafford, dedicated to Charles I. Maps and Plates Facsimiles of the Original, neatly bound in calf 1810 rl. 2703 Another Copy of the Same, rl. 8 2704 Plowden's History of Ireland from the Invasion of Henry II. to the Union, Map PhiL I8O6 2705 O'Halloran's History of Ireland, sewed Dub. 1803 2706 Seward's Political Transactions of Ire- land, from the Accession of George III. to the Present Time, bds. Dub. 1801 2707 Harrington's Personal Sketches of his own Times, bds. New York 1828 12 2708 The Irish Rebellion of 1641, written from his own Observations, by Sir J. Temple, bds. Lon. 1812 2709 Gordon's History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798 Duh. 1801 2710 The Irish Rebellion, 1798 Cambridge N. Y. 12 2711 M'Kenna's Political Essays on the Affairs of Iicland in 1791-92-93 Lon. 1794 8 1 2 2 2 8 5 8 3 8 3 1 1 8 1 >1 156 No. SIZE. vol,. 2712 Historical Collections relative to the Town of Belfast Belfast ISI7 8 1 2713 Speeches of D. O'Connell and R. Sheil, Esqrs. on the Catholic Question, bds. Dub, 1828 12 1 II.— FRENCH HISTORY i'- ('i,' ■■ , i» 2714 THE CHRONICLES OF ENGUER- RAND DE MONSTRELET, trans- lated by Johnes, neatly bound in calf» gilt, Lon, 1810 8 12 A Volume of Plates to ditto 4 1 2714* Histoire de France, Portraits depuis Pharamond ju3qu*a Napoleon, h. b. Par. 1813 8 1 2715 Histoire de France, depuis les Gaulois jusqu'a la mort de Louis XVI. par An- quetil, h. b. Par, 1813 12 15 2716 Histoire de France depuis PEtablisse- ment de la Monarchic jusqu'au Regne de Louis XIV. Abbe Velly JPar, 1786 12 30 2717 Histoire des Fran9ai8. S. de Sismondi Par. 1821 8 8 2718 Histoire critique de TEtablissement de Fran9ais dans les Gaules. Henault, sewed Par. 1801 8 2 2719 Abrege Chronologique de P Histoire de France JPar. I768 4 2 2720 Abrege de I'Histoire de France Pouen 1789 12 5 2721 Tableau Historique et Politique de la France, par De le Croix, sewed Pav. 1814 8 3 2722 Etat de la Gaule, au Cinquieme Siecle, sewed Par. 1805 2 2 2723 Histoire critique de TEtablissement de Monarchie FraD9oise, par Dubos Par. 1742 4 2 i'^: 157 No. SIZE. VOL. 2724 Tableau de I'Histoire de France Par. 1815 12 2 2725 WraxalPs France, from Henry III. to Lewis XIV £>ub. 1796 8 3 2726 Histoire de France, pendant le XVIII. Siecle, par C. Lacretelle Par. x8i^6 8 14> 2727 Histoire de la Vie Privee des Fran9ois, depuif- Porigine de la Nation, par d'Aussy avec des notes, &c, Roquefort Par. 1815 8 3 2728 Abrege de I'Histoire de France Lon. 1813 12 1 2729 Resume de THistoire de France, par Bodin Par. 1822 18 1 2730 Histoire des Invasions faites en France. Lemaire Par. 1814 12 1 2731 Tableau Historiques des Progres de la Civilization en France. Desmarais Par. 1823 18 1 2732 Histoire de la Diplomatie Fran9aise, de- f)uis la fondation de la Monarchic jusqu'a a fin du Regne de Louis XVI. par De Flassan, sewed Par. 1811 8 7 2733 Lettres sur les Anciens Parlemens de France, par Boulainvilliei's Lon. 1753 12 3 in 1 2734 Memoires du Parlement de Paris, par J. J. M. Blondel, sewed Par. 8 4 2735 History of Paris from the Earliest Period to the Present Day, bds. Lon. 1825 8 3 2736 Beauties de THistoire de Paris. Plan- ches Par. 1820 12 1 2737 Dictionnaire Historique de la Ville de Paris, par Hurtant et Magny Par. 1779 8 4 2738 Le Nouveau Paris, par le Cit-Mercier Par. 1793 8 3 2739 Paris pendant Tan 1800. Peltier, h. b. Lon. 1800 8 1 2739* Another Copy of the same 8 1 « 1^8 li ■41 [i: No. 2740 2741 274.2 SIZE. VOL. 2743 2744 2745 2746 \lh 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 9753 L'Histoire de Dieppe, et celle de la Navigation, (Desmanquets) Par, 1785 12 2 Histoire des Inaugurations des Rois Empereurs, &c. Par, I776 8 1 HISTOIRE DES CHANCELIERS ET GARDES DES SCEAUX DE FRANCE, Diatingues par les Regnes dc DOS Monarques depuis Clovis jus- qu'a Louis le Grand XIV. Enrichie de leurs Armes, Blasons, &c. par Fran- 9ois Du-Chesne Par. 1680 fol. 1 Portraits des Rois de France, par Mer- cier, bds. Ncuchatel 1783 8 4 Histoire de Segur, Regent du Royaume sous le regne de Louis le Jeune Par, 1721 12 3 Histoire de Louis XI. Roy de France, par Jean de Troyes Par, 1703 12 1 Memoii-s de Philip de Comines, conten- ans THistoire des Rois Louis XI. and Charles VIII. depuis I'an 1464, jusqu'a 1498, enriche de Figures, &c. Gode- froy Brussels 1723 12 5 Memoires de Louis XII. and Fran9ois I. par Roedercr. Autographs Par, 1825 8 2 Histoire de Jeanne d*Albret, Reine de Navarre Vauvilliei's, Portrait Par, 1818 8 3 Memoires du Sully, Principal Ministre de Henri-le-grand, Portrait and Auto- graphs Par. 1814 8 6 Histoire de Henri-le-grand, par Mde. De Genlis Par, I8I6 12 2 Histoire du Roi Henri-le-grand, par Hardouin de Peretixe Rlom, 1808 12 1 Journal du Regne de Henri IV. P. de I'Etoile, avec remarques, &c. h. b, A la Haye 1741 8 L'Intrigue du Cabinet sous Henri IV. and Louis XIIL Anquetil Par. 1809 12 4 No. 2754 2755 2758 2759 276D 2761 2762 2/63 27&t 2765 2766 2767 2768 159 5I7E- VOL. 12 3 12 2 3 No. 2754 G^erie de I'Ancienne Cour, oa Me- moires Anecdotes pour servir a rHis- toire des Regnes de Henri IV. Louis XIII. XIV. and XV. Par. 1791 12 S 2755 L*Espirit de la Ligue ou Histoire Politique des troubles de France pendan les XVI. et XVII. Siecles, Anquetil rar. ISOi, 2756 Histoire de la Ligue de Cambrai Par. 17H5 2757 Satyrc Menippee, de la Vertu du Catho- Hcon d'Espagne et de la Tenue de Etats de Paris, Plates Ratisbone I711 12 2758 Another Copy, wants vol. 3 12 2759 Histoire du Kegne de Louis XIII. M. le V?i8sor Amster. I7.5I 12 18 276 J L'Espirlt de la Fronde ou Histoire Politique et Militaire des Troubles de France. Mailly Par. I772 12 5 2761 Voltaire's Age of Louis XIV. Tran*?- lated Duh. 1752 12 2 2762 3Iemoires et Reflexions sur les princi- paux evenemens du Regne de Louis XIV. Amster. I749 12 I 2763 Memoires of the Cardinal De Retz, containing all the Great Events during the Minority of Lewis XIV. Lon. 1723 8 1 2764 Louis XIV. sa Cour et le Regent, par Anquetil Par. 1793 12 4 2765 Memoirs of Lewis XIV. written by Himself, and addressed to his Son, h. b. Xow. 1806 8 2inl 2766 Memoires Politiques et Militaires, Louis XIV. et XV. Millot Par. 1777 12 6 2767 Siecles de Louis XIV. et XV. par Voltaire Par. 1815 18 5 2768 Vie Privee de Louis XV. (M. de An gerville) Lon. I78I 12 4 r« ^ 160 No. 2769 SUE. VOL. 2770 2771 2772 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 2778 2779 278O 8 3 4 1 8 2 18 1 Le Proces de Louis XVI. ou Collection complette des opinions, Discours et Memoirs des Membres de la Convention Nationale sur le Jugement de Louis XVL et des diverses discussions, &c. JPar. 1803 8 9 Histoire de la Decadence de la Mon- archic Fran9aise depuis Louis XIV. jusqu'a la mort de Louis XVI. Soulavie Par, 1803 Figures and Atlas to do. Histoire de PEsprit Revolutionnaire des Nobles en France sous le 68 Rois de la Monarchic Par. 1818 Abrege des Revolution de I'ancien Government Fran9aise Par, 1800 Revolution Fran9oi8e ou Analyse com- plette et Impartiale du moniteur, suivie d*une Table Alphabetique des Person- nes et des Choses Par. 1801 4 7 Histoire de la Revolution de France, Precede de I'expose rapide des admin- istrations (Kerverseau and Claverlin) Par. 1792 18 18 Histoire de la Revolution de France, depuis 1787* jusqu*a Tabdication de Napoleon, Desodoards Par, 1820 8 6 Histoire de la Revolution Fran9aise, depuis 1789, jusqu'a 1814. Miguet Par. 1824 8 2 De la Revolution Fran9aise par Necker, neatly bound in calf, gilt edges Par. 1797 8 4 De la Revolution, dans ses rapports avec ses Victimes et avec les Emigres Par. 1824 Memoires sur la Revolution Fran9aise. Buzot Par. 1823 Memorial sur la Revolution Frau9aise. Jolly, sewed. 8 1 8 1 Par, 1828 12 2 IGI No. SIZE. VOL. 278 1 Abrege du Memorial sur la Revolution Par. 1828 12 1 2782 Considerations sur la Revolution Fran- 9oise. Madame de Stael Par. 1820 8 3 2783 Essai Historique et Critique sur la Revolution Fran9aise, ses causes, ses re- sultats, &c. sewed Par, 1815 8 3 2784 Letters on the French Revolution, from T. Christie, to Sir John Sinclair, bds. Dub. 1791 8 1 2785 Burke on the French Revolution Lson. 1790 8 1 2786 Apologia de la icevolution Fran9aise, en repouse aux attaques de Burke, par Mackintosh, sewed Par, I792 8 1 27S7 La Republique Fran9aise, pendant I'annee 1 797» des Pertes que la Revolu- tion et la Guerre out causees au Peuple Fran9ais. F. D. Invemois, bds. Lon. 1799 8 2 2788 Memoires sur los Journees de Septembre Par, 1828 8 1 2789 Memoires de Linguet sur la Bastille et de Dusaulx sur 14 Juillet, avec notes, &c. par Berville et Barriere Par, 1821 8 1 2790 Histoire de la Convention Nationale, Durand de Maillane. Fragment His- torique sur le 31 Mai. Comte Lanjuinais Par, 1825 8 1 2791 La Villa de Lyon pendant la Revolu- tion, Guillori de Montleon. Carte Par, 1824 8 2 2792 Memoires Inedits de 1* Abbe Morellet sur le 18 Siecle et sur la Revolution Par. 1822 8 2 2793 Memoires des Contemporaines, pour servir a I'Histoire de France. L. J. Gohier, President, du Directoire au 18 Brumaire, Portrait Par. 1824 8 2 : No. 2794 2795 2796 2797 2798 ! 2799 2800 2801 1 2802 2803 ii > 2804 ■1 '' 2805 If, 2806 1 iv 162 8IZK. VOL. Collection Complett'^ des Travanx de MM. Mirabeau !"> uc a I'Asfiemblee Rationale, par £. }Jv'hL;, h. b. Par, 1791 8 5 Politicon ou Choix des Moilleurs Dis- cours, traites dans la Premiere Assem- blee Nationale de France. L. S. de Baleshier, Canilhae, Portraits, Par. 1792 8 6 Choix de Rapports, Opinions, et Dis- cours, prononces a la Tribune Nation- ale depuis 1789 jusqu'a 1815 Par. 1820 8 22 Guerres de Vendeens et des Chouans contre la Republique Fran9ai8e, par un Officier superieur des Armees de la Re- publique Par. 1824 8 4 Histoire de la Guerre de la Vendee, com- prenant I'Histoire secrete du Parti Royaliste jusqu'au retablissement des Bourbons, A. de Beauchamp, Cartes, Portraits, &c. Par. 1820 8 4 La Regeneration de la France, Pelletier Par. 1789 8 1 Bourrienne's Memoirs of Napoleon, translated by Memes, cloth Ediu. 1830 12 3 Memoires de Napoleon d'apres lui- meme. Portraits Par. \8Q5 8 1 History of the French Consulate Barre, h. b. Lon. 1804 8 1 Talents and Character of Napoleon, by a General Officer, bds Lon. 1821 8 1 (Euvres de Napoleon Bonaparte Par. 1821 8 5 Juc^ement Impartial sur Napoleon, par Azais Par. Ib20 8 1 Machiavel commente par N. Buona- parte, Manuscrit trouve dans le Carrosse No. 2807 2808 2809 2810 2811 2812 2813 2814 2815 2816 2817 2818 163 No. 2807 2808 2809 2810 ■IZB. VOL. 8 1 8 1 8 8 2 2811 2812 8 4 8 1 2813 12 8 2814 8 1 2815 8 1 8 1 2816 8 5 8 1 2817 2818 de Buonaparte d'apres la Baitaille de Mont St. Jean Par, 1816 Historical Memoires of Napoleon by B. E. O'.Vleara, 1815 bds. Lon, UaO Bonapartiana ou Recueil Choisi d'An- necdotes, &c. Par, 1829 18 Memorial de Sainte Helene ou Journal ou se trouve consigne, jour par jour, ce qu'a dit ct fait Napoleon durant 18 Mois, par Las Cases Par. 1824 12 Original Journals of the 18 Campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, translated from the French, to which are added all the Bulletins relating to each Campaign bds. Lon, rl. Campaigns of the Armies of France, un- der the Command of His Majesty the Emperor and King in 1806-7f with Bio- graphical Notices, &c. by S. Mackey, Portraits Boston, \^0^ 8 4 in 2 Histoire de Napoleon et de la Grand- Armee pendant l*annee 1812, par M. Segur Far, 1825 Napoleon et la Grand-Armee en Russie, ou examen critique de Touvrage de M. Segur, par Gourgaud ib, 1826 Histoire de TExpedition de Russie, par De Chambray, Col. d*Artillerie, with Plates ib. 1825 Narrative of the Surrender of Buona- parte, on Board His Majesty's Ship Bellerophon, by F. L. Maitland, bds. Boston. 1826 12 Memoires Historiques et Militaires sur Carnot rediges d'apres ses Manuscrits, Tissat, Portrait Par, 1824 Des Proscriptions, par M. Bignon ib. 1820 Victoires, Conquetes, Desastres, Revers et Guenes, Civiles des Fran9ais, de 8 2 8 1 S 4 8 1 8 2 1 64 No. SIZE. VOL. 1792, ^ 1815 par une Society de Mili- taires et de Gens de Lettres. Maps, PJates, and Facsimiles Pnr, I8I7 8 2? 2819 Precis des Evenements Militaires ou Essai Historique sur la Guerre, Presente avec Cartes et Plans ib. 1800 8 2 2820 Biographie de Paris et des Deputes du Rayaume de France, qui out siege dans les Deux dernieres Sessions, Beauce ib. 1802 8 2 2821 Ephemerides Universelles, Historiques et Politiques du Regne de Louis XVIII. Desmarais ib. 1826 8 2 2822 rUme Royale ou le Cypres du IVoiip, oiiert a la uiemoire de sa Majeste Louis XVIIL ib. 1824 12 1 282S Memoires de Reines et Regentes de France Amster. 1782 12 2824 Les Crimes des Reines de France, de- puis le commencement de la Monarchic jusqu'a Marie Antoinette, Prudhomme, Plates Par. I79I 8 1 2825 Memoires sur la Vie Privee de Marie Antoinette, par Mde. Campan, Barriere, Lettres de Deux Jeunes Amies, Eclair- cissemens, &c. ib. 1823 8 3 2826 L'an 185 ou les Consequences dep 27- 28, & 29 Juiilet, 18ciO, par L. J. M. Carpenter, sewed ib. 1831 8 1 2827 Histoire de la Rivalite de la France et de I'Espagne, par Gaillard, li. b. ib. 1801 12 8 1828 Essais Historiques et Critiques sur la Marine de France de I66I a 1789* de la Serre i^. 1814 8 I 2829 Relative Situation of France and the United States, translated from the French of Claviere and Brisset de Warville, h. b. Lon. 17^8 8 1 165 No. SIZK. VUL. 2830 Political Annals by the Abbe St. Pierre Lon, I7(j2 8 2 2831 Situation Politique tie la France et ses Rapports Actuels, avec toutes les Puis- sances de I'Europe, Peyssonnel, sewed Ncwchatel 1790 8 1 2832 Correspondence du General Duniourier . avec Pache en 1792, li. b. Par. 1793 8 1 2883 Recueil des Pieces Ofticielles, destinees a detromper les Fran9ois sur les Evene- nnens qui se sont passes depuis quelques annees, par F. Schoell, sewed ib. 1814 8 4 2834 Extraits de Pieces Officielles, b. b. ib, 1815 8 1 2835 Depeches et Lettres intercoptees par des' partis Detaches de rArniee Com- binee du Nord derAllemaune 8 1 2836 Historical Relation of the Plague at Marseilles, in the year 1720, from the French, by Anne Plumptre, bds. Lon. 1805 8 1 2837 Memoirs of Jacobinism, by Barreul, translated by Clifford, bds. Lon. 1798 8 4 III.— MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN HISTORY. 2838 MARIANA DE REBUS HISPA- NliE, h. b. Haf^a Comitum 1733 fol. 1 2839 Tlie generall Histoire of Spaine, from the French of Lewis de M. Turquet, translated into Fnglish, and continued unto these Times, by E. Grimeston Lon. 1612 fol. 1 2810 History of Spain and Portugal. W. Beawes, h. b. Jbon. 1793 fol. 1 2841 Histoire Generale de TEspagne. Dep- ping i^ar. 1811 8 2 2842 Abregd de I'llistoire d'Espagne, de D. Yriarte, trad uit par Brunet Par. 1803 12 1 ? ", |};: 1G6 No. II/E. VOL. ^8i3 Histoire de la Domination des Arabes et des Mseures en Espagne et en Portu- gal — redige sur I'Histoire, traduite de TArabe en Espagnol de J. Conde. De Maries Par, 1825 3 3 2844 Watson's History of Philip II. King of Spain ' Dub. 1777 8 2 2845 Histoire du Regne de Philippe II. Hoi d'Kspagnol, par M. Watson, traduit de I'Anglais, sewed Amsttr. 1 778 12 4 284G Memoirs Historiques sur Ferdinand VII. Roi des Espagnes, traduit de TEs- pagnol, Portait et iNotes Par. 1824 8 i 2S47 Historical Review of the Spanish Re- volution, by E. Blaquiere, Map, bds. Low. 1829 8 1 2848 Memoires Historiques sur la Revolution d'Espagne, par M. de Pradt, h. b. Par. 181G 8 1 2849 Memoires sur la Guerre en Espagne, parM. de Hjoca, h. b. /'«/•. 1814 8 1 2850 The History of the Revolutions of Por- tugal, h. b. Zon. 1740 8 1 2851 Revolutions de Portugal, Vertot Avignoii I8OG 12 1 2852 Another Copy of the same, P,ir. \^^S 12 1 2853 Histoire des Republiques Ilalliennes, par Sismondi Par. 1818 8 16 2854 Italy by Lady Morgan, bds New York 1821 8 2 2855 Lettres Historiques et Critiques sur ritaiic. C. de Drosses Par.l*an\\\u 8 3 2856 Discription Historique et Critique mr ritalie, I'Abbe Richard Par.VijQ J2 6 2857 Lettres sur Tltalie en 1785, parDupaty Par. 1810 18 3 2858 Histoire de la Republic de Venise. P. Daru, Maps, &c. Par. 1821 8 8 28o9 Histoire de Venise, par Houssaie, Maps, No. 2860 2862 2863 2864 2865 2866 2867 28G8 2869 and Plates Lyon 1740 12 3 2870 2870* 2871 2872 : 2873 . ] 8 2874 1 P H)7 1 No. i 2860 2 2862 2863 4 I 2864 2865 2866 1 2867 1 2868 2869 8 1 8 4 2870 2870* 2871 2872 2873 2874 5 8 1 •IZE. VOL. Histoire Abrege de la Republique do Venise en 1618, par Saiut-Real, h. b. Par. Van iii. 18 1 Machiavel's History of Florence Glas. 1761 12 2 Memoires Historiques, Politiques, &c. 8ur le Royuume de Naples, Comte G. Orloff, Cartes, Notes, &c. Duval Par. 1825 8 5 Revolutions de Naples, et de Piernont, 1820-21 Par. 1821 Histoire de Suisse. Mallet, Large Map, Geneve 1803 The History of the Helvetic Republics. F. H. Naylor, bds. Ltm. 1809 8 4 Histoire de la Maison d'Autriclie, Coxe, traduite, par Henry, h. b. Par. 1810 Shaw's Sketches of the History of the Austrian Netherlands, h. b. Lon. 1788 The Netherlaud Historian, containing a True and Exact Relation of what passed in the Late Wars, IO7I-74, Illustrated with above Oo Sculptures. Stephen Swart, (curiousj Amsfi'i. 1675 12 History of the Netherlands. Graltan, bds. Phil. 1821 22 Sir W. Temple's Observations upon the United Provinces of ti. • Netherlands Etiin. 1747 12 Histoire de TEmpire d Allemagne et principalementde.M'b Revolutions depuis Charlemagne jusqu a nos Jours Par. 1771 12 8 De TAUemagne, par Mdme. De Stael Holstein Par. 1814 Histoire de la Ville de Hambourg, desa Rehgion, de son Gouvernenient, et de son Commerce, sewed Pur. 1809 Histoire de la Guerre de Trente-Ans, par Schiller et de la Paix de Westphalie, 1 1 I 8 3 8 2 No. 2875 2870 2877 2878 2879 2880 2881 2882 2883 • 2884 2885 2886 2887 2888 , ' ( 2889 ii 289U 168 SIZE. Vol, par Woltmann, traduit de TAllemand, par M. De Chassat Pan 1 820 8 2 Histoiie de la HoIIande, 1609, 1697- Neuvillo Par, 1823 12 1 Beauties de THistoire de la Hollande et des Pays Bas Par. 1823 12 1 Dociirnens Historiques et Reflexiones sur le Gouvernement de la Hollande, par Louis Bonaparte Par. 1820 8 3 Lettres sur la Hollande, li. b. A /a Hny 1780 12 2 Revolutions des Pays Bas depuis 15.09, jusqu'a 1584, h. I). Pur. 1730 18 1 Histoire Generale de la Belgique, par Dewez BruxeUes 1807 8 7 Histoire Purticuliere des Provinces Belgiques sous le Government des Dues et des Comtes. Dewez JBrus. 1816 8 3 History of the Belgian Republic, from the German of Schiller, hds. Lon. 1807 12 1 La Reunion de la Belgique a la Hol- lande, with other Pamphlets lirus. 12 I Histoire de Dannemarc. Mallet G(7ieve 1787 12 9 History of tlie Revolution in Sweden. C. F. Shendan Dub. I778 8 1 Revolutions de Suede. Vertot, h. b. Par. 1812 12 1 Harte's, Gustavus Adolphus, bds Lon. 1767 8 2 Histoire de Conquetes de Gr.stave Adolfe, par Grimeaid, avec plans des principales Battail'es Stuchatel 1 787 8 3 History of Charles XII., by Gustavus Adierfeld, translated by Ford, h. b. Lon. 1742 4 1 Histoire de Charles XII. Voltaire Ltm. 1813 18 1 169 No. SIZE. VOL. 2891 Tableau de la Vie et du Regne de Frederic le Grand. Grimoard Lo», 1788 8 1 2892 Life of Frederick II., King of Prussia, from the French Lon. I789 8 2 2893 Les Sovenirs de Vingt ans de St^jour a Berlin, ou Fredericle Giandsa Famille, &c. d'ThiebauIt, Portraits Par, 1813 8 4 2894 Histoire secrete do la Cour de lierlin. Hiraheau J^ar. 1821 8 1 2895 Histoire de I'Anarchie de Pologne, par Uulhier^, h. h. Par. I807 12 4 2896 Beautes de 1* Histoire de Pologne. Nou- garet rar. I8I7 12 I 2897 Lettres on the Dismemberment of Po- land and France Lo?i. 1793 8 1 2898 History of the Kingdom of Poland, from the French, wants Title 8 1 2899 Histoire de Stanilas Roi de Pologne. Proyart Lyon. I784 12 2 2900 Histoire de Russie et des Principales Nations de I'Empire Russe, Levesque, 4th edition, par Malte-Brun and Dep- ping Par. 1812 8 8 Plates to do. 4 1 2901 Richardson's Anecdotes of the Russian Empire, h. b. Lon. 1784 8 1 2902 Hi^toire de I'Empire de Russie sous Pierre le Grand. Voltaire Pur. 1815 18 2 2903 His^toire de Catherine J L, Imperatrice de Russie Casteru, h. b. Ptir. I'an 8 12 4 2904 Vie d'Alexander 1. Empereur de Russie Par. 1828 8 I 2905 Tooke's Russian Empire, Map Loti. 1799 8 2 2906 Histoire de TEmpire Ottoman. Salla- berry. Mops Par. 1821 8 4 ^•907 Histoire de I'Empire Ottoman. Mig- not rar. 1771 l^ 3 f^i^ 1 1 No. 2908 1 1 i 2909 m 1 [ 2910 1 i: 1 \ 2911 ' i 2912 . 1 2913 ; ! t 2914 170 SIZE. VOIi. Knoll's and Rycaut's Turkish History, abridged by Savage Lon, 1704 8 2 ttou's Turkish Empire, h. b. Russia Lon. 1798 8 1 Revolutions de Constantinople en i807i 1808. Juchereau de St. Denys rar. -i8\9 8 2 J. H. Boceleri Commentarius Historico Politicus de Rebus Tunicis, bds. Bndissae I7I7 8 1 Vandoncourt's Memoirs of the Ionian Islands. Translated by W. M^alton. Map, bds. Lon. 18 16 8 1 Revolution Actuelle de la Grece. Par Blaquiere, sewrd Par. 1825 8 1 Letters on Greece. By M. Savary Lon, 1788 8 I IV.— GENERAL EUROPEAN HISTORY. ■I 2916 Jac. AUGUSTI THUANI HISTO- RIARUM sui Temporir, Lib CXXIII, &c. Portrait, fine edition, strongly bound in Russia Lon. 1733, iclio 7 2916 1 he History of Europe, Ancient and Modern, by Dr. Russell, neatly bound in calf, gilt Ltm. 1818 8 10 2917 The Modern History, or the Present State of all Nations, by M. Salmon. Illustrated with Cuts and Maps, by H. Moll Lon. ll'ZS 99I8 View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, by H. Hallam, neat calf, Ar/n. 1818 'i919 Memoires pour servir a rHistoire du XV^III. Siecle, contenant les Nogocia- tions, Traitez, et outros Documens Authentiques Liez par une Narration, par M. de Lambert, wants vol. 8. Aio Haye 1724 4 11 8 10 4 2 r^.- 171 No. 2920 Memoires pour servir a THistoire de TEurope, depuis I6OO jusqu'en I7I6, par d'Avigny ^ismes 1783 2921 Present State of Europe, from the Ger- man by Nugent Lon. 1770 2922 Sketch of the History of Europe from the year 1783 to 1814, by J.Bigland Luit. 1815 2923 Politique de tous les Cabinets de l*Eu- rope, pendant les Regnes de Louis XV. et XVI. par L. P. Segur L*Aine, h. b. Pai\ 1801 2924 Histoire de la Politique de TEurope, depuis le Commencement de la Revo- lution Fran9ais jusqu'au congres de Viennc Paoli-Chagny Par, I8I7 2925 Political State of Europe, from tlie vear 1792 to the year I79O, h. b. Lon. I796 292G A Complete History of Europe, from the year IG7O to the year IC97 Lnn, 1698 2927 Tableau Historique et Politique de TEurope depuis 178G jusqu'en 179G, par L. P. Segur PAine, li. b. Par. 1803 2928 A Political Survey of tlie Present State of Europe, by E. A. W. Zimmerman Lon, 1787 2929 The Preserit State of Europe Z>f, w. 1 7O I 2930 On the Staie of Europe before and aftf^r the French Revolution. 'J'ran^lat- ed from the German l)y J. C. Herries Lon. 1804 2931 Europe by a Citizen of the United States, bds. Boston. 1822 2932 Hiistoire Gcnctilogicjue des Maisons So- veraines de TEurop*' depuis leur origine juisqu'a Present Lar. 1812 2933 Elat dc's Conrs de TEurope et des Pro- vinces de 1 runce pour Tannee 17^4*1 pai" P. de hi Roche-Tilhac P<t»\ 17S4 SIZR. VOL. 8 2 8 3 8 2 8 3 8 4 8 8 8 1 8 3 8 8 I 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 S 1 1 .fKiMRT^^^^^Hk ' 172 No. tJZE. VOL. 8 1 8 1 12 5 12 8 8 1 12 3 2934 Letters written by Sir William Temple and other Ministers of State at Home and Abroad Lon. I7OO 8 2 2935 Blagdon's Political Register for 1809- 10, neatly bound in Russia Lon. rl. 8 2 2936 Gait's Historical Pictures, wood cuts Lon. 1821 12 2 2937 Leckie*s Historical Survey of Foreign Affairs for 1808-9-10, h. b. Lon. ISIO 2938 Davies's Historical Tracts Dub. I787 2939 The Jewish Spy Lon. I776 2940 The Turkish Spy Lon. 1801 2941 The German Spy Lon. 1740 2942 Anecdotes des Republiques Pur. I77I 2943 Anecdotes Itallienncs depuis la Distruc- tion de TEmpire Roman en Occident jusqu'a nos Jours Par. 1749 12 1 2944 Beautes de I'Histoire de la Savoie et de Geneve du Piemont de la Sardaigne et de Genes, par Nougaret. Plates Par. 1818 12 1 2945 WilHams's Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Northern Governments Lon. 1777 4 2 2946 Pieces Interessantes et Peu connues pour servir a I'Histoire et a la Littera- ture Bruxellus 1785 12 8 Correspondence between a Gentleman in B<>rJin and a Person of Distinction 2947^ in London, from 1803 to 1804 Dies. Tableau Historiquc et Politique de Bo- i^naparte Par. 1801 8 1 2948 Expose Comparatif de la France et des Principales Puissances de I'Europe, par Bigrion, sowed Par. 1814 8 1 2919 Tableau des Revolutions de I'Europe, M. Koch Par. 1814 8 4 2950 De la Revolution Europeenne, par C. J. B. Bonnin, h. b. Par. 1815 8 1 2951 Germany and the Revolutioui by Pro- 2952 2953 2954 2955 2956 2957 2958 2959 29C«0 29GI 2962 2963 2964 296> 2966 8 I 8 1 173 N». «u». vol. fessor Goerres. Translated by J. Black, Ms. Lou. I**2U 8 1 29«52 Extraits de I'lntroduction a THbtoire de Charles Quint, par Robertson, Pre- cedes d'urie Preface par D'Pradt, b. b. Par. 18^3 2953 Historic de rAinbassade dans V'arsovie en 181(>, par D'Pradt Par. I8I7 295i Precis Historicjiie sur le celel)re Field- Marecbal Comte Souworow Rymnik^ki, Prince Italikski, par De G. Du boscage Ham. ISUS 8 1 2955 Vie et Pontificat de Leon X. par II0&- coe, traduit par F. Henry Par. 1813 8 4 2956 Hoscoe's Leo X. P/ii/. ISOo 8 4 2957 The Lives of the Princes of Orange, from the French, by T. Brown, por- traits, Lon. 1093 8 1 2958 History of Francis Eugene Prince of Savoy, by an English Officer L^>/#. 174^1 1^2 1 2959 An Historical Account of all the Ordtrs of Knighthood at present existing in Europe, with Notes, Sec. bds. 8 2 29OO Histoire des Chevaliers de Maltbe, par I'Abbe de Vertot, Par. 1778 12 C 29GI Instructions sur les principaux devoirs des Chevaliers de Malte, Par. IJ 12 12 1 2962 Essai sur I'lnfluence des Croisades, par Heel en, traduit pur Villers J\ir. 1JS08 8 1 2963 Beauties de THistoire des Croisades Par. 1820 12 1 2964 Histoire Militaire de la Suis^se et celle des Suisses dans les differens services de TEurope, par M. May, H. B. Lausanne, I788 8 8 296 J Traite entre Le Roy, TEmpereur et le Roy de la Grande Bretagne, pour la Pacification de I'Europe, 17 18, vellum Par. 1719 4 1 2906 Meniolres et Negociations secretes de la 174 M f1 i 1 Will No. 2907 SIZE. VUL 1^ f ^ 1 '■ ■ 1 2908 2909 ' 2970 ^ 2971 * • i 2972 2973 2974 2975 2975* Cour de France, touchant la Pafx de Miiri8ter Amster. 1710 8 3 Introduction a PFlistoire de la Guerre en Allemagne en 1/50, ou Memoirs Militaires ct Politiques du General Lloyd, Lon. 1784 4 1 Baine's History of the Wars of the French Hevolution, from 1792 to 1815. portraits and maps Low, 1819 4 2 Stephen's Ware of the French Hevolu- tion Phil. 1804 8 2 History of the War in Spain and Por- tugal, from I8O7 to 1814, by General Sarrazin, bds. L.on. 1815 8 1 A British Officer's Campaigns from 1811 to 1815, bds. J? /m 1819 8 1 The Theatre of the late War in the Netherlands and on the Rhine, with an Appendix Lon. 1750 8 1 Considerations on the War with the Turks, translated from Volney, Lon. 1788 8 I Collection de Relations de Voyages, Par. 1823 8 1 Les Impostures de PHistoire Ancienne et Profane, sewed Lou. I77O 12 2 Famiani Shadow Romani e Societate Jesu de Bello Belgico decas prima ab excessu Caroli V. Imper. portraits Bmonice, 1646 12 1 XII.— ASIATIC HISTORY. 2976 Maurice's History of Hindostan, its Arts and Sciences as coimected with other Great Empires of Asia, during the most Ancient Periods of the World. Nu- merous fine Plates Lon. 1795 2977 Dow's History ot Hindostan, translated 4 3 :i i 175 No. 2978 2979 2980 2981 SIZE. VOL, 2982 2983 2984 2985 from the Persian, with Maps and Plates Lon. 1770 4 2 Orme's History of the Mihtary Trans- actions of the Bntis*h Nation in Iiidos- tan, with Life, &c. Maps and fine Plates Lon. 1703 4 3 Mitchell's Essay on the best means of Civilizing the Subjects of the British Empire in India Edin. 1805 4 1 The History of British India, by James Mill, Maps, bds. Lon. \^-Z0 8 6 Fullarton*s V.ovv of the English Inte- rests in ![!';», and an Account of the Military O *i(.ns during the Cam- paigns of 1, ,-ij 4, Maps, bds. Lon, 1788 8 I Dissertations and Miscellaneous Pieces relating to the History and Antiquities of Asia, by Sir W. Jones and othei-s Dub. 1793 8 1 A Short Review of the British Govern- ment in India, bds. Lon, 1790 8 1 The History of Ilium or Troy, includ- ing the adjacent country and the oppo- site coast. Map, bds. Lon, 180'2 4 1 Anecdotes Arabes et Musulmanes, de- puis Tan de J. C. Gl4, jusqu'a 1538 Par. 1772 12 1 XIII.— AFRICAN HISTORY. 2986 Historic de I'Egypte sous le Governe- ment de Mohammed Aly, depuis le de- part des Fran^ais jusqu'en 1823, par Mengin precede d*une Introduction His- torique, p?"Ajroiib Var, 1823 2987 Les Bedouins ou Arabes du Desert, par F. J. Mayeux et orne de 24 figures designees, par F. Massard ib. 1 8 1 6 18 2988 Narrative of the Expedition to Egypt 8 2 ■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-S) /, {./ ^ 'V. ,% WJ.^ d/. %° % 1.0 I.I l^|2£ 12.5 IL25 i 1.4 120 Is 11 1.6 y] V /A Photographic Sciences Corporation fV 4^ L1>^ :\ \ <\ AA ^\ <^. ^ 33 WEST MAIN STRUT WEBSTEtN.Y MS80 (716) izs^soa ;j ■mi r 170 No. SIZE. VOL. 2989 2990 2991 2992 2993 2994 299.5 2996 2997 2998 2999 3000 under Sir Ralph Abercrombie, with Map Lon. 1803 12 1 XIV.— AMERICAN HISTORY. Georgius Homius, De Origiriibus Ame- ricanis, vellum liagcB Comiiis 1G52 12 1 Historic Philosophique et Politique des Etablisiiemcns et du Commerce des Kuropeens dans les deux Indes, par Guiilaume Thomas Raynal, Plates Par. l*an III, 8 10 Atlas to do. 4 1 Another copy of the same, Plates W. 1778 8 7 A Summary, Historical and Political, of the first Planting, Progressive Improve- ments, and Present State of the Bri- tish Settlements in North America, by W. Douglass, Map Lon, 1755 A General History of the British Em- pire in America, by M. Wynne, Map. Lon. 1770 Another copy of the same Burke*s Account of the European Set- tlements in America, wants titles American Annals, or a Chronological History of America, from its Discovery in 1492 to I8OG, by A. Holmes, bds. Lon. 1806 8 2 The Charters of the Biitish Colonics in America Lou. 8 1 Chalmers's Political Annals of the Pre- sent United Colonies from their Set- tlement to the Peace of 17^3 Lon. I78O 4 1 History of the United States from their first Settlement in l607» to the year 18U8, by D. Ramsay, continued by S. S. Smith Phil. 1810 8 3 A Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of Noith 8 2 3 2 8 2 8 2 IZE. VOL. 12 1 12 1 8 10 4 1 8 7 i 8 2 ) 3 2 8 2 8 2 1 8 2 8 1 ) 4 1 ) 8 3 8 3 8 3 b. Trunl)ull, Portraits and Map by 8 1 177 No. SIZE. VOL America from their first Colonization to the present day, by D. B. Warden, Map, bds. Edin, 1819 3001 Recherches Historiques et Politiques sur les Ktats-Unis de TAmerique Septen- trionale Colt'e 1788 3002 History of the United States, by C. A. Goodrich, Plates Hartford \S^*5 12 1 3003 History of the United States, with Ques- tions for the Use of Schools, &c. KfU'HcN. //. 1822 12 1 3004 An Appeal from the J udgement of Great Britain resj)ectinji^ the United States of America, by R. Walsh, bds i'hil. 1819 3005 History of ^^w York, from the first Discovery, to t!ie year 1732, by W. Smith, with Continuation to LSI4 Albany, 1814 300G The New York Conspiracy, or a His- tory of tiie Negro Plot, with the Jour- nal of the Proceedings against the Con- spirators at New York, in the years 174 1-2, by D. Horsmanden, New York, 1810 3007 History of the Colony of Masi^achusets Bay, from the first Settlement in H)28, until its Incorporation in Hi9l. Hut- cliinson Lon. 17<iO 3008 The Natural and Civil History of Ver- mont, by S. Williams, Map BurL 1809 3009 The Natural and Political History of the State of Vermont, with an Appen- dix, by T. Allen, Large Map. h. b, Lon, 1798 3010 A Complete History of Connecticut, from the Emigration of the first Plan- tors from En:;land in l(i30, to 1713, 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 9 8 1 Hatiford, 1797 8 1 '^» r 17s No. SIZE. ^OL. 301 1 The History of New Hampshire, by J. Belknap, Map Dover, N. H. 1812 8 2 SOI 2 A Compendious History of New Eng- land, by J. Morse, with the Jesuits' Let- ters, h. b. Lo?u 1808 8 I 3013 A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the first Planting thereof in 1607, to 1677, by W. Hubbard Bratleboromih, 1814 12 1 3014 The History of Louisiana, or of the "Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina, from the French of M. Le Page Du Pratz, h. b. Map Lon. IJJ'if 8 1 3015 A Sketch of the History of Maryland during the three first years after its Set- tlement, by J. L. Bozman, with Por- trait Baltimore, 1811 8 1 3016 The History of the British Plantations in America, Part I. containing the His- tory of Virginia, with Remarks, by Sir W. Keith, Map Lon. 1738 4 1 3017 The History and Prei^ent State of Vir- ginia, by K. Beverly, (scarce edition) Lon. 1722 8 1 3018 Memoires pour servir a THistoire cle la Revolution de Saint Domiiigue, par Pamphile de Lacroix, avec une Carte Nouvflle de Tile et un Plan Topogra- phique de la Crete-a- Pierrot Par. 1820 8 2 3019 Hiiftoire de I'Orenoque, par le P. J. Gumiila, traduit de I'Espagnol, h. b. j' on, 1758 12 3 2020 Lcs Antilles Fran9aises ^ .ticuliere- ment la Guadeloupe depuis leur Decou- verte jusq'au 18'iii3, par Buyer Peyrelau orne d'uno Carte, &c. Par. \8^ZS 8 3 3021 Dallas's History of the Maroons, from their Origin to the Establishment of their Chief Tribe at Sierra Leone, with No. 302S 3025 3024 3025 3026 3027 3328 3029 3030 3031 1*1 170 SIZE. ^OL. J. 2 8 2 t- )8 S I w of 14 12 1 le a, )u 74> 8 1 id it- )r- 11 8 1 ns is- sir 38 4 1 22 8 1 la No. 3022 3023 SIZE. VOL. 8 2 8 1 3024 3025 3026 3027 3328 3029 3030 3031 2 a History of the Island of Jamaica, bds Lon. 1803 Grant's History of Brazil, and Michaux's Travels to the West of the Alleghany Mountains, &c. h. b. JLon, 1809 The Geographical, Natural, and Civil History of Chili, from the Italian of Don Jc Ignatius Molina, with Notes, &c. bds Lon. 18 J9 8 2 Histoire du Paraguay, par le P. Pierre Fran9ois Xavier de Charlevoix. Cartes Par, 1757 12 6 Histoire de la Conquete du Mexique ou de la Nouvelle Espagne, par Fernand Cortez, traduit de I'Espagnol Par. 1759 12 Ouvres de Don Barthelemi de Las Casas Eveque de Chiapa, Defenseur de la Li- berte des Naturels de TAmerique pre- cedees de sa Vie, par J. A. Llorente, Portrait Par, 1822 History of the Bucaniers of America Lon. 1810 24 A Concise and Impartial History of the American Revolution. To which is pre- fixed, a General History of Nerth and South America, by J. Lendrum, Maps Trenton, 1811 12 Annals of the American Revolution, or a Record of the Causes and Events. To which is prefixed, a Summary Ac- count of the first Settlement of the Country, by J. Morse, Plates Hart. 1824 The Revolution of America, by the Abbe Raynal Edin. 1783 12 History of the Rise, Progress, and Ter- mination of the American Revolution, by Mrs Mercy Warren, bds. Boston, 1805 8 8 2 2 8 1 180 U I',, ')!■ , No. SIZE. VOL. 3032 An Impartial History of the Present War in America, by J. Murray, Por- traits Newcnstk'Vijon-Tyrie^ 1 778 8 2 3033 The History of the Civil War in Ame- rica, 1775-(i-7, Map Lotu I78O 8 1 8034 Sketches of the War between the United States and the British Isles, h. b. Jutland, ] 815 8 1 3035 Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence, and . the Capture ol the German Troops at Saratoga, by Madame de Reidesel. From the German, bds. N. York, 18^7 12 l 3036 Thomson's Historical Sketches of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, Portraits r/iil. 18 16 12 1 3037 Brackenbridge's History of the late War between the United States and Great Britain, Plates Baltimore, 1818 12 1 3038 War in Disguise, or the Frauds of the Neutral Flags, with Answer to ditto, N, York, 1806 8 1 3039 Views o^ the Campaigns of the North- western Army, &c. by S. K. Brown, Builington, 1814 12 1 3040 State of the Expedition from Canada, as laid before the House of Commons, by Lieut.-General Burgoyne, h. b. Lon. 178O 8 1 3041 The Life of George Wa^^hington, Com- mander-in-Chief of the American Forces^ and Fii-st President of the United States, with an Introduction, bv J. Marshall, Portrait, Phil. \^i)5 8 5 3042 The Life of George Washington, by D. Ramsay, Poj trait, N. York, 18U7 8 1 3043 Another copy of the j>ame, Host on, 1811 12 1 3044 Vie de George Washington, par D. 181 SIZE. VOL. i 8 2 8 1 d 5 8 1 e d it I. 7 12 1 e d 6 12 1 r Lt 8 12 1 le 4 12 1 8> 8 5 8 1 1 12 1 ). No. aizB. VOL. Ramsay, traduit de I'Anglais, Portrait Par. 18u9 8 1 S0i5 The Life of George Washington, with Curious Anecdotes, hy M. L. Weems, Plates P/uL 1809 12 1 304i6 Official Letters to the American Con- gress, written during the War with Great Britain, by his Excellency George Washington Boston, 1795 12 2 3047 Eulogies, Orations, Sermons, &c. on the Death of G. Washington, h. b. 8 1 3048 The American's Guide, comprising the Declaration of Independence, the Ar- ticles of Confiederation, the Constitu- tion of the United States, and the Con- stitutions of the several States com- posing the Union PM. 1828 18 1 State Papers and Public Documents of the United States, from the year 1801 to 1815, bds. Bosfon 1815 8 5 American State Papers for the years 1800-7, bds. t'O. 1808 8 1 Collections of the New York Historical Society for the year 1809, vol, I, h. b. A^. Yoik 1811 8 1 Lettres d'un Americain addressees a Wm. S on, Esq.depuis 1770 jusqu'en 1786, par M. St John de Creve Coeur, traduit de P Anglais, plates. Par. 1787 8 3 3052 The Contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its Conse- quences and Importance, map, h. b. Lon. 1757 8 1 3053 Report of the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs, by J. Moi*se, with map and portrait, bds. New Hitvin 1822 8 1 2054 History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada which are dependent on the Province of New York, and are the 3049 3050 3050* 3051 m "i l||r !' '*; lii: ■ ', j t < '. . I ! ; No. 182 SIZE. VOL> Barrier between the English and French in that part of the world, by C. Colden, h. b. Lon. 1747 8 I XV.— ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 3055 3055* 3056 3057 3058 3059 3060 306 1 3062 3063 3064 3065 3066 Histoire critique des Dogmes et des Cultes, par Jurieu, Amsttr, I704 4 1 Histoire Abregee des Differens Cultes. Dulaure Par, 1825 8 2 A Critical History of the Doctrines and Worships of the Church, from Adam to our Saviour Jesus Christ, from the French of Jerieu, Lon. 1705 8 2 Sacred and Profane History Connected, by S. Shuckford, maps, &c. h. b. Lon, 1808 8 4 Another copy of the same, maps, &c. PhiL 1824-8 4 in 2 The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and neigh- bouring Nations to the time of Christ, by H. Prideaux, Lon. I720 8 2 A Short History of the Ancient Israel- ites, by Adam Clarke, portrait, Ballimore 1811 12 1 Histoire des Peuples de Dieu, par Ber- ruyer, fine copy, complete, Pwr. 1728-57 4 14 Recueil des critiques centre THistoire des Peuples de Dieu, avec les Reponses. Berruyer, a 5th volume, Amsier. 4 1 Historical Account of the Life and Reign of David, King of Israel, L0W.I74O 8 2 Acts and Monuments of Matters most Special and Memoriable Happening to the Church, by John Fox, plates, H. B. lb. 1684 folio 3 The Book of Martyrs, by J. Fox, plates, Liverpool 1803 4 2 in I Bloomfield's History of the Martyrs, numerous fine plates, Suffolk 1810 4 2 183 8 I 4 1 8 2 8 2 8 2 12 1 4 14 4 1 8 2 blio 3 2 in 1 4 2 No. SIZE. VOL. 3066* Fleetwood's Life and Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ, with the Lives, Travels, and Sufferings of the Apostles, bds. Dub. 1821 8 1 3057 The Ecclesiastical History of England, to the XVIIL century, Warner Lon. 1766 folio 2 3068 Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Eccle- siastique des VL premiers siecles. Tille- mont Par. 1701-11 4 15 8069 Histoire de TEglise et de T Empire depuis la Naissance de Jesus Christ, jusqu*a la fin du X. Siecle, J. le Sueur, Amster. 1730 4 8 in 4 3070 Histoire de TEglise et du Monde pour servir de continuation a I'Histoire de J. le Sueur, avec Annotations, &c. par B. Pictet ib, 1732 4 3 3071 Histoire Ecclesiastique, par M. Fleury, Niomes I778 8 25 3072 Discours sur I'Histoire Ecclesiastique. Fleury, Par. 1777 12 2 3073 Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History Char.estown 1810 8 6 3074 Histoire Ecclesiastique de Mosheim, traduit de T Anglais M(testricht I776 8 6 3075 An Ecclesiastical History from the l^rench of Formay, bds. Low. 1 768 8 2 3076 Abrege Chronologique de I'Histoire Ecclesiastique, Par. 1768 12 3 3077 Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire Eccle- siastique pendant le XVIH. Siecle, (Picot) ib. I8O6 3078 Fragmens relatifs a I'Histoire Ecclesi- astique des premieres Annees du XIX. siecie ib. 1814 3079 Beautes de I'Histoire Ecclesiastique. Nougaret, ib. 1822 12 2 3080 Histoire de I'Eglise en Abrege depuis le 8 2 8 I 184 |!:ii I i ¥^ I 'I n I' pi li'i-' t ' I ' -I - :;i:r. No. 3081 3082 3083 3084 3085 30S6 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3092 3j93 3094. 3095 8IZR. VOL. Commencement du Monde, jusqu'a Pre- sent, par L. E. Du Pin, ib, 1732 Du IMu's Ecclesiastical History, trans- lated. Lull. lOy'ii folio. The Homish Ecclesiastical History of Late Years, Lon. 1714 Ecclesiastical History of Ireland to the beginning of the 13th Century. Lanigau vols. 3 and 4 Duh, 1829 Histoire de PEglise de Meaux, par Toussaints du Plessis Par. 1731 History of the Christian Church. Gre- gory Ijoii. 1795 History of the Church, by A. S. Pater- son, bds. JSdin. 18S0 Tile General History of the Christian Church. Sig. Pastorini Cork i821 Histoire General e de TEglise, tiree principalement de l*ApocaIypse Saim Mnlo IS07 Les Antiquites de I'l^glise, Anglo Sax- onne. Lingard. Traduit de TAnglais, sewed Pur, 1828 Southeys Book of the Church, bds. B sfon 1825 Backus's Church History of New Eng- land, from l(iu2 to 1804 ?A 18u4 Memoir of the Expediency of an Eccle- siastical Establishment for British India, Buchanan Cambridge 1811 Histoire Abregee de la Religion avant Jesus Christ, par L. Homond, bds. Par. 1816 The Catholic Religion in Britain, in- cluding Memoirs of i'anzani Envoy to the English Court, &c. translated from the Italian by Berington, bds. Lon. 1813 Memoirs pour servir a I'Histoire de la Religion a la fin du XVIII. Siecle Par. 1803 12 4 2 in 1 8 1 8 2 4 2 8 2 8 2 8 1 12 3 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 12 1 8 1 8 2 fe 306( 310( 3101 310S 3103 3104 3105 3105 3106 SIO7 3108 3109 :1; I IIZE. VOL. 12 4 , ^2 in 1 8 1 I 8 2 8 1 ' 12 3 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 \ 12 1 8 1 8 2 18^ I i No. 3096 3097 3098 SIZE. VOL. 8 2 4 2 3069 8 o 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3105* 3106 3107 3108 3109 Histoire des Sectes Religieuses, par M. Gregoire Far, 1814 8 2 Essai Historique sur Tlnfluence de la Religion en France pendant le XVII. Siecle ib. 1824 8 2 Projet d*une Constitution Religieuse, consideree comme faisant partie de la Constitution Civile d'une Kation Libre ih 8 1 Histoire de PEtablissement du Chris- tianisme. Bullet tft. 1814 8 1 Les Siecles Chretiens, ou Histoire du Christianisme dans son Etablissttment et ses Progres ih, 1785 12 10 Histoire de I'Etablissementjdes Progres, et de la decadence du Christianisme dans PEmpire du Japon. Charlevoie ib. 1828 12 2 Tabarand's Reunion des Communions Chretiennes ib, 1824 8 1 Histoire Abregee du Sacrilege chez les differens Peuples et Particulierement en France. Loiret ih, 1825 8 2 The History of Popery, Lon, Vl^5 sm. 4 1 Traite de la Morale des Peres de I'Eglise, par J. Barbeyrac, vellum Amster, 1728 4 1 Histoire de Samuel, Inventeur du Sacre des Rois. Volney Par. 1820 12 1 Butler's Lives of the Saints, plates Dub, 1828 8 3 Jocelin's(the Cistercian Monk of Furnes, 1100,) Life of St Patrick, translated by E. L. Swift, bds. ih. 1809 8 1 Epitome de I'Histoire des Papes, Ser- reys et Sicard Par. 1805 12 1 Histoire des Confesseurs, des Empe- reurs, et d'autres Princes. Gregoire ib. 1824 8 1 !t 'I 3110 Sill 3112 3112* 3113 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 -f • 3122 - 1 i 3123 5 . J. ! 186 SIZE. VOt. La Vie du Pape Sixte Cinqiueme, de I'ltalien de Leti J*ar, 1758 12 2 I'^Ioge de Pie VI. avec I'Histoire Reli- gieuse de I'Europe sous son Pontificat, par C. du Rozoir ib. 1825 8 1 Life of Clement XIV. (Ganganelli) from the French of Carracioli Lon. 1776 8 1 La Vie de ISaint Ignace, par Le R. P. Bouhour^, portrait ib. 1820 12 1 Vie et Regie de S. Benoist ib. 1698 24 1 Essai Historique sur la Puissance Tern- porelle des Papes (Daunau) i5. 1828 8 2 De TAuthorite du Clerge et du Pouvoir du Magistrat Politique, Amster. 1767 12 2 Eloges des Eveques Fran9ais, edition revue d'apres celle publiee en 1 665, par Godeau Par, 1802 8 1 Barreul's History of the French Clergy during the Revolution fhib. I795 12 1 Correspondence de la Cour de Rome avec Buonaparte, Muzarelli, sewed Par, 1814 8 1 Histoire critique de I'Inquisition d'Es- pagne, tiree des pieces originales, par D. J. Llorente, Ancien Secretaire de rinquisition de la Cour, traduit de I'Espagnol, sur le Manuscrit, et sous les Yeux de TAuteur, par Alexis Pellier Par. 1818 8 4 Dictionnaire des Heresies des Erreui*s et des Schismes Sesnncon 18 ij 8 2 Debates on the Catholic Question in the House of Commons, 1813, and a Case in New York concerning disclos- ing the Secrets of Auricular Confession, h. b. Loit. 1813 8 1 The Tryal of the Cause of the Roman Catholics, I76I Dub. 176I 8 1 Histoire de la Guerre des Caraisards sous le Regne de Louis XIV. Aldis 1 8 i 9 12 3 N«. 312 312 312 312 312 3)21 312! 313( 313 3l3i 313i 3131 3136 313: 3124 3124* 3125 S125* 8126 3127 3J28 3129 3130 313^ a 3132 31J3 s i i 8 4, 3134 s 7 8 1 2 3135 3136 3 8 1 1 I 8 1 \ 3137 t 1 b 12 3 * 187 SIZE. roL. Relation de ce qui s'est passe a Rome dans I'Envahissement des Etats du St Siege, par ies Fran9ais et Fermete du Saint Pere pour defendre I'Eglise, h. b. i.ow.1812 12 3inl Historise Sacrse, Libri VII. per Guil Nicholsium Lon. 17 11 18 1 Memoires Historiques sur Ies Tenip- liers, sewed Par, 1805 8 1 Histoire de la Constitution Uni^enitus, par Lasiteau £esancon, 18*^0 8 1 De Lolme's History of the Flagellants, h. b. Lon. 1784 8 1 Memoires Historiques sur Ies Affaires des Jesuites, avec le Saint Sitge, Maps and Plates Lisbtn, I766 4 7 Du Jesuitisme, par De Pradt Par. 1828 8 1 Histoire Abregee des Jesuites ib. 1 820 8 2 Nouvelle Conspiration contre Ies Je- suites, traduit de TAnglais de C. Dallas, sewed ib. I817 8 1 History of the Jesuits, with Reply to Mr Dallas's Defence of that Order, bds. Lon. 1816 8 2 La Politique des Jesuites, h. b. ib. I688 12 1 Appel a la Raison des Ecrits et Libelles Publics contre Ies Jesuites, h. b. Bruxel/es, 1762 12 1 D'Alembert's Account of the Destruc- tion of the Jesuits in France Glas. 1766 12 1 Sur la Destruction des Jesuites en France 1765 12 1 Historic du Concile de Trente de lita- lien de Fra Paolo Sarpi, avec Notes, &c. par P. F. Courayer, Portrait Amster. 1751 4 3 Burnet's History of the Reformation Oi^^orrf, 18l6rl.8 6 I- i II • I 188 ■3 ' '-': S fl No. 3138 SIZE. VOL. 3140 3141 3142* 3143 < Barnet*s Reformation Abridged, Cuts Lon, 1683 8 1 3139 Cook's History of the Reformation in Scotland Edin, 181 1 8 3 Knox's History of the Reformation, Dundee, 1812 12 2 Cobbett's History of the Reformation, bds. New York, 1826 18 1 3142 Histoire de la Reforme Protestante. Cobbett Par, 1826 18 2 Parts 1 and 2 of the same Par, 1826 8 2 ' Histoire et Apologie de la Retraite des Pasteurs a cause de la Persecution de France. Francfort 1687. Les Plaintes des Protestants Cruellement opprimez, vellum (rare) Cologne, 1686 3144 Jones's History of the Waldenses^ with Map, bds. Lon, 1812 3145 Peyran*s Historical Defence of the Wal- denses, or Vaudois, with Introduction, by Sims, bds. ib. 1826 3146 Sewel's History of the People called Quakers t6. 1811 3147 Wight's History of the Quakers in Ire- land ib, 1811 3148 Barclay's Apologie, traduit de I'Anglais ib, 17U2 3149 Neal's History of the Puritans Dub, 1755 Brooks's Lives of the Puritans, from the Reformation to 1662, bds. Lon, 1813 Calamy's Lives of Nonconformists, Por- traits, h. b. ib, 1802 Bower's Life of Luther, with Portrait, bds. P/iil. I8-4J4 An Essay on the Spirit and Influence of the Reformation of Luther. Villers Lon, 1805 8 1 M'Crie's Life of Knox, with Portrait Edin. 1814 8 2 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 12 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 4 8 3 8 3 8 1 B 189 ilZB. VOL. no. 3155 1 8 1 I 8 3 3156 3157 ! 12 2 j S158 i 18 1 ! i 18 2 8 2 3159 ; 3160 3161 \ 12 1 SIZE. VOL. ! 8 1 i 8 1 I 8 2 > 8 1 I 8 1 ; 8 4 I 8 3 t 8 3 \ 8 1 i 8 1 < 8 2 3i6r Gilpin's Lives of WikclifF, and of the most eminent of his Disciples iV^w; Yorky 1814 12 1 Southey's Life of Wesley, bds. ib. 1820 8 2inl History of Jemima Wilkinson, by Hud- son, bds. Geneve, iV. F. 1821 12 1 History of the Mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America, from the German of Loskiel, bds. Xow. 1794 Mission to Paraguay, translated from the Italian of Muratori ib. 1759 12 Evans's Sketch of the Denominations of the Christian World, h. b. ib. 1808 12 Origines Ilebrsea, the Antiquities of the Hebrew Republic. Lewis. Vol. 1 Lon. 1724 The Tree of Life, or the Church of Christ, a large Engraving Man, 1809 8 1 1 8 1 irORKS liKJiCRIPTIVB OF, OR IM- MfiOIATSIilf €Oi¥]!irE€T£R ITITK RRITI9H AUKRICA. 3162 Historic et Description Generale de la Nouvelie France, avec le Journal His- torique d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans TAmerique Septentrionnale, par le P. de Charlevoix, Maps JPar, 1744 4 3 3162^ Journal d*un Voyage dans TAmerique, par Charlevoix, 5th and 6th volumes 12 2 3163 Nouveaux A'oyages de M. le Baron de Lahontan dans TAmerique Septen- trionale A la Haye, 1704 12 2inl 3164 Etat Present de TEglise et de la Co- lonic Fran9oise dans la Nouvelie I'rance, par M. TEveque de Quebec Par, 1688 8 1 3165 Relation dc ce qui s'est pass^ de plus •f 190 a ''/ iii H No. size. Vol. 3166 3167 3168 2 8 1 3169 3170 3171 3172 3173 3174 3175 3176 8 8 remarquable aux Missions des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en la Nouvelle France, depuis Tunnee 1639, jusqu'au 1660, (scree) i7>. H)40-6l 12 12 Smith's History of Canada, from its Dis- covery, to the year 179 1» bds. Qnekic, 1815 rl. 8 Heriot*s History of Canada, irom its Discovery, to the year 1731. A first volume, bds. Lun. 18U'i Gourlay's Statistical Account of Upper Canada, with Introduction, to Reform of Colonies and Poor Laws, Maps, bds. ib, 1822 Another Copy of the same Howison's Sketches of Upper Canada, Domestic, Local, and Characteristic, bds. Edin. 1822 A Visit to the Province of Upper Ca- nada in 1819» by J. Strachan, bds. Abeideen, 1820 The Emigrant's Guide to Upper Ca- nada, or Sketches of the Present State of that Province, by C. Stuart, h. b. Lun. 1820 12 1 The Emigrant's Assistant, or Kemarks on the Agricultural Interest of the Ca- nadas, by A. J. Christie, bds. Montreal, 1821 12 2 Political and Historical Account of Lower Canada, with Remarks on the Present Situation of the People, by a Canadian, bds. Lon, 1830 Account of the Proceedings of the Inha- bitants of the Province of Quebec, in order to obtain a House of Assembly in that Province, h. b. , .' k.. ' *> tb, 1775 Additional Papers concerning the Pro- vince of Quebec, being an Appendix to the above Work, h. b. ib, I776 8 1 S 1 8 1 8 1 J 8 1 igi SIZE. Vol. 12 12 I. 8 2 8 1 I 8 3 8 3 I 8 1 > 8 1 12 1 12 2 3177 SIZE. VdL< 3178 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3184 1 1 8 1 8 1 8 1 3185 3186 3187 3188 3189 Henry's Interesting Account of the Hardships and SuflV-ings of that Band of Heroes who tiav ed the Wilderness in the Campaign ligainst Quebec, in 1775 Lancas, 1812 Picture of Quebec, Map and Plates, bds. Q ehec, 1829 The Military and Naval Operations in the Canadas during the late War with the United States, by R. Christie, bds. yew York, 1818 Beautes de I'Histoire du Canada. Dain- ville Par. 1821 Transactions of the Literary and His- toriial Jljociety of Quebec, founded January 6, 1824, bds. Quebec, 18'.9-31 Extraits ou Precedents, tires des Re- gisti es de la Prevoste de Quebec, par J. F. Perrault, bds. ib. 1824 The Letters of Veritas, republished fiom the Montreal Herald, containing a Succinct iNarrative of the Military Ad- ministration of Sir George Prevost in the Canadas, bds. Mont, IH15 Report of the Special Committee on his Excellency's Speech which referred to the Organization of the Militia stitched Quebec, 1812 Rules and Regulations for the Forma- tion, Exercise, and Movements of the Militia of Lower Canada, sewed ib. 1812 Rules and Orders of Practice for the (Jourt of King's Bench, Montreal, Feb- ruary Term, 1811, bus. Montreal 1823 Another copy of the same, h. b. ib. 1811 Report of the Loyal and Patriotic Society of Upper Canada, with an Appendix, ib. I8I7 Reports of the Committee of the House of Assembly on that part of the Speech 12 1 18 1 12 1 12 1 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 12 1 8 8 8 1 19^ «•; J. . ■' Life' 1; I No. SIZE. VOL. 5190 3191 3192 3193 3194 3195 3195* 3196 2196* 3197 3198 3198* of his Excellency the Governor in Chief, which relates to the Settlement of Crown Lands, h. b. Quebec 1821-4 8 2 An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia, illustrated by a Map of the Province and several Engravings by T. C. Haliburton, bds. Halifax 1829 8 2 The Present State of Nova Scotia, with a brief account of Canada and the British Islands on the Coast of North America, with map, h. b. Edin. 1787 8 1 Letters of Agricola on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage, written for Nova Scotia, and published in the Acadian Recorder, by J. Young, bds. Halifax 1822 8 1 Precis touchant la Colonic du Lord Selkirk, sur la Riviere Rouge, sa destruc- tion en 1815 et 1816, et la Massacre du Gouverneur Semple et deson Parti, traduit de I'Anglais, bds. Montreal 1818 Papers relating to the Red River Set- tlement, with maps, 1815-1819, sewed Low. 1819 folio Another copy folio Pietas et Gratulatio Collegii Canta- brigiensis apud Novanglos Boston I76I Notice respecting the Boundary between His Majesty's Possessions in North America and the United States, with a map, bds. Lon, 181 7 8 1 Pownall on the Administration of the Colonies Lon, I768 8 1 12 Volumes of Pamphlets, half bound, many of which are relative of Canada, and are scarce and interesting ■» 8 12 98 Pamphlets relative to Canada, some of them scarce A Topographical description of the Bri- 8 1 1 1 4 1 No. 8 2 No. 193 SIZE. vor.. tisli Colonies in North America, with map. Pawnall. Lon, I776, (scarce) bound up with it is a vol. of Hargrave's State Trials, h. b. 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 4 1 8 1 8 1 8 12 3199 BAYLE'S DICTIONNAIRE Histo- rique et Critique, fine edition, vellum, Botlerdam I72O folio 4 3200 BAYLE'S DICTIONNAIRE Histo- rique et Critique, Vie de PAuteur AmsL 173<i< folio 5 3201 Biographia Brittannica, or the Lives of the most Eminent Persons who have flourished in Great Britain and Ireland from the earliest ages. Digested in the manner of Bayle*s Dictionary, by A. Kippis and J. Towers, h. b. Lon. I784 folio 5 3202 General Biography, or Lives, Critical and Historical, of the most Eminent Persons of all Ages, Countries, &c. chiefly composed by J. Aikin and W. Enfield, wants the 3 last volumes, bds. hon. 1799 4 7 3203 Dictionnaire Universel Historique, Cri- tique et Bibliographique, Suvie de Tables Chronologiques pour reduire en corps d'Histoire les articles repandus dans ce Dictionnaire, enrichie des Notes et Additions des Abbes Brotier et Mercier de Saint Leger, &c. ornee de 1200 portraits et Medallions, h. b. Par, 1810-12 8 20 3204 A New and General Biographical Dic- tionary, containing an Historical and Critical Account of tbe most Eminent Persons in every Nation, with Supple- ment Lon, 1761 8 12 ir l! % ':r ^ > ' 1^^: m 194 No. SlZfi. VOL. 3205 Lempriere's Univei'sal Biography New York 1810 8 2 3206 Dictionnaire Historiqne et Bibliogra- phique Abrege, par L. G. Peignot Par, 1822 8 3 3207 Dictionnaire Historique ou Histoire Abrege des Hommes qui se sont fait un nom par le Genie, les Talens, &c. avec Supplement, par TAbbe Feller, portrait Par. 1818-1820 8 12 3208 Supplement du Dictionnaire Historique, par r Abbe Feller Par, AS'iS 8 2 3209 Petit Dictionnaire des Hommes Celebres de toutes les Nations, par J. F. Holland, Lyon. 1818 12 2 3209* Priestley's Description of a System of Biography, h. b. Phil. 1803 8 1 3210 Select Biography, by the Editor of the History of Northumberland, &c. h. b. Newcastle-upnn-Tyne 8 3 3211 A Biographical History of England, from Egbert the Great to the Revolu- tion, by J. Granger Lou. I779 8 4 3212 New Universal Biographical Dictionary and American liemembranctr, by James Hardie Ntw Yo'ik 1805 8 4 3213 Les Vies des Hommes Illustres de la France, depuis le commencement de la Monarchic jusqu*a present, par M. D'Auvigny Amst. I769 12 27 3214 Les Siecles Literaires de la France ou Nouveau Dictionnaire de sous les Ecri- vains Fian9a:s mort et vivans jusqu*a la fin du XVIIL Siecle, par Desessarts Par. 1800 8 7 3215 Tableau Historique de I'Esprit et du Caractere des Literateurs Fran9ois • * VermiLei 1785 8 4 3216 Galerie Historique des Contemporaines ou Nouvelle Biographie Bruxelles 1817 8 8 INO. 321 321 321 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 it 195 SlZfi. VOL, 8 2 8 3 ) 8 12 > 8 2 5 > 12 2 f J 8 1 8 3 ixo. 3217 3218 3219 3220 3221 3222 3223 SIZE. VOL. ) 8 4 3224 »^ s 3225 5 8 4 i 1 3226 • ) 12 27 i 1 - 3227 i. s 3 8 7 1 3228 5 8 4 s 7 8 8 1 5 Female Biography, or Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women of all Ages and Countries, by Mary Hayes, h. b. Lon, 1803 12 6 Sketches of the Lives and Writings of the Ladies of France, by Ann Ihick- nesse, h. b. Lon. 1798 12 3 Lives of the Ancient Philosophers, trans- lated from the French of Fenelon, by Cormack Bdin. 1808 12 2 Histoire des Philosophes Anciens, avec leur Portraits, par M. Saverien rar. 1771 12 Histoire des Philosophes Modernes, avec leur Portraits, par M. Saverien Par. 1773 12 8 Biographic Moderne ou Galerie Hlsto- rique, Civile, Militaire, Politique, &c. ornee de 150 portraits, Par, 181 6 The Annual Necrology for 1797-8, in- cluding various Articles of JNeglected Biography, h. b. Lou. 1800 Public Characters of the years 1798 to 1810, with portraits, h. b. Lon. 8 10 Eloges Historiques des Membres de r Academic Kovale des Sciences, 1800 a 1818. Cuvier JPar. 1819 8 2 Dictionnaire contenant les Anecdotes Historiques de I'Amour depuis le com- mencement du Monde jusqu'a ce jour Trot/es 1811 8 5 Nouvelle Bibliotheque des AuteursEccle- siastiques contenant T Histoire de leur Vie, le Catalogue, la Critique, &c. par Du Pin Par. IG86 8 5 in 6 Abrege de THistoire des Hommes lllus- tres de Rome depuis sa Fondation jus- qu*au regne d'Auguste traduit du Latin, par P. la Houssaie, h. b. Par. 1 787 12 2 in 1 8 3 8 1 196 No. SIZ£. VOL. 3229 Biographical Dictionary of 'Living Authors of Great Britain and Ireland, h. b. Zon. 1816 8 1 3230 Cumberland's Lives and Portraits of Public Characters who have distinguish- ed themselves, 87 engravings by Cooper, Unique Lon. 1828 18 3 3231 The British Nepos, consisting of Select Lives of Illustrious Britons, by W. Mavor, portraits Lon. 1802 12 1 3232 The British Cabinet of 1806. or Me- moirs of the Illustrious Personages who composed the Late Administration, h. b. Liver. 12 1 3233 Sketches of the Lives and Characters of Eminent English Civilians, with an Historical Introduction relative to the College of Advocates Zon, 1804 8 1 3234 The British Plutarch, containing the Lives of the most Eminent Divines, Patriots, Statesmen, ike. of Great Britain and Ireland, by F. Wrangham Zon. 1816 8 6 3235 Reliquiae Wottonianse, or a Collection of Lives, Letters, &c. with Characters of sundry Personages and other Incom- parable Pieces, by the curious pencil of Sir Henry Wotton, Kt. with fine por- trait, (rare and curious J neatly bound Lon. le.H 18 1 3236 Biographia Scoticana, or a brief His- torical Account of the Lives, Charac- ters, &c. of the most Eminent Scots Worthies Dundee 1809 8 1 3237 The Lives of the Scottish Poets, by D. Irvine, 2 portraits, h. b. ZJdin. 1810 8 2 3238 Lives of the Scottish Poets, by the Society of Ancient Scots, portraits, bds. Lon. 1821 18 3 No. 3231 324( i 3241 3242 I 3247 32 i8 3219 3250 i. > ■ 197 8 1 1-2 1 8 1 8 6 18 1 8 1 8 2 18 3 No. 3239 3240 SIZE. VOL. 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 324G 3247 32 i8 3219 3250 Biogi\t^!Ja Scotica, or Scottish Biogi-a- phical Dictionary, by J. Stark Edin, 1805 18 1 Biographia Dramatica, or a Companion to the Playhouse, containing Historical and Critical Memoirs of British and Irish Dramatic Writers, by Baker, Reid, and Jones Lon. 1812 8 3 in 4 Johnson's History of the Lives and Actions of the most Famous Highway- men, Street- Robbers, &c. bds. Etlin. 1814 8 1 The New Newgate Calendar, being Interesting Memoirs of Notorious Cha- racters who have been convicted of Out- rages on the Laws of England. Kriapp and Baldwin, numerous plates, h. b. Lon. 1813 8 5 Dictionnaire Historique, Critique et Bibliographique, incomplete Par. 18'21 8 16 The Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, wants title small folio 1 The Life of Lorenzo de Medici, by W. Roscoe, portrait Lon. 1797 4 2 The Life and Acts of Ma the w Parker, the First Archbishop of Canterbury, in the Reign of Elizabeth, by J. Strype, portrait Lon. 17 11 small folio 1 Memoirs of the Sieur de Pontis, who served in the Army 56 years under Henry IV. Lewis XIIL and XIV. Englished by C. Cotton ib. 1694 small folio 1 Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of John Howard the Philanthropist, by J. B. Brown, portraits, bds. 2^. 1818 4 I Les Memoires de Messire Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy, Lt. General des Armees du Roy, &c. Par. 1 696 4 2 The Rogue, or the Life of Guzman de Alfarache, written in Spanish, by M. Aleman, (curious) Lon, 1634 small folio \ III V t l» ■ 198 li r IT' II: V . .A -A 'U ' 'V No. SIZE. Vol. 3251 The Life of William Waynflete, Bishop of Winchester, &c. in the Reign of Henry VI. by R. Chandler, plates, h. b, Zo«. 1811 rl. 8 1 3252 Memoirs of Frederica Sophia Wilhel- mina. Princess Royal of Prussia, Mar- gravine of Bareith, Sister of Frederick the Great, written by herself, bds. Lon. 1812 8 2 3253 Histoire de la Vie et des Ouvrages de Raphael, par Quincy, fine portrait Par. 1824 8 1 3254 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Abate Metastasio, v/ith Translations by C. Burney, portrait Lon. 1796 8 3 3255 The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer, including Memoirs of John of Saunt, Duke of Lancaster, with Sketches of the Man- ners, &c. of the 14th Century, by W. ' Godwin, portraits, bds. Lim. 1804 8 3 325G The Life of Thomas Chatterton, with Criticisms on his Genius and Writings. Gregory Lon. 1789 8 1 3257 Letters and Journals of Lord Byron, with Notices of his Life, by Thomas Moore, portrait, cloth, N. York 1830 8 2 3258 Memoirs ot the Life and Writings of Lord Byron, by George Clinton, por- trait and plates, bds. Lon. 1 825 8 1 3259 Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron from the year 1808, to the end of 1814, by R. C. Dallas, bds. PhU. 1825 8 1 3260 Memoii-s of the Life, Writings, and Correspondence of Sir William Jones, by Lord Teignmouth, portrait, h. b. Fhii.lSOS 8 1 3261 The Life of Samuel Johnson, L. L. D. comprehending an Account of his Stu- dies, a Series of his Epistolary Corres- u 1 SIZE. VUL. ^f K f 1. 8 1 • k 2 8 2 e 4 8 1 )f s 6 8 3 )f i- r. N.. 32G2 3263 3264. 3205 3266 g 3267 )f l- ^ 3268 4> 8 3 h $. 9 8 1 1, 3269 :S 8 2 )f r- 3270 5 8 1 n i t. 3271 5 8 1 d i J, 3272 ►5 8 1 ] ). 1- 3273 s- 2 2 199 SIZE. Vol.. pondence, &c. by J. Boswell, portrait Bosttn I8O7 8 3 Memoirs of the Life of Sir 1 homas More, Lord High Chancellor of Eng- land, in the Reign of Henry VHL by F. Warner Lon. 1758 8 1 I'he History of the Life of Reginald Pole Lon. 1707 8 Another copy, h. b. ih. I7O7 8 Animadversions upon Mr Phillips's His- tory of the Life of Cardinal Pole. New Oxford 1766 8 1 Memoir of the Life and Character of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, by J. Prior, bds. r/iil. 1825 8 1 Memoirs of the latter years of the Right Hon, Charles James Fox, by J. B. Trotter, h. b. BaUimore, 1812 8 1 Essai sur la Vie de T. Wentworth, Comte de Strafford principal Ministre d'Angleterre et Lord Lieut, d'lrlande sous le regne de Charles L bds. Lon, 1795 8 1 Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of the Right Hon. R. B. Sheiidan, by J. Watkins, fine portraits, neatly bound Lon. 1818 8 2 Memoirs of the Life of the Riglit Hon. R. B. Sheridan, by T. Moore, bds. l^hiL 1826 12 2 The Life of the Right Hon. John Phil- pot Carran, late master of the Rolls in Ireland, by his son W. H. Curran, bds. N. York 1820 8 1 Memoirs of the Life of Gilbert Wake- field, B. A. written by himself, fine portrait Lon. 1804 8 1 Mem oil's of the Hon. Thomas Jeffer- son, Secretary of State, Vice President, I •; I 200 1^1 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 No. SIZE. VOL. and President of the United States of America, bds. JV. York 1809 3274 Tlie Life of John Ledyard the Ameri- can Traveller, by J, Sparks, bds. Cambridge 1828 S275 The Life of Thomas Paine, author of Common Sense, &c. by J. Cheetham, with other Pamphlets, h. b. N, York 1809 3276 Memoirs and Anecdotes of Philip Thicknesse, late Lieut.-Governor of Land Guard Fort, and unfortunately father to George Touchet Baron Aud- ley, h. b. Duh, 1790 3277 Memoirs of the Marshal Duke of Ber- wick, written by himself Lon, 1779 3278 The Life of John Duke of Marlborough, Prince of the Roman Empire, illus- trated with portrait and maps, plans, &c. with original Lettei*s and Papei-s never before published, by T. Lidiard Lon, 1736 3279 Histoire de Christophe Colomb, tra- duit de ritalien de Bossi ornee du portrait et de plusieurs gravures des- signees, par lui-meme f*ar, 1824 3280 Memoires Secretes du Cardinal Dubois, premier Ministre sous la Regence du Due d* Orleans, par M. L. de Sevelinges, portrait, sewed Par. 1815 3281 Memoires de Joseph Fouche Due d*Otrante, portrait, sewed Par, 1824 3282 Historical and Critical Account ot the Life and Writings of Wra. Chilling- worth, Chancellor of the Church of Sarum Lo7i. 17^5 3283 The Life of John Milton, with History of his Works ib 1799 3284 Remarks on Johnson's Life of Milton, &c. h. b. ib. I78O 18 8 3 8 1 8 2 8 2 8 1 8 1 1 * SOI IZE. VOL. 8 2 8 1 8 1 > 8 1 I 8 2 1 8 3 8 1 8 1 18 1 No. 3285 3286 3287 3288 32:S9 8 1 8 1 3290 3291 3292 8 1 3293 - 3294^ 8 2 3295 8 2 3296 3297 SIZE. VOL. The Life of Alexander Pope, with Critical Essay on his Writings and Genius, hy D. Ruffhead, h h. ib. I769 8 1 The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper, by W. Hayley, por- trait N. Yoi/{ I8UJ 8 2in 1 Private Correspondence of William Cowper with several of his most inti- mate Friends. J. Johnson, bds. Phil. 1824, An Account of the Life and Writings of James Beattie, ly Sir W. Forbes New Yoik 1806 Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr Jonathan Swift, Lean of St Patrick's, Dublin, in a Series of Letters from John, Earl of Orrery, to his son Hamil- ton Boyle, with Life of Charles James Fox. h. b. Lon. 1752 12 Observations on Lord Orrery's Hemai ks on the Life and Writings of Dr Jona- than Swift Lou. 17^4 8 Swift's Letters, wants vol 3 Lon. I767 8 The Life of Captain James Cook, by A. Kippis Dub. I788 8 1 The Life and Curious Adventures of Peter Williamson, sewed Ahcr, 1828 18 1 Memoire of the Life of Dr Darwin, by Anna Seward PhU. 1804. 8 1 Authentic Account of the late Mr Whit- bread, consisting of Facts and Anec- dotes relating to his latter days and death, h. b. Lon. 1815 8 1 Memoii's of Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Esq. begun by himself, and concluded by his Daughter, Maria Edgeworth, Portraits, bds. 2^.1821 8 1 Memoir (if John Aikin, M. D. by Lucy Aikin, bds. Phil. 1824 8 1 1 1 2 202 ! 1/ It- m ) m ■' ' i 8 2 8 1 3301 3301" 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 8 2 8 6 8 1 8 4 No. SIZE. VOL. 3298 Letters from a Father to his Son, by J. Aikin. M. D. h. b. Zon, 1806 3299 The Lives of John Selden, Esq. and Archbishop Usiier, by John Aikin, Por- traits, bds. it), 1812 3300 Memoirs of the Political and Private Life of James Caulfield, Earl of Charle- mont, &c. by F. Hardy, Portrait, bds. ib, 1812 Memoires du Cardinal de Retz, de Guy Joli, et de la Duchesse de Nemours, Portrait Par. 1817 Memoirs of the Cardinal de Retz, vol. 4lh Lon. 1723 12 Essai sur la Vie du Grand Conde, par L. J. de Bourbon Conde I^ar, 1806 Histoire de Fenelon, Archeveque de Cambrai, par de Bausset Vers, 18 17 The Life of Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, by C. Butler, bds. noiti. 1811 12 1 Memoires de Madame Roland, avec une Notice sur sa Vie, des Notes, &c. par Berville et Barriere Far. 1821 8 2 Appel a rimpartiale Posterite, par la Citoyenne Roland, Femme du Ministre de I'Interieur ib.VanS 8 I 3307 Memoires Inedits de Madame la Com- tesse de Genlis, Portraits ih. 1825 8 12 3308 Memoires de Madame la Marquise de la Rochejaquelein ecrits, par elle-meme. Portrait i^. 18J7 8 1 3309 Memoires de Rivarol, avec des Notes, &c. par M. Berville ib. 1824 8 1 3310 Memoires, Souvenirs, Opinions, et Ecrits du Due de Gaete, Ancien Mi- nistre des Finances, Gouverneur de la Banque de France ib. 1826 8 2 3311 Vie de Voltaire, suivie d'Anccdotes qui composent sa Vie Privee, h. b. i^. 1797 8 203 ZE. VOL. 8 2 8 1 8 2 8 6 12 1 8 1 8 4 I 12 1 8 2 i 8 1 8 12 8 1 8 1 3313 ^ 3314 3315 8 2 8 No. SIZE. VOL. 3312 Memoires Historiques, Literaircs, et Anecdotiques, ou Correspondence, A- dressec au Due de Saxe Gotha, par le Baron de Grimm, et par Diderot, sewed Lon, 1814 8 4in7 Memoires de Goldoni pour servir a THistoire de sa Vie, et a celle de son Theatre, ecrits, par lui-meme, sewed Par. 1814 8 2 Histoire de Bossuet, Eveque de Meaux, par le Cardinal de Bausset, Portrait Vers. 1819 8 4 An Account of the Life of the late Rev. Mr David Brainerd, Missionar}*^ to the Indians in New Jersey, by J. Edwards Edin. 1765 8 1 3316 Memoires Justificatifs de la Comtesse de Vaiois de la Motte, par elle-meme Lon. 1788 8 1 3317 Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry, by W. Wirt, of Virginia, Portrait P/iil. 1818 8 1 3318 The Life of the late General WilMam Eaton, several years an Officer in the United States* Army, Portrait Brook. 1818 8 1 3319 The Life of Hugo Grotius, with a Criti- cal Account of his V/orks, from the French of do Burigny Lon. 1^5^ 8 1 3320 The Life of the Count Cagliostro, dcdi- cated to Madame la Comtesse de Cag- liostra, h. b. ib. IJHJ 8 1 3321 Abrege de la Vic et des Travaux de M. de Mirabeau, avec son Portrait, par Pithou Par. 8 1 3322 Memoirs of Prince Potcmkin, Com- mander-in-Chief of the Hussian Army, and Life and Memoirs of Major-General Lee, Second in Command to General i\ 204 No. SIZE. VOL. Washington during the American Re- volution, h. b. Lou. IHIS 8 I 3323 Memoirs of the Right Hon. Arthur, Karl of Anglesey, late Lord Privy Seal, 1683 ih. \(m 8 1 3324 Memoirs of Angelus Politanus, Ac!iu8 Sincerus Sannazarius, I*etrus Bembus, Hleronymus Fracastorius, Marcus An- tonius i'laminius, and tlie Ainaithei, Translations from their Poeiical Woi ks, by Gieswell, h. b. M n. \Si)l 8 1 3325 The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, a Flo- rentine Artist, by T. Nugent, bds. J^hl. 1812 12 2 3326 The Life of Samuel Johnson, D. D. the First President of King's College in ^ew York, by T. B. Chandler, New York. 1805 12 1 3327 Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. William Pitt, by H. Cleland, Portrait Loit, ISO? 12 1 S328 Memoires de Jacques Melvil, conteriant une exacte relation de quelques evene- mi'nts du dernier Siecle ties importans, par George Scot, traduit de I'Anglais A a hayt, 1 694 12 1 3329 Biographical Memoirs of Lord Viscount >Jelson, by J. Charnock, Portrait and Map, h. b. New Yor,, ISo? 12 1 3330 The Life of Nelson, by Robert Southey, Portrait ib, 814 18 2inl 3331 La Vie de la Venerable Soeur Margue- rite Bourgeois dite du Saint Sa(rren)eiit, MuiU, i818 12 1 3332 Another copy of the same, h. b. 12 1 3333 Hivstoire du Viconite de Furenne, Mar- 6chal Gei»eral des Armees du Hoi, Par, 1773 12 4 3334 The Life of Petrarch, collected Irom 1 i -J 205 SIZE. VOL. XMo. 3 8 1 » 3335 3 8 1 3336 s r ', 3337 1- j 3338 *> I 8 1 » ►- 3339 2 12 2 e 3340 n 15 12 1 33*1 It 3342 7 12 1 It 3343 ;. 4 12 1 It d 7 12 1 % 18 2inl »_ t. 8 12 1 12 1 :- 3 12 4 n 3344 3345 3346 3347 SIZE. VOL. Memoires pour la Vie de Petrarch, by Mrs Dol>son, I'lates /y<>>^//«, 1809 18 2 Lettres de Uaciue, et Memoires sur sa Vie, h b. Lou , I71.7 12 2 Vie dii Dauphin Pere de Louis XV. par I'Abbe Proyart Li/ it, l<i72 12 2 Vie du Cardinal Uellarmin, par Fri/ou Avii oily 1827 12 2 Memoires de Mademoiselle de Aiont- peiisier, Fi lie »le Gaston d'Orleaiis, Frere de Louis XilL M es, I776 12 8 Histoire de Bertrand du Ciucsclin, Comte de Longueville, par Berville, Pai\ ISO7 12 2 La Vie de Madame de Miiintencm, In- stitutrice de la Koyale Maison de Saint Coyr id. 1786 12 1 Lettres inedites de Mud. Maintonon et de ia Princesse de Ursins ib, 1826 8 4 Vie de Marie Angelique de la Provi- dence, par Boudin /'»i/-. liS25 12 1 Memoirs of the Count de Fouriin, Com- modore in the Navy of irarjce, and Knight of t:ie Order of St. Lewis, trans- lated from the French Lon. 1731 12 2 Santoliana.ouvrai^equi contenantla Vie de Santenel, ses Bons Mots ses Letires, &c. par DiniMiart, P.tr. 1704 12 1 The IJfe of Mr John Bunyari, Author of the Piljjrim's Progress, by J. Trimey, Portrait, Box fun, IS 14 12 1 The Life of the late Rev. Learned and Pious Mr Jonathan E<l\vards, Minister of the Gospel at Northampton, New England. Bisfun, I765 12 1 The Redeemed Captive returning to Zioii, or a Faithful History ot the Captivity and Deliverance of Mr John Williams, Minittter of the Gospel in Deerfield Oreen/islU 1800 18 1 P h* N ^06 No. ' SIZE. VOL. SS'tS Memoirs of Madame de Staal, written by herself, translated from the French, h. b. Lou. 1759 12 1 33^9 Memoires de Madame la Baroiine de Staal, ecrits par elle-meme, portrait Lori. 1787 18 3 3350 Memoirs of the Rev. Henry Martyn, B. D. by J. Sargent, bds. A'. York 1821 12 1 3351 A Review of the Life, Character, and Writings of the liev. John Biddle, M.A, by J. Toulmin, h. b. Lon, I789 12 1 3352 Memoirs of Stephen Burroughs, with Notes and Appendix Albany^ 1811 12 2 in 1 3353 Memoires du Baron de Tott sur les Turcs and les Tartares Par, 1785 12 2 3354> Histoire du Chevalier des Grieux, et de Manon Lescaut, par I'Abbe Prevost Par. 1808 12 1 3355 Memoires et Anecdotes pour servir a PHistoire de M. Duliz, fameux Juif Portugais a la Haye Lon. I739 12 1 335Q The Adventures of Signior Gaudentio di Lucca, h. b. wants title 12 1 3357 Authentic Anecdotes of the Life and Transactions of Mrs Margaret Rudd, with portrait Dub. 1770 12 1 3357* Memoirs ot* Jane Elizabeth Moore, vol. 3, 1 h. b. Lon. 12 1 3358 Captivite de H. M. de Latude, du Prcvot de Beaumont, et de Saint- Leger, portrait Par. 1821 12 1 3359 Vie de Benoit-Joseph Labre, mort a Rome en odeur de Saintetc, traduit de Italien de Marooni, |)ortrait Par. I784 12 1 33GO Memoirs du Marechal de Tourville, Vice-Admiral de France, &c. • Amster. 1758 12 3 3361 Histoire de Maurice, Comte de Saxe, Marechal-General des Camps et Armees 1 . i de sa Majeste Tres ChretieDne, Due- I No. 33( 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 337 « 337 337 337 337 I 207 ^o* ^ ■ SIZE, yph, Elu de Courlande, &c. d*Alencon, h. b. . Lon. 1753 12 2 3362 Histoire de Pierre Tenail, dit le Che- valier Bayard sans peur et sans repro- che, par M. G. de Berville, portrait Par. 1812 12 1 3363 Vie d'Armand Jean Cardinal, Due de Richelieu, principal Ministre sous Louis XIII. portrait Cologne 1696 12 2 3364 Mernoires do Madame du No. XX. ecrits par elle-meme, h. b. Cologne I7IO 18 4 3365 Mernoires de Messire Pierre de Bour- deille, Seigneur de Brantome A Leyde I666 18 4 3366 Lettres d'Heloise et d'Abaibard, edition ornee de 8 Figures, gravees par les meilleurs Artistes de Paris, d*apres les Dessins et Direction de Moreaule jeune, neatly bound in calf, gilt edges. Par, 1796 4 3 3367 Letters of Abelard and Heloise, with an Account of their Lives, Amours, and Mituortunes, h. b. Lon, I8O7 12 1 3368 Lettres et Epitres Amoureuses d'He- loise et d*Abeilard, portraits Par, 1815 18 1 3369 Letters of Anna Seward, written be- tween the years 1784 and 1807, por- trait, h. b. Edin, 1811 8 6 Lettres de la Marquise du Deffand a Horace Wal pole depuisComte d*Orford, Lettres de Madame du Deffand a Vol- taire, portrait, Par, 1824 8 4 3371 Familiar Letters on Various Subjects, by Lady Harriet Morley and others, h. b. Lon, 1773 8 1 3372 Letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne on several Subjects Ison, 1795 8 1 3372* Warburton's Letters New York 1809 8 1 3373 Lettres de Malherbe, ornees du Fac- I 3370 r'if 208 fc ^ ' ''i ' No. SIZE. VOL. simile de son ecTiture et Vue de ]a - VilledeCaen /^</r. 1822 8 1 3374 ManusiTits de M. Necker, piiblies par sa Fille, h. b. G mve Van Xlll. 8 1 3375 Familiar Letters, Domestic and Foreign, by James Howell, Esq. Lon. 1754 8 1 3376 Literary Houi-s. or iSkotches, Critical and Narrative of Nathan Druke, M. D. SuJmrff 18U0 8 2 3377 Select Eulogies of Members of the French Academy, with Notes, by the late M. D'Alembert, translated by J. Aikin, h. b. Lon. 1799 8 2 3377* Choix de Discours de Reception de I'Arademie Fran<'aise, depiiis ^on Etab- lisscment jusqu'a sa suppression, par L. Boudon, h. b. /\//. 1814 3378 Nelect Letters, taken from F'oji's Week- ly Journal Lon. 1 732 3379 Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, by the Hon. Charles Howard ib. I7O9 3380 Letters to the Earl of Carlisle, from William E<len, Esq. ,b, I78O 12 3381 Lettei*s on Literature, Taste, and Com- position, addressed to his Son, by George Gregory, D. D. Phil. 1809 12 I 3382 Genuine Letters from a Gentleman, to a Young Lady, his Pupil, by Thomas Hill Lon. 1772 11 2 3383 The Letters of Gessner and his Family, from the German, h. b. ih. 8 4 12 1 3384 Letters written by the late Right Hon. Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Che>terfleld, to his kjon, together with several other pieces ih. 1 777 1 2 4 3385 Lettres du Comte de Chesterfield et 8 2 8 2 8 1 1 No. 3386 3387 son Fih Par, I8U 12 4 3388 338^ 3390 3391 3392 3393 3394 3395 3390 > - 3397 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 No. 3386 3387 3388 8 2 3389 8 2 3390 8 2 3391 8 1 3392 12 1 3393 12 I 3394^ 11 2 • 12 1 3395 3390 12 ' 1 * 12 . 3397 209 SIZE. VilL» Choix des Lettres du Lord Chester- field a son Fils, traduit de 1' Anglais Lon, 1776 12 1 Letters of Baron Bielfeld, Secretary of Legation to the King of Prussia, Sec. con- taining Original Anecdotes of the Prus- sian Court, for the last 20 years, trans- lated from the German, by Hooper id. I76S 12 4 Letters from the Marchioness de Se- vigne, to her daughter the Countess de Grignan, from the French Dub. I768 12 5 Lettres de Madame de Sevigne a sa Filie et a ses Amis, par P. A. Grou- velle Par. 1812 18 12 Lettres Interessantes du Pape Clement, XIV. (Ganganelli) traduit de Tltalien and Latin id. I777 12 3 Lettres de Mademoiselle de Lespinasse ecrites depuis Tannee 177^, jusqu'a ' I'annee 1776, parM.de Guibert 86. 1811 12 2 Lettres du Cardinal Bentivoglio, tra- duites en Fran9ois avec Tltalien a cote, par Veneroni Brux. 1722 12 1 Lettres du Cardinal D'Ossat, avec des Notes, liistoriques and Politiquea, de M. Amelot de la Houssaie Amster. 1732 12 3 Lettres originales de Madame la Coun- tesse du Bairy, avec celles des Princes, Seigneurs, Ministreset Autres, du Regno de Louis XV. Gineve 1779 12 I Lettres de M. Desp. de Bx, avocat en Parlement surles Spectacles Par. 1769 12 1 Letters of the Right Hon. Lady Mary AVortley Montague, written during her *' Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, portrait Lon. I789 12 « Letters from a Celebrated Nobleman to hisHeir, h. b. » 26.1783 12 1 t Iw V ■■a ■ 210 No. SIZE. VOL. 3398 Letters of the Late Lord Lyttelton n . > Lnn. 1793 12 2 3399 Lettres de Babet, par feu M. Bouisault, • 3d volume Li/on IJIS 12 1 3400 Lettres de Ninon de Lenclos au Mar- quis de Sevigne Par, 1810 18 2 3401 3402 3403 3404 3405 3406 3497 3408 3409 3410 3411 3412 3413 3414 3415 3416 3417 3418 3419 3420 PERIODICAIi PIJBIilCATIOliriS. The Tatler, bds. Lon. 1814 18 The Spectator, with Lives by Bisset, h. b. ib, 1793 8 Le Spectateur, traduit de TAnglois, Amster, I768 12 Original Letters sent to the Tatler and Spectator, Lon, 1/25 8 Addison's Notes on Paradise Lost, from the Spectator, ih, I719 18 Essays illustrative of the Tatler, Spec- tator, and Guardian, by N. Drake, ib, 1805 12 The Gleaner, by N. Drake, ib. \S\\ S The Freeholder, by Addison, ib, 1779 12 8 8 2 The Mirror, The Idler, The Looker On, The North Briton, The World, h. b. The Lounger, h. b. 3 4 1 Phil, 1793 12 2inl Dub, 1762 12 1 Lon, 1797 12 4 Dub, 1764 12 3 Lon, 1753-6 sml. fol. 4 ib, 1787 12 3 The Gray's Inn Journal, ib, I756 12 2 The Craftsman, by C. d'Anvers, wants vols. 8tli and 9th, ib, 1731 12 12 The Tatriot, h. b. ib. 1792 12 3 The Student, or Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany, Oxf rd, I75O 8 2 The Bee, by J. Anderson, vol. 1st and 4th, Edin, I79I 12 1 The Kilmarnock Mirror, vol. 1st, h. b. Kil, 1819 12 1 1 IZE. VOli. 1 No. 3421 12 2 1 3422 1 3423 12 1 ' 3424 > 18 2 ^ ■ 1 3425 rs. 1 3426 , 18 3 f 3427 J 8 8 ^ 3428 } 12 8 ^ 3*29 f 8 2 J 3430 I 1 ) 18 1 [ 3431 > 12 3 .84^ 3432 1 12 1 ^ 12 2inl r 3433 ! 12 1 1 ' 12 4 1 3434 . 12 3 1 fol. 4 1 3435 12 3 ^ 12 2 3436 12 12 12 3 8 2 1 12 1 3437 12 1 1 1 Sll SIZE. VOL. The Philanthrope, bds. Lon. 1797 12 1 The Philanthropist, h. b. ib, 1797 8 1 The Examiner, by B. Gardenier, bds; ' ' ' I^ew York, 1814 rl. 8 1 The Monitor, from August 1755, to July 1756, Lon. 8 1 The Spirit of the British Essayists, h. b. ib, 1817 12 6 The Spirit of the Public Journals, for 1804, Cobbett, h. b. in Russia, ib. rl. 8 1 The Spirit of the Public Journals, for 1802 and 1810, bds. ib. 12 2 The Spirit of the Farmer's Museum, Wal.N.H. 1801 12 1 Selections from the most celebrated Foreign Journals, h. b. Lon. 1798 8 2 Esprit du Mercure de I'rance uepuis son origine Jusqu'a, 1792 Pat.\S\0 8 3 The Spectateur Fran9ais depuis la Res- tamation du Trone de St. Louis et de Henri IV. «6. 1815 8 3 Le Spectateur Frangais au XIX. Siecle Par. 1805, 1812 8 12 Ephemerides, Politiques, Litteraiies, et Religieuses, ib. 1812 8 12 Observations sur les Ecrits Modernes, ib. 1735, 1743 12 34 Journal Literaire, depuis Tan 1713 jusqu'a 1732, wants vol. 4i A ta Haye, 12 18 Gentleman's Magazine, from the com- mencement in the year I731 to the year ' 1820, with 2 vols, of Indexes to the year 1787. The first 93 vols, full bound in calf, the latter 34 vols, half bound, (wants a volume for the year 1773) Lon. 1731 to 1820 8 127 11 Numbers for 1820 and 1821, sewed The Gentleman's Magazine for the years 1732, 1741, 1746, h. b. Lon. 8 3 hrv No. SIZE. VOL. S4S8 "Walker's, Selections from the Gentle- {' man's l^agazine Lon. 1814 8 4> 3439 The London. Magazine, from 1734 to 1772 inclusive, Imperfect, h. b, ih, 8 24 3440 Anti-Jacobin Magazine, from 1799 to 1815 inclusive, h. b 26.. 8 49 20 Numbers to do. sewed 3441 Monthly Magazine, from I796 to 1811 inclusive. Imperfect, h. b. ih, 8 23 6 Numbers to do. sewed ''<:'. 3442 New Monthly Magazine, from the com- mencement in 1814 to 1820 inclusive y h.b. ib, 8 14 3443 Edinburgh Magazine, a new series of the ibcots Magazine, from the com- y. , ipencement in 1818, to 1825 inclusive, h. b. Edin, 3444 Blackwood's Magazine, from the com- mencement in 1817> to 1821, h. b. 15 Numbers to do. sewed 3445 European Magazine, for the years 17S8, _^ 1801-15-16-17-18, 5 vols, h. b. 4 vols. bds. Lon, 8 9 3 Numbers to do. sewed 3446 Political Magazine, from its commence- ment in I78O to 1790, wants vol. 17, h. b. . L01K 3447 Universal Magazine, for the year I796, h. b. ib. 3448 St. James's Magazine, vol. 3, h. b. Lon. 1764 3449 Athenaeum, a Magazine conducted by J. Aikin, for I8O7-8 Lon. 3450 Quebec Magazine, vols* 1 and 2, for 1792, h. b. i^^,Jr . vM'^*^/ Quebec 3451 Hibernian Magazine, foi* 1778, h. b. 3452 The Baltimore Weekly Magazine, com- plete in 1 vol. i, , . - Baltimore 1801 4 1 8 14 8 8 8 17 8 2 8 1 8 3 8 8 1 1 !E. VOL. 8 4 8 U 8 49 213 No. SIZF. VOL, 3453 The Cheap Magazine, for 1 8 1 3- 1 4, h. b. Haddington Xl 2 3454 Annual Register, from the year 1758 to 1818 inclusive (52 vols, bound in calf) and from 1810 to 18^8 (13 vols, bds.) LiOn, 8 ^^ 3455 Annual Register, for the years 1764-77 to 81-91-99 and 1800 Lun, 8 9 3456 The New Annual Register, from the commencement in I78O to 18U4, h. b. Russia ih, 8 25 3457 New Annual Register, for 1784-92-95- 98, h. b. ib, 8 4 3458 New Series of the New Annual Regis- ter, from the year 1802 to the year 1808, h. b. z&. 8 6 3459 Edinburgh Annual Register, from the commencement in 18J8 to I8IG, h. b. Edin. 8 14 3460 The Imperial and County Annual Re- gister for 1810, bds. L01U 1811 rl. 8 1 3461 Asiatic Annual Register, for the years I799-I8O4.I8O7, h. b. ih. 8 3 3462 American Register, h. b. Phil. I8I7 8 2 3463 Historical Register, for the year 1790, h. b. L01U 8 2 3464 Political Register, for the year 1767» ib. 8 1 3465 Monthly Register, for the years 1802-3, »ft. rl. 8 3 3466 Monthly Review, from commencement in 1749, to 1816 inclusive, 1 60 vols, with four volumes of Indexes, wants two volumes for I762, an additional volume for 1820, 157 volumes bound in calf, eight volumes half bound, ih. 8 155 Four Nos. to do. sewed •' 3467 British Review, from commencement in 1811 to 1825, half bound in calf, the 23d vol. in Numbers, ift. 8 23 !214 'I/: 3472 3473 ¥ 3474 1 . . - V' 3475 3476 3477 No , SIZE. VOL. 3468 British Review, for 1811-12, h. b Lon, 8 2 3469 Westminster Review, Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 23, 24, 25, sewed, ib, 8 8 3470 Quarterly Review, from commencement 1809, to 1825, h. b. in calf, Lou, and Bos. 8 31 Continuation in F^arts to 1832, want Parts 64, 79, 80, sewed, Bos. 8 27 3471 New Quarterly Review, for 1811-12-13, h. b. Lon. 8 3 1 Part to do. sewed Cumberland's London Review, h. b. ib, 8 1 Edinburgh Review, from commence- ment, Oct. 1802, to July 1824, with General Index, to 1812, h. b. Bditi. 8 41 Continuation in Parts, to 1832, wants Parts 8 1 —84—94, sewed, 8 26 New Edinburgh Review, from com- mencement in 1819, to 1828 inclusive, bds. £:ditu 8 10 New Edinburgh Review, for 1821-2, sewed, ib, 8 6 American Review, for 1811-12, b. b. L'hil, 8 3 North American Review, New Series, from No. 27, Commencement of I^ew Series, to No. 75 inclusive, wants Nos. 3*, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 45, 63, 70, 74, sewed. Bos. 8 38 3478 North American Review, for May, 1811, h. b. and January, 1820, with Parts 30, 31, of New Series, sewed, ib* 8 4 3479 Critical Review, for the year 1801, h. b. Lon, 8 3 3480 American Quarterly Review, Parts 3 and 11, sewed, Phil. 18^-9 8 2 3481 The British Critic, for the years 1803-4, vols. 21, 22, 23, 24, h. b. Lon, 8 4 3482 L'Abeille Americaine, vols. 5 and 6, h. b. Phil. 1817 8 2 215 CE. VOL« 8 2 No. 3483 8 8 3484 8 31 3485 8 27 1 3486 8 3 3487 8 1 3488 8 41 8 26 3489 3490 8 10 8 6 3491 3492 8 3 3493 3494 8 38 3495 3496 8 4 8 3 8 2 8 4 3497 3498 3499 8 2 SIZK. VOL< L'Ambigu, recueil period iqne, par Pel- tier, vols. 49—51, 52, 53, 54, bds. L'ti. 1815-16 8 5 Caledonian Magazine, for 1786-7, h. b. Aber. 8 1 The Remembrancer, for the year 1780, h. b. Lon. 8 2 North British Intelligencer, vol. 5, h. b. JEdin, 1777 8 1 Monthly Anthology and Boston Review, vol. 7, h. b. Bos. 1809 8 1 The Senator, or Parliamentary Chro- nicle, for the years 1791-2-5 Lon, 8 7 Evans's Parliamentary Reports, 56th Geo. J II. 1817, bds. ib. rl. 8 1 Literary Panorama, a Compendium of National Papere, Parliamentary Re- ports, &c. vol. 15, h. b. ib. 1814 rl. 8 1 Naval Chronicle, for the years IS 12- 13, vols. 28, 29, bds. . ib. rl. 8 2 The Port-Folio, for the years 1802-5 h. b. folio 2 Do do for the years 1806-8-9 10, h. b. 8 5 The Trifler, for 1822-3, stitched, small folio 1 The Scourge, wants vols. 1 and 2, h. b. Lon. 1811-13 8 4 "Weekly Memorials for the Ingenious Lon. 1 ()83 small 4 1 Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, for j . . 1817-8, 3 numbers to do, stitched, h. b. Lon. 8 1 Eevue Trimestrielle, premiere annee. No. 1, Janvier 1828, sewed I*ar. 8 1 Colonial Journal, parts 1, 3, 5, sewed Lon. 1816-7 rl. 8 3 New York Review, Nos. 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5. 'i he United States Review, Nos. 1 to 6, 8 to J 2, 3d, 1, 2 . /' . ...J Bosecn 8 19 r- i iU Nf ^ne No. / 3500 3501-. 3502 3503 3504^ 3505 SIZE. VOL. 8 23 8 11 8 131 3 4 1 4 6 3506 3507 3508 3509 3510 3511 3512 3513 3514 3515 3510 3517 3518 CaDadian Magazine, in 2S parts, wants part XV. sewed Mont. 1823-25 Canadian Review, Parts 1,2, 3, 4, 5. New Quarterly Review, for Dec. 1813. Noi-th British Review, Parts 1, 2, 3. Critical Review, for 1801 and 1815, sewed 131 Parts of Magazines, Reviews, &c. various, stitched The Literary Journal, for the years 1803-4-5, neatly h. b. Lon. 4 The Dublin Literary Gazette, for 1830, bds. Dub. The Literary Gazette, for the years 1822, 3, 4, 5, 0, and 7, h. b. in calf Zion. 113 Numbers to do, stitched Army List, forthe years 1778 and 1821. Navy List, for 1812. Military Register, for 1770. Royal Calendar for I794, Lon. 8 and 12 5 American Almanac, for the years 1 830- 1-2, sewed Boston 12 3 Bricisih, Canadian, and French Alman- acs, for various years The Examiner, for 1817-18, h. b. Lon, Courier de I'Europe, Gazette An^lo- Fian9aise, from 177t> to I78I, h. b. ■• Lon. The London Sun, 1805.(i.7-8-9-ll-13- 11-15 h. b. Do do in quires, 1823, 1831, ib. The Star, 1797-8, h. b. London Courier, 1815, 18 17, h. b. London Times, 1810, 1818, h. b. London Courant, 1779, 1/81, h. b. Evening Mail, 1Mb, 1818, h. b. Morning Chronicle, I8O6, 1818, h. b. ib. fol. 8 Bell's Messenger, 1814, 1815, h. b. ib. fol. I 16 1 4 10 fol. 8 ib. fol. 2 ib. fol. 3 ib. io\. 2 ib. fol. 3 ib. fol. 1 i 8 23 4* 6 4 10 fol. 8 No. 3519 3520 3521 3522 3523 3524 3525 3526 3527 3528 3529 3530 3531 3532 3533 3534 3534* 3535 35 SO 3537 3538 217 SIZB. vr»L. London Papers, 1808, 1823, h.b. Lon. fol. 1 Englir^h Papers, I8I7, 1821, h. b. ib, fol. 1 Morning Herald, 1825, 1832, in quires *b, l^^nj^lisli Papers, in quires Scotch Papers, in quires Trade List, from August 1823, to De- cember lS2(i, in Numbers National Advocate, 18 15, h.b. Wash, fol. 1 New York Spectator, from I8O7, to 1809, 1815, to 1819, h. b. JV. York fol. 2 Boston Gazette, I8O6, 1809, h. b. Boston, fol. 1 Middlebuiy Mercury, 1803, 1808, h. b. Mlddleburi/, fol. 1 Windham Herald, 1809, h. b. Windham, fol. 1 Pennsylvania Chronicle, I768-9, h. b. PhU. 4 1 American Papers, in quires, various Gazette Nation ale, 1790-1, h. b. Par, fol. 1 Quebec Gazette, from June 1764 to November, I766, h. b from July, I778 to 1793, in quires, and from 1793 to 1830, h. b. QucImc, fol. 31 Quebec Gazette, 1825-26-27, in quires Quebec Meicury from commencement, 1805 to 1819, h. b. Quebec 4 14 Do. for 1826-27, with odd Numbers, in quires Quebec Mercury for the year 1805, h. b. Quebec, 4 \/ Quebec Mercury for I8O6, 1808, 1817, b. b. ib. 4 Quebec Herald for 17S9-90, h. b. ib, 4 Montreal Gazette from January 1789, to December 1791, and from August 1795 to January 1798, in quires Do. from 1803 to I8I7, h. b. Mont, fol. Montreal Herald, 1811 to 1822, h. b. ib. fol. 6 ^ 1^ 3y 1 4/ i i; i it I I: No. V 3539 V 3540 V- 3541 Y 3542 , 3543 3544 3545 3546 218 SIZE. VOL. The Sun, 1816, 181H, h. b. ^fonf, fol. 1 Spectateur Canadienne, 1819, 1821, h. b. id, fol. 2 Odd Numbers to do. in quires Le Canadien, 1806 to 1810, 1820 to 1823, h. b. Quebec 4 2 Odd Numbers to do. in quires L« Vrai Canadien, 1810, 181 1, b. b. ib. 4 1 Canadian Courant, 180?, 1812, h. b. Mont, fol. 2 Do. for 1826, 1827, in quires Canadian Papers, 1808 to 1823, and 1^06 to 18^^0, h. b. fol. 2 Canadian Papers, in quires, various Odd Numbers of the Albion I 3547 The HARLEIAN MISCKLLANY, or Collection of scarce Tracts and Manu- scripts in the Earl of Oxford's Library, with Notes, &c. bds. Lou. 1808 8 12 3548 Miscellanies by the Hon. Daines Bar- rington ib. 1781 4 1 3549 Wanley's Wonders of the Little World, plates, h, b. i6. 1791 4 1 3550 Mickle's Poems, with Portrait, and Playfair's Inquiry into the Decline and Fall of Nations, h. b. ,-6.1805 4 1 3551 The Travels ot Cyrus, plates i6. 1730 4 1 3552 The Travels of Cyrus, with Discourse upon the Theology and Mythology of 1 i tie Pagans, by Ramsay, Text French and English . . Par. 1802 12 2 3553 Supplement to the New Cyropoedia, or the Reflexions of Cyrus on his Travels, b. b. Lon, 1729 8 1 3554 Elegant Extracts in Prose, h. b. ib. 1794 rl. 8 1 I IIZE. VOL. fol. 1 fol. 2 1 1 4, 2 4 1 fol. 2 1 fol. 2 * 1 8 12 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 12 2 8 1 11.8 1 I No. 355.5 3556 3557 3558 3559 35G0 3561 3562 356J 35G4, 3565 3566 3567 3568 3569 3570 3571 3572 3573 3574 3575 219 SIZE. VOL. Elegant Epistles Lon, 1803 rl. 8 1 Bibliotheque Portative des Ecrivains Fran9ois, par Levizac ih, 1803 rl. 8 Carey's Miscellaneous Essays, bds. JP/iil. 1830 8 Grose's Classical Dictionary, by Pierce Egan, bds. Lon, 1823 8 Life in London, numerous coloured plates, bds. ib. 1824 8 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk, (Lock- hart) h. b. £:f/m. 1819 8 Select Essays on Various Subjects, LoH. 1754 8 C. Butler's Reminisci^nces, bds. ib. 1824 8 The Anti-Gall ican, plates ib, 18j4 8 The Cabinet of Curiosities, plates ib. 1824 8 The Election, a Farce, with the Elec- tion Magazine, h. b. Acrwich I78O 8 Consciences Literaires d'a pi esent, J^itr. 1818 8 Les Ruines ou Meditations, par Volney, h. b. Par. 1794 8 Purgatoire de feu M. le Comte J. de Maistre Par. 1823 8 Le Vicillard et le Jeune Homme, par Ballaiiclie Far. 1819 8 Nouveau Guide de la Politesse, par Emeric , Par 1822 8 Voltaire ou le Triomphe de la Philoso- phie Moderne, par J. Berchoux Par. I8I7 8 Martin's Philological Libriary, Lon. I776 8 La Felicite Publiquo Bouillon 1776 8 Andrew's Letters to a Young Gentle- man ou his Setting out for France, h. b. Lon. 1784 8 Andrew's Remarks on the French and 3 1 1 2 3 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 English Ladies •Mf ib, 1783 8 1 ■ IV < .1 m ill No. 3576 S577 3578 3579 3580 3581 3582 3583 3584 3585 3586 3587 3588 3589 S590 3591 3592 220 SIZE. VOL. Alexander's History of Women, li. b. Lon. 1782 8 2 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, by Mary Wollstonecraft * ib. 1792 8 1 Another Copy of the same, sewed JDuh, 1793 8 1 Les Femmes, leur condition et leur in- fluence dans Tordre social, par Sejjjur. Planches Par. 1820 18 4 Nouveaux Melanges, par l*Abbe F. la Mennais Par, 1826 8 1 Maxims, Characters, and Reflectioin Lou, 1756 8 1 Okygrapbip, ou Part de fixer })ar ecrit tons les sons de la parole avec anlantde facilite, &c. par H. Blanc Par, 1808 Armata, a Fragment, bds. Loji, 1818 Le9on8 Fiar)9aises de Literature et de Morale, par M. jNoel et M. De la Place * * ' Par. 1816 Gymnastics for Youih, plates, trans- lated from the German of Salzmann r/iil. 1802 Varietes Literal res, h. b. Par, 1804 Pratt*a Gleanings in England Lon. 1804 Pratt's Gleanings in Wales, Holland, and Westphalia Lon. 18 )2 Lettsom's Hints designed to Promote Beneficence, Temperance, and Medical Science, numerous Profiles, bds. Lon, 1801 The Art of Speaking Lon, I78I Philosophical Ksaays on Various Sub- jects, by I, Watts, D.D. ion, 1734 Political, Miscellaneous, and Fhilosso- phical Pieces, by B. Franklin, portrait, h. b. 8 8 8 8 3593 Walton and Cotton's Complete Angler, ■ with Lives by Sir J. Hawkins, fine plates, bds. 8 2 8 1 8 4 8 3 8 3 3 1 8 1 Lou. 1779 8 1 Lon. 1808 8 1 No. 3594 3595 3596 3597 3598 3.599 3600 3601 360'^ 3603 3604 3605 360( 360'; 360i 360i '^ ZE. VOL. 8 2 8 1 8 1 18 4 8 1 8 1 8 8 1 1 8 2 8 1 8 4 8 3 8 3 8 3 8 I • 8 1 8 I ! 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 2 8 1 221 No. SIZE. VOL. 3594 Cours de Declamation prononce a 1*A- thenee de Paris, par J. M. Larive, h. b. Par. 1810 8 3 3595 The Dreamer Lon. 1754 8 1 3596 Zimmerman's Aphorisms and Reflec- '< tions, with Notes and Portrait ib. 1800 12 I 3597 Zimmerman's Kssiuy on National l^ride, with Life by Wilcocke New York 1799 8 1 3598 Zimmerman on Solitude, with Life, and 7 fine plates Lon. 1798 a599 Another Copy, bds. ib. 1798 3000 Les Veillees Philosophiques. Villeter- qne Par, I795 3601 Moral and Political Dialogues jL^i/t. S759 S(i0'2 The Tlieory of Sciences llluistrated, by H. Cai-son Lon. I702 8 1 3603 Enquiries Touching the Diversity of Languages and Keiigions, through the Chief Parts of the WorUl, written by E. Brerewood, (rare and curious) Lnn. 1614 small 4 1 3604 The French Academic, wherein is Dis- coursed the L)stitutiou of Marmers, and whatsoever else concerneth the Good and Happie Life of all Estates and Callings, from the French of Peter de la Primaudaye, (rare and curious) h. b. 7.0//. 16 18 small 4 1 3605 Substance of the Debate in the House of Commons, resspecting the Trial and CondeuHiatiou of the Kev. John Smith Lort. 1824 8 1 3606 Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the ■ United States, by J. Torrey, bds. P/ul. 18\7 8 1 S607 Sagesae de Louis XVL Par, I775 8 2 3608 Dallas's Elements of Self-Knowledge, wants title 8 1 3609 Brand's Observations on Popular Anti- quities . .< •' /.o». 1810 8 1 'i # il.i I / I No. SIZE. VOL. 3610 The Cabinet, by a Society of Gentle- men, bds. Norwich 1795 8 2 3611 Le Spectateur Fian9ais avant la Ue vo- lution, h. b. Par, i*an IV. 8 1 3612 p:sprit <ie M. M. De Chateaubriand, Bonald La Mennais, &c. Par, 1819 8 1 3613 The Enquirer, by VV. Godwin, Dub, 1797 8 1 3614 Swedenborg's Theosophic Treatise on the Nature ol InHux, translated from the Latin Lon, 178* 8 1 3614'* Collection of interesting Letters from the Public Papers, vol. 1. i'j, I767 8 1 3615 Observations on a variety of suhjects. Literary, Mo al, and Religious ib. 1791 8 1 3616 Harmonia Perfecta, a complete Collec- tion of Psalm Tunes, taken chiefly from Mr Ravenscroft ih, I73O 8 1 3617 Sylva, or the Wood ; a Collection of Anecdotes, Dissertations, Characters, &c. ib, 1788 8 1 3618 Selva ou Recueil de Pensees, Maxims, (Sec. par Alphonse de Laguori, traduit de riialien Avignon 1827 12 1 3619 Archives Literaires de I'Eurupc, ou Melanges de Literature Par, 1804 3620 Anecdotes, ^c. Ancient and Modern, by J. P. Andrews, h. b. Lon. 1789 3620* Supplement a la Collection des Opus- cules de M. Floury Nismes^ 1784 QQil Dialogues des Morts, par C. iJ'Outre- pont Par. 1825 3622 Dialogues des Morts, avec Quehpies Fables, par Fenelon, h. b. ih, 1810 12 3623 Dialogues of the Dead Duh. IJiyO 12 3624 Trie Athenian Oracle J Lon. l^06 8 3625 Miscellaneous Orations, h. b. Harfford, 1798 SQ'iQ Spenc2*8 Observations, Anecdotes, &c. of Books and Men, bds. Lon, 1820 8 1 8 7 8 1 8 1 8 1 1 1 4 8 1 223 E. VOL. 8 2 8 1 8 1 No. 3627 3328 36 -'9 8 1 \ 3630 3631 8 1 8 1 3631 8 1 3633 8 1 3634 8 1 3635 12 1 3636 8 7 3637 8 1 8 1 3638 3639 8 1 3640 12 1 12 1 8 4 3641 8 1 3642 i 8 1 SIZE. VOL. Dictionaire de Morale de Science et de Literature Capelle. h. b. Par. 1810 8 2 A Short History of the Westminster Forum Lon. 178I 8 2 Le Conservateur ou Recueil de Mor- ceaux Inedits d'Histoire d' Politique, &c. h. b. Par. I*an viii 8 2 Essai sur I'EmpIoi du Terns ib. 1810 8 1 Slurm's Reflections on the Works of God, numerous plates, h. b. Bungmj 180i 8 1 The Anniversary for the Year 1829, edited by Allan Cunningham, fine plates, bound iu silk, gilt edges, Lon. 1829 8 I Spirit of the Modern System of War, with Commentary, by C. M. de Marte- mont, h. b. ib. I8O6 8 1 Regulations and Orders for the Army, bds. ib. 1811 8 1 Articles of War for the Use of His Ma- jesty's Foreign Forces, ('German and English Text,) sewed, 2^.1804 12 I Hints to Young Generals, by an Old Soldier, h.b. K'^>l^. 18i2 12 1 The boldier's Faithful Friend, by J. Hanway, h. b. Lon. 1 776 12 1 Livre du Soldat, par Carlier, Par. 182-3 18 1 Cautions and Advices to Officers of the ' Army, with Letters on Duelling, bds. - herth, 1795 12 1 Ecole Historique et Morale du Soldat et de rOfficier, numerous portraits. Par. 1788 12 3 Fastes Militaires ou Ann ales des Che- valiera des Ordres Royaux et Miiitaires de France, - 1^.1779 12 2 De TEsprit Militairc, sewed, • v,.j i.< t . \ u* BriLvelies, 1789 8 1 224 ■■« ''i' I £ No. 3643 3644 3u45 3646 364? 3643 3649 3650 3651 3652 3653 3 '54 3655 3656 5357 3658 3659 3660 SIZE. VOL. Eloquence Militaire ou I'Art d'Emon- voir Je Soldat, Par. \ '618 8 Essais de Michel Seigneur de Mon- taigne Par. 1802 8 Essays of Michael Seigneur de Mon- taigne, with Life and Portrait, Lon. 1685 8 Essais de Montaiffne, ?7>. 1745 12 2 4 3 7 Essays selected from Montaigne, with Lifp,*h. 1). i/f. 180» 12 1 Essays, Biogrjiphical, Literary, Moral, and Critical, by J. Evans, bds. ih, 1819 12 1 Cottage Dialogues among the Irish Peasantry, by Mary Leadbeater, bds. Dub. 1813 12 2 The Landlord's Friend, by Mary Lead- beater, sewed i/». 1813 12 1 Illustrations of Lying, by Amelia Opie, bds. Harlford 1827 12 1 The Beauties of Anna Seward, selected by W. C. Oulton, h. b. hon. 1813 12 1 Scragg*s Instructive SeliM*tions, or the Beauties of Sentiment, ?7/. 1812 12 2 Macdonners Dictionary of Quotations, il», 1811 12 1 Modeles d'Floquence ou Ics Trails Bril- lans des Orateui's Fran9ais Je plus cele- bres, ib. 1805 12 1 Pensees de Nicole de Port-Royal, pur M.Mei-san, t^. 1815 18 1 Aphorisms of Sir Philip Sidney, with Remarks by Miss Porter, plates, Lon. 1807 12 2 Discours et Melanges Literaires, par M. Villemain, , ; :r Par. 1823 18 2 Les Ilelviennes ou Lettres Proviru^iales Philosophiques, par I'Abbe Barruel, ih. 1£23 12 4 The Philosophy of Nature, cr the la- I I 5 ■ \ 225 SIZE. VOL. 8 2 8 4 ; 8 8 ; 12 7 • 12 1 1 12 1 I 5 12 2 3 12 1 7 12 1 3 12 1 B 2 12 2 1 12 1 5 12 1 r 5 18 1 li 7 12 2 3 18 2 IS 3 12 1 n- No. SIZE. VOL. fluence of Scenery on the Mind and Heart, h. b. Lon. 1813 12 2 3660* Essays, Philosophical, Historical, and Literary, vol. 3, bds. Dub. 1791 12 1 3661 Essais sur la Necessite et sur les Moyens de Plaire, h. b. Par. 1738 12 1 3662 L'Art de Plaire et de Fixer ou Con- seils aux Femmes, par L'Ami, ib. 18 1 3663 Essai Philosopliique et Moral sur le Plaisir, par M. E. Bertrand, Neuchatel 1777 12 1 SQQ4> Plaidoyers, Literaires, Panegyriques, et Oraisons Funebres, par M. le Boucq Par. 1788 12 2 3665 Select Fables of iEsop and other Fabu- lists, plates Lon. I76I 12 1 S^QQ The Fables of Pilpay, cuts, bds. ib. 1818 12 1 3667 Code de Gens Honnetes Par. 1825 12 1 3668 Gale's Book of Knowledge, wants title, h. b. plates, 12 1 3669 Antiquity, or the Wise Instructor, YorJi, 1778 12 1 3670 Instruction d'un Pere a son Fils, par M. du Puy Nancy 1733 12 1 3671 Robinson's Political Catechism, with other Pamphlets, h. b. Lon. 1784 12 1 3672 The English Theophrastua, or the Man- ners of the Age, h. b. ib. I7O8 12 1 3673 A New View of Society, or Essays on the Formation of the Human Charac- ter, by R. Owen, bds. N. York, 1825 12 1 3674 Letters from Altamont in the Capital, to his Friends in the Country, bds. Ihib. 1767 12 1 3675 Proverbs, chiefly taken from the Adagia of Erasmus, with Explanations, by R. Bland, Lon. 1814 12 2 3676 Select Proverbs of all Nations, Fielding ib. 1824 18 1 m Ilti ' ! Hi' 22C No. SIZE. VOL. 3677 Sancho, or the Proverbialist. Cunning- ham Boston, 18 17 18 1 3678 The Genuine Remains of Mr Samuel Butler, Author of Hudibras, with Notes, by Thyer, Bub, 1759 12 2 3678* Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, vol. 3 Lon, 1774 12 1 3679 Miscellanies, by the Rev. R. Shepherd, B. D. Oxford, I776 12 2 3G80 Miscellanies, by William Beloe, h. b. Lon. 1795 12 3 3681 Miscellaneous Pieces in Literature, His* tory, and Philosophy, by M. D'Alem- bert, translated from the French, id. 1784 12 1 3682 Choix de Curiosites, traduit de I* Anglais. Planches, Par. 1822 12 1 3682* Relation du Monde de Mercure, Geneve, 1750 18 1 3683 Essays on the Superstitions of the High- landers of Scotland, bds. iVcu; York, 12 2inl 3684 Essay on Old Maids, h. b. Lon. I786 12 3 3685 Essays, by the celebrated Marquis D*Ar- genson, Worces. 1797 12 1 3686 Essays, by Francis Bacon, Lord High Chancellor of England, bds. jBo^^ow I8O7 12 1 3687 Essays by Hannah More, bds. Chiswick 1823 18 1 3688 Essays, by the Earl of Clarendon Lon. 1815 12 2 3689 Essays on Select Passages of Scripture, by C. Melmoth, h. b. N. York 1795 18 1 3689* Essais de Morale, wants vol. 1 and 2 Par. 1733 12 12 3690 Letters from an Old Man to a Young Prince, with Answers Lon. I759 12 3 3691 Cato's Letters or Essays on Liberty, &c. Lm. 1755 12 4 3692 Lexiphanes, a Dialogue, imitated from 2^27 No. SIZE. VOL. Lucian, and suited to the Present Times, h, b. Lon* I767 12 1 S693 Another copy of the same 12 1 3694 Advice from Farmer Trueman, to his Daughter Mary, upon her going to Service, by Hanway Edin. 1789 12 1 3695 L'Eloge de la Folic, traduit du Latin d'Erasme, par M. Gueudeville. Plan- ches 1757 12 1 3696 Les Causes du Bonheur Public, par M. I'Abbe Gros de Besplas Par, I774 12 2 3697 Essais de Morale contenant deux Traites Par. 1730 12 1 3698 L'Hermite de la Chaussee-d'Antin ou Observations sur les Moeurs et les Usages Parisiens au commencement du XIX. Siecle, ornee des Gravures, sewed Par. 1815 12 5 3699 Jean Jacnues ou le Re veil. Matin des Representuns de la Nation Fran9oise, sewed 1789 12 1 3700 Pei-sonal Nobility, or Letters to a Yonng Nobleman Lon. 1793 12 1 3701 The Polite Companion, containing Essays on Various Subjects hon. 1751 J 2 2 S702 The Trifler, or a Ramble among the Wilds of Fancy, the Works of Nature, and the Manners of Men Dub. I779 12 1 3703 The R 1 Register, with Annota- tions, h. b. Lon. 1780 12 9 3704 Critique de la Charlatanerie Par. I726 12 1 3705 Life and Opinions of Sebaldus No- thanker, from the German of Nicolai, by T. Button, h. b. Lon. 1798 12 3 3706 The Management of the Tongue under the following Heads : Conversation, The Babbler, Silent Man, Flatterer, &c. &c. from the French, h. b. Boston 1783 12 1 3707 Dictionnaire Ma9onnique ornee de 3 Planches Par. 1825 12 1 ^228 ] ii i.4< No. 37O8 3709 37 10 3711 3712 3713 3714 3715 3716 3717 37I8 S719 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 3725 Histoires Edifiantes et Curieuse des Meilleiii*s Aateui-s Lyoii 1821 Le Fruit de ines Lectures, par Dom Jamin Dijon 1825 La Morale Appliquee a la Politique, pour servir d'lntroduction aux Obser- vations sur les Mceurs Frangaises au XIX. Siecle, par E. Jouv, portrait Par. 1822 La Morale des Poetes ou Pen sees Ex- traites des plus celebres Poetes Latins et Fran9ais Moustalon J^ar, 1823 Le Langage de la Raison Liege 1764 Memoirs Philosophiques du Baron de XXX. par TAbbe de Crillon Par. 1827 Discours de M. le Chancelier d'Agues- seau, portrait Lyon 1822 La Loi de Nature, Developpee et Per- feetionnee, par La Loi Evangelique, par M. l*Abbe Pey Par. I79O Traite Ilistorique et Critique de I'Opi- nions, parG. C. le Gemb-e ib. 1741 Baratariana, a Collection of Fugitive Political Pieces, wants title Reflections upon Ridicule Lon, I727 Sermons et Traitez (scarce) Lon. 1695 Manners, translated from the French Lon. 1761 The Ladies' Library, written by a Lady, and published by Sir Richard Steele Lon. 1739 Esprit des Meilleurs Ecrirains Fran9ois, en Pros et Vers Par. 1777 Brown's Estimate of the Maunei-s and Principles of the Times Dub. IJSS The English Enchiridion, being a selec- tion of Apothegms, Moral Maxims, &c. by J. Feltham, ii. b. Bath 1799 Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence Dis- SIZE. VOL, tirees 12 1 12 1 12 2 12 12 12 12 12 2 1 12 1 12 2 12 1 12 7 1 1 1 12 1 12 3 12 2 12 1 12 1 f 372 372 372 372! 373( 373 373: 373a 3734 S735 3736 3737 3738 i i22y IE. VOL. 12 1 12 1 12 2 12 2 3730 12 1 12 1 3731 12 2 3732 12 1 3733 12 7 12 1 3734 12 1 12 1 3735 12 1 12 3 12 2 12 1 12 1 No. SIZE, vou played, or the Folly of their Teaching Discovered Loti. 1789 12 1 3726 Legislation dii Divorce ib. I77O 12 1 3727 Traite de la Paresse ou TArt de bien employer le Temps en toutes sortes de conditions Par. 1743 12 1 3728 Gazette Publications, by H. H. Brack- enbridge, bds. Car. I8O6 12 1 3729 The Stranger in Brighton, or Baxter's Brighton Directory, map and plates, sewed Brighton 1822 12 1 A Companion to the London Museum and Pantherion, at the Egyptian Tem- ple, Piccadilly, London, by W. Bullock, bds. Lon. 1813 12 1 Le Belisaire, par M. Marmontel Amster. 1792 12 1 La Philosophic applicable a tous les objects de TEsprit et de la Raison, par TAbbe Terrusson Par, 1754 12 1 Dissertation sur 60 Traductions Fran- 9aises de Tlmitation de Jesus-Christ, &c. par Barbier 27>. 1812 12 1 The Querist, by the Rev. Geo. Berk- ley, h. b. Glasgow I75I 12 1 Parecbolae sive Excerpta e corpore sta- tutorum Univei'sitatis Oxoniensis Oxonii 1808 12 1 3736 Nouvelle Correspondence ou Choix de Lettres interessantes sur divers sujets, sewed Par I789 12 1 3737 Gallery of Portraits, painted by an old and celebrated Master, and re-touched by an Irish Aitist, plate, sewed Dub. 1813 12 1 3738 The Accidents of Human Life, with Hints for their Prevention, or the Re- moval of their Consequences, by N. BoswortJ), pl9<tes Zp/i. 1313 12 1 ''i\ 230 SE4 No. 3739 1 IK S74O if 3741 1 'F 374£ 3743 ir. S744 : ,■' S745 3746 SIZE. VOL. 3747 3748 3749 3750 3751 3752 S753 Narcissus, or'the Young Man's Enter- taining Minor, by Charles Wiseman, h. b. Lan. I778 Consolations in Travel, or the Last Days of a Philosopher, by Sir Hum- phry Davy, bds. Phil, 1830 The Traveller, or Meditations on vari- ous Subjects, written on Board a Man- of-War, by J. Meikle New York 1813 Tracts by Gilbert Burnet, D. D. h. b. Amster. I687 Precursory Proofs that Israelites came from Egypt into Ireland, and that the Druids expected the Messiah, by J. Ben. Jacob, bds. Lon. I8IG Lacon, or Many Things in Few Words, addressed to those Who Think, by the Rev. C. C. Colton, A. M. bds. JV. York 1823 Elegant Extracts, or the Literary Nose- gay, consisting of Selections in Prose from admired Authors, BiiltL 1814 I'he Prosaic Garland, or Beauties of Modern Prose, by J. Evans, A. M. bds. Lon, I8O7 The Common-Place Book of Prose, with portrait of T. Chalmers, D. D. bds. Edin. 1823 Les Jeux Innocents de Societe, ornee de Figures, Par, Seidell's Table Talk, Glas. 1755 Les Entretiens des Cafes de Paris et les diferens qui y surviennent Tre. 1702 Character Essential to Success in Life, by J. Taylor, h. b. Canati, 1821 Melanges de Morale, d*Ecoriomie, et de Politique de B. Franklin precedes d'une Notice sur sa Vie, Par. 1 824 Hoyle's Games, neatly bouDd Lon, 1802 12 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 1 24 1 24 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 1 I 3770 231 IZE. VOL. 12 1 18 1 \ 18 1 ' 18 I k } 18 1 '» e 3 18 2 18 1 24 1 Q4, 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 1 18 2 18 1 No. 3754 3755 3756 3757 3758 3759 3760 I 3761 3762 37C3 3764 3705 • 3766 37C7 3768 37C9 2 8 SIZE. VOL. The Traveller's Pocket Book, or Ogilby and Morgan's Book of Roads J.on. 18 1 Histoire Critique de la Kepublique des Lettres tant Ancienne que Modeme Utrecht, I712 18 \5 The Working Man's Companion, sewod PhiL 1831 18 Knowledge for the People, or the Plain Why and Because, in Parts, sewed, Boston^ 1832 18 Sharpe's Select Edition of Select Bri- tish Prose Writere, in Parts, sewed, Lan, 1820 18 11 Howard's Beauties of Literature, fine portraits, bds. ib, 18 24 Harper's I'amily Library, cloth, N, York, 1831 12 12 Constable's Miscellany of Original and Selected Publications, cloth, I^diii. 12 I7 Pamphlets, h. b. calf 8 10 Pamphlets, h. b. 8 10 Pamphlets, bds. and h. b. 8 & 12 10 Pamphlets, h. b. 4 & 8 10 65 Pamphlets on Subjects relative to America, stitched 59 Pamphlets on Various Subjects, stitched Pamphlets, Sec. in 4to. and folio Village Harmony, or Youth's Assistant to Sacred Music, h. b. Violin Precep- tor, and other Pieces of Music, unbound WORKS Olir £BVCATIOar. 3770 Suggestions to the Promoters of Br. Bell's System of Tuition, by the Rev. F. Tremonger, bds. Winches, 1813 8 232 m No. SIZE. VOL. 3771 Elements of Tuition, by the Rev. An- drew Bell, 1 vol. sewed, bds. Lon, 1813-14 8 2 3772 Practical Education, by Maria Edge- worth and Richard Lovell Edge worth, bds. ' New York, 1801 8 2 3773 Essays on Professional Education, by R. L. Edgeworth, Lon, 1812 8 1 3774 The Parent's Friend, or Extracts from the principal works on Education, Phil, 1803 8 2 3775 Eraste ou TAmi de la Jeunesse, par M. I'Abbe Fillassier, Lt/on, 1811 8 2 3776 The Preceptor, containing a General Course of Education, illustrated with maps and cuts, h. b. Vub, 1778 8 2 3777 The World Displayed, by John Greig, h. b. Lon. 1810 8 1 3778 Le Pedagogue des Families Chreti- ennes, contenant un Recueil de Piu- sieurs Instructions sur Diverses Matieres (scarce) Par, 1662 b 1 3779 Percival's Moral and Literary Disserta- tions, Warring, 1784 8 1 3780 Galerie des Jeunes Vierges ou Modele des Vertus, par M. de Renneville, avec 4 Gravures, Par, 1821 12 1 378 1 Discours Moraux sur divers Sujets, et particulierement sur TEducation, par Madame de Genlis, ib, 1804 12 1 3782 Nouvelle Methode d'Enseignement pour la Premiere Enfance, par Madame de Genlis, ib, I8O7 12 1 3783 Essais d'Education et de Morale, par Goldsmith, traduit de 1' Anglais, ib, 1809 12 1 378 (• Liberal Education, or a Practical Trea- tise on the Methods of acquiring Use- ful and Polite Learning, Lon, 1784 12 1 M SIZE. VOL. No. 3785 i S Q f- 3780 >> 18 2 3787 y ) . 2 8 1 1 V n 1 3788 )3 8 2 1 37^9 I. t 11 8 2 1 3790 nl 1 th ■ 3791 78 8 2 • > 10 8 1 3792 >ti. 1 " I f- 1 3793 •es 62 8 1 3794 ta- 1 84 8 1 i i\e 1 3795 ^ec 1 21 12 1 , 3796 1 »ar 3797 04 12 1 (le ■ 3798 07 12 1 >ar 3799 09 12 1 3799* ea- 1 .e- ^ 3800 '84 12 1 1 SIZE. VOL. The Origin, Naturp, and Object of the ^ New System of Kducation, hds. Lon. 1812 12 1 A Plan for the Conduct of Female Edu- cation, by Krasmus Darwin, Phif, 1798 12 1 Hannah More's Kemarks on the Pre- sent Mode of Educating Females, abridged, with portrait, Lon. I799 12 1 Strictures on Female Education, by the Rev. J. Bermet, sewed, Duft. I798 12 1 De TKducation des Filles, par Fenelon •'• • liiora, 1809 18 1 The Family Instructor, by De Foe, iiW///. 1755 12 1 Education des Enfans, traduction Ang- laise de M. Locke, par M. Coste, h. b. Pftr. 1747 12 1 Of Educ;j»n ^ specially of Young Gen- tlemen, h. . "u'^^'f '• Oxford, 12 1 De I'Educaiion Physique et Morale des Enfans des Deux Sexes, J^m . 1785 12 1 Lettei-s from a Nobleman to his Son during the Period of his Eilucation at Eton and Oxford, L'tn. 1810 12 1 Walker's Teacher's Assistant in English Composition, Box. 1810 12 1 The Academic Speaker, by J. Walker, .-.». T , i ffT r/\ Lon, 18(J6 12 1 The New Speaker, by W. Mavor, J ;, tb. I8O7 12 1 The Academic Cicero, or Exercises in Modern Oratory, by U, J. BsdJ, Dub. 1823 12 1 The Practical l^eader, by Mr. Barslett, h. b. N. York, 1822 12 1 Huboard's American Header, bds. •- r «• Bel. F.i/fs, Vf. I8I7 12 1 The Universal Mentor, or Entertaining . .j Instructor, by Sir John Fielding, Lon. I77T 12 1 w i > No. 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 j 3806 3807 3808 234 SIZE. VOL, A Course of Lectures on Elocution, by T. Sheridan, Lon, 1 796 12 1 The Rudiments of Engli^* Grammar, by J. Priestley, ^. v 16. 1 772 12 1 Juvenile Pieces, designed for the In- struction and Entertainment of the Youth of both Sexes, by J. Evans, h. b. ib, 1806 12 1 Methode Abrege et Facile pour Ap- prendre la Geographic, i'flr. 17^1 12 1 The Book of English Trades, and Li- brary of the Useful Arts, plates, . ,/. ,4 ...u...,-,t., Lon. 1823 12 1 Le Nouveau Robinson pour servir a rAmusement et a Tlnstruction des \;_, Enfans, traduit de TAllemand de Campe, ib, I798 18 1 Pinnock's Catechisms of the Arts and Sciences, fine portraits, stitched, ib, 18 19 A Ciphering Book on an Improved Plan, or an Introduction to Arithmetic, by J. Church, h. b. Head, 1813 post 4 1 (.-.. jfj- 1 J i-- '■' i if.'! ';"! ' 1 »! K'''i\ '- Vi\\i .\\ irORKIS OF VARIOUS ACTHOIIS. > 1 ^1 8809 J. HARDUINI, OPERA SELECTA Amst. 1709 folio 1 3810 J. HARDUINI, OPERA VARIA Amst, 1733 folio 1 38 1 1 Works of Sir William Temple Lon, 1731 folio 2 3812 Works of Sir William Temple, with ' Life Lon, 1814, 8 4 3813 The Works of Lord Bolingbroke. Mai- let . Lon. 1754 4 5 3814 Miscellaneous Works of Lord Boling- broke ^ Ldin. 1773 12 4 235 SIZE. VOL, ►y 6 12 1 r, 2 12 1 fi- le b. )6 12 1 )0 i% 1 1 12 1 li- J3 12 1 _ ^ P ea , . . , 1 le \ )8 18 1 id . 18 19 pd , post 4 1 : 1 »RS. 1 L 1 9 folio 1 1 3 folio 1 I folio 2 h 4 8 4 1- 4 4^ 3 12 1 No. V< SIZE. VOL. 3814* View of Lord Bolingbroke's Philosophy Lon. 1756 12 1 3815 The Works of Andrew Marvel), Esq. . Poetical, Controversial, and Political, (Friend of Milton, and Meiober of Par- • ' •> liament, 1660-61, &c.) E. Thompson, portrait Low. I776 4 3 3816 Miscellaneous Works of Andrew Mar- vel!, Esq. Lo)u 1726 12 1 38 17 Miscellaneous Works of William Hayley, Esq. Lon, 1781 4 1 3818 The Works of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. with Essay on his Life, &c. by Murphy, portrait Lon, 1801 8 12 3818* Works of the English Poets, by S. Johnson, vol. 53^ containing the Poems of Dyer and Mallet Lon. 1779 18 1 3819 The Works of John Moore, M. D. with Memoir, by Anderson, portrait, bds. Edin, 1820 8 7 3820 The Works of Joseph Addison, Esq. Dub. 1722 8 5 in 3 3821 The Works of George Campbell, D. D. with Life by G. Skene Keith Aber, and Lon, 1803 8 10 3822 The Works of Sir Philip Sidney, Kt. Lon, 1725 8 2 3823 The Works of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, with Life and Portrait, bds. ib, 1823 8 8 3824 The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq. with Memoirs of his Life, &c. by Lord Sheffield, portrait i6. 1814 8 5 3825 TheWorksofJohnLocke, bds. t6. 1823 8 10 3826 The Works of George Berkeley, D. D. " late Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland, with an Account of his Life, bds. ib. 1820 8 3 3827 Miscellaneous Works of the Late Earl of Chesterfield, with Memoirs of his 23<J m f ■;, No. 3827* 38Q8 3829 3830 3830* 3831 3832 3833 SIZE. VAL. M. Maty, with 3833» 3o34. 3835 SS36 S8S7 3838 Appendix, portraits Lim. 1779 8 4 The Works of C. Churchill, wants the fii-st vol. iO. 1774 8 3 The Works of the Late John Maclaurin, Esq. of Dreghorn, F. U. S. Edinburgh, portrait, h. b. Kfiht, 1798 8 1 The Works of the late Aaron Hill, Esq. b. b. Lon, 1753 8 4 The Miscellaneous Works of Oliver Goldsmith, M. D. with Account ot his Life, &c. portrait .. - ; ib, 1801 8 4 LonI Lytlelton's W<»rks, vol. 1 ih. I'JJ^ 8 1 The Wo!ks of John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham id. 1753 12 2 The Works of John Eachard. D. J). late of Cambridge <7>. 1772 12 2 The Works of Dr Jonathan Swift, with the Author's Life and Character, Notes, ike, wants part of the 9th volume >: / 4. : 1 . JifJin. \7()8 12 13 Swift's Works, vol. 15 Lon. 17()G 12 1 'J'he Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. with Commentary and Notes, by War- burton, illustrated with plates, Sup*>le- ment, and Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope Ao//. I757 12 11 Ihe Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. t • - ,' I.. , , J,,m. 1730 12Gin9 The whole Works of Adam Smith, L. L. D. with Life. bds. ib. 1822 12 5 The Works of Soame Jenyns, Esq. with Sketches of the Authoi-'s Family and Life, by Cole, portrait ib. 1790 12 4 The Posthumous Works of Ann Eliza Bleecker, with Essays, by Margaretta V. Faugeres, portrait New Ymk 1793 12 1 3839 The Works of King Charles L portrait ^ I M ll« 11' i\i> Aber, 17t)6 12 2 I SIZE. VOL. r, D 8 4 e 4> 8 3 i> 1. 8 8 1 1. 3 8 4 r s 1 8 4 f) 8 1 ►f 3 \2 2 ). 2 12 2 li 1 i> 8 12 IS (i 12 1 No. 3840 3841 384l» 384.2 3813 3843* 3S44 3815 3846 «37 SIZE. VOL. The whole Works of Duncan Forbes, late Lord President of the Court of JSession Edin. 12 2 The VV rks of James Reattie, L L. O. wants vols. 7 and 0, bds. Phi. 1809 18 Milton's Works, vol. 4, containing his Poems upon several occasions .11 .; ,t', 1 i .1/ . S aiasfpw \^'^'i 18 The Works of Thomas Paine Phil. I7<J7 8 The Works of x\\? 'ai (oheit Treat ' Paine, Esq. with jud'e ^...d Portrait, hds. Bosfon 1812 The Works of Alexander llauiilton, portrait, vol. 1 New Y<nk 1810 The Miscellaneous Works of David Humphreys, late Minister Plenipoten- tiary, from the United vStales of Ame- rica, to the Court of Madrid, portrait, h. b. Neuo York 1S04 The Complete Works of Dr Benjamin Franklin, with Memoirs of his Early Life, portrait and plates Lon, 1806 Works of the lato Dr Benjamin Frank- lin, with Life and Portrait Edin, 1812 18 2 8 1 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 8 3 I, ''U 3847 BAYLE, (EUVKES DIVEKSES A la Hmjt 1 737 folio 4 3848 Analyse Raisonnee de Baylc, on ahrege " Methodiquede ^es Ouvrages Lim, 1755 12 8 38 1<9 Examcn critique des Ouvrages de Bayle Par, 1747 12 1 I 3850 (EUVRES D*ESTIENNE PAS- QUIER .1 -.r . •>. .'. AmsL \ri^ {o\\o "i 3851 COLLKCTION COMPLETTE DES CEUVitES DE M. DE VULTAiUE *fcmve et Par, I7G8-9G 4 45 3851* Voltaire** Works, vol. 24, containing hi0 Treatise on Toleration Lon,\l^^ 12 1 238 'iKif it"' .'■ !,;-1 No. 3852 Erreurs de Voltaire, par Nonnotte JBesancon 1818 3853 CEuvres completes de Ch. Rollin, fine edition with portrait Par. 1817-18 • Atlas to do, h. b. ur • 3854 (Euvres completes de C. F. Volney, portrait Par. 1821 3855 (Euvres completes de M. Palissot, h. b. ib. 1809 3856 Oeuvres de Marmontel, h. b. ib. 1«09 3857 Oeuvres completes de Louis Saint- Simon, Due et Pair de France, por- trait . ' Stras.l'ii^l 3858 Oeuvres de Mirabeau Par. 1821 3859 Oeuvres de Du Marsais ib. 1797 3860 Oeuvres diverses de Duclos, h. b. ib. 1802 3861 CEuvres completes de Michel THospi- tal, Chancelier de France, ornees de Portraits et de Vues, &c. par Dufey, de L'Yonne, ' ' > ib. 1824 3862 (Euvres Completes de Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais, Portrait et Planches, ib. 1809 3863 CEuvres Completes de PAbbe de Mably A Lyon. 1792 3864 (Euvres de M. de Bonald, Par. 1817 3865 (Euvres Edites et Inedites de Servan, avec des Observations, &c. par X. de Portets, ib. 1825 3866 Opuscules de M. TAbbe Fleury, Prieur d'Argenteuil, portrait, A Nismes, 1780 3867 (Euvres Completes de Paul Louis . ... Courier precedees d'un Essai sur sa Vie, &c. par CaiTel, sewed, Par, 1829 3868 CEuvres Completes du Seigneur de Brantome, ib. 1823 3868* (Euvres du Brantome, vol. 2. I :i :i' I .A \ f.f.;;. .•. T Hi Lon. 1779 SIZE. VOL. 12 3 8 18 4 1 8 8 8 6 8 7 8 13 8 8 8 7 8 5 8 6 8 7 8 12 8 12 8 5 8 5 8 4 8 8 12 1 I I I I i 239 SIZE. VOL. f No. 3869 12 3 8 18 4 1 3870 3871 3872 8 8 8 6 i ■ 3873 8 7 3874 8 13 8 8 3875 8 7 * .'■' 8 5 8 6 3876 3877 3878 3879 . 3880 8 7 3881 8 12 8 12 3882 8 5 3883 8 5 3884 3885 8 4 3886 8 8 3886* 12 1 SIZE. VOL. CEuvres de Bossuet, Eveque de Meaux Par, 1818 8 1 (Euvres de D'Alembert, ib, 1821 8 5 CEuvres Completes de Denis Diderot, t • n > ib. 1818 8 7inl2 CEuvres de M. TAbbe de Radouvilliers, precedees du Discours Prononce, par le Cardinal Maury, h. b. ib. 1807 8 3 The Complete Works of M. de Mon- tesquieu, translated from the French, Portrait, Lon. 1777 8 4 Qiuvres Completes de Montesquieu, pre- cedees de sa Vie, t.( u ! i^ar. 1816 8 4 L* Esprit des Maximes Politiques, pour servir de suite a TEsprit des Loix de Montesquieu, par Pecquet, ALeide, 1758 12 1 CEuvres de la Bruyere Par. 1820 8 1 Oeuvres de Vauvenargues ih, 1820 8 1 Oeuvres de Thomas, h. b. i6. 1819 8 2 Oeuvres de M. Thomas de TAcademie Fran9aise \'u t,.;i .»!. .1/' ■ ib, I792 12 4 Oeuvres Posthumes de Thomas, sewed, ib. 1802 12 2 The whole Critical Works of M. Rapin, translated from the French Lon. I706 8 2 Oeuvres diverses du R. P. R. Rapin, concernant les Belles Lettres, Amster, 1693 12 2 Oeuvres de M. de Fontenelle, portrait and plates a.rft ,1' '«..: Ji5l;. Par, I766 12 11 Oeuvres Completes de Cordillac revues, corrigees, par TAuteur ib. 1803 12 31 Oeuvres de M. Boileau Despreaux, por- trait Geneve^ 1724 12 4 Oeuvres de M. Rousseau, de Geneve, Amster. 17^>9 12 19 Oeuvres de M. Rousseau, vol. 5, non- tenant Instruction, Pastorale ib, I77O 12 1 240 '!.. .1 • 1 •■''. '■' •■» ; I'.' • ■ No. 3887 3888 3889 S890 3891 \ t' 3.S92 3S93 3894 3895 3896 3897 3898 3899 3900 3901 3002 3902^ sias. VOL. Les Oeuvres (lu Sr. Rousseau, vellum, ^ .;.-' .v.:\ Jiofttr. 1712 12 1 Reciieil des Ouvragcs composes, par feu ' » " M. Papin en faveui* de la Keligion, Par, 1723 12 3 Oeuvres Completes de M. de Saint Foix, portrait, ib. 1778 12 6 Oeuvres Clioisies de Saint Evremont, ih, 1804 12 1 Dissertation sur hi Ouvres de Saint Evremont ib. 1698 12 1 Les Oeuvres de M. TAbbe de Saint Real, wants the 1st vol. ib, I757 12 7 Oeuvres diverses de J. J. Barthelemy ib. Tan vi. 18 4 Oeuvres du Cardinal de J3ernis ib, 1812 18 2 Oeuvres du Philosoplie de Sans-Souci ^euch, 1760 IS 4 Another copy of the same ;»' i'-Jf -i 18 S Les Oeuvres diverses du Sieur de Pal- <^ "^ zac, ♦iMM Amsfer, I664 18 1 Oeuvres de M. de Portia d* Urban Far, 1809 12 10 Oeuvres Comjdetes de Solomon Gess- ner, precedees d'une Notice sur sa Vie ^ ■' et ornees de 32 planches, contenant 4H sujets ^ ' ib. I8O7 12 3 The Works of the famous Nicolas Ma- chiavel of Florence, translated from the Italian Lou, l(i95 fof. 1 Oeuvres de Machiavel, traduit par T. Guiraudet, portrait Prn , i*an vii 8 9 Ouvres Posihumes de Frederic II. Roi de Prussc, portrait ISet^liv, 1789 8 15 in 14 liViU O'^i \ j THESAURI ELECTOR ALIS BKANUENBURGICUS SKLEC* TUS, sive Gemmarum, et Numisma- tum Gi*8ecorum, et Romanorum, quae f.-^, 00 24.1 No. SIZE. VOL. in Cimeliarchio Electoral! Branden- burgico asservaiitur, tarn Consularium quam Imperatorium, series Elegan- tiai'um et Seleota, aere Expressa et Cominentario Illustrata, authore Lau- rentio Begero, fine engravings, strong- ly bound, with gilt edges, Colo, March. 1696 fol 2 (. \nl4> ':-\.' 3903 An Introduction to the Study of Biblio- graphy, by Tiiomas Hartwell Home, illustrated with engravings Lon. 1814 3904 The British Bibliographer, by Sir Eger- ton Brydges and Joseph Haslewood, fine plates, h, b. in vellum Loji. 1814 3905 Conseils pour former une Bibliotheque peu Nombreusc mais Choisie Berlin 1756 12 390G Traitte des Plus Belles Bibliotheques de r Europe, par Le Gailois T'ar. I(i80 12 3907 Dictioruiiiire i3ibliogiaphi<jue. Hi3to- rique et Critique des Livres Rares, &c. I^ar. 1802 390s Manuel du Lihraire et de PAmateur de Livres, par J. C. Bruiiet J^ar. 1820 3909 Dictionnaire des Ouvrages Aiioiiymes et Pseudonymes avec Notes, llisiorique et Critique, par iM. Harbiei Par. 1822 3910 The Librarian, being an Account of Scarce, Valuable, and Useful English Books, by James Savage, bds. Lon. 1809 3911 Anecdotes of Literature and Scarce Books, by the Rev. William Heh)e, neatly bound, caltgilt Lon. 1814 3912 Another copy Z/y//. 1808 3913 Dil)din's Introduction to the Knowledge of Rare and Valuable Editions of the Greek and Latin Classics Lon. 1808 8 2 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 3 6 3 8 2 242 No. 3914 3915 3916 3917 SIZE. VOL. '..t- t«(, kf 3918 1 ;^- 'i * ' i^^ ':'-!. 3919 3920 Dibdin's Introduction, being a Taba- lated Arrangement from Dr Harwood'a View, &c. Glocester 1802 8 1 A View of the various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, with Re- marks, by E. Harwood, D.D. Ltm. 1775 8 1 An Historical and Critical Account of the most Eminent Classic Authors in Poetry and History, by E. Man waring Lmu IJ37 8 1 Dictionnaire Critique, Literaire et Bibliographique dcs principaux Livres condamnes au feu, suppriaies ou cen- sures. Peignot Par. 1806 8 2 Catalogue des Onvrages mis a 1* Index, coritenant le Nom de tons les Livres condamn6s, par la Cour de Rome Par, 1826 8 1 Another Copy of the same, sewed 8 I Catalogues, h. b. bds. and sewed 8 24 SIZE. VOL. SUPPLEMENT. THEOIiOOY. No. 3921 S922 3923 f ^ZB. VOL. 8 1 The Holy Bible Edin, 1783 Kvangelia: sive Excerpta qiioedam ex Novo Testamento, cloth Etotta 1 775 ! 2 1 The Gospel according to Saint John, with Translation into the Indian Lan- guage Xon. 12 1 I. 3924f Thesaurus Philologicus seu clavis Scrip, turoe, autbore J. U. Hottingero Tiguri 1649 4 1 3925 Hermeneutique sacree, ou introduction a TEcriture 8ainte en General, traduit du Latin, p.>rj. J. I'acaud P/ir. 1828 8 2 3926 Clavis Cantici : or an Exposition of t:ie Song of Solomon, by J, Durham, h h.. Glas. 1723 12 1 3927 Key to the Testament, or Whitby's Commentary, bds. Lou. 1815 12 1 3928 Ward's Errata to the Prot&tiint Bible, or the Truth of the English Transla- tions Examined, bds. Duh, 1810 4 1 3929 The Seven Vials, or a briefe and plaine Exposition upon the 15th and Kith Chapters of the Revelations, (rare) Lon, 161 8 small 4 1 244 No. SIZE. VOL. 3930 The Second Gate, or the Inner Door to the Holy Tongue, l)eing a Compendious Hebrew Lexicon, by W. Robertson Lon, 1G54 12 >; I y n. i'i w '\ lii I- r 3931 3932 A 2d volume of the Bible in Latin. 2 Versions, with Commentary, wants title 3933 3934 3935 4 1 L*Apologetique et les prescriptions de Tertullien, traduction de I'Abbe de Gourcy. L'Octavius de Minucius Felix traduction nouvelle, avec le texte en regard Par. 1828 Homelies, Discours, et Lettres choisis de S. Jean Chrysostome, traduits par M. L*Abbc Anger Lyon. 1826 (^. Sept. Florentis Tertulliani Liber de Pallio. C. Saiinasius lAdetue Parisiorum lG22 12 Les Oeuvres de Ste Therese, de la traduction, de M. Arnauld d'Andilly Par. 1090 4 8 1 8 4 im i ni. 393C Sacrosancti et ORCumenici Concilii Tri- dentini Par, 1823 12 1 IM.i IV. 3937 La Certitude des Preuvea du Christian- isme, par M. Bergier, h. b. Par I772 12 2inl 3938 L'Esprit de M. Nicole on Instructions bur les Verites de lu Religion, &c. ib. 1772 12 1 IZE. VOL. no. . 12 1 3939 3940 1 f 3941 4 1 39 12 3943 * 3944 8 1 394.5 8 4 3946 12 1 4 I 12 1 22inl 12 1 |245 V. SIZE. VOL. 3947 39 tS 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 Penn*s No Cross No Crown Lon. 1 806 8 1 Christiados sive de Passiono Domini et Salvatoris nostri Jesn Christi, libre XVII. Clarke Bnir^is IfiTO 8 1 llistoire de la Bible. Royaumont, ornee de 2()7 gravures, fine edition Par. 1812 8 1 Fellows's History of the Holy Bilde, with Notes, cSjc. Lon. 1811 24 2 Aurese Sentential, select sentences from sundry eminent Divines /.on. 1 7^ '8 18 1 An Ordination Sermon, hy T. Prince, with Discourse, hy E. Pemberton Bos foil 1718 12 1 Sermons sur divei"s Textesde rj*>riture Sainte, par M. Homilly Geupve 1780 8 2 Annivei'sary Sermon, preached before the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, with proceed- ings of the Society, sewed lon. 1821 8 1 Milner's Practical Sermons, with Life of the Author, bds. //a 18U4 8 1 Biographical Sermons, by W. Enfiehl, bds. Lon. 1777 12 1 Wilkins's Discoui'se concerning tfie Gift of Prayer, &c. ib. I764 12 1 Practical Discoui*ses upon the Beati- tudes, ikv,. by J. Norris ib. I707 8 1 Price's Sermons on the Christian Doc- trine ib. 1787 8 1 Sermons preached before the Hon. So- ciety of Lincoln's Inn, by U. Nares ib. 1794 8 1 Nine Sermons, by George Whitefield ib. 1743 8 1 Sermons sur tous les Evangeles du Curcsme, par Claude de Lingendes Par. 1(363 8 1 * n 1 I No. n 3955 n 3956 R 3957 ^H4M 11 3958 II 3959 H '''• 3960 ^' ' r * 3961 ■ .1 3962 f 3963 3964 3965 3966 3967 i 3968 246 iilZK. VOL. Sermons ly Thomas Wilson, 2d vol. Bath 1791 12 1 The Excellency of a Gracious Spirit, by J. Biirroughes, h. b. Lon. 1 767 12 1 'J helyphthora, «>r a Treatise on Female liuin, considered on the Basis of the Divine Law ib. I78I 8 3 Theron and Aspasio, or a Series of Dialogues, by J. Hervey tA. 1811 12 2 Vies des Saints pour tous les Jours de TAnnee • Par, 1820 12 1 Sermons et Homelies, par M. Jerome Deparis ih. 1738 12 3 La Vie de& Riches et des Pauvres id. 1740 12 1 Contemplations, Moral and Divine, of Sir Matthew Hale, with Life and Por- trait Lou, 1679 12 1 Practical Works of Alexander Mon- crieflF, 2d vol. Jidin, 1779 12 1 Ingenious Thoughts of the Fathers of the Cliurch, fn.m the French of Bo- hoiirs Lon. 1 727 12 1 Virgilii Evangelisantis ChristiadoH, Libri XI II. Lon. \th^ 12 1 Moi'ale des Patriarches et des Pro- phetes Par, 18U2 18 2 Meditiitiones. Andreee Riveti. Arn- hfmii apud Jacobum Biesium 1635 18 1 Le Miroir des Ames, stitched Par, 4 1 VL 8969 The Works of Jacob Behmen, the 1 eutonic Theosopher. W. Law Lon, 1763 3970 King's Essay on the Origin of Kvil, translated from the Latin, with Notes, by E. Law Cam, IJSQ 4 1 8 1 ;i Zt. VOL. 12 1 12 1 8 3 12 2 12 1 12 3 12 1 12 1 12 1 1 12 1 12 1 18 9 18 1 * 1 i 4 1 8 1 247 No. SIZE. VOL. 3971 Annus Secularis, or the British Juhilee of November, 1788 £'d/m. 1788 8 1 3972 Reciieil des Oiivrages en faveur de Religion, par M. Papin Par, 1723 12 1 3973 Catholico-Uomanus Pacificus, wants title 12 1 VII. 3974 DTSPVTATIONVM ROBERTl RELLARMINI POLITIANI, SUE. de Controversiis Christiana) Fidei. Ingolstadii I60I folio 3 in 2 3975 Wilson's Letters to Ezra Stiles I .ly Bostm, 1814 8 1 3976 The Independent Whig, or a Defence of Primitive Christianity Lou, IJ'ZH 8 1 3977 Mather's Apology lor the Lib rties of the Churches in Sew England, Boitfan, 1738 8 1 3978 A Master-Key to Popery, wants Title 8 1 3979 The Pastoral Letters of Jerieu, directed to the Protestants in France. Trans- lated, Lon. 1689 8 1 3980 Papismus Regiee Potestatis Eversor lb. 1682 8 I 3981 The History of the Apostles* Creed, ib, 1702 8 I 3982 Reflections upon Learning, &c. (Tho- mas Baker) ib. I7O8 8 1 3983 The Rehearsal Transposed, or Animad- versions on a Book, entitled a Preface, &c. ih, I672 12 1 9984 Les Provinoiales, ou Lettres de Louis de Montalte, par Pascal Par, 1815 18 2 VIIL 9985 Primitive Christianity, or the Religion of the Ancient Christians in the First I 'I I!, * .*■ I* 24>S No, SIZE. VOL. Ages of the Gospel, by William Cave, Lon. IG73 8 1 3986 Another copy of the same, ib. 1714 8 1 3987 Dii Gou vei neineut des Dioceses en Coin- mun, Basle, I707 12 1 3988 Golden Remains of the Ever-memor- able Mr John Hales, Lon. 1088 8 1 3989 De Origine Veritate et Immutabili Rec- titudine Juris Natm'alis, Secundum Dis- ciplinam Cinistianorum, Arye^iL 1678 12 1 3990 The Trium[»hs of Grace, a Sermon, by R. Campbell, with other Sermons, h. b, Glas. 1793 12 1 3991 Gotthop Hottonis de Christiana inter Europoeos Evangeli(;os Concordia, vel- lum, Amster. 1(J47 12 1 3992 Bibliotheca Parochialis, &c. or u Scheme of such Theological and other Heads retpiisite to be perused, and occasional- ly consulted by the Rev. Clergy, by T. Bray, 1st vol. Lou. I707 8 1 3993 Harrison's Sacred Classics, vol. 2. con- taining the Pilgrim's Progress, Nelson's Festivals, and the Economy of Human Life, ib. 178(i 8 1 3994> Defease de I'Essai sur I'lndifference en Matiere de Keligion, par I'Abbe F. De ' la Meiinais, ran 1821 8 1 3995 ISIethode ponr la Direction des Ames dans le Tribunal de la Penilence, ^c. Besan. I7S4 12 3990 R. P. Joannis Polanci, Directorium Breve, ad Confessarii, ac ConHlcntis luuuus recte obeunduin, (scarce) Duacu IG27 18 I' ', ' . • ,■•! #!M ' ■':.''■ ^ 1 ' , : .1 i' I ' r * •'". I , •! *( . .! ) ! •>i'n</. ••ill I' ' 2 ■1 8 1 8 1 8 1 1^2 2 .8 1 No. 8 8 1 1 3997 2 8 1 1 3998 2 1 3999 4000 2 1 4001 12 1 1 4002 1 4003 249 X. SIZE. VOL. 4002 4005 4000 4007 4(>08 4009 Breviarium Roinanum ex decreto sacro- saiicti Concilii Tridentiiii Hostitiitum, Luyduni, 1780 12 1 Heures Imprimees par Tordre de M. le Cdi'diiml de Noailles, Archeveqiie de Paris, Par. I70I 12 1 The Book of Common Prayer, .! .(' Oxf.rd, 1799 18 1 Companion to the Temple, or a Help to Devotion in the daily use of the Com- mon Prayer, Low. 1()79 8 1 Prieres et Ceremonies des Ordinations, Latin el Fran9ais, Par. 1820 12 1 A New Version of the Psalms of David, by Barnard, Bos. 1752 12 1 Belsknap*s Sacred Poetry, consisting of Psalms and Hymns, t7>. 1812 18 1 •'-' ■ XI. The Religion of Nature Delineated, Lon. 1725 4 1 Sales'^ Koran, commordy called the Al- coran of Mohammed, wants vol. 2. ib. 1812 8 1 Dictionnaire Infernal, ou Bihliotheque Univcrseile, par M. Collin de Plancy, Pai. 1825 8 2 Histoire du Ciel, sewed, ib. I788 12 2 Hume's Essays on Suicide, and the Im- mortality of the Soul, hds. Z,ow. 1789 12 1 The Pro|)hecies ot Uichurd Brothers, I i I- 1 , t .:. ii50 No. SIZE. VOL. IiAir A]¥]» «OTERSMEIk'T. m '■I '• m • :■ m: 4010 LK DROIT DE LA GUERRE ET DE LA PAlX, par Hugo Groliiis, JNouvelle Traduction, par J. Barbeyrar, (scarce) Ams/er, 1724 4 2 4011 Pricstly*s Essay on the First Principles of Government, &c. h. b. ion. 17(18 8 1 4012 Stuart's View of Society in Europe, in its Progress from Rudeness to l^efine- ment, JE(/in. 1792 8 1 4013 The Manual of Liberty, Af/w. 1795 8 1 4ul4 A Fragment on Government, bds. Duff. 1776 8 1 4015 An Enquiry into the Principles of Civil and Military Subordination, by J. Mac- diarmed, bds. Ltw. I8O6 8 1 4016 Cours de Droit Public ou Theorie des Lois Sociales, par J. F. Dauray de Brie, sewed, i^^ r. 1812 8 1 4017 Aphorismrs Politiqucs de J. Harring- ton, traduit de TAnglais, sewed, / I., ' . lb. Pani'iU 18 1 4S18« n. CODICIS IVSTINIANI, D. N. Sacra- tissimi Principis, P. P. Aug. Libri XIL (ietitvt\ Hill. 4 1 CORPVS IVRIS CIVILIS. In HII Pi* lies distinctum, tine ediiion, strong- ly bound in vellum, scaice, t/». 1()I4 4 1 4019 A Compendious View of the Civil Law, by Arthur Browne, Loti. 1 802 8 1 Histoire du Droit Canon, par M. Du- 4020 rand. 4021 Lf/on, r^lO 12 1 Histoire du Droit Romain, pai M. C. J. de Ferriere, Par. 1788 12 1 251 SIZE. VOL. No. SIZE. VOL. i> 4 2 s 3 8 1 1 ' 2 8 1 5 8 1 3 8 1 1 4022 Esprit des Lois Romaines, i4»i*fer. 1775 12 3 4023 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 40.30 4U31 4032 4033 4034 4035 4036 III. A General Abrid*^ ment of Law and Equity, by C. Viiier, Htimp. fol. I All Essay on Insurances, by N. Magens, vol. 2. Ln. 1755 4 1 The OjMnions of Different Autli<)i*s upon the Punishment of Death, B. .NJontague, vol 3. hds. ih. r8l3 8 1 Morgr ii's Attorney's Vade Mecuui and Client's Instructor, vol. 3. ib. 7^7 8 1 Hargrave's Tracts relative to the Laws ot Kn«,Hand, vol. I. Dab. I787 8 1 Another copy of the same, hds 8 1 Montetiore's Bankrupt a:»d Creditor's Frii'ndiy Assistant, hds. iwi. 180(1 rl. 8 1 Cooke's Bankrupt Laws, ib. 1793 8 2 The Military Laws of England, h. h. ib. 1810 8 1 Collectanea Juridica, consisting of Tra(!ts relative to the Law and Con- stitution of Kngland, vol. 1. Dub. 1791 8 1 Trial of James W atson, the Elder, for High i'reason, June I8I7, sewed, Ediit. ISI7 8 1 The Trial of Dr. Heiny Sacheverell, before the House of Peers, for High Crimes and Misdcmeaiours, Lon. I7IO 8 I History of the King's Irms, or an Ac- count of thr Legal Body in Ii eland, from its comiection with England, by \\. T. Duhigg, hds. Dub. I8O6 8 1 llistorii-al >ketebes of Civil Liberty, from the Heigri of Heiny VII. to the Accession of the House of Stuart, h. b. Lon. 1788 8 1 252 No. SIZE. VOL. 4037 The StuHent*s Guide through Lincoln's Inn, by Thomas Lane, plates, bds. Lmu 1828 8 1 4038 A Digest of the Law of Actions at Nisi Prus, hy T. Espinasse, Phil. 1791 12 2 4039 luiglish Liberties, or the Free-born Sub- ject's Inheritance, Low. 18 1 4040 The Book of Oaths i7^. 1G49 18 1 I i! ■:,5 4041 4042 4043 4041. 4045 4046 4047 4048 4049 4050 IV. NOUVEL EXAMEN de PUsage Ge- neral des Fiefs en France, par M. B- us- sel. Par, 1750 4 2 Bibliotheque des Coutumes, par Mons. k C. Berroyer, et E. de Luuriere, r ib, 1745 4 J Repertoire Universel de Legislation ^ Couiuierciale, par A. G. Daubunton, I ih. 1810 8 2 J Histoire des Avocats ou Parlenient et I du Barreau de Paris, par M. Fournel, ib. 18i3 8 2 i De ^Organisation Judiciaire et de la Codification. Bentham, ib. lH28 8 1 Des Lettres de Cachet et des Prisons d'Etat, Ham. 1782 8 1 Proces Complet de M. de Pradt, Pur. 1820 8 1 Traite de la Seigneurie Feodale Uni- versel le, et du Franc Alleu Natural, par M. I'urgole, ib. 1767 12 1 Manuel des Prud* Hommes, par M. Leo- pold, ib. 1811 12 1 Code Rural, vol. 3. , ' ib, 1774 12 1 V. ■tj: 4051 Dictionnaire Raisonne du Gouverne- nient, des Lois, des Usages, et de la rzE. VOL. < 8 1 12 2 18 1 18 1 253 No. SIZE. VOL. Discipline de TE^rlise, par A. E. Micolas des Odoards Fantin, : Par. 1 7 88 8 6 1 ■-' VI. 4052 History of the Cases of Controverted Electious, by iS. Douglas, vols. 1. and 2. Dub. 1788 8 2inl 4 2 4 J 8 2 I VIII. 4053 A Summary View of the Feudal Law, with the Dilferences of the 8c<»ts Law from it, E ,iit, 17 10 12 4054 Beck's I'lements of Medical Jin'isjMu- dence, vol. 2. hJs. Albanti^ 1823 8 4055 An Etitjuiry into the Law Merchant of the United States, JStw Yurk^ 1802 8 8 2 8 1 8 1 8 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 XATIO^AI^ AFFAIRS. L 4056 The Congressional Reporter, Concord, 1812 8 1 IL 4057 The History of the Public Revenue of the British Empire^ by Sir John Sin- clair, vol. 3. bds. Low. 1804 8 1 4058 Bristed's Hints on the National Bank- ruptcy of Britain, and on her Resources, h. b. JSew York, 180<J 8 1 4059 Donni 't*s Statistical Account of the United States, translated from the French, by W. Playlisiir, h. b. - Lon, 1805 8 1 264 No. SIZE. VOL. 4060 Pitkin's Statistiral View of the Com- meice of the United States, hHs. Nfw York, 1817 8 1 4061 Annales Statistiques des Etats Ufiis, par A. Soybert, traduit de i'Anglais, I*ar. 1820 8 1 4062 Theorie de I'lnteret de 1' Argent, pur Les Ahhes Kuhe et Gouttes, ih. 1/82 12 1 4063 BcntFiam's Defence of Usury, r/iii, 1796 18 1 ir III. 4064 A Treatise on the Commerce and Police of the lliver Tiiaine^, by T. Lokpihoiiii, hds- Jmn. 1800 8 1 4065 An Essay on Trade and Commerce Lon. 1770 8 1 4066 Histoire du Commerce et de hi Navi- gation des Anciens*, par M. lluet, Li/on, 1763 8 1 4067 Denonciation au Pul)lic d'uti Nduveau Projet d'Ag otaire ou Lettre A. M. le Coii'tede S • • *, Lun, 1786 8 1 406S The British Merchant, ib. 1748 12 3 406y Testament Politique du Marechui Due de Belle- isJe, Par, 1782 12 1 m psm^osoPHY. I. 4070 Acndemiae Sacri Romani Imperii Leo- )>oldino Carolinse Naturae Curiosorum i-listoria, Ualae. Mof/de. 17.')5 4 I 4071 Transactions of the Hnyal Society of Edinburgh, plates, Edin. I788, 1805 4 5 4072 Archives de Decouvertes et des Inven- tions Nouvelles, Pai\ 1825 8 1 a55 No. 4073 407'i 4075 4076 4077 SIZE. VOL. Memoirs of the Royal Society, being a New Abridgement of t e Philosophi- cal Transactions, by M. Batidam, nu- merous plates, u'Hiits vol. '2. Lnu. 17.'39 8 4 Systerne de la Nature ou des Lois du Monde Physique, et du Monde Moral, par Mirabaud, vellum, • ih. 1770 8 2 Examen du Materialisme ou Refutation du Systerne de la Nature, par M. Ber- gier. Par. 1771 12 2 Lumen de Lumine, or a New Magical Light Discovered and Communicated 10 the World, (curious) Ldh. \(\5\ 18 1 Pliilosophia Scoti a Prnlixitate, et Sta- bilitas ojus ab Obscuritdte Libei*a et Viudicata, Par, 1(581 18 1 IL 407s A Short Introduction to Moral Philo- sophy, by F. Hulche:»on. From the Latin. P tL 1/88 12 4079 Questions Metaphysiqurs, dont la solu- tion Importe a I'Humanite, sewed, Amsler. 1793 8 ' vn. 4080 Darwin's Botanic Garden, fine pbtes, h. b. Lou. 179!) 8 2 4081 Aikin*8 Natural History of the Year, bds. ib, 1815 12 1 /I JM I. X. 4082 The Philosophy of Medicine, or Medi- cal Extracts on the Nature of Health and Disease, numerous fine plates, neat- ly bound in imitation Morocco, t^* ^799 8 1 250 w r t t r* Na. 4083 4084 4085 4086 4087 ^, SIZE. VOL. Precis Elementaire de Physiologie, par K Mngendie. ' I^ar. 1816 ? 2 Remarks on the Disordei*s of Literary Men. bds. Boston, 18^25 12 1 Le Conservateur da la Saute ou Avis sur les Dangers cjii*il importe a chaoun d'eviter, pour se consierver en bonne Sante et Prolonger sa Vie, par M. le Begue de Tresle, J^ar. 1768 12 1 Memoii*s of Military Surgery, translated from the French of D.J. Larrey, by R. Willmott Hall. • ? ■♦ Balli. \H\4> Petri Borelli INIedici Pegii, Castrensis Historiarum, et OI>servationum Hario- ruin Medicophysicarum Ceuturia, wants title, 8 2 12 1 XII. 4088 4089 The Complete English Tradesman, ' ' ' Dub. 12 1 Arithmetic, by J. Mellie, wants title, LuN, 1646 12 1 * r. , » 1 . ' f •>. ! XIV. 4090 4091 4092 Eland's Tutor to Astrology, or Astrology made Easie, by G. Parker, ib. 17*'4 18 Three Book> of Orciill Fhilosopliy, writ- ten by Henry ('ornelius Agrippa <»f Net- tesheim, translated fiom the L itin, by J. F. (curious) ib. 1().3I small 4 Paracelsus, or the Supreme Mysteries of Mature, Engli>hed by R. 1 urner, ib. i6d6 12 (:»>?! ;^! ,'; ••» if. r,''lfj'{\u i\i h'l}^-'^ '! }^,r ^zrr, N... Sl/F. VOL. 4093 4004. 4095 4096 4097 J 4098 i ; ,• 4099 4100 THK FIIVK ARTS, ^C. Poikilographia, or Various Specimens of Ornamental Penmanship, by Samuel Coate, bds. ib. 1812 fol. 1 Fac-^^imile of Burns* celebrated Poem, The Jolly Beggars, from the Original Manuscript, stitched, Glas. IS'IS 4 I Gilpin's Observations on the Coasts of Hampshire, Sussex, and Kent, relative chiefly to Picturesque Beauty, with plates, bds. Lon. 1804 8 1 Haccolta di Cento Costurni Antichi Bartolomeo Pinelli, Tomo I. 52 piales, sewed, Roma^ ob fol. 1 Nouva Raccolta di Cinquanta Costumi Pittoreschi Bartolomeo Pinelli, sewed, i6. 1816 ob fol. 1 15 Estampes sur les principaux Everie- meiis de Leon X. sewed JRomce folio I Folio, containing 6 views of Montreal. Saint Ignace and Sainte Therese. 53 Portraits of Eminent Persons, map of the World, &c. folio 1 6 Views of Montreal. ! • BBIiI^ES IiETOTRCS. .4^1 • ( ■ I 4101 4102 4103 i ■' . I 1. Lselius and Hortensia, or Thoughts on > • the Nature and Objects of Taste and Genius Edin. 1782 8 1 Gei-ard's Essay on Taste iIk 17«0 8 1 Reflexions critiques sur la Poesie et sur la Peinture, par TAbbe Du Bos Par, \155 12 3 2.58 I It 11 No. SHE. VOL. 1104 SheridaH'a Lectures on the Art of Reading Lon. 1781 8 1 4105 Prcceptes de lllietoiique, par I'Abbe Girard Rodez 1816 12 1 4100 Hermes, or a Philosopliical Inquiry concerning Univereal Grammar, by J. Harris, bds. Lon. 1806 8 1 II. 4107 De la Literature consideree dans sea rapports avec les Institutions Sociales, par Madame De Stael. Holstein, h. b. Lon. 1813 8 2 III. 4108 An Univei-sal Etymological English Dictionary, by N. Bailey Edin. 1800 8 1 4109 Dictionary of the Scottish Language, bds. ib. 1827 21 1 4110 Dictionnaire de TAcademie Fran9oise Par. Tan vii. 4 2 4111 Nouveau Dictionnaire de Poche de la Laiigue Fran9aise, par P. Catineau, h. b. Par. 1814 12 1 4112 An Explanatory Pronouncing Diction- ary of the French Language, in French and English, by TAbbe Tardy Lon. 1709 12 1 41 13 The Easiest Introduction to Dr Lowth's English Grammar, by J. Ash ib. I766 24 1 41 14 Nouvelle Grammaire Angloise, par Paul Festeau ib. 1675 12 1 4115 An Essay towards a Practical English Granunar, by J. Greenwood ih. IJ53 12 1 4116 The Youth's Instructor in the English Tongue, h. b. Boston I770 12 1 41 17 Hurrit on's UudimcuU^ of English Gram- mar Phil. 1787 18 1 tZE. VOL. 8 1 12 1 8 1 259 No. sl/K. VOL, 4118 L*une des plus Grandes Difficultes de la Langue Francaise Aplaiiie, par M. Patey Par. 1822 8 1 4119 The Idioms of the French Language, bvC. Gautier Z>w^». 181(i 12 1 4120 Rhetorique Fran9oise, par M. Crevier Par. 1767 12 2 4121 Les Secrets de Nostre Langue, par Rene Bary Par. Ifj73 12 1 4122 Reflexions sur I'Elegance etia PoHtesse du Stile, par PAbbe de Bellegarde, vellum Amster. 1 7 16 18 1 8 2 4123 ) 8 21 1 1 4124 4125 . 4 2 4126 \ 12 1 4127 1 12 \ 24 1 1 4128 4129 4130 12 1 4131 12 1 4132 12 1 4133 18 1 4134 IV. The Sea-Sick Minstrel, or Maritime Sorrows, a Poem, h. b. Lon. I796 4 1 Historical Illustrations to the F'ourth Canto of Childe Harold, by J. Hob- house, bds. N. York 1813 8 1 A Critique on the Poems of Robert Burns, plates, bds. Edin. 1812 8 1 The History of Friar Gerund, vol. 2, wants title 8 1 Poems, consisting chiefly of Transla- tions from the Asiatic Languages. Jones Lon. 1777 8 1 Judah Restored, a Poem, by Dr Ro- berts, vol. 1. Lon. 1774 8 1 Select Epigrams Lou. 1797 12 2 Poems, Moral, Elegant, and Patfietic Lon. 1796 12 I Ethick Divereions, by R. Estlack, h. b. New York I8O7 12 1 The Penance of Hugo, a Vision. Boyd, bds. Lon. 1805 12 1 Keate's Poems, with plat«»s, vol. 1, sewed /^w. I78I 12 1 Miscellaneous Poems, vol. 2 l^an. 1720 12 I 260 No. SIZE. VOL. 4135 Scottish Ballads, plates, vols. 3 and 4 PertJi 1790 18 2 in 1 4136 Flowers of Wit Bo.^ton \^\5 \^ 1 4137 Young's Night Thoughts, vol. 1 l.on. \111 '['i 1 4138 Beattie's Minstrel, vol. 2 /.w^ 18u3 12 1 4139 Fugitive Pieces, vol. 2 12 1 V. 4140 La Fontaine et tous les Fabulistes, |,ar Guillon, h. b. Par, 1803 8 2 4141 Fictions Morales, par Mercier, vol. 2 ib, 1792 8 1 4142 La Christiade, ou le Paradis Reconquis pour servir de suite au Paradis Perdu de Milton, plates Par. 17^2 12 6 4143 Poesies du Piiilosophe de Sans Souci. Sans Souci I760 12 2 in 1 4144 Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et de Chloe, fine edition, neatly bou:*d, gilt edges Par. Tan viii. 18 1 4145 Voyages de Gulliver, plates /^or. 1813 18 4 4146 Le Pelerinoge d'un Nonime Chretien, traduit del* Anglais Pouen ISi/J 18 1 4147 Choix de Poesies, neatly bound, nWt edges Lon. 1 786 18 2 vin. 4148 The Female American, or the Adven- tures of Unca Eliza Winkfield, h. b. L<)ti. 1767 12 2 4149 The Adventures of Caleb Williams, vol. 1 r/iii. 1818 18 1 4150 Loix de Platon 4151 Les (I'^luvres de Platon Amst. 1769 12 2 Par. 1701 12 2 2i)l No. SIZE. VOL. 4152 The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Buh, I7.03 12 1 4153 The Odes of Pindar, vol. 3 Lon. I763 12 1 2 1 4154 4155 8 2 4156 8 1 XI. ; _. Ovid's Epistles, translated by St Barrett I. OH. 1759 8 1 Les CEuvres de Tacite de la traduction, de N. Perrot sieur d'Ahlancourt rnr. 1672 18 1 Desiderii Erasmi Roterodanu Lini^ua, sive, de Linguae usu at<jue abusu Liher utilissimus Luff Jjatavoinim 1041 24 1 XIII. 4157 Systema Hhetorico cauzas da Elo- qui ncia, wants title, h. b. 12 1 4158 La Liturgia Ynglesa o el Libro de la Oracion Comun, Ilispanizado, par D. Felix, de Alvarado Lon. I715 8 I 4159 Carlos e Maria novella Ingleza, sewed . „ Lisbon 1805 8 1 41 Go Aprova de Huma Amizade, de Mar- niontel ib. 1804 18 1 41 Gl Niio ha Felicidade, conto de Madania de Aulnoy ib. 1815 18 t 4lGl* Astucias subtilissimas de Bertoldo ib. 1814 ri 1 41G2 Buziris Hei do Egipto. Tragedia 18 I 41 G J Reginiento de Signaes para os Tolegra- phos da Marinha ih. 1801< 18 1 41 Gi A Victinia do Amor ou Joanna Gray ih. 1804 18 I 41 65 Meniorias Curiosas para a Gramniatica PMosofica da Lingua PortuguezaeA. 1812 18 1 41GG Vidade Deziderio Estok ib. 18(»7 18 I 41ii7 Rirnas que Aos sens Ainigos 2/^1805 18 1 4168 ViJa do Geueral Buonaparte ib. 1800 18 1 r No. SIZE. VOL. 4169 Usong, an Oriental History, translated from the German of Baron A. von Haller Lon. I773 V2 1 4170 An Analysis of the Gaelic Language, hy W. Shaw Edin. I778 8 1 4171 Transactions of the Gaelic Society of Dublin, bds. Bub. 1808 8 1 I)' < I: HISTORY. I. 41 72 Traite des Differentes Sortes de Preuves qui servent a etahlir la Verite de I'His- toire, par le R. P. Henri Griffet, Lief/e, 1 769 12 1 4173 Ray's Travelp in the Low Countries, vol. 1. Lon, 1738 8 1 4174 The Traveller's Guide through Scot- land and its Islands, with large maj), vol. 1. hds. £dui. 1814 12 1 4175 Tour through Great Britain, vols. 2 and 4. Lon. I753 12 2 4176 The Modern Traveller, map and plates if*. 1777 12 1 IlL 4177 Heber's Journey through the Upper Provinces of India, 1824, 1825, vol. 2. hds. J^hif. 1H29 12 ' 41 7^ Observations on the Religion, Laws, Sec. of the Turks, vol. 1. Dub, 17(i8 12 1 203 No. SIZE. VOL. V. 4179 Pinckard's Notes on the West Indies, hds. Lon, I8O6 8 3 4180 Burnay's Chronological History of North-Eastern Voyages of Discovery, maps, hds. 16. 1819 8 1 VI. 4181 Voyages d*un Philosophe, ou Observa- vations sur les Mseui-s et les Arts des Peuples de TAfrique, de TAsie, et de TAmerique, par M. Poyure, h. b. Maestricht, 1779 12 1 VIII. 4182 Histoire Ancienne de M. Rollin, vol. 11. Par, 1748 12 1 8 1 X. 41 S3 Chapman's Essay on the Roman Se- nate, Camb, I76O 8 1 XI. 4184 History of England, vol.2, containing the Lives and Reigns of Henry VIII. Edward VI. Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. Lon. 1706 fol, 1 4185 Goldsmith's History of England, vol. 3. ib. 1797 8 1 418(5 Cabinet History of the Britisli Isles, vol. 1. England, hds. P/ul. 1830 12 1 4187 Barlow's History ol England, vol. 3. Lou. 1795 18 1 4188 Collection of the Parliamentary Debates in England, vol. 2. and 7- ib^ 17^>l 8 « i; 'j. It' ^264 No. SIZE. VOL. 4189 Remarks on the Principal Acts of the 13th Parliament of Great Britain, hds. Lon. 177^ 8 1 4190 History of the Life of King Heni:y II. hy Loid Lyttleton, wants vol. I V ' - ib. 1769 8 5 4191 Speeches of the Right Hon. Henry i - Giattan, bds. Dub. mil 8 1 4192 Speeches of the Right Hon. William ^ Pitt, h. b. ... Lon, 1808 8 3 •»-,'V'. •' T - I < ^ 4193 4194- 4195 4196 i Memoirs of the Marquis of T orcy^ Se- cr4,»tary of State to Louis-XIV. vol. 2. ib. 1757 8 1 \Iistorical and Moral View of the French He volution, hy Mary Woll>tonecraft, (ids. lb. 1794 8 1 ! '! Revolution Fran^aise, &: PCEUvre !!o Juillet 1789, Couroimee et Accoin- plie, par celle de Juillet 18.30, sewed, i'ar. 1831 8 I Sir Walter Scott's Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, wants vol. 1. hds. F/iii. 1827 8 2 4197 Histoire de Jean VL Roi de Portugal, > i sewed, .. ^: . Par. 1827 8 1 4198 History of the Poituguese during the Rei^n of Emmanuel, translated from the Latin, hy J. Gihbs, vol. 1. Lon. 1752 8 I 4199 Histoire Secrete de a Cour de B* -lin, par le Compte de Maabeau, vol. 2. t7>. 1789 8 1 4200 Histoire de la Guerre de Sept Ans, par Frederic U. Uoi de Prusse, h. b. 1789 8 1 li.-f .» \ • ' • r. 265 8 3 8 1 No. •ncrot. 4201 BecoeU Historique d'Actes. Negocia. m. M|.Ier'sRetrospectofl''.8fe„S^*" yol.n. tfewrori,l8^ 8 1 XIL 4803 Holwell'a Historical Events relative to the Provwces of Bengal, &C. maps. h. b, Lott. 1766 8 1 XIV. *^ ^."'2!!.*?"°*''"""'''" •"f *e History of toe Provmce of Masiwhusetts IJay. 8 1 8 2 8 1 8 I '.MS r f