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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. irrata to pelure. n d, U 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 'sS- \ i .^^ c//i'i^^^ei ir\. m^m^ /Us '"C.'(lU^ C' //>' >V.4 /- 2_0 ^3il / THE f COIN CHART MAMI AL, 4(^1 ^^L'WL^ StJPPLEMENTARY TO THE^ B aitk: Am COMMERblAL REFOKilii, AND aiVEN rREB OF CHAROB TO ALL WHO ABK One Tear in adyanee to the Weekly or Semi-Monthly Beporter, CONTAININO s ELEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FIVE FAC-SIMILES or THE TARtOUS \ GOLD AND SILVER COINS, FOUND IN CIRCULATION. COMPILED AND ARRANOED BY J. THOMPSON, BAINKER AND BROKER, Mo. 2 Wall street, corner of Broadway, New York. ▲n rorelsn Coins boiuhl at Ute ftlllce of J. ThompHon at the raUi qiMt«d In thU bMk. UAl^^M^^ , ^<<t^, . >t^. NEW YORK : PUBLISHED AT NO. 12 SPRUCE STREET. 1854. l^ ^^ >^-^ m. xm (Pii)?^^-^-' " 1 if fS54 ,>i lit , t ■■: ■.V t %. ■1/ i. TABLE OF GOLD COINS, lOVVlNO THEIR ACTUAL WEKHIT, P'lNKNESS AND AMOUN'l' OV PURE GOLD IN EACH COLN. The value of pure gold iit the Pluladclphiii Mint is 4.'!™Li per grain. Names or Coins. WtlGlIT, BKHTINR RrPUBLIC— Doobloou, 1828-32 • " 1815-32 GSBURS— Dncat . JTRI.\— 'SoTerain, 1778 - " 1031 P> • Half SovRrain, 1869 Qiicit, 1762 ^' T838 Quadruple Ducat, ISSO " " \W ■ ti JEN— Ten eilderg, 1819 nre glldera, 181»-n tl A/*BIA— Ducal, 1764-97 - " 1800 " 1132 aiXCIDM— Forty rranet TirentT (Vane* - SoTerain, 1778-179S y^ maw.'-.K— Ten thalen, 1745 " " 1805 - " " 1815-19 " " 1824-30 '• " 1831-38 FiTU Ihidei's, 1748-64 ■ OfcHE— Ducat, . - . • n (MARK— Spcelea ducnt, 1749 " 179!Hia08 Currant ducat DouWe Fied'or, 1313-39 Fred'nr, 1813-39 Cliri«tland"or, 1775 ,r,ANu— FivB pulnen", 1729, Five Boverel^m", 1839, • Oulnna, 1727-60, 1813 Half cuiIlet^ ieoi-1'< Qimrler ffulnen, 1762, 8ovfrei»n— these pieces >ire very regular in weight nnd fiieness, and up to 1836 will averi ■( r> \NCF— Dt'iihlu Louiad'or, 1744, 1786-92, Fiirtv francB, 1830-Sf), D.nit.le Napoleon, 1803-14 r«i'iity fiancrt, (; ECF— ' Twenty drachm, ti tOVKR — T.'D ihalera, 1813-14, Viri- llial TS, IIIOS, 1813, Ducat, 1776 l-i • SK — TeTi ihalern, 1773-8,5. Five tliBlora, 1771-84, • . MSTADT— Carolin, y- ticti— • Doiililn'iii— fltioness Irrei^lar, nmniiij? from D60 to 1172— RTe- rngu weight, .V AS- Si'iinln. 1770-84, Popi'li ' I'istolf, 178.1, Fcirlv lire, IWI.VH. ■ Twtiilv lire, 1805-11, . Soverek-n. 1831, HalfKoverelf^n, 1830, ■ N* M.rs— Two tmzie, 178.1, Onii'i. ini«, On/lii (of Sicily), 1751, - dwif. pr 6.5 l.'i 0.5 5.7 5.7 23.5 23.5 9.5 4.7 5 5 5.5 7 3.5 2 10 12 IJ.S 13 13 6 5.7 r,.:> 5.7 12.5 6 7 20 16.5 7 n.a 16 2.. 5 10 in 7 S..5 3..J 17 I2..5 fi fl o.,5 10 5 I.D 5.5 1.5 7 3 6.-. 15 KiNi;- I'URK GOLD .VF.SS in ■■v^'lh* ihvlK. l.r.H. 015 i:; 13.8 3(i3 15 DTG - •( 017 6 il.R 899 1 , U'.7 903 985 \^ mt 4.7 98.5 2 4.8 983 8 19,8 985 8 2(1.2 900 3 22 1 900 1 23.4 980 2 3.9 984 2 4.1 987 2 4.8 917 6 11.8 898 7 13.3 896 7 14.7 R.OO 7 1.5.2 896 7 15.6 894 7 1.5.2 yo3 3 20.1 9rt3 2 3.V 933 o 4.3 in!) 2 4.5 (170 1 18 Bur, 7 15 Wt 3 19 2 !Hl,i 3 21.2 !ll.3 2t 11.9 915.5 .'.) 1>.4 915 4 i'0.2 915.5 4 -1.4 915.5 2 111.5 :)i5..5 1 5.2 1)1.5.5 ■1 Hi.! 9(iJ 9 9,5' 1101 il 19.7 f.V'.l 7 10.9 i;m 7 10.4 9tKl 3 17.5 90(1 3 3.1 1 890 7 M !!;'« 3 19.3 390 3 13.7 993 2 5.1 ROO 7 11.7 BK 3 m.i Tli 2 9.9 '.m 2 4.9 '.m :i 16.5 RM 7 10.9 1199 S 17.1 (IDH n i:,7 902 3 « 4 ,':9'J S 0.5 &'I5 ^ 9.7 8,59 2 10.1 Names or Coins M i .(:.ill,ANU8— T. .1 giWer.s 1816-39, r; , o fildora, 1816-39, - I'.icat, I'i.i'i'- Uvubliinii, Lima Mint, 1826-33, Cuzco 1826-33 1837, PiiM 321-31, Poi .v>.fj — I'ocol, 1791, - LTl-'KAl.— Joiuniese, 1730, lliilf joe, 1787-1804, .Mnidore, 1SS9, " nav, . " 1714-28 Ciown, 1838, ll:ilf crown, 1338, - Pri^-ma— DiMible Prederlckd'or, lSOO-11 1191, Kivderiekd'or, 1752-81 - " 1795-S, Dncat, 1787, - KOMR — 'IVn scudi, 1836, Five acndi, 183.5, Seijiiln, 1775-83, I)o|ipin, 1777-36, KussiA — Imperial, 1762, - 1706-81, - r I ii;f imperial, 1839, Thine roubles, 1838, Pdiible rouble 1756, l!(jiible, 1779, Dncat, 1798. SAuniNiA— I'.ii'blv lire, 1 I'Mliiic, 1773, Pi.-K.'li,', 1773. 1736, Twenty lire, 1BI5-2I, - .MMren^o, inoo, .S.IXONY— DMibU An.',ii^kr(>r, 1784-1800, 1028, " " 1837. DiubU' Anton I'or, 1850-36, I)iic:it, ISJO, . Spain — D(.nlil.inM, 1751, - 175.;-84, " 17';ii-33, " 1789-180,1. Half doubloon, I73n-fi2, " •' n;i9-1308, " " 1310-24, Pi,'toli', 171.5. I77.|-i;-', 13i;i-2.'. K-^cudo, 1731,-!:.:. 173;i-13,3, - llll!9-J'l, .SWEDTM— Dii(?.;t, 1777, 18.13, Swnzr.Ki.ANu— Doulili' pi.,iloIe, 179G, lleino, Pl'Ui;-, 1796, ,1795, Riiilu, " "1793, .Si-.ii nre, . " 1300, Helve! ic IXepubll TirscANV— Ki^ilily Hoi-hn, I3.'7, KnHpor.e, IBOI-IVI, • •Seiinin, Ii:2l-,'i4. L'nitkd .St\tk<— Qui'iiupjeeanle, 18.51 Double eiii,'ie, Ku:;lc, 1791 V.n-iW, IR'II, 1837, Dollo', I3VI, WURTKMBURr Duoat, 1790, Weiuii-t. dwis. grs 7.5 3.5 ;.5.5 «.S t.5 5.5 18 7 5 21 21 21 4 3 13 13 6 6 2 5.5 3.5 14 4.5 12 13 7 4.5 12.5 2 19 18 14 7 4 19 3 2 12,5 13 13 11 5.7 3 3 « ^:.5 II 16 1« 7 IMNE, NKSS Pl're Gold 399 899 «S7 871 !!U6 984 912 914 908 928 913 912 912 903 901 897 979 900 900 996 906 915 915 917 917 915 915 969 893 C90 905 90,5 393 coa 1190 R!I3 900 900 979 nr~'i 3!'.) 3711 r.iv,' nriu '■70 91| il'Jl V.'M 397 99,1 99fi 999 3:17 9110 91(1.7 30;i.2 900 9110 9C0 dwte. K™ 15 '15 15 20.5 22,2 4.4 1.1 2.7 0.6 4.€ 16.3 9.9 it 9.1 6.8 0.9 0.4 16 17.J 19 9 19.4 4.3 0.7 0.6 4.2 3.1 15.4 14 20.1 7.4 21,7 17,3 15,9 21.4 3.8 13,9 5.7 16.9 16 15.2 16 10,5 16,5 4.5 17.7 11,4 1.9 1.5 Hi. 5 12.9 11.9 •Jl.tl cO.I l;; fi -'1.4 .1 . 1 .| •; 13 8,5 9.1 3 1 8 ■--J 4 (1,« i.l 0.2 3 4 7., 5 7., 5 15 n 22,5 3.9 When irnld roln« haro been clipped, vlth AmerlcBU liilver: R V. M A R IC S . or miule lluht by nny other procciiJ, llio following will nntkl* you to rjcertatn tlielr value — the ti m Half F.KKle I* equal In weight to' fiiiverrlgri tp eqiml In weight to. . . Narolenn \s ntliode Il|{hli!r than.. .31 V rontu of Bllvei ...30renli X Thtdor In a nhiid.' llptiter than ,50 cent* of silver, nlH of illver. Ten Olldnr Is oijunl In w«lifht to ISeenm of ullver, ,J5ceiils of filvi r, | Doubloon Is cqnnl In wel);ht to 100 ceniH of eilver, • An American qnarier and a fair .Spanish xlxpence, Tlinpn Colnii n»ed In Commerco i luch an SoverelgnB, SO Franc Piece*. X Thaleri", Spanl»h luid Patriot Doubloona and Dollar.", kc, will courne fluctuate, with tliudlOerunca helwoen denmnd and mipply. Their (|nolall(iM m thl* bnok can only corrnapnnd with tlu'ir value in ide, an* what thrv are Bclually worth In pa«»ln)f from hand to Imfid, It will be perceived thai we have reduced ilieiiuoialloni to the (fold coins of Teniral AmerlcB. Plecen dated 1850, of reduced nnene«a deooaequenlly of leu value, have recently made iholr nnpnariuice. From thii cloiu recemblancu of thu Auxirlan Half Koveroln and icat, penoM Save mlitaken tns one ft)[ the other, and In order to prevent mlstakes'in niture, we have placed them fidu by ildr on page 7. \y^. 4 r grs. in.s 22.2 4.4 1.1 2.7 O.U 4.e 16.S 9.9 51 9.1 a.« 0.9 0.4 1< 17. i 19 9 19.4 4.3 0.7 O.S 4.2 3.1 15.4 14 21). 1 7.4 21.7 17.3 1,5.9 21.4 3.8 13.!) .'5.7 16.9 16 i.i.a 16 1«.5 lfi..'i ■l..i 17.7 11.4 I.? 1.5 I Mi.'' I J <l 11. !l ■,':.!' V.I.I l:; fi -';.4 .1.1 ■1 H.'i 1 U.l 1 a 1 8 C<| ■-■-'4 r. li.rt ' 1S1 tVJ I'l n i 1" !.:> 10 i.r> n i.'.'.i 2;..'. •ri. HI' till' llHl r stwiT. r Kllvrr. 'ellTer. .,fcr., will il'r value In „vl (Ini'nMt liviTian uiil I oil i)»gfl7. .. a^Sfi'Sr; ■weB-Jii'' :. ■ .♦.n^s-aarv.:* .?*«*■ rn TT pi!K« «w itrnt»-> w.jc* ^KrK.yi; ffi7<-j a » f«. VM§ CIISB 'S^ WMI9 ' ::;'. V"* *i ISSUED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE BANK NOTE AND COMMERCIAL REPORTER. 1' . '. • 3 AR&ANOKD TY J. THOMPSON, BANKER AND BROKER, 8 WALL-STREET, NKWYORK. TKRMS OP BU'iSCRIPTION TO THE BANK NOTE ft COMMRRCIiC REPORTKR : Weakly paper, $2 a jfttx; Seml-iaonUily pap«r, 91 STMr. Addreii J. THOMPSON, 3 WaU-MroM, Maw-Tork. - - .. . - " - .adE QOEiD COINS OF THK VIVITBV ATA TBS. Quintuple Eagle, $50* Vi Eagle, $5 01(1 Ml Eagle, S&.26 /.yy Si Wt -^ 01<mEaglo,S6.26 Old Vi Eagle, S2.C2 ><<i Eagle, Su Vi Eagle, 32.50 Old H Eagle, S5,2Q . ^ OAKilFOBNIA AND BKCHTI.BR PIKCRS. I 99.50 $4.70 «2.37 95 Ccnte at.76 «l.75 ' 'I'lio C»l\(urnn» Coins nn- boaK*" «( Mj to 5 pur cent l>cluw the abo»o iiuoUlloo. Pistok?, $:!.7r> PiMtolc, $3.75 '.i T'i«iole. $ 1 .H7 W Pistolo, $1.87 Pistole. *<.60 M: PiHtolo, $1.87 K^ 616.60 ii^ ItoUf, $1 1.87 THE COIN OHA&T MANUAL. OOI<l» COnVS OV flOVTB Aia» okntbai. arikbica. % Pistole, $1.87 ** Ptotole, $1.87 H Fistole, 87 cts K pUtole.OOctii W piBtole,90ota % pbtol«,90oto. ^ Ptotole. $1.87 003.I* COINS OF 8FAIN, HSXIOO, AND POKTVOAI.. DonblooD, $16 % DoublooD, $8 Pistole, $8.76 Poubloon, $15.60 Ptotole, $4 VI PUtole, $2 ^* Pistole. $1 <4 Piatota. 90 c <* Phtolo, $1 <t Pistole, $3. Pistole, $4 Moi(loio,i;Ciiuil,)$4.76 CrowB, $5.76 $1.75 50 ccnis 90 cents Moidore, $1.76 OOIiD COINS OF BNCtliAIVD. H Ouiiioa, ri.60 Vt Guinea, $2 60 Vi Ouinca, $1.66 Sorereign, $4.88 Sovereign, $4.86 r THE COIN CHART MANUAL. CM»L.I> COIK(8 OF KROLAND. t (Portugal) fiO cts (Brazil) 60 cts 'li Sovuveign, $2.41 ^ Sovcri-igii, f2.4l H Sovereign, |2.-ll ^ GuinoA, $2.50 5 Sovereigns, $24.20 $1.20 % Sovcreign,$2.41 Guinea, $R Qninea, $6 Sovereign, $4.93 Mohur, $6.76 Double Sovereign, $«.6« OOIiD COINS OP FBAIVOK. DonWc Louis d'or, $f) M <ti,js per <ln-t. 10 Francs,, SI. 90 40 Francv, f 7.f>6 Louis d'or, $4,60 20 Francs, |3.8!- I.K)\u8 d'or, $4.50 6 Francs, $1.12 20 Fr.incsJS.a*? 20 Francs, $3.83 20 Francs, $3.83 OOIiD COINS OF ITAT.Y. I La2n_ veroign, 89.66 8 d'or, $4.60 Francs, $3.83 *toO *19.15 40 Lirres, $7.00 lOSciuli, $10 40Xivro8, $7.C(J Soquiii, |2.20 2 Doppia, $6.26 ■10 Liviis, $7.0f. ■:0 I.ivr. s, $.^.!^U 20 Livres, $3.83 20 Livrf's, .flt.ai 20Uvrt.s, !*:!.%; 10 Livre8,$1.90 20 Drachm,$3.80 20 Livron. ?B.83 20 Uvree, $8.88 CiOliD COINS OF OERnANV. 10 Thaler, $7.80 10 Tliakir, $7.80 10 Thaler, $7.80 10 Thaler, $7.80 10 Thaler, $7.80 II i![./ i \ *i^— i^^^^^^* THB COIN OHAKT MASUAL CIOIiI> COINM fW UBBflLANT. 10 Thaler, $7.80 6 Thaler, $3.90 5 Thaler, |3.90 6 Thalor, $3.90 5 Thaler, $8.90 5 Thaler, $3.90 5 Thaler, $3.(K) 6 Thaler, $3.90 Soverain $6.50 5 Thaler, $3.90 Double Fred. d"or, $7.80 Double Fred. d'or,$7.80 I'red. d'or, $3.90 Soverain, $fi.50 Soverain, $6.50 Double Ducat, $4.40 10 Gilders, $3.98 Double Ducat, $1.40 Double Ducat, $4.40 Daut, $2.20 Ducat, $2.20 Dmcat, $2.20 Ducat, $2.20 Ducat, $2.20 25 Fraucs, $4.70 V ■ il THE com OHABT MlMnAL. o r, $3.90 ilcr, $3.90 , $6.60 J}»< '^^ , $6.50. i'J'1 cat, 14.40 t h> Hi) y to.7 in, $3.26 ^ », $4.70 CKILD OOIlVa OP OBBHANT, SW%TZKBI<AND, ■WBDBIV, *0. Ducat, $2.20 V» Sov(;rain, $3.26 ^6 Sovcrain, $3.25 6 Thalers, S3.90 H Soverain, $3.25 Ducat, $2.20 10 Oil.U'M, S;3.0;-! ) 12 Murks, Sl.f).-.. ,1 Giklora, |1.98 Ducat, $2.20 5 Roubles, 83.90(Kufl8ia)Imperial,$8.90 Ducat, c.2.:'<) '/< Coiolin, $1.18 T) Gilders, $1.98 10Franc.s.$1.90 24 Centa. 5 Gilders, $1.98 Ducat, $2.20 ,'■) Th.Uois $n.r.O '<! Carolin, $2.30 10 Prancs,$1.90 5 Thalcrs, $;5.90 Double Ducat, $4.40 (Sweden) (,':tv-;i;i. •*■!.' Ducat, $2.20 (Swiss.) 6 Thalers, 83.90 I It.H THE COIN CHART MANUAL. 9 SIIiVEB OOINB OF TUB VNITBD STATES OF ABIBBICA. Dollar, $1 Half dime, o cli>. Dollar, |1 HIIiTBB COINH OF SOITTn AND CENTRAI. AltlBBICA i la THE COIN CHART MANUAL. ui.yBB oonvs op sovtb Aim csurTBAi. ahibrica. Bight reals, $1 Eight reals, $1 Bight re«l8, (Imm) 66 eenti Four reals 4r> cents Two reals, 20 coots Two reals, 20 cents I! Four reals, 36 cents four reab, 46 contu I f JT, n I cenU 11/ ::' 12 THE COIN CHART MANUAL. siLTSK COINS ov sovra ah» csntbaii abibbica. Kf-nl, Uc-T.l f!"i! Vli-'\. Uoal, 12 cintH Ri-aV I2<v:,N lUa), ]2ct<nU H Real, oonta ^ Ileal, 6 conta Rml. oAnta (t Roal, 4 If iUa Vt RcAl, 6 cenUi. THE COIN CHART MANUAL. 13 =5. -= MI.TER COINfl OF SOUTH AND CBNTKAV. AIHBRICA. Biilf real. 6cent« ^ real, 6 cto ^ real, 6 cts Half real. G ceata »*fr^ STIiTKR COINH OP MBXICO. i I i 14 THS OOUr CHART MANUAL. «ii.TBB c«iira ov Hwauo*. ^ real, 6 cte ^ real, 6 cU Mi real, 6 ots % real, 8 eU % real, 8 eta MII^VBR COINS OF PORTDOAIi AND BBAZIK.. t ) Ml, 8 ets 1*!' S>>^ m r7i i^J TlOt COIN QHABT 1IA]|IPAL. TJ iif.fKM <P|»I|fa> OV .f^APTIISAI. Aia» BBAin.. 960 reis, |1 80 reis, 12 ct8 200 reis, 18 cU 960 reU |1 40 reb, 6 o«Dta MO reia, 65 eooto 40 rail, 6 oeaU MO roiB, 66 cento HI.TBB COINS or 8PAI1I. Old pillar oi- tuuuoii dollar, ijl Dollar, f 1 Ilcail piatarccMi, 18 cento Head pistareen, 18 ctg Pistarecn, 16 cento ^ nicilio c«nl8 Vi |iiNtarn(>ii. 4 kIj) Vj medio, 6 ci'iiU ^4 iHudio. 6 cUi i R;- I 16 THE COIN CHART MANUAL. aiI<VBK COINS OV aPAIlf. Hii!tNk>llar, (pillar) 46 eta Uewllado of 10 r.-als, ".t! cts \'..artor .l.^Uar, :;; cis Half dollar, 60 cte r ^w Pii: ^v^ ^^a •■<i^ J * Irfopio vl' t'lo Sjiaiiisli .- , Jill Dollani are wortb only 76 to 80 cflut». 4 ar, 60 cts ) reala, |1.03 I: ) II* mm fi^j : doHar, 93 cts .H r! •3 ■ il'i- / I Bixju-nr.', 11 (•(<! Fourpctii-i' 7 of ."^liilliiii,', ''!i' I Is P.>iir|)piu'o 7 I'ts Si\pp)ini->. 10 ,;t,,| Mi-^-.rnni', 10 cte "^1,,, uai^-' Y\\ im 1, ii m 'openco, 6 cts ^ ii\ 1, 56 cti '*'; f ^ffh-^r-. KjS&l '^ SKaa ■^^ i^ ^^ ■ iC \0V. 10 cte THE COIN CIIAUT MAM Al. 19 eill^VBR COINM OV ENOI^AND. f*^SWi Half cnnvii, oil cts ahilling, 2;i cts William ■uid Mary half crown, 50 cents Half crown, oO cla Half crown, 60 cti Irish 30 penny token, 41 ct^ Half crown, 50 cts Kjjii^^r^^^- ■,!- 0>., Tliri'c .sliilling.s token, 50 p.tH Thirty penny shlnplastor, 40 ct« i I \4 m f>5 ■A tr^ k K .br., 41 II ■11. f.() c',«. ) ct'uts ts 10 coiitfi TUB COIN CHART MANUAL BltOIilSH COIiONIAl^ SILVBB COINH llupec, 40 ceat;^ Qaartcr dollar, 23 centa ' Vi Pdgoda, 35 eta ^ rupoo, 20 ot« Half nipeo, 20 c Two macutos, 18 eta 1/4 rupee, 10 cU , ^ildur, C ct.s 2 Annas, 5 cth Nil VEB COINS OF FRANCE u ^er, S eta Gilder, 23 ctn Five francs, 9'.> cents :■') 3ol3, 25 cti 30 sols, 25 cts Fire ft-anca, 93 cents !;(, oi'own, 12 cts ^ crown, 6 cents ^ franc, 4 cts V4 ftanc, 4 et» 1 I I :'i i^: 24 THE COIN CHART MANUAL, •II<TBB COINS OF ITALT. <4 Five livrcs, 95 cents Bcudo, 9r> cent« Ten paulg of Tu'^canvv 9') cents 6 draclimi, (Greece) 80 contj Ton paulfi of TusiMiiy ',',"> ci'ii'd Five lire, 95 conta 20 graiii, 15 cU Two lirros, 86 eta Souilo 95 centH A t Tea 4 I \ ''^ ■r^ Flra U C:>i i^ > eonts ^^ V, 'J J Cl'HtS 4^ ntA m tin, 16cUi Htu llrci of Lomliardy nj cU 8 ct» (l')*>MI) 8ct.i 50 coutimog, 8 cts Fivfllioof L(>ml)ir.l\',!t;i cl« "to .^- ,/:; it Wv^ R< t'>, ill i T' ;' I 1 _ 1 4 ; lijaA II Florin, iiO cents Half florin, 22 cts I f T' 34 THE COIN CHART MANUAL 0II.TER «OINa or OEBMANT. fi '^**«i|SS Sixty kreutzors, 40 cts Florin, 14 cents 30 grotos, IK) cts. "^/.^ MH: Hi .02 m cts. J $ I >- »^i^^ Boiil.'- .li.ler, 72 cents 24 marion groschen, 40 cents 20 kreutzers, 15 cts Thaior, (5tS conts fi I'll 11 !■ 36 THE COIN CHART MANUAL. r ' 8II.TER COIIV8 OF OKRMAIVV. Half rix dollar, 45 cents Half crowii, 00 cents Half florin, 22 conU Florin, 44 ccnU Florin, 44 co.nta :4' I TliakT of 100 kroiitzt-ra, 05 tU Tl.lril rix dollar, 30 cU n 111 f florin, 22 cents ^^ P1I ' f: J 1 THE COIN CHART MA'iUAL. SIIiTSB COINS OF OBB9IAIvr. Double thaler, $1.32. Austrian rix dollar, 93 cents Florin, 44 cents Florin 44 cents Crown of Brabaut, $1.02 Crown thaler, $1.02 Hungarian dollar, 98 cts WmW iit'eniiigu 1 ct pf.'iKii^o 1 ct Ton kreutzers, 7 eta Thaler, 06 cts Quarter, florin, lU iln Plnrin 40 contf Ttiali>r, (16 ccnJ.i THE COIN CHART MANUAL. 39 ■UiTEB COINS or ciKBauiKnr Florin, 44 cento Doable gilder, 72 cents Twenty kreutzers, 16 cte Thaler, 66 cents Timlor, 00 cont« Conrontion thaler, 93 cent^ k»4 Poublo TlmltT, 11.32 E!x dollar, 9R cia Grown, |il.02 THE COIN CHART MANUAL. 41 BIIiTEB COINfil OF OEBITIANr. Species thaler, 93 coots Crown thaler, 1.02 Speciei thaler, 93 oenta SIIiTBB COINS OF TBE NBTBEBIiAIVD(»— IIOI<IiAIVI> Three gilders, $1.08 9 cents 8 gildera, $1.06 Ri.\ dollar, 93 cents Rix D«Ikr, 9S rente Rix dollar, 93 cents !i: 42 THE COIN CHART MANTTAL. SIIiTBB COINS •' THB FrBTI«BI.AIiri»S-B[«I<I.AIT». Rix dollar, 93 cents Six stivers, 9 cents Rix dollar, 98 cents SIIiTBB COINS or NWITZEBIiAND. Quart r florla, 10 cts Five Batrens, 9 cents Half florin, 18 centH t r % u 44 THB COIN CHART MANUAL. 8IL.T1BR COINS OF 8WITZKBI.AND. if. ' l! 20 cenUs Ten batzen, 20 cents Ten Batzen, 20 cts Three batzen, 4 cts Half florin, 20 cts Twenty-fi>A centimes, 4 cts Fire Bfttien, 9 cents BTLXBn COINS OF SWBDBIV, DEIVIIIARK AIVO NORVTAY. 8 skillings, 6 cts ^ specie dollar, 24 cts 6 cents Scenw Scents 8 cents m a atzen, 20 cts ,5» B«tzen, 9 cents dollar, $1 8. SKILLING SPECIES. '^(K r.iij i flkillings, 4 cU. nk dollar, 45 ct« 8 cenU THE COIN CHART MANUAL. 45 8II.TBB COINS OF SWBDBN, DBNIHAKK AND IfOBWAT. Rix dollar, $1 Sixty schUliii£8,|l ^p«eie rix dollar, |I Specie dollar, $1 6th Rix dollar, 15 cts 24 skillings, 10 cts 40 sohilllogs, 62 cts Old dacatoon, 93 cts Four marks, 60 cents Quarter specie dollar, 26 cents 16 cents 5th sneclo dollar of Norway, 20 cents 10 skillings, fl cents IC skillings, 10 cents ■Jw-J 46 THB COIN CHART MANUAL. I ; •UiTBB C9IIV8 OF DBNRIABK AKTD NOKWAT. Bight marks, $1.10 Twenty skillings, 5 cents £ight marks, $1.10 Fonr marks, 80 cents Foar Rigsbank skilUngs, 2 cents Poor marks, 80 cents x-: I, $1.10 3"^'*o ^^ :ento ^1 kB, 80 cents '^2 vA? //-"^o^ lar, II -<»<J> THB COIN CHART MANUAL. 47 HIIiTBB OOIlVa eF NORWAY AKTIk ItBIfKABK. Old Polish pioce, $1 Four marks, 50 cents SIIiTBB COINS OF RI7S8IA. Rouble, 73 cts HsIfBouble, 36 cents Rouble, 73 cents Five kopeks, 3 cents Ten kopeks, 6 cents 11 ■. J and a half, $1.07 Half rouble, 36 cents Fire slot, 63 cents Twcnty-flvo kopeks, 18 centfl %, 18K0. ,,/ Fifteen kopeks, 10 cents Twenty kopeks, 14 couts !:| [I f 11 1 1 48 THE COIN CHART MANUAL. SIIiTKR COINS OF BV88LA* SIIiTKR COINH OF TfJnUMS. Utchlik, 10 cents Real of 20 piastre!, 98 oenll Altmichlik, 5 cents Real of 20 piastres, 9<< v chm SIIiTER COItVS OF BATTI. Tlic genuine pieces of Hayti arc of juw silver, and a lar^e number of those in circulation are counter- feit, const'^uent'.y no value is attached to them except as curiosities by autiquRiiaim. ^x^ 73 cents 30 ^^ I SL0TE4 tB ^:\ iastres, *JiJ von** ) are counter- ^^ • • ,•. •■ ■• • • • • it* • »••• . ... •, • .• . • • ^1 mi m iml Uhm W I ftEfi |«irir;| •I."? 3.? 14?? V li it s a m M m:1 ill ' • • ! ^1 * I • I • • » • • i • • • • • • t; •§•••• • • ' •,• •••• •• •• • .• . • • • • • • • •■•,. • • • • \ ■Siv ,r--ii-i^-:-:n 1 . ' '" l\ •• ' '■ ^^ i . 1 I W- • • • • • t'. s^ 1 1 sr 5 " 1 s • 588 «>* i: •» >b| tutlB s <»£| g»E e a»^ I I Si 5b 2 "^6*. ^ . . rw it .E K :n ,o ;£%« !ie s t eel ^HXft, 5 s S-- ' * HKM c « r K K s « » ' S Ml * K^*. •=s& •■»! .^?: 4 S I :y 6'^ ■"<'i . Ml / '>,^ ■I „ i- ■ s «!(' •B \f^^ . . . : •■•. "..; • •. • • • •- • • • • • • StA TABLE OF SILVER COINS, SHOWING THE ACTUAL WEIGHT, FINENESS AND AMOUNT OF PURE SILVER IN EACH COIN. The value of pure silver at the Philadelphia Mint is 0. '*»3» per grain. Names of Coini. XRGKNTirtr Republic— DoHur, 1838.39 " 1838-39 AUfTRIA— Crowu, (Bribant,) 1793-89 Olx <Iolliir, 1834 - Florin, 1834 Twenty kreutier, 1834 UnL 1^9 Hiu? lira, 1839 Quarter lira, 1839 Baden— Crown, 1831-M npMie dollar, 1765-78 Double glUter, 1822 » Oilder, 1837-39 HairgiMer, 1839 Ten kreutzurii, 1830 Bavaria— Crown, 182G-32 - Spcciea dollar, 180t-22 Florin, 1839 Hnir florin, 1338 - Twenty kreul7:or», 1773 Six " 1833 Three " 1833 Belgium- Crown, 1793-1800 Five francs, 1833-35 Half crown, 179.^-1800 Two frnncs, 1835 . Franc, 183'), Halff^ianc, I83'> Quarter franc, 1835 Brunswick— .Species tlialer, 1790 TlinJer, 1836 Florin, 17119-1300 Half eppcies tlmlnr. 1784 Sixth llmlcr, 1780-92 - Denmark— .Sncciffl dollar, IO,17-39 lliKtihank " 18I3J9 .SiYlvKchillinssofHol. Bttiti, 1787-91 - Enoi.and— Crown, 1822 - Half crown, 1820-28 Hhilliiii,', I8JI - Sixpi'iici", 1838 Kourptjucu, 1038 Franck— Criiwn, 177 1- n2 Hix-liviVH, 1793 Fivo francs, 1831-38 Hair crown, I774-8S Two francs Kranc • Half franc • Qiiaru.T Kranc Orkrit.— Kivii (tniohins, 1833 Drachtnc, 1fl32-.33 . Half (IrachniP. IITS QinrH'i- (liiichinH, I8S4 H*Nnvi',K— Hiiccii'S ihalcr, 1788 Tlialcr, |i;3l Florhi, 1«3!l Fnur nmrlcn groslicn, 17TS HKSsr— Epi'ci.M thaler, 1009 Crown, llia^ • Potjlilp Thaler, 1839 Gnlili-M, IU'llUi!) • Half (liiM.-n, in.T8 Milan— Sen. 1(1, IftJIl lluir fcuilo, 18,39 . Kivelivrn, IfiivVM Tw'ilivre, 1(1J-14 • Mra, 1839 Napi.ks— .ScNiln, 18.'II-33 • Mr-i, ini:) ■ N«TMr.ai,.\Nii»- DiuvMoiiii. 17r.(i-iV5 Threo i-lldrm l81()-3? RlxdMih,,-, inAfl . Olhler, Ifltn.lH Weight. Fine- ness dwta. grs. 18 16 9 6 3 1 17 14 10 < 3 13 9 18 1? 9 S 1 1 18 13 16 9 a 3 1 M 2 1 18 in 8 1 18 18 23 6 1 18 8 Ifl 8 S 17 3 VS 2U 17 SO 30 8 20 10 18 23 22 19.5 10 17 31 22 1.5 10 10 5 14 19 20 7 2a 23 C.5 13 G.5 12 S 15 19 5 12 13 1 4 10.. ' 4.{ 14 19 U M • 17 17 19 12 10 00 23 ■il 20 10 17.1 9 01 10 19 17 4 1*0 itE SILVER 0:3 915 «7J 8.iJ 838 fm i>n,i litlj 877 833 ToS 9(;n 900 JOO 875 835 900 900 son 320 317 876 000 875 000 000 OUO 000 833 750 7,50 833 sei 877 8T7 878 9.30 931) <m u« 923 912 912 899 912 9110 giin 9110 9(10 900 9112 902 snn 997 9!W 99,5 6.13 873 :Kil) 900 9(10 902 9(t2 902 902 900 830 000 1.5 u 16 14 . 7 2 2 1 16 14 12 6 3 IS 14 6 3 2 00 00 18 00 8 00 00 00 00 14 10 8 7 1 16 8 16 m 8 3 1 1 in HI 14 R 5 2 1 12 2 20 938 IB I 890 912 22 1 l!98 10.9 t. 3.2 IS. U.7 1Z.8 6.1 15.1 15.9 20.5 15.8 3.6 1.8 21. 14.1 22.1 3.1 1.8 11.1 13.1 6.6 13.2 00 5.7 00.0 OO.n 00.0 00.0 20.5 17.2 6.2 U 20 6.8 3.1 5.8 20.5 8.8 8.9 15.7 2.8 20.9 21.8 10.1 8.6 19 ai.8 10.2 17.1 22..') 13.7 7.1 15.3 13.3 18.2 11.1 9.8 23.8 H.I 12.6 3.6 1.8 2.1 13.3 10 3 18.9 12.3 18.7 00.0 13 14.2 12. 4 7 N,vMe(>.or Coins Poland— Convention tliRler, 1784 Thaler, 1794 VXib ziotycli, 183i ■/loly, 1(08 Portugal— Crown of 1000 rei«, 1838 Half crowu of 500 reli, 1838 Cmsudo, 1833 - Six vinlens, 1833 • Piece of 200 rels, 1838 Piece of 100 reis, 1838 • Prussia— Oonvemion thaler, 1795 Thttlur, 1823-31 Tsvo-ljilrd piece, 1797 One-third n»we. 1809 One-Bixft jiIPcB, iea-28 Rome— Scudo,18S5 Half Mndo, ITIMS Tentoon, 1830, • Paul, 1775 - Russia— TenZlot, 18SS - Rouble, 1837-88 • Half rouble, 18S7 Quarter rouble, 1838 Kivo /.lot, 1838 - Thirly copecks, 1838 Twenty copecks, 1837J0 Ten copecks, 1839 - Five copecks, 1834-38 Sardinia — Five livre, 1831-36 Five francs, 1800 • Liro, 1794 Saxonv- Species thiJer, 1828-38 HiUf " 18B-S8 • Quarter " 1800-02 Sixth " 1803-10 - Two new grosckens, 1841 Spain— Dollar. 1808-21 H.iir dollar, 1772-88 Five pezotna, 1809-11 Ten reals, (reselludo), 1821 SWKllKN— Specie dollar, 1830-98 Half " 1831-32 ■ Qniirlcr " 1830-32 Tliird " 1784 Sixlh " 1803-07 Eifjhili " 1832 Sixleimlh " 1835-36 SWITZKRLANn— Kill, (Zurich,) 1790-94 KiMiy linlzcD, (Borne,) 179.5-98 Fran'ken, '• 1787 Five hatMn " 1828 Tw()-iiiida-h.ilf liatzen, " 1826 Bnl/.en. " 1826 Tliiee livros, (Oenova,) 1796 Twenty-five cen- times, " 1839 Ten cenllnicfl, " 18.» Ten l.:iizen,(Vaud,) 1823 1-ive " " 18|'l - Haizeii, " IMl Baizeii. (KiovhuiK.) 1IU8 - Thalx-r, (Uuste,)17ri,'i - Crown, " 17!»,5 ''rusc.\>v— I/<'opnl,luie, 1830-.9.I - Five I'liiil!., IBiO - Five iivren, llim-07 - Florin, 1lli»i-28 Half Kliinii, I87T Mvie, 100(1 ■ Half livre, 182i I'.'MTKO STATRS— Hollar, t792-in3« SniRliei coins to proportion the dollar, lli.lhir. Ilin, . Tiiree eiMii piece, 11150 WuRTrMiifiin— Crown, 1818-33 ConviMillon thnler, 1806 '•' '«54 . Wei CUT. dwK. grf. Finb-I NESS Pure Siltek. 22 10 .5 00 00 12 10 7 19 22 22 7 1 6 9.5 7 11 2 16 6 8 U.S 8 20 22 17 8.6 16 1 00 14 00 22 U 11 22 6 13 20 16 21 21 11 3 23 6 20 2 19 7.5 7 II 1 10 1.5 1.5 16 20 ■1 W 17 15 9.5 4 II. 4.5 4.5 12 22 21 8 3 833 688 872 872 912 912 008 898 920 920 830 750 750 667 256 900 913 925 913 871 875 875 880 871 872 875 875 875 902 892 033 WA .537 310 900 900 896 920 751 751 7,50 875 6Pfi 750 750 S-M 903 833 760 766 2.54 Wi •>.;■, 1 l-.ti 90(1 one 161 167 833 810 92.5 i.rJO 962 925 925 0.59 960 dms. 14 10 8 1 IT 8 8 2 3 I 14 10 8 2 IS 7 4 1 17 II 5 2 8 3 Z 1 00 14 14 2 IS 7 3 1 00 15 7 15 7 16 8 4 6 2 I 00 IS 17 4 12 14 la 8 12 4 2 < 1 «n. 892.4 15 900 750 875 7.50 750 15 00 IB 14 It • 22.1 14.5 17.7 17.8 7.8 15.9 13.2 1.3 11.7 I8.S 20.9 IT. 2 8.7 IS SO.B M,5 IT.S 11.8 12.5 15.3 18 90.4 22.4 1S.5 9.9 8.8 4.4 14 II.2 6,5 7.1 .2 10.2 17 6 20,6 11,2 12,6 1«,5 1.9 i3.3 10.2 4 2.2 8.8 17.1 i."J.2 17,1 ,1 5( 2.9 1.0 7.8 18.7 IS.t 6.1 4 1 !7t 0,3 «.< 8.* 10 8.3 .2 3,4 16 ,1 8,3 3,S 11,2 11. > 9.» 13,2 »,I • S.3 4' 'i . % ^■'"^y ■^^^r^^^^Si^^.^r THE BANK NOTE AND KniTED BY J. THOMPSON, BANKER AND BROKER, No. 2 Wall street, corner of Broadv/ay, New York. Th^ Bank Note and Commkrcial IlRroKTER, having heen rnlarged, and it* mefulnes* to the basi- net communit)^ greatly eiiliancpd, may nalety challenge cninpariaon with any work of the kind now ia exi-.tence ; and it is confidently believed that the same amount of useful matter cannot h«> procured in any other shape, nt double its r«les of suhscriplion. A full List of all the Solvent Banks in the Unili-d StnteN and Canadas. The rates at which tbe notes of pirh Ilmk arc taken ill the lilies of New V'ork, Philadel- phia, Baliimore and J)oston In the Reporter will at all times be foiinii, A full and Complete Prices Current, corrected w\th errat care once each week. A Weekly Review of the Commercial Market. A Financial Review. With a Genenil Summary of all bucIi matlers as bear on the Money Market. « IS8UKD TO REGULAU SUBSCUIBEHS ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS, PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE : WEEKLY $2,00 &EM I -MONTHLY 1.00 MONTHLY 50 THE AUTOGRAPHICAL 3 CONTAINING Fac-«linllr Slgiiatnrea of the I'rcsitlriit biicl Custilrr of every Batik In fhe UiiHed States, so far as can be obtaliicfl. Tho Weekly Subscribers lo llie Bank Note and Commercial Reporter, will be furnis)i,-il with a cnpy of the Autuukapii mid ilii^ (^oin Book, on suliHc.iliini; or renewing tliuir Kub>crijitioii to the Rei'oi!t;;i: N. B.— Ullicers of B.tnks iire leppcclfiilly invited to rrvLsc llio Ki:i'uitrKR, and inform us (at our i'\- peiise) ol :iiiy error or uniissioii in the uutice of tluir tiiinks. J. THOMPSON, Stock & Exchange Broker, De.iler in Lniui Wniraiilt, &ic., No. 2 VV.ni.sl.^ N. Y. . AMKRIOAN (JOLD COIN TEST SCALiL I am now piejinrcil to fiirni:<li the <'ountei!Kki r and Swkvtrd Ami^iiican (Joi.n Coin Dktkc- TOit. All arliiii- III' ihc (ir^l jiupor'Hni ' to Biinkeri ami HiMki'is, ami nil oiliirs ricciviiK jold coins. The fir'Ml iiiciTivi' of bite in tdc Pinis.ifin of N|iuriiiii!i imiis and " Swi'iiicd" (jcnuinr |iiiri'S, liii ri'Milered mir '-n'd I'oins o'l^rrtii imlilc tii iiianv. and tlirown :i iIdiiIiI cicii mi ihi' yi'iuiim" i-isic, Tlii'i " 'IVit Srair," bt its leadv (b'tic'.ioii id ll.c Simiiiiiis or HHia'rd ('niii, will be of incalii'bilile v.iliie 1(1 nII piirtUM rrcen ii'S !-''>ld luiins, wlile it «1U t;o fur lo'vurd re.itoniiL! conlijcnoe in our iMitinniil mu's. Price, fl SO eiii^li. • Address # •: .• 15 \J 1 '3 '\ m m