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Lv OF OF QKUBEC AND VfCLVITIES Most respectfully prepented to the tourist visiting Quebec BY L P.VALLEE iOKTKAIT AND t^ANDSCAPE M ^!-«! -«*-«- 1|? -33- Q1GFEBEC P ^^^ Printed by L^ger Brousseau, Quebec. -■,«RsiC^i J -WJ«.'7^ *^-.ffi*VBW^0la5R!»'.¥5K«fiiK.iaV!!L'^-!««W.1 «»«? /" "mr 0/ lh^0ri» v"«fif«^ O-^ T. ie% nHiHTtiisEiffit^t^tibiiiiair '•♦"•".^..•^•V-' MORGAN& CQMn QUEBI LP ohtka: "~""" ' ' '~ '||1 t IN IL Jill... -_ ^0. i TJOHJS f and Cmmitin or OF QUEBEC AND VICINITIE^ V.??.^^ Most respectfully prfl to tho tourist visiting Qul^j^^ \ ^p" ^ m^ -Sfl **R L. P. VALLEE feoHTKAIT AND ^ANDSCAPX * M l Bw< PIPliiEll 39 — BT JOHN STREET, Up2>€r Totvn em QIJEBEC OF TBI SOUVENIR ALBUMS or QPKBBt and EWVIROSS AKD SAGVEWAT PiilCKS LIST ^ Do P™o„.,r,„.... '"J'"- 1*0 V'>»'» 8 bj, ,0 Mou»T.„ .KBor.,.'!';';:":" ! " "• !>« U»o.„„ "'« » '•^ «• • «0 CabixstViiws ^^ Unmouxtkd Cabikkt V«wg.. ■"* ^ '* ST.WOSCOPIC ViKws, p«r do...' *^ ^ ^ i>o eaoh......:; '*" Cakm Virws, p«r do.... '^ ^* I>o ea«h ^ W iO L- P. VALLfiB, 39, St, Johm Stibbt, Quebec. TO THE TOURISTS I Having since the year t867 made a speciality of photographing all points of interest in and around Quebec which stands allmost unrivalled for its beauti- ful scenery I feel confident that this Catalogue will be a help and be well received by the large number of tra- vellers who visit our City every year. Besides the photographs enumerated in this Catalogue I have a large as.ort- ment of portraits of historical man and women, religious pictures, &c., &c. Also all kinds of Frames, Graphscopes, Stereoscopes, Albums, Easels, Mottoes, &ic., &c. In order to suit the wants of tourists I also kp n on hand a large assortment of INDIA.! CURIOSITIES in bark and cloth, most wonderfully worked in moose ' m^:''''-ifmm»mm0m^0 nage. ^^^^^ ^^^eir patro- notice. ^ ^^ ^ moment's I rirwB , iNDfAN, , W 8HOB8. "VA-LLJaJbl'S llted up accesso- <§^<MS<§ii^iSi^ to any pairo- )hed in AI.BVM VIEWS ment's Those marked as follows can be had ^ 11 X 14 and 8 x 10 — 8 X 10 and Cabinet -H Cabinet 1 All are stereoscopic and C. D. V. Size. OLD GATES (inside) ^outside) (inside) ioutsidel 1 St Louis 2 St Louis 3 Palace 4 Palace 5 Palace & Guard house 6 Hope 7 Hope 8 Hope gate & Dambourges hill 9 Prescott (ouUide) (inside) (outside) ' i Si^!!!^^ m Mrts - }0 Si Louis -1^ St Louis - 12 Kent • 13 Kent ]| St John 15 St John 16 St John 1' Chain Gatf? (inside) foiitside) (inside) (outside) (inside) (outside) (outside) (citadel) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - 26 -27 - 28 - 2<) 30 31 32 c'Wflft and fonr/f/Ciir/oK Kings « (large) ^jf gun (small) Officers quarter,, I'atJ ^o°Stt ?„"?•■"''' -''an- v^itadel from thani Citadel Cm'^?h?'sT^^2 "i^^^«' ^. wharf ^ ^^ Andrews Citadel fi-nm #1 — V, ^*» Ti«irg VALLKB'S STBRBOflCOPIC AND AI.BVM VllWa (inside) (oiugide) (inside) (outside) (inside) (outside) (outside) 'Citadel) e] Jte) (large) smalJ) ^arr irket fews 33 34 -f 35 4- 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Citadel from lh« ice bridge^ looking down the river Sler)s leading from the DutTerin Terrace to the. Citadel Grand Battery Grand Battery 6i l.owei-Town Grand Battery with Laval Uni- versity and Lower-Town ; from the top of the Parliament housii Shell guns (ramparts) Ramparts No I, No 2, No 3 Part of the fortiticat. (north corner) Fortification walls St Charles ' -eet (north} Foruficat.wallsStValierSKnorth) Fortification walU west + 44 -f 45 + 46 47 48 ~~ 49 _ 50 • 51 52 53 Dufferln Teirace and Promenailes Terrace from the citadel Terrace from the Post-OlTice Terrace from the Laval UuivtH- sity showing the Citadel Terra ee (Local) Kiosque on theTerrace with band Terrace from Champlain market Terrace from Hamels building Place D'arms and St Ann Street Esplanade Band on the Ksplauade •5i 55 56 - 57 -^ 58 *•) 59 eo CI 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7J ^^"orfh view) "^ "monument i^.^«°'^Vn^"a';;r ^ ^t^^^ to Wh ''"' ^"^'ish 801, ,, the cira2el^^'"^^>' ^«^' si^owiL. ^ '^as iaid *^''"^«^'n^»ry's body «word nf f^ ^. ' }<'"en,i'or '>"kn of KiTii'. II A/«i(,,i| ' ^."" •" "ouse •Varte o'rr''"''No-< /.evi.''^^'"-«"«'n from Point «-'^^ack and Market I I ^onumeai onument ;ected to (1775) ''lowing 'sbody py House) P*oint TALLEE'S stereoscopic IKD ALBUM VIEWS Churches, Convents and Hospitals — 72 73 — 74 75 76 77 — 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ~ 85 86 -i- 87 -4- 88 -- 89 -i- 90 — 91 - 92 93 Kxtcrior large small Basilica (Minor scale Basilica (Minor) oxtcrior scale Basilica (Minor) Interior (nave) Basilica (Minor) Inttrior (aisle) Basilica (Minor) Interior (choirl Senfiinary Chapel (interior) English Cathedral (exterior north side) English Cathedracl (exterior south side) English Cathedral (interior) Holel-Dieu Church St Mathews (Church of Eng) exterior St F^atrick's Church (interior) Methodist '' Chalmer's Free Church Jesuits Church St John Baptist Church (interior) St John Baptist (exterior) St Roch's Church (interior) Church of N-Dame'des Victoires Point Levis Church Point Levis Church (interior) St Romuald Church, interior (nave) ■p" I ! )ll in !l 196 Gene ' , /rP''"' I' ^ LBCK ''«Ws ▼ALUEB'8 BTBaROSOOFIC AKO ALBUM TIIITS 11 "^^^^ interior Wil/i Pupiig '» (t'Jcterior) ,^"d Bro- ^« 'op of '"da y pspitaj I (sici[ onva- Streets and Buildings 116 117 -118 119 120 121 122 123 +124 4-125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 St John Street St Louis Street Fabrique St, looking up >'abrique St, looking down Fabrique St, and Garneau St Fabrique St, and Jesuits barrack St Genevieve Street Champlain Street Cham plain Street and Steps Breakneck Steps (Champlain) St Peter St (Union Bank) Palace St (Albion Hotel) Abraham Hill (watercart) St Stanislas Street St Famille Street (through hope Gate) Parloir St, Ursuline Convent St Valier Street Sous le Cap Street Port Dauphin Street Crown St, and Steps Morrin College St Louis Hotel Music Hall Laval University Laval University Normal School Old french bouse (Old jail) (back view) (front view) ■143 Pn.l; 147 A . ^wice le. eft. '"■*•"'"".»« 167 St wS'jrfet (new) (new) fold; (new) (new) fold) II '"garden 8 (south ' (north Arnji ido TALLKE's BTKRKOSCOPIC and AtBCH TIKWg IS FALLS and RIVER VIEWS ■f 1 70 Falls of Montmorency (small scale) -1-1 71 Falls of Montmorency ilargo scale; -f-172 Falls of Montmorency from the hill —173 Falls of Montmorency winter large cone — 174 Falls of Montmorency winter small cone — 175 View on the Montmorency river above the fall — 176 View on the Montmorency above the fall — 177 Naturel steps (about one mile above the falls (wide angle view — 178 Natural steps (small angle view) 179 Ghaudiere falls 180 St Ann's falls (looking up) 181 St Ann's falls (looking down) —182 Lorette falls -+-183 Lake Beauport —184 Wolfe's Cove — 185 Timber coves Quebec side 186 Timber coves Levis side 187 Timber coves with houses (Local) 188 Timber coves with houses (gene- ral) 189 Ice bridge at the mouth of river St Charles "^m* p 1 1 I ii. 1/ 191 'i'192 •i-m I'l ^ Montreal bo,K. — 0/l/fn ""'^'•'vWf ■^96 Q,:'^^^ -197 m -199 -200 {^onj Bej inside the ^sie of Or./ -201 203 G^nJ'T^'on 'erj ico Genera *'>« Afo'."- ""«'• » -205 -206 *S5;;KMasS lactt vj»ir8 TALLXR'b STKRROSCOriC AMD ALBl'M VllWg IS ^f^l and >ve) 'nside the (outside bcc 'coves driver d on »r St isant Jfi>s hn 209 General vi.nv of St John suburbs 210 General view of Quebec from the steeple of the Basilica look- ing south 211 General vicAV of Quebec from the steeple of the Basilica look- ing north 212 General view from ditto looking west 213 General view of Laval University and Seminary from the steeple of the Basilica 214 Steps leading to the Po4«t office 215 Ship Yard -216 Champlain Market -217 Champlain Market and Citadel -218 Champlain Wharf 219 Montcalm Market (summer) 220 Montcalm Market (winter) 221 Upper Town Market ^summer) 222 Upper Town Market (winter) 223 Jacques-Cartier Market WINTER VIEWS 224 Plessis Street 225 Plessis Street 226 St John Street 227 Fabrique Street 228 Nonvelle Street (high snow) (shovelling) (carting snow) (shovelling) (high »nowj f« *^9 ■'^'abriaup ^j •>qi /.^""el Street "'"^ children, if W!,!;""-"- ^JO Back yaid after •. «n„ ♦39 Groupe. of LotoUp Thh- costume (huronsi "" '« t ^ffiiay and IVaterfng Places ) TTn* ||«Tadfc^J-''ofHote,^, Ml CanT?''""y^80nfeet "^ 253 VillagroftdoS^fr'"''" ■•" iver ^taPM r„tyf^ 'I'^^^i^]^ snow) VALLKE'S BTKBKOSCOriC AND ALBUM VIKWS 17 w atom Y Fnd lan ii, aces nay enay and ) isac) tel (Tad) )r) te] r iver 254 Trinity bav 255 Ha ! Ha ! liay 256 Si'boat at the wharf Ha ! Ha ! Bay 257 Rapids on the Ghicoutimi river 258 Town of Ghicoutimi 259 Church of Ghicoutimi 260 St Alphonse Village 26t View on tlio river Saguenay 262 Gacouua Bay 263 Gacouua Hotel 264 Murray Bay Village from Gape Eagle 265 View of Murray Bay New views added continually As a guide to Strangers I have added to this Catalogue a list of places of interest to be visited^ also a list of the paintings in the Basilica and Seminary Chapel. Places of Interest In and near Quebec Vallee's Tourists Store The Citadel The DufTerin Terrace The Grand Battery The New Gates The French Cathedral The English Cathedral The Plains of Abraham 2 "-V Iff! i r ' Th« w"u''' Mom..»..u ;s^s ,f,ieCli.'uidi6ro Falls J!; le Lorotte Falls TK k^^'"" i^eauport Ust Of Paintings in the frencii Basilica This Church is tho oldest in r . Dostroyed by firo duriL fh ''"?'^* ('^- ^- 1647) i>-. 1859). llisHolinL thn P^ '''r "^ Quebeo (A. rache. "^^ "^"^^ % Anrnbal Gar- R> ts*-" t'M VIRWS oiiiinu'nf, TAIXE*''§ ITSmBOSCOPIO A» xf VU VIBW8 W 111 fell Basfffca D. 1647), luebeo (A, ' Ninth has i Bas/lica. r.— -The •d. he sol e sar?ie fil Car. 4 In the lateral cha|>f'l, on the rijrht above the ,'iltar,-The Flight of Josi'i.h into Hgyi)t,— by Th^ophiie ^ Hamel ; the original bv Vanloo i» In the chuir on Iho Vight,— Our Knvior attended to by the angels after the temptalio!i in thtj df^sort —by Rostont. "^ ' 6 Above the chief alter.— Tne Imma- en ate Conception,— Lebrnn's style. 7 On the left hand.-St ['anl's extacv by Carlo Marratti. ' H In St Anns chapel,— Miracles of St Ann,— by A Plamondon. U Coming back to the intent , first mllar.— Our Saviour on the Cross, by Van Dick. 10 The Penteco8l,-by Vignon. 11 rhe Annnnciation,— by RestouL !J,J"^ chapel near the entrance — The Saviour's Sepulchre and In ter ment,— Copied by A. jPlamondon, .o rrx ^ M ^^^*? original by Ilutin. 13 The Baptism ofChrist,-by Clan lo Guy Hall6. In this Chapel is the Baptisterv — above the altais stands tbe statue of our Lady of Pity. The group of theopr>osit.^ chapel, represents St Joseph's death. ha?;«?''~J^*',°^^" '™.^" paintings placed around th lateral chapels arc the Pourtr n Stations of our baviour'a Puesion. It W«<!k »ct is composed of 5l!i?i ^^°°' '" 1850.— The lyon. in 1869. Jlho old .,ir"''"°~'' """"ght « •wo hundred .cS'ltV^'SSfepiJ^eif "°" ""'» Seminajji Chapel . , gren6e, 17^4-1805. ' °^ ^^■ ri-f chancel—The terror of Qt Dulin, 1670.174^. J'x'ement-by ' VIEWS 'can see the 29 different at Lyons in 2^ different 1850.~-TIie '. bought at 10 shield of ' more than vallee's stereoscopic and album views 31 St collec- ts freneh by the as pre- 'or the 724. '^g\n, a on the It des- John, ndtho Well, y La- af St a vi- -~by 5 The Ascension of onr Lord Jesua^ Christ ; by P. Champagne, 1602- 1674. ^ ' 6 The Saviour's si'piilchre and interment — by II u tin. 7 Above the altar. The flight of Joseph to Egypt, St Matthew, ii.— by Van- loo, 1G14.1745. ^ Immediately above is a small oval delineating two Angels-by Lebnin, 1619-1690. 9 The I ranee of St Anthony, on behold- ing the Child Jesus,~bv Parrocel d'Avignon, 1664.173-. " 10 The day of Pentecost. Acts ii— by Ph. Champagne, 1602-1674. 11 St Peter's delivranco fi*om prison. Acts xii ; by de Lafosse, 1640-1716. 12 The wise men of the east adoring the Saviour. St Malhew, ii.— bv Bounieu, 1740-1814. 13. In the rear. The Baptism of Christ, St Mathews, iii.—bv Claude Gui Hall6, 1652-1674. 14 St Jerome writing.— bv J. B. Cham- pagne, 1643-1688. The shrine on the righ of the chief altar contains the relies of St Clement martyr ; that on the left, the relies of St Modestus martyr. The funeral marblo on the right of Montmorency Laval 1i';\"'^°" ^o Quebec and -fou;!^',"" b'shop of nary of QiiPbec , u^ ",' '^« Semi- _, Clh ofMaj 1^' ''''" '''"'' on th« The other marble' on ii,. . r erected i„ honor of .liv'*-""' '"">» . 'end L.J. C,s"u , v"'^*'^V «ove- feunder of Sun ve^^i ;^'"''7'• died on the ClJ, of \t-.v l««l' ' "^''o Under the central altar -onf- ■ lateral Chapel, i v1U the Lh *H . St Laureatus, martyr „rQ,2'^5' "^ Aiie wooden buKt ^rVt : Paul, on the eft of ie '>"'"? S' ■by Giovanni Ander' """' ^"3'-. link of St Pan "s obiinVf"""""" ''» captivity in r"^^.""'" <^"""S his detK't^-ofStKranci, .ains a larg^e ScXf T' fh'^'f T '-;i VIBTTS Ji" honor i>Jshop of n« Semi- 1 on the ^^\ was ^ y Rove- ^'Giieral, f}', who ■».•. e right body of t Zeno's ►stJe St 3 altar, tains a "g his rancis *, con- )f this >ut a LISTE DK •A II n«^ pltti«lr<^ par (loiizain«. I Vatican iHome) '2 Eglise St Pierre; u'xterieiirt) Rome) :J Eglise St l^ierre (inlerieuro Romoj 4 Ruiiie dii Forum finterieupoi '• 5 La place Navomie (intorit'iuei '• G Entree du Casino dn Papf» ^• 7 Vue gent^raie de Rome 8 Eglise St-Paul horsdes murs, (sanc- tuaire, Romo^ 9 Eglise St-Panl hors des murs (sanr. tnaire inl6rienr) 10 Eglise St Jean de Latrau (interieuroi 11 Eglise Ste Marie Majeure (interieurei 12 Porte St S6bastien (Rome) 13 Porte Pie apres lo bombardement 14 Chaire de St Clement, Rome 15 Carosse de Gala du Pape, Rome 10 Colisee iut^^rieur (Romei 24 Il!:!!!l.!]™«^<>"^^^^^^ (Rome) u u u a u {4 (I i( 17 lonlaine de Trevis 18 Galerie du Vatican No I 19 Ruinesdu Temple devLns ^0 Salle des vases ^ 22 Statue deMarcAur^Ie 9? ,S''*^«'',^e *J» Vatican No '> l^?;^"lP^ffeBramante'^ *-' i^ort St An«>e If S^a^e do St Pierre .<^ Co^o„„.3,eiI™,n».„.e conception *'»1 Belhleem t^fc;^^«?»i"Mon^des()!ivie^s ^4 Venise " " ')« lAssompiion (Nazareth) VALLEE'a STEREOSCOPIC AND ALBUM TIKW8 26 (4 U {( u i. i< 47 Porte d'tMUr6e do TEglise de I'An- nonciation 48 Eglise St Jean de Latran (exl6rieur) 49 Rotonde dt* la liique (iTius6e do Romei 50 Barque hydra nliqne (Rome) 51 Fontaine du pen pie 52 Ruine du temple de Resta 53 Salle des animaux 54 Entr6e de la salle des vases 55 Philislin natifdoGaza 56 Tour de Ramleck 58 Vue do Barcelono (Kspagne) 59 Ruine de I'^gliseSt Jean (Palestine^ CO Camp des Bedouins 6t Eglise de St Ursule (Cologne) (>2 Chambre d'or (St UrsuUn 63 Porte St Martin (Paris) 63JFamille de Mormons 65 Intcrieurd'nn chardu Pacifique 73 Lamer de glace, Suisse 74 Eglise do N. D. de Lourdes 75 Entree du d6sert en montant a la Grande Chartreuse 76 Vue panoramique de la chapelle et du fo^^ (Lourdqs) 77 Cath6drale St Paul (Lourdes* 78 Grotto d«! N. D. de Lourdes 79 Pont St Bruno en montant i la grand Chartreuse 80 Entree du l*alais i.Conslantinople^ "I'M VIKWS (Kgyple) " ^piiinx ot '•"•I jW(*st- ^*!<t MI i lister i'' Grand <J'i \orth ictoire le Char, font den 'ont des fi Ghar- VALLEK'a STERK08C0PIC AND ALBUM VKIWS 27 lot Panorama de Beroiil 102 Cimeliero Arabe 103 Grotte de St Jean dans le d69ert ou 4n, r ^^ P^^^curseur a pass6 son enfance lUi Les tours de Londres 105 Convent du Mont Garmel i2Si)r"^'P'''"°'"''^"^'fI"^^eGonstantinople lUbWue panoramique de Pera lOrViie panaromique de la Vallee Josaphat 109 Statue de Henri IV, Londres 110 J6rusalem du Mont Sion Ui ^^]^}^ deCristalfpartiedetropiquel grande all^e) yue g6n^ralej int6rieur] ext6rieurj 112 Palais de Gristal 113 Palais de Gristal 114 Palais de Gristal 115 Palais de Gristal ,. .^„,j 116 Eglise Westminster [vue prise de i'autelj 117 DSmedu St Sdpnlcre 118 Eglise Westminster [vue du Nord, EiSt 119 Maison ou Bernadette est n6e en 1844 Lourdes 120 Notre Dame de Gasilibus 121 Entrde du Palais de Buckingham [Londres] 122 Eglise Ste Sophie [Gonstanlinoplel I^.J lacade du convent de la Grande Chartreuse 28 VAtLKE's STEREOSCOPIC AND ALBUM Tirirs 127 wr^f**'?"''«'"''«'"e Elizabeth \V A d-K^'T, ^^^y (Chapel "^ ^teiu '■^''''""'■'"*'" '^"^"sChar 133Chaf^l,erie,„,o,lset cimctiorc de "^ '^"ivifro/"""'''" '^"« P''»« do la 135 Nazareth 136 St Sepulcre 137 Bethl6eni ji |^?rd.i^^ris.£r^'"'"'-^'«' 140 Grolte de la Palestine III pf ™""» de San Martino 45 Ir?'' 4«'^ abondanza [PoZeil HGOi^sttetf^!llf«-%' , lis' i:r4= ^'""^^'-rp'ea^ i;!o rr.„'»^0!>i>. _ (Naples Statue 150 Tli6^tre tragique .Pompei Pompei LBUM Tiinrs TALLER S STEREOSCOPIC AND ALBUM VIEWS 29 tour Victoria 151 Maison de poete [Pompei 152 Amphilh6Atrc Pompei 153 Temple do la fortune Pompei 154 Temple de V6nu8 Pompei 155 Panorama de Pompei 156 Maison dii four [Pompei] 157 Eglise de St Francois de Paul 158 Vue du Vdsuve avec lave 159 Rue marine etbaie de Naples 160 Rue et quai de Naples 161 Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem 162 Jardin des Oliviers a Geths6mani 163 Juif pleurant siir Ics ruines do Jerusalem 164 Porteur d'cau [Egypte] 165 Tombeau des Califes 166 St James Palace [Londres] 167 Windsor Castle [tour de Test] 168 Descente de la croix [par Rubens 169 Elevation de la croix [par Rubens 170 Le Capital [Rome] 173 Porte do Damas [lerre sainte] 174 Panorama de Jaffa [terre sainte] 175 Chef B6douin k cheval 176 Bedouin Et beaucoup d'autres. — Hf/n^ — R"CrSSElL,X.»Q 8T LOUIS STaJEET QIJEBEC IS OPEN TTTnnTTni,r.TT-T, ;*r */*ldOJK,^^ Duff.rin"T ™i"r c'X"^'" '*'«,<'■ ""e" lcbra.«, Citadel, X'ntZ't^S^^Z 't'° ^''^ ""«■■>' '"« «clo»aro of the Citadel tL«f™- "'■»°° "P " «■» promenade, i„ the worM and tT^. """."^ ""> "^f «% feet above the ri™' ^ "" '"""'"'' "O" THE RUSSELL HOTEL COMPANV, /V,,^,;,,^. WILIiTS PTTCCurT p. .. .'S QUEBEC !AR, FOR KAVEL oundcd by tho idcs : 16 Esplanade, rhamTerraco, raagnificient cbruted, and 'orld. he celebrated cen hundred ig staff of tho •c« np to tho of the finest lundM'd and I^oprietort. ■•> Praidenl. RUSSHLL HOUSE iorn«r of St km k (rarden Stri^a QUEBEC .#"*^* •*»«"■*■» / open <i8 un This inodorn huilt Ho(»'l is riow auxiliary to tho 8t Louis Jlotei Being situaiod oppOfitothe English Cathedral and Jesuit Barrack squuro a beautiful view of the Laurcnliari Mount.uns mav be had from its windows. TERMS MODE HATE Guests by inquiring ;a the ollice of the St LouiP Hotel may s^^cun? thrir choice of several line New-York and Boston carriages, driven by intelligent and courteous drivers connected with the Hotel. THE nUSSELL HOTEL COMPANY, Proprietors. wii.LiS liUSSbLL I'rrndenl. LIST or ladUa CujtiosHiiM '•••^•^••••fc^-fc^w^ Birch Bahk and Cloth worked with MoosK DEER Hair Glovo oaMS, OIovo i>ox«t. Covered box, Card baaketfl, Baakets with corer and handle, Collar boxM, Cigar oa«e8, Knifo vheathos, Matts, Card oaaeB, Whiet niarkcr», Goblets, Porte tnonnaie. Fern holders, Letter receivers. Wall pockets, | L«tt«r holders, Double frames. Cabinet fraDiet, Cartea dr. vigite frattieR. Toba«co j»<)uchc8, Ifanging fern holders, Match cases, f^pectaclo ojiaes. Napkin rings, Pin cushing, Scissor cascH, Fans, Cloth Slippers, Piano, Btool oovors. Ac., A'o., &.O. SPLIT WOOD WORK, AC, AC, &C. Lnnch baskets, Work baskets. Covered baskets, Pin baskets. Pin cushions, Doll chairs. Ladies hats. Dolls hats, Canoes, Traineuus, Snow shoes, Indian and Tranoans, Mocassins, Ac, Ac., Ac. L P. VALLEE 39, ST JOHN STREET. /i Ctidittti Je prends la liberie de vous adresser mon «;at^ilogue. Vo ♦rouverez I. la page 23, ime LiSTE DK vuES ST^RiioscDPiQUES de IVHrangcr qui ne pouvent manquer de vous inleresser. Je serai heureux do vous fairo parvenir par 'i malle "franco" toutes los vues que vous »l*sirerez avoir. II est sufTisanl de mentionner le nunu^ro et les mots Quebec on Etrangfere. U est inutile de dire que les vues 8t6r6os- copiques ofTront \ toutes les classes et i tous les ages un amusement qui instruit et donne plus de connaissances et de satisfaction que tout autre. Pour le temps Ufs tStes j'ofTre un escompte de 25 pour cent sur toutes les vues menlionnees dans CQ catalogue pour tout ordre accompagne du montant. J'ai en main des stereoscopes de $1.00, $1.50 ot $2.00. SollicitaRt respectueusement votre ordre J'ai I'honneur d'etre, Monsieur, Votre tres humble et ires obeissant serviteur, L. P. Vallee. Prix dbs vuks de QutsKC, Page 2 '• •* '' Etranukbss, •• 23 il Cornf Impor Flo at tl T[ WIN fcJD CO a o I—) o H (M 05 r* To Hif PRi Oil] AW sow MARQMS Cornn of St-Jolin & Collins Sts, Upper Town Importer of Black Silks, Ostbich Feathers, Flowers, Kid GLbvE3, and general Dry Goobs at the very lowest prices. THOIaFPOSTON GENERAL GROCER WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCOS, &C. UPPER TOWN MARKET GiXJEBEO- a. bJD o B F. 0. YALLERAND IMPORTATEL'R DE o 05 Lampes, Lustres, Fanaux et de lout genre CO Verreries ^ » Huile Amebicaine pour Eglisekt Lampes ^ DE NuiT, Kerosene de Portland, g Petrolk et Huile d'Olive. g 3u. ilaiitlilfil To HLh Ex. the Earl of Dufferin, Lato G(n'.-Qeneral PRINTER, BOOKBINDER AND ENGRAVER English and American News Depot Opposite Poi»t, Office, UUfiBEC. 0. E. tiOLiwEin iiiiQE n w^ wiii Mrp th:e '~\ TICKET OFFICE OPPOSITE (^ • &^(!!^m &&$>(£i ^_ij The only office in the City supplying Tickets by all Routes, Rail or steamer at lowest prices. A choice of State Rooms on Steamers or Berths in Sleeping Cars given from Diagrams seen in the office. Orders by Telephone promptly filled and information cheerfully given. Many advantages to be had ^t this office which cannot be obtained at Depot offices.