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Un das symbolas suivants apparattra sur la darniAra imaga da chaqua *nicroficha, salon la caa: In symbola — *• signifia "A SUIVRE ". la symbola y signifia "FIN". Maps, platas, charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffaraitt raduction ratioa. Thoaa too larga to be entirely included in one expoaura ara filmed baginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, pSanches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmte A dea taux da rMuction diff^rants. Lorsque la document est trop grand pour dtre raproduit en un saul clichA, ii est filmi d partir da i'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche k droite, et de haut an bas, an prenant le nombre d'imagas n^cesaaira. Laa diagrammes suivants illuatrant la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 London Opera House O. J. WHITNBY, A. B. ROOTS, M»n»cep. PROGRAMME, TUESDAY, MARCH, ISth, 1900. U A Q Scammon's Scenic Production THE SLEEPIJII Cliy 99 CAST or CHARACTERS. Jack Morton, a young architect Rodgers Baker Lou Morton his brother John Gorman Chas Creston, guardian of Ethel, a schemer Edwin C. Gallagher Hill Wattles, Cteston's tool ^'"^- ^^'^ Michael Mulcahey, "One of the Finest" Tom Flynn Fritz Dinkewinkle, " red hots " J"^" ^^a"" Sam. Harris, a Sing-Sing prison warden J- ^- Boardman Dr. Grubb, superintendent of insane asylum •* • Auburne Jim, keeper in the msane asylum Walter S. Percival If ^ \ Cleorge fiint Slim'' >a couple ot Creston's gang j E F. Tabor Ethel Baintree, Creston's ..ard, in love with Jack Miss Celesline Hall Cora Creston, sister of the plotter Miss Helen Weber Widow Riley, with a good big honest heart Nellie Daly Maggie Riley, the widow's daughter, in love with I ou Mildred Connor Daisy, Fritz's right hand bower : Lena Waller Finegan By himself Incidental to the play, specialties introduced by John and Lena Waller, Mildred Com, or, Tom Flynn, Fred, and Nellie Daly. SYNOPSIS OF SCXNBS. ACT L— Battery Park. NY. The false accusation. ACT H. — Sing-Sing Prison. The sens?.lion?.l escape. ACT HL— The Insane Asylum. Saved by his brother. ACT IV.— The East River Den. Crime's reward. EGXBCUTIVB STAFF. Harry F. Winsman Manager Chas. E. Young : Representative Jolin Waller Stage Manager Kn.iik Tabor Properties Walter S. Percival Stage Carpenter The Piano usei in this Theatre !• the celtbrated Helntzman & Co. Transpoilngr Piano. PJext Attraction. Friday, March 16th. •■ EQU ALS A RUn AWAY ^OikL/'-Ne w York « un._ 5th Avenue Theatre Musical Company Direct from SO NiBht» at 5th Avenue Theatre, New York, Presenting the Latest Musical ComeJy Success, "Three Little Lambs" By R. A. BARNBT. ORiaiNAL CAST A ND PROD UCTION. IS IS AND IS FUNNY ? BRIG HT ? MUalC . A SUCCBSS ? COMPANY 55, INCLLDINQ Misses Mary Cahill, Nellie Braggins. Clara Palmer Violet Goodall, Frances Gordon and Gertrude Townsend ; Messrs Raymond Hitchcock. W. E Philp, Wm. T. Carleton, Edmund Lawrence, Thos. Rickelt, Harold -Vizard and T om Hadaway- SMITH BROS. 265 DUN0A8 Street \ lyaHing PlumbeTS. Telephone A38.