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 NnUTIIl'Mm-.IU.ANn AVFNUF, fllARlNr, CROSS, W.C. ; 
 43, (.irHFN Vlf tOKMA STIJP.ET, V .C. 
 DRlCilITON: T79, N'OUTii STurET. 
 New Vokk: K. & J. H. V O U X C ."l CO. 
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 UicirAnn Cr.AV .^ Sokp, I.iMiTrn, 
 I.OMjo.N »^ ni'NGAV. 
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 IK(»M lilK NOR I II M,\ H) Mil. Ml. AN I 
 A CIIAI'l Al\'> I Hi. IN Mill All, ANTIC 
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 they enter mc nai^y 
 The incessant strain to body, soul, and spirit oi 
 a populous parish, and the constant facing of sorrow 
 and sin, would cause a breakdown if there were not 
 pauses. These pauses — never very long — have from 
 time to time been filled with diverse experiences. 
r ION 3. 
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 Till. ' N(»1-..\|JIK " 1LA\LNG \ A.NtUl \ l-.K 
 l'«»H(«X.»«*i.:*f»^l|i|«f - ..* -~- 
 From the North Sl:a to the Atlantic 
 In a smokc-bcatcn vicarage, a few hundred 
 yards back from the grey North Sea, emigrants 
 have had farewell talks before starting for new 
 homes in the Far West. 
 The clatter-clatter of a hundred hammers m the 
 ship-yards of the Wear are faintly heard, and the 
 deep thud-thud of a huge steam-hammer merci- 
 lessly shakes that home by night and by day. 
 Yet, when all is still with a Sabbath stillness, the 
 «' call'"' of the tide can at times be heard, and the 
 echoing boom of incoming steamers signalling as 
 they enter the harbour or pass up the Wear. 
 The incessant strain to body, soul, and spirit of 
 a populous parish, and the constant facing of sorrow 
 and sin, would cause a breakdown if there were not 
 pauses. These pauses— never very long— have from 
 tims to time been filled with diverse experiences. 
 \;\ (i( i:\\. rKAikii . and ri;AK 
 Parishioners liavc protested that they were not 
 true hoh'days. At all events they were a change 
 of scene and work. 
 A piled-iip vehicle leaves that vicarage by the 
 North Sea. Here are some of the iiiipcdiuicuta : — 
 Magic-lantern and sets of slides, oilskins, sea- 
 boots, sou'-wester, hymn-books, prayer-books, tracts, 
 robes for Sunday services, pocket Communion 
 Service, pledge-book, illustrated papers, etc., etc. 
 Important interviews take place at Liverpool with 
 Mr. leaker of that great Trans-Continental Route 
 the C.P.R. (Canadian Pacific Railway), and also 
 with Mr. Dyke, the representative of the Canadian 
 Government in its emigration work ; and lastly with 
 the Rev^ J. Ihidger or some of his clerical assist- 
 ants, who are to be found in the vestry beneath 
 that quaint tower of St. Nicholas Church which 
 looks out over the Mersey: these occupy usefully 
 some of our time, and then wc are ready to sail. 
 I do not relate the latest voyage across, but 
 one which was more full of interest; weaving into 
 it incidents and information from earlier and later 
 It is often wise to be in Liverpool the night 
 before starting. Trains may be delayed, and it 
 would be a very serious thing in some cases to miss 
 the ship. Lime Street Station Hotel (L. & N.W.) 
 has some fairly cheap bedrooms suitable for saloon 
 and better-class intermediate passengers. I wished 
 to find out about the accommodation for steerage 
 folk also. 
 On arriving at Liverpool, at ten p.m., I heard a 
 voice — 
I'KOM Xok'lll Si:.\ I'o ATI, .writ OCl'.AX 
 " Are you the Reverend Mr. Kockly, sir?" 
 Tlien the questioner conducted me away to the 
 IMiihidelphia Temi)erance Hotel, 28, Hunter Street. 
 He said on the way — 
 '•' I'erhaps you require a first-chiss liotel, sir ? "' 
 " No," I replied ; " if your place is only clean 1 
 shall be all ric^ht. I want to see what accommoda- 
 tion there is for emigrants in Liverpool." 
 I had no reason to regret my choice. Mr. l^ewis 
 and his maiden sisters and a brother keep this place 
 clean and without pretension, and my bill next day, 
 for supper, bed, and breakfast, only came to ^s. C)d. 
 About 1 50 people a week pass through their liands, 
 going on board the steamers for America and 
 lUisy Liverpool ! Smart Ajlk and hurrymg folk. 
 The black negro, the yellow Chinee, the bright- 
 eyed Hindoo, the flaxen -haired Scandinavian, 
 and the greasy Tolish Jew are all seen in its 
 ■ Crowds of emigrants, with cumbersome luggage, 
 arrive by train. They march through the streets 
 behind great carts on which are piled their boxes. 
 Some make their way to St. Nicholas Church, and 
 ask for Mr. Bridger or his clerical assistants, 'i'hey 
 give him a letter that their clergyman has written, 
 and he asks them where they are going. Then he 
 fills up a card to give to the Church clergyman of 
 their future parish in the West, and writes a post- 
 card to the latter forthwith, to tell him that Mr. 
 and Mrs. Johnson and family are coming to settle 
 in his neighbourhood, and asking him to do all he 
 can for them spiritually and temporally. 
 Sometimes the passengers go on board at the 
 Prince's hmding-stage, but more often at the Alex- 
 andra docks. This latter method means extra 
 expense for emigrants in cartage, and five shillings 
 for cab. 
 On Thursday evening, May 8, the R.M.S. Vd/i- 
 cv/zw/' was in dire confusion. She had been delayed- 
 on her homeward passage by fog, and hatl not had 
 sufficient time to disgorge one cargo iind thoroughly 
 to digest another. The harsh song of the donkey- 
 engine rose and rattled through the evening air. 
 The decks were confusedly crowded with pas- 
 sengers and friends. It was little use conjecturing 
 who were passengers until the friends went ashore. 
 The chaplain knelt in his little state-room and 
 asked his MASTER to make use of him on the 
 voyage ; to open many doors ; to point him to 
 Christian helpers ; and to bless the ship. 
 We sat down to dinner about nine o'clock, still, 
 however, in the docks — a str-^'^ge sensation, ac- 
 customed as one was to dining at sea in the same 
 After midnight (Friday, May 9), the I'ancouvcr 
 slowly worked her way out, between long lines of 
 lamps stretching out on all sides along the quays, 
 and at last we passed through the g:'tes and into 
 the channel, and so the voyage commenced. We 
 had Evening Prayer in the intermediate before 
 turning in, and commended ourselves and all on 
 the ship to the Father's care. 
 At breakfast-time we were passing the Chicken 
 Rocks and the Calf of Man. The Isle of Man was 
 looking its noblest, as the huge rocks and cliffs 
1 at the 
 e Alex- 
 s extra 
 S. y^u- 
 not had 
 ing air. 
 th pas- 
 )m and 
 on the 
 him to 
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 P. We 
 all on 
 an was 
 1 cliffs 
 lifted their heads from the blue waters tumbling 
 and tossing about their feet. When wc looked out 
 an hour or two later, the whole western side of the 
 Isle lay behind us, and soon Suae fell and all the 
 other hills sank beneath the horizon. 
 A few hours later we passed between Stran- 
 raer (Scotland) and the Irish coast near Larne. 
 We skirt the Irish shore, and pass between T'air 
 Head and Rathhn Island. Kathlin Island (or 
 Raghery) is just five miles from the Antrim coast, 
 and its bold outlines rise to the north. The hills 
 seem to be a continuation of the mountains on the 
 mainland. Every one who was well enough came 
 out to look up at the rugged heights and organ-pipe 
 rocks high above us on the mainland. The Giant's 
 Causeway was just beyond the next headland, and 
 the structure of rock is similar. 
 I could, in fancy, see St. Columba in his boat 
 with his followers sailing over the blue tossing 
 waves to yonder Scottish islets, while we in 
 modern days carry his Gospel in a huge Atlantic 
 steamer of 5,600 tons. I low altered arc circum- 
 stances 1 Columba did not then dream of the great 
 continent to which we are hurrying. Whilst coast- 
 ing along smoothly and calmly, we held our first 
 open-air service on the after bulkhead. My text 
 was St. Luke XV. 13 : " He took his Jour ncy into afar 
 We passed in the afternoon up Lough Foyle to 
 Moville (Moughal), and saw the ruins and castle, 
 the churches and white houses, all brilliant in the 
 mellow sunlight. While waiting for the steam-tug 
 from Londonderry, bringing mails and passengers, 
 i;\ <)< KAN, I'KAIKIi:, AM) I'liAK 
 various cntcrtainitiL;" natives of " oukl Ireland" 
 boarded the ship and sold blackthorn shillela<;hs, 
 or played the fiddle. i/\t last the steam-tug arrived 
 and the mail-bai^s were "rushed" on board — a 
 tremendous business always. 
 We steamed out of the Lough, and later on at 
 midnight, having left Tory Island Light behind, we 
 passed out into the North Atlantic. Very soon we 
 experienced disagreeable weather. 
 1^^ arrived 
 board — a 
 ter on at 
 soon we 
 A Chaplain's Lifk in Mid-Atlantic 
 A CHAPLAIN should neither be sea-sick, indolent, 
 nor devoted to the company of the saloon passenc^ers. 
 There is plenty to do for an earnest man, and 
 special opportunities to be seized and used for 
 time and eternity. 
 A chaplain's day. 
 A great pile of GwphicSy Good Words, CIntrcJi 
 IkllSy etc., in my cabin is daily diminishinir, as I 
 go on my rounds giving sick and whole something 
 to interest them and to pass the monotonous hours. 
 I go forward first to the men's steerage, then aft 
 to the families and women's quarters, and h'sten to 
 their complaints and endeavour to put things right. 
 It is certainly better for the emigrants to travel on 
 a ship where a recognized chaplain is carried, for 
 he can act at times as a mediator. 
 This afternoon (being fine) we had a service on 
 deck. I stood on a bulkhead, while all the able 
 folk stood around, or sat wlierever they could. 
 " Almigluy Father, hear our cry, 
 As o'er die trackless deep we roam.'' 
 A strange scene to look upon. The eager faces of 
 country-folk, a scattering of men belonging to the 
 r.V OCKAN, rRAIKTi:. .WD VV..\K 
 I ! 
 ship, some saloon passengers, and the flaxen-lialred 
 Scandinavians. All bowed their heads when 1 
 offered up prayer, all who could sauLj very heartily, 
 and the roll of men's voices went skywards. While 
 I was speakiuL,^, the great vessel was speeding on 
 through the great waves of the blue Atlantic ; in 
 the distance an occasional whale was blowing. 
 Another hymn, and we closed with the Benediction. 
 This was at three in the afternoon, cold but bright. 
 Curiously enough a can of tar fell from the mast 
 above mc while I was speaking, and just grazed my 
 head. The sharp edge would have been too much 
 for the chaplain's skull if it had struck that, for it fell 
 at least lOo feet from where a sailor was tarring the 
 ropes. Every one but the chaplain realized that 
 the service was v^ry nearly concluded abruptly, 
 and the chaplain's services entirely dispensed with. 
 In the evening I exhibited dissolving views in 
 the aft steerage to a mixed crowd. My pictures 
 that night illustrated a voyage across the Atlantic 
 to New York, thence to Niagara and Montreal. 
 T issued this notice on Saturday — 
 The Chaplain will hold the following services 
 (wcadicr, etc., permitting) :— 
 7 a.m. — The Holy Communion (in Library). 
 JO. 30 a.m. — Morning Service (Saloon). 
 3 p.m. — Evening Prayer and Sermon (In- 
 \vlieii 1 
 ^ing on 
 itic; in 
 le mast 
 ^ed my 
 ) much 
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 I with. 
 )\vs in 
 HOW \\v. srr.NT ouk first sund.w 15 
 Heavy rolh'ng seas this day tliiniicd all our 
 services, for people were nearly all very ill. 
 I turned out at six and arranc;cd the room for 
 our Early Celebration. 'I'his most helpful of all 
 services was carried forward under great difficulties 
 as the huge waves caught the vessel, causing her 
 to oscillate. Only three young men were able to 
 join me, owing to general illness. The swishing of 
 waves, the rattle of chains, the hurrying of sailors 
 summoned by the boatswain's whistle, the ringing 
 of ship's bells, mingled with the voice of the 
 chaplain and the earnest responses of the " two or 
 three gathered together in N/s name." Yet wc 
 lifted up our hearts unto the LORD; it was a true 
 At 10.30 we had morning service in the large 
 saloon. A reading-desk was rigged up, the 
 chaplain was in his robes, and was supported by 
 a young friend as organist, or rather pianist. The 
 captain read the lessons, and an impromptu choir 
 of young men sang out with great heartiness. The 
 offertory was given to the Sailors' Orphanage at 
 Liverpool. Intermediate and steerage passengers 
 were permitted to join us, but the heavy weather 
 prevented every lady from being present. 
 At three p.m. we had a hearty service in the 
 intermediate. Well attended ; two lady passengers 
 able to come ; others in the cabins round opened 
 their doors and listened, though too ill to join in. 
 In the steerage at eight p.m., for the bcncllt of 
 I "i 
 "■ ""■■^^■' '''<'<": ^N-.. n;K 
 ciialccts t„o. -^ ^-'- '""' ""-' -''canclinavian 
 All my clcscn'i)(ioi,o .,,„i , , 
 ". j':",^i'.si,, the! g: " ,:'; "^•^'^.^ r- -^po'-n 
 one joined Willi „ic ,■„ ,,, , ' ""^ '•'"il every 
 each one "in h ' ? '''^■'"■'^' ""-' I-Oia,'s 1',-aver 
 ^" the wh S- 5;;j;":f r""^"" '^^ "- "^oTn - 
 b"t the fact of UcZ^llu-'T? "'^"'^"dously, 
 and all eyes fi.ed 'I ' , ',f '"^■"S ■•" ^'arkness 
 i>o'ped them to klctZi^ ' '""linated picture 
 Tlu,,s ended a ve^ ha'l'™"'^ -^'^ '"°'- ■-'>^'>iie. 
 S-^- thanlced me ::^r!;7rhrorS •^"•' '''''"'' 
 The Scandinavian countn4 r f ,"";;"""-pi-etcr. 
 and shakintj my Inn, -l . '°"'' "^^ ''"^h- hats 
 .-. '^y Hand, icpeatcd, " Tak, Tak." 
 ROUND Ti/i-: sirrp. 
 mndny. May i-._Ton ,. , 
 any services, so I oc"ct,n cT Tf '""^''^ '° '>"'d 
 passengers in the d' fe „ . r '" ^'"^^ ^''^ 
 The children • -, , '^"^'^ Pa«s of the ship (,\ 
 '1= ^cfu;:\v,:,.;rfr:a7 ^f-'-^-^.- 
 friendless children The. '^•^'^'^H'^nt work for 
 of Mr. Boyd. T?ev l^\ "" ""'''^'- "'^ charge 
 foreigners ; chiefly Sc-m i;, • '■■'-''• ^3) The 
 Swedish Bibles and N w t:'?''- ' '''■"' -"'^ 
 (4) Single men, forS . ^ '^'^'"'-''"^ fo'' them. 
 '"'"aid, some good fel!„„„ 
UOLM) Till. Slifi' 
 1 aiitl 
 'Id Kh^ 
 thciii. ('5) Scaiidinavian siiirjlc men, 
 (luitc a large number. (^6) l^'riends in tlic inter- 
 mediate. (7) In tlie saloon. (8) Talks with 
 sailors, stewards, etc. 
 1 was able to give advice as to the journey, etc., 
 and often we naturally a[)i)r()ached more iiiii)()rtant 
 subjects. I had a good suppl)- of papers and 
 books, owing to the kindness of those who re- 
 sponded to my recjuest for literature for the 
 emigrants. The weary monotony of the never- 
 ending pitching and rolling was made very bearable 
 by the kindness of our ICnglish friends who sent 
 these papers. 
 I brought my Temperance Pledge - book with 
 mc, and was enabled to get several signatures, 
 including one from a poor stowaway, whose wretched 
 appearance and condition would have softened a 
 very stony heart. 
 I am never satisfied with the accommodation for 
 married people in the steerage. Two or three sets 
 of married people are put in one .section or cabin. 
 This leads to sin, I am sure. T^ach family should 
 be absolutely isolated. There is sad laxity as to 
 morals and self-respect in these c[uartcrs, where 
 for more than a week together men and women 
 have no real pri"'i^y. The male stewards should 
 be kept out of those cabins where the women are. 
 On Monday afternoon, May 12, tne officers were 
 surprised to notice the barometer suddenly go 
 down in a phenomenal manner unknown in the 
 month of May. Sail was quickly taken in, antl 
 for a while it w.is hoped that we had passed to the 
 north of the anti-cyclonic si)here of action, liut it 
 came down upon us in real earnest. 
 Through the night it raged, and everything 
 movable went from side to side — portmanteaux, 
 etc., in the cabin, pounding backwards and for- 
 wards ; parcels stored overhead came thundering 
 down, and man)- folk spent a night of misery a'.J 
 fear. 1 slept more or less, feeling that I could be 
 of no use. It was most difficult to dress in the 
 morning amidst sliding luggage, water splashing 
 over from the basin, and the porthole first in the 
 waves and then looking up into the sky. One 
 heavier roll than usual after the breakfast had been 
 laid caused all the dishes to jump bodily over the 
 " fiddles," and to slide with a crash along the floor. 
 About ;^20 worth of plates, cups and saucers, etc., 
 a steward told me, were smashed. 
 Some of the casualties during the hurricane of 
 May 12 and 13 — 
 1 . A seaman thrown across the vessel some twenty 
 feet, and head and face badly crushed and cut. 
 2. A stewardess' arm broken, she was thrown 
 down the " companion." 
 3. Steward flung across deck, leg injured. 
 4. Another steward stunned, and scalp cut. 
 5. A passenger (a fine old Roman priest) had a 
 handsome r.osc temporarily disfigured. 
 6. Chaplain crossing spar-deck pitched down to 
KSCAI'i; lkn\| AS n I i;l k(. 
 ii and 
 to the 
 ^it It 
 rails. Deck hcclin^^ over to mure than 45 . 
 One oDcrht to be thankful for a bruiscil back 
 under the circumstances. 
 The most accomplished artist woultl fnid it 
 difficult to picture the sublime i;randcur o( that 
 terrific scene. I stood for an hour or so on the 
 llviuLr bridjic with the officers on watch. We had 
 to hold on all the time. Spray swept over every- 
 thinfj. The funnels were whitened up to the very 
 top. Looking down on the Ljreat vessel rolling 
 her bulwarks under, she looked amidst the L;reat 
 hills of crystal foam like a small boat. 
 The decks were deserted ; not a passenger to be 
 seen ; no one but the man at the wheel, almost 
 hidden behind a weather-cloth. Occasionally an 
 unfortunate fireman ran aft, holding on to the 
 safety rope. In my rounds I got a soaking as a 
 Niagara burst over the bows. Holding on to the 
 ropes, the water poured u[) my sleeves. 
 The amount of concentrated misery out of sight 
 below those decks was dreadful in (piantity and 
 KscAi'i; FROM AX u;i':i!i:k( i. 
 God's Fatherly hand was ever over us on this 
 voyage. Three times preserved from danger. 
 Vkst the hurricane, now the second time delivered 
 from collision with an icy monster. I had just 
 come on deck when the sailor in the bows shouted, 
 *• Ice right ahead." Out from the mist seemed to 
 rush the form of an ugly berg as large as our ship. 
 The second officer dashed at the cnirinc-room 
 signal and the propeller was stopped. The quarter- 
I I 
 r.v 0(i:.\>'. I'kAiKii", and im.ak 
 ! 'I'll 
 master obeyed the order, " Hard a-starboard," and 
 the helm being put hard over, the great vessel 
 turned slowly an^' 'vc just shaved i)ast, our waves 
 swMshing up the side of the ice. Then we breathed 
 freely. \\'e ought to have been deeply thankful 
 for our escape. 
 There seemed to be no bears on the great ice- 
 berg, which was disappointing to some children 
 who had seen pictures of icebergs with the in- 
 variable Polar bears licking their paws. On seeing 
 an iceberg the children at once said, " But where are 
 the bears .^ The icebergs in our picture-books always 
 have bears on them, and sometimes cubs too." 
 Soon after we " lay to," and lived a few clays, it 
 seemed almost a life, on the ocean wave, our home 
 on the icy deep. We had a black fog, yet we 
 made ourselves quite happy. Services, concerts, 
 magic-lantern lectures went on all the time. We 
 were in the neighbourhood of many icebergs, .nd s(.) 
 it would be unsafe to move in the thick fog. Often 
 in this neighbourhood they are stranded in the 
 shallow water on the "banks." Sometimes as they 
 melt below they become top-heavy, and turn over 
 with a great splash, to be heard for a considerable 
 distance over the sea. The icebergs, being six- 
 sevenths under the water, are affected by currents 
 unseen on the surface, and so it happens that they 
 sometimes travel slowly but surely even against 
 the wind. They meet a track of field ice floating 
 with the wind and they plough, perhaps, right 
 through. A sealer or a whaler will get to the lee 
 side of a berg and get safely through the floes 
 when such is the case. 
 Left Liverpool, May 9, --35 ^'^■'^^^^ 
 Arrived at Movillc, May 9, ^^^ 5.3" P'^^- 
 Sailed from Moville, May 9, ^^ /-'o- P'^^' 
 ■— ^ 
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 (• J. \'. I.IM'AI.I, 
 Commander of K.M.S. Vancouver 
 i !!• 
 I I 
 lit •■ 
 Tin: Banks, the Gulf, and the RrvF.R 
 One c^rcat advantage of the Canadian route to 
 the American continent is its variety and scenery. 
 The North Channel, when leaving Liverpool, is 
 to many minds much more picturesque than the 
 Oueenstown route. There is, for instance, the Isle 
 of Man to be seen, the distant Scottish coast, and the 
 romantic scenery of the Antrim cliffs and Rathlin 
 Island. Then, after a few days on the Atlantic (in an 
 ordinary passage), wc see the cliffs of Newfoundland, 
 and losing them we journey for 500 miles up the 
 St. Lawrence in fairly still water. The calm water 
 is a boon to those passengers who have for a few 
 days been unhappy on the great rollers of the 
 In the earlier part of the summer the steamer 
 track lies to the south of Newfoundland. Later 
 on, when the ice has melted out of the Belle Isle 
 Straits, the steamers sail to the north of New- 
 foundland, saving some 200 miles on the voyage. 
 When the wearisome fog lifted, and we went 
 ahead once more, we were indeed thankful. The 
 monotonous boom of the great whistle is very 
 wearing, and there was a great deal of danger. 
 i!V orr.w. I'KAiRTi:, and it.ak 
 t- &■: 
 i i!!l 
 These fogs, indeed, are more dangerous than 
 heavy seas and wind. Talking with an old 
 salt at Liverpool, I was told that some of the 
 fast steamers — the " greyhounds of the Atlantie " 
 they are called — whose full-speed is over eighteen 
 knots an hour, run through the fog noiuiiially at 
 half-speed ; but that some of their best days' runs 
 have been when there has been foggy weather with 
 a smooth sea. I prefer slower vessels, whose 
 average time across is ten days, but which some- 
 times take longer. 
 We do not mind icebergs when the sun is 
 shining and the fog has gone. They are coldly 
 picturesque now. Before we leave the Arctic stream 
 we have a lovely show. " Ice on the starboard 
 bow, sir," said the second officer to the captain, as 
 he and I were talking on the deck. Some small 
 bergs first, and about noon a glorious cathedral- 
 like island of ice, with huge cliffs of white crystal, 
 solemn and weird, but glorious in its purity and 
 grandeur. Nine were seen in four hours, some, 
 however, far away on the verge of the horizon, 
 i^locks of ice-birds flew along the sea, wheeling 
 suddenly all together. Grand it must be to stand 
 near the Arctic glaciers in Davis Straits, and 
 sec the gigantic mass split off and plunge into 
 the deep sea, whicli then slowly bears it south- 
 wards. One of our passengers photographed 
 a berg with the evening sun glinting on its 
 pure blue and white crystals. 
 Wc are now steaming over the shallow waters 
 covering the Great ]5ank of Newfoundland. The 
 sea is no longer 2,000 fathoms in depth beneath 
TiiK r.wKs. Tin; (\v\.\\ and tim: ri\ kr 2; 
 US, but from seventeen to seventy fathoins. We 
 siL^ht Cape Race on the Avalon peninsula. A 
 sealer steams past on her way to St. John's. The 
 passengers line the bulwarks as we pass Cape 
 Race with its lighthouse, and then we coast along 
 the rugged shores of Newfoundland. The dark- 
 cliffs rise in irregular heights, and the hills beyond 
 are covered with brown frost-burnt grass, which 
 will probabh' be green in a few days now. Some- 
 times we see a white house, but only rarely. While 
 we were out in the Atlantic we rarely saw a 
 vessel, but now quite a number of fishing schooners 
 are in sight, and wc pass a large steamer of the 
 Beaver Line. 
 From Cape Race, at the south-eastern corner of 
 Newfoundland to Cape Ray at the south-western 
 corner, is a little further than from the North Fore- 
 land round to Land's End. We lose sight of the 
 mainland between, and we pass the French islands 
 of Miquelon and St. Pierre. At St. l^aul de 
 Miquelon stands a French lighthouse, like that at 
 Ushant, with great bands of black and white. 
 Poor Newfoundland ! Its PVench difficulties, its 
 financial collapse, its awful fires, and the unknown 
 sufferings of its fishermen — aye, and of its clergy 
 also — all these things seem to be against her. 
 It is pleasant to have a first-rate atlas with one. 
 A map of the North Atlantic, with every detail as to 
 depth, etc., was useful to me and to others, and sup- 
 plied food for many discussions. We see that we 
 are passing over the submarine cable from St. 
 1^'erre to 1^'rance, and the cable from St. Pierre to 
 the United States. 
 One event at the close of an Atlantic voyage is 
 the concert, with its collection, for the Seamen's 
 Liverpool Orphanage. Programmes are printed 
 in a copying-press, and sold b)- auction the evening 
 before. When the night comes the saloon is 
 crowded in every part, and all available talent is 
 made use of. Captain Lindall sung at these 
 concerts, and generally made a speech as well. The 
 last time I hc^yd him, he sang "Our Jack's come 
 home to-day." There was a special verse written 
 by a passenger after the gale we experienced. He 
 sang it as the encore. 
 " Our Jack's at sea, slill far away, 
 Drowned by the anpjry tide ; 
 li'i orpliancd cliildrcn sorely wail 
 Their father and their pride. 
 As your eyes p^row moist, you will not fail 
 To j^nve your dole to-day ; 
 For you knowjw/V/ soon reach port ayain, 
 Safe from the waves' wild j)lay." 
 A few voyages later a sad thing happened. He 
 had taken part in the concert as usual, and made 
 one of his kindly speeches. About six the next 
 morning the weather had become serious, and 
 the sea had got up. A green sea of terrible 
 dimensions swept over the upper deck of the 
 Vancofiver, bending great iron bars like wire, 
 carrying nearly the whole bridge away, bulg- 
 ing in the saloon cabin, and completely clearing 
 away the chart-house. On the bridge was the 
 quartermaster (a superior sailor) steering, and 
 one of the officers. Seeing the wave coming, the 
 officer ran to one side and clung to the iron 
 stanchion. The IhIcIc^c was swept away, and he 
 was left where he was. The quartermaster was 
 never seen again, and Captain FJndall also, who 
 was sleepinj^ in the chart-house, was swept into 
 the Atlantic, never more to be found. Next day his 
 mandolinata was found on deck, the only remnant 
 of the awful occurrence. I Te was a general favourite, 
 and his end produced a profound sensation. 
 Again we are out of sight of land, and passing 
 from Newfoundland into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. 
 In the afternoon the fog lifted a little, and we saw 
 some desolate islands to the north of the Magdalen 
 Isles. One called Bird Island bore a lighthouse, 
 and we fired signals to show that we carried the 
 mails. The lighthouse-keepers on this rocky 
 island are more cut off from the world than those 
 on islands near our coast. The navic^ation here 
 during these prevailing fogs is very difficult. The 
 lead was continually being heaved, and little 
 specimens of the soil brought up by means of a 
 glass tube with the lower end open. 
 At last the fog lifted, the sea became brilliant 
 blue, and the sun shone out with full power 
 upon us. So we sped along, and approached the 
 Gaspe peninsula. High fir-clothed mountains rose 
 from the water, and the clouds hung white and 
 fleecy on their summits. French Canadian fisher- 
 men live in tiny white houses dotted on the level 
 ground near the shore, or up some of the valleys 
 which suddenly open like amphitheatres as we 
 steam past. 
 Red-roofed, white-walled French houses dot the 
 shore, and behind them the hills, clothed with fir 
 V.\ Ori'AX, I'RATKIi:. AX I) I'KAK 
 and si)riicc, and licrc and there clearings with 
 farmsteads. J)cyond the first range rise the higher 
 Shickshock Mountains, some 3,000 to 4,000 feet 
 In'gh, v/ith snow )'ct clinging to their sides. 
 Oiu captain liad on board on one occasion a 
 large party of ICnglish folk going to Rapid City, 
 beyond Winnipeg. The conductor of the party 
 had come over from that place, and was returning 
 with these people. They were standing looking 
 for the first sight of land, and at last the Gaspc 
 peninsula was seen, its high land covered with snow. 
 In " high falutin' " language the man from Rapid 
 City cries : " Behold ! the land flowing with milk and 
 honey lieth before you." An American standing 
 by, looking at the snow-covered mountains, said, 
 " I guess it must be condensed milk, for it seems 
 to stick there a good deal." 
 At five in the afternoon, as we approached Farther 
 Point, some 200 miles up the river, we fired three 
 detonatiuGf sic^nals. A little Canadian bird which 
 came on board near Newfoundland was terribly 
 frightened, and hopped about the deck close to us. 
 A steam-tug could be seen a mile or two away 
 coming out from a jett}-, upon which stood a 
 locomotive and three cars. This was the train for 
 Quebec and Montreal waitinjj for our mails, which 
 it would carry up before us. We are twelve hours 
 from Quebec, and twice that distance from 
 Montreal, both b}- river. The little tug struggled 
 out to us, battling with great waves which did not 
 Then there came the tlirowing 
 move us at all. 
 of ropes, and the gangway put across. Our 
 mail-bags, which were put on board at Moville, 
 were now carried on to the Canadian tug, which 
 was flying up and down wildly, so that the 
 sailors could scarcely get over the gangway. 
 Great G. V. O. parcel baskets and some scores of 
 mail and newspaper bags were piled up on the 
 deck. Then three of our passengers went on 
 board — Captain Ellis, in order to travel to Halifax, 
 and two Montreal gentlemen, eager to be back 
 quickly to business. Soon the tug with its oscil- 
 lating beam was far in t' j distance, and we sat 
 down to our last dinner. 
 After leaving Kiniouski the journey is full of 
 interest. Lumber ships lie off the different ports 
 and villages, loading timber for Europe. We pass 
 the watering-places of Canada. The Canadians 
 are hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles 
 from the sea-coast, and so they arc content to go 
 down to the " salt water." The tide comes up the 
 St. Lawrence some 500 miles. The stream of the 
 St. Lawrence is discoloured at one point by the 
 brown waters of the great Saguenay entering from 
 the north. Of this wonderful waterway we shall 
 have more to write later on. 
 At last we approach Grosse lie, the Canadian 
 quarantine station, and a steamer comes out to us 
 with the quarantine doctor who is to see if all are 
 vaccinated, and with hose for disinfecting the ship 
 if it should be necessary. On the island are rows 
 of white buildings for the accommodation of 
 isolated passengers. 
 \\v ocvAK, rkAikii':,^ AM) ri.AK 
 We sec a good deal of tlic system of compulsory 
 vaccination on these vessels. Mveiy stcemge pas- 
 senger must be vaccinated on board by the ship's 
 doctor if he has not recent marks on him. Cabin 
 passengers are not supposed to be liable to small- 
 pox — the law is not applied to them. In special 
 cases, however, it is; r.^i/*. if a contagious case is 
 discovered on board during the voyage. Captain 
 Davis of the Toro)ito found six of the crew suffering 
 from what seemed to be small-pox. There v;ere a 
 number of ladies in' the saloon, and he went to 
 them and suggested that they and their children 
 should at once be vaccinated. They were horrified, 
 and asked the captain if he was going to be 
 vaccinated also. So he bared his arm, and sub- 
 mitted at once to the doctor's knife, and then they 
 all followed his example. 
 Another case was that of a druggist crossing- 
 over in the Oregon with his family. Vaccination 
 day came, and he refused, and said he was an anti- 
 vaccinationist ; so the doctor passed hiin by, telling 
 him that he would be returned to England if he 
 was not done. They were getting up the St. 
 Lawrence, and Cai)tain Davis, then chief officer, 
 was sent to tell him to pick out his own baggage, 
 for he and his wife and children would be landed 
 at the quarantine station. He was very wroth, 
 and said that no one should make him land there, 
 neither should they compel him to be vaccinated. 
 They came up the river to the quarantine station. 
 The officials came on board. " Any infectious cases, 
 captain ? " " No." " All vaccinated ? " " There is 
 one man in the intermediate who refuses to have 
 his wife or family vaccinated, and won't be done 
 himself. ' lie was brought aft and interrogated. 
 "You refuse to be vaccinated.'*" "Yes." "Do 
 you know that )'0U will be returned by next 
 steamer.?" "No; and 1 won't go." "Well, will 
 you be vaccinated .-' " " Well, 1 suppose I must." 
 So the party descended into the saloon, and all 
 were properly done, and the quarantine doctor 
 bade them good-bye. He was getting over the 
 side, when he remembered his gloves were in the 
 saloon, and ran down for them. The druggist was 
 engaged in sucking the lymph out of his wife's 
 arm ; so the quarantine doctor did them all again, 
 and they were not allowed to remove the matter 
 this time. One cannot but adir.iie the doggedness 
 of this resistance. The poor emigrants suffer from 
 their arms the most just when many of them are 
 arriving at their destination. The secret of saloon 
 passengers being exempted is that they are 
 exempted in the United States, and all the saloon 
 traffic was diverted to New York until they relaxed 
 the restriction. 
 When the ocean liner, after eight to ten days' 
 voyage, comes in the early morning up the side of 
 the Isle of Orleans, with its exquisite green verdure 
 "and pretty French houses, one feels as if one never 
 saw anything so lovely. But everything on land 
 is lovelier after some days at sea. Montmorency 
 Fall is then seen tlistinctly, a mile or two away, 
 with its feathery spray — its clear drop of 250 
 • feet. La Vachc (the cow) it is called, from its 
 v,\ oci.AN, I'UAiuii . WD ri:.\K 
 foamy whiteness, like wiiipped creum tumbling 
 over the preeipice. 
 But now in front of us i<< Quebec once mure, and 
 on the left bank I'oint Levis. 
 ■' Which side are we i^oini;' to-day, captain ? " 
 " I expect it will be tlic I'oint Levis side to-day, 
 Mr. Boddy," is the answer. 
 The two main railway lines each have here depots 
 it the 
 ite side 
 id th 
 lie is for the 
 : vessels 
 carrying passengers to go to each alternately. The 
 steam tender of the o^/icr line carries its own 
 passengers to its station across the river. 
 "Crack — bang" goes an ear-splitting cannon 
 from the citadel. " Rip — bang " is the resonant 
 answer from our vessel ; and we dip our flag in 
 We work up alongside the (.juay, and a babel 
 commences as the foreign emigrants, with the help 
 of interpreters, get their belongings out of the hold 
 on ^o the wharf for the Grand Trunk Railway, or 
 on to the tender for the Canadian Pacific Railway. 
 The view of Quebec and the town opposite, at 
 I'oint Levis, from the deck is very fine — the white 
 houses and churches, the cliff's and citadel. It is 
 very interesting to look round at the passengers 
 and see their faces lit up with strange excitement, 
 now that they have really reached the New World. 
 One scarcely knows some of them, for they are now 
 dressed up in their smartest clothes. ** Say, Bill, 
 did ye ever see a church walking about before.-*" 
 says one of our humorists, as a Grand Trunk 
 locomotive comes along to the depot, its great bell 
 solemnly ringing. A few of the passengers remained 
V.\(( r NATION' 
 oil the steamer, to i;o on her U[) to Montreal. \".'e 
 made fast to the wliarf at I'oint Levis, ami a tender 
 belonginj^ to the i^reat Canadian Pacifie Raihva)' 
 had come alonj^side. Nearly all (nir emigrants were 
 going to travel west by C.P.R., and their luggage 
 was hauled up out of the hold with much rattling 
 by the steam winch. 
 The Scandinavians and luiglish crowded the 
 tender, and we were soon steaming away waving 
 our hats to the officers and saloon passengers. All 
 steerage passengers must land at Ouebec. Saloon 
 passengers goon to Montreal without extra charge. 
 While w : were beside the wharf, the S.P.C.K. 
 chaplain for the immigrants at Ouebec (the Kcv. 
 T. W. Fyles) came on board. Mrs. llcncker, of 
 Sherbrookc, wanted a don.e^<-ic servant. 1 was 
 glad to recommend one of my charge in the inter- 
 mediate, and Mr. Fyles saw her off in the train to 
 the new place. There is a jrrcat demand for really 
 good servants, and they are engaged very quickly 
 on landing without going any further west. 
 ! ) 
 Historic Quebec 
 Before wc set off on our journey to the Far West 
 we must pause in the presence of a fragment of the 
 Old World so full of interest, guarding the gate of 
 the New. We leave our emigrant friends awhile, 
 rejoining them in Chapter VI. 
 Crossing the river from Point Levis, wc go over 
 to the Canadian Pacific Railway Depot, where we 
 get a calccJic. 
 "Your first time in Quebec, sir.''" says the 
 " No, my friend ; nor the second or third either." 
 I persuaded him to lower his tariff somewhat, and 
 we engaged him by the hour. 
 After business in various quarters, we thought it 
 time to drive to an hotel, and so or'' ed him to 
 go to the new hotel called the " Frontenac," up on 
 the Dtfferin Terrace, in a splendid situation. We 
 passed in through the great gateway into the court- 
 yard, and out rushed boys in buttons and welcomed 
 us politely. Before I let them remove the baggage, 
 I went in and saw the hotel clerk. " What is the 
 lowe:^t price for board and lodging per day } " 
 " Four dollars apiece," he curtly replied (about 
iTisTORic (.)UKr.i':(" 
 ijs.). I returned to the calccJic, and told the 
 coachman to take us to a clean French boarding-- 
 house near the wharf. Here wc paid one dollar a 
 day. It was the liousc of Madame dc la Pierre, 
 1'ki:n('ii •(•.\i,i';inK 
 20, Pierre Street, and I can strongly recommend it 
 to those who can speak any r^-ench. 
 While we are resting under Madame de la 
 Pierre's roof, let us remind ourselves of the early 
 history of this Gibraltar of the West. 
 " Quel Bee ! What a l^eak ! What a promon- 
 tory ! " cried Jacques Cartier's pilot in 1534, an 
 they found themselves (after sailing 500 miles 
i i 
 and more up this groat estuary) at last facing the 
 noble Diamond Cape. Thus was given the name 
 to the spot crowned now by the citadel of Quebec. 
 Sent out by France in the da}'s when each great 
 Power was seeking new lands beyond the oceans, 
 Jacques Cartier, with his three t'"ny sixty-ton ships, 
 entered this great river o.-: i.! • -;aint's day of the 
 Martyr of Spain and ga^- _ it ;iis name — the St. 
 An Indian village at the foot of the rock bore the 
 name, in the Algonquin language, of 
 in the Huron tongue Teontirili, both meaning 
 " the narrowinc: of the stream." It is at Quebec 
 three-quarters of a mile wide, though 500 miles 
 from its mouth. 
 Cartier came over again ip i ~, 'i-.d 1541. 
 Eight or ten weeks' voyage each lime, a ^d icrrible 
 were the sufferings through those first winters spent 
 in Canada. Hundreds of the French cniinrs died 
 of scurvy through living on salt meat through all 
 the weary months of snow and ice. 
 "Kanatei" was the Indian name ^or the vicinity 
 of Quebec. It meant *' a gathering '"huts." That 
 name "Canada" has spread and ; :ad until it 
 now includes all the great Dominion even to Van- 
 couver Island Ml the I'acific, 3,000 miles to the 
 When you stand in front of the magnificent 
 Parliament Buildings, near the Grande Alice, just 
 beyond the Ramparts (in Quebec's most fashionable 
 lUiartei"), you sec statues of L^rcut men in tlic niches 
 of the front of that building. When you go tlirough 
 the town or look at the shops you see names which 
 you feel sure must be those of men with mighty 
 histories attached to them. 
 Let me transmit to the reader a few facts in 
 connection with these names. Cartier, though the 
 discoverer of Canada, was not successful as the 
 planter of a colony. It was not until 1608, when 
 Champlain arrived, that New France began to 
 live. It was Henry IV. of France that dispatched 
 Samuel de Champlain. He allied himself with the 
 Algonquins and Hurons, and was thenceforth the 
 object of the hatred of the Five Nations, who, 
 banded together, were known as the Iroquois. He 
 was the true founder of French Canada, 
 In later days the French monarch, anxious to 
 have the colony more under his control, appointed 
 a Sovereign Council to sit in Quebec, the principal 
 personages to be the Governor-General, the Royal 
 Intendant, and the liishop. Each believed he was 
 the real head, and each reported the misdoings of the 
 others. The Intendant was chief of police, justice, 
 finance, and marine, and had very great power. 
 The most notorious of the Intendants was Bigot. 
 He taxed and plundered the poor habitants, chiefly 
 to enrich himself. When the country people were 
 starving he lived in luxury and wickedness — a 
 reflection in Canada of the corrupt Court of his 
 royal master in l^^-ancc. 
 His statue is not in a niche in front of I'arliainent 
 House, but a golden dog may be seen by passers- 
 by who look up at the Post Office Buildings. 
- :«i i _icr i tw < I f0V 
 ii ill 
 ;8 v,x (x:i:ax, I'KAikii:. and 1'i:ak 
 An honest merchant named PhiUbert was perse- 
 cuted by the Intendant Bigot, and, unable to 
 retaliate, he placed aloft as his trade-mark the 
 <>rKi;K( MARkr; 
 figure of a golden dog, with a JMcnch rh}-mc be- 
 neath, ending with the words, " The time will come, 
 which has not yet arrived, when I shall bite, who 
 have been bitten." 
axutiii:r >tok\' 
 The Intcndant quartered a number of troops on 
 M. IMiilibert to annoy him further, and a^ last a 
 boon companion of l^igot's, by name Monsieur de 
 la Repcntigny, provoked I\I. Philibert to a duel, 
 and gave him a mortal wound. The brother of the 
 dead merchant avenged him years after, having 
 followed him even to Pondicherry in the ICast 
 Indies, where he slew Repcntigny. 
 M. Bigot had as his country residence a beautiful 
 chateau at the foot of the Laurentian Mountains. 
 He was fond of sport, and in a hunting expedition 
 lost his way. He met a young Algonquin squaw of 
 singular beauty. She led him home to the chateau, 
 and being induced to enter its walls never left them 
 A Mademoiselle Angelique des IVIeloises, of 
 Quebec, who was to marry the Intendant, heard of 
 this fair Algonquin at the chateau at Peaumanoir, 
 and the Indian girl's fate was sealed. A piercing 
 cry was heard echoing through those halls and 
 corridors, and Caroline was found stabbed. Not 
 long ago a gravestone with " C " carved on it 
 could be seen in the churchyard at Beaumanoir. 
 It was said that the unhappy Caroline was not of 
 full Indian race, but that her father by marriage 
 was an officer of high rank in the army of France. 
 ]\Iontc;ilm, a noble-minded man, had great diffi- 
 culties in his way when defending Quebec in 1759 
 against the English. With a commissariat presided 
 over by Bigot, with a corrupt Court in France, who 
 cared nothing for the "15,000 leagues of snow," 
 as they then described Cai ida in I'rance, his work 
 was wonderful. 
 Quebec had been taken by the English in the 
 days of Champlain, and restored after twenty years, 
 in 1628, under the Treaty of St. Germain. Twice 
 since then efforts had been made by England, but 
 disastrously, to seize Quebec (viz. in 1690 and 
 171 1), and the Church of Notre Dame des Victoires 
 commemorates those occasions. 
 In July, 1759, General Wolfe with General 
 Monckton were landed with troops on what is now 
 known as the Island of Orleans, a long narrow 
 island dividing the St. Lawrence for some distance 
 below Quebec. They represented but one of three 
 English armies advancing from different points. 
 Wolfe was defeated with considerable loss in a 
 battle with Montcalm's troops close by the Mont- 
 morency Falls, and Monckton at the same time 
 was engaged in bombarding the town of Quebec 
 from Port Louis across the river. Wolfe became 
 ill through grief and disappointment at his dis- 
 astrous defeat, and it was not until six weeks later 
 that anything could be done. 
 On September 13 a feigned attack was made 
 on the French on the banks of the St. Lawrence 
 near Beauport, and the English fleet in the night 
 sailed up the St. Lawrence past the city some 
 nine miles to Cap Rouge. Here 1500 picked men 
 were floated down in the early morning on tlie ebb 
 of the tide, and landed north of the town and 
 scrambled up to the Heights of Abraham (so called 
 after a boatman, Abraham Martin). 
 Montcalm, seven miles below Quebec, heard 
 that the English were massed on the plateau to 
 the north of the city, and marched to resist them. 
 Montcalm and Wolfe both passed within ::\ few 
 hours of one another into the presence of the God 
 of Battles. The stories of their respective ends 
 are touching. One scarcely knows whether to 
 admire most the defeated general or the successful 
 The Marquis de Montcalm was about forty-seven 
 years of age, and had had a brilliant career in the 
 French army. His skill was shown in the position 
 he took at Beauport, near the Montmorency Falls, 
 and his defeat of the English Grenadiers with great 
 loss. He was successful until the ruse of the Encf- 
 lish led to their unexpected appearance on the 
 Heights of Abraham. In the encounter he was 
 wounded by a musket-shot, but went on. Then 
 he was struck by the one six-pounder gun which 
 the English had dragged up on to the Heights. 
 As his wounds were being dressed he asked the 
 surgeon if the}- were mortal. On being told that 
 they were he said, *' I am glad of it." He then 
 asked how lony; he should h've ? " Ten or twelve 
 hours — perhaps less." " So much the better," he 
 replied ; " then I shall not live to sec the surrender 
 of Ouebec." On being pressed to give commands 
 to his officers, he replied, " I will neither give orders 
 nor interfere any further. I have much business 
 that must be attended to, of far greater moment." 
 lie addressed himself, says the historian, to his 
 religious duties, and passed the night with the 
 Bishop and his own confessor. Before he died he 
 paid the victorious army the magnanimous compli- 
 ment : " Since it is my misfortune to be discomfited 
 and mortally wounded, it is a great consolation to 
 me to be vanquished by so brave an enemy. If I 
 could survive this wound, I would engage to beat 
 three times the number of such forces as I com- 
 manded this morning with a third of the British 
 He was burled, it was said, in the yard of 
 the Ursuline Convent, and in a grave already 
 made by the bursting of a bomb-shell during the 
 " /// dcatJi tJiey were not divided." Major-General 
 James Wolfe would be only thirty-two years old at 
 the battle of Abraham Heights. With 4,826 men 
 he defeated 7,520 of the enemy. The night before 
 the engagement, as he was visiting the ships, he 
 repeated to an officer on the boat the whole of 
 Gray's FJegy, wh' 1 was then scarcely known. 
 He said, " I would rather have written that poem 
 than be the conqueror of Canada." These words 
 were soon fulfilled — 
 '' The boast of licialdry, the jwinp of j)()\vcr, 
 And all that l:)caiity, all tliat rank e'er i,'a\ c, 
 Await alike the incvitaljle hour 
 'IMie paths of j^lory lead but to the j^n'ave I " 
 During the battle on that September day he was 
 wounded in the wrist, but went on, and placing 
 himself at the head of the Grenadiers, advanced 
 with them as they charged the l*^*ench with bayo- 
 nets. In this conspicuous position he received a 
 ball in his breast. Other leading officers were 
 killed or mortally wounded also. 
 " They run — they run ! " exclaimed an officer 
 who supported him as he lay in mortal agony. 
 " Who run .-* " he eagerly cried. " The I'rench," was 
 the answer. " What," said he, " do they run already ? 
 Then I die happy." So he expired. 
 His remains were conveyed to England in the 
 Royal William, and were borne with . military 
 honours to Westminster Abbey, where a beautiful 
 monument commemorates his death. And there 
 is this inscription — 
 To the memory of 
 James Wolfk, 
 Major-(iencral and Commander-in-Chief 
 of the 15ritish Land Forces, 
 On an Expedition against Oueljec, 
 Who having surmounted, 
 \\\ ability and \'alour, 
 All obstacles of art and nature, 
 Was slain at the moment of \'ictory, 
 On tlie i3tli of Sci)tcml)er, 1759. 
 The King and Parliament ofCreat Ihilain 
 Dedicated this Monument. 
 Richard IVTontgomcry was a commissioned officer 
 in General Wolfe's army when Quebec was taken. 
 In later days he left the British army and joined 
 the American cause of Independence. In the effort 
 to seize Canada he was invested with the command 
 of the American forces. With 3,000 men, he and 
 Arnold invested the citadel of Quebec. It was 
 defended by 1800 British and Canadian militia. 
 On the night of December 31, 1775, a determined 
 attack was made, and at the foot of the citadel 
 Montgomery was slain, with thirteen others, by 
 C\c firing of a battery of nine-pounders. His body 
 was found next morning under the snow. Some 
 months later, on the arrival of reinforcements from 
 England, the American troops retreated. 
 General Montgomery's body was eventually 
 interred in St. Paul's Church, New York, and a 
 magnificent monument erected by Congress is 
 placed there to h's memory. 
 Our cocJicr was very anxious to drive us to the 
 Montmorency Falls, so after we had refreshed we 
 set out. Bump, jolt, over the strange pavements, 
 along the narrow French streets, and houses tall 
 and short, and signs hanging across the foot-walks. 
 Out into the green country, through toll-gate and 
 over soft Canadian earthen roads, past pretty 
 French villus with green blinds and shingled roofs, 
 or roofs of brilliant tin. Through the endless 
 i ! I ! 
 village of Bcauport, with the St. Lawrence and 
 Orleans Isle far below, till at last, after some seven 
 miles or so, we slowly crossed the wooden bridge 
 over the river Montmorency, and leaving the 
 calcchc paid our twenty-five cents for permission 
 to approach the Falls. 
 By winding paths we. sped down through fir 
 trees, refusing the small boys' aid who wished to 
 be engaged as guides. Now we are in full view of 
 one of the most terrific of the world's cataracts. A 
 clear leap of 250 feet ! Ilig' than the citadel ; 
 higher than Niagara. lwer_, ^n of water seems 
 to float down through the air, and to break into 
 feathery, creamy spray ere it reaches the bottom. 
 The clouds of spray hide the lower part from view. 
 We clambered down more than 300 steep and 
 rather dangerous wooden steps to see the Falls 
 from the level of the water at the foot. To our 
 amazement we found this almost impossible. Down 
 the first 200 steps we descended all the time in 
 some danger, because they are so terribly steep 
 and smooth ; but the lower steps descended into 
 a hurricane of blinding spray, leaping out from the 
 foot of the Falls a hundred yards distant in con- 
 stant irresistible gusts. It was, indeed, like standing 
 on the bridge of an Atlantic steamer in a blinding 
 gale of rain and spray. 
 Nothing could be seen, and one had to turn 
 one's back to this monsoon at last, and clamber up 
 the slippery steps into a drier atmosphere. An- 
 other time I will take mackintosh and overalls. I 
 was soaked with the wet. Panting, we painfully 
 reached the top, and with the roar of the gigantic 

 ■'' 'I 
 cataract dinning in our cars wo looked forth on 
 the beautiful scene. Away from the Falls, over the 
 north channel of the St. Lawrence River (into which 
 the Montmorency River flows), is the long Isla.id 
 of Bacchus, as the Tsle d'Orleans was first called, 
 from the profusion of wild grapes growing in its 
 underwood in Cartier's days. Beyond the island 
 is the broad south channel, and the distant shore 
 where the houses stretch away to Levis, opposite 
 Quebec. Down below us is a four-storied mill 
 turned by this mighty stream. Some say that 
 after the plunge this river in great parts goes 
 underground, and comes up at the end of the 
 Island of Orleans in a sort of whirlpool, which the 
 fishermen avoid. 
 Away up the broad St. Lawrence is the great 
 citadel again ; we see it everywhere. It is like 
 I'^hrenbreitstein on the Rhine, or like an Edinburgh 
 Castle surrounded on three sides by miles of water ; 
 or, best of all, like Gibraltar. It is well likened to 
 that mighty rock-hewn fortress guarding tlie gate 
 of the Mediterranean. All the while hundreds of 
 tons of broken, curdled water are swiftly dropping 
 through the air in a hundred yards gravitation 
 race. Follow one lump of water with the field- 
 glasses from where we stand. As it drops it is 
 disintegrated and becomes spray, circled and glori- 
 fied, ui'til at last it disappears into the tempest of 
 mist driven out b}' the never-ceasing gales caused 
 by the swiftly-descending water itself. Gales and 
 gusts smite the surface of the water below into 
 mad turbulence, and blow it away in great circling 
 waves, and crown it with blasts of spray. 
 We found our way now round to the brink of 
 the precipice beside the Falls. The Montmorency 
 River, we were told, was very full, and it came 
 down a steep descent over slabs of rock like 
 natural steps; then it made tlie final plunge. 
 Remains of a suspension bridge remind one of a 
 tragedy. A French farmer and his wife and 
 daughter were driving over in their calccJte one 
 .Sunday morning when the whole structure col- 
 lapsed, and they fell into the flood. The next 
 moment they were over the great fall and perished 
 swiftly. It is a very dangerous neighbourhood, and 
 I have no doubt many a one has slipped either on 
 those terrible btnirs or on the vcrcre (^f the Falls. 
 In winter-time the falling spray accumulates in 
 a cone, ever increasing in height, until it forms a 
 splendid slope for toboggan sleighing. Gay parties 
 come out from Quebec, and a story is told of an 
 officer and a lady, who on one of these sleighs 
 were shooting down tiie cone, when the sleigh 
 swerved off the track and disai)pearcd through a 
 hole n\ the ice on the river, and in a moment of 
 mernment and laughter they vanished, and were 
 never seen more. 
 We draw homewards, stopping to copy an 
 inscription in French beneath a wayside pillar 
 surmounted by a cross. 
 O I'ksus. 
 l;V OCI'.AN, I'l^AIKll, AM) I'lAK 
 As wc approach Quebec the dayliL^ht dies away, 
 and there springs out of the darkness the most 
 dazzHnt;', clear illumination any city can possess. 
 The streets on the hill-side before us arc picked 
 out by luminous, planet-like electric lights. Mont- 
 morency supplies the power which lights all Quebec 
 indoors and out with a calm, steady, unflinching 
 light. Water turned into flame ! 
 Madame Pierre's daughter kindly supplies us 
 with some supper, although that meal is over. It 
 is a lovely night. Let us go out again. 
 Pay three cents (half-pennies) and go with me 
 on board one of the ferry steamers which all night 
 and al! day ply across the vSt. Lawrence. Quebec 
 on this side with 63,000 inhabitants, and l^oint 
 Levis on the other with 12,000. 
 Wc sit on tho deck. The sun has just set. 
 Before we leave, wc lean back and crane our necks 
 to look up at the great new P\-ontenac Hotel, built 
 in the st}'le of a P'rench chateau, high up on the 
 Dufferin Terrace. To the left, still higher up, is 
 the great Citadel with its guns. ^^ \ P^'cnch 
 houses all round the wharf. The whistle booms, 
 the ropes are cast off; Quebec is all dark, the 
 sunlight being behind. Point Levis is lit up with 
 the reflection from the western sky, and the windows 
 of the buildings are blazing as if a furnace roared 
 As wc steam out into the St. Lawrence, we look 
 over the dark waters to the spot where the sun 
 descended. Ragged clouds are stretched in shreds 
 across the sky, and the old-world Laurentian moun- 
 tains, dark and grim, are silhouetted against the 
 amber light behind. To-morrow we are to journey 
 far behind those mountains to the north. 
 We are across the river now, and lookmg back 
 over the chopping waves we see them all dark and 
 yet glistening with glory from the sky. Quebec, a 
 black outline ; and yet now here, there, and every- 
 where, wondrous luminous stars spring mto benig 
 —the electric lights from the highest pomt right 
 down to the water's edge. 
 if •■! 
t "^ I 
 Lake St. John and tjie Saguenay 
 For those who can spare even a week in Quebec 
 Province, there is now opened out a new and 
 delightful excursion to a district but little known 
 — 200 miles due north from the old city. 
 In a few years the Lac St. jean will be well 
 known on this western continent, and this railway 
 journey will often be taken in order to descend the 
 Canadian Styx in a comfortable steamboat of the 
 Richelieu Company, whose name is the name of 
 the river itself — the Sagiicnaj'. 
 Thousands of visitors every year skirt the broad 
 expanse of Lake Superior and the other fresh- 
 water oceans of North America. Comparatively 
 few have, however, visited Lac St. Jean (Lake St. 
 John) in the wilder districts, nearly 200 miles north 
 of the city of Oucbcc. 
 with their rules of perpetual silence, and their 
 Friday chastisements, were expelled from France 
 in 1880. In 1892 we find them securely estab- 
 lished on the Mistassini River, some twenty miles 
 from the great lake. I understand that tlicy 
 obtained from the (practically) Roman Catholic 
 Government of Oiiebcc Province an enormous 
 grant of land in the vicinity of the lake, and now 
 that the railway is established (also by Govern- 
 ment ir^ainly) this land will in their hands increase 
 steadily in value, and the L'rench Roman Catholic 
 colonists will flock to live on it, because of the 
 sanctity of these "silent monks of Oka." The 
 Trappists never speak to each other except to 
 utter the warning " Memento mori " (" Remember 
 death"); but they have foremen and managers, 
 and they obey their orders. The Roman Catholic 
 Church is stronger in this province than in Italy 
 itself. The people are most " religious " in their 
 way. Any one who is not a Roman Catholic 
 would find it trying to live here, save uiidcr 
 favourable circumstances, though T have heard of 
 a colony of North Irish Protestants some distance 
 north of Quebec city. 
 Great credit is due to these P^'cnch Canadians 
 for opening out this new land to the north of 
 Quebec. It was found that the younger people 
 were beginning to emigrate to the States, because 
 the land around them was taken up. 
 Then a vigorous move was made to open the 
 country around Lake St. John in the form of 
 Roman Catholic parishes generally circling round 
 a rude log chapel, which, as the colony became 
 able, was replaced by a more substantial structure. 
 The Church is the rallying-point,the centre of attrac- 
 tion — a truly beautiful idea. The I'rench Canadian 
 appreciates religious surroundings and influences. 

 Owing to the heavy train, we went very slowly 
 up the grades which led us into the Laurentian 
 Mountains, and we were at least an hour late. It 
 is a. serpentine line, winding around the bases of 
 fir-covered mountains, and along the sides of 
 rushinsf trout streams and endless lakes. It re- 
 minded me of the journey across Sweden from 
 Gothenburg to Stockholm. It might well be 
 called the "Railway of the Thousand Lakes." 
 We were to have had lunch about one at Lake 
 Edward, but it was nearer three when we pulled 
 up at that station (we had left Quebec at eight 
 a.m.). The " magnificent dining-room, capable of 
 seating one hundred guests," turned out to be a 
 sort of plank shanty near the small station. The 
 lunch, at fifty cents, was fairly good, and we had 
 some of the fresh fish from the lake. Three 
 gigantic trout lay on a table under the verandah — 
 to show us what could be caught. They were 
 at least six pounds weight each. A paper pinned 
 above said, " These ' infants ' were caught in Lake 
 Edward. What must the full-grown fish be ! " 
 Some of our fellow-travellers, who hailed from 
 New York, left the cars here for a week or two's 
 fishing on these waters, and as we bowled away we 
 saw them sailing across the lake with a guide. 
 They were fully determined to catch big trout. 
 I found the country people here unable to read. 
 I offered both Erench texts and a Erench Testa- 
 ment to a Jiahitaut ploughing beside the railway 
 among the stumps. He could make nothing of 
 This wild nciijhbourhood is a 
 from the States. There arc several clubs. At 
 Lake Edward (also called the Lac dcs Grandes 
 lies) is one of these clubs — the " Taradisc Fin and 
 Feather Club." At Lake Kis-kisink we saw the 
 summer head-quarters of the Metabetchouan Fish- 
 ing and Game Club, in which arc quite a number 
 of New EnG^land millionaires. There must be 
 more than half-c -dozen of such chibs on this loner 
 h'nc. The members can travel through from their 
 homes in a little more than three days. The 
 American likes to live luxuriously, while the 
 English sportsman is more willing to rough it in 
 camp. An officer with whom I talked had, within 
 one twelvemonth, served with the Scewart column in 
 Upper Egypt in the attempted relief of Khartoum, 
 and also in the Riel Rebellion business on the Red 
 River, with the thermometer a score of degrees 
 below zero. He said, " I always go under canvas 
 when I fish or shoot here, and my wife often goes 
 with me. Roughing it is half the sport ; but the 
 New Yorkers want all their luxuries within arm's 
 Tiiese American club-houses are practically 
 hotels, with every comfort, and on the lake floai s 
 the steam launch, ready to take in tow the fishing- 
 party in their boats some eight o'- ten miles to 
 their destination, and come again for them in the 
 evening to be back in time for dinner. 
 Lac Bouchette gave us one of the beautiful views 
 on this long day's ride. It lay extended below us, 
 stretching far away to the left, imbedded in fir- 
 *. (if 
S ' 
 clothed hills which raised their verdant domes 
 on all sides. A saw-mill, surrounded by plank 
 liouscs, gave life to the picture. 
 These French Canadians have generally 
 Government gives one hundred acres to any one 
 who has twelve children. As we pass many a log 
 hut or plank house, we see througli the door the 
 families in regular steps and stages, from the babe 
 in arms up to the boy or girl of thirteen or fourteen. 
 These rVench people in Canada arc a most prolific 
 They are most certainly, and not very slow!}', 
 driving the English out of the province of Quebec, 
 away to the West. In this province, out of a total 
 population of 1,400,000, above 1,000,000 are Roman 
 Catholics, the majority of whom very generally 
 use the ^''rench language. They marry young, and 
 though in France the people are said to be shrink- 
 ing in numbers, here they increase mightily, and 
 live on very little. 
 They arc our fellow-citizens in our British 
 Empire. The Queen rules over a smaller France. 
 They are content to remain under her rule so long 
 as they have their own old laws, and are not 
 interfered with ; and so long as the Roman Church 
 is upheld in its prestige, and exempt from all rates 
 and taxes. Cassocked priests are everywhere. 
 The village ntn'h an object in nearly every scene 
 and on the platform of ever}- roadside station. 
 At last, after many hours in the cars, we arrived 
 at Lake St. John. Sea-hke, its wide-spread plain 
 of water reaches to the ver}- horizon. In the 
 it) . i . 
 in m 
 oi.i) i-ri:n(11 iiorsK. 
 distance is Roberval, with its luxurious hotel, and 
 between us and it the celebrated Ouatchouan Falls 
 (pronounced "watch-one," or very nearly so). 
 Eighteen miles a^ioss by one of the little steamers 
 is the Grande Discharc^c, with another smaller hotel, 
 j.'-miLI!'5 gLJll— L'i. 
 the resort of those who come to fish. These waters 
 arc famed as bcini^ the home of the Ouananichc 
 (pronounced Wananish), the fresh-water sahnon : 
 a most h'vely fish when once hooked, jumping 
 liigh out of the water four or five feet again and 
 again, and sometimes by rare chance jumping right 
 into the angler's birch-bark canoe. Tempestuous 
 somersaults, tremendous leaps, fiery struggles, 
 amazing and obstinate strength, such are the ex- 
 pressions of an American writer, finishing with this 
 sentence : " His vigorous contentions are astound- 
 ing, while at every leap into the air he turns a 
 complete somersault, all the while shaking his head 
 with the fierceness of an enraged tiger." 
 This neighbourhood is still more truly the 
 k V- 
 These dark-skinned handsome Indians have their 
 Reservation at Pointe Bleu — some three miles 
 beyond the Roberval Hotel. They <ire excellent 
 guides to the forest and to big game. 
 The late Bishop Williams of Quebec had reported 
 to him the statement that there were Church of 
 England Indians also at Lake St. John, and he 
 found it true. These Mistassini Indians had been 
 br^ptized at Moose Factory, Hudson's Bay. TJiesc 
 Indians at Lake St. John have a church of iheir 
 own. A special missionary, the Rev. II. C. Stuart, 
 of Three Rivers, visits them once a month. 
 They have often hard lives. They hunt and trap 
 in winter in the woods lying between this lake 
 and Hudson's Bay, and the furs they collect are 
 exchanged by them with the factors of Hudson's 
 Bay for the ordinary necessaries of hfe. The 
 squaws like bright colours, and wear a liead-dress 
 remarkably like that I have seen the Lapps of the 
 Arctic Circle wear — a square padded " tuque " of 
 red stripes and black, each stripe piped in blue. 
 Here on the lake in summer they act as guides, or 
 with dexterous hands build 
 vJiich float here and on Saguenay — lovely light- 
 floating canoes, in which you must kneel on a 
 cushion, and enter and leave warily. The slightest 
 awkwardness will cause a hole in the bottom or an 
 An excellent idea of the size of the lake is 
 obtained from the railway line skirting one-third 
 of its circumference. Such a 
 as one rarely beholds lit up the lake as we journej-ed 
 along the line. The v/ater of the lake became 
 blood, and the sky around the setting sun glowed 
 like a furnace. Clouds were glorified, and far into 
 the zenith they were tipped with magenta edges nt 
 the side nearest the sun. Down went the crimson 
 sun slowly behind Hotel Roberval, and strip; of 
 cloud became half-violet and half-ruby, reflecting 
 this light. All England was in darkness. The 
 sun sets about eight, and at home it would be about 
 midnic^ht — four hours different. 
1 1 
 15V orKAN, rKAIklK, AND PF.AK 
 At the eastern side of the lake the waters over- 
 flow throuofh the Little Discharne and the Grand 
 Discharge in riishinc^, whirling;, seething eddies, and 
 down these the Indians will take one in a light 
 canoe. Nothing but a sheet of bark between you 
 and eternity. The divided streams unite at the foot 
 of Alma Island at the Wache Caillc. 
 Seventy miles, mostl}' of rapids, with excitements 
 the whole time, including the Gcrvais Rapids and 
 the Grand Remous, a most turbulent cascade and 
 c(U\y, and then the Sagucnay settles lio v-n still and 
 deep and solemn to run the other seventy miles to 
 the St. Lawrence. These Indians are the " Moun 
 taineers of the Laurentian Hills," as well as the 
 skilful pilots of the rivers. Here the men mostly 
 dress in trousers and jacket and soft felt like 
 Canadians, but the women wear bright colours and 
 dress their hair oddly. 
 At Chicoutinii I asked the cocJicr to take us, 
 not to the best hotel, but to a clean, respectable 
 W'e had no reason 
 getting to 
 to regret 
 and soon were ready to rest between the snow- 
 white sheets. I turned down the lamp and leant 
 out of the dormer window. It was dark, the moon 
 had gone, but I think I never saw so many stars. 
 I didn't know there were so many, and they were 
 reflected again in the broad, smooth, swift stream 
 of the river Saguenay below. We were some 
 seventy miles from its muutli, and abuut seventy 
 from its commencement, where the overflow of the 
 inland sea (St. John) rushes out by the Grande 
 Discharge. It is named by the Indians I'itchi- 
 tanichetz. I leant out, and filled my lungs with 
 the fresh, sweet, cold air. Across the river, in the 
 starlight, I could see the dark, fir-clad hills beyond. 
 Down below me on this side, a few lights in Chi- 
 coutimi, and the lamps still lit In railway cars in 
 which we had travelled. They stood on the line 
 by tlie water's edge. 
 "Jim, get up and look at the Northern Lights," 
 I said* 
 There, across the dark river and above the fir- 
 clad bank and over some dark clouds, the great 
 search-lights of the Arctic region were shooting 
 moving electric bands athwart the sky. They 
 radiated out from the north, growing bright and 
 growing dim, always changing and shifting, and the 
 river below reflected it all. 
 First thing in the morning I was at the window 
 again. Now, the daylight made it all real, and lit 
 up the numberless French houses and the village 
 of the Bonne Stc. Anne across the water, and its 
 church, with the gold-tipped spire, ringing sweetly 
 for matins, its beU echoing over the water. 
 Everything around thoroughly French-Canadian. 
 Within a few yards the Roman cathedral and a 
 convent. The bells ring first for early mass about 
 five in the morning. The Bishop (R.C.) of Chicou- 
 timi, Mgr. Le Brecque, also lives here, and there 
 is a seminary for the diocese, A Presbyterian 
 minister (Mr. Steele) has fifteen Scotch families 
 i i 
 • • 
 J, i 
 I '■ 
 under his chaiLTc. A crrcat timber establishment 
 here is owned by Senator IVice, the King of the 
 Saguenay ; he employs most of the people. A new 
 Roman church has been built for the people living 
 near these saw-mills. It is built on the site of the 
 little chapel erected in .1670 by the Jesuits, who 
 came in tliose early days to convert the Indian. 
 When the workmen, in 1892, were digging for 
 foundations for the new building they found an 
 Indian coffin, and in it, beside the remains, were 
 many curious relics — an arrowhead, teeth of bears 
 and of bea\'ers, the point of a sword, etc. 
 has about 3,000 inhabitants. Several little shops 
 are supplied by the steamers from Montreal and 
 Quebec. There is a hotel (Motel Martin) and 
 a pcnsioti^ where we were very comfortable. It is 
 kept by Dame Veuve {Widoiv) Oct. Tremblay. 
 Madame Tremblay is a fluent bi-linguist, though 
 her mother knows only French. The former did 
 the cooking, and the latter waited at table. One 
 dollar a day for a bed and board is very cheap 
 on this continent. 1 have no doubt if any one 
 stayed a little time her price would be still less. Our 
 food was good and plentiful. Abcut live in the 
 morning the older Madame went out with her can, 
 and called affectionately to tlie cow over in the 
 field, and soon the "spurt-spurt " on the sounding 
 bottom of the tin told one through the open 
 windows that while we were in bed preparations 
 were going forward for our breakfast. 
 ThroUL^h the sunny day wc climbed the hills and 
 made the acquaintance of the waterfiills. 
 we sat beneath the verandah, as do all the Chicou- 
 timceans, and talked of thini^s great and interesting 
 until bedtime, and retired to enjoy refreshing sleej), 
 and the swamp frogs (the Canadian Nightingales) 
 chirped and babbled in lullaby. Prison and tele- 
 phone, exchange and cathedral, has this village- 
 town of Chicoutimi, with its 3.000 inhabitants. In 
 a few days it was to have a train every day, in- 
 stead of three times a week. 
 The Chicoutimi River, running here into the 
 Saguenay, gives its name to the town. It comes 
 down steep rapids — a long waterfall in truth for 
 many miles — its brown waters churned into foam 
 as it leaps from rock to rock, wdiilst clouds of spray 
 and mist make rainbows in the briq,ht sunshine. 
 I\ly brother-in-law and I clambered up on the 
 railway track, and after a mile or more struck 
 into the bush and crossed a respectably high 
 mountain, and then diagonally over the country 
 towards the roar of a gigantic cataract. Scrambling, 
 climbing, slipping, fighting with thick brushwood 
 and undergrowth, our progression was slow. I got 
 hot in body and temper though 1 tried to keep 
 cool, but tlie branches scratched my face, and those 
 nasty tlics — Eugh ! On the summit of one height 
 \ve had a 
 N]';VKk-TO-lJJ'>F()R( iOTTl'.N \ I I'AV. 
 We sat on a slab of rock and the ants ran round, 
 I Ik 
 : m\ 
 and the flics, gcttini,^ new life with the summer 
 heat, bit us and walked over us. But I . the clear 
 air \vc could see blue mountains in the far distance 
 bounding our view, and nearer to us and yet a 
 mile or two away, the farther bank of the smooth 
 Saguenay with the little white houses scattered 
 here and there, and Chicoutimi nearer still, with its 
 cathedral church and wooden residences and saw- 
 mills and piles of timber, whilst to the right a peep 
 of the falls could be seen, and the never-ceasing 
 roar of its water-floods came across to us. 
 Up the Chicoutimi River there is a portage called 
 the " Portage de I'Enfant." This is the Indian 
 origin. "A mother placed her babe in a birch-bark 
 canoe to be rocked by the waves, and tied the 
 canoe to the tree. How it broke loose in her 
 absence no one knows, but it did, and babe and 
 canoe were soon speeding swiftly towards a fifty- 
 feet descent, where the w^atcr fell almost perpen- 
 dicularly. How the little one escaped was miracu- 
 lous — but both canoe and babe passed over unhurt. 
 I wonder what sort of a man that red-skin babe 
 became ! So these falls have ever been thus known, 
 and as the Indians and voyageurs carry past their 
 canoes and baggage they recite to one another this 
 strange story." 
 DOWN Tin; rnx .iiTANR II i.T/. 
 The steamer can only get up at high water, 
 which here, although some 400 miles from the 
 ocean, makes a great difference. Slie can come 
 for an hour or two before higli tide, and stay an 
 hour or two after. Then she may have a good 
 deal of freight to land and also to take on board. 
 This may take an hour and a half, or she may be 
 off in a few minutes and leave you behind. The 
 best guide is the loud whistle which she blows as 
 she comes up near the town. 
 In expectation of my early departure I did not 
 sleep much, and at 3.45 a.m. I jumped out of bed, 
 and, looking out of my dormer window on to the 
 Saguenay, found the river blotted out by the 
 feathery mist filling its valley. Whilst I was dress- 
 incf, the river mist lifted and drove along the 
 current in white fleecy clouds, and by five o'clock 
 all was clear. At the quay 1 found an expectant 
 array of calcches, whose drivers were hoping to 
 get a fare apiece from visitors arriving by the 
 steamer. They were doomed to disappointment, 
 as the season had not set in yet. 
 A white horse, twenty head of cattle, and a 
 dozen sheep were some of my fellow-passengers, 
 but they were on the lower deck, whilst I had a 
 comfortable cabin, with large window, on the 
 higher deck. A waving of adieux took place. J. 
 and I knew not when or where we might meet 
 again, and the white handkerchiefs became smaller 
 and tinier till nothing could be distinguished. 
 Chicoutimi Cathedral and great red monastic build- 
 ings, and the many houses scattered over the 
 verdant hills, also diminished and sank as we 
 passed away along the Saguenay River on the 
 steamer Saguenay. 
 % n 
 \ K )| 
 Professor Roberts says : " The Saguenay can 
 hardly be called a river. It is rather a stupendous 
 chasm from one to two miles in width, doubtless of 
 earthquake origin, cleft for sixty-five miles through 
 the high Laurentian plateau. Its walls arc an 
 almost unbroken line of naked cliffs of syenite and 
 gneiss. Its depth is many hundred feet greater 
 than that of the St. Lawrence ; indeed, if the St. 
 Lawrence drained dry, all the fleets of the world 
 micfht float in 
 and yet find anchorage only in a few places." It 
 is strange to find the bar of a river seventy miles 
 up from the mouth. We found a Government 
 dredger hard at work deepening the bar a few 
 miles below Chicoutimi. Here, no doubt, the vol- 
 canic chasm begins and the normal bed of the river 
 ends. There can be no bar on a river so far as it 
 is 2000 feet deep. 
 This strange river is the picture of solitude. 
 Even to-day, with a brilliant June sun, and lovely 
 sky dappled with cloudlets, we pass for miles and 
 scores of miles and see no sign of animal or human 
 Hfe. Not a bird, not even a sea-gull ; not a shanty 
 perched high on the cliffs a thousand feet high. 
 The water is the colour of thin bog water, and 
 owing to its depth it seems at first as black as 
 tar. As it is churned by our paddles or driven 
 back from the bows it is like diluted porter or like 
 brandy. It receives its colour from the inland 
 rivers which pass through swamps filled with 
 moss and other highly-coloured roots and vege- 
 table matter. 
 Billions, trillions, quadrillions of fir trees, close 
 together, cover every yard of the cliffs, and are 
 perched far up in the air on the dizzy summits. 
 Here and there the hard rock juts out uncovered, 
 and sometimes it is rent from crest to base and a 
 watercourse is formed. Ha ! Ha ! Bay is a long 
 estuary running out on the south side of the 
 Saguenay, so like the river that the first explorers 
 sailed along it by mistake, thinking it was the 
 main channel. When they found themselves mis- 
 taken, it is said they had a good laugh, and the 
 memory of their mirth caused them to name the 
 inlet (some seven miles long) Ha ! Ha! Bay. About 
 nine o'clock we passed close in to Cape Trinity, 
 and then passed 
 These two capes are about 2000 feet from the 
 water's edge, it is said, and the water beneath is 
 nearly the same depth. 
 After about six hours' run down this mammoth 
 ship-canal, the Saguenay, we turned aside past a 
 little rocky islet into a fiord-like bay where a few 
 French Canadian folk- had their wooden houses, and 
 carried on lishing and some agriculture. It was 
 called St. Jean. It might have been in Norway. 
 There was a quay, and we landed and walked 
 about under the great cliffs, but there did not seem 
 to be a house where one could stay with any 
 comfort, though it is in the heart of this solemn 
 : n 
 sccnci}, an amphitheatre of mountainous rock. 
 The remainder of the voyage was through won- 
 drous scenes, as we passed St. Louis Island, 
 and rounded I'oint Crepe into St. Etienne Bay, 
 where some sailing vessels were lying moored to 
 iron rings in the cliffs, as no anchor could be let 
 down 1000 feet, and so on until we approached 
 the mouth. Two rocky promontories guard the 
 exit as the dark waters of the Saguenay pass into 
 the lighter-coloured St. Lawrence, the Pointe aux 
 ]5ouleaux on our right, and the Tointc aux Vaches 
 on the left. The latter (" Cow Cape ") was so called 
 after the numbers of the sea-cow which in the earlier 
 days swarmed here and were hunted by the Basques. 
 Now, as then, large schools of snorting grampus 
 often disport themselves upon the surface of the 
 Tadousac, a small watering-place, fav^oured a 
 good deal by Lord Dufferin in the da}'s when he 
 was Viceroy, lies at the mouth of the .Saguenay. 
 We turned sharply out of the river into a little 
 rocky bay, whose clean cliffs seemed as if ever 
 washed and scoured b}' the sea water, and during 
 the hour that the steamer remained I walked with 
 two French Canadian fellow-passengers about a 
 mile to see the old Jesuit church. Here landed 
 Jacques Cartier in 1535, and here in 1639 came the 
 Jesuit fathers and began a mission, and erected, it 
 is said, the first church on the American continent. 
 What amazement would possess some of these 
 discoverers of three and four centuries ago if thev 
 could re-appear and see the great palace steamers 
 and the electric light at Quebec, ground out by the 
 rushing waters of Montmorency, and the telephone 
 and the electric cars, and swift-speeding train with 
 parlour and sleeping cars ! 
 We went into the Government hatchery— one of 
 about fifteen, I understand, in the Dominion. In 
 running fresh water the spawn had been carefully 
 looked" after for six months, and in these long 
 troughs were six million tiny salmon about half 
 the ^ize of a steel pen ! In cans they arc carefully 
 conveyed to the head waters of the scores of dif 
 ferent rivers, and there placed with much care ni 
 those streams. Where a few years ago scarcely a 
 salmon w^as to be found in some rivers, now 
 hundreds arc caught each season. 
 Before us now stretches the great St. Lawrence, 
 like another inland sea; on it several watering- 
 places, which we call at on our journey of more 
 than a hundred miles up to Quebec. The Canadians 
 lament their distance from the real sea. They have 
 to be content with riverside resorts, as the seaside 
 is often more than 500 miles away. They speak, 
 as I have said before, of going down to the salt 
 water— for of course the tide is here, and Tadousac, 
 Cacouna, Riviere de Loup, and Murray Bay are the 
 resort of the people of Montreal, Quebec, and the 
 country round, in the hot w^eather. 
 But now we leave behind the wondrous Saguenay, 
 and through the darkness our steamer speeds up 
 the great St. Lawrence to Quebec once more. 
 f : . ' 
 ^ '■■ '! 
 1'' ' 
 y l\ 
 '■ ' '1 
 '■ 1 
 i 1 : ' if' 

 The MANIT013A Mail 
 We continue our journey now with our emicrrant 
 party. The visit to the sights of Quebec and to 
 Lake St. John can of course only be taken when 
 the traveller has a few days to spare. 
 The advantage of travelling in a large vessel 
 like the Vancouver is, that a special train is made 
 up withni an hour or two of arrival, and all are 
 forwarded on to the Montreal Junction, where they 
 are attached that evening to the Trans-Continental 
 Mail. The scene at the C.P.R. Depot (railway 
 •station) is exciting, and to some very bewilder- 
 ing. The baggage of the emigrants is placed in 
 the huge baggage-cars, with the exception of the 
 small articles, which they take with them, I 
 advise those who are going long distances to get 
 out of their boxes all they need for the journey 
 and "check" the large things. You pay a small 
 sum and in exchange you receive a small brass 
 check, like this— 
 Eastern Division. 
 You say where your lui^gagc is to go to, and 
 when you arrive it is there, and dchvered to you 
 on presenting the check. There is at the Quebec 
 Station (Louise Basin) a refreshment room, where 
 provisions can be obtained for the long journey- 
 jars of marmalade, sausages, loaves of bread, potted 
 and tinned meats of all kinds, milk, etc., while a 
 notice is put up — 
 25 CENTS. 
 It is some hours before we are ready to start. 
 At last the warning bell of the locomotive is 
 heard as we move, and, after provoking stoppages, 
 we pass away from the streets of Lower Quebec 
 behind the citadel, and are rattling at a very great 
 rate (forty-five miles an hour occasionally) through 
 a oreen country and fir forests. We are a long 
 tratn of ten cars in all, and as we speed along, we 
 leave a lingering track of smoke behind. An 
 official said to our engine-driver before starting, 
 ''Now, Jack, you've got the road, don't get 
 mould'y." There is much eagerness as passengers 
 look at the new land. They see a horse and a 
 bullock yoked in the plough ; milking going on in 
 another field. We stop at a little picturesque 
 (■: '-ii] 
 French village, and chaff goes on between the 
 cniiL,rrants and the French folk. 
 We travel parallel to the great St. Lawrence 
 River, but at some distance, obtaining only oc- 
 casional glimpses. vSuddenly the cry went up, 
 ''The Vanconirr!" There was the grand vessel 
 which had mounted the Atlantic rollers, now 
 making her way up the broad St. Lawrence, and 
 travelhng smoothly, and in a dignified fashion. 
 She will be in Montreal to-morrow morning. 
 The conductor of the train gave me these 
 statistics — • 
 1 engine, y large cars, 360 passengers. 
 U.S.A., TvV? S. Ste. Marie 
 „ Winnipeg 
 ,, \'ancouver 
 Total U.S.A. 
 For Winnipeg and N.W. 
 „ JJritisli Columbia 
 „ Port Arthur 
 „ Montreal ... 
 Every few hours the emigrant train comes to a 
 refreshment station. Such a one is the Three 
 Rivers, a pretty French town of 10,000 popu- 
 lation, half-way between Quebec and Montreal. 
 The long train pulled up, and nearly every one 
 turned out. For ten cents (5^.) we got a large 
 cup of tea .-I- coffee, and a plate of bread-and- 
 butter. Then wc had a chat on the pUitform, and 
 examined the engine. 
 As evening twiHght deepened, we stayed by a 
 swamp and heard the voice of tlie '' Canadian 
 nightingale," viz. the "swamp frog!" This is too 
 familiar a sound in summer-time, and brings 
 sleepless nigats to those who live at the water's 
 edge, where the frogs sing in hundreds. The 
 fireflies here arc most ')cautiful ; they float in the 
 air in scores together, und are most brilHant ; we 
 watch them from the end of the car, and breathe 
 the cold, sweet air. 
 I walked along the lamp-lit cars about ten p.m. 
 to look for some of my Y.^I.C.A. friends, in 
 order that \re might sing a hymn and have prayer 
 together before turning in. I had to walk through 
 .seven cars of sleeping people ; some cars all 
 English, others with long-legged Scandinavians 
 lying across tlie floor ; children curled up on seats 
 or bundles, and some up in the bunks provided 
 by the Company, while the train went rattling on. 
 We had a little gathering before all turned in, 
 and from a colonists' car wont up our hymn and 
 petition— "Of Thy great mercy defend us from 
 all perils and dangers of this night, for the sake 
 of Thine only SoN, our Saviour jESUS CHRIST." 
 , '> 
 n ,m 
 \i :1 

 And so the loncf train of cars ruslicd aloiio- throui-h 
 the uliiht, and the same Goi) Who watched over 
 us on the broad Atlantic was with us still. 
 Flow Wr: SLIM'T ON Till'; CARS. 
 About ten every one has turned in, or is gcttin^i^ 
 ready. Many have mattresses. They lay them 
 across the seats, which pull out and join one 
 another ; others let down a great hinged shelf, 
 which forms a bunk. I chose one of these upper 
 berths, and arranged my rugs and blew up my 
 air-pillow. It was difficult to get to sleep, and I 
 lay reading a book for a couple of hours. I slept 
 more or less from twelve to six a.m., and then got 
 u[). Soon every one was washing and getting into 
 trim order for the dav. 
 , ' i 
 , '' i 
 Rocks and lakes and fir trees. The lads of the 
 party cluster on the platforms at the ends of the 
 cars to watch the scenes flashing past. People are 
 forbidden to ride on the platform, but the Company 
 do not interfere, leaving the risk to passengers. 
 We came through Canada's political capital, 
 Ottawa city, during the night. It was too dark to 
 see the fine view of the Houses of Parliament and 
 the Chaudierc Falls. Each province has Home 
 Rule, and the United Parliament meets at Ottawa. 
 At T.55 on Tuesday we were five hours behind- 
 hand, owing to the great length and weight of the 
 train. We stop at North Bay, on Lake Nipissing, 
 a great sheet of water. Its further shores, with 
 fir-covered banks, are ten miles away; it is forty 
 miles loniT. Here the train had to be divided, to 
 enable us to keep up speed. 
 Most of the emiLjrants provide themselves with 
 loaves of bread, tinned meats, bananas, apples, or 
 ^.ranges. We take our meals in picnic fashion, 
 penknives and fi niters. Drinking-water is always 
 found at one end of the car, but a private drinking- 
 can is much needed. Those who wish to make 
 tea can obtain hot water in the dining-car free. 
 As to those luxurious hotels on wheels, they are 
 attached to the train first thing in the morning 
 and travel during the day. The waiting staff of 
 the dining-car consists of two cooks, three waiters, 
 one pantry-man, one conductor. A meal, whether 
 breakfast, dinner, or lunch, is seventy-five cents 
 (about 3^.). The cooking goes on while w^e are 
 travelling at full speed, and the meal is served hot. 
 You sit on comfortable broad seats, at firmly-fixed 
 tables, and the car is beautifully hung on springs, 
 so that you feel but little motion. The large 
 plate-glass windows give one a complete view of 
 the passing scenery, and an hour passes by agree- 
 ably when you have pleasant companions. 
 Our second night on the cars was marked by 
 a keen frost, which we all felt intensely ; icicles 
 ;■ ! 
 V I 
 three iiiehes long hung from the windows outside. 
 On stopping at Win'te River, we rushed up and 
 down the wooden phitforni to produce circulation. 
 Our car is provided with double windows to resist 
 the frost, but we did not expect it, and left all 
 the ventilators open. We all longed for some hot 
 tea, but it could not be had at fix e o'clock in the 
 morning. More than t\.o hours after sunrise the 
 thermometer stood at thirty-fiy^^ degrees. 
 About seven a.m. on our second day we pass a 
 large encan^pment of Indifins. On both sides of 
 the line, in a small opening in the fir forest, and on 
 the banks of a beautiful lake, were ten wigwams. 
 These tents were made of sheets of birch bark, 
 like the tents of tlic Samoyedcs, but less graceful. 
 Some of the Indians were engaged in building 
 canoes, some out on the lake fishing. The chief, 
 radiant in a brilliant head-dress, returned our 
 salute from the platform of the car. Tlie squaws 
 and boys took a great interest in the train as we 
 slowly passed them, while a papoose could be seen 
 strapped up like a chrysalis. 
 At 8.15 a.m. on Wednesday morning (our second 
 day), we had our first view of Lake Superior, as 
 we skirted Pen'ibula Bay. Vast sheets of water 
 stretching to tiu- horizon, calm and placid in the 
 sunshine. We follow the shore of the lake, more 
 or less closely, for sixty miles, willi constantly 
 chanQinir views. Sometimes \vc travel on the 
 edge of a rocky precipice, sometimes cross a valley 
 on a lofty trestle-bridge, occasionally plunge into a 
 short tunnel, pierced through a promontory. 
 There i.-^ the boundless expanse of lake, whose 
 further shores are completely out of sight, in ever)' 
 respect like tiie sea, except tliat the water is fresh. 
 Jack-fish Bay, (mi Lake Superior's northern shores, 
 contains one of the most astounding sections of 
 this wonderful railway. Though the Rocky 
 Mountains arc more bcwilderingly grand, the 
 rugged ferocity of this part of the line to Winnipeg 
 is quite satisfying in its effect on the nerves. 
 Winter snow lies on the shores, and the bays arc 
 occasionally frozen over. White osprcy wheel 
 about the fir-clothed islets. Glints of sunshine play 
 on the lake, and rugged bands of cloud arc piled 
 along the horizon line, and clouds of steam occa- 
 sionally narrow down the view as we dart along 
 near the water's edge or climb up to dizzy Jicights 
 above and wheel round curling wooden trestle- 
 bridges. The sun shines in at one v/Indow, and 
 then in at the opposite. We dive into short 
 tunnels, pant along up grades, crawl over ravines, 
 r.ice along rocky cuttings, dodge round the backs 
 of promontories, and re-appear at the edge of the 
 Wc can sec our line across this arm of the sea 
 a mile away, but we travel five or six miles round 
 to the hc.id uf the water, whicli intrudes far up into 
 the rocky interior, and then we journey down 
 the other side. The wonch'ous sinuosities as we 
 wind round these great inlets surprise one into 
 We have come to the bei^innir " the West — 
 the gate of the West, as the inhabitants like to c;\U 
 it. On the second day from Montreal and the 
 third day from Quebec, we pull up at the first real 
 station, the first /o:u/i after scudding through 
 forests and pixst lakes and rivers. It is about 
 sixteen o'clock. 
 Port Arthur and Fort William and Fort William 
 West are three towns, but practically united, being 
 only a mile or two apart. 
 Fort Arthur is at the north of the great Lake 
 Superior, and here the grain from the north-west 
 is stored in great elevators. Here is a mammoth 
 grain elevator, belonging to the C.P.R. It receives 
 1,350,000 bushels at one time, and by machiner)- 
 inside the grain is always being moved, so that 
 it can never sprout or ferment. The grain is 
 brought here from Manitoba, etc., and shipped fruni 
 here to the United States and elsewhere. 
 Mackay Mountain dominates the neigh bourhoc;^^, 
 a dark mass of granite, shaped like Table Roc. , 
 perhaps ^00 feet high are its cliffs. W^e put (/wr 
 watches back to Central time, an hour earlier than 
 the Montreal time. 
 After supper at Savannc, \vc rolled away for a 
 twenty hours' run to Winnipeg;'. Just beyond the 
 station we saw the barges used in the expedition 
 ai^ainst Ricl, now rotting on the banks of a small 
 river. It was interesting;' to hear of those times 
 from men on the cars who had served in the 
 Mrs. Grant, the manai;"eress of the refreshment 
 room, offered ten dollars a month and board and 
 lodging" to any member of my party w lio could 
 milk a cow and make himself generally useful. 
 When we had steamed away from the station, 
 one of the youths thought he would like the place, 
 so wc sent him back from Ignace by a freight 
 Before he left we h.^d a farewell service on the 
 train. VVc gathered together as we had done cacli 
 evening for prayer and praise. I spoke a few 
 farewell words to thoi^e who had been my fellow- 
 travellers for so long- a distance, and endeavoured 
 in my last words to give earnestly a few last words 
 of advice, for they had had many during our 
 gatherings and services on the voyage. We sang 
 our last hymn ; had our last prayer ; for on the 
 next morning we all should separate to meet no 
 more. Some passengers joined us most reverently 
 m our service, and shook my hand warmly after. I 
 was very pleased to have the conductor with us. 
 He took off his official cap and sang most earnestly. 
 I asked all to accept the hymn-books we had used 
 as a memento of that farewell gathering. 
 In the very early hours of the moniing \vc 
 crossed tlic l^ivor W^innipcg as it runs out of tlic 
 ,I>ake of the Woods. ! must ask the reader to 
 alight with me and to spend a Sunday here, as I 
 did on another journey. 
 A curious name — Rat Portage ; but wo have 
 many curious names in the West. It is the name 
 of a town at the extremity of the picturesque Lake 
 of the Woods, said to have been the resort of in 
 Immense number of musk-rats at some time. I 
 sent a message from Whitewood Station — 
 "From Rev. A. A. ' To Rev. A. L. Fortin, 
 liodd)-. Rat Portage. 
 ''Will help on Sunday. Meet train if accepting." 
 At a quarter to twelve on Saturday night, with 
 my baggage, I left the trans-continental express 
 and found myself welcomed to Rat Portage, and 
 driven off through the darkness to comfortable 
 quarters. I slept in a genuine bed, and awoke 
 on Whit-Sunday morning to sje the loveliness 
 of the Lake of the Woods, and its many islands. 
 Inclement weather, however, slight snowstorms 
 from time to time, and in the evening we found 
 ourselves back in mid-winter, everything white 
 under a garment of snow. 
 Tha': Whit-Sunday was a most enjoyable day. 
 As wc were about to enter the church for morning 
 service, we paused to appreciate the view. We 
 were near the summit of the hill above the town, 
 and far below that lay the waters of the lake, with 
 its islands. Th:: lake is about one hundred miles 
 in length, but comparatively little of it is seen at 
 once owing to the islands. 
 ^lle service was most reverently conducted and 
 hearty; the hymns too brisk for congregational 
 singing ; this is sad, but the organist cannot see it. 
 lie is a good fellow in other respects. The wife of 
 the previous rector was burnt to death in the 
 church by the fall of a paraffin lamp during service. 
 A memorial window has been placed in the church 
 to her memory. 
 Across the lake to Keewatin in a small steamer 
 for the afternoon service. We took the choir and 
 organist with us. We sailed away through the 
 cold wind round rocky points, and near great 
 saw-mills and piles of sawdust and chips for 
 ever burning, the smoke sweeping across the 
 We held our service in a TresbyLcrian church, 
 kindly lent to us. We waited till their Sunday 
 Sthool was over, and then we began. I was 
 pleased to see so many young men, and I endeav- 
 oured to speak straight to them. 
 What a Vv'alk home from Keewatin ! The steam- 
 boat could not sail for two hours, and we walked 
 along the Canadian Pacific Railroad. 
 So for miles, through cuttings and tunnel, over 
 two hig^h bridges with open trestle-work. We 
 stepped dizzily from beam to beam, and between 
 we saw the foaming- river dashing down a cataract. 
 i: li 
 Their bridc^cs arc al\va)'s left open, like the joists of 
 an unfinished house. 
 wiirr-suNDAY ]Ai:.\i\(; ox iin.; [,aki; ok 
 Tin: WOODS. 
 The view from the rector's house extended over 
 great stretches of breeze-ruffled lake and rocky 
 stretches of wooded island, and included one of 
 the great steel bridc;es in the distance. 
 We aijain set off for church, where there was a 
 very large congregation, and the rector preached 
 from Acts i. 8—" Ye shall receive power, after that 
 the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Mr. I'\:)rtin 
 distinguished between "influence" and " po^\'er." 
 The apostles were not men of iuflncjia', but they 
 were men Q){ poivcr. IMcn have influence, and may 
 use it for or against the cause of CllRlST, but it 
 cannot be compared with power. \\q cannot all 
 get much injiucncc, but wc all receive power, after 
 that the HoLY GllOST comes upon us. A very 
 helpful sermon, and listened to with sustained and 
 rapt attention. 
 "May I ask if you arc from Sunderland, sir ? " 
 said a weather-beaten man, who had been at both 
 our services. " My name is Herbert C. Ritson, 
 and I am master of one of the lake steamers 
 sailing from this town," he added. 
 We had quite a Bishopwearmouth talk together, 
 and 1 received sundry messages for good folk 
 abiding near the mouth of the Wear. Mr. Ritson 
 had walked into the hotel and seen lying about 
 some localized Evangelists^ which I had placed on 
 the tabic, hoping they would be taken up by souk: 
 Western wanderers and reatl that Sunday morninL,^ 
 Seeing " Monkwcarmouth " on the front he nave a 
 start, and turning up the visitors' book he found 
 my name. 
 I noticed when in church a number of Indians 
 in the back seat, and especially one tall old man 
 who crazed stranc:elv at me when I was reading 
 the lesson. (3n inquiry i found that they were a 
 party of Christian Indians who had settled in the 
 outskirts of the town, on what is locally known as 
 " The Dump." 
 After evening service I found my way out tc> 
 them, as I was interested to see some who had 
 been brought out of heathenism into Christ's 
 kingdom. In the semi-darkness I discovered a 
 very low hut. It seemed only about four or five 
 feet high, as far as I can remember. I knocked 
 and entered. The air outside was cold and keen, 
 snow falling occasionally. The atmosphere inside 
 was heated up to eighty or ninety degrees by a 
 stove, and there was a smell of roast Indian, and 
 skins. Also I found the insects abounding, and 
 eager to make the acquaintance of an Englishman. 
 " Here," thought I to myself, " I realize something 
 of the minor trials of a missionary to the Indians 
 — he must be insect-proof." 
 A half-breed came in and interpreted for me. 
 In that tiny hut of one room there were eleven 
 persons, and such an odour of condensed Indian ! 
 Let me forget all that now, and simply remember 
 that great, simple old redskin repeating, in Objib- 
 beway, the collect, "Lighten our darkness," and 
 then the Lord's Prayer. 15efore I left I said, 
 through the interpreter, ''I am going to kneel 
 down here in the middle of the hut, and you will 
 all kneel too, and I will pray for God's blessing 
 upon you." 
 All placed themselves in the attitude of prayer, 
 and I said, " Shall I pray that you may be success- 
 ful in fishing and shooting, or shall I ask GOD to 
 bless you in your souls?" The aged Indian 
 replied, " Pray for a blessing for the soul." I 
 prayed aloud in English and they all knelt around 
 me, and the half-breed told them how I asked GoD 
 to make them more and more steadfast, and so 
 with the blessing I left the. a. 
 They belonged to the Mission of the Rev. 
 Baptiste Spencc (an Indian pastor), some fifty 
 miles away, and though they could not under- 
 stand the service in iMiglish, they liked to worship 
 with their fellow-Christians on the Lord's Day, 
 and they know when the clergyman kneels down 
 that it is the time to pray. 
 All round we shook hands, and with Jacob 
 Linkater, my guide, we passed out of the heated 
 atmosphere into the snow-laden air. 
 * * * * * * 
 Now we rejoin our emigrant party on the last 
 stages of the journey to Manitoba. 
 On the fourth clay from Quebec, at cii^ht p.m., 
 we left the province of Ontario behind. \Vc had 
 travelled for more tban a thousand miles through 
 its interminable forests and along the shores of 
 its lakes, and now, at a station called Rennie, we 
 find ourselves in vast, far-stretching Manitoba ; the 
 forests tone down and the country becomes flatter. 
 All our colonists look out eagerly for the first 
 si<zns of cultivation. Officials who have come some 
 distance to meet us board the train, desirous to 
 give information to the immigrants as to places, 
 and as to land to be purchased. 
 Here is a card which is presented by Mr. 
 Smith : — 
 Immigration and IntelliK''encc Offices, 
 Opposite to C.P.R. Depot, WinnipcK- 
 Reliable Information to intending Settlers. 
 Alex. S^^TH, Agent. 
 On Friday morning our train ran out from the 
 forests on to the prairies, and soon a sprinkling of 
 shanties betokened our approach to a large town. 
 We ran along at a slackened speed, and the 
 conductor passed through the cars crying, 
 " Winnipeg ! All change cars." 
 J '^^ 
 v' ■' 
 u \ 
 CIIAl'Tia^ VII 
 Winnipeg and tiik Prairiks 
 Till': <^ro\vth of Winnipeg,- from 200 souls in 1S70 
 to 30,000 or more in 1895 must have some 
 It was formerly " Fort Garry," a station of the 
 Hudson }]n.y Company, and to the present day the 
 Hudson Bay Stores do an enormous business. 
 They are said to turn over a quarter of a million 
 sterling every year. 
 It is only ninety miles or so from the United 
 States boundary, with railway communication 
 tapping North Dakota and Minnesota, and com- 
 municating with St. Paul and Minneapolis. It is 
 connected by water with Lake Winnipeg — into 
 which the Red River flows. There is communi- 
 cation vm Norway House with Hudson Pay, and 
 by the Saskatchewan with the great North-West. 
 Lastly, the wonderful railway line of the C.P.R. 
 has placed Winnipeg as a half-way stopping-place 
 between the Atlantic and Pacific, and between 
 England and the h\ar East. 
 It is a strange mixture of shanties and magni- 
 ficent buildings. There are Chinese laundries, where 
 the busy Celestial is seen through the window 
 sprinklini^ a fine spray out of his mouth over the 
 hncn fronts wliich he is " i^cttin-- up." Inferior 
 Indians and half-brccds with Red River carts arc 
 slouchin^ir alon;j: the wood main street— 13^ *"^-^t 
 ^viac— paved with cethir blocks and lii;lUed with 
 electricity. The town is built on a flat plain where 
 the Red River and the Assiniboine meet. 
 Immigrants arc permitted to use the Govern- 
 ment Immigration Depot until they have some 
 place to go to. A family of Church folk, from the 
 S.S. Vancouver, soon settled down in the rough 
 quarters provided, and they made themselves fairly 
 comfortable. A large school-room, with spaces 
 about eight feet square partitioned off all round, was 
 supplied, but the accommodation was inferior to 
 that provided at Quebec. 
 In the spring-time, about the end of April, there 
 is generally a demand for country-men, but clerks 
 and shop hands have not much chance of getting 
 employment. There is a class of men who are 
 called "Remitters" or " Remittoance-men." They 
 are loafers who go round trying to negotiate loans. 
 They are always expecting a remittance in a few 
 posts from the old country. Winnipeg is not the 
 place to send the black sheep of the family t ;x It 
 should not be the terminus, but the starting-place. 
 For any one who will work there is work to be had 
 in the spring-time. 
 Tlv- Rev. II. T. Leslie, 219 Donald Street, is the 
 S.P.C.K. chaplain here, and he found places at 
 It %t^ iizo 
 6" — 
 ■>, ,.• 
 WEBSTER NY )4580 
 1 716 1 872-4503 

H ' 
 once for all who were wi I liner to work on the land. 
 About five dollars a month (say £i is.) and boara 
 and lodL,n'n;^ is {riven to ^recn hands, viz. those who 
 know nothing of country life. 
 A iFAV HOURS IN wiNNirrc. 
 "Hallo! Mr. l-'irth, wherever ditl }'ou si)riniT 
 from .^ " 1 e.xclaimrd, as a well-known face came 
 beamin<; alonj^ IMain Street, under an American 
 hat and above lon.i; boots. 
 Some si.\ weeks before we had lost a i^encral 
 favourite from our church choir who had set off 
 to seek his fortunes in the West. He had j^onc to 
 lioisavain, but havinu^ been seized with sudden ill- 
 ness returned to W'innipefr after four days' ex- 
 perience of farm life. He had now obtained a 
 more congenial post in the city, owing to the kind- 
 ness of Canon rentrcathe. 
 We spent the afternoon together, and met with 
 a kind reception at 115 McWilliam Street, where 
 some of the pleasantest folk in Winnipeg board 
 young men at reasonable charges. (Note this 
 address.) Poor Fred T'irth passed away a few 
 months later, a victim, I believe, to pneumonia. 
 I am glad we had that time of prayer togetlicr in 
 his little room, with All Saints Almanac on the 
 With a )-oung friend from Sunderland we walked 
 out to call on the Archbishop of Rupert's Land, 
 Archbisho{) Machray. He lives about a mile to the 
 north of the railway station. 'J here is (juite a 
 striking cluster of Church buildings — the cathedral, 
 the Archbishop's house, the collei^c (St. John's), the 
 school, and the deanery. The Archbisliop was 
 mdst courteous, and took us all over the university 
 buildings, and inter alia we saw the room used 
 during the sitting of the House of Bishops of the 
 province of Rupert's Land. The bishops of his 
 province are the liishop of Moosonce, liisho[) of 
 Saskatchewan, the liishop of the McKenzie River, 
 the . jishop of Ou'Appelle, the Hishop of Athabasca, 
 the Bishop of Calgary (at present united with 
 Winnipeg is rich in mud. The mud is of a 
 tenacious character, and it had the audacity to 
 seize and hold fast an ICpiscopal golosh, or 
 Canadian overshoe. It is really trying when 
 crossing a muddy road to have one's overshoe 
 rudely plucked off, but its (jwner was very good- 
 Had a talk with Mr. Copeland, who was to find 
 places for all the Y.M.C.A. youths on the Monday. 
 They stayed meanwhile at the New Douglas. 
 I walked out to Armstrong Point to call upon 
 Mr. luicn, brother of the JJishop of Dover, who 
 lives in a pretty house among the trees in the 
 pleasantest suburb of Winnipeg, but too well 
 furnished w'ith mosquitoes. 
 There is a great demand for first-rate servants 
 here as in Victoria. ^"36 per annum is given for 
 a thoroughly competent woman ; but then often 
 only one maid is kept, and, with occasional help 
 from the mistress, she has to do everything. 
 " I shall want two afternoons a week for practis- 
 ing my guitar," said a damsel the other week, to 
 .'I lady here wlio was on the poiiU of cnj^aging 
 her as her servant. Neither the mistress nor her 
 husband, however, could rcsip^n themselves to the 
 constant tu'an;4ing of the dulcet banjo, and so 
 negotiations fell throui^h. 
 Some of the servants diess up so ridiculously 
 when out for the cveninfj^, that one pities them. 
 They evidently wish to be mistaken for their 
 Let me give a kindly word of advice to those 
 who think seriously of going out to engage in 
 service in Canada. They will siinply be invaluable 
 if they do not allow their heads to be turned, but 
 behave as modest girls do in ICngland. What a 
 comfort to some of the iMiLrlish ladies would a 
 faithful maid be out in the West! Really good 
 servants are much wanted. It is quite natural fur 
 many of them to wish to marry and settle down 
 in a home of their own, but they should be very 
 careful whom they marr)-. 
 We left Winnij)eg for the Vav West in the after- 
 noon, and our long, heavy train, crowded with 
 immigrants and Ontario farmers who had come to 
 view the land, rolled out into the prairies. 
 Flat — flat as Holland — flat as a calm sea, the 
 great prairies, these stij^pcs of Manitoba, stretch as 
 far as eye can see. White farm-houses at great 
 distances on the liorizon are seen, miles and miles 
 from each iither. Cattle grazing look up lazily 
 or trot across the line in front of the threatening 
 cow-catcher as our train sweeps by. And wc do 
 sweep ! Near \Vinnii)e^ there are fewer farms th.in 
 further on, cwiiiLj to tlie " Land IJoom." vSi)ecidators 
 bout^lit up the land round \Vinni|)ei; some )ears 
 aj;o, in the hope of selHiiLj attain at hiy;li prices, and 
 they hold tlie land still in that hope. 
 At I'ortaiTC-la-Prairie we saw about fifteen Indian 
 tents, belong! ni^ to the Sioux tribe. We were told 
 tli.it they came from under the shadow of the Stars 
 and Stri[)es to live under the Uiu'on Jack. My 
 friend G. O. had the honour of su[){)lyinfT a Sioux 
 at the station with enough tobacco to serve a red 
 man forty-eight hours. 
 At Portage-la-Pn irie we lost some more of our 
 party going to Rapid Cit)', on the Manitoba and 
 N.W.T. Railway. This is the railway which en- 
 deavoured to cross the Canailian Pacific Line, ami 
 almost caused a veritable railway war. 
 The platelayers here (or " const ructii)n men " as 
 they are called) have a truck or trolley which works 
 like a velocipede. They all stand on the truck and 
 work a double handle up and down like a fire- 
 engine. It is called the hand-car. Some of the 
 insjicctors have a tric)cle which runs on the rails 
 on a similar principle, and is just intended for one 
 At the eighty-seventh mile from W'mnipeg the 
 country becomes undulating and wooded, and tlie 
 scenery quite English. 
 • Speeding over the plains of Manitoba we had to 
 support nature at the usual hours. One of our 
 party was an excellent chef, and laid the cloth (a 
 towel) in correct style on the seat, a tin gill can, a 
 flowered white cup, and a Devonshire cream jug ; 
 one spoon, one kin'fe, a loaf, some coffee, canned 
 brawn, and canned beef The motto of the salmon 
 canneries of liritish Columbia is, " We cat all we 
 can, andivJiat ivc can't, wc Can." At some stations 
 we bought milk fresh from the prairie cow at five 
 cents a glass. 
 At eight p.m., Friday night (fifth day from 
 Quebec), we arrived at Brandon, the centre of the 
 wheat-growing district. A great crowd of sunburnt 
 farmers and labourers filled the platform and 
 inspected the new arrivals. None of our party 
 were etigaged to come here, as we imderstood most 
 of the places were filled up for this year. Seven 
 or eight of the Y.M.C.A. friends were to leave the 
 cars at Wolseley at midnight. 
 At eight o'clock we were at Virden, where my 
 friend G. Outram was to alight, his long journey 
 being ended. The country round is undulating 
 and fairly wooded, lie was to go to a farm seven 
 miles to the southward, to spend a year in getting 
 experience. A friend met him at the station, and 
 we all bade him " good-bye " after a companionship 
()U API'I'.LM': 
 of nearly 5000 miles since the afternoon wiicii his 
 father and sisters waved adieu to him from the 
 tender on the River Mersey fifteen days ago. At 
 Wolseley other young friends left us, having 
 obtained engagements through the mayor of that 
 place. Letters from these friends will be found at 
 the close of this chapter. 
 *• Who calls "i " That, vvc are told in local records, 
 is the meaning of the name of this town, and a 
 legend gives us the reason wh)'. 
 15V 0( F.AN, I'KAIklK, AN' I) I'EAK 
 A \'()uiic]|; hiavc was dcscculinc: the swift-llowin*! 
 river in Isis canoe to seek his dusky bride. Passinj^ 
 a small wood at ni^^lit, he heard his name repeated 
 aijain and again. He cried out each time, " Who 
 calls?'' recuiinizincr the voice of her who was soon 
 to be his bride. At early sunrise, as he approached 
 the camp where she lived, he heard the death songs 
 of her people around her tent, and knew she had 
 gone to the Island of the Idlest. They told him 
 that the previous night she had again and again 
 repeated his name ere her s[)irit fled. 
 Ou'Appelle, at one time called Troy, is a small 
 prairie town of some 500 inhabitants, with a 
 substantial church (the pro-cathedral), and Roman 
 and Methodist places of worship. The Hishop of 
 the diocese Jives about a mile and a hilf from the 
 On one occasion I left the cars here and walked 
 over the prairies to see the l^ishop. There were 
 many impudent specimens of the gopher tribe 
 peeping out of their holes, and a great hawk 
 endeavouring to secure one of these wily rodents 
 for an afternoon meal. 
 A school is at one side of the Bishop's house, and 
 an agricultural college at the other. The Bishop 
 was interested to hear that 1 had officiated in his 
 diocese, and told me something of the nature and 
 extent of the work here, «i.s he accompanied ine 
 back across tlic prairie. 
 In the cveninj:^ there was choral TA-ensont^ at 
 " 19.30" in tlic pro-cathedral. The Rev. M. 
 Krauss, principal of the college (formerly cur.itc at 
 IIoii[^liton-lc-.SprintT, in this county of Durham), 
 intoned, and two lay-brothers read the lessons. It 
 was refresh incf to see such a irood concfreLration 
 on a " week-day " afternoon, and such a large pro- 
 portion of young men. 
 A good numl)er of children from ICngland, I was 
 told, are willingly adopted in this district by 
 respectable people. They grow up to be happy 
 and useful as a rule. 
 The N.W.M.r. are a fine set of men physically. 
 They attract our attention throughout the "Terri- 
 tories " in their brilliant red short jackets, and dark 
 blue riding breeches with yellow stripes, long boots, 
 faultlessly polished, burnished spurs, white gaunt- 
 lets, and forage cap set jauntily " on three hairs." 
 Many of the men are of fairly good English 
 Their liead-quarters are at Regina, but small 
 detachments arc stationed at all important settle- 
 ments and reserves in the Territories. At the 
 Palmer House, where I stayed at Qu'Appelle, three 
 or four red-coats sat down to dinner, and had a 
 good deal of military chaff at each other's expense. 
 They wear a very becoming fur costume in winter, 
 which gives them an Austrian Hussar appearance. 
 i;v ()( i:an. I'kAikir.. and tkak 
 liitr. hatidsoinc fellows, some of whom dislike the 
 1 • 
 1 '' 
 t,>-.. . , 
 rfi " 
 p. t 
 tcetotalism they arc compelled to enforce on others. 
 Life ill the N.W.M.P. is made ii[) of a combina- 
 tion of c.ivalry and police duties — keeping the 
 Indians in order, and keeping contraband drink 
 out of the Territories. 
 d to spill thj licpior wherever 
 ley are sup[)ose 
 found, and in winter, when spirits have been run 
 out on the snow, enthusiastic lovers of alcohol 
 among the Indians have been seen scrapiig up 
 the spirit-soaked snow and devouring it. Though 
 the mcinbcMs of the N. W.M.I*, arc said by candid 
 resiilents to have their frailties, they are the greatest 
 protection to the Territories. Those amongst our 
 readers who can cjbtain a copy of Trooper and 
 Rcdskhi, by the late Mr. Donkin, published by 
 Sampson Low, Marston & Co., will find delij^htful 
 dcscripi'ons of the scenery of the North-West and 
 of the life of the troopers. 
 One thousand nine hundred and ninety-four 
 miles from Quebec. At six o'clock on Saturday 
 morning (six days from Quebec) we were in the 
 centre of the great territory of Assiniboia, and we 
 stopped at a station in the middle of the prairie, 
 called by an abbreviation of this Lidian name, 
 which is, in full, " Thc-crcck-wJicrc-tJic-WJiitc-Mau- 
 inendcd-iiis-cart-ivitJi-tJic-jinv-of-a-]\Ioos€y This was 
 too much for the railway officials to call out, so they 
 only gave us " Moosejaw." 
 We had an inferior, expensive, and hurried fifty- 
 cent breakfast, and as the train bc^an to move, we 
 left the tables and juinprd on tlie cars aj^ain. As 
 speed was gettinj^ up we saw two tame deer 
 tethered by ropes, and further on a herd of ante- 
 lopes which had come down to a pool to drink 
 — they bounded away at a f^reat rate. 
 The country here for miles and miles is unin- 
 habitetl, waitin<4 for settlers. Tiiere is room, 
 literally, for millions of people. Rollini,^ prairie 
 land ; splendid grazing country. No signs of 
 human life. Twenty miles between the section- 
 houses on the line, and no other houses at all. 
 In the middle of this wild country we came to a 
 siding where a freight train was waiting for us to 
 pass ; also a dining car, with cook and waiters, 
 who had sle[)t all night in the sohtude of the vast 
 Buffaloes (or more properly r>isflus) but a few 
 years ago overran the prairie here in vast herds. 
 Millions of them have been destroyed most ruth- 
 lessly, and now not one is left in a wild state. 
 There is a tame herd near Winnipeg. They are 
 kei)t at Stony Mountain, some twelve miles north 
 of the city. They are the pro[)erty of the governor 
 of the penitentiary. It is a favourite drive out to 
 see them. 
 The prairies are reticulated with buffalo trails, 
 and constantly we see a circular shallow basin 
 where they used to wallow in the mud. The 
 prairies are pitted with these " wallows." 
 An immense sheet of water (alkaline) lies to the 
 south of the line, huge and lonely. It is known as 
 the Old Wives Lake. I do not know how it ac- 
 quired the name: perhaps the Indians used to 
 dispose of their old wives in it. Heavy clouds 
 hang over the prairie, with a continuous fall of 
 cold rain. Wild birds rise from the marshes as 
 we pass. 
 A twenty-mile run and then we come to a 
 section-house. Here is a coal depot for the loco- 
 motives, and one f the gigantic barrel-like water- 
 tanks. Also a telegraph station and a rude book- 
 ing office. Mere the officials live an out-of-thc- 
 world existence. This endless prairie is just as 
 wonderful as the thousand miles of rock and forest 
 in Ontario. 
 We sec a prairie wolf watching the graceful 
 antelopes as they trot away from the train ; not 
 one seemed to realize the peril from such a prox- 
 imity. The alkaline lake reminds me of similar 
 lakes on the Tunisian Sahel, in North Africa, called 
 schotts. At Bush Lake the marshes were filled 
 with wild fowl ; we were told that the president 
 of the line (Sir William C. Van Home) comes here 
 for shooting. 
 The prairie marmot (the gopher) everywhere 
 sits above its little home burrowed out of the earth, 
 and stares stupidly for awhile at the carr., a:\I 
 suddenly disappears below. 
 These gophers are very destriictive. I was told 
 that a high priee \\d offered by the authorities 
 for their tails. lUit iliey diseovered that the 
 Indians cut off the *^ails and let them grow again, 
 in the hope of a second reward ! ! ! Then the 
 Government insisted Mpun having the head also. 
 Thismust, indeed, be a wonderful country for crops, 
 when even amputated g(jphers' tails will sprout 
 We saw the tepees of an Indian encami>mcnt as 
 we approached Swift Current, and found a dozen 
 or so at the station who had brought down bison 
 horns to sell. Though the bison is nearly extinct 
 in the North-west Territory, these Indians in Assi- 
 niboia know where to find skeletons and horns. 
 Clever people say they are only cows' horns. 
 Some are very pleasant, sensible-looking men 
 and women, and one of the handsomest wore his 
 jet-black locks hanging in plaits over a bronzed 
 face. He bore the name of "The Thief," or 
 " Rogue." From him I bought a fine set of horns, 
 at a price considerably below that which he at first 
 My friend ** The Rogue " was dressed in true 
 Indian fashion — moccasins, blanket, etc. I exi)ect 
 he would, under different circumstances, have 
 found much pleasure in scalping me in another way. 
 I bought another pair from one of the women. 
 Jravcllcr (looJxiug at horns) : How much ? 
 Squaiv {lioldini^- up one fiiigcr) : One dollar. 
 T:\,vellcr {crossing tivo fini^cvs) : No; fifty cents. 
 All lau<^hcd and shook their heads. I held out 
 three "bits" (each twenty five cents). Heads 
 shaken eigain. Train moves slowly, enijine bell 
 swinging. Three "bits" still held out. Horns 
 handed over, and money secured just in time to 
 jump on board as speed increases. Artful Indian ! 
 We have now covered 2,000 miles, and constantly 
 see the tents or tepees of the Indians, and meet 
 them at every station. 
 ' J 
 On every train running a long journey on this 
 continent, you have constant inducements to open 
 your purse. There is generally a )'outh licensed 
 by the Company to sell papers, books, and eatables 
 to the passengers. He gets twenty cents on eacli 
 dollar he turns over. That is, twenty per cent. (A 
 dollar contains 100 cents.) 
 From Winnipeg we had a delicious youth, by 
 name P. Venrbles. He started round first with 
 bundles of newspapers. "Full account of burning 
 of Seattle." Came back whistling, and set out 
 with basket of oranges. Went down the Vv'hole 
 length of the train with a pleasant bow and a 
 never-desponding air, and then started with lemon- 
 ade and ginger ale. Once more with large photo- 
 graphs of scenes on the lines, and descriptive 
 guides. Always smiling — sometimes naughty; too 
 ready to meet chaff by chaff of a similar kind. 
 Though apparently frivolous, he had his better 
 side, and we had a serious chat together before we 
 parted. He is an ICnglish youth. He came out 
 with his two brothers, and worked on the railway 
 when in construction. ]5ut he finds his present 
 work, as he says, " the best paying thing on the 
 line." He is good-looking, and very "casual " — as 
 wc say, a regular happy-go-lucky. 
 Two thousand two hundred and fifty-three miles 
 from Quebec. We ran down from the prairie into 
 a valley cut out by the winding Saskatchewan 
 River, and found ourselves in a basin some miles 
 across, surrounded by high cliffs. An oasis on this 
 never-ending prairie. 
 We have travelled the lenc^th of Ensjland and 
 only seen a dozen or two houses ! I lere is a bright- 
 looking little town, below the level of the prairie, 
 in the mild belt of the "Chinook" wind, as it 
 is called, which wafts from the Pacific Gulf 
 A iiAikv r.EAk. 
 Here wc were greeted by a brown bear who was 
 delighted to make our acquaintance. I le was 
 captured by some Indians a few miles to the 
 north, and was fastened by a chain to a stout 
 post. He reminded me of a young bruin at 
 Krasnoe Selo, called Michael. He was a big 
 fellow, and sat up waiting eagerly for biscuits 
 Pacific N.W. History D-pt 
 from the passcni^ers, who liad Iialfan-hour to wait 
 here. Then he would rush off excitedly at full 
 gallop round the post. The C.P.R. officials have 
 a garden here, planted with flowers in the shape of 
 letters which spell 
 and other railway names, local or central. 
 Here is the great iron railway bridge over the 
 Saskatchewan which you see in pictures. An un- 
 fortunate Icelander was killed here last Sunday 
 evening. After the train for the- West had started, 
 he thouglit his luggage was left in the train, so, not 
 wishing to be parted from it, he ran and jumped 
 on the Pullman car, which is always at the end. 
 He struck his head severely and cut it open; 
 and bleeding profusely, he staggered down the 
 cars, passing through the Pullman, the first-class, 
 and two colonist cars, when he must have fainted 
 from loss of blood, for he fell between, and both 
 legs were taken off. The train was by this time 
 half over the bridge ; it stopped, and the poor man 
 was taken back. He lived but a short time. No 
 one could understand his language, but he could 
 just say, " Poor Icelander, him sick ; " and so the 
 poor Icelander died. He had come to work on 
 the railway in a construction gang. The clergy- 
 man in charge, the Rev. W. G. Lyon, buried him 
 on the hillside the same evening. 
 The Rev. Walter G. Lyon, the then priest-in- 
 charge of the mission at Medicine Hat, was glad 
 to hear that he could have help on Sunday, lie 
 went sixty-seven miles to take a morning service 
 at an outlying chapel at Maple Creek ; there could 
 have been no morning service at St. Barnabas had 
 I not taken it. 
 So I left my friends in the cars — there were still 
 six of those who crossed with me — and taking 
 Francis Dockerill with me, my last special charge 
 after Calgary, I went up to the clergy-house. 
 The Saskatchewan flowed beneath the windows 
 of the wooden bungalow. Inside were shelves of 
 well-chosen books, a good library of theology, wolf- 
 skins, whips, mosquito nets, bath, boxes, wooden 
 plank walls ornamented with Scriptural pictures. 
 A general air of comfort and refinement, yet a 
 glance reminded one of the region we were in. 
 The tinkling bell of wandering cattle came across 
 the broad rive/, borne on the clear resonant air ; 
 but all was repose and quiet. The lovely scene 
 in the setting sunlight, the distant cliffs, as lovely 
 as in Italy or Tripoli, showed one how clear and 
 pure the air was. 
 I' : ) 
 "Tlic Hat" is the sliort name by which the 
 ijihabitants prefer to speak of their town — Medicine 
 Mat (population 700). 
 We went into the Round House, where the 
 locomotives rest after their long journeys, and where 
 they receive a good rub down. The cleaners told 
 mc they got much dirtier here than in the old 
 country, because there is so much dust, and no 
 cinder ballast. We rode on an inspector's tricycle 
 such as we saw at Fort William, and got up a great 
 speed on the metals. There is but one passenger 
 train each way a day, and a few freight trains, so 
 we ran no risk in flying along the metals. 
 Near the depot, or railway-station, was a huge 
 pile of 
 Buffalo Boues, 
 gathered on the prairies by the Indians, who receive 
 about £\ per ton for them. They are sent off 
 to sugar refmers, and after being ground are used 
 as filters for the sugar. I picked out two buffalo 
 skulls with horns attached, and had them packed 
 to take back to luigland. (They are now in two 
 luiglish vicarages.) 
 We then visited some Indian and half-breed 
 tents, and saw them stretching hides. I dined 
 with Mr. Fatt, who acts as lay-reader with the 
 Rev. W. G. Lyon, and gained much information 
 on various subjects. 

 On awakincr this moniinc^ it took mc some time 
 to understand where I *\vas, I saw no slcepini^ 
 passengers around, and all was still. "Has the 
 train stopped at some station, and liaYe all the 
 passengers got out and left me alone ? " I thought 
 sleepily. Then it dawned upon me that I w.'s 
 no longer in the cars, but in a " shack," on the 
 high banks of the great Saskatchewan, whose 
 waters flow from the Rocky Mountains into Lake 
 A lovely church, where everything is ordered 
 most distinctly on "Church" lines, an attentive 
 congregation, who joined heartily in the singing, 
 and especially in the Vcwii Creator Spiritus — 
 "Come, Holy (ihost, our hearts inspire, 
 And lij^liten with celestial fire." 
 At our Celebration, out of fourteen communicants, 
 twelve were men — a good sign in this western 
 town. I had with me two watches — mv own, 
 which I did not alter, and a borrowed one, which 
 each day as I travelled west I turned back and 
 back. It was 7.20 p.m. by the watch which still 
 kept English time, when our morning service 
 ended. The difference between English and N.W. 
 Territory time is seven hours ; Iwensong was going 
 on in All Saints' Church at Monkwearmouth when 
 I pronounced the Benediction at morning service 
 on the prairies. We had a children's service at 
 three p.m. I had some bright-eyed little Canadian 
 ' I 
 and ICnglish cliildrcn to speak to, and among them 
 a dark-skinned little half-breed c[irl. 
 Before leaving the prairies it may be well to give 
 the opinions of some of those who travelled with nie 
 from Liverpool. They left me at Winnipeg and 
 at various points beyond, and in response to my 
 request wrote to me a month or two afterwards, 
 stating the results of their experience. The first 
 letter is from a clergyman's son — 
 " I like the life out here very much so far, and 
 shall like it much better when I have a farm of 
 my own. I am not receiving any pay, but I could 
 easily get a place on a farm, and make from ten 
 to fifteen dollars per month. I shall stay here 
 till next April, I think. I have purchased a 
 quarter section of land from the C.P.R., about a 
 mile north from here. You ask me what are the 
 prospects of the country ? Well, I can hardly tell 
 you. I think if a fellow is steady he can soon 
 make a good living ; all the free lands are taken 
 up in this neighbourhood, but further west there 
 arc lots of homesteads to be taken up. The 
 weather is beginning to get colder now (Sept. 6). 
 I much prefer it to the hot weather of the last 
 three months. 
 *' A. F. H. OUTRAM, 
 " Deer Far.m, 
 *' CoLDsi'KiNc, Farm, 
 "Eij.isHORo', Canaka, NAV.r. 
 "Dear Sh<, 
 "Tlioiij^li behind in writiiif^ you, my 
 opinion of the country is not one whit bcliind that 
 of the others. 
 "I arrived at Wolseley on June S, and was 
 cngai^ed to a farmer the same afternoon. I am 
 very comfortably situated on a farm of 640 acres 
 in the Ou'Appclle Valley, eight miles north of 
 " I like the country and the work very much. I 
 have been able to do all the work I have had 
 given me to do, and so far I don't think I have 
 had to work any harder than in England (I was 
 in a shop in London), and I would not go back 
 to England to earn my living if I had the oppor- 
 tunity. I think I have had much the same 
 work as other young fellows— helping make roads, 
 putting up fences, ploughing (which I learned in 
 half II day), harvesting, haymakiiifr, etc. I am also 
 glad to be able to say that my employer is very 
 well satisfied with me. 
 "Taking it on the whole, my opinion is that it 
 is a grand country, and has good prospects for a 
 young fellov willing and able to work, and when 
 he arrives noc be surprised because he has to work. 
 ** Moping you are quite well, 
 " I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, 
 "John H. Hannah." 
 " Post Office, Loklik, 
 " AssiNir.oiA, Canada. 
 "Dear Mr. 15oddv, 
 "It is with great pleasure I write you a 
 few lines in accordance with your wish. I am in a 
 fairly good situation, with a Christian family, living 
 about thirty miles north of Indian Head, on the 
 C.P.R. — our nearest market town comprising about 
 200 inhabitants. My hours for work arc rather long, 
 and last from five a.m. till eight p.m., but I gener- 
 ally get one hour's rest after dinner. I enjoy my 
 work very much, though some of it is very hard, 
 especially the building part. The country has a 
 very wild and bare appearance, it being nothing 
 but a wide rolling prairie ; but there are a few 
 pretty French towns to be seen along the C.P.R. 
 " To every young man who has any thought of 
 coming to this country, I would utter a word of 
 warning against deciding too rashly. Many have 
 done this, and come out here with wrong impres- 
 sions of what the country and farm life arc like ; 
 the consequence of which has been constant dis- 
 y I 
 appointment, and a desire to return to the 'old 
 country.' Only lately, I heard of a clergyman's 
 son who came out here with a few hundred pounds, 
 thinking that he would be able to live a tolerably 
 easy life ; but finding out his mistake, and tLat 
 there were hardships to endure, he became dis- 
 appointed, and at last went out of his mind. 
 "On coming out here, every young man ought to 
 be prepared for three things, namely— hard work, 
 a humble life in a log cabin, and to forecfo all 
 public amusements. If I had not prepared myself 
 for these things before I left Kngland, I should 
 have broken down a long time ago. As it is, I am 
 very happy. There is plenty of work to be had 
 out here, but the spring is the best time to come 
 out, because by so doing one stands a better chance 
 of securing a home for the winter. The wages 
 paid to beginners is generally five dollars per 
 month, except during the winter, when they receive 
 merely their board and lodging. The younger a 
 man is when he comes out here, the better are his 
 prospects for the future. The weather varies a 
 great deal here ; one week it is very cold, and we 
 get sixteen degrees of frost in one day ; another 
 week it is very hot, and the thermometer registers 
 ninety degrees. We have just finished harvesting, 
 and are looking forward to a winter of forty degrees 
 below zero. 
 "Again thanking you for your kindness on board 
 the ship, 1 remain, 
 " Yours truly, 
 " H. VV. HiLLMAN." 
1 10 
 1 1 
 " Watisvikw, P.O.. M.wrron.v, C.xnad.n, 
 '.'DKAR MK. lioDDV, 
 " I have sent on llic Reply Post Cards 
 giving you the acklrcs.ses of some of our party, and 
 hope you will get them all right. I have, been 
 here a month now, and am getting on first-rate. 
 It is a very pretty district, our house standing on 
 one side of a valley, through which flows a small 
 river. If you have ever been at Jesmond Dene, 
 Newcastle, you will have a fair idea of what this 
 place is like, the only difference being the trees, 
 wdu'ch are not near as large. These people are 
 English, and have been here nine years, and they 
 own 800 acres of land, and are pretty well-to-do. 
 We work early and late, rising about 5.30 a.m., and 
 finishing about eleven p.m. I think I had better 
 give you an account of a da)''s work as near as 
 " A DAV'.S WORK. 
 " Rise at 5.30, milk cows (five in number), feed 
 calves and horses (eleven in number), then have 
 breakfast at about seven o'clock, after which we have 
 a chapter and prayer, then turn out the cows, then 
 down to the river with the horses and water them, 
 then we cut some wood for household purposes, 
 and if water is needed we go back to the river 
 with the team and barrels, and then go out to 
 harvest, or hay, whichever we may be working at. 
 We come back at about 12.30 for dinner, and then 
LKTTKk KKOM W. |. Uri-D 
 I I I 
 out to tlic fields ai^ain until about ci<;lit p.m., and 
 have supper, then seek cows and milk, feed calves 
 and horses ai];ain, and see that evervtln'nir is safe 
 for the nifj^ht. Then comes the time for another 
 chapter and prayer, and so ends a rather lont; day. 
 ** Food consists of bread-and-butter, or rather 
 butter-and-bread (plenty of butter), fried potat(jes, 
 boiled eggs and tea for breakfast. Dinner — boiled 
 potatoes (hot), butter-and-bread, fried eggs, and 
 rice or tapioca-pudding, and tea. .V/z/yr/— butter- 
 and-bread, jam, cold potatoes, raw onions (not 
 many ladies about to smell your breath), cakes, 
 and tea ; so you see we don't do so far amiss. 
 Wages according to ability, from five to thirty 
 dollars per month. Greenhorns get five to eight 
 dollars. I had five dollars at my old place, but 
 have fourteen here, and expect to get twenty before 
 long. You see, I am a joiner, and have an exten- 
 sive knowledge of horses and cattle. Any one 
 with a trade can get on well here, but you have 
 to work, and no mistake. My friend, Miller, says 
 he would rather drive a team of oxen than drive a 
 pen. He was a clerk in London. T have broken 
 in two horses since I came here, a. u one at the 
 old place. Some young fellows do nothing else 
 but herd cattle on horseback. 
 " Now about what to bring and not to bring. 
 Plenty of woollen underclothing and corduroy, of 
I 12 
 moleskin suits, but (fo/i'l brinc^ heavy boots ; top 
 boots are needed on account of lon^j grass in wet 
 wcatlier. You cannot wear heavy boots at all, 
 cither suinincr or winter, I'm told. You want a 
 skin cap which will come down over the ears for 
 winter, lie sure and bring your tools, as tools arc 
 expensive here. Don't bring a gun or pistol, as 
 there is no need for them ; you can easily get the 
 loan of the farmer's. You have no time for shoot- 
 ing in the summer. When you come, come to 
 I\Ianitoba, and have no less than ;!6'io in your 
 pocket when you arrive at Quebec, unless you 
 know where you are going to. Don't send your 
 luggage on beforehand ; have it with you and watch 
 it as much as possible. Strong clothes and water- 
 tight boots as thin as possible are what you want. 
 Plenty of good land open to homesteading about 
 here, but be twelve months on a farm before taking 
 up land. Don't gossip or you will come to grief. 
 Take r 11 in and say nothing to any one, as you 
 don't 1 low who you arc talking to. 
 " A' d now, Mr. Boddy, I think farming in Mani- 
 toba is the most independent life a fellow can lead 
 when he has a place of his own. It only needs 
 work and patience and you will succeed. I will, 
 if you wish, write you again, giving more particulars. 
 " I am, 
 " W. J. Reed/' 
 In Till-: Land ok tiik Redskin 
 TlIK prairie has lost its llatncss. Rolliiii^ uiulii- 
 lations now meet the eye. In the distance the 
 snowy peaks of the Roekies can be seen, and 
 nearer to us the Foot Hills. Let us ali-ht toL^ether 
 at Calvary, where the train stops in the middle of 
 the nii^ht. 
 I had promised to help the worthy rector, Rev. 
 A. W. F. Cooper, and, havin<;- arrived late on 
 Saturday night, 1 took i)art in the morning service 
 in the pro-cathedral. Ik-autiful prairie flowers filled 
 the vases, and a squad of wild Blackfeet Indians 
 trotted by as wc went into the wooden church, all 
 gay in blankets and feathers, and the squaws 
 dragging the tents behind their ponies. 
 The service was most enjoyable, and a good 
 number of communicants, among them the wife 
 and daughter of Bishop Tinkham, the liishop of 
 Saskatchewan and Calgary, the Bishop himself 
 being on a long journey in the northern part of 
 his diocese. 
 In the afternoon Mr. Cooper buried on the 
 prairie a poor young fellow, only a fortnight out 
 ^ H 
 from luigland. He had, it was conjectured, fallen 
 from his horse after sunstroke ; and w'^on found, 
 his poor body had for hours been dragi^ed about 
 on the prairie by the " lariat," which he had 
 fastened to hjs wrist. Sad end to all his hopes 
 and plans. 
 We had a good evening service at ninctcoi o'clock 
 (seven p.m.) in the pro-cathedral, where I preached, 
 and had in the congregation a friend from Sunder- 
 land who had not found suitable work and was 
 somewhat disheartened. The pretty church was 
 well filled with a hearty gathering from the town 
 and the country round. 
 Another emigrant friend, Mr. F. Bernard, drove 
 me in his smart rig-out to his father's house, 
 beautifully situated in district "Sixteen," near the 
 Bow and Elbow Riv^ers. It was most interesting 
 to see an ocean friend settled down now in his 
 Western home ; to find that every one turned to 
 and worked — brothers and sisters alike ready for 
 anything. We wandered over the farm land and 
 saw the wooden buildings, and then as darkness 
 came on we gathered in the house and had supper 
 together. I walked back three miles along the 
 railway line to the town alone in the deep twilight, 
 and solemn thoughts came in during those long 
 dark miles over the vast and solitary prairie that 
 Sunday night. 
 Calgary is largely a town of single men. It is 
 the metropolis of the ranching district, and yet has 
 a very unfinished look. Mr. Cainc said — '* It is 
 exactly like a great international Exhibition a 
 week or two before the opening day." 
 The bell which had called us to worship to-day 
 was given by the Mounted Police. This is the 
 inscription on a tablet in the church— 
 The Bell of this Church 
 was presented by the 
 Oftker- and men of the K Division, N.^V.^Ll^, 
 in memory of 
 Corp. W. N. T. Lowry, 
 Who died, May 3rd, i«'S5, aged 27 years, 
 from wounds received in battle 
 at Cut Knife Creek. 
 Mr. Cooper has since written mc this interesting; 
 letter, which will give an insight into affairs at 
 Immigration— Immigrants' Train always arrives in 
 Middle of Night-Leiti^rs of Commendaiion from 
 Home Clergy — Church-work in Calgary — The 
 uNEXPi'XTicD Snow in Sei'tember— Church Offer- 
 TORii:s— Need of more Clergy. 
 " Calgary, Aluerta, Canada, 
 " September 16. 
 ' My dear Buddy, 
 " I feel at a difficulty as to your request. 
 Some way or another it seems to mc I have done 
 very little indeed for the Immigrants that come 
 out here, and beyond an occasional visit to the 
 Immigration Shed, and of course giving advice and 
 kindly reception to those who have come to me 
 with letters, I Viave done nothing. My friend, the 
 Rector of Brandon, is, 1 know, always on the 
 platform of the depot to meet the west-bound train, 
 and probctoly if our trains arrived in the daytime 
 "\l ! 
 here I would do the same ; but you know the 
 unearthly hours we keep here, and so it often 
 happens tha^ families arrive without my knowing 
 of it, and go out on farms or ranches without 
 Iiaving reported themselves. 
 " I would press very much upon intending emi- 
 grants the duty of making themselves known to 
 the clergy, and at once presenting their introduc- 
 tions, or, should these have been mislaid, making 
 themselves known without them. In our ever- 
 shifting, varying populations, it is impossible other- 
 wise to keep track of the new parishioners, and 
 this fact is not always realized by those who come 
 out fresh from some well-worked old country 
 parish where the population is steady and the 
 parson knows every one. 
 ''Very many thanks for the Evangelists duly 
 received, and I am looking forward to the account 
 of the few days here. We are (D.G.) getting along 
 happily in the little church. Congregation so large 
 last night that some went away despairing of a 
 seat. The Bishop returns this week, when I Lope 
 to get away for a week or fortnight's camping up 
 north, to shoot prairie chickens and wild-fowl, but 
 it is possible we may be so short-handed in the 
 diocese that I cannot leave. Our Ladies' Guild 
 has resumed its working parties, and they are 
 arranging for a series of concerts, and hope by 
 Christmas to have a sale of work to clear the debt 
 on the school-house. I wish I could get some 
 kind lady to do for us \vhat Lady Selkirk is doing 
 for my friend Fentrcath, in Winnipeg, and to give 
 us a stone cathedral. It seems to me a pity to 
 spend more money on wooden buildings, when we 
 have this beautiful stone on the spot, and yet 
 something must be done soon, for the church is too 
 small. . • •«. 
 'H)ur choir has improved a bit smcc your visit, 
 and I hope ere long to have boys and surplices. 
 is still hanging around and says he can't get 
 work He has found me inexorable on the subject 
 of loans, and never tries it now, and I fear has got 
 to be so well-known in town that people do not 
 care to employ him. thinks that some one 
 has tampered with his letters, as he says he wrote 
 to his wife, and he also has failed to receive letters 
 he feels sure were on their way. Our beautiful 
 climate disgraced itself by a heavy snow-fall last 
 week, when numbers of strangers were in town for 
 the fall races ; the cold was considerable, and we 
 had five nasty days, but all is bright, and dry, and 
 beautiful again. I have an idea that owing to the 
 smoke that hung around all the summer, the sun 
 did not warm the ground as it does other years, 
 and we may have an earlier winter than usual. 
 Stockcn has had his church at Fish Creek, which 
 you did not see, renovated, and it is to be re-opened 
 about the first Sunday in October. I have paid 
 two visits to the Reserve since you were with me. 
 Big Plume is well, and getting on with his schooling. 
 ''Our people in this country are after all liberal 
 in their offertory-ours for yesterday was $21, or 
 about A /•^■•. ^P^^'^ ^>'°^^ ^^^^ envelopes on the plate, 
 which are counted separately, and you remember 
 the church will not seat 200. The free and unap- 
 propriated seats work well here. I have just 
 officiated at my twenty-sixth weddini^ in the church 
 in less than two years of my incumbency. I came 
 into the parish on October i, 1887, and feel that as 
 far as weddint^s go I have done my duty. Shortly 
 after you left us I had the pleasure of a Sunday 
 without a sermon, my friend Rev. A. F. G. Eichbaum, 
 of West Malvern, and Rev. D. Sweeny, of St. 
 Philip's, Toronto, taking the preaching for me ; 
 otherwise I have had no help, although daily 
 studying the hotel register to catch members of 
 the stray parson genus. 
 ''Write to me any time you feel disposed, and 
 do not forget the sad wants of our widely-scattered 
 Church-folk in these dioceses when you are asking 
 for your own flock. We have two or three posts 
 of great usefulness opening up in this diocese now, 
 if we had men to take them. With best wishes, 
 and happ}^ remembrance of your visit, which cheered 
 me much, 
 " Yours most truly, 
 "A. W. F. Cooper." 
 A drive of some eight or ten miles in a spider- 
 wheeled buggy brought us across the rolling 
 prairie-land to a stream called Fish Creek. As 
 we drove we could see the Rockies some seventy 
 miles away — they only seemed ten miles. A fresh 
 arrival from our land of fogs and dim atmospheres 
 said one afternoon : " I'll just have a walk as far 
 as those hills and back." He would scarcely 
 believe they were more than eight or nine miles 
 away. Lovely blue flowers, and red lilies, small 
 sunflowers, etc., speckled the grassy expanse. We 
 sometimes passed a herd of active, swift-footed 
 cattle, driven, checked, and guarded by booted and 
 spurred "cow-punchers," who charged hither and 
 i5?:i v;-:>' ;> 
 :;#'';■ ;^; 
 thither in the dust, cracking their whips. Calgary's 
 streets are alive with cow-boys, with broad flapping 
 hats and leggings. (Some of the " boys" arc forty 
 years of age, but still "boys,") 
 We descended into the valley, where the Indian 
 Reservation encampment stands, together with 
 the agent's house, a corral, a school-church, and a 
 Oil -! 
 missionary parsonage, where resided Mr. Stocken 
 (S.P.G.) and liis kind wife, with her smiling, chuck- 
 h'ng babe. The Indian scliool "loosed" itself, and 
 the youths came round us with faces hideous In bars 
 of red and yellow paints, and feet and leg's gaudy 
 in beads and coloured work, and h.iir plaited in 
 tails or standing up stiffly. 
 In summer the Sarcees live in th*^ conical white 
 tents which we call tepees, and in winter they 
 occupy little wooden houses on the hill, heated by 
 stoves. Roche Main, one of the chiefs, met us as 
 we were riding round and had some talk. An 
 immovable brown face, and a somewhat cruel eye, 
 which lightened up at a joke. 
 "How many men have you killed.-'" I asked. 
 "Three," he said, "and one I shot on lu's horse, but 
 it galloped off with him." 
 lie laughed when I put my hand to my hair and 
 said that I wanted to take my scalp back with me 
 to the " Land of the Great Mother." 
 When the rebellion was going on, an interpreter 
 was told to explain to the Indians that their fault 
 was that they were "treating the crown vv^ith 
 contempt." The interpreter puzzled them when 
 he told his fellow Indians that they were to l^e 
 punished "for kicking the Great ]\IotherVi bonnet 
 over the prairies." 
 I found one of the young "Bucks" — Jim Big 
 Plume — could write his name in my pocket-book 
 in a good roundhand. One of the scholars is 
 quite a Unionist, and can speak in five different 
 After looking in at the interesting wooden 
 school-church where Mr. Stocken teaches these 
 wild-looking young Indians, we went down to the 
 encampment. The dogs (nearly fifty strong) rushed 
 out howling and showed their teeth ; but they 
 noticed that we carried stones in our hands for 
 their benefit, and then they pensively retired. 
 We visited a sick Indian named " The Rider." 
 We entered his tent and squatted on the floor. 
 The smoke curled up through the hole at the top 
 of the tent, and an Indian maiden, belonging to 
 the Cree nation, was engaged in cooking a "damper." 
 " The Rider " reclined on some skins, leaning against 
 a willow bed-rest. His forehead was painted 
 yellow, and his black hair in plaits lianging down. 
 His squaw and his mother also sat round, the 
 latter smoking a short pipe. The missionary spoke 
 to him in the Blackfeet language, which they 
 generally understand. Mr. Stocken had only been 
 here a short time, and was still learning the Sarcce 
 When I took out my note-book they became 
 uneasy, and on asking for the names of the mother 
 and wife, they slipped out at once and did not 
 re-appear for some time. Then I took out my 
 watch and held it to the car of a small boy who 
 was nervously watcliing us. Hearing it tick, he 
 thought it alive, and bolted out of the tent for fear 
 it should sting or bite. 
 Up and down among the tents arc oval frames 
 of bent willows, as if intended for small tepees. 
\': > 
 II ; 
 . 1, 
 i(, I .1 i 
 These are "sweat lodges," and are used as Turkish 
 baths. They licat a number of biij^ stones and 
 place them inside, and after covcrinLj the frame 
 with blankets, the Indian sits inside and throws 
 water on the heated stones. The steam fdls this 
 tiny lodge until he is parboiled. 
 We visited the camp of Wig Wolf, and shook 
 hands with him and IVig Knife, and lying on the 
 grass had some talk. Big Knife was an elderly 
 man who had dabbled in magic. Taking hold of 
 my hand he shook it up and down, giving a little 
 jump and exclaiming with strong aspiration, " ///- 
 ]5ig Wolf was one of the chiefs of the Sarcees, 
 and handsome but cruel, and pitted with small- 
 pox larks. His gestures were most picturesque 
 when conversing with us. Arms and hands con- 
 tinually in use. The Indians arc beginning to 
 cultivate their land, and we saw them even weeding 
 their fields. 
 Durinij the afternoon we heard a fearful com- 
 motion through the camp. Every dog howled its 
 best, and was supported by all the children and 
 squaws. Some cow-boys were driving cattle down 
 from the Government farm, to be killed and divided 
 among the tribe, who receive nearly one pomid of 
 meat all round. 
 The cattle were driven into a strong corral which 
 opened into the slaughter-house. All the youths, 
 the women, the children, and every dog gathered 
 round, waitiiii; for the sound of the !::jun as the 
 beeves were shot down. It was soon over, and the 
 doers were fitilitinij over the offal, and the more 
 fortunate had ah-ead)- secured some toothsome 
 fragment, though the meat was not to be given out 
 till next day, when each one was to present their 
 ration ticket. 
 As the Indians have given up their lands, the 
 Government takes these people under its pro- 
 tection and feeds them three times a week, forbids 
 them to drink intoxicants, and does not allow them 
 to Gfo out of their reserves without a licence 
 obtained from the Government agent who lives on 
 the " Reserve." Once a year treaty money is given 
 — one dollar per head, man, woman, and child ; 
 minor chiefs, five dollars ; major chiefs, ten dollars 
 or more. 
 I : I 
 T!i| 1 
 A I'ALi:-! ACK CllIIJ). 
 Amnn<:j the Indian children jrambollinj^ round 
 was one with a fair skin and pretty face. I tried 
 to i^et liold of In'in, but he fled like a deer. He is 
 about five years old, and had lived with the 
 Sarcccs since he was a year old. 
 I was told that in the Rebellion of 1885 his 
 father, an luii^lish settler, went out as a soldier to 
 ficjht the half-breeds and Indians and was killed, 
 and while he was away his mother also died, and 
 he was carried off by the Indians and brouL;ht up. 
 He cajinot speak a word of ICnirlish, and does not 
 like any one to think that he is not an Indian. 
 Mr. Stockcn tells me "the little white boy is the 
 adopted son of ' One Spot,' and is known by the 
 name of the ' Little Soldier.' In the Cree language 
 it is * Sh'moggun.'" 
 Mounted on some Indian " Shaganappics," we 
 galloped off across the rolling hills to see a strange 
 sight. Down into the creek, then splashing through 
 the ford and up the other side, and so away 
 through brushwood and over open prairie till wc 
 left the camp far behind and below. The wealth 
 of the Indians now-a-days is represented by the 
 number of horses possessed, which they pasture on 
 the rolling grass lands of their reservation. I 
 witnessed some exciting races on bare-backed 
 steeds by young Indians almost as bare as the 
 horses tliey rode. The nervous little horses started 
 off together, and in a moment or two were only 
 discernible in the distance. 
 Our Indian ironies kept u[) a loni^ ambling 
 " wolf-lou[)," until we had ap[)roached a wootl, 
 outside of which we fastened ui) our " shaga- 
 We found a trail which took us into the densest 
 part of the bush, and looking up into the cotton- 
 wood trees, we soon began to see the bodies ol 
 dead Indians up in the boughs. Here was a 
 rough corded box containing probably the body 
 of an infant. I'luther on, an adult wrapi)ed up in 
 the willow bed-rest on which he had died. Below 
 were the bones of a horse which had been sacri- 
 ficed ; we could see the bullet-hole through the 
 skull. I picked up three of its teeth as mementoes, 
 and tore off a small strip of the Indian's blanket 
 to take home. Many other bodies were lying in 
 the trees just about eight feet from the ground. 
 We came across some recent ones whom Mr. 
 Stocken had visited in their last illness, such as 
 the mother and sister of Shootclose. 
 The most weird sight of all was a tepee in the 
 densest part of the wood, wherein lay a minor 
 chief called Akuskonukkutai, or " Many-times- 
 We searched for some time among the trees 
 before we saw the gleaming white sides of the tent 
 in which lay the chief with his wife and child. 
 The Indians are terribly afraid of going near the 
I 26 
 i!V ()( i:an, I'KAikii;, and ii'.ak 
 rcstiiiLj-placcs of tlic dead, and none would have 
 accompanied us al any price. 
 I unfastened with my pocket-knife a seam which 
 might have been the tent door, and taking a long 
 breath, put my head in. Enough light shone in 
 to show that the floor was covered with bricrht 
A C.kl'Al' flllKFS C.i'AVK 
 blankets, and one would have said that three 
 people were sleepin;.i; there. lUit the coyote — the 
 prairie do;^- — had been at work, or more probably 
 the white ant, for close to my hand lay a fairly 
 clean white skull. 1 was advised to carry it home 
 to Enc:land, as the authorities at the British 
 Museum had never yet obtained an Indian skull 
 from this region. I decided to put it back in the 
 tent aiji'am. 
 Leavincf the shadow of ttiesc trees-of-strani'c- 
 fruit we galloped over the prairies to the edge of 
 the Indian Reservation to visit the grave of Akajtas 
 (" Many-llorses"), a great chief of by-gone days, 
 whose memory is still revered. He was the chief 
 of the Sarcees when the white man first appeared 
 in the neighbourhood. 
 This grave differed from the others in being a 
 wooden erection on the top of a hill, with a kind of 
 flagstaff with a white rag or two flying in the 
 breeze. We could see through the chinks the body 
 within, wrapped in red blankets, and that of 
 another chief in a wooden "annexe." This was 
 The Indians believe that the next life will be 
 a continuation of this, everything to be spiritual 
 instead of corporeal. So they put in the grave all 
 the little things that the deceased valued, and 
 sometimes kill his favourite horse, thinking that he 
 will enjoy the spirity t ■ "astral body," of these 
 things. Offerings of iood, pipe, tobacco, etc., 
 u • 
 I > 
 although tlicy sec they are not removed, are still, 
 they think, being enjoyed in the spirit by the dead 
 Big Wolf is the missionary's Indian name, given 
 to him by Bull's Head, the principal chief. Big 
 Wolf told me how some time back an old Indian 
 had brought up the body of his wife, and with 
 many regrets was placing it in its last resting-place. 
 He heard children's voices singing together. They 
 were out of sight, but within earshot. In his own 
 language they sang : — 
 " There is a happy land, 
 Far, far away." 
 To us the words sound strange. They are sung 
 often at the commencement of their morning school 
 to the familiar tune. 
 " Eks-ka okhsiu kshok-kuni, 
 Kin-iin o-ko-ai-(ai) 
 The old chief came to the Mission House and 
 asked for the missionary. 
 *' Holy man," he said, "did yo;.i send those 
 children up there to the woods to sing those words 
 when I was laying my old wife away ? " 
 " No, chief, I know nothing about it, and I hope 
 that they did nothing that was wrong." 
 '* They sang words which warmed my old heart 
 when it was cold and .sad. Let them often sing 
 such words. I like them." 
 These Sarcces often mutihite themselves when 
 their relatives die, or else fast to starvation. Mrs. 
 Stockcn told me of a squaw, whose son had died, 
 and she announced her intention of cuttini^ off a 
 finger. Mrs. Stocken pleaded with her, and at 
 last she consented in substitution to fast for ten 
 days and to gash herself with knives. She was 
 reduced to the veriest skeleton, and was on the verge 
 of starvation before she had afllicted herself 
 The name for a missionary is " The Holy Man," 
 or "The White Medicine<Man." Somethnes we 
 hear of his bciniy called " The Man with the I^ook." 
 The Rev. Harry W. Gibbon Stocken, S.P.G. 
 missionary to the Sarcee Indians, is a fine example 
 of a flevoted servant of CllRlST, living for the 
 welfare of these simple children of the prairies. 
 He was formerly among the Blackfeet, and had 
 only been a year among these Sarcees as S.P.G. 
 missionary. He has work to do among the white 
 people, and so cannot devote his whole time to 
 learning the language. He talks to the Sarcees in 
 Blackfoot still, which they partially understand. 
 When his vocabubry of Sarcee is enlarged, his 
 work will bear more fruit. 
 Mr. Stocken was helped by a devoted wife, who 
 made life among the Indians very bearable, and 
 the little woodcp house was tastefully furnished 
 and well managed. While she was cooking in the 
 kitchen, a row of painted savages sat on a seat 
 near the door, taking a taciturn interest in cvery- 
 r.v orr.AX, pkairik, and peak 
 ;-:). . 
 thing, and occasionally nursing the little white 
 baby, who preferred an Indian, iind was afraid of 
 being handled by a white lady visitor. I give 
 some of the Indians' names as I find them in 
 the Canadian Government Blue l^ook : — Bowlegs, 
 Stone liear. Standing Buffalo, Lame Fox J'.rho.'t 
 Legs, Spotted Stone, White Man Sleep (>■::■ 
 Child, Bad-Named Jack, Never-Goes-Out, CvLzy 
 lUill, Buried-in-Water, Old Moon, Bcar-down-the- 
 River, Coming-Singing, Many-Mules, Little Run- 
 ning Rabbit, Hairy l^^ace, Legs and Hips, Owns-a- 
 Knife, 01d-]\Ian-in-a-Dirty-House, Takes-Threc- 
 Guns, Sacks-of-Meat-on-]5ack, White Pup, Greasy 
 r^orchead, Medicine Shoe, Old-Woman-at-War, 
 Standing-up-Smoking-alone, Bad-dried Meat, Brass- 
 riate-Man, Afraid-of-a-Grasshopper, Jimmy John, 
 James Big Woman, Mrs. Day Star, Kus-ka-tar- 
 nak-pa\'-oh, Nah-tow-wee-kew, and Kce-nee-qua- 
 I should like, ere we leave the Sarcees, to print a 
 letter from my friend Mr. Stocken. 
 ''Sarcf.k Rkskrve, Cai.garv, N.W/r. 
 "'•December 13, 1894, 
 " I thank you from my heart for youi 
 affectionate message and those little books of yours 
 which you were kind enough to .^nd me some time 
 ago. Because I never acknow! :dged th'^m at the 
 time, I hope you did not think I did not appreciate 
 them. More than once have I thanked our 
 Heavenly Father for them. They are so evidently 
 the outcome of a heart that knows our holy, loving 
 Master. ]\Tay He bless them to many souls. 
 Thanks also for the ChurcJi Evano-clists, which 
 were very interesting. I am sendin^^ you one of 
 the reports of our Indian work which )'ou asked 
 me for. 
 " There have been many developments in our 
 Indian work in this diocese since you were out 
 here. There arc boardinc^-schools on everv 
 Reserve ; and, as the report will show, a large 
 number of children under training in them. 
 Hospitals too are being put up on the Reserves. 
 I hope to begin mine next year. ]jut what gives us 
 most encouragement is the evident interest being 
 taken in spiritual teaching. There is a decided 
 spirit of inquiry manifesting itself. On this 
 Reserve it has all taken place within the last two 
 weeks. I must confess to having felt discouraged. 
 Many things seemed to make me feel so — though I 
 k'uew that the Lord knew best when to give the 
 desired fruit. However, I had been asked to preacli 
 the sermon in connection with the Day of Inter- 
 cession for Foreign Missions, in Calgary, and was 
 engaged upon it one morning when a knock came 
 at my study door (not the first that morning by ten 
 or a dozen), and I hesitated to open it, as I had only, 
 so far, written three pages. I had the wisdom, how- 
 ever, to see who it was, and found one of our young 
 married men (Jim One-Spot) anxious to talk with 
 me. He had come specially to ask me if I would 
 baptize him ! I had never had any talks with him 
 privately ; but he has often been present at my 
 informal services in the Indian lodges, and has 
 evidently been no mere careless listener. I am sure 
 I I 
 T '' ' 
 IP I' 
 lb I 
 li r1 
 the young fellow is sincere. On the followinL^ 
 vSundayJim liig Plume joined him, and I have now 
 a catechumens' class of two. The former speaks 
 Crec well, and I am teaching him the Cree syllables, 
 and i ' soon to hear him reading fluently in the 
 Cree Is i ! What a blessing to be able to put the 
 whole word of God into his hands at once. He 
 comes five miles or more to the evening services 
 here every Sunda}', and rides home again afterwards. 
 " We have commenced magic-lantern lectures on 
 the Gospel history, and they are wonderfully well 
 attended and appreciated. A son of Preb. Webb- 
 Peploe and his wife are fellow-workers in this 
 diocese now, and dear friends they are. I knew 
 him in England. Time foioids my saying more 
 to-night, but please ask me any questions you like, 
 and I shall take quite an interest in answering 
 them — even if it takes /<t^.f'i" to do so. 
 " With warmest affection, 
 " Vour fellow-labourer in the Gospel, 
 " Harry W. G. Stocken." 
 I' I 
 The Rockies and the Selkirks 
 "What is the scenery of the Rocky Mountains 
 Hke ? " 1 have often been asked ; " is it as beautiful 
 or as grand as the scenery of Italy or Switzer- 
 land?" This must be my answer— Switzerland 
 and the Italian lakes have their own special beauty 
 It is difficult to compare this Western scenery with 
 them. To me it seems like a combination of scenes 
 in Northern Norway with more sunny pictures from 
 the Ticino Valley. Through this scenery we now 
 continue our journey towards the Pacific. 
 IN A liAGc;A(;E CAR. 
 It is night, and I am writing with a copying-ink 
 pencil at the baggage clerk's desk in the baggage 
 car of the trans-continental train travelling west- 
 wards ; all around are piled the huge boxes of 
 emigrants and colonists. The C.P.R. are very 
 generous to the emigrants and allow them almost 
 unlimited luggage, but I fancy that th- ,, do not 
 allow pianos or mangles. The baggage clerk 
 gives me much interesting information. 
 i 'i! 
i ■ 
 UW . < 
 lu i;n' (^<.i:ax, rKAiKii:, and ri:AK 
 .\ ru 1 ; AC i i I- R-ir hi AN. 
 A little time ago the mounted police heard that 
 two Blackfoot Indians had escaped from their 
 Reservation, and were near Medicine Hat. A 
 couple of men captured them and they were sent 
 back by train to Gleichcn. The sergeant b ought 
 them into the baggage car to be out of the way of 
 the passengers. 
 They were seated on the floor. A conversation 
 took place like the following : — 
 liidiiDi : I not like go back with soldiers. All 
 Indians in camp point at me. 
 Lniggagc Clerk: You shouldn't have run av/ay 
 when Government feeds you. 
 Indian : But I preacher-Indian. Should not 
 touch me. 
 Baggage Clerk : No, no ; there are no preacher- 
 Indians at Glcichen. How are you preacher- 
 Indian .'' 
 Indian : Yes, I am preacher-Indian, / l^nelc 
 ivood for preacher ! (Me cut firewood for the 
 missionary ! ) 
 This very car (113) was the centre of some ex- 
 citement a year before. It was loaded with raw silk 
 from China of the value of 200,000 dollars ; the 
 car was sealed up by the Custom House officers, 
 for the contents were in bond wincr through from 
 Wancouver to New York, U.S.A. Near Gleichen, 
 w\y friend in an atljoining baggage car smelt smoke 
 and uave an alarm. The silk car was in llamcs. 
 Some careless man had left a i)ile of oily waste on 
i\ Till'; koCKV Mountains 
 llic phitfonii, id the end nearest the engine, and 
 the sparks had kindled it. The door was all burnt, 
 but the fire was extinguished in time to save the 
 The baggage clerk, so busy i)ulling luggage 
 about and writing up the pieces, is my friend Mr. 
 Fatt. Only a few hours it seems since he was 
 reading the lessons for us in St. Barnabas, and 
 reading them in a very devout and edifying 
 manner. Would tliat wc had more of such 
 devoted Churchmen as Francis F. Fatt, the Lay 
 Reader, and young Jackson, the Sunday-school 
 Superintendent at Medicine Hat. 
 " Oj'C mountains and all lulls, bless yc the LOKU : J)nuse 
 Him, and jnaonij'y Him for e:rr/' 
 Just before four o'clock (June lOj I awoke, got 
 down from my berth, and looked out of the window. 
 I received a shock which completely awakened me. 
 We were running along a broad valley, a crystal 
 green river coursing past us, young fir-trees green 
 and fresh springing around. But looking up, and 
 twisting your neck you could see the sunrise already 
 painting the great bluff heights of the seamed and 
 scarred Rocky Mountains, which now were all 
 around us as we quickly found our way into their 
 very heart. The sublime and the ridiculous are 
 ofttimes not far apart. At Canmorc (4.40; I see 
 a notice on the staticin — 
 " J/Z/v, l/^d Barkr, will be here every Suuday!' 
1 30 
 ]\\ 0(i;.\\, I'l^AIKII. AM) I'l-AK 
 If i 
 Also a notice that the li'cv. J. Williiuus, of l^anff, 
 would hold Divine Service, and all were invited, as 
 it would be his last time. 
 . As we sped aloni^', the sun gained more power, 
 and soon shone out brilliantly on the streaks of 
 snow and the strata-marked rocks of the Three 
 Sisters, till the mountains blazed out in glory. Fir 
 trees clung to the rocky steps and up the dizzy 
 heights, and in the early morning sun all looked 
 pure and majestic. 
 We (the inhabitants of Greater Britain) have a 
 park here twenty-six miles long and ten miles 
 wide, about 100,000 acres in all. It is in the heart 
 of the noblest scenery the world can produce. The 
 Government have laid out roads for driving and 
 riding, and the Sulphur Springs have been turned 
 into warm baths. At one of the baths a crutch 
 used to hang, with the words, "The owner gone 
 hoiiie." Its meaning seems dubious. At the little 
 village are several small inns, and a great hotel 
 run by the C.P.R. Mr. Stewart, the Natural 
 Park Ranger, is expending more than £\6,ooo 
 upon this great domain. 
 A few miles further and the \alley is filled with 
 a soft, white smoke, hanging like a pall or clinging 
 to the mountain side. The forest is on fire, and 
 soon we run through crackling flames -preading on 
 — but not dangerous, as there is no wind. 
LA^TJJ'; MufXlAlN AM' SUA IK illA 
 ;\bovc the firs and spruce on our iiL;ht rises the 
 5,000 feet [)rccii)icij of the sides of the (liant's 
 Castle, with battlements, bastion, and kiei). ^^^^^ 
 railway line is here at an altitude of 4,475 feet. 
 Our conductor, J. ]\ l^arrcau, travelling- from 
 Medicine Hat to Donald, was a most communica- 
 tive and pleasant official. lie told me that a 
 silver mine was started here the other year, and 
 2,000 people squatted in the valley. Hotels were 
 run up, but the mine was a fraud, and all the people 
 went home again ; some took down their houses 
 and others left them empty. 
 We are labouring up the pass, and the heavy 
 snorts of the locomotive echo loi My among the 
 giant firs which shut in the track. Now we go 
 \',V 0(KAN, I'kAJKri'., AM) I'l.AK 
 ,; ! 
 i ■' 
 t:, I 
 uiily at a ([iiick walk, and sonic young fellows 
 crowdinjr the platforms look as if they would like 
 to jump off. We wind along the sides of the noble 
 mountain all glittering in the brilliant sunlight, and 
 I enjoy the views from the open doors of the bag- 
 gage ear. A bull-dog, chained up among the 
 boxes, occasionally stands on his hind legs and 
 looks out of a window, but he has no enthusiasm 
 for scenery and doesn't enjoy it one bit. 
 At last we reach the summit, and are more than 
 o/ie ;////<? above the level of the sea. Summit Lake, 
 a marshy, shallow sheet of water, sends out a stream 
 eastwards i,ooo miles to Hudson Bay, and another 
 westwards i,ooo miles or so to the Pacific Ocean. 
 Here is a station where the ordinary engine is 
 detached and a tremendous engine, a double-con- 
 denser, sometimes affectionately called " Jumbo," 
 is put on. ICight driving-wheels, all connected ; 
 weight, 122 tons. 
 Owing to the kindly offices of my good friend 
 and a permit from head-quarters, I mounted the 
 foot-plate of the giant engine. No. 313, which was 
 to let us down the r,ooo feet to Field Station, five 
 feet in every hundred. Mr. W. S. Caine says — " It 
 was a great comfort to know as we came down this 
 terrible descent, that we were travelling on rails 
 made from good honest Cumberland hcxmatite. I 
 have noted with interest, but without surprise, that 
 the word ' Jiarrow ' always ap[)carcd on the rails 
 which the CMMv. h;ive laid down in danc^erous 
AN(jrm:i< s\i> ,\t t iniixT 
 places." The driver's name was J. Orinistuu, better 
 known as " Scottie." On each car was a si)ecial 
 brakesman who kept his brakes hard down, and 
 the cw/mc had water-brakes. The Atmospheric 
 Westinghousc Brake was kept in reserve in case of 
 We started, and with all brakes down we crei)t 
 down the pass. Grand, stupendously c;ranJ, and 
 yet beautiful. The Wapta, or Kickin^r Horse 
 River, foamed and roared green and crystal down 
 below the line. Up above us Mount Hector, 
 Cathedral Mount, and Mount Stephen cut into 
 the sky. 
 Now and again we whistled loudly and a man 
 ahead signalled to us to come on, and held open a 
 switch to let us pass. If this was not done the 
 whole train would be sent up a safety track into 
 the mountain. This is to catch runaway trains or 
 cars which get detached. A thousand feet or more 
 above us were the wooden galleries of a silver mine 
 on the precipitous sides of Mount Stephen. 
 In the most grand part of the pass, as we care- 
 fully crept down with brakes all set, some signals 
 were made to stop the train. It was some time 
 before this could be done. I saw from my scat on 
 the engine that men were running back up the 
 pass. We were then told that a man had been 
 run over; but the conductor gave the word to go 
 on. We thought the man had been placed in the 
 train to cairv to the doctor, but at the next station 
 r.V (MlW, I'kAlKIK, AM) I'l .\K 
 wc licarcl lie had been taken to a switeh-nian's lug- 
 hut, but to die. I le was a French Canadian silver- 
 miner named 1 c Chance, and had tliuught he could 
 get on the cars as they were going slowly, but he 
 was " full " (that is, drunkj, and missing his footing 
 went under, and both legs were cut off. Many of 
 the passengers seemed soon to forget it, but not 
 all. May Gun have mercy on him ! 
 'I I 
 , I 
 A ('lj;i<(i\MAN S ST()I<\- i\ Tiir: KU(K- 
 Mr. Urwin, formerly at Donald and afterwards 
 at New Westminster, told me a little of his work 
 among the men in the railway camp at the time 
 of tiie construction of the C.P.R. 
 Men of all nationalities, rough but good-hearted, 
 heedless of death, hardened by the sight of acci- 
 dents. Sometimes bravadoes would come amongst 
 them, using their shooters freely. Yet our friend 
 bravely preached the Gospel of CiiRlST to them all. 
 One man whom wc v/ill call " Shooting Jack," 
 used to get behind a tree in the pass and " hold 
 up'" any solitary passers-by. That is, he would 
 " cover " them with his six-shooter, and call to 
 them to throw up their hands or he would shoot 
 them dead. Then he would come down and ran- 
 sack their pockets, keeping his loaded revolver 
 handy all the time. 
 " Why didn't you hold up the parson. Jack } " 
 said one of his chums. 
 *' Wal, I just guess I didn't 'cause I thought if I 
 held him up I'd get ;jh>rc' Prayer-books nor coitsr 
 Standing? on the phitfonn of ii car as \vc were 
 com.ng along, I listened as a rough woodsman 
 who liad just got on at a little station told this 
 story : — 
 "Talking of bears puts me in mind of a little 
 business we had up h re on yonder mountains. 
 We were surveying and had taken a meridian, 
 when wc worked out from it four to six miles each 
 way, or as far as wc could in the da>'. The boss 
 said'that in case any of us got lost wc must look 
 out for a creek and follow it right down. 
 "Well, one night, when we got to camp, there 
 was a man missing. Wc waited three days for 
 him to come in, and then the boss said, ' Boys, we 
 must get that man.' Wc set out in a line, just so 
 far that we could holler to one another. We could 
 fire a gun now and again, but if wc fired twice it 
 meant wed found him. Wal, I guess it was 
 eighteen days after he was lost and wc hadn't 
 found him. F.vcry man we met we put on the 
 line, Indians and all, till we had sixty-two men, 
 and I tell you we were bound to find him. Wal, 
 one day I scc'd a big cinnamon bear, and he just 
 got up and looked at me and I fired at him. It 
 were a good thing, thought I, that one shot killed 
 him, because I should have brought up the sixty- 
 two if I had fired again. 
 "But I got a skeer, I can tell you, when I seed 
 the man we were looking for lying there right near 
 the bear which had been watching him. 
 ! 111! 
 1 ^ ^ 
 i|i ' 
 "I To was about done, and wlicn I scc'd hini 
 turn up his eyes they ",vero all ycllo'.v, and there 
 were just a few berries near him. ] Ic said he'd 
 been watching the bear, and the hear had been 
 waiting for him to die, till he was getting kinder 
 *' He'd struck a creek and followed it till he 
 found an old rotten Indian canoe and he could get 
 no farther ; he was clean done. 
 *' We used to visit him in the hospital, and he 
 were kind of solemn like by times and always 
 came back to the same thing — ' l^oys, did 3'ou 
 notice that bear?' He couldn't get it oiT his 
 mind ; they'd been so long in compnny. 
 " He had the note-book safe enough in his 
 pocket with all the distances, and he owed his life 
 to that, I guess, for I calculate that they wouldn't 
 have had all those men out just to find a vian that 
 was lost." 
 "Yes, he got better; buc he wqxq. always kind of 
 The postal abbreviation for British Columbia is 
 B.C. Since we have surmounted the pass we have 
 descended into British Columbia, but the mountain 
 journey is by no means over — it has only begun. 
 The loveliest scenery of all bursts upon one here. 
 After breakfast at the Hotel at Field, we fly 
 for some thirty miles down the canon of the 
 Wapta. Racing with the tearing torrent fresh 
 from the glaciers ; following the winding course of 
ItRITISIl roi.l li'.lA 
 the rii'cr ; round such sharp cuia'cs that we had 
 to go slower and slower, until at last the loco- 
 - J Jim*. - ■ ~* 
 If: - • •:---^ ^ ^' -■ 
 ■*-:;• '-^ ,:-":-. ^ "^^ 
 -, , .,.»,;^s^..r'»i 
 •A ..... .^1' ■ ■ 
 ^S'^lW^-:^^^^;^^""" .'- '. ■■■■: 
 l'IK[,l» SI AIION. 
 motive is ;j;oiag almost the op[)osii:c way to the 
 Pullman car at the end. 
 \',\ 0( KAN, I'KAIRTi:, WD I'KAK 
 I .1 ;: 
 i' II I 
 A great forest fire is ii^ofiif^ on above us, and 
 thick clouds of smoke liidc tlic mountains from 
 us; but far, far above them all, wc see the snow- 
 capped summits as if bclongin:^ to another sphere. 
 " Just look out for the fire at Moberley, and wire if 
 it is damaging the telegraph." This was shouted 
 into the baggage car at the next station, 
 A few weeks later and the fire had reached 
 terrific proportions. Such a fire I never expect to 
 see until that which St. Peter foretells (2 Pet. iii. 
 10). Crackling flames licked up the noble forest 
 on all sides, and thick palls of smoke hung on the 
 mountain sides, and made the deep valleys gloomy. 
 For 120 miles or more we were never distant 
 from raging fires, sometimes running right through 
 the scorching red flames, and for a moment all was 
 suspense, and we who stood out on the balcony 
 were singed with the fiery blast. 
 On one occasion, a whole train, with the ex- 
 ception of the rear IHillman car, was destroyed. 
 The engine-driver was running through as usual, 
 when he ran quietly off the rails into the middle 
 of the track. The heat of the fire had expanded 
 the rails and warped them. The passengers 
 A man got on board at Moberley who had just 
 escaped with his life on the hills above us, and all 
 his valuables were destroyed. He was lumbering — 
 cutting timber — some distance from his camp, 
 when he found the forest all blazing and raging in 
 tlainc behind him, and return to the cani[) im- 
 possible. Escaping from the flames and suffocating 
 smoke, he wandered for days without food or 
 shelter, all his blankets, too, destroyed. By almost 
 a miracle he found his way over the hot cinders 
 and amidst charred and falling trees back to the 
 line, and escaped a miserable fate. He had been 
 much impressed by coming eicross a grave in the 
 burning forest with white painted railings around 
 it. It seemed strange and mysterious to him that 
 the flames had swept all round and left the grave 
 untouched, and the white railings, he said, were not 
 even discoloured. 
 A LRlDGi: ON IlKK. 
 One of the wooden trestle-bridges we had to 
 cross caught fire, and we ran forward to -xtinguish 
 it. This was done before it was burnt through, 
 and the train safely got over the semi-charred 
 beams ; and we, who had run on, had to cross the 
 w'idc river on the open trestle-work, which was 
 a giddy task, for below was the rushini; river, and 
 behind the train, with its great bell :3vvinging out 
 deep warning notes. 
 We steamed away again through smoke and 
 fire, and then a burning tree fell across the line, 
 destroying all the telegraph wires, and cutting off 
 Victoria and the West from communication with 
 England. With all brakes down we stopped in 
 time, and getting axes, we cut it through and lifted 
 it on one side. As the train stood another great 
 tree began to fall, and the cars were in danger; 
 ''• ii 
 i;n- ()(;i:.\\, I'Rairii;, and I'IAK 
 but slowly it turned and considerately fell along- 
 side the train. When it i^^rew dark the scene was 
 bewildcringly grand. We rushed on through smoke 
 and heat, the red hungry flames leaping from tree 
 to tree up the mountain side, and far above us, as 
 well as around us, the forest blazing In a thousand 
 Mount Stephen was lurid, and flames leapt up 
 and died away all over. The railway men were 
 working bravely to preserve the track, and \vc 
 can led a special gang with buckets and axes. As 
 fai as Banff, and further east, the fires raged; but 
 we passed through all in safety. The smoke of 
 this mighty conflagration extended in a few days 
 nearly lOOO miles across the prairies, and we were 
 told that it would not be entirely extinguished 
 until the snow of winter. 
 The grey pall hung over the Alberta district 
 through the summer, and prevented the sun from 
 using its full power un the land, and early in Sep- 
 tember a fall of snow astonished every one, but 
 though it soon vanished, it was looked upon as the 
 precursor of a severe winter, owing to the land 
 being so cold through the summer, shaded from 
 the beneficent rays of the warm sun. For a fire to 
 cause cold weather is as marvellous as that the 
 waters of Montmorency should light up Quebec 
 with brilliant incandescent lights. 
 Mr. Fatt showed me the grave of a negro who, 
 in the days when the rail was making, was a great 
 buliy in the construction camp ; at last he was 
 shot down by one of the men and buried here. 
 Forty miles from the summit we passed out 
 through the gates of the canon and shot out into 
 dayHght and into open country. 
 iX)Lnj:N CITY. 
 Ouite a chan'^e from the N.W.T. Just as if we 
 were in a southern chmate, such timber, such pro- 
 fuse vegetation — a land of plenty. " Golden " is on 
 the banks of the Columbia River, and with a lovely 
 background of the Selkirks,astill nobler and higher 
 range than the Rockies— more like the Alps. From 
 here a little steamer journeys for lOO miles to 
 Kootenay Lake. This picturesque excursion is 
 attractively described in Trac/c and Trail, p. 343, 
 and a good deal is said about the Kootenay district 
 in /A C. in 1887; or Three of Us in British 
 Columbia. Golden City is a thoroughly Western 
 village, and is the centre of a gold and silver 
 mining district. 
 Till', CuLUMlUA CAiNOxX. 
 Arriving at Donald at ten o'clock (six days' rail 
 from Quebec) we have to put our watches back for 
 still another hour, so that we are now seven hours 
 behind the old country. 
 We climb steadily up the valley of the Columbia 
 until, in Rogers' Pass, we reach the summit, and 
 then pass through many miles of snow-sheds. 
 At last we are in the heart of the Selkirks, and 
 stay at Glacier Station (here pronounced "glay- 
 shur "), iiunost as grand as the Rhone glacier at the 
 BV oci;a\, rRAiRii:, and teak 
 I ;'i 
 m ii 
 Fiircka I'ass. Down below my bedroom window 
 at tlie hotel a frisky, good-natured, chained bear 
 amused all comers by his friendliness. All around 
 exasperating mosquitoes attacked one viciously. 
 " () }c ice and snow, IjIcss yc die Lord, 
 I'raibc Him unci magnify Him for c\er." 
 "Call me at 4.15 to-morrow morning," were my 
 last words ere 1 retired. I was awake, however, at 
 3.30, and out at four. After some breakfast I set 
 off for a seven hours' hard climb. 
 James Neves, a sturdy, experienced guide, had 
 undertaken to take mc up to the very top of the 
 " Wild Goat " Glacier — lying to the south-west of 
 the mighty ice-giant which dominates this valley 
 where the Glacier Hotel is built. 
 A Canadian, from Ottawa, wished to join in the 
 " big climb," and wc had, as he said, " a pretty con- 
 siderable tough time"; but we were not "whipped." 
 In the early morning (but not before the mosquitoes 
 were awake) we travelled some miles through dense 
 green forest, pushing through a jungle of thick 
 undergrowth and bushes, blueberry and rhododen- 
 drons, by the edge of the tearing glacier stream 
 known as the Illecillewaet (an Indian word, pro- 
 nounced " Illy-silly-wart," meaning " Rushing Tor- 
 rent"), plunging over big stones, crossing the icy 
 torrent on a single tree all wet with spray, on, 
 on, up and up, until muscles were aching and lungs 
 panting. Wc did not come across a grizzly bear, 
 or sec any of those strange-shaped mountain goats, 
 the Big-IIorns, but we killed a chipmunk, or rather 
 our guide's dog did. 
 At last we reached the foot of the huge ice- 
 mountain, the Wild Goat Glacier, and commenced 
 our real climb, and when we fairly got on the snow 
 we left our enemies, the mosquitoes, behind. The 
 comarc of Arctic Russia (the culcx dialwhis of Rae) 
 showed itself to be a true vVnglophil when I 
 wandered through its native forests, but the mos- 
 quito of British Columbia said to me constantly, in 
 its own musical language, " Fc-fi-fo-fumJ smell the 
 blood of an RuinUshmanr Its friendship was too 
 close and assiduous, and I was glad to find that it 
 would not venture into unknown regions of ice and 
 Up and up, ever deep snow and round dangerous 
 crevasses, until the glacier was 1000 feet thick 
 beneath our feet, and we were 7,794 feet (about a 
 mile and a half) above the level of the sea. It is 
 some years since I did some ver}- amateur climbing 
 in Switzerland, and the rarefied air and deep snow 
 made me gasp painfully, and breathe with the 
 mouth wide open, falimg now and again utterly 
 exhausted, to lie on the snow for a few minutes' 
 rest, filling my burning mouth with snow, contrary 
 to all conventional rules of mountaineering. About 
 ten o'clock we were gazing from the summit into a 
 mystic land beyond, whose mountains were greater, 
 and its glaciers and ice-fields more wide-spreading, 
 than anything that is visited from the railway. 
 A ! wc lay on the snow eating our sandwiches, 
 r.v orF.AN, rKAiRTi:. .wn it.ak 
 I ! 
 i i 
 i'i i 
 Ml: ?' 
 t ^^^ i 
 and watchin^c,^ Ihc clrirtinjT smoke of the distant 
 forest fires, our guide told us of his work of explor- 
 ation,in the neighbourhood, and gave us the names 
 of the mountains and glaciers now lying before 
 and below us. 
 The Royal Geographical Society published a 
 most valuable map of this immediate region, in 
 the March number 1888, of the magazine, which 
 map has been of greater use to me in identifying 
 the peaks and glaciers than even our worthy 
 guide's knowledge. The Rev. W. Spotswood 
 Green, M.A., staj-ed at Glacier House for some 
 time, and surveyed the mountains and glaciers 
 around. I'rom this map and the exhaustive paper 
 read before the R.G.S., I see that we were looking 
 down on to the Geikie Glacier and across to Mounts 
 1^'ox, Dawson, and Donkin, surrounding the great 
 Dawson Glacier, which is not unlike the Jlfrr dc 
 G/ace, in the Chamounix Valley, in Switzerland, as 
 seen from the 77<,^wr, where the yi/i^////A'i" dominate 
 that glacier, rising above the Maiivais Pas. Mr. 
 Green writes, *' The valley we had looked into was 
 unknown." James Neves, the guide, lias since 
 crossed it to Mount Fox. Our view was impres- 
 sive, the silence awful. What a tiny atom one 
 feels in the midst of these mighty mountains ! It 
 helps one to realize the Omnipotence which made 
 them all, and which careth for the sparrows, and 
 much more for us. 
 What a descent! Glissading, plunging through 
 the snow, and fighting and struggling downwards, 
 and descending gradually, like the man with the 
 parachute, to the level of the ordinary world. Here 
TO Till' SUMMIT OF THV: AT.USKAN (.I-.\(T1.K 151 
 and there across our track yawned the awful 
 crevasses, great open-mouthed fissures, into which 
 we could cast a lump of ice and listen to it ratllinpj 
 downwards till we could hear no longer. Across 
 the crevasses the deep snow formed natural bridges, 
 across which we stepped delicately, like Agag, in 
 danger of an awful and sudden end. I silently 
 returned a thanksgiving when the lasi" acre of slip- 
 pery ice had been crossed, and we were standing 
 on mother earth again. 
 We found our companions the mosquitoes 
 patiently waiting for us at the toot o.' the glacier 
 (unless, indeed, they were another set) ; and then 
 came the scramble for an hour or tsvo through the 
 hot forest, as we trotted behind our faithful guide, 
 Neves, till the welcome sight of the Glacier Hotel 
 presented itself, and the cinnamon bear gambolled 
 in ecstasy at the end of his chain to sec us safe 
 back. Wet and weary, and scorched by sun and 
 snow, we were soon dry, refreshed, and happy. 
 These picturesque mountain hotels at Field, at 
 Glacier, and at North l^end arc all designed in 
 Swiss c/n'^Iet style by Mr. Thos, C\ Sdrby, an 
 iMiglish architect living at Victoria. They are built 
 chieHy of wood, and the dining-rooms made bright 
 Avith contrasting timber and panelling. The 
 frradients on the mountains are too heavy to 
 permit of dining-cars, and these supply their place. 
 On leaving this lovely spot we descend rapidly, 
 and the railway zigzags down by the Great ]knd, 
 clinging to the mountain side, and crossing occa- 
 sionally on trestle-bridge.-: over the rushing river 
 below. Tlic scenery in Columbia is far nobler than 
 ]\\ Or.KAN, rRAIRTl', WD PT'AK 
 : I 
 anythinpf \vc have seen to the cast. Hundreds of 
 miles of deep canon and swirHnj:^ rivers. In tlie 
 cvcninpf we skirt tlic c^rcat Sluiswap Lake and see 
 i|y!ii;if|l..t,::'ii;;i!niti}'/:i^i; :!''>, 
 IIIK CKlvM H1:N!>. 
 the Indian in his frail canoe fishing; the tranquil 
 surface reflecting the. purple clouds so clear in this 
 marvellous atmosphere. 
 VALi:, ON Till': I'RASKR KHKR. 
 I could not wish to live to the end of my days 
 in a more noble spot than at this point in the gorge 
^■.\I,I:, o\ Tin: i'KasI'K lavi'u 
 of the iM'ascr River. 1 Icrc, fornicrl)', w.is the head 
 of navic^ation, 103 miles from X'ancouvcr and 3000 
 miles from Quebec. Now it is little more than a 
 shrunken village of wooden shanties. 
 Through the night we had passed along the 
 canons of the Thompson and the 1^'raser, and in 
 the early morning had been continuall)- astounded 
 and almost stupefied with the heights and depths 
 above and below us. Many felt very fearful in 
 passing at tremendous heights over the canons on 
 creaking trestle-bridges. 
 At 9.20 we shot through a tunnel and emerged 
 near Yale. Here I left my last charge— Francis 
 Dockerell — to go on to New Westminster, having 
 given him a letter to the good Bishop Sillitoe, 
 The train sped away and friends waved from the 
 Pullman car platform as it disappeared. I left my 
 luggage in the waiting-room and found my way 
 over to the Railroad Hotel, a thoroughly Western 
 establishment — a wooden, one-storied building, with 
 a primitive shanty up the " street " for a bedroom 
 for the male visitors. 
 Hundreds of Chinese live in this neighbourhood. 
 Many work as miners or ,vash the soil of the 
 Fraser River to get gokl. They also go out as 
 cooks, and all the laundries are kept by them. 
 Here is a sien at Yale — 
 F!V orrw. T'RATnTi:. .\\i> 1'T"\k 
 I ! 
 lit ! 
 I'lic " cily " coiiliiins iiboiit .^oo inhabitants. 
 Having a stock of soiled linen, 1 went over and 
 found two Chinamen in their dark blue clothes and 
 \onrr hanginjT pig-tails. Yung Woo gave mc his 
 card in Chinese characters. I couldn't read it. 
 They charged ten cents a piece (that is, fivcpencc per 
 article), which is a good deal more, I believe, than 
 wc pay in England. They wash well, and can cook 
 One of them next morning was stupefied with 
 opium. Up in the moui.tains they are a lower set 
 than down on the coast. I visited their burial- 
 ground, and saw the queer enclosure and a sort of 
 flag-staff with rags of white material. Occasionally 
 their relatives have the bodies dug up and for- 
 warded to China. The Paiihia took a freight of 
 coffms some time ago, and the wily Chinee put five 
 sets of bones in each coffm. 
 .. :' \ 
 In 9 
 Lion went with me. lie was a very big dog 
 with a leather muzzle on to keep him from biting 
 the Siwashes. i^SkvasJi is a corruption of Smivaf^e, 
 and is the general name by which the various 
 tribes of Indians to the west of the Kockies arc 
 known.) Wc went down the village, and the 
 Chinese took more interest in Lion than in me — he 
 had evidently established his character in Yale. 
 We passed out by the Ranchcrie of the Siwashes 
 and the Chinese burial-ground, and out on the 
 mountain side. Lovely butterflies, tropically 
 gorgeous and of enormous size, flew past under the 
 l)iirninj^ sun. W'c 
 saw sonic of ihc old 
 wagons wliicli were 
 dra^-gcd by teams 
 of mules before the 
 CM'. R. cncrincs 
 whistled in this 
 canon, and the 
 bones ot a mule 
 which died on the 
 road. Then we 
 turned back to the 
 Rancheric, and in- 
 terviewed some of 
 the Indians, but 
 Lion left me, dis- 
 gusted that I made 
 friends with Red- 
 The Si washes are 
 more civilized than 
 their brethren on 
 our side of the 
 Rocky Mountains. 
 They live in huts, 
 and fish, or work 
 even on the rail- 
 road. Some are 
 Roman Catholics. 
 David, an Indian 
 with whom I talk- 
 ed, was himself a 
 Roman Catholic, 
 - ■ ^' ■ ^^^^^l^fKlK'*!'^^*^^ 
 ixhi.w s\'.^Jo^• 'rAfiiE.' 
 but said tlic priest had not been at Yale yet that 
 year. There is a Roman chapel, and a tin}' Indian 
 burial-ground, with curious carved devices on some 
 of the graves, l^^our rude canoes were stuck on the 
 posts at each corner of the grave. 
 ■ ; 
 t i 
 The mountains round Yale are very noble, very 
 precipitous and bold. With an Indian youth as 
 my guide, the ascent became chiefly a matter of 
 muscle and wind 
 As we went up and up through the bull-pine, fir 
 trees, balsams, and larches, we left the village away 
 far below us ; the little houses grew smaller, the 
 mighty Fraser River became a stream ; fresh 
 ranges of mountains came in sight which had not 
 been seen from below, and behind all were the 
 snow-capped Hope Mountains, piercing the blue 
 summer sk}'. 
 Readers of yl Sportsninii's Edcu will remember 
 these same Hope Mountains, and the Grizzly 
 ]^ears and L;s^-Horns roamincf about and comincf 
 across Mr. rhilips-Wolley's line of fire. I had 
 nothing but a walking-stick for the bears, but they 
 most considerately kept out of the way. 
 We rested in a dell, and Isaac, my guide, gave 
 mo the names of surrounding objects in Fraser 
 River Indian. *'ir tree — kockia ; poplar — Jiictrj.a ; 
 grass— .v/i'r/'/vr ■ ^'one — sbarl. Isaac is a yellow- 
 skinned Fra::r;i River Indian about sixteen. He 
 can speak a f.-w words in English, but A\as taci- 
 turn enough for one of T'enimore Cooper's noble 
 rX A COL!) A\(t SIIA'I'K MiXi; 
 sav-igcs. \Vc tried to kill a snake between us, but 
 the reptile escaped. 
 Isaac's father is called Captain Tuin ; but Isaac 
 lives With his h.df-brother, George, who is the 
 Mission interpreter, lie did not hke being cross- 
 examined even in a friendly way. lie told me 
 that he did nothing, and did not know what he 
 was going to be or do when a man. lie knew that 
 there were bears around us. He had not travelled 
 far, but had canoed down tlic Fraser River to New 
 Westminster, lie had been baptized, and knew 
 that Jksus CliklST was nailed to the cross for him. 
 lie went to churcii ^..ometimes. Isaac was not a 
 favourable specimen of the native Christian, yet he 
 was cpiitc as good as most English boys. 
 1 made the acquaintance of the ^Mission doctor, 
 Dr. A. Pearse, who works among the Indians, and 
 we went a walk together up the caiion, and looked 
 in at the joss-house, where a smiling Chinee 
 seemed pleased to see us. 
 Away up the high llr-clad mountains I climbed, 
 following a trail for some miles, while the hot sun 
 poured down and the streams rushed past from 
 melting snows above, until at last I found signs of 
 miners' work. 
 Thomas Ratelin, witli liis cousin, recently fiom 
 Cornwall, was driving a drift, in the daily expecta- 
 tion of coming on a ''find." "Hello!" I shouted 
 down the dark drift ; and back from the mountain's 
 heart came a responsive telephonic shout, " Hello ! " 
 i;v oci;ax, rRAikii:, and ri;AK 
 It 1 
 I ■! i'^il 
 1 ! 
 2 !' 
 § M 
 I'i^i i 
 1:; iV 
 One of the lights moved out to mc, and its bearer 
 seemed astonished to find an KngHshman so far 
 up the trail. I followed him up the tunnel, and 
 stood by whilst he swung his great hammer, with 
 a " Ugh ! " forced from his lungs at each blow. 
 At last we were readv to fire several shots, and 
 retreated hurriedly into the open air, and sitting 
 on a log, waited for the thundering bangs which 
 soon went echoing through the mountains. 
 This was one of three tunnels, and they gave me 
 specimens of the minerals obtained. A miner has 
 to take out a licence from Government, and then 
 he may settle down on any unclaimed spot and 
 stake it off, and on making an application it 
 becomes his own. Miners make from one dollar a 
 day up to one hundred dollars, but more often near 
 the former amount. My friends the Columbian 
 miners shared their lunch with me, and then I 
 started off up the mountains and attempted to get 
 to the summit of one great mass, but only lost my 
 My chief object in stopping at Yale was to sec 
 some of the work amonix the Fraser River Indians. 
 I found that Bisliop Sillitoe had the previous day 
 ^one up to Lytton, to be present at the great 
 annual gathering of the Indians at Britannia (or 
 Treatannia), some sixteen miles from the station 
 at Lytton. If I had known in time, I should 
 have made a great effort to have joined them. 
 All the Church Indians meet together once a 
 year, and the IHshop with his clergy prepare them 
 for Confirmation or Baptism, as the case may be. 
 At the end of the week the rite is celebrated, 
 and afterwards there is the Holy Communion. 
 The Bishop had a tent for a church. I shall 
 always be glad that I stayed at Yale, and saw a 
 little of the good work going on among the Indian 
 and half-breed children. 
 "Where is the Mission school.^" I inquired at 
 the station. " Do you see that white house with 
 the verandah, there among the trees near the 
 railway .'' That is where the Sisters have their 
 school." I had dinner at the chief wooden 
 erection in the village, kept by a kind-hearted 
 woman, Mrs, Reeivespeach, and called the Rail- 
 road Hotel. Here I came in contact with Western 
 miners, railroad- men, and the Hudson Bay agent. 
 After dinner I set out for the Mission. Down the 
 line and along the road, until at last I was at the 
 gate under the trees, and walked up to the veran- 
 dah, where stood a little table with some books and 
 a chair. From the woods round the house came 
 merry laughter as I stood, having rung the bell. 
 Masses of creeping plants hung and grew in 
 profusion, forming a curtain to the verandah, but 
 leaving an opening, a great frame to the glorious 
 mountains and swift river, and a wooden bridge 
 within a stone's throw carrying the rails of the 
 C.P.R. across a ravine. Sister Alice, the sister-in- 
 charge, soon came into the room into which I had 
 been shown, and welcomed me to the Mission. 
 The Mother Superior had not been well, and was 
 resting- at New Westminster. 
 ? I 
1 1 
 II i 
 l; t • 
 It ( 
 I ( 
 P ij '>? 
 I' ill 
 Si- ) . 
 It was very delightful and inspiring to sec these 
 perfect ladies living here out of the world amongst 
 miners, and Chinamen, and Siwashes, and to find 
 how the people loved them. The sistcr-in-charge 
 showed me through the buildings and told me of 
 their plans for the future. They had Indians and 
 half-breeds, but intended to receive white children 
 also, placing them in a separate wing, and with the 
 fees for the white children to help the funds 
 required for supporting the Siwash children. 
 We saw the dormitories, all iicat and sweet — the 
 fresh air blowing through the open windows — and 
 the school-room where the lessons are gone through. 
 The Indian children are very cjuick at figures. 
 Whit- Monday and Whit-Tuesday are observed 
 as holidays, and on Monday the girls went down 
 the Fraser River in canoes, experienced Indians at 
 the paddles. To-day the girls were all in the 
 garden. One set had rigged up a wigwam with 
 their shawls and cloaks, and a bright-eyed little 
 Siwash peeped knowingly through the window of 
 the wigwam, and all seemed full of fun. Another 
 party were fishing in the stream, and found it 
 pleasant in the heat to dabble with bare feet in the 
 cold rushing water. 
 The oldest, a half-breed — Mary Schwartz (her 
 father is of German extraction, her mother an 
 Indian) — is now advanced to the post of cook. 
 One has gone into service, and one wishes to go 
 back to her tribe to teach them. Sometimes they 
 go home for ii holiday, but they Hke to come back 
 to the Sisters. The Sisters have found them very 
 tractable, and the half-breed children have turned 
 out better than they expected, llalf-brceds are 
 generally credited with unreliability of character. 
 To raise sufficient funds the Sisters have gone 
 out each year collecting, and have journeyed as far 
 as California, ahvays receiving courtesy, and often 
 something more solid and helpful. 
 There had been no clergyman at Yale on Whit- 
 Sunday, so I suggested that we should have a 
 Celebration of the Holy Communion at seven 
 o'clock in the morning, before I left. 
 In the little, pretty wooden church, whose 
 chancel and altar fittings so plainly spoke of taste 
 and devotion, we gathered in the early morning — 
 five Indian maidens and three English ladies. The 
 church was decorated the previous evening by two 
 of the ladies, assisted by willing Indian hands. I 
 shall not forget that service. Near the door 
 crouched an Indian named George, who rang the 
 bell ; outside on the steps an old Indian had 
 warmly shaken me by the hand as I entered. Wc 
 had our service in the *' Englishman's Church." 
 There is also another called the Indian's Church, 
 whose services are held in Eraser River Indian 
 The girls at the Mission, however, understand 
 English, and those present had been confirmed. 
 Their devout and prayerful manner would teach 
f ' 
 Ii 1 
 ;i II 
 Bi H 
 fp 1 H 
 li ' H 
 ' pp 
 1!\ OCKAX, I'KAlkl]-, AND I'KAIv 
 US all by example. So '• lie was made known to 
 us in the l^reaking of 13i-ead " in that little wooden 
 church by the rushiny Fraser River. As I pro- 
 nounced the Benediction, the west door being open, 
 I could see the waving foliage, and across the rail- 
 road the white houses of the villaere. 
 Nearly 6000 miles from their homes do 
 these brave women work in that beautiful vale. 
 " God bless them ! " is the benediction of many a 
 rough man there, and I venture to add it as mine 
 As I went aboard the cars a kind note was 
 placed in my hand. It runs as follows — 
 "Rev. Ax\J) Dear Sir, 
 " I was not able to see you after the 
 service this morning, but I am anxious to express 
 to you our grateful thanks for your kindness in 
 giving us a Celebration. We arc much obliged 
 also for the periodicals, they will give much 
 pleasure to the children. 
 "Wishing you a pleasant and safe journey, 
 " I remain, dear and Rev. Sir, 
 "Yours faithfully in CllRlST, 
 "Sister Alice Louisa, 
 "C. A. H. 

 On the Pacific Coa.st 
 From Yale the run down to the coast, about 130 
 miles, is beautiful, though not grand as is the 
 scenery above. At last we see the masts of large 
 vessels lying at anchor or moored alongside wooden 
 erections, and we know as we look out over a 
 lovely sheet of water that we have come to the 
 Pacific Ocean, or at all eve'.ts to an arm of the 
 sea — Burrard Inlet. The I'raser River has its 
 mouth a few miles further south of this spot, after 
 it has passed New Westminster with its salmon 
 The terminus of this railway line of 3000 miles 
 is in the new "city" called "Vancouver." In 1881 
 it was forest, in 189 1 it had a population of about 
 14,000, and has been rapidly increasing since. In 
 1887 it was burnt to the ground, but in a few 
 weeks it rose again. In fact while it was burning 
 they commenced re-buiiding. 
 The wonderful timber which grows here was a 
 great help. The Douglas P'ir grows to the height 
 of nearly 300 feet, and is from twelve to fifteen feet 
 j;v (x:r;.\N, rKAiKir., AxND 1'i:ak 
 I r 
 ■v.\ ii 
 in diameter at its base. Planks, ete., can be sawn 
 and used without seisunini;. Lovely scenes met 
 one on lantl or on the water. l>urrard Inlet is 
 a noble mountain-girt expanse of sea-water. A 
 sheet of greenish-blue crystal stretched unruflled 
 under an azure sky, and some few miles away at 
 the other side of this broad Sound, the lofty 
 Cascade Mountains cut into the sky in sharp 
 serrated outlines ; but though miles away, every 
 detail clear In this most transparent atmosphere. 
 Far out on the broad waters an Indian sat in 
 one of those sharp-prowed sea-canoes of the 
 Songhish, or more Northern Pacific coast Indians. 
 He was fishing. 
 1 visited the church of which the Rev. II. G. F. 
 Clinton is rector. He is doing a great work, and 
 is a favourite with the young men. The font is 
 made out of a huge boulder, carved and hewn, and 
 standing on other great slabs. One could almost 
 immerse an adult in it. It lay here as a great 
 stone among the trees for centuries before this was 
 chosen as a site for the church. The clergy were 
 all in synod to-day at New Westminster, under 
 the presidency of good Bishop Sillitoe, w4io has 
 passed to his rest, after a most self-denying 
 THE llOSriTAL. 
 Adjoining tlie church, which is a tasteful wooden 
 structure of Elizabethan design, is an hospital, 
 managed by Sister T^-ancis. This is a great boon 
 to the town. The Sister also looks after servant 
 girls coming from England, and provides them 
 with homes, and keeps up a friendship with them. 
 Mr. Clinton, among many other duties, undertakes 
 those of chaplain of the hospital. 
 The S.S. PartJiia arrived this morning from 
 Yokohama, having previously touched at Hong 
 Kong and other ports. She had on board 150 
 Chinese. They have to pay fifty dollars each (about 
 ;^io) for permission to land. They had not been 
 passed, and were crowded 'tween decks, where 
 I visited them, and found a strongly-pervading 
 Celestial odour. On the PartJiia also had come 
 two parishioners from Roker, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, 
 who had been taking a trip right round the world. 
 The rector of St. James' very kindly answered 
 some queries in the following letter, which is most 
 important for those who are thinking of emigration. 
 "Vancouver, B.C., 
 '■^ Scptciiibcy 9, 
 " I had found out the Robson family soon 
 after they landed, and when I had your message, 
 I told him to write at once, which he promised to 
 do. lie has not been very successful in obtaining 
 employment here at present, though he has some 
 kind of desultory work to do. Andrews is \\\ the 
 choir, and a very useful voice. lie is doing well 
 A I 

 1 66 
 \i ri 
 enough now, tliough lie had a little difficulty at 
 first in obtaining work ; now he is cmploj'ed by a 
 wholesale liquor firm as, I believe, warehouseman. 
 "Andrews is a man with plenty of push, and a 
 fund of hope always in reserve, and that is the kind 
 of immigrant who is pretty certain to do well out 
 here. There are three kinds of men whose arrival 
 brings me anxiety — 
 " I. — T//OSC ivJio arc ahsolntcly destitute of money — 
 'dead broke' as loe say. Every one should have 
 enough spare cash to carry him over the first two 
 months at least, and that means not less than ;^io, 
 but double or treble that if possible. For the best 
 workman cannot make sure of getting work at 
 once, and in a general way a man has to get known 
 b}' other men in the place in order to get work. 
 Of course there are xcvy man)' cases where a man 
 docs get work almost immediatel}', but these arc 
 rather the exceptions. 
 " 2. — T/iose ivJio Jiave got no pusJi in tJiew^ and if 
 tJiey are not fortunate in obtaining employment at 
 once, give up trying^ and lose Jieart. There are many 
 who are out here for months without getting any- 
 thing to do, while others with no more ability, but 
 more of what is called ' luck,' step into places which 
 they might have got. Of course one must not be 
 too sweeping in making such a statement, for after 
 all there are some whose failure to get on is not to 
 be explained thus, and can only be put down to 
 want of luck. But still, a man without plenty of 
 push has, I fear, not much chance out here. 
 " 3. — T J lose who will not take the first thing that 
 offers, or having taken a Job ivill not stick to it till 
 they can get a better. It is no use coming out here 
 with the determination only to take one particular 
 kind of work. The men who get on best are those 
 who arc not above taking anything. I have met 
 with too many who will pick and choose instead of 
 taking the first thing that came ; and I ha\'c known 
 too many who are continually throwing up a job 
 because they are not satisfied. Such men soon get 
 the character of ' loafers,' and are like the dog with 
 the bad name. This a bad place for idle men ; 
 there is such abundance )f temptations in the 
 whisky shops or saloons, as they are called, and 
 there are practically no other places lor many to 
 pass their time, and so it comes to p.i .s that idle- 
 ness, and that, perhaps, of no fault of theirs, as far 
 as one can see, is often the highway to ruin of 
 body and soul. 
 " Every one that comes out should have some 
 trade if he means to work, for even if he cannot 
 o-et work at that particular trade, he is used to 
 work, and knows what work means ; and, indeed, 
 there are few 'soft,' ?. c'.easy places, for any one 
 here. The young gentleman who has never done 
 anything had better stop with his friends at home 
 until he has learnt to work, and work hard. We 
 have too many of these young gentlemen who 
 know nothing useful in the colonies. 
 " Of course, those I like to see come out are the 
 opposite in character and condition to them I have 
 spoken of, and besides, they are true and staunch 
 Churchmen. I think, too, that they ought to have 
 reached a sober age— say twenty-four at least— if 
 they are coming out independently. 
 i^s i'.v oci'an, i'rairn:. ant) i'i'.ak 
 ('ommi:ni)atoky jjttkks. 
 " I would like to press upon the clergy at home, 
 that they fjive them who go from their churches 
 letters to the clergy into whose parishes they are 
 going, which they may present upon their arrival. 
 To write to the clergy direct, and omit to give 
 letters to the immigrants, is frequently a disap- 
 pointment on all sides, as it is sometimes, or gener- 
 ally, almost an impossibility to find the person 
 about whom the letter is written, in a place which 
 IS every week crowded with new arrivals. I would 
 also recommend that the clergy take the trouble to 
 write to those who have gone from among them, im- 
 pressing upon them their duty of finding out the 
 church and the parish priest. So many become 
 careless, and get intp bad wa\'s, who might be 
 brought into touch with the Church here by a 
 friendly reminder from the clergymen at home. 
 " There are at present openings for good domestic 
 servant girls. But they should be selected with 
 great care. The temptations to servant girls are 
 very great here, so that on the moral side of the 
 question the greatest care in selection should be 
 made, and those in whose morals the fullest confi- 
 dence cannot be placed should not be allowed to 
 come here. The work is hard, in many cases verj' 
 hard, and, therefore, no girls who are lazy, or 
 unused to hard work, or who are not ready to do 
II i 
 TO van(OUvi:k island 
 far more than as a nil'- is demanded of servant 
 girls at home, are likely to be of use. With many 
 instances of failure from both these points of view, 
 in my mind, I feel most stroni^ly that greater care 
 should be exercised than has been hitherto. I 
 cannot altogether accjuit the Society of want 
 of care in these respects. 
 "All Church girls should also be communicants, 
 and should be sent direct to the clergy. St. Luke's 
 J lome in this tc.v n has for one of its objects the 
 caring for servant girls, and all sent to Vancouver 
 should be sent to this institution. There is nothing 
 new, I know, in these observations, but I think they 
 are none the worse for that. I have only to add 
 this piece of advice, that in many cases it would 
 be far better to conimuiiicate ivitli the clergy of the 
 different places, and wait for their answer before 
 deciding as to en/ignition. There are many v/ho 
 would now be much better off remaining in old 
 England had this advice been acted upon. It is 
 better to wait six weeks, for that is all it means in 
 these days of rapid travel, than to find too late that 
 the step was a mistake. 
 . *' Yours very sincerely, 
 "II. G. F. Clinton." 
 Though my ticket is to Vancouver, yet it does 
 not take me to Vancouver Island. I have to 
 purchase a steamer-ticket still. We sail out 
 among the tree-covered islets, and over the blue 
 waters of this Pacific fiord, and coasting along 
1 70 
 \'A OCK.W, CRArKIi;. AX I) I'I'.AK 
 Vancouver Island \vc at last come round a promon- 
 tory, and Victoria lies on the hillside, the wooden 
 square tower of the cathedral high up above all. 
 The habitation of the IMossbacks. INTossback 
 is not a kind of Indian. It is the Yankee 
 Canadian description of the casy-cjoiug E- li- 
 man, who prefers to work on steadily to ivUlincf 
 himself by the frenzy of business excitement, by 
 which his brethren on the mainland wear them- 
 selves out prematurely. The Victorian move> so 
 Ic'surely, says the cute Yaiikec (or the Canailian 
 from die east, still cuter), that the moss has time 
 to ^rovyT on his back. 
 Much more English is it than any town on the 
 American continent. One sees hansom cabs, and 
 Ihitish Jack Tars, and red-coated marines, and yet 
 (juaintly mixed with them hosts of Chinese, and 
 groups of Songhish Indians, 
 On the crest of the town is the cathedral, where 
 the Bishop of Columbia officiates. The Rector of 
 the cathedral (answering in a modified way to the 
 Dean in our land) is the Rev. Arthur J. Beanlands, 
 a graduate of Durham University, and well known 
 in that city. His grandfather and a grandfather of 
 the writer were cousins. He resides in the pleasant 
 rectory adjoining the cathedral, where I am now 
 writing. From my window I can see the Sound, 
 and at night the full moon ' ; inos on the still 
 'vaters. Canon Beanlands does a good work here, 
 and is spoken highly of by all. The cathedral is 
 furnished in crood taste, and lliDUuh a wooden 
 buildin^q', is lir'."dsomc. 
 J'Voni the battlcmcnted roof of tlie hii;h s{[uare 
 wooden tower wo had an extensive view, Down 
 below, like a model, lay the houses and harbour, 
 and the smooth sea beyond. My friend and t^uide, 
 the clerk of the church, was delightfully talkative, 
 and pointed out the Chinese l)urial-:;r(nm(l, assured 
 mc that he had seen Mount l^alcer, on the main- 
 land, vomit flame, recounted his hair-breadth 
 escapes in the harbour, and told mc of the poor 
 lad who was drowned and was to be buried on 
 Sunday ; and as we climbed down tlic ladder, and 
 the pigeons flew from their ncsis, he inveighed 
 against choir-bo\'s who came up here on Sunday 
 and caught these doves, etc., etc. 
 M}' host and I walked out some three or four 
 miles or... hot June afternoon to see over the 
 iifscnal and dockyard for our North Pacific 
 Squadron. Wc passed through the streets of 
 Victoria with their wooden side walks, and tall 
 telephone poles and taller electric light posts, past 
 the post-office, and English shops, over the bridge, 
 across an arm of the vSound, through the Indian 
 Reservation, for some distance down the Island 
 Railway (Esquimault and Nanaimo Railway), and 
 for some miles along the edge of the woods, emerg- 
 ing at last near the pretty church at P^squiinault, 
 which is attended by the mcn-o'-wars men and 
 r.v oci'AN, rKAikii:, .\\i> i-kak 
 ii ■ 
 VVc saw the c^rcat stone dry-dock, and looked 
 out at the AuipJiiou, tlie Siviftsiiir, and the /arms, 
 floatin''" in tlie bav, and had a talk with a sensible 
 " I won't believe the fleet cfoes to the Behrincf 
 Sea about these sealers till it really leaves. \Vc 
 expect n.M.S. CJiampioii every moment, she is 
 overdue now, and then the ships c^o round to 
 Burrard Inlet and Dominion Bay. 
 *' Yes, there is a c^ood numlicr of deserters to 
 the States. They think they've got to an V\ 
 Dorado, but many of 'em would come back to- 
 morrow if they thoui^ht they would escape punish- 
 I met the chaplain of the flagship up at Mr. 
 Innis's house in the dock^•ard crrounds. Mr. Tunis, 
 the naval agent here, is a strong Churchman, has 
 done much to improve Ksquimault Church. 
 A few days after my return, a courageous young 
 lady set out from our next parish (Whitburn) and 
 journeyed across North Americi to be married in 
 this same Esquimault Church. I was able to give 
 her some practical advice about her journey ; and 
 being brave, kind-hearted, and capable, she travelled 
 the 6000 miles without losing either her temper or 
 her luggage, and " cabled " the news of her wedding 
 home, so that it was in the English papers next 
 On the Island of Vancouver and on the North 
 Pacific fiords are a great number of Indians 
 nil; ( iiiNoDK hiAi.ixr 
 / ,"> 
 (lifTerciit to aiiv in tin; prairies, and .sli<:lulv 
 diltcrciit fruiu the ThoiniJ.son and Frasci River 
 Indians. They have long wooden eanoes willi 
 raised bows, from which they catch fish, and in 
 which they journey great distances down the coast 
 with their famihes and tents. They bring in 
 curiosities and weapons to sell. There are dealers 
 in one street in the town, and you will see the 
 Indians sitting on the floor with bows and arrows, 
 or carvings out of deer's horn or stone, and useful 
 bark mats. Then having got a little money, they 
 are to be seen with o[)en eyes at the shops, and 
 they purchase something bright and gay. The 
 \vomen seem fond of red shawls. 
 A means of communication with all the Indians 
 is the Chinook jargon, a language invented by the 
 Hudson Bay Co., a ////^'■ua Franca oi the West, to 
 fee learned in a fortnight. It has grown out of 
 Canadian- F/ench words and Indian words used by 
 tif^^ Knglii*) traders, and some ICnglish words 
 clij>ped and debased by being used by Indians. It 
 H M%^^\w^y expressive. 
 i |>urchas*4 at Mr. Hibben's store in Govern- 
 »M^ Wvit^, % Chinook Dictionary of the Indian 
 4^ied€ JbNi^ua^v <A the North Pacific Coast. Let 
 •xtra^ a few euphonious examples : — 
 $*0^ fitf to eat; 
 'Xq ^ifik vi/, L<> cat water) 
 Miichwnuck chuck, 
 l!\ Ot'l'.AX. rkAIRII, WD i'l.AK 
 ; J;! 
 ' : I 
 1 1' il 
 The licait f)r will 
 A brave heart ... 
 Sailiiij.;-vesscl ... 
 Steamer ... 
 Worn-out horse ... 
 Skookuir. liiiiilit>ii. 
 Stick .ship, 
 S<tU chuck. 
 Olciniin kiiititn. 
 '1 he Indian cjrectingin Chinook is " Kla-how-yiu'' 
 It origmatcd tlius, wc are told {Track and Trail, 
 p. 205;. The Indians lieard Sir James Douglas 
 address his second in command when they met, 
 with '• Clark, how are you ? " This they imitated 
 as best they could, and produced " Kla-how-yar 
 We visited an encampment on the Indian 
 Reservation, and found a number of Coast Indians 
 with their great canoes made fast to the shore. 
 In one was a young Indian playing a concertina 
 he had just purchased. Others in tents on the 
 grass, or playing cards with much earnestness, 
 probably gambling. W'e saw a white man among 
 them, who had probably married a kloocJunan (an 
 Indian squaw), and thrown in his lot with the 
 Indians, to become more degraded than they. 
 Good missionaries are workini 
 North Pacific Indians, and notably among the 
 Oueen Charlotte Islanders and Kitkatlas, who are 
 in the diocese of New Caledonia. Dr. Vernon 
 Ardagh, who was the house-surgeon at our Monk- 
 wearmouth I Ios]:)ital, is now a medical missionary 
 (C. M.S.; on thi.s North Pacific Mission. 1 ])ur- 
 chasod to-day one of the ghastly wootltn mask- 
 faces which these Indians use in their potlack 
 / ."> 
 dances, its high chcck-boiics and IMon-ul i-ycs 
 fairly representing the Sunghish t\()e. 
 The town swarms with mild-faced Chinamen. 
 In one part (China-tuwn) the streets are entirely 
 Chinese — you miglit be in Ibjiig Kong. \'ou see 
 all the signs in Chinese characters, and bows of 
 ribbon and gold-paper ornaments of a religious 
 nature over the doors. I looked in at a barber's 
 shop, and smiled internally as I saw the Chinese 
 solemnly having their heads shaved and their pig- 
 tails dressed. There are about 3000 Chinese and 
 9000 white people in the town. The Chinese all 
 dress alike, in blue cloth, in the street, with a felt 
 hat, whose crown is large enough to contain the 
 pigtail when neatly curled up on the head. The 
 women toddle across the streets of China-town 
 with queer little feet in queer boots. 
 We went into the joss-house, and I was much 
 impressed with the gorgeousness of the interior, or 
 rather its gaudiness. A representation of some 
 deity — a Chinese figure with a beard — sat in a 
 shrine, cross-legged. Before him were offerings of 
 cold tea and tish. I put my finger into the cold 
 tea, and found it rather weak. The idol was 
 easily pleased. Round the room, which was a 
 long up-stairs chaml^r, were ( hinese standards, 
 sacred gongs, a sacred umbrella, a i)ainted bell, 
 m'- ^i--;:!' 
 l;V Oif W, 1'!{.\IRIK, .\\I> i'KAK 
 ami pigcuii-holcs, witli lucky texts iiisitlc to choose 
 from, 'riicsc wise men of the Kdsi were wur.shii)pin;4 
 the {)ersoiiificati<)ii of .^oinethinj^' — perhaps the god 
 of merchandise, or the 'j^od of ti.ivels. 1 have 
 only a sliL;ht knowledge of Chinese m)'tholoi;y. 
 Yet one realizes a little of the difficulties in the 
 way of evangelizing China's millions. 
 There were no worshi[>pers while we were In 
 the temple, and the Chinese who passed through 
 did not show any signs of being im[)ressed. I do 
 not know whether the Chinese really fall down 
 an*.l worship the graven image which they have 
 set up. I fancy they are too worldly here to be 
 very religious even in an idolatrous fashion. They 
 reverence their ancestors and are very kind, I am 
 told, to their parents even in life. 
 There are Chinamen servants in every good 
 house. They get about £40 a \ear, and cook 
 perfectl)', and do household work, and keep every- 
 thing clean and orderly. Ah Lee is tiie young 
 Chinaman at the rectory. He wears a clean, 
 wdiite linen dress ; his pigtail is coiled on the to[) 
 of his head. He is absorbed and intent in his 
 work, rarely speaks, and only smiles when trying 
 to plea.se little Miss Dorothy, the golden-haired 
 mistress of three summers. We wanted to see the 
 Chinese theatre, where the play lasts for days 
 and da)'.s, and Chinese life is depicted with strict 
 ** Ah Lee, is theatre now in China-town ? " 
 SiL. •.'I' 
 ' / / 
 "No, Misr l>eanlamls ; nn more ai;.iin. (ioiu^ 
 Portlaiul ; not 'noiigli Cliincc this place." 
 The ([uestioii of Christiani/lng- tlie Cliincse is 
 a very difficult one. A native Christian from 
 Southern China would, it is thought, do the best. 
 They pretend not to understand, and perhaps they 
 do not understand much, when any clergyman 
 talks to them. Ladies have a great power over 
 them. Worldliness, and the indifferent life of 
 C'hristians, arc great barriers to missionary work. 
 I was told that the Methodists had succeeded in 
 converting some few Chinese. I am thaidvful to 
 know that our Church is now making efforts to 
 reach these Chinese in Canada. At Vancouver 
 there is a Chinese catcchist, and a class is regularly 
 held. If only some of these Chinese could r;o 
 home full of Christ, what a blessing they might 
 be in China. Too often they take back an in- 
 cHfferent testimony to the effects of our religion. 
 Chinese have to pay fifty dollars now to Govern- 
 ment before they are permitted to land from China. 
 Everywhere one is told of the failure of English 
 servants, Man)/ a mistress here would willingly 
 advance the expense of the journey to get a good 
 servant out, but so often they get spoilt, even on 
 the journey, by acquiring too great notions of 
 their importance. They very soon get married, 
 and often to men of considerable position. \ 
 hope that they alwa\'s refund their passage-money 
 in this case. 
 A MSIT TU 11 IK STAIKS. — SKAT 11,1. AM> TA( (.).\1A. 
 Away in tlic west of the United States, near 
 the Pacific, and on an arm of the sea called Piicjct 
 Sound, are two sister cities, or rather, rival cities — 
 Seattle (pronounced " Sec-attle ") and Tacoina. 
 They arc worthy of a trip from N'ictorla. 
 Marvellous examples of sudden growth ! A few 
 years ago forest and prairie, now electric tramcars, 
 steam-trams, cable-trams, telephones, huge hotels, 
 stone churches, etc. Yet, great stumps of enor- 
 mous trees rise here and there to remind us of 
 their modern oriirin. 
 On my railroad journey across the Continent 
 the whole train full of people surged and clamoured 
 in excitement one day as an official came in with 
 news that Seattle, with a population of 30,000, had 
 been burnt to the ground. Many of our emigrants 
 were bound for this bustling, growing city, and 
 they were stunned by the news, ^^et they decided 
 to 2fo on, for thev soon heard tint labour would 
 be wanted, and that it was onK' the business part 
 of the city that was destroyed. 
 I sailed to Seattle from Victoria and found the 
 ruins still smoking, and the hose of the firemen 
 still at work. Martial law prevailed in the cit\', 
 and a United States soldier, with loaded rifle, kept 
 us from wandering too far through the acres of 
 burnt buildings. Solid brick and iron buildings 
 T,\<OM.\, WASIIIXC.TON Ti:i^KITOK\- I ;.) 
 were already rising; from the sninkinj^ pfnnitid, ami, 
 like Chicago, Seattle will probably be all the better 
 for beinc;- burnt, aiul a Pho-nix shouKl appear on 
 its city arms. 
 It was a hot June afternoon, after some nine 
 hours' steaming, when we arrived, and our attention 
 was at once drawn to the white tents pitched 
 cvcr\'wherc to accommodate the houseless and the 
 labourers. About twenty Chinese landed from the 
 TiiR 'yosf.mitk i.kavixc ^•.\^•(■o^vI■ k. 
 ^.^.A^orth Pacific, d^nd with their bundles suspended 
 at opposite ends of a long bamboo, they ascended 
 the steep streets in single file, provoking sallies of 
 wit from the settlers, who dubbed them the Chinese 
 Some tlirec hours up the Sound and wc were 
 at the city which takes its name from Mount 
 Tacoma (or Mount Rainier), whose snowy summit 
 astonished us as it thrust its noble head through 
 \\y ori:\x. i'ratrik. \\i> vv \k 
 .i i! 
 the clouds, or blushed in the scttini,^sun all t^lowiiig 
 and rosy some 14,000 feet above us (or rather, to 
 be correct, 14,444 feet above the level of the sea). 
 Captain George Vancouver (he who ^iwc the 
 name to Vancouver Island , discovered Pucjet 
 Sound in May 1792, and named this mountain 
 after Rear- Admiral Rainier, of our English Navy. 
 The original Indian name, " Tacoma," means " Near 
 to Heaven." 
 At Bishop's House, I and my friend received a 
 warm welcome, and found Bishop Paddock indeed 
 " given to hospitality." The last time I had seen 
 the good Bishop was on the grassy lawn at 
 Auckland Castle, on that ever-memorable August 
 afternoon, when Bishops from all the world over 
 met in the chapel re-built by Bishop Cozen and 
 restored by Bishop Lightfoot. 
 There arc two or three churches already in the 
 town, and another is being built. The city is the 
 terminus of one of the three great railway lines 
 which lead to the Pacific, viz. " Northern Pacific 
 Railway." There are about 30,000 inhabitants. 
 The church of the Good Shepherd was crowded 
 in the morning, when an excellent sermon was 
 preached by an English friend on "GOD is love." 
 The service was at eleven a.m., and was simply the 
 Holy Communion Office. From 12.30 to two was 
 the Sunday-school. A curious time, but chosen 
 because convenient to teachers, who live some 
IT \\A> I. All' 
 distance fiDin the cluirch aiul arc present at 
 murniny .service. 
 I spoke to them at a khid of chikireii's service 
 with wln'ch they close, and found them very in- 
 telli<;ent. Such bright children. " Is everything 
 true that is in the Bible > " asked a shar[) boy whom 
 I was teaching. lie was much interested to find 
 that it was, and commenced by showing to his 
 friend the descri[)tion of heaven in the Apocalypse, 
 tellinir him it was all (nic. 
 "IT WA.s LAID. 
 So ran the newspaper heading in the account of 
 a foundation-stone laying. The stone of a new 
 church at Tacoma was laid on Trinity Sunday at 
 five p.m. The IJishop and clergy in their robes took 
 part in the service. We stood among the green 
 young trees on a hill which overlooked the bhie 
 waters of the Sound, and could see the snowy 
 mountains beyond. No house near, but the neigh- 
 bourhood staked out in future streets. It was 
 confidently expected that the church would be sur- 
 rounded by houses before it was finished. They 
 built indeed in hope. 
 The Bishop spoke very ably, and the Rev. J. 
 I lylands, formerly a pioneer missionary clergyman, 
 told us of his work in the Sound before a house of 
 the present town was built. I was called upon as 
 a representative of the old Church iind the old 
 country, and as I stood there in the centre of such 
 an assemblage of earnest American Church folk, I 
 reminded them how that we in luigland were 
 it> HM III 2 2 
 1.25 1.4 
 WEBSTER. NY 14580 
 (7(6) 87J-4b03 

 \\\ C)( 1 \\. I'KAlKIi;, AM) I'l'AK 
 *■ ■' 
 I i 
 united lu thcin by a strcjiigcr bond than lani,aiagc 
 ur race — fellowship through the Churcli of that 
 MASTllk in whose arms we all had been laid, and 
 also by the bonds of sympathy and prayer, 
 TIIK ULDl.ST i;i:i.L TOWKk IN U.S.A. 
 At Old Tacoma, the original settlement, some 
 little distance from the great modern town, is the 
 first church — a cpiainl, wooden structure, with one 
 of the big trees of the Pacific coast, some twenty 
 feet in diameter at the base, raising its stump 
 about fifty feet from the ground. On the toj) is 
 erected a neat bell turret, and the bell is swujig by 
 a long rope going down into the chapel. The tree 
 is about 175 )'ears old, and so is said to be "the 
 oldest belfry in the (Western ?) States." 
 I read the prayers at evening service, and being 
 no longer in llcr Britannic Majesty's dominions, I 
 had to be careful to follow the American edition of 
 our Prayer-book. " None of your Johnny Bull 
 arrangements, remember," said a good-natured 
 Tacomite to me, smilingly, just before service. So 
 we prayed for the President instead of the Oueen, 
 and observed the verbal differences. The vigorous 
 Western twang given to the familiar responses was 
 a little upsetting to my gravity. 
 Since my first visit to this continent Bishop 
 Paddock has passed away; also Bishop Hills, 
 Bishop of British Columbia, and Bishop Sillitoe of 
 New Westminster, and Bishop Williams of Quebec. 
 Ten p.m., Trinity Surdaj'. " Across the Pacific 
 westwards and across Russia in Asia and in Europe, 
Tin: (»i-i)i:sT i;i.i.i. rowi'K in u.s.a. 
 aiul across the IJaltic and North Sea to tlic sliorcs 
 of ICngland, it is Ijroad daylii^ht as it is here, but 
 across tlic Aniciican continent, and over the waves 
 of tlie Atlantic, liangs now the dark pall of nii^dit. 
 There is a wA\t between us and ICn^land to the 
 east, and a loni; day between us and England U> 
 the west." 
 lUit now let us journey homewards and leap over 
 some 2000 miles. 
•i '. 
 ciiAPri-:R XI 
 A RiDi': ON A Cu\\-( AT( iii:k 
 TllK limits of this book will not permit inc tu 
 describe the homeward journey, or to write of tlic 
 alternate route by the Great Lakes. Others have 
 effectively described Niay;ara, Hamilton, Toronto, 
 Montreal, and I must content myself with relatinL( 
 an experience of some years ago in the Eastern 
 townships, when sta>'ing with the Principal of 
 Lcnnoxville Universit)'. I had made the acquaint- 
 ance of an (jfficial on the great C.l'.R., who wrote 
 this order for me — 
 J'crmil the bearer, Mr. Dodily, 
 to ride on your engine. 
 Frank Dai.k, "SLW. 
 Accompany me then as I take my seat in the 
 cabin of luiginc 205, C.P.R. It was one of my 
 earliest Transatlantic experiences, and I was more 
 boyish then than now.) The engineer sends the 
 locomotive forward, panting out black balloons of 
 thick sooty smoke from the " smoke stack " ; the 
 fireman pulls the long line which swings the great 
A KIDI, OS A ( ()\V-( AT( III l< 
 brass bell, iKiii^in;::^ near the whistle, as we [jass the 
 level crossiiirr at Lennoxville, where buckboartls 
 and slat-carts are kept in hand, and the horses 
 nervously <;azc on the fiery monster. 
 I'ant-pant, wh i ff- w ho ff, ding-dong, creak, wheeze, 
 and we roar through the covered bridge over 
 Massawippi's brown Hood and rush out into the 
 forest, charging along a winding avenue of Canadian 
 firs. Birds fly out of the way as we make 144 
 revolutions per minute (jf our driving-wheel, 5 ft. 
 8 in. in diameter. 
 ranting as we climb up-grades and smoothly 
 dash'iig on down-grades, we ere long see the 
 houses of a village in the open country before us, 
 and the gilt spire of its church, and then pass a 
 yoke of patient oxen ploughing or stone drawing. 
 " Johnville, Jolmville." "All aboard, all aboard." 
 We rattle along, and at Hulwer we have the excite- 
 ment of getting a freight car on to the track. It 
 had run off at the "switch" (points). In this 
 district the whole of the ends of two lines are 
 moved instead of the tongues which we call 
 " points " at home. 
 " Three cars," sings the fireman — "Two cars" — 
 " IIalf-a-car"~"Just a little mite." These are in- 
 structions to the engincei as to the distance he is 
 to send on the engine. "Draw [)ln " (we should 
 say "uncouple"). Then the engine is detached 
 from the train, and with a good pull reinstates the 
 long freight wagon on<-the track. These freight 
 cars arc from fifty to sixty feet long. 
 Away we hurry in the brilh'ant sunshine. Lcav- 
 mg Cookshine, we dash through the long wooden 
 \\\ (M I.AN, I'KAIKII, AM) I'liAK 
 biiLl;4c uVLi* llic river. Throiii^h llic britlj^c, because 
 the bridges over tlic rivers in this district have 
 roofs and sides to keep out tlie winter snow. 'I'hey 
 are like lon;4 bams, but with no phuiks on the tloc^r 
 joists, so that you look down from the eni^ine 
 throuj^h the tics (sleepers) to the rushini; river 
 beneath. Where t!ie h'ne is exposed in the open 
 country liigh hoardings are erected to catch the 
 drifting snow ; they look like advertising hoardings 
 wilhcHit [)lacards up(;n them. 
 h'or hours we journey along, stopping at little 
 country stations, where fresh-looking Canadians 
 crowd the low jilatfornis, and curious vehicles drive 
 through the surrounding clearing. The sun gets 
 lower, and as we travel east the long shadow cast 
 by the engine travels swiftly before us along the 
 track, or ripples through the fir trees as we circle 
 round a curve. 
 Nearly seven in the morning is it when Lake 
 Megantic bursts upon us from the valley behind 
 tile woods on our right. Ice-floes and floating 
 timber fill some of the bays. \'iolet cloudlets 
 float hicrh above the snow-streaked mountains. 
 J''ir' trees on the crest of the western hills stand 
 out in dark relief silhouetted against the sunset 
 sky. The river rushing swiftly from the lake has 
 burst its bonds and tears round the railway bridge. 
 Red-hot water seems to flow amidst the ice and 
 logs, for the sky reflected gleams through them as 
 through a network. 
WHAT IS A io\v-i.ariii;k? 
 WHAT IS A ( 0\\-LAT( IlKk ? 
 IL is a sort of grid-like ploiigl) fastcnctl to tlic 
 front of the engine and nearly scraping the rails, so 
 that if the train meets with an)' nicjvablc obstruc- 
 tion it shall be pushed on one side. A fallen tiee, 
 a flock of sheep, an exploring pig, a cariboo, or even 
 a "grizzly " would be probably sent to the right- 
 about by this contrivance. It does not strictly 
 catch cows, it rather "does" for thcni and llings 
 them suddenly into the ditch. When the train was 
 well under way in the early morning (after a night 
 in a wooden French hostelry) I opened one of the 
 front windows of the engine cabin. The crisp 
 mountain air dashed in as we toiled Ui) the side of 
 the lovely lake Megantic. Squeezing through the 
 narrow opening I was outside now, holding on to 
 the long brass rod fastened to the boiler. The 
 engine rolled and jumped as we banged along, but, 
 holding on tightly, I passed forward and stepped 
 down on to the iron shelf above the cow-grid. 1 lere 
 was a huge, thick rope, with iron hooks, coiled like 
 a great boa-constrictor, and ready to be used' in 
 parallel shunting. On these coils I sat me down, 
 holding on tightly to one of the lamp-holders, and 
 resting my right heel in the link of a stout iron 
 To enable the engines to shunt trucks and car- 
 riages there is an enormously strong bar fastened 
 in front, as thick as a muscular man's arm. It 
 is fastened to the centre of the buffer plank by 
 a correspondingly stout link, and when not in 
5 : 
 ]\v 0( i;\\, I'KAiun , ,\M> ri.AK 
 1 1 
 aclioii this stuut rud lies down in front of the 
 I was told tliat tlic day previously the train had 
 run into a span of oxen crossing the line, and that 
 this rod had speared and transfixed one ox and 
 carried it for half-a-mile, and it was so firmly 
 fastened to the locomotive that they had to stop 
 the train and cut it away. 
 The unclouded sun beats down, but we camiot 
 feel it, for, as we fly aloni^ through space we 
 cut our way through the still air at so great a 
 si)eed that it becomeD a gale. Cold and dry is 
 this wind, for the forest glades on either side of the 
 line arc still deep with the winter's snow. 
 Though we see the heat glimmer dancing above 
 the track before us, when we come t(j the spot we 
 only feel a passing lukewami breath, and all is cold 
 again until we pull up, and then the fierce sun 
 blazes and scorches and frizzles with all his might. 
 l)Ut now we are rattling along at full speed. I feel 
 that the whole train is behind me, and that I am 
 leading the way. 
 The long line of rails stretches ahead through the 
 forest, and every moment the scene Is changing and 
 new beauties ahead are evolving themselves out of 
 the mountains. Like a huge monster devouring 
 miles of iron tape, so it is with us ; the long rails 
 come ([y'nQ towards one and then disappear beneath 
 the engine. 
 Great birds fly screaming athwart our track as 
 we charge along, thundering out in agony, our 
 engine gasping blasts of spark and soot. 
 My steed seems to have life and to be filled with 

 A TRi:sTr.i:-r.Kii)(;K 
 I So 
 ycarnlni^ lo outstrip anytlun^ which nature cau 
 produce ; sometimes we fl)' in comparative sik-nce 
 as wc shoot alonj;; down-j^rades, and tlien we puff 
 and toil as wc pant and strui^ijlc alon^ steep up- 
 grades ; we creak and jar as we wliizz around 
 sharp curves ; with a bound wc leap over chasms 
 as wc arc held up by skeletons of wood. Oh, those 
 trestle-bridges ! Well for the occupants of the 
 comfortable cars reading their papers that tlicy sec 
 not the view from the cow-catcher. 
 Here is a trestle-bridge coming ! Lean forward, 
 my friend, while you hold on tightly to the iron 
 frame. Look right through those open sleepers. 
 Down, down far away below sec the rushing brown 
 river tearing at the rocks, and hear the roar of the 
 rapids above the roar of the train. Wc arc swiftly 
 gliding across the fearful, scaffold-like bridge. 
 What is to save us if any one of the wooden 
 creaking beams, under our weight, snaps or is 
 crushed out of position ? 
 Ah ! wc breathe freely again, for we arc over now, 
 and dash again into the forest ; but wc do not 
 forget the trestle-bridges. Wc shall be able to 
 picture the scene next time we read in our papers 
 of the plunging cars toppling over one another, and 
 the drowning and the burning, and the crushing 
 out of fair human lives. Those terrible trestic- 
 bridges ! 
 When you are comfortably seated in a drawing- 
 room car you cannot realize the dangers, for you 
 see none of them, though you seem to be in mid-air 
 for a moment or two and then again amidst the 
 trees which surround the line. 
 I'.v n( i:\\. I'KAiKM'. \\n rr.\K 
 An f)l(l lad)', very talkativ(\ was tclllii<^ the 
 conductor that she was takini^ licr first ride on tlic 
 cars — never been in a train in lier lift* before. Slie 
 was vcr}' simple, and had some strani;e notions, which 
 hatl been imposed ui)on her by some villa^^c wa^^. 
 '* They tell mc that these cars arc lifted over some 
 of the ijullies b}' balloons. Now, conductor, tell mc 
 if that is correct ? " Just then the train shot out of 
 the forest over a hi<;h trestle-bridge, without any rails 
 and just a sinL,de track. On such a bridge you can 
 sec nothing from the car windows — you seem to 
 be in mid-air. She held on tight to the sides of 
 her scat and drew a long breath. In a moment 
 the train was over, and as the trees rc-appcared at 
 cacli side of the car she gasped, " Thank goodness, 
 conductor, we've come safe down again 1" 
 But in fancy wc arc still on the front of Engine 
 No. .'?05. Wc arc slackening speed, and the great 
 whistle gives a hoarse cr)- echoed back by the woods. 
 White new wooden sheds arc seen in an opening 
 of the fir forest, l^ackwoodsmcn and women and 
 children come down to sec the train, and some of 
 them smile when they sec an individual with a note- 
 book seated above the cow-catcher. As the train 
 stops I slide off and watch the passengers alight, 
 and see their baggage set down on the edge of the 
 wild forest. 
 As some shunting is to be done I walk along to 
 examine the boundary between the British Domin- 
 ions and the United States of America. It is 
 marked by a square cast-iron post about a yard 
 above the ground. Upon two sides appear in relief 
 the words " l^oundary, August 9, 1842." 
Tin: l.ND Ol Till", IKON 
 On the States side arc the words "Albert Smith, 
 Ihiitcu Steles ComniissiDiier," ami on the other 
 side, •' Lieut. -Col. H. li. l''.stcourt, II.IJ.M. Commis- 
 sioner." A ver)' tattered " Stars and Stripes " Iuuilj 
 sadly from a rude pole whirh some one had lashed 
 to the boundary post. 
 In 1842 the C'ommissioners cut a track throuj^h 
 the forests forty feet wide all alonjj^ the boundary 
 from peak to peak, and across the intervenincif 
 valleys, livery quarter mile one of these posts was 
 placed, and between a sipiare L;ianite stone. 
 The engine-bell rin,Ljs,and as the entwine begins its 
 first pant I step on to the "catcher "and swing into 
 my place again. Now the whole train dashes down 
 into the United States of America. Two minutes 
 ago we were amenable to l^ritish law, now we must 
 do as the President tells us. It is all down-grade 
 now to the end of the iron. About mid-day we come 
 to the engineers' camj), and are soon enjoying a 
 homeh' meal in a log hut among the " navvies." 
 Thousands of men of many nationalities arc 
 spending their days in the forest battling with fierce 
 mosquitoes and other troubles, but pushing on 
 bravely the work of completing a last link in the 
 chain to connect the west with the open eastern 
 ocean in winter-time. (It was soon after com- 
 pleted.) That same morning I return to my 
 friends. As wc approach I.ennoxvillc wc trumpet 
 out hoarsely from the booming whistle the news of 
 our return. We swing once more the brazen bell, 
 and our huge lamp blazes and glares as we light 
 up the interior of the covered bridge and roll again 
 over Massawippi's swollen flood. 
 A<;atn wc arc in mid-ocean, more than a thou- 
 sand miles from citlior shore, our bows bearing 
 Ihitainwards and homewards. All around is the 
 wi" 2-stretching, lonely, tossing ocean. Then the 
 wind veers round to the west, and there floats 
 with us 
 The lowing of oxen is in our ears. Well-fed, 
 sleek bulls and bullocks and heifers munching their 
 liberal rations all day long. On the promenade 
 deck shuffle-board goes forward. In the smoking- 
 room cribbage perhaps. In the saloon the piano 
 is tinkling. Generous meals arc being served with 
 regularity and attractiveness, as on all other liners 
 on the Atlantic. I might show you some of the 
 other sides of life on this floating town — might 
 take you to the hospital and let you hear the story 
 of the stoker's risks from one recovering from 
 scalds, or walk the deck with the officers and talk 
 of ice and fog, or chat with the sailors, painting tlic 
 boats, about their hard life — but wc will confine 
 our attention to the cattle and the cattle-men. 
iioMi:\v.\ui»s WITH cattm: 
 Five hundred and thirty hc.id of cattl'} on board, 
 rcprcsLMiting more than X" 10,000 in vahie. Splendid 
 beasts tliey sccin to the un[)rofessi()nal eye. They 
 wcigli, i^\y an averai;c, one thousand ei^dit hunched 
 pounds, aiid one huge bull is said to be two thou- 
 sand seven hundred and odd pounds. They 
 com by rail from farms in Ontario, where they 
 have boon stall-fed since December last. Their 
 voyaijjc expenses, first and last, are about £s each. 
 Durhams nnd llcrcfords crossed, and a strain of 
 Ontario blended in, enormous flat backs and 
 massive haunches. Th-re they stand, fastened side 
 by side, with a stopt rope arotind their horns, some 
 on the deck (the upper deck, but covcicd in), and 
 also on the main deck below. On the lowest 
 deck, from end to end, extends also a vast 
 cow-byre or bull-pen. A narrow alley-way between 
 whose heads arc towards each other. One little 
 prod, even in a playful way, would settle one 
 altogether in passing between. A long trough 
 beneath each head receives the feed of " mooly " 
 (ground peas, meal, and flour). Then, when that is 
 consumed, there is unlimited hay to eat, and a 
 good drink from time to time of soft condensed 
 water. The hay is sent on board in bales of about 
 two hundred and forty pounds, enough to last for 
 twelve days if necessary, and the allowance of 
 *' mooly " is a sack of seventy-five pounds a head. 
 The water is sea -water condensed, and cooled 
 afterwards in great barrels standing on th.c 
 N . 
 decks, handy for the cattlc-mcn to dip their 
 buckets in. 
 The cattle are insured at the rate of two dollars 
 a head (about Ss\ 2d.). This covers loss by wreck, 
 disease, bad weathci, etc. The men in charge 
 generally have the selection of those who shall 
 work under them on the voyage. On this voyage 
 there are two " bosses," representing different 
 consignors, each tending their own cattle, and 
 eighteen men. The steamship company carries 
 free and feeds, and gives a return passage also to 
 four men for each hundred head of cattle. The 
 cattle "boss " gets 5^-. 9^/. a head, one of them told 
 me, and pays about is. per head to the men whom 
 he employs. A cattle boss can make some i^20 to 
 ;^30 a trip ; but a month is covered altogether \n 
 going and returning. The cattle are carefully 
 examined by officials sent over from England before 
 they may be put on board ship at Montreal. 1*2 very 
 beast on board this vessel has 
 '■-. I 
 on its hide. They have also the consignor's marks. 
 On arriving at Birkenhead, where all cattle are 
 landed for the Liverpool port, they arc not allowed 
 to leave the lairs, but are slaughtered within te:i 
 days. The expense of the slaughtering falls on the 
 purchaser if the sale takes place first, but if they 
 are sold as meat the expense falls on the consignor. 
 The salesman gets ^s. a head for every one sold. 
 The average value of fat cattle, such as we aie 
 carrying, is ^15 a head in Canada, the expense of 
 transit £$, so that they must at least sell for ^20 to 
 cover expenses. 
 On this voyage they have, so far, very good 
 weather. It is always best for them to have good 
 weather first, until they get somewhat used to the 
 motion of the vessel, then they can bear more 
 motion. In fine weather all the hatches are off, and 
 there is good ventilation down to the lower deck. 
 But if heavy weather comes the hatches arc battened 
 down, and the heat then becomes trying. The 
 lowest deck is then the best, for the cold water 
 round the vessel's sides helps to keep down the 
 temperature, and the bad air all rises to the main 
 deck, and the cattle there suffer the most. 
 In bad weather the cattle will not lie, but stand, 
 and sometimes they die of exhaustion. The cattle 
 on the upper deck (the spar deck) are ofien in the 
 way of the green seas sweeping over the bows, and 
 they suffer and get inflammation of the lungs. 
 Sometimes a vessel goes ashore in a fog, and 
 through the surf. A sister boat to this ran ashore 
 near Cape Pine, on the south coast of Newfound- 
 land. We had passed her a few hours before, but 
 strong currents and thick weather had caused her 
 to get close in to the shore and to strike the land. 
 Then, I am told, they erected a staging from the 
 ship to the cli'"fs. All the sheep (480) were saved, 
 but the cattle on the deck were drow.icd. AH were 
 insured in tlie British and Foreign, the Western 
 Life Stock, and North American Insurance Com- 
 panics. The beasts are all fastened round the 
 horns by a short rope. The cattlc-mcn go round 
 at night to see that they are not entangled. Some- 
 times one lies down, and the next one steps over it. 
 Then if the recumbent one gets up there is trouble 
 and some danger. They unloose the ropes then, 
 and interchange them to suit their altered positions. 
 As we move along among the fat cattle in the 
 semi-darkness of the lower main deck we can 
 scarcely realize that we are more than a thousand 
 miles from land. Suddenly we hear distinctly 
 sounds of music. It is a passenger in the saloon, 
 just above our heads, beguiling the time with 
 Chopin. Half the world knows not how the other 
 half lives. 
 are a difficult lot to manage. They seem a good 
 deal mixed. Some have been in superior positions 
 in life. Many are working their way homewards 
 after bitter experiences. I have been told of one 
 who was said to bear a title, which he dropped for 
 the time. Some who have come out " saloon " have 
 been thankful to work their way back as cattle- 
 men. The L. & N.W. Railway at Alexandra Docks, 
 Liverpool, and perhaps elsewhere also, will send a 
 telegram gratis from any one who arrives home by 
 steamei without money to pay for a ticket. If the 
 friends arc willing to pay for the railway journey, 
 they do so at their own station, and when a Si.Js- 
 factory reply is received, a ticket is handed to the 
 returning wanderer which "passes" him home. 
 One cattle-ship running to Bristol was met by a 
 carriage which took off a young cattle-tender and 
 drove first to a tailor's shop to rig out the young 
 man in complete new clothes before he was driven 
 to his father's house in Clifton. As a rule, however, 
 there is no one to meet the cattle-men, and they 
 often become wanderers on the face of the earth. 
 They have to wait, at least a week, for a return 
 vessel, and have to feed themselves in the mean- 
 time. One on board this ship is a young mechanic 
 who tramped through Ontario seeking work, 
 another a young countryman equally unfortunate, 
 another has been a section-man (plate-layer) on the 
 G.T.R., another has been a soldier, and since then 
 a wholesale consumer of whisky, and more lately, 
 he says, on the "staff" of a Liverpool paper. He 
 also thinks that he is an artist. One, I believe, is 
 a student going over to see England. Others arc 
 of the loafer class. They get about £1 each if 
 effective. One " boss " complained that they were 
 not always "on hand " when wanted, and difficult 
 to manage. The other " boss,^' by a quick upward 
 movement of his foot and a downward movement 
 of his fist, explained to me his style of argument 
 with his men when slow. One has crossed the 
 Atlantic more than a hundred times, and he adds, 
 *• I don't know the road yet 1 " 
 said a wit, as they were having their rough, if 
 plentiful, evening meal of bread-and-butter. They 
■4 if 
 were seated on the bales of hay on the lower deck, 
 as I and a passenger were having a look at the 
 cittle. Of course there was no marmalade, and 
 this was just a mild joke brought out for our 
 benefit. This same gentleman painted all the glass 
 lamp-shades in the saloon, and festooned them 
 with lovely flowers, not botanically accurate, but 
 still they delighted the stewards and sailors. " Ye 
 might paint mc something on the inside of me 
 bucket," said an Irish fireman in passing. " Yes, 
 indeed, Pat ; I'll paint a fat pig for you with a potato 
 in its mouth." This provoked shouts of laughter 
 from the bystanders. 
 " Don't you find it difficult to paint with such a 
 crowd round you giving their opinions ? " I said. 
 •' No, 1 don't ; for I spend most of my time in 
 saloons (public-houses) decorating whisky-bottles, 
 and there's plenty of noise there." One day I 
 asked him how mucli he could live on. Me said, 
 " Well, I made ten dollars a day in Chicp<^o during 
 the World's Fair, but I didn't find that enough." 
 (This is at about the rate of ^700 per annum !) 
 He had been at the siege of Alexandria, etc. ; had 
 relations well to do, but deliberately walked on the 
 downward path, scoffed at religion — said he didn't 
 believe in the " lost sheep business," and cavilled 
 at every movement for helping men — Salvation 
 Army, Dr. Barnardo — all alike came under his 
 disapproval as he held forth to an interested circle. 
 Poor fellow, he had some good in him, I'm sure, 
 but it was hard to get at. His one aim was to 
 get whisky. He comj)lained that his sister — a 
 well-to-do lady in England — would have nothing 
 to say to him, and that she was leaving her money 
 to hospitals, and the like. 
 " I expect that fellow will jump overboard 
 before we get to Liverpool," said one of the 
 officers to me. 
 "God has wondrous love for us all, and even 
 that man may yet come round, though it seems 
 so hopeless." 
 I must tell you of one Sunday evening service 
 and its sequel. It was our first Sunday, when we 
 were still in the St. Lawrence. We held the service 
 on deck, it was so warm and pleasant. The cattle 
 lav around munchin<T their hay, and cattle-men 
 and sailors joined in the service, and sang the 
 hymns heartily. As the LORD jESUS once came 
 amoncr cattle in the stable at Bethlehem, so I 
 believe He was with us that lovely Sunday evening, 
 as I pleaded with those whom lie had come to 
 seek and to save. The service ended, and wc all 
 went to rest as the darkness deepened and the 
 daylight died. 
 Two evenings later a youth stepped out of the 
 shadow of the alley-way, and asked permission to 
 speak to me. 
 He said, " You'll despise me, I fear, for what I 
 have to tell you, but after what you said on 
 Sunday night I cannot help it." He said : *' Some 
 time ago, before I left home, I was serving my 
 time as a mechanic in a fitting-shop. I went 
 to Sund.ay-school, and the lads around me in the 
 r,v OCEAN, ruAiRii:, and tkak 
 >: ! 
 1i .' 
 ' ,1 ' 
 1 i 
 ■ !i 
 U i 
 li ^^ 
 works chaffed me a good deal, and made out I 
 was religious, aud made game of me. To prov^c 
 that I wasn't religious I joined them in a 'slanging ' 
 match, in which we all tried to swear the hardest. 
 "Some cursed the Name of God, some cursed 
 the Lord Jksus Christ, and I said these words, 
 'Oh, Hohv Ghost, if there is a HoLV Ghost, 
 strike me dead now.' They all stopped at that 
 and said, 'He has won the belt,* meaning that I 
 was the champion. Some of the men in the shop 
 heard of it, and while some cracked me up for it, 
 others spoke to me about it solemnly — they were 
 religious men. I felt as if I had done for myself, 
 and, when I spoke to one religious man, he said 
 that I had committed the unpardonable sin of 
 blasphemy against the HOLV Ghost. 
 " Well, I left home and came over to Ontario. 
 I crossed in a cheap foreign ship, and had a bad 
 time of it. I travelled the country, but found 
 work hard to get. I got down very low. I had 
 given up praying, but one day when I had had 
 nothing to eat and was tramping the country, I 
 prayed to GOD to have mercy on me and help mc. 
 " It was a Sunday afternoon. I went up to a 
 farmhouse and begged a drink, as I was parched. 
 A rough farmer asked me if I did not want 
 something to cat. I had a bit of pride, and 
 foolishly said I could manage ; I only wanted a 
 drink. He took up a stick, and ordered me to 
 come in at once, and told me to sit down with him 
 at tea, and to eat a good square meal, or he would 
 thrash me. 
 *' He gave me a bed that night, and next day 
 gave me fifty cents to pay my fare down to 
 Toronto, and gave me food to carry with me to 
 Toronto, and told mc to go to Mr. Thompson, who 
 was sending cattle to England, and he would give 
 me a passage. I began to think to myself that 
 God could not have forsaken me if He could so 
 wonderfully answer my prayers. 
 "When I got to Toronto, He answered my 
 prayers again. You see I got the promise of a 
 passage home in the ship to look after cattle, but 
 it was a week yet to the day of sailing, and I had 
 no money to buy food with now. So I prayed 
 again to GoD to help me. He answered my 
 prayer again, for the gentleman offered to keep 
 me until I left, at a boarding-house. 
 " Now, don't you think, sir, that GOD cannot 
 have forsaken mc if He answers my prayers like 
 that > " 
 " My dear fellow," I said, " are you truly sorry 
 for the awful blasphemy .-* " 
 " Yes, indeed, I am," he replied. 
 " Who is it that puts that sorrow into your 
 heart } The devil would not do it, only GOD Him- 
 self. God has not left you. The very fact of 
 your penitence proves that you have not grieved 
 the Holy Sitrit beyond forgiveness. He has 
 brought you here on the Toronto to tell you 
 through me, His ambassador, that He freely 
 forgives. In His name, as His messenger, I 
 promise you forgiveness through the blood of 
 Jksus Ciirlst, which cleanseth from all sin." 
 He was deeply thankful, and was comforted 
 indeed. I could scarcely sleep in my bunk that 

 night for joy that the Lord had sought and saved 
 that which was lost. 
 It was a clear, brilliant summer evening, as June 
 was drawing to a close, that we 
 The night before, at nine o'clock, on the Atlantic, 
 we had sighted the light on Tory Island, off the 
 wild Irish coast. Our organist had rushed down 
 into the saloon and played " The Queen " frantic- 
 ally, as a token that the voyage was over, and 
 the passengers were in some danger of temporary 
 aberration of intellect. They were enthusiastically 
 Early in the morning I saw Rathlin Island 
 abeam. About eleven we slowed off Donaghadee, 
 and two old men in a boat came out from that 
 quaint, clean, north Irish watering-place. They 
 took off letters and telegrams back to the town 
 with the high square church tower. 
 As the afternoon wore away we again circled 
 round the Calf of Man and the Chickens. P'vening 
 drew on, and the Crosby lightship came in sight, 
 and the line of buoys marking the channel into 
 Liverpool, with a little jet of gas burning in each. 
 We picked up a pilot, and got a Liverpool Courier 
 and read the latest news. 
 We passed the marvellous dredger sucking up 
 sand and water and sending the latter overboard. 
 We named her 
 ^ , 
 Away ahead of us the noble Majestic was ciossing 
 the bar seven days out from New York. It was 
 nearly low tide, but owing to this wonderful new 
 dredger (which cost ;^6o,ooo, I believe) we passed 
 over without scraping. We passed the Majestic 
 discharging her saloon passengers into the White 
 Star tender (the Magnetic). 
 The sk-y was still lit up by the dying da\'light, 
 but all the lights on the shore and on the shipping 
 were lit. The electric lights gleamed from every 
 porthole of the noble ship as we passed by. Three 
 booms from our whistle and out from the region of 
 Alexandra Docks comes our tug with shore-hands 
 to land the cattle. Up to Birkenhead, and then, 
 turning slowly, we got to our berth at the Wallasey 
 Lairs, very nearly crushing a barge which got 
 between us and another big steamer. All ended 
 well, however. 
 Now our passengers were to be landed. The 
 four-footed ones I mean. What a lowing ! What 
 A BOVINE pandemonium! 
 Doors were opened in the ship's side, gangways 
 run up to the upper decks, and soon the landing- 
 stage was alive with stiff-kneed, fat cattle, trying 
 to trot, and uplifting their tails on high. From the 
 upper deck down the gangway leaders could not 
 be prevailed to descend. Some of the men pulled 
 at the ropes on their horns, some pushed behind, 
 and then came a rush of heavy cattle, and the first 
 one was almost lifted off his legs and obliged to 
 IJV 0( I:A\, rRAIRlK, AM) rr.AK 
 It was [(cttin^ diiik, and the scene was weird as 
 we watclied the black forms of our fchow-passengcrs 
 as in the lamp-h'ght they trotted off up to the lairs. 
 In a few days they would be on the dinner-plates 
 of Lancashire and Yorkshire — poor beasts ! 
 On the other side of the ship the tender had 
 made fast which was to take the passengers across 
 to Liverpool. Farewells were exchanged. Captain, 
 officers, stewards, cattle-men, sailors, boys, etc., all 
 whose acquaintance one had made on the double 
 voyage had now to be left behind. GOT) bless the 
 Atlantic steamers and those who sail in them I 
 The tender put off now, and we waved " Good- 
 bye" as we crossed to the Prince's landing-stage. 
 The Custom Mouse officers having examined my 
 lu^cjage, 1 went ashore. 
 I find I have spent eighty days altogether on the 
 Atlantic, and though sometimes monotonous for a 
 short season, in the main these days have been very 
 full. In addition to the religious work one has been 
 permitted to do, there has been a good deal of 
 literary work done also. This book ought not to 
 be (//y, for it has mostly been written whilst speeding 
 over the green hills of the North Atlantic Ocean in 
 fair weather and foul. I hope, indeed, that it may 
 take a humble place with other larger works, in 
 giving some insight into life beyond and on the 
 Atlantic. From the smoke-beaten Vicarage near 
 the North Sea I bid my reader " Farewell." 
 ■ i 
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