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Jim Higgins, Homesteader, near the border, a Confeder- ate of Sumner, is under suspicion for whiskey- smuggling and cattle-rustling, has a pretty daughter, Blanche, who is innocent of her father's wrong. Blanche Higgins, daughter of Jim Higgins. Corporal Smith, in love with Blanche. Joe Sumner is very much in love with Blanche Higgirs, but she resents his attentions. Synopsis. Police Barracks, Regina. Joe Sumner, leaving prison, swears vengeance against Corp. Smith. Corp. Smith at the Higgins' homestead talking with Blanche Higgins. Joe Sumner and Jim Higgins in a saloon in Calgary, making their plans for the future. Higgins' homestead. Higgins and Sumner leave with a rig on a smuggling expedition. Corp. Smith, passing the Higgins' homestead, stops and talks with Blanche. Some time later Corp. Smith sees rig coming from the border. Occupants on seeing Smith turn and make for the border. Smith gives chase, and is gaining on rig. when one of the occupants, whom Smith recognizes as Joe Sumner, shoots at Smith and wounds, him. Rig gets safely across the border. Smith makes the nearest home- stead, which is owned by the Foster family, father, mother and two daughters, and has his wound attended to. Blackfeet Indian Reserve: Sumner and Higgins selling the whiskey to the Indians. After Smitih has had liis wound attended to he leaves the Foster homestead and reports at the Barracks the encounter he has had with Sumner. Sumner atid Higgins leaving the Indian Rv^serve, after selling all their whiskey, which has put a few of the In- dians on the war path. Smith, now fully recovered, leaves the Barracks to resume his duty. He has not gone far when he meets Frank Connelly, a cowboy, who has just come past the Indian Reserve. He tells Smith there is great rowdyism amongst the Indians. Smith leaves Connelly and makes >for the Reserve to investigate. On his way he comes .f across a camp of two surveyors who had been clubbed. and their horses stolen by the Indians. Smith goes back to the Barracks for help. Then goes to the Reserve and arrests thfe giiitty Indians, and takes them back to the ' Barracks. In the meantitne Sumner and Higgins are making for the border with four head of cattle they have stolen from the Jamieson Ranch. Corp. Smith leaves the Barracks and intends calling lit the Higgins* homeheid- On his way he overtakes Blanche, who is returning home after a business trip to Calgary. Blanche and Smith arrive at the homestead. While Smith is there Sumner and Higgins return. Corp. Smith is. about to place Joe Sumner under arrest. At this Jim Higgins gets frightened, and runs away. Joe Sumner, furious with rage and jealousy, clinches with Smith, a struggle ensues, both falling heavily. Smith's head comes in contact with' something which stuns him badly. Prompt action on Blanche's part prevents Sumner finishing Smith ; Sumner gets away. With Blanche's loving care and attention Smith soon recovers and leaves the homestead. ;■' Whilie out looking for sotrte cattle that afe missing, Blanche c6mes upon the whiskey still. Later the still is raided and gang arrested. Joe Sum- ner robs tbe Bank at Banff, B. C He is pursued into the Porcupine Mountains, where he rhakes his escape. f I \ i ' ' ' Jim Higgins since his flight from Canada is Working on a sheep ranch in Montana. " - ' Joe Sumner in a saloon on the American side ^ets into troulile in a gambling game through cheating. He holds up the room, backs out and gets away. Sumner is causing the Police a lot of trouble, as there are all kinds of complaints going to Regina about his ac- tions. The Chief sends for Corp/ Smith and tells him he is to bring in Sumner, dead or alive. The Police get word that .SiV^iner i^ in, the -Indian Keserv'e trying to cause ain upVising^. When -Corp^ 'Smith and a constable arrive at the Reserve. Sumner has left. Sumner, in need of provisions* enters a store in Moose Jaw. Cot:p. Smijth, passing, sees Sumner's horse standing at store and gets off to investigatje;- Sumner inside store sees Smith and hides behind counter, close to store- keeper, and threatens his life if he gives him away. Smith , enters store and is told by storekeeper that Sumner left by the back way. Smith goes oiit after him. Sumner leaves store, runs off with Smith's horse, jumps on his own and gets away> , Jim Higgins comes back home to make arrangements with his daughter to sell out and come and liv*; with him in Montana. Joe Sumner, thinking a policeman's uniform would help him out in his next adventure, bribes an Indian police guide at Moose Jaw to steal him an old uniform. Sumner puts on the uniform and goes to the Higgins' homestead, determined to take Blanche away with him. He arrives at the homestead as it is getting dark. Jim Higgins, on looking through the window, sees a policeman coming towards his house! and, thinking he is coming for him, hides himself. Joe Sumner enters the house and soon lets Blanche know his intentions. He gets hold of Blanche, who struggles and screams. Her father hearing his daughter scream. ,comes out of hiding and goes to his daughter's aid. Sumner strikes her father and knocks him down; he crawls over to where. he keeps his rifle. Sumner has Blanche in his arms and is about to open the door to go out. when Higgins shoots him. Shortly after that there is a knock on the door. They conceal body as quickly as possible. When Corp. Smith enters he smells powder, which makes him suspicious, and on looking around, he sees a man's feet protruding from under a rug. He pulls off the rug and sees it is a policeman; he examines the body and is surprised to find it is Joe Sumner. Blanche tear- fully tells Smith how it happened. Smith, knowing the orders he got regarding Sumner, decides to .save the father of the girl he loves. He takes the body to Barracks and is complimented for getting rid of a notorious character. Smith resigns from the force and marries Blanche. W. A. TWEEDLEY, 2863 Dundas Street West, Toronto.