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The aulnnuial moon ruling the fallen vear, Wades Ihrongh the slilly sky, as if (0 suit ' ^^ itli melancholy lace, lh.> genVal gloom : And now it seems to my aini-liied mind, As if were neat^tji^i^d the llnal doom, ' And I should hear the luiell of humankind Hark l-that sound ! list !-o„ly some creaking door No foot-step ncar,-no gladdening voice is hoard • Nought moves at all in the long corridor. Only a |)hanlom uoiso have I fear'd Ju ihougla a, least gi chajvg, the the tiresome scene. And now upon imaihiation's wing Away I speed to lands where erst I've been And crowded Cities «hali some solace bring. i Iniiiigl.' Willi lilt! inisyiiipathi/.iiij: lln'oii;/; No cliiTiiiiv' vuiic ;i ;ci»>is. nor wcIi'imiicV ?>miIo, For (IcucsL sdliliidt' oii<c nniiv I Ioii;j This (liilli'st time lis shall h('i.niil(; liiil I'lc Ihi' Jaiiricd ,)il,L!riuia,L:i' he iloiic. 'I'o fliiiics iviiKjtc wiii'iv olt with men (•(jimnuue Alices' I'al spirits, v.iyvv I aloiio lioiM'Tiil i'('|iair. aiid aii.xidiis craxc Ihc Ihkui or swi'clcst iiilcrcoui'sc with In to ininds — I)t'[iart('(l spii'its o ' the iin.Lihty dcail, WItost' iiit'iuory ari'ayt'd in j^lory i)iiids Our Tavort.'d pcaoeliil iv^o with days lonu- sped. Nor vain my prayer. Descending IVom on liigli They who in days of yore, on earth held sway, And now are potent rnlers in the sky, A vision gave radiant as brifjhtcst day. Varied llieii' converge. Lon^q I laptnrtd heard How they diseoiirsed of Virtne's noblest mood And graceful told h iw they in Hie prepai-ed For deeds of liigh emprise, the common good liy arts imseinsh to secure, and strife Valiant maintained w itii evi'v hostile hand That desi)'rate waii-' d auainsl tiieir counlrv's life • How they in battle or their native land Had struggled oft, a;id oft Ity foes outdone, Their toil renewed, ind greatly struggling still, Sncceris achieved ai'i glmious Freedom won, The worthiest meed of iheir nn.swerviii:; will, 1 stood entranced, and would have tarried long, Unconsciona of the swiftly passing hours. Bui ah I who e'er shall hoi)o of mortal throng 3 'rii * — ^^ i;li dm!.-; lo :U\- ;i ; siiI'M'.'jli i' ili-ir miin! F;ivoi-('il til |:',ii-ii. ili^'ii' in;Ui'!i!('s.> -Idtv sco, riuMi l/.ii'Ii to wniilcil liaunts dI' hi:ii);iiikiii<l. Sirivin.L: 'mid slrifi' all lu-ro-lilv.' t.. Ii,'. N'lW fades lli;' uloriniis \isioH. and aioui' I'm Id'l iiiMdi tlic misty liills. (dal.« Hill yet disi'onsDlali', the dyiiiL; low Of spirit V(»ir('s 'twas my ha]i|iy fate I'll Icar distinct. ivsDiiiidiii- in mnic <'ar, As veiled ill elcinii.- lie' \eiierali|e train Tit aifv lialls reluiiiinL:, disa|ipeai'. Til seidv tlieir awlnl pfesenee mmv wi're vain. To sceMi's III' 1 iiial iiliss J jiend my way The City's tliron,-- avoiding, tiltin- loss Than dulness s^H' my labonr In repay Willi store of llion.ulit and soiial happiness. Theiv, earli hidoved jiursnit he what i; will, No hnsllinu rroud iiniiedciJ. If social joys Deli.yht. Ihese all yonr ow n. and you may si ill SolitiU'\ mns(\ apart irom noise And the shrill sliriinu war of minuhn.i: uoi'ds Tliat oft distract, llie meditative mind. Now mirlh e.\cilin^\ now like idasliiiif; swords, IMynij: llie Sophist's art. as if comhined Were lilessed Trnth will: falsidiood's hydra forms M.'inkiiid to vivx, eai h fnry to evoke That mars miMi's peace, and the wlnde world deforms As doomed to sink iienealli some ven^rid'nl slridxc. What store of hiiss the rnral home all'ords ! None there need dread the over-oruwdod liall A\' i''>|' "11 willuii. Heol slillctl r!-vc!l "" '■i'';iixiiiL: ihish- I ||.'n'il>. '■•'>■ :i\u\ I'ui I "ill' sliiii I'll S(f'f(I> \\i <!i)ii^|jiii-. ,is II i'l'MiI. Ihrir 1)1 ii''»ii-ii III,. (1, ill [M'CrS 111.. CiM M|.;|v ,1, "Wii <l,.;il|i |<ii,,|r lli\ iiiiwl inli'Miiin' iii!.''flf Vo ( Tl "'"ii, ran iii.mkiiul so dcliolit '\\"- 'I'-ll IIS wlial >jM.ll Ull ('u!i\rr: ^Wi'i I. Ilia I !'" lil'i'lcss III l"v- "I'saiT.Ml li llnw 1.1 I'lcasuivs siirli as ll nine "■s<' luiisl \i(.l,| ' •'SI ai't> |||(.\- ;|( .Im\ I i';il'l\ llinll I W iHi vn:\\n Op i '"""'"■•■'•""■'l"u l'.'s,.a,i,!,.,l li.M. '>" iiii' liiiiiiiil I f "I'l" ''I'liiiiv. !p||(i\aii| y iih' li-hi r,„|. Willi Ih'.iMli "iiviii!^- Ilii' linn ^ larc '<"> li'.'i^irant incaiN. ,,1' r\ lit' .i^laiMiMiim '"''■•"^1 iiii;il wealth •'"lUVi', (lllT'Cl lliPJ Or vi--n,usclinil> ih^ ni-.-.a! "VI' uf anti([nai'\ ! 'I'" I'ar lauKHl 1 I' i'.'Il;!'!' jiai'i' <)!■ led l.v 1 "'"iiiilain si(it ore W inary laiins caiK r KlC ll III sillily (lay, il f lii'ii sorely scoidi,;,! TIk' Sue il' |iarc]it'(I li • lease Mil u! )|| 'V Sol-; ivlllln oiv enl ra\ !i'l'- 111 'oolesl svalpi'^ ' ■■!>'' Ill'' Ih'alllilnl ave ■'•shell Ji\ Ihil l">s aloii- each I la \ iiiiiia s ever .viianlinu ua\i Sweeirr Ihaii lii'l ^"UiKl ! -snre -lis ||„, ^vJM As ll Still 'III'--"' \M're lli\ |<in "■■I'aii s I'oai' l'>. 'Oi> ||'> I'esouiiil,.,! ||\ uicai sra. iii,\ naii\e >li ore ■■•^ 111 'lays Ion- -one. Ihonrt ,1 '• all Ihon'rl doar. || \\' 1) i'\er ell, '" I'ashly leniiil ii,,|. (),, ( • 'ar (o \\\i 'ii,-iii,y wav, Are iiorne men's liehosi i,..,,!,. si '> swelljiii; Ijil. And 11 ''•'Is ''Vlili'irniL' on ll lips, navies hra \i; IV waler-s -lid, ■"' """"I'lsnlMl : <„, 11, V iriendlvP rea-l I ii kii.'ir ilial >|icll oiiii; cM : ■');iiu iMi. t i;iri'. Ills I'rwii- • i;i\i.> Hoping- sccuro to rest, ulini darinj:, bold, In cral't luiworlhy, and of lloavcii miblost, Moil vciUuit', rockless, ui'-ed by tbirst of gold ; Such [iri'siiiiiptuous, in tliini' angry mood, Tliou whcdni.'st 'ncalh ihy slorni tosi3d ra^^Miig waves. To all ihoa'rt iiind, great s;'a, j);it nr)st Iby good To Britain's Sons ai)[K,'ars ibtdr Hag that savos And Iwars trinnipbant. Tliou didst wt'd of old And to (by gen'rons bosom fondly press Tbat ianird ili'i.uhlie, now so basely sold To (-raven churls, who vainly would express Degenerate fools! Ihe glories that were Ibine, Proud Venice! when with Liheily arrayed, Thou nobly salest throned in the silver brine, And the soei)tre of a vast I'inipire swayed. But I mistake. That's not the Ocean's roar. Hearken attenlive.—Slili coiJU' soolbing sounds Bonn; as on Zi-phyrs from some distant shore. The Cataract in Ihe still night resound" HoU on, tlKui foaming Oilawa ! ever r.Ji How many thousand years have silent llowed Since thou in lon'sls where no hiunaii soul Had learne.l to dwell, liastceas.dess munn'ring glowed, Sweet is the music of thy boiling wave; Swe.'t t') the woodsman as adown the stream Hom.nvai'd In; lu,.,s ; sweet l;) tlie Patriot bravo Of dangers past and battles won, who dream, Sw, el to tile Irav.dler from distant clinio Who hears thee and is glad. Sw(>et more to mo In solitary hour, thy Cauldron's Chimu When voice nor sound beside lends barmony. And Ihou wiltslill bo swoot, wlu'ii all aiMimd. On rockiest Ijank and hills o"( rLiidwn willi jiint!, Millions shall dwell, and on Ihy I'nrcsl trround Gilies shall ns(\— scicnrc with art cijinhinc AlhwarL thy Lakes rich Aij^nsics to drive With treasure IVan-h!, lichesl (»!' Il.olein cliine. And they beyoml the All.uilie wave wlm li\e Thy "treani shall seek,— in hri^hie-l niairh of iini,>, Ocean to Ocean wed* and (lilies \asl With Cities groati;r still, hy comnierce join, And man to Bralher man unit" at last By ties more stronc,' than boasted kiiitlivd's line. Another sonnd!— the cloek :--llie wihliino lim,, is,)",.r Nor fiend nor fairy now on(> sonl can toneh. Nor wakeful, (hvaininu limey's toriurin- I'ower. The clock strikes twcdve. Ill tu my lonely conch. And yet not lonely all. My soliinde No loneliness doth own. Ami nmiv are niin.' Society and true beatitude^ Than theirs, who scoi-nin.-. wonM my lot declin(>. The i'haiilom time is uomv [ |;iv me down. In him confiding, who conld lull to sleep His Patriarch Servant in the desert lone. I'll rest. Me too will guardian Cherubs keep. Ottawa, October. IBOO. • It is believod tint when tho Union of iho British North American Provinces is olKH-tod, a Slii]) ( .'iinal will l)o mxdo along tho course of tho Ott.iw.i, iSic, o.stal'lisliing communioation by Lake Nipis.singue and tho (ioorgoan Bay. with J.ako Huron, Lake Superior nntl tlio nivigahlo waters of tlio Northwest territory as far as tlie Rocky :\[ountains, throujjli the passes of which, as eminent travellers have shewn, access can easily be had to the Pacido Ocean. lloYAI/rv AT OTUVWVA. "His Kxccll.'iiry. Visroum Monck. m:u\i> his piililir '^iitniDcc y. ■..!(. ni.iy into ili,. Capiial ,,1 Cauaila." IHIuira Ti)Nrs. Miiy Ih-il |H00. Ill Kiiidiic's Sua (li'li.ulit. no iiiuro aloiit'. Myst. 'lions Kale I 'I'liy hn-lil(>st pa-r niilnld ! Siiatcliid Ironi llic darlv, >| n'\<^la ofa-vs ,-;nn(.', 'Ncalh wcslcni skirs, let ^^lorics new he lold. I iiratlioinal)!;' power! witli Imiiiaii state. Thy sport and pastime. Sow in -ayest mood, Uplil'test Thiui tlie hiwly— dost civate ,^reat— colossai. Kmpires thai withstood 'I'he shock of time. h)n- 'iieath tliy pListie liaiid. Disported n:kad. in heyday of their fame. Frowns Ihiiieawrnllwow.—Miiitrstliysronr.dii-wa Home, (;:-ec.;a::,! I^.bylon ;.:■. hii[ „ naiii,:. lu! At lliy command, up si.rnnjr Marengo's Chief. Morne on thy fosteiin- -ale, his fortune's tide Past ^'lories all outshone,— surpassed belief ; Yet could he not thy witherin- scow 1 abide Mis i.rosii-rous day. that dawned so j,4orious bri-ht. 'Mid thickening' clouds, its wondrous ,trlory pahnl, His morn of splendour closed in dismal night, And earth's Conqueror a lost world bewailed ! J fThiiio aw-riil look, diro Fai„ ! uiiiolicd aiu-w Sends (iorcest warriors lo IIk; jj;ory lU:h]. IJiK'Iu'ck.'d, would (licy rair«'arlli with iiiin str,.\v. Thy frown forbids.— To l»rav.>r men lli,.v vicld. Stirred from thy Cauldron's dcpllis, Cruel Fate, I Its blood-stained i)anner foul rebi-llion spreads. The Taitar rei'ins, with new-born pridr .date Holds D.dhi's lower.s, and iioastliil coniin'i'in.^ Ireadsi O'er India's plains. Out vain his hendisli play. Not his to rule. A destiny more grand Hath Fate in store. In glory of noon-day , Victoiiia's Seeptro guides Ihe Hindoo land. In days long gone, thy power accursed Fate ! Tills clierished soil o'er spr(>a<!. Dark sirife prevailed. And jarring party vexed ihe troubled state. Kach faithful Son thy ha])less lot bewailed. The rolls of Fate unvril an epoch lujw. Lo ! Concord reigns ! thy Childnm, loving band ; Around thy colors press, lo Iionoi true ; Thy foes recoil, nor dar(; mvade tliv land. Nation of '• bon accord " ! Union thy word. No petty Kings, no separate States be tiiine ! United, over shall Britannia's sword Defore Tlie(> glow, lleavcm with thy l^'ato comhiiio Thy greatness to extend. Thy lot meanwhile, Beyond all people's blest ! guarded thy shore By Fleets invincible, from Britain's Isle t , a 1 St IV vv. J Id. VdU -1 ds. ads? av. piovailod. 'I'lia! \villiii,::sail. Tliiiir r\,.r unuvin,^ store ; Tliiiu- iiilaiil iM.wvr. its iiilliiriuv I.,'iii,-ii O'n'CMiitiiKMitsaiuI Isles, ,.•,.,! iimsv. Ilial wields; And In! ,1 pricdrss tivasiiiv. ln,ly lliiiie — ~T!.ev;.lMi,r..r Thy Sons, Ij.y land llial shields :- -All— with th," lav..rin,-,uali's of Fate eoiisiiiiv, From eleuinils diverse, a iir,)s|.,T(.iis State (ih.rious to raise. Swert.'sl I >eace inspire Thy Coiiiis.dsever, and shall liapjiy dato Aues of -lory IVoiii this hri-lilesl da\ That yr.| hath dauiird oVrall ColumiMa-s Laii.l. laislroiis lliis epoch inoi.' thon VirturV i^ay. fis praisr shall speak mir Chihlreii, as tiiey stand OnOltawa-slavon.lslion., and ra ptn red view Those i,'or-<>oi,s Palaces an.l stat.dy Towers, Wh..r.,. [}r,rr.viN\s Rov.vrTv, so lovinp, Ini.-, ' Bids constant dwell MurJa:,;,s,.ATivK PowKi.s. iiid ; nbinc n! ! 10 Till' Vulunli'vrs irho fill at llu 13ATTe;i: of iimcjEWAY, .hnir -211(1 I8(lti Bv THE Ri;v. /Eneas McDoNKr.r, Dawsov. Fallen nr(> lli(> liravi' in ytinllfs l)ri;:lil years, Sistci's and Molhers, ye \\(M'|i n'rv tln'ir j^ravi A Xalioii ])0(lt>\vs it willi tears. O'or heroes lli(^ir lire-hlimil iVc eh' who pave Tliat Country and Freedom niii^ht live, Deojily sori'ows each Patriot heart. Now sriev(< ye 1 — liino soothing will give Meeds jirightiu' than tears; liigh(>sl I'aino Wreaths deatiiless nid'ading inii)art, And lilorv eneii'cle ilieii- name I Sleep luu'oes I sleep! your warfare o"(>r. () iio'or o'er yoiii' wariior grave, Hy the grand Ontario shoi'c, Shall the lone dr(»o|iing \\ illow wave ! Strew (lowei's! ye people all eomhi Fi'oni distant Hudson's frozen /one To lies riMnote in Oc(>an's hrine. With brightest iierohays alone, 'Die liallowt'd Hpot \Mirlhy lo deeK, lie H Wliero first, was wiliiiiu. Inavcly [loiirofl Tho Palriol blood, >-our Iocs could (dicck, When dark and om'nniis war cloiKlslowcred Gor'nacli noi' IJllaluIa raise, Nor Pibroch's solonni lonca resound. From ago to iX'^c shall speak their praise Your ri'ee-i)Oiii hapjiiest Sons, around These favored sIkuvs, IVoiu bondage lnul Redeemed, an( ' reatened (diains, thai, lou" Woidd manacled have ludd each soul, To Freedom bom and hale ol' wiong. Long as beneath the Summer's glow, Shall heave Ontario's l)osoni lnoad. And mock tho dismal winter's snow ;* Long as shall pour its mighty load or waters vast, great Erie's Hood, hy foaming Cataracts, to join Ontario's wave, this liero-blood With glorious Victor-bays shall twine. • Tho watora ofl^kc Ontiuio iiover freeze.