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L'exemplaire film6 fut reproduit grace ^ la g6n6rosit6 de: Ecole pol ytcchnique, Universite de Montreal, Bibl iotheque Les images suivantes ont 6t^ reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de la condition et de la nertet6 de l'exemplaire film6, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmagfi Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover ana ending on the last page wi*- » printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back >. sr when appropriate. All other original copie. 'c filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol » (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. 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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent etre filmis cl des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clich6. il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR CANADA How. W. ,1 RcxHl. Umutrr, W. W. CoBT, C M.fl , Deputi/ Wnu(«r, PUBLICATIONS Dominion Observatory OTTAWA * , . V2V^ .^JV. F. Kino, C.M.c.., LL.D., Director. V«^^^^-''^^'^ Vol. I, No. 4 Orbit of 88 rf Tauri BT W. E. HARPER, M. A. P CAl MT 40 'j POl-'J/. OTTAWA Government PRrNxiNo LHire.\u 1013 con.FPmYTf^"^MOl!F RlBUniHEUUt tiuLL ruLntLHi^ioUt BliiLIOIHEO'Jf DEFARTMKNT OF TIIK INTERIOR CANADA H.iN, U I U'.IJK. Uini.-.r \\. U. O.lir, CMC. I), iiulj .\fimtler. PUBLICATIONS Dominion Observatory OTTAWA \V. V. KiN(i, CM.'.;., LL.l)., DlrccloT. Vol. I, No. 4 Orbit of 88 d Tauri BT W. E. HARPER, M. A. O T r .\ W A (ioVBHNMKSi Fhi.misc; I!rilK.\U I'JI :; 4 \ (•i.'iii I l)inai> iiatiiiv \\a> iiiadr la>l yrai' Iniiii llir M t . \\il,Mili ( >l.MT\at(U> . l'ii,--il)l> a> it \\a- ;iivrii in tlirir li>l liy the nunihcr SS llir\ hail ovcrhKiisrd ihr pic\iiiii> aniiniiiircniciil ni ihc -tar iimiiT the (Ic-iiiiiaiiiui '/ 'I'auri ii\ liir l.ii'l'; astiniiniiici'.s. 'I'hc early (>lisci\ali(in- uf Moiirc. Ii\c in niinihri', have provivl of 'j;n',-u value in (Ictnniiniiiii the iiciiod I'lciwcm ihr lii>t ch-ri \ at ion at l.ick and ihc la-l (inr hcif an inlri-\al "i abnui 7."(() nciind- has rlapsrd. mi that it is pi)»il(lc lo alTi\c at a value Inr the pciidd which niu-i he vcr\ ncai' the true value. '1 he p(>ri(id :!..".7I1 days was con-ideied the l.e>t until the oh-ervalious were ;;n)Uped and a solution made, when it was >een that liy inereasin;:; the period to ;!..")712 (lays :an increase of ahout nine secoiidsi a much lietler atireement with the curve would l)e secured, 'I'lus latter value, then \va- the peiiod aproaches somewhat neaicr than that lo !• type us, with proper e\|)osiu-e a numlii r of nu'tallic liiiis in the spectnuu are >een. I lu> sin^ile-prism camera wa> used I hrouirhout , and of the '-'s plates secured S were made on .-^eed M) enmlsion. 1 on Seed 'J:! and H'; on the rei:ular Seed 27. The lines of the spectrum should he fairly well nieasurahle if the plates secured were of uood (luality, l.ui the continued p(!or oli,-ei vintj weather of tlu> pa-t nine mouths oi' ^o has rendereil ace<'plai)le almost an\ kin iih int'. DilMIMllN i ill> \ \ I i i|i V V('l<»ritio> nlit:mir.| li:i\c ;i laicir |iiiili;ilil(' cinn- tli;iii ol liii>-, i-c uimiM Ik- ihc (•il.--r. liut tlii' t;iirly liiiili iMiipr in \cl(icil\ nimiicii-alo lor tlii^ Ut a nital rxliril :iiMi [iriiiiii- ni' a laiii\ accmalc lirlcriiiiiiatinh cf liic (prinlai clcinriil- Sdinc lilies (I'lc tiii|i(iiiciil arc l'aiiitl\ \i>ililc. the (iiicr Siniiiicil Sciil _':{ |ilaic> hciiiu moif -iiiial>lr in ncuiil ilir>c, I'lulhrr iiHiiiKin will lie luailf (it llii.- later. Hc>^i(li- till' tiiai;iic-iimi line ami tlic Hik > iluc to li\ ilioiicn ilicif ucrc \ i>it]|c, a> |ilr\iijii>l\ Mil lilidiicil. liHlallic luii~ wliirj] wirr i|uilc fiiM|iiciilly iiifa.-uialilc. Till- arniiii|iaii\ iim laMi' iiivr- ilic line- iii(i>i (iitiiniiinlN uica.-MMil ■ anidiii; llioc it Will Im n"iic(| air iiiaii\ lim - iliic to imn. It ha.- licrn i-ii<|('Miai> to oliiaiii corrriMrd \alii<> oi' ihi ua\( -Iriinili. |,\ roii.-iiifiiriji llic roidiials I'or carh line In II! ilii mean ol the plate ami (i|iialili!i their -iiin to zelo. I>iit nuinir to the |>o(il (|ilallt> ol the |)late> thi- pideediin' ha.- Hot heeli carried out in thi.-^ ciisc. At best. oiiIn thre<' line-. A |:',.'._'. .\ i:?(l,S and X 4'_';5:i would si-ciii to be in need of correction -o that the re\ i-ed \clocitie- would not dilTer iiiateriallx' from those herein gi\eii. OKBIT or "Al'RI. LINKS I '^KlJ i.N (i TAl Kl. l.iiK-. .\\tr;lK<- Kli- Aluitiniic im-nt. Hiis< l\;ilrirv DhIc .lull 111 II u Pli:i«'. Vr lint v. Hc!-! 1 ll-C. Lirk PKl'i \(1V 18 1 J.1I7 7 ,111s 48-> si:f sss >,H)t"i 717 :i .-.2!» It (IOI< + + + 51 103 lis 7 1) 8 + - + 3 1 ,-> 0-3 . 41 KHKi 1007 Oct. Auk M M mil Ort. (Vt. (let fi 13 . . 7 (1 ,>».').i ,862 :u',) "•52 895 '.KKI -'111 1 '.111 1 s7ti - 44 43 3 4 - 61 8-2 «■ U Mt W Ison 1^ " N"v ;i <( :!(! ^i:«i 1 ftl)7 40 _ 3- » I'.iij .l:u, •'■ ',1 1117 S'J'.t ■ .-.Hi + 71 - 2- lis ri lu.ic \ I ii'N^ IF I hi: i)(i\u\ii i\ I in>i;ii\ ak un . ■i A 111.1. Ul' iJUbKUVATU)N6 Ol' (i TAIKI. CoMPIINKNT I. CiiMI'mNKNT II. I'lMf III.. Date. ICx. Julian Date. I'hXM'. Vrl \\t. o- V' 1. W 1 1 '-C. 1 l',«)S in. r 1 ,OlM (• N..V l:i |:i J, 11N,25'J 0>2 2 ■-".15 - I'.l 7 " - 17 ■j.iin II I).-,' 'I I'.UJ lid s , J.s5 • OJS 3-2,53 -h Ni'.i 1 11 4.s;ii 1' I'.h. 12 45 ■.1.445 602 2-577 + 21 1 + 7 ■ 7 4,8.50 11 111). 20 02 '.), 4.53 012 3-144 + '.10 7 5 - 5 9 - S3 3 1 4,8.54 II IVl). 21) CO |.I,4.50-63'J 2 ;ioo + 45-8 .5 - 7-4 4,856 11 Feb. 27 7.5 0, liJO (J2y 3-310 + 97-4 4 -I- 1-2 1,><."|<1 (• \\h.-2s .50 '.1,401- J'J7 -710 + '4-5 ,5 - 4-0 1,S70 11 Mar. ,5 . i;o ',1,407 003 3-151 -\ A.y-3 7 - 20 1,N-I M .Mar. 12 . r.5 ',(,474 -503 2 ■ '.M)8 + 68-0 5 + 0-0 l.^-l 1 Mar. in. . 55 !i, 475 500 ■340 + 95-0 6 + 6-3 .-,,171 11 .\iiu. 27 40 <,l,t')42S00 3 124 -4- 109 7 5 + 7-3 ."..17^ II .\iii:. 2'J 55 '.1.044 ■S57 ! - '• 1 11-^ 1 t 1 .■),'Jl'.i !■ Urt. 4 7.5 '.I.OSOH.;! 2 1 Oil - 20. 1 s -T 1 ii • IMI 1, 1 r>.Xi7 1'' Ort.7 7.5 !l,6f:i-M0 1.5.50 - 351 7 - 2-1 -fl'.i3 5 1 .5,'J4N 1' (let. If) 75 .2'il 1" IV<-. 20 .57 , 757 6,52 ■301 + 93 1 7 -f 5-4 .5,:>iHi r Dim-. 21 l'.)l:l :iO ',l,7,58.00!l 1 378 - i:i3 2 + i - 4 .5.:jivj 11 .Ian. 1 110 '.i.7ri'.t iiMi 1 iiM - no .5 - t 1 .5,:i07 11 Jan. N 50 1 'i.77ii 010 1-463 - 21-2 7 + 7-4 ,5,:ii:! 1' Jan. 12 70 I •i,7.s01).50 1-932 - 30-0 7 + 5-6i + 170 1 1 .5,:i20 P ,Ian 22 0,5 i '.i.7'JO072 1-210 - 10 6 + 1-4! .5., Till II Jan. 2H 54 , 0.7'JO 642 -007 + '.IS 6 - 4-7l - 82-1 1 ,5,:{4s II I'VI). 6 0 0.811 -,556 697 1 + 42-0 5 — 8-0l .5.:wt 1" Feb 17 0.5 0,816 -522 2-091 - 31-1 5 - 20 + 143-8 J .5,i:i:i 11 Mar. 12 7,5 0,839 •,536 107 ! . lll^ 1 1 + 5o! ! ■|'hi' il(iai!i'-ijiiiril a platf wa.- ha-ril |)riinaiil\ i>n llir nutnhcr ami \Mr.ilit (if llir lilies iiica uiiil. Tlic plali'> wen- \vcii.;li!i'il in'li'p''mlrntly iipnii i|ii ha-i- of the i|iialit\ of the ]ilalc liui (iiil\ in dii'' ra>c «a.- it fiiiimi liccr- an In rlialiuc liir wi-i^lil- ;i-sif:il('(l. Tlli' CNrcplinn wa- plair llllllllicr .Vi.")J. W hrii 1 lii- plaii' \va> ma.dr the ti'iiiprrat iirr runtrtil wa- pdoraii'l its weigh i was reducr'i frnin ;) in ."). OUUIT OF 88 d TALia. 119 MKAhlKEti OF (/ TAIKI. 4.Sf>l 4 , ■)H4 4,. '14 'I 4.:i:u 4 , ■•■22 l.isl 4,404 4.;i.v.' 4.:i4n 4.J71 4.-':)i) l.SW 4 , 1 t:i 4. 1171 4,()ti:t 4. II 15 4,(MV) nH';in V. V, Curv. N'cloritv l.'.KiJ \VI Wt ■y> 1 1 mi I .014 \vi wi + S7 0: '.Kill '.III ■ .". ,«! v.r Wt 25 I 1 :f0.7 \ ■Jl S ;iiio 1 2<.hr, 1 ■-•'.Ml 1 ■2S 1I1-4 i KM -Si 7.S .5 J - I'J J- 'i-J.W - .■) 41 + ly.i + Sl'iO .-,2 1 1 .■|l-2 47 11 4,H,'it) Vil. Wt .1.1 -.5 1 .■,10 1 .-,oo 1 + 4S 1 + .Vt :ll - 2.S-4!! ■17 - -JH + 21 t 4 ii'.Mi ; i:!l s i mil lj:!.s 14S-.'-, 13H-H V.I. Wt r2.-,-."i IIKI s l.'VI II i:i4ll 1 :!.■> ■ 2 121-2 HHi S + r2'.iii»; ~ 2!i 2:i f (HI .■) + Mill 111- 71 4 \ f s,s . 4 . S.-,ti I I , H.')!) \',1. \Vl ( l:i2 2 i:iii-2 7ii :ts 2'.i:t7 2S 4fi 4 121 2 120 II 122 7 i:ill \V1 Ui ll'.i-3 i i:il.:i i + i:!l S IIKI .'i 1)4-2 .^,4 2 'I'l-.", if,-i; .',ii-2 r,s ;l S4 2 1 71-2; + 7:1-0 f 127-;!t- - 2(1-42 - - 2S ■2S 74 - 4.'i 2(1-11 ■2;! -f 44-,'; 121) nniii \nii\> oi- iin-: I)"mi\hi\ i lH^^:l(^ \ inin . MK \>ri(K> (1 I '/ TMIU t, .•.K4 ». 4 4S1 1 ii;v I mi 4 ii.'ij 4 341) 4 :!■.>.•. 4 :!i)s 4 ■.• M ■ 2H Js + !l."in ■ 1 HI 1 .■t:i ; 711 II 1 Vrl. Wt 7r. 5 - 70 IKI + LN.S7 111 •2S - Ill II 1 1.7 II 1 ns:} 1 41 11 ;. ,".:; 7 1 l> II 1 .■.:. s 1 1.". s 1 :>:t .-. 1 4-.'i 1 5ti-4^ S - 110 'J 5 r..2;!7 Vel. Wl. .>S.2 1 .I,-.' , 111 :i 1 i.J s I .'..-.: I I .-.N r. 1 4.-..; \ 11) 1 1 1(1 2 1 f.;i .-. I 11 H - ."..'71 + 'j:! -r. + 111 ■'Js - :t,'i 1 'm-'2i HiBlT i)K SS (/ TMKl. 121 MEAbUREH OF d TALKl. \ ,5,2 is 5 ''y^ ."i.2(i(i .-,,2'M .5,:iiKi .5.:i02 o,:t07 X V.l \\i \.i \\t \.'l \\t V.l \Vl. V.l \Vi Vc4, \Vt . Yd \Vt. •t..'iS» 4. 7)40 + i;i 1 - 1-2 1 1 + 47-2 1 1 + 124-6, i - ST :v ! lT-4 \ 12 11 \ + S-6 \ 4,.V22 4,4S1 4,404 4.;t.w 4,:i4() 4,:i2."> !"■■ f S7 ■ s 1 S7 5 1 Hi-:, J + ITS 1 + IM 1 ;!7 1 ^ 111 7 1 7 ;t 1 t •". 1 i ,■>() H 1 44 1 12^1 1 l.l ',1 1 lil I 1 li.") ti 1 lOS-2 ; (S9-4 J 84-2 J 101-2 1 mil ; 122 1 llil-T) \ 0,5-2 1 lO'.l-O . !t.5 1 + 102 1) ;, i; - 2 ■ '.1 + l-:i + « 1 -t- 11-2 J - 12.5 i 4,;iiis 1 7 i ^ 2ft i 4,-2 Hi IHK DOMINION i 'IISKU\ A lOU V. MK \>1 KKS ol '/ T\t HI , i:i7 Id ■JS .'>'J _ 1!) ■2S I{:trc coiiiliint'U into ten tiroup- a- fullows: NOHMAI. ri.A( K.S. .\Ic:l1i I'luisr. , Ml 'III \i-l 1 ^; ijii 2 ■ZM H ■771 4 1 :(•■.-> 5 1 rjil fi 1 '-^',1 7 _' 170 8 ■J. ",77 9 ■2'XH 10 :M21 + 102 '.IS + 97 -^i.-. + ;i7-7il - IS 91 - :t7W - 37-.>l - .'tj :tl + 21 10 + r.O!X) + 78 00 lllill. 1 1 l{.>!.lllall)-C l']iiu;itinn- I'.pliiiiipns. 1 s +, + 07 2 :i + -57 + 09 1 :> - 337 + 07 1-5 + GO-l - 12 1-2 - 2-97 - 03 2 - -97 •00 2 - llif, - 12 6 + 7:)i - 14 10 - -92 1 + -08 1-8 - 1 22 ! + -14 A iilot of tlu'sc showed that ihe eceeiii r'leily \va-> very Miiall. Where this is the case the value of a- eaniiol he ih teriniiied with any irreat dejiree of aceuraey. Sexeral trials were made with w in d.ilTerent (luadranis and correspoiHliny; values for 7 and a value for to ahoiit (r .-eemed to he hesl, judirinu: hy the sum of the squares ,,| the vsidual-. V.'ere it not for the third and ei'ihth normal plaees, ,,.i|.n,.,ilarly the former on aeeouni of its irreati'r weitiht. a value of the recent rieity praciicall\ zero wonl.l -nil the ohscrvation- almost as well as any. Where l.olh spectra are present. a~ in this ra^e, the tendency of the measured velocities around the 7-liiie is to deviate from what should l)e their true value this hue. and conse(|uently the velocities of two firoups are somewiiat ill error. A sli^lil error in the inents will result, pariicula; y in the ease of r which will have a somewhat larfjer value than its true one. Imt. on the whole, the tendency will h- for th- errors in each uroup to iieutrali/.e one another. I 124 ITHI.K \llnN> (11 nil. DiiMlMiiN i iHSi;H\ \ Ic iin Tlic values a(loi)l('(l as prclitiiinary were tlic follnwiiin. I' = Arul2 (lays r= 02 w =0'" (tixiMl) A' = 71 km. -y = -^ -JO-.^s km T = .). 1' LM17U1S171 Tho valiio of a' was cnnsiilcreMl fixrri: nthcrwisp tlip solution would horome iiidotorminatc llirounh the cocMiciciits of to and T lu'ing nearly equal owing to tlio small \alu(' of < . With these elements were computed, acconliii!; to the ditTerential formula of l.ehman-Filiies*, ol)servati4i< + •:«2 = () from which thu following .■t)iiTctions weiv ui)tuiiK'ti. 67= + ' M l roduml from 1,S2S to i:i(>4 ami ouf solution was foun.l to 1.. MiHirifUt Tin. ..orrfft,..! values of the elements, with tlieir i)rol)aMe errors follow; I' = :iry7\2 (lays e= -Oiw-t OU) £0 = 0" A' = 71i;} km.- 1 11 km. 7 = +29-72 km. ajyf km. .4 =75-04 km. /i-G7-22 km. r = J. D. 24171<)Sl71i Oil a M/i (•-3,487,600 km. The .lata regarding? the seeoml eomponent are eolleeted in tlie K.llowiug table. D.\TA OF SKCtiNl) ( OMPONKNT. Velocity liKreitHKi) th Line. ; NiiiiihiT Wt-it!ht. m, Plate //( ('4Hu(rtjiu'in I. Cniiipuni nt 1 1 (cuuiplitt-'l) -65 4,HoO + 72 '.1 - 113-0 - '40 5.21>.l -tiO 7 + \M \i - •38 r,.Ti7 -ti2 4 + U>4 » - '46 5,313 -05-3 + 140-4 - • 66 5,3'2Ki<\ \r'ii(v. Tin niiinli:"- i)f line-; ami wir^lit vU-v ut' I'lHir-r U> tlic second coiiiiiuiiciit. It i.s llius .-.•(■II ihai till' iiifdrriiatiuii uc lia\i' icuanlinv. it i- iin-iiin' imlci'il tliiMii;li there is no '. Tin' \alue oi' m .-//. / i- '2-7. 'I'lir piohalile eiior ,,f a plate i- oil km. per -ecoml The elir\e repl(-enl~ the eoin rleil elelii. Ills, ihe Lriiiiiped \clniilie- lieinu. shown. .MintADI \1 In the int(>rval lietween llie eoinpletiun ot ihe toi-e;.'oini: ami its piililieai ion in ihis extended t'oini llie delermiiial ion of the .-aliie nrliit liy \\ ilxin ol t!ie l.irk ()l)servator\ ha- eonie to hand. The -tar, a- pre\ iou.-ly .-taled. \va- aiinoimced a- a liinar> li".' .Moore of the l.irk oli-er\ alol\\ lull lietol'e delinitely eommeneinu: work on it here in I'eliniary. l'.H2. we iiad t he eoii-ent el' I )i-. ( 'ampliell lo iiinreed with the determination, lie -ii^iie-ied in a h'lter lo Dr. I'la.-kett ilial a- Dr. .Moore wa- leaxiiisj; lor Saniiajio wr had lnUer take I he star on om- li.-i. The )ieriod wa- deiermiiied li.\ the wiiier on Sept. I'.l. I'.tlL'. hut wa- not announeed; otherwise the dupliealion oi ilie woi'k iiiitihl lia\i Ini; ,t\(iided. as only one oliservatioll, outside of the original li\c, had been made at ihat time at the l.iek. The elemenis as ulitained liy W'il-on from 'Js ihree-pri-m plates are as follows: — P = :i r>7\-2\ days A" = 7G;5-J km. 7=+2S-tl'.l km. a sin ('=:5, km. Owin^ lo the greater di-peision ii-ed. their plate- have a much lovsir prolialile error (' 1-2 km.) than oiii's ' ii-li and eoiiseiiuent ly ihe element- just jii\en should tie nioi'e neaii\- eo!-|iii than our own. The oiilv noiieealile diHereiiee i;i the iwo ill teiminat ion- i- in ihe negative ma\imum. Then' eii'\e show.- a maximum nei;ali\e \alue of IN km. We ha\e nejiatixc velocities t U and 42 OKBIT OF 88_ti lAlUl. 127 km but tho solution roducos tho maxiiiiuii. tn mI.uuI :?s km., h. ih;.t there i.s this .lifferenee. Our .■ee.ntrieity is ()().V. ;,t l.i.k tins is tuuiui \n l.e tl. T1i()Um;I> ttiis .-(line ol tlie (iisere|i;mey + 90 + TV + JO 4- X ♦ /o „ ,1... neuativ maximum, an.) this latter a later than the l.iek. 0„, i„„,ortant it.TU revah.! l,v ti,e Ottaua plates, an.i of which': .nentioM i. in the Liek .h^termination, i.- the pre>ene.^ <,l th.' se,-oml speelrum. While th.. lines ar.. not of th.' lust <|Uality l..r n..a,MUvm.nt tiier.^ is no d.nil.l as to the reality of their pres.'n. .■ an.l thus u.- .an .hl.Tmm,. th.. ratio ut the masses of tli.' two e.imijoiicnt.s. April, I'JKJ r iti^^ z J Vilocity Curvi' cf i I'miri.