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Thia Kwn ia fKmad at ttwraduetion ratio chactedbalew/ Ca documant aat film4 au taux da rMuetion indlqiii ci- signifia "A SUIVRE", la symbols ▼ signifia "FIN". Las cartas, pisnchas, tablaaux, ate. pauvant Atra filmte i das taux da rMuction diffAronts. Lorsqua la documant ast trop grand pour ttra raproduit an un saul ciich*. 11 ast f ilm« i partir da I'angia supiriaur gaucha. da gaucha A droita. at da haut •n bas. an pranant la nombra d'Imagas nAcassaira. Las diagrammas suivsnts illustrant la mAthoda. 2 3 5 6 mxoam umiution tbt omit (Ah4SI ond ISO TEST CHART No. 7) la ■2.8 us ■■ l» itt U£ ■ 2.2 ^U& ■!■ £ US u Im £^us 1^ 1^ ^ APPLIED IM/OF 1653 toal Moin Street (716) «S2 - OJOO - P(»n. " (7>6) 2S8 - 5989 - fo« D.AO.I. CirovUr Vo. tl. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OFHCE OF THE DAIRY COinilSSIONER. Ottawa, February 19, 1»1T. FURTHER NOTES OM THE USE OF PEPSIN AND OTHER SUBSTITUTES FOR RENNET IN THE MANUFACTURE OF CHEESE. Early last year it became evident that there would be an actual shortage of rennet axtraot in Canada before the Beason was very far advanced. . _ ^ . To meet the situation members of the Dairy Commissioner's staff at once began «cperimenting with substitutes, at the Finch Dairy Station Sever«d 'ots of che«*e STmade ^ adding to the milk, along with standard renneteztrac^ a 10 per cent SSion of ijdrochloric acid, at the rate of H ounces per l.^XM) P«"°ds of mdk. and SSg only haU the usual quantity di ounces) of remiet. Fairly ^of "^^f^",^ nadi wUh this mixture. The texture, body and colour were about equal *» tje chewe made from the same lot of milk in which rennet wtract only was used. Jhe flavour, however, was very much inferior on account of the strong hydrochloric taint. This aoid flavour was still quite pronounced when the cheese were seven months old. Pepsin was used with much better results. Between May 23 and J""* 2 five exneriments were made, dividing the milk into two lots, using Armoui^s boluble ?S?^ Pepsin in one and Hansen's Rennet Extract in the other lot. Two drams of pepsin and three ounces of rennet extract were used per 1.000 pounds of milk. Xhe curds were handled a» nearly alike as possible. „.,_,. . „.„,„„, On June 7 the cheese were examined carefully by the f''"»^\°«?*P«'*« = ?'°S^' HTH. Dean. Ontario Agricultural College, Quelph. Ont.; Frank Herns, Chief Dairy Ltructor for Western Ontario; G. G. Publow. Chief Dairy Instructor for Eastra^ Ontario: L. A. Zufelt. Superintendent Eastern Dairy School, Kingston. Ont,^. Bouibeau. Chief Cheese Instructor for the province of Quebec and George Hodge, representing the Produce Merchants' Association, Montreal. The a^*"" ^«* ^r. J F. Singleton, Inspector of Dairy Products, were also present. The opinion was unanimously expressed that from a commercial standpoint there was no difference in the quality of cheese made with pepsin as compared with those made with rennet "*' These cheese were kept in the cool curing room at the Finch Dairy Station all summer at a temperature of 60 degrees. They were examir 1 by the Junior author once every six weeks. On August 22 they were examined . . ^°]»°^1'; Sa^niis, Pro- fesror of Dairy Husbandry, Madison. Wis. His judgment .9 that there was prac- tically ro difference in the quality of the different lots. • * ^„, ♦„ Li no case has the flavour of the cheese made with the pepsin been inferior to that of cheese made with rennet. These experimental cheese are now nine monUis old and our judgment is that the pepsin aheese are still cquaUy as good "'i tfrtuje^ and slightly better in flavour than thc^e made with rennet extract. Some of these cheese were shown at the dairy conventions, in Ontario, in January last. 16177 So ooDTiiiced wan w early in the mmoh that pepsin was a safe substitate for nnnet that from the let of July until the end of the season the only ooagalant used at the Finoh Dairy Station, except in an experimental way, was Armour's Soluble Powdered Pepsin. This brand was not used because it was Miered to hare any great superiority orer others, but because the department had secured a large supply of it to be distributed among cheese factories at cost in case of actual shortage. The quality of the cheese made during the season at Finch was such that a premium of from one-sixteenth to one-quarter of a cent per pound was received for them in the open maritet. It has been stated that cheese made with pepsin will not keep their flaTour, and also that the texture would go wrong as the cheese ripened. So far as our experience goes, there is no foundation for these claims. If such defects are found in cheese made with pepein, they are due to the condition of the milk, or to wrong methods of manufacture, and not to the use of pepsin. We feel justified, therefore, in making the statement that as good cheese can be made with pepsin as with rennet extract. The suitability of pepein having been demonstrated, our chief concern was to see that the right kind of pepein was used. During the season we found nine diilerent brands of pepein being offered for sale and in addition to these, six brands of liquid coagulants, making fifteen in all. Cheesemakers were warned not to use any pepsin or other coagulant until it had been thoroughly tried in a practical way by some competent authority, and it was announced that the Finoh Station was prepared to teat all samples that might be submitted. No vendor was encouraged, or assisted in any way, to put his goods on the market before we had given them a fair trial. We felt it to be our duty to protect the cheese- makers from imposition in this matter. The vendors, or would-be vendors, did not always realise their responsibility, or the danger of supplying an article of unknown quality. liie different samples of pepsin received at Finch all gave good results when the proper quantities were used, bu there was a wide variation in the strength of the different brands. We regret that we are unable to report very favourably on some samples of Oana- diu-made rennet extract received during the past season. They were defective in ffavour and not reliable as to curdling properties. We have some cheese on hand made with Canadian rennet extract which have gone wrong in flavour, while those made wHh Hansen's rennet extract from the same lot of milk are still good in flavour. This ia to be regretted, as it is desirable to encourage the manufacture of rennet extract in Canada. No doubt these defects will be overcome as the manufacturers gain experi- ence. Late in the season samples of the following liquid coagulants were received and tested:— Neeo MM, a solution sold by the National Enzyme Co., Inc., Clifton, New Jersey. Very poor results were obtained from its use. The firm has, however, forwarded another sample which has not yet been tried. Hanten'a R-P Extract, made by Chr. Hansen's Laboratories, Little Falls, N.T., said to be a mixture of half rennet extract and half pepsin, gave excellent results. Curdalae (a pepsin extract), manufactured by Parke, Davis & Co., Walkerville, Ont., gave equally good results as far as the quality of the cheese was concerned, as Standard Rennet extract, or any of the brands of pepsin with which it has been com- pared. Cheese made with Curdalae were exhibited at the dairy conventions in January. The following tiAle %homt— . (•) The pound, of milk co«»ulet«d fit for "cutting" in 87-6 minute. definite qiwntitiee of the coagulanU, end (I) the relative relue of the coKirulaut., taking Annour'a Soluble Powdered Pep«in a* a ba»iii at 14.10 per pound:— CoatuUnt and MaBttCaoturtr or Ascnt. "Selttbia tow^arti Vnimin"— Aimour A Co., Chicago, III " Rtnsym* "— . ,^^ T. B. 0'R«llly. Ud., Toronto, Ont. ••Oranula4«d P«p«Jn"— Amerlcui Ftpatn Ca. Madlaoo, Wli " Boat* Paprtn "— The BoniMtt * MMaoear Co., Ud., Mtlte RochM, Ont " leal* Pwain "— Pndartck Btcama * Co., Wind- ■or, Ont "Oranulatad Pepain"— National Drue * Ch«mlcal Co., Montraal, Qua "Bponay Papain" — Parke, Davto * Co.. Walkerville, Ont " Rennet Bjrtraet"— Chr. Hanaan'a Laboratory, Inc., Little mia, N.T "R-P. Extraat"— Chr. Haaaen'B Laboratory, Inc., Little Fatia, N.T " Curdalac "— Parke, Davla * Ca, Walkerville, Ont Quantity, lb. It ia a diaadvantage to have no many market, and it i» highly important that Milk Mkaulated. Relative Lb. ST,864 Value. )4 Id per lb. 8t,ISl • S4 " 7S,a4t 7 »3 " ■al. 4T.t(« 67,S15 31,4»7 u,i4a s<,««« 34,t7S 16.44« 5 1* « :2 3 41 t IT per gal. t TS 3 97 different brands of varying strength on the ;he different preparations of pepsin should be standardiied as to coagulating strength withouj delay. It would appear from our experiments, and those of others, that there is a gi*«ter loaa of fat in the whey, as a rule, when pepsin is used than there is when the milk ia gulated with rennet. We have not been able to determine why this extra lota Ov- rex-Tds show that although the average loss was greater with pepsin there which the loss was practically the same as when rennet was used. . » will be carried out in order to discover if possible how this extra avoided, table shows the average loss of fat with different coagulants:— coai ooours. were sor> >; Further i loss of The Number o( Tests.* 16 4 3 5 Average Lose of Fut. Per cent. 0'314 0-24e 0-28< 0-318 Coagulant. Pepain (various) ilanaen'e Rennet Extract Hanaen's R-P. Extract Curdalac (liquid pepsin) • Tests were made In October and November when some of the milk wa« being delivered to the factory every other day. GENERAL NOTES. In making cheese with pepsin, the following points shoiild be noted:— (1) There is a great variation in the strength of the different brands, and care must be taken in testing the strength. The " tea cup " test will not give a true indica- tion of the curdling strength of a pepsin solution if compared with rennet extract. For instance, 1 c.c. of rennet extr»>ct in 6 ounces of milk curdled it in forty seconds, whOe the same quantities of milk and pepsin solution curdled in sixteen seconds, but when two vats of milk were set with the same quantity of each solution, the curds i diMolviDg tb« quantity of i«p..n »«'»''«* *^TH* Tb^ «*• P"«tl*« «»"""« *»*• SSL."' j s.i°=^rSS- «i-^'^ to iMk« up the tolution daily. , . . one-eighth of » pound leM (8) Curd. ni«le with pepein *"«*J. ** "^S^j')^^ Enough pepein th«Sf «nnet extr«t w«, "f^J^S^^^T tol in .1^^^^*^^^^^^^ minut... Th. riiould be uwd to coaguUte the curd mdy » ""^^ " .^ ^ „£ f,t. SLe, the time between .etting .ud cutting the greater the low •^(4) An iuauiry «nt out — Jener. OEO. H. BARR, x cnr . Chief. Dairy Divmon. -*! ■■^^