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Mainsfc. 33,39,40 p.l3 58 227 Green Cornehus Union 4 112 Bissett Thos. G Main st. 33,: ij,40p.l3 5 122 Bissett William Main st. pt. 5 54 131 Ilawkshaw Wm Main 6 123 Bissett Robert Main tit. pt. 5 r.5 155 Hill (loorge Mill 7 124 Bissett Thos Maiu bt. pt. ") 56 157 Hooper Juliu Huron 8 146 Bissett Richard Huron st 91-96 5V 157 Hooper Mr Huron 9 164 Bucidngham Sam. Mill st 65-66 58 168 Howard James William 10 164 Browning J. W. Huron st 25-26 59 176 Hutchinson J. Simcoe il 166 Balkwill Wm. Huron st 29-30 60 172 Harris Francis William 12 174 Bawden Isaac Wm. st 13-14 61 189 Hyndman John Con. 1 13 179 Bissrtt Robt, sr Main st 26 62 195 Han ford Isaac Main&Huro 14 199 Broderick J. W. Main st. n.9 tf3 221 Hawksh.i .v John Main 15 225 Back John Huron st '40 ■4 237 Harris Edward, I'avl'r's sur. 1 16 231 Balsdon James Andrew st 103 \ 7,8,9,10, 17 245 Balkwill John Union st 40-43 (>k 251 Harrison Rich Union 18 109 Bears Clayton vSandera st 40 66 •153 Himb Edward Mill 19 96 Baker John H Alain st 11-12 67 150 Hulcbiusou Jas. Huron 20 87 Gann Wm. H. Sanders st 68 169 Irving William Main 21 119 Crunnican John Main st. pt.9 22 137 Crocker Rich John st 43-44 69 165 Jury Uri Huron 23 152 Creech James Huron st 84 70 213 Johns David Maiu 24 166 Creech William Mill st 68 25 167 Cudmore Joim Huron st 31-32 71 126 Keddy John Main 26 222 Clarlve Marcus Main st 56 72 173 ^KingdonG. Wm. AWaterlool7, 27 285 Crunnican U Main st 6,7,10 ' Maui 28 166 Crocker John V Huron st. 27-28 73 216 Lambrook Henry 29 30 145 143 Clark John P. Huron&Ann 4.18,19 Cudmore Geo. Huron&Ann7,8,14,15 74 160 McDonald John Wm,&Mill45, 31 206 Carling Isaac Main at • <5 75 228 McPhilhps Pat k MaiUivUuioii 82 247 Davidson Wm. Andrew st ■■ 110 „ 76 1 Oke Thomas Mnin 33 129 Drew John Main st A 77 185 Oke Thomab Huron 34 35 190 194 Dearing Thos. EUz'h et Down James iiuron st .;?.rM 78 144 Pom worthy Wm . Aim 36 220 Davis Richard Main st 2§-26 79 186 Prier Thomas Huron 86^126 Drew William Main-at., Eacrett Charles Main st r%* 80 196 Parker James J Iain 37 118 81 203 Pickatd Robert Hurou 88 183 Elliot B.V. Main&Sim'e 28,29,30- 82,33 82 204 Pickard James Con. 1, p.lft 39 184 Elliot Ghnu Main&Sim. 28,29,30-32,38 ' 83 218 Fickaril Richard Main 40 201 Eacrett George .J^aiu 8 84 221 Pratt John JIain 41 182 Edworthy Geo. Main 3 85 141 R.)llins Wm. ' William .r. -1 n/\ Tl lir™, Moln a^ r. 7 ft 8(> 159 Reynolds W. II. Mir T^ iilU i* ZtnSUli TTUl! !-*«**.. "«• r-*,- ** 43 126 Fitton Thomas N. Simcoe st, , 42,36,41 87 lie Ranton John Main 44 186 Fanson James Wm. st. 21 88 27 Ryan John Mi aiuAAndrew ( 45 224 FisLburn John North st. 67 46 181 Farmer John Maiu st. 1 89 113 .Senior Charles Main 47 ^82 Farmer Eioh'd Main et. 1 90 114 Soutlicoti Chas Maiu ■ ■ MMIMili ,^ 1,1 ■i m mmm rtiM ■0 > for Village of Exeter.. 1 187B-Divi8ions No. I & 2. NAME. STREET I.OT 6 S NAME. STREET lAvr o O o Gill Edward Huron sk. 98 i)l 120 Sai'dors Sam'l Wain A Gill John James st. 17 92 127 Sanders George Maiu » p.H Grigg \Vm. sr Main 50 93 180 Strathy Edwd. \y Main p.A Grigg \Vm. jr Main 50 94 138 Saunders John John.' 5; Huron i,53.54 Griffin Goo. J. Union 47,4B 95 139 Sanders Richard 5.0 .J Grepu Corueliiis Union 47,48 90 140 Sweet Wm WiUiam.-'' :j;i,.S4 '% 147 Snell Johr. M'lin&Sandei s J-H7 Ilawksbaw Wm Main 1 <\S 170 SnoV. Wi» William 22 t Hill (loorge Mill (>7 9i» 17] baell W. i W '(n.&Sauders 17-5M m Hooper Juliu Huron «6 1110178 f-;niith Jot^eiih .Hain H r Hooper Mr Huron »3.:)i ] 187 Spi?3r -David Huron ll.p.K - lloward Jaiues William 1 2 202 SandorH Wm. 'William 25 Hutchinsou J. Siracoe p. 15 H 20« SamweilGeo. Main i- H, 9,10 ^KingdonG. Wni. AWaterlool*; f, 48,50,51 17 Ms Wcstcott Gborj.;e Huron U2 '' 18 151 Wkjlsh William Huron ^ 8« Lambrook Heury Maui 51 10 177 Wa'rolin Charles EUzbb !l,p.21 McDonald John Wm.&Mill45,46. 50.57 20 21 180 Wfllis George > 184 Willis John / Maiu Huron 23,24 p 15 . McPhillips Patk MaiUivUuiou 2,l(),o.S 22 192 Wdsh Richard Con. 1 plO .^, Oke Thomas Mnin 2 U Oke Thomas Huron 4 Pomworthy Wm . Aim 22,27 Prier Thomas Huron ■ 10 Parker James Main 25 Pickatd Robert Hurou 78,70 Pickard Jtmes Con. l,p.l&.17,18,iy Fickaril Richard Main 11,12 Pratt John Jliiin 45 E.)Uiu8 Wm. ' William 21 V' Reynolds W. 11. Mir 55 Ranton John Main 12 Ryau John Mi aiu& Andrew 0,7-42,48 .Senior Charles Maiu p.l2 Southcoti Chas Maiu p.l2' ■ • 1 246 Atkinson Edwar.l Andrew i'.P 2 11 JJrooks George I<.R.S. !) 19 Brown James Elizb h 4 21 Brownlee Wm L.K.S. 5 10 Brown James Main 35 Braund Diggarj' Main 7 86 Brooks George Main 8 47 Beveriy James Andrew 9 Bl Blatchiford Geo Con. 1 10 79 Brewer John Gidlev p. 11 80 Balkwill Hugh (iidley 12 96 BissettThos. William 13 98 Brawn John, sr Main 14 98 Brawn John, jr JV^ain 15 108 Balkwill John Main 16 104 Bawden William Main 17 104 Bawden Geerge Main 18 228 Bawden Joseph Main 19 261 Ballantyne Thos. Main 20 61 Crocker Isaac 21 90 Case Ilichard 22 284 Crawford Wra. Lake R. 28 249 Crocker James Main 24 89 Crawford James Main 55 38 Connor W. W. Main 26 80 CarrickJohn EHzbh 27 18 Currelley J.&Co. Main 77,78 45 78,79 11 15,10 17,18 49,50 p. 21 18.14,15,10 p.5 4 10 •>o 4 21 p.l8,i4,15 p.18,14.15 1 43 Elizh 378,879 Marlboiougli W..i3,4 4,p.8 17,18 24,26,53 8121,22,23 84 8 28 2* 80 81 82 33 34 86 17 Davis William Main 76 Dignan James Main 77 Dignan John Main 85 Dyer Alex. Marl.&Cailing 108 Drew Edred Wm.&Main 13,p.20 16,17 84 Easterbrcok Jas. Carling 101 Elston Robert Main 282 Edworthy Emanuel And'w 86 28 37 73 88 74 89 82 40 89 41 92 42 102 48 168 G reenwood W. G idley Charles G idley Samuel G idley Thomas G idley Rich'd G illespie John Goolde John G oolde Richard P. EJizb'h William William Carling Con. for. S'n Gidley Main Carling 46 15 Horn Thomns 46 10 Hayes Johu A. 47 31 llesdale Wm. 48 SR Hewitt Wm. 49 50 Horn William 50 52 Hibbert George 51 02 Hardy L. Jl.iin 8(i0.8( 52 08 J.oward William Mnin 68 94 Hiuiford Rich'd William 54 110 Hodgson Wh. 55 ?i)0 Hams Wm. 66 : 42 Hamlin Wm. 57 243 HonleyJohu 68 258 Holland Anthony Lake R. 69 256 Huston H. E. Main Jfain Main Mirket Mam J Alexander Lak,. R. Wi'linni Main Main Andrew 00 71 Jennings W. Victoria 01 02 63 64 66 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 81 55 66 91 97 237 CU 18 89 60 70 248 Kilpatrick John Kilpatrick Ralf Kilpatrick Geo. Kemp George S Kitchen Edwd Kane Thomas Kellaway Robt Llizb'h Lale E Con.l.f.S'n • (ridley Main Main Victoria Luker Richard Eli/bh Luker William Main Lewis Aley. Main&Anu'w 4,i Littlejohn S. Victoria Luxton Richard Main 44 10 Howard Roht. H. Lake B. 16,17 78 22 7,7 74 22 22,p.l2 75 30 76 10 8 77 71 6,7.8 78 78 104,105 79 86 80 98 86 81 104 6,7 82 288 6,7 88 2C6 5,6.7 84 1 Wi22 86 26 p.3 86 66 4,p.6 87 67 86,86 88 68 89 286 4,16,21 90 269 Mattice John Merrill Henry Morgan Thomas Mutthart Geo. May George Moore R. C. Marshall J. T. Mortimor John Mace Geo A. Manning Rich'd Manning Sam'l McTaggartLeon. McLachlin John McDonald John McLennan D. McNabb James McVey Patrick McWilliams W. J. 17. Elizb'h Ehzbh Ehzb'h Main Victoria Gidley Sandcr« Calling Main Main Main Main Market COD.I Mill Road Main 856,i Main And'w ( Horn Thomns Jliiyes Johu A. Iles0 96 100 72 1 11 H 2S9 2 2 8 4 H 28 5 87 6 42 7 64 8 65 9 67 10 88 11 88 12 116 18 241 Ramsay James Robinson Alex. Rowo Charles Rollins Thos. Snow John Smalo William Sanders F. Main&Audi4, Main Main L.K.S. i'lr*iT L.R.N. LR.N. And. East lOU Simpson William Main Smallacombo Wm. Main Shnte Edwd Main Sutton Wm. Main&Wm Shobbrooko Jas. Main Shere John Marlboro' Shere Alfred Marlboro' Shaddick Rich. Main Snell Chas. JIain&And 59 ;4 12 Towers Jas. 15 108 Treble S, T. Main Main&Wm. or,,o