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 Sol only in the li\tsh o 
 And on tlie storms whi< 
 Does n«ture'8 God His 
 Here, in this C/huvch, tl 
 Though in the tratlflc-ci 
 God's tiirone 's set: an 
 He wakes, ar«d listens t 
 And in His love In;}lvf>^5 
 New generations come 
 They pour their anguis 
 They gaze up mutely V 
 An<l, com [Missed witn 1 
 They stand unshaken. 
 Rolls through the dark 
 \isb of innuntaeii iandt^. 
 s whioli >hi'{)U(l thc< bonnlles-^ dfop, 
 1 His awful vijjil keep. 
 I'ch, though raised by human haruls, 
 itlflc-crowded street it 3t^iiid«, 
 U and, while men work or sleep, 
 tens to the hearts that weej), 
 nakes straight life's tangled »t:randR. 
 come and pass away, 
 mguish into God's kind ear, 
 tcTy towards His unseen face : 
 kvitn His mercies day by day, 
 iken, while this earthly sphere 
 ? darV: infinity of sprtce. 
Riv«r : 
 Whv hurry, little river, 
 Why hurry to the sea ? 
 There is nothing there to do 
 But to pink into the hlue, 
 AnO all forgotten l>e. 
 Theit* is nothing on that shore 
 But the tides for evermore. 
 And tlie I'aint and far-off line 
 Where the winds across the brine 
 For ever, evei' i-oam 
 And never fin<i a honie. 
 Whv hurry, little river, 
 Wotn the mountains and the mead, 
 Where the j^raceful elms are sleeping 
 And the quiet cattle feed ? 
The loving shuUowt* cool 
 The ileep and restful pool, 
 And every tribute stream 
 Brings its own sweet woodland dreaoi 
 Of the mighty woods that sleep, 
 W here the sighs of earth are deep, 
 And the silent skies look down 
 On the savage mountain's frown. 
 Oh linger, little river, 
 Your bimks are all so fair. 
 Each morning is a hymn of praise. 
 Each evening is a prayer. 
 All day the sunbeams gli^.ter 
 On your shallows ana your bars. 
 And at night the dear God stills you 
 With the music of the stars. 
martpr : 
 ITie dark sqtiarc g1 
 And iesiuDg slowly 
 Onme priebt and iii 
 While, midHtthen 
 Bent on the gi oun* 
 He Unips. from ttu 
 He f lontH wild wol 
 Met now he thrills 
 Fearless, he stands 
 lie hefti'8 the monk 
 He t>els thehotlhi 
 And, as the thick e 
 Which rolls to Hej 
 '* Thy Kinfrdom cc 
 QuolMiC, Xma« 19()1 
arc gliniin»^rs 'neAth the morning tkios 
 ilowly through the soinbie gate 
 uhI monk, soldier And m!ij5»6tr.itt\ 
 t them, wulks the pri>orier. with his eyes 
 nound, going to hiH saciiftce. 
 nil tortures wrought by powerleBS hate, 
 d wolves who for his hfe-blotxl wnit, 
 hrills with God's own hannonieH. 
 ttanda above the great, hushed crowd : 
 monks drone out his h rial fong, 
 lot llames round ilie faggots creep ; 
 hick emoke wraps him in a cloud, 
 Lo Heaven, his voict' rings clear and strong— 
 om come : " and eo he falls »i»leep. 
 Fkedkbick George Scott. 
 a 19()1.