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Those too large to be entirely included In one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left Lo right and top to bottom, as many frames as required The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre filmAs A dee taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour fttre reproduit en un seul cllchA, il est fiimi it partir de i'angle supArleur gauche, de gauche h droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 iii i h i J © ^ i ^ ^ p a w en H H a 3 o e: ^ o o n ^ P a! e « in 3< St m a! e « in e [i I.C DIS f IPE^TEKiDIE m firm then » arrying on business in the said City ot Montreal, under the name or style of Leinesuricr, Routh & Co., in the sum of .£1403 15s. 7d. Cy., for so much nioiiey loaned to him by the said firm, and having engaged to transfer to such firm 58 of the said 20S shares, as collateral security tor the due parnient of such in- debtedness, and in order that the said firm might realize the amount so due to them by the Plaintiff out of the sale of the said -^^ shares, he the said Plaintiff did, in due form of law, by uii instrument in writing executed in duplicate on the said first day of October, tsi53, transfer and sell ti> the said Lemesurier Routh & Co., the aforesaid 5'^ shares in the capital Stock of the said Company Deteiidiint ; the whole on the understanding, that the surplus of the proceeds of the sale by the said firm of the said 5S shares, after deduction of i\<- Plaintiff's said debt should be paid by them to the said PlaintifT. That thereupon the said Lemesurier, Routh & Co., duly demanded of the said Company Defendant to transfer the said 5>< shans of stock on the Books of the said Company Defendant, to ihem the said Lemesurier, Routh & Co., and then and there also presen- ted to the said Company Defendant the said transfer, and offered to surrender the same, on the due execution of such transfer aforesaid on the Books of the said Company, but the Haiti Company Defendant wholly ncgiecte.l and refused to execute sucli transfer on the Books of the said Company; whereupon afterwards, to wit, on the 'Jlth rsist(8(l in refusing to traiiu- for the snid 58 shares on the l^ooks of the said Company, and thereupon the said firm duly protested against the said Company for all oosts, losses, damiLges, injuries and hurts had, suffered and sustained or which might thereafter ho had, suffered and sustai- ned in consequence of the premises. As the whole will men; fully appear by refe- rence to an authentic copy of such Notarial demand and Protest lierowith produced and fyled, and to which the said I'laintiff particularly refers as forming part of these pre- sents. That on the 2-')th day of November, 1853, the said Plaintiff being indebted to " The City ajid District Savings Bank of Montreal, " in the sum of A' 4740 9s, Sd. Cy., for money by the said Bank loaned to him the said Plaintiff, and having engaged to transfer to the said Bank 210 of the snid 26S shares, as collateral security for the due Pfiypent of such indobtneiss, and in order that the said Bank might realizse the amount 80 due to them by the said Phintiff out of the sal»^ of the said 210 shares, ho the said Plaintiff did in due form of law, by an instrument in writing executed in duplicate on the said 25th day of November, IS5Ji, transfer and sell to the said Bank, accepting thereof by and through and in the name of Alfred IjiRocque. the President of the said Bank, the aforesaid 210 shares in the Capita! Stock of the said Company Defendant, the whole on the understanding that the surplus of the proceeds of the sale of the tjiid 210 snares, nfUn- deduction of the Plaintiff's said debt, should be paid by them to the said Plaintiff". That thereupon the said Bank duly demanded of the said Company Defen- dant to transfer the said 210 shares of stock, on the Books of ihc said Company Defen- dant, to the said President of the siiid Bank, and then and then; also present^ul to the said Company Defendant, the said transfer, and ofl'eied to surrender the same, on the due execution of such transfer aforesaid on the Books of the Company, but the said Company Defendant wholly neglected and refused to execute such transfer on the Books of thesuid Company. Whereupon afterwards, to wit, on the ninth day of Decem- ber, 1853, (the said Bank having in the meantime made similar verbal applications, on several occasions, but without effect) through the ministry of J. J. (iibb and his collea- gue Notaries Public, the said Bank did formally reiterate their said demand to have the said 210 shares transfcred, as aforesaid, on the Books of the said Company Defendant, and did also then and there re-exhibit and re-offer to surrender the said transfer as afore- said, but the said Company Defendant still persisted in refusing to transfer the said 210 shares on tho Books of the said Company, and thereupon the said Bank duly protested against the said Company for all costs, losses, daiai'^es, injuries and hurts, had, Buffered, and sustained, or whic! -night thereafter be had, suffered and sustained in consequence of the premises. As t .vhole will more fully appear, by leference to an authentic copy of such last mentioned Notarial demand and protest, herewith produced and fyled, and to which the said Plaintiff particularly refers as forming part of these presents. That in so refusing to transfer the said wvera! shares on the Books of the said Compa- ny as aforesaid, the said Company assigned no legal or sufficient ground for withholding such transfer and moreover had not any legal or sufficient groun«l or justification for so acting, but on the contrary were bound ami liable fortnwith on the demands so made as aforesaid to transfer the said several shares on the Books of the wiid Company, to the parties so demanding the same. That at the said several periods when tlie said dcnninds were so made as aforesaid on the said Company Defendant, to transfiu tho said several shares of stock on the Books of the said Company, the said 2Gs shares wcra worth, in the Montreal Market, and were readily saleable therein at 18 per cent, discount, and that had the said Company Defendant transferred the said shares on the said Books of the said ('onq>any Defendant, as they were bound to have done, the 8ais4 7h. id. (.'urrency. That notwithstanding all the foregoing premises the said Company Defendant still continued illegally to refuse to transfer on tho Books of the said Company, the aforesaid 208 shares of the said Stock, or any part thereof, until the 4th April 1654, when the said (^mpany transforn?d on their said Books the aforesaid 58 shares in favor of the said Letnesuricr, Kouth A Co., and until the l,'}th day of May 1854, when tl:e said Company transferred the said 210 shares in (avor of the «aid City and District Savings Bank of Montreal. That in the interim between the time when the said transfer on the Company's said Books was ■iy^^^^ «o originally demanded ag aforesaid and the respective dates last mentioned when the •aid transfer was so actually effected, the Capital Stock of the said Company Defendant became and was so greatly depreciated in value, that the only amount which the said Lemestirier, Routh & Co. and the said Bank were enabled to obtain and realise for the -jaid iiGS shares of Stock, which they caused to be sold with all reasonable and prudent s{)ondent do pay to the Appellant the costs by him incurred in this behalf as well in the Court below as in the Court here, and that the record be remitted, —the Hon. Mr. Justice C. Mondelet dismitiente:^ In addition to the demurrer thus fyled to the whole action the Appellant fylcd a demurrer to a portion of the Respondent's declaration, but, as the hearing on such demurrer was by consent of parties reserved until the final hearing ou the merits, and as the points raisi-d by such demurrer are also raise.l m the exception pleaded by the Appellant it is deemed umiecessarj' here to make further allusion to this special demur- rer. The following is the exception pleade.1 by the Appellant :— " And for furtlu r plea toplaintitl's said action, defendants say, that all, each and every the allegations matt«r8 and things in Plaintiff's declaration set forth are untrue except in so for as the same may hereiinfler be specially admitted to be true; that true it is that the Defendants an^ a body politic and corporate as allcg(Hl in the Plaintifrs .Icclaration and the Plaintiff on the first day of October 1853, was a shareholiler in the said company to the extent ot aiO shares of said company's said share or stock; that as to the alleged debt of the said Plaintiff to the said Lesmesurier, Routh and Co., and to the said City and District Savings liank in stud Plaintiffs declaration referred to, the said Defendants were and are wholly ignorant as well as in respect of the alleged transfers to the said firm, and to the said Itank, the stiid defendants further reserving all their rights from or by reason of 4iie said alleged translers nwt being produccil and fyled in this cause and expressly plead- ^ If I \ In if ii Mk > ing uutlor such reserve that previous to the month of July 1803 whcu tlie Athintic & St. LawroDCs Railroad Company, a bo(?y politic and corporate duly incorporated un- der the laws in force iu this Province became and was merged in the (irand Trunk Kail Road Company, the said Defendant had been and from the datt? of the formation and iit- corporatiou of the said St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company was and conti- nued to be Secretary and Treasurer of said last named Company and kept their Books and received all their monies and funds and securities and was responsible to said Com- pany by reason theifof and after the amalgamation of the said Companies and up to the month of September 1853, the said Plaintift' continued to be and was in the employ of the now Defendants as Treasurer and kept tlieir books and received their casii and Securities and had not accounted therefor or for liis said acts and gestion of tiie allairs of either of the said Companies, but th(i acco.ints of the said Plaintitl" were and up to- the Ist October 185^, and at the date of tlu; alleged transfers continued to be wholly unsettled and the said defendant iiad in liis said (puiiities made erroneous entries in the said Books and was liable for divers neglects and omissions and errors in said liooks so kept and in cash and securities so received, which were in part on discovery thereof at various times afterwards settled to the extent of about £1100 currency. That moreover by the law of the Province regulating the transfer of shares in the said Grand Trunk Railroad Company, a form was provided for the transfer of shares of their stock and it was also thereby provided that a duplicate of the transfer of stock should be delivered to the Directors of the said Company, nor were the Defendants bound to enter such transfer or transfers without the delivery of one part of the said duplicate, that the pretended transfers of said shares in Plaintiirs declaration mentioned were not made iu the form regulated by the said law nor were the same in any legal form, although from the non-proiiuction of said transfers in tiiis action the Defendants are unable to specify in detail the legal objections apparent in the alleged transfers, but the said pretended transfers were wholly insufficient, informal and of no effect. That moreover the said alleged transfer to the said City and District Savings Bank could not be recognized by the Defendants nor were they bound to register the same, inas- much as the said Bank could not under and by virtue of the Statute under which it was formed, and, had existence as a corporate Bank, to wit, under ati act of the Legislature of this Proviiu-e passed in the Session thereof, in the fourth and fifth years of Her Ma- jesty's Reign, intituled an act to e.icourage the establishment of ami regulate Savings Banks in the Province become or be a slmreholder in its own name iu siiid Company and had not under the said act or under any law, or under any of its laws and regulations validly made the power or authority to become such shareholder. That by reason ot' the premises the said Defendants were and had good and sufficient reasons and were justified in declining at once to register said pretended transfers, and that by reason of litigation between the said i)artie8 in respect of tlu" said gestion of the affiiirs of the said Companies, in respect of certain claims of the Plaintiff upon the said Defendants for salary in consequence of his disiniswl from the Defendants servict' aforesaid whiciv were i>ending in the Superior Court for Lower Canada, to wit at Montreal to wit an action against the now Plaintiff by the now Defendant in said Court UiidertheNo. 1537, praying for an account, and another action of the said now Plaintiff against the now Defendants for the cause aforesaid under the No. 2540 which were respectively decided upon and adjuiisicd by final judgment rendered on the said cases respectively on the iiSth day of March 1S47, the said matters so in dispute were not until the rendering of the said judgment settleil and ascertained, but the said Defendants did on or about the time and times in Plaintiffs declaration mentioned transfer the said shares on ccrtuin transfers which on Plaiiitill's reipiest they recognized and registered, the said ikefendauts are not liable towards the J'laintiff as in and by the said declaration he lialh alleged. And the Defendants further aver, that no demand was made by tlie Plaintill'for registration of said transfers and the alledged demand of the said transferrees, even if made, asallod- ged by I'laintilf, which l».;fendants deny were not the demantl8re(piired to be made, nor were the transfers such as were necessary to be nnide nor can the said demand avail the Plaintiffs, nor the alleged contracts, understanding and agreements in iiis declaration 8«t forth, inasmuch as tlu; said Defendants never were party thereto or informed theroof but the same were made between tin- sjiid Plaintiff and the said transferrees on under- standings (t conditions which they did not know or sanction, that t'.ie said transfers, con- tractB and understandings and the alleged relation of the Plaintifl' as a debtor to the said transferees in the sums of money in his declaration mentioned and granting it to said transferees for the purpose of collateral security and the alleged prot(?8t8 and de- mands and offer to surrender the said transfers were and are in themselves and by reason of tb' premises wholly inoperative and of no effect as grounds of the present action in favour of Plaintiff and that in so far as respects the said Defendants, tliey confer no right on the Plaintiff what ever right the transferees may have had against him the said Plaintiff by reason thereof and whatever rights may at any time be urged against the Defendants by said transferees. Tiiat moreovc the said alleged depreciation in the said shares was not occasianad by the said Defendants uoi- are the said Defendants liable therefor, or for the incidental losses or demand sought to be recovered, and the same were not caused by them the said Defendants, nor did the same flow directly and immediately from any refusal, neglect nor default of the Defendants, but from causes over which they had no control and in great part from the neglect of the said Plaintiff and the haid transferees who did not sell the said shares within any reasonable time but on the Company delayed the said calo for many months until the shares had greatly derre- ciated and in fact sold tt 3 same in accordance with their own views and discn.'tior the greater part whereof, to wit 210 shares thereof in May 1S55, and that in fact the said Plaintiff suffered no damage whatever from the Defendants acts or which he can or ought to recover by reason of iiuality of stock-holder or in any other quality, nor did he pay, nor was he held responsible to said transferees as transferor or vendor of the said shares, of all which said several premises the said Plaintiff was at all and every the said periods well aware and hath admitted and acknowledged tlie allegations therein set forth to be true the whole as the Def ndants are ready to verify when and as this Honorable (^ourt may direct". The Appellant also pleaded the general issue, and issue was joined generally. The Ibllowing was the judgment rendered on the merits by the Court below: "The Court . . . considering that the Defendant hath not sustained the special demurrer by the said Defendant fyled in this cause to a part of the declaration and demande and that this special demurrer is unfounded in law doth dismiss the same; considering further that the Defendant liatli not established in evidence the material allegation.! of the plec to the Plaintiffs action; considering that the l^efendant was not justified in the refusal to regis- l.s f. I 9 declaration, ares of stock, ■ it appears *ce of such loss and d by him ■illings and ter the transfers of the shares of stock, mentioned undsetfor when reipiired to make such enregistration by the transfere » and (^tjeing moreover that s.ich refusal was contrary to law; by the evidence produced by the said Plaintiffin this car-;; refusal by and on the part of tlie said Defendant the Plainti. damage on the said two hundred ami sixty eight shares of stock - to the amount of one thousand three hundred and eighty two pound* nine |M'nce currency, by reason of the depreciation in the value of the same, to wit, on fifty eight shares transferred to Messrs. Lemesurier, Routh and Company between the twenty fourth ilay of December eighteen lu.ndred and fifty three, date of the notarial demand made on Defendant to enregister the same, and the fourth day oi April one thousand eight hundred and fifty four, date of registration, at and after the rate of fifteen pounds per centum, also depreciation on two hundred and ten shares transferred to the Montreal City and District .Savings Bank between the ninth day of December eighteen hundred and fifty three and the thirteenth day of May, one thousand eight himdred and fifty four, at ami after the rate of seventeen pounds and a half per centum, undfot which loss and damage the Defendant is liable to th; said llaintiff, doth adjudge and condemn the suid Company Defendant to pay and satisfy to the said Plaintiff the said sum of one thousanil three hundred and eighty two pounds eight shillinga and nine pence currency with interest thereon from this day until actual payment and costs as well upon the said special demurrer as upon the said action". The issue between the parties having been reduced by the judgment of this Court to one purely of fact, it is unnecessary for the Respondent to say nic e, than that he clearly proved his damages to the full extent allowed by the judgment i.ow appealed from, and that in consequeiu-e ho confuLntly claims a confirmation oi" that judgment, at the hands of this Honorable Court. MuNTKEAti 11th August, I860. ihJUai4ji U^^^^^^Cfj A(lmnty$for Retpondent. nil" fl » ■ } ■ '.i I.- 6 ihpo.iil'rni nf WilHCstrn cmmiiifd In/ Ur»i>oiiilrtil. Amukd LvKocyrr. :— I know the Plaiiitift' in tliis cimse, and F know tlu' Company DofiMidant. I was tlio Pr.vsidiMit of the " City and DiRtrirt Savin^8 Bank" of Montreal, on tlio twoiity-tiitli of Novombfr Kightwn iinndivd and fifty-tlnec, and had l)«'t. H'ilhoiil inilnr of Ohjerlions. 1 do not think there was any arrangement in writing between the Bank and the Plaintifl'. I suppose there was a special receipt given for the Shares, at least after Hie Shares were transferred on tlie l$ook» of the Company. The PliiintiU's transaction with us began by three loans represented by Notes as follows, •Jnil Aiuil XHWS XI 00. 13lli " '■ i.'2003 1 ti. Till May •• X750 < >n looking at the Receipt Book of the Bank, 1 find the lollowiiig entries therein — • Jiid April l«-');J, lleceipt to A. C. Webst-r for sevcnty-vwo shares, St. Lawrence and Atlantic IJailro.-id as i-oll. for loan of tl.'JOU" and a similar receipt i in my cxaniliiii- :-i^. ■tioii in I'liiff ill nslatioii to iIm- ri^gistmtiou ci uuid si arcs, "vs far as I recollect I bad conversatiou only witii Mr. iloiinef in regard to the rcgic^tnition of the said shan-a. — As far a« I can romciiiber Mr. Iitdnies said, the Company had accounts to settle with Mr. Webster, and could not accept a Transler then. — This is the purport of what he said. The Stoc!.. 1 believe was sold through Mr. C.awford, Broker, and I I lievo a portion was purchased '>y Mr. Chapman on time. — At the time of these transactions, I was till" I'resident ol tliesaid Hank, and renuiined so until tne month of .July Eighteen liundred and fifty-five. — (,)««»r«on. — Was any other arian;;enienr made in reference to said Stock than what arose from tiie receijits sriven >fr, Websfor as above mentioned? Aminr. — None mat 1 am av>are of, ixcept the letter giving authority tosell, whicii is now in the hands of the President of the Hank. 1 do not recollect whether the transfer was mi'de i.i duplicat'! or not, but I am uu- di!r the imincssion that it was. T do not recollect having a copy o'.' the Transfer or •luplicate at the (*nmpanys Otlice or delivering it to Mr. Holmes. •J. — li.^vlI '.\xn LKMEsruiKit RoiTli .~I know the Plaintift'in this cause, and the Company Deffudiinl. — f one of the (inn of Leniesurier Routh and Company, men- tioned in the pleadhigs in thin cause. On the lirst day of October Eighteen hundred and lifiy-three the said Plaint. .i was ind«'bted to the said firm in an amount exceeding fourteen hundred pounds, ami as e(dhiterai security for the payment thereof the Plain- tiff' transfered fifty-eight shares of the Capital Stock of the Company Defendant to the 81 id firm. 1 now produce the duplicate original of the Transfer which Xv-as executed «l 'be time. The signatures A. C. Webster & Lemessirier llouth & Co. subscribed to the .aid Transfer are respectively in tiir ; 'operhand writing of the said Plaintiff and my self. Tlie signatures .F. Scott and A. Mackenzie, as witnesses, are respectively in the hand writiiiii of .lohn Scott and Alexa'ider Mackenzie who were present and witnessed tb*- : ..c cution of the transfer. Tiie initials ,1. .1. (}. in the margin of the said Transfer r. hi the proper hand writing of Isaac .lones (ribb, Notary Public, and the signature o( >Vill. Macbeaii is in ti;e proper hand writing if William Macbean who was at the tima he 8i,i,.ied the said signature the Transfer Clerk of the Company Defendant. The under- standing on which the said Stock was held by the firm was, that if it should be necessary to sell the Stock for the purpose ot meeting the Plain''ft''8 indebtedness, any surplus reali/e^^« ~ iitti I l, ^:rf II the firm rcceivea o.i the tvve.ity-thira .lay of May Eightoeu hundre.! an.l hfty-four. The .,ext 8ale that I was abU^ to effect, wa« on the Thirtieth day of October Eighteen hundred and fifty-four, when I sold the remaining twenty-eight shares at torty-f.vo per cent discount, which was the highest rate I could obf^in at the time. The not proceeds ol this sale were Four hundred and sixty-eight pounds, eight shilhngs. an.l four i>ence, which were received by the firm on the Thirteenth day of November Eighteou hundred and fifty-four. From the moment that the Transfer was eflected, I ha.l authority from the Plaintiff to sell the Stock, for whatever could be realized iu the Market, m oroer . that the two notes endorsed by the firm for his acco.nmodation and on which he had received the money might be m.c at maturity, out of the proceeds ot the sale ot the Stock. In consequence of the non-.egistration of the transfer of the Stock I was un- able to retire these Notes out of the proceeds of the Stock, as was intended. n-J they were accordingly protested for non-payment. The lir.t of these notes he sa.d firm re- tired on the Thirtieth of December Eighteen hundre.l and fiUy-three by a p»yn,e,rt of Nine hu>uired pou.uls thirteen shillings, and the secon.l note on the 1 wenty-e.ghth of January Eighleen hundred and fifty-four, by a payment of F.vehun.lred and three pound/two shillings and seven pence. Instead of the said st.,ck re„ h.n.g a surplus over and above th." Tlaintiff's indebtedness to the firn., then- was u balance hnn of Three hundred and ninety-nine eight shillings and ten pence due as cash the Sixteentn day of .lanuarv Eighteen hundred and fifty-five. In estabhslung th.s balance the Plaintiff was credit;d with F.fty-two pounds eighteen s nlhngs an. s.x pence o Interest eceived tro«> the Company on the said St<,ck on th.- twenty-fourth day o. April Eighteen hundred and fifty-four. niOSS-KXAMINKI). \t tlu' time the Stock was put into the of th.' lirm, a receipt was given to^ the effect that the Stock received as collateral s.-curity for the payment ot the No- tes, the Stock waB returned to be returned to the Plaintiff, on pnymen. by hun, of the No e This was about the twenty first day of September. Eighteen hundred and fifty three,'u.appear8by the receipt given forsai.l Stuck, copy whereof is h..rew,t.h produced. T he .' was no other arrangen.c.t as t. the Stock except the, but subsec,ueutly. we ..btained the Transfer referre.l to. in n.y exanunation in ch.e! I .In no leave any 122 in theoffu-e .,f theCon.pany Defeu.lant until the fourth day ol Apr.l Eighteen , n^.lr...l a.ul fiftv h.ur. 1 think I explained the nature ol the transaction to he bes of niy lollection'to Mr. Holmes. Th.. sale of the Stock w,« unule by Mr. Crawlord, a Brok,r.,f this City. „,,kxam.nki,. 1 presume that the reason why I did n..t dep..sit tli- «ai.l Transfer until the f.Mirth day of April. Eighteen hundre.l an.l fifty f.Mir was, that th.- Cunpany wouh' not accept '* ^"!;'I:E..m. NO J. lUuHKALt-I know the Plaintiff an.l the Con.pany Defen.Jant I am now an.l sin. e the first dav of July, Eight...... and llfty ^^ve have In^en the Tct "1^- . "The C.v a...l District Savings Ua..k of Mo..t.val." TI.e T-ns.r o w^ h. .InVd and t... shares .,f the Stock of the Con.pH..y !>efe..dant by the Pla.nt.ffto Alfred LaKocue. Es.,uin.. VwrnU-ut ,.f the sai.l Ihu.k, an.l now by ...e I ,t, -n gthlr.;c...-.i;..ft...-s.u.iBa..k. , a.u well with of he l-la.n.iff .u.d ..f th.- s.u.1 Alt.ed LaUoc.p.e and k,.ow that the sigun ure A. C V b- ter subscrilxnl to the m.i.l Transfer is of the I'latntilPs proper, ..nd tha tlu, «n U .re. A. LaK.>..,u.-, l', als«. then-by subscibcd. is .,1 the sai.l AUred LaKoc- Z nie letter .iale.l Ht. l>ec.-...ber. ISAH, also produce.] bv me. I l.n.nd among the Records ,.f the said Hank. The whole ..f th.U l.-tler i...duding the H,«nat..r« ZZ subs..nb..d. is .d-.he proper 1. of the said l'l»...t,fi. '.he al^ >r.>duc...l bv me .lat.-l M....t.eal 2lst. January. 1^54, and M..ntreal. a3rd Juuarv. 1S64. I likewise found am.n.M the )' of the .aid Hunk. 1 am .am.liar wit ilsigature .l..h.. M. Gra..t wl... was In,. Assistant S..cretary ol the ( on.pany U eltn ant at .lates ..f those letters an.l I believe the signaf.rc M. Uran. -''-'"^d t^ Jh .'t th...... ' .tters t.. be of his proper hun.lwiting. have no p..n...nal knowleugo whaUwer n'specling the involv.'.! in the Hui.l Transfer an.l letters. Thr IhjimlilitnlnlinnI til Cr