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New York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300- Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax ^f- " J&9A ^zflM^-r- THE CATfifiHlQir X \ OF THit.> \: REFORMED EPISCOPAlii":'„*:,cryl t» the Dominion of Cavada \ OTflKRWiSE KXOWN AS Tr^jO ' ' REFORMED CHURCH OF EfiULANt, WITH SCRIPTURE PROOFS "aVD EXPlInaTIOXS i TO WHICH ARE APPENDEP A SUNDAY SCHOOL LITURGY AND PRIVATE PRAYEris. 'kV*^'— ■ ^" MONTREAL : .VM. DRYSDALt &' CO . 232 St. JA.MSS STREET. fi .*. JJIV o L w ai te q> kt fo i na or is ( AI sta wh rec ItTJlHi I" 'I'^.^^- "Jiy iy ^"' "■^' ■ ■ jPW.. THE CATECHISM. 7o be learned of rcery person before Confitmation, [The name of our Church is the Reformed hptscopal Church in the Dominion of Canada, otherwise known as the Reformed Church of England. 7'he word Catechism is a Greek word and is connected with the word echo, and refers to something echoedback, hence it means teaching by word of mouth, or instruction by question and answer. The Greek word (katee- keesthees) m Luke i. 4, is translated '* instructed " J he order of Confirmation is retained in The Ae/ormea Episcopal Church ; the special service lor which is m our Revised Book of Common rrayer.] Question, What is your Christian name ? Anszuer. N', or M. [Every person when born has one, and only one name, which is called the Sirnavie i.e , the Sire or Father's name. The name afterwards given IS called the Christian name. The letters N. or M. were originally written N, or N,N., which stand for the Latin words Nomek, or Nomina, which mean NnniP nr hTrmt^^ 00 u , „ receives one or more Christian names.] Q, When did you receive this name ? n ^^_j usea.) Km^/^ means what we can "!>' Lord J^us Chrilt Ma?k1' r,' AeU °""'' *«• 4 ; XX. 21. ■ '5 ' Acts lu. J9, r.SLr/thIS:;i '■•' ^'•°"' » «'«k word like.] ■^' ^'*'^'-"M« means Christ- C. What do you mean by renentanr, J our Church.] y* ^""^ '" ^he Litany of LoSjeTusCi?r5;tT"'''" '^ '■^'■"' '°^»^« Communion ^^viv.c. ^ ne Athanasian Creed cr» />on j not written by Athanasii,. nnT • ^"^'^' '^^■'=' our revised Prave^ S f "^ '' '^"^'"^^^^ ^o"^ tionable word^^Y m ^""^""^ ^^^^^ ^^jec- Orm'.J ^^tech™ we mean 7he Apostle,^ CatcchisL Rehpnrw» /; « ^ the Articles of thyBenef! " '^°'' "^ "^^ °^"> Mtrye1^:,:,,^l«He^:^''-..-l--??'r. lplip«lli«l Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, Matt, i. 20; Luke .. 35. Born of the Virgin Mary, Matt. i. 16. Suffered uwder Pontius Pilate, Mar)v XV. 15. Was crucified, Luke xxiii. 33. Dead, John xix. 33 And buried, John xix. 40—42. The third day He rose again from ihe dead, I Cor. XV. 4 * He ascended into heaven, Acts i. 9— II. And sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, Col. iii. i. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. Acts X. 42. I believe in the Holy Spirit, Acts xiii. 2. The Holy Universal Church, Eph. iii. 15. The Com- munion of Saints, i John i. 7. The Forgiveness of sins, I John i. 9. The resurrection of tl.e Body, I Cor. XV. 42. And the life everlasting, Malt. xxy. 46. Amen. (Jer. xi. 5, margin.) [The Creed is divided into three parts. l"Tie teaches us of the Father and His work ; the second, of the Son and His work ; and the third, of the Holy Spirit and His work. The following are the meanings of some of the principal words in the Creed. Creed means belief, Jiehearsey repeat ; Almighty, able to do all things ; Heaven, a lifted-up place, from Heave, to lift up ; Jesus, God the Saviour, the same as Joshua, from Jah (Jehovah) and Oshea (Saviour) ; Christ anointed ; Pontius Pilate, a Roman Governor ; Crucified, fastened to a cross ; Ascended went up ; the Quick, the living ; Ccmmunicn, fellowship ; /Resurrection, rising again ; Everlasting, lasting forever: Amen, true. After the Creed, Afiien means it is true, or it is so. After a prayer, A mm means it may be true, may it be so, or so be it, Jer. xi. 5, margin.] Q. What dost thou chiefly learn in these Articles of thy Belief? A. First I learn to believe in God the Father, who hath made me and all the world. Acts xvii. 24. Secondly, in God the Son, who died, the just for the unjust, that He naght bring sinners to heaven. Matt. i. 18 ; Rom. ix. 5 ; i Pet. iii. 18. Thirdly, in God the Holy Spirit, who gives spiritual life to all the elect people of God. Ezek. xxxvii. 9 ; Ephes. ii. i ; Ephes. i. 4 ; I Pet. i. 2. Q. How do you know that what is taught in this Creed is true ? A. Because the same things are taught in the Bibie, which is the Word of God. 2 Tim. iii. 16 ; 2 Pet. i. 21. [The word Bible is from a Greek word Biblos^ which means Book ; so Tke Bible, or the Holy Bible means the Book, or the Holy Book, namely the word of God ] THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. [The Ten Commandments are sometimes spoken of as the Decalo^ue^ which means the Ten Horas J mii^»mmmmm)im». B (Deca ten, aud lo^ue or Ir^gos, worj,) Deut^ :^^ 4r margin.'] Q.„ ■ What are the Ten Comnrfandments ? The same which God spake in the twentieth chapter of Exodus, saying, I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. Exod. xx. 2 — 17^1. 13^ 14 ; Deut. iv. 20. [The Ten CamnKandments' are also \n Demt. ▼. 6—21.} I, Thou shalt have none other Gods but me* Exod. XX. 3 y Mark xii. 29, 3a. II. Thou shalt not mak? to thyself any gravert image, nor the likeness of anything that is in hearen above, CM- in the earth beneath, or in the water" tinder the earth. Thou shalt not bow down to them, nor worship them j for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God» and visit the sins of the fathers' upon the children, unto the third and fourth gene- ration of them that hate me, and show mercy unto thousands in them that love mfe, and keep my commandments^. Exod. xx. 4 r Ez'ek. xiv. 3 ^ Exod. xxxii. 4, 5 ; Ps. xix. 11 } John x\ but the seventh day is the "afe 4r Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it thou shalf do no manner of work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-servant, and thy maid-servant, thy cattle, and the stranger that is within thy gates l;or in SIX days the Lord made heaven and earth' the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day ; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exod xx. 8 -xxxi 13, 15 ; Gen. ii. 2 3 ; Isa. Iviii. 13, 14 ; Heb. iv'. 9 (margm.) Lxod. xx. 11. V Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Exod. xx. 12 ; Fnh. vi. 2. VL Thou Shalt do no murder. Exov.. xx. 1 1 • I John III. 15 ; Mark \ii. 2\. . Vn. Thou Shalt not commit adultery. Exod ^x. 14 J Matt. v. 27, 28. ' Vlir. Thou shalt not steal. Exod. xx. 15. iX. Thou shalt not Sear false witness against thy neighbour. Exod. xx. 16. X. Tlion shalt not covet thy neighbour's house thou Shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his servant, nor his maid, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his. Exod, xx. 175 Col. iii. 5. [Exoatis, means the Way out, or ^in"- out • £gypty trouble; Bondage, slaverv; Gfaz^n, cut Vjr carved in stone or other hard substance ; Ima<-^, ^figure, statute, or outward material form of any- " thing, especially of an idol ; / Vw/, (?mi>ty ; Sa^~ » ^B »ii i l > « ■hmh KftfS^rtOlA ( ,:««:'5'«b,,i 10 hath, rest ; Ealloived, made holy ; C ot to covet nor desire other men's goods."] Q. How can we do what God commands ? A. By His special grace, the gift of His Holy Spirit. Phil. ii. 13- Q. To whom does God give His Holy Spirit? A. To those who ask Him. I^uke xi. 13. mmmmmM ^^^^^^^^WBip ' 12- tHE LORD'S PRAYER. . Q. Say the Lord's Prayer. passes, as We LghTtherntLT^'^' "' ""' "•«• And lead us not^mo' '^e^pt 0"^"? d!r "' "^• from evil. Amen. Luke xi. 2% "'^'' "" Q- What desirest thou of Cod in this prayer ? And I pray unto' Qod? th'at ^^ vm^^^i"""" things that be needful hAfhfT. ' ^"'^ "s all ^nd'that He wH be ^:^i ^ u":'""''''"^'^"''''^^' «s our sins; and that .t^i 7f"\^.'"^ ^"'Si^- and defend usinalldan(rer.L?^n""" '° ^^ve and that He will wT fro™' ."''"'^""^''''''''y! ness and from our spiritual .„" ' "" =""iead and wine, which the Lord hath com- manded to be received. Matt. xxvi. 26-2S ; Mark 15 xiv. 22-24; Luke xxii. 13-20; i Cor. xi. 2;j-26. Q. What do the Bread and Wine represent? A. The Body and Blood of Christ, which were offered once for all upon the cross. See the Re- ferences to last answer. Heb. x. 10 ; i Pet. ii 24. Q. What is required of those who come to the Lord's Supper ? A. To examine themselves : whether they repent them truly of their former sins, steadfastly purposing to lead a new life ; whether they have a lively faith in God's mercy through Christ, with a thankful remembrance ot his death; and whether they be in charity with all men. {^Lively means living. I Pet. ii. 4, 5; James ii. 17. Charity means love, i Cor. xiii. 2, 3 ] THE JUDGMENT. Q. What will take place at the end of the world ? A. The Lord Jesus Christ will come again with power and great glo2y (Mark xiii. 26,) to be ad- mired in all them that believe (2 Thess. i, 10) ; at His voice all the dead shall rise (l Thess. iv. 16); every eye shall .see Him {Rev. i. 7), and judgment \\'\\\ be pronounced (2 Cor. v. 10). The wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal (Matt. xxv. 46.) [Fn Matt. xxv. 46, the words ^* ez'erlasUiig" an,d " eternal '' are transalations of the same word in the Greek, and mean lasting for ezer.'] ■ ■- ...v->;v;t!;''~--" 16 SUKDAY SCHOOL LITURGY. OPENING SCHOOL. A IIymn' having been sung. Then [The responses in [talks are to pc repeated by tho Teachers and Scholars so that they can all bo distinctly hoard.] [All kneeling.] Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon as. Lord, hear our prayer. And let our ari/ come nuto Thee. Create in us clean hearts, God. A nd renew right sjnrite within us. Teach us Thy way, Lord And tee wiU walk in thy truth. Most merciful Father, we beseech Thee to pour out Thy Holy Spirit upon all the teachers and scholars in this Sunday School. Grant that Thy truth may never be spoken in vain. Give us grace obediently to follow whatsoever in Thy Holy Word we now shall learn. Keep us always in safety under thy protection j and preserve us in Thy love unto our lives' end. Lord hear this prayer for Jesus Christ's sake. Our Father which art in heaven, etc. Amen. Then CLOSING SCHOOL. A Hymn having been sung. [All kneeling.] Lord, show thy mere/ upon us. And grant us Thy salvation. 17 Bless, Lord, Thy Word which has been taught here to-day : and bless the Teachers in this school, and daily increase in them Thy manifold gifts of grace : the spirit of wipdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and strength, the spirit of knowledgo and true godliness, and fill them Lord, with the spirit of Thy holy fear. Lord, hear this prayer for Jesus Christ* s sake. Defend, Lord, all our Scholars with Thy heavenly grace that they may be thine for ever, and daily increase in Thy Holy Spirit more and more until they come to thy everlasting kingdom. Lord hear this prayer for Jesus Christ's sake. Remember, Lord, the parents of these scholars, and all their brothers, sisters, and friends : may they so live together in this life, that in the world to come they may spend eternity with Thee. Lord, hear this prayer for Jesus Christ's sake. Look down, Father of mercies on any of our friends who are in trouble, sickness, sorrow, need, or any other adversity (especially loho now desires our prayers.) Send them help and comfort from thy holy place. And have pity, God, on all children yet living in ignorance and sin I show to them the light of Thy truth, and guide their feet into the way of peace. Lord hear (his prayer for Jesus Christie sake. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, etc. Amen, ■mmi; 18 PRIVATE_PRAYERS. ON GOING INTO SCHOOL. Gracious God, I have come here to learn Thy AVord. Lord, teach Thou me. Let thy good Spirit guide me in Thy truth, and keep me in the way of life, for Jesus Chri:jt's sake. Amen. ON GOING INTO CHURCH. Almighty God, Thine eye is on me now; help me to worship Thee in truth ; keep my heart from vain and wicked thoughts ; make me to love Thy Word; and bless me with Thy Holy Spirit fur Jesus Christ's sake* Atnen. BEFORE LEAVING CHURCH. 1 thank Thee, my God, for all thy mercies. I bless Thee for Thy Holy Word. Forgive, Lord, all that has been wrong in me while I have been here ;^ and grant that now I may go from this place with Thine own Spirit to keep me in Thy ways, fur Jesus Christ's sake. A^nen. MORNING PRAYER. Praise the Lord, my Soul, and all that is within me, praise His Holy name. Thanks be to Thee, Lord, for all Thy care of me, and all Thy goodness to me ; look upon me Lord this day. For Christ my Saviour's sake, give me Thy Holy Spirit; keep me from bad thoughts, bad tempers, bad words and deeds. Forgive me all my sins, and help me to do the things that please Thee for the time to come. ■ , I ( 19 Bless, Lord, my fa' and mother, my brother! and sisters, and all who love me; make us al It' , serve Thee now, ana bring us all to dwell.witb The. : sake. Amen for ever I ask these mercies, for Jesus AN EVENING PRAYEP. Lord God Almighty, hear my prayer this night Thou hast kept me through «ifot^herday : ble.sed bi Thy holy name Forgive, my God, all that has been evil ,„ me this day. P«rdon all my sins Tor Jesus Christ, Thy dear Son's soke. Create in me a clean heart, God, «nd renew a right spiiit within me Teach me to do Thy will ; m^e to be ike my Saviour, and day by day give me Thy Holy Sj.iri t. And now, this night take care of me, and of all who are dear to me. Let no harm happen to our bodies ; let no bad thoughts hurt our souls, Lord, keep and bless us, now and evermore, for Thy Son Jesus Christ's sake. Amen, % " Revised Rook of Common Prayer. jf The King. fi«/f ice I 'I as Jly "i Mlsigion Hymns, Tunis for Mission Hymns »#) v«ry Ca|)ital Hymn Book, free from Ro- m.aniijing taint."— T*/^^ Christian.