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Tous las autras examplairas originaux sont filmis an commanqant par la premiere page qui comporte une emprainta d'impression ou d'illustration at an terminant par la darni^re page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur Ea derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le caa: le symbols — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. pauvent dtre filmte d dea taux de reduction diffdrants. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour §tre reproduit an un seul clich6. il est filmd A partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche i droite, et de haut an bas, an pranant le nombra d'images nAcessaira. Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■Hmillinnninniii ■■■■■HiiniillllllHIIH d) 1884 f^o ^MAm^m TAmm f IMPORTER, AND RETAIL ..'•V*'*' », WHOLESALE DEALER IN SiQatiibs, (Jmi^llcrti; play-warj| AND FIRE ARMS, AT ROGI^ BOrPfPOM GASH PI^IGES. I m /% ^ ^ f\' 5'^ €U1JR€U I^TRE^iT AND "ZX COURT STRGfiT, NEAR KING STREET. 1 * TnpnwTn pAVAnA . Ji ~jl* ^ IIHNIIHUIiinHM ■••«»••••• HUNTER, ROSE A CO., PRINTERS, TORONTO. 1 i CHARLES STARK, 62 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. To our Patrons and the Trade Generally, TrnTtfi have much pleasure in presenting you with our ANNUAL PRICE LIST OF GOODS FOR 1884. We moat heartily thank our many thousands of friends for their very liberal support given us during the paat year. We give the beat value possible consistent with fair and honourable dealing, and by guaranteeing entire satisfaction to every purchaser, we have succeeded in buildim' up one of the largest businesses of this kind in the whole Dominion. In experience and knowledge of the trade in European and United States markets, we have no senior in the City, our residence here dating back to 1861. Our facilities for buying are the very beat, purchasing direct from the manufacturer, for cash, enables us to sell at prices less than many of our competitors pay for the same goods. If we are unknown to you, enquire of your Express Agent or Banker, as we have patrons in every City, Town and Village in the Dominion from Newfoundland to British Columbia. OUR RULES FOR DOING BUSINESS. We sell all goods entirely for Immediate Gasii, and everything is figured on that basis. We never send goods C. O. D. unless $2.00 accompany the order to show you memi. bud'teas We have to enforce this rule for our. own protection. No parcels less than |o.O!) sent C. 0. D. The two dollars aJvanced to guarantee express charges, will be deducted from the invi)ice. Five pounds in weight can be sent by mail, except to British Columbia, Manitoba and North- West Territories- the postal limit to those Provinces being two pounds t! ree ounces. Parties ordering goods C. O. D.' will have to pay exprtss chi>.rges. If a customer lives a .me distance from an express office and wishes to examine goods for selection, v/e will consign them to any responsible atore-keeper by recistered mail if guarantee of two dollars is sent with order, -r ^ o , MOW TO j^END ^ONEY Al ways register money packages ; use wax to seal your letter. If yon can get a post office order or bank draft, do so m every tristawe, for if lost you can get a duplicate. When you cannot procure a post office order, be sure that all bills are Ontario bills, as there is a discount on any other paper N. B.— All orders from Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island British Columbia, Manitoba, and North- West Territories, must be accompanied with cash. As the express facilities to these places i.re alow and uncertain, we cannot send goods C. O. D. Remit by Post Office Order, as there is a discount of three to five per cent, on bank notes from these places Tor small amounts send postage stamps. K-OVv TO ©RDER. Do not cut or mutilate the list, as we know exactly what you wish if you but give the puae, number and name of the article required. Order all goods from this catalogue, as prices in old list are can- celled. Never head your letter with the township you live in, but be sure and put the post office. Be as explicit and brief as possible in your correspondence, as far as convenient keep your remarks separate from the order. Always sign your name in full, and as plainly as possible, giving your Pod Office, nearest Express Office, and Province. Eepeat your address every time you write. When you write m reply to o-ie ot our letters always send our letter back with your remarks attached to it, as it will place the whole matter before us at once, without reference to copying T)ook. Address all communications to 52 Church and 21 CouH Street, near King, Oppoaita 3t James' Cuthedrai. CHARLES STARK, TORONTO, ONT. In 3 oE. 9t 3 oz. 4 oz. 5 oz. C oz. CHARLES 8TABK, fl2 CHURCH STBBBT, TORONTO. 8 RATES OF DISCOUNT. ^►-•- When cash is sent with the order we give one-third discount on WATOHES, JEWELLERY AND SILVER-WARE. that is to say :-Oata- logue Price $160.00 would cost you $10000; $75.00 will cost you $5000; $15.00 will cost you $10.00, and so on. On Watches and Jewellery we pre-pay Postage and Register. All Fire Arms, Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Gun Implements, Cartridges, and Sporting Goods are NET, and not subject to any discount. number AMMMI€AW WATOWMm. In Solid Coin Silvor Cases, Hunting or Open Face. CASE AND MOVEMENT FULLY GUARANTBBD. Key Wind Waltham Watches. No. 9.— BROADWAY, 7 JHWELS. \\\ 2 oe. solid coin silver case $19 50 3 oz. " " 22 .50 •1 oz. '■ " 2f^m 5<'z- '' " 30 00 6 oa. " " 33 75 No. 13.— WM. ELLERY— Exp.'insion balance, quick train, jewelled, duet band, arbor cup, FoggH patent pin- ion, open or hunting, plain or engraved Cases. In 2 oz. solid coin silver case $23 i;5 'ioz. " " 25 50 •*oz. " " 2'J 25 \^^ ;; " 33 7.5 6oz. " " 37 50 No. 11. -P. S. BARrLETT - ExpanKion balance, quick train, sunk cap jewels, dust band, aibor cup, Fogg's patent pinion, open or hunting cases, in any style. In 2 oz. solid coin silver case $;!0 00 ^•^- :: ;: ■■■.3375 4 oz- " 37 .50 5 oz. " . " 41 05 6 oz- " " .'.'.' •l.) 00 No. 12.-APPLET0N-, TRACY & CO.-Expansion balance, (juick train, full jewelled in sunk setting?. Finely adjusted to heat, cold and position. Ojien or hunting caMSs. In 3 oz. SLilid eolu silver case %Ta to 2°^- :: ;: ::::;; 54 75 *02- " 58 50 •:o==- " 62 25 •J**- " 66 00 Stem Wind Waltham Watches, No. 15.- STIRLING, 7 JEWELS. In 2 oz. i(olid coin silver case .... ' 124 aa f«^- :: ;; ...:.::":::::;::;;: 2625 5oz" " « 3000 ""■'• 37 60 ».^"- "■•7"i^^' ^I^I^^RY-Stein wind, expansion bal. ance, quick train, jewelled, dust band, arbor cup, Fogg's patent pimon, open or hunting, j^in or engraved cases. In 2 oz. solid coin silver case. |3o OO 5oI' " '. 3760 ^^^' 42 ;6 bai!^;!^-~^l ^- BARTLEi'T-Stem wind, expansion balance, qinck train, sunk cap jewels, dust band, arbor cup, JJogg » patent pinion, open or hunting cases in any In 2 oz. solid coin silver case. ••t? xn ^'-^- SI 76 No. m-APPLHTOK, TRACY & CO.-Stem wind expansion balance, qu ck train, full j. welled in sunk set tmgs. Y inely adjusted to heat, cold and , Kjsition. Ope> or hunting cases. ^ In "! oz. solid coin silv r case « ;•> 9.-, \Z :: :: ::::::;;v.:;64.l; «- " " ...::;:::;:::;::;.: 7I5S r-frl OHARLKS STARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. Description of the new Patent Dust Proof, Stem Winding, Open Face Oaee ; manufactured by the American Watch Co., Waltham, Mass. Thi»i'i>en face watch cme, which in formed ill one BeanilesH iiieco, iu any (losired .shape, oj)enH in the front only, to reieive the mnvi-- ment. The ooutinuiius cuDstruution of the body of the case avoids the usual cap, and greatly conduces to Htrensth, and constituteH one feature of the invention. The movement of the watch i» held in a Mustaining ring, which in hinged to the ca.se on front ed(?e of the aperture in Huch a man- ner that when the bezel is removed, the ring with its contained movement may be swung outward, thus rendering the movenitnt readily accessibl , and obviating the neces- sity of a back cap or lid, which thus enable* the cases to l)e formed in one Heainles? piece, and constituting another feature of the in- vention. The movement U held in the ring, in the manner usual in Amt rican watches and this ring is hinged to the rim o^ the case just at the base of the stem, the movement being so arianyed therein that the winding stud of the movement comes in line with the winding key of the stem it promptly engages therewith. When the movement is to be swung out, however, the stem winding crown may be pulled partly out, so as to draw the key out of engagement with the stud, and thus permit the out swing of theiuoveniont, as will be understood, the parts becoming readily engatjed when the movement is again swung into the case. The bezel, into which the crystal is fitted with an especially prepared water proof transparent cement, is attached to the case by screwing it thereon, the ring of the bezel being formed with an internal screw thread, which meshes with a corresponding thread on the shouldered rim on the face of the case, and as the bezel " thus screwed tightly down the level edge of the rim forms the air-tight joint with the .shouldered rim of the caae which is proof against the entrance of dust or moisture, as will be appreciated. By making the screw-thread on the inte- rior of the bezel, so as to fir a corresponding thread on the exterior of the case, we are en- abled to consti uct a watch with only one division in the case, and thus the entrance of dust or moisture to the movement is en- tirely prevented, which is a \cry great ad- vantage as compared with those cases in which there is an opening both front and back. The face of the bezel is formed with a marginal circle of milling, which affords sufficient frictional graffp to enable the bezel to be readily screwed on or off. These combined features of construction thus form a watch which, while being sim- ple and complete, has the great advantage of beiMg impervious to the entrance of dust or wet. The.se hitter nualities are found to be of great importance to those persons who most use those class of watches, such as rail- road men, travelers, miners, lumbermen, and others who have *o make frequent re- ference to the watch, and who are almost constantly exposed to the influence of dust or moisture. Made on an entirely new principle, and eitpepiilly adajited for purposes, or wherever an airtight watch is needed. '< No. 3i wind an( full plat one of oil isfaction Price, We wiU furuUh these cases, plain or engraved, v/ith William Ellery movement, for $37.50 Y'^ do with P. S. Bartlett movement, for 45.00 ^" °o with Appleton, Tracev & Go. movement, for .'.".OO ,, , • , ,,",.1. , . ^,, with Crescent Street movement, for 90.00 (-an furnish all the abo^'e m Gold Cases from $120.00 upwards, accoreUng to weight and quality of gold. High Grade Watch Repairing a Specialty. Only Skilled Workmen Employed No. 486 genuine An provemeute balance, pa band. We cellent time Price, in Pace Case; EISS. CHAKI.EH STARK. 52 CHUIWJH STREET, TOROXTO. Gtnts' Solid Coin Silver American Watches -Stem Wind. ) ^u^a' Pl^^^li" """"^ ''"•n "Iv*"- Watch, stem wind and stem aetter, genuine American movement, mil plate out, expansion balance, jewelled. Thig k one of our best and cheapest stem wind watches. Sat- iHfaction guaranteed, - Price, in 2 oz. case $29 5o"" " ^"^- " .'.■.■.".■.'.'.■;.■ 25".60 J"z. „ 28.60 •^'«'- 31.60 No. 2107. Solid coin silver Watch, genuine Ainoru.an movement, stem wind and stem setter, full jewelled cut, expansion balance, quick train, dust hand, patent piniou. We warrant thi.s watch in evevv respect with written guarantee. ' Price, in 2 oz. case $30 75 " j"'^- " '•.'.'.'.'. aa^Ts <"==• ' 36.75 ''OZ " 39.75 . ... $37.50 . . . . 45.00 -.r.nO . . . 90.00 of gold. aployed ,J^ ■ 4886.— cents' Bte;n wmd, coin silver Watch, genuine American movement, with all the late.st im^ provemeuts sol.d nickel movement, comi>ensation han r^^g"****"* P'?,'°"' 1"''^'' '^'•*'"' ^»" jewelled, dust ? n * .• ^ *i*" ^""y "-ecomraend this watch for an ex- cellent time-keeper. Will supply any style of case. Price, iu 2 0.1. case $34.60 " ^"i! 37.50 " ^oz. „ 40.50 " °"^- " 43.50 w^f'.'^w^u'^"?^?**' *.""'* °°''» "l^er- stem wind W.itch, high grade American movement, full jewelled ;,-nf;;''^i^''''""i«*' ?T^ t'-*'"- dust band patint pimon cbronometer balance, adjusted to heit and cold, higliest grace gents' silver watch, illustrated • sure to v^ ;aae ; ...atisfaction guat-anteod. ' Price, in 2 oz. case $49 60 " r"'- " 52.50 " t""^- " 55.50 " ^'"- ■' 58.50 0HARLE8 bTARK, W CHURCH HTRKKT, TORONTO. Solid Coin Silver, Key Wind, American Watches. ( No. 471- -Gents' Holid coin silver Watch, p'enuiiu' American movement, patent lever, jewylled, tat e.\- paoaion balance ; an excellent timekeeper ; written guarantee with each watch. Price, in 2 oz. case $19. 50. " .S " 22 bO. 4 " 25 50. " '5 •' 28.50. No. 4133— GeiitH' Bolid coin sHver Watch, (?ennine American movement, cut expansion hulance, <iuick train, full jewelled, patent pinion. We can recom- uiend thin watch to any one who wiahes a cheap and ftrst-cUgs time-keeper ; written guarantee with each watch. Price, in 2 on. cane $27.00. .{ " 30.00. " 4 " 33.00. r, " 36.00. No 7 pensatio line esca and stro: Price, No. 1871 — Solid coin silver Watch, genuine Ame- rican movement, cut expansion balance, quick train, fall jewelled, patent pinion, dust band, solid nickel ntovement ; fully tfuaranteecl. Price, in 2 oz. case $30.75. " 3 " 3H.75. 4 " se.75. 5 " 39.76. No, 748 T-- Gents' solid coin silver watch, high i^'rade American movement, full jewelled in sunk set- tintfs, quick train, patent pinion, du.it band, compen- sation balance, finely adjus" d to heat and cold. Price, in 2 oz. case $4"2,00, 3 ': 45.00. " 4 " 48.00. 5 •' 51.00. ftent's guarantee Price, ii Parti( "^■. CHABLKS STARK, M CHUiUJH 8T|IEKT, TOKONTO. batches. Gents' Solid Coin Silver American Watches. iHver Watch, (?enuine ^gion hiilance, <|uick on. We cftn recom- o wishes a cheap and guarantee with each $97.00. 30.00. 33.00. 36.00. I Key Wind. No 78w.— 1.1 jpweU, three pair sunk nettin^x, com- peniiation balanof, i>atent jiinion, nuick train, Rtraight line escapement, dust bjind j a Hplendiil time-keeper, and gtron(;l,r recommended. Price, in 2 oz. solid coin siWer case. .. $28.60 ■'"'■• " "... 31.50 < "«. " 34 60 •^'z- " " 37.60 Stem Wii d. Xu. 749w. 13 jewels, theee pair Mink settiiiBi compensation balance, patent pinioB, quick train, straight line escapement, dust band ; a splendid time- kesper, ftnd «tronyly recnmmended. Trice, in 2 oz. solid coin silver case $42. GO " j'"- " > 46.00 " J "2- " M ... 48 00 Ooi!- " " 51.C0 n silver watch, high jewelled in sunk set- , du.st band, conipen- I heat and coid. $42.00. 45.00. 48.00. 51.00. « . . „ ^"^ ^'''**- K:ey Wind. guJrTnVeed a good'unu5ce',if ' '""' """""^ '"''"'^' ' "",?'> ^'^^^ ?'« silver watch, with nolid nickel, full Kuaranieeu a fcoou tiint. lueper. jewelled, ftill phite move >ient ; make.s a g.K)d, stron". I'rice, in 2 oz. com silver case ..$22.f>0 cheap watch ; guaranteed. H 4oz: " ", ilnn Tiice, in 2 oz. coin .silver case $ii'*.00 -ST.OO „ 3oz. „ „ , 26.50 Parties sending watches for :epair.s please attach name an.l write us b>- mail, giving hill in.^tructioni. ^'^'^ ° ' If VRKES STAfiK, «2 OHURCii HTHKKT, TOfONT .. QENTS' SOLID COIN SILVER W^ATCH. KEY WIN X N.I. 160. CJentH' ci.in silver Wntch, SwIm move- nii'iit, tLree-(i.iartej plate, full ruby jtwellcd, liel. re gti'ator, with fancy engraved c*s«. ^'*« $18.00 No. 70 The iutematlonal Watch. Y.u turn the Hteiii anil yiiu wii.d the wiitcli. Yon pidl the uteni Mlightly and turn to tet tho hnndH. The ( iirog are Molid coin Kilver, entrraved, t-nLine tnrued <r plain. The movement Im very fine.patent ii ver.fnil jew elled.dprujg oyer expanMion IpiilaiiO', patent latoliet click, patent piuion. Hardened and teuiiurcd hwir spring, finely .'wljilHt«d to teni|ienitiiit'. Our written guarantee in vriven with every loovcment and caHe. Price, in '.' 07, silver cum $37. 60 •*">'•• 11, 42.00 " i •■'■ n ■ 46.00 niovenicn •ion liahi pcreil h.di Pri No 83 Internatii ri'i|uired J Pri No. 138._ Our new Kt'iita' coin silver, stem wind watch, hunting oiv-o, fine movement, chronometer bal- ance, extra ruby jewelled, polished regulator, hardened and tempered hair gpring, (piick train patent, bn'er. Price «c,Q CO ^o. 168.— Gints' .solid c.iin silver, penuine Swis.-f watch, with full rii'iy jewelled niovemeut, three ipiarter plate, with beaut fully engraved caseH. $22.50 Piice Always attach name to watches returned for repairs. . "821.00 I No. 2C American enyraviu,'. Pric No. 20 3-ounce siz well engia I'ric CUARUCS STARIC, :f CHURCH 8TKK1T, T()KnNTO. ^ATCH. ) nal Watch. Y.u whIcIi. YoiipiiUtho liniulH. The ( iitos arp ^ tiirupil cr plain. The r.fiill jmelled.njirujg latoliet click, jiutent d liiiir »i>rinK, finely written guarantee m •aHe. $37.60 42.00 46.00 Ni>, 80. (Jtjnts' hIzc, Holid cuin tilver oa»«>, .Swl»^ movement, Hiiperior l)iin(l fininh, full jewe! eil, expim •inn l)n!unoe, polished regulator, hardened uiid teni- peied li.iir fpiiu(f. A flnttclacH time-keepei Price .'. $15. Xo 83. -QenUi' wze, M>IiiI »ilv,r cawjD, key wind, International n:oveini'iit, with any Htyle of engiftvinK re(|nired; warranted a tirst-cUhs time-keeper. Price $30. No. 84.- Gentu' uir.e, solid silver ra*ei, beautifully eiiKravid, full jewelled, chronometer balance, hanleneil »ml teii,|,rred hulr«pring, patent lever, fvdl jewe'led. I'hiH wiitili i" a specid cut, and beHt wiliie ever mereil tor the money. pHe* only $12. No. lOS.-Boyn' oize, aolid coin gllver, ciweir, kBv ^.■ind movement, chronometer balance, extra jewelle«f, liardetied and tempered haimpring . an excellent time- keeper ; giiarante.d. Price $15. ver, penuine Swis.-f niovemeut, three ;rav«d caseH. No. 208. Oents' imi' .tion gold wa(,clu),«, .Swihb American movemeati', patent lever, elaborate style o " enyraviu^'. Price «Q .S21.00 I No. 209. - (Seats' d-ounoe HJze, well engravi Price $8.26 imitation mUer watche*-. full wi.sH Amcriciu movement, good display, iiiid engine turned. No. 207. Oetits' nickel, open fac«; stem wind iin(^ !?lein better, witli genuine SwiM» movement, jewelled. Price $0, No. 210.— Ditlo, si/.e pmailer, Swiss movement, nickel cttee. Piice <B7.50. 10 CHAR];iE8 STARK, 52 OHURCH STREET, TORONTO. i i\ i^mMm^&.m wai^cheii. No. 670 B.— The above illustrates the latest and most elegant watch in the market, and the hi<,'hest grade of American morement, in extra he»Ty solid 18 Kara*: aaiuvt. Gei cases. Price $326. OO No. 760 T.- Solid 18 karat gold watch, with ge.ia- me high ^Tade American moTement, yith maaaive et- grared box case. Price, in 18 karat, «old case $188.00 •io H do do 160.00 I No, 96 and chna(i It has a jt pensation escapemei Pric No. 672 T.— Illustrates the new shell pattern, ex- f.rfl nMftWTTUoli.l lli U..«nf -»Qv.o- --J*!, ■ 1.4 U - ! A , — 1.. ....!.. ,i„(—^ vrUi! f. illyn jji-atif Auicr- can asjvensent ; time guaranteed not tn vary half a tninnte . month. '*'"■'"• $166.00 free No. 17f W.- Gents' aolirl 18 karat gold watch, stem winil and stem setter. This engraving represents our liigli ;^rade Aiiicrii-in niovcmont in .si.li'l IH karat gnld hunting case, full jewelled cut expansion balance, j)a- tent lever, fine niby jewelled in osps, patent dust band, hardened and tempered hairspring, quick train, patci.t pinion, sunk pallets, capijcd and i)oii8hed rexulator every mnvenjent caiefully adjusted. Price $160.00 Kt^y wiiitir genuine A f ed chronoi f spring, fu » band, arh ■^ finished. Price iT^mEi CHARLES STARK. S3 OHUROH STRKET, TORONTO. n $188.00 160.00 carat gold watch, .stem ravinp represents our in si.li'l 18 karat gnld tpansion balance, j)a- ips, patent (lust band, ig, quick train, patci.t d poliHhed regulator, '$160.00 Gents^ Solid Gold American W^atches. gold watch, with geiid- nent, vith masaive et)- No. 985. — The above illustrates the handsomest and choapeat solid gold, stem wind watch ever sold. It has a jewelled trenuine American moT«ment, com- pensation balanc, dust band, quick train, straight line escapeinent,J[and patent pinion. Price.. #75.00 No. 2871.— Gents' Holid ^Id watch, hunting ca.'^e, krj' wiihiri , 18 karat gnlu, sneli design of engraving, genuine American movemtnts with quick train, adjust ed chronometer balance, hardened and temiiered hair Hpring, full jewelled, sunk ruby jewels, patent dust band, arbor cup, solid nickel movement, splendidly finished. Price tiar.ao No, 60O W.- 14 karat, solid gold htuting, stem wind watch, with high grade genume American move- ment, I'uU sunk ruby jewels, set in gold, handaonr.ely engraved. Price ,,, $113.00 No. 428 W. - Solid 18 karat gold, genuine Anieri can watch, full jewelled, conipens.ation balance, ever>' movement adjusted, stem wind and t^tem setter, nicely engraved cafes in a variety of styles. Price illftO.OO 12 ^OHU^HS ST.KK. « CHUBCH, ST.^., ™^„, J vvatghes. I GENTS^OLID GOLD $90.00 ^i^i hunt key wind, crown Sh ^th hA^*'''' i'""*'"^ ta<-e «"nement, beautifully em™-lS^ «^'"-''« Anferican , Jesigns solid nickel movement lu "-'"^^7 ' ^ •choice ^ ever chronometer bXnc^ m.'i t ! J^-'^'' '^^''' I'^tent I peredharsprini/ arhnrr^, ' ^.'"*'^ ''"'»"». finely tf-m I regulator. Ji "fy mrt '/?i f***'"' '^"^^ '^^nd, poli.h^ ' ^o m jn a fir«t-clas,s manner ''L*'"^^"^'erb watch i^ fi„ shed n,^H^ ^' " tJiis movement and ^-ii J^ *>''''^ ^ «''>' dose figuree o., '^^ ^eni each watch. '""'' ^" ^^« '^ ^'ntten guarantee wi?h Price, Price $106. HuntingllwatcMnlTlil?^'^'^'-'** K"l<i key win,, ^ut exp.an.si,.n balance r^ftr" '"'^«""''>t. J.'Ueile I^;:^^,^ .1'*'^""*^ <leHi -nn. W^ "^ ^^^J '" « la.-.e every watch. f*! ice .\ Wnlttn guarantee wit), High Grade Watch Repairing a Specialty ';^f^y^P:W%T:;^^^^^^ .stem w;„d and elW, chronometer b^ancen'"*".'""^™'«"t, jew hair spring, poii«t,/^^'''^^e hardened and tempCl weU a« 18 karat, and will weir I ^^* "*««« ^o"'' Junt as Iwrder and capable .7 "-„!?' '°"*f'^^''' «« 'I'ey are much r-«i r,, Price $75. °"ly 8«in«, Workmen Emp.oy^a. No. 471.- Ameiican mn full plate, 7 j( American wal No 193.— finish and app graved, cut t movement, je> improvementa N". 104. -; 'PO. f etches:' """»■«<' STARK, 52 OHraCHSTOEB-C^TOBONTO. Gents' Solid Gold Watches 13 at V, atch, hunting caw -d ma vanetv ,f choice ' It, full jew.; let, patent I luick train, finel} tem » tent d„8t band, poli.h"i superb watch i^'^niXd 'written guarantee with Price $106. Price, Key Wi,d.. ,„' *, stem wind and n movonieiit, jew- ^ and tempered cases look just as . as they are mucli "train, <fec. We esiffn^ and guar- Written warr.'ir>< rice $75. Deployed. $70.00 No. 471. Gents' solid «old wal-pJi v^uu . N". 104. Same as 193, but.stem wind.. $30.00 AmeH?ai^m^;veS;!^;S'?e.d;lr:^ T"? «?-'"- r-ansion balance, dust band. pS ' ^""j'eo oS' '''" fnineSrsS!r„;ctf N^;lrT:; IT ^>^^^ -'»• rnents.. Niagara or bharpier move- $37.60 Ml 11 CHARLES STAHK.^2 CHUBOH STllEET. TORONTO. 1. LadiesSpUd Gold American Watches-Stem Wind. La Wb guarant.. .,„y watch U, b. a. w. d(«cril,„, .uyirn," *i,,|'„",;'' ?""• Hi""'; mgiu.-UrneJ. or blghly «„gr",rf luovemcntH. No. 2672. -Tliu our ladies' solid 18 case American watch inost ele^rant watch vrithhigfust grade of inent in extra heavy Price ■' above illustrates karat gold box i ; the latest and in the market, American move- 18 kaiat case. • ■ . . $188. No. 3663.- I;,adies' solid 18 kt gold box case watch, with high grade Amenciin movement. Piic* in IS kt. cusj $150 ''" '•» <-^o^ lao; Solid go] witii ^lenui full JHwelie patent pini respect. Pri ICf, 1 watch. I he above illustrates the handsomest and cluap st .solid gold watch ever sold. If, has a fuU jew elled .genuine .Amc i.^an movement combining all mod.ui in^i-rovement.^! Pric'-'nly ^567.60. ISo. 1045.— J.a.lies' solid gold watch, witli gemune American move- ment, patent i.inion, full jewelled compeusation bahince ; an excellen* time-keeper; stem wind and stem wetter. Frioponly ^eO. and stem setter ladies' watch, gen. vvr fin "T", °'?''<^n3ent, patent le oaiance ; guaranteed. Pnce iu 14 kt. gold ca»e. $76.00 67.60 J" 1:? do do N ^oiid gold nine Americt jiiiirih, full j,, iJiilance. WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY SKILLED WORKM1.N. nee, m 18k.i 14 12 ___UHARLB8 STARK, 52 CHURCH STREBl I ^^^-^xw^^^oi^KK, 52^HURCH STREET, TOROSTO. Stem Wind. Ladie,^ Solid Gold^mericaftJratchf. 1 assortment of American . ««'«' «•#»€?€» American i-ned, or highly engraved, stalled description of the iformation concerning it. ^Klesr '^;v±xLa.. .- Ladies' solid 18 kt. watch, with high grade vement. kt. case $]60 f'o--£ lao. Nf). 81. Solid f-old la(Hes' key wind watch witl> ;;enuine American movement," full jewelled, .■o,,,pen.ati,-,n balance patent runion. Fii*t-c!a8R in evevv respect. -^ i'ricf. 18 kara*- case . .$9O.0O 82.60 No. 72. Solid gold, key wind, ifenuine Ame.ncan movement, in 18 karat cases; handsomeBt watch in the market ; i^ittnt lever, fnll jewelled sprung over exi.ansion balance, pat- 1-ed polished re-ulator. Piife, in 18 karat case 14 .$75.0© 67.50 No. 19. Ladies- bolid gold watcii, with genuine American movement, patent pinii.n, jewelled corajienHation bal aiice. An e.xcellent time-keeper. 11 IS is the best and cheapest laclk's' gold watch with American move- ment ever offered for the price. Ca«e aiut movement warrantetl with our written guarantee. ^""•""'y $45.00 'Olid gold stem wind adies' watch, gen« ovement, patent le jewelled eipangiow ;eed. )ld ca»e, $76.00 > 'lo 67.60 No. 65 D. .Solid gold ladies' key wind gea nine American movemei.;,, finest lirUnce!"'' ^■•"^"''"' -""l--»tin„ I'li'-x; in IS k.ir;it ciwe . . $67 50 f " }t " 60.00 i " ^^ " .... 52.00 No. 60. Solid gold, key wind.ladies' watch genuine American mo>Jement patent lever, jewelled. «,,...,„„ „..p" f_- *°^ :"•'," ^""^".ce, patent "ratchet'clfck patent ,.n,on, sunk pallets, patent Gua^^nteed.''''^' """"''" •""^•--*- Piict, in 14 karat casu. , . .$eO OO " ^^ ••• 62;60 y ■'/.W CHABLM aTARK, 5J CHUB.IH STllBBr, TOB )NTO. ♦ yj- Ladies' Solid Gold Watches. Steux "WxxLd. e3?s. u,!?^^;.^^"'^'^.'*? ^® ¥»■»* «o"d gold watch stem wind and stem «etter ; beautifully engraver^, genuine Amer- ican movement of higL grade, extra jewelled, patent lever, patent pin"n? but e pansion balance ; an accurate time-keeper, warranted with wntten guarantee. Price $100.00 our I >io. 2qO.~Ladiea.' 14 karat fine s<m watcli, Rtera winder, carefully tinished, patent lever, full ruhy sunk capped jewelled, chronometer b.il- ance. sunk second. 'Hie gold CMea are engraved in a variety of elaborate designs We can confidently recom- men i this wiitch to any who wish a n.-stc.a.s» article. Price #90 00 A IIhi<- No. 6 ^<llperl) t liiovenien raover cxps jipatent ra : with all ">v,ltl:lllll,tl worknum \iu-ictv ol Pric ]So. 200. -Highest grade Swisi, watches, illustrated, finest finish elaborately engraved cases, solitl nickel, ruby jewelled movement, chronometer balance, gold jewelled Hands, guaranteed every satisfaction. Price in 18 karat gold case, #150.00 , No- 61.— Solid gold hunting case beautifu ly engraved and enamelled BOhd nickel movement, finely jewel- led, expansion balance, patent lever, stem wind and stem setter ; a very superior watch in every respect. Prioe $67.30 w;m? ?2. -Ladies' solid gold, «tem mini' T^'"^ ","''''• "'ckel move- ment, ruby Jewels, sprung over ex- pausion balance, polishe freKulator. all latest improvements : ^•uarant-"-!^ to t)e a luvstclaSs watch. " Price WAT0HB3 RSPAIRBD BY SKILLED WORKMEN $S2.50 . No. 1C2. ■•superior Sw eel lent timel ;,Mve every .•<! variety of dt lined case. Price . Watch tches. ♦ £"AJiLE3 OTAKK, 52_CIUritOU 3TI1EBT, TORONTO LADIES' GOLDWaIVITes. KEY WIND 17 -littdiei' 14 karat fine tern winder, carefully it lever, full ruhy sunk led, chronometer bal- sond. 'llie fjold CMes 1 a vai iety of elaborate 2an confidently recom- ch to any who wish a No. 66.-I,iuIie»- 8i>li<l ^/oM wfttch, ,«u,.erl. ogravin-, \,v^\x y,ade S^vIsr liiovement, extra rnhy jewels, fipnii..' 'H-er expansion biilanco. patent levei" l.atent ratcliet uliuk, sunk dial, rep],.to ■with all tlu! latest improvements in >vatelnn,iking that i,cience and skilled workmen can produce. Engraved ir a \iinety of elegant styles. ''••ice )it52.50 #oeoo N<). 65.- Ladies' extra fine solid gold watch, very fine movement, patent lever, full jewelled, sprung over expan- sion balance, patent ratchet click, en- graved case ; a lar^;e variety of patterns to select from ; we guarantee the time 111 every respect with our written war- rant ; put up in handsome case . ^'rice $»7.'50 , ,. , 74 --Solid gold extra Hue adies watch, hunting case, patent lever, k.y wind, chroiiom.t<H- bal- ance, full jewelled, polished regula- tor, every tiling first-class and satis- taction guaranteed. Price, with hp-iidsoiDe line! case $30.00 les solid gold, stem ase, nickel move- », sprung over ex- polisliel regubtor. ments ; ijua|.antgg(j watch. • $S2.50 .No. 102.— Ladies' solid gold 10 kt. ' superior Swiss movement, jewelled, ex- cellent timekeeper, splendid value,'will give every satisfaction. Eigraved in a variety of designs. Put up in liaiidsonie lined case. t*rice #24.00 No. 166. -Ladies' solid low karat goiil watch, recom.nended as a good low price.! V atch Engraved in a variet» of designs. I'ut up in veneered casket. ^"•-'e «1§.00 Watches returned by Mail for repairs. Please attach your 1 name and wnte us particulars by same mail. I ^ ^ CHARLESjrrARK^52 CHUKCH STKEET. TORONTO. f I I- AMES" OOIW SII^VER WATCHES, LA 1 1 ^o. Spiu.— Ladies' solid coin sih er •aseti with genuine American luoveuifnt, cut exp&nnwn balance, patent i.inion, dust cap and polislied regulator, jewel' i-i'i *„Df8t-™«i8 timekeeper and splen- (iKlly fanwhed. We can recommend it 111 every respect. Guaranteed. ^rice r-tr.oo No 302.- l.aditH' solid c.,i„ ., ver stem wind ind stem sett. Iiunting case, beautifully engravi full Jeweled, expansion balaiu hardened and tempered hair 8i)ri]i polished regulator ; guaranteed ,, excellent timekeeper. Prlie #31.00 No. 303. Open face, fancy .li, excellent movement, warranted I'rice $31 00 No. liJ3G.— Ladies' solid coin ril- ner key wind American watch. Full jewelled patent pinion, str.iight line escapement, visible ruby pallet-^ compensation balance. Warranted' Price $:{0.00 No, ai.— Ladies' solid coin silver watch,_full ruby jewelled movement, expansion balance, polished regulator, hardened and tempered hair spring,' finely engraved case, every part care- lully {InisLcu and warranted. Price #15.00 No. 7ft.— Ladies' coin silver ki wind watch, with full iewell, movenieut, chronometer balam engraved in a variety of designs. Price #13.00 238 j^eal stone, cai setting. watches can be sent to us by mail to be reraired. Postage only 17c. CHARLES STARK, 62 CHUR(!H STREET, TORONTO. 10 LADIES' SOLID GOLD GUARD CHAINS. - I^aditH' solid coin >, wind ind stem sett. fe, beautifully engrav. k1, expansion balanc k1 tempered hair 8i)riii. ,'iilator ; jfuurantecd ;, nekeeper, fai.oo Open face, fancy di, )veinent, warranted. $31 00 * i ladies' coin silver ki with full Jewell, ironometer balanc t'ariety of designs. #19.0O ^ 238 ;^eal stone, cameu setting. $76. 236 Real Pearl setting. Price $75, >iily 17c. i No. 234. - Ladies' solid gold glide guard chain, pearl setting and enamelled front. Price. . $62.60 232 No. 232. — Ladies' superior solid gold guard chain, fancy links, fine gold glide set with cameo and Iiewls. Price $76. 235 Nc. 235. — Ladies, solid gold guard chain fancy enamelled sb'de, and real pearl settings. Price.. $67, 6Q 1 CHARLRa STARK. K CriUROH STRKKT, 'lORONTO. f -If PIHE BOLLED PLATE SLIDE GFAED CHAINS. /. Gold Front Slides. No. 779 Roman Oolour Prices each. Jd Jf^s^ No. 177. Garnet and I'.ail Settings. #32.50 \^^* Co"..! Fi-Ui.d $ ? f .<>0 No. 171. Cam u and I'ear'. Settings. ■I" No -77*. Gokl Fi-urt'l Slide. f.'tO.OO r? No. 77!t. M t'anieo or Gari' ^ Settings ,» #33.75 "> 779 $30.00 ^'"AHJ.KS STAUK, M CllUHCH STKKET, TOJIONTO. CHAINS. Ladies' Filled Gold Guard Chains. inlrt * With Oold Front SlldeB, with nne Oameo Stone Settings. 1) I fll Wi % i ill) i\ i %v^rji m \A t'aiiu'o or Gam ):J3. $30. J7I $24 00 2 9Z $1500 157 $15.C0 752 $10. '0 aa I OTART.RR BTARK. 52 rilVnCH RTRFFT. TOnoVTO. I « I SOLID GOLD NECKLETS. I 700. Solid 15 kt. gold necklet, very massive, $76.00. No. 725.— Do. in flolid 10 kt. g.ild...$60.00. LA.TB3T PATTERNS. Prloea Baoh. 71t. Solid l.T kt. gold necklet, very pretty.... $52. 50. No. 72O.-D0. inllOkt. gold $37.50. 7 05. .Silid l"i kt gold necklet, H.s.M'td il"signK, $97.50. No. 7SO.— Do. in solid 10 kt. sold.... $62. 50. 710= Solid m kt. gold ned, handsome $60. C No. 735.- Do. in > 10 kt. gold.... $46.0 ^S .ETS CIIAItl-KS STAUK, .V2 CirURCH HTRKKT, TOKONTO. g§ Ladies' Filled Gold Necklets. I'q 1 il 1" •v ry rMwot to miliil koI.I. Tli«y hi»vft jfoM front mo-inHiiKi. *nil «rp KHArantM timm in ev<>rv rMp#.t nai 111 iiiliil .,'oli| ; Millil Kfil.l puttwrim ; litwt nmlcc mi.l newent ili-nlKni*, Finn Vi kt., Koninn oldiir. I'l i. <•» tiM-li .Soli<l 15 kt. gold neckj handnume $QO.C No. 735.- Do. in j| 10 kt. gold.... $46.0 $10.6O $12.00 €^ $11.25 24 CHAHLES 8TAKK, 52 CHURCH 8TREET, TORONTO. # Ladies' Filled Gold Necklets. Polished Liaka. All New Designs. §?.50 *«.ro *».<M» !«<«.r5 # (MfAHLKS STARK, 52 CHURCH bTREKT, TORONTO. FINE GOLD PLATED NECKLACES. Gold Plated on German Silver. 25 26 (^ARLES STARK, 62 CHURCf[ STREET, TORONTO. 88 In siilid 15 kt. ■s'"lil.. 962b') V) . in solid 10 k',. ijold ?(5.0') GENTS' SOLID GOLD VEST CHAINS. 1/8 In SDiid 15 kt. aold.. «,->■, 00 Do, in polld 10 kf. sfold Jfl-.SO 78 III solid 15 kt, ifold . . #45 00 Do, in solid 10 kt,ifold»37.50 82 In s lid 16 kt. Koid . , »:,-> to 78 In solid 15 kt. (fold . Jr.fjO Do. in solid 10 Do. In solid 10 kt, ({Old »4n.00 kt ^old #.10.00 307 In solid 15 kK Ifulil.. *37.50 Do, in solid 9 kt. gold !}«7.00 "^S^ , 300 ao 111 Holi.i 15 kt In solid 15 kt K'>ld.. «;t0.00 grold.. «27.00 Do. in solid 9 Do. in solid Kt,goia»22.50 kt. gold ;S18.0« Mi # CHARLES STAEK, 62 CHURCH STBEET, TOEONTO, 27 no Kt In solid 16 kt ■ 00 gold,, 1J27.0O 'I 9 Do. in solid n i.W kt. gold ^18.00 FILLED GOLD CURB VEST CHAINS. We would call yonr particular attention to our filled gold ve.«t chairs, uith f;olid gol.l tipn. J lie> are of the latest dePign, and for durability they cannot he MiiiinRnd. 1 he eneraving on the tij)8 IS imich finer than the illustrations represent. 'J hey have a dre]) for chaim altachnfent, 28 ^ARLKS STARK. 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. ^^^^P... GO^ ypNfS'^ VEST CHAfNS: Wni wear equal to 18 kt. Gold with drop for Pencil Bar charm attached, and Test $1200 lAINS. CHARLES STARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. 29 , FILLED GOLD VEST CHAINS. M rest, uvnlity ,m,l lat.st designs, finely f5„i,he,l ; le,.Kth. l;U incheH. ^v^th ,l,op f„r oha,m attachment. Pric. ,.uk. yjf. 30 CJiAULES STARK, 52 caURCH STREKT. TORONTO. i i-k L083. I NpJ1138. I No. 1045. I N. ,7r , x..^ . ..^^ ^^ ^t^ N".M>83. I No.?im «3.75 I ia75 No. 1045, 93.00 No. 177 83.00 ^o-«^i?- I No. 1044. «2.e3 I 12.63 No. 784. 12.26 No. 154. 12.26 ? No (i2l. $4.60 ■iisrs. CHAKLES STAliK, 52 CHUKCH STilEET, TORONTO. £1 IS. All GENTS' RIBBON AND HAIR VEST OHAINS. I With plated mountin;cfl. All new .lemgn« and 8u,,erior fh,i«h, quality guaraUeed. Hair and Bilk guards ■" neconmi^r very fnHhional)If. ■"■X I 32 it ■ (.'HaRLKS syARK fia Ci iUKClI 8TKEET, TOKOXTO. Colnrx S±1^7-e3? "Vest: Clxa.1 PRICES PJAOH. xxs. No. 25. $10 50 $16.00 $5.25 N(i. 8. I No. 9. $7.60 I $0.76 i 1 ''^y/^^:^^:^ ^. y*<^>>vy-f y--^^^^' i2i^ 4i^M*^-^> ^^>^ i^e^ o r<'. 8. I No. 9. 7.60 1 $0.76 * CHARLES STARK, 82 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. 98 Superior NiokoUPlafod Vest Chains. WITH ASSORTED OHARM8. No. 427 Combination Link. „ $1.88. No. 320. $1.60. $1.60. $160. No. 424. Combination Link. $1.88. No. 426. Combination Link. $1.88. 9 4 1. No. 341. $1.50. 34 CHARLES 8TARK, 82 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. S-OLLED FL^^TE CH^A-E^nVCS. NEWEST PATTBRNP. I 909 Aljwka Stttiiifr. l'lic« $i,-): '^•'* an .-.15 O.l.l Kell.m- Onyx. Masonic, f^""' «!•«« I'rioe #1 l:» Price .•jtl.ss Alaska Stftlnj;. I'rice Hl.Hf CoinpaRH ae 4>ir Bloof) Stono. I'lice iJiI.SS «04 rhasci Price ^l.^O Assorted Stones. I'lice $1.13 Rained Fi:,'«rc". I'rice $l..M1 343 A Kate, 'rue $1.8« It Conipjos, Si 91.88 lOO Fancy Enameled. I'rioe SCl.OO 129 Asf(irti.'(i Stonos. Pricf 11.50 Oijyx Settititr. Price ii'2.'2^ '211 Raised Fiirnre. Price !.*l.riO Engni vcd. Price »1.88, CooipodH, St $-.'.U'.'i c 347 Mosa A "ate. Prico SI. 50 AHsorted Stonon. Pearl lidaiil PHce $1.50 Price ,'.!$l'.l,3 Pri( Onvx. lutf Mobs Apate. Price 11.50 il Out aiasf 12.26. CHARLES STARK, «2 OHURC'H STRKET, TORONTO, 30 Eaves. Fine Rolled Plate Charms. NEW AND DESIRABLE PATTERNS. Alaska Stf tint,'. ''••"•« «1.«- ^ ,..„,. 'Hutu CompftBg »et in Blond .Slone. Double f'oinpna •2,aB each. .'»2.a.') each. •OS 11)97 aiar noiil)Ie I'oini'.iH". CdiDpiiHH anil Theniicnutur. Hcixm »2.2fifadi. «;i.COenoli. $1.88 each 343 A Kate. '■e $1.8H ^ ^«^ 4S3 171 013 |»78 *^""'^*;,\'5^""l^"*'''- <''>np^H.8tonoEf, k. Comp vhh, St.me Bmk. Compass, Stone Back »1.8» each. .'5l.«8pach. :i2.2.'S each. *2. 2.5 each. 1440 *4..'iO eack. 89a seal ConipasH, Stone B.'tck. _ Engnivcl. •»■.'. •J.'i each. '■Utii "''* *1.88( ..^K^^^ » Reliable Conipigs »l fiO each. 3^ -.iK* Reliable ronij.as.. ConipMs, Stone Back. Stone, Rolled Fla<e 'l-l'^«ach. Tiiminini's. .fB.OO. lutf Moss Asrate. 'rice $U>0 it Out filanH, 12.25. 1774 Agate and Rolled Plate. $2.25. Real Masonic Key Stcne. $2.2,5. Real Masonic Key Stone. 1^2.26. 19S7 ('•rn«lianand Rolled Plate. S2.25. 30 1 CHAFLRfl HTARK. «2 CHITROII 8TRKKT, TORONTO. Gold Front and Filled Gold Gents' Lockets. BEST MAKE AND FINISH. «10..Tfle«ch. «7.«0ea<-h. ... 16 fio w.th vuw, (iol,lfr,mt,..„^,.«v..,I. (;ol<l fr.-nt. ....khmmI. W.OOettch. *iW)each. Same In Mimoni.' !S5.2ft each. '"'"ii^a:^"^'' "■■''l,^'£ii!«--'- »^--' eKen^vaved. «fi.00 eaub. ■f4.50. ( 'liaMed, «4,r.O. 7l.i lUiHed edges stone back. ■>".7B each. '2riin ■r,tfeLr'« 'jteir™""' ",tf:;ar" »io Ony.K and black Ht.,ne. t)„v $y 38 each, lOtf X or apute. ^'^. 75 each 7»0 Onyx. »3.00. Cameo front onyx bac^. $2.63 each. 809 Pewl or onyx. 92.63 each •51 -^^ 119 Pearl inlaid. $3.00 each. 41 Onyx. 92.25 each. No. 118, X". :595, Xo. 403, Ao. l'.J8, *Xu. 407, * ^ o. 401, No. 409, >'ii. 402, »» No. Syo, "No. 4,^5 N". 400, Lockets. SOLID GOLD LOCKETS. I'-ia' Slio.flo! * POiJsheti, haiut engraved, hoU« l„ur inctures. enameled, hold two pictures, cturea. 41 Onyx. S2.25 each. 407, !?10.50, 401, « 7..->0 409, « 12.00, 402, m. 75. SyiN *y.OO; 127, «(i.75 ; 12(3, «<).00 ; 12(; D, SO. 75. two four two .six four .■^ ■«, n,..?.,.0», .»,,S,i.. !,-.l..lB"M,l«.li.l.«l,l„,„|„™,,,, „„,,,,„, ,„.., 2fc.>inan Colour Gc^ld Figure.. fo.io n ch. •Pearl Settings ^■.SOeAch. Gold Figures. ^5.25 each. AlawJca Settini,' Kai«ed Fijctires $7.50 each. Gold Figures. *'>.00 each. Pearl Settings. «C.75 each? Garnet Settins ^a^net and i'earl Settin-. Sii.7o each. Garnet aijd Pearl Settin s «ti.00 each. liuby Settings. §7.60 each. Alasica and i-tarl Setti: $7.60 each. Raised Figures. S4.fiO each. Gold Front. fC.OC^ each, Agate 1 3i; I'earl Ii $3.0 Gold Figures. 13.25. I'ainct and Pearl Settin. *5.G3 each. 320i liK. CHARi.ES STARK, 52^CHURCH STREET. TORONTO. 39 Fine Rolled Plate Acme Lever Sleeve Buttons. NEW PATTERNS. Alasxa and i-tarl Setti $7.60 each. 2527 Agate and Bloodotont. #2.25, 2409 377 fl.88. ji^gg^ MUiHD 1206 Onyx. $1.60. 709 Texas Agate. $1.50. 3137 I'earl Inlaid. $3.00. 769 Cornelian. $0.76. each. 3202 itK, 301) Ajfate, $1.U 1101 Montana Agate. $1.50. 3001 Cornelian. $1.50. 215 Pearl. 76c. 281 Masonic. $1.88. 108 Moss Agate. 75c. 3452 Bloodstone. $2.25. 28-> Odd Fellow. $1.88. Dua 508 Moss Agate. Moss Agate $1.13. $1.13. V Agate. 75c. 40 C-HA^LESSTARK, 52 CHURCH STREET. TORONTO. GENTS' SHIRT STUDS m SOLID GOLD, GOLD PLATE, GOLD FRONT AND ENAMELLED. THKEK STUDS IN A SET. No. 5 No. 46. No sap tvt ^^ ^""^ — Fine Gold Plate, in Fine Gold Plate Ki„ P u pw „ ^o. 23. No. 732. Nol7Q -s^tr- ■'■^^- p^, ^^^ S-S- -^S.., Fellows ;;^em. s .lenSS:" '''X\Z'''^ Price, «6. 00. bleu,8..,c. Price,$L13.- Pri^efSsO. 127 ai'i 54J Sr;Sf.'?rK^s«s!^ SS^^f-i-iS s;^r"^^«..-- same quality and price, SI, .50. 16 7 J7 ^'^aei;;fei:'g^"- ""^sss&k-.S'- '»- ?r-«"- .- '»..«.. ilLT. THE ABOVE IN A VAKIKTY OF spiral back, extra heavy and durable. Price, $1.13, OF DESIGNS. 01 ft I COLLAR STUDS. 208 tins. n^Krd Si"W,l°'"" ,£„,%■";:""' 'i''"° N*«?C '«"!'»"'-'«.»■»<•. "esigns. lrice.)8c. ver intent, 82.2.x ft' The Jack-in-the-Box Watch Charm THE LATEST N07£ltY, AND SELLING AT SIGHT BEST ROLLED PLATE. Touch a secret epiixit,, and out Jumps the Dog, Rooster Bnv CLOSED KT . . °r Whatever the box conceala' ^°^*^'' ^°^ CLOSED. Neat when closed. Amusing and Startling when Open. Price each, $5.63. OPEN. DS. MELLED. CHARLES STARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. 41 No. 179. old Solid Gold Studs, '*'" assorted. '■<-i Price, 16.00. 54J Agate, in Filled Gold ?nce 81.88 d gold front Studs, :, extra heavy and Price, $1.13, Usorted collar but- 1 ; per dozen, $.'}.0O. OPEN. 42 CHARLES ST ARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO, I GOLD-HEADED CANES. Best Quality. Price Each. i Gold-headed Cane, first quality mounted with ebony sticks, hand- somely engraved, cliaaed and em- bossed, rrice, 1 inch $30.00 Uold-headed Cane, mounted with bne ebony, beautiftilly chased and embossed, riice $18.00 2250 Intaglir #13.5 kiUuM lieaded Cane, handsomely moun 1 with fine ebony stick, first Gold-headed Cane, beautifully ei qualit,,, beautifully engraved, chased graved, chnsed and embossed el«- and embossed. gantly mounted with fine ebony Price, S inch $22.50 '*''''^' *''''* 'l»»^ty- Price, i inch I1.5.00 v«U DiaraoiK $9.00 PI No. 301 jjo 101 i rice $13.75 splendid value. . Price 110.50 We give special attention iu Engraving Lettering, Fine Ornamental Work, and Monograms. P A I C £j S I 4d0. .igerite lluby , ing r?pai«SrrereLtX*St1ultli^^^^^^^^^ -n work sent us. In send- by paicol post, registered, for 17c. only. pai.ica,{e and write us by same mail. You can send your watck A-iiiethyst, ii.13 ES. C HABLE 3 STARK, 52 CHUECH STREET, TORONTO. 48 SOLID GOLD SCARF PINS NEW PATTERNS. Price each. 2256. Intuglin, #13. 5« <^ ^^I'/v- ^ ,\\'l///^ 22. Tijfeiite Roman Colour, $13.50 290 !d Cane, beautifully ei 3d and embossed, el«- ited with fine ebonv ality. ncli 11.5,00 38. Alaska and Ruby. $9.00 , , 1873. veal Diatn.ind Settin - io.oo 1187. Pearl Setting, $13.50 2195. Roman (Jolom-. »7.50 2148. Roman Colour, $7.50 1198. Brilliant Setting. fO.OO 1469. Real Diamond, #15.00 PlltfJa ROLiLBD PL.lTiS SCARF BINS, *o. 101 eaded Cane, emboas* 1 mounted iu ebony, »10,50 ,.„ ., 400, 627. .igente Ruby and Sai^pMre. Gold Front. «**«•«« $1.S§ oas. 3tter 18c, om $1,^)0 to 95.00 iry, in gold or silver. carat per dwt. for old •k sent us. In send- can Hend your watck A-iiiethygt, ,*1.13 2 Garnet, r5c. -FR^i, Ivory or Pearl Holder, T5c. 4 Alaska, 75c. 44 _CHARLES_STARK^52^URCH STREET. TORONTO. FINE FILLED GOLD BRACELET& BRICS-HT COLOR. 418. Polishe J Spiral, Roman Trimmings. f 3J.A0 [.er pair. 685. Garnet vSottings. ij^ 13.50 per pair. 659. Roman Trimmings, li)IS.50 per pair. 651. Garnet Eyes, $12.00 per pair. ^ is 652. Garnet Eyes, $15.00 per j)air. 136. Roman Color. $10.50 per pair. 297. CoM Front, Ro aan Trimmings. ^y.SO per pair. 2J6. tfonuin Trimmings. $t,50 per pair. iflf^^ iir. i:?l«^_?i^ARK^2 CHURC^ TORONTO Fine Rolled Plate Bar Pins. VERY HANDSOME. QOLD FRONTS. 46 '076 Gold Front, Gold Figured. $563 1417 Garnet Pettings. $3.00. 1374 Garnet, Pearl, or Turquoise Seltin '. $2 25. 1465 Gold Front Jind Finely Enamelc', $5.?5. 1442 Pearl, Garnet or Turquoise Settings. $2 63. ^432 Garnet, Pearl, or Turquoise Settii. $2.25. 348 Gold Front. $!88. 349 Gold Froat. $188. )Ior. pair. mings. pair. 1503 Gold Front Ornaments. $150. '433 Garnet, Pearl, or Turquoise Setting. $188. 1378 Garnet Settings, $188. 1504 Gold Front Ornaments $150. 46 OHABIja STARK. Oi, CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. 'i I J -^1 i ' LADIES' FINE FILLED GOLD EAR DROPS, iadi GOLD FRONTS AND GOLD WIRES. Garnet .Stttiiipp. •15.25 per pair. (iarnof HcttiiiKs ll'THiin Colour. $iiA)i) jier pair. 9'tS Ron^an C„W, Polished Ornament.. Ro„,a„ Colou.^ P*!lh.r Ornan.ent. ' 1 ' • *.}. /o per pair. 1467 Raised Edges, Hand Engrave<l. f3.75 per pair. 1140 Oftrnet Set'ing, Polished '''rimndngs. 92.ti3 per pair. 21S Pearl Settings, Enar eUefi. $3.00 per pair. 513 Alagka S> ttiuf ». •92.2,0 per pair. „ .^ 1500 Oarnet Settings, Polished Trimming'^. •'J2. 25 per pair. §§7 .Stone Cameo Settings. ■'$1.88 per pair. 040 Turquoise Pparl, Roman Colour. 9'i. 75 per pair. Ak«ka S. ttine, Rowinn Celour. J3.75 I or pair. BTo. 784.- 1479 Cam t Setting, Polished T imminf $2,63 ptjr pair. No, 771. OOff PomaB Colour, Gold Front, 12.25 per pair. 1416 Garnet Settings, Gol.l Front, $1.88 per pair. ':."'h'l!r^.^'^^'^^' 62J.'11UKC1I STHEBT. TOROKTO. 47 DROPS. PILES' SETS-FIILED GOLD AND CORAL line Gold TipH. Tho«e neU are warranted «,„al to noM gold in u liftttiriA. I BRANCH SETTINGS, appearanoe and finioh, and will wear 910 IVarl, Roman Colour. 3. 75 per pair. ttinff, KoBinn Celour. '•75 I er pair. Ko. 784. — Filled gold and coral set, ^n.'iH. 1479 ig, Poliuhed T inomiut !,(»3 pur pair. No. ■? 71.— -Filled gold ,ind onral set, $5.6;t. 9oa Colour, Gold Ffont, !.25 per pair. " ""SP "•» T 1416 ;ing8, Gold Front. 88 per pair. Ko. 80j— Filled gold and coral aet, ^.18 No. ll;,8.— Filled gold and coral set, 36.75. No. 765;.— Fillad gold and coral «et, $4.50. No. 768.— Filled gold ^Bd coral set, |I3.3§. These Seta have Gold Far Wiree, li 48 CHARLES STARK, B2 OHUUCH HTRKKT, TORONTO. Ladies' Fine Rolled Plate Sets. ALL NEW AND DBSIRABLB PATTERNS. 1304 Garnet or Pearl Settingw. 14.50 per set. 1014 Garnet, Pearl and Sapphire S'ettingi W.OO perget. I?-; 1363 Pearl or Garnet Settings. ♦5.25 I er .set. 1424 P«wl andSapphi.-e £ iting. $S.%perse<;. 1208 Pearl or Garnet Sitting," f 5 25 per set. 1407 Garnet, Pearl, or Turquois* ''ettingg. $4.13 per aet. No. CHAKL18 STARK, S3 OHUECH SYRBET, TORONTO. Sets. ^■\l^ ettingi. ittings. No. 1 and 3.— Solid Sterling Silver Brooch gl.88 e»ob, " 2andll.-~ " Bracelet 9.00 " " 6.— " " Brooch ..2.26 " " 4 wad 6.— " " Locket 6.76 ' *" 8— '♦ <• Brooch 6.00 " " 7 and 9.— " " Brooch 3.75 " " 10 and 12.— " " Eardropa 2.25 per p»ii Will make to Order any of the above In 10 or 16 karat Gk>ld. 4 OHARLRg STARK, M CHURCH STRKR'I r, TO K ONTO. M f CSil ^i^ d^MM^j'-^^^^Bi^miiifm^^ ^ /^■^l I' No. 13. 16, 18 and 19.-Solid Sterling Silver Bracelet. ... 14, 17 and 20.— " «' xr t. . » 7.60 each. <i la marne Bracelets, made in an» ^.~„ , ^ M«/la ,-i*i. . Monogram Bracelet , „ ^„ Made with any monogram. Monogram raised .oUd gold, |3.25 extra! '^'^^ " WiD make to Order any of the above in 10 or .6 Icarat Gold. .. 29.— CnAlil.KH STARK. 52 OHT7R0H STREKT. '1 TORONTO. ri^'Sr^: 3l5i^ « 23.- - 24. - H 26.- - 36— '< 27.— . 28.- • 7.60 each. lU.OO •• 10.60 '• .. 29.— Will also make in any name for *-^ Brooch, . o.2o .* 3.00 Locket .!..,!..'* *-60 Monogram Brooch. '.dth 'any niouoKrim' '. '. J^ 2 ,, 3.30 Q 4.70 4 .'.' 5.70 each. M II II II N II n II N n H II H II hooket..., ... T.20 6.00 WUl make to Order any of the above In 10 or 16 karat (Jold. CHAKLS8 8TAEK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. •^3 i^^&fWI*! :^'t -.^4J) ^mm^^mmm .-:^^ No. 30 and 32.-SoUd Sterling SUyer Brooch. 31.— II •1 *• <) 1. 33 and 35.— Lockets .1 34.— ■ 37 and 38.- 11 It II Bracelet Lockets " 36.— II It Necklet .$ 5.25 each. . 4.50 ., . 4.50 .. . 12.00 „ . 7,60 „ . 18.00 ., WUl make to Order ^uy of the above in 10 or 16 karat Qokl CHARLES STARK. 62 CHURCH 8TREBT, TORONTO. 42 *3 4' 4- PI* f?o. 39. — Solid Sterling Silver Brooch $ 375 each. " 40 and 41. — n .■ .1 with jitoiti ornameuta (}.75 ^, .1 42. — " t, and Gold Bracelot, Baw pierced, F«ry handsome ... . 2r>.i>0 .. n 43.— .1 n Bracelot lO.yO . II 44, 4.1 and 4^) - . ., Lockets, very handHome "... 12.00 ,. Win mfoktt to Order an;^ of the above in 10 or 16 karat. Qc)ld.. ii CHARLES STARK 62 CHC^RCH STREET. T ORONTO. 47 and 48. -Solid Stedimr silver O.l^ n ; aandsomo Kgj,,t,an n^nke P. J ''™*'"«"^^i-^ S Anu,ue, Hin.',.,, Indian or vur. , ^^' ^^' ''> ''^> ^3. .4.--soiid st.ii;,-«a.er, ver, ;.;;;, ■■;:::: ";:: • UfJ Wll] mako to Orrier any of the above In lo U4JH) 12.00 or 16 karat Gold. CHAllLES STARK, 52 CHITRCH STREET, TORONTO. '■Ii.ll;ii.i»»l: iriE-'i;»T -7.< No. 120, -Silver Necklet .1 126. - „ M 123. .. 134 — .. 131. - ., 135.— .. 139. ~ M 132. -- .. 114.— S13.50 10 karat Gold 14.10 12. IX) 14.10 12. (X) 10.20 12.00 10.20 13.50 $51.00 15 karat Gold ol.OO 57.00 37.20 40.20 34.20 28.50 25.80 40.20 Any of the above Patterns made Heavier or Lighter. Prices f6b.70 70. 50 4y.60 5.']. 25 45.60 38.25 34.20 5G.26 accordingly .#*; CHARLES: STARK, 5 J OHtTRCH STREET, TORONTO 16 11 27 71 Nn V^** ^eoJ^let"- 10 kt. '*''■ ^JJ $28.50 " S 25.65 " ,J? 22.80 " }fj 22.80 :: g 21.60 " *? 1925 <i Jo 1 ^ n - " ,]l 19.25 " ^]l 22.80 ; It i».25 " ;i 17.25 " ^1 17.25 ^ay of the above Patterna 15 kt. $38.25 34.20 30.60 30.60 .SO 00 30.00 28.50 22.80 28.60 30.60 28.50 28.50 22.80 22.80 made Heavier Oolil Gnords, ion No. 136 ^Y^}: ,. l?: 34.20 .. i]9 ^9,00 16 42.76 ;; 39.90 yi 39.90 T J ■' 34.20 34.20 LKrhter. Prices aooordlngly. 15 kt. 867.00 06.60 53.20 45.60 53.20 57.00 53.20 53.20 45.60 45.60 127 49 48 136 46 22 16 kt. 867.00 06.60 53.20 45.60 57.00 53.20 53.20 45.60 46.60 luffly. CHARI.es stark, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. SOLID ENGLISH GOLD SETS. Newest and Most Elegant Designs in the Market. 49 Wo. 1. Warranted solid 15 karat gold, »et with precious stones. Price $37.50 Wo. a. Warranted soUd 15 karat gold, sat with precious stones. Price $45.00 J*»' »• No. 4. Warranted BoUd 15 karat gold, t-et witli tenuiu* diamonds. .Warranted soUd 15 karat gold, set with preciouy 8toue«. Price $37.50 Price $1S.75 50 TORONTO. SOLID ENGLISH GOLD^TS. Newest and Most Elegant Designs in the Marlcet. Warranted solid 15 karat gold, i^ice .... ••^^■t with pncious stones. #io..';o Wan anted ..olMi.-.k^,„t .,,1,1 ,,^^ Price witii precious stone.i. « 12.75 Vo. r. ^Val.ranted solid 15 k.rat gol,., .et with preoioan .tone,. ^"'f «I5.00 iVo. s. Warranto «o)i,, 15 ka,atg.,l,,. set ..ith,.n.d Trice i'lt'uious Htones, $54.00 N(i. No. No. 1 No. 28' No. 30i No. 32( No. 32( No. 33( No. 23i Will lllf on SETS. > I>i-ecious stone.x. i.rs t'tious Htones, CHAKLKS STARK, 52 CHUR(I[ STJIEET. TORONTO. SOLID SILVER LOCKETS. 61 HUB, SOLID SILVER LOCKET Nh. 289... No. 2b7. Smaller No. 280.('hil,rH I 2»0. SOLID SILVER LOCKET. r^ize: :: ::. :*i:§i J;;- |gg- f^-iyEngrave,i.... srso. .ncket 3.00. l^arge Pize, very nias.five 10.60. The abovo Lockets with raised Silver or (ioKrM,, "iiograiii to or:ler, or any .special design of en-ravinj,-. SOLID SILVER NECKLETS. No' ioo " s?K.:!,.^v'''l'i"\'^"'''''^"^''''^l''*' •"""•" "1 ''^'T ^Dfe"-'-^""?- very masBive Vr • oOO.— fsilver Necklets, very pretty, assorttd .^tyle.-f. No. 320.-C'at,'e Pattern Necklets ..." ^o. 320. -f'a|,'e Pivttern Necklets, lighter.... No. aao.—AsHorted styles No. 235. f'hiMV Silver Necklets. .«1?.00. . 9.00. . aoo. 5.25. 4.50. 3.00. SOLID SILVER BRACELETS 263. Solid Silver BriK-elet. Price, .-ingle Bracelet ^7,.^0 204. Solid Silver Bracelet. I'rico, single Bracelet $7 £0 255. ■■Ditto, with any name to order, engraved on" ,sa,ue n. 1 u, ^,„. 10, page o,J, or lu monogram style. Price " «9.00. Will make to order any of the above designs in 10 and 15 karat gold. Will ouotA on application. pnce 0^ f;HAI!L|.;.S HTAUK. 52 CHURCH 8TRKET, TORONTO. SOLID SILVER BBACELETS. Solid coin HUver Bingle Bracelet, very pietty. 1 „x J ^""^ (Single Bracelet). l^^T^ «2.25. « .> p.- 3 .. *^-'5. 4 .. '»-50. ••• 0.75. 1 Strand 2 " ass. Solid coin 8ilv«r Eairle Bracelet. Price (Single Bracelet). 83. OO. $e.oo. 301. SoUdcoin silver, rustic design, Band Bracelet. ^i*^eeach ^y^^^ ao3. SoUd coinsflver, latest pattern, very hflavv bennti fully engraved, most desirable. ^' ^°««»<'J> tia-oo. 293. Solid coin silver, nicely engraved. Price each... #10.50. Priri„°^U^rn°' ""^ °' "" ''*°™ *"to.» '» 10 an. ^, ^^, „„ ^^ quote TS. CHARLES STARK, 52 CHUROH 8TREKT, TORONTO. 68 icelet. ). 83.00. $6.00. d Bracelet. sd. #10.90. Will quote SOLID OOIN SILVER SETS. Coin Monogram Set-Something New. . "VVe will make you a Silver Set out of any coins tlehired, with your initials engraved in mouoL'ram style on them. ' No. 6.- American $1.00 brooch, Canadian 10c. earrinjfa. Set, including coins .^7 50 ^o. 6.— 50c. brooch, 10c. ear rings fl 7.5 Xo. 8.— 2.5c. brooch, .5c. ear rinirs .5 25 i61 Solid Sterling Silver Set. <'oraplete set igS 75 Hrooch only 2 M Kar rings only 2 2.5 288 Any n.anie to order. Something new and \ retty. Price $3.35 No. 281 Solid Silver Name Brooch. Made in any name. Will make to order and mail you inside of one week the above brooch with any name desired. Priijo only |i gg No. 10. —Do,, with initials in monogriuu style 2 2« No. 11.— Ear rings to match, with name same as on brooch 2 2$ fM^ ^■;v<' 262 Solid Sterling Silver Set. Engraved in a variety of styles. Price f.3 75 No. 20.— Brooch 2 25 No. 25.— Earrings 2 2.5 282 Sterling Silver Brooch. Price.. $2.25 284 283 Sterling Silver Brooch. Sterling Silver Brooch. Price t2.a« Price #2.25 Will make to order any of the above' deaigna In 10 and 16 karat gold. WUl quote prices on appUcaUon. 64 ^^HARLES 8TAIIK. (>2 CHURCH 8THEKT, T()H(»Nr(», SOLID COLD RINGS. With Genuine Diainmul., l-.m-U «„,| |',,,io,H .Stones,>t ivi^.H nevo, „tr.ri..l befurt). ^o l.-Sull(i 15 knrat (fold ring, net with tliroo Konulne dlamondH, very brilliant. ' •'"•lee »60.00, No. 2. Solid 1,', karat gold ring, set with llircf Kennlno diainonda, von fine. Pft'-f liS^l.OO. No, 'JIL-Sulld 1,') K»r»t »foUI liuoklo rinif, sot with one uarnot and one jfcn- nine diamond. I'rW' .*iy.7J. No. 3.-8olld 15 karat No. 4. Solid 16 karat (told rhiy. with ifonuino K„ld ring, with K-'noIno diamond ^ttlng.s „f ilrH illaniond Hettinit. l-ca ti ')"»' ti- <ul dliplav. Pf'"* •^S.W. Price .: t4H 00 No. 8. -Solid 16 karat Sold, with two ganulne iamonda and (garnet cen- tre. Price 111.25. No. 9.— Solid 15 karat Kold, with dix Kemiine diamondaand (our rubles in centre. I'rice $27.00. N>. 10. -Scilidli karat with two larue diamonds and one ruby in centre. Pric «ir..OO. No. 2i- Soilil 1.', karat Kolil rinjr, with twelve poarla and three jteuulno diamonds in centre. Price IIS.OO. No. H. Sdlld 15 kurut Kold, with two (?arniti and one dianinnd In ccn tre. Prie" •17.25. No. 16.-S(did 15 kar.it gold, with three gciniino dianionda. Price 118 00. No. 23.— Solid 15 karat (fold rinir. with threenen- uino diamonds. Price Ill.i1, No. 21. -Solid 15 karat ((Old rln(r, with nve({eno- me diamonds. I'ricc 110.60. No. 6.-8.did 16 karat (fold buckle rln(t. with srarnet or pearl eetting •'rice »10.50. No. 6.-*olld 12 karat extraheavy gold ring with tramet or pearl settini;. PricD j;),7[;. 268 Solid 16 karat gold ring, set with garnets and pearl setting. Price t7.50. Do., much heavier, ts.oo Do., 10 kt. gold.,.. $6.00. 266 Solid 15 karat gold ring, Het with Bve oval garnets. Price $7 60. Do. , very heavy titoo No. 300.— 9ktgold,»6.00. Solid 15 karat g,dd rihg, pcarl.t and garnet •e.tings. Price $7,50. Do., very heavy.. Do., 9 kt gold , .8!),00. ,. 0.00. .Solid 16 karat gold niir, set with one genu- ine diamond and two real rubies. Price $lti.OO. 260 Solid ir, karat gold ring, net with three pearls or pink corals. Pf'«' $16.00. 270 Solid 15 karat ring, pink coral pearh. Price 113 60, gold and 266 Solid 15 karat genuine diamond setting. Price «lfi.OO. 281 Solid 1.0 karat ^uld buckle ring, size ot cut Price 413. M. 278 Solid gold ring for mo- nogram. Will engrave your initials free of cost. Price .^rt 00. 276 Solid gold monogram ring ; very pretty. Price $10.50. s^F— '°£S^'S? rlSs"-SF £aP - .M^r-™ Price $7.50, Price. ,,*^" $ihoo. *^'^'^- A efort). s. l*o, 4. Solid 16 kurst Id riii(f, with K<'iiiiin(' imoiid oettinif, licauti display, frlce lib. 00. (o. H. Kcilld 15 Kuriit cl, with two (farniti I one dlanirind In ccn- flP" •17.25. 0. 6.~«ollrt 12 karat »he«vy«oIdrli)g-witli let or pearl settintt. ■Ic TK'il. 269 W 1.'' kurat koIJ »«t with three pearls nk orals. "' tlS.OO. 276 J gold monoKraru very pretty, e $10.00. iO.-SnIid 1,-. kun a1 rii 'If- *18.00. o SOLID COLD RINGS. S.jlld IS karat kii|,1 woUdiiiir iliiK. I'rii.; J4 fi'). .Suine ill 10 karat ifold, 1f> i,',, «'>lld M kirat ^ol.l ivoddlm/ rinc I'rico Kl.oo. "• '110 III KUinl ifold, |,( (M *ilM IS karat (rold weddlni; rintr. Price t7 (10. Hiiinlii lOkui itir.ild, »:t.7/l Molid IC karut gold huiid rliifr. Prloof8 2fi Same in 14 karat ifold, t-t .'^O. Solid IS karat void wwldlDr rinif Price m.OO Same In 10 karat tr>'|<t |4 AO Solid 18 karat jjold luiml rli'sr. I'rioe *7..'i0. !^niiic In II kara jfold, «il 7D Solid 18 karat ijold band r ncr. Price m.r' Same in 1 1 karat it'dd, »S 'Jf. Solid IS karat jjoM hand rinjr. Price »10 fin, Sutneln 14 karat K"ld, *i.7& Solid 10 kt. (fold clia-»d Solid It kt. i{..I,l diue.i Solid ribf „„m i, , „ keeper rinsf. keeper *^iuu. koeDer'Jh^^ '"*" ®""'' l^ ■"• K"'"! <=h««ed Price »3.7f.. Prico.r.....W60 iw "^ 5:. ro . ""'•'por rlnjr. Ditto, Ukt.. 4.60. • ''^"-'^ **^'>. I'rlco #1)7.). Solid 14 kt. goldchMeU keeper ring;. Prlof tO.OO. Solid 10 kt. (fold chaaed Solid 10 kt. (,.,1,1 chawd „,/'i'8r 13.50. ring *,i.0O. Ditto, 14 kt., 18.76. Solid 10 kt. gold cha.sod riner VM. Ditto, 14 kt., <I0.00. Solid IS kt. gold chased ring $7.50. * 61 Silld lOkt. goldcbaM^d ring 10.00. Ditto, 14 kt.. 112.00. 971 Solid 10 kt. gold engrav- Solid 12 kt. ^old cntrrar. .Solid 10 kt riiir onvv ed buckle ring. . . .$8.09. ed Hiickle r,n/ .^M. l,!„od or in,«, agate' >'^- |?:-8«n>e a« No. 19, stone Betting $7 60. inaolld 14 kt. gold, $7.50. * ■••i.u. Solid 10 kt. ring, blood, onyx or cameleon $7.50. Solid gold ring with revolv- ing top, niH«onic emblem on one aide and odd-fellowa on other side ; one fide k) set with onyx stone, and blood Btone other Bide $-J7.00. Ditto., without embleniB, $24.00. When or li! in-,' rings be careful to give the cont'd size ttie centre white lin« U fh. .w«^— tin tomer h.. „,. ,„... of .scertainin, t./.i.e r.^ured, Houd ^ ^C^' V^r f^Cs^i^T^ZZ^^^^.^I^^^ RING GAUGES. 6a flCAItLKS HTARK. !i-i CHVUCH .STHRET, TORONTO FINE SILVER. PLATED WARE. ..f. l>..ml, lily M a Kl".„ K.„ d;J™ ^^^^^^ '" ';• '!'» I'"" ""» .»a,l,, in Am,., ■/N. RER Mlli muricn ninuiifn No. no. FINE SILVER PLATtD CASTER Chaste, engraved bottlen. .$10.50. No. leoo. FINE SILVER PLATED CASTER. «. ba«te satiis wi>h U tihe cut ylass l.ott! $15.00. Wo ha' illustrate fi Shall bo pk ''ARE. ^HOX, HALL, Mil inado in AiruTicii ■il with tho iiKvuiifn '•KAHI.KS STAKK, M cilifliCII S'l'itKI'.T. TnlMtNTO. 67 'INE SILVER-PLATED CASTERS. D CASTER. $15.00. No. 153. DINNER CASTER. Kngraved Bottlea. . . .49.00. No. 125. DINNER CASTER. lOngraved Bottles $9.76. Wo have ahvays in istock a iioniplcto Hiio of liuo Silvi \- [Mated Ware, all of wliioli wc aru unable to illustrate for want of space, 8uuh as I'onumiuion Sets, Waticis' Fruit Dishes, Biucuite Jara Ikn. Sm Shall bo pleased to ijimte prices on application, atid will fuiaisli ilhistratioti if dcHiiod. 66 OH \RT.KS STARK, 52 (JHUKCIH STUKET, TOKOVTO. I No. 1620. FINE SILVER-PLATED OASTER. ChaHe.1 Baiiii. patent swing bell top No. 76. SYRUP PITCHER. $13 60. Chased satin a^Q 60 No. 60. Chaseil, gnkl li CHAULEvS STARK, f.2 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. 59 No 119. FlNki BELL CASTER. Cli.ised .Tajijiiusp satin tJiUKll $12 OO. No. 125. BBlili HANDL.B O ASTER. J me HiJver-plate, chased and engraved bottle. .$10.60. 3HER. $10.50 No. 60. JEWEL OASKBT. Chased, gdkl tiiiii<h and satin lint'd. $13.50. No 5 t;oml>iiiHtion llin^r, snit. Pepper, Untie ami JNapkili Riiig. rhu.-e I and Kold-linfJ, .$8.26, No. 177. NAPKIN RING. No. 25. JEWEL GASKET Chased satin with shield. .75o. Ciuuie.l, with satin linings. .$12.00. No. 178. NAPKIN RING Ch.'ised and ({old lined. .$1.13 UreitkfttHt Cai No. 146-PIOKLE CASTER. New design, verj' handsome 97.60. No. laO.-PIOKLB CASTER. With fine engraved glass bottle $6. 75. APKIN RING >ld lined.. $1.13 No. 2060. OOOD LUCK. Breakfast Caster, with live cut glass bottles $9.00. No. 2063 Breakfast Caster, with cut glass '»o">«« $10.60. e2 CHARLKS STARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TOR0NT(\ No. 140. PIOKLB CASTER, witli Hne engraved bottles . $12 OO. No. 56, "WHEAT BUTTER DISH. fatin tiaiHh $7 50. No. 63. BUTTER DISH. Engraved, with knife rent $6.00 Kini' ^'l.Tss lint Finp c\it ginj $6.00 OHAIiLKS STAKK. 52 VHVllVH STRKKT, TOllONTO. 63 ^^). 125.- PICKLE CASTER. i:n,'r S3. 00. v;. 1 , ^?,- ^^'^ i^i<JKL.E CASTER. r mi' j;lasH Mottle Sq qq No. ii4.-.Tw;; Bolt!;..;.; ■.;■;■;;;;;;;; : e'oo: N... 146.-PICKLB CASTER, r iiip cut glass l)<)tt!e.i, chased satin SIQ. 50. iNo iioe.- PICKLE CASTER. ( haoed sntin.c'ut ^-la^^s hottl..* . $ir OO 64 CHARLES STARK, 52 CHUKOH STREET, TORONTO. I'f Med, L'liin-aved . . CHARLES STARK, 62 CHURCH STRKKT, TORONIO. No. 67. ChaseJ, Venetian Design. $6.63 68 CHAKLES STARK, M CHITJICH STREET, TORONTO. Fine si chaHe value DESSERT ^.J^^^^^J^l^-^^^uU^^^^^ ^ m f^?-.^3&. BfiJttRY DLSF. — (Unc fourth size.) Chased satin, oiilj . .' . flB.OO No"S4 NAPKIN RING. Chu«ed....5!2.25. Chajed sa CHAKl Ks 8TAKK.J2 CHl/iJCH STUEET, TOitONTO. 67 wint,' Bell Stand. NG.. No. 444. -CARD RBOBIVER. $9 75 No. 103. OARD REOBIVER. Chased satin . . . m 76. No. 504.-OARD3RECBIVEP. Chajed aatin, with elogant top, finest fiuis} 5 12 00 No. 227 -CARD RECEIVER. C^hased satin _ SIO sn 08 CHARLES STARK, fli! f'HURf'H STREET. TORONTO. No. 1877. -SPOON HOLDER. No 15.-SPOON HOLDER. Chased " Cone " $7 50. Chased. $0 00. No. 30.-SARDINB BOX: Fine out glass $9 jq_ No. 9.-SPOON HOLDER. Fine silver-plated and gold lint^d, bean- titiillv ligraved. Price »« qq Chased only 4 q g' $9 OO. la OO. 4 88. 70 CKAKI.K8 HIWRK. «3 cmriifir STRKF.T, T(1|(ONT(). Fin, decor.tod';;oSSS„T.'^^™^ PITCHER. No. 20. -GOBLET «5!5I fin ^k"* Silver-plated, " Arctic ' ,h^ign '9^J.50. ohwed and gold Hned S4.88. ijJ.M.a.'l V\i,..^ j •,-'M',l. 'Jt'" V', Fine quadruple platc^j^kS aXtS^l5.rT.SSu.,i if desired doublewall w.th valve. Plain, §18; C^h.vsed, .?19.50 ' No. 28. GOBLET. Chased satin and gold lined. . $8.0O l''ire silver-p! •Vo. 1401.- < -Vo. 1484. -F New des: ; No. e4.-OUP. OHASBD SATIN. J^»!"-,VV •,,,••••: •3-00- rliiiri una (jrold I,med 3.70 t'fuwfii ;;, 375I ChftHcfl and (Jold LInetl 4.13. )BLET Arctic ' deRJtrn, S4.88. ,-! ., , ^"- 1490.-OAKE BASKET Vo '14m 't-^' V'i^';"■ "'"'""• ^^•''^ «'^"hedf^^ai„-. .>o. 14m. -(;ha8ed Satin .»7.50 . 9.00 1 No. 87. -OUR CHASED SATIN. r lam 00 /\f\ Plain and Gold Lined. ■.!.'.■.. .'.'!;!; 3 Ts' Chnst'd 413 ( 'hanod and Gold Lined. . ...'!.... 5 25' BLET. lined.. $8.0O 72 CHARLES STARK, fi2 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. No. 1631. CAKE BASKET, Chased and engiaved. «18.00. No. 043, VASE. With fine decorated Porcelain 85.26. No. 1631. CAKE BASKET, l nased iinj engraved •'?15.00. No. 238.^ VASE. Fine decorated porcelain. . ...'JQ.OO. m b a n H H5 hJ «<- . Ji-*! i*1 ^ P'^ 13 »4.= Oi* E> « OS {} 0" ^ 74 -riARLES STARK, .2 munCK STREET. TORONTO, FINE SILVER.PT.v\TE TE.A. SET. >>'-■ 1877.- Chafed SaiJn an.l G.1,1 L;„,a. ^"'^'' $60.00. WewilUeIlwholeorpartset«««r.q„i,ed. SLOP BOWL. Chased Satin jgg qq CREAM PITCHER. Chased satin and gold ''"«'' $1^^.601 '^f'A O R CO Fi'K E POT ru T^: "" "" ' » e, 1 u I . (. hased Satin . . .'S16.00 IIO'J" WAjUtt poT.- Chased Satin W8.50. No. 30O-Tet No. 301~Des No. 302- Till No. 303- D«8 No. 304-Tal. When abo\ PoHsert and Tul KniveB, 75 ct-nt 0HARLM8TARK, ,2 CHUe™ STREET^BOK TO, il7M Plated laivas, Forlsg WARRANTED GENUINE. 75 •5) Iffik J OiQ d>t> s e* a •^ 1) S 13 ,. ,53 kf 1> d C S J2 Tl >. M H (-5 H * _ V .« .2 c C :4 "a. O .3 1 2 CO B O o c .// Wo. 30O— Tea Spoons per doz. .Jjfi.OO No. 301~Des8ert Spoons " 10.50 No. 302- Table Spoons " 12.00 { No. 303- Dfssert Forks " lO.fiO [; T No. 304-Tal)le Forks " 12.00 '% a u '■n a w ^-^ u ^H '£) crj Oh M7 d Q TI W ^ Q Tt ■a? No. 200-Tea Spoons, per dozen ^r,.2n W8.50. '^ffl*^ No. 201-Des8eit Spoons No.'202- Table Spoons N(i. 203— Depfiert Fml's No. 204 -Table Forks . . 9.00 .10..-0 . 'J. 00 .lo..-;o KniveB, 75 cents [ler do/.mi. ' '-"'S'-en i\nives, 00 cents per dozen; on Medi on nni 76 _S^Am^^jTAl,K, 52 CHURCH STREET. TOROOT iTO. ''''■ ^^-^-NAPKIN RING AND VASE. Chased and Gold LiAed' .".'.■.■.'.■.■.'.■ No. 66-SoHd «te.n„g sil.er. ^''"^'^ ^^'^^ ^""^ ^DT PICK.' i\o. 58-Fme sterling silver. ...■.■.■.'.'.■.■. No- 1%%-1"- «"- Pl^te ^^^'^'^^ K^^IVES. No.- 179~SL' si iJe'r ^l%*"' 4If-ka-handYe: ! ! ! ! ] No. 387-Fi^e siW? w ^'^II T'y handle. J^inesUver plate with delicate pea^lh^ndie."::: ::::::;:; No. 172-Fiue silvpr „i»f . PICKLE FORKS. No- ei^ ALtgri*''.'..^-"^' P''"-" No! iigiii-sats;B;'-:"«;;;;;;;;;^^ No. 173-Fine silver plate, fancy pattern '.^'^.'^. '';^.^^^- No.l74-Fine.lverplate.fanc.pattern..'''''^:'^^..'^^^^^^^^ No. 176 -Fine silver plate, fancy pattern '^''^''_ . '^^^• No, SlOFine silver plate, engraved. ."''."''. ^.''''''=- When by mail, add postage, 26c. No. 1— Tea spoons No. 2-~Tea v"' o~^^* "'""?,"'■ •'*''^'e-siie.' ; ; >io. 4 -Table Spoons.. »T ,? ,r. "' 'Spoons No. 5 Table Forks. No. e-l)es.sert Forks. .■.'.'.■,■.■. I W". 10.— S( plate, roB I No. 20.- S( rosewood |No.30.— Se cylinder, Postagt ..$3.00 .. 3.75 3.00 2.26 ]-]il No.S0.-Se ^■ii ' fluted 8tet 1-50 J No.50.-Di l.U 4.50 .«2.2fi . 2.63 . 4.50 . 6.00 . 6.00 4.50 No. 7fi.— iSevei cylinder, full elaborate des No. 76.— With Pontage, 2i J '■ ^RLE9^ARK, 62 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. lE^^E-^-OL-^EORS. 77 .«2.2fi . 2.63 . 4.50 . 6.00 . 6.00 4.50 No. 7/i.-Seveii-Bhot, 2l' oalilire, litlei steel barrel, steel cvUnder, full nickol platu, cn^'mve 1 and etmrni Had in elaborate dosi^in, ebony i)r rubbtr Btock SI 75 No. 76.— Witb fluent peuil Ht"c ; j'od Pontage, 2^0. 78 (ilARLKS STABK 52 CHURCH STfiiEr. TORONTO. Always > Revolver is r revolver vou Tiu! new 8i iniu;,' 22 cal. loi iiHtaiitly oliaiig I'late, ICubber i- new Model Smi rnxULEH STARK, 5.. CtfUKUH HTllKKV, T(>U,W TO. 70 .•2(;alibre, Long Fluted Cylinder. Uiflxl Steel Barrel $4.00 Pontage 2")C. Always Hoinethiii:,' new. A I VouHg' ^meriea. Double Action, Made by Harrin-ton & Richardson. iie.z:ri:zr:i'^,:^^, ,^^:!^^f Tf^'i a i>-''i-'^^tiou Pocket r revolver you want. Kxtl^l^St^'.^^JlIiSiK"'' "'■'^'^ '•>-l-''-. ^n. su .. . -alihre, Hi,„ .|i. Ki^kj ^ancy Rubber S.,cU Revolver, 22 or ,32 calibre. steel barrel, rubber stock. TIk. The Postage, 25 cents. $5.00 5.50 Double Barrel Revolver, <» shot. • '.'.o '"1*^,'"*'"'"' \ Wesson Model Double Calil)red ai.d Double M.,r,-„ii. . i. ■ MMU;; 22 cal. long or .,hort cartridges in one barrel nud ^■> J c? tW ' . ? ;l ^^^'^V^'^f, ^'n. Shot, and .nst^ntlv cliauged fro,n 22 to ;i2 calibre bv pressin.,- a littl. s,.ri ' ' ,■! i "','"" ^'"'"''- '^'"'i'^ rev, Plate Rubber fitocl<, Raised Ril,, Flutecf I'yliader. J'his UevoW; 'i'^l" }"■' ''' '"•. ^^'"l" '"^'l^iliK new Model Smith and Wesson revolver. Price 97.'n ' ^ "'"''^ mventio,., is almost na. I'ostftge, 25 cents. two caiiLriv-. >lver can U i''ull Nitk,.! ■tly liivo tlie 80 CmRLES^RK^CHURCfl STREET. TORONTO. (•IIAIII.KS STAltK, :,U CIILKCII sritKK r, TOKON'I'O. 31 83 cHvin^a STARK,A.. cHt/rcii sth. kt, 'vmosro. M(tk.I<- N'n. 30. - ;> full nii'Kil |)lat i, '■ cleiiii ■' am] ci t! Pric'f N... 31. J CHARLK8STA«K. .'.,,.„,,,-„ M,K,Kr.T,.UOX IIOXTO. 83 Smith <& Wesson Revolvers. New Model with Automatic Ejector, -N't' K.I. J ur,l I{„b),e, Stock, ;« ottlil.re " •. ;j,s „ " .. n 41 „ P'^tagp ... . 20 «J nOc SinKle Acti„n. Dc.ble Aotk.n. .912 50 II r, QQ ...14 00 'i^;^ 22 00 RemiDgton Revolvers. - ^^^^\^^^:!^%T^^ .vector a„„ba.eM„.32c.,ibre V.h . Pri< Nn. 31. I'itto, .-jjsWilil.re ;.'! i ii^tai;.' iiio.^t accurafc, aim ..t 100 to 200 _T a-, |,. No. 33. Remington's Improved Frontier Revolver. Si.x sii.it, uKing Ic.iii,' IVS calibrV rifle caitriilKe, finest st.>pl 1,,,^. i -xi , n— - si.,.rtms rifl. ., fc,r„'o(l stf,^ frame, positive ej,.ctor, cylinder loa {.KLm?!:^ *1".*' '« tbe f nine, every ,.ur uftb... «e.i,,o„ is eanfully '^^'f</,«nI,eri..r walnut '"l^r""^' ''^'"' sUa.. to prevent .hellH Iron, falling' ,Mit of eliamber ; in fact tWr m the s/ ' ^'V'^'^.' ^"-^ech IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) A A ^ :/. 1.0 I.I I— 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.25 1.4 III 1.6 -^ 6" ► <p ^ % /2 ^iy. /: V ^ o / ^. Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. M580 (716) 8724503 ^•. >^. w U^ > 84 CHAKI-KS STAUK, -,2 CIirUCH STKKET, TUROXTO. f Merwin, Hulbert&Co's System Automatic Revolvers The.-e ifvolvers are made of foryeJ stuel, inttrchanLreable in their i>artn, of siifflcieiit strenytli, ami are iierfectinti "f W(jrkniansliii). 'I'hey ha.e ,tiH!/«/^ui€o».ii and easy extraetion of the shell^< - ' '' ' ' ' . - ♦ uin staitM the shell, overcomin,!,' any resistance loaded mies. They ean be taken ajiart for eleaning .vithout the aid of any tool it" inclined screw iietim on the liase- I liey extiaet one or more siiells if desired, with(i\it retiioviii'.; tllH . , , ,, \ . ■ ,.,'...,," . ,.„ ..- ■• - '•'•"^■y 'liive no >mall jiarts ('\-i)'o.-,il to rust, iiud the extractor is a solid part ot the hase-pin. Ihey are riHed liy a new |iioee-s that ^'ivcs pf rfict aocii. racy, are well balanced and pleasant to liandle. The lines of recoil and resistance aiv so nearTv alike tliat'tli-\r pre\eiit :iny upward throw of the arm wlien tired. Tiie motion of extracting the shells deans tlie aini uid the'v >g by any number of discharges. ' -^ \ 'Sen Double Action. (Centre Fire) 8iii;i^l4; Action rocket Kevolvers. No. 61.- ;5i inch barrel, ". shot, ii.-in;^- S. k W.'s MS calibre C'.F. cartridge, full nickel IH^^tS*^ plated, rubber stock. Price .fl;i4 00 (H^'i^'f N'o. 62. Ivory stock '. i.r, oo ' IVbG^J: No. 63. Pearl stock j7 oO No. 64. -Ivory stock, plated inta','lio, and Horal eii;;ravii]L; JS 00 No. 65.— Pearl stock, i)lnted, floral and gilt 20 00 Double Action §2..")0 extia. Double Action Army Revolvers. No. 17. Seven inck barrel, shot, belt size, 44 cal. 'I'his arm is made to use the Winchester Model 1>73 Frontier cartridge. Weiylit, 2 lbs. 9 ouiices. llu'>!)er stock, douMe action. Price ,... s2.) 0(t No. 38. - Ditto, single action. Price 20 0(1 Pocket Armv Double Action Revolver, with Extra 7-:nch Barrel, We call sjjecial attention to our Pocket .\'- uy. In its con.-truction the be.st materials and the bigh"sl Kn'>wn .■jtate of the art have l)een applied. For prcL si,in, penetr.ation, iioisc. comiiactnass, beauty of outline "ami "eneiMl coiivenience, it has nO equal. 'I'he crested form of the handle permits it to be of less size than anj-'^rm ..f this calilire ; the lines of recoil and resistance are clo-er together, a more firm and na'nr.al grasp, and much gre:iti-i- leverage are given to the hand, all of which tends to resi-t the upward throw of the barrel in tiring. To separate the frame, barrel and cylinder (for cleaning), and re-as~e:nliling them, requires no tool. This aim is made with an intereiuingeable 7-indi barrel, that enables it to i)e changed into a belt reviver. Xo tool i>-i pared. The barrel can be changed in three seconds. :{j inch barrel, (5 shot ; weight, 2 i)ounds 4 ounces ; weight of extra 7 inch barrel, 12.', ounces, 14 talib-c Model Winchester 187.S, Frontier cartridge. No. 18. — Kul iber stock .S ''5 00 No, 45. — >' M single action ......' 20 00 I'he above without extra barrel, ••^.5,00 less. Postage 75c., if by nuul. 'I'liis cut illustrate^ the Extracting synteui ued in Merwin, Hulbei't it C'ti.'s hew Automatic Itevidvers, a'.d is operated by shnply pressing ilia small spring under- neath thee yliudei', turning tl.e barrel one- half over and drawing out to stop. The SpoiM tectet This is a fine y lier and tumble: iu a nickel platei ease, drawn froi ■■■n-rugations ar screw, so that tl holding the flas leing inverted ( gold jilated bam: cover and jirev ing. The whoh some and it is in flask. I'ricea- tlisk and tund 2, with ,', i>int ••? I. ■-'■"•. shell drops out as ,shown iu cut. f'HARI.KS SPATIK, '.-' t'HUUCH S'lKKKT, TOUONTO. 86 ivolvers iJiiie |)erfectinq ii'iii nil the liiiat- lit rciiioviii'.; tn« ill Ji.irt.s cxpo.-cil Vrs iif i-f.'Ct iVOt;ii. alike that tli<y t" (inii, .-uiil tlify otk-I L>73 s2o (l!t -20 0(1 Barrel, liigliosl Kii'iwii DP, ami giMieiMi liau any arm 't il much t;reatiT :. To .xi'iianiti' t revi'li :es. t4 calilii 00 no Xn LE PAGE'S PATENT ItlBBF.R FO€ Kirr l*ISTOI#C A?S1>. l.iiiii,' Ufeiletl aii.l ■' tills the bill fxactly." ThiH siiiifile inventiim iin.tui'ts tlic ri>tol tliovmv^lily a;iiinst ni-t trom p('i-iiinttii>n, iir.'Vfiits iU wt-MW^ tliniiit,'h»t!if i).n;l<et, :i)ul ii.itihts its iu-taiit wiUnlrawal fur use without catcliiiiy the liinumri' in t)io .-lothiiiif. Flexible anil easy in tlie iiK'ki ^. Made in three sizes. Width. Length. ^'i''-"-- Small S'l' « inches for 22 and :i2 revolveis T-^ic. Medium 4A 7 " for :« and Ms " ■•'^|-*^ Lar.'o nh 8 " f.ir3Kandi4 revolveis. . . . 1.2;) -.i^lg^ The A \ew .'trii*'!*'. Sport sinaii's tested Flask. Pro This is a fine trlass bottle with stoii- l>er and tumbler, the whole enclosed ill a nickel plated, (;iirrui,'ated metallic ease, drawn from solid metal. The eorrugations are in tlie form of a serew, so that the cover screws down, ilding the flask tij,'ht (the tumliler being inverted over the sto;ilier). A i.'old jilated band then screws up to the cover and jirevents it from unscrew- ing. The whole ati'air is very hand- some and it is impossible to break ^be Hask. l'ricea--No. 1, with i pint tlisk and tinnbler. only 61.00. No. 2, with ,', [lint H isk and tumbler, ••?1.2.".. 86 CHARLES STABK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. « MUZZLE-LOADING JHOT GUNS, j DOU SINGLE* AND DOUBLE BARREL. f.>, ♦Kii'"'"^''* breech-loa(lill^ j,runH are gradually taking the place of niuzzle-lna.lin.' yet tlieru is a sti-oiiL' fl,.m..,J ereCtv^' l^T,*^;' h "!." "T*' '"? "i'^n-ivH- M'". .In.l where hreec-h^oadi .^au n-rU on in Set wi therefore hr.ve sehxted a few leading lines in Shot Guns, which are cut fine and splendid value * SINGLE BARREL Lefauchei No. 801 No. 303 Liyht boys' ^,'Uii, well tiuislied, tested Larrel $3 75 INo. 305.— Enfe'lish Gun, ger.umo twist liamd, i)atent breech, ' " rib, raiii ul with lir.ass tip and extractor, 8ui>mor walnut stock, checkered, case-hardened lock, blu^ plat^. and mountiliys. Price ' S SS?' ^'™'?"'*¥.^?- •^0^'^"*""'^'*i"« ^ront action lock; i,Ko,K], sound nin ^"^3;;;^^^";^j'^±^H^J^""^«r. *^^* ^"^ V!^ rib. su,.rior English wainutVt;;ck,>r, ^vSuHn^rl; «teei lock, bar^a.ti:m^,ate;;t b:;e^, -hiZa'i;ua'::M^'^;i^:Z,^ everything finst-class and warraaiteil to give every satisfaction. Price T.riQ 8 00 9.00 Bjcech-Loadii .iction, can ba decaibonized f fore-uud. Wl one who is sat No. 100, 13 h w DOUBLE BARREL MUZZLE-LOADING SHOT GUNS. highest Irises."'' ^"' *^'' ^^*'' "^ ^'""^ '' "' ''"^'"^ '"' ""''"■ "^'' }"'''^ '^ ''''^^' '^'""'^'' selection from the lowest to tho I I This is oi off.jred. The are steel, cast checkered in After sel We otfer thei weight from , No. 2.- gun, similar from 7 to 10 O ^''' e^■e?i•r^i^!Jd'''ff^"f"^''' Shot^Gun. Good tested barrels back action locks, tine polished stock, check- eied in break-off, steel mountings and locks, laiurod with tip and extractor ...... «« OO ffnishpd TT' ^y^^^A^ ^aT-, '^'"'i"'' ^'"'l'^''^' ''"^^ """'«' ^^'^1""' »tock handsomely 'checked and tL'l'p'ied, good case-hardened locks and nimrod ^ lOnn '• .ml ,; n7n!'tf' ■""' ^^'H'l' *-'"','• G",""?*; t^'i^t »"»««l«. good bar iocks,' walnnt' stock,' blued butt 'plate N , fiVS V,-n^r' I'f "'t^^.^I-'if^ ^"J with brass tip and extractor. A genuine good gun ' 12.00 '* averlginnSher Price' '""^ '"''"^'''^' ^^""""'" ^P^'"'''^ ^''^'""* ^'"«^' f-^-^^'^ K^"'°^' '^"t'*^ ^"' Sl^c;/ iX^""?^* . "'^!': ^ ^^!"^ ' '^" ^^ ' ^'*'^' '*^^*'^' ' ' ' ' Warranted- to 'giW good ' satLiaaiJii. ^'^'^ No. 313.- Genuine 'Engiish "shot Gun, 'w.' & ' C. 'Scott '& s'o'ns.' ' Fi'ne Vtu'b'b twis't'barreVs; 's'u'pei'ior'w'alnut ^^'°° ' bu« niTi^i 1 flo U T^ ^'T^ '"'l''-''"*^' %''-'^T. "'^""y '-""^ ^'th •'^'■'^« tip and steel extrac ?n- bS " leslc as CO ,f •'».'," l'''' 'I'V;,'"''','^^ l^verything ca:eful!y and H,,lendidly fini.he.l, and in every ie-,.ea as conipltte as niodeiii skill and wurkii,a):sl,ip can accomplish. Price. 20.C0 o Pi No. 3. a,ny ever olft stei'l robouii Spedial i Re-at( barrels, $1.1 CHAXLES STARK, vj ( ITRCH RTltE^'-T. TOH'tNTO. 87 Ns. DoulDle Barrel Breecli-Loaders a a Rtroiig dt'mani{ ion in scarce. WA full stock ; ••• $3.00 eel inou.it- SlO.COyun, these guns 1, only... 4.06 jail almo.'ft auirod and 5.00 $3.76 tock, 4.50 extractor, 7.00 8 00 <, French ;ed stock ; 9.00 thb lowest to til'' !k, check- $8.00 oked and 10.00 7 )utt plate i 12.00 « tnt actiou id, length , ...14.00 Lsraction, 16.00 >r vvaliiut or, blued I in every 20.C0 —■jon- Great Reduction in Prices. .tiefaucheux Action. Prico only $13.00. Strongest, Safest, Simplest B,.eech-Loa.lin. Gun in the .oM. ^^f ^'-^^J^^^f^^l^ri^t'^ £1jfZ^:^i'^^l<£:"^^l .iction, can ba operated as .imckly. When llus g m i^ ^'-^.^o^' "^ '1 checkered haul good lock^ intent lever decaibouizod steel barrel., patent automatic ^^'J^';'"' ; .^^j'^^,^ ^ j^",.: ble' and a - ood close? hard shooter, and any a © .• c > w <s> u a; o O 3 00 b P From 7 to 10 pounds. Special Reduced Price, $20. OO. cq o •G O IS 2 o Q M K. 3. -^Double Barrel l^-tl'-tLe'SLrblirai'^aLll'fiS.rr?^" C^tT^^^ ^l'^^:;:Sit£: '"n^ calltJUi^h'tre'l^'io ::;lYll.g^ -weight « to lO pound. Wlthm the reach of all. ^'='^5L^stockrnRind"clo1?e^Boring done by the beat skilled labour. Pric, fo. oue barrel, «2.60 ; two barrels, SI. 00. 88 '■HAULRS STAHK, .12 OHUBim 3TItK':T. TORONTO. . '%. m $25.C0 Tl _ No l.<. twiwt bariB ^^;S^fe||[^S?i;;'»fc3;;-s.£trr;-i-;;r-^ f » 7 1) u *''^"" "^"""^ TRICF, $30.00. SPECIAL SEDUCED PBICE $32 50. TOP LEVER, BAR ACTiON LOCKS 1 Xi). 40 lire rebimnf Iireventiiii,' ally for tlli^ (Joinpany, i style, in imrchaser v thoroughly rill; t'AXAOI.lV lAIOIKITG." N l>OU No. KM • lerarbonize checker in 1 f _ >'HARIJ:.S ST AllK, 52 CHURCH STl^EKT, TOJiNNTo. ( AMERICAN BREECH-LOADING GUNS: lK-,,!.reiniillr KllljllMi < Hiid Icuks .-lie tare n t'XtfJleiit iJiitteni, aiaiitte this Uun i„ iige-weiglit,s to 10 $25.C0 ju .^^^£\ijS.^MjjEi , J"//- ► ■rciifiiuiits (if \,, ill Ixitli 10 ;ni(l 12 THE PARKER SHOT GUN Double Barrel BreecL-Loading Centre Fire. No l:!.— Tliis f;ii'i is wi-U known foritfsif.'ty ,uiil iic'ur.ioy in s'lootiiu, .'uiil iir > 1h iki cniuiiieut. I'lV '■iT(.ii'n, twist barrels ; 10 or iL' L(.augt; rclMiiindinL,' bur locks, patent fore-eiiil fastening, well tiiiisheil stork. Trice $60.00. Pistol urip oxtia. ■■ Con fore-e iliining all lul.^Safetv X( THE SJEW COLT, DOUBLE BRECCIl-LOADIIVG SH'»T CUV. 40. — It i^ made of the best materials, with the best workmanshii), o i the interehanf'eable plan. The ' are reboiindini,'. The lire venting the jKi.ssibiiity u" C .L ... „i.v .jvou W...VV.. ,...-., ..ii,i. uin, i.cni, YvwiivHiitusuip, o 1 me lucerenangeaoie pian. ineioccs net of ojieuing the breech withdraws the tiring ])ins bv a positive motion, without springs, ity of a jiremuture explosion in closing tlie breech. The barrels are made and imported especi- .V iu*e hn47>>d tliroui/hont theip ent.ii-p l.>niHli l,<. ,>i.w.1>i..a.....^.,...,.^^1 K,. 1 M*ir to this isi n rib, iiat^-nt L'an^e. iiy desired " , .and the - .,.- , elT gun !.« Price, $60.00. Pi.st.il grip $6.00 extra. JEUEH^XHsTG-lOOlSr -rwovf.i twi.st bein- tJirown i.'lu/ i/rip, fine v^■e ]i;ivc ."-old sh them in ](> 3. ■ f*, but extra sh same in 10 ). New Model, 1882 DOUBLE BARREL BREEC II-LOADI\C §Ilor CaiV. No. 100.— Remin-ton'.s ])oul)le Barrel Brcech-LoadinL: Shot (inn, new model, toj) lever action, sujierior decarbonized steel barrels, case hardene<l bar rebounding looks, rebounding plungers, double grip, positive e,xtiactor. checker in break'iff and forearm, 10 or ll! gauge, '2S ami ;{0 inch barrels I'istol (irip Stock, Extension Kib, sujierinr finish $45.00. No. 107, Ditto, witlj genuine DamascuVrwisi IJarrels 65.00. I'OHONTO. ClhUlLKS STARK. 52 CHURCH STRHKI" T( PIEPER'S BREECH-LOADING SHOT GUNS. >5.00. [ S4C IMPROVED SYSTEM. Siauo tliis -uu l,u« been iiitn «oid more, of tht.,.eii,ar.,ai I ;,;;;,.'; The ''Diana" Feinforced Breech llUl (IIII.-. ^'■'>. 586. -Stub twist barrel*.' "wiilV '«n>i.; '.'.Af'; ' " 'x:' ••,••■ ', $40 00 I'J o.' l:^ .au,., .0 or .2 inch bar^elj sSd""!]:!:. , ' ;": 'l^J^^J^iiS vent choke fro.n " euri„t^ The l^^rrfln a, .'" h'"'?'' ^' '^ "^'^ ■^=''«^'-' '>' »- t.,M.er chamber, whidi Tncreases 117,1? .t" h"'"'^' ^TI^ '"'^' '"'^« long I hese are the only Knvoi^^n^,^',^^^'^l];'\ ''""l '^■^«>;"« tlie reed" Pieper sy.ten. i.s entirely n.w. an.Ta^u d Tn.f f 1^ ^^ "iacliinery. The th« «,.»« of thi. make will stm Itw.W t), I ■ ''''"' '^'''''''--tiatecl that '-th.r gun.- The tubes e "lishl to in^ ^^'^ '^''''r '" •^"■"t any ch.ncr,- enable., the make to i ^u/bv^hf 'iM ""'' "'" ''"I'^-«l nm*- pther perfectly .trai^^ht an,| inv^t^ b Iv shoot ^1 ,'"'• '"■"'■■^'r "'« ,.ut to- foiin, only in very Liyh cost .-i h w) r. f), f. 'f '" 'i'"'^''''- ''his i.^ to^^ether un.ler in^ten^e he-^i ' u.^'' 4 wher7tb'" "^ ':"""'« ^"'"■'^'« hltys aro nec-.sHary. The ribs are nnt-r.vv.*''^''^'""''^ experienced mo,,turee„terin,,'hetween the barrels I, ^o'lt ""'^^ "f Th^'"'' '" ■'^void hnoly finished, and all the l.mg and ioi,,/ ?''^ J"'*;^" "^ ^est steel and The »i poundgun will stanT^ mt'^ train'as^^r^l^ ''"'^'^ ^'^ ^''J"«'^'^l- makers This f;un was put in comnetiU on wIH r-" ^""""1 ^^""^ "^ "^her c<*«t and outstripped it Lth for H 1 ll^ »^'''' " ^''e'-'''"- of much higher ^-". ThLsi^asliret^stof it:i\lt?.„'^'^;^/."^.,^^^^^^ «t'-.''n«th of pene'tra- tion i,„.s isi a sure test of its merits " w"=', i""' ■;';'.'■"=''■" ot peuetra- pnl)lic witli every confidence and ^;«,.. f ^ • '*' ""'. 8^"'^ '^''^"'•e the Krties who have, dreadrin'rclZd^sZk'fnf'.' T^f^ '"^ described. .Hiio,.tm>f qualities and a^ morrtW 'a^^^ *"•'"«"' the arge .nant.ty and are in a posilio^^to f^ftt,,, Yt^re^./K'^e^ GUNS. ?^65.00. -' |>u«t yuar we liiivc | tiuii they I'lvn have. I 'l-S Sett to,, levu' ti-fcljle fascciiiii-). finely chi'ckt'ied. Lically ornuimntetl , 10 or 12 j,'!iiifr,., s ,• $65.00 ion, finest inialitv nee hreecli. pistcil !je, 30 or ;{2 inch •• $40.00 freed Hteel locks fore-eml. lul.ber t'aii fiinii.sl, it in $30,00 parts being inter- •y a wrouglit steel TJie sleeve bolts anil are iudciKui- iike sleeve to pre- It and have long essens the recc^il. iiauhinery. The ;nii>nstrated tiiat •ed to burst any I" improved ma- ocess are ,iut tf.- centre. This is fpiittinH barrels ost exiierienced solder, to avoid >i best steel and 'd and adjusted, nd ffun of other of much higher gth of jieuetra- gun before the Y as described. st terms of the ve purchased a ery low figure. .^45.00 ClI.Vin.HS HTAKK, W I'HUKCH HTltEKT, TORONTO. 01 THE TRAP. 'I'he Trapii^,ro'vi.Iv'\'^'''' f^""'^!" '^''^rel Hreech-I.o,tding Shot (iun. IVice ot this popular nun again rcluced. tiiiJ/.ZcVr.\M^^^^^^ ^T ^•^•Sir'f';'"' i." t'^'"'"''^. i':v-.y one sold briU'H new customers. It ha- n ansld, tl r m '1 o, "'*'""* «^"'='^; '"^'^t I"'^«>'>1" vl"=-king »,„1 en,raving and end.Mll.s the results of finest work P Hoi gri., ate t K^ hnesniterwoventwis, patent .li.ect bolt to,, sua,, .nd rebou.-.ding bar l,.,.k,s and un er ■ V ha^^^^^ '• ^''''"n'V "'""''^T'l '"'" P'^'t''. 'l""ble bolt and extension rib, block strikers or ™ba^T.d Wei , .r;''''"T.^^ ^'";''; ^'''V '-'"" t'"-K«^t'"'- 'I'l.i^ .-nn will b. furnished with .S()or;VJ men L,air..ls. Weight, 1.' b„,e, 7/ to II lis.; 10 bore, H!. to 10 ,,ound-. S,,ecial reihucd pri.v $45.00 So5.00 . - 'I'll!- Triuni|>h doulik-barielled breach-loaiiiug shot gun embodies all tlie features of t'ue Trap gun. hcent Lamiuated.steel barrels, beautifully finishe.l, shooi,in- ('ualities guaranteed. These guns are made "~ No. 11. Has maj^nitic to our order ami are thorou,,'hly tried a!id te>ted before leaving the factory ; every gun targeted. Wo have sold a large (luantity of these guns, and what we olaim for them will be heartily endorsed by our many customers who have tried them. 1 urm>hed in 10 and 12 gauge. Weigb.t, 12 bore 7,^' to <.) lbs.; 10 bore «.', to' 10 lbs. Sivecial reduce 1 i,n, e - _ , i.. „„ $56.00 ILABKOIUH & BKO. ^o. 356. lius gun, manufactured by J. P. Ulabrough & Bro., one of the best known English gun makere needs no recommendation from us. It has taken the lead among the favourites for the i,^i,st two yJars The barrels are made of finest Damascus Steel, Scott top lever action, treble wedge fast, bolted extension rib, large head solid siiringless i)lungers, relxninding loie jiin briille, locks Deely &. Edge i.atcit fore-ei.d, low hammers which leave an unobstructed sight, scroll ,iercussion fence breech, finest selected walnut stock. Tl,e entire "un is ma"iiificcntlv engraved with game and .-scroll work and beautifully hni.-hed in all parts. Both biirrels are fulf choke bored eitb'r 10 or 12 gauge. Weight. 8 to 10 pouiuls ; length, 30 to 32 indies. We hiu e again reduced the price of this gui to meet the wants of our patrons who wish the Best Gun, and cannot go the i)rice. Every Kuu sold will bp in advertisement for us. F(,rmer i,iice, $160.00, reduced to $125.00. " i ^ K"" »oiu wiu oe an ., ^'^"-.^R'^T'J.- ^'- ^"''^V"*''" '^.l^ro,. ]-"ndon. Finest (piality laminated steel barrels, choke bored, extension wb, double bi..it, .-tjcott top Icyur action Large lead springless plungers, line bar extra freed steel locks rebounding low hammers, Deely* ..dges i)atent fore-end, jiistol hand, line rubber butt, scroll percussion fence The fi nidi and get-up of this gun are very rich and it fully sustains the high reputation of the makers. Can s-updIv in 10 or V> gauge, 30 or .•)2 inch barrels. Special Cut Price $96 00 ivr., «r»c j_ p_ Clabrough & I5ro. Similar to No. 696 in every way but finish,' wliich is' not' quite so fine. Reduced to .$80.00 02 <'HARLK8 Sl'AUK. ^2 OHUHr,, htrkkt. T ORON'I'.j. The Harrington & Richardson Automatic Hammor.ess Breech Loading Double-Barreled Shot Gun.' J.VHO.V,ir,Kf;|,nv„i,„^,^.|, 1^^^,^, ArTMX. ^ "• 30 --12 gauge, laminated steef Imrrels F.,.,i; i I'V^.OO W, W. Greener's Patent Treble Wedge Fast Ham-, nerless Gun, f raiding of ZTrLlind7\r\:'' '\''''y ^'^^ ^'"^ convenient Tl.e self ■ 1. • • safety bolt tl,at wf^,l« .r, /, \^ ^'"''''^'^ ^"'- l^^^ding. There is o hJf ^' ^"f ^"^f''^' '^ ^ilected by the JU /ire lystal '/nils qnoM net and not Kuhjt'ct to illy (I iscount. cimerless Lin. » "n Hanimtnless 't'ly for this gmi I'll iiiul all com- 3ed in tho coii- pliite is of liivrd the oxiicl target d witli «ljlllO.OO 115.00 biril's 150.00 155.00 6u 1. ^cted by the ;i! there is a beliind. Jt iient, .!» 105.00. . 1 75,00. eiit .lyatal CMAIfM S S'I'AltK, .V.' I'Hl/kl'H STUKKI', TOltONTO. BAKER'S NEW MODEL THREE BARREL GUN, 03 'riieiv.liim (pf till' THK MKST ai'X IX TIIK W(M!r,I) FOR GK.VKRAl, TSK. H m.ii'ii n,.,,e ,.„„v,.„i..',!?'f',7 ?'.','.' ;"'"'*"■;' ^''""' •'!' '"''"'''• '.'^■hu- "I'-rat .•.! Uy |,ros.si,i^' fn,w.ir,l the tVunt tn^Kc'r. .Wii. U will .ir;i;^ th. hu!k'r''t '"■" '' ^;"""":r' v- ''";■"• r - ^^'•-•,„i«.,i th^t wi.m, the im.u i« i.,tokit ithiT wonli, if .1 loi>f or olntnu'tioii (,f nny Ui,,,! ^l„,^l, Tiiirti-i.' Ill tliM 111.', the Kuii IT,' il tt'it lii'Uvci'U til'! hairwU iiiiii iihl lint 1)1' i!iHL:lmrt,'u(i ; in 1 u 'th.- tH^e^ :,^U t lif^^^ ' \ "": '^'{'^'^ '";« "' P'V*^. '.""I th. .,.„ is roaly to lu, Hre.i, tlu- v.iry Jtion of tCe ZMHonti' 1 I, i, s ^ ' "' '''■*"" '^"' •""'""« 'tl'«'''«^'iv ^"f"- '"'^1 fftr ^-^--Wlin^ Mtiy oth-r ^nn in and l.olt liriii,' .Mit n"vel!cil to oonv^.oiiJ. ivll \Vi\u- is tak.'ii ui-. uviM'foroih.mnrtliOLrii'ienal.K's us to uso u stron-or sniini,' todriv.- ami hold tlic l.olt i'l H-r ,'1111, mid It* .-iini.licity issui'li that any one can reiilace it if limkni, i,ud the k' ,'1111 run The iiiditi-c ill til.' Iiii; The giv.it powfi- of til. iilace than is usi'dou any oil lnj used without it if n.^cessary. li'il,',*^!o"lm''','o,.''r ■;■'■' '"*^ ""-' '"'''^''■''' ""^■''•'!" '"' ;', ^'"" "^^"'^ '" ^' -'"" ^vith.mt a lever to be .'oiistantly in tiie way mi'l ;/i ;'■•■' "".i^.V""!"-'"'' ac"'i,|,M.t:illy). «r li;,v>. tl ,. -tr.,n-L'st iM,s.sible lev.T, and Kuarded in su" iiimiiei- that It i- mip .ssiMe f..i' lli,. ^uu t.. !„• ooom-il without liiuniui ai.l K'mmeu in su' fi ,i Tlier.isu!!t.^!±'Ht !Y';!h'L'i';;' 'l"'";V'''^''"-'^ "f ^V J!ak.n(;uiis i. ,!„. Hn-st, im.l th,' >v,.i-knianshi,. the IM.H^. iiiti. i.siiot.i.l.MOi htt.'iloi'lmnlor shoi^tin^ kuii iiiado, and aro ;;ii,iiaiitee,l as iv-ards tli. iiiat.'i-iuls liinil.ilitv ;;; ';::iiHi:;ia.:^^:;'::;!'i:ri^;:!'ii:!;i;:r'"'' "'^'"' ^'•"' ^'"^•''' '"'^^ '•^.-.H^'.-'-iaek wab.ut, Hm-iy .u.J:l^^ tn -NoSb. Fine Kn-Usli iuipui-u,,! laniinat.Ml. steel shot l.an'ei-, iull or nioaiKtd choice. 10 ..r ]•' "autre i-iHe KU'reUl ca ,.,re, u^lug the popular 44 Winche.ter oartvi.l.'e. Alo.lcl 7:!, le«','th .So'inche ' ' ' ^0. !H). -!• me Damascus steel sh'it barrels, bonier eii<ra\ iii^'. In otl, lier points same as Xo. Hi\ .A >^r, III .100.0(1 COMBIIUED RIFI.BS AIVTD SHOT GUiyfF. Xo. 51)0, tlii.s ,:,'iin as w.-ll p.ai'.tnee of the KiHi- barrel usiiiL; the X World ' aeti.in o . f:tiii.'!u'ii\ action, 'i'lie sti'.m;,'est in tilt IS the locks are ca.e har.lened therehy insuriiu' a-ainst rust and innirovin- the strengthand'an irni. Ihis 1,'iin i.s str..n,dy ma.le tlir.jiu'hoiit.^ well ritle.l and b.ire.l an.l will ,lo .'xeellent work. " '■■ ' ' ■ ■ ' ■ - ■ j,,^^, I'l-i^.,, ,,„iy .sJo.OO. Hiular 44 c.il Wincliest.'r cartri.l steel barrels lire, an.l shot barrel 11' ; • .'*;{o (A) 'iep..r Kitle an.l ^sn..Hiiin. Si.le snap act...n blued .steell.n,rel8. bfest .(uality .steel, reboundin" l.icks scroll fence, pat.'ul foie-eiid, pi.stol grip stock, checkered, lar„'e head, .prin^le.,s pbingers (for descri,,ti,.n of onstruetion see paire 00.) Ihere is lu.t a combined gnu m existence that will siirp.iss the I'ieper for close d <i..tini' penetration an.l ac-uracy. Special reduced price ' ' s;.- Ar,' :_xXo. .m-Same make and construction as Xo. .Vll but with top b-ver aeti,.n; d.nible i.oit and much finer '(IniM; throiighmit. The best nnirbincd -un on the market. 1-' -auyo and 44 cal., using the Winchester cartrid.'e. I'ri (ficii repairs execaled in ,rirH-diiss styh. Nnn-e but the best skilkd workmen cmploneif. 6orin(/ a siiceinlti/. Price f'lr choke borinij imc barrel, ■'^1.50; tmo iarrch,^3.50. .••S'lO.OO. Res' kiiv' mil choke •'H/VHLK.S '"""'•'""'•'■■>'"<.•» '•"I'-JCU »™b„. TOKONTO. ) Single Barrel Breech-Loading Shot Guns. ( U Kftilgo, ch„ke lioiwl. I'liie. r ut tlu/naiMe 'ti,;i""'r'," '';"l''-'';'^'«'l ''Y I.r..KMl„>; th^ lover «,! i . .1. ^ No an f . . .■ •«>'iHh ImnelH, (i.uiw. .,*.,?Su.fc'"i'c-",--...,...„.H™,,,.H™„...,,„,,,._ ;^_ ''^Cl!^Zf!fr;r^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Shot Gu„. \o. 1 •tliiirt civi't No. : No. ; No. 3. -Steel BarrelH 12 14 ir . netcmry to take h hack seat in nny -:fcBC(::Ssii""^-:^-""°'"'":;::::;:::::;;;;:-^^ 15.00 No.l £ $ij REMINGTON'S SINGLE BARRPt xji^r,^ '' "" VH ^■-■— —Tim MrmiZ I^ ^^eeoh-l oading shot gun. W in tS^'aJJlfet ttt t rpate« "thW'"-"""^'' """•'-' i'*"^^^^ .«12.00 . 13.00 splendid n 1,000 yar.i a riile for ivHpect. I AVX _ Miiyle hrei'cli-lon,!- Stj.oo. One r The rifle 1 bnish and of gun. T Exti N.P. - barrel \» in t Guns. « HAHLKS HTAHK. fl8 flll'BCH HTUKET. TOIU>NT0 FLOBBRT RIFLES. 05 wliich throvx tli.. ""<li'i« liickH, ,,ii,„| >f Ijmn I M in.hf.H. .J«S«..!':;';r'Sii;i:'r,:,',:,;!'::::v,':; ;;,;ftrir' -.•-'■•■r"/"" """' *'°"- '»« •"• t Gun. k.t. ■t- t . 1)6 the li(-f, mill r;irrj- iiliinif, 1 vv'ik iiightM to ■fk seat ill nny T GUN. with nickel- 812.50 13.00 It. '"'I tlie shell is l-oiio (if thf- $10.00. 3 "Clilllftx ' ' hrefch-ldn,!- hot KtiP, i- ;!ir(m{,'h(jutiii ve extrnttor ; The bariel ve, fref, 10 ,'. ThiWin rnet;»5.00. I I'ut rase- finisheii, 12 SC.OO. No. 110.- Warnant Action ; .12 cal.. heav\ l,ftn«l, well liHe.l blued tarrt'l. A «(Poil houikI rttle, (idapteil to hiiiitiiii,' Hc|uirrel, geeHi', Ac. XT ,,. r. ^^Ce *12.00. JNo. 111. .SiitneaH lioimtwia, lUHtol j,'ii|,Htock I,.^j^ SPENCER REPEATING RIFLES- Tremendous Reducticn in Prices. $16.00. A reven Shot Repeating Rifle for $10.00. I'cifi'ctiy new and (juarai.ti e 1 in tv.iry ri'!<peot. Spencer Rifles.— 7 Hhoto, .'12 inch barrel ; rim fire ; .W (.alibre ; full stock and steel wiper ; finely blued biirrel ; walnut ftock ; wed HniHhed ca.-e-liardeneii lockw. Kvery part new and in splendid order. Ihis riHe i^ siiecialiy ndai.ted for larpe Kami iind excellent for lonK' ranpe shots, ^i^.;hted to kill at 1,000 yards. _ Ihisis the cheapent lepeatinK litle ever . tfered ii, Canaiia. Action sufeaml simple. Pai ties wantinj^' a ride for quick (^h(lotill^' do not nut-s this chance. Competition defied. lU'meniber, every one wainmted in e\eiy respect. [Special red\iied price, $10.00. SHELTON'S ArXILMKl RULE KAKUEL FOK KKEEni-LOilMN^i: SHOT iitm. One of the mo.'it convenient methods of convertint,' a sdi it ifuu into a ritle, will fit ten or twelve uauue. The rifie barrel slips inside the shot barrel, anil is twenty iuche.- lorn/. Calibre, .S8 and 4 1, central fire. Rod' bnish and extractor, with full directions, sent with each barrel. In orc'erin^', be verv caiefid to give exact cau"(' of gun. The simplest way would be to forward a shell ba«e. Reduced Price, complete, $12.60. ° Extra for foldini,' peep sight .?;i.O''. N.P. -The price, $12. jO, does not include the g«u shewn in the cut, which W pnt there siiuply to s} • v how th* barrel in inserted. 90 STEVENS' HIFLEa Brec... ,.«„„.„,, ,„„..„„^, ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ' Ceiura! l^lre. ' ^'*' ''^ ''•* ** cal ri,„ ^^ 1.— Oil fini.sll,(l walnnf .f,,..l. . V . -a:^.:±;l::^;::;5£i^^^^^^^ ' ^^"^ "^^SuJar 'ength add *1.00 - f -«. «.*.. imr ::z !;r -"-" -"■<■. » '« \u regular leii^ffl, add iJl.OO. •822.00. • .«25.O0. STElErvvZVE,VV«.5R,r,,E $22.00. «2F.OO. -- I'iiii, ;iL>. 3n .1,1,1 I j jj, . ^_^ _ ^^ R»l LE Will, dceaeliable .,«tk " '""' ''■ '" ""' '' '"■- ■■'"' • •■ -'t-'l H,v. :;„ i„,i, ,,,,.,1 ""'^'^''^ «irLE, for r«„..,..j. or Vac«u«„ Trip. f BV hands (^f ; inch cart; J roundH p, I Kpeutod I ; KratiB, a 1 -'•^aud32n.i:h„e. 12 inch l,a,- ,1.. . i -iuo Luther cane w.th siin. t,. iivin^ i., ^ : .j ,;; . ■ • . ' ^- ' • • ■ p ' '^^'"- uack .?2 extra «>......• >Je. M,„.l, !,„„„ J", ' "'"*•• »""■ "-'".•ImUlc ,„ek» §15.00 pa P^ 00 d iz; Q Ixl > o tf pi Pk o o rr', weight 10 onroen *I4. 0. »II.OO. 3. Riiii or ion, front m.oo. Ik, CHARLES STARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO, 07 fA TWENTY-SIX SHOT REPEATING RIFLE FOR $18 0(7 EVANS' RIFLE-LOWER THAN EVER 28 and 30 inch Barrel. Doujiiiion. „ , ... ^'■"' ^''"'^' '" ''0 «e«<'nds without removing the rifle from the shoulder ,n"tJ,T"ooVa'd " l^tl,Il'T'''^ "^'T ">r «"*'^' ^J'-'^*^' '""^''^ ''"'l ='«••'<''• Accurate Rifle in t rcou'ianr'The nlf r. de^Kv^' r?fl*'"4r''f ."* 1"'' ""' -""?1-S Maga^fn: ravin, , which we sell at .<!18, is thr.no t mi, rkbl^.ff ''"f' '"''^'''''■''"'^'^ '^ *^'-' »"'- , to ii^troducethis Rifle, arul Lave tem^ilv ri^u ^ %fcr;^ ^^ "'L*^^.!^f^l'" ^^« , , We wish to intr..duce this Rifle, and liave tpTn.r^mHiv reduee/rth""'' •""*•"' "^l '^"f *''T "' i han.ls of all the leading soortsmen in Canada. The nm'™ e s LcUedIn the Tol'" T^"' •" 'd-'" ^^'^ I" ^'''^ ■noh cartndgas. Can be oaded in half a minut. an.i .iis.tar ed in tifte n r fw nt ' *"' '''*''"'-'' "V"!^'"'? "^ '^" rounds per unnuto l,v using as a single loa.ie.-. Kserv part ^f t ^e r fle?s^^^^^^^ ■7''" ^^ ^^^ed twenty spected before they "leave the factory. Length of ban el .aL.ut tl htv iru^hes VVHl ™''*''"i.';'''' ••">,''?;'«•• fully in- ifratis, a box of cartridges and samples-of three bull cavtrits Spec^^^^^^^ Price, $18.00." '""'^"'^- JO (513 - ■- - • - $21.00. r»» §15.00 914. 0. '^11.00. d for general use ■t nee to the use of ide lever acticn ar in the safety note] a the best in use fi higher priced rifle g sight.. S2500. 33.()0. 53.CO. = 3 ^ u^ aj a • ■ ^-l-^i? i; ■■ B * S--E iS X ■ '■ 8i.Sil^ . : : •g 5'j3~-J_^ -3 • . fri HH J range targ structeri wi with direct 's stands w; ble, and it i a furnished 23 inch b, sight g t, ix^ "^ a * '!_•'" o B - ~a > .u a 1) e -E :^ *- .y c ^ CI c N <1 -c^ ^.-^ z^ t.£ c a o is t— ( S-.S.JS3C33-S" 05 ^ \ &l.'|2ii w ' .-Sit" is z ^ -t: 5.J3 HI Ik rti?'= N Eh l;*^' ^ fl ^ £ 0) = .3 = ■S>2 2 q !- j'? > ■'..£ 3 a,^ ■- = « «yik Q8 ^HARLES STARK, 62 CHURCH STREET, T^ ORONTO. REMinOTOH RIFLES.' fire : calibre, 72!"¥and 38 'k"'R"'''i '^'*"''''- "^ -- America." tL action i'vLVdiet'^,^ ^^^ "'^'''« Sporting Rifle of " »uu ■*■*. Keduced price. $22.00. REMINGTON NO. 1 RIFLE MID RANGE. Using C. F. Cartridges. 40 Cal. 70 Grs 44 Cal 7- f ' D. Creedmoor Pistol Grip, Tani Peeo R^^r' w-*!;' J?^*''^ ^'^nt Sight 34 E. Creedmoor Stocic, Pistol Grip. Vernier R.^'w-^t'ir ^''"n* S^t : ; ^^9 F. Creedmoor Stock, Pistol Grip Vernier uZ' w'"1 ^''"-^ *''•"'>' Sisht 40 and checked fore-end ...'^.""^^.^«'^^' ^md Gauge Front Sight. RubberButtand Tip '^ Reduced Prices. Gre. in. 00 00 00 00 00 .{0 ill. *32 00 ;J5 00 40 00 41 00 49 00 SHORT RANGE. UeinaCartridges 38 Cal. ex-long. R. F. or C. F 40 Cal .0 r n ., . ex-Iong. R.*F.'orc^i.?,^c:i. £ l^ Tnfr '' ^'^^- «• * W., s-SSsSll?i^«^^^ffi^^ D. Creedmoor Stock,' lit Gr"^',' feifrT!!"^^^^^:^*^ 4^-^ Frontsight E. Creedmoor Stock, ^^-^^^^l vS^ t^^^^'^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ 52 00 53 00 C. F. only, 44 Cal. 26in. . ..S.iOOO ... 33 00 .. iSOO . . 46 00 . 47 00 SPORTING OR TARGET RIFLES. 28-ln. $31 00 34 00 39 00 47 00 48 00 »?asa?-;ftK'jr i-e Fire, as may be $2t 00 100 up to special order REMINGTON No. 2 RIPLB (LIGHT). 22 Cal. 32 Cal.. 38 Cal and 44 Cal, Rim or Centre Fire, siZ^itnJ'''''' ^'*"'^'^- 24 --^h. weight 5 to 6 lbs Same, 28 inch ..."..'. • POCKET RIFLES. .S20 00 . 21 00 . 22 00 detachab® walm!l°«SM°?'Ml'l"' ^? "^^'^'^ re,.eat,n<. Po-^^t P-f -. No. I 500 yards Ballard b Reduce No. t American excellent : No. 1 28 inch ba No. 2 weight, 9 1 Ootag< sights. As its best comm Weigh No. 6, This ril price. It i; antee of ex( selected Ea The action Norway iro shootin,' i« . No. 1.-22 I No. 3.-32 No. 4. -;« Globe and ] CHARLES STAKK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. 99 BRBBCH-LOADING RIFLES. I BALLARD RIFLES. 70 (ire. 28 in.' $31 00 34 00 ;^9 00 . . . 40 00 • . . . 48 CO Tip, .... 52 00 30 in. )S32 00 35 00 40 00 41 00 49 00 53 00 THE IMPROVED BALLA.RD. C. ¥. only, 44 Cal. 26in. ..«.iOOO ,.. 33 00 . . 38 00 . . 46 00 . 47 00 28-ln. $31 00 34 00 39 00 47 00 48 00 Representing Nos. li and 2. e i'ire, as may be $2t 00 100 ip to special order 28in|°-baL?wt'M?;HbL'Tfce;T^^^ "'^°»^'^* ^-""^ ' R-ky Mountain «ight« ; calibre, 45-70 ; weight%lbs. Pr?ae:*26?te" '"'"''• "«'"*'' *^« « -"^re Winchester centre fire cartridge ; 30 inch baxrel $20 00 21 00 22 00 No. 5-PACIFIC RIFLE. ^^^Ootagon barrel, double set triggers, extra heavy wrought frame, cleaning rod under the barrel. Rocky Mountain As its name indicates, the favourite on the Pacific coast. It is thf ImnHn,, ,;« f *i «. . No. 5.-Without tang peep sight ^ ^ ^ *37 50 32 50 THE PIEPER RIFLE. THE MARKSMAN. This rifle, tho invenf.ion of Mr. H. Piepor, is m»de to maet the flpman.l fr,,. . - r ii i, . pace. It i. made o«ti.ely by n.HcUi,.«ry, whidi m.kes ther/t mu- h tsT The^^^ ■' "i^' ** * ^"^ antee of excellenoe TUe barrel is m v le fr..,n the best .'tee fi™ y p .Hshed anrhlL '^' ^'^t^' '' 'J^''''^ * ^'^'»'- selected Ea,'li8h walnut, p.lishol aad oil finished, witli handsome Lt.u'rio ft.Tll nl^^ ' '""? "*" ^^''"^ "^ ^^'^ best The action i^ similar to the B.^Uard, very stron-. The k C aivTbrelc 1, o 'k II: ^f "^"f^"^'^ "° ?"P «"«! fore end. Norway iron and oa.«-l.ar leaed. b^ia^ly eugraved rubber bitt plate We Xi TwiJh T ^''^'H'J"^ ^^^ ^''^ Bhootin;; ia guaranteed to iiiva entire satiafaHinn. ""i-i. piace. we oHei it with every confidence. The IPRIOEIS No. 1.-22 Calibre, 24-inch Octagon Bnrcl No. 3.-32 " 2.i '• " " No. 4.-;« " 20 " " " Globe and Peep lights e.xtia . ..«18 00 . . . 18 00 . . . 18 00 ... 4 00 100 CHARLES^TARK. 62 CHURCH STREET. TORONTO. QUACKZHBUSH AIR RIFLES. IMPROVED AlH RIE'LF. 21100 CALIBRE. These w merit. We Shoots Darts and Slugs. lAill length Weight, with appur'tenances' .' .' '^' ''"'^^^- 4.{ lbs. PRICES. Brown Frame and Nickel Plated Barrel .... i> Mil Nickel Plate Can be instantly taken apart f . r carrying. . $ 9 CO . . . 10 30 The Quackenbusli IN^ew Model Air Kifl( 22-100 CALIBRE. ^st^ntly witlKlrawn, wllen n.^'esLr^ for buxTn "^.K,;' .Z^' "'" ''""" '^^ ^^''^'' "'«"' ith 8.x patent darts, six paper targets, one h.n^irt ?!.'?• :^"'?;'^'"'/'?'=<^'^«.t'' «-'^h pa>t. Eac he instantly k-vrrel is heavier and piston and spring to be .i.h .„ „.t». .„;. ,, ,.,„ r:gc.x.^ss sS7i!r:i^''%s£h' »i"-"i;*- '>-^' 1 price, $ J 2.00.' EUREKA. AIR PI8TOIL. piBtothlTiTffioSSirlfeS'not^rh^^^^^^^ t'^S ';'fn^t" ^"" "^' l^"''^ '« "^^ -' "/ -"-• Fach «r .1U.S. one packet of darts, six targets, one .ren^'h IS, ^/I^re^^ir.^cto^^nT^crr^.r!;- V/j ShrS^i^.P'^ »uc.;^Si^!;:;ft^S,:[::^«^i«:^;,,/-;^fyioaded^ PRICES. Japanned In full \iokel Plate '.'.'.', 9n 00 Postage, if by mail * 00 70 Darts for Air Rifles, per dozen £=■' ".,, " " boxofiiio.... rostage, if by mail C3-ULXL8 I?ei>aix-ea. Id^t S3s:±ll©a. ..7f.c. ..26c. . lie. '^^OX'ifelXEL exL- The syst guard, whicli cartridge in 1 eye from the sluml Jcr or I No Dis< CHARLES STARK, »2 CHURCH STREKT, TORONTO. 101 LES. lugs. 30 inches. 4.ilbs. $ 9 CO 10 30 ifl e. ■ 70 ounces. . 93 " rel 18 heavier and and spring to be iifle ne.ath' boxed $J2.00. ordtr. Each air and rifle one boi aning rod. Winchester Repeating Rifles. Tlieae wcaiions are well known to every sportsman. Tlieir popularity and enormous sale is a guarantee of their merit. We offer them at prices far lower than they were ever sold before. 25c. lie. ixrxeiL- MODBL 1866. SPORTING- RIFLE, ROUND BARREL, PLAIN TRIGGER. Price $20 00 Length of Barrel 24 inches. Calibre ' . . . . .44 Number of Shots 17 Weight 9 lbs. JT.« - SPORTING RIFLE OCTAGON BARREL, PLAIN TRIGGER. Price $2100 Length of Barrel 24 inches. Calibre .44 Number of Shots 17 Weight 9i lbs. CARBINE. Price ,$18 00 Lon^'th of Barrel 20 inches. Calibre .44 Number of Shots 13 Weight 7| lbs. This Model can be used only «itl! .41 Rim Fire Cartrid^'Rj?. Powder, 28 grs. Lend, 200 grs. Price, per Box of TjO, 75c. The system and operation of the Wmchester is easily understood. It is operated l)y simply throwing down the guard, which ext racts the old shell from the chamber, throwing it off at the top, cocks the hammer, and places a new- cartridge in the firing chamber. This motion may be executed while the gun U at the shoulder without taki.ig the eye from the sights, thus enabling the firer to discharge two or mf" s^hots without removing the gun from the siioulJcr or luaitig sight of tile object it is desired U< hit. No Discount allowed on any Fire Arms or Sporting Goods in this Catalogue. ™*i''I^il'':^'^ "' ""yaCH STREET, T0R02.T0. ^W-inohesterRepeatino: Hifl (CONTINUED ) 3^^03DEL 1873. TV SPORTINU RIFLE, OCTAGON BARREL, PLAIN TRIGGER. Length of Barrel; ^fy^$ ■■ IT^c. ^^^''''^- ^c^^SPN bakrel. Calibre 24 inch Number of Shots' Weight .44 15 8J lbs. «24..50 24 inch .44 35 8J lbs. SPORTING RIFLE, SHORT MAGAZINE, OCTAGON $24. m 24 inch .44 15 9 lbs. CARBINE. S «21.50 ; 20 inch ' .44 : 12 f 7ilb.«.. i BARREL, PLAIN TRIGGER Number of Shots, 6. Price, same as full length Maga^nes of corresponding style 18 7 3 / 88 CALIBRE WINCHESTER-CENTRE FIRE. PrW T.,-=+ „,.^ ..., "e '"•• glass balUhooters. . "■'^ '"' glass DaJi sh( Round barr^I^l'lS!'*' ^'''^ ""^"^ ""^^^ °^ ^"" ^^^^^ Magazine. Octagon barrel, 24 inch. '.'. Half Octagon barrel, 24 inch Average weight 24 inch octagon barrel Average weight 24 inch round barrel $22 60 24 50 24 50 8i lbs. libs. ThesocaHb^el.^fy ^^ CALIBRE WINCHESTErIcENTRE FFRF WINCHESTER OptaiTon b.T.rrp! 9a ■:..,.i. . " '■luo. Round barrel, 24 inch Uptairon b.T.rrp|, 94 iitch. . Half Octagon barrel, 24 itioh" Average weight of 24 inch round barrel rifle B«r,« T """^^'"^ ^' •"^'^ octagonCiel rffi; Repairs of all kinds done in flrst-olass styla I22 50 24 50 24 50 8 lbs. H lbs. All Fir CHARLES STARK, 52 CHURCH STRIET, TORONTO. 103 Elifles f ^vrrjsrcHESTE r rifjles -co^^^d [N TRIGGER. lEL. CAHBINB. «21.50 20 inch .44 12 7i lbs. IN TRIGGER tyle. Bullet, 200 grains. le. It is slightly ntl styles exactly S22 50 24 50 24 50 li lbs. 8 lbs. E. '^ing demanrl for iver, but with a and is designed especially valu- ■with solid butt ndge used with 8B zine. 2 50 1 50 J 50 lbs. lbs. CENTENNIAL, OR MODEL 1876. ^^^WlMtflE S T E R «s CENTENNIAL MOCEL 1876 ■ .pq to ■cs ■e cj 3 *> Ig |£ o tlO So.2 o ■§■ Is a^ 11 All Firearms and Sporting Goods in this Catalogue quoted net and subject to no discount. 104 CHARLES STARK. 62 CHUROH STREET. TORONTO. 11EPEATI1T& RIFLES. THE WINCHESTER EXPRESS RIFLE. OR 50-95 •'■'o'-"n>»onww,lHr.Hn.l,l..,ii... weighi,,!/;ioo",^i^,";' '" "'" cartn.liro t- which it iH i5xmxPTtmt in a modifioation a(hi]itf(l. Thin tor^'^];!;JSJr'2H '''t '"'*'?' ^?''?'=''V, * very flat trajec j,'rHatm-thanthatofal''.a„Lr si I r?: ■ *'','! '"'''-'"'l •» «'"■ barrel, and with full lino h tl ^°*-''"''' '!"V'^V' ^^*"' " ^2 Inch , »uu wnn tun length magazine weighs but 8J pounds. ™.^ti3:;3l:7;S' '""«*'' ""^^'^'''•^^' -»-' '"-e^ 20 inch Half Octagon. 2(i inch. «- artiidges, pe ■ box of 20 . .' .' .' .' ." ..f;«.f)0 . M.OO . 1.00 J3- '^ ' bo fs 5^M <'./^, ^ 95. It is a modifioation it is a(lii|it,<Ml. Thi.i V, a very fl.it trajec- «• irt r^niiieil up tu .il miMHiiig tliu game ile tlie recoil is not i^'ortliiiaryphargrH. iKot with a 22 Inch lis but 8J pounds. W1.60 .W4.00 34.00 1.00 88 OHAKLES STAJiK. 52 CHUIUiH STREET, TORONTO. 105 ^i s i a) Xi b a -a CI ^ f-i ~g C Si 3if O o 1° ° 9 1 > .5 s Si-d lO S J3 O a ^ WINCHESTER REPEATING RIFLES. HOTCHKISS MAGAZINE RIFLE. Hammerlc is. New bolt syBtem. Maiiufucturod by the Winchester Arms (Jo. L'oun'd OctHgon or ,, . Uarrel. Half Octagon Barrel. I ••"-•'',• ••,•;•••■,■ .«22 .50 $24 .50 I.ength of l)aml 20 inch * 26 inch Lahore 45 .45 Nuiiil)er of shots ' ' g g Weight '■'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'".'.'.'. 8i lbs. SJ lbs. Can furnish this rifle with selected, fancy checked, w.vbmt stock, with pinto! Riip for »30. Octagon biirrel §38. This ride iittvn the ordinary 45 Uovernnient cartridge, containing 70 grainH powder and 405 grains The f«jrm of tho" Model 187ti has been put on the market to meet the wants of those who desire an arm iisiiif; a Hghtor charge than Tf) grains of powder and 36U grains of lead, which is the anjonnt used in the regular Model 187(). It is the same in every particular as that arm, and differs only from it in that it is chambered to use a 45 cilibre straight shell, with (!0 grains of "powder and :K)0 grains of lead. Prices same as regular Model 1870, page loa. 1 t. Reasons why Purchasers of Guns made by the Winchester Repeating Arms Company should purchase Cartridges made by that Company for use in same. Consumers will remember that it is greatly to the company's interest to make the very best cartridges possible, in order that their excellence may sell them ; and, when these cartridges arc to bo used in guns of their own make, th'jy are doubly interested in their careful and accurate manufacture. From continued experiment we know that they are better in all respects, than those made for the guns by other manufacturers, and therefore urge their use with all Winchester arms. Some makes of cartridges are now on the market, the shells of which weigh one-fifth less than the Winchester ; some imperfectly lubricated ; some with primers which are not sure fire ; and we therefore as a matter of pro- tection to ourselves, must decline to guarantee our arms except when used with our own make of cartridges, which we have always on hand. In making purchases of cartrid^'es, see that the label on box bears the name of the WinchestekUepbatino Akm.s C(jMI'ANY as the manufactui-ers. GUN REPAIRS Since the publication of our last year's Catalogue we have secured the services of several tho- roughly reliable SKILLED WORKMEN Direct from Birmingham. Our Workshops are replete with every modern invention for Gkoke-Borlng^ Restocking, «Sc. We are now in a position to do ariv work which can be accomplished in the Dominion of Canada, and we can with every contidence guarantee any repairs which may be entrusted to us. CUSTOMERS returning Gun ., for Repairs are requested to have their names attached to th3 article and also to ba plainly m...a.ed on the outside of the Box or Package, writing ns by mail the nature of the Repairs or alterations they require. loe CHAHLKS STAUK. 52_CHUHCH STREKT. TOROJ ORONTO. \l The WATER-PKOOF GUN AND rJFLK COVF OVFHS. •wo. 3. — Htavv cniivm. „,{,i. 1 1 '•*'"' "<>8« piece .11 00 . 1 50 . 2 00 . 2 50 TUa] Wa So:S-fcir?jz5?^^ts?i!:ar-s^^tS:"^«^^^^^^^ 10 00 VICTORIA CASES. No. 5— Br No. 6-Sa No. 7-B« No, 8-Sa No. 9-Le Leather, \ Red rublx hea' Blaok Rul No 22 pC';^" "anvas, leather bound and flannel line,! . ^», with tool pocket (as shown in cut) and wool lined 7 50 8 ,'50 TRUNK CASES. ^ p ' 15 00 No, 10-1 Full nicke Lacquerec Polished ] goodraluelO 00 10 00 i $1 50 2 00 3 50 7 50 8 50 ; 9S 50 d 5 00 1 cloth 15 00 CHARLES STARK, 53 CHITUC'H STREKT, TORONTO. 107 The Anson Mills' Woven Cartridge Belt. Sid^er Hk I'ateiiti'il Aug. 20, l8t>7, nnil I'atonted July 1, IMu. Tliig Belt in woven in one Holid piece, the latest and heHt invention of the time. It i« mmle for nil Bizen (if ciHtridifcH, from 32 to 45 calibre ♦S.OO WaterproofiCartridge Bags. Cartridge Belts. No. 5— Brown canvas, luather bound, for 50 shells $1.50 No. 6— Same an No. 5, but larger, lor 100 shelU.. . . 1.75 No. 7 — BKtra heavy canvaa, ,50 sheila, with pocket 1.75 No. 8— Same as No. 7, for 100 Hhells 2.00 No. 9— Leather E.^ctra finished, for 100 shells ,5.00 GAME BAGS. Leather, with netting $1.75 RBOOIL PADS. Red rubber to put on stock of gun when shooting heavy charges *1.75 Blaok Rubber 1,25 No. 20 —lieather belt, any size $1.50 No. 27— " " " 2.00 No. 12 - -Oak tanned leather, with shoulder strap, 10 or 12 guage 1.75 No. 13— Oak tanned leather, for pistol or rifle cartridge 1.50 No. 14— Canvas Belt, for 10 or 12 KMige. 1.25 No. 15 — Combined Money and Cartridge Belt, solid leather, beautifully embossed, any calibre 3.50 No. 16— Money Belts made of chamois skin 1.25 No. 17— Plain leather belts, nickel buckle 40 to 7.5o PISTOL HOLSi'ERS. Leather, Black or Enssett Embossed. Vo. 83—32 or 38 calibre, with flap $1.50. Without flap $0.7.'> No. 80-44 or 45 " " l.oO. " " 1.00 No. 94. — 44 or 45 oalibre, Mexican or double Holater ; the best, 3.00. Plain Tieather Belts for above nickel-plated Buckles 2i inch each 1.00. POCKET COMPASSES. No. 10— The best bar needle. Jewelled, and stop, engraved dial with cover, 3 inches diameter $3. .50 *t <k i« it It (( It Ol t. (( •> Art Full nickel-plated, jewelled, and stop, with cover and ring 2.00 Lacquered Braa-^ " " " " t.m •' " " i points " " 1.25 '* " not jewelled, J " 1.00 Polished Brass, plain finished, well balanced, with cover 75 smaller 50 " " " open face, with ring •. 40 " " " " •' smaller ; 25 108 '^"AULKS HTA.IK. ..<,„.„.„ STUKKT. TORONTO. CLEANING RODS AND IMPLEMENTS. Tliroo lengtha^Inolud' , Swab H„™.„u o ." *' 2 60 " 26 SlD No No GUN IMPLEMENT SET<^ No, I02i' ' ,SSrr,''"^'f,'''''^'-'.' '^oxeH".':"^' '^* •. °°« '"-^J'-S '"'^'-- to guide u'Lt' loading rod with de- «"eli, one rti-ciippor. women), and «hdl fnTct^r':'^''^""^^ ^"'^'"^'' J^I'l^'nenii-findi.;,;; ^^ -.fS 76 3 76 Schleber's Long-Range. Thread Wound Shot Cases .XX. No No No — FOR — ^ Breech and Muzzle Loadi ng Shot Guns. Thi.sr, ' I^ESORIPTION. to be unwo;,n';u"*i-;*f f f^ntirlly of two semi-cylindrical nieces of fin . • • The ,,en.tratio„T,*.'^ /Vh. « i.',,'!*''? '"''-■ ^V''^" thirL'^iirfun . u"' rtt^\"J"« '^'^ ^^"'t- "^"^ wound with thread iiig the mode <,f wi,. ■ .'. •^':'!v""ifine '« very jn-eat. and *n^ .i:""„';""'i'_**"= l"«ces separate and the .^liot scatters The ,,en.trationTf .h , Vh. « , L*''? '^''•- ^V''^" thisL'X.nw, und the , "^ ^^" «*"''• '^"'^ ^''"nJ «ith thread »>^g the mode of wi,> ■/.'^v ;";«"« •« very ^n-eat. and any des red ranire ,n\ f'?'^"^ ""'^ ^^'^ •^''"t «catte,^ over end. We f„,„i,V ih. - r ^ f "'^'^o 'JT''^^'' '« ''«''^-y •>' fr'rt andii 'd,f' j! /^ '"'"'"' '"i'^ ^'^ '^o^'hed by vpry iug the iiiodf of'wii,' . .. over end. We finnii.'i ih, -• r . f "'TA' "'""'"' "* "eavy in front anflliM/f ^rti;' ■'"•""' '"".V t>e reached hy vp.rv- The On«ea ms- «, I ^ '""'^ °^ '''"t down to No. 2 Hn^k ' ^"'^'^''- ''''^ '"^^^ <*'« sold Coi Ni< Fo No No For mer. — each $ 75 • ; ; 1 oo • lOO 1 00 • . 2 60 ... " 26 I with dt>- •tJ-ciippor. $2 75 "ig swab, 3 76 Cases ns. I with tlireatl 'Iiot Hcatters. •hed l)y vp.ry- Jm going end and 15 gauge lases arc sold or dangerous ods. •ections how /' UHAItl.KS HTAllK, Bi CHITKOH MTURKT, TORONTO. GUN IMPLEMENTS. 100 SlxelX CXose3?s on:? T-ix3?xi.o-^ex*s. No. 14. ' Htamlarij ' TiirniiviT, 10 or 12 ({aiigp «i «k No. 1ft.- atroagHi- and lictttT finirth ...'...'.'....".'. 1 60 No. 20. " Kx(el»ior " Turnover, Ixjat and <iulc!veMt in tho maiket; gold bronzed.'! .'."."!!.'.'.'.'. ! 1 7(5 0^jo±,jo±<±^G Hioadex^s. WITH DB-OAPPINQ PIN. No. 9. r,()ail<-r and Cap Ejector, full nickel plated tube and cap-expelling' pin, Madeira wood $ No. 10. KowewiMid, Htr()n),'er and better fininh No. 12, .Superior iiniuh, made from Hne ('oeolxdo wood. 60 75 1 OO Combined Shell Kxtraetor and re Capper, nickel plated ; 76c. Nickel plated King Extractor only 50c. No. 16. — For powder only, nickel plated, with ebony bandies 40c. No. 19. -Combined powder .ind shot, nickel platrd '.'...... 50oi For poBtaare on any of above Implements, if sent by mail, add 17o. 110 CHARLES^STAK^, 52 OHUECH S'lEEET. TOEOXTO. TELESCOPES OR FIELD AND OPERA GLASSES. r Telescopos or Field Glasses Achromatic TelepcniiP «7i"fi, " j diam. , pullin.f out to W! in " T'', ""'^J^"^' ^his, 1 i„. hogany '"ouutnigs ..f brass, the bojy of nia- ^t<^^i:^t:iji^iin in: object •gi;,s.; • ieS^ deriuing power; good at mt/'e, °i;^'^'!?'''n&'ly S"wl Achromatic Telescone uithxH "^'^ w,i.mile.», «;150 in., and clo.s^nt ,, t^, s f •^,; f "",•■ 1^"""'^ '^"t to 24 of brass tbp wJi t i' ^^^ '"'^'*'' ^"J mountings 10 or 12 mile? ''^ ^^ niahogany ; ,ood at ranges ^>f W. body of mahogln^f idlTo,' rTn^ is"!^ l1 ^^Jn.a.s.. the\o^d^°^?-2g\*n^^^^^^^^^ • Price, $8.00 Deer Stalking Telescopes. Price, only "'""^^ ' J"**' ^'^'^ o'^ass for sports. \!^- io- -i:^i"-S«-"«i^e.' with draws 12 ^ -N o. 42.- Finest Hnish, d • ..'.'.]]'.'.'.'.[', I^m Have '^sf a'LH'']rr'^/"';P"''-^ ^^"■" ^0 to 30 miles. S18 00tof50.00 "^ ''"''™ ranging in, .rice from OPERA GLASSES. No. 3.--0peraaia,ss, leather body, morocco case S3.00 No. ,5.-- •' .. " 3.50 4.00 5.00 7.00 No. No. No 5. 6.— 7. No.lO.— morocco body, pearl body. ck horn handle. 8 in. W«,l.. i„„*i.._ , ,, No: |=|^:;'S tl^;Tif:i;i^ir *''''^'^' '-^^^ ^^^-th, met., guard.. K Q~'^°-'*5'"- blade... Powder Flacks, Shct Pcuches. Wads, &c 15,00 . .•'?2.00 .. 1.75 . 1.50 .. 1.25 1.00 POWDER flasks- ""L'i^l"^"'^' *'"^^^' ^-^y. withcord-and pal '"*' So:^::tSS2;^SiS;;-« top, extra heavy, with cord' ^' "'*'' '"**'^'^t , ,,, Postage, ISc. l-OO SHOT BAGS. No" 2 -Oak"tann!:l I^VS''"' "'"' I'-'^'ent top. . . .^0 40 No: a-Later'iran No'^' '"'*-' -''>« top . .-a.'o No. 4. - Large size, superior Vjuali ty' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; : ■ • ojs No. ■5.— First fjuality Postage, 18c. . 61.00 "WADS. Wmchester-s thin card, in boxes of 1000, 12 or WncheJt^'s chemicai,with biacke,ige; S; ld,'l2^- Win;=l,e;,te,V d.wnicai; ■pink;dg^-ail-sizeB'''' ^^"^ n Baldwm's tliick brown iVlt . . . . °- WAD PUNCHES. 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 gauge $0.25 30 0.40 per lb. O.yo .$0.25 BULLET MOULDS. Common round, for shot guns .... I3TJCK: C^LLS. 0.25 Ilosewood, with horn bell. • lOJo 22 30 32 32 32 32 38 .J8 32 38 38 38 38 40 40 4U ^i;' CHARLES STARK, 52 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. Ill ILASSES. iscopes. , when extended 30 er object glat^H, and , including all the giiiss for sports. $10.00 12.00 15.00 roni 20 to 30 miles. lying in iirice from lES. morocco case $3.00 3.50 4.00 5.00 7.00 15,00 $2.00 1.75 1.50 1.25 1.00 6lc, .$1.00 1 000, 12 or $0.25 re, 8, 10, 12 ...per 250 0.30 nzeu " 0.40 ...per lb. O.yo i. $0.25 3. $0.25 CARTRIDGES. mn FIRE €AKTRIDOES. 22 Cal. P. B. CapH, per box of 250 7oc 22 " S>aort, 22 » Ling, >' 30 " Short, " 32 " Extra Short, " 32 " Short, 32 " Long, II 32 I' E.vtraLiing, " 3« " Short, II •38 II Long, " 100 35'*. 100.. . ... 45c. 50 3.ic. 60 ,50 35c. 3oc ,50 • 45c, 50 55c. 50. , . . 50 60c. 3H Cal Extra Long, per box of 50 75c 41 1' Sliort, 50 70c. 44 11 Wiuchester, 50 75c 44 II Short, 50 75c 44 " Long Ballard 50 80c 44 II Extra Long, 50 90c 4<i II Short, 50 80c 4(> II Long Ballaril, 50 85c 56-52 Spencer, 25 55c 50-56 Joslyn 25 55c CENTRE FIRE €ARTRID4.iES. 32j Cal. Smith & Wesson, per box of .50 70c. 32 32 38 38 38 38 40 40 Short, Long, Winciiester, Smith & Wesson, Short, Long, Winchester, Remington, 1^ inch Remington. 2^ inch Webley, •50. 50. 50. .50. 50. 50. 50. ?0. 20. 50. .70c. ..80c. ..95c. ..7.5e. . .7.5c. ..8,5c. .$1.00 ..80c. ..'JOc. ..n.oo 44 Cal. S. k W. American, per box of 50 $1.00 44 II 44 II 44 I 44 " 45 " 45 II 45 II 50-95 o6 II S. & W. Russi.tn, Remington Sporting, Winchester, 1873 Evaus, Long Wesson, Government, Spirting, Winchester, 1876 Express, Suider Military, 50.... . . «liUV . . 1. 10 50 . . . LOO 50.... . . 1.00 50. . . . .. L50 50.... . . 1.75 25..,. 90 20. . . . 85 20..,. 85 20. . . . .. 1.00 10. .. 25 BRAS8 AND PAPER SHELLS. _-j: -. ;3aAgs shells. Winchester, "solid head, per dui;. $1.20 Remington, solid head. " 1.20 Sturtevint, movable anvil, " 1.75 Draper, base unscrew.), can use common c ip 3.00 Kynock, solid brass, 12 gauge, •> GO U. M. C, XXjipia'ity, lOgaujc, " 8,") PAPER SHELLS. Winchester Best, quality 10 gauge, Winchester, Best quality, 12 gauge tJ. M. C, second grade, 10 giiage, U. M C, second grade, 12 gauge, Eley Blue, 12 gauge. Special quotations for above goods in large quantities. lerlOO IL35 " L25 LIO LOO LOO CAP8 AND PRIMERS. Waterproof M. L. Caps, pi^r 1(X) 10e_ Wateri)roof M. L. Caps, per 1000 ...'.'. 70 ' Musket Caps, per 110 " [[ 15 Musket Caps I'ef 1000 , . . ". ',.'....... ^LOO Eley Primers, for Stiirtevant Bra-s and Eley Blue Shells per box 40 Winchester Primers No. 2, for Winchester and U. M. C. Brass and Paper Shells 1 Winchester Primers No. 1, for Winchester and Evans Rifls Shells ; 1 Berdan Primers fo.x Remington Brass Shells '. 1 Remington Primers No. 2i, for the Improved Remington Brass Shell 1 Kemington Primers for Rifle Shells 1 Kynock Primers 1 50 50 50 50 ,50 90 Primers are put up in Boxes of 250. Postage and Registration, if sent by mail, lie. ; -. box. Gunpowder. English Chilled Shot. Curtis8,&, Harvey Diamond Grain No. 6. Best ([uality, any siae. 25 lb. bags j52.0O 1 ll\ Cannisters 90c. 10 lb, bags 85 4 lb. Cannisters 50o. | 5 1b. bags 45 I lb. Canoisterg, F. F. quality 26c. ! % lb, bags '/'" 25 Powder and shot can only bo sent by Express or Freight. We cannot sell (juantities than quoted above. .$0.7.5 In all oases send Oash with order for any Goods on this pagfe, as we cannot send O.OiD. 112 CHARLES STARK, 52 CHURCH HTREET, TORONTO. The ''Premier." I I The uew Single Bre( ch Loailiuij Shot Gun, new and iniproved model. '^' Tho "Premier." as shown in above cut, poHse.sses the following improvements :— Pistol frrip, well finislied wal- nut .st.iok redoiuKliuK lock, patent fore en.l, nutomatict Hhell ejector, it has also the new and popular top lever action; the |U!tioii, l()ck, and niounlin^s are handsomely mw-Aan/fiicf/, adding ^'reatlv to the strength and ain.eir- '^u*"", ^'^'"*";?''^'Y?;'f.''he best.leoarbo.iizedl^hied steel, same as use.l in S45. 00 Breech Loaders, and is Full 1 n"u ■ *^- -"^ored, which IS a Lniia-antee of accuracy. 'J he parts are all intercl,.ui,-eable and the workmanship A ISo 1. 1 his 18 one ot the tiiiest iiuished and smoothest workiii- t;uns we havo ever sold for the pr.ce. Have put the pric e at a very low fagure -withm reach of all. 12 gua^e, 30 and :',■> inch barrel, weiglit (i' to 7 lbs. Satisfaction guaranteed Price, only :..$16.00. The ^^ Ghmmpion " single Breech Loader. I I No. 50.-" NEW CHAMPION To), Snap action, oi.erated either to right or left, re-bounding lo.K, checlccred pistol gni>, patent fore end, nickel triuiming, plain barrel. Highly recommended for close shooting. .Sj.ecial No- P}~''.^W CHAMPION." Twist ■burrois," re'-bounding 'io'ck,' c'h'eckered,"pistoV grip, 'patent' 'fole ,'nd'. _ nickel trimming ; a magmhctnt gun ; shooting iiualities guaranteed ; 12 guage. Special reduced pric«. .$18.00. No. 62. aci.ioi -"NKW CHAMPION." Single Breech -loading' Shot Oun. side line dec irbonized steel barrels, nickel plated train shootiiu,', first class V No. 53. Ni:\V CHAM PI' >x l?l rnishcd in 12 guage. I- n^p .ighly reconiniendi'd ; ™ only $14.00. irenuino twist barrels; beautifully finish Special cut price iile snai) action ; same as No. 52, but with ed, guaranteed to give entire s.atisfactioii. $16,00.