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The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Stre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. errata to pelure, m ck n 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 J REPORT OF IIIK SAIHJ JOHN piEF JM /ID SOCIETy. disblrsemi:nts of contributions von TIIK SUFFERERS BY THE FIKE IN SAINT JOHN OF 20th JUNE, 1877. SATNT JOHN, N. R: THE DAILY TKl-KGllAI'U roo'.i AND JOI! OFFICK. 7 p'nqij 150031 s ^ j0031 OFFICERS SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY, PRESIDENT. JAMEIS llEi'NOLD.S. CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. II. TUCK. TREASURER. CHARLES H. FAIHWEATHER. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, JAME8 11EYNULD.S, Puksidknt. W. H. TUCK, ANDIIE CU.SHING C. H. FAIRWEATHER, a. C. SMITH JAMES A. HARDING. a. McAVENNEY GENL. D. B. WARNER, FRED. A. KING ' HENRY DUFFELL, ciIAS. A. EVEREn HENRY C. LEONARD, SIMEON JONES. C. R. RAY, Mayor, (Ex-offido.) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, W. H. TUCK, CiiAiitJUN, ANDRE GUSHING, CHAS. A. EVERE'IT, JAMES REYNOLDS. THOMAS A. CHIPMAN, Secuetarv. '.!/ i y I -i •'['': ■ t ■ ^' .'s '- i';i. •-'4 {' .f:/.'*' I : ' ■ N y. :i 'J I m tod hen me, oic- Uffit ■ ths, blic nk; Tth . , 1. hi's for '■''■-, ,^' "■4 ain ■ ■;?"'';#.* ,^::: , tist (an. V-"---' , lan, ' Rce •ge, ere .ter • at of ere ted #■' \ -.^5V «C?^r JOHN INDI'.X TO I'LAN. liiffUttillitii. (Viurt lliaiM. HiwUtrv Mfflo*. JiUI m J.ihii IViwliyhrtun ("hiinh. Wnu.r W.rldi om.i. nn.l ilpo V»rl U'lriitiT HIrirl llaiitlpt rl"irrh. OiiU'imn Wtiilc\RM CUiirrh. Ht Miilx'hI'K 11^1 trMtiitttli- l4\H'hi1«tl«ii Chufwl ItU Htmil MinlnlJ. HI l-tillli.'n M K t'hiinh WluwIn.'M O. Murriio II<>I4|>IUI Nhrmrlil Stri'.it MiMlon. HI Jbiiiun' Chiln-h. ^.wer rove MiRNlim ilnmMln HiriH't li«|illit (tmreh. -VU'biria lloU'l. Ht, Aiiilruw'H Church (kill Ki'IU>wi' lull tlruiiiniKr HchiMtl. (lennalii Htroot Wesloyan (Hiurch, Ai'Mloiny of Minlt' Q The Market Building, Skating Rink and Government Sheds were placed at the disposal of the Coniiuittec ; the railway authorities telegraphed, offering the Car Sheds and other buildings in their charge. The places named with what tents could be procured gave shelter to the people on the first night. Many who had escaped to Carleton were lodged in the City Hall, and with the kind hearted people of the west side. The city authorities and committees were prompt in their endeavors to meet the demands of this terrible emergency. Vohmtcers and troops were called out. Special police were sworn, and every means taken to allay the fears of the anxious, and piotcct the valuable property lyino- exposed. CHAPTER III. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. \ «,,.:, It would bo impossible adequately to express the deep debt of gi-atitude that the citizens of St. John feel they owe to those who contributed to relieve the wants and suffering consequent on the disaster to their city by fire of 20th June, 1877. Not alone for the material aid so generously sent them, but for the words of love, sympathy and cheer that came from every portion of tke world. So long as our city lasts this gratitude will fill our hearts. We cannot but recognize in the spirit which prompted such unbounded beneficence that pure charity that knows not creed or country. The following is a list of telegrams and letters — from the many contain- ing like expressions — and are given as nearly as can be in the order in which they were received : — TELEGRAMS. Boston, Mass., Juno 21, 1877. The Mayor of St. John : — We have lieard witfi deep regret of the great calamity that has befallen yoiu- City. The City of Bo.ston gives you lier fullest synqjathy. What can wo do to alleviate your sufferings'? What do you need niosf? FuEDEiiicK O. Prince, Mayor. Halifax, N. S., June 21, 1877. The Mayor: — Government of Nova Scotia smccrcly sympatliizo with Citizens of St. John in their sad calamity. Wliat would be best sliape to send any relief we can ofl'er in behalf government? Robert Robertson. 10 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Halifax, N. H., 21gt June, 1877. The Mayor;— Have siimnionod pul)lic meeting of citizens of Halifax foi* tins afternoon. Plo!iK(\ inform mo wliat arc most pressing noeils of yonr city in its present cal' amity, and siicli particulars as you think well. M. H. RioiiEY, Mayor. Halifax, N. S., 2l8t. June, 1877. Relief Committee: — Cars go to-night with in-ovisions. I leave at six -forty. Ton thousand dollars suhscrilied at meeting this afternoon and committee apjwinted. M. H. Ric'IIEY, Mayoi\ Halifax, N. S., 2lBt June, 1877. Mayor op St. John : — Draw on us for two hundred .and fifty dollaiTS. Apply at your discretion for relief sufferers by fire. RoBT. BoAK & Son, Halifax, N. 8., 2l8t Jiuio, 1877. A. CiiivMAN Smith: — PuliHc meeting subscribed ten thousand dollars on the sj>ot. Holiday and nearly every one out of town. INTayor committee go next train to confer with you. •• ' ' ■ ' r-^ ' . ' ' ■ • '■':■: ■ : Adam Brown, rreat, JJom. Ji. of Tnule, Hamilton, Ont., 2l8t June, 1877. Daniel & Boyd: — Accept my Bympathy for the ton-ible disaster which lias overtaken your city. Believe assistance will be cordially rendered here. Have you any suggestions to make. D. McInnes. Nkw York, 2l8t June, 1877. C. U. Hanford: — "Flaniborough" sailing postponed till twenty-sixth for supplies. Notify mer- chants. Freight uncharged. A. B. OUTERBRIDQE. Truko, N. S., 2l8t June, 1877. J. R. RUEL, Collector: — We have placed a train at your disposal at Halifax to convey soldiera and pro- visions to St. John, and can leave at any hour. Will also do so from any point along the lino free of charge, and you can command us in any way to lulvancc the interests of the sutferei-s. I will be in St. John to-night. R. LUTTRELL. Mayor op St. John, N. B. : — Draw on us at sight for two hundred dollai-s. New Haven, Covn., 2l8t June, 1877. , , Sargent & Co. MONCTON, N. B. 2l8t Juno, 1877. Mayor Earle : — ' Train will leave here by 10 a. m. We will do what wo can for so short a notice. -; • J. Cbandall. ! ,1 . '/; I OsHAWA, Ont., 2l8t June, 1877. A. L. Palmer: — * Have you escaped the firo? Taking subscriptions here for sufferers. N. & W. GiBBS. Amherst, N. S., 2l8t June, 1877. The Mayor of St. John: — Fire relief fund stai-ted here amount now, say eight hundred dollai'S. Shall we send cash or provisions. Please answer. J. T. Smith, TrMtwer. EXPUE.S8I0NS OF SYMPATHY. 1,") Dr. Eahlk, Maycrr.- Vabmouth. N. 8.. 21st June, 1877. Yarmoiitli Rympivtl.izoa witl. St. Jolni in lier great cnlamity and sends hy "Dominion" fifteen Imndiod doJlui-H wortli ilour .and iirovi.sions. L. K. Makv.h /or Snl)sn-!f)ei:9, MAYon Eari.k:_ ^''''■''' ^- "' ^^'' '^""''' ^^'^■ You can have Car Shed for Iiomelcss people. I will be down about 8..3n p. m. Sliow tliis to Agent. R. LUTTRELL. Mayor Earlk:- Mr.sQrAsn, N. K, 21st Juno, 1877. Have sent you by the .stage, to be left at Breeze's comer, n tent— will necom. niodate about twenty-fivo. C. F. Clinch. Mayor Earle :_ """''™''' ^- ^- 2^"* "'""''' ^«". I think I can .set aside few box cai-s. They would be vety comfortal)le for families an.l (piite warm. I can arrange to j.ut steps to each.' It would cause them to lie quite private and no doubt would be acceptable. I -; . E. LUTTRELL. Tvr„ D„«. Tiir Ti Hampton, N. B., 2l8t. Tune, 1877. Mr, fluEL AND Mayor Earle : — I will be in St. John to-night and will remain to assist i« making tlie homeless comfortable. command me. R. LuTTRELL. r< m ,, , London, G, B., 22nd June. 1877. Governor TiLLEY, />er/encto7i.-— ^, ^ou. Please cable immediately whether fire causes great distress among poor. Whether circumstances, sufferei-s and extent calamity render assistance abroad necessary. ',''■'' ' ' ■ Rose. Mayor Earle— " Ottawa, 22nd June, 1877. Can I be of any further ser^'ice to you here or in Montreal? If not I will leave for St. John to-morrow. Answer. ' Isaac Burpee. Mayor OF St. John:- Ohawa, 22nd June, 1877. Ottawa expresses its deepest sympathy with the citizens of St. John in their present trying affliction. Meeting of citizens to-day. Meantime draw on City Treasurer, Ottawa, for two thousancl dollai-s, W. H. "Waller, Mayor. le HAINT JOHN UELIEF AND AID bOClKTY. t OriAWA, 22mlJune, 1877. Mavoh Eahle: — Tho Doniiiiioii Govornmont will iwlvancn twonty tiiouHaiid iIoIIihh for the jiiunliiust) tit' food imd olotliiiig for tlio huH'oiimh hy th(! Unt. IJiuik of Moiitrciil will lio iiiHtnictotl to advttuco monoy us ictjuiieil on tho ordoi of yoiuwlf luid iflirf coniniittoo, Isaac Buupke. On-AWA, 22iul. Juno, 1877. The Mayor : — IJank of Montreal in rcquostod to pay to ordor of yomnclf and roliof coiniuittcc twenty tho\isand dollara, hoing an advance for relief of su Here rs l)y the late fire. J. LANdTON. Boston, Mass., 22iu1 June, 1877, Hon. S. Z. Rahi-e: — Draw on nie for five thousand dollara. FiiEDEiMCK (). Prince, Mayor. Boston, Mass., 22nf tli<' de.stitiito sUiferorH by tlie (he. F. E. Kir.vF.KT, .]fni/m\ m„„ Tir u r Hamtlton, Ont., 22ndJimo, 1877. TiiK Mayoh oh' St. John: — . «"• TIk! Hoard of Tvmh Inive passed u tliousand (h)narH to your credit which you can drawfoi' in msh, or the vuhie will be sent you in shape of provisions, clothiuir, or such other form as will be most useful to tlu; suH'erers. .Answer immediately.' W. P. FiNDLAY, I'rKshJ.nnt. TnKMAYo.: r St. John;- •'-uuu.kk, Ont„ 22nd .lane, .877. I am instructed to authorize you to draw upon Kdward Hourke, Treasurer of County Renfrew, Peud.roke, for the sum of thrr-e hiuidrod dollai's, to be appliod in the relief of the sufforei-s by the late tire. Answer, • ' ' John Smith, Wnrdm. Tmk Mayoh:- FKEUKK-nov, N. B., 22na ,Iune, 1877. Frederictou scut two car loads cooked jd'ovisiou by this morning train, and seven hundred loaves bread l)y this afternoon train, and will send another car' load to-morrow uiorning. ■ . i . , , f • F. B. Edoecomb. H. D. M,.LEon:- FHBT.K.a,.,os, N, II, 22n,l .J«„e, 1877. Number thioe o(T eight-thirty two cars iu'ovisiou.s. - . ■■'\ -n-;' ■'■■••-■., .'^ ■■ ' : ■ ..,,,,, C, H. Kingston. ,r._ ,. T I'li'i'Ai.KM-uiA, Pa„ 22nd June, 1877. Mayou OK St. Jon\:— Philadelphia j\Iaritimo Exchan,;,'e has taken action foi' relief of sufferers by the fli-e. Already collected two thousand dollars. Tho tn^asurer of our fund, A, De.^el, will telegra]>h later. i' ,,:, ' '; ; ' WirjjAM nRocHiK, /v^«;,/^«^ • ,r . '^ ' .• Union- Stock Yai;I)s, CuicA(!o, Ii.i.., 22nd .rune, 1877. Business men at the Union Stock YarSt. John: — One thousand and twenty-five bliinkets and some clothing left to-night — expect to hav«> more clothing to-morrow. W. J. Stairs, Yice-chnmnan. ' '■ • Halifax, N. S., 22nd Jime, 1877. Dn. Earle, Mai/i>r: — Number of our Halifax Volunteer Militia nlfei- their services to protect pro])- erty. They would go as an organized body if you wish their services, and how nniny would be retpiired \ J. Windurn liAVRiK, f'dl. Com. MUltla, X. S. Halifax, N. S., 22iid June, 1877. The Mayor of St. John: — Can only send troo})s u[)on demand of the Lieutenant Governor of Now Bruns- wick. Have telegraphed to liim but received no roply. Troops are ready. If EXl'RKSHIOXS OF SYMPATHY. n you rcjuire tlicni you must semi a reiniisitiou by tclogrq.l, iVom Provincial uovcrnmcnt. W. O'G. Haley, Lt. D. General Mayou of St. John:- ^"^"''''' ""'^ ^""'' ^^77- Quebec sympatliizos witli you in your grcao ealainicy. A public meeting will bo helil on Monday, in the direction of substantial aid. Meantime are forward- ing you to-day biscuits, bread, hams, bacon, groceries, butter, cheese an.l blankets. Is this action in the ja'oper direction? Owen Mlhpiiy, Mayor. Mavou Eahle :- CHARLorr.TowN, J'. E. I., 22na June, 1877. Prince Edward Island Railway organizing relief fund. Will money or pro- visions be most needed? Reply at once. T. Williams. Mayor Earlk :_ CnARtorrETowx, P. E. I., oo„a j„„,^ jg-. Draw on me through Uniou Bank P. J.]. L.Iand for .seven hundred dollars amount of Prince Edward Island Railway employees subscription for relief .f sufferers. T. Williams, Accotmtant. TiiK Mayor:- OnAw.4, 22nd June, 1877. Cable statement of losses and destitution to Mr. Aunand, Eondon, England. A. Mackenzie. Dr. Earle, Maijor: — Shall we ,end cish or food? WiNDsoK, N. 8., 22ud June, 1877. J. B. Black. SA.MUEL T. K,N(;:~ ^^''^''' ^^'^•' ^""'^ ''"»''' 1877. ^ Have pit on boar.l ,.ars this morning two barrels good hams to your address tor sutferers by lirt; free; of duties and freight. K. A. Barnard & Son. Mayor of St. John:- ' ^"'"'"'"' ^'•'- "'"^ J""«' •«"• We have orde.-ed our New York oHitv to forwaul to vou at once tiftv cases of our cooked canned cornctl beef, all charg s paid. Pleiwe accept the same with the assurance of our deepest sympathy. Wilson Packing Co ,1 ! # SAINT JOllX llELIKF AND AID «OCIETY. DoRfUESTEit, N. 13., 22mlJunc, 1877. The Mayor i-— Your city luus Ijecu .soroly uttliotoil. Duep !iynii»iitliy folt. Wo will .send u contriljution to-inoriow. A. J. Smith. Lewi.sto.n, Me., '22n(l June, 1877. Mayor of Saint John : — What do your pcoitlo ucjd iuul to wlioiu shall wo direct? Lewiuton will aid you wliiit «he can. Edmund Rus.sell, Maijor. New VuiiK, 22n(l June, 1877. Mayor of St. John: — What do you most ncoci for aullerers Ijy tire, clothing, food or money \ John B. McLean. O.siiAW.v, Omc, 22nd Juno, 1877. Mayou of St. John: — Citizens wish to know if money or Hour is preferred, answer. • J. Rae. Muijor. BosTox, Mass,, 22ud June, 1877. His Honor the Mayor: — The gieat imjuisition is what wc cau 'lost do for you. ("an you sol\e it pai'- tially? Thomas B. Harris. Toronto, Ont., 23rd June, 1877. The Mayor: — Jle.solutiou of City (Jou'u'il of Toronto: "That the Council of City of Toronto in own behalf and as representing the citizens of Toronto, desire to ex[iress their deep sympathy with tlie Council and citizens of Saint John, N. B., in the api)al, ing and calamitous tire that reccritly destroyed the business portion of that here- tofore enterprising and prosperous city, connected with which this council ,si)ecially regrets to ha\e to recognize the loss of so niauy human li\es. That this council deplores the consequences of that melancholy disaster in throwing out of their home thousands of their countrymen, and depriving them of the ordinary com- forts of life, and with the view of contributing sonu'thing to nditive the unex pected want and distress now alfccting so many ot our fellow beings, this council resolves that the sum of twenty thousand dollars be placed in charge of His Worsh'-i) the Mayor, out of tho funds of the city, to use aa promptly and ctKciently as possible in aiding the suffering citiztais of the sister city, and that a special committee consisting of Aldermen Canav.ui, Close, Hughes, Withrow, Boswell, McGee and Beatty is hereby ajjpointed to carry out with His Worship tho Mayor, the object of this resolution." Angus Morrison, Mayw, EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 21 ToKONTO, Ont., 23r(l. lime, 1877. Let nie know certain to-night wliat you most need in new clothing, hou.seliold goods or anything that this city can supply to help you. There will Ijo immediate Ma»ou of 8t. John:- responso outside all money subscriptions. David Cowan, ChalnnuH of Citheiis. ^. li' 1/- Montreal, 23ril June, 1877. Arc tlie suilerers in want of ciockeryl 11' so telegraph me what is wanted and quantit}'. Adam Darling. *j '/ i.'.„,„ ly- Halifax, N. S., -J.-lra. Juno, 1877. Message received. Members of Government except myself all absent. Your inuuediate money needs being sui.plied our Government action may want a few days till members of Government return. KOBEKT llOBKRTSON. M. H. RiCHKV:-. Haukax,N.S., 23.1, June, 1877. Do you require guard of \uluuteers to watch property ( Fifteeu hundred more Ijlankets forwiirded at twehe o'clock. Wm. Compton, Secreturij. Mavoh ok St. John :~ ''^^""■"^' ""■ ''■■ "'"^ •^""^- '«7' ' Two Companies of U7tli llegiment proceed to St. ,(ohn by tliis afternoon's train. W. O. G. Halv, Lt. Ueneml. ■ T, -rr HI Boston, Mass., 23rd June, 1877. His HoNOK THE Mayou: — . "'<• We send United States .steamer "Gallatin" on Monday with shoes, provisions, clothing, bedding, crockery, groceries. IJoston is doing her duty. Thomas JJ. Harius. . „ ,, Bosro-v, Mass., 23rd June, 1877. Anijuk (JusiUNu: — < , ^n. The Boston relief connnittee awaits definite information as to whether you want money or supplies, ,-uid if lattei' details by immediate telegraphic answer. Have telegraphed your JMayor imt got no reply. We have government cutter ready to go. W. S. Macfaulane, kiecretary. T,,... AT.,. a T i'oRTLAJsn, Mk,, 23ra June, 1877. liiE Mavou OF St. JoiiN: — Packages of clothing will bo sent you by steamer Monday, you can draw ou me for two thousand dollars on account of collections. You will liear from our 2^ SAINT JOHN llELIEK AND AID SOCIETV. liuHos soon who ]iii\'c taken hold of tho work witli zeul of itrovicling women and chiklreu'.s clothuig. M. M. BuTLEB, Mayor. Brockvillk, Ont., 23rd .)unc, 1877. Mayok: — Draw on mo foi' five hmuh'cd dollars through Bank Montreal at three days sight for relief of suli'ercrs of late lire. William Fitzsimmons, Mayor. Bkojkville, Om'., 23rd June, 1877. The Mayou of St. John: — Draw on u.s for two huudred dolllars. J. k, F. SCHOFIELD, Treats, of V idled Coamies of Leeds aiul Grenville. Peterboro, Ont., 23rd June, 1877. The Mayor: — Draw on nu; at .sight for two hundred dollars, contribution of County Council of Peterboro to sulierer.j by late lire. John Burnham, Warden. LoNDOK, Ont., 23rd June, 1877. The Mayor, JSt. John: — Should you do.sire it can ship Hour in lieu of part of the grant made you by our City Council as advised last night. Robert Pritcharu, Mayor. Ottawa, 23rd June, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayor: — The following message luis been received from Lord Carnarvon: "I am com- manded by the Queen to exjircss the great sorrow with which she has heard of the terrible calamity that has befallen tlie City of St. John, and Her Majesty's sympathy for the sufferers." A. McKenzie. PiC'Toi', N. S,, 23rd June, 1877. Relief Committee: — Would you prefer our sending ca.sli collection, if so to whom? Have our deepest .sym[)athy. J. R. Noonan, Chairman Committee. Amheiwt, N. S., 23rd June, 1877. The Mayor: — l?efore recei))t of telegram had converted part of Relief Contributions into supplies. Forwarding to-day car '2032 beef, potatoes and butter. Bank will pay you five hundred dollai-s cash. J. T. Smith. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. • ^ Mayor Earle:- ^^'"''™-^' ^- ^^ '^"^ •^""•'' '877. We seiul (,uantity broad to-tlay. Sliall we get more baked or will cash be better? J. Chandall, S. Z. Earle, J/-r,,y„,.._ Monoton, N. B., 23rd J„„e, 1877. Draw on us for two hundred dollars cither in cash or clothing, l)edding or pro- visioiLS for relief sufferers by lire. J. & C. Hariiix The Mayor ok «t. John:- Lawren..e, Mass., 23rd June, 1877. At meeting of subscribers to last years fourth July fuTid, held to-night, it was unanimously voted that four Innidred .sixty-live dollars unexpended bahmce of the fund be forwarded to your people. The intention of appropriating it for fourth July celebration this year was by unanimous consent abandoned. Additionsd contributions wdl be made and promptly forwarded. What do you most need? ' "Lawrence Daily American." The Mayor of St. John :- ''"™'' ^''''"'- ''''' •^""°' ''''- Dear Sir:— Our visiting agent is on his way with an offer to take one Inindred children to be kept temporarily. It. G, ToLES, Supt. Home for Little Wanderers. The Mayor:- Cornwall, Ont., 23ra .Tunc, 1877. Please draw ujwn James Kilgour, Troivsurer Town of Cornwall, for three hun- dred (U)llars, voted by resolution of Council in aid of the sufferers of your City through late fire. ,.■ ; C. J. Mattice, J%or. J. S. Carvell, Se,rrll St.:-- < •-'—.ro. ., P. K. I,. 03,1 .T„„e. 1877. Charlottetown has guarantccl for suilorors six thousand dollars, bank trans- mitted. f ' TiiEoi'H. Desrrisay. ■n,, Ti^.i.TT. If J- o, 7 , ''^''' --^^"I'K^vs, N. B., 2,Srd,June, 1877. Un. b^\nhK, JI(i)/<}r of St. Jo/in: — ■ Have mailed four hundred dollars to-day. S. T. (;ovE, Chairinaii Relief Committee. S. Z. Earle, Mayor:- Dohcukstkh, N. B., 23r.l .Tune, 1877. Will send about two hundred ilollars more per Mondav. A. H. Chandler. 24 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Bath, Me., 23r(l June, 1S77. Hon. S. Z. Eahle, Muijor: — Please draw on me at sight for one tlionsanil dollars conti'ibiited by o\ir citizens in bolialf of yonr stricken city. I have in hand throe hnndrod dollars ailditional which is at your disj)osal, shall I ronut sann^ or expend hero in pnrcliase of articles of clothing and l)odding to l)e forwarded ininiodiatoly. The sympathies of our people arc greatly stirred by your great calamity. P]dwin Reed, Mayor. Bkantford, Ont,, 2.3r(l Jiuie, 1877. Mayor of St. John: — Draw on me for the sum of one thonsand dollars in aid of the sufferers by lire in your city. James W. DiGBY, vl/ffj/w Bathirst, N. B,, 23r(l June, 1877. Mayor Earle: — Uathnrst will forward contribution to your Relief Committee. Four hundred dollars was subscribed at meeting last evening. First instalment by to-day's train. k. F. Burns. Charloitetown, p. E. I., 23rd June, 1877. Mayor op St. John : — Five thousand dollars placed to your credit at Bank B. N. A., St. John, con- tributed by citizens of Charlottotown in aid of yoiu' suffoi'ors by late fire. Joseph Heasley, Chairman Committee. CniCAtiO, Ili.., 23rd June, 1877. TToN. S. Z. Eari.e, M:~ Stmd you oue thousand dollars sul«cribod by the Chicago Clearing-house asso- ciated J'auks. JouN DicKOVEN, President, St. STKruEN, N. B., 23rd June, 1877. The Mayor ov St. John :— A carload of co,)k:'d provisions sent l)y regular nmrning train fi-om St. Stephen and INlilltowu umlor car(> of Ceorge I''. Hill and C H. Clerke. Send man to meet them at depot. Jas. H. Ganono. SUS.SEX, N. B., 23ra June, 1877. Mayor Earle, St. John: — We send by nnnd)er thirteen train to-day one car jirovisions. Car number eighteen seventy-six. More to follow. CoL. Beeu, Rev. Mr. Medi.ey, Wm. S.mith, Henry White, J. S. Trites, Committee. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 25 Mayor Eable :- Lawuencetown. N. S.. 23rcl June, 1877. We liave sent by Steamer "Empress" to-day twenty-nine packages to your address for relief of sufterei-s, St. Jolm. Forwarded letter by F. Leavitt. J. W. James. Mayor:— Rowmansville, Ont., 23rd June, 1877. Our Company will .send fifty bedsteads and chairs for benefit of sufft'rerH. Will tliey be of any use at present? F. F. MoArtiiur, Mfjr. Upper Canada Furniture Co. Mayor Earle, St. John;— British Consul will remit immediately. More coming New Youk, 23rd June, 1877. John B. McLean. S. T. King •— ^'"^^ ^oixk, 23rd June, 1877. Draw for one hundred dollars to aid sufferers by tire. oorham boardman. Mayor Earle:- ^'^' ^•''"'' '^^''^ •^""*'' ^^"• Ifi view of the terrible calamity which has befallen your beautiful city, and appreciating the suj. port extended ki former yeai-s by your citizens to the Stonin- ton and Providence Lines, I beg to oflbr free transportation from here to ]]oston for any supplies forwarded by this city, and also authorize you to draw on me for five hundred dollars. I). S. Babcock, Premlent. Lt. Col. McShane, B. M..- FKKOEnuro.v, N. B., 2.3rd June, 1877. Order Battery's Artillery at Carleton ,in June, 1877. Js^'Il/'^'w"'"^ ''^^''''"'* letter containing two hundred doUai^, from oiti- zens, uaaressecl to you. A. H. GiLLMON, Jk. S. Z. Mayor, J/«yor, ^i. J-o/*n,_ ^''- A^°«^^^«. N. B., 25th Juno, 1877. Mr Foster will hand you to-day one hundred and fifty dollars in .uldition to what I sent twonty-third. Three clothing by train. W. Whitlock, Secy. Relief Committee. MayohEarle:— PREdericton, N. B., 2oth June, 1877. Ladie« nieet here two-tlmiy. Will we appropriate some money raised by pri- vate subsenption-buy material for them to work on. Answer. ""'' ^^ 1'" Eh. Wetmore. S. Z, Earle, Mayor:— Fbedericton, N. B., 25th June, 1877. of alolur '"^ '"""""' '""' '"" ''''' °' ^-ady-made clothing for the sutferex^ . , Mrs. Sheriff Temple. S. Z. Earle, Mayor of St. John:- ^'"'™ ^'"''^^' ^- ^- ^^th June, 1877. reltfT'i-^' Co., of North Sydney, offer a cargo of Gowrie Mh.e Coal for leiiet of sutiurers by late tire. ,' ■ T. S. Brown, yo?- Committee. Mayor of St. John:— '^^vro, n. S., 25th .June, 1877. At meeting this afternoon over one thousand doIIa.-s were paid in lialf an hour for rehe of your sufferers. Influential and energetic committee appointed to sohat subscnpt.on,s. Contributions will reach oveAwo thousand doliri hop^ ' ' C. B. Archibald, iFaT/w. The Mayor of St. John:— Montreal, 25th June, 1877. We arc sending down two cases clothing for distribution among the sufFerei-s. S. Y. & J. Moss. . J. Tucker, ZfoyVJyen<-- S^nky, C. B., 25th .June. 1877. Alfred Mackay. 28 SAI>f,T JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. HAHATOdA, N. Y., 25tli June, 1877. The Mayor op St. John: — Plciuso say how to tuUlresH and how to send package designed for tlie siirtercis in your city. A. K. Waylanu. Mu.w.uKKK, Wis., 2,')th June, 1877. The Mayuk oi- Wt. Juiin: — I'o wlioni should donations for sutl'ercrs l)e sonti Sliaii w(; .send money ur Hour and pork? Can get freight free. Chaki-es Kay, President Climalier of Commerce. ToHoNio, O-Ni,, "ijUi .luue, 1877. 8. Z. Eaui.e, Maijor: — Expect to send car goods eullected to iiioiiow. (.'untlicting now with cash col- lections. What clothing ov household goods are you in need of I Telegi'a|)h reply to-night, David Coavan, Chairman Citizen'n Committee. Memi'his, TiONN., 25th June, 1877. The Mayor ok .St. John: — The I. O. O. F. of Memphis, Tennessee, desire to send money to their l)rethren of your city. To whom shall we senil it] Answer. W, S. Bruce, B. Binoiiam, John P. Hoffman, K. D. Fkaser, Committee. London , G. B., 26th June, 1877. H. E. Lieutenant Governor OF New Brunswick: — I am instructed to inform you that the Oomjjany has voted five hundred pounds toward fund for relief of sufferers by the lire. (jENEral Manager Imperial Fire Office. \VooD.sTocK, N. B., 26th June, 1877. Mayor OF St. John: — ' Citizens symjjathize. Send you two hundred dollars to-morrow. More to follow. L. P. Fisher, Maijor. London, E.vo,, 26th June, 1877. Mayor: — Loixl Mayor opened subscription. Generous contributions. Annand. , , LiVEKPOOL, N. S., 26th June, 1877. ll.'i.Chmcil,Snpt.:~ "■'■"'■ Liverpool deeply symi)athizos with the sufferei-s of St. John. Doing all they can for relief fund. Probably raise seven hundred or a thousand dollai-s to-day. Not Signed. . KXPHKSSIONS OF SVMrATTIV. ' %^. ,, „ , ,, WooDHTOCK, N. H., 20tli Juno, 1877. .S. /. I'.Aiii.i;, Mdyor: — Tlio (V)unty Council uf Carlctou voleil tuday to giv(( one thou.sim j Samuel Wilmot, Jieeve. The Mayor op Si. John.- ^'"'^''■'' ^^*^ •^""«' >877. I foiwanl (Icpaitnijutal tlieck one Inuulred and iifty dollars. The vohuitaiy omTiny of one day's j.ay f,„n. all otliceis, clerks and messengers of the dejmrt- ments of liouso of Commons. Alfred Patrick, Vhrk of the llmise. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor.- WoonsTocK. N. B„ 27th June, 1877. On behalf of Hu-h Hay and myself, have forwarded ]>y train to-day two hun- di'ed bushels of potatoes for use of suffereiii. Geo. H. Connell. Mayor S. Z. Karle :- ^'^ ^°"'^' ^7*^ June, 1877. Despatch receiAod too late for meeting but published in all pai)er8 Stormy night but success a.ssured. Will probably leave with proceeils Friday nionung. Eeecher gave grand luldress. Can't state how much but will be huge. John B. McLean, Chuimtan Committee of Arrangements. S. Z. Earle, J%or.- ' Lawhencktown, N. S., 2:th Juno. 1877. I forward by "Empress" to-day one, one package, bedding and clothin", four barrels i)otatoes, one Ijox uieat for relief of auft'ereis. "' John W. James. ... „ ^ , . Halifax, N. S., 28th June, 1877. A. CniPMAN Smith, Chmrman Relief CommUtce:— Proi)ose sending fifty cooking stoves. Are they requisite? Wm. Compton, Sex'y. Relief Com. Mayor Earle:- DALUorsiE. N. B., 28th Jan., 1877. Dalhousie forwards by to-night's mail cheque for two hundred dollai-s for your relief fund. W. H. Phillips. Mayor Earle, St. John.- '"'"''' ''• ^•' ''"' ■^"'"'' '^''^■ Hundred bushels i)otatoes, one carca.S8 beef, two boxes lobstera to-day's train for lielief Coramittee. '= W. B. DEAqoN. 82 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Fredeeicton, N. B., 28th June, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayor: — , . Sent yon this morning by train five cases of clotliing from the ladies of Freil- ericton for the sufferei-s of St. John. They are still at work. Sheriff Temple. June 28, 1877. Mayor of St. John : — Bank of British Nortli America instructed to honor your draft upon Royal Bank of Scotland, Gla.sgow, for two thousand pounds sterling, for conflagi-ation fund forthwith. Lord Provost, Glasgow, Mayor, St. John: — Seven hundred fifty pounds sent, more following. 29th June, 1877. Mayor, Manchester. .--v|i: Boston, Mass., 29th June, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayor: — > "We sent by Schooner "G. G. Jewett" yesterday, thirty bairels Kerosene Oil, seventy-five tal)les, one hundred and fifty chairs, seventy-five bedsteads. W. S. Macfarlane, Secretary, Portland, Me., 29th June, 1879. S. Z. Eaule, Mayor: — Sent by Stean ev last evening, twelve cases boots, five bales sheeting. By ex- press three cases clothing. Shall we send further supplies or money? Portland has not forgotten St. John's sympathy uiulcr like circumstances. H. F. FuHBUSH,/or Committee, Hamilton, Ont., 29th June, 1877. S. Z. Earle; — The City Council l-.ave placed at my disjjosal thi'ee thousand five hundred dollai-s more, .o be aj.plied in relieving the sufl'erei's by the fire in your city. Please advisr mo wliethe. I shall send the money or nuike i)urcliaHes of needful articles and ship same; and name the articles you most n(!ed. l^ '4 ^n^'^-^^r■Mt} ,^\ -' - ^-i,-, „ ., , , ,ij J. E. KiU'ERT, Mayoi', s . New York, 29th June, 1877. S. Z. Eaule, Mayor: — Have this day deposited in Bk. B. N. America se\-en hundred scsventy-two ■'^-'^ dollars cuiTency, being aniount subscribed by members of New York Stock Exclianarrel of ladies' and misses' hats sent you by train this morning. One scrit H. D. McLeod with some other things to Carletou. I trust this will meet ycm' iii)[)roval. SlIERIKF Temi'LE. - ^ • M Owen Sounti, Ont., 3rd July, 1877. Mayor, St. John: — The County Council of Crey ha\e voted live hundred dollars towards the relief of your c'ty for which you can draw at once. S, J, Parker, Treasurer Co'y drey. ? EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY, ^6 CmcAfiO, III,, July 2nd, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Eakle, Mayor:— Have tliis day mailed draft on Bank of Montreal for ten thousand (10,000) dollars, from peo^jle of Chicago. ' W. Hkath, Mayor. Cleveland, Ohio, 2nd .July, 1877. The Mayor of St. John : — How arc you off for relief? Are you in need of more help? Answer. E. COWLES. ^, ^ ^ ,^ Fkedericton, N. B., 2ud July, 1877. (5. Z. Eahle, Mayor: — Sent this morning by train three caso.s clothing and bedding for sutferera. i . Sheriff Temple. ,, „ „ Hamiltox, Ont., 4th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle: — Draw on Treasurer, County of Wcntworth, for one thou.sand dollars, granted by Council. Thomas Stock, Warden. CLiFfON, Welland Co., Ont,, July 4th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayor: — Draw tipon the town of Clii'ton for three hundred dollars in aid of the sufferers at the late lire at St. John. ; ' W. W. Woodruff, J/fty/or. BowjLANViLLE, Ont., 4th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle: — Draw on Doniiiiiou Organ Co., Howuianville, for oiij hundred and two dollars, proceeds of concert ivjld here on Monday nighi, under our direction, in aid of the nulferei-s by tire at Saint Jolin. John Wesley, iS'ec'y. Glasgow, Scotland, July 4, 1877. TnK "Tayor of St. John, N. ]]. : — Draw o:i Bank for one thousand nioic, from citizens of Glasgow. LoRH Provost Bain, Glasyow. Waterloo, Ont,, 4th July, 1877. Mayok: — Council ha\e guaiuuteed two hundred dollars towards reliel' of your sutierers by lire. Fred. CoLQUHouN, CYct'^. Andovkk, N. B., 4th July, 1877. ilAVou Eaiu.e: — Municipality Victoria ajjp-opriated two hundred dollars for relief fund. A. J. Bevkkidob. 36 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AN'D AID SOCIETY. Bkamfton, Ont., 5th July, 1877. The Mayor oi' St. John: — < Peel Co. Council grants one tliou.saml dollars for the relief of the sulTeroi'S by fire in your city. How shall it be sent? Melvillk Parker, Wardeti. NoKwitJr, Ont., 5th July, 1877. S. 2. Earle :— Draw on me for one hnudreil dollars lirst instalment from Norwich Relief Fund. John Greenwood, Mamiyer Consolidated Bank, Noi'ioich. Lawrence, Ma.s,s,, 7th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Maym': — Please draw ou .ae at your conveiiieuf^e through Pacific National Bank for five hundrt.1 dollai's, wi, .h is the amount placed i'l my hands for relief of the sufferers m your city. Caleb Saunders, Mayor. Chatuam, Ont., 7th July, 1877. Mayor: — Council of this Town grauv,ed five lumdred doUai-s for relief St. John sufferers. Dmw on Malcohu Weir, Trea.surer, for amount. Richard Monck, Mayor. Boston, 7th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayor: — We sent you by steamer Wodnesdiiy, eighty mattrasses and one hundred and sixty pillows, also sent by ship '"Andrew Jackson" one Ir'ndrcd mattrasses and two hundred pillows. F. W. Lincoln, Chairntau Boston Relief Committee. DuNDAH, 9th July, 1877. Mayor: — Draw on Geo. Lees, Treasurer Valley City Lodge, No. 117, 1. O. O. F., for one hundred and five dollars proceeds of concert for youi" general relief funds. Thomas Seaman. STRATPoun, Ont., 9th July, 1877. Mayor of St. John: — I have nmch pleasure in authorizing you to draw on nie at sight, through Bank Montreal, for five hundred dollars, as this town's contribution for the relief of the sufferei-s, also include in diaii a further sun' of sixty-foiu' dollaiti, proceeds of a lecture by E. Carswell, under the aufipices of Temperance. Thomas Daly, Mayor. Toronto, yth July, 1877. Mayor, St. John; — We send car load clothing, provisions and cooking utensils to-day. Draw on John Mocdonald, M. P., Treasurer, for the further sum of three hundred iloUars. D. Cowan. J':XPUES,SIONS OF .SYMPATHY. 3^ The Mavou ok St. John, N. E :- ^""™^^' ^''"•' ' '*'' '''''' '''^■ Draw on mio at sigJit for onu Juuulrctl ami sixty-nine dollars and oightceu cents, proceeds of Miisonic Concert for general distribution amongst the sufferers. Kn. KoDiNsoK, Sec'i/. Trms. Hon. S. Z. Eaulk, J/«yo..- ""• '• ''"""' ''■'"• ^ '''' '''''^ '«"• Have shipped two car loads i,ork, one car flour and meal to your address. Letter by mail. Geo. T. Williams. Mayor of St. John :- '■'''*"^'' ^"'''•' ^^"' ^"1^' ^^''^• Draw on me for three hundred dollars being grant Ijy Town Cotincil in aid of your sufFerei-s by iire. . Huao Keaney, Mayor. The Mayor of St. J onx :- Ti.iLALKLPmA, l-2th July, 1877. Draw on me for lifteen hunthvd dollars a.lditional in aid of the sufferers. A. J. Drexel, Ti-eamrcr St. Juhit Rdief Fund. The Mayor:- ' ^'^- "^^'^' ^^"- 1""' -^"li'' 1877. Draw on me for one hundred and thirty-four dollars and twenty cents, being balance of Port Hope subscriptions, is on dei)csit in Ontario Bank. Wm. Craig, Mayor. Mayor:— St. Thom-.s, Ont., 12th July, 1877. Have been instructed by the County Council of Elden, Ont., to remit five hundred dollars towards the sufferers by tire in your city. Please draw on me at sight. Samuel Day, Wavden Co. of FAden, Ont. Mayor, St. John, X. 11.. - ^^^^ ^''^^' 1'^". Town meeting held. Draw on me for three hundred pounds. ■ 7;. ' V , Mw'ou, L'el/ast, Ireland. The Mayor:-- Hamilton, Ont., IGtli July, 1877. You may draw on me at sight for four hundred and fifty dollars, being tiic sub- scrii.tion of the employees of the (Jreat Western Railway to the sufferers of your city, the lists are not quite closed, but will amount to that figure. The sum would have been much gmiter, but tluvt some of the Company's employees had tin HAINt JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. alrciidy subscribed along the line, and that we have in common witli other Rail- ways had to make a universal reduction in salaries and wages. , F. EuoUGiiTON, General Manager. Mayor, Ht. John, A". B. :— Draw for another thousand pounds. , July 16tli, 1877. Lord Pkovost Bain, Glasgow. WiNUsoE, Ont., 16th July, 1877. The Mayor of St. John: — Draw on me at sight for live hundred dollai-s in aid of the relief of the sutferers by the late lire. CiiAS. R. Howe, Mayor. Q „ v. ,, St. ANDitEws, N. B., 17th July, 1877. Have tclegrum from W. H. Thomi)son, commander " S. S. Britanic," White Star Line, autnoilKing mo to draw on him for live hundred dollars for the St. John suiTerors. : ;, , S. L. TiLLEY. vj r, -p.^, ,, BjiRLiN, O-vr., 17th July, 1877. b. L. liARLE, Mayor: — The Watoi'loo County Council to-day granted one thousand dollars in aid of the sullerers — luuc mailed chock. • Israel D. Bowman, Coimty Clerk. y „ r' YoRKviLLK, Ont., 17th July, 1877. b. A. lliARLE: Draw on m(3 for three hundred dollar.s, suljscription Corporation of Yorkville in aid of sufferers by I'ocent lire in your city. "' . ' ■ ■■'.'''■ ..;..-,■,;/ .'v. ■.':, John Severn. „ „ -,, Toronto, Ont., 17th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle: — Draw on John McDonald, for four hundred dollars cash, Citizens' Com. ,: ./ ; ■],: I>. Cowan, Chair)na7i. -, „ CitiCAiiO, III., 17th July, 1877. Mayor Earle: — I have this day foi'warded to you per American Express, package containing two +' jiisand and iifty dollarii, U. S. currency, for your relief fund. W. Heath, Mayor. ,. „ r7 Oshawa, Ont., 17th July, 1877. Mayor, St. John: — Draw at sight on the Sous' England Benevolent Society, Essex Lodge, No four, Oshawa, for thirty dollars for the sufferers of your city. K. R. Southoombe, Preeulent, EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY, ;J0 Mayor of St. Joimi- ^'"'''■'^' "'"■'- '^^'^ '^"'y- '877. You can draw on Tronsnror, Co. of Victoria, thro,;gh tJ.o Bnnk of Montreal at Linilsay for, .say, fo,u- Inuulrod dollars for relief of svfferers, amount granted by County Council, Comity of Victoria. W. H. RussELi,. The Mayor of St. John :- PHiLADELrniA, 19th July. 1877. You can draw on mo for balnncn of relief fund, eleven hundred and nine dollars and eighty cents. A. J. Drexel, Treasure)' St. John Relief Fund. The Mayor of St. John:- (ionERicu, Ont., 20th July. 1877. At special meeting of the County Council of Huron, held to-day, a grant of two thousand dollars was made for the relief of tlie St. John sulferors. Draw on mo for this amount at tlie Bank of Commerce, Goderich. G. E. Cuesswell, Warden. Mayor, St. Jo/m.-- ' Unoston. Ont,. 21st July, 1S77. Draw on mo for three hundred and forty dollars, subscription from citizen in aid of sufferers by late fire. . John McKelvey, Mai/or. S. Z. Marle, J/«yo..— CuicA,.o,i„,.,iGth August. 1877. Have this day forwarded to you per American Express six hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents, also mailed letter of advice. W. Heath, Mayor. The Mayor:— Toronto, 9th August. 1877. Draw on Treasurer Kent Lodge, S. O. E., for thirty dollars. Dominion Bank. Geo. H. Edward, Mayor OF St. John:- Norwich, Ont.. 9th August. 1877. . ?' *i';?'f '! "'"*^- ^ "^'^I'l^''^ '^ ''"-^ containing clothing and provisions, addressed to the Relief Com. Will remit balance of our relief funds in a few days. • ; ; John Greenwood. Mayor of St. John:- Hamilton, Ont., nth Aug., 1877. Our lists are made up and amount to seven hundred and fifty dollars. You may draw for balance of three hundred dollars. F. Brolohton, Fire Employep>> of O'reat Western IMlway, 40 .SAINT JOHN RKLtKF AND AID ftOCTETV. Ai-MONTE, Ont,, 2oth Aug., 1877. The Mayoh : — You can tlraw on W. \V, Beaford, Esq., County Treiuturer, Pcrtli, for flvo Iiundi'od dolliU"s, granted by the County Coiuicil of Lanark to aid the sufferei-s, J. JA^rIESON, Warden, Co. of Lmuirk. CoBOUHC), Ont., 15th Aug., 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayw: — Draw on Tlios. Gillbard, Trea.sin"or, ibr five hiuidred dollai-s, Coltourg's contri« Inition for relief of sufftvers by fire. Geo. GriLi.ET, Mayor. Ottawa, 16th Aug., 1877. The Mayor of St. John:- - Balance of five thousand dollar grant a^s•aiting yoiir draft. Draw for three thousand. W. H. Waller. Baltimore, .Tunc 2.3, 1877. Hon. D. B. Warner, V. S. Consvl, Sf. .Mn, A'. R.— Dear >Sir,— Your telegram of the 2 1st inst., has been received and published in the newspapei's of this city. I have requested through the press that sidjscrii»tions be left at this office, and I enclose the check of Messrs. Alex. Brown & Sons for $t23G.97 in gold, being ani't of Exchange for !jj!2.^)0.00 currency .at i?10.5l. I will take pleasure in forwarding to you all .additional subscriptions. Youi's res[)ectfully, The Mayor. LETTE R S. Mayor's Office, Portland, Me., June 2l8t, 1877. To His Honor the Mayor of St. John, N. B. Ml/ Dear Sir, — I received this forenoon a telegram from U. S. Consul Warner, advising me of the dire calamity which has visited your city, and also of the immediate need of provisions to relieve the wants of your famishing population. I at once called a meeting of our citizens, who on the spot made so generous a response to the apjieal, that I shall l)e enabled to forward to you in their behalf^ by this evening's Steamer, lai'ge quantities of cooked meats, and liard bread, which I trust will arrive safely, and help relieve your pressing necessities. Some blankets have also been added, and one of our enterprising firms, Deering, Milliken & Co., by rail this noon .sent you several bales of the same article. We liave besides on hand an amount of funds for your a.ssistance, and measures are being takeji to ipcrease the same largely. T have just sent you a telegram asking how EXPRE.^SrONS OF SYMPATHY, il WO can ai.l yon best. Whothor by provisionH, blankets, and tl.e liko, or by money and J. sliiill govern myself by your answer. J5e .iss„re,l our citizen^ but too well Know how to .synM-atbize with you in your horn, of distress and affliction, and thoy will not be backward in atlbr.lin.. you all the aid m tlieir jwwer. ^ Yours in liaste, very respectfully, -'- . M. M. BvTtEH, Maijor. To THE MAYon OP St. John, N. B. Poktland. Me., .June 21st, 1877. Bear S!r,~We deeply .egret the misfortune of yo.u' people and take the liberty to forward to you per E. A. Express to-day, two cases blanketings which you will please give to those without shelter. Yours truly, Deeking, Milliken & Co. To THE Hon. Mayor op St. John, N. B. P««^^and. Me., J„„e Slst, 1877. We forward to you to-night by International Line Str., care W H Chisholm agt. of Steamer in your city, 5 bags flour, 5 bags meal for the sufferer in the late tire. JMot knowing who your committee is we address as above. Yours a-uly, - :^^ ■ . ';• ; . ■. , Geo. W. Tkue & Co. To THE Hon. Mayor of St. John, N. B. ^^^^^^^^. Me., June 21st, 1877. Lear Sir,~.We send to your address the enclosed shipping receipt of 16 boxes «oap, to be distributed to the sufferers by the fire of last evening. Trusting that It may prove useful, we are Yours truly, Leathe & Gore. To THE Mayor of St. John, N. B. Portland, Me., .Tune 21st, 1877. Dear Sir,~l am not worth a copper but am a great deal better off than a great numbe.- o your citizens at this present moment. I forward to you by boat to-ni-dit one tent that it may be of some use to sonie one with a family of cliildren put it wliere it will do tlie most good and oblige. Respectfully yours, ^ -C * A jT^t»,oji.;'* F. A. Leavitt. „,:, "B"«™^' ■^"I'UN'AT. OF Commerce," Boston, .June 22nd, 1877. D. B. Warner, St. John, N. B. Beri.r AVr,— Such as I have I give :— ' , The colums of the "Boston Journal of Commerce" are hereby tendered free of charge for one month, to all sufferers who may desire to make known thrmud.out J^ew England and tl.e States tlieir present facilities for business or mapufftcturino- « 9' n SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Will yoii ])lcaflo sen that this oflor is made known, so that the sufferore who desire can avail thomsolvos of it. Youra truly, ITkuhert Radcliffe. F. S. — The sympathy here is unlimited, Boston knows what it all is. Boston, June lilat, 1877. Mr. J. S. Tt'RNEii. Dear Sir, — Word comes to us to-day of the great calamity that has fallen on your city. We cannot tell by the papci-s to-night whether you are a sufferer or not, hut there are so many that must have lost evor3-tliing wo authorize you to fifty dollars of tlio funds in your hands, for the .sutfcers in any way yon may think advisable. Yours truly, R. S. Mackintosh. Yarmouth, N. S., .Tune 2 1st, 1877. Dr. Earle, Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — Yarmouth sympathises with you in your groat calamity, and we send by the Steamer Dominion, freight free, 34 bbls. oatmeal, 100 bbls. Hour, 25 bbls. pilot bread, 3 casks hams, 3 bags rice, 2 bbls. beef, 1 bbl. crackers, 3 bbls. bread and crackers. Let us know what you require most and we will help you. In great haste, respectfully, L. E. Barker. Portland, Me., June 21st, 1877. To THE Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — Wo herewith enclose bill for ten cases roast beef consigned to you to be distributed among the people needing inmiediato iussistance. Yours truly, Burrham (fe Morrill. PoRTtAXD, Me., .Tune 2l8t, 1877. The Honorable the Mayor op St. John. Sir, — Deeply pained to hear of the teriible conflagration which has swept over our sister city, — a calamity which we of Portland can fully realir.c in its worst aspects from our own expcuience eleven years ago. We bog you to accept the few articles shii)ped to your uddrefjs as per receipt enclosed. Ho])ing they may bo the means of I'elieving the pressing necessities of some of the moie needy sufferei's. Hoping the blow may not have been so hard /is first reported. We are with much sympathy, respectfully yours, Fletcher & Co. Halifax, N. S., 2l8t June, 1877. A little boy hearing of the St. John fire emptied his money box and sends its contents, $1.08. •• Saokville, June 21 st, 1877. Dear Sir, — At a meeting hold here this evening a committee was appointed to EXPRESSIONS OP SYMPATHY. 4d collect money and provisions, with wliat clothing may ho oflcrcl to ni.l tlio Hufrorors from your fire. Sonie potatoes, hams, butter, etc., will go down to-night, ad.lressed to you, and some provisions or clotliing that may come into the com- mittee's hands will ho forwarded at once. Home money will l)e collected and some IS already collected. Shall wo expend it for provisions hero or shall we for- ward It to St. John to he there exi)ended? We want to know your wishes in the matter. Senator Botsford is our Treasurer, who will disburse the money collected under the du-ectionsof our committ«ie, and the committee will be guided by your instruc- tions hi tlu. mutter. No time for expressions of sympathy but the sympathy is *" Yours truly, 'i^noiiAH VwKAiw, C'hainaau of CommUke. Mayor Earlk. PmconiAe, N. B., June •-•int, 1877. I deeply sympathise with St. John iu their sad calamity, i send you .mall box bacon and bread in great haste. Yours truly, H. HUMPUUEY. S. Z. Eahlk, Esq., Mayor. ^'"'"'"''' ""'''" ^'"•' ^^ ^- -'«* •'"'-'• ^877. Sir,~Wi, sincerely sympathise with you in the sad loss of your beautiful city On receipt of j'our telegram I immediately set to work to secure as much provisions ••us I could lor the suffering, and succeeded so t)ir as to send vou .3 barrels, one large and 2 small boxes and 2 baskets full ot provisions. The contribution is small, but nearly all we could in the time allowed. Should fuithcr aid be required we think a considerable quantity of potatoes and other country produce could bo collected and forwarded. t- uly Geo. Barnes. Messrs. J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N. B. ''"' ''''"'' ■'""^' ^'''' ^'"• 6entlemen,~The telegraph and later papers announced the fate of your city and people by the direful calamity, "Fire." We desire to tender our sympathy and add our "uute," enclosing check for twenty-five doUars for distribution amon<. the homeless and destitute. Believe us with assurance and proffered aid hei'e 5 we can serve you, as we are informed yur are ambng the sufierera. "^''ery truly youi's, '■"- i^BWARii Todd & Co. T-w T^ , ^ , Dorchester, N. B., 22iulJunp 1S77 Doctor Earle, St. John. ' --""■^""«'' ^»77. Dorchester is contributing pretty liborally, and 1 am happy to infer I shall be able to hand you four or five hundred dollai-s to-morrow. What a dire calamity ' God help the destitute ! Yours sincerely, A. H. Chandler, 44 SAINT JOHN RKLIEK AND AID SOCtETV. Nortli Miitirtli 1111(1 Morcuiitilo liisiirmieu Co. coiitriljiite .tHOU .stciling to leliot t'uiul tlu'ough tliuii' iigetil. , IlicNiiv Jack. NoiiTii Svipsi;v, ('. I!,, •-'•Jiid .liiiii', 1877. H. 'A. Kahi,k, Aliiyor of St. John. 8. Nujiior llobinson, Miuiii;j;(!i' ol' tins Toioiilo Coiil Miuiiiij Co., oll'cis to pliico li'oo, oil Ijoiinl voa.s(!l, two Imiuhcd and iit'ty toii.s ofcoiil to lin ilisti'iljiittHl for re of Huflbroi'H Ity the hitt' lire. W. 'I'. liuowN, C'oUector far Vonimitke. I'oKTi.ANi;, Mi;., i'.'iul.Jiiiiu, 1877. Daw Sir, — AVo forward to iiiyht per e.vpross, cure II. \V. Cliiwholiii, ouo ulothiug iUJ ]ior iuvoicu cnclosod. Wu liopc it iiiiiy iirove aceoptihlc. Voiii'H truly, J. T. Lkwis & Co. Town OK I'oKTi.AM), N. B., 22iul June, 1877. To Mayou Eaulk. Iliirjior's Scotch Itiikory will jihicu at the disiiosal of the relief ccniuiitloe 150 loaves bread to-morrow, and also assist in leaking any flour sent by the coiniuittee. «T. .John N. B., 22nd June, 1877. To His HoNon Mayor Earle. Sir, — Words cannot describe the dooj) and heartfelt .sympathy I feel for 1 suft'ering poor of your city, and in i(!S[)once to the call for immediate aid, 1 .shm. order my friends, Messrs. Hall & Fairweatlier, to deliver one hundred barr(;ls of cornmeal to your relief committee, and on my auival home at New York, shall make it my tii-st business to raise a furthei' donation from my brother mei'cliants. Vours in sympathv, "a. T. Heney. ■ ■• • ■ Halifax, N. S., 22nd Juue> 1877 His Worship the Mayor, Rt. John, N. B. JJrAir Sir, — We have forwarded this day, through the City Marshall, wearing apparel as per memo., to the value of .t'GOO.OO for distrilnitiou among the destitute at St. John. ... Yours truly, Ander,son, Billings & Co. A.MHEK.ST, N. S., 22nd Juno 1877. Dh. Earle, St. John. J)ear Sir, — Yesterday a meeting wan called here, and now something like .$1100 hius been subscribed for the benefit of the poor of St. John. You would much oblige if you would kindly suggest to what atldress we would send supplies. We can assure you the citizens of St. John liave our lioai'tfelt sympathy in the great and unprecedented loss which haa so recently visited them. Youi"8 tiiily, J. T. Smith, Sea-etary. kXl'UKSSIO:^S OF SYMP.VfHV, 4.) St. Anhukws, N. II., '-••Jiitl .Imu', 1877. To Ui.s Woit.siiir Tin: Mavdii ok tiii-: City ok St. John. Hir, — At ti niootin;^ of tin: iiiliahitiiiits of tliiH town, liclil tliis djiy, a roHolutioii WHS iiiiiiiiiiiioMMly ihi.h.simI to Hciid iiiil in iiioiu'y or, to tlio siilU'rers \>y tliis uwt'iil (■aliiiiiity in your city, iinuli (le|)lort'(l and rc;,'ic'tt(;d liy tlii.s counnnnity. A llfliff Conniiittoo WHH ibrnied and the Kinn of (.'ij400.U0) four liundiL'd dollar.s lias 1)0011 Iiastily collected, whcli wo now have great pleasure in forwarding to your Wor.sliiji, to bo distributed by your.self or ,suoh relief body or bodies acting in the city, to aid and assist the most destitute in such manner as may be thought advisabhi. The Kelief Comiiiitto wish to know if elotiiing or money, or Iioth, would most coiulucu to the reli(^f of tlu! suffeit-rs. Any suggestions from your Worshiji or tlie committee would be very desirabii-. We are Sir, resjiectfully yours, H. T. GoovK, Chairinau. W. Whitlock, iSecreturij. Bosro.N, Mas.s., i2\\A June, 1877. Wm. Pi-tkus, Esq., .St. John, N. H. We feel most deeply with yon in the terrible blo'. which has come so suddenly on your city. We know somclliing of it here by our own experitnico of tire years ago. You can draw on us at demand for imv luiutlrod dollars in aid of the sutler- ing, to be used as you think licot, and in;j most needy and deserving. A meeting is to bt; held to-day in Fanuel Hall to take immediate measures to send help. Our city will not Ite behind in helping vou in this hour of your calamity. llesp'y and truly your friends, Y N. W. Kicii k Co. ;o. Montreal, '22ud Junu, 1877. Dk. S. Z. Eauu:, Mayor of St. John, N. 13. Dear Sir, — Enclosed we beg to hand you Bill of Lading of fifty barrels of extra supeitlue Hour, shipped by us last night per special reliijf train for St. John. Please accept tliis as our contriljution in aid of the distressed citizens; it is but a very small token of oui- deep regret for the serious disaster that has befallen the city of St. John and the Province of New Brunswick. We remain yours respectfully, J. F. PowEK k, Co'y. MoNTUEAL, 22nd Junu, 1877. S. Z. Eahli:, Es^., St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — We beg to inform you that we forward a bale of blankets for the use of the St. John sutferers, which we ho[ii. 'uay be found acceptable. Deeply sympathising with the misfoi-tune befallen your city, and trusting ere long all may be made comfortable. We remain, D. McInnes & Co'y. 46 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETV. ' ' Eastport, Me., 22iu1 June, 1877. Gentlemen, — Tlu; symiiathy of tlic world must surely be turned toward your doometl city and its nt-edy, suffering citizens, that have been so suddenly made liomeless and penniless. accejjt the small contribution ($10.00) enclosed from a woU-wislier. Youns very truly, D. J. Odell. Easitoet, Me., 22ncl June, 1877. IIelief Committke. Ph.'iUiu acc('pt for the sufferer's of the fire from Boyntou High School Pupils, of Easti)ort, Me., $2.38. . Gloucesieh, Mass., 22ud June, 1877. My Dear Vroom. I condole with you in this teriible calamity befallen your city and trust tliat your family has escaped. Please accei)t my mite in behalf of the sufferers $5.00. And belie \e me your friend, John Hanson. Chica(.o, III., 22nd June, 1877. To His Honou the Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Ab'tV, — l?hiclosed please find our chock for fifty ilollars to bo applied imder your dircctic.i to the relief of the suilbrers by tire. You T-', &c., Fuller & Fuller. Granu Hapids, Mich., 22u(1 Juno, 1877. To THE Mayor of St. John. Please accept this small amount, (."!:^].00,) in the name of humanity, and make the best use jJOSsiMc of it for the benefit of the sufferers of your alHicted city, aud may God watch over and ]>rotect you all. • A Friend. Parusboro, N. S,, 22uJ June, 1877. The Mayor op St. John. You are hei'oby anthoi'i.''.ed to 'Iraw upon tliis Rank agency for the sum of one iiuadred dollars, it being the amount of coutiibutions handed in to me tliis dii}, by a i'ew persons in this town, towards the relief of the suH'erers by 3'oui' hite disastrous fire. I am, yours truly, A. S. TowNSiiEND, Aijenl Halifax Baukiwj Co. " ' Bank Of British North America, | St. John, N. B., 22nd June, 1877. \ To His Worsiist Dii. Farle, Mayor. Dear iSir, — 1 hu vn the lienor to inform you that the Oonrt of Directors of this Bank, London, England, have authorized the general manager, R. K. Giindley, Esip, to subbcribo j£500 sterling for i-elief of sufferera by the late fire hoi"e. Youi-h truly, John Lawless, Mana^/er. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 47 a v V T^ ,r r, Newcastle, N. B., 22nil. Tune, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John. My Dear Mayor,~lt is with deep feelings of rerrret that I have leai-necl the news from your city in the cahanitous fire tliat destroyed it, and I ruly and sincerely sympathise with tlie sufferers of all classes. When I look Lack to the year 1 825, when the destractive tii-e spread over this County, and witnessed at that time the grief and suffering of the people, my heart yearns towards the sutfere.'s, more especially among the poor, which the present calamity must fall heavily upon. I have great pleasure in enclosing you a draft on the Montreal Bank for f5(, which you will be please.l to distribute in such a way .-us in your opinion will do the most good in alleviating the distress and suffering of the deserving [.oor of your city. Again sympathising with the inhabitants generally. With much respect youi-s sincerely, Edward Williston. To THE Hox. ^. Z, Earle, St. John, N. B. ^""'' ''""■ --"' "'""'-'■ ^'"• Dear Sir,— I send you enclosed my check for one hundr-ed dollars to be ex- pended at once for the sick and suffering poor. Most respectfully, your obt. Servant, John H. Rogers. Mayor Earle. " I^«wic„, Mass., 22nd June, 1877. I sent you this morning two barrels of l)iscuit, also a bale of bedding and some clothing, and sincerely hope that they may reach you and be of some servio to your people in their affliction. Respectfully, w 1 J 1 n ^ ^r.. ^^ Mrs. M. D. Smith. iinclosed please find $25.00. The Mayor of St. John, N. B. ''""™'' ^'""•' ''""^ •'""''• ''^^• I have read with the deepest sympathy the sad and heart rending details of your terrible calamity, and I send you herein one dollar for the :,ufferei-s. i wish it was one hundred, but I am not rich and am, as it were, out of employment, and have earned but little for the last fourteen months. ' " "? ' '^ " Geo. S. Nutting. Me^ssrs. Stewart & White, St. John, N. B. ''"' '^"''"' """' """' ''"• Genthmm,~T:he accounta of the .earful calamity that has })efallen St. John, make us realize that there must be an immense amount of suffering that calls for immediate relief. Please therefore use the enclosed ciieck for .frtO.OO, in the manner you may see fit to best alleviate the distress of the homeless and hungiy, and inform us if there is any way of which we can hv> of service to youi-selvel Respectfully, '^ '' Palmer & Embury. ^ 418 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. New York, June 23rd, '377. Gen. D. B. Warner, U. S. Consul. Dear Sir, — Wishing to conlribute my mite toward the relief of the sufferers by the fire, I have taken the liberty of buying a P. O. Order for $25.00, payable ix) Gen. D. B. Warner, which I hope will duly reach you. You will not, I hope, consider it too much trouble to put it where it will do the good. Yours respectfully, . Erastus Titus, .V ' ■ ■ (JmcAoo, III., June 23ril, 1877. To THE Hon S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sv; — Enclosed heiowith, please find draft for the sun one thousand dollars. This is contributed by vote of the Chicago Clearing House Association for the aid and relief of the snfferera by the calamity which has befallen your city. With the sympathy of this Association extend^^d to the citizens of St. John, T am most respectfully yours, John DeKiven, Prem/ent. D. R. Hale, Secretary. Cambriugeport,, 23rd June, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., St. John. Dear Sir, — Enclosed please find Bill of Lading of five liarrels biscuit shipped this day per steamer. Will send more per "(Jallatin" early in the week. Yours truly, Thurston, Hall & Co. Wkstmorland Coal Comvany, | Philadelpliia, I'a., USrd June, 1877. \ RoBT. Britain, Esq., Secy. Gas Light Co., St. John, N. B. Enclosed find our check to your order for one hundred dollai'S as a contribution for the sufferei.s from the late conflagration. Please hand it to the representative of the fund and acknowledge recei|)t. Yours truly, V. If. Ja(^KSON, Vice-PreHideiU. New London, Conn., 23rd Juno, 1877. To THE Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I enclose herein check for one hundred dollars for the benefit of the sutTerers by the fire in your city. Very respectfullv yours, W. W. HlLLINdS. - , . Syracuse, N. Y., 2.Srd June, 1877. Mayor Eaple. Dear Sir, — -I send you to-day by American Exj)ress oiui case of clothing, bed- ding, &c. Hoping that they will do as much good a,s I want them to, I am yours, very truly, Matthew 1^. Paul, an old St. John hoy. .' EXPUESSrONS OP SYMPATHY. ^0 To THE Ma .- OP St. John. ^ ' "' Cornwallis, N. S., 23rd June, Z877. I beg to eudose five dollars towards the relief of the snfferei-s by the conflagi-ft. tionofSt..loJin. Yours truly, C C, Hamilton. To His Excellency the Mayor op St. John. ^'™^' ^'•''- ^'^ ''""*'• '«"• BearSir.-Uerein please find memo: and rhilroad receipt for goods that wo forwarded to you this day, for the relief of the sufferei^ by the late fire in your city. Ir necessity should require wc .shall stand ready to do our part in the future, - I From yours, truly, E, T. CoWDREYifeCo. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John. ^°''''^' ^""'^ ^^'^'' ^^"• 2)earSir,-Vp to this hour, 10 a. m., we have shipped from the Boston Young Mens Christian Union, (Boylston St.,) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (until 10 a. m ) -- barrels, 22 packed cases, 9 mattrasses, 5 pillows, 1 bedstead and 1 large bundle of men, women and children's clothing and boots and shoes, and a description of contents stated on each. We are constantly receiving donations, and shall con tmue to luury forward and hope that everything will arrive promptly in good order, and help to relieve your i>eoi)le. I shall be pleased to receive instructions as to your present needs in special ways. Very truly youre, Wm. H. Balwin, President. Mayor's Office, Salem, Maes., 23rd June, 1877. To His Honor the Mayor op St. John, N. B. Earnestly sympathising with the citizens of St. John In its suffering, our i^ot.le will give what aid is possible. I will write again and more definitely in a few "'^^^- Yours very tndy, Henry K. Oliver, i/«2/o?-. Hon. S. Z. Earle, St. John. ^^''"'"'' ^^- ^^''^ •^""«' '877. My Dear Sv^,-On my return I find that the subscription of our citixons amounts to seven thousand dollars which will be placed at your disposal in a few days. '■ To-morrow I leave for Boston and Providence and will endeavor to interest the peoi)le 111 your behalf. Next Saturday, on my return, I may come to St. John for a day to look abort antl ascertain what more wo can do. Youi-s with sympathy, A. C. Hamlin, Mayor. T 90 SAINT JOHN llELIEB' AND AID SOCIETY. " ■ Annapoua Royal' N. S., 23rd June, 1877. Ills Worship the Mayor. Sir, — At a meeting of the i-esidents of Annapolis lloyal, tlie following resolu- tion wiis pa.ssed unanimously : — "Whereas, the n"tuve of the calamity which has overtaken the City of St. John, is such as should stir the sympathy, energy and bonsvolence of every chris- tian community to advance, by their assistance, the relief of the afflicted." "Therefore resolved, that this meeting a])i)oint a committee to solicit sul)scrip- tions and receive donations of food, clothing, &c., for the distressed, and that they should forward the same to the proper authorities of St. John with the least possible delay." The result of the donations and subscriptions collected this morning are for- warded in the care of Messrs. W. J. r'hannon, Wni. H. Banks and T. L. Rrittain. The value of which is about $1242.37, of which $500.10 is cash. Annapolis trusts to forward a further supply without delay. , By ordei' of the meeting. R. J. TJmACKE, Secretary. ' . St. John, N. B., 23rtl. June, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor. Dear Sir,— Enclosed please find our chcfpie for two hinidred dollars towards the relief fund, which we hand you as directed by a cable desp.atch of which the following is a copy: "Subscribe two hundred dollars relief fund." Geo. Sayer & Co,, Cognac, France. KiNNEAR Bros. CANNiNn, N. S., 23rd .Tune, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John. Sympathising to some extent with you iu the ten'il)le calamity whicli has befallen your peoi>le, we beg leave to liand you (.'hock iur !i?271. 90 which you will jilense use for their relief in the way you deem proper. On behalf of our Village, f ., ■ I am, yoiu's truly, D. M. Dickie. L0ND0NDEnT!V, N. S. '23r(l .Tunc, 1877. Dear Sir, — Enclosed please find Sl-T-OO whicli I have gathcKvl up in this vicin- ity in aid of the suftei'ovs of j'our city. Wish it was a h'.'ger amount. Will send you provisions in two days fi'om now 1 ]io])e. llespectfully yoiii'S, ' John C. Si'ENCE. j ■ '' ■ ' ■ •■' "' ■ '" '-'"' Toronto, June 23rd, 1877. The Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — At a meeting of our citizens yesterday afternoon, after voting the sum of $20,000 ca.sli for the relief of your city, they appointed Messi's. Aid. ('lose, EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. ,. . 51 IlalJum and mystilf a committee to receive all goods of any kind that mi"!.,- bo coutiilmted by onr citizens or otherwise for you. When the meeting had ac^ourned 1 telegraphed you as follows :_"Conunittoe appointed by citizens this attei-noon to collect what goods you need most, state what they are ; fi'ei-ht free " The comnuttee on meeting to-day elected me their chairman, and in that c.ipacity 1 have, an hour ago, telegraphed you as follows :-" Let me know certain co- night What you most need in now clothing, household goods or anything that this city can supply to help youj there will be inunediate response outside of all money subscriptions." . • . •' I am anxious to get a reply. ■ / . . ^ # , - , . . Faithfully yours, ,, ..: • ■)■■ i'>-'>-yiu CovtM^, Chairman Cithens' Com. MayobEaule. Portsmoutii,N.H., 23rd June, 1877. I send you this morning by express, a box to your address for the sufferei-s by .0 hre. The bo.v is sent by n Society connected with the Unitarian Parish of tJiis city, called the Ladies Domestic JMissionary Society. ,;•! , . With much sympathy, > • M ; ... Sarah H. Foster. TiiK WousniPKu. TuE Mayor of St. John. ''"''""""' ^'''■' '''^ '""''' ''"• ^',V,-I inclose twenty dollars to the fund for the relief of the sufferers by the iate, most disastrous lire. , Your obt. servant, ■ : : :>«! . ^- ^'^^VfJ^R'T, St. Jame's C/mrc/i, Orilld. To TiiK Hon. thk Mayor, St. John. ^™""'' "■^"'"^«^^' ^'^'' 25th, 1877. JMor >Sir,~I have the pleasure of enclosing a draft for ninety-seven dollars and loity-two cents payable to your order, and for the relief of the sufferers of your city. May I beg yuu to acknowledge the same and credit it to my con-n-e- gation, a portion of which was composed of the M^isonic fraternity. We send you our most cordial sympathies, and hope that Providence may favor you in your elloits to re-build your stricken city. , .= , t,.i,,, I am, veiy truly yours, ,, . , ; Ciias. a. H. Stoukinu, D. D., Hector Grace Church. S. Z. Earlk, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. ""''''"■ ^"'- '^"^ ''''''' ^«"- Dei^- Sir -In accordance with a resolution parsed at a .special meeting of our council, he d on Saturday evening, 1 now enclo,se you a draft for one thousand dollars to be distributed by you to the best advantage among the poor suffereiB trom the late fire. In doing so I extend to you the heartfelt sympathy of our council and citizens generally for the great loss you have incurred, not only of life but propeziiy. H SAINT JOHN Relief and aid society. I trust however, that from the ivshes will arise another and a more 1>eautiful city, and that St. John may, within a short period be fiouriHliing as before. With best wishes for your future success. I remain, my dear Sir, yours very truly, Fuiiu. J. Chauwic'k, Mayor. Town Hall, Liverpool, England, 25th June, 1877. The Worshipful the Mayor, St. John. Dear Jfr. Mayor, — I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your tele- gram. I need not say that the inhabitants of Liverpool deeply sympathise with you in the calamity whicli has befallen your city, and arrangements arc already being made for a public meeting to consider what steps .should be taken to assist in relieving the sulferei'S, the result of which will be duly communicated to you. I am, dear Mr. Mayor, yours respectfully, Barclay Walker, Mayor. Andoveb, N. B., 25th Jmie, 1877. Mayor Earle. Bear Sir, — Enclosed i)leasc find one hundred dollars to cover amount advised by telegram this day, for distribution among the sufferers of yoiu- city You have our deepest sympathy for the loss of your beautiful city, but trust that ere long, Phienix-like, another city will rise from its allies, more beautiful than the one just destroyed. Youi-s truly, ;< ' • • . , " !. B. Beveriuoe & Sons. New Bedford, Mass., 25th June, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John. Dear Sir, — In behalf of the citizens of New Bedford I have the pleasure to hand you this bank check, $2171, on Boston, endorsed to you for live hundred dollars, to be a^jplied for the relief of your sufferei-s. cause me to be advised of its reception, and accept of our heai-tfelt sympathy. Youi^s very truly, : J . A. Beavwis, Fresident Eelief Committee. Fall Kivek, 25th Juno, 1877. To Mayor Earle. By this a. m. express I consigned to the Revenue Cutter " Gallatin," two boxes and one bundle of bedding and clothing for the relief of the sufferers. Trusting that they may reach you [iromptly and relieve u few of the destitute sufferei-s, Ls the earnest wish of our sympathising citizens. Youi-s truly, , ., , - ■,, , , ., ; Mrs. Kobert Adams. St. Andrews, N. B., 25th June, 1877. To His Worship the Mayor. Sir, — By this day's train, there will be forwarded to yoii." care, three cases of clothing and blankets, collected by the Ladies of this town, headed by Mrs. Tilley. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. §§ Collections arc being made for the purchase of cotton, 6:c., to be nuule up for clnldren and women left desoh.te by the fire. The connnittce here feel that your Me. are very arduous, and-hope your l.ealth and strength will be equal to the tiying emergency. I am Sir, yours respectfully, y. T. Gove, Chairman Relief Com. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor. Buckspokt, :Mk., 2oth Juno, 1877. Dear Sir,-^h^ enclosed check for three hundred and twenty dollars is the amount contributed by the people of this village for your suiferi^ poor, t Is. i addition to some bbls. of clothing, &c., sent by rail = 1 ' S biought upon your City. Please acknowledge its receipt and oblige, ,, Yours truly, "' T. C. Woodman, To THE Hon. Mayor, St. John. Walden, Mass., 25th June, 1877. near ,S'ctfully youivs, Wilson Packing Co., ! ; V, CI. 0. Daiilgreen. Hon. Mayor OF St. John. Dover, Me., J 26,1877. Bear Slr,~\ sent a despatch saying that Dover and Foxcroft have forwarded by express eight packages of clothing and bedding, and $592.75 in money, you will find he money right, but by count at depot, I find six packages instead of CMgbt, and send this information to save you the trouble of search or inquiry It you look on the map you will find us an inland village, numbering about th-^ ame hundreds that your sufferers number thousands, but this small number came forward with alacrity to your call. Had our means equalled our syni,,athy fo,'- your homeless people, the amount would have been larger. As it is we have lono what we could cheeifully. Respectfully yours, A. W. Robinson. To THE Mayor of St. John. N. B. ^^^ ^'^""'' '^"''° ^'^' 'S"' • i?mr ^/r,-Wishing to express our sympathy to tho people of your bereaved city, we have shipped (50) fifty of our imperial spring cots to you, via U S Steamer Gallatin. We think you will find these very useful, especially where a temporary bed IS needed,-trusting that you will see that they are distributed where you think most needed. We remain, most respectively, ilowE Spring Bed Co, 56 BAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Alberto-i, p. E. I., Juno 20tli, 1877. To S, Z. EAUi.E, Mayor of St, John. Dear Hir, — Enclosed ploiise find account of pioviHions, clothing, &c., sent hy tho people of Alberton Villngo and vicinity, for the Kutierera liy the littc? lire, to whom they alHO beg to tender their sincere sympathy. William B. Dyer, Chairman of Belief Committee for AUtei-ton and vicinity. Goods shipped from Albijrton Station on June 2.5th, 1877: 10 libls, com meal, 2 bbls. pork, 2 bJils. Hour, one box [)ork, one box hams (130 lbs.,) 16 bbLs. pota- toes, one bag potatoes. Goods .shipj)cd on June 26th, 1877: 15 bbls. potatoes, 1 bbl. flour, 1 box cloih- ing, 1 box clothing, itc, kc. Please acknowledge and. oblige, William B. Dyer, Albei-ton. Woodstock, N. B,, Jub'* 2Cth, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Bear tSir,—l telegraphed you that tho enclosed ($200.00) two hundred dollars, towards the relief of the suflfercrs of the late disastrous fire in your city, A'ould be sent to-day. We know how to sympathize with you, having suffered ourselves, and but for this our offering would be larger; and we shall be able to send you something more, and we .sincerely hope your people will not be disheai'tenod. Youi-s very truly, L. F. Fifi.HER, Maym: .St. John, N. B., Juno 26, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Chairman Relief Fund. Dear Sir, — The Connnei-cial Union Assurance Company, of London, that we liave the honor of representing in this city, have requested us to tender to you their sincere .sympathy in the late terrible disastei-, and to hand you on their behalf the sum of $2,500.00. We enclose dejjosit receipt Bank of Nova Scotia for that sum. Yours very truly, A. C. it G. E. Fairweather. Sussex, N. B., 26th June, 1877. To Mayor Earle. J)ear tSir, — Since seniling you the car of provisions from our citizens on Satur- day last, I have had the sum of eight dollai's handed to me to forward you to be applied to your relief fund. With much sympathy for your calamity. Yours I'espectfuUy, ., J. G. Trites, KXPRESSrONS OF SYMPATnv, 57 LoNDONnEimv, N. B., Juno 2Cth, 1877. /).«r.SVV,- .piea«o find enclosod *2.00 Rev. Jas. MoLonn; also thul 12 ImvrolH flour marko.l X X at Railway Station, tboro consigncl to you froui J\rps.s.vs. MeLelau &, Blaikio, all for tli« .sumnor.s. Respectfully yours, ■Ji^o. C. HvKWP.n, Agent. Chari-ottetown, P. E. I., ,Iunc2l8t, 1877. S{r,~.l Ix^g to son.l you ucrowitli a case of .ocond Land clothing for the use of tho sufferers hy the St. John lire. A nu>u!,or of other persons are no.- n.aking up and collecting which will be forwarded iu a day or two. I had this packed up before a general collection was begun and tliought best to forward it at once Yours respectfully, A. A. MacDonald, Chalrvian Relief Fund Committee. Hex. D. B. WAHNKa, U. S. Consul, St. John, N. b"^' "•"^^' '"' '"" ''' ''" Dear ,S7r,_Enclosed find draft on National Bank of the Commonwealth of Boston for. S86S^25, that our citizens have cheerfully contributed to reliertl^e destitute and suffering of your city. I will write you more fully to-mon-ow and give you a list of the donors. Yours truly, ' « ™^^ ^"^' , II. B. BlOELOW. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. ^''' ^'''''''' ^'''''•' "^""^^ ^G, 1877. ^tr,-The Society of United Workei-s of New Haven send by to-day's express a box conta-iing new underclothing, for women and children, and they by you will have the articles distributed .as pressing need may require to a few of the maaiy sufferers by the calamity which has overtaken your city. Respectfully youra, Mus. L. DeV. Hoard, e'er. Aec//. fnifec? nW-er.. Li.t of garments sent by United Workers: 30 women's pieces, 18 boy's pieces 5 children's pieces, 48 yds piiut. J t '''>> Mayor S. Z. Earle. ''"'™''' ^- '''■• J""« 2(5, 1877. Dear ^tV.-Enclosed please find checp.e on Bank of Nova Stotia agency, in your favor, for one thousand dollars. (.^1000.00.) Plouse accept this on l,ehalf of tho mlmbitants of Pictou, as a first instalment of subscriptions for relief of tho sufferers by the late fire. A fuither sum of about .f 170.00 will be forwarded in a few days, which, with amounts forwarded or to be forwarded by New Caledonian Curling Club and Eastern Star Lodge of Oddfellows, will make Pictou's cash sub- scriptions about .$1800.00. Yours very truly, Please acknowledge receipt. ' ^""''"""" ^""'"'''' ^''''- "^'^'^-^ ^'^^^'^^' St 8AINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. MoNcroN, N. B., Juno 20, 1877. To S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. Jolin, N. I?, il/j/ Dear Sir, — Wo send by Mr. J. T). HendorHon, olcvon liiiiulrBd dollars, (.*!, 100.00) cash, and thorp Is on tho way 7 harrirln flour, Hn N. S., 07th .,u„o, IS77. Imlio,. of tl,i„ ,,l„c,. 1 ,„^, 1 v,v '■'"'•7"""-«'' '" yo'"- «'.v, tl,» ,,>„t,i- "■-*' " ^'^^ »..^u;;;:;'s:!,i,:-,:: ;;::.ri;;:r ,;;:^"" ' » . Youi-s'ul]y, RUFUS A. TltEMAlN. To Mayor Earle, St. Jolui, N. B. ^^''''"' "''''' ^^"'^^' ^- ^- -'"' •^""''> l«77. E. Vroom, Esq., treasurer of the Spring Hill Minii.g Co. ,. A. .:, ° ■ ' ' Yours veiy truly, ' ' ^- H. Cooper, ,S(3C. i^e^ie/- CWt. John IT. Parks, Esq., St. John. *^''"''''' '^^'''^'' ^' ^- -'*'' J""«. 1877. 7>.«;-^/,S With this I enclose cheek for 6115.00, amount s.bscdLecI by en. ployeos ot thu Albert Mining Co. in aid of your relief fund. .. I VToui-s truly, ' E. JJ. Ketciivm. To THE Mayor of St. John, N. B. Kentville, N. 8., 27th Juno, 1877. _ Dear ^/;-,--The hvdies and others of this village send forward to-day by trtin v,a Annapohs 2 cases of ready n.ade clothing, for won.en and childrl V ;"; l^Tfi^' -ch you xn .in. to be of service to your unfortunate sufferers by the ^^®^'^- I am, dear Su-, your ob't. Servant, James E. DeWolf. ■iwa (JO SAJXT JOHN ItELlkh^ AND AID SOCIETY. DKiBY, N. S., 27th June, 1877. S. Z. Eahle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir,— In luUlition to the tloiuition already Kent from Digby, I liave tlio ple:usure of forwarding by to-day's "Empress," ouo i)ackagc of clothing from Rev, John Ambrose of this place. Yours truly, E. J^UKNiiAJi, Treasurer Relief Fund. „, ,, ^ \Voi,i.-vii.i.i;, N. S., Juno 27, 1S7T. The Mayor, St. John, N. E. The ladies of VVolfville ha v e made up two cases of wearing a})parol which go by to-day's bv^at, for the Relief Coni'^ittee, which are directed to your care. I am, yours, uAMES fi. Mouse. „ „ „ „ Bkiduetowx, N. S., 27th June, 1S77. 8. Z. Eaule, Esq., Miiyoi-, St. John, N. ii. Dear Sir, — Enclosed please find one hundred and thirty-one -^^j^ dollars towards relief fund. More will go ibrward on Saturday in cash and goods. I inn, j-ours trulj', R. E. F. Randolf, Secij. lo Cvmmittee. ., „ „ ,, Truko, N. S., 527th Jime, 1877. b. Z. Lakle, Esq. I have much pleasure in forwarding the enclosed checque for igSO, foi- your suffering citizens. It is from a young friend in Chicajro, who preferred this prompt mode to that of waiting a subsription. Yours truly, Wll. McCULLOCH. Annapolis Royal, N. S., 27th June, 1877. His Wohship the Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear .Vi-,— Enclosed I send check for S54.U0. I also forward by Steamer one box of clothing to your address. These are donations from i^nnapolis Royal. Yours, &c., R. J. Uniacke, Secy. AiuiapoUa Relief Committee. Newcastle, N. B., 2:th Juno, 1877. Dear Sir, — Herewith please find !|5.00 which has been received by us from Mr. R. J. Flanagan, Batiscan, P. Q., in aid of the sufferers by the late fire. Yours truly, W. & J. Anslow. riuNcE William, Yoi;K Co., N. B., 'V II XM », ' ■ " 27th June, 1877. lo Ills WoKSHir TiiK Mayor. I forward you by tiuiii two barrels jtotatoes for relief. , Yours, &c., .' Levohitt Estabuooks. 1 RXPr.ESSION.S OF SYMPATHY. 6;^ TiiK Mavou of St. John. Fkkberictox, N. B., 07th June, 1S77, I enclose ilnift for $21.00, soiit by tl.o La.lies of Trinity Church, Li.ue Rock Connecticut, Uirough Eev. Millidgc Wiilker, in aid of tiio butferer-s by the fire. ' Youra, Andrew Inches. To THE Mayor ok St. John, N B. "^^ ''"'"' ''• '- ''"^ •'""^' ^^"^• Bear ,.%•,— Enclosed please iind forty do'lars, r,.,isod l)y subscription yesterday afternoon in this village, in bohalf of the sufferers by tli.; hitc tire in your city. Permit us also to express our deepest regrets, and tender our sympathies in this leariul affliction. Had we communication by either land or water we wouM doubtless do some- thuig for the de.'^titute ones, in tlie lino of (-rovisions and clothing, but situate as we are, we are denied the privilege. Yours respectfully, CI. A. C'ROWliLL. Dkau Mr. Lewin. ^"'' ^'"'''-'^ ^""^' ^''''''' "'*'> '^""^- '^^'■ i have had the pleasure of handing into the Mayor's office tliis day, as Chair- man on Committee of Hank Officers, their indi\-idual contributions 'in amount, $647.00 for the benefit of the St. John sufibrers, which goes to tJie general fund. Each paper that I read adds magnitude to the calamity, and indeed it must have luen terrible. You have the sympathy of the whole conuuunity, And of your friend, , K. B. CoNAUB. H,s WousniP THE Mayou o. St. John. ''™"'^' '""' '''''"' ^'"• ^ *S'u-,— All the officers and clerks in my department, as well tis that of the Sergeant-at-arms, have requested me to forward to you one day's jiav, as a contri bution for the relief of the sufferers by the late lire in your city, amounting to one hundred and fifty dollars. Yours truly, Alfred Patrh'K, Clerk of the House. '< '/ f(^...r,. V T\r c. r, Ottawa, '27th Jiulu, IS77. to. /a. liARLE, Esy., Mayor, St. Joim, iVr,~Wo have been engaged during the last two days in r^-isiug a subscription lor the hufferers by the fire at St. John, fVoiu the staHs of the several departments of this government, and of the Senate, House of Connnons and Parliamentary Library ; the proposed suDseriptioii being one day's pay from each. The great majority have already subscribed, but a good many ar., absent, and we" are unwilling to close this subscription without giving them a chance of a.lding their names to it. I therefore now send you a c'-ock for $1000 on a.;count, and in a wwk or ten days I will send you the balance which will pro))ably amount to Your obt. servant, John L.\NuroN, .ItM^i^w. $200 or more T 68 SAINT JOHN up:lief and aid society. Ui'i'KJ! Canada FriiN'vn-RK Co., \ Bo^vmau^ille, Out., 27lh Jimo, 1877. \ H. Va. Eaiile, IVIuyor of St. Jolm, N. B. Dear Sir, — Euclo.scid liiul (J. T. R. R. rocoii)t for fifty beds and fifty chairy for tlio benefit of the .sufferers by the lire, with the wishes of tlie ilonators tor your futui'o prospurit}'. F. ¥. McAuTiiuu, Agent. Hebron, Yarmouth, N. S., 27th June, 1877. fel.OO to llic little sufferers of Ht. John, IVoiu Percy Cf. Raymond, 12 years old ; one year's sa\'ing. " Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will help." • Paris, Caxada, 27th June, 1877. To His Woksiiip the Mayou of St. Joux. Sir, — " The Municipal Council of the Town of Paris, in its own behalf, and in behalf of their fellow-townsmen, desire to ex2) their ,sym])athy with the citizens of St. John, N. B., in tiiis t)ie time of their sore calamity. "Therefore Resolved, that the sum of three hundred dollais be sent from the Town of Paris to a.ssist in rclciving their follow-countrynien of St. John, N. B., iiud ti'at the Mayor of St. John be instructed to draw upon the ?ilayor of Paris tor said amount, who is hereby authorized to accept die drtet't and to order the jiayment of the same." 1 am dear Sir, yours truly, John Roberts, Clerk, T. of P. Mayor's Office, Buffalo, N. Y., 27th June, 1877. To THE lIoN". THE Mavou OK St. Joiin, N. B. Ikd.r Sir,- I'Jiclo.sed you will hnd draft on the National Bank of (Jommerce, [)ayable to your order for om.' tlioiisand dollars. This iimount iu an oflering from the Public Shool Children of the C'ty of Buffalo, to relieve the sufferei's at the latt! disastrous fire. The warmest .syin);)athies of our citizens are enlisted foi' the distressed condition of your population, and efforts are making to-day for assistance on your behalf. Respectfully yours, Philip Beeuseh, Mayor. Buffalo Board of Trade, \ Buffalo, N. Y., 27th June, 1877. \ S. '/a. Eakle, Esy., ]\Iayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — Enclosed please find IVIariue Bank of Buffalo draft on Bank of B N. America, New York, for (332. 08) three hundred and thirty-two ^^^ dollars, which I received for the relief of the sufferers from the recent fire in your city. 1 have been ai)pointed to receive subscriptions for this relief, — n.s faat as I receive one or two hundred dollars 1 will forward it to you. Hope this will reacli you safely. , Youi-s respectfully, Alonzo Richmond, President, EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 63 Mayor's Office, Gloucester, Mass., 27th June, 1877. His Honor the Mayor, St. John, N. B. My Dear Sir,—Om people sympafcluze witli yon very deeply in tlic tcrvil.lo calamity which has befallen your city. As cities we are related by the ties of commerce and consanguinity. Will you draw on mo at sight for one hundred dollars. We hope to send more in a few days. Vei-y sincerely, yours, Allan Rogers, Mayor. Mayor Earle. ''''"''" ^""'■' ^'- ^- "'"' •^""''' ''^"• Bmr ^ir,- -Herewith plea,se accept for distribution among sufferers in late fii'o, one Ciwe shoes and 3]i]iers— 1 1 2 pairs. Ite.spoctfully yours, Vincent & McFate. S.4INT John, N. B., 2Stli , June, 1S77. To His Woiisiiir, Mayor Earlk, Court House. Sir,— I beg to inform yon that the Relief Fund Account is crediteil ^2?)M equivalent of $25, U. S. cy., su'.scription of Erastus Titus, 28.3 Washington Street. Now York, and .f 236.97 from the Mayor's Office, City of Baltimore. " Tlxese amounts were received tlirough Genl. D. B. Warner, U. S. Consul here. Yours truly, J no. Lawless, Manoxjer Bank of B. N. A. TV -CI ii«- « o, -.- , BAUiorsiE, , Tune 28tli, 1877 Dr. Earle, M."yor of St. John. ox,u, m,,,. My Dear aSV?-,— Enclosed please find clieck for (|200.00) two hundi-ed dollars from die people of this town to your Relief Fund, witli very best wishes, and a great desire to see St. John as it was ere long. Your obedient ser^-ant, W. H. Phillips. c! 7 T?.„r^ T- nf ca. r, ^ViNp-oR, N. S,, 28th June, 1877. b. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John. Dear ,?(>,— Since having the pleasure on the 2.")tli inst., advising that J iiad placed $3000 at disposal of Relief Connnittee, I liave received yonr telegrams of 26th and 2rtli insts., the contents of which shall ]w made known to the inhabitants of Windsor. ] now beg to hand you a check for !«3.^0 for the Relief Committee, tl»is amount huA ing been collected since ] wrote before. Yours very truly, Walter Lawson, Treas, lielicf Committef. T 64 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Yarmouth, N. S., Juno 28tli, 1877. S. 7j. Earle, Esq. Dear H\r,—\ enclose Bank of Y.irmoutli clrafL on Saint John Bank of IMontreal. Ifo. ii^l, for seven luuulreil dollars on acconnt of subscription for relief of sufTerers by Saint John lire, We shall have a fui-tlier sum to send, Respectfully, L. E. Bahker. I also send box and package clothing, ])y steamer " Dominion," as per bill enclosed of T. B. Davis & Co., if 50.00. Bay Side, St. Andrews, June 28tb, 1877. The Mayor of St. John. Dear /S'/r,— Within please find Post Office Order for fifty dollars (i$50.00) to be devoted to the relief of the sufferei-s by the late fire in your city. I collected the money in Booabec, Digdeguash and Bay Side, and there is, I hope, as much more to follow (D. V.) in the course of a foi-tnight. May Our Heavenly Father sanctify the awful calamity to you and your fellow-citizens and fellow-sufiercis is the sincere prayer of Dear Sir, youra very tmdy, William Miller, Presbyterian 3finister. Earle, Esq., IVlnyor of St. John, N. B. p. S, — Please send i^ostal Card acknowledging receipt, Bangor, Maine, June 28th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. J)ear Sir, — In absence of Mayor Hamlin I opened your telegram of this date. I mot Mr. Graham and his party at the E. & N. A. 11. Station and accomi)anied them to the Western Depot, where they all "ate and were filled." Our fellow- citizon, ]\Ir. B. S. Naye, who is Propietor of the Station R<;stain'ant, declined to teceive any rcnumeration for his supper, and so there was little for us to do but to welcome the "Little Wanderers" and bid them "God Speed." The party left for Boston at 8 p. m., and will, I hope, find a comfortable home in Boston until their own homes, so suddenly taken from them, are restored. Bo assured that we are all gratified to have you call on us for anything we can do for your distressed people. Resp'y yours, John L. Crosdv, City Treasurer. CnAiu.onF.iowN', V. E. Island, .Juno 23th, 1877. Dear Sir, — We have to-day shipped you via Point DuChene, a containing.; wearing a2)parel which we have collected in this city during the jjast two or thrre days, and ho})e soon to bo able to forward a second one. Trusting they may l)e found useful to those Avho require them. We remain yoni-s tiuly, Mrs. John MacOowan, Mis^s Owen. EXPRES,SIONS OF SYMPATHY. 03 Harp.ingtojt, Mb., 28th June, 1877. To His Exc'ellency, Mayor Earle, St. John, N. B. Dmr »S'(V,~Euclosed ploiwo liu1"^*''^ Yours, .te., &c., F. A. Everett. To T„E Hoi>. THE Mayor of St. John. ^''"°"' '^""'^ ''"'"'• '^'^^■ ^Vr,-It give, me great pleasure to say that in response to a call for a imblic meetmg which I had the honor to make for the purpose of sending relief to the sufferers from th. recent dreadful calamity that luis overtalcen your city, (and to wliom we^ tender our heartfelt sympathies,) I now enclose Detroit Savings Bank draft n-i American Exchange National IJank, N. Y., for $1000.00, to be applied for the purpose stated above. I hope that within a day or two I shall be able to send a further remittance. Respectfully yours, A.hEX. Lewis, Mai/or of Detroit. To His Worship the Mayor, St. John. '" '""' ""• ^- '""'^ -'"'' ^^"• Bear Sir,~Wo herewith enclose a check from J. H. Sternberoh, Esr, of Reading, Pa., on the Farmei-s' National Rank of Reading, Ra., payable to your order for .?2.,.00, which amount the drawer wishes to contribute as his n.ite toward the relief of the suflering people of this city. Please accept for that purpose and acknowledge receipt of same. Thos. McAvitv c'c Sons. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John. ^"'^ "' ^'''"' ^'"'■' '^""'^ '^''^' l^^^. JJear ,Sir~-pha^c draw on me for the sum of .3730.00, contributed by the citizens of Salem, in aid of the sutlerers by the fire in your city. Sometlun<. more will be ready in a few days. Yours truly, Henry K. Oliver, Mai/or. Your Honor, the Mayor o. St. John. ''"'™' HiuiiLANns, June 29th, 1877. IIoHored A~'/r,_Thinking that some of your people may be suflering from 8pra.m.s. bruises, etc., I have caused to be forwarded for their use, one gross old English Liniment^-value fifty dollars-which I hope will give .satisfaction. You will please acknowledge its receijit. Yours truly M. N. Louis. Hon. S. Z. Earle, St. John, N. R. ^^'™' ^''■' -^""^ ^Oth, 1877. We have this day shipped you, per Eastern R. R., „ne erne of goods, which we trast will be of some service in supplying the wants of your people, with whom we deeply symiiathize. Yours truly, C. H. Hayward, Presl. Young Men's C. Association. T G8 SAINT John relief and aid societv. Nkw YoiiK, June 29tli, 1877. To S. Z. Eaiile, Esq., M. D., St. Jolin, N. B. J)ear Sir, — Enclcsud pleiiHe find check for $100.00 gold, on Bank of No\-{i Scotia, jjayablc to yoiu- order, for account of Relief Fund for suffer(3rs liy the late fire. Trusting same may reach you safely, Iv^e remain, yours truly, J. & G. FOWLEU. New York, June 2'Jth, 1877. A. Chipman Smith, Esq. Dear Sir, — Herewith i)le;ise find check for !i^85.00, being a subscription of American Shipmastei-s, at our office, for the bouelit of the suiferei's by tlie late lire in your city, the receipt of wliicli you will please acknowledge. We renuiin. Dear Sir, youi's rcHjiectfully, B. F. TmuLovv it Son. Shkdiac, June 30th, 1877. To THE Mayor or St. Jotix. Bear Sir, — The ''White Star" Comedy Club and School Boys of this i)lace, gave their lirst concert last night, and we now enclose you a clieque for $11,00, the net proceeds. You will plea«e add it to your Belief Funnd. Yours truly, Alexander Smith and Clarence Webster. WoLFViLLE, N. S,, .June 30th, 1877. To His Worship the Mayor. Dear Sir,—1 forwarded you by W. & A. R. R. -il bbls. potatoes, as a small contribution from the neighbors. It wtis my intention to have sent a car load, but I coidd not get them at any price. You will acknowledge receipt of them. Yours respectfully, J. H. Bishop. Bridgetowx, N. S., June 30th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John. Dear Sir, — I enclose draft on Bank N. S. for $.56.23; also, Judge Wilkins' draft for $80,00, for fire Relief Fund. Youi-s respectfully, ' * ■ ■ ' ^ ■ R. E. F. Randolph, Sec/j. Ih-idcjetowu Relief. Com. AMHER.ST, N. S., June 30th, 1877. The Mayor. Dear Sir, — I am sending by express train to-night a bundle of cliiklrens' cloth- ing addressed to you, which Mi's. Stewart has got ready, and which, I trust, will be acceptable in your present emergency. Believe me, , Youi-s truly, C. J. Stewart. tXPUESSlONS OF SYMPATllV. Ot) Tw w T.T rv ^ , CHU'A(io, Ii.r,., Juno .mil, 1877. Dn. Eable, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir,—lliivowith I beg to hand you a draft of $274.00 gokl, on tho Bank of Montroal, which, with tlio amount ahoady wont you in Telfgiapliic Exchange of the same Bank, makes tlie full sum of $5788 ^^, collected on the Board of Trade, Chicago, for the benelit of tho Hulferers of the late di.saHtrous tire in your city. Very sincerely youns,' ^y^i. RiviiAHDSo^, C/mirmau of Cum. T,>M... „p o. Ti Sphino Hn.i, MiNKH, .June .SOth, 1877. io Mayor Eaulk, St. John. ^ Dear >SVV,— lind enclosed order for 6200.00, at sight, on W. E. Vroom, Secy. Spring Hill Mining Co., which pleiuso acce]>t a.s part of Spring JliU's sn).' soriptiou to Relief Fund, the balance, when in my hands, 1 will remit by mail. Your.s truly, R. H. COOI'KH. AFivAP I?*.,,,. «+ Ti XT I. Bay Veete, N. B.,.Jmie 30th, 1877. JiAvoR iiiAULE, bt. John, N. B. near .S'/V,— accept the enclosed check for ,S50.00 for benefit of sufferers by late tire, with wlioiu I deiiply .sympathize. Yours very truly, Thomas Mauee. S. Z. Eaule, Es,., St. John. ^"'^'""'' ""• ^'^ '''''' '''''' ''"■ I have .shipped this day by rail, one bbl. purk, for relief of sufierer;> bv fire. You will acknowledge receipt. Yours respectfully, Wm. Avaud. TT^„ o r/ El ,, - ., . fiKLFAST, Ivlu., June 30t'l, 1877 Hon. S. Z. Eahle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. ^ IJear A^tV,— Enclosed find check of B.dfast National Bank on Tremont National Bank, Boston, for five hundred and twenty-lour dollars, being amount of sub- scription by our citizens for the relief of the sufferers by the late fiie in St. Juhn, to which purpose, please ajjply it and acknowledge receipt. Yours with sympathy, , N. F. H0U.STOX, Jfayor. a r, V n nr r. ^ , Peterborouoh, Ont., June 30th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Es AID SUC'IKTV, Piiii.AhKi.nuA, June 30th, 1877. Mayor Kmilk, St. Jolin, N. R. JJcar,Sh;-^l shi,,,,,,! a of f,-o,n liere yesterday, fo,- tho roliof of the ,sufl.r<,.-s l.y th. liro i.i yot.r city. 110,.!,,,^. to l,o able to „,ako another Hhi,> meat slioitly, I am, dear Sir, Yoiu^ roHpoctfully, Ed. R. Sharwood, Sec)/, To The Mayur or St. J,>„n. ^''" ^"^"'^^■'■^' Annapolis, N. S., J,.ly 2n,l, 1877. _ Ploas. accept fion, the ladies of tl.o I'arisli of St. Clements, two 1,1,1s. of clotl.- nig, tor the sufferers of yonr city. We also sent to the' iJev. Mr. I'.rigstocke the .sun. of twenty dollars, less expenses, received yesterday in one of my cliurclies. Yours res]>ectfully, W. M. Godfrey, M'miuneru. S. Z. Eaulk, Esq., Mayor, St. John ^"""'' •^""''' ^'' ■'^- "^"'^ -'"'' '^^^■ JMar AVr,-Enclosod please lind two checks on Pictou Bank for 8r.81..-,0 which 1 have collected in the Village of liiver John, N. S., towards ilelief' Fund lor suflerei'sbytne late disastrous fire in St. John, which 1 will thank you to acknowledge through the Halifax Morning Chronicle. Yours truly, Chas. McLennan. Hon. S. Z. Eakle, St. John. Monticallo, N. Y.. July 2ud, 1877. Bear .S7V,-The congregation of Mongaup Valley, of which I am Pastor, raised the small sum of .$33.;30 in aid of the sufferers in St. John, which you will please acknowledge. Yours truly, Rev. Wm. Ferrie, Monjaup Valleij, N. Y. To THE Mayor of St. John. Baltimore, U. S., July 2ml, 1877. ^»V- You will please find enclosed a draft on Messrs. Brown Brothers & Co New York, for the sun, of $305.00, which I have been requested to remit to you tor the sulTerers by the late fire in your city. Deeply sympathizing with you and the" people of your city in the great mis- tortune that has happened to them. Believe me. Sir, Yours respectfully, ^""' ' ' • * ' '' ' ^enis Donohue, H.B.M. Conml EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. ^« Mayoh EAnr.K, CAMBRinriE, Q. Co., J„ly 2uk,,tH an.l cmiltn for iJUdge, (,). Co. \ou will acknowledge roceii)t Yours truly, . . ' Jacoh H. Dvkrman. S. Z. Eak.., Esq., Mayor, City of St. John. ''• '''"™-^' ""• '''- ''"^^ ^"^' ^«77- >%-,_The eiliz,m« of the Village of St. Martinn, dosi,,. through you to .v,.ros« then. s,-rnpathy with .Saint John, with which eity our .unnoetion is ho elo o ' I Its niKsfortune we already substantially feel to he our.s. We ask vou t ae " the acconnmnying $302.G2, to he api-licd to the relief of the suilererl ' Citizen.?. To n,s Worship, th. Mavok ok St. John, N. B.""'""'' ""• '" '"'''"'' ^''"• 0& ady Haly, k. 0. B.. connnan.ling H. M. forces hi British North America to hand you the accon.panying ,lraft for .^.522.21, being the amount sub.scrib«l by the oihcers, non-conuni.ssioned olMcers and .soldier.^ of the Garrison of Halifax Sw ^i7l "' t/'^'^^^^^^"^ -^- 'y ^'- --t dis.trous lire I^ t :! City of baint John. 1 have the honor to be, Sir, your ob't. Servant, . ^- H. O'Gkady Haly, Captain ami A. 1). C. S. Z. Earle, Esq., I^Iayor, St. John. °'''''''' ^''^ ^''^^' '^77. n n T '^''';T:^ ^'"'''' ^''' ''°""' *° ''"'^''''' '' "^'^^'^ «f •^•'^^•00 from Z. Wilson Esn Collector o Customs of this Port, being amount of Subscription of himself ami oflicens to the fund for relief of the sufferers by the late fire, with the expres o of their deepest sympathy. I have the Iionor to be, dear Sir, your ob't. Servant, . ^ J. Johnson, Commr. Customs. Hon. S. Z. Eakle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. ^"''^''°' ^'''- ^"'^ •^''^^' ^«"7. My Dear Sir\o.,A please find draft on Bank of Montreal, payable to yonr or.h.r, for (#10 000) ten thousand dollars, a contribution from tl.; Lell ant^ &c., of Chicago, to the relief fund of your city. Obediently, 31. Heath, Mayor. S. Z. Eaule, Esq. _ "'"•"■^^■- N. S., .>,i, 1877. Dear ^Yj-,-I have the honor to hand you herewith a cheque endorsed to your order lor the sum of .f42.o0, being an a.hlitional sub.scription from Her MajeltT' Carri.son, making, together with the previous remittance of ^522 21 the toial fuuouut subscribed |564.71. I remain, dear Sir, faithfully yours, J. H. O'Grady Haley, Captain and 4. D, C, 72 SAINT JOHN RELIKF AND All) SOCIETY. ', Mahh., July Dnl, 1877, Hon. S. Z. Eahm!. Dear Sir, — Ono box siiul one Ixxnd sliipiiod to St, John in your cnie this iift( !•• noon, — -your kiutl lottei- of ivckiiowl('(l<,'iueut reooivevere generally contributed by all cla.sse,s and deiioniinatious in this village EXPEBSSIONS OF SYMPATHY. n and ne.ghlK)nrhoo.l, towai-ds the relief of tl.e HuffeieiH by the awful conflugiation with whiclj your city was recently viHited. PleaHe accept them aH an ovidonce of our deej, Hynipathy with you all in your present (liHtiess, aii.l a]m as an otTerun, made to Him who said, "The ,.oor ye have always with you, and whoever ye will ye may do tliem good," of silver an.l koM we have hut little, but such as we have, we cAee//H% give unto you. May God abundantly bless the givers and receivers. Yours respectfully, W, H. Snyder, Hector St. Jmie's Church, Mnhone Bmj, York, Co. ok Halpima-vd, Ont., July 4th, 1877. .S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. fi. Slr,—\ have much pleasure in forwarding to you the enclosed draft of .f 200 00 a donation from the Council of the County of Haldimand, in aid of the suilbrera by the late lire in your city. Your ob't servant, Adam A. Davjs, Warden, Co. I/aldiynan. IS His WouHinP t,ie Mayor, St. John. ^''- '""''• ^' ^■' '""^^ ^'^' '^^^■ Dear ^',V,— Please find eucloseil check for $25.00 for the Relief Fund the con- tnl.ation of J. J. Fox, Collector of Customs at the Magdalen Islands. Mr Fox desues me, at the same time, to express to your Woi-ship and the citizens of St John his heartfelt sympathy for the loss and suffering that have befallen our rieonle by the late calamity. I am Sir-, your obt. servant, John V. Ellis. Lawkencetown, Awapolis Co., N. S., | A. Chipman Smith, Esq., Relief Com., St. Jolin. "^"'^ ^*''' ^^"- * Dear Sir,—1 have just received the enclosed ten dollars from "a friend " with the request that I would forward the same for the relief of the sufferers in your city by the late disastrous fire-he being absent when the contributions from this place were sent forward. T remain yours truly, Fred. Leavitt. May-r S. Z. Earle, St. John, N. B. ^''^''' ^' ^- ^"^^ ^'^' ^»77. Dear ,SiV,— Enclosed please find cheque in your favor on Bank of N Scotia Agency for .$232.46, balance of Pictou's contribution to the Relief Fund for sufferers by the fire. Please advise me of its coming safely to hand. Yours truly, ■ "■' Ci-ARENCE Primrose, 2Vea«. /?c/jc/"Cw«, W 74 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. ■■ ■ ' Sackville, N. B., July 5th, 1877. S. Z. Eaule, Esq,, Mayor, St. John. Dear f^tr, — I enclose M. Woods & Sons' chock on Maritime Bank foi- ^87.58, amount collected in Stick ville since I wrote jou to draw on me for ^235.00. Tlie Maclianics' Division of tl)e Sons of Temperance, Sackville, contributed $18.0.') , tiie first mentioned sum being raised by a dramatic performance. Mr. Edward Cogswell and myself forwarded six sto^■es yesterday to tlie Relief Com., an additional contribution from ourselves, wliich 1 trust will prove accept- able, • Youi-s sincerely, A. E. BOTSFORD. BllITISH CONHUI.ATK (iKKKUAL, New York, July 5th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. R. Dnar /S'(V, — T am, th's morning, in )-oceii)t of your letter of the 2nd inst., acknowledging receipt of !if5,.500.00, rendtted by me to you in aid of the fund for the relief of the suffereir by the lire. I now have the pleasure to enclose a further sight draft on the Bank of Mon- treal at St. John, N. B., for the sum of ft3,000.()0, to be added to the above mentioneil fund from contiil)ntioiis leceivud by me at this place. I shall not fail to comnuniicate to the contributors the expression of your sincere thanks on behalf of the suflering citizens of St. John, for tlie aid afforded tliem in their destitute circumstances. I lament to learn that the Press has net exaggei'ated, but rather understated tlie losses which have been suflTered. I am dear Sir, veiy truly yours, E. M. Ap.chibald. NAN'nrcKET, Mass., July 5th, 1877. S. Z. Eari.e, Esq., Mayor, St. John. Dear Sir, — Enclosed you will find a, cheque for fifty dollars, which please accept for your suffering peoph?, as the mite of a few women of the Island of Nantucket, who from sad experience of a similar calamity, fully sympathize in their misfor- tunes, and who would be glad to send a much larger sum if they could do sc. Yours respectfully, L. C. STAftBUCK. Oai.t, Ont., July lith, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I now enclose Bank Draft, No. 946, for $674.17, payable nt par at Bank of Montreal, in your City. This amount was collected in the Churches jieni last Sunday, to b(> forwarded to you, to be a)))tliod as you think proj>er in relieving, in sonio measure, the distresis and suffering that prevail in your buriU citjr. EXPKESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 75 Let me ,ul.ltlu.t your fellow con utryu-e,. here are greatly ,. leased and inU,.- esteclm the prompt and plncky me^usures that your people are takin^.tor the le-buildmg of your city, and tlie retrieving of their fortunes. I am, yours sinoarely, W. H. Caven. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. ^^'°°''^™--' 0-^'- •'"'y '^th, 1877. Bear iih;~I have pleasure iu enclosing Di.xft on the Consoli.late.l Bank of Canada, ^ Mo..fin3al for one hundred and eighty-five dollars an.l ,- , as a dona- lon from the Sabbath School iu conne t ,.n with Knox Church, of tJis Town to be apphed to the general relief fund of your city. You will pleasc^ol,u,wledge receii)t at your convenience. «* v b Very respectftdly yours, James White, S>j.p/.. Knox Church iiahhath School. To His Honor, Mayor Earle, St. John, N. I!. ^"'''■^''^■•"'' ^' »- '^^'y ^'1'. '8"- i>m.>S7,-,-I enclose you 627.00, collected by n.e in this place, tov.ards the ^ehef of he suflerers by the late fire in your city. I ani very sorry the an.ount '' «° «'"^"- Yours truly, W. H. McAlpine. His Worship the Mayor ok St. John. ^^"™'' ^'"'''' "^"^^ ""'■ ^^"• Dear Sir,~A^ a Canadian I beg to hand you the enclosed Bank of England £5 note, as my mite for the sufferers by the fire. Yours respectfully, W^ILI.IAM InGLIS. S. Z. Earle. E.^., Mayor, St. John, .N. B. • '^''"''■' "''' "'"'y- ''^"■ Bear Sir-l , nolose a for $ 100.00, being amount of collection of a musical service ■. Id n St. Mathew's (Jhureh, on Tuesday 3rd July, in aid of the sufferers by the late hre. Yours faithfully, L. H. Carter, Church Warden. S. Z. Earle, Esq. Brunswick, Maine, July Cth, 1877, Bear *S'/.,-Enclo.sed ple.ise find check for $2.5.00 for the s'.flcrers by the recent lire m your cit,. llespectfully yours, Marshall Crane. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John. '^""'*"' ^^ ^^ ''"'y *^"'' '«". BearSlr.^You will receive through express one parcel of clothing the receipt of which you will acknowledge. : . This is in addition to Mr. Dickson's money subscriptiou of ten dollars. .. ,,. . Yours respectfully, Chas. Blancuaku. T m n SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Thrfe Ktvers, r. Q., July 7tl', 1877. J)r. Ear;.e, Mayoi'. I enclose a P. 0. Order for $10.00, subscription to llie Relief Fund. I am Bcr.y that cii'cunistances jn'cveuted my sending it sooner, and I wish I coidd do more for the jioor old city. The different members of tlie family ha\c lost a good deal, but on the whole, we ha-ve come oif better than some of our frioitls who seem to have lost everything. With kind regards, Yours sincerely, John Edw. Boyd. Haktfori), U. S., July 7th, 1877. y. Z. Eahle, Mayor, tit. John. Bear Sir, — Hei-ewith I hand you a small contribution to the Relief Fund for the sufferers by the gi-eat fir- , The am't is but $42.00 — but is better than nothing. It is wholly given in trifling sums by people comparatively poor. I'hose who can afford to give largely have not yet done so. Please acknowledge receipt. Resj)ectfully yours, J. H. Sprauue, Mayor. BoWiMANViLi.t, O.NT., July 7th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., I\Iayor, St. John, N. B, Sir, — I luive this day ship[)ed per Chand Trunk Ruil Road to your address one case asBorted clothing, contril)uted by a nmuber of our c)ti7ens. I am Sir, yours respectfully, Thomas Paterson, I Almonte, Oyr., July 7th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. Jolui, ¥. B. Sir, — Enclosed we send you $13.00, being am't contributed by our employees for the sufferers by the recent fire in your city. We also send you a box of cloth- ing for those who are immediately in want of them. This latter contribution is from oui-selves. Trusting that you will receive it all i'i;ht and in good order. We remain, yours respectfully, John Baikd & Co., Aluwide, Out. BowMANViLLE, Ont., July 7th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John. Dear Sir, — 1 am re(]uested V>y the Ladies of Bowmanville to forward you one case of clothing for the sufferera by the tae in your city. Youi's truly, F. F. McArthur. Oak Park, III., July 7th, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John. Bear Sir, — I enclose herewitii a draft on New York for ^100.00, proceeds of a literaiy entertainment givin by the Public School of our Village — a subject of 7f bo EXPRESSIONS OV SYMPATHY. Chicago-for benefit of the Bufferers l.y the laie gteat fire in vour citv expended under your directions. Yours resiJectfuUy, J. W. MiUDLETON, Fre,(. School Board, Oak Park, III. S. Z. Eable, Esq., Mayor, St. Jolui, N. B. '''""''''' '"' •'"'^' ^'"• Dmr Slr,~l have the honor to enclose cliock for ,^30.00 of Z. Wilson Eso Collector of Customs of this port, being aanount of subscriptions of himsdf and hcers to the fund for relief of the sufferers by the late fire, with the expre ..ion of tiieir deepest sympathy. I have the honor to be, dear Sir, your obt. servant, J. Johnson, r«//4/«;-. ,/tWo,,<^.. S. Z. Eap.le, Esq., Mayor, St. John. ^''''' ^•'■''''''"' ""' '^''^^' *^''- _-SVr,-Enclosed you will find P. O. Order for twenty dollars and twenty cents, being proceeds of collection taken up yesterday iu the Presbvterian Chnreh'of Lyn and Yonge, wlncli you will please apply to the relief of th'e needy in your midst as seems Ijest to yourself. 1 am yours respectfully, Robert Bryson, Treasurer. To THE Mayor of St. John. ^"•'•' ^''*'"' ^^''^■' '^*'' "^"'y- !«'"• nec^rSir,~l have much pleasure in enclosing P. (J. O.der for eighteen dollars and sixty cents ($18.60). beiaag proceeds of a collection made vesLrday in the Presbytenau Church, Ailsa Craig, Ontario, for the benefit of the sufferers from hre m St. John. It is of a sn.all sum con.paratively. It comes from a small congregation, but it is gi^•en cheerfidly and with nmeh sympathv. Yours respectfully, John Hennie, Minister Fresbt/terian Church. Union Stock Yakd anu Transit Coy / Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John, N. P. ^^'''"'^°' "'" ^^^ '^"'y- ^^"''- * ne^cr ,S'/,-,-Enclosed find Bill Lading for two car loads : 90 barrels pork and one car ., bb s. flour and 25 corn, which are tiie articles purchased by the Committee of the St. John Relief Fund, raised by the business men. Bank and Stock Yard Co. at the Union Stock Yards, Chicago. 111.; to-wit:- Amount sul ascribed, ' .i - lo r 2 Car Loads Pork, .■:;:::::: o,u..-;„\ *^''^ '^ 1 Ji)thy in the dire calamity which has befallen your city. 1 am truly yours, A. WORTHINOTON. County Officks,, Oth June, 1877. S. Z. Eaiu.i:, Esq., Mayoi-, St. John, N. B. Bear Sir, — I have; the j)leasure of informing you that the Cori)oration of the County of Hastings has granted the sum of one thousand dollars to aid the sufferers Ijy the late fire in your city. I am Sii', your obt. servant, Tiios. Walker, Warden, Co. llastintjs. Wkoxetek, 9th .luly, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — You will find enclosed a P. (J. Order for fifty-five -^j^^ dollars, being collections taken up \esterday in the Presbyterian Churches at Wro.x.eter and Fartlwich — Bev. (Jeo. Brown, Pastor — in aid of sufierers at the great fix'e, St. John, N. B. Yours respectfully, Thos. B. Saunders. Edinburgh, Scotland, Uth July, 1877. To the Worshipful the Mayor of St. John, K B, — I have the honor to transmit to you the accompanying letter from the Plight Honorable! Sir James Falshaw, Bart., Lord Pi'ovost of this city, .ilong with the Bank Order therein mentioned. And to say that I shall bo glad to receive, at your convenience, an acknowledgment of the receipt of this order. I have the honoi' to be. Sir, your obedient servant, RoMKHT H. Law, Citi/ Chamherluin, City Chambers, Edinburgh, 10th July, 1877.- The Hon. the Mayor, St. John, New JJrunswick. Sir, — 1 beg to inform you that at a meeting of the Corporation of this city, held yesterday, the sum of .t!lUO was voted as a contriljution towards the relief of the Hufierei'8 by the recent great disaster by fire in your city. The citizens at large are subscribing for the same object, and they have entrusted me with the charge EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 70 the ivith five, lold Itho rgo of the subscriptions, but I think it i-ight to keeji the Corporation subscription sepamte and to remit it at once, and I therefore ugvv beg to enclose Bank Draft for the amount. I liope you are finding means substantially to relieve the sulVerers by this great calamity. I have the honor to l)e, Sir, your most obt. servant, James Falsaw, Lm'd Provost, PoiST DrCiiENE, N. H., 9th July, 1877. Wm. Elder, Esq. Dear Sir,— I here enclose $2r).0() in aid of the sufferei-s. Will in a short time send you wliat I can get. This little amount I have been able to get after the peojile of this jilace subscribed to the list gotten up by Shediac. Please use it to the l)est advantage of the sufferers, and anything we can do in aid we will cheerfully do. Yours very truly, Thomas E. Smith. AutcHAT, C. B., 9th ,Tuly, 1877. S. Z. Earle, E.sq., Mayor of St. John. Sir, — Enclosed please find P. (). Order for three hundreil and sixty-seven dollars, (!?;567) being the amount of subscriptions toward the relief of sufferers by fire in your city. The amount was collected l)y Mi-. David A. Heani, who kindly took charge of the list. Yours resjiectfully, Isaac L. Vesconte, Hamilton-, Ont., lOtli .lidy, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — We have to-day forwarded to your address six cooking stoves and furniture, value $100.00, which articles you will please distribute as yon deem fit amongst sufferers by late fire. Yours truly, James Stewart & Co. Ayr, ONTAiiio, lOtli .July, 1877. S. Z. Earle. Esq., St. John, New Tb'unswick. Drnr Sir, — I enclose Bank Draft for .seventy-six dollars for (he Belief Fund of the St. John sufferers, ii?r)8 of that sum was eollected in Knox Church (Pi'csby- terian) on Sabbath last, and $IS at a Sacred ('(Uieert on Dominion Day. Yo\jrv truly, John TiioMrsox. Ai.i.ANPAt.K, Co. SiMioK, Ont., 10th •Inly, 1877. To THE Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I enclose a P. O. Order itayable to you toward the Relief Fund, to the amount of six ilollai-s and six*v cents. You will give the Allandalo Methodist Church credit for the amount. 1 sJiall Ikj oblisjetl by your acknowhtdgnig the receipt of this an soon lu* jiosisil^le. y»«u'8 truly, Rkiio. Duke, Methodist ^finisler, AUandale, 80 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. '<'' ■'iT Mo^troN, N. B., 10th July, 1877. . S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John. iSlr, — TliG Lailioa' C. T. Union of Moncton, Lave sent hy t\m morning's train, in addition to tiie former donation, one of new underclothing and bedding, and one case of second-liand clothing, to he distrilmted among the suffbrors in yonr city. On Ijelialf of the C'onnnittee, Mrs. W. B. Knight, President, Fergus, Wellinciton Co., Out., 10th .July, 1877. To THE WoR.SHirFUL THE Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — We liave much pleasure in forwarding you the enclosed cheque for twenty-five -,'\{(,- dollai-a, for the benefit of the suiferers by the late disastrous firo at St. John, "N". 1^., being the amount of the collections taken up yesterday in St. James' Church, (KpiHCO})al) Fergus, Ontario. We are but a small congi'egation, but have sincere satisfaction in thus expressing oiu- sympathy for the sufferei'S in this terriljle calamity. We remain, dear Sir, yours I'aithfuUy, llonEiiT 0. Caswell, M. A., Incumbent of St. Jamea, Edward J. Smalltown, Churchwarden. New Yobic, lOth Jnly, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., ^,i. D., St. John, N. B., Mayor. Bear Sir, — We have just received a letter from Mr. Geo. M. Fowler, the British Consul at Cienfuegos, Cuba, in which he expresses gi-eat 8ymi)athy for tlie sufferers in you city, and instructs us to forward to you one hundred dollars as his subscription to you relief fund; find in accordance therewith we now have the pleasure of enclosing to you a draft on the Bank of Nova Scotia for said amount. Youi-s truly, J. & G. Fowler. \ViND.soR, N. S., 10th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. J)e,ir *S'/r,_EncIosGcl you will please find a draft for flftv tlivoo * i n . 1 ^ •'Oiwusomce.i^ol.Ud, >SiiI..scni.tiou by a .sympathizer 62.00. Yours truly, Wm. F, Luxton. „ „ ^^'^™»''^«wc'5. Bangor, Maine, nth July, 1877 Hon. S. Z. Eaule, Mayor, St. John. rlaml i.f H ~^> 'T "f '"'"' *' ""''"'' *" ^"^ *'"^* «^'« *hou.sand dollars lm,s boon I'laced in tho ]]ank subjoct to your draft. Very respectfully, A. C. Hamlin, Mayor. S. Z. Eaule, Mayor, St. John N B Chkago, III., 11th July, 1877. w« l»s ,„„ to „co,.,t witl, „,„. ki,ulct ™„y,„,l.v • '"" '" "'"°" Very respectfully yours, Apollo Musical Club, J. S. HA.MILTON, President. S. Z. Earle, Esq Cardigan, P. E. I., nth, July, 1877. provisions and clotldur L: 0^1^,1 |18 3o'T ' '""u""" *"" ' '^'^''^^ few friends iu thi. locLy "' ' '" ' ^«"*"^"*-^ f'^'" '^ Yours very truly, . • Wm. M. McLeod, >S(aimi Maste,: ^ MAYOR',sOFFicE,Petrolia, Out., nth July, 1877 b. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B I remaiji youra truly, ^ Edward D. Kerry, J/«yor. / 82 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Eloba, Ont,, 11th July, 1877. The Mayok of St. John, N. B, Dean- Sir, — Wo licrewitli enclose yon Bill of Lading of 5 burrels floiir in uicl of tlio suffevei-a by the late tire. Youi-s, Carter & Co. Victoria, B. C, 12tli July, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N". B, Sir,- —On behalf of the Municipal Council and citizens of Victoria, I beg to for- ward a draft through the Bank of Biitish North America for .^800.00 towardfi the relief of thos(! who have sutl'eied by the late calamitous tire at St. John, N. B. , and I hope in a short time to forward to you a fuitlier contribution for the same object. I liave the honor to be your obt. servant, M. W. P. Drake, Maym; Nkw York, 12th July, 1877. Mr, Adam Young, St. John, N. B. ]) Sir, — Wo have been asked to contribute for the relief of those who were left destitute in consequence of the fire which recently visited your city. Not knowing the party who made ajijtlication wo thought best to send our small contri- bution, viz., .f 2.').00 to you, thinking it would be used to better advantage than if given to entire strangers. Will you have the kindness to see that it is properly used, Wc are with best wishes, Yours very truly, Hayden, Gere & Co'y. Milwaukek, Wisconsin, 12th July, 1877, Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dea^' Sir, — I have tlie pleasui'e of enclosing to you Bills of Lading for the fol- lowing goods: 50 bbls. flour, 20 bbls. extra prime pork, 20 bbls. extra mess beef, 20 tierces canvassed smoked hams, 20 tierces smoked shoulders, 20 bbls, white beans, representing an amount of about $2,500,00 subscribed in this city, for the relief of sufferei's by fire in St. John, W^ith the assurance of profound sym})athy on the part of our citizens, and tlie confident hope that St. John will soon recover its wonted j)rosperity, I have the honor to be, Sir, your most obedient servant, Wm. p. McLaren, Chairman Relief Com, CuirrKWA, Out., 12th July, 1877. The Mayor of St. John, N, B, My Dear Sir, — I have much pleasure in enclosing a P, O, Order for $.38,65, being amount of collection in Trinity Church, Chipjiewa, Out, for the St, John fire relief fund, I am, youi-s truly, p. J. F. McLeod, liectw of Chippewa, 1877. EXPKKSSIONS OF SYMPATHY. g^ «. Z. EAur,K, Esq., Mayor, St. Jol.n, N. ]). ''"""'"■ ^^ ^'- ^-"' ''"'y- '^77. 7>mr^V;-,--Enclc,.secl ploa-se .s,,e New York draft for $179.83, tlie monoy 1 have c..vcd a,s Wsuror for the relief of the sufferers fron. the 'recent ^Zn ^^ ^- Yours respectfully, Alonzo Kiciimonu, Premknt. S. Z. Eakle, Esq., Mayor of St. John, N. B ^''' '^'*""'' ^^"' ''"^y' ^*^"- fuif!Tr'!fr7f 'rr '"'ij '"^""*"' ^^ ""■■ ^^'^'^^"^ '>«"- *« ^--^^- to the We 1 e^Ir f l^ r^" '^ ''" ''^^'^ '^^'^•^*'''^"« oonila.ratiou in your city. We therefore have the ph.isure of enclo.sing draft on the Bank of Alontrea! St. John, for two hundred and fifty dollars, which we tr^.st will reach vou safely VVe reniani, dear Sir, yours faithfully, Dublin. Liverpool. New York. -^^^^waku .t John Bukke. Mavor's Offick. Charlottetowii, P. E. I., 12th July, 1877 ani^u t ^"""- ^"rl^' ""'""" *'''''- ^ '^"^ ""i'-^-' *« ^ransnut his amount to j-ou ui aid of tlie fund for the relief of the suffere,>. l.y the fire. Believe me, yours faithfully, Theoph. DesBhisay, Maym-. To H,s WoHs„„. ™e Mavou A.n Keue. .o^:::^ Ih^ '''''''" ''''' 2^6.^ ^'.r.,_I forwarded by freight train July 12, one box of olothin.- collected at this Station for the benefit of the sutlerers. ° I also herewith enclose .f -10.00, for the same purpose. I remain, respectfully, your ob't servant, F. H. HoLEswoJiTH, .SicUkm Arjent. Db. Eahle, Mayor of St. John. CJ^-^^^'vh-le Station, N. S., 13th July. 1877. aicl^sSlTrf '^Tr^' *''•'" ^"" *'" '^"^^""■*'' Presbyterian Church, in aid of Sain John. The an.ount is small, but it is made up of the mites of those who would be willing to do greater things had they the means, <^Eo. W. Gallaghek, Ltcmkate m clumje Preshjknan Church at Weutworth, N. ^'. „.^ -r XI 1 „ •^^^^' YoKK, 14th July, 1877. S^r ~ln the absence of Mr. Arclubahl I have to-day remitted to you by tele- gmph,t. rough the Bank of Montreal, .f210...90 gold, being the e.^ivallit of $.-10.44 currency, received down to this .lay fron. subscribers to the fund for tlie relief of sufferers by the late fire at St. John, N. B. I am Sir, your obedient servant, . ' ■ ' P"=REPONT Edwards, ^n^iWt Fice-Co>mt/. 84. SAINT JOHN RKLIKF AND AID SOCIKTY. Cambridcki'okt, Mass., Ittli July, IS't. Hon. S. Z. Kaum:, St. John, N. J). Dear Sir, — [iloiLso timl Lill liiulin^' of auotlior lot of bLscuit for tlioso ■who 110(3(1 thoiii. Yours truly, TiiUHSToN Hall it Co. ' Fkkuericton, N. B., 14tli 'July, 1877. To S. Z. Eaulk, M. D. Your Wom/ilj), — With niucli plciisuio I fuiwiird the iiccompiUiyiug bundle of tracts for distribution among tho destitute. By disiwsing of them in accoi-diince with above, .so that all classes may be benefited, ycju will confer a great 2>leiusure to tlio donor. ResjtectfuUy yours, D. FlSKK. WooDSTOciv, N. J5., 1-ltli July, 1877. S. Z. Eakle, Es(i., Mayor, St. John, N. 15. Jfi/ J)ear Sir, — I enclose you iBl^l.OO furtlusr on account of your Relief Fund, donated for parties in St. John. Yours truly, L. P. FlSIIKK. lloNUKAU, 14tli July, 1S77. To THE Mavok oi' tiik City oi' St. John, N. 13. Sir, — The recent sad event has not only excited sorrow, but sympathy. Accept then this .small sum as proof of the existence of our feelings. Yours i'esi)ectfully, Edward T. Evans. OiTAWA, July Kitli, 1877. To S. Z. Eakle, Mayor of St. John. Ml/ Dear Sir, — 1 enclose che»|ue for .$-145.53, being the balance of the subscrip- tions of one day's pay each, collected from tho Departmental staff of Civil Gov- ernment and the staff of the Senate and library of Parliament. Your obedient Servant, John Langton, AiuL I'ouTLANU, Me., July 10th, 1877. To His Honor S. Z. Earle, Mayor of St. John, N, E. Bear Sir, — Your favor of the lOth inat. came duly to hand, and I tsvke pleivsure in transmitting to you herewith clieipie No. 12,654, of the Casco Nat. Bank on the Blackstone Nat. Bank, of Jloston, to j'oiu- order, for foiiy-live hun- dred (.'14,500) dollai-s, lieing substantially the balance of contributions of our citizens in aid of the sufferers by the conflagration of your city, — there may be possibly a small sum additional when all outstanding bills are paid for supplies, (fcc, but the above constitutes very nearly the amount. I remain, yours truly, M. M. Butler, Mayor, EXl'UESSlUN'.S OV SYMr.VTilV. cS.") I'UTON, O.NT., .Inly llitli, IftTT. To S. Z. KAiii.K, K.s(j., IVIiiyor, Ht. John, N. IJ. Jfi/ Dear (SV/-, — 1 cncloso draft on Bunk of Montreal, at St. Jolm, for tlio suiu of .f.'iOO |''''-|, wliioh wa.s passod liy our Town Council a.s a snial! donation towards tlio JNdiof Fund. I am soiiy tliat tlio ainonnt is .so .small.' awcpt tlic; hoartfolt sympathy of onr untiro comniiiuity. 1 (.'xjKx't you will liuar from our Comity Council soon. 1 rnuain, voiuh truly, .). II. Al.l.KN, Min/or. Wdod.stdi'K, Oni-., .July Kith, IS77. S. Z. Eaulk, Esti., Mayor, St. John. Dear Sir, — The Toacheru ami Students of tlu) Canadian Literary Institute made a collection on the day of closing in aid of tlie sutft'rers liy the (ire in St. John, the time was in^'avorahle and the nund)er oi contrilaitors much smaller than it would have been at another time, Imt knowing that Utile helps in such eases, I beg to enclose you the amount raised in a P. O. order .for $3(3.25, and one dollar afterwards handed me. A few of our ladies also nride u[) a bundle of clothing which I .sent via d'rand Trunk and Intercolonial Uailways, to the Chaiiinan of the Counnittoe of Ileliof Fund, wiiose name 1 do not rememb.'r. With deep sym- pathy for the suilerers and the best wishes for the recovery of tlu; city frc^m the blow, I am Sii', reiipectfully yours, I. E. Wklls, Atmuc, Priacipul Can. Lit. luat'Uutc. Detroit, .July 17th, 1877. To THE HONUKAULE THE MaYOH OF St. JoIIN, N. 1). Enclo.seil please find Detroit Savings Bank draft for i?127.Sl for the suilerers by the late torri1)le fire. I am .sorry that the anit. is not larger. 1 am in hopes more will come in, if so shall forward it at once. Yours respectfully, Alex. Lewis, Maijor. .SiAYXia;, 0-sTAKio, July ITl.i 1877. To THE Mayok of the Citv of .St. John, N. B. Dair Sir, — By a resolution of the Council of this nmnlcipality T am authorized to state to you that the corporation sympathizes deeply with the inhabitants of St. John in the distress occasioned Ijy the calamitous fire to which they have lieen subjected, and to request your acceptance m their behalf of the sum of seventy-five dollars, ($7.5.00) to be applied in the way or manner most conducive to their interests. You will therefore have the goodness to tlraw on this corjwration to tliat amount through the agency of the Bank of Toronto. I remain your obedient servant, George Randolph. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) V /. // I ,0 fe C^- t'?^ i< i/x (/. 1.0 I.I 1.25 SUM IM '" IM III 2.2 136 "'"^ .1; ti£ 2.0 1.8 \A. Ill 1.6 V] <^ /i VI c". e:

/ -:^- C? ^;. // / /A Photographic Sciences Corpcmtion iV #> V ^^ o ^^ w- W.r i/x ^ |6 SAINT JOEIN lii^LIEF AND AID SOCIETY. St. Johnh, Nkld., July 17th, 1877. The WousinrFUL Mayor of St. John, N. B. ;S'(V, — As ail expression of tlie doej) sympathy felt tlu'ougliout Newfoundland for the citizens of St. John under this recent terrible visitation, the govemnient Lave desired nie to forward yoi'. the accompanying contribution of two thousand dollara towards the relief of the sufferers, to be exi)ended by the Committee of Relief. I have the honor to be Sir, your most obed. servant, E. D. Shea, C. Sec. Bridgetown, Maine, July 17th, 1877. J)ae7' Sir, — Enclosed find $14.65 from 1st Congi-egational Church in Bridgetown, Me., for the sufferers by the fire in yoxu- city. ReHi)ectfully youi-s, J. H. Caswell, Clerk of Church. •'. . '.' Berlin, Ont., July 17th, 1877. S. Z. Eaiile, Es(i., Mayor, St. John, N. B. jJear Sir, — I have the honor to inform you that the Municipal Council, of the County of Waterloo, (Province of Ontario) at its session to-day, called specially for the purpose, hr^j granted the sum of one thousand ($1,000 j^;^) dollars, in aid of the sufferers l>y the late great firo in your city. I am directed by the Warden to forward his order on the County Treasurer for the said amount. Pletise find order enclosed. I have the honor to be, dear Sir, yours faithfully, Israel D. Bowman, County Clerk Prkston, Ont., July 17th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — It affords me gi-eat plesuiure herewith to enclose, for the benefit of the sufferei-s of your city, in consequence of the recent conflagration, the sum of twenty-five dollars, as a donation from my son Jacob E. Klotz, the Dominion Government Agent of Emigration at the City of Hamburg, in Germany. Believe me, to remain, yours truly, Otto Klotz. Oalt, Ont., July 17th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Deiir Sir, — I enclose a Bank draft No. 96G, for $114 /jj''^, in your favor, which please accept for the benefit of the Relief Fund of your city. This amount is a collection taken in one of the churches here lust Sunday, which had no services on the day on which the former church collections were made. Yours truly, J. H. Caven. EXPRESSIONS OP SYMPATHY. 87 Sackvillk, N. B., July 17th, 1877. To M>voR Earle. Dear Sir, — I send by mil to-tlay, tlie goods described in the enclosed menio- randiun, addressed to Relief Committee of St. John, for the benetit of the Buflerers through the late disastrous fire. I purposed forwarding before but had not the goods in stock, such a.s I thought woidd be bei\eficial to tliose in want. I hope they will come to hajid in due .season safely and .satisfactory. I remain, yonrs respectfully, C. Fawcett. Mt. Stkwart, p. E. I., July 17th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq. Sir, — I send yoti per train to-day two Imxes goods and four ban-els potatoes, which have been collected here for the sufferera by the late fire in your city. Estimated value by the givei-s $170 -j**^"^. There is also between twenty and thirty dollai-s 'v\ cash, which I will hand to G. McLean, C'asliier of the Union Bank, to forward to you. Youi-s respectfully, James Ross. CnARLCiTETOwN, P. E. I., 17th July, 1877. The Mayor of St. John, N. P.. Dear Sir, — I have now the ploivsure of enclosing a chock of this date; in your favor for $500.00. Allow me on Injlialf of our citizens again to .state, tliat wo all deeply sympathize with the inhabitants of your city in their gi-eat mi.sfortune. We rejoice to hear that the good old city is again rising from its ashes. Youra very truly, Joseph Hemley, President Charlottctovm Committee. CnARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I., July 18th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I herewith beg leave to enclose draft in your favor on Bank B. N_ A. for $62, ^jj balance of subscrii)tions from the P. E. I. Railway employes' for the relief of the sufferers by the late fire. This together with your draft for $700 ^•y^ (paid Union Bank here) make a total contribtition of $702.4.') from the employes of this railway in aid of the sufferers. Youi-s truly, Tiios. Williams, REOERrfTov, N. K, .July 18th, 1877. To Mayor Earle, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — Enclosed jileiiHe find draft for $2000 ^'{^^ towards your Relief Fund, which I am directed by oiir Relief Committee to forward you on account for relief of sufferers by the fire. Our Committee have kept an account of supplies sent by them and the ladies connected with the committee to date, consisting of |trovisions and clothing of all descriptions, estimated in all at $4,100, which with $2000 ,'^'(7 foots up $6, 1 00 -^ outside of corporation draft of $5000 ^^. Please acknowledge receipt. I remain Sir, your olwd. servant, CtlAS. W. Beckwith, Sec. of St. John, R. d' A Com, 88 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. UxBBiPOK, O.NT , July 18th, 1877. S. Z, Earle, Esq., Mayor St. John, N. B. Sir, — Enclosed find draft for |ol ^*^^, of wliich amount .f 47.40 wa.s mised by a concert, and the balance, $4.00, contributed by Dr. Benj. Woj-kmen. We have delayed thi.s some time awaiting pronuHod action by the Village Council, but deem it better to delay no longer oing a coutrilmtiou from the PrcHhyterian (Jongregatiou of Cliestoitield, iji tlio Presbjtcry of Pari8, to tbe St. Jolin Relief Fund. I wish it had been more. Youra respectfully, Rev. Wm. Robertson. ., , . ,* ,. Hkctory, Trenton, Out., 2.3th .July, 1877. To His Worship the Mayor, Pt. John, N. R Bear Sir, — I enclose a draft for 5*1. 5. 00 for the St. John suftbrei-a, being pro- ceeds of an otfei'tory collected in St. (leorge's C'luirch, Trenton. Yours with much .sympathy, Vfn. MEASDELh, M. A., Jiector of Trentoji. - 77: f . '■ -, L i< 'r , Montreal, 23ril July, 1877. To His Worship Mayor Earle, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I enclose twenty-live dollai-s as a small contribution to the General Relief Fund. I only it were in my power to aid more lai'gely the city to which my grandfather and father came befoie tlie days of her proHi)erity, and in which I was born and lived so long, receiving so many kindnesses. Yours very truly, j - ;; . i ! ■ Henry Stewart. '1 ' I"'" V '■ > Victoria Corner, Carleton Co., N. B., 24th July, 1877. To the Mayor op the City of St. John. Dear Sir, — We send to you for the benefit of the St. John sufferei-s, one barrel, containing 12 paii-s boots, value $42.00. (.)n behalf of the donors. Yours very tnily, E. M. BOYER&CO. LisTowELL, Ont., 24th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John. Sir, — Enclosed I send a cheque for $140.35, in aid of your lelief fund. It is the offering of a few of the citizens of Listowell, Out., and was collected by a few ladies. I am, youi-s, &c., J. Philp. Port Hope, Ont., 24th July, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor. Dear Sir, — Please draw for eight dollare more for the relief of the sufferera by the late calamity that visited your city. Deeply sympathizing with you, I remain dear Sii', Youi-s very tiuly, William CBAia, .a KXPKESSIONS OF SYlIPArHY. . M Tr,„ -ixr ,r ., Fkeiierk.ton, N. B., 24th Jul v. 1877 His Wonsiiip THE Mayor, St. John, N. B. '"y. '»//• 6'ir,~-I enclose herewith a tlraft on the Manager of tlie Bank B. N. America m St. Jolni, for ten poumLs sterling, the sul-soription of Tlioma>. Hughe-s, Esq., of London, Enghuul. [ am Sir, youi- ol.(«,lient servant, John A. Beckwith. > ■■■-"'■' - '-■:-u\ XT u r, „ ,, MiLWAUKEK, Wis., iJoth July, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Laule, Mayor of St. John, N. B. />mr aSVj-,— 1 have now the pleasure of enclosing yon .li-aft for ^100.00 to apply for the benefit of the St. John fire sufferers. This completes the subscriptions made ni this city. ^ Yours very sincerely, Wji. p. McLahen-, C/ialrmau Helief C om. !^'- HTEruEN. N. B., 25th July, 1877. b. Z. bARLE, Ls(i., Mayor of St. John, N. 13. Dear Sir,— I enclose herewith a check foi- twenty-five dollar U. S. cy., just received from Messrs. Bailey & Noyes, of Portland, Me. _.H, , ,, Yours truly, C. H. Smith. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John. ''"""^ '''^' '''"''''' ''''' ^"'^' ''''■ Dear Sir— I send yon a draft for ,i?250.0U for the St. John siitlereis. A;.:...ugh 1 am hero now I am a Canadian ; came hero two years ago ; am a Presbyterian Minister; preached several Sabbaths in St. David's Church in your city. St. Davids is now no more ! Youi-s truly ! ,.; A. C. Gillies. 1 7 V„„r k'.<. T\r' fU^ T1 ^'l'*""' ^^iL-S-JCIDOBIT, N. .S., 20th July, 1877. I5. Z. -Laule, li,sQ., Mayor of St. John. Dear *S'iV,— Upper Muscpiidobit congregation sends two boxes of clothing and the enclosed §5.25 for the sulieiers of St. John. Yours truly, i , ^ <■ ■.. • :- Isaac Simpson, Mbd^ter of Uupper- Mmqukhblt. ,, „,. Bkiduewatek, N. S„ 26th July, 1877. May IT PLEASE YOUR WOKSUII'. > J, II. I have the pleiusuro of forwarding to you the sum of §128.25. It is an offerin"' from Bridgewater, N. S. to the fund for St. John fii'o distress. In sending you this amount it is not what we could wish, but what wo have in poor times been able to do. Trusting that a blessing may go with our off«-ring and that your great troubles may soon be turned into joy, I remain your faithful .servant, „ ,^ , , . , , ^^•^- Billing, S. 1\ G. MiaaUynary. li or myself and thu-ty-three otheiu •1 SAINT^JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETV. SiMCOi:, 27th July, 1877. To THE Mayor OF St. John. ' ' Mif Dear Sir, — At a fipccitil meeting of the County CVnincil of Noi-folk, held yesterday, a reHolntiou waH pa«He n > a . n. Dear ^^tr,—! am requested hy His Lordsliip tlie Bishop of Huron, to enclose you a clieck for .1^2000 ."g'-g, I)einy a contiibution from the members oftlie Churoh of England in this dioce^o towards the relief of the sidferers by the late terrible fire in your city. There will probably be about $200 ,'>^';, additional to be sent which I will forward you as soon as returns are completed. The little children of the Sunday School belonging to Christa Church were most eager to have their mite sent, and made u|> lietween then )S2 ^{'^ which is included in the check. Yours faithfully, : ' ■ , ; E. Bavnes Keeu, tiec.-Treas. of lieUtf Fand. O r, ,1 T- ,r . T , MONTRE.U., Aug. 2iul, IS77, S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — We have the satisfaction of informing you that we have l)con in- structed by Thomas Frith 4- Sons, SlieJlield, Eng., to subscribe, on their account, the sura of two hundred and fifty dollars to the fund for the relief of the sullerers by the late fii-e in your city. We have the pleasure of endorsing Bank Draft for the amount. We are yours truly, James Hutton & Co., Agents fur T/toinas Fr'Uh d- Sous. CarletoxV, St. John, N. 1}., Aug. 3rd, 1877. Mayor Earle. Dear Sir, — Please accept the enclocicd $3.64 for the benefit of the sufferers, being the proceeds of a little girl's Bazaar. 1 wish it was more, but the day on which we held it was so foggy that many were unable to come. • Nellie H. „ „ „ Chicago, Aug. 6th, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Ml/ Bear Sir,-—1 have forwarded this day by a. m. express, to you, a package containing $601.25, a final contribution, making in all .$12,051.2.5 transmitted to you through this office for the relief of the sufferers by the recent tei-rible disaster in your city. Of the sum sent this day, viz. : .$601. 25, three hundred and twenty-eight dollai-s and j^ij have been contributed by the Police Force of this city for the special benefit of the members of your Police Force in St. John, in recijnocity for the noble action of the St. John Policemen at the time of our own disaster. You will 04 SAINT JOHN UKLIEF AND AID SOCIETY. tln!rcl'ory tlu; fire. I liojx) ivnrl trust tlmt your worst is over ami tliat you ran clearly disconi a duH'rful and bright futuie lii'forc you. The ('ii^rgy, pcrMncrcnci! aud i)ati(>nce svhicli I am informed (.'haracteri/e your jK.'ople cannot fail to pull you thi'ough successfully. You have the sincere well wishes and hopes of ('hicagoans, whose experience teaches them to fcicl for others. Sincerel}', ]M. IIkaktii, Mt(i/in: DETRorr, Mien., Aug. 8th, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Kaiu.e, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Sir, — Euclo.sed I s(!ud Detroit Saving Hank Diaft on American National I?ank, New York, for $[)'2 ,'"A, licnng the halance of suhscriptions collected from our citizens for the hentsfit of the sull'erers liy the hite tire. Truly youifi, itc, Alex. Lewis, Mayui: Cai.kdoxia, (Jcue.ns, N. S,, Aug. 9th, 1877. To If IS Wousim- Tin; ^Mavor ok St. John. Sir, — Knclostid j>l;'as(' find !:*3.37. The sum is very small. I I'cgret our jieople here are not in circumstances to give nuich. The above sum was contributed by various friends in the Free Majjtist and Methodist Cliurches. Again expres.sing my regret sit the smallness of the ami. 1 remain yours truly, HoBT. jMcAiniau. MoNTUEAL, Aug. 9th, 1877. To THE Mavok of St. John, N. B, Dear jSir, — We arc desired by Messrs. Castles & Co., Wine Merchants, Liver- [)Ool, to hand you the enclosed draft uf the iJank of Monti'eal, in London, for ten guineas as a contribution from them to your th-e Kelief Fund. We are dear Sir, yours i'es])ectfully, Henuy Chapman & Co. • Quebec, 10th Aug., 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Sir, — I have tlui honor herewith to enclose a draft on Bank British North America, St. John, N. B., for ,*!;3222.:2li. ThLs is the balance of $45.')8.H5 collected to date ui Quebec, for the relief of the sulierers by the late disastrous fire in St. John. I have every reason to believe that this amount would have been much greater were it not that Quebec is a heavy suffertjr by the lire, owing to the fact that tho greater part of the stock of the " Stadacona" Fire Insurance Company is held in this city. I have the honor to be your ob't servant, J. W. DUNSCOMB. il, vi/. EXPKESSION.S OF SYMPATHY. f).) To TUK MAV..n or St. John. ' ' ' '"'"^ ^"''''"' ^"S" ''''*''• ''7■• Dour »SVr,— KutloscMl plnis.', fin.] .Inift on Exc-Iihuko IJ.u.k for :?;]4.70, tl.c uiuount roll.Tt...! in tlH' „n.l l!M|.tist Clnin.lM.s ,.f this ,.]:,,•,. fur ll.o hcnclit oftl.,. suHoiuis m your city. Vo„,s truly, y tlif fiti/cim of (iIum^ow. 1 tiUHt your city aiul itn iiihulntaiitH aro lajiidly recovering from tlin (li«aHter. Youib faithfully, Jamk8 Bain, Lord Provoat. lUll.WAY DKrVKTMENT, St. John, N. B., Aug. 15th, 1877. S. Z. Kaui.k, Mayor, St. .Jolin. ^fl/ Drar S!i\ — I !)(■!,' to cncIoHo you liorcwitli a chock for tho sum of $21 22.05, lifiiig tho contiibutions in iiiil of tin" suH'crc ih ]»y tho St, John tiro, by tho mon ciniiloyi'il ou the Intercolonial Railway, who have; sulwcrilKMl a ilay's pay each, in aid of those who have suH'urcd so h<'a\ ily by the lire. Thi.s Kum was inado up in contributiouH, From tho Ix)coniotive Depaitnicnt, SI, 281 G8 " Eni^inc('rinloyed by tlio milway contributed in theii" several localities to the funds wliicL wore being collected for the relief of the St. John Bufl'erei-s. Yours faithfully, C. J. Brydues. Mount Forest, Ont., Aug. 16th, 1877. S. Z. Eahle, Esq., Mayor, St. John. Dear Sir, — At a recent Public Meeting held in this Village, a committee wa« ajjpointed to solicit subscriptions in aid of the fund for the relief of our suffering fellow countrymen in St. John. The labors of tho committee have been com- pleted, and I am instructed to foi M'd you tho contribution of this place, by Ontario Bank Draft, for $102.85, which you will kindly add to your general relief fund, and acknowledge at your best convenience. Accept our entire sym- ])athy in the sad atllictiou which hius lately visited your city. With our best wishes for tl:e speedy amelioration of the circumstances of your suffering people, and a happy and prosperous future for your City and Province, I am, truly yoiira, John McLaren, Sec'y-Treamrer Com. Lewiston, Me., Aug. 16th, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John. Bear Sir, — Please iind enclosed an order on our Bank for $75.00, the balance of the subscription raised by me from tlie good people of Lewiston. I should be glad to S(?nd more but the people feel too pjor to give at preseot, i EXP1U;.SSI0NS OF SYMPATHY. 07 Wo ilfoply synijintliiz(> with yo»i iiml liopc llmt tlu! City of St. Jolm will bo 1)11 lit iiji inure I't'ftutiiul thiiii vvi^v, mm tluit itn iicoplu may Im' iilwiiyH iuohjk'Ioiih ttiiil liapjiy. Yoiii'H rt'8i>ottfully, John (Jarskr. Danville, 18th Aug., 1877. a. Z. Kaui.k, Ksq., Mayor, St. John. I)f(tr Sii;~\ Head lu'iovwth s]ii|i|>iiij,' Mil of IM i>l)ls., Hay I'H) huHhelH of plas- tcrcr'n liaii', wliich I liavo forwarded as Hiij,'j{»'ste(l Hoine wpcIch a^o. HcHiK'ctfully yoiii-H. J. L. (rOoniM'K. St. Juif.". NEWTOrNPi.ASi>, Aug. 18tli, 1877. His Worship thk Mayor, Ht. John, N. B. *SVr,— Wo have the honor of forwardinjj; tfl yoiiv Woi'ship a euntriltutioii from tiie citizens of Ht. JoIuih, to the j,'eneral fun ' tor tli- relief it*" .iie Hnlferei'H l)y the hvto fire in your city, and ' ii will pleu.s*. luid enelosed ?'oinniereial I'mnk Draft o.i the Tiondon and We.stmin.ster Bank, Tx)ndon. for €744 2h. Tid. Stj;., and Lnion Hank Draft on Uiiija Bank, London for i,■0^*0 IGs. Hd. Stf,'., Imth pay- able 3 day.s after sight, and which represent the .iiim of six thoiusand ei;,'ht hun- dred and tkirty-inne dollara and i^^, Newfoundland Currency, and itji.s the dcuiro of the committee here tliat the same be distributed as j on may deem best. We have the honor to be, Sir, youi-s, ic, &c., l>ev L. Meuritt and J. CiO(>nFELLOW. Feroi','*. Ont., Aug. 2)st, 1877. The Mayor, St. John, N. B. Bear Sir, — Enclosed jileaso find Bank Draft, payable to your order, foi' twenty- five dollara, a snndl donation from Mehille Church Sabbath School here in aiii of the Bufferei-s by your late fire. Yours tndy. Wm. Caskell. WE.STVILLE, N. S., 2l8t Aug., 1877. To His Worship the Mayor op St. ^hn, N. B. 6'iV,— Enclosed I beg to hand you Post Office Order for ^47.2."); $42.2.') being j)roceeds of an Amateur Concert, given in behalf of the sufTerera by the late St. John fire, by the Messi-s. Simpson and others in connection with the Drummond Colliery; and $5.00 donation, ])re.sen+ed by Mis. Thornton, a lady visitor there, I have the honor to be, your Woi-ship's ob't sei"\'ant, _ Robert Simpson. London, G. B., Aug. 2.Sra, 1877. His Worship the Mayor op St. John, N. B. Deur (SVr — This is to inform you that you are authorized to dmw on me for j£41 0. 0., i-eceived at tliis office from officers and employees of the Canadian Crovernment Agency, amount of subscription paid me in behalf of sufferei-s by 98 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. n the Iftte disa-strons fire at St, John, N. B. Other sums have been proruised which will be forwarded when received. I am, dear Sir, yours truly, W. Annand, St. Catherines, Ont., Aug. 24th, 1877. Dr. Earle, Mayor of St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I forward to your address to-day a box of clothing, which I have solicited from ladies horo for the sufferera by the late fire. There are in the box 21 jackets for women and children, underclothing, stockings, calico for conifoi'tei'S, dress goods — all new; besides dresfies, &c., underclothing, coats, vests, pants, shirts, blankets and comforters that are good, and I liope they will prove to be the articles just needed. Yours respectfully, i Mrs. S. G. Dodd. Westheld, N. S., 27th Aug., 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St.. John, N. B. Bear JSIr, — I have much pleasin-e in transmitting you herewith clieck for $245.00, being the contribution from tlie mining oppiatives and other residents of We-stfiold, in .aid of the suff'crei-s l)y the late disove amount was obtauied from an Amaturo Entertainment, given for the benefit of the suflerers by the great fii-e. Trusting the same will roivch you in time to be of some benefit. We remain yours truly, R. Cross, M. D., John S. Keleher, Coiiimltlce. '.'■'•' ^. , - -■ ' ' . ' IjOndon, Ont., Sep. Ist, 1877. Dr. Earle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I beg to send you a cluick for $206.97 iii full, of contributions from the churches of this Diocese towards the suffereis by the fire in your city. Youi-s faithfully, E. Baynes Reed. ■■■'■,/',;■; ■ ^ , , Toronto, Sep. 4th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir^ — I have sent this day, through kindness of Exi)ress Company, a small package of money — sixty-one cents. It is the donation to St. Joini suflerers from a little girl in this town, who calls herself litth; Dot, The package is cpiite origiutd, being no doubt the savings of this little gii'l, put by !us she had received it. Youra truly, .. > i JoHM HaLLAM. (JuEUEC', Cth .Sep., 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. !).■ Dear Sir, — I have again, through the charitable contributions of somts of the citizens of Quebec, the pleasure to wait u])on you with another remittance, which I request you will receive on behalf of the sufferei-s by the tiro. Enclosed you will find a check for .fl55.15 on Bank B. N. A. of your city. I beg to renew for my fellow-citizens, who have enabled me, by theii* generous contributions to aid you thus, the expression of our heartfelt 8yini)athy with the sufferei-s, and an earnest hoiie, that the well known energy of her enterprising i6o SAINT JOHN BELIEF AND AID SOCIETY, citizens will soon restore to its place, in the Dominion, the boiuitiful City of St. John. I remain, with best wishes, etc., ' ' M. DUNSCOMB. British Consulate General, New York, Sep. 18th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor of St. John. Dedr Sir, — I beg leave to enclose herewith a sight draft, on the Bank of Mon- treal, at St. John, for $741.94 gold, being the equivalent of $766.04 U. S. Cur- rency, the balance remaining of the collection of funds made by me in aid of the sufferei-8 by the lire of June 20th. Yoiu-s very truly, E. M. Aiic'HiBALD, Brit. Consul. General. wiS Chicago, Sep. 2l3t, 1877. Hon. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — I have forwarded this day, per American Express, the sum of $172.00 U. S. Currency, to be added to Chicago contribution to your relief fund. The money was contributed subse(iuent to my hist remittance to you. Obediently, M. Heath, Mayor. • Toronto, Oct. 25th, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sir, — Enclosed please find P.O. order for $2.81, which be good enou5h to accept in behalf of the sufierers by the late tire at St. John. It is the result of a collection amongst the scholai's of a small Mission S. School with which I am connected; and although but small, is the exi)reHsion of the symyathy of the scholai's for their fellow beings at a distance, and of their desire to help them in their distress. I am, dear Sir, your obedient servant, J. J. Woodhouse, Sujjt. RiMousKi, 25th Oct,, 1877. To THE Mayor, St. John, N. B. Sir, — I l)eg to enclose $37.00, amount of a collection made for the relief of the sufferers by the fini in your city. I am sorry the amount is not proi)ortionate to the wants of the many sufferers. I have the honor to be. Sir, your most ob't servant, P. L. (tAnvreau, Mayor. LuNENBURo, N. S., Oct. 20th, 1877. Dr. S. Z. Earle, Mayor, St. John, N. B. Sir, — At a meetir^g of the inhabitants of our Town, held shortly after the sad visitation of your city by tire, heartfelt sympathy was expressed on behalf of its sufferers, and tangible proof shown, by cases of clothing, ifec, having been shipped to your address. EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY. 101 I have now much pleasure in enclosing a clieiinc on the IMercluints Bank, for $423.25, as a further contribution to said fund, to be ai)i»n>i)nate(l for the relief of the sufferers in such a manner, as you woulil deem most expedient. I remain, your ob't serv't and sympatliizer, ,, , ., , (J. K Kaulbach. ';.i Boston, 17th Oct., 1877. His Honor the Mayor, St. John, N. B. Sh% — Although I considered it ine.Kj)edient to stait a rival subscription list to that opened by the Mayor of this City, for the relief of the sulFerers by the St. John lire, I placed a contribution box in my office for such small sums as seamen and othera were willing to give. I postponed sending yo'.i the amount coUejted in the hope of increasing it, but as the contributions have now entirely cesised, beg to liand you an ord(;r for $58.00, being tlie equivalent of $60.00 U. S. Currency, which was the total sum so collected. Though a very small sum, and arriving somewhat late, 1 have no doubt you will be able to apply it to the purpose for which it has been contributed. 1 have the honor to be, Sii', your ob't servant, C. A. Henderson. MarrAKY Collkge, Ki-igaton, Out., 30th Oct., 1877. The WoRsiiirFUL the Mayor, St. John, N. B. Sir, — -I have the honor to enclose a cheque on Baidc of Montreal, for .$10.00, which sum hiis been contributed by the officers and cadets of the Military College, in aid of the sufferers by the recent fire at St. John. I have the honor to be. Sir, your ob't serv't, W. Hewitt, BoTHWELL, O.ST., 27th Nov., 1877. To His Worship the Mayor, St. John, N. B. Dear Sb', — Please accept herewith $12.00, the proceeds of a collection taken up at a Tlianksgiving Meeting lield here on the evening of Thursday, 22nd inst., and which, as chairmnn, I was directed to forward to you as a contribution to the fund for the relief of tlu; sufFerei-s by your late disastrous fire. It is but a slight token of the sympathy felt for them by our people, and wjiicli we through you convey. Youi-s very truly, D. M. Craney. DAKT.MOLTII, N. S., 7th Dec, 1877. S. Z. Earle, Esq., M. D., Mayor, St. Jolm. Bear SiVy — Enclosed pleiusti receive check on the Bank British North America for two thousand five hundred and eiglity-two dollai's and seventy-five cents, l)ayable to your order, being amount of subscription from tlie inhabitants of Dai-tniouth to the St, John Fire Relief Fund. I remain dear Sir, youra very truly, G. A. Mackenzie, Treasurer St. John Fire Relief Fmul. ■p 10^ SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. As in the report it is proposed to f.ublish the letters and telegrams that came to hand, it i\ould almost seem invidious to particularise any act from among the thousands that call for our gi'atitude ; yet, we cannot forbear here recording the fact that the United States Government in its noble generosity Avas pleased to place its Revenue Cutter "Gallatin" at the dis- posal of the Boston Relief Committee to convey the goods collected in that city to the sufferers in St. John. This ship made two voyages from Boston to St. John laden with goods, the free offering of our generous neighbors of that city. The brotherly words of cheer and hope given us by the committee delegated from Boston to accompany the supplies, and by the commander and his olHcers when in our dire need we were des- pondent, will ever remain in the memories ot all who had the honor to meet those ifentle men. ■ m ■>.■■ '' CHAPTER IV. '^' . ''_[ TEMPORARY MEASURES OF RELIEF. The authorities of the city had an arduous task to perform. Early as the Public Meeting Avas convened it was anticipated by our kind neigh- bours aljroad. At this meeting letters were read from the Mayors of Halifax, Moncton, Bangor and other near jjlaces. The unbounded sympa- thy of all who received the sad news went out towards us. They wei'c as quick to anticipate all our wants, and from the wording of letters and messages, as kindly anxious to avert and alleviate sutFering as were our own people. Every succeeding minute brought words of condolence and proffers of aid from societies, corporations, states, and cities. Among the first to arrive was one from Her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria, express- ing sympathy with the sufferers. For days and weeks railways and steamboats continued to poui- in to us their freights of goods sent from the cities and tows of the United States and the Dominion. In some instances the supplies wei'e delivered at the rink free of charge, in all cases they were free of freight charges, and the Dominion Government directed its officers to pa«s all contributions for the sufferei-s free of duty. Valuable assistance was rendered the society through the labors of the Ladies Committee at St. John Church, the Ladies of the St. Vincent and Sacred Heart Convents, and the many private committees in Portland and the city. To receive and assort the supplies was a great responsibility for many weeks. Messrs. Wm. Magee and James Reynolds, the connnittee appointed for this purpose, devoted their entire time to the task. The goods as they arrived were stored in the Rink and Railway Sheds, and INCEPTION AND ORGANIZATION, 103 were issued to the orders of the committees of the furniture, clothing and provision departments, and were distributed by these committees to the sufferers. Temporaiy kitchens were erected, and aided by the largo supply of cooked food that wfis received, the committees were enabled to meet the demands of all. For the first few days the imperative necessity then was that all should be fed, and so far as could be done, pi'ovided with bedding and clothing. These necessaries were given to all applicants on their own statements, as in the presence of such abuntlance it was a sacred trust that no one should be left in want. But as early as the 23rd June, something like check and system had already been established, goods and provisions being issued by cards containing names and addresses of applicants. On the Monday following the fire cards for provisions were presented at the stores in the rink asking for food for 10,000 persons. It is not presumed in the report we here attempt to make, that a full account can be given of the actual disposition that was made of all the goods and supplies that came to hand during the first hours of the calamity, Init the directors are pleased, in gratitude to the generous, donors to be in a position to say that from the day of the formation of the "Kelit-f and Aid Society," on which an account of stock wcs taken and delivered to the Society's care, that that trust with all that came to liand thereafter in goods and monies are fully accounted for. CHAPTER V. INCEPTION AND ORGANIZATION OF THE RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. At a meeting of the Citizen's Executive Committee, held at the Court House, on the 27th June, Mr. C. G. Trusdell, General Superintendent of the Chicago Relief and Aid Society, was presented to the meeting — he having been sent here by the Citizens of Chicago, tendering his aid, experience and assistance to the citizens of St. John in perfecting their relief organization; and at a subsequent meeting of the Directors, held at the Court House on 28th June, Mr. Trusdell, at the request of the Board, explained his plans and views, subuiitttjd his blanks, forms and system, with his experience for the past ten years in the work of relief in Chicago. The advice and suggestions which the lengthened experience of Mr. Trusdell enabled that gentleman to offer to the Committees, were of great value, and it is but an act of common justice to say, that a debt of grati- tude is due to him and to Ids city for the kindness which prompted his visit to us. It was the means of conveying at the right time the special kind of information which the state of affairs demanded, and helped us to 4K W 104 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. adopt at the outset systematized plans which we would only have adopted after, perhaps, many mistakes, much inconvenience and great waste of money. In view of the certainty that the labor and work of the directors and members of the several committees, as already appointed, nmst extend over many months, the meeting being fully satisfied that the system, as presented by Mr. Trusdell, was, with certain modifications, the best that could be adopted, it was resolved that the "Committee be managed accord- ing to the plans submitted, and that it be named The Saint John Relief AND Aid Society." At an adjourned meeting, held at 8 p. m., in the Court House, on the same day, the action of the previous meeting was confirmed, and the following officers and committees were appointed: — \V. H. TtJC'K, Chairman Executive Committee, L. R. Habrihon, Secretari/ " " SHELTER COMMITTEE. M. W. Mahek, Chaifman. :. F. A. KiN(i, John H. Paeks. PURCHASING SUPPLIES. ' ■ ■ . , . ■ ■ -■ ■ C. H. Faikweathek. C. A. EvEUErr. ■ • . A. Chipman Smith. ; , .. i transportation. Harris Altjvn. •insurance. John H. Parks. Harris Allan. sick, including hospital and interment. Wm. Bayard, M. D., R. N. Kniuht. C. N. Skinner. Harris Allan. EMPLOYMENT. Henry Ddffell. E. McLeod. T. W. Daniel. CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. Andre Cushino. Boyle Traver.s, M. D. CORRESPONDENCE AND TELEGRAMS. W. H. Tuck. L. R. Harrison. RECEPTION AND STORAGE. WlLLLAM MaOEE. JaS. REYNOLDS. SPECIAL RELIEF . of James A. Harding, Chairman, \ tht Geo. E. King. C. N. Skinner. lioi JaS. i.SYNOLDS. Edwin Fisher. William Peters. RoBT. Marshall. B. Lester Peters. A. C. Smith. of Ceo. F, Harding, Jl. McLeod, INCEPTION AND ORGANIZATION. 105 adopted waste of jtors and b extend i^stem, as )est that i accord- f Relief ;, on the and tlio Andre Cushino. ftENERAi. Warner. AUDIT. A. Gt.Asdow. PRINTING, E. M. LEor>. (tEo. .'<. Deforest. •loiiN Kerr. At this meeting it was resolved that the Mayor ho directed to issue a proclamation announcino- the formation of the "Saint Jolin Relief and Aid Society," and reqnestino' that all funds and supplies for the fire sufferers hereafter )jc sent to the St. John Relief and Ai re(|uest of the citizens, a public meeting was called l)y His Worsliip Mayor Earle, hoM in the Mechanics' Institute, to encjuire into the work of tlie Relief and Aid Society. The meeting was composed of nearly all the leading business men, merchants and professional men of the city, and it fully sustained and approved the work and action of the society by the following resolution: — Moved by James Domville, Esq., M. P., seconded by T. B. Barker, Esq. "Resolved, Thdt tliis meeting regards witli great .sati.sfaction, the onerous mid able services of Gloneml Warner and tlie other members of tlie citizens' committe, and beg to return them, on l>ehalf of tlie City of St. John, tlieir sincere thanks, and heartily confirm them in their oHice." Carried unanimously. Public notice was given in the city papers of the intention of the Society to ask for an Act of Incorporation, and the Provincial Legislature during its session in 1878, was pleased to incorporate the St. John Relief and Aid Society. SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. as The subjoined Act to incorporate the Saint John Relief and Aid Society waf passed at the last Session of the Legislature. An Act to incorporate "■The St. John Relief ami Aid Society. Wherea.s, by the fire which occurred on the twentieth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundi'ed anr the stoVage of Wood, Coal, or other supplies, intended for charitable distribution, or for any other purpose necessary or desirable to carry out tiie objects liorein specified. 10. It shall be the duty of the said Corporation to establish as soon as may be, one or more offices, depots or stations in a suitable and convenient place or places in the said City (of the location of which public notice shall be given, and continued for such time as may be needful, to cause the same to bo generally known in the City,) at which place Officers or Agents of the Corporation shall be in attendance, for the purpose of carrying out the pur- poses of this Act, in such manner and under such regulations as the Board of Directors may require. 11. The Mayor of the City of Saint John for the time being shall be ex officio a member of the Board of Directors of the said Corporation. 12. The said Corporation shall have power, according to any Bye-Laws which it may make, to appoint from time to time additional members thereof. In accordance with the provisions of the above recited Act, a meeting of the Corporators named therein was held at the Court house, in the City of Saint John, on May 11th, 1(S78, and the Society organized under the name of SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. The followin,q[ is a list of the Orticers and Members as chosen and elected at that meeting: — PRESIDENT. JAMES REYNOLDS. " CHAIRMAN EXECUTIVE COMMITTTE. JAMES A. HARDING. TREASURER. CHARLES H. FAIRWEATHER. 108 SAINT JOHN llELIKF AND AID SOCIETY. 150ARI) OK DlUECTOllS. JAMES KKYNOI.DH, Phhsidknt. S. Z. EAllJ.K, Mayou, (ccoffidu.) W. H. Tuck. Auclro CuHliiiig. John H. I'iuks. F. A. Kiny. C. 11. Faiiwouthei'. Heniy DutJell. Jaiiios A. Hanliug. Amlre Ciisliiug. JaiiioH A. *Har(ling. Hon. (J. E. King. ■• (Joneral VVarnur. ■ A. C. Smith. J. H. Leonawl. James 1. Felloww. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. II. Tuck. James lleyuoklis. Thos. A. Chijinian, Seerctaiy. MEMBEJtS. 8. Z. Eaile, Mayor, (ex ojicio.) H. Dufl'ell, AKlunnan, " W. Petei-H, John Keir, Wm. Martin, " " Jamea Reynoidw. Jame,s A. Hardiuu'. Janie Adani.s, Aklerman, (ex o(/iclu.) Jas. DomviUe, M. l\, " » " Sam. L. Hrittain, " " H. Adam Ghisgow, '• " Jarvi.s Wilson, " " Andre dishing. E. A. King. William Magee. Kzekiel McLeod. Edwin Fialier. Wm. C. Watson. Robert ]Marsliall. Boyle Travers, M. G. F. Harding. Jiis. f lewelling. G. S. DeEorest. 4 D. (J. H. Eairwcathei-. John H. Parks. • A. C. Smith. James 1. Fellows. Charles N. Skinner. Leigh R. Harrison. Heniy Hilyard. Hon. William Wedderburn, Andrew F. McAvenny. R. W. Crookshank. Wm. iiayard, M. D. Thos. W. Daniel. CHAPTER VI. Hon, G. E, King. General Warner. J. H. Leonard. W. H. Tuck. Harris Allan. M. W. Maker. Edward Willis. William Elder. Charles A. Everett. Richard N. Knight. Hon. C. Watters. B. Lester Peters. ACTION OF THE RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. In view of the responsibility of the Society to the public, not only for the very large sum of money entrusted to its care, but for the more serious duty of expending and distributing that trust fairly and equitably, a statement of the Society is here submitted. AcrioN (»K Till-, IIKMKF AND AlO SndKTY. 1()!» In acconlance with tho luMoliition of tho Citizen's ('onnnitteo of tli(^ 2J)th Juno, 1S77, the Ruliof and Ai position of tJeneral Superintendent. This j^entleiuan, whose name will long be held in kindly renieml)rance by tlie citizens of Saint John, had from the dawn of the 21st June, devoted all his time to the relief of the sullerers, and was in i)osses- sion of all the details and facts connected with the work already done. The Society had al.-,o, as before I'eferred'to, the advantaj^e of Ijegimiing its operations under the advice of Mi-. Trusdell, yot, there was for the first few days neees.sarily some confusion and disorder, but the enerei'sons of advanced age who may have been deprived of the meana of support by the tire of the 20tli June, 1877, as well as others who from sickness or destitution conse(iuent tliere- froiu may lequiie the same, and without, positively, limiting itself to any om; class, to discriminate in favor of those iu wliom habits of temperance, industry and thrift give promise of permanent benefit from the aid furnished, and shall not embrace in the sphere of its opemtions such as are the proper subjects for the Alms House. no SAINT JOHN RKMKF AND AID SOClKTV. r^ ■ Iti'i.K -'. Itolicf is only to lie givuii iilt«M' a poi'HonHl iiivcHtigiitioii of ««ch ciwo by viHiUilioii irul niiquiiy hy mi luithori/uil vmitor. HuLC .'J. llrliff U) lie f^iveii in jirojH)itioii to iminediiito noodn. Ilii.K {. Ur-lict' to Ik; (liHi^outiniii'il to tliow who iiuuiit'cHt inliN|K)Kitioii t^» ili'|i«ii(l vn iiliiiH nitiic'i- tliiiii tliL'ir own exfitioiiH lor .siii)|)ort. Rt'LE 5. Abk'-bodiod men arc not regartluil iw iirojier Hulytrts ior lelief. RuLK 0. Appliciiuts having clainiH on other cliarities are to lie furnishjul with a card dii-uctiiig thriii to tlie same, Htatiug the amount of relief rt'ceived from this iSoeiety. Rule 7. It is an aWsolute condition of relief liy this Society, thai all iiersons receiving aid aic not to ash alms or assistiinco of tlie pnlilic, eitlier on tlio Htrcots, at residences or places of liusiness. lluLK ^. No loans shall be made from the fiiinls of this Society. Rule S). As a rnh(, ndief to be<;red in supples, or ordeis for supplies rather tlian in money. UULK 10. fn ail cases when persons or families have liceu aided liy tliis Society on acconnt of want of employment, and are by (he Society offered sitmitions adapted to their condition in life with aid to reach such situations, M'hich they to accept, n(j i'urther relief shall be extiinded to them. MYJ':-LAVVS. '■\'.:: n 1. Any person may become a member of this As.sociation by being balloted for — five black beans excluding. 2. The Anniud Meeting of this Society shall be held in the City of St. John, on the second Monday in May of eacli and evury yeai*, at such place and time as sliall be specified by notice from the Secretary of the Society, to be published in at least one of the city papei-s thi'ee days before the time of such meeting. 3. Tlie members of this Society present at such Annual Meeting, shall select from their number a Board of Directors, consisting of fourteen, including His Worship the Mayor, as provided by Act of Incorjioration, to liold othce until the next annual election, or until their succi ,;sors are chosen. 4. The Board of Directors sliall have power to fill vacancies at the Board from members of the Society, 5. The Board of Directors on being chosen at said Annual Meeting shall select one of their number as President of said Board, who shall be the [(residing oHicer of the Board, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Society, and shall have the general charge of the business of the Society, also authority and control of the subordinate officers. 6. The Board of Directora shall hold meetings whenever notified by the Presi- dent or Secretary, aaxd any five members of said Board shall constitute a quonim. Af'TIOX OF TIIK UELIKF AND AID SOrFF/rV. Ill 7. TIio Moaiil of Din'ctoi'H slmll Mclfct ii Sccrctiuy ami Trcii.snit'r. It hIiuII lie tlio iliity of the tSucrotiirv to kiM-j) tlie buokn iiud iitrountM of tlit* Soi-it-ty ; to keep a record of tlio procoi'tliiif^s of tlio mcotinj^ of tlio Hocictv, tli«' Hoard of DiifttoiH iinil the Kxocutivc ('oiiimittt'c. S. 'Ilio duty of tlh' TiciismtT sliall Ki' to kcrp a concot accoimf of all inourys rocoivcd and cxiKMidt-d liy tlic Soiicty. l). The funds of tlio Society, as r(';(urds tlio iiriiiciple iiart tlun'of, not rfijiiin'il for emront ('.\|MMiditur(f, shall Ik; kept on deposit in Chaiteied JJanks or invested in DoMiinion ov Provincial Sccui'ities. Such deposits sliall lie in the names of the President of thi' Society, the Mayor of the City of St. .Folui, for the time lieini,', and the Treasurer of the Bocioty. They shall lie suliject to withdrawal iipon the order of the Jioard of J^irectors, and shall Ik? withdrawn fiom tlm IJanks as leijuii'ed liy the sii,'natures of the Treusiirer ami oni' of the other two otticeis in whos" names they are deposited. Such amounts as may l>e re(|uin'd tVom time to timt ' 1 Hun.'t current ox jienditnr(> shall lie ke|it on di|iosit in a Cliarteted liank uiM)ii <)|K)n current account, and shall lie drawn liy chi'cks si-^ncd liy the Treasurer. For current eN|ienditure authorized liy tin; I'oard of Directors (or the Mxecntise Committee), the President, or in his alisenee the Chairman of the llxeeiitive C'lm mitteo shall make orders upon the Treasurer. Su'di orders to lie coimtersijLjned liy the Secretary. 10. The Poard of Directors shall meet on the tirst Monday of ev(>ry mouth, at the otticc of the Society, at 4 p. m., and at such other times as the President may order. 11. The Poard shall have power to select any four of their nnndier who shall constitute an Executive Connnittee, the Chairman of which shall havt! jiower, in the absence or sickness of the President, or when delegated liy him, to draw checks upon the funds of the Society. 12. The failure of any jierson, chosen as a Director, to attend three con.secutive meetings without satisfactory excus<> to the Board, shall hv. deemed sufficient for the vacation of his offict; liy a vote of the Board. 13. The Society may be called together at any time by order of the President, or it may be called on the requisition of five members to the Presi,,.('• ">■ RATION ORDER BLANKS. ST. .TOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Application No. Issued to Delivered by . Order No . .187 .Days Rations for. . . . Persons. Flour. ..Oatmeal, .cornmeal. Fish. .... SU(!AR. Tea. SOAI". Rick. .... Bkans. Molasses, . for President. No. To ONE LOAF BREAD. To Application No. Orilur No (2 Lis.) .lbs. Corned Perk. l'<;tatoc8, DEPARTMEN." OF GENERAL RELIER To.... Aiiplication No. Order No To Application No. Order No 115 lb«. Corned Beef i,,, prc«h Beef. Potatoes Potatoes. SCALE OF RATIONS. Akiicle. Bread, Iha . . .77. . . . . . ~. Flour, R>3 Oatmeal, 1T)3 Cormueal,^Ibs Su;,'ar, fta Tea, Iha Soap, lf)s Rice or Beans, As Codlisli.'lhs Fresh Beef, lbs Corned Pork, As Corned Beef, lbs l'otatoes,»Pks ft S g _o o 15 U 2 4 I ti j 4 • i 4 I i 14 J. 1 24 5 6 -H « M e^ e.) P5 4 10 I 8 7 10 [10 5 I 5 . . I 5 2\| 3h r 2 5 10 12 5 7 24 8 8 lio 14 20 25 4 5 4 5 5 3 4 5 1 1 u 1 2 2 5 (> 7 10 10 12 8 13 15 5 6 7 7 9 11 2 24 3 I "^3 1(5 I o FH j CO ft !a 4 ! 8 [10 10 10 15 30 40 ioO ft a 3 I 4 HI 1 3 5 5 2 5 H 10 ,12 8 10 8 i 9 2 ' 2^ 2|l .3 I .sK y'lU 13'!15 11 12 !l5 1« 20 12 5 :10 111 111 |15 7 14 110 20 122 114 I 4il 5il fi a o o ft ft 10 10 «0 35 15 I 8 10 ! 8 10 i 7 3 j IJ 4 i 3 8 :20 125 .30 130 20 10 14 4i OPERATIONS OF THE RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY THE FIRST YEAR. GENERAL KELIEF DEPAETMENT, YEAR ENDING 30th JUNE, 1878. Totiil niini1)erof aitplicutious from date of organization, 3rclJuly, 1877, 3,027 Coniplioil with, 2 771 Rofuaed, no claim, 25(5 3,0-27 CLASSIFIED AS FOLLOWS. Married persons, _ . 3 jq(j Widows, (J25 Widowers, j o i^ Single Male, g. > Single Female, y j^^ Children, r^ q22 Total number of peraons, , 1 1 354 IIG SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Ages of Adults. Male. 20 and unck;i- 30 years, 678 30 " 40 " 528 40 " 50 <' 446 50 " 60 " 291 60 •' 70 " 243 70 years and upwards, 124 2,320 Female. 1,113 713 489 384 255 158 3,112 Number of times visited, 8,650 No. of Furniture orders issued. 4,013 " Clothing " 7,50G " Eatioii " 10,110 " Fuel ' ■ « ' 2,004 23,635 NATIONALITY, Dominion of Canada, 1,427 United States, 77 Enalisli 9 Irish, Scotch, Nowfouudlaud, , French, German, Prussian, Italian, Danish, Norwegian, . . . . Swede, Holland, Greek, S[)anish West Indies,. . . 1 74 ,037 129 I 15 4 4 S 2 7 2 2 9. 3,027 OCCUPATIONS. Agents, 9 Barbei-s, 10 Bakers 16 Book-keei)ei"s, 9 Butchers, 12 Bo»tuien, 14 MiiBons, 52 Marinera, 190 Moulders, 14 Nurses, 42 Painters, 80 Pilots, 32 Female. 1,113 713 489 384 255 %m 3,112 8,650 4,013 7,506 10,110 2,004 1,427 77 274 1,037 129 25 7 IS 4 4 a f 2 2 2 6 DEPARTMENT OF Blacksmiths, 28 Block-makers, 9 Boiler-makei-s, 12 Boat-buiklei-s, 8 Boarding-house Iceepers, 82 Cartmeu and Coachmen, 115 Cabinet-makers, 24 Cutlet's, 3 Confectioners, , 9 Curriei-s, 12 Clothiers 24 Caulkers, 8 Coopers, 12 Engineers 17 Engravei-s, 2 Fish-mongei-s, 20 Fishermen, 10 Grocers, HO Gardenei-s, 12 Hostlers, G Harness-makers, 8 Huxters, 44 Joiners, 120 Jewellers, 8 GENERAL RELIEF. 117 Plumbers, 18 Photogra])hers, 6 Portei-s, 55 Printei-s, 18 Riggers, 60 Ship-carpenters, 42 Shoemakers,' 80 Stevedores, 20 Sadlers, 4 Serajistress, 144 Salesmen, 56 Surveyors, 18 Sail-makers, 31 Silversmiths, 3 Tailors, , (S CO I- CI 3? C<5 C5 1^ 00 I- CI OS e<5 C5 04 CO CI 1-- CI « © gj S5 i -^ •cK'oy ■sq'^ ■osaaqg "sqq 00 ^ t- CO CO m 1^ Si o CO CI 00 CO CI CO 10 10 ■-0 •im^u. "sqi •oajifo^ -sqT •uax -liqi •jB3ng -sq^; •qsij -sqT •(JBDJ^ -sqT soo:jt)^oj 'sq^ "ijiuostg; "sqq •pB9jg •sq'^i CO CO CI to 1--5 01 1-5 ■* CO r- lO I- CO CO O lO 00 cr. -# ci O >« a> i CI CO CI g CO CI 8 © IS Oi •-< r-t Cl 00 CI 1(5 1- — l^ I- © CI CI -H i-i CO !•-• CO CO -H 2i ^ ^ CO 00 «5 CI O I- CO CO c o O O 00 CO CI CO c. 1-S o © -M C "i !■" lO O CO o o o n I- I- 1.0 -^ ira CO © M -H -^ CI CO "M CI ■* ® © CI t= © l^ — ' © CI i 8 -* 15 © © O -J" — • CO CO ■^ a lo 1- ci © CO CO CO CI © © 1- I' 3 — © CO — CO lO CI CI -H aj CO — © CI t-- 8 2 00 CI « S 2 ^ i^ 00 CO in 00 CO 00 i-O © lO CO it © CO © © S ■<* o I- 1~ s © CO © © © © CI CO lO © ■* -H •[Bopi -sqi •jiioij[ -sqT oS S CI CO CO -f o -^ © © lO © © rt CO CI — < © © o — © © CO -t © Q © CO t- W t-» lO f-^ CO CI •o © © © CO CI lO © O 10 © CO © ■* 00 lO 10 © Tjl l- ^ CO 01 * -- CI - T)< CO ■* --< I- O .-H O lO © CO © CO I- 00 — CI 00 s I o iz; a 1-8 g 1 1 I- © o CO lO CI CO _©_ lO OH © CI © lO © _CI_ © CI CO 10 CI © CI lO © CI m CO l^ lO 1^ 's o 13 o o Cm CO o CO *H j2 o • I-I >o CI o (M u En o o Cm o to a-} o (M 0) o en 1: N c8 O >o •1 Ci N O a (M « j ^ J ?:i u i^ D ^s (^ ft w H Oh H s DEPARTMENT OF OKXKRAL RELIEF. •Bi,WBqs ?? S o C5 CI 51 OX 1 •esoH 55 -; — : : : i i ?? ^ i •S(lt!0 5 S^BJ-I 1 -H i-H C*5 1^ 1— t O O CC : " - ?5 2 - 1" •sanai,! •piotias'nojj 12 ; O -J^ O ?o o • o CI o : i' 2 55 5 : ?i ^ : CO •glllJJl'OlQ ' f^' E:: jr t r- ?"r S' ^ ■ ^' E:: JS — "* '- — r- CI •— CI •S80t[g puB 1 i ri 13 ?! 1 § i- s i 1 ^ r-4 1 1 1 i 2 11 " " - 1 S « OS j -SJutlHOI;-) 1 1 ?i § - " " ^ --3 5 ?? ■-•= ■paoMx -Bp^ 1 i i 1 i 1 S Is s g S '*' »-p •!>nT.i,i -sp^ '-' o Q -H iji ; ^o *, ^ o -. . to Ul O oo • ec 00 -j< c^ O ; I,-- Ci CI •Bpoof) BsajQ; BPJ«A 8432 2511 1309 406 461 1986 3003* 1842A 1354S 1235 3314 106 ?! ?S 1 •ianu«ij -ep^^ 3 ^ 1^ 2 !^ ^' S' i' R !? « 2 •no;!joo -spj;^ £? 2 '^ ?3 ^' « '« 5?' ff' ::S' o m' r^' i i i 1 i^ i 5 1 S S i -^ 55 CO >-5 1 be 1 1 o 1 > o V e a! J 1 > 110 120 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. ■BUld pUB IM -H « io e> ■^ •fidxuoq w ?l S 8 S '^' ^ •BUOJT-IJ'BU •Boqsnjg 'jog 8 SS l^ W ^ Q §^ '- - ^ O O IQ >-* cc ^^ CI s ■rC O ei — CI •^ Tj< .-< ■s"iX f-4 CO cc t-» o CC -< CO CI eo CI •SUOO'I^' CO « t- -t ■* ■^ 00 ■Xjoj^u^ C3 Q -H I- 05 O d 00 © 00 O CI M M CS CI CI —I 00 w t-~ •♦ •XjaijoaiQ •8:joclBax 31 lO «D iO J S! S 2 _CI ^ 00 O 1ft it rl ■^ CI 00 •Bpj«oqi[S«^Y\ I -t Q oo o o ■* 00 Tjl l-H F-. CI ■-C •* CI •sMonij to lO I— CI ?J O CI ira to p -^ — CI •suioojg s y p^ © ■« CI 00 CI in ■* « i-t © SI 00 CI ■SUM I^ 05 to M to -< — < © to ec >-( '-' §? o as o ci to •sqnx ■* © ^ ^ S S5 2 CI I— < iCi i-c 1/5 j»j •spuu^sqsB^W 5: to CO o 10 CO ■* -^ CI -- O O t-« P5 •saiqvx Tjl to >(3 CI O IC CI CI CI -H CI CI to 00 t- -"Jl to l-s s •sjraqQ ?! to CI CI © 00 00 r-H o S CI «5 s ^ ^ * •s^iinft CI 00 © 00 5 CI ?5 ta —I n « © © e<5 00 00 © o © CI to 10 Ir- es CI •* © to CI 10 00 lf3_ CI 10 to !>• CO -?L "10 00 10 _cc ■B3SR9J!J1.T!J^ CO CO CI " CI to © CI -^ CI CI «J ^ rf -^ lit © CI © to 8;8^tUT![a SI,-< 1-c a © in • 00 •CO p o V .a S V g s ^ © DKPAUTMKNT OK OKNAnAI, PKLIEF. ST. JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. 121 AiiHist.'fl nlth May. .1 Rations, 2«2 C'lothiii!,', 14S Furiilturo, Fuel 10 Ucnts Medicine Duricd, Refuscil r)73 Tilt Married Porsniig 195 Widows, 192 Widowers, 2(1 Single 14 Children 1085 Irish 252 English, 37 Seotch i) New Brunswick 89 Nova Scotlans, 5 Old Canada, 12 United States 2 Welsh, 3 W. Indies 2 German, Prince Edward Island,. . . Newfoundlimd, 3 Norwegian Sweden, 1 Italian Grocers 23 Riggers 8 Shoemakers 10 Joiners, 14 Carpenters, 2 Masons 1 Mariners 18 Tailors, 2 Tinsmiths, 2 Blacksmiths, 6 Ship-carpenters, Painters, 1 Bakers Huckatem Watchmen 4 Fish-mongers, :i Block-makers 2 Hand Cartnien, Boarding-house keepers, 8 Confectioners, 1 Gai'dners, — 3 Teachers" Seamstresses, 15 IIoBtlcrs, Ifl N FOR 12 MONTHS ENDI NO .30to APRIL, 1879 MTS. TOTAL NUMBER OF APPUCA! Ullf. ■ln\y. .\"K. Si-|it. Oil. N.iV. Her. .lull. F.'li. M.ll. Aiirll- 159 132 90 80 13(1 154 241 447 580 0.-.S 440 71 15 28 24 05 52 84 01 03 60 37 15 8 1 4 1 2 1 13 1 o t 112 151 288 348 324 154 44 45 73 OS 75 SO M 88 SO 82 83 3 4 4 3 10 4 9 5 7 4 2 1 5 £> 3 5 4 424 289 359 314 21X1 437 47(1 559 048 745 529 ■: ((4(14 FAMIMES AIDKI) UEl'UESENTED. 127 SI 21S 1S2 27S 38(1 024 1110 1X.2 1472 S4o 149 114 (l(i 90 58 193 237 272 277 321 234 20 11 8 13 138 23 41 41 01 58 43 15 () 7 45 18 51 85 57 28 37 50 901 414 623 402 097 985 1440 2403 2828 3255 2051 NATIONALITIES. 192 110 112 108 159 223 270 400 4r)0 607 309 22 20 20 12 28 47 75 82 107 103 m 10 9 7 5 8 18 28 30 02 34 27 40 30 47 ^9 (il 815 12.) 219 305 291 180 10 5 3 S 5 10 25 17 37 17 10 10 IB 11 11 14 7 24 41 09 48 37 3 3 5 5 2 14 15 20 18 11 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 .5 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 7 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 8 2 2 1 2 3 2 5 4 2 1 1 2 4 4 1 1 :• 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 OCCUPATIONS 5 o 4 11 14 19 29 30 38 86 18 9 3 5 3 7 9 14 27 39 39 24 7 4 5 3 5 14 22 30 45 39 22 15 4 12 17 25 39 55 72 49 9 2 5 5 14 20 23 34 21 12 4 2 4 1 5 9 11 17 11 3 10 9 5 10 14 27 33 49 47 10 10 2 8 4 8 14 10 15 22 U 4 3 5 4 3 5 5 7 14 o 2 3 4 5 10 11 IS 15 10 9 3 2 5 3 in 10 1 2 12 24 13 7 1 2 2 3 1 8 13 3 5 2 3 2 4 7 1,.' 18 8 C 4 4 7 11 10 15 10 3 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 4 9 3 11 12 22 21 31 14 9 1 1 3 3 5 3 3 1 3 6 12 18 IS 2 27 35 54 37 27 122 SAINT JOHN RKLTKF AND ATD SnriKTY. AksIhIi'iI with Mny. .Iiinn. .Tiil.v. AuR. Hejit. Oi't. Il.KitniLii, :i Culiiiiet -makers ,. 1 .. ,. ,. .. i C()ii|>ors, .i ,,-•• ,, ^. CiiulkoJH , , 1 . . , . I'luiiiliorj, ... .. 1 MouUlors, Sur\e.viir9, \V:iiU:rn, ., .. 1 Tiimera, Sail-niakurs, NurstiH, Stcve^liires W I'ildls, Minors Carriatfc-makers . . l . . Clerks R KiiKinuors, Hariiuss-nuJters, Stewards, Spar-makjra, I'liiilur-ninkera, 1 2 Ot'icr cireuiiatiuns, (I.') C.l Lalxirm-H, l.ld .. 50 42 3,1 ;;1 3i; AViiliiws, l'o.\ 1G(J 114 !)!) !)0 128 IIW CAlSi:.S {)!•' DICSTITUTION'. Lnryc families ileiieiiileiit 00 .12 2i) 10 1)7 :iO 28 Wiiidv,:!, A^jcd, &!■., 10:i (10 cr 70 ,^2 Ki Kid A^anl ami Iiiflnii 40 4:s .'U ;,.'> (i7 i)2 Kiukne:»», 21 10 -14 .|i ;:(; i) (,o Mull iiwa.v U 4 ;t 2 \i (! 7 Dciiorted 2 2 u .I 4 4(J i) Accideiils, , . . . 1 (i r, (J Jllitul or Lame . 7 Other causes, 174 02 13 34 10 20 34 COAL. Miiy. .hini'. .Inly. Amr. Si'jit. Oi;t. Nov. Pec. Loads, 23 13 1 ;j 7 112 lijl I'ltOVI.-IOMS AND GiiOCERIFS. Flour, 3727 2.S87 2350 l,'-.3r 1722 2;;37 4.')45 471W Oatmeal, 054 031 5a.) JVil 470 il'jr UiXi V.iVM Corn-meal '„'4S ;.71 lib LGl •.;70 4Li fcUl lOJ i'^ish, llKUi 1240 ia.;4 7b;' 755 lilO 1404 1&7>* I'Uyar T28 434 J 11 Zr< iVl 4*^3 50.^ (ttl Tea, 20(1 141 114 il 02 124 1!7 209 Soap 329 2i3 IbO l^(i l.;9 'iOti 255 415 liieo 200 123 140 ;>i>0 2u0 4S1 527 3J0 i^oans, 1)40 CIO 508 12B 170 1S8 2JJ 052 Molxsaes, S 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 I'.i-oad ''J,Q.C) lOSfi OR) ffn 178S :2(-! ^S':; 2T1 Kresli Keef,.... 2301 115S 1259 10.'2 1025 l.-iOO ISJl 2OIJ0 Corned I'ork,. . . 02S 552 5»0 4i7 450 (1^4 1;;2S 1;J38 CornoU licet, .. . 1V64 1?(;5 '..",0 Vl.'.". 7:7 10'. 4 i'Sl 2157 Potatoes, 110 (i-l 07 50 ii 74 01 140 1'LOTHING, kQ. Cottons, yds. ('03 45;'- .^32 57 00 235 103 102 DroHstioods, " 331 234 >^ 3S IS 205 240 40 Print, " 198 24 24 17 10 Tweed, " 130 m ;; sj ;, ,r,(i (;,j Flannel, " 122 ;,rt (i3 .. 20I IvJO 170 Cloaking, " 15 4 .. .. ., -20 10 Womon'swear, pes. 172 80 31 2(i 12 29 Jail. F.Ip. Mill. >itI1. 4 n 9 2 1 9 1 3 1 2 5 H 3 3 5 1 R 4 4 1 2 r 4 4 (i 3 3 1 2 fi 9 2 1 17 25 21 4 (I 3 2 4 7 '2 3 5 1 3 2 1 2 1 2.-> 221 2.-)(l 341 243 2;!" 2 ■2 274 321 224 30 1 -(> 234 178 115 21(! 2 -,0 342 321 109 144 1 72 221 280 210 05 a2 100 W\ 70 24 8 49 55 42 i3 12 13 11 9 7 10 4 9 14 14 12 27 140 104 1S2 05 .1)111. Kill. Hill. A pril. ■lulill. 201 354 320 102 1452 fl02() Vest", 10 Kliirts 23 Drawers, 2 Tuwols, Cottoniule Hose 41 Sliirtiiijf, yiiiijrioa, lisdstcads, 9 Slattreascs, 10 Ulankcts, 18 (^iiilts, I) I'liairs, 31 TaljlcB 7 .Sliives 3 Tuliii, U WaHhstniidn, . , . / I'ails, r> liriKims, 3 Clolliea Liiiva,. . 4 Flat-iiims, (i Waah-bciiler, Scrub-bnish, ... 4 Pillows Wash-bjards, . . '2 Cutlery, 4 Tin-waro, 3 Jllnn. 14 3 7l> 37 3 10 1 I 4 10-.; 3 24 S 2 4 July. 87 ir. 9 3 10 4 11 15 7 8 10 Aiif. H.'iil. 2 10 35 11) 17 15 lU ■21 15 0.;t. 2B 1 58 47 8 12 4 78 3 1 10 7 32 7 FIKNITUUE, &c. 2 2 1 (i i 7 3 1 Dec. I 04 1 1 1 7 7 4 5 10 K.h, 14 «1 2 1 14 12 Mil. 05 28 15 April. 8 1 41 1 1 1 2 Total, 132 11 077 294 31 51 23 102 57 8 258 121 lU 87 28 M 88 72 2.3 11 13 81 U 5 11 lU 1 8 U 18 7 CHAPTER VII. SHELTER. One of the most important comniitees was that of Shelter, involving the expenditure of a lai^^o .sum, and ret|uiriiig on the part of the mem- bers, a constant attention and supervision. For days afte" the lire, many persons fonnd temporary shelter in sheds, in warehouses and in the Rink — others had obtained places in the sub- urbs, or were crowded in with friends; in some instances whole families occupying but one small room — a dan j^o reus state as being likely to engender, as the warm weather approached. Thus it became imperative that some speedy action be taken to relieve those who were entirely destitute. Thi-ough the kindness of the officers of the Imperial and Dominion Governments, the committee had placed at their di.spo.sal a large supply of tents; of these some were loaned to families, others were put up on the Squares and other open places. 124 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AIdJsOCIKTY. With the consent of the (•oninion Council, it was resolved to erect houses 6n the Sijuares. Tenders were asked fur and contracts made, and in a short time HO liouses were built on Queen Square and ISS on Bar- rack Scjuare. These 2()H rooms gave shelter to 209 families, lunnbering in all 1,1. ')0 souls. The houses were entirely separate, were lOxlG feet; had double walls — the spaces filled with lime and sawdust; had well made doors, with double or storm windows; separate wood or coal sheds; water closets and water convenient. The demand for shelter still continuing, the Common Council granted permits for the erection of houses on the "Battery Cirounds." The Ex- ecutive Committee agreed to assist those who had o])tained permits or leases, ,vith an amount of money to aid in the purchase of lumber and material to some extent for l)uilding. ' Another form of at^sistance was that of grants of money to parties who had freehold or leasehold lots, who, having lost their houses, and having little or no insurance, were at the time unable to build, and need- ing shelter proposed to erect ells or wings on their lots. To those peiMons grants of money were made to assist them in this way, to piovide shelter for the winter. RESOLUTIONS BY THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTKE OF THE RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY To n-ijidalf the i/raiUiiKj of aid to persons luvlmj j'r'tfhold or leasehold interent n-iiidrtiuj ansistuHve to liitild. Ist. — That no such building shall be within twenty-tive feet (25) from the street. 2ud. — That intoxicating liquors shall not be sold on the premises. 3rd. — That plans of the Lot and !'\i'1ding be submitted by the .Shelter Committee with their report. Ii acknowledge having received from the Saint .John Kelief and Aid .Society tiic sum of to aid me in erecting a building on the lot on street, owned (or possessed) by me, accoixling to the Hketch plan annexed to my application to tlie Shelter Committee of said Society. I have informed myself of the conditions on which such grant is made, as embodied in the llcsolutions of the Executive Committee of the Society printed above, and I undertake faith- fully to expend the money for the aliove purpose and under the conditions referred to. If the Building is not erected within from date, or is erected or used con- trary to the said conditions, I agree to re-pay to Michael W. Maher, Fredekick A. King, John H. Parks and James I. Fellows, the Shelter Committee of this Society, the amount 80 received. Dated at St. John, N. B., this day of 187 i with SHKLTElt. ST. JOHN HEMKK AND AID HOCIKTY, m REOULATIONH KOK HUELTKK. 1. All I'ooms sliiU 1k! kept i-lciiu and in'iit, mid ojn-n to tlii^ iiis|n'cti()ii nf tlio coiiimitteij at all tiiiu-s; and no ashes, slops, tablo refuse, ov other nuisance shall be thrown alxjut house or grounds, hut shall be put in a place prepared for such purpose. 2. OcoupantH in (^acli room will keep the giotnids in front of theii" rooms — to the full width, and twenty feet outwards — -clean swept and free from all objection- able matter. 3. No loud or boisterous talking, profane swearing, Hghting or other conduct liable to endanger the jyeace of the community allowed. 4. No li(juor shall bo allowed to bt; sold or kept on t\w. iireniisos, and any per- sons found keeping or selling such will be at once ejected from their quarters and receive no further shelter from this committee. a. Any piu'son fotmd at any time under the influence of li(juor will be liable to b(3 ejected at the pleasure of the committee. G. No paraffine or other explosive oils, powder or other couibustiblo materials allowed in the rooms, excej)ting oil such as used for lamps, and then in quantities not to exceed one gallon. 7. Excepting in s})ecial ciuses, all lights nuist be out in the different depart- ments at 10 o'clock, and in no case after that hour shall any person be permitted to loiter about the grounds. 8. All able bodied men and boys and young women nnist find employment at once, as the conunittee will not allow any idlers to remain in the rooms. y. The committee reserve to themselves the right to change occujiants from room to room, or Barracks to Barracks, as occasion nuiy lequire, and also to eject in any case where they may deem it necessary. 10. The committee reserves the right to charge rent for th(i use of the rooms, and will give due notice when such rent will commence. 11. Al! stoves and stove pipes shall be kept in such condition that there will be no risk of fire catching from them. 12. A watchman will be ai)pointed .o see thai the alcove regulations are carried out. 13. A copy of these rules shall be kept posted in a corisi)icuoub place in each. I, hereby agree to occupy room No situate at (luring the pleasure of the Shelter Committee of Relief and Aid Society of Saint .lohn, N. H., and to comply with all rules made or to be made for tlie government and regulation of the occupants of the dwellings provided for the homeleH!> by said conmiittec ; and to deliver up poBseasiou of said room and premises when required to do so by said committee. St. John, N. B day of 12G SAINT JOHN Kt-LIEF AKD AID SOCIETY. 1. o_ 3. 4. 5. C. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. house 17. 18. 10. 1 , SHELTER COMMITTEE. St. John, N. B., Name. Fonuor UeaiiluiiLC. AVhere locatcil now ? , Niiiiiljor of family. - ,. If Inirned out. Do you own lot or lease ? ' ' ' ' Is it enuunibcrcil '! Amount. Location of lot. Where will you ))uild? r What occupation ? , • Refer to whom ? Aro you insured '! What company '! Amount of Insurance. Had you any money in Rink ? What Bank? Amount in Bank. -' ' .. . • Any other property ? I certify that the above is well known to me, that ho has been burned out, now, and that he is wortliy and deserving of assistance. Name. Place of business. ''' ' '''' ' ■ 'y.\.'. .i..i- -, '- Or Residence. , . , . .187 REPORT OF SHELTER (JCJMMITTE, 25th MAY, 1878. NumLer of Shr.nties erected, 2G8, cost,. $17,G22 00 Urants of money to assist in building, 131), 5,540 00 Grants of material, 114, 2,278 00 Caret'vkers, Watchmen, Sanitary, &c., 1,410 00 ... $26,850 00 CHAPTER VIII. SPECIAL RELIEF. The Special Relief (Joniniittee was formed to meet and roach the wants of that class of sufl'erers by the iire, who from age and infirmity, or whose previo'.;s condition in life unfitted them to endure the exposure and from tlie thronjAs who crowded the dejKjts at the rink, as well as for a right consideration for such .suiierei-s liy the fire, wlio, previous to that event, were in comfortable circumstances, and .so suddenly reduced, suffered much privation and distress. The necessity of making j^ersonal application (with many a very painful task) ^\'as dispensed v/ith. Suitable blanks were prepared and given to responsible persons who might ask for them — .187 out, own.'; no 522 00 540 00 27S 00 ilO 00 850 00 I the wants y, ov whose vc and risk dU as for a 1U3 to that led, sniferod application ible blanks for them — SPECIAL RELIEF. ^ ]27 these applications wore snhmittod to tho coniniittoe at its meetings, which, for soni.> weeks, were held d.iilj-. Tn cases where the applicants were unknown to the nieuibei's of the coniniittee, they w(.'re referred to a visitor for a report before a decision was made. The principal issue made by this committee was in money to relieve tho general v/ants of tlie family. A proportion of the special work of relief consisted in supplying sewin-T machines to destitute sewing women wlio luul lost tlieir machines, or in furnishing with machines tIio.=?e, who from changed circumstances, would be enabled by the use of one to assist in the support of their families. By an arrangement with the Si:i>!l John, iV. /?., jm 1. Name of applicant 2. What is your occieiatioii aul uatioirJity? 3. Whore (li;I -ji.xi li-,c hufoio tho Sr.', No. of lioiise .iiid iiaiiio of street? 4. Where do you live iion ?. . 6. Are you married or single, and nir a;.;e? fi. No. of children, sexes and .-.i^uR, deiieadant on you for support? 7. Wlmt is the total income of your f,ii;,ily per week? 128 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. 8. What property had you destroyed by the I're, and where' 9. Wliat property have you now, nnd where? ... 10. Amount of insurance, companyand vahte? 1!. What relief have you received, and from what tiource? 12. State fully what j-ou now desire, and th*) precise r tasous why you ask relief in this form? 13. Signature of applicant, Names of two citizens recommending Indorsement of back of above : — COMMITTEE OF SPECIAL RELIEF. SPECIAL RELIEF. Date, . 1. It is not designed that this department Book No, shall supercede, supplement, or in any A'ise in- terfere with the Relief Work of the General -- Society. It is meant exclusively to provide for cases which it is not possible to meet satis- factorily in the ordinary way. 2. All x*astors of Churches, of whatever - - name, and all accredited representations of Relief Organizations of every fonn, are per- sons duly authorized to endorse applications, and their endorsements will receive full con- Name. . . . sideratiou. But ';he committee particularly request as a means of greatly facilitating their Residence work that all applications so far as possible be made through these channels. And they fur- ther urge th.i,t Pastors of Churches appoint visitoro, whose duty it shall be to investigate the cases of those who ajjply and to present sucli needy and deserving persons as wi)' not be likely to make their wants known. 3. All applications shall l)o made upon the printed form to be supplied by the committee. Forms can be had on application. 4. The head-quarters of the committee will be at the 5:herift''8 Office, at the Court House, St. Jolin, wliere all applications, when duly certified, shall be presented. 5. To avoid misapprehension as to the powers of the committee it is desirable to state that no application for money to build up any form of business destroyed by the fire can be enter- tained, and that as a general rule, relief by paymeiit of money is only extended in a few exceptional cases. JAMES A. HARDING, Chairman. Page , No. Special Relief Application of It w tl cc a. R mi be m. APPROVED. Am't, . '■'■■'• SPECIAL RELIEF. 129 SPECIAL RELIEF COMMITTEE. Saint John, N. B., JS7 Application is made by now residing at No street, in who states that she owned a Sewing Machine which was destroyed by the (ire of the 20th June. T877, and was of the vahie of .? that she understands the use of such machine, and would be able to support herself if she oould obtain a sewing machine, but that she is destitute of means to purchase one, and desires a sewing machine. The individual applying will till the blanks in the apphcation and sign it here. Applicant's name Rem.\rks : Her pastor, priest, employer, or some other prominent persons sign the following recom- mendations : — The undersigned are personally acquainted with the above named and believe her to be a deserving person, and know the facts above stated are correct. (Signed), Present this application pt the Sherift's Office, Court House, between the hours of nine a. m., and twelve midday. ^ ■f^i. Indorsement of back of above :— SPECIAL RELIEF. SEWIKO MACHINE, ' No Page Application for Sewing Ma^hine Of Received 187 Order Issued jgy Paid SPECIAL RELIEF COMMITTEE. No. of Book, Page No. of Applicant, . Deliver to the above No the foUowir.e Saint John, N. B., ^'/iah~man. .187 %1 130 SAINT JOHN BELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. SPECIAL RELIEF DEPARTMENT. Tha Special RelieC Committee granted in money, tools, and sewing machines: — * 1877. '•-■■ InJnly.... $5,582 50 ' "August, , ., 3,482 00 ' ■ ' " September, 2,085 00 " Octoljer, 1,560 00 " November, . . 913 QQ i; - December, 730 00 1878. " i , 635 00 '■ Eelji' ' 540 00 " March, 650 00 " April, 730 00 " May, 230 00 " June, (19th) 145 00 $17,282 50 In the period mentioned tl.ere were 801 applications for money. Of the appli- cants 545 were supplied with money, 43 with grants for tools, 14 with sewing machines, 76 by orders on the rink, and the balance were referred to the General Committee to be supplied with rations, &c. There were also 174 applications specially for sewing maclimes, and 150 were supplied, the payments for which, as also the first mentioned 14, are included in the above money grants. - SPECIAL RELIEF. The Special Relief Committee granted in monev from 14th June, 1878, to 31st May, 1879:— 1878. June 14th to 30th, $ 285 00 July. 245 00 Augiist, 200 00 September, 108 00 October 105 00 November, 200 00 December, 1^245 00 1879. Januaiy,. 265 00 Febnxary, . . 650 00 March, 5C5 00 April 559 00 M'^y» 622 00 $4,949 00 • ' SICK AND INTERMENT. 181 CHAPTER IX. SIC'i AND INTERMENT. . ' This committee was appointed to aiford aid and relief to the sick and disabled, as well as to make preparation to meet and avert the sickness and disease that might be expected to arise, as from the densely crowded state of the houses after the fire, families were compelled to occupy, in many instances, one small imperfectly ventilated room. A physician was employed by this committee— Dr. Daniel. A report of the cases attended by him is appenued. This gentleman made frequent visits to all the buildings erected by the Society. A sum of money was granted to the General Public Hospital to meet the increased cost of maintenance of patients from sickness and injuries consequent on the fire. Contracts were made with undertakers who on orders from the Society or committee furnished a cofRn and hearse, or coach, with such other attendance as the nature of the case demanded. Board of Health Office, January 24th, 1878. To the Chaii-man of Sick, Hospital, and Interment Committee : — Sir, — I have the honor to transmit herewith the accompanying veport of my work during the months of October, November and December. I am unable to a reliable report of cases attended during the months of July, August and September, as I did not preserve any record of my attendance. Respectfully, your obedient servant, J. W. Daniel, M. D., Sanitary Officer. William Bayard, Esq., M. D., Ckdrman. 132 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. s I— I < y *3 «j .j. tr u u-tT 2 73 ■- •? s S >> I Si B S 3 3 SICK AND INTEHMENT. 133 ^ ■a ■S S 2 S = 1 ^■g. o^ j§i fig- >3=.S9!3eit' §2.SS'SS"gfe 134 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. CHAPTER X. TRANS POUT AT I ON. The Transportation Committee, under the management of Mr. Harris Allan, assumed the care of receiving and considering applications of all who desired to be assisted to leave the city. This required much dis- crimination to prevent imposition. This committee was dispensed with after a few months. During the earlier days an important part of the duty was the receiving and transporting goods from the different steam- boats and vessels to the depot at the rink. Passes were sui)plied to persons leaving the city immediately after the lire as follows : — Boston, Mass., 66 Portland, Me 22 Halifax, N. S., 28 River de Chute, N. S., 2 Newcastle, N. B., 1 Montreal, 3 ,; New York, 2 . Fredericton, N. B., 8 St. Stephen, N. B., 6 Charlottetown, P. E. I., 4 Londonderry, N. S., 1 New Glasgow, N. S., 5 Ireland, 1 Total amount expended by Traasportation Committee on above; freights on coal and other merchandize, and cai-tages, $2,056.23. CONTRIBUTIONS OF SUPPLIES. UNITED STATES. AUGUSTA, MAINE. Citizens by C. E. Nash, Mayor: $452.14 worth of clothing. Ladies: $300 worth of clothing. Harris of all h dis- l with jf the iteam- iire as hts on . • I>|,I i:s. I. -17 Union Stock Yards: 'JO bairelH pork, ^KDT.nO IT) barrels Hour, 25 luirrcls nioul, 625.7') ' ' ■ • ' < * 81,62;{.25 cAMRniDfiKronT, ^rAss. Tlmi-Ston. Hall & Co. ; Id l.arrcl.s Jiiscuit. CHKLSKA, .MASm, Central Clnircl 1 : 2 cases clothing. Herbert Pillsbury: .'^ packarjes clothin>f. DOVKn AND l<^0.\riU)KT, MAIXE. Citizens iiy A. M. Robinson: 6 cases c)otliin)ods. Citizens by II. F. Fnrbush: 12 civscs boots and shyes, 5 bales sheeting, 3 bales clothing, 1 case clothing, .3 cooking stoves. C. H. True: 10 cases beef, 5 barrels flour. Portland Packing Co. : ]ireserved iirovisions. POIITH MOUTH, N. H. Ladies of Unitarian Parish : 1 box clothing, per Sarah IT. Fester. philadf:lphia. PA. Citizens; E. R. Sharwood, 2 ciuses clothing. QUINCY, ILLINOIS. Citizens: L. D. White, Mayor, 50 barrels flour, .'iO barrels cornmeal. RARATOOA. Friends: by Miss A. E. Wayland, 2 barrels, 1 box clothing. SALEM, MASS. Salem Fraternity per J. II. Lakenum : 1 cooking stoves, 1 case, 1 box, 1 barrel clothing, 1 box blankets.. Y. M. C. Union : 1 case clothing. ■ ' Citizens by J. Pi. Lakeinan: 1 Ciise cluthing. SYIIA(JUSE, N, V. Citizens: by M. L. Paul, 1 case clothing. ;, . DOMINION OP CANADA. AMHERST, N. S. ;^ -/ ^ Citizens per J. T. Smith: 1 carload provisions, value f 1,025.60. ' / •].: Mrs. Col. Stewart: 1 bundle children's clothing. ?- ■ Citizens: 10 barrels potatoes, 1 tub butter, 1 barrel sundries. ANNAPOLIS, N. S. ' ^ " Citizens by R. J. Uniacke: provisions and clothing, value $694.27. do. do. 1 box provisions, 1 l)ox clothing. Ladies of the Parish of St. Clements by Rev. N. M. Grodfrey : 2 barrels clothins. A lady: 1 package clothing. ALMONTE, ONT. John Baird & Co.: 1 case flannel and cloth. ' "ARGUS," H. M. S. Stationed at Halifax: 37 half hhds. pork, 13 half hhds. beef, 13 tierces beef, 41 boxes chocolate, 6 packages tea, CONTRIBUTIONS OF SUPPLIES. lau ALBKRTON, 1'. E. I. Citizens by Wm. B. Dyor: 10 liurrely coininotil, 3 bHirela flour, 2 l)anolH pork, 4 boxes liams, 32 barrels potatoes, 3 cases ciotliing, value JJ2G0.00. ANDOVElf, N. R. Citizens by G. A. Boll, C Bartlett and a. A, Cameron; 1 carload potatoes. AULAC, N. B. Citizens: I) barrels potatoes, 1 firkin butter. BKANTFOKD, ONT, Citizens: 2 cases clothing. BATHURST, N. B. Citizens: 2 carloads potatoes, -1 barrels sundries, 2 case-s clothing, 2 tubs butter, 20 barrels potatoes, 1 barrel flour, 1 caddy t(!a, 1 barrel meal. Contributed as follows: K. F. Burns, 20 barrels potatoes, value .|!24.00, S, L. Bishoj), $ri.OO, Theoi.h. DosBrisay, $10.00, Robt. B. Vail, .*.').00, .lohn Kei'r, $2.00, Jacob White, $'J.00, James H. Wilbur, .f5.00, James Hickson, $')M), A. S. Bishop, .«8.00, John Miller, JgS.OO, Angus McLean, $.5.00, W. J. O'Brien, .>^10.00, J. F. Williams, $r>.nO, Wm. Hillock, .^3.20, C. H. Mann, $10.00, John Wievewright, .'S5.00, Wai'reu A. Meahan, $2.00, Miss Waitt, $10.00, Miss Raunie, $4.00, A. E. K. Bellel'enille, .-^3.00, Jo.seph Kent, $1.00, James Brittimer, $2.00, Miss Miller, $1.00, John E. O'Brien, $10.00, Thos. A. Harris, $1.00, A. Strange, (Judge Foster, Halifax Commission,) $5.00, John R. Doran, $2.00, A. G. Kirrls, 81.00, J. A., $1.00, John Ellis, $1.00, E. Alexander, .$1.00, John Alexander, $1.00, James Smith, $1.00, P. Walsh, 60c., W. Hadley, $1.00, John Armstrong, $2.00, Richard Smith, $1.00, Paccpict Baker, 25c., John Chalmers, $1.00, Stephen Cable, $1.00, P. McCullough, $G.00, James Eady, $1.80, Wm. Eady, $1.80, E. Hickson, $1.00.— $180.65. Produce contributed by sundry ^)ersons, $140.00. Total value, $320.65. BROOKFIELD, N. S. Citizens: 8 baiTels, 1 bag potatoes, 3 cases, 2 trunks, 3 packages, 1 barrel cloth- ing, 1 box pork. BAYFIELD, N. S. Citizens: 1 case clothing. .^ BOWMANSVILLE, ONT. Upper Canada Mfg. Co., F. F. McAi-thur, Manager: 50 bedsteads, 50 chaii-s, value $154.00. , Ladies: 2 cases clothing, value $100.00. Frank Boland: 1 casc shoes, value $40.00. William Avard, 1 barrel pork. A. Cameron : 3 cases clothing. Joseph Hart : 2 cases clothing. BOTSFORD, N. B. BADDECK, C. B. 1 140 SAINT JOHN RELIEF A>'D AID SOCIETY. m»'. BIIIDOKTOWN, N. S. Citizens: by R. K. F. Randolf: 14 packages bedding and clothing, 2 barrels flour, 3 tubs butter, 1 case hams, 7 barrelu jiotatces, | barrel niackei-el, 3 boxes, 4 barrels s»indrie,s. Value of contributions from Bridgetown, .$138.28, Bellisle, $42.27, Paradise, .147.00, Carleton Comer, .$17.50, Round Hill, |G1.35, Clarence, $42.09. Total, $348.49. " ,, CHAKLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. J. W. Beer: 1 case ready-m.-ide clothing, $51.00. A. A. McDonald: 1 case second-hand clothing. ' "'" M.r.s. John McGowan and Miss Owen: 1 case clothing. Ladies' Committee: 2 cases clothing. Citizems: 10 barrels, 11 bags potatoes, 3 bo::e3 sundries, 4 barrels flour, 1 tub butter. COUNTY LINE, P. E. I. Citizens by J. H. Byrne: 41 barrels T)otaloes, G b.ig.s flour and meal, 2 packages provisions, 3 cases clothing and blankets. CAMPBELLTOAVN, N. B. ' ' Citizens: 1 case clothing, value $G6. 00. , '^ ' . CARDKIAN, P. E. I. Citizems: 1 box containing 5 pail's blankets, 2 pieces cloth, 3 pairs socks, 3 shirts, 1 piece print, CHATHAM, N. B. - . , -, Citizens: 1 carlo.ul provisions. D. C Smith: 1 bundle clothing. CAillUMDGE, QUEENS CO. Citizens by .J. H. Dykeman: one box containing 47 pr. blankets, 4 quilts, value .'$120.00. CANTERBURY, N. B. Citizens by Mr. .John Blaiu: 1 case blankets and (piilts. \ DORCHESTER. N. B. E. S. (iodfrev : 1 case clothing. G. Palmer: 12 barrels potatoes. ,. ; ' E. V". Godfrey, 1 case clothing. ' DKiBV, N. S. "'; R. S. Eitzvandolf: clothing, value $20.44. J. S. Hawskennett & >Son: boots, value $56.00. C. F. iSlone: clothing, value $15.50. Rev. John Auibrose: 1 case clothing. DANVILLE QUEBEC. J. L. Goodliue: IS barrels plasterers' iiair. DARTMOUTH, N. S. Luther Sterns: clothing, value $G0.00. W. H. Sterns: do. do. 21.00. J, E. Lawlor: 1 ohe'^ttea, do. 19 5G. ^m CONTRlBUTIOXS OF SUPPLIES. Ul s flour, boxes, ,radise, ^42.09. 1 tub ekagos sjhirts, vahie ELORA, ONT. .,;.... ^ Carter & Co. : 5 barrels f!our. ELLERSIIOUSE, N. S. Citizens: 1 trunk, 1 box, 1 j)arcel clothing. FKEDERICTON, N. B. ^' Citizens by F. B. Edgeconib : 2 carloads cooked provisions and 700 loaves bread. do. by Mir. Temple: 12 cases clothing and bedding. D. Fisher: 1 bundle tracts. Total value of supplies, $4,100.00. GANANOGUE. D. T. Jones & Co.: Supplies, value $100.00. h. .^. v : . OUYSBOROUGH, N. S. ' Ladies' Benevolent Society : 1 box; clothing. ' HALIFAX, N. 8. Citizens by W. Aclchurst: 2 barrels broad, 3 barrels flour, 1 barrel herring, ;5 • ti links clothing, .5 boxes, 6 cases, 2 barrels, 2 trunks clothing, 1 basket .sun- dries, 1 case boots and shoes, 3 boxes bread, 23 b;irrels cornmeal, 1 ba" rice, 1 box herring, 1 box raisins, 2 hams, 1 bi;rrel, 1 trunk, 1 bag provisions. P. S. & Co. : 1 case clothing. Lambert Bros.: 12 mattresses. '' M. Kaizer: 3 cases hats and cii\m. Neil, White & Co. : 1 case clothing and boddinir. , Jennings & Clay : 1 do. do. G. S. Yates 6z Co.: 1 case boots and shoes, value $106.76. ^ v^;- Davidson & Pickering; 1 case ciotliiug, value $100.00. W. & C. Silver: 1 case clothing, 1 [tarcel clothing, value $100.00. , J. Farquharson & Co.: 1 case clothing, value $80.00. Citizens: 1,700 loaves bread, 25 barrels biscuit, 2 cases clothing, 8 cases, 2 bales, 1 bundle clothing and bedding, 1 cheese, i) boxes, 4 trunks, 4 cases clothing, 2 tubs butter, 1 barrel meal, 3 bai'i Is biscuit, 1 barrel })ork, 10 ijuncheons molasses, 10 chests, 2 half-chests tea, 3 cases, 1 box. 1 trunk sundries, 1,025 blankets. Andei'son, Billings & Co. : 2 cases clothing, value $600.00. Thomson it Bligh: 1 case hams, 2 tubs butter. ' Biu'ns & Murray: clothing and blankets, value 8422.00. ' Citizens: 1 barrel herring, 5 Ijarrels Hour, 3 barrels cornmeal, 1 large cjisc cloth- ing, bedsteads, 1 crate, 7 packages tinware, 50 cooking sto\es, 1,500 blan- kets, 48 mattresses, 25 cjtls. pollock, 25 barrels herrings. Ladies: 21 ctises matle up women's and children's clothing. »■' Citizens: 4 hlids. sugar, 400 links stovepii)e, 108 mattresses, 100 cjtls. pollock, 12 chests tea, 4 cases clothing, 2 barrels beef, 80 mattresses, 300 pillows, 2 cases dry goods, 1 crate, 1 tierce crockeryware, 1 cask teapots, 20 mattrasscs, 300 chairs. Robt. Taylor: 1 case shoes, value $150.00. Parks & Eaton: 3 half-chests tea, value $52.00. K. J. Hart & Co. : 50 barrels cornmeal. te« 142 SAINT JOHN KELTEF AND AID SOCIETV. Citizens: 13 cases clothing, 3 trunks, 3 boxes clothing, 52 pairs bhxnkcts, 1 bale bedding, 2 cases boots and shoes, 2 boxes hams, 1 case hats, 1 ban-el oatmeal, 2 tubs butter, 3 barrels pilot bread, 1 box tea, 1 barrel pork, 15 barrels flour, 12 boxes soap, 25 cooking stoves and fittings, 200 lbs. bacon, 5 barrels split peas, 10 barrels prime mess pork, 200 boxes smoked herrings, 5 barrels dried V apples, 25 cooking stoves and fittings, 500 feather pillows, 1 case cutlery and spoons, 300 chairs, 232 tables, 494 ohaii^. HILLSBOROUGK, N. B. Citizens per E,. E. Steeves and J. L. B. Steeves: 22 bb and 1 sack potatoes, 1 roll bedding, 3 pkgs. pork, 3 tubs butter, 1 pair bellows, 1 pair boots. .iVlbeit Manufacturing Co. : 30 bbls. hei-rings, 20 bbls. potatoes, 2 bbls. Maple sugar. , : _\. HAMPTON, KINGS CO., N. B. ,;; : ^ r, , , ,; ; Citizens by George Barnes: 8 packages provisions. ., ,,i , , ; = , HARVEY, N. B. Citizens per J. Rutherford: 100 bushels potatoes, 28G lbs. butter, 3 hams, HAMILTON, ONT. ' , ' ' Citizens per J. Stewart & Co.: 6 stoves, value $100.00. / > -.'' J ^ v.»- HARTLAND, N. B. Rev. C. McMullen: 1 tub butter. '- • HOPEWELL, N. B. Citizens: 2 cases sundries. ^ ' ' ■■ * KENTVILLE, N. S. " Citizens by P Calkins : 1 case clothing. ■ ' '-, ■ ■ " J. K DeWolf : 2 cases clothing. = • v y^,- r^ j KINGSTON, ONT. ''■ ' '■" ''_ /^^ ' ' " Ladies by W. Kirkpatrick : 5 cases clothing. ' LONDON, ONT. ^ _ ■ ' Watei-man Bros. : 20 barrels Headlight Oil. LAWRENCETOWN, N. S. Citizens by J. W. James, Wm. Warwick and Fred. Leavitt: 2 packages clothing, 5 packages provisions, 11 barrels flour, 3 barrels cornmeal, 5 boxes meat, 4 barrels potatoes, 3 boxes clothing, 3 firkins butter. LOALCNDliRRY, N. S. Citizens by John C. Spencer: 4 barrels flour, I tub butter, 12 barrels fl-nu-, 1 box clothing, LUNENBURG, N. S. Citizens per J. W. Hickman: 10 packages clothing and provisions. LOCKPORT, N. S. Citizens by J. W. Brown : 2 cases clothing and bedding, MOUNT STEWART, P. E. I Oitizena by James Rosa: 2 cases clothing and 4 barrels potatoes, valuf) $170.00. CX)NTRIBTjnON9 OF SUPPLIES. 143 MONCTON, N. B. Cit'zens per J. Cranclall: A lot of bread, 7 ban-els flour, 2 cases boots. i J. & C. Harris: 1 case clothing, value $100.00. Ladies' C. T. Union per Mrs. W. B. Knight: 4 cases clothing. . v MILLTOWN, N. B. .,,, Citizens: 575 loaves bread, 1 barrel breail, 152 Bjs. corned beef, 2 barrels crackers, 550 ll)s. ham, 1 barrel potatoes, 100 lbs. cooked beef, IG lbs. tea and coffee, 9 tins preserved meats. MAHONE BAY, N. S. Citizens by Rev. W. H. Snyder: 1 box clothing, value |300.00. MEMEAMCOOK, N. B. A friend: 5 barrels flour. Citizens: 5 potatoes. MONTREAL. Citizens by J. L. Beaudry, Mayor: 1,000 barrels flour, 100 barrels beef, 100 bar- rels pork, 150 barrels cornuieal, 150 barrels oatmeal. 1 carload bread, 1 car- load biscuit. J. F. Power & Co.: 50 barrels flour. ■ D. Mclnnes & Co. : 1 bale blankets, S. H. & J. Moss: 2 cases clothing. A dam Darling : 3 crates earthenwai'o. James O'Brien & Co.: 2 cases clothmg, value $151.00. Citizens per C. F. Ryland: 7 packages clothing, 10 packages clothing, boots and shoes. Wilson Packing Co. : 50 cases cooked corned beef. , . ProuseBros. : 12 cooking stoves and fittings. ," ' Citizens per C. F. Ryland : 73 packages clothing, 5 cases boots and .shoes, 15 cooking stoves, 1 chest tea, 1 barrel hams, 2 cases sundries, 1 case clothing, 3 packages tea, 1 case provisions. St. James Street MethodLst (^'hrirch : 1 case clothing. A. Burns: 1 barrel hams. , , , , . Whiteside, Jordan & Co. : 20 mattresses. John Watson & Co. : 3 crates crockeryware. James Inglis: 1 parcel clothing. MUSQUASH, N. B. C. F. Clinch: 1 tent. MALPEQUE AND LOT 18, P. E. I. ' Citizens by George Sinclair: 1 box clothing. ■>■']■ MIDDLETON, N. S. Citizens: 2 cases clothing. ' '* ■ w/ MIDDLE STEWIACKE, N. S. Citizens: 1 barrel cornmeal, 21 barrels vegetables, 5 packages clothing. South Branch : 1 barrel jjotatoes, ,t 144 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. ■I't": ■■ ■-,;]' MILL VILLAGE, N. S. Citizens per J, W. Mack : 1 case clothing. NORTH SYDNEY, C. B. Toronto Coal Mining Co. by >S. Napier Robinson : 250 clmldrons coal. Gowric Coal Mining Co. by Ai-chibalcl «fe Co.: 250 chaldrons coal. NEW GLA,S(iOW, N. S. Citizens : 1 case clothing, 1 barrel sundries. NORWICH, ONTARIO. Citizens per John Greenwood: 1 box clothing and provisions. OXFORD, N. S. Manufacturing Co.; 181 yards Hannel and homespun. OTTAWA, ONT. Ladies: 5 cases clothing. PETITCODIAC, N. B. , . . H. Humphreys: 1 box bread and luicon. ' PORTLAND, ST, JOHN, N. B. f Harper's liakery: 150 loaves bread. , : -j PICTOU, N. S. Citizens: 19 barrels potatoes, 1 barrel [)ork, 4 packages clothing, 2 cases, 1 barrel, 1 box suudrios, 1 bedstead. PRINCE WILLIAM, N. B. m^ L. Es^abrooks; 10 bai'rels potatoes. ,-' • ■ - ;?!f > PUGWASH, N. S. Mrs. A. Wilson: 1 case clothiiig, valne, §17.00. i' J. & C. Black: 1 tub butter. Rev. Dr. Clay: clothing collected by him. PORT MED WAY, N. S. Citizens: 1 case clothing. PORT ELGIN, N. B. Jan^es Hamilton: 200 bushels potatoes. A, Monroe, Senr. : 15 " " PORT WILLIAMS, N. .■5. Friend : 2 barrels potatoes, QUEBEC. C'itizeus per Owen Murphy, Mayor: 10 half-chests tea, 4 barrels sugar, 5 boxes coffee, 11 tubs butter, G boxes cheese, 10 barrels hams, 153 boxes biscuit, 1 case blankets, vahu- |1, 330.50. ROCKLAND, N. B. Citizens: 1 case clothing. RIVER PHILIP, N. S. G. W. Gillespie: 2 barrels potatoes. Truemau Hewson: 1 bairel potatoes, CONTRIBUTIONS OF SUPPLlEf5. 145 ST. JOHN, N. B. .; / i Vincent & McFate: 1 case, containing 112 pairs slioea, Bobinson & Ralston: 1 case shoes. Julius Davis: 100 pail's blankets. 1 Manchester, Robertson & Allison: 1 parcel for old ladies' home. Alex. Gibson: flour, meal, t«a, pork, beef, value $1,300.00. Shaw Bros. : 700 loaves bread. ., . , ,. . - SALISBURY, N. B. Citizens: 23 barrels potatoes, 2 firkins butter, 3 pieces pork, 2 cases clothing. ST. ANDREWS, N. B. ^ ^■. f; -,i ';"^ - ' - —y ? : • Citizens by W. Whitlock and S. T. Gove: 3 cases clothing, 3 cases clothing and blankets. Mrs. Tilley: 1 case clothing. ' Hon. Dr. Tupper: 20 pieces furniture. SACKVILLE, N. B. ' ' Citizens per Thomas Pickard: 10 barrels potatoes and lot clothing. do. Joseph L. Blach: 2.5 l)arreLs potatoes, 3 barrels flour, 1 baiTel meal, 1 barrel barley, 2 tubs butter, 5 boxes bread, 2 barrels poik, 1 l)ox fish. Hon. A. E. Botsford: 3 stoves and fittings, 1 case clothing, E. Cogswell : 3 stoves and fittings. C. Fawcett: 10 stoves and fittings. * Two friends: 2 barrels potatoes, 1 box siindiies. ' ' Dr. Paterson: 1 box bread. ■,'7 Friends: 11 ban-els jwtatoes, 2 boxes sundries. ' = ST. STEPHEN AND MILLTOWN, N. B. Citizens by G. F. Hill, C. H. Gierke and J. H. Ganong: 1 carload cooked pro- visions, value 1600.00. SUSSEX, N. B. A carload of provisions. ... vi- STEWIACKE, N. S. =. •: i /,■:.; ; ^ <: •; 1 case clothing < ' i ''• SHEDIAC, N. B. Citizens by W. B. Deacon: 100 bushels potatoes, 1 carcass beef, 2 boxes lobster. ST. CATHERINES, ONT. Mrs. S. G. Dodd: 1 box clothing. • ' ' " : ;' "- - " ' • SHUBENACADIE, N. S. >,, . i. v ■ - ; ' 2 cases clothing. * • THOMPSON STATION, N. S. Citizens jier James Jones: 4 l)arrels potatoes, 1 tub buttci", 1 case clothing. <,> TRURO, N. S. W. Gumming & Son: 2 packages bedding and clothing. Citizens jier L. J. Crow: 6 stoves an Christie, Biown & Co. : 25 ban-els pilot bread. Citizens: 7 stoves and fittings, 4 cases sundi-ies, 2 crates crockeiyware, 2 boxes, 1 bag clothing, 40 teakettles, carload provisions and cooking utensils. Wm. Davis: 2 boxes meat. Citizens: 12 cases, 1 barrel, 2 bales clothing, &c., 3 stoves and fittings, 1 sewing machine, 1 crate crockeryware. Crawford, James tfe Co. : 1 box meat, value $28.64. J. & J. Lugsdin: 1 case hats, value $12.50. --■/'-! John Biddell: 1 package clothing, value $46.00. UPPER MUSQUODOBIT, N. S. Citizens by Eev. Isacc Simpson : 2 cases clothing. t • UPPER CLARENCE, N. S. J. L, Moise: 1 box containing 7 blankets, 9 quilts, 1 piece flannel, 1 piece homespun, 2 paii-s stockings, 1 coat, 4 barrels potatoes, 1 box meat. VICTORIA, N. B. ) Citizens by E. M. Boyer & Co.: 12 pans boots. WOODSTOCK, N. B. Hugh Hay: 75 bushels potatoes. ■ •',;!> j^; v.* y/. ^i Geoi'ge H. Connell: 125 bushels potatoes. i R. & A. Stephens: 15 bushels potatoes. - • * WINDSOR, N. S. Citisens: $500 worth of clothing and provisions. ■ WOLFVILLE, N. S. Ladies by James S. Morse ; 2 cases clothing. ■ » - - Citizens by John H Bishop: 41 liarrela potatoes, do. 4 packages bedding. WOODSTOCK, ONT. Ladies: 1 box clothing. YARMOUTH, N. .=). Citizens by L. E. Balver: $1,500 worth of provisions, 1 case clothing, value $50.00, 3 bxmdles clothing, 4 cases, 4 boxes, 1 parcel, 1 barrel sundries, Johnson, Burrill oxes. swing piece value s, ; DOMINION OP CANADA. AMHEllST, N. S. ' June 22, 1877. Hon. R. B. Dickey, .... .... $100.00 , Lt. Co]. Stewart, . 100.00 ,; Hon. A. Macfaiiaiie, . 100.00 J. S. Hickman . 100.00 K-B. Boggs, 40.00 Cha.s, J. Townsheml, 30.00 . J. T. Smitli, 30.00 F.W.Bent, 30.00 ,;, C. E. Ratchford, 20.00 , ,, J. M. Hay, .... 30.00 J. D. Kinnear, .... . 30.00 W. M. Fullerton, 20.00 Hiram Black, .... 20.00 J. R. Laniy, .... . 50.00 J. Z. Bliss, 15.00 Rev. Geo. Townshend, 10.00 Rupert F. Bent, .... 10.00 D. Wilbert Douglas, 10.00 W. D. Main, 20.00 E. B. Blenkhoni, 5.00 J. J. Kerr, 10.00 Nathan Tupper, .... ... 15.00 J. Medley Townshend, 5.00 A. Seaman & Co., 30.00 Robt. Hutchinson, 5.00 Moffat & Smith, 25.00 George Keys, .... 4.00 J. Edward Page, 10.00 Rufus Einbree, .... 4.00 Dunhip Bros., .... 25.00 The Amherst Warehouse Co., 20.00 J, G. Harding, .... 20.00 A. McLeod & Co., 10.00 A. Robb, 40.00 A. Purdy, .... .... 5.00 G. G. Bird, 6.00 A. Moffat, 10.00 B. W. Baker, 5.00 Joshua Chapman, 5.00 A. D. Chapman, .... 5.00 W. J. Hamilton, 6.00 T. J. Copp ! ! '. 5.00 M. D. Pride, t • 5.00 148 SAINT JOHN ttKLIEF AND AID SOCIETY. Moffat & Monui, . 10.00 M. L. Tucker, 5.00 Capt. K. Lowcrisou, . . . 10.00 Cyrus Black, .... . . . 20.00 Gordon MacFiulane, 5.00 H. 0. J31ack, 5.00 James Paterson, .... 5.00 John Hill, 4.00 Robt. Mitchell, 10.00 Rev. D, A. Steel, 5.00 R. McCuUy, 5.00 William Holmes, 5.00 Andrew Coffey, .... 5.00 Greentield, Bros. & (^o., 10.00 William Bennett, 20.00 D. T. Chapman 5.00 Elisha I'^mbvee, . . . 5.00 J. C. Chisholni, . . . 5.00 Amos Etter, 5.00 S. B. Andres, 4.00 B. Dodge, 5.00 Mr. Chambers, . . . 5.00 Mrs. Stewart, 4.00 Alex. McNaughton, . . . 10.00 D. G. Allen, M. D., 5.00 Mrs. Alex. Stewart, . . . 10.00 Daniel Pugsley, .... 5.00 Eliakim Newcomb, 5.00 Chas. E. Baker, .... 5.00 C. A. Black, M. D., 5.00 J. Albt. Black, .... 5.00 J. L.. Fillmore, 4.00 J. A. Dickey, .... 10.00 William T. Pipes, 5.00 Tori-ey Bent, .... 5.00 W. A. D. Morse, . . . 10.00 T. L. Blenkhorn, 5.00 David McElmon, 5.00 Samnel O'Donnell, 10.00 W. Inglis Moffat, 5.00 Mai-tin Black, .... 4.00 Gilbert Pugsley, 5.00 William Embree, 5.00 John Embree, .... 5.00 David D. Logan, 5.00 Isaac Stewart, .... 4.00 Nelson Forrest, .... 4.00 M. A. Logan, .... 3.00 Amos Fowler, .... 5.00 Peter Etter, 4.00 Mrs. Barnes, .... 6.00 A. J. HiU, . 4.00 CONTRIUUTIONS OF MONEY. 149 W. E. Hilsoii Diivicl Skinnings, .... William Buckloy, .... John W. White, E. S. Ci-afts, Christie Bro.s., .... .... Cajit. Ansley Steves, .... J. K. E., Rupert, .... .... George P. Rodger, '""^•^'i, S. Chapman, .... Dfi i Douglas, .... .... John W. Baker, .... .... John and Howard Smith, .... Chas. R. Smith, .... .... Chas. R. Casey, John S. Hillson, .... .... Cash in sums of $2.00 and under. Expended in supplies, ANNAPOLIS, Anderson, Wm Atkins, Wm Atwood, Capt. K. Burton, Chas. B. Bennett, Peter .... Bent, Mr. & Mi*. Benjamin Bowei-s, John .... Bislioj), Silas .... Berteaux, Edwai'd Sr., Carter, Frederick Corbitt, Arthur .... Copeland, Daniel Cooning, D. .... Corbitt, James .... Corbitt, Daniel .... Crosby, Z Corbitt, Almon .... Cunningham, Dr. A. B. DeBlois, Wm. M. Devers, Miss .... Delap, L. .... Dargie, C. B Dargie, Wm Deblois, Rev. H. D. Edwards, Joseph Two friends, .... Filled, Mrs Foster, Joseph, .... Gray, Miss .... Gilpin, D. Bernard 4.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 4.00 10.00 3.00 10.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 20.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 41. GO 1,525. GO 1,025.00- N. S. 2.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1.25 5.00 .50 2. CO 1.00 .25 1.00 5.00 1.00 .50 .25 1.00 10.00 5.00 .25 25.00 1.00 1.00 25.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 1,00 20.00 500.00 150 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETV. Gray, Mra. John .... .25 Gilliatt, Win LOO Gray, Rev. W. S. 5.00 Gray, Mi-s. Rev. W. S. . . 4.00 Gray, Wni. M L50 Gilpin, Miss G 4.00 Giljjin, Miss E 5.00 Gates, James H 3.00 Gates, Edwin .... 10.00 Goldsmith, Benjamin .50 Goldsmith, Mrs 4.00 Gilmore, Andrew 1.00 Gilmore, Mrs. Andrew 1.00 Hall, Lawrence .... 2.00 Haliburton, Wni. 25.00 Hall, Sanmel .... 2.00 Hardwick, Robt. 2.00 Hardwick, Rufiis . , 4.00 Harris, John .... 4.00 Hardwick, John .... 1.00 Hardwick, Wm 1.00 Howe, Miss .... 1.00 Hymen, Cornelius 1.00 Hymen, C. H 1.00 Hardwick, Adlebert .50 Mrs. S. Hardwick, 1.00 Harris, Janus D. 1.00 Hardwick, C'uirles .50 Harrip T, M 1.00 Harris, J ames B. .75 Hardwick, Elias .... .25 Horsfall, James .... 5.00 Harris, Robt. J 1.00 Jones, Thomas .... .50 Keating, John .... .50 Lockwood, Arthur 1.00 Lacey, John .... 2.00 Leslie, Mrs. R 1.00 Moore, Miss E 2.00 Martin, George .... 1.00 Melomen, J. L 1.00 McLaughlin, George . . 10.00 McLean, A 1.00 McConrxell, Andrew, .50 McDermand, E. E. 1.00 McDermand, Moore .25 McKay, Mr .50 Nickerson, Mrs. Benjamin, 5.00 Orde, Jolin .... 2.00 Owen, Miss .... 2.00 Owen, S. M . . 20.00 Purdy, Samuel .... • • • • 4.00 CONTRIUUTIOXS OP MONEY. > 151 •m Perkins, W. A .... .2.1 Perkins, ('. A .3.00 RiwMon, (Jliiirles. . . . r..oo ;5.oo ■ Ilugj,'les, A. H Ritchie, Joliu M. C. 3.00 Hieliarcls, H. K 2.00 Roach, Tliomas .... .'5.00 R"f,'gles, Miss .... 1.00 .. Rv2-t), D. E r>.o() Rugbies, Cliiii'los .... .50 Railway Agent r).oo Richardson, N. P, L'.OO Roacli, F. L .5.00 RitcJiie, Mrs. John R. 1.00 Ritcliie, Rev. J. J. 12.00 Ryer.son, Mrs. K. 1.00 Riley, Simeon .... 1.00 Ryerson, Mi-s. John H. 2.00 Shaw, J. G 1.00 Spurr, Miss .... 1.00 S leraer, Alex 20.00 Shannon, Wni. J. 7.20 Salter, J. Homer .5.00 Strickland, Win. .,50 Sliernmn, Theodore .50 Simmons, Mr .50 Tobias, S. D 2.00 Tedford, B 3.00 Thomas, Alex 1.00 • Thompson, George 1.00 Tobias, Mrs. A. C. 12.00 ' Tobias, Mi-s. G. M. 100.00 Uniacke, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. 12.00 Wells, Frank .... 1.25 iT-> Weddleton, Chas. K. 4.00 Withei-s, Dr. Russell 2.00 Wan-en, James .... 1.00 Warren, Charles. 1.00 1.00 White, William . Wilson, S. 1.00 r V Wells, Henry 1.00 % Webb, LeCain . 2.00 Whitman, Miss . .50 / -^ Wilson, J. B. . .40 Wiley, Mrs. 5.00 ; ' :,; Whitman, Joseph 1.00 Wheelock, T .75 Watts, George A. .25 Williams, William .25 Whitman, George 1.00 '.: Wells, George .... 1.00 r \ AYhitraan, Thos. S, 50.00 ■•"■■■ * 1 152 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY, July 2. Roctor of St, C'lomeiits .... . . . » Yahy. 6, 1878. Citizens ixiv 11. J. Uniacko, . . . . ABERFOYLE, ONT. Juno 26, 1877. Citizens, ALMONTE, ONT. June 25. B. Itosnniond, .... .... .... 25. John Daircl & Co. : Eniployoen .... ALBEKT MINES, N. B. June 27. Employees E. B. Ketclnnn, .... .... AYH, ONT. June 30. Agiicultuml WorkH, .... ... .... D. < loldi'^ John Watson, .... .... .... July 10, Knox Cluucli, .... .... .... ARICHAT, CAPE BRETON. July 9. Citizens: Dnvid A Heain, Isaac LeVesconto, Committee, .... .... ANDOXER, N. B. June 25. B. Boveridgo & Sons, .... .... AILSA CRAIG, ONT. July 19. PreH])ytorian Church, R«v. John Rennie, . Aug. 13. Citizens per G. A. Mikell, .... ALLANDALE, ONT. July 10. Methodist Church, Rev. Richard Duke, BADDECK, CAPE BRETON. Aug. 14. Citizens per A. Cameron, .... BRANTFORD, ONT. June 23. Cori^ration per James W. Digby, Mayor, . 36. BRIDGEVILLE, PICTOU, N. S. Aug. 30. St. Paul's Church, Rev. Wm. McMillan, BROCKVILLE, ONT. June 23. City Council, Wm. Fitzsinimons, Mayor, Sep. 10. Citizens, " " BERLIN, ONT. JuJv 11. Town Council, Thomas Kraney, Mayor, BROOKFIELD, N. S. June 23. Citizens per J. W. Stevens, .... BOWMANVILLE, ONT. June 23. Town Council, .... .... JiUy 4. Dominion Organ Co'y, .... .... BOBCAYGON. July 16. Orangemen per W. B. Reed, .... 20.00 6.00- 200.00- 50.00 13.00- 115.00- 50.00 50.00 100.00 76.00- 367.00- 100.00- 18.60 34.70- 6.60- 100.00- 1,000.00 500.00- 8.65- 500 ) ■' (O- 300.00- 5._3- 300.0C 102.00- 614.35 200.00 6.3.00 115.00 276.00 367.00 100.00 53.30 6.60 100.00 -1,500.00 - 8.65 15.00- • 592.00 cUO.OO 5.23 402.00 15.00 CONTRIHUTIONS OF MONEY. I6i July IG. BOTSFOUD I'AUISH, N. B. July IG. >'•" S ( CoUectetl by F. Cmne, . . . 11.00 " W. Duncan, 4.00 " Bowdeii C'hapeii, L'.OO Riclmnl Dolson, 2.00 L«wiH Aviivd, 4.00 Adam Aviird, 4.00 JTnlm Avni*i1 A f\r\ BRIDGETOWN, N. S. "Monitor" paper. 10.00 D. Palfroy & Son, 3.00 John liockott, . , . 10.00 John McCorniick, .').00 Kdnnnul Hmit, .^.OO Janios Quirk, . . ; 10.00 TlioH. A. Sancton, .^>.00 J. D. Reed. .'i.GO Cxon. Murdoch. .\oo Enoch Dodfjo, 4.0(» Wni. A. ("raig, . . . 3.00 Sain '"Monitor" extra, . . . 3.02 Pt. E. F. Eundolph, . . . 10.00 Alfred Viditoe, . . . .'i.OO George Wade, 4.00 Samuel T. Neiley, 4.00 Stejjhen Ruggles, 5.00 Wm. McLean, 3.00 Frederick C. Harris, . . . 5.00 James Carlton, 10.00 G. S. Davis, 4.00 Murdoch & Co., 5.00 Abram Young, 20.00 A. D. Cameron, 3.00 S. N. Fallonsen, 4.00 Joseph Wheclock, 5.00 Wm. Carlton, 4.87 Collected in Paptist Chure 1, G..3G Geo. Russell, .... 4.00 ]\ Eliza James, .... 3.00 Dr. L. DeBlois, 5.00 Frederick Crosskill, 3.00 J, B. Bennett, Jr., 5.00 Wm. Chipman, 8.00 James Messinger, 4.00 Miss Helen Quirk, 5.00 Mrs. Hugh Fmser, 4.00 P. D. Ruggles, 20.00 Morse & Parker, 5.00 Judge Wilkins, 80.00 Collected Carlton's Corner to Round Hill, 38.05 « <( Paradise, 8.00 " Clarence, .... 19.90 31.00 20 '^ss^iSsssrjsst 154 June 27. Jnne 30. July 3. July 18. July 21. July 23. 63.50 4.25 32.25- 100.00 45.00 21.00- 2.00- July 26. Oct. 17. June 27. July 9. Oct. 30. April 6, Nov. 27, 40.00 20.00 20.00 15.G0 5.00 5.00- 128.25- 490.07 . 5.00 • 50.00 - 100.00 - 166.00 - 2.00 June 22. July IT. 20. June 23. SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID aOClElT. Collected Bridgetown to Bellisle, .... 31.97 .« " " Paradise, 24.25 Caah in snms $2.00 and under, 55.05- BARTICAN, QUEBEC. R. J. Flanagan, 5.00- BAIE DE VERTE, N. B. Thomas Magee, 50.00- BRIDGEPORT, C. B. Interna hionrJ iLnes Employees, .... Workmen at Pier .... Alfred McKay, BARRIE, ONT. City Council, W. D. Ai -lagn, Mayoi', Trinity Church, .... .... Citif;ens i>er W. D. Ardagh, Mayor, BADEN, ONT. Sympathizer, .... .... .... BEAR RIVER, N. S. Alpheus Marshall, .... .... . . E. E. Kice, Edward Walsh, .... ... Moses E. Rice, .... .... A. Han-is, .... .... .... Richard Clark, .... .... BBIDGEWATER, N. S. Citizens per Rev. W. E. Gelling, BURTON AND LINCOLN, N. B. Citizens per C. W. Beckwith, 32.50- BOCABEC, BAYSIDE AND \'/AWEIG, ST. ANDREWS. N. B. Citizens per B,ev. Wni. Milien, 40.00 " « 50.00 " » , 20.00 • \ 1878. " " 7.60 117.60 BOTHWELL, ONT. 1877. Thanksgiving Day collection ])er D. M. Craney, 12.00 12.00 , CHARLOTTETOWN, P. E. I. Citizens per Joseph Henaley, .... .... 5,000.00 105.00 128.25 - 32.50 Oddfellows per W. W. StumV)les, Jr., CANNING, N. S. P. C. Crichton, D. R. & Co., 500.00 208.00- 50.00 60.00 -5,708.00 CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY. 155 490.07 . 5.00 • 50.00 . 100.00 - 166.00 - 2.00 105.00 128.25 ■ 32.50 117.60 12.00 -5,708.00 s. & w . * . . • . . > .... 50.00 E. B. &, Scions, .... . • • • . t . . 35.00 D. M. D„ .... .... ... * .... 76.90 ; Ciish, 8 on 070 qo 6LARKE, ONT. ^^^ W t t/.*/V June 27. Municipal Council per S. Y/iimot, Reeve, CORN'.VALLIS. N. S. ■irooo 400 00 " tW^VV' June 23, C. C. Hamilton, .... .... .... 5.00 30. J. E. Woodwortli per Jas. Harris, .... CAMPBELLTOWN, N. B. 1 Oft 00 — . 10^ 00 ^"^ Ivt/.W/ July 2. Robert Parker, ■*•* .... .1.. 50.00 Charles Mun-ay, ..•• •.■• »••• 8.00 W. Mott, .... 8.00 Jolm Henderaon, 5.00 Wm. West, .... 2.00 Robert Watts, 2.00 William McRae, 1.00 Da iel O'Keefe, 4.00 Wm. McToiiiuey, 1.00 Daniel Bain, .... 1.00 Donald Smith, 5.00 David Connoi-s, 1.00 Di\ "Verner, .... 4.00 Shields Connei-s, 1.00 Wm. Daley, .... 1.00 Walter Glover, 1.00 H. R. Smith, 2.00 Dougald Firth, 2.00 John McMillan, .50 David J. Fi-aser, 1.50 Edward McTirney, 1.00 Thos. Kerr, .... 5.00 G. E. Askar, .... 1.00 Dr. Balcom, .... 5.00 * , ■ J. B. McKenzie, 5.00 Wm. Ferguson, 1.00 Archibald R. Fraser, 1.00 " ''■ Howard H. Thompson, 1.00 John McKendrick, 1.00 w':. Geo. Thompson, .50 Geo. Botsford, 1.00 Robt. Chalmere, 2.00 Robt. McLean, 1.00 James Menzie, 1.00 Alexander Cool, 1.00 Thomas Andrew, 4.00 » Geo. Diincan, 4.00 Robt. M. Card, 2.00 James West, .... 1.00 Thomas Ritchie, •••• •••# •••• 1.00 m SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. \ July 4. July 11, June •60. July 5. 16. 20. 21. 24. 24. Sep. 13. C. W. Murray, Diivid D. (lirrartl, Finlay Fra.ser, James Chalmei's, Robt. B. Ken', Mrs. Adam Duncan, C R. Armstrong, Robt. Sinclair, John Duncan, John Farren, Henry Duncan, James (Jerrard, John Jardine, J . A. Verze, .... James Quinn, Robert Mair, John Adams, John Muir, .... Augustine Pinotte, A. & R. Ferguson, James Cook, .... Timotliy Robinson, George Hamilton, James Aylett, John Gerrard, Robt. J. Gerrard, Robt. A. Gerrard, Thomas B. Adams, An.'hibald Duncan, John Gillice, . . . . A lexander Duncan, Wm. Andrew, John McNeill, Robert Christopher, John Fmser, .... Less invested in clothing, .... CLIFTON, ONT. Citizens per W. W. Woodruf, Mayor, CARDIGAN, P. E. I. Citizens per W. O. McLeod, CHATHAM, N, Citizens per D. G. Hmitli, W. Muirhead, " J. B. Snowball, D. G. Smith, Guy, Stewart & Co., .... Napan Lodge, .... Jaa. W. Fraser, .... A friend, .... .... B. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 1.50 •2.00 1.50 1.00 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 4.00 5.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 .50 .50 1.00 1.00 .50 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00 $213.00 66.00- 300.00- 18.20- 460.00 240.00 250.00 35.00 300.00 40.00 33.00 3.00- ' I ' ' '.. 147.00 300.00 18.20 -1,361.00 CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY. 157 July y. July 7. 11. July 12. July 23. July 23. July 31. Aug. 3. Aug. y. Aug. iU. Aug. 20. June 23. June 22 June 22 23 29 June 23 Oct. 22 June 28. June July 29 9 July 18 Dec. 7 • >.i . CLINTON. ONT. ....;. t Miisonic Sorvice per A. Wortliington, .... 53.00 53.00 CHATHAM, ONT. Town Council, R. Monk, Mayor, .... 500.00 Masonic Fraternity, E. Robin.son, Secy., .... 169.18 669.18 CHIPPEWA, ONT. Trinity Church, Rev. D. J. F. McLeoil, .... 38.65 38.65 COKNWALL, ONT. Town Council, C. J. Mattice, Mayor 300.00 300.00 CHESTERFIELD, ONT. Presbyterian Church per Rev. Wm. Robertson, 57.00 57.00 "CEDAR CROFT," BARK. Crew, Stg., -£5. 3s. Id. 25.00 CARLETON, ST. JOHN, N. B. "Nellie H.," proceeds of a little girl's baziiar, 3.64 3.64: CALEDONIA, QUEENS CO., N. S. Citizens per Rev. R. Mc Arthur, .... .... 3.37 3.37 COBURG, ONT. City Council i)er Geo. Guillott, Mayor, .... 500.00 500.00 CANADA PACIFIC RAILWAY. E. Ashley Wilniot, C. E., 20.00 20.00 CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO'Y. J. D. Marling, Agent, 500.00 500.00 DOMINION GOVERNMENT. Per J. Langton, Auditor, .... 20,000.00 20,000.00 DORCHESTER, N. B. Citizens per A. H. Chandler 410.00 " " 195.00 « « 10.00 Sabbath School, 6.00 621.00 DIGBY, N. S. Citizens per R. S. Fitzrandolf, 700.00 E. Burnhani & Co., .... 145.17 845.17 DALHOUSIE, N. B. „ h^ ' C!itizens per W, H. Phillips, 200.00 200.00 DUNDAS Canada Screw Co. per T. P. Walker & Co., 200.00 Valley City Lodge, I. 0. O. F., 105.00 DUNGANON. Orangemen yter Rev. W. Hondeinon, .... 29.10 — DARTMOUTH, N. S. The Warden, 20.00 T. Bishop, 1.00 Fi-ed. Creightou, .... .... .... 5.00 305.00 • 29.10 sp 158 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. » . f Philip Browii, .... .... 4.00 James Onnen, .... .... 20.00 J. P. Frazee, 2.00 Henry Watt, 4.00 Andrew Shiels, .... .... 20.00 J. S. Allen, 4.00 William Keating, .... .... 20.00 John Campbell, .... .... . . 10.00 J. A. Garton, .... .... l.CO Friend, .... .... 2.00 Aubrey Hunt, .... .... 2.00 George A. Pyke, .... .... 15.00 Charles G. Creighton^ .... .... 5.00 Henry Harvey, .... .... 5.00 J. K. Wallace, 25.00 Christ Church collection, .... . . 44.66 John P. Mott, . . 500.00 Rev. Dr. McKnight, 10.00 Peter Crichton, .... .... . . 50.00 Lewis S. Paysant, .... .... 15.00 Lewis Paysant, Jr .... 3.00 Prescott Johnstone, .... .... 5.00 Dr. Oogswell, .... .... 50.00 Sidney Crawley, .... .... 1.00 Charles Godkin, .... .... 1.00 Friend, .... .... .... 1.00 W. Sullivan, 1.00 James Stewart, .... .... 4.00 A. J. Creighton, .... .... 5.00 James Wilson, .... .... 1.00 John F. Wolf, 2.00 L. Donovan, .... .... .... 4.00 Edward Nolan, (Indian.) .50 Dr. DeWolf, 30.00 Dr. Fraser, .... .... .... 20.00 M. McCulloch, 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Dixon, .... .... 10.00 Mr. and Mrs. McNab, .... .... 10.00 Mr. and Mi-s. Doroney, .... 10.00 Wm. McDonald, .... .... 4.00 R. Currie, .... .... .... 3.00 Miss }3evorie, .... .... 2.00 P. Martin, .... .... .... 2.00 H. Hutt 2.00 Frank Morash, .... .... 2.00 S. Burton .... .... 2.00 35 Emi)loyees Mount Hojie Hospital, 35.00 G. A. McKenzie, .... .... . . 50.00 Horace E. Billing, .... .... 50.00 Dartmouth Engine Co., .... . . 100.00 J. C. Elliott, . . 25.00 John McDonald^ Preston Road, .... 1.00 ■li CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY. 159 J. J. Mahoney, Jiidson Baker, Gordan Perlin, Peter Farquharson, Stephen York, Alex. Hutchinson, Daniel Donovan, Lament & McDonald, Robert Humphrey, Stephen York, Jr., Gilbert Elliot, Two friend.s, 50, 50, Geo. J. Richardson, J. Bell, Jolin E. Graham, John McCarthy, Capt. Dolby, .... J. W. Allen, .... R. S. Campbell, E. Lynch, .... G. Pawley, .... Mi-s. Fairbanks, S. M. E, .... Mrs. Herman, George Innes, Sympatliy, A. E. Lawloi', T. S. Hill, .... S. H., E. Bui-chill, Mrs. J. E. Lawlor, Mrs. Williamson, Union Protection Company, Henry Wiswell, George J. Troop, Daniel Shean, Henry Elliot, James W. Turner, Mrs. Magor, .... Rev. Principal Ross, Thomas Been, Hiram McKay, William Webljev, Capt. Roach, .... George W. Jackson, Thomas Gentler, John Bradurat, Edwai-d Nangle, Richard Dart, Mrs. Warner, John Wisdom &, Son, J. Penfold, LOO LOO LOO 2.00 LOO 2.00 2.50 2.00 L20 LOO LOO 1.00 LOO LOO 5.00 LOO 2.00 20.00 2.00 LOO 2.00 5.00 LOO .25 ..50 LOO 5.00 10.00 LOO LOO 5.00 100.00 60.00 10.00 125.00 LOO 10.00 100.00 1.00 25.00 .50 .50 2.00 3.00 1.00 10.00 LOO LOO 1.00 1.00 20.00 10.00 91 IGO 8AINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. W. L. Evans, .... .... ■ ■ ■ ■ J;CvvL« Desbarres, .... .... Alfred Elliot, Judson Newcomb, .... .... P. J. Kulin, Capt. Coleman, .... .... W. D. O'Brien, Rev, Canon Woods, .... .... Thomas Stevens, .... .... Edward Elliot, John Brown, .... .... .... John Lawlor, .... .... John Donovan, .... .... Mrs. Edgecomb, .... .... Wm. Walker, Charles F. Miun'o, Thomas G. Elliot, William H. Isner, .... Michael Hurley, .... .... Allen McDonald, John Bowes, .... .... .... Mrs. Scott Tremainc, .... .... E. M. Walker, George H. Greig, John Greene, .... .... • • • Friend, .... .... . • • . Paul Farrell, Mrs. Mott, Miss Sutherland, Mra. DeWolf, Miss Falconer, .... Ritchie & Co,, ... - .... Mrs. Allen, C. H. Harvey, .... John Gaetz, .... .... .... Miu Thos. Bowes, .... .... Mrs. Creighton, .... .... James Boss, .... .... • • • • S. L. Ulitz, John Whidden, .... .... Jabez Corwood, .... . • • . Thomas Farrell, Frederick Stephens, .... .... John Allen, .... Nathaniel John Russell, J. B. Elliot, Mi-s, Thos. Baner, .... John Coleman, James Reeves, .... .... Wm. McDonald, Andrew Gaetz, . . ■ - John Myera, .... .... . • • • 2.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 4.60 5.00 20,00 12.00 10.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 .70 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 4,00 5.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 1,00 1.50 5.00 1.00 2.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00 .50 1.00 1.00 1.05 1.00 4.00 10.00 1.00 2,00 20.00 4.00 1.00 1,00 CONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY. ICl William Elliot, H.OO Alexander Marks, , . , . .... .... 1.00 Josiah Smith, 1.00 Joseph McLaughlin, .... .... .... 2.00 Wm. Wilson, .,.♦ 1.00 John Marks, .... .... .... .... 1.00 Albert Hutchinson, .... .... .... 4.00 W. J. Fraser, 75.00 Geo. Foot 3.00 Employees Dartmouth Ropewalk, .... 17.00 W. H. Waddle, 2.00 Abmhum Pearee, .... .... .... 5.00 William Morton, 1.00 William Pearee, 2.00 Capt. Graham, .... .... .... 5.00 John Graham, .... .... .... 1.00 S. P. Fairbanks, 10.00 J. L. DeWolf & Co., 100.00 Rev. Dr. Lyall, 10.00 Rev. John Bell, 20.00 J. Kearney, Mount Hoiw, .... .... 2.00 Hospital for Insane, small sums, .... .... 1.50 Dougb^s Stewart, .... 5.00 John Kelly, 20.00 D. Fan-ell, 50.00 Employees "Star Manufacturing Co.," .... 181.50 Mi-s. A. J. Brogden, England, .... .... 50.00 Joseph Austen, .... .... .... 5.00 John Power, .... .... .... .... 1.00 Francis Scarfe, .... .... .... 5.00 Thomas Mott, 2.00 Rev. Jno. Gray, Orilla, Ont 4.00 Eben Merely, 5.00 Ru.s8ell & Chessley, 20.00 Cash, U.29 - .. $2,607.75 Less .sent direct to Mrs. Thom])8on, ■ . . . . 25.00- DUFFIE'S CREEK, ONT. July 11. W. & J, Spink, per Hall & Fairwcather, 50.00- ELGIN, ALBERT CO., N. B. Aug. 1. D.R.Robinson, 25.00- ELDON, ONT. July 12. Comity Council, Samuel Day, Wanlen, .... 500.00- EMBRO, ONT. '; Aug. 6. Citiirens per J. B. Cody, West Zorra, .... 4.00- EATONVILLE, N. S, Jan. 24, 1878. D. R. & C. F. Eaton 25.00 H. H. Shaw, $10. P. Flvmi, $2, .... 12.00 R. D. Shaw, iR5, T. D. Dickson, $2, .... 7.00 21 -2,582.75 - 50,00 - 25.00 - 500.00 - 4.00 n? ,•:: 162 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. I . i , . '; I ' ^'lu .•' M. Mclnnis, $2, Jiio, E. Roberts, $1, E. Seaman, $1.08, J. W. Duiant, $1, Jas. Kingston, $1, V. McNeil, $1, Win. Walsh, $1.50, Paul McDevit, $2, Chas. Turner, $2, Albei-t DeLaney, $1, John BrooLs, $2, Alex. Henderson, .$2, Enos Bucknian, $2, John Buckman $3, Peny Bucknian, $2, Wm. Moore, $2, Isaac Perkins, $2, T. Dening $1, Jas. Ward, $2, A, Hai-vey, $1, Peny Weaver, $1, E. D. Scott, |2, Alfred Avary, |5, Isaiah Harvey, $2.50, Alfred Hangton. $2.50, Ben Brooks, $2, S. Blenkhorn, |5, W. Knowlton, $1, Richard Brooks, $1, John Nicholson, .f 1, Sidney Smith, $1, A. Cameron, $1, .... J. Hawes, $1, N. McC!allum, $1, John McKay, 50c., Alex. Corbitt, $1, David Adams, $1, N. C. Hughes, $1, James Adams, $1, Judson Carey, 50c, Geo. McDonald, 50c., Geo. McDonough, $1, .... .... .... .... Sam. Hawes, 50c., Sam. Moms, $1, . . . . Elijah Bucknam, .$ 1, V. Roberts, .^1, Jas. McLellan, .fl, Mon.son Green, $1, R. Lougmire, $1, Joseph Brown, $1, Thos. McGuire, $1, Danl. Lockhart, $1, Wm. McLaughlin, $1, F. Newcomb, $1, Rufua Beny, $1, Jas. Knowlton, $1, .... Robt. Morris, $1, E. Matthews, $1 M. Mclver, $1, Ben. Demings, |1, N. McCully, 50c., Dan. Hendei-son, 50c., L. Knowlton, $1, Henry McCurdy, f 1, John Wilson, $1, J. Handson, $1, .... Asa Knowlton. $1, Albt. Newcomb, $1, H. Handson, $1, Albert Graham, $1, James Morris, $1, Chas. Green, |1, . . . . M. Moran, $1, A. Lodge, 50c., H. Duncanson, 50c., N. Hutt, 50c., .... Thos. Jones, 50c., Sam. Wanzer, .i?2, W. Slater, $2, N. Baylis, 50c. Henry Eagles, 50c., John Ii'\'ine, $1, .... M. Atkinson, $1, W. W. Caunabell, $2, FREDERICTON, N. B. June 23. York Municipality per F. P. Thompson, War- den, 500.00 July 18. Citizens per C. W. Beckwith, 2,000.00 Sep. 18, " " 211.41- FERGUS, ONT July 10. St. James' Episcopal Church per Robert C. Carswell, 20.50 3.00 2.08 2.00 • 3.50 .3.00 4.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 7.50 4.50 6.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.50 • 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 ^ 2.00 ' 2.00 2.00 ' 2.00 ■ 2.00 ; 1.00 ' 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1..50 1.00 2.50 /: ■ 1 ' ! 2.50 1.50 3.00 — 150.5 -2,711.41 July 21. July 12. Sep. 12. June 23. July 4. July 13. 21. June 27. i'" •/•.>;. CONTKIBUTIONS OF MONEY. Molvill Church Sabbath School per Wni. Ca.s- kell, .... .... .... .... FLATLANDS. A. McKenzie, P. M., GREENWICH, KINGS CO., N. B. Fariyh, .... .... .... .... GUELPH, ONT. Citizens per F. J. Chadwick, Mayor, .... GREY, ONT. County Council, J. S. Parker, Treas., .... - GREENVILLE, N. S. Went worth Presbyterian Church, .... Citizens per John S Forshaw, viz. : — M. McPherson, $1, W. Betts, $1, John Hagarty, $1, J. McLeod, $1, F. McKean, $1, J. M. Henderson, $1.50, W. R. Henderson, $2, Isaac O'Brien, |2, Thos. McKennel, $1, Alex. Whidden, $1, . . . . D. Atkinson, $1, T. Scott, 50c., J. S. Forshaw, «%v GUYSBOROUGH, N. 8. J. & H. M. Jost, $30, Win. Hart, $10, .... C. Jost $5, B. tfe G. Jost, $10 J. H. Buckley, $5, J. W. C. Grant, $2.50, .... Chas. Gosbee, $1, Hon. E. M. Cutler, $6, .... Wm. Hartshorn, $4, J. A. McDonald, $2,. . . . Edward Carritt, $4, Jas. A. Tory, $5, Jas. E. Hart, $1, A friend, 50c., .... J. Hutcheson, $1, H. R. Cunningham & Son, 8$, Jas. Buckley, $5, A friend, $1, .... .... Judge Campbell, $5, A friend, $1, . . . . Wm. G. Scott, $1, Hon. W. 0. Heffernan, $5, H. M. Jarvis, $1, E. J. Cunningham, $1, Patk. Tompkins, $1, J. W. Harding & Son, $1, Joseph Hai-t, $1, Rufus A. Tremain, $3, 25.00- 2.00- 12.60- 1,000.00- 500.00- 13.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 4.00 2.00 3.50- 163 - 45.50 - 2.00 - 12.60 -1,000.00 - 500.00 29.00 40.00 15.00 7.50 7.00 6.00 9.00 1.50 9.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 4.00- 121.00 -150.58 June 25. July 5. 17. ,; . GALT, ONT. Citizens, .... .... . . . • Churches per Consolidated Bk. of Canada, . . << « '. . 500.00 .. 674.17 1 14. fiO 1 OflO QR 2,711.41 June 21. 23. July 2. 3. HALIFAX, N. S. A little boy, contents of his money box, . . R. Boak & Son, Garrison, Sir W. O'G. Haley commanding, . . " " " . . 1.08 . . 250.00 .. 522.21 . . 42.50 .1 ■ , '''■--.. Oct. 3. 21. Dec. 17. Citizens per W. Compton, .... Fraiik Cochran, .... .... Citizens per W. Compton, .... ..12,000.00 1.00 . . 2,693.14— —15,509.93 104 Jun« 20. Soi). 11 June 27. June 27. June 22. 29. July 3. 16. 23. 28. Aug. 11. 24. Oct. 12. SAINT JOHN UBLIEF AND AID SOCIETY. HILLHBOROUOH, N. B. CiLizoius, CO.OO Albert Manufacturing (Jo., 89.25- HAMPTON, N. 15. Parish, 70.00- HARVEY, N. B. Citizens i^ev J. .Rutherford, .... .... 15.00- HOPEWELL, N. B. Hon. A. II. McLellan, 100.00- HAMILTON, ONT. City Council, T. K Kilvei-t, Mayor 3,500.00 Citizens per " " 1,500.00 Board of Trade i)er W. C. Findlay Pres., .... 1,000.00 Knox Church i)er A. A. Wylie, Treasurer 100.00 Citizens per T. M. Christian, 400.00 Great Western Railway Employees per F. Brougliton, Manager, .... .... 450.00 Board of Trade jier W. F. Findlay, Pres., .... 242.00 Citizens per Thos. 11. Chiistiaa, .... .... 250.00 Great Western Bailway Employees per F. Broughton, Manager, .... .... 300.00 Citizens per Thos. Christian, .... .... 250.00 131.38- Juiv 4. Aug. 15. July 9. Julv 20. Avig. 15. Juno 27. July 31. Aug. IG. Oct. 30. July 23. Sep. 13. HALDIMAND, ONT. County Council per Adam A. Da\is, Warden, 200.00- HALTAN. County Council, F. McCallum, Warden, .... 500.00- HASTINftS, ONT. County Council per Thomas Walker, Warden, 1,000.00- HURON, ONTARIO. County Council per G. G. Cresswell, Warden, 2,000.00- INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. Locomotive Department, .... .... 1,281.68 Engineeiing " ., ,. 492.67 Traffic and other " 347.70- KINGSTON, ONT. 1,584.00 340.00 100.00 16.00- 20.00- Citizens per John McKelvey, Mayor, John Cannithei-s per F. Collins, .... Military College jjer W. Hewitt, KINGSTON, KENT, N. B. A resident, .... .... .... KINGSTON, KINGS, N. B. £ AVuUEl|r t*** •••• •!<• • 149.25 70.00 15.00 100.00 -8,023.38 — 200.00 — 500.00 -1,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,122.05 -2,040.00 - 20.00 25.00- ■* 25.00 CONTRlBUTlOxVS OF MONEY. KAR,H, KINGS CO,, N. B. Sep. 12. Piimh, ." 19.75— LONDON, ONT. June 22. Citizens per l^bt. Prichiml, Mayor, ."i.OOO.OO Aug. 2. Diocese of Huron, Church of Enghmd, .... 2,0()().00 Sep. 1. " " .... 206.97 May 2, 1878. " V .... 2.36- LEEDS AND GRANVILLE, ONT. June 23. City Council [m- J. & F. Sclioiiokl, .... 200.00- LAWRENCETOWN, N. S. July 2. A friend, 10.00- LONDONDERRY, N. S. June 25. A. A. Hill, 5.00 Miss Affleck, 4.00 H. Wallis, 5.00 Miss Spence, . . . . .... .... .... 1.00— 27. Rev. Jas. McLean per John C. Spencer, .... 2.00— LIVERPOOL, N. S. June 29. Citizens i^v Freeman Tupper, .... .... 819.27 Oct. 9. « " 17.37- LUNENBURG, N. S. Oct. 2. Citizens per C. E. Kaulbach, 423.35- LYN, ONT. July 9. Presbyterian Church, Robt. Bryson, Treasurer, 20.00 - LOUISBURG, C. B. July 7. Citizens per F. H. McAlpine, 27.00- LISTOWELL, ONT. July 24. Citizens per J. Philips, 140.35- '■ LOCKPORT, N. S. , July 3. Samuel Lock & Sons per "Wm. Magee, .... 75.00- LANARK, ONT. Aug. 25, County Council, J. Jameson, Warden, .... 500.00— MARSHFIELD, P. E. I. July 12, Citizens per Senator Haythorno, .... .... 55.50— MOUNT STEWART, P. E. I. Aug. 31. Citizens per James Ross, .... .... 25.50— MONCTON, N. B. June 25. J, & C. Harris, 100,00 26, Citizens per J. Crandall, 1,100.00- MONTREAL, P. Q. June 21. Perry Davis & Co 100.00 23. Accident Insurance Co., 200.00 Henry Stewart, 25.00 165 19.75 ■7,209,33 - 200,00 - 10.00 15,00 2.00 836.64 423.35 . 20,00 . 27,00 ■ 140,35 ■ 75,00 • 500.00 . 55,50 • 25.50 -1,200,00 1G6 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. 100.00 71.60 5,605.07 61.00 6,223.27 2.00- 14.00 16.18 2;j.oo 19.82- 102.85- 3.90- 400.00 400.00 113.34- 100.00 16.21- 65.00- 73.00 102.85 3.90 913.34 July 31. James CliriHtic it Co., .... .... *' EiiiployocH, Nov. 16. CitizouH iwv Andrew RobortHon, .... Feb. 13, 1878. " " MERUITON, ONT. Oct. 13. Flavol Davi.s, 2.00 2.00 MALPEQUE AND LOT 18, P. E. I Oct. 1 7. Colloctod by James Ramsay, ... .... f«.^ Goo. Roaiisto, .... .... *' Geo. Sinclair, .... .... Small sums, .... .... . ■ ■ ■ . ■ • • MOUNT FOKEST, ONT. Aug. 17. Citizens per Editor "Examiner," MIDDLE STEWIACKE, N. S. July 6. J. F. Putnam, NORTH SYDNEY, C. B. June 22. Citizens per T. S. Boion, .... .... 26. " " Aug. 18. »■- •* NEW BllUNSWIUK. Provincial Government, .... NORFOLK. July 27. County Council, John Wilson, Warden, ,„ _ NORWICH, ONT. June 30. Citizens per Jciin Greenwood, May 8, 1878. " Consolidated Bank, NORTON, N. B. Sep. 1 2. Parish, .... .... • • ■ • NEWCASTLE AND DOUGLASTOWN, N. B. June 22. Edward Williston, 50.00 25. Citizens, 1,000.00 1,050.00 . ,, NEW GLASGOW, N. S. June 27." ■ Citizens, :.. 1,065.00 1,065,00 OTTAWA, ONT. June 23. City Corporation, per W. H. Waller, Mayor, 2,000.00 " Customs Department, .... .... ' 200.00 W. C. B. and G. H. F., 200.00 ' '■ 27. Public Departments Civil Service, 1,000.00 Clerks House of Commons and Sergeant-at- Arms Department, .... .... .... 150.00 July 3. Customs : T. Wilson, .... < . . . .... 6.50 J. T. Bartram, 4.00 W. A. MacAgy, 3.00 . . 25,000.00 25,000.00 . . . 500.00 500.00 116.21 05.00 ' CONTRinUTIoNS OF MONKY. C. Civrlnton, ' .... 3.00 \V. S. Kiil)y 3.00 A. Henoy, .... 2.50 J. B. Htacy, ., ., 2.00 1 " '1 H. C. Kior, .... 1.00 G. I. Koran, .... 1.00 A. McLean, .... 2.00 ■ -'■ .i ' '" (t. R. JoluiHon, .... 1.00 J. J. McGovorn, .... 1.00 July 14. Civil Govo) nmeiit Staff and Stuff of Senate and Library ; . . . ■ • ■ • ... 447.o;j Aug. 16. City Corporation, per W. H. Waller, Mayor, 3,()()().00 Dec. 4. Per H. W. Nowell, .... r/Mur) ORILLA, ONT. June 23. St. James Cliurcli, Rev. A. Stewart, 20.00 July 13. Miss Logan, .... .... .... 10.00 1G7 July 30. Juno 2.5. July 17. June 00 June 22 June 24. July 4. Nov. G July G. June 27 July 5. Jime 26. July .'). 11. 17. OAKVILLE. I. 0. O. F. Concert per E. J. Ilaganiau, OSHAWA, ONT. Citizens per Francis Rao, lleovo, Sons of England, Es-sex Lodge, No. 4, PKMBUOKK, ONT. County Council per John Smith, Warden, PAilRSBORO, N. S. Citizens per A. S. Townshend, .... PETERBORO, ONT. Citizens, .... .... .... County Council per J. Burnham, Warden, Proceeds of a Concert per Andrew McNeill and F. E. Bletcher for Coniniittee, .... PRESCOTT, ONT. Citizens per J. F. Harper, ]VIayor, PORTLAND, ST. JOHN, N. B. St. Paul's Church Sabbath School, per H. W, Frith, PORT LA TOUR, N, S. Citizens, per G. A. Crowell, .... (( (( (I PICTOU, N. S. Capt. W. G. Creran, Citizens, per Clarence Prir.irosc, .... « (( U I' Presbyterian Church, Rogers Hill, per Rev. J W. Eraser, .... .... A farmer, .... .... .... (■').00- 300.00- 100.00- -7,3G2.48 - 30.00 - 75.00 500.00 30.00 530.00 300.00 100.00 1,000.00 200.00 124.00- 39.92- -1,324.00 - 39.92 17.00 48.2< 17.00- 40.00 8.27- 50.00 1,000.00 232.46 40.36 5.00 1,327.82 1G8 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. June 29. 30. July 12. 24. June 27. June 30. July 11. June 22. July 18. July 16. July 4. Aug. 10. PORT HOPE, ONT. Citizens, per W. Craig, Mayor, .... Municipality, " " .... Citizens, " " " , PARIS, ONT. Municipal Council, per John Robei-t's clerk, PEEL, ONTARIO. County Council per M. Parker, Warden, . . , PETROLIA, ONT. City Council per E. D. Kirby, Mayor, P. E. ISLAND. Railway Employees per F. Williams, PICTON, ONT. Town Council per J. H. Allen, Mayor, QUEBEC. St. Matthews Church per L. H. Cai-ter, R. K. Dobell & Co., .... Henry Fry, .... .... 0. E. Levey, .... .... Roberts, Smith tk Co., .... Owen Mm-phy, Mayor, Robert Hamilton, .... John Shaqiles, Sons & Co., J. Bui-stall & Co., .... Chinic & Beaudet, .... Allan, Gimour & Co., .... McCall, Shehyn & Co., The Archbishop of Quebec, The Quebec Seminary, .... A. F. & D. Mackay Hon. J. Thib.'iudeau, .... Price Bros. & Co., .... The Ui-suline Convent of Qufbec, DeWolt'e & Powell Hon. Mr. Justice Taschereau, Edward Harper Wade, .... H. G. Joly, Hunt, Brock & Co., .... William Rae, .... G. W. Haw.s, W. H. Brodie, IC. H. Duval, D. A. Ross, .... .... Chief Justice Meredith, John J. Foote, .... Lauglois, Angers & Laruo, O. li. Richardson & Son, 600.00 300.00 134.20 8.00- 300.00- 200.00- 700.00 62.45- 300.00- 100.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 125.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 75.00 50.00 50.00 .'iO.OO 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 —1,042.20 - 30O00 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 762.45 300.00 fONTRIBUTIONS OF MONEY. IGO ,042.20 300 00 ,000.00 200.00 762.45 300.00 A. Josejili, .... .... Col. W. K. Bnideiu'l Smith, F. Vezina, .... .... •T. W. Dvuiscuiul), .... TIic. Pupils of SiiloiT f'oiivont, Ridianl.son & Co., .... Abraliain Hamel, .... H. 8. Scott, .... Mis.s Hamilton, .... J. Dunbar, .... .... Fiton & Ceinon, .... G. & C. Hossack Mi's. Walkei', ( 'hief Ju.stice Duval D. R. H. Russoll 'I'lionias A iidiTws, Hateli Brothers, .... Dr. Boswell Laurent Tetu, .... D. Robertson, .... P. Henchey, ... ... K. J. Cannon, .... J. Von Kxter, .... A. Lef'aivio, French Consul, J. & C. Austin, .... Mr. Gi-een, '^Mail" Office, P. Peebles, D. IjPmieux, .... .... Dr. J. A. Sewell, Hon. H. fi. Langevin, C. B., llev. C. Hiiniilton, .... ■lames Motz, .... .... V iVieiiil, .... .... 1'. Bailiar;i;p()n, .... ^Ii-s Ann Kane, .... N. Make A Frieml, $2, A Friend, |1, Stnneliani .... J, }?urrough>', .... Luke Beaupoit, .... P. (lauvreau, , . . . K. W. Powis, .... A Friend, .... .... A. H. Vern't, I J. Bowin, .... .... Davidson & Hoi-an T. Dcmjighue, .... doini Jjiunb, .... .... Robitaille it Pichi^r Dr. O. L. Robitaille, Rp\'. C. Chetwood, Hamilton, W. Brown, W 25.00 24.25 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 IO.Ok 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ,5.00 4.00 ;5.oo 2,00 .'5.00 10.00 10.00 7.50 5.00 1.5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 4.00 5.00 lo.oo 20.00 4,00 nn 170 SAINT JOHN UELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. W. Hossack, .... IJenuett & Co., Hums of #1 iind iindcv, 10.00 2^.00 2:5.2") .linio 20, .July 2. (K't. 2;"). J.iuo .".0, .\u,!,'. 27. July 21. .Tilly 1 7. Jiilv i). Juno 23. June 2.3. J>mo2C. il?4,8U.OO IvvpoiKlot] in s\i]))>lios .... 1,.3.30..")0 l']xc-lian,. l^andall, Flocvp 7-''). 00 7."i.00 STli.VTFOlM). City Coi poration jici T. Dak'y, Mayor, .... 500.00 liecttire, Sons of TcMnperancp, .... .... G4.00 ."iC 1.00 ST. THOMAS, ONT. Citizons per D. IMci^arty, Mayor, 500.00 500,00 ST. ANDREWS, N. B. Citizens pm- \V. Whitlock and S. T. Gove 150.00 it (I 400.00 100.00- SACKYILEE, N. ;$. David Parenton, .... .... Dr. Fickaid, J-Ton. A. Vj. Botfiibrd Harmon Hnm])lirey .... ( 'harlos Palnun-, .... .... Kdward Anderson, .... .... Mrs. Charles .Mlison .... Dr. D. Allison. ( '. W. riicliardson, Fj. Anderson, .... .... S. I). Dixon, .... .... .... A. K. Co!,'«w(4!. N. H. Wr.oduian VV. K. Iteyuolds, Fran!' Harper, .... .... A t'.iend, .... , . . , .... 5.00 .'•).00 50.00 20.00 2.00 .3.00 20.00 10.00 2.00 11.. 38 D.OO 5.00 5.00 .3.00 2.00 1.00 G.')0.00 (JONTIUUUTIOXS Ol- MONEV, 171 .loliii Hiu'riw. ... .... !'iilw:inl Cog.swfll, .... ( 'iipt. F. Dixon, Sheriff Botufonl. Collected l)y Will. Ogilcii, .\iii()s Piittersoii, .... David (}. Dixon, .... Jo.sejih Dixon, .... T. L. Black, collections, Mechanics' Di\ i.slon, 8. of 'J'., John Bell, •2 AM lO.UO 1.2.-. 15.00 .5.00 G4.0.'. IS.G,-. •-'.00- J une •_»•) •2ij, .June L'.-l. .June ii;5. June liG. JmIv 19. •Jul}- i;5. J line 30. .Tuly 1-'. June ;}o. Jiilv 11. 8.00- SAUNIA. Citizens per M. Kleiniug, Mayor, Huron Lodge, Ivniglits of Pythias, SUS.SE.X, N. 1!. Citizens pel' J. S. Trites, ; .; ,_ ST. CKOltfiE, N. n. Citizens per A. 11. Cillnioie, .... Sl'iaN(i HILL MINKS, N. S. iMireka liodge, 1. O. O. K. pei' II. II. Ciwper, 50.00 (Citizens [.er 11. H. ( 'ooper, 150.00 .'00.00- 18.'J5— JO.OO— 322.58 . 1,000.00 oU.OO 1.050.00 .July 2. -June 25. .]un.!2;?. July 3. July G. S.OO ■ 200.00 il8.'J5 10.00 .STFAVIACKL, N. S. Citizens [ler l'\ 11. lEolsworth, .... .SHEDIAC, N. li. "White Star Comedy CluV." per Alex. Smith, 11.00 Citizens of Point du Chcne per Thos. E. Smith, 25.00- ST. C'ATHKKINES, UNT. Citizens Hose Co. per Geo. C. (Jarlisle, City Council i>er L. S. Oille, Mayor, ST. MARTINS, N. B. Victoria 1'.. J 5. CluL, Coodwill Sabbath Senool, Trinity Church, .... . . • • Capt. 13. Wishart Sundry SuVtscriptions, .... ... SHEUHiUJOKE, t)NT. Citizius 1,000.00 1,000.00 SUMMEKSIUE, P. E. F. Citizens, . . . . l,.500.0O 1,500.00 STELLAUTON, N. S. Citizena per Rev. J. C. Brand, .% 103.80 lo3.S(i ■ ST. PETER'S CANAL, C. H. Etnployeea per S. Parker Tuck, .... .... 186.83 180.85 3G.00 200.00 5U0.00 7(J0.00 25.00 11.22 20.00 1(10.00 llG.iO 302.02 172 SAINT JUHN KELIEI" AND AID SOCIETY, KENTON, ONT. J Illy JJ. Ht. Ueorgt!.s Ei>isoui>iil Oluu'cli, llov. Win. Heasdall, .... .... .... . . . . l.j.OO Aug. •J Citizous, jH'ocoeils of a concert, .... . . . . (it IM) THltEK IMVKlt.S, V. (,>. July - J. Edward JJoyd, C. E., THANKSVIELE. 111 liii i . July • > J. Raiisou, .... .... .... . . . . TRUKO, N. 8. 2.00 ■ Juno ■27. Wjii. McC'ullungli, tVoni a young tricud ii Chicago, ... .... .... . . . . 7)0.00 ■26. (Jitizens per ('. Blancliard, .... . . . . 1,000.00 Oct. •JO kk u 1 17 1 1 '' ,' ' ■'!•!■ • ■ • • TORONTO, ONT. 1 T 1 , i 1— June L'3. Central Mission School per J . T. Woodlio>i«e 2.81 City Council, Angus Morrison, Mayor, .... 20,000.00 L'oin E.xchangts Koht. Sju'att, .... . . . . GOO.OO Boar. D. viz ;— J Albion, .... . , , . .... ... 22.00 Vaughan, .... .... .... ... 18.7r. King, tit. Andrews, .... .... 25.00 Markhani, Melville Church, .... . . . . 13.00 " Brown's Conier, .... 7.03 Brampton, .... .... .... 32.00 Derry West, .... .... .... 5.20 (Jhiltenhani, .... .... .... G.70 Mount Pleasant, .... .... 14.30 (Jueensville and North Williamslnirg, 11.75 Toronto West Cluu'ch, .... .... 25.00 Clintjuaconty, .... .... ... 7.10 2nd, 15.40 Union Church, Esijueiing, .... ... 20. G 4 Norval, .... .... .... 9.70 StniHVille, Ht. Januis Street, .... ... 4.00 Maikhani, St. Andrews, .... 23.13 " Cedar Grove, . . , , ... 8.00 ' ' ■ '- . ' Toronto, Gould St., .... .... . 47.00 * Scarboro', St. Andrews, .... Gl.OO Markhara, St. Joluis, .... . 25.21 ro.oo iO.OO i.OO 1,11)7.14 Sep. t. Nov. 7. (.) V (I 1'^ s 1: ,May IG, 18^ Ju!v 2G. C July 18. V I July 18. C June 30. il .Si'i 1. 1 Nov. 7 May Hi July liO .)ulv lf< .July June ('OXTHIliUTloNS ul' MUNEV. ( )riin^cvillc, Zion ('li ircli, .... V'iUij,'li!in, St. Andrews ai..! !^t. Paul«, ( )r!inguvill(', lU;tliel Clunx-li, .... .Malton, .... .... .... Foui' Conffrt'gation^ through .\rcli. MuS Horkwood, .... .... St. Thonia.s, .... .... .... "Little Dot," Society of Artists iicr W. P. Howhuul. Hon. Stephen llicliaids. .... ll^Tl^. Citizens )>er D. (Jowan, .... Ul'PKU MUSyL'lDOHlT, N Citizens pei' lies'. Isaa^' Simpson, , . . U.KBUIIXiE, ONT. Proceeds of a Concei't, .... .... Dr. B. Wortnuui \ ICTOKIA, ONT. 1.'^'. County (.'ouucil jn'i' W. L. llussell, Wardei VRTOItlA CO., N. li. ;5(». (younty Council jicr A. J. Be\eridj,'e, VJCTUUIA, B. C. Astrica, A .... .... Andrew. J .... .... A'lsop, S .... Archibald, .... .... .... .Vndeou, ^\' .... .... Uowker, Mr .... .... Beghie, Sir M. 15 Bowman, W. C .... .... Burns, Jas .... .... Boscivitz, Jos. .... .... Barnard, F. J. .... .... Baker, E. C Baker & Son, .... .... Bank B. Columhia, .... .... Btn-nstone, John .... .... Bossi & Gresselman, .... .... Boyd, John .... .... .... City Corjtoration, .... .... ( 'harles, Thomas .... .... < iouvis, A. C. .... .... ( 'rease, Juil<;<' .... .... ( 'hadwick, TImk. .... .... CaiT, R Casanmym & < 'o., .... .... { 'larke. < apt. .... .... Cran\ -ill, .... .... .... • ockney, Tolmny Collins .... <.'lay, S' Drake & Jack8on, .... .... 173 1 1.(1(1 ot.OO .").()(» la.'ju 1(1.(1(1 tj.ou .61 27.60 •JO.OO S7.2'J- ;).25- 17.10 1.00- 100.00- 200.00- 1.00 2..')0 .").00 2.."»(t 10.00 lO.OO 5.00 2.m 2..")0 .')0.00 10.00 .5.00 ■1.00 ."tO.OO 5.00 2..50 5.00 250.00 .5.00 5.00 5.00 2..50 10.00 5.00 "..00 2.. 50 5.U0 2.50 10.00 ••]!,!,■< 1.7 I — .j.25 — .")l.l(» — K»0.(l(t — 200.00 174 SAINT JOHN UELIEF AND All) SOCIKTY. Doinian, W I)()ii<;lfi.s, Sir Jrts. Denny it Siit^ncci, Dninnuond, J. S. Diivie.s, J. R. Davie, Dr Elliot, Hon. A. (J. Earle, S Kngliiiardt k Co., hjlenvcr, Tlios. i'k'kstiiu, D. .... Fox, Mr.s Findlay, D. & H. Fellows it liiscoe. Fai T, Joseph .... Kintllayson, lloderiek (foodacre it Dooley, (Joodfellow, J. (ireen, A.. A. Orahani, J (irancini, E <;iii), n (iiiyir, Mr dray, A. i> (ileddae, Mi', (frillin, B, K. ( lihiiore, .... Hel)rew, Ladies Socie lleathorn, W. lielmcken, Dr. IIil)l)oru it Co., Hudson Bay ('o, Hanley, W' .... Harrison, W. Higgins, D. W. Houghton, Col. Hannon, Eli .... Hines, J. H Johnson, E Jones, C. H Jettiu, W. J. Kwonghu it Co., J^angley & Co., Lowenbery, I-. Lovett, -Jos Lucas, 8. L Lenevuc, D Lubbe, T Lnwis, Capt McDonald, Hon. W, Munroe, Alex. McCuUough, Capt. ty J. 10.00 2,r)() lo.ou ."i.OU lO.OO L'.OO •JO. 00 •-'.no L'..")0 J..')0 .").00 10.00 10.00 ").00 ."i.OO .■).00 10.00 :>.oo .■).00 :2..^0 n.OO •2.0U i].oo .•i.oo 10..")0 r).oo 15.00 5.00 •J5.00 5.00 2.50 10.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 ;!.oo 5.00 2.50 2.50 10.00 2.50 10.00 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 10.00 5.00 5.00 C'ONTRIJiUTIONS OF MONKY. 17: MoiriHon, Mr. Allison, H. L. McDowell, W. Me(Tr<'fi()r, R('\ . S. M(!Oi-iiao, P Ariirvin, K Mann, H. T. S: Cn. Mitcliell, (J MfTavisli, Mrs. McKilliciUi A- tiiltonl, . Miinsf'll, Hi'iny Miison, JNfrs ManscU & Holvoy.l, . Mattliows. l)i'. UcKlnicn, A. T. D. . Marvin. (!. 1'.. Morton, (' M.ixwell, A Manitta. V Mcintosh, ('a])t. Nuttall, Thos. ('. Ncshitt, Mrs. ( )|H)(inlioini(M' J'ros,. Pcanc, P.. W. Pollar.l, W Pattnlo, Tlios. Powoll, J. W. Quagliotli, J. liliotles & Co., Redfern, C. R. llns-sell, ThoR. lleid, W Piudoli)!] tt Co., llolson, .) Rag^'azoni, J. Eol.erts, K Hickman i^' Co., Pdtchic;, A. U. Robertson, R. Puiss. Rev. A. E. Ricliards, Lient. Cov. Sprint;, Cii])t. Sett, J. .... Sniithe, Hon. W. Siiort, Henry Stronss, Briggs li: Co., Stnle, P Stiuirt it Keast, Sproatt it Co., 81iotl)olt, ThoH. Strachan, James Stephens, Coorge 2.50 r).oo 2.50 .'i.OO 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 20..{)() r).oo 2.50 2.50 2.5(» lO.OO .').()() 25.00 2(1.00 .").00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 ;'>.00 2.50 2.50 10.00 2.50 5.00 3.00 10.00 .-..00 2.50 .""..OO .-..00 20.00 7.. 50 5.00 .5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 176 SAINT JOHN TlELIf:i' AND AID SOf'FKTV. July IG. Sop. 12. Juno 2•^. 20. July U. Juno 2S. SiflTien, W. ('. .... Stanilavd Priiitinj^ ( )rtioe, .... Samulors, Homy .... .... S))vatt, J(tH .... .... Soara, Josppli .... ... Toiif^io, .John .... .... Tui'nor, Borton i^- (.'o TyoA-(!o., Toild, J. H Tolniie, Di' .... ... Vernon, Hon. F. (i .... Wallace, K Ward, R Wilson, A. & W Wilson, T. c\: W Wait, M \Vol>stor, W. ( '. Woiller, John .... .... Woillor, E Wilson, W.kT Welsh, Rithot ^: Co West, ( • YcMUi/jf, J.J .... .... Collected hy Mayoi' and Councillor Willian (,'ash, sums $2 and under, .... Collected fit Hasting's Mill, Buzzard Inlet, . . Rogei-s' Caui)», .... .... Eraser's Camj), .... .... Soda f!reek and Clinton Road, .... Clinton, .... .... ... Yale Road, .... .... .... Qnesnede, .... .... ... Les.s expenses, discomits, piintlng, A'c. WINDSOR, ONT. City Conncil per Cha.s. R. Hoon, Mayor. . WESTFIELD, KINGS, N. B Parish, WOODSTOCK. N. R. ( 'itizons ])er L. P. Fisher, Mayor, Carleton (Vanity Council, .... Methodist Church, Rev. C. H. Paisley, Citizens per L. P. .Fi.sher, jSIayor, WINDSOl!, N. S. Avon Marine Insurance C'o., .... .Mrs. Ellershanren,, .... .... Windsor Marine Insurance Co., .... St. Croix Mill Crew, Capt. John Mann, Burlington, .... W. H. and A. Blanchard, 2.50 2.1.00 2..')0 10.00 2..')0 2..')0 .'lO.OO 10.00 5.00 2.50 5.00 10.00 2.50 5.00 10.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 5.00 25.00 2.50 2.50 1.3.50 160.50 181.50 81.50 .•58.00 G2.50 71.50 40.00 45.00 «2.OO5.50 74.60- 500.00- 14.00- 200.00 1,000.00 no. 00 151.00-. 600.00 500.00 400.00 108.00 50.00 150.00 I.O.SO.OO - 500.00 - 14.00 -1..381.00 I'ONTHJIUTIONS OF MONKV, 177 l'..'imett Siiiitli. • « • • . 125.00 K. W. Diinock, . lOO.OO (!. P. Pnysimt, . 100.00 Will. Diinock, 100.00 (-'urvy ik Slmud. 100.00 Windsor Fiiinilnro Co., 50.00 ( 'iipt. Aylwiud, 50.00 .lames K. (fralifuii. 50.00 l!cv. (^'uioii Dart. 50.00 .1. A. Siiaw. .... 50.00 (Japt. J. W. Moiri.s. . . iiO.OO (". & G. Wilson, 25.00 Walter Li'.wson, 25.00 Samuel H. Black. 20.00 1). P. Allison, 20.00 I'.iirn'css it Wood, 20.00 .loliii Doraii, .... 20.00 Dr. B. 1). Fraser, 20.00 Levi Sniitl 20.00 ( 'liailes Voun;;-, 20.00 Dr. J. v.. Black, 20.00 ('has. .DeW. Sniitli, 1.^.00 C. L. Weeks, 10.00 Windsor "Mail," 10.00 Rev. J. W. Kelly, 10.00 Henrv How, .... 10.00 Jolin W. Webb, . 10.00 Wilcox I'ros., 10.00 Daniel Davis, . 10.00 John Herbiu, 10.00 Chas. W. Paysant, 10.00 i^ewis E. Diinock, 10.00 Boljert Paiilin, 10.00 .John Lynch, .... 15.00 .John M. 8cott, 15.00 W. H. Fielding, 15.00 HI Jackson, .... 10.00 T. S. Harding, 10.00 John Otis King, 5.00 Edgar DeWolf, 5.00 Mi's. M. A. DeWolf, . . 5.00 Sarah L. DeWolf, 5.00 (.eorge E. Pel low. 5.00 John Vox 5.00 'I'honias B. Smith, 5.00 ^Vatsou Dill, 5.00 W. Kerr Dimock, 5.00 Alex. Fnifser, 5.00 T. J. ( 'oakley, 5.00 Capt. John Wilev. 5.00 ('. W. Dimock, . • • . . 5.00 ( 'ai>t. John Davison, . t t • t • • • • 5,00 ~Aii'i^m^^mi*m»n0>muni>i^>^'^ f 178 SAINT ,1(»HN KEIJKF AND AID SfXIKTV. Joliii Sinitli .... 5.00 Ilohoi't Sutlu'rlaiid. n.oo •lolm Allen rxon ('(ipt. Klisliii (!anl, rt.oo JdImi R. ( 'oMcii, . . . 4.00 1!. T. Scott 4.00 Samuel Palmer, 4.00 II. (!. Wilson. 4.00 Tliomas Timlin, 4.00 M. Haley, 4.00 A friend ... :5.00 James 11. Itrown, . . . 2.00 liobeit Orono, 2.00 Wm. Allen 2.00 W. Kilen]., 2.00 P. S. i'.ui'niiMm, 2.00 Jolni Sa\Mi,'e, 2.00 ('. P. Sliaw, 4.00 Jolni Aker ... 2.00 Wm. iiond, 2.00 !!. S. Knowles, 2.00 U. Tloliinson, .... ..'■)0 Jolni Walsli, .... .... 2.00 Collecled at lAn'ks ( 'liiu'cli, 2.00 licceived in a. letter, o.OO JanicH FFanis, .').()() MiKs M. Thompson, 1.00 Fiiond, .... 1.00 Mrs. C. f'ard, .2.1 E. ('hnrchill, H!intH])ort, 2.')0.00 J. B. Nortli. do. .50.00 .1. E. N.00 .lolm Davison, .... 20.00 VV. A. Porter, 10.00 Kre,l. Hoyt, 2.00 Collected by Hen. Wilson and .). W. Wel.l):-- .1. W. Bordon, l..'-.0 , ■ ^ , • -, - , . Roheit Doi'e, .... ... 4.00 '. ': r Alex. Miles, .... l.:)0 Miss l)<'nnet. .... I'.OO Mi's. |)inu-;in, .... ... L\00 r , .;*. Jolni Hatch, .... 2.00 '■ i . .lose|ih Uiehards, .... ... ."i.OO \ ■ ■ (Teor,u;e Smith, .... ... 2.00 .lose])h \'on Nfalder, .... ... 4.00 ..r:- : '---n I'enj. Hiit'ord. .... ... 2.00 -At .^^iss Scott,. ... .... ... (;.oo .Mi-s. (iar\ ie, .... 2.00 Thos. ^IcLatchey, .... ... lO.OO Sums of one dollar and under. . . . 2:).2."i^ — r,i).2.". Collected l.y T. 1!. Smith and F. i!. Wood:-- Wm, Smith, ■ • . . . . 20.00 (O.NTltimrioNS i)V .MONKV. 17!» ;iu. Mlas .liiliii Sinilli Col. Poyiitz, Jan. ()'Sliiiii.y;lnn'.S!sy .... .Ml'. Kiiii,nis()ii, .... Nfwtciii Kiiiiikls 11 .1. .Smith, Jr., of IJfiiiutt, L)i-. UoHsiii, .... I'idwiivil ^li'Lutclicy, .... .MiN. .Jiiiiics Slmiiil Mits. David Suygat, .... K/.ra Sliaiul, .... .M!ij,';;i(^ l>ui'saiicc ('apt. J. ('i;nl, Sums (if .<\ ami iiudfr, I 'apt. K. Ciirrv, Avondalc, William Ciiiry, Windsor. Kdward ( )'i{rii'U. .... .Mrs. 'riios. Cm TV, .... .Matlu'w Allison, ( 'iiirv's < 'unicr. .M. (!. .Mli.soii, "■ ■• . Will. ClIlTV, •loliii l\<'itli .... W'iiidsiir Foimdrv I'lmploycr.s, V\.v\ . ( 'aiiou Carmodv, .... jll.lii) .").(!() .">.()(» .').(H) 1.00 4.00 kOO •2.00 •J. (Id -'.00 I. no .").00 i.r.v —7'.). 2.') •Jdd.Od Idd.dd Idd.dd .")(). (Id ."id.dd L'.*>.0(l J.'i.dd Idd.dd liL'.dd lO.Od Ll'ss si;iit in supplies, .... WHITBV, ONT. June '22. Cily ('ouuril, per (!. J. Smith, Mayor, WKNTWOllTH, ON'J'. .lum; ;5d. County Council pm' Tho.s. Stock, War(U;n, . . WOOD.STUCK, OlST. July •"). James Hay .... .... Jame.s Wliite, .... .... John ( I rant, .... .... .... John White, M. M. Nesbit, F. Ne.sbit, .r. Dunlo[i, .... .... .... Wni. Peers, .... .... .... Mrs. Rutherford, .... .... John Forrest, .... .... Wm. Dean, .... .... .... J . McDonald, .... .... John Ross, .... .... .... ( '. Kerr, Jas. Wilson, .... .... .... F. R. Bull, John Short, .... .... .... J. D. Hood, D. F. McMuUen, .*4,ll>i).-V) . 108.U.J- . L'dU.dd- . l.dOd.dU- 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 'i.OO .">.00 .'».oo .'i.(JO 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.(J0 10.00 10.00 o.OO -\,:i-20.:',-2 - 200.00 -1,000.00 a>._% IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // M V V ^j ^^. f/j t^ 4 fA 1.0 I.I !f:ia '- ilM li 1^ M 2.2 20 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ^1 6" - ► ^ .^ ■c^l %^ y /A Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, NY. 14SB0 (716) 872-4503 V ;V ^ -b ^ :\ \ I* ^. ^. #i1^\ 6^ «• ZP< C/i ^ 180 SAINT JOHN KKLIKF AND AID SOCIETY. July 10. June .■{{). July 17. June 30. July 28. Aug. 21. 3U. 200.00 1,000.00- 200.00- Ti.OO r).oo 12.25 Any. G. July 11. 21. July 11. July 31. July 18. July 3, Will. Pott, ,-,.()() H. M. McKiiy, 5.00 W. MuEweii, .... .... .... .-)()() Ah-H. Wilson, .... .... , . . 5 00 Mr.s. Uiur, .... .... .... . 2.OO Jiiinc's Scott, .... .... .... ... 2.00 Wni. Arnold, .... .... .... | qq (ifeoige White, .... .... j.oo Miss Hay, 1.00 Jim. McLeod, .... .... .... i.Of) Mrs. Laurie, .... .... .... ) (((j Knox (Jhuicli Sabbiitli School, .... .... 41). 25 Oanatlian Litei-ary Institute, .... .... 37.2.5- WATEKLOO, ONT. City Council, F. Colqunoun, clerk. County ilo. J. D. BoNvnmn, clerk, AVALKERVILLK, ONT. Hiram Walker & Sons, .... WKSTVILLK, N. S. Jan. Maxwell, jier llev. C. Brown, Mr,s. Thornton, .... .... Amateur Concert, per E. Simjison, Black Diamond Colliery, per Thomas ■^ ■ ther, (JO. 00 Westville Centre, per Daniel Munro, 17.50 Drununond ( 'olliery, jier Ilolit. Simpson, S 1..5(J Acatlia Colliery, per Jas. Maxwell, .53.00 215.00— WESTMORLAND, N. B. Parish of, .... .... .... . 04.25 WINNIPEG, MANITOBA. Employees "Daily Free Press" per W. F. J.ux- to». r)1.05 Sympathizei', .... .... .... .... o qq ( 'ity Council, Thos. Scott, Mayor, 300.00 Boarders California llestaurant, .... .... 21.50—- WHOXETEIJ AND FAIiDWICK. Presbyterian Church pur Thos. B. Saunders, 55.24— W^ELLAND, ONT. County Council, J. C. Page, Clerk, 500.00 Citizens 100.00- WINOHAM, ONT. Methodist Church, Rev. G. A. Mitchell, 15.50 WEYMOUTH, N. S. Citizens jier J. Boyd 300.00 0.7.) r. .50 -1,200.00 - 200.00 2"J7.25 04.25 - 374.55 - 55.24 • 000.00 ■ 15.50 ■ 300.00 COXTRinUTIOXS OK .MONKV, l»l Juno 27. 2H. !22.50 100.00 !00.00 97.25 G1.25 74.55 Ji5.24 )0.00 16.50 10.00 V PiTev (!. I'.iviiioiul, L, E. n.iker,' .... Doiuiis &■ Doaui', T. W. M()0(lv, A. (;. Robbins, Killani Brotliei's. Bowman Cooning, Samuel Killaui, J v., Thomas E. Kelley, Ryerson & Moses, Hugh Cann, .... TIios, B. Flint, John Lovitt, .... Josej)]! BuiTell, Avan Goudey & Co., DocUls (fe Jolly, James Muniiy, S. A. C'lowell, Bailv ife Cann, D. Sullivan, .... Mosus it Steritt, Viots & Dennis, I). A. Vaughn, Sanniel Kiliam, Si., J. R. Kinney, Geo. H. Ijovitt, Parker Eakins it Co., Crosby & Ryerson, ^IcLaughlin Bios., .lames S. Lovitt, Ceo. (iuest, .... Will. Law, .... Jf. D. Doane, W. Johns, .... B. Rogera & Son, Sjiinney, Eakins A: Co., J. a. Allan, .... S. N. Pelton, .... Mi-s. J. W. Ixtvitt, T. R. S Mihion & Co., H. B. Law, .... N. Lewis, .... VV. B. Lewis, .V. F. Stonenian it Co. W, N. Mood} it C;o., Cluus. E. Brown, A friend, .... Jolin Murphy, O. Davidson, .... T. O. Geddes, L. E. Bobbins, \KMOUTH, N. S. • t t ■ 1.00 . 200.00 . 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 • t • 25.00 . • * 15.00 21.00 . 100.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 • . . 50.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 • . . 20.00 10.00 5.00 . . . 20.00 20.00 5.(»0 • . . 100.00 • • . 20.00 • • . 100.00 25.(»0 10.00 10.00 40.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 .SO.OO 20.00 . . • • 10.00 • • • • 10.00 50.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 55.00 20.00 20.00 2.00 20.00 . . . . 5.00 5.00 « • t • 2.50 J! 182 SAINT JOHN ItKLIEF AND AID SOCIKTY. Cm'o. { 'ro.sln' Will. xMcOill, Lyman Caiin, T. M. litiwis, .... N. W. Jiletlieu, JuiiatliHU Norton, J. W. 11. llowkv, ,").oo r).(»o 10. ou iL'.OO 2(».00 L'0.00 ITi.OO .^.00 1.00 10.00 .").00 10.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ;5.').oo .").00 .■).00 10.00 •20.00 .■).00 5.00 25.00 5.00 100.00 10.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 IG.OO 5.00 y.oo 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ;5.oo 3.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 CONTRITUJTIONS OF MONEY. William t'roshv, J. W. Gou.ley,' Josiiili Crosby, r',v])t. Pinkciiv. Win. Heal.'v,' ('apt. a. U. 'I'refi y, . . A. ("ann S. B. Mnnav, N. K. Cann," J. ('. Kaiisli ('apt. M. Trpfry, Sanuiol Brown, J. H. Baxtor, T. B. Dane, additional, D.'inicl Hiiliivan. W. A. Clmsc, ({. S. Farisli, . . ir. A. Hoo.l, ('a])t. .John Huliliins, . . Bicliai'd T. Ciosl.v. il. A. ({mntlianli 4..-)0 .').0() .-).00 2.n(» 4.(t0 10.00 .").(M) 20.00 :5o.oo n.oo 20.00 10.00 l.-t-OO 1.1.00 .'i.OO 1.").00 .■).0(( .").00 8.00 .10.00 .«2,.1(JI.O0 . . . I, n IS. 21 Loss sn|)plios )atrdias(>d, .... VOltK, ONTAiaO. June 27. County Council pov Jas. Roltinson, Warden, 3,000.00 YOUKVILLE. July 17. City Council ])cr John Severn Mayor, . . . .lOO.OO UNITED STATES. July 21. Jnlv 21. ANXAl'OTJS, MARYLAND. St. Anns Cliurcli per (lenl. Warner, AUCiUSTA, ME. Ricliard D. Rice J. (i. Blaine, .... .... .... J. W. Bradbury Darius Alden. .... .... Lot M. Morrill, .... .... (.'. W. Stanley. Ji A. DeWitt. J. Manchester Haines .... Ciiarles K. Nash, ].. \V. liithgow, .... .... .losej.h H. Williams, H. S. (.)sgood, .... .... ^V. F. Ilallett, Seth C. Whitehouse . . , . S. W. Uuw Will. T, .lohnsone, , . . , , , . , 50.62- 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 70.00 ."lO.OO 50.00 .")(». 00 "lO.OO l.").00 ;}o.oo 2.').00 2;"). 00 2a. 00 2r).oo 25.00 r)0.G2 1S4 SAINT JOHN UKLIEF AND A'D SOCIETY. F. "W. Kinsiimii, .Josliua Nye, .... ... P. O. Vickeiy, Hiumiel Titconili, Win. R. Sinitli. (i. E. Biickitt, 11. H. Iliiiuilaii, Cliiindelar, Ueulc Hi Co., H. W. Hia(ll.)nyk\:('o.. A Idea Hinivf^iu', . . . E. V. All«n, Tliiinias Lainl)ar(l. . . . Holowny i^ir Robinson, . . . , James A. Noi-tli, MisH Ann McWilliams, Mi-s. J. E. .TiuM KoIdf'U ( 'ondor, . . . , Jo.s. A. Homan, ... 10. A. Nason, . . . . Jolni Wheeler, . . . , J. J. Evelith, . . . . John L. StevcMiH, . . . . Walker Blaine, . . . , Fnller & Percival, . . . . 13. F. Panott, Fowler, Manilen & Smith, J. W. Pattei-son, . . . , C. B. Lishthill, Thomas Little, . . . . J. W. Claiip John Dorr, .... . . . . (). D. Baker, Howard Owen, . . . . J. (). Smith, Ira H. Randall, . . . . f. K. Partridge, Josiah P. Waynian, . . . . Trebby Johnson, . . . . V>. C. Robinson, . . . . J . B. Moore, .... . . . . ('. N. Hamlin. K. F. Pillsbniy, J. Piper & Son, .... \V. S. Badger, (ieo. W. Qninby, . . . . James Bridge, .... Wni. M. Stratton (I. a Vose John W. Mi-s. Jos. H. Williams, ( '. R. & H. IF. Wells, .... William,son k (liven wood, 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 lii.OO 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 CONTBIHUTIOXS OK MONEY, 18: W. P. Wlutchouse, . . . Will. Cnia well, l)K, H. A. JSliinclmnI, . . . If. A. 1?. Cl.nn.lW Miss Pauline Lilly, . . . , W. B. Jjjiidinni, . . . , Klislia Atkins, . . . . Miss F. Sanltorn, . . . . Mi-s. ("lias. K. Nash, . . . . •lohn D. Mvrick, . . . . Phil. P. Getcliell Kucins Hill, .... . . . . F. I). Hoyt, A. J . Piorce, .... . . . , Joseph Millar, . . . . CJeo. O. Tol)py, Fniile Baibioi-, , . . . ('liarles H wins, . . . . A. C Dana, .... . . . , Tfv.iitington, Nason ife Co., F. L. FaninjSfton, . , . . E. W. Wliitehoasp, Ijeigliton, Scouton »fe Co., C. 13. I^kin F. A. & C. H. Biick, . . . . R. Rowse, .... . . . . C. H. Staibiril, dm. K Balkixl, J. Bootliby, .... . . . . James B. Bell, . . . . S. S. Goodrich, . . . . Daniel A. Cony, . . . . Jos. H. Manly, . . . . J. Fmnk Pierce, .... A. Staples, .... .... ^V. H Bigelow, Father Wizzell, . . . . Geo. E. Weeks, . . . Benj. G. Davis, . . . . Amos Wilder, .... Biissell Eaton, .... Mrs. Daniel Stone, .... Mra. John W. Chase, .... Allan Lambard, .... S. Lanca.ster, .... F. M. Drew 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.0(1 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.(l(» 5.()(» 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 .•3.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 5.00 25.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 10.00 15.00 (4 ym SAIXT JOHN RELIKF AXD AID SOriKTY. MiTi. Litligow, ... .... .... Mi-8. H. L. Fuller Mi-s. W. A. Brooks, Proc«MHlK of !i concert l»y Mrs. Fannie Milliken, Mm. Myrick, Misses Al)l)ott and (Wlirnne, Messi-s. Myiick, Hunt, Ward, I .add an1mth School ]»er llev. J. N. WiUett, .«15. r. S. cy., 14.2.1 1 4.25 BOSTON, MASS. f'itv Council, Hon. F. (). Piince, Mavoi' 5,000.00 T. Meelian ' .... 5.00 \V. W. Rice & Co., ..: 100.00 R. S. Mackintosh ]>er J. S. T»irner, 50.00 J.H.Rogers, 100.00 Boston Felt RfK)fing Co.. 100.00 rj. W. Davis, 14.11 Boston Theatre per Tompkins & Hill, Ijossees, 886.03 Howe Scale Co. per Priest, Page & Co., Agts., 250.00 J. K. JiaU'H of Kimball & Pates, .... 25.00 if Hand, Chessman & Co, per T^ogan, Lindsay & Co., 25.00 IT. S. cy., $6,55.5.14—6,132.38 Citizens \w Hon. F. W. Tjincoln, \Vm, H. Paldwin and Stanton Blake, Committee, (in- cluding $647.00 fi-om Eliot National Hank ( micials,) .if 20,966.5.5, U. S. oy., .... 20,337.57 Citizens l>v C. A. Plemlerson, .... .... 58.00 " ■ Mayor, 291.46- HATir, MAINK. Citizens jier Kdwnrd Heed, Mayor, 1,000.00 325.00 I^ S. ey., $1,325.00- BANfiOIl, .MAINK. Citizens per A. C. Hamilton, Mavor, l^. S. cy., ^5,000.00, 5,000.00- BUCKSrORT, .MK. Citizens i>er Thos. C. Woodman, U, S. cy., $320.00, 320.00- 26,810.41 -1,252.13 4.725.00 301.00 C< )NTUI III r IONS ?2r)0.()() r. S. JanifH Knox it Co., .... CliiLs. A. (laiiihiill iV Co., I!. ('. Hays, (i. ife A. Cossa, .... David Dows iV All) SOflU'l'V. July 12. June 27. June 21. 25. 30. July 17. Aug. 8.' Juno 2;}. ('HKI.SKA, MANS. Childrai, !St. I,;:keiaiiee, .... .... Grace Churcli jter Rev. 0. A. W. .Stocking, . City (Jouncil, Alex. Losvi.s, Mayor, 5.00- o'J3.75- 300.00 97.42 1,000.00 427.81 1)2.50 KASTI'OKT, ME. Itoynton Uigli School, .... .... D. J. oadi, • 2.3« 10.00 Hejt. 1. June 27. June 23. U. S. cy., *12.38- EU15EKA, CAl.. f 'itizons per Dr. Gi-oss and J. T. Kelclier, 295.85- EA.ST WEYMOUTH, MA8.S. Congregational Sabbatli Scluwl, !*20.00, cy., 20.00- CLOUCESTEH, MA.SS. John Hanson i»er "W. K. Viooni, $5.00, cy.. 5.00 City Council per Allan Rogers, ]\Iayor, i'slOO.OO *;>'., 100.00 June 22. July 2. July ■ /. June 20. Oec. 17. June 23. July 4. Cy., .*!105.00- (illANl) J{APID8, MICH. A friond, l.uu- HAUIUNGTUN AND CHEllIJY FIELD, MASS. Methotlist Episcopal Cougi-egation per G. G. Win8lo\v, $20.00, cy., 20.00- HARTFOUD, CONN. Citizens per J. H. 8prague, Mayor, S42.00, cy., 42.00- HALbOWELL, MAINE. Citizens per J. M. Paine, 500.00 84.50 Cy., $584.50- Il'SWICH, MASS. Mi-s. ]S[. O. Smith, Kastern International House, •$25.00, cy., 25.00- 1.AWRENCE, MASS. Citizens per Caleb Saundera, Mayor, $500.00, ».75 ■500.15 U. S. cy., $1,917.73 1,812.20 \ 11.72 295.85 18.90 99.23 1.00 18.90 39.09 552.45 23.G3 cy., . . . 500.00- •472.50 .IllIK? *J"». J uuu : ■60. June 2.'?. Aug. 10. July lif). Jiiuc 2-"). July ti. June 25. July 22. Junt! 22. 2:?. 2."). 26. 28. 2'J. n»N'riUIJl TloNS UF MON'KY, LINCOLN, MK. Methodist Ki>iHei(iiiil Chuicli jK-r Rl'v. (1. K. liaiuicniiiui, !*'».<>(). cy., .... .... LLMK UOL'K, CONN, ijulies of Trinity Church jwr Haw Milli(ljL,'o Walker, Btiriuuu, Richanlson ife Co. jwr JaincH Hanis, *100.00, cy„ LKWLSTON, MK. CitizuuH i»er John (Jaruur, .... .... r».o()- 2LU0 y5.uo- 75.00 IN!) 1.7:5 110.00 ( 'y., .$575.00- MILWAUKKK, WLS. Citizens [.er W. V. McLaren, .*1 00.00, cy., .... 100.00- MACHIAS, iMAINE. Citizens |)er J. S., .S25.00, cy„ 25.00- MOUNT VERNON, IOWA. A sympathizer, !?1.00, cy., .... .... 1.00- MALDP:N, MAS.S. Congregaiional Churcli per H. W. Smitii, $15.26, cy., 15.26- MONOAUr VALLKY, N. V. Citizens per Re\. \V. Furrie. $^.'60, cy M.-.W NEW YOKK. H. &T S. Beiler, .... .... .... Edward Arni.strong, .... .... Kdwaixl Totld & Co., .... .... Coi'hani Boarduian .... Palmer & Embury, .... .... Citizens jDer Br. Consul General, .... Erastus Titus per Uenl. Warner, .*25.00, cy Citizens ])er British Consul General, Stock E.vchange \wv W. B. Sancton, J. & ii. Fowler, Maritime Association, .... .... ... <> 5i;{.38 !)l.."iO 2:i.(;7 .1)5 14.11 .■;i.i8 .10. July :}. 6. 8. July U. .Cy., 2.00 2.00 5.00 25.00 , 100.00 50.00 . 2,000.00 , 2.3.64 . 3,500.00 . 772..50 . 100.00 . 1,000.00 . 4,800.00 1,000.00 Clarke, Dodge iV Co 250.00 .VuR'iican Shipnui,sters |K;r H. P. TluMiow it Co., 85.00 llichaitlson, Boynton &, Co. per A Young, mom, cy.. 47.50 Austin, Ijocke & Co. per L. II. Harrison, .... 100.00 Citizens ))er British Consul General, .... 3,000.00 "J" i)er General Warner, 10.00 Citizens per Biitish Consul Genei-al, .... 2,105.90 Hayden, Gere & Co. i»er Adam Young 25.00 11)0 SAINT JUliN llKLIKl' AM) All) SUCIKTV. m Miiiitiiiic AHsociation jwr A. ('. Sinitli, !*^»(i^<.UO, ry., :»;j;j.'jL' X. Y. St(>iiiiii;tiiii and l'r<)\ iiUinctr liino jkt S, HalHoc-k, IVesidciit, !«:)()().(I0, cy., 17J.."»I» J. K. I». Liimi.!!-. !«!")U.n(l, ly I7..")(» CitiziMis jicr llritisli ('oiimil (Jciu'iiil, .... "H.'.M MiiiitiiiK! A.ssiHiati()ii, IJi.lmicf, .... .... l.'J4 Swcili'iiluir;,' it Co., ijflOO.OO, 'J4..")(l 1(».(J0 17. Aiij;. Hi. St'ii. lis. Nuv. ".• 25 . I)ef. 18. Citiw.'iis \iw IJritiHli Conxiil (Jcncnil , Am. i.y., !^L'0,'JO5.8l- NANTUrKKT, .MASS. July •">. Women jicr i-. (.'. Htiubuek, .S")O.UU, cy., .... 17.-'J- NKWTOX, MASS. J mil' i-'l*. Cm S. Nuttiii},', *1.0(», cy., .U.")- NKWHUltd, N. V. Si'ii. -0. .Motlio.00 .Joseph Parker & Son, .... .... .... 25.00 / Strong, Baines ife Hart, .... .... 25.00 B. Manville & Son 25.00 Jas. E. English, 25.00 !,. W. A: P. Armstrong, 25.00 (Traliam & Corey, .... .... .... 25.00 Himm Camj), 20.00 H. M. Welch, 20.00 Bowditeh & Co., 20.00 N. Peck, 20.00 C. L. English, 20.00 Amos F. Baruea 20.00 Chiu). F. Root, 20.00 Howaixl Avenue Church Sunday School, .... 18.00 B. Shoninger, .... .... .... 15.00 Samuel Hemingway, .... .... .... 10.00 Bumiell & Scrantou, .... .... .... 10.00 John P. Tuttle, 10.00 -20,.'>:!l.i:t — 17.25 — .1)5 12.2'J 100. on r'nN'TTuni'TioNs oy moxky, l!»l 5.Ji.iy 17.25 M 12.2'J 100.00 July 9. K4lwiii .'Srarlilc, . , , . Krank If. HJutler, .... I'lii'liiini it Woostei-, .... (ico. H. Watious, .... 'I'little, Morelisuse & Tavlor, C. 15. VVhittlesev. II. Killiu.ic*;: Co ]{, A. Midwn, .... (J. F. Warner & Co., .... Pi. & J. M. niuir, C. S. Morsiek k Co P. H. Andrews, John Thompson, .... Kenry Hale & Co., .... II. C. Shelton & Co J. W. Mansfield, .... Monson Curjienter W. K. Chandlei-, H. N. Wliit.t!e,sev iV Co.. J. K. Ward, . . .' Downes News ( 'o., .... .]. H. Klock, spiiptioiis, Treadwell Kitchen, Cash, i^5.00, ifc2.00, Mrs. Tappan, NEW BEDFORI^. June 25, • ■ 1 • 10.00 'f " • • • • 10.00 • ) • • 1(1.00 » t t • 10.00 • * • • 10.00 • • . . 10.00 t « . . 10.00 • • . . iit.oo 1 • • 10.00 10.00 • • • 10.00 , . • . 15.00 . . . '",■10 • • • « 10.00 * • • • 10..M) • • * • l.».00 , ... Ift.OM . 5.00 * . • 5.00 • t . • 5.(11. 5.00 • . • . 5.00 • > . . 5.00 • t . . 5.00 • • • * 5.00 . • • . . 5.00 • • ' • 5.00 « • • * 5.00 . 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 4.00 .').00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 i;l 35.75 Am. cy., 2:50.75 fit* 20.00 . . . . 7.00 2.00 <'.v., n 265.75 —1.212.15 ), Am. cv. 472.50 472.50 102 SAINT JOHN RELIEF AND AID SOCIETY. O'n'AWA, ILL. Julv 2. I[on. J. D. Eaton, cv., |50.00, 47.25- OAK PARK, ILL. July 7. Public School Entei-tainment per J. W. Middle- ton, $100.00, Am. cy., 94.50- POr.TLAND. MF. Juno 24. Citizens. W. M. Butlor, Mavoi', 2,000.00 47.25 d\.r>o .Inly 10. 25. I'ailey &, Noye.s, .... Geo. I-I. Starr, li'el). 8, 1878. Citizens ])er W. M. j^utler. 4,500.00 25.00 20.00 G85.20 Am. cy., .«7,2.30.20 (;,8.3.?.r>4 PORTSMOUTH, N. H. July 10. Citizens pr Clias. H. Mendum, SS697.00, Am. ^y- PHILADELPHIA, PA. June 2.3. Westmorland Coal Co., Insurance Co., North America, . . Drexel & Co., (,'. W. (!hilds, I'eter Wright & Sons, .... McKean, Bone & Co., Justice, Bateman & Co., H. C. Butcher, Sonder & Adams, .... Westorgaard & Co., .... Hamson, Havemeyer & Co., W. F. Hagar & Co., T. B. Galvin, (jftnleicker & Co., .... Wm. Prockie, .... Darrah & Elwell, Coflin, Altermis & Co., INIeyer & Dickinson, .... Chas. H. Meyers & Co., Stephen S. Runack, .... Narr & Gerlach, .... J. C. Dawson, .... Mrs. A. J. Glass, .... Ja«. Kent, San tee & Co., Clark, Reevfts &, Co., .... Geo. W. Biddle, Edwai-d Hoopei', .... Jas. Gi-jvham & Co., .... Wm. W. Pa»d, .lames K!vei"son, .... John H. At wood, .... Wm. Leer & Co., St. Paul, Miim., 658.0)7- 100.00 500.00 250. 0(t 250.00 250.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 20.00 25.00 KtO.OO 100.00 75.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 G58.G< COXmiHUTIOXS OK MONEY mn Powers & Wolghtninn .... .. 100.00 'I7.2n S. A W. Wolsli, .. 200.00 fiOwis Bros. & Co., .... .... .. 100.00 J. B. Lipi>incott. k Co., .... 50.00 Stokes, Caldwell & Co., 50.00 91.50 J. Fitzpatrick, .... .... 20.00 l)o\i<;lity it Kajiplela, .... .... 10.00 Diivid (liltimm. .... .... 10.00 J. B. Hamel, Jr. & Co., GO.OO ir. S. (tre;,"' & Co., 5f).0() Henry Disston St Sons, .... . . 100.00 Clnnx'li of Redenijrtion. .... ;]o.oo Cftsli, n.u(» S. A. X., 5 00 Pliili|) Powell. 5.00 ,s3n.fii Di'. antl -Mrs. 1'revor .... .. 100.00 .loiin V. Cilpin. .... .... 25.00 , The Adjntant, 10.00 058.07 iMr. K. v. (iraliani, 5(t.(»0 W. S. Vaii.\, .... .... 5((.00 2nd Reformed Presliylerian Conj(re<:ration, . . ;t5.ri5 The Widows Mite, " . . . . 2.Jv .... .5.00 .} L. C. #10.00, .1. R. .^1.00 11.00 "Cash" and small sums, .... 80.25 ( 'ommercial F.\clianj^e .... .\n 1,000.00 —'.).l 75.75 J 1. cy., ift'.)70!(.SO 1 TijovinKNcK, r>. r. .Inly r II. K. Wellman, !!:!200.00, I'. S. }- CCMiXAC, FHANCE. June 2."}. (ffo. Sayci' \' Co. per Kiniiear Bros., CIEXFUKGOS, CUBA. July 10. (k;o. .M. Kowlor. T.r. Viws (" 1. COUK, IKKLAXU. July 14. J. Scott & Co. per W. Tlionisoii. CAKDIFF, WALKS. Auy. I."). TiinlKT luiiRifk'i's Association jmr (luy, Stcwait & Co., £100 Stg., (« '.)\ inn- cent. P., 48G.67 DUBLIX, IKKLAXD. July 12. K. .t J. Burke, 2.-)0.00 (I. J5ell, £100 (I Junc'JO. Citizens pur Lord Mayor, 100 Nov. 2. " " lUrt 11 20O.(»0 100.00 2.J..J5 48G.G7 C« 'JJ, per cent. P., . . '. . i;.">4.') 11 2,Gr».-).01 2,1(00.01 KDIXBUIKIH, SL'OTL.VXl.). July 11. City Council per Sir James Falshaw, liord iVovost, .£100 Oct. 1 2. ( 'itizens per ilo. do. 225 C" 'Ji I't^i' L'ent P., .... .£325 l,.")Sl.G7 1,.")81.«7 KXKTKi;, i:Nui.Axr). Nov. 2. Citi:,;cns per llev. M. tSwaliey, £G7 1 U. (« Itj, per cent. P., . . . . ' " o27.01 ;]27.0i (iL.V.S«iO\V. SCOTI.AXh. June2.s. Citizens per Lord Provost, .£2,00(1 July 4. " " 1,(X)0 ' IG. " *' 1,000 Any. 15. « " 582 17 4 22,424.115 — 242.78 (S; 91 \m- cent. P., .... £4,582 17 4 22,:}03.28 July G. D. Storer & .Son, .... 25 121.67 (iltKKXOCK. !SC0T1.AXI>. July G, Clark, Murray, Newell & Co., 242.78- H A VAX A, CUBA. Aug. 7. Zaldo it Co. imr A. Cusliing ;K»0.(JO ;)0(».00 HU DDK KSFIK I J ), KN( > LAN I ». Jan. !). 1878. Clia.s. W. Sikes, £117 2 G, .... 57(».01- — 570.01 HOXLKV, KXdI.AXD. Sop. 2, 1877. J. & J. Meakin per Jl. Kol>ertson. .£20 0, y7.aa 'ji.'m HAMBUlMi, (iEUMANY. Sep. 17. Rev. C. B. Brigstocke, £20 9 G, .... 99.64 27. Jacob E. Klotz, 25.00 124.04 2\. :,,j.50 — - 4i>, 49. 1,1'JG. l(» 00 00 33 13- Jmivt 21'. .»,433.33 Au'r. 23 C'OXTUIliUrioNS Ul" MOXKY, INDIA. .Inly 31. Surgeon Major ('oiiiyu, £10 0, . . . . Aug. 21. V. OiU-s, Jr. pt-r L. J. Almon, f.") KKKDS, KNCJLAM). Aug. 1 1. NV. J.nptou & Co. [nn- DiuiicI tS: Boytl, .t;-">2 10 0, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Aug. 1 1. (Jastlt's it Co. through H. nuiimiau k Co., £10 10 (t, John Williams it Co. iKir A. Yeats it Son,. . . . Tho Sheihlou Bar Iron Co., .... .... Cai)t. liobt. Grant [tev Ja.s. U. Thomas, .... Farnwoi-th & Janline per Alex. Gibsor., .... LONDON, KN(;LAND. Imi)erial Fire Insurance Co. \>ev Iloht. Mar- shall, Agent, _£r)00 0, 2o. Connnereial Union Insurance (.'o. i»cr A. C. it (J. E. Fairweatlier, Agents, Thonia.s Hughes, ilO 0, ("anadiaii Government, agency ofKcers tuul em- ployees:-— ,, AVm. Annanil, .... Thomas Graham, .... Jeremiah Murphy, .... Albert JouriUiin, .... John Dvke. .... J. AV. Dour, Thonuis Potts, .... G. R. Kingsmile Spiro & Co., Hamburg, G. T. Haigh, Two friends, .... John James, .... M. Vou Koerbcr, .... ' .£11 8 I'J'j.Oi) North British and Alercantile Insurance Co. per Heiuy Jack, Agent, £">00 0, .... 2, 133.33 \j. Leveney it Co. jtei- fjogan, Lindsiiy iV Co., i-'iOOO, ...' ' .... 213.33 A. T. Chipnuui i^r K. C. Jones, 20.00 1. James L Stark \>e.v H. T. Ames,. ... .... 48.13- MANrHE«TKU, KX( ! LAND. June 2li. Citizens per Mayor, .... .£750 3,GG0.0O Sep. 1. '• John Stewart & Co., 474 2,306.80 Mai'shall & Asliton, r)0 243.33 Oct. 12. J. P. Whiteheatl iier A. B. Sheraton, 10 48.67- .... 2 ."iOO.OO 48.G7 > and em- £10 1 -■■•'. % 2 . .") 2 2 2 2 2 2 .■) 2 r. 2 8 2 2 1 10 2 107 73.00 2i)5.50 Sci -1,369.56 --7,926.78 -6,258.80 198 SAINT JOHN UKLIKK AND All) SOCIKTV. Jul Aug. 11. July 17. Aug. IH. m.\(!dajj-:n lslanus. J.J. Vox i:ur J. V. Kills. 2.").00- NKWCA.STLE-ON-TVNE, EN(!LANl>. Mrs. ►Su.sjiium (Jibson, .... .... .... lOU.UO- NK\\FOUNDI.AND. Uoveriuiu'ut, K. D. Slieii, Colouiul Secy., .... L»,00O.OU Collecteil by L. Menitt and J. Gootlfellow : — a. K. Bennett $400.00 T. 11. Smitli, 100.00 I i. Browning &, 8on, 40.00 John .Steer. .... .... 40.00 Messrs. Furlong, .... .... 4,00 TI10.S. Hutchings, .... .... 4.00 ('. B. Rankin, .... .... 4.00 Melville Archibald, .... 4.00 J. & D. Stewart. .... .... 250.00 Edwin Duder .... I'.IO.OO Bowling Bros., .... .... I'oO.OO liuwis 'JV\ssier, .... .... I'OO.OO J. (joodfollow, .... .... 100.00 J. Murray, .... .... 50.00 llev. M. HiU'vey, .... .... S.OU Union Division, Sons of Teniixjr- ance, 40.00 AV. B. Firth & Co., .... ,h.0O F. Winton. .... .... 4.()(» H. W. Boyd .-)0.00 M. Monroe, .... .... 50.00 R. K. Bishop, .... .... 4.00 D. Pippy, ^<.00 Stabb, Row & Holerood, .... 50.00 W. D. IMorrison, .... .... 10.00 McDougall & Templeton, 16.00 A. MoPherson, .... .... 4.00 A. & R. Blackwooil, ."{.OO . (t. J. Haywai-d, 40.00 Robert Dicks, .... .... 4. 00 ].. R. Te-ssies, 40.00 A. iJoodridge & Sons, 50.00 Boyd & McDougall, .... 20.00 John (Ireen, .... .... 10.00 iiiio. Dicks, .... 4.00 J. B. it U. Ayre, 4.00 J. Brayden, .... .... 4.OO Joseph J. Curling 40.00 Wni. Eales, .... .... 4.OO Misses Bales, .... .... 4.00 Proceeds Concert per ^I" ^ses «"lley, 48.00 J. & G. Ltish 8.00 Bain, Johnston & Co., 260,00 25.00 100.00 ; klH fONTIMIirTrON'S OF MON'KV. 109 25.00 100.00 W. (hipvp & Co .lol) IJrotlioi's & f'o., ("lift, W(xi.l \' Co., I). Maiid. Peteix, Hndcock ^- Co., Upo. Klmnlt'v, Jitinos Biiini. . . . . IJolM'it Peace it ( 'o., Philip Hiitoliiiis, . . . . H. M. iiih], it Co., Mr. Peimock, . . . . Avre & Mhi-sIiuII W. (). Wliitewny Haivov i^ Co., . . . . N. St'ibb it Sons A. ./. Harvf'v, . . . , A. Hliea, .... . . . . Krancis St. .Tolin .). (ilccson, , . . . T. N. Molloy ./. H. Martin S. Maicli & Son, . . . . 0. V. Havwai.l, . . . . Win. (Jill". H. J. Stal)l), Wni. Mc(Jrath, Mr. G. Aicliibald, . . . . llobt. Winton, . . . . K. ]i. .Taivis, . . . . Dr. Winter, Thos. (Men, VV. & G. Rendell Chas. Pike, .... C!ai)t. (!ook.sley, . . . . Jolm Stuaii, .... Kiohard Neyle J. A. Whitetbrd, E. li. Mooi-e, .... E. H. Piowse J. T. (lillard, l{. H. Kuile, Tlios. MoMnrdo& Co.. T. McConnon. . . . . .Mis. J. l\. Wood W. H. Mare & Son, W. Wheatley Samuel Kuij,'lit, .... David Sflater, . . . N. 'i'lionias, .... .I.T. O'Mara, If. T. Ifearn K. Sniitli, .... 2r»0.00 200. 00 100.00 ,■)(). 00 20.00 10.00 ."iO.dd ;5o.oo 100.00 4.00 2.00 100.00 20.00 l.-)0.00 lOO.OO 20.00 .•((). 0(t 12.00 4.00 .").0(> s.oo 20.00 10.0(» 12.00 10.(10 4.00 ,')0.00 8.00 40.00 20.00 20.r,o 2r».oo o.oo 10.00 10.00 1^.00 4.00 4.00 liO.OO 20.00 4.0ft 40.0(» S.OO 20.00 .^lO.OO S.OO 10.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 20.00 8.00 200 SAINT J(mX KKUKFANI) AIO SOCIKTV. (']\a». Diuler, .... A. S. Uei.l, a. W. J 5. (Jaiter Jainos Hanicv, .... .r. W. Withei-s K. D. Shcah H. ( '(Hike, J. \V. ^raiiott, V. 15. Carter Jolin Muupe & Co., Coinl. IJank of Nfld, TTniou J3ank, .... J. W. Smith E. ]M orris, .... H. P. Way., •J allies Kox, .... Will. Uof(;in, .... W. J. S. J)oiiiu'lly, Alex. Murray, .... llol>t. IJrown, .... Contrilaitiou irom Dr. Pow from Cliurdi ( 'oUectious, . . (,'ollpctions I'lnuvli of Knjjland Catliedml, fi-'.T 4, St. TJiomfus, 15 17 St. Marys, 5 7 or, !) 10 f!y., .£4G «) 7 0. Rowland, .... ... Drs. Crowley & Simons, .... (recMewH, .... .... Rev, J. Robinson, York, Kn7.3:5 it7.3;l 7 4.1. .1.1 CONTRIHUTIONS OF MONKY. 201 SUPPLKMENTARY. June 23. Anonymous, .... .... .... . . . .$ 2.00 Bank of B. N. America, £500 Stg 2,433.33 July 3. Cai)t. J. P. Connor.s, Bark "Shawmut," 10.00 " Z. H. Adams 5.00 National Life Insurance Co. of U. S. per J. E. Gunter, $250.00, U. H. cy., 237.50 5. Telegraj)li Opeiator, .... .... .... 5.00 17. Captain W. H. Thompson, S. H. -'Brittanic," White Star Line, $500.00 U. S. cy., 473.75 21. E. Luut & Sons, 185.00 Ash, M. A 4.84 Perry, R.H 4.84 Havs, Capt. Ja.s., Bark "Ingleside," .... 25.00 ' : ) J. F., 4.86 Jas. McLaren and Nephews, .£100 .... 486.67 J. R. Munroe per J. Domville & Co., .... 25.00 Jewels & Son, 50.00 John C. Johnson, 250.00 Burt & Henshaw, 50.00 William Wright, £100 Stg., 486.66 D. L. Webster per A. Gushing 100.00 , . F. H. Smith & Co. per E. (i. Dunn, . . , , 25.00 James Hastings per C. Murray, .... .... 6.50 Captain Bogan, .... .... .... 5.00 Rev. Mr. Blakeny per Gen. Warner, .... 4.00 J. Sharp, £5 Stg., 24.27 Consolidated Bank Norwich, per Bank of Mon- treal, 16.21 Deering, Milliken & Co. per A. C. Smith, .... 32.90 .... 6.65 General Warner, through Bk. B. N. A., 9.47 A. C. Smith, disct. on goods purchased, .... 81.65 Carleton, Ontario, 1,000.00 Maritime Association, New York, additional, 2,632.00 Newcastle, N. B., additional, 100.00 Hamilton, Ont., do. 400.00 A F. Randolph, 470.00 ,934.78 r43.33 FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION. By Daniel & Boyd, from Thos. Daniel, London, G. B., tifty-two pairs Blankets. By Mra. L. J. Almon, one case Clothing I'rom the Misses Robertson, London, G. B., transferred by Mrs. Almon to the Relief and Aid Society. By J. D. Lewin, from Hon. Mr. Simpson, Bowmanville, Ont., .... .$95. 10 " Mrs. F. F. McArthur, " 82.00 By J. & A. McMillan from Harper & Bros., New York, 250.00 ' " R. Rutter, " 50.00 " A. A. Andrews, Springfield, Mass., 1 case ^ Clothing, and cash .'$30.00, U. S. cy., 28.35 By Rev. Mr. Hick.son, Carleton, from A. F. Randolph, Fredericton, .... 30.00 By C. & E. Everett from H. F. Beebe, New York, 30.00 202 SAINT JOHN HKIJEF AND AID SOCIKTY. SURSCRIPTTONS NOT YET PAID. Montreal City Council, .... Fi-edericton, N. B., City Council, Victoria, N. B., County Council, $10,000.00 5,000.00 500.00 815,500.00 .iiiSl 2,057.82 PAYMENTS BY HIS WORSHIP MAYOR EARLE. To25tli May, 1878:— To Treasurer per acct., .... .... .... .... " Sundry peraons from amounts sent Mayor for s})ecial distrilmtion by him per account, .... .... .... .... 3,481.91 " The Commissioners of the Public Hospital, 1,000.00 Other payments by the Mayor per account, .... .... 1,910.59 8318,450.32 THE TREASURER'S ACCOUNTS. Following are the accounts of C. H. Fairweather, Esq., Treasurei-. Mr. Fair- weather has been Treasurer since the fonnation of the Society, on the 28th June, 1877, during which time he has discharged the veiy onej'ous and re.sponsible duties |)ei'taining to that office, with the utmost satisfaction, devoting mucli care and thought to the management and investment of the funds of the Society. Annexed to the accoimts of the Treasurer, are the Auditor's re'jjorts of the 25th of May, 1878, and 31st May, 1879. The latter report, with a full copy of accounts and statement of receipts and expenditures of the Society, was sent to the Common Council, verified under oath, as required by Act of Incorporation. TltKAsrUKit's AU.Ol NT. 20.'} • all is I- I- I, I- I, -/, I- I- I- I, I, I, X X X X- X X ^. ;! I" -^ c s M 1- CI jp X « . , • X ,- , I ii • -*-* ^ o ; o s F-H **« "^ » "* •ri M ^ o »^. *!S , f 1 ' * M •H , , r. -W * X Qi ^ ** o o 4 , 1 o s 5 ^ to .g Ph a; M » % i .■s 2 • X qp 1 i* _o -S _o a:) t-" H Q ^1 * k^ .a •8 * .a / <*H ifS g i^ o (M « to 6 d d d d 1 m j. t V o -73 -3 1 1 1 ^ 2 1 a! S04 SAINT JullN ItKI.IKI' AM) All» S(i( MTV, KKI'Oltr (»K AL'DIT CO.MMITTKK. JA.MK.S UKV^oLDS, Ks./.. Plli;«ll»KNT Hi:i,IKK AM) All) Si.(IKIV. lk(tr Sii\ - The Auilit Conuiiittee have to rojioit tliiit tlicy liivvo ouiel'ully e.\- aininuil thi; l»ook« uiul uceoiiuts of tlie .Secrutiiry of tins Executive Coimnittec, and liiiil proper voiulicrs for all itppropriiitioii.s to date,- -they liavo also (•xmniiu'd tlm books and awoiiiits of the TivasuiTr lo (hitc, and find propiu- vcaicht'i-s for all cxitcnditures, wiiich fxiHUidituics ayicu witli the appropriations madu l>y thi' Exi'cutive Coinniittfo. Tlio TruasururH account sIiowh the following pai-tii'nlais to date: — . Cash received from the Mayor " " sundry contriliutious, . '• sales merchandize, for iiittsrest on deposit, .... *ni2,;us.7( 1!),1.")'J.'J0 8,7ti:5.87 ;},i.vj.:)7 #.S7.1,U)->.1I My cxiM'ndituies to date ]ier vouilicrs, l.('a\iny a gross balance on hand of Which bahmce is in the following ,sha[ie: .Special deposits in the Maritime Bank, Peoples IJank, Bunk of Montreal, . . . Bank of Nova Scotia, 6l' 5^ ? VilSH !:^iH ^?^' a = : : 2 : •■3 ■ • S • 3l^ :-• : -* = M ■ = : ^ «- = :^ : ^^?: 8 'P 3 K I- v, 1 . . 3 -J3 t^ "! i ^ I ~ • '^ £§2 2- :-S = --l Ss:2- M •-. ,w '^ rr «— • ri 1^. *= J g -'■ -1^ = 3 2 i i; g s =' v p s c S I = c 53; H, ^ ^' - h *— " "o^ "^ _^^ i": CO CI 1': — — 'M •4< ■£ o ;< 5 M ■m' — S&2 s ^ 3 28 ?2 ^ . I i li ^ -5 - u u ^ 2 I i 5 3 I ■M M CI 51 -^ Cifi — C~ J?. 13 5 ^ "-c M r. •* -J «• rj 3 ■* 21 c. ir: (ji M jS oosfo cf cf 'Vf' I Si S a <« •E „ I. 5;^ £ 3 a S)£*Ef S M 3 a s V 3 S So-3 2 2 7 ;i '^j X a- 5 a I- •^ f-X 3i - ~ z '■J 5 J k « '3 iS "-S ^ . . ,. 3 w'^'^ i^i>. CO 5 c si r a 200 SAIXT JOHN RKLTKF AND AID SOCIETY. ItKPOKT OK AUDIT COMMITTEE. -St. John, X. J]., .'ilst May, 1,S7"J. The uiuloi'sigiiod oomiiiitte, appointe*! to cxiiniine tJie accounts from 2.")tli Mtiv, 1878, to ll'th May, 187^, of t]ic Tieasuier of the St. John Relief and Aiil .Society, liave attended to that duty, and liave to report the same coi-rect, there heing proper vouchers to represent eacli ex[)enditure. Tlie Provincial Bonds, Special Bank deposits, aiul balances to credit of current account in the Banks are all as represented. ResjH-'ctfulIy sulnnittcd. [Signed.] J. HENRY LEONARD, ) GEO. s. Deforest, j Auditors. EKltATA. Page 166,— for W. U. B. and G. H. F., $200.00, read W. C. B. and G. H. F., )|2.00. Page 198,— for L. R. Te.ssies, |40.00, read L. R. Tessies, $4.00. 1M7"J. li May, lul Aid t, there Bonds, nks are tors. $2.00.