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IFuHsed Junuara ^^^Z'? i824.J &^«*ii«i AN ACT to Repeal an Act passed In the forty- first yenr ol His Late Majesty's Reign, entitled, ** An Act for graniing to His Majesty, His Heirs ** and Successors, lo and for the uses of this Pro- "vince, the like Duties on Goods and Merchan- ^•dize brought into this Province from the Unit- ** ed States of America as are now paid on Goods '*and Merchandize imported from Great Britain ''^aud other places.-" And also an Act passed in tlie Ibrty-third yearof His Laie Majesty's Reign, entitled^ ** An Act to Explain and Amend an Act '* passed in the forty-first year of His Majesty^s " Keign, entitled, ^An Act for granting to His *vMajesty, His Heirs and Successors, to and for "the uses of this Province, the like Duties on ** Goods and Merchandize brought into this Pro- *vn)ce from the United States of America, as '•are now paid on Goods and Merchandize im- "* ported from Great Britain and other places;' "and tt) provide more efl'ectually for the Coileo 2 *^{u)u Mini PiiviTiont of Duties on Goods and "Mercliandi/e cominjr from tlio United Slates '♦of Anieiica into this Province; and also lo es- "tablish a Fund for the Erection and Repairing ** of Linht Houses:'' and to make more efi'ectual provision for the tUie Collection of Duties on (jloods Imported into this Province. ▼ ▼ llEHEAS it isii expedient to repeal the Laws luiw in force for securing tlio Fajinent of Duties, and to reduce the same into an Act, and also to extend tlie provisions tliereof: "Be it therefore Enacted by tln^ King's Most Excellent Majesty, hy and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Coun- cil and Assembly of the Province of Upper-Canada, constitu- ted and assembled by virtue of and under the authority of an Act passed in the Parliament of Great Britain, entitled, 'An Act to Repeal certain parts of an Act passed in the four- teenth year of his late Majesty's Reign, entitled, * An Act for making more ciTcctual provision for the Government of the Province of Quebec, in North America, and to make fnr- tlier provision for the Government of the said Province ;' *' and by the authority of the same, — That an Act passed in the forty-first year of bis late Majesty's Reign, entitled, "An Act for p-ranting to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, to and for the uses of this Province, the like Duties on Goods and Merchandize brought into this Province I'rom the Un- ited States of America as are now paid on Goods and Mer- chandise imported from Great Britain, and other places ;" and also an Act passed in the forty-third year of his late Ma- jesty's Reign, entitled, "An Act to explain and amend an Act passed in the forty-first year of Uis Majesty's Reign.. B entitled, Mn Att loi* },aiintinij; K. Tli., ^Injtstv. His Heirs uihI Suc(Tssor«<, to auself i. ^jcie thousand pounds, for the due performance of bis oflicc. TV, And he it further Enacted hy the authority aforesaid^ That the said (Collectors shall, and they are hen'by authoris- ed to appoint one or more Deputy or Deputies ; and that the said Collectors and Deputies shall have power and authority, and they are Inreby required to seiz.e and secure any Vessel, Boat, Raft, or Carriage, Goods, Wares, or 3lerchandize, •which shall be liable to seizure, uitder the authority of this Act, or under any other law of this Province^ as well with- out as within their respective districts. V. And b? it further Enacted hy the aidhnritu, afovemid. i'liuf. (he (!oll«'rt»M' orruUoi'tor^, Jk'piHyor lK'|)tuirs. orund lor the sjiiil |*oj'»:<, shMll ultJ'ud ♦•vt«rv dav, «*.v«M'iit Smuluv*. Chrisfjiinf* IJiiy, mul «i Friday, ut a cortuin plan* to be |iuiiK*(l lor vMvh Purr, tur the diNclmrjri' ol'tht": dulii'« orthfir respective uIVko, hetwceii the Iioiiph ul* nine uiul tuelve oi* the eh)ek in the forenoon. :uii1 ihree siiui ni\ of t)ic eloek in jthe ut'terooon, from the tirnt day of Muv lo the fir*t iluv of i)etoher; und from ten to tliree from t lie first dav of October to the liiHt t\n} of Aprils and shall nal iTeeive t;he report or entry of nny ^ essej. Uoat, Haft, or C'airiaj*e, tit any other place. M. Md bi: iffiu'tiici' Enai'ttrd Inj Ihv uutliorilij ({fareiaid, That the said (.'olleeiors nhull nnike a Report lu the luspee^ tor (ieneral (d' this Province, four tinien in every year, of ali the entries nnide at their IVirt or l*i»rts of E'^iry ; which lie- ports shall also severally comprise a faithful statement of all Duties paid or secured, und the proceeds of all Seizures and Penalties rtM'i'ived. or which shall have accrned due ^vithiii the periods follow inj^; that is to say, between the first day of Januarv, anil the last day of March; the first day of Ap- ril and the last are».or Merehandisi- on hoard their^ of. »rriviuj!; at, or coming into, any 1'ort of liintry, rthall nmke a Keport to the <'one<:l»!r of tlie arrivtil of sueli Vessel, lioal. Haft, or Carriage, in the followijig form, nauuljf -V NHme of 0«vnrr of V«»»tl, | I«ding, Wkfctioe 9hl|ii'»d Wfaptliei OfSilnc-iJ. I 1 [Signed] A. B.-.— Mft!*ter, or VeNon havin* Cliarpjc or Command, awl wliicli form, if required, shall he f\>rtii»li<^4l by the C^l- W,tor,t\^r wliieH he ^shall iH?ceiv« the airm oVOiw Shilling and TUree-pentte ; aii4 that if tliv MasUM-, w person havinj? the char{;e or conuimttd of any s\if h Vessel, lloat, l^aft, or Car* riaj^e, shall nej^leet or refuse to make such Repoh, he shall, for every such oftenee, forfeit and pay the fsuui of Five PouMrtlrt ,* and that it ^l»aUand may l*^ li>,Mful for the Cathn:- 6 for CO m'ly.(» timl «l«'l»in hmvU ^ r8?«*l, Hciaf. Huft. or ('MiTJii'^n, until till' «!iiil |HMiultv !!tliiill lie piiiil^ or H(-r ^iuii lor lli« |>iiViiM-iit tl«-rror, lj> I»oimI Io IIIh M'.ijrstv, oii coii^iciioii of MM'li iioj^Ii'it or n*r*H'r, or |M'r»*on liti- viii;r(||i> ilmrp' orrooiiimiid oriuiy \cshi'I. Loat, Usil't. orTjir- viaj^c, silmll iiiakt* a Faisv Ucport. mo'Ii \ rssni'l, Uojit, \{n\\. or t'lirria;;!'. witit the Tai'kK', .\ji|mn'l, l''iMiiiHiri', C'altli-, llornr or llor>'<'>4, uiiil llanirsit tln'miiito n |UM'li«flv l>«'l<»nu;iii^r, slinll \n'. lorlVifffl, and liablo to «t'izurc In siicli rollcM'tor — .I'vorl (It'll (ihia lis, Tlint itoHuii<;iii fin>) rlaiLse<'oiitaiii«* I*ro\inee, I'rom the United States oi' Auierira, and >vhieli ^hall not h« entered aeeordin^ to i)iu provi^ionB oCthiM Act shall he lort'eited, to^^ether with the Vessel Boat, KatV, or C'arriajjje in or npon which the sume shall be found, or shall have been jniported, and the 'IVickle, Apparel, Furniture, Cattle, Horse or Horses, and Hurnei^.s thereunto respectively belongin;^. XJ dud he H/nrthir Enacted by the authority uforeHaid, 'iUht wlioii tlie ainoiiijt iWMuliis in.posiMl 1>v law u()nn nry (•uuiIh, >\arfH, ur iM«rr(u(iMliz(' Iii\*lMll\ iiii|iiii t( il \\.[h I'roviiH't; [it Huy uuv time, slitill uiiKitiiit (} boiid in tlouhle the aii:« omit tlii'i'coC, to His IMaj«'*»(y,rn)in llie 0;viur, or jummoii iiu- |)ortiii«; tlif sHino, with one or nioro ^ood njul miiricii'iit nurc- ties, »U tlio clisiretion ol' the Colh'rtor. XII. Jhid hfitfui'tlivrEnucltd hy the antlioi'Uy nJorcsaUl^ That when m\y person or piTHons ssliall liave o<'L•a<^ion to re- jno\u Iroin any I'ort of Enir) al'orci^aid, lo any otlu i- Port, or place, un^ (Joods, Mares, or .Mereluindize, (suhjeet to tl»e ])a;^uieikt of nuy dntv,) duly imported into any I'ort, ais a- foresaid, on wliieli the ditties impomul hy law »liall !ia\e been paid, or 8eeiired to be paid, the CoUeetor, or Deputy of any .«iueli Port, upon re(|nisition, in uri(in<;, for titat purpose made and -^i^ned by siiieli person or per!*ons, spei'ilyinj!; the parti- etilar Goods, Wares, and Merchandize lo be removed, and the number of Paekage^i in which the same are contained, ^itli their marks and numbers, shall, and he is re(|uired, to give a Permit, in AVritinj^, siji^ned by the said Collector, or Deputy, specifying the particular (ioods, War< s, and Mer- chandize to be r<'moved, the number of the Packages con- taining such Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, with the marks and numbers, and certifying that such Goods, Wares, and Merchandize had been duly entered in that P(n*t, and that the duties thereon had been paid, or secured to be paid, and the Collector, or Deputy, giving such Pei-mit, shall limit therein the time witliin which such Goods, Wares, or Mer- chandize shall be removed from such Port, and aUo the time within which such Permit shall be in Ibree. XIII. Jtid he it further Enacted by the authority aforesaid^ 8 Tlmt no rioods, Wares, or Merchandize imported into tl»if Provirce in or upon an^ Vessel, Boat, UaiV, or Carriage, from the United States of Anieriea, shall he unladen, or laid on land, from such Vessel, Boat, Ral't, or Carriage, except in o- pen diiy ; that is to say, hetwecn the rising and setting of th6 sun, nor at any other plac4?than a Port di' Entry, without a special licence tor that piii*|»08e first had and obtained from the Collector or l)eputy of the Port \v here the same shall have been entered ; and if any Uoods, Wares, or Merchan- dize shall he unladen or laid on land, Contrary to the direc- tions of this Aci, ihe Master, or person having the command Li' charge of such Vessel, Boat, llaft, or Carriage, and every otheit person who shall knowingly be concerned in aiding therein, or in removing, or otherwise securing, the Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, shall tprfeit and pay double the vu- Ihc thereof. ' , . XIV. wind be it further Enacted by the authority a/oreanid^ That it sh^ll and may be lawful for the Colleotor or Deputy of any Port, after entry made of any Goods. Ware», or Mer- •chundize, on suspicion of fraud, to open and examine, in the presence of two or more credible witnesses, any paeluige or packages thereof ; and if, upon examination, tl»ey should ba fouiid to ajj^'ce with the entries, the said Collector, or his Ue^ puty, shall cause the same to be repacked, at iiis own ex- pense, aad redeU^^ered to the owner thereof ; but if any pack- age or packages, so examined, should be found to differ in their contents from the entry, tlien the G«ods, Wares, and Merchandize contained in such pa< a age or packages, shall be forfeited. — Provided always, That the said forfeiture shall not be incurred if it shall be made appear, to the satis- faction of the Collector, or Deputy, or to the Court in which a prosecution shall be hM fc^rthe considerations hereof, that such difference proce«;ded from mistake or accident, and not from any intention to defraud the Revenue, XV. Jind be it further Bnticted by the mUhorllif a/oremid, That ir any person or persotis sitnll kiu)wiii'i;ly liurboiir, kerp, conceal, iHircliuHc, scU, o:- extli:in«5e any (iooils, W area, or Merchandizii ille^'aliy imported into this Province, he shall forfeit for every such olfunce, double the value thereoi'. i ■ ?i , XVI. Ami he Hfiirthvr Enacted by the an thovity aforesaid. That fron» and after the passing of this Act, it shall be the tluty ofeai'ii and every Collector in this Province to Uiark, by Braudintr with a proper Iron, to be by him provided for that purpose, all Kegs of Tobacco which may be entered at Jiis office, specifying the Number of the Keg, as inserted in his buoks) and also the Name of the Port. XVII. Jnd be U further Enacted hy the authority nforcsuid^ Tlmt the Collector, or Deputy, of any Port, or other person, by either of them for that purpose specially appointed, shall have full power and authority to enter into and upon any Vessel, Boat, Kaft, or Ciirriage, in or upon which he t>r they shall have reason to suspect any Goods. N*. ares, or iVler- ehandize, not reported, to be concealed, and therein aud there- upon to search for, seize, and socui'e the same ; twid if any Collector or Deputy shall have cause to suspect that any Goods, AVares, or Merchandize, illegjvlly imported, are har- l)ourt5d, kept, or secreted in any dwelling-house, shop, ware- houfne, or other building or place, it shall and may be laufui for such Collector, or Desputv, upon making oath before a Jii8tii% of the Peace of the facts forming the grounds of sucK suspicion, to obtain a Warrrant to enter therein, (in the day* time only,) and there to search for any such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, and ii' any such be fouud, to seize and se- cure the same. XV II I. Jlnd be H further Emoted hy the authority aforesaii, I'hat U shail and may be lawful foPthe Governor, Lieuten« ant Governor, or person administering the Govei-nment of this Province, from time to tim© to appoint, iu each auti ev- 10 epy District, Three Commissioners of Customs, any two of >\l)o)ii shall he a quorum to hear and d(>terniine, in a sum- mary way, all informations exhibited before them for the condemnation of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize seiiccd, as lori'eited under the provisions of this Act ; when the va- Jue thereof, together with the Vessel, Boat, Raftj or Cam- age, in or upon which the same shall, be found, or shall have been imported^ shall not exceed Fotty Founds ; and also to hear and determine, in like manner, all informations which may be exhibited before them for Penalties to be recovered , under and by virtue of this Act.-^ Provided nevertheless^ That if the Owner of any Goods, Wares^ or Merchandize, or the Owner or Commander of any Vessel, Boat, llaft, or Car- riage, seized as forfeited, or any person against whom any information shall be exhibited befoi^ the said Commission- ers for the recovery of any Penalty in the protisions of this Art, shall be desirous of having the same tried and determin- ed in His Majesty's Court of King's Bench, and shall, previ- ous to the said Commisoioners giving judgment thereon, eii^- ter into a bond^with sufficient 8Ui*etito8, in the penalty of Fi(L ty Pounds, conditioned for the payment of all costs, charges, and expenses already incufred, and such as tnay attend the condemnation of such Goods, Wares, an^ Merchandize, Ves* «el. Boat, Raft, or Carriage, attending tl^^ determination of any information filed agamst him f0f the recovery of any such penalty, in case such person shall be convicted therein| the said Commissioners shall not determine upon the legali* ty of such seizure, or pro<^eed to the conviction of any pert son against whom aoy information shall have been exhibit* ed, as aforesaid, but shall forthwith report the proceedings had in the premises to tlie Inspector General of this Province^ when the like proceedings shall be had in His Majesty's said Court of King's Bench for the condemnation of such Goods^ Wares, or Merchandize, Vessel, Boat, Raft, or Carriage, or for the recovery of such penalty as if the same had respec- tively exceeded the sum of Forty Pounds, * « *5 1! XIX. And be iij'urlhep Enacted by the authorittj afopegaiii, That the said Cominissioueis shall (Voiii time to time ha'/u power to appoint a (lerk, whose duty it siiall ho to receive and file all informations, and keep a record ol' the proceed- in«fs or the said Co.n.nissioners. XX. And be it further Enaeted by the authority aforesaid, That in all cases of seizure for any cause of forfeiture con- tained in this Act, the Commissioners of Cnstonis for the District in which the same shall have heen seized, shall, as well hefore as after the said seizure shall he claimed, have full power and authority to examine imo the circumstaiicc^s, and take aHidavitH of all fdcts relating thereto, and report thereon for the information of the Governor, Lieutenant Go- vernor, or person administrating tiie Governnjent of thig Province ; and in case the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, or person administrating^ the Ciovertiment of this Provinc , iu Council, shall deem it expedient and proper so to do, he may oriter the said seizure to he- restored to the owner or owners, upon such terms as he may think lit to impose. ■ XXI. And be it farther Enacted by the authority aforemid, That within forty-eifijht hours after the seizure of any Goods, Wares, ann the said Clerk, at the request of any Collector, or other person' seiaiing, is hereby required to draw, for which he shall be entitled to receive Five Sliilliugsi; t^ud no more. 12 XXIT. Jnd he Ufuvther Enacted Irff the unthoritp aj\nn^ahl, tlifit 80 90011 as any infopniatioii shall have been cxhibtlfd bc- ioi'e the Hiiiil CoiniriissionerH, a iiotit'e thereof j*h«!l be pm, into the oiTico of the said Clerk, and also in the oiflee oF the Colleetor, or l)e|iuty, residing; nearest to tlic pinre tvlien^ .such seizure shall have been made ; and that it* the Owner, or person having charge of any Goods, Wnres, or .1^I<^M'han- ^ize, Vessel, Boat, Raft, or C'arriagt;, so seized as aforesaid, »hall exhibit a claim to the same, or any part thereof, tlieu it shall and may be lawful for the said CommissiomTs, after the said notice shall havi; been put up flftetMi days, ai^ nfoi-e- saUl, to proceed to hear and dett>rmine any eh\im which may in the meantime l»ave haen Uled with the said f'lerk, or to -tl»e condemnation thereof, if b« such claim shall have been iiiude. XXIIT. And be it further Emieted by the anihority nforeHaid, That the said Commissioners, or any one of them, shaH have p«wei' and authority to admiirister all oaths, and take any atH- davits required for carry injij the provisions of this Act into effect; and that if any pers n or persons shall at any i'lie forswear hiiiv tier, or themselves, before such Cf>fnnitsi»i«ner or Commissioners, he, she, or titey shall incur and be liable to t«e same penalties as would hare l>een incurred uj[m>ii convic- tion of wilful and corrupt i>erjury, in any evideiioe ^ven in liis Majesty's Cotirt of King's Beiich in tliis Proviiiee ie any catise thei^ depeiiddn^. XXIV. Providid nlttmyB^ Md he it further Hnn^tedhythe anttioritg aforeAaid^ That it shaH not be lawful for the wud €omniissioilei»8 to cnter( ince, to discharge, satisfy, and pay all such costs and ex- penses out of any monies which shall be then in the hands of Jlis Majesty's Receiver General of this Province, which siiall have arisen out of any d, or judj^inent be given ajpii nit bim/ the dereiiduut slmll rec:over double costs ; and in vune any in^ formation sball be conunenred and broiijrilt to trial on ac< count of tliu aeizuro of any Vessi^l, Hoat, llaft, or Carriaj^e, Cattle, Horse or Horses, Harness, Tackle, Apparel, Furnitnre, Goods, Wares, or 3Jercbaiidize,orotber things wbatMoever,a<( forfeited by this Act, wherein a jndgniunt sball be given for the claimant, and it shall appear to the ('ourt before whom the same shall be tried that there was a probable cause of seiflsure, the Court sliall certify on th«j reccird that there was a probable cause for seizin)^ the same, and in such case the de- fendant shall not be entitled to any costs whatsoever, n(»r shall the person who seiized be liable to any action or prose* cution on account of such seizure ; and in case any action or prosecution shall be commenced and brought to '/ial against any person w liatsoever on account of the seizure of any such Vessel, Boat. Raft, or Carriage, Cattle. Horse or Horses, Harness, Tackle, Apparel, Furniture, (ioods, V ares, or Mer- chandize, or other thing, where no information shall be Hl- C4|, or exhibited, or brought to trial to condemn the sante ; and a judgment shall be given upon such action or prosecu- tion against the defendant, if the Court before whom such action shall have been brought, shall certify, in like manner as aforespid^ that there was a probable cause for such seiz- ure, then the plaintiffs, (besides the Vessel, Boat, Haft^ or Carriage, Cattle, Horse or Horses, Harness, Tackle, Appa- rel, Furnitui*e, Goods, Wares, IMerchandize, or other thing or thmgs so seized, or the value thereof, where the same shall not have been restored, shall not be entitled to above one shilling damages, nor any costs of suit. ■ XXVI IT. ^nd he it further Enafttd by the authority afore- said, That all such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, Vessel, Boat, Raft, or C'arriage, Horse or Horses, Cattle, Harness, Tackle, Apparel, or Furniture, which shall be forfeited and condemned by virtue of this Act, shall be advertised for sale at the Port where the same shall have been seizt^d, eight days lo pir>?oti» to ^iH'li «siU', ami. noi U'^s tlmn iXhwii (Ihvh al>'*r ^iicli (:(iii(K>iHiiHtioii« liixl sliail Ih^ soiti liv tht> (olUM'tor, ot l)t'|>niv, «r N(Ui exliibit- iii^ sueli iiii •rirtatioiK titut lie Is uppreht-iiMive i\\v person a- ^iuii8t >vhon »iieh inronaation siinll l)o iited, will lea\e tiii^ l*roviiK!e >vi liout satiHt'^yiiijjj the t^aul pelialtv, to issue a AVarraiit uieii'r his hand and seal, Tor the arreH( and deten- tion ol'wueh person, until he shall have jr|vens tiiu. it slijill iiru? m»y '»»' l:iurul i'w i\u' C'ollcrhw. or hn Ur» piitv, \vliiMV Kiu'li (ioll Im' iiMportfd. «niH'ka;^os tlu'roDf, snid to frtiisi' th<' huiiw to Im« piiMirk- 1) sold \\irhm tlir sjuux' of hvt'iity UavK al'tfr such n'rM«*jil MumIo, utid lit such tluu'S Mud plHCt-M tiH Hurh OIVh-it mIijiII. (Imviuj:; {jjiuMi nt Ica^t lour tlavn j>ul)li<' notice tluTcul',) a|»- poiiit, which (;o(»d!4 hIiuII Im Ho!d to the hi;^hcHt hiddcr, auit the iiMuiev arisiu}j; from Mticli jinee. as penalties and rorleitnres are Inward and determiitcd in If is Majesty's Court ol' E.xclx^quer in Knp;land. and in nil cam's ol* I'l-ifeiture and condemnation of any Hoods, Hares, or M^m'* charnlize, Vessel, Boat, Itaft, or Carriajre, florse. or llor-^es, Tackle, or Furniture, hy virtue of this Act, after deductin;^ fhjM^harjT^es of prosecution from thojjjross produce tlicr«'v»»>ii iiu" I'irs! e ptTHOuNtt^aiiiKt whom infopinalioii stiull In* i\\liil»ited for pr- imltitH, tlie aiaoaiil of tlu- p»;ualurs recovriTd, and tin- pprHuA al wlmisi* iiistaure such inforiiiution ^httll huvf h.«eu fth'd. XXXV. Aud hi it further Kitmttd hy the authority (ijorc- naid, That ill rase of thi- sei/iirc of any CattU', Horse, or Horses, or any Perishable Artiele^, it shall he lawful for the C'olketor or Deputy, or person sti/jnj^ the same, after le-^al appniiseuient thereid*, to s
pi'Ki<inj; sci^iirity to tlu* ^HlmrocticMi of hiu'U ('.illcrtor tirat thr mttniiiit u{ uhnli siicli x-i/nn' !«iiuil Iihvc NfiMi n|>|)r:ii<^'*vitliiii tlirce inoiitli^ at'lcr juren liiul thrn'on. WXV II. ,i/irf beit/ut'tkfr Huncied hy fhrniilUnrilti afnrr" oaid, Tliat the (^ollectorH hiiiI l)r)>iiti<>M tyf the nitid fortti sliall nuiMo to bo iifl\\(>«i siiul kept in •^oni'^ pulAir himI roiHpi* ciious pirtpo in tlicir Ofl'uT?*, ft t«l»li' ot* tlu' fi-n* to 'In- tHboii '.nid i*c(M>iv(>d liy the nn'u\ Collector^) unci Uo|Hi(i<>H ; wlilcli i«'t»g shiill hi' ii$s loUo^vH : — For any Poruiil to unload any W«»fnO, Hoar, or llaflvan, nn- > Ton!«, Two Sliillinr any Permit to unload nny Haft, One^rillin^artd 1 hpe« FiMice. For any Ferniit to unload any Cat-t, Sleigh, Uugj^n or #>ther . (.^-arriaj^e, (Ine Shillinj^ and ThrK* F«i(iee. For cvei'y Certilieate of lioodh having paid duty, with a Per- mit to remove the f»ame, Two ShilllingN and Six Pence. For every f'learanee, when reipiired, Five KliillingM. F'br every Bond for pnynunt of duties, Five Sliillit^. XXWTIT. AUd he l further Enacted by the nutharily «/or«»« Srtit/, That no ('olleer-i". ^lepuiy Colhetor, or ( lerk, Nliatl receive any other or {»r"ater '.^h than is set down for Mm iw thif Act, for any bu?<'\e»!t ioue bj iim uuiLi-r Chu|Yru\ihi«uii fbel'cof. .^ ' 1 VJ XXXIX. And belt further Knncltilhy ike antfwviln nforf- tn'ul^ TImf llu* mui ("l-Mk shall lie i'lililK-U to rccei^i; I lu: lol- lop iii^ I\m"* : — " . For ovory I*;i|U'r KiKmI. Hjk iNMiCt*. Kjy^ «vrry .linli(;iiu'iit Hi'CM)ri>iUin)^: \\\n\ wlien the Htiid jiicl;;iii<'nr hIiiiH hr tor (he rhiiiiiiint urdet't'iulaiil, iiji- oii the eei'tinnite of the roniiiiiMHioiierB of* iIh> exiHteiiee of pridmlile ^rouiuU lor e\hihiliiit hi* him*Ji (lotieetor. For-everv('<»|»y ofniiy Papur |)«»r Kolio orSeveiily-l\v(» Mord**, to hejmid hy thr perstuu reiniirlii};. or IW who^e beuelil the >\roreHaid ; Inn that the xume (ihall pntrted and be determined in the sume manner an if thin Aet liad never passed. XIJ rrnrided rtf»rfff/K. And he if fnrther F.nacUd hij (he anthof^tynforeHaid, Tluit nollnn}; in this Aet eontaini'd slmU extend, or be construid to extend, to authorise any i'ldleetor to retain any p^T ei-ntap' duties, payable on any Cioods, Waren, (M' Men haiidiy,«s imported into this IVovinee Irom ihe Vnited State!* of \ineri<'a, by, or for any such C'ollotMorj *i- tbcr dn-ertly ur iudirectly.