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Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en pepier est imprimis sont film6s en commencant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la derniire page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmis en comrnenpant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinto d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. The lost recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — ^ (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole — i**- signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre film6s A des taux de reduction diffirents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi d partir de Tangle sup6rieur gauche, de gauche it droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART lANSi and ISO T^ST CHART No 2) 1.0 I.I 1.25 Ui ■ 50 3.2 m 114 1.4 |||iJ= [ 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ ^PPUEzD IIVMGE I nc 16'53 East Mom Street Rochester. New York 14609 tiSA (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone (716) 288 - 5989 - Fox *w- .•■ •<* .»- ■»»«• Important Ar t f>a!e . i^ ■•1 BV T. MOWER MARTIN. R.C.A. Who ii I^avi.iR f'lr F.urope TO BC SOLO AT TMB AUCTION nOOM4 OF C. J. TOWHSEHD & CO,' 23 KING ST. WEST at a. 30, Thursday, April 22nd. WCTUWeS ON VifeW TUf SO«Y AND WeDNE90*Y PREVIOUS M7 Mr. T. Mowef Martin, RCA., who \ir\\ f >ng b«*n tl'-ird for ifirinc ai»H finiriit the (;«nadi.-\n cfi.Trjcter of otir nrf'ipry And life In his pictitrn, \'t.\n% abnui to lenvr for Eiirop*- ht« c<in«i|{n«<1 low* hit whole wll'rtion of Palntinict illu*tritinn in^ny pait* ot \\\r country Ihifjlljjh whirh lie has brfn liavellini; a'lil tliftrhin^ for the \m^X lliirly-fivf y«,ir!«. Many <>f thexe pir(iirr« have l>«en enliildlfd in thi R.C.A. ami OS A. F.xhil>iiirHit, the rest are later workujn wSiich he has attained tlir happy in^diutn l>etwern tfie indefinitene<i< of the ilnprc«si<l^i<iU and the bant drtail of the earliet Kni^li^h « hool. Mr. Martin's S|>ectaltie« are Northern l^ndttape and Farm acenei with animais in hnih. wKicn linen he i^ well and favoratrly knnwn. his pii tures hrinR found Jn rnnny Kiiglitli and Amrriraii mllfclious, incln'linK Mrr M^.ijesty'j at Windsor Casile. Tlie Collection will h* on view at onr Gallery, v? King St. West, on Tues,day afid Wodnewlay, »oth nnd aiSt inst. and will be »o!i1 rtn 'IhutHH.ij', s<»r»d, at without reserve, ejccept \u rase; niaiketl within. * c. J TowNSEND Acq. \ .1 ■ I WATER C( ' 66 A Stimrm-r Aftcrr r>7- MiiskoVn Rivor 6H. Ihc Hill Fnrm 1 69 \mv\v Kiln at An« 70. A f'llimpsr of Ha ^ 7«- A Merganser Diir # 72- Thnri'lcr Cnpe, !C 7.V Isitik of Canoe L ^4 74- rite Aftf-rglow , 7 5- I he Don River al , 7^' The I^ist of the S 77- A Trout Strtjarn i 1 . 7«- Old \.0'^ House, « 79 I*ake of Rays ■, 80 SMnsct oh the Co; . k 1 , 01L« V. fti. A l.ane in t)avisv # 1 ,'. »^ At the Piino ■ ■>■ 1 • \ . : fi3- 1 The Peddlar f 1 , fi4. In the Karm Vert '•;-.«5- The Settler's Roa •1 • i ■ '1.86. In the Fall ', r (: V' 87. The Stable Dobr 1: 1 '. 1 ■ r ^^^ 'S' "C^y^ '*^'*- '• } * '»>*r I .. r>7. r)H. r,9 70. 71 72- 7.V 74- 75- 76 77- 7«- 7V 80 82 ! S3. 84. ,85. ' 87. 1^ WATER COLORS A StjmrmT Aftorrmon Mtiskoka River The Hill I'nrtn Ijiiv Kilti .'«l An< nstiT A Ciliinpsp of Harvest Time A Mer^nnser Dtirk Thttrvlcr Cnpe, Evening l'..nnk of Canoe I>ake riie Afterglow 1 he Don River at York Mills The List of the Snow A Trout Stream in Mu*ikoka • ( )I<1 Lo^ House, (ieorgian Day I^kr of Rays Silnsf t oh the Coast \^^^ ',^ , OILS > A Lane in t)avisville At the Piano K > ; • - "-.1 •/ » 1 , '. ■ ■:'Ti . ( ;. Upset price $4000 ^ .\ .' ; y ^ -r «o ^ M. « 1 11 • ^ •'»• ; fi '. ,107. Lilic , I he Pcddlar s ., , .. i; ,•.? • • ' ' 88. A Wolfs Head 89., A Bit of Roscdalu Creek 90. Iri New York Stale 91. On the Farm 92. 'Among tiic Thistles 93. The Peaks at RanfT • v4' A Village politician 95. A Side Jjne 96. Roses fX X l^ 97. A Muddy Road 98. A Riltern 99. On Park Road, Rosedalc 100. Or ; Don 10 1. A Farm near Guelph 102. ^Vl^crc the Mushrooms Crow 'I63. A Sutnmer Hay 104. Afternoon in July 105. By the Woodside /•■ ^oad , .'. y\ j,\ ' '■ \X*4\ r'^sS 1'' ; '* .V. .■■■ W^-x -<'V*%*i>'iV::; •■.-• - The Stable Dobr- r .''>•...">.'•, f''?i<?>;v^5 ^'^.''r , ■.■■ ■;'•^■ ,i V ' -^y .;(;:■>! )-i;,f3 '>.■••■;'■ In the Karm Va The Settler's Road In the Fall .,•' r . » •- '■.■V;, ^y 'S' .u.^^ (7a^^^^^-f--^,f^^^- (JNtA^^- (''hX v( GA'l ALOCU fb j\'^-.i ^ f t. 2. 3 4- 5- 6. 7- 8 9- lO. II. 12. >.v »5- 1 6. ^ «7- iS. ig. 20. 21. OILS ^ In SiiMim'^r 'Iimo A B:irk OxHitry l^oad, On RostMlalc I'reik Ik'fou" lli»^ Storm (lontcnhuciil A Rainy Day Chestnut C.iovr, Anr.aslcr lUloNv Tiffany's Falls Farm lUiikVmRs Sydenham Valley, (.^wen Sound An Old NMl A Hertford lUill A Sunny Diy in tho Meadows' The Hunter's Flask rho Vailcy at York Mills An Old Slud Horse Henvcr Creek, Muskoka In the 1-ate Fall. Rosedale A (irey Day in the Fall Whore the Hears Live Cirowing Up for Christmas 22. A I'ifHirrt's I lonil? 23. In ih'' r,is!tii(< 24. The Ko;!d to the Faitn WATER COLORS 25 A I )cad l'ii;con ?(<. The Narrnws, l,oi»n Lake 27. Old YcrkvilU: 25. South Fdls, Muskok.i 7(). ICvrnuu',. Mu'^koka I.ak«r \o. A julv I »;ty ^i. Wilt re the \Vill(»\vs Crow ^2. On tl)< I 'pjit r Don 3V (>n Current Kiv<r, Kike ■^.j. Aft»-r Sunsrt, Muskoka 55. A C.oMf II I'.ye Durk \f). In ilu- r.< (•( li Wofuls •^7. On tlir ( reek, Anr.isler ^9,. Mornitii', After Rain, Mu y) A r.iiK" |;iy .^o. A Colt. MM at An'Mslcr OILS 41. \V;tUhin,u 'he Ijiemv 42 Old I'm eh Farm Yard, 4^ Too I. ate ^ I'iMiict I's I Ionic M (If r.lStlMC 'lie l\(>.;(l to the r.irfn WATER COLORS riic Narrows, l.onn L.-ikc )I(I Ycrkvillc >()iilli I'.ills, Mnskokrt 'A'riimi'., Mu^knk.T l-akr \ jiilv ! » ly Alicrc llu- Willows (ifow )m lilt I fpjHT Don )n f Mirrriit kivcr, f-nko Suix'rior Aft'T Suns* t, Miiskoka A ('.()M< II V.yv 1 )urk In l!u- I'x f( h Woods . f )n tlic • reck, Anrasicr M.iruitii', After Rain, Miiskoka A I'.hir lav A Colt. MM at AncasltT OILS Waldi'mu the r.ncinv 01(1 IrciK h Farm Yard, renctang Too l.nlc ir .\ \. r.< tvy-'n tin. Sliowns IS A I lot .< Tlmf "11 (rial .\(}. CJuwiMi', tin- ('\u\ 47 A S<iliiary riNhmiian .|S. A Pair f»( Mcrijans.'rs 4(). Peer at limine <,(). Kt'>liri^ I <;i. In 111'' I'.iil of tJT \'(ar (^j. Thi- Sri.' atwi \'' Mow l.jvif ;; \. Slu'WClV NN'ralll'T i^l A WiiitiT Moiniiit', in Kosnlalc 55. Allfr Siinsi f, Hollow I ,.ikc t^.i. In thfj Antinnn, I'.rnokr s W Ooijs 57 R. mains ot' a Straw Sta» k r,S Tlv S(ltl( r's Road :;»). ( >n till- Silc I .\\\r r,o 'I'lic (*oi,i)ti> To^t ()MVe I'pM-t |>ri( (• :J»oo co r,i All < »M l-asliionrd lami L'p^ft prii *• i^; A "" (^2. A r<t S|.anicl ui, llucatcnin^^ Wcatlicr (}). Krposi- 65. A Harvest Field, Mnskoka