IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 5, NS // A^ / y ^ II 1.1 11.25 Ui|21 125 ■iO 12^12,2 12.2 ^ U£ 12.0 U 116 — 6" FhotogFaphic Sdences Corporation 23 WIST MAIN STMET WfBSTiR,N.Y. USM (716) JI72-4503 ^^^ K^ ^\^ ^4^ ^ CBHM/ICMH Microfiche Series. CIHIVI/iCMH Collection de microfiches. Canadian Institute for Historical iVIicroreproductions / Institut Canadian de microreproductions historiques T«chnical and Bibliographic Notas/Notas tacliniquat at bibtiograpliiquaa Tha Inatituta haa attamptad to obtain th% baat original copy avaiiabia for filming. Faaturaa of thia copy which may ba bibliographically uniqua, which may altar any of tha imagaa in tha raproduction, or which may aignificantiy changa tha uaual mathod of filming, ara chackad baiow. Q Colourad covara/ Couvartura da coulaur I I Covara damagad/ D Couvartura andommagAa Covara raatorad and/or laminatad/ Couvartura raataurAa at/ou paliiculAa r~n Covar titia miaaing/ La titra da couvartura manqua Colourad mapa/ Cartaa gtographiquaa an coulaur Colourad inic (i.a. othar than blua or biacic)/ Encra da coulaur (i.a. autra qua blaua ou noira) I I Colourad plataa and/or illuatrationa/ D Planchaa at/ou illuatrationa an coulaur Bound with othar matarial/ RaliA avac d'autraa documanta [^ Tight binding may cauaa ahadowa or diatortion D D along intarior margin/ La ro liura aarrAa paut cauaar da I'ombra ou da la diatortion la long da la marga intMaura Blank laavaa addad during raatoration may appaar within tha taxt. Whanavar poaaibia, thaaa hava baan omittad from filming/ II aa paut qua cartainaa pagaa blanchaa ajout^aa lora d'una raatauration apparaiaaant dana la taxta, mala, loraqua cala Malt poaaibia, caa pagaa n'ont paa «t« filmiaa. Additional commanta:/ Commantalraa auppiimantalraa: L'Inatitut a microfilm^ la maillaur axamplaira qu'il lui a At* poaaibia da aa procurar. Laa ditaila da cat axamplaira qui aont paut-Atra uniquaa du point da vua bibliographiqua, qui pauvant modifiar una imaga raproduita, ou qui pauvant axigar una modification dana la mAthoda normala da filmaga aont indiquia ci-daaaoua. B Colourad pagaa/ Pagaa da coulaur Pagaa damagad/ Pagaa andommagAaa r^ Pagaa raatorad and/or laminatad/ Pagaa raataurAaa at/ou palllculAaa Pagaa diaeolourad, atainad or foxad/ Pagaa dAcoiortea, tachatAaa ou pIquAaa □ Pagaa datachad/ Pagaa dAtachAaa 0Showthrough/ Tranaparanca Tranaparanca Quality of prir Quality InAgala da I'lmpraaaion Includaa aupplamantary matarii Comprand du material auppMmantaIra Only adMon availabia/ Sauia Mition diaponibia Tha toti Tha po« off film Ori( bag tha aior oth( firal aior or 11 I I Quality of print variaa/ n~| Includaa aupplamantary matarial/ I — I Only adMon availabia/ D Pagaa wholly or partially obacurad by arrata alipa, tiaauaa, ate, hava baan rafilmad to anaura tha baat poaaibia imaga/ Laa pagaa totalamant ou partiailamant obacurciaa par un fauillat d'arrata, una palura, ate, ont AtA filmAaa i nouvaau da fa^on A obtanir la maillaura imaga poaaibia. Thia Kam la filmad at tha raduction ratio chackad ImIow/ Ca ctocumant aat film* au taux da rMuotton indiqu* cl-daaaoua. Tha ahal TIN whi Mai diffi anti bai^ rigl^ raq m« 10X 14X 18X 22X 2SX aox y 12X 16X 20X MX 2BX 32X Th« copy fllm«d hw has b««n raproducMl thanks to tha ganarosity of: Library of tha Public Archives of Canada L'axamplaira fHmi f ut raproduit grAca A la gAfiAroaltA da: La bibliothAqua das Archives publlquas du Canada Tha Imagaa appearing hara ara tha baat quality possibia considaring tha condition and legibility of the original copy and In keeping with the filming contrect specifications. Original coplee in printed paper covers ara filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the ieat page with a printed or illuatratad impres- sion, or the beck cover when eppropriate. All other original copies ere filmed beginning on tlie first page with a printed or illustrated imprea- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain tha symbol —»•( meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol ▼ (meening "END"), whichever applies. Lea imeges suivantes ont AtA reproduites avac ie plus grend soln, compte tenu de la condition at da la nettetA de i'exemplaira f ilmA, et en conformitA evec ies conditions du contrat da fiimaga. Lea exemplalres originaux dont la couverture en pepier est imprimAe sent fiimAs en commenpant par Ie premier plat et en terminant toit par ia darnlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'Impression ou d'illustretion, soit par ia second plet, seion ie cas. Tous ies autres exempiairas originaux sent fiimAs an commandant par ia pramlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impreasion ou d'iiiustration at an terminant par la darnlAre pege qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur ia darnlAre image de cheque microfiche, seion ie cas: ie symbols — »> signifie "A SUiVRE", Ie symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". IMaps, plates, charts, etc., mey be filmed at different reduction retlos. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames es required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea certes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre fllmAe A des taux da rAduction diff Arents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciichA, il est filmA A partir da Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bea, en prenant ia nombra d'Images nAcessaire. Las diagrammes suivants lliustrant la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ipbb; f,. '.'/.■ Cover t r J)ir,iijv. ( PBRIAL PIEE OFFICE OF LONDON. \ RINTOUL BROS., General Agentsi' Wi: Cover.) 6 Hospital Street, MOOT'REAL. WW WW W' V r^^'^^F^^^^ lUAEDIAlT FIHE OFFICE of ElTaLAKD. Total Funds in hand - - $17,500,000. jiisiae Cover.) Head Office for Canada, IVIONTREAL. TECE Op Cngland. » e o e « » •JB Head Office for Canada, MONTREAL. c;-^.r Subscribed Capital - - - $10,000,000 Capital Paid-up ----- $5,000,000 Total Funds in hand - - - $17,500,000 Annual Income ----- $3,200,000 Invested In Canada for Protection! ctmn nnn of Canadian Policy-holders - -S 5|>iuu,uuu This First-clasa Company accepts Insurance against Loss bv Fire on most favorable terms. ROBERT SIIVIIVIS & GO. and GEORGE DENHOLft' General Agrents, 13 St. Sacrament Street, MONTREAL. ^M ]^.l c JAM lis sAU[;n:R. /;/-/. (COV. 1)K. H. L. COOK, Sitpi-rintendrfit t U\<. W W. C.WIPBKL ■/ /.//; ICS- Me ucal i:x.iniiiicr 'riie I>ilO l-ranch and it-; fut-.ds ait- eiilirelv d:-t'nct from tl;e other de|iaitnu*ius. I'lie inr -I v;,U'(l eci 'UMiiv IS '.Tiact'ser :.' g-\e the nssured ilie '^rtMle-;: po-sil)'e anunuit of prfjlits; >eil«l |4U" Tablo of ISatOH. fiisure against <ii<'ll<'ral Vt'OHl- ills. Railway Ar^cidert>- Personal Injuries, Peatli liv Accident. 85 will secii'-e 81.000 and a weekly indenin:tv, with additional ccnipetisation for di<tii;r,re- j ment. 'I'he on'y Iriio Accident Policy issued on tlit continent. \\ Short T, rni Accident Tickets issued at all aj^encies from one day upwards for 8:t.000 and 825 indemnity per week, for 2.> C'C^llt**. ViVV Risks taken on t;vf.ry c ass of property. ACENCIES THROUGIlOUi' THE DoMINIOX. ADVEBTISEMBKT. S.K Awx; OAMwmtt, Pfw. J- ^ E«,.. Vic-PW JOHN OALT, C. B- * M- E- ^J"" "»»•«*'■ <^ ^UIHORISED P*1UTAI-, «<>O.CO0. % ogtces. } 237 at. James Street. DEPARTMENT OF BOILER IN8PECTI6N. "'"""department <»F CONSUtTlNO ENOINEERIMQ. E»»iiw, Bonen, He,ti»g App.™!", M«*ta«». »c., «e«ed Plans AKO S»«C'nC*T'™'V"^!'^_,„_ „. Boilbu on the Srocial attention given to *•*'""**' "' "" for the Dominion and Pro»i»d»lO«»or»m«it«. ^ ALBI. mSBB. «too..T«.i. WO. 0. ItOBB, OfcW B* ifnite re- STARKE'S POCKET ALMANAC A17D GENERAL REGISTER FOB 1884 (XjEjjl.p» -z-EA-ia) 4" J'^ORTY-THIRD JeAR OP J=*aBLICATION, J. Thbo. Robinson, Publisher and Proprie;tor, 541St. Francois Xavler Street, MONTREAL, .,•1' ■i1 I I t .. I ^ ■■■■•■■ HI .•'III !:■ i '' -V ii'ril : 4 !▼. ADVEBTISEMENT. J- LIVERPOOL i LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. M.IFE jiJirO WMKE. AMete exceed - • • . • fsa^OMyOOO FmkUi Investeti In €»Mada • • 900,000 GpTemmeiit Deponit for Seenrlty of €aii«diaii Policy Holders • • - 150,000 I«OMec paid by €oiii|MiBy • » 009,540,000 Canada !Board of J>ireeiors: Bob. B«uy SttnN, Ohaimui. TlMmai Crtmp, Iiq., Bep. OhalrmM, Thoodoro Bftrt, lig. Angu C. Beopor, liq. I^UBd 7. SttboM, Iiq. y a Fi C. SMITH, Resident Secretary.' BISKS ACCEPTED AT CURRENT RATES. HEAD OFFICE. CANADA BRAKGH, 16 Place d'Armea, Corner of St James Sty MONTREAL. CONTENTS. V. CONTENTS. PAGE. Almanac, Ac 1- 27 Aatronomioal Ocourrenoei 8 British Ambassadon abroad, and Foreign Ambassadors inEngland 309 Bank Holidays 2 Banks in Canada 124-187 Bar, The 105 ** Members of 10&-109 Collectors of Customs for the Dominion 220 Consuls. 123^ College of PhyiBioians and Surgeons 166 Customs TarifT ... 69-91 Council of Arts and Manufactures, Province of Quebec .... 176 C ourts of Justice* * • • 94-102 Dental Board of Examiners, Province of Quebec 118 Dominion Board of Trade 138 Emigration Agents for the Dominion in Europe 229 Eclipses 2 Epodis. 1 Festivals, Fixed andMovable 1 Fish and Game Laws 246 Geological Survey 226 Government Departments hi Ottawa, — GovemorVi Secretary's Office 219 Department of Justice , 222 ** MiUtia and Defense... 226 " Customs 219 " Finance 222 " PnblicWorks 226 " Byways and Canals 1^26 ** Inland Bevenue 22S " Secretary of State 222 *< Marine and Fisheries 227 •* Postmaster-General 228 " Agriculture 229 •* Indian Affairs 224 " Interior 228 Auditor General^s Office 228 Governor-General of Canada &q 210 Her Mi^esty's Household 207 Her Majesty's Chief Officers of State 208 I ■ I ' : ) I I 1 '.i ' 1: ' I I 1: ! • ii 1 i V''< vl. CONTENTS. PAOR. HerBohel's Weather Table 4 Immigration Agents in the Dominion 339 Imperial Gk>vernment and Ghiof Officers of State 308 Inspectors of Inland Bevenue, District 388 Inspectors of Forts and Collectors of Customs 330 Jewish CalendA?r 1 Library of Parliament 819 Members of the Privy Council and Officers 210 '< Senate of Canada and Officers 311-318 " " House of Commons and Officers 213-319 << Legislature of Ontario and Officers 339-338 *< Legislature of Quebec and Officers 334-388 ** Legislature of Nora Scotia and Officers . . . 341-343 <* Legislature of New ])runswick and Officers. 339-341 ** Legislature of Manitoba and Officers 344-246 << Legislature of Prince Edward Island and 24^344 Officers ... 344 *< Legislature of British ColumbU '.!'.!!!!!.. '. 346 '• North-West Territory Masonic 188-186 Militia, Province of Quebec 116-117, Notarial Borrd, Province of Quebec 109 Patent Office 339 Pharmaceutical Association of the Province of Quebec. ... 118 Pilotage. Quebec and Montreal, Tariff of 56-67 Prince of Wales' Household. ... 307 Registrars of Counties. 10-3104 Bine Association, Province of Quebec 117 Superintendents, Ac, of Indians 384 The Queen and Boyal Family 306-306 MONTBEAL. Banks, Officers, and^British and Foreign Agents 135-137 Bank Stock List ,Canadian , 129-183 Bar 105-109 Benevolent Institutions. ; 150-164 Boards of Trade, Dominion and Montreal 138 Building Societies 146-148 Carriages, Cartage, &c., Bates of. 41 Cemetery Company, Mount Boyal 150 Churches, Chapels, &c 166-173 Clubs 178-182 Colleges and Schools 168-165 Coroners for the District of Montreal Ill Commissioners for receiving affidavits for Superior Court. 109 Commissioners for receiving affidavits in Quebec for Ontario 110 PAOB Commissionert for receiving AiSdaTiti in London Eog., for Ontario and Quebec Ill Commiiiionen to administer oaths to public OiBcers 110 Consulates 128 Com Esohanae Association 188 Corporation of Montreal and Officers . . 87- M Dental Board of Examiners 118 Dispensaries 121-122 Duties payable pn licenses, <ftc 66 Exdse Duties 66 Fares for Coaches, Cabs, Ac 42 lire Department 61 fire Alarm Telegraph Signal Boxes 61-64 Foresters, Ancient Order of 187 Harbor Commissioners and Officers 67 Harbor, Tariff of Bates and Dues 68 Hersohel's Weather Table . . 4 Hospital, Montreal General 120 *i Notre Dame..., 121 " Women^s 121 ' <• HotelDieu 121 " Lying-in 122 Inland Rerenue 54-66 Immigration Agents 124 Institutions, Literary and Scientific 176-178 Inspectors of Produce, Ac 189 Insurance Companies 140-141 InTCstments, Canadian 129-182 Justices of the Peace 111-112 Longitude 2 Loan and Mortgage Companies 148 Marriage Lioenses Ill Masonic 188-186 Medical Colleges and Schools 116-122 Militia 116-117 Montreal College of Pharmacy 118 Montreal School of Surgery and Medeoine 120 Montreal Stock Exchange , 188 Montreal Board of Trade 137 Municipal Taxes 40- 41 National Societies 164-166 Odd Fellows 188 Orange Order 188-187 Police Magistrates 102 Police Force, City and River , 108 Post Office 28-37 '• MoneyOrders 84 " Rates and Begiilations 80 " SavingsBank 36 *< Foreign Mail and Postage Tables 36-39 " City Postal DeUvery 29 • I' i J ; J.,. f^^"'t. I (^ ■ 'it'~ vin. CONTEKSiii 9 * • ttfl* •••• •••••••< Pft •*•••••••*••» •.•••■ Protestant Board of School CommittioikiWi Mid Boi|fi .9? Examiners... Public Companies Bail way Companies Recorder's Court Beligious Societies Boman Catholic Board of School Commissioners and Board of Examiners Biver Police Steamship and Steamboat Companies Taiiff, Dominion Tariff of Pilotage Tariff of Bates and Dues, Harbor of Montreal Tariff of Cartage Tariff of Hackney Coaches Taxes, Municipal Telegraph and Telephone Companies r Temperance Societies "Water Works Begulations and Tariff "Weights and Measures Inspection Office, City Weigher,«fcc Young Mens Christian Association Young "Womens Christian Association pikfta. "^m 102 172-176 168 108 144-146 69- 91 56- 67 68 42 42 40- 41 146-146 155 168 4i^- 60 140 170 170 CITY OP QUEBEC. Banks 194 Board of Trade 189 Consulates 190 Corporation Officers 188 Crown Timber Office 189 Custom House 191 Exchange 189 Fire Alarm Signal Boxes 191-192 Gas Inspection 193 Geographical Society 194 Harbor Commissioners , , 189 Inland Bevenue Office. 189 Inspection of "Weights, Measures, Gas, &c 190 Justices of the Peace 193 Post Office 188 Supeivisor of Cullers 189 OTTAWA CITY Banks Benevolent Institutions Corporation of Ottawa and Offioers 198 201 196 — ■,:-.■ i* » " I •-• ',■■■. ' * ^ ■ ■ , •;■■:■ ^:' ; ■■■ v ' ^. i d il T iii i»i>iyT— I % m ' l i i n I 1 1 1 II II ' | i I I 'l I I I m» I ''"'^ ^ ; >■ ' OC&TtMB. ^ ' ■ • . ' Ix. I ' i ') i^l i i Yii'»kl i |A iii j | #l i ir ii /| iiiii I ii> i> i -' i-ii I l i ii r '^ ^^ ' > . I II i«'ii ii i i f "* '''*■ • ..,■■" PAOB OOjItQIIlBMtS.....*:.. 197 (Wto4i..4v.*... , 200 mjm^oi^^ '. 201 Ooronerg ^ 201 County of Carleton Begistry Office 201 County Officers 201 Crown Timber Offices 204 Fire Brigade and Alarm Signals 195-196 Inland Bevenue Office 198 Judicial Officers.. 200 Justices of the Peace 201 Lawn Tennis Club 204 Marriage Licenses % 204 MUitary and Volunteer Militia Force 203-204 Post Office 197 Religious Societies 202-207 Rideau Canal 204 Rifle Associations .' 208-204 Water Works Offices 1^6 ADVERTISEMENTS. ABC Railway and Steamboat G-uide < 8 Agricultural Implements xi. Baylis* Manufacturing Co. 18 Brush, Geo 16 Business Directory 80a Campbell's Quinine Wine, Medical Hall 12 Canada Paper Co 8 Citizens Life, Accident, Guarantee & Fire Insurance Co.. i. and Head of Pages. City of London Fire Insurance Co 32(? Commercial Union Assurance Co., F. Cole, Gen'l Agent. . . 6 Confederation Life Association of Canada, ) 82a H* J« Johnston Provincial Manager. \ Currie & Co., W. A F. P., Iron, Steel, Tin, Ac 248 DawesACo., Brewers 24 Dawson Brothers, Bookbinders, Ac 326 Dominion Line of Steamships 64a Dominion Paper Co , 646 Derins'Worm Pastiles 114 Devins, R. J 114 Drysdale & Co., W. , Booksellers and Stationers 14 Dominion Metal Works 28 Eagle Foundry, George Brush 16 Esterbrooke Steel Pens ^ 14 Gardner A Son Novelty Works .v; 64c r :''ii i ■' ■'. ■ '. i; 'I- i:m \^ ■J ' [,( ^- ■ ■ ' Jij.JiiJ- ' B ' ja ' jjL.. CONTENTS. PAOB. Garth 4 Co., Charles 26 Ouardian Fire and life Assuranoe Co Cover. Hope A Co., James, Stationers, Ao.j Ottawa 199 Imperial Fire Insurance Co., Bintoul Bros. , Cover. Laurie Bros .» 82c Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co i^' Luby 's for the Hair 118 Lyman. Sous & Co., Lyman's Writing Fluid 10 Milk of Magnesia..... H* Mfller, Bobert, Son <ft Co 23 Moody, M., 4 Sons xi. Novelty Engine "Works, Gardner A Son 64c Office Desks 20 Oswald Brothers, Stock Brokers 129-182 Owens, J. B 24 Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., London zii* Parks, J.G Wd Printing , 91 Printing Ink 18 Boyal Canadian Insurance Co., Fire and Marine 32c Bobinson, J. Theo 91 Savory and Moore's Household Medicines 92- 93 Standard Assurance Co Cover. Steinson A Co., H 247 Tees A Co 20 The Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co ii' Torrance & Co., D 64a ADTEBTISEMENT. xi. Established GRAT*S 1845 ^^o Latest Improved Patent ^^ ONE, T\A^O and THREE HORSES, MACHINKS FOB THRISHIKG pd CLEAMN6 GRAIN and for SAWING WOOD MOWERS. NEW MODEL BUCKEYE, Iron Frame. No. 2 BUCKEYE, Wooden Frame. RAKES TIGER, and COATES' LOCK LEVER SELF-DUMPER& SECTION HARROW-GRUBBERS, wlHi Steel-Platod Teeth, AKD '■'■■'''^.- ■■■, MAKUFACTUBBD BY MATTHEW MOODY & SONS, TERREBONNE, P.Q., Canada. IV San* tor Prlee I4st, Depot at MOHTREAL, Ho 12 Foundling Street. v^l !: 'i') >■•' I I * 1 '.. Ml *4 b i xii. ADVERTISEMENT. OF LONDON ESTABLISHED IN 1782. Canada Agency Established in 1804. I.OSSES PAIB slnee tlie Establlslimeiit of t^te Company, liaise exceeded TWELVE MILLIONS STERLING BALANCE BLEIiD IN HAHTD, for payment of F^re liosses only, ^xeeeds THREE MILLION DOLLARS. Liability of Shareholders Unlimi^d. in ■*/' GILLESPIE, MOFFATT & CO., fieiiMal Agentslfor ih9 DosinioB of Vaatflft, I Phief Pffice: t No. 12 ST. SACBAHEira ST., MOlTCBEAXi. ; t Manager. f VHB crrizns tsmvwuLNcm co]iPAinr.-FiM, u* fiLMANAG, ^G. PBmOCPAL ABTIGLES OF THE GALENDAB FOB THE YEAB 1884. GoWou Number 4 Bpacit'. 8 SoIarGyde i 17 Dominical Letters F E Boman Indiction 12 Julian Period 6697 FIXED AND MOVABLE FESTIVALS, ANNIYEBSABIES, Epiphany Septuagesima Sunday. . Quiuquagesima *^ Ash Wednesday St. David Quadragesima { First Sunday in Lent. ) St. Patrick i ^itnciation ) I Day S Viuju Sunday Good Friday EASTEB SUNDAY . . . Low Sunday St. George Boo^tion Sunday Asd^nsion Day, } Hohr Thursday S Birth of Queen Victoria Jan. 6 Feb. 10 ti 24 •( 27 Mar. 1 (( 2 . (( 17 t( 25 April 6 (t 11 ti 13 (t 20 « 23 May 18 (i 22 ({ 24 Pentecost. Whit Sun . Trinity Sunday Corpus Christi Accession of Q. Victoria Proclamation St. John the Baptist . . 1 Midsummer Day .....$ St. Peter and St. Paul. . Dominion Day St. Michael ) Michaelmas Day ^ All Saints Day Birth of Prince of Wales St. Andrew. , Igt Sunday in Advent. . Gonoep. of Virgin Mary St Thomas GHBISTMAS St. John the Evangelist June 1 " 12 (( 20 21 ti 24 « 29 July 1 Sept. 29 Nov. 1 " 9 •* 30 «» 30 Dec 8 Dec 21 " 25 " 27 JEWISH GALENDAB. F'^aKt of Esther Mar. 10 -"WQl . " 11 iirrTLB PUBIM ** 12 .^|«80v«r April 10 md Paawver May 9 New Tear Srot. 20 Ebpub " 29 TabbbnagiiB Oct 4-^ HobanaBaba << 10 Hanuoa Dec 13 W 1 1 -" The year 6646 of the Jewish Era commences on Sept. 20, 1884. Bamad&n (Month of Abstinence observed by the Turks) com- menoei on June 26, 1884. The Tear of the Mohammedan Era commenoes on Oct 21, 1884. i ( ■: - ':i I n j] i / 1 i !■ i f w— mB» UVB a ALMANAC. The year 1884 is the 6646th year since the creation (^ the Worlds according to the Jews; it answers to 6697th of the Julian period^ to the 2687th from the foundation of Borne, to the 2660th of the Olympiads and to the year 7892-3 of the Byzantine Era. BANK HOLIDAYS. 'OiTTABio, Nsw Bbumswiok anb Nova Sootia. — New Tear's Day, Good Friday, Queen's Birthday, Dominion Day, Ghristmas Day. QuBBBC— New Tear's Day, Epiphany. Annunciation, Good Friday, Ascension, Corpus Cbristi, Queen^s Birthday, Dominion Day, St. Peter and St. Paul, All Saints, Conception, Christmas Day. Also, throughout the Dominion, any day appointed by procla- mation for a general fast or Thanksgiving Day. LEAP TEAK.— LIST OF SUNDATS IN 1884. January 6 . . . .13. . . . 20 . . . . 27 . . February 3.. ..10.. ..17.. ..24., March .2.. ..9.. .16.. ..28.. ..80 April 6.. ..18.. ..20.. ..27.. May 4.. ..11.. ..18^.. ..26.. June 1.. ..8. ..15.. ..22.. ..29 July.. 6.. ..13.. ..20.. .27.. August 3.. ..10.. ..17.. ..24.. ..81 September . . . 7 . . . .14. . . . 21 . . . . 28 . . October, ,.,,..6 .. .,12.. ..19.. ..26.. November .. 2 . . ..9.. ..16.. .28.. ..80 December. . . . 7 . . . .14. . . . 21 . . . . 28 . . ECLIPSES. In the year 1884 there will be three Eclipses of the Sun, and two of the Moon. " . ^tt-T- I.— A partial Eclipse of the Sun, March 26 ; invisible in Canada. II — ^A total Eclipse of the Moon, April 9-10 ; invisible in Canada. nX.' A partial Eclipse of the Sun, April 26 ; invisible in Canada, ly.— A total Eclipse of the Moon, October 4 ; invisible in Canada, y .—A partial Eclipse of the Sun, October 18 ; invisible in Canada. LONGITUDE W.^OF GBEENWICH IN TIME (SLOW). Quebec Observatory 4 44 49 > Difference 82* 44 Toronto Observatory 6 17 883 AHB AGdDEIfT— CAPITAL, - - fiaSN.OO*. Tl«e-PrcaldeBt i 0«mlil E* Hart* Oeneml MAiMic«ra AJMIlSJlO. 8 PHASES OF THE MOON. In the calculation of the Phases of the Moon, 4 hours 46 minutes have been deducted from the Greenwich calculations, for Quebec; 4 hours 64 minutes for Montreal, and 6 hours 17 minutes for Toronto. When the Moon is on the Meridian at the hours marked P.M., before Sunset, thc^e will be no (moonlight ; but when she is on the Meridian at tike hours marked A.M., before Sunrise, there will be Moonlight. _____^ ASTRONOMICAL OCCURRENCES. January. — Moon near Saturn on the 9th, near Jupiter on the 12th and 13th, near Venus on the 30th. Mercury an evening star, Venus an evening star, Jupiter |S an evening star. Fjebruabt. — Moon near Saturn on the 6th, near Jupiter on Hie 8-9th, near Mercury on the 24th. Mars is visible throughout the night during thlM month. Jupiter an evening star. March. — Moon near Saturn on the 4th, near Jupiter on the 6-7th. Mars visible throughout the night until the 24th. Jupiter is an evening star. APRiii.— Moon near Jupiter on the 3rd, near Mercury on the 26th, near Venus on the 28th. Mercury is an evening star, Jupiter is an evening star. Mars is an evening star. ^AY.— Moon near Jupiter on the 1st, near Mars on the 2nd, near Mercury on tlie 24th. Mercury is an evening star, Jupiter is an evening star. June. — Moon near Mercury on the 2l8t, near Venus on the 24th, near Jupiter on the 26th. Mercury is a morning star, Venus is visible in the evening after sunset. July.— Moon near Saturn on the l9-20th ; near Venus on the 2l8t, near Jupiter and Mercury on the 23rd. Venus and Jupiter rises and sets about sunrise and sunset during the month. AX70UST. — Moon near Saturn on the 16th, near Venu» on the 17-18th. near Jupiter on the 20th. Mercury is an evening star, Venus is a morning star ; Jupiter rises and sets about sunrise and sunset. Sbptshbbb. — Moon near Saturn on the 12th, near Venus on the 16-16th, near Jupiter on the 17th. Venus is a morning star, Jupiter is a morning star. OOTOBBB.— Moon near Saturn throughout the evening of the 9th, near Jupiter on* the 14-16th. Mercury is a morning star ; Venus near Jupiter on the 6th : Jupiter is a morning star. NovBMBBB. — Moon near Jupiter on the 11th, near Venus on the 14th, near Mercury on the 18th. Mercury badly situated for ob- servation during the month. Venus is a morning star Dbobmbbb.— Moon near Saturn on the 2nd and 3rd, near Venus on the 14th. Mercury is an evening star. Venus is a mornmg star. Saturn visible at night during the montl|. i.;i^ !■;■ * m mnmmstn inrnvwuLncm compaht-lifb branch* PQ K I CO W o CQ M WEATHEB TABLE. .s ^ ;3 (4 OQ a OQ '^ os i .liiii!! •QQ C O :»* § fci JO'S 6 fisssa to * to t0 tft bb S* SP J5 «I a- '3»Sggg I ► •?b 5 S 3 2 S • oBflsasa •O "CJ "O ^ "^J "^J •CO s sssssss DAT. w. M. Tu 1 W 2 Th 8 F 4 S 6 Sa 6 M 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 ¥ 11 S 12 Sa 18 M 14 Tu 15 W 16 Th 17 F 18 S 19 Sa 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 28 Th 24 P 25 S 26 Sn 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 80 Th 81 First Month. JANUARY-31 Days, Beeintoo Tuesday. MOOis 8 CHANGES. PBAIBS. First Quar. Full Moon. Last Quar. New Moon. B. 6 12 19 27 Quebec. h. 4 10 m. 60p.m. 42a.m. 38a.m. 16a.m. MorUreal. h. m. 4 41p.m. 10 33a.m. 29a.m. 07a.m. Toronto, h. m. 4 18p.m. 10 10a.m. 06a.m. 11 44p.m. Twilioht* beg*B. a.m. 6 46 6 43 6 40 6 86 ends. p.m. 6 23 6 81 6 40 5 48 OAT. w. M. Tu 1 W 2 Th 3 F 4 S 6 Sn 6 M 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 F 11 S 12 Su 13 M 14 Tu 16 W 16 Th 17 F 18 S 19 Sn 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 F 25 S 26 Sn 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 80 Th 31 ANNIVEBSABIES, EVENTS. Ac. Circumciaion Qen. Wolfe, hero of Quebec bom 1727. .. . ^. Harrison Ainsworth, novelist, d. 1882 Madame Bachel, trag6dienne, died 1868 . . Twelfth-Day Eve. Fbast of Epiphant Allan R.amsa7, Scottish poet, died, 1767. . Prince Albert Victor of Wales bom, 1864. Emperor Napoleon III. died, 1873 Archbishop Laud (beheaded), 1646 Schlegel, Shaksperian critic, died, 1829. . . Dean Alford died, 1871 1st SUIfOAT AFTBB EfIPRAVY. Bishop Berkeley, philosopher, died, 1763. . British Museum opened, 1759 Edmund Spenser, poet, 1699 Si. Anthony^ patriarch of Monks, d'd, 356 Oerman Empire proclaimed, 1871 , Wm. Gongreye, poet and dramUst, d. 1729 2nd SniTDAT aftbb Epiphant February 13, Julian calendar Charles Kean, actor, died^ 1858 Duke of Edinburgh married, 1874 Frederick the Great, born, 1712 Si, Paufe Day. Fine day— good year . . . Dr. Edward Jenner (vaccinator), d. 1823 . 3rd SUBDAT AFTBB EpIPHAHT Peter the Great, died, 1725 George the Third of England, died 1820 . . Lord Metcalfe, Gtov. of Canada, born 1786 Guy Fawkes executed, 1606 MONTREAL. BUB. rises, sets. h. m. 7 46 46 46 45 45 7 46 44 44 43 43 43 43 7 42 42 41 40 39 39 38 7 38 37 37 36 34 33 32 7 81 7 30 7 29 7 28 7 27 h. m. 22 23 24 26 26 4 27 29 30 81 32 33 36 4 36 37 39 40 41 43 44 MOOB OBM^B h. m. P m. 8 27 4 16 6 06 6 66 6 48 7 42 8 40 9 89 10 89 11 88 a.m. 1 29 4 45 46 47 48 50 62 68 4 54 4 66 4 67 4 69 5 01 2 3 3 4 6 20 07 63 37 21 6 05 6 49 7 36 8 22 9 11 10 00 10 51 11 42 p.m. 83 1 28 2 13 3 08 i f I'. I I- ave cittBted after tMur— return te flMF«tb 6 ADVEBTISBteENT. O0HKBMIAL UNION . ASSURANCE COMPANY, Head Office, 19 ^ 20 CornhW, London. CAPITAL - - $12,800,000 t FirndB in hand and InyeBtedt oyer - - $9«000,000 TTnoalled Capital - - $11,250,000 Branch Office for Eastern Canada : 84 St. Francois Xhvier Sf:, Cor. Hospital St. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Insurance granted upon Dwelling Houses and Mercantile Risks, including Mills and Manufactories and their contents, at Rbasonablb Rates. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Terms Liberal — Rates Moderate — Security Perfect — Bonuses large, having heretofore averaged over 25 per cent, of Premiums paid. FRED. COLE, Oewnral AgetU far XaHem Canada, ■III- • • 1 'I ! ''f'^ #H THB •■OVBITT OF ITS lilFB Allowed. Second Month. FEBRUARY-29 Days. Begins on Friday, MOON*S CHANQBS. PHASM. First Qnar. Fall Moon. Last Qnar. New Moon. D. 8 10 18 26 Quiebee, h. 1 10 1 m. 12a.m. 02a.m. 27a.m. 60p.m. Montreal, a, m. 1 08a.m. 11 68p.m 10 18a.m. 1 41p.m. Toronto. h. m. 40a.m. 11 20p.m. 9 ft6a.m. 1 18p.m. TwUigJU, beg's. ends. a.m. 8 16 8 06 7 66 7 46 DAT. W. M. s An M Tu W Th F 8 Sn M Tu W Th F 1 2 8 4 6 6 7 8 10 11 12 18 14 16 ANNIYEBSABIBS, EVENTS, «o. s 16 Aa 17 M 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 8 28 Sn 24 M 26 Tu 26 W 27 Th 28 F 29 St. lanatiua and St. Bridget Canalemaea Day 4th SUHDAT AITBB BPIPHAinr. Severus Boman Emp. died in Britain 211. Thomas Oarlyle, essavist, died 1881 Charles n of England died 1686 Imperial Parliament, opening Session 1882 Mary. Queen of Scotland, beheaded 1686. . I)ayid Bizado murdered 1666. , SaPTVAOSSZMA SUKDAT. , Lord Sydenham made Gov. of Canada 1840 Kant, eminent philosopher, died 1804 Duke de Berri assassinated 1820. St. Vatentine^a Day. Cardinal Wiseman died 1866, Dr. Kane, artic explorer, died 1867 Sbxaob8ika*8 Sunday Canada settled 1684 Wm. Napier, military historian, died 1860. Napoleon escaped from Elba 1816 Cardinal Newman bom 1801 Bey. Sydney Smith died 1846 Sir Joshua Beynolds died 1792 QuxNQUAOBsiMA. Shrove Sunday Christopher Wren, architect, died 1728. . . Victor Hugo bom 1^02. Aah Wednesday ./T, Montaigne, essayist bom 1633 Archbishop Whitgift (3rd prim.) d. 1603. . . MONTBEAL. SUN rises, sets. li.m. 7 26 7 24 7 22 21 19 18 16 16 14 7 13 11 10 08 06 04 03 7 01 7 00 6 68 6 66 6 66 6 66 6 63 6 61 6 49 6 47 6 46 6 43 6 41 h. m. 6 03 6 04 6 06 6 07 6 09 6 10 6 11 6 12 6 IS 6 17 19 20 21 22 24 26 6 27 28 80 32 33 36 37 6 38 89 41 42 44 46 xooir OKX^V h. m. p.m. 4 46 6 89 6 86 7 22 8 28 9 26 10 22 11 17 a.m. 49 1 46 2 80 8 16 8 69 4 48 6 28 6 15 7 7 02 61 8 41 9 31 10 22 11 18 11 69 p.m. 66 1 47 240 f ., I." ■ 1' ■ ; ' V , ■ / • n»r wtalffli lAw fltrfif^M will Im aaot«d. A«Miel«a ■^;i ^ VEBTISEHENT. THE ABC TRAVELLERS' GUIDE. PUBLISHED MONTHLY. SUBSCBIPTION: ONE DOU^AB A J. THEO. ROBINSON, FUBLISHEB. CANADA PAPER COMPANY, (LIMITJED.) PAPER -MAKERS — AND — WHOLESALE STATIONERS, 374, 376 & 378 St. Paul Street, Cood ComuMreiAl Risks special 1/ «#■ !■ All pHaelpal t«wns. L4MI«m imid, nwmr •1«S00,< Third Month. MARCH-SI Days. Beitint on< Saturdny. MOON'S CHANOES. PHA8>I. Vint Quar. Fall Moon. Last Quar. New Moon. D. 8 11 10 S6 Qu^e. h. m. 11 48p.m. 2 56p.m. 6 28p.m. 1 02a.m. Montreal. h. m. 11 89p.m. 2 46p.m. 6 19p.m. 68a.m. Toronto, h. m. 11 16p.m. 2 28p.m. 6 66p.m. 40a.m. Tir'iioki. beg*!. ends. p.m. 6 62 7 08 7 16 7 16 DAY. W. S »n M Tu W Th F S Sa M Tu W Th F S Sa M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sn M 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 18 14 16 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 29 80 81 ANNIVERSAKIES, EVENTS, Ac. MONTREAL. St. David. QUADBAlOEBIMA. 18T SUNDAT IH LrNT. . . Oeo. Herbert, poet and dirine, died 1688.. Saladin, the famous Sultan, died 1198. .. . 1st Locomotive through Brit. Bridge 1860. Michael Angelo bom 1474 Admiral Ck>llingwood died 1810 King William III of England died 1702. . 1st SUITDAT AFIEU LflMT Hugh Myddleton, hydraulic engin. d. 1686. First daily newsp'er publish, in Eng. 1702 St* Gregonr the Great, Pope, died 604 ... . Talfonrd, curamatist and lawyer, died 1854. John, first Earl of Bedford, died 1565 . . . . Beform Bill, England, Ist reading 1831 . . . SUN rises, sets. 2nd SUHDAT AFTKB LBITT St. Patrick^ Lawrence Sterne (Tristam Shandy) d. 1768. St. Joseph , Bishop Parker died 1687 Archbishop Granmer martyred 1656 Suppression of the Knights Templars 1812. 8rd SUVDAT AFTBB LbBT Elizabeth (^ueen of Enc^and, died 1608. . Annunciatton, Lady Day. Bank of England incorporated 1694 James L King of England died 1626 .... PegWoffingt^, celebrated actress, d. 1760 Samuel Swedenborg died 1772 h. m. 6 40 6 88 6 86 6 84 6 82 80 6 28 6 26 6 24 6 22 6 20 19 17 16 11 6 09 6 07 6 06 6 OS 6 01 59 67 5 56 Mooir OB X'B 4th SUBD4T AFTBB LbBT Charlotte Bront6, noyelist, died 1856 h. m. 6 46 6 47 48 60 62 68 54 66 6 67 5 68 6 61 6 49 6 47 6 45 5 43 5 42 6 41 68 00 6 01 6 08 6 04 6 06 6 07 6 08 6 09 6 11 6 12 6 18 6 16 6 16 6 17 6 19 6 20 6 21 6 28 6 24 6 26 6 27 h. m. p.m. 4 80 5 ae 6 24 7 21 8 IT 9 10 10 02 10 51 11 88 a.m. 1 08. 1 5a 2 87 8 22 4 Oft 56 48 6 81 7 8 20 10 ^ 00 9 60 10 41 11 88 p.m. 27 2» 19 8 18 4 17 . N: y ill ¥, STANDARD BLUE-BLACK ! WRITING FLUID GmZESrS IKSUBANCE COMPAJnt^HO AJDTAHTAOES OB EECVWOTT TO 10 ADYEBTISEMENT. — AND — COPYING INK, ABE ^Scientifically Prepared. Warranted to be Permanent in Oolor, and Free Flowing. DO NOT CORRODE THE PEN. Handsomely put up in Bnglish Stoneware Bottles ; HUAKTS, PINTS, HALF PINTS AND dUAtm PINTS, IMPERIAIi MEASVBE. A Liberal Discount to the Trade Pbxparbd only bt IffONTESAL. CAWA DIAIf COHPAl^T OFFEBU AMY WMTKNWaiB UOnS mSVRKRB* Fourth Month. APRIL-30 Days. Bef^ns on Tuesday, MOON'S CHANGES. PHABS8. First Quar. Fall Moon. Last Quar. New Moon. D. 2 9 18 25 Quebec, h. m. 4 32p.m. 6 59a.m. 11 09a.m. 10 12a.m. Montreal* h. m. 4 28p.m. 6 40a.m. 11 00a.m. 10 03a.m. Toronto. TtoUiffht, beg's. ends. h. m. 4 00p.m. 6 17a.m. 10 37a.m. 9 40a.m. a.m. 6 27 6 14 6 00 6 46 p.m. 7 87 7 46 7 56 8 08 •Sg-Sa a • a « . Pi . S < *4 DAT. w. M. Tu 1 W 2 Th 3 F 4 S 5 Su 6 M 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 F 11 S 12 Sn 13 M 14 Tu 15 W 16 Th 17 F 18 S 19 «a 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 F 25 8 26 nn 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 80 ANNIYEBSABIES, EVENTS, <&c. Bishop Beginald Heber. died 1826 Mirabeau died 1791 Washington Irving bom 1783 Oliver <^ld8mith died 1774 J. St0W| antiquarian & historian, died 1605 Pai<m Sukdat Wm. Davenant, dramatist and poet, d. 1668 Lorenzo do Medicis died 1492 Francib Bacon, Lord Yernlam. died 1626. Alexander Nasmith, painter, died 1840. . . Good Friday St. Gee Aia.— Metastasio poet died 1782. . . . Eaitsb Sukday. Thomas Otway, poet, died 1685 John Bell, eminent surgeon, died 1820. . . . Henry Fuseli, artist, died 1825 Dr. Bei\jamin Franklin died 1790 Dr. Erasmus Darwin, poet, died 1802 Lord Byron, poet, died 1824 Low SvNDAT. Ist Sunday AiTBB Eastxb. Jean Baeine, dramatist, died 1699 Thos. Haynes Bailey, lyrical poet, d. 1839. St. George. Wm. Shakspeare bom 1564. . Daniel Defoe, novelist, died 1731 St Mark's Eve.— W. Gowper, poet, d. 1800 David Hume, historian, bom 1711 2nd SUITDAY AITBB EABTBB Thos. Betterton, eminent actor, died 1710. John Cleveland, poet, died 1669 James Montgomery, poet, died 1854 MONTBEAL. 8UK. rises. h. m. 5 89 5 87 5 35 5 33 5 81 5 29 27 26 24 22 20 18 sets. 6 16 14 12 11 5 09 07 06 5 04 02 00 58 56 65 58 4 61 4 49 4 48 4 46 h. m. 6 29 6 30 6 31 6 38 6 34 6 35 6 37 6 38 6 40 6 41 6 42 6 44 6 45 6 46 6 48 6 49 6 50 6 61 6 68 6 54 6 56 5 66 58 00 01 08 7 04 7 05 7 06 7 08 MOON. ON M'lr h. m. p.m. 6 13 7 07 7 69 8 48 9 85 10 20 11 06 11 49 a.m. 1 16 2 04 2 60 3 4 6 80 26 18 6 01 6 60 7 80 8 28 9 18 10 10 11 06 11 69 p.m. 69 a 02 3.04 4 OS 5 01 I r- -I 'ii ' '1: i 1 1. I TMSt CIXIZl&NS INSURANOB OO—iafe Bnuieb. k«B*imM« CTMitaMSt ciuunuil««d by A4 high la ADVERTISEMENT. Fifth 1 • Month. ■ i PH ■ First q FullM ( LastQi ' New» ' First d DAT. * w. u. Th 1 P 2 :S 1 Sn 4 M 6 Tu 6 W 7 Th 8 F 9 S 10 Sn 11 M 12 Tu 13 W 14 Th 16 F 16 S 17 Sn 18 M 19 Tu 20 W 21 Th 22 F 23 S 24 ;Sii 2£ M 2C Tu 2^ W 21 Th 2$ F 3( S S: ! . I; by A«t of ParltevHABt.- Vndotibtad Sttovrtty to mtt^rded. and high itMidiMP oiit* Propiietairy and DIreeton. Fifth Month. MAY-31 Days. Begins on Thursday. MOON'S CHANGES. PHASES. First Quar. Full Moon. Last Quar. New Moon. First Quar. D. 1 9 17 24 30 Quebec. h. 1 11 5 m. 12p.m. 22p.m. 09p.m. 61p.m. 00 Montreal. h. m. 1 03a.m. 11 13p.m. 00 6 42p.m. 51a.m. Toronto, Twilight, beg's. ends. h. m. 10 50p.m. 11 37a.m. 6 19p.m. 28a.m. a.m. 6 46 5 33 5 23 6 16 5 09 p.m. 8 09 8 18 8 29 8 38 8 46 3 PI DAT. w. Th F ;s JSn M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S :Sa M Tu W Th F S H. 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ANNIVEESAEIES, EVENTS, Ac. Dnke of Wellington bom 1769 , St. Athanasius MONTREAL. SUK rises, sets. Thomas Hood, comic poet, died 1845 h. m. 4 45 4 44 4 43 3rd Sunday aftxb Easter 4 41 Hanlan defeated Hawdon on the Tyne 1879 Lord Fred. Cavendish, assassinated 1882. Wm., Marquis of Lansdowne died 1805. . Le Sage. French novelist, born 1668. Schiller^ German poet, died 1805 ludian Mutiny commenced 1857 4th Sunday afteb Eastsb Sir Charles Barry, architect, died 1860 . . . Pope Pius IX bom 1792 Henry Grattan, statesman, died 1820 Daniel O'Connell, died 1847 Review at Aldershott by Qn Victoria 1882. Prince Talleyrand died 1888 Rogation Sunday 40 38 36 35 33 32 4 31 29 28 27 26 24 23 Opening of the Canal of Languedoc Christopher Columbus died 1506 Queen Anno of England 1724 Ascension Day.— Holy Thursday Mark Lemon, died 1870 — Birth of Queen Victoria 1819 5th Sunday afteb Eabtxb., St. Augustine Dante, Italian poet, bom 1265 Earl Russell, statesman, died 1878 Restoration of the Monarchy, Eng. 1660. Voltaire died 1778 Charlotte Bronte, novelist. 1855, .y *' 4 22 21 20 18 17 16 16 4 9 14 13 12 11 10 09 h. m. 7 09 7 10 7 11 7 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 7 21 23 24 25 26 28 29 7 30 31 32 34 35 36 38 7 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 KOCH ONM'K h. m. p.m. 6 46 7 33 8 19 9 03 9 48 10 31 11 16 a.m. 47 1 34 2 21 8 09 3 67 46 32 6 20 7 09 7 58 8 50 9 44 10 41 11 42 p.m. 44 46 47 3 46 89 29 6 17 ;!■ ■ - I ' li !' 1- ! i' ' i:; !.' I r ^m cnuBirs iNBVwuLKcm OB tfl« CoatlBMUte l^'fli^ fell* 14 ADYEBTISEMENT. ESTERBROOK PENS Popular N08. : 048, 14, 130, 333, 161. For Sale by all Stationers. ^ R. MILLER. SON A OO.. Affts., Montreal. '^$^\ I ^Iatt0n<|jr il^m\im%t I w • WILLIAM DRYSDALE & CO. stationers & Periodical Agents, 2S2 St. James Street, M.ONTI\EAL. Sill and Foitaee Staaps. Sixth Month. PHi FuUM Last Qi NewM First Q DAY. w. M, Sn 1 M 2 Tu 3 W 4 Th 5 F 6 S 7 Sn 8 M 9 Tu 10 W 11 Th 12 F 13 S 14 So 15 M 16 Tu 17 W 18 Th 19 F 20 S 21 Sn 22 M 23 Tu 24 W 2S Th 26 F 27 S 26 Sii 2S M 3C iklsC«ni9Miy Mi« BElnTNERATnrB AOdDEHT FOUCV At fa per 91000. I . :■' 'i! Sixth Month. JUNE-30 Days. Begins on Sunday. MOON'S CHANGES. PHASES. Full Moon. Last Quar. New Moon. First Quar. D. 8 16 22 29 Quebec^ h. m. 3 04p.m. 9 49a.m. 48a.m. 1 29a.m. Montreal. h. m. 2 66p.m. 9 40a.m. 39a.m. 1 20a.m. Toronto, h. m. 2 32p.m. 9 17a.m. 16a.m. 67a.m. TunHght, \ beg's. ends, p.m. a.m. 6 07 8 49 5 06 8 63 6 06 8 67 5 07 8 68 .9 J -9 . I « I © DAY. W. M. Sn M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sa M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sii M 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 ANNIYEBSABIES, EVENTS, Ac. PBNTBcoffr.— Whtt SmroAY • . . . . Ethelbert, baptized by St. Augustine 697. . William Harvey died 1667 Countess of Blessington, novelist, d. 1849. St. Boniface^ Apostle of the Germans 765. y auban, mihtary engineer, died 1704 Bobert Bruce, Scottish hero, died 1329. . . . Tbinut SniTDAT Charles Dickens died 1870 First Council of Nice 312 W. Bryant, poet, died 1878 CoBPUs Chbisti St. Anthony of Padua 1231 Insurrection of Wat Tyler 1881. 1st Sunday aptbe Tbinity. . . . Bishop Joseph Butler, died 1752 J. Wesley, found, of the Methodistfiy b. 1703 William Cobbett, died 1835 Magna Charta signed 1215 , Accession of Queen Victoria 1837 , Length of Day 15 h. 62 m , 2nd Sunday aftbb Trinity. (Longest day) Lord Chancellor Campbell died 1861 St. John Ihe Baptist First Wesleyan conference 1784 Gilbert White, naturalist, died 1793 John Murray, eminent publisher, d. 1843. Queen Victoria crowned 1838 3rd Sunday aftxb Trinity.— Sf. Peter. . Borne captured by the French 1849 , MONTBEAL. SUN rises, sets. h. m. 4 09 09 08 08 07 06 06 4 06 06 05 05 06 05 05 4 06 04 04 05 06 05 05 4 06 06 06 06 06 07 08 4 08 4 08 h. m. 7 46 47 48 48 49 60 61 KOON ON M*N 7 62 52 53 53 63 64 64 7 66 65 66 67 57 67 67 7 68 68 68 68 58 68 68 7 68 7 68 h. m. p.m. 7-46 8 30 9 14 »68 10 44 1L31 p.m. 1 1 2 07 66 48 3 80 4 17 6.06 6 62 6 4r 7 32 8 26 9 24 10 24^ 11 26; a.m. 28 28 1 2 26 3 19 4 4 10 67 5 44 6 27 !'• ■ V i. [ ■ :f • t ! i VHB CmZRSIS WSHVWUkXCm €O.-HllM,0«0 depoitfi with Oanftdiui GbrwiimMt for iptolal Moofity ^f BtUqr fcriiwib fi'.S i* tic mm ^L'. ■■■> A Si i,; ! .'r ' 16 ADYEBTISEMENT. EAGLE FOUNDRY GEORGE BRUSH, King & Queen Streets, Montreal, Maker of TEAM INGIHl Steam Boilers, Hoisting Engines, Steam Pumps, CiFCular Saw Mills, Bark Mills, Water Wheels, Mill Gearing, Hangers & Pulleys, Hand and Power Hoists for Warehouses, &c., &c ALSO, SOLE MANUFACTURER OF BLAKE'S "CHALLENGE'' STONE BBEAKEB, Baragwanath Patent Feed Water Heater, AND AOBKT FOB *• Water's" Perfect Steam Engine OoTemor«,and *<Heald A SIseo's" €entrifniral Pumps, M 7 Tu 8 W 9 Th 10 F 11 S 12 Sa 13 M 14 Tu 15 W 16 Th 17 F 18 S 19 Sa 20 M 21 Tu 22 W 23 Th 24 F 25 S 26 Sii 27 M 28 Tu 29 W 30 Th 31 M VBB asnwamm insitkabice comwANT.-'Wum uai ■; ( '■ f. A — ldMit » C ayttol MasSiMd. *f;-;if(. !,■ Seventh Month. jmY-31 Days. Begins on Tuesday. MOON'S CHANGES. PHASBS FullMdcm. Last Quar. New Moon First Quar. o. 7 16 21 29 Qftebee. h. 6 4 8 5 m. lj6».llL 53p.m. 09a.m. 16p.m. Montreal, h. 6 4 8 5 m. 06a.m. 44p.m. 00a.m. 07p.m. TorofUo» h. 4 4 7 4 m. 48lt.m. 21p.m. 87a.m. 44p.m. Twilight, beg'i. a.m. 3 U 3 20 8 26 S 86 endi. a.m. 8 67 8 61 8 46 8 36 a q e a I I lis DAT. w. Tu W Th F S M Tu W Th F S • • M Tu W Th F S M Tu W Th F S Sii M Tu W Th 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 ANNIVERSARIES, EVENTS, Ac, A\^' ' ^ - First Steamboat on the Thames l*>t. . . . . Sir Robert Peel died 1850. Battle of Gettytburff 1863 . . Jeffenon, 8rd President of U. F., died 1825. Battle of Stoney Greek 1813 4th SUMOAT AXVBB TBINTTY . . . , , j John Hubs burnt 1415 Edmund Burke died 1797 Z. Taylor, President of TJ. S., died 1860 . . . Maryatt, sailor's novelist, bom 1792 Macklin, celebrated comedian, died 1797. . Crimea evacuated by English 1866 5th Sunday aftbb Tbinitty. Richard Bentley, controversialist, d. 1742 St. Swithln's Day Bdranger, French poet, died 1857 .... Charlotte Corday guillotined 1793. .. . Petrarch, Italian poet, 1374 . . Bishop Wilberforce died 1873. . . •••'•«••■• 6th Sunday aftbb Tbinity. ••••■• Battle of Bull's Run, U. S., 1861. . St. Mary Magdalen Mug-house riots, London, 1716 Gibraltar captured by the Engltsh 1701 . . . Charles Dibdin, sailor's poet, died 1814. . . Don Roderick of Spain killed 711. ........ 7''* Sunday aftbb Tbinity •••••••tfi Robespierre guillotitaed 1794 Andrew Marvell, poet, died 1678 Wm. Penn (Pensylvania), died 1718. Ignatiu=5 Loyala. .Tosuit, died 1556. . . MONTREAL. SUN rises, h. m. 09 10 10 11 11 4 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 4 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 4 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 4 33 4 35 4 36 4 37 4 S8 sets. m. 68 68 68 67 67 7 66 66 66 65 54 54 53 7 52 61 51 61 60 49 48 7 47 46 45 44 42 41 40 7 38 37 30 35 11 03 11 61 p.m. 28 16 03 51 4 39 6 28 6 19 7 13 8 10 9 10 10 11 11 09 a.m. 10 1 05 1 58 2 48 3 35 4 21 5 06 5 51 6 36 ' It ' • I ■ II I' I I ■,■•!■. : '..y !!' .; mr mi «■'. . 'zt 18 ADVXBTISBMENT. BmiS MMUnCTURIRG CO. Colored Paints, Dry Colors, ' MACHINERY OILS i AXLE GREAS E ANDDEAXmtSIK Painter's and Printers' Materials Generally. PRINTING INK For Newspaper and Job Printing, of which thit Book it a Speeifnen, M-ANUPACTURBD BY THE BAYLIS MANUFACTURING CO. Aim A€CI]»Elirr.-C AFIT AI.9 •l,lSt»««#. EiRbth Month, f AUGUST-31 Days. nson fiday. MOON*S OHANOE8. PHAiai. Fall Moon. Last Qaar. New Moon. FiritQoar. D. 6 18 90 Qitebte. 9 21p.m. 10 S8p.m. 5 Oi^.m. 28 10 66a.m. Montreal, h. m. 12p.m. 10 14p.m. 6 00p.m. 10 47a.m. Toronto, li. m. 6 40p.m. 51p.m. 4 87p.m. 10 24a.m. TwUight beg*a, DAT. w. M F 1 S 2 Sn 8 M 4 Ta 6 W 6 Th 7 F 8 S 9 Sn 10 M 11 Tu 12 W 13 Th 14 F 16 S 16 Sa 17 M 18 Tu 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 S 28 Sn 24 M 26 Ttt 26 W 27 Th 28 F 29 S 80 Sit 81 ANNITBBSABIES, STUNTS, Ao. Bmandp. of SUyea in Brit. Ckkkmiea 1834. Lord Herbert, Brit. iUteam«n, died 1861. 8th SVNDAT junmm Trmtr Admiral Duncan (Oamperdown), died 1804 Lord Howe, naral hero, died 1799. ...... Ben. Johnaon, dr ftmatiet, died 1687 Lonitf Philippe prod. Xing of France 1880 George Oatnning, atateaman, died 1827. . . ZaaakWalton, patron Bt.of Anglan, h.l698 •th SvxiLtr Aram Tnanrr NoUekena, oelebrated aonlptor, died 1787. George Stephenaon, engineer, died 1848. . LaTcdaier, eminent chraiiat, died 1748. . . . Dean Bookland, geologie^ died 1866. . . . . Joe Miller, oome^an, £ed 1788 Thomaa Fuller, author, died 1661 10th SvusAT xnMM Tbortt Jamea Beattie, poet, died, 1808 Robert Bloomfleld, poet, died, 1828 Lord Herbert of Gherbury, 1648 Ladj MaryWortley Montagu, died, 1762. . Warren Haatinga, died, 1818 Wallace, Seottiah hero, died, 1806 11th SuvBAT Ams TniHxiT Sir Wm. HeradheU, aatronom., died, 1822. Dr. Adam Clarke, diTine, died, 1882 Jamea Thomaon, poet, died, 1748 Leigh Hunt, poet and critic, died 1869. . . . John Locke, philoaopher, bom 1682 John Boaa, Arctic narigator, died 1866. . . 12th SUHDAT AVTSB TBIHITT MONTBBAL. riaea. ■UH h. m. 4 40 4 41 4 42 4 48 4 46 4 46 4 47 4 48 4 49 4 61 62 64 65 56 67 69 6 00 01 02 OS 06 06 07 5 09 10 11 12 14 15 17 6 18 acta. h. m. 7 82 7 81 7 80 29 27 26 24 22 21 7 19 18 16 16 18 11 09 7 08 06 04 02 01 6 69 6 67 6 66 6 54 6 52 6 50 6 46 6 47 6 46 6 42 MOOH OH 1E*V h. m. p.m. 8 67 9 45 10 84 11 28 a.m. 1 00 1 48 8 87 8 26 •4 5 17 10 6 04 7 01 8 00 858 9 56 10 52 11 46 p.m. 87 1 26 2 18 2 59 8 4 5 5 6 7 ■ ■ 46 80 16 58 60 88 8 26 t:- ^^ •ii ■l^- ll l" . . ' ' i' . ' it] 'L' ' ,-; ■■'\ . ■ i v-\ ■■ ■! l? . CITI9E]|iJS(it'RA!f€KCOn[PAJIT-I«IFR BRAlfCH. ^^ emlifkrrniiMlfiv roip«l|iloiiii, Forefffo travel mM :o ADVEBTISEMENT. 16 St. James Street West, D E 3 K 16 O Styles Office, ?mm\ and School -^ t^S- ^ ■a oceaiMitlaB do ■•< wUk tkm FMlejr* M^a SEPTEMBER-30 Days. Kry? MOON'S CHANGES. PHAI IBB. Quebec, MofUreal. Toronto, TioU beg's. ight, ends. p.m. 7 37 7 28 7 07 4 51 flfl 00 QQ Full Moon. 4 Last Quar. 11 New Moon. 18 First Quar. 26 h. 11(1. 6 10a.m. 3 31a.m. 4 52a.m. 5 85a.m. h. m. 6 01a.m. 3 32a.m. 4 43a.m. 5 26a.m. h. m. 5 38a.m. 2 59a.m. 4 20a.m. 5 03a.m. a.m. 4 22 4 31 4 41 4 52 DATS. 1 AKNIYEBSABIES, EVENTS, Ao. MONTREAL. [ w. M Tu W Th F S Hn M Tu W Th F M. 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SI rises. rN sets. MOON ON X*N Louis XIV of PranPft died 1715 h. m. 5 19 5 21 5 22 6 23 5 26 5 26 6 27 5 29 5 30 5 31 5 32 5 34 6 36 5 37 6 38 6 39 5 40 5 41 5 43 5 44 6 45 5 47 648 5 49 5 51 6 52 6 53 5 54 h. m. 6 41 6 88 6 37 6 36 6 32 6 31 6 29 6 26 6 26 6 23 6 21 6 19 6 17 6 14 6 13 6 11 6 09 6 07 6 06 6 03 6 01 5 68 6 57 5 55 6 62 6 61 5 49 5 47 h. m. p.m. 10 (14 10 53 11 42 a.m. 1 21 2 12 3 05 4 00 4 57 5 54 6 12 7 49 8 44 9 88 10 29 11 08 11 69 p.m. 61 1 37 2 23 3 10 3 56 4 46 5 30 6 18 7 06 7 64 8 42 Great Fire of Lou OliTer Cromwell Blyer Hudson dii John Home, Scott Si^ratford Jubilee 1?th SUHDAT A 1*1 idon 1666 . died 1658 icovered 1( dsh dramal 1769 too dst, died 1808. PVR TaTifmr. Battle of Floddei Dr. T. Sheridan, Oaptaiu Basil Ha Lord Metcalfe, di Charles James Fc 11513 Irish scholar, died 1738. 11, author, died 1844.... Led 1846... S » died 1R0 6 1 Su M Tu W Th F S Sa M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu 14th Sunday aftxb Tbimiv Brunei, ciril engineer, died Fahrenheit (Thermometer), Cardinal Bellarmin died 169 T 1859 died 1736 .... 1. Joseph Locke, en Lord Sydenham ( Owen Glendower, 15th Sunday af gineer; died 1860 lied 1841 Welsh patriot died 1416 TTBR Thiw rrT . Virgil, Latin poet, 19 B. C . Charles L of Bngland, dethi Lord Hardinge, Indian gem Richard Porson, Greek" scho Philadelphia oantuvAd i777. ronad 1640. . . . )ral, died 1856. lar, died 1808. St. Vincent de P 16th SUKDAT A.V aullWO... iSB Thinh chadmaa J id, preaohe 'Y St, Mi Georg oAael.—- Ifi eWhiteflel Oay r, died 1770... 6 56 5 67 6 46 6 43 \i M m onumrs uisomAiicB coMPAVT^iiOAm :|' \^\LLEff S<iob< TJ5^A.OTXJiaES.S or BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS — .fOB — Merchants, Manufacturers, Railroad, Bank and other Corporations. MAPS AND PLANS MOUNTED. / Counting House and School Requisites. INKS, TWINES, WRAPPING PAPERS, &COm &0. &0. MONTREAL Tentli Month. OCTOBER— 30 Days. >?Sn"i<£; MOON'S GHAKOES. PBAIM. Fall Moon. LMt Quftr. New Moon. VintQuvr. s. 4 10 18 26 Quebec. h. m. 5 16p.m. 9 44a.m. 7 46p.m. 00a.m. Montreal. 6 9 7 m. ^. 06p.m. S6a.m. 37p.m. 00a.m. (Midnight) Toronto, TwHight. beg»i.|<ndi. h. m. 4 43p.m. 12a.m. 7 14pm. 11 87p.m. a.m. 6 2 6 10 6 28 6 80 p.m. 6 88 6 10 6 07 6 66 DAT. W. W Th F S Sa M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Su M Tu W Th F ANiriYBBSABIES, EVENTS, Ao. MONTREAL. Corneille, tragic dramatiit, died 1684 Dr. Ohaoning, Unitarian minuter died 1842 A. E. Ohalon, B.A.. died 1860 St. Franeia qf Aaaiaif died 1226 , . . 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 26 27 28 20 30 81 8VX. rites. 6 l7th SVKDAT ArT>B Tbinttt . Loais-Philippe« King of Franoe, born 1773 Edgar Allan Foe, Aln'oan poet, died 1849 Bienzi aiiassinated, 1364 St. Dent's, patron Saint of France, 272. . . . Father Mathew, Temp, apostle, bom 1790. Zwingli, Swiss Beformer, died 1631 18th SUirOAT AFTBB Tbixitt Ganova, eminent Sculptor, died 1822 Battle of Hastings, England, 1066 Wynward's Ghost seen at Quebec, 1786. . . John Hunter, anatomist, died 1793 Sir Philip Sidney, poet and hero, died 1686 St. Luke , h. m. 6 61 6 66 6 68 6 02 6 04 6 06 6 07 6 08 6 09 6 10 6 11 6 13 6 16 6 16 6 18 6 20 6 22 6 23 sets. MOOM OH M'N h. m. 5 46 5 44 6 40 6 88 5 36 19th SUHOAT AFTBB TBIIflTT. 6 24 Lord Palmexston, Statesman, bom 1784 Horatio, Lord Nelson, killed 1805. Sir Philip Francis (Junius) born 1740 The Irish Massacre, 1641 Sir Jas. Mackintosh, pol'oal writer b. 1766 St. Criapin*a Day. Bat. of Agincourt, 1416 20th SUKOAT AFTBB TBDnTT. Brutus, assassin of J. Gtesar, died 42 B.G. . St. Simon and St. Jude John Keats, poet, born 1796 Bichard Brinsley Sheridan, bom 1761. . . . AU HaUowa JSTue, or Halloween 26 26 27 28 29 30 6 32 6 34 6 36 6 37 6 38 6 30 32 29 26 23 19 17 6 14 12 10 09 08 08 07 5 06 6 06 6 04 00 68 67 56 4 66 4 64 4 62 4 60 4;46 4 40 h. m. p.m. 10 19 11 10 a.m. 66 1 48 2 49 8 48 4 47 6 46 6 41 7 84 8 26 9 18 9 69 10 46 11 82 p.m. 18 1 04 1 60 2 37 3 24 4 11 4 69 6 46 6 38 7 20 8 07 8 66 9 47 \ t I . !]' I I'r Jt, THOB dnSENS IBTSITRAXCB CO.-FU&E BRANCH, ■iredt for wblcli low fiijrares will be qaot«d% ; Jk^entUm 24 ADTERTISEMENT. DAWES & CO ESTABLISHED 1820. India Pale Ale and XX Mild Ale. No. 1 Strong Ale& Extra Stout Porter Brewery, Lachine, P.Q. OFFICE 179 ST. JAMES STREET WEST, MONTREAL. JOHN B. OWENS, fgn atifl ||onse liait|ter. eRAiNiire, eii.DiK«, Whitewashing, - Tintinff, ^aper Hanging, <&c. Ac Ac. ALL KINDS OF SIGNS MADE TO ORDER. JBonseliotd mnd crood €oiaiii«r4*ial R4t«ks upeciailj In all prineipnl towns. LosAeM paid, over •I«809«< Eleventh Month. NOVEMBER-30 Days. Bei^ins on Saturday. MOON'S CHANGES. PHABX8« Full Moon. Last Quar. New Moon. First Quar. D. 2 9 17 25 Quebec. h. m. 3 51a.m. 6 27p.m. 1 16p.m. 5 20p.m. Montreal. h. 3 6 1 5 m. 42a.m. 18p.m. 07p.m. 11p.m. Toronto, h. 3 5 4 m. 19a.m. 56p.m. 44p.m. 48p.ra. Twilight. 1 beg'i. ends. a.m. p.m. 5 44 5 44 5 54 5 34 6 06 5 24 6 17 5 18 i s. DAY. w. M. s 1 Hn 2 M 3 Tu 4 W 5 Th 6 F 7 S 8 Sn 9 M 10 Tu 11 W 12 Th 13 F 14 S 15 Su 16 M 17 Tu 18 W 19 Th 20 F 21 8 22 Su 23 M 24 Tu 25 W 26 Th 27 F 28 8 29 Sn 3. ANNIVEBSABIES, fiVENTS, <fcc. All SainVa Day. , 2l8t Sunday aitxb Trinitt , MendelsshoBi musical compowr, died 1847 Paul Delaroche, painter, died 1856 Gunpowder Plot, 1606 Sir Martin Frobisher, naval expl., d. 1594. Gob. Adolphui, King of Sweden, k'd 1632. Madame Roland guillotined 1793 22ud Sunday aiteb TRnnxY Canute the Dane, King of Eng., died 1035. Sit, Martin. — Martinmas. The Order of Fools founded 1381 St. Augustine Shower of Falling Stars at Niagara 1833. Henry Ireton died 1651 23rd Sunday aftbb Trinity Queen Elizabeth's Day 1679 Cardinal Reginald Pole died 1558 «1ohn Valpy, Editor of classics, 1854. . , . . . Thomas Chatterton, Bristol poet, 1^ 1752. Gresham, Founder of London Ex., d, 1579. St. Jecilia 24th Sunday afibb Tbinity John Knox, Scottish Reformer, died 1572. iS^. Gather*ne''s Day John Elwes, noted miser, died 1789 Great Storm in England 1703 Baron Bunsen, statesman & phij. di. 1860. Prince Rupert died 1682 is^ Sunday in Advbnt MONTREAL. SUN. rises. h. m. 6 48 6 44 6 45 6 47 6 49 6 50 6 52 6 53 6 54 6 56 6 57 6 58 7 00 7 01 7 02 7 04 06 07 09 10 11 13 7 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 7 23 sets. h. m 4 45' 4 44 43 41 39 38 36 35 4 34 32 31 31 29 28 27 4 25 24 24 22 21 21 20 4 19 18 18 17 16 16 15 4 15 MOON ON H'N h. m. p.m. 11 35 a.m. 84 1 2 48 36 3 37 4 5 35 30 6 22 7 12 7 59 8 45 9 30 10 15 11 00 11 46 p.m. 33 1 2 2 3 20 07 54 41 4 28 5 5 14 59 6 46 7 34 8 24 9 17 10 18 \.. ',. I . r1 f ■.^1 CITIWXS IX»URAAX£ OOSIFANT.— STO ADTA!f TAORS OR Rg CUMlTl TO 961 ADYEBTISEMENT. oomnos utal wobbs E8iabti8hed Haifa Century, HOT "STT'JLT^iie* AKD STEAM ENGINEERS, Brass and Iron Fonndersy FinisherS) COPPERSMITHS, MACHINISTS, GASFIHERS, &c. MAKUrAOTUBETlS OF CAST IRON, STEAM & HOT WATER FITTINGS, Engineers' and Steamfitters' Brass and Copper Woi*k, And all descriptions of work for aas and Water Works, DistllUrit i, Breweriti^ Sugar EeflaeriiSy kt,^ fte. IBOHr FOrifDRT: Corner Malsonneuve & Dorchester Sts. OFFICE AND MANIJFACTORT : MONTREAL. '9 ♦■■ CAMABIAir dMDPAXT OFFSBS AVT Twelfth Month. DECEMBER-31 Days. Begins on Monday. MOON'S CHANGES. PEU.8XI. Fall Moon. Last Quar, New Moon. First Quar. Full Moon If. 2 9 17 25 81 Quebec. h. m. 7 13a.m. 5 87. am. 8 81a.m. 8 27a.m. 32a.m. Montreal: h. 7 5 8 8 m. 22a.m. 46a.m. 40a.m. 35a.m. 41a.m. Toronto. h. 5 m. 50a.m. 14a.m. 8 08a.m. 8 03a.m. 09a.m. Twilight. beg's. a.m. 6 26 34 41 45 6 6 6 6 45 ends. p.m. 5 14 12 12 16 21 DAT. W. M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th F S Sn M Tu W Th SSgSgS 5rt Ortga a Q Q ANNICTBBSABIES, EVENTS, Ac. MONTEEAL. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pope Leo X died 1521 St, Francis Xavier bom 1695 Flaxman, celebrated sculptor, died 1826. . Cardinal Bichelieu died 1642 Mozart, musical composer, died 1792 St Nicholas Day 2nd SuiTDAT IN Adybnt 7 32 Conception of the Virgin Mary , John Milton, poet, bom 1608 Boyal Academy, Eng, founded 1768 Charles Wesley, musician, born 1757 Sir M. J. Brunei (Thames Tunnel), d. 1849 Dr. Samuel Johnson died 1784 suw 3rd Sunday in Advent Izaak Walton died 1683 SirW. Petty, L. Lansdowne's anctr, b. 1623 Beethoven, musical composer, bom 1770. . Prince Bupert born 1619 Augustin Pugin, architect, died 1832 Napoleon III elected President 1848 St. Thomas. 4th Sunday in Ad-^nt. . . F 26 S 27 Sn 28 M 29 Tu 30 W 81 Dr. Pritchard, ethnologist, died 1848 Prince Albert (Consort of Q.) buried 1861 George Crabbe, poet, bom 1754 Chbiitscab Day , , St. Stephen''s Day , St. John the Evangelist 1st Sunday aftnb Chhibtmas. Marquis of Dalhousie died 1860 Boger Asoham, eminent scholar, died 1668 Charles Edward Stuart, Pretender, b. 1721 7 38 10 40 41 41 41 42 7 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 7 46 7 45 7 45 7 45 sets. h. m. 4 14 13 13 13 12 12 4 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 4 12 12 12 4 12 13 13 14 4 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 4 19 4 19 4 21 4 21 MOON ON M'N h. m. a.m. 15 1 2 3 4 18 20 19 15 6 07 5 6 7 56 43 29 8 13 8 58 9 44 10 30 11 17 11 59 p.m. 50 1 39 2 25 3 11 3 4 5 6 7 7 57 42 28 16 05 57 8 53 9 42 10 54 ! ; u i I I I ;;( r" : ;i honorable treatment guaranteed 28 POST OFFICE. mm *'■ POST OFFICE DEPAETMENT. OTTAWA Poatmaater-Oeneral Hoir. Johh CABuira. Deputy Postmaster-General Wm. Hbkbt Gbipfin. Secretary LT.-Coii. WilijIam Whits. Accountant ,... H. A. Wickstbbd. Superintendent mOrder^Branch. | j cuhhihqhaic SrawjaiT. Cashier Johk Ashwobth. _^ MONTREAL. Major G. Laxothb Postmaster. M. Embbt AsBistant-Poatmaster. Clerks. — \st Class: H. A, Bourret, H. Huddell, J. McKeown, y. BaiUargeon, J. L. Palmer, T. F. lAraezieur. 2nd Class: F. Pridham, S. Johnston, E. Mayer, J. C. Sims, O. Clement, A. Loftus, J. Senez, A. de Bostaing, A. A. de Ga8p6, D. O'Connor, F. X. Beauregard, T. Desnoyer, H. Goyette, and J. B. D'Aoust, 3rd Class: J. E. Barcelo, B. J. Arleas. A. E. Auger, B. Duncan^ J. Filiatrault A. A. Doray, G. Beaudoin, J. E. Benaud, Thos. Harding, L..Jjefebyre. E. Chagnon, A. J. Hamelin, G. LefebTre, A. Larose,!. Chase, U. Bondeau, W. Hayden, G. A, T. Leduc, J. Thompson, H. T. Gaudry, G. Coutl6e, A. Lord, J. Gillies, G. Lefebvre, B. Conlon, J. Thimens, D. Cameron, B. T. Daniel, W. W. Johnson, E. H. Ouelette, H. E. Forbes, W. J. McElroy, Thos. Lapointe. A. 0. Larin, J. P. Whelan, M. P. Biordan, D. Tansey, P. O'Neill, J. McBobie, M. Humphries, E. Jolicour, L. D. E. Mayer. Stamper: J. Collins; Bag Tenders: James Maher and B. Talbot. Messenger : J. Bennet. Engineer in charge of Heating Apparatus: J. Watson. Fireman and Night Watchman: A. Trudel. Joiner : L. Benois. Letter Carriers: E. Q. Dowd, P. Lapointe, A. Dufresne, J. B. Plante, D. V. de Grand Pr6, J. OallaiyjJ. Kelly, P. Calla^, L. Dube, J. Thibodeau, Ig. St. Amour, W. Bozen, P. Clark, W. ■■ ^^mi Ml I r I I I - -I , II I I by Atfl af Fftrllaim«nit*^IJndoiibtoa Seoority U affazded aiiia bigk^MtmAym •f lU Pr^prietairj and Directors. POST OFFICE. 29 Bergin, L. N. Barrette, A. C. St. Amour, G. Plante. P. L^gac^, J. BathuTSt. A. J. Bissonnette, H. Goueineau, S. Laramie, G. Lefebvre, C. A. E. Teroux, Joseph Giroux, F. O. Baulnes, S. Demers, N. Gusson, J. B. Moreau, H. Chevalier, P. J. F. McSfaane, L. H. Darby, L. Simard, P. Jacques, J. Lussier, T. Gallaghan, T. Guertin^ H. Flanagan, J. A. Beaudreau, J. L. E. Doray, J. Grant, A. Carriere, J. Power, D. O'Dcnohue, Ulric Clermont, J.. Phoenix, J. Fenoughty, J. Meehan, L. J. Demers, J. McAfee, L. E. Carle, W. Villenneuve. Temporary Clerha ; G. Lariyiere, T. Pearson. Temporary Car- rier: F. I^ouffe. Letter Carriers at Point St. Charles: W. Murphy and S. Gtorman. P. O. IKBEPCTOB^B Ottiok.— Montreal Division:— IE. F. King, Inspector ; David Kelligan, Assistant Inspector ; F. J. Logic, T. Himter, J. A. Madore, J. F. Pelletier, clerks ; P. I^elligan, mes- senger. The Bailway Mail Clerks, forty-three in number, F. Briegel, Chief Bailway Mail Clerk, serving on the following sections of railway : Grand Trunk Bailway, Montreal and Kingston, Mont- real am. Island Pond, Vermont Central Bailway, Shefford Bail- way, the South Eastern Bailway, the Massivrippi Bailway, Occidental Bailway, and the English Mail Train Service between Montreal. Bimouski and Halifax, are attached to the office of the Post Office Inspector, Montreal. CiTT Postal Dbliybby. The following are the arrangements in connection with Free Postal Delivery in the City of Montreal : There are no fees chargeable on the delivery of Letters or Papers. There are five deliveries daily, Sundays excepted, in the central portions of the city, served from the General Post Office, com- mencing respectively at 8.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., 11.30 a.m., 2.00 p.m., and 3.80 p.m., and four deliveries in the other portions of the city, served from the postal receiving offices, commencing at 8.00 a.m., 11.00 a.m,, 12.30 p.m., and 3.00 p.m., excepting, however, the more distant divisions north of Sherbrooke street in the northern and eastern portions of the city, in which there also served from the postal receiving offices, commencing at 8.00 a.m., and 12.30 p.m., with an additional delivery at 3.00 p.m., on Saturdays. There are three postal receiving offices : one in the east at No. 638 St. Catharine street ; one in the north, at No. 333 St. Lawrence Main street ; and one at 444 Notre Dame street West. Point St. Charles. — Two deliveries daily: .9 a.m., and 2.30 p.m 1 ■'> w i nv'- r ■; :'i:.^ • J. •* tlie CsatlBMit fti 80 POST OFFICE. Persons receiving their letters by letter carriers should, in the event of their removal, advise their correspondents, and at once send their new address, in writing, to the Postmaster. The receiving houses are also open for the sale of postage stamps and the reception of registered and other mailable matter from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Street Letter Boxes are visited at 9.15 a.m., 12.30 p.m., 5.30 p.m.. 7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. On Sundays at 7.30 p.m. Letters intended for the Western and Eastern Mails leaving in the morning should be posted at the Head Oifice after 9.30 p.m. to ensure transmissi<»i without delay. Every effort is made to secure the satisfactory working of these arrangemients. If, however, irregularities occur, they should be at once reported to the Postmaster. RATES AND REGULATIONS. P08TA0S BATBS, I<BTTXB8. Between places within the Dominion 3 cts. iter 4 oz. Between Canada and the United States 8 cts. per | os. City or Drop Letters for City Delivery 1 cent per ^ os. The above rates must in every case be prepaid by postage stamp. When posted wholly unpaid they cannot be forwarded, but will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. Insufficiently paid letters for Canada, in which the first half once rate of postage is fully prepaid, are forwarded charged with double the deficient postage. Insufficiently paid letters for. or from the United States, on which a single rate of postage or more has been paid, are charged with the deficient postage on delivery. The prepaid postage on letters to the United Kingdom and Newfoundland is 5 cents per ^ oz. Wholly unpaid letters for or from the United Kingdom and the other Postal Union countries (except the United States), are charged double postage on deliv- ery, and insufficiently prepaid letters double the deficiency. Ko letter, &c.j can be forwarded registered to any destination unless both the postage and registration fee have been fiilly prepaid. Post Cabdb. Poet Cards issued at one cent each cannot be transmitted to any place beyond Canada or the United States. Post Bands can be obtained at the rate of $1.25 per hundred. Post Cards for Correspondence between Canada and the Postal Union countries, are sold at the Stamp Agendei at 2 cents each. inUOULliMMlREMirifERATITB ACCIDKVT POIJIOT at 90 per •100«. POST OFFICE. 81 Bb-Bibxctbd Lsttbss. To any place in Canada^ the United States and Pottal Union CoimtrieB.—BA'direcied Lettora within the Dominion or United Statei will be forwarded without any additional charge if not taken firom the of&ce or if handed back at the moment of their delirery, but if taken from the office and subsequently re-posted they must be prepaid at least one rate, in default of which they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Ottawa. Letters originating in Canada re-directed to any of the Postal Union countries, will be forwarded even if taken out of the office and subsequently re-posted. IfAnxB WHICH Gauhot bk Fobwabdbd Thbottgh thb Post. Any Explosiye Substance, glass, liquids, or other matter likely to entail risk or injury to the ordinary contents of the mail, will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, Ottawa. Spectacles and eye-glasses, if securely put up in cases not likely to idlow the contents to escape if broken in course of conveyance, may be sent by post within the Dominion on prepayment of parcel post rates. Letters containing gold or silver, money, jewels, or precious articles, or anything liable to customs duties, cannot be forwarded by post to any of the Postal Union countries, except to the United States. Bboibtbbbd Lbttbbb. Letters intended to be registered, when addressed to places in Oanada or Newfoundland, must be prepaid by stamp, 2 cents each ; to the United States, 6 cents eadi ; in addition to the post- age rate. All classes of matter may be registered to Postal Union coun- tries, and the sender may entitle himself to an acknowledgment of deliTerr £rom the party addressed by the payment of a fee of 6 oents in addition to the registration fee. « All letters for Begistration should be posted 15 minutes before the hour of closing ordinary Mails, and SO minutes befere closing of English Mails. Registered Letter Stamps have been issued of the denomination of 2, 5 and 8 cents, which may be obtained at the usual places. Th«y can only be used in payment of Begistration Fees. Kbwspapbbs and Pbbiobioals published regularly at intervals of not more than one calendar month, havii^ a ftill title, the place, date of publication, and the number of the issue printed at the top of the first page, posted by the publishers in the Post Office at the place where they are printed, and addressed to regular subscribers, or newsdealers, resident in Newfoundland, the United States, or Canada, except at the place of publication, are transmitted free of postage. ! : I J 1 i:. iti ' 1-1 I I with Oftnadian QoTernment for «peoial MOOflty of Miej HoWw» !! m ^11 32 POST OFFICE. Transient Nbwspapbbb and Pbbiodioals Addressed to Places IN Canada, Newfoundland and United States. On all newspapers and periodicals other than those from the oiBoe of publication, inolnding all newspapers and periodicals published less frequently than once a month, the postage rate is one cent per four ounces, which must be prepaid by postage stamp. Newspapers and periodicals weighing less than one oz. many be posted singly ; if prepaid by postage stamp, one-half cent each. Newspapers ftrom Offtces of Publications posted for City Deliv- ery are not delivered by Letter Carrier unless .prepaid one cent each by stamp. Newspapers and periodicals published in l&e United Kingdom, and re-posted by News Agents to regular subscribers, are not liable to any additional postage. Paboxii Post. Parcels closed at the end and sides, and not exceeding five lbs. in weight, may be posted at any Post OfKce in Canada for convey- ance to any Post Office in the Dominion (nith the exception noted below) at the following rates : — Not exceeding 4 oz.. 6 cents. *' " 8 oz., 12 cents. For each additional 4 ounces, or fraction thereof, 6 cents. The size of a parcel must not exceed two feet in length, or one foot in breadth or thickness. The postage must be prepaid by stamp, and the parcel should be marked " by Parcel Post." Par- cels may be registered by affixing a 6 cent Registration Stamp thereto, in addition to the postage. Parcels cannot be transmitted by Post to any place beyond the limits of Canada, nor can any parcel be forwarded to British Columbia or Manitoba, the route of transit being through the United States, which exceeds 2 lbs. 3 ozs. in weight. Parcels up to 6 lbs. may however be mailed for "Winnipeg. Miscellaneous Postal Mattfr. Books and Pamphlets, Printed Circulars, Prices Current, Hand- ""i*'^?®^ ^B,^ Newspaper Manuscript, Printers' Proofs, Macs and Pnntft, Engravings, Sheet Music, Photographs, Insurance Policies, Mihtia and School Returns, Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs and Roots, for Canada, Newfoundland and the United States, mav be posted, prepaid by stamp, at one cent per four ounces, provided they be sent in covers open at the ends or sides, and so put up as to^dmit of the contents being, if necessary, easily withdrawn for examination; if enclosed with written communications, or in sealed envelopes notched at the end or sides, letter rate of postage ADVERTISEMENT. 32a L4D •1^ 9) 94 M 4 a / / ID 8) <l \ \ ;i CO 1 w CO eo oo / o 0) CO CVJ I o CO \ \ I (0 00 \, CD 10 CO I o CO 00 o CO I 00 00 \ <#%) 'J 0> N 00 eo r CO 00 00 I <^ < q: ill ■ i t ««^ CO i X ^ o CO o o z 1 I 2* 1 , . 1 1 km' ■i: ■M^ hm i Siiif m ■ v.f- A. It 326 ADVEaXISEMENT. ^MOKpLLERS* iHave Removed'ito No. 233 St. James Street, Sld-^T OT" THE GrOIjDB35T O'WL- I=».iLI=EI5 Of all Kinds for OFFICE USE and Fancy Papers for HOME USE. DRAWING and TRACING PAPERS, And othftr Engineering Requisites. '■»#♦ Made to Order, of any Pattern required, and of the Best Materials. DaWSOK J3ROTHERS, No. 233 St. James Street. ADVEETISEMENT. 82e FIRE and 4 MARINE. 160 St. James Street, - - MONTREAL ANDREW ROBERTSON, Esq., President Hon. J. Re THIBAUDEAU, Vice-President. JAMES DAVISON, ABTBUB aAaNOlT, Manager. Sec-Treaa' J J, LHQRIB 4 B MANUFACTURERS OF Corliss Automatic Steam Engines, SHAPIPING, ^ULLBYS, I^ANGBI^S^ And all Kinds of Machinery, 72 & 74 Wellington and 81 & 83 Prince Streets, IMIOlTTI^E^Xi- t < Ik: ■I.I:'-!! I-;! I; 32(1 ADVERTISEMKNT. WT^ m iM m I'" THE CITY or LONDON iiouranite^lomiiang Of LONDON, England. CAPITAL. - $10,000,000. Deposit with Canadian Government, (For Security of Canadian Policy Holders) -^ SI 00,00 O-^- Insures all Descriptions of Property AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. 53 and 55 St. Francois Xavier Street, MONTREAL. General Ayent. vHi cmmEyu utsirftAifCB cohpaivt.-vim, LUk The following are excluded from the reduced rate: Legal docu- ments, stamps or forms of prepayment, whether obliterated or not, as well as all printed articles constituting the representative sign of monetary value. Packages of miscellaneous matter are limited in size to 24 inches in length and 12 inches in width or depth, and to the weight of 4 lbs. for Newfoundland and Canada, except for Mani- toba. British Columbia and the new Western Provinces, for which the limit is 35 oz. HowevcV, packages of 4 lbs. may also be sent to Winnipeg. The weight of package4 of seeds, cuttings, bulbs, roots, scions or grafts for the United States, is limited to 8 oz. Books and packets for Manitoba (except Winnipeg,) British Columbia and the new Weotem Provinces, must not exceed 85. os. in weight, the limit of weight for Winnipeg and the other parts of the Dominion is 6 lbs. Post Bands with an impressed 1 cent stamp for this purpose, may be obtained at any stamp agency, at the rate of four for o cents. The term "printed circulars*' is intended to include circulars produced by the electric pen or other mechanical process, easy of recognition by the ofBcers of the Post Office, as well as when printed by the ordinary processes of printing type or lithography. USEFUL HlKTS. Register all valuable letters and use sealing wax tor letters containing money. Transmit money by Monejr Orders. Make complaints and inquiries in writing. Preserve and request correspondents to preserve envelopes of mis-sent or delayed letters. Send to the Postmaster envelopes of letters about which you seek information or make complaint. Business men should be careful to authorize but a limited num- ber of persons to receive their letters, and only those in whom they have ^11 confidence. A letter or packet once posted becomes the property of the per- son to whom addressed, and must be forwarded to its destination. On no application, however urgent, can it be delivered back to the writer. Business men are requested not to ask for the return of letters posted by mistake or otherwise. Letters addressed to initials or fictitious names cannot be delivered, but will be returned to the writers through the Dead lictter Office, unless the address contains a designated place of delivery: thus, a letter addressed to A. B., Post Office, Montreal, would be returned to the writer, but a letter addressed to A. B., care of John Jones, box 781, or No. 1600 St. Catherine street, would be delivered at the address designated. MoNBT Okdsb and Sayinob Baxk. In sending money by mail it is always best to transmit by Money Order, if possible. If sent by letter, it should always be registered. « I •r (-••; dnZEMS INSlJRAlfCi: CO.-FIBR, I.IFB Henrjr I^grman* Es^.t Pi«sldent; Andrew Allan, Esq^ mi: 84 POST OFUGB. Commiaaion on Movey Ordera.—Oa Money Orders drawn by any Money Order Oi&ce in Canada on any other Money Order Office in the Dominion, is as follows :— If not exceeding $ 4 2o. Over $ 4 " " 10 6c. " 10 " " 20 10c. « 20 " '* 40 20c. " 40 *' " 60 : 30c " 60 •* " 80 40c. " •• 80 ** " 100 50c. No single Money Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can be issned for more than $100 ; but as many of $100 each may be given as the remitter requires. Money Orders, for a sum not exceeding $50 each, are issued on the United Kingdom, Newfoundland, the United States, Ger- many, Italy, Switzerland, Austria-Hungary, Boumania* Jamaica, W.I., the Australian Colonies. Victoria, New South wales and Tasmania, and British India. The Commission on Orders payable in the above-mentioned countries is : — 10c. for a sum not exceeding $10 20c. " " '* 20 SOc. " " " 30 40c. " *• " 40 60c. » " " 80 Money sent to Austria-Hungary and Boumania by meant of Money Orders, will be remitted through the intermediate agency of the Swiss Post Office, and will be subject to a reduction on pig- ment at ihe rate of 25 centimes for each 25 francs, being commis- sion due to the Swit^s Administration. The abatement on a single order will in no case be less than 60 centimes. Deposits from $1 upwards, on which 4 per cent, interest is al- lowed, will be received. Information and Pass Books g(iven on application. PArrsBN AND Sample Post, Catiada.— Patterns and samples of merchandise, not exceeding 24 ounces in weight, when posted in Canada for places within Canada or Newfoundland, must be pre-paid by postage stamp at the rate of 1 cent per 4 ounces weight, and put up in. such man- ner as to admit of inspection. Goods sent in execution of an order, however small the quantity may be, or articles sent by one pri- vate individual to another, not being actually Trade Patterns or Samples, are not admissible as such. United -Spates.— Patterns and samples of me. .*handise, and packages of seeds and bulbs posted for places in the United States, will continue to be subject to the special rate of 10 cents PTcih. prepaid by postage stamp, and must not exceed 8 ounces in weight. • Am AO€!iiiEiinr«— CAPITAI19 - - •i»is8»ooo. flce'FM«idmt> CtowJd Wl, Hart, Oengwil Mimaigerj riiiH POST OFFICB. 86 FOREIGN MAILS AND POSTAGE TABLES. GOUNTBIES. Letter Bate. Postal Cards. For News- papers. Book Packets, Samples, Circulars, Ac. w ^oz. Each. 2 a 2 2 0Z8. s A Austria, including Hungary Belgium 5 10 10 •• 1* 2* 2 A<I;D BAD - Denmark, including Iceland and Faroe Islands 'EfiPTDt ..«•• France and Alfferi*. t • Germany, ..,...., Gibraltar Great Britain and Ireland. ..... Greece and Ionian Islands Italy Japan 5 Malta NetherlandSt Norway Portugal A 11. of Madeira A Azores KusBia A Grand Duchy of Finland St. Pierre et Miquelon Spain Sweden Switzerland" t . • > Ttgrkey (European and Asiatic). . B Aden (Arabia) Anrentine Confederation .* Brazil British Guiana, via N.Y Ceylon, via 8. F. & B Chili, via N.T Hong Kong viaS.F. (inl'g Amoy, Canton, Foo-(^how, Hankow, Kiuug-Chow, Ningpo, Swatow, and places named in Note Z). . Mauritius and its Dependencies. . MEXICO, via N . Y 5 Peruj via N.Y. Sierra Leone Straits S^lements of Singapore, India (British and Portuguese). . S :. I' t ^,^: 1 trniSOBIf S I]f 8VBAir€B COHPAJrr— UFB BBAHCH. ooHdtil^na. F*r«lgn trnvel 86 POST OFFICE. FOREIGN MAILS and POSTAGE TABLES.-(Cbn<»titied.) COUNTKIES. II MISCELLANEOUS. Australia except c New South WaleSf via S.F c V New Zealand, VIA S.¥ c Queensland, via S.F c Victoria (Melbourne, <fec) c Tasmania, via S.F Bermuda, via N.T Bermuda, via Halifax CajM of Good Hope China, see Hong Kong. . . NEWFOUNDLAND, via Halifai' Sandwich Islands, via S. F I Fiji Islands, via S.F lea Uruguay I United States of Columbia i oz. • • • • • WEST. INDIES. San Domingo Barbadoes and St. Vincent, W.I., via N.Y ; Bahamas, via N.Y Cuba, via N. Y French possessions by all routes . . Jamaica, via N.Y. direct mail. . . , Jamaica, via Halifax Hayti, via New York direct mail. Leeward Islands Porto Bico, via N.Y ,'" Porto Bico, via N.Y. A Havana. .* St Thomas, St. John and St. Croix (Danish), direct mail via N.Y. . St. Thomas, via New York and Havana or Kingston St. Thomas, via Halifax " * ' Trinidad :.„. 7 15 15 15 15 c al5 6 6 15 5 5 7 6 6 Other jiaces in West Indies, via jtV. jL ••••... ••• Ic Other jiaces in West Indies, via) Halifax. ;,,, J c 6 6 5 10 6 10 5 6 6 10 5 10 10 10 a 15 a 10 I I go »« s » o ^ S Each. 2ozs. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 p4oz 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 m 8 m 8 m 8 m 8 m 8 m 8 A<ftD A<ftD ♦ 2 1 p4oz AAD •6 I 2 AAD AAE AAJ) A<tD BAD AAD BAD AAD AAB AAD BAD 1 A AD 2 2 2 BAD BAD BAD 8 ♦ 8 2 m 8 15 15 15 15 15 6 5 6 2 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 5 6 10 6 IiIFB POIilCXES Of •▼•rar dMerlptton iMned tk%% mt hmamtdonm occniwitton do not Totd thm Policy* POST OFFICE. \ 37 List A. — On books and printed matter generally, the rate of postage is 1 cent per 2 oz.; and on commercial papers, legal and other documents, <&c., Scents for the first 10 oz., and 1 cent for each additional 2 oz. On samples and patterns the postage is 2 cents for the first 4 oz.^ and 1 cent for each additional 2 oz. ^ List B. — On books and printed matter generally, the postage is 2 cents per 2 oz. On commercial papers the postage is 5 cents for the first 4 oz. and 2 cents for each additional 2 oz. On santples and patterns the postage is 2 cents for the first 4 oz. and 2 cents for each additional 2 oz. D. — The limit of weight of books, printed matter, commercial papers, documents, <&c., as tvell as for newspaper s^ is 4 lbs. 6 oz. avoirdupois, andx)f samples and patterns 8 oz.; and the size of a package of samples and patterns is limited to 8 inches in length, 4 inches in breadth, and 2 inches in depth, ; these apply to all Postal Union destinations. The limit of weight, however, for book packets, &c., to the United Kingdom is 5 lbs. Matter exceeding the limit >if weight cannot be K>rwarded. i It will be observed that all classes of matter can be registered to the United States and all postal Union countries. Partial pre- payment is required upon all classes of matter, with the exception of letters, which may be forwari^ed wholly unpaid, subject to double postage on delivery. Cor rc^; 'T><lence however, addressed to the United States (and Newfo. T' ml) must, as at present, be fully pre-paid. Countries and places ^tio^ ' included [in the* Postal Union are printed in italics. Miscellaneous.^* When this mark is used, the limit of weigh* of newspapers and printed matter is limited to 4 lbs., and for samples 8} oz. a. When this mark is used additional charge is made on delivery, c. Fre-payment is compulsory : matter not fuUv pre-paid will not be forwarded, m. Samples for the Aus- tralian Colonies can only be sent via Brindisi at 3 cents per oz. up to S lbs. z. The same rates (except that pre-pajrment is compul- sory) extend to Formosa and to other places in China (not men- tioned above), where foreigners reside, but for such places registration can only be made as far as the Hong Kong Postal Agency nearest to destination. r ;-| '! lid: '!i 1^' r - h -if, ! ..■. n is.:' ■ *■ :. i 1 I :,| i:,:! I CITIZENS Uf AVBAirCB COHPAirr.-I.OAN8 are wanted after tluree yeare in fercc, CITY COUNCIL OF MONTEEAL. Hon. J. L. Beaudby, Mayor. Aldebhen and Wabds Repbesented. Eastward Thoa. Wilson, Beauchamp, Pr6vo8t. Centre Ward G6n6reux, Bainville, Farrell. West Ward Stroud, Stevenson, Fairbain. St. Ann's Ward McShane, Donovan, Tansey. St. Antoine Ward Hood, Holland. Brown. St. Lawrence Ward J. C. Wilson, Mooney, Hagar. St. Louis Ward Laurent, Dubuc, Berger. St. James Ward Bobert, Beausoleil, Orenier. St. Mary's Ward Boy, Mount, Jeannotte. COMMITEES. Finance.— Alderman Grenier, chairman ; Aldermen Laurent, Mooney, Provost. Farrell, Brown, G6n6reux. BoAJDB.— Alderman Laurent chairman ; Aldermen Hood, Thos. Wilson, Hagar, Beausoleil, Boy, McShane. PouoE.— Alderman Jeannotte, chairman; Aldermen Grenier, Hood, Hagar, Dubuc, Bainville, McShane. . FiBE. — Alderman Hood, chairman ; Aldermen J. G. Wilson; Tansey, Beausoleil, Mount, Berger, G6n6reux. Wateb. — ^Alderman Donovan, chairman ; Aldermen Bobert, Holland, Fairbain, Pr6vost, Dubuc, Boy. Mabkbts.— Alderman Beauchamp, chairman ; Aldermen Bobert, Mooney, Holland, Stevenson, Berger, Boy. Light,— Alderman J. C. Wilson, chairman ; Aldermen Bobert, Fairbaim, Tansey, Dubuc, Bainville, Beausoleil. Gmr Hall.— Alderman ^Bobert, chairman; Aldermen Thos. Wilson, Farrell, Bainville, Stevenson, Berger, Stroud. Hbai/th.— Alderman Mooney, chairman ; Alderman Beau- champ, Fairbaim, Tansey, Beausoleil, Mount, Berger. Pabkb and Fbbbies.— Alderman Thos. Wilson, chairman; Aldermen Jeannotte, Farrell, Tansey, Dubuc, Mount, Stroud. P Pabk Gomhisbionbbs. — Alderman Holland,^ chairman ; Aldermen Grenier, Donovan . Officebb of the Cobfobation. B. A. T. de Montigny, city recorder. Bouer Boy, city attorney. Chs. Glackm^er, city clerk. James F. D. Black, dty treasurer. <. ^■.« ii'<a 1 -'»■•• »• •ir THE SEGimiTT OF ITS I.IFB POIJ[CIES And Uberal Surrenders allowed. COBPOBATION. 89 Oeo. D. AnBley city surveyor. • Patrick O^Meara, assistant city clerk. Hercole Paradis, chief of police. Louis Lesage^ superintendent water works. Wm. Bobb, city auditor. J« B. Duverger, clerk recorder's court. Ghs. Lapierre, accountant water works. W. Patton, chief engineer fire department. J. Kaud and Francis McGullough, assistant engineers fire de- partment. jinspector of buildings. L6andre Ethier and P. J. Coyle, assistant city attorneys. W. H, McDunnough, assistant city auditor. , deputy city surveyor. B. T). McGonnell, ass. superintendent water works. A. Brittain, engineer ; and John Brophy, draughtsman, city surveyors office. W. H. Mussen, cashier ; F. X. Gastonguay, Chas. Amoldi, S. Gazavan, E. Lapierre, John Palmer, Oeo. E. Stames, M. Downes, N. Lesage, John Bourke, I. Marion, Ghas. H. Dowd, Bernard Tansey, clerks treasurer's office. H. A. Germain, M, E. Auclair, L. Forget, clerks recorder's court. N. Narbonne, accountant ; P. O'Beilly, clerk ; Jas. Low, sewer inspector, J. P. Flynn, street inspector ; road department. Ghas. Olackmeyer, Jr., accountant police dopajiiment. Henry Filteau, clerk water works office. Alph. Gosselin, clerk, city elerk's office. F. H. Badger superintendent telegraph department. F. X. Gauthier, James Ferns and James Wills, telegraph operators. £. O. Ghampagne, inspector of boilers. Wm. McGibbon, superintendent Mount Boyal park. L. D. Soupras, superintendent St. Helen's Island park. J. Perrigo, clerk Bonseoours market. O. Gadoua, assistant clerk Bonsecours market. A. O. Weaver, clerk St. Ann's market. Bei\j. Howell, assistant clerk St. Ann's market. A. Bobert. clerk Yiger cattle market. Michael Lawlor, assistant clerk Yiger cattle market. M. O'Gonnell, clerk hay market. Max. Gronlz, assistant clerk hay market. Alph. Lariii, clerk St Lawrence market. G. Daunais, clerk St. Gabriel market. J. N. Dohamel, clerk St. Antoii\e market. T. Girouz, clerk St. James market. Jos. Dumont, L. G. Th6rien, I. Binguette, 'L. G. Nolin, F. Thibault, J. Lebel and J. U. Pitt. baiUifs. James JDarcv, messenger and N. Thibault, janitor. BoABD OF AssiBBOBB.— J. B. Allard, P. H. Morin, J. T. Dillon Bich. Thomas, J. W. Grose, G. B. Muir. G. Alph. Kormandin, Bichard Bodden, O. Boirin, clerks. iM'pB ; ,i'f- itfca TBE CIllZEm UrSlTBANCB CO.-FIBE BBAirCH. ■trcd^ tor wbtch low fl'^nreti will be qnotcd. Aceaelct 40 CORPORATION. ^ MUNICIPAL TAXES. AMeumentof 1 percent, on the assetsedTalue of real estate, fiohooltax, one-fifth of 1 per cent, on do. do. BniinesB tax, on trade, 'manufactories* occupations, business, ftrts, professions, or means of profit, &o-, at the rate of 7^ per •ent. on the rental of the premises* Tax on Banks as follows :— Banks with paid-up capital of $1,000,000 or less $400 Banks with paid-up capital of more than $1,000,000 but not exceeding $2,000,000 500 Banks with paid-up capital of more than $2,000,000. ... 600 Tax of 1400 on each Fire Insurance Company- Tax of $2fiO on every Life, Marine. Accident, or Guarantee Insurance Company, with the proviso that when any Insurance Company combines two or more branches of any kind of Insur- ancet one tax only ; that is to say, the largest one shall be taxed. Tax of $12,000 on Street Railway Companies. Tax of $5,000 on Gas Companies. Tax on every Auctioneer as follows :— If he sells exclusively within the premises 916Q If he sells both in and outside said premises 20O For every olerk employed to cry or sell by auction • . 40 Auctioneers to annually take out license, and pay tax before earryinf on business, and are held to furnish to City Treasurer namei of clerks to ory or sell by auction. Tax of $50 on brokers, money lenders or commission mer- •hants, and a license to be taken out annually. Tax on inn or hotel keepers, upon a graduated scale, accord" ■V to the rental of premises, as follows :— When the assessed yearly value of the premises does not exceed $160 $27 Of^ When such value exceeds 160 but not $240. •* •• 240 " 320. <« •< II It •I •• «i •I II M f« l< II •I II II II II II !• II 820 400 fiOO eoo 700 800 1000 1200 1600 2000 II II (I II i« II If II II II 86.00 45 00 56 25 67 50 78 76 90 00 4Uv.. . *• . OlA/. ..... 600 700 80O 10125 1000 112 CO 1200 123 75 1600 135 00 2000 157 60 2400 175 00 , . ,^ 2400, there shall be levied lof every $400 over the last mentioned _ rate ($175), an additional rate of 17 50 Tax on distilleries at the rate of $80 for every $400 rental of premiaes. Tax OB brewers at the rate of $60 for every $400 rental of premises. Tax ef S120 on proprietors of theatres. Booaeliold and sood Commerelal Rlalui speclallj He- In all priaeipal towns. lioawca paid, over •l»S00f«0«. GOBPORATION. 41 Tax on oiroasM. menageries, &o., of 8250 entry, and SUN^ besides for OTerydayof performaneei and oompels owners of the same to obtain license, with a proTiso giTinf to the mayor authority to yedaoe such tax when exhibitions or performanoes are of minor charaoter and importance. Tax of $200 on pawnbrokers, and to obtain a lieense at tli* 0\h flail. Tax on pedlers at the rate of $20 with a eart or •ther Tehidt, and $S without luolioart or Tthiditk Tax on Junk Dealers $5.U0 Bags fickera 25c. for License. Statute labor money $1.00. Tax of $200 on ferry steamboats plying to the eity from any place within nine miles distant therefrom. Tax on Billiard Tables as follows .— Publie billiards— for the first table. $100; for the second, |60; for every additional table, S20. Billiards kept andlised by Clubs— for each table, $20. TAXES GOLLBGTBD BY OHIBF OF POLICE. Eackney Carriagea.— Wot a two-wheeled cab or caldche. one horse, $8; for a four-wheeled carriage, one horse, $10; tor a four-wheeled carriage, two horses, $14.60; for an omnibus or stagecoach, two horses, $21.50; for a street railway oar, two horses, $23. Ourttt Trueki and Waagont.—Firtt Olcut includes all earti, trucks and waggons used as vehicles for hire. For a two- wheeled cart or truck, one horse; $4.75; for a four-wheeled waggon, one horse, $8.76; for a four-wheeled wagson, load . under 4000 lbs., two horses, $12.26 ; for a four- wheel 9d waggon, load above 4000 lbs., two horses, $14* 26 ; for a diable, two horses, $9.26. Second Clau includes all carts or waggons used by merchants, manufacturers, contractors, &c., for tne purposes of their trade. For a two-wheeled cart or truck, one horse, S7.25 ; for a four-wheeled waggon, one horse, $11.25; for a four- wheeled waggon, load under 4000 lbs» two horses, $14.75 ; for a four-wheeled waggon, loai above 4000 lbs., two horses. $16.76. Third CUut includes all carts or waggons used by expressmen, bakers, brewers, distillers, farmers or gardeners. For a two- wheeled cart or truck, one horse, $9.76; for a four wheeled waggon* one horse, $13.75; for a four-wheeled waggon, load under iXM Ibs^ two horses, $17.25: for a four-wheeled waggon, load above 4000 lbs., two horses, $19*25 ; for a two-wheeled cart, for farmers, one horse, $9.75; tor a four-wheeled cart, for farmers, on ) horse, $13. 76. «S'i)eoia2 — iScavengerSv $4.75 ; milk vendors, two-wheeled vehicle, one horse, $5. To; milk vendors four-wheeled vehicle, one horsot $9.75; milk vendors, no vehicle, $1.00; chimney I ' 1 i' I ;■ : ■:.) hearses, fouT-wheeredj two hones, $14.60, i^lL THE ClTIZEirS IIVSURANOIS COHPAinr«-N0 ABTAITTAGES OR SEdTRITT TO 42 CORPORATION. TARIFF FOR HACKNET CARRIAQBS. Ofu-Hone Vehiete»,''Ttom any place to any other, profidad the time occupied does not exceed twenty minates ; for one or two persons, 25 cents i three or four personSi 60 cents. From any place to any other, provided the titne occupied does not exoed half an hour ; for one or two persons, 40 cents ; three or four persons, 60 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. By the Bour.-'VoT the first hour: one or two persons, 75 cents; three or four persons, $1. For every subsequent hour ; one or two persons, 60 cents ; three or four persons, 75 cents. Two'Borae Vehiele$r-'Etom any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed twenty minutes ; one or two persons, 50 cents, three or four persons, 65 cents. From any place to any other, provided the time occupied does not exceed half an hour ; one or two persons, 65 cents ; three or four persons, 75 cents. When the drive exceeds the time limited as aforesaid, hour rates to be charged. By the Bour ,—0n9 or two persons, 91.00.; three or four par- sons, $1.25. Fractions of hours to be charged at pro rata hour rate, but not less than one-quarter of an hour shall be charged when the time exceeds the hour. Fifty per cent, to be added to the tariff rates for rides from 12 midnight to 4 am. The tariff by the hour shall apply to all rides extending beyond the city limits when the engagement is made within the city. Baggage.— ISox each trunk or box carried in any vehicle, ten cents ; but no charge shall be made for travelling bags, valises, boxes or parcels, which passengers can cany by the hand. TARIFF OF CARTAGE. From any i)lace to any other in the first Division, or from any place (exclusive of the Harbour Wharves) to any other place in the city, and viee-verea^ provided the cUstanoe does not exceed three quarters of a mile ;^ Coals or Coke, half a chaldron or half a ton, 15 cts. ; drookeiy, one crate or one hogshead, 15 cts. i Flour or Fruit seven bar- rels, 15 cts. ; Grain, not over l,iOO Ibf. weight, 15 centi.; Lumber, CANABIAV COMPAKT OFFERS AXTBETTBB DnrEBTDiiro i«ife ihsurers. CORPORATION. 48 fawn, from yard to boat, 500 feet, board measare, 15 ots ; Salt or Rice, six bags or six barrels, 15 cts. ; Firewood, dry from boat or yard, half a oord, three feet lone, 15 ots. ; Firewood, green or from rafts, half cord, three feet long, 20 ots.; Fnrni- ture, or Luggage, per load, 20 ots.^Lumber, green or hard, from rafts, 500 feet, board measure, 2wts. ; Molasses, Sugar or Oil, one puncheon, hogshead or load 2D cts.; Pig Iron, Lead, Cop- per or Tin, one ton, 25 cts. ; Bar Iron or Steel, one ton, 30 ots. From any of the Harbour Wharves to any place into the second or third Division, within half a mile distance of the boundary line of the first Division, and «ioe-«er«a or from any place (exclusive of the wharves) to any other in the city, and viee-vertat provided the distance does not exceed Ij miles, the rates shall be ten cents extra. For every additional half mile, 10 cents. From any place in the Western Section of the First Division, and viee-verBOt for one load : To the stores and wharves below Wellington bridge, north side of Laohine Canal, 20 cts. : the stores and whaives below Wellington bridge, south side of Lachine Canal, 25 cts. ; the b isins above Wellington bridge, north side of Lachine Canal, 25 cts ; the basins above Welling- ton bridge, south side of Laohine Canal, and tho stores, stations, factories, Ac, at Point St. Charles, 35 cts.; the stores, factories, &c., at and above St. Gabriel Looks, north of Laohine Canal, 20 cents , St. Bonaventure street Railway Station, 20 cts.; St. Bonaventure street Railway Station, from the lower wharves of the Harbour, 25 ots. From any place in the Eastern Section of the First Division, and viee'verta, for one load, 5 cts. additional* For any excess over the quantity or weight fixed for a load additional pro rata rates shall be paid. If delay is caused to the carter by theemplos^r, beyond the time usually required for loading, tne carter shall be paid extra for such delay, at the rate of five cents for every quarter of an hour. If a carter is called and there be no load ready for him, or if he be vnable to load the goods or articles for want of assistance, he shall be paid as if he carried a load the distance thus unnecessarily tr^ veiled. Divitiom o/the C%.— The First Division comprises the East, Centre and West Wards, (including the south-west side of Mo(}iU street and the north-west side of Craig street) and sh«U be subdivided into two sections, (Eastern and Western), the line of demarcation between them being the centre of St. Lambert and St. John Baptiste streets. The SiBcond Division comprises the St Ann, St Antoiae and St Lawrence Wards (exclusive of MoOilland Craig streets.) The third Division comprises the St Louis Ward (exclusive «f Oraig street), the St James and St. Mary's Wards. I ■, III THli: CITIZENS INSURANCE CO.— Life Branch. Separated honorable treatment gnaranteed from the 44 WATER TARIFF. MONTREAIi WATER WORKS. ) Extractt from ByLawa No, 65, Gr?, 82, enacted April 20, 1673. See, 5. It is expressly forbidden to asy oconpsnt of a house or buildiDg or any part thereof, supplied with water from the said water works, to furnish water to others, or to use it other- wise than for his own use, or to increase the supply of water agreed for, or to waste it or to practioo any fraud upon toe said Corporation with regard to the water so supplied. See. 6. All persons taking the water shall keep the distribu- tion pipe witnin their premises in good repair and protected from frost, at their own expense ; and they shall be held liable to the Corporation for all damages that may result from their failure to do bo. See, 7.— No person shall fraudulently connect any pipe with the water pipes of the Corporation, or with any pipe, cistern or apparatus connected therowith, or to or into which the water from the said water works shall flow or proceed ; or shall fraud- ulently use or otheiwise misappropriate the water supplied by the city, or knowingly permit the same to be fraudulently used or n^appropriated. See. 8. If any person supplied with water by the Corporation do, or permit to be done, anything in contravention of this by* lawi or fail to do anything prescribed by this by-law, the super- intendent, or his deputy, may cut off the water supply) and cease to supply such person with water so long as the cause or complaint remains, or is not remedied. See, 9. No person shall wrongfully catf se or suffer any pipe, valve, cook, cistern, b ith, soil-pan, water-cloFet or other appa- ratus or receptacle to be out of repair, or to be so used or con trived as the water supplied to him is, or is likely to be wasted, misused, or unduly consumed. See» 10. No alteration shall be made in any of the pipes or fixturos inserted by the city, except by its agent or officers. See, 11. No person supplied with water from the said water works by meter, shall be allowed to connect, or cause to be con- nected, any pipe or other fixture between the Corporation's service pipe and the meter. See, 12. No person, unless duly authorised by the waiter com- mittee, BhaU open any hydrant in the said city, or lifter remove the cover off, or draw water from the same. .•aSl! i! byAetj See.] ▼oin mill by ▲«! of PATltoment.- Undonbtea Seourttj !• Aftirded Mid high, itoadlng of Ito Proprietary and DIrcctorg. Ste, 18. No parion shall turn on or tarn off the water in any maoner, or interfere with any of the water pipes or ralfei belonging to the city, without the license of the water oom- mittee, or of the said superintendent. r S*e. U. No person shall nass the railing enclosing the reser- yoin of the said city, or shall defile or deposit any fllth or offen- 8170 matter in the said reservoirs, or on the bank or ground adjacent thereto, belonging to the said city, or shall allow any dog or other animal to Jump into the said reservoirs, or upon the 8d,id bank or ground, or shall pass or remain upon tne said bank or ground after 10 o'clock in the evening ; or shall do or cause anything to be done tending to defile or corrupt, to disturb or agitate the waters of the said reservoir. S^o, 15. No person shall draw or use water from the River St. Lawrence, or elsewhere for the purpose of selling the same to any part of the city. See, 16. No person shall draw or use water Arom the water works in the said city for private fountains, or for hand hose for watering purposes, or for building or manufacturing purposes, unless such person shall have previously obtained from the superintendent of the said works a written permission to that offeot, and paid the respective rates charged in the subjoined tariff for the supply of water in such cases ; and in no case shall the said hose be used for sprinkling or waterlog the streets be- tween o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the afternoon. See. 17. No person shall use a hand hose of a larger siie ornonle than one fourth of an inch orifice or use any hand-hose for the purpose of washing horses, .coaches, omnibuses or other vehicles. ^ee. 18. No meter shall be used for determining the anantity of water supplied by the said works, unless the same shall have been previously submitted to and approved by the said suptr- intendent. See. 19. The several rates enumerated and specified in the tariff contained in the subjoined schedule, shall be, and the same are hereby imposed for water to be supplied from the water works of the said city. See. 20. Tie said rates shall be due and payable to the city treasurer, in advance, on the 15(h day of August, every year, by the occupant or lessee, or occupants or lessees, of all build- ings, part of buildings or tenements in the said city, supplied with water from the said works, as well by those who shall consent as by those who shall refuse to receive the water pipe to supply the said water, or to use the same. See, 21. All charges for specific supplies or for fractional parts of the year, shall be payable in advance and before the water is let on. ,i \ i i %M' .,, J,. ■{ ■'•■;■ ■::''.v. *, }h i THB cfimirs KKBvwukMcm coxFAirr.-im« M«av 46 WATER TARIFF. See, 23. In bnlldinfs oooapied m ottoei* when Ui«re water olosets in the building, eaoh tenant oran ofBoe or tude of offices, will be charged, in addition to the tariflT rate, a water eloaet tax. Sec. 2a. A diseount of 6 per eent ihall be allowed to all water tenants who fhall pay the said ratei on or before the flfteenth day of August in eaoh year. ^ee. 24. In all oases of non-payment of the rates imposed by the present by-law, for thirty days after the same are dne, th« saia CouDoil or any duly authoriied officer charged with th« management of the said works, may out off the snpply of water fh>m any building npon which the said rates shall be due, or f^om any one la default to pay the said rates, which shall nol prevent the said rates from running as before* and the water shall not be let on for the use of any such defaulteri ezcepi npon payment of all arrears due. See, 25, Any person ofTending against any of the proflsions of this by-law or of the said tariff, shall for eaoh and every such infraction, be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, and eosts of prosecution, and in default of immediate payment (n the said fine and eosts, to an imprisonment in the eommon gaol for a period not to exceed two months, the said impriionment to cease upon payment of the said fine andoosti. WATER TARIFF. DWELLING HOUSES. For every tenement or dwelling house occupied by one familj only ! per amrao^ 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding S30 per annum $5.0D 2. When assessed at an amount exceeding $30, but not over$40 :. 5.15 8. When assessed at an amount exoeeding S40l but not over|60 6.5Q And so on, continuing according to the same scale, giat 13 to say, adding for every additional sum of $10, or any part thereof 7f «f^o^f-w'^ additional family lodging in or oconping any part of sueh tenement or dwelling house, an additi<mal rate shall fSISmflT ^ ^ one-third of the rate impoied for a sSSria fWtg^Af. and REBEITlf BBJI TITE ACCIDKBTT FOIJLCT Ikia CmmptuKj «i 99 p«r $1000. STORES. SHOPS, OFFIOBS, Ao. For ttflh honM, part of a honie or tanemtnt, oeenplad ai a itort, fhop, ofBo«, warehoaie, manufaotory, or other place of DQBUBeM t per annutiit 1. When afiesied at an amonnt not exoeeding $60 per annum $4.00 2. When aiiefsed at an amount exceeding |60| but not OTerfTS 5.00 3. When asMMed at an amount exceeding $75, but not OTer$100 6.0O And 10 on, continuing according to the lame acale, that if to lajt adding for eyery additional aum of $25| or any part thereof Stores, ahopa, offices and other places of business, when attached to a dwelling occupied by the same party, to be charged at dwelling house rates on the full rental of the whole tenements when Inch rental does not exceed one hundred dol- lars per annum. SCHOOLS, OHUROHBS* HOSPITALS, &o. tmrf building used as a ooUege, academy, seminary of learning or school, all churches, poor or alms houses, nunneries, houses of industry, and generally all religious or charitable institutions, hospitals and reformitories, shall be charged at shop rates, to be based and determined upon the interest, at four per cent of the actual value of the property in such case, the said value as set forth and established in and by the assessment roll last made and revised. Provided that all such institutions, with the exception of churches, may, if they see fit, use water by meter, and pay therefor at the same rate as distilleries, breweries, and other establishments hereinafter mentioned. Charitable institutions, wholly supported by means of public subscriptioDS, shall be charged at the rate of one and a hi^ cents per hundred gallons. HOTELS AND TAVERNS. For every hotel or tavern : per Annum. 1. When assessed at an amount not exceeding $100 per annum $12.00 2. When assessed at an amount exoeeding $100, but not over $160 17.00 3. When assessed at an amount exceeding $150, but not over$a00 22.00 And so on, continuing according to the same scale, tliatis to say, adding for every additional sum of $50, or any part thereof 5.00 Hotels whose assessed rental per annum will be $400 and ever, and eontsdning at least twenty furnished bedrooms for the 1 : ■ 'i T7V an<\i ■rSM >; , I. iTHE CmZEirs IXSVRAIf GE €O.-9192,000 deposltatf with Oaaadlan OoTernment for ipeoUl wteuxifj of Policy ItoldiHi 48 WATER TARIFF. •floommodation of traTellere, shall take the water by meter, and be charged therefor at the aame rate as distillerieSf brewerieSf &o» HAND H03E. Per Ahnum. For the right to attaoh and use a hose of not more than one-fourth of an inoh orifice, for watering purposes. $2.00 BUILDING MATERIALS. For every thousand bricks used, the water therefor to be charged (payable in advance) 0.06 For every toise of masonry, the water therefor to be charged (payable in advance) 0.05 Fo^ every thousand yards of plastering ( payable in advance) 4.00 FOUNTAINS. Fountains shall only be supplied with water at the discretion «f the water committee, and when so supplied shall be charged as follows : *^ For every one hundred gallons cf water 0. 03 The quantity used to be defermined^r all eases by the esti- mate of the water committee, or by meter. BATHS. Pttblio baths, or baths for the use of which a charge is made by the occupants— for each tub $6.00 —with power to the water committee to charge by meter ii ihey see fit HORSES AND COWS. A uniform rate shall be charged for horses and cows, as fDllOWS : Per Aimum. Foreaohhorse $2 00 Foreachcow 100 Livery stable Keepers shall pay-for each single stall, whether occupied or unoQoupied ■.. 2.00 Hotel and Tavern Keepers shflll be charged— for each singlestallf whether occupied or unoccupied 1.00 WATER CLOSETS. Per Annum. For eacj Pan Closet supplied from a cistern, with a service boz and valve ^400 For OMsh Pan Closet with Underhayes, or any other regulator approved of by the Wa^er Department. . 8.00 TU cmMKKm nrsiTRAircE GOHPAinr.-iiM, um^ Ae«ldait«-C»pltel •laSS.OOO. For tMh Hoppsr Oloiet with 17ndorhaj«i, or aoj othtr refolator approTod by the Water Department •• •• 8.00 For eaoE OUmbt off any kind, with eiitemi Mrrioe boit and doable Ttlve 4 00 Trough Glotets, for eaoh seatt or for erery two lineal feet 8.00 l!'or any other kind of 01oMt»eaoh ••• 15.00 One addidonal W4ter Glotet will be oharged at half-ratei for eaoh dwelling where there is more than one water olOMt. URINALS. For eaeh Urinal with eelf-aoting TalTOi or eock, mnning only when being naed :— Fcr Aniiniii. In a Dwelling House or Store • $1.00 In a Bank or Poblio Building l.fiO In a Hotel, Restaurant. Saloon or TaTem 8.00 For any other kind of Urinals 16.00 8TBAM BNQINBS. For stationary high pressure engines, working not o?er twelfe hounperdayt— For eaeh horse power $7.00 Or for oTOiy hundred gallons of water, (the supply to be determined by meter) 0.08 For stadonaiT low pressure engines .* For erery 100 gal- lons of water (the supply to be determined as abofe, by meter) 0.03 All rates hertin imposed for Steam Bngines shall be separate from and o?er and abofe any other rate for water imposed on the promises. DIBTILLBRIBS, BREWERIES, Ao, DisUUeiies, Brewsries, Dye Houses, Railway, Printing or Photographie establishments, and all manufaAturing establish- ments, Colleges, Semmartes, Nunneries, and Hospitals may be supplied by meter, and eharged as follows :— When the Quantity used a?erages 1,000 gallons per day or less, at the rate off 80 HPl* P«>Llf!SO gallons ; when the quan- %?*^ averaaeefirom 1,000 to 2,000 gallons per day, at the rate of 29 oents per 1,000 gallons. Frome,000to 7,000. .21 otati. From 2,000 to 8,000- .28 oents. /. 8,000 to 4,000.. 27 ** ** 4,000 to8,000. .25 *• " 6»000to«i000..23 •• 7,000 to 8,000.. 19 8,000 to 9,000.. 17 9,000 to 10,000. .15 •• When ^MUnj^ttty aferages ofer 10^000 gallons per day 15 w^ THB dTIBBllS IMSIJBAirCB Pr«0ld«itt €0«-mB, IiDl 60 WATER TABIFF. , I METERS. "^ ' Th« mttoii ihtn bt ftinialMd by the elbr and pUead within Hie premiMS of the 900tnmmh whose datjr it theli be to lee that the fame are oroteoted from froat or injnnrt the whole under file diieotion of the Water Department; iiioh motera ihall at •U timof be aooeptable to the Corporation Meter Inipeetor. An annual rent Bhall be paid by the oonramen for the ooit and oare of enoh meters, as f oUowt s— Fer AiuMtnb Vor a I inch meter • $8.00 " I •• ^.76 ••1 •• 4.75 "II •• 8.00 *2 •• 14.00 •8 " 26.00 "4 •• 45.00 *« •• 10000 The rent to be 'paid semi-annaally, that is to fay : One-half on the Ift day of May, and the other half on the la t of Novem- ber in eaeh year. If the meter aetf ont of order htti idlf to register, the eon- fomer will be charged at the averaLe daily oonsnmption pre- Tionsiy registered by saoh meter^ and for the purpose of ayerage the year shall be deemed to be 800 days. Persons desiring to supply their own meter may do so with the SrsTious sanction and written permit of the Superintendent of he Water Works. When water is required for purposes not speoifled In th tor* going tariff, the rate shaU be fixed by the W ater Committee. ^ The Water Committee shall have power to aseertaln by meter, the quantity of Water ueed in any of the above oaeef and eharge aooordingly. iXD AcapMBn—CAmAL, . . Mass.***. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief W. PA.TTOW. , A-BBistant Chiefs J. Nauo pud F. McCuiiLOOH. District No. 1. No. 1 HoBe, Craig and Chenneville streets . . 1 Guardian, 3 men. Skinner Ladder Company 6 *< No. 2 Hose, St. Gabriel street 1 ** 3 " Salvage Waggon .. : 1 ." 2 " No. 5 Hose, St. Catherine street 1 " 3 *' Bertram Fire Engine 1 Engineer. No. 6 Hose, German and Ontario streets. ... 1 Guardian, 4 men. District No. 2. No. 8 Hose, Wellington street ..,, 1 Guardian, 4 men. Hook and Ladder. No. 4 Hose, Chabollez Square 1 *^ 2 '* No. 9 Hose, St. Gabriel Market 1 " 3 <' . Steam Fire Engine 1 Engineer. Ke. 10 Hose, comer St. Catherine and Gtqr streets 1 Guardian, 8 men. Ko. 12 HoBe, Seigneurs street 1 '* 3 *< Steam Fire Engine 1 Engineer. District No. 3. No. 7 Hose, Dalhoniie Square 1 Guardian, 3 men. No. 6 Hose, comer Craig and Gain streets... 1 ** 8 ** Hook and Ladder. No. 11 Hoae, comer Beftudry and Ontario Bts. 1 *< 8 " Chemical Engine BeMrre. ^ t i ll ■ , I •I . I I ^ftH nriiVRAsrcE compaitt- «oBdltloi W^wwigm trmw€ik m^--,, ■p ^ » 52 FIRE DEPARTMENT. FIBE ALABM TELEOBAPH SIGNAL BOXES. Box No. LOGAUTT. 2— Comer St, Jean Baptiste and St. Paul streets, 8— Cor. Jacques Gartier Square and St. Paul street. 4— St Gabriel street Fire Station. " 6— Cor. Notre Dame and St. Francois Xavier streets. 6— Cor. St. Sacrament and St. Peter streets. 7— Cor. St. Paul and McGill streets. 8 — Gor. Youville and Common streets. 9— Cor. Notre Dame and McGill streets. 13— Cor. Craig and Chenneville streets, Central Fire Station. 18— Cor. Craig street and St. Lambert Hill. 14— Cor. Vitre and Sangfuinet streets. 15— Cor. St. Lawrence and Lagauchetiere streets. 16 — Cor. Dorchester and St. Urbain streets. 17— Bleury, near Dorchester street. IS-Bea^er Hall Hill. 19— St. Antoine street, oj^osite Genevidve street. 21— Gor. Brunswick and Dorchester streets. 28— St. Catherine street. No. 5 Fire Static^. 24— Cor. St. Lawrence and St. Catherine streets. 25— Cor. German and Dorchester streets. 26— Cor. St. Gatherine^and St. Denis streets. 27— Gor. German and Ontario streets, Fire Station. 28— Gor. St. Lawrence and Sherbrooke streets. 29— Gor. Mauce and Sherbrooke streets. 31 — Cor. University and Sherbrooke streets. 82— Gor. McGill College Avenue and St. Gatherine^street. 84— St. Lawrence, opposite Guilbault street. 86— Cor. Prince Arthur and Shuter streets. 86— Gor. King and Common streets. 87— Cor. Duke and Ottawa streets. 88— Cor. Dupr6 Lane and St. Maurice Streei. 89— Cor. St. Antoine and Cathedral streets. 41— Ghaboillez Square Fire Station. 42— Wellington street Fire Station. 43— Mill street. 45— Gor. Wellington and McCord streets. 46— Gor. Colbome and^Ottawa streets. \ oeenpatloB do not Told ih» Foll«7< a FIRE DEPABTMENT. 58 Box No. LOCAIilTY. 47— Cor. St. Joseph and Mountain streets. 48— Cor. St. Antoine and Mountain streets. 49— Gor. St. Catherine and Mountain streets. 61— Cor. Sherbrooke and Peel streets. 52— Cor. St. Antoine and Guy streets. 53 — Cor. St. Martin and St. Bonaventure streets. 54— Oor. St. Joseph and Canning streets. 56— Cor. Fulford and Goursol streets. 57— €or. William and Seigneurs streets. 56- No. 10 Fire Station, St. Catherine street West. 59 — OrcJy Nunnery, Ouy street, comer Dorchester. 61— Canada Sugar Refining Company's Refinery. 62— Si Gabriel Market Fire Station. 68— Grand Trunk Works, Point St. Charles. 64— Cor. Notre Bame and Boasecours streets. 66— Dalhousie Square Fire Station. 67— Cor. Wolfe and St. Mary streets. 68 — Cor. Roy and Drolet streets. 69->Cor. Sherbrooke and S|. Denis streets. 71— Windsor Hotel, oor. Dorchester and Stanley streets. 72— Cor. Craig and Visitation streets. 78— Cor. Cadieuz and CourTille streets. 74— Cor. Dorchester and St. Andr6 streets. 75— Cor. Mignonne and St. Andr6 streets. 76— Fire Station, cor. Beaudry and Ontario streets. 78— Cor. Seigneurs and St. Patrick streets. 81— Cor. Robin and Tisitation streets. 82— Cor. St. Catherine and Panet streets. 83— Cor. Maisonneuve and Dorchester streets. <84-Cor. Iiogan and Champlain streets. 85— Cor. Champlain and Ontario streets. 86— Cor. Congregation and Wellington streets. 87— Cor. Menai and Forfar streets. 91— Cor. Craig and Gain streets, Fire Stations. •9— Adams Tobacco Factory, St. Mary street. 98— Cor. Ontario and Fnllum streets. 94— Cor. Berri and Dabord streets. 95— Gas Works, Hoohelaga. Pi 1 1 m 0-' If r- f.:«v- L. ..^, , ., I ^ f-^ i'k ited fUtor <lup«e ycMW 1m M IKLANB BEVENUE. BozKo. LooAurr. 06— Boiling Millt, St. Joseph street. "v 97— Shedden Go's Stables, Williftm street.. 138— Oor. Wolfe and Lag auchetitee streets. 124— Cor. Dttfiresne and Mignonne streets. 126— Oor. Ghristophe and (mtario streets. 126— Gen*. Wellington and Etienne streets. 127— Maple street near Boy. 128— Gor. Amherst and St. Catherine streets. 129— McDonald's Tobacoo FaotoiTi Ontario street. 182— Custom House Square and St Paul street. 184— Oor. Oraig and Hermine streets. 186— Exhibition Grounds. 189-0. P. B. Workshops, Oolbome Avenue. 142— No. 12 Fire Station, Seigneurs street. 148— Oor. St. Joseph and Guy streets. 146— McTavish street Besenroir. INLAND BEVENUE Offices— Custom House Square.. MOMTEXAii Ibbpxction Bibtbigt. — BeTcnue Divisions ef Montreal, St. Hyacinthe, Terrebonne, Beauhamois, St. Johns, Sherbrooke, Three Bivers, Joliette^ Sorel. DiSTSiCT Inspbctob.— B. Bellemare. MonTBBAii BxvBWVS BiviBioir.- City of Montreal, GountieB of Hochelaga, Jacques Oartior, Laval. Yandreuil, Soulanges, Laprairie, Chambly. OoiJiSCTOR.— J. L. Vincent. DbPUTT COLIiSOTOB ASH SUPBBTIBOB OW AOO^UMTB.— John Dodd, Montreal. AccouBTABT.— D. Maodouald ; Assistant do., L. 0. A. Ste. Marie. ExciBB OmcBBB.— J. L. Vincent, John Dodd, A. Hudon, H. Lawlor, B. Her, D. Macdonald, J. 0. Baby, B. Bichard, Wm. Hastie, J. Villeneuve, G. Barker, Wm. Buhner, Thos. JVn, J. K. Oamyr6. T. Malo. J. B. E. L. Ste. Marie, L. 0. A. Ste. Marie, J. P. Tansey. H. T. Lecours, A. St. Louis, D. Garon, J. P. Beauchamp, J. Manning, B. N. Harwood, G. L. P«ny, B. Miller, Job. Baby, Alfred finsonneault, J. A. Watkins, L. Dumouohel, D. M. Cameron, J. W. Scullion, G. E. Panneton, Patrick Cnllen. Pbobahobabt OvnoBBB.— G. L. Perry, Alfred PinsonMult, and J. A. Watkins. M TBS BWCaWOTY OF ITS UFB aad UlMna Barrvmdtvm aIIowmI. Fouens INLAND REVENUE. 6S $1.00 0.01 0.04 o.ia o.oa 0.19 0.06 O.IS EXCISE DUTIES. On eTeiy gallon of Spirit! of the jtrength of proof bj Syke^B hydrometer On erery pound of Malt On ererj gallon of any fermented beverage made in imitation of Beer or Malt Liquor, and brewed in whole or in part firom any ottier lubitanoe than On Oavendieh Tobacco, on any lb. or leie quantity On Oanada Twist ( Tdbae Uanc en tourquette) do On Snuff, containing lesi than 40 per cent of moisture . . *' ** more <* 40 per cent *< On all other descriptiona of manufactured tobacco, per lb. or less quantity Cigars $8.00 per 1000 All Tobacco manufaotiued firom Canada Leaf 3c. ^ lb. On Cigars made firom Canada Leaf $1.60 per 1000 dgars Vinegar 4c ^p- gal. Methylated Spirits ISc.iPgal. All goods manufactured in bond, shall, if taken out of bond for consumption in Canada, be sulj^^ *o duties of excise equal to the duties of Customs to which they would be subject if imported from Oreat Britain and entered for consumption in Canada, and whenever any article, not the produce of Canada, upon which a duty of excise would be levied if produced in Canada, is taken into a bonded manufactory, the difference between the du^ of excise in which it would be so liable and the Customs duty which would be levied on such articles if imported and entered for con- sumption, shaJl be paid as a duty of Excise, when it is taken into the bonded manufactory. DUTIES PAYABLE ON LICENSES* Slat Vie.f cap, 8 and Sltt Vie., cap. 51. License for distilling and rectifying, or for either, by any process .\ $360.00 License for brewing 60.00 License for Malting .*— 1st Class— Mak^g over 3000 centals wt. of Malt p. month 300. 00 3nd Class- '* 1600 " " •* 160.00 3rd Class— *» 1000 •< '* ** 100.00 4thCla8t^ <' 600 *< ** « 60.00 License for manufacturing Tobacco firom foreign Leaf. . . 76.00 License for manufacturing Tobacco f^om Canada Leaf. . . 60.00 License for manufacturing iu Bond for consumption in Oanada 60.00 License for manufacturing for exportation 800.00 License for compounding Spirits 60.00 • " :! i s ^J^ m 'M Ibr wtal«b low nvtmrmm will Ihi ^inoted. AvenelM ! fi6 TABIFF OF PILOTAGE. TAEIFF OF PILOTAGE. Betu/een the Harhourt qf Quebec and Montreal^ and between the several jiaeea therein mentioned. Duly made and passed by the Harbottr Commissioners qf Montreal on the Uth qf February. 1877, and approved by His MkeceOeney the Oovernor-Oenerai in CouneU on 6th March. 1877. From the Harbour of Quebec to Fortneuf and the opposite side of the Birer St. Lawrence, or below Fortneuf and abore the Harbour of Quebec :^ For the pilotage of any Teasel in tow, or propelled bj steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned), for each foot of draught or water— Upwards $0 60 Downwards 60 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water->npward8 eU Downwards 62} For the pilotage of any ressel under sail, for each foot of draught of wator- Upwards 1 06 Downwards 70 From the Harbour of Quebec to Three BiTcrs and the opposite side of the Birer St. liawrenee, or any place abore Fortneuf and below Three Hirers :— For the pilotMe of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned), for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 160 Downwards 1 60 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water^Upwards 1 76 Downwards 176 For the pilotage of any vessel under sail, for eadi foot of draught of water^Upwardi 2 80 Downwards I 90 Item the Harbour of Quebec to Sorel and the opposite side of the Biver St. Lawrence, or any place above Three Bivers and below Sorel :•— For the pilotage of any vessel in tow, or propelled by steam, (except as hereinafter mentioned), for each foot of draught of water^Upwards ,,... 160 Downwards ^ , 1 60 For the pilotagf< of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steam, for each foot <^ draught of water— Upwards 1 87^ Downwards 187} IB •!! pgjjigtp^l towim. M^tmUmm piitd^ over tl,S0«t4 HABBOUR C0MMISSI017EBS AND OFFIOEBS. 67 For the pilotage of anv veasel under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwarda. 8 1ft Downwards 2 10 From the Harbour of Quebec to the Harbour of Montreal, or to any place above Sorel and below the Harbour of Montreal :— For the pilotage of any Tessel in tow, or propelled by ateam, (except as hereinafter mentioned), for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 3 00 Downwards 2 00 For the pilotage of any seagoing vessel, propelled by steam, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards a 60 Downwards 2 60 For the pilotage of any vessel under sail, for each foot of draught of water— Upwards 4 20 Downwards 2 80 From the Harbour of Montreal to Sorel, or to any place above Borel and below Hochelaga, and firom Sorel, or any place above Sorel and below Hochelaga, to the Harbour of Montreal, for each liDot of draught of water for each nvLoh pilotage— Upwards 100 Downwards 1 00 For the removal of any vessel firom one wharf to another, within the limits of the Harbour ; or firom any. of the wharves into the Laohine Oanal ; or out of the said Canal to any of the wharves in the Harbour ; or firom the foot of the current ; or from Longueuil into the Harbour ; or firom the Harbour to the ioot of the current, or to Longueuil ; for each such service 6 00 COMMISSIONERS AND OFFICERS, HARBOUR OF MONTREAL, Andrew Bobertsonjjshairman ; J. B. BoUand, Edward Murphy, Hy. Bolmer, Victor Hudon, H. McLennan, Ohas. H. Gould, Hon. J. L. Beaudry, (Mayor), and Andrew Allan, commissioners : H. D. Whitney, Secretary ; George Ferns, derk ; John Kennedy, ohief engineer; A. B. Savigny, mechanical engineer; P. T. Thompson, derk : Jno. Nelson, asst engineer; Thomas Howard, harbour-master ; L. St. Louis, asst. harbour-master ; John Ferns, wharfinger; 0. Opaoomer, asst. wharfinger: Josn»h LeveUUI, supt. of pilots; Martin Brennan, water bailifT; Bioh. Gahim, caretaker, Heni^ Bracken, messenger. i ."f f'./fe I OR HBC^IJUTf TO 08 HABBOUR TARIFF. TARIFF OF RATES AND DUES HABBOUR OF MOKTBEAL. Tannage Due9 to he Levied on ail VetMia in the Harbour, On SiMunboftta, f it eaoh day of S4 hoon, or part of » daj, they ranain in the ' ^arbour, reckoned from the hoar of their uriTal to that of their departure lo. per Ton Register. On all other YeMels, per day, aa aforeaiUd. . .|c. " *' Wharfage Due$ to he levied on aU Merehandiee, Animale and (hinge whaitoever Landed or Shipped in the Harhour. aSo. per Ton— All Ooodi, Warea and Merohandiie not eliewhere ■peoifted, —Hay, Straw, Fig and Scrap Iron, Fot and Feal, Ashei. 90c. 4i Iflo. II 10c. 7|c. a i< —Applet, Gratea and their content!. Flour and Meal. Fish, Meata, Pitch, Potatoes, Tar, Horiei, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Swine. — Ballait, Clay. Fire-Bricki, Oypeum, Lime, Marble, Phosphates, Sand, Salt —Coal and Coke, Grain and seeds of all kinds. SpMial —Bricks, 10c per 1,000 ; Cordwood, 6c. per Cord ; Lumber, 10c, per 1,000 feet board measure. Free —Bullion, Specie. On all Goods, Wares and Merchandise whatsoever, the quantity of which by weight, measurement or other mode of estimate provided for in the Tariff, cannot be conveniently ascertained, it shall be lawfU for the Harbour Commissioners to levy a rate * of i of 1 per cent, on the value thereof. Each entry shall pay not less than 6 cents. All property landed on the wharves for re-shipment, shall only pay one wharfage. The Tbn mentioned in the Tariff of Wharf»s|e Dues shall be 2,000 lbs. weight, or 40 cubic feet measurement, according to the Bill of Lading. ^ Standard for Eetimating weighte. Ashes, Pot or Pearl, 8 Barrels to 1 Ton. Apples, Flonr. Meal and Potatoes . . . 9 " ** • Ffah, Meats, Pitch, Tar, . . . . 7 *< «« Honea, - • 2 to 1 Ton. I Sheep, - - IS to 1 Ton. Neat Cattle, . s " •• | Swine,- - 10 11 II 9MMAmU kM COKPAKT OIVBU AITT BOMUnON OP CANADA TABIFF. M DOMINION OF CANADA JL PttretBL Add, Acetic .i.l5oenttper I. O. Acid, Muriatic ud Nitric 90 Add^Oxalic Fnt Bat Carboys contaioing Adda ahall be tnbjed to the aama daty at if empty. AdTertinng Pamphlet% Almanaca, Catalogoes and Faabion Pamphlets . $1.00 per 100 Advertidng Pictures, or Pictorial Show Cards 6 cents per lb. and 20 Agaric— "Dye Stuff" »ree Agates, nnmannfactiired Free Agricaltnral Implements, not otherwise provided for 3 Agricaltnral Implement^ parts of, not otherwise specified, to be treated as wholes, excepting monld-boards, land- sides, and shares of steel, for pTooghs, cut to shape* not moulded or bored, but as they come from tho rollers and shears. NoTS.-»In all cases where mano&cturers' artides art imported in parts, or what is technically called *' in a knocked down state," they must be valued for duty as if mounted,— less cost of putting them together and *upplying deficient parts. Ale, Beer and Porter, in bottles (6 quarts and 12 pinto to J. \f»/ ••••t«. •••••*. •••••••••••••• ' lo cento per i. ub Ale, Beer and Porter, in casks, or otherwise than bottles 10 cento per I. G. Ale, Beer and Porter, barrels containing bottled ale and porter are considered packsges for exportotion only, and therefore free of duty. Alkanet Root... •••..Free Aloes Free Alum and Aluminous Cake Fico Alnnunum • Freo Amb^ris ^... .Free Ammonia, Crude • • ..Free Andwrs. .Fret Animids, living, of all kinds, not elsewhere spedfied. 90 Anifluls, for improvement of stock under regu^tfoae to be made by the Treasury Board and approved by the Governor in Conndl Free t '*' I.. SHBOmZBirs IMBURAMOBOO— XUStBnMeb* MpMAtoA honoTAbto tTMitmMit gvAnmto«d r »; •0 DOMINION Ptr cm. Aaimalt broughl into Canada temporarily, and for a period not •xceeoini three months, for the purpose of exhibitioo i or competition for prises oflfered oy anv agricultural or other association. But a bond shall be Arst civen in mccordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Cuatoms, with the conclition that the full dutv to which luch animals would otherwise be liable shall be paid in case of their sale in Canada, or if not re-exported within the time specified in such bond. . . Free ABoatOi liquia or solid and seed Free Aniline Dyes Free Aniline Oil, Crude Free Aoilint Salts and Arseniate of Free Antimony Free /nrUs SO Applest dried 2 cents per lb. An>les, grsen 40 cents per bbl. ApiMurely Wearing and other personal ind household effects (not mercnandise) of British subjects dying nbrond, but domiciled in Canada Free Argots, dust and crude • Free Anns, Clothing, Musical Instruments for Bands. Military Stores, and Miuitionsof War, for the useof the Army, Navy, and Canadian Mititia Free Arrow Root 20 Arsenic • Free Arseniate of Aniline Free Articles for ose of Govcmor-Oeneral, Foreicn Consnls-General, Dominion Goremment, or any of the Departments thereof, or Senate or House of Commons. Ft£e Artificial Flowers .7... .... 25 Ashes, Pot, Pearl, or Soda Free Awningsand Tlsnts 9ft AtlasM. 15 •faU kinds 80 BabbitMetal 10 Bacon, Fresh, Salted, Dried or Smoked 2 cents per lb. Bags, Cotton, Seamless .2centoperlD. and 15 Bafs, Paper, of all kinds 25 Bag^ *^ •• (ifprinted) 80 Bamboo, nnmanofactured Free Baqa^oo Reeds, not further manufactured than cut into suitable lengths for Walking Stidcs, or Canes, or for sticks for UflibrsUas, Parasols or Sunshades Free Barilla.... Free Barrels of Canadian manuftctura exported filled with Domestic Petroleum and returned empty, nader such regulations as the Minister of Customs shall direct Free 'I.t il fej Ael of PArll»nMat.-I7ndottbto<l Bocurltj U aflbrdod abA Ugk itMidlfic off Ito Proprtotarjr and Dlreeton. TABIFF. ei Per cent. Barley.. t 16 cents per bushel Barytes,r' A& iactured Free Bay Run ftl.90 per gtl. and 90 Beans 15 cents per bushel Beer« Ale and Porter, imported in bottles (6 quarts and 12 1>ints to I. G.) 18 cents per I. G. e and Porter* imported in casks, or otherwise than bottles 10 cents per I. G. Bedsteads, Iron ;.... 35 Bedsteads, Wood 35 Beosolei not elsewhere specified 7 l-S conts per I. G. Bells for Churches Free Bells, for Builders' Hardware SO Berries, for dyeing or used for composing dyes Free Belting, Leatner 25 Bibles. Prayer Books, Psalm Books and Hymn Books 5 Bill- Heads, printed, lithographed, oi copper or steel plate. ... SO Billiard Tables, without pockets, 4 ft. 6 x ft., $22.f each and 15 Billiard Tables, without pockets, over 4^ ft. x 9 ft. $2^ each and 15 Billiard Tables, with pockets. 5 tt. 6 in. x 11 ft , $35.00 each and 15 Billiard Tables, with pockeu, 5 ft. 6 in. x 11 ft.. $40 each and 15 each table to include 12 cues and one set of 4 balls, with markers, cloths and cases, but no pool balls. Binders* Cloth 10 Bismuth Free Bitters (see '*spiriu ") tl.90 per I. G. BIscking, Shoe, and Shoe Polish 25 Blacking, all other 26 Blank Books, bound, or in sheets 80 Blankets, composed wholly or in part of Wool. Worsted, hair of Alpaca Goat or other like atimals, 7i cents per lb. and 20 Boilets, and Engines and parts of. not elsewhere specified 25 Boiler Drawn Tubing, wrought, not coupled or threaded 15 Boiler Drawn Tubing, wrought, coupled or threaded 20 Boiler Plate and TiUik Iron 12^ Bolts, Washers and Rivets, Iron and Steel 30 Bolting Cloth Free Bone Dust and Bone Ash for manufiictnre of Phosphates and Fertilisers Free Bones, crude, not manufactured, burnt, calcined, ground or steamed Free BonneU, Hats and Caps, not elsewhere specified, including Knitted Scotch Caps 25 Books, imported through Post Office 1 cent for 2 ounces Books, Printed Periodicals and Pamphlets, bound or in sheets, not being foreign reprints or British copyright wks, nor Blank Account Books, nor Copybooks, nor Books to be written or drawn upon, nor Bibles, Prayer Books, Psalm and Hymn Bodis Bookbinders' Tools and Implements, including Rating Ma- chinee and Ruling Peas imported by Bookbinders. . . . 16 10 • I' ^ J.' m pk: n mmvwukMcm €•: ^ 62 DOMINION Per cent. Boots and Shoeii Rubber, Leather end Felt 25 Borax > Free Botanyi specimene of Free Bottles, Class, of every description, not pressed 20 Bottles, pressed or moulded SO BraoesorOottonand Elasitc 30 Brads, Tacks and Sprigs 90 Brandy (see** spirits'*) $1.45 per l.G. Brass Wire and Rods cut in lengths 30 Braas, old or scrap, and Sheets Free Brass Bars and Bolts, Seamless Draws Tubing, and Plain and Fancy Drawn Tubing 10 Brass Sheet cut in strips or sub-divisions 90 Bmssand Copper Wire 10 Brass and Copper Wire-Cloth 20 Brass Serews 80 Brass, Agraffe Pins for Pianos, to be treated as part of piatis. 25 Bras, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 30 Brimstone Free Brim Moulds for Gold-beaters. Free Bristles Free PrWi^h '''onv»!''''>t Wr»rV« reprints o^ 15 and V'l Brick, for building porpoMi •••••••• SO Bridges, Iron , 25 Bromine , Free Brooms 26 Broom Cora , , ,.., pree Bronze, Phosphor, in blocks, ban, alMsta or win) 10 Brushes , ,,,,, 25 Buckwheat .....lOcstntaperbush. Buckwheat, Meal or Floor leant per lb. Buttons and Button Moulds of all kinds T7.... 25 g«"«'-; 4 cents per lb. Buchu Leaves Free Bullion, Gold or Silver Free Bullion Fringe 20 BuUion Frinjie. Silk S Burrstoncs, in blocks, roogi' or onwanufactnred, and notboond up into millstones Free Burgundy Pitch Free O Cable, submarine, ,. ,, go Cabinets of Coins, Medals, and other cnrioettiet of antiqnity. . Free Caoutchouc, unmanufactured , 7. . . . . Free Cachons (Breath Sweeteners) 1 cent per lb. and 115 Cambnc Muslin. (Collectors of Customs am cutioned ^<t»^ C Sni5l* ^i^ " Caaibric MosUn,*' which ia foSndto X^4!^*X^^^ • Somtanerlb. Candles, Pirafine Wax .•.!....6e«SptrlSl Cant Cam m: BBMVMBBATITB A€C1DBHT POUCT at •O per •lOOO. TARIFF. M Ptreeat CnAttf ill odMTi^ iadnding Sperm ••••• 25 CaaTM, for maoiifictart ofloor oU-doth, and not leu thiA 45 lachet widct and not pressed or calendered ...Free CanvM or Canvas Dock of Hemp or Flax, when to be used for beau or ships' sails 5 Canvasb all other not elsewhere specified 20 Csne Joioe Syrup | cent per lb. and 50 Cape, cloth, wool 10 cento per lb. and 25 Caps, Hato and Bonnets, fur and straw, and all others not else- where specified 25 Capes^Fitf 26 Cars, Hinway aO Cars, Railway and Street, the seat fixtures for, of cast iron, to be classed as castings 25 Locks, Hinges, Window-fasteners and similar articles for, to be classed as carriage-makers* hardware 80 Springe (steel), as carriage springs, to pay the same duty * ^ aacam^ge rankers' hardware ...• 30 Carbolic or heavy oil, lued in making wooden block pavements, for treating wood for building and railway ties, pro- ducts of coal tar, weighing 12 to 13 lbs. per gal 10 Carboys, empty or i)Ot ••..• 30 Card Clothing, machine * • .••-- 9R Cards, Playing , 6 cents per pack ( lards, Printed and Sunday School ^^ (Jards, Embossed, and Christmas and New Year Chromos. ... 15 Carpet Bags, Trunks, Valises and batcneis > Carpeta, treble ingrain, three-ply or two-ply carpeto, compoaed wholly or in pait of wool. .10 cents per square ya. and '" Carpets, Dutch , • 20 Carpeto, Jute and Hemp. . . . : 20 Carpeta, two ply and three-ply ingrain, of which the warp is composed wholly of cotton or other matorial than woof, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like ani- mala 6 cento per square V'ard and 20 Cartridges, in copper or paper 80 CarWheeUacdiUles « Carriages >,,»»,, 80 Carriage Sprinn (steel) , « ...•• 80 Carriages. Rauway 80 Carriage Tope, Frames, Bodiee and Whe^ 80 Carriages of travellers, and carriagea laden with merchandise, and not to include circna troupes or hawkers, mdtr regulations to be preecribed by Ministor of Customs. . Free Carriage iTuators or Lap Wraps 20 Cashniere Muflters *• 10 Caskets, Burial, of any material * 85 Casts, aa modela for use of Schools of Design Frss Catgut Strinn or Out Cords for musical instrumento i^ re : Catgut or Wnipgut, unmanufactured.. , Fre: Cement, Portland or Roman aa; \ ■:i inDB dTHBirS Uf SURAHOB CO.— •ISStOOO I wUh Oanadiui QorenimeBt fn ipMial Meufllj Qf Bllkj 6i DOMINION Per cent Cement, nw or in etone from qnany (18 cubic feet to ton $1 per ton Cement, burnt and nngronnd * . . 7^ cenU per 100 lbs. Cement, Hydraulic or waterlime, ground, including karrele. . 40 cent* per bbl. Cement, in bulk or bags 9 cents per bush. Chalk, Cliff stone, nnmanuftictured Free Champagne, and all other sparkling wines, in bottles, contain- ing each not more than a quart, and more than a pint $8 per doten bottles. Champagne, containing not more than a joint each and more than i pint $l.oO per doten bottles. Champagne, containing i pint each or less, 75c. per dos. bottles. Champagne, bottles containing more than one quart each shall >ay in addition to $3 per dosen bottles at the rate of U>50 per I. G. on the quantity in excess of one quart, And in addition to the above Specific duty All Liquors imported under the name of Wine, and con- taining more than 40 per cent, of Spirits of Proof of Sykes*^ Hydrometer, shall be rated for duty ; 80 _ as unenu- m'erated Spirits. Ohamomile Flontfni Free Charts and Maps 20 Chain Cables, ovei^t-K^mch in diameter, whether shackled or swivelled or not 5 Cli^'n Cable*, ail uthcr . .. 20 Cheese 8 cents per lb. Cheese Doths 1 cent per square yard and Cheques, printed, lithognqihed, or copper or steel plate Checked Regattas •• 2 cents per squaro yard and Chickory, or other root or vegetable used as a substitute for coffee, kiln dried, roasted or ground. . . .4 cents per lb. Chickory, raw or green • 3 cents per lb. China-ware and Porcdmn Ware Chimneys, lamp, glaM.. •. Chloride of Lime • Free Chums, ••Wood*' 25 Cigara 60 cents per lb. and 20 Cigarettes 00 cents per lb. and 20 Citrons, rinda of, in brine for candying. Free '^ , Free 15 dO 15 2& 30 Qays Clocks, and paits thereof (except springs). Clock Springs 35 10 ChiOBometer Clocks, as clocks „ 85 Com rol Clocks, known as watchmen's clocks 35 Chronometer Watches, as Mratches. .... 25 Cloaks, Fur 25 Clout Nails 30 Clothing, donations for charitable purposes Free Clothing, for use ot Army, Navy and Militia Free ■^>^■ •>if ADVEBTISEMENT. . 64a DOimioiiiiiiEoFmtMsiiiPs Bunning in conDectioD with the Grand Trunk Bailway of Canada. SARNIA. BROOKLYN TORONTO DOMINION Tons. Tons. 3,8so MISSISSIPPI a,7oo ?,6oo OREGON 3,850 3,30c MONTREAL 3.300 3,auo ONTARIO 3 aoo TEXAS, QUEBEC Tons a. 700 2,600 mmm sjoo Iron Steamships saUs QUEBEC Oneofihe above well-known First Class for LIVERPOOL from every Saturday, during the Summer Months, and from PORTLAND every Thursday during the Winter Months. The Saloons and Staterooms in the SARNIA, OREGON and VANCOUVER are Amidships, where but little motion is felt. Cabin Fnre, QUEBEC or PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL, $50 to $80^ Return, $90 to $144, according to Steamer and Berth, intermediate, $40. steerage, $24. Prepaid CBRTzriCATSs Issued from all Princii>al Points in Eurone to all Principal Points in C7.nada and the United States at the very LOWEST RATES. Ste&mers Sail from Liverpool every THURSDAY, calling at Belfast on the following day. Through Tickets can be had at a!l the principal Grand Trunk Pilway Ticket Officer in Towns and at Stations. For passage tickets or rates of freight, apply in Liverpool, Flinn. Main & Montgomery, 24 James Street : in London, Gracie& Hunter 96 Leadenhali Street; in Belfast, Henry Gowan, 29 Donegal Quay ; in Queenstown, John Dawson & Co. ; in Glasgow, Robert Duncan &Co.,97 Union Street: in Toronto, G. W. Torrance, 65 Front Street East; in Quebec, W. M. Macpherson, Dalhousie Street, or to any Grand Trunk Railway Agent. DAYiD TORRANCE & CO., General Agents, H Hospital Street MONTREAL. 1 ^« 646 ▲DYEBTISEMEMT. -^ACfuRe^ 0/f Book, Fine.News, Printing, Blank Wall Hanging, Tints, Colors, Bleached Manilla, Unbleached Manilla, Whita Manilla, Leather Colored Manilla, Impression Manilla. Speolail 3ls«8 and Wdlyhts mtd^ to Order, MILLS at KINGSEY FALLS. OFFICE: MONTREAL. ▲DYEBTISBMEKT. M0 4&^ Established 185 0. ^4^ -— — — • •♦■ •- MANUFAOTURCaS AND DEALERS IN EVERY 0E80MPT»N Of MACHINERY, STEAM ENGINES, Mill W«sk, a&ASti&ge Pulleys, Hangers, Lathes, Biscuit IHachinery. f D7£ALIB8Xlf AORMTS ¥4»K First Qiiaiit) Brass Goodi- Iron and Wood* Worktig Machio^rj Rubber and Leather Seltiag. Ilubber, Hfisp and Ftai i'aekiog. Solid Emery Ime'fy Cloth. MmS PATENT GOVERNORS. SHAFTIN8, HAN8ERS AND PULLEYS A SPECIALTY. Nazareth, Brennan and ^ .housie Streets, Steaa and Water Guagea- Rubber, leather aid Liien Hose. Cotton yHuU. Babbit Meta! Saw (juinmcrii Emery Machinea aid Griodrrs. ^ ^ ^1 fe'i • 1 •-*,•** ; 64(1 ABYBRTISEMBNT. P A R KS MOJirmEjiL, S 8 T .A^BXiX ^ :^ i"^ 8Z>, 1 863. FIFTEEN Fli ST P^^JZES AWARDED. STEREOSCOPIC AND LANTERN SLIDES Montreal, Quebec, Murray Bay, Gacouna, Tadpusac, Saguenay, Toronto, Niagara, Saratoga, Thousand Islands, Yosemite Valley, Gal., Lake George and Ausable Ghasm, N.T. We call special attention to our IiuttanlaiieoiiK Work one of the latest novelties. Onr PA»iiel or Tablet i^lic %f,^* graplis, Rembrandt or Sliadow Portraits, -^re the finest produced ; and the negatives preserved. We ha> e a, stock of negatives from the Ingiis estate; also, Field^s negaiives. Solar Printing and Dry Plates for the Trade. Copying, enlarging and finishing in Oil, Water Color, and Ink. aagrVVo respectfully solicit your Patronage. -^ CmSBSS UrSITBAMOB co: TABIFF. ei Perceal Gothti DomUos. Caatimerea» Twtedti Coatiiigs, OrerCoat* ioiSiQoddogs, Hon* Collar Cloth, Felt Cloth of OTery dMjgription not elsewhere tpecifica, compoaed wholly or in part of wool, wofateot hair of Alpaca goat and other like animals 7^ cents per pound and 20 Clothbf , Ready*Made, or Wearing Apparel of every dcscrii^- tioBf composed wholly or in ptart of wool* worstedi hair of Alpaca goat or other like animaU made up or manu£w« tored wholly or in part by the Tailor, Seamstress oi Manufacturer, except Knitted Goods, 10 cts. per lb. and 25 Gothing made of Cottont of which Cotton is the component part of chief ▼al.ue, induiing Corsets, Cotton Collars andCuils « 30 Coal, Coke and Coal Dost, Bituminous or Anthracite (2,000 lbs. to ton) 60 cents per ton. Coatl Oil and Kerosene, distilled, purified or refined, not else- where specified 7 1<5 cents per I. G* Coal Oil and Kerosene, Fixtures and parts thereof 90 CoalTar 10 CoalPitch 10 Coats, Fur Hats, Caps and Capes... *J& Cobalt, Ore of. Free Cocoanuts SOo. per 100 Cocoanut, dessicated, when sweetened 1 cent per lb. and 3ft Cocoa-paste, and other preparations of cocoa containing sugar 1 ceLt per lb. and 2S Cocoa-paste and Chocolate, not sweetened < ... 20 Cocoanut Oil and Palm in their natural state* Free Cocoa, Bean, Shell or Niba Free Cod Liver Oil, medicated 20 Cochineal Free Cofiiee, green 2 cents per lb. But if imported from U. S., additional 10 Coffee, roasted or ground and all substitntes thereof not com- £>8ed of roots aud vegetables 3 cents per lb. stitutes composed of roots and vegetables^ 4 cents p. lb. Ccffins, of any material 35 Coffin Trimmings, of metal 90 Coins, Gold and Silver, except U. S. silver coin. Free Coir and Coir Yam Free Collars, Cufib and Shirt Fronts, paper 2ft Collars, Cuff 9 md Shirt Fronts of Cotton and Paper 90 Collars, Cuffs imd Shirt Fronts, Cotton Collars, and of CoUon and Linen 80 Collars, Cuffs and Shirt Fronts, linen 20 Colcothar or Crocus, dry oxide of iron Free Cologne Water, and Pertumed Spirits, in bottles, flasks or other packages, weighing more than 4 ox., $1 .90 per I.G. and 80 Cologne Water, and PerfuoMllSpirits, in bottles, flaska or other package^ not weighing nwre than 4 ounces 40 CoIms and Pamis, ground in ml or any other Hquid 2B i| te^" It :^ ■ i"-^ I ' '( ' : f 'i t. osr-ims. ULwm 66 DOMINION Perctnt. CoIot* nd Pdntt, Bicfaiomatt of Potadi, Blne-Uack, ChincM Blue, Lakes, Scarlet and Maroon in pulp, Paris Green, Prnssian Bhie. Satin and fine-washed White^ Ultra- marine, and umber, raw Free Colors and Paints, not elsewhere specified 20 Combeof Robber 29 Combs, all other 25 Commercial Blank Forms, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate* ••••• ••• ••■• •• •••••••• so Communion Plate, and Plated Ware for nse in Chnrches Free Coninm Cicota, or Hemlock seed and leal Free Confectionery and Sug^r CandT, brown or white, le. per lb. and 85 Copper, old or scrap, in pigs, bars, rods, bolts, ingots, sheets, and sheathing, not planished or coated, copper wire, round or fiat, or copper seamless drawn tubing > — . 10 Copper, Rivets and Burrs, and all mannfoctores of, not else- where specified 80 Copper Sheets, cut in strips or sub-divisions 80 Copper and Brass Wire 10 Copper and Brass Wire Cloth 20 Coraage, for ships' pmposea * 20 Cordage, all other 20 Cordials (see **Spinu") $1.90perI.G. Com, Indian 7^ cents per bush. Commeal 40 centa per bbl. Cornstarch or Flour, Potato Starch, and all preparations having ^ the quality oi starch 2 cents per lb. Cornelians, unmanufactured Free Corks, and other manufacturea of Cork-wood or Cork-bark. ... 20 Cork-wood or Bark, nnmannfiictured Free Corsets . * ■ * • 30 Cotton, grey or unbleached and bleached, not stained, iMinted or printed 1 cent per square yard and Cotton, Sheetings, Drills, Ducks, Cheese Cloths, Cotton or Canton Flannels, not stained, painted or printed, grey or unbleached or bleached 1 cent per aquare yard and Cotters, Denims, Drillings, Bed-tickings Ginghama, Flaids, Cotton or Canton Flannels, Docks and TXrilla, Dyed or Colored, Checked or Striped Shirtinga, Cot- tonades, Pantaioon Stuffs, and gooda of hae deecrip- tion, a)so Sateens and Galateas, 2 centa per sq. yd. and Cotton Shirts and Drawers, woven or made on tnunea, and all Cotton Hosiery Cotton Sewing Thread, on spools Cotton, Duck or Canvas, of hemp or fiax, and sail twine when to be used for boats' or ships' sails .... 8 Affidavit must accompany entry to substantiate ita use. Cotton, alt clothing made oi cotton, mdt vHbich cotton » tho component part of chief valt4P^cIndmc CoreMs and linen and cotton Collars, Cufib, Duck Veato and aimlar articles SO 15 If 15 80 AMD ACdBKBTT— CAFTff All, Tl6»-Pr«Bid«Btf CtoVAld B. •l»lft8,M«. Ptrc«Dt. CotlOB Stwing Thnad, in hanks. 12| CottmM* all mannlactaret of, not •Isewhcrn fpccifiadi htld to embrace :— Qailts and Sheets (white or colored). Cotton Diaper, Window Holland, Prints. Printed Shirtings, Fun.iture Prints, Cretonne, Plain Prints, Printed Cotton, Cashmere, Cotton Huckaback, Cotton Damask in pieces and cloths, Towels, Book Muslin, Jaconet, Checked Jaconet, Cambric, Bishop's and Vio- toria Lawns, Tat latant. Hair Cords, Crinoline and all kinds of Printed Muslins, Leno, Pique, BrilliantSi Cottons Handkerchiefs, Curtains known as Swiss, Not- tingham, or Lace, etc., if of Cotton, Muslin Lace, aU kinds of Cotton Scarfs and Ties, rolled Jaconets, Glove Finished Cambrics, Moleskins, Corduroy, Cotton, Yel- Tets and Velveteens, . Cotton Tapes. Ferrets, Stay-bindings, Bed Lace, Boot Web, Carpet Binding, Blind Tassels, Window Leno, Cotton Fringe, Braids, Boot and Stay Laccs, Velvet Ribbons and all kinds of Cotton Laces 20 Cotton, Seamless Bags, irrespective of contents, and' when filled bags may be taken as weighing 16 oz. and not of less value than $3.00 per dot. iz cents per lb. and Cotton, Prunella •••-.••«••<• *»•••» .^m ■>•>.«•«• <»•« Cotton, Wadding, Batting, Batts and Warps, Carpet Warps, Knitting and Hosiery Yams, and other Cotton Yams under No. 40, not elsewhere specified, not bleached, dyed or colored 2 cents per lb. and Cotton Wadding, Batting, Batts and Warps, Carpet Warps, Knittins and Hosiery Yams, and other Cotton Yams under Mo. 40, not elsewhere specified, bleached, dyed or colored 3 cents per lb. and Cotton Warps on beams Icentperlb. and Cotton, or Canton Flannel, grey and unbleached and bleached, not stained, paintedor printed. .1 cent per sq. yd. and Cotton, all manufiMtures of, not elsewhere specified 2D Cotton Waste Fren Cotton Wool Fre« Cotton and Woollen Netting for Boots, Shoes and Gloves 10 Cotton Umbrellas ^» Cotton Handkerchiefs. 20 Cotton Seed Cake, Oil Cake, Palm Nut, and Meal Cake Free Coutille, when imported by Corset manufacturers 20 Cream of Tartar, m Crystals Free Cuffs, Collars and Shirt Fronts, Paper * SO Cufls, Collars and Shirt Fronts, Cotton SO Cuffs, Collars ana Shirt Fronts, Linen 90 Curry Combs and Curry Cards 80 15 10 IS 15 15 15 '',V '*'',»''^i£'' twmw^ - ■. r DOMINIOir Pttr( Oitl0fy» Irra tad StMl, sol tiMwiMrt tptditd, fathrtlM tetla« pocktt. and oflot c«U«ry : teimnn aad alManb teelodiat alMtp shMn; botckera' koivet aad tCMlai •hoe, huntiof. f lasien' aud fiurien' kaittt ; hmhm for hortieoltoral porpoata ; and other artidee for eindUr Jarpoeet at the above: Horee Clippers, 8«i|iad attmmenU and Deatal lastnimeau 21 3D Debaife 20 DMniJohnt 80 Diamonds, unset, induding black diamonds for borers Free Diamond Dust, or Bort. Free Drafts, printed, lithographed, or copper or steel plate SO Dragon's Blood ^ ...Free Drain Pipesi ....„,. .«,.«nglaied 20 Drain Tile, glased and ungTaxed 20 Drawers, cotton, woven or made on frames 80 Drawers, Shirts and Hosiery, composed wholly of or in part of wool, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat, or other like ani- mals 7| cents per lb. and 20 Drawings, Paintings, EDgravinga and Prints 20 Drawn Boiler Tubmg. 10 Druegets •.. 20 Duck, for Belting snd Hose Free Duck, for Ships* Sails ft Dyeing or Tanning Articles in a crude state, used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere specified Free Dynamite, Dualin, Giant Powder Mtd Vigorke, snd other explosiTCS of which Kitro-glycerir = is a cCiiritituent part ..... 5 cents per lb. and 20 Dyes, other than aniline, prepared. 20 Eari -^os^'^ .., 85 Eart . " „one ware, and Rockingham Ware and Cane «... .own or colored .... 25 EartheuT/are, Stonewareand White Granite, or Iron- stoneware Kad ** C. C." ware, whether decorated, printed or spongedornot SO Eggs . Free Egg Boxes, when imported from the United States to be filled with eggs asd exported^ may be returned to Canada to • be refilled without requiring duty a second time, but « duty must be paid on first importation 25 Electroplate, and gilt of all kinds, not dassed as jewellery. ... 80 Electrotypes and Stereotypes, of standard books, not adver- tuing books, pamphleu or sheets 10 Electrotypes and Stereotypes for commerdal blanks and adver- tisements 20 Smery Free of •▼•vj tfcMvlpitoa tk«V«li«y. TARIFF. 99 Ptr ctnt Emery Pap«r, Mnd and glsM i>aptr and cloth 26 EaginM, locomotive andatationary, fire and other ateamenginca and boilers and other machinery composed wholly or in part of iron « 25 EngTAvin^ paintinga, drawinp and prints 20 Entomoiogv, specimens of Free Envelopes, paper of all kindsi not printed 2S Envelopea* printed SO essences, oi Apple, i'ear, rmeappiet Kaapberry, btrawberryt and other (hiits and Vanilla ^1-90 per I. G. ana 20 Essences, each as Old Tom Gin Essence, Scotch Whiskey, &e> 20 Essential Oils, for manufacturing purposes 20 Esparto or Spanish Grass, and other grasaea and pulp of^ for the manufacture of paper. . . Frco Excelsior, for upholsterers' use 20 Extract of Ix)gwood Fres Fans, "Advertising'* 80 Fans, all other 25 Farina 2 cents per lb. Festhersy Ostrich and Vulture, undressed •••• 15 Feathers, Ostrich and Vulture, dressed 25 Feathersj^for beds 20 Felloes, Spokes, Hubs and parts of wheels, rough hewn or sawn onlv 12 Felloes, Spokes, Hubs, and parts of wheels, when finished • . . 26 Felt, for boots and shoes, when imported by manufacturers for use in their factories..... •.•• 16 Felt, pull-overs for hats • • 25 Felt, for glove linings, when imported by manufiicturers for their use in factory ••• 10 Felt, adhesive, for sheathing vessels Fres Felt, endless, for paper makers, when imported by ownufac- turers for use in.their factories 10 Felt Cloth, of every description, not elsewhers specified 7i cents per lb. and 20 FeltBootoaod Shoes 26 Fibre, Mexican •*• Ttf Fibre, Vegetable, for manufacturing purposes. . . ^ Fres Fibre, Tampioo or Istls Fres Fibrilla Fig 20 Fres fS, Frst Files Fire>brick or Tiles, for Ibing stoves and fnmsoss. ........ Fire-clay Fire arms. Muskets, Rifles, Pistols and Shet-gnaa Firs-arms, for use of Army, Navy and Militia ••< FishOil Fiah, of all kinda the product of ihs fiaharist •! lbs United Scatsa (except fish of ths Inlnd LidtMi w of fivsis idling into them), and fish prsssrvsd Ib Ml < Frote h v^, ^.ir. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) ^/ ^ .5^. ?'• .« ^ .^1^ ^\^^ ^ 1.0 I I.I 11.25 UilM 125 IMI^S |U il.6 II 6" % y ^ 7 w FholDgraphic Sciences Corporation 4^ 40s\ ^r\\ 23 WIST MAIN STREIT WIBSTIR,N.Y. U580 (7l«)t72-4S03 f:'- itm m urn IXBVWtAXCE COBIPA»iT.-I4IAHa CMUited afler tlurev areMn 1m DOMINION Per cent. Pish, fresh, salted or smoked, except free by Washington Treaty 1 cent per lb. Fish-bait •.•••;•••: ....*''«• Fish-hooks, Nets, Seines, Lines and Twines for the use of the Fisheries, but not to inciude sporting, fishing tackle, or hooks with flies» or trawling spoons Free Fish-plates, steel, untU 1883 Free Fish-plate. "iron" 17* Flannels, of erery description not elsewhere specified 7i cents per lb. and 20 Flasks, glass of every description 90 Flax, fibre, scutched 1 cent per lb. Flax, fibre, hackled 2 cents per lb. Flax,towo^ scutched or green ^centperlb. Flaxseed 10 cents per bush. Flax Seed Oil, boiled or raw 25 Flint, Flinu and ground Flint-stones Free Flour, Wheat 50 cents per bbL Flour, Buckwheat or Meal ^centperlb. Flour, Com 40cent8perbbl Flour, Rye 50 cents perbbl. Flour, Rice 2 cents per lb. Flour, Sago 2 cents per lb. Fog Signals, detonating for railway alarms 20 Forks, steeL hay, manure and potato 90 Folia digitalis Free Fossils Free Fruit, i£r»r<£ Applet 2centsperlb. Fruit, driga. Currants, Dates, Figs, Plums, Prunes, Raisins, and all others not elseiriiere specified. 20 Frttit,/Twn*, Apples............ 40 cents per bbU Fruit, iTVtfii^ Buickberries, Gooseberries, Raspberries, Straw- berries 2 cents per quart. Fruit, £ivtm^ Cherries and Currants. . 1 cent per auart. Fruit, grten. Cranberries, Plums and Quinces^ 30 cts. per onsh. Fruit, /9v#M, Grapes. 2c«Qtperlb;. Fruit, jv«#% Peaches ..40 cents per bush. Fruit,/yvM, Oranges and Lemons Fruit, in air-tight cans, tncludmg cans, if sweetened, 3c. per lb. Fruit, in i»Jr-tight cans, including cans, if not sweetened ^^ 2 cents per lb. Finut, preserved in brandy and other qririti. . . .$1.90 per I. O. Fruit Jars, glass and preserve jara 30 Fullers' Earth Free Fullers^ Earth, when prepared 20 Furniture^ house, cabinet or ottct, finished or in parts. ....... 85 For Skins, dressed 15 Fur Skins, of all kinds, not drsseed in any manner Fvse Furs, Oipe, Hats^ Muffs* Tippets. Capes, Coats, Qoaks and other manufactures of Fur 26 #V THB MBCUIUTY OF ITS UUPB POUtCIBS lilbenUl Surrenders allowed. TABTFF. 71 Clh Percent Galateas 2 cents per square yard and 15 Gas and Coal Oil Fiictttres or parts thereof SO Gas Light Shades SO Gas Pipes of Cast Iron 25 Gentian Root *....^ ...Free Ciennan Silver in Sheets Free Giant Powder 5 cents per lb. and 20 Gm, Geneva (see *'Spirito'*) $i.32l per I. G. Gin, Old TouH (see '^Spirits'') $l.s3 per I. 0. Ginseng Root Free Glassy Ornamental, Figured, Enamelled, Stained, in sheets. . . SO Glass, Carboys and Demijohns, Pressed Bottles, Flasks and Phials of every description, Telegraph and Lightning Rod Insulators, Fruit Jars and Glass Bottles SO Glass, Lamp and Gas Li^t Shades, Lamps and Lamp Chim' neys, Globes for Lanterns, Lamp and Gas Lights Glass, Stained, Tinted, Painted, Vitrified, in sheets Glassy Window, Stained Glass, window. Common and Colorless. ... Glass, Figured, Enamelled and Obscured White, in sheets. . . . Glass, not Figured, Painted, Enamelled or Engraved Glass, all others, and manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. Glass Stoppers SO SO .<» SO SO 20 20 20 30 Glass B^ Glass Paper, Sand, Emery Paper and Cloth £5 Glengarry or Scotdi (^ps 25 Globes for Lanterns and Lamps SO Gloves, Cotton and Lisle and Thread 25 Gloves,Silk .. 25 Gloves, Woollen 25 Gloves and Mits, leather of all kinds .••• 25 Glucose Syrup ^ cent per lb. and 35 Glucose and Crape Sugar, to be classed and rated for duty as sugar, according to grade by Dutch standard in color. GoM-Beaters' Moulds and Skins Free Gra lite, aU manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Granite ware or Iron-stoneware (not iron) ....•••• 30 Gravel ... ...Free r;r^,i«e and Grease Scrap, for manufacture of So;»'» Free Grindstones $2.00 per ton Ground or Pulverized Sawdust 25 Guano, and other animal and vegetable manure (not phosphate) Free Gums, Amber, Arabic, Australian, British Deztnne, jpopal, Damar, Mastic, Sandarac, Shellac and Tragacanth . . .Free Gnms, Chewing, sweetened or flavored 1 cent per lb. and 35 Gums, Chewing not sweetened 20 Gummy Cloth and Gummy Bags Free Gunpowder. ^;un, rifle and sporting, in kegs, i kegs, ] kttp, and similar packages 5 cents per lb. Oonpowder, cannon and musket, in k^;s and barrds, 4c. per lb. Gonpowder, canister, in pound and | pound tins. . .15c. per lb. : [ J M l-'i '! "^^1^ f lOttr^RnUE l^^^^jfl l,;fil' 2y^|, ■;^»?1ff':' M -t ! v".|. ^ i wv TO: l[^<S>ft.: wiuuBMs nrevmAHcns €o.-Fnu brahch. ■Iiw4« ft»r wliteh low flqmrcs will be qiMtcA. Acea«iM 73 DOMIKIOK -^ Percent. OnntMwder, blesting and mining 3 cents per lb. Got and Worm Gat» manolictnred and nnmanniactored, for whip and other cord Free Gntta-pereha, manofactares of • 25 Gntta-percha, erode Free Gyp8am,gronnd.. •••••••.. ...«••• ••• 20 Gn«vm»cradt Free Hair, curled 2I> Hair, Amla, Bii£Mo, Bison, Camel, Goat, Hog* Horse, and Hnman, tieaned or nndeaned, but not cnrled or other- mnt tnano&ctnred, also Cow. Odf, and I>eer Hair . . .Fret Hair Oils, Pomatnms and Pastes^ ana all other perftnned pre- paratioHi used for the hair, month or skin 30 Hams, fresh, salted, dried or smoked .....2 cents per lb. Handkerchief; cotton 20 Hardware, bmlders', cabinet makers', upholsterers'* carriage makers', saddlers' and nndertuers' 90 Hats, Cani and Bonnets, not elsewhere specified 25 Hatters' Plush, of silkorcotton Free Hatters* Fnrs, not on the skin «••• Free Hemlock Bark Free Hemp) undressed ...Free Hemp, Indian (crude drug) Free Hides, raw, whether dry, salted or pickled ...Free Hoes, steel 30 Hollow-ware, tinned, glazed or enamelled, of cast or wrought iron 25 Honey, in the comb or otherwise 3 cents per U>« Hoofs. ...•••• ,.... Free Hops 6 cents per lb. Horse Shoes 30 Horse-shoe Nails 30 Hosiery, cotton of all kind% not elsewhere specified SO Hosiery, wool of all kinds, not elsewhere specified, Ijfi. p. lb. & 20 Hubs, Spokes and Felloes, rough or sawn only 15 Hubs, Spekesand Felloes, when finidied 25 HymnBooks 5 Hyoecyamus or Henbane Leaf Free Ice. .....«».. Free Itldli^iCom 7|ce&ta per bush. I^Miia Rnbber, Boots and Shoes and Mamvfiwtttna of^ laduding Vulcanite and EUtttic Web....... .77^ ^ Itifia Rubber, nnfnannfiwtured Indig6..........i..b...*.. Ink^tbtK^tihg...... Inkflw^ntvM; , ...«....,. InaQUm>M^ l^^raph and L^tning-rftd te all principAl towns. lerdAl Btelui speeially TABIPP. 78 Per cent. IroDf old and scrap , .$1.00 per ton Iron, Pig; $2.00 per ton Iron, in Slabs. Blooms, Loops or Billets, puddled or not, and muck and puddled bars and billets 10 Iron, in Bars, rolled or hampered, including flats, rounds and squares, nail and spike rods, and all other iron not otherwise specified 17i Iron, Band and Hoop, Sheet smoothed or polished, coated ar galvanized} and common or black, 17 gause or thinner, and Boiler Plate, Tank Iron and Canada jPlates 12} And the above over 17 gsncft 17} Iron Chain Cables, over 9-16 men in diameter, whether shack- elled or swivelled or not 5 Iron Chain and Cables, all othev 20 Iron Nails and Spikes, wrouf t or pressed, including railroad spikes .\,, ^ . . . .| cent per lb. and 10 Iron, Rolled Beams, Channel, Angle and T Iron *. . . 12^ Iron, Sheet, corrugated 17^ Iron, Mill and MillCranks, and Wrought Forgings for Mills and Locomotives, or parts thereoCweighing 25 lbs. or more, 20 Iron Masts, for ships, or parts of Free Iron, rolled round wire rods in coils under | inch diameter. ... 10 Iron and Steel Wire, tinned or coppered, galvanized or not. ... 16 Iron for bridges and structural work 25 Iron, malleable, castings 25 Iron, stove and other castings, not elsewhere specified 25 Iron Tin Plates Free Iron Nuts and Bolts together, classed as Bolto 30 Iron Wire Nails called '• Points de Piris »' 30 Iron Furniture, including bedsteads and ornamental Iron work and wire work 25 Iron, Wrought, Tubing, not threaded or coupled over 2 in. in diameter 15 Iron, Wrought, Tubing, threaded or coupled or not, 2 in. or wider 25 Iron, and mann&ctures of, not elsewhere specified 20 Iris Free Istle or Tampico Fibre Free Ivory or Ivory Nuts, unmauufiactured Free Ivory Veneers, sawn or split only, not planed or polished Free . alapRoot Free , apanned and Tin Ware^ not elsewhere specified 25 . cans 2 cents per square yard and 15 . ewdlery. and mannfiicturea of Gold and Smr » 90 /uiACfOld Frais . ttt, manufiicturea of 20 ,uta«a4iia«^Cairp«tt 20 ^ titt^ nnmannactortd Frea /utkBntta FWs ■' 11 ■ ' % ■ V '.i ' " '3)1. 3u: isi'Sl V, m ABTANTAOES OR BEOOIITT TO 74 DOMINION •' Percent. Kelp t Free Kerosene and Coal Oil, distilled* purified or refined, not else- where specified 71-5 cents per I. G. Kerosene and Coal Oil Fixtures, or parts thereof SO Knitting Machines 25 Knife Blades or Knife Blanks in the rough, unhandled, for the use of Electro Platers .. . 10 Knivesfor Mowers and Reapera and Cutter Bars. 35 Kryolite * Free Ii Labels of every description, printed, lithographed or copper ur steelplate. 30 Lac, dye, crude, seed, button, stick and shell Free LampSfGlass •. SO Lamp Shades, glass SO Lard, tned and rendered * • . -2 cents per lb* Lard, untried 1| cents per lb. LardOU ... 20 Lava, unmanufactured • Free Lead, old and scrap aud in pigs 40 cents per 100 lbs. Lead, bais, blocks and in sheets .^ .60 cents per 100 lbs. Lead, white and red, also dry white zinc 5 Lead, Pig and Shot 30 Lead, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 80 Leather, sole, tanned but rough or undressed 10 Leather, Morocco Skins, tanned but rouch or undressed. ..... lU Leather, sole and belting leather, tanned out not waxed. 15 Leather, sole and belting, dressed and waxed IT. ... . 20 Leather, all upper and French kid, tanned but not waxed. .... 15 Leather, all upder and French kid, dressed and waxed 20 Leather, japanned, patent, or enamelled 20 Leather, and all other skins tanned, not elswhere specified ... 20 Leather, belting and all manufactures of, including boots aad shoes 2 Leather, Board. . . , 3 cents per lb. Leather, Boot and Shoe Counters .f cent per pair Leeches Free Lemons, and rinds of, in brine for candying Free Licorice Root Free Linen clothing 30 Linen, other manu&ctures of. 20 Linings, (Rolled) Cotton 20 Linseed Oil, Rawer Boiled 25 Litharge , Free Lithographic Stones not Engraven 20 Litmos and all Lichens, prepared and not prepared Fne Locks of all kinds ....vT..... .... 80 Logs and round unmanufactured Timber, not elsewhere speci- fied , , Free Logwood, Extract of Free ciAir ABiAJi coHPAirr oi^nsM pnTEBTimiO MFK mBlTmBI Psr cent* Locomotives and Railway, Passenger, Baggage and Freight Cars, being the property of Railway Companies in the United States running upon any Line of Road crossing the Frontier, so long as Canadian Locomotives and Cars are admitted free under similar circumstances in the United States, under regulations to be prescribed by the Minister of Customs Free Locomotives, Tires of Steel or ** Bessemer " in the rough 10 Lumber and Timber, PJanks and Boards, sawn, of B<ncwood, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnut. Mahogany, Pitch Pine, Rosewood, Sandal-wood, Spanish Cedar, Oak, Hick- ory and Whitewood, not shaped, planed, or otherwise manufactured ■. .Free Lumber and Timber, Spanish Cedar cut by knife Free Lumber and Timber, not elsewhere specified 20 Linoleum " as Oil Cloth," 80 ^*ace 25 Macaroni and Vermacelli 20 Machine Screws, except Wood Screws SO Machine Screws, intended for holding in wood, without nuts . or other iron fixtures, to be classed as Wood Screws ; . 35 The same imported with nuts, or properly Screw Bolts. . 80 Machines, Sewing (see Sewing Machines). Mucliiuery. not eisewhere specified 25 Madder and Munjeet, or Indian Madder, ground and prepared and all extracts of Free Malt 15 ots per bushel. Manilla grass Free Mamels, slate .• 80 Mantels, marble • - 80 Manure, Gu?«*o. and other animal amd vegetable, .••••••• ••.f lee ■ .. . J Marble Slabs, sawn on not more than two sides #..•• 15 Marble Blocks and Slabs, sawn on more than two sides. ...... 20 Marble, finished 25 Marble all manufactures of , no,t elsewhere specified 80 Marble, in blocks from quarries in the rough, or sawn on two sides only, and not specially shapen, c<m'^'ng 15 cubic feet or over ^ 10 Maps and Charts— not AtUses 1 , ^ .•• 20 Masts, Iron, or parts of, for ships t • ataFree Mattrasses, 85 Meal, Buckwneat i cent per lU Meal Cake, Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, and Palm Nat Cake. .Fiet Meats, fresh or salted, oo actotl weight, as received in Canada, except shooldeta, a24sa, bacon and hams. .1 cent per lb. Meats, Corned Beef 2centsperlb. Msau, Essence of Beef (eitiact) 20 I '. I fi \Y 'X % *■ I' I :i w 4'' -' I ■■ mi y %^^ THB OXnZBNS IN8URAN0S CO.— life BnuMb honomble trantment pi' itMdfrmtke 76 POMINIOK Perotnt. lleau, all others, dried, smoked cr piesenred, in any other way ' than salted or piokJedf not elsewhere specincd 2 cents per Itk Medals, of gold, silver or copiier Free Meerschaum, crude or raw Fres Menageries, horses, cattle, carriages and harness of, under regu- lations to be prescribed by Minister of Customs Fret Mica. 20 Military Stores and Munitions of War Fret Mill Board, not Stra^v Board 10 Mitts and Gloves, 28 Mineralogy, specimeutf uf. Frse Models and Patterns of Inventions, and other improvements in the arts, but no articles or article shall be deemed a model or improvement which can be fitted for use Free Molasses (see Syrups). Moss, Iceland, and other mosses, crude Free Moss, beaweed, and all other vegetable substances used for beds and mattrasses. m their natural state cr only cleaned. • Free Mower and Reaper Knives, and Cutter Bars, as edge tools. ... 35 Music, printed, bound in sheets r 10 cents per lb* Musical Instruments for bands of Army and Navy Free Musical Instruments, brass 25 Musical Instruments, wood 25 Musical Instruments, silver 2n Musical Instruments, vulcanite 25 Musical Inst uments, Accordeons 25 Musical Instruments, Triangles 25 Muskets, Rifles, Guns and Fistols, not elsewhere specified ... 20 Mustard Seed, unground . • 15 Mostard Seed, ground or prepared 25 Nailsi Clout, Hungarian, Horse-Shoe, and Iron Wire, called •♦ Point de Paris" Nails and Spikes, Cut ^ cent per lb. and Nails and Spikes, Wrought and Pressed, whether i^vanized or not...... } cent per lb. and Nails and Spikes, Composition and Sheathing. Napkin Rings, Plated T Napkin Rings, not Plated Naphtha, not elsewhere specified 71-6 cents per I. G, NwtsfootOil 30 10 10 20 30 20 20 Newspapers received by Mail Free Nickel , Free Nickel sheets 10 Nitrate of Soda or Cubic Nitte Free Nitro-Gl|cerine. . , 10 ctoti per lb. and 20 TABIFF. ff Percent, Nntiy IroD leent per lb. and 10 Nuttt all kinds aictpt Coooft Nntt 20 NttUt Cocoa ..$1.00 per 100 NttUnciga 25 NatgaUs Free O Oak Bark Free Oakum Free Oata 10 cents per bosh. Oatmeal. i cent per lb. Ochres, dry, ground or ungroond, washed or unwashed, not calcined 10 Oils, kairt perfumed ornot 30 Oils, Coal and Ktr»s§ntt distilled, purified or refined, Naphtha, Benzole, petroleum, producu of petroleum, coal, shale and lignite not elsewhere specified. .7 1-6 cents per 1. G. Oils, Lubricating 23 Oils, CarMicot htae^t used for making wooden block pave- ments^ for treating wood, for building and for railway ties. 10 Oi\s,Oinwot Salad Oa 20 Oil Ctf^/^tcwr medicated 20 OWttLatd 20 Ot\%^ Linseed ot Flaxutdt tw ox boiled 25 QWNeat^ooi ,,. :... 20 Oil.2^^rM 20 Oil SesameSeed 20 Oils, Cocoanut and Palm in their natural state Free Oil Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, PAlm-nut Cake and Meal. Free Oil Cloth for floors and Linoleum stamped, painted or printed, .^o Oil Cloth for tables, carriages, etc 80 Oiive Oil or SaladOU 20 Opium (drug) 20 Opium prepared for smoking $5 per lb. Oranges, rinds of, in brine tor candying Free Oresof Metals of all kinds Free Organs, Cabinet, Reed Organs having not more than two sets of reeds .^ $10 U) each. Organs, Cabinet, hariag OTer two and ngt more than four sets of reeds $I500each.^ Organsi Cabinet, having OTer four and not more than six sets of reeds $20 00 each. Organs, CadiineL having over six sets of reeds. . . $30 00 each. and in ad(Ution thereto on «^ ^fsr^M •• 1^ Organs.iripe, uuU sets or paru ut «:eui oi reeus forCabinet Organs 25 Ornamental Iron Work 2S Ornaments for ladies' head-dresses, hats, bonnets, belts, dress- clasps, &c, to be rated according to the material or component part of chief value. Osiers Free Oxalic Acid • n :■■ ;• ! ; \'.' 5 ;:;i nn comanrft wsMnjkMCM €•: mm iB DOmNION JP Per cent Paila, Tubs, Chunii^ and othar nianuiactures of Wood Coi elaa- where apecified 25 Paints and Colon grbund in oil or any othtr liquid 25 Paints and Colors not elsewhere specified •• 20 Paints and Colors, White and Red Lead dry« also Zine •..•••••• 6 Paintings, Engravings, Drawings and Prints 20 Paintia«sin Oil by Artists of well known merit, or copies of the old Masters, by such Artists Frse Pslm Leaf, onmannf actnred Free Palm-nnt Cake, Meal Cake, Cotton Seed Cake, and Oil Cako. . Free PunpUets and Periodicals not imported through the Post Offictf 15 Pamphlets and Periodicals imported through Post Ofico for subscribers Frse Paper, Calendered 221 In its meaning held practically to apply to all writing paperB» smooth surfaced papers, whether coloured or wnitey drawing paper and enamelled paper, but does not apply to ordinary printing paper, known to the trade as "news" paper, or to wrapping, timue, filtering or blotting paper, which latter are 20 Paper printing, not Calendered 20 Paper Bags, Printed , SO Paper Bags, not Printed 25 Paper, manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Paper, Carpet Lining 20 Paper, Union Collar Cloth, in sheets^ not shapen 5 Paper of all kinds not elsewhere spedfied a .••«• 20 Paper, Wall, indnding Window Shades and Trunk Linings. . 90 Paper Hangings SO PsperMachd 26 Paper Borders, Cornices, Edgings, ftc., for cigar boxes, per- forated or embomed paper, confectionery paper, bodk marks, tags, cards, and cardboard, photc^prapnic matth ice,, as manufactures of paper 25 Patent Medicines, or any medicine or preparation of which the . recipe is kept secret, or the inipredients thereof aro kept f secret* recommended br advertisement, bill or laJjel ior the rdief of any disorder or ailment, in liquid form. . • 50 Patent Medicines, all other than liquid 25 Peas... 10 cents per bush. Pearl, Mother of, not manufactured. Free Pencils, lead, in Wood or otherwise 25 Pen and Psndi Holders..... 20 Pdts Free Ptreossum Caps, for gun and rifle... •• 20 Capo, for blasting • SO mMMvnrnaukrxwu AccsDMBn fouhtv •aoM 40 30 SO 15 25 Per cent. Penodicali 16 Perfamerv, including toilet preparations. 30 Perfnmed Spirits, in bottles or flasks not weighing more than 4 ox Perfnmed Spirits (held to include Bay Ram) in bottles or flasks and other packages weighing mora than 4 oz. each $1.90 per I. G. and Petrolemn and products o^ not elsewhere specified 7 1-5 cents per I. G. Phials, glass of erery description Philosophical Instruments, and apparatus, including globes and pictorial illustrations of insects, etc* when imported by or for use of colleges and schools, scientific and literary societies Free Phosphorus Free Phosphor Bronze blocks, sheets and wire 10 Pianofortes, square, whether round-cornered or not, not over 7 octaves S25.00 each. Pianofortes, square, all other ]|30.00each. Pianofortes, upright S3000 each. Pianofortes, concert, semi-concert or parlor grand, $50.00 each. And in addition to above specific duty Pianofortes^ parts of. including brass agraffe pins Pianos, a piano imported, consisting of case, frame, sounding- board, &Cf but without the action, should be treated as a piano, liable to the specific duty, and the md vaUrgm duty on its value in that state. Picture Frames 35 Pipe Clay in natural condition Free Pipes, Briar and other ^ Pins, HookSf and Byes .t« -.... 20 Pistols not elsewhera spedfied •>«. 20 Pitch-pine • Free Pitch, Coal 10 Plants, viz.: — Apple Trees, of all kinds .2 cents each. Cherry Ttees, of all kinds 4 cents each. Peach Trees Fear Trees, of all kinds 4 cents each. Plum Trees, of all kinds 5 cents each. 4 Quince Treets 2| cents each. ^Plants and Shrubs, lawn and ornamental trees, not elsewhere specified Plaster of Paris or Gypsum, ground 10 cents per 100 lbs. Plaster of Paris or Gypsum, calcined or manufactured, 15 cents per 100 Ibe. Plaits, straw, tuscan or grass Free Plates, engraved on wo^, steel or any other metal 20 Plated- ware. Electro-plate and Gilt of all kinds, (not jewellery) 90 Playing Cards 6 cetns per pack Plumbago.. 10 Plumbagd, all manuhictures of, not elsewhere specified 20 20 20 I I- r Mf \!m ^K - J>'' lis vlih OMAdiMi GvftniMBlfw VioliA MivUy tf Miff 60 DOBaNIOK PlMh.iilk or cotton, forhatttra Free PoomuIm, French, or iower odora, prMtfftd in tat or oil for tho parpoM ol cooMrring tho o4on d tlowort which do not bear the heat of dlstillationf when imported ia tine of not leee than 10 Ibe. each 15 Pomatum, or Paete, for hair, month or akin 80 Porter, Ale and Beer, ing^orted in boltlea (6 qoarta and 12 pinu to !• Cr*) ••••••••••••••••••••••,, • jB centa per I* (}• Porter, Ale and Beer, imported in caaka or otherwise than in bottles 10 cents per I G. Potatoes * 10 cents per bush . Porcelain-ware 25 Porcelain-ware, Lam);> Shades ?5 I'uiticrtt and advertising pwrnphlets or billn 6 cents per lb> and 20 Prayer Hooks, Psaim ana Hymn Books, ana Bioles Prints, Drawings, Engravings and Paintings- . « Printing Presses, not to include t^pe-writers, electric pens, numbering mnchines, or datmg stamps 1 ^ Prunella, Cotton and Woollen Netting for ooota, shoes and gloves 10 Prunellaol Cotton 2 cents per square yard and 15 Pumice and Pumice Stone Free Pumice Stone, ground and powdered .....•• 20 Putty.... 25 Q \. 8uiUs uinine, sulphate of Free of Cotton, linen, jute, hemp, paper waste or clipi>ings and waate of any kind fit only for manufacturing paper. Free Rags, woollen Free Raus, iron, or railway bars for railways or tram-ways 15 Railway Iron, Iron Fish-plates, Frogs, Frog-points, Chaira and Finger -bars 17i Rakes and Rake-teeth 35 Rattans, unmanufactured Free Receipts, printed, lithographed or copper or steel plate receipts 80 Reeds, unmanufactured Free Rennet, raw or prepared Free Resin Free Revolvers, not elsewhere specified • 20 Rhubarb Root. Free Rice leeatperlb. Kice Flour* *•••.••••..•••....••••••..•*•*•••• .Scents par lb*. Riflee, not daewhere apewfied .•••• 20 Rtvet8,B«ltaaBdWaBben. 90 Reee Water, without spirits 80 - Rose Water, when withoit afirita,lobe tfaMMd aa jMciuurr. RumCsae^^Spirito") Z.Tr,.,f,„., / BUSINESS DIBEOTOBT. 80a BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Agricultural Implements. MATTHEW MOODY & SONS, ■"*■ TERREBONNE and la FOUNDLING STREET, MONTRBAL, Awnings. T R. BAIN, 13 ST. JOHN STREET, ^ * Makes every deacription of AWNINGS FOR DWELLING HOUSE bR STORE. Brolcers. OSWALD BROTHERS, STOCK BROKERS, 53 St. Francois Xavibr Stkbbt, Montrbal. PAYNE & PICKEN, Accountants, Audit- ors & GENERAL AGENTS, 124 St. Jambi Stbbbt, Montreal. Special Facilities fox the Collection of Book Debts, House Rents, &c Trust Estates carefully administered. The Banking and Exchange Business of J. B. Picken & Co. is still continued as heretofore. aAULT & HUBBARD, INSURANCE and STOCK, 104 St. Francois Xavibr Strbbt, Montreal. Brewers. ■QAWES & CO., ST. JAMES STREET. (West), MONTREAL. 5* f if *i ■ t ml & i ^s ^ i ■ B§ jrojtrjHlSB-'i " : * h BUSINESS DIBEGTOBY. ■ Booksellers. . ■ 1 I "HAWSON BROS,, •*-' 833 St. Jambs Stkbbt, MONTREAL. G^ WM. DRYSDALE & CO., '' 233 St. Jambs Strbbt, Montreal. p^ Biscuits. IT STEINSON & CO., -■-*•• CoRNBR iNStaCTOR AND WiLLIAM StS. MONTREAL. Prin Confectioners. TAS. W. TESTER & CO., Manufacturers of j Confectionery by Steam Power, Importers of Foreign Fruits, 163 and 164 McGiLL Strbbt, opposite Albion Hotel, Montreal. I TEl i I Drugs. VENNETHiCAMPBELL & CO., CRAIG STREET, MONTREAL. 1 Famil) 1 Comm \ Do. G v D J. DEVINS, J-l.« Next the Court House, NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL. Hj^H LaRD, ■ T YMAN, SONS & CO., 382 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL. Engines. fiiP-' s 'hwb^ '^ 1 GEORGE BRUSH,--Eagle Foundry, " . . 14 TO 34 KiKQ AND Queen Streets, iIontreal. ■ J"? TONS H 1 V BUSINESS DIRECTOBY. Engines. G ARDNER & SON, NOVELTY ENGINE WORKS, Nazakbth, Brbnxan and DAiiHousiE Stbebts. Engineers and Macliinists. TOHN LAURIE & BRO., 72 AND 74 W£I<IiINOtON Stbbet. MONTREAL. FELIX & HAMILTON, GENERAL MACHINISTS, Ckaig Stbbbt, (Opposite Ck>te). Printing Presses a specialty. All work promptly attended to. Office Desi<s, &c. TEES & CO., St. James Street, West, MONTREAL. Flour Merchants. BRODIE & HARVIE, Flour Merchants, Manufacturers of Brodie & Harvie's Srlp Raising Flour. Family and Pastry Flour, Graham Flour. Cracked Wheat. Oatmeal, Commeal, Hominy, Feed Stuffs, &c. Self- Raising XXX Flour, Do. Graham Do,, Do Buckwheat Do. Fix>UB Depot, 10 and 12 Bleury Stbbet. Grocers. a' AUCHER & TELMOSSE, Importers and VX Dealers in Grockries, Wimes, Spirits, Meal, Provisions, LaRD, etc., 242 db 244 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL. Gunsmiths. JOSEPH MANTON, Manufacturer of Guns PISTOLS, FISHING TACKLE, AMMUNITION. MAN- TONS CELEBRATED GUN OIL. 499 Craig Street. '; »4 1 t^l? I 'T !:.■■)- » jl; v.^;.^ if^ BUSINESS DIBECTORY. 4''^ ,1 '■ !* »!/^a *S ■*i» t , »'v'i,^ Hardware. W M. DARLING & CO., Harowabb Mebohants GUNS AND CUTLERY A SPECIALTY. 30 St. Sulficx Street, Montbbal. DRUMMOND, McCALL & CO., Agents and Importers of Colder Pig Irony Heavy Metals^ Cutlery and General Harduare, 16 Custom- House Squabe, Montbeal Insurance. pITIZENS LIFE, ACCIDENT AND V FIRE INS. CO. Gr. E. HART, Manager, 179 St. James SireeT) Montbeal. niTY OF LONDON INS. CO., yJ W. R. OSWALD, 53 <& 55 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. nOMMERCIAI^ UNION INS. CO. \J F. COLE, 64 St. Francois Xaviek Street, Montreal. nONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION, yJ H. J. JOHNSTON, 110 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. nUARDIAN ASSURANCE CO., \J ROBT. SIMMS & CO., and GEO. DENHOLM, 13 St. Sacrame^it Street, Montreal. I MPERIAL FIRE INS. CO . BINTOUL BROS., 6 Hospital Street, Montreal. ' 's^J T IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INS. i-^ CO. G. F. C. SMITH, Manager. 16 Place D^Armes, Montreal. P "^■•t" ONTBEAL. BUSINESS DIBEGTOBY. Insurance. pHCENIX FIRE INS. CO., -■- B. W. TTBB, Manager. 32 St. Sacbahxht Stbbkt. MoNTBaAii. ROYAL CANADIAN INS. CO., JAS. DAVISON, Manager. 160 St. Jamxs 8tbxst« Montbbai<, CjTANDARD life ASSURANCE CO., *0 . W. M. BAMSAY, Manager. ■ • • . 161 St Jamss Stbsxt, MontbsaI'- Iron, &c. ^ & R P. CURRIE & CO. 100 GBEY NUN STBEET, MONTBEAL. Leather Belting. ROBIN & SADLER, Manufacturers of Leather Belting, Fire Engine Hose and Lace Leather, 694, 696 and 698 St. Josxvr St., Mohtrxai.. JC. McLaren, Manufacturer of Leather « Belting and Hose, Card Clothing and Beed's Mill Supplies, <&c. Ac. St. Jamxs Strict, West, Montreal. P.O. Box 1296. M anufacturers' Agents. A K. ADAMS, 1 8 Victoria Square, Montreal, V. 9 Agenj^ J. & J. Tkylor^a Toronto Safe Works, mannfxetmws of lire and Burglar Proof Securities. Bank and contract work a specialty. House Safes to order. Second-hand Safes for sale. ULFF & CO., Mftrs^ Agents and Importers. Confectioners Sundries, Glucose, Oum Arabic, Tragac- antht Bheltao, £ssentt»t CHls, Oanniiie. etc. Aniline Djes and I^ettitflli^ Omet and Oljeeriaa, Gold and Silrer Leaf and Bronses, Mirror Glassy Hilr a^tb* M<M»ccQ| CoiiiUces, «tc, ete. SS 9r. SuiincB Stbsbv, JioimuBAL. I'i ,r,n BUSINESS DIREGTORT. Metal Works. pHARLES GARTH & CO., yj DOMINION METAL WORKS, 58S Craio Stbkxt, Montbbal. Nail Manufacturers. TlfONTREAL ROLLING MILLS CO., 409 ST. PAUL STREET, jtONTRE AL. pECK, BENNY & CO., Iron, Cut Nails, X Clinch and Patent Pressed Nails, Horse Nails, Ship and Rail- "way Spikes. Works, LxoHiinB Ganal. Offiox, 391 ST. PAUL STREE T, MONTREAL. Paints and Oils. MICHEL LEFEBVRE & CO., ^^JSli^'' ^ " ■^ A perfect substitute for Alcohol, and 5O, p. cent cheaper, used as solvent for Shellac Gums in making VHrnishes and Lacquers ; also for cutting Oils, pre- paring Dye bluffs. Tinctures, Medicines, extracting Perfumes and Essences, thawing frosty Gas pipes and Meters, etc., etc.. In general use in Laboratories of Anatomy and Natural History; employed by Lithographers, Photographers, Gilders, Shoemakers, etc. For burning and mechanical purposes generally it has no equal, gi, a8 and 25 GOSFORD STREET, MONTREAL. McARTHtTR, CORNEILLE & CO., Successors to John McARTlIUR St SON, Oil, Lead, Color and Varnish Merchants, Importers of English and Belgian Window Glass, chemi- cals; Dye Stuffs. Naval Stores, etc. 310 to 3x6 ST PVUL STREET, and 147 to isi COMMISSIONERS STREET. MONTREAL. BAYLTS MANUFG CO., VARNISHES, JAPANS, VSTHITE LEAD, Ac. Nazabbth Stbbst, MOMTBXAIi. Paper. QANADA PAPER COMPANY, 874 8t. PAXnb SXRXn, MOHTBBAIi. TVOMINION PAPIER COMPANY, 1(K) QvMt Nun &rB«w, Momtbxaii. BUSINESS DIREGTOBY. • • Painters. j.^ OWENS, 114 BliBUBT StBBST, MOXTBBAIi. Photographers. IIENRI LARIN, Photo Artist, 18 St. Lawkknok Maik Stbbkt, Montbbal. J G. PARKS, 196 >^ St. Jamxs Stbekt, MoihbeaIi. Printing. J. THEO. ROBINSON, 64 St. Francois Xavibb Stbbbt, Montbbal THE BEST EQUIPPED JOB OFFICE IN THE CITY. Publisher. T THEO. ROBINSON, Publisher of Starke's t ALMANAC and GENERAL REGISTER, The A B C RAILWAY GUIDE, Monthly; Subscription price, $1.00 a year Printing Ink. BAYLIS MANUF'G CO. 26 Nazabbth Stbbbt, Montbbaii. Rubber. flANADIAN RUBBER CO., of Montreal, v^Manufeotoxers of Rubber Shoes and Fblt Boots. Warerooms, 333 d; 836 $%, Paul Street, Montreal, and 46 Yonge Street, Toronto. >^ t ^ ^"'11 ■• ;' 1 • Ki.i ■■'', ; _il m S'J ; 4. m BUSINESS BIBEGTOBT. Steamiihipi. DOMINION LINE OF STEAMSHIPS, DAVID TOBBAirOE A CO., 8 HOiviTAii SnnutTi Movtbbaii. Stationers. D MILLER SON & CO., MoGIL li STREET, MONTREAL. Sewing Macliines. 'rHE Celebrated Williams Sewing Machines L 100^000 now in nae in Canada.— Hie beat proof of thieir merit ! Factories, Bouae's Point ao4 MontreaL The most ponuli^ MacUne in the world. WIUJAMS HANUF'G CO., 247 Noti« Dame Street, M<mtreaL ^ o: ''■'<:'■ ' Vinegars. MICHEL LEFEBVRE & CO.,^^^jf.I{Sr« Our ViAe|iF>"^ are nuui&factured on the most approved principles, com - bined with die latest iniprovei:i«tts which the progress of the times hap put at the disposal of Technical Arts. We use only the putfut and h«atthiest sub- stances, and, therefore, irre warrant our Vinq^irs pure and free from boison. We do not use one single drop of Sulphuric Acid, and we do not tmy one drop of Acetic Acid, mode outot wood, to obtain a«:tttoas strcnt^th; whfl^ •ionie manufacture*!, buy Acetic Acid by the caridad to sdl a mixture which they call Vinegar. «l, 23 «t «5 GOSFOKD STKEEf. MONTREAL- IHSimiAlfCn COMFAVT.-FlM, UM TATIPF. 81 Percent. Rye 10 cent! per bush. Rye Flour 60 cento per bbl. Rubber, manufacture of. 25 Safes, " Iron," and doors for safes and yanlts 2& Saffron Cake Free Saffron and Safflower, extracts of Free Sago 20 Sago Flour 2centsperlb. Sails for Uoato and Ships Z9 Sal*Anunonia Free Sal-Soda Free Salt, imported from the United Kingdom or any British posses- sion, or imported for the use of the sea or Gulf fisheries, Free Salt, except salt imported from the United Kingdom or any British possession, or imported for the us& of the sea or Gulf fisheries, which shall be free from duty, 8 cento per 100 lbs. Salt, in bags, barrels, and other packages.. 12 cents per 100 lbs. Saltpetre 20 Sand * Fr«a Sand-paper, Glass, and Emery-paper and Cloth 25 Satin, silk 90 Satteens, colored as " Jeans," 2 cents per square yard and 15 Satchels, Trunks, Valises and Carpet-Bags 30 Saw-dust 25 Saws of all kbds 30 Scales, Balances, Weighing Beams and Steelyards 30 Screws, Steel, Iron, called Wood-screws," 35 Screws, Macmne Screws, not ** Wood-screws" 80 Screws, Machine, intended for holding in wood, without nutoor other iron fixtures, to be classed as wood screws. ...••• 36 The same imported with nuto are properly screw bolto 30 Screws, with Muto 30 Sea-grass Free Sealskin— Imitations in w«ol to be classed asoloakings T^centoperlb. and Seamless Drawn Tubing, '* Zinc " Seamless Drawn Tubing, ** Brass" Seamiess Drawn Tubing, '* Copper" Seamless Cotton Bags . • 2 cents per lb. and Sea-weed, Moss, and all other Vegetable Substances used for beds and Mattrasses, in their natural state or only cleaned Free Seeds, flower, garden, field and other seeds for agricultural purposes when in bulk or other laige parcels 15 Seeds, the same in small papers or parcels ...... .^ 25 Seeds, for agrioiltural purposes do not include Anise, Carda- mon, Colchicum, Cummin, Fenugreek, Hvoscymus, Philandri, Stramonium, Worm. Carraw4Vi Canary. 20 10 10 10 15 v'ii ' ! ir r •i I, naoB dTJDEBirB nrsinBAircB €o«— hre, lifb I Andrvw Allaa Esq., 82 DOMINION '' I Per cent. Seeds, mustard, ungroand 15 Seeds, mustard, ground 25 Senna, in leaves Free Sesame Seed Oil Settlers' ££Fects — Wearing Apparel, Household Furniture, except Sewing Machines and Pianos, Professional Books, Implements and Tools of Trade, occupation or employment, which the settler has had in actual use for at least six months before removing to Canada ; not to include machinery or live stock, or articles imported for use in any manufactory, establishment, or for sale ; pro- vided that any dutiable article entered as Settlers' Effects shall not be sold or otherwise disposed of with- out payment of duty until after two years actual use in Conada. Provided that under regulations to be made by the Minister of Customs live stock, when imported in Manitoba or the North- West Territory by intending settlers, shall be free until otherwise ordered by the Governor in Council Free Sewer Pipes, unglazed 20 Sewer Pipes, glazed 25 Sewing Machmes, whole, or heads or parts of heads of Sewing Machines $2 each and 20 Sewing Machines, parts of, viz.: Stands and table tops, imported separately ; stands to be treated as castings, and wood- work as manufactures of wood, both 25 Shawls, if not composed chiefly of silk •. 25 " " 30 20 Shawls, silk Shawls, knitted 7^ cents per lb. and Shellac Varnish #1.90 per gallon. Shingles Ships, and all other vessels built in any foreign country, whether steam or sailing vessels, on application for Canadian register, on the fair market value of the hull, rigging, machinery and all appurtenances Shirts, Cottofif woven or made on frames . Shirts, Drawers and Hosiery, Wool, wholly or in part, worsted, hair of Alpaca goat or other like animal, 7j cents per lb. and Shirtings, Cotton, checked and striped, 2 c^nts per sq. yard and Shirt Fronts, Collars and Cuffs Shot, lead Shot Guns, not elsewhere specified Show Cases, of any material $2 each and Show Cards or Bills 6 cents per lb. and Shovels. Spades^ , Shoulders and Sides, fresh, salted, dried or smoked, 2c. per lb. Shrubs and Trees, no'i elsewhere specified Silex or Crystalized Quartz Free Silicias and Casbans, plain, beetled or printed 20 Silk Twist and Sewing Silk 25 20 10 30 20 15 30 30 20 35 20 35 20 S, LIFI Mi ^^n Per cent. • • • 15 • ■ « 25 ... ] Free • • • ire. mal lor ifor tto Ifor )ro- en* ith- ein ade din ling the 1 • • • Free I • • • 20 ■ • • • 25 nne and 20 rted 30d- • • • 1 25 ■ • •*• 25 • • • • 30 and 20 Ion. • ■ t • 20 ther dian »ng, • • • • 10 • • « 30 (ted, per and 20 and 15 ■ • • t 30 • • t • 30 • • • • 20 and 35 and 20 t • • • 35 rib. • fl • • 20 Free • • ■ 20 • • • • 25 Per cent. Silks, raw, or as reeled firom the cocoon, not being doubled,, twisted or advanced in manufacture in any wmj, silkV cocoons and silk waste • Free Silk Velvets, and all manufactures of silk, of which nlk is the component part of chief value £0 Silk, in the gum, not' more advanced than singles, tram, and thrown organzine 16 Sillt, Manufactures of, embrace, glactf, cros grain, dncapew berathea. Cashmere, Gros de rfaples, black and coloured ; black and coloured Torquotse, satinSf sarse* nets* Persians, poplins and all other piece goods of which silk ?s the component part of chief value ; all silk clothing, crapes, silk umbrellas and parasols, vel- vets, terries, chenilles, rCbbons, silk plush, hat bands, velvet ribbons, silk braids, fringes, laces, trimnlings, tassels, gloves, lace mitts, shawls, hosiery and under- clothing, ties, scarfs, bows, ferrets, handkerchiefs, Prussian bindings, sofa gimp, orris lace, float lace, mantillas or jackets, boot and stay laces, silk warp Paramatta, silk tapestry, silk warp alpaca, &c. 30 Silver, rolled , , 10 Silver, German, in sheets Free Silver or Gold Coins (except United States silver coin) l^'reo Silver Leaf, for painters and gilders 25 Skates of all kinds ^30 Skins, undressed, dried, salted or pickled Free Slates, Scnool aad Writing, and Porcelain and Drawing Slates 25 SlateMantles Jv Slate Slabs, square pr in special shapes 20 Sleighs 121 20 30 20 Snuff and Manufactured Tobacco £0 cents per lb. and Soap, common Brown and yellow not perfumed i^ cent per lb. Soap, common, soft and liquid (not pertumed) • ' * ,; " Soap, Castile and white 2 cents per lb. Soap, perfumed and toilet Soap, Saddlers\ and silver soap ^ SodaAsh Free Soda Caustic • !«« Soda, Silicate of %" Soil Pipes, cast iron ^^^ Spades, Shovels. V" r'i'"i.' Spanish or Esprrto Grass, and other grasses and pulp of, for the manufacture of paper Free Spectacles and Eye-glasses • ^ Spelter, in blocks or pigs.. • Free Sperm Oil ••• VVr"* ^" Spices— Ginger and Spices of all kinds (except Mace and Nut- me^s) unground ." Spices, as above, ground ^? Spsces, Nutmegs and Mace • \^""1 7^ Spikes and Nails, cut * cent per lb. and 10 I 'il 1 •'-.H- ; t . ; A r-:\ cmnorft ihavraivce coMPiurr-i^FB bkanch. ibArmttMffi . r<»nd1f floni* F^r^lirB trmvol and N 84 DOMINION Per cent. Spikw and Nails wrought and pressedi whether galvanised or not ] cent per lb. and 10 Spikes and Nails, composition and sheathing 20 Spirits of Turpentine ... ..*.. 10 Spirits and Strong Waters not having been sweetened or mixed with any article so that the degree of strength thereof jannot be ascertained by Syke? Hydrometer, for every Imperial gallon of the strength of proof by such Hydro- meter, and s > in proportion for any greater or less strength than a gallon, vis.: Geneva Gin. Rum, Whiskey andunenumeratedarticlesoflikekmds$l.H2i per 1. G. Spirits. Brandy Ill -45 per I.G. Spirits. Whiskey. Geneva Gin, and Rum,. . . . j ;l 82| per I.G. Spirito, Old Tom Ginin Bilk $1.32iperl G. Spirits, sweetened or mixed so that the degree of strength can- not be ascertained as aforesaid, viz. : Rum Shrub, Cordials, Scheidam Schnapps, Tafia, Bitters and un* enumerated articles of like kind . $1.90 per I G. Spirits, Strong; Waters imported into v. madamixed with any ingredient or ingredients and although thereby coming under the denomination of Patent Medicines, Tine- tures, Essences, Extracts, or any O'her denomination not elsewhere specfied, shall be neverihe ess deemed spirits or strone waters and subi < "> ii>v 11.90 per I. G. and Spirits and Strong Waters not elsewhere specihed, ;j^i no p.i.G. Spokes, Hubs. Felloes, rough or sawn only . . . . Spokes, Hubs, Felloes .... . Sprigs, Tacks and Brads ... Staroii Com Starch, and all preparations having the quality of starch . ... 2 cents per lb. Stationery of all kinds not elsewhere specified ■ • The following artic'es not specially named in the tariff, may be classed as stationery, viz. : Penholders and pencil cases ot all kinds, paper bmders and fasteners (metal), pencil sharpeners, mucilage, paper weights and Siips, copying pencils, inkstands, (except electro plated) notarial sen's, philosophical and mithemattcal instru- ments, drawing pens, tape measures, ink powder, parchment, chalks a d cr^yjus. India and China iik, quilisand quiK and steel pens, ivory knives and folders, wafers and stamps, slate pencils, juveuile and ail water colors for artists, p uKtape. pasules, globes, rulers, pea- trays, key rings and chains Steel, in Ingots, Bars, Sheet and Coils, and Railway Bars, or RaUs and Fish-plates, till 1883 $5 per ton 25 Steel Castings..... 20 Steel Locomotive Tires and * Bessemer '' Steel in rough. ..... 15 Steel, all manufactures of^ not elsewhere specified 20 Steel and Iron, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified. ... 20 25 80 30 20 Lira WOUUJMEB of^T^ry d«Mrlp«loB lflMi«d flpM •# G. pi sSm f^ Ly« n- b. n- r^ Lr. >y ^g c- jn ed \» id G. « • 25 t • 30 , , 30 of b. 20 »X Cll «), St d) u- sr, k, rs, er li- ar m 25 • • 20 h • 15 • • 20 • • 20 TARIPP. 89 Per cent. Steel Wire, galvanized or not 16 SteelPiates 20 Steel in coils, such as imported for the m mufacture of Screws and Rake Teeth, if cut to special length, or bent to shape is dutiable as manufacture of steel 20 Steel Mould Boards, L^nd Sides and Shares for Ploughs, cut to form, not moulded or bored Free Steel Sheets, of all kinds cut to shape, but not mou'ded or bored ** as they come from the roller and shears " free, as sheet steel. This includes saw blanks Free Steelyards, to be included in the item *' scales, balances and weighing beams " 30 Stereotypes and Electrotypes of standard books, except those of Advertising Books, Almanacs and Sheets 10 Stereotypes and Electrotypes for Commercial Blanks and Adve> tisements , 20 Stone, Burr, in blocks, rough or unmanufactured, and not bound into mill stones Free Stone, Rough Freestone, Sandstone, and all other building stone except marble (13 cubic feet to ton). .$] per ton. ,.iv« Stone, Waterlime or Cement Stone (see Cement). $1 per ton.; |f; Stone, Dressel Freestone and all other building stone except marble, and all manufactures of stone or granite .....* 20 Stone, Litographic, not engraved 20 Stone. Grind— Grindstone $2 per ton Stoves and other Iron Castings, not elsewhere specified » 26 Straw Board not Mill Board 20 Stnds, Shirt or Collar, of all kinds , 20 Suitar, above No. U Dutch Standard in color. .1 ct. per lb. and 85 Sugar, equal to No. 9, not above No. 14 Dutch Standard, }c. per lb. and Sugar, below No. 9 Dutch Standard Jc. per lb. and Provided that the ad wdorem duty shall be levied, and coHected on Sugar and Malado when imported direct from the country of growth and production, upon the fair market value thereof at the place of purchase with- out any addition for the costs of hogsheads or other packages, or other charges and expenses prior to ship- ment, anything contained in Section 34 ot Act 40 Vic. Oip to, to the contrary notwithstanding the said sec- tion nevertheless remaining in force as to regulations to be made under it in cases where the Sugar or Melado is not imported direct from the country of growth or production. Sugar Candy, brown or white, and Confectionery, Ic. per lb. and Sugar, Grape or Glucose, to be classed and rated for duty as Sugar according to grade by Dutch SUndard xm color. 30 80 3$ i nu cumzBirs ursuBABrcB €OMFABrr.-iiOAHs mw gimnfd mtimr thr— yawi toi ibgc<i 86 TARIFF. (I* ' P«r cant. Sulphur, in roll or flour Free Sunday School Cards or Devotional Cards.— No exception can be made from the item *' printed, lithographed, &g., cards," 30 Snperphosphatet, or manufactured Manure 20 Surgical Instruments and Dental Instruments, wholly or in part of steel ^. Syrups, Cane Juice, Refined Svrup, Sugar-house Syrup, Syrup of Sugar, Syrup of Molasses and Sorghum, Ic. p. lb. « Melado, Concentrated Melado, Concentrated Cane Juice, Concentrated Molasses, Concentrated Beet Root Juice and Concrete .... . . ic. per lb. and Molasses, if used for refinina, clarifying or rectifying purposes, or for the manufacture of sugar, when im* ported direct from the country of growth or production, Molasses, for same purpose, when not imported direct from, country of growth or production Molasses, when not so usea, when imported direct from the country of growth or production Molasses, when not imported direct from the country of growth or production Syrups, Glucose . |c. per lb. and 20 SO 30 25 30 15 20 Scythes, Steel of all kinds c5 m Tacks, Brads and Sprigs 30 Tails, undressed Free Tallow Icperlb. Tampico, white and black Free Tanners* Bark Free Tanning or Dyeing Articles in crude stat^ used in dyeing or tanning, not elsewhere aiiedfied Free Tapers, wax. £.5 Tapioca 20 Tar, pine Free Tar and Pitch, coal ^0 ?ea,black Free ea, Green and Japan Free Tea, when purchased in the U. S., 10 Teasels Free Tentsand Awniiifs ••.. 25 Terra Japonica Free Thread, Cotton, sewing, on spools 20 Thread, Cotton, sewing in hanks 12i ThimblesolaU kinds 20 Ticking for Tents 2c. per so. yd. and 15 Timber and Lumber, Planks and Boards sawn, of Boxwood, Cherry, Walnut, Chestnut, Mahogany, Pitch-pine, Rosewood, Sandal-wood, Spanish Cedar, Oak, Hick- ory and whitewood, not shapen, planed, or otherwise manufactured Free M lia •BOUBiTT OF ITS uvB pouons mad Iiibevttl anrreBdrm a11«w«A ; P\ TABIPP. 87 Per cent. Timber and Lumber not elsewhere specified '^ TiD, in Blocks, Pigs, Bars, Plates and Sheets Fre Tin, all manufactures of, not elsewhere specified ■ . . • 25 Tinman's Trimmings, to be classed as manufactures of tin, vis : Spouts, handles, knobs, and ornamental articles 25 Tmware, stamped and Japanned ware 25 Tin-plates, not specially snapen or cut from original sheets as unmanufactured Free Tobacco, manufactured, and Snuff 20 per lb. and 12i Tobacco, manufactured for excise purposes under conditions of Act 31 Vic. cap. 51 Free Toilet aud Tooth powders, and other Perfumed Preparations for Mouth, Hair and Skin 30 Tomatoes 30c, per bush. Tools, Carpenters', Coopers' Cabinetmakers', and all other mechanics' Tools, including files, edge tools of every description, and axes, scythes and saws of every de- acription ••.. 30 The term Tools is held to include mower, and reaper knives and cutter bars; also awls of all kinds. Tooth and Toilet Powders, and other Washes 80 Tortoise and other Shells Free Travellers' Baggage, under regulations to be prescribed by Minister of Customs F*'f e Trees, not elsewhere specified 20 TreeNaila Free Trunks, Satchels, Valises and Carpet Bags 30 Tubs* Pails, Churns, and other manufactures of wood, not else- where specified 25 Turmeric Free Turpentine, Raw or Crude Free Turpentme, (Spirits of) 20 Turtles. ~ Free Twine, Sail, when to be used for boats' and ships' sails 5 Twine, FJax ,^ TwineCotton ^5 Type for printing 20 TypeMetal 10 TJ Umbrellaa, Cotton «.... |2 Umbrellas, silk ... 26 Union Collar Clothi paper, in sheets not shapen * . • 5 V Valises, Trunks, Satchels and Carpet Bags , 30 Varnish, black aud bright lor shipa' use Free Varnish, not elsewhere specified 20 cenu per I. G. and 20 Varnish, Shellac $1.90 per gaL Varnish includes Lacquer and Japan spirit varnish. Vasseline, lubricating and such like oih^ not to be cUsaed »* products of Petroleum, but as unenumerated ic. per lb. » m i' f cnnaam mrnvwukxcm co.— itob wM«k tow mgwutmm will b« q«ot«d Per cent Vegetables, Potatoes 10c per bush. Vegetables, Sweet Potatoes »• ■• 20 Vegetables, Tomatoes y<, 30c per bush. Vegetables, all others /C 20 Vegetables, Fibres, natural, not gwodooed by any chonieal pro- cess >. Free VelTet,silk 30 Velvet, cotton 20 Veneers of Wood and Ivory sawn or split only, not to include scale boards for cheese Free Verdigris, or Sob-acetate of Copper, dry • Free Vinegar ■■ ■ 15 cents per I. G. Vitriol, blue Free Vises 30 Waggons... ilTPaper. 35 WalTPaper SO Walking Sticks 25 Washers, Bolts and Rivets, iron. 80 Waste, Cotton, Linen, lute, Hemp, and Paper of all kinds, fit only for manufacture of paper Fr«e Watches, Watch Cases / So Water>pipes of cast-iron •• 25 Whale-booe, unmanufactured Free Whale Oil, in casks from on ship-board, and in the condition in which it is first landed •. Free Wheat ... 15c.perbush. Wheels, Wood Spokes, Hubs and Felloes, finished 25 Wheels, if put up , . ,»* . ... .... ••...•.•.•••••..... Wheelbarrows and like articles • 30 Whips 25 Whip-gat or Cat-gut, nnmanu£ict«ied Free Whiskey r see spirits*') $1.3^perI.O. White Lead and Red Lead, dry 5 Whiting or Whitening Free Wican, Stout 20 Willow^ for basket-makers Free Willow-work— Osier or Willow-work, lined or vnlined, famish- ed or unfurnished Woven, Checked and Stnped Cottons to be rated at 2c. per sq. yard, and The same, if part wool Tic. per lb and Plain or Fancy Union, or all-wool, usaally mvoiced as *' Costume Cloth," but which are reallv Flannels or Tweeds, to be rated at 7|o. per lb. and H^nceys— All previous CircuUrs issued by the Deparment prior to the 18th September, 1879, regarding ** Winceys,** were cancelled, and in ratnrtt the word ** Wincey*' is not to be accepted aa an indicatimiof tha traa material oi which the goods are ouda. 25 15 20 20 J In all pviBdpAl towns CMnmereinl Risks spssinlly 4 TABIFi*. 30 Per rent. Wines of all kinds except Sparklins Wa%.\ including Ginger, OnnKe, Lemon, Strawberry, Ra«f berry, Elder and ( Currant, containing 26 per cent, o less of spirit, of strength of proof by Sykes' Hydrometer, imported in wood or bottles (6 quarts or 12 pints to too I.G.) 25 cents per I. G. And for each degree of strength cf spirit in excess of 26 per cent, until it reaches 40 per cent., 3 cents per I. G. for each dei^ee. And in addition thereto * •• All ligttora imported under the name of Wines, and con- taining more than 40 percent, of spirits of the strength of proof by Sykes* Hydrometer, shall be rated as un- enomerated spirits. Cliampagne and all other sparkling wines, in bottles con- taining each not more than one quart and more than one pint $3 per dozen bottles. Champagne, containing not more than one pint and more than i pint $1. 50 per doz. bottles. Champagne containing not more than i pint, 75 cents per dozen bottles. Wises, bottles containinc more than one quart each, shall pay in addition to $3.00 per dozen bottles, at the rate%f $1.50 per Imperial Gallon on the quantity in excess of OBO Qoart per bottle, and in addition to the aboro spednc duties an ad ralorem duty shall bo added of. . Win, Iron and Steel, tinned and coppered, galTanised or not. . Wire, Iron, manniactures o^ not elsewhere specified. • • 9 Wire, Brass and Copper li Wire Cloth, Brass and Copper 21 30 15 Wire Riniag for ships and yessels Free Wire-wonc, ornamental Iron, Semaphore and Fence Wire. ... 2& Wood, Lumber and Timb?r not elsewhere specified to indude lumber and timber of the kinds otherwise free, when cut to special lengths— /.#., less than the ordinary oora^ mercial lengths . 20 Wood Manu&ctures— Osier or willow work, lined or unlined, furnished or unfurnished, so considered^ 25 Wood, and Manufactures of, not elsewhere specified 25 Wood, Logs, and roupd and unmanufactured timber, not else- where specified . Free Wooden-ware, rails. Tubs, Chums, Brooms, Bmshes, and other manufactures of wood, not elsewhere specified. . 25 Weoden-work, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes and parts of wheels, rough hewn Or sawn only 15 Wool, unmanufiictured, hair of Alpaca goat and other like ani- mals Free Weol and Woollens, manufactured, composed wholly or in part^ of Wool, Wonted, hair ot Alpaca goat or other like ^ aniouds, vis. ; Blankets and Flannels of every description. Cloths, Doeskins, Cassimerea, Tweeds, ■01 !:0 ■ 4 (I 41 I I i U 1 VSB ClTIZEirs INSUBANCE €OMPAJBrr«-HO 90 DOMINION" Per c«Bt Coatings, Overcoatinn, Cloakings, Felt Cloth of erery description not elsewnere specified, Horse*collar Cloth, Yam, Knitting Yarn, Fingering Yam, Worsted Yarn under No. SO, Knitted Goods, viz. : Shirts, Drawenu and Hosiery of every description, 7i cents per lb. and 20 Wool and Woollens — Clothing ready-made. Wearing Apparel of every description, lacludlng Cloth Caps, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, hair or Alpaca goat or other like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress, or the manufac- turer, except knitted goods 10 cents per lb. and 25 Wool and Woollens— All manufactures of, composed wholly or in part of wool, wocsted; hair of Alpaca goat, or other like animals, not otherwise provided for 20 Wool, Manufactures not otherwise provided for :"Orleans, Alpacas, Lustres, Cobourgs, Baratheas, Balmoral Crapes, PersMu Cords, Russell Cords, Twills,^ Mo- reens, Paramattas (not silk warp,) Henriettas, Figured Alpacas, Debaiges, Muslin, Delaines, French De- laines and French Merinos. Cashmeres, Cloth Table rivers and Piano Covers. Victoria Table Covers, Bui- fi(m Fringe, Fancy Wool Fringe, Mohair Braid, Llama Braid, Russian Braid, Black Indiana Shawls, Paisley Shawls, unless the largest component part be ailk, Banting, and all kinds of Bradford Dress Goods ..... 20 Woollen Hosiery, held to comprise men's, women's and child- rsB'a Lambs- wool, Caushmere and Merino Shirts and Drawers, Wool Scarfs, MuflSers, Cravats, Clouds, Hand- kerchiefs, Collarettes, Cardigan Jackets, Polkas, Knit- ted Shawls, Vests, ** Crossovers," Chest Protectors, Knitted Mantles, Petticoats, Wool MitU, Cuffs, Gait- ers, Boots and Bootees 7ic. per lb. and 20 Woollen Rags Fres Woollen and Cotton Netting, for boots, shoes and gloves 10 Woollen Imitation Seal Skin 7^c per lb. and 20 Worsted Plush, for upholstering purposes . . 20 Wrought Iron Forgings and parts of, for mills and locomotives, ' 25 lbs. and over '20 Yarns, Knitting Cotton, not bleached, dyed or coloured, 2c. per lb. and Yams, Hosiery, cotton, not bleached, dyed or colored, 2c per lb. and Yarns, Cotton, all others under No. 40 not bleached, dyed or colored 2c. per lb. and Yams, Cotton, Knitting, hosiery and ail others, if^ bleached, dyed or colored S c. per lb. and Yams, Wool ^ *. . . .7ic. per lb. and Yarns, Wool, Knittinp; ife, per lb. and Yams, Wool, Fiagenng lie, per lb. and 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 OAH ADIAH COHPAKT OFFEBII ANY BEVTKft IMTB l TPiyG UMTB IBISUBEIMU TARIFF. 91 Per cent. Yaras, Worsted under No. SO T^c. per lb. and 20 Yamst Coir Free Yellow Metali in Bolt8,.Bar8, and for sheathing Free Z Zinc, in pies, blocks and' sheets. ..<.... r Tree Zinc, seamless drawn Tubing 10 Zinc manufactures of. not elsewhere specified 25 COUNTRY MERCHANTS Ordering by Mail or Telegraph Posters, Hand Bills. Bill Heads Letter 8t Note Headings, — OB — ANT OTHER KIND OF PRINTING Executed at once, and sent to them by RETURN MAIL. J. THEO. ROBINSON, 54 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal ( 'n mm ^m' mJki m ««, TM]£ OinziSHS msUBANOi: 0O.-Xlfe BrMi«b. BmpmrmUd hmnmrmhU trmtAmmat gm»aato«d front «M fi ADVERTISEMENT. SUPPLIED TO THE RO YA L NURSERIES. THE MOST PERFECT BEST FOOD FOR INFANTS Substitute FOR MOTHERS' MILK. Ohe flighest amount of Iffouiisliment in the Most Digestible and Oonyenient form. m ONLT rooD m\m mnm m infants. " 1 lie Adnlt GAHKOT thrire on the Milk proTided for the Infant* while the food adapted for Adults MITBl be too strong for Jbabes ** Abounding in FLESH.FORMING and BONE-FORMING substances, this Food perfectly fulfills its object, whereas other •o-called Foods, such as Corn Flours, bein^ entirely devoid of nourishing properties, induce a rickety and idiotic condition. It ie also carefully freed from the ground husks of the wheat, which cause irritation of the bowels, diarrhoea, &c. CAUTION. — A Genuine Food shonld not contain an excess of sugar, nor be too palpably sweet. Such Foods may be palatable, but they are also pernicious. For this reason so-called Muk Foods* Condensed Milks, &c., are prejudicial to the health of Infants, from the large proportion of beet sugar they contain, rendering them utterly unlike the article they are supposed to represent, Tis., MOTHER'S MILK. TINS, l8., 28., 5S., IDs., Asthma, Difficult Breathing, Ac. Afford the mott Prompt and Effectual Relief, Spasmodic Asthma, as well as the milder forms of the disease, and other complaints attended with short and difficult breathing, loss of rest, ftc^ quickly yield to the soothing influence of the rames of Datura Tatula, and painful paroxysms are either averted or quickly subdued by its uf e in either of the following forms :— CHgars and Cigarettes .'—Boxes 3s.. 88.» 15s. Pastilles and Powder (For Hon-smokex's nse) :— Boxes 28. 6di, 5s., 10s. for nse as Tobacco :~Tins, 2s.» 8d , 6s., 10s, ISs.i by A«ft off PMr]tomMit.-UB4onbtea Seovrttj It afforded u&d blgh stuiXlikir off Its Proprietary and Directors. ADVERTISEMENT. §S THE SPECIAL NUTRIMENT, PAVCBIATIC EMVL8I0H, IN CONSUMPTFON, Loss of Weight, Loss of Power to Di^st and Assimilate Food and espeoially Fat. " FAT IS ONE or THE M08T ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF HEALTH." Dr. DobeU on Loss of Wcghtf Lung Disease^ Ac* FANGBEATIO EMULSION of Solid Fat " supplies the system* with what it most wants, a large amount of nourishment with the l»ast amount of digestive labor and in a form most easily assimilated." PANGKEATIG EMULSION has been in extensive use for the last 20 years at the BOYAL HOSPITAL for DISEASES of the GHEST, London, and also at many similar Public Institutions in London and the Gountry, as well as in private Practice in all parts of the world. < From 1863 to 1872, at the BOTAL HOSPITAL alone, scribed the Emulsion in more than 6,000 oases. Happily, own experience may now be added that of thousands professional brethren in different parts of the world, by whom PANGBEATIG EMULSION and Pancreature are daily prescribed, and from whom I constantly receive testimony of their value.*'— Db. DobbiiL, Senior Physicianf Royal Hospital^ Ac. "If we are to give a fair chance of recovery to a patient deprived of the natural powers of digesting and assimilating fats, we must secure that two ounces of solid fat are utilized every day for the purposefl of nutrition." — The Chemist and Druggist. "The importance of PANGBEATIG EMULSION of solid fat over God Liver Oil in the treatment of consumption must be as great as that of supplying a plant with good soil instead of putting it into water." — Db. Kinkbad, Lie. Univ. DvMin. "We have lately seen a young lady who has been taking PANGBEATIG EMULSION for months, and while doing so she has been changed from a thin, nervous, desponding creature, into a plump, tolerably robust and cheerful woman."— DuUin (Quar- terly Journal of Medical Science. "Gonsidering how largely PANGBEATIG EMULSION is now used in the wasting diseases of adults, it is not surprising that scarcely a week passes but general practioners relate cases of its success in the wasting of delicate chUdren. Gertainly, of all the satisfactory effects of PANGBEATIG EMULSION, none equal the almost magical recoveries of some of these children." — The Praetionerj London. I pre- to my of my Bottles, 28. 6d., 48. 6d., and 88. each. ■ it-, i; I* ,n ;'--i nrSURAHCB COMP AVT. TlM»0«t 94 COUBTS OF JUSTICE. COUETS OF JUSTICE. THB SUPBElfE COURT AND THE EXCHEQUER COURT Ot* CANADA. 88 Vlc„ Cap. 11. Hon. Sir W. J. Ritchie, Knt., Chief Jartioe. >■ Hon. S. H. Strongs ^ Hon. Telesphore Fbumier, I Hon. W. A. Henry, v Paisn6 Judges. Hon. John W. Owyune, i . Hon. H. E. Taschereau, J Robert Cassels, Jr., Registrar. Gheorge Duval, Pr6cis Writer. Walter J. Thicke, Clerk. James Lawson. The Supreme Court for the purpose of hearing and determin- ing Appeals, holds annually, at the City of Ottawa, three sessions, commencing : — 3rd Tuesday in February. Ist Tuesday in May. 4th Tuesday in October. Exchequer Court sits every Monday at noon, excepting dur- ing vacation. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. APPSAIi SiDB. Judges. Sir Antoine Aimd Dorion, Kt., Chief Justice. Hon. Samuel 0. Monk, a Hon. T. K. Ramsay, I Hon. Ulric J. Tessier, v Puiia^ Judges. Hon. A. S. Gross, i Hon. F. L. G. Baby, / Officers of the Court.— Ii. "W". Marchand, clerk of Appeals for Montreal ; Comte Duteau de Grandpc6 and Louis Ouimet, deputy clerks of Appeals for Montreal ; W. E. Duggan, deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec ; Augustin Dorval, special deputy clerk of Appeals for Quebec. *Qi7BBBC. — From the 1st to the 8th days of February, May, October and December, these days inclusive. ♦MoNTiiBAii.— From the 15th to the 27th days of January, March May, September and November, these days inclusive. *By the 22nd sec. of chap. 77 of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, Cases in Appeal or Error, from the Districts of Ottawa, Montreal, Terrebonne, Joliette, Bichelieu, St. Francis, REMVHERATIirB A€G»Unr POUCT at S5 pw •1000. GOUBT OF QUEEN'S BENCH. Where Held, Obowm Sidi. When Held. Quebec Montreal Three Biven... Sherbrooke .... Kamouraska . . . Ayliner Perc6 New Carlisle . . . ArthabaskaviUe Beauce ... Montmagny.... Joliette Sorel Ghicoutimi Sweetsburg .... Bimouski ...... Malbaie BeauhamoiB . St. Hyacinthe . . St. Scholastique Iberrille «••••••• 10th April and 10th October. let March, lit June, Ist September 2nd November 28rd March and aSrd September .l8t March and 1st October 28rd March and 18th December 2l8t January and 2nd Jnly .ISth February and 7th October .13th January and 13th September 19th February and 19th October 20th June and 20th October .26th March and 26th NOTcmber . loth January and 2nd July 20th January and 2nd July 2nd June and 16th January 2nd Tuesday in March and Sept. 23rd Mardi and 23rd October .6th February and 22nd June .let March and Ist October 16th January and 16th June .7th January and 2nd July .11th March and 11th October ; li ic t( <( (( (( C( SUPEBIOB COUBT. Hon. William Collis Merdith, Chief Justice. Puisne Judges. Hon. J. Bourgeois '* H. F. Bainville A. Papineau Louis A. Jette C. J. Gill Henri T. Taschereau William Macdougall Hon. Andrew Stuart ** Louis "Victor Sicotte " Francis O. Johnson " Fredrick W. Torrance '< Louis £. N« Casault " Adolph B. kouthier Thos McCord Marcus Doherty Louis Belanger Hubert W. Chagnon Marc A. Flamondon Louis B. Caron C( tc (t (( C( u <( {( h 1 Auguste Beal Augers O. Y. Buchanan Michel Matthieu L. O. Loranger Cimon Bedford, St. Hyacinthe, Iberville and Beauhamots, shall be heard and determined at the City of Montreal onlyj and the Writs in such cases shall be returnable there ; and cases in Appeal or Error from the Districts of Three Bivers, Quebec, Saguenay, Oasp6, Chi- coutimi, Bimonski, Kamouraska, Montmagny, Beauce and Artha- baska, shall be heard and determined at tiie City of Quebec OfUyf and the Writs in such cases shall be returnable there. \l tlifel i ; ■ i 1 ■ ■■ : 0«TtcaaMit for ^ptoial Mooiilr •! i 1 B ii^lS' tU- iBa yffil-fe^tX ^! K^ Kl'fet^-' 11 sB m *MoirrBBAXi.— Hoohelaga, Jacques Gartier, Layal, Vaudreuil, Soolanges, Laprairie, Ghambly, Yeroh^rei, and City of Mont- real, held at Montreal from leth January to 20th April, Ist May to 80th June, and Ist September to 20th December. B. A. B. Hubert, Honey and Gendron, prothonotary ; G. A. Teroux, and Geo. H. Kernick, deputy prothonotaries ; Hon. P. J. 0. Ghauveau, sheriff ; Vilbon and Dubreuil, deputy sheriffs. QuxBxo.— fPortneuf, Quebec. Montmorency, Levis, Lotbinidre, Parish of Beaumont in the Gounty of Bellechasse and the Gity of Quebec, held at Quebec, from the first to the 6th of every month, except January, July and August. Fiset, Burroughs and Gamp- bell, prothonotary ; Hon. O. AUeyn, sheriff. Thbeb BrvEBS.— Maskinogn^, St. Maurice, (including city of Three Bivers). Ghamplain and Nicolet. held at Three Bivers, from 17th to 22nd March, June, September and December. Alfred Desilets, prothonotary ; S. Dumoulin, sheriff. 8t. Fbanois. - Bichmond. Gity of Sherbrooke, Wolfe, Gompton and Stanstead, held at Sherbrooke, from the 10th to 14th January, March, May, September, and November. Short and Morris, prothonotary ; G-. F. Bowan, sheriff. Kamoubaika.. — Kamouraska and Temiscouata, held at K&- mouraska, from 19th to^22nd March, May and September, and 14th to 17ih December. J. Or. Pelletier, prothonotary; F. A. Sirois, sheriff. N.B. — Chy^ lieu to be changed to Fraserville when the Gourt House and jail are built. Ottawa.— Ottawa and Pontiac, held at Aylmer, from ISth to 19th February, June and November, 20th to 25th April, 6th to 11th October, and 16th to 80th December. A. Driscoll, protho- notary ; L. M. Goutlde, sheriff. Oaipb.— Gaspd and Bonaventure, held at Perc^ from 13th to 19th February, 1st to 7th June, and 7th to 18th October. J. X, Lavoie, prothonotary ; L. Z. Joncas, sheriff. At New Garlisle, f!rom 13th to 19th January, 10th to 16th June, and 13th to 19th September. G. F. Maguire, prothonotary , W. M. Sheppard, sheriff. TBBBXBOirirB. — ^Argenteuil, Two Mountains and Terrebonne, held at St. Scholastique, from 20th to 26th January, March. June and October. J. B. Berthelot, prothonotary ; Z. Bous.<<ille, sheriff. JoitXBTTB.—L^Assomptiou, Montcalm and Joliette, held at Joliette, from 12th to 20th of every month except January July and August. Desrochers and D^ilets, prothonotary ; H. B. Leprohon, sheriff. BiCHBiiiBU. — Bichelieu, Yamaska and Berthier, held at Sorel, firom 1st to 11th of every month except January, July and August A. N. Gouin, prothonotary; P. Gudvremont, deputy; P. Gudrremont, sheriff. * District. t Gounties, Ac, comprised. COURTS OF JUSTICE. 97 Saoubkay.— Charlevoix and Saguenay, held at Malbaie, from 31st January to 4th February, 17th to 2l8t June, 6th to 8th September, and 8th to 12th November, both days inclusive. C. Duberger, prothonotary ; P. H. Cimon, sheriff. Chiooutimi. — ^Held at Chicoutimi from 12th to 14th January, 3rd to 7th June, and 13th to 10th October. F. B. Gosselin, prothonotary ; 0. Bossd, sheriff. BiMOUSKi. — Held at St. Germain, from 16th to 21st March, June and October. A. P. Letendre, prothonotary; C. F. La- pointe, sheriff. MONTMAOXY. — L^Islet, Montmagny and Bellechasse less the parish of Beaumont, at Montmagny from 13 th to 19 th February, May and Novembcu^} and from Ist to 7th September. A. Bender, prothonotary ; J. D. Lepine, sheriff. ' Beauce. — Beauce and Dorchester, held at St. Joseph de la Beauce, from 13th to 19th March, June and October. Z. Y^zina, prothonotary; T. J. Taschereau, sheriff. Abthabaska. — Megantic. Arthabaska and Drummond, held at Arthabaskaville, from 20th to 25th March, June, September and December. Barwis & Theroux, prothonotary; A. Quesnel. sheriff. Bedford. — Shefford, Missisqnoi and Brome, held at Sweets- burg, second Monday in January, April, June and October, and the five juridical days following. F. T. Hall, prothonotary ; A. W. Foster, sheriff. St. Hyaoiitthe. — St. Hyacinthe, Bagot a^d Bouville, held at St. Hyacinthe, from 1st to 8th of February, April, June, and Nov- ember. Boy and Bicher, prothonotary ; L. S. Adam, sheriff. iBEBviiiLS. — St Johns, NapiervlUe and Iberville, held at St. Johns, from 20th to 25th January, March, May, September and November inclusively. A. N. Charland ?nd F. J. H. Marchand, joint prothonotary ; G. Nolin, sheriff. Beauhabnois.— Huntingdon, Beauharnois and GhateauguaV) held at Beauharnois, from 23rd to 28th February, May, Septem- ber and December. P. J. U. Beaudry, prothonotary; Philemon Laberge, sheriff. CIBCUIT COURT, MONTBEAL District. Montreal District Circuit, held at Montreal every month. R. A. R. Hubert, John S. Honey, and Pierre S. Gendron, clerks. R. S. Bonacina, deputy clerk, Vaudreuil County Circuit, held at Vaudreuil,. Ist to 5th March, July and November. F. de S. Bastien, clerk. Soulanges Circuit, held at Coteau, 6th to 10th March, 6th to 9th July, and 6th to 10th November. L. S. Qladu, clerk. 'if ,1 i Ml %■'[ -/^i5 Vr-» ■[ IigroMUif Biq«« Ft— id#nt| Andrew Allitfi E»q.» 08 COURTS OP JUSTICE. I YerohdreB County Circuit, held at Verohdreg, let to 6th Peb- tuary, May, and October. £. E. Chagnon, clerk. QuBBEO District. Suebec District Circuit, held at Quebec, 16th to 21 st January June, and 20th to 25th of every month, except July and August. Piset. Burroughs and Campbell, clerks. Lotbini^re Circuit, held at St. Croix, 12th to 15th Pebruary, June and October. L. Lemay, clerk. Thrbb Bivers District. Three Rivers District Circuit, held at Three Rivers, 10th to 16th March, June, September and December. Alfred Desilets, clerk. Maskinongij County Circuit, held at Riviere du Loup, 4th and 5th Pebruary, June, and Octooer. L. J. Bourret, clerk. St. Francis District. St. Prancis District Circuit, held at Sherbrooke, 10th to 16th Pebruary, April, June, October and December. Short & Morris, Stanstead Circuit, held at Stanstead Plains, 18th to 26th Feb- ruary, June and October. Richardson and Thompson, clerks. f Stanstead County Circuit, held at Coaticooke, 22nd to 24th Feb- ruary, June and October. 0. Shurtleff, clerk, f Compton County Circuit, held at Cookshire, 4th to 6th January, May and September. A. W. Pope, clerk. Richmond County Circuit, held at Richmond, 19th to 21st Jan- uary, May and September. A. Wilcocks, clerk.f Richmond County Circuit, held at Danville, 22nd to 24th January, May and September. J. Leet. clerk.f Wolfe County Circuit, held at South Ham, 4th to 6th Poi.ruary, June and November. E. S. Darche, clerk. Eahgxjrabka District. Eamouraska District Court held at St. Louis, 15th to 18th March, May and September, and 10th to 13th December. P. G. PeUetier, clerk. Temiscouata County Circuit, held at St. Jean Baptiste, Ist to 3rd Pebruary, May, July and October. L. N. Govreau, clerk. Ottawa District. i Ottawa District Circuit, held at Alymer, 7th to 12th February, June and November, and 15th to 19th April, Ist to 5th October, and 12th to 15th December. A. DriscoU, clerk. Ottawa County Circuit, held at Papineauville, 7th to 10th Jan- uary, May, and September. F. S. Mackay, clerk.* * The Circuit Court at the chef lieu of a District has concurrent jurisdiction with the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District. t The Circuit Court held in two or more places in a County has each concurrent jurisdiction over the whole County. Tic*-Pr«aideiitt C»erald E. Hart* Geneml COUBTS OF JUSTICE. 09 Ottawa Gonnty Gireuit, held in HuU, 17th to 2l8t March, lit to 5th June, and 17th to 2l8t September and December. Charles Leduc, clerk. Fontiao Circuit, held at Portage du Fort. 2nd to 7th March, 20th to 25th June, and 3rd to 8th November. C. J. Rimer, clerk. Fontiao County Circuit, held at Campeau Village, 8th to 11th March, 26th to 29th June and October. W. L. Gray, clerk., Gaspb District. Oasp^ District Circuit, held at Percd, 7th to 12th February, 26th to 31st May, and let to 6th October. J. E. Lavoie, clerk. Gaspd District Circuit, held at New Carlisle, 7th to 12th Jan- uary, 4th to 9th June, and 7th to 12th September. G. F. Maguire, clerk. Gaspd Basin Circuit, held at Basin, from 20th to 25th February and 15th to 18th September. John Eden, Clerk. Magdalen Islands Circuit, held at Amherst, 13th to 20th June, and 22nd to 30th August. E. Borue, cl&rk. Bonaventure Circuit, held at Carleton, 23rd to 26th January. 20th to 23rd June, and 22nd to 25th September. G, T. Meagherj deputy clerk. Bonaventure County Circuit, held at Conton de Metapediac, from 28th to 31st January, 25th to 28th June, and 27th to 30th September. Jdr^me Fitre, clerk. Fox Biver Circuit, held at Fox Biver, 20th to 25th September. J. de St. Croix, clerk. TSBBBBOITNI! DlfffRICT. Terrebonne District Court, held at St. Scholastique, 14th to 19th January, March, June and October. J. B. Berthelot, clerk. Terrebonne County Court, held at St. Jerome, 10th to 13th March, June, and October, J. B. L. Yillemure, clerk. Argenteuil County Court, held at Lachute, 12th to 16th January, 15th to 29th May, 12th to 16th September. T. Barron, clerk. JomBTTK DiSTBICT. JoUette District Circuit, held at Joliette, 1st to 6th of each month, except January, July and August. Desrochers and Desilets, clerks. L'Assomption County Court, held at L'Assomption 8th to 11th March, Ju^e, September and December. J. Z. Martel, clerk. Montcalm County Circuit, held at Ste. Julieune, 22nd to 25th March, June, September and December. J. Beauchamp, clerk. BiGHEUEXT District. Bichelien District Court, held at Sorel, 13th to 16th of each month, excepting January, July and August. A. N. Gouin, clerk ; A. D. DeGrandprS, deputy clerk. ! it.i.;w X- * '1 §m ^' CmSBNtt UrSCBAN €E COMPAJTr-LUni BmAHCH. ^tmlMkrrmfminm voadUionn. F^relfM tm¥«l mad 100 COUKTS OF JUSTICE. Berthier County Circuit, held at Berthier, 17th to 10th February, May, June, September and November. P. Tellier, clerk. Yamaska County Oirouit, held at St. Francis, 26th and 27th February, May, September and December. L. M. Blondin, clerk. Saouexay District. Saguenav District Court, held at Malbaie, 26th to 80th January, 12th to 16th June, ist to 4tn September. 3rd to 7th November. 0. DuBerger, clerk. Charlevoix County Circuit, held at Bale St. Paul, 20th to 23rd January, 22nd to 26th May, and 28th to 81st October. J. Perron, clerk.* Chicoutimi District. Chicoutimi District Court, held at Chicoutimi, 16th to 20th January, 28th to 80th June, 7th to l2th October. F. B. Oosselin, clerk. Chicoutimi County Court, held at Hebertville, from 20th to 23rd February, 8th and 9th June, and 20th to 23rd October. S6v6rin Dumais, clerk. BiMOUSKi District. Bimouski District Circuit, held at St. Qermain, 10th to 15th March, June and October. A. P. Letendre, clerk. Bimouski County Circuit, held at Matane, 24th to 26th Feb< • ruary, June and September. D. F. De St. Aubin, clerk.* MOITTMAONY DiSTRIOT. Montmagny District Circuit, held at Montmagny, 7th to I2th February, May and November. A. Bender, clerk. L'Islet County Circuit, held at St. Jean Port Joli, 20th to 24th February, May and November. L. Z. Duval, clerk. Bellechasse County Circuit, held at St. Michel, Ist to 6th April and July, and from 2nd to 6th November. M. Miercier, clerk. Beaucb District. Boauce District Circuit, held at St. Joseph de la Beauce, 7th to 12th March, June and October. Z. Y6zina, Clerk. Beauce County Circuit, held at St. Vital de Lambton, 26th to 29th January and May, and 24th to 27th September. L. Lebrecque Clerk. Dorchester County Circuit, held at St. H6nddine, 2nd to 6th March, June and October. J. Beuy, clerk. ♦The Circuit Court at the Ch^-lieu of a District has concurrent jurisdistion with the Circuit Court in and for the various Counties in the same District. lira POUODM •f •▼•far description iMiicd t^%% ^f potion d» — t ▼•m ilM P«lley. COURTS OP JUSTICE. 101 Arthabaska Dibtrict. Arihabaika Diitrict Oirouit, held at Arthabaskavllle, 14th to 19th March, June, September and December. Barwii and Thdroux, clerks. Drummond Oounty Circuit, held at Drummondville, 16th to 17th January, May and October J. T. Caya, clerk. Megantic Oounty Circuit, held at Inverneflfl. 0th to 12th January May and October. J. B. RouBieau, clerk. Bedford District. Bedford District Cburt, held at Sweetiburg, the second Monday in January, April Junn and October, and the five juridicial days following. Hall and Leonard, clerks. S. W. Foster, sheriff. Brome County Circuit, held at Knowlton^ on the first Tuesday of oach of the months of Jamiarv, April, July and October, eacn for three juridicial days. J. M. Lefevre, Knowlton, clerk. Shefford County Circuit, held at Waterloo, on the last Tuesday of each of the months of March. June and September, and the two judicial days following, and the second Tuesday in December. V. Nutting, Waterloo, Clerk. Mississquoi County Circuit, held at Bedford on the first Tues- day and the two following days of February, May and November, Pierre Biriau, clerk. St. Hyacinthe District. St. Hyacinthe District Court, held at St. Hyacinthe, 1st to 8th March, May, October and December. Boy and Bicher, clerks. Houville County Circuit, held at Marieville, l6th to 19th Feb- ruary, May and October. G. Bombardier, clerk. Iberville District. IberviUe District Circuit, held at St. Johns, 20th to 25th Feb- ruary, April, June, October and December. Henry Marchand, clerk. Iberville County Circuit, held at Iberville, 6th to 10th February, June and October. J. B. H. Beauregard, clerk. Napierville County Circuit, held at Napierville, Ut to 5th Feb- ruary, June and October. A. Merizzi, clerk. Beauharnois District. Beauhamois District Circuit, held at Beauhamois, 17th to 22nd February, May, September and December. P. J. U. Beaudry, clerk. Chateauguay County Circuit, held at .St. Martin, 1st to 4th Feb- ruary. May, September and December. C. M. Lebrun, clerk. Huntingdon County Circuit, held at Huntingdon, 8th to 11th February, May and September. J. Morrison, clerk. VI i iV ^1 TUB CmXESB INSIVBANOB COMPA»rT.-I.OAirB are cranted afker tliree jrcam In torett COURT OP GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACE. G. A. DuQAS AND M. C. Desnotebs, Chairmen. C. E. Schiller and Wilfred Sicotte, Clerks of the Peace. A. De Beaumont, I Deputy Clerk of the Peace and Superintend $ ent of Crown Witnesses. Geo. A. Hughes, Deputy Clerk of the Peace. C. B. Doucet, accountant ; Allan Hamilton, clerk. COURT OF SPECIAL SESSIONS. Under the Stahites' of Canada^ 32 and 33 Vic, Chap. 35. M. a D^S^ers, ^^^'^^^^9 Justices. WUfred*Si«5te | ^^«»'*« <>/ *^^ Peace— Crown Prosecutors, A. de Beaumont, Geo. H. Hughes, Deputy Clerks. G. R. Doucet, Accountant. COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCH, CROWN SID^. Tebms heiiD on — 1st March, Ist June, Ist September, and 2nd November, each year. C. E Schiller and Wilfred Sicotte, clerks of the crown ; A. de Beaumont and Geo. H. Hughes, deputies ; C. R. Doucet, account- ant ; Allan Hamilton, clerk ; W. Fraser, messenger. POLICE MAGISTRATES. Under the Act 28 Victoria^ Chap. 20. C. Aime Dugas and M. C. Desnoyers. Officers of the Court — ^E. McMahon, L. D. R. Cortet, M. Mullin, and L. Bazinet, clerks; W. Eraser, crier; Damase Robin and Charles Coallier, messengers accountant. High Constahle.-'A. Bissonnette. RECORDER'S COURT. B. A. T. de Montigny, Becorder. H. J. Ibbotson, clerk ; J. B. Duverger ; deputy clerk ; H. A. Germain, extra clerk ; M. E. Audair. assistant clerk. Corpora- tion bailiffs— I. J. Dupont, L. G. Therien, L. G. Nolin, T. J. Lebel and J, U. Pitt, Isaac Ringnette, Honors Bolduc, Francois Thibault. G. Nelson, bailiff and constable. #]r THE SEC17BITT OF ITS UFE VOULOJBM mad IdberAl Surrenders allowed. BEGISTBABS. 108 CITY POLICE FOKCE. H. Paradis, chief of police; C. P. Naegle; deputy chief; C* Lancey and A, Maher, sub-chiefs; C. Glackmeyer, jr., accountant* Chief detective, Andrew Cullen; detectives — L. Arcand, P* Murphy, W. Richardson, J. (Hadu, J. Bobinson, L. Lbpointe, L . Naegle. Sergeants — H. Dreifuss^ O. Boucher, J. Gauthier, J Loye, W. Burke, B. Hynes, S. Niquet,^ H. Glynn, W. Carson, A. Bichardson. 1— S.ation, Jacques Cartier Sq. 2 — Station, cor. Craig and Gain sts. 3 — Station, Wolfe st. 4 — Station, cor. German and Ontturio sts. 6— Station, St. George st. 6 — Station, Chaboillez sq. 7~ Station, Young St. 8 — Station, 73 Canning st. 9— Station, Point St. Charles. 10 — Station, cor. St. Catharine and Guy sts. 11— t Station, Duf^me St., near Logan. BIVEB POLICE. Station, 27 Common street H. St. A. Ormond, police inspector; George Murphy, chief constable; W. Donahoe, C. Nourie and B. Holdbrooke, sergeants. BEGISTBABS OF COUNTIES^ District. Name of^Registratioii County or Di' " division. -PBOVINCE OP QUEBEC. Name and^Resideucc of Regfistrar. IfotitreaZ.. Montreal East J. C. Auger, Montreal. Montreal West W. H. Byland, do. Go*8 of Jac. Cartier ^ N. M. Lecavalier, do. and Hochelaga . I F. Mliatrault, do. Chambly P. Hurteau, Longueuil. Huntingdon 1 gUt. . . J. B. Yarin, Laprairie. Laval A. E. Leonard, St. Rose. Soulanges J. Stevens, Coteau Landing. Vaudreuil F. de Sales Bastien, Yaudreuil. Yerchtoes A. Geoffrion, Yerchfires. Quehee .... Quebec C N. Montizambert. Portneuf H. Q. de St. Georges, Cap Sant6. Montmorenci G. Dick, Ch&teau Bicher. Orleans (Island of ).B. Pelletier, St. Laurent. Dorchester J. E. Bouleau, St. H6n6dine. Levis L. N. Carrier, Point L6vi8. Iiotbinidre Jos. Filteau, Ste. Croix. Z%ree BiverSt Champlain G. H. Duflresne, Ste. Gen6vi6ve, Maskinongd J. E. Pichette, Bividre du Loup. Nicolet J. A. Blondin, B6cancour. St. Maurice B. Kieman, Three Bivers. St. Francis, Biohmond T. P. Cleveland, Bichmond. Bherbrooke D. Thomas. Sherbrooke. ; E. D. Darcne, South Ham. 0. Metcalf Thomas, Wolfe Stanstead « C. A. Bichardson, Stanstead Plain, i F. Thomas, ** J !l: -^":'\: ■1i- -1 %! :■ I ;••;.(; 'a \h cmxEsn nrsuBAifCB co.— fiiub bbaitch. tor which low flcrnres will beqnotgd. Agendgg 104 BEGISTRAES. District. Name of Registration Name and Residence of County or Division. Keg^strar, Coaticook 0. Shnrtleff, Costicook. Gompton S. Orr, Gookshire. Ga»pe , . . .Bonaventure P. Lebel, New Garlis^e. 2iid div. of ditto J. A. Verge, Garleton. Gaspd J. X. Lavoie, Perc6. Ste. A. des Monts . .A. Dumais, Ste. Anne des Monts. Magdalen Islands . .E. Borne, Amherst. Kamouraakay Kamouraska. . . .H. Garon, St. Louis deKamouraska Temiscouata E. Mailloux, St. J. Bte. delsleVerte Ottawa . . .Ottawa W. Washburn, Hull. Pontiac W. Bimer, Havelock. Terrehonnef Two Mountains . .D. Dupras, Ste. Scholastique. Argenteuil T. Barron, Lachute. Terrebonne .... L. G. Lachaine, St. J6r6me. Jdiette . . . Joliette G. J. Beaudoin, Joliette. L'Assomption B. Bocher, L'Assomption. Montcalm A. E. Thibaudeau, Ste. Julienne. Richelieu .Bichelieu J. Ghevallier, Sorel. Berthier B. E. Pellant, Berthier. TamasJca .Yamaska L. M. Blondin, St. Francois. Saguenay .Gharlevoiz and ) Saguenay, 1st > G. Du Berger, St. Etienne. Div, ) 2nd Div. of ditto . . .T. Fortin, Baie St. Paul. Chicoutimi^ Ghicoutimi O. Boss^, Ghicoutimi. 2nd Div. of ditto G. H6bert, H^bertville. Rimouski. Bimouski, No. 1. . . .A. E. Guay, St. J6r6me, de Matane Bimcuski, No. 2. . . .A. £. Gauvreau, Bimouski. Montmagnyy L'Islet A. Michaud, St. Jean Port Joli. Montmagny Ed. Levergne, Montmagny. Bellechasse P. Forgues, St. Michel. Beauce. . . .Beauce J. E. Prouhc, St. IVanQois. ArthalaskUy M>3gantic W. H. Lambly, Inverness. Arthabaska M. J. A. Poisson, Arthabaskaville. ^>r^raontl ) J ^'.Sjj^^, \ DrummondviUe. Bedford . .ShefTord J. Lefebvre, Waterloo. Brome Thos. Brossard, Knowlton. Mi~*'K.'.oi )?rDer,^'iB««o.d. St, ffyacinthe, St. Hyacinthe \ ^gf phNaSt!"' | ^*- Hyacinthe. Bagot J. G. Bachaud, St. Liboire. Bouville H. E. Poulin, Marieville. IbervUle. . . St. Johns G. A. Marchand, St. Johns. Napierville E. Bouchard, Napieirville. Iberville M. A. Bessette, Iberville. Beauharnoia, Beauhamois. . . .J. A. Mayer, Beauhamois. Ghateauguay A. M. Gagnier, Ste. Martine. Huntingdon A. Somerville, Huntingdon. Boofleliold and sood Commerelal RIsIls speeially fat rtl prtiict|Mil towm. IiOMkwi p*ld» ott W>>00» THE BAB. 105 THE BAE. DISTRICT OF MONTREAL. C. A. Gkoffrion Batonnier. J. E. Robidouz Syndic. M. M. Tait Treasurer. A. E. Poirier Secretary. S. A. Bethune, Q.C. L. R. Church. C. C. Lorimier, Q.C. R. Laflamme, Q.C. A. Lacoste, Q.C. F. L. B6ique. W, Robertson, A. H. Lunn. Advocates' Libbaby aitd Libbaby of the Bab. Rouer Roy, Q.C President. F. L. B^ique Secretary, S. Bethune, Q.C. I W. Robertson, W. H. Kerr, Q.C. | S. Pagnuelo. N. W. Trenholme. Boabd of Examinebs.^-C. C. De Lorimier, Q.C., LL.B., McLaren, M. Hutchison, E. Lareau. Members. Date of Com. | Members, Date of Abbott Hon. J.J.C.,Q.C. Oct. 1847 Baudry F. A. Sept. Abbott J. B July 1876 Bates John July Abbott Harry Jan. 1879 Bates W. A May Adam Jos .July 1878 Beauchamp J. J Jan. Adam M. A April 1874 Beachemin A. 0. T . . .June Amyrault T Jan. 1878 Beaudin S July Archambault A July 1871 Beausoleil C July Archambault F.X.,Q.C., Nov. *63 Beique F. L Mar. Archambault J. L, C . .July 1871 Belcourt N. A Sept. Archambault P. A. . . .July 1874 Belle J. A. A Mar. 1864 Benjamin L. N Oct. 1874 Bergeron J. G. H July 1878 Bergevin Daniel Aug. 1871 Bertrand Theop May 1861 Bethune M. B Dec. 1881 Bethune S. C. R July 1867 Biron J. B. S July Aylen'John April 1861 Bisaillon F. J Jan. Bagg R. S. C July 1871 Boisseau B. J June Baker Hon. G. B., Q.C., Sept. 'eOBoisvert O July Baillarge Maurice. . . .Sept. 1882 Bonin J. A Jan. Baril Z . .Mar. 1870iBoucher F. E. N July 1853{Bourgouin N. H Sept 1882 Boutillier F. July ti i i Archambault P. A. 0. .Oct. Archambault L. H. . . .July Archambault Horace .Oct. Archibald, John S. . . .Jan. Armstrong Louis Aug. Atwater A. "W Jan. 'Auger, O Jan. Barnard Ed., Q.C. ...Oct. Barnard Arch Sept. Barry D Jan. 1874 Bastien F. de Salle . . .Aug. 1880 Barthe O. I Oct. 1856 Bowie D. E Jan. Branchaud A May Branchaud M. C. R.. .Feb. J.J. Com, 1868 1846 1849 1879 1876 1878 1880 1868 1882 1868 1863 1877 1882 1848 1868 1869 1880 1877 1868 1880 1874 1872 1863 1871 1874 1862 1849 ' i' :! ^M ij ^vW ^ Si Yh ft I*! h 3 \ CITIXBNH INSVBANCi: €OMPAinr«-NO ABTANTAOKN OR MflCVRITT TO 106 THE BAE. Members, Date of Coin. Brooke 0. J Jan. 1879 BroBseau T JxUy 1881 Biossoit Thos Oct. 1864 Brosseau J. B July 1863 Bronet A April 1862 Bureau J. E July 1869 Burroughs Ghas. S. . . .May 1843 BuBsieres H. A May 188£f BuBteedE. B. July 1879 Butler Thos. P Sept. 1866 Butler Hobart Dec. 1864 Galder John May 1876 GapseyGeo Jan. 1878 Garreau J. P June 18C2 Garter G. B Sept. 1866 Ghagnon J. A Jan. 1875 Ghampagne O. A Nov. 1858 GhampagneGha. L., sr.Sept. 1865 Ghampagne Ghs.L., jr. July 1873 Ghampagne It.N Aug. Gharbonneau Nap. . . .Jan. Gharland Alfred N. . .Sept. Gharland Ghs. P July Gharpentier M. E . . . .Nov. Ghasse P. A Jan. Ghenevert G. A Jan. Gherrier Andre Jan. Gherrier C. S., Q.C. . .Aug. Gholette H. A Aug. Ghoquet A Nov. Ghaquet P. X. » Jan. Ghristin A Iphonse. . . .Jan. Ghurch Hon. L. B., Q C. Feb Gooke P. J. ........ . .Jan. Gorbeil L. L Dec. Gorbeil M Mar. Gomel] Ed Mar. Gornell Z. E .July Gomeillier C. A July GouUlard J. Bt July Gouillard Ed Feb. Goursol G. J., Q.G Feb. GoyleP.J Mar. 1882 1879 1863 1875 1859 1882 1883 1881 1822 1882 1865 1876 1870 '59 Members. Date or Com. 1863 1867 1861 1883 1870 Curran John J Mar. Dalbec Alfred Nov. D'Amour J G July Dandurand B Jan. Darby D July David L. O April 1864 David Alphonse July 1872 David J. Arthur. . , ^ .Aug. 188l Davidson C. P., Q.G. . .June 1864 Davidson. L. E S. H.June 1864 Day John J. , Q.G June 1834 Day E. T April 1864 DeBellefeuille E. L...Sept. 1861 DeLabru^re Hon. B. . .Mar. 1860 DeLaronde B. V. . . i . .Dec. 1863 DeLorimier T. G Jan. 1861 DeLorimierGhB.G., Q.G.Oct. 1865 Demers Amateur Dec. 1863 Demers L. N Dec. 1866 DeMartigny Ghs. L . . .Jan, 1881 DeMartigny Alph. L. .Jan. 1882 DeMartigny E. L Feb. 1882 DeMontigny Ghs. E.T. July 1863 Denis U. A Jan. 1870 DescarriesJ. A July 1879 Desjardins Arthur. . . .Nov. 1864 Desj ardins Magloire . . Dec. 1866 Desmarais Odilon. . . .July 1876 Desrivieres Bodolphe .July 1875 Desrosiers Ernest . . . .Jan. 1873 Doherty Thos. James .June 1868 Doherty Ghs. J Jan. 1877 Dore P. J July 1880 1881 Dorion P. A. A Dec. 1862 1866 iDorion Achille July 1880 1867'Doucet J. S Jan. 1882 1848 Doutre Jos., Q.G April 1847 1880 JDoutre J. Bte .June 1868 1879 Downie Donald Feb. 1882 1871 jDriscoU N Sept. 1861 1876 Drouin J. O Aug( 1848 Drouin P. E Sept. 1868 Duffy H. T. . , July 1881 1882 1879 1880 Gramp G. B June 1854,Duga8 F. O July Greighton J. G. A. . . .July 1880 Duhamel Joseph April 1857 --■ --_- .- - jgyg 1861 1848 1864 1871 1868 Gresse L. G. A. . . .July Gross S. July CroBB A. G Sept. Crowters B. A July GruickBhank W. G. . .July OrmiokBhank Jas. .... .Jan. 1881 Duhamel Geo Jan. 1878 Dunlop John Jan. 1881 Duranceau P. G May 1879 Durand N June 1871 Durand P. M Jan. 1877 Elliot John E Mar. CAJKMJ^IAN COUP AlfT OFFERS ANT BBTTBB nrnfiMBUfe 1.1F1: insvreiui. hi I,' THE BAR. 107 Members, Date of Com. Emard J. U July Ethier M. July Ethier L. J Jan. Faribault J. Ed July Fauteux P. A .Dec. Fleet C.J Feb. Fontaine R. E Oct. Fontaine Ad July Foran Thos. P Feb. Foran J. K Jan Forget A. E July Forget Lucien Jan. Fortin Thomas Jan. Foster G. G July Gagnon A Dec. Gaudet L. H. 0. June Gaultier D. Z Gauthier A. A April Geoffrion G. A , Q.G. .June Germain Ad June Gilman F. E Sept. Gethings Ghs. L Aug. GibbJ. H April Girard A Dec. Girard F. X June Girard A. D Oct. Girouard D., Q.C July Globensky A. P July Globensky Benj. Q.C. .July Godin F. B Jan. Gordon Asa . ., Mar. Goyette P. R June Greenshields J. N Jan. Grenier A. W. ....... . .Oct. Guerin E. J July Guilbault L. S Sept. GuillotE.J July Hall John Sl, Jr Jan. Hammond H. R Jan. Harpin C. .Jan. Hatton John G Dec. Heneker R. T Nov. Heroux J. G. E Feb. Holton E June Hutchinson M Jan. Huntington Hon. L. S., Q C, Ingall Allen G July Jackson S. W July Jeannotte H Jan. Jodoin J. A Sept. Joseph Or Oct. 1881 1877 1880 1878 1855 1879 1862 1862 1871 1881 1877 1877 1882 1881 1864 1859 Members. Dale or Com. 1882 1865 1866 1858 1882 1869 1882 1863 1867 -^860 1874 1861 1849 1867 1881 1877 1863 1881 1860 1877 1876 1881 1873 1867 1881 1883 1867 1874 1863 1881 1881 1883 Joseph J. Sept. 1864 Judah F. T Oct. 1848 Kavanagh H. J Jan. 1879 Kerr, W. H., Q.C Nov. 1847 Kenny W. R June 1865 Kirby Jas Sept. 1862 Lacoste Hon. A., Q C.Feb. 1863 Lacoste J. C Sept. 1863 Laferriere A. A July 1865 Lafiamme Hon.R., Q.C.Oct. 1849 Laflamme Leopold. ...Sept. 1869 Lafleur Eug Jan. 1881 Lafontaine P. E July 1879 Lafontaine Ulric Aug. 1882 Lafortune D. A Jan. 1883 Lajoie H. Gerin July 1881 Lamirande A Aug. 1881 Lamothe J. B. G July 1880 Lanctot Husmer July 1860 Lane E Nov. 1882 Laplante J. B. R July 1880 Lareau Edmond Sept. 1870 Lariviere M. J. C Jan. 1876 Laurendeau Romulus. Feb. 1883 Laviolette P. D Jan. 1879 LebcBufL. C July 1873 Leblanc A July 1879 Leblanc P. E July 1879 Lebourveau S. A July 1876 Leduc J. D July 1881 Leet S. P ....Jan. 1880 Lefebvre F Levy E. G Jan. 1878 LighthaU W. D July 1881 Lipp6 P. S N. July 1866 Lonergan M. S Mar. 1874 Longpr6 A. B Jan. 1867 Loranger J. M., Q.O. .April 1866 Lor rain L^on '. . . . July 1878 Lunn A. H Feb. 1861 Lyman F. S July 1869 Lynch Hon. W. W. , Q.C. June '68 Macdonald L. G Dec. 1852 Mackay J. A. N Sept. 1862 Mackay A. S July 1881 McLaren J. J., Q.C. . . .June Maclean R. G Jan. Macmaster D., Q.C. . . .July Macrae Geo., Q.C Nov 1 , . ■, t ■■ ; t , \ 1858 McConville i. N. A.* .'.Feb. 1843 McCord D. R Mar. 1868 1880 1871 1846 1866 1868 TBOB CITIZENS INSURANCE CO— Idfe Braaoh. SeparatM honorable treatment goaranteed flcmB Um P ':: 108 THE BAB. Members. Date of Com. Members- Date of Com, McGorkill J. C Jan. 1876 McGormick D Jan 1877 McCuUy C. J Aug. 1882 McGibbon E. D July 1879 MoGounA ...July 1878 McKinnon Ed July 1879 McLeod Malcolm Dec. 1845 Madore J. A. C July 1881 Mallhot M Feb. 1864 Maillet L. L Jan. 1866 Martin Jos .Jan. 1882 Martineau P. G July 1879 Miyor David July 1876 M^jor Ohs. B Jan. 1877 Mathieu F. X Dec. 1861 Mathieu Adolphe April 1869 Mercier Hon. H June 1867 Messier J. S Sept. 1868 Messier D July 1876 Migneault P. B July 1878 Mireault G Sept. 1882 Mofifatt G< U July 1880 Monk E. C July 1870 Monk F. D Jan. 1878 Moreau J. G. E July 1881 Mor^'au T. T Jan. 1883 Morgan E. A. D Jan. 1883 Morris John L June 1859 Morin Alphonse July 1878 Morrison L. F Feb. 1863 Morrison G. A Jan. 1871 Moussean Hon. J. A., Q.C.Feb. '60 Nantel G. A July 1875 Nantel W. B July 1879 Nicholls A. D. ..... . .July 1879 Noyes John P Oct. 1866 Nutting CKs. A July 1872 Oughtred A. B Jan. 1882 O'Halloraii Jas., Q.C. .Dec, 1852 Oaimet J. Alderic, Q.G.Jan. 1870 Ouimet J. Alphonse . .Mar. 1868 Pagnuelo S., Q.C Oct. 1861 PaUiser J Jan. 1879 Papinean L. J Jan. 1883 Paradis E. Z Sept. 1864 Paradis J. E July 1881 Pelletier P Jan. 1876 Pelletier L. C July 1877 PerrasF. X July 1878 Pichd E. U., Q.0 Mar. 1846 Pignolet L. H Aug. 1880 Pilon A Jun.e 1866 Poirier A. E Jan. 1880 Poirier T Nov. 1882 Poulin H. E Sept. 1867 Prefontaine B Jnly 1880 Pr6vost W .June 1853 Polette W. A July 1881 Prieur Arthur May 1883 Purcell John D July 1877 Quesnel Jules Jan. 1882 Quinn F. A Sept. 1867 Bacicot Ernest Jan. 1859 Bainville H. B Jan. 1874 Bamsay B. A April 1867 Baynes Chs July 1881 Benaud Z ....Jan. 1876 Benaud P. U Oct. 1882 Bichard J. H. N Aug. 1882 Binfret F. O Jan. 1872 Bitchie W. F July 1879 Bobertson W. W April 1852 BobidouxJ E May 1866 Bochon Alfred July 1869 Bowney C. P Jan. 1879 Boy Boner, Q.C Feb. 1842 Boy Euclyde Jan. 1845 Boy P. H July 1871 Sarrasin F. L July 1871 Scallon W July 1876 Seers«L. A Jan. 1861 Sicotte V. B Aug. 1862 Simard J. A Nov. 1865 Smith B. C Jan. 1882 Snowdon H. L Jan, 1857 Stephens C. H Jan. 1876 Saint-Pierre H. C July 1870 St-Jacques M July 1878 St-Jean E. N July 1879 St-Julien J. A July 1879 St-Julien J. T Sept. 1866 St-Louis Chs. H Jan. 1883 Taillon Hon.L. i )., Q.C., Nov. '66 Tait M. M., Q.C June 1863 Taylor Hugh Nov. 1829 Taylor A. D Dec. 1860 Tellier Louis Oct. 1866 Thibault Chs Jan. . 1862 Tranchemontagne F.B.,Jan. 1867 Trenholme N. W Nov. 1866 Trudel Hon F. X. A., Q.C. Dec.*81 TrudelJ. B July 1879 by Act of Parliament. -Undonbtea Seonrlty Is aflbrded and high standing of Its Proprietary and Directors. NOTAEIAL BOARD— COMMISSIONERS. 109 Members. Date of Com. Trudellse Ed Oct. 1860 TurgeonJ. O Oct. 1865 TerrillF. W Dec. 1882 Vandal P July 1861 Vilbon Cha. A Aug. 1863 Walker W. S July 1876 Members. Date of Com. Weir R. S. July 1881 Weir W. A July 1881 Wotherspoonlvan ...June 1863 WurteleHon J.S.C.jQ.C.Aug '50 WurteleC.J.C May 1863 NOTARIAL BOARD FOR THE PROVINCE OP QUEBEC. President M. E. Bernier, M,P., St. Hyacinthe. Vice-President C. Tessier, Quebec. Secretaries ^ '^- ^- ^^^^8^* Quebec, secretaries j j^^ Perodeau, Montreal. Treasurer F. J. Durand, Montreal. Syndic L. E. Galipeau. COMMISSIONERS FOR RECEIVING AFFIDAVITS For the Supreme Court in the City of Montreal. Abbott, Hon. J.J. C. Archambault, A. M. Archambault, Am. Archambault, C. Alexander, John R. Aussem, Joseph Bdaufield, Ramon Beauvais Adolphe Brodie Hugh Baillie, Chs. Brault, H. A. A. Bourgeois, S. C. Brossoit, Joachim Belanger, Frs. Barbeau, J. H. Bedard, Louis Bruce, Wm. Bain, Hugh A. Bourbonnidre, A. Belanger, Leandre Berthiaume, Mo'ise Bauset, Edouard Benson, H. L. Bissonnette, A. C. A. Barry, D. Baynes.O'Hara Belle, C. E. Bourbonni^re, N. G. Brogan, A. Cherrier, Adolphe Craig, David James Coutlee Joseph L. CoUard, Louis H. Campbell, Wm. A. Cot6, Hyacinthe D. Christmas, Ths. H. Cartier, Joseph, jr. Cleveland, Fred Geo. Campbell, Wm. Chagnon, H. C. H. Chaurest, J. A. Coghlan, J. Coursol, C. J. Gushing, C. D'Amour, A. Dttvlin, Owen J. Doucet, Theo. Dumouchel, L. N. Desrosiers, L. A. Decary, A. C Duff, John M. M. Dandurand, 0. Desrosiers, J. R. Danserau, J. C. Davison, John D. Dobbin, Chs. H. Duff, Edward H. Duchesneau, H. Dubreuil, J. F. Dumesnil, G. H. Durand F. J. Escott, Matthew H. Elliott, Alfred Etue, A. Z. Evans, E. Fauteux, LSandre Fulton, J. Fauve, Ferdinand Fatt, Samuel C. Eraser, David Fair, John Ferguson, J. Griffin, John 0. Gagnou, C. E. Gee, Robert Gladu, L. A. Gareau, L. D., jr. Gowans, Chs. Garand, Ubalde Guerin^ Edmund Germain, Cgsaire Gorman, M. W. Hart, Louis Hyde, George Hutchinson, M. Irvine, J. Isaacson, A. G. Isaacson, J. H. Jeannotte, H. Jobiu, A. D. Jones, J. Joseph, G. Juds^, H. Kent, Ambrose L* Kemp, O. B. Keefer, R. W. Kernick, G. H. Kittson, G. R. W. Labadie, J. A. ; .;li 1. ii m 8 DrSURAZreB €OMP.&jrT.-< on tli« OoBtlii€iit to II iMimlkf 110 COMMISSIONEBS. Labadie, J. E. O. Labranche, J. O. Lajoie, L. J. Livingstone, John Leclerc, J. N. liainplough, J. L. Lemay, David LighthalL W. P. Lionais, liS. Emile Laparre, H. Levy, J. 0. E. . Lecours. Adolphe L'Archev6que, E. Legris, J. A. Liudsay, Wm. Locker, Geo. B. Lynch, James Leteill6, G. A. Leonard, A. E. Leprohon, Phillippe Labadie Adolphe Lighthall, Q. B. Lyman, Albert 0. Macrae, J. Mousette, S. P. Macfarlane, D. Moffatt, Alex. Marion. Jean F. Mainville, Philias Maynard, Z. Macintosh, John Marin, 0. Macintosh. E. Marson, Ths. M. McKay, Hugh McLennan, Wm. McKay, Angus Marler, "W. M. Morin, P. G. McGoun, Wm. Normandeau, P. E. Ouimet, Hon. G. Oliver, B. W. Ouimet, L. Papineau, C. P. Papineau, D. E. Papineau, J. B. N. Papineau, L. J. A. Philips, W. A. Perkins, Arthur M. Perkins, Alex. M. Perodeau, N. Pharand, A.P. Poirier, Joseph Phaneuf, Ant, Plimsoll, A. H. Boss, Philip S. Beddy, W. B. S. Bead, Alphonse Boss, W. Seath, David Stubbendorff, H. Symmes, Albert Simpson, Andrew J. Shearer, John S. Sicotte, Eugene Stuart, E. H. Terroux, 0. A. Taylor, John Thom, V. Therring B. Taylor James M. Villeneuve, J. O. Valle6, J. B. Watson, B. Wright, H. B. Whitton, Alfred J. Wethey, Chs. H. Walker, W. Simpson / COMMISSIONEBS FOB TAKING AFFIDAVITS Jn the Province of Quebec^ to be used in Ontario. Abbott, Hon. J. J. C. Barry, D. Bruce, W. Butler, T. P. Garter, G. B. Ghapman, H. Goursol, G. J. Goutlge, J. L. Graig, D. J. Gushing, G. Davidson, 0. P., Q.G. Doucet, T. Duff, J. M. M. Evans, E. ♦ Fatt, S. G. Fulton, Peter Griflan, J. G. Hatton, J. G. Holton, E. Isaacson, J. H . Irvine, John Joseph, G. Kirby, J. Lambe, W. B. Lighthall, W. F. Lemay, David Lyman, F. S« Macrae, G., Q.G. McFarlane, D. McGoun A. McGibbon, B. D. Macmaster, D. Moffat, A. Normandeau, P. E. Phillips, W. A. Plimsoll, A. H. Perodeau, N. Popham, J. Bamsay, B. A. Boss, W. Shearer, John S. Seath, David Stewart, A. B. Taylor, J. Watson, B. Wotherspoon, I. T. Walker, W, S, GOMMISSIONEBS To administer Oaths to Public Officers ^Hon. S. G. Monk, G. J. Goursol, Q.G., G. E. Schiller, A. de Beaumont, B. A. B. Hubert and J. S. Honey. if,yn»itAl. and REMirNERATin: AC€IDEIf T POUOT litfa Company at »5 p«r •1000. In London. England, for taking affidavits to be used in the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. — A. Gillespie, jr., of Howard «fc Gillespie, 40 Old Broad Street, London, and A. S. Munns, of Lewis, Munns & Longdon, solicitors, 8 Old Jewry, London, !B.G. Also Affidavits and Acknowledgments of Married Women, to be used in the Province of Nova Scotia, A. Gillespie, as above. For taking affidavits in the Province of Quebec, to be used in the Provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Ed\rard Island, F. S. Lyman, J. Popham, J. M. Glass, J. M. M. Duff, W. S. Walker and G. B. Locker. For taking affidavits in and for the Courts of Manitoba, outside the Province.— J. C. Griffin, J. M. M. Duff, W. Alex. Caldwell, C. B. Carter, W. S. Walker, T. P. Butler, R. D. McGibbon, Theo. Doucet and J. Irvine, Montreal. Under Extradition Treaty and also of Dominion Police. — C. J. Coursol. To Enlist and Attest Soldiers or Persons desirous of entering Her Majesty's Service, under the Imperial Act 12 Vic, c. 19. — C. J. Coursol. Joint Cobonbrs for the District of MoNTEEAii.— Joseph Jones, 637 Ontario street, Montreal ; Joseph Geoffrion, Verch§res. MARRIAGE LICENSES Issued by J. M. M. Duff, W. S. Walker, W. P. Lighthall, C' Cushing and T. P. Butler. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE For the City of Montreal, The Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Montreal, for the time being, are severally Justices of the Peace. Alexander, C. Arabili, Michael Anderson, John Atkinson, J. Bagg, R. S. 0. Baillie, Chs. Barnes, F. Barsalou, J. Beattie, tTohn Brush, George Browne, George Beauchamp, Joseph Benoit, Z6phirin Berger, Chs. Bickerdike, Robt. Boxer, F. N. Brady, Ths. Brydges, C. J. Bulmer, Henry Buntin, Alexander Beaudry, Hon. J. L. Belle, C. E. Brown, A, Bartley, W. P. Bourque, * :. J. Cassidy, J. L. Clendinning W. Cameron, Daniel Cantin, Augustin Cherrier, C. S., Q.C. Chester, Wm. E. Cuvillier, Maurice Cloran, Joseph Coghlin, B. J. Cushing, Chs. Cunningham, W. H. Childs, Geo. Copland, £. D. H. Cannon, Michael Chauveau, Hn.P. J.O. Comte, J. L. Dufresne, Louis P. Dubuc, A. Devlin, O. J. Dakers, J. Darling, Wm. Devins, Richard Dyde, John Donnelly, James Donnelly John Delorme, !H. Derome, L£on Duff, J. M. M. Davies, J. T. Darling, A. Demers, P. Desrosiers, L. J. P. 1 1 • l t'.V; i: I' i: with OinadiMi OoTMnmtat flu ipMlsl Meuitf tC Brikgr 112 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. I , T)a£re8ne, J. B. B. Dononnens, G. D. Egan,0. Evans, J. G. Ferrier, Hon. James FuUum, Oeo. Florant, A. D. Gagnon, A. Gardner, B. Gault, M. H. Godfrey, B. T., M.D, Groome, P. M. Gauthier, T. Giroux, Jos. 4 Grenier, Jos. Guimond, Chs. H. GrifSn, Jas. GrahanijBobt. Hudon, yiotor Hannan, M. Henderson, D. H. Hudon, P. Hutton, W. H. Hart, T. Hingston, W. H. Hickson, J. Howley, J. Henshaw, F, W. H6tu, li. 0. Hagar, 0. Hamilton, A. Homier, J. B. Huston, Charles Hanuaiord, E. P. Hogan, Henry Hamilton, Hon. John Hooper, A. 0. Huntington, Hn. L.S. Isaacson, J. H. Jeannotte, H. Joseph, J. H. Judah. T. S. Lamotne, G. Lalonde, G. F. Lemieux, P. Lyman, H. laghthaU, W. F. Lefebyre, N. Larin, L. Lavers, W. Larivde, N. Labadie, J. A* Larin, Chi. Leahy, M. Lunn, Wm. Leprohon, J. L. Lsjnere, J. B. Laurent, Mionel Larkin, Patrick Mi^or, J. B. Mathieu, E. McDonald, W. McGauvran, J. W. McCambridge, A. Macdonald. D. Murphy Jolin McDougall, J. McGibbon, A. McLaren, John C. McLachlan, J. S. McNaUy, B. McKeown, B. McDougall, D. Lorn Moss, S. E. McShane, J. McKeown, E. MoDermott, P. McWood, W. McGoldrick, P. Moss, H. D. Molson. J. H. B. Murphy, Ed. Murphy, P. S. Mercer, N. Malone, M. Meunier, G. Murray, J. Milloy, John J. Mclntyre, John Moss, J. L. McLaren, D. G. McShane, Brien McNaughton, Wm. Mousseau, F. X. Musaen, Ths. NeTson, A. D, Normandeau, P. E. O'Brien, W. Ogilvie, W. W. OgiJvie, J. O'Bourke, J. Ogilvie, A. W. Parker, J. Pr6voBt, D. Prenderaast, J. Plessis dit B61air,L.B. Pr6vo8t, B. Perreault, L. Papineau, D. E. Patterson, G. H. Price^ John Poupart, Jos. Bankin, J. Bov, A. Boberts, Geo. BoUand, G. L. Bolland, J. Bte. Boseaver, W. H. Bosair, D. Bitchie, John Byan, M. P. • Spicer, W. J. Stephens, B. H. Shearer, .Tames Simard, J. Starnes, Hon. H. ShackdU, H. Shelton. E. E. Short, J. Stewa^ J. Sheridan, J. Strachan, J. Simpson, Ths. Salmon, W. Scott, Gilbert Steyenion, A. A. St. Onge, S. Seneciu, L. A. ^ Torrance, D Teroux, C. A. Taylor,, E. T. Taylor, T, M. Trudeau,Bomauld Tansey , D. Villeneuve, J. O. Walters, C. H. Wilson, W. Wilson, T. Workman,!. Whyte, J. Walsh, M. Wait, Geo., jr. Wainwrlght, Wm. Weaver, Geo. W. < tziie: Commercial Printing House, ^;.^ -> MONTREAL ^^;. Iqas flMPLB Facilities fioi^ all I^lNDS OP TIK© The Newest Styles of Type, The Most Improved Machinery; First Class Worknqen. ^ffOM^^ EXEC^'^^ o ^- n« ! i ! :■ ■ '■- li J. THEO. ROBINSON. ■ ii :!' Montreal. ■■■^i b CO O c^ -^-^^ & H ::: h fi 03 H s o fc p 7. O Q o pq Ll] CO f^ J ^ < ti^ PQ ^ o Ll 0) in tij X ^ CO ^ 5 Z 5 (A Ul W5 Ul o UJ h o UJ UJ I — b ^"^ O O Ui X UJ z -J 2 < [7 :^ C/3 3J uJ UJ Q ui O / •k\ Mi T^t i OOK, NEWSPAPER, RAILWAY, LAW, BANK, INSURANCE -AND- n D RCiAL m^m. The best equipped Job Office in the City. LAW FORMS KEPT IN STOCK FACTUMS A SPECIALTY. J. THEO. ROBINSON, 54 St. Francois Xavier Street, I^OOSTTIRE-i^Xj- TB R cmxBMm rasmiAiroB coaiPAST.-FiM, uft ADVERTISEMENT. 113 LUBY'S FOR THE HAIR Happy reaults after using Luby's Hair Benewer. AS A DBESSIlfO FOR I.AmKS'or GlSNTIiEMeif 'S HAIR, IT 0AS BTO KQVAI«. STRENO-TIIEINS ^VKAK Hi^IR, CLEANS THE SCALP, and RESTORES GREY H AIR TO IT S NATURAL COLOUR- IN ZAROE BOTTZE8 50 CENTS EACH, TO BE HA.13 ^AJr .A.XjXj OUSXwCISTS. JR. X DEJ^rJTJS^ Drugrgrisi. 197L% %k9 f out lovse, lotro Bftiiiv 8tr«ol, SOHTBIAA. General Agent for the Dominion. \ -4 it :i't-i; m ^1 ' THK GITIZEirS UrSCBAHCB CO.-FUtE, UFS [•nrj Ii^BMMif l<ft4*» President; Andrew Allan Eaq^ 114 ADVERTISEMENT. DEVi N S' VEGETABLE WQRm PASTILLES >\pp roved, "by the Medical F'aouLlty. A RE now acknowledged to be the safest, simplest and Most Effectual Remedy known for the destruction of WORMS in tiie human system. SOLD ONLY BY THE BOX-25 CENTS EACH, Cfin he had at all Chemists, CAUTION— The success that these Pastiles have attained 1)33 brought out many spurious imitations; it will be. necessary, there fore, to observe when purchasing that you are getting the genuine. 1 LK OF AGNESIA Cures Bad Breathy Indigestion^ Sovr Stomachy Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, ^C, ^€m ^C. Ask for Philip's Milk of Magnesia, and take none other. It is entirely different from all other prepara- tions of Magnesia, and four, times the strength of Fluid Magnesia. Can be had at ail Ohemists-50 Cents a bottle. R.J. DEVINS, Druggist, Next the Court Bonse MONTREAL. Sole Agent for the Dominion. AXn» AO€IBBBrT.-€APITAIi, - Vlee-Preaideiit; 0«rald i:. Hart, MILITIA. Ill MILITIA DEPARTMENT. PBOVINOE OF QUEBEC. The three Military Districts into which the Province of Quebec is divided are sub-divided into seventy Begimental Divisions, comprised within eight Brigade Divisions. The boundaries of such Begimental Divisions are identical with the Electoral Divisions into which the Province of Quebec is divided, with VSk following exceptions, tib.: Montreal Gentre forms two Begimental Divisions, known as First and 8<>cond Montreal Centre; the First Division comprising the Eastward, and the Second Division comprising the Centre and West Wards. Chateauguay forms two Begimental Divisions, known as First and Becond Chateauguay. The First Division comprises the Parishes of St. Philom^ne, Chateauguay. St. Martin, St. Urbain; and tne Seor>nd Division comprises the portion of the County not included in the First Division. The counties .."^^ Bichmond, Wolfe, Drummond, Arthabaska, Ohicoutimi a,u<^ . u "inay, each form a Begimental Division. The Brigade "j .'(-/^^.tns are nnsibered &om West to East, from One to Eight, aua embrace the following Begimental Divisions for each respectively : MlLITABY DiSTBIOT NO. 5. Lieut.-Col. B. Van Straubenzie, Deputy Adjutant-General com- manding. 1st Brigade Division — Lieut. -Col. Pennyman W. Worsley, Brigade Major. Head^quarters, Montreal. Consists of the Begimental Divisions of Argenteuil, Montreal West, Second Montreal Centre, Huntingdon, Napierville and Second Chateauguay. 2nd Brigade Division — Lieut.-Col. Gregor Mattice, Brigade M^jor. Head-quarters, Sherbrooke. Consists of the Begimental Divisions of St. Johns, Iberville, Missi^quoi, Brome, ShefEord, Bichmond, Drummond, Stanstead, Sherbrooke and Conpton. Storekeeper for Military Districts Kos. 5 and 6— Lieut.-Col. C. d« Bellefeuille. MlLITABY DlSTBIOX NO. 6. ^ lieut.-Col. A. C. de L. Harwood, Deputy Adjutant-General commanding. ith Brigade Division — Lieut.-Col. E. Lamontagne, Brigade M^jor. Headquarters, Montreal. y I m ri'fe' m. fc' dTDEENS INSURANCE COKPANT— UVB BRANCH. rondltfoiM. Foreign trmwtik and 116 MILITIA. Consists of the Begimental Divisions of Montreal East, First Montreal Centre, Vaudrenil, Soulangas, Beauharnois, First Cliateaugaay, Laprairie, Two Mountains, Terrebonne, Hochelaga, Jacques Cartier and Laval. 6th Brigade Division— The duties of the 6th and 6th Brigade Divisions are performed by the Brigade Major of the 4th Brigade Division. Consists of the Begimental Divisions of L^Assomption, Mont- calm, Joliette, Berthier, MaskinongS, Three Bivers and St. Maurice. eth Brigade Division — The duties of the 6th and 6th Brigade Divisions are performed by the Brigade Mf^jor of the 4th Brigade Division. • Consists of the Begimental Divisions of Nicolet, Arthabaska, Wolfe, Yamaska, Bagot, Bichelieu, St. Hyacinthe, Bouville, Verchdres and Ghambly. MlIilTABT DiSTBICT NO. 7. Lient.-Col. T. J. Dnchesnay, Deputy Adjntant-Oeneral com- manding. Major W. H. Forrest, District Paymaster and Store- keeper. 7th Brigade Division—The duties of the 7th Brigade Division are performed by the Brigade Major of the 8th Brigade Division. Head-quarters, Levis. Consists of the Begimental Divisions of Lotbinidre, Megantic, Beauce, Dorchester, Levis, BeUechasse, Montmagny, L'Islet, Kamouraska, Temiscouata, Kimouski, Bonaventure and Gasp6. 9th Brigade Divisian — ^Lieut.-Col. d'Odet d'Orsonnens, Brigade Major. Head-quarters, Quebec. Consists of the Begimental Divisions of Champlain, Fortneuf, Quebec East, Quebec Centre, Quebec West, County of Quebec, Montmorency, Charlevoix, Ghicoutimi and Saguenay. MONTBXAIi. 6th PbovisionaIi Beoimbnt of CAvAiiBY. — Head-quarters, Montreal. Major commanding — John Burwash; Paymaster— Capt. — C. C. Clapham, Quartermaster — Lieut. J. T. McBride, Surgeon — Dr. A. L. Smith, Vet. -Surgeon— C. J. Alloway. No. l Troop, Capt. Colin McArthur ; No. 2 Troop, Capt. Wanless ; No. 3 Troop, Capt. Barr ; No. 4 Troop, Capt. Bush. FiEiiD Battbrv" of ABTiLiiBRT. — Capt. A. A. Stevenson, (I.e.) Ist Lieutenant — E. G. Green, 2nd Lieutenant — J. S. Hall, jr. Surgeon — G. E. Fenwick, M. D. (s. m.), Asst. Surgeon — Dr. Bogers. Vet. Surgeon — D. McEachran. Bbigade |(ontreai< Garrison Artillery. — Lieut. -Col. W. B. Oswald. Captains— G. Forbes, T. T. TurnbuU, W. H. Laurie, F. Cole, W. C. Trotter, C. H. Levin. Lieutenants — F. Brush, D. Stevenson, E. Howard, C. Lane, J. A. Finlayson, B. DavidscMi, W. H. Lulham. Paymaster—Fred. Cole, Mi^or. Surgeon— G. W. Major, Asst. Surgeon — A. A. Browne. Adjt. — T. Atkinson, Major. UTO POJLICIBS ofOTevar descrlptf«ii iMmed iMHtord^iis oe«apatloii do not void tbrn Pollej MoHTBBAii EnoorEBBS. — ^Major W. Kennedy, lat Lieutenant— • J. W. Moffat. 2nd Lieutenant— Henry Thompson. IbtBatt. **PaiifCE OF Wales Bifles.*' — Lieut. -Col. F. Bond- Majors E. L. Bond and J. F. Nott. Captains— T. P. Butler, 8- Campbell, J. O. Wilgress, G. D. Hanson, W. J. Turpin, D* Sincennes. Lieutenants— G. de B. Leprohon, Jas. Paul, P. Guy, B. C. Nelles. Paymaster — ^Alex. Milloy, (m.) Quartermaster-^ Oapt. Wm. Johnson. Surgeon— Francis W. Campbell, M.D. Sro Batt. ** Victobia Biples." — Lieut.-Col. E. A. Whitehead* Majors— J. M. Crawford, (I.e. ), C. P. Davidson. Captains— F 0. Henshaw, A. Anderson, Q. Ahem, H. M. Belcher, — Badiger, H. Abbott. Lieutenants— T. P. Bacon, S. M. Blaiklock, B. T. Heueker, G. B. Starke, — Kellond, — Beckett, — Wake, — Wardlow. Staff. — Paymaster— J. 6. Burrows (m.) Adjutant— J. P. Edwards, (1.) Quartermaster— Cr. Hope, (g.) Surgeon-Major — G. A. Baynes, M.D. Asst . -Surgeon— D. C. McLaren, M.D. 6th Bati. '* BoYAii Scots."— Lieut.-Col. E. C. Campbell. M%jor — F. Caverhill. Captains— 8. Cross, L. M. Lewis, B. M. Esdaue, J. G. McCorkill, H. H. Lyman, i . Hood. Lieutenants — ^F. Lydon, J. G. Geddes, J. A. Strathy, J. Lithglow, C. C. Newton, Jas. S. Orossley, — C.E. Gault,, W. B. Miller. Paymaster — Lieut. Wm. Foulis. Adjutant — ■ Quartermaster — ■ Surgeon— W. B. Burland, M.D. Asst. Surgeon— C. A.Wood, M.D. 6th Batt. " FusiLiBES.'' — Lieut -Col. B. Gardner, jr. Majors — M. M. Blaiklock, F. Massey. .Captains — Geo. Mooney, John Gray, Fred. Nelson, John Fair, jr., Jas. D. Anderson, jr., Andrew Paterson. Lieutenants— P. Hood, W. Laidlaw, G. C. Stephens, Jeffery H. Burland, B. G. Pettigrew, Geo. Denison, F. W. Engelke. Paymaster — W. Bates. Quartermaster— D. Battersby. Surgeon — Jas. Bell. Asst. Surgeon — W. Stephens. Honorary Treasurer — Lieut.-Col. J. C. Sinton. 65th Batt. '< Mount Boyal BiFiiES."— Lieut. -Col. Aldric Ouimet, M.P., Q.C. Majors— George A. Hughes, Galiste A. Dugas. Captains— P. J. Bddard, B. Poitras, Alex. Boy, Alfred Larocque, jr., Jos. Giroux, Hector Provost, B. des Bividres, Lieutenants — ^E. Beauset, C. J. Doherty, L. Ethier, Arthur Simard, B. Hubert, G. Cartier, Courtland Starnes, Ernest Levigne, B. Forest, J Ostell, E. Sicotte. S^ajf.— Adjutant— J. C. Bobert. Paymaster — 0. L. Boss6. Surgeon— E. Lachapelle, M.D. Asst. Surgeon— L. Migneault. Fbovihoe of Quebec Bifle Associatiok. Patron— His Honor the Lt. -Go remor of the Province. President —Hon. A. P. Oaron, M.P. Vice-Presidents — Lt.-Col. McEachran, Lt.-Ool. Ouimet, Mqjor Scott, Capt. Trenholme. Secretary— Mi^or Blaiklock. Treasurer— Lt. -Col. Martin. Elective Committee— Lt-Ool. Sheppard, Lt.-Col. Brosseau, Capt. Bussell, Lt.-OoL Martin, Miyor Bond, Lt.-Col. Feuton, Lt. Whitman. Bepresen- tatire Oommittee— Lt.-Cols. Fletcher and Fraser, Minors Gates and Blaiklock, Oapts. Pr6vo8t, Main, Balxour, tfood and LeSueur, Lts. Edwards and Trotter. / Wk 4 '.• '! » >'rs:^ \xw:i 118 CmaBBNS VNHVWLAnCE OOHPABiT— I<OAm •ye gwmted •fter tlufe yawi in togt» MBDIGAI» MEDICAL. I>sirrAi>BoABi> of ExAiimsBS of thb Phovikcb of Qubbbo — W. G. Beers, Montreal, President ; G. F. F. Trestler, Montreal, Yice-President ; Ghs. Brewster, Montreal, Treasurer ; L. J B. Le Blano, Montreal, Secretary; G. H.Wells, Huntingdon, Begistrarj H. D. Boss, Quebec, Ii. W. Dowlin, Sherbrooke. Gouhciij of thb FHABHACBimcAii AssooiATiOB. — President; H. F. Jackson (Montreal), 1st Yice-President; Ed. Giroux (Quebec), 2nd Yice-President ; J. A. Harte (Montreal), Treasurer \ John Blerry (Montreal), Begistrar and Secretary ; W. Ahem (Montreal), Henry B. Grey (Montreal), H. S. Evans (Montreal), S. Lachance (Montreal), J. D. L. Ambrosse (Montreal), Alex. Manson (Montreal(, Boderick McLeod (Quebec), C> J. Governton (Montreal), W. B. Brunet (Quebec). Board of Examinera— Henry B. Gray (Montreal), Alex. Manson (Montreal), J. B. L. Ambrosse (Montreal), Boderick McLeod (Quebec), Jean Bte, Martel (St. Bomuald), H. F. Jackson (Montreal). MoNTBBAXi GoiiiAOB OF "Pn AUK ACY.— Officer s a«t(3 Board for 1888-'84.— President ; B. Dugal, Yice-President; L. B. Baridon. Treasurer; Alex. Manson, Secretary ; W. Ahem, 223 McGili street. B. Lachance, John Kerry, A. S. Evans, J. D. L. Ambrosse, Henry B. Gray, Alph. Davidson, H. F. Jackson. C. J. Govemton, J. A. Harte. Lecturers,— Ihrof. T. D. Beed, M.I)., O.M., No. l Philips Square. Prof. Joseph Bemrose, F.G.S., No. 13 JPlateau Street, Pharmaceutical Ghemist and Senior BeU Scholar of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Begistrar of the Phar- maceutical Association, and Secretary of the College of Pharmacy, W. Ahem, Address, 207 Bleury Street. URIVBBSrrT OF McGlLXi Goiil^EOB, MOKTBBAIi. — JFVuH42t^— Jolis William Dawson, LL.D., F.B.S., Principal and Professor of Natural History, B. Palmer Howard, M.D., Dean of the Faculty. Emeritus Professors. — William Wright, M.D., Materia Medica and Therapeutics, 84 St. Famille Street, Duncan G. McGall^mi, M.D., Midwifery and Diseases of Women, 45 Union Avenue, Bobert Graik^ M.D., Chemistry, Treasurer of the Faculty, 2 Gath- cart Street. Jobeph Morley Drake, M.D., Institutes of Medicine, Abbotsford, Que. Professors. — B. Palmer Howard, M.D., Pro- fessor of Medicine, 47 Union Avenue, G. K. Fenwick, M.D., . Professor of Surgery, 1401 St. Gatharine Street, G. P. Girdwood; M.D., Professor of Chemistry, 28 Beaver Hap Terrace, George Boss, M.Aj M.D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, 4d Union Avenue, William Osier, M.D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine and Begistrar of the Faculty, 1353 St. Gatharine Street, Thomas G. Boddick, M.D., Professor of Clinical Surgery^ 90 Union Avenue, William Gardner, M.D«, Professor of Gynseoologyi OH THB SECURITY OF ITS I«IFB POIilCIES »nd liberal Snrrendcrs allowed. t MEDICAL. 119 914 Dorchester Street, Francis J. Shepherd, Professor of Anatomy and Librarian of the Faculty, 86 Mansfield Street, Frank Bnller. M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology, 694 Dorchester Street, Arthur A. Browne, B.A., M.D., Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Infancy, 1353 St, Catharine Street, James Stewart, M D., Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, George Wilkins, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, 867 Dorchester Street, D. P. Penhallow. B.Sc, Professor of Botany, B. L. Mac- Donnell, B.A.. M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy and Lecturer on Hygiene, 1433 St. Catharine Street, William B. Sutherland, M.D.. Aesistant Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of the Museum, 745 Dorchester Street, Oeorge W. Mii^or, B.A., M.D., Instructor in Laryngology 1398 St. Catharine Street. Alex. D. Blackader, B.A., M.D., Instructer in Diseases of ^nifdren, 44 Beaver Hall Terrace, T, Wesley Mills, M.A., M,D., 1'^ .^nstrator of Practical Physiology and Histology, 561 Dorchester Street, Bobt. J. B. Howard, B.A., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, 47 Union Avenue. University of Bishops Collbqb, LbnnoxvilijE.— ^acul^t/ o/ Medicine^ Montreal.— F. W. Campbell, M.A., M.D., L.B.C.P. Lond.. Dean, Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, consulting Physician Montreal Dispensary, Physician to Western Hospital; J. Baker Edwards, Ph.D.,D.GL., Emeritus Professor of Practical Chemistry; R. A. Kennedy, M.A., M.D , CM., Regis- trar, Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children, consulting Physician Montreal Dispensary, Physician to and Superintendent of the Obstetrical Department of the Western Hospital ; J. Perrigo, A. M., M.D., CM., M.R.CS. Eng., Professor of Surgery, Physician to and Medical Secretary Western Hospital ; J. B. McConnell, M.A., M.D., CM., Professor of Materia Medica, Physician West- ern Hospital and Montreal Dispensary ; Casey A. Wood, CM., M.D., Professor of Pathology, Physician Western Hospital; George E. Armstrong, M.D^ Professor of Physiology, Physieian Western Hospital ; James C. Cameron, M.D., CM., M.B.O.P.I., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, Physician to Montreal General Hospital and Western Hospital; Thomas Simpson, M.D., Profes- sor Hygiene, Physician to Montreal General Hospital, consulting Physician Western Hospital; E. H. Trenholme, M.D., CM., B.C L., IVofessor of Gynaecology, consulting Physician Montreal Dispensary, Physician Western Hospital; Wm. Young, CM., M.D., Professor of Chemistry; J. Leslie Foley, CM., M.D., L.R.C.P. Lond., Professor of Anatomy, Physician Montreal Dis- pensary ; H. L. Reddy, B.A , M.D., L.R.CS.E., L.R.C.P.L., Pro- fessor of 'i?herapeutics ; A. Lapthom Smith, B.A.. M.D., M.R.CS. Eng., Professor of Botany, Physician Montreal Dispensary. Lec- turera in Special Departments. Joseph Bemrose, F.C.S. Lecturer on practical chemistry; Alexander Proudfoot, M.D., CM., Lec- turer on Disease of the Eye, Ear and Throat, Oculist to Montreal Dispensary and Western Hospital; D. D. Gaherty, C.M., M.D., Demonstrator of Anatomy; Anthony Kerry, CM., M.D., Curator •f Museum. hi mi t- - ^-l f i TBfE dVIEBlfS IJrSURANCB CO.-FIBE BBASTCU. •Iriod, for whlcli low flsrares will i»# qaot«il. Aceuclet 120 MEDIOAL. MoirrBEAL School of Subohry and Mkdioink — Founded in 1848 ; Incorporated in 1846. — Faculty of Medicine of the Victoria Univeraityf Cobourg ^Ths. E. d'Odet d'Orsonnens, M.D., Pro- fessor of Ghemistry, Pharmacy and Toxicology, President of the Faculty; J. E. Goderre, M.D., Professor of Materia Medioa and Therapeutics, Secretary; Eugene H. Trudel, M.D., Professor of Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children and Glinical Obstetrics; W. H. Kingston, M.D., D.G.L., L R.G.S., Edin., Professor of Glinical Surirer^; A. B. Graig, M.D., Professor of Internal Pathology and Glinioals of Medicine ; 0. O. Beaudry, M.D.. Professor of Physiology and General Pathology ; L. B. Durocher, M.D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence and Botany ; J. A. S. Brunelle, Professor of Surgery ; L. A. E . De^jardiiia, M.D., Professor of Histology and Diseases of the Eye ; L. I). Mignault, Demonstrator of Anatomy ; Hon. A. H. Paquet. M.D., Professor of Hygiene. Supernumerary Professors— A. A. Mounier (Ghemistry), J. A. Boy (Botany), A. B. Campagnc (Anatomy). J. A. Lebfance, M.D., Librarian and Gurator. Laval V my KaBivY.— Faculty of Medicine. 134 Notre Damn Street — J. P. Bottot, M.D., Professor of Inside Hospital Patho- logy and Glinics. and Dean of the Faculty ; E. P. Lachapelle, M.D., Professor of General Pathology and Physiology, and Secre- tary of the Faculty ; A. I.amarche. M.D., Professor of Descriptive Anatomy; A. G. A. Bicard, M.D., Professor Of Materia Medica: A. Dagenais, M.D., Professor of Toxicology and Toxicological Glinics; J. A. Laramce, M.D„ Professor of Inside Hospital Clinics; G. M. Filiatrault, M.D., Professor of Medica Juris- prudence and Senile Diseases; N. Fafard, M.D.. Professor of Inside Hospital Glinics and Chemistry; Elzear Berthelot. M D. , Professor of Practical Anatomy ; S. Lachapelle, M.D., Professor of Hygiene ; H. E. Desrosiers. M.D., Professor of Toxicology ; Salluste Duval, M.D., Professor of the Clinics, Children's Di- seases and Botany; A. Brodeur, M.D., Professor of Histology and Practical Surger) ; A. A. Fouclier, M.D., Professor,— Diseases of Eyes and Ears. Mbdico-Ghiruboical Society. — Dr. K. A. Kennedy, President ; Dr. T. G. Boddick, 1st Vice-President ; Dr. T. A. Bodger, 2nd Vice-President; Dr. D. F. Gurd, Secretary; Dr. W. A. Molson, Treasurer; Dr. J. L. Foley, librarian. Coi«nct7 ;— Doctors Geo. Boss,, P. W. Campbell and Wm. Osier. MoNTBEAL Gbnebal 'H.oBntAi,.— Elected Governors — N. si. Whitney, David Law, S Bethune, Q.C , J. M. Kirk, B. A. Bamsay, John McLean, Jackson Bae, Thomas White, M.P., B. S. C. Bagg, Joseph Bielle, Thomas Craig, Bobert McLea. Office Bearers for 1883.— Andrew Bobertson, President; John Stirling. Vice-President; Thomas Davidson, Treasurer; Dr.B. P. Howard, Secretary. BowMhold and sood Gomotercial Bialui BpeeUilly d*- In All vrincipAl towns, l^namw^ pi»id, over •l»800t00#. MEDICAL. 121 Committee of Management.— 'Vfilli&mJjvinn. Charles Alexander, 0. 8. Wood, J. T. Molson, R. W. Shepherd, William Gowie, J. P. Gleghom, F. Wolferstan Thomas, John Kerry, Bobert Oraik,M.D. Consulting Phyaiciana.—'Bobi. Graik. M.D«, B. Palmsr Howard, M.D., D. G. MacOallum, M.D,, J. M. Drake, M.D., John Beddy, M.D„ WUliam Wright, M.D. Attending Physicians.— Qeoxge Boss, A.M., M.D., George Wilkins, M.D., M.B.G.S., En«., William Osier, M.D.. RB.C.P., Wm. A. Molson, M.D., M.B.C.S., Eng. Attending Surgeons.— Q, E. Fenwick, M.D., G.M., Bobert God- frey, M.D., G.M., T. G. Boddick, M.D., CM., Frs. J. Shepherd, M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng. Out'Door Physicians and Surgeons.— G. P. Girdwood, M.D.^ M.B.G.S , Eng., Thomas Simpson, M.D., C.M., George W. Major, B.A., M.D., James G. Gameron, M.D.. M.B.G.F.I., Wm. Gardner, M.D., C.M., Bich. L. Macdonnell, B.A.. M.D. Oculist and Atiri«^— Frank Buller, M.D., M.B.G.S., Eng. 3Iedical Superintendent.— Ja.meB Bell, M.D., G.M. Resident 3Iedieal Officers.— J. J. Gardner, M.D.; CM., W. G. Henry, M.D., G.M., James Grey, M.D., C.M. Apothecary. — Joseph Bruce, Dispenser. Lady Superintendent. — Miss Bimmer. Clerk of Committee of Management. Edward Bussell. Stetvard.—W. B. Bates. Hours for Medical Advice, ten to twelve o'clock, daily. Appli" cants for advice, out-door department, 11 to 12 daily., Sundays at 9 a.m. Eye and Ear Department, 2 p.ifl. daily. Applicants for admission to the Hospital, apply at main entrance. Hour? for Friends visiting the Sick three to four o'clock on Tuesduys, Thurs- days, Saturdays and Sundays. HoTKL DiEU, MoNTBEAii.— Bt. Bcv. Bishop Fabre, Superior; Bev. A. Nercam, Director ; Bev. P. Marsolais, Ghaplain ; Bev. Sister St. Louis, Superioress. Drs. attending to the Hospital— Dr. d'Orsounens, Dr. Goderre, Dr. Trudel, Dr. Hingston^ Dr. Craig, Dr. Beaudry, Dr. Brunelle, Dr. Desjardins, Dr. Mignault, Dr. Guerin, Dr., Macdonnell, Dr. F. X. Trudel, Dr. Champagne. J. G* Ouimond, Agent. Notre-Dahe HosPiTAii. — Board of Management— B,e\. M. V. Rousselot, President, M.M. E. A. G6n6roux, Treasurer. H. E. Dearosiers, M.D., Secretary. Medical Board— 3 . P. Rottot, M.D., President ; E. P. Lachapelle, M.D., A. Dagenais, M.D., J. A. Laramie, M.D., A. T. Brosscan, M.D., A. G. Bicard, M.D., A. Lamarche, M.D., G. M. Filiatrault, !^'-i- ;i hv\ , 1 . 1 t h m K J' '.A pi; 1 [| TAB GlTiaEEIffS INHVUAUCE COMPAlTr^NO A1»TAlfT/%OEA OR AECIJIIITT TO H.D.. J. E. Berthelot, M.D., S. Lachapclle, M.D., N. Fafard, M.D., S. Duval, M.D., A. A. Foucher, M.D., H. E. DeiroeierR, | M.D t Secretary. Attending Phyaicians and Surgeons. — All tlie members of tlie { Medical Board. i Ocidiatand Auriat.—A. A.FovLchQTf'M.'D. House Surgeons.— \ M. Marsolais and A. Zoyal. i Attendants. — Rev. Grey Nuns ; Sister Perrin, Superior. I MoKTBEAL DiSPENSART, 135 St. Artoine Stre ST.— President - Dr. Leprofaon, Vice-Presidents — Bobt. Miller and Aid. J. C. Wilsoi}, Treasurer— C. O. Perrault, Secretary — J. B. McConnell, M.D. Considting Physicians. — Drs. R. P. Howard, W. H. Hingston, O. E. Fenwick, R. Craik, J. L. Leprohon, F. W. Tampbell, G. V. Girdwood, G. Wilkins. W. Gardner, B. H. Trenholme, R. A. Kennedy, Wolfred Nelson, J. T. Alloway, G. F. Slack, T. D. Reed, G. A. Thompson, A. D. Blackader, F. J. Shepherd, 0. 0. Edwards and R. Ii. Macdonnell. Attending Physicians — J. B. McGonnell, W. H. Burla-id, J. Leslie Foley, A. L Smith, W. R. Sutherland, Wm. Stephe. . Eye and Ear Department. —Dr. A. Proudfoot. Committee of Management. — Messrs. J. Leprohon, J. 0. Wilson, G. O. Perrault, J. B. McConnell, R. Miller, T. D. Reed, A. Proud- foot, J. H. Stearns, A L. Smith, W. R. Sutherland, A. Keriy, B L. McDonnell, Wm. Macdonald. WeVBBN HOSPCTATj of MONTREAIi — WOMEN'S DBPABniEnT— For the treatment of diseases peculiar to women, and lor lying-in oases. — ^Under the Superintendence of the Medical Faculty of Bishop's College. Out'Door Chnicai Department. — Attendance daily at 12 a.m. Attending Phyaicians and Stirgeons.—Dra. F. W. Campbell, E. A. Kennedy, Trenholme, J. Perrigo. J. B. McConnell, B. Arm- strongj J. C. Cameron and G. A. Wood. Superintendent of Lying-in Dept. — Dr. R. A. Kennedy. Stecretary.— Robt. Reid. Medical Secretary. — Dr. Perrigo. Matron.— MrBf Woodhouse. Conaidting Staff. — Drs. Hingston and Simpson. Univbbsity Lyino-in Hospital, 93 St. Urbain Stbbbt.— Mrs. M. McCnlloch, 1st Directress ; Mrs. Ostell, 2nd Directress ; Mrs. Reford, 3rd Directress; Mrs. M. McGulloch. Secretary; Mrs. S. Dawson, Treasurer; Mrs. J. Smillie, Matron .ad Widwife. Physician and Accoucher. — Dr. D. C. Mcuallum, Regiatar. — Dr. A. A. Browne. Conaidting Phyaiciana The Medical Faculty of McGill College, Ubitxrsitt Dispehsart Drs. McCallura, Gardner, Roddick. Blaekader. Mrs. Hayes, Matron, St. Urbain Street. CAHABI All CaKPAKT OFff7Zll8 AmrBETTBt UlTgJIPIlfCI MFB mSVIUBRS. CONSULS AND VICE-CONSULS. Argentine Confederation— G. B. Day, Consiil-GeneTal ; T. 6. Henshaw, Vico-Consul, 24 Hespital street. AuBtro-Hungarian Empire— E. Schultze, 4 Hospital street. Belgian— Jesse Joseph. 166 St. James street. Brazil— Wm. D. Bently, Consul-General, 317 St. Paul street. riiili— G. B. Day, Consul-Gcneral; F. C. Henshaw, Vice-Consul. 24 Hospital Street. Danish— J. P. Wnlff, 32 St. Sulpicc street. French — M. le Gomte de Sesmaisons. Consul-General, Quebec; C. O. Perraiilt, Vice-Consul, 06 St. James street. German Empire -W. C Munderloh, Oi St. Sulpicc street. Italian— A. M. F. Gianelli, 227 Commissioner street j Charles Bonacina, ■Vice-Oonsul, Deputy Clerk Circuit Court. Xetherlands- S. B. Howard, Vico-Consul, 80 St. Francois Xavier street. Norwegian— J. F. WulflP, Vice-Consul, 32 St. SuJpice street. Republic of Uruguay— F. W. Henshaw,; F. C. Henshaw, Vice- Consul, 24 Hospital street. Portugal— F. A. Routh, 299 Commissioners street. P(n'u— G. B. Day, Consul-General ; F. C- Henshaw, Vice-Consul, 24 Hospital street. Sjianish/— Conde de Premie Real, Consul-General, Quebec ; J. L. Leprohon, M.D., Vice-Consul, 237 Si. Antoine street' Swiss— A. N. Aubin, 404 St. Paul street. Swedish- J. F. Wulff, 32 St. Sulpicc street. United States — List of Consuls and Commercial Agents in the Province of Quebec & Ontario — SeargentP. Stearits, Consul- General, Montreal ; Reuben Booth, Vice and Dep. Consul- General. Montreal; James Low, Consul, Clifton; Jno. G. Crawford, Consul, Coaticook; LaRue Peck, Consul, Fort Erie ; Geo. H. Holt, Consul, Gasp6 Basin ; Jno. F. Haaelton, Consul, Hamilton; M. H. Mitchell, Consul, KingBt<m; Saml. D. Pace, Con«nl, Port Sarnia; Harry L. Slaight, Consul, Prescott; Jno. N. Masson, Consul, Quebec; Silas P. Hubbell, Consul, St. Johns, P.Q. ; Walter E. Howard, Consul, Toronto; F. W. Prince, Consul, BelleTille ; Josiah Turner, Consul, Amherst- burg; Chas. Ewers, Consul, Windsor. Ont. ; Jas. M. Wilson. Three Rivers, P.Q, ; Bei\}. 8. Parker, dherbrooke; H. P. Dill, Consul, Guelph; H. 0. BniBngton. Coml. Agent, Chathami^. S. Chilton, Coml. Agent, Goderich; R. B. Bobbins, 't^ml. Agent, Oittawa; "Philip Garroll, Port Stanley ; Frank Harmon, Coml. Agent, Stanbridge; Ghas. A. Boush, Coml. Agent, Oollingwood; §:. W ■ i. TH£ CITIZENS INSURAMOBOO— UfeBnuiob. S«pArmtM honorable tre»tm«B% gamtmtk%—d Awm tkt 124 BANKS. J. G. Datoher, Ooml. Agent, Port Hope; A. B. Elliott, Ooml. Agent, Morriaburg; F. Baiteli, Vice Ooml. Agent, St. Hyacinthe; Ohas. A. Band, Goml. Agent, Sorel; H. M. JameSi Goml. Agent, Fort Bowan. — — ^— •■ IMMIGBATION AGENTS. J. J. Daly, Dominion Government Immigration Agent, 175 St. James street, West. John Lesperance, Immigration Agent, Province of Quebec, Port of Montreal, 813 Craig street. BANKS IN CANADA. ONTARIO. Place. Name of Bank, Manager or Agent AUiston Hamilton A.M. Kirkland. Almonte Montreal Angus Kirkland. Amprior Ottawa D. M. Finnie. Aurora Federal W. H. Perram. Aylmer Molsons Ayr Gommerce J(^m Wylie. Barrie Toronto J. A. Strathy. Hamilton "Wm. Gray. Beeton Hamilton W. P. Bobarts. Belleville •••.... .Montreal B. Biohardson. Gommerce B. Thompson. DoQiinion J. W. Murray. Merchants W. Hamilton. Berlin .Gommerce D. B. Dewar. Merchants Gharles Grookall. Bowmanville Ontario Geo. McGill. Bradford Standard T. Dewson. Brampton Dominion B. D. Gamble. Merchants G. S. Herohmer. Brantford British North America .A. Bobertson. Montreal W. L. Greighton. Gommerce W* Boberte. Brockville . , Montreal James Hogg. Molsons J. W. B. Bivers. Gampbellford . . . .Standard E. A. Bog. Cannington Standard John Houston. Oarleton Place . . .Ottawa John A. Bangs. Chatham Gommerce W. S. Ireland. Federal B. N. Bofi(ers. Merchants ,. . . .F. S. Jarvis. Clinton Molsons Henry G. Brewer. Oobonrg ........ .Toronto Jos. Henderson. Oobourg Dominion E. H. Osier. by Ael of P*rll»mAiit. ~ Undoubtea Seoorlty li ailbrdcd and Mf h gfadtng of tU Proprtef ry and Dlrectori. BANKS. 195 Place. Name of Bank, Manager or Agent. Colborne Standard C. Larke. Collingwood Toronto W. A. Copeland. Gommeroe £. Pangman. Cornwall Montreal Neil McLean. Ontario W. J. Tully. Dundaa Commerce D. H. Charles. Punnville Commerce James Young. Durham Commerce J. B. Clarke. Exeter Molsons A. A. C. Donovan. Fergus ..w Imperial J. F. Patterson. Gait Merchants O. V. J.Greenhill. Commerce B. R. McConkoy. Qananoque Merchants A. Petrie. Georgetown Hamilton H. M. Watson. Ctoderich Montreal D. Olabs. Commerce A. M. Boss. Guelph Montreal James H. Finlay Commerce Wm. Smith. Federal George Mair. Ontario E. Morris. Hamilton British North America. Thomas Corsan. Hamilton E. A. Colquhoun. Montreal J. N. Travers.* Commerce £. Mitchell. Federal J. M. Bums. Merchants J. S. Meredith. Harriston Standard W. T. Shannon. Ingorsoll Imperial J. A. Biohardson. Merchants W. Pringle. Molsons '.0. W. Clinch. Kincardine Merchants G. 0. l^re. Kingston British North America. D. Bobertson. Montreal B. M. Moore. Federal .T. Y. Greet. Merchants Geo. E. Hague. Lindsay Montreal C. E. L. Porteous. Dominion W. Darling. Ontario S. A. McMurty. Listowel Hamilton H. H. O'Be* Ir Liverpool Market . Dominion J Hayden ij '.■: •. ay. London British North America. Geo. Moir. Montreal W. J, Anderson. Commerce D. Just. Federal Charlf ■} Murray. Merchants "W. ¥: Harper. Molsons Joseph Jeffrey, Lucan Commerce . . . .F. W. Ball. Markham Standard F. A. Beesor. Meaford Molsons P. Fuller. Milton Hamilton .J. Butterfleld. Morrisburgh Molsons L. W. Howard. Mount Forest . . . .Ontario B. N. King. 'i 1 r' p u > Tfc? i" atvi TO* ursumAVCB eo: on the AVT^Tb^MiOtt 12« BANKS. Manager or Agent. B. A. Helliwell. Alez. Smith. James K. Allen. W. H. Perram. W. A. Sampson. B. T. Haiu. H. S. Soadding, W. H. Holland. Place. Name of Bank. Napanee , Dominion . . . Merchants . . Newcastle Standard. . . . Newmarket Federal Norwich Commerce. . . , Orangerille Commerce . OriUia Dominion . . . Oshawa Dominion W.estem of C&nada. Ottawa British North America. W D. Chambers. Montreal A. Drummond. Ottawa Qeo. Bam. Commerce Jeffery Hale. Nationale C. H. Carriere. Merchants W. H. Bowley. Ontario A. Simpson. Quebec H. V. Noel. Union M. A. Anderson. Oweu Sound Merchtmts .J. G. Fitzgibbon. Molsons P. W. D. Broderick. Paris. British North America .John Carnegie. Commerce B. C. Jenniugo. Pembroke Quebec T. P. Cox. Perth Montreal B. J. Drummond. Merchants Jameff Gray. Peterborough . . . .Montreal P. J. Lewis. Toronto J. H. Boper. Commerce W. Manson. Ontario C. MoGill. Petrolia Feders^ T. A. Lenfestey. Picton , . . . .Montreal. B J. B Crbmbie. Standard J. S. Louden. Port Colbome . . . .Imperial Jas. Watt. Port Elgin ; .HamUton Wm. Corbould. Port Hope Montreal C. L. Thompson. Toronto "W. B. Wadswortli. Midland Loan A Savings Society G. M. Furby. Port Perry Ontario W. J. McMurty. Prescott Merchants I. F. Harper. Prince Arthur's Landing Ontario ; .D. F. Burk. Benftrew Merchants C. G. Morgan. Bidgetown Molsons L. E. Tate. St. Catherines . . . .Toronto G. W. Hodgetts. Commerce F. L. Hankey. Imperial CM. Arnold. St. Mary's Montreal B. HiUyard. Federal C. S. Bumsey. St. Thomas Imperial M. A. Gilbert. Merchants John Pottenger. Molsons Geo. Kendal Morton. IjuMfcAW. Mid RBMVNERATnrE ACCIDENT POl^IOT lltfs CompMijr at 95 per tlOOO. BANKS. 127 Place. Name of Bank. Manager of Agent. Samia Montreal B. Tassie. Commerce T. W. Niabitk. Seaforth. Commerce A. H. Ireland. Simcoe Commerce E. Cowdry. Federal Henry Groff. Hmith^B Falls . . . .Molsons A. P. Tregent. Stratford Montreal J. Hogg. Commerce W. Maynard, jr. Merchants E. F. Hebden. Strathroy Commerce Jos S. Small. Federal W. T. Smith. Thorold Commerce W. J. Robertson. Quebto D. B. Crombic. Tilsonburg Federal Francis Cole. Toronto British North America. W. Orindlay. Montreal G. W. Yarker. Toronto D. Coulson. Commerce W. N, Anderson. Dominion B. H. Bethunc. do. Queen st. branch. Jas. Price. Federal H. S. Strathy. Imperial D. R. Wilkie. Merchants Wm. Cooke. Ontario C. Holland. Quebec J. Walker. Standard J. L. Brodie. Molsons L. H. Robertson . .... .Molsons R. Fraser. Dominion W. Nation. Walkerton Commerce J. R. Clarke. Merchants A St. L. Mackintosh. Waterloo Molsons Jacob Hespeler. Welland Imperial Jas. McGlashan. Whitby Dominion H. B. Taylor. Ontario W. Beith. Windsor . . Commerce J. E. Thomos. Merchants Wm. Kingsley. Wingham Hamilton B. Wilson. Woodstock Commerce F. 0. Cross. Imperial S. B. Fuller. Y'orkville Federal R. J. Montgomery. QUEBEC. Beauharuoia Jacques Cartier A. Clement. Bedford Eastern Townships Berthier (en Laut). Ville Marie A. Lariepy. Coaticook Eastern Townsiiips B. Austin. Cowansville Eastern Towships J. McKinnon. Famham Eastern Townships E. N. Robinson. Gaspe Basin Nationals J. Le Bontillier A Co. Tieuton (Jxbridge 11;. i: n n ■li I' i * I? CITIXBMB nrSVKAHCB €0.-9IM«Ma with OMiadtMa Q gvew u nant for qpadal Meutty 9i BtUoy 128 BANKS. Place. Name of Bcmk, Manager or Agent. Oranby Eastern Townships W. H. Bobinson. Jolliette D'Hochelaga H. N. Boire. Louiseyille Ville Marie L, A. Garon. Montreal British North America. .B. B. Grindley. Montreal E. S. Glouston. Toronto i J. M. Smith. Hochelaga F. X. St. Charles. Ville Marie UbaMe Garand. Commerce^ W. Simpson. Exchange T. Craig. Federal W. J. Ingram. I>a Peuple A. A. Trottier. Jacqnes Cartier A. daMartigny. Nationale C. A. Valle, Merchants A. M. Grombie. Ontario W. W. L. Chipman. Qaebeo , Thos. McDongall. Molsons F. W. Thomas. Union of Lower Canada. F. Nash. Napierville St. Jean, M. Gatndal. Nicolet Ville Marie C. A. Sylvestre. Qaebeo British North America .C. F. Smith. Montreal J. Forteous. Nationale P Lefirance. Merchants H. M. Price. Quebec Jas. Stevenson. Union of Lower Ganada.P. MacEwen. / Bichmond Eastern Townships W. L. Ball. St. Gesaire St. Hyscinthe Gessidre Pepin. St. Hyadntiie . . . .Jacques Cartier S. A. Durocher. St. Hyacinthe B. St. Jacques. St Jerome Ville Marie J. A. Theberge. St. Johns St. Jean Ph. Baudouin. Merchants W. L. Marier. St. Bemi Jacques Cartier C. Bedard. Sherbrooke Eastern Townships W. Farwell. Nationale John Campbell. Merchants A. C. E. Delmege. ScMrel Molsons George Crebassa. Stanstead Eastern TownshiiMi S. Stevens. Three Bivers Hochelaga P. E. Panneton. Quebec F. G. Wotherspoon. Union of Lower Canada. G. H. Henshaw* jr. Valleyfield Jacques Cartier Joseph F. Pellant. Waterloo Eastern Townships W. I. Briggs. West Famham. . .Eastern Townships E. N. Bobinson. NEW BBUNSWIGK. Bathurst Merchants of Halifax. . .John Sivewright. Gampbelltdn Nova Scotia J. E. Narraway. ^hatham Montreal F. E. Winslow. ADYERTISBBCENT. 129 J Oswald Bros. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange, 53 & 55 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, MON-^F^EAL * ^ STOCKS AND SECURITIES OF ALIi DESCRIPTIONS. Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cash. Correspondents in London. Eng., and New York. Kf*For Canadian Stock List see next page. '■• i:.'.'J .|"'|1 «8 List of Principal Securities dealt in JANUARY, BANKS. Montreal Ontario Merchants* Du Peuple iacques Cartier lolson? Toronto * Quebec Nationale Union of Lower Canada Commerce Eastern Townships ..... Dominion Hamilton Exchanee Imperial Standard Federal d*Hochelaga Ville Marie British •••••• CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED. MISCELLANEOUS. Montreal Telegraph Dominion Telegraph Montreal Gas Mont'l Loan & Mort Moat*l Inv't & Building Co City Payseneer Railway Royal Canadian Ins. Co Richelieu and Ont. Nav. Dundas Gotton Co Canada Cotton Co Montreal Cotton Co Stormont Cotton Co Coaticook Cotton Co. ... Hudon Cotton Co Canada Paper Co St. Paul, M. & M. Railway Cflb. Pac. Railway. North West LandXTo .$12,000,000 . 1,500,000 . 5,798,267 . 1,600,000 500,000 . 2,000,000 . 2,000,000 . 2,500,000 . 2,000,000 . 2,000,000 . 6,000,000 . 1,479,600 . 1,500,000 . 1,000,000 500,000 . 1,500,000 803,700 . 2,966,800 723,300 500,000 . 4,866,666 2,000,000 . 1,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 300,000 600,000 2,000,000 1,019,000 500,000 750,000 794,000 500,000 200,000 2,000,000 600,000 20,000,000 100,000,000 £3,000,000 CAPITAL PAID-UP. $12,000,000 1,500,000 5,721,426 1,600,000 500,000 2,000.000 2,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 2.000,000 6,000,000 1,446,142 1,500,000 982,380 500,000 1,500,000 783,005 2,960,210 704,940 464,300 4,866,666 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,876,752 832,812 300,000 600,000 300,000 1,619,000 500,000 697,900 794,000 500,000 200,000 850,000 600,000 20,000,000 65,000,000 £1,600,000 OSWALD BROTHERS, Members on the MONTREAL STOCK EXCHANGE. 1884. REST. .. $6,760,000 . 335,000 .. . . 1,150,000 . nil 14,000 . 600,000 .. .. 1,060,000 .. 325,000 .. nil 30,000 .. .. 1,900,000 .. 350,000 .. 860,000 .. 200,000 .. 860,000 .. 140,000 .. .. 1,300,000 .. 60,000 .. 20,000 .. 889,718 .. Shares. Amount. ••••••• .« ••••••• ,. ••••••• •• ••••••• , ••••••• ■• ••••••• •• • •••••», •• • ••••• • • • •••••• 1 • ••••••• •• • •••••• . . 9200 100 100 50 25 50 100 100 60 100 60 60 60 100 100 100 60 100 100 100 -243 40 60 40 60 60 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 £10 DIVIDEND DAYS. (• (( (( 1st June and 1st 1st June " 1st 1st June 1st Mar. 1st June Ist April 1st ■ 1st 1st 1st Jan. 1st Jan. 1st Tan. 1st May 1st 1st 1st 1st Ist 1st 1st " 1st M 1st " 1st " 1st _. " 1st Suspended. 1st Jan. and 1st 1st Jan. " 1st 1st June " 1st 1st Jan. " 1st 1st June •* 1st 4ihjan. •• 4th 1st June Dec. . Dec. . Dec. . Sept. . Dec. . Oct. . Dec. . Dec. . Nov. . July . July . July . Nov. . Dec. . July July . Dec . July . Dec. . July . Jan. April, Jdy & Oct. . . Jan. April, 'July & Oct.. . April and October.... 15th Mar. " loth Sept. Ist Feb. " 1st Aug. . November February February and October . . 1st Mar. and 1st Sept. . . . 15th Feb. and 15th Aug. . . Jan. April, July & Oct . . J anuary and July January and July January and July January and July Feb. May, Aug. & Nov. . 17th Feb. and 17th Aug. . July. Dividend. Last 6 Mos. % r >■> 2 p.c. quartr. IJ " quartr. 6 " 8J «< 8 5 3 " per an. ti <( \ h A i ;l (t i< t( 5 2 ♦* quartr. 2i " 28on£4p'd8h. of the Montreal Stock Exchan«e< •J 132 ABYEBTISSMEKT. Oswald Bros. Members of the Montreal Stock Exchange 53 & 55 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET. AioNTI\EAL. STOCKS AND SECURITIES. OF ALL DESORIPTIONS Bought and Sold on Margin or for Cash. Correspondents in London, Eng., and New York. t^Tor Canadian Stock List see preceding page. DrSVBAVfV €o: BANKS. ir,:i Place. Name of Bank. Manager or Agent. Chatham Nova Bcotia D. G. Chestnut. Dorchester Merchants Emerson Jk Read. Fredericton British North America .R. Napier. Nova Scotia C. G. R Kerr. Maritime A. A. Murray. People's of N. B J. W. Spurden. Hillsboro' Halifax Banking Co. . . .H. Middleton. Kingston Merchants of Halfax. . . Donald Kemp. Moncton Montreal P. M Cotton. Nova Scotia Qeorge Sanderson. Newcastle Montreal R. Mackenzie. Nova Scotia P. R. Morrison. Petitcodiac Halifax Banking Co. . . .J. H. Morrison. Richibuoto Nova Scotia D. Waters. Merchants of Halifax . .Donald Kemp. Sackville Halifax Banking Co Thos. A. H. Mason. Merchants of Halifax . .E. C. Jarvis. St. John British North America . W. E. Collier. Montreal E. C. Jones. New Brunswick Wm. Girvan. Nova Scotia J. M. Robinson. Halifax Banking Co.. . .Jas. G. Taylor. Maritime Alfred Ray. St. Stephen Nova Scotia John Black. St. Stephen John P. Grant. Sussex Nova Scotia G«orge W. Daniel. Woodstock Nova Scotia Wm. Haliburton. Maritime Gilbert W. Van Wart. NOVA SCOTIA. Acadia Mines Halifax Banking Co. . . Merchants of Halifax . Amherst Nova Scotia Pictou Annapolis Nova Scotia Union of Halifax Antigonish Merchants of Halifax . Pictou Baddeck Merchants of Halifax . Barrington Halifax Banking Co. . . Bridgetown Nova Scotia Bridge water Merchants of Halifax . Canning Nova Scotia Digby Nova Scotia Gnysboro* Merchants of Halifax . Halifax British North America Montreal Nova Scotia Halifax Banking Co. . . Merchants of Halifax , .T. E. Atkins. .Edward Walsh. .H. C. McLeod. .John McKeen. .P. B. Kinsman. .Alex. Shearer. .T. M. King. .E. D. Arnaud. .Chas. R. Hart. .P. W. Homer. .T. D. Ruggles. .Andrew Gow. .P. W. Borden. .J. H. Churchill. .H. M. Jost. .A. E. Ellis. .P. Gundry. .Thos. Pyshe. .W. L. Pitcaithly. .T). H. Duncan. r ■! M THUS dTlZEJrA lysrRAHcnB €0.->nBR, Liri HcnvF IiyBftMit Emim Pr«sld«nti Andrew ▲llaa Etq,, I 134 BANKS. P7ac<*. Xame of Bank. Manager or Agenf. Halifax Peo] le's of Halifax Peter Jack. Union of Halifax H. Y. Clarke. Kentville Nova Scotia L. De V. Ghfpman. Liverpool Nova Scotia H. A. Fleming. Lockeport Halifax Banking Co. . . .E. A. Capstick. People's of Halifox . . . Austin Locke. Lunenburg Halifax Banking Co. . . .Gordon H. Boss. Merchants of Halifax . .Stephen Finck.' Maitland Merchants of Halifax . .George Frieze. New Glasgow. . . .Nova Scotia Jas. W. Gannichi^cl. Pictou D. M. Fraser. North Sydnoy . . . .Nova Scotia. Daniel Waters. Oxford Halifax Banking Co. . . .N. S. Smith. Parrsboro' Halifax Banking Co. . . A. ^. Townshend. Pictou Nova Scotia Howard Primrose. Merchants of Halifax . C. J. Butcher. Pictou T. Watson. Fort Hawkesbuiy. Merchants of Halifax . .Peter Paint, sr. Pugwash . „ Halifax Banking Co. . . .D. C. McDougall. Shelbume' Halifax Banking Co. . . . W. G. Greenwood. Spring Hill Halifax Banking Co. . . . Wm. Wilson. Stellarton Pictou I). M. Fraser, Sydney Bar Nova Scotia Duniel Waters. Sydney, C.B Merchant^ ol Halifax . .J. E. Bufckell. Truro Halifax Banking Co. . . .A. AIIhu. Merchants of Halifax . .Martin Dickie. Weymouth . .* Merchant? of Halifax . .G. D. Campbell. Windsor Commercial of Windsor. W. Lawson. Halifax Banking Co. . . .J. A. Bussell. Wolfville People's of Halifax A. D. W. Barss. Yarmouth Nova Scotia J. H. Lombard. Exchange A. S. Murray. NEWFOUNDLAND. St. Johns Commercial of N. F. . . .Robert Brown. N. F. Savings Bank Edward Morris. Union of N. F James Goldie. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Charlotletown . . .Nova Scotia D. C Chalmers. Merchants of Halifax . F. H. Amaud. Merchants of P. E. I Wm. McLean. Union of P. B. I Geo. Madeod. Georgetown Merchants of Halifax . . W. S. Tupper. Montague Union of P. E. I M. J. Fitzgerald. Btt«tifO Farmers' of Rustico. . . . Adrien Dorion. Sourif Merchants of Halifax . .James McBride. Snmmerside Merchants of Halifax . . W. F. Mitchell. Snmmerside R. McC. Stavert. Union of P. E. I Neil McKel vie. Agent. Ttc»-Fr»«identt Gerald K, Hart, general Manac^vi BANKS. IM MANITOBA. Place. Name of Rank. Brandon Imperial Morchantfi Emenon Merchants Portage la Prairie. Montreal Ontario Begina Montreal Mtirchants Winnipeg Montreal Nova Scotia Ot'awa Federal Imperial Merchants Ontario Union of Lower Canada »«•#•■ « • • • < ff • • • • • Manager or Agent, A. Jukes. Ohas. Meredith. Q M.King. T. Plummer. E. Porter. A. O. Braithwaite. D. M. Harraan. C. Sweenej. Bobert Steven. F. HaU Mathewson. T. Renwick. GUas. 8. Hoare. D. Miller. J. F. Feilde. G. A. Boxer. » BRITISH COLUMBIA. New Westminster. British Oolnmbia Isaac B. Fisher. 7ictoria British Columbia Wm. C. Ward. British North America . Robert Burns. Oaresohd Green A Go. . .Wells, Fargo A Co, Bavk ot MonTBEATi.— Established 1818.— Gapital, $13,000^00. Capital paid-ap, $12,000,000. Reserve Fund, $5,760,000. Read Office Ifonfreol.— Board of Directors. — 0. F. Smithers, president ; Hon. D. A. Smith, vice-president ; O. Scott, A. T. Paterson, Alex. Murray, Alfrf-d Brown, Gro. A. Drummond, Hugh McLennan, Hon. John Hamilton. W. J. Buchanan, general manager, Montreal ; A. Macnider, assistant gen'^ral manager and chief inspector. Bakk or British Nobth Axbbica. — Established 1836. Incor- porated by Royal Charter, 184i» — Ptfid-up capital, £1,000,000 sterling. He «d Office^ London, England, t'ourt of virectorain London. - J. H. Brodie, J. J. Carter, F. Lubbock, H. R. Farrer, R. H. Glynn J. J. Kingsford, A. H. Philpotii, J. M. Robertson, H. J. B. K>'ndall nnd £. A. Hoare. Secretary in London, A. G. Wullis. Head OfBce in the Colonies, at St. James street, Mont> real. General manager, R. R. Grindlev • insprotor, W. H. Nowers. Montreal Britnch. — Manager, J. Pinfold; accountant, D. G. MacGregor. Babk of Tobohto.— Capita], $2,000,000. Hea'f Officey Toronto^ Montreal Bramth.- J. Murray Smith, manager ; Qeo. R. Hargraft, accountant; T. A. Bird, tell r; T. F. How assistant teller; J. R. McKirdy, discount; P. P. Myles. ledger; Peter C. F.«lroner, W. G. Ramage and H. E. Rankin, clerks ; G. Chapman, messenger. . M H^m ■i^^'^ >^^.. -'•A. M- a Hi H 186 BANKS. Oakadian Bank of Commercs.—- /fiear? Offieef Toronto. Capital anthorised $6,000,000. Capital paid up, $6,000,000. Rett, $1,600,- 000. Directors. — Hon. Wm. McMaiter, preiidont; Wm. Elliot, vice-prerident. W. N. Anderson, general manager. John G. Kemp, assistant general manager ; Robert Gill, inspector. Mont- real Branchy 158 St. James street.— Wm. Simpson, manager; Q. de C. O'Orady, accountant. Mbhohants Bank of Canada.— Capital, $.0,720,000. Reserve Fund. $1,150,000. Directors.— Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Q.C, president ; Robt. Anderson, vice-president ; John Duncan, H. Mackenzie, W. Darling, J. Hodgson. A. Masson, J. Cassile. Oeo. Hague, general manager ; J. H. Plummer, aasistant general manager. The MoiiSONB Bank.— Capital paid up, $2,000,000 ; Rest $425,000. Directors.- Thomas Workman, president ; J. H. R. Molson, vice- president ; R. W. Shepherd, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, M. WiUiams, S. H. Ewing, and A. F. Oantt,. F. W. Thomas, general manager ; Jas. Elliot, local manager ; M. Hcaton, inspector. Discount days : Mondays and Thursdays. Dividends, 1st April and 1st October. Ontabio Bank.- Capital,$],500,000. Head Qfficef TorontOf Ont. Sir W. P. Howland, president ; Chas. Holland, generid manager, Montreal Branch, Place d'Armes.— W. W. L. Cfhipman, manager. Days of Discount, every day. Quebec Bank.— Paid up capital, $2,500,000. Head Office, Quebec.— J. Stevenson, cashier. Montreal Branch. — T. McOon- galL manager ; T. C. Coffin, accountant; W. F. Wood, teller; J. Drayner, B. B. Stevenson, and Percy Oakes, clerks ; W. Anderson, messenger. Discount every day. Uhion Bank of Lowxr Canada. — Capital, $2,000,000. Head ffice, Quebec. — P. MoEwan, cashier. Montreal Branch.— F. fash, manager; A. N. Bell, accountant; R. Davison, teller; R. M. Harriaon, discount clerk ; A. Mercer, ledger keeper ; J. H. Morkill, F. Crispo and Geo. Bowles, clerks ; Jas. Moore, mes- senger. Offici Nasi La Bamqub du Pbuple.— Established 1835. Paid up Capital, $1,600,000. Head Office, 95 St. James street, Montreal. C. S. Cherrier, president. Directors.— W. Francis, G. S. Brush, A. Prevost, A. Leclerc, J. Grenier, P. M. Galamcan, A. A. Trottier, cashier. Officers.— J. Hennessy, discount clerk; C. H. Parent, progressive ledger; A. Marciile, paying teller; R. Terroux, receiving teller ; J. Bousquet, bookkeeper ; L. J. Lamontagne, L. ItlVB POIildES of %wmrj ^mmripUon iMucd tifm do not Told tiM P«ll«j^, BANKS. 187 Qt. Gtonaad, Albert Fournier, J. Portelanoe and J. D. A. Belireau, olerka » K. Gott6, porter. Days of Discount : Tuesdays and Fridays. Diridends, first Monday of March and September. Li. Bahqub Jaoqubb-Cartibb.— Oapital, $500,000. Officers.— Alph. Deiijardins, president; A. DoMartigny, cashier; D. W. Brunet, assistant cashier : P. T. H. Ermatinger, paying teller; 0. H. Hamel, receiring teller; J. Gooke, discount clerk; F. B. Ijafleor, aooountant ; M. Bourret, ledger keeper ; G. A. Dnguay, cleric; J, Leblano, messenger. LA.BAVQUB NATiONAiiB, Placo d'Armcs.— Capital, ft9,000,000. Eead Qffictt Quebec. — Hon. I. Thibaudeau, president; P. La< fraoM^ cashier. Montreal Branch.— 0. A. Yailie, manager ; P. 0. Q, Boy, aooountant; A. Rinftret, teller. G. Meroier, ledger keeper ; Oeo. Normandin, clerk ; L. Q-uimond. messenger. La Bavqub D'HooHHiiAa a.— Capital, ^1,000,( " ■ • ; A. D. Parent, account- .000. F. X. St. Oharles, president; J. £. Brais, cashier'; ant; B. Terroux^ jr., assistant accountant ; J. H. Ostigny, ledger keeper; C. A. Oiroux, paying teller ; N. Dorval, receiving teller ; L. B. Quimond, discount clerk; A. J. Leduc, clerk; Pierre Baffin, messenger. Bavqub YiiiLn Marir.— Wm. Weir, president; J. 0. Ouimond Tice-president. Directors.— J. O. Davie, C. F. Vinet, Hon. A. H. Paquet and Somerville Weir. U. Qarand, cashier. Days of Dis- count, Tuesdays and Fridays. ExoGUNOB BANKor Cabada.— (In liquidation.) — Head Office^ ifontrcof.— Thomas Craig, president; Hon. A. W. Ogil vie, vice- president ; E. K. Greene, Alexander Buntin and Henry Bulmer, directors; J. U. Craig, accountant. Monthbal Cnv and Distbiot Savinqb Bank, 176 St James street — Ed. Murphy, president ; A. LaBocque, vice-president ; Dr. W. H. Hingston, Thomas Workman, Jaiiaes O'Brien, E. J. }{arbeau, B. Bellemare, J. Alderic Ouimet, M P., F. T. Judah, John K. R. Molson, Directors. H. Barbeau, general manager, MonteaL Open every lawful day during banking hours. The board meets on Tuesdays. The Bank has four branches : corner St. Catharine and acques Cartier streets, H. H. Brosseau, agent; corner St. Joseph and Versailles street, B. Varin, agent ; corner Grand Trunk and Seigneurs streets, Point St. CharleSf W. Daly, agent; Notre Oame street, East branch, 8. Garceau, agent. Bankers : Bank of Montreal. Foreign Correspondents : London, Bank of Montreal ; New York, Bank of Montreal ; Paris, Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas. I - .'ft MM If ■.\. #-1/''; dVlSENfl I3rfllTBAlf€B COXPAft T.-IiOAHi mtf mrauUad after three jmmn la fbret^ 1!)8 MERCANTILE. MERCANTILE. HOMTltEAL BO VBD OF TRADE. {Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 1842.) F. W. Henshaw, presideiit; J Kerry, vice-presideut ; W. B. Wouham, treasurer. CoutiotZ.— Robt. Archer, 6. Boivin. J. P. CleRhom, Oeo. A. Drummoud, H. R. Ives, G. M. Kioghorn. W. G. Monderloh, R. P. McLea, W. W. Ogilvie, H. Bhorey, Thoe. White, M.P.. J. H. Winn. Board (if Arbitration. — Andrew Allan, Uenry Bulmer, Thoe. Cramp, Wm. Darling, E. K. Orecne, Jonathan Hodgson, Jamei Untton, Henry Lymnn, Hugh McLennan, Andrew Robertson, B. BimniB, John M. Young. Wm. J. Patterson, secretary ; (Jcorge Hadrill, assistant secre- tary. DOMINION BOARD OF TRADE. Wm. F. McMaster, Toronto, acting president ; R. McKechnic, Dundas, Ont.. Thomas White, M.P., Montreal, Que., James J. Bremncr, Halifax, N.S., vice-presidunts. Executive Jouncii. — ^Andrew Robertson, Montreal, Que., W. E. Sanford, Hamilton, Ont., Isaac Waterman, London, Ont., E. K. Greene. Montreal, Que., R. W. Klliot, Toronto, Ont., R. B. Dobell, Quebec, G. A. Chapman, Toronto, Ont., Alex. Woods, Quebec, Que. C. H. Gould, Montreal, Quo., treasurer j Wm. J. Patterson, Montreal, Que., secretary. CORN EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION. (Incorporated by Act of Parliament in 186S.) B. T. r outh, president ; Bobert Archer, treasurer. Committee of Kanagement.—B,. M. Esdaile, Edgar Judge, H. Labello, J. O. Lafrenidre, John Magor, J. 6. McLennan, D. Bobertson. Board of £evieu;.-- Geo. Denholm, chairman ; Chas. H. Gould, Jaa. Lord, John Ogilvie, Bobt. Simms, S- 8t. Onge. Wm. J. Patterson, secretary ; Geo. Hadrill, assistant secretary. MONTREAL BTOCK EXCHANGE. I 'D. L.|Maodougall, chairman; J. Burnet, -vice-chairman; H. 8. Macdougall, secretary and treasurer; J. Low, assistant-secretary. Jfembertf.— H. A. Budden, J. Burnett, A. M. Cohen, E. Ford, lb J. Forget, C. G. Geddes. J. B. Meeker, D. L. Macdougall, H. 6. Macdougall, G. C. Macdougall, B. Moat, W. B. Oswald H. G. OS THE fiECriUTT OF ITS LIFE POIJ[€IBS And Llb«ml ftarreDdrni allowed. MKROAJ^TCLE. IS'J Hoott, (i. W. Simpson, H. (i. Strntliy, T. Wilson, J. T. Paviea, 1». S. Barnston, W. OBrlon. D. Kins«l.i, J. Nichols, A. Htrathy, A. A. MoCulloch W. Mft«.'ktn/,io, W. I. Fonwiok, J. Low, A. C. Clark, R. Lindsay, O. W. Hamilton, O. H. R. Wainwrl^ht, A. F. Riddull, A. Curapboll, Alton F. Clink, ('. Mclver, W. M. Barnston, J. G. Grant, A. (^ampb.^11, A A. Wilson. Moots daily— Morning board at 11.10; afternoon board at 2.S0; Saturlay^ at 11 only. INSPECTORS OF PRODUCE. i4»/»e9.— Dydt! <t Major inspnctors, College street Chap. 45, 87 Vic. 1874.— Tho insi>e(tor ti'.iall charge the 9um of V> cents for <jv ry hundred pounds of pot or poarl aslies inspected by him ; 2'> cents for each new head furnishfd ; 18 cents for rt>pairH and cooperage on each barrel— said cooporage to include n.'iils and end hoops of barrel ; 2r> cents for putting in a barrel, jiartly Ailed, the additional quantity thoreof necessary to All the B imo, whonovor duly required to do so ; 25 cents per barrel in all cases where lime, r;iw ashos, damaged ashes, or other trash have been packed or mixed with pot or pearl ashes, for extracting or separating the same. Flour. —Ij. a. Boy or, inspector, 88 Common str.^et. Fttes 2 cents per barrel for inspecting and branding (exclusive of cooperage), "when any loss quantity than 100 barrels of flour are offered for inspection, the inspector shall be entitled to recoivo the full teen that would accrue to him on 100 barrels. When the inspoctor iu his judgment deems it necessary to strip or empty out tht; flour to find out if tliere is the proper weight of flour in any cask, he shall be entitled to 2 cents for each barrel so stripped or emptied (if it prove to be short weight), in addition to tiie 2 ceiits per barrel for inspection and branding." OroiM.— T. Bickerstaff, 100 St. James street. Beef and Porfc.— J. Doheny, Government inspoctor. 125 Grand Trunk street <' For such inspection and branding, the inspector shall bo entitled to receive, of and from the person Hubmitting the same for inspection, for each and every barrel and half-barrel, tierce or half-tierce of beef or pork so inspected, salted, packed, Eickled and branded, 26 cents for each barrel, 15 cents lor each alf-banrel, 36 cents for each tierce, and 15 cents for each h;tlf- tierce, exclusive of cooperage and repairs — the cliarge for which cooperage and repairs shall not exceed 15 cents per barrel, tierce or half-tieroes ; in consideration of which charges all barrels or half-barrels, tierces or half-tierces shall be delivered in good ship- ping order.'' Fiah and Fiah OU^h E. Morin, corner St. Sacrament and St. Nicholas streets. *' Every inspector or deputy inspector who shall inspect or brand or mirk any cask or package of pickled fish or in bulk, or any fish oil, in accordance with tho provisions of this Act. shall be entitled to fees at the following rates, whicii shall be paid by the original owner or the person who employed him in the first instance: — for each tieroe of sadmon, salmon trout or sea trout, , 16 cents ; each half-tierce, lO cents ; each barrel, 16 cents ; Ifcf rt, ■■■'■'1 Pl'^ m,\: ■ fer--; THE CmZENS INilVRANCB CO.-FIIUB BBAN€H. ■lr«dt for whleh low flzurcn will bo quoted. Affeodea 140 PUBLIC COMPANIES. each half-barrel, 10 cents. For each barrel of mackerel, 10 cents ; each half-barrel, 6 cents. For each barrel of herring, 6 cents ; each half-barrel 4 cents. For each barrel of shad, 10 cents ; each half-barrel. 8 cents. For each barrel of whitefinh, 10 cents ; for each half-barrel, 7 cents. For each barrel of pickled cod-fish, hake, haddock or catfish, 6 cents; each half-barrel, 8 cents. For each barrel of dry-salted codfish, hake, haddock, catfish, ling or pollock, 6 cents ; for each half-barrel. 8 cents ; for each barrel of bass, 10 cents ; each half-barrel, 7 cents. For each barrel of cod- tongues, cod-sounds, halibut or eels, 10 cents; for each hidf-barrel. 7 cents. For inspecting, gauging and branding each puncheon of oil, 20 cents ; each hogshead, 15 cents ; each tierce, 20 cents ; each barrel, 16 cents. In reckoning packages of oil, a barrel is from 20 to 34 gallons ; a tierce from 86 to 61 gallons ; a hogshead f^om 62 to 89 gallons; a puncheon from 90 gaUons upwards — all Imperial measure. The foregoing rates shaU be reckoned exclusive of salt, pickle, cooperage^ storage, and labor employed in washing, rins- ing, cleaning, nailing, scvewing or repacking any fish. For in- specting empty packages, 1 cent.'* Leather and Hides. — T. Hawkins, inspector. " Every inspector shall be entitled, for the inspection of such hides, to a fee of 5 cents for each hide in lots under 190 in number, and 4 cents for each hide in lots over 100 in number. The inspector may inspect and measure all kinds of leather which are sold by superficial measure or by weight, and shall be entitled to charge 2 cents for each side or piece of such leather inspected and measured by him." D. Cameron, city weigher, measurer and gauger, 30 St. Sacra- ment street. Weights and measures Inspection Office, 404 St. Paul street.— J. C. Ghalut, inspector; G. T. Dorion, Jas. R. Urquart, J. A. Daoust, T. D. King, assistant inspectors. PUBLIC G0MPAN1E8> INSURANCE. Name of Cfm.)any. A:ients in Montreal. Accident Insurance Co. of North America Edw. Rawlings, Oen. Manage W3od& Evans, Gen. Agen Description of Iiisuranc , ''• I Acci ts. J .Accident. ^tna Insurance Co. of S Hartford, Conn ( iEtna Life Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn Orr & Christmas Life. Wood & Evans... [ ^S' *"i ^"''*"^ S Marine. BoiuMliold and ffood Gonunereial Hislu speeiailj «•- te All prinelpnl towns. I^fMneM paid, over 81tS00«00*. Name of Company. Affents in Momrcal. Description )f Insurant.' :. Boiler Inspectioo and Ins. Co. of Canada, (late Cana- dian Steam Users' Ins. Association Thomas Simpson . . Steam boilers, etc. ''t'^T^ft'^'.'r. I D.vid«,„*Hold.n I ''S:^]''"^ Caledonian Fire Ins. Co. ) Taylor Bros., ( wp'^ of Edinboro» \ Gen. Agents. { ' * ®* Briton Life Ass*n (limited). . J. B. M. ChipmanT. . Life. British Empire Life As- surance Co., of London, Eng •... Fred. Stancliffe, Gen. Agents. Life. Canada Life Assurance Co. ) •^- m ' ^*j""l'rnv { I ifi^ «-"»- 1 Qu^ebTBraich: } "-''" Citizens Ins. Co. of Canada I ^"^jitf M^n^er. | '"'^^J^.''' City of London Fire Ins. Co. (limited) of London, Eng. W. R. Oswald Fire. Commercial Union Ass. Co. of London, Eng Fred. Cole Fire and Life. Confederation Life Associa* tion of Canada H.J. Johnston Life. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United Sutes, New York R. W. Gale Life. Fire Insurance Association (limited), London, Eng. . . Wm. Robertson .... Fire. Guarantee Co. of North America Edward Rawlings . . . Guarantee- Guardian Fire and Life ) R. Simms & Co. ) p- Ass. Co., London, Eng. S and G. Deuholm. i ' Hartford Fire Insurance Cu Hartford, Conn Wood & Evans Fire. Imperial Assurance Co. of London, Eng Rintoul Bros Fire. International Marint Ins. Co., of Liverpool, Eng. . - . Jackson Rae Marine. Lancashire Insurance Co. . J. H. Routh & Co. . . Fire. . Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Co .... G. F. C Smith Fire and Life. London Assurance Corpora- tion, Englan ;l C. C. Foster Fire and Life I |< [ * V ' I ' ' I* * ^ noB cmamm iitsvrahcb compAMTr-Ho ADTABTTAeES OR SECVIUTT TO 142 PUBLIC COMPANIES. Katne of Coiapany. Ai;enl!i in London Guarantee and I p' u D>»»«r.»« \ Accident Co. (limiiei).. \ G. H. Patterson . . \ London and Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Liverpool E. L. Bond London and Lancashire Life Assurance Co. . Wm. Robertson . . . . National Assurance Co. , Ireland ". L. H. Boult North American Life Assur* surance Co., (late Mutual) Thomas Simp ou ... North Briiish and Mete «n> i Madougall & ) tile lasurance Co > Davidson. S Northern Assurance Co. of Aberdeen and Loodon Taylor Bros Norwich Union Fire Ins. Society, Norwich, Eng. . . Geo. W. Hamilton . . Phccnix Insuracc'e Co. of ) R. Hampson Brooklyn ) J. C. Sinton Phanix Fire Assurance Co., London, Ens Gillespie MofTat&Co Pnvidence Washington Insurance Co. of Piovi dence, K.I Quebec Fire Assurance Co. . Thomas Simpson . Qiieen Insurance Co., Etig.. Forbes & Mudge . Reliance Marine los. Co. (limited) of Liverpool, Eng Percival Tibbs ... Royal Canadian Ins. Co.. . > James Davison . . . Royal Insurance Co Gault ft Tatley .... Scottish Union and National InsuraDce Co Kavanagh & Bos^ . Sovereign Fire Insurance Co. of Canada S. E. Lefebvre . . - . Standard Life Assurance Co., Scotland W. M. Ramsay . . . Standard Fire Insurance Co. John Fulton Sun Life Assurance Co- of CanadidateSun Mutual). R. Macaulay, Man. Travellers Insurance Co. of Hartford, Coon Thomas Simpson . n ) Gau't & Hubbard,) i- ? General Agent-. > . ) for Canada . . . . N Description of Insurance. Guarantee and Accident . Fire. Life. Life. Life. Fire and Life. Fire. Fire. Inland Marine. Fire. Fire. Ocean •<• Lower Port Marine. Fire. Fire and Life. Marine. Fire, Inlanland Ocean marine. Fire and Lite. Fire. Fire. Life. Fire. Life & Accident. Life & Accident. CAJfADIAir COHPA^ Y OFFEBU ANT DTTEHDING 1.IFB IMNVREItfl. Name of Company. . Agei'ts in Description of Iiisurauee. Union Mutaa! Life Ins. Co. of Maine Kavanagh & Bos^ . . . Life. Union Marine Insurance Co., of Liverpo' 1, Eng. . . John Pophani Marine. Uu'ted States Life Lisurauce Co., New York Thomas Simpson . . . Life. Western Assurance Co.J , „ «-.„i, «, f« \ Fire. Ocean and Toronto \ J- «. Routh & Co. J inland marine. Canadian Buaid of Fire Underwriters; ofBces, Exchange Court, secretary, Alf. W. Hadrill. RAILEOAD, STEAMBOAT, TELKGIIAI'H, &c. GftAKD Truhk Bailwat Co. of Ca.'taoa. —General Ofllces, Montreal. Directors. — Sir Henry Tyler, M. P., President, London, ]*Jng. ; Sir Charles Lawrence Young, Bart., Vice-President, London, Eng. ; Lord Claud John Hamilton, M.P. ; Robert Young, Ksq. ; Robert Gillespie, Esq.; William Unwin Heygate, Esq.; .) iunes Charles, Esq. ; Right Hon. David Robert Plunkett, Q.C., M.P. ; Hon. James Ferrier, Montreal, Can. ; Henry Dougherty Browne, Esq.; Lt.-Col. Edward Chaplin ; John Marnham, Esq.: Major Alexander George Dickson, M.P. ; Joseph Hickson general manager; L. J. Seargeant, traffic manager; W. Wainwright, assistant manager; Robert Wright, treasurer; H. W. Walker, accountant; N. J Power, assistant accountant; T. B. Hawson, auditor; J. F. W Iker, assistant auditor; J. Burton, secretary affiliated lines ; James Stephenson, general passenger agent . W. Edgar, assistant general passenger agent. Canadian Pacific R.R. — George Stephen, president; Duncan Mclutyre and R. B. Angus, vice-presidents ; Hon. D. A. Smith, Montreal; J. S Kennedy, New York; R. V. Martinseu, New York ; W. L. Scott, Erie, Pa. ; H. S. Northcote, Loudon, Eng. ; C. D. Rose, L4>ndon, Eng. ; Pascoe du P. Grenfell London Eng. ; Baron J. de Reinach, Paris, France^ Directors. W. C. Van Home, general manager ; Hon. J. J. C. .(;.bbott, counsel ; Chas. Drink- water, secretary; Archer Baker, general superintendent, (E.D.) ; Henry Beatty, superintendent lake transportation; Geo. W. Hibbard, assistant general passenger agent; G. M. Bosworth, assistant general freight agent ; T. G. Shaughnessy, purchasing agent; J. G. Ogden, jr., auditor; F. R. F. Brown, mechanical superintendent. DsiiAWABE AND HUDSOK RaILBOAD AND LAKH CHAUPIiAOV Btkamers.— For New York. Boston, Worcester, Saratoga, Troy, Shenectady, Albany and all intermediate places, by Grand Trunk Railroad from Bonaventure station. I i 1, 'i! i .1 THB GlTIZlfiNS INSURANCE CO.— I«ife Bnuiob. Sep»rate« honorable troatmont gnaraatood Ikaa^ thm Y\">: ;i:' 144 PUBLIC COMPANIES. CBimtAL Vhrmomt Railroad, Fbbioht and Pabsenobb Liubs. — ^Ticket and freight office, 180 St. James street. Direct route between Montreal and Boston, New York and all intermediate places. Company's town Office, 136 St. James street, opposite St. Lawrence Hall, and Bonaventure station. A. G. Stonegrave, pas- senger agent ; George Fhippen, freight agent. MOKTUBAii AND GnAMPiiAiN JuNOTiOR RAiiiWAT.— Hon. James Ferrier, President ; Joseph Hickson, Vice-President ; L. J. Sear- geant, S. W. Foster, Directors. North Shore BAiiiWAT. — General offices, Quebec. L. A. Senecal, president; J. B. Labolle, General passenger agent. MoNTRRAii City Pabbbnobr Railway Co.— L. A. Senecal, pre- sident ; Dr. Kingston, vice-president ; A. Murray, E. L. Beaufort, Jesse Joseph, directors; E. Lusher, Becretary-troasurer ; T. H. Bobillard, superintendent; G. Richmond, receiver; G. Lulham, a8Bi8t^<nt do.; O. St. Marie, assistant superintendent. AiiiiAir LiNB OF OcEAK STEAMSHIPS. — Carrying passengers and mails between Liverpool and Qlasgow and Quebec, Montreal, St. Johns. N.F., Halifax, Boston and Baltimore in summer, and Hali- fax, Portland, St. Johns, N.F., Halifax, Boston, and Baltimore in winter. H. A A. Allan, agents, corner Youvillo and Common streets, Montreal. Thompson Link. — Sailing between Montreal and London and Newcastle during the summer months, also between Mediter- ranean ports and MontrcHl spring and autumn. Robt. Reford A Co., agents, 2'd St. Sacrament street, Montreal. MiMtseiPPi AND Dominion Steamship Co.— Sailing between Liverpool, Quebec and Montreal in summer, and Liverpool and Portland in winter. D. Torrance & Co., agents, 8 Hospital street, Montreal. QuBHEC Steamship Co. — (Royal Mail Line). Between Montreal Quebec and intermediate ports to Summcrside, Charlottetown and Fictou. D. Shaw, agent, 205 Commissioners street. WnrrE Cross Link.— Direct and rogular line of first-class Belgian steamers, sailing between Antweri' a^d Montreal in summer, and Antwerp and Halifax in winter. Munderloh & Co., general agents, 61 St. Bulpice street. Donaldson Clyde I^jne. — Sailing between Montreal and GiaH- gow in summer, and Baltimore and Glasgow in winter. Robert Keford & Co. , agcntn, '23 and 25 St. Sacrament street, Montreal. kr»te« I James Sear- L. A. If Aek mt PMrll«mMit»-Uikdonbtod Security to aflbrded MiA Wgk stMidliiir of Its ProprtetMT Mid DIreeton. PUBLIC COMPANIES. 145 Boss London Linb. — Sailing l)etween Montreal and London during the summer months. Bobert Reford <& Co., agents, 23 and 26 St. Sacrament street, Montreal. Gbkat Western Steamship Line. — Sailing bctwncn Montreal and Bristol, England, during the summer months. Bobert Beford <Sr Co., 23 and 25 St. »Sacrament street, Montreal. The BicHEiiiEU and Ontario Navigation Co. — Daily Boyal Mail Line of Steamers between (Quebec, Montreal, Hamilton and intermediate ports. J. B. Labelle, general manager ; A. Milloy, traffic manager; J. N. Beaudry, secretary-treasurer. General offices, 228 St. Paul street. Merchants' Link of Canadian Propellers. — Trading regu- larly to Toronto, Hamilton and Upper Lake Ports. G. E. Jaques <& Co., agents, 108 Common street. Ottawa Bivkb Navigation Co. — Boyal Mail Line of Steamers. B. W. Shepherd, president; Bobt. W. Shepherd, jr., manager; Edward Scott, secretary. Office, 89 Common street. Montreal and Oftawa Fobwardino Co. (In liquidation.)— J. M. Kinghorn, president. Office, 9 Custom House Square, Montreal. The Sincennes-McNaughton Link.— Office, 88 Common street, corner Nazareth, Montreal. M. McNaughton, president. Merchants' Despatch Transportation Co.— M. Davis, agent. Office, 9 Common strei**. Western Express Link, — Propellors ruFv weekly to all Western Ports. Only direct line to Prince Art'iur'c Laitding. Currie A McLean, agentP; ^1 and 92 Common street and C usal wharf. St. Lawrence Steamboat Co. G. agent, 138 St. James street, Montreal. iiGve. gcnoral passenger The Great North Western Telegraph Co. of Canada.— Operating the lines of the Montreal, Dominion and Manitoba Telegraph Companies. Head office, Wellington and Scott streets, Toronto, Erastus Wiman, president ; William Gooderham.vioci- president; H. P. D wight, general manager; Frederic Boner, secretary and auditor ; Arthur Cox, treasurer and superintendent of supplies. Montreal main office, St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacramen' jts. Angus Grant, district superintendent , James Poustie, superintendent of construction and maintenance ; W. J. Graham, local manager. Ci?'- |4» I'' &i'-'^ ''''1% diUBirs nrftVBAHcs cosf^4jnr«-Tb« most •a tk« Co«tlB4mt to Imi««« bf 146 PUBUC COMPANIES. MoRTBiAiiTEiiXOBAPR Co.— Andrew Allan, presidont. Direc- torf~-John Grawford| Hector Mackenaie, Edw. Kirk Oreen(», William Cassils. D. B. Ross, secretary and treasurer. OfBce, Telegraph Buildings, comr-i' St. Francois Xavier and St. S^ra- ment streets. Trs Gakadian Di8. Tel. Co. (Limited.)--Wni. Cassils, presi- dent ; Alex. Buntin, vice-president ; John Murray, secretary. Directors.— Jonathan Hodgson. £. K. Greene, Hon. M. H. Coch- rane. Head ofAce, 174 St. James street, comer St. John street. Cavada MuTUAii Tbi<. Co.- C. B. Hosmcr, president and general manager; E. C. Pease, secretary and treasurer. BRLiiTKLKF'H'kVR Co. OF CANADA.— Andrcw Robcrtson, pt-Hii- dent; C. P. ' '»«, vice-prcnident ; C. P. Sclater, secretary-trea»*ur*»r, T a M'>KJ r^wATj Gas Co.— Board of Direefora — J. Joseph, prer*d'^ni, Ktmh McLennai., vice-president: John Ostell, A. Urql^iiilj vV Macdonald, MD, Hon. L. B. Masson, Robert Hanr son t „ ^«'. Scrivur, secretary; D. Ci aningham, meter inspector; A.. i>tiraeir9, P. McElroy, II. Normandin, Nap. Leduo. clerks ; Cnns. Bienvfn^.ue, collector. Office, jomor nt. James and 8*. Gabriel htreet j. The C1TIZBK8 Gas Compakt.— G. W. Stephens, president; Andrew Robertson, vice-presid"nt ; directors. Hugh Graham, Randolph Hersey, S. Carslcy, J. Gustave iiaviolette, G. B. Bur- land ; J. B. Tresider, secretary pro tern. The TnoMSOH A Houston Elrctrto T^ort Co. ov Canada (Limited.)— F. E. Gilnia»?, pre8id>nt; Wra. Angus, vice-presi- dent; 0. B. Gushing, secretary-treasurer av^d goneiral man>.ger; Frederick Thomson, i'iectrician. Office, 169 St. James street ; factory, 32 Dowd strcr/.t. ViCTOEiA MuTUAXi BuiLDiNO SocHSTY. Gracf> Church school house. Point St Charles.- V^ McWood, prrsident . A. Stark, vice- president; B. Wayne, Herotary-troat^urvr, 167 Congrejjat ion street; Hugh Brodie, notary; A. O Hutchinon, valuator; G. Irvinj?, W. O. Matthews and David Maver, auditors ; D. Thomas, J. Wtyne •nd A. Clarke, tru8tci>B ; City »nd l)k«trict Savinsfs Bank (Point St. Charles Branch), bankers. Directors—W McWood, A. Starke, J. Wayne, O. Hanna, J. H. Timmis, P. Uptou, A. Glark« D. Thomas* T. P. Hint, A. Sharpe, W. Bcrridge, W. Boyd, P. Upton, F. Brai:!it), W. 0. Matthews. UBERAI. and BEMIINERATITE ACCIDBBTT P01«I€T tkto Cpiopany at •SpeirtlOOO. PnoviuiiitT Mutual Building Soci2tt.->D. Ir>ine, president i T. Patton, vice-president; J. W. Hughes, David Seath, H. Davison, trustees ; F. C. A. Mulndoe, 0. Maltby, W. Jackson, J. H. Hodges, directors \ D. MnCormick, solicitor ; J. H. IsaacM)n, notary : Alexander Hutchison, valuator; W. L. Maltby, secretary and treasurer; P. S. Ross, auditor. ' CoMMEitCTAL MUTUAL TtiriLDiNU SociRi Y.— Gporgo Maiiln, president; M. H. Baxt<*r, vice-president; Peter Fulton, secretary- treasurer; C. B. Corter, solicitor; W> de M. Marler, notary: David Brown valuator; O. W. Kobinson, David Robertson and Alfred Joyco, trustees. f)fflce, Q4'i St. James street. MoNTBEAL Canadian Buildinu Society, (in liquidation). — Liquidators — J. Grenier, president ; J. Leduo and G. Molan^on ; F. St. Germain, treasurer. La Banque d^Hocholaga, bankers. Office, 46 St. Vincent street, Cahada Mutual Building Society or Montbbal.— David Newton. prt;sidont ; Qeorge W. Sadler, vice-president ; J. B. Hut- cheson, fiecretary-treasurer , Alderman D. R McCord, B.C.L., solicitor ; Wm. A. Phillips, notary ; David Guthrie, W. J. Cook and D. Sexton, trustees; John Gouldthorpe, Jos. Bemrose and J. E. Alston, auditors; Alex. Chisholiii, valuator ; City and District Savings Bank, bankers. Directors W. J Cook, David Guthrie, D. Sexton, David Newton, James Ross, G. W. Sadler, W Sten- house, Geo. Hobson and D. Anderson. Office, No. 11 Hospittil street. JacquksCabtikr Pkuma.nbnt Building Socikiy.— Alderic D«;«- champs, president; 0. A. Geoffriou, Dr. A. T. Brosseau, J. A. Quintal, Joreraio Perrault, directors ; Alexis Brunet, secretary- treasurer. Office, 38^ St, Jam^H stroit. Metropolitan Building Sociki y.— G. H. Dumesnil president ; Alfred Brunet, seiretary-treasunT. Office, 54 St. James street. MowTBKAL Mutual Building SocriTY.— Bfk«r<? of Direrfora— V. U. Clark, pr^sidtnt; F. P. dirriu, vice-pn'sidctit ; K. Dickson, J. Kollo, T. Suttr.n. W. A. Matl. y, W. J. McNioce, J. V. Clarke, D. Somorvillo, H. II. PowUh, J. It. Young; .1. A. Ogilvie, W. McMasterand F-. Muy, irustoeH; H. A. White, secretary-treasurer, B Hay, J. McConnell antl W. Cross, auditors; David K. McOord, M .\.. B.C.L., advocate; J. H. Isaju-soa, Esq., N«»tnry; City aixl Distrlet Savings Baul<, hankem. Montreal Invbrt.went and Buimung Company.- Capital, $1,(M>0 (MH). W. Reiii, pr«'8ident; John O.stell, vioo-jireHiaont; T. F. Miller Hon. A. W. Ogilvie, VVm. O'Bri- n, Richd. Kolton and W. H. Hutton, directors; W. A. Morry, secretary-treasurer; Wm. (>H)per, asHiMtaiit nccretary-trenBurer ; Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, solici- tor; W F. Lighthall, notary. Otti<x', '229 St. Jamefl street. tt w: If > 1 ' i-^ f r! nm cuTumrs utbubahcboo— #i«i,ooo I with Oaaadim OoT«nim«Bl far ipMltl Moofllif •£ J 48 PUBLIC COMPANIES. MOMTBJiAL InvBSTMBMT AND BUILOIKO ASSOCIATION ; offioe, 229 St. James street.— Capital, $1,000,000. William Reid, president ; John Ostell, vice-president ; Hon. A. W. Ogilvie, William O'Brien , Tiios. F. Miller, Kichd. Bolton, N. S. Whitney, directors. W. A. Merry, secretary-treasurer; Wm. Cooper, assistant-secretary; Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, Q.C., M.P., solicitor; W. F. Lighthall, notary. Montreal and Westkrn Land Co., (limited). — President, Hugh Mclicnnan ; vice-president, Andrew Allan ; directors, Thos. Ryan, Oeorge A. Drummond, H. Montagu Allan, D. B. McLennan, A. W. Ross, M.P., A. T. Drummond. Drummond Brothers A Co., agents. Dundee Mortgage and Trust Investment Co.->Dmmmond Brothers A Co., agents. Dundee Investment Co.— Drummond Brothers A Co., agents. HsBirABiiB Securities and Mortoaob Investment Co. (Limited.) — Drummond Brothers A Co , agents. The Scottish American Mortqaoe Co., (limited).— Drummond Brothers & Co., agents, 182 St. James street, Montreal. Provincial Loan Co. (Heretofore the Provincial Permanent Building Society. — Andrew Allan, president; Geo. W. Moss, vice- president; Geo. Cruikshank, managing director and secretary- treasurer ; E. K. Greene, W. Gooper^and Chas. R. Black, directors. Office, 235^ St. James street. CoiiPAONiE DB Prbt bt Cbbdit Foncibr.— J. G. Guimond, presi- dent; Alexis Brunet, vice-president; F. X. Beaudry, Jeremie Perrault, J. A. Quintal, directors ; G. N. Fauteux, cashier ; C. F. Papineau and F. J. Durand, notaries. Office, No. 8 St. Lambert street. Sparham Fikeproop Roofing Cement Co.— President, A. F. Gault ; directors, Thos. Craig, Ward n King, W. Whitehead, Dr. Sparham ; secretary-treasurer, W. A. Maltby. Le Credit Foncibr du Bas-Canada.— A. Dejgardin? M.P., president; M. (). Mullarky, vice-president; Hon. J. A. ChM>leau, A. de Martigny ; J. Siuiard, L. H. Massue, M.P , Jan. McCready and P. S. Murphy, directors; M. Guerin, cashier; C. C Delori- mier, advocato. ()flfio♦^ No. 7 St. Jainos atreot. MoHTiUBAXi Building Amooultioit— Oflloei 339 St. Jftmes street. Capital, $1,000,000. William Reid. preiident : John Ottell, vioe- pretident ; Hon. A. W. Ogilrie, William O'Brien, Thos. F. Miller, Biohd. Bolton, N. 8. Whitney, direotori ; W. A. Merry, seoretarr- treaiurer; Wm. Gooper, asaistant-seoretarv ; Hon. J. J. 0. Abbott, Q.(9., M.P., lolioitor; W. F. Lighthall, notary. Teur awd Loav Go. ov Oahada.— B. Stephenson, commissioner , T. Trihey, inspector ; Louis A. Gadieuz, accountant . T. F. Trihey. clerk; Judah A Branchard, solicitors; A. D. Jobin, notary, Of&oe, 14 St. James street. SoomsR Ammbioav ImnssTMiNT Go. (Limited.)— G. Scott and T. Daviddon, directors; Thomas Daridson, attorney; B. A. Ramsay, solicitor; Marler A McLennan, notaries. MoNTiuBAii Loan Aim Mobtoaob Oo.—Board of Direotora.-^M, H. Oault, M.P., president ; Hon. A. W. Ogilrie, rice-president ; Theodore Hart, Thomas Graig, A. F. Oault, G. F. G. Smith, James Grathem.. «__««„^ MoimuiAii HoBTiouiyruRAL Soorvrr.— T Sterry Hunt, presi- dent ; R. Benny, rice-president ; R. W. Shepherd, jr., correspond* ing secrcta-y ; Henry S. Erans, secretary and treasurer; W, Erans, R. Brodie, jr., R. W. Shepherd, jr., G. Gibb, Major Latour. J. Doyle, directors. WiKDBOB HoTBii Co.— Andrew Allan, president; P. S. Ross, secretary; 182 ot. James street. Thx Shvddik Go. (Limited.) — (General forwarders and carriers, cartage agents for the Grand Trunk Railway Go. and the North Shore Rauway Go. Head office, 184 St. James street North Shore Branch, 18 St. Peter street. Hugh Paton, manager and secretary ; G. Mackensie, superintendent, Toronto. ;1 Thb Gakaoxav Exfbbbs Go.— G. Gheney, superintendent; D. T. Irish, agent, Koa. 84 and 86 St. Francois Xarier street. Edwabdsbubo Staboh Ck>.— Montreal and Gardinal.— W. Shanly, president ; W. T. Benson, rice-president ; M. Thomson, secretary-treasurer. Office, 14 St. Peter street. HAinxAON PowDBB Go.— T. G. Brainerd, president ;T. R. Gue, secretary , Samuel Johnston, treasurer. Office, 108 St. Francois Xarier street, Montreal. 10 *^^- TnjH CITISBVS IMS1TKAJICB €0. HuBON Coppu Bat Co.— North British and Mercantile Iniu- ruieu Building!, 79 St. Franooii Xarier St.— D. L. HaoDougall, president M. Baboook. Tioe-pretident . 0. Geddes, B. Simmi, Alex. Clarki 0. J. Cunningham, direotora; J. O. Burrows, leoretary. ^ Kbnmbbbo Gold MiNina Cc^-Hon. T. Ryan, Senator, 0. J. Brydges, E. M. Hopkins, W. ShsAley. Hon. J. J. C. Abbott, direotors. D. L. MaoDougall, North British and Mercantile In- surance Buildings, broker. Mount Royal Gbmbtbbt Co.— Tbustbbs.— CAure^ of England and Ireland Matthew H. Oault, M.P., Henry Bulmer, Oeorge Macrae, Thomas Craiu, Richard White, £. Idler, John Ogilvy. Prenbyterian C/ittrc'/t— Chas. D. Proctor, John Stirling, James McDoiifi'all, A. W. Ogilvio, Alexander Murray, J. Hodgson, A. McVhorson, Qeo. Ghilds. Methoditt Chureh-T. D. Hood, J. K. Ward. Congregational Church — Henry Lyman. Baptist Church — Qeorgu B. Muir. Unitarian Church — Henry Archibald. Henry Lyman, pruHident; M. H. Gault, M.P., vice-proBident ; A. M. Esdailc, secretary -treasurer ; Richard Sprigings, superinteudeut. BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS, Chubc'H UoRiK.—In conuifstion \vith the Church of England in ]lfcn»ro«i^116 University ti^irept.—His Lordship the Bishop of M( iitreal, president; Mrt\ Macdonnell, 1st directress ; Mrs. W. !<• Sirapaon, 2iid directress; Miss Moffatt, 3rd directress; Miss H. M. Crawioxl, treasurer; Mrs. Stanclifle, secretary ; Miss Dunning, matron. T>K0TB8TAi<T Orphak Astlvm, 1446 St. Catharine street, west.— iurH. iyiue, Ihi direclress ; 7\is». li. I^niaii, 2uu directress; Miss GrecnHhields, treasurer ; Miss A. McCord, secretary ; Miss Palmer, govcrnese ; Mrs. James Campbell, matron. MoNTRBAL Lambs Bbbbtolbmt Socir.TT, 31 Berthelet street.— Mrs. Cramp, 1st directress ; Miss Mcintosh, 2nd directress; Mrs. A. Rintoul, secretary for children; Mrs. r. Thomas, treasurer; Miss J. Evans, secretary. Pbotbstant Infants' Homb, 608 Guy street; (founded 1870, incorporated 1871.)— J. Hutton, president; Mrs. J. Hutton, 1st directress ; Mrs. Gihnan, 2cd directress ; Mrs. Bluke, 3rd direc^- russ; Mrs. C. Ault, treasurer; Mrs. G. Eadie, secretary; Mrs. Casler, matron. Jjn» AO€IDBlirT.-OAPITAI., - . tl,lftft,OM. Tl— 'Fr— M— tt Owld B, Htj, 0<n6ml M^^ng^n BBNEVOLBNT INSTITUTIONS. 161 Hbbvit Imitituts ahd Homk and School or IifougTBT, 215 Moantain street.— HonorarY president, Mist Henrey, 174 Mountain street ; president, Mrs. F. H. Mooney, 062 Sherbrooke street ; vice- president, Mrs. John Popham, 18 Darooher street; treasurer, Mils Lawder, 110 Mansfield street; recording secretanr, Mrs. A. Mur^ raj, Cote St. Antoino ; corresponding secretair ; Miss Gassils, 708 Sherbrooke street; Registrar, Mrs. M. L. Clarke, 77 Cathoart street. Committee of management, Mrs. Macdonald. 147 Metcalfe street : Mrs. P. Christie, .S7 Hhuter street ; Mrs. F. L. Morris, 292 Peel street; Mrs. H. H Wliitney; Mrs. H. B. Lyman, 106 Luke street ; Mrs. George Hague, 858 Peel street ; Mrs. S. J. Andres, 20 Bearer Hall terrace, Mrs. R. Cowans, 1025 Dorchester street: Mrs. Alloway, 547 St. Joseph street, Mrs. Spicer, 1 Beaver Hidl square; Mrs. Jas. Stephenson, 71 Mansfield street; Mrs. B. Warden, 117 Mackav street, Mrs. E. Oreenshieldn, 805 Peel street; Mrs. Cassils, 708 Sliorbrooko street; Mrs. Morton, 41 St Mark street; Mrs. J. Edgar Hill, 206 Pcol street ; Mrs. \. C. Clarke, 755 Dorchester street; Mrs. R. French, .%6 Mou^ i street; Mrs. Arch. Campbell, 240 University street; Miss array. Cote St. Antoine; Miss K. Miller, 01 Drummond street; Miss McCaul, 1485 St. Catherine street ; Mrs. Moodie, Cote St. Antoine ; Miss Wood, 764 Sherbrooke street. Mrs. Miller, matron. Pbotkstamt Housk of Industry and Refuge.— C. Alexander, president: Henry Lyman. Ist vice-president; E. E. Shelton, 2nd vice-presiaent ; R. Holland, treasurer ; O. Cruikshank, honorary secretary; W. H. Burland, M.D., J. B. MoConnell. M.D., and John F. Finnic, M.D., visiting physicians; D. McMMlan, secre- tary and superintendent; Mrs. McMillan, lady superintendent. St. Andbkw^s Homb, 480 Dorchester street.— Committee meets every Thursday afternoon at throe o'clock. F. J. Logic, chair- man; D. Morrison, Wm. Roid, Donald Campbell ana John Allan, assisted by a committee of ladies. St. Obobob's Home, 139 St. Antoino street — J. K. Ward, presi- dent; Samuel Carsley, 1st vice-president; W. D. Stroud, 2nd vice-pi-esideut ; W. S. Walker, treasurer ; John F. Norris, secre- tary; Mrs. Pye, matron. Charitable committee — ^W. D. Stroud, Charles Huston, John Baudcn, J. H. Redfem and Peroival Tibbs. English Workinomen's Bbnbvit Society, 662J Craig street.— £. Thompson, president; S. Withey, Ist vice-president ; S. Ward, 2nd vice-president ; John Oauntlett, financial secretary ; T. Light, assistant-secretary; Alfred Ward, treasurer; Right Rev. W. B. Bond, Lord Bishop of Montreal; Right Rev. Bishop Ussher, Rev. Canon Norman, Rev. Samuel Belcher, Rev. Alfired J. Bray, Rev. J. F. Stevenson, Rev. G. H. Wells and Rev. Dr. Potts, chaplains; J. T. S. Webb, M,D., physician ; B. Barnes, M.D., L. R. C.P., assistant physician (for Point St. Charles) ; J. J. Day, Q.C., honorary solicitor ; J. H. Isaacson, honorary notary. '. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.1 2.5 ■a 12.8 Z U& 12.0 u m |||L25 11 U ||.6 < 6" ► Sciences Corporation ^ v # <^ ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. I45M (7l6)t72-4503 i\ ** *f^ ^l<^ v\^ ^ ^ ■ \ ^ o^ DrSURAN CB COMPAJrr— IJOnB BILUrCH. Mohtbbaxi WoBKiNOiEBir's MuTUAii BBiranT Axn> 'Widows* jjTD Obphaiib' PBOYiBxirr Soonrnr.-^ames Wright^ preiictont ; lecretary ; Jat. Atche«on» Msittant financial seoretarir. Stewards. -oSt Ann*8 Ward, east— Geo. Ahem, 69 Nazarem street; St. Ann's Ward, wesi-Jas. Mason, 181 Magdalen street ; St. Antoine Ward— Dan. Lyons. Presbyterian College ; St. Lawrence Ward— £. T. Perry, 31 St. Ofaarles Borrommee street ; St. James Ward— J. H. Leslie. 82 St. Blizabefh street; St. Louis Ward— Bei\j. Caldwell, 168 St. Constant street ; St Mary's Ward— A. A. Priest, 66 Dorocher street, and John Wheeler, 26 Gain street; Centre Ward— Ambrose Groyes, 41 St. Francois Xavier street ; West Ward— Arch. Birrill, 163 McGiU street : East Ward— Jos. Briggs City Hall. BegolAr meetings are held erery second Monday CTening in each month, in tbe^Odd Fellows* Hall, 662^ Craig .^^4 ^^-^ street.^ iiU.tu;tiiiTu;; I»Ka3T!2- SllTfl TsaaWPatmaftAws BHnavoiiBirr Soomnr.— Aid. J. C. Wilson, president; Bidiard Thomas, Ist vice-president; Alex. Gowdey, 2nd Tioe-president ; W. H. Amton, 3rd vice-president; Thos. Snttcm, treasurer; B. K. Thomas, recording secretary; S. C. Kyte, assistant secretary; E. T. Scott, corresponding secretary. Council— James Moore, C. E. Dawson, B. MoKeown, James Wilson, Thos. Bickerstafl^ D. H. Henaerson, Jos. Wylie, Geo. Home, H. Nightingale, A. Baile, C. Bryson, James Guest, F. McOulloch, M. Philbih. B. White. Chaplains— Yery Bev. Dean Baldwin, Bev. James Fleck, Bev. J. H. Diicon. Physicians— J. Beddy, M.D., G. W. M%|or, M.D.) D. F. Gurd, M.D., J. J. Dng- dsle, M.D. Finance Cominittee— J. Moose, C. Bryson, J. Guest, B. White, G. E. Dawson. Charitable Committee— J. Wilson, D. H. Henderson, A. Baile, B. McKeown. M. Hiilbin. Loamigration Committee— G. Home^ J. Wylie, T. Bickerstaf^ F. McCulloch, H. Nightingale. .Auditors— B. W. D'Olier, Jas< McBride, G. A. Mooney* Mackat Lnrrxrunov vob Protestaitt Dsaf-Mutsb, C6n St. Lvo BoAD.— Hugh Mackay, president ; F. W. Thomas, T. Cramp and F. Mackenzie, vice-presidents . P. S. Boss, secretury-treasurer ; W. A. Molson, M.D., physician; T. Widd, principal; Haniet E. McGann, superintendent ; Edith Terrill, teacher ; J. McLelland, supervisor and teacher. DxAr AKD BuxB lawii ' iiTio ir. Mile-End— Founded 1849, for the instruction of deaf and dumb imys, under the dhreotion of the Clerks B^pilax of St. Viator. The pupils are taught to read on ttie lips and speak. There are two courses of studies, English and French. Bev. B, Belanger, director. /■ FOIiIdBS 0t%wmrj oecttysttea do a^t toM the F«U«7. BEKEYOLEKT INSTITUTIONS. 168 UviTBD PAOnBBTAinr Wobxikgmxn'i BsHxnr Sooibtt.— John Doyle, president: W. J. Bobinson, let vice-president; W. J. Battetworth, 2nd vice-president; John T. Finnie, A.M., M.I)., pl^sioian; Ohas. Godfrey, recording secretary; Samuel Gray, ^ 1 financial secretary; Bichard Scale, treasurer. Trustees— Francis McCuUoch, William Gowie, David Grant, M. £. Held and John Ounningham. Stewards— East, Centre and West wards. Bichard Perry, 676 Oraig street; St. Ann's Ward, Point St. Charles, south side of canal, John Stavely. 60 Forfar street; St. Ann's Ward, east, John McGlure, 186 Bulway Trac^^ off 186 Seigneurs street; St. Antoine Ward, Daniel I(yons, 69 McTavish street; St. Law- rence Ward, W. J. Bobinson, 711 Cndg street; St. Louis Ward, David Qrant, 180 Drolet street ; St. Mary's Ward, George Living- skme, 19 Shaw street ; St. James' Ward, Henry T. Sherman, 126 Amherst street ; meets first Wednesday (^ every month in Odd- feUows* hall, 248 St. James street Medical offtcer — John T. Finnic, M.D., 669 Dorchester street ; offtce hours, 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 8 Bm., 6.80 and 8.80 p.m. Financial secretary, Samuel Gray, 18 apr6 lane. Yoima Mbr's Hkbbxw Benxvoubiit Socistt ov Montbbaii.— B. Kbrtosk, president ; S. Ilschel, vice-president; E. lichtenhein* treasurer; M. Goldstein, B.C.L., secretary. Directors— A. €k>ld* •tein, M. Yinehrag, J. Sternberg, J. Scherman and J. L. Teich- man. Secretary's Address, P. O. Box 988. SOOZBTT BOB TBB PBOIBGTZOH OF WOMBN ABD OHEIiDBBB.^— Henry Lyman, president; Charles Alexander, 1st vice-president , J, K. Ward, 2nd vice-president; J. J. McLaren, Q.G., honorary oonnsel; J. A. Harte. treasurer; Edward Horns, secretary. Board of Directors— Alderman Stroud, Samuel Finley, G. W. Stephens, M.P.P., Alexander Manson, Frederick Whitley, Jolm Iiovell, A. Gianelli, Samuel Carsley, Dr. F. W. Campbell, Geo Ghilds, Dr. Baker Edwards, E. McLennan, F. Logie, J. F. WnllL Cabadiab Sogibtt fob TBB Pbbvbbtiob oi* Gbubutt to Abimals.— Chas. Alexander, president; F. Mackenxie, secretary- treasurer; An Gailey, inspector; Kerr A Carter, hon. solicitors; iX McEaohran, hon. Y. S. Office, 199 St. James street. Wokbb'8 PBOTBonvB Immxcibatiob Socibtt, 181 Mansfield ■treet.— -Patroneines— Her Boyal Hi^mess Princess Louise, Countess of DufEsrin, Lady Frauds Balfour. Miss Moffatt, presi- dent; Ifrs. Blaiklod^ 1st vice president; Mrs. G. W. StephMUS Snd vice-president; Mrs. M. H. Gault, 8rd vice-president; Mrs. Elmoihorst, treasurer; Mrs. W. W. Mussen, honorary secretary: Miss J. S. Evans, secretaty. ^11 r VMS dfiiBBVB ursmUMCB CmaWABtY^iA^AXm lied mnmr Uue— jmmrm in AirM^ 154 KATIOKAL SOOIETIBS. Bom AN Gathoug Obphan Astlxtm, llSft St. Oatiierine street.— Founded 1882. Mrs. T. Bouthillier, president ; Mm. John Ostell, vioe^resident; Mrs. Alfired Larooque. acting president ; Mrs. A. 0. Papinean, treasurer ; Mrs. M. Dumas, assistant-treasurer ; Mrs. Aid. Ouimet, secretary ; Miss A. Gottn, assistant-secretary ; Mrs. Delphine Morin, matron. SooiBTT or LADixft OF Ghabitt 01* St. Patrick's Goxobboation. -i-Mrs. Wm.. Brennan, preirident; Mrs. Oampbell, 1st vice- president; Mrs. Edward Murphy, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. P. Byan, 8rd vice-president; Miss Emily Murphy, secretary; Bev. P. Dowd, director and treasurer; Bev. J. Quuilivan, assistant- director St. Patrick's asylum. Meets every Wednesday at 2 o'clock. NATIONAL SOCIETIES. St. Gxobos*8 Socibtt.— Patron, His Lordship the Bishop Of Montreid; J. K. Ward, president; Samuel Garsley, 1st vice- president; W. D. Stroud, 2nd vice-president; W. S. Walker, treasurer: John F. Norris, secretair. Ohaplains— Bev. Henry . Wilkes, D.D., Bev. B. W. Norman, M.A., Bev. Alfred J. Bray, . Bev. J. F. Stevenson, LL.B., Bev. Samuel Beldier, Bev. J. S. Stone. Physician8->Oeo. E. Fenwick, M.D., Thos. D. Beed, M*D>> F. Buller, M.D., Gharles J. Wilson, M.D. Honorary GounseL— William H. Kerr, Q.G. Board ox Management— John Lewis, (Siarles Huston, A. J. Brice, Perceval Tibbs, John Bauden, Edgar Judge, J. H. Bedfem. Ohaxitable Gommittee— Wm. D. Stroud, (ihauman ; Perceval Tibbs, John Bauden, Gharles Huston, J. H. Bedfem. Finance Gommittee— J. K. Ward, Samuel Garsley^ohn Lewis. Festivities— Perceval Tibbs, J. K. Ward, A. J. Brice, •Edgar Judge, Gharles Huston. Meetings— The regular meetings irf uie Society are held quarterly,, on the tenth day of the months - of January, April, July and October. Should eimer of these d^ys •fisll on a Sunday, the meeting will be held on the day following. The members meet also on SV (^rg^'s Day. The annual election of officers and committees takes place at the quarterly meeting in ^January. The meetings of the Board of Management are held on Ithe first Tuesday in each month. The charitable committee meets iftttidy. Membership— Natives of England or Wales, and their descendants, bom in the British posse^^ons, are eligible fior membership. Annual subscription, $3.00; life subscription, $26.00. - ■ CALBDOinAK SooiBTT ov MoNTBXAL.- Johu Bobcrtson. presi- dent; D<mald Campbell. Ist Vice-president; Alftx. Nivin, 2nd vice-inresident; John McLaren, secretary; Wm. Seath, treasurer; JTames Hoey, financial secretary; and a committee of twelve members. Quarterly meetings are. held at St. Andrew's Honlei, •180 Dorchester street, on the 2nd Thursday in December, March, June and September. > 09 THSt SBCriTBITT OF ITS UFB POUdES NATIONAL SOCIETIES. 166 St. AvsBBw'i SooiKTT.~Oeo. Macrae, Q.O., president ; W. W. Ogilyie. Ist vioe-president ; Hngh McLennan, Snd yice-president; B. M. Esdaile, secretary; Alex. Stewart, assistant secretary; Peter Fulton, treasurer. Chaplains— Bey. J. S. Black, and Ber. D. MacVicar, LL.D. Physicians— Drs. Wanless, Geo. "W. Boss, William Gardner, Alex. D. Blackader and A. Lapthom Smith. Charitable Committee— F. J. Logic, chairman; D. Morrison. William Beid, John Allan and Donald Campbell. Committee of Accounts —Andrew Bobertson, A. MoGibbon, Hon. A. W. Ogilvie, John Fulton and Jas. Stewart. Committee of Instalment—James Wright and Angus Grant. Bepresentatiye Governor to the Protestant House of Befuge— E. McLennan. St. Patrick's Socibt v.— Established 6th March, 1856; incor- porated 1863. H. F. Bellew, president; P. O'Meara, Ist vice-* president ; W. H. Cunningham, 9nd yice-preaident ; P. McCaffrey) teea|urer; F. Wilson, corresponding secretary, Samuel Cross, recording secretary ; James ConnpUy, assistant recording secre- tary. Committee of Management — P. Carroll, P. Kehoe, J. McKeown, D. Lyons, p. Connolly. F. Callahan, T. Craven, B. O'NeiL J. Foley, J. Byrne, L. Hughes, W. Cunningham. A. Pur- cell, P. M. Groome, P. McGovem, J. Lyons. Charitable Com- mittee— P. M. Groome, chairman; D. li^ons. D. O'Neill,, JT. McKeown, J. Byrne. Hall Committee— F. Callahan, P. Kehoe, J« Connolly. Chaplains — Irish clergy of St. Patrick's Churcb. Physicians — Drs. Sheridan, Gaherty, Kannon and Ambrose. Grand marshall, J. H. Halpin; assistant marshalls, J. Meek, P. Daly and J. Huff. Socie^ meetings, first Monday of eveiiy month ; committee meetings, last monday of every month. St. Jean Baftistk Socibtt. — M. J£r6mie Perrault, president; Gilbert Mireault, 1st vice-president; Marcellin Noel, 2nd vice- president ; A. D. Lacroix, recording secretary ; A. David, assistant secretary; M. B. O. Tiugeon, treasurer ; h* Gauthier, assistant treasurer ; Gust. Lamothe, corresponding secretary ; No6 Bourassa, marshal-in-chief. GaBMAK National Sociktt.— Founded 1835. — Wm, C. Munder- loh, president; P. Briegel, 1st vice-president; M. Neher, 2nd vi^'president ; F. W. Liedtke, secretary ; G. Boeker, treasurer ; B. Sanftleben, financial secretary. Charitable Committee— G. Boeker, B. Sanftleben and S. Fischel. Pleasure Committee— E(. Drechsel, S- Lesser, and B. Sanftleben. Law Committee— B. SfOiftleben, H. Drechsel and E. Yon Bappord. Stewards-^. Warnecke and K. Foerster. Medical Advisers— W. H. Hingston, M.D., G. W. M^jor, M.D., and A. A. Browne, M.D. Legal Advisers-J. Wurtele, Q.O., M.P.P., and W. Simpson Walker. B.O^L. Meet first Wednesday of each month, at their rooms, 486| Craig street. ^ > :: ,1 m emsEirs vmvwukMcm co^i . GvBMAK Giu Gi«UB (Teutonia)— H* BreohMl, pretidant; E. Henaer, yioe-pretident ; E. V. Beiiihardt,BeoMt«nr; W. Siader, treasurar; 0. Ludwig, jr., librarian; Geo. VeitL leader. Meets •veiy Monday and Saturday at 8 in theb rooms, 81 St James street. Swiss Soczstt— Established December 1874.— K. Aubin, hon. mresident; D. L. Bey, president; E. Imobersteg, vioe-president ; H. DreiAiss, treasurer ; A. Monet, secretary ; H. Dreifnss and B. L. Bey, charitable committee. Meets first Tuesday in each month, at 487 Oraig street. TEMPERANCE. Dominion Aluakcs, for the total suppression of the liquor traffic— This organization carries on its work through Provincial -branches. The officers of thet Quebec branch are— T. S. Brown, ■jj^sident; J. M. M. Duff, treasurer; — , secretaiy. Bzeoutive committee— The above-named officers and Hon. James Ferner. Very Be v. Dean Baldwin, Archdeacon Lindsay, Bev. Dr. Botts, Bev. A. Duf^ Bev. James McCauL J. J. Madaren, Q.C., A. A. Ayer, Walter Paul, J. S. Hall, J. A. Gayford, Bobert Irwin, S. A. Abbott, ISr. B. Sludge, S. A. Lebourveau, Jas. Bi^lis, W. H. Ijambly, Bev. Dr. Clarke, Bev. J. H. Dixon, Wm. Dnrsdale, nios. Christie, O. G. Dyer, F. S. Qrafton, Oeo. Hodge, Bev. D. V. Lucas. Henry Morton, Bev. Or, H. Wells, S. S. Bain. D. Bent- ley, H. Birks, J. D. Dougall, J. B. Fudger, Bev. B. Hndsay. T. B. Macauley, H. Munro, Bev. J. A. Newimam, G. W. Beed, Bev. J. Scrimger, D. Tees, G. T. Williams. The committee meets in Montreal on the last Tuesday of each month. IinniPXHDaiiT Obdbb or Goon TmanfULUB.-^ Grand Lodge of Quebec, W. H. Lambly, G.W.G.T., Inverness; J. Luttrell, O.W.G., Montreal; Mrs. S. B. Shaw, G.W.Y.T., Upper Bedford; B. A. Lebourveau. G.W.Sm office, 182 St. JamJas street, Montreal*; B. W.Williams, G. W.T., Three Bivers ; Bev. G. E. Amazon, 0*W. ehaplain, Three Bivers; Mrs. W. H. Lambly, G. supt. of J.T., Inverness; Miss Saidie B. BaUie, A.G. seoretanr. Invemess; Omt. J. A. Hawley, G.W.M., Kutts Gomers; Miss liuie Lambly, D.G.M., Three Bivers; Ifrs. Dowlin, G. Guard, Sherbrotkes Joeeph jPatrick, G. sentinel, South Durham ; J. K. Maodonaldi £iG.W.G.T., Montreal. Mount JBoyol LodM, No. 1, meets every Monday evening, at M2i Oraig street, at 8 o^dook. L.D., H. Haycroft, 71 St. HypSlllt •tlOflt* Moydl Victoria Lodge, No, 8, meets every Thursday evening la iho Sail, 627^ Graig street, at 8 o'clock. S. J. Symons, lodge deputy. ^ rca. Im All mriiiflipal .:' Risks Bpeelallj TBMPERANOB. 167 WinHatdey Lodge f No, 76, meets erery Tuesday erening in the West End Hall, 134 Chatham street, at 8 o^clook. D. Logan, lodge deputy. M^ormation Lodge, meets every Tuesd^ evening in the base- ment ofthe Presbyterian Church, Point St. Charles, at 7.30 o*olook, Wm. Pepall, lodge deputy. Oood Samaritan Lodge, No. 5, meets every Friday evening in the basement of the Methodist Church, Point St. Charles, at 7.80 o'clock. A. Tattersall, lodge deputy. Soirs OT TsMPSBAjroB Grajtd Division.— Bev. £. Crummey, Kensington, Gh.W.P. ; Henxy Plow, Montreal, G-.W.A. ; John S. Hall, Montreal; Q. Scribe, Peter McFarlane, Kelso. G-. Treas., Anna B. Stephen, Trout Biver ; O. Chap., George Wint«>T, Orms- town; O. Con., W. F. Stephen, Trout Biver; G. Sen., Bobert Craig, Quebec ; P.G.W.P. Ol&ce of Grand Scribe, 242 St. James streel^ Montreal. Hoteard Divition, No, 1« meets every Friday at 662^ Craig street, at 8 o^dock, p.m. Thistle Division, No, 53, meets every Monday evening in American Presbyterian school room, St. Henri de Montreal^ at 8 o dock, p.m. BacHABiTBS.— PerMveranee Tent, No, 1, meets last Tuesday evening in each month, at 8 o'clock, at 240 St. James street. Tbmpbbakob Sooott (B.C.) of St. Jamsb Chuboh.— Meeting first Sunday of every month, at 7 p.m. O. C. Laperle, secretary. SooiSTs Ds Tbksbbancb du Diooxsa dx MoirrsBAii.— B. C. Bishop of Montreid, honorary president. Soonm DB TiiipBBAjroB db Ii'EoiiISb St. Pibbbb.— Bev. L. Iiauzon, CM. J., director ;.J. E. Yiger, president; Alphonse Bead, 1st vice-president; Vincent Lacombe, 2nd vice-president : Sera- pMn Laohance, secretary-treasurer. Meets in St. Peter's Ohoroh the third Sunday of every month at 7 p.m. St. Arnr's Totazi AjMrrniBBCB amd Bbbbvit SootBrr.— Meets on aeooiid Sunday in 'each month, immediately after vespers, ia St. Ann*s Church. St. Bbiikibt*s ToTio* Abixibbbob Sooibtt.— Meets every Son- day, at 8 p.mM In St Mary*s Hall (under St. Mary's Church), owner Craig and Panet streets. 7) f I' ■I's t. / 108 ADTAMVABEB OB SBCIJBITT TO OOLLEOBS AND SCHOOLS. Br. Patbiox'b Totaii ABtriHSHOx awd Bbnbvit SooiBrr.^Bev. Martin Oallaghan. president and direotor; Edward Murphy, lit yioe-president ; W. Bawley, 3nd vice-president ; Jas. J. Ooangan, Moretary; J> M. Oallaghan. assistant-secretary: M. Sharkey, treasurer; Wm. Selhy, assistant-treasurer: ' committee, B. Emer- son, chairman ; Jas. Gonnaughton, T. O'Connor, T. F. McGrail, F. 0. Chawley, P. Doyle, P. Reynolds, A. Brogan. N.P., J. Byrne, T. P. Tansey. J. Beresford, T. Cfarmody. The society meets on ttie- second Sunday of each month in St. Patrick's church, when the pledge is administered and n s w members admitted. The society was established in 1841. All communications may be addressed to the secretary, Jas. J. Costigan, 81 St. Urbain street, Montreal. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Pbotsstaitf Boabd or Sorooi. CoiiMissiONXBS.->Bev. Canon Kormau, M.A., D.C.L., chairman; John H. Mooney, treasurer; Bey. John Jenkins, D.D., LL.D.; Principal Dawson, G.M.O., M.A., IiIi.D., F.B.S.; George W. Stephens. B.G.L., M.P.P.; Bev. J. F. Stevenson. D.D., LKB.; Willliatn Lunn, secretary and superin- tendent of schools. PBOTBBTAirr Board of Exakxnsbs of MoBTBBAL.—Rev. O. Oomish, LL.D., president; A. Johnson, LL.D., vice-president; Bev. G. A. Doudiet, A.M.; Bev. J. Scrimger, A.M ; Rev. T. Lafleur, BeT. J. Empson, M.A., and B. J. Haningtou, Ph.D.; T. A. Oib- ion^ A.M.* secretary. There are two half-yearly meetings, on the first Tuesday in May and November, held in the Natural History Society's rooms, 32 University street, at 10 Cathouo Boabd of Schooii Commissiokbbs.— Rev. Y. Rousse- lot, P.S.S., president; Rev. Yicar-Ckneral Mardchal, P. S. Murphy, Jacques Grenier, E. C. Monk, Henri B. Rainville. M. G. Desnovers, ■ecretary-treasurer; U. E. Archambault, local superintencfent ; V. X. Martin, accountant^ Ed. Fonmier, auditor. Office, Com- mercial Academy, Plateau avenue, off 1077 St. Catherine street. Oatrouo Boabd of BoAcoJi Examinebs.— Rev. L. W. Ledair, president; U. E. Archambtfutt, vice-president ; A. D. Lacroix, secretary; F. X. Yalade, hon. secretary; Rev. J. Fogan, Rev. L. J. Xiauzon, Wm. Fah^. Place of meeting, Jacques Cartier Kormal School, on first Tuesday in February, May,^ August and November of each year. .__^_. UmYBBliTT OF MoGxLii CoxxBOH.— Yisitor— His Excellency the Governor General. Governors— Hon. C. D. pay, Um'D.j D.O.L., President and Chancellor of the University; Hon. J« Ganon usurer ; f M. A., '. J. F. Eiperin- iev. G*. Bident; iaflear. 1. Oib- on the listory tousse- tttphy, Loyers, icfent ; Com- •eet. eclair, oroix, ev. L. /artier Btand Uetioy WD.J [>n. J« OUTAMAH COMPANY OITBBai AHT BBTnOI OTSAMJiO UFB millTBSIMk 0OLLEOB8 AND SCHOOLS. 169 Sorrier, Senator, M.L.G., P. Bedpath, J. H. B. Moleon, Hon. W. F. Torrance, M. * " — - Sir F. Hincks, Bobert McKay, Bamsay, M.A., B.O.L., W. G. McDonald, Esq., Hugh McLennan. Bsq» George Hague. Esq. (The Board of Ooyemors has, under the Boyal Charter, the power to frame Statutes, to make appoint- ments, and to administer the finances of the University.) Prin- dpal-^ohn William Dawson, M.A., LL.D., F.BS., G.M.G., vice- ohanoellor. (The Principal has, under the Statutes, the general superintendence of all affairs of the Colleoe and University ; under ■noh regulations as may be in force.) Fellows— Yen . Archdeacon Leach. M.A,. D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Principal and Dean of the Faculty of Arts; Henry Aspinwall Howe, LL.D., Governors^ Fellows; Bev. John Cook, D.D., Principal of Morrin Oollege, Quebec; Alexander Johnson, M.A., LL.D., Yioe-Dean of the Faculty of Arts, (iovemors* Fellow ; Bev. G«orge Cornish, M.A., ltL.D., Elective Fellow. Faculty of Arts; Bev. Henry Wilkes, M.A., D.D., LL.D.. Principal of the Congregational College of British Korth America ; Bev. D. H. McVicar, LL.D., Principal of the Presbyterian College of Montreal; Wm. Hicks, Esq., Principal of McGill Normal School; J. J. McLaren^ MTX, JB.CL., Bepresentative Fellow in Law ; John B. Dougall, M. A., Bepre- sentative Fellow in Arts ; William H. Kerr, Q.C., D.G.L^ Dean of the Faculty of Law ; Bev. J. Cllarke Murray, LL.D., Elective FeUow, Faculty of Arts ; Henry T. Bovey, M.A., G.E., Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science; Bernard J. Harrington, B.A., PIlD., Elective I^llow, Faculty of Applied Science; W. Osier, M.D., Elective Fellow, Faculty of Medicine ; Bev. E. L Bexford, Bepresentative Fellow in Arts; Bobert Bell, Grad. Civ. Eng., .M.I>.. Bepresentative Fellow in Applied Science; Bev. John Je]Uan8,i).D., LL.D., Gtovemors* Fellow; Bev. B. W. Norman, M.A., D.C.L., Chairman of the Protestant Board of School Com- tnissioners; Itev. Ganon Henderson, M.A., Princip.*)! of the Diocesan Theological College; Bev. George Dougl <4^. LL.D., Principal of Wesleyan The<dogical College; Clement il. McLeod, Ma.E., Bepresentative Fellow in Applied Science; Bobert M. "Smith. B.Sc., Principal of St. Francis College, Bichmond; J. S. Archibald, M.A., B.CL., Elective Fellow, Faculty of Law; George Boss. M. A., M.D^ Elective Fellow, Faculty of Medicine ; Francis J. Shepherd, M.I)., Bepresentative Fellow in Medicine ; J. S. Hall, B.A^ B.C.L., Bepresentative Fellow in Law ; B. P. Howard, M,D. , Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. The Governors, Prindpal and Fellows constitute, under the Charter, the Corpora- tkax of the University, which has power, under the statutes, fO fhime regulations toucliinff courses of study, matriculation, gradua- tion and other educational matters, and to grant degrees.) Seore- tury, Beglstrar and Bursar (and Secretary of the Boyal Institu- tion)— Willliam Craig Baynes, B.A.; residence and office. East Wing, McGill College; office hours, 10 to 2. Clerk— James W. B^akenxidge ; residence, 1472 St. Catharine street. I i r f H ,!■ : ■! •! '1' .>1 lHB0niSKN8INBURAK0SOO.-XillitBraMli«8«PM»U« I *' \'\ 160 COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. SROmtOBI. FaeuUu of Artt.'-J. W. Dawson, M.A., LL.D.. F.B.S.. O.M.O.. Principal, Logan FrofeiMr of Geolog/, and Profeisor of Natural Hiitoiyt Yen. Archdeacon Leac^ M.A., D.O.L.J LL.D., Yico- Principal Dean of the Faculty . H. A. Howe, LL.D., Emeritna ProfoMor in the Faculty of Arts; A. Johnson, M.A., LL.D., Pro- fessor of Mathematics, and Bedpath Professor of Natural Philo- sopher; Bev. G. Cornish. M.A., LL.D., Professor of Classical Literature; P. J. Darey, M.A., B.C.L., Professor of French Lan- guage and Literature; C. F. A. Margrafl, M.A.. Professor of German Language and Literature ; Ber. J. Clarke Murray. LL.D., Itethingham Profesosr of Logic, and Mental and Moral Philo- sophy; Charles £. Moyse, B.A., Professor of History. Molson Professor of English Language and Literature, and Associate Professor of English Language and Literature ; Professor Gous- serat, Ba., Lecturer in Hebrew and Oriental Literature ; Professor Penhallow, B. Sc, Lecturer in Botany. Faculty of Applied Science.—B.. T. Borey, Professor of Oiril Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Dean of the Faculty ; B. J. Harrington, B.A., Ph.D., Professor of Assaying, Mining and Chemistry; C. H. McLeod, Ma.E., Lecturer in Surveying and Drawing, and Superintendent of Meteorological Observatory ; Q. H. Chandler, B.A., Lecturer in Mathematics. Faetdty of Law.—W. H. Kerr, D.C.L., Dean of the Faculty, Professor of Litemational Law; Hon. W. Bac^ley, D.C.L., Professorof Public and Criminal Law; B. G. Laflamme, D.C.L., Professor of the Law of Beal Estate; — — — — . — — — . Associate Professor of Criminal Law; N. W. Trenholme, M.A., Legal History ; J. S. Archibald, B. A., B.C.L. , Professor of Criminal and Constitutional Law; M. Hutchinson, B.C.L., Professor in Civil Procedure. Faculty qf Medicine.'-See page 118. J. Andrew. Instructor in. Elocution. In Gymnastics. F. 8. Barajum, Instructor IiATAii Univxbsitt (MomiiBAiiTBBAircH).— Yice-Bector, Bar. Louis Beaudet, A.M., of the Quebec Seminary; residence, 184 Notre Dame street. Faetdty of Theology, 1197 Sherbrooke street— Isaie M. Leoog, P.S.B., D.D., Professor of Dogmatic Theology and Dean of the FaonlW: Hyacinthe F. D. Bouzel, P.S.S.y D.D., Professor of llonX Theology and secretwnr of the Faculty ; Joseph T. Parent^ PS.S.2 D.D., Professor of Etoly Scripture and Sacred Lituray; Jean Amable Tr6molet, P.S.Sm D.D., Professor ot Donmatic ^ras* (dogy; Naroisse A. Troie, P.S.S., D.D., Professor of Moral Tht- ology ; Alexis J. T. Orban, P.S.Sm D.D., Professor of Hebrew and Ecclesiastical Histoiy; Nicolas Y. Many, P.S.S., D.D., Profenor Wf A«t •€ PwllMMMil.-^irBdMibl«a 8e«arltf It aflbrdttd moA kif h I f 4l«g •£ Its P»«pri«terj Mid Dlreeton. OOLLBOES .NBSOHOOLS. 161 of Hebrew and Booletiftitio»l Hiitory; Jolee 0. M. Delarlffne, P.S.B.. D.D., Profeaeor of Holy Soriptiure ; J. Bte. Thibaolt, P.S.S., D.D., Profesaor of Dogmatio Theologj ; Francois H. Dnpret, P.S.Sm D.D.) Profeieor of Holy Scripture and Hebrew; Pierre Marie Hamon, P.S 8., B.D., Professor of Dogmatic Theology and Sacred Blo4aen<M| FaeiatfrSf I^^i 837 Kotre Dame street.— Hon. S. 0. Monk. Professor Emeritus ; G. S. Oherrier, Q.O., LL.D^ Professor of International Law and Dean of the Faculty; Hon. P. J. O. GhauTeau, Professor of Roman Law ; Hon. T. J. Loranger, LL.D.| Professor of Administratiye Law ; Hon. J. A. Ghapleau, LL.D., Professor of Griminal Law; Hon. J. ▲, Jette, LL.D., Professor of Giril Law; J. A. Oulmet, Q.G., LL.D., Professor of Givil Proce- dure; Hon. A. Lacoste, Q.G., LL.D., Professor of Commercial and Maritime Law. Fellows, Ghas. G. DeLorimier, Q.G., LL.D., and F. X. Arohambault, Q.G.| LL.D. Faculty of Jfedteine.— See page 120. McOiiiii NoBMAL* School.— Affiliated to the University, under the control of Superintendent of Schools and the Corporation of the Uniyersity. William Hennr Hicks, Emeritus Principal and Associate Professor ; Sampson Paul Robins, M.A., LL.D.. princi- {>al and ordinary professor of English language and literatcure and ecturer on art of teaching and natural science ; James McGregor, M.A., LL.D^ ordinaiT professor of mathematics and instructor in classics ; Pierre J. JDarey, M.A., B.G.L., associate professor of Ftenoh ; R. J. Fowler, instructor in music; John Andrew, instruc* tor in elocution; Harrington Bird, instructor in drawing; Francis W. Hicks, M,A., assistant professor of history and English. MoDBii SoHOOL 0]* McGhiI* Kobka.l School.— Francis W. mcks, MA., head master, boys's school; John P. Stephen, assist- ant master, boys* school; Miss Jane A. Swallow, head mistress, girls' school; Miss Lucy H. Derrick, head mistress primary kchool. _^___^ , High School of Montbbal.— Head paster, H. Aspinwall Howe, M.A., LL.D ; assistant head master, F. W. Eelley, B.A., Ph.D.; assistant masters. G. Murray, B.A., Oxon^ Z. Lefebyre, B.G.L., J. W. Tucker. B.A., W. Dixon, B.A., J. D. Cameron, B.A., Kpecial masters, A. E. Duncan, M.A., B.O.L., J. T. Donald, B.A.; J. Andrew, H. Bird, F. S. Barqjum, H. Frankenstein, H. Eyans. Preparatory Schooi.~A. N. Shewan, M.A., head master; Miss McBratney, Miss BeU| Miss J. Campbell and Miss Dudos, asssitants. ____ MoHTBaAL Shrxob School, 675 Dorchester street.— Miss Jessie Rodger, mathematics and French; Miss Jessie Campbell. Eng- lish; A. E. Duncan, M.A , bookkeeping and writing; J. T. Don- ald, B.A., chemistry ; John Andrew, reading and elocution ; Mrs. Simester, music and drawing. 'fl il on turn €?— tl«— t to i— •< >y r 161 COLLBOES AI7D SOHOOLS. HiOB Schools tor OnUiS.— Staff of Teaohen—Mn. H^. Fuller, head mittregi. Asiistanti— Mist Bodger, acoounti; Mill G. Hunter, S.A.A., Hiitorj and Engliih Literature : Mill Veiiot. Firenoh; Biiii liawleii. 8rd Olaii Junior: Mill Hendenon, 9ud Olaii Junior; Miii Hill, lit Olan Junior; Mill Beid, Preparatory; Ifiii Doufflai, Initrumental Muiio. Special MaitenL-Oeorge Murray, B. A. (Oxon), Olaiiioi ; John Andrew, Eiq.. Elocution ; A. E. Duncan, M.A., B.O.L., Writing: J. T. Donald, B.A., F.G.S., Botany and Chemiitry ; F. W. Milli, Esq., Vocal Muiic; H. I^ankenitein, Eiq., German : Harington Bird, Eiq., Drawing; Frederick S. Barnjum, Eiq., Caliithenici. ^- UinvBBiirT ofBishov'i OoLi<aos, LiMiroxviUiB.— Incorporated fay Boyal Gharter, 1868. — ^Preiident of the corporation and riiitor, the Bight Bev. the Lord Bishop of Quebec, D.D. ; vice-preiident of the corporation and visitor, the Bight Bev. the Lord Biihop of Montreal, LL.D. ; chancellor, R W . Heneker, D.G.L. ; vice- chancellor, Bev. Ganon Norman, D.G.L. Trustee»->B.W. Heneker, chairman; G. F. Bowen, E. T. Brooks, MP., J. S. Hall, B. Hamilton, Hon. H. O. Joly, M.P.P., Bev. B. Lindsay. T. Mac- fkrlane, B. T. Morris, L. E. Morrii. G. Macrae, Q.G.. Bev. O. P. Bead, Bev. F. Bobinson, Walter Snanly, B. H. Smith. Gollege council— Bev. Principal Lobley. D.G.L., chairman; Bev. I. Brocuc, L. H. Davidson, Bev. J. Davidion, Bev. J. P. DuMoulin, Bev. J. Foiter, Bev. G. Hamilton, Hon. G. Irvine, M.P.P., Bev. Ganon Gorman, Hon. Mr. Justice Bamiay, Bev. G. Bawson, Bev. Profei- sor Boa, Bev. Professor Scarth, Bev, Professor Bead, T. White, M.Pr, K. S. Whitney. Officers of the corporation— E. Ghapman, secretary; Bev. I. Brock, B. W. Heneker, auditon; B. T. Morrii, attorney. Offlceri of the college— Bev. J. A. Lobley, M.A., D.G.L., principal, professor of mathematics and logic; Bev. H. Boe, D.D., vice-principal, professor of divinity ; Bev. G. P. Bead, M. A., pro- fessor of classics and moral philosophy ; Bev. A. G. Scarth, M.A.) professor of ecclesiastical history; A. Leray, M.A., lecturer in French ; Bev. A. 0. Scarth, librarian ; £. Ghapman, bunar and regiitrar. Faculty of Medicine.-^Bee Page 119. Factdtifof Law.—B^ N. Hall, D.C.L., Dean of the Faculty and piofessor of civil law; H. A. Gabana, LL.M , professor of law; Xi. X. Morris, LL.M., professor of civil procedure ; E. T. Brookii IiL.M., professor of criminal law ; L. G. Belanger, LL.M., pro- fessor of Boman law; H. B. Brown, professor of commercial law ; L. G. Panneton, LL.B., S. B. Sanborn, LL.B., and D. B. Hodge, LL.B., lecturers. BiSHOF^s GoiiUBGB SoHOOii. — Bcv. Principal Lobley, MJL, D.O.IiM rector ; Bev. G. P. Bead, M.A., iilassical master ; A. Leray. Esq., French master; H. F. Glinton., Esq., B. A., senior resident master ; H. J. H. Petry, Esq., B. A., .-<nd M. G. Thompson, Esq., B.A., Junior resident masters ; W. L;j'8ter, Esq., B. A., assistant master. ■■tfcy HSMVJf KBAVITB AOCIDEWT POUMTr Fuller, ■Mill G. VeMot. ■on, 9ud MTAtory; rOeorge ooution ; Muflio ; rawing; v^^- rporlRted riiitor, reiid^nt lishop of . ; vioe- teneker, Imll, B. r. Mao- r. O. P. OoUege . Brodc, I Bav. J. • Oanon . Profei- White, Jnorris, D.O.L., B, D.D,, A., pro- ii M.A>| lurer in lar and Ity and >f law; Brookf^ [., pro- meroial ID. B. JduA*} Leray. Mideni ., Baq.. sistani GOLLEOE8 AND SOHOOLS. Its Oatbouo Commsioial Aoadbmy or Momtbial, 1077 St Catharine itreet.~U. £. Arohambault, principal ; Bev. V. Sorini spiritual director; A. D. Laoroiz, director i profeison, J. Ahem, J. Arohambault, J. Baril, L. A. Brunet, A. Ohatignj ; J. B. B« Demen, Wm. McKay, J. G. W. MoOowni W. H. Titrault, J, Tompkinf. FOLYTXcHmc School of Montbial.— U. B. Arcbambanlt, Srinoipal; M. D. Ley^que, P.S.S., spiritual director; M. E. Bal6te, ireotor of studies ; professors, A. Pftster, J. Haynes, M. Obalski, J. E. Vanier, If. 8. Duval. MOMTBXAL CoLuiQiB. 1181 Shcrbrooke street.— Directed by the Sulpicians; founded 1778. Bev. P. Deguire, director; Bev, P. A. Oampeau, treasurer ; Bevs. Bousseau, P. Schlickliug, D. Chevrier, H. Bedard, F. Lalibert^, J. B. Brossenr, B. Portier, S. Oherrier, D. Daignault. A. Glermont, C. Bourduas and St. Denis Biordan, professors. The classes are opened beginning of September and closed at the end of June. Jaoqvxs Gabtixr Normal School, Sherbrooke street, head of Visitation.— MM. I'Abbe H. A. Y. Yerreau, principal, professor and director of students* boarding school ; TAbbft J. O. Godin, assistant director, professor of apiculture ; Joseph Octave Oas- grain, professor; Dominique Boudrias and Wm. Fahey, profes- sors and teachers of boys* model school ; Gualbert Gervais, asso- ciate professor and secretary ; J. 0. Pelletier, professor of music ; rAbb6 0. A. Santoire, master of studies ; Simon Aubin and A. de Bonpart, associate professors ; ^ Th. Brennan, librarian. St. Maby'8 Oollboe, 142 Bleury street.— Yery Bev. Henry Hudon, S.J., Superior-Qeneral of Canada ; Bev. T. Gazeau, S.J., president of the College; Bev. A. D. Tuxgeon, S.J., Bev. H. Hudon, S.J., vice-president; Bev. L. Axpin. S.J^ treasurer; Bev. A. L. Lardier, S. J., librarian ; Bev. A. Jones, S. J., chaplain ; Bev. F. Lopinto, S.J.} E. Lefebvre, S.J.. J. Schmidt, S.J., J. Brault, S.J., J. O'lfoane^ 8.J., £. Desaulmers. S.J.) P. Laiuaruho, S.J., T. Mouvet, N. Campeau, J. Crowley, Bev. H. Lory, S.J., Bev. If, Gaxceau, S.J.| Bev. A. l!iaBue, S.J^ Bev. G. Kenny, S. J., BeV. B. De^jardins. S.J., Bev. J. Pari, SUi., J. Melloche, S.J , L. Bonz, S.J., A. Primeau, S. J., H. Ferron, S. J., A. H6rouz, S.J., J. For> lum, S.J^ professors and disciplinarians; P. Letondu, J. A. Fowler, J. Moreau, J. Hone, J. Follenus, professors of music; L. G. Gapello. professor of drawing; W. H. Hingston, M.D., mecUoal attenoant. DiooMAH Trxolooioal CoLLBOx. 852 DorchestcT street— In- corporated 1879 : affiUated to ^McGiU University 1880. The Lord Bishop <tf Montreal, president ; Bev. Canon Henderson, M.A.t Principals Educational Council— The BishOp, Yen. Archdeacon .1 i V u I .i i wIfhOHUidta xaBvwukMcmeo. IM GOX^LBaES AKD SOHOOLS. IiAMh} D.G.L.J the Very Bey. the Dean of Montreal, Bev. Oanon Henderson., M.A., Ber. James Oarmichael, M. A., Bev. J. S. Stone, B.D., Bey. J. Empson, M.A. Board of Ooyemors— The Very Bey. the Dean of Montreal, Yen. Archdeacon Leach, D.G.L., IjL.1)., Yen. Archdeacon lindsay, M.A/i( Bey. James Carmichael, M.A., Bey. J. S. Stone, B.D., and Messrs. Justice Mackiq^ A. F. QmvMt A. Johnson, LL.D., James Button, Thos. Craig, Henry J. Mussen, 0. Garth. B. Eyans. Secretary, registrar and bursar- Bey. F. W. Webber, M.A. Pkubttsbiak CoLiiBOx, MoirrBBAL.— -Board of Management— Dayid Morrioe, chairman ; John Stirling, secretary ; Bey. B. H. Warden, treasurer ; members annually appointed by the General Assembly. Senate— 'Bey. Principal Macvicar, D.D., LL.D., presi- dent; Bey. Professor Campbell, M.A., seoretanr; members an- niully a]n[K>inted by the Gkneral Assemblv. Staff— Bey. P. H. Macyioar, D.D., LKD., principal, and professor of systematic theology, homiletics and church goyernment; Bey. John Camp* belli M.A., professor of church history and apologetics: Bey. D. Ooussirat, B.D., B.A., French professor of meology ; Bey. John 8orimge]^ M.A., professor of Old and New Testament exegesis ; Bey. J. Jenkins, D.D., LIj.D., lecturer in pastoral theology ; Bey. A. D. Mackajr, lecturer in sacred rhetoric and elocution; Bey. Neil McNish, B.D^ LL.D., lecturer in the Gaelic language md literature; Bey. W. J. Dey, M.A., lecturer in classics and mathe- matics ; A. 0. Hutchison, lecturer in ecclesiastical ardiiteoture ; John MoLarent lecturer m sacred music. Officers, Bey. D. H. McYicar, P.P., 1*L.D'» principal; Bey. John Campbell, M.A., registrar; Bey. w. J. Pey, M.A., dean of residence and librarian; W. Prysdale, 332 St. James street, bookseller; Paniel Lyons, bedel. WbsiiBTAn Thbolooical GouoiOB.— Founded 1878; under the control of the General Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada ; affiliated with McGill and Yictoria Uniyersities. Pireo- tors, Hon. J. Ferrier, chairman; S. Finley, treasurer; J. J. McLaren, Q.C^ secretary; John Torrance^ W. E. Sandford, James Paterson, W. Glendinneng, G. Bishop, James Lord, P. Graham, Hk Millen, C. Morton, F. Fairman. J. J. Pugdale, M.P.; officers of instruction. Bey. G. Pouglas. LL.P., prindpal and lecturer in systematic theology and homiletics; Bey. W. I. Shaw, B.A., £L.B., classical tutor and lecturer in Greek Testament exegesis, church history and historical theology ; NeU Warner, instructor in elocution. Lectures in metaphysics, ethics, Hebrew and natural soieiices are attended in McGiu Uniyersity. Bey. L. N. Beandry, iaalmotor in thedogy and homiletics in French d^artment; Bxaminers, Bey. J. A. Williams, P.P., St. Catharines ; Bey. W. O. Henderson, A.1L, St. Mary's; Bey. John Shaw, Peterboro; , Bey. 0. Goehran, P.P., president of the Toronto Conference: Bey. J. Awde, A.M. jMtontrealj Bey. L. Hookes, Kingston ; registnuri Bey. Professor Shaw, A.M;., 162 Mansfield street, Montreal. m €3piBBirA WNHVUAMCm OOKPANT.-PIre, LMi Asd Aeddeni.— Capitol 8iaS8,000. COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. 165 French Mbthodist Institute, 429 Craig street.— Bev. L. N. Beaudry, principal; Ovide Vieu, assistant. -iJirectors— Eev. G. Douglas, LL.D., chairman; Bev. A. Sutherland, D.D., Bev. W. Scott, Bev. E. A. Stafford,-A.M., Bev L. N. Beaudry, Bev. W. J. Shaw, LL.B , Bpv. J. Borland, Rev. W. Hansford, Hon. J. Ferrier, senator, J. J. McLaren, Q.C., J. B. Alexander, M.D., C. Morton, Or. Bishop, J. Torrance, J. Beauchemin, Louis Bolin ; Bev. I^f. Shaw, secretary-treasurer. CONOBEGATTONAL COLLEGE OF B. N. A. — Bcv. J. F. StCVOnSOn, D.D., principal and professor of homiletics and pastoral theology; Bev. H. Wilkes, D.D., LL.D., professor of theology And Biblical criticism ; Bev. G. Cornish, LL D., professor of Greek Testament exegesis ; Bev. K. M. Fenwick, professor of church history and apologetjps. The students attend the classes in McGill University. Gbano Seminary,— Under the direction of the Sulpioians, 1197 Sherbrooke street.— T^eofo^ico^ /Seminary— Bev. C. Lecoq, S. S., director; Bev. H. Boxel, S. S., Bev. J. T. Parent, S. S., Bev. N. Troie, S. S., Bev. J. B. Thibaud, S. S., Bev. H. Dupret, S. S., Bev. P. M. Haman, S. S., professors; Bev. J. A. Tr^molet, S. S., procurator , 225 theological students. Seminary of Philosophy— Bev. J. Delavigne, Sr S., director ; Bev. A. Orban, S. S., Bev. V. Many, S. S., Bev. A. Lelong, professors. / Brothers of the Christian Schools, Mother house^ 50 Cot6 street.— Bev. Brother Beticius, Provincial of the Order in North America; Bev. Brother Albanitis, visitor in the Dominion of Canada ; Bev. Brother Qedeon, director, also director of the fol- lowing Schools : St. Lawrence School, Vitr6 street, 12 classes— 820 pupils ; St. James School, St. Denis street, 8 plasses— 675 pupils. St. Bridget's School, Dorchester street, Bev. Brother Andrew, director, 8 classes— 580 pupils. St. Ann's School, cor. of Ottawa and Young streets, 8 classes— 529 pupils, Bev. Brother Arnold of Jesus, director. St. Joseph School, Bichmond street, Bev. Bro. Maurilius, director, 12 classes— 885 pupils. CoLiiBai OP Phtsioians and Surgeons of the Province of ?UBBBO.— Dr. B. Palmer Howard, Montreal, president; Dr. B. radel, Montreal, and 0. E. Lemieux, M.D., Quebec, vice-presi- dents; A. O. Belieau, M.D., Quebec, and F. Wayland Campbell, M.D., Montreal, seoxetaries; Leonidas LaBue, M.D., Quebec, registrar ; B. P. Laohapelle, M.D» Montreal, treasurer. i f i ';iil 1 i ] 1 > i . 'I ; ^ ' ■; 'i : 1 1 ■ 1, 1 i 1 y ' ,! .( -,;! t: i . 1 i ,i, , ill 11 V I Ma' THE crriasKirB ursuRAif ck €o.~FiBEf jum [«nv7 LjrmMiy Eh1«* Prestdent; Andrew Allan Esq., 166 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. CHUECHES. PROTESTANT. Church cf England.^Bight Rev. W. B. Bond) D.D., L.L.D.} Lord Bishop of Montreal; Yexy Rev. M. S. Baldwin, M.A., Dean of Montreal, (BisBop Elect of the Diocese of Huron) ; Yen. Archdeacon Leach, L.L.D., D.C.L., Archdeacon of Montreal; Yen. Archdeacon Lonsdell, M.A., Archdeacon of St. Andrews; Yen. Ardideacon Lindsay, M.A., Archdeacon of Bedford ; Yen. Archdeacon Evans, M. A., Archdeacon of Iherville. Christ Church Cathedral, St. Catherine street.— The Yery Rev. the Dean, rector; Rev. J. A. Newnham, M.A., assistant minister. Honorary Canons — Rev. Wm. Anderson, rector of Sorel ; Rev. E. DuVemet, M.A., rector of Chambly ; Rev. J. EUegood, M.A., rector of St. James the Apostle, Montreal ; Rev. M''m. Henderson, M. A., principal of the Diocesan Theological College ; Rev. R. W. Norman, M. A., rector of St. Matthias ; Rev. James Carmichael, M.Am rector of St. George's, Montreal; Rev. F. Robinson, M.A., and Rev. J. Empson, M.A. Sundays, 11 a.m., 4.15 and 7 p.m. ; Bible class at 3 p.m. Daily prayer at 4.80 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m* St. George's, comer Osborne and Windsor streets.— Rev. Oanon Carmichael, M.A., rector; Rev. J. G. Baylis, B.D., assistant minister. Sunday services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Bible classes and Sunday-school at S p.m. Wednesday service, 8 p.m. Trinity Church, St.Denis street, comer vVger Square.— Rev. W. L. Mills, rector , residence, 228 St. Denis street. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Wednesday, 8 p.m. in the chapel. St. John the Evangelist^comer Ontario and St. Urbain streets. (iSree seats). — ^Rev. E. Wood, M.A., incumbent; Rev. Wm. Wright, M.D., and Rev. A. French, B.A., assistant ministers. Sunday, 10.80 and 11.16 a.m., 4.15 and 7 p.m. Daily, 6.15 and 8.80 a.m., and 5 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. St. James the Apostle, St. Catherine street, west.— Rev. Canon Ellegood, M.A., rector. Sunday, 11 a.m., 4.15 and 7 p.m. Friday, 11 a.m. During Lent, daily. St. Martin's, Upper St. Urbain stieet— Rev. J. S. Stone, B.D., rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday-school and rector's Bible class, 3 p.m. Holy Communion on first Sunday of every month a. 11 a.m., and on third Sunday, at 9 a.m. "Wednefeday evening service, 8 o'clock. Ladies' Bible class and Aid Society, Friday at 8 p.m. St. Stqshen's, comer College and Inspector streets.— Yen. Aroh- deaoon Evans, M.A., rector. Suiidax, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday- school and rector's Bible dass for women at 8 p.m. classes and A9» AOdHBIfT— CAPITAIi, - . •l.lSStOM. Wifft Pwl|ieBt> Ctejmld B* Hart, Ccaewa Mmmmmwa OHUBGHES AND ckAPELS. 167 St. Luke's, comer Ghamplain and Dorchester streets — (Free seats). — ^Bev. P. L. B. Cross, incumbent. Sunday,- 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday-school, 3 p.m. St. Thomas, St. Mary street.— -Bev. B. Lindsay, M.A., rector. Sunday 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday-school, 3 p.m. St Mary's, HochelaK<*.— Bev. J. D. Borthwick, incumbent, and chaplain to the Jail. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. (rraoe Church, Wellington street,— Bey. S. Belcher, rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday-school, 9.45 a.m. and 3 p.m. St. Jude's, Goursol street — ^Bev. J. H. Dickson, rectov. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Sunday-school, 3 p.m. ' St. Matthias, comer Cote St. A^toine road and Crawford avenue. Cote St. Antoinc. Bev. Canon Norman, D.C.L., rector. Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday-school at 2.30 p.m. and Bible class at 4 p.m. Ladies' Bible class, Friday, 3 p.m. Wednesday, Service 8 p.m. L'Eglise du Bedempteur, Sabrevois French Mission, 123 Chat- ham street.— Bev. J. J. Boy, B.A., incumbent. Sunday, 11 a.m' and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 7.30 p.m. Sunday-school, 3. p.m. Ittformed Episcopal Church in Canada (otherwise called the Beformed Church of England).— St. Bartholomew's, Beaver Hall Hill. The Bight Bev. Bishop Ussher, rector ; residence, 9 Drum- mond street. Sunday services, 11 a.m., and 7 p.m.; sunday-school an^rector's Bible class at 3 p.m. The Sjmod of the B. E. Church in Canada publishes the Prates' tant Pillar as its official organ, monthly. Church of Scotland. — St. Andrew's, Beaver Hall Hill.— Bev. J. Edgar HiU, M.A., B.D. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sabbath school at 3 p.m. Week-day service, Wednesday, 8 p.m. Salem Church, Fanet street, (East End mission of St. Andrew's). —Bev. S. Massey. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school at 9 a.m. Prayer meeting on Thursday at 8 p.m. Presbyterian Church in Canada.— 81. Paulas, comer of Dor- chester and St. Monique streets. — Bev. James Barclay, M.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Victoria Mission.— Students* Sunday evening service, during winter months, at 7 o'clock. Temperance Association, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. St. Gabriel Church.— Bev. B. Campbell, M.A. Services at 11 am., and 7 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Wed- nesday at 8 p.m. . I • ,i- .1 .:t' CITIZBBIB nrftURAHGB COMPAVT-: mmUmmnmnimm eomlitloiMi. UOra BKAHCH. tv»v«l nod 168 CHURCHES AND CHAPELS. St. Matthew's, Point St. Charles. Bev. W. B. Cruikshank. Services at 11 a.m and 7 p.m.; Bible class at 2 p.m.; Sunday school at S p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Young People's Association, Thursday evening. St. Mark's, comer William and Dalhousie streets. Bev. J. Nichols. Sabbath services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sabbath school at 3 p.m. Wednesday, service at 8 p.m. St. John's, French, St. Catherine street (formerly Bussell Hall). — Bev. C. A. Doudiet. Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Thursday at 7.60 p.m. Knox, comer Dorchester and Mansfield streets. — Bev. J. Fleck B.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sabbath school at 3 p.m, Bev. Prof. Campbell's Bible class at 4.30 p.m. Prayer meeting each Wednesday at 8 p.m. Erskine, comer St. Catherine and Peel streets.— Bev. J. S. Black. Services at 11 a.m and 7pm; Sabbath school at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Stanley street.— Bev. James McCaul, B.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Crescent street. — ^Bev. A. B. Mackay. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m>; Sunday school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. Chalmers, St. Lawrence Main street, above Sherbrooke street. — Bev. C. Heine. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sabbath school at S p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock.' St. Joseph street, west. — Bev. Thomas Cumming. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school at 3 p.m. I^ayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.45. Nazareth street Mission, comer Wellington and Nazareth streets, in connection with the Crescent street Presbjrterian Church. Sunday at 7 p.m. ; Sabbath-school at 2.30 p.m. Taylor Church, Champlain street.— Bev. J. J. Casey. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday-school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7.46. Hochelaga Mission Station.— Services and Sunday-school each Sabbath. Saviour's Church <French), Canning street.— Bev. A. B. Cruchet. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday-school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m. American Presbyterian Churchy Dorchester street.— Bev. O. H. Wells. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school at 3 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 o'dodc Mission Church &9d School, 77 Inspector street.— Bev. A. L. MoFayden, B.A. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sunday school at 9.30 a.m. el and '[('if uhaak. school dation, Bev. J. I school II Hall). Sunday . Meek > 3 p.m. meeting I. Black. Prayer 11 a.m. Prayer .m. and Bsday at street.— «}hoolat lockii^ Yioes at meeting fazareth >yterian Services b 3 p.m. )oleach A. B. »ol and ningat 7. Gt, H. t 8 p.m. • A. li. ' school POIildES Of 9iW9iwj dcserlpilon Inraed twmm hmmmrdouM occtipatton do not void tlio Policy* Methoditt Church of Canada.— In connection with this denomi- nation there are in the city and suburbL 13 churches and 6 mis- sion stations; as follows .*— 1st Oircuit. — St. James Stref^t, Church and St. Lawrence Mission. Bev. J. Potts, D.D. 2nd Circuit.— Ottawa Street Church and Mill Street Mission. Bev. W. Galbraith, L.L.B. ' ~ 3rd Circuit. — Palace Street Church, Bev. J. M. Hagar, M. A. 4th Circuit.-f-Dorchester Street Church and DesriviSres Street Blission. Bev. James Henderson. 6th Circuit.— St. Joseph Street Church. Bev. Wm. Jackson. 6th Circuit. — Sherbrooke Street Church. Bev. A. B. Chambers) 1j.Ij.B. 7th Circuit.— Point St. Charles Church. Bev. D. Y . Lucas, A.M 6th Circuit.— Douglas Church. Bev. James Awde, B.A, 9th Circuit.— Cote St. Paul Church. Bev. W. Somerville. 10th Circuit. — ^Lachine. Bev. J. Pinel. 11th Circuit. — St. Lambert and St Lawrence. Bev. W. W* Madge, B.A. 12th Circuit.— (Mount Boyal), Outremont, Cote St. Antoine and Tanneries. Bev. C. H. Lawrence. First French Methodist Church. Bev. L. N. Beaudry. Bev. Principal Douglas, L.L.D., Bev. J. Borland, Bev. E. Botterel, Bev. Professor Shaw, A.M., the students of the Wes- leyan Theological College, and 21 local preachers, frequently assist in the different churches &nd missions. The Montreal District, of which Bev. W. Galbraith, L.L.B., is -chairman, embracing, besides the city, the country north of Mon- treal, and South as far as the Province Line, includes 28 circuits and 85 ministers. The Montreal Conference, one of the seven Conferences of the Methodist Church of Canada, includes the Districts of Napanee, Kingston, Brockville, Perth, Pembroke, Ottawa, Montreal, Stan- stead, Waterloo, Quebec, and the French District of which Bev. W. Scott is superintendent, on which are engaged 186 ministers and 26 probationers. Bopfitf^.— First Baptist Church, comer of City Councillor an3 St. Catherine streets.— J. Wheatton Smith, D.D., pastor. Ser- Tioet at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sabbath school at 3 p.m. Wednesday, prayer meeting «t 8 p.m. >iiniZI Ck>te St. Lonia Mission in connection with the First Bapi Ohoroh. Service at 11 a.m. ; Sundiqr-school at 3 p.m. = i I' ■Hi .. ii' 1:'^ CITlKBBrS INBVBASCm COJUPAAT.-I.Q^VII are arranted after three years lit Ibree* 170 GHUBCHES AKD CHAPELS. mi Olivet Baptist Church, comer Mountain and Osborne streets.— Bev. Albert G. Upton. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.; Sfibbath- ■dhool and Bible class at 8 p.m. Weduesdayf prayer meeting at 8 p.m. The Oratoire. —(French) f Manoe street, near St. Catherine street.— Bev. T. Lafleur, pastor, 96 St. Famille street. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting, Wednesday at 8 p.m. Congregatianal.^'Zion Church, St. Catherine street.— .Bev. A. J. Bray, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Emmanuel Church, comer St. Catherine and Stanley streets.— Bev. J. F. Stevenson, D.D., L.L.B., pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday-school and Bible class at 3 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. Calvary Church, Ouy street, between St. Antoine and Dor- chester streets. Bev. Edward Hill, M.A., pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday-school, 8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m. fiH Unitarian.^ Church of the Messiah, Beaver Hall Hill. Bev. J. Cordner, L.Ii.D., honorary pastor; Bev..W. S. Barnes, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; Sunday-school at 12.16 p.m. Oerman Protestant. — St. John's Church, 129 St. Dominique street. Bev. W. Braunwarth, minister. Services at 10.80 a.m. ; Sunday-school at 2.80 p.m. Swedenhorgian. — ^Kew Jerusalem Church, comer of Dorchester and^anover streets. Bev. E. Ctould. Service at 11 a.m. Advent Christian Church, 1810 St. ;.Catherine street.— Pn blio services on Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m< Young Msk's Chbistiak Absooiatiok, St. Badegonde street, near Craig. — ^The following meetings asw held every week : daily prayer meeting ttom 12.15 to 1 ; BiUe class Tuesday evening, from 8 to 9 ; boys' prayer meeting on Friday evening from 8 to 9 ; vouDg men'H prayer meeting on Saturday evening from 8 to 9 ; becpmers ]^ble4dasB 9.80 to 10.80 Sunday a.m. ; young men's Bible class on Sunday afternoon from 8 to 4 ; gospel temperance meeting on Sunday afternoon Irom 4.15 to 5.16 ; evangelistic meeting on Sunday evening at 8.30. Strangers are welcome to all the mee&igs. YouNoWo]aBM'BCHBi9XiAKA8800iA.TiO!ir, 101 MetcalliB Street.— Sunday, Bibl9 class for young women, 8i.80 pan. ; service of wmg^ S o'dooc Thursday, union prayer meeting. epen to aHla4iei) 10*80 a.m. ; business meeting, «>r members only, 11 a.m. JHday, young women's prayer meeting, 8 p.m. Specaal prayer meeting on behalf of seamen, first Thursday of eadi month, at 10 a.m. 'Jt yHBOR BBCVKITT OF m UUPB POl^ICUB I<ib«nil Surrenders allowed. itreets.— > ISfibbath- jieeting at Catherine Services ip.m. V. A. J. y, 8 p.m. streets.— it 11 a.m. tdnesday, and Dor- ces at 11 p.m. Bey. J. h pastor. ).m. •ominique ).80 a.m. ; Dorchester 1. —Pa blic le street, )k: daily ing,trom 9; vomig MBiimers > class on eting on eting on D60&lg8. street.- of song, ajbSiS; Friday, meeting s.m. OHUBOHES AND CHAPELS. 171 BOMAN OATHOUG. Oathedral, 129 Cathedral street.— Low mass on week days, 6.80, 6.80, 7.80 a.m. Sunday, 6.30, 6, 6.30, 7.30; high mass, 10 a.m.; yespers, 8.16 p.m.; eyening, 7. Church of the Jesu, 144 Bleury street. — ^Low mass on week days, 6.16, 6, 6.30, 7 and 7.80. Sunday, 6.16, 6, 7 and 8 ; high mass, 10 a.m.; yespers, 3.30, 6.30 and 8 p.m. Notre Fame (Parish), Place d'Armes.— Summer, low mass, 6, 6.80, 6, 6.80, 7, 7.80 and 8 a.m.; winter 6.80, 6, 6.30, 7, 7.30 and 8 a.m. Sundays and obligatory feasts, high mass, 10 a.m.; yespers, 8.80 p.m. St. Patrick's (Parish), comer of Alexander and Lagauchetiere streets.— Sunday, low mass, 6, 7 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m.; yespers, 8.86 p.m. Week days, low mass, 5.30, 6, 7 a.m. in summer; 6, 7, 7.80 a.m. in winter. St. James (Parish). St. Denis street.— Low mass, summer, 6, 7, 8 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m., yespers. 3.30 p.m. Week days, sum- mer, 6>80, 6.16, 7 a.m.; winter, 6, 6.45, 7.30 a.m. Bonsecours C!hurch, St. Paul street. — Low mass, 6.30 and 7.30 a.m.; eyening, 6.30. From 1st Noy. to 1st May, low mass at 7 and 8 a,m.; eyening, 5.30. General Hospital Church, Grey Nunnery, Guy street.— Low mass, 6 a.m. Hospice St. Joseph, Cathedral street.— Low mass, 6 a.m. Hotel Dieu, Pine ayenue. — ^Low mass, 6.30 and 7.30 a.m.; high mass, 9.30 a.m.; yespers, 2.30 p.m. Notre Dame de Grace.— Low mass, 6.30 a.m.; high mass, 9.30 a.m.; yespers, 3 p.m. Notre Dame des Anges, Lagauchetiere street.— Low mass, sum- mer, 6.30 a.m.; winter, 6.15 am.; Sunday, 7 a.m. Kotre Dame des Neiges.—- Low mass, 6.30 a.m.; winter, 6.45 a,m.; eyening seryice, 5.30. Notre Dame de Pitie, 256 Notre Dame street.— Sunday) mass, 7.80 a.iu. Low mass in summer, 6.30 a.m.; winter, 7 a.m. St. Ann's, 28 Basin street, comer McCord.— Low .mass on week days, 6.80 and 7 a.m. Sunday, 6, 7, 8 and 9 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m.; yespers, 7 p.m. St. Bridget's, corner Dorchester and Ghamplain streets. — ^Low mass, summer, 5.80, 6.30, 8 a.m. (English), 10 a.m., French ; yes- pers, 8 p.m.; English service, 7 p.m. St. Joseph's 316 Bichmond street. — Low mass, 5.30, 6.15 and 7 a.m. Sunday, 5.45, 7 and 8 a.m.; high mass, 10.16 a.m. St. Peter's, corner Visitation and Dorchester streets.— Winter, loir mass, 6, 7 and 8 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m.; yespers, 2.30 p.m. Bummer, low maw, 5.80, 6.30 and 7.30 a.m.; high mass, 10 a.m. ; -vespers, 8 p.m. 4 m I, I r i If:! 'K" !| tiill I'll, THE crnoEBHa nrBmiAsicB co.- ■ircdy for whleli low fl^iuras will «1m 1>9 BELIOIOUS SOCIETIES. St. Vincent de Paul, St. Catherine street.— Low nass, 7.S0 a.m. high mass, 10 a.m.; veBpers, 8 p.m. Special mass every month «t 8.80 for the English population. L'Enfant J^bus du Coteau St. Louis. — Low mass, 6.30, 7.30 a.m.; high massi 10 a.m.; vespers, 3 p.m. in winter and 7.30 p.m. in summer. ' JEWISH. Portuguese Synagogue, Cheneville street. — Bev. Mendola deSola, Babbi. German, English and Polish Synagogue, St. Constant street* near Yitre.— Bev. E. Freidlander, Babbi. Temple Emanu-el (Beformed Jewish), Beaver Hall Hill. — Bev; Samuel Marks, Babbi. Hours of service — ^Friday evening at 7.30 . Saturday morning at 10.80. EELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. Montrbaij AuxiiiiiABY BiBLE SociBTT. — Hou. J. Fcrrier, presi- dent ; Principal Dawson, L.L.D., Bev. Dr. Wilkes, His Lordship the Bishop of Montreal, W. Lunn, vice-presidents; Bev. Prof. Gomishf L.L.D., corresponding secretary ; Professor A. Johnson, L.L.D., recording secretary; H. Yennor, treasurer; E. Stacy, general agent and depositary ; Bev. J. Green, district secretary.' MoirrBBAL Ladies' Biblb Association.— Bible house, comer Craig and St. Badegonde streets, Mrs. J. W Dawson, president ; Mrs. P. Bedpath, vice-president; Miss J. S. Evans, treasurer; Mrs. Lewis, secretary. CoiibmAii Ghubch and Sohooii Socibtt. . .Incorporated by Act of Parliament. — Her Most Gracious Mi^esty the Queen, patron ; His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, and His Grace the Archbishop of York, vice-patrons. Corresponding Committee of the Diocese of Montreal— The Lord Bishop of Montreal, presi- dent; Yen. Archdeacon Evans, M.A., secretary; Bev. Canon Empson. M.A., treasurer; and several (dergyman and laymen. Place of meeting, St. George's School-house, Stanley street. Towo Mbh'8 Chbistian Asbooiation.— J. Murray Smith, president ; Geo. Hague, T. James Claxton, Dr Kelley, J. J. Mae- mMI good ConinteretAl Risks ■peeially 4i^ !■ all priB«lp«l towns. Losses pmMLt OTSr •I»8O0»«t#. W. Paul) B. Henderson, A. Kingman, B. H. Baohanan, Geo. Bit- hop, Warden King, H. J. Madge, H. L. Putnam, J. Dumareaa,^ W. B. Dawion, W. G. Brown, F. E. Jodery, A. D. Lanskail, Ghas. Gushing. J. Ivinson, G. W. Lamb, T. w. Fairman, Bobt, Smith, J. B. Picken, W. Tees. H. W. Baohanan, Bobert Logie, J. T. Donald, T, B. Brown, H. O. Wilson, G. E. T. Woodley, John Kennedy, G. E. Williams, W. Sloan, committee. YouNO Wombn's Chbistian Absooiation.— Mrs. D. Macphie, president ; Mrs. E. K. Greene, Mrs. J. Mcintosh, Mrs. Gorse, yiee- presidents ; Miss J. Macfarlane, recording-secretary ; Miss E. H. Ogilvie, corresponding-secretary ; Miss Walker, treasurer. IHreo- tors — Mrs. John Macdougall, Mrs. J. F. Stevenson, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. J. Edgar Hill, Mrs. J. S. Black, Mrs. A. B. Maokay, Mrs. H. McLennan, Mrs. D. Morrice. Superintendent — Miss Bayly. Booms, 101 Metcalfe street. St. Georgb's Youno Men's Christian Association.— Patron, the Lord Bishop of Montreal; Bev. Canon Carmichael, M.A., president ; Bev. J. G. Baylis, Ist vioe-prcsident ; S. C. Kyte, 2nd vice-president; W. W. L. Chipman, secretary; W. D. Parker, assistant-secretary; F. Hamilton, treasurer; Joseph Tompkins, librarian. The regular meetings of the Association are held in the St. George's Chnrch, school house, Stanley street every Sj^ter- nate Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Secretary's address,' 6 Place d'Armes. Trinity Church Association.— The Lord Bishop of Montreal, honorary president ; Bev. W. L. Mills, clerical president ; H. W. Garth, vice-president ; A. C. Wurtele, 2nd vice-president ; T. W. Messorier, sec^tary; G. W. Meakins, treasurer; George Sully, librarian. Meets in the chapel of Trinity Church alternate Mon- day evenings at 8 o'clock. MONTRRAIi AUXIIilART MISSIONARY SOCIETY, St. JAMBS StRKKP Methodist Church.— Bev. John Potts, D.D., chairman; James Ferrier, jr., treasurer; J. A. Mathewson, secretary. Le Grande LtONE Mission.— Bev. W. W. Clarke, D.D, presi- dent; J. Bichards, secretary-treasurer; Bev. T. Laileur, record- ing-secretary ; Bev. Chas. Boux, principal} at the Grande Ligne Institute. AU contributions to the Mission to be addressed^ to Joseph Bichards, 114 St. Peter street, Montreal. MOMTBKAIi AUXIUABT BeUOIOUS TbACT SOGIBTT.— J. A. llCathewson, president; Principal Dawson and Warden King, vice-presidents; W. Drysdale, secretary; W. King, treasurer; EL fiftacey, depositary. Committee— Besident ministers of th^ Goipel, with W. Diysdale, James Boss, J. O. Parks, George HagOB) A. A. Ayer, B. A. Palmer, John Murphy, and D. Bentley. tfi ' ■« I < I i :.i ^l ;r ■m J ciTisExs wsimvnAMcm cohpastt— no ADTAlf TAQEA OR AECUBITT TO 174 BEUOIOUS SOCIBTIES. (EuvRB BT Fabbzqub OB NoTBB Damb, 42 St. Solpioo 8tre«t.— Bev. L. A. Santenne, preiident: Jaoquei Grenier, S. Rivard, J« B. BoUand, ohurohwardent : A. Dubord, assistant seoretdry- treasurer; Simdon MondoOf clerk ; O. Lagaod, beadle. Oemetery Department, Oote des Neiffes.~Au9aste A. Dubord, derk ; Jos. H. Desohampe, keeper ; E. Dapr6, omef constable. Sbmiitabt of St. Sulpicb, 890 Notre Dame street. Established 1667.— Terr Bev. L. Oolin. superior ; Bev. J. Baile, Bev. L. Begourdt Kev. B. Orai\Jon, Bev. E. Picard, Bev. M. Bonnissant, Bev. A. Ouoq; Bev. F, Daniel, Bev. A. Giband, Bev. D. Tam- bareau, deoon; Bev. J. Singer. Bev. J. B. I^furue, procurator; Bev. B. Bonsaeau, Bev. J. Tallet, Bev. L. A. Sentenne, parish K'est; Ber. F. Ifartineau, Bev. 0. Desrochers, Bev. Y. Soxin, V. A. Oampion, Bev. A. Deschamps, Bev. D. Ldvesque, Bev. Jos. Ij6veill^, Bev. W, Duckett, Bev. J. Gaudin, Bev. J. M. Guihot) Bev. A. Levallois, Olero minora. AssooiATioN DBS Damba db Ohabitb, 68 Oathcdral street.— Fbunded 1867 — ^Meets first Wednesday after first Sunday of every three months. ' OoNFSEBiB SB St. JOSEPH .—Fbunded 1867. Meets first Sunday in ^exj month at 6.80 p.m., and following Wednesday at 6 a.m. in St. Joseph^s Ohurchi Cathedral street. CtoNOBBGATION DBS DbMOISBLLBS DB NoTBB DAMB DE LA YlO- soiBB, EouBB DB NoTBB Damb DE PmB. — Fouudod 1668, by the Venerable Marguerite Bourgeois. gOBORBOAtlOB DBS EbFABTS DB MABIB, St. BrIDOBT^S GHUBOH. ieets once a fortnight in St. Bridget's Ohurch. Ck>NOBBOATIOK DBS FiIjIiBS DBI L'lHMAOUIiUS OONGBFTION, EausB St. Pibbbb.— Founded 1849. Meets every Sunday at 1.46 p.m. GonOBBOATIOB DB MABIE iMMAOUIiBB, EOLIBE Sx. JACQUBS.— Founded 1882. ^ Ck>BOBBOATi0N DBS Dambs DB SxB. Annb.— Foundad 1869. Meets every Sunday at 3 o'clock p.m., alternately with the Ckm- gr^fation of St. Yierge, in St. Joseph's Ohurch, Cathedral street. COBOBBBATIOB DBS DAMBS DE St. AbBB, St. BbXDOBT'B CftVBOH. ^Meets once a fortnight in St. Bridget's Church. OOHOBBOATiov DBS Fbtttes Sbbvamtbs DBS pAVVBBS — ^Foiuided in 1867. Meets every Sunday in Kotre Dame Ohurch at 1.30 p.m. CAJTADIAlf OOVPAKT 0WWEmm AVT orrvKmrnB i.ifb insvasits. ^ OpVORKOATIOW DB L4 TbX8 SAINTB YlIBOa MABIB IMMAOULBB. —Founded 1869. Meets every Sunday at 8 o'clock p.m., alter- nately with the Congrecfation of the Ladies of Ste. -.Vnne in St. Joseph's Church, Cathedral street. CoNORBGATiON DB SxE. Annb, St. Pbtbr's CBxntOH.— Founded 1860. Meets every other Sunday at 1.46 o'clock p.m. CONOBEOATIOir DRS HOMMBB DB YlLhE MABIB ^Eouudcd 1698. CONOBBOATIOK DBS HOMMES DB MaRIB IlffMiLOULBB, ST. Bbidoet's Chuuoh.— Meets every Sunday at 6.80 a.m. in St. Bridget's Church. COKORBOATION OF YOUNO Mbn OF OUB LADT OF THB SAOBBD Hbabt. COBOBBOATION DBS HOMMBS DU SaINT C(BVR DB MABIB.— Founded 1862. Meets every Sunday at 6.30 o'clock COKOBBOATION DBS JeUNBS GbVS DE NOTRE BaMB DU SACBB CoBUB.— Meets every Sunday and holiday of obligation at 7.80 a.m. INSTITUTIONS. Mbchanios' iNgTiTUTB.— Bobert Irwin, president; Henry Teulon, vice-president; N. B. Corse, treasurer; Dr. Kelley, secretary ; John Boyd, past president. General committee- William Beid, J. Fin^ay, D. Bentley, John Harper, John Mo- Galium, Peter *LyaIl, Henry Lampard, M. Hutchinson, J. W. Hughes, S. H. Parsons. OoVBOUi OF AbT8 AKD MAKUFACnTBES OF THB PROYIBOB OF QlTBBBO. — ^Members— Hon. £. Didnne, Commissioner of Agricul- ture and Public Works ; Hon. J. G. Blanchet. Provincial Secre- tary; Hon. G. Ouimet, Superintendent of Public Instruction; C. W. Carrier, Levis, president ; Hy. Bulmer, Montreal, vice-presi- dent ; S. 0. Stephenson, B.A., Montreal, secretary ; J. B. Hol- land, printer and bookseller; Thos. White, M.P. ; Adolphe Iieveaue, architect, Andrew Boyd, manufacturer; Guillaume Boivin, manufacturer; Samuel E. Dawson, bookseller; M. J. F. Qninn, advocate; L. I. Boivin, commission merchant; Nap. Bourassa. artist; A. A. Stephenson ; all of the city of MontreaL Bev. Abb6 Octave Audet, Bergerville ; James Carrell, Quebeo; OyrUle Duquet, Jeweller, Quebec; J. F. Peachy, architect, Quebec ; Alex. G. Lomas, Sherbrooke. ,IJ. ■ I - ,r lil DTBUIIAKCB eO— Iif« luni«ni1il« tr«»tiB«Bt 176 INSTmiTIONS. MoNTRBAXi SociKTT OF DBOOBAnYB Abt.^H. B. H. PrinoeM • Louise, patroness; Mrs. Molsou and Mrs. Wheeler, honorary pnsidents ; Mrs. O. W. Stephens, president ; Mrs. Greenshields, Mrl^ Stimson, Miss Hile, vice-presidents : Mrs. J. Kennedy, treasurer ; Mrs. Crane, secretary. Booms, Phillips Square, Mrs. E. W. Bird, lady superintendent. Abt Association op Montrbal.— Incorporated I860.— Art Oallery, comer Phillips Square and St. Catherine street. His Ezoelleney the Governor-General and H. B. H. Princess Louise, patrons. Hon. Justice Mackay, president ; Bev. Canon Norman, Vice-president; B. W. Shepherd, treasurer. Council -W. Hall, F. B. MattheMTs, Hu^ McLennan, Bobt. Moat, W. G. Murray, Wm. Kotman, John Popham, A. D. Steele, Bussell Stephenson, F. Wolferstan Thomas, D. Allan Watt, Thomas White, M.P. S* English, secretary; F. Sweet, janitor. Grahd Trunk Bailway Litbrart and Soibntific Institvtb.— J. Hickson, president; H. Wallis, vice-president; A. Starke, secretary. Committee--Ja8. Anthony, chairman; D. Thomas, J. Clark, A. Sargeant, John Lang, Thomas Dalrymple, Joshua Ward, J. Li^horty, J. Pitt, F. Wildgoose, T. Stewart, C. Symonds, Frank wyer, H. Carmichael. Numismatic and Antiquarian Socibty of Montrbai<. — Organ- ized, 1862 ; incorporated 1870.— Hon. P. J. O. Chauveau, president; Hon. Judge Baby, 1st vice-president ; M. Henry Mott, 2nd vice- president; M. J. A. Nutter, treasurer and acting curator; Armand LaBocque, J. A. Nutter, Henry Mott, editing committee ; B. 0. Lyman, secretary. Ebtomoijooical Socibtt of Ontario. — Founded 1863; incor- porated by Act of the Legislature of Ontario.— Ifontreal Branch, organized 1873.— G. J. Bowles, president t Wm. Couper, vice- president ; F. B. Caulfleld, secretary-treasurer ; J. G. Jack. H. Graves, W. Shaw, H H. Lyman, members of council. P. O. Address, Box 266, Montreal. ... * Natural History Socibty.— President, Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, LLiD., F.B.G,S. ; vice-presidents. Principal Dawson, C.M.G., F.B S.. Prof. Marrington. J. H. Joseph, Prof. Dar^ Migot L.. A, H. Latour, Very Bev. Dean Baldwin, J. A. P. Watt, Bev. B. Campbell and W. H. Hingston, M.D.^ G. L. Marler, treasurer; Dr. J. Baker Edwards, corresponding secretary; Geo. Sumner, recording secretary ; J. T. Donald, B. A., editor of Naturali$t, Council, M. H. Brisette, J. Bemrose^ J. T. Donald, B.A., J. S. Shearer, Dr. Osier, Ed. Miurphy, Walter Ferrier and J. H. B. Molsou. Library committee. F. W. Hicks, Wm. Muir, J. Bemr ros€^ S. T. Chambers and Dr. D. C. McLaren. Cabinet-keepw and librarian, Wm. Muir. kti^tteadlMr VadMibtMl BMorttj It mmwdm4 of Ito Piropvtotarj aad DiMeton. Trs Montbeal SaiijOBS* Institutb, 910 Gommiisioners itreet. —A. AUan, president; C. Alexander, vioe-preiident ; H. Mc- Lennany treMurer; P. S. Boifl, seoretaiy; John Bitobie, manager. ''^ UwiVBRgmr LriBRAiiT Society.— Afoeti every week during the Wfiion of the Faculty of AiU, on Friday evenings. The societv ii composed of graduates apd under graduates of the McOill col- lege. Members of oth^r universities may also join. Booms on Phillips square. Ikstititt Oabadibn.— Library at the Olub GanacHen, Lagauche- tiere street. Joseph Doutre, Q.C., president; Hugh Mackay, vice-president ; A. Boisseau, secretary ; Hon. J. B. Thibaudeau. treasurer ; P. B. Badeaux. librarian ; Bev. Theo. Lafleur, Alfrea Brunet, N. Aubin, T. J. Claxton, Dr. P. E. Pioault, directors ; S. A. Abbott and T. H. Kobillard, auditors. CBUYRB DBS BoNS LiVBBS, 827 Notrc Dame street.— Founded 1844. Bev. L. Begourd, director. The library consists of about 9,000 volumes. Open every day between 9 and 11 a.m., and 2 and 4 p.m. SociBTB HiSTORiQUE— Patron, Hon. P. J. O. Ohau^au. Founded in 1867 by Commander J. Yiger. Abb6 H. Verreau, president ; Hon. Justice O. Baby, vice-president; B. Bellemare, secretary; L. W. Marohand, treasurer ; L. A. H. Latour, librurian ; U. Ger- vais, assistant secretary. Meets last Wednesday of each month. Ibstitution Etuboobaphiqub.— Assogiatiob Ibiernatiobalb DBS HoMMES DB SCIENCE, General office, Paris, France. — ^Presi- dent, Leon de Bosny; Ist vice-president, Count de Montblanc; 2nd vice-president, D^ Legrand ; general secretary, P. de Lucy- Fossarieu ; joint-secretary, Bons d'Anty ; librarian, W. H6g(U ; treasurer, O. Pitrou ; central council, P. de Lucy-Fossarieu, Br. Legrand, Count de Montblanc, Y.-A. Malte-Brun, Dr. Mdne, Octave Pitrou, Benoit du Bey, — Langeron, — Pourcelt, — Lesouef, L6on de Bosny, O. Yillemereuil (le comm. de), Le marq, d'Hervey, Senator Camot, Col. Duhousset, Baron Jules de Lessens, Madier de Montjau, — Castaing, Adrien de Longp6rier, Charles Budy ; patron : — the Marquis of Lome ; general delegate, Bev. John Campbell, St. Luke street, Montreal; joint delegate, Prof. P. J. Darey, MoGillUniversity, Montreal; Provincial delegates- Province of Quebec, J. M. Lemoine, F.B.S.C., Quebec ; Province <tf Ontario, W. N. Yanjder Smissen, Toronto University, Toronto; Bei\jamin Suite, corresponding delegate, Militia Department, Ottawa; Province of Ncrrv S^^olia, O. M. Greer, Halifax ; Province of Manitoba. Bev. Prof. Bryce, Manitoba OoUege, Winnipeg ; Province of British Columbia, Dr. J. W. Powell, Indian Depart- ment, Yictoria ; permanent delegates, F. Fortescue. York Factory ; B. Macfarlane, Fort Chipweyan ; B. Macdonald, Mackenzie Biver, v^^ii fN m^'^,' IflLE CmZfiNS K^SUBANCV COKFAirT.-TlM MOST on tli» Continent Mm lraa«4l Uw 178 CLUBS. TJkiov Gatqouqujb. — P. B. Miniaolt. president; Oharles Ohapu^ l8t vice-president; Dr. H. Merrill, 2nd vice-president; Joseph Desrosiers, secretaiy ; J. G. Laurendeau, assistant secre- tary; Alphonse Ledaire, treasurer; M. Porfelance, assistant treasurer; Edward Schmidt, librarian. Councillors. B. A. T. de Montigny, A. de Bonpart, J. 0. Auger, J. O. Peltier, F. A. Quinn, Dr. Guerin, S, Lachance. CLUBS. MsTBOFOUXAN Club, 87 Beaver Hall terrace.— Joseph Hickson, President ; John Atkin, vice-president ; J. M. Buknall, treasurer ; F. H. Reynolds, secretary. ^ Gmr GiiUB, 171 St. James street.— John Potts, manager. St. Jables' Club, Dorchester street, corner University. — Gr. E. SmiEdl, manager and secretary. ViCTOBiA SiRtiTiNO Ci^UB.— Honorary members — ^His Excellency theMarquis of Lansdowne, the Marchioness of Lansdowne, the Most Honorable the Marquis of Lome, H. B. H. the Princess liOuise, H. B. H. Prince Arthur, H. I. H. the Grand Duke Alexis of Bussia, the Bight Hon. the Earl of Dufferin, the Countess of Dufferin, the Bight Hon. Lord Monck. Life member— James Torrance. President — Fred. C. Heushaw. Vice-president— E. S. Glouston. Directors -C. Peers Davidson, Q.C., H.V.Meredith, H. G. Strathy, Chas. Baynes, H, Montagu Allan. W. Alex. Caldwell, secretary. ^ - BoYAL GaiiBbonian CuBMNa CiiUB OF SCOTLAND. — Glub room at Thistle Glub room, Monique street. Officers of Canadian branch, Colonel Dyde, C.M.G., president; Alex. MitcheU, vice- president ; Alex. Murray, secretary-treasurer. Montreal Thistle Cublino Club.— Organized 1842, incorpor- ated 1870. B. M. Esdaile, president; Charles Cassils, vice- president ; Chas. J. Baird. treasurer ; Geo. Kay, secretary ; Bev. J. Glark^ Murray, IjL.D., chaplain; representative members, Alex. Mcpherson and Geo. S. Brash. Montbbal GuBLiNa Club, 1079 St. Catherine street.— Founded 1807. Patron, His Excellency the Marquis of LorHe. Jas. Wil- liamson, president; W. "W. Ogilvie, vice-president; W. W. Watson, secretary-treasurer. Bepresentative members, A. T. Paterson and G. A. Drummond. Bink Committee, H. A. Budden, B. W. Tyre, F. Cole, W. S. Fenwick and H. Haswell. Auditor, A. F. BiddelU Chaplain, Bev. J. Williamson. -« UEBBRAli mna REMUNERATIVE ACriBBUT POULCT ihto CompMij at 95 per 111600. CLUBS. 179 MoMTBBAii Gaiadonian CuBLmo GiiUB. — Bink comer Moantain and St. Catherine streets. Organized 1860, incorporated 1868. President, Thomas Bobin ; vice-president, John Bobertson ; trear 1 surer. David Bobertson; secretary, Bobert Wilson; committee, Col. A. A. Stevenson, Wm. Wilson, Bobert FeeL D. M. McGavin ; representative members, Wm. McGibbon, Daniel Wilson ; chap- lain, Bev. Canon Ellegood. 1 cellency ^ne, the Princess e Alexis intess of —James It— E. 8. eredith, r. Alex. ^H lb room anadian 11, vice- 1 Qcorpor- 8, vice- y; Bev. emberi^ 'ounded M.Wil- W. W. A. T. Sudden, Luditor, MoKTBEAL Snow Shoe Club. — Club rooms, Montreal Gym- nasium, Mansfield street, P. 0. box 1188. Angus Grant, honorary permanent president; W. L. Maltby, president; H. W. Becket^ 1st vice-president; G. B. Starke, 2nd vice-president; committee, W. D. Aird, B. A. Beckett, W. Cairns, G. A. Neville, T. L. Paton, G. L. Sait, B. Summerhayes; H. S. Tibbs, treasurer; D. D. McLaggart, secretary. St. Geoboe Snow Shoe CijUb. — F. C. Henshaw, president; Stuart Howard, Ist vice-president; C. D. ^ank, 2nd vice-presi- dent ; W. L. Mathews, hon. secretary; C. Lamothe, hon. treasurer; J. C. Bowdeu, B. J. Boss, Geo. Holiday, B. P. Adams, C. Young, K.Mathews, A* Beaudry. Club address, post oifice box 843, Montreal. Abotlb Snow Shoe CLtT^— Dr. T. A. Bodger, honorary presi- dent ; A. Bennetts, president ; G. Temple, vice president ; W. Cuthbert, honorary secretary; H. Bussell, honorary treasurer; committee, D. Fraser, M. O'Brien, G. Milne and W. Bumie. Club room. Congregation street, Point St. Charles. Shambock Lacbossb Club.— W. Stafford, honorary president; Jas. McShane, jr., M.P.P., president; Dr. Guerin, 1st vice^ president ; M. Ajrahill, 2nd vice-president ; P. J. McElroy, trea- surer ; T. E. McNamara, honorary secretary ; T. Daly, assistant secretay; M. J. Nolan, captain; committee, P. McKeown, J, Morton, J. P. Clark; W. Snow, M. F. Nolan^T. Prior, T. Meehan, E. Thouret; J. Walder« J. Hoctor and T. Wall; auditors, J. P. Clark, W. Byan and J. Somerville. YoxTNO Shambock Lacbosse Club. — Aid. Tansey, honorary president; Henry Stafford, president; James McClure, 1st vice- president; Marcus P. Kelly, 2nd vice-president; James E. Mor- risey, secretary; D. McDonald, assistant secretary; P. Downs, treasurer ; John Hughes, field captain ; committee, J. Ahem, T. Curran, T. McBreharty, J. Beddy. J. ColHgau, J. McDonnell, P. Loomey, T. Lynch, J. Walsh, Jno. O'Keefe, M. McBreharty; auditors, J. Beddy, M. McBreharty and T. B. Currim. : !'! ^ i i .! . '}■ \ with Ouudiatt OoTenuMnt for ipadal Meuitj of 'BvUtsj 180 CLUBS. MoNTBBAii Lacbossb Glub — Glub rooms, Montreal Gym- nasium, Mansfield street, track and grounds, Sherbrooke street west, P. O. box 1138. Honorary permanent president, Dr. W. G. Beers; W. H. Becket, president, G-. B. Marler, 1st vice-president; W. Gaims, 2nd vice-president; H. S. Tibbs, treasurer; Thos. L. Faton, honorary secretary ; committee, Geo. Aird, B. A. Elliot, Jno. Kay, W. L. Maltby, J. Faton, B. B. Boss, J. H. Wardlow. iNDEPBinniiT Lacsosse GiiUB.— James Scullion, honorary presi* dent; John Lewis, president; J. J. Walker, Ist vice-president; B. Dunphy, 2nd vice-president ; D. Phelan, treasurer ; Wm. Sctd- lion, secretary ; M. O. Gonnell, field captain ; committee, M. M. Kannon, M.D., chairman; M. Byan, E. Giroux, B. Boyd, P. Tucker, J. Bain, M. Madigan, J. Lynch and W. Murray. All communications may be addressed to the secretary at his resi- dence, 11 Richmond avenue, or care James Scullion, 24 Anderson street. SiiiVBB Leaf Laobossb Glub. -John Kelly, president; Wm. Wilson, vice-president; John Dann. secretary: Wm'. Elliott, treasurer; committee, Wm. Burke, Wm. Hale. Wm. Gonway, Walter Peverley, Joseph Kelly, James McDonnel,' John Meehan, Thos. Macguire. Meetings are held at their hall, 275^ Seigneurs street. — ' . ^ • AxHiiBTic Lacbossb Glub. — Henry E. Bryson, president; D. Phelan, Ist vice-president; T. Hughes, 2nd vice-president; W. Scullion, secretary; Edwin Elliott, treasurer; committee, Wm. Blaiklock, E. Giroux, J. Hyland, J. Ljmch, J. Thomas, M. O'Gon- nell, J. B. Ellis ; auditors, B. G. Taylor, Jas. Green, J. Blaiklock. Young Domikion Laobossb Glub. — J. Brown, president; E. Michael, vice-president ; W. Airlie, secretary and treasurer ; com- mittee, J. Blackie, P. Murphy, T. Miller, A. Smith, A. Bennet. MoBrrsBAL Cbicket Glub.— Glub Boom, Gricket Grounds, St. Gatherine street. — ^president, Angus G. Hooper; vice-president, Walter Wilson. Gommittee— J. G. Badgley, A. F. Beevor, G. E. Smyth, F. Standiffe. E. Gough, E. W. Arthy. Sec-treasurer, F. Standiffe, 176 St. James street. MoBTBBAL Foot-Ball Glub.— B. M. Esdaile, president; H. Abbott, 1st vice-president; G. Lane, 2nd vice-president; B. Gampbell, captain; J. N. Fulton, honorary secretary; B. David- son, honoranr treasurer; Gommittee, G. L. Gains, F. Gains, B. Stirling, A. E. Abbott, H. B. Drummond. BaiTAinnA. Foot-Balx* Olvb.— Club roomi, Montreal Oyai- nMinm. B. D. MoGibbo% pfMident; W. 8. Ktnj, lit yim- pMfUlait ; Jm. O. B<fM. tad Tioe-ptwidaaf; B. Mdjaod, Mext taxy ; ▲. ChfiU. inMoxer; M. 8. BlaiUo(%, o^ptein; coBmitlMu X. Itooiif. R. M. Belohffi, J. BardftT, 1. K. Bnioe, J. M eLnaan, J, J. AnnMii, jr., S. W. Cooke; maieh oomniillet. 8. M. BlelUodt, J\i MoLemittii) B:. Young. Secreteiy*t«ddreee,Ba]ikofMoatoeid. . XoOxiiL UmTSBnTT Foot-Bau. Ci<vb.— dub room, Stndenti' reading-room, main building Faeol^ of Arte. Gompbaed onlr of gtndenti of McGill tMT«rtitT; oolonu avdea and white. Tbie ^nb plays the Bngby UBionxalee. J. H. Bogera (law), president ; B. fl. Hamilton (App. se.), captain; J. L. Hialcq^ (App. ac.), treaaorer; J. K. Unaworth (Arte), aecretary; oonunittee, A. W. Smith (Law), B. Kennedy (Arte), Geo. Bogera (Arts), G. C. tTright (Arts), J. B. Blder (Medidne). MoMTRBAii SwiMMiKft GiiUB.— A. G. Lord, president; K. Swain, lat vice-president; Lt.-CSol. Bond, 2nd vice-president; J. Krose, secretary; C!ol. Labranch^ manager; committee, B. Beinhold, B. Thompson, Dr. Finnic, J. Simmons, J. T. Barlow, jr., G. Boaa, E. Iiaroncdle. Gbakd Tbuhx Boatiko GiiUB. — Sir Henxy W. Tyler, patron ; Joseph Hiokson, honorary president; L. J. Seaigeant, W. Wain- right, H. Wallis, E. P. Hannalbrd and W. J. spioer, h<moraxy Tieajpssiidenta; james Anthony, ar., preaident: Bobert Benk^ lat ▼ici'^taaldeiit^ohnLaing.jr', 2nd Tioe-prerident; J. B. Lewia. treasurer; E. w. SnmmerudUl, aeeretaiy; Geo. Bodr, aaatati&t aecretary; captain, Joseph Jjaing; committee, A. Tumbnl], J. Godkfield, J. Underwood, J. Beattieu J. J. Toomej, J. H. Sum- merakill, J. Powel, J. Maurice. Secretary'a address, Grand Trunk Bailway. MoNTRXAL BiCTCiA GiiUB.— Club BoomB, Montreal Gymnaaium, Manaaeld atreet P. O. Box 1148. H. 8. Tibba, preaident ; A. T. Laaa; Tice-presideBt; J. D. MiUer, hon. aecmtary-treaauxar. CMuBitta. W. G. Boaa, B. MaeCulloch, G. BeSoU: J. iX Low, oaplaiB^ Bollo Oampbell, lat Uentenant ; H. Joyce, tad lieuteBaat ; J« Wv littler, bu|^ ; Bobart Darling^ atandard bearer. lornMt KhIm Pr«iid«iais Andrew Allan 182 CLUBS. -MoiriB£AIi AUATliUIt Athlbtic ASBO0IATI09.--C0lQpOSed of Montreal Lacross&<31tib, MontrealSnow-Shoe Club and Montreal BioyoleCliib; Secretary ^Hi' S. ^ibba. Club House, Monireal- Gymnasium, Ms^afl&M str;— Gymnasium, bowling alleys, billiard room, shooting gallery, library, chess and olub rooms. Club Track and Grounds, Sherbiopke street, west— Lacrosse, archery, lawn tennis, croquet and other games. Board of Directors— W. L. Maltby, president ; H. W. Becket, vice-president ; T. L. Paton, hon. secretary; W. Cairns, treasurer; A. Grant, A. "Wt Steven- son, B. B. Boss, S. M. Baylis and H. S. Tibbs. Chairmen of sub- committees— H. W. Becket, out door sports ; H. S. Tibbs, enter- tainments ; S. W. Baylis, gymnasium ; W. Cairns, billiard room ; T. L. Paton, bowling and shooting; R. B. Ross, library and club rooms. MoKTBBAii Gymnasium (now the property of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association) comer of Mansfield and Bumside streets. » MoNTBEAL Chess Club.— Club Rooms, Montreal Amateur Ath- letic Association Gymnasium, Mansfield street. H. Aspinwall Howe, L.L.P., president; Thos. Workman and Prof. W. H. Hicks, vice-presidents ; J. G. Ascher, secretary-treasurer ; John Stirling, John Barry, J. W. Shaw, councilors. Evenings for play, Tues- days and Saturdays at 8 o'clock. MoNTBEAL GoLP Club.— Established 1873— Patrons : the Earl of Dufferin, and Marquis of Lome (Governor-General of Canada) ; J. Taylor, captain . D. D. Sidey, sec-treasurer. Members meet for play at the Club House, Fletcher's Field, Wednesday and Saturday at 3 o'clock. MoNTREAii Racket Coubt— 74 secretary-treasurer. St, George street — J. Vannack, V 4 Fish and Game Protection Club of the Pbovince of Quebec —president, ; vice-president, L. A. Boyer ; treasurer, T. Hiam ; secretary, G. H. Matthew. Cfommittee— F. J. Brady, R. H. Kilby, H.^R. Ive^, J. H. Steams, S. Cross, W. S* McFarlane, F. Henshaw, A. Deschamps, E. B. Goodacre, J. Nelson, W. Parker, G. Drolet, H. Rintoul, Geo. Mackinnon, J. C. Wilson. "easurer. ▼Ice-Pgcgmenti Ctorald g> Hart, General Haaaff «Va MASONIC. 188 MASONIC. Offigbbs of vhb Oband LoDoa of Qubbkc— M. W. Bro. E. B. Johnson, Stanstoad, G-rand Master ; B. W. Bro. Edson Fitch, Quebec, Depaty Grand Master; B. W. Bro. Samuel Kennedy, Quebec, D. D. G. M. Quebec and Three Bivers District ; B. W. Bro. J. Fred. Walker, D. D. G.M., Montreal District; B. W. Bro. GuBtavus Lucke, Sherbrooke, D. D. G. M., St. Francis District^ B. W. Bro. H. W. Wood, Knowlton, D. D. O. M., Bedford Bis^ trict; B. W. Bro. C. D. Ohitty, Hull, D. D. G. M., Ottawa District; B. W, Bro. A. G. Adams, Montreal. Grand Senior Warden; B. W. Bro. H. C. Blinn, Stanbridge, Grand Junior Warden ; B. W. Bro. Bev. M. M. FothergilL Quebec, and B, W. Bro. Bey. Lewis' Evans, Montreal, Grand Chaplains ; B. W. Bro. I. H. Steams, Montreal, re-elected, Grand Treasurer ; B. W. Bro. Thos. Darling, , Hull, Grand Registrar ; B. W. Bro. John H. Isaacson, Montret^, re-elected, Grand Secretary; V. W. Bro. Charles Byrd, Montr al, Grand Senior Deacon ; Y. W. Bro. E. T. D. Chambers, Quebec, Grand Junior Deacon; V. W. Bro. W. M, Pike. Stnnatead, Grand Director of Ceremonies ; V. W. Bro. Bobert Nesbitt, HuU, Qrand « )rganist ; V. W. Bro. Edward May, Point St, Charles, Grand Pursuivant; V. W. Bro. F. F. Farrier, Three Rivers, V. W. Bro. H. D. Moore, Moore's Station, V. W. Bro. Augustus E. Lee, Danville^ V. W. Bro. D. Anderson, Montreal, Grand Stewards ; Bro, J. Chesney, Sherbrooke, Grand Tyler. Officers of the Gband Chapter of Qubbbc, 1883. — H. Luke Bobinson, " Waterloo, Grand 1st Principal, Z ; Samuel Kennedy, Quebec, Grand 2nd Principal H ; Angus Grant, Montreal, Grand 3rd Principal J ; Joseph Martin, Montreal, Grand Superintendent Montreal District; J. P. Xoyes, Waterloo, Grand Suporint-^hdent Eastern Townships t Chas. Knowles, Quebec, Grand Supeiiuten- dent Stadacona District ; A. D. Nelson, Montreal, Grand Treasurer ; David Seath, Montreal, Grand Scribe E. ; Charles B. Willis, Montreal, Grand Scribe N. ; Edson Fitch, Quebec, Giand Principal Sojourner ; Hbv. Henry B. Nye. Bedford, Grand Assis- tant Sojourner ; H* E. Channel, Stanstead, Grand JuAior Sojour- ner ; Dickson Anderson, Montreal, Grand Pursuivant ; J. Massie, jr., Cowansville, Steward; Bernard Reed, Montreal, Steward; J. B. Charleson, Quebec, Steward; J. Chesney, Sherbrooke, Grand Janitor. Committee on Jurisprudencej Grievaiwes and Appea^9.— ,R. B, Comp. James Dunbar, Quebec, chairman ; B. E. Comp. H. W. WoodjM.D., Knowlton ; B. E. Comp. W. M. Lemessurier, Mon- treal. > Committee on Foreign Relations and Correspondence.— Y. E. Comp. Arthur F. Simpson, Lennoxville, chairman ; B. E. Comp. W. H. Whyte, Montreal ; B. B. Comp. J. P. Noyes, Waterloo. :**;^.-l^.,-.-|Ct#*w- , v. I Jfflll MABONia , Commiht9 on Financ^a and J9c>i«voIeiiM.— M. S. Comp. I. H. BleanMi llontiMly .ohainnaa ; V. B. Gomp. Jamm Bowcn, Jr., %aeb«e ; V. E. Comp. B/&r. H. W. ^y«, B«dford. OommiiUa on Or«<rcMft«Zt.— Y. E. Comp. J. MitehAll, Montnal, OhaixBMai E. Oomp. M. B. Schofltld, Sherbrook* ; B. Ck>mp. W. H. BoMel^ M.D., Qatbec. SuBOWxiVATB QKArrmaM of iiiBt»« n M oansAL :— RoTAii Abok 1Iam»i of Qusbbo OamariKm Chapter. 2To» 6, Q 12.— lC«6tt on fhiri Thundar of •ioh nontii, eze^t June, July and Angait, in fh« Boyal Albert C^Mpltir Boomt, 6 Pbillipt Sqawe. JKotin^ ITortfb Chaj^ar No. f Q.iZ.-^M Mto on Mcond Wednetday of •aoh month, in the British Meaonic Chambers, Notre Dama ■treat. Jfonlreal Chapter No. 7, Q.£.~Meets on second IWdaj of eadi a»onth, in the Canadian Masonic Chambers, Place d'Armes. Soual Albert Chajptert No. 8, Q.A.— Meets on third Wednesday in March. June, September and December, in their Chapter Boom, 6 Phillips Square. 8t. Charlee Chapter^ No. 9, Q.i?.— Meets on first Tuesday of each month,4n Masonic Hall, Point St. Charles. Biehard Cceur de Lion Preeeptoryj Montreal, of the United B^Ugious and Military Orders of the Temple, and of St. John of 9«roislem, Palestine, Bhodes and MiJta. Presiding Preceptor, B. E. Sir Xt. t A. O. Adams< K.C.T. : Constable, Sir Kt. t Joseph MitchsU ; MarshaU, Sir Kt. f James Martin ; Ch^dain, V. B. S^ Kt. X Wm. Young, M.D. ; Treasurer, E. E. Sir Kt. % I. H. Steams, X.€.T. ; Begistnur, Sir Kt. f John J. Beed : Sub-Marshall, Sir Kt t David B. B. Cofftn ; Captain of Guards, Sir Kt. f Biehard Tyler & Director of Ceremonies^ Sir Kt. f W. B. Outhbert ; 1st Standard Bearer, Sir Kt. f Gtoo. Crawford; and Standard Bearer, Sir Ki. f A, Meunleri Almoner, Sir Kt. f Joseph Martin; PnrsuiTant, Sir Bit. t A. B.* Slymonc ; Guard, Frater J. A. Biebardson. Meeta aft fheir Chapter House, 860 Notre Dame street, on the fourth Thun- dl^ d erexy mon^ except June, July and Augnstr Montreal Sovereign Coneietory, 88 degreee, Aneient mnd Aeeopled Stottieh B%te,'^'Fomtth Tuesday in each month, in the Asylum, 1448 St Caihexine street Moeheiaga Chapier of Boee Croiatf 18 degreee, A. A A. & P -« Third Toasday in each month, in the Asylum, 1448 St. CaiLtni>.«» ■treat Moehelaga Orand Lodge eif Perfection, 14 degreee, ASA.S.S. —Third Tuaaday in aaeh month, in the Asylum, 1448 8t Cathsrina ■treat *\ MM cMBied AfMii' tltf>M T^wm Ui ftig ai, 186 ODD-PELLOWS, ORANGE ORDER. I OF ODDFELLOWS, M. U. ; 4 i\ Montreal District—Troy. Grand Master, J. Mitchell ; Deputy ProT. Grand Master, B. Penke; treasurer, Jonathan Pindlay; trustees, D. Cunningham and B.J. Hick^y ; corresponding- secretary,; William Papps, 106 Canning street. Loyal Montred! Lodge, No. 3,116.— N. G., W. Tyler; V. G.. J. Tressid^r; G. M., A. McAllister; treasurer, J. rindlay ; finan- cial secretary, John Reid. ' Loyal Victoria Lodgcj No. 1,596.— G. M.,RohertWaugh; N. G,, J^tmes Carmichacl ; Y. G.* Thomas Wilson ; treasurer, Donald Robertson ; financial secretary, Wm. Papps, 106 Canning street. Loyal Excelsior Lodge^ No. 6,287.— G. M., — Brunell. N. G., W. Ford; V. G., A. Hinton, Robert Withell; treasurer, Walter ' Reid ; financial secretary, Wm. Emo. Loyal Star of the West Lodge No. %^Z^^.— G. M., Saml.Alcott; N. G.i John Ion; V. G., Richard Ejganj treasurer, C. Salsbury ; financial secretary, C. Williams. TAtml Trafalgar Lodge, No. 6,319.— G. M., J. Hirh; Jf. G., J. Gibbins; V. G., J. Parker; treasurer! W. T. Anderson; finan- cial secretary, A. K. Reid. jtoyo? Pdlmerston Lodge, No, 6,350.--G. M., R. McVicker; treasurer, J. Creig)>ton, sr. ; financial secretary, J. Creighton, jr. ROYAZi AftOH Chaftsr OF Oddfei<low8, M. U. — Matle Leaf ChiWtert No. 1 ^N. G. M., G. Williams; A. G. M., H. E.Tucker; "V. G. M., W» Gook; Grand Sec., J. Tressider ; Grand Tk-easurer, Tba. H. Bully ; G. W., — Hardesty ; G. G., F. Upton. OEANGE OKDER Hie Hpbah Blacic Preceptoryi No. 1£5,— Meets on the fourth Tuesday in eaph mpnUi. Moyal Sea'rlet (7Aaj}(er.— 'Meets on the 14th of each month. (hunty Xo(29«.— Annual meesting secondTuesday in February. District Lodge.-^Aiamtki meeting second Tnesdiqr inSTanuary. Quarterlj^ meetings, 8e<x>ndTtietda^ in April, July and October. f #]r THE SBOVUTT OW ITS UFB FOUCDni &lb«na SnrvraidcMi »ll«w«dl. OBDEB OF FOBESTERS. 1S7 Derry^ L. 0. Xi>, ^o. 224.— Meeti ■econd Friday in every month. Duke of York L. O. X., No, 418--^eeti isecond Wednesday in every month. •■ - Victoria L. O. X., No. 350.-«Meet8 fourth Wedne8da> in every moBth« Boyne L, O. X., No. 401.— -Meets third Friday in every month. Dominion X. 0. X., No. 1,263.— Meets third Friday in every month. (The above meet in the Orange Hall, 81 St. James street.) Lome X. O. X,. No. 1,373.— Meets first Wednesd«ay in 'every month, in St. Gbarles Club House, Point St. Charles. Haeketi X. 0. L^ No. 1 474— Meete second Tuesday in every month, at Chraage Half, 132 Chatham street. ' jProvincial Grand Lodge.-^Annaa^ meeting, third Tuesdi^ in S*el«uary, in Montreal. FBSimoB BoTs — St. George'* 8 No. 26 ^Meets second Monday in every month, in Orange Hall, 81 St. Jaines street. ANCIENT OEDER OF FORESTERS. District Chief Banger, Bio. Jas. A. Edwards, 4 College street. Cotari Mou^ Royal, No. 5,694.— Meets alternate Thursdays from Novemberlst at St. Charles Club House, Point St Charles. Secretary, James A. Edwards, 4 College street. Court Unity, No. 7,042.— Meets alternate Fridays from Novem- ber 9th at the St. Thomas.* School Boom, St. Mary street. James A. Sdwards, secretary, 4 College street. Sanctuary of Shepherds, No. 5i774, or Second Degree of Forestry* —Meets at 662^ Craig street. Samuel Craig, Scnbe, 123 Amherst street. —f . -. <StonotMaryo/ShepA'er(!«,J^oife,694.— Meets etery fourth Friday, firom November I6tii, at the St. Mathew^s School Boom, Congrega- tion street, Point St. Charles. James A. Edwards, Scribe, 4 College street. JunenQe Court of Foresters, Mo%*nt Boyai No. \ —Meets the 1st Monday in each month, at the Victoria Mission, Comer of Conway and Menai street, Point Sfdnt Chltr^s. James A. Edwards, secretary, 4 College street. ' .v SulsiAiary High Court, for Canada^ meets in London, Ont. •I' S !i Wbw wll1«k l«w flarnrM will h% ^iiotfid. QUBBEO. QUEBEC. OFFICERS OF THB OOBPORATIOir. Hon. F. Laagelier, Mttvaf, L. A, OaaaOB, city oltrk ; JX, Faffei, iMwitlMit oiiy citric i^O. J« L. Lamuie*, city trMtunr ; J. W. Wright, sMiitant bity irea* lunr ; J. O. Leitdh, dty •«ditor; A. Boomwr, ohtfek «lMrk } M. A. lAbrtoov*. ei^ Moovntoni; A. Oinmiis ■Jrirtint ottj mooibi- ImU ; M. O'liMry, J. At Grenier and dT. O. Yteina, tiif iiMMon ; 0. BailUura^, oi^ oigiaMV and water ytotkM manager ; J. Oal- UfAmt, aMUtant oitgr wiginMr and water worki manager ; L. &. HUarglL dty eoUater; An O. Tovrangeao, oi^notanr; E. A. JHarjf Jhrage of the Beoorder*i Covai ; B. Fol^, elerk of the Besor- dar'e Cooft; A. Malouin. deputjr clerk of the Beeorder*! Gctirt; V. Deeroehee and G. Tmdel, Dailifh of the Beoorder'i Court; A. Flamoadoni aooooatant^ bailiff*! department; P. B. Writf^^ mcMenger and caretaker; L. P. Yohl, chief of the police ftmje: P. Walih, deputy diief of the police force ; P. Dorr^, diief of the Are brigade ; M. Coleman, deputy chief of the Are brigade ; L. P. BmneUe. chief of the fliB# alarm telegraph : O. J. B6gin, ftid operator fire idarm telegraph ; G. Korean, 8rd operator fire alarm telegraj^ ; I^P. Tohl, lire oommieaioner. Market derki : G. Gaetongni^, Ohonplain market; H. Fvr, Fftilay market; C. Tmdelle, Montealm market ; N. Guay, Berth'>]^t market ; Jm Bertrand, Jaoqnee-Cartier mariECt. . , POST OFFXOli. Ad.. G. Tonraagean Poetmaitor. J. E. Boldttc . ; . . . . ; . : .^. . . Aeeiitant Poetmaiter. ^ Label. 0. Chambefland, W. Handfoid, eeecmd daas 1^ Ii. A/Bod&ette, W. White, 2. Gagnon, E. Bnglieh, F. Gi^boniy, M. Ifa^ler, J. B. Tomer, P. B; Lane, H. Monaeet,rL. X/Henwmb B. T* F. Gray. O. Plamondon, J. B. Oaouette, M. P. I»ebetge. Obi. Workman, third dace derki. T. DenedMud,, honee- ptMpr; aMo Brerett, meseenger. Fod Cjflet Inap$eiw*9 Office, -W. G. Sheppard, inneelor ; /.L. AHetil, aniitanttnepector , O. Frechette, 0. Ydhl, A. Beaudry and JL Oanitr. derke: H. A. Mniphy, K. A. Beaudet, J. Dedauriers, W* L^pofam, KlUondeao, L. N. Dionne, T. Gandiy, D. Blondean, Ii. R. Ganean, J. O. Pageatu O. Talbot, L. Forioe, G. ETantnrel, J. T. Methot, B. Hndon. F. X. Labb«, J. G. Bourget, D. C. ^Oafnean, H.i9r. Kimlin, B.G. Bourget, A. C. Miquelon and Xi» Bedaid, railway mail derki. Jnlci BoiTin, meaeenger. I ■Aircn. J.C. J. c;]C. A. J. o«a- r; L.&. r ; E. A. eBejor- CCTirt; }ttrt; A. « tfms§i diief of )riff ade ; r. &gin, »tor fire i darki ; rket; C. ket; L. id clau », M. P. Iryand mdeAo, uturel, D. 0. and V. IB an »Hb«1p«i to QUBBBO BZOHAKGB. ▲rlliiur slieet, L. T. Maaagiiut OommittM— B. H. Smith, Qludrm«n ; W. Brodie, J. 0. VhoMm. B. B. Ddbell, W. Bae, Thos. Beokeftt. F. Billingtley, 'X, H. TnomMm, Moretaiy-ireMurer ; Frank Jonniton, luperin- ttndflnt BOABD OF TRADB. OAoei EzchMige Buildings, Arthur itrMt, L. T. HABBOUB OOMMISSIOITBBS. Guatom Houm* Me«t eTViy We^Mdajr at 8 p. m« P. ▼. Talin, M.P., chairman; B. B. Doball, E. Girooz. J. Ohabot, Hon. lliomas lCoOre«TT. M.P., J, B. Forsyth, W. Bae, Ferdinand Hamel, B. H. Smith. I^anois Gourdeau, harbor master ; 0. SulliTan, assistant do; A. U. Yerret, secretary-treasurer; James Woods, chief clerk; U. Binet, clerk. W. PiUdngton, resident engineer ; St. George Boswell, assistant do. do. INLAND RBVBNUE OFFICE. Oustom House. J. M. LeM oin^ district inspector ; O. Larue, o(^ector ; J. U. Odiill, deputy collector; Geo. Bourassa, Joseph Bouleau, M. M o- Namara, Geo. Neilan, John Courtney, Charles Belanger, Jules Ii^oine, F. X La Trarersy, Louis Lepine, OneSime Bourget, excisemen. «_»»_ SUPEBYISOB OF CULLEBS' OFFICE. 7 Sault-au-Matelot street, L. T. Superrisor of Cullers, James Patton; acting deputy supervisor and cashier, T. J, Walsh ; E. Gowan, Patrick Lambert, W. F. W%etan, 0. P. L. DeMartigny, J JBLBeland, Z. Layassenr, James Mey. Ferd. Pt^quin, S. P. GroganiChas. Bellerive. Charles Dubd, HHKimcation clerks ; T. Harney, mtesenger. CBOWN TIMBEB OFFICE. 11 and IS Sault-au-Matelot street, L. T. Collector of Crown Timber dues, H. J. Chaloner ; assistant, H. J. Ifiller; clerl^ Pierre Miller. It. J dllSEBrS INBVWUkXiM ADTAHTACIBS OB M9CIJBITT TO 100 QUBBBC. WBIOHTS AND MEASUBBS. Old Military Bakery, St. Andrew street. Abdon Cot6, iaspeotor; Philip BonrMta, deputy inipeotor ; H. Simard) Mmrray Bay, J. B. Petit, OhiooQtImI, M. Kelley, Qaijpe, W. Adama, aisistant deputy inspectors. GAS INSPECTION. Old Military Bakery, 4 St. Andrew street. N. LeVasseur, inspector. -W"T> ADULTEBATION OF FOOD. Office, St. Anne street, U. T. Dr. M. Fiset,^ 117 St. Valliere street, St. Sauveur, analyst and chemist. CONSULATES. Argentine Rept*blic.--John Arthur Maguire, consul general, 126 St. Peter street, L. T. JB^elpitim.— Gamille Janssen, St. Foy's Toll Gate; A. Joseph, St Peter street, vice-consul. Bro*tl.— J. U. Laird, 126 St. Peter street, vice-consul. ' * C%a{.— John Laird, St. Lawrence Chambers, 118 St Peter street, L. T. Franee.-'Jja Comte de Sesmaisons, consul general, 54 St. Louis street. German Empire.— Chatlea Pitl, 63 Dalhousie street. Jfon^evid^o.— Charles P. Champion, 66 St. Peter street, L. T. Netherlands,— €. J. Jansen, 14 St. James street. , - i^v « Sweden and Norway.— W, A. Sohwarts, St. James street I*. IP. Portttgal.—FeVai Car bray, 114 St. Peter street, L. T. . Sfpam.—H. E. the Count of Premio-Beal, consul-^neral for the Dominion of Canada, British and French Possessions in North America, British Honduras, British Guiana, Ac, St. Lewis street. United States.— -Hon. John N. Waeson, Esplanade. mMMAWUM CMOPAKT On«m AXT wnmnmMmMJLwmwmmvmEmm.. OUSTOM HOUSE. Poiai«-4-CAroy. Hon. Joi. G . Bluuchet, collector. Loug Room— N. N. Boat, ohief clerk ; V. Cazoau, oMhier ; 0. Qonin, E. Unot, £. L. O. Girouz,, N. Jj. O. Belleau. E. Douoet, dorks ; L. N. VallerAnd, extra olerk. Dopartment of Lnnding Surveyor— D. I). O'Meara. •orreyor and warehouse keoper; L. Dugal, assistant and warenouse keeper; O. Golley, A. G. Hawkins, clerks to surveyor ; A. E. Lanoevin, Ist landing waiter ; W. H. Carter, 2nd landuig waiter ; F. X. Belanger, Srd landing waiter ; L. N. Laurin, 4th landingwaiter ; H.MoHuff h, 1st weigher : A. O. Bowden, 2nd weigher : W. Wimini, J. Hogau, J. Bouillard, J. Battertou. R. Cauohon, and W. E. ETdge, lockers ; D. Shea, extra looker. Exomining warehouse— J. B. Dion and A. V. Dion, acting appraisers ; N. Oauvin, assistant acting appraiser ; J. Deavy, Haiinon, porters. Water Side Department— Alfred Wheeler, tide snrvevor, E. F. Larue, assis- tant tide surveyor ; E. Trudei, J. Macgiilivray, M. Brophy, D. Byrne, J. Fanning, T. Brown. H. Marmion, T. O'Brien,^ R. Moffatt, W. Bulger, A. Macwilliams, R. Jeswop, J. Murtagh, J. Clifford, J. Coveney, tide waiters ; W. Hamilton, T. Burns, night watch ; M. McManus, coxwain boat No. 1 ; A. Boissoneault, cox- wain boat No. 2. Custom House — ^T. GriiHths, guardia i ; A. Beauchamp. asiistant messenger ; 0. Juneau, fireman. Chat ports— A. G. Bussi^re. B. A. Soott, 8ub-«oUectors ; J. Radford and Bilodeau, preventive officers. I FIRE ALARM SIGNAL BOXES, BOX KO. ST. LOUIS WABO. 1— St. Ursule street, Central Station. 2— Coru'er St. Ann and d'Antouil streets. 3— Corner Des Grisons and St. Genevieve streets. 4— Comer Haldimand and St. Louis streets. 6— Comer Garden and St. Ann streets. G — Comer Buade and Du Fort streets. PAIiAOB WABD. 8 — Comer St. Famille and Hebert streets. 9 — Quebec Seminary. 13— Corner St. John and Collins streets. 13 — Comer Palace and MoMahou streets. 14— Comer St. John and St. Stanislas streets. CHAMPLAJIT WABD. 15— Dinning' 8 Shipyard, 846 Champlain street. 16— Taylor's Grocery, 716 Champlain street. 17— Fire Station, 480 Champlain street 21— Giblin's House, 801 Champlain street. 23— Champlain street, opposite Queen's Wharf. hi T !| '' ! 'SI TBM CinZBMS IMBURANGSCO— UmtllffMMll. hmwnMm " : I i I si if ■^' M— G«ni«r Arthur and Dalhousie itrettt. 3&—ConMt Mountain Hill and St. Peter etreet. it— Vire Station, Sanlt-au-Matelot street. 97--Oomer St. Flaul etreet and Dambourgea Hill. Sl-Iiemesurier^e Building, St. Paul street. 9S— Tire Station, St. Paul itreeft. jAOQuns-OAmnaB wabb. t4— >Comer Dea Prairiea aud St Dominique itreet. •5— Corner DesfoBsSa and Dupont atreeta. 86 — Comer St. Yalier and de la Ghapelle streets. 87— Comer Church and St. Joseph streets. 41— Fire Station, Dorchester street. 48— Comer Valier and Belleau streets. 48— <!lomer Golomb and Kelson streets. 46— Comer St. Anselme and St. Joseph streets. 48— Comer Arago and Turgeon streets. ^ ST. BOOMS WABD. iM— Ctnmer St. IVan^ois and Delachapelle streets. 48 — Comer Caron and Queen streets. 47 — Comer Queen and Crown streets. 81 — Corner Queen and Dupont streets. 88— Comer St. Dominique and St. Francois streets. 88— Cwner Dorchester and Byland streets. liOnCALM WABX> KUXomer D*Artignj and St. Julia streets. 84— Comer. Artillery and St. Eustaehe streets. 86 — Comer St. Augustin and St. Patrick streets. 57— Fire station, St. Patrick street. 81 — Comer D^Artignj and St. Amable streets. 62 — ^Bon Pasteur, St. Amable street. 68— St. Bridget's Asylum, Grand All^e. 74— Parliament Buildings, Grand A116e. ST. JOHV WABD. 7— Corner St. Bustache and St. George streets. 18— Comer St. John and Sutherland streets. 18— Comer Deligny and St. Olivier streets. 84— Comer St. John and deSalaberrj streets. 86— Comer St. Claire and Biebclieu streets. 67— Comer St. John street and Cote St. Ckneriere. 71— Comer Bobitaille and Latourelle streets. 71— Comer St. AngasUn and St. George streets. if lit Pr«pii«tarj aad Dtreeton. . QUBBSC. tfl JUSTICnS OF THB PBAOI. * Qaaliflsd to adminiitcr oaihi^ AUeyni Biehd., M.D. Andrewt, V. B(., ir. Archer, Joi^pb, jr. Angen,E. J.,K.F. Andet, Enm^oiiM. Amiot^ Louis * Babj) W. M. Bedard, J. Beban, A. J. Beaudet, B. Bergevin, Charlei Blakiitoa, Baymond Blais, JacqueiA. Blais, Btuteie Blouin, Mathiat Boldoc, Hearj Boivin, Lottii Branet, W. E. Bnmette, Wm. BrouBwaa, J. D. BrouRseau, Leger BuBsidres, Samuel f BusBdires. George Gaimon, L. A. Gannon, E. J. Garrier, Wm. Gampbell, W. D. Garbray, Felix Garroll, Jamea* Gharest, Joaepb Ghaloner, H. J. Gharleboia,J.A.,N.P. Gharleaon, J. B. ■" Ghateauvert, Yicter Glapham, J. G. * OoM, Amy Bel&ge, J. 9. Dinning) Jamea Dionne, G. E. Delaney, Jobn Dorion, laaac Dobell, B. B. * D 'Oraonnens. Lt. Col. * Drouin, Louia * Brum, S. Wilaom * Dnnacomb, J. If. Dunn, T. H. Bacheanay, Lt.-Gol.* Dnbeau, Zepbirin Dunn, Jobn * Fabey . Patrick ]<laet, Hicbel, M.D. Foote, J. J. Fraaer, Alex. Fry, J. S. Gameau, Hon. P. GauTreau, Pierre Gameau, Joaepb Gauvreau, F. L. Gaurreau, Felix Gale, Jobn V. Gaboury, A. * Giroux, Edmond Giroux, Pierre Gingraa, Hon. J. £. Gla^meyer, S. J. Gourdeau, Fra. * Goaaelin, Jonaa Ounn, Francia* Gingras, FrangoiB'" Hamel, Abrabam Hamel, Joseph Hamel, Ferdinand Hagens, Hans * Hamilton, Bobert Hardy, Joseph Hethrington, Thos. Holiwell, E. Huot, Louis Huot, Phil., N.P. Joly, Hon. H. G. *. Joseph, Abraham Juneau, Felix £. Kirouac, Fra. Laflamme, Fn, Lafranoe, G. T. L. Laberge, Auguate * Langloia, Gharlea Laird, John * Lame, W. V., N.P. Laroae, Louia'*' Lemienx, Vardaaa K. Lemienx^Oetare Ledroit, Th6ophll« Legarree. P. 0. Lederc, Louia, K.IP.* Leclerc, Alfred Lemeaurier, Jobs * Lortie, J} Mailloox, J. A« Maraden, Wm., If .D. Maxbam, A. J. Marcotte, Louia M arcotte, Simeon Matte, Edward <* Meredith, E. G., N.P. Miller, George Miller, Matthew* l^vaepbj, Owen* McGorkiU, Jamea McEwen, P. McGreerey, Hon. T. McGee, Itainiel Noel, Lazara < Nolet, G., N.P. O^Gonnor, Henry" O'liCary, John •► Ouimet, Hon. G. Pampalon, Thoraaa PaincbaucLAntoine Parke, G. H. * Peachy, Ferdinand * Peters, Simon * Pentland, Oharlea* Picard, Joseph Poitras, Ferdinand Poulin, Louia * Porteons, John * PricejH. M. Bae, wm. Benaud, J. B. Bioux, Nardaae Binfret,'^Bemi F. * BbSaume^ Alexia Bb^aume, P. F. Boche, John BobitaiUe, O., M.D. Boaa, J. G. Boat, John Boy, F. E., M.D. Boy, Eliaae * BuaaeU, Willis Sbarplea, w«* Shehyn, ^' !1 ■'I THE CmZSNB IN SOUNCS €01IFAirr«-Th« MQVt on tbe ContUiciit to 194 QUEBEC. Stafford, L. Stevenson, James St. lilichel, Charles * Tarte, J. Tanguay, George Tetu, LauTtint Tessier, Cyrille Temple, 0. V. M. Thomson, D. C. Thomson, J^. C. Thomson, Andrew Tourangeau, A. G-. Tourangeau, P. G. * Turgeon, E. ♦ Turcotte, Narcisse * Turcotte, Nazaire Turcotte, Arthur Yallerand, F. O. Valliere, Phillippe Valin, P. V. Vandry, Joseph, sen. Vandry, Zepherin Verrett, A. H. ♦ Verrett, Bart Withall, Wm. Wurtele, W. G. O'Connell, John ♦ . BANKS. Bank of Britiah North Antertca.^Thomas Corsan, manager, St. Peter street, L. T. Bank of Montreal.-' J. Porteous, manager; corner St. Peter and Axthur streets, L. T. La Banque Nationale.—^. G. Lafranpe, cashier; 77 St. Peter street. L. T. Merchants Bank.—H. M. Price, manager; 79 St. Petc^st., L. T, Quebec Bank.- J. Stevenson, cashier; Quebec Bank Buildings, corner St. James and St. Peter streets, L. T. Savings Bank.—G. Veasey, manager ; 9 St. Louis street, tJ. T, Union Bank.-'P. MacEwan, cashier; St. Peter street, L. T Quebec Notre Dame Savings Bank. — P. R. A. Vezina, secretary- treasurer; L. C. Marcoux, accountant, 23 St. John street; F. Cotd, accountant, 73 St. Joseph street ; P. N. Hamel, accountant, Levis. GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF QUEBEC. Patrons— His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of Canada; His Excellency the Earl of Dufiferin; Their Honors the Lieutenant-Governors of Quebec and Ontario, Nova Scotia, New BrunswfDk, Prince Edward Island and Manitoba. Office-bearers for the year— ^President, Hon. P. Fortin, M.P., Ist vice-president ; H. H. Miles, LL.D., D.C.L. ; 2nd vice-president, Lt. -Colonel W. Rhodes ; 3rd vice-wesident, H. J. J. B. Chouinard ; French corresponding secretary, Dr. N. E. Dionne ; assistant cor- responding secretary, N. Levasseur ; English corresponding secretary, W. C. Seaton; assistant corresponding secretary, Crawford Lindsay ; recording secretary, Frank D. Tims ; assis- tant recording secretary, J. J. Fremont ; treasurer, L. P. Sirois, N. P. ; librarian, E. T. Fletcher : additional members of tho council, T. LeDroit, Le Chevalier C. ^Baillarg^, E. .Tach^, G. Stewart, jr., and John V. Gale. f.yngirAT. and BESIIJXEBATITS AOdDKMT POUCTT nils Compsmy at fS |^r •IMOi OTTAWA. 195 OTTAWA. CITY GOVERNMENT. — 1884. Mayor:— P. St. Jban, M.D. Victoria TTard.— Aldermen : James 6ordon,0. B/Gonniiigham, and P. Whelan. Wellington TTar*!.— Aldermen ; George Cox, William Cherry, and B. G. W. McCuaig. St. Oeorge^s Ward, — Aldermen : Jacob Erratt, W. E. Browne, and John O'Leary. By Trar(f.— Aldermen : E. Germain, P. H. Ghabot, and P. Conway. Ottawa TTarf?.— Aldermen : E. E. Lanzon, P. McDougal, and E. G. Laverdnre. Officers ofCorpoi ation.—W. P. Lett, city clerk and registrar of births, marriages and deaths ; H. Jackson, accountant and assistant city clerk ; Wm. J. Kennedy, junior clerk ; T. H. Kirby, treasurer; T. W. Thompsou, collector; J. Lindsay, accountant; B. Surtees, city engineer ; Joseph P. Bowan, clerk ; J. O'Beilly, license inspector; A. Pratt, assessment commissioner; Joseph Biopelle and Wm. Porter, assessors ; E. O'Beillyand S. Bathwell, auditors ; Bobert Nile, messenger. Police Commissioners.— Ine Mayor, Judge of County Court, and Police Magistrate ; D. A. IVIcTavisb, city solicitor. Police Court.— The Mayor "^udge of County Court, and Police Magistrate, commissioners ; * J. O'Gara, police magistrate; W. P. Lett, jr. clerk ; Donald M. Grant, chief of iiolice ; Dr. BobiUard, health inspector ; William McVeity, detective. WA TEB WOBKS OFFICE. B. Surtees, manager ; E. Pinard, collector; J. P. Cunningham, clerk; John McDougal, bailiff; W. G. Williams, policeman. PIBE BBIGADE. William Young, chief fire brigade ; P. Pavreau, deputy chief do. No. 1 Station, Pooley^s Bridge, Le Breton Plats— Jos. Mills, guardian ; P. Murphy and J. Lowry, firemen. No. 2 Station, comer of Queen and Lyon streets.^— Thos. Stan- a >, with OiaaiiaA 0«?«naMii fw qpMlal wfttllf «f Mtagr ll» OTTAWA. ford, gQftrdi«a; Jamei Frftter and Thoi. Olafl^ flrenicai. No, 8 Station and Hoie Tower, Si Paul itreet.— ^ot. llannurs, gaardian ; A. McLean and Jamea Lattuar, fireman. Ko. 4 Station, Gomberland atreet— William Walih, gnardian ; John Gorbett and Jot. Fererean, firemen. Gentral Station. York street.— James A. Johnston, gnardian ; C. Taylor and J. Beilly, firemen. Ohandiftre St^kmer, Central Station — Vf. Ghenry, captain; SQ ^ Union iSteamer, Union Station, LeBreton Flats.— John AJbtrt, eiq[ytain, 80 men. Steamer Conqueror, Central Station, York street. 1 FIBE ALABM TELEGRAPH. Sox. LocalUy. Ko. 2-^Comer Bnssel Honse. 3— Comer Sparks and O'Connor streets. 4 — Comer Elgin and Oloncester streets. 6— Comer O'Connor and Olouoester streets. 6 — Comer Maria and Bank streets. 7 — Comer Wellington and Kent streets. 8— U. T. Engine House, SaUy street 9 — Comer l^ctoria and John streets. 12— Corfter Biay and Maria streets. IS— Fleck's Foundry, Wellington street. 14— Cor Kapean and Concession sts. (Ashbnmham hill.) iSi-^Gomer Albert ta^d Feroe streets (West.) 16— Comer Bnke and i^ueen streets. 17— Comer Biohmond road and Broad streets. 18— Comer Bro«d and Queen streets. 19— Corner Broad and Qr^^n streets. ' 21— Booth's Office, Victoria Island. 2S-^Bronson A Weston's Office, Victoria Island. 24— Comer Sussex and Bideau streets. 25— Comer Bideau and Ottawa.streets. 26— Comer Wilbrod and Cumberland streets. 27— Comer Kieholas and Theodore streets. 98-*Fixe Station, St. Paul street. 81 — Comer Bideau and King streets. 32 — Comer Bideau and Friel streets. 34— Comer Daly and Chapel streets. 86— Comer Wilhrod and Nelson streets. 86— Protestant Hospital, Bideau street 87— Currier's Ftustory, Canal Basin. 4]p-ViM Station, York street. 4lk-Fire Station, Cumberland street. 48— Oomer.St Patrick and Sussex streets. Maim«n, fawrdiam ; inardim; kptain; 80 mAlb«rt| ahiU.) ciTiXBirs nrsuKANCK coMPAirr.- TIM, UM$ OTTAWA. 197 46 — Corner Albert and Metcalfe streets. 61 — Comer Sussex and Water streets. 52 — Comer Dalhonsie and Church streets. 63 — Comer Cumberland and Cathcart streets. 54 — Comer Dalhousie street and Railway Depot. 61 — Comer McLaren^s Mills. 62 — Comer St. Patrick and Nelson streets. 68 — Comer Chapel and Pariy streets. 64~-Comer St. Andrew and St. Joseph streets. 71 — Comer St. Patrick and Cobourg streets. 72 — Corner — Lewis street. 73 — ^Nicholas street, south end. 81 — Comer lisgar and Kent streets. 82 — Comer Somerset and Arthur streets. 91 — Comer Metcalfe and Cooper streets. POST OFFICE. Post Officb. — J. M. Currier, postmaster ; F. Hawken, assistants^ postmaster ; F. French, E. B. Bates, E. S. McDermott W. H. Pennock, E. J. O'Connor, C. Shaw, J. O. Poston, B. D. Gordon, James Smith, W. O. Mercer, H. S. Shaw, A. A. Smith, C. Pope, B. B. Wood, H. O'Neill, I. Traversey, F. McDonald, M. J. Whitty, P. Leblanc, P. D. Mclntyre, J. H. Bartlett, C. O. Doucet, H. Mc- Kay, H, Poole, E. Landrian, S. J Bradbury, clerks ; F. S. War- wicker, superintendent of letter carriers ; P. Larue, John Brown, A. Dupuis, N. Lamb, J. W. Favreau, A. Oauthier, M. £k)lan, P. Bobert, letter carriers ; W. Darcy, W. Goodwin, collectors ; H. Duggan, messenger; H. Carroll, J. F. Holland, F. George, J. Marier, T. Guddie, J. Dunne, carriers. Office hours, from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. ; for money orders and savings bank business, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ikspbotion Dbpabtm«kt.— -T. p. French, inspector ; C. P. Le- Sueur, J. F. O'Connor, T. O. Butler, L. A. Oliver, clerks ; R. Boy, messenger. Maii* CiiBBKS.— J. D. Thompson, E. Gordon, F. Bumham, B. Maloney, E. Stanton, G. T. €k>rrell, A. Leclaire, R. Peden, G. C. Woodj J. B. Z. Legendre, J. A. Chevrier, R. Montgomery, J. B. Gillesie. CUSTOM HOUSE. Z. Wilson, collector ; J. T. Bartram, surveyor ; Thomas Patter- son, appraiser ; W. S. Kirby, chief clerk ; G. J. Horm, J. B. Stacy, Ohas. S. Scott, clerks; A. Heney, P. Marier, A^ G. Graham, landing waiters ; J. C. Kier. locker ; J. J. McGovern, storeman and packer ; Harry Street, broker ; R. C. W. MacCuaiff, surveyor of shipping; G. B. Johnson, messenger. Office hours, from 9 a.mto4p.m. if. iff; ill., ;« ftf i nrftumAjrcB €o. UFB 198 OTTAWA. INLAND RBYENUE. W. L. Hamilton, district inspector; M. Battle, collector ; J. M. B. Henry, .deputy collector . W. O. Bedard, accountant ; F. Austin Lett, excise officer. BANKS. Bakk OF MoHTRBAXi.— 0<tou;a Branch.— Jl. Dmmmond, mana- fer ; John M. Greata, accountant ; A. Montisambert, teller ; S. J. ^lunkett, collection and discount clerk; W* A. Bog, ledger keeper; A. G. Nash, cash book keeper; B. A. Lewis and B. Bogert, clerks ; J. 0. Keftrns and Bdw. Ashe, messengers. Gorern- ment I)epartment->G. A. Eliot and A. B. Monk, ledger keepers. BahkofBiutish Nobth Amsbica. — Ottawa BraticA. —Office, 241 Wellington street. W. D. Chambers, manager. aiJivGHANTS Bans. — OMatcaJSrancA.— Office, 12 Metcalfe street. W. JI. Bdvley, manager; W. O. M. Gross, accountant; F. J. Boss, teller ; &. Boyd, ledger keeper ; F. W. Strong, H. L. Hamil- ton and J. W. Hamilton, clerks; John Edmonds; messenger. La Bavqus NationaijB akd Sayikos Bakk.— 0<tot«a Branch. — Office, Wellington street. 0. H. Garrieie, manager ; P. Vizina, accountant and teller; A. Hardy, ledger keeper; A. Bichard, messenger. Ontabio Bank and Sayings Dbpabtmbnt — ^Ottawa Branch.— Office, 82 Wellington street comer of Metcalfe.—- Alex. Simpson, manager ; A. Denny, accountant ; E. G. Amoldi, teller ; «r. H. Pettit, ledger keeper; G, M. Wiggins, clerk; P. Fitzgerald, messenger. Bank or Ottawa and Sayinos Bank.— Office, Wellington street, south side, corner of 0*Gonnor. Geo. Bum, cashier; W. J. Christie, accountant; J. D. Gampbell, teller; J. Q. Billett, ledger keeper ; J. H. Henderson, derk; J. Martin, messenger. Qubbbc Bank and Sayings Bank. — Ottawa Branch. — Office, Wellington street, opposite the Houses of Parliament. H. V. Noel, manager ; Samuel Peddington, accountant ; G. V . Noel, 1st teller; J. A. Pinhey, discount clerk and cash book; G. A. Moore, deposit ledger ; Michael O'Connell, messenger. Union Bank of Lowbb Canada and Sayinos Bank. — Ottawa Branch.— SifSLc^f Union Chambers, 16 Metcalfe street. Montague A. Anderson, manager ; F. B. Goodwin, accountant and teller ; L. L. Brophy, ledger keeper ; E. W. Bourinot, clerk ; John Martin, messenger. ACCIl»EBrT«-€APITAI., - It; CI«mM K. Hart« •1,1S||,00«. ADVERTISEMENT. 199 JAMES HOPE A CO. J ^^ K. 1 4 Ol fi IS pi ■8 I Manufacturing Stationers, GENERAL BOOKBINDERS ▲xro ncposTiss or General Stationery, Artists* materials, Scliool Booluh Bibles, Ciiarcli Berriees, Prayer Books, Plftotosrapbie Albums, dee. Particulftr attention given to the manufacture of BLANK BOOKS of the best material and workmanship. BOOKBINDING and PAPER RULING in ail their branihes executed in the best manner and with despatch. S ..I 200 OTTAWA. COUNTY COUBTS. District of CarUtont Preacott and BuaseU. GxNXBAL SaiBioNS AKD CouKTT GouBTt, wixH JvBT— Tuesdaj, Jone 10 and December 9. - County Coubt SxTmrot, ^riTBOiiT Jvbt.— Tueiday, April lit, and October 7. CouniT AHD SuBBOOAVB GouBT TsBif >.— Ja&uary 7 to 12, inclu- sive; April 7 to 12, incluiiye; July 7 to 12, inclnBlve; October 6 to 11, inauaiye. DxYiBxoN Court SimHoa.— Openi at 10 a.m. i 9\ 10 11 8 12 Carleton: No. 1 Diyision, Ottawa city. . . is Circuit Diviaiona: No. 2, Bidunoud M 0« Of v>aFp ...... ............. No. 4, Galetta No. 6, North Gower No. 7, Town Hall, Nepean. . . . Prescott Circuit Divisions : No. 1, L'Orignal... No. 2, Yankleek Hill No. 8, East Hawkesbnry No. 4, Plantagenet No. 7, Hawkesbnry village . . . N6. 8, Foumier No. 9, Alfred SusseU Circuit Divisions : No. 6« Cumberland No. 6, Duncanville No. 7, Metcalfe No. 10, Bockland No. llfHighFaUs 12 rrn- 11 813 20 lOi.. 6.. 4.. 7.. 8.. 6.. 8.. i 11 .. 12.. 13.. 10 . 14.. I \ ^ I 6 10 19 18 21 17 20 28 17 18 19 16 20 . . 22 16 21 16 17 18 16 19 16 8 4 6 2 6 8 10 9 12 8 11 13 9 10 11 8 12 11 6 6 7 4 8 ..18 8 2 6 1 4 6 2 8 4 1 6 Judicial Ofhoxbs.—'W. A. Boss, county judge; Bobert Lyon, junior county judge; W. M. Mathewson, local master of the Su- preme Court of Judicature for Ontario^ and Deputy registrar of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice ; Bobt. Lees, (ounty attorney and clerk of the peace; John Sweetland, M.D., eheriff; E. D. Sherwood, deputy sherifl; J. P. Featherson, deputy clerk of the crown and pleas of the High Court of Justice, clerk of tl e County Court and registrar of Surrogate ; John B. Armstrong, clerk of the Division Court at Ottawa; Wm. Kehoe, governor of jail; John Granger and George Bourrett, turnkeys. ravel »«4 V i — Tuesda/f , April lit, 12, inclu- i October 6 &!> i ' 'if III • 1 i j . •* — 16 21 11 s 8 6 4 6 6 7 2 4 6 .. 8 8 .. 18 • • 10 8 9 2 12 6 8 1 11 4 13 6 9 2 10 8 11 4 8 .. 1 12 .. 6 >ert Lyon, of the Su- egistrar of tobt. Lees, md, M.D., m, deputy 2p, clerk of .rmstrong, ovemor of OTTAWA. 201 Oouutt OfnoxBS.— County town, Ottawa. Thomas Clarke, warden ; Wm. Cowan, treasurer ; Chas. McNab, clerk ; W. Mos- grore, solicitor, Archd. Smirl, inspector of public schools; W. V. Bearman and Geo. E. Kidd, county auditors and auditors of school moneys ; Dr. Church, surgeon to the gaoL OOUNTT OFbARLXTOH BioiSTBT Offiob.— W. H. Waller, regis- trar; H. MoNaughton, deputy registrar. Office hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CoBOXBHS.— Dr. Corbett, I)r. Wright, Dr. Bobillard. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. For the County of Oarietonf resident in the City of Ottawa, Wm. R. Thompson W. P. Lett Donald M. Grant A. Pratt Jos. Kavanagh HammetHiU, M.D. Jas. O'Connor J. B. Esmonde J. P. Taylor Wm. Cousens Alex. Workman Richd. O'Connor Thos. Langrell M. O'Gara, P.M. F. Clemow H. Grist John Culbert, jr. J. A. Pinard Francis Abbott A. J. Bussell B. Cummings James Hickey George Hay. CITY BEGISTBY OFFICE. A. Burritt, registrar ; L. O. MacEenzie, deputy registrar. .Office hours from 10, a. m. to 10 p.m. BEUGIOUS AND BENEVOLENT INSTITUTIONS. YoVKO Mbn's Chbistian AM%ooiAj:iov.-^Board of Manamra /or 188S-^.— James Gibson, president; E. Payae, J. McMillan, F. Monaon. G. May, H. T. Pitchard, W. D. Larmonth; vice-pre- sidents ; B. H. Teakles, treasurer : C. Falconer, corresi>onding secretaiy : D. D. MoPherson. librarian : W J. Topley, N. S. Tarr, T. Crawley. C. W. Jenkins, J. Campbell. J. Wilson, J. Munro, G. B, Hume, T. Gilmour. T. W. Kenny, M. MoKinuon, J. B. Jackson, G. S. May, F. A. Coffin, W. J. Wilson, G. W. Patterson, J. Walsh, Booms, comer of Spairks and O'Connor streets, open from 8 a.m. to 9.80 p.m. 80 papers and magazines on file in reading and news rooms. Young men's meeting on Friday at 8 p.m. ; Bible class on Sunday at 9.46 a. m. All visitors welcome. '1' 1 ' ;H I- it N . IHAITBAllCn COMPA»nr.-I4»A»i VNUBted after iliree jmrnn ta 302 OTTAWA. Ofhoebs of the Ottawa Avxiliart Bible Sooixtt.— His Excellency the Ooyemor General, patron ; G. Hay, president ; W. Glegg, W. Gouteni, J. Durie, W. Hamilton, P. LeSueur, G. May, Dr. J. Thorbum, J. Johnson, S, Howell, John McMillan, A. Bnsaell, vice- presidents ; Rev. W. Armstrong, cor. secretary Bev. B. Gavin, reo. secretary , 0. W. Jenkins, treasurer . James Home A Co., depositary. GovnTY OF CABiiSTON Pbotkstaut H08FITAI1, foot of Bidean St.— G. Hay, president ; Gteo, May, vice.president ; W. Consens, secretary ; T. Workman, treasurer. Elected directors, for three years' from February 1882— William Pennock, Z. Wilson, Henry Grist, Henry Meadows,, J* B. Armstrong, J. Hill ; for two years flrom February 1882 — John Pennock, Benjamin Donaldson, Bobert Oassels ; for one year from February 1882— Henry Hartney, John Hardie, B. E. Jamieson. Mr*).. Gooderson, matron of we new Hospital and Mrs. Goff, matron of the (old) Hospital for infectious diseases. Drs. Hill, Grant, Sweetland and Leggo ; coniblting physicians; Drs. McDougal, H. P. Wright, H. Malloch and Horace Henderson ;; James Lindsay »ad T. W. Kenny, auditors. Pbotutaet Obphanb Hoxb, Albert street.— Mrs. H. F. Bron- son, 1st directress; Mrs. J. Tilton, 2nd directress ; Mrs. A. Christie, Srd directress ; Mrs. J. Thorbum. rec secretary ; Mrs. W. H. walker, cor. secretary; Mrs. A. Scott, treasurer; Dr. B. Powell and Dr. H. B. Small, attending physicians ; H. Hill, M.D.. Dr. E. Malloch and J. A. Grant, M.D., F.B.C.8., of Edinburgh, consulting physiciens ; Mrs. Eraser, matron and general super- intendent ; Bliss Sims, teacher ; about 80 orphans aAd 4 adults in the Home. Uhitt Pbotbstamt Bxkxfit Sooixtt.— Incorporated by Act of Paxliamentr-Da^el Storey, president; W. D. Hutson 1st vice- president ; W. J. Pain, 2nd vice-president ; W. Mills, hon. sec. for life ; W. B. Tmman, financial secretary ; H. Davies, ti . isurer, Dr. McDongall, physician ; F. H. Tomlin^n, recording secretary ; Louis Stevens, assistant secretary; Geo. Preston, Jl/'Bulhnan, auditors ; an efficient committee and stewards. Sodlety meets first Monday in every month, at 8 p.m. GxxxBAiT Hospital, Water street.— Under the direction of the Sisters of Charity ; Sister Lavoie, directress ; Sister McMillan, economist ; Dr. Grant, consulting physician ; Drs. St. Jean, Bo- billard, Provost, Valade, surgeons. St. Patbiok^s Orphan Abtlum, Maria street.— ^Dr. O'Connor, S resident; W. McCafbrey, vice-president; W. Wall, treasurer; l Devlin, secretai^ ; Bev. M. J. WheUn, spiritual director ; Sister Martha, superioress. St. Jobxph Orphan AsTiiUx, comer Cathcart and Sussex streets.— Sister Ste. Cecilia, directress. Established in 1860, under the care of the Grey Nuns. St. Gharlxb Abtlum for At^xn Pxcplx, Water street,— Under the care of the Sisters of Charity ; Sister Bivet, superioress. #V VHB SiBCITBVrT OP ITS UWE POU OTTAWA. 908 1 MIIilTARY, Staff Officebb of Fbnsionbrs. . . PensionerB paid on the Ist, 2nd and 8rd of each quarter, at the British Lion Hotel, Sparks street. ACTIVE MILITIA FORCE. DisTBiCT Staff, No. 4 Militabt District.— Lt.col. Geo. J. Maonsell, deputy adj. -general ; lieutenant-col. Thomas Bacon, brigade mi^or. Pbikcess Louisb Dbagooh Guards, (Troop.)— John Stewart, captain; F. F. E. Gourdeau, lieutenant; A. O. F. Coleman, -veterinary surgeon. Ottawa Fibld Battbrt.— John Stewart, major; Thomas Evans, captain ; D. Forster Bliss. 1st lieutenant : Wm. J. Stewart, lieutenant, (temporary) ; J. Harris, veterinary surgeon. FnusT Battalioh GovBRNOR-GBiramAL^B Foot Gfards.- Head quarters, Ottawa.— Lieutenant-col. Thos. Boss, V.B. 1st ; minors, Jas. P. Maophenon, M.S. 1st and John Tilton,Y.B. 1st; captains, H. S. Weatherby. (M.)y.B. 1st, Wm. Horace Lee. Y.B. 2nd, A. H. Todd, M.S. 1st, T. Aumond, Y.B. 2nd, F. Toller, V.B. ist, and F. Wnite, V.B. 2nd ; lieutenants. Frank A, Flemina. M.S. 2nd, E. E. Webb, Y.B. 2nd, Ed. Waldo, M.S. 2nd, Gerald H. Bate, V."^. 2nd, P. N. Thompson, M.S. 2nd, Xarcisse Cot«, 2nd, H. W. Bovie, O.S.I. 1st, Geo. W. Grant, M.S. 2nd, J. Hodgins, M.S. 2nd, Walter T. Kirby, (P.), Qeo. B. White, (P.), Francis H. Qrisbome, (P.); paymaster, Horatio A. Wickstead, (hon. maior) ; adjutant, — ; quarter-master, Geo. Grant, (late Q.M., H.M. 100 foot), hon. major; surgeon, E. C. Malloch, M.D. ; asst.- surgeon, W. D. M. Bell, M.D. 43rd Battalion * Ottawa and Garlbtoit RiFLBS.*->Head (Quarters, Ottawa.^— lieutenant-colonel, Wm. White, Y.B. 1st; major, John Walsh, Y.B. let ; captains, J. C. Chamberlin, M.S* 2nd, A. Percy Sherwood. Y.B. 1st, Bobt Lang, Y.B. 2nd, Bobt. Grant, Y.B. Isl^ John Jowsey. M.S. 2nd, Joshua Wright, Y.B. 2nd ; lieutenants, H. C. Chamberlin, Y.B. 2nd, Jas. E. Parker, Y.B. 2nd, Thomas Davia, provisional, Wm. Poole, provisional ; 2nd lieutenants, H. W. Chamberlin. provisional, J. D. Byron Evans, G.S.I. Ist, Peter Crerar, provisional, J. W. Mclean, provisional. DomiaoN of Canada Biflb Association.— Patron— His Excellency the Right Honorable the Marquis or Lome, K.T., G.C.M.G. President, Col. C. S. Gzowski, A D.C. to the Queen, Toronto Yice-presidents— (Ontario) Lieut.-colonel Allan Gilmour, Ottawa ; (Quebec) Lt.-col Hon. L. R. Masson, Montreal ; (New Brunswick) Lieut.-colonel Hon. A. E. Botsford, Sackville; (Nova Scotia) Lieut.-colonel A. K. Mackinlay, Halifax ; (Man- itoba) Hon. M. A. Girard, Winnipeg ; (British Columbia) Hon. W. J. Macdonald, Yictoria ; (Prince Edward Island) Lieut.- colonel Hon. T. H. Haythorne, Charlottetown ; the presidents of ■ ^ cnuEXft isrsumANcs co ■iMdt fbV Wh!Cll l4ftW ll««IVMI will IM •-nmB BBAHCH. 904 OTTAWA. Lieut. -ool. Lieut. -col. Lieut.-col. Lieut.-ool. Montreal ; the Provincial Bifle Aaiooiations (^.r-oj^to); the militia itaff ofBceri in command of Militia Di/itricts (ex.qfficio) ; Lieut.-col. JackBon, D.A.G. Military District, No. 1, London; Denison, D.A.G., Military District No 2. Toronto; Yilliers, D.A.G., Military District No. 8, Kingston; MaunseU, D.A.G., Military District No. 4, Ottawa; Van Straubenzie, D.A.G., Military District No. 6. «»»»..«.», Lieut. -col. Harwood, D.A.G^ Military District No. 6, Montreal; Lieut.-col. Duchesnay, D.A.G., Military District No. 7, Quebec ; Lieut.-col. Taylor. D.A.G., Military Districts Nos. 8, A 13, St. John, N.B. ; Lieut.-col. Houghton, D.A.G., Military District No. 10, Winnipeg, Man. ; m , Actg. D.A.G., Military Dis- trict No. 11, British Columbia. Auditors— M^jor Wiokstead, paymaster G.G.F.G., Ottawa; Oapt. Perley, Eng., headquarter staff. Treasurer— Lieut.-col. Macpherson, Militia Department, Ottawa.. Secretary, Oapt. Charles Costen, Ottawa. MxTBOPOiiTrAN BiFiiS AgsooiATioif.— Patrou, the Hon. A. P. Caron, Minister of Militia ; president, G. B. Pattee, Esq. ; vice- presidents. Lieut.-col. Bacon, brigade major. No. 4 District, Allan Gilmour, jr., Esq. Managing committee. Gapt. Perley, Head- quarters staff ; Capt Todd, G.G.F.G.. Capt. Wright, 43rd Batt., Mr. H. L. S. Boss, Mr. James Grant. Secretary-treasurer, Mr. E. D. Sutherland. Assistant Secretaiy-treasurer, H. H. Gray. GuABDS BiFiiS Association.— President, Lieut.-col Boss: 1st vice-president. Major Macpherson; 2nd vice-president. Mi^or Tilton. Committee of Management — Capts. Lee, Aumona, Todd, Toller and White. Col.-sergt. Walter Todd, secretary-treasurer; also a sub-committee composed of two non-com. officers and men from each company. MISCELLANEOUS. Cbown Timbbb Offices fobths DoMimoN and thb Pbovikcbs or Obtabio and Quebec- Corner of Queen and Kent streets. — John Poupore, crown timber agent and collector of slide dues ; C. S. McNutt, assistant do ; J. Bitchie, senior clerk ; A. J. Haig Bussell, draughtsman ; J. Darby, S. LaBose, E. T. Smith, and Jas. Slate, clerks ; W. J. McDonald, deputy slide master ; Jas. Steen, timber counter ; John Bedmond, boatman. BiDEAr Canal.— Office, Union Chambers, 14 Metcalfe street.— F. A. Wise, C.E., superintendent; F. Abbott, book-keeper and pay master ; J. Carroll, foreman ; B. W. Cooper, wharfinger and clerk. Mabbiage Licenses.— Miss. F. Yielding, issuer, 870 Slater street. Ottawa Lawn Tennis Club. — Hon. A. P. Caron, M. of M. and D., president; Lieut, col. Thos. Bacon, Geo. 'Bum, vice-presi- dents. Committee— A. Montizambert, C. Jones, Herbert O'Meara, Yemon Nicholson, L. Fortesque. Charles Hall, secretary- treasurer. Grounds, comer of Elgin and Lisgar streets. BA^rCH. itia staff ieut.-col. [eut.-ool. leut.-ool. ieut.-col. leut.-ool. [ontreal ; Montreal ; Quebec ; k 13, St. trict No. tary Dis- lokRtead, dquarter artment, n. A. P. 1. ; vlce- !t, Allan , Head- rd Batt., irer, Mr. &ray. ;o8a; Itt ;. Mi^or d, Todd, sasurer ; md men OVIKCSS treeti. — ues; C. r. Haiff Lth, and )r; Jas. itreet. — per and jer and ) Slater M. and le-presi- Meara, ^retary- ■[•OMlhiiM MMl vo«Nl CammereiiU WLimMm iptilaHj 4k^ THE QUEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY- THE QUEEN.— YiCTOBiA, of the United Kingdom of Oreat Britain and Ireland, Ac, Queen, Defender of the Faith. Her Mi^eaty wai bom at Kensington Palace, May 24, 1819 ; succeeded to the throne June 20, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV. ; was crowned June 28, 1888; and married Feb. 10, 1840, to his Boyal Highness Prince Albert. Her Mi^esty is the 9nly child of his late Boyal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, son of King George m. The children of Her Majesty are :— Her Boyal Highness Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Pbinoxss BoTAL OF Enolaitd AND PRUSSIA, bom November 21, 1840, and married to His Boyal Highness William, the Grown Prince of Germany, Jan. 26, 1868, and has issue, living, three sons and four daughters. His Boyal Highness Albert Edward, Pbincx or Walis, bom November 9, 1841 ; married, March 10, 1863, Alexandra of Denmark, (Princess of Wales), bom December 1, 1844, and has issue, Prince Albert Victor, born Jan. 8, 1864, Qeorge Frederick Emest Albert, bom June 8, 1866; Louisa Victoria Alexandra Dagmar, born Feb. 20, 1867 ; Victoria Alexandra OlgaMary, bora July 6, 1868 ; and Maud Charlotte Mary Victoria, bom Nov. 26, 1869. Her Boyal Highness Alice Maud Mary, born April 26, 1848, died Dec. 14, 1878 ; married His Boyal Highness Prince Frederick Louis of Hesse, July 1, 1862 ; had issue five daughters and two sons ; the second son died by an accident, May, 1878 ; the youngs est daughter died Nov. 16, 1878. His Boyal Highness Alfred Ernest Albert, Duke of Edinburgh, bom Aug. 6. 1844; married the Grand Duchess Marie of Bussia, Jan. 23, 1874, and has had issue a son, bom Oct. 16, 1874, and three daughters, bom Oct. 29, 1876, Nov. 26, 1876, and Sept. 1, 1878. J CITIXBHB KBISITltAirCK COMPAITTr-BIO ADTAHT AOES OB SlSCtJBtTT VO 206 THE KOTAL FAMILY. Her Boyal ffighnera Helena Augusta Victoria, bom May 26, 1846 : married to His Boyal Highness Prince Frederick Ghristian Gharles Augustus of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augusten- • burg, July 6, 1866| and has issue, living, two sons and two daughters. Her Boyal Highness Louisa Carolina Alberta, bom March 18, 1848; married to the Marquis of Lome, eldest son of the Duke of Argyll, March 21, 1871. His Boyal Highness Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Gonnaught, bom May 1, 1860 ; married Princess Louise Margaret of Prusna, March 18, 1879 ; issue, a daughter, born Jan. 16, 1882, and a son, bom Jan. 16, 1888. His Boyal Highness Leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke of Albany, bom April 7, 1863; married, April 27, 1882, Princess Helen of Waldeck; issue, a daughter, bom Feb. 26, 1888. Her Boyal Highness Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, bora April 14, 1867. Ernest Augustus William Adolphus (}eorge Frederick. Dukb or GujcBBBii AND, second cousin to Her Majesty, bom Sept 21, 1846 ; married Prinoess Thyra of Denmark ; has inue one daughter. George Frederick William Gharles, K.G., Dukb or Gambridob, cousin to Her Mi^esty, bom March 26, 1819. Augusta Wilhelmina Louisa, Duchbss or Gambridob, daugh- ter of the Landgrave of Hesse, and aunt to Her Mi^esty, bom July 26, 1797 ; married May 7, 1818, the late Duke of Cambridge. Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louis, daujghtOT of the late Duke of Cambridge, and cousin to Her Mi^esty. bom July u, 1822 ; married, June 28, 1848, to Frederick, Grand jDuke of Mecklenburg-Strelits, and has issue a son. Mary Adelaide Wilhelmin* Elisabeth, daughter of the late Duke of Cambridge and cousin to Her Majesty, bom Nov. 27, 1888, married Prince Teok, June 12^ 1866, has issue three sons and one daughter. I €linf#PT Ay CO» AKT OFPBBS AHT BVtTBB IHTJBIIMNCI I^IFB DISVUMk HEB MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFIGEBS. 207 HEB MAJESTY'S HOUSEHOLD. LOBD BIBWABD'8 imPAXOtEWT. Lord Steward Earl Sidney Treasurer Earl of Ereadalbaae. GomptroUer Lord Kensington »r of the Hooiehold Sir John G. Cowell, KG 3. of Board of Green Cloth . T. G. Manh. lastier of the Household G-. Marrable. Hereditary Grand Almoner Marquis of Exeter. High Almoner .' Dean of Windsor. Coroner , W. T. Manning. ZiOBD OHAMBBBIiAni'B DSPABmilT. Lord Gjiamberlain Earl of Kenmare. Vice-Ghamberlain Lord Charles Bruce. Lord Great Chamberlain Lord Areland. GomptroUer Hon. S. G. B. Bonsonby Fane. Chief Clerk O. T. Hertslet. Keeper of the Privy Purse Oen. Sir H.F.Ponsonby, KG.B. Assistant Keepers of Priry Purse. . . | gjj*; J BiggJ ^'^' Captain of Yeomen of the Guard. . .Earl Monson. Captain of the Gentlemen-at-Arms.Lord Garrington. Master of the Ceremonies Gton. Sir F. Sejrmourf K.G.B. Dean of Chapel Boyal Bishinp of London. Sub-Dean Bot. F. Qarden. Clerk of the Closet Bishop of Worcester. Besident Chaplain Dean of Windsor. Mistress of the Bobes Duchess of Boxburghe Groom H. D. Erskine. Physioan in Ordinary Sir Wm. Jenner, Bart. K.O. B. Sergeant Surgeon Sir James Paget, Bart. XASTBB or TRB H0S8B*8 DBPABffMBBT.. Master of the Horse Duke of Westmins Clerk Marshall Lord Alfred Paget. Grown Equerry and Secretary. . . .Colonel G. A. Maude, G.B. Master of the Buckhounds Earl of Cork and Orrery Hh PBINCE OF WALES' HOUSEHOLD. Groom of the Stole Comptroller and Treasurer. Mi^-Gen. Sir D M ProbynKCB Private Secretary Francis KnoUys, Esq., G.B. '\ I! IHB OITIZBNS IMSUBANOB CO— JUfe BvMMh. 208 HEB MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICERS. HEB MAJESTY'S CHIEF OFFICEBS OF STATE. Fint Lord of the TreMury. Bight Hon. W. E. Gladstone. Lord High Chancellor Bight Hon. Lord Selhome. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Bight Hon. Earl Spencer. ^'th?^cJi^!^.!?f.!!r!**!'!.?^| ^8^* ^<>'*- ^'^ Carlingford. Chancellor of the Bxdhequer. Bight Hon. H. C. E. Childers. ' Home Bight Hon Sir W.y.Haroourt Foreign Bight Hon. Earl 6ranvill& Secretaries of State. Colomes Bight Hon. Earl Derby, ^f^ War .Bt. Hon. Marquis TTnitlitfilTi India Bight Hon. Earl Slimherley. First Lord of the Admiralty Bight Hon. Earl of Northbrook President of the Board of T^ade. . . .Bight Hon. Jos. Chamberlin. Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster. .Bight Hon. J. G. Dodson. President of Local Govt. Board Bight Hon. Sir Chas.W.Dilke. SCOTLAND. Lord High Constable Earl of ErroU. Keeper of the Great Seal Earl of Selkirk. Depu^ Kemer of the Great Seal.. .J. H. Mackenzie, Esq. Lord Privy Seal Marquis of Lothian. Master of the Hous^old Duke of Argyll, K.T. Standard Bearer Earl of Lauderdale. Lord High Commissioner Earl of Aberdeen. Lord Justice General Bight Hon. John Inglis. Lord Justice Clerk Bight Hon. Lord Moncreiff. Lord Advocate Bight Hon. J. B. Balfour. Solicitor^General , Alexander S. Asher. Lord Clerk Bes^strar. Earl of Glasgow. Deputy Clerk Begister W. P. Dundas, Esq. Commander of the Forces. M%jor-Gen. A. M. Macdonald. Assistant Acyutant-Gheneral Colonel G. Preston, C.B. IBELAND. Lord Lieutenant, Earl Spencer, K.G. Chief Sec. andKeeperof Privy Seal. Bight Hon. G. Otto Trevelyan Under-Secretary B. G. C. Hamilton. Assist. Under-Se<»retary and Clerk of Council. W. S. B. Kaye. Private Secretary G. Courtney Boyle. State Steward Earl of Wicklow. Controller Colonel J. A. Caulfleld Chamberla^ F. Lambart. Lord Ohanoellor Bight Hon. Attorney-General Biriit Hon. J. B. Balfour. Solidtor-Gtoneral A. M. Potter. Commander of the Forces Gen. Sir Thos. Steele, K.C.B. Demity AdUatant-General C!olonel Sir T. D. Baker. Military Secretary lieutenant-Colonel P. Boyle. aflbrdadMid AMBASSADORS. 209 u ** J ,4|iil|||||l|^i s . I e 9 £ I. 0»jSt •d*^ t0 a & « §55 ? 1^ o-S I J9QQ Pi -e A '®5 'I«|-yf:?5i 6 m^^^S-f^g^WCQ i f M i ;i — <>• €— ti— ii im aio . D ^MINION OF CANADA. DOMINION OF CANADA. Seat qf Ooverntiuni. Ottawa. GOVERNOR-GENEEAL OF CANADA, Aidea-de-eatnpj «§c. His BzoBLLiiroT thb Most Hokorablb Hxnbt Ghai»iBB Ksith PjaTT-FnucAUBio, Mabquii of Lakdsdowkii, in the Conatj of Somerset, Barl of Wycombe of Chipping Wycombe, in the Connty of Backs. Viscount Gain and Oalnstone in the Goanty of Wilts, and Lora Wycombe, Baron of Ghipping Wycombe, in the Ooonty of Backs, in the Peerage of Great Britam ; Earl of Kerry and Earl of Shelboume, Viscount Glanmanrice and Fitz- mannce, Baron of Kerry, Lixnaw, and Dunkerron, in the Peerage of Ireland. Gtoyemor-General of the Dominion of Ganada, and Vice-Aomiral of the same, <&c., Jkc., Ao, Mi^or, Viscount Melgund, Goremor-Greneral's Secretary, and Military Secretary. Lieutenant H. Streatflfld, Grenadier-Guards, Aide-de-Gamp. lieut. The Honorable H. J. Anson, Highland Light Infantiy, Aide-de-Gamp. Deputy Qovernora. The Hon. Sir William Bitohie, Kt., Ghief-Justice Supreme Gourt of Ganada. John J. MoGee, Esq., Glerk Queen^s Privy Council for Ganada. PRIVY COUNCIL. P«..ofth.0.ancU(P»mi.r) P'S^SSSajLo^. '"'" ^^ Minister of Finance Sir S. L. Tilley, K.G.« M.G. Minister of Bailwars A Canals. .Sir Charles Tupper, K.C., M.G. Postmaster-General Hon. John Garling. Minister of Justice Sir Alex. GampbeU, K.C., M.G. Minister of Public Works Sir H. L. Langevin. K.G., M.G. Minister Of Agriculture .Hon. John Hennr Pope. Minister of Customs Hon Maokencie BoweU. Minister of Militia and Defence. Hon. A. P. Garon. Secretary of State Hon. J. A. Ghapleau. Minister of Marine A Fisheries. .Hon. A. W. McLelan. Minister of Inland Bevenue Hon. John Costigan. Minister of the Interior Hon. D. L. Macpherson. Without Portfolio Hon. Frank Smith. waunNmmsLTKwm AooniBirT poucnr ail m THB SENATE. Clerk of the Privy CSoancil, John J. McG«e. PBTVT COUNCIL (East Bi<ook). John J. McOee, clerk of the Council; „w«« ». ^^^^^, w«.-. w. ...«>^»«w., ' — ^aniitftnt do ; Henry AlexAnder, W. H. Lee, L. J. Burpee, F. l^ewby, F K. Bennetts, 0. L. E. Moll, W. L B. Jones, clerks ; M. Naughton, doorkeeper and messenger ; J. Grenier, W. Oroome, W. Beynolds, B. Chilton, messengers. Commiasionera/or Iniemal Economy of the Hoitse of Commons. Bt. Hon. Sir John Maedonald, Minister of the Interior. Sir Charles Tnpper, Minister of Bidlways. Sir S. L. Tilley , Minister of Finance. Sir Hector Langevin, Minister of Public Works. Hon. J. O. Blanchet, Speaker. SENATORS OF CANADA. The Hon. Wm. Miller, Speaker. E. J. Langeyin, Clerk of the Parliaments. The HonoreMe. p. o. ▲ddbiss. Alexander, George Woodstoek, Ont. Allan, George W .Toronto. Almon, Wiluam J Halifax, N.S. Archibald, Thomas D Sydney, N.S. Armand, Joseph F lEUridres-des-Prairies. Baillargeon, Pierre .- Quebec. Bellerose, Joseph Hyaeinthe St. Vincent de Paul. Benson, James Bea St. Catherines, Ont. Botsford, Amos Edwin Westcock, Westmoreland, N.S. Boucherville, C. £. Bouchei* de Boucherville. Bouriuot, John Sydney, N.S. Boyd, John St. John, N.B. GampbelL Sir Alexander Ottawa. Garvell, J. S r. .Charlottetown, P.E.I. Chaffers, W. H St. Cdsaire. Chapais, Jean C St. Denis, Eamouraska. Cochrane, Matthew H Compton. Cormier, Charles Plessisville. DeBlois, P., A Beauport, P.Q. Dever, James .St. John, N.B. Dickey, Bobert B ...Amherst, N.S. Dickson, Walter H Niagara, Ont. Ferguson. John Bathurst, N.B. Ferrier, James. Montreal. FUnt, Billa BSUeviUe. il :!ii • i*ii with OanaJlan QTwanint tot tgttUL iifciriiiytl 9t3 DOMINION OF CANADA. The HonordUe. p. o. addkuw. Girard) Iffaro Amable St. Boniface, Man Olaiier, John Snnbary, N. B. Grant, Bobert P « Pietoo, N.S. G-ndTremont, Jean Baptiste. SoreL Hamilton, John , Montreal. Haythome, Bobert Pooro Oharlottetown, P.E.I. Howlan, George W Alberton, P.E I. Kaulbadi, Henry A. N. . . . ; Lnnenbarg, N 3. Leonard, EUjah London, (mt. Lewin, James D St. John. N.B. MoGlelan, Abner Beid HopeweUj Albert County. Maclnnes, Donald Hamilton. MadlnnetL Thomas B New Westminster, B.C. McKay, Thomas Colchester, N.S. McMaster, William . > Toronto. Macdonald, William J Victoria, B.C. Macfarlane, A Wallace, N.S. Macpherson, David L Toronto. Masson, L. F. B Terrebonne, P.O. MiUer, William. . . .(Speaker) Arichat, N.S. Montgomery, Donala Park Come]^ P.E.I. Muirhead, William. ... Chatham, N.B. Northwood, Joseph Chatham, Ont. Nelson, Hugh Bnrrardlnle^ B.C. Odell, William ft.... Fredericton, N.B. O'Donohoe, John Toronto. Ogilvie, Alexander W Montreal. Paquet, Anselme Homdre St Cathbert, P.Q. Pelletier, C. A. P Quebec. Plumb, J. B Niagara. Power, Lawrence QeolErey Haluax, N. S. Poxer* Christian H St. George, Beauce. Bead, Bobert Belleville. Beesor, David .Yorkville. Bobitaille, Louis New Carlisle, P.Q. Byan, Tnomas Montreal. Scott, Bichard W Ottawa. Schultz, John ^ Winnipeg. Simpson^ John Bowmanville. Skead,james ... Ottawa. Smith, Frank Toronto. Stevens, Gardner G Waterloo, P.Q. Sutherland, John .Kildonan, Man. Thibaudeau, Joseph Bossaire Montreal. Trudel, F.X A Montreal. Yidal, Alexander Samia. Wark, David Fredericton, N.B. Note. — Six seats in ^e Senate are vacant at time of going to press. P.E.I. 5. rtCkrantj. ter, B.G. fE.I. •G« B. Q. buoe. •Q. B. going to idbJk HOUSE OF OOM MONS. 318 PEBMANENT OFFICERS OF THE SENATE OF GAKADA. E. J. Langevin, derk, master in chanoery* cashier and aooouni- ant ; James Adamson, assistant clerk and master in chancery ; J. G. A. GreightOD, law clerk, master in chancery, clerk of com- mittees, and English translator; Bev. i , chaplain; A. A. Boucher, master in dianoery, second cleilc assistant and cnief French translator; Peter Miller, first English clerk, and clerk of English joonnals ; A. Oameau, first French translator and clerk; J. de St. Denis LeMoine, clerk of the French journals, second French translator, and sergeant-at-arms ; Ivanhoe Taoh6, assistantclericof French journals, and deputy sergeant-at-arms; B. W. Stephen, assistant accountant and clerk; Alexander Soutter, third English clerk, and clerk of p)< \te bills; B, B. Kimber, gentleman usher of the black rod ; j . B. Myrand, post- master; Peter Dunne, housekeeper; Pierre Battey, doorkeeper; Thomas Wheeler, newsroom keeper; Ghas. Young, Speaker's messenger ; —— , wardrobe and assistant doorkeeper ; F. Gilbert, bank messenger ; John Dunne, O. Archambault and Joseph Larose, permanent messengers; Andr6 Gravelle, house carpenter ; Lo^iis Bobitaille, Joseph Pelletier, Thomas Davis and Theodule Paquet, sessional messengers; Fred. Merritt, J. A. Ghoquette, B. Oraburn, G. Fitzgerald, and A. Dahamel, pages. THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. (Has 211 members, being 92 for Ontario, 65 for Quebec, 21 for Nova Scotia, 16 for New Brunswick, 6 for Prince Edward Island, 6 for British Golumbia, and 5 for Manitoba. The Hon. George A. Kirkpatrick, Speaker. J. Q. Bourino^ derk of the House. PBOVINGE OF ONTABIO. OON8TITUBNCIZ8. KBMBBB8. P. , 0. ADDBEiS. Addington John W. Bell , Desmond. DXIC ~ Alffoma .Simon J. Dawson Pnnce Arthur L'dmg Bothwell *.'.'.*. John J. Hawkins Brantford. Brant, N James Somerville Dundas. Do. S *.*.'.*. Wm. Pater8on........Brantfo ;d. Brockville . ... .John F. Wood Brockville. Bruce, E. ! ,\V,\\ B- M. Wells Toronto. Do7 N .'...!! Alexander McNeill. Wiarton. Do* yii"""" Jas. Somerville .liucknow. Gardwell * ' ' . . V. .*..*. .Thomas White Montreal. C«l'»»-- ^'•_^_'**"*"S!S^-.Ottawa. Dundas. . . . . Xhs. E. Hickey , , Morrisburgh. .•.•a i. I I)'''i su DOMINION OF CANADA. ooHizmrBiroxM. MXMBIBI. p. O. ▲DOBXII. Durhanit S-. A. T. H. WilUami.. . .Fort Hope. Do. W Hon. Edward Blake. Toronto. Blgin, E John H. Wilson St. Thomas. Do. W «...(}eo. E. Casey Fingal. Essex, N Jas. C. Patterson Windsor. Do. S LouisWigle Leamington. Frontenao Hon G.A.ICirkpatrick. Kingston. Olenganr Donald Macmaster. . .MontreaL GrenTille W. T. Benson Cardinal. Orej, N Benjamin Allen Owen Sound. Do. B Thomas Sproule Markdale. Do. S Geo. Landerkin Hanorer. Haldimand David Thompson Deans. Halton • Wm. McGraney Oak-rille. Hamilton F. E. Kttvert Hamilton.^ Do. Thos. Robertson ** Hastings, N Honorable Mackenaie Bowell Ottawa. Do. E John White..... BosHn. Do. W Alex. Bobertson BelleriUe. Huron, B Thos. Farrow Bluerale. Do. S John McMillan Constance. Do. W M. C. Cameron Goderich. Kent Henry Smyth Chatham. Kingston Alex. Gunn Kingston. Lambton, E J. H. Fairbank Petrolia. Do. W J. F.Lister. Samia. Lanark, N Joseph Jamieson Almonte. Do. S John O. Haggart Perth. Leeds, N C. F. Ferguson Kemptyille. Do. S GeorgeTaylor Ganwooque. Lennox Election pending Lincoln and Niagara. J. C. Barkert St. Catherines. London Hon. J. Carlina Ottawa. Middlesex, N Timothy Coughlin. . . .Offa. Do. B Duncan Maomillan. . . London Do. 8 Jas. Armstrong. London. Do. W. Election pending. Monck Lauchliin McCallum. .Stromness. Mtttkoka Wm. B. O'Brien. ..... Sbanfy Bay. Norfolk, N . . .John Charlton Lynedoeh. DOb S Joseph Jackson Simcoe. Northumberland, B. . .Edward Cochrane. • . .Brighton. Do. W. . .George Guillet. Gobourg. Ontario^ N A.P. Gockbum ..Bearerton. Do. 8 F. W. Glen Oshawa. Do. W Goorge Whaeler Uxbridge. Ottawa Oitj Chas. H. Maddntodi.Ottowa. ^^^ Do. <^..Joiq»h Taii6 •* Oxxord,17 .Jamn Sutherland. .. .Woodttoek. Do. S Archibald Harle7....Hacley.. It' Jjni ACGIDBIIT«-€APITAI«* • • •l»18ft»0M. OOHITETUKirOIBI. MSMBBBS. P. O. ADDBB8B. PmA James Fleming. Bramfiton. P«rfth, N S. ILHesBon Stratford. Da 8 JamesTrow ** Peterboxo', E John Bumham Aihbnmhanu Bo. W Geo. Hilliard Peterborough, Presoott Simon Labroise St. Eugdne. Prinoe Edward J. M. Piatt Pioton. Benfrew, N* P.White Pembroke. Do. S B. Campbell Eganville. Busaell M. K. Dickinson Manotiok. Simooe, E Herman H. Ck)ok Toronto. Do. N D. McCarthy Barrie. Do. S. Bichard Tyrwhitt. . . .Bradford. Stormont A Gornwidl. Darby Bergin Cornwall. Toronto, E John Small Toronto. Do. BobertHay " Do. W JasBeaty, Jr »♦ Yiotoria, N Hector Cameron " Do. S" " Jos. B. Dundas Lindsay. Waterloo, N Hugo Kranz Berlin. Do. S Jas. Livingstone Baden. Welland John Ferguson Niagara. Wellington, N Jas. McMuUen Mount Forest* Da C G. T. Orton Hanover. Do. S James Innes Guelph. Wentworth, N Thomas Bain- Strabane. Do. S Lewis Springer Hamilton. York, N William Mulook Toronto. Do. E Hon. A. Mackenzie. . . ** Da W N. C. Wallace... ....Woodbridge. PBOYIKCE OF QUEBEC. Argenteuil Hon. J. J. C. Abbott. . Montreal. Bigot Flavien Dupont St. Liboire. Baanoe. . . .• Jos. Bolduo St. Victor de Tring. Beauhamois. J. Q. H. Bergeron . . . .Montreal. BeUechasae Guillaume Amyot. . . .Quebec. Btothier. E. O. Cuthbert Berthier (en haut,) BomiT«n,tiire L. J. Biopel New Carlisle. Brome 8. A. Fisher.... Knowlton. Ohambly. P. B. Benoit St. Hubert. • Ohamplain H. MontplaUsir Cap de la Magdeleine Gharievoix S. X. Cimon St. Etienne, Malbaie. Chataaoguaj. Edward Holton Montreal. Ohiooa^ni, te J. A. Gagn6 Chicoutimi. OomnBton Hon. John H. Pope... Ottawa. Dorahefter 0. A. Lasage Ste. Claire. Drommond, Ac D. O. Bourbean YictoriaTllle. Qmph PierreFortin Gasp^Basin. ^ i I cmsEvs !!:'! '. COnrPAITT-AlFB BBAK CH. ai6 DOMINION OF CANADA. cotrmrvBiroxsf* miXBBBS. p. O. AHJXBMBM. Hoohelagft '. . . . . A. Detiardins Montreal. Hontingaoni. Julius Soriyor Hemmingford. Iberville Francois B6chard . . .Mount Johnson. Jacques Oartier. Ddsird Girouard Montreal. Joliette..*. E. Ouilbault JoUette. Kamoonika, G. B. Blondeau St. Pascal. Lapairie A. Pinsoimeault St. Jacques le Mineur L'Assomption H. Hurteau L' Assomption. Laval ', J. Ald^rio Ouimet. ...Montreal. Lftris J,,.. .Isidore Belleau Ldvis. L*Idet . P. B. Gasgrain Quebec. Lotbinitoe G. J. Binfret Ste. Oroiz. MaskinongA Frederic Houde Montreal. Megantio. . . .'. L. J. C. Frechette St. Ferdinand. Misaisquoi Geo. B. Baker Sweetsburg. Montcalm. Firman Dugas Montcalm. Montmagny .Philippe Landrj Quebec. Montmortncgr P. V. Yalin Quebec. Montreal CBast) C.J. Coursol Montreal. • Montreal (Gcnatre) ... .J. J. Curran '* Montreal (West). . . . . .M. H. Ganlt ** Napierville M6d6ric Gatudal Kapieryille. Nicdiet F. X. O. M^thot St. Pierre les Becquets Ottawa County Alonso Wright Ironside, Hull. Pontiac John Bryson Fort Goulonge. Portneuf " " E. A. de St. Georges. .QuebecN Quebec (East) Hon. W. Laurier Arthabaskaville. Quebec (Gentre) J. G. Boss^^ Quebec. Quebec (West) Hon. T. McGreevy ... '* Quebec County Hon. P. Adolp. Caron. Ottawa. Bichelieu L. H. Massue .Ste. Anne do Yaren'es Richmond, Ac Wm . B. Ives Sherbrooke. Bimouski L. A. Billy St. Germain de Bi- mouski. Bouville G. A. Gigault St. G^saire. St. Hyacinthe M. E. Bemier St. Hyaciuthe. St. Jcums Francois Bourassa .... St. Valentine St. Maurice L. L. L. Desaulniers. .Montreal. — Shefford Mif hel Auger Boston Pond. Sherbrooke B. K. Hall Sherbrooke. Soulanges G. B. L. G. H. S. De Beaigeu Goteau du Lac. Stansteijid. Charles C. Colby Stanstead. Temiscouata. P. E. Grandbois ^ividre-du-Lonp, (en ha§). Terrebonne Hon. J. A. Ghapleau. . Ottawa. Three Bivers. Sir H. L. Langevin, K.O.M.G., G.B.Ottawa. Two Mountains .J. B. Daoust. ^ St. Eustache. YaudreuU .......,., .Hugh McMillan . ^ .. ..Bigaudf . , : 1 wiilMiawiniii II mm %9 9 apm U &m do not Tom th» galley. i^iaMtM^ HOUSE OF COMMONS. S17 ooiriTrrnBiioiai. MBMBRBI. p. O. ▲DDEBM. Yerohdres Hon. F. Geoffrion. . . .Yerohdren. Tamaska { . . .Fabien Yanaise Montreal. NOYA SCOTIA. Annapolis Wm. Hy. Bay Olemimtsport. Antigoniah Angus Molsaao Antigoniah. Cape Breton Murray Dodd Sydney. Cape Breton Wm. McDonald . . Little Glaoe Bay. Ooloheiter Hen. A. W. MoLelan. Ottawa. Cumberland Sir Clias. Tupper, K.C.M.Om C.B.Ottawa. Digby Hon. W. B. Yan Halifax. Gnysboro' John A. Kirk Glenelg. Halifax John F, Stairs Halifax. Halifax M. B. Daly ** Hants W. H. Allison Newport. Inverness Hugh Cameron Mabou. Kings D. B. Woodworth. . . .Comwallis. . Lunenburg C. E. Kaulbach Lunenburg. Piotou John McDougald WestriUe. Pictou C.H. Tupper Halifax. Saeen's Jas. F. Forbes LirerpooL iohmond Hy. N. Paint Halifax. Shelboume Thos. Bobertson Barrington* Yictoria C. J. Campbell Baddedc. Yarmouth Joseph B. Kemy Yarmoutfi. NEW BBUNSWICK. Albert John Wallace Hillsboro. Oarleton David Irvine Wicklow. Charlotte Arthur H. Gilmour. . .St. George. Gloucester. Kennedy F. Bums .... Bathorst. - Kent P. A. Landry Dorchester. Kings Geo.E. Fostsr Apohaqoi. Northumberland Hon. Peter Mitchell. .Montreal. Sueens G. G. King Chipman. estigouche Bobt. Moffatt Dalhousie, St. John (County). . . .Sir S. Leonard Tilley K.C.M.G., C.B.Ottawa. St. John (City) Hon. Isaac Burpee. . .St. John. St. John (City) C. W. Weldon " Sunbury Chas. Burpee Sheffield, Yictoria. Hon. John 0>stigan. .Ottawa. Westmoreland Josiah Wood Sackville. York. John Plokard. Fredericton. CmSBHS UrSCBABTOB OOMFAKT— LOAfl» it«d Alter ihrmm jtmuts Im ibi ill PBIKOE EDWARD ISLAIO). oovmruBfouM. mbmbbbi. v. o. aodbmi. King*! Oonnty A. 0. Maodonald Montaga* Bridge do. P. A. Molntjrre Sonrli. Prince County Jamei Teo Port Hill. do. Bdward Haokett Ottawa. Qoeen'i Ckmnty. Lonii Henrj Duriei. .Oharlottetown. do F. de St. 0. Breoken. .ChMrlottetown. BBITISH COLUMBIA. Cariboo Jamei Reid Qaetnellemonth. Kew Westminiter ... .J. A. R Homer New Wettmiiuiter. Vanconyer D. W. Gordon Nanaimo. Yiotoria B. 0. Baker Yictoria. do N. Shakespeare <* Tale F.J. Barnard <* MANITOBA. Lisgar. ...A. W. Boas Winnipsg. Marquette. Bobert Watson Portage la Prairie. ProTencher Joseph Royal St. Boniface. Selkirk Hugh Sutherland WiiLnipeg. Winnipeg T. Scott M PERMANENT OFFIOERS OF THE HOUSB OF COMMONS. (CxilTSAIi BZiOOX.) John O. Bourinot. derk of the House ; F. F. Rouleau, clerk assistant; D. W. Macdonell, sergeant-at-arms ; Hy R. Smith, depu^ seraeant-at-arms ; Henry Hartney, accountant ; Gnstarus W. wicksteed, law clerk : Wm. Wilson, assistant law clerk and Btaglish translator; T. O. Coursolles, assistant law clerk and FrMidh translator; J. R. E. Ghapleau, translator of TOtes and Journals; Herman Poetter. clerk of votes and proceedings; W. B. Ross, English Journal clerk; P. Rivet, French journal clerk ; B. Tlimki 4>le')c of committees ; F. Hayes, R. J. Wicksteediassistant Siu^Ul translators ; J. F. Oingras, J. A. G^nand, A. Fr6ohett<^ Jtt 'MniJpiRiiee, D. L. Desaulniers, E. E. Qu6ry, assistant French tfflMiwNi ; F. McGillivray, clerk of routine and records ; Henry B. IB^ipiMi engrossing clerk ; R. Romaine, clerk of stationery; A. SkMMie, assistant clerk of stationery ; I. B. Taylor, indexing clerk, and clerk of proceedings in assistant derk^s office; R. McG-. MoffatI elerk of railway and banking committees ; Charles Panet, derk c^ standing orders and miscellaneous private bills eommitte«s; B. P< / 0M TMMM SBOrSITT OP m VMWm OOVSBNMENT DEPABTMENT8. 319 Haiiney, clerk of public aooounta oommiltee, and Mditant clerk of railway and banking committees ; Walter Todd, anietant clerk of ttanding orders committee ; Fran^oie X. Blanohet, aseiutant dark of oommitteea ; Wm. G. Bowlet. aaeiitant clerk of Totea and TCOoeedioge. and eecrotary to the clerk of the Ho«m; A. G. D. Taylor, aeiistant clerk of English Journals and petitions ; Jas. Didton, clerk of sessional papers ; N. Balsaretti« assistant French Journal clerk; Bobert Brewer bookkeeper; T. Onimet and N. Bobidouz, junior clerks ; P. Poirier. postmaster; J. Stansfleld, Jr., aMistant postmaster , A. E. Pollptier, P. 0. messenger. PuirriHO or Pabuakbtit.— H. Hartney, superintendent ; B. Bokterell, Jr.. distributor of printed papers ; N. Boulet and H. A. Botterell, assistants ; J. Bivet and J. Wliillook, messengers . OOMMI88IOKBRB rOB ADMIHIiTBBINO THjiI OaTH TO M aMBBBI.— J* G. Bourinot, clerk of the House ; D. W. Macdonell. sergeant- at-arms ; G. W. Wioksteed, law clerk ; •!. Hartney. Tbb Librabt or PABLiAMBirr. — ^The library was constituted a separate department of the public service by t; 'a Ac>: 34 Vic, chap. 21. The officers are appointed by the Crown, an<* are respnnsiTle to the Speakers of the Senate ana House of Comiaons as'Hotedby a Joint committee of both Houses, sessionally appointed. . Todd, librarian ; A. D. Becellee, Assistant librarinn ; A. .A^ierridre, ■enior clerk French division ; A. Hamlyn To-id. senior oler English division ; James Fletcher, registry clerk , j h mes OampbQil^ clerk English division ; L. P. Sylvain, assistant clerv. French divi- sion ; E. Stewart Thane, extra clerk ; L. J. GasauU, ohi^f messen- ger and caretaker; Jas. H. Dunlop, J. W. Byan and J. B. B»tl4, messengers. GOVERNMENT OFFICES. DEPABTMENTAL BUILDINC^S (BASTBBN BLOCK). GovKBNOR GfiKBBAii Secbetary's OFFICE. — M^jor Viaoount Melgund, Gk>vernor Genemrs secretary ; C. T. Jones, chief clerk : W. Campbell, P. L. MoDermoti^ F. Stuart, clerks; G. Smith, messenger ; H. G. Clarke, orde ly. Customs DHPABTMBirr.>-Hon. Mackenzie BoweU, minister of Customs; J. Johnson commissioner of customs; J. W. Peachy, chief derk correspondence ; T. A. D. Bliss, clerk. AccountanVa Branch. — W. G. Parmelee, ac oonpt ant and chief clerk; T. J. Watters, J. J. Campbell A. L. "Wll^rs, John E. Smith, clerks. TMMM CngEZEJSH UfBUBANCTB CO.— FIRE BBAITOH. •treil, for wlileli low llciireii wlU be qaoted. A««iieiM I 1 220 DOMINION OF CANADA. StatUtUxU, Branch.— J. Barry, chief clerk; H 0. Hay, O. Y. Ince. J. S. Fairweather, C. H. Harding, F. Bennut, C. E. McKiel, A. C. BleAney, G. H. Fawcett, Sydney A. Dunlcvie, derks. Cheeking Branch.— W, 0. Baker, W. Bussell, G-. S. Bobertson, John Courtney, derki. Stationery Branch.— J. Ackers, clerk. Miniater'a Private Secretary,— IE. L. Sanders, acting. I iMeesengera.^ John Walls and J. Carleton. Inspectors of Ports and Collectors of Customs.—'H.. Karanagh, inspector, Montreal; J. J. Kerr, inspector, Amherst, N.S.; J. W. Gudlip, St. John, N.B.; T. G. Mewbum, inspector, Hamilton, Ont.; W. B. Merigage lor Manitoba and North-West Territories; J. F. Wolff, special agent. Ports and Collector Sj Province of Ontario. Ports marked thus (*) are warehousing ports. Morrisburg, H. Carman. *Napanee, E. D. Phillips, acting. ^Newcastle, F. Farncomb. ♦Niagara, W. Klrby. •Oakvillc, R. K. Chisholm. *Oshawa, G. F. Blarney. ♦Ottawa, Z. Wilson. Owen Sound, J. C. Stephens. ♦Paris, Thomas Hall. Penetangui ahone. Peterboro, J. Stratton. ♦Picton, Walter J. Boss. Port Arthur, P. Nicholson. ^Amherstburg, E. Anderson. *Belleville, W. Webster. Berlin, A L. Bowman. *Brantford, H. B. Leeming. Brighton, M. K. Lockwood. *BrookTille, G. Easton. ♦Chatham, J. G. Penuefather. ♦Cobourg, C. £. Ewing. *Clittoii,^W. Leggett. ♦Colborne, D. E. Macfarland. ♦Colhngwood, G. Watson. ♦Cornwall, A. V. McMillan. ♦Cramahe, G. O. Fowler. ♦Darlington, J. Bankin. - Deseronto, T. G. Pile. ♦Dover, T. B. Barrett. ♦Dundas. W. Gillespy. ♦Dunnviile, A. Brownson. ♦Fort Erie, Wm. Buchner. ♦Gananoque, J. Ormiston. ♦Gait, T. Bryan. ♦Goderich, D. Doty. ♦Guelph, T. A. Hefeman. ♦Hamilton, D. McCulloch. *Hope, E. J. W. Barton. ♦Kingston, Clark Hamilton. Kingsville. S. A. King. ♦Lindsay, D. Drowne. ♦London, B. Beid. Ports and CUIeetors, Province of Quebec. OlarenceTilleJVT. M. Pattison. Perc6, W' Flynn. ♦Coaticookejpf. S. Williams. ♦Quebec, J. G. Blanchet. ♦Dundee, MrM. Smith. ♦Bimouski, P. L. Gaurreau. ♦Prescptt, H. D. .fessup. ♦Sarma, G. Matheson. Saugeen, J. Fleming ♦Sault St. Marie, J. Wilson. St. Catharines, H. H. Collier. St. Thomas, E. A. Dunham. ♦Stratford, J. Hamilton. ♦Toronto, Hon. J ames Patton. Trenton, F. J. M aguire. Wallaceburg C- Fraser. ♦Whitby, G. A. Carson. ♦Windsor, W. Benson. ♦Woodstock, W. H. Van Ingen. S^nsebold aod good Commeretol Blslui speelally • ta •M prtwctpal towns. 'Lomm paid, OTOr §!,••• » •••!• GOVERNMENT DEPABTMENTS. 231 *Freligh8burp, Wni. C. Baker. *Gtasp(fj J. J. Kavanngh. HeminiuKford, F. S. Proper. Lacolle, P. DozoiB. ^Magdalen Islands, J. B. F. Painchaad. ^Montreal, M. P. Ryan. *New Carlisle, P. 0. Beauohesne. Potton, Walter Lynch. Russelltown., R J. Rogers. *Sherbrooke, C. E. Perry. Stanstead, G. S. Ghinnel. *St. Johns, H. G. Perchard. *Sorel, G. Peltier. St. Hyacinthei Jos. A. Hamel. Sutton, Asa Frary. Three Rivers, A. A. Lantier. Ports and Collector a, Province of Nova Scotia. ""Amherst, N. I'upper. ^Annapolis, A. Fullerton. "'Antigonish, R. Grant. *Arichat, R. Benoit. ♦Beddeck, C. G. Campbell. ""Barrington, D. Sargent. ^Bridgetown, S. S. Ruggles. *Cornwallis, E. Rand. ♦Digby, E. Viets. Guysboro, J. A. Tory. ♦Halifax. Hon. W. Ross. ""Liverpool, John H. Dunlop. ""Lockeport, G. Stalker. I'Lundoiiderry, R. J)ill. I'Luneuburtf, E. Dowling. *MargaretsTille, D. W. Landers. *N. Sydney. Cape Breton, A. G. Hamilton. ♦Parrsboro, A. S. Townsend. *Pictou, D. McDonald. Port Hawkesbury, M. Bourinot. *Port Hood, E. D. Tremaine. *Port Medway, J. J. Letson. «Shelbume, W. A Atwood. Sydney, C B., R. McDonald. Truro, J. F. Crowe. •Windsor, E. O'Brien. •Weymouth, N. B. Jones. •Yarmouth, W. H. Moody. Ports and Collectors, Prvoince of New Brunswick. ♦Bathurst, W. J. O'Brien. •Campo Bello (Welchpool), J. Farmer. •Oaraquette, .T. C. Blackhall. C^^Hthum, D. Ferguson. •DaUiousie, W. Montgomery. Dorcheattfr, J. Hickmau. Fredcricton, A. F. Street. Grand Falls, F. W. Brown. •Moncton, J. W. Binney. Newcastle, R. B. Haddow. Richibucto, J. Rusk. •Sackyille, W. (?. Milner. •Shediiu;, W. L. G. Harrington. Snippegan, H. A. Sormany. •St. Andrew's, G. M. Gove. St George, Jas. McKay. •St. John, J. R Ruel, Hillsborough, W. E. Stevens. •St. Stephen, H. Webber. •McAdam's .J unction, S. Watts. •Woodstock, D. F. Merritt. Ports and CoUectors^ Province qf Prince Edward Idand, Charlottetown, James Currie. Summerside, C. W. Strong. Ports and CoUectortj Province of Manitoba. Winnipeg, W. R. Mingaye. Emerson, F. T. Bradley. Ports and Collectors^ Province cf British Columbia, Victoria, Hon. W. Hamley. New Westminister, J. S. Clute. !<' 4 OR AFnmiTT TO 223 DOMINION OF CANADA. DspxHTMsar or Juitiok — Sir Alexander Campbell, K.C.M.O., minister of jottioe and attorney-general of Ganada; O. W. Bur- bidge, depu^ minister of justice ; A. Power, John IsosHc, O. L. B. Eraser, Augnatus Keefer, F. H. Oisbome, W. E. Hodgins, H. B. 8. Lane, W. H. Blackadar, P. M. Ck>t6, clerks; H. J. Hopkirk, minister's priyat^ secretary ; John Clay and P. B, Gurrani mes- isogers. PeniteiUiary Branch.-^. 6. Moylan, inspector ; O. L. Foster aooonntant of penitentiaries; H. Low, clerk. FnrAHCK DBPABTMKirr.— Hon. Sir S. L Tilley, G. B , K.G.M.G., minister of finance ; J. M. Gonrtney. deputy ministHr of finance and secretary to the Hon. the Treasury Board ; T. D. Tims, financial inspector ; F. Toller, controller of Dominion currency ; T. Boss, accountant of contingencies ; J. A. Torrance, Dominion bookkeeper; G. J. Anderson, Dominion Sarings Bank chief clerk; B. W. Baxter, Moore A. Higgins, J. Bobins, M. G. Dickinson, 1st class clerks ; H. A. Jones, B. O'Beilly, J A. Glayton, J. P. Macpherson, H. G. Fripp, J. B. H. Neeve* J. E. Nash, G. E. Tur- geou. G. F. Street, C. A. Oough, J. Hopkirk. Geo. Lowe, jr., G. T. Orookshank, John McNicol, N. S. Garland, G. M. Jarvts E. S. Wiggins, 2nd class clerks ; 0. H. Terry, J. Fraser, G. J. Taskor, 0. Webber, G. W. Treadwell, E. Gapbert, Tbos. Gilmour, John Belfour, F. A. Gofflo, W. L. Blair, G Htnnton, T. G. Boville, G. W. G. Tabor. Wra. Ketchum; 3rd class clerks ; G. Y. Crookshank, minister's priyate secretary ; Professor J. B Giierriman, super- intendent of Insurance ; G. E. Anderson, assistant superintendeut. A. K. Blackadar, W. J. B. McMinn, clerks ; P. Connolly, F. HcGaffireyi P. Pender, W. H. Ostrom, J. F. McCaffrey, messengers. Dbpabtmbmt or thb Sbor^abt of Statb. -Hon. Joseph A. Ghapleau, Q.G., LL.D., secretary of state ; Grant Powell, under* secretary of state. Correapondenet Branch. — Henry J. Morgan, chief clerk of the department; Wm. Herbert Jones, H. E. Steele, E. J. Pulford, E. Bmond, N. X. Larochelle, clerks. Registry Brnrwh.—h. A. Ca- tellier, deputy renistrar general of the Department; Alphonse Audet, keeper of Becoris; J. \. Bnlanger, R. Brousse^u, J. J. Bum. A. G. Learoyd, ^V . S. Gliddon, G. Collins, J. W. Storr, P. T. Kirwan, D. D. McDonald, G. Medlow, D. Dunn, C. S Sanson, T. J. Code, E. J. Harrison, clerks. Stationery Office — J. Younp, T. Boxborough, T. Bobertson, A. H. Beaulieu, W. WaUh, Frank Gtoldthrite. clerks. Queen*a Printers firancA. — Lieut.-Col. B. Chamberlain, G.M.G , D.G.L.. Queen's Printer; W. Gliddon, A. Poitvin, L. A. Grison, A. O. Mousseau, clerks ; L H. Tach^, private secretary to the Minister ; P. Logan, T. O'Keefc, J. Larkin, J. Hughes, H. Allan, messengers ; John Foran, packer. innmiTTTii CAWAPI ATf COMOPAMT OITOUI AHT UfTEHAUlO I4IFI6 IRAVRISHII. bell, K.C.\r.G., la; O. W. Bur- I«aHo, G. L. B. Hodgins, H. B. i. J. Hopkirk, 3, Curran, mes- r ; O. L. Foster 3. B , K.O.M.O., istisr of finance I; T. D. Tims, nion currency ; nnce, Dominion ank chief clerk ; G. Dickinson, . Clayton, J. P. I^ash, G. £. Tur- liOwe, jr., G. Y. Jarvis E. S. r, C. J. Tanker, Gilmour, John C. Boville, C. Y. Crookshank, ;rriman, super- uperintendeut. '. Connolly, F. ey, messengers. on. Joseph A. Powell, under* ef clerk of the J. Pulford, E. wfc.— L. A. Ca- cnt; Alphonse rousse^u, J. J. . W. Storr, P. r. S Sanson, ■««.-— J. Younff, Walbh, Frank Lieut. -Col. B. . Gliddon, A. L H. Tach/^, «f<>, J. Larkin, ker. GOVEBNBfENT DEPABTMENT3. 223 AuDiTOB Gbrsraii's Omoa.->-J. L. McDougall. anditor^gene- ral : J. Patterson, assistart auditor ; £ C. Barber, J. B. Simpson, H. G. Dunlevie, B. D. viui erland, H. H.O. Gray, J. H. P Gib- son, Thomas Porter, Johu 3-orman. J. B. Ljnch, Geo. C. Bolton, F. E Hayter, L. A. Boissonuault, J. H. Balderson, J. G. Mc- Donald, clerks ; John Pender, Francois Gassault, messengers. DxPARTMBRT ov INLAND BsTSHTTB.— Hon. John Gostigau, Minister of Inland Bevenue ; E. Miall, Commissioner. Corres- S ending Branch.— W. Himsworth, corresponding clerk; W. arter, A. Lusignan. Accountant's Branch. — P. M. Bobins, accountant ; F. H. E. Oampeau, assistant ; J. E. Yalin, C. B. Hall, J. A. Doyon, G. Brunei, J. Byrnes, clerks. Statistical Branch.— F. Measam, W. L. Heron. B. Nettle, J. £. Shaw. Canal Branch. — B. H. Teakles X. Stuart, B. Devlin. Adulteration of Food C. E. Chubbuok. Forms Branch.— F. K. Blatch. Weights and Measures. — ^W. J. Johnson, J. Brunei. Laboratory.— J. Fowler ; messengersi G. Fowler and B. Archambault. I IDiatriet Inapectora of Inland Beven^te. — ^Henry Godson, of Toronto, Chief Inspector ; John Davis, of Windsor, for Windsor district; J. Morrow, of Toronto, for Tbronto district; Wm. L. Hamilton, of Ottawa, for Kingston district ; B. Bellemare, of Montreal, for Montreal custrict; J. M. Lemoine, of Quebec, for Quebec district ; Thomas Hanford, of St. John, N. B., for New Brunswick district ; B. Borradaile, of Halifax, N. S., for Nova Scotia district ; W. F. Gonin, of Winnip^, for Manitoba district ; C. T. Dupont, of Victoria, for British Columbia ; B. Borradaile, of Halifax, for Prince Edward Island; J. Davis, of Windsor, Inspector of Distilleries ; W. J. Gerald, Inspector of Tobacco Factories. DxPARTKBNT Of TRB Intebiob.— Hou. D. L. Macphcrsou, min- ister ; A. M. Burgess, deputy minister ; I«. G. Pereira, acting minister's private secretary. Seeretarifa Branch. — John B. Hall, secretary ; K. J. Henry, registrar; G. W. Ryley, J. P. Dunne, P. B. Douglas, H. Kinlock, W. Howe, C. C. Bogers, A. Chisholm, J. S. Brough, B. M. Bon- fellow, N. O. Cot6, G. A. Sparkes, G. G. V. Ardouiu, £. Genest, G. W. Patterson, W. Hatch, J. L. L*EtoUe. Landa^ Grant Branch.— W, M. Goodeve, clerk in charge ; B Lang, N. Tdtu, H. Sherwood, F. Chickley, B. Wallis, F. H. 0. Cox'^ Ordnance Landa^ Branch. — W. Mills, clerk in charge ; P. G. Keyes, J. A. Pinard, accountant ; C H. Beddor, a^st. accountant Survey^a Branch.— Lindsay Bussell, surveyor general ; captain Deville, chief inspector of survey ; W. F. King, inspoctor of survey; J. Johnston, chief draughtsman ; F. Cli^tou, A. Grinard, P. B. Symes. L, T. Laoasse, B. Billings. B Bauscher, E. T. W . Souter, M. Brady. C. Owen, A. Swinbum, P. Bobertson, A. Bobert- 8on, J. Dunuet, messengers. .( • I !l ^il §. m OmZBlis INiURAMCBCO— IdfeBitaiob. Sep»v»U« lioB«raU« trvataeBt gamrma%—d tmm ttt 224 DOMINION OF CANADA. DmPhxtuKXT or Ihdian Atfaibb— Insidb Sbbyigb.— The Bight Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, P.O.,K.G.B.,G.C.M.G., Superinten- dent General of Indian Affairs ; L. Yankoughnet, deputy do. ; Bobert Sinclair, chief clerk and accountant ; Wm. Plnmmer, first class clerk ; A. Diugman, inspector of Indian Agencies and Beserves ; J. Y. de Bouchenrille, Land Salem clerk ; A. N. McNeill, corresponding clerk; F. W. Smith, assistant accountant ; Samuel Stewart, clerk of Becords; Thps. F. S. Kirkpatrick, assistant clerk of Becords; J. D. McLean, stenographer ; M. Ben- son. French translator ; D. G. Scott, B. G. Dalton, clerks ; Thos. Coffey, jun., assistant Land Sales clerk; H. G. McL. Maingy, Joseph Delisle, H. J. Brook, H. C. Boss,, clerks ; Miss Fannie Yielding, index clerk; John Austin, F. A. Boss, John McGirr, D. C. F. Bliss, extra clerks; Thos. Starmer, housekeeper and messenger ; James Stocombe, T. B. Boyschr, messengers. OxTTSiDB Sbbviob.— Jndtan Branch— Ontario J.T. Gilkinson, Indian Superintendent and Commissioner, Brantford; J. 0, Phipps, Indian Superintendent. Manitowaning ; Ebenezer Watson, Indian Land Agent, Samia; Charles Skene, Indian Superinten- dent, Parry Sound ; John .\1 cintyre, Indian Agent, Lac des Mille Lacs ; B. B. Miller, Indian Lands Agent, Wiarton ; Thos. Gordon, Indian Agent, Strathroy; Wm. Yan Abbott. Indian Lands Agent, Sault Ste. Marie; B. W. Boss, do., Cockbum Island; Wm. Bull, Indian Agent, Wiarton ; JohnCreighton. do.) Saugeen; Chas. B. SaTage, Indian Lands Agent, Gore Bay; John F. Day, do., Bruce Mines ; T. F. Pile, do., Deseronto ; A. B. Cowan, do., Gananoque ; John Beattie, Indian Agent, Highgate ; James Paul, do., Egansrille ; Matthew Uill, Shannonville ; John Thackeray, Indian Agent, Bosemeath ; J. B. Stevenson, Indian Agent, Georgina ; Edwin Harris, Indian Agent, Gores Landing ; H. H. * Thompson, Indian Agent, Penetanguishene ; Wm. McPhee, Indian Agent, Upter Grove; Geo. It' McDermott, Indian Agent, Scugog; A. McKelvey, Indian Agent, Wallaceburg ; Adam English, Indian Agent, Sarnia; J. P. Donnelly, Indian Agent, Prince Arthur's Landing. Quebec. — Chas. Logue, Indian Agent, Maniwaki; Geo. E. Gherrier, do ; Gaughnawaga ; Louis F. Boucher, Indian Supetin- tendent, Betsiamits via Tadousac ; John Davidson, Indian Agent, Dundee ; L. E. Otis, do., Pointe Blanc; Henry Yassal, do., Pierreville; A. Le Bel, jun., do., Bivi^re du Loup; Bev. 0. Drapeau, do.- Tross Point. Bestigouche; Bev, J. Gagn6, do., Marie; Henry ^lutfatt, clerk. British Columbia.— I. W. Powell, Yisiting Indian Superinten- dent, Yiotoria; P. O'Beilly, Indian Beserve Commissioner, Victoria ; G. Belkinsop. Agent to the Kwah-Kewith Indians ; W. H. Lomas, do., Cowicnan Indians; P. McTieman. do., Fraser BiveK Indians; H. Cornwall, do., Kamloop Indians ; A. £ House, do., Okanagan Indians ;W. L Meeson, do., Williams Lake; Joseph W. McKay, do.. North West Coast of British Colombia. leh. SepAffttu hj Aet of ParllMnemt.-17iidoiibteiiS6eiultyU ftflbrded »atf klffli steadlnc •# Ito ProT»n«it.«rT «nd 'Dlr«)rt«»r«. !B.~The Bight ., Superinten- t, deputy do. ; ''m. Plnmmer, . Agencies and clerk; A. K. It aococmtant ; Kirkpatrick, »her; M. Ben- clerks; Thos. licL. Maingy, ; l\fi8S Fannie John McGirr, i8ekeei>er and Dgers. T. Gilkinion, itford; J. G, aezer Watson, a Superinten- Lac des Mille rhos. Gordon, ndian Lands hum Island; do., Saugeen; John E. Day, . Cowan, do., ; James Paul, 1 Thackeray, idian Agent, iding ; H. H. « iPhee, Indian gent, Scugog; am English, Lgent, Prince lei; Geo. E. ian Supeiin- son, Indian enry Vassal, oup; Rev. 0. Gagn6, do.. Superinten- immissioner, Indians; W. do., Fraser ans ; A. E 0., Williams I of British GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 225 New Bruhawick.—C. Sargeant, Indian Superintendent, diat- ham ; Wm. Fisher, do., Fredericton ; Moses Craig, Indian Agent, Perth. yoya Scotia. — George Wells, Indian Agent for the Counties of Annapolis and Shelbume; Freeman McDormand, do., for the Counties of Digby and Yarmouth; Rev. R. Macdonidd, Indian Agent, Picton; Rev. Wm. Chisholm, do., Antigonish; Rev. J. McDongall, do.. Red Islands; Rev. D. Mclsaac, do.. River Inhabitants; Rev. Rodl^rick Grant, do., lona, Grand Narrows; J.E. Beck with, do., ranning; Rev. Thos. Butler, do., Caledonia; James Gass, do., Shubenacaoie ; Rev. D. O'Connor, do., Bedford; Dr. D. H. Muir, do.; Truro ; Dr. A. T. Clarke, do. ; Parsboro ; Rev. M.^McKenzie, do., Christmas Island. Prince Edward Idand.-^. O. Arsenault, Indian Superinten- dent, Lennox Iriand. Manitoba, Keewatin and North-West Territory. — ^The Hon. E. Dewdney, Indian Commissioner for Manitoba and North- west Territories, Winnipeg; E. McGoll, Inspector of Indian Agencies for Manitoba and Keewatin, Winnipeg ; Hayter Heed, Acting Assistant ludian Commissioner for Manitoba and Noitii- West Territories, do. ; T. P. Wadsworth, Inspector of Gov«ra- ment Farms and Agencies for North-West Territories do. ; Angus McKay, Indian Agent, Grand Rapids ; Henry Martineuu, do., Manitoba House; R. Pither, do., Fort Francis; Geor^^e Mo- Pherson, do. Lake of the Woods; L. W. H«rclimer, Indi.m Agent and Farming instructor, Bertie; F. Ogktree, ludian Agent, Portage La Prairie ; A. M. Muckle, do., St. Peter's; Jos. Kent, do.. Fort Alexander; Lieut.-Col. A. Macdonald, do., Indian Head ; Wm. Anderson; do., Edmonton ; C. E. Denny, do., FortMcLeod; J. M. Rae, do., Battleford; W. Pocklington, do., Oalgarry. North West Mounted Police Branch. — Frederick White, comp- troller ; L. A. Fortescue, A. Fisher. . Geoloqical Survey. — Alfred R. C. Selwyn, LL.D., F.R.S., director; G.M.Dawson, D.S-, assistant director and geologist; Robert Bell, M.D., LL.D.,, assistant director and geologist ; J. F. Whiteaves, F.G.S., assistant and palaeontologist ; G. C. Hoffmann, assistant do. tind chemist and mineralogist; John Macoun, F.L.S., botanist ; Scott Barlow, chief draughtsman; John Marshall, secretary and accountant; R. W. Ells, M.A.. field geologist ; Hugh Fletcher. B- A., do. ; R. G. McConnell, B.A. do. ; J. B. Tyrrell, F.G.S., do. ; T. 0. Weston, assistant curator Paloe- ontological, branch ; C. W. Willimott, assistant curator, Miner- ological branch ; John McMillan, surveyor and explorer ^. P. Low, B.A., do. ; Rodolphe Faribault, do. ; Frank D. Adams^B.A., assistant chemist and lithologist ; A. S. Cochran, assistant topo- grapher ; H. M Ami, B.A.,2nd assistant paloeontologist ; John Tiiorbom, LL.D., librarian; R. L. Broadbent. Museum assistant ; H. P. Brumell, do. ; Michael O'FarjreU, caretakei; and mes^eniiev {:• John Meade, meascoger. '-:'> .;•).!. .noHniioi. 1 1' 1 /. mrnvMAMcm co: I WESTERN BLOCK. DsPABTHmr or Miutxa aitd Dnsiroa. — Hon. A. P. Oaron, miniiter ef militia and defence : lieut-col. Hon. G. Eugdne Panel deputy miniiter of militia and defence ; mi^or-general Luard, commanding militia of the Dominion of Ganada ; major Henry B. Smith, A.D.G. ; col. Walker Powell, adjutant-general of militia ; lieut-coL De la Gherois T. Irwin, inspector of artillery ; E. P. Aldrioh, ▲. Benoit, private lecretaries. CorreMonding Branch.'-B. Suite, H. D. J. Lane, Golin Camp- bell, S. Lelidvre, A. F. d'Archambault, derlu. Account Branch. — C. H. 0*Meara, accountant, lieut.-col. D. A. Macdonald, W. H. Aumond, F. X. Lambert, E. B.. Holt, derki. Store Brancli.— Lieut.-col. John Macphenon, director of stores, A^'utant'Oeneral''$ Office.— W. B. bright, chief clerk ; Grant Seymour, E. M. Sherwood, T. G. Larose and miyor W* B. S. Wftinwright, clerks. Central Board of EiMtninera at Headquarters for Royal .Military College oj Canada. — J. Thorbum, LL.D., president; J. A. McCabe, M.A.| Ber. T. B. Balland, John G. Olashan. members* DwPABTianiT OF PuBUC WoBXs.— Sir Hector L. Langeyin, K. G.M.O., G.B., minister of public works ; G. F. Baillaigd, deputy minister of puUic works ; J. H. Ennis, secretary ; H. J. Perley, chief engineer ; Thos. FuUer, chief architect ; O. Dionne, accoun- tant.; Cm. MoOarthy, custodian of maps ; B. Steckel, chief clerk ; LOuis Xiefebvre, keeper of records ; J. G. Tach6, draughtsman ; J. B. Amoldi, mechamical engineer ; F. J. Mackay, E. Boy, E. P. Bunce, Ant. GcAeil, D. A. Macpherson. P. Gartier, L Got6, H. Talbot, Stephen 0*Brien, A. Kingston. J. E. Verreault, A. Luoerte, E. Di<mne, and F.O. Lightfoot, derks ; Henri Potvin, Jos. Gh'^bot, and Geo. Hennessegr, messengers. BxputTinniT of BaiiiWati ahd Gahals.— Sir Charles Tupper, K.O.M.G, minister ; Toussaint Trudeau, deputy minister ; John Page, chief engineer of canals ; A. P. BracUey, chief clerk and secretary; J. Bain, accountant; Thos. Gross, chief derk; H. A. FIseault, J. F. N. Bonneyille, W. J. Tilley. M. W. Maynard, L. K. Jones, 1st dass derks. S. McLaughlin, F. A. Dixon, D. B. Stewart, L. H. Filteau, A. N. Greenfield, Charles Coetin, A. N. Almon. G. Chipman, Snd class derics. L. N. Fortier, L. B. Dion, S. L. SRknnon, W. A. Hill, A. W. Cameron, J. W. Pugdey, J. E, Methot^ 8rd clasi clerks,— J. Deslauriers, 0. J. Keville and L Dedauriersb messengers. Camadian Pacific BrancA.— Collingwood Schrdber, engineer- in-chief ; F. I. I^oh, engineer in charge of head oflloe ; E. Y. Johnson, J. B. ChamberliUn, A. M. Edmonds, draughtsmen. mmA REKUNERATITlfi A€€IDBMT EPQLICW at 99 par tlOiM. A. P. Garon, Sugdne Panet meral Luard, i^or Henry B. il of militia ; dllery; £. P. , Ck>lin Gamp- mt-ool. D. A. lolt, clerks. Btor of stores, clerk; Grant jor W. B. S. » /or Royal )., president; G. Glashan. Langevin) K. laigd, deputy H. J. Perley, Dnne, accoon- ^ chief clerk ; raughtsman ; E. Boy, E. P. ', I. Got6, H. it, A. Lacerte, , Jos. Gfaf^bot, arles Tapper, inister ; John chief clerk chief clerk; W. Maynard, Dixon, D. B. [kntin, A. N. r, L. B. Dion, *ugBl«y, J. E, erilLe and I. «7, engineer- oiBee ; E. Y. [fatsmen. GOVEBNMENT DEPABTMENTS. 227 DxPAaTMKMT or Masihb ahdFishbbibs.— Hon. A. W. MoLelan. minister; William Smith, deputy minister; W. F. Whitcher, commissioner of fisheries ; John Hardie, chief clerk ; John Tilton, chief clerk and accountant; Samuel P. Bauset, Wm. L. MageCi F. F. Gourdeau. Wm. P. Anderson, engineer; W. H. Alexander, B. N. Yenninift John Mackinson, M. P. McElhinney, W. B. Gar- leton, J. B. Halkett, W. W. Stumbles, A. W. Owen, S. B. Kent, M. V. G. Nicholson, J. S. Webster, T. E. McLelan, Aim6 H. Belliveau, Andrew Halket^ J. A. Murray, J. M. Oxley, clerks ; Jules Morin and Jas. A. Bobertson, messengers ; J. U. Gregory, agent, Quebec ; J. H. Harding, agent. St. John, N.B. ; H. W. Johnson, agent, Halifax. N.S..; Frederick Bevely, agent, Victoria, B.G. ; A. Lord, agent, Charlottetown. P.B.I. ; lieutenant D. M. Browne, Halifax, superintendent of lights, Nova .Scotia ; J. Mitchell, superintendent of lights. New Brunswick, Newcastle. N,B.; Patrick Hariy, superintendent of lights above Montreal, Ottaw^^ Out. ; Wm. harbour, superintendent of lights for the Province of Quebec ; captain P. A. Scott, B.N., chairman of board of ex- aminers of masters and mates; captains G. A. Mackensie, D. Hunter and lieutenant D. M, Browne, examiners; Halifax, M.S. ; captain J. Pritchard and W. Thomas, examiners. St. John, N.B. captain B. Cameron, examiner, Gharlottetown, P.E.I. ; captains Henr^ Lewis and Thomas Killam, examiners Yarmouth, N.S.: captain Z. Gharr<m, examiner, Quebec; S. Bisley, chairman board of steamboat inspection, and inspector for Ontaria Huron and Superior division, Toronto ; W. M. Smith, deputy chairman, and inspector for New Brunswick and Nova Scotia division, St. John, N.B. ; W. J. luTeneilly, inspector for West Ontario division, Toronto ; fidward Aduns, inspector for East Ontario division, Kingston ; J. Bwgesa, inspector for Montreal division, Montreal ; J. Samson, inspector for Quebec division, Quebec; 0. B. Goker, inspector of hulls, St. John, N.B. ; Thos. Harbottle, inspector or hulls for Ontario^ Tov<mto ; Pierre Brunelle, inspector of hulls, for Quebec Quebec . M. P. McElhinney, inspector of hulls, Ottawa ;— £. B. Abdl, inspector of hulls, boilers and maohinenr for Manitoba, Keewatin, Port Arthur and the North West Terri- tories— Lower Fort Garry. Manitoba ; S. Wilmot, superintendent of fish breeding estabUshments, Newcastle, Ont; ; W. B. Yenning, inspector of fidieries for New Brunswick, St. John, N.B. ; W. H. Bogers. inspector of fisheriers for Nova Scotia. Amherst, N.S. ; A. 0. Anderson, inivector of fisheries for British Golumbia, Vic- toria. B.O. ; L. B. Demers. commander government steamer Druid ; Edmund Larochelle, commander government steamer NapdUon III: Biehard A. Guildford, commander government steamer Newfieidj captain John Devereux. commander government steamer Sir Jawtea Do%igla9 ; Allan Finlurson, commander of «crew steamer Northern Light ; Charles Garpmael, superintenp dent of meteorological office, and director of magnetic observatory^ Toronto: Bev. J. Williamson. M.A., LL.D., curector of obsenric . atorr, Kingston; C. H. McLeod, director of observatozy. Moil- : treal; eastttn Drury, A Battery, director of observatory, Quebec { G. Hntohinson, director of observatory, St John, N.B. ; H. St. A. Il 'X. f 928 DOMINION OF CANADA. Onnond, agent and inspector of Water police. Montreal; Ben- jamin Tmdeli chief constable water police, and ahipping master, Qaebec; Oeorge Smith, shipping master, Montreal ; W. H. Purdy, snipping master, St. JohnL N.B. : A. B. Bligh, shipping natter. Halifax. K.S. ; W. Kongnan, snipping master. Gharlottetown, P.B.I. ; E. 0*Bryan, harbor master, Balifaz, N.S. ; David Small, harbor master. Gharlottetown, P.E.I. ; W. B. Clarke, harbor roaster. Victoria and Esquimault, B.C. ; J. Eden, harbor master and shipping master, Oasp6, P.Q. u: PrtBT Offiob DBPABTMXirr.— Hon. John Carling, postmaster gei> ral; W. H. Oril&n, deputy postmaster-general ; A. L. Jarvis, pritate secretary. Sf'creiary^t BraneA.— Lieut-colonel William White, secretary ; W. t). LeSueur, assistant secretary; H. S. Weatherly, J. Walsh, A. Lindsay, G. H. Hargrare, H. W. Griffin, J. Plunlcett. J Orniiam, Q. H. Hopkirk, 0. Sangster, A. W. Throop, G. Falconer, (). fc. White J. M. O'Leary, jr., G. Bance, D. McDonald, A. J. MiH dermid, A. W. McLennan, G. J.Binks, J. A. Macdonald. W. J. hrechette, L. H. Pouliot, F. Becher, H. H. .Morton, J. Carter, H. JCnauf, O. A. Gouin, A. Bolduc, L, Ghamard, G. MarRonf, A. E. iieraing, W. G. Little, J. Brown, G. Maillene, N. Champagne, P. W. Myrand, H. H. Phinney, B. Biggs, T. Boy, J. G. Moon, G. P. V. Beroard, E. E. Lemieux, E. P. Stanton, B. M. Northrup, E. L. Taylor, E. Danbrey, E. Bunell, C. L. Hutton, clerks.' AccountanVt Branch. — H. [A.. Wickstoed, accountaitt ; W. H. Smithson, assistant accountant ; P. E. Bucke, E. H. Benjamin, L. Blanchet, G. J. Higgins, G. M. Patrick, B. J. Oliver, D. F. Mc- Carthy, W. Blanchard, J.G.Fortier, E. A.D. Jones. N.G. D'Auteuil, W. Brophy, P. T. Leahy, D. A. Barrett, T. McGrail, W. H. Bumee, G. O. Doucet, A. Dovine, T. M. Oliver, B. Henderson. G. G. Anderson, E. Wilson, J. K. Bochester, J. Lemieux, clerks; J. Ashworthi cashier. Money Order Branch. — J. C. Stewart, superintendent ; G. F. Everett, assistant superintendent; W. J. Barrett, J. Brophy, F. W. Creighton, T. B. Smith, B. J. Shaw, M. K. Dunlcvie, J. F. Wall, 8. S. Thorn, J. G. Bonner, A. W. Wall, J. H. Spencer, D. D. McPherson, W. J. Johnstone, E. B. H. Brooks, M. J. Finn, P. B. Powell, F. M. S. Jenkins, F. E. S. Grou, O. W. Lally, J. H. J. Mercer, T. E. Visser, W. B. Hanley, J. H. Olivier, E. S. Bishop, W. Bowan, E. L. Learoyd, clerks. Sa.vinga Bank Branch.— J. G. Stewart, Superintendent ; D, MaUieson, assistant superintendent ; J. Bose Smith, E. P. Bell, S\H. Kreps, W. H, Egloson, W. H. Harrington, W. H. McCuaig. . Fairwea^iher. J. G. Beatty, J. P. Nutting, E. A. Black, J. H. BoUard, H. N. P. Ghesley, E. F. Jarvis, W. C. E. Stewart, E. E. Taylor^P. B. Taylor, A. J.L. Geddes, A. Lampman, H. McGillivray ^/.T7t^y#■?»l*,^«^.^frvf^'^?^'^-'•u.Mr..... ..^ 4xnuaaim insokabice compahTv-irim» PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. 220 Printing and Supply Brunch — Sidney Smith, Jr., fuperintend- ent : O. Fortier, W. D. O'Brien, J. R. Greenfield, olerkf. Me»tengera.—ill. Bennett, J. Bell, J. Dodd, S. Oraham, D. I Courtney.. J>apABTHBirr of AoRicuin^URK. — Hon. John Hy. Pope, minister of Agriculture ; J. 0. Taoh6, deputy minister of agriculture ; John Lowe, lecretary of the department. Minister's Private Secretary and Clerk, -J. B. W. Currier. Aeeountant.—H. B. Small. Assistant Accountant.— h. D'Auray. SUatisticSj Emigrationf General Correapondencci ArchiveSf <&c.-* W. F. Boardman, E. H. St. Denis, J. E. Lemi<)ux, Rev. C.Tanguay, D Brymner. Patent Branch. — A. J. Gamble, chief clerk ; H. Oasgrain, 0. C. Neville, D. Bouthier, E. D*Auteuil, J. F. Dionne. W. J. Lynch, T. McOabe, J. A. IiVaser, W. Hanright, A. Levesque, L. J. Beland, A. Tach6, G. Garon, J. H. Lyster. Copyright and Trade Mark Branch.— -J. B. Jackson, E. Tdtu. Model Boom. — J. L6Teill6, Or. Lemaitre, L. Z. Chabot. Mesengers. — ^B. Moreau, D. Cot6. Emigration Agents of the Dominion in Europe.—ltondon : Sir paries Tupper, K.G.M.G., the High Commissioner for the Dom- inion of Canada, 10 Victoria Chambers, London; S. W. ; private secretary, J. Colmer. Liverpool : Mr. John Dyke, 15 Water street. Glasgow : Mr. Thomas Grahame, 40 St. Enoch square. Belfast : Mr. Charles Foy, 29 Victoria Place. Dublin : Mr. Thomas ConoUy, Northumberland House. Bristol : Mr. J. W. Down. Immigration Agents in the Dominion. — J. Smith, Hamilton; B. Mcnierson, Kingston ; A. G. Smythe, London ; W. J. Wills, Ottawa ; J. A. Donaldson, Toronto ; J. J. Daly, Montreal ; L. Stafford, Quebec ; E. Clay, Halifax, N. S. ; S. Gardner. St. John, N. B. ; W. C. B. Graham. Winnipeg ; J. E. T6tu, Emerson ; Thomas Bennett, Brandon ; A. J. Baker, Troy, Qu^Appelle, Manitoba. PEOVINCE OF ONTAEIO. Seat of Qovcrnment^ Toronto. Lisvienant Governor. — The Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto. Private Seoretary.-^. B. Robinson, jun. Official Sscretory.— Gapt. G. Geddes. __ )i =li •4- cmmmaB msiTBAiffCK co^; , PMiMMtt And FIRE* unrB ii 2S0 i> DOMINION OP OANADA. ExBCUTiVK Council. Hon. Oliver Mowat, Attorney-Oenersl. G. W. Rots, Minister of Education. T. B. Pardee, Commissioner of Crown Lands. G. F. Fraser, OomnUssioner of Public Works. A. M. Ross, Treas. and Commissioner of Agriculture. A. 8. Hardy, Secretary and Registrar. J. O. Scott, Q.C, clerk of Executive Council. J. Lonsdale Capreol, assistant clerk. It tt n HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Charles Clarke, Speaker OONSTnUINCIXS. NAMB AND P. O. ADORX- S. Addington G«orge Denison, Hartington Algoma R. A. Lyon, MichaePs Bay Brant, N.R James Young, Oalt Brant, S.B Hon. Arthur S. Hardy, Toronto Brockville Hon. C. F. J^aser, Toronto Bruce, N.R John Gilliea, Oillics Hill Bruce, S.R H. P. O'Connor, Walkerton Cardwell W. H. Hammell, Beeton Carleton G. W. Monk. South March Cornwall A. P. Ross, Cornwall DufFerin Robert McOee, Homing's Mills Dundas A. Broder, West Winchester « Durham, E. R Charles H. Brereton, Bethany Durham, W.R. J. W. McLaughlin, Bowmanville Elgin, E.R CO. Ermatinger, St. Thomas Elgin, W.R John Cascaden, lona Essex, N.R Solomon White, Windsor Essex, S.R W. D. Balfour, Amherstburg Frontenac Henry Wilmot, Kingston Glengarry James Rayside, Lancaster Grenville, S.R Frederick J. French, Prescott Grey, N.R , David Creighton, Owen Sound Grey, E.R .... Abram W. Lauder, Toronto Oreyj S.R John Blythe, Orchard Haldimand Jacob Baxter, Cayuga Halton William Kearns, Burlington Hamilton John M. Gibson, Hamilton Hastings, W.R Ephraim G. Sills, Frankford Hastings, E.R William P. Hudson, Roslin Hastings, N.R Alpheus F. Wood, Madoc Huron, E.R Thomas Gibson, Wroxeter Huron, S.R Archibald Bishop, Hay Huron, W.R Hon. A. McLagan Ross, Goderich Kent, E.R Daniel McCraney, Bothwell Kent, W.R James Clancey, Wallaceburgh Kingston .' James Henry Metcalfe, Kingston Lambton, E.R Peter Graham, Warwick Aim AOCmiBBrTr-CAPITAIi. . . •l,19ft»0««. ▼toe-PresldCDti €l«rald E« Hart* 0«a«Mil HOUSE OF ASSEMBLT-^NTABIO. 981 OOKBTITVBirOm. HAMB AMD P. O. ADDBSBS. L«mbton, W.B Hon. T. B. Pardee, Toronto , Lanark, N.B William C. Caldwell, Lanark Lanark, S.B William Leea, Fallbrook Iieedt and Orenville, N.B Henry Merriok. Merriokyille Leedi, S.B. ..«^ BobertH. Preiton, Newboro* Lennox Alexander Hall Boe, Kapanee Lincoln Sylveiter Neelon, St. Oatharines London William Balph Meredith, London Middleeex, B.B Donald MoKeniie. H/de Park Middleaex, N.B John Watera, Springbank Middleeex, W.B Alexander Johnston, Strathroy Monck Bichard Harcourt, Welland Maekoka and Parry Sound Norfolk, S.B William Morgan, Port Bowan Norfolk, N.B John B. Freeman, Simooe Northumberland, E.B James M. Ferris, Oampbellford Northumberland, W.B Bobert Mulholland, Oobourg Ontario, N.B Isaac J. Gould J[Jxbridge Ontario, S.B John Diyden, Brooklin Ottawa Patrick Baskerville, Ottawa Oxford, N.B * . . .Hon. Oliver Mowat, Toronto Oxford, S.B Hon. Adam Crooks, Toronto Peel Kenneth Chisholm, Brampton Perth, N.B George Hess, Listowel Perth. S.R Thomas Ballantyne, Stratford Peterborough, E.R Thomas Blezard, Villiers Peterborough, W.R John Carnegie, Peterborough Prescott Albert Hagar, Plantagenet Prince Edward James Hart, Picton Benfrew, S.R John F, Bowling, Eganville Benfrew, N.B. Thomas Murray, Pembroke Russell Honor6 Robillard, Ottawa Simcoe, E.R Charles Drury. Crown Hill Simooe, S.R George P. McKay Lefroy Simcoa, W.R Orson J. Phelps. Phelpstone Stormont Joseph Kerr, Farran's Point Toronto East Hon. A. Morris, Toronto Toronto West Henry E. Clarke, Toronto Victoria, N.R John Fell. Bury's Green Victoria, S.R Duncan J. Mclntyre, Lindsay Waterloo, N.R E. W. B. Snider, St. Jacobs Waterloo. S.B Isaac Master, Washington Welland James E. Morin, Bidgeway Wellington, W.R Robert McKim, Parker Wellington. C.R Hon. Charles Clarke, Elora Wellington, S.R .Tames Laidlaw, Guelph Wflintworth, N. R James McMahon, Dundas Wentworth, S.R Nicholas Awrey, Binbrook York, E.R George W. Badgerow, Toronto York, W.R John Gray, Parkdale York, N.R J. H. Widdifield, Newmarket '•■i » V CmSBJIft 19 MUMAIICE COMFAlfT— IJFB BMA9CB. •■ikAmMiiliiir eoii«lltf<MiM. r»r«liri> travel 98i DOMINION OF CANADA. OmoBBi or TBB Lb«isx4ATItb AismBLT.—Ohftilt* ' r^Ulmor, d«rk of the Ronw, Mid olerk of the Grown in Ohanoei < fi rtiiOi H. Sydere, ol«rk Miiitant ; J. If. DeUmar*, clerk : Joki' i<TolniMi, aoconntant ; John B. Oartwright, law olerk ; F. J. Olaokme jer , •ergeant-at>anni ; T. O'Brien, houee keeper and chief meeienger. FUBUO DBPABTBOBNTS, ONTABIO. PBOTnroiAL Skcrbtabt'i Omoa.— Hon. A. S. Hardy, proyin- del lecretary ; Geo. E. Lumiden. aseiitant leoretarr ; J. B. MoLachlan, J. D. Warde and L. H. Irving, clerki ; Arthur Burt- chall, meiienger. ZiretiM Branch (connected with the department of the hon. provincial tecretaryj. — Henry Totten, chief clerk ; J. P. MoDonell, B. A. McLaurin and J. H. Comerford, clerkn. Immigration Department (connected with the department of the hon. the treaiurer). David Spence, secretary ; B. M. Penie, agent at Quebec, and clerk ; Edward Jenkinson, clerk. pROYnrciAii Bkoibtrar'b Officb.— Hon A. S. Hardy, provin- dal regie trar ; F. C. Usaher, deputy registrar. Bboiitbab Gbmebal'8 Officb.— Hon. A. S. Hardy, registrar general ; H. S. Crewe, inspector. Tbbabubbb'b DBPABTMBirr.—Hon. A. M. Ross, treasurer; W. B. Harris , assistant treasurer ; F. A. Carroll, L. V. Perceval, W. N. Douglas and B. Humphreys, clerks ; 0. H. Sproule, auditor ; L. W. Orr, A. J. Rattray and J. Maclagan, clerks ; T. Wells, messenger; J. H. Hunter, inspector of insurance ; V. M. Simmins, clerk. Obown Lands Dbpabtkbnt. — Hon. P. D. Pardee, commissioner; T. H. Johnson, assistant commissioner ; O. Kennedy, law clerk . T. W. Gibson, shorthand writer. Free Grants and Sales Branch.— A. Kirkwood, chief clerk ; J. J. M. Grant, P. Alma, Julian Sale, clerks ; J. J. Murphy, clerk free grants. Surveyat Patents and Eoadi. — G. B. Kirkpatrick, P.L.S., chief clerk ; W. Revell, clerk. E. Fox, P.L.S., chief clerk patents ; A. J. Taylor, clerk. Henry Smith, superintendent of colonization roads ; C. Cashman. olerk. Woods and Forests Branch.— O. B. Cowper, chief clerk; H. G. Langlois, J. A. Crozier, H. R. Hardy, clerks. A^cottnts Branch.— D. G. Robs, accountant. R. H. Browne, chief clerk agents returns; £. Leigh clerk. J. Murphy, regis- trar; C. P. Higgihi, clerk. J. Bradshaw, office keeper. A. Mc- Donald, messenger. PUBUO DBPARTMENTS-ONTARIO. 288 Orourn Timber A^f nir — Ottawa— J. Poupore, agent; 0. 8. MoNutt, aMUtant: J. Ritohie, E. T. Smith, olerkt; B. MiUi, masMnger, Balleirille— J. F. Waj, agent. * Crown Landi Agent§. Apsley Duncan Anderton Braoebridge J. 0. Taylor Bnioe Mines J. F. Day BganviUe Jamei Beeree Bnisdale E. Handy Haliborton 0. B. Stewart Kingalon B. Maopherton L^Amable J. B. Tait Magnetewan 8. J. Beat Minden W. Fielding Nipissing J. 8. Scarlett Ompah J. B. Dawaon Parry Sound T. Maokaj Pembroke Adam Kennedy Sault Ste. Marie. . .0. P. Brown Thundiir Bay. . . . Amoa Wright Vanbrugh J. Mahon AnoiVBT-OBNBBAL*! OraaB.-Hon. Oliyer Mowat, Q.O., attorney-general; J. O. Soott, Q.O., deputy ; J. B. Oartwrtght. Sriyate secretary; J. Lonsdale Oapreol} B. H. T. Hewardana [atlhew Oarrey, clerks ; Michael SmiUi, housekeeper ; Oharlea Fitoh, messenger.' Dm9Amnavt ow PubiiXO Wobks.— Oommissioner, Bon. 0. F. Fraaer; secretary, Wm. Edwards; architect, Kiyas Tnlly, engi- neer, B. McGallum ; accountant, J. P. Edwards ; law clerk, F. T. Jones ; draughtsmen, Frank B. Heakes, B. P. Fairbaim, T. M. Henneanr ; derks, Marmaduke Wilson, 8. O. O'Orady; messenger, 0. A. McDonald. BoABPOF WyaMTifMts or PnoynroiAt Li.vd SumTarois — ^The Hon. com missioner of crown lands, president ex <^io. Members —J. 8. Dennis, Ottawa : F. F. Passmore, Toronto : T. F. Oibbs, Adolphustown; A. C. Webb. Brighton; H. Wilson, Mt Forest; P. 8. Qibson, Willowdale ; Prof. Chapman, examiner in geology, Toronto; Geo. B. Kirkpatriok, secretary, Toronto. BnuoAnoM DiPASirMaiiT or Omtabio (for the general adminis- tration of the High and Public School laws). Education Office — Hon. W. O. Boss., minister of education ; J. George, Hodgins, LL.D.. barrister-at-law, deputy minister of education ; Alexander Marling, LL.B., seoretanr to education department; 8. P. May, M.D. ; F. J. Taylor, chief clerk and accountant; Henry Alley, J. T. B. Stinson, H. M. Wilkinson. A. 0. Paull, F. y. Nudel, S. A. May, J. H. J. Kerr, senior clerks ; E. Williams, W. Jeffers, B..!*. Boyoe, Thos. Oreen, D. Barron, junior clerks; W. Leflion, messenger and postman; W. J. Graham, caretaker anddeaner. Offices in the Departmental Buildings, St. James Square, Toronto. I f1 ft- f nUB CKTIXBMS UISVBANCB COMP Alb T.~I.O AH9 mM9 snuitecl after iliree years In Ibree^ 284 DOMINION OF CANAI»A. / PROVINOE OF QUEBEC. Seat of Govtrnmewt^ Quebec, LieuUnant-Oovernor — Hon. Theo. Bobitaille. Aide-de-Oamp-' Mr. Henry Bheppard. Private Secretary— Mr, ThomAS Ghapais. Exscunvs CouMoiii. Hon. J. A. MouiMau, Premier and Attorney-General. Hob. W. W. Lynch, Goromistioner of Grown Lands. Hon. J. S. G. Wurtele, Treasurer. Hon. E. Dionne, Gommissioner of Agriculture and Publio Works. Hon. J. Blanchet, Provincial Secretary. Hon. Henry Stames, Gommissioner of Bailways. J. A. Defoy, clerk executiye council ; Onstave Orenier, deputy clerk ; P. L. T. Kormandin, 0. J. J. Fortier, clerks ; Oliver Valine, messenger. LEGISLATIVE GOUNGIL. Hon. P. B. de LaBmdre, Speaker. Bedford '• Ghaoninigane .... ** De Lanaudiere... '* De la Durantaye. *' DelaVaUiere.... '< De Lorimier *' De Salaberry '< Grandville «< Gulf '* Inkerman " Kennebec " LaSaUe " Laurentides " Lauzon '< MiUe Isles " MontarvJile. ..... " Bepentigny ^' Eigaud « Rougemont " Sorel " Stadacona. ^* Victoria '* Wellington ♦* NAIIB AXD p. 0. ▲SDBBBS. .Jean Louis Beaudry, Montreal. Thos. Wood, Dunham Flats. J. Jones Boss, Ste. Aune de la Ferade. Pierre E. Dostaler. Berthier. Edouard K^millard, Quebec. Jean Baptiste G. Proulx, Nicolet. J. G. Laviolette, Napierville. H. Stames, Montreal. Elizde Dionne, Ste, Anne de la Pocatidre. Thomas Savage, Gape Gove. George Bryson, Mansfield. Elsear Gerin, Three Rivers. Louis Panet. Quebec. Jean Elie Gmgras, Quebec. G. Gouture. Levis. Alexandre Lacoste, Montreal. C. B. de Boucherville, Boucherville. ~ L. Archambault, L'Assomption. E, Prudhomme, P&rish Montreal. P. B. de LaBrudre (Speaker) St. Hyacinthe P. E. Roy, St. Pie. John Hearn, Quebec. James Ferrier, Montreal. W. H. Webb, Melbourne. md Publio TBPB •■CmiTT OF m JLira POUCIKS Ijtberal ftnrreiidera Allowed. LSOISLATIVK in chancery Council.— G. B. (1« Boucher- and accountant; IsaieJodoin, OvnORS 01* THE ville, clerk, matter assistant clerk, master in chancery, and clerk of private bills ; N. Legendre, clerk of French journals and translator; N.Beaudry, clerk of the offices and of special committees, translator and copy- ina clerk ; A. Frenette, permanent clerk ; S. S. Hatt, gentleman usher of the black rod ; Fran(;oifi Blais, F. Drouin and £lzear Papillon, messengers. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Hon. L. 0. Taillon, Speaker. COirSTITUENCIBS. ITAME AMD P. O. ADDRBSS. Argenteuil William Owens, Stonefleld. Bagot Antoine Casarant, St. Dominique. Beauoe Hon. Jean Blanchet, Quebec. Beauhamois C61estin Bergevin. Beauharnois. Bellechasse N. H. E. Fauoher deSt. Maurice,Quebec. Berthier .• Joseph Bobillard, lianoraie. Bon»v^nture JDr. Henri Josu6 Martin, Carleton. Brome Hon. W. W. Lynch, Knowlton. Ghambly Dr. Dositht Martel, Ghamblr. Ohamplain Robt. Trudel, St. Genevieve de Batiscan GharleToiz Onetime Ganthier, St. Ui4>ain. Ohateauguay GhiooutimiandSaguenay.EUe St. Hilaire, St. Prime. Lao St. Jean. Oompton W. Sawyer, Sawyerville. Deux Montagues. Benjamin Beauchamp, St. Hermas. Dorchester N. Audet, St. Anselme. Drumm'd A Arthabaska. .W. J. Watts, Drummondville. Gasp6 Hon. E. J. Flynn, Quebec. Hocnelaga Hon. Louis Beaubien, MontreaL Huntingdon Dr. A. Cameron, Huntingdon. Iberville A. L. Demers^ St. George Henry ville. Jacques Gartier Hon. J. A. Mousseau Jolliette Dr. V. P. Lavall^e, St. Felix de Valois. Kamouraska C. A. E. Gagnon, Kividre Quelle. Laprairie L. B. A.. Charlebois, Laprairie. L'Assomption Joseph Marion, St. Paul L'Hcrniite. Laval L^vis — Lemieux. L'Islet Gharles Marcotte, L'Islet. Lotbinidro .Hon. 11. G. Joly, Quebec. Maskinonge Edouard Caron, LouiBeville. Megantic ,. . . .Hon. (roorge Irvine, Quebec. Missisquoi B. E. Spencer, FreUghsburg. Montcalm J. Bte. Treffl6 Richard, St. laguori. Montmagny , .Nazaire Bernatchez, St. Thomas. Moiitmorency L. G. Deyardina, L6vis. MonVreal East Hon. L. 0. Taillon, Montreal. THK GITUSEIfS IXBVWLASCK CO.-FnUB BRASTCU. •I redt for wblcb low flgarmi will !»• quoted. Aff«Bel«w 9M DOMINION OP CANADA. OOI78TITUBKOIK8. NAME ANT) P. O. ADDBR8I. Montreal Centre Geo. W. Stophcns, Montreal. Montreal West James McShane, Montreal. Napiervilie F. X* Paradii, 8. Michel Archanoe. Nioolet Louii T. Dorais, St. Or6eoire le Orand. Ottawa Dr. liOula Duhamel, Hull. Pontiac W. J. Poupore, Chicheiter. Portneuf J. D. Broustsean, Quebec. Quebec Centre D. B6mi F. Kinfret dit Malouin, Quebec luebec West Felix Carbiay, Quebec. mebcc East Joaeph Sbehyn, Queboc. luebec Hon. Pierre OameaU| Quebec. Uchelieu L6on Leduc, Sorel. Richmond and Wolf Jacquei Picard. Wotton. Bimouiki Louis N. Asselin, Rimoutki. Rouville Etienne Poulin , Ste. Marie de Monnoir. St. Hjracinthe Hon. H. Mercier, Montreal. St. Johns Hon. F. O. Marohand. St. Jean d'Iber. St. Maurice F. S. L. Ddsaulniera, lamachiohe. Shefford Isidore Fr^geau, LawrenceviUe. Sherbrooke .Hon. J. O. Robertson, Sherbrooke. Soulanges Wm. Duokett, Goteau Landing. Stanstead John Thornton, Coaticook. Temisoouata. O. H. Desohenes, St. Epiphane. Terrebonne O. A. Nantol, St. Jerome. Three Rirers YaudreuiL F. X. Archambault, Montreal. Yercheres Abraham Bernard, Belceil. Tamaska. Hon. J. S. C. Wurtele, Montreal. OrnosRS or tfib Lkoislativc AssBMBiiY. — Louis Delorme, clerk of the Legislative Assembly ; Etienne SimartS, first assistant clerk ; Paul Smith, deputy clerk of the Housa and clerk of the English journals; J. Whydden, assistant clerk of the English journals ; Louis Fortier, clerk of the French journals ; Buteau Turcotte, chief French translator ; J. C. Langeiior, assistant French translator : Crawford Lindsay, chief English translator ; Lawrence StafTord, assistant English translator; Edouard Le- moine, clerk of private bills, Charles Delagravo, aasistant clerk of private bills ; Charles Lindsay, clerk of committees ; Ad. E Da- rners, clerk printing, stationery and records; L. P. Lomay, librarian; Laurent Simonoau, accountant; 7. Duhamel, post- master; F. X. Gagnon, assiHtant ;>ofctmaatev; Qiddon lAroque, Borgeant-at-arms ; Oliver Robltaille, chief meBHonger ; A. Pelletier, epeakor^s meH£»nger ; Bimeon Oagn6, clerk's messenger; Ed. LittlcHohn, Ceorgc Workman, E. Gauvrcau, Jaoqueu Morin, and Jofepli Trudel, librarian messengers. Latt Department.'— C. A. Pariseault, law clerk; Theophilus Olivier, assistant ; J. Boy, mostengnr. li4NiMh«ld ABd soo« <k»BiBiereial Rtolui specially €!•- In •!! nHnclpfil towns. Ihhmm paid, nww >l,80t , — * GOVERNMENT DEPABTMENTS-QUEBEC. 237 FBOviiroiAL Rbotstrab's Dkpabtmbitt.— Hon. J. Blannhet, Beoittrar ; John Langelier, deputy registrar ; Etienne Poitrai and HerminAgilde Roy, clerks. Dkpabtmbrt or tbs Attorxbt Gbxsrai:..— Hon. J. A. Mous- ueau, attorney-general : Joseph A. Defoy, assistant ; H. Delagrave and Gustave Ouimet, clerks ; W. Dube, messenger. Sborbtabt'b OrnoB.— Hon. Jean Blanchet, provincial Secretary; P. J. Jolicosar, assistant secretary; G. W. Colfer, chief clerk; O. F. Carapeaa, accountant; J'os. O. Laurin, Charles Leblano and O. £. Deschamps, clerks ; P. Blouin and F. Forget, messengers. Tbbabubt DBPABTMBirr.— Hon. J. G. Wurtele, treasurer ; H. T. Maohin, assistant treasurer ; H. Hexuming, Book-keeper ; S. H< Holt, J. T. narrower, T. A. Poston, T. C. Waugh, A. Brosnan, P. £. Dural, D. Bea, clerks ; E. Hughesi W. Sumner, messengers. Audit Braneh~'<iMpmrd Drolet, proTteeial auditor ; N. A. Gisrd, assistant auditor ; F. D. Tims, book-keeper; T. B. Nelson, E. A. Evanturel, C. J. Borroughs. F. Laroche, clerks: G. Trudel, messenger. DBPABTMRirr OF Public IirtTBUCTiOK.— Hon. G. Ouimet, Superintendent of Public Instruction ; E. I. Rexford, English, secretary ; O. Dunn, French secretary ; L. D^visme, clerk of the correspondence; J. H. Richardson, accountant; P. de Gases, clerk of French oorrespondenoe, F. X. Couillard, clerk of statistics; L. Lefebvre, assistant accountant; B. La- Lamontagne, assistant accountant; L. J Prcgen, recording clerk; P. PrdTost, store keeper. DsPABTMBirr or Gbowm Lakos.— Hon. V7. W. Lynch, commis- •sicner; E. E. Tach6, assistant commissioner ; John V. Gale, aooountart and cashier; C. E. Gauvin, superintendent of surveys; Jules Tach6, P. M. A. Qonest, surveyors and draughtsmen ; W. E. Gollins, clerk in charge ; A. Par6, superintendent of woods and forests; J. N. Proulx, registrar for department; L. D. Lemoine; L. L. Rivard, clerks in charge; F. Ghasse, T. Morkill, D. G. Mackedie, V. Uorome, 1. £. Tjepage, T. P. Morin, E. A. Sutton, G. A. Parant, J. M. Turcot, L. H. B. Gameau, F. Kcroack, F. X. Genest, A. Duniais, A. Faucher, C. O. Lavoie^ clerks ; J. Garon, office keeper ; G. Duntonthier, Jos. Fiset, G. Rinfret, messengers. Oeneral Cndastrc Office. 'Q. A. Varin, secretary; F. M. La- ohaine, G. Ghartre, P. Picard, It. K. Dnfresnc. Crown Timber and Land Agents.— Moutre»\, C. Massiah, agent; Three Rivers, A. Dubord, a^nt; Tadousac, G. H. Duberger, a((ent ; Murray Hay, J. A. J. Kane, agent ; Ghicoutimi, J. O. Trumblay, agent; Uoberval, I. Dumais agent; New Gdrlislo, W. Maguire, agent ; Quebec, U. J. Ghaloner, collector of h ¥■ !h £'* M HnVst 1^^ ^^S ^ ' 1 IwHrPnK ' -'■ KEKKb JSHaMBi tf I ^9KalH'''ti. 1 Kli :!i ^' ^"^nII CITUBBNS INSI7BA9€K COMPAVT.^lfO ADTAIVTAOBS OR SECTRITT TO 288 DOMINION OP CANADA. crown timber dues; Biyiou W. Clarke, agent; Hull. Bobt. I^ley, agent; J. Gorneau, sab-agent; Notre Dame du Deaert; Thuno, J. A. Cameron, jr., agent; Grenville, A. B. Filion, agent; Waterloo, 0. £. Kemp, agent; Arthabaskaville, A. Oagnon, agent; St. Joseph Beauce, J. T. Letoorneau, agent; J. E. Cayoaette, 'sub-agent ; Ste. Claire, Montmagny, E. Renault, agent ; Bimouski, O. Sylvain, agent ; Qasp6 Basin, W. H. Annett, agent; E. J. Flinu, sub-agent, Perc6; Gap Chat, Louis Roy, sr.. agent; Quebec, J. £. Boily, agent; Joliette, J. B. Delfausse, agent; Upper Ottawa, J. FOnpore, agent; Robinson, G. Patton, agent ; Ri-?iere-du Loup, F. F. Oagnon, agent ; O. B, Kemp, in- spectors of agencies, Waterloo. Dbpjlbtmbnt of Agbiculture avo Public Wobkb.— Hon. £. Dionne, commissioner ; Simeon Lesage, assistant commissioner ; Smost Oagnon, secretary ; D. B. Derome, architect and superin- tendent of public works; Paul Cousin, assistant engineer and secretary of Board of Arbitration ; P. Ml Partridge, accountant ; A. F. d^Eschambault, book-keeper ; L. U. Fontaine, director' of ooloniisation ; J. A. Turgeon, assistant ; Ed. A. Barnard, director of agriculture ; A. 0. Ouilbault, re^strar ; J. B. G. Hubert, clerk ; P. Arohambault, first messenger ; P. Poirier, second messenger. Council of Agriculture, — L. H. Massue, Varennes, president '"> George Ledere, secretary-treasurer ; Hons. J. J. Ross, Ste. Anne de la P6rade; G. Ouimet, Quebec; W. Cochrane, Compton; L. Beaubien, M.P.P., Montreal; Messrs. P. B. Benoit, M,P., St. Hubert ; S. N. Blackwood, Shefford ; J. M. Browning, Longueuil; A. Casavant, St. Dominique ; E. J. Deblois, Quebec ; Ghs. Gibb, St. Paul d^Abbottsford ; Auguste Guibault, Sto. Elizabeth ; A. Somerville, Lower Lachine.; L. N. Gauvreau, He Verte ; Hon. Lb. Archambault, L'Assomption ; J. A. Marsan, 1/ Assomption ; Rev. F. Pilote, St. Augustin; Hector Lussier, St. Vincent de Paul ; Aug. Casgrain, Rividre-Ouelle ; O. Gauthier, M P.P., St. . Urbain; Aug. Casgrain, L'lslet; J. Lemire, Baie-du-Febvre. Oflice, 76 St. Gabriel Street, Montreal. BOABD OF MANAOKMEMT OF THB InCORPOBATE SVBVEYOBS OF Qubbbc. under 45 Victoria, c. 16— Jas. Addie, A. Painchaud, E. T. Fletcher, W. A. Ashe, Chas. Baillarg^. S. Lopage, W. McL. Walbank, H. Dumais, D. C. Morency, F. M. Lachaine, J. N Castouguay, J. H. Leclair, Jas. McArthur, J. E. Vanier, P. P. V. Du Tremblay. President, Chas. Baillarg^ ; vice-president, Jas. Addie and A. Painchaud; secretary-treasurer, E. T. Fletcher, syndic, F. M. Lachaine ; examiners, C. BaiUarge, S. Lepage, W. MoL. Walbank, W. A. Ashe, aad D. C. Morency. Qu ben's Printbb's OPficv.— Offiy-era : Charles V. lianglois, Queen's Printer ; Charles Pageau, book-keeper; Edouard Tru- delle, French translator ; J. N. Boure, messenger. C^rANAH COMFABiT OFFEBJi AHT UITBII DITTO lilFB IRSITRERfl. NEW BRUNSWICK. 289 PEOVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Seat qf Government^ Fredericton. Lieutenant-Governor. — His Honor the Hon. Robert DnncMi, Wilmot; prorincial-aide-de-camp, A. F. Street, Biq. ; private ■ecretary, H. Wilmot, Esq. EXBCUTITE C!onNciL. Hon. Thomas F. Gillespie, President. i< It it it (( Andrew G. Blair, Attomey-Qeneral. DaTid McLellan, Provincial Secretary. Patrick Ryan, Chief (Commissioner Board of Works. James Mitchell, Surveyor-General. Robert J. Ritchie, Solicitor-General. A. Harrison, i D. Vail. > Members of the Council. J. S. Turner. > F. A. H. Straton, Esq., clerk. LIIGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Hon. D. Harrington President. COUNTIBB. HAMB AND P. 0. ABDRE8S. Albert, .c Hon.J Lewis, Hillsboro. <» , " James Rj an, Elgin. Gloucester " R- Young, Caraquette. Kent " O. M clu mey, Richibucto. Kings " Johj) I' Ic welling, Hampton. NoftLuinberland ** W. M. Kf Uey, Chatham. « » A. A. Davidson, Newcastle. Queen's " Frank Words, Welford Restigouch6 *' W. Ht.niilton, Dalhousie. St. «Tohn " J.ames Holly «< '< T. R. Jones, St. John. Sunbury " A. Harrison, Mongerville. Victoria " W- B. Be voridge, Tobique. Westmoreland ** D. Hauington, Shediac. " «♦ Ambioise D. Richard. Dorchester. York i. " Robert Robinson, St. Andrews. «« . * ........ " A. A. Randolph, Frcdericton. CI ^ octe! ".'.'.... " G. F. HiU, St. Stephen. George Botsford, clerk ; J. Henry Thass, assistant clerk ; J. B. Perks, usher black rod ; Jan-s S. White, engrossing clerk. GiTIZKNS IMSUIULNOSOO— IJf«BnMMh« lMBOr»ia« tMAteOMlft gWUMMllMA 240 DOMINION OF CANADA. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. constAitbnczss. Speaker. HAIIB AXD p. O. ADDRXSB. Albert .Dr. Lewis, Hillsboro. " Hon. O S. Turner, Harvey. Oarleton G. W. White, Gentreville. " J. S. Leighton, Woodstock. Oharlotte John MoAdam. Mill Town. *' Hon. James Mitchell, St. Stephen. " J. £. Lynot, St. George. *' G. F. Hibbard, St. George. Gloucester F. MoManus, Garaquet. ** Hon. Patrick Byan, Garaquet. Kent William Whelan, Bichibucto, " Oliver J. Leblanc^ 8t Mary's. Kiuga Hon. Dr. E. A. Vail, Sussex. ** F. E Morton, Sussex. G. Andrew Flewelling, CUfton. M«.a'^ 'aska. .Mathias Nudeau. Kurf^ umberland M. Adams, Newcastle. " W. A. Parks, Newcastle. ** Hon. T. F. Gillespie, Chatham '■^ J. P. Burobc '.1, Nelson. Qq '^(.^R M. 8. Heth^ingion, Johnston. *^ Albert P«lmer. Hampstead. Bestigounhe Gunard Barbetrie. Dalhonsie. " Gh. H. LavilloU, Dalhousie. St. John Hon. D. McLellan, Portland. " A. A. Stockton, 8t. John. ** Hon. R. J. Bitohie, St John. " W. A. Quinton, Fairville. •• City John V. EUis, St. John. " ....£. McLeod, St. John. Sunbury W. E. Perley, BlissTille. tt • •••#•. Victoria B. W. Tibbits, Tobique. Westmoreland. Amos A. Sillam, Mondon. '* D. L. Hanington, Dorchester. " J. A. Humpnrey, Moncton. ** Dr. Ghas. A. Black, Baie Verte. York Fo n. i,. O. Blair, Fredericton. •' .K. L. Wetmort . Q.C., Fredericton. ,F. P. Thompsoiu, Fredericton. It ••••••••«••••• ** , Oe>. Goiter, Douglas. L OvncBBS OF THs HousB OF AssBMBLT.— G. J. BUss, olcrk , J Biohards, assistant clerk: John B. Grieves, sergeant-at-arms ; 0. W. Beckwith, Albert J. Gregory, engrcasing clerks. •f Itii Flro]iHetArj and Dlreeton. NOVA SCOTIA. 241 Pbovhioial Ssokstart^s Offiok.— Hon. David McLellan, Provinolal Secretary and Receiver-General ; J. W. Smith, deputy Provincial Seoretanr ; O. N. Babbitt, deputy Receiver-General ; E, Hanaon, derk; Robert Thorbum, moesenger. BOABD or WoBKB Dkpartmknt.— Hon. Patrick Ryan, chief commisiioiftr ; B. Winalow, chief clerk ; Adolphui G, Beokwith, civil engineer. BuBVSTOB Gbmbkaij'b Dspabthkitt.— Hod. James Mitchell; Surveyor-€(eneral ; Andrew Inches, deputy Surveyor General, W. P. Flewelling, Crown Land clerk ; T. O'Connor, and T. G. Loggie, draughtsmen. CtovxRNMKMT 0FFICBR8.— J. S. Beck, auditor-gcneral ; —— ' , hief superintendent of schools ; George Thompson, chief clerk education office ; George £. Fenety, Queen's printer ; P. Carleton Allan, clerk of Supreme Court at Law and Equity ; Gkorge J. Bliss, assistant clerk ; H. G. C. Wetmore. librarian to Legislative Library ; Julius L. Inches, secretary for Agriculture. PROVIXCE OF NOVA SCOTIA. Seat of Government^ Halifax. Lieutenanf-Of^^ternor (and doputy govflnior for signing mar- riage liceuse:i> His Honor Muthcw Henry Richey ; private^ secretary, Lieut. -col. H. W. Clarke. EXBCUTIVB COUlfCIL. Hon. William T. Pipes, President. " Charles E. Church, Provincinl Secretary. Alonzo J. White, Attorney-General. Albert Gayton, Coinmif»«ioner oC Mines and Works. Thomas F. Morrison, Thomas JohTison, Isidore LeBlanc, , Wm. S. Fielding, J <( ti CI (I ! Members without office. 242 DOMINION OF CANADA. LBOISLATIVS COUNCIL. Hon. Bobert Boak, President Hon. 8. J. MoKinnon, *' Samuel Creelman, D. MoN. Parker Jamea Fraaer, Oharlei Dickie, Thoa. F. Morrison Darid McOordy, James Butlw. *i (I It <i «t Hon. B. B. Oakes, ** Cbaa. Boadrot, 0. M. FrancheTille, Hiram Black, • W. H. Owen, Samuel Locke, Geo. C. Whitman, Loran B. Baker, M tl tc «( II Clerk— John C. Halliburton. ROUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. Angus McGillivray, Speaker. Annapolis James W. Longley, Henry Munro. Antigonish... .John Whiddon, Angus McOillirray. Cape Breton.. .Hon. Alonzo J. White, William Buchanan. Colchester William A. Patterson, Wm M. Blair. Cumberland. . .Hon. W. T. Pipes, Chas. T. Townshend. DigbT Henry M. Bobichau, James. S. McNeill. Ouysborough. .Otto S. Weeks, James A. Fraser. Halifax Wm. D. Harrington. M. J. Power, Wm. P. Fieldiug Hants Nathaniel Spence, Allan Haloy. Inremess Hon. D. J. Campbell, Alex. Campbell. Kings Thos. L. Dodge, Thos. B. Harris. Lunenburg. . . .Hon. Chas. E. Church, George A. Boss. Piotou Adam C. Bell, Bobert Hockin, C. H. Muni'O. Queen^s. ..... .Joseph H. Cook, Jason A. Mack. Richmond Isidore Lebl inc, Murdock McBae. Shelbume Hon. Thos. Johnson, Wm. F. McCoy. Victoria William F. McCurdy, James A. McDonald. Yarmouth Hon. Albert Gayton, Thos. B. Corning. Clerk— Henry C . D. Twining. PRINCE EDWAKD ISLAND. Seat of Government, Charlottetown. Lieutenant Governor. ^Hon. T. H. Huviland ; Eustace Havi- land, private secretary; lient -colonel .Tames Peake and liout.- colouol Bobert Itthinson liodgsorin proviacial aide-de-camp. VJBBBAIi mUI RBMVNBBJlTIYB ACdDBVT FOUOY ; PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. 24S EzBOUTiTji Gouirciii. Hon. W. W. Sullivan, attorney-general. *' W. OampbelL minister of public works. Donald Ferguson, provincial secretary-treasurer, and Commissioner Fublio Lands — <i u (« u Samuel Prowse, John Lefurgey, Stewart Bums, Neil McLeod, J. O. Arsenault, A. J. MacDonald, / Robt. F. DeiiloiS) clerk. Members of Council. LEOISLATIVE COUNCIL Hon. John Balderston President. Qukbm's Countt. Charlotte^own and Bovalty— Thomas W. Dodd. Vint District— Hon. A. B. McKenzie, Hon. John Balderston. Second District— L. McMillan, Hon. James Nicholson. Kiwo*8 County. First District— Hon. L. Kickham, Hon. Dr. Fraser. Second District— Hon. James BIqjk, Hon. Thomas Anneer. Prince Couhtt. First District— Hon. Joseph Murphy, Hon. Benjamin Rogers. Second District— Hon. Peter McNutt, Hon. Stewart Bums. OrFiOEBS OF Lkoislativb Counciii.- John Ball, Clerk; David Lawson, usher of black rod ; Benjamin Balderston, reporter ; Moses Doucette, doorkeeper. HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Hon. John A. McDonald Speaker. Queen's County. Charlottctown and Iloyalty->Hon. Neil McLeod, Patrick Blake. First District — Hon. Wm. Campbell, Peter Sinclear. Second Distriet — Donald McKay, Donald Farquharson. Third District— Hon. D. Ferguson, H. Beer. Fourth District-D. C. Martin, Angus D McMillan. Kino's County. Georgetown and Royalty — Hon. Daniel Gordon, Hon. A. J. Macdonald. First District -James R. McLean, John McLean. Second District— Wm. W. Sullivan, Wm. Hooper. Third District — John McDougall. Dr. McLaren. Fourth District— Hon Samuel Frowse, M. McFadyen. i THB CKlIEms III SVSAVO^ CO with OMiftdUa Oovemm«Bt for epMHal Mw u r t ty tf M4 DOMINION OF CANADA. Pbikcb Gouhtt. FIrtt District -S. F. Ferrj, J. A. Matheson. Second District— Hon. John Yeo, James W. Biohards. Third District— Hon. J. O. Arsenault, John A. McDonald. Fourth District— A. E. 0. Hollandf Q. W. Bentley. Fifth District— Hou, John Lefurgey, Dr. OiUis. Ornoant or Housa of AssaMBLY.— Archibald McNeill, chief clerk} F. W. Huffhes, assistaut clerk ; H. V. DesRoches, engross- ing clerk , Donald Mckenzie, sergeaut-at-arms i Isaac Oxenhara and W. L. (^^otton, reporters; W. Sabine, messenger ; N.Patterson, doorkeeper. PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Seat of OoverntMntf Victoria^ V. I. Lieutenant'Oovernor. — Hon. Clement F. Cornvrall. Private Secretary. Captain R. G. Tatlow. ExBCUTivB Council. Hon. Wm. Smith, Prf*mier and Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. »» M. W. T.rrwitt Drake, President (without portfolio). ** Alex. E. B. Davie. Attorney. General. ** Join Robstm, Provincial Secretary, Minister of Mines, Finance »:id Agriculture, and Clerk of Executive Council. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA. Skat of Govtrnmentf Winnipeg. Lieutimut. Governor. — Hon. James Cox Aikens. ExacunvK Couxoiii. Hon. J. Norquay, Premier and Treasurer. ** J. A. Miller, Attorney-General. ** C. P. Brown, Minister of Public Works. <* Alex. Sutherland, Provincial Secretary. ** A. A. C. LaRivi^re, Minister of Agriculture. wWk OaaadiAA 0«ftmm«it for wfdtX Mmullf %t HU«F NORTH-WEST TERRITORIES. a4A HOUSE OP ASSEMBLY. Honorable Alexander Murray, Speaker CONSTrrVXNOISB. NANB. Assiniboine Alex. Murray, Baie St. Paul •.... •• .B. L. Fairbanki. Birtle J. E. Woodworth. lirandon , , E« P. LAacook. rumaide f J. Mawhinney. Cartier Jos. Lecompte. Dauphin J. A. Daridton. Dufferin North D. H. Wilson. Dufferin South William Winram. Emerson 0. Douglas. Gladstone Hon. G. P. Brown. High Bluff Wra. Crawford. Kildonan Hon. A. M. Sutherland. La Verandrye ^. Ooulet. Mountain. ...k i tiomas Green way. Montagne de la Tortue K. M. Young. Minnedosa . . .' D. H. Harrison. Morris Hy. Jennant Portage la Ihrairie Jos. Martin. Rockwood S. Jackson. Springfield. J. H. Bell. Ste. Agathe St. Andrew's Hon. John Norquay. St. Boniface Hon. A. A. 0. LaRWidre. St. Clements John Allen. St. Francois Xavier E. F. Oigot. Winnipeg N E. G. Conklin. Winnipeg S A. C. Killam. Woodlands. W. Wagner. NORTH WEST TERRITORIES OF CANADA. Lieutenant-Governor and Indian Commissioner. — Hon. Edgar Dewdney, C.E., Regina. Secretary, Amt'd6e Forgot. Regina. Assistant Indian Coinmiesioner, E. P. Gait, Winnipeg. Council to aid the Lieutbnant-Govbrnor ix thk Admini- stration OF THE North West Terrttories. Breland Paschal White Horse Plains. Clarke Lawrence Fort Carleton. Irvine, Lieut.-Col. Aitclieson Goaford Regina. McLeod, Lt.-Col. Jas. Farquharson, C.M.O. .Fort McLeod. Reed Hayter Battleford. Richardson, Lieut.-Col. Hugh Battleford. IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 1.25 ■i^ lii 122 £ U& 12.0 I U i 1,6 I 6" HiotogFaphic Sciences CorporatiGn ^ SJ \ <^ 23 WiST MAIN STRUT WEUTiR,N.Y. 14SM (716) •72-4503 ^f^ ^\ ^r\\ i mBUKAXOB CO]IPAinr.-FlM» ai6 FISH AND OAME lAWS. CLOSE SEASONS FOB FISH. Province cf Ontario. It IB FOBHIDDSK TO CATCH. .^-— — BBTWSBN — ^-^ Pickerel (Doxi) Maskinong^. Ban 16th Apxil A 16fh Maj. Speckled Treat, Brook or Biver Trout. . . .16th Sept. ' * Ist May. Salmon Trout, Large Grey Trout .«i8t Not. « 10th Not. Whiteflsh latNoT. " lOth^NoT. Province of 'Quebec. Pickerel (Dor6), Maakinong^, Base 16th April A 16th May. Salmon (with nets) IstAug. <* litMay., Salmon (with the fly) ist Sept ** iBtMay. Speckled Trout. Brook or BiTcr Trout. . . .16th Oct. " Slit Dec Salmon Trout, Large Grey Trout 16th Oct. * * Ist Dec. Whiteflih lOthNoT. " IttDec CLOSE SEASONS FOB GAME. Province of Ontario. Iv 18 n>BBn>i>SN TO warn ob takb , • bbtwmp t n Deer, Elk, Moob«, Bcindeer, Cariboo 16th Dec. A let Oct. Grouse, Pheasants, Partridges 1st Jan. ** 1st Sept. QuaiL Wild Turkeys 1st Jan. " 1st Oct. WoodCDok iBtJan. ** ist Aug. Snipe. ...i istJap. " 16thAug. Waterfowl known as Mallard, Grey Duck, Black Duck. Wood or Summer Duck. 1st Jan. ** 16th Aug. Other Duck, Wild Swan, Wild Geese Ist May. " 16th Aug. Hares 1st March <* IstSept Province of Qitehec. Moose let Feb. & IstSept Elk, Cariboo, Deer and their Fawn 1st Feb. *' 1st Sept. BeaTer, Mink, Otter, Marten, Pekan, Wildcat 16th March " 1st Not. Hare 1st March » IstNoT. Musk-rat (for the districts of Quebec, Sa- guenay, Chiooutimi, Montmagny. Ka. mouraska, lUmouB&i and Gasp6) Ist .Tune " Ist April Musk-rat (for remainder of the ProTincc) 1st May *^ Ist April Partridge IstJtin. *' 16th Sept Grouse, Ptarmigan, Woodcock, Snipe, SandLark...., 1st Feb. » IstSept Wild Swan, Wild Goose, Canada (jl^oose. Wild Duck (any kind) Widgeon, Teal 15th April « 1st Sept. Migratory Quail, up to Slst Dec. 1884. ADYEBTISEMENT. 247 H. STEINSON & CO., 1 \^n — ALSO —IN- f onip aad Domestic FsutSi CONFEGTIONEBT, ftc* CORNTKR Inspector and William Streets. JAonT¥\EAU WE ARE THE LEADING BISCUIT AaNUFAGTURERS HERE. ASK FOR OUR BISCCJITS. TAKE NO OTHER. mPORTEBS i eiNEBlL miEBS '.' 248 ADVERTISEMENT. W. & F. P. GURRIE & CO. 100 G-REY NUN STREET, Importers of SCOTCH GLAZED DRAIN PIPES, Chimney Tops, Vent Linings, Flue Covers, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay. Portland Cement, Roman Cement, Canada Cement, -Water Lime, Whiting", Plaster of Paris, Borax, • China Clay, &c. &c. Manafactnrers of BESSEMER STEEL SOFA, CHAIR AND BED SPRINGS. «5"A Large Stock al-ways on Hand."^ TPTYT^. 11^11.1 i'*> .j;..-..;i'i. r ' 'A ' -.. ,■'-' ' ' ."■) ' . ' i » iW " i " ■ I I 11 !■ ' 'I .l ife , I, ,- . . " I !■ ■ OHi'ii !■■■■ to OFFICE TN CANADA: Standard €5am$i8tt9*8 BmVAitt^, -151 ST. JAMES STf^EET. M.ONTRBAL. "•fii'—^^"*'"""*" iffiuirb of'Jpirtctittr*. SHI A, T. 0Ai/r» G.c.M.a; _ _ ^«^ A. 0, HOe^WB, IBtq., or »»*««• ^ro* Dwr * Co, J». lfA00tliU)C»9* Itaq. yjll f^ ^. €ai3:«BSnB, I^mIm of M«rtw. OlUet^e, MoBfctt « Co. I ' JIbiiMAfc;' 4n*n lUUktaMiiiutfMl - JlH Mi^»B«k ^«i«etioii» bomelttded in Of Ana* wHftOttt; jHjWW«j^-to ' 1i^ v*r ;i=*r'5«!:»-^'-m«3SSS3s V;*2_«iiiil nWv'j^ i 1 V •■' ^■•'i ' r iM -1 ■ W^ V^«( K wg ^.i^i -^1' 1 II i^BSi >. ■ ■:i''* ^' lii '>#< &>v W^#K