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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m*thode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 tmm (Doimim, otobte OF TRINITY CHURCH, TORONTO. WxLL, IF tiOD PERjIll, Bfc, LAU). Hi THE ON THURSDAY, JULY 20th, 1S43. DIVIN'F SERVICE WIM, he PEIU'ORMED AT 2 O'CLOCK, AT THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH, AXD A i'REACIIED L\ AD) OF THE BUILDING FUND. The Joihtnng shall be used instead of the Psalms and Uasom for the daft. PSALMS SO, 102. iBt Hessoii, Malaohi III. PSALM 13i. ■2nli acsson, Manbow XXVL v. f, to U. PSALM 48. JTlJC Xfrtnc CcccU. After fht Srrmon, the Coii<jr"gafinn mil prm^eerl from the Church to the Givuiid where the folloicinij Serviee will he used -. O'lT Fnth<'r nliioh art in >icaven, &c. Priest. O Lorfl, opoii thou our lips. Ansner. Aud our mouth shall shew forth thy praise. Priest. O ilviX, niiilvc sjx'ed to save us. Answer. O Lord, inako haste to help us. Pnesi.. Glory be to the Father, &c. Answer. As it was in the beginning, &c. Prust. Praise ye the Lord. Answer. The Lord's Name be praised. (n) 2 COLLKCTS. Pkkvent ub. O Lord, in all our doings with thy most gracious favour, and t'lirthor us with thy continual help ; that in all nur works hogun. continued, anu ended ia thee, we may glurity tiiv lioiy Name, and finally by thy increy obtain everlasting lift ; through .Icsus Christ our l^ord. Amm. O Almigu'iv God, who hast built thy C!hurch upon the foundation of the Apustlei^ and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the head corner-stone . Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their doctrine, that we may be made an holy temple aceeptahle unto thee ; through Jesus <"hrist our Lord. Amen. thcw lo kct;p lay househuid uie i^harch in continual godliness ; that through thy protection it n\ay be free from all adversities, and devoutly gi\eu to serve thee in good works, to the glory of thy Name ; Amen, through Jesus Christ our Lord, ft^TiR up, wc beseech thee, (> Lord, the wills of thy faithful people ; that they, plenteously bringing forth the fruit of good work.s, may of thee be plenteously rewarded ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amin. A Prayer for Unity, !► Gor» the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, the I'rincc f»f Peuof* ; Give us grace ftcriouslj to lay to heart the great dangero wc are in by our unhappv divisiims. Take away uU hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else niny hinder us from godly Union and Concord . that as there is but one Body, and one Spirit, and one Hoiie of our Calling, one Lord, one Faith, one IJaptisno, one God and Father of us all, so we may henceforth be all of one heart, and of one soul, united in one holy bond of Truth and Peace, of Faith and Charity, and may with one mind and one niouth glonfy thee ; through JtKus Christ our Lord. Amai. 3 CL{)e Calling of tijc Stone, Dunn;/ wJuvh will he read these sentences Her toundations are upon the holy hills •. the L,-.rd ioveth the gates of Sion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.- I'.Hilm 87. i. (Except the Lord build the house, their labour is but lobt that build it : except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vaiu.- Piiibn IlT. i. He shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto h.—Zrch. 4. vii. And of Sion it shall be reported, that He was born in her ; and the Most High suali stablish her.—l\salm 87. v. The Stone heinj laicU This corner-stone of the foundation n-e lay in the !«'ame of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: and m., . -Jod Almighty grant that the building thus begun in his name may be 1 appiiy carried cu to its eompleti.' termination, without injury or accident, let or hiudrance ; and that -when completed, it may be consecrated and set apart for Him and His servioe, t) the honour of His Name, and tlio salvation of the souls of men, from generation to generation, through Jesus Christ dur L(»rd. Amen. ft 1) 111 n <'hrist is our coniur-stone. On Hiiu alone we build; ^Vith Mis true Sain'? alone The courts of heaven are tilled. <-)u His great love Our hopes we place Of present grace And joys above. Here, graciJus God, do Thou For evermore draw nigh ; Accept each faithful vow, And mark each suppliant sigh. In copious shower On all who pray Each holy day tji.'.c tnaj we gam from heaven The gra<'- which wo implore. And may that grace, once given, Be with us evermore. Tntil that day '^Vhen all the blesr To endless rest Are called away. Praise to the Clod of heaves. Praise to His only Son : And praise to Him be given \V}io Joins Them both in One ; 1 1 '.'\V 10 makes us meet i-'or the blest seat Of God above. CDc UeiuBfctfon. H. ^ ^V, m)WSELL. PKIK I:ks. ,;3. KING STni:I.T, TOI.OXTO